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2023-07-25 16:32:55



dog days are over




  每天早晨,我准时到校督促大家晨读、温习功课,每当遇到在学习上有困难的同学,我总会耐心地尽我所能,认真讲解,每逢搞卫生,我总带头抢脏活、累活干,平时,见到垃圾弯腰拾起,从不斤斤计较。有一天刮大风,操场上是尘土飞扬,干枯的树枝刮落了,偶尔飞出一个垃圾袋,连垃圾桶都刮倒了,看到这些,我首先扶起了垃圾桶,然后拾起一个个垃圾袋。老师和同学都很信任我,乐于助人是我的一大特点。平时,若遇上哪个同学的学习用品缺了,我总是第一个帮助解决;谁在学习上有了困难,我总是第一个帮着解决;在每一次“ 献爱心”活动中,我总是积极地捐出自己积攒的零花钱。因此,我用我的热情,我的爱心,成为了同学们的贴心朋友。在学校里,我和同学们相处的特别好,从来不和同学闹矛盾,整天乐呵呵的,同学请我办事,我总是尽力而为。




  三、家长眼中的我——热爱劳动 ,懂得感恩。








  唐艺嘉,女,唐师附小二(2 )班学生,宣传委员。在老师和同学们眼中,她勤俭朴素,关心集体,乐于助人,文明守纪,工作负责,有较强的组织管理能力;她热爱学校,热心自己的班级,热爱劳动,热爱科学;她文静可爱,兴趣较广泛,勤学好问,是一位德、智、体、美、劳全面发展的优秀少先队员。





  她是学校里的"小全能".虽然运动能力不是很强,但她爱好运动,接力赛跑、跳绳比赛场上,有她矫健的身影。她四岁开始学习英语,她尤其喜欢唱英文歌曲,我是歌手中 尚雯婕的"Dog Days Are Over ",她唱的特别棒 .课余时间,她还参加古筝的学习,目前已经 到了四级。她在她的个人小档案里对自己的未来这个描述,那就是立志当一名画家,每周日的下午,她都会挤出时间,到青少年宫的美术学校学习画画,最近,刚刚获得了全市首届少年风筝设计大赛儿童组三等奖。作为宣传委员,班级黑板报设计稿的撰写、设计、书写,总少不了她的身影,每次学校的板报评比也总名次不低。






2023-07-25 06:18:351

dog days are over的歌词大意

DOG DAYS ARE OVERHappiness, it hurt like a train on a trackComing towards her, stuck still no turning backShe hid around corners and she hid under bedsShe killed it with kisses and from it she fledWith every bubble she sank with a drinkAnd washed it away down the kitchen sink快乐带来的痛苦,像一列飞驰的列车轰隆隆向她驶去撞击她直到无路可退角落,床底,她不停在躲藏印上她的吻,她杀死这快乐然后从中逃离而去泡沫跳升,她随着一杯酒而下沉The dog days are overThe dog days are doneThe horses are coming so you better run难过的日子结束了难过的日子结束了群马降至,你最好奔跑Run fast for your mother run fast for your fatherRun for your children and your sisters and brothersLeave all your love and your loving behind youCan"t carry it with you if you want to survive快奔向你的父亲和母亲奔向你的孩子和兄妹把你的爱人以及爱情远远抛在身后只有摆脱这些你才能继续生存The dog days are overThe dog days are doneCan"t you hear the horsesCuz here they come难过的日子结束了难过的日子结束了你听不到马在嘶鸣吗它们已在眼前And I never wanted anything from youExcept everything you hadAnd what was left after that too. oh.除开你拥有的一切我不觊觎你任何除了这些,一样也别剩下Happiness it hurt like a bullet in the mindStuck them up drainpipesBy someone who should know better than that快乐带来的痛苦,像一颗子弹穿过你的大脑他们明明不该把它们贴到下水管道上The dog days are overThe dog days are goneCan you hear the horsesCuz here they come难过的日子结束了难过的日子结束了你听不到马在嘶鸣吗它们已在眼前Run fast for your mother and fast for your fatherRun for your children for your sisters and brothersLeave all your love and your loving behind youCan"t carry it with you if you want to survive快奔向你的父亲和母亲奔向你的孩子和兄妹把你的爱人以及爱情远远抛在身后只有摆脱这些你才能继续生存The dog days are overThe dog days are goneCan you hear the horses because here they come难过的日子结束了难过的日子结束了你听不到马在嘶鸣吗它们已在眼前
2023-07-25 06:18:444

《我是歌手》第九期返场歌手尚雯婕演唱的《dog days are over》中英互照歌词。跪求

英文:Dog Days Are OverFlorence + The MachineHappiness,it hurt like a train on a trackComing towards her,stuck still no turning backShe hid around corners and she hid under bedsShe killed it with kisses and from it she fledWith every bubble she sank with a drinkand washed it away down the kitchen sinkThe dog days are overThe dog days are doneThe horses are coming so you better runRun fast for your mother run fast for your fatherRun for your children and your sisters and brothersLeave all your love and your loving behind youCan"t carry it with you if you want to surviveThe dog days are overthe dog days are doneCan"t you hear the horsesCuz here they comeAnd I never wanted anything from youExcept everything you hadand what was left after that too. oh.Happiness it hurt like a bullet in the mindStuck them up drainpipesby someone who should know better than thatThe dog days are overThe dog days are gonecan you hear the horsesCuz here they comeRun fast for your mother and fast for your fatherRun for your children for your sisters and brothersLeave all your love and your loving behind youCan"t carry it with you if you want to surviveThe dog days are overThe dog days are goneCan you hear the horses because here they comeThe dog days are overThe dog days are gone...Can you hear the horses中文;伏天超过佛罗伦萨+机器的幸福,它伤害了像一列火车在轨道上正向她走来,坚持依然没有回头,她躲在角落周围,她躲在床底下用亲吻她杀了她逃离随着每一个泡沫,她沉没饮料和它冲走了下厨房的水槽狗的日子已经一去不复返了三伏天做马,让你更好地运行你的母亲跑得快,跑得快为你的父亲为你的孩子和你的兄弟姐妹和运行留下你的爱和你爱你身后无法带着它,如果你想生存伏天完成伏天,你有没有听到马,因为在这里,他们来我从来没有想任何东西,从你除一切你有什么后留下的太多。哦。幸福,它伤害了像子弹一样在脑海里把它们贴到排水管道的人应该知道谁更好比三伏天超过三伏天都不见了,你能听到马因为他们来了跑得快和你妈快你的父亲为你的孩子运行你的姐妹和兄弟离开你的爱和爱你的背后,你不能带着它,如果你想生存的日子已经一去不复返了三伏天狗都不见了,你能听到的马匹,因为在这里,他们三伏天来超过三伏天都不见了...... 你能听到马
2023-07-25 06:18:591

求 dog days are over 的中文歌词

Happiness, it hurt like a train on a trackComing towards her, stuck still no turning backShe hid around corners and she hid under bedsShe killed it with kisses and from it she fledWith every bubble she sank with a drinkAnd washed it away down the kitchen sink快乐带来的痛苦,像一列飞驰的列车轰隆隆向她驶去撞击她直到无路可退角落,床底,她不停在躲藏印上她的吻,她杀死这快乐然后从中逃离而去泡沫跳升,她随着一杯酒而下沉The dog days are overThe dog days are doneThe horses are coming so you better run难过的日子结束了难过的日子结束了群马降至,你最好奔跑Run fast for your mother run fast for your fatherRun for your children and your sisters and brothersLeave all your love and your loving behind youCan"t carry it with you if you want to survive快奔向你的父亲和母亲奔向你的孩子和兄妹把你的爱人以及爱情远远抛在身后只有摆脱这些你才能继续生存The dog days are overThe dog days are doneCan"t you hear the horsesCuz here they come难过的日子结束了难过的日子结束了你听不到马在嘶鸣吗它们已在眼前And I never wanted anything from youExcept everything you hadAnd what was left after that too. oh.除开你拥有的一切我不觊觎你任何除了这些,一样也别剩下Happiness it hurt like a bullet in the mindStuck them up drainpipesBy someone who should know better than that快乐带来的痛苦,像一颗子弹穿过你的大脑他们明明不该把它们贴到下水管道上The dog days are overThe dog days are goneCan you hear the horsesCuz here they come难过的日子结束了难过的日子结束了你听不到马在嘶鸣吗它们已在眼前Run fast for your mother and fast for your fatherRun for your children for your sisters and brothersLeave all your love and your loving behind youCan"t carry it with you if you want to survive快奔向你的父亲和母亲奔向你的孩子和兄妹把你的爱人以及爱情远远抛在身后只有摆脱这些你才能继续生存The dog days are overThe dog days are goneCan you hear the horses because here they come难过的日子结束了难过的日子结束了你听不到马在嘶鸣吗它们已在眼前
2023-07-25 06:19:061

dog days are over 是哪个电影里的插曲

Eat Pray Love 美食、祈祷和恋爱主演: 朱莉娅·罗伯茨
2023-07-25 06:19:261

求【dog days are over】+【尚雯婕】mp3链接地址
2023-07-25 06:19:333

dog days are over 是在哪部电影或者电视剧出现过的插曲?

