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wind up这个词组中wind应该读{wind}还是{waind}?

2023-07-25 14:41:15
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wind up
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1. 使结束
She wound up her speech with a quotation.



wind up是什么意思?

结束;使紧张;卷起;(非正式)忽悠某人(wind sb up)
2023-07-25 01:54:293


windup,英语单词,主要用作名词、形容词,作名词时译为“结束;终结;挥臂准备投球的动作”,作形容词时译为“结尾的;装有发条的”。短语搭配windup position 正面投球法 ; 反面投球法 ; 棒球投手windup key 发条钥匙windup reel 缠绕卷筒WindUp Chair 发条椅子integral windup[自] 积分饱卷full windup 大摆臂动作circular windup 曲线摆动Clockwork Windup 被动双语例句Way back in 1495, Leonardo da Vinci designed what was probably the first robot - an automated suit of armor with a windup crank.回到1495年,列奥纳多·达芬奇设计了也许是世界上第一台机器人——一整套用曲柄发条驱动的自动盔甲骑士。This feature maintains transfer accuracy by restricting windup during torque, yet retains full protective flexibility.此功能通过限制转让保持在扭矩上发条的准确性,但保留了完整的保护的灵活性。We mainly studied the design of three attitudes controller and the anti-windup control for helicopter with actuators saturation in this paper.最后,本文对直升机的执行器饱和问题进行了抗饱和控制器设计方法的研究。
2023-07-25 01:54:441

wind up 什么意思? 下面几句话如果翻译。

2023-07-25 01:55:252

wind up是什么意思

wind up: vi. 卷紧(吊起,使紧张)
2023-07-25 01:55:393

wind up 的用法

例句与用法: 1. Every time the plane takes off or lands I have the wind up. 每次飞机起飞或降落时,我总有点害怕。 2. The speaker will soon wind up his speech. 演说者就要结束他的讲话了。
2023-07-25 01:55:552


2023-07-25 01:56:021

wind me up什么意思? 请给出几个例子!谢谢

wind sb up 意思是使某人高度兴奋或激动 He gets so wound up when he"s arguing.他一辩论起来就十分激动 Are you deliberately winding me up ( annoying me)?你是想故意气我吧? wind-up 指故意激怒或招惹某人 [作定语]例如,a wind-up artist/merchant 存心气人的艺术家[商人].
2023-07-25 01:56:301

when i wind up my watch,i start it;but when i wind up this essay,i end it

2023-07-25 01:56:384

so we still wind up going to the supermarkets too.

2023-07-25 01:56:483

wind up a clock or watch是什么意思

wind up a clock or watch上弦双语对照词典结果:wind up a clock or watch上弦; 例句:1.Shut up or watch out! 闭嘴,不然就等着瞧!2.Many of us have the opportunity to get a full night"s rest, yet opt to watch some television orcatch up with something else. 大部分人有机会睡一个充足的觉却还是把时间花在了看电视或者干别的事上
2023-07-25 01:56:563

飞机的accelerated windup turn是指的什么?

飞机进场前转弯的术语,包括up wind,cross wind,down wind,base turn,final,也就是五边飞行的五条边。简单来说,upwind表示起飞、爬升,收起落架,保持跑道延伸中心线的过程。upwind turn就是转弯至upwind边的过程。accelerated是加速的意思,我理解,整体就是加速进入五边飞行的一边,也就是加速转入跑道正上方,平行于降落方向的位置。
2023-07-25 01:57:132


呵呵 怎么上面翻译的全都按照中文式英语来翻译呢?那样的句子不高级。apersonwhocries,laughs,walksalonethinkslittleofeverythinggradually。中间的“whocries,laughs,walksalone”是插入语,主语是:aperson,谓语是:thinks littleof,宾语是:everything。主谓宾结构
2023-07-25 01:57:247

wind up being

他们不再提起使人感到内疚的事实:我们言过其实承诺过度,又失去先机. they wind up 主语与谓语 being guilt-provoking reminders 宾语 of the fact 后置定语,修饰reminders that we are over-committed,and losing control of our priorities 同位语从句,补充说明the fact
2023-07-25 01:57:521

wind up and down across deserts什么意思

2023-07-25 01:58:003

when I wind up my watch, I start it, but when I wind up this essay, I end it

2023-07-25 01:58:153


基本解释windn.风v.绕, 缠, 上发条, 旋紧习惯用语 | 词性变化 | 参考词汇 | 更多...近/反义词现代英汉综合大辞典基本解释windvt.(winded,wound [waund])吹(号角等); 吹响号角习惯用语 | 词性变化 | 参考词汇 | 更多...近/反义词现代英汉词典基本解释wind 1n.风A cold wind blew from northwest.冷风从西北方向吹来。呼吸He couldn"t get his wind.他喘不过气来。胃中的气;肠气(总称)管乐器music for strings and for wind管弦乐基本解释wind 2vi., vt.wound, winding蜿蜒前进The path winds through the woods.这条路蜿蜒穿过树林。转动;摇转to wind the handle转动把手把…上紧;把…拧紧to wind a clock给表上紧发条词性变化vt.winded, winding使喘不过气来The blow winded me.那一击使我喘不过气来。词性变化n.蜿 蜒,弯曲转,转动松开(发条)使放松下来把(汽车玻璃)摇下解开,松开终止,结束to wind up a company结束公司的业务使自己处于(某种状态或某个地方)He wound up drunk.他不知不觉醉了。极度兴奋调紧琴弦上紧发条习惯用语break wind排气;放屁put the wind up(使)害怕;(使)吓一跳 (= get the wind up)(sail) close to the wind近于不老实;行为不检点second wind呼吸恢复正常状态习惯用语 | 词性变化 | 参考词汇 | 更多...近/反义词[七国语言]英汉公共大词典基本解释wind绕, 缠同义词air bend breath breeze coil draft gust pivot respiration roll spiral swivel turn twist 反义词unwind
2023-07-25 01:58:321


1 前者比后者多个RE2 剩下的不知道了
2023-07-25 01:58:4112


2023-07-25 01:59:154

the wind-up radio 什么时候发明的

2023-07-25 01:59:351

请问wind it up是什么意思?

