barriers / 阅读 / 详情


2023-07-25 15:50:33


where did you go


1.Where "s the opportunity for emerson?


2.Where is my Visual Merchandising Index?


3.Where does senator obama stand?


4.Where do you find time?


5.Where does you blender go?





where did you go



Where did you go的中文是什么?

2023-07-25 04:33:305

where did you go什么意思

where did you go去哪儿了;你去哪儿了;你去了哪里例句1.Where did you go on your vacation, Julie?你暑假去哪,朱莉?2.Where did you go on the holidays?你假期了哪里?3.Where did you go the day before yesterday?前天你去哪了?4.Where did you go for the holiday?放假你去哪里了?5.Where did you go on the holiday?假期你去哪里了?
2023-07-25 04:33:452

where did you go什么意思

2023-07-25 04:33:555

请问where did you go翻译成中文是什么意思?

2023-07-25 04:34:128


不完全正确。"Where did you go?"的翻译是"你去哪儿了?"。
2023-07-25 04:34:282

邓紫棋的歌曲《Where did you go》的歌词是什么?

曾看着同星空 闲聊吹风 看日出多心动 曾每日缠一起 傻傻讲起 能爱到下世纪 怎麽你俘虏这个心 却抽身退隐 不再亲近 独自苦等 仍然空等 难藏泪印 看着 电话中短讯 听着 录音的口讯 昨天的你哪天再接近 Tell me where did u go? 心声都不可细诉 Oh tell me baby where did u hide? 辛苦都未被谅解 Where did u go? 数数多久不碰到 我在每夜 彻夜狂想 Where did u go? 而这夜月光中 再见影纵 再献花多感动 而似蜜甜的心 明明开心 为何又骤降温 怎麽你一下子抱紧 却一下子转身 不再亲近 独自苦等 仍然空等 难藏泪印 看着 电话中短讯 听着 录音的口讯 昨天的你哪天再接近 Tell me where did u go? 心声都不可细诉 Oh tell me baby where did u hide? 辛苦都未被谅解 Where did u go? 数数多久不碰到 我在每夜 彻夜狂想... Where did u go? Where did u go? 怎会当这刻我需要你 你却没在我身边 Where did u go? Where did u go? 这秒钟很挂牵 你却不可感觉到 Where did u go?! Tell me where did u go? 心声都不可细诉 Oh tell me baby where did u hide? 辛苦都未被谅解 Where did u go? 数数多久不碰到 我在每夜 彻夜狂想... Tell me where did u go? 心声都不可细诉 Oh tell me baby where did u hide? 辛苦都未被谅解 Where did u go? 数数多久不碰到 我在每夜 彻夜狂想... Where did u go?
2023-07-25 04:34:352

where did you go怎么回答

询问并回答别人在过去的时间里去了哪里、怎么去的、和谁去的。I went to ...后面加你去的地方,比如说公园I went to park。 where did you go怎么回答 1、询问并回答别人在过去的时间里去了哪里、怎么去的、和谁去的: Where did you go? I went to ... How did you go there? I went there by train. Who did you go with? I went with... 2、 Are you OK?=Are you all right?你还好吗? 3、一般过去时的一般疑问句及回答: Did you ……? Yes, I did. No, I didn"t. 4、It"s time for sth=It"s time to do sth.该做某事了。 It"s time for our first class. =It"s time to have our first class. 该上第一节课了。 5、That"s too bad. 太糟糕了(遇到不好的事情时使用) 6、not ...till/unti……直到……才…… Grapes won"t be ready till August. 直到八月葡萄才会成熟。
2023-07-25 04:34:421

where did you go???

首先要知道回答部分的主体是地点,因为问“where”; 然后要搞清楚时态,由“did”可知这是过去时,因此回答必须与问题一样,也要用过去时,这就意味着回答中的动词要用过去式,即“go”的过去式“went”; 再就是回答的主语应该是I ,因为问的“you”是站在对方的角度; 只去去哪,这个就可以随便说个地点啦 比如说"I went to the supermarket." 另外还要注意,这个地点应该是特指,要加上定冠词“the”,因为“我”去的地方不是泛指; 还有,这个地点是名词(或名词性的)还是副词之类的,因为名词一般要加“to”,但副词不能加,比如说“I went home.”“I went there.” 希望能解答你的疑惑哦~
2023-07-25 04:34:501

邓紫棋的歌曲《Where did you go》的歌词是什么?

2023-07-25 04:35:081

where did you go的意思不就是你那个时候去哪里了吗? 也符合题意吧!

2023-07-25 04:35:166

where did you go和where have you been有什么区别

Where have you been?用的是现在完成时,表示“你曾经去过哪里?”该动作已完成,但对现在有影响; Where did you go?用的是一般过去时,表示“你去了哪儿了?”
2023-07-25 04:35:312

Where did you go?