dog days
2023-07-25 06:19:415

尚雯婕唱的Dog Days Are Over版本中有一句歌词是Happiness hit her like a bullet in the back和原唱不同

2023-07-25 06:19:564


男儿当自强 天高地厚 春天里 笑看风云 我们都一样 真心英雄 老男孩 最初的梦想 海阔天空 我相信
2023-07-25 06:20:055


  港台:  按顺序1-10《Simple Love Song》RubberBand 《黑色狂迷》《脆弱》谢安琪《桃色冒险》容祖儿《陀飞轮》陈奕迅《乞丐王子》周柏豪 《有时》周国贤《时代》古巨基《忘了.忘不了》许志安《我系我》杨千嬅  2011欧美音乐排行榜  01 Rihanna - What"s My Name (feat. Drake)  02 Matt Cardle - When We Collide  03 The Black Eyed Peas - The Time (Dirty Bit)  04 Katy B - Light On (feat. Ms Dynamite)  05 Jessie J - Do It Like A Dude  06 Ellie Goulding - Your Song  07 Katy Perry - Firework  08 Far East Movement - Like A G6 (feat. Cataracs & Dev)  09 Rihanna - Only Girl (In the World)  10 David Guetta - Who"s That Chick (feat. Rihanna)  11 Cee Lo Green - Forget You  12 Tinie Tempah - Invincible (feat. Kelly Rowland)  13 Willow - Whip My Hair  14 Take That - The Flood  15 Nero - Me And You  16 Olly Murs - Thinking of Me  17 Bruno Mars - Just the Way You Are  18 Cheryl Cole - The Flood  19 P!nk - Raise Your Glass  20 Alexis Jordan - Happiness  24 Cee Lo Green - It"s OK  29 Martin Solveig & Drogonstte - Hello  32 N-Dubz - Girls  33 Professor Green - Jungle (feat. Maverick)  38 Eliza Doolittle - Pack Up 39 James Blake - Limit To Your Love  40 Gyptian - Hold You  41 Ben & Jamie Hazelby feat Chris De Burgh - Lonely Sky  2011年第01周Billboard单曲榜第1-100名  US Billboard Charts (01/01/2010)  BILLBOARD单曲2011第1-3  1 1 9 Firework, Katy Perry  2 3 12 Grenade, Bruno Mars  3 2 9 What"s My Name?, Rihanna Featuring Drake  4 4 11 Raise Your Glass, P!nk  5 5 8 We R Who We R, Ke$ha  6 7 22 Just The Way You Are, Bruno Mars  7 6 15 Only Girl (In The World), Rihanna  8 8 6 The Time (Dirty Bit), The Black Eyed Peas  9 NEW 1 6 Foot 7 Foot, Lil Wayne Featuring Cory Gunz  10 9 18 Just A Dream, Nelly  11 10 19 Bottoms Up, Trey Songz Featuring Nicki Minaj  12 11 11 Black And Yellow, Wiz Khalifa  13 15 4 Tonight (I"m Lovin" You) Enrique Iglesias Featuring Ludacris & DJ Frank E  14 12 19 Like A G6, Far*East Movement Featuring Cataracs & Dev  15 13 13 DJ Got Us Fallin" In Love, Usher Featuring Pitbull  16 19 11 Stereo Love, Edward Maya & Vika Jigulina  17 14 29 Dynamite, Taio Cruz  18 16 15 No Hands, Waka Flocka Flame Featuring Roscoe Dash & Wal  19 24 4 Coming Home, Diddy - Dirty Money Featuring Skylar Grey  20 22 8 Yeah 3X, Chris Brown  21 17 13 Please Don"t Go, Mike Posner  22 20 22 Teenage Dream, Katy Perry  23 21 29 Animal, Neon Trees  24 23 17 F**k You (Forget You), Cee Lo Green  25 25 26 Secrets, OneRepublic  26 34 8 Back To December, Taylor Swift  27 32 12 Hey Baby (Drop It To The Floor), Pitbull Featuring T-Pain  28 29 18 Right Above It, Lil Wayne Featuring Drake  29 26 12 Right Thru Me, Nicki Minaj  30 33 12 Aston Martin Music, Rick Ross Featuring Drake & Chrisette Michele  31 18 2 That"s All She Wrote, T.I. Featuring Eminem  32 30 25 Club Can"t Handle Me, Flo Rida Featuring David Guetta  33 31 32 I Like It, Enrique Iglesias Featuring Pitbull  34 28 24 If I Die Young, The Band Perry  35 27 9 Whip My Hair, Willow  36 37 7 Somewhere With You, Kenny Chesney  37 38 16 No Love, Eminem Featuring Lil Wayne  38 36 25 Deuces, Chris Brown Featuring Tyga & Kevin McCall  39 65 5 Hold My Hand, Michael Jackson Duet With Akon  40 41 7 Felt Good On My Lips, Tim McGraw  41 60 3 Rocketeer Far*East Movement Featuring Ryan Tedder  42 45 4 Pretty Girl Rock, Keri Hilson  43 39 17 My Kinda Party, Jason Aldean  44 40 26 Love The Way You Lie, Eminem Featuring Rihanna  45 52 5 Kush, Dr. Dre Featuring Snoop Dogg & Akon  46 49 12 Jar Of Hearts, Christina Perri  47 43 21 Stuck Like Glue, Sugarland  48 42 19 Love Like Woe, The Ready Set  49 44 14 Can"t Be Friends, Trey Songz  50 46 11 Memories, David Guetta Featuring Kid Cudi  51 54 7 Who Are You When I"m Not Looking, Blake Shelton  52 50 20 Mine, Taylor Swift  53 62 Down On Me, Jeremih Featuring 50 Cent  54 47 19 As She"s Walking Away, Zac Brown Band Featuring Alan Jackson  55 55 14 Rhythm of Love, Plain White T"s  56 48 14 Dog Days Are Over, Florence + The Machine  57 51 14 We No Speak Americano, Yolanda Be Cool & Dcup  58 56 13 Mama"s Song, Carrie Underwood  59 53 14 Turn On The Radio, Reba  60 70 7 Don"t You Wanna Stay, Jason Aldean With Kelly Clarkson  61 61 12 Put You In A Song, Keith Urban  62 71 4 Let Me Down Easy, Billy Currington  63 69 7 Voices, Chris Young  64 64 9 Lay It Down, Lloyd  65 58 18 Why Wait, Rascal Flatts  66 76 4 Maybe, Sick Puppies  67 66 16 The Breath You Take, George Strait  68 63 16 Only Prettier, Miranda Lambert  69 67 3 Who Dat Girl, Flo Rida Featuring Akon  70 82 3 Fire Flame, Birdman Featuring Lil Wayne  71 80 6 Make A Movie, Twista Featuring Chris Brown  72 74 11 Waiting For The End, Linkin Park  73 85 5 Marry Me, Train  74 94 2 Bass Down Low, Dev Featuring The Cataracs  75 95 2 Fall For Your Type, Jamie Foxx Featuring Drake  76 72 16 Anything Like Me, Brad Paisley  77 81 19 Little Lion Man, Mumford & Sons  78 78 8 Someone Else Calling You Baby  79 77 6 Hello World, Lady Antebellum  80 NEW 1 Higher, Taio Cruz Featuring Travie McCoy  81 89 2 No BS, Chris Brown  82 NEW 1 Moment 4 Life, Nicki Minaj Featuring Drake  83 35 3 Christmas Lights, Coldplay  84 73 11 Runaway, Kanye West Featuring Pusha T  85 84 7 Bullets In The Gun, Toby Keith  86 NEW 1 F**kin" Perfect, P!nk  87 87 14 Smoke A Little Smoke, Eric Church  88 RE-ENTRY 2 More, Usher  89 79 14 All I Want Is You, Miguel Featuring J. Cole  90 NEW 1 What Do You Want, Jerrod Niemann  91 RE-ENTRY 2 Loving You No More, Diddy - Dirty Money Featuring Drake  92 NEW 1 Are You Gonna Kiss Me Or Not, Thompson Square  93 NEW 1 When A Woman Loves, R. Kelly  94 NEW 1 You Be Killin Em, Fabulous  95 96 20 September, Daughtry  96 90 11 Loca, Shakira Featuring El Cata or Dizzee Rascal  97 NEW 1 For The First Time, The Script  98 86 20 Letting Go (Dutty Love), Sean Kingston Featuring Nicki Minaj  99 57 2 Baby, It"s Cold Outside, Glee Cast  100 NEW 1 Oh Santa!, Mariah Carey  UK单曲榜  01 Bruno Mars - Grenade  02 Jessie J - Do It Like A Dude  03 Rihanna Feat Drake - Whats My Name  04 Katy B Feat Ms Dynamite - Lights On  05 Matt Cardle - When We Collide  06 David Guetta Feat Rihanna - Who"s That Chick  07 Adele - Make You Feel My Love  08 The Black Eyed Peas - The Time (Dirty Bit)  09 Far East Movement Feat The Cataracs & Dev - Like A G6  10 JLS Feat Tinie Tempah - Eyes Wide Shut (NEW)  11 Tinie Tempah Feat Kelly Rowland - Invincible  12 Rihanna - Only Girl (In The World)  13 Ellie Goulding - Your Song  14 Katy Perry - Firework  15 Nero - Me & You  16 Cee Lo Green - Forget You  17 Bruno Mars - Just the Way You Are  18 Martin Solveig Feat Dragonette - Hello  19 Willow -- Whip My Hair  20 Cee Lo Green - It"s OK
2023-07-25 06:20:451


