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花名用English怎么说?越多越好Thank you

2023-07-25 14:59:19


azalea 杜鹃花

begonia 秋海棠

Brazil 巴西木

cactus 仙人掌

camellia 山茶花

carnation 麝香石竹(康乃馨)

Chinese enkianthus 灯笼花

Chinese flowering crab-apple 海棠花

chrysanthemum 菊花

dahlia 大丽花

daisy 雏菊

datura 曼陀罗

epiphyllum 昙花

fringed iris 蝴蝶花

fuchsia 倒挂金钟

gardenia 栀子

India canna 美人蕉

jasmine 茉莉

lilac 丁香

lily 百合

mangnolia 木兰花

mangnolia 玉兰花

morning glory 牵牛(喇叭花)

narcissus 水仙花

oleander 夹竹桃

orchid 兰花

pansy 三色堇

peony 牡丹

peony 芍药

phalaenopsis 蝶兰

rose 玫瑰

rose 月季

setose asparagus 文竹

touch-me-not (balsam) 凤仙花

tulip 郁金香

violet, stock violet 紫罗兰

water hyacinth 凤眼兰





calla lily马蹄莲

cherry blossom樱花













water lily水莲花

sweet pea 甜豆花






canna lily美人蕉






pussy willow银柳



bleeding heart荷包牡丹




amaryllis 孤挺花

anemone 银莲花

anther 花药

apple 苹果

apricot 杏

azalea 杜鹃花

balsam 凤仙花

begonia 秋海棠

Brazil 巴西木

cactus 仙人掌

camellia 山茶花

canna 美人蕉

cantury plant 龙舌兰

carnation 麝香石竹(康乃馨)

Chinese enkianthus 灯笼花

Chinese flowering crab-apple 海棠花

chrysanthemum 菊花

cosmos 大波斯菊

crocus 番红花

cyclamen 仙客来

daffodil 黄水仙

dahlia 大丽花

daisy 雏菊

daphne 瑞香

datura 曼陀罗

dogwood 山茱萸

epiphyllum 昙花

freesia 小苍兰

fringed iris 蝴蝶花

fuchsia 倒挂金钟

gardenia 栀子

geranium 大竺葵

gladiolus 剑兰

hawthorn 山楂

hibiscus 木槿

hyacinth 风信花

hydrangea 八仙花

India canna 美人蕉

iris 蝴蝶花

jasmine 茉莉

lilac 紫丁香

lily 百合花

mangnolia 木兰花

mangnolia 玉兰花

marguerite, daisy 雏菊

marigold 金盏花

morning glory 牵牛(喇叭花)

narcissus 水仙花

nectar gland 蜜腺

night-blooming cereus 仙人掌

oleander 夹竹桃

orange 桔子

orchid 兰花

ovary 子房

pansy 三色堇

pear 梨

peony 牡丹,芍药

petal 花瓣

phalaenopsis 蝶兰

pink 石竹花

pistil 雌蕊

plum 洋李

pollen 花粉

poppy 罂粟花

quince 柑橘

redbud 紫荆

rhododendron 杜鹃花

rose 玫瑰花

sepal 萼片

setose asparagus 文竹

stalk 花柄

stamen 雄蕊

sunflower 向日葵

sweet pea 香豌豆花

touch-me-not (balsam) 凤仙花

tulip 郁金香

violet, stock violet 紫罗兰

water hyacinth 凤眼兰

wisteria 柴藤

yucca 丝兰


Flowers 花卉

amaryllis 孤挺花

anemone 银莲花

anther 花药

apple 苹果

apricot 杏

azalea 杜鹃花

balsam 凤仙花

begonia 秋海棠

Brazil 巴西木

cactus 仙人掌

camellia 山茶花

canna 美人蕉

cantury plant 龙舌兰

carnation 麝香石竹(康乃馨)

Chinese enkianthus 灯笼花

Chinese flowering crab-apple 海棠花

chrysanthemum 菊花

cosmos 大波斯菊

crocus 番红花

cyclamen 仙客来

daffodil 黄水仙

dahlia 大丽花

daisy 雏菊

daphne 瑞香

datura 曼陀罗

dogwood 山茱萸

epiphyllum 昙花

freesia 小苍兰

fringed iris 蝴蝶花

fuchsia 倒挂金钟

gardenia 栀子

geranium 大竺葵

gladiolus 剑兰

hawthorn 山楂

hibiscus 木槿

hyacinth 风信花

hydrangea 八仙花

India canna 美人蕉

iris 蝴蝶花

jasmine 茉莉

lilac 紫丁香

lily 百合花

mangnolia 木兰花

mangnolia 玉兰花

marguerite, daisy 雏菊

marigold 金盏花

morning glory 牵牛(喇叭花)

narcissus 水仙花

nectar gland 蜜腺

night-blooming cereus 仙人掌

oleander 夹竹桃

orange 桔子

orchid 兰花

ovary 子房

pansy 三色堇

pear 梨

peony 牡丹,芍药

petal 花瓣

phalaenopsis 蝶兰

pink 石竹花

pistil 雌蕊

plum 洋李

pollen 花粉

poppy 罂粟花

quince 柑橘

redbud 紫荆

rhododendron 杜鹃花

rose 玫瑰花

sepal 萼片

setose asparagus 文竹

stalk 花柄

stamen 雄蕊

sunflower 向日葵

sweet pea 香豌豆花

touch-me-not (balsam) 凤仙花

tulip 郁金香

violet, stock violet 紫罗兰

water hyacinth 凤眼兰

wisteria 柴藤

yucca 丝兰


牵牛花英文除了叫morning glory 还可以叫什么?

Pharbitis nil牵牛花(Pharbitis nil),又称喇叭花、大花牵牛、裂叶牵牛、朝颜。牵牛花全草有毒,尤以种子的毒性最大petunias 基本释义n. 矮牵牛花;喇叭花(petunia的复数)
2023-07-25 02:29:081