2023-07-25 01:59:445


1.Outwardly, I was everything a well-brought up girl should be. Inside, I was screaming.表面上,我是一个生活幸福的上流女子,心底里,我在尖叫。2.There is nothing I couldn"t give you, there is nothing I would deny you, if you would not deny me. Open your heart to me.如果你不违背我,你要什么我就能给你什么,你要什么都可以.把你的心交给我吧.3.Remember, they love money, so just pretend like you own a goldmine and you"re in the club.记着,他们爱钱,所以假装你拥有一座金矿,你就是(他们眼中)上流社会的人了。4.Winning that ticket, Rose, was the best thing that ever happened to me. It brought me to you...赢到船票,坐上这艘船…是我一生最美好的事。它让我能跟你相逢。5.A woman"s heart is a deep ocean of secrets.女人的心是一片秘密的深洋。6.You jump,I jump.生死相随/你跳,我就跳。7.Jack,I"m flying!杰克,我在飞!8.I will never let go,Jack, I"ll never let go.我不会放弃的,杰克,我永远不会放弃。9.All life is a game of luck.生活本来就全靠运气。10.I love waking up in the morning and not knowing what"s going to happen, or who I"m going to meet, where I"m going to wind up.我喜欢早上起来时一切都是未知的,不知会遇见什么人,会有什么样的结局。11.I figure life is a gift and I don"t intend on wasting it. You never know what hand you"re going to get dealt next. You learn to take life as it comes at you.我觉得生命是一份礼物,我不想浪费它,你不会知道下一手牌会是什么,要学会接受生活。12.We"re women. Our choices are never easy.我们是女人,我们的选择从来就不易。13.You jump,I jump. 生死相随14.Will you give us a chance to live?能不能给我们留一条生路?15.God shall wipe away all the tears from their eyes, and there shall be no more death. Neither shall there be sorrow or dying, neither shall there be any more pain, for the former world has passed away.上帝擦去他们所有的眼泪。死亡不再有,也不再有悲伤和生死离别,不再有痛苦,因往事已矣。
2023-07-25 02:00:004


2023-07-25 02:00:322

wind it up的中文意思是什麽?

wind-up Mainly UK, especially south-east England. (v) To use information (true or fictional) to provoke, tease or deceive. (v) To invent with the intent of conning. (n)A deceptive or provocative act. A "Wind-up merchant" is somebody who is disposed to wind others up, a habitual liar, or prankster. Origin: from the act of winding a clock or other clockwork device."He claimed he had been in the SAS, but it was just a wind-up." "Bob would wind Mike up by claiming he"d slept with Mike"s girlfriend" "That blokes a wind-up merchant" "It seemed at first glance to be two mathematicians arguing number theory, but it was a wind-up - they were just talking nonsense, it turned out."
2023-07-25 02:01:142


网球场 tennis court   双手 double handed   草地 grass,lawn 旋转 spin   碎石 macadam 上旋 forward spin   水泥 cement 下旋 backspin   木板 wood 平击 flat   沥青 asphalt 正手 forehand   端线(底线) base line 反手 backhand   发球线 service line 球感 ball sense   中线 center line 腕 wrist   双打边线 doubles side line 步法 foot work   单打边线 single side line 收拍 wind up   网 net 跟进,随挥 follow-through   网柱 net post 膝 knee   单打支柱 single net post 落地球 ground ball   球网白边 band 削球 chip   球网中带 strap 经典打法 classical guide   单、双打边线间地带 alley 包卷打法 wrap-around   前场 fore court 发球 service,serve   后场 back court 侧旋球 slice   左发球区 left service court 平击球(炮弹式) flat(cannon ball)   在发球区 right service court 强烈旋转球 twist   中点 center mark 美式旋转球 American twist   单打场地 singles court 发球员 server   双打场地 doubles court 接球员 receiver   网球 tennis ball 接发球 receive   球拍 racquet,racket 发球次序 order of service   握拍法 grip 接发球次序 order of receiving   东方式 eastern 第一发球 first service   大陆式 continental 第二发球 second service   西方式 western 上手发球 overhand service   下手发球 underhand service 平局决胜制 tie-break   换球 ball change 比分 point score   抛球 toss 局、局比分 game   截击、拦网 volley 盘、盘比分 set   反弹球 half-volley 计分 match   高压球 smash 0分 love(0)   挑高球 lob 1分 fifteen(15)   防御性 defensive 2分 thirty(30)   进攻性 offensive 3分 forty(40)   放小球 drop-shot 平 all   球落点 placement 平分 deuce   挑边 toss 发球方占先 advantage for server   准备活动 warm-up 接发球方占先 advantage for receiver   时间到 time 领先 lead   准备比赛 ready 决胜局计分 scoring in tie-break   比赛开始 play 比赛结束 finish   轮 round 出界 out   三盘两胜制 the best of 3 sets 界内 in   五盘三胜制 the best of 5 sets 擦网 net   重发球 let 延期比赛 postpone   重赛 let 暂停比赛 suspension   发球失误 fault 弃权 default   脚误 foot-fault 罚分 point penalty   两跳 not up 取消比赛资格 disqualify   技术犯规 foul shot 妨碍(干扰) hinder   球过网 over the net 发球直接得分 ace,A   球穿网 through 发球两次失误 D   更正 correction 盘点(盘决胜分) set point   改判 overrules 赛点(一场比赛的决胜分) match point   没看见 unsighted   中断比赛 interruption  一局中对手一分未得 love game
2023-07-25 02:01:241


