barriers / 阅读 / 详情


2023-07-25 17:05:35





  (a)动词后面加able,以e结尾的动词则去e加able,表示具有此性质,特点或属性. 例如: afford-affordable;love-lovable

  (b)动词后面加ed,以e结尾的动词则直接加d,表示被动性的属性或特点. 例如: scatter-scattered use-used



  (a)在名词后面加-y可以变成形容词(尤其是一些与天气有关的名词) 例如: rain—rainy, cloud—cloudy, wind—windy, snow—snowy,

  health—healthy, luck—lucky,anger—angry guilt—guilty(内疚的) tourist—touristy(游客多的) , salt (盐)—salty (咸的)

  silk(丝绸)—silky(丝绸般的), sleep—sleepy (昏昏欲睡的)


  如: sun—sunny, fun—funny, fog—foggy(有雾的), fur—furry(毛皮的)


  如: noise—noisy, ice—icy, shine—shiny(发亮的), taste(口味)—tasty(甜的)


  例如: spot(斑点)—spotted(有斑点的); talent—talented (有天赋的) organize—organized 有组织的; balance—balanced(平衡的)


  例如:care—careful, thank—thankful, help—helpful,

  use—useful, meaning—meaningful


  例如:care—careless(粗心的), use—useless(无用的)



  例如: difference—different, silence—silent, confidence—confident


  例如: friend—friendly, love—lovely, live---lively


  例如: danger—dangerous


  例如: music—musical; medicine—medical (这个比较特殊)

  (i)名词后面加-able变为形容词,如果以e结尾就去e再加"-able". 例如: adjust—adjustable 可调整的 value—valuable有价值的


  例如: wood—wooden 木制的 wool—woolen 羊毛的



  例如:work, study, water, plant等可以用作动词(工作,学习,浇水,种植),也可以用作名词(工作,学习,水,植物).


  例如:work—worker, teach—teacher, sing—singer,

  jump—jumper, play—player, learn—learner,

  visit—visitor, invent—inventor,collect—collector等.


  例如:drive—driver, write—writer等.


  例如:run—runner, win—winner,begin—beginner等.

  (c)在动词词尾加上-ment 变成名词

  例如:achieve—achievement (成就)


  agree—agreement disgree—disagreement

  amuse—amusement (娱乐) improve—improvement(争吵)

  commit(奉献)—commitment develop—development (发展)

  depart—department (局,部) govern(统治)—government(政府)

  manage—management (管理) equip—equipment (装备)




  例如: attract—attraction; instruct—instruction;

  invent—invention discuss—discussion;

  express—expression educate—education;

  graduate—graduation; operate—operation (去e再加"ion")

  compete—competition; organize—organization (把e改成其他字母再加"tion") decide—decision conclude—conclusion (把de改为s再加"ion")

  describe—description描写,描绘 (这是特例,不规则变化)


  例如: appear—appearance (外貌;出现)

  perform—performance (演出)

  accept—acceptance (接受)

  (f)在动词词尾加-ing变成名词 (方法与动词变为现在分词的方法相同)

  例如:meet—meeting build—building wait—waiting bathe—bathing say—saying(谚语) mean—meaning

  end —ending train —training wash—washing 注意:以重读闭音节结尾,且末尾只有一个辅音字母的动词,应双写末尾的辅音字母,再加-ing

  如:swim—swimming shop—shopping begin—beginning


  例如: Beg(乞讨)—beggar(乞丐) behave(行为举止)—behavior know(知道)—knowledge(知识) fly—flight (飞行)

  heat (加热)—heat(热量) hit (撞击)—hit( 轰动一时的人或物,碰撞) mix (混合)—mixture(混合物) press(按,压)—pressure(压力) sit(坐)—seat (座位) succeed—success(成功)

  tour—tour(旅游)/ tourist (游客)


  一般在形容词的词尾加-ly可以变成副词。例如:quick—quickly, slow—slowly, loud—loudly, sudden—suddenly 等。但是,以下几点值得注意:

  1. 一些以“辅音字母+y”结尾的形容词,要把y改为i再加-ly。例如:happy—happily, angry—angrily, lucky—luckily, heavy—heavily, noisy—noisily 等。

  2. 有些以-ble或-le结尾的形容词,去掉e加-y。例如:possible—possibly, terrible—terribly等。

  3. 少数以e结尾的形容词,要去掉e再加-ly。例如:true—truly等。但绝大多数以e结尾的形容词仍然直接加-ly。例如:polite—politely, wide—widely等。

  4. 以-l结尾的形容词变为副词时仍然要在词尾加-ly,而不是只加-y。除非是以-ll结尾的才在词尾只加-y。例如:usual—usually, careful—carefully, useful—usefully, full—fully等。










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touristn. 1. 旅行者, 观光客2. (在国外参加)巡回比赛的运动队队员3. [美国英语]冬季到南方做工的流动工人adj. 1. 旅游的,游览的,观光的2. (轮船、飞机等的)二等舱的;经济舱的;(火车的)旅游车厢的,经济车厢的3. (外语)达到旅游应用水平的adv. 1. 坐经济舱;坐旅游车厢vi. 1. 旅游;观光vt. 1. 在旅行参观 例句: type of tourist site 旅游地类型 At tourist information centre. 在旅客咨询中心。 It"s a tourist attraction. 这是一个旅游胜地。 A camera signal a tourist. 身背一部相机是观光客的标志。 (II) Tourist Products and Commodities (二)旅游产品和商品 touristyadj. 1. 适宜游览的,适合观光的;旅游者常去的例句: The beach was touristy in summer. 夏季海滩为观光客所喜欢。 The coast is terribly touristy now. 海滨区现在到处都是游客。 Well, there are several big shopping centers near here, but they don"t really sell "touristy" things. 这附近有好几家很大的购物中心,但是不卖这种观光纪念品。 of the three American Virgin islands St. Thomas is the most touristed; tourists descend in the whole place is rather touristy. 在三个美国原始岛屿中,圣·托马斯岛最受游客欢迎;许多游客前往巴斯崂兹……所以整个地区游客都很多。tourismn. 1. 旅游;旅游业:观光业例句: Beijing International Culture Tourism Festival 北京国际文化旅游节 geography of tourism in China 中国旅游地理 Tourism: International tourism grew slightly, with the domestic tourism flourishing. 旅游:入境旅游略增,国内旅游繁荣。 Tourism generate new job opportunity. 旅游业会带来新的就业机会。 Progress was scored in international tourism. 国际旅游业有所发展。 tourn. 1. 旅行, 观光2. 巡回比赛[演出等]3. 游览,参观;巡视vt. & vi. 1. 旅行, 游历2. 在…作巡回演出(或比赛、广告宣传等)例句: A tour through France. 法国各地之旅 The European PGA Tour. 欧洲职业高尔夫球巡回赛。 Pacifica tour is look for a bilingual tour guide for escort tour group through san francisco. 柏西菲卡旅游公司正在寻找陪同旅游团浏览旧金山的双语导游。 Let "s tour London. 我们周游伦敦吧。 A tour of the house. 巡视一下房屋
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。。。的,比如:dangerous 危险的
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1.exciting 2.most lively 3.suggestions 4.touristful
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1.动词(v.)→名词(n.) (a)词形不变,词性改变 例如:work, study, water, plant等可以用作动词(工作,学习,浇水,种植),也可以用作名词(工作,学习,水,植物). (b)一些动词在词尾加上-er或-or之后就变成了表示"某一类人"的名词 例如:work—worker, teach—teacher, sing—singer, jump—jumper, play—player, learn—learner, visit—visitor, invent—inventor,collect—collector等. 注意:1)以不发音的e结尾的动词,在词尾加-r. 例如:drive—driver, write—writer等. 2)以重读闭音节结尾,且末尾只有一个辅音字母的动词,应双写末尾的辅音字母,再加-er 例如:run—runner, win—winner,begin—beginner等. (c)在动词词尾加上-ment 变成名词 例如:achieve—achievement (成就) advertise—advertisement//advertising(广告) agree—agreement disgree—disagreement amuse—amusement (娱乐) improve—improvement(争吵) commit(奉献)—commitment develop—development (发展) 例如:argue—argument(争论) (d)在动词词尾加上-(t)ion/(s)ion变成名词 例如: attract—attraction; instruct—instruction; invent—invention discuss—discussion; express—expression educate—education; graduate—graduation; operate—operation (去e再加"ion") compete—competition; organize—organization (把e改成其他字母再加"tion") decide—decision conclude—conclusion (把de改为s再加"ion") describe—description描写,描绘 (这是特例,不规则变化) (e)在动词词尾加上-ance变成名词 例如: appear—appearance (外貌;出现) perform—performance (演出) accept—acceptance (接受) (f)在动词词尾加-ing变成名词 (方法与动词变为现在分词的方法相同) 例如:meet—meeting build—building wait—waiting bathe—bathing say—saying(谚语) mean—meaning 注意:以重读闭音节结尾,且末尾只有一个辅音字母的动词,应双写末尾的辅音字母,再加-ing 如:swim—swimming shop—shopping begin—beginning (g)其他一些比较特殊的变化 例如: Beg(乞讨)—beggar(乞丐) behave(行为举止)—behavior know(知道)—knowledge(知识) fly—flight (飞行) heat (加热)—heat(热量) hit (撞击)—hit( 轰动一时的人或物,碰撞) mix (混合)—mixture(混合物) press(按,压)—pressure(压力) sit(坐)—seat (座位) succeed—success(成功) tour—tour(旅游)/ tourist (游客)2.动词(v.)→形容词(adj.) (a)动词后面加able,以e结尾的动词则去e加able,表示具有此性质,特点或属性. 例如: afford-affordable;love-lovable (b)动词后面加ed,以e结尾的动词则直接加d,表示被动性的属性或特点. 例如: scatter-scattered use-used (c)不规则的动词则必须记忆,记住其过去分词形式.规律不大,意义同(b). 3.名词(n.)→形容词(adj.) (a)在名词后面加-y可以变成形容词(尤其是一些与天气有关的名词) 例如: rain—rainy, cloud—cloudy, wind—windy, snow—snowy, health—healthy, luck—lucky,anger—angry guilt—guilty(内疚的) tourist—touristy(游客多的) , salt (盐)—salty (咸的) silk(丝绸)—silky(丝绸般的), sleep—sleepy (昏昏欲睡的) 注意:1)如果以重读闭音节结尾,且词尾只有一个辅音字母,这时应双写辅音字母再加"-y". 如: sun—sunny, fun—funny, fog—foggy(有雾的), fur—furry(毛皮的) 2)少数以不发音的e结尾的名词变为形容词时,应去掉e再加"-y". 如: noise—noisy, ice—icy, shine—shiny(发亮的), taste(口味)—tasty(甜的) (b)名词后面加-ed,以e结尾的直接加d. 例如: spot(斑点)—spotted(有斑点的); talent—talented (有天赋的) organize—organized 有组织的; balance—balanced(平衡的) (c)一些抽象名词在词尾加-ful可以变为形容词 例如:care—careful, thank—thankful, help—helpful, use—useful, meaning—meaningful (d)在名词后加-less构成含有否定意义的形容词 例如:care—careless(粗心的), use—useless(无用的) hope—hopeless(没希望的),home—homeless(无家可归的) (e)一些以-ce结尾的名词,把-ce改为-t变成形容词 例如: difference—different, silence—silent, confidence—confident (f).在名词后加-ly变为形容词 例如: friend—friendly, love—lovely, live---lively (g).在名词后加-ous变为形容词 例如: danger—dangerous (h)名词后面加-al变为形容词 例如: music—musical; medicine—medical (这个比较特殊) (i)名词后面加-able变为形容词,如果以e结尾就去e再加"-able". 例如: adjust—adjustable 可调整的 value—valuable有价值的 (j)名词后面加-en变成形容词 例如: wood—wooden 木制的 wool—woolen 羊毛的 (k)一些表示国家的名词可以在词尾加-ese, -ish或-n构成表示国籍,语言的形容词 例如:China—Chinese, Japan—Japanese, England—English, America—American, India—Indian, Australia —Australian (注意Canada—Canadian) (k)一些表示国家的名词可以在词尾加-ese, -ish或-n构成表示国籍,语言的形容词 例如:China—Chinese, Japan—Japanese, England—English, America—American, India—Indian, Australia —Australian (注意Canada—Canadian) 4..形容词(adj.)→副词(adv.) ▲一般在形容词的词尾加-ly可以变成副词 例如: quick—quickly, slow—slowly, loud—loudly, sudden—suddenly 等 但是,以下几点值得注意: (a) 一些以"辅音字母+y"结尾的形容词,要把y改为i再加-ly 例如: happy—happily, angry—angrily, lucky—luckily, heavy—heavily, noisy—noisily (b) 有些以-ble或-le结尾的形容词,去掉e加-y 例如:possible—possibly, terrible—terribly (c)少数以e结尾的形容词,要去掉e再加-ly 例如: true—truly 但绝大多数以e结尾的形容词仍然直接加-ly 例如: polite—politely (d)以-l结尾的形容词变为副词时要在词尾加-ly,以-ll结尾的才在词尾只加-y. 例如: usual—usually, careful—carefully, useful—usefully full—fully (以-ll结尾的才只加y)
2023-07-25 07:41:451


