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英文翻译(酒店CHECK IN )

2023-07-25 15:12:20




1)Sir or Miss I would like to leave my luggage in the hotel because it is too early for me to check in; 2)Sir or Miss I would like to check in. May I pick up my luggage that left in the hotel sometime ago; 3) Sir or Miss may I leave my luggage in the hotel for a while after my checking out ; 4) Sir or Miss may I ask when will be the arrival time of airport coach;


miss may是什么意思

2023-07-25 03:02:293


2023-07-25 03:02:381


2023-07-25 03:02:498

MISS may,I am calling to( )my appointment with 该选哪个?

选4 打电话让他接听
2023-07-25 03:03:052


《My Best Teacher》 Just arrived high school"s, has known very many teachers and schoolmate. However the impression deepest must be mathematics teacher, he is one has the characteristic teacher very much. Including his character, appearance, teaching style ...... On him practices divination is interesting, one day he asks us:“You knew what my nickname does call?”Then he sees us not to have what reflection, then also said: “Several days have told you again.”Crossed a while he also to say that,“My nickname calls log actually.”We all are bewildered, he also said:“is a mathematics mark, two days you have been able to study.”Caused yackets. We all fall in love with his class, his class both relaxed and may learn very many knowledge. Is really worthily our characteristic teacher.
2023-07-25 03:03:122

good marksman may miss全句解析

Good marksman may miss好的射手也有射失的时候Good 好的(定语)marksman 射手(主语)may 可能(表推测的情态动词)miss 错失;遗漏;错过;思念(行为动词和前面的情态动词may组成谓语)
2023-07-25 03:03:191

miss maynell and i grew to know

2023-07-25 03:03:261

Miss 有几种意思

2023-07-25 03:03:346


2023-07-25 03:04:116


missn.女士;(用于姓名或姓之前,对未婚女子的称呼)小姐;失误v.思念;漏掉;错过(机会);没遇到自百度翻译 你可以直接百度miss这个单词 然后会有发音教导 美式发音和英式发音都有的
2023-07-25 03:04:564


2023-07-25 03:05:208

Miss May I的《Monument》 歌词

歌曲名:Monument歌手:Miss May I专辑:Monument [Deluxe]Miss May I -Monumentarving into fresh stone as powder fills the air.A brick taken from the earth to show mankind a meaning.What has been missing for so many years.Wait till all eyes are open.This pedestal will change the worldand will lead you to a new beginning.This pedestal will change the worldand will lead you in a new direction.Pacifists try to settle without a war.This is our war,This is our war.This is our answer.This is our reply.Our monument.Our dreams will not die.With every piece withered away knowledge will show beneath.Blueish clouds arisethrough cracks billowing into the sky, into the sky.Once seen by all kind it will bring absolute transition.Gazed upon as this sits high above everyone.This is our answer.This is our reply.Our monument.Our dreams will not die.Untouchable to all, untouchable to all.Behold our monument, untouchable to all.Behold our monument.
2023-07-25 03:06:031

汗马之劳用英语怎么说 汗马之劳英语翻译?

汗马之劳的英语是”lifts a finger”,还经常被译作lift a hand,在《英英汉-英英汉词典》中,共找到44个与汗马之劳相关的短语翻译和用法。16. stir a hand(帮忙, 尽举手之劳;帮忙,尽举手之劳)16. That ought to do it. Oh, guys, no.16. But if you wish to undergo the journey, then i salute you as a fellow artist, and i will do everything i can to help you.译文:但你若执意入行 作为同行我深表钦佩 如需帮助 愿效犬马之劳。16. You don"t have to lift a finger.16. After we invade the city, it"s just be little effort for us to mince Wei Shou Bou into pork buns.16. Same thing, yeah. i"m just doin" a favor, you know?16. That doesn"t cost you anything.16. Not a string. Just a favour.译文:没什么企图 举手之劳 {3cH202020}Not a string.。16. it requires very little of me and will mean the world to him.16. – Thank you Cora, we"ll do our best.16. Miss May, you don"t have to thank me.16. it isn"t simply that they"ve had to reinvent the wheel of how to do these prosecutions; they"ve forgotten that the wheel exists, and therefore, we have zero prosecutions, and of course, zero convictions, of any of the elite bank frauds, the Wall Street types, that drove this crisis.译文:提出诉讼不是什么难事, 不过是举手之劳,易如反掌。 只是他们忘了怎么举, 忘了怎么反。 因而, 造成这场危机的 华尔街顶尖银行犯们 没有一个被起诉 没有一个被定罪。 。16. The first thing i want you to do is take your index finger, tilt your head back, and touch the tip of your finger to the tip of your nose, in this manner, and alternate.译文:现在,首先我要你 举手之劳, 抬起你的头,然后把他的手指在鼻子! 喜欢并提及你的名字!。16. There"s no need to thank me. You"re the best.16. Here"s all you have to do, my friends16. No problem. it"s the least i can do.自考/成考有疑问、不知道自考/成考考点内容、不清楚当地自考/成考政策,点击底部咨询官网老师,免费领取复习资料:
2023-07-25 03:06:101

