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求少女时代galaxy supernova音译,谐音罗马音都行

2023-07-25 16:15:41
Oh my boy 那你卡噶Na na na na na一艘一艘 summer sparking Ah ah ah ah ah ah 乃jou口Looking at you lo-looking at you ILooking at you lo-looking at you I啊那大米带楼哇 ah~带 艘来路 Killer boyish 那 supernova姆en佩 No supernova马锡大路那 supernovagi 恩噶该 苏开路钢带 NO.1无奈路 baseline like 那 shooting starsTo comingTu tu tu lu tu tu Cutest~Tu tu tu lu tu tu Girls in~Tu tu tu lu tu tu in the galaxy galaxy oh~Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh呜哇撒 No吗头大哇Yeah ah ah ah ah ah ah他一头那hi 扑来 哇马路带Tu tu tu lu tu tu Cutest~Tu tu tu lu tu tu Girls in~Tu tu tu lu tu tu in the galaxy galaxy oh~Oh boyDo you believe this situation?Yeah!You"d better keep this a secret.麻开扫太 密码秀偶 有不duai一No 厚爱子带一娃 那嘟乃No 后塞Ki No 有No乃带Looking at you lo-looking at you ILooking at you lo-looking at you I以马某米带路哇 ah~乃艘来挖 物都该一奈 supernova搜哦 该恩及 supernova啊那打怒 supernovaIn the galaxy 他一Ki开 哦来一带艘ou in&out四卡伊卡 搜那 shock to噶 萨卡爱 他头来aiTu tu tu lu tu tu Perfect~Tu tu tu lu tu tu Girls in~Tu tu tu lu tu tu in the galaxy galaxy oh~Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh计较带Ki No来一带Yeah ah ah ah ah ah ah无卡比亚嘎的 系度噶都Tu tu tu lu tu tu Perfect~Tu tu tu lu tu tu Girls in~Tu tu tu lu tu tu in the galaxy galaxy oh~自 卡吗一带 嘟路都 你该拉来带Ki ai路NoWhat dance thing looking at you. yeah!gi 恩噶该 苏开路钢带 NO.1无奈路 baseline like 那 shooting starsTo comingTu tu tu lu tu tu Cutest~Tu tu tu lu tu tu Girls in~Tu tu tu lu tu tu in the galaxy galaxy oh~Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh呜哇撒 No吗头大哇Yeah ah ah ah ah ah ah他一头那hi 扑来 哇马路带Tu tu tu lu tu tu Cutest~Tu tu tu lu tu tu Girls in~Tu tu tu lu tu tu in the galaxy galaxy oh~




2023-07-25 05:29:354


2023-07-25 05:29:433


超新星:英文名为supernova,也称nova。 理论而言,质量介于太阳的8~25倍之间的恒星会在一场超新星爆炸中结束自己的生命。当这颗恒星耗尽所有可用的燃料,它就会突然失去一直支撑自身重量的压力,它的核心坍缩成为一颗中子星或者黑洞——一颗毫无生气的超致密残骸,外侧的气体包层则会以5%的光速抛射出去。 当恒星爆发时的绝对光度超过太阳光度的100亿倍、中心温度可达100亿摄氏度,新星爆发时光度的10万倍时,就被天文学家称为超新星爆发了。 基本介绍 中文名 :超新星 外文名 :supernova 别称 :nova 一颗超新星在爆发时输出的能量可高达(10)^43焦,这几乎相当于我们的太阳在它长达100亿年的主序星阶段输出能量的总和。超新星爆发时, 抛射物质的速度可达10000千米/秒,光度最大时超新星的直径可大到相当于太阳系的直径。1970年观测到的一颗超新星,在爆发后的30天中直径以5000千米/秒的速度膨胀,最大时达到3倍太阳系直径。在这之后直径又开始收缩。 著名的超新星 ●185年12月7日,东汉中平二年乙丑,中国天文学家观测到超新星185,这是人类历史上发现的第一颗超新星。该超新星在夜空中照耀了八个月。《后汉书·天文志》载:“中平二年(185年)十月癸亥,客星出南门中,大如半筵,五色喜怒,稍小,至后年六月消”。 ●1006年4月30日——位于豺狼座的SN 1006爆发,它可能是有史以来人们记录到的视亮度最高的超新星,据推断其亮度达到了-9等。据现代天文学家推测:“在1006年的春天,人们甚至有可能能够借助它的光芒在半夜阅读。”在中国宋朝,这颗超新星由司天监周克明等人发现,因而将它称作周伯星。在《宋史·天文志》卷五六中记载为:“景德三年四月戊寅,周伯星见,出氐南,骑官西一度,状如半月,有芒角,煌煌然可以鉴物,历库楼东。八月,随天轮入浊。十一月复见在氐。自是,常以十一月辰见东方,八月西南入浊。” ●1054年7月4日——产生蟹状星云的一次超新星爆发,这次客星的出现被中国宋朝的天文学家详细记录,《续资治通鉴长编》卷一七六中载:“至和元年五月己酉,客星晨出天关之东南可数寸(嘉祐元年三月乃没)。”日本、美洲原住民也有观测的记录。 ●1572年11月初(可能在2日到6日之间)——仙后座的超新星(第谷超新星)爆发,丹麦天文学家第谷有观测的记录,并因此出版了《De Nova Stella》一书,是新星的拉丁名nova的来源。据估计这颗超新星的绝对星等有-15.4等,距地球7500光年;它最高时的视亮度有-4等,可以与金星相比。 ●1604年10月9日——蛇夫座的超新星(克卜勒超新星),德国天文学家克卜勒有详细观测的记录,这是迄今为止银河系里最后一颗被发现的超新星,视星等为-2.5等,距地球6000光年。它曾被伽利略用作反驳当时亚里士多德学派所谓上天永远不变的理论。 ●1885年8月19日——位于仙女座星系的超新星SN 1885A(仙女座 S)被爱尔兰业余天文学家艾萨克·瓦德(Issac Ward)在贝尔法斯特发现,这是人类首次发现河外星系中的超新星,也是至今在仙女座星系中发现的唯一一颗超新星。 ●1987年2月24日——位于大麦哲伦星云的超新星1987A在爆发后的数小时内就被发现,是现代超新星理论第一次可以与实际观测比较的机会。它距地球约为五万一千四百秒差距,最亮时视星等为3等。
2023-07-25 05:29:551


supernova女超人不是片,《supernova女超人》的扮演者是麦乐迪丝盖,美国新生代女演员,出演了蓝石公司众筹的女英雄系列的女超人,被公众所熟知。 《supernova女超人》由蓝石公司拍摄的这个美剧是一部众筹作品,麦乐迪丝盖出演了其中的《Supernova:Prime Directive》和《Supernova:Secrets》两部。按照拍摄计划,在拍摄完这两部之后,她即将离开这个系列。由于麦乐迪丝盖超高的人气,众多粉丝纷纷表示,愿意加大众筹投资,以挽留住他们的这位女神。 这部剧主要讲的是来自外星球的Kara Zor-El在自己的星球被毁灭的时候她逃到地球,并且一直在小心翼翼的隐藏着自己具有超能力这个事情。直到在她24岁的时候,她不愿一直隐藏着超能力,后来在一次意外灾难中,她在多数人面前使用超能力,这也就暴露她有超能力的事实。 也就是从,这一刻开始,她也不把自己的超能力隐藏着,而是彻底的激发了英雄本能,并且慢慢的帮助城市里里需要帮助的人们,人们逐渐地认识她。并送她亲切的称呼“女超人”当她很乐意的为人们做一些事情的时候,更大的困难与挑战也在等着她。
2023-07-25 05:30:021


2023-07-25 05:30:103


2023-07-25 05:30:171


2023-07-25 05:30:252


2023-07-25 05:30:321

求Elle vee的supernova的歌词!!