鲁教版八年级英语下册单词Unit 1 第一单元单词amusement;消遣neither adj., adv && pron.(二者)都不have a great time 玩的愉快Disneyland 迪斯尼乐园Mickey Mouse 米老鼠Donald duck 唐老鸭character n.人物;角色seen v.see的过去分词theme n.主题attraction n.有吸引力的事物(人)roller coaster 过山车cruise n.巡游;巡航board n.甲板on board 在船上route n.路线end up 结束;结果为…island n.岛;岛屿especially adv.特别;尤其exchange student n.交换生attendant n.服务员flight attendant (飞机上的)空中服务员discover v.发觉;发现requirementn.要求,必要条件guide n.导游film n.电影southeast n.东南部 adj.东南的wonderful adj.极好的holiday n.假日;假期;节日quarter n.四分之一;一刻钟three quarters n.四分之三population n.人口fear v.害怕;担心brave adj.勇敢的;无畏的excellent adj.卓越的;极好的Indian adj.印度的;印度人的Night Safari (新加坡)夜间野生动物园dark n.黄昏;黑暗daytime n.白天;日间wake v.醒来;唤醒wake up 睡醒;醒来fox n.狐狸natural adj.自然的;自然界的environment n.环境temperature n.温度all year round 一年到头;终年equator n.赤道whenever conj.无论如何spring n.春天autumn n.秋天season n.季节type n.类型awake adj.醒着的Claudia 克劳迪娅(女名)Harvey 哈维(男名)Tina 蒂娜(女名)Leonardo 里昂那多(男名)欢迎交流gcj95203@126.comUnit 2 第二单元单词flashcard n.抽认卡 中文vocabulary n.词汇aloud adv.出声地,大声地pronunciation n.发音,发音法specific adj.明确的,具体的memorize v.记住,熟记grammar n. 语法;语法规则differently adv.不同地;有区别地frustrate v.使失望;使沮丧;使厌烦frustrating adj. 令人失望的;令人沮丧的;令人厌烦的quickly adv. 快地;迅速地add v. 补充;继续说excited adj.激动的;兴奋的not at all 根本不;全然不end up 以…结束;结果为…;意外到达(某处)pronounce v.发……音;正确(或清晰地)吐(字、音等)spoken adj.口语的;口头的slowly adv. 慢地;缓慢地mistake n. 错误;过失make mistakes 犯错;出错comma n.逗号challenge n.挑战solution n. (问题、疑难等的)解决;解答later on 以后;随后realize v.认识到;了解到matter v.重要;要紧;有关系it doesn"t matter 没关系afraid adj.害怕的;犯愁的be afraid to 害怕去做;不敢去做laugh at 嘲笑;取笑complete adj. 完整的;完全的sentence n.句子secret n.秘诀;诀窍;秘密learner n.学习者take notes 做笔记;做记录term n.学期impress v. 使感动;使印象深刻trouble n. 困难;苦恼fast adv. 快地;迅速地look up 查阅soft adj.软的make up 编造;组成essay n.文章deal v.处理;应付deal with 处理;应付unless conj.如果不;除非unfair adj.不公平的solve v.解决regard v.将……视为duty n.责任;义务easily adv. 容易地influence v.影响;对…作用be angry with 生……的气go by (指时间)过去;消失friendship n.友情;友谊lose v.失去disagreement n.分歧;不一致;意见不合development n.发育;成长;发育;发展adult n.成年人try one"s best 尽力做……unimportant adj.不重要的face v.面临;面对;正视soldier n.军人;士兵break off 突然中止;中断psychologist 心理学家;心理学研究者Pierre 皮埃尔(男名)Antonio 安东尼奥(男名)Lillian 莉莲(女名)Stephen Hawking 史蒂芬·霍金欢迎交流gcj95203@126.comaffect vt.影响(课本上无)Unit 3 第三单元单词used to 过去经常(后接不定式,表示过去的习惯)be interested in 对……感兴趣airplane n.飞机terrify v.使害怕;使恐惧be terrified of 非常害怕的;极度恐惧的go to sleep 入睡on adj.开着的;接通的;工作着的insect n.昆虫candy n.糖果chew v.咀嚼gum n.口香糖chat v.聊天;闲谈daily adj.每日的comic n.连环漫画death n.死afford v. 负担得起;买得起cause v.造成;使发生himself pron.(反身代词)他自己patient adj.有耐心的;忍耐的in the end 最后decision n.决定;决心make a decision 做决定head teacher 班主任necessary adj.必要的;必须的to one"s surprise 令人惊奇的是......exactly adv.恰恰even though 即使no longer 不再take pride in 对......感动自豪attention n.注意;专心;留心pay attention to 对......注意give up 放弃waste v.浪费not...any more 不再...Murray 默里(姓氏)欢迎交流gcj95203@126.comUnit 4 第四单元单词pierce v. 刺穿;刺破license n.(=licence)执照;许可证silly adj.愚蠢的earring n.耳环instead of 代替stay up 熬夜concentrate v.集中;聚集concentrate on 全神贯注;专注于study n.学习;研究design v.设计;构思present n.目前;现在at present 目前opportunity n.机会volunteer v.自愿(做某事) n.志愿者local adj.当地的;当地的experience n.& v.经历;体验member n.会员;成员mess n.混乱;脏乱old people"s home 养老院sleepy adj.困倦的;不活跃的reply v.答复newsletter n.时速通讯;简报obey v.服从in the way 挡道的;妨碍人的achieve v.完成;实现race v. 赛跑;比赛 n.与......比赛;参加赛跑realistic adj.现实的;注重实际的taught 教 teach的过去式或过去分词importance n.重要性care v.关心care about 担心;关心succeed v.成功point n. 要点Kathy 凯西(女名)欢迎交流gcj95203@126.comUnit 5 第五单元单词prefer v.更喜爱lyric n.(常pl.)歌词;抒情词句gentle adj.轻柔的;柔和的dislike v.不喜欢remind of 提醒;使记起heart n.心;内心string n.细绳;线sink v.下沉;沉没Yellow River 黄河fisherman n.(pl.fishermen)渔民;渔夫latest adj.最近的entertainment;乐趣;快乐feature n.特点;特征photography n.摄影;照相gallery n.美术馆;画廊photographer n.摄影者;摄影师display v.& n.展览;陈列on display 展览;陈列photograph n.照片;相片interest v.引起......关注;使......感兴趣class n.等级;类别whatever pron.不管什么;无论什么miss v.错过;遗漏suggest v.显示;间接表明;暗示energy n.活力;力量okay adj.(=OK) 好的pro n.(常pl.)赞成的观点con n.(常pl.)反对的观点honest adj.诚实的;真诚的course n.课程suit v.适合;使感到满意suit sb.(fine) (口语)(很)合某人的意;对某人(很)合适expect v.期待;预料sweet adj.甜的taste v.品尝;尝起来to be honest (作插入语)老实说;说实在的be bad for 对.....有害actually adv.实际上;说实在的fry v.油剪;油炸mainly adv.主要地;首要地stay away from 与......保持距离be in agreement 意见一致itself peon.(反身代词)它自己;它本身laboratory n.实验室type 类型;种类cancer n.癌症barecue n.户外烤肉餐;(户外烤制的)烤肉 v.(尤指在户外)烤肉increase v.增加;增大risk n.危险;风险biscuit n.饼干main adj.主要的;首要的exclamation n.感叹语tag question 附加疑问句contraction n.缩略词;缩略形式tasty adj.味道好的;味美可口的vegetarian n.素食主义者shock v.使......震惊Carmen 卡门(女名)Dan Dervish 丹.德维什Eend0811 玲智软件工作室开发Unit 6 第六单元单词tiring adj.引起疲劳的;累人的educational adj.教育的;有教育意义的peaceful adj.平静的;宁静的fascinating adj.迷人的;有极大吸引力的thrilling adj.令人激动的take it easy 从容;轻松;不紧张Florida 佛罗里达州trek v.长途跋涉Amazon 亚马逊河jungle n.热带丛林fall n.(常pl.)瀑布Niagara Falls 尼亚加拉大瀑布touristy adj.游客很多的;适合浏览的spotlight n.公众注意的中心consider v.考虑;思考;认为lively adj.充满活力的;活泼的sight n. (常pl.)名胜;风景including prep.包含;包括tower n.塔;塔楼Eiffel Tower 埃菲尔铁塔cathedral n.总教堂;大教堂Notre Dame Cathedral 巴黎圣母院church n.教堂convenient adj.便利的;方便的underground adj.地下的general n.一般事物;一般原则in general 通常;大体上;一般而言wine n.葡萄酒;酒translate v.翻译pack v.把......打包;把.....装箱light adj.轻的wonderful adj.极好的Ace Travel 旅游社名eastern adj.东方的provide v.提供;供应;供给firm n.公司spot n.地点;场所Confucius 孔子sail v.航行;在...上航行Pacific n.太平洋finding n.发现;发现物;调查(或研究)的结果thousands of 数以千计的;许许多多的as soon as possible 尽快地continue v.(使)继续;坚持下去programming n.编程translator n.翻译员report v.报道;报告willing adj.乐意的;自愿的;心甘情愿的be willing to 乐意(做某事)quite a few 相当多;不少dream v.做梦; n. 梦想dream of 梦想;幻想;向往sportspeople n.爱好运动的人;运动员conclusion n.结论hold on to 继续;坚持;保持come true (预言、期望等)实现;成为事实attitude n.态度欢迎交流gcj95203@126.comUnit 7 第七单元单词clean up (把...)打扫干净hunger n.饥饿homeless adj.无家可归的cheer up 使振奋;使高兴起来give out 发放clean-up n.打扫sign n.标牌advertisement n.广告;广告活动put off 推迟;拖延set up 摆放;放置establish v.建立;建造;设立think up 想出major adj.主要的commitment n.奉献;忠诚elementary adj.基础的;小学的veterinarian n.兽医coach v.训练;指导take after (在外貌、性格等方面)与(父母等)相像fix v.修理fix up 修理;修补give away 赠送;分发repair v.修理;修补similar adj.相似的;相仿的put up 张贴;搭建ask for 要求;请求hand out 分发;发放call-in n.(=phone-in)听(观)众来电直播节目strategy n.方法;策略work out 产生结果;发展website n.(互联网的)站点disabled adj.肢体残疾的organization n.组织;机构fill v.装满;填满pleasure n.愉快;高兴blind adj.盲的deaf adj.聋的unable adj.不能的;不会的cannot (=can"t)imagine v.想像shut v.关上(门、窗、盖等)carry v.搬运;携带help(sb.)out 帮助(某人)解决困难specially ad.特意地;专门地fetch v.拿来;请来at once 立即;马上support v.支持;帮组appreciate v.感激donation n.捐赠物;捐赠part of speech 词性;词类pronoun n.代词adverb n.副词preposition n.介词conjunction n.连词donate v.捐赠;赠送Jimmy 吉米(男名)Sally 萨莉(女名)欢迎交流gcj95203@126.comUnit 8 第八单元单词bathing n.游泳;洗澡suit n.(一套)衣服bathing suit 游泳衣towel n. 手巾;毛巾water v. 浇灌;浇水guidebook n.手册;指南clean out 清除;打扫......干净refrigerator n.冰箱garage n.汽车库;汽车间suitcase n.(旅行用)小提箱;衣箱get back to sb. (口语)过一会再与某人通话chop v.砍;劈;剁wood n.木头;木材light v.点燃;点着well n.井;水井farm n.农场;农庄anyway adv.不管怎样;不管采用何种方式award n.奖赏;奖金;奖品wave n.波浪;波涛scene n.舞台hit n.成功且轰动一时的事物(如歌曲等);打击;碰撞 v.打击;碰撞appear v.出现;露面;(公开)演出lead adj.领导的;领先的;带领的lead singer 主唱者some day (=someday)来日;将来某一日;有朝一日be off 离开;走开poem n.诗;韵文cupboard n.食橱;碗橱;衣橱turn n.(依次轮流到每个人的)一次机会mail n.邮件;邮包;邮政ancestor n.祖先;祖宗root n.根;根源overseas adj.海外的;国外的homeland n.祖国;故乡government n.政府so far 到目前为止southern adj.南方的;在南方的go for a walk 去散步villager n.村民;村夫thanks to 幸亏;由于;因为strongly adv.坚定地;坚决地purpose n.目的;意图step n.步骤;措施;脚步look forward to 盼望;期待Crystal 克里斯特尔(姓或名)Elise 埃莉斯(女名)Mariah 玛丽亚(女名)Carey 凯里(姓氏).
2023-07-25 07:42:181


2023-07-25 07:42:263

Where would you like togo?Kathyuff1fId like to visit kunmingu3002isnt it supposed ti ve very hot?

1.Where would you like to go? Kathyuff1fIu2018d like to visit Hong Kong.Isnt it supposed to be very crowded u3001interesting and great entertainment?2.Where would you like to go?Kathyuff1fIu2019d like to visit Mexico City.Isnt it supposed to be relaxing u3001exciting and lots to do ?3.Where would you like to go?Kathyuff1fIu2018d like to visit New York,Isnt it supposed to be touristyu3001fascinating and wonderful galleries uff1f4.Where would you like to go?Kathyuff1fIu2019d like to visit Sydneyu3002Isnt it supposed to be expensiveu3001beautiful and fantastic beaches?
2023-07-25 07:43:172


3 / 8 名词变形容词 1. 名词+y anger 生气--angry hunger--hungry fog--foggy有雾的 fur--furry 毛皮的 guilt 罪恶--guilty 内疚的 health--healthy luck--lucky cloud--cloudy wind--windy rain--rainy snow--snowy sun--sunny tourist--touristy 游客多的 business--busy salt 盐--salty 咸的 shine--shiny 发亮的 silk 丝绸--silky 丝绸般的 sleep--sleepy 昏昏欲睡的 taste 口味,品味--tasty 甜的 2. 名词+ ed balance--balanced 平衡的 spot 斑点,地点--spotted 有斑点的 talent--talented 有天赋的 organized 有组织的 disgusted 厌恶的 offended 生气的 crowded 拥挤的 polluted 被污染的 pleased 高兴的 3. 名词+ ful/less meaning--meaningful 有意义的 care--careful/ careless 小心的;粗心的 help--helpful / helpless home--homeless 无家可归的 colour--colourful pain 疼痛--painful 痛苦的 use--useless/ useful 4 / 8 thank--thankful 充满感激的 peace 和平--peaceful 平静的,宁 静的 playful 顽皮的,爱玩耍的 4. 名词+ able adjustable 可调整的 comfort--comfortable knowledge--knowledgeable suit 一套--suitable 合适的 5. 名词+ ous enormous 巨大的 danger--dangerous mystery 神秘--mysterious 神秘的 6. ce 变t confidence--confident difference--different 7. al 结尾 medicine 药--medical 医学的 music--musical nature--natural 自然的 person--personal私人的 nation--national 国家的 education--educational有教育 意义的 tradition--traditional 传统的 origin起源--original 新颖的;独创的 8. 名词+ ly friend--friendly live--lively 活跃的,有生气的 love--lovely 可爱的 9.+ en 结尾 wood--wooden 木制的 wool--woolen 羊毛的 5 / 8 10. 其他 energy精力--energetic fool 傻子--foolish 愚蠢的 freedom 自由--free 空的, 免费的 height 高度--high illness 疾病--ill love--loving 慈爱的 death--dead pleasure--pleasant / pleased popularity 流行性--popular pride--proud scientist--scientific 科学的 方位的词表达 名词--形容词 East--eastern West--western South--southern North--northern In the west of China In the western part of China 四大洲 名词-----形容词 Asia 亚洲--Asian Africa 非洲--African Europe欧洲--European America 美洲—American望伟大的您采纳
2023-07-25 07:43:261

1.Beijing is a place ____ is touristy 2.Beijing

2023-07-25 07:43:453

分别以D, T, S打头的单词有哪些?