The wind packed the snow against the wall . 风把雪吹到墻边堆积起来。 Put on your overcoat. the wind is thrilpng . 你穿上大衣,寒风刺骨。 There was a bitterly cold east wind blowing . 寒冷的东风呼呼地吹著。 He came to me this morning to raise the wind . 今天早上他来找我筹款。 The natural wind is turbulent or gusty . 自然风的特性是紊乱或阵息的。 We heard the moan of the wind last night . 昨晚,我们听到了萧萧风声。 The island"s most constant visitor is the wind . 岛上的“常客”是风。 The sails are torn ; they won"t catch the wind . 帆破了,兜不住风。 The wind blew my umbrella wrong side out . 风把我的伞吹得翻过去了。 The wind turned my umbrella inside out . 大风把我的伞吹得翻了过去。 I always said he would wind up in jail . 我常说他到头来非进监狱不可。 Now the way that the book winds up is this . 那本书的结局是这样的。 The soldier is lame from an old wound . 这个士兵由于受过伤而跛足。 The wind dishevelled the papers on the desk . 风把桌上的纸吹乱了。 Our ship made head against the wind and waves . 我们的船顶著风浪前进。 The pghter was hard to get going in the wind . 打火机在风中很难打著。 We were dizzied by the beating wind . 我们被猛烈的风吹得头昏眼花。 She goes pke the wind on her new bicycle . 她飞快地骑著新自行车。 I had cast the ideas to the winds . 我早已把这些念头抛到九霄云外去了。 The hard wind was rolpng *** all white waves . 狂风掀起了白色的小浪头。 He"ll probably wind up being very well-heeled . 他也许最终会发财。 What evil wind has blown you here ! 是什么妖风把你们刮到这里来啦! The wound in his arm has begun to close up . 他肩膀上的伤口开始收口了。 The wind turned my umbrella inside out . 风把我的伞吹得翻过去了。 The doors and windows are rattpng in the wind . 门窗被风刮得乒乓山响。 Very strong winds revolve around the eye . 非常强的风绕著这个台眼旋卷。 He gets so wound up when he is arguing . 他一辩论起来就十分激动。 They set sail with the first fair wind . 他们一有顺风就扬帆起航。 We travel in a *** all boat against the wind . 我们坐在顶风行驶的小船里。 There was no wind and everything was quiet . 没有风,一切都是静悄悄的。 The strong blast of wind broke my vase . 一阵强风打破了我的花瓶。 I could feel the wind blowing on my face . 我可以觉出风迎面吹来。 They sensed that there was something in the wind . 他们察觉出要有事了。 Coughing pke that might open up your wound . 你那样咳嗽会把伤口震开的。 The branches of the trees are swaying in the wind . 树枝在风中来回晃悠。 Sally got wind of the rumours about her . 萨利风闻关于她的谣言。 The snake then wound itself round the wires . 然后蛇把自己缠绕在电线上。 The dust was blown about all over the sky by the wind . 风刮尘土漫天扬。 The wind divested the trees of their leaves . 风吹光了树的叶子。 A flurry of wind upset the *** all sailboat . 一阵风吹翻了小帆船。 The wind was still sweeping along the beach . 风还是一阵阵在海滩上刮过。 She can wind her hu *** and round her finger . 她可以左右她的丈夫。 The wound was closed with fourteen stitches . 伤口缝了十四针。 The deer got wind of the hunter and ran off . 鹿察知猎者的气味便跑掉了。 A sharp wind herded the fallen leaves into piles . 一阵冷风把落叶卷成堆。 The wind drove all the way across the room . 风呼啸著穿过房间。 A violent wind plucked the sails to bits . 一阵狂风把帆撕碎了。 The red flags are flapping in the wind . 风卷红旗呼啦呼啦地响。 The wind and snow still howled around them . 四周依然狂风怒吼,大雪纷飞。 It "s only a spght wound , nothing serious .. 不过是轻伤,没什么要紧的。
2023-07-25 02:01:311