1. my. school day作文怎么写 1Hello!I"m a student of Yunyang Middle School.I often get up at six o"clock.About enty minutes later, I have my breakfast. We begin our clsaaes at 8:00 a.m. We have four lessons in the morning. They"re English, Maths, PE and Chinese. Then we have lunch and chat with each other. In the afternoon we only have three lessons, they"re Art, Music and Computer lessons. After school,I can go home and do my homework. At about ten o"clock, I must go to bed.2I will graduate from my college in June. But now I have been at work for one month in advance. After experiencing much tention and pressure from work ,I felt deeply that the school days were really nice to me. I could still remember that the happy life ,living with my roommates.We not only shared happiness,but also shared misery. No matter what happened we all acpanied each other as our own relatives. Although I don" t know how they are going now, I hope everyone has a happy life and a bright future. Because in my eyes they are all hardworking. I miss you so much! Many students said that they had learnt nothing from their college life .But in my opinion,during these four years of studying , what we have learnt will benifit a lot in our whole lifetime.3I am XX years old and I study in XXX Middle School。 Every morning I get up at seven and have breakfast。 And then I go to school at half past seven。 Lessons begin at eight oclock。 We have four lessons in the morning and Chinese is my favourite lesson。 We usually have 10 minute"s break beeen o lessons and at about 12 o"clock we finish our morning lessons。 I have lunch at school at elve thirty。 I like school lunch and I always have rice with meat and vegetables。 After lunch I often talk with my friends or play basketball with them。 In the afternoon lessons start at half past one and finish at four oclock。 I play games after school with my friends and then go home at half past four。 In the evening I do my homework and then watch TV。 At ten o`clock I go to bed。 It`s really a busy day but I like it。我今年XX岁,我在XX中学里读书。 每天早上我7点起床和吃早餐。然后7点半我去上学。 8点开始上课。我们在早上有4节课,语文是我喜爱的科目。 我们经常在两节课之间有10分钟的休息时间,我们早上的课上到12点就结束了。我12点半在学校吃中午饭。 我喜欢学校的饭菜,我常常有饭、肉和菜。吃完午饭后我经常和我的朋友聊天或者是和他们打篮球。 下午1点半开始上课,4点放学。放学后,我和我的朋友一起玩游戏,4点半回家。 我在晚上写作业,写完作业后我就看电视。我10点上床睡觉。 这真的是一个繁忙的一天,但是我喜欢这样。望采纳。 2. 用my school day写一篇英语作文 I get up at 6 o"clock.I go to school at 6:40.The school day starts at 7:30.My lesson begins at 8 o"clock.After class,I often play with my friends.I have lunch at 12 o"clock.At lunchtime ,I like chatting with my friends.School is over, I go home at 5:00。 3. 以My school Day为题写一篇作文 I am elve years old.I am in seventh grade.I have eight(?) lessons every day---four in the moring,and the other four in the afternoon.We learn ChineseMathsEnglish and other subjects.The first class begins at 7:20,and end at 4:30 in the afternoon.And I have lunch at school with my friends.I learn a lot from my teachers every day.I found my school day is wonderful.I have a good time in school every day.。 4. 以 My school day 为题目写一篇英语作文 我一天的学习生活(My School Day) I get up at six in the morning. Then I wash my face and brush my teeth. After a quick breakfast, I go to school in my mother"s car. It takes us more than half an hour to get there. We have four hour classes in the morning. I have luch at my grandparents", because their home is nearer to my school. After o classes in the afternoon, school is over. Then we clean our classroom. I get home at about half past five. We have dinner at seven. After dinner I do my homework. If I finish my homesork early, I can watch TV for half an hour. I go to bed at half past nine or ten. 【参考译文】 我早晨六点起床,然后我洗脸、刷牙。匆匆吃完早饭,我坐妈妈的车上学。我们要用半个多小时才能到达学校。 我们上午上四节课。我在爷爷奶奶家吃午饭,因为他们家离学校更近些。 下午上两节课后就放学了,然后我们打扫教室。 我大约五点半到家。我们七点吃晚饭。晚饭后我做作业。如果我完成作业早一些,我可以看半小时电视。我九点半或十点睡觉。 5. 以“My school Day”为题,写一篇不少于60词的短文 【1】I get up at six in the morning. Then I wash my face and brush my teeth. After a quick breakfast, I go to school in my mother"s car. It takes us more than half an hour to get there. We have four hour classes in the morning. I have luch at my grandparents", because their home is nearer to my school. After o classes in the afternoon, school is over. Then we clean our classroom. I get home at about half past five. We have dinner at seven. After dinner I do my homework. If I finish my homesork early, I can watch TV for half an hour. I go to bed at half past nine or ten.[译文]我早晨六点起床,然后我洗脸、刷牙。 匆匆吃完早饭,我坐妈妈的车上学。我们要用半个多小时才能到达学校。 我们上午上四节课。我在爷爷奶奶家吃午饭,因为他们家离学校更近些。 下午上两节课后就放学了,然后我们打扫教室。 我大约五点半到家。 我们七点吃晚饭。晚饭后我做作业。 如果我完成作业早一些,我可以看半小时电视。我九点半或十点睡觉。 最好用这个 【2】I am elve years old.I am in seventh grade..I have eight lessons every day---four in the moring,and the four in the afternoon.We learn ChineseMathsEnglish and other subjects.The first class begins at 7:20,and end at 4:30 in the afternoon.And I have lunch at school with my friends.I learn a lot from my teachers every day.I found my school day is wonderful.I have a good time in school every day.【3】 I will graduate from my college in June. But now I have been at work for one month in advance. After experiencing much tention and pressure from work ,I felt deeply that the school days were really nice to me. I could still remember that the happy life ,living with my roommates.We not only shared happiness,but also shared misery. No matter what happened we all acpanied each other as our own relatives. Although I don" t know how they are going now, I hope everyone has a happy life and a bright future. Because in my eyes they are all hardworking. I miss you so much! Many students said that they had learnt nothing from their college life .But in my opinion,during these four years of studying , what we have learnt will benifit a lot in our whole lifetime.。 6. my school day作文 我一天的学习生活(my school day) i get up at six in the morning. then i wash my face and brush my teeth. after a quick breakfast, i go to school in my mother"s car. it takes us more than half an hour to get there. we have four hour classes in the morning. i have luch at my grandparents", because their home is nearer to my school. after o classes in the afternoon, school is over. then we clean our classroom. i get home at about half past five. we have dinner at seven. after dinner i do my homework. if i finish my homesork early, i can watch tv for half an hour. i go to bed at half past nine or ten. 【参考译文】 我早晨六点起床,然后我洗脸、刷牙。匆匆吃完早饭,我坐妈妈的车上学。我们要用半个多小时才能到达学校。 我们上午上四节课。我在爷爷奶奶家吃午饭,因为他们家离学校更近些。 下午上两节课后就放学了,然后我们打扫教室。 我大约五点半到家。我们七点吃晚饭。晚饭后我做作业。如果我完成作业早一些,我可以看半小时电视。我九点半或十点睡觉。 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- my name is beth. i"m 14 years old, and i study in no. 1 middle school of hui"an. my school is very big and beautiful. i"m very happy in the school. i usually get up at 6:15 in the morning. then i do morning exercises in the playground. at 6:40, i have my breakfast. after breakfast, i often read english with my clas *** ates. we have six classes every day. the first class begins at 7:50 am. after class, i always play games with my friends. i like my lessons, my friends and my teachers. in a word, i love my school 7. 英语作文《My school day》 我这有两篇,一篇长点一篇短的,看你需要哈 --------------- 长的:My school days My School Days Looking over my own school days, there are so many things that I would rather not tell, that it will take very little time and space for me to use in telling what I am willing that the carping public should know about my early history. I began my educational career in a log school house. Finding that other great men had done that way, I began early to look around me for a log school house where I could begin in a *** all way to soak my system full of hard words and information. For a time I learned very rapidly. Learning came to me with very little effort at first. I would read my lesson over once or ice and then take my place in the class. It never bothered me to recite my lesson and so I stood at the head of the class. I could stick my big toe through a knot-hole in the floor and work out the most difficult problem. This became at last a habit with me. With my knot-hole I was safe, without it I would hesitate. A large red-headed boy, with feet like a summer squash and eyes like those of a dead codfish, was my rival. He soon discovered that I was very dependent on that knot-hole, and so one night he stole into the school house and plugged up the knot-hole, so that I could not work my toe into it and thus refresh my memory. Then the large red-headed boy, who had not formed the knot-hole habit, went to the head of the class and remained there. After I grew larger, my parents sent me to a military school. That is where I got the fine military learning and stately carriage that I still wear. My room was on the second floor, and it was very difficult for me to leave it at night, because the turnkey locked us up at 9 o"clock every evening. Still, I used to get out once in a while and wander around in the starlight. I did not know yet why I did it, but I presume it was a kind of somnambuli *** . I would go to bed thinking so intently of my lessons that I would get up and wander away, sometimes for miles, in the solemn night. One night I awoke and found myself in a watermelon patch. I was never so ashamed in my life. It is a very serious thing to be awakened so rudely out of a sound sleep, by a bull dog, to find yourself in the watermelon vineyard of a man with whom you are not acquainted. I was not on terms of social intimacy with this man or his dog. They did not belong to our set. We had never been thrown together before. After that I was called the great somnambulist and men who had watermelon conservatories shunned me. But it cured me of my somnambuli *** . I have never tried to somnambule any more since that time. There are other little incidents of my schooldays that e trooping up in my memory at this moment, but they were not startling in their nature. Mine is but the history of one who struggled on year after year, trying to do better, but most always failing to connect. The boys of Boston would do well to study carefully my record and then–do differently. ------------------ 短的:I will graduate from my college in June. But now I have been at work for one month in advance. After experiencing much tention and pressure from work ,I felt deeply that the school days were really nice to me. I could still remember that the happy life ,living with my roommates.We not only shared happiness,but also shared misery. No matter what happened we all acpanied each other as our own relatives. Although I don" t know how they are going now, I hope everyone has a happy life and a bright future. Because in my eyes they are all hardworking. I miss you so much! Many students said that they had learnt nothing from their college life .But in my opinion,during these four years of studying , what we have learnt will benifit a lot in our whole lifetime.。 8. 以 My school day为题写一篇不少于80字的英语作文 Talking of my school day, most of it is the same as other students- taking classes and doing homework every day. However, there is one thing that fascinates me, the English corner. My school has English corner in the afternoon every Friday. Studets talk with each other in English, and there are many activities such as "movies from north Amercia" and "European culture". After those activities, each of us will make a presentation as a group of four. To me, this is not only a golden chance to practice and improve my oral English, I can also make new friends there. For instance, I met Jack last semester in the English corner, and now he is one of my best friends. All in general, my school day is interesting and meaningful. I love the English corner. 9. myschooldays的作文50单词至少6句话 Everyday morning,i am very happy to go to school.I listen to the teacher carefully.I like my teachers very much,because they are kind .after class,i play with my clas *** ates.we can play basketball,football,and table tennis.sometimes,we stay in the classroom to do our homework.after school,my mother will take me home.。
2023-07-25 06:21:081