2023-07-25 02:29:174

龙与虎的全部歌曲- -

2023-07-25 02:29:311


The Charlatans - One To Another
2023-07-25 02:29:392

2023-07-25 02:29:483


ursula 乌苏拉森林泰山的女朋友~
2023-07-25 02:30:005


2023-07-25 02:30:174


2023-07-25 02:30:367


sweet osmanthus
2023-07-25 02:31:008


2023-07-25 02:31:183


2023-07-25 02:31:272


第1届(1928-1929)---Janet Gaynor(珍妮.盖诺),【7th Heaven】(七重天) 第2届(1929-1930)---Mary Pickford(玛丽.碧克馥),【Coquette】(卖弄风情) 第3届(1930-1931)---Norma Shearer(瑙玛.希拉),【The Divorcee】(离婚者) 第4届(1931-1932)----Marie Dressler(玛丽.德雷斯勒),【Min and Bill】(拯女记) 第5届(1932-1933)---Helen Hayes(海伦.海丝) ,【The Sin of Madelon Claudet】(战地情天) 第6届(1933-1934)----Katharine Hepburn(凯瑟琳.赫本),【Morning Glory】(惊才绝艳) 第7届(1934-1935)----Claudette Colbert(克劳黛.考尔白),【It Happened One Night】(一夜风流) 第8届(1935-1936)----Bette Davis(蓓蒂.戴维丝),【Dangerous】(危险的人) 第9届(1936-1937)----Luise Rainer(路易丝.赖纳),【The Great Ziegfeld】(歌舞大王齐格飞) 第10届(1937-1938)---Luise Rainer(路易丝.赖纳),【The Good Earth】(大地) 第11届(1938-1939)---Bette Davis(蓓蒂.戴维丝),【Jezebel】(红衫泪痕) 第12届(1939-1940)---Vivien Leigh(费雯丽),【Gone with the Wind】(乱世佳人) 第13届(1940-1941)---Ginger Rogers(琴逑.罗杰斯),【Kitty Foyle】(女人万岁) 第14届(1941-1942)---Joan Fontaine(琼.芳登),【Suspicion】(深闺疑云) 第15届(1942-1943)---Greer Garson(葛丽亚.嘉逊),【Mrs. Miniver】(忠勇之家) 第16届(1943-1944)---Jennifer Jones(珍妮弗.琼斯),【The Song of Bernadette】(圣女之歌) 第17届(1944-1945)---Ingrid Bergman(英格丽.褒曼),【Gaslight】(煤气灯下) 第18届(1945-1946)---Joan Crawford(琼.克劳馥),【Mildred Pierce】(欲海情魔) 第19届(1946-1947)---Olivia De Havilland(奥丽薇娅.德哈维兰),【To Each His Own】(风流种子) 第20届(1947-1948)---Loretta Young(洛丽塔.扬),【The Farmer"s Daughter】(农家女) 第21届(1948-1949)---Jane Wyman(简.惠曼),【Johnny Belinda】(心声泪影) 第22届(1949-1950)---Olivia De Havilland(奥丽薇娅.德哈维兰),【The Heiress】(女继承人) 第23届(1950-1951)---Judy Holliday(朱迪.霍利德),【Born Yesterday】(绛帐海裳春) 第24届(1951-1952)---Vivien Leigh(费雯丽),【A Streetcar Named Desire】(欲望号街车) 第25届(1952-1953)---Shirley Booth(雪莉.布思),【Come Back, Little Sheba】(兰闺春梦) 第26届(1953-1954)---Audrey Hepburn (奥黛丽.赫本),【Roman Holiday】(罗马假日) 第27届(1954-1955)---Grace Kelly(葛丽丝.凯莉),【The Country Girl】(乡下姑娘) 第28届(1955-1956)---Anna Magnani(安娜.玛格娜妮),【The Rose Tattoo】(玫瑰纹身) 第29届(1956-1957)---Ingrid Bergman(英格丽.褒曼),【Anastasia】(真假公主) 第30届(1957-1958)---Joanne Woodward(乔安娜.伍德沃德),【The Three Faces of Eve】(三面夏娃) 第31届(1958-1959)---Susan Hayward(苏珊.海华),【I Want To Live!】(我要活下去!) 第32届(1959-1960)---Simone Signoret(西蒙涅.西妮奥莱),【Room at the Top】(上流社会) 第33届(1960-1961)---Elizabeth Taylor(伊莉莎白.泰勒),【Butterfield 8】(青楼艳妓) 第34届(1961-1962)---Sophia Loren(索菲亚.罗兰) ,【Two Women】(两个女人) 第35届(1962-1963)---Anne Bancroft(安妮.班克劳夫特),【The Miracle Worker】(创奇者) 第36届(1963-1964)---Patricia Neal(帕德里夏.妮尔),【Hud】(赫特) 第37届(1964-1965)---Julie Andrews(朱莉.安德鲁丝) ,【Mary Poppins】(欢乐满人间) 第38届(1965-1966)---Julie Christie(朱莉.克丽斯蒂) ,【Darling】(亲爱的) 第39届(1966-1967)---Elizabeth Taylor(伊莉莎白.泰勒),【Who"s Afraid of Virginia Woolf?】(灵欲春宵) 第40届(1967-1968)---Katharine Hepburn(凯瑟琳.赫本),【Guess Who"s Coming to Dinner】(猜猜谁来吃晚餐) 第41届(1968-1969)---Katharine Hepburn(凯瑟琳.赫本),【The Lion in Winter】(冬狮) Barbra Streisand(芭芭拉.史翠珊),【Funny Girl】(妙女郎) 第42届(1969-1970)---Maggie Smith(玛吉.史密斯) ),【The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie】(春风不化雨) 第43届(1970-1971)---Glenda Jackson(格伦达.杰克逊),【Women in Love】(风月宝鉴) 第44届(1971-1972)---Jane Fonda(简.方达),【Klute】(花街杀人案) 第45届(1972-1973)---Liza Minnelli(丽莎.明尼里) ),【Cabaret】(歌厅) 第46届(1973-1974)---Glenda Jackson(格伦达.杰克逊),【A Touch of Class】(金屋梦痕) 第47届(1974-1975)---Ellen Burstyn(艾伦.伯斯汀),【Alice Doesn"t Live Here Anymore】(曾经沧海难为水) 第48届(1975-1976)---Louise Fletcher(路易斯.弗莱彻),【One Flew Over the Cuckoo"s Nest】(飞越疯人院) 第49届(1976-1977)---Faye Dunaway(菲.唐纳薇),【Network】(电视台风云) 第50届(1977-1978)---Diane Keaton(戴安.基顿),【Annie Hall】(安妮.霍尔) 第51届(1978-1979)---Jane Fonda(简.方达 ),【Coming Home】(荣归) 第52届(1979-1980)---Sally Field(萨莉.菲尔德 ),【Norma Rae】(诺玛.蕾) 第53届(1980-1981)---Sissy Spacek(西席.斯贝西克),【Coal Miner"s Daughter】(矿工的女儿) 第54届(1981-1982)---Katharine Hepburn(凯瑟琳.赫本 ),【On Golden Pond】(金色池塘) 第55届(1982-1983)---Meryl Streep(梅丽尔.斯特里普),【Sophie"s Choice】(苏菲的抉择) 第56届(1983-1984)---Shirley Maclaine(莎莉.麦克琳),【Terms of Endearment】(母女情深) 第57届(1984-1985)---Sally Field(萨莉.菲尔德 ),【Places in the Heart】(我心深处) 第58届(1985-1986)---Geraldine Page(吉拉汀.佩姬),【The Trip to Bountiful】(丰盛之旅) 第59届(1986-1987)---Marlee Matlin(马莉.马特林),【Children of a Lesser God】(无言的爱) 第60届(1987-1988)---Cher(雪儿),【Moonstruck】(月色撩人) 第61届(1988-1989)---Jodie Foster(朱迪.福斯特),【The Accused】(暴劫梨花) 第62届(1989-1990)---Jessica Tandy(杰西卡.坦迪),【Driving Miss Daisy】(为戴西小姐开车) 第63届(1990-1991)---Kathy Bates(凯茜.贝茨),【Misery】(危情十日) 第64届(1991-1992)---Jodie Foster(朱迪.福斯特 ),【The Silence of the Lambs】(沉默的羔羊) 第65届(1992-1993)---Emma Thompson(艾玛.汤普森),【Howards End】(此情可问天) 第66届(1993-1994)---Holly Hunter(霍利.亨特),【The Piano】(钢琴别恋) 第67届(1994-1995)---Jessica Lange(杰西卡.兰格),【Blue Sky】(芳心的放纵) 第68届(1995-1996)---Susan Sarandon(苏珊.萨兰登) ,【Dead Man Walking】(死囚168小时) 第69届(1996-1997)---Frances McDormand(弗朗西丝.麦克道曼),【Fargo】(雪花膏离奇命案) 第70届(1997-1998)---Helen Hunt(海伦.亨特),【As Good As It Gets】(尽善尽美) 第71届(1998-1999)---Gwyneth Paltrow(格温妮丝.帕特洛),【Shakespeare In Love】(莎翁情史) 第72届(1999-2000)---Hilary Swank(希拉里.斯旺克), 【Boys Don"t Cry】(男孩别哭) 第73届(2000-2001)---Julia Roberts(朱莉亚.罗伯茨),【Erin Brockovich】(永不妥协) 第74届(2001-2002)---Halle Berry(哈莉.贝瑞), 【Monster"s Ball】(死囚之舞) 第75届(2002-2003)---Nicole Kidman(妮可.基德曼),【The Hours】(时时刻刻) 第76届(2003-2004)---Charlize Theron(查里兹.塞隆),【Monster】(女魔头) 第77届(2004-2005)---Hilary Swank(希拉里·斯旺克),【百万美圆宝贝】(Million Dollar Baby ) 第78届(2005-2006)---Reese Witherspoon(瑞茜·威瑟斯朋),【一往无前】(Walk The Line) 第79届(2006-2007)---Helen Mirren(海伦·米伦),【女王】(The Queen)
2023-07-25 02:31:341

早晨的阳光 用英语怎么说?