2023-07-25 04:35:393

哪位有where did you go的中文歌词

where"d you go?你在哪里?i miss you so,我如此地想念你seems like it"s been forever,that you"ve been gone.看上去似乎你已永远地离我远去she said "some days i feel like shit,她说过有段日子我就像狗屎some days i wanna quit, and just be normal for a b it,"有段日子我想过放弃,想成为一个平凡的表(谐)仔i don"t understand why you have to always be gone,我困惑着为什么你总是消失不见i get along but the trips always feel so long,我们欢声笑语但你的旅途总是显得如此漫长and, i find myself tryna stay by the phone,我发现自己的生活离不开电话"cause your voice always helps me when i feel so alone,因为你的声音能让我感到不那么孤单but i feel like an idio()t, workin" my day around the call,但我发现自己是个笨蛋,在电话上费尽心思but when i pick up i don"t have much to say,但当我拿起话筒,却发现没有太多内容要说so, i want you to know it"s a little fu(和谐)ked up,我想让你知道的是我的生活有些混乱that i"m stuck here waitin", at times debatin",我困惑着等待,偶尔会争吵tellin" you that i"ve had it with you and your career,我告诉你我已经适应了你和你的职业me and the rest of the family here singing "where"d you go?"我和我的家人在这里唱着,你在哪里i miss you so,我如此地想念你seems like it"s been forever,that you"ve been gone.看上去似乎你已永远地离我远去where"d you go?你在哪里i miss you so,我如此地想念你seems like it"s been forever,that you"ve been gone,看上去似乎你已永远地离我远去please come back home...请快回家you know the place where you used to live,还记得吧,曾经你呆过的地方used to barbeque up burgers and ribs,曾经烤着汉堡包和肉串used to have a little party every hallowe"en with candy by the pile,曾经的每一个万圣节我们举行的小聚会,堆满了的糖果but now, you only stop by every once in a while,而现在,你只是偶尔稍做停留shi(和谐最重要)t, i find myself just fillin" my time,我发现我把自己的时间排满anything to keep the thought of you from my mind,只是不想让你充斥我的脑中i"m doin" fine, i plan to keep it that way,我做的很好,并打算一直以这种方式生活you can call me if you find you have somethin" to say,如果你觉得你有话时,请随时打我电话and i"ll tell you, i want you to know it"s a little fuc(度娘)ed up,那么我会告诉你that i"m stuck here waitin", at times debatin",我的生活有些混乱tellin" you that i"ve had it with you and your career,我告诉你我已经适应了你和你的职业me and the rest of the family here singing "where"d you go?"我和我的家人在这里唱着,你在哪里i miss you so,我如此地想念你seems like it"s been forever,that you"ve been gone.看上去似乎你已永远地离我远去where"d you go?你在哪里i miss you so,我如此地想念你seems like it"s been forever,that you"ve been gone,看上去似乎你已永远地离我远去please come back home...请快回家i want you to know it"s a little (和谐) up,我想让你知道的是我的生活有些混乱that i"m stuck here waitin", no longer debatin",我困惑着等待,停止了争吵tired of sittin" and hatin" and makin" these excuses,我对坐立不安,憎恨和对你不在身边而找借口的生活厌倦了for while you"re not around, and feeling so useless,感到自己一无是处it seems one thing has been true all along,似乎有一件事一直以来都是正确的you don"t really know what you got "til it"s gone,你不会知道你拥有什么,直到他们已经消失i guess i"ve had it with you and your career,我已经适应了你和你的职业when you come back i won"t be here and you"ll can sing it...但当你回来时,我已不会再在这里,到那时你可以唱到where"d you go?你在哪里i miss you so,我如此的想念你seems like it"s been forever,that you"ve been gone.看上去似乎你已永远地离我远去where"d you go?你在哪里i miss you so,我如此地想念你seems like it"s been forever,that you"ve been gone,看上去似乎你已永远地离我远去please come back home...请快回家please come back home...请快回家please come back home...请快回家please come back home...请快回家please come back home...请快回家
2023-07-25 04:35:471

where did you go?

2023-07-25 04:35:564

Where are you going 和Where did you go的区别是什么

Where are you going 是问 你将要去哪儿?(be going 是现在进行时代替将来时)现在在一起说话,说明 还没有去呢。Where did you go 是问 你(过去的时间,比如昨天或者上周)去过哪儿。现在都已经在一起说话了,说明是 已经 去过以后回来了。哈哈!勤学好问 天天进步!
2023-07-25 04:36:111