#口语粉碎机# L1 Day3 【打卡序列03】 1. 太阳从西边落下。 翻译:The sun falls in the west. 分析:主(太阳)谓(落下)状(从西边) 答案:The sun sets in the west. 解析:set的用法: When the sun sets, it moves down in the sky and disappears 落下,下山 日出:sunrise 日落:sunset 2. 他们暂时待在北京。【重点】 翻译:They stay in Beijing temporary. 分析:主(他们)谓(待)状(在北京) 答案:They are staying in Beijing. 解析:现在进行时 暂时,表示目前,at present,表示现阶段正在进行着的动作 3. 你能借给我那本英汉字典吗? 翻译:Could you lend me that English-Chinese dictionary? 分析:主(你)谓(借)直宾(字典)间宾(我) 答案:Could you lend me the English-Chinese dictionary. 解析:that 有指示代词的作用 the 特指,这里需要特指某一本书, 4. 你这有 WIFI 吗? 翻译:Do you have WIFI here? 分析:主(你)谓(有)宾(WIFI) 答案:Do you offer WIFI here? 解析:中文的有,对应英文有各种不同的词汇表达,根据句意,这里表示 提供 的意思。5. 你提供包邮吗? 翻译:Do you provide express-free service? 分析:主(你)谓(提供)宾(包邮) 答案:Do you offer free delivery? 解析:提供:offer 包邮:free delivery 我的表达过于冗长 offer,provide和supply用法: *provide指有远见,为应付意外、紧急情况等作好充分准备而“供给、提供”,可用于provide sb.(with sth.)或 provide sth.(for sb.)结构. He persuaded other people to provide money or to give help. 他说服别人提供钱或给予帮助. 1. The school provided food for the students. 2. They provided us with all the books we need.*supply通常指定期“供应”,强调替代或补充所需物品 supply sb.with sth. supply sb. 1. The cars will be supplied to people all over the country.*offer侧重表示“愿意给予”【重点】 offer sb.sth. offer to do sth. 后不能接宾语从句. 1. She offered me a cup of tea.注 意: provide不如supply常用,但前者可跟双宾语,而后者无此用法.有时它们可互换,可说provide/supply sb.,也可说provide/supply sb.with sth.. The bank provided/supplied him with a loan $100,000.6. 冬季昼短夜长。 翻译:Days are short and nights are long in winter. 分析:主(昼/夜)系(是)表(短的/长的) 答案:In winter, days are short and nights are long.7. 他的头发已经白了。 翻译:His hair was white. 分析:主(头发)系(是)表(白的) 答案:His hair has turned grey. 解析:已经:完成的时态 头发,灰白色。grey(英) gray(美)8. 语法课本周二开始。【重点】 翻译:The course of grammar will start this Tuesday. 分析:主(语法课)谓(开始)状(本周二) 答案:The grammar course begins on Tuesday. 解析:begin & start 的区别 start 动作性较强,以行动开始某一具体的工作。有“动身”、“着手”、“开始第一步”意思。 begin则动作性较弱,描写一种状态的开始,特别是较缓慢的开始一般现在时还可以:表示已预先计划或安排的肯定将要发生的动作【重点】 主要用于come(来),go(去),start(出发),begin(开始),leave(离开),return(返回),stop(停下来)等瞬间动词,句中常有表示将来时间的状语: Schools begin on September 1st in China.在中国,学校于9月1日开学。9. 他看上去挺吃惊的。【重点】 翻译:He looks surprised. 分析:主(他)系(看上去)表(吃惊) 答案:He looked astonished/surprised. 解析:他显出吃惊的样子,我才看到,应该用过去式表示之前发生的事。10. 吠犬不咬人。 翻译:A barking dog never bites people. 分析:主(吠犬)谓(咬)宾(人) 答案:A barking dog never bites. 解析:中文一对一翻译 bite:vi/vt 在这里强调的是不咬,用vi更简洁。心得:时态的灵活运用,能减少句子的冗长和不地道。*消极词汇:3/3 offer set grey *时态小结: 「1」现在进行时用法:1.表示说话时正在进行的动作常和now连用,有时和动词如look,listen等连用,表示“现在”这一概念: Listen! Birds are singing.听!鸟在歌唱。2.表示现阶段正在进行着的动作 【重点】现阶段正在进行着的动作,不一定指说话时正在进行着的动作。常和at present(目前),this week(本周),these days(这几天),等时间状语连用,包括:暂时。 We"re looking for a house to rent for the summer. Are you trying to find a furnished house? 3.表示当前的动向 People are getting less tolerant of smoking these days. Houses are costing more these days. She is resembling her mother more and more as the years go by.4.表示事先计划好的动作(指将来)表示一个在最近按计划将进行的动作或为将来安排好的活动,通常需要一个表示时间的状语: We are spending next summer in England.我们将要在英国度过明年夏天。 I"m getting married tomorrow.我明天就要结婚了。 *用arrive(到达),come(到来),go(走、离去),leave(离开)等动词的现在进行时描写行程安排,有“将到达”和“将离去”的意思: He"s arriving tomorrow morning on the 7:30 train. Christmas is coming soon. I"m leaving England and going to live in Spain.5.重复的动作 副词always(表示屡次),repeatedly(再三地),forever(老是、不断地)等可与进行时连用,表示不断重复的动作: She"s always helping people.她经常帮助别人。 He"s always causing trouble.他总是在制造麻烦。 The little boy is forever asking questions.这小男孩老是没完没了地问问题。「2」一般现在时用法: 1.表示经常发生的动作或存在的状态 常和always(总是),usually(通常),often(经常),sometimes(有时),every day(每天),every week(每周),seldom(难得)等时间状语连用: Today is the first day of spring.2.表示众所周知的客观事实或普遍真理 表示众所周知的客观事实或普遍真理时,一般不用时间状语:3.有些表示状态的动词往往用一般现在时 1)、表示情感的动词有:envy(羡慕),love(爱),like(喜欢),hate(恨)等: 2)、表示需求、偏爱的动词有:desire(想要),hope(希望),need(需要),prefer(宁愿选择),require(需要),want(想要),wish(希望)等: 3)、表示感觉、知觉的动词有:feel(感觉),hear(听到),hurt(疼痛),look(看起来),notice(注意到),see(看见),sound(听起来),taste(尝起来)等: 【注意】 在口语中,上述表示感觉的动词常与can连用,以表示持续的状态: 4)、表示思想、信念的动词有:agree(同意),allow(允许),believe(相信),doubt(怀疑),find(发现),know(知道),guess(猜想),mean(意思是),mind(在意),propose(提议),recognize(认出),remember(记得),suggest(提议),suppose(猜想),think(以为),understand(理解)等: 5)、表示存在、外观、拥有、所有的动词有:appear(呈现),be(是),contain(包含),consist(存在于),belong(属于),fit(合适),have(有),matter(要紧、重要),need(需要),owe(拥有),prove(证明),possess(拥有),remain(留下),seem(好像),show(说明),suit(适合)等:4.在时间、条件状语从句中表示将要发生的动作 If it"s fine tomorrow,we"ll go to the Great Wall.5.表示已预先计划或安排的肯定将要发生的动作【重点】 主要用于come(来),go(去),start(出发),begin(开始),leave(离开),return(返回),stop(停下来)等瞬间动词,句中常有表示将来时间的状语: a、Schools begin on September1st in China.在中国,学校于9月1日开学。 b、They leave for London next week.他们于下周前往伦敦。 The train starts at 7:45am.火车将于早7点45分发车。6.表示主语的特征、职业、能力等 a、They come from the United States.他们来自美国。 b、He works in a company.他在一家公司工作。7.表示陈述和声明 a、I declare this exhibition open.我宣布展览会开幕。(declare之后的宾语从句中谓语动词open为虚拟语气,open前省略了should) b、I love you. I hate,恨他。8.其他 a、Here she comes.她来了。 b、There goes the bell.铃响了。注:一般现在时可表示完成的动作,表示过去、最近的将来、预定的行为以及用于表示将来的从句。
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Barking dogs do not bite。吠犬不咬人 The best fish swim near bottom。好鱼居深渊 To kill two birds with one stone。一石二鸟 To ride the tiger。骑虎难下 To shed crocodile tears。掉鳄鱼眼泪 汉语中若没有与英语相同的谚语和习语,但与汉语中有关其它动物相近或类似的说法: Dog doesn‘t eat dog。虎毒不食子 If the shepherds quarrel,the wolf has a winning game。鹬蚌相争,渔翁得利 Love me, love my dog。爱屋及乌 A lion in the way。拦路虎 A rat in a hole。瓮中之鳖 As wet as a drowned rat。湿如落汤鸡 Like a cat on hot bricks。像热锅上的蚂蚁 When the cat is away, the mice will play。山中无老虎,猴子称大王 To lock the stable door after the horse is stolen。亡羊补牢 另外一些动物类词语,汉语中没有对应的谚语和习语,但与汉语中非动物类谚语和成语较接近: Better a living dog than a dead lion。好死不如赖活着 Birds of a feather flock together。物以类聚,人以群分 It‘s an ill bird that fouls its own nest。家丑不可外扬 To beard the lion in his den。太岁头上动土 The best fish smell when they are three days old。久住招人嫌 Fish begins to stink at the head。上梁不正下梁歪 Fight dog, fight bear。不获全胜不收兵 The cat shuts its eyes when stealing cream。掩耳盗铃 The leopard can‘t change its sports。本性难移 May as well be hanged for a sheep as a lamb。一不做二不休 To put the cart before the horse。本末倒置 He who has a mind to beat his dog will easily find a stick。欲加之罪,何患无辞 Never offer to teach fish tow swim。切莫班门弄斧 To help a lame dog over a stile。雪中送炭 剩下的是英语中原有的.具有独特风格和特色的动物类谚语和习语,一般可直译,但需要结合英语语言的背景作具体理解: A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush。双鸟在林,不如一鸟在手 One swallow doesn‘t make a summer。一燕不成夏 Never swap horse while crossing the stream。渡到河中别换马 Don‘t count your chickens before they are hatched。蛋未孵出莫数鸡
2023-07-25 06:21:341


  期末将至,四年级的学生应该如何复习英语才最好呢?不如多做几份英语试题,熟悉考试题型,提高解题能力。下面是我为大家整理的人教版英语四年级上册期末测试题,希望对大家有用!   人教版英语四年级上册期末测试题   一. 选出不同类的一项。    1.A.high C.far D.jump    2.A.plane B.train C.ride D.subway    3.A.see B.draw C.drink    4.A.bread B.soup C.sweet D.milk    5.A.month B.March C.August D.April   二.单项选择.    1.“Good luck,Daming.”   A.Thank you. B.Good C.OK    2.Can I have some bread?   A.Yes, you can"t B.No,I can"t C.Yes ,you can    3.What is Lingling going to-------- ?   She is going to------- the high jump. doing B. does do do    4.How many days are there in May?   A.There are 31day.   B.Therr are 30 days.   C.There are 31 days.    5.What is Daming doing?   A.He is going to run 100 metres.   B.He is doing Taijiquan.   C.He is going to Shanghai.   三.按要求写出单词的适当形式。 复数形式------------ 2.see同音词------------   3.cycle现在分词------------- 4.Let"s 完整形式--------------   5.near 反义词-----------------   四.连词成句。   1. are lots there in festivals February of .   2. are wall they to you going colour the white .   3. Can have I soup some ?   4. Daming rowing is a in boat park the .   5. How are tree apples many there on the ?   五.小小纠错家。改错并改正   1. Twenty and three are twenty—one.   A B C ---------------   2. How many month are there in a year?   A B C -----------------   3.Lingling is going to running in the park.   A B C -----------------   4.Lili is listen to music.   A B C -----------------   5.There is one dogs in my house..   A B C ---------------   六.阅读理解.   Tom :Hello ! Do you go to school every day?   Lili : No, we ro to school from Monday to Friday.   Tom : What are you going to do this Sunday?   Lili : I am going to swim.   Tom : What about your brother, John?   Lili : No,he is going to fly a kite.   Tom : Where is he now?   Lili : He is at home.He is making the kite.   Tom : Can I go and see him?   Lili : sure.Let"s go.    1. Lili goes to school----------;   A.every day B.Monday and Friday C,form Monday to Friday    2.Lili"s brother is -----------------.   A .Tom B. John C,I don"t know    3.John is ----------- now. home school C.swimming    4.John is going to ---------- this Sunday.   A.swim B.make a cake a kite    5.Tom is going to ----------- now.   A.see Lli B.see John a kite.   人教版英语四年级上册期末测试题答案   一。D C D C A   二。A C C C B   三。 2.sea 3.cycling 4.Let us 5.far   四.1.there are lots of festivals in February.   2.they are going to colour the wall white.   3.Can I have some soup?   4.Daming is rowing a boat in the park.   5.How many apples are there on the tree?   五.1.B is 2. B moths 3.B run 4. B listening 5. B dog   六.C B A B B   以上是由我分享的人教版英语四年级上册期末测试题全部内容,希望对你的考试有帮助。
2023-07-25 06:21:411


2023-07-25 06:21:532

dog days are over什么意思

Dog Days Are OverThe Dog Days Are Over是乐队Florence and the Machine首张专辑「Lungs」的开场曲,曾用作美剧谍影迷情Covert Affairs第一季第一集的插曲。后被选作美剧《欢乐合唱团Glee 》第二季中的歌曲。并在《我是歌手》第九期作为尚雯婕的返场曲目,被重新演绎。目 录1简介2英文歌词3中文歌词1简介开场曲"Dog Days Are Over",徘徊在Folk与Pop的边缘,加上Florence韧性十足的演绎功力,很难不让人深深着迷。2英文歌词  Happiness,hit hurt like a train on a track  Coming towards her,stuck still no turning back  She hid around corners and she hid under beds  She killed it with kisses and from it she fled  With every bubble she sank with a drink  and washed it away down the kitchen sink  The dog days are over  The dog days are done  The horses are coming so you better run  Run fast for your mother run fast for your father  Run for your children and your sisters and brothers  Leave all your love and your loving behind you  Can"t carry it with you if you want to survive  The dog days are over  the dog days are done  Can"t you hear the horses  Cuz here they come  And I never wanted anything from you  Except everything you had  and what was left after that too. oh.  Happiness it hurt like a bullet in the mind  Stuck them up drainpipes  by someone who should know better than that  The dog days are over  The dog days are gone  can you hear the horses  Cuz here they come  Run fast for your mother and fast for your father  Run for your children for your sisters and brothers  Leave all your love and your loving behind you  Can"t carry it with you if you want to survive  The dog days are over  The dog days are gone  Can you hear the horses  Cuz here they come  The dog days are over  The dog days are gone...  The horses are coming so you better run3中文歌词幸福,像疾驰的火车般向她袭来,追逐着她直到她无路可退她躲在角落里,藏在床底下她用她的吻扼杀了“幸福”然后逃离了随着无数的气泡,一杯酒后她进入沉醉然后把它洗去 在厨房的水槽中炎炎夏日结束了炎炎夏日结束了骏马飞奔而来所以你最好赶快奔跑为了你的母亲和你的父亲拼命奔跑为了你的孩子和兄弟姐们拼命奔跑把你的爱人以及爱情远远抛在身后只有摆脱这些你才能继续生存炎炎夏日结束了炎炎夏日结束了你能听到马蹄声吗它们已经来了我从来不想从你身上获得什么除了你所拥有的一切和全部未来幸福就像摄入后背的子弹向她袭来由一个来自天堂的某人射出他应该知道这样不对炎炎夏日结束了炎炎夏日结束了你能听到马蹄声吗它们已经来了所以你最好赶快奔跑为了你的母亲和你的父亲拼命奔跑为了你的孩子和兄弟姐们拼命奔跑把你的爱人以及爱情远远抛在身后只有摆脱这些你才能继续生存炎炎夏日结束了炎炎夏日结束了你能听到马蹄声吗它们已经来了炎炎夏日结束了炎炎夏日结束了骏马飞奔而来所以你最好赶快奔跑dog days,牛津翻译为:酷暑期,还举了一个例子:the dog days of summer 夏日的酷暑期。
2023-07-25 06:22:171