求miss may i吉他谱集

GTP谱 请查收 记得采纳 谢谢发到你之前给的扣扣邮箱了
2023-07-25 03:06:381

求miss may i的吉他谱~

2023-07-25 03:06:463


miss n.[Miss ] ....小姐(对未婚女子的称呼, 加在姓或姓名前)[谑]姑娘, 小女孩; (特指)小女学生(对女佣人、女店员等或在英国学生对女教师的称呼)小姐[Miss ](美女竞赛等选出的)小姐the Miss Greens (或较正式的用法: the Misses Green)格林家的小姐们习惯用语a saucy miss [谑]毛头姑娘bread-and-butter miss [谑]天真无邪的小姑娘, 不懂事故的小妞儿junior miss 少女; 少女衣服尺寸school miss 女学生; 女学生脾气的姑娘; 天真而腼腆的女孩子 现代英汉词典miss 1 vt., vi.未击中;未得到;未达到; 未见到He threw the ball to me, but I missed it and it landed on the ground. 他把球扔给我,但我没接住,球落在了地上。Their house is at the end of the road — you can"t miss it. 他们的房子在路的尽头,你不会看不见的。I was late because I missed the bus. 我迟到了,因为我误了公共汽车。逃过;避开I was lucky to miss the traffic accident. 我很幸运躲过了车祸。发觉丢失When did you miss your pen? 你什么时候发现钢笔丢了?感觉缺少;因缺少而痛苦Give the beggar a coin; you won"t miss it. 给这乞丐一个小硬币吧,这对您不算什么。怀念;思念I"m sure that everybody will miss him very much. 我相信每个人都会怀念他。miss 2 n.[M-](对未婚女子或少女的称呼) 小姐Miss Brown 布朗小姐The Miss Browns are sisters. 布朗家的小姐们是姐妹。[M-](选美或某种活动中对未婚女子的衔称)小姐Miss Magdalena 1994 1994 年马格达雷那小姐女教师未婚女子女招待;女店员少女词性变化n.击不中;达不到;得不到常用词组miss out漏掉;遗漏You may miss out the second section of the article while reading it. 你读这篇文章时可略去第二节。错失机会She always misses out, because she"s never there. 她总是错过机会,因为她老是不在。You really missed out by not coming to the party. "你没来参加聚会,失去了很好的机会。"
2023-07-25 03:07:071


一、详细释义:abbr.(= Mississippi) 密西西比例句:The weather had been unusually warm for May in Brandon, Miss.在密西西比州的布兰登,五月的天气异常闷热。 n.(通常大写)(用于姓名或姓之前,尤指对未婚女子的称呼)小姐 [C]例句:Thanks also goes to Miss Sun Hong who has spent many long hours working with us.我还要谢谢孙红小姐,她和我们一起工作了很久。例句:All right, Miss Li, your room is reserved.好了,李小姐,您的房间订妥了。少女,姑娘 [C]例句:"Don"t be a cat, miss," said her mother. "可别使坏呀,姑娘,"她母亲说。例句:She"s a saucy little miss! 她是个黄毛丫头!未中,得不到,达不到 [C]例句:That was a bad miss. 那是一个严重的失误。例句:They got five hits and one miss.他们五次击中,一次未中。 (通常大写)(用于选美会等,加于国名等之前)...小姐,...皇后例句:Miss Panama Justine Pasek, first runner-up, is to ascend to the title of Miss Universe 2002.环球小姐亚军的巴拿马小姐帕塞克,将接下2002年环球小姐头衔。失败 [C]省略;避免 [C]例句:I think I"ll give the fish course a miss. 我就不要鱼那道菜了吧。【谑】【贬】冒失女孩;(中小学)女学生 [C]v.想念,惦记[+v-ing] [T]例句:I miss you very much and always think of you.我非常想念你,时常想起你。例句:I miss living in the country.我怀念以前住在农村的日子。未击中;未得到;未达到;未看到;未听到;未领会[+v-ing] [T]例句:He missed the target.他没能击中目标。例句:Aim carefully or you"ll miss. 仔细瞄准,否则会击不中的。逃过,免于[+v-ing] [T]例句:He just missed a traffic accident. 他逃过了一场交通事故。未履行;未出席;未赶上,错过[+v-ing] [T]例句:Begin your preparations early, or you"ll miss the closing date for application. 尽早开始准备,免得错过申请的截止日期。例句:I miss the last bus.我错过了末班车。发觉没有,觉得遗失 [T]例句:When did you first miss your purse?你是何时开始发现丢了钱包的?遗漏;省去(+out) [T]例句:Please be quiet, I don"t want to miss a word of news on the radio. 请安静,我不想遗漏收音机新闻报道中的任何一字。例句:Please insert in your copy of the contract the word"average weight"which is missed out. 请在您的合同副本中将遗漏的“平均重量”字样加上去。未击中;打偏 [I]例句:"Miss!" he whispered contemptuously; "I could not miss it if I tried!" “打偏!”他不高兴地咕哝一句,“我向来弹无虚发”!二、词义辨析:lose,miss,misplace这些动词均有“丢失,遗失”之意。lose最普通用词,侧重遗失了,难以找回来。miss着重发觉某人或某物不见的瞬间,也可作思念解。misplace指反映东西放错或故意放错地方。三、词义辨析:madam,Mrs,lady,miss这些名词均表示对女性的尊称。madam夫人、太太,女士,小姐。与尊称男人的用词sir相对,多用于对已婚或未婚妇女的礼貌称呼,如店员对女顾客的称呼,后面不加姓名。如果已知对方的身份或姓名可在此词后面加上姓名职位。Mrs太太,夫人,是mistress的缩略形式,对已婚妇女的称呼。lady女士,夫人,与gentleman相对,是对女性的礼貌称呼,多用于演讲或祝酒时称呼在场的女性。miss小姐,是对未婚或不知婚姻状况的女性的称呼,与姓氏连用时应大写。四、相关短语:near missn. 差点,几乎发生的事;侥幸脱险一、参考例句:Good morning, Miss Li.早上好,李小姐。I miss you terribly!我多么思念你呀!We miss you.我们惦念着你。I miss my friend.我想念我的朋友。Miss Dale looks beaming.戴尔小姐真是神采奕奕。They miss opportunities.他们错失良机。I miss you very much.我非常想念你。I miss thee, beloved father.亲爱的父亲,孩儿想念您。I miss my lovely doll.我想念我可爱的洋娃娃。You missed a meeting.你错过了一个会议。
2023-07-25 03:07:141