Where did you go英语教案及反思

  想要提高小学英语教学的水平和质量,英语教师就要做好课前的教案和课后的 反思 ,下面我为大家带来Where did you go英语教案及反思,供你参考。   Where did you go英语教案   教学目标:   知识目标: 学生能听、说、认读本课的重点单词:the British Museum, the London Eye,weekend,place,how,best,took,trip,along,river,hour,twenty,minute;能正确使用动词过去式;能利用What did you do? Where did you go? 询问别人过去做的事情。   能力目标:正确描述和询问过去发生的事情   情感目标:培养学生学习的兴趣,鼓励学生积极合作,引导学生了解西方的名胜古迹。   教学重点:   学生能听说,认读单词the British Museum, the London Eye,weekend,place,how,best,took,trip,along,river,hour,twenty,minute;能准确理解并熟练运用What did you do at the weekend? Where did you go? Where/How/When/What didu2026?   教学难点:   学生掌握本课的新单词及利用动词过去式的变化进行描述,使用动词过去式,询问过去发生的事情。 突破 措施 :借助中西国家的名胜古迹以及学生旅游见闻掌握重点句型。   学法指导:   小组交流合作、情景教学   课前准备:   课件、单词卡、贴画   教学过程:   Step1.热身导入   1.小组汇报交流周末的事情:What did you do at the weekend?Where did you go ?   2.Chant: 《Where did you go?》Listen and repeat.   Step2.课文学习   1.交流学生了解到的英国著名的景点。   2.出示Amy的图片,Where did she go at the weekend?   (1)T : Amyu2019s weekend is very nice.   She visited lots of places. Letu2019s listen to Amy and Daming. Then answer the question .   (2)Letu2019s see the wonderful places.课件呈现图片,但是学生可以选择任何一个图片的序号猜猜地点。通过猜一猜让学生增加兴趣。   T: Now please guess the places, you can choose the number and guess.   S1: Number 1.   T: Whatu2019s this?   S1: Itu2019s the British Museum. 以同样的方式呈现 the London Eye, Big Ben。   教师让学生试读,然后领读几遍。   (3)以游戏的形式课件呈现学习单词,先让学生读,教师再教授:weekend,place,how,best,took,trip,along,river,hour,twenty,minute   3. What about Linglingu2019s weekend? 让学生观看视频并讨论问题   (1)What did she do at the weekend? Where did she go? What is the London Eye? How did she go to these places?   (2) Listen and repeat.   (3) Group work:小组合作,回答问题。   Step3 . Practice1   1.当学生已经理解并掌握单词含义后,让学生开始比赛巩固单词:利用课件快速闪现单词,要求学生快速整体认读。学生分组认读单词。   2.Watch the vedio and repeat ,then read in roles   3. 说说 自己的周末   T: Just now we talk about Amyu2019s weekend. Now letu2019s talk about our weekend. Who wants to show us your weekend?   请几个学生上台表演周末所做的事,其他同学猜一猜。   (1)Ss: What did you do at the weekend?   (2)S1进行表演。   (3)其他学生说出表演的内容。   Eg: Liyun went to the supermarket at the weekend.   Step4.Consolidation   1. 教师引导学生回答“What do you usually do at the weekend?”让学生将平时周末所做的活动罗列出来。点击课件,出示日历。指着上个周末问学生“What did you do at the weekend?”鼓励学生用学过的过去式回答 以学定教 循序渐进 以学定教 循序渐问题。   2. 教师准备一些风景名胜的图片,贴在教室的黑板上。如 “the Great Wall, Mt Tai, the Summer Palace.” 请两个学生上台活动,一个学生问 “Where did you go?” 另一学生站在不同图片前回答 “I went to the u2026”   (设计意图:通过生动活泼的活动,呈现本课重点句型。该活动能让学生动一动,学生在动的过程中既活跃了思维,又操练了新句型。)   Step5. Homework   1.介绍你与家人的上周末生活。   2.向你的好友介绍你的旅游经历,讲述你曾参观的名胜古迹。   (自选一个内容,并写下来。)   Where did you go教学反思   这是一节情景对话课, 围绕“What did you do at the weekend? Where did you go?”展开。按照《小学英语课程标准》的要求,我结合 儿童 年龄特点、认知规律和心理特点处理教材、设计教材。我在组织教学中注重联系生活实际创设情景,采用了任务型教学,在活动中引导学生多种感官参与,使学生在愉快自信的氛围中锻炼了英语交际能力。   1、把快乐带入英语课堂,营造愉快的语言氛围。   利用歌谣开始本课教学,可以创设轻松的学习氛围,消除学生的紧张情绪,由歌曲《Where did you go?》引出了本课的重点句型,激发学生的兴趣。复习动词的过去式,为后面的教学环节做好铺垫。课堂上,我创设了有意义的情景,让枯燥的句型操练在充满趣味的实景中得到反复模仿与练习。词不离句,句不离景,学生对所学词句留下了深刻的印象。学生始终处于一种积极轻松的状态中学习新知识,体验到英语教学的趣味。   2、开展多种活动,注重语言的操练与运用。   课堂上,通过多种手段激发学生实践的热情,激发了学生的求知欲。紧密联系小学生的生活和学习实际,采用多种形式,借助直观教学法、游戏教学法、TPR教学法、情景教学法等丰富实用的 教学 方法 ,组织学生进行广泛深入的语言实践活动。不断变化教学形式,让学生时时产生新鲜感。以活动为主线,让学生在活动中学,在学习中交际。 Where did you go相关 文章 : 1. Where did you go英语教案及教学反思 2. 译林牛津版七年级英语下Unit2单元练习题 3. 八年级英语期中联考试卷
2023-07-25 04:36:231

where did you go加过去时间怎么造句?

只要在末尾加上过去的时间即可,比如上个周末,上个月,上周,昨天,前天,去年......等等Where did you go last weekend ? 你上个周末去哪儿了?Where did you go yesterday? 你昨天去哪儿了?Where did you go last year ? 你去年去哪儿了?希望能帮到你~~
2023-07-25 04:36:301

where did you go加过去时间怎么造句

1. 问题解答: 这句话的助动词是did,时态是一般过去时。如果要添加时间,一般应该使用表示过去时间的副词或短语。比如: 昨天,yesterday,上一周last week,今天早上this morning等等。2. 语法学习: 一般过去时是英语三种简单时态之一,表示事件或动作在过去的时间发生。一般过去时的句子的谓语动词要用动词的过去式,句中往往伴随表示过去时间的副词或短语,比如去年last year,昨天yesterday,十年前ten years ago,很久很久以前long long time ago,从前once upon a time。一般过去时和现在完成时的区别在于: 前者并不关心已经发生的动作对现在或目前的状况有无影响。动词的过去式分为两种,一种是规则动词过去式,以字母组合-ed结尾;另一种是不规则动词的过去式,具体可以查阅课本或者英文词典后面的不规则动词表。一般过去时的陈述句变为疑问句,肯定句变为否定句,一般句变为强调句,进行这些语法变形时必须借助助动词did。使用助动词did之后,谓语动词必须恢复为动词原形。3. 典型例句:① I went to work by bus yesterday. 我昨天乘公交车去上班。② Mr green gave a speech on English learning at our school last week. 格林先生上周在我们学校进行了一次有关英语学习得演讲。③ Long, long time ago, there lived an old man at the foot of the hill. 很早很早以前,山脚下住着一位老人。④ He didn"t eat anything that day. 那天他什么东西也没吃。
2023-07-25 04:36:501

Where did you go? I went to beach.这句话需要改错,请问哪里错啦?