2023-07-25 02:01:404


一些动词如sell(销售) , wash(洗), clean(打扫), burn(燃烧), cook(煮)等与副词如well(好), easily(容易地), perfectly(十分地)等连用 ,描会事物的特性,用主动表被动
2023-07-25 02:01:492

who has seen the wind ?翻译

谁见过风?克里斯蒂娜 罗塞蒂雪漫长云译谁见过风?我未曾你也没有。当垂悬的叶儿颤动,便是风儿拂过。谁见过风?你未曾我也没有。当静静的树儿低首,便是风儿吹过。
2023-07-25 02:01:572

if you don t have ability you wind up pla ying in

2023-07-25 02:02:364

home again中文歌词

Home Again 回家Elton JohnI"m counting on a memory to get me out of here凭着丝丝忆记,让我离开这里I"m waiting for the fog around this spooky little town to clear.诡异的小镇,烟雾缭绕,何时才能散去All this time I spent being someone else"s friend长久以来,我一直做着别人的朋友Just one more time, for old time sake这是最后一次,只看在往日情分I"d like to go back home again!我要回家!The world had seven wonders once upon a time很久以前,世界就有着所谓七大奇迹It"s sure enough the favorite nations aided their decline这些奇迹无疑加速了帝国的衰落And all around me I"ve seen times like it was back when很多次,我仿佛又看到奇景重现眼前But like back then, I"d say, man,可假如回到那时,我会说:兄弟,if I can go back home again!我能否回家?!If I could go back home, if I could go back home我能否回家,我能否回家?If I"d never left, I"d never have known!倘若不曾出走,我永远也不会明白这番感受We all dream of leaving, but wind up in the end我们都梦想离家闯荡,可是最终——Spending all our time trying to get back home again!却要用尽时间,只求重归故里Could have been a jail break and a spot light hitting me记得当时,如同越狱一般,聚光灯直射在我身上Or was that just some night club singer, back in 1963.回想1963年,或许那只是某个夜总会的歌手In the old part of Valencia, on the coast of Spain在西班牙的海边,巴伦西亚的旧城区Never tiring once of hearing songs about going home again!听着那些关于回家的歌,我从不厌倦If I could go back home, if I could go back home我能否回家,我能否回家?If I"d never left, I"d never have known!倘若我不曾出走,我永远也不会明白这感受We all dream of leaving, but wind up in the end我们都梦想着出外闯荡,可是最终——Spending all our time trying to get back home again!却要用尽时间,只求重归故里If I could go back home, if I could go back home我能否回家,我能否回家?If I"d never left, I"d never have known!倘若我不曾出走,我永远也不会明白这感受We all dream of leaving, but wind up in the end我们都梦想着出外闯荡,可是最终——Spending all our time trying to get back home again!却要用尽时间,只求重归故里
2023-07-25 02:02:431


The wind packed the snow against the wall . 风把雪吹到墻边堆积起来。 Put on your overcoat. the wind is thrilpng . 你穿上大衣,寒风刺骨。 There was a bitterly cold east wind blowing . 寒冷的东风呼呼地吹著。 He came to me this morning to raise the wind . 今天早上他来找我筹款。 The natural wind is turbulent or gusty . 自然风的特性是紊乱或阵息的。 We heard the moan of the wind last night . 昨晚,我们听到了萧萧风声。 The island"s most constant visitor is the wind . 岛上的“常客”是风。 The sails are torn ; they won"t catch the wind . 帆破了,兜不住风。 The wind blew my umbrella wrong side out . 风把我的伞吹得翻过去了。 The wind turned my umbrella inside out . 大风把我的伞吹得翻了过去。 I always said he would wind up in jail . 我常说他到头来非进监狱不可。 Now the way that the book winds up is this . 那本书的结局是这样的。 Wounds frequently occur as a result of pruning . 修剪往往造成损伤。 The soldier is lame from an old wound . 这个士兵由于受过伤而跛足。 The wind dishevelled the papers on the desk . 风把桌上的纸吹乱了。 Our ship made head against the wind and waves . 我们的船顶著风浪前进。 First we dressed the less urgent wounds . 我们先给伤比较轻的上药。 The pghter was hard to get going in the wind . 打火机在风中很难打著。 His wounding remarks clearly drew blood . 他那尖酸刻薄的话显然很伤人。 We were dizzied by the beating wind . 我们被猛烈的风吹得头昏眼花。 She goes pke the wind on her new bicycle . 她飞快地骑著新自行车。 I had cast the ideas to the winds . 我早已把这些念头抛到九霄云外去了。 The hard wind was rolpng *** all white waves . 狂风掀起了白色的小浪头。 He"ll probably wind up being very well-heeled . 他也许最终会发财。 What evil wind has blown you here ! 是什么妖风把你们刮到这里来啦! The wound in his arm has begun to close up . 他肩膀上的伤口开始收口了。 The wind turned my umbrella inside out . 风把我的伞吹得翻过去了。 The doors and windows are rattpng in the wind . 门窗被风刮得乒乓山响。 Very strong winds revolve around the eye . 非常强的风绕著这个台眼旋卷。 He gets so wound up when he is arguing . 他一辩论起来就十分激动。 They set sail with the first fair wind . 他们一有顺风就扬帆起航。 We travel in a *** all boat against the wind . 我们坐在顶风行驶的小船里。 There was no wind and everything was quiet . 没有风,一切都是静悄悄的。 The wounded bird fluttered to the ground . 那受伤的鸟拍著翅膀落到地上。 The strong blast of wind broke my vase . 一阵强风打破了我的花瓶。 I could feel the wind blowing on my face . 我可以觉出风迎面吹来。 They sensed that there was something in the wind . 他们察觉出要有事了。 Coughing pke that might open up your wound . 你那样咳嗽会把伤口震开的。 The branches of the trees are swaying in the wind . 树枝在风中来回晃悠。 Sally got wind of the rumours about her . 萨利风闻关于她的谣言。
2023-07-25 02:02:501

