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2023-05-19 18:07:28


表达意思:安全;安全性;安全场所,安全的地方;安全方法,安全措施; <美>(枪炮的)保险栓,保险机;安全卫;<美,非正式> 安全套;(棒球)安打;安全设备;(特征、措施)保障安全的。




1、He assured himself of her safety. 


2、Two casualties were airlifted to safety. 


3、The airline has an excellent safety record. 




casualties ["kæʒjʊəlti] n. 伤亡;人员伤亡(casualty的复数)双语例句 1.Casualties numbered in the thousands. 伤亡数以百计。2.Many casualties occured during the hurricane. 这场飓风中有许多人伤亡。3.Officially, the longest war in history was between the Netherlands and the Isles of Scilly, which lasted from 1651 to 1986. There were no casualties. 据官方记载,历史上最长的战争是荷兰与锡利群岛之间的战争,从1651年持续到1986年,但没有一例人员伤亡。
2023-01-07 16:07:001


casualty[英][ˈkæʒuəlti] [美][ˈkæʒuəlti] 生词本简明释义n.伤亡(人数);事故,横祸;受害者,死伤者;损坏复数:casualties以下结果由 金山词霸 提供柯林斯高阶英汉词典 同反义词1.N-COUNT(战争、意外中的)伤亡人员A casualty is a person who is injured or killed in a war or in an accident.Troops fired on demonstrators near the Royal Palace causing many casualties.军队在皇宫附近向示威人群开枪,造成大量伤亡。2.N-COUNT受害者;受害方A casualty of a particular event or situation is a person or a thing that has suffered badly as a result of that event or situation. Fiat has been one of the greatest casualties of the recession.菲亚特一直是经济萧条中损失最惨重的公司之一。
2023-01-07 16:07:061

casualty 可数吗?

可数casualty ["kæʒjuəlti] n. 意外事故;伤亡人员;急诊室[ 复数casualties ] 希望对你有帮助 如有疑问 请在线交谈 祝你天天开心 心想事成 O(∩_∩)O
2023-01-07 16:07:121

损耗的英语翻译 损耗用英语怎么说

2023-01-07 16:07:182


理智的英文是:reason造句:人在生气时,他的理智,就会失控。When a man grows angry, his reason rides out.
2023-01-07 16:07:2715

重创的英语翻译 重创用英语怎么说

重创[词典] inflict heavy losses [casualties] on; maul heavily; plaster;[例句]再保险市场因美国发生的灾难而遭受重创。The reinsurance market has been bloodied by disasters in the U.S.
2023-01-07 16:08:301


死伤惨重Heavy casualties
2023-01-07 16:08:363


2023-01-07 16:08:483

为什么是daily toll of casualties 而不是 toll of daily casualties?

toll of casualties为固定搭配daily形容词,修饰toll of casualties例句:The daily toll of casualties has dropped off sharply. 每日伤亡人数已经大大减少。
2023-01-07 16:09:003


2023-01-07 16:09:126


also work / figure outalso alculate
2023-01-07 16:09:462

caused casualties

the people 去the,disastrous area.allow them?改成help可能更好吧.to face their life.更通顺点..
2023-01-07 16:09:551

英语翻译:there were more casualties than was reported.

2023-01-07 16:10:012


根据自己的理解 先通读课文 把不明白的单词逐一列出 查出完整意思~ 然后根据意境 和自己的理解 翻译出英语句子···有时候能简单翻译 才能理解全文··
2023-01-07 16:10:093


International terrorist activities have been dealt a heavy blow as there are new signs of recovery. "9-11" incident, in the countries of the world strictly guard against and crack down on, the international terrorist forces, once forced into hibernation period. After nearly a year of re-integration, from September last year, since these forces are gaining ground again, they worked in the Middle East, Southeast Asia, Africa and Russia and created more than large-scale terrorist attacks. According to incomplete statistics, in 2002 around the world, a total of 179 large-scale terrorist attacks, resulting in 3,500 deaths, of which only took place from September to December of 95 last year, killing more than 2,300 casualties.
2023-01-07 16:10:201


2023-01-07 16:10:263

造成了大量的人员伤亡和损失 英文翻译

2023-01-07 16:10:375


2023-01-07 16:10:573


2023-01-07 16:11:083


The number of casualties
2023-01-07 16:11:235

《Mass Casualties》txt下载在线阅读全文,求百度网盘云资源

《Mass Casualties》(Anthony, Michael)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读链接: 提取码: e5y5书名:Mass Casualties作者:Anthony, Michael页数:234内容简介:Mass Casualties by Anthony, Michael.
2023-01-07 16:12:071


2023-01-07 16:12:152


there are many rules in our life we must obey, or there will be some bad resules happeing in our life. For examples, we must obey the traffic rules. when the green lights on, we go across the road, or we may hit by a car, even die. we must eat healthy food, and no junk food which is very bad for our body. we should do some excersice so that we can have a strong body. we shouldn"t swim in the lake, which is very dangerous.
2023-01-07 16:12:233

英语在线翻译句子 帮助翻一下

2023-01-07 16:12:346


Haiti, officially named the country the Republic of Haiti, the Caribbean on an island. An area of 27,800 square kilometers, Haiti is very hot throughout the year, usually in heavy rain in June. This country is very poor in Haiti, nearly half live on less than one U.S. dollar a day. Account for the highest proportion of illiterate population, 78.1% Tropical rain forest climate in northern and southern tropical steppe climate. The monthly average temperature at between 22-28 ℃. January 12, 2010, Haiti experienced a magnitude 7.0 earthquake, the epicenter 16 kilometers from the capital Port au Prince, highly destructive shallow source. A strong earthquake hit causing heavy casualties to Haiti, a source said the final death toll may be as high as 50 million people affected by the volume of up to 3 million is huge. Haiti"s lack of capacity because foreign aid relief delays in a smooth place, Haiti, the disaster continues to rise. As the lack of supplies, lack of effective control of the security situation, Haiti has begun criminal activities such as looting.
2023-01-07 16:12:594


"The number of casualties"
2023-01-07 16:13:125


1.向乙方提供委托招收赴境外劳务人员委托书Party A shall provide Party B with a power of attorney for entrusting Party B to recruit foreign-contracted labor service personnel. 2.向乙方介绍对外签约有关情况,提供招收赴境外劳务人员简章。简章应包括境外雇主的情况、招聘岗位的条件和要求、工作内容、工资福利、保险、劳动保护、合同期限,以及收取服务费标准和交费方式等有关内容。Party A shall provide Party B with relevant information about the recruitment contract and the general rules, which shall include the situation of the foreign employer, the requirements and conditions of the recruited job, its nature, salary and benefits, insurance, labor protection, duration of contract, the rate and collection method of the service charge. 3.甲方委托乙方对去挪威工作之前的中国劳务人员进行培训。Party A shall entrust Party B with the training of Chinese labor personnel going to Norway.4.负责劳务人员在境外的跟踪管理与服务,协助乙方维护劳务人员合法权益。劳务人员在履约过程中遇到劳务纠纷、境外雇主倒闭或破产关厂、人员伤亡等突发事件时,甲方应负责做好有关善后事宜。Party A shall be responsible for the follow-up management and services of the labor personnel in foreign countries, and shall maintain their legal rights on behalf of Party B. In the event of unexpected incidents during the course of contract performance, such as labor disputes, bankruptcy or insolvency of the employer and personnel casualties, Party A shall be responsible for the coordination of all quarters and the proper settlement of the incident. 5.在劳务人员发生违约行为时,甲方协助乙方按照相关合同依法追究劳务人员的违约责任。In the event of labor personnel breaching the contract, Party A shall assist Party B to take legal action against the labor personnel in accordance with the terms of the contract. 6.根据甲方的委托乙方组织招收身体健康、年龄在50岁以下等符合甲方和雇主需求的劳务人员。In accordance with the entrustment of Party A, Party B shall organize to recruit healthy, 50 years and below labor personnel that conforms to the requirements of Party A and employers. 7.做好劳务人员在境外的服务和管理,维护劳务人员合法权益。劳务人员在履约过程中遇到劳务纠纷、境外雇主倒闭或破产关厂、人员伤亡等突发事件时,妥善处理,做好劳务人员及其家属的工作。Party B shall provide proper management and services to the labor personnel in foreign countries, and protect their legal rights. In the event of unexpected incidents during the course of contract performance, such as labor disputes, bankruptcy or insolvency of the employer and personnel casualties, Party B shall appropriately handle the matters of the personnel and their families. 8.在劳务人员发生违约行为时,乙方负责按照相关合同依法追究劳务人员的违约责任。In the event of labor personnel breaching the contract, Party B shall be responsible to take legal action against the labor personnel in accordance with the terms of the contract.
2023-01-07 16:13:341


1.现在,作为神的权利,它在我的手中! 2.你以为你可以打败我吗?克里斯? 3.我不是在毁灭世界,我是在拯救它! 4.物竟天择,适者生存,之后变得更加强大5.啊~~~there you are!....6.你们想和我玩吗?(呵呵呵)
2023-01-07 16:13:403


victim of warorcDoomsdayterrace
2023-01-07 16:13:513

be described as...