2023-07-25 03:07:221

may miss you 这样说有没有语法错误

通常用MAY YOU HAPPY,是希望你开心的意思。
2023-07-25 03:07:293


一、详细释义: , abbr. , (= Mississippi) 密西西比 , 例句: ,The weather had been unusually warm for May in Brandon, Miss.,在密西西比州的布兰登,五月的天气异常闷热。, n. , (通常大写)(用於姓名或姓之前,尤指对未婚女子的称呼)小姐 [C] , 例句: ,Thanks also goes to Miss Sun Hong who has spent many long hours working with us.,我还要谢谢孙红小姐,她和我们一起工作了很久。, 例句: ,All right, Miss Li, your room is reserved.,好了,李小姐,您的房间订妥了。, 少女,姑娘 [C] , 例句: ,"Don"t be a cat, miss," said her mother.,"可别使坏呀,姑娘,"她母亲说。, 例句: ,She"s a saucy little miss!,她是个黄毛丫头!, 未中,得不到,达不到 [C] , 例句: ,That was a bad miss.,那是一个严重的失误。, 例句: ,They got five hits and one miss.,他们五次击中,一次未中。, (通常大写)(用于选美会等,加于国名等之前)...小姐,...皇后 , 例句: ,Miss Panama Justine Pasek, first runner-up, is to ascend to the title of Miss Universe 2002.,环球小姐亚军的巴拿马小姐帕塞克,将接下2002年环球小姐头衔。, 失败 [C] , 省略;避免 [C] , 例句: ,I think I"ll give the fish course a miss.,我就不要鱼那道菜了吧。, 【谑】【贬】冒失女孩;(中小学)女学生 [C] , v. , 想念,惦记[+v-ing] [T] , 例句: ,I miss you very much and always think of you.,我非常想念你,时常想起你。, 例句: ,I miss living in the country.,我怀念以前住在农村的日子。, 未击中;未得到;未达到;未看到;未听到;未领会[+v-ing] [T] , 例句: ,He missed the target.,他没能击中目标。, 例句: ,Aim carefully or you"ll miss.,仔细瞄准,否则会击不中的。, 逃过,免于[+v-ing] [T] , 例句: ,He just missed a traffic accident.,他逃过了一场交通事故。, 未履行;未出席;未赶上,错过[+v-ing] [T] , 例句: ,Begin your preparations early, or you"ll miss the closing date for application.,尽早开始准备,免得错过申请的截止日期。, 例句: ,I miss the last bus.,我错过了末班车。, 发觉没有,觉得遗失 [T] , 例句: ,When did you first miss your purse?,你是何时开始发现丢了钱包的?, 遗漏;省去(+out) [T] , 例句: ,Please be quiet, I don"t want to miss a word of news on the radio.,请安静,我不想遗漏收音机新闻报道中的任何一字。, 例句: ,Please insert in your copy of the contract the word"average weight"which is missed out.,请在您的合同副本中将遗漏的“平均重量”字样加上去。, 未击中;打偏 [I] , 例句: ,"Miss!" he whispered contemptuously; "I could not miss it if I tried!",“打偏!”他不高兴地咕哝一句,“我向来弹无虚发”!, 二、词义辨析: , lose,miss,misplace ,这些动词均有“丢失,遗失”之意。lose最普通用词,侧重遗失了,难以找回来。miss着重发觉某人或某物不见的瞬间,也可作思念解。misplace指反映东西放错或故意放错地方。, 三、词义辨析: , madam,Mrs,lady,miss ,这些名词均表示对女性的尊称。madam夫人、太太,女士,小姐。与尊称男人的用词sir相对,多用于对已婚或未婚妇女的礼貌称呼,如店员对女顾客的称呼,后面不加姓名。如果已知对方的身份或姓名可在此词后面加上姓名职位。Mrs太太,夫人,是mistress的缩略形式,对已婚妇女的称呼。lady女士,夫人,与gentleman相对,是对女性的礼貌称呼,多用于演讲或祝酒时称呼在场的女性。miss小姐,是对未婚或不知婚姻状况的女性的称呼,与姓氏连用时应大写。, 四、相关短语: ,near miss,n. 差点,几乎发生的事;侥幸脱险, 一、参考例句: ,Good morning, Miss Li.,早上好,李小姐。,I miss you terribly!,我多么思念你呀!,We miss you.,我们惦念着你。,I miss my friend.,我想念我的朋友。,Miss Dale looks beaming.,戴尔小姐真是神采奕奕。,They miss opportunities.,他们错失良机。,I miss you very much.,我非常想念你。,I miss thee, beloved father.,亲爱的父亲,孩儿想念您。,I miss my lovely doll.,我想念我可爱的洋娃娃。,You missed a meeting.,你错过了一个会议。
2023-07-25 03:07:361