I went to the beach.
2023-07-25 04:36:584

邓紫棋where did you go歌词?

2023-07-25 04:37:052

Where Did You Go翻译是什么意思

2023-07-25 04:37:145

邓紫棋where did you go谐音歌词 急求

陈吼着同星宏 含聊催风 吼日出多生动............
2023-07-25 04:37:284

Where Did You Go? 歌词

歌曲名:Where Did You Go?歌手:One Less Reason专辑:Faces and Four Letter WordsOne Less Reason - Where Did You Go?I heard that you were finally coming homeMaybe it"s just where you belongYou know it fits you like your favorite songHelps you see through, to be youThe day you found the truth in a lieIt only took you over half of your lifeTo come clean, say you didn"t tryTo see through, to be youSo many years have passed and I"ve been meaning to askWhere did you go?What did you need?You know I couldn"t set you free until I fixed this hole in meCause life, it hits so hard that I couldn"t breatheWhen I was looking for a change in you, I found a change in meThat I couldn"t seeWhen you think of all the days that you missedHow you clenched all your words like a fistAlways looking for something to hitLike your family, your friendsThe times when you knew it was wrongBut you never thought you"d end up aloneHolding it in, letting it goSaving yourself or letting it showSo many years have passed and I"ve been meaning to askWhere did you go?What did you need?You know I couldn"t set you free until I fixed this hole in meCause life, it hits so hard that I couldn"t breatheWhen I was looking for a change in you, I found a change in meThat I couldn"t seeWe burned it down, we made it newI know, I know I failed youWhen those four letters, they took your lifeSo much guilt that I couldn"t cryThe light in your eyes, the look on your faceThe hole in your heart no one ever gracedHolding true to the promise you madeWaiting for God and the words to save youThe words to save youI should have got it right on my first tryWhere did you go?What did you need?You know I couldn"t set you free until I fixed this hole in meCause life, it hits so hard that I couldn"t breatheWhen I was looking for a change in you, I found a change in meThat I couldn"t seeLooking for a change in you, I found a change in meThat I couldn"t seeLooking for a change in you, I found a change in meThat I couldn"t see
2023-07-25 04:38:311

为什么是where did you go而不是where did you went

did 后加动词原形
2023-07-25 04:39:022

where did you go last Sunday?怎么回答

I went to the market
2023-07-25 04:39:115

邓紫棋的歌曲《Where did you go》的歌词是什么?

曾看着同星空 闲聊吹风 看日出多心动 曾每日缠一起 傻傻讲起 能爱到下世纪 怎麽你俘虏这个心 却抽身退隐 不再亲近 独自苦等 仍然空等 难藏泪印 看着 电话中短讯 听着 录音的口讯 昨天的你哪天再接近 Tell me where did u go? 心声都不可细诉 Oh tell me baby where did u hide? 辛苦都未被谅解 Where did u go? 数数多久不碰到 我在每夜 彻夜狂想 Where did u go? 而这夜月光中 再见影纵 再献花多感动 而似蜜甜的心 明明开心 为何又骤降温 怎麽你一下子抱紧 却一下子转身 不再亲近 独自苦等 仍然空等 难藏泪印 看着 电话中短讯 听着 录音的口讯 昨天的你哪天再接近 Tell me where did u go? 心声都不可细诉 Oh tell me baby where did u hide? 辛苦都未被谅解 Where did u go? 数数多久不碰到 我在每夜 彻夜狂想... Where did u go? Where did u go? 怎会当这刻我需要你 你却没在我身边 Where did u go? Where did u go? 这秒钟很挂牵 你却不可感觉到 Where did u go?! Tell me where did u go? 心声都不可细诉 Oh tell me baby where did u hide? 辛苦都未被谅解 Where did u go? 数数多久不碰到 我在每夜 彻夜狂想... Tell me where did u go? 心声都不可细诉 Oh tell me baby where did u hide? 辛苦都未被谅解 Where did u go? 数数多久不碰到 我在每夜 彻夜狂想... Where did u go?
2023-07-25 04:39:241

where did you go (to_)要+to 么 为什么

不用,Where 是副词,不能做介词to的宾语 只能说you went where.不能说 you went to where.
2023-07-25 04:39:311

谁有Reagan James - Where Did You Go 的歌词?

