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--I’ve run out of money to buy a new bike. –Oh, _________. You have to walk. A.that’s ...

2023-07-25 15:43:27








一步之遥中的new money是什么意思

2023-07-25 04:06:316

new money是什么意思

new money意为暴发户。暴发户指的是一个人在短时间内获取了大量的财富。暴发户是一个贬义词,指的是某人拥有财富,但并未拥有与财富相匹配的素质和文化水平。暴发户也指一个人从较低的社会和经济地位,突然变得富有和有权势。除此之外,“new money”还有其他几种含义,略带褒义:1. 指的是那些通过自己努力赚取财富的人,但这些人并非来自富裕的家庭。2. 新注入的资金。而Old money 字面意思是“旧钱或老钱”,它在俚语中表示贵族的意思,跟new money 相反,“old money”是祖传的财产;继承祖传财产的人,也就是我们现在时常说的“富二代”。与“money” 有关的俚语:1、Spend money like water.挥金如土2、blue one"s money.胡乱挥霍,乱花钱3、Money talks.金钱万能,有钱能使鬼推磨4、money is the root of all evil. 金钱是万恶之源5、money is no object.钱不成问题
2023-07-25 04:07:101

old money和new money 的意思

old money 旧币,继承的财富; new money 新的钱,新(增)货币(资金); old money的意思是:传统的贵族; new money 的意思是:新贵阶层(暴发户); new money和old money都没有褒贬之意的 扩展资料   Old money, but also just plain old.   老而有钱,但实在太老了。   To come from old money; to marry into money.   出身富家;嫁给了有钱人家。   The west end is full of hedge funds, oil barons and old money.   伦敦西区到处是对冲基金、石油大亨和旧富们。   We"re buying a new TV with the money.   我们要用这笔钱买一台新电视机。   Julian has been thinking up new ways of raising money   朱利安想出了不少筹款的新办法。
2023-07-25 04:07:291

什么是old money和new money?

2023-07-25 04:07:377

new money和old money的区别

new money一般是指“暴发户、新富”的意思,old money则指那些家里祖祖辈辈都很有钱的贵族。new money主要是指那些出生于不太富裕的家庭、通过个人努力和机遇而获得财富,跻身于比较上层社会的人。 new money和old money的不同 new money和old money的区别在于它们的含义不同。 new money的意思是“新(增)货币(资金),暴发户”。 old money的意思是“继承的财富,继承祖传财产的人”。 money的用法 1.表示“钱”,是不可数名词。如: I haven"t got any money on me.我身上一点钱都没有。 2.汉语说“零花钱”,说成英语是pocket money。如: Your son gets much too much pocket money.你儿子的零花钱太多了。 英语中另一个表示“零花钱”的词语是allowance。如: My weekly allowance is$50.我每周的零花钱是50美元。 3.汉语说“零钱”,说成英语通常是(small)change。如: Here is your change.这是你的找头。 4.汉语说“挣钱”,说成英语是make money。如: He knows the art of making money.他懂得生财之道。 5.注意不要误解以下表达的意思:ready money(现钱),public money(公款),dear money(高利贷款),drink money(赏钱),easy money(容易赚来的钱),等。
2023-07-25 04:07:511

new money是什么意思

new money意为新货币;暴发户。暴发户指的是一个人在短时间内获取了大量的财富。暴发户是一个贬义词,指的是某人拥有财富,但并未拥有与财富相匹配的素质和文化水平。暴发户也指一个人从较低的社会和经济地位,突然变得富有和有权势。中国是现金使用大国,也是现金制造大国,人民币是我国唯一的合法货币,拥有硬币和纸币两种形式。人民币由中国人民银行统一发行、强制流通,以国家信用作为保障,私人不能印制、发行货币。纸币本身没有金属货币那种内在价值,且本身价值比国家确定的货币价值小很多,只是一种货币价值的符号。以人民币支付中华人民共和国境内的一切公共的、私人的债务,任何单位和个人不能拒收。人民币的单位为元,辅币单位为角、分。任何单位和个人不能印制、发售代币票券,以代替人民币在市场上流通。1948年12月1日,第一套人民币开始发行,面额有1元、5元、10元、20元、50元、100元、200元、500元、1000元、5000元、10000元、50000元,共计12种面额、62种版别。
2023-07-25 04:07:581


问题自电影步遥old money指传统贵族new money指新贵阶层理解暴发户传统贵族屑于与暴发户所暴发户想提升修养留住贵族
2023-07-25 04:08:431


money实体类:public class Money {//1 定义整形成员变量yuan,jiao,fenprivate int yuan;private int jiao;private int fen;public Money(int yuan,int jiao,int fen){//2 构造方法,初始化成员yuan,jiao,fenthis.yuan = yuan;this.jiao = jiao;this.fen = fen;}public int getYuan() {return yuan;}public void setYuan(int yuan) {this.yuan = yuan;}public int getJiao() {return jiao;}public void setJiao(int jiao) {this.jiao = jiao;}public int getFen() {return fen;}public void setFen(int fen) {this.fen = fen;}}入口点/主方法:public class MoneyShow {public void show(Money money){//3 void show()方法按XX元XX角XX分格式输出System.out.println(money.getYuan()+"元"+money.getJiao()+"角"+money.getFen()+"分");}public static void main(String[] args) {int yuan = 10,jiao = 5,fen = 3;Money money = new Money(yuan,jiao,fen);//4 创建Money对象,再调用show()方法输出MoneyShow ms = new MoneyShow();;}}
2023-07-25 04:08:532

java 结果集中list中根据每一个币种进行金额求和怎么写

代码写好了,币种和金额作为Money类的属性存储到List中,再将List中重复币种的金额相加,如下(注意在Eclipse或者MyEclispse里面运行时,添加相关的包):public class Money { private String type; //币种 private int value; //金额 //初始化币种和金额 public Money(String type,int value){ this.type=type; this.value=value; } //这个构造器仅仅用于获得一个Money类去调用isSameType()方法,注意这个类只能在本类中使用 Money(){} //获取相同类型的币种并且将它们的金额总和放在一个list中 public List isSameType(List<Money> list){ List l = new ArrayList<Money>(); if(list!=null){ for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++) { int sumMoney=list.get(i).value; for(int j = i+1;j<list.size();j++){ if(list.get(i).type.equals(list.get(j).type)){ sumMoney=sumMoney+list.get(j).value; list.remove(list.get(j)); j=j-1;//删除一个元素以后还原指针位置 } } Money m =new Money(list.get(i).type,sumMoney); l.add(m); } } return l; } public String toString(){ return "币种类型:"+ this.type+" 金额总和:"+this.value; } public static void main(String[] args) { //初始化 List<Money> list = new ArrayList<Money>(); Money m1 = new Money("dollar",6); Money m2 = new Money("renmbi",8); Money m3 = new Money("dollar",7); Money m4 = new Money("dollar",9); Money m5 = new Money("lubu",4); Money m6 = new Money("renmbi",10); Money m7 = new Money("lubu",3); Money m8 = new Money("taidao",15); list.add(m1);//注意这里加入两次m1 list.add(m1); list.add(m2); list.add(m3); list.add(m4); list.add(m5); list.add(m6); list.add(m7); list.add(m8); Money m = new Money(); //求和 List l = m.isSameType(list); for (int i = 0; i < l.size(); i++) { System.out.println(l.get(i)); } }}
2023-07-25 04:09:001