ELLEGARDEN - SuperNova作词:TAKESHI HOSOMI作曲:TAKESHI HOSOMIMade by LagunaMy war is overNo resurrectionI guess I was scared of being that happyShe"s a supernova I was reaching out forI heard her footsteps fading away from meNo matter how hard I can tryI never think that I can flyAnd now she has just turned her back to meThere is nothing I can do as wellBut to dream her all the timeI"m a fuckup and I"m nuts so she"s goneMy clumsy dancing on my tiptoeShe said she liked it and I thought she"s lyingNow I know she said that not to cheer meBut now it"s too lateFading away from meNo matter how hard I can tryI never think that I can flyAnd now she has just turned her back to meThere is nothing I can do as wellBut to dream her all the timeI"m a fuckup and I"m nuts so she"s goneShe"s goneShe"s goneI"m a fuckup and I"m nuts so she"s goneMany things I left unsaidA thousand miles away you"re sleepingSometimes I can be a guy you wanted me to beBut only in my dreamsNo matter how hard I can tryI never think that I can flyAnd now she has just turned her back to meThere is nothing I can do as wellBut to dream her all the timeI"m a fuckup and I"m nuts so she"s goneShe"s goneShe"s goneI"m a fuckup and I"m nuts so she"s gone终わり
2023-07-25 05:30:403


《supernova超新星》女超人扮演者是麦乐迪丝盖。这部剧主要讲的是来自外星球的Kara Zor-El在自己的星球被毁灭的时候她逃到地球,并且一直在小心翼翼的隐藏着自己具有超能力这个事情。直到在她24岁的时候,她不愿一直隐藏着超能力,后来在一次意外灾难中,她在多数人面前使用超能力,这也就暴露她有超能力的事实。也就是从,这一刻开始,她也不把自己的超能力隐藏着,而是彻底的激发了英雄本能,并且慢慢的帮助城市里里需要帮助的人们,人们逐渐地认识她。 并送她亲切的称呼“女超人”当她很乐意的为人们做一些事情的时候,更大的困难与挑战也在等着她。最后,在万劫的控制下,所有市民都开始不受控制。麦斯,想要牺牲自己来拯救市民,被卡拉与凯特说服。三人最终携手奋战以阻断万劫的信号。在场面无从控制的情况下,卡拉决定一决死战。 在最后,一颗向善之心传遍整座城市,所有人的意识都清醒而来,并为自己的行为向卡拉道歉。然而诺恩最后加大了信号力度企图灭绝人类,卡拉在无从选择下为了保护市民,她选择牺牲自己来阻断信号本以为自己死了,其实没有,她被艾利克斯救了回来。在所有灾难结束的时候,山姆对卡拉彻底的改观,乔恩也得到赦免,所有人都在庆祝胜利。“女超人”的形象也深深的印在市民心中。
2023-07-25 05:30:471


歌曲名:SUPERNOVA歌手:GRANRODEO专辑:supernova[by:赖润诫「SUPERNOVA」作词∶KISHOW TANIYAMA作曲∶MASAAKI IIZUKA歌∶GRANRODEO太阳はその光を止めどない爱と见纷うくらいに降り注ぐ仆らの世界にYou can fly so high 何回だって行けるんだかつて美しかった花の色も色褪せたダイヤモンドの行方も谁もが分かってたはずだろう光が射す前にかき集められるだけ集めて抱き缔めた想いはそれだけどんな弱さを许してくれるだろう诱う 辉きの倍数へ想像は限界地を押し広げていくへばりつくリアルもさりげなく无垢に远虑がちmakes me feel so fine肝心だって叫ぶんだいつも弱虫だった青い春も飞び込んだ水しぶきの後ろめたさも谁もが噛み缔めたはずでしょう日阴を知った後にきっと时代は仆を追い越してはにかんだ心の伤迹噛み付いてみてその苦さを知った未体験 もっと先へ进めきっと时代は仆を追い越してはにかんだ心の伤迹噛み付いてみてその苦さを知った未体験少しでも集められるだけ集めて抱き缔めた想いはそれだけどんな弱さを许してくれるだろう诱う 越えていけ 辉きの倍数へ ★ 赖润罩谱
2023-07-25 05:31:061

Beckah Shae的《Supernova》 歌词

歌曲名:Supernova歌手:Beckah Shae专辑:DestinyBeckah Shae - SupernovaWe"re all just in a race for what is and what could beDo you believe?We"re all just wanting something more than we can see& you can if you believeI"ve got a real mean agenda for my opposerAin"t gettin nothing from me but an, "I thought I told ya!"I"ve got a clear conscience and it"s leading me over the doubtAnd I"ma bust out, like a supernova!Shine! Just like a super starSo bright, lightin up the nightSupernovaShine! Just like a super starOutshining galaxies like a supernova!There ought to be a glow about our livesRadiating beauty from our God, coming from the insideWe all know what its like to live the night lifeMixin wrong with right, and it leads to nothing but a dead lifeAll glory, honor and power forever!
2023-07-25 05:31:131

Lunik的《Supernova》 歌词

歌曲名:Supernova歌手:Lunik专辑:AheadELLEGARDEN - SuperNova作词:TAKESHI HOSOMI作曲:TAKESHI HOSOMIMade by LagunaMy war is overNo resurrectionI guess I was scared of being that happyShe"s a supernova I was reaching out forI heard her footsteps fading away from meNo matter how hard I can tryI never think that I can flyAnd now she has just turned her back to meThere is nothing I can do as wellBut to dream her all the timeI"m a fuckup and I"m nuts so she"s goneMy clumsy dancing on my tiptoeShe said she liked it and I thought she"s lyingNow I know she said that not to cheer meBut now it"s too lateFading away from meNo matter how hard I can tryI never think that I can flyAnd now she has just turned her back to meThere is nothing I can do as wellBut to dream her all the timeI"m a fuckup and I"m nuts so she"s goneShe"s goneShe"s goneI"m a fuckup and I"m nuts so she"s goneMany things I left unsaidA thousand miles away you"re sleepingSometimes I can be a guy you wanted me to beBut only in my dreamsNo matter how hard I can tryI never think that I can flyAnd now she has just turned her back to meThere is nothing I can do as wellBut to dream her all the timeI"m a fuckup and I"m nuts so she"s goneShe"s goneShe"s goneI"m a fuckup and I"m nuts so she"s gone终わり
2023-07-25 05:31:201

Liz Phair的《Supernova》 歌词

歌曲名:Supernova歌手:Liz Phair专辑:Whip-Smart9mm Parabellum Bullet - Supernova作词:菅原卓郎作曲:滝善充十万度の太阳を抱きしめた时砂漠になった仆の头は吹き抜ける风に冷やされる度に涙の雨の水滴がきらめいた指先で触れるだけ谁の胸も音を立てず粉々になるだろうその欠片が散らばっても集めたりしないで満月の向こうに何を见ていたの?砕けた星の海十万度の体温で抱きしめてくれたあの娘のことを助けたいなら指先で触れるだけ伤あとを开くだけ何もかもを照らし出して粉々になっても辉くため燃やしたもの忘れたりしないで満月の向こうの闇を见ていたの?砕けた星の海谁の胸も音を立てず粉々になるだろうその欠片が散らばっても集めたりしないで満月の向こうで 満月の向こうで満月の向こうで神は见ていたの?砕けた星の海流れ星の最期终わり
2023-07-25 05:31:271

