barriers / 阅读 / 详情


2023-07-25 16:11:14


  Good morning/afternoon/evening ladies and gentleman(or students),contestants and adjudicators(裁判).Today we are debating the topic (报一下辩论题目) On the affirmative side we have (报一下正方参赛者的顺序),and on the negative side we have (反方参赛者的顺序).

  Both teams have showed great debating ability in today"s fierce competition. Let us now await for the adjudicator"s scoring. I am sure it is going to be very close.And I think all contestants need to be congratulated for their outstanding efforts.

  The score is in, and the winner of today"s debate is (报赢的一方)

  Than you all for coming.


  Welcome to the debating competition of the issue “the advantages s and disadvantages of Qinghai—Tibet railway”. We have 8debators today,4 on each side and the positive side is leaded by XXX,the rest debaters are XX, XX. And the members of the negative team are XX,XX is the leader of their team .ok ,good luck to they(.or hot welcome to them.)

  Next, I want to introduce todayu2019s judges, they are our dear instructor mrsyan,and our classmates XX ,XX,XX ,XX, hot welcome to all of you .and thanks to all for joining todayu2019s debating competition.

  Now, I would like to introduce the rules for the contest.

  The first is the time .each debater is allowed to exprein limited.

  Secondly, speakers are not allowed to bring any notes in hand.


  Welcome comeback ,after our judgesu2019 discussion, the most exciting moment is coming, the winner of todayu2019s debating competition is the---.and the best debater is .congratulation!

  i hope we can expreourselves on the stage in English ,I hope we can show what we have learned in the competition, I hope we can exchange experience of how to learn English better, I hope we all make good use of this opportunity to improve ourselves.

  Ok, this is the end of todayu2019s English debating competition .thank you all for join us today, I hope all of you can have a good time .thank you .。


  good morning/evening,

  boys and girls, ladies and gentlemen,(因为有学生,有老师) welcome to the English Speech contest of xxx school.

  介绍评委,I have the great privilege of presenting today"s judges for this Speech Contest. Ladies and gentlemen, from...(介绍时,就提高声调说他们的名字,并用手做出有请的姿势,评判就站起来.大家鼓掌.)

  介绍比赛规则Now I would like to introduce the rules for this contest. Number one...

  结束语等等。I know we are all deeply impressed by the wonderful speeches presented by the (10 说出参赛者的总人数)contestants. Thank you for your hard work. Boys and girls,(转向听众)Let"s give them a big round of applause.(为参赛者鼓掌)

  And I think our distinguished judges who make this contest possible deserve a big round of applause, too.(感谢裁判)

  Last but not the least, boys and girls, I think you deserve a big round of applause, too for being such good audience.(感谢听众,自己给自己鼓掌)

  Good bye! See you next time!



问题一:“英语演讲比赛”用英文怎么说 你好! 我是一个英语老师 按照常规呢,这应该是English Speech Contest 而如今其实English-speaking Contest也是这个意思 问题二:演讲比赛的英文怎么说 Speech Contest 如英语演讲比赛:English Speech Contest 如今也常用:English-speaking Contest/petition 问题三:“英语演讲比赛”怎么用英语翻译 English speech petition 问题四:获得全国大学生英语演讲比赛一等奖用英语怎么说 如下: Won the first prize in the national college students English speech contest。 问题五:“演讲比赛”的英文翻译 a speech contest 问题六:英语演讲比赛用英语怎么说? 英语演讲比赛 = English Speaking petition. = English public speaking petition. (演讲 = public speaking) = English Speech petition. 都可以.
2023-07-25 05:24:492


问题一:英语演讲比赛用英语怎么说? 英语演讲比赛 = English Speaking petition. = English public speaking petition. (演讲 = public speaking) = English Speech petition. 都可以. 问题二:“演讲比赛”用英语怎么说? Speech Contest 如英语演讲比赛:English Speech Contest 如今也常用:English-speaking川Contest/petition 问题三:演讲用英语怎么说 演讲: 名词:speech give a speech 做演讲 动词:speak speak English 讲英语 问题四:“英语演讲比赛”用英文怎么说 你好! 我是一个英语老师 按照常规呢,这应该是English Speech Contest 而如今其实English-speaking Contest也是这个意思 问题五:21世纪杯全国英语演讲比赛英文怎么说 21世纪杯全国英语演讲比赛 Twenty-first Century Cup National English speech contest 21世纪杯全国英语演讲比赛 Twenty-first Century Cup National English speech contest 问题六:英语演讲讲完后要怎么说? That"s all.Thank you! 中文:我的演讲完了,谢谢大家 问题七:演讲稿的英文怎么说? I rerwote my speech draft just yesterday. speech script 通常指演讲提纲,因为演讲者为了效果生动,经常会脱稿发挥,因此 speech script 提供了大概段落,论据等,但又有一定的自由发挥空间。 完整的演讲稿则用 speech draft,通常在演讲完成后传发给媒体的稿件就是用 speech draft。 不过要提醒一下,演讲顾名思意要有“演”有“讲”,因为要面对攻下的观/听众,所以最忌照稿宣读。 问题八:在演讲英语时,开场白和结束语该怎么说呢? 例如开始的时候先说hello女士们先生们,然后可以说一个小笑话,接着引入你的演讲,最后说That"s all thank you.
2023-07-25 05:25:051