The sunlight in the morning
2023-07-25 02:31:532

Morning Glory 歌词

歌曲名:Morning Glory歌手:Fairport Convention专辑:Fairport ConventionOasisWhats The Story Morning GloryMorning GloryAll your dreams are madeWhen you"re chained to the mirror and the razor bladeToday"s the day that all the world will seeAnother sunny afternoonWalking to the sound of my favorite tuneTomorrow never knows what it doesn"t know too soonNeed a little time to wake upNeed a little time to wake up wake upNeed a little time to wake upNeed a little time to rest your mindYou know you should so I guess you might as wellWhat"s the story morning glory?WellYou need a little time to wake up wake upWellWhat"s the story morning glory?WellNeed a little time to wake up wake upAll your dreams are madeWhen you"re chained to the mirror and the razor bladeToday"s the day that all the world will seeAnother sunny afternoonWalking to the sound of my favorite tuneTomorrow never knows what it doesn"t know too soonNeed a little time to wake upNeed a little time to wake up wake upNeed a little time to wake upNeed a little time to rest your mindYou know you should so I guess you might as wellWhat"s the story morning glory?WellNeed a little time to wake up wake upWellWhat"s the story morning glory?WellYou need a little time to wake up wake upWellWhat"s the story morning glory?WellNeed a little time to wake up wake upWellWhat"s the story morning glory?(I said) wellNeed a little time to wake up wake up
2023-07-25 02:32:001

Morning Glory 歌词

歌曲名:Morning Glory歌手:Oasis专辑:Stop The Clocks: Definitive CollectionOasisWhats The Story Morning GloryMorning GloryAll your dreams are madeWhen you"re chained to the mirror and the razor bladeToday"s the day that all the world will seeAnother sunny afternoonWalking to the sound of my favorite tuneTomorrow never knows what it doesn"t know too soonNeed a little time to wake upNeed a little time to wake up wake upNeed a little time to wake upNeed a little time to rest your mindYou know you should so I guess you might as wellWhat"s the story morning glory?WellYou need a little time to wake up wake upWellWhat"s the story morning glory?WellNeed a little time to wake up wake upAll your dreams are madeWhen you"re chained to the mirror and the razor bladeToday"s the day that all the world will seeAnother sunny afternoonWalking to the sound of my favorite tuneTomorrow never knows what it doesn"t know too soonNeed a little time to wake upNeed a little time to wake up wake upNeed a little time to wake upNeed a little time to rest your mindYou know you should so I guess you might as wellWhat"s the story morning glory?WellNeed a little time to wake up wake upWellWhat"s the story morning glory?WellYou need a little time to wake up wake upWellWhat"s the story morning glory?WellNeed a little time to wake up wake upWellWhat"s the story morning glory?(I said) wellNeed a little time to wake up wake up
2023-07-25 02:32:081

Morning Glory 歌词

歌名:morning glory歌手:伴都美子作词:Kano Inoue 作曲:243强くなると ひとり 心决めた振り返らず 怖がらず 目を闭じない生きること それはまるで暗闇と朝 ただくり返す绝望の夜にも挫けない勇気谁より 早く 朝を待つ私はアサガオに なりたくてその仅かな蔓を 空に向け希望の光 掴みとりたい泣きぬれてた ひとり どうにもならずいつも君が いてくれて 目を开ける哀しみは 忘れた顷ドアを叩いて またくり返す大事にしたいのは立ち上がる勇気谁より 早く 朝に咲き君には微笑みを 返したい今 微かな露を 花に受け生き抜くことの 意味を知るから东の空から 云が焼けてゆく星达が次々に 消えてく目覚めた鸟が羽ばたいてる全てゼロに戻る光の中谁より 早く 朝を待つ私はアサガオに なりたくてその仅かな蔓を 空に向け希望の光 掴みとりたい
2023-07-25 02:32:141

morning glory 歌词

歌曲名:morning glory歌手:Leonard Cohen专辑:dear heatherLeonard Cohen - Morning GloryNo words this time?No words.No, there are times when nothing can be done.Not this time.Is it censorship?Is it censorship?No, it"s evaporation.No, it"s evaporation.Is this leading somewhere?Yes. We"re going down the lane.Is this going somewhere?Into the garden.Into the backyard.We"re walking down the driveway.Are we moving towards....We"re in the backyard....some transcendental moment?It"s almost light.That"s right.That"s it.Are we moving towards some transcendental moment?That"s right.That"s it.Do you think you"ll be able to pull it off?Yes, it might happen.I"m all ears.I"m all ears.Oh the morning glory!...
2023-07-25 02:32:221

morning glory歌词

Oasis - Morning Glory All your dreams are made When you"re chained to (your) mirror with (your) razor blade Today"s the day that all the world will see Another sunny afternoon (I"m) walking to the sound of your favorite tune Tomorrow never knows what it doesn"t know too soon Need a little time to wake up Need a little time to wake up wake up Need a little time to wake up Need a little time to rest your mind You know you should so I guess you might as well What"s the story morning glory Well (you) need a little time to wake up Wake up well What"s the story morning glory Well Need a little time to wake up Wake up (Cos) all your dreams are made Now you"re chained to the mirror with your razor blade Today"s the day that all the world will see (It"s) another sunny afternoon Yeah I"m walking to the sound of my favorite tune Tomorrow doesn"t know what it doesn"t know too soon Need a little time to wake up Need a little time to wake up Need a little time to wake up Need a little time to rest your mind You know you should so I guess that you might as well What"s the story morning glory Well Need a little time to wake up, wake up Well What"s the story morning glory Well Need a little time to wake up, wake up Well What"s the story morning glory Well Need a little time to wake up, wake up Well What"s the story morning glory Well ?
2023-07-25 02:32:292


一球成名3》原声带专辑曲目: 01--Playground Superstar(happy mondays) 02--Who Put The Weight Of The World On My Shoulders(oasis) 03 -Leap Of Faith(unkle feat joel cadbury)04--Human Love(dirty vegas)05--Morning Glory (D Sardy Mix)(oasis)06--This Is The Land(the bees)07--Cast No Shadow (Unkle Beachhead Mix)(oasis) 08--Score That"s That(graeme revell)09--Club Foot(kasabian)10--Look Up(zero 7) 11-- Wet! Wet! Wet!(princess superstar)12--Blackout(unkle) 13--Will You Smile Again For Me(and you will know us by the trail of dead)14--Score Premiership Medley(graeme revell) 15--Acquiesce(Oasis)
2023-07-25 02:32:361


rose 玫瑰花 tulip 郁金香 balsam 凤仙花 dandelion蒲公英 azalea 杜鹃花 begonia 秋海棠 camellia 山茶花 carnation 康乃馨    扩展资料   Chinese enkianthus灯笼花   Chinese flowering crab-apple 海棠花   chrysanthemum 菊花   dahlia 大丽花   daisy 雏菊   datura曼陀罗   epiphyllum昙花   fringed iris 蝴蝶花   fuchsia 金钟   gardenia 栀子   India canna 美人蕉   jasmine 茉莉   lilac 丁香   lily 百合   magnolia木兰花   yulan magnolia flower玉兰花   morning glory 牵牛花   narcissus 水仙花   oleander 夹竹桃   orchid 兰花   pansy 三色堇   phalaenopsis蝶兰   setose asparagus 文竹   touch-me-not 凤仙花   tulip 郁金香
2023-07-25 02:32:431