Hitomi的《Supernova》 歌词

歌曲名:Supernova歌手:Hitomi专辑:Spirit「Supernova」作词∶SHG-NKM/hitomi作曲∶Leah Haywood/Daniel James歌∶hitomi头の中でヒット シャット时间(タイム)とゲット情报(インフォ)心ジカル 身动きがストップソコにいるのは ボクなのか谁なのか?もう、どうだって そんなのイイみたいワン クリック 空飞ぶハイウェイ 超音速の世界へボクらを诱えマウス 宇宙スケールで今 在るリアルに立ちすくみ 目覚めたボクらはYeah!!どうやって 自由を手にする? 未来へ Supernova…ちっぽけなマクロ でっかいなボクのミクロ繋がって 大きな1つの轮になろう予想もしないで キミだけにログインしてココロでココロに触れる 无限ワープさ今 在る事から 始める些细な全てはYeah!!そうやって ボクらは 想いをつないだSupernova…My Supernova…Your Supernova…カモン、カモン  言い争おう!! 爱し合おう!!ぶつかって壊すそのドアを!!全て脱がしたら 言叶じゃなくKissを今 在る事から 始める些细な全てはYeah!!そうやって ボクらの 想いをつないだ Supernova…キミにもあげるさ リアルを羽ばたく翼をYeah!!そうやって ボクらは ひとつになるんだSupernova…My Supernova…Your Supernova…カモン、カモン  ほら、笑える【 おわり 】
2023-07-25 05:31:341

supernova R-18 LRC歌词

歌手:fear factory 专辑:transgression This ever changing world ever changing meIt feels new pathways for my soul to see(soul to see)It lights so bright, so bright in your eyes (your eyes)Casting off the shadows that darken your mindShine it brighter than the sun blinding every eye I wasFires burning inside me blinding lights for all to seeTo shine brighterTo shine brighterThis storm will rage me to end before the dawnThis star is bright before the end is comeIt lights so bright, so bright in your eyesCasting off shadows that shrouded your (spoken) eyesShine it brighter than the sun blinding every eye I wasFires burning inside me blinding lights for all to seeTo shine brighterTo shine brighterSupernovaSupernovaSupernovaAn ever changing world ever changing meAn ever changing world ever changing meThis ever changing world ever changing meIt feels new pathways for my soul to seeEternallyShine it brighter than the sun blinding every eye I wasFires burning inside me blinding lights for all to seeTo shine brighter (than the sun)To shine brighter (of what"s to come)To shine brighter (burning)To shine brighter (burn)To shine brighter (burning)To shine brighter (burn)SupernovaSupernovaSupernova
2023-07-25 05:31:413

supernova女超人系列扮演者 美国新生代女演员

1、麦乐迪丝盖(Melody Sky),美国新生代女演员,出演了蓝石公司众筹的女英雄系列的女超人,被公众所熟知。 2、由蓝石公司拍摄的这个美剧是一部众筹作品,麦乐迪丝盖出演了其中的《Supernova: Prime Directive》和《Supernova: Secrets》两部。按照拍摄计划,在拍摄完这两部之后,她即将离开这个系列。由于麦乐迪丝盖超高的人气,众多粉丝纷纷表示,愿意加大众筹投资,以挽留住他们的这位女神。
2023-07-25 05:31:481

supernova女超人系列扮演者 美国新生代女演员

1、麦乐迪丝盖(Melody Sky),美国新生代女演员,出演了蓝石公司众筹的女英雄系列的女超人,被公众所熟知。 2、由蓝石公司拍摄的这个美剧是一部众筹作品,麦乐迪丝盖出演了其中的《Supernova: Prime Directive》和《Supernova: Secrets》两部。按照拍摄计划,在拍摄完这两部之后,她即将离开这个系列。由于麦乐迪丝盖超高的人气,众多粉丝纷纷表示,愿意加大众筹投资,以挽留住他们的这位女神。
2023-07-25 05:31:551

假面骑士KIVA - Supernova平假名歌词

2023-07-25 05:32:373

少女时代新曲Galaxy Supernova中文歌词

少女时代Galaxy Supernova Oh! my boy 要做什么呢(na-na-na-na-na) 倒不如 倒不如 Summer sparking (ah-ah-ah-ah-ah-ah-ah) Looking at you lo-looking at you I looking at you lo-looking I 正在注视着你 喂 这是 Killer boyish的 Supernova 命运的Supernova 魔力般的 Supernova 银河系最强存在的 No.1! 翻腾吧base line like的 shooting star to coming! (tu-tu-tu-tu-tu-tu) Cuteis! (tu-tu-tu-tu-tu-tu) Girls in… (tu-tu-tu-tu-tu-tu) in the GALAXY! GALAXY! oh! (oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh) 传说中的目标 (yeah-eh-eh-eh-eh-eh-eh) 紧密的臀部曲线 就像是 (tu-tu-tu-tu-tu-tu) Cuteis! (tu-tu-tu-tu-tu-tu) Girls in (tu-tu-tu-tu-tu-tu) in the GALAXY! GALAXY! oh! Oh boy Do you believe this saturation? Yeah!You*d better keep this a secret 交给呐喊着的一方吧 到底是为什么 如宝石般迷眸 Looking at you lo-looking at you I looking at you lo-looking I 现在也看着你 喂 这毫无疑问是 Supernova 超现实的 Supernova 你的Supernova (in the galaxy) 穿梭在大气圈in&out! 可以让世界改变了形式 我们如shock般到来! (tu-tu-tu-tu-tu-tu) Perfect! (tu-tu-tu-tu-tu-tu) Girls in (tu-tu-tu-tu-tu-tu) in the GALAXY! GALAXY! oh! (oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh) 在大地上闪耀吧 (yeah-eh-eh-eh-eh-eh-eh) 浮出表面的轮廓 (tu-tu-tu-tu-tu-tu) Perfect! (tu-tu-tu-tu-tu-tu) Girls in (tu-tu-tu-tu-tu-tu) in the GALAXY! GALAXY! oh! 抓住了 却又瞬间逃跑 消失了吗 What dance thing at you yeah! 银河系最强存在的No.1! 翻腾吧 base line like的 shooting star to coming! (tu-tu-tu-tu-tu-tu) Cuteis! (tu-tu-tu-tu-tu-tu) Girls in… (tu-tu-tu-tu-tu-tu) in the GALAXY! GALAXY! oh! (oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh) 传说中的目标 (yeah-eh-eh-eh-eh-eh-eh) 紧密的臀部曲线 就像是 (tu-tu-tu-tu-tu-tu) Cuteis! (tu-tu-tu-tu-tu-tu) Girls in (tu-tu-tu-tu-tu-tu) in the GALAXY! GALAXY! oh! 现在是少女时代! 以后是少女时代! 永远是少女时代! Girls Forever!~(^o^)/~
2023-07-25 05:32:452

跪求ellegarden的supernova 完整歌词

歌曲:supernova 歌手:ellegarden 专辑:ellegarden best ·supernova歌曲试听,mp3下载[al:ellegarden best ]ellegarden - supernova作词:takeshi hosomi作曲:takeshi hosomimy war is overno resurrectioni guess i was scared of being that happyshe"s a supernova i was reaching out fori heard her footsteps fading away from meno matter how hard i can tryi never think that i can flyand now she has just turned her back to methere is nothing i can do as wellbut to dream her all the timei"m a fuckup and i"m nuts so she"s gonemy clumsy dancing on my tiptoeshe said she liked itand i thought she"s lyingnow i know she said that not to cheer mebut now it"s too latefading away from memany things i left unsaida thousand miles away you"re sleepingsometimes i can be a guy you wanted me to bebut only in my dreamsno matter how hard i can tryi never think that i can flyand now she has just turned her back to methere is nothing i can do as wellbut to dream her all the timei"m a fuckup and i"m nuts so she"s gonei"m a fuckup and i"m nuts so she"s goneend
2023-07-25 05:32:521