English speech contest的中文意思

2023-07-25 05:25:142

speech contest 与speaking contest 有什么不同

第一个 应该是 演讲 第二个 应该是口语对话 像CCTV 的 英语竞赛那种
2023-07-25 05:25:233


have an English Contest
2023-07-25 05:25:335


不要。根据查询个人图书馆官方网站显示,englishspeechcontest前面不要加the,要加an。English Speech Contest意思:英语演讲比赛;英语风采大赛;英语演讲竞赛。
2023-07-25 05:26:011


问题一:全国大学生英语知识竞赛用英语怎么说 Nation抚l English Contest for College Students(简称NECCS) 问题二:参加一个比赛 用英语怎么说 1. participate in a match/game/pitition 2. 在...中心:in the centre of.... 问题三:请问“知识竞赛”英语怎么翻译 知识竞赛.. 1. quiz show 文艺晚会 variety 海how 知识竞赛 quiz show 小品 ic sketch ... 2. petitions 设计学校生活情境可以有新生介绍(Introduction)、做游戏(Playing a game)、做值日(On duty)、知识竞赛(petitions)等。 3. knowledge contest 高考写作常用词汇 ... knowledge contest知识竞赛 summer camp夏令营 ... 4. knowledge petition Knowledge Management System知识管理系统 Knowledge Manager知识管理经理 Knowledge Map知识地图 ... 问题四:全国创新英语大赛 的英文怎么说 National Innovative English Contest 问题五:“演讲比赛”用英语怎么说? Speech Contest 如英语演讲比赛:English Speech Contest 如今也常用:English-speaking川Contest/petition 问题六:比赛,用英语怎么说,答出所有的,并比较不同 match指一普通的比赛,petition是比较正规的比赛(比如什么演讲啊,作文比赛)race侧重田径比赛 contest 比赛,竞赛(有争辩,争论的意思) 问题七:“比赛”的英文咋说? game match 祝你学习进步O(∩_∩)O哈! 如果对你有所帮助,还望采纳O(∩_∩)O哈! 如还有不懂的,叮可以继续追问哦(^o^)/~
2023-07-25 05:26:091

English Speech Contest与English speech contest哪个对啊

2023-07-25 05:26:193

Chinese Speech Contest需要大写首字母吗

2023-07-25 05:26:261

speech competitiond为什么要加s

school 这里作为可以作为一个地点状语 也可以作为 定语 school"s english speech contest 就一定要加 做状语 english speech contest in(at) school 整个名词 The English Speech contest of school
2023-07-25 05:26:441

Your school is going to hold a speech contest, wr

你的学校将要举办一场演讲比赛,给你的一个外国老师写一封信,邀请他/她作为评委。 懂吧 求分
2023-07-25 05:26:535


I won the first prize in a Speech Contest held in our school last Friday.
2023-07-25 05:27:103

Jenny told me that she___an English Speech Contest the next month.A.take part in

2023-07-25 05:27:189

“我的演讲到此结束” 用英语怎么说?

My trip is over!点个赞吧!谢谢你!
2023-07-25 05:27:413

I think you can ____ the speech contest. A. in

自己想 妈比的 狗养的!
2023-07-25 05:27:564


National Computer Design competition for Primary and Secondary students First Prize( National)National Physics Olympiad for Middle-school Students First Prize(Provincial) 没有参考什么 自己翻译的…
2023-07-25 05:28:162

We hava a speech contest in every year 哪里错了,怎么改?

2023-07-25 05:28:266


I am very honoured to participate in this English spoken match
2023-07-25 05:28:588

英语作文 假如你是李华,要参加演讲比赛,向外国笔友求助

2023-07-25 05:29:152

There is much chance ____ Lucy will win the first prize in the speech contest.(  )

2023-07-25 05:29:231

I am the winner of speech contest 改为一般疑问句。怎么改?