音悦台blank space歌词

Blank SpaceNice to meet you, where you"ve been?很高兴遇见了你,你去哪了呢?I can show you incredible things.我能够给你些你无法想象的东西。Magic, madness, heaven, sin.魔力、疯狂、天堂、魔鬼Saw you there and I thought oh my god 当我看到你时我就知道你是我的真命子Look at that face, you look like my next mistake看着你的脸,我知道你是我的下一个劫Love"s a game,wanna play?爱情是一场游戏,想要玩吗?New money, suit and tie.暴发户,西装和领结I can read you like a magazine.读懂你就像在读一本杂志Ain"t it funny,rumors fly?流言蜚语,好玩吗?And I know you"ve heard about me你一定听说过我So hey,let"s be friends and I will see how this one ends.因此,让我们成吧,我将见证这一次是怎么结束的Grab your passport and my hand抓紧你的护照和我的手I could make the bad guys good for a weekend.我会让坏家伙好过一周的。So it"s gonna be forever永恒Or it"s gonna go down in flames还是消失在火海。。。You can tell me when it"s over你能够告诉我它何时会结束吗?If the high was worth the pain如果这是值得的。Got a long list of ex lovers.They"ll tell you I"m insane他们说我很狂野,因为我有许多前任Cause you know I love the players 可是你知道我已经深陷其中了吗And you love the game而你只是享受这个过程Cause we"re young and we"re reckless我们年轻且疯狂We "ll take this way too far这条路,走得太远了It"ll leave you breathless or with a nasty scar它会让你屏住呼吸、并让你伤痕累累Got a long list of ex lovers.They"ll tell you I"m insane他们说我很狂野,因为我有许多前任But I got a blank space baby但我还是很孤寂,宝贝And I"ll write your name.因此我写下了你的名字Cherry lips, crystal skies桃红色的唇膏,湛蓝的天空I could show you incredible things我能够给你些你无法想象的东西。Slowly kisses,pretty lies柔和的吻,美丽的谎言You"re the king baby I"m your queen你是国王我是你的皇后Find out what you want 我会成为你想要的那样Be that girl for a month变成你想要的女孩一个月But the worst is yet to come但坏事迟早会发生Oh no噢不Screaming, crying, perfect storms尖叫、哭诉、狂风暴雨I could make all the tables turn掀翻了所有的桌子Rose garden filled with thorns花园里充斥着荆棘Keep you second guessing like oh my god, who is she?当你遇到了你的真名天女I get drunk on jealousy我嫉妒、喝醉了But you"ll come back each time you leave从此,你一回来就离开Cause darling I"m a nightmare dresses like a daydream每晚我都做着噩梦,白天又做着白日梦So it"s gonna be forever永恒Or it"s gonna go down in flames还是消失在火海
2023-07-25 04:09:081


2023-07-25 04:09:164


Party A Party B on custom-made products, both A and B by consensus, to make this agreement. First, Party A Party B for the custom-made products, by fax or telephone B offer for the production and packaging and custom-B products, such as infringement dispute by the B take full responsibility. Party A Party B who commissioned the production of products and packaging are all underwriting B, Party A shall not be unauthorized products to other markets; B, but did not put a trademark and logo products (including substandard goods) by the Party itself Sales. With the price of Party A Party B to the freight warehouse, with 17% of the value-added tax invoices. Since then, two other proposed new products, shipments to the list of Party A shall calculate the value. Third, delivery and acceptance and payment methods: 1, the signing of the contract goods will be issued within 30 days, Party A Party B should receive an offer of goods. Party A Party B direct delivery to the warehouse to sign for whichever member of Warehouse B; Party commissioned the logistics of cargo transport company to transport logistics company based certificate. 2, to sign a contract within three days of pre-paid Party B 30% loan to the Party; the signing of the contract within 30 days to Party A Party B warehouse inspection, Party A Party B received all the money-box shipments. Fourth, the quality of questions: Party should be produced in line with the country "QB/T2580-2002" genuine standard classification requirements. Party A Party B commissioned custom-made products and packaging, according to a written request to produce B, in the pot lid or enamel surface of the paste into a B logo sticker. However, Party A production of the product, below the ear engraved with "JS" signs. If quality problems in the inspection B Party to challenge. Five other Question: Party A Party B for custom packaging and trademarks, B should be issued by the commission shows that the number of custom packaging should be made to the amount of cargo the same day in advance to all the Party, the Party received Advance after the printing of Party A Party B commissioned the production of packaging. Custom-made for each species should not be less than just Wu Qian, or Party A Party B to cope with the varieties of each plate costs 1,000 yuan. B as a result of delays in advance of time, resulting in delayed shipments Party by Party B is responsible for. The new packaging Yenga plate period of 15 days in order to defer the date of shipment. Sixth, the agreement to resolve disputes: friendly consultations. Not a consensus by the plaintiffs to resolve the people"s court is located. Seven of the agreement deadline: the expiration of the agreement the two sides raised no objection, to continue the implementation of this agreement. Two copies of this agreement, the two sides split on an A and B, the entry into force of the seal.参考词典 自己修改了点!应该合适!
2023-07-25 04:09:263

taylor的blank space语音备忘录,唱歌部分的歌词中英文

英文歌词:Nice to meet youWhere you"ve been?I can show you incredible thingsMagic, madness, heaven, sinsSaw you there and I thought oh my godLook at that face, you look like my next mistakeLove"s a game, wanna playNew money, suit and tieI can read you like a magazineAin"t it funny rumors flyAnd I know you"ve heard about meSo hey, let"s be friendsAnd I"m dying to see how this one endsGrab your passport and my handI can make the bad guys good for a weekendSo it"s gonna be foreverOr it"s gonna go down in flamesYou can tell me when it"s overIf the high was worth the painGot a long list of ex-loversThey"ll tell you I"m insaneCause you know I love the playersAnd you love the gameCause we"re young and we"re recklessWe"ll take this way too farIt"ll leave you breathlessOr with a nasty scarGot a long list of ex-loversThey"ll tell you I"m insaneBut I got a blank space babyAnd I"ll write your nameCherry lipsCrystal skiesI can show you incredible thingsstolen kisses, pretty liesYou"re the king baby I"m your queenFind out what you wantBe that girl for a monthBut the worst is yet to comeOh noScreaming, crying, perfect stormsI can make all the tables turnRose garden filled with thornsKeep you second guessing like oh my godWho is she? I get drunk on jealousyBut you"ll come back each time you leaveCause darling I"m a nightmare dressed like a daydreamSo it"s gonna be foreverOr it"s gonna go down in flamesYou can tell me when it"s overIf the high was worth the painGot a long list of ex-loversThey"ll tell you I"m insaneCause you know I love the playersAnd you love the gameCause we"re young and we"re reckless、We"ll take this way too farIt"ll leave you breathlessOr with a nasty scarGot a long list of ex-loversThey"l tell you I"m insaneBut I got a blank space babyAnd I"ll write your nameBoys only want loveIf it"s tortureDon"t say I didn"t say I didn"t warn youBoys only want loveif it"s tortureDon"t say I didn"t say I didn"t warn youSo it"s gonna be foreverOr it"s gonna go down in flamesYou can tell me when it"s overIf the high was worth the painGot a long list of ex-loversThey"ll tell you I"m insaneCause you know I love the playersAnd you love the gameCause we"re young and we"re recklessWe"ll take this way too farIt"ll leave you breathlessOr with a nasty scarGot a long list of ex-loversThey"ll tell you I"m insaneBut I got a blank space babyAnd I"ll write your name中文翻译:很开心见到你一直以来你去哪里了?我可以向你展示美好的事物魔幻、狂热、天堂或是罪恶一见到你我就想,天哪看看这张脸,你看上去就像我下一场错误若爱是一场游戏,你要玩吗?你西装革履一看就是新贵我可以像读一本杂志一样看透你谣言纷飞是不是很有趣而且我知道你也曾听说过我那先交个朋友吧我迫不及待想看看这次是怎么结束的带上你的护照,牵着我的手我可以让那些坏男孩乖乖一周末或许我们可以白头偕老或燃烧殆尽你想要分手的时候可以告诉我是否这些美好值得这些痛楚我有一长串前男友名单他们会告诉你我很疯狂因为我就是喜欢游戏玩家而你喜欢把爱情当游戏由于我们年轻而不计后果我们总会让事情走向极端总会让你感到束缚与窒息或者会带给你深刻的伤害我有一长串前男友的名单他们一定会告诉你我很疯狂但是亲爱的,名单上还有空白呢而我会写下你的名字樱桃般娇艳欲滴的嘴唇水晶般澄澈明亮的天空我可以向你展示美好的事物偷窃的吻,美丽的谎言如果你是国王我就是皇后找出你喜欢的类型我会当一个月那种类型的女孩但最恐怖的你还没见识到哦,不尖叫,哭泣,祸不单行我可以翻手为云覆手为雨让美艳的玫瑰花园荆棘丛生我会变得让你都不认识,我天她是谁?我嫉妒了,发疯般的嫉妒但我知道你每次离开最终总会回到我身边因为亲爱的,我只是一个伪装成白日梦的噩梦或许我们可以白头偕老或烈火焚身结束的时候你可以告诉我是否这些美好足以盖过痛楚我有一长串前男友的名单他们或许会告诉你我是个疯子因为我就是喜欢游戏玩家而你也喜欢把爱情当游戏由于我们年轻而又不计后果我们总会让事情走向极端总会让你感到束缚与窒息或者会带给你深刻的伤害我有一长串前男友的名单他们一定会告诉你我是个疯子但是亲爱的,名单上有空白而我将会写下你的名字男孩们只想要折磨人的爱情别说我没警告过你男孩们只想要折磨人的爱情别说我没警告过你或许我们可以白头偕老要么烈火焚身你想要分手的时候你可以直接告诉我如果这些美好足以盖过痛楚,我愿意放手一搏我有一长串前男友的名单他们肯定会告诉你我是个疯子我就是喜欢游戏玩家而你喜欢把爱情当游戏由于我们年轻而又不计后果我们总会让事情走向极端总会让你感到束缚与窒息甚至烙下难堪的烙印我那一串长长的男朋友名单他们都会告诉你我是个疯子但是亲爱的,我留了一个空白位置而我会写下你的名字
2023-07-25 04:09:343