Cnblue supernova歌词

2023-07-25 05:33:013


一颗超新星在爆发时输出的能量可高达(10)^43焦,这几乎相当于我们的太阳在它长达100亿年的主序星阶段输出能量的总和。超新星爆发时,抛射物质的速度可达10000千米/秒,光度最大时超新星的直径可大到相当于太阳系的直径。1970年观测到的一颗超新星,在爆发后的30天中直径以5000千米/秒的速度膨胀,最大时达到3倍太阳系直径。在这之后直径又开始收缩。著名的超新星●1850年12月7日,东汉中平二年乙丑,中国天文学家观测到超新星185,这是人类历史上发现的第一颗超新星。该超新星在夜空中照耀了八个月。《后汉书·天文志》载:“中平二年(185年)十月癸亥,客星出南门中,大如半筵,五色喜怒,稍小,至后年六月消”。●1006年4月30日——位于豺狼座的SN 1006爆发,它可能是有史以来人们记录到的视亮度最高的超新星,据推断其亮度达到了-9等。据现代天文学家推测:“在1006年的春天,人们甚至有可能能够借助它的光芒在半夜阅读。”在中国宋朝,这颗超新星由司天监周克明等人发现,因而将它称作周伯星。在《宋史·天文志》卷五六中记载为:“景德三年四月戊寅,周伯星见,出氐南,骑官西一度,状如半月,有芒角,煌煌然可以鉴物,历库楼东。八月,随天轮入浊。十一月复见在氐。自是,常以十一月辰见东方,八月西南入浊。”●1054年7月4日——产生蟹状星云的一次超新星爆发,这次客星的出现被中国宋朝的天文学家详细记录,《续资治通鉴长编》卷一七六中载:“至和元年五月己酉,客星晨出天关之东南可数寸(嘉祐元年三月乃没)。”日本、美洲原住民也有观测的记录。●1572年11月初(可能在2日到6日之间)——仙后座的超新星(第谷超新星)爆发,丹麦天文学家第谷有观测的记录,并因此出版了《De Nova Stella》一书,是新星的拉丁名nova的来源。据估计这颗超新星的绝对星等有-15.4等,距地球7500光年;它最高时的视亮度有-4等,可以与金星相比。●1604年10月9日——蛇夫座的超新星(开普勒超新星),德国天文学家开普勒有详细观测的记录,这是迄今为止银河系里最后一颗被发现的超新星,视星等为-2.5等,距地球6000光年。它曾被伽利略用作反驳当时亚里士多德学派所谓上天永远不变的理论。●1885年8月19日——位于仙女座星系的超新星SN 1885A(仙女座 S)被爱尔兰业余天文学家艾萨克·瓦德(Issac Ward)在贝尔法斯特发现,这是人类首次发现河外星系中的超新星,也是至今在仙女座星系中发现的唯一一颗超新星。●1987年2月24日——位于大麦哲伦星云的超新星1987A在爆发后的数小时内就被发现,是现代超新星理论第一次可以与实际观测比较的机会。它距地球约为五万一千四百秒差距,最亮时视星等为3等。●2006年9月18日——距地球2.38亿光年的超新星SN 2006gy爆发(曾被假设是不稳定对超新星,但没有得到证实),是有史以来观测到的最强烈的超新星爆发。
2023-07-25 05:33:191

求少女时代Galaxy supernova分配歌词

《GALAXY SUPERNOVA》作者:Kamikaoru歌词:Kamikaoru, Frederik Tao Nordsoe Schjoldan, Fridolin Nordsoe Schjoldan, Martin Hoberg Hedegaard音乐:Kamikaoru, Frederik Tao Nordsoe Schjoldan, Fridolin Nordsoe Schjoldan, Martin Hoberg Hedegaard整理:Jeff Miyahara歌词:【泰妍】Oh! my boy 何かが 【sunny】(na-na-na-na-na)  【秀英】いっそ いっそ Summer sparking 【yuri】(ah-ah-ah-ah-ah-ah-ah)  ねぇ ずっと  【jessica】Looking at you lo-looking at you I looking at you lo-looking I  【徐贤】あなた见てるわ  【tiffany】ねぇ それは Killer boyishな Supernova  【孝渊】运命の Supernova  【秀英】マジカルな Supernova【all】银河系 すける かんたん No.1!  うねる base line likeな shooting star to coming!  (tu-tu-tu-tu-tu-tu)  Cuteis!  (tu-tu-tu-tu-tu-tu)  Girls in…  (tu-tu-tu-tu-tu-tu)  in the GALAXY! GALAXY! oh!【允儿】(oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh)  【泰妍】噂の的だわ!  【孝渊】(yeah-eh-eh-eh-eh-eh-eh)  【徐贤】タイトなヒップラインはまるで  【all】(tu-tu-tu-tu-tu-tu)  Cuteis!  (tu-tu-tu-tu-tu-tu)  Girls in…  (tu-tu-tu-tu-tu-tu)  in the GALAXY! GALAXY! oh【jessica】Oh boy! Do you believe the situation?  【秀英】Yeah!  【jessica】You"d better keep this a secret.【徐贤】まかせてみましょう 呼ぶ声の方へ  【yuri】ぜったいなぜなの 宝石のような目で  【tiffany】Looking at you lo-looking at you I looking at you lo-looking I  【秀英】今も见てるわ  【sunny】ねぇ それは 疑い无い Supernova  【允儿】超现実 Supernova  【泰妍】あなたの Supernova【all】大気圏往来でそう in&out!  世界変えそうなshock 姿変えて到来!  (tu-tu-tu-tu-tu-tu)  Perfect!  (tu-tu-tu-tu-tu-tu)  Girls in…  (tu-tu-tu-tu-tu-tu)  in the GALAXY! GALAXY! oh!【允儿】(oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh)  【泰妍】地上で煌めいて!  【孝渊】(yeah-eh-eh-eh-eh-eh-eh)  【徐贤】浮かび上がったシルエット  【all】(tu-tu-tu-tu-tu-tu)  Perfect!  (tu-tu-tu-tu-tu-tu)  Girls in…  (tu-tu-tu-tu-tu-tu)  in the GALAXY! GALAXY! oh!【yuri】捕まえて【秀英】スイッと逃げられて【jessica】消えるの  【sunny】What dance thing looking at you【all】银河系 すける かんたん No.1!  うねる base line likeな shooting star to coming!  (tu-tu-tu-tu-tu-tu)  Cuteis!  (tu-tu-tu-tu-tu-tu)  Girls in…  (tu-tu-tu-tu-tu-tu)  in the GALAXY! GALAXY! oh!【允儿】(oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh)  【泰妍】噂の的だわ!  【孝渊】(yeah-eh-eh-eh-eh-eh-eh)  【徐贤】タイトなヒップラインはまるで  【all】(tu-tu-tu-tu-tu-tu)  Cuteis!  (tu-tu-tu-tu-tu-tu)  Girls in…  (tu-tu-tu-tu-tu-tu)  in the GALAXY! GALAXY! oh!
2023-07-25 05:33:333