2023-07-25 05:29:493


Twenty-first Century Cup National English speech contest
2023-07-25 05:30:082


【 #英语资源# 导语】学英语并非是一朝一夕的事,可谓“never too old to learn.”(活到老,学到老.)那么,基础的重要性便不言而喻了。初学时如果在书写上或是发音上有不良的习惯或错误,在以后将很难纠正。而英语演讲考验的正是口语水平。以下是 无 为大家精心整理的内容,欢迎大家阅读。 【篇一】高一学生英语演讲稿范文   I myself, a rather shy person by nature who easily suffer from stage fright, had to pluck up great courage to take part in a speech contest like this. I could have stayed away and had an easy time of it by not entering the university level contest.But I chose to accept the challenge and to face the difficulties. Now here I am. If I come out first, it will be a great success for me. If I come out last-I hope this will not be the case-but if I come out last, I will not call my attempt a failure, but will also celebrate it as a true success, because part of my goal is my own character training-to do more assertive, to be brave in face of difficulties. For me, it is a meaningful step forward, small as it is, in the long journey toward the final success in my life, because I have truly gained by participating.   Let us return to our handsome young prince and the 4-step definition of success. You my have noticed that the usual worldly criteria of wealth, position and fame were not mentioned as part of the story, but rather, it emphasized the process of overcoming difficulties. The ancient wisdom had already defined the meaning of success, and this is my definition, too.   Thank you. 【篇二】高一学生英语演讲稿范文   Our common destiny   “ We are made wise not by the recollections of the past but by our responsibility for the future”   ----George Bernard Shaw   China is faced with some enormous challenges as it enters the 21st century. In order to ensure the prosperity of our nation and its future generations we must confront and ultimately solve these challenges.   Some of the more pressing issues facing China are universal. These include environmental degradation, over population and the effects of globalization.   To overcome some of the things we need to implement include:   Enhancing our scientific and industrial technologies in such areas as IT, Bio- tech, AI and Cybernetics.   Further develop public infrastructure in under developed regions.   Promote education reform at all levels.   Introduce sustainable development initiatives.   The implementation of free trade agreement between China and ASEAN.   The benefit to China in introducing these initiatives will be significant and far-reaching. It is important to realize that these initiatives need to filter down through all elements of the society in China. For instance, cutting edge technologies and intellectual properties; the development of e-commerce based economy; an education system that encourages innovation and creativity; increased foreign investment; higher living standards; more efficient use of natural resources.   It is important for us to realize these reforms are both essential and necessary. These will help China to fulfill its vast and unrealized potential on the world stage. It will also contribute more to a globalized world of the new century. 【篇三】高一学生英语演讲稿范文   My Definition of Success   “Once upon a time, there was a king who had a daughter as beautiful as a blooming rose. To all the suitors who came to the king"s palace to ask for the hand of the princess, the old king assigned three tasks to be accomplished, each next to impossible. One day, into the king"s palace came a handsome young prince..." Well, you know the rest. The three tasks may be different in different versions, but the main plot is always the same, with the prince claiming the princess"s hand triumphantly.   And the ending is always the same, finishing with the line "And they live happily every after."   Why aren"t we tired of something so fanciful, so unrealistic, and, I would say, so unimaginative? How can a story like that endure generations of repetition`? Because, I think, it is a typical success story. It is highly philosophical and symbolic. By implication, we see a 4-step definition of success: 1 ) a goal to be set. as represented by the beautiful princess; 2 ) challenges to be met, as represented by the three tasks; 3 ) the process of surmounting difficulties, as represented by the ordeals the youth goes through; and 4 ) the reward of success, as represented by the happy marriage.   The story not only caters to everyone"s inward yearning for success, but also emphasizes the inseparability of the process and the result. The reward of success will be much amplified if the path leading towards it is treacherous, and vice versa. If a person inherits his father"s millions and leads an easy life, he is not a successful person even in material terms, because there are no difficulties involved in his achieving affluence. The term "success", to be sure. will not sit still for easy definition. But as I understand it, the true meaning of success entails a combination of both the process and the satisfactory result of an endeavor. To clarify my view, let me give another analogy. 【篇四】高一学生英语演讲稿范文   as everyone knows,english is very important has been used everywhere in the has become the most common language on internet and for international trade. if we can speak english well,we will have more chance to succeed.because more and more people have taken notice of it,the number of the people who go to learn english has increased at a high speed.   but for myself,i learn english not only because of its importance and its usefulness,but also because of my love for it.when i learn english, i can feel a different way of thinking which gives me more room to touch the world.when i read english novels,i can feel the pleasure from the book which is different from reading the translation.when i speak english, i can feel the confident from my words.when i write english,i can see the beauty which is not the same as our chinese...   i love english,it gives me a colorful dream.i hope i can travel around the world one day. with my good english, i can make friends with many people from different contries.i can see many places of great interests.i dream that i can go to london,because it is the birth place of english.   i also want to use my good english to introduce our great places to the english spoken people,i hope that they can love our country like us.   i know, rome was not built in a day. i believe that after continuous hard study, one day i can speak english very well.   if you want to be loved, you should learn to love and be lovable. so i believe as i love english everyday , it will love me too.   i am sure that i will realize my dream one day!
2023-07-25 05:30:151