Dog Days Are Over 歌词

歌曲名:Dog Days Are Over歌手:Florence and The Machine专辑:MTV UnpluggedFlorence And The Machine-Dog Days Are OverHappiness,it hurt like a train on a trackComing towards her,stuck still no turning backShe hid around corners and she hid under bedsShe killed it with kisses and from it she fledWith every bubble she sank with a drinkand washed it away down the kitchen sinkThe dog days are overThe dog days are doneThe horses are coming so you better runRun fast for your mother run fast for your fatherRun for your children and your sisters and brothersLeave all your love and your loving behind youCan"t carry it with you if you want to surviveThe dog days are overthe dog days are doneCan"t you hear the horsesCuz here they comeAnd I never wanted anything from youExcept everything you hadand what was left after that too. oh.Happiness it hurt like a bullet in the mindStuck them up drainpipesby someone who should know better than thatThe dog days are overThe dog days are gonecan you hear the horsesCuz here they comeRun fast for your mother and fast for your fatherRun for your children for your sisters and brothersLeave all your love and your loving behind youCan"t carry it with you if you want to surviveThe dog days are overThe dog days are goneCan you hear the horses because here they comeThe dog days are overThe dog days are goneCan you hear the horses because here they comerepeat
2023-07-25 06:22:271


《我是歌手》第九期歌单:  黄绮珊《剪爱》  林志炫《Making love out of nothing at all》  羽泉《男人哭吧不是罪》  沙宝亮《Take a look around+死了都要爱》  周晓鸥《不再掩饰》  辛晓琪《亲爱的小孩》  彭佳慧《走在红毯那一天》  尚雯婕(返场)《Dog days are over》楼下如有雷同 纯属复制粘贴 楼主明鉴~还请楼主注意回答时间还望采纳~
2023-07-25 06:22:481


第1期羽泉《心似狂潮》陈明《等你爱我》尚雯婕《最终信仰》黄贯中《海阔天空》黄绮珊《等待》沙宝亮《飘》齐秦《夜夜夜夜》 第2期黄绮珊《离不开你》齐秦《用心良苦》尚雯婕《你怎么舍得我难过》陈明《当我想你的时候》沙宝亮《秋意浓》黄贯中《吻别》 羽泉《烛光里的妈妈》离场歌手:黄贯中第3期沙宝亮《浏阳河》 尚雯婕《Let"s get it started》羽泉《老男孩》陈明《情人的眼泪+思念是一种病》齐秦《张三的歌》黄绮珊《I will always love you》杨宗纬《矜持》黄贯中返场《我终于失去了你》第4期齐秦《如果云知道》 沙宝亮《你把我灌醉》羽泉《热情的沙漠》黄绮珊《跟着感觉走》陈明《心痛的感觉》杨宗纬《征服》尚雯婕《可惜不是你》离场歌手:杨宗纬第5期林志炫《没离开过》羽泉《再回首》尚雯婕《Man In The Mirror》黄绮珊《牵手》陈明《日不落》沙宝亮《女人的选择》 周晓鸥《爱不爱我》杨宗纬返场《空白格》第6期沙宝亮《让每个人都心碎》羽泉《我想有个家》尚雯婕《王妃》陈明《新不了情》 林志炫《烟花易冷》周晓鸥《天空》黄绮珊《回来》离场歌手:陈明第7期沙宝亮《鸿雁》黄绮珊《the power of love》尚雯婕《Moves Like Jagger》羽泉《大中国+We Wlii Rock You》林志炫《opera》周晓鸥《无情的你无情的雨》 辛晓琪《领悟》陈明返场《听说爱情回来过》第8期沙宝亮《你快回来》黄绮珊《让我一次爱个够》辛晓琪《至少还有你》周晓欧《无地自容》尚雯婕《super star》 羽泉《爱》林志炫《你的眼神 离场歌手:尚雯婕第9 期黄绮珊《剪爱》林志炫《Making Love Out Of Nothing At All》羽泉《男人哭吧不是罪》 沙宝亮《死了都要爱》 辛晓琪《亲爱的小孩》 周晓鸥《不再掩饰》彭佳慧《走在红毯那一天》尚雯婕返场《Dog Days Are Over》 第10期林志炫《夜夜夜夜》 彭佳慧《残酷的温柔》 黄绮珊《不让我的眼泪陪伴我过夜》 羽泉《狂流》 沙宝亮《往事随风》 辛晓琪《原来的我》 周晓鸥《爱情宣言+九个太阳》 齐秦《我只在乎你》离场歌手:沙宝亮第11期(复活赛)黄贯中《特别的爱给特别的你》、《我就是这样的》 尚雯婕《Love Warrior》、《我》 杨宗纬《流浪记》、《馋》 陈 明《寂寞让我如此美丽》、《梨花又开放》 沙宝亮《最初的信仰》、《someone like you》如要歌曲MP3格式,请追问留下邮箱,发给你~~
2023-07-25 06:22:561

dog days are coming~这什么意思

2023-07-25 06:23:031


空调(Air-conditioners)  In recent years, the air- conditioner has become one of the many indispensable electrical appliances for thousands upon thousands of families, especially those in the south, where the intense heat overwhelms the earth throughout the summer. The advantages of the air- conditioner are self - evident. Armed with the ability to refrigerate, the air- conditioner makes you feel refreshing and comfortable no matter how hot it is outside. Thus it guarantees the efficiency of your work and the quality of your rest. Without it there would be no knowing what would happen to you in the dog days. Moreover, it can also create a proper condition in summer for the operation of computers -- the best friends of yours in the information age. Too high a temperature would make computers work improperly, causing much inconvenience for your daily life and work.  With all the advantages the air- conditioner offers, its disadvantages are also obvious. To begin with, the installment of the air - conditioner always involves the hole making in the wall, which undoubtedly makes the wall less pleasing to the eye than if not. Besides, the air- conditioned environment may make you more and more dependent on the air - conditioner, thus physically weakening your ability to cope with hot weather. Most important, the air - conditioned environment provides poor ventilation, and sometimes may even give rise to a strange kind of smell, which makes you feel dizzy and sick. Consequently, you will be in no mood for enjoying the cool air produced by the air- conditioner.  All things considered, I think its advantages outweigh its disadvantages. Actually, nothing in the world is perfect. It is unwise to make light of the favorable aspects of a thing on account of its unfavorable aspects. The same is true of the attitude you take towards the air - conditioner.
2023-07-25 06:23:121

高一英语寒假生活20天(X版)5-8天的英语选择题以word的形式打出来 谢谢

The First Day 1- 5:BCDBDA 6-10:ABBDB 11-15:BBACC 16-20:CCBCA 21-25:CACBC 26-30:CACBC 31-35:CCBAC 36-40:AACAC 41-45:BDBCA 46-50:BCBAB 51-55:BDCBA 56-60:CCCAB The Second Day 1- 10:CCBCDAABCB 11-20:ABCBCDADAC 21-30:BDCBDCCCBD 31-40:BAABAACDAD 41-45:BCDCA 46.was running 47.hoped 48.practices 49:has been said 50:are waiting 51:had won 52:won"t take 53:be used 54:would be forgotten 55.had been sold The Third Day: 1- 10:AABBAABCBC 11-20:AADCABCDCB 21-30:BADBBBABCA 31-35:CDCCB 36:Teachers are involved in many tasks,such as ordering books,explaining lessons,giving homework and correcting papers. 37:Anyone who lives in the city can tell you where the zoo is. 38:Michelangelo left us with a great number of sculptures and paintings. 39:There are 43 students in this class,of whom two-thirds are girls. 40:By the time he was 10,he was already making a living by selling newspapers. The Fourth Day 1-10:DCBCBCCBAD 11-20:CCCCBAACBB 21-30:CDDDCDACBD 31-40:BACACCDDBA 41-45:DAACC The Fifth Day 1-10:DACDCDCBAB 11-20:DBCAACCBCA 21-30:BBAADDCDAD 31-40:BABABCCCAB 41-42:DD 43:will have stayed 44.says 45.go be having 47.(to)improve 49:never to play be made 51.going 52.will do 53.This medical team is made up of seven doctors all through their lives. 54.Don"t involve me in your trouble. 55.Often teachers have a great impact on studebts all through their lives. 56.You must answer all the questions without exception. 57.We must make great efforts to prevent pollution. The Sixth Day 1- 42:AABABBBABCCBCACBBACCBDBACBACBCBCABBBBADCAC 43.had experienced persuade concentrating 46.has made 47.has got 48.have waited 49.had been invented 50.mentioning 51:would have been built 52:had become 53.she lives alone in a big house,but she doesn"t feel lonely. 54.He began to sell newspapers to support his family at an early age. 55.When he watches the paintings,he can"t help but admire them. 56.Luxun is generally regarded as one of the best writers in China. 57.Thank You,but I will have to turn down our offer. The Sevevth Day 1- 42:DBABABADBCDDBCCACBABCBBBCBCBCCBCADBCCBCAAA 43:must be avoided learn 45.being invited 46.being examined 47.doesn"t keep 48.don"t need 49.was believed 50.being left 52.being sent 53.It seems to me that there is something funny about the case. 54.People under stress tend to express their full range of potential. 55.Generally speaking,teachers are able to communicate their ideas clearly. 56.You need to develop your reading further,and your writing as well. 57.We"re thinking of going to France for our holidays,but we"ve not decided for certain yet. The 8th Day 1- 42:CDADCDBBCCBCACAABABDCBAABDABCCCCACAABACBCD 43.sells 44.would give 45.had recognize 46.barking 47.watching 48.wrote 49:was waiting 50.had answered deliver 52.had tried 53.Some new books have been deivered to the school. 54.I encouraged her to work hard and to try for the examination.55.That solitary old man suspected to be connected with the crime. 56.It will fall upon the headmaster to make the decision. 57.It"s no wonder that you can"t sleep when you eat so much. The 9th Day 1- 42:DDCCCBBDADDCAACCDDBCCBBBBCABBBBBACCAACCBBC 43:watching 44.tested 45.stopped 46.had been married being discussed 48.missing 49.understood 50.has gone have been published 52:have been invited 53:The police used several dogs to track the thieves. 54.He didn"t turn up at the meeting yesterday. 55.Don"t rely on him to bring you a small gift from America. 56.What prevented you from joining us last night? 57.One of the boys in the class had a fever and he soon infected other children. The 10th Day 1- 40:ACADDABBCCCCBCBACCDBABDBACAABACBDDACCBCB taught 42.catches 43.are being repaired 44.doesn"t open 45.had been cleaned 46.going 47.todo 48.eating 49.are given 50.keeps 51:They thought the lod manager should give way to a younger person. 52.People can"t get to the island other than by boat. 53.How would you deal with an armed robber? 54.A special show was arranged to admit free the family members of the miners. 55.Computer-drawn cartoons won"t take the place of hand-drown cartoons in the future . The 11th Day 1- 45:BBCACAACAABDCBBCBDDACCABAABDADDCCBADACDBACDCB have 47.will have finished 48.finding 49.left 50.has gone out 51.has been put 52.were 53.eating solve 55.has gone out 56.He went thriugh a lot of hardships in his childhood. 57.A new idea sprang up in his mind. 58.The tourists protested about the bad service at the restaurant. 59.We"re rather concerned about father"s health. 60.She described her childhood as a time of wonder and discovery. The 12th Day 1- 45:AADCACBDDCBCBAACCBBBABDCDBCDBAACCBBCACDCDBDDD 46:to have been broken 47.had lied 48.will miss 49.was sleeping steal 51.had fallen 52.were collected 53.would go 54.has done 55.was told 56.The thieves gained entry to the house by a roof window. 57.He pointed out my mistake to me. 58.The plants benefited from the train. 59.If you commit a crime you can never escape being punished. 60.The artist left us excellent works instead of large sums of money. The 13th Day 1-45.BDCBAADDDAACBBDBDCBABCCAABCBBDABABBBACBDBCABA 46.being paid 47.comes 48.has been 49.has been lying turning 52.has been told 53.had been left 54.will be finished 55.understood 56.Please let us know your decision as soon as possible. 57.Stay home so as not to pass on your infectious disease to other. 58.Ever since his father"s death,she had been on his own. 59.Science sought an effective method of cintaining the disease. 60.They were at table when we called. The 14th Day 1- 40:DDACBBCDDCDAAABCDACAACBCCBACACBCBDDBCDBA. 41.was wriying 42.smokng 43.will be cleaned 44.leaves 45.asks 46.are doing 47.will be 48.happened 49.will open 50.becoming 51.He went to town for the purpose of buying a new computer. 52.After he retired,he will devote himself to gardening. 53.The new medicine hasn"t been tried out on aged people yet. 54.Let"s start our party with the song,shall we? 55.A great man can dominate others by force of character. The 15th Day 1- 40:BDBDDACBDACCDBDDBAAABCACDCDCAABADABDDACB 42.wearing 43.didn"t know 44.are being solved 45.would be 46.had been 47.have had 48.would be delivered have hanged 50.being knocked 51.People are raising more and more concern of the transportion in big cities. 52.The little biy found it(was)hard to put what/all(that)he had left into words. 53.He finally turned down the opportunity to develop his business in Hong Kong. 54.She took up writing at an early age. 55.I can take uo 4 people in my car. The 16th Day 1- 70:BCDACDADCDBCABDCBDACDBACABDCDCDBBBACDDACABCBCCDABBBDDACACABDCBBCBADBCA 71:My father has worked as a teacher for over 30 yers. 72.In addition of a teacher,you can choose to be a doctor. 73.My dog keeps me company whenever I am lonely. 74.We must rely on ourselves. 75.In the dephs of winter,animals can"t find food so they have the winter sleep. The 17th Day 1- 60:ACCCCABBABBCBABBCBAAABBCBACDCACBBDABDBBDAACBACABCCCAAACCAABA 61.We will havw se7en days off for National day this year. 62.National day falls on Monday this year. 63.People usually shake hands with each other in a very formal situation. 64.To our great surprise,he won the first prize in the maths contest. 65.It"s impolite to ask about other"s ages in English-speaking countries. The 18th Day 1- 50:BABBAABCBAAAABCBBABDBABCADBABBBACABCBCBCCACCBBBACA 51.He is in a good humor. 52.She has no close friend other than him. 53.We thought the old headmaster sould give way to a younger person. 54.He describes himself as a doctor. 55.We are all concerned for her safety. The 19th Day 1-53.BADCADBDBABCACDACACBCCCBBCADCBBDCDCBDAABADADCBBDADDDC 54.A secretary is in involved in many tasks,such as writing letters,answering the phone receiving people and so on. 55.Generally,young teachers are favoured over old teachers. 56.Zhu Geliang tried his best to help Liu Bei all through his life. 57.Everyone should try his best to master knowledge that is related to his work. 58.Such tourist attactions as the Bund are famous all over the world. The 20th Day 1-53.AABABDDAABBABBABABABBCBACADBBBABBCDABCDBDACAACDACADDB 54.She was prepared for anything to happen. 55.An officer must know how to handle his men. 56.The patient should be separated from the others. 57.Let"s play cards instead of watching television. 58.New houses were springing up all over the town
2023-07-25 06:25:252