“在百万级豪华SUV中,你可能再也找不到像Q7一样定位精准的了”。毕竟,虽然奥迪Q7和保时捷卡宴以及大众途锐都是出自MLB EVO平台的产物,但若你的预算恰巧在100万附近,却执意要去购买一台低配保时捷卡宴,那就很有可能会被别人误认为是个“New money”。可要是用同样的价格去购买一台大众途锐呢?即便能够买到顶配车型,但大众品牌“天生中庸”,开上去不免会给人一种“Old money”的错觉。而选择奥迪Q7则就完全不用考虑这样的问题,一来是因为奥迪的品牌力刚好适中,不会和保时捷一样浮夸,也不会如大众一样平淡·。二则是因为在科技感与年轻化的塑造上,奥迪始终是第一梯队的成员。也正是因为这份“独特的品质”,让现款Q7自从2015年正式上市后就迅速成为了豪华级SUV的销量王牌之一。只是由于竞品车型相继改款,导致现款车型在产品力方面已经大不如前,于是为了重新夺回市场的高低,奥迪Q7如今也已经完成了中期改款,并将在5月7日正式上市。作为奥迪SUV车型中的次旗舰级产品,此次全新奥迪Q7终于用上了全新的家族式设计语言,前脸夸张的八边形一体式进气格栅,搭配六根垂直饰条,与旗舰车型奥迪Q8如出一辙。另外在前保险杠处还配有磨砂银饰板,使得整个前脸的层次感有了显著的提升。由两部分组成的侧进风口在提升车辆颜值的同时还为空气动力学的优化做出了一定的贡献。至于最拿手的灯光部分,此次“灯厂”自然也是没有让大家失望,新车可选装高清矩阵式LED大灯带激光大灯,其轮廓和照明特征在视觉上增大了车身宽度,整体灯光排布和设计更为精致,且照明范围与亮度也得到了近一步提升。在侧面造型上,新车与现款保持了同样的设计。这也不难理解,如果不是刻意去追求溜背造型,其实现款的线条设计已经非常出色了。不过新车在轮辋上有了更多可选空间,共有7款样式可供选择。尾部造型的变化主要在于加入了一条贯穿两侧的镀铬饰条,让整体视觉效果被极大拉宽,层次感也更加明晰。同时尾灯内部也经过了全新设计,与头灯造型相互呼应,夜晚点亮后辨识度相当出色。此外全新奥迪Q7还提供了8种外饰颜色的选择,除了搭配同色的前后保险杠与门槛护板,也可为其选装对比色套件,多种风格的色彩配合隆起的轮眉,说是动静皆宜丝毫不为过,只要你足够有创意,完全可以打造出一台“独一无二”的奥迪Q7。内饰部分,全新奥迪Q7采用了熟悉的“三屏联动”布局,12.3英寸全液晶虚拟驾驶舱、10.1英寸上方中央触摸显示屏、8.6英寸下方中央触摸显示屏的组合,成为了整个内饰部分当之无愧的视觉中心,同时整车几乎所有功能都可以通过这三块屏幕来进行控制与调整。其中10.1英寸上区显示屏用于控制信息娱乐系统和导航系统,8.6英寸下区显示屏让驾驶员能够管理加热、通风、空调以及舒适功能和文字输入。而12.3英寸屏幕的主要作用则是快速且无故障地显示所有车辆功能的信息概览,它能够更快地访问数据和存储列表,并支持3D城市模型,旅途目的地立体化呈现。当然,这一切功能都要基于MMI升级版导航系统才能够实现。不仅如此,在内饰部分新车还额外提供了多样化的材质和色彩组合,多达30*30种的颜色组合可以营造各种场景与气氛,再配合恰到好处的氛围灯与功率高达558瓦的高品质Bose音响,让你无论是面对佳人还是美静,都能安心沉浸于其中。在尺寸上,新车的长宽高为5067/1970/1712mm,轴距2999mm。相比前款车型,车长缩短了2mm,车宽增加了2mm,车高降低了4mm,轴距缩短了2mm,整体变化并不大。只不过这次全新奥迪Q7使用了全系标配7座的设计,因此在车内空间运用的灵活度上要优于现款(同时也带来了两年一验的烦恼)。动力部分,新款奥迪分别搭载了2.0T直列四缸和3.0T V6两款涡轮增压汽油发动机,并配备48V轻混系统,最大功率分别为180千瓦和245千瓦,峰值扭矩为370牛·米和500牛·米,与之匹配的传动系统为8速手自一体变速箱。为了保证新车拥有傲视同级的通过能力,全新奥迪Q7还标配quattro全时四驱系统,一般情况下中央差速器会以40:60比例将动力传送至前后轴。当遇到湿滑路面时,可将大部分动力传送至牵引力较好的车轴,极限条件下可达到70:30,甚至15:85,与一般硬派越野车的高速四驱模式并无差别。除此之外,全新奥迪Q7还有七种不同驾驶模式可选,分别为:舒适、自动、动态、高效、个性化、全路况和越野,与自适应悬架系统高度配合,可以实现对底盘高度的灵活控制(+60/-55mm),可以说不管你是日常代步还是涉足野外,它都能帮你找到最合适的行驶姿态。总体来看,虽说此次的全新奥迪Q7只是中期改款,但无论从外观内饰还是动力总成上来看,都绝不亚于全新改款的力度。各位年轻的新贵们,你们准备好了吗?*部分图片来源于网络,如有侵权请联系删除原创文章,转载需授权-The End-本文来源于汽车之家车家号作者,不代表汽车之家的观点立场。
2023-07-25 04:09:531


  体育是一种复杂的社会文化现象,它以身体与智力活动为基本手段,根据人体生长发育、技能形成和机能提高等规律,达到促进全面发育、提高身体素质与全面教育水平、增强体质与提高运动能力、改善生活方式与提高生活质量的一种有意识、有目的、有组织的社会活动。那么你知道体育用英语怎么说吗?下面来学习一下吧。    体育的英语说法1:   sport   体育的英语说法2:   physical culture    体育的英语说法3:   physical training    体育的相关短语:   体育场 stadium ; Millennium Stadium ; Hongkou Stadium ; Stadion   体育中心 Sports Center ; sports centre ; complex ; The Home Depot Center   体育彩票 sports lottery ; sports lotteries ; sports lottery tickets ; Hubei sports   体育课 gym class ; physical education ; PE ; PE Lesson   体育委员 commissary in charge of sports ; sports ; commissary in charge of actions ;   体育游戏 Sports games ; SPG ; SPT ; SPGSports Game   日刊体育 Nikkan Sports ; the daily sports ; Ilgan Sports   体育新闻 Sports News ; Sporting News ; Sports Journalism ; A Piece of Sport News    体育的英语例句:   1. The team also won praise for sportsmanship and fair play.   该队还因其良好的体育精神及公平竞争精神而受到了表扬。   2. A bit of exercise will help lift his spirits.   进行一点儿体育锻炼能帮助他改善情绪。   3. A thousand supporters packed into the stadium to cheer them on.   1,000名支持者挤进体育馆里为他们加油。   4. Their sporting reputation has suffered enormously from Johnson"s exposure.   由于约翰逊东窗事发,他们的体育声誉受到了严重损害。   5. Thousands of people, mainly Zulus, assembled in a stadium in Thokoza.   数以千计的人,主要是祖鲁族人,聚集在托考查的一个体育场里。   6. They have been given college scholarships purely on athletic ability.   他们完全是凭体育特长才获得了大学奖学金。   7. She"s not as mad about sport as I am.   她不像我对体育那么痴迷。   8. The National Collegiate Athletic Association introduced drug testing in the mid-1980s.   美国大学体育联合会在20世纪80年代中期开始实行药物检测。   9. Athletics South Africa was formed by an amalgamation of two organisations.   南非体育协会由两个组织合并而成。   10. His sporting and political interests coalesced admirably in his writing about climbing.   他在写登山的文章中,把自己对体育和政治的兴趣完美地结合了起来。   11. I bet you were good at games when you were at school.   我敢说你上学时体育很棒。   12. Exercise has a major part to play in preventing and combating disease.   体育锻炼在疾病防治方面发挥着重要作用。   13. We were rather surprised by their sporting and correct behaviour.   他们富有体育精神而且举止得体,让我们感到相当惊讶。   14. To generate new money the sport needs to be more entertaining.   要想创造更多的收入,这项体育活动需要变得更加有趣味性。   15. Under his editorship, the Economist has introduced regular sports coverage.   在他担任编辑期间,《经济家》开始定期刊登体育报道。
2023-07-25 04:10:021

