barriers / 阅读 / 详情


2023-07-25 16:17:45







一、详细释义: , n. , 估计;估价;预测 [C] , 例句: ,It is only an estimate.,这只是一个估算值。, 例句: ,This is an outside estimate of the price.,这是最高的估价。, 看法,评价;判断 [U] , 例句: ,My estimate of her character was wrong.,我对她品格的评价是错误的。, 例句: ,Later judgements have confirmed his estimate.,后来的裁决却证实了他评价的公正。, v. , 估计,估算,估量,估价 [I,T] , 例句: ,Such estimate of viscosities do give us some concept of the sluggishness of debris flows.,这种对泥石流粘度的估计确实给我们提供了一些泥石流惰性方面的概念。, 例句: ,One must estimate oneself correctly.,对自己要有正确的估价。, 评价,评论,判断 [T] , 例句: ,Now I"ve realized that my estimate of her character was one-sided.,现在我认识到我对她品格的评价是片面的。, 例句: ,These are measurements we use to estimate ancestry.,我们根据这些数据来判断祖先。, 报价,预算书 [C] , 例句: ,Can you give me an estimate over the phones?,你能在电话里告诉我预算费用吗?, 例句: ,They have finalized a budget estimate.,他们对预算做出最后的决定。, 二、词义辨析: , estimate,appraise,assess,evaluate,value,rate ,这些动词均有“估价,估计”之意。estimate通常指由个人作出的主观估价。appraise指以专家身份作了最终精确的估价。assess原义指对为确定交多少税而估计,引申指通过估价以便更好利用。evaluate与appraise相似,指使判断绝对准确,但多用于对人物的某方面的评价,很少用于评价某物的市场价值。value侧重指一般人对某物的价值或价格所作的估计。rate专指评定价值等级的高低。, 三、参考例句: ,One must estimate oneself correctly.,对自己要有正确的估价。,My estimate of her character was wrong.,我对她品格的评价是错误的。,Their estimate is in the right ballpark.,他们的预估大致差不多。,They gave us an estimate of 50,000 pounds.,他们为我们提供了一份五万英镑的估价单。,It is an estimate of the mean of the population.,这是对人口平均数的一个估计。,The mittee lacked a correct estimate of his ability.,委员会对他的能力缺乏正确的评价。,It"s impossible to estimate his abilities yet.,现在还无法评定他的才能。,We estimate the cost to be five thousand dollars.,我们估计费用为5000美元。,Could I get an estimate before placing an order?,在下订单之前能给我一份估价单吗?,One must have a correct estimate of oneself.,对自己要有正确的估价。
2023-07-25 05:31:241


reckon英 [u02c8reku0259n] 美 [u02c8reku0259n] v.估计;认为;想;预计;被普遍认为是;被看作是;料想;指望estimate英 [u02c8estu026amu0259t , u02c8estu026ameu026at] 美 [u02c8estu026amu0259t , u02c8estu026ameu026at] v.估计;估算;估价n.估价;(对数量、成本等的)估计;估计的成本reckon是比较口语的,estimate是比较正式formal的。estimate一般是跟数字有关系的,reckon可能就是一个人的想法。以前reckon也有formal的用法但是现在不是这样了。
2023-07-25 05:31:591


Tim es
2023-07-25 05:32:163


2023-07-25 05:33:124


2023-07-25 05:33:211

英语 estimate 和expect有什么区别吗

2023-07-25 05:33:301


2023-07-25 05:33:381


据统计,有6000儿童没有玩具。It has been estimated that 6000 childen have not their toys.他参加了TG(你懂的)He has been participated in China Communist Party^_^
2023-07-25 05:33:582

SPSS中结果输出中的 estimate marginal means 是起什么作用,希望能详细点。

2023-07-25 05:34:062

英语 estimate 和expect有什么区别吗

expect anticipate 这两个动词还可表示“预计”、“预料”、“估计”的意思。expect 是普通用词,anticipate 是正式用词,两词有时可以换用,但需注意动词作宾语时,expect 接动词不定式,anticipate 接动名词。1)We didn"t expect/anticipate that the program would be opposed by the majorityof the committee members. 我们没有预料到这项计划将会被大多数委员会委员反对。estimate 通常用于对数据的预测,名词为 estimation。1)25% children between the age of 10 and 14 are estimated to be working underillegal or dangerous conditions. 估计有25% 10~14岁的儿童在非法或危险的情况下工作。2)The U.S. Department of Education estimated that about two million school-agechildren are educated at home. 美国教育部估计大约有200万学龄儿童家里接受教育。
2023-07-25 05:34:152