2023-07-25 05:33:541


2023-07-25 05:34:012


Artist:Mr. Hudson Ft. Kanye West Song:Supernova[Mr Hudson]Chorus:And I feel like taking offLet me be your supernovaBefore you make the biggest mistake of your lifeJust give me the chance to get it rightVerse 1:They got it allThey"ve got all the things I thought I wantedBut I can"t fallTo fake anymoreTo live this facade and smile as the warm champagne poursOut on the lawn we"ll pretend we"re having tonnes of fun in this world where we don"t belongSome bloke all aloneIs she thinking of meDid she forget what we once hadChorus:And I feel like taking offLet me be your supernovaBefore you make the biggest mistake of your lifeJust give me the chance to get it right get it right[Kanye West]Verse 2:Oh they got it all you can see they got it allThey got the cars the boat and the beautiful house by the shoreAnd you know there"s moreBut I can"t take another minute of y"allHe wants his kids and the dogHe wants his breakfast in bedHe"s got his trust fund savedNot a worry in his headMr Hudson Supernova lyrics found on He"s not you or meI wanna break up the scene and see you running back to meChorus:Coz I feel like taking offLet me be your supernovaBefore you make the biggest mistake of your lifeJust give me a chance to get it right get it rightYeah I feel like taking offLet me be your supernova tonightBefore you make the biggest mistake of your lifeJust give me a chance to get it right get it right[Mr Hudson]You"ve got it wrong if you say our love is goneYou"ve got it wrong if you say our love is gone[Mr Hudson & Kanye West]You"ve got it wrong if you say our love is goneYou"ve got it wrong if you say our love is gone
2023-07-25 05:34:211


Supernova是瑞芯微裸眼3D MP4工程样机。这之前我们已经获得谍照,这款机子正式出炉,这款机子将亮相9月份的IFA大展,大家可以看到,裸眼3D效果还是个不错的功能卖点,虽然片源有些紧缺,但是在多行业奔向3D的驱使下,应该会有不少独特体验,看玩具总动员3的3D效果是最好的,其它的3D效果稍微略逊点,根据个人差异,你可以调整屏幕的远近获得立体观感;如果在未来时间段,片源有保障,还真的不错,用这个看3D的足球比赛,篮球比赛等竞技性的项目,效果会比2D好很多,尤其是看到球入网的那个立体感。当然,3D片源有限,所以这台机子可以实现一键切换回2D效果,工程样机阶段,这款MP4是不带系统的,而瑞芯微正在想办法努力把自己擅长的Android系统叠加3D功能来作为整体解决方案推出,这个颇具挑战性,这也是Rockchip的大计划;我们来分几个角度看看这款Supernova x1,这应该是国内首款裸眼3D MP4。
2023-07-25 05:34:291

Champagne Supernova 歌词

歌曲名:Champagne Supernova歌手:Oasis专辑:Stop The Clocks: Definitive CollectionOasisWhats The Story Morning GloryChampagne SupernovaHow many special people change?How many lives are living strange?Where were you while we were getting high?Slowly walking down the hallFaster than a cannonballWhere were you while we were getting high?Someday you will find meCaught beneath the landslideIn a champagne supernova in the skySomeday you will find meCaught beneath the landslideIn a champagne supernovaA champagne supernova in the skyWake up the dawn and ask her whyI dream a dream she never diesWipe that tear away now from your eyeSlowly walking down the hallFaster than a cannonballWhere were you while we were getting high?Someday you will find meCaught beneath the landslideIn a champagne supernova in the skySomeday you will find meCaught beneath the landslideIn a champagne supernovaA champagne supernova"Cuz we don"t believeThat they"re gonna get away from the summerBut you and I will never dieThe world"s still spinning around we don"t know whyWhy-why-why-why-i-iHow many special people change?How many lives are living strange?Where were you while we were getting high?Slowly walking down the hallFaster than a cannonballWhere were you while we were getting high?Someday you will find meCaught beneath the landslideIn a champagne supernova in the skySomeday you will find meCaught beneath the landslideIn a champagne supernovaA champagne supernova"Cuz we don"t believeThat they"re gonna get away from the summerBut you and I will never dieThe world"s still spinning around we don"t know whyWhy-why-why-why-i-iHow many special people change?How many lives are living strange?Where were you while we were getting high?We were getting high
2023-07-25 05:34:411

Champagne Supernova 歌词

歌曲名:Champagne Supernova歌手:Oasis专辑:Familiar To Millions - The HighlightsOasisWhats The Story Morning GloryChampagne SupernovaHow many special people change?How many lives are living strange?Where were you while we were getting high?Slowly walking down the hallFaster than a cannonballWhere were you while we were getting high?Someday you will find meCaught beneath the landslideIn a champagne supernova in the skySomeday you will find meCaught beneath the landslideIn a champagne supernovaA champagne supernova in the skyWake up the dawn and ask her whyI dream a dream she never diesWipe that tear away now from your eyeSlowly walking down the hallFaster than a cannonballWhere were you while we were getting high?Someday you will find meCaught beneath the landslideIn a champagne supernova in the skySomeday you will find meCaught beneath the landslideIn a champagne supernovaA champagne supernova"Cuz we don"t believeThat they"re gonna get away from the summerBut you and I will never dieThe world"s still spinning around we don"t know whyWhy-why-why-why-i-iHow many special people change?How many lives are living strange?Where were you while we were getting high?Slowly walking down the hallFaster than a cannonballWhere were you while we were getting high?Someday you will find meCaught beneath the landslideIn a champagne supernova in the skySomeday you will find meCaught beneath the landslideIn a champagne supernovaA champagne supernova"Cuz we don"t believeThat they"re gonna get away from the summerBut you and I will never dieThe world"s still spinning around we don"t know whyWhy-why-why-why-i-iHow many special people change?How many lives are living strange?Where were you while we were getting high?We were getting high
2023-07-25 05:34:481

supernova女超人系列扮演者 美国新生代女演员

1、麦乐迪丝盖(Melody Sky),美国新生代女演员,出演了蓝石公司众筹的女英雄系列的女超人,被公众所熟知。 2、由蓝石公司拍摄的这个美剧是一部众筹作品,麦乐迪丝盖出演了其中的《Supernova: Prime Directive》和《Supernova: Secrets》两部。按照拍摄计划,在拍摄完这两部之后,她即将离开这个系列。由于麦乐迪丝盖超高的人气,众多粉丝纷纷表示,愿意加大众筹投资,以挽留住他们的这位女神。
2023-07-25 05:35:071


  1、麦乐迪丝盖(Melody Sky),美国新生代女演员,出演了蓝石公司众筹的女英雄系列的女超人,被公众所熟知。   2、由蓝石公司拍摄的这个美剧是一部众筹作品,麦乐迪丝盖出演了其中的《Supernova: Prime Directive》和《Supernova: Secrets》两部。按照拍摄计划,在拍摄完这两部之后,她即将离开这个系列。由于麦乐迪丝盖超高的人气,众多粉丝纷纷表示,愿意加大众筹投资,以挽留住他们的这位女神。
2023-07-25 05:35:141