dogtea sea
2023-07-25 07:43:549


2023-07-25 07:44:131


Unit678What kind of music does he like?他喜欢哪种音乐?I like music that I can dance to.我喜欢我能跟着跳舞的音乐。I like music that I can sing along with我喜欢我能跟随着唱的音乐。He likes music that is loud.他喜欢声音很大的音乐。He likes music that has great lyrics.他喜欢有好歌词的音乐。prefer, prefers, preferred, preferringprefer 单三,过去式,现在分词He prefers apples to oranges.相对于桔子来说他更喜欢苹果。He likes apples better than oranges.他喜欢苹果胜于桔子。He prefers skating to swimming.相对于游泳来说他更喜欢滑冰。I prefer to stay at home and read books rather than go to the movies.我宁愿呆在家里读书也不出去看电影。I would rather read books than go to the movies. 我宁愿呆在家里读书也不出去看电影。She likes musicians who play different kinds of music.她喜欢演奏不同种类音乐的音乐家。She likes groups that play quiet and gentle songs.她喜欢演奏安静柔和歌曲的组合。I like musicians who write their own lyrics. 我喜欢写他们自己歌词的音乐家。What is the name of your favorite CD?你最喜欢的CD的名字是什么?Take the chair to the teachers" office.把这把椅子拿到老师的办公室去。Bring it here. 把它拿到这来。He dislikes learning English. 他不喜欢学英语。Some of the singers don"t sing the words clearly.这些歌手当中的一些唱词不清楚。What does it remind you of?它让你想起什么?remind sb to do sth.提醒某人做某事The music reminds me of Brazilian dance music.这个音乐让我想起了巴西舞曲。What CDs have you listened to recently?/ What CDs did you listen to recently?你最近听了什么CD?(两种)I listened to one called Heart Strings.我听了一个叫做“心弦”的。learn…by heart = keep… in one"s mind用心去学I like groups that wear cool clothes.我喜欢穿很酷服装的组合。Water is really important to us.水对我们很重要。It"s important for me to study English well.对我来说学好英语是重要的。sink, sank, sunk, sinkingThe Yellow River is one of the longest rivers in the world.黄河是世界上最长的河流之一。fisherman, fishermenhis latest movie他最近的影片look for entertainment寻找娱乐He"s made many great movies over the years. 这几年来他已经制作了很多好影片。Unfortunately it is his worst movie.不幸地,这是它最糟糕的影片。It does have some good features, though. 尽管如此,它确实有几个好的特点。I love photography.我喜欢摄影。Be sure to see this exhibition 一定要来看这个展览。He is one of the most famous photographers in the world. 他是全世界最著名的摄影师之一。The Great Wall is known to everyone. 长城被每个人所知。on display 在展出中many great photos of people and the countryside 很多人物照和乡村照The few city photographs are less successful. 为数不多的城市照片是不太成功的。I see the same things every day.我每天看到同样的事物。They don"t interest me as much.他们不像那样吸引我。a world-class photographer一个世界级的摄影师Whatever you do, don"t miss this exhibition.无论你做什么,都不要错过这次展览。No matter what you do, don"t miss this exhibition.无论你做什么,都不要错过这次展览。What do you think of this movie?你认为这部影片怎么样?How do you like this movie?同义句as the name suggests正如这个名字所暗示的The group is full of energy.这个组合充满了精力。make sb. happy 使某人高兴on a Monday morning 在一个周一的早晨pros and cons支持和反对They wear the same clothes.他们穿同样的衣服。We are looking for a quiet place to go on vacation. 我们正在寻找一个安静的地方度假。I love eating ice cream on a hot day. 我喜欢在热天吃冰淇淋。There is nothing better.没有比这更好的了。I can"t stand hamburgers.我无法忍受汉堡包。They make me feel sick.他们让我感觉不舒服。I am having a great time in Hong Kong. 我在香港过得很愉快。I have to be honest and say that I prefer Shanghai. 我不得不诚实地说我更喜欢上海。I"m lucky to be here for my six-month English course.我很幸运地为我六个月的英语课程来到这。There is just so much to do and see here. 这里有很多可做可看的事。traditional music 传统音乐The concert suited me just fine.这个音乐会很适合我。What languages would you like to learn?你喜欢学什么语言go for Italian food 去吃意大利食品My host family is taking me to an Indian film festival next weekend.下周末我的寄宿家庭要带我去一个印度电影节。I don"t know what to expect.我不知道该期待点什么。I have never seen an Indian film.我从来没看过印度电影。some… others…一些……另一些What kinds of films do you prefer?你更喜欢什么种类的电影?I only eat food that tastes good.我只吃品尝起来好的食品。How important is keeping healthy to you?保持健康对你有多重要?A group of young people got together to discuss this question.一群年轻人聚在一起讨论这个问题。Here"s part of their discussion.这是他们讨论的一部分。I"d like to keep healthy.我想要保持健康。Cola tastes better than water.可乐品尝起来比水好。That food that is bad for you can taste good. 对你有害的食品可能品尝起来好。I prefer not to eat too much food that is fried. 我宁愿不吃太多油炸食品。French fries 薯条Do you eat fast food? 你吃快餐吗?I want to take care of my health.我想要照看好我的身体。stay away from sugar远离糖Most people are in agreement that fruit and vegetables are good for our health.大部分同意水果和蔬菜对我们的健康有益。Fast food itself isn"t always bad for you.快餐本身对你无害。in fact, actually 事实上It has been found in laboratory testing that some types of oil are bad for us.在实验室检测中发现一些类型的油对我们有害。I don"t want to eat food that has been cooked in oil.我不想吃在油中炸过的食品。cause cancer引起癌症I like eating burnt barbecued meat.我喜欢吃烤肉I"ve heard that burnt food can increase the risk of cancer.我听说烧烤食物可能增加得癌症的机率I like eating meat that is well cooked.我喜欢吃做得熟透的肉。Even if it is a little burnt.即使有点烧焦If I were you, I"d eat nuts instead.如果我是你,我就吃点坚果(而不吃……)。Eating meat or fish is also good for us. 吃肉和鱼对我们有益。People who have a balanced diet should be healthier than those who only eat biscuits and hamburgers.吃平衡饮食的人应该比那些只吃饼干和汉保包的人健康。The main thing is to have a good balance.重要的事是要有一个好的平衡。Tasty food is bad for your health.好吃的食品对你的健康有害。The person must be a strict vegetarian.这个人一定是一个严格的素食主义者。The person doesn"t mind eating burnt food at all.这个人根本不介意吃烧烤食品。The person is shocked by what others eat.这个人对其他人所吃的东西感到震惊。a tiring vacation一个令人疲倦的假期a fascinating place一个迷人的地方an educational city一个有教育意义的城市a thrilling movie一部令人恐怖的影片a peaceful vacation一个平静的假期trek through the jungle.穿过热带丛林trek, treks, trekked, trekkingWhere would you like to go on vacation?你想要去哪度假?take it easy 别紧张on a Florida beach在一个佛罗里达的海滩上Niagara Falls isn"t touristy.尼亚加拉大瀑布游客不多。He loves places where the people are really friendly.他喜欢人们友好的地方。be friendly to sb.对某人友好I love places where the weather is always warm.我喜欢天气暖和的地方。I"d like to go somewhere exciting我喜欢去某个令人激动的地方。travel spotlight旅游热点for your next vacation为了你的下一个假期why not +v = Why don"t you + v 为什么不做某事(2)consider visiting Paris考虑做某事Paris is the capital of France巴黎是法国的首都one of the liveliest cities in Europe 欧洲最有活力的城市之一have lots of things to do有很多事可做some fantastic sights一些极好的景色 one of the most famous churches 最著名的教堂之一Travelling around Paris by taxi can cost a lot of money.乘出租车环游巴黎会花很多钱。It"s convenient for sb. to do sth.对某人来说做某事很方便take the underground train to most of places 乘地铁去大部分地方in general 大体上,总体上quite an expensive place一个相当昂贵的地方a lot of wine 很多酒especially in Paris 尤其在巴黎it"s best to do sth.最好做某事had better do sth.最好做某事had better not do sth最好不要做某事translate English into Chinese把英语翻译成汉语You are supposed to work hard at English.你最好努力学习英语。pack warm clothes 打包暖和的衣服what other things = what else其他什么事情take a trip 去旅行in eastern China = in the east of China 在中国东部(2)provide sb with sth = provide sth forsb给某人提供某物(2)a piece of information about一条关于……的信息travel to an exciting place去一个令人激动的地方旅行mind doing sth介意做某事do lots of outdoor activities做很多户外活动love hiking and swimming喜欢远足和游泳any kind of outdoor activity任何一种户外运动need to stay in an inexpensive hotel需要住在一个不贵的宾馆a room with a kitchen一个带厨房的房间save money by cooking our own meals通过自己做饭省钱big enough for three people足够大能容纳下三个人stay at a place with a pool呆在一个有水池的地方near the ocean靠近海suggestions for………的建议vacation spots旅游点spend a lot of money on vacation在假期上花很多钱Confucius was born there孔子出生在那里the Great Wall in Beijing北京的长城The Stone Forest in Yunnan云南的石林cook Beijing Duck 烹调北京烤鸭Would you like to eat dinner at my house? 你想要到我家吃晚饭吗?this time of year 一年的这个时候go to Africa on vacation 去非洲度假sail across the Pacific 横越太平洋in the future在将来some findings of a survey调查的结果thousands of students数以千计的学生all over China 全中国take part in 参加several different answers to the question这个问题的不同的答案start work as soon as possible尽快地开始工作continue studying 继续学习go to university 上大学do jobs they enjoy 做他们喜欢的工作according to the survey根据这个调查the most popular choice of job最受欢迎的工作的选择computer programming电脑程序设计work as translators or tour guides 做翻译或导游工作be willing to do something愿意做某事achieve/ realize one"s dream实现某人的梦想make one"s dream come true使某人的梦想变成现实go on exciting trips进行令人激动的旅行dream of becoming famous梦想变得有名have a good education 有一个很好的教育hold on to one"s dream坚持某人的梦想on the one hand… on the other hand在一方面; 在另一方面clean up the city park清扫城市公园work outside在外面工作help homeless people 帮助无家可归的人们cheer up sick kids使生病的孩子们振奋起来be sick / ill生病的give out food at the food bank在食品发放中心发放食品help kids with their schoolwork在学业方面帮助孩子们an after-school study program一个课后学习活动put it off 把它推迟put off making a plan推迟制定一个计划plan to do sth. / plan on doing 计划做某事come up with/ think up a good solution to this problem想出一个解决问题的好办法(2)write down all our ideas写下我们所有的想法hand/ give out advertisements 发广告put up the signs on the wall把标语张贴到墙上only two weeks from now距离现在两星期volunteer their time to help other people自愿花他们的时间去帮助别人be home to three special people是三个特别年轻人的家a major commitment 一个重大的贡献put this love to good use by working in a care centre通过在辅导中心工作来好好利用这个爱好leave school 离开学校Not only do I feel about helping other people, but (also) I get to spend time doing what I love to do. 帮助别人我不但感觉很好,而且我还开始花时间做我想做的事。plan to study to be a veterinarian计划学习成为一名兽医join the school volunteer project加入学校的志愿者项目coach a swimming team 训练一个游泳队read about Chinese history读关于中国历史的书take after my grandpa 像我的祖父fix the bicycle up 修自行车fix up the bicycle 修自行车fix it up 修理它repair the plane 修理飞机I am similar to her.我和她很相似。He has run out of money.他已经把钱用完了。My money has run out.我的钱已经用完了。do a radio interview做一个收音机采访a radio interviewer 一位广播电台记者The strategies that he came up with worked out fine/ well.他想出的策略(办法)很有效。give the bikes away to children who don"t have bikes 把自行车捐给那些没有自行车的孩子们put up signs asking for old bikes张贴标语要旧自行车call up parents offering singing lessons for children给家长打电话为孩子们提供歌唱课a professional singer 一个职业歌手at a local hospital在当地医院Be quiet please, class. 同学们,请安静。give out your test papers 发考试卷make a pen pal website建立一个笔友网站thank you for sending money to “Animal Helpers ”感谢你寄钱给动物助手.an organization一个组织organize some activities for kids为孩子们组织一些活动some organized activities一些有组织的活动fill my life with pleasure/ My life is filled with pleasure.用快乐填满我的生活This bottle is filled with water.瓶子里装满了水。This bottle is full of water.瓶子里装满了水。something that most people cannot imagine 大部分人无法想象的事be unable to walk or use your hands easily不能走路或轻松地使用你的手help disabled people 帮助残疾人face the challenges 面对这些挑战answer the telephone 接电话a friend of mine 我的一个朋友a photo of me 我的一张照片a photo of mine 属于我的一张照片feel lucky to do sth.做某事感到幸运good luck to you / wish you good luck 祝你好运normal things like opening or shutting doors 像开关门这样普通的事情help me out 帮助我解决困难specially trained dogs 特殊训练的狗spoken English 英语口语written English 书面英语burned area 烧伤地方fetch my cup 去取我的杯子because of your donation因为你的捐赠donate plenty of food 捐赠很多食品把钱捐给慈善机构 donate money to charityThe money is well used to help disabled people.钱被很好的使用来帮助残疾人。write a short reply to Mr. Smith给史密斯先生写一个简短的回信with pleasure 乐意效劳Thanks for your donation. Your donation is appreciated. 感谢你的捐赠。shut, shut, shut, shuts, shuttingfix, fixed, fixed, fixes, fixingrun, ran, run, runs, running, runner祝你学习进步,更上一层楼!(*^__^*)
2023-07-25 07:44:251


2023-07-25 07:44:3413


  你知道吃面条的英文单词是什么吗?下面一起来看看吧。   吃面条的英文单词释义:   eat the noodles   have some noodles   Eating noodles   吃面条的英文单词例句:   他真的非常喜欢吃面条。   He does like to eat noodles.   我宁愿吃面条也不吃米饭。   I would rather have noodles than rice.   她说:“我们吃面条和椰菜,”廉姆补充说:“还有春卷。”   “We got noodles and broccoli,” she said. “And an egg roll,” Liam added.   许多人宁愿呆在旅店吃面条。   Many stay in suburban hotels and eat noodles.   我们只吃面条和馒头。   We just eat noodles or buns. 吃面条的英文单词   这门课程由罗耀拉大学开设,阐释了吃的行为与上帝之间不可否认的联系,包括让学生从宗教的角度,认真思考使用餐叉与吃面条的关系。   It explains how there is an undeniable link between the act of eating and God. The religious angle to picking up a fork and eating some noodles is given seriousthought.   我也喜欢吃面条。   And I like noodles.   现在,我最喜欢吃面条。   Now I like noodles best!   我不能连续一个星期不吃面条 。   I cannot live one week without noodles.   在星期一我们吃面条。在星期一我喜欢面条。   On Monday we have noodles. I like noodles and Monday.   然而,为了打破吃面条会让他们带来坏运气,因此,如果您要用面来庆祝你的成功,那么一定要完整的把它吃完而不能把它咬断!   However, breaking the noodles while eating them is bad luck, so if youu2019re makingthem for your celebration, be sure to slurp them up instead of biting off smaller pieces.   他们在樱桃树下拍照,欢快如同旋转木马上的孩子;他们在街角吃面条,津津有味。   They took touristy pictures under cherry trees, frolicked like children on merry-go-rounds and slurped noodles on street corners.   我喜欢吃面条,简直到了疯狂的地步。   I love noodles, I go crazy with noodles.   很多人一天至少吃一次荞麦面条,还有很多公司工作的人习惯了午饭吃面条。   There are some people that eat soba at least once a day. Many office workersmake it a habit to have soba for lunch.   你喜欢吃面条吗?   Do you like noodles?   我吃面条、牛肉和西红柿。   I have noodles, beef and tomatoes.   意大利细长面条:我曾很难让我的孩子去吃面条式调味汁,直到我用一个大的肉丸使他们惊喜不已才解决了这个问题。   SPAGHETTI: I had trouble getting my kids to eat spaghetti sauce until I surprisedthem with a giant meatball.   有时候如果吃面条的话他们用筷子。   Sometimes they use chopsticks if they have noodles.   伺候者:没有。我们有卷心菜和羊肉。我们吃面条在星期四。   Server: No. We have cabbage and mutton. We have noodles on Thursday.   我喜欢吃面条和星期一。   I like noodles and Monday.   不,自从我搬到好莱坞以来,我就以做面条谋生。现在,我最喜欢吃面条。   Yes. But since I moved here, in Hollywood, I"ve earned a living by making noodles.Now I like noodles best!   给你吃面条。   Noodles for you.   安,你喜欢吃面条吗?   Do you like noodles, Ann?   他们在动物园吃面条。   They eat noodles in the zoo   伺候者:没有。我们吃猪肉和青豆。我们吃面条在星期三。   Server: No. We have pork and green beans. We have noodles on Wednesday.   我在吃面条。   I am eating noodles.
2023-07-25 07:45:411