2023-07-25 03:07:459

急!!!哪位大神可以给我提供一个final cut pro X 的种子啊,小女子在此先行谢过!!!!

2023-07-25 03:08:133


2023-07-25 03:08:212


1. Miss   当 Miss 是可数名词且作“小姐”解时,用于未婚女子。它的复数形式是 Misses . Miss 一般不可以单独使用,后面必须接未婚女子的姓,或姓名,但不可以只接未婚女子的名。例如: Ellen Smith, 可叫 Miss Smith 或 Miss Ellen Smith. Miss Ellen 和 Miss Smith Ellen 都是错误的。   对于同一家庭中的几个未婚的姐妹,只指出姓时,可用:“ the Miss + 姓的复数形式”。例如:   The Miss Smiths, smart oily talkers, are unmatched in the world. 史密斯家几个姑娘花言巧语、能说会道,举世无双。   The Miss Wangs are childish and ignorant.   王氏姐妹幼稚无知。   Miss 本无简略形式,但美国用 MS 或 Ms 来称呼不知其婚否的女子,如 Ms Brown .   2. Madam   madam 是可数名词,意为“女子;夫人;太太;小姐”,是对女子尊敬和客气的称呼,可以用于已婚女子,也可以用于未婚女子,美国还用于称呼家庭主妇。 madam 只可以单独用作称呼语,后不可以接姓和名,与之相对应的称呼为 Sir (先生)。 madam 虽然是名词,但也可以当形容词使用,修饰名词。例如:   May I help you, madam?   你想买什么,夫人?   May I speak to the madam of the house?   我可以和这家的主妇说几句话吗?   a madam chairman 女主席   但不能说 Madam Wang 或 Madam Smith, madam 多用于不认识的已婚或未婚女子,用于口语里,尤其用于书信的称呼语。 Dear Madam, My dear Madam 是比较亲切的称呼语, Madam 是正式的称呼语。   madam 的复数形式是 madams ,但实际上不使用 madams ,而是以 ladies (女士们)来代替,如: Ladies and Gentlemen (女士们,先生们); Mayors and their ladies (市长们,市长夫人们)   3. Lady   lady 是可数名词,意为“女士;夫人;小姐;贵妇人,贵妇人;淑女;妇人”,可用于未婚女子也可用于已婚女子, Ladies and gentlemen 多用于发表演讲的开场白, lady 作“妇女”解时,是美式英语,相当于作“妇人”解的英式英语 woman .例如:   Bring this lady a cup of coffee.   给这位女士拿杯咖啡来。   lady 在正式英语中,指有教养的、有社会地位的,在品德、感情、习惯等方面有高尚气质的妇人。例如:   She is quite a lady.   她的确是一位贵妇人。   She is a perfect lady.   她是一位高尚的贵妇人。   lady 用于口语时,在英语中是佣人和店员对贵族妇女的客气称呼。 lady 有一个意思是“女厕所”,其形式为 Ladies ,虽然其形式为复数,但意思是单数。例如:   Is there a Ladies near here?   附近有女厕所吗?   lady 虽是名词,但可以作为形容词使用,修饰名词,如: lady aviator (女飞行员), lady doctor (女医师)。   4. Woman   woman 是可数名词,复数为 women ,指一切成年的女子。童年和未成年的女子叫 girl .例如:   She is a single women.   她是一个未结婚的女子。   A woman"s work is never done.   妇女的家务事永远做不完。
2023-07-25 03:08:271