从网上听歌记下来的,如果有不准确的地方,还请谅解。谢谢Da da da da da ~~Da da~~(repeat)You"re giving up,You"re leaving me,Said it"s unrealistic to think we aren"t on a missionThis is a chair, and I"ve been thereIf our eyes are on each otherHow can we tell there"s another watching?Da da da da da ~~Da da~~(repeat)I"m watching.You"re taking a stairYou think it"s rightSaid three days they were certain treat forthree-hundred more restless nightYou don"t want me on your mindSaid it"s a fear to othersIf you compare there they did hurts to mineWheredid you goHowfar awayIfyou let me know, I"ll leave out on my wayBut untilthen I knowBewith you in your dreams,I"mcloser to youEverytime you fall asleep,Dada da da da ~~Da da~~(repeat)You sat so close,But now is so farSaid you didn"t need theDidn"t need any one of those shooting starsBut now I doubt if we could get outI should have wished on this starThere was always aboutWhere did you goHow far awayIf you letme know, I"ll leave out on my wayBut untilthen I"ll be with you in your dreamsI"m closerto youEvery timeyou fall asleep (Repeat) Oh~~Someday along the road,You"re gonna come to any,You"re drifting away into a dreamI"ll be waiting for you on the seeI"ll got the plane to rescue you meet whereyou set the ship on the bayYour heart in mine will be there to stayWill be there, there to stayWheredid you goHowfar awayIfyou let me know, I"ll leave out on my wayButuntil then I"ll be with you in your dreamsI"mcloser to youEverytime you fall asleep (Repeat) Oh~~
2023-07-25 04:39:381

Where have you been? where did you go? 它们究竟有什么区别阿!? 为什么一个完成时,一个过去时?

2023-07-25 04:39:488

为什么是where did you go不是where did you went

2023-07-25 04:40:031

请问有谁知道,《超级巨声》中何雁诗唱的这首where did you go,是谁唱的,还有歌词,谢谢了

Do you know where you"re going to ? Diana Ross*Do you know where you"re going to ?Do you like the things that life is showing you ?Where are you going to ? Do you know ?Do you get what you"re hoping for ?When you look behind youThere"s no open doorWhat are you hoping for ? Do you know ?Once we were standing still in timeChasing the fantasies that filled our mindsAnd you knew how I loved youBut my spirit was free laughing at the questions that you once asked of me(*)Now looking back at all we plannedWe let so many dreams just slip through our handsWhy must we wait so long before we see ?How sad the answers to those questions can be(*) 你可知何去何从? 黛安娜罗丝你可知何去何从?人生向你展现的,你喜欢吗?你将去向何处,你知道吗?你得到你想要的了吗?当你回头去看没有一扇敞开的门你希望得到什麼,你知道吗?曾经,我们停滞在时间里追寻著盈溢心中的幻想你明白我有多麼爱你但我的灵魂曾经大笑对於那些你问我的问题现在,回顾你我过去的计划我俩让太多的梦想从手中溜走为什麼等了这麼久才明白?那些问题的答案是多麼的可悲
2023-07-25 04:40:102

JJ的《where did you go 》这首歌。帮忙翻译下中文求大神帮助

原版<where did you go>歌词 曾看著同星空 闲聊吹风 看日出多心动 曾每日缠一起 傻傻讲起 能爱到下世纪 怎麼你俘虏这个心 却抽身退隐 不再亲近 独自苦等 仍然空等 难藏泪印 看著 电话中短讯 听著 录音的口讯 昨天的你哪天再接近 Tell me where did u go? 心声都不可细诉 Oh tell me baby where did u hide? 辛苦都未被谅解 Where did u go? 数数多久不碰到 我在每夜 彻夜狂想 Where did u go? 而这夜月光中 再见影纵 再献花多感动 而似蜜甜的心 明明开心 为何又骤降温 怎麼你一下子抱紧 却一下子转身 不再亲近 独自苦等 仍然空等 难藏泪印 看著 电话中短讯 听著 录音的口讯 昨天的你哪天再接近 Tell me where did u go? 心声都不可细诉 Oh tell me baby where did u hide? 辛苦都未被谅解 Where did u go? 数数多久不碰到 我在每夜 彻夜狂想... Where did u go? Where did u go? 怎会当这刻我需要你 你却没在我身边 Where did u go? Where did u go? 这秒钟很挂牵 你却不可感觉到 Where did u go?满意请采纳
2023-07-25 04:40:171

Where Did You Go 歌词

歌曲名:Where Did You Go歌手:Eliane Elias专辑:Kissed By NatureWhere did you go - 邓紫琪作曲: 陶山作词: G.E.M.编曲 / 监制: 雷颂德曾看着同星空 闲聊吹风 看日出多心动曾每日缠一起 傻傻讲起 能爱到下世纪怎麽你俘虏这个心 却抽身退隐 不再亲近独自苦等 仍然空等 难藏泪印看着 电话中短讯听着 录音的口讯昨天的你哪天再接近Tell me where did u go?心声都不可细诉Oh tell me baby where did u hide?辛苦都未被谅解Where did u go?数数多久不碰到我在每夜 彻夜狂想Where did u go?而这夜月光中 再见影纵 再献花多感动而似蜜甜的心 明明开心 为何又骤降温怎麽你一下子抱紧 却一下子转身 不再亲近独自苦等 仍然空等 难藏泪印看着 电话中短讯听着 录音的口讯昨天的你哪天再接近Tell me where did u go?心声都不可细诉Oh tell me baby where did u hide?辛苦都未被谅解Where did u go?数数多久不碰到我在每夜 彻夜狂想...Where did u go? Where did u go?怎会当这刻我需要你 你却没在我身边Where did u go? Where did u go?这秒钟很挂牵 你却不可感觉到Where did u go?!Tell me where did u go?心声都不可细诉Oh tell me baby where did u hide?辛苦都未被谅解Where did u go?数数多久不碰到我在每夜 彻夜狂想...Tell me where did u go?心声都不可细诉Oh tell me baby where did u hide?辛苦都未被谅解Where did u go?数数多久不碰到我在每夜 彻夜狂想...Where did u go?
2023-07-25 04:41:001