2023-07-25 07:45:553


Unit 1flashcard>快闪存储器卡Vocabulary>字汇aloud>大声地pronunciation>发音specific>特性memorize>记住grammar>语法differently>不同的frustrate>挫败frustrating>挫败quickly>很快的add>增加excited>兴奋not at all>一点也不end up>结束pronounce>宣布spoken>口语的slowly>缓慢的mistake>错误make mistakes>制造错误comma>逗号challenge>挑战solution>解决later on>稍后realize>了解matter>物质it doesn"t matter>没关系afraid>害怕be afraid to>害怕laugh at>笑complete>完全的sentence>句子secret>秘密learner>学习者take notes>做笔记term>学期impress>印象trouble>麻烦fast>快速的look up>查阅soft>柔软make up>组成essay>散文deal>处理deal with>处理unless>除非unfair>不公平的solve>解决regard>关心duty>责任easily>容易地influence>影响力be angry with>气恼go by>经过friendship>友谊lose>失去disagreement>不合development>发展adult>成人try one"s best>试一个最好unimportant>不重要的face>脸soldier>士兵break off>中断psychologist>心理学者Pierre>皮埃尔Antonio>安东尼奥Lillian>莉莲Stephen>史蒂芬Unit 2used to>过去一直be interested in>对……有兴趣airplane>飞机terrify>使恐怖be terrified of>被惊吓go to sleep>去睡觉on>在insect>昆虫candy>糖果chew>咀嚼gum>树胶chat>闲谈daily>每日的comic>连环图画death>亡afford>负担cause>因素himself>他自己patient>病人in the end>后decision>决定make a decision>作决定head teacher>校长necessary>必需品to one"s surprise>使...感到震惊exactly>完全地even though>即使no longer>不再take pride in>参加attention>注意pay attention to>注意give up>放弃waste>浪费not...any more>不再Murray>人名Unit 3piercee>刺穿license>执照silly>愚蠢的earring>耳环instead of>代替stay up>熬夜concentrate>集中concentrate on>专注于study>研究design>设计present>礼物;现在at present>目前opportunity>机会volunteer>志愿者local>当地experience>经验member>成员mess>乱七八糟old people"s home> 老人院reply>答复newsletter>时报obey>服从in the way>在路上achieve>实现race>比赛realistic>实际的taught>教importance>重要性care>照料care about>关心succeed>成功point>点Kathy>人名Unit 4million>百万medical>医疗的research>研究tie>领带worry>烦恼what if>如果...将会怎么样pimple>丘疹exam>考试energetic>精力充沛的confident>自信的permission>许可herself>她自己bother>打搅 the slightest>一点也不annoy>使...苦恼fairly>公平地piety>虔诚plenty of>许多get along wiht>和某人相处circle>圆周listener>收听者knowledgeable>聪明的represent>表现let...down...> 使人失望come up with>提出rest>休息aid>帮助first-aid>急救nearby>附近的shelf>架子come out>出来cover>表面press>压力deep>深处downstairs>楼下correct>正确的burn>烧伤knee>膝盖pain>痛苦hurt>伤害safety>安全offer>提议refuse>垃圾;拒绝;废物helpful>有帮助的treat>招待burn>烧伤Spotty>人名Unit 5belong>属于belong to>属于author>作家picnic>野餐hair band>发带possibly>可能地drop>掉下symphony>交响乐optometrist>验光师appointment>预约crucial>决定性的make up>组成final>最后anxious>忧虑的worried>焦虑的owner>拥有者Oxford University > 牛津大学chase>追求sky>天空helicopter>直升机creature>生物catch>抓住unhappy>不快乐的extremely>极端的interview>面试noise>响声wind>风neighbor>邻居footstep>脚步garbage>垃圾mystery>神秘的事物director>领导者monkey>猴子escape>逃跑bark>犬吠smell>气味finger>手指lift>举起stone>石头ant>蚂蚁ocean>大海dishonest>不诚实的pretend>假装use up>用光attempt>尝试Hemingway>海明威Mark Twain>马克吐温Fred>弗雷德Review of units 1-5net>网turn off>关掉polar bear>北极熊Vietnam>越南Unit 6prefer>宁可lyric>歌词gentle>温和的dislike>嫌恶remind>提醒heart>心string>线sink>污水沟Yellow River>黄河fisherman>渔夫latest>最近entertainment>娱乐feature>特征photography>摄影gallery>画廊photographer>摄影师display>展览on display>展览photograph>相片interest>兴趣classs>级别whatever>不管怎样的miss>想念;错过suggest>建议energy>活力okay>>赞成con>反对honest>诚实的course>课程suit>适合suit sb.(fine) >适合某人expect>期待;except>除了sweet>甜蜜蜜taste>味道to be honest>老实说be bad for>对...有害actually>实际上fry>油炸食物mainly>主要地stay away from>从……离开be in agreement>一致itself>它本身laboratory>实验室type>类型cancer>癌症barbecue>烧烤increase>提高risk>风险biscuit>饼干main>主要部分exclamation>惊叹词tag>标签contraction>收缩tasty>好吃的vegetarian>素食者shock>震惊Carmen>人名Dan>々々Unit 7tiring>麻烦的educational>教育的peaceful>和平的fascinating>迷人的thrilling>毛骨悚然的take it easy>放轻松点Florida>佛罗里达州trek>辛苦的长途旅行Amazon>亚马孙jungle>丛林fall>秋天(美)Niagara Falls>尼加拉大瀑布touristy>多游览者的spotlight>聚焦灯;公众注意中心consider>考虑lively>活泼的sight>视力;景观;眼界including>包括tower>塔Eiffel>埃菲尔cathedral>大教堂Notre Dame Cathedralchurch>教堂convenient>方便的underground>地铁;秘密活动general>上将;普遍的in general>总之wine>葡萄酒translate>翻译pack>包裹light>灯;光;轻;点燃;点着wonderful>令人惊奇的Ace Travel>旅游社名eastern>东方的provide>提供firm>公司spot>地点;现场Confucius>孔子sail>航行Pacific>太平洋finding>发现thousands of>数以千计as soon as possible>尽快地continue>继续programming>规划translator>翻译者report>报导willing>乐意的be willing to>乐意做某事quite a few>相当多的dream>梦想dream of>梦想着sportspeople>爱运动的人conclusion>结论hold on to>紧抓come true>实现attitude>态度Unit 8clean up>打扫hunger>饥饿homeless>无家可归的cheer>愉快give out>耗尽;发放clean-up>扫除sign>标志;告示advertisement>广告put off>推迟;延迟set up>创建;开办establish>建立think up>想出major>主要的commitment>奉献;忠诚elementary>基础的;小学的veterinarian>兽医coach>教练;指导take after>(在外貌、性格等方面)与(父母等)相像fix>修理;修补fix up>修理;修补give away>赠送;分发repair>修理;修补similar>相似的;相仿的put up>张贴;搭建ask for>要求;请求hand out>分发;发放call-in>(=phone-in)听(观)众来电直播节目strategy>方法;策略work out>产生结果;发展website>网页disabled>肢体残疾的organization>组织;机构fill>装满;填满pleasure>愉快;高兴blind>盲的deaf>聋的unable>不能的;不会的cannot>(=con"t)imagine>想象shut>关上(门、窗、盖等)turn off关电器carry>搬运;携带help(sb.)out>帮组(某人)解决困难specially>特意地;专门地fetch>拿来;青来at once>立即;马上suppor>支持;帮组appreciate>感激donation>捐赠物;捐赠part of speech词性;词类pronoun>代词adverb>副词preposition>介词conjunction>连词donate>捐赠;赠送Jimmy>人名Sally>々々Unit 9invent>发明;创造calculator>计算机be used for>用来做……scoop>勺子adjustable>可调节的heel>脚后跟;鞋跟battery>电池operate>操作;作业battery-operated>电池供电的slipper>拖鞋heat>加热;是变热bulb>电灯泡;电灯light bulb>电灯泡microwave>微波microwave oven>微波炉crispy>脆的;易碎的salty>咸的;含盐的sour>酸的;酸味的by mistake>错误的chef>大厨sprinkle>撒;洒by accident>偶然地;意外地beverage>饮料accordin to>根据;据…所说ancient>古代的;古老的legend>传说;传奇故事Shen Nong>神农bush>灌木;灌木丛fall into>落入;陷入remain>留下;被遗留notice>注意到;察觉到produce>生产;制造pleasant>合意的;舒适的mixture>混合;混合剂in this way>这样pie>馅饼flying>飞盘bakery>面包店Bridgeport>布里奇波特市(美国康涅狄格州西南部港市)Connecticut>康涅狄格州throw>投;抛taste>味道;风味lemon>柠檬cookie>曲奇饼;小甜饼abacus>算盘binoculars>双筒望远镜century>世纪;百年rank>顺序;级别active>活动的;积极的indoors>在户内create>创造;创作wooden>木制的knock>敲;击;碰撞knock into>与……相撞divide>分开;划分aim>目标;目的basket>篮;框metal>金属hoop>环;圈;篮圈shoot>投篮;射击below>在……的下面backboard>篮板;背板guide>指导;带领towards>向着;朝着court>球场Berlin>柏林develop>发展popularity>普及;流行risen>rise的过去分词worldwide>世界范围的;世界性的association>协会equipment>装备;器材Chelsea Lanmon人名Jayce Coziar>Jamie EllsworthJulie ThompsonCrumJames NaismithUnit 10by the time>到……时候gotten>get的过去分词oversleep>睡过头go off>发出响声rush>冲;奔run off>跑掉;迅速离开on time>准时lock>锁上;锁relative>亲属;亲戚broke>break的过去式break down>停止运行;出故障fool>白痴;欺骗costume>成套服装;戏装embarrassed>尴尬的;为难的empty>空的;排空show up>出席;露面exhausted>及其疲惫的describe>描述;描绘April Fool"s Day>愚人节announce>宣布;宣告Mars>火星convincing>令人信服的panic>恐慌;惊恐set off>激起;引起authority>权威机构;行政管理机构reveal>揭示;揭露hoax>骗局;恶作剧flee>逃;逃走fled>flee的过去式及过去分词spaghetti>意大利面farmer>农夫;农场主sell out>卖完;售完girlfriend>女友marry>嫁;娶;与……结婚thrill>(使)非常激动get married>结婚ending>结局;结尾embarrassing>令人尴尬的a piece of>一片Orson>人名Review of units 6-10Halloween>万圣节前夕Holland>荷兰Qomolangma>珠穆朗玛峰Unit11restroom>公共厕所shampoo>洗发水drugstore>杂货店;药店cafe>咖啡馆;小餐馆department>部门;局;部department store>超市escalator>电动扶梯magic>魔术;魔力fresh>新鲜的block>街区;街短oak>橡树;橡木uncrowded>不拥挤的;宽敞safe>安全的;可靠的slide>滑道;滑动装置water slide>水滑道clown>小丑staff>职员;工作人员organized>有这种的dress up>装扮;穿上盛装market>市场;集市广场lend>借给;借出 borrow借入park>公园;停车alright>=all right好吧direct>直接的;直率的order>命令;指示wonder>觉得奇怪;想知lead>引导;引诱trouble>麻烦;烦恼offend>冒犯;得罪certain>某些;某个structure>结构;构造hand in>交上;提交Dean>SunvilleKilleenValveWestUnit12shake>摇动;震动shake hands>握手custom>风俗习惯;习俗bow>鞠躬;弯腰kiss>吻;亲吻Cali>卡利Colombia>哥伦比亚relaxed>放松的;宽松的drop by>顺便拜访Lausanne>洛桑Switzerland>瑞士land>国土;国家after all>毕竟;终究towards>对于;关于greet>问候;打招呼Peru>秘鲁pick>捡起;拾起pick up>捡起;拾起wipe>察;措;抹napkin>餐巾make a noise>发出令人不愉快的声音stick>刺;插rude>粗鲁的;无礼的point>指向go out of one"s way to do sth. >特地(不怕麻烦地)做某事make sb. feel at home>是某人感到宾至如归manner>礼貌table manners>餐桌礼仪be/get used to>习惯于fork>叉;餐叉full>吃饱的;过饱的lap>大腿elbow>肘部gradually>逐渐地;渐渐地particular>特殊的;独特的compliment>称赞;恭维toast>敬酒;祝酒unfamiliar>不熟悉的;陌生spoon>匙;调羹knife>刀;餐刀crowd>挤满;充满rubbish>垃圾;废物seek>寻找;探究chatline>聊天热线online>联网;在线type>打字mostly>多半;主要地abbreviation>缩略词;缩写式form>组成;构成phrase>短语;词组homophone>同音异型异议词combine>结合;组合symbol>象征;标志;符号punctuation>标点符号mark>记号;符号emotion>情感;感情emoticon>由字符组成的图释colon>冒号bracket>括号beside>在……旁边e-mail>riddle>谜语learn…by oneself>自学experiment>试验;实验proper>合适的pleased>高兴的;满意的queue>排队normally>正常地;通常whose>水的Teresa>人名LopezMarcLeBlancUnit 13lagoon>泻湖;环礁湖scientific>科学的therefore>因此;所以pink>粉红色的lighting>光线;照明hard>坚硬的;坚固的serve>招待;端上fair>公平的;公道的campaign>运动endangered>濒临灭绝的slogan>标语;口号mysterious>不可思议的shiny>有光泽的skin>皮肤product>产品lookout>前景beauty>美keep out>呆在外边stardust>星团;幻觉advertising>广告;广告活动pros and cons>正面和反面aim>瞄准aim at>瞄准;针对specifically>特定地;明确的instance>例子;实例for instance>例如;比如list>列出;列举confusing>令人困惑的misleading>令人误解的truth>真实;真相at times>有时;偶尔to start with>首先tense>紧张的;焦虑的home-made>自制的;DIYschoolbag>书包purple>紫色的purse>钱包;女用小包guilty>内疚的;有罪的taste>品味;审美力saying>格言警句;谚语thought>思想;考虑count>有价值;重要Unit 14bathing>游泳;洗澡suit>(一套)衣服bathing suit>游泳衣;泳装towel>毛巾;手巾water>浇水;水guidebook>手册;指南clean out>清除;打扫干净refrigerator>冰箱garage>车房;车库suitcase>(旅游用)衣箱get back to sb. >过一会再给某人电话chop>砍;劈;剁wood>木头;木材light>点燃;点着well>井水;井farm>农场;农庄anyway>不管怎样award>奖赏;奖金wave>波浪;波涛scene>舞台hit>成功且轰动一时的事物appear>出现;露面lead>领导的;领先的lead singer>主唱some day>将来的某一天be off>离开;走开poem>诗;韵文cupboard>食橱;橱柜turn>依次轮到的机会mail>邮件ancestor>祖先;祖宗root>根;根源overseas>海外的;国外的homeland>家乡;祖国government>政府so far>到目前为止southern>南方的go for walks>去散步villager>村民;乡村居民thanks to>幸亏;由于strongly>坚定的;坚决的purpose>目的;意图step>步;脚步;步骤look forward>盼望;期待CrystalEliseMariahCareyUnit 15manatee>海牛furry>皮毛的enormous>巨大的;庞大的playful>顽皮的aggressive>侵犯的;挑衅的gary>灰色spotted>有斑点的kangaroo>袋鼠chimpanzee>黑猩猩cheetah>猎豹mangrove>红树swamp>沼泽habitat>生长环境aquatic>水生的;栖水的feed>饲料underwater>在水下vegetation>植物;草木weigh>称;称…重量pound>磅discover>发现;发觉polluted>被污染的present progressive>现在进行时present simple>一般过去时infinitive>动词原型;不定式passive>被动语态present perfect>现在完成时suitable>适合的;适宜的tiny>极小的;微小的cage>笼子disgusted>厌恶的;憎恶的educate>教育培养care for>关心;照顾urge>强烈要求expression>词语;表达方式recycle>再循环;回收利用built>build的过去式及过去分词stuff>原料;材料pull>拉;拖;拔glue>粘贴;胶水roof>屋顶;房顶;顶discard>丢弃;抛弃tile>瓦片;瓷砖fence>栅栏;围墙can>容器recently>最近planet>行星society>社团;社会president>总统;总裁inspiration>灵感spare>多余的;空闲的model>模型winterbourne>人名Review of unit11-15material>材料;物质business>商业;生意plastic>塑料;塑制的certainly>确实地;无疑地proud>自豪的;骄傲的flag>旗;旗帜national flag>国旗
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1. 考古小知识英文 考古小知识英文 1.介绍考古学家的英文小文章 中国考古学奠基人之一夏鼐 Xia Nai (formerly romanized as Hsia Nai; 1910–1985) was a pioneering Chinese archaeologist. He was born in Wenzhou, southern Zhejiangprovince, and majored in economic history at the elite Tsinghua University in Beijing (BA, 1934), winning a scholarship to study abroad. He went to University College London and studied Egyptology earning a doctorate that was finally awarded to him in 1946. In the meantime, he had returned to China joining the staff of the Central Museum and then in 1944 joining the Department of Archaeology of the Institute of History and Philology, Academia Sinica (1943-1949), being acting director in 1948. When the Institute moved to Taiwan in 1949, Xia stayed behind in China, teaching at Zhejiang University for a year before joining the Chinese Academy of Sciences, eventually being director of its Institute of Archaeology (1962-1982). Before his death, he was First Vice President of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences. Thanks to his contributions to Chinese and world archaeology, he was one of the most honoured Chinese scholars in academe, receiving memberships from the British Academy (1974), the Swedish Royal Academy of Letters, History, and Antiquities (1983), and the U.S. Academy of Sciences (1984), among others. 2.关于考古的英文作品 专用名词:archaeometry 例句:Isotope *** ysis technology could reveal the latent information of archaeologicalremains effectively, which is an important tool for archaeometry. It is also the frontierof current international archaeology. 利用同位素分析技术可以有效地揭示考古遗存中蕴含的潜信息,这是科技考古的重要组成部分,也是当前国际考古学研究的前沿和热点问题之一。3.找文物保护的小文章 一定是英文的 Great Wall future more secureBEIJING - Mongol hordes, Japanese soldiers and Red Guards -- China"s Great Wall has seen them all off in its more than 2,000-year history.Today, tourists, ravers and newly rich Beijingers on weekend jaunts are pounding parts of the wall to dust.But a new law which came into effect on December 1, has left one campaigner hopeful about the wall"s future."I"m optimistic about this century. The next 30 years are going to be a period where destruction of the wall is going to be much, much less," said William Lindesay, founder and director of International Friends of the Great Wall."I"ve seen more sites being reconstructed in an authentic way, and also I"ve discovered hope with local people and also determination amongst local officials," he told the Foreign Correspondents" Club in Beijing on Friday."They"ve realized that people e to China, and top of the list is the Great Wall of China," said the British geographer, who has just finished a project documenting how the wall has changed since the first pictures of it were taken 135 years ago.The pressures on the wall are enormous.Lindesay said that some parts now receive more visitors a month than they saw in the past three centuries bined."Finally I think the government"s realized that the Great Wall is perceived by ordinary people as one of the great things of China," he said.The Great Wall, which snakes its way across more than 6,400 km (4,000 miles), receives an estimated 10 million visitors a year, many to the 10 km segment open to tourists at Badaling, the nearest stretch to Beijing.The wall, which the United Nations listed as a World Heritage Site in 1987, has been rebuilt many times through the centuries, and many sections of it have suffered serious damage from weather erosion and human destruction.Visitors climb wilder, crumblier sections that are not officially open to the public and some stretches have bee popular sites for summer raves."The last century couldn"t have been much worse," Lindesay said. "Even into the 1990s I have seen farmers with hoes di *** antling towers, putting the bricks in their baskets to carry downhill to build pig sties and outhouses and toilets."Last month, police said three people had used excavators to take earth from the remains of part of the wall in Inner Mongolia to use as landfill for a village factory.The village head protested that it was "just a pile of earth," state media reported.The new law means that now people taking earth or bricks from the Great Wall can be fined up to 500,000 yuan ($63,950).In another sign that the government was finally taking conservation seriously, Lindesay said the Badaling stretch -- so touristy it even has a Starbucks -- would undergo a radical facelift, with all development having to move 3 km back."It"s not going to be easy," he said."The greatness of the Great Wall is its totality. If the gaps get larger, it"s not such a great wall."。 4.小知识英文怎么翻译 小知识的英文:tips 一、词汇解析 tips 英 [tu026aps] 美 [tu026aps] n. 秘诀,技巧;小知识;小贴士,小窍门 例:The sleeves covered his hands to the tips of his fingers. 衣袖遮住了他的手,一直盖到他的手指尖。 例:He leaned away from her, and she had to tip her head back to see him. 他侧身避开她,她只得向后侧过头来看他。 二、关于tips的短语 1、tip of the day 每日提示 2、wing tip 翼尖 3、leave a tip 付小费 4、tip off 向…透露消息 扩展资料 近义词 1、knowledge 英 ["nu0252lu026adu0292] 美 ["nɑlu026adu0292] n. 知识,学问;知道,认识;学科 例:She disclaims any knowledge of her hu *** and"s business concerns. 她自称不知道丈夫生意上的顾虑。 2、technique 英 [tek"niu02d0k] 美 [tu025bk"nik] n. 小技巧,技术;手法 例:This technique helps you determine the origin of any requirement. 这个技术帮助你确定任何需求的起源。 5.英语作文.Ihanvadream我想做一个考古学家,感激不尽.最好有中文解释 I hanv a dreamwhen i was young,I have a dream that I want to be an archaeologist.It was where my interest lay.I like studying history very much.Each time I see antique,i cannot stop myself but finding out where does it e from,how does it show.for some many reasons,I choose archaeology as my major.In this way no wonder I can learn more knowledge about archaeologist.Thanks to my teacher and clas *** ates,I can easily get the answer to my questions.I believe that through my effort I can realize my dream sooner or later.当我小的时候,就有一个梦想:成为考古学家.这个是我的兴趣所在,我非常热忠于研究历史.每次我看见古董就情不自禁地想要找出它的来源,它的历史,它隐藏的含义.出于众多原因,在报专业的时候我选择了考古学.因此我可以学到更多关于考古的知识.在老师和同学们的帮助下我解答了诸多疑问.我坚信通过我的努力我的梦想终会实现.。 6.英语作文My Dream,我想当考古学家,60词,说说考古学家可以做出 My dream I have a dream that one day I can be an archaeologist and study old things with my favourate girl/boy. You may ask me why I want to be an archaeologist, here es my answer. To be an archaeologist can not only satisfy my desire to explore new things but also expand my knowledge about the history. What"s more, it can bring a lot of wealth both materially and spiritually for not only me but also the whole world. Last but not least, as I"m a quiet girl/boy, I hope to have a museful work with not a lot talk。 7.高中关于建筑学或考古学的英语作文 archaeology is a source of history, not just a bumble auxiliary discipline. archaeological data are historical documents in their own right, not mere illustrations to written texts, just as much as any other historian, an archaeologist studies and tries to reconstitute the process that has created the human world in which we live - and us ourselves in so far as we are each creatures of our age and social environment. archaeological data are all changes in the material world resulting from human action or, more succinctly, the fossilized results of human behavior. the sum total of these constitutes what may be called the archaeological record. this record exhibits certain peculiarities and deficiencies the consequences of which produce a rather superficial contrast between archaeological history and the more familiar kind based upon written records. not all human behavior fossilizes. the words i utter and you hear as vibrations in the air are certainly human changes in the material world and may be of great historical significance. yet they leave no sort of trace in the archaeological records unless they are captured by a dictaphone or written down by a clerk. the movement of troops on the battlefield may "change the course of history," but this is equally ephemeral from the archaeologist"s standpoint. what is perhaps worse, most organic materials are perishable. everything made of wood, hide, wool, linen, grass, hair, and similar materials will decay and vanish in dust in a few years or centuries, save under very exceptional conditions. in a relatively brief period the archaeological record is reduce to mere scraps of stone, bone, glass, metal, and earthenware. still modern archaeology, by applying appropriate techniques and parative methods, aided by a few lucky finds from peat-bogs, deserts, and frozen soils, is able to fill up a good deal of the gap. 8.关于是否花时间考古的英语作文 Changes about myself I am a little girl with a long/short hair.Great changes about me have taken place in the last few years.I remember clearly that I was about ** cm tall in the primary school (填写你小学时的身高,记得单位是里面哟),but now I am ** cm taller than before.I weighed ** kg,but I can weigh ** kg now.(以前和现在的体重对比,单位KG) when I was in grade one I hate English very much.With the help of many English teachers,I bea interested in English and I can pass the exam now.These are my changes and what about you?。
2023-07-25 07:46:391


1.really2.which can be dance to3.heard from to5.prefer that has lyrics6.remind me of7.think about feel8.Whatever you do
2023-07-25 07:46:492


tour 是旅游(指旅游这件事情) tourism 是旅游业 tourist 是游客(旅游的人) touristy 是游客多的、很混乱的地方(含贬义,非常不常用的词) 这里 tourist handbook,指游客手册,固定搭配~
2023-07-25 07:47:311


2023-07-25 07:47:414

初三英语题(正确形式填空)1.Why do you like to trek throught the jungle?B?