连词成句 contest,fifth,is,September,speech,the.

The speech contest is on September the fifth.
2023-07-25 05:30:241

我们迎来了我校一年一度的英语演讲比赛 翻译

there is in every human being"s heart the
2023-07-25 05:30:342

一道高中英语选择题 麻烦高人帮忙解答 告诉我原因哈

2023-07-25 05:30:4415


我是一个动静皆宜的女孩,热爱生活,辩论场上我沉着冷静,滔滔不绝;演讲朗诵比赛上我激情飞扬,拥抱梦想;我喜欢辩论梦想,也喜欢写意生活。I am a safe movement girl, love life, the debate on the field I calm, off the reel; speech contest on my passion, dream; I love debate dream, also like a comfortable life.我要用我的耐心,爱心,自信心,我要用我的专业知识和敬业精神给病人带来更多的安心,放心喝责任心。I will use my patience, love, confidence, I will use my professional knowledge and devotion to the patient to bring more peace of mind, drink responsibility.最后,我以心得名义起誓,在今后的工作生活中用仁心去行医,用仁术去救人,尽量减少护患间的矛盾,和谐我们的就医环境。Finally, I swear to experience, in the future work life to practice medicine with benevolence, benevolence to save people, try to reduce nurse-patient conflicts between us, harmonious medical environment.
2023-07-25 05:31:071

the speech contest is on may 10th的问句是什么

2023-07-25 05:31:261

opening speech(外语节英语开幕词)

分类: 教育/科学 >> 外语学习 问题描述: 大家帮忙,在一天内,帮我找下大学“外语节英语开幕词” 解析: 这个稿件的主人的背景与你有相似之处,但是情景不同,你需要做些改动,我就不帮你改了: Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen. My name is Gao Feng. I"m studying Germanistik in the Germany department. Next year, I will graduate. I"m very glad to stand here to make friends with all of you and share my experience with you. Today, my topic is the university life. I can remember the first meeting of my university life very clearly. It is 3 years ago. All of us were new here and curious about the next four years" life in the university. At that meeting, one of the teachers in our department asked us a question, that is, what do you think about the university life? And I was the first person who standed up and gave her the brief answer. I said:" I think the university life should be very colorful. Youu can take part in varieties of the students" activities. And you can also make a lot friends here." So now I have lived in Beiwai for more than three years. What is exactly my univerisity"s life like? Terrific and colorful! I have worked as both team member and team leader for different departments in the students" union. I wrote reports for the magazine. I worked as the head of the anisation department of the students" union, and worked as vice president for the career development association, and I have anised many acitivities, i.g. the culture festival, the speech contest, the exhibition of the germany movies e And I have also worked as voluteer for different forums and seminars, i.g the 2005 Global Fortune Forum, the Seminar of the Cooperation on the High Education beeen China and EU, e In the past year, I have taken a practice job in a pany. And I worked as the business manager. I was mainly responsible for the sales work. I municated with the customers from different enterprises. And I achieved my goals. With my great efforts, I have extablished contacts with more than 100 enterprises, i.g Haier, Lenovo, Huawei,e During the peiord of time, I have attended the CSAF, and worked for the Chinese Government in Chile for a month. And the overseas experience has really taucht me a lot. Now, I am a senior student. And I will find a job. I will try my best to find a suitable job to begin the first step of my career. I"m really very happy to share my experience with you. I hope all of you can enjoy the univerisity life and have a gloriois future. Alles Gute und viel Glueck! Thank you!
2023-07-25 05:31:331