Where Did You Go 歌词

歌曲名:Where Did You Go歌手:Four Tops专辑:Late Night MotownWhere did you go - 邓紫琪作曲: 陶山作词: G.E.M.编曲 / 监制: 雷颂德曾看着同星空 闲聊吹风 看日出多心动曾每日缠一起 傻傻讲起 能爱到下世纪怎麽你俘虏这个心 却抽身退隐 不再亲近独自苦等 仍然空等 难藏泪印看着 电话中短讯听着 录音的口讯昨天的你哪天再接近Tell me where did u go?心声都不可细诉Oh tell me baby where did u hide?辛苦都未被谅解Where did u go?数数多久不碰到我在每夜 彻夜狂想Where did u go?而这夜月光中 再见影纵 再献花多感动而似蜜甜的心 明明开心 为何又骤降温怎麽你一下子抱紧 却一下子转身 不再亲近独自苦等 仍然空等 难藏泪印看着 电话中短讯听着 录音的口讯昨天的你哪天再接近Tell me where did u go?心声都不可细诉Oh tell me baby where did u hide?辛苦都未被谅解Where did u go?数数多久不碰到我在每夜 彻夜狂想...Where did u go? Where did u go?怎会当这刻我需要你 你却没在我身边Where did u go? Where did u go?这秒钟很挂牵 你却不可感觉到Where did u go?!Tell me where did u go?心声都不可细诉Oh tell me baby where did u hide?辛苦都未被谅解Where did u go?数数多久不碰到我在每夜 彻夜狂想...Tell me where did u go?心声都不可细诉Oh tell me baby where did u hide?辛苦都未被谅解Where did u go?数数多久不碰到我在每夜 彻夜狂想...Where did u go?
2023-07-25 04:41:071

哪位有where did you go的中文歌词

歌曲:Where Did You Go歌手:Reagan James所属专辑:Remedy互译歌词:Da da da da da ~~Da da~~嗒嗒嗒嗒嗒嗒~You"re giving up,你正想着放弃You"re leaving me,你正离我而去Said it"s unrealistic to think we aren"t on a mission难以置信,就像例行公事This is a chair, and I"ve been there这是一张椅子,而我一直在这儿If our eyes are on each other如果我们凝视彼此How can we tell there"s another watching?眼中便只有着彼此Da da da da da ~~Da da~~嗒嗒嗒~I"m watching.我看着你呢You"re taking a stair你正上楼梯You think it"s right你觉得这就对了Said three days they were certain treat for three-hundred more restless night你说了三天三夜,我们一同走过三百多个日日夜夜You don"t want me on your mind你不愿我进入你内心Said it"s a fear to others你说那使你心有余悸If you compare there they did hurts to mine看看他们对我干了啥Where did you go你要去哪呢How far away要去多远呢If you let me know, I"ll leave out on my way如果你让我知道,我愿意给你让道But until then I know但在此前我知道Be with you in your dreams我会在梦中陪伴你I"m closer to you我想紧紧靠着你Every time you fall asleep每当你睡着的时候,Dada da da da ~~Da da~~嗒嗒嗒~You sat so close,你坐得如此靠近But now is so far但此时却很遥远Said you didn"t need the你说你并不需要Didn"t need any one of those shooting stars不需要那些流星But now I doubt if we could get out但现在我却怀疑I should have wished on this star我会向流星许愿There was always about关于我们的所有Where did you go你去了哪呢How far away要去多远呢If you let me know, I"ll leave out on my way如果你让我知道,我愿意给你让道But until then I"ll be with you in your dreams但在这之前,我会在梦中陪伴你I"m closer to you我想紧紧靠着你Every time you fall asleep Oh~~每当你睡着的时候Someday along the road,未来的某一天,沿着某条路You"re gonna come to any,你会去向任何地方You"re drifting away into a dream你渐行渐远,变成一场梦I"ll be waiting for you on the see我依然会等着你出现在我视线里I"ll got the plane to rescue you meet where you set the ship on the bay我将成为你的机场,你的港湾Your heart in mine will be there to stay属于我的你的心,将在这里停留Will be there, there to stay就在这里,这里停留Where did you go你要去哪呢How far away要去多远呢If you let me know, I"ll leave out on my way如果你让我知道,我愿意给你让道But until then I"ll be with you in your dreams但在这之前,我会在梦中陪伴你I"m closer to you我想紧紧靠着你Every time you fall asleep Oh~~每当你睡着的时候
2023-07-25 04:41:151

邓紫棋的歌曲《Where did you go》的歌词是什么?

曾看着同星空 闲聊吹风 看日出多心动 曾每日缠一起 傻傻讲起 能爱到下世纪 怎麽你俘虏这个心 却抽身退隐 不再亲近 独自苦等 仍然空等 难藏泪印 看着 电话中短讯 听着 录音的口讯 昨天的你哪天再接近 Tell me where did u go? 心声都不可细诉 Oh tell me baby where did u hide? 辛苦都未被谅解 Where did u go? 数数多久不碰到 我在每夜 彻夜狂想 Where did u go? 而这夜月光中 再见影纵 再献花多感动 而似蜜甜的心 明明开心 为何又骤降温 怎麽你一下子抱紧 却一下子转身 不再亲近 独自苦等 仍然空等 难藏泪印 看着 电话中短讯 听着 录音的口讯 昨天的你哪天再接近 Tell me where did u go? 心声都不可细诉 Oh tell me baby where did u hide? 辛苦都未被谅解 Where did u go? 数数多久不碰到 我在每夜 彻夜狂想... Where did u go? Where did u go? 怎会当这刻我需要你 你却没在我身边 Where did u go? Where did u go? 这秒钟很挂牵 你却不可感觉到 Where did u go?! Tell me where did u go? 心声都不可细诉 Oh tell me baby where did u hide? 辛苦都未被谅解 Where did u go? 数数多久不碰到 我在每夜 彻夜狂想... Tell me where did u go? 心声都不可细诉 Oh tell me baby where did u hide? 辛苦都未被谅解 Where did u go? 数数多久不碰到 我在每夜 彻夜狂想... Where did u go?麻烦采纳,谢谢!
2023-07-25 04:41:231