飞屋环游记的What can I say about Pixar? Amazing?? Perfect?? Got to see this at the Cannes Film Festival in France (went on a trip with my family) and Pixar gives us another instant classic: Up.The movie focuses on 78-year old man Carl Fredrickson"s (voiced by Edward Asner) life who always had a dream of going on a journey to South American to see the wilds of it. He buys thousands of balloons just to attach it to his house to float up in the sky. So, he starts with his journey up in the sky in his house with balloons attached to it. Suddenly, he"s not alone and somebody"s at the door while flying, it"s a boy scout kid named Russell. He invites the boy with him on his journey to South America.Just brilliant and simple story-telling, beautiful visuals as usual with Pixar, awesome voice work, funny and smart dialogue, beautiful score once again by Michael Giacchino & very, very enjoyable characters. Speaking of characters, the highlight of the film: Dug the Dog. A sort of "robot" dog that will have you have you in a lot of stitches each scene that dog is in and that was the case with me. Simply, one of the funniest characters Pixar ever made. Pete Doctor, one of the four Pixar directors (John Lassester, Andrew Stanton, Brad Bird) who directed Monster"s Inc (2001) needs and should get nominated for his clever, genius and smart directing of this but if Stanton didn"t get the nods for (Finding Nemo and WALL-E) and Bird for (The Incredibles & Ratatouille) which they should of been, then the Oscars are making another HUGE mistake for not nominating this guy for this movie.Up is the funniest Pixar movie, funnier than the Toy Story movies, A Bug"s Life & Finding Nemo which were the funniest, in my opinion. The movie is not just hilarious, it"s emotional and sad at times. Like WALL-E, it focuses on the character feelings but not as magical as WALL-E. Still, Up is full of emotional, fun and hilarious proportions. Your in for a BIG ride in this!!冰河世纪"Ice" the set begins with a bird veteran "Cock wire" squirrel Scrat caused by the mainland split, then began a mammoth Manny, saber-toothed tiger Diego, sloth Sid iron triangle and their kind are The family set adventure funny journey ... Cock wire squirrel photographed much, but it will be earth-shattering, full of a "engage in engage in the array" guy, its motive is pure, nothing more than just pine cones, never thought of the enormous impact of their behavior, resulting in serious consequences, However when we disdain its behavior practices, and its specificity, adhere to the unremitting down that we can learn, as long as we see this as a family, to society, will naturally have achieved very good results. Mammoth Manny, a big but cautious, loved his family, great play, her daughter, strict management and strict teaching: going out can not go beyond a certain range, is not free to make friends, especially the kind friends of the opposite sex, began her daughter did not understand, then after the ordeal, her daughter understand come to understand that blood is thicker than water and what is true friendship, friends, Manny is also modifications for a sterile woman thinking, in reality, the relationship of parents and children how to handle I think targeted, like father Manny and his daughter may give us much inspiration. Saber-toothed tiger Diego, ferocious despot, the face of pirates led by the nagging wear lip monkeys, without fear that without fear, daring Hendou; However, the White Tiger Girl, second in command of piracy burnouts pitted after Heart unfortunately, gentle side that accentuates, is described as "the hero becomes a prisoner", the white tiger crush abandoned dark from the next; Sloth Sid is, indeed, everyone dubbed "the most stupid and useless" in the name, has been abandoned by their families, but it is very simple and optimistic, gregarious and live comfortably, precisely the most useless key moment will be useful, Most of us are pushovers and do their own is their home, that is, to make contributions to society; Finally, the ultra-sprouting Sid grandmother, because the old, the same as abandoned by their families, dependencies, and Sid (Sid will not abandon their grandmother), the elderly, had happened, even if the inconstancy of human relationships, but the mentality of super- step down when the cover I play: actually the whales when the pet (take a look at, you would dare to raise, only my super Meng grandmother), and finally also done a great save everyone, the elderly, there are many place in the play of their heat ... to support his caring for the elderly阿甘正传To be honest, I"ve never seen anyone like Forrest Gump in a movie before.Forrest Gump who is unfortunately to be born with a lower IQ and the muscle problem, usually, people always think this kind of person can"t be successful in doing anything. But, instead, this unlucky man has achieved lots of incredible success, he is a football star, a war hero, and later a millionaire!Forrest Gump not only shares his innocence and purity with others, ,he also manages to retain that innocence through some very difficult times. I love Forrest that he doesn"t lose his purity through the movie, or maybe he just can"t ,but either way, this shows us don"t need to be evil or really intelligent to be recognised or successful. It is just a movie, so maybe it doesn"t work like that in reality.A simply means is that the acting and story of this film got a high level like the real . And in my definition that"s what a good movie should be able to do.忠犬八公I watched Hachiko: A Dog"s Story days ago, eyes filling with tear. It"s really a fantasticly moving film.The plot went as: A college professor (Richard Gere) took in an abandoned dog and they formed an unbreakable bond. The dog arrived daily at the correct time at the station, to meet his owner. After the professor died while away from home, the dog kept vigil waiting for his master for nearly a decade.To wait for your love for a decade, which contains almost the whole life-time of Hachi, it"s an incredible dedication that we human beings never has. This is why the film strikes us a lot.No one has the ability to show his love to only one person during his whole life, let alone make friends with only one people; have the food that never changes year by year; do the same damn thing without complaining and conciousness of exhaustion. We can"t! However, what we could learn from Hachi is that we should never forget the one we once loved.A detail in the movie catches my eyes. One day when professor was on his way to school, Hachi fetched the tennis ball as he was taught years ago. But during the last several years, he never did like that, because to fetch a ball in this way is not his instinct. Why Hachi did so? He wants to entertain his master for more palatable food, for a hug? I"m afraid not.Research and statistics prove that pets are more sensitive in human"s potantial deseases than us do. Hachi fetched that ball because he knew that his master is going to die because of his heart desease. It"s his only way to hold him back.Hachi has been waiting in the weeds, waiting for his only fellow to walk him home. His hope has been floating in the breeze, carrying his loneliness and misery all above the ground. Maybe professor knows, but he could never come back.冰雪公主I watched a film in computer, the film is named <Ice Princess>. Although this is a typical commercial film, but deeply touched my heart. Only sticking to dream can we realize to it. I remember when cancy gave up Harvard, she and her mother have such a conversation: Mother: Cancy, you can"t do this, you are giving up your dream! Cancy: No, mom, I"m giving up your dream! See here, I understand why this movie will have so much resonance. I feel like Cancy, the parent holding her give up her"s dream, but never thought about whether her wants. I admire Cancy, when she faces her mother love things, but she doesn"t like to it, she has the courage to refuse it. A dream for many people, the word may indeed just a dream, only to survive in the heart, never thought I could go for, only too much because they can not cast aside, after the failure of total fear nothing. Indeed, the cruel reality can really frustrate a person"s enthusiasm. Yes, I still want to give it ago, the same as Cancy. The film also does make my mind suddenly had a big change, I began to call upon their past, are beginning to understand the way the future. It must be my own. The need to pursue the dream of the cost, I must learn to give up a lot of other things. Thinking many times, each time hit my heart. Touched me the most is that race credits Cancy, the mother arrived at the scene that period. I think, no more than the support of parents had more power to you.Thus we should be respect our parents and persuade them support our dream, then we feel very happy.
2023-07-25 06:26:011