他对该港作了这样的描述:“地理位置十分适宜,位于两座小山的中间,一条大河从中间流过”.The method of solid phase membrane extraction-gas chromatographic analysis for the determination of tetramine in urine and blood is briefly described. 研究了固相膜萃取-气相色谱测定尿液、血液中毒鼠强的方法.Walters said several staff members have had eerie experiences and he described one he shared with three police officers. 沃尔特说,有几个工作人员也有过怪异的经历,他描述了他和其他三个警察一起经历的一件事.Reports from the city described casualties as very heavy. 来自那城市的报告将死伤情况描述为非常惨重.One of a mythical people described by Homer as inhabiting a land of perpetual darkness.辛梅里安族荷马形容的一个居住在永恒黑暗地区中的虚构的民族
2023-01-07 16:14:021

求:美国退役空军少将查尔斯·斯文尼1995年5月11日在美国国会发表的演讲 英文原文

Fulltext of Charles W. Sweeney"s Hearing Before the Committee:I am Maj. Gen. Charles W. Sweeney, United States Air Force, Retired. I am the only pilot to have flown on both atomic missions. I flew the instrument plane on the right wing of General Paul Tibbets on the Hiroshima mission and 3 days later, on August 9, 1945, commanded the second atomic mission over Nagasaki. Six days after Nagasaki the Japanese military surrendered and the Second World War came to an end.The soul of a nation, its essence, is its history. It is that collective memory which defines what each generation thinks and believes about itself and its country.In a free society, such as ours, there is always an ongoing debate about who we are and what we stand for. This open debate is in fact essential to our freedom. But to have such a debate we as a society must have the courage to consider all of the facts available to us. We must have the courage to stand up and demand that before any conclusions are reached, those facts which are beyond question are accepted as part of the debate.As the 50th anniversary of the Hiroshima and Nagasaki missions approaches, now is an appropriate time to consider the reasons for Harry Truman"s order that these missions be flown. We may disagree on the conclusion, but let us at least be honest enough to agree on basic facts of the time, the facts that President Truman had to consider in making a difficult and momentous decision.As the only pilot to have flown both missions, and having commanded the Nagasaki mission, I bring to this debate my own eyewitness account of the times. I underscore what I believe are irrefutable facts, with full knowledge that some opinion makers may cavalierly dismiss them because they are so obvious - because they interfere with their preconceived version of the truth, and the meaning which they strive to impose on the missions.This evening, I want to offer my thoughts, observations, and conclusions as someone who lived this history, and who believes that President Truman"s decision was not only justified by the circumstances of his time, but was a moral imperative that precluded any other option.Like the overwhelming majority of my generation the last thing I wanted was a war. We as a nation are not warriors. We are not hell-bent on glory. There is no warrior class - no Samurai - no master race.This is true today, and it was true 50 years ago.While our country was struggling through the great depression, the Japanese were embarking on the conquest of its neighbors - the Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere. It seems fascism always seeks some innocuous slogan to cover the most hideous plans.This Co-Prosperity was achieved by waging total and merciless war against China and Manchuria. The Japanese, as a nation, saw itself as destined to rule Asia and thereby possess its natural resources and open lands. Without the slightest remorse or hesitation, the Japanese Army slaughtered innocent men, women and children. In the infamous Rape of Nanking up to 300,000 unarmed civilians were butchered. These were criminal acts.THESE ARE FACTS.In order to fulfill its divine destiny in Asia, Japan determined that the only real impediment to this goal was the United States. It launched a carefully conceived sneak attack on our Pacific fleet at Pearl Harbor. Timed for a Sunday morning it was intended to deal a death blow to the fleet by inflicting the maximum loss of ships and human life.1,700 sailors are still entombed in the hull of the U.S.S. Arizona that sits on the bottom of Pearl Harbor. Many if not all, died without ever knowing why. Thus was the war thrust upon us.The fall of Corregidor and the resulting treatment of Allied prisoners of war dispelled any remaining doubt about the inhumanness of the Japanese Army, even in the context of war. The Bataan Death March was horror in its fullest dimension. The Japanese considered surrender to be dishonorable to oneself, one"s family, one"s country and one"s god. They showed no mercy. Seven thousand American and Filipino POW"s were beaten, shot, bayoneted or left to die of disease or exhaustion.THESE ARE FACTS.As the United States made its slow, arduous, and costly march across the vast expanse of the Pacific, the Japanese proved to be ruthless and intractable killing machine. No matter how futile, no matter how hopeless the odds, no matter how certain the outcome, the Japanese fought to the death. And to achieve a greater glory, the strove to kill as many Americans as possible.The closer the United States came to the Japanese mainland, the more fanatical their actions became.Saipan - 3,100 Americans killed, 1,500 in the first few hours of the invasionIwa Jima - 6,700 Americans killed, 25,000 woundedOkinawa - 12,500 Americans killed, total casualties, 35,000These are facts reported by simple white grave markets.Kamikazes. The literal translation is DIVINE WIND. To willingly dive a plane loaded with bombs into an American ship was a glorious transformation to godliness - there was no higher honor on heaven or earth. The suicidal assaults of the Kamikazes took 5,000 American Navy men to their deaths.The Japanese vowed that, with the first American to step foot on the mainland, they would execute every Allied prisoner. In preparation they forced the POW"s to dig their own graves in the event of mass executions. Even after their surrender, they executed some American POW"s.THESE ARE FACTS.The Potsdam Declaration had called for unconditional surrender of the Japanese Armed Forces. The Japanese termed it ridiculous and not worthy of consideration. We know from our intercepts of their coded messages, that they wanted to stall for time to force a negotiated surrender on terms acceptable to them.For months prior to August 6, American aircraft began dropping fire bombs upon the Japanese mainland. The wind created by the firestorm from the bombs incinerated whole cities. Hundreds of thousands of Japanese died. Still the Japanese military vowed never to surrender. They were prepared to sacrifice their own people to achieve their visions of glory and honor - no matter how many more people died.They refused to evacuate civilians ever though our pilots dropped leaflets warning of the possible bombings. In one 3-day period, 34 square miles of Tokyo, Nagoya, Kobe and Osaka were reduced to rubble.THESE ARE FACTS.And even after the bombing of Hiroshima, Tojo, his successor Suzuki, and the military clique in control believed the United States had but one bomb, and that Japan could go on. They had 3 days to surrender after August 6, but they did not surrender. The debate in their cabinet at times became violent.Only after the Nagasaki drop did the Emperor finally demand surrender.And even then, the military argued they could and should fight on. A group of Army officers staged a coup and tried to seize and destroy the Emperor"s recorded message to his people announcing the surrender.THESE ARE FACTS.These facts help illuminate the nature of the enemy we faced. They help put into context the process by which Truman considered the options available to him. And they help to add meaning to why the missions were necessary.President Truman understood these facts as did every service man and woman. Casualties were not some abstraction, but a sobering reality.Did the atomic missions end the war? Yes...they...did.Were they necessary? Well that"s where the rub comes.With the fog of 50 years drifting over the memory of our country, to some, the Japanese are now the victims. America was the insatiable, vindictive aggressor seeking revenge and conquest. Our use of these weapons was the unjustified and immoral starting point for the nuclear age with all of its horrors. Of course, to support such distortion, one must conveniently ignore the real facts of fabricate new realities to fit the theories. It is no less egregious than those who today deny the Holocaust occurred.How could this have happened?The answer may lie in examining some recent events.The current debate about why President Truman ordered these missions, in some cases, has devolved to a numbers game. The Smithsonian in its proposed exhibit of the Enola Gay revealed the creeping revisionism which seems the rage in certain historical circles.That exhibit wanted to memorialize the fiction that the Japanese were the victims - we the evil aggressor. Imagine taking your children and grandchildren to this exhibit.What message would they have left with?What truth would they retain?What would they think their country stood for?And all of this would have occurred in an American institution whose very name and charter are supposed to stand for the impartial preservation of significant American artifacts.By canceling the proposed exhibit and simply displaying the Enola Gay, has truth won out?Maybe not.In one nationally televised discussion, I heard a so-called prominent historian argue that the bombs were nor necessary. That President Truman was intent on intimidating the Russians. That the Japanese were ready to surrender.The Japanese were ready to surrender? Based on what?Some point to statements by General Eisenhower years after the war that Japan was about to fall. Well, based on that same outlook Eisenhower seriously underestimated Germany"s will to fight on and concluded in December, 1944 that Germany no longer had the capability to wage offensive war.That was a tragic miscalculation. The result was the Battle of the Bulge, which resulted in tens of thousands of needless Allied casualties and potentially allowed Germany to prolong the war and force negotiations.Thus the assessment that Japan was vanquished may have the benefit of hindsight rather than foresight.It is certainly fair to conclude that the Japanese could have been reasonably expected to be even more fanatical than the Germans base on the history of the war in the Pacific.And, finally, a present-day theory making the rounds espouses that even if an invasion had taken place, our casualties would not have been a million, as many believed, but realistically only 46,000 dead.ONLY 46,000!Can you imagine the callousness of this line of argument? ONLY 46,000- as if this were some insignificant number of American lives.Perhaps these so-called historians want to sell books.Perhaps they really believe it. Or perhaps it reflects some self-loathing occasioned by the fact that we won the war.Whatever the reason, the argument is flawed. It dissects and recalculates events ideologically, grasping at selective straws.Let me admit right here, today, that I don"t know how many more Americans would have died in an invasion - AND NEITHER DOES ANYONE ELSE!What I do know is that based on the Japanese conduct during the war, it is fair and reasonable to assume that an invasion of the mainland would have been a prolonged and bloody affair. Based on what we know - not what someone surmises - the Japanese were not about to unconditionally surrender.In taking Iwo Jima, a tiny 8 square mile lump of rock in the ocean, 6,700 marines died - total casualties over 30,000.But even assuming that those who now KNOW our casualties would have been ONLY 46,000 I ask -Which 46,000 were to die?Whose father?Whose brother?Whose husband?And, yes, I am focusing on American lives.The Japanese had their fate in their own hands, we did not. Hundreds of thousands of American troops anxiously waited at staging areas in the Pacific dreading the coming invasion, their fate resting on what Japanese would do next. The Japanese could have ended it at any time. They chose to wait.And while the Japanese stalled, an average of 900 more Americans were killed or wounded each day the war continued.I"ve heard another line of argument that we should have accepted a negotiated peace with the Japanese on terms they would have found acceptable. I have never heard anyone suggest that we should have negotiated a peace with Nazi Germany. Such an idea is so outrageous, that no rational human being would utter the words. To negotiate with such evil fascism was to allow it even in defeat a measure of legitimacy. This is not just some empty philosophical principal of the time - it was essential that these forces of evil be clearly and irrevocably defeated - their demise unequivocal. Their leadership had forfeited any expectation of diplomatic niceties. How it is, then, the history of the war in the Pacific can be so soon forgotten?The reason may lie in the advancing erosion of our history, of our collective memory.Fifty years after their defeat, Japanese officials have the temerity to claim they were the victims. That Hiroshima and Nagasaki were the equivalent of the Holocaust.And, believe it or not, there are actually some American academics who support this analogy, thus aiding and giving comfort to a 50-year attempt by the Japanese to rewrite their own history, and ours in the process.There is an entire generation of Japanese who do not know the full extent of their country"s conduct during World War II.This explains why they do not comprehend why they must apologize-•for the Korean comfort women.•for the Medical experimentation on POW"s which match the horror of those conducted by the Nazi"s.•for the plane to use biological weapons against the United States by infecting civilian populations on the West Coast.•for the methodical slaughter of civilians.•and for much more.In a perverse inversion, by forgetting our own history, we contribute to the Japanese amnesia, to the detriment of both our nations.
2023-01-07 16:14:072