问题一:你去哪里了 用英文怎么说 Where have you been? 本句表示被问的人去过某地,而且现在已经回来了。 Where have储you gone? 本句表示被问的人去某地了,而且现在还在他过的那个地方。 希望能帮到你。 问题二:翻译英文:你去哪了? Where have you been? 这个用在你已经回来了,我才问的情况下。 Where were you going? 强调问你过去某个特定时间去了哪儿。 Where did you go? 不强调 表示过去 你去过哪儿? 问题三:你去哪了?和你要去哪?用英语分别怎么说? 你去哪了? Where had you gone? /Where did you go? 你处去哪? Where will you go? Where are you going? 问题四:你去哪我就去哪的英文怎么说 I will go wherever you go 问题五:你要去哪里用英文怎么说 Where are you going? 这是最简单的问法。。一般口语中还会用到 Where are you heading? 希望对你有帮助,有问题可以追问哟~ 问题六:你去那里玩了?英语怎么说? 楼上说的太直了 按照老外的习惯应该是 where have you being? 问题七:你到哪里了 英文 where are you got 加分吧! 问题八:你要去哪里用英语怎么说 Where are you going to go?
2023-07-25 04:41:291

林肯公园的where did you go的歌词?

Where"d you go? 你去了哪里 I miss you so 我很想你 Seems like its been forever that you"ve been gone 看起来似乎你已经永远地离去 Verse1: She said somedays I feel like shit 那些日子她念叨着我狗屁不如 Somedays I wanna quit and just be normal for a bit 那些日子她念叨着我想要离去 为了普普通通地生活而离去 I don"t understand why you always have to be gone 我不明白你为何总是想要离去 I get along but your trips always feel so long 我可以忍耐 但你旅途的终结之时 却似乎总是遥遥无期 And I find myself trying to stay by the phone 我发觉自己在守着电话度过每一天 Because your voice always helps me to not to feel so alone 因为你的声音总会驱散我心中的寂寞 But I feel like an idiot, working my day around a call 但是我还是觉得自己像个白痴 成天靠你的电话过活 And when I pick up I don"t have much to say 而当我拿起电话 却又无话可说 so I want you to know its a little fucked up that 所以我想告诉你 现在我的生活一团糟 I"m stuck here waiting, at times debating 困在这里等待着你 心里却斗争着 Telling you that I"ve had it with you and your career 当初我们俩一起共创事业 Me and the rest of the family here singing 现在我却和家人在这里唱着 Chorus: Where"d you go? 你去了哪里 I miss you so 我很想你 Seems like its been forever that you"ve been gone 看起来似乎你已经永远地离去 Where"d you go? 你去了哪里 I miss you so 我很想你 Seems like its been forever that you"ve been gone 看起来似乎你已经永远地离去 Please Come back home 请你快回来 Verse2: You know, the place you used to live 还记得你过去生活的地方吗 Used to barbeque with burgers and ribs 过去常常做汉堡烤排骨的地方 Used to have a little party every halloween with candy by the pile 过去每年举办糖果堆积如山的万圣节聚会的地方 but now you only stop by every once in a while Yeah 而现在你却很少再来参加 I find myself just filling my time 我尽量让自己忙起来 With anything to keep the though of you from my mind 为了不去想你 I"m doing fine and I plan to keep it that way 我没有问题 而且会一直这样下去 You can call me if you find that you have something to say And I"ll tell you 若是有话想要对我说 就用电话联系我 I want you to know its a little fucked up that 所以我想告诉你 现在我的生活一团糟 I"m stuck here waiting, at times debating 困在这里等待着你 心里却斗争着 Telling you that I"ve had it with you and your career 当初我们俩一起共创事业 Me and the rest of the family here singing 现在我却和家人在这里唱着 Chorus: Where"d you go? 你去了哪里 I miss you so 我很想你 Seems like its been forever that you"ve been gone 看起来似乎你已经永远地离去 Where"d you go? 你去了哪里 I miss you so 我很想你 Seems like its been forever that you"ve been gone 看起来似乎你已经永远地离去 Please Come back home 请你快回来 Bridge: I want you to know its a little messed up that 现在的我生活一团糟 I"m stuck here waiting, no longer debating 困在这里等待,心里却已不再斗争 Tired of sitting here and waiting 厌倦了坐在这里等待 and makeing these excuses For why you"re not around, 厌倦了帮你编造那些你不在我身边的借口 and feeling sorta useless 没有任何意义的借口 It seems that one thing has been true all along 唯一可以肯定的是 You don"t really know what you"ve got till its gone 你不真正明白你拥有什么,直到它不再属于你 I guess I"ve had it with you and your career 我觉得自己已经忍无可忍 When you come back I won"t be here and you can sing it 当你回来的时候会发现我已不再在这里,而那时你也可以唱着 Chorus: Where"d you go? 你去了哪里 I miss you so 我很想你 Seems like its been forever that you"ve been gone 看起来似乎你已经永远地离去 Where"d you go? 你去了哪里 I miss you so 我很想你 Seems like its been forever that you"ve been gone 看起来似乎你已经永远地离去 Please Come back home 请你快回来 Please Come back home 请你快回来 Please Come back home 请你快回来 Please Come back home 请你快回来 PS:这首个不是LP的。是MIKE的乐队Fort minor唱--!
2023-07-25 04:41:381