1.exciting 你为什么喜欢穿越从林? 由于我喜欢精彩(原意是令人激动的,我这里是意译)的假期. 这里要形容词有exciting、excited 区别在于exceting通常形容物或事,而exceted则是形容人或心情.所以用exciting 2.liveliest 巴黎是是欧洲最具活力的城市之一 lively是形容词这里要最高级,所以用liveliest 3.suggestions 你能给我些关于选择度假景点的建议么? suggeest是动词,这里要名词且因为是可数名词所以加s 4.touristy 纽约每年有很多游客.这是个适合观光的地方. tourist是名词这里要形容词所以用touristy,1,excitly most lively suggestment touristful,2,1.exciting 2. liveliest 3. suggestions 4. touristy,2,1:exceting 因为exceting通常形容物或事,而exceted则是形容人或心情,excite本身是动词,没有做形容词的作用 2:livelist 因为lively是形容词,表示真实的,栩栩如实生的,本句中出现的句型是最高级,所以用liveliest 3:suggestions 因为suggeest是动词,而句中出现形式是名词,又因为...,2,exciting 做定语修饰vacations,excited不能做定语 livelist 最高级为livelist suggestions some后加名词,suggestion有复数形式 touristy 受游者喜欢的,2,well, 1. exciting.-你为啥喜欢去穿越丛林。—我喜欢令人兴奋的假期。doing是现在分词,做定语表示使人兴奋的。 2。巴黎是最具活力的城市之一。liveliest。one of the 加最高级adj+n表示最。。。之一的。 3。你能给我些关于选择度假景点的建议么?suggestions,建议, n,可数,前面有some,所以用复数。 4。每...,2,+490018101 我师傅 过8J了 以后有什么不懂也能问她,2,1.exciting 2.lively 3.suggestions 4.touri *** ,2,excitly most lively suggestment touristful,2,1.exciting,你为何喜欢穿越丛林,因为我喜爱令人兴奋的旅程.exciting在此修饰丛林,指令人兴奋的物.若是excited指自己的心情就少表语不通. 2.livelest.巴黎是欧洲最有活力的城市之一.用最高级. 3.suggestions,你能为我提供一些关于景点的建议吗?用可数名词复数形式. 4.touristy.纽约每年有很多的游客.它可真是个旅游盛地.用t...,2,1、exciting 2、livelist 3、suggestion 4、touristly,1,答案: 1. exciting 2. liveliest 3. suggestions 4. touristy,1,1、exciting 2、liveliest 或者不变! 3、suggestion 4、touristly 绝对正确。,1,exciting 令人激动的;令人兴奋的 most lively 最具活力的 suggestions 名词 建议;意见 touristful,1,exciting most lively suggestions touristful,1,1.exciting 2.most lively 3.suggestions 4.touristful,1,1.excited修饰vacations的,而不是做like的的表语。 2.most lively 修饰cities名词,one of后应该用最高级,而lively是三音节词,所以用most 3.suggestions是名词,some后加名词 4.touristy是形容词,意思是:受游者喜欢的。,1,1.exciting 2.most lively 3.suggestions 4.touristy,1,1.exciting 2.most lively 3.suggestions 4.touristy,1,excited liveliest suggestion touri *** ,0,excited most lively suggestions tourist,0,1.exciting(若是以人做主语就是excited ,若是以物做主语就用exciting,而vacation是物,所以这里用exciting) 2.most lively(one of 的后面跟形容词的最高级,名词复数形式) 3.suggestions(suggest是动词,而这里的建议讲的是名词,所以要用suggestion,又因为前面讲的是some,suggestion又是...,0,1.Why do you like to trek throught the jungle? Because I like exciting (excite) vacations. 2.Paris is one of the most lively(lively) cities in Europe. 3.Could you please give me some suggestions(suggest) for vacation spots? 4.There are many visitors everyyear in New York.It"s very touristful(tourist),0,1.exciting(主语是物,所以用它) 2.most lively (the+最高级,为什么加最高级呢?范围是In Europe) 3.suggestions (some 要修饰名词且是可数名词拉) 4.touristy (very是副词,副词修饰形容词),0,1. exciting 2. liveliest 3. suggestions 4. touristy,0,exciting live suggestion tourisity,0,1、exciting 因为like是动词,excite应变动名词exciting 2、most lively 因为原句说的是最高级,lively是多元音词,应在前面加most 3、suggestions 因为suggeest是动词,应转变成名词,就是suggestion,而建议不能仅仅是一条,所以加复数,最后答案suggestions 4、touristy 因为very是程...,0,初三英语题(正确形式填空) 1.Why do you like to trek throught the jungle? Because I like _____ (excite) vacations. 2.Paris is one of the _____ (lively) cities in Europe. 3.Could you please give me some _____(suggest) for vacation spots? 4.There are many visitors everyyear in New York.It"s very_____(tourist) 请说明理由,并翻译,分还加哦,快啊!!
2023-07-25 07:48:301

以New York写一篇英语作文.要用到touristy/fascinating/

New York is a fasnating city of America.It is very beautiful and busy.Many people live in there,but they are not all Americans,some of them are from froeign country,they go to there to find a better job.New York is a big city,it has many shops and companies.And it is also famous for tour.Every year,there are many tourists,they go to they to have a look at the big city"s beauty and share the life with local people .New York is a touristy city,too.
2023-07-25 07:48:371

以New York写一篇英语作文。要用到touristy/fascinating/

2023-07-25 07:48:442


动词变名词1.v+ ment 结尾achieve --- achievement 成就advertise --- advertisement 广告agree --- agreement 同意apartment 公寓amusement 娱乐argue --- argument 争吵commit --- commitment 奉献compliment 称赞,恭维develop --- development 发展disgree --- disagreement 不赞同department 局,部experiment 实验,试验equip 装备 --- equipment 装备,器材govern 统治 --- government 政府manage---management 经营 管理2.V+ tion 结尾admit --- admission 承认attract --- attraction 吸引conclude --- conclusion 结论compete --- competition 竞争,比赛discuss --- discussion 讨论educate --- education 教育decide --- decision 决定describe --- description描写,描绘express ----expression 词语;表达graduate --- graduation 毕业operate --- operation 操作,动手术organize ---organizationimagine --- imagination 想象力introduce ---introduction 介绍instruct --- instruction 指导, 介绍invent--- inventor / invention 发明illustrate --- illustration 阐明,举例说明invite --- invitation 邀请inspire---inspiration 灵感,鼓舞人心的pollute --- pollution 污染predict ---prediction 预言pronounce ---pronunciationresolve --- resolution 决心impress --- impression 印象permit --- permission 允许suggest ---suggestion 建议,暗示solve ---solution 解决方法3.V+ ance 结尾allow --- allowance 允许appear --- appearance 外貌 ,出现perform --- performance 演出exist --- existance 存在4.V+ ing 结尾bathe 洗澡 ---bathingend 结束 --- ending 结尾,结局train 训练---trainingmean ---- meaning 意义say--- saying 谚语remind --- reminding提醒5.V+ 其他beg(乞讨)---beggar 乞丐sit---seat 座位employ- --employer 雇主,老板 ---employee雇员believe --- belief 信仰behave 行为,举止--- behavior 行为know--- knowledge 知识fly--- flight 飞行heat 加热---heat 热量hit 撞击 --- hit 轰动一时的人或物mix 混合 --- mixture 混合物press 按,压 --- pressure 压力receive --- receptionist 接待员serve --- service 服务succeed ---success 成功tour 在...旅游,在...作巡回演出 直接+地点 tour China---tour 旅游/ tourist 游客pursue --- pursuit 追求,从事propose --- proposal 建议withdraw --- withdrawal 取钱;收回;撤退survive --- survival--survivor 幸存者arrive --- arrival到达analyze --- analysis 分析名词/动词变形容词名词/动词变形容词1名词+yanger --- angry 生气的honest --- honesty 诚实的hunger---hungry 饥饿的fog--- foggy 有雾的fur--- furry 毛皮的guilt 罪恶---guilty 内疚的health---healthy 健康的luck---lucky 幸运的cloud---cloudy 多云的wind—windy 多风的rain---rainy 多雨的snow---snowy 多雪的sun--- sunny 阳关灿烂的tourist --- touristy 游客多的business---busy 忙碌的salt 盐--- salty 咸的shine---shiny 发亮的silk 丝绸 ---silky 丝绸般的sleep--- sleepy 昏昏欲睡的taste 口味,品味--- tasty 甜的fish---fishy 怀疑的2.名词/动词+ edbalance --- balanced 平衡的spot 斑点,地点 --- spotted 有斑点的talent --- talented 有天赋的organize ---organized 有组织的distust ---distusted 厌恶的offend ---offended 生气的crowd ---crowded 拥挤的pollute ---polluted 被污染的please ---pleased 高兴的3.名词+ ful/lessmeaning --- meaningful 有意义的care --- careful/ careless 小心的;粗心的help--- helpful / helplesshome --- homeless 无家可归的colour--- colourful 多彩的pain 疼痛 ---painful 痛苦的use--- useless/ useful 有用的thank--- thankful 充满感激的peace 和平 --- peaceful 平静的,宁静的play --- playful 顽皮的,爱玩耍的4.名词/动词+ able还有一般以e 结尾的词,去e 加able,change --- changeable 易变的动词以辅音加y结尾 把y变i 加able ,deny--- deniable 可否认的rely--- reliable 可靠的adjust---adjustable 可调整的comfort---comfortable 舒适的knowledge---knowledgeable 知识渊博的suit 一套---suitable 合适的5.名词+ ouscourage---courageous 勇敢的danger--- dangerous 危险的mystery 神秘--- mysterious 神秘的6.ce 变 tconfidence--- confident 自信的difference---different 不同的dependence --- dependent 依赖他人的independence--- independent 独立的7. al 结尾addition--- additional 附加的,额外的class--- classical 经典的medicine 药---medical 医学的music--- musical 音乐的nature---natural 自然的person---personal (私人的)nation--- national 国家的education---educational有教育意义的tradition--- traditional 传统的origin起源---original 新颖的;独创的grammar--- grammatical 语法的globe--- global 全球的8.名词+ lyfriend--- friendly 友好的live---lively 活跃的,有生气的love---lovely 可爱的week---weekly 每周的man---manly 男子气概的;强壮的9.+ en 结尾wood--- wooden 木制的wool--- woolen 羊毛的10. 其他energy精力---energetic 精力充沛的strategy---strategic 战略的fool 傻子---foolish 愚蠢的freedom 自由---free 空的, 免费的height 高度---high 高的illness 疾病--- ill 生病的love---loving 慈爱的death---dead 死亡的pleasure---pleasant / pleasedpopularity 流行性---popularpride---proud 自豪的scientist---scientific 科学的
2023-07-25 07:48:541


1.He left the town five years ago.2. Generally speaking,HongKong is too touristy for tourists to find the hotel with good service.
2023-07-25 07:49:443


给你找了一下,希望对你有帮助。构词法:动词变名词 1.v+ ment 结尾 achieve---achievement 成就advertise--- advertisement// advertisingagree— (in )agreementapartment 公寓amusement 娱乐argue---argument争吵commit奉献—commitmentcompliment 称赞,恭维develop---developmentdisgree—disagreementdepartment 局,部experiment 实验,试验equip 装备---equipment 装备,器材 govern 统治—government 政府manage---management 经营 管理2.V+ tion 结尾attract吸引—attraction 有吸引力的事或人;令人向往的地方conclude—conclusion 结论compete—competition 竞争,比赛discuss—discussion 讨论educate-----educationdecide----decision describe—description描写,描绘express 表达----expression 词语;表达方式graduate 毕业—graduationoperate 操作,动手术—operationorganize----organization instruct—instruction 指导, 介绍invent—inventor / inventioninvite—invitation inspire---inspiration 灵感,鼓舞人心的---pollute----pollution 污染predict---prediction 预言 pronounce ---pronunciation resolve 决心-----resolution 决心permit 允许-----permission suggest-建议,暗示--suggestion solve解决-----solution 解决方法3.V+ ance 结尾appear—appearance 外貌 ,出现perform----performance 演出4.V+ ing 结尾bathe 洗澡---bathing end 结束----ending 结尾,结局train 训练---training mean ---- meaning 意义say-----saying 谚语5.V+ 其他Beg(乞讨)—beggar 乞丐behave 行为,举止----behaviorknow---knowledgefly—flight 飞行heat 加热---heat 热量hit 撞击------hit 轰动一时的人或物,碰撞mix 混合-----mixture 混合物press 按,压—pressure 压力sit-----seat 座位succeed-- successtour 在-----旅游,在-----作巡回演出 直接+地点 tour China ---tour 旅游/ tourist 游客名词变形容词1名词+y Anger 生气-----angryhunger---hungryfog—foggy有雾的fur----furry 毛皮的guilt 罪恶---guilty 内疚的health---healthyluck---luckycloud---cloudywind—windyrain---rainysnow---snowysun—sunnytourist------touristy 游客多的business---busysalt 盐--- salty 咸的shine---shiny 发亮的silk 丝绸—silky 丝绸般的sleep---sleepy 昏昏欲睡的taste 口味,品味------tasty 甜的2.名词+ edbalance –balanced 平衡的spot 斑点,地点----spotted 有斑点的talent-----talented 有天赋的organized 有组织的distusted 厌恶的offended 生气的crowded 拥挤的polluted 被污染的pleased 高兴的3.名词+ ful/lessmeaning—meaningful 有意义的care—careful/ careless 小心的;粗心的help---helpful / helplesshome—homeless 无家可归的colour---colourfulpain 疼痛---painful 痛苦的use---useless/ usefulthank—thankful 充满感激的peace 和平 ---- peaceful 平静的,宁静的playful 顽皮的,爱玩耍的4.名词+ ableadjustable 可调整的comfort---comfortableknowledge---knowledgeablesuit 一套-----suitable 合适的5.名词+ ousenormous 巨大的danger—dangerousmystery 神秘-----mysterious 神秘的6.ce 变 t confidence----confidentdifference---different7. al 结尾medicine 药----medical 医学的music---musicalnature---natural 自然的person---personal (私人的)nation—national 国家的education---educational有教育意义的tradition----traditional 传统的origin起源---original 新颖的;独创的8.名词+ lyfriend—friendlylive---lively 活跃的,有生气的love—lovely 可爱的9.+ en 结尾wood—wooden 木制的wool—woolen 羊毛的10. 其他energy精力---energeticfool 傻子—foolish 愚蠢的freedom 自由—free 空的, 免费的height 高度—highillness 疾病--- illlove—loving 慈爱的death---deadpleasure---pleasant / pleasedpopularity 流行性—popularpride---proudscientist----scientific 科学的方位的词表达 名词—形容词East—easternWest—westernSouth—southernNorth---northernIn the west of ChinaIn the western part of China四大洲 名词-----形容词Asia 亚洲–---- Asian Africa 非洲----- AfricanEurope欧洲----- European America 美洲-----American形容词变副词1. 形容词+ lybad—badlybright—brightly 明亮地casual—casually 随意地clear—clearly 清楚地complete—completely 完全correct---correctly 正确地final--finallyfortunate—fortunately幸运地general—generally 一般来讲loud—loudlyparticular 特殊的,独特的—particularlypolite—politely proper 合适的-,恰当的---properlymain------mainly 主要地 most 多数-----mostly 多半,大多数normal---normally 正常地quick—quicklyquiet—quietly 轻轻地,安静地real—reallyrecent 最近的----recently 最近;近来hard 难的;努力地---hardly 几乎不late 迟的—lately 最近;近来sad--sadlyslow---slowlyspecial—specially 专门,特殊地specific---specifically 特定地,明确地strong—strongly 坚决地, 强烈地sudden—suddenly突然usual—usually2. 以le 结尾的 去e + ycomfortable---comfortablygentle—gentlypossible---possiblysimple ----simply 仅仅;只;简单地terrible---terribly3. 辅音字母+ y 变 ilyeasy—easilyheavy—heavilyhappy--happily4.特殊good—well好地 well 身体健康的 ,井true—truly名词---形容词—副词beauty 美,美人—beautiful—beautifullycare—careful—carefullycare—careless—carelesslydifference---different---differentlyhappiness—happy—happilyhunger—hungry--hungrilyhealth—healthy—healthilyluck—lucky—luckilynoise—noisy—noisilypride—proud—proudly骄傲地sadness—sad—sadlysafety 安全;安全的地方—safe—safelysilence—silent---silently 默默地success—successful—successfullytruth—true—trulyunluck—unlucky—unluckilywonder 奇迹—wonderful—wonderfully既是形容词又是副词early get up early ; an early trainlate be late for classcome late for schooldeep dive deep into the sea a hole deep largehigh jump high; a high mountainhard a hard question;a hard stone work hard / study hardrain hardlong It takes too long It takes a long timefar jump far My home is far from school straight a straight line go straight along here
2023-07-25 07:49:511