不必要的英语是unnecessary, needless, dispensable等。1、例句今年改革的重点将是裁撤不必要的机构。This year"s reform will focus on dissolving unnecessary organizations/agencies. 2、短语减少不必要的伤亡 reduce avoidable casualties简化不必要的手续 simplify the unnecessary procedures削减不必要的开销 trim off unnecessary spending英语不必要的影视原声1、That"s all boring and unnecessary stuff.这些都很无聊且不必要。—《托福学习视频》2、I wanted to tell you how very sorry I am about your sister. So wasteful, so unnecessary.对你妹妹的事我深感遗憾,真是不必要的滥杀。—《饥饿游戏3:嘲笑鸟(下)》3、What I"m saying is that we took quite an unnecessary detour from what I now understand to be your thesis.我要说的是,我们拐了个不必要的弯,因为现在我发现这才是你的论点。—《生活大爆炸 第一季》4、But if Congress fails to act thousands of businesses, large and small that sell their products abroad will take a completely unnecessary hit.但如果国会不通过法案授权,成千上万的企业,无论大小,只要他们有海外业务,都会受到不必要的冲击。—《奥巴马每周电视讲话》5、You"re nervous about what they think? I"m nervous to do it. I"m nervous to get up on that stage and perform for people. I mean, I don"t need to say that to you.你真的那么在意观众的看法吗?我真的很紧张。很紧张站在台上为观众演出。我是说这些都不必要。—《爱乐之城》6、Here you go. Gunther, I can"t pay for this right now because I"m not working, so I"ve had to cut down on some luxuries like, paying for stuff.你的帐单。甘瑟,我现在不能付,我没工作,得节省,不必要的开销像付帐之类的。—《老友记 第六季》
2023-01-07 16:14:181


2023-01-07 16:14:352


2023-01-07 16:14:433

英语翻译:there were more casualties than was reported.

伤亡超过被报道数。There were more casualties than the casualties was reported.实际伤亡比被报道的伤亡要多。
2023-01-07 16:14:593


My elder brother needs to buy slacks.
2023-01-07 16:15:102

损耗的英语翻译 损耗用英语怎么说

你好!损耗loss 英[lɒs] 美[lɔ:s] n. 损失,减少; 丢失,遗失; 损耗,亏损; 失败; [例句]The allies suffered less than 20 casualties while enemy losses were said to be high.盟军伤亡人数不到20,而敌军则据说人员损失惨重。
2023-01-07 16:15:181


heavy casualties
2023-01-07 16:15:243

How many casualties resulted in this battle?

变成陈述句 是 this battle resulted in how many casualties in 跟 result 是固定搭配 是产生,导致的意思这次战争导致了多少伤亡
2023-01-07 16:15:362

survive 6 deathclw attacks with no casualties什么意思

survive 6 deathclw attacks with no casualties 6 deathclw袭击无人员伤亡生存
2023-01-07 16:15:551