请问老师 ( )the students will take part in this English speech contest

应该选A,表示学生中有200人将参加英语演讲比赛。选C的话,应该把空后面的the 去掉。就是一个不确定的数目。
2023-07-25 05:31:515


  是不是碰到要写英语晚会邀请函非常头疼?别着急,下面是我为你提供的英语晚会邀请函范文,希望对你有所帮助!   英语晚会邀请函   准备晚会是一个繁琐而开心的过程,当你订好选单,重新布置了客厅,购置了全新的餐具,还差什么呢?邀请朋友们来晚会!打电话当然简单可取,但写一封诚恳的英文邀请函会显得更加隆重。   Hosting a dinner party can involve a lot of preparation, depending on how many people it is for and how elaborate the proceedings will be. One of the first jobs of hosting a dinner is to write the invitations for each of your guests. These invitations should contain all the important rmation about the dinner party that your guests need to know. How formal your invitation is ultimately depends on the type of dinner party you intend on having.   一封完整的邀请函要包括晚会的所有重要资讯,包括时间、地点、人员、着装要求有些晚会主人会确定dressing code,通常是一个主题元素,比如polka dots波点,大家的身上都要有一个波点的元素。邀请函要多正式是根据晚会的正式程度定的。下面就向大家介绍写作晚会邀请函的步骤。   1 State the request and the purpose of the dinner in your first line. For example, "James and Natalie invite you to join them for dinner to celebrate their first wedding anniversary." A more formal invitation might read, "Mr and Mrs Smith request the pleasure of your pany at a dinner to celebrate their first wedding anniversary."   在文章的第一行写上邀请对方来晚会的初衷和目的。比如“James和Natalie邀请你来参加一周年结婚纪念日晚会。”更正式的写法比如“Smith夫妇希望能有幸邀请您共同见证他们的结婚一周年纪念日晚会。”   2 Write the date and time that the dinner party will be held. For example, "Tuesday, 5th July 2011, 7:30 p.m."   接下来写上晚会的时间。比如“2011年7月5日周二,晚上7:30”   3 Inform your guests where the dinner is taking place. For example, "At Home," or "At Two Chefs Restaurant." Be sure to include the address of the venue.   记得写明地点。比如“在我家”,或者“在双主厨餐厅”。记得要写明具体的地址。   4 Provide details concerning the dress code. Black tie or *** art casual are typical dinner party choices.   提供具体的着装要求。黑领带,或者休闲正装是常见的晚会着装。   5 Place an RSVP at the base of the invitation with contact details such as a phone number or email address. The RSVP requests that recipients rm you whether they will attend or not. With a more formal invitation, you can include a reply card and a self-addressed envelope for responses.   在邀请函下方附上回执。RSVP是回执的意思,来自法语 répondez s"il vous pla t, 意思是 "Respond, if you please.”回执可以通过电话或者邮箱回复。回执是让对方告知你愿不愿意出席。更正式的回执通常会有一张卡片和一个用来答复的信封,方便客人回复。   其实写清楚一封英语的晚会邀请函也不是那么难,对不对?只要掌握要点,饱含诚意,记得要回执,这个过程就可以简单有序地完成啦!   英语晚会的经典开场白和结束语范文   开场:   A:Ladies and Gentlemen:We are very happy to gather here to hold an English evening party.----XXXXXXX!I"m XXX FROM XXX   B:I"m XXX FROM XXX We are very glad to be the host of this evening party.   A:Learning English can broaden your minds,enhance your knowledge.By doing this ,you will know the customs and cultures of other countries.And enjoy the holl time.   B:Yeah,English shows up everywhere,they can be a beautiful song if you sing them with melody.   A:They can be a soul poem if u read them with u heart.   B:They can be a effective tool when you municate with foreigners.   A:Today,a colorful performance which acted by XXXX class or school will be held here.The performance shows us what happiness and colorful life it is in XXXX.and the fun of learning english.   B:Now it"s time for us to have performance.For this evening party all the classes or clas *** ates have made careful preparations.So I"m sure we"ll be able to enjoy many excellent performances tonight.   结束:   A:Boys and girls,ladies and gentlemen,tonight ,we really got lots of happiness in the show.   B:Yeah,we prove that English can be such beautiful once again.we can so nearly touch English and feel the power of it!   A:From now on,we needn"t be in trouble in English,because we got the key.   B:""Just do it"" is not only a spirit of doing sports,but also a spirit of studying English.   A:We got really various of exciting performance tonight,we wish the X hours " performance have brought you lots of happiness and some interests in English.   B:we have to say goodbye to you now.We are looking forward to getting together here next time!Goodbye and Goodnight!   英语晚会的经典开场白和结束语   开场白   good morning/evening,   boys and girls, ladies and gentlemen,因为有学生,有老师 wele to the English Speech contest of xxx school.   介绍评委,I have the great privilege of presenting today"s judges for this Speech Contest. Ladies and gentlemen, from...介绍时,就提高声调说他们的名字,并用手做出有请的姿势,评判就站起来.大家鼓掌.   介绍比赛规则Now I would like to introduce the rules for this contest. Number one...   结束语等等。I know we are all deeply impressed by the wonderful speeches presented by the 10 说出参赛者的总人数contestants. Thank you for your hard work. Boys and girls,转向听众Let"s give them a big round of applause.为参赛者鼓掌   And I think our distinguished judges who make this contest possible deserve a big round of applause, too.感谢裁判   Last but not the least, boys and girls, I think you deserve a big round of applause, too for being such good audience.感谢听众,自己给自己鼓掌   Good bye! See you next time!   结束语最好是中文而且有古典韵味,毕竟双语中中文是母语啊:   今夜心情如水,今夜古典如风。   我们聆听,我们感动,美文雅韵,曲水流觞。   你在江之头,我在江之尾,我们隔着荧屏对语,我们站在文字里相望。   最远的距离常常是最近的咫尺,心灵与心灵在阅读中走近,在文字里相融。   让我们记住这些美丽的瞬间,有这些瞬间,我们的日子不再平庸;   让我们记住这些感动的时刻,有这些时刻,我们的生活不再单调。   文学永恒,她可以深刻我们的灵魂;艺术永恒,她可以美丽我们的生活。   感谢所有的朗诵者带给我们的美妙的艺术享受,感谢心澜问水带给我们的美好的作品。感谢这次活动的组织者,感谢所有在场的听众朋友。
2023-07-25 05:32:061