a good marks may miss 啥意思

2023-07-25 03:08:353


MissKK: []DJ: []n.1. (用于姓名或姓之前, 尤指对未婚女子的称呼) 女士, 小姐Miss Brown is a popular teacher.布朗小姐是位广受欢迎的教师。2. (用于选美会等, 加于国名或地区名之前) ...小姐, ...皇后Her daughter was chosen as Miss Hong Kong six years ago.她女儿六年前当选为香港小姐。miss1KK: []DJ: []vt.1. 未击中;未得到;未达到;未看到;未听到;未领会[+v-ing]He missed my meaning.他没有领会我的意思。The hunter fired at the deer but missed it.猎人向鹿开了枪,但未打中。2. 未履行;未出席;未赶上,错过[+v-ing]She missed going to the party on Saturday.星期六她没能出席聚会。3. 逃过,免于[+v-ing]4. 想念,惦记[+v-ing]I know how you miss your mother.我了解你多么地想念你的母亲。5. 发觉没有,觉得遗失She did not miss her necklace until she arrived home.直到回到家里她才发现丢失了项链。6. 遗漏;省去[(+out)]vi.1. 未击中;打偏Aim carefully or you"ll miss.仔细瞄准,否则会击不中的。n.[C]1. 未中;得不到;达不到He hit the target three times without a miss.他三发三中。2. 失败3. 省略;避免miss2KK: []DJ: []n.1. (通常大写)(用于姓名或姓之前,尤指对未婚女子的称呼)小姐[C]Miss Brown is a popular teacher.布朗小姐是位广受欢迎的教师。2. (可单独使用的称呼语)小姐3. 少女,姑娘[C]4. 【谑】【贬】冒失女孩;(中小学)女学生[C]5. (通常大写)(用于选美会等,加于国名等之前)...小姐,...皇后Her daughter was chosen as Miss Hong Kong six years ago.她女儿六年前当选为香港小姐。
2023-07-25 03:08:4414


hope与miss的语法区别是 前者可以跟不定式作宾语 即hope to do 后者可以跟动名词作宾语 即miss doing
2023-07-25 03:09:091

MISS may, I am calling to( )my appointment with 1know2see3congirm4hear 该选哪个?

3 congirmcongirm应该是confirm(确认)。翻译:May小姐,我打电话来是确认我与李先生的约会。
2023-07-25 03:09:331

Miss May I的《Colossal》 歌词

歌曲名:Colossal歌手:Miss May I专辑:Monument [Deluxe]Miss May I -ColossalOur reflections will always show.We will grow.We will be the world.Gigantic proportions.Magnitude beyond our expectations.Just look at ourselves.Developing at a pace never thoughtwith surrendering past for present.Time seems so importantwhen you have the entire world waiting for you.Call it achievements.Call it what you want.Behold ambition pulsing through our veins.Our eyes will never shut.The heart abandons sleep.Ceasing to stop only builds us into.Every step that we"ve taken made with you in mind.A set of goals for ourselves we leave undefined.The only destination that we know is to bring promiseand meaning before hope is gone.This force creates giants of nothing.This force creates.This force we all have everythingthat we will ever need.In everyone this significants breathes.To be exhaled for the world of feel.We are only here because of you.Giants risen for you.Refuse to be crippled by others aroundand becomes a colossus of your own.OF this importance.Inside we all are this size.Our reflections will always show.We will grow.We will be the world.Every step that we"ve taken made with you in mind.A set of goals for ourselves we will leave undefined.The only destination that we know is to bring promiseand meaning before hope is gone.We are the world.
2023-07-25 03:09:401

Miss May I的《Our Kings》 歌词

歌曲名:Our Kings歌手:Miss May I专辑:Monument [Deluxe]Miss May I -Our KingsHolding back from near consumption.Starving to taste ourselvesand the sensation of an existence.A feast for only the ones who are kings.The outcome of a revolution built to consume its own.The outcome of a revolution built to consume itself.This will contain what has already been said before.The message enclosed will be the one we dread the most.Coming generations will learn that our kinds were nothingbut cannibals of their own race not strong enough to be men.And then the young will rise they will tell them...This will contain what has already been said before.The message enclosed will be the one we dread the most.And when the young will rise they will tell them all to go.Go back to your Hell.Holding back from near consumption.Starving to taste ourselves and the sensation of an existence.A feast for you the one they call a king.
2023-07-25 03:09:481