  下文《2010年12月四级考试真题发布》由英语频道为您整理,欢迎您访问浏览更多资讯。    2010年12月大学英语四级考试真题    Part I Writing (30 minutes)   Directions:For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled How Should Parents Help Children to Be Independent? You should write at least 150 words following the outline given below.   1. 目前不少父母为孩子包办一切   2. 为了让孩子独立, 父母应该u2026u2026   How Should Parents Help Children to Be Independent?   .   .   .   Part II Reading Comprehension(Skimming and Scanning) (15 minutes)   Directions: In this part, you will have 15 minutes to go over the passage quickly and answer the questions on Answer Sheet 1. For questions 1-7, choose the best answer from the four choices marked [A], [B], [C] and [D]. For questions 8-10, complete the sentences with the information given in the passage.   A Grassroots Remedy   Most of us spend our lives seeking the natural world. To this end, we walk the dog, play golf, go fishing, sit in the garden, drink outside rather than inside the pub, have a picnic, live in the suburbs, go to the seaside, buy a weekend place in the country. The most popular leisure activity in Britain is going for a walk. And when joggers (慢跑者) jog, they donu2019t run the streets. Every one of them instinctively heads to the park or the river. It is my profound belief that not only do we all need nature, but we all seek nature, whether we know we are doing so or not.   But despite this, our children are growing up nature-deprived (丧失). I spent my boyhood climbing trees on Streatham Common, South London. These days, children are robbed of these ancient freedoms, due to problems like crime, traffic, the loss of the open spaces and odd new perceptions about what is best for children, that is to say, things that can be bought, rather than things that can be found.   The truth is to be found elsewhere. A study in the US: families had moved to better housing and the children were assessed for ADHD—attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (多动症). Those whose accommodation had more natural views showed an improvement of 19%; those who had the same improvement in material surroundings but no nice view improved just 4%.   A study in Sweden indicated that kindergarten children who could play in a natural environment had less illness and greater physical ability than children used only to a normal playground. A US study suggested that when a school gave children access to a natural environment, academic levels were raised across the entire school.   Another study found that children play differently in a natural environment. In playgrounds, children create a hierarchy (等级) based on physical abilities, with the tough ones taking the lead. But when a grassy area was planted with bushes, the children got much more into fantasy play, and the social hierarchy was now based on imagination and creativity.   Most bullying (恃强凌弱) is found in schools where there is a tarmac (柏油碎石) playground; the least bullying is in a natural area that the children are encouraged to explore. This reminds me unpleasantly of Sunnyhill School in Streatham, with its harsh tarmac, where I used to hang about in corners fantasising about wildlife.   But children are frequently discouraged from involvement with natural spaces, for health and safety reasons, for fear that they might get dirty or that they might cause damage. So, instead, the damage is done to the children themselves: not to their bodies but to their souls.   One of the great problems of modern childhood is ADHD, now increasingly and expensively treated with drugs. Yet one study after another indicates that contact with nature gives huge benefits to ADHD children. However, we spend money on drugs rather than on green places.   The life of old people is measurably better when they have access to nature. The increasing emphasis for the growing population of old people is in quality rather than quantity of years. And study after study finds that a garden is the single most important thing in finding that quality.   In wider and more difficult areas of life, there is evidence to indicate that natural surroundings improve all kinds of things. Even problems with crime and aggressive behaviour are reduced when there is contact with the natural world.   Dr William Bird, researcher from the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds, states in his study, “A natural environment can reduce violent behaviour because its restorative process helps reduce anger and impulsive behaviour.” Wild places need encouraging for this reason, no matter how small their contribution.   We tend to look on nature conservation as some kind of favour that human beings are granting to the natural world. The error here is far too deep: not only do humans need nature for themselves, but the very idea that humanity and the natural world are separable things is profoundly damaging.   Human beings are a species of mammals (哺乳动物). For seven million years they lived on the planet as part of nature. Our ancestral selves miss the natural world and long for contact with non-human life. Anyone who has patted a dog, stroked a cat, sat under a tree with a pint of beer, given or received a bunch of flowers or chosen to walk through the park on a nice day, understands that.   We need the wild world. It is essential to our well-being, our health, our happiness. Without the wild world we are not more but less civilised. Without other living things around us we are less than human.   Five ways to find harmony with the natural world   Walk: Break the rhythm of permanently being under a roof. Get off a stop earlier, make a circuit of the park at lunchtime, walk the child to and from school, get a dog, feel yourself moving in moving air, look, listen, absorb.   Sit: Take a moment, every now and then, to be still in an open space. In the garden, anywhere thatu2019s not in the office, anywhere out of the house, away from the routine. Sit under a tree, look at water, feel refreshed, ever so slightly renewed.   Drink: The best way to enjoy the natural world is by yourself; the second best way is in company. Take a drink outside with a good person, a good gathering: talk with the sun and the wind with birdsong for background.   Learn: Expand your boundaries. Learn five species of bird, five butterflies, five trees, five bird songs. That way, you see and hear more: and your mind responds gratefully to the greater amount of wildness in your life.   Travel: The places you always wanted to visit: by the seaside, in the country, in the hills. Take a weekend break, a day-trip, get out there and do it: for the scenery, for the way through the woods, for the birds, for the bees. Go somewhere special and bring specialness home. It lasts forever, after all.   注意:此部分试题请在答题卡1上作答。   1. What is the authoru2019s profound belief?   [A] People instinctively seek nature in different ways.   [B] People should spend most of their lives in the wild.   [C] People have quite different perceptions of nature.   [D] People must make more efforts to study nature.   2. What does the author say people prefer for their children nowadays?   [A] Personal freedom.   [B] Things that are natural.   [C] Urban surroundings.   [D] Things that are purchased.   3. What does a study in Sweden show?   [A] The natural environment can help children learn better.   [B] More access to nature makes children less likely to fall ill.   [C] A good playground helps kids develop their physical abilities.   [D] Natural views can prevent children from developing ADHD.   4. Children who have chances to explore natural areas ________.   [A] tend to develop a strong love for science   [B] are more likely to fantasise about wildlife   [C] tend to be physically tougher in adulthood   [D] are less likely to be involved in bullying   5. What does the author suggest we do to help children with ADHD?   [A] Find more effective drugs for them.   [B] Provide more green spaces for them.   [C] Place them under more personal care.   [D] Engage them in more meaningful activities.
2023-07-25 06:26:191


2023-07-25 06:26:315

初一英语十篇阅读理解 翻译加答案

Most people who work in the office have a boss (老板). So do I (我也是). But my boss is a little unusual. What"s unusual about him? It"s a big dog. Many men have dogs, but few men bring their dogs to the office every day. My boss"s dog. Robinson, is big and brown. My boss brings him to work every day. He takes the dog to meetings and he takes the dog to lunch. When there is telephone call for my boss, I always know if he is in the office. I only look under his desk. If I see something brown and hairy (毛绒绒的) under it, I know my boss is somewhere in the office. If there is no dog , I know my boss is out. ( )6. People _________bring dogs to the office. A. usually B. often C. seldom (几乎不) D. sometimes ( )7. My boss is Robinson"s ________. A. boss B. master C. classmate D. teacher ( )8. Robinson goes to meetings _________ my boss. A. for B. without C. instead of (代替) D. with ( )9. Robinson is always under the desk if the boss is _________. A. in the office B. at meetings C. out of the office D. out of work ( )10. The passage tells us the boss _________ the dog very much. A. looks like B. hates (恨) C. likes D. trust(信任) C B D A C 6. 由日常生活的常识可知,很少有人带狗上班 7. 通读全文,我的BOSS 是个人,也就是说是狗的主人 8. with有“跟某人一起”的意思,例如:I go to see a film with my parents.” 10. 通过整篇文章的阅读,可以判断除了C外,其他的选项都不符合原文的意思. (一) Can You Tell Me?(你能告诉吗) A father asks him son “How many letters are there in the Alphabet (字母表)?”“I don"t know,”says his son. His father says, “You don"t know? You are in school for many years and you don"t know how many letters are there in the Alphabet?”He is very angry(生气). His son says, “No. But let me ask you a question(问题), Dad. You often go to the post office(邮局), please tell me how many letters are there in the post office?” ( )1.From the story, we know the son is good at(擅长) English. ( )2.The son studies at school over (超过) one year. ( )3.The father gets angry because his son is not polite (有礼貌) to him. ( )4.The father knows how many letters there are in the post office. ( )5.There are twenty-six letters in the Alphabet. (二) Too Polite(礼貌过头了) There are many people in the bus. Some have seats, but some have to(不得不) stand. At a bus stop, a woman gets on the bus. An old man hears the door and tries (试着) to stand up. “Oh, no, thank you,” the woman forces (强迫) him back to the seat. “Please don"t do that. I can stand.” “But, madam(夫人), let me…,”says the man. “I ask you to keep your seat(坐在你的座位上),” the woman says. She puts(放) her hands on the old man"s shoulder(肩膀). But the man still(仍然) tries to stand up,“Madam, will you please let me…?”“Oh, no,”says the woman. She again(又) forces the man back. At last(最后) the old man shouts(大声喊), “I wants to get off(下车) the bus!” ( )1.All the people have seats in the bus. ( )2.An old man gets on the bus at a bus stop. ( )3.The old man wants to give his seat to he woman. ( )4.The woman sits the old man"s seat. ( )5.The old man wants to get off the bus. (一)(1)× (2)√ (3)× (4)× (5)√ (二)(1)× (2)× (3)× (4)× (5)√ Jim is an English boy. He comes to China with his father and mother. They come here to work. Jim comes here to study. He is in No. 5 Middle School. He gets up early every day. He isn"t late for school. He studies hard. He can read and write English well. He often helps us with our English, and we often help him with his Chinese. After class he likes playing football, swimming, running, jumping and riding. He makes many friends here. We are glad to stay with him. On Sunday he often helps his mother clean the house, mend something or do the shopping. He likes Chinese food very much. He likes living here. He likes Chinese students very much. We all like him , too. 根据短文内容,判断以下句子的正误。对的在括号内填“ T ”, 错的填“ F ”。( 10 分) ( F )1. He gets up late every day. ( T )2. He often teaches us English. ( F )3. After class , he likes singing and playing basketball. ( T )4. On Sunday he often helps his mother clean the house. ( F )5. He doesn"t like Chinese food.A)阅读短文,选择正确答案There is an old tiger in the forest. He doesn"t want to look for food now. He often asks other animals to get him something to eat. One day, he sees a monkey and says, “I am hungry, monkey. Go to the village and get me something to eat.” “ I can"t do that now, tiger,” the monkey says, “There is another tiger over there. He will not let me get anything for you to eat. I am afraid of him.” “What?” cries the old tiger. “Take me to that tiger. I will talk to him.” The monkey and the tiger get to the bridge over the river. “Now look down at the water.” Says the monkey. “Do you see the tiger?” “Yes, I do,” cries the old tiger. “I will eat him.” With these words, the tiger jumps into the river.( )1 An old tiger lives ____. A. in the zoo B. in the garden C. in the forest D. on the farm( )2 How many tigers and monkeys are there in the story? A. Two tigers and two monkeys. B. Two tigers and one monkey. C. One tiger and two monkeys. D. One tiger and one monkey.( )3 Why does the tiger ask the other animals to get him food?Because ____. A. they are afraid of him B. only they can look for some food C. they are his friends D. they like to do so( )4 The monkey ____. A. goes to get something to eat B. gets to the bridge with the tiger C. knows there is another tiger D. tells the tiger to jump into the water( )5 Which of the following is right? A. The tiger is very clever. B. The monkey eats the tiger. C. The tiger eats another tiger. D. The tiger jumps into the water.(B)吉姆正在和莎莉聊天。请根据聊天内容判断所给句子的对(A)错(B)Jim: How many days are there in a week?Sally: Why, seven, of course. Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday?Jim: Well, Sally, can you speak out (说出) the five days of a week and not say Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday?Sally: Let me see. I"m sorry I can"t. Can you?Jim: Of course I can. They are today, tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, yesterday, the day before yesterday.( ) 6 There are seven days in a week.( ) 7 Sally can speak out five days of the week and not say Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday.( ) 8 Jim thinks there are five days in a week.( ) 9 It"s Saturday today, so tomorrow is Sunday.( ) 10 Tomorrow is the day before today. 答案:1-5 CDABD 6-10 ABBABJoe bought a farm in the east of the country.He began to build a house on it.Then his new neighbour said to him,“The weather is often very bad here.The wind"s very strong,and it breaks windows and doors.You must build a room under the ground and then you"ll be safe from the wind.”So Joe built a room under the ground.It was a lot of work.But after that,the weather was good for a very long time.There was no wind.Joe was not happy.He said,“Why did I listen to my neighbour?I didn"t have to make that room under the ground.”But then one day there was a very strong wind,and Joe and his family had to go down to their room under the ground.When the wind stopped,they came up.All the windows and doors in their house were broken.1.Where did Joe buy a farm?___________________2.Why did his neighbour ask him to build a room under the ground?Because _____________________.3.Was it easy to build a room under the ground?______________________________.4.How did Joe feel when the weather was fine for a long time?_________________________________________.5.What do you think of Joe"s neighbour?_________________________________________.第一题:Joe bought a farm in the east of the country.第二题:Because he could build a room under the ground to be safe from the strong wind.第三题:NO,it is not easy.第四题:Joe was not happy.第五题:He is a mind man.祝你好运~~~追问 在给3篇成不加起来就10篇了谢谢你回答 Dick has a friend. His name is George. He works on a big ship(轮船). The ship goes from the United Kingdom to China. So George is often on the ship for many months. And he can only see the sea (大海). Today George is at home. It"s nine o"clock in the morning. He wakes up and looks out of the window. What does he see? There are some trees. So he jumps out of bed and cries, “The ship has hit the land! The ship has hit the land!”    根据短文判断正(T)误(F)。   () 1. George is Dick"s friend.   () 2. George works on a big ship.   () 3. George wakes up at eight.   () 4. George sees the trees, and he thinks he is on the ship.   () 5. George is on the river this morning.1、George是Dick的朋友答案:TTFTFMost people who work in the office have a boss (老板). So do I (我也是). But my boss is a little unusual. What"s unusual about him? It"s a big dog. Many men have dogs, but few men bring their dogs to the office every day. My boss"s dog. Robinson, is big and brown. My boss brings him to work every day. He takes the dog to meetings and he takes the dog to lunch. When there is telephone call for my boss, I always know if he is in the office. I only look under his desk. If I see something brown and hairy (毛绒绒的) under it, I know my boss is somewhere in the office. If there is no dog , I know my boss is out. ( )6. People _________bring dogs to the office. A. usually B. often C. seldom (几乎不) D. sometimes ( )7. My boss is Robinson"s ________. A. boss B. master C. classmate D. teacher ( )8. Robinson goes to meetings _________ my boss. A. for B. without C. instead of (代替) D. with ( )9. Robinson is always under the desk if the boss is _________. A. in the office B. at meetings C. out of the office D. out of work ( )10. The passage tells us the boss _________ the dog very much. A. looks like B. hates (恨) C. likes D. trust(信任) C B D A C
2023-07-25 06:27:001