  邀请信包括宴会,舞会,晚餐,婚礼等等各种邀请信件下面我为大家精心整理了,仅供参考。   篇一:   Dear Jane,   Congratulations on your passing all the exams. I am delighted you have really made great progress in your two years of studying in China. All you have gained is the result of your hard work. We are proud of you and we all appreciate your help with our English We"ll always remember the wonderful time we spent together.   It"s pity that you have to go back soon! So a farewell party for you will be held in Room 302 in the Sun Club this Saturday evening. Could you e by 6:00 p.m.? We"ll have dinner together. By the way,you may take Bus No. 332 in front of your hotel and it will take you directly to the club.   I wish you success and fulfillment in the years ahead!   Yours faithfully,   Li Hua   篇二:   One possible version:   Dear Ms. Smith,   I"m Li Hua, the leader of the Student Union of Yu Cai Middle School Middle School. I sincerely hope you can set aside some time for our English speech contest and be a judge.   The contest, the theme of which is “Man and Nature”, will be held in the Room 501 from 2:00 to 5:00 on the afternoon of June 15. What"s more, there will be 10 students taking part in it. I"m sure it will be a great success if you can give us some precious remarks. I would appreciate it if you could accept my invitation. My telephone number is 44876655.   I"m looking forward to your reply.   With best wishes,   Li Hua   篇三:   高中英语满分书信作文模板——邀请信   Dear ______ ,   ①There will be a ______内容at/in ______地点on ______时间. ②We would be honored to have you there with us.   ③The occasion will start at ______具体时间. ④This will be followed by a ______进一步的安排. ⑤At around ______时间, ______另一个安排.   ⑥I really hope you can make it. ⑦RSVP before ______通知你的最后期限.   Yours sincerely,   Li Ming
2023-07-25 05:32:121

Last week I got the first prize in the English Speech Contest held in our school.为什么不用?