Distinguished leaders, distinguished guests, Hello everybody! Welcome to the leadership of Yu"s hometown hero to flood the North River, I was the earthquake ruins area instructors. . . , Very happy and honored for you to do tours. Beichuan Qiang Autonomous County is the only, located in the Sichuan Basin, eastern Tibet Plateau to the mountain valleys of transition zone, there Qiang, Tibetan. Han, Hui and other 17 native people, covers an area of ​​2868 square kilometers before the earthquake, population 161,000. 2008, 5 • 12 earthquake in Beichuan, especially heavy hit. The largest number of victims, the most typical of secondary disasters, the largest economic losses, according to statistics, 20,047 people were killed in Beichuan county, accounting for 5.12 Wenchuan earthquake death toll of 29%. Within the old town where the death toll reached 11,936 people, the county direct economic losses amounted to 58.57 billion yuan, accounting for 5.12 earthquake direct economic losses of 7%. Why the old town of Beichuan is so terrible disaster, there are three reasons, first because of geographical location, the folder it is in a groove between two mountains geography; Second, it is in the fault zone, it is the high seismic zone; the third is that earthquake secondary disasters, after the 6.10 earthquake lake flood washed the old town site of a whole, 9.24 in turn Weijiagou mudslides buried the old city as a whole again. Here we can see the old town of Beichuan to the middle of the Jian River Road as the boundary is divided into two urban areas, opposite the old city, where we are standing is a new city, the earthquake that the old town behind the mountain collapsed, the old city Housing buried two-thirds, 24 September 2008 outbreak of debris Weijiagou buried them again more than 10 meters, so the old city we see today has less than a third hill in the old city before the earthquake at the foot of the North River more than 20 organs and units and song Shan Primary School, Qu Hill Nursery, in the earthquake that also have been a whole buried in the following, so casualties are very heavy, we are familiar salute doll Lang Zheng is from across the Old City Yellow fragment position rescued, 13 May 2008 morning, the last major earthquake in more than a dozen hours later, the North River Song Shan Nursery only 3-year-old boy rescued Lang Zheng, the PLA soldiers. With smoking in four weeks on the ruins of the injured children lying on the left arm made of a temporary wooden stretcher, struggling to raise his right hand tender, the PLA to carry his uncle saluted Since then, the The little boy has a new name - "salute Doll", which has become the earthquake, the strong, synonymous with Thanksgiving. Before we see the river called Jian Jiang, the mother of the people of the North River, is The lake downstream The lake in the positive direction of the mountains before the back straight-line distance of 3.2 km from the county, and now in order to protect the old County site, we will channel the water diversion, the management of river is also in progress.
2023-01-07 16:16:014


Sadler David姓名:朱萨德勒位置:公用事业出生日期: 1946年5月2日诞生地: yalding ,肯特,英格兰身高: 6 " 0 " 体重: 12st 3磅转:梅德斯团结, 1962分之11 全部国际:英格兰初次亮相曼联: 24/08/1963 v谢菲尔德周三(一) 3-3 (联赛部一) 告别美:转移到Preston表示北端, 1973分之11英镑, 25000Dr. Daniel Graham Principal Research Fellow in Transport and Econometrics Contact InformationE-mail: Address: Room 605, Skempton Bldg. Imperial College London SW7 2AZ Telephone: +44(0)20 7594-6088 Fax: +44(0)20 7594-6107 Related Webpage: Academic InformationTeaching Activities Research Interests Please check the MSc website. Urban and Regional EconomicsProductivity AnalysisSpatial Data AnalysisSpatial ModellingRoad Traffic and Fuel DemandCV: No CV available Home, Top of page and photo, Publications, Projects, news items --------------------------------------------------------------------------------Summary of Publications This is not necessarily a complete list of publications by the staff member.Publications before 1999 are not included.Please download the CV for full details.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Publication Format: Working PaperGraham DJ, Quddus M and Glasiter S, 2006, The distributional consequences of national road user charging, Working paper , Centre for Transport Studies, Imperial College LondonGraham DJ, 2006, The localisation of service industries in Britain, Working paper , Centre for Transport Studies, Imperial College LondonGraham DJ and Stevens D, 2006, Decomposing the effects of deprivation on child pedestrian casualties, Working paper , Centre for Transport Studies, Imperial College London--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Publication Format: Journal - In pressGraham DJ, 2007, Identifying urbanization and localization externalities in manufacturing and service industries, Papers in Regional Science (In Press)Quddus M, Harris N and Graham DJ, 2007, Metro station operating costs: an econometric analysis, Journal of Public Transportation (In Press)Graham DJ, 2007, The productive efficiency of urban railways: parametric and non-parametric estimates, Transportation Research E: Logistics and Transportation Review (In Press)--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Publication Format: JournalGraham DJ, 2007, Variable returns to agglomeration and the effect of road traffic congestion, Journal of Urban Economics, 62 (103), pp.120Graham DJ and Glaister S, 2006, Spatial implications of transport pricing, Journal of Transport Economics & Policy, 40, pp.173-201Glaister S and Graham DJ, 2006, Proper pricing for transport infrastructure and the case of urban road congestion, Urban Studies, 43 (8)--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Publication Format: BookGlaister S. and Graham D.J., 2004, Pricing our roads: vision and reality, Institute of Economic Affairs: London.Glaister, S., Grayling, T., Hallam, K., Graham, D. and Anderson, R., 2002, Streets Ahead: safe and liveable streets for children, IPPR, ISBN:1- 86030-207-6GLAISTER, S. and GRAHAM, D., 2000, The Effects of Fuel Prices on Motorists, Automobile Association, Hampshire--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Publication Format: Conference Proceedings (Published)Wadud, Zia, Daniel J. Graham and Robert B. Noland, 2007, Modeling fuel demand for different socio-economic groups, presented at the 86th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board (2007)Wadud, Zia, Robert B. Noland and Daniel J. Graham, 2007, Equity implications of tradable carbon permits for the personal transport sector, presented at the 86th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board (2007)Jiwittanakulpaisarn, Piyapong, Robert B. Noland, Daniel J. Graham and John W. Polak, 2007, Highway Infrastructure Investment and Regional Employment Growth: A Dynamic Panel Regression Analysis, presented at the 86th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board (2007)--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Publication Format: Conference Proceedings (unpublished)Jiwattanakulpaisarn, J., Noland, R.B., Graham, D.J. and Polak, J.W., 2006, Do roadway expansions contribute towards county employment growth? Evidence from North Carolina, paper presented at the 38th Annual Conference of the Universities Transport Study Group, Dublin.Jiwittanakulpaisarn, Piyapong, Robert B. Noland, Daniel J. Graham, John W. Polak, 2006, Highway Infrastructure Investment and Regional Employment Growth: A Dynamic Panel Regression Analysis, presented in a reviewed session at the 2006 Annual Meeting of the European Regional Science Association, Volos, Greece--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Publication Format: PhD ThesisWadud, Zia, 2008, Personal tradable carbon permits for road transport: Heterogeneity of demand responses and distributional analysis--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Publication Format: Research ReportGraham, D.J., 2005, Wider economic benefits of transport improvements: link between city size and productivity, DFT, London.ANDERSON, R.J., CONDRY, B.J., Graham, D.J., 2005, Metro performance: London-Berlin Comparison, Final Report to the CoMET Metro Benchmarking GroupGlaister, S. and Graham, D., 2004, Pricing Our Roads: Vision and Reality, Institute for Economic AffairsHome, Top of page and photo, Publications, Projects, news items --------------------------------------------------------------------------------Summary of Projects Deprivation and Road SafetyNoland, Robert B., Daniel J. Graham, and Marco PorrettaThis project will examine the link between area-based deprivation, as measured by various social welfare indicators, and the incidence of road traffic injuries and fatalities in those areas. Recent research has established an unexplained association between deprived areas and increased risk of road traffic injuries and fatalities. This occurs both for pedestrians and for vehicle drivers and occupants. Several hypotheses may explain this linkage. First, these areas may have higher population densities and thus more pedestrian activity, leading to increased exposure to risk. Secondly, these areas may receive inadequate funding to improve their road infrastructure to modern safety standards, including traffic calming. Third, these areas may suffer from larger flows of high speed traffic, either because they are lower income areas or the large flows of traffic may have led to them being lower income areas due to the external effects of the traffic. Finally, lower income groups tend to engage in riskier behaviour patterns and may also receive indadequate or poor medical coverage, which could increase both the frequency of accidents and their severity when they occur. These issues will be examined using spatial econometric modelling of UK data.Health facility accessibility in South LondonSu, Fengming (Supervisors: M.G.H. Bell and D. Graham)The accessibility of hospitals and outpatient units in South London to various population categories by public transport was investigated. The effect of social deprivation, health status, ethnicity, household size and car ownership on accessibility by public transport to health facilities was investigated using ward level data. The Transport for London journey planner and regression techniques were used to estimate ward-to-ward travel times.Turkish Transport Policy and European AccessionMazlum, Burcu, Robert B. Noland, Daniel J. GrahamThis project is evaluating how transport policy in Turkey can conform with European requirements in preparation for eventual accession to the European Union. This will involve examining current Turkish transport policies and practices and analysing how these need to change in the near future. A component of this work will examine planning practices in London as an example of how transport plans are implemented in the UK.Variable returns to urbanization and the effect of road traffic congestion.Daniel J. GrahamThis research investigates the links between returns to urban density, productivity and road traffic congestion. A generalized translog production-inverse input demand function is estimated to test for the existence of variable returns to urbanization in manufacturing, construction and service industries. Two separate measures of urban density, in which proximity is represented by straight line distance or by generalized cost, are constructed and included in the translog to identify the effect of road traffic congestion.An empirical analytical framework for agglomeration economiesDaniel J. Graham and H. Youn KimThis purpose of this research is to develop an empirical analytical framework for agglomeration economies which captures effects on total factor productivity (TFP), partial factor productivity, factor prices and factor demands. The method, based on a translog production-inverse input demand function, allows for a decomposition of the aggregate agglomeration elasticity into returns that arise from the increased efficiency of factor inputs and a ‘direct" agglomeration effect which exists over and above any factor augmentation.Home, Top of page and photo, Publications, Projects, news items --------------------------------------------------------------------------------Summary of News Items December 2007Congratulations to Zia Wadud who successfully defended his PhD thesis on 13 December 2007. The topic of his thesis was “Personal tradable carbon permits for road transport: Heterogeneity of demand responses and distributional analysis". Zia was supervised by Dr. Robert Noland and Dr. Daniel Graham and supported through a Commonwealth research scholarship. Zia is now a post-doctoral student at Cambridge University and will be spending six months at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology beginning in April.September 2007Mr Piyapong (Joey) Jiwattanakulpaisarn is a co-winner of the Epainos Award at the 47th Congress of the European Regional Science Association, held in Paris. This is for his paper entitled “Granger causality and spatial spillover effects of highway infrastructure on regional economic development: Evidence from an application of spatial filtering in a panel vector autoregressive framework”. The prize is awarded to the best paper in Regional Science by a young scientist aged 33 or under.July 2007Congratulations to Daniel Graham on his promotion to Principal Research Fellow (Reader). This is in recognition of his outstanding work in the area of transport economics and econometrics.Bob Noland and Daniel Graham have been awarded a grant by the Volvo Research and Educational Foundation. This project will examine the relationships between road safety and deprivation using both GIS data and spatial econometric techniques. This will build on previous work conducted at the Centre that established links between deprived neighborhoods and traffic fatalitiesJanuary 2007Piyapong (Joey) Jiwattanakulpaisarn was invited to give a talk on his recent work at the Northwestern University Transportation Center. The seminar was entitled “Transport Infrastructure Investment and Its Effects On Employment: Theoretical Linkages, Estimation Issues, and Recent Evidence”.Home, Top of page and photo, Publications, Projects, news items
2023-01-07 16:16:166