麻烦大家把 ハロハワユ的歌词用全平写出来~

ハロ/ハワユハロ 窓を开けて 小さく呟いた ハワユ 谁もいない 部屋で一人 モーニン 朝が来たよ 土砂降りの朝が チックタク 私のネジを 谁か巻いて ハロ 昔のアニメに そんなのいたっけな ハワユ 羡ましいな 皆に爱されて スリーピン 马鹿な事言ってないで 支度をしなくちゃ クライン 涙の迹を隠す为 もう 口癖になった「まぁいっか」 昨日の言叶がふと头を过る 「もう君には 全然期待してないから」 そりゃまぁ私だって 自分に期待などしてないけれど アレは一体どういうつもりですか 喉元まで出かかった言叶 口をついて出たのは嘘 こうして今日も 私は贵重な 言叶を浪费して 生きてゆく 何故隠してしまうのですか 笑われるのが怖いのですか 谁にも会いたくないのですか それ本当ですか 暧昧という名の海に弱れて 息も出来ないほど苦しいの 少し声が闻きたくなりました 本当に弱いな 一向に进まない支度の途中 朦胧とした头で思う 「もう理由を付けて 休んでしまおうかな」 いやいや分かってますって 何となく言ってみただけだよ 分かってるから怒らないでよ 幸せだろうと 不幸せだろうと 平等に 残酷に 朝日は升る 生きていくだけで 精一杯の私に これ以上 何を望むというの 何故気にしてしまうのですか 本当は爱されたいのですか その手を离したのは谁ですか 気が付いてますか 人生にタイムカードがあるなら 终わりの时间は何时なんだろう 私が生きた分の给料は 谁が払うんですか サンキュー ありがとうって言いたいの サンキュー ありがとうって言いたいの サンキュー 一度だけでも良いから 心の底から 大泣きしながら ありがとうって言いたいの 何故隠してしまうのですか 本当は闻いて欲しいのですか 绝対に笑ったりしないから 话してみませんか 口を开かなければ分からない 思ってるだけでは伝わらない なんて面倒くさい生き物でしょう 人间というのは ハロ ハワユ ハロ ハワユ ハロ ハワユ あなたに ハロ ハワユ ==================================================罗马音======罗马音==================Haro/HawayuHaro mado o akete chisaku tsubuyaita Hawayu daremo inai heya de hitori Moonin asa ga kita yo doshaburi no asa ga Chikkutaku watashi no neji o dareka maite Haro mukashi no anime ni sonna no itakke na Hawayu urayamashii na minna ni aisarete Suriipin baka na koto ittenaide shitaku o shinakucha Kurain namida no ato o kakusu tame Mou Kuchiguse ni natta "maa ikka" Kinou no kotoba ga futo atama o nobiru "Mou kimi ni wa zenzen kitai shitenai kara" Sorya maa watashi datte Jibun ni kitai nado shitenai keredo Are wa ittai douiu tsumori desu ka Nodomoto made dekakatta kotoba Kuchi o tsuite deta no wa uso Koushite kyou mo watashi wa kichou na Kotoba o rouhi shite ikiteyuku Naze kakushite shimau no desu ka Warawareru no ga kowai no desu ka Dare ni mo aitakunai no desu ka Sore hontou desu ka Aimai toiu na no umi ni yowarete Iki mo dekinai hodo kurushii no Sukoshi koe ga kikitaku narimashita Hontou ni yowai na Ikkou ni susumanai shitaku no tochuu Mourou toshita atama de omou "Mou riyuu o tsukete yasunde shimaou kana" Iyaiya wakattemasu tte Nantonaku itte mita dake da yo Wakatteru kara okoranaide yo Shiawase darou to fushiawase darou to Byoudou ni zankoku ni Asahi wa noboru Ikiteiku dake de Seiippai no watashi ni Kore ijyou nani o nozomu toiu no Naze ki ni shite shimau no desu ka Hontou wa aisaretai no desu ka Sono te o hanashita no wa dare desu ka Ki ga tsuitemasu ka Jinsei ni taimu kaado ga aru nara Owari no jikan wa itsu nan darou Watashi ga ikita bun no kyuuryou wa Dare ga haraun desu ka Sankyuu arigatou tte iitai no Sankyuu arigatou tte iitai no Sankyuu ichido dake de mo ii kara Kokoro no soko kara oonaki shinagara arigatou tte iitai no Naze kakushite shimau no desu ka Hontou wa kiite hoshii no desu ka Zettai ni warattari shinai kara Hanashite mimasen ka Kuchi o hirakanakereba wakaranai Omotteru dake de wa tsutawaranai Nante mendoukusai ikimono deshou Ningen toiu no wa Haro hawayu Haro hawayu Haro hawayu Anata ni haro hawayu =============================================== English ==============================Hello/HowareyouHello - I opened the window, and softly whispered out How are you? There"s no one here, I"m alone in the room Mornin" - The morning"s come, a morning of pouring rain Tick-tock - Somebody, wind up my coil... Hello - In an old anime, that was how it was How are you - So enviable, everyone being loved Sleepin" - Don"t say anything stupid, I have to prepare Cryin" - To hide the traces of my tears Now... My favorite phrase is "fine, who cares" Suddenly, yesterday"s words come to mind "Well, I don"t have any hope for you anymore..." And well, but, I... I don"t have any hope for myself, But just what did you mean to say that for, I ask? Words have come up to the throat, But all that comes out the mouth is lies So today, once again, I"m precious Wasting my words, I live on... Why hide away, I ask? Is it so scary to laugh, I ask? Do you not want to see anyone, I ask? Is that the truth, I ask? Cast down in a sea of ambiguity, It"s too painful for me to even breathe Now, I just want to hear the slightest voice I"m really so weak... Amid preparing to proceed not at all, I think in my dim head, "Should we just take a break from giving reasons to things now?" No, no, I understand, I say I just tried to say whatever I could I understand, so please don"t get mad Happiness, perhaps, unhappiness, perhaps Equally, cruelly, The morning sun rises Just living on, Me, with all my might, More than this, what do I wish for...? Why worry about it, I ask? Do you really want to be loved, I ask? Who was it that took away their hand, I ask? Do you notice, I ask? If life had a time card, What would be my ending time? And the wages for my hours alive... Who"s going to pay them, I ask? Thank you - I just want to say thanks Thank you - I just want to say thanks Thank you - Just once would be fine So from the bottom of my heart, weeping away, I just want to say thanks...! Why hide away, I ask? Do you really want to listen, I ask? You"ve never smiled or laughed, So I ask, can"t we try to talk? If you don"t open your mouth, I don"t know; What you"re thinking doesn"t get told Such troublesome creatures, aren"t we? It"s just being human... Hello, how are you? Hello, how are you? Hello, how are you? So I ask you: hello, how are you?
2023-07-25 02:03:301