2023-07-25 06:27:123


2023-07-25 06:27:358


2023-07-25 06:27:522

the dog days of summer是什么意思

the dog days of summer 夏日的酷暑期
2023-07-25 06:27:592


c life is what happens to you ...what引导的宾语从句比如Do you know what is wrong with him? 你知道他怎么了吗 what当做know的宾语,同时作为后面一句话的主语这句话的意思是:生活就是当你正忙于制定其它计划的时候而发生的事情。(泛译:生活就是不期而遇的事情。)
2023-07-25 06:28:107

it is a dog day什么意思

2023-07-25 06:28:271

为什么三伏天在英语中叫DOG DAYS

Dog days指的是“the hottest weeks of the summer”夏天最热的几个星期。通常指的是七月第三周起到八月第四周的一段日子,相当于中国的“三伏天”。 古代的占星学家发现,每年南方的天气最炎热这几个星期,天狼星(Sirius)总与太阳共升共落,而天狼星的别号就是the Dog Star。所以在拉丁文中人们用代表狗的词根“can”来表示天狼星“canicular”。所以这段酷热期就被称为dies caniculars(天狼星的日子),英语写成了canicular days,民间用了更通俗的说法,就是dog days。 当然还有一种说法也许看上去没有那样的难以理解。天热的时候,狗会升长舌头喘气,所以这种能把狗都热的喘气的天气,就叫做dog days,夏天的酷热时期。
2023-07-25 06:28:351

“dog days”一词的由来?

Dog days指的是“the hottest weeks of the summer”夏天最热的几个星期。通常指的是七月第三周起到八月第四周的一段日子,相当于中国的“三伏天”。 古代的占星学家发现,每年南方的天气最炎热这几个星期,天狼星(Sirius)总与太阳共升共落,而天狼星的别号就是the Dog Star。所以在拉丁文中人们用代表狗的词根“can”来表示天狼星“canicular”。所以这段酷热期就被称为dies caniculars(天狼星的日子),英语写成了canicular days,民间用了更通俗的说法,就是dog days。 当然还有一种说法也许看上去没有那样的难以理解。天热的时候,狗会升长舌头喘气,所以这种能把狗都热的喘气的天气,就叫做dog days,夏天的酷热时期。
2023-07-25 06:28:421


2023-07-25 06:20:333


如:villager (村民) cooker (炊具)   -ess 表示女性。如:actress (女演员) lioness (雌狮子) waitress (女服务员)   -er附在单音节形容词或以-y等结尾的双音节形容词及少数副词之后,构成形容词/副词的比较级,表示更... sooner 更早的   -er还能使形容词变为使役动词 linger逗留   -er增强原动词的反复动作或语势 batter打烂   -er指行为者 writer 作者,shooter 射手   1、这种以后缀形式出现的女性词,本身就表明女性的依附地位。   2、actor 男演员 为何?女演员, 却是 actress   waiter 男服务员 为何?女服务员,却是 waitress   如果在actor之后直接加上-ess(表示女性(人)) ;变成 u2018actoress ",那么其发音就不如 actress 顺畅。再比如: able 变成名词时如果是直接去不发音的e加ity变为ablity,发音就非常拗口,不顺畅。所以在 u2018b"之后加上元音u2018i",变成 u2018ability",使之发音顺畅。
2023-07-25 06:20:351


2023-07-25 06:20:361


具体我就不发你了,你自己来群111436641,群共享查看全部下个fate all book相关资料里自己查看吧
2023-07-25 06:20:392

帮忙翻译下 拉丁文. 七宗罪

Latin, luxuria) (Latin, gula) (Latin, avaritia) (Latin, acedia) (Latin, ira) (Latin, invidia) (Latin, superbia)
2023-07-25 06:20:412


2023-07-25 06:20:443


重庆医科大学排名如下:2022年重庆医科大学最新排名第122名。重庆医科大学简介如下:重庆医科大学(ChongQing Medical University),简称重医,是中西部高校基础能力建设工程和卓越医生教育培养计划重点建设高校之一。2013年国家将重庆医科大学定为"教育部、卫计委、重庆市"两部一市共建高校,进入未来的医学教育"国家队"。2012年获教育部批准成为中国政府奖学金院校。2013年又被教育部授予来华留学示范基地暨来华留学"211"院校,成为全国建设100所来华留学示范基地中首批建设的38所院校之一,是国家重点支持建设的西部地区十四所大学之一。截至2018年5月,学校由位于渝中区的袁家岗校区和位于重庆大学城的缙云校区组成。校园总面积2650亩。其中,缙云校区占地2100亩,校园环境优美,风景如画。现有全日制在校学生25760人,其中研究生5740人,本科生19310人,留学生710人。学校具有招收博士后研究人员,港澳台学生和外国留学生资格。据2015年12月学校官网信息显示,学校获得国家级教学成果二等奖3项,市级(省级)教学成果一等奖7项,二等奖23项;拥有国家精品课程3门,省级精品课程14门;国家双语教学示范课程1门,省级双语教学示范课程3门;国家级实验教学示范中心1个,国家级虚拟仿真实验教学中心1个,省级实验教学示范中心5个;国家级特色专业4个,省级特色专业9个,省级“三特行动计划”特色专业立项6个。
2023-07-25 06:20:451


2023-07-25 06:20:494

justin bieber跳板凳舞的哪首是什么歌,高潮的时候好像是 she love mine?

runaway love
2023-07-25 06:20:324


G22NiMoCr22模具钢的一种,如果是对焊补焊可以用WEWELDING621工模焊条,如果是裂纹连接修复可以用WEWELDING600合金钢焊条焊接修复。WEWELDING621概述:WEWELDING621是一种混合工具、模具钢电焊条,用于重型热及冷工具钢场合最小预热即可获得无裂纹的焊缝,优秀的修剪性能,冷态下达7mm,在高温下,优秀的使用寿命,焊缝无需回火即可产生坚硬而有韧性的马氏体组织碳化物。WEWELDING621应用:热和冷切剪刀刃,成形压铸模具,SKD-4、SKD-12、SKD-61钢,冲孔工具,热和冷切重型剪裁模具,热和冷锻造模具,在碳钢上堆焊来制造各种新工具和模具等WEWELDING621技术参数硬度(三层)焊接后自然硬度:HRc55-60温度℃ 20 220 320 410 520 610硬度HRC 58 56 54 52 50 40WEWELDING600特种合金钢焊条的特性WEWELDING 600合金钢焊条是一种低热输出,适合全方位焊接的特种镍铬合金钢焊条,通用性极广,高强度一般母材强度设计,具有优良的焊接工艺性能,电弧稳定,焊缝均匀美观,在有油、水及铁锈的条件下也能焊接效果优异,可以焊接不同的钢。WEWELDING600特种合金钢焊条的应用适用于焊接工具和模具、高速工具钢、热作工具钢、锰钢、铸钢、T-1钢、耐震钢、钒-钼钢、弹簧钢、马氏体不锈钢、奥氏体不锈钢、铁素体不锈钢、未知钢、以及各种不同类型钢材之间的焊接等。如用于高压阀门、断裂螺栓的清除、轴的改造等等,效果非常理想。WEWELDING600特种合金钢焊条的技术参数抗拉强度:125,000 psi (862MPa)屈服强度: 90,000 psi (620MPa)延伸率:35%焊后硬度:HRC23 (工作硬化后达到HRC47)电源选择:交直流两用,直流时直流反接
2023-07-25 06:20:291


2023-07-25 06:20:273


四声 垂头丧气
2023-07-25 06:20:272


以ess为后缀的单词有:abbess,actress,authoress,deaconess,heirress,hostess,lioness,negress,peeress,poetess等。后缀-ess的来源有多个,意思是女性,一般加在名词后面,加在形容词后面时,一般构成抽象名词。在英语当中,表示女性的后缀还有-ress,-enne等。 扩展资料 以ess为后缀的.单词有:abbess,actress,authoress,deaconess,heirress,hostess,lioness,negress,peeress,poetess等。后缀-ess的来源有多个,意思是女性,一般加在名词后面,加在形容词后面时,一般构成抽象名词。
2023-07-25 06:20:261

fate/uc 里saber的“远离尘世的理想乡”技能有什么用?

无敌 满血
2023-07-25 06:20:234


2023-07-25 06:20:221


2023-07-25 06:20:191