Miss May I的《Gears》 歌词

歌曲名:Gears歌手:Miss May I专辑:Monument [Deluxe]Miss May I -GearsOnce again being here recovering over and over.Torn from the inside from every direction.Uncontrolled creations of the entire world.Making us just a device for you.Making us someone to be abused.Making us desperate.Making us desperate and confused.Our gears are wearing down to nothing because of you.Oh the feeling of being machines.Created for you.Our gears are wearing down to nothing because of you.
2023-07-25 03:09:541

Miss May I的《Rust》 歌词

歌曲名:Rust歌手:Miss May I专辑:Monument [Deluxe]Miss May I -Rustorners terrify when triggers are pulled.All sights await as you enter these rooms.Filled with scavengersScavengers awaiting their pray.Take the high ground pick off enemies.Don"t let them see you turn away,Away from these battle cries,Battle cries that surround our kind.Sulfur fills the air.Wounds bleed out.Don"t let the mother fucker catch you blind.This is a fight of modern kind.Just let the warfare fill your mind.Create and decimateWith a silver spear in your fucking brain.Can"t you realize that you"re a fucking waste,Fucking waste of my time.I"ll rise up before your eyes,Bring you down before you know.Cut your throat if you get to close.Keep your distance far from me.Take all you want I"ll be backSomewhere you"ll never find.Eyes up above, you wish you had.Watch for me, I"m in the sky.Pull your trigger,You wish you could.Bring me down,You wish you could.Like a predator I"ll reign upon you.Like a predator I"ll reign upon you.There"s only seventy things holding me back,Holding me back from destroying you.Just wait for the days when you"ll be(2)When you"ll be laying at my feet.
2023-07-25 03:10:011

Miss May I的《Creations》 歌词

歌曲名:Creations歌手:Miss May I专辑:Monument [Deluxe]Miss May I -CreationsHow could you say you know who I am?Do you even wonder why I"m here?The thoughts play back in your headlike a film that has been stick on repeat.Imagine that this picture of me is painted for you.A portrait is made to hold a momentand moments wish they could live.Lets make this last become real life art.Time won"t catch us if we refuse to dry.Changing as we settle into our canvas of eternity.Hung on a wall that was built for you and I.Here we are once again and we are the same.You will see all of this and we will remain the same.We are all artwork can"t you see?No one will see you like I do.Why can"t you believe?No one will see you like I do.We all are art if seen in my eyes.Seen through the sky that magnifies beauty.Open your eyes see that I see.You will never go back to being blind and dull.See what I see.(*4)
2023-07-25 03:10:081

Relentless Chaos 歌词

歌曲名:Relentless Chaos歌手:Miss May I专辑:Monument [Deluxe]Miss May I -Relentless ChaosTake my misery I give all of it.Take one chance I ll be there.Offering all of myselfI give everything for my last opportunity.Emery stones demonstrate and achieve what I wanted.Relentless chaos is all that has been.Thoughts of being greater have fallen fast.This highland contains whatever may come.How senseless can you be?How confused can you be?Relentless chaos is all that has been....Look at us now higher than before.Desire to emulate and create all.Remember bringing this down?How could you bring this down?Please tell me why you tried so hardknowing this would happen one day.Take my misery I give all of it.Take one chance Ill be there.Offering all of myselfI give everything for my last opportunity.Concentrated on destroying this vision.Try to live this downwhen I find you begging at my feet.All your words have fallen to the groundwhere they belong.
2023-07-25 03:10:151


2023-07-25 03:10:264


2023-07-25 03:10:471


2023-07-25 03:11:064

哪位大哥大姐教一下,英语中“ Mr、Mrs 、Ms、Miss”的用法..详细一点~~谢了啊。。。。。。。。

Mr 先生Mrs 太太;夫人(用于已婚妇女姓名前的尊称)Ms 女士(不分已未婚或不知已未婚时用)Miss 小姐
2023-07-25 03:11:313


2023-07-25 03:11:425


2023-07-25 03:12:181


1 peter现在不在这,他可能去图书馆了2 what about 后用doing 3 他们可能错过飞机了,或许由于其他原因阻止不能来到。错过是miss,可能是may 。
2023-07-25 03:12:278

A good marksman may miss.

2023-07-25 03:12:423


1.I will miss you very much. 我将会非常想念你的。 You"ll have to miss the party. 你将不得不错过这个聚会了。 3. Europeans will not miss george bush.欧洲人是不会怀念乔治布什的。 4.Maybe they should meet miss brown.也许他们应该见下布朗小姐。 5.The risk is our government may miss this tide.风险在于我们的政府可能错失这个好势头。
2023-07-25 03:12:501

Mr. sir、Mrs. madam、Miss Ms.要如何区别?