2023-07-25 02:03:395

我忘了是谍影重重还是007一到气氛紧张的时候就会放一段背景音乐,没有歌词,“噔噔噔噔 噔噔噔噔~”

2023-07-25 02:04:145

take the lives of incurably ill是什么意思

take the lives of incurably ill绝症
2023-07-25 02:04:283


影评1 And drive he does as Michael Bay translates the Transformers world of animation and toys to the big screen. But before I get ahead of myself I have to admit I never watched even a single episode growing up. I had just hit high school and I wasn"t interested. So there wasn"t any real baggage involved either side of the coin. Yet there I sat in the first public screening anywhere on the planet (June 12th in Sydney, Australia, with Michael Bay introducing it) and it just overwhelmed me and everyone else! There was never a dull moment, the script flowed easily, the acting was first-rate and the seamlessness of the CGI and live action was taken to another level. It"s going to be the hit of the summer and was better than any of the big third installment trilogies I have just also seen. And I love each of those franchises. Congratulations on a movie that not only met expectations but exceeded them. 影评2 Michael Bay doesn"t disappointed us. I"ve seen Transformers in a press screening today, and I"m under the film"s impression right now. The robots are cool as much as they can be. Bay"s vision about the cult-comic and animation of the eighties has become one of the greatest effect-movie of all time. However I must disapprove that the Decepticons lost their personality, they"re just mainly destroying and killing machines, Megatron and Starscream are more complex characters like they"re featured in the movie. But I don"t want to tease. Spielberg and Bay has created a gigantic, spectacular and funny summer blockbuster movie, that the sequel manufacturer studios can consider as an example. So, Transformers is more than meets the eye! And by the way OPTIMUS RULES!!!! 影评3 I honestly don"t know where to start with this movie. I will say however, that - like many other people - this is the film I"ve been waiting 20 years to see. I suppose it"s sensible to start with what should be the foundation stone of any cinematic experience - the script. It"s cheesy, cliché-ridden, and poorly-structured. Characterisation (especially of the Autobots/Decepticons) is non-existent. Optimus Prime uttering the words "My bad" must go down in history as one of the worst moments in movie history. Actually scratch that - the "lubricating" scene is definitely worse. The writing of human characters is lazy at best, sticking with stereotypes such as the beautiful code-breaker, fat computer whizz, bumbling government agent etc etc. The performances (Shia aside) are instantly forgettable, but a great deal of that comes down to the script and direction. Megan Fox may be a great actress for all I know, but she may as well be a stripper for the purposes of this movie. The effects are incredible (although not helped by Bay"s erratic editing style), but when you"ve no reason to care about them it results in an empty experience. Effects DON"T MAKE A MOVIE. With Spielberg as part of this project I allowed myself a little optimism, but it"s patently clear that Bay and Co. had no understanding or respect for the Transformers franchise. GIANT "FLIPPING" ROBOTS BLOWING "STUFF" UP this may be, but it is most certainly not Transformers. 影评4 *** This comment may contain spoilers *** I loved the cartoon series as a kid and, after seeing the commercials, thought it would be freaking awesome. Instead, I wound up stuck in a movie with a ridiculous plot, too many irrelevant characters, and too much sex humor for a movie that is supposed to be about giant robots wailing on each other (I am in my twenties and male, so I can hardly be considered a prude. The fact that even I cringed at the mother making masturbation jokes means that there is such a thing as a limit for that sort of humor). Most of the Transformers do not even show up until the movie is halfway over. The subplot of the signal detection team (who did nothing except point out that some alien being had hacked the network-a no-brainer) could be cut without losing anything of note (except for the funny scene where Anthony Anderson"s on-screen cousin gets tackled by the FBI agent into the pool). And what"s with Bumblebee pissing on the FBI Agent, and Mikaela making him take his clothes off? The action scenes are stellar, but not enough to make up for all of the other mistakes in the movie. If you copy and pasted scenes from Independence Day, Matrix Revolutions, a bunch of US air force commercials and Bad Santa all together on your computer, you would wind up with basically the same mess.一共有四篇,LZ自己选吧!
2023-07-25 02:04:541

The Clockwork RadioThe British inventor Trevor Baylis created this really clever ′wind-up radio..