Introduction of HangZhou Capital of Zhejiang Province, Hangzhou is a tourist city well known at home and abroad. It lieson the lower reaches of the Qiantang River and is the southern end of the l,794-kllometre-long Grand Canal (Beijing- Hangzhou Canal). With an area of 16,596 square kilometers inhabited by a population of 6.08 million, it embraces six urban districts and seven suburban counties, namely, Yuhang, Xiaoshan, Fuyang, Tonglu, Lin"an, Jiande and Chun"an. West Lake Lying on the west edge of Hangzhou city, West Lake is the symbol of Hangzhou as well as one of the most beautiful sights in China. Early in the Song dynasty, the famous poet Su Shi compared the lake to Xizi, a Chinese Cleopatra: "Ripping water shimmering on sunny day; Misty mountains wonder in the rain; Plain or gaily decked out like Xizi; the West Lake is always alluring". So the Lake is also known as Xizi Lake. With an area of 6 sq. km. and a circumference of 15km (9 miles), West Lake, surround in three sides by rolling wooded hills, has captivated countless visitors for centuries. The beauty of the West Lake lies in a lingering charm that survives the change of seasons in a year, of hours in a day, and of different weathers. Lingyin Temple Located at the foot of the Lingyin Hill northwest of the city, Temple of Inspired Seclusion (Lingyin Temple) was built in the Eastern Jin dynasty (317-420). The 33.6-metre-high main hall (Sakyamuni Hall) is a masterpiece of ancient buildings with one story and doubled eaves. The two nine-storied octagonal pagodas in front of the main hall and the two stone towers containing the Buddhist sutras in front of the Lokapala Hall were all built in the Five dynasties (907-960). In the caves on the Feilai Hill, there are some 300 Buddhist stone carvings dating back to the Five dynasties, the Song dynasty (960-1279) and the Yuan dynasty (1271-1368). The elegant stone carvings are of high artistic value.
2023-07-25 07:50:132


1.The people in Chengdu are friendly.2.The weather in Chongqing is hot and wet.3.Shanghai is busy and crowded.4.The food in Hainan is not delicious at all while the beach there is very charming.
2023-07-25 07:50:214


(1) AAA型(动词原形、过去式、过去分词同形) cost(花费) cost cost cut(割) cut cut hit(打) hit hit hurt 伤害) hurt hurt let(让) let let put(放) put put read (读) read read *spread (伸展/ 传播) spread spread set (设置) set setshut (关上) shut shut(2) AAB型(动词原形与过去式同形) beat(跳动) beat beaten(3) ABA型(动词原形与过去分词同形) become(变成)became become come(来) came come run(跑) ran run(4) ABB型(过去式与过去分词同形) dig(挖) dug dug get(得到) got got hang(吊死) hanged hanged hang(悬挂) hung hung hold(抓住) held held lay (产卵) laid laid shine(照耀) shone shone sit(坐) sat sat win (赢) won won meet(遇见) met met keep (保持) kept kept sleep(睡) slept slept sweep(扫) swept swept feel(感觉) felt felt stick (粘贴 /刺) stuck stuck smell(闻) smelt smelt leave(离开) left left build(建设) built built lend(借出) lent lent send (传送) sent sent spend(花费) spent spent lose (丢失) lost lost burn (燃烧) burnt burnt stand(站) stood stood learn(学习) learnt learnt mean(意思是)meant meant catch(抓住) caught caught teach(教) taught taught bring(带来) brought brought fight (战斗) fought fought buy(买) bought bought think(想) thought thought hear (听见) heard heard sell(卖) sold sold tell(告诉) told told say(说) said said find(找到) found found feed ( 饲养 )fed fed have/has(有) had had make(制造) made made spell (拼写)spelt/spelled spelt/spelledsmell (闻)smelled /smelt smelled /smelt understand(明白)understood understood burn(燃烧) burnt / burned burnt / burned *lead (领导) led led (5) ABC型(动词原形、过去式与过去分词三者不同形) begin(开始)began begun drink(喝) drank drunk hide (躲藏)hid hidden ring(铃响) rang rung sing (唱) sang sung swim(游泳) swam swum blow(吹) blew blown draw (画) drew drawn fly(飞) flew flown grow(生长) grew grown know(知道) knew known throw(投掷)threw thrown show(出示) showed shown break(打破)broke broken choose(选择)chose chosen forget(忘记)forgot forgotten (forgot) freeze (结冰/ 凝固)froze frozen speak(说) spoke spoken wake(醒) woke woken drive(驾驶)drove driven eat(吃) ate eaten fall(落下) fell fallen give(给) gave given rise(升高) rose risen take(取) took taken mistake(弄错)mistook mistaken ride(骑) rode ridden write(写) wrote written do(做) did done go(去) went gone lie(平躺) lay lain see(看见) saw seen wear (穿) wore worn steal (偷) stole stolen be ( am, is, are )(是) was, were been *shake(动摇) shook shaken </B> 动词变名词1.v+ ment 结尾achieve---achievement 成就advertise--- advertisement// advertisingagree— (in )agreementapartment 公寓amusement 娱乐argue---argument争吵commit奉献—commitmentcompliment 称赞,恭维develop---developmentdisgree—disagreementdepartment 局,部experiment 实验,试验equip 装备---equipment 装备,器材 govern 统治—government 政府manage---management 经营 管理2.V+ tion 结尾attract吸引—attraction 有吸引力的事或人;令人向往的地方conclude—conclusion 结论compete—competition 竞争,比赛discuss—discussion 讨论educate-----educationdecide----decision describe—description描写,描绘express 表达----expression 词语;表达方式graduate 毕业—graduationoperate 操作,动手术—operationorganize----organization instruct—instruction 指导, 介绍invent—inventor / inventioninvite—invitation inspire---inspiration 灵感,鼓舞人心的---pollute----pollution 污染predict---prediction 预言 pronounce ---pronunciation resolve 决心-----resolution 决心permit 允许-----permission suggest-建议,暗示--suggestion solve解决-----solution 解决方法3.V+ ance 结尾appear—appearance 外貌 ,出现perform----performance 演出4.V+ ing 结尾bathe 洗澡---bathing end 结束----ending 结尾,结局train 训练---training mean ---- meaning 意义say-----saying 谚语5.V+ 其他Beg(乞讨)—beggar 乞丐behave 行为,举止----behaviorknow---knowledgefly—flight 飞行heat 加热---heat 热量hit 撞击------hit 轰动一时的人或物,碰撞mix 混合-----mixture 混合物press 按,压—pressure 压力sit-----seat 座位succeed-- successtour 在-----旅游,在-----作巡回演出 直接+地点 tour China ---tour 旅游/ tourist 游客名词变形容词1名词+y Anger 生气-----angryhunger---hungryfog—foggy有雾的fur----furry 毛皮的guilt 罪恶---guilty 内疚的health---healthyluck---luckycloud---cloudywind—windyrain---rainysnow---snowysun—sunnytourist------touristy 游客多的business---busysalt 盐--- salty 咸的shine---shiny 发亮的silk 丝绸—silky 丝绸般的sleep---sleepy 昏昏欲睡的taste 口味,品味------tasty 甜的2.名词+ edbalance –balanced 平衡的spot 斑点,地点----spotted 有斑点的talent-----talented 有天赋的organized 有组织的distusted 厌恶的offended 生气的crowded 拥挤的polluted 被污染的pleased 高兴的3.名词+ ful/lessmeaning—meaningful 有意义的care—careful/ careless 小心的;粗心的help---helpful / helplesshome—homeless 无家可归的colour---colourfulpain 疼痛---painful 痛苦的use---useless/ usefulthank—thankful 充满感激的peace 和平 ---- peaceful 平静的,宁静的playful 顽皮的,爱玩耍的4.名词+ ableadjustable 可调整的comfort---comfortableknowledge---knowledgeablesuit 一套-----suitable 合适的5.名词+ ousenormous 巨大的danger—dangerousmystery 神秘-----mysterious 神秘的6.ce 变 t confidence----confidentdifference---different7. al 结尾medicine 药----medical 医学的music---musicalnature---natural 自然的person---personal (私人的)nation—national 国家的education---educational有教育意义的tradition----traditional 传统的origin起源---original 新颖的;独创的8.名词+ lyfriend—friendlylive---lively 活跃的,有生气的love—lovely 可爱的9.+ en 结尾wood—wooden 木制的wool—woolen 羊毛的10. 其他energy精力---energeticfool 傻子—foolish 愚蠢的freedom 自由—free 空的, 免费的height 高度—highillness 疾病--- illlove—loving 慈爱的death---deadpleasure---pleasant / pleasedpopularity 流行性—popularpride---proudscientist----scientific 科学的方位的词表达 名词—形容词East—easternWest—westernSouth—southernNorth---northernIn the west of ChinaIn the western part of China四大洲 名词-----形容词Asia 亚洲–---- Asian Africa 非洲----- AfricanEurope欧洲----- European America 美洲-----American形容词变副词1. 形容词+ lybad—badlybright—brightly 明亮地casual—casually 随意地clear—clearly 清楚地complete—completely 完全correct---correctly 正确地final--finallyfortunate—fortunately幸运地general—generally 一般来讲loud—loudlyparticular 特殊的,独特的—particularlypolite—politely proper 合适的-,恰当的---properlymain------mainly 主要地 most 多数-----mostly 多半,大多数normal---normally 正常地quick—quicklyquiet—quietly 轻轻地,安静地real—reallyrecent 最近的----recently 最近;近来hard 难的;努力地---hardly 几乎不late 迟的—lately 最近;近来sad--sadlyslow---slowlyspecial—specially 专门,特殊地specific---specifically 特定地,明确地strong—strongly 坚决地, 强烈地sudden—suddenly突然usual—usually2. 以le 结尾的 去e + ycomfortable---comfortablygentle—gentlypossible---possiblysimple ----simply 仅仅;只;简单地terrible---terribly3. 辅音字母+ y 变 ilyeasy—easilyheavy—heavilyhappy--happily4.特殊good—well好地 well 身体健康的 ,井true—truly名词---形容词—副词beauty 美,美人—beautiful—beautifullycare—careful—carefullycare—careless—carelesslydifference---different---differentlyhappiness—happy—happilyhunger—hungry--hungrilyhealth—healthy—healthilyluck—lucky—luckilynoise—noisy—noisilypride—proud—proudly骄傲地sadness—sad—sadlysafety 安全;安全的地方—safe—safelysilence—silent---silently 默默地success—successful—successfullytruth—true—trulyunluck—unlucky—unluckilywonder 奇迹—wonderful—wonderfully既是形容词又是副词early get up early ; an early trainlate be late for classcome late for schooldeep dive deep into the sea a hole deep largehigh jump high; a high mountainhard a hard question;a hard stone work hard / study hardrain hardlong It takes too long It takes a long timefar jump far My home is far from school straight a straight line go straight along here
2023-07-25 07:51:031


这个在各个英语网上就有,由于太多,就不一一列举。以下是部分:Unit 2  used to 过去经常;以前常常(后接不定式,表示过去的习惯)  be interested in 对……感兴趣  airplane n. 飞机  terrify v. 使害怕;使恐惧  be terrified of 非常害怕的;极度恐惧的  go to sleep 入睡  on adj. 开着的;接通的;工作着的  insect n. 昆虫  candy n. 糖果  chew v. 嚼;咀嚼  gum n. 口香糖  chat v. 聊天;闲谈  daily adj. 每日的;日常的  comic n. 连环漫画;连环漫画杂志;(报纸上的)连环漫画栏  death n. 死;死亡  afford v. 买得起;负担得起  cause v. 造成;是发生  himself pron. (反身代词)他自己;他本身  patient adj. 有耐心的;忍耐的  in the end 最后;终于  decision n. 决定;决心  make a decision 做决定;下决心  head teacher 班主任  necessary adj. 必须的;必需的  to one"s surprise 令某人惊奇的是……  exactly adv. 正;恰恰  even though 即使;纵然;尽管  no longer 不再;已不  take pride in 对……感到自豪  attention n. 注意;专心;留心  pay attention to 对……注意;留心  give up 放弃;不一致;意见不合  waste v. 浪费;滥用  not...any more 不再;已不  Murray 默里
2023-07-25 07:51:303

求救basic 的词性转换

basic 形容词:最基本的base 名词:底座,基础 或者作不及物动词 based on sth.:根据某事basis: on the basis of ..在什么的基础上
2023-07-25 07:51:391