ELLEGARDEN的《Supernova》 歌词

歌曲名:Supernova歌手:ELLEGARDEN专辑:Pepperoni QuattroELLEGARDEN - SuperNova作词:TAKESHI HOSOMI作曲:TAKESHI HOSOMIMade by LagunaMy war is overNo resurrectionI guess I was scared of being that happyShe"s a supernova I was reaching out forI heard her footsteps fading away from meNo matter how hard I can tryI never think that I can flyAnd now she has just turned her back to meThere is nothing I can do as wellBut to dream her all the timeI"m a fuckup and I"m nuts so she"s goneMy clumsy dancing on my tiptoeShe said she liked it and I thought she"s lyingNow I know she said that not to cheer meBut now it"s too lateFading away from meNo matter how hard I can tryI never think that I can flyAnd now she has just turned her back to meThere is nothing I can do as wellBut to dream her all the timeI"m a fuckup and I"m nuts so she"s goneShe"s goneShe"s goneI"m a fuckup and I"m nuts so she"s goneMany things I left unsaidA thousand miles away you"re sleepingSometimes I can be a guy you wanted me to beBut only in my dreamsNo matter how hard I can tryI never think that I can flyAnd now she has just turned her back to meThere is nothing I can do as wellBut to dream her all the timeI"m a fuckup and I"m nuts so she"s goneShe"s goneShe"s goneI"m a fuckup and I"m nuts so she"s gone终わり
2023-07-25 05:35:221

mr. hudson的《Supernova》 歌词

歌曲名:Supernova歌手:mr. hudson专辑:London Festival "09Mr. Hudson - SupernovaAnd I feel like taking offLet me be your supernovaBefore you make the biggest mistake of your lifeJust give me the chance to get it rightThey got it allThey"ve got all the things I thought I wantedBut I can"t fallTo fake anymoreTo live this facade and smile as the warm champagne poursOut on the lawn we"ll pretendWe"re having tonnes of fun in this worldWhere we don"t belongSome bloke all aloneIs she thinking of meDid she forget what we once hadAnd I feel like taking offLet me be your supernovaBefore you make the biggest mistake of your lifeJust give me the chance to get it right get it rightOh they got it all you can see they got it allThey got the cars the boatAnd the beautiful house by the shoreAnd you know there"s moreBut I can"t take another minute of y"allHe wants his kids and the dogHe wants his breakfast in bedHe"s got his trust fund savedNot a worry in his headHe"s not you or meI wanna break up the sceneAnd see you running back to meCoz I feel like taking offLet me be your supernovaBefore you make the biggest mistake of your lifeJust give me a chance to get it right get it rightYeah I feel like taking offLet me be your supernova tonightBefore you make the biggest mistake of your lifeJust give me a chance to get it right get it rightYou"ve got it wrong if you say our love is goneYou"ve got it wrong if you say our love is goneYou"ve got it wrong if you say our love is goneYou"ve got it wrong if you say our love is goneYou"ve got it wrong if you say our love is goneYeah I feel like taking offLet me be your supernovaBefore you make the biggest mistake of your lifeJust give me a chance to get it right get it rightYeah I feel like taking offLet me be your supernova tonightBefore you make the biggest mistake of your lifeJust give me the chance to get it right get it right
2023-07-25 05:35:291


  《supernova超新星》女超人扮演者是麦乐迪丝盖。这部剧主要讲的是来自外星球的Kara Zor-El在自己的星球被毁灭的时候她逃到地球,并且一直在小心翼翼的隐藏着自己具有超能力这个事情。直到在她24岁的时候,她不愿一直隐藏着超能力,后来在一次意外灾难中,她在多数人面前使用超能力,这也就暴露她有超能力的事实。也就是从,这一刻开始,她也不把自己的超能力隐藏着,而是彻底的激发了英雄本能,并且慢慢的帮助城市里里需要帮助的人们,人们逐渐地认识她。   并送她亲切的称呼“女超人”当她很乐意的为人们做一些事情的时候,更大的困难与挑战也在等着她。最后,在万劫的控制下,所有市民都开始不受控制。麦斯,想要牺牲自己来拯救市民,被卡拉与凯特说服。三人最终携手奋战以阻断万劫的信号。在场面无从控制的情况下,卡拉决定一决死战。   在最后,一颗向善之心传遍整座城市,所有人的意识都清醒而来,并为自己的行为向卡拉道歉。然而诺恩最后加大了信号力度企图灭绝人类,卡拉在无从选择下为了保护市民,她选择牺牲自己来阻断信号本以为自己死了,其实没有,她被艾利克斯救了回来。在所有灾难结束的时候,山姆对卡拉彻底的改观,乔恩也得到赦免,所有人都在庆祝胜利。“女超人”的形象也深深的印在市民心中。
2023-07-25 05:35:371


supernova女超人不是片,《supernova女超人》的扮演者是麦乐迪丝盖,美国新生代女演员,出演了蓝石公司众筹的女英雄系列的女超人,被公众所熟知。 《supernova女超人》由蓝石公司拍摄的这个美剧是一部众筹作品,麦乐迪丝盖出演了其中的《Supernova:Prime Directive》和《Supernova:Secrets》两部。按照拍摄计划,在拍摄完这两部之后,她即将离开这个系列。由于麦乐迪丝盖超高的人气,众多粉丝纷纷表示,愿意加大众筹投资,以挽留住他们的这位女神。 这部剧主要讲的是来自外星球的Kara Zor-El在自己的星球被毁灭的时候她逃到地球,并且一直在小心翼翼的隐藏着自己具有超能力这个事情。直到在她24岁的时候,她不愿一直隐藏着超能力,后来在一次意外灾难中,她在多数人面前使用超能力,这也就暴露她有超能力的事实。 也就是从,这一刻开始,她也不把自己的超能力隐藏着,而是彻底的激发了英雄本能,并且慢慢的帮助城市里里需要帮助的人们,人们逐渐地认识她。并送她亲切的称呼“女超人”当她很乐意的为人们做一些事情的时候,更大的困难与挑战也在等着她。
2023-07-25 05:35:441


新星女超人是电视剧《supernova超新星》。这部剧主要讲的是来自外星球的Kara Zor-El在自己的星球被毁灭的时候她逃到地球,并且一直在小心翼翼的隐藏着自己具有超能力这个事情。直到在她24岁的时候,她不愿一直隐藏着超能力,后来在一次意外灾难中,她在多数人面前使用超能力,这也就暴露她有超能力的事实。也就是从这一刻开始,她也不把自己的超能力隐藏着,而是彻底的激发了英雄本能,并且慢慢的帮助城市里里需要帮助的人们,人们逐渐地认识她。结局最后,一颗向善之心传遍整座城市,所有人的意识都清醒而来,并为自己的行为向卡拉道歉。然而诺恩最后加大了信号力度企图灭绝人类,卡拉在无从选择下为了保护市民,她选择牺牲自己来阻断信号本以为自己死了,其实没有,她被艾利克斯救了回来。在所有灾难结束的时候,山姆对卡拉彻底的改观,乔恩也得到赦免,所有人都在庆祝胜利。“女超人”的形象也深深的印在市民心中。
2023-07-25 05:35:511


新星女超人是电视剧《supernova超新星》。这部剧主要讲的是来自外星球的Kara Zor-El在自己的星球被毁灭的时候她逃到地球,并且一直在小心翼翼的隐藏着自己具有超能力这个事情。直到在她24岁的时候,她不愿一直隐藏着超能力,后来在一次意外灾难中,她在多数人面前使用超能力,这也就暴露她有超能力的事实。也就是从这一刻开始,她也不把自己的超能力隐藏着,而是彻底的激发了英雄本能,并且慢慢的帮助城市里里需要帮助的人们,人们逐渐地认识她。结局最后,一颗向善之心传遍整座城市,所有人的意识都清醒而来,并为自己的行为向卡拉道歉。然而诺恩最后加大了信号力度企图灭绝人类,卡拉在无从选择下为了保护市民,她选择牺牲自己来阻断信号本以为自己死了,其实没有,她被艾利克斯救了回来。在所有灾难结束的时候,山姆对卡拉彻底的改观,乔恩也得到赦免,所有人都在庆祝胜利。“女超人”的形象也深深的印在市民心中。
2023-07-25 05:36:061