08年 流行什么歌?

2023-07-25 04:10:177


2023-07-25 04:10:334


give lucky money
2023-07-25 04:11:1011

翻译 给压岁钱

give new year moneygive money as a lunar New Year gift.
2023-07-25 04:11:576


   礼的毁灭、改良与重生   在远古时代,基本不能理解一切带有灾害性质自然现象的人,相信在天地之间,除了有超越自然的神掌管着世间万物与人之命运,还有形形色色的鬼在作祟。而没有任何超自然能力的人,只能以虔诚的态度,用各种形式向神鬼跪拜敬礼,祈求祥福。所以在远古时代,人们“行礼”的对象主要为神鬼,并在长期持续的祭拜活动中,将各种程序与形式逐渐完善与固定下来,形成了最初的礼仪。   在私有制与阶级、国家等制度出现之后,奴隶社会取代了原始社会,人类文明开始出现,礼仪也随之从原始性的敬神仪式,发展至以阶级为基准的伦理道德观念。诸位神明变成了一种精神寄托,奴隶主贵族则取而代之,成为具有绝对权威的“行礼对象”。也正是在这个社会阶段,古代华夏族以丰富的礼仪文化成为“礼仪之邦”,并有“夏礼、殷礼、周礼”三代之礼。西周时代更是中国的“礼治”时代,由周公主持定下的《周礼》更是成为中国最早和最为重要的礼仪论著。   随着人类文明的进一步发展,进入封建社会后,礼具有了严格的阶级属性,主要作用变为维护封建社会的等级秩序。《周礼》、《仪礼》和《礼记》成为了封建社会的礼制经典,从唐朝开始即被定为科举考试的基本科目,位列九经中的三篇。宋朝之后,朱熹将解说《周礼》与《仪礼》的《礼记》重新编撰,并将其列为儒家五经之一,进入科举考试科目。封建时代的礼更像是一门“人治之法”,能够通过礼稳固世袭的阶级结构,在保证整个封建社会的稳定发展与交替的同时,在人与人之间建立为人处世的良性规范。   如果说中国封建社会之礼是建立在君权和父权的基础之上,那么西方封建社会之礼则建立在君权和神权的基础之上。而这两者也因为“君权神授”的观点有所关联。   在封建社会式微、新兴资产阶级兴起时,西方掀起文艺复兴运动,将在封建社会占统治地位的“以神为本”转换成“以人为本”。以出生定阶级、以阶级定行事标准的礼仪系统,以及贵族与仆役之间不相容亦不 平等的“互相对立”的人际关系,在文艺复兴时代均被重新审视。贵族并不天生高人一等,仆役亦有权选择学习与实现阶级上升。属于封建社会的“阶级式 礼仪标准”,被逐渐转换成为“人人平等式礼仪标准”。   进入西方资本主义萌芽时期之后,新兴资产阶级在经济领域充分继承了封建君主的“征服”美德——大批海外殖民地的开拓、与老钱阶级相对应的new money(暴发户)群体的出现,使得看似“人人平等、自我实现”的资产阶级式处世之礼有了变化:在英国与法国,出现了一批用钱买贵族名头的“伪雅族”,在美国,出现了用不同价钱隔离不同收入人群的商业形式。虽然一度只为特权阶层服务的奢侈品产业,在根据“人人平等”的原则进行了大规模的阶层下放,但它也同时转换成为了“有钱才能买到”的新式礼仪准则:财富取代了阶层,成为新的“敬仰”对象。   资本主义社会商品经济的盛行,使人类社会进入了新的阶段:消费主义社会。在这个神权不存在、阶级被消灭、人本主义盛行的阶段之中,无处不在的商品造就了以金钱为基准的新式社会阶层:贫穷阶层,中产阶层,以及富人阶层。而因经济危机与抢夺资源催生的两次世界大战,则让人们开始反思以金钱为本的社会体系之中,曾经被神权与阶级所压制的人权是否又陷入了对于人性新的压制怪圈:消费至上。   两次世界大战与战后时期,消费主义与反消费主义同时盛行,精英团体与嬉皮士团体相安无事。在经历无数次的社会与文化解构之后,需要正装出席的礼仪场合依然存在,只是“正装”的概念变得五花八门——你当然可以穿着三件套配双运动鞋,也可以套着华美长裙外搭一件朋克小皮衣。多形式的生存理念、多方式的生活选择,都被逐渐的尊重和扶持起来——在这个时代,礼所构建的基础并非社会付诸与人的一切名头与称号,而是人类彼此之间所天然拥有的尊重、理解与相互独立。   从人类文明发展的不同阶段我们可以看到,“礼仪”的养成永远与一个时代的气质与变迁有关。奴隶时代的敬神礼仪被封建时代毁灭,并建立一套以人之阶级为重心的礼仪系统。封建时代的等级礼仪被资产阶级毁灭,在保留王室的基础上进行了看似“人人平等”其实“尊重资本”的新式礼仪系统。两次世界大战又让人们全面反思资本对于人性的毁灭,重新建立一套以尊重他人为基础的礼仪(日常礼貌)系统。不同时代,“礼”所需要尊敬的对象、“礼”的概念的构成也有所不同。但它永远是人类的执念。   1.下列关于原文内容的表述,不正确的一项是( )   A.在远古时代,人们只能以虔诚的态度,向神鬼敬礼,并将各种程式完善并固定下来,形成了最初的礼仪。   B.私有制出现之后,礼也有所变化,诸神变成了精神寄托,奴隶主贵族成为具有绝对权威的“行礼对象”。   C.华夏民族成为“礼仪之邦”,是因为中国有夏礼、殷礼、周礼,而且西周时代更是中国的“礼治”时代。   D.西方封建社会的礼建立在君权和神权基础之上,但两者因“君权神授”而有所关联。   2.下列理解和分析,不符合原文意思的一项是( )   A.“礼”在奴隶社会是以阶级为基准的伦理道德观念,进入封建社会,它具有了严格的阶级属性,有利于维护封建社会的等级秩序。   B.在文艺复兴时代,人们重新审视以出生定阶级,以阶级定行事标准的"礼仪系统,礼仪标准也逐步转换成为“人人平等式礼仪标准”。   C.进入西方资本主义萌芽时期之后,财富成为新的“敬仰”对象。礼仪标准也随之变化,表现为“人人平等”原则的大规模下放。   D.因经济危机与抢夺资源催生的两次世界大战,让人们开始反思金钱对人性的压制,“消费至上”的衡量标准受到人们的质疑。   3.根据原文内容,下列理解和分析不正确的一项是( )   A.“礼”能够使社会阶级结构变得十分稳固,保证社会稳定发展与交替的同时,能建立起为人处世的良性规范。   B.在经历了社会与文化的发展演变之后,人类彼此之间拥有的尊重、理解与相互独立成了“礼”构建的基础。   C.“礼”的发展大致经历了四个阶段,其特点分别为:“敬神”“以等级为重心”“尊重资本”以及“以尊重人为基础”。   D.人类社会之中,“礼”永远是人类的执念,它的发展与演变基本上是与社会阶段的演进同步的。    参考答案:   1.C (强加因果。形成“夏礼、殷礼、周礼”三代之礼,是华夏民族成为礼仪之邦的表现,而不是原因。)   2.C(偷换概念。大规模的阶层下放的是“奢侈品产业”,而不是“人人平等”的原则。)   3.A(以偏概全,将封建社会的范围扩大为社会发展的各个阶段,另外,稳固的是“世袭”的阶级结构。)
2023-07-25 04:12:101