小题1:C小题2:B小题3:D 小题1:根据A clockwork generator (发电机) is put inside the radio and works as the power. When it is fully wound up (上弦), the radio can work for long periods.描述。可知选C。小题2:根据in some parts of the Third World countries, it"s very hard for people to get or pay for enough energy.可知这些国家的人们很穷,故选B。小题3:根据Even former President of South Africa, Nelson Mandella has one of these radios and personally recommends this product to others. 描述,可知选D。
2023-07-25 02:05:031


秀字五行属什么 秀的五行: 属金 [拼音] [xiù] 秀的五行属什么 【秀】的五行属木。 秀字的五行属性是什么?_? 秀字的五行属性是金。 秀字五行属什么的 拼 音 xiù 部 首 禾 笔 画 7 五 行 金 五 笔 TEB 秀字在五行属于什么属性 搜:鸿运免费偿名网 网上免费起名系统,按自己的意愿,起有深刻的涵义,寄托一定的希望的好名字。 绣字五行属什么 绣(绣) 姓名学解释:【小心爱情厄,清雅秀气,配合吉则出国隆昌,凶则不幸多灾。】 民俗五行:木 音律五行:金 姓名学笔画:13 简体笔画:10 拼音:xiù 五行八字的人取名带有秀字有水? 秀,文字属性为金,不是水 姓杨男孩中间字是秀五行带火 起名:杨秀煜 秀:秀字的本义是指植物的叶穗开花,后也指才能出众、品貌秀丽的人。作人名时,主要取其杰出、美丽之义。 煜:照耀,有光明之义 《说文解字》释云:熠也。从火昱声。 秀表示茂盛、美好、特异;煜表示照耀、明亮、光耀,意义优美。 意蕴该名字可以趣解为:“美丽 ? 光耀”。 属猴在五行属什么 属猴在五行属什么 如果是1992年是农历壬申年,是猴年。 生(出生于1932年或者1992年)五行属剑锋金命,清秀之猴。 壬申年出生的人,聪明性巧,有机谋但善变,和气春风,功名有分,男人招贤德之妻,姿性英敏,多受不爱,女人则大多相貌艳丽,具有富贵之命。 如果是2004年是农历甲申年,是猴年。 生(1944、2004)五行属井泉水命,过树之猴。 为人衣禄不少,心性温柔,出入压众,初年颠倒,晚年利达,邢家丰隆,夫妻和顺,儿女见迟,女人操持兴旺,有荣禄之命。 如果是2016年是农历丙申年,是猴年。 生(1956、2016)五行属山下火命,山上之猴。 为人衣食足用,交易买卖,利路亨通,生财有道,牛田有分,早年劳碌,晚景兴旺,女人具持家旺相发达之命。 互字五行属什么 互(互) 姓名学解释:【温和伶俐,清雅聪秀,中年隆昌,为人忠厚,欠子之字。】 民俗五行:中 音律五行:水 姓名学笔画:04 简体笔画:04 拼音:hù 互 (象形。是一种绞绳用的工具。本义:绞绳用的工具) 同本义 [a implement that use to wind up cord] 段玉裁注:“今绞绳者尚有此器。从竹,象形,谓其物象工字;中象人手推握也。” 差错 [error;mistake] 各有乘互。DD陆法言《切韵序》 古代挂肉的木架 [meatrack] 共其牛牲之互。DD《周礼u30fb牛人》。郑玄注:“互,若今屠家县肉格。” 置互摆牲。DD《文选u30fb张衡u30fb西京赋》 门,巷门 [gate]。如:闾互(闾里巷门) 甲壳动物的总称 [crustancean]。如:互物(指有甲壳动物的总称) 互 交替;相互 [mutually;each other] 互,交互。DD《字汇》 胡笳互动。DD李陵《答苏武书》 以参互考日成。DD《周礼u30fb司会》 宗族盘互。DD《汉书u30fb刘向传》 渔歌互答。DD宋u30fb范仲淹《岳阳楼记》 互芬齿颊。DD明u30fb李渔《闲情偶寄u30fb种植部》 体面互见。DD蔡元培《图画》 更互用之。DD宋u30fb沈括《梦溪笔谈u30fb活板》 又如:互易(法律名词。即当事人双方约定互相移转金钱以外财产权的契约。古代以物易物,便是互易);互保(互相保证);互训(两个同义词彼此互相解释);互结(人民对官署,须具两个人或两家以上的店铺互相保证的信约) 互 〈动〉 交接 [join;connect;hand over and take over] 春夏相与交,秋冬相与互。DD《书u30fb尧典》
2023-07-25 02:05:211


wind作为动词的用法如下:wind做动词时:1、蜿蜒;曲折而行;迂回We wind a path through the mountains.我们在山中沿小路蜿蜒前行。2、缠绕;卷绕;绕成团The film fly off the spool and wind itself round the projector.电影胶片从卷轴滑落缠绕在放映机上了。3、给钟表上发条;通过转动把手等操作;可上发条;可通过转动把手等操作I forget to wind my watch up,so of course it stopped.我忘记给表上发条了,它自然就停了。4、卷绕,倒(磁带,胶卷等)Can you wind this film back on to its spool.你能把这胶卷倒回到卷轴上去吗?wind做名词时:1、风;气流A great wind careened the boat.一阵大风使船倾倒。2、吞下的气(随食物或饮料);胃气;胀气I can`t eat beans,they give me wind.我不能吃豆子,吃了肚子会胀气。3、运动或吹奏乐器时的呼吸A runner needs good wind.赛跑者要有良好的呼吸力。4、管乐器,管乐器组In wind instruments the sound is produced by a vibrating air column.管乐器的声音是由振动的气柱产生的。
2023-07-25 02:05:281