2023-07-25 05:34:294


与estimate长得很像的单词可能有:1. estimation(n. 估计)2. estimator(n. 估价员)3. estimated(adj. 估计的)这些单词与estimate在拼写上非常接近,尤其是前缀和后缀相同的情况下,很容易被人们混淆或误写。因此,在书写过程中,需要特别关注单词的具体拼写,防止出现错写的情况。此外,无论是estimate还是其他单词,都要注重语境语义,灵活使用,避免在表达过程中感到受限或不便。
2023-07-25 05:34:362


2023-07-25 05:35:051

ESTIMATE 算法 与 肿瘤纯度

恶性实体瘤组织不仅包括肿瘤细胞,还包括与肿瘤相关的正常上皮和间质细胞、免疫细胞和血管细胞。基质细胞被认为在肿瘤生长、疾病进展和耐药性中起重要作用; 浸润性免疫细胞的作用具有上下文依赖性。浸润的间质细胞和免疫细胞构成了肿瘤组织中正常细胞的主要组成部分,不仅在分子研究中干扰了肿瘤信号,在肿瘤生物学中也起着重要的作用。 Estimate是一种使用基因表达特征来推断肿瘤样本中间质和免疫细胞比例的方法 ,全称为Estimation of STromal and Immune cells in MAlignant Tumor tissues using Expression data(使用表达数据估计恶性肿瘤中的间质和免疫细胞),即可以通过ESTIMATE算法用表达数据来估计恶性肿瘤组织中的基质细胞和免疫细胞的含量,预测出免疫评分和基质评分,从而预测其含量,以及计算每个肿瘤样本中的肿瘤纯度, 如果基质细胞和免疫细胞含量多了,那么肿瘤纯度就低,反之肿瘤纯度就高了 参考文献:《Inferring tumour purity and stromal and immune cell admixture from expression data》 可以通过示例数据看出,我们需要的输入数据是一个行名是基因名GeneSymbol (或 EntrezGeneID),列是样本的表达矩阵 ESTIMATE 综合了多个平台,计算得分之前必须将表达文件转化成gct格式 注意!由于R包的个性化设定,当平台plotform="illumina" 时,输出结果无肿瘤纯度 ESTIMATE 可以生成一个 ESTIMATE评分 与 肿瘤纯度 关系的一个图: 学习的教程: 生信技能树的 使用ESTIMATE计算肿瘤的免疫得分 obwte ESTIMATE包计算肿瘤纯度 感谢大佬们的无私分享 学习总结如果有不对的地方,欢迎大家指正
2023-07-25 05:35:151


estimate 是估计推测的意思,推测的对象一般是某个事物,推测的结果一般是数值evalue 是估计价值的意思,推测的对象一般是有价值的商品value 是有价值的意思,在是否有价值的时候进行判断
2023-07-25 05:35:511

estimate 算法计算肿瘤纯度

最近在一篇文献中看到了肿瘤纯度,当作背景知识补充一下。 ESTIMATE算法,可以根据表达数据估计肿瘤样本的基质分数(stromal score )和免疫分数(immune score),用于代表基质和免疫细胞的存在。两个分数相加即得到estimate score,可用于估计肿瘤纯度。 该算法于2013年发表在NC上: 2015年又有一篇NC: 。 用4种方法计算了TCGA样本的肿瘤纯度,其中就有ESTIMATE。 但作者的提供的帮助文档里只有芯片数据计算方式,而未提到转录组数据如何处理。我探索了一下发现,是可以计算的,作者在estimate网站上也提供了部分TCGA project的计算结果。 一番搜索找到曾老板写的帖子,可谓一站式找齐了: 关于算法: ,介绍了算法的基本原理和方法。 关于R包的用法: ,介绍了芯片数据如何得到三个score和肿瘤纯度 转录组数据计算: ,介绍了转录组数据如何得到三个score和肿瘤纯度 找了TCGA的ACC count数据作为示例数据。如果你想要我的示例数据,请在生信星球公众号后台回复“est766”。u200b用自己的count数据也可以噢。u200b 这是曾老板写的函数,转录组数据与芯片数据计算过程不同的地方是 platform 是illumina。 affy芯片输出结果是有这一列的。 我对比了一下15年的那篇NC的方法部分,他们计算使用的是 level 3 RNA-seq profiles (RNAseqV2 normalized RSEM)数据,用estimate包计算了scores,用13年NC文章中的公式计算了肿瘤纯度。 公式是: Tumour purity=cos (0.6049872018+0.0001467884 × ESTIMATE score) 不要忘了R语言是个好计算器 15年的文章给出了计算结果,我复现一下他的计算。RNAseqV2 normalized RSEM 数据不好找,我是从firehouse浏览器找到的,并进行了一些整理,让它变成了规范的表达矩阵。 我把这个计算结果与15年的NC做了比较,一毛不差,开心。 我把两个数据处理得到的结果组成一个表格来比较一下: 相差无几咯。非常完美的结果。 illumina输出结果不带有Tumorpurity列,这是包自身的设置。 在biostars上面看到一个讨论,有人认为estimate score 计算肿瘤纯度的公式是根据Affymetrix的芯片数据得出的,是专门针对芯片数据使用,因此不可以用于转录组。建议只计算出estimate score,用这个分数来代替肿瘤纯度的绝对数值用于后续分析。 原帖讨论见: 然而NC 15年就已经发了这篇文章,五年来没人反对,可以认为人家做的是可用的,用就是了呗。
2023-07-25 05:35:591