Unit 1flashcard 抽认卡vocabulary 词汇aloud 大声地pronunciation 发音specific 明确的memorize 记住grammar 语法differently 不同地frustrate 使厌烦 frustrating 令人失望的quickly 快地add 补充pronounce 发.....音;正确吐spoken 口语的slowly 慢地mistake 错误;过失make mistakes 犯错;出错comma 逗号challenge 挑战solution解决;解答later on 以后;随后realize 认识到;了解到matter 重要;要紧;有关系it doesn"t matter 没关系afraid 害怕的;犯愁的be afraid to 害怕去做;不敢去做laugh at 嘲笑;取笑complete 完整的;完全的secret 秘诀;诀窍;秘密learner 学习者take notes 做记录term 学期impress 使感动trouble 困难;苦恼;忧虑fast 快地look up 查阅;查找soft 软的;柔软的make up 编造;组成essay 文章deal 处理;应付deal with 处理unless 如果不;除非unfair 不公正的;不公平的solve 解决;解答regard 将……视为duty 责任;义务easily 容易地;简单地influence 影响;对……起作业be angry with 生……的气;对……感到气氛go by 过去;消逝friendship 友情;友谊;有爱lose 失去;丧失disagreement 分歧;不一致development 发育;成长;发展;进展adult 成年人try one"s best 尽力做……unimportant 不重要face 面临;面对;正视soldier 军人;士兵break off 突然中止;中断psychologist 心理学家Pierre 皮埃尔Antonio 安东尼奥Lillian 莉莲Stephen Hawking 史蒂芬•霍金Unit 2used to 过去经常be interested in 对……感兴趣airplane 飞机terrify 使害怕be terrified of 非常害怕的go to sleep 入睡on 开着的;工作着的insect 昆虫candy糖果chew 咀嚼gum 口香糖chat 聊天daily 日常的comic 连环漫画death 死亡afford 买得起;负担得起cause 造成;使发生himself 他自己patient有耐心的in the end 最后;终于decision 决定make a decision 做决定head teacher 班主任necessary 必须的to one"s surprise 令某人惊奇的是……exactly 正;恰恰even though 即使;纵然;尽管no longer 不再;已不take pride in 对……感到自豪attention 注意;专心;留心pay attention to 对……注意give up 放弃waste 浪费not ... any more 不再Murray 默里Unit 3pierce 刺穿;刺破license 执照;许可证silly 愚蠢的;傻的earring 耳环instead of 代替;而不是stay up 不睡觉;熬夜concentrate 集中;聚集concentrate on 全神贯注;专心于study 学习;研究design 设计;构思present 目前;现在at present 目前;现在opportunity 机会;时机volunteer 自愿;志愿者local 地方的;当地的experience 经历;体验member 会员;成员mess 混乱;脏乱old people"s home 养老院sleepy 困倦的;不活跃的reply 回答;答复newsletter 时事通讯;简报obey 服从;顺从in the way 挡道的;妨碍人的achieve 完成;实现race 赛宝;比赛realistic 现实的;注重实际的taught importance 重要;重要性care 关心;忧虑care about 担心;关心succeed 成功;达到;完成point 要点;论点Kathy 凯西Unit 4million 百万medical 医学的;医疗的research 研究;调查tie 领带worry 烦恼;忧虑what if 如果……将会怎么样pimple 小脓疱;丘疹exam 考试energetic 有活力的;精力充沛的confident 自信的;有把握的permission 允许;许可;准许herself 她自己bother 打扰not ... in the slightest 一点也不; 根本不annoy 使生气fairly 相当地,还算plenty充足;大量plenty of 很多的;足够的get along with 与……相处circle 圈子listener 听者;knowledgeable 知识渊博的;有见识的represent 代表;表示let ... down 使……失望或沮丧come up with 提出;想出rest 剩余部分;其余aid 帮助first-aid急救nearby 附近的;shelf 架子;搁板come out 出版;发表cover 覆盖press 按;压;挤deep 深的downstairs 顺楼梯二下;在楼下correct 对的;正确的burn 烧伤;knee 膝盖pain疼痛hurt 感到疼痛safety 安全offer 提供refuse 拒绝helpful 有帮助的;有用的treat 对待burn 火,热或酸造成的伤害或伤痕Spotty 多斑点的;Unit 5belong 属于belong to 属于author 作家picnic 郊游野餐hair band 发带possibly 可能地;也许drop 落下;掉下symphony 交响乐;交响曲optometrist 验光师;配镜师appointment 约会;约定crucial 关键的make up 组成final 最后的anxious 忧虑的worried 烦恼的owner 所有者;物主Oxford university 牛津大学chase 追赶sky 天空helicopter 直升机creature 生物;动物catch 赶上unhappy 不高兴的extremely 非常;极其interview 面试;采访;会见noise 噪音wind 风neighbor 邻居footstep 脚步声garbage 垃圾;废料mystery 神秘的食物director 主管;主任monkey 猴子escape 逃跑;逃走bark 犬声;叫声smell 气味finger 手指lift 举起;提升stone 石头;石块ant 蚂蚁ocean 海洋dishonest 不诚实的pretend 假装use up 用完;耗尽attempt 试图;企图Hemingway 海明威Mark Twain 马克•吐温Fred 佛雷德Review of units 1-5net 网;网状物turn off 关掉polar bear 北极熊Vietnam 越南Unit 6prefer 更喜爱lyric 歌词;抒情词句gentle 轻柔的;dislike 不喜欢remind of 提醒heart 内心string 细绳sink 下沉Yellow River 黄河fisherman 渔民latest 最近的entertainment 娱乐feature 特点photography 摄影gallery 美术馆photography 摄影者display 展览on display 陈列photography 照片interest 引起……关注class 等级whatever 不管什么miss 错过suggest 显示;暗示energy 活力okay 好的pro 赞成的观点con 反对的观点honest 诚实的course 课程suit 适合suit sb. (fine) 合某人的意expect 期待sweet 甜的taste 品尝to be honest 老实说be bad for 对……有害actually 实际上fry 油炸mainly 主要地stay away from 与……保持距离be in agreement 意见一致itself 他自己;laboratory 实验室type 类型;种类cancer 癌症barbecue 户外烤肉餐increase 增加risk 危险biscuit 饼干main 主要的exclamation 感叹号tag 附加疑问句contraction 缩略词tasty 味道好的vegetarian 素食主义者shock 使……震惊Carmen 卡门Dan 丹•德维什Unit 7tiring 引起疲劳的educational 教育的peaceful平静的fascinating 迷人的thrilling 令人激动的take it easy 从容Florida 佛罗里达州trek 旅行Amazon 亚马逊河jungle热带丛林fall 瀑布Niagara Fall 尼亚加拉大瀑布touristy 游客很多的spotlight 公众注意的中心consider 考虑lively 活泼的sight 名胜including 包含tower 塔楼Eiffel Tower 埃菲尔铁塔cathedral 总教堂Notre Dame Cathedral 巴黎圣母院church 教堂convenient 便利的underground 地下的general 一般事物in general 通常wine 葡萄酒translate 翻译pack 把……打包light 轻的wonderful 令人惊叹的Ace Travel eastern 东部的provide 提供firm 公司spot 地点Confucius 孔子sail 航行pacific 太平洋finding 发现thousands of 数以千计as soon as possible 尽快地continue 继续programming 编程translator 翻译员report 报道willing 乐意的be willing to 乐意(做某事)quite a few 相当多dream 做梦dream of 梦想sportspeople 爱好运动的人;运动员conclusion 结论hold on to 继续come true 实现attitude 态度Unit 8clean up 打扫干净hunger 饥饿homeless 无家可归cheer up 使振奋give out 分发;发放clean-up 打扫sign 标牌advertisement 广告put off 推迟set up 建立establish 建立think up 想出major 主要的commitment 奉献elementary 基础的veterinarian 兽医coach 训练take after 相像fix 修理fix up 修理give away 赠送repair 修理similar 相似的put up 张贴ask for 要求hand out 分发call-in 听众来电直播节目strategy 方法work out 发展website 站点disabled 肢体有残疾的organization 组织fill 装满pleasure 愉快blind 盲的deaf 聋的unable 不能的cannot imagine想象shut 关上carry 搬运help somebody out 帮助解决困难specially 特意地fetch 拿来at once 立即support 支持appreciate 感激donation 捐款part of speech 词性;词类pronoun 代词adverb 副词preposition 介词conjunction 连词donate 赠送Jimmy 吉米Sally 萨利UNIT 9invent 发明calculator 计算器be used for 用来做……scoop 勺子adjustable 可调整的heel 后跟battery 电池operate 操作battery-operated 电池供电的slipper 拖鞋heat 加热bulb 电灯light bulb 电灯泡microwave 微波microwave oven 微波炉crispy 脆的salty 咸的sour 酸的by mistake 错误地chef 厨师sprinkle 撒by accident 偶然地beverage 饮料according to 根据ancient 古代的legend 传说Shen Nong 神农bush 灌木fall into 落入remain 留下notice 注意到produce 生产pleasant 合意的mixture 混合in this way 这样pie 馅饼flying disk飞碟bakery 面包店Bridgeport 布里奇波特Connecticut throw 投taste 味道lemon 柠檬cookie 小甜饼abacus 算盘binoculars 双筒望远镜century 世纪;百年rank 顺序active 活动的indoors 在户内create 创造wooden 木制的knock 敲knock into 与……相撞divide 分开aim 目标basket 篮metal 金属hoop 环shot 投篮below 在……的下面backboard 篮板guide 指导towards 向着court 球场Berlin 柏林develop 发展popularity 普及;流行risenworldwide 世界性的association 协会equipment 装备Chelsea Lanmon 切尔西•来蒙Jayce Coziar 杰斯•克里亚Jamie Ellsworth 杰米•埃尔斯沃思Julie Thompson 朱莉•汤普森Crum 克拉姆James Naismith 詹姆斯•奈史密斯Unit 10by the time 到……时候gotten get的过去分词oversleep 睡过头go off 发出响声rush 冲run off 跑掉on time 准时lock 锁relative 亲属broke break的过去式break down 停止运转fool 愚弄;欺骗costume 成套服装embarrassed 尴尬的;为难的empty 空的;排空show up 出席exhausted 极其疲惫的describe 描述April Fool"s Day 愚人节announce 宣布Mars 火星convincing 令人信服的panic 恐慌set off 激起authority 权威机构reveal 揭露hoax 骗局flee 逃走fled spaghetti 意大利式细面条farmer 农夫sell out 卖完;girlfriend 女朋友marry 嫁;娶;与……结婚thrill 非常激动get married 结婚ending 结局embarrassing 令人尴尬的a piece of 一片Orson Wells 奥森•韦尔斯Review of units 6-10Halloween 万圣节前夕Holland 荷兰Qomolangma 珠穆朗玛峰Unit 11restroom 公共厕所shampoo 洗发剂drugstore 杂货店cafe 咖啡馆department 部;局;部门department store 百货商店escalator 电动扶梯magic 魔术;魔力fresh 新鲜的block 街区oak 橡树uncrowded 不拥挤的,宽敞的safe 安全的slide 滑道water slide 水滑道clown 小丑staff 职员organized 有组织的dress up 穿上盛装market 市场lend 借给park 停车alright 好吧direct 直接的order 命令wonder 觉得奇怪lead 引导trouble 烦恼offend 冒犯certain 某些structure 结构hand in 交上Dean 迪安Sunville (文中指一银行名)Killeen (文中指一咖啡馆名)Valve (文中指一杂货店名)West 韦斯特Unit 12 shake 摇动shake hands 握手custom 风俗;习俗;习惯bow 鞠躬;弯腰kiss 吻;亲吻Cali (哥伦比亚西部城市)卡利 Colombia 哥伦比亚relaxed 放松的drop by 顺便Lausanne 洛桑Switzerland 瑞士land 国家after all 毕竟towards 关于greet 问候Peru 秘鲁Pick 拾取pick up 捡起wipe 擦napkin 餐巾make a noise 发出令人不愉快的声音stick 刺rude 粗鲁point 指go out of one"s way to do sth. 特地做某事make sb. feel at home 使某人感到宾至如归manner 礼貌table manners 餐桌礼仪be used to /get used to 习惯于... fork 餐叉full 吃饱的;lap 大腿elbow 肘gradually 逐渐particular 逐渐地compliment 称赞toast 烤面包unfamiliar 不熟悉的spoon 调羹knife 刀crowd 挤满rubbish 垃圾seek 寻找chatline 聊天热线online 联机的type 打字mostly 多半abbreviation 缩略词form 构成phrase 短语homophone 同音异形异议词combine 结合symbol 象征punctuation 标点符号mark 记号emotion 情感emoticon 由字符组成的图释colon 冒号bracket 括号beside 在...旁边e-mail 电子邮件riddle 谜语 oneself 自学experiment 试验proper 合适的pleased 高兴的queue 一队人normally 通常whose 谁的Teresa 特丽萨Lopez 洛佩兹Marc 马克LeBlanc 勒布朗Unit 13Lagoon 泻湖scientific 科学的therefore 因此pink 粉红色的lighting 光线hard 坚硬的serve 服务fair 公平的campaign 运动endangered 有危险的slogan 标语mysterious 神秘的shiny 有光泽的skin 皮肤product 产品lookout 前景beauty 美keep out 不进入stardust 星团advertising 广告pros and cons 赞成与反对aim 瞄准aim at 瞄准specifically 特定地instance 例子for instance 例如list 列出confusing 令人困惑的misleading 令人误解的truth 事实at times 有时to start with 首先tense 紧张的home-made 自制的schoolbag 书包purple 紫色的purse 钱包guilty 内疚的taste 品味saying 语言thought 思想count 有价值Unit 14bathing 游泳suit 一套衣服bathing suit 游泳衣towel 毛巾water 浇灌guidebook 旅行指南clean out 清除refrigerator 冰箱garage 汽车库suitcase 小提箱get back to sb. 过一会再与某人通话.chop 砍wood 木头light 点燃well 井farm 农场anyway 不管怎样award 奖赏wave 波浪scene 舞台hit 打击appear 出现lead 领导lead singer 主唱者 some day 有一天be off 离开poem 诗cupboard 柜橱turn 一次机会mail 邮件ancestor 祖先root 根overseas海外的homeland 祖国government 政府so far 到目前为止southern 南方的villager 农村thanks to 幸亏strongly 坚定的purpose 目的step 脚步look forward to 盼望Crystal克里斯蒂尔Elise 爱莉丝Mariah 玛利亚Carey凯莉Unit 15manatee 海牛furry 毛皮的enormous 巨大的playful 顽皮的aggressive 侵犯的gray 灰色的spotted 有斑点的kangaroo 袋鼠chimpanzee 黑猩猩cheetah 猎豹mangrove 红树swamp 沼泽habitat 生长环境aquatic 水生的feed 动物的食物underwater 在水下的vegetation 植物weigh 称..重量pound 磅discover 发现polluted 被污染的present progressive 现在进行时present simple 一般现在时infinitive 动词原形passive voice 被动语态present perfect 现在完成时suitable 合适的tiny 极小的cage 笼子disgusted 厌恶的educate 教育care for 关心urge 强烈要求 .竭力主张.expression 词语recycle 再循环built build的过去式和过去分词stuff 原料pull 拉glue 粘贴roof 顶discard 丢弃tile 瓦片fence 栅栏can 容器recently 最近planet 行星society 社团president 总统inspiration 灵感spare 多余model 模型Winterbourne 温特伯恩Review of units 11-15material 材料business 商业plastic 塑料certainly 确实地proud 自豪的flag 旗national flag 国旗.
2023-07-25 07:51:471


我初中那时从头到尾抄过 但是找不到了
2023-07-25 07:51:562


2023-07-25 07:52:067


  你知道是什么吗?下面一起来看看吧。   释义:   eat the noodles   have some noodles   Eating noodles   例句:   他真的非常喜欢吃面条。   He does like to eat noodles.   我宁愿吃面条也不吃米饭。   I would rather have noodles than rice.   她说:“我们吃面条和椰菜,”廉姆补充说:“还有春卷。”   “We got noodles and broccoli,” she said. “And an egg roll,” Liam added.   许多人宁愿呆在旅店吃面条。   Many stay in suburban hotels and eat noodles.   我们只吃面条和馒头。   We just eat noodles or buns.   这门课程由罗耀拉大学开设,阐释了吃的行为与上帝之间不可否认的联络,包括让学生从宗教的角度,认真思考使用餐叉与吃面条的关系。   It explains how there is an undeniable link between the act of eating and God. The religious angle to picking up a fork and eating some noodles is given seriousthought.   我也喜欢吃面条。   And I like noodles.   现在,我最喜欢吃面条。   Now I like noodles best!   我不能连续一个星期不吃面条 。   I cannot live one week without noodles.   在星期一我们吃面条。在星期一我喜欢面条。   On Monday we have noodles. I like noodles and Monday.   然而,为了打破吃面条会让他们带来坏运气,因此,如果您要用面来庆祝你的成功,那么一定要完整的把它吃完而不能把它咬断!   However, breaking the noodles while eating them is bad luck, so if you"re makingthem for your celebration, be sure to slurp them up instead of biting off *** aller pieces.   他们在樱桃树下拍照,欢快如同旋转木马上的孩子;他们在街角吃面条,津津有味。   They took touristy pictures under cherry trees, frolicked like children on merry-go-rounds and slurped noodles on street corners.   我喜欢吃面条,简直到了疯狂的地步。   I love noodles, I go crazy with noodles.   很多人一天至少吃一次荞麦面条,还有很多公司工作的人习惯了午饭吃面条。   There are some people that eat soba at least once a day. Many office worker *** ake it a habit to have soba for lunch.   你喜欢吃面条吗?   Do you like noodles?   我吃面条、牛肉和西红柿。   I have noodles, beef and tomatoes.   义大利细长面条:我曾很难让我的孩子去吃面条式调味汁,直到我用一个大的肉丸使他们惊喜不已才解决了这个问题。   SPAGHETTI: I had trouble getting my kids to eat spaghetti sauce until I surprisedthem with a giant meatball.   有时候如果吃面条的话他们用筷子。   Sometimes they use chopsticks if they have noodles.   伺候者:没有。我们有卷心菜和羊肉。我们吃面条在星期四。   Server: No. We have cabbage and mutton. We have noodles on Thursday.   我喜欢吃面条和星期一。   I like noodles and Monday.   不,自从我搬到好莱坞以来,我就以做面条谋生。现在,我最喜欢吃面条。   Yes. But since I moved here, in Hollywood, I"ve earned a living by making noodles.Now I like noodles best!   给你吃面条。   Noodles for you.   安,你喜欢吃面条吗?   Do you like noodles, Ann?   他们在动物园吃面条。   They eat noodles in the zoo   伺候者:没有。我们吃猪肉和青豆。我们吃面条在星期三。   Server: No. We have pork and green beans. We have noodles on Wednesday.   我在吃面条。   I am eating noodles.
2023-07-25 07:52:381