2023-07-25 04:12:196


Money Is Not Everything Money and Morality Almost all material things here on earth can be bought with money. Money is a medium of exchange to acquire any services or material things that we want or need. For many people, money is everything. They believe that having a lot of money can bring them to the satisfaction of which they have dreamed. That"s how powerful is money. It can control the mind of an individual. 金钱不是万能的 金钱与道德 地球几乎所有的物质都可以用钱买到,钱是用来获得我们想要的服务或我们需要的物质的交换媒介。对很多人来说,钱就是一切,他们认为有钱就能实现他们一切的愿望。这就是人们常说的“金钱是万能的”。钱会控制人类的个性心理。 Many people, because of their obsession to have more money will do anything, even if they have to transfigure people into objects to acquire what they really want. That is why in our economy today, the rich become richer, and the poor become poorer. How sad it is to know that kind of reality. 那些认为有钱就有一切的人们,只要能得到他们想要的东西,即使是把人变成的物体的事他们也会做。这也是为什么,在我们今天的经济社会,富人越来越富,穷人越来越穷。说法往往引向事实。 Money can be acquired in many ways. Most people will work to earn money. Some will create a business to accumulate and increase the amount of money they have. In moments of desperation, most people would pawn their jewelry and other belongings to obtain instant money. Some of them would sell their properties and even their structured settlements in order for them to have available cash. The worst thing of all is that a person would risk his own life and dignity by doing a criminal act only to have money. How ironic it is. They think of money as everything to their lives, but they are wrong, absolutely wrong. 赚钱的渠道有很多。大多数人做工作挣钱。一些人通过创业使他们的钱得到积累和增值。绝望的时候,他们大多会抵押他们所拥有的珠宝或财产来获得转瞬即逝的金钱。他们中的一些会卖掉他们的财产甚至是终身赔偿来换取现钱。更糟的是,有的人甚至不顾生命和尊严,走向犯罪道路,获取不义之财。多么讽刺啊。他们认为钱是他们生命中的一切,但是其实他们错了,绝对错了。 The reality that we should embrace is that we need money, but it does not follow that money is the only reason of our existence here on earth. Money is important, but it is not everything. There are many factors that can create fulfillment here on earth, not money alone. They are our family, our friends, and even our new acquaintances. They can help us grow and reach our goals. 我们应该接受的事实是,我们需要钱,但钱绝不是生存的唯一理由。钱很重要,即不能代表一切。除了钱,还有很多东西可以丰富我们的 生活。他们可以帮我们成长和达到目标。 Remember that money is only a material thing. It is created for our convenience, but it should be used for good. It is created for us to control; it is not made to control us. Imagine a person has enough money to buy anything and everything that he wants, but can you imagine that with only that resource that such a person could be truly happy and fulfilled? 记住,钱只是一种物质而已。它是为了我们生活方便而生的,应该用于好的方面。它生来就是为我们控制的,而不是用来控制我们的。如果一个人有足够的钱来买任何他想要的东西,你觉得只有这钱一种东西的人能得到真正快乐和充实吗? Money is good but loving it makes it bad. We can work hard to earn more money. We can sell our properties and our other belongings to have money in emergencies. Remember, we should work not only for the reason of receiving but also for the reason of giving. Money is indeed important, but it is not everything. 金钱虽好却不能做守财奴。我们可以通过努力工作赚钱。紧急时,我们可以卖掉我们的财产或其他所有物来换钱。但是,请铭记,我们工作不仅是为了得到,同时也是付出也是生活的意义。钱的确很重要,但是它不是万能的。
2023-07-25 04:12:491


once, there was a legend about a monster which appears at new year festival. in order to scared it away people played fireworks and got everthing in red. red is also a symbol of luck. lucky money was something envolved to that.50个字可以吗
2023-07-25 04:12:584


2023-07-25 04:13:456


2023-07-25 04:14:084

How can I get more moneyuff1f

写作思路:首先要理解所给要求的含义,意思是“如何理财”,那么就可以给出正确的理财方法的建议,避免语法的使用错误等等。正文:Financial management ability is directly related to a person"s future survival and development in the society. People who are good at financial management will be easier to get a stable life than other people, and have preliminary financial management ability, which will help you to go to the society in the future.理财能力直接关系到一个人今后在社会上生存发展,善于理财的人将会比其他的人更容易获得稳定的生活,具备初步的理财能力,这样会对你以后走向社会有点帮助。Nowadays, many people don"t plan before spending. They usually spend a lot of money and spend it in advance. At the critical moment, they can only ask their parents for help. So the first thing you need to know is to learn to keep accounts.现在很多人花销之前都是不计划的,平时花钱大手大脚,总是提前就把钱花完了,关键时刻就只能向父母求助。所以你要懂得的第一个道理就是学会记账。Write down every sum of money you spend, analyze it every week, see what money should be spent and what is unnecessary, and then remind yourself to avoid unnecessary consumption next week.把自己用掉的每一笔钱都记下来,每周拿出来分析一下,看看哪些钱该花,那些是不必要的,然后提醒自己在下周避免那些不必要的消费。Bookkeeping can not only exercise our memory and organization, but also let us understand that efficient consumption is reasonable consumption. Using bills to assist consumption will improve the deficiency of consumption and make life full of color.记账不仅可以锻炼自己的记忆力和条理性,更让我们懂得有效率的消费才是合理的消费。用账单来辅助消费,就会改善消费中的不足,让生活以为账单而充满色彩。New year"s money is a blessing given to us by our relatives, not ordinary pocket money. Only meaningful use can we live up to the love of our relatives. You can deposit money in your own bank account. Generally, half of it can be withdrawn at any time during the period of death. The period of death can increase your income. The current can be withdrawn when you need it and used when you need it.压岁钱是亲人给予我们的祝福,不是一般的零花钱,有意义的运用才不会辜负亲人的爱。可以把钱存到你自己开设了银行账户上,一般死期,一半可以随时取出,死期可以增加收入,活期可以在需要的时候取出来,用在需要的时候。When you have surplus money in your hand, you should learn how to make your money appreciate. You can try to learn some investment knowledge. When you have accumulated some investment knowledge, you can try to buy a small amount of funds or bonds. As for how to choose, it depends on your interest.手里有了余钱,这时你就要学会如何让自己手中的钱升值。你可以试着学习一些投资知识,当你积累了一定的投资知识后,可以试着开始购买少量的基金或者债券等。至于选择怎样的方式,就要看你的兴趣了。The purpose of financial management is not only to let you save a lot of money and let money rise, but also to make your future life more secure. Through my introduction, I believe you have a certain understanding of financial management. If you want to have a deeper understanding, you need to take the initiative to learn more financial management knowledge, and then slowly explore in practice.理财的目的不仅仅是让你省下许多钱和让钱升,更重要的是让你未来的生活更有保障通过我的介绍,相信你对理财有了一定的了解,想要有更深入的了解,还需要你自己去主动学习更多的理财知识,然后赞实践中慢慢摸索。
2023-07-25 04:14:341

new money 什么意思

一般在美国,说new money不是新钱,而是指新兴产业挣到的钱。这是相对于old money来说的。old money的典型:富二代,家族遗产,家族企业或者传统企业老板挣到的钱。new money的典型:科技产业,自主创业,自己打拼获得成功挣到的钱。比较褒义。
2023-07-25 04:15:031