2023-07-25 05:36:061

英语问题 这单词 estimate 有好多种音标,究竟哪种正确?

2023-07-25 05:36:162


estimate中文意思是估计。n.估计;估算;估量;估价单;意见;判断;评价;vt.估计;估算;估量;判断;评价;为人口参数设定估计值;vi.作费用或成本估计;估价;报价同义词;assessment;judge短语at a rough estimate 据粗略估算;按照大概估计to give sb an estimate 给某人一个估价to estimate for sth 对…估价双语例句1. I was wrong in my estimate of his abilities.我错估了他的能力。2. That"s an outside estimate of how much it will cost.那已经是最高估价了。3. This figure is double the original estimate.这一数字是原来估算的两倍。4. I"ll be happy to get back to you with an estimate in the next few days.过几天我很乐意给你们一个估价单.
2023-07-25 05:36:401

estimate 短语

estimate 短语如下:1、estimate the cost 估计成本。2、estimate the time 估计时间。3、estimate the value 估价值。4、estimate the size 估计大小。5、estimate the impact 估计影响。6、estimate the risk 估计风险。7、estimate the probability 估计概率。8、estimate the budget 估算预算。9、estimate the demand 估计需求。10、estimate the weight 估计重量。11、estimate budget 概算预算。12、accounting estimate 会计估量。13、estimate conversion 估算变换。14、coverage estimate 覆盖估计。15、sample estimate 样本估计数。
2023-07-25 05:38:131

estimate 同 estimation 的用法

estimate [n] 1. 估计;估价;估计数 The expert"s estimate is that the painting is worth one million. 专家估计这幅画值一百万元。 2. 评价;判断;看法 My estimate of the situation is not so optimistic. 我对形势的估计不那么乐观。 estimation [n.] 1. 评价;判断;意见[U] He is equal to the job in my estimation. 据我看 他能胜任这项工作。 2. 估计;预算[C][U] His estimation of their arrival time was not far off. 他对他们到达时间的估计基本准确。 3. 尊重 尊敬[U] The dedicated doctor earned the estimation of his colleagues. 那位忠于事业的医生赢得了同事的尊敬。 如果两者都用作noun时 根据以上的字典解释 两者都无分别. 它们的分别却是estimate可用作verb estimation 就不是. 希望帮到你啦!
2023-07-25 05:39:121


2023-07-25 05:39:214


estimaten.估价;估计v.估计;估价;评价1. (粗略)估计(…的距离、价值、数目、大小、重量、费用等);估量;预算如: to estimate the cost of a college education 估计上大学的费用 We estimate the cost to be four thousand dollars. 我们估计费用(或成本)为4 000美元。2. 判断,评价;估计…的意义(或价值): He is highly estimated among his colleagues.同事们对他的评价很高。
2023-07-25 05:39:301


缩写:ae=estimate = approximately estimate.
2023-07-25 05:40:082


2023-07-25 05:40:341


estimated 估计的,估算的,预计的或者是动词estimate的过去式及物动词 vt. & 不及物动词 vi.1.估计; 评价, 评估 The gardener estimated that it would take him four hours to weed the garden.园丁估计他给花园除草需要四个小时。We estimate the cost to be five thousand dollars.我们估计费用为5000美元。We estimated his character highly.我们对他的人品评价很高。及物动词 vt.1.(粗略)估计(…的距离、价值、数目、大小、重量、费用等);估量;预算
2023-07-25 05:40:411