Granrodeo的《SUPERNOVA》 歌词

歌曲名:SUPERNOVA歌手:Granrodeo专辑:GRANRODEO GREATEST HITS ~GIFT REGISTRY~「SUPERNOVA」作词∶KISHOW TANIYAMA作曲∶MASAAKI IIZUKA歌∶GRANRODEO太阳はその光を止めどない爱と见纷うくらいに降り注ぐ仆らの世界にYou can fly so high 何回だって行けるんだかつて美しかった花の色も色褪せたダイヤモンドの行方も谁もが分かってたはずだろう光が射す前にかき集められるだけ集めて抱き缔めた想いはそれだけどんな弱さを许してくれるだろう诱う 辉きの倍数へ想像は限界地を押し広げていくへばりつくリアルもさりげなく无垢に远虑がちmakes me feel so fine肝心だって叫ぶんだいつも弱虫だった青い春も飞び込んだ水しぶきの後ろめたさも谁もが噛み缔めたはずでしょう日阴を知った後にきっと时代は仆を追い越してはにかんだ心の伤迹噛み付いてみてその苦さを知った未体験 もっと先へ进めきっと时代は仆を追い越してはにかんだ心の伤迹噛み付いてみてその苦さを知った未体験少しでも集められるだけ集めて抱き缔めた想いはそれだけどんな弱さを许してくれるだろう诱う 越えていけ 辉きの倍数へ【 おわり 】
2023-07-25 05:36:351


2023-07-25 05:36:451

BUMP OF CHICKEN的《supernova》 歌词

歌曲名:supernova歌手:BUMP OF CHICKEN专辑:supernova カルマ热が出たりすると 気付くんだ 仆には体があるって事鼻が诘まったりすると 解るんだ 今まで呼吸をしていた事君の存在だって 何度も确かめはするけど本当の大事さは 居なくなってから知るんだ延べられた手を拒んだ その时に 大きな地震が 起こるかもしれない延べられた手を守った その时に 守りたかったのは 自分かもしれない君の存在だって もうずっと抱きしめてきたけど本当に恐いから 离れられないだけなんだラララ人と话したりすると 気付くんだ 伝えたい言叶が无いって事适当に合わせたりすると解るんだ 伝えたい気持ちだらけって事君の存在だって こうして伝え続けるけど本当のありがとうは ありがとうじゃ足りないんだラララ仆らの时计の中 ひとつだけでもいいから本当を掴みたくて 本当を届けたくて歳を数えてみると 気付くんだ 些细でも 歴史を持っていた事それとほぼ同时に 解るんだ それにも 终わりが来るって事君の存在だって いつでも思い出せるけど本当に欲しいのは 思い出じゃない今なんだ君を忘れた後で 思い出すんだ 君との歴史を持っていた事君を失くした後で 见つけ出すんだ 君との出会いがあった事谁の存在だって 世界では取るに足らないけど谁かの世界は それがあって 造られる君の存在だって 何度も确かめはするけど本当の存在は 居なくなっても ここに居る仆らの时计は 止まらないで 动くんだラララ
2023-07-25 05:37:071


Yeah,this one goes out to their heroes who passed awayI brought their record and their namesand I just wanna say R.I.P See, I never had the chance to meet these guysbut I know did they try to speak for usthey bleed for us ,what they did for usCan"t be compared to anything so i mustdedicate this tribute to them who died youngblew up so strong ,so strongbut they couldnt last longreal heroes never fall, so what i thought was wrongso it took me too long to make this songVictims of the circumstancesnever had the time to use their chancesdied from the stabs of poisoned lances glancing blades and dirty rat handsWe mention them in the past tensebut I believe they are still exit on this landReincarnated, regeneratedB.I.G., Pac, your voices won"t fade when its gone its gone forufeff goodnothing wrong in moving onwe were like a supernovaburning hard but dont last longwhen your heart is on your shouldersyou can feel that its really overwe were like a supernovaburning hard but dont last longI remember that timewhen Brenda had childI remember Big Pun and Lisa Left Eyeand still you rise through the cracks of the concreteEverybody dies so we are destined, to meetbut for now rest in pease of a warm night breezewe"ll praying for your soul every morning on our kneesit"s the only rewards we can give yawhen we hear you on tape we are rapping with yaWhat else can i tell? It"s hard as hellbut everybody"s here till the ring of the bellI hear Aaliyah"s voice over Mike"s (Jackson) beatboxPimp C still shines like he robbed Fort KnoxEverytime I reminisce about you i smilebut i know u dont want to see me, though its wildAnyway it"s just a little track that i dedicateto the people who"s voices in my mind won"t fadesumthing like this, i am at work and cant hear no music right nowwhen its gone its gone forufeff goodnothing wrong in moving onwe were like a supernovaburning hard but dont last longwhen your heart is on your shouldersyou can feel that its really overwe were like a supernovaburning hard but dont last long
2023-07-25 05:37:141

Champagne Supernova 歌词

歌曲名:Champagne Supernova歌手:Oasis专辑:Stop The ClocksOasisWhats The Story Morning GloryChampagne SupernovaHow many special people change?How many lives are living strange?Where were you while we were getting high?Slowly walking down the hallFaster than a cannonballWhere were you while we were getting high?Someday you will find meCaught beneath the landslideIn a champagne supernova in the skySomeday you will find meCaught beneath the landslideIn a champagne supernovaA champagne supernova in the skyWake up the dawn and ask her whyI dream a dream she never diesWipe that tear away now from your eyeSlowly walking down the hallFaster than a cannonballWhere were you while we were getting high?Someday you will find meCaught beneath the landslideIn a champagne supernova in the skySomeday you will find meCaught beneath the landslideIn a champagne supernovaA champagne supernova"Cuz we don"t believeThat they"re gonna get away from the summerBut you and I will never dieThe world"s still spinning around we don"t know whyWhy-why-why-why-i-iHow many special people change?How many lives are living strange?Where were you while we were getting high?Slowly walking down the hallFaster than a cannonballWhere were you while we were getting high?Someday you will find meCaught beneath the landslideIn a champagne supernova in the skySomeday you will find meCaught beneath the landslideIn a champagne supernovaA champagne supernova"Cuz we don"t believeThat they"re gonna get away from the summerBut you and I will never dieThe world"s still spinning around we don"t know whyWhy-why-why-why-i-iHow many special people change?How many lives are living strange?Where were you while we were getting high?We were getting high
2023-07-25 05:37:231

Champagne Supernova 歌词

歌曲名:Champagne Supernova歌手:Oasis专辑:清晨的荣耀OasisWhats The Story Morning GloryChampagne SupernovaHow many special people change?How many lives are living strange?Where were you while we were getting high?Slowly walking down the hallFaster than a cannonballWhere were you while we were getting high?Someday you will find meCaught beneath the landslideIn a champagne supernova in the skySomeday you will find meCaught beneath the landslideIn a champagne supernovaA champagne supernova in the skyWake up the dawn and ask her whyI dream a dream she never diesWipe that tear away now from your eyeSlowly walking down the hallFaster than a cannonballWhere were you while we were getting high?Someday you will find meCaught beneath the landslideIn a champagne supernova in the skySomeday you will find meCaught beneath the landslideIn a champagne supernovaA champagne supernova"Cuz we don"t believeThat they"re gonna get away from the summerBut you and I will never dieThe world"s still spinning around we don"t know whyWhy-why-why-why-i-iHow many special people change?How many lives are living strange?Where were you while we were getting high?Slowly walking down the hallFaster than a cannonballWhere were you while we were getting high?Someday you will find meCaught beneath the landslideIn a champagne supernova in the skySomeday you will find meCaught beneath the landslideIn a champagne supernovaA champagne supernova"Cuz we don"t believeThat they"re gonna get away from the summerBut you and I will never dieThe world"s still spinning around we don"t know whyWhy-why-why-why-i-iHow many special people change?How many lives are living strange?Where were you while we were getting high?We were getting high
2023-07-25 05:37:301