问一首歌的歌名,记得有段歌词是if you like, I can take you to som

it you
2023-07-25 04:15:112

泰勒斯威夫特 空白格歌词英文版

Blank Space英文歌词Nice to meet youWhere you*ve been?I can show you incredible thingsMagic, madness, heaven, sinsSaw you there and I thought oh my godLook at that face, you look like my next mistakeLove*s a game, wanna playNew money, suit and tieI can read you like a magazineAin*t it funny rumors flyAnd I know you*ve heard about meSo hey, let*s be friendsAnd I will see how this one endsGrab your passport and my handI can make the bad guys good for a weekendSo it*s gonna be foreverOr it*s gonna go down in flamesYou can tell me when it*s overIf the high was worth the painGot a long list of ex-loversThey*ll tell you I*m insaneCause you know I love the playersAnd you love the gameCause we*re young and we*re recklessWe*ll take this way too farIt*ll leave you breathlessOr with a nasty scarGot a long list of ex-loversThey*ll tell you I*m insaneBut I got a blank space babyAnd I*ll write your nameCherry lipsCrystal skiesI could show you incredible thingsSlowly kisses, pretty liesYou*re the king baby I*m your queenFind out what you wantBe that girl for a monthBut the worst is yet to comeOh noScreaming, crying, perfect stormsI could make all the tables turnRose garden filled with thornsKeep you second guessing like oh my godWho is she? I get drunk on jealousyBut you*ll come back each time you leaveCause darling I*m a nightmare dressed like a daydreamSo it*s gonna be foreverOr it*s gonna go down in flamesYou can tell me when it*s overIf the high was worth the painGot a long list of ex-loversThey*ll tell you I*m insaneCause you know I love the playersAnd you love the gameCause we*re young and we*re recklessWe*ll take this way too farIt*ll leave you breathlessOr with a nasty scarGot a long list of ex-loversThey*ll tell you I*m insaneBut I got a blank space babyAnd I*ll write your nameBoy there*s only one loveIf it*s tortureDon*t say I didn*t say I didn*t warn youBoy it*s only one love if it*s tortureDon*t say I didn*t say I didn*t warn youSo it*s gonna be foreverOr it*s gonna go down in flamesYou can tell me when it*s overIf the high was worth the painGot a long list of ex-loversThey*ll tell you I*m insaneCause you know I love the playersAnd you love the gameCause we*re young and we*re recklessWe*ll take this way too farIt*ll leave you breathlessOr with a nasty scarGot a long list of ex-loversThey*ll tell you I*m insaneBut I got a blank space babyAnd I*ll write your name
2023-07-25 04:15:191


<Blank Space>Nice to meet you很开心见到你Where you"ve been?一直以来你去哪里了?I can show you incredible things我可以向你展示不可思议的事物Magic, madness, heaven, sins魔幻、狂热、天堂或是罪恶Saw you there and I thought oh my god在这里见到你使我想起,哦我的上帝啊Look at that face, you look like my next mistake在这里见到你,使我觉得你就是我的下一个前任Love"s a game, wanna play爱是一个有趣的游戏,你要玩吗?New money, suit and tie新贵、西装和领带I can read you like a magazine我可以像读一本杂志一样了解你Ain"t it funny rumors fly这难道不是很有趣的谣传吗And I know you"ve heard about me我知道你也曾听说过我So hey, let"s be friends那么交个朋友吧And I"m dying to see how this one ends我简直等不及想看看这次是怎么结束的Grab your passport and my hand你的通行证和我的手,抓紧了别松I can make the bad guys good for a weekend我可以让那些坏男孩乖乖一周末So it"s gonna be forever这将是永远Or it"s gonna go down in flames或许也会失败You can tell me when it"s over当结束的时候你可以告诉我If the high was worth the pain得到的欢愉是否值得这痛苦Got a long list of ex-lovers我拥有一长串的前男友They"ll tell you I"m insane他们会告诉你我很疯狂Cause you know I love the players因为你知道我爱这爱情里的人啊And you love the game而你(只)喜欢这个游戏Cause we"re young and we"re reckless我们很年轻,我们做事不计后果We"ll take this way too far我们会发展的很快It"ll leave you breathless它会让你喘不过气来Or with a nasty scar或给你留下深深的伤害Got a long list of ex-lovers我那一大串的前男友They"ll tell you I"m insane会告诉你我很疯狂But I got a blank space baby但宝贝我特意给你留了一个空白空间And I"ll write your name也许我会把你写进歌里Cherry lips樱桃般娇艳欲滴的嘴唇Crystal skies水晶般澄澈明亮的天空I could show you incredible things我可以向你展示不可思议的事物Slowly kisses, pretty lies缓慢的吻,美丽的谎言You"re the king baby I"m your queen如果你是国王那我就是的王后Find out what you want找出你真正想要的是什么吧Be that girl for a month和那个女孩待一个月吧But the worst is yet to come但糟糕的事情还在后头呢Oh no哦不Screaming, crying, perfect storms尖叫,哭泣,祸不单行I could make all the tables turn我可以扭转局面反败为胜Rose garden filled with thorns玫瑰园充满荆棘Keep you second guessing like oh my god继续你的猜测吧Who is she? I get drunk on jealousy她是谁?我嫉妒地发狂But you"ll come back each time you leave但是你每次走之后都会回到我身边Cause darling I"m a nightmare dressed like a daydream因为亲爱的,我是一个装扮成白日梦的噩梦So it"s gonna be forever要么是永远Or it"s gonna go down in flames要么如火一般燃尽You can tell me when it"s over当结束时你可以告诉我If the high was worth the pain得到的欢愉是否值得这痛苦Got a long list of ex-lovers一长串的前男友们They"ll tell you I"m insane会告诉你我是个疯子Cause you know I love the players你知道我爱这爱情里的人And you love the game而你(只)爱这游戏Cause we"re young and we"re reckless、我们年轻,我们做事不计后果We"ll take this way too far我们走得太远It"ll leave you breathless让你喘不过气来Or with a nasty scar或许会给你带来深深的伤害Got a long list of ex-lovers一长串的前男友They"l tell you I"m insane一次又一次地警告你我是个疯子But I got a blank space baby但是我还留有一个空白的空间And I"ll write your name我会写下你的名字Boys only want love男孩们只想要爱If it"s torture如果它是折磨呢Don"t say I didn"t say I didn"t warn you别说我没警告过你Boys only want love男孩们只想要爱if it"s torture如果它充满折磨Don"t say I didn"t say I didn"t warn you别说我没警告过你So it"s gonna be forever所以选择吧 要么是永远Or it"s gonna go down in flames要么在火焰中燃尽You can tell me when it"s over当结束的时候请你告诉我If the high was worth the pain得到的欢愉是否配得上痛苦Got a long list of ex-lovers一长串的前男友They"ll tell you I"m insane他们会告诉你我是个疯子Cause you know I love the players因为你知道我爱这爱情里的人啊And you love the game而你只爱这游戏Cause we"re young and we"re reckless因为我们年轻,我们做事不计后果We"ll take this way too far我们发展的太深It"ll leave you breathless这让你窒息Or with a nasty scar快到让你伤痛Got a long list of ex-lovers那些前男友们They"ll tell you I"m insane他们会告诉你我是个疯子But I got a blank space baby但我还有一个空白的空间And I"ll write your name我会写下你的名字
2023-07-25 04:15:271

2023-07-25 04:15:353

谁知道这首歌的名字,里面有句歌词是“all my want is money in my packet,cash in my hand"好像是这样,

歌名:Cash In My PocketWon"t waste my moneyNo, i see a new pathMaking new money now i got a new laugh (ha)Music is playing me well, so i ain"t gonna be the one to find a new craftIf it ain"t for you find a new pathIf you can"t hack it, better find a new classTriple Akon gotta find a new passDrive me not to do when i"m buying new carsAll i really want is money in my pocketCash in my hand yoSkrilla in my WalletAll i really want is money in my pocketCash in my hand yeSkrilla in my walletA dog gets one he puts away halfSo when i get one i"m gonna put away halfI make money slow i make money fastThen back to the hood so i can have the last laughStill laughing cuz i know i"m not a halfWhen we release we don"t wanna half chartThe IQ is high some of them are half smartBut i do it like Ronson hard days craftAll i really want is money in my pocketCash in my hand yoSkrilla in my WalletAll i really want is money in my pocketCash in my hand yeSkrilla in my wallet (ye ye ye)Skrilla in my wallet (ye ye ye)Skrilla in my wallet (ye ye ye)All i want is that cheese i"m tryna get that cheddarCuz money make the world go roundAll i need is that bread with a little bit of a butterCuz i really need those poundsSo i counted it once and i put some in my pocketAnd counted it twice then i make sure not to drop itI got a London attitude don"t careI don"t hear in my head by so many years in family crying out so many tears no way
2023-07-25 04:15:431

求英语作文 how to use my pocket money ? 帮帮忙撒 !!