初二上学期英语第一单元的作文怎么写?(题目是 where did you go

I went to Beijing on last vacation with my parents. We went there by airplane. The weather in Beijing was really good, it was sunny and very hot in the afternoon. We visited the Great Wall, the Palace Musuem and the Water Cube. We ate many different kinds of delicious food. My favourite food in Beijing is the Beijing Roast Duck, it taste very good. We had great time in Beijing, and we are going to visit Beijing again!
2023-07-25 04:41:462

where did you go如果简答的话可以用to sp回答吗?还是直接说some place

2023-07-25 04:42:052

Where did you go yesterday? 的回答

2023-07-25 04:42:305

2023-07-25 04:42:441

Where Did You Go 歌词

歌曲名:Where Did You Go歌手:Ashley Parker Angel专辑:Soundtrack To Your LifeWhere did you go?(Artist: ashley parker angel)by jjlovexxThere"s an empty room full of memories,And everywhere I look, it"s where we used to be.It"s like a photograph,A moment froze in time,I"m staring at your face, even when I close my eyes.Oh oh, where"d you go?I thought you"d never leave,Oh oh, should have known,How much you mean to me.Oh oh, where you are is where I wanna be,So, it"s a shame that you"ll never really know.I wish I could go back,And be with you again."Cos there"s so many things I should have said,When I had you listening.As close as we were then, as far as we are now,As much as this won"t change a thing,You"ve got me calling out...Oh oh, where"d you go?I thought you"d never leave,Oh oh, should have known,How much you mean to me.Oh oh, where you are is where I wanna be,So, it"s a shame that you"ll never really know.Now was it ever meant to last?The candles burned from yesterday,The past is over, gone aheadAnd watch the glow just fade away.I can"t run to catch my breath,I can"t hide to see what"s left,The plans, the hopes, the dreams, the tears,All disappeared...Oh oh, where"d you go?I thought you"d never leave,Oh oh, should have known,How much you mean to me.Oh oh, where you are is where I wanna be,So, it"s a shame that you"ll never really know.Oh oh, where"d you go?I thought you"d never leave,Oh oh, should have known,How much you mean to me.Oh oh, where you are is where I wanna be,So, it"s a shame that you"ll never really know.So, it"s a shame that you"ll never really know...It"s a shame that I never really showed.
2023-07-25 04:42:511

Where Did You Go 歌词

歌曲名:Where Did You Go歌手:Boyzone专辑:Where We BelongTell me where did you go?Tell me where did you go?Tell me where did you go?Hoping and praying maybe I"m mistakenThat this feeling is all in my imaginationCos I, I never knew your love would change so fastI thought we"d built a love so strong to lastDriving me crazy am I losing youWon"t you tell me cos I need to knowTell me where did you go?(we made a promise to be open now the secrecy)Where did you go?(you drive me crazy, can"t imagine how it"s hurting me)Where did you go?(although you"re here with me it seems we"ve lost that chemistry)And I can"t be in love on my ownWhere did you go?Tell me where did you go?You said foreverWe"d cherish all our dreams togetherSeems like foreverForever since I felt the pleasureOh girl,The pleasure holding you so close at nightThe times we used to talk by candle light(by candle light)There"s something in the air you"ve been so coldIs there something that I need to knowI never knew your love would change so fastI thought we"d built a love so strong to last, girlDriving me crazy am I losing youWon"t you tell me "cos I need to know(we made a promise to be open now the secrecy)(you drive me crazy, can"t imagine how it"s hurting me)(although you"re here with me it seems we"ve lost that chemistry)(where did you go? where did you, where did you?)Tell me where did you goEnd
2023-07-25 04:42:581

where did you go加过去时间怎么造句?

where did you go last weekuff1f
2023-07-25 04:43:077

你知道I went to Yunnan,where did you go on vacation这两句话怎么翻译吗?

2023-07-25 04:43:351

小学五年级作文50字:WHERE DID YOU GO?

作文标题: WHERE DID YOU GO? 关 键 词: 小学五年级 50字 字 数: 50字作文 本文适合: 小学五年级 作文来源: 本作文是关于小学五年级50字的作文,题目为:《WHERE DID YOU GO?》,欢迎大家踊跃投稿。 Where did you go? What did you see? Who did you meet in London? Where did you go? What did you see? What did you buy in London? I went to the park. I saw lots of places. I didn it buy anything at all, but I had a lovely time!
2023-07-25 04:43:491

where did you go 怎么回答

I went to ...后面加你去的地方 比如说公园I went to park. 希望能帮助到你 望采纳
2023-07-25 04:44:111

where did you go是什么意思

2023-07-25 04:44:315

Where did you go? Where are you going ?两句话除了时态不同,为什么一个用do 一个用are,

Where did you go? I went home.where are you going? I am going home.从回答上看出来了吗?特殊疑问句的构成,有系动词的,置于主语you前面就行,没有系动词的,只有实义动词用助动词do does did帮忙构成,也置于主语you前面。更多例子:where did he go? He went home.where was he going?He was going home.where does he go?He goes to school.
2023-07-25 04:44:483