can you~could you
2023-01-07 16:16:393

公约 翻译成英语是什么

Convention补充:公约及其修正案—— 生效日期1)1974年国际海上人命安全公约 (Internation Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea, 1974, 修正于1974年(SOLAS)) 1980年5月25日2)1974年国际海上人命安全公约1978年议定书 (SOLAS PROT (amended) 1978) 1981年5月1日3)1974年国际海上人命安全公约1988年议定书 (SOLAS PROT (HSSC) 1988) 尚未生效4)1972年国际海上避碰规则公约(Convention on the International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea, 1972, as amended (COLREGS (amended) 1972)) 1977年7月15日5)1973年国际防止船舶污染公约(International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships, 1973 as modified by the Protocol of 1978 thereto (MARPOL (amended) 71/78)) 1983年10月2日6)1965年国际便利海上运输公约 (Convention on Facilitation of International Maritime Traffic, 1965, as amended (FAL (amended) 1965)) 1967年3月5日7)1966年国际载重线公约(International Convention on Load Lines, 1966 (LL 1966)) 1968年7月21日8)1966年国际载重线公约1988年议定书(LL PROT (HSSC) 1988) 尚未生效9)1969年国际船舶吨位丈量公约(International Convention on Tonnage Measurement of Ships, 1969 (TONNAGE 1969)) 1982年7月18日10)1969年国际干预公海油污事件公约(International Convention relating to Intervention on the High Seas in Cases of Oil Pollution Casualties, 1969 (INTERVENTION 1969)) 1975年5月6日11)1973年国际干预公海非油污类物质污染议定书(Protocol relating to Intervention on the High Seas in Cases of Pollution by substances other than Oil, 1973, as amended (INTERVENTION PROT (amended) 1973 ) 1983年3月30日12)1969年国际油污损害民事责任公约(International Convention on Civil Liability for Oil Pollution Damage, 1969 (CLC 1969)) 1975年6月19日13)1969年国际油污损害民事责任公约1976年议定书(CLC PROT 1976) 1981年4月8日14)1969年国际油污损害民事责任公约1992年议定书(CLC PORT 1992) 1996年5月30日15)1971年特种业务客船协定(Special Trade Passenger Ships Agreement, 1971 (STP 1971)) 1974年1月2日
2023-01-07 16:16:536