Champagne Supernova 歌词

歌曲名:Champagne Supernova歌手:Oasis专辑:The Best of 1994 1997OasisWhats The Story Morning GloryChampagne SupernovaHow many special people change?How many lives are living strange?Where were you while we were getting high?Slowly walking down the hallFaster than a cannonballWhere were you while we were getting high?Someday you will find meCaught beneath the landslideIn a champagne supernova in the skySomeday you will find meCaught beneath the landslideIn a champagne supernovaA champagne supernova in the skyWake up the dawn and ask her whyI dream a dream she never diesWipe that tear away now from your eyeSlowly walking down the hallFaster than a cannonballWhere were you while we were getting high?Someday you will find meCaught beneath the landslideIn a champagne supernova in the skySomeday you will find meCaught beneath the landslideIn a champagne supernovaA champagne supernova"Cuz we don"t believeThat they"re gonna get away from the summerBut you and I will never dieThe world"s still spinning around we don"t know whyWhy-why-why-why-i-iHow many special people change?How many lives are living strange?Where were you while we were getting high?Slowly walking down the hallFaster than a cannonballWhere were you while we were getting high?Someday you will find meCaught beneath the landslideIn a champagne supernova in the skySomeday you will find meCaught beneath the landslideIn a champagne supernovaA champagne supernova"Cuz we don"t believeThat they"re gonna get away from the summerBut you and I will never dieThe world"s still spinning around we don"t know whyWhy-why-why-why-i-iHow many special people change?How many lives are living strange?Where were you while we were getting high?We were getting high
2023-07-25 05:37:391

Champagne Supernova 歌词

歌曲名:Champagne Supernova歌手:Oasis专辑:Live Forever - The Best of BritpopOasisWhats The Story Morning GloryChampagne SupernovaHow many special people change?How many lives are living strange?Where were you while we were getting high?Slowly walking down the hallFaster than a cannonballWhere were you while we were getting high?Someday you will find meCaught beneath the landslideIn a champagne supernova in the skySomeday you will find meCaught beneath the landslideIn a champagne supernovaA champagne supernova in the skyWake up the dawn and ask her whyI dream a dream she never diesWipe that tear away now from your eyeSlowly walking down the hallFaster than a cannonballWhere were you while we were getting high?Someday you will find meCaught beneath the landslideIn a champagne supernova in the skySomeday you will find meCaught beneath the landslideIn a champagne supernovaA champagne supernova"Cuz we don"t believeThat they"re gonna get away from the summerBut you and I will never dieThe world"s still spinning around we don"t know whyWhy-why-why-why-i-iHow many special people change?How many lives are living strange?Where were you while we were getting high?Slowly walking down the hallFaster than a cannonballWhere were you while we were getting high?Someday you will find meCaught beneath the landslideIn a champagne supernova in the skySomeday you will find meCaught beneath the landslideIn a champagne supernovaA champagne supernova"Cuz we don"t believeThat they"re gonna get away from the summerBut you and I will never dieThe world"s still spinning around we don"t know whyWhy-why-why-why-i-iHow many special people change?How many lives are living strange?Where were you while we were getting high?We were getting high
2023-07-25 05:37:461

Supernova Staz ft John Michael 歌词是什么啊

歌名:On A Saturday 歌手:Jacob Golden 专辑名:Revenge Songs 年代:2007 流派:Indie I"m floating upstream I"m singing lullabies I built an empire sitting at the sea shore My time goes backwards Into a fractured mind My TV blares evil faces on my birthday Sometimes i feel overwhelmed and I want to... Cry your name On a saturday when i wake up sad Cause you"re not around anymore on satureday when i wake up sad cause you"re not around not around... ~Music~ I thought about June I thought of England A million faces on the tube that never seem to smile I smoked my heart out Dated a French girl A helicopter Supernova on the voyage home I think in melodies Little CATASTROPHES Cry your name On a Saturday when i wake up sad Cause you"re not around anymore On Saturday when I wake up sad Cause you"re not around anymore On Saturday when I wake up sad Cause you"re not around On Saturday when I wake up sad Cause you"re not around not around... anymore ... I want to sit and watch the girls in Soho Square I fell in love so many times just sitting there I want to sit and watch the girls in Soho Square I fell in love so many times just sitting there End 是这个么?
2023-07-25 05:38:051


あなたの幸福=一口目の一杯隙だらけの太腿で血吸う蚊伝う滴 とろけるアイス日焼けの迹 初恋の空まだ梦を见てる 潜る运河の底から见た远い水面が空で 升る泡が星みたいでさねえ超新星 缕々々々 辉き方教えて酸欠気味の水曜日超新星 缕々々々 辉きちょっぴり分けてひとりの夜 息苦しいわたしの幸福=世界の平和矛盾した理论 攻め入らないであの日决めた秘密の合図日焼けの迹 超音速の爱まだ梦を见てる 银の砂丘で见つけた针そうだ これは谁かがわたしに托した可能性ねえ超新星 缕々々々 辉き方教えて脱水気味の金曜日超新星 缕々々々 辉きちょっぴり分けてひとりの夜 蒸し暑い超新星 缕々々々 辉き方教えて超新星 るるるる まだまだ知りたいわねえ超新星 るるるる まだ まだ消えないで七月末の日曜日会いたくて会えない 银河共通の忧郁走ればあなたまで五分超新星 るるるる 宇宙の片隅でわたしあなたと ぐるぐる感谢虾米 Shane 今生无悔入东方来世愿生幻想乡
2023-07-25 05:38:121


galaxy supernova 闪耀的超级巨星OH!my boy要做什么呢Na na na na na倒不如 倒不如 Summer sparkingAh ah ah ah ah ah ahLooking at you lo-looking at you I looking at you lo-looking在注视着你哟喂 这是Killer boyish的Supernova命运的Supernova魔力般的Supernova银河系最强存在的No.1!翻过吧base line like的shooting starTo coming!Cuteis!Tu tu tu lu tu tuGirls in…Tu tu tu lu tu tuin the GALAXY! GALAXY! oh!Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh传闻中的目标啊!Yeah eh eh eh eh eh eh紧致的臀部曲线仿佛就是Tu tu tu lu tu tuCuteis!Tu tu tu lu tu tuGirls in…Tu tu tu lu tu tuin the GALAXY! GALAXY! ohOh boy! Do you believe the situation?Yeah!You"d better keep this a secret.交给呼吸的那一方吧到底是为什么如宝石般的眼眸Looking at you lo-looking at you I looking at you lo-looking现在也正在看着你呢位这个是毫无疑问的Supernova超现实的Supernova你的Supernova穿越在人气层in&out!改头换面的到来改变世界版的shockTu tu tu lu tu tuPerfect!Tu tu tu lu tu tuGirls in…Tu tu tu lu tu tuin the GALAXY! GALAXY! oh!Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh在大地上闪耀吧Yeah eh eh eh eh eh eh浮出表面的轮廓Tu tu tu lu tu tuPerfect!Tu tu tu lu tu tuGirls in…Tu tu tu lu tu tuin the GALAXY! GALAXY! oh!抓住了却又瞬间逃走消失了么What dance thing looking at you银河系最强存在的No.1!翻过吧base line like的shooting star to coming!Cuteis!Tu tu tu lu tu tuGirls in…Tu tu tu lu tu tuin the GALAXY! GALAXY! oh!Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh传闻中的目标啊!Yeah eh eh eh eh eh eh紧致的臀部曲线仿佛就是Tu tu tu lu tu tuCuteis!Tu tu tu lu tu tuGirls in…Tu tu tu lu tu tuin the GALAXY! GALAXY! oh
2023-07-25 05:38:191


2023-07-25 05:38:2915