问题一:预计到达时间英文怎么写 预计到达时间英文 Estimated Arrival Time. 问题二:预计定在英语怎么说 be expected to be e.g. the meeting is expected to be on Dec 19th. 问题三:预计英文用英语怎么说 预计 predict;to estimate;anticipated;antipate;plan on更多释义>> [网络短语] 预计 Expected;estimate;predict 预计负债 Anticipation liabilities;Accrued liabilities;estimated liabilities 预计残值 Estimated residual value;estimative remnant value 问题四:“预计完成时间,实际完成时间”用英文怎么说,用 “预计完成时间,实际完成时间” Expected pletion time, actual pletion time “预计完成时间,实际完成时间” Expected pletion time, actual pletion time 问题五:“预计的人数”用英语怎么表达 预计的人数 Estimated number of people 问题六:预计订单采购量用英文怎么说 predicted purchase order quantity 预计订单采购量 问题七:预计下周给你 英文翻译 It is estimated that next week gives you 问题八:“超出预计”英文怎么说? beyond estimate 希望对你有帮助,O(∩_∩)O哈!
2023-07-25 05:40:481


estimated 英 ["estu026ametu026ad] 美 ["estu026ametu026ad] .adj. 估计的; 估算的; 预计的; v. 估计,评价,评估( estimate的过去式和过去分词 ); (粗略) 估计(…的距离、价值、数目、大小、重量、费用等),估量,预算; [网络] 评估; 预计; 估算; [例句]The project was estimated to have cost 570000 yuan..估计这项工程花费了57万元。[其他] 形近词: intimated estimator
2023-07-25 05:40:551


estimator是对参数估计的random variable而estimate是该estimator的一个具体值
2023-07-25 05:41:051


estimated 英 ["estu026ametu026ad] 美 ["estu026ametu026ad] adj.估计的estimate的过去式或过去分词It is estimated that the damage was over one million dollars. 据估计,损失超过了一百万元。He is highly estimated among his colleagues. 同事们对他的评价很高。
2023-07-25 05:41:431


estimated英["estu026ametu026ad]美["estu026ametu026ad]adj.估计的; 估算的; 预计的v.估计,评价,评估( estimate的过去式和过去分词 ); (粗略)估计(…的距离、价值、数目、大小、重量、费用等),估量,预算例句:In after-hours trading, shares surged by another estimated 30 points or more.在盘后交易当中,股价估计又上涨了30点或更多。
2023-07-25 05:41:501


是对均数上下限的估值estimate marginal means 是对均数上下限的估值,并对边缘均值的差异进行比较,结果表里有“*”表示差异显著。实际意义是通过探讨边缘均值的差异,进一步确定均数间的差异。一般在做多因素方差分析用到,还可以做进一步的细分比较和其他检验,具体在analyze,general linear model,univariate,的option里可以选择相应内容。
2023-07-25 05:41:581

estimate 和 project 表示预估时的差别

2023-07-25 05:42:064


2023-07-25 05:42:143


The formula used to compute the point estimate is called the estimator
2023-07-25 05:42:242

关于estimate at,estimate for,希望英语专业人士回答精确

1.及物动词,不需要介词2.名称,跟什么介词要看在什么场合下用。eg, an estimate at seabed an estimate for the company an estimate of oil production等等没有要求说estimate后面一定应该跟什么词,这个完全是语境问题。
2023-07-25 05:42:571


appraise: vt. 评价(多为褒义吧),估价assess: vt. (为征税、处罚)估定(财产)的价值evaluate:vt. 1.估...的价2.对...评价;为...鉴定3.【数】求...的数值estimate:vt/vi/n 评价,判断,看法
2023-07-25 05:43:042

estimate被动形式 举个例子

The house was estimated at 1 billion yuan
2023-07-25 05:43:142


calculate 计算speculate 推测estimate 估计
2023-07-25 05:43:221

会议中estimate和invoice 是什么意思

2023-07-25 05:43:523

esttimated remaining是什么意思

estimated remaining估计剩余的。。。。更多例句筛选1.For the first twenty minutes or so the installer seemed to be stuck with theestimated time remaining indicating 33 minutes.在开始大概二十分钟后,安装程序看起来就像是卡住了,其估计所需的剩余时间指示为33分钟。2.Meanwhile, most of Zimbabwe"s estimated 9m remaining inhabitants (3m or so have emigrated) still live in poverty and growing fear.同时,津巴布韦剩下来的九百万居民(大约三百万人已搬走)大部分仍生活在贫困和日益的恐惧中。
2023-07-25 05:44:002