i love the song yourecommended to me
2023-01-07 16:17:157


  美国英雄中,除了可能做到“我没有撒过谎”的乔治·华盛顿外,谁得到的信任都比不上,接下来,我给大家准备了关于林肯的 故事 ,欢迎大家参考与借鉴。   关于林肯的故事   By Harold Holzer   No American hero, with the possible exception of George "I Cannot Tell a Lie" Washington, has been more encrusted with myth than Abraham Lincoln. Lincoln did boast virtues that required little embellishment. He rose from obscurity through hard work, self-education and honesty. He endured venomous criticism to save the Union and end slavery. He died shortly after his greatest triumph at the hands of an assassin. But tall-tale-tellers have never hesitated to rewrite Lincoln"s biography. On Presidents" Day, it"s well worth dispelling some perennial misconceptions about the man on the $5 bill.   1. Lincoln was a simple country lawyer.   This durable legend, personified by laconic Henry Fonda in John Ford"s film "Young Mr. Lincoln," dies hard. Lincoln"s law partner William H. Herndon, looking to boost his own reputation, introduced the canard that Lincoln cared little about his legal practice, did scant research, joked around with juries and judges, and sometimes failed to collect fees. Lincoln himself may have compromised his legal reputation with his oft-quoted admonition "Discourage litigation."   True, politics became lawyer Lincoln"s chief ambition. Still, in the 1850s he ably (and profitably) represented the Illinois Central Railroad and the Rock Island Bridge Co. - the company that built the first railroad bridge over the Mississippi River - and earned a solid reputation as one of his home state"s top appeals lawyers.   Lincoln"s legal papers testify to a diverse and profitable practice. Had he not been "aroused," as he put it, to speak out in 1854 against the pro-slavery Kansas-Nebraska Act before seeking a Senate seat, he likely would have remained a full-time lawyer and earned fame and fortune at the bar.   2. Lincoln was gay.   Gay rights activist Larry Kramer has long speculated that Lincoln was gay, claiming in 1999 that he"d discovered Lincoln"s love letters to onetime roommate Joshua Speed. The claim is reportedly featured in Kramer"s forthcoming history of homosexuality, "The American People," but historian Gabor Boritt called Kramer"s assertion "almost certainly . . . a hoax."   Still, the idea persists. In 2005, "The Intimate World of Abraham Lincoln," written by queer theory professor C. A. Tripp - a colleague of sex researcher Alfred Kinsey - purported to prove that Lincoln was an active homosexual who married only to conform to 19th-century convention and continued flirting and sleeping with young men throughout his presidency. Tripp went so far as to suggest that Lincoln"s sexual indifference is what contributed to his wife"s mental illness.   Is it true? And if it is, does it matter? According to Herndon, Lincoln exhibited a "powerful" attraction to women and was a regular customer in prairie brothels before his marriage at age 33. His first son was born just nine months after his marriage, which suggests enthusiasm if not experience. Then again, proving that a man loves women isn"t the same as proving that he doesn"t love men. Maybe it"s best to throw up our hands - and remember that Lincoln"s sexual orientation is but a small part of his historical legacy.   3. Lincoln was depressed.   Four generations of biographers attest that Lincoln was often morose, but Washington College"s Joshua Wolf Shenk made the case in his recent book, "Lincoln"s Melancholy: How Depression Challenged a President and Fueled his Greatness," that the 16th president was clinically depressed. Lincoln certainly had moments of what he called the "hypo," most notably when his first serious crush, Ann Rutledge, died in 1835, and again when he broke up with fianc??e Mary Todd on the eve of their nuptials in 1841. (They reconciled the next year.)   Though I co-edited a collection of Lincoln papers with Shenk, we disagree on this point. Genuine depression was untreatable in the 19th century, and its victims often descended into madness or took their own lives. It is impossible to reconcile this debilitating disease with the Lincoln who labored tirelessly and effectively during his demanding presidency. Clinically depressed people often can"t get out of bed, let alone command an army.   Was Lincoln sad? Sure - his son Willie died of fever in the White House in 1862, while the president himself led a war that would take the lives of 600,000 other young men. It would be far more remarkable had Lincoln remained perennially jolly.   4. Lincoln was too compassionate.   Much has been made by poet and Lincoln biographer Carl Sandburg and other historians over the notion that Lincoln was a serial pardoner. This is untrue - Lincoln not only approved the execution of deserters, but 38 alleged Indian raiders were hanged by his order in Mankato, Minn. on Dec. 26, 1862, still the largest mass execution on U.S. soil.   Meanwhile, Lincoln conducted the bloodiest war in American history to preserve the Union, authorized the deployment of deadly new weaponry such as mines, ironclad warships and niter (a 19th-century version of napalm), and accepted unprecedented casualties for his chosen cause.   The recent scandal over an altered National Archives pardon - a document allegedly changed by historian Thomas P. Lowry in 1998 to make it appear that Lincoln spent his final hours pardoning a soldier for desertion - gives us the opportunity to reconsider the chronic oversimplification of Lincoln"s soft touch. In light of the Archives melee, historians should re-examine the thousands of pardons Lincoln issued to weigh their authenticity and balance them against the death sentences he did allow.   5. Lincoln was mortally ill.   No shortage of armchair physicians are ready to diagnose Lincoln 150 years after his death. He had cardiovascular disease, some say. Or he had the rare genetic disorder Marfan"s Syndrome. Or he had the fatal cancer MEN2B. Had Lincoln not been assassinated on April 14, 1865, medical historians like John Sotos imply, he would have died soon enough without John Wilkes Booth"s help.   If any of these illnesses wracked Lincoln"s body during his presidency, how do we explain his inexhaustible physical constitution? Or the rarity of his wartime illnesses, limited to a mild bout of smallpox which killed his valet? How do we explain the ease with which the 56-year-old demonstrated his favorite frontier feat of strength - holding a heavy ax at arm"s length between his fingers - just a few days before his death?   Like many presidents, Lincoln grew visibly haggard during his presidency. He also lost weight. But the physicians who attended him on his deathbed marveled at his muscular arms and chest. A weaker man, they concluded, would have died the minute he was shot. Lincoln fought off death for nine hours - hardly within the ability of a man with a pre-existing condition.   关于林肯的五个流言   Annuska/译   美国英雄中,除了可能做到“我没有撒过谎”的乔治·华盛顿外,谁得到的信任都比不上——被捧上神堂的——亚伯拉罕·林肯。林肯夸张地拥有未经雕饰的美德。他通过努力工作、自学,以诚实的品质,从卑微的位置往上走。为保卫联邦,为结束奴隶制,他忍受了恶毒的攻击。在赢得一生中最重要的胜利后,他死于暗杀。但夸张叙事的作者们从来不曾犹豫重写林肯传记。在总统日,消除一些——这男人的头像印在5美元纸币上——流言,是一件很有意义的事情。   流言1、林肯只不过是乡村律师   精干利落的亨利·方达在约翰·福特的电影《少年林肯》中的表演,使该传言形象化,因此深入人心。林肯的合伙律师威廉姆·H·赫唐,为了吹嘘自己,造谣说林肯不关心自己的律师事务:调查潦草;与陪审员和法官开玩笑;有时候,还收不到账。林肯经常轻责自己“对官司漠不关心”,因此可能也糟蹋了自己律师的名声。   当然,律师林肯的第一追求是政治。然而,直到19世纪80年代,他成功地(也赚了一大笔)代表了伊利诺伊州中央铁路和洛克岛桥梁公司,该公司修建了第一条横跨密西西比河的铁路桥。这项业务确定了他在本州——属于顶级律师行列——的牢固地位。   林肯的法律文件证明他业务多多、利润丰厚。1854年,在竞选参议员之前,如果他不“出头”,强烈反对拥奴的《堪萨斯-内布拉斯加法案》,那么他就可以依然当全职律师,在法庭上名利双收。(《堪萨斯-内布拉斯加法案》使奴隶制得以向北扩张,引起堪萨斯内战,进一步爆发了南北战争。——译者注)。   2、林肯是同性恋   长久以来,同性恋权利活动家拉瑞·克拉梅认为林肯是同性恋。1999年,他声称发现了林肯写给以前室友——阿尔弗雷德·斯比特——的几封 情书 。在克拉梅即将出版的同性恋历史《美国人民》一书中,将突出该论断。但历史学家盖博·博瑞特说克拉梅的说法“基本肯定……胡说八道。”   但,这说法一直流传。2005年,一位酷儿理论教授C·A·特里普出版了《亚伯拉罕·林肯的隐秘世界》。该教授也是性学家阿尔弗雷德·金赛的同事。在书中,他一本正经地声明林肯是一位活跃的同性恋人士,他结婚只是要符合19世纪的风俗,并且在总统任职期间,继续和年轻男子调情、睡觉。特里普进一步深化,认为林肯妻子由于他的性冷落,才患上精神疾病的。(酷儿理论:最早与同性恋有关的一些理论、说法,随后引申至情色、男女等方面的研究,进一步指前卫观点。——译者注)   真的吗?就算真的,又怎样?据赫唐说,林肯对女人有“强烈的”吸引力;在33岁结婚前,他是牧场妓院的常客。结婚后9个月,他的长子就降生了,这说明即使他 经验 不够,也算热情如火。当然,证明一个男人爱女人,并不能证明他不爱男人。或许最好的办法是放开这个问题——要记住,林肯的性取向和其历史功绩几乎没有关系。   3、林肯性格忧郁   整整四代传记作家都认为林肯常常忧郁,然而,华盛顿大学的约书亚·沃尔夫·沈克在近期出版的《林肯的伤感:忧郁症如何挑战总统、激励他的伟大》中列出证据,说第十六届总统已被诊断患有忧郁症。林肯自己也说有过不少“抓狂”的时候,特别是遭受了第一次严重打击:安妮·鲁特雷吉死于1836年;随后1841年,在婚礼前夕,他与未婚妻玛丽·托德分手。(第二年,两人复合。)   尽管我与沈克一起编撰林肯资料,但对该问题,我们意见不同。在19世纪,真正的忧郁症是不治之症,患者经常发疯或自杀。总统的责任繁重,林肯不知疲倦地工作,并且效率很高。将令人崩溃的疾病和林肯联系起来,真的不可能。确诊得了忧郁症的人,几乎不能下床,遑论指挥军队了。   林肯郁闷吗?当然——1862年,他的儿子发高烧,死在了白宫;当时,他是总统,指挥一场战争,这场战争还夺走了60万年轻男子的性命。如果这样还要林肯保持开朗,未免太强人所难了。   4、林肯很仁慈   这个说法很大程度来自卡尔·桑伯格(诗人、林肯传记作家)和其他一些历史学家,他们认为林肯一直慈悲为怀。这不是真的——林肯不仅同意处决背弃者;而且签署了——1862年12月26日在明尼苏达州曼卡托绞死38名印第安袭击者——的命令,迄今为止,是在美国大地上发生的最大屠杀。(“最大”是指美国建国后,不包括殖民时代。——译者注。)   同时,林肯为保卫联邦,进行了美国历史上最血腥的战争,批准使用了一些致命武器,如水雷、装甲战舰和硝石(19世纪的凝固汽油弹);而且为了他信仰的理由,不顾伤亡如何惨重。   近来,出现了一个丑闻:国家档案馆内的特赦令被扭曲了——1998年,历史学家托马斯·P·罗瑞有意扭曲了文件的内容,使其表现出林肯在最后时刻特赦了一名逃兵。这件丑闻让人有机会 反思 :长期以来,过于简化林肯柔软的一面。随着各类纷杂档案的公布,历史学家应该重新审视林肯签署的上万份特赦,有多少是真实的;而且,还要对比他签署的死刑令。   5、林肯身患重疾   他死后的150年,不少想入非非的内科医生准备给林肯诊断。有人说,林肯有心脏病。还有人说,他患有罕见的马凡氏综合症(一种先天性、遗传性结缔组织疾病。——译者注)。还有些人说,他患有致命的MEN2B癌症 (MEN2B为甲状腺髓样癌,粘膜神经纤维瘤和嗜铬细胞瘤。——译者注) 。医疗历史学家,如约翰·所托斯推论,如果1865年4月14日,他不死于暗杀,不用约翰·威克斯·布斯帮忙,他也快死了。(约翰·威克斯·布斯:刺杀林肯的凶手。——译者注)   如果任职总统期间,林肯真患有这类疾病,那如何解释他力量无穷无尽的体质?如何解释战争期间,除了出过一次温和的天花外,他极少生病?而那次天花,要了身边男仆的命。在死前的几天,56岁的他,用最爱的边疆方式展示力量——用手指夹着一把重重的斧头,伸出一臂的距离。他轻而易举做到,该如何解释?   林肯和很多总统一样,在任职期间日益憔悴。他也变得消瘦。但临终前,来到他床前的医生们,都对他健壮的胳膊和胸膛感到惊讶。他们说,体格稍微弱一些的人,挨枪子的几分钟后就会死亡。林肯和死亡搏斗了九个小时——如果人以前患病的话,根本做不到。
2023-01-07 16:17:411