2023-07-25 02:32:574

Oasis的《Hey Now》 歌词

歌曲名:Hey Now歌手:Oasis专辑:(What"S The Story) Morning Gloryhey now - OasisAlbum:(What′s The Story) Morning GloryI hitched a ride with my soulBy the side of the roadJust as the sky turned blackI took a walk with my fameDown memory laneI never did find my way backYou know that I gotta say time′s slipping awayAnd what will it hold for meWhat am I gonna do while I′m looking at youYou′re standing ignoring meI thought that I heard someone say nowThere′s no time for running away nowHey now! Hey now!Feel no shame - cos time′s no chainFeel no shameThe first thing I sawAs I walked through the doorWas a sign on the wall that readIt said you might never knowThat I want you to knowWhat is written inside of your headAnd time as it standsWon′t be held in my handsOr living inside of my skinAnd as it fell from the skyI asked myself whyCan I never let anyone in ?I thought that I heard someone say nowThere′s no time for running away nowHey now! Hey now!Feel no shame - cos time′s no chainFeel no shameai_Home为您编辑.希望和好朋友张凌永远快乐.Feel no shame - cos time′s no chainFeel no shameI hitched a ride with my soulBy the side of the roadJust as the sky turned blackI took a walk with my fameDown memory laneI never did find my way backYou know that I gotta say time′s slipping awayAnd what will it hold for meWhat am I gonna do while I′m looking at youYou′re standing ignoring meI thought that I heard someone say nowThere′s no time for running away nowHey now! Hey now!Feel no shame - cos time′s no chainFeel no shame - cos time′s no chainFeel no shame
2023-07-25 02:33:151


Lotus 荷花 Lily 百合花Rose 玫瑰Tulip 郁金香carnation 康乃馨peony 牡丹cherry blossom 樱花chrysanthemum 菊花orchid兰花中国水仙 new year lily 石榴 pomegranate 月桂victor"s laurel 报春花 polyanthus 木棉 cotton tree 紫丁香 lilac 紫荆 chinese redbud 紫罗兰 wall flower 桃花 peach 紫藤 wistaria 杜鹃 azalea 铃兰 lily-of-the-valley 牡丹 tree paeony 银杏 ginkgo 芍药 paeony 蝴蝶兰 moth orchid 蟹爪仙人掌 christmas cactus 茶花 common camelia 千日红 common globe-amaranth 非洲堇 african vioet 天人菊 indian blanket 栀子花 cape jasmine 木槿 rose of sharon 风信子 hyacinyh 牵牛花 morning glory 君子兰 kafir lily含笑花 banana shrub 非洲菊 african daisy 含羞草 esnsitive plant 茉莉 arabian jasmine 凌霄花 creeper 鸡冠花 cockscomb 鸢萝 cypress vine 菩提 bo-tree 大理花 dahlia 圣诞百合 christmas bell 一串红 scarlet sage 紫薇 crape myrtle 勿忘草 forget-me-not 睡莲 water lily 文心兰 dacing lady 吊兰 spider plant 白头翁 pappy anemone 向日葵 sunflower 矢车菊 cornflower 竹 bamboo 金鱼草 snapdrgon 夹竹桃 oleander 金盏花 pot marigold 扶桑 china rose 金银花 japanese honeysuckle 长春花 old maid 秋海棠begonia 非洲凤仙 african touch-me-not 美人蕉 canna 曼佗罗 angel"s trumpet 晚香玉 tuberose 梅花 flowering apricot 野姜花 ginger lily 圣诞红 common poinsettia 菊花 chrysamthemum 虞美人 iceland poppy 昙花 epiphyllum 鸢尾 iris 龙胆 royal blue 腊梅 winter sweet 麒麟花 bojers spurge 木芙蓉 cotton rose 九重葛 paper flower 火鹤花 flamingo flower 三色堇 tricolor viola 嘉德丽亚兰 cattleya
2023-07-25 02:33:251


Coreopsis 金鸡菊 波斯菊
2023-07-25 02:33:454


relations, relatives, kinfolk, kin 亲属my family 我家my people 我家人next of kin 近亲family life 家庭生活pink 粉红色salmon pink 橙红色baby pink 浅粉红色shocking pink 鲜粉红色brown 褐色, 茶色beige 灰褐色chocolate 红褐色, 赭石色sandy beige 浅褐色camel 驼色amber 琥珀色khaki 卡其色maroon 褐红色green 绿色moss green 苔绿色emerald green 鲜绿色olive green 橄榄绿blue 蓝色turquoise blue 土耳其玉色cobalt blue 钴蓝色, 艳蓝色navy blue 藏青色, 深蓝色, 天蓝色aquamarine blue 蓝绿色red 红色scarlet 绯红, 猩红mauve 紫红wine red 葡萄酒红purple, violet 紫色lavender 淡紫色lilac 浅紫色antique violet 古紫色pansy 紫罗兰色white 白色off-white 灰白色ivory 象牙色snowy white 雪白色oyster white 乳白色gray 灰色charcoal gray 炭灰色smoky gray 烟灰色misty grazalea 杜鹃花begonia 秋海棠Brazil 巴西木cactus 仙人掌camellia 山茶花carnation 麝香石竹(康乃馨)Chinese enkianthus 灯笼花Chinese flowering crab-apple 海棠花chrysanthemum 菊花dahlia 大丽花daisy 雏菊datura 曼陀罗epiphyllum 昙花fringed iris 蝴蝶花fuchsia 倒挂金钟gardenia 栀子India canna 美人蕉jasmine 茉莉lilac 丁香lily 百合mangnolia 木兰花mangnolia 玉兰花morning glory 牵牛(喇叭花)narcissus 水仙花oleander 夹竹桃orchid 兰花pansy 三色堇peony 牡丹peony 芍药phalaenopsis 蝶兰rose 玫瑰rose 月季setose asparagus 文竹touch-me-not (balsam) 凤仙花tulip 郁金香violet, stock violet 紫罗兰water hyacinth 凤眼兰ay 雾灰色caste 社会地位generation 代branch 支,系tribe 部族,部落clan 氏族race, breed 种族lineage 宗族,世系stock 门第,血统of noble birth 贵族出身of humble birth 平民出身dynasty 朝代origin 出身ancestry 祖先,先辈ancestors, forebears, forefathers 祖先extraction 家世descent, offspring 后代,后辈descendants 后代,晚辈progeny, issue 后裔succession 继承consanguinity, blood relationship 血缘kinsmen by blood 血亲affinity 姻亲关系,嫡戚关系kinsmen by affinity 姻亲blood 血family tree 家谱acrobatic gymnastics---技巧运动athletics/track & field---田径beach---海滩boat race---赛艇bobsleigh, bobsled---雪橇boxing---拳击canoe slalom---激流划船canoe---赛艇chess---象棋cricket---板球cycling---自行车diving---跳水downhill race---速降滑雪赛,滑降dragon-boat racing---赛龙船dressage---盛装舞步equestrian---骑马fencing---击剑figure skating---花样滑冰football(英语)/soccer(美语)---足球freestyle----自由式gliding; sailplaning---滑翔运动golf----高尔夫球Greece-Roman wrestling----古典式摔跤gymnastic apparatus----体操器械gymnastics----体操handball-----手球hockey----曲棍球hold, lock-----揪钮horizontal bar-----单杠hurdles; hurdle race----跨栏比赛huttlecock kicking---踢毽子ice skating---滑冰indoor---室内item Archery---箭术judo---柔道jumping----障碍kayak----皮划艇mat exercises---垫上运动modern pentathlon---现代五项运动mountain bike---山地车parallel bars---双杠polo---马球relative work---造型跳伞relay race; relay---接力rings----吊环roller skating----滑旱冰rowing-----划船rugby---橄榄球sailing--帆船shooting---射击side horse, pommelled horse---鞍马ski jump---跳高滑雪ski jumping competition---跳高滑雪比赛ski---滑雪板skiing---滑雪slalom---障碍滑雪softball---垒球surfing---冲浪swimming----游泳table tennis---乒乓球taekwondo---跆拳道tennis----网球toxophily---射箭track---赛道trampoline---蹦床trapeze---秋千triathlon---铁人三项tug-of-war---拔河volleyball---排球badminton---羽毛球baseball---棒球basketball---篮球walking; walking race---竞走wall bars---肋木water polo----水球weightlifting ---举重weights ---重量级winter sports -----冬季运动wrestling --- 摔交yacht --- 游艇
2023-07-25 02:34:022