例: Mr. Brown has a son and a daughter. 布朗先生有一个儿子和一个女儿。 sir 意思也是“先生”,是对上级和长辈的尊称,或商业信件中对男子的称呼,一般不与姓名连用,其对应词为 madam . 例: Good morning, sir. 早上好,先生。 What would you like, sir? 先生,您想要点什么? sir 若与姓名连用,则表示“爵士”。 例如: Sir Louis 路易爵士 madam 意思是“太太、夫人”,是对妇女的尊称,不论婚否都可用,其对应词为 sir . 例: May I see your ticket please, madam? 夫人,我可以看看您的票吗? Mrs. 意思也是“太太、夫人”,是对已婚妇女的称呼,使用时常与丈夫的姓氏连用。 例: Mrs. Jones teaches us English. 琼斯太太教我们英语。 Mrs. Green"s dress is orange. 格林太太的连衣裙是橙色的。 Miss [ mis ]意为“女士、小姐”,是对未婚女子的称呼,与姓氏连用。 例: Miss White is our English teacher. 怀特小姐是我们的英语老师。 Miss Brown will go to Kunming next week. 布朗小姐下周将到昆明。 Ms. 在现代英语中通常代替 Miss ,可用在已婚或未婚的女士前。
2023-07-25 03:13:041


  凡是接触过商务合同签订的人对下面这四个句子都不陌生。不过,越是熟悉的反而越容易出现错误,因为容易“想当然”。接下来,我给大家准备了,欢迎大家参考与借鉴。      1. 本合同用英文和中文两种文字写成,一式四份。双方执英文字和中文字各一式两份,两种文字具有同等效力。   The contract is made out in English and Chinese languages in quadruplicate, both texts being equally authentic1, and each Party shall hold two copies of each text.   2. 本合同由双方代表于1999年12月9日签订。合同签订后,由各方分别向本国 *** 当局申请批准,以最后一方的批准日期为本合同的生效日期,双方应力争在60天内获得批准,用电传通知对方,并用信件确认。若本合同自签字之日起,6个月仍不能生效,双方有权解除本合同。   This contract is signed by the authorized2 representatives of both parties on Dec. 9, 1999. After signing the contract, both parties shall apply to their respective Government Authorities for ratification3. The date of ratification last obtained shall be taken as the effective date of the Contract. Both parties shall exert their utmost efforts to obtain the ratification within 60 days and shall advise the other party by telex4 and thereafter send a registered letter for confirmation5. ??   3. 本合同有效期从合同生效之日算起共10年,有效期满后,本合同自动失效。   The contract shall be valid6 for 10 years from the effective date of the contract, on the expiry of the validity term of contract, the contract shall automatically bee null and void. ??   4. 本合同期限届满时,双方发生的未了债权和债务不受合同期满的影响,债务人应向债权人继续偿付未了债务。   The outstanding 未了的 claims and liabilities债权和债务existing between both parties on the expiry of the validity of the contract shall not be influenced by the expiration7 of this contract. The debtor8 shall be kept liable until the debtor fully9 pays up his debts to the creditor10.   扩充套件:房地产英语:咨询买楼   A——Agent物业代理C——Client客户   A: Miss, may I help you?小姐,我可以帮你吗?   C: Yes, I just wondered why the price between the ninth and tenth floor is so different?是的,我很奇怪为什么九楼与十楼的售价有这么大的差别呢?   A: It"s because of the view.这是因为观景不同。   C: Oh! I see. Can you show me the location of BlockⅠ?噢!我明白了,你能否告诉我第一座的位置呢?   A: Sure. Please take a look at the model of the building. Nice Garden has a total of two blocks which are labeled Block Ⅰ and Block Ⅱ. Block Ⅰ has a total of thirty-eighth levels. The thirty-seventh and thirty-eighth are penthouses. There are four units in one level. The sizes of the units are one thousand square feet and one thousand and five hundred square feet. The size with one thousand square feet has three bedrooms and the biggest size has four bedrooms.当然可以,请过来看大厦模型。丽斯花园共有两幢,分别是第一座、第二座。第一座共三十八层高,而三十七楼和三十八楼是复式房屋。每层有四套房子。面积有一千平方英尺和一千五百平方英尺两种。一千平方英尺的有三个卧室,面积最大的房子有四个卧室。   C: How many elevators are there?一共有多少部电梯?   A: There are three elevators between one hundred and forty eight units.一百四十八套房子共用三部电梯。   C: How about the car-park space?停车位呢?   A: There are a total of one hundred and sixty parking lots on the second and third floor, in which twelve are for visitors and the rest are for residents2.停车场在第二层和第三层,总共一百六十个车位,其中十二个是临时车位,其余的是供住户使用的。   C: Any other facilities?还有其他设施吗?   A: Sure, on the fourth floor is a recreation quarter. There are two swimming pools. One is Olympic standard size and the other one is for children. Also, there is a gymnasium3 for resident1 members only.有的,第四层是康体中心。里面有两个游泳池,其中一个是奥林匹克标准泳池,另一个是供儿童使用的。除此之外还有专门为住户而设的健身房。   C: When is the pletion date?请问工程何时完成?   A: The pletion date will be on July 1st 2007.预计竣工日期为2007年7月1号。   C: How about the price and the bank mortgage4?售价和银行按揭如何?   A: Please check up the price list. The average unit price is five million Hong Kong dollars. There are eight different banks that will provide a seventy percent mortgage loan5. Also, the developer will offer another ten percent mortgage to purchasers.你可以看看价目表。平均售价约港币五百万元,有八家银行提供七成按揭贷款。开发商可提供一成的按揭给认购者。   C: How many payment6 methods are there?有多少支付种类?   A: It"s all written on the brochure price list. I believe there will be one right for you. Please hurry up because almost half of units have already gone.售价表里已经详细列明,我相信其中一定有适合你的。现在认购已经超过五成,你要快点做出决定了。   C: Thank you. I think I have to talk to the bank representatives. Thank you for your help.谢谢。我想我必须向银行代表咨询一下。谢谢你的帮忙。   A: You"re wele.别客气。
2023-07-25 03:13:111