2023-07-25 05:32:215


  在日常学习、工作和生活中,说到作文,大家肯定都不陌生吧,借助作文人们可以反映客观事物、表达思想感情、传递知识信息。那要怎么写好作文呢?以下是我为大家整理的高三英语作文6篇,仅供参考,大家一起来看看吧。 高三英语作文 篇1   假如你是高三学生李华,假期参加了一个赴美夏令营,结识了美国中学Tom。请写一封信给Tom,谈谈你在此次夏令营中的体验。主要内容如下:   1. 美国人和中国人在风俗习惯上的差异(例如问候的方式,对赞扬的反应,学生课堂 学习等)   2. 你对这些中西方差异的感受。   注意:1.词数100左右;   2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;   3.开头语己为你写好,但不计入总词数。   夏令营:summer camp   Dear Tom,   How are you doing recently?   ____________________________________________________   ____________________________________________________   ____________________________________________________   ____________________________________________________   ____________________________________________________   ____________________________________________________   ____________________________________   Yours,   LiHua   答案   Dear Tom,   How are you recently? I miss you very much.   The experience in the summer camp is so unforgettable that I often recall and share it with my friends. When talking about the manners we do things, I find some differences between Chinese and Americans. On stepping on the land of the USA, what amazed me first was the way we were greeted. Instead of shaking hands, we were kissed on the cheek, which was quite unusual for shy Chinese. Besides, I found American English a little different from what I had learnt in class. Fortunately things got better as time went by. What"s more, I"m impressed by many Americans" sunshine attitude to life: how do you manage to be so carefree every day and seem to enjoy everything?   What do you think about Chinese? Would you like to share it with me?   Look forward to your early reply.   Yours,   Li Hua 高三英语作文 篇2   “家园只有一个,地球不能克隆”这句话说的十分正确。是的,我们的家园只有一个,保护和爱护家园是我们大家的责任。可有人,却故意去破坏环境,伤害我们的家园,伤害我们的.地球母亲。   在大年初一那一天,我们去市民广场玩,当时我以为自己走错了地方:往日那里绿草如茵,时不时还能看见花蝴蝶在五彩缤纷的花丛中穿梭着,翩翩起舞着;人们则会坐在石凳上聊天享受着舒适的日光浴;周围的一切是那么的整洁舒畅。 如诗如画的景象顿时灰飞烟尽。那天的市民广场人山人海,地面铺上一层厚厚的五颜六色地毯——全是垃圾,而这些垃圾给清洁工们增加繁重的工作量。在那里,我还看见了很多只久违的苍蝇、蚊子也过来凑热闹,现在可是大冬天。草地上也布满了垃圾,一阵风吹来,垃圾就到处飞扬,臭气装满了整个广场,简直就是垃圾场。   现在,腊梅花已经露出了灿烂的笑脸,与此同时,地上的小草也正在拼命探出嫩绿的脑袋。而人们为了欣赏腊梅花,却忽视了地上的小草,乱扔垃圾的同时还脚脚践踏着它们,有些人还摘几朵腊梅花拿在手里玩耍或拍照,真是让人忍无可忍。   “家园只有一个,地球不能克隆”让我们珍惜身边的生存环境,好好保护我们的家园,保护我们的地球母亲吧! 高三英语作文 篇3   It is the duty of every citizen to make the country rich and powerful (To make the country rich and strong is…)。 In order to accomplish this object one must be patriotic (love his country)。 I consider this an unchangeable truth.   How can a student love his country (be patriotic)? I find my answer very simple and clear. He must study hard and store up knowledge so as to serve his (the) country in the future. If every student can do according to what I said, the country will certainly be rich and powerful.   译文:   要使国家富强是每个公民的责任。为了达到此目的,必须爱国。我认为这是一条不易的定理。   一个学生如何才能爱国呢?我发觉答复很简单明了。他必须用功读书并积储知识以便将来服务国家。如果每个学生能按照我所说的去做,国家一定会富强。 高三英语作文 篇4   There is an old Chinese saying: Top students come from strict teachers. Perhaps affected by this saying for a long time, we believe it right. However, as time flies, lots of things have changed. Therefore, I am eager to discuss what relation is the best between teachers and students.   A teacher can treat a student in two ways .One is strict, and the other is friendly. Most teachers prefer the first way.   To start with, we certainly have to admit that strictness is very effective, especially to the naughty pupils. As pupils we aren"t able to control ourselves well or fix our attention on one thing for a long time. We do most things because they are interesting or we feel like doing. We are always looking out of the window in class. Sometimes, we get to play games and forget our homework. On this occasion, strictness is a must. It not only forces us to do the right thing, but also helps us develop a good learning habit, which is of great importance during our whole life .In other words, it is the first step to success.   Still, everything has two sides. Its weak points are very obvious. You see, there"re top students in a class, where average students make up the majority. Then teachers" orders or suggestions are for the majority, not for top students. However, top students always have their own study plans and prefer special homework, so orders usually won"t take great effect on them. Maybe you have thought out that teachers can give orders only to the majority and set some freedom to top students. However, it"s impossible .For a whole class, teachers couldn"t give order to part of the class, for the majority would question why they needn"t do such work, but we need? It would be probable that they think teachers treat them not equally, and will not obey teachers" orders any more. This is a difficulty for teachers. 高三英语作文 篇5 Dear Sue,   I"m Li Hua, one of your students in China. It"s almost a month since you left us. We all miss you and are very grateful for what you did for us.   We are busy as usual. We had an English speech contest the other day. I won the first prize! This again reminds me of all your kind help. Do you still remember the trees we planted together on the hill behind the school? Yesterday, we went there and watered them. The tree you planted yourself is growing well, and the whole class decided to name it Sue Wood. Will you come back to see Sue Wood?   How is everything with you lately? We hope to know more about you and your American students. Hope to keep in close touch.   All the best.   Yours,   Li Hua 高三英语作文 篇6   Dear JasonI want to take part in the English Speech,which is “An Unforgettable Experience in High School”.So I do hope that you can give me some suggestions about myartical.As I am concerned,I shouldpay attention to the writing of my English.Andsometimes my vocabulary is not perfect.Due to these problems.I want your suggestions about how to improve my English Writing Standards.Because of the date of the Speech is this Sunday,so I hope you can give me themessage on Wednesday morning.Through the time is not enough,I can still make itwell.If you give me suggestions,I will appreciate you very much.I am looking forward your early reply.
2023-07-25 05:33:051