哈利波特字母歌 中文翻译

"Alphabet Aerobics"(Now it*s time for our wrap upLet*s give it everything we*ve gotReady? Begin)Artificial amateurs, aren*t at all amazingAnalytically, I assault, animate thingsBroken barriers bounded by the bomb beatBuildings are broken, basically I*m bombardingCasually create catastrophes, casualtiesCancelling cats got their canopies collapsingDetonate a dime of dank daily doin doughDemonstrations, Don Dada on the down lowEatin other editors with each and every energeticEpileptic episode, elevated etiquetteFurious fat fabulous fantasticFlurries of funk felt feeding the fanaticsGift got great global goods gone gloriousGettin godly in his game with the goriestHit em high, hella height, historicalHey holocaust hints hear *em holler at your homeboyImitators idolize, I intimidateIn a instant, I*ll rise in a irate stateJuiced on my jams like jheri curls jockin jointsJustly, it*s just me, writin my journalsKindly I*m kindling all kinds of ink onKarate kick type brits in my kingdomLet me live a long life, lyrically lessons isLearned lame louses just lose to my liveryMy mind makes marvelous moves, massesMarvel and move, many mock what I*ve masteredNiggas nap knowin I*m nice naturallyKnack, never lack, make noise nationallyOperation, opposition, off, not optionalOut of sight, out of mind, wide beaming opticalsPerfected poem, powerful punchlinesPummelling petty powder puffs in my primeQuite quaint quotes keep quiet it*s QuannumQuarrelers ain*t got a quarter of what we got uhReally raw raps, risin up rapidlyRiding the rushing radioactivitySuper scientifical sound search soughtSilencing super fire saps that are softTales ten times talented, too toughTake that, challengers, get a tune upUniversal, unique untouchedUnadulterated, the raw uncutVerb vice lord victorious validViolate vibes that are vain make em vanished? well would a wise wordsmith justWeaving up words weeded up, I*m a workshiftXerox, my X-ray-diation holes extra largeX-height letters, and xylophone tonesYellow back, yak mouth, young ones yawsYesterday*s lawn yards sell our (yawn?)Zig zag zombies, zoomin to the zenithZero in zen thoughts, overzealous rhyme ZEA-LOTS!....(good....can you say it faster?)不好意思哦,不会翻译
2023-01-07 16:17:461


结转损益类科目,英文是:transfer profit and loss account详细解释:transfer 英[trænsˈfɜ:(r)] 美[trænsˈfɚ] vt. 使转移; 使调动; 转让(权利等); 让与; vi. 转让; 转学; 转乘; 转会(尤指职业足球队); n. 转移; 调动; 换乘; (运动员) 转会; [例句]Remove the wafers with a spoon and transfer them to a plate用勺子抄起薄饼,把它们转盛到盘子里。profit 英[ˈprɒfɪt] 美[ˈprɑ:fɪt] n. 利润; 收益,得益; 红利; 净值利润率; vt. 有益于…,对…有益的; 得益; 创利润; vi. 获利; 有益; [例句]Footballers are accustomed to profiting handsomely from bonuses足球运动员对获取丰厚的奖金已习以为常。loss 英[lɒs] 美[lɔ:s] n. 损失,减少; 丢失,遗失; 损耗,亏损; 失败; [例句]The allies suffered less than 20 casualties while enemy losses were said to be high.盟军伤亡人数不到20,而敌军则据说人员损失惨重。
2023-01-07 16:17:526

meaningful,significant 都是有意义的,怎么区分?

meaningful a. 意味深长的 having a meaning or purpose例子:a meaningful explanationa meaningful discussiona meaningful pauseThe report says the drugs had meaningful results only in the most severely depressed patients.At the same time, the fact that I took chances (and often failed) gave me the wisdom that I have today. Lessons learned through failure tend to be much more meaningful than lessons learned otherwise. significant [sig"nifikənt] a. 重要的,有含义的,暗示的,有效的,非偶然的;相当数量的n.【古】[C]1.有意义的事物2.标志,象征a. 重要的,有含义的,暗示的,有效的,非偶然的;相当数量的 n.【古】[C] 1.有意义的事物 2.标志,象征 常用短语significant digit 有效数位,有效数字significant figure 有效数字a significant change in tax lawsa significant change in the Constitutiona significant contributionsignificant detailsstatistically significanttoo closely correlated to be attributed to chance and therefore indicating a systematic relation[例] the interaction effect is significant at the .01 levelno significant difference was foundshow all ... ( 4 ) fairly large[won by a substantial marginrich in significance or implication参考例句significant casualties;no significant opposition.相当大的伤亡;没多少反对意见A significant change in the tax laws.税务法律中的一个重大变化our fatherland will probably suffer a significant loss which may be difficult to be estimated by money.In a significant way,
2023-01-07 16:18:154