Mr Green grows vegetables as well as flowers. 希望能够帮到楼主
2023-07-25 02:34:1210


2023-07-25 02:34:5115


荷花、睡莲,松树、柏树、冬青、法国梧桐、玉兰、樱花,流浪猫、豹猫(也叫野狸子)黄鼠狼,流浪狗、狐狸、狼,刺猬,天鹅、野鸭、大雁、燕子、海鸥、白鹭、牛背鹭、苍鹭、苍鹰、猫头鹰、麻雀、喜鹊、乌鸦,青蛙、蛤蟆,蘑菇、木耳 ,迎春花,带鱼,草鱼,燕子,蟋蟀,蝉,蝴蝶,鸵鸟,木棉、紫荆花、夹竹桃、樟树,苹果,小麦,紫荆花,紫藤花,兰花,鸡蛋花,竹子,金钱树,水仙花,蝴蝶兰,波斯猫,金丝猴,鹦鹉,金鱼,海蛇,鳗鱼,蚯蚓,泥鳅,哈巴狗,沙皮狗,贵宾犬,麻雀,知了,乌鸦,螃蟹,甲鱼,白杨,竹笋,腊肠狗,牧羊犬,金丝雀,蜗牛,乌龟,马,兔子,梅花,牡丹花,威尔斯柯基犬,吉娃娃,蝴蝶犬、玛尔济斯、约克夏、贵宾、巴哥、雪纳瑞、比熊、西高地、猎狐梗,灵缇、迷你杜宾,银狐、蝴蝶、玛尔济斯吊兰蝴蝶兰 水草 水葫芦
2023-07-25 02:35:294


1新渍可用酸奶,牙膏、牛奶、擦洗,再清水漂净 2米饭(当然是熟的)加上一点食盐放在墨渍处反复多次搓洗,墨迹便会附着在饭粒上,然后用洗涤剂洗,用清水冲净。 3去药店买草酸溶液,用其浸泡后搓洗,然后再用洗涤剂清洗 去除这样可以么?
2023-07-25 02:35:413


晨光绝版笔在淘宝能买到。上海晨光文具股份有限公司(M&G Chenguang Stationery co.,Ltd.),位于上海市奉贤区青村镇工业园。公司占地面积350亩,是一家整合创意价值与服务优势的综合文具供应商,产品涵盖书写工具、学生文具、办公文具及其他相关产品,公司于2015年正式在上交所挂牌上市,股票代码603899。晨光致力于提供舒适、有趣、环保、高性价比的文具用品,让人们享受使用过程并激发使用者创意。产品涵盖各式书写工具、修正工具、橡皮类、尺类、胶类、画材类、本册类、包袋类、PP类、桌面用品、电子类、削笔工具、财务行政用品、益智类等产品领域。M&G是晨光文具的英文商标,是英文单词Morning Glory的首字母,寓意为早晨的光荣。红色“M”是中国红,代表晨光源于中国,不断从中国优秀文化中吸收养分;黑色“G”是国际黑,代表晨光将立足世界舞台,向世界传播中国文化。上海晨光文具股份有限公司是一家整合创意价值与服务优势,专注于文具事业的综合文具公司。晨光文具致力于提供舒适、有趣、环保、高性价比的文具用品,让人们享受使用过程并激发使用者创意。产品领域涵盖各式书写工具、修正工具、橡皮类、尺子类、胶类、画材类、本册类、书包类、PP类、桌面用品、电子类、削笔工具、财务行政用品、益智类。晨光文具坚持使用节能环保的材料和制造方式,担负起企业作为世界公民的责任,为全球环保事业及循环经济做出贡献。
2023-07-25 02:36:021

翻译:the morning sun in all its glory

应该是这样的 The morning sun (that) in all its glory greets the day with hop and comfort,too.The morning sun (that) in all its glory是主语,同时也是单数,所以谓语greet就要加s(that) in all its glory是The morning sun的状语从句说实话,这句子很有韩国特色
2023-07-25 02:37:041


1.笔类:水笔系列-【Basic】百乐G-1黑蓝红绿自从高中用过一次以后我再也没用过别的水笔。是这辈子用过的最顺滑,出水量最多,速干效果好,颜色鲜亮醒目的随笔。整本笔记都好起来了。【Colorful】以前是用ZEBRA的彩色水笔,现在百乐也出了新的Juicy系列,色彩选择更多,书写舒适度也极好。彩色水笔常备肉粉色,灰色和水绿色,赏心悦目。2.本本类初级:Morning Glory的24k我的大书橱塞了整整两层,但是年初整理东西的时候全部被我眼睛不眨地扔掉了,推荐是因为大多数人可能真的会因为分散在世界各地以及体现各种生活美好细节的封面图片深深迷住。进阶:旅行者日记随身带着不能缺少的东西。3.工具类:拆信刀,小剪刀,以及各种生活功能都具备了。
2023-07-25 02:37:123


Dear dad,Mom:You said you the rest of my life depends on me,you know my dream?I just want to bean ordinary person,ordinary people should live life.I want to be an editor for the magazine,buy a small house near the mountain and by the river,raising two cute puppy,two pots of open red gypsophila and morning glory.Each day should be like this,I get up at seven,eight,open the mailbox for reading the manuscript,and then open the mailbox to see electronic manuscript,tasting style and implication of thoseauthors,occasionally listen to new songs,and then in the QQ space sneaking food,afternoon walk the dog,drink a cup of Coffee,then their writing,everything is socomfortable and beautiful!Now?Examination must be before the high school entrance exam,and then afterschool,Work hard admitted to Peking University or Tsinghua?But I think that is not necessarily the best!I like the cherry of Wuhan University,Xiamen Universitydormitory,the beautiful scenery of the Tsinghua Yuan,but those who do notnecessarily have to enter before they can appreciate!We can have a family trip to Hainan Island together,and then go to Beijing to see thethe Great Wall,to Shandong,Dezhou to see,Shanghai shopping,these don"t spend too much time and money,but it can broaden my horizons,improve my cognition.Life can not be plain sailing,many things are not listened to your warning can avoid,a lot of things to themselves to experience,we can really understand.Too much restraint will only make me more pressure,an occasional indulgence may be better.Referring now to the same thing - books,for books,is!Books can improve ouraccomplishment of Humanities and writing level,thank you to give me to buy so manyextra-curricular books,the mid-term exam composition results at the top of the class.But failed in the math test,dragged down by the total score ranking,let you down!But I will try to make the score really reflect their own strength!亲爱的爸、妈:  你们说过你们的后半辈子就靠我了,可你们知道我的梦想吗?我只想当一个平凡的人,过普通人应该过的一生.我想在杂志社当一个编辑,买一个依山傍水的小房子,养两只可爱的小狗,种两盆开的艳艳的满天星和牵牛花.每天的行程应该是这样的,早上七点起床,八点上班,打开信箱收阅稿件,然后打开邮箱看电子文稿,品评那些作者们的文笔和意蕴,偶尔听听最新的歌,然后在QQ空间偷偷菜,下午遛遛狗,喝一杯咖啡,然后自己写作,一切都是那么的惬意和美好!  现在呢?考试排名一定要前,然后高中考名校,之后呢?好好努力考上北大或清华吗?可我觉得那样不一定最好!我喜欢武汉大学的樱花、厦门大学的寝室、清华园的美景,但那些不一定非得考上才可以体味呀!  我们一家可以一起去海南岛旅行,然后去北京看长城,到山东的德州瞧瞧,上海逛逛,这些根本不会花费太多的时间和金钱,但可以开拓我的视野,提高我的认知.  人生不可能一帆风顺,许多事不是听从了你们的告诫就能避免的,很多事情都需要自己去经历,才能真正明白的.过多的管束只会让我更有压力,偶尔放纵或许会更好一些的.  现在要提到的一样东西---书,对,是书!书可以提高我们的人文涵养和写作水平,感谢你们给我买的那么多课外书籍,这次期中考试的作文成绩高居全班之冠呢.可惜数学考砸了,拖累了总成绩的排名,让你们失望了吧!不过我会努力地让考分真正体现出自己的实力!
2023-07-25 02:37:421