1. Miss   当 Miss 是可数名词且作“小姐”解时,用于未婚女子。它 的 复数形式是 Misses . Miss 一般不可以单独使用,后面必须接未婚女子 的 姓,或姓名,但不可以只接未婚女子 的 名。例如: Ellen Smith, 可叫 Miss Smith 或 Miss Ellen. Smith. Miss Ellen 和 Miss Smith Ellen 都是错误 的 。 对于同一家庭中 的 几个未婚 的 姐妹,只指出姓时,可用:“ the Miss + 姓 的 复数形式”。例如:The Miss Smiths, smart oily talkers, are unmatched in the world. 史密斯家几个姑娘花言巧语、能说会道,举世无双。The Miss Wangs are childish and ignorant. 王氏姐妹幼稚无知。   Miss 本无简略形式,但美国用 MS 或 Ms 来 称呼 不知其婚否 的 女子,如 Ms Brown .   2. Madam   madam 是可数名词,意为“女子;夫人;太太;小姐”,是 对 女子尊敬和客气 的 称呼 ,可以用于已婚女子,也可以用于未婚女子,美国还用于 称呼 家庭主妇。 madam 只可以单独用作 称呼 语,后不可以接姓和名,与之相对应 的 称呼 为 Sir (先生)。 madam 虽然是名词,但也可以当形容词使用,修饰名词。例如:May I help you, madam?   你想买什么,夫人?   May I speak to the madam of the house? 我可以和这家 的 主妇说几句话吗?   a madam chairman 女主席但不能说 Madam Wang 或 Madam Smith, madam 多用于不认识 的 已婚或未婚女子,用于口语里,尤其用于书信 的 称呼 语。 Dear Madam, My dear Madam 是比较亲切 的 称呼 语, Madam 是正式 的 称呼 语。   madam 的 复数形式是 madams ,但实际上不使用 madams ,而是以 ladies ( 女士 们)来代替,如: Ladies and Gentlemen ( 女士 们,先生们); Mayors and their ladies (市长们,市长夫人们)   3. Lady   lady 是可数名词,意为“ 女士 ;夫人;小姐;贵妇人,贵妇人;淑女;妇人”,可用于未婚女子也可用于已婚女子, Ladies and gentlemen 多用于发表演讲 的 开场白, lady 作“妇女”解时,是美式英语,相当于作“妇人”解 的 英式英语 woman .例如:Bring this lady a cup of coffee. 给这位 女士 拿杯咖啡来。lady 在正式英语中,指有教养 的 、有社会地位 的 ,在品德、感情、习惯等方面有高尚气质 的 妇人。例如:She is quite a lady.   她的确是一位贵妇人。   She is a perfect lady.   她是一位高尚 的 贵妇人。lady 用于口语时,在英语中是佣人和店员 对 贵族妇女 的 客气 称呼 。(注: lady还 有一个意思是“女厕所”)
2023-07-25 03:13:302

Mr. sir、Mrs. madam、Miss Ms.要如何区别

2023-07-25 03:13:392

---Excuse me, Miss. May I share your table?---Of course. _________. A.Not at all B.Be my gu.

B 试题分析:考查情景交际。A一点也不;B别客气;C 我不介意;D 我同意你。从情景可知别人提出请求要共用一桌,说话人同意, B选项更符合语言习惯。句意:--打扰一下,我可以和你共用一张桌子吗?--当然可以。别客气。
2023-07-25 03:13:461

miss和misstakes区别 ever i make may be progre

Miss用在姓氏前,是对未婚女子的尊称。miss是个动词,意思是“想念;错过”mistakesn.错误( mistake的名词复数 ); 过失; 误解; (用词或数字上的)错误; v.弄错,误解( mistake的第三人称单数 ); 认不出; 误会; 看错;
2023-07-25 03:13:541


Miss Wang王小姐: May I speak to Mrs Zhang, please? 我可以和张女士讲话吗?
2023-07-25 03:14:012