make up 组成;构成 native ["neitiv] adj.本族的;本土的 add [1d] v.又说;继续说 aloud [4"laud] adv.出声地;高声地 be afraid to 害怕去做…… comma ["k3m4] n.逗号 complete [k4m"pli:t] adj.完整的;完全的 differently ["dif4r4ntli] adv.不同地 end up 结束;告终 flashcard ["fl15k2:d] n.(教学用)抽认卡(上有单词等,教师逐张抽示,要求学生立即回答) frustrate [fr8s"treit] v.使失望 frustrating adj.令人沮丧的;令人失望的 grammar ["gr1m4] n.语法 impress [im"pres, "impres] v.使感动;给……深刻印象 learner ["l4:n4] n.学习者 make mistakes 犯错;出错 memorize ["mem4raiz] v.记忆 pronounce [pr4"nauns] v.发……音;正确(或清晰地)吐(字、音等) pronunciation [pr4"n8nsi"ei54n] n. (一种语言的) 发音;发音法 solution [s4"lju:54n] n. (问题、疑难等的)解决;解答 specific [spi"sifik] adj.明确的 spoken ["sp4uk4n] adj.口语的;口说的;口头的 take notes 做笔记;做记录 sure [5u4] adv.无疑 be interested in 对……感兴趣 dark [da:k] n. & adj.黑暗 main [mein] adj.主要的 on [3n] adj.开着的;接通的;工作着的 used to 过去经常 chew [t5u:] v.嚼;咀嚼 gum [g8m] n.口香糖 insect ["insekt] n.昆虫 spider ["spaid4] n.蜘蛛 terrify ["terifai] v.使害怕 right [rait] adv.立即;马上 comic ["k3mik] n. (报纸上所刊载的) 连环漫画;连环图画 be good for 对……有益处 driver ["draiv4] n.驾驶员;司机 drive [draiv] v.驾驶;驾车 license ["lais4ns] n.执照;许可证 instead of 代替;而不是 be strict with 对……要求严格 allow [4"lau] v.允许;准许 describe [dis"kraib] v.描绘;描述 at present 目前;现在 concentrate ["k3ns4ntreit] v.集中 earring ["i4ri6] n.耳环 English-English dictionary 英英词典 learn from 向……学习 local ["l4uk4l] adj.地方的;当地的 perform [p4"f3:m] v.表演;演出 pierce [pi4s] v.刺穿;刺破 silly ["sili] adj.愚蠢的;傻的 stay up 不去睡;熬夜 the other day 几天以前;前几天 volunteer ["v3l4n"ti4] v. & n.自愿;自愿服务;志愿者 primary ["praim4ri] adj.初级的;小学的 bother ["b304] v.打扰;扰乱 tie [tai] n.领带 million ["milj4n] n.百万 trouble ["tr8bl] n.烦恼;苦恼;忧虑 plenty ["plenti] adj.很多的;足够的 research [ri"s4:t5] n.研究;调查 pretty ["priti] adv.相当;颇;非常 public ["p8blik] n. & adj.当众;公开的 confident ["k3nfid4nt] adj.自信的;有把握的 energetic ["en4"d9etik] adj.有活力的;精力充沛的 fairly ["fA4li] adv.相当 get along with 与……相处 in public 当众;公开的 let down 使……失望或沮丧 listener ["lisn4] n.听者;收听者 lottery ["lat4ri] n.抽奖 medical ["medik4l] adj.医学的;医疗的 normal ["n3:m4l] adj.正常的;平常的 permission [p4"mi54n] n.允许;许可;准许 pimple ["pimpl] n. (医)小脓包;丘疹 represent ["repri"zent] v.代表;表示 slight [slait] adj.微不足道;极不重要的 social ["s4u54l] adj.社会的;社交的 stone [st4un] n.石头 belong [bi"l36] v.属于 appointment [4"p3intm4nt] n.约会 poor [pu4] adj.贫穷的;贫困的 drop [dr3p] v .落下 count [kaunt] v.计;值 wake [weik] v.唤醒;弄醒 plate [pleit] n.盘子 worried ["w8rid] adj.烦恼的 neighbor ["neib4] n.邻居 picnic ["piknik] n.郊游野餐 because of 因为 ocean ["4u54n] n.大海;海洋 toy [t3i] n.玩具 finger ["fi6g4] n.手指 algebra ["1ld9ibr4] n.代数;数学 ant [1nt] n.蚂蚁 author ["3:74] n.作家 bark [ba:k] v.(狗等)叫声 chase [t5eis] v.追赶 Chinese-English Dictionary 汉英词典 creature ["kri:t54] n.生物;动物 crucial ["kru:5i4l] adj.关键的 director [di"rekt4] n.决策者;董事;导演 dishonest [dis"3nist] adj.不诚实的 extremely [iks"tri:mli] adv.极其 garbage ["ga:bid9] n.垃圾;废料 hair band 发带 mystery ["mist4ri] n.不可思议的事物 optometrist [3p"t3mitrist] n.验光师 Oxford University 牛津大学 pretend [pri"tend] v.假装 separate ["sep4reit, "sep4rit] v.分;分开 symphony ["simf4ni] n.交响乐 use up 用完;用光;耗尽 escape [is"keip] v.逃跑 band [b1nd] n.带 attempt [4"tempt] v.试图;企图 wife [waif] n. (pl. wives)妻子 horse [h3:s] n.马 prefer [pri"f4:] v.更喜爱;更喜欢 class [kla:s] n.等级;类别 exhibition ["eksi"bi54n] v. & n. 展览;展览会 show [54u] n.展览;展览会 photograph ["f4ut4gra:f] n.照片;相片 interest ["intrist] v.引起……关注;使……感兴趣 Indian ["indj4n] adj. & n.印度的;印度人(的) Italian [i"t1lj4n] adj. & n.意大利的;意大利(人)的 on display 展览;陈列 display [dis"plei] v. & n.展览;陈列 photography [f4"t3gr4fi] n.摄影;照相 energy ["en4d9i] n.活力;力量 entertainment ["ent4"teinm4nt] n.乐趣;快乐 feature ["fi:t54] n.特点;特征 fisherman ["fi54m4n] n. (pl. fishermen) 渔民;渔夫 gallery ["g1l4ri] n.美术馆;画廊 gentle ["d9entl] adj.轻的;低的 honest ["3nist] adj.诚实的;真诚的 known [n4un] adj.闻名的;众所周知的 lyric ["lirik] n.歌词;抒情词句 photographer [f4"t3gr4f4] n.摄影者;摄影师 remind...of 提醒;使记起 suggest [s4"d9est] v.使人想到;使人联想 Yellow River 黄河 suit [sju:t] v.适合 catch up 赶上;追上 forest ["f3rist] n.森林;森林地带 offer ["3f4] v.提供;给予 pack [p1k] v.把……打包 spot [sp3t] n.地点;场所 light [lait] adj.轻的 explore [iks"pl3:] v.探险;考察 surf [s4:f] v.冲浪;做冲浪运动 fall [f3:l] n.(常pl)瀑布 provide [pr4"vaid] v.提供;供给 heavy ["hevi] adj.大量的;多的 customer n.顾客;消费者 educational ["edju"kei54nl] adj.教育的;有教育意义的 exotic [ig"z3tik] adj.外(国)来的;外国产的 fascinating ["f1sineiti6] adj.迷人的;有极大吸引力的 historic [his"t3rik] adj.历史上著名的;历史上有重大意义的 stele ["sti:li] n.石碑;石柱 thrilling ["7rili6] adj.令人激动的;令人震撼的 tiring ["tairi6] adj.引起疲劳的 botanical [b4"t1nikl] adj.植物的;植物学的 Confucius [k4n"fju:5i4s] n. 孔子 downtown ["daun"taun] n.(城镇的)商业区;中心区 firm [f4:m] get around 观光;到处走动 jungle ["d986gl] n.热带丛林;密林 Niagara Falls 尼亚加拉大瀑布 peaceful ["pi:sful] adj.平静的;宁静的;和平的 private ["praivit] adj.私人的;私有的 Singapore [`si6g4"p3:] 新加坡 site [sait] n.地方;场所 spotlight ["sp3tlait] n.公众注意中心 take it easy 从容;轻松;不紧张 the Forest of Steles 碑林(位于陕西西安) touristy ["tu4risti] adj.游客很多的 trek [trek] v.(缓慢或艰难地)旅行;长途跋涉 repair [ri"pA4] v.修理;修补 major ["meid94] adj.主要的;重大的 sign [sain] n.标牌;招牌 similar ["simil4] adj.相似的;相仿的 put off 推迟;拖延 clean up 打扫干净;梳理整齐 call-in n.(电台或电视台)听(观)众来电直播节目 call up 打电话给……;打电话 cheer up 使振奋;使高兴起来 clean-up n.打扫;清洁 coach [k4ut5] v.训练;指导 commitment [k4"mitm4nt] n.奉献;献身 establish [is"t1bli5] v.建立;建造;设立 fix up 修理;修补 give away 赠送;分发 give out 分发;发放 hand out 分发;发放 homeless ["h4umlis] adj.无家的
2023-07-25 07:52:481


Unit 7tiring 引起疲劳的educational 教育的peaceful平静的fascinating 迷人的thrilling 令人激动的take it easy 从容Florida 佛罗里达州trek 旅行Amazon 亚马逊河jungle热带丛林fall 瀑布Niagara Fall 尼亚加拉大瀑布touristy 游客很多的spotlight 公众注意的中心consider 考虑lively 活泼的sight 名胜including 包含tower 塔楼Eiffel Tower 埃菲尔铁塔cathedral 总教堂Notre Dame Cathedral 巴黎圣母院church 教堂convenient 便利的underground 地下的general 一般事物in general 通常wine 葡萄酒translate 翻译pack 把……打包light 轻的wonderful 令人惊叹的Ace Travel eastern 东部的provide 提供firm 公司spot 地点Confucius 孔子sail 航行pacific 太平洋finding 发现thousands of 数以千计as soon as possible 尽快地continue 继续programming 编程translator 翻译员report 报道willing 乐意的be willing to 乐意(做某事)quite a few 相当多dream 做梦dream of 梦想sportspeople 爱好运动的人;运动员conclusion 结论hold on to 继续come true 实现attitude 态度Unit 8clean up 打扫干净hunger 饥饿homeless 无家可归cheer up 使振奋give out 分发;发放clean-up 打扫sign 标牌advertisement 广告put off 推迟set up 建立establish 建立think up 想出major 主要的commitment 奉献elementary 基础的veterinarian 兽医coach 训练take after 相像fix 修理fix up 修理give away 赠送repair 修理similar 相似的put up 张贴ask for 要求hand out 分发call-in 听众来电直播节目strategy 方法work out 发展website 站点disabled 肢体有残疾的organization 组织fill 装满pleasure 愉快blind 盲的deaf 聋的unable 不能的cannot (=can"t)imagine想象shut 关上carry 搬运help somebody out 帮助解决困难specially 特意地fetch 拿来at once 立即support 支持appreciate 感激donation 捐款part of speech 词性;词类pronoun 代词adverb 副词preposition 介词conjunction 连词donate 赠送Jimmy 吉米Sally 萨利Unit 9invent 发明calculator 计算器be used for 用来做……scoop 勺子adjustable 可调整的heel 后跟battery 电池operate 操作battery-operated 电池供电的slipper 拖鞋heat 加热bulb 电灯light bulb 电灯泡microwave 微波microwave oven 微波炉crispy 脆的salty 咸的sour 酸的by mistake 错误地chef 厨师sprinkle 撒by accident 偶然地beverage 饮料according to 根据ancient 古代的legend 传说Shen Nong 神农bush 灌木fall into 落入remain 留下notice 注意到produce 生产pleasant 合意的mixture 混合in this way 这样pie 馅饼flying disk飞碟bakery 面包店Bridgeport 布里奇波特Connecticut 康涅狄格州throw 投taste 味道lemon 柠檬cookie 小甜饼abacus 算盘binoculars 双筒望远镜century 世纪;百年rank 顺序active 活动的indoors 在户内create 创造wooden 木制的knock 敲knock into 与……相撞divide 分开aim 目标basket 篮metal 金属hoop 环shot 投篮below 在……的下面backboard 篮板guide 指导towards 向着court 球场Berlin 柏林develop 发展popularity 普及;流行rise 上升;达到较高的水平等risen rise的过去分词worldwide 世界性的association 协会equipment 装备Chelsea Lanmon 切尔西·来蒙Jayce Coziar 杰斯·克里亚Jamie Ellsworth 杰米·埃尔斯沃思Julie Thompson 朱莉·汤普森Crum 克拉姆James Naismith 詹姆斯·奈史密斯Unit 10by the time 到……时候gotten get的过去分词oversleep 睡过头go off 发出响声rush 冲run off 跑掉on time 准时lock 锁relative 亲属broke break的过去式break down 停止运转fool 愚弄;欺骗costume 成套服装embarrassed 尴尬的;为难的empty 空的;排空show up 出席exhausted 极其疲惫的describe 描述April Fool"s Day 愚人节announce 宣布Mars 火星convincing 令人信服的panic 恐慌set off 激起authority 权威机构reveal 揭露hoax 骗局flee 逃走fled flee的过去式或过去分词spaghetti 意大利式细面条farmer 农夫sell out 卖完;girlfriend 女朋友marry 嫁;娶;与……结婚thrill 非常激动get married 结婚ending 结局embarrassing 令人尴尬的a piece of 一片Orson Wells 奥森·韦尔斯Review of units 6-10Halloween 万圣节前夕Holland 荷兰Qomolangma 珠穆朗玛峰Unit 11restroom 公共厕所shampoo 洗发剂drugstore 杂货店cafe 咖啡馆department 部;局;部门department store 百货商店escalator 电动扶梯magic 魔术;魔力fresh 新鲜的block 街区oak 橡树uncrowded 不拥挤的,宽敞的safe 安全的slide 滑道water slide 水滑道clown 小丑staff 职员organized 有组织的dress up 穿上盛装market 市场lend 借给park 停车alright 好吧direct 直接的order 命令wonder 觉得奇怪lead 引导trouble 烦恼offend 冒犯certain 某些structure 结构hand in 交上Dean 迪安Sunville 文中指一银行名Killeen 文中指一咖啡馆名Valve 文中指一杂货店(药店)名West 韦斯特Unit 12 shake 摇动shake hands 握手custom 风俗;习俗;习惯bow 鞠躬;弯腰kiss 吻;亲吻Cali (哥伦比亚西部城市)卡利 Colombia 哥伦比亚relaxed 放松的drop by 顺便Lausanne 洛桑Switzerland 瑞士land 国家after all 毕竟towards 关于greet 问候Peru 秘鲁Pick 拾取pick up 捡起wipe 擦napkin 餐巾make a noise 发出令人不愉快的声音stick 刺rude 粗鲁point 指go out of one"s way to do sth. 特地做某事make sb. feel at home 使某人感到宾至如归manner 礼貌table manners 餐桌礼仪be used to /get used to 习惯于... fork 餐叉full 吃饱的;lap 大腿elbow 肘gradually 逐渐particular 逐渐地compliment 称赞toast 烤面包unfamiliar 不熟悉的spoon 调羹knife 刀crowd 挤满rubbish 垃圾seek 寻找chatline 聊天热线online 联机的type 打字mostly 多半abbreviation 缩略词form 构成phrase 短语homophone 同音异形异议词combine 结合symbol 象征punctuation 标点符号mark 记号emotion 情感emoticon 由字符组成的图释colon 冒号bracket 括号beside 在...旁边e-mail 电子邮件riddle 谜语 oneself 自学experiment 试验proper 合适的pleased 高兴的queue 一队人normally 通常whose 谁的Teresa 特丽萨Lopez 洛佩兹Marc 马克LeBlanc 勒布朗
2023-07-25 07:53:221


true 真实的; thin 瘦的; terrible 糟糕的,可怕的; tall 高的; tasty 美味的; tense 紧张的; thrilling 令人激动的; tiny 极小的; touristy 游客很多的; tired 疲劳的; tiring 累人的 扩展资料   He reveals his true character to very few people.   他没有向什么人显露过他的真实性格。   Our results should be a good approximation to the true state of affairs.   我们的结果应该和实际情况相当接近。   He has a large body, but thin legs.   他身宽腿细。   The play got terrible reviews and quickly died a death.   这出戏被批得一无是处,很快就收场了。   He may be a good father but he"s a terrible husband.   他或许是一位好父亲,但却是个很糟糕的丈夫。
2023-07-25 07:53:291

九年级英语单词表 全部的 人教版

2023-07-25 07:53:502


Top 10 Tour Cities in China with the Best Environment
2023-07-25 07:54:093


2023-07-25 07:54:193

以t开头的形容词 急急急急急!10个左右。越多越好!谢谢!

terrible tasty tense thrilling tiny touristy tall talktive
2023-07-25 07:54:407

We are going to write a ______(tour) guide.适当形式填空

2023-07-25 07:55:143


2023-07-25 07:55:236


2023-07-25 07:55:454


2023-07-25 07:41:561

《Paw patrol》主题曲

孩子最喜欢的英文歌曲之一,预计11月15日前陪孩子学会这首歌。 Paw patrol, paw patrol 汪汪队,汪汪队 Whenever you"re in trouble 只要遇上麻烦 Paw patrol, paw patrol 汪汪队,汪汪队 We"ll be there on the double 我们马上就到 No job"s too big 勇敢狗狗 No pup"s too small 不怕困难 Paw patrol we"re on a roll 汪汪队出发救援 So here we go 我们出发 Paw patrol 汪汪队 Whoa-oh 喔啊哦 Paw patrol 汪汪队 Whoa-oh-oh-oh-oh 喔啊哦哦哦哦 Paw patrol 汪汪队 Paw patrol, paw patrol 汪汪队,汪汪队 We"ll be there on the double 我们马上就到 Whenever there"s a problem 无论大小麻烦 Round the adventure bay 出现冒险湾 Ryder and his team of pups 莱德狗狗小队 will come and save the day 出动不困难 Marshall Rubble Chase 毛毛,小力,阿奇 Rocky Zuma Skye 灰灰,露玛,天天 Yeah they"re on the way 耶!出发救援扩展资料: 汪汪队立大功的角色: 莱德队长:聪明,热心,友善,勇敢,沉着,同时也很幽默,在《狗狗看牙医》中被设定为讨厌球芽甘蓝。 毛毛:热情可爱,有责任心,笨手笨脚,在集合时常引发哄笑,对臭鼬味过敏。在专属剧情《狗狗看牙医》中被设定为恐高。 小砾:可爱,积极,善良,害怕蜘蛛和鬼。 阿奇:性格豪爽,热心,但对羽毛、小猫咪、花等过敏。 灰灰:之所以不喜欢水,是因为怕湿,但在变成人鱼狗后就不怕水了。 路马:幽默风趣,喜欢玩水(和灰灰恰好相反)。 天天:喜欢翻跟斗,会使用超音速机翼,在空中进行360°旋转,害怕老鹰。
2023-07-25 07:41:531