Nowadays, it is a commonplace that children own startle amount of pocket money. These new moneybags never earned one dollar but had glorious consumptive point of view. As far as I am concerned, we should decrease their pocket money. The reasons can be listed as following.First , money produce negative effect on children. As I can see, there are few children could make a correct decision on purchasing, especially as the sum of the money is affluent. They always use it in some harmful ways, such as trying to drink and smoke. It is danger both on their physical and mental aspects. Second, parents should change their way to express their love. In China, giving a little money to children is a traditional way to show the love of the adult. With the increasing amount of money that has be given , some children become a moneybags during one night. In this reason, changing the way to express our feeling is necessary. In order to reduce children"s money as well as the bad influence from money,….
2023-07-25 04:15:521

children can get some new year s money翻成中文

2023-07-25 04:16:205


assistantship 助学金gift money 压岁钱pin money 零花钱
2023-07-25 04:16:358


2023-07-25 04:17:116


Advantages and disadvantages of the gift moneyAs everyone knows,gift money is a children"s love,because each to have the Spring Festival when the adults will give children a new gift money.Therefore,gift money can let children feel happy.However,if the gift money denominations are too big,can lead to children because the more money and splurge that spend money like water,lead to the life of a child destruction.Therefore,gift money is a double-edged sword,there are advantages and disadvantages.翻译:压岁钱的利与弊众所周知,压岁钱是儿童们的最爱,因为每到过年的时候大人们都会发给孩子们崭新的压岁钱.所以,压岁钱可以让孩子们感到快乐.但是,如果压岁钱的面额太大,就会导致孩子们因为过多的钱财而随意挥霍以至于挥金如土,导致孩子的一生毁灭.所以,压岁钱是一把双刃剑,有利也有弊.
2023-07-25 04:17:371

My lucky money小学英语作文

This year""s Spring festival is not noisy as last year in my opinion. It is so quite as usual. Because I thought my lucky money is much less than last years. I felt very sad ( ) for money. But I will still tell you " Happy tiger year " . OH YEAR ! That means"虎年快乐" I still eat a big dinner and we eat dumplings. in the new year and get lucky money I will use my lucky money to do something interesting to enrich my life. I would like to donate a little money to the poor children. but I don""t know how to donate.So Mmm... I can""t donate my money to them. I will spend my lucky money to buy some tool to learn. Because I need buy something next team on learning. Wish everyone can have a good time!
2023-07-25 04:17:461

Money [Dollar Bill] 歌词

歌曲名:Money [Dollar Bill]歌手:Everlast&Sadat X专辑:Whitey Ford Sings The Blues [Explicit]The Game - MoneyKanye told me that Jesus walks in "04But I grew up around impalas and drug lordsWelcome to Los Angeles palm trees and drug storesAll we know is rocks and presidents like mount rushmoreFuck the police they hop out and bust doorsI ain"t goin back to jail nigga that what I flush forMy money or my glock who do I trust more?I don"t know it"s probably the one that I touch moreGuess it"s the green cause paper motivate niggasAnd my rolex races cause it hate niggasI use to only sell 8s like that laker niggaNow I"m movin 24s like I play at the staples centerYou might miss the game so nigga don"t blinkMy phantom stand out like Frank Lucas minkSo go ahead and think like Frank Lucas thinkSomebody"ll find your brains on the fuckin kitchen sink aboutDead presidents, Big paperBenjamins, Skyscrapers, My niggas getMy Bitches getLike the strippers getFrom the block to the club I make it rainIn California niggas dieFrom the south to new york the bullets fly for theDon"t stop gettinIt don"t matter where you from if you hustle motherfucker keep gettin thatYeah YeahI get it that baby and slim cash moneyAll the jewlery on your whole crew that"s my tax moneyThat pablo escabar crack moneyThat Lebron first nike contract moneyThat make it rain all my niggas throw a stack moneyStack it to the ceiling then call it shaq moneyThat walk in the club, straight to the back moneyFlavor of love delicious sittin on my lap moneyThat rat money niggas get clapped moneyAir force ones don"t bend when I track moneyOoh I"m rich like ?Havin Alpo nightmares whippin that borderLike McDonalds I was flippin them ordersIn that "02 porsche truck weavin through bordersI was through flippin quarters When I made my first milI"m about a dollar 50 cent ain"t realDead presidents, Big paperBenjamins, Skyscrapers, My niggas getMy Bitches getLike the strippers getFrom the block to the club I make it rainIn California niggas dieFrom the south to new york the bullets fly for theDon"t stop gettinIt don"t matter where you from if you hustle motherfucker keep gettin thatOoh Somebody tell snoop to pop open them briefcasesOrder that patron tell em we want 3 casesFuck a black card you see these green facesLook at my chest... now you"ve seen VegasTreat my money like the cristal that we wastinCause I"m a money machine I can re-make itYou a fool thinkin that Freddy can see JasonI been iced out like who the fuck need JacobThe doc told me to be patient but I walkedMoney like the white howard next time he a free agentI"m tryna make enough money so I can feed AsiaHave asains in the kitchen cookin in louis v apronsWord to martha stewart if I can park a buickThen I can flip a breech truck I got the heart to do itBall like the nigga tony parker do itSpeak no englis but dinero I talk it fluentDead presidents, Big paperBenjamins, Skyscrapers, My niggas getMy Bitches getLike the strippers getFrom the block to the club I make it rainIn California niggas dieFrom the south to new york the bullets fly for theDon"t stop gettinIt don"t matter where you from if you hustle motherfucker keep gettin thatGet Get Get Get G-Get cha paper boyGet Get Get Get G-Get cha paper boyGet Get Get Get G-Get cha paper boyGet Get Get Get Get Get Yea!
2023-07-25 04:17:541


import java.util.Scanner; public class bank { int number,id; int year,month,day; float money; String name; void set(int y,int m,int d) { year=y; month=m; day=d; } public String toString() { return year+"年"+month+"月"+day+"日"; } public float money1(int n) { money=money+n; return money; } public float money2(int x) { if(money<x) return 0; money=money-x; return money; } public static void main(String args[]) { bank b=new bank(); b.set(2009,8,6);; b.number=1;;"张三"; System.out.println("用户名:"; System.out.println("身份证号:"; System.out.println("开户日期是:"+b.toString()); System.out.print("请输入存入的数额:"); Scanner sc = new Scanner(; int i = sc.nextInt(); b.money1(i); System.out.print("账户余额:"; System.out.println(); System.out.print("请输入取款余额:"); Scanner cc = new Scanner(; int j = cc.nextInt(); b.money2(j); System.out.print("账户余额:"; } }
2023-07-25 04:18:141

"爸爸的新年计划是找一份新工作,争更多的钱 " 用英语怎么说

The new year"s plan of my father is to find a new job and make more money.
2023-07-25 04:18:224

请问:Chapin,_____money was now no problem, started a new film company with his friends.

2023-07-25 04:18:3110

请高手来讨论下这道题: (?)he needed money for a new car, he decided not to borrow it from bank.