牵牛花又叫什么花 有哪些特点

   植物花语 带我们来了解牵牛花又叫什么花?有哪些特点?牵牛( Pharbitis nil(L.)Choisy),属旋花科牵牛属,一年生缠绕草本。这一种植物的花酷似喇叭状,因此有些地方叫它做喇叭花。继续来看看吧!   牵牛(牵牛属植物)   同义词:牵牛花(旋花科牵牛属花卉)一般指牵牛(牵牛属植物)   牵牛(Pharbitis nil(L.)Choisy),属旋花科牵牛属,一年生缠绕草本。这一种植物的花酷似喇叭状,因此有些地方叫它做喇叭花。种植牵牛花一般在春天播种,夏秋开花,其品种很多,花的颜色有蓝、绯红、桃红、紫等,亦有混色的,花瓣边缘的变化较多,是常见的观赏植物。果实卵球形,可以入药。牵牛花叶子三裂,基部心形。花呈白色、紫红色或紫蓝色,漏斗状,全株有粗毛。花期以夏季最盛。种子具有药用价值。   中文学名:牵牛   拉丁学名:Pharbitis nil(Linn.)Choisy   别称:朝颜、碗公花、牵牛花、喇叭花   二名法:Pharhiris nil qianniuhua   界:植物界   门:被子植物门   纲:双子叶植物纲   亚纲:菊亚纲   目:茄目   科:旋花科   亚科:旋花亚科   族:番薯族   属:牵牛属   种:牵牛   分布区域:热带和亚热带地区   英文名:Morning glory   形态特征   一年生缠绕草本,茎上被倒向的短柔毛及杂有倒向或开展的长硬毛。叶宽卵形或近圆形,深或浅的3裂,偶5裂,长4~15厘米,宽4.5~14厘米,基部圆,心形,中裂片长圆形或卵圆形,渐尖或骤尖,侧裂片较短,三角形,裂口锐或圆,叶面或疏或密被微硬的柔毛;叶柄长2~15厘米,毛被同茎。   花腋生,单一或通常2朵着生于花序梗顶,花序梗长短不一,长1.5~18.5厘米,通常短于叶柄,有时较长,毛被同茎;苞片线形或叶状,被开展的微硬毛;花梗长2~7毫米;小苞片线形;萼片近等长,长2~2.5厘米,披针状线形,内面2片稍狭,外面被开展的刚毛,基部更密,有时也杂有短柔毛;花冠漏斗状,长5~8(~10)厘米,蓝紫色或紫红色,花冠管色淡;雄蕊及花柱内藏;雄蕊不等长;花丝基部被柔毛;子房无毛,柱头头状。   蒴果近球形,直径0.8~1.3厘米,3瓣裂。种子卵状三棱形,长约6毫米,黑褐色或米黄色,被褐色短绒毛。
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2023-07-25 02:38:204

英语谚语:Joy often comes after sorrow, like morning after night 中文翻译是什么?