你们什么时候举行英语演讲比赛的英文 用do动词 when do you the english speech contest?

When will the English speech be held in your school?
2023-07-25 05:33:133

We’re glad to announce that you’ve won the first place in the English Speech Contest. Tomorr

2023-07-25 05:33:223

Jenny told me that she___an English Speech Contest the next month.A.take part in

2023-07-25 05:33:291


The Dvantages of Holding English Speech ContestMore and more English speech contests are holding in China. Holding English speech contests have of of advantages. First, it can improve student"s spoken English. Second, students can get together to exchange experiences of how to learn English better from it, and also a good chance to learn each other. Last but not least, it can give you an opportunity to show yourself and your thoughts about your school. It will be good experience for every student.
2023-07-25 05:33:361

Mum, I ________ the first prize in the English speech contest! -Congratulations!

2023-07-25 05:33:444


hardly...when...是固定词组,翻译成“一…就…” 这个结构的特点是,hardly所在的主句必须使用过去完成时,而when引导的从句必须使用一般过去偶是.如果hardly位于句首,则要求主句使用半倒装. 所以这句话才会出现 hardly had the expert sat down这种形式. “/”表示前后的词组可以任选.既可以用sat down也可以用got seated也可以用seated themselves.
2023-07-25 05:33:511

thanks to his v--- advice,i won the first place in the speech contest

valueble 宝贵的
2023-07-25 05:33:591


2023-07-25 05:34:202

—I hear that Huang Gang made an English speech contest last week. ---____________and __________..

D so引导的倒装句,其结构有两种:一是so+主语{与上文是同一个人}+助动词或情态动词或be动词,表示上文的那个人的确是这样的,或so+助动词或情态动词或be动词+主语{与上文不是同一人}表示另一个人也是这样。根据句子意思和语境,故选D
2023-07-25 05:34:271


An English SpeechLast week, I tookpart in an English speech contest which was held by our teachers. There weretwelve students in the final contest. I was one of them. Fifteen minutes beforemy turn, I picked my topic and prepared for it. I wrote down the outlines andorganized what I was going to say. However, when I stood in front of all judgesand students, I was extremely nervous. My mind was totally empty. Then I took adeep breath to relax myself and started my speech. The result was not as goodas I expected, but I preferred to regard it as a challenge to myself, whoseprocess was the most important for me. I can learn a lot from this contest. I amsure I will be better next time.
2023-07-25 05:34:362

Without you, I _______ the first prize in the speech contest. Thank you, John. A.can’t win .

D 试题分析:考查含蓄虚拟语气。句意:要是没有你,我就不可能做演讲比赛中得一等奖。谢谢你,John。根据信息词without可知隐含着虚拟,而且与过去的事实相反,故选D。
2023-07-25 05:34:431

帮忙翻译几句 英语 【汉译英】

1. English Speech Contest will be held Friday 3:00 p.m. in the school conference room. 2. The activities aim to improve people"s standard of English. 3. The top three winners receive prizes and participate in "CCTV Cup" English Speaking Contest 4. Any interested students can this week, five students 17:00 front-office applications 5. Welcome to all the students have come to participate in this contest.
2023-07-25 05:34:545

—I heard you won the first prize in the National English Speech Contest, Congratulations!— &nbs

D 试题分析: 句意:--我听说你获得全国英语演讲比赛的一等奖,祝贺啊!--谢谢。回答祝贺的用语就是Thank you,符合英语的习惯。选D。考点: 考查日常交际用语的用法。
2023-07-25 05:35:111


2023-07-25 05:35:212

The school newspaper______(reporter)the speech contest in detail yesterday(用所给单词的适当形式填空

2023-07-25 05:35:293


2023-07-25 05:35:445