2023-07-25 04:18:565


I get money, I get money, I get I get I get money (50)[Chorus]I get money, money is got (I I get it)I get money, money is got (I I get it)I get money, money is got (Yeah)Money I got, money is got (I run New York!)I get money, money is got (I I get it)I get money, money is got (I I get it)I get money, money is got (Yeah yeah)Money is got, money is got (I run New York!)[Verse 1]I take quarter water sold it in bottles for 2 bucks,But Coca-Cola came and bought itFor billions, what the f**k?Have a baby by me; babyBe a millionaireI write the check before the baby comes,Who the f**k cares?Im stanky richIma die tryna spend this shitSouthside"s up in in this bitchYeah I smell like the vaultI used to sell dopeI did play the blockNow I play on boatsIn the south of FranceBaby, St. TropezGet a tan? I"m already blackRich? I"m already thatGangsta, get a gatHit a head in a hatCall that a riddle rapShit, f**k the chitter chatI"m the baker, i bake the breadThe barber, i cut ya headThe marksman, i spray the lead"I blood clot, chop ya leg"Do not f**k with the kidI get biz wit the ciggI come where you liveYa dig![Chorus:]I get money, money is got (I I get it)I get money, money is got (I I get it)I get money, money is got (Yeah)Money I got, money is got (I run New York!)I get money, money is got (I I get it)I get money, money is got (I I get it)I get money, money is got (Yeah yeah)Money is got, money is got (I run New York!)[Verse 2]You can call this my new shitBut it aint new thoughI got rid of my old bitchNow i got new hoesFirst is was the BenzoNow im in the Enzo, Ferrari, I"m sorry!I keep blowin up! (Oh!!)They call me the cake manThe strawberry shake manI spray the ARMake your whole click breakdanceBackspin, headspin, flatline, ya dead then9 shells, Mach 10,"who wan get it crackin?!"I was young, i couldnt do goodNow i cant do badI ride, wreck the new JagI just buy the new JagNow nigga why you mad?Oh you cant do thatIm so forgetful, they callin me cockyI come up out the jeweler, they callin me RockyIts the ice on my neck man, the wrists and my left handBling like BLAOWYou like my styleHa ha im headin to the bank right now[Chorus:]I get money, money is got (I I get it)I get money, money is got (I I get it)I get money, money is got (Yeah)Money I got, money is got (I run New York!)I get money, money is got (I I get it)I get money, money is got (I I get it)I get money, money is got (Yeah yeah)Money is got, money is got (I run New York!)Yeah, I talk the talk, and I walk the walkLike a teflon Don, boy i run New YorkWhen i come outta court, yea i pop the CorkI keep it gangsta, have ya outlined in chalkI I get it,In the hood if ya ask about meTheyll tell ya im bout my breadI I get it,Round the world if ya ask about meTheyll tell ya they love the kidI I get it,Whoa Hey..I I get it,Whoa Hey..I I get it,Whoa Hey..Yeah,Whoa Hey..I run New York!Whoa Hey..I I get it,Whoa Hey..I I get it,Whoa Hey..Yeah, yeah,Whoa Hey..I run New York!Whoa..I get money, money is gotIm back on the streets man,I get money, money is gotIm bringin the heat man,I get money, money is gotIm on my grind,Money I got, money is gotLike all the time,I get money, money is gotTryna stop my shine,I get money, money is gotIll cock my 9Dont get outta line,Money I got, money is gotI said dont get outta lineI I get it..I I get it..Yeah, yeah.望采纳
2023-07-25 04:19:111


using System;using System.Collections.Generic;using System.Text;namespace ConsoleApplication1{ public class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { System.Console.Write("金额: "); string s = System.Console.ReadLine(); double m; try { m = double.Parse(s); Money money = new Money(m); Console.WriteLine(money.Convert()); } catch (FormatException ex) { System.Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); } } } public class Money { /// <summary> /// 要转换的数字 /// </summary> private double j; /// <summary> /// /// </summary> private string[] NumChineseCharacter = new string[] { "零", "壹", "贰", "叁", "肆", "伍", "陆", "柒", "捌", "玖" }; public Money(double m) { this.j = m; } /// <summary> /// 判断输入的数字是否大于double类型 /// </summary> private bool IsNumber { get { if (j > double.MaxValue || j <= 0) return false; else return true; } } /// <summary> /// 数字转换成大写汉字主函数 /// </summary> /// <returns>返回转换后的大写汉字</returns> public string Convert() { string bb = ""; if (IsNumber) { string str = j.ToString(); string[] Num = str.Split("."); if (Num.Length == 1) { bb = NumberString(Num[0]) + "元整"; bb = bb.Replace("零零", "零"); } else { bb = NumberString(Num[0]) + "元"; bb += FloatString(Num[1]); bb = bb.Replace("零零", "零"); } } else { throw new FormatException("你输入的数字格式不正确或不是数字!"); } return bb; } /// <summary> /// 小数位转换只支持两位的小数 /// </summary> /// <param name="Num">转换的小数</param> /// <returns>小数转换成汉字</returns> private string FloatString(string Num) { string cc = ""; if (Num.Length > 2) { throw new FormatException("小数位数过多."); } else { string bb = ConvertString(Num); int len = bb.IndexOf("零"); if (len != 0) { bb = bb.Replace("零", ""); if (bb.Length == 1) { cc = bb.Substring(0, 1) + "角整"; } else { cc = bb.Substring(0, 1) + "角"; cc += bb.Substring(1, 1) + "分"; } } else cc = bb + "分"; } return cc; } /// <summary> /// 判断数字位数以进行拆分转换 /// </summary> /// <param name="Num">要进行拆分的数字</param> /// <returns>转换成的汉字</returns> private string NumberString(string Num) { string bb = ""; if (Num.Length <= 4) { bb = Convert4(Num); } else if (Num.Length > 4 && Num.Length <= 8) { bb = Convert4(Num.Substring(0, Num.Length - 4)) + "万"; bb += Convert4(Num.Substring(Num.Length - 4, 4)); } else if (Num.Length > 8 && Num.Length <= 12) { bb = Convert4(Num.Substring(0, Num.Length - 8)) + "亿"; if (Convert4(Num.Substring(Num.Length - 8, 4)) == "") if (Convert4(Num.Substring(Num.Length - 4, 4)) != "") bb += "零"; else bb += ""; else bb += Convert4(Num.Substring(Num.Length - 8, 4)) + "万"; bb += Convert4(Num.Substring(Num.Length - 4, 4)); } return bb; } /// <summary> /// 四位数字的转换 /// </summary> /// <param name="Num">准备转换的四位数字</param> /// <returns>转换以后的汉字</returns> private string Convert4(string Num) { string bb = ""; if (Num.Length == 1) { bb = ConvertString(Num); } else if (Num.Length == 2) { bb = ConvertString(Num); bb = Convert2(bb); } else if (Num.Length == 3) { bb = ConvertString(Num); bb = Convert3(bb); } else { bb = ConvertString(Num); string cc = ""; string len = bb.Substring(0, 4); if (len != "零零零零") { len = bb.Substring(0, 3); if (len != "零零零") { bb = bb.Replace("零零零", ""); if (bb.Length == 1) { bb = bb.Substring(0, 1) + "仟"; } else { if (bb.Substring(0, 1) != "零" && bb.Substring(0, 2) != "零") cc = bb.Substring(0, 1) + "仟"; else cc = bb.Substring(0, 1); bb = cc + Convert3(bb.Substring(1, 3)); } } else { bb = bb.Replace("零零零", "零"); } } else { bb = bb.Replace("零零零零", ""); } } return bb; } /// <summary> /// 将数字转换成汉字 /// </summary> /// <param name="Num">需要转换的数字</param> /// <returns>转换后的汉字</returns> private string ConvertString(string Num) { string bb = ""; for (int i = 0; i < Num.Length; i++) { bb += NumChineseCharacter[int.Parse(Num.Substring(i, 1))]; } return bb; } /// <summary> /// 两位数字的转换 /// </summary> /// <param name="Num">两位数字</param> /// <returns>转换后的汉字</returns> private string Convert2(string Num) { string bb = ""; string cc = ""; string len = Num.Substring(0, 1); if (len != "零") { bb = Num.Replace("零", ""); if (bb.Length == 1) { cc = bb.Substring(0, 1) + "拾"; } else { cc = bb.Substring(0, 1) + "拾"; cc += bb.Substring(1, 1); } } else cc = Num; return cc; } /// <summary> /// 三位数字的转换 /// </summary> /// <param name="Num">三位数字</param> /// <returns>转换后的汉字</returns> private string Convert3(string Num) { string bb = ""; string cc = ""; string len = Num.Substring(0, 2); if (len != "零零") { bb = Num.Replace("零零", ""); if (bb.Length == 1) { bb = bb.Substring(0, 1) + "佰"; } else { if (bb.Substring(0, 1) != "零") cc = bb.Substring(0, 1) + "佰"; else cc = bb.Substring(0, 1); bb = cc + Convert2(bb.Substring(1, 2)); } } else { bb = Num.Replace("零零", "零"); } return bb; } }}
2023-07-25 04:20:037

5. He has spent ( ) money on his new house.

2023-07-25 04:20:182

all the money (spend正确形式),he had to find a new job

2023-07-25 04:20:284


select cast(cardMoney as int) as cardMomey from 表
2023-07-25 04:20:365

中国过年怎么庆祝 中英文

2023-07-25 04:20:512


1I bought a new hat, which cost me a lot of money2I"ll ask the police for help 3They are looking forward to your letter.
2023-07-25 04:21:146