英语谚语: Joy often es after sorrow like morning after night 中文意思: 暮去必将朝至,苦尽常会甜来。 随机推荐10条英文谚语: Glory honour wealth and rank such things are nothing but shadows 富贵如浮云。 Glory is the shadow of virtue 光荣是美德的影子。 God defend me from my friends; form my enemy I can defend myself 防友靠天,防敌靠己。 God helps those who help themselves 自助者天助之。 God never shuts one door but he opens another 天无绝人之路。 God sends fortune to fools 蠢人有蠢福。 God sends meat and the devil sends cooks 鲜肉由天次,劣厨乃鬼遣。 Go farther and fare worse 一动不如一静。 Go for wool and e home shorn 求得反失。 Gold will not buy everything 黄金不能购买一切。 英语谚语: Joy often es after sorrow like morning after night 中文意思: 暮去必将朝至,苦尽常会甜来。
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薰衣草:等待爱情矢车菊:华丽的错过、单身的快乐萱草:遗忘的爱飞燕草:傲慢轻率狗尾巴草:暗恋情人草:完美爱情亚卡夏:友情天堂鸟:自由、幸福、快乐、吉祥、长寿、美好、热恋情侣银柳:生命光辉,银元滚滚来 松柏:长寿和勇敢 杨柳:依依不舍刺槐:友谊 石竹:奔放、幻想 红枫:热忱海芋:希望,雄壮之美红豆:相思 薄荷:美德连翘:预料 荼蘼:末路的美菖蒲:相信者的幸福败酱:纯洁恋情白桑:智慧过人时钟:爱在你身边油桐:情窦初开黑桑:生死与共昙花:刹那的美丽,一瞬间永恒红掌:心心相印、鸿运当头、热情、热心、热血 剑兰:高雅、长寿、康宁、坚强石榴:早生贵子木兰:扬眉吐气腊梅:哀愁悲怀的慈爱心,高尚的心灵梅花:坚强和高雅荷花:幸运、纯洁、脱俗持久,恩爱关怀桃花:美艳醉人、烂漫桂花:光荣、和平、友好、吉祥樱花:生命、等你回来山樱花:纯洁、高尚、淡薄栀子花:永恒的爱、一生的守侯、我们的爱桔梗花:真诚不变的爱八仙花:同心协力 龙胆花:喜欢看忧伤时的你密蒙花:请幸福到来 紫滕花:对你执着,最幸福的时刻星辰花:永不变心木棉花:珍惜眼前的幸福茉莉花:幸福,就是你属于我、朴素自然、清静纯洁海棠花:集中精力,活血壮筋蓝茉莉:孤独之美 紫薇花:好运草莓花:甜蜜 太阳花:坚强鸡冠花:独立、勤奋 报春花:青春的快乐和悲伤大丽花:美丽璀灿、和气致祥 迎春花:生命力强、清高孤寂 荷包花:荷包肿胀、财源滚滚杜鹃花:节制、为了我保重你自己,温暖的,强烈的感情 月季花:幸福、光荣、美丽长新 水仙花:清芳幽雅、冰莹秀丽 芍药花:惜别金凤花:智慧 大理花:华丽、优雅玉簪花:恬静!宽和长春花:快乐回忆 珍珠花:调停之花 番红花:青春之乐指项花:深深思念 大丽花:幽雅尊贵 金雀花:幽雅整洁 圣诞花:美满冷漠,会受苦孤挺花:渴望被爱蝴蝶花:相信就是幸福蝴蝶兰:高洁、大福大贵、清雅、我爱你、美丽夺目,须时常滋润紫罗兰:感情的监禁,机敏,对我而言你永远那么美跳舞兰:青春活泼、知情识趣 小苍兰:纯洁、幸福、清新舒畅秋石兰:欢迎 君子兰:丰盛,有君子之风石斛兰:慈爱、主妇、喜悦文心兰:隐藏的爱 香雪兰:纯洁龙舌兰:是为爱付出一切白铃兰:幸福即将到来勿忘我:永志不忘、挚爱坚贞、友谊万岁、永远思念满天星:关怀、友情、思念夹竹桃:注意危险仙客来:天真无邪、纯洁活泼 一串红:喜气洋洋、满堂吉庆 洋水仙:美丽、虚伪、自大 万年青:健康长寿,青春活泼 美女樱:相守、和睦家庭五代果:老少安康,金银无缺麒麟竹:长寿幸福麒麟草:警戒虞美人:安慰 欧石楠:孤独与背叛大岩酮:见钟情 高贵大方,有福气 旭日藤:爱的锁链 野荀麻:相爱 紫云英:没有爱的期待圣诞红:祝福 向日葵:沉默的爱、爱慕、光辉、忠诚 天竺葵:偶然的相遇蒲公英:无法停留的爱、勇敢无畏曼佗罗:无间的爱和复仇,绝望的爱,不可预知的死亡和爱夜来香:在危险边缘寻乐迷迭香:回忆不想忘记得过去,纪念 迷失香:留住回忆 仙人掌:坚硬坚强、你是我的天使、温暖 藏在心底的爱百慕达:坚韧.顽强玛格丽特:骄傲、满意、喜悦 红色仙客:你真漂亮 金枝玉叶:永结同心、血脉相连 卡斯诺尔:请原谅我蓍草:安慰彩叶草:绝望的恋情酢浆草:忠诚轻松风铃草:温柔的爱、坚贞感激忘忧草:放下他(她)放下忧愁松虫草:寡妇的悲哀 含羞草:自卑、易动的心金鱼草:金银满头、繁荣昌盛 欺骗,高尚的女士,力量夕雾草:热烈思念、一往情深鹭鸶草:连梦里也思念着你火绒草:重要的回忆 金钻蔓绿绒:多子多福
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Japanese has borrowed heavily from engpsh . 日语中借用了很多英语。 Her famiparity with japanese surprised me . 她对日语的熟谙使我惊奇。 The warm japanese current flows past the coast . 日本洋暖流流经海岸。 She has a passable knowledge of japanese . 她的日语(知识)还可以。 Dry land ( often used in japanese names ) . 旱地(多用于日本人姓名)。 Japanese leaders were equally alarmed . 日本首脑人物同样感到震惊。 When you speak japanese she cannot understand . 你讲日语她不懂。 Japanese cars have flooded the american market . 日本汽车已充斥美国市场。 We can"t ape the japanese system . 我们不能完全仿效日本的体系。 The last japanese thrusts had been hurled back . 日本人最后的突击被打退了。 The japanese were confident . 日军当时趾高气扬、不可一世。 The japanese war lords had looked for a certainty . 日本军阀要想寻求万全之策。 The girl interpreted for the old japanese very well . 女孩为这位老人翻译得很好。 He squatted down as a japanese . 他像日本人似的蹲坐著。 It did harm the relative power of the japanese state . 它损害了日本国的相对实力。 The japanese to a man had been plotting against them . 日本人个个都对他们居心叵测。 They are often found in chinese or japanese dishes . 经常是中国人或日本人的盤中菜。 There were dead japanese lying all about this ridge . 山梁的前后左右都是日军的遗尸。 Even the japanese dissent in discreet ways . 即使日本人,也是以谨慎的方式表示不同意。 The japanese can"t directly confront disagreement . 日本人对不同意见是不会直接抗争的。 Once more the japanese mand brought up reinforcements . 日军司令部又调集了增援部队。 In the end, the japanese agreed to change the machinery . 结果,日本人只好同意更换机器。 Japanese tv sets are , for the most part , of excellent quapty . 日本电视机大多质量优良。 Do you pke japanese people ? 你喜欢日本人吗? In the old days japanese women were confined to the household . 过去日本妇女被禁锢在家里。 The japanese ring around the wu tai mountains grew tighter . 日寇对五台山区的包围越来越紧。 In the basketball game china beat the japanese by a neck . 在那场篮球赛中中国队险胜日本队。 Japanese vegetable production in plastic tunnels were included . 包括日本塑料小棚的蔬菜生产。 A japanese morning-glory may flower or produce only leaves . 日本牵牛花可以开花或者只长叶子。 Undoubtedly the japanese would not dare by-pass the islands . 日本军不敢超越该岛进攻是无疑的。 A japanese attack on the dutch possessions may be made at any time . 日本可以随时袭击荷兰属地。 The japanese team accumulated four points with one win and o losses . 日本队积四分,一胜两负。 This episode marked the end of the japanese offensive surge . 这个插曲标志著日本攻势高潮的终结。 He could not shake the death of the japanese prisoner . 那日本俘虏的死缠住了他,怎么也排遗不开。 Most of the students of our class take japanese as an elective course . 我们班大部分同学选修日语。 Japanese farmers give adamant support for import restrictions . 日本农业主对限制进口表示坚决支持。 The japanese had shown prime bat and logistical abipty . 日本人已经显示了出色的战斗和后勤能力。 In the imperial japanese fleet it was suicidal effrontery . 在日本帝国舰队中,这是自杀性的胆大妄为。 By september, the backbone of japanese resistance had been broken . 到了九月,日军抵抗的主力已经崩溃。 Roosevelt promised to use diplomacy to stop japanese immigration . 罗斯福答应通过外交途径停止日本移民。 The japanese machine gun raked through the bush at them . 日本人的机枪在矮树丛里来回扫射,不肯放过他们。 The work group is the basic building block of japanese organizations . 工作小组是日本组织的基本结构单元。 At four in the afternoon the first wave of japanese bombers came over . 下午4点,第一批日本轰炸机出现了。 First, invariably, the japanese firms made a big deal about"meaning". 首先日本的公司一贯地强调“信念”。 It is mon knowledge that zhang zoupn was murdered by the japanese . 人尽皆知,张作霖是被日本人谋杀的。 Most americans have been exposed to the aesthetic of japanese design . 大部分美国人已经感受到日本设计的美。 The japanese educational system seems to serve these needs well . 日本的教育制度似乎很有效地满足了这些需要。 It must buck centuries-old, deeply ingrained japanese customs . 它必须突破世代相传,深入肌理的日本风俗习惯。 He submitted just as o of the japanese gentlemen gave tongue . 他只好顺从,恰巧有两位日本绅士同时都开了口。 Lechenko understood that japanese do not grant friendship casually . 列夫钦科知道,日本人从不轻易施人以友谊。 上一篇: 郑士良等发起惠州起义 下一篇: 历史上有哪些一见钟情的故事?
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purpie英语说法:美 /u02c8pu025cu02d0rpl/,英 /u02c8pu025cu02d0pl/。一、含义:adj紫色的;帝王的;华而不实的。n紫色;紫袍。vi变成紫色。vt使成紫色。过去式是purpled,过去分词是purpled,现在分词是purpling,第三人称单是purples,复数是purples,比较级是purpler,最高级是purplest。二、相关例句:1、Morning glory is purple.牵牛花是紫色的。2、The young man wore a dress with color of purple to the party.这个年轻人穿着紫色衣服参加聚会。3、Repeated blows purpled his knees.重复击打让他的膝盖变成了紫色。4、Purple is my favourite colour.我最喜欢的颜色是紫色。5、Purple and orange don"t match at all. I really think you should change your outfit.紫色和橙色一点也不配,我真觉得你应该换身衣服。6、The image of her in that awful orange and purple dress will be cemented in my memory forever.她穿着那条难看的橘紫色连衣裙的形象将永远铭刻在我的记忆中。
2023-07-25 02:39:111

Moment Of Glory 歌词

歌曲名:Moment Of Glory歌手:Rod Stewart专辑:Vagabond Heart [Expanded Edition]Moment Of GlorySonicfloodWoke up this morning to a holy invitationMy eyes were opened to a world of inspirationI felt the wind blow on my faceI felt the sunlight of your graceWoke up this morning witha child-like fascinationJust like the stars shining in the nightYou are the sun that gives me lightRaising my hands up to the skyI"m breathing in the breathe of lifeIn this moment of gloryMoment of gloryThere"s something radical about this revelationThere"s something magical about the cloud formationsI see Your glory in this placeI feel the mystery of Your graceThere"s something wonderful about this transformationJust like the stars shining in the nightYou are the sun that gives me lightRaising my hands up to the skyI"m breathing in the breathe of lifeIn this moment of gloryMoment of gloryI can see Your glorySonicflood---Moment Of GloryI can see Your gloryIn this moment of gloryWoke up this morning to a holy invitationIn this momentJust like the stars shining in the nightYou are the sun that gives me lightRaising my hands up to the skyI"m breathing in the breathe of lifeJust like the stars shining in the nightYou are the sun that gives me lightRaising my hands up to the skyI"m breathing in the breathe of lifeIn this moment of glory......Moment Of GlorySonicfloodEdited By Jlcc
2023-07-25 02:39:291