estimative (形容词这个单字没有副词
2023-07-25 05:44:091


2023-07-25 05:43:441


2023-07-25 05:43:462


March 12, 2008 into the beginning of training BYD Co., Ltd., the new environment, new jobs, new team, new projects, and has given me a new challenge. I was assigned to the 3rd Business Division precision molds Division, which is the status of CNC EDM walking thread cutting, NC WEDM is a multi-discipline involved in the integrated technology, is the main force in the mold manufacturing Equipment. Molding plastic products, plastic mold referred to as mold, plastic mold production of plastic products in machinery, electronic industry in a wide range of applications. In metal processing, NC WEDM has always been the plastic mould processing tools. Whether dynamic simulation, the module, spare parts, processing or special occasions, as long as the correct preparation of the NC program, WEDM in plastic mould processing will play an increasingly important role in NC WEDM bed CNC machine tools is, but also a special machine. I die of the three is the production of injection mold a part, is the injection mold-Renhe inserts processing. This three-month internship through the injection mold me to the knowledge about the more so that I can operate independently WEDM bed, their teachers completed a guide to their own arrangements for the internship programme. I believe the future through their own efforts and their work in the constantly sum up, to achieve better results.楼主参考。
2023-07-25 05:43:483


2023-07-25 05:43:484


This graduation project duty is designs the practice teaching multimedia class using the MacromediaFlashMX2004 animation manufacture software manufacture plastic mold curriculum. Its content including five aspects □□molds design procedure and the method, the plastic commonly used raw material takes shape the performance, the plastic commonly used takes shape the method to introduce and in the product characteristic, the mold design process appears question and explanation, mold components storehouse. Content quite rich, basically contains the mold to design all contents which this specialty involved. Besides has the quite many writing content, has also joined very many animation in the class, entire causes multimedia more vivid to be bright. For example: Inside the class third chapter, the pressure models takes shape has the animation which the pressure models, squeezes out animation which takes shape also has squeezes out, the animation which but also has which the injection to take shape the animation and the blow molding takes shape. These all very vivid description these have taken shape the craft to transport makes the process, lets the schoolmates achieve does not need to experience personally also can feel, the impression is more profound. FLASH this section tool makes the class broke the traditional POWERPOINT stiffness, the effect has been better, believed could gain the schoolmates popularity in the classroom.
2023-07-25 05:43:404

为什么我苹果上的days matter。倒计时不能显现在桌面上

2023-07-25 05:43:312


2023-07-25 05:43:239


3 weld marks Plastic melt in the mold filling process, the two sides on the formation of melt weld marks the confluence. Weld marks as a result of the existence of parts, not only affects the appearance of parts quality and the impact of the strength of parts in the easy to use fracture. The current process for forming thin-walled parts of the resulting weld marks and its main influencing factors are also more theoretical study, for example, set Yuan Jiangsu University, Hu Shuguang,韩阳fly [28], such as through the establishment of non-isothermal non-Newtonian Hele a Show fluid model and the power-law model or Bo Bo CrosS model, using Moldnow analysis, through the barrier gate location for mold flow analysis, forecasting air bubbles that may exist in parts location and the location of weld marks in order to determine the optimal gate location and the number of cameras and before the shell casings and mobile phone products, such as injection analysis to verify, and achieved good results. The results show that the generation of welding marks and temperature, and at low temperatures, the polymer melt flow, the convergence performance, easily lead to the phenomenon of weld marks. Melt molding temperature is too low, too short filling time, injection pressure and the pressure of low pressure and so will produce products with a tendency to weld marks. In addition, the structural design of products unreasonable, mold is the impact of exhaust products, such as poor welding have a reason for marks. Therefore, the defective parts to control weld marks can melt through the rational control of molding temperature, mold Temperature, filling time, as well as the injection pressure and pressure forming factors such as pressure control. 4 crack Plastic parts crack and residual stress of the thin-walled parts in shaping the course of the general cooling time is very short, generally a few seconds or less in time, too late to make flexible polymers have a residual stress release, to open parts mode after the stress release of the results will be generated to increase warpage parts, the tendency of the defects such as cracking. Thin-walled plastic parts for cracks factors the impact of technology, both at home and abroad there are many related research in Taiwan and wc.BushLko studied vK.stokes.1291 molding process parameters, such as mold temperature, melt temperature, packing pressure, as well as plastic parts wall thickness of parts, such as contraction and the effects of residual stress, the results show that the pressure is affecting systolic pressure an important factor in the deformation, and mold and melt temperature was less affected, the higher the security pressure, the smaller the shrinkage deformation. Israel s.Kenig, A. Ben a David and M.omerl30] experimentally studied the pressure parameters and gate geometry on the stability of the final product size of the impact of the results shows that the pressure in the same mold, the small water the mouth of the contraction deformation of the parts is less significant than that in the case of constant pressure, the injection gate can not be of uniform size contraction.
2023-07-25 05:43:213