学新闻的朋友们 帮忙英文翻译

The most recent decades, the world"s all kinds of unexpected events that have taken place in public, our country is the most serious natural disasters, emergencies have become more frequent in one of the countries. "Statistics show that: in our country each year by natural disasters, accidents, disasters and emergencies, such as social security incidents caused by public events more than one million casualties, overall economic losses of up to 650 billion yuan, accounting for 6% of domestic GDP. Only in 2004, China for sudden public events on the casualties caused by more than one million people, 450 billion yuan in direct economic losses. "① Wenchuan 8 earthquake, the Government"s quick response to disaster relief, actively involved in real-time public information and open to international attention; the Chinese people tremendous disaster in the face of the brilliant flashes of humanity, the world gasped in admiration; media coverage of real-time, comprehensive depth, as well as reports of people-oriented perspective, but also the news media to be seen as a turning point. 5.12, is not only a painful anniversary of the earthquake, but also should be an open day information quickly, hoping to spread some news from the change in the concept, and rewrite a number of media theory. First, media reports timely, comprehensive, three-dimensional, multi-level, confidential disaster in history The past, in order to create a situation of social stability in the face of major disasters, governments at all levels are accustomed to "the Song", not to tell the public the truth; media by "pan-politicize" the concept of the impact of propaganda and conservative media system constraints, the "news disaster" as "negative news", reported the disaster instinctively choose silence or wait and see. Such as Zhejiang Province in March 1994 Qiandao 32 Taiwanese tourists were killed by the case of robbery, domestic media reported the delay; Nanjing Tangshan in 2002 poisoning incident information is neither timely nor sufficient; shocked the country"s Guangxi 7.17 Nandan mine, if not forcibly intervene in the media, the truth is almost concealed. At the same time, reports in the disaster, the death toll from the disaster, the rescue is also confidential information have become, and the delay in disaster relief, disasters lead to panic, but also international human rights organizations have often been questioned. 3.14 recent violence in Lhasa, the government and media still wait and see the missed opportunity for information disclosure, leading to false rumors, or even malicious rumors flying sky, even then the best efforts of our public information, are damage has been difficult to restore the country"s image and media image. In social life, disasters often unexpected ways, to the enormous personal and social damage and the impact. Last a very long period of time, China"s media reported that catastrophic events of the basic characteristics are: 1. Generality newsletter; 2. Low-key layout; 3. The choice of the main report, often the party and the government acts on disaster relief As reported by the Center; 4. the lack of depth of coverage of the disaster, background reports, continuous coverage. When disasters occur, the media often appears only in the process of cold relief figures, followed by a lengthy list of local officials the names of the size of the disaster event itself reports sometimes mean to ignore the five W (who, where , when, what, why) the extent, or even the number of casualties also non-disclosure. Some administrators believe that disaster means that the "smearing" can not refrain from reporting on the reports, to cover up when not on the length of the media reports and reports to control the scale, dilute the degree of social concern. In this concept of domination, a number of disasters has become the first non-news tail, regardless of primary and secondary, or direct religious ties, the "tragedy" Evolution forced to deal with the party and government for the disaster, "carol." Sudden Wenchuan earthquake, so that the lives of hundreds of millions of people suddenly pale, but did not cause social panic, a very important reason is that the information in a timely and full disclosure. In the face of great disaster, the Government and the media have learned a lesson and learn to race with the rumors. The Government responded quickly and effectively, the media reported that the full and timely, transparent and comprehensive information, with the Tangshan earthquake in 1976 to form a huge difference between the news blackout. Less than 10 minutes after the earthquake, the State Seismological Bureau on the speedy adoption of the Xinhua News Agency released the news to the community, and promptly released the information was felt all over; Central Television is the first interruption of the broadcast other programs, to start immediately with the earthquake disaster relief live; The next day, "People"s Daily" and have to start all over the newspapers on the situation of the disaster and disaster relief multi-page, three-dimensional, multi-level reporting; major web sites to update the disaster and relief-to-date information. 5.12 On this day, let us also felt bitter that pleased: big disaster before disaster information timely, open and transparent so that we can overcome the disaster in more self-confident, more calm and more of one mind. Second, disaster coverage to people-centered, thoroughly abandon the "pan-politicization" of the promotional concept From the news media"s point of view, a disaster incident, the incident itself, the victims of the situation, the Government or the community are the relief actions taken by most people want to know, as a society from the vantage of the news media should meet the people"s knowledge of the information right. It can be said that news reports focus on aspects which embodies the values of news media, the media functions and social roles, as well as government, media and public relations. Before the disaster, "carol" type of reports, is not only inconsistent with people"s psychological needs, but also violates the concept of people-oriented. From a psychological point of view, natural disaster events, the existence of social and human status of the destruction of constancy, it is a result of catastrophic events on the surface of information (what happened) and the deep information (why) have a strong cognitive psychological needs, in order to adjust the existing cognitive structure, to maximize awareness of the elimination of uncertainty, with the natural environment, social environment, human values and re-integration of the environment. Therefore, "whether natural or social disasters, it will give people a tremendous psychological impact and power, the incident itself and the impact will undoubtedly have a high news value, can easily arouse the audience"s desire for news. "② If the disaster to ignore news reports on the disaster in urgent need of public awareness of social and psychological, to conceal or distort the event, played down the impact of disasters, not only the victims of disasters and their relatives can not accept, the general public would not accept, and ultimately lead to rumors and affect the image of the government and social stability. News of the disaster, from the public level, there are two main cognitive: the general audience to accept them as the main body of the urgent news about the disaster situation; disaster victims and their relatives, their main identity of the particular parties, but would like to know the real situation of all events and every detail. If only the general audience away from a comparison of the psychological distance and look at the macro level to a disaster incident, then, for disaster victims and their relatives, they are based on personal experience and a very concrete reality the interests of gains and losses, to bear this disaster. Therefore, disaster news reports should be concerned about the disaster event itself, followed by concern about the victims and their relatives, and finally the Government arising from acts or social behavior. The earthquake is reported, the media to meet the audience"s attention on catastrophic events, and more emphasis on reports of the disaster event itself, but also pay more attention to the lives of individuals, especially the survival of vulnerable groups, and lead to people"s sympathy and love. Such reports not only failed to weaken the ruling party and government leadership of the dominant position earthquake relief, but also more determined the people"s faith in socialism, the ruling party and the government"s trust. Third, the full disclosure of information to protect the public"s right to know, should be a normal news coverage and institutional arrangements Economics of information tells us that there will be some reason why rumors of the market, mainly because of information asymmetry. When disasters occur, people naturally will have a psychological need to capture information, especially those who lack of information. At this point, the rumors will get a chance to step to meet this demand. , product marketing bone destruction" is summed up on the previous rumors of mass destruction. The time of the incident in the disaster, the destruction not only for the individual against society, but also for the harm to society as a whole. Because the rumors of people able to have a significant psychological and emotional disturbances affect the capacity of people"s rational judgments, resulting in confusion and affect social stability. In the "pan-politicization" of the traditional way of thinking under the influence of news reports are often used to gloss, gloss over their mistakes. Reports of disasters, including air, sea, explosions, accidents, fires, earthquakes, floods, especially by micro-organisms (bacteria, virus)-induced health incidents, poisoning, caused by radioactive elements such as public safety incident, the relevant departments are often keep the ban. Resistance in many media, it is also only for those involved in hot topics of concern to millions of households, big small, trivial matters of the best to cover up the truth to the public. With this kind of "pan-politicization" of the spread of the concept of disaster news coverage will inevitably lead to a disaster to cover up the incident, which itself is a violation of the law of press reports. To cover up the truth to the public the results, it is rumors, disorder, and panic, the media and the decline in the credibility of the Government. At present, more than 50 countries have established a system of open government information, "International Covenants on Human Rights" has the right to know as a basic human right. In recent years, China has accelerated the pace of information disclosure from the legal establishment of disaster information disclosure system and open system of government information. Early 2003 SARS epidemic, the competent authorities will still be treated as a political issue, trying to report on the outbreak of the news reports of "pounded." Absence and silence the media, the public did not know, rumors, panic buying, the outside world to question, so that the social crisis into a SARS epidemic. Later, the central requirement of the truth in the media reports on disease prevention knowledge, the daily briefing outbreak, including the confirmed cases, suspected cases, deaths. Have all announced the truth, great to meet the public"s right to know and quickly stabilize the people"s minds. This shows that the public"s right to know the result of suppression can not be met, will lead to social disorder and even social crises, and to meet the public"s right to know will be the release of pressure caused by the crisis, stabilizing the community. "Rumors would stop public" information sufficient conditions, away from the fact that there is no market rumors, since most people have enough information to judge. In the absence of sufficient information on conditions, will be the spread of rumors. Because people believe that in addition to rumors, there is no other choice. In view of this lesson, the State Council in May 2004 in the middle of the formulation and promulgation of the "Emergency Regulations on public health emergencies," and specifically provides that any unit or individual shall not conceal the disaster, relief is reported that incite others to misrepresent or conceal, and delaying the report, false; the establishment of the provisions of national disaster information release system, to the public timely, accurate and comprehensive dissemination of information. This shows that the maximum power is determined to break the "pan-politicization" of the bound mode of thinking and establish a responsible government, a democratic society, the rule of law the Government"s good image, a positive response to the globalization of information to the historical trend of social progress. August 8, 2005, the Ministry of Civil Affairs, the State Secrecy Bureau jointly issued "on the result of natural disasters, the total number of deaths and related information decryption notice" which led to a result of natural disasters death toll no longer state secrets, and in section a time to the public, not only reversing the passive situation and relief work, but also reflects the respect of citizens right to know. January 8, 2006 issued by the State Council, "the overall national public emergency contingency plan" for them late, false, concealed and omitted important public emergency and other dereliction of duty, misconduct, disciplinary action in accordance with the law relating to the responsibility of staff; constitute crime, b
2023-01-07 16:18:291