Moment Of Glory 歌词

歌曲名:Moment Of Glory歌手:Sonicflood专辑:This GenerationMoment Of GlorySonicfloodWoke up this morning to a holy invitationMy eyes were opened to a world of inspirationI felt the wind blow on my faceI felt the sunlight of your graceWoke up this morning witha child-like fascinationJust like the stars shining in the nightYou are the sun that gives me lightRaising my hands up to the skyI"m breathing in the breathe of lifeIn this moment of gloryMoment of gloryThere"s something radical about this revelationThere"s something magical about the cloud formationsI see Your glory in this placeI feel the mystery of Your graceThere"s something wonderful about this transformationJust like the stars shining in the nightYou are the sun that gives me lightRaising my hands up to the skyI"m breathing in the breathe of lifeIn this moment of gloryMoment of gloryI can see Your glorySonicflood---Moment Of GloryI can see Your gloryIn this moment of gloryWoke up this morning to a holy invitationIn this momentJust like the stars shining in the nightYou are the sun that gives me lightRaising my hands up to the skyI"m breathing in the breathe of lifeJust like the stars shining in the nightYou are the sun that gives me lightRaising my hands up to the skyI"m breathing in the breathe of lifeIn this moment of glory......Moment Of GlorySonicfloodEdited By Jlcc
2023-07-25 02:39:361


“班得瑞”来自瑞士,它是由一群年轻作曲家、演奏家及音源采样工程师所组成的一个乐团,团长奥利佛·史瓦兹(Oliver Schwarz)是一位多才多艺的音乐人,不但专长多种乐器,更熟捻先进的录音工程,曾与为莎拉-布莱曼制作《Time To Say Goodbye》的天王制作人阿历克斯·克里斯坦森合作,制作过不少专辑,但挚爱NEW AGE音乐的他,最终选择了将一身才华奉献给瑞士山林。被称为“世界花园”的瑞士,宛如是造物者从地球彼端分离出来,用以向世人揭示仙境的风光。那几乎像是童话中的一草一木,一景一物,围篱着人间难得纯粹的圣地。 “班得瑞”就是这样一群生活在瑞士山林的音乐精灵。他们从不愿在媒体曝光,一旦开始执行音乐制作,便深居在阿尔卑斯山林中,直到母带成品完成。置身在自然山野中,让班得瑞乐团拥有源源不绝的创作灵感,也拥有最自然脱俗的音乐风格。每一声虫鸣、流水,都是深入瑞士山林、湖泊,走访瑞士的阿尔卑斯山、罗春湖畔、玫瑰峰山麓等地记录下来的。为了采集自然界音效,上山下海、甚至露宿山林,对“班得瑞”来说算是家常便饭。团员们必须熟知每一种候鸟的季节性与飞行路径,为了数分钟的音效,往往守侯数月之久:团员们更必须举着比人身更长的录音架往峡谷中央采集风声,整个过程险象环生,但也因为如此,班得瑞乐团才能将这些音效栩栩如生地呈现在专辑里。“班得瑞”这个梦幻般的抒情演奏乐团,将属于瑞士的湖光山色,在音乐中予以唯美地具象,每一个音符,都代表层层压缩到内心里的感动。
2023-07-25 02:39:454


2023-07-25 02:39:551


出厂:Be hold ,the bringer of light.看哪,光明使者。选择:We bear gifts.我们携带着礼物。Nuke warheads preserved.贮存核弹头。They will never forget.他们永生难忘。We will be generous.我们会很大方的。The mother of all weapons.万武之宗。移动:Where shall we prepare?我们应该在哪部署?Be careful,she"sfragile.小心点,她很脆弱。Pressurize cargo.密封货物。We must be patient.我们必须要有耐心。攻击:Brighter than the sun.比太阳更耀眼。Morning glory.晨曦。This day is to be remembered.这一天将会被载入史册。The final word.遗言。部署:Preparing for the moment.为那一时刻筹备。Setting up for count down.为倒数计时装配中。Deploy.部署。
2023-07-25 02:40:091


实现将希沃转到ppt并能编辑的方法:工具:联想y9000、Windows11.0、希沃白板5.2.21、直接在希沃白板的相关窗口中选择制作的课件跳转。2、下一步需要通过图示位置找到导出课件并点击进入。3、如果没问题就继续根据实际情况确定转换成ppt格式。4、这样一来等得到对应结果以后即可实现要求了。希沃的技术特点:1、云课件希沃白板课件主要以云课件形式存在,用户通常不用关心文件格式,登陆希沃白板即可随调随用。云课件的页面、资源使用了特定的描述文件,使同步课件时可差量同步,确保课件同步速度足够快。2、扩展性希沃白板课件采用标准的 XML 格式作为课件内容描述形式,具有丰富的可扩展性。3、PPT解析支持将 PPTX 格式的 PPT 文档转换为希沃白板课件,并且大部分元素和动画支持二次编辑。4、海量空间希沃白板为用户提供海量的云空间,足够用户存放自己的所有日常课件。5、安全备份老师的课件数据,存在多份副本。即使某个数据中心出现不可恢复的事故,也不会导致课件数据的丢失,数据安全更有保证。6、课件分享用户课件存储在云端,一键即可实现课件分享。7、多端共享课件可在PC、手机端、Web端实现数据同步,随时随地查看课件数据,多端协作更方便。8、内容开放平台希沃白板采用 “插件式” 的软件框架、“开放化” 的存储格式,支持第三方组件的无缝内嵌。9、内容无缝转换自建 TopModel 存储模型,支持多种存储格式的相互转换,元素级的转换支持。10、接口丰富提供丰富的 API ,支持第三方组件与白板内部的功能进行交互。11、基础组件自带的视频播放器支持常见视频格式,第三方视频资源可以随心播放;内置 Chrome 浏览器,第三方网络资源可以完美呈现。
2023-07-25 02:40:061

有sold out这首歌吗,求分享网盘

2023-07-25 02:40:072


2023-07-25 02:40:103


久制茶香熏鸭腿材料原 料:鸭腿6只、熏料A:大米,红糖,茉莉花茶,丁香, 陈皮,桂皮红烧调料B:姜片,八角,桂皮,丁香,陈皮,山楂,红粬米,生抽2大勺,老抽2大勺,红糖(或冰糖),黄酒2大勺做法1.鸭腿洗净,用热椒盐擦透鸭身,放入ziploc袋子后入冰箱冷藏4小时,中间须翻动一次。2.烤箱预热100F,放入鸭腿底火烤2小时,3.将鸭在开水中烫至皮缩紧。4.熏锅中先垫好铝膜纸,放入熏料后再放一个架子,放入鸭腿,皮朝下放上,大火熏5分钟后翻身再熏5分钟。5.大锅内加水烧开后放入熏好的鸭腿和调料B,大火烧开后转小火焖煮45分钟左右,然后再大火将汤汁略收干,留一部分汤汁后用。鸭腿捞出后入冰箱冷藏3小时后切块装盘,然后把汤汁加热后浇在切好的鸭腿上即可。
2023-07-25 02:40:011


Jennifer Batten:吉他手(“Bad”、“Dangerous”和“HIStory”巡演),曾在Natalie Cole的《Wild Women Do》、迈克尔·杰克逊的《Moonwalker》、Sara Hickman的《Take It Like A Man》中亮相。1992年参加了迈克尔·杰克逊的“Dangerous”巡演,随后还参加了他1996/1997的“HIStory”巡演。
2023-07-25 02:40:002