Mr. Big的《Wind Me Up》 歌词

歌曲名:Wind Me Up歌手:Mr. Big专辑:Mr BigThere ought to be a law against itTo lead a man on and then let him goWhat"s the world comin" toWhen you can"t slide into homeTell it like it is womanTell the boy maybe or never mindWe could go all the wayThe big boys don"t like to waste timeWind me up-I need enuff to keep me satisfiedWind me up-I wanna hold you but my hands are tiedWind me up-You kiss me quick and thenYou turn me offWind me up-The only way she winds you upIs when you ask for too much troubleAin"t no room for a 2nd chanceWhen the first one ain"t even overPacked with a powerful loveThat I just can"t get enough ofLay your cards on the tableBaby make no mistake about itWind me up-I need enuff to keep me satisfiedWind me up-I wanna hold you but my hands are tiedWind me up-You kiss me quick and thenYou turn me offWind me up-Wind me up-I need enuff to keep me satisfiedWind me up-I wanna hold you but my hands are tiedWind me up-You kiss me quick and thenYou turn me offWind me up-Wind me up-I need enuff to keep me satisfiedWind me up-
2023-07-25 02:05:471

跪求Billboard 2008 TOP100

Hot 100 Songs Issue Date: 2008 # Title Artist Labels 1 LOW Flo Rida Featuring T-Pain Poe Boy/Atlantic 2 BLEEDING LOVE Leona Lewis SYCO/J/RMG 3 NO ONE Alicia Keys MBK/J/RMG 4 LOLLIPOP Lil Wayne Featuring Static Major Cash Money/Universal Motown 5 APOLOGIZE Timbaland Featuring OneRepublic Mosley/Blackground/Interscope 6 NO AIR Jordin Sparks Duet With Chris Brown 19/Jive/Zomba 7 LOVE SONG Sara Bareilles Epic 8 LOVE IN THIS CLUB Usher Featuring Young Jeezy LaFace/Zomba 9 WITH YOU Chris Brown Jive/Zomba 10 FOREVER Chris Brown Jive/Zomba 11 SEXY CAN I Ray J & Yung Berg Knockout/DEJA 34/Epic/Koch 12 TAKE A BOW Rihanna SRP/Def Jam/IDJMG 13 VIVA LA VIDA Coldplay Capitol 14 I KISSED A GIRL Katy Perry Capitol 15 WHATEVER YOU LIKE T.I. Grand Hustle/Atlantic 16 DISTURBIA Rihanna SRP/Def Jam/IDJMG 17 DON"T STOP THE MUSIC Rihanna SRP/Def Jam/IDJMG 18 POCKETFUL OF SUNSHINE Natasha Bedingfield Phonogenic/Epic 19 KISS KISS Chris Brown Featuring T-Pain Jive/Zomba 20 CLOSER Ne-Yo Def Jam/IDJMG 21 BUBBLY Colbie Caillat Universal Republic 22 TOUCH MY BODY Mariah Carey Island/IDJMG 23 4 MINUTES Madonna Featuring Justin Timberlake Warner Bros. 24 SO WHAT Pink LaFace/Zomba 25 PARALYZER Finger Eleven Wind-up 26 CLUMSY Fergie 27 I"M YOURS Jason Mraz Atlantic/RRP 28 LEAVIN" Jesse McCartney Hollywood 29 DANGEROUS Kardinal Offishall Featuring Akon KonLive/Geffen/Interscope 补充: 30 TATTOO Jordin Sparks 19/Jive/Zomba 31 SEE YOU AGAIN Miley Cyrus Hollywood 32 SHAKE IT Metro Station Columbia 33 STOP AND STARE OneRepublic Mosley/Interscope 34 TAKE YOU THERE Sean Kingston Beluga Heights/Koch/Epic 35 PAPER PLANES M.I.A. XL/Interscope 36 HOT N COLD Katy Perry Capitol 37 LIVE YOUR LIFE T.I. Featuring Rihanna Def Jam/Grand Hustle/IDJMG/Atlantic 38 BUST IT BABY PART 2 Plies Featuring Ne-Yo Big Gates/Slip-N-Slide/Atlantic 39 AMERICAN BOY Estelle Featuring Kanye West Home School/Atlantic 40 GOT MONEY Lil Wayne Featuring T-Pain Cash Money/Universal Motown 41 OUR SONG Taylor Swift Big Machine/Universal Republic 42 DAMAGED Danity Kane Bad Boy/Atlantic 43 A MILLI Lil Wayne Cash Money/Universal Motown 44 SORRY Buckcherry Eleven Seven/Atlantic/RRP 45 INDEPENDENT Webbie Featuring Lil" Phat & Lil" Boosie Trill/Asylum/Atlantic 补充: 046 - 3 Doors Down - It"s Not My Time 047 - Chris Brown ft. T-Pain - Kiss Kiss 048 - Cascada - What Hurts The Most 049 - Taylor Swift - Picture To Burn 050 - Enur ft. Natasja - Calabria 2008 051 - Yael Naim - New Soul 052 - Britney Spears - Piece Of Me 053 - Rick Ross ft. T-Pain - The Boss 054 - C-Side ft. Keyshia Cole - Boyfriend Girlfriend 055 - Fall Out Boy ft. John Mayer - Beat It 056 - 2 Pistols ft. T-Pain & Tay Dizm - She Got It 057 - Natasha Bedingfield ft. Sean Kingston - Love Like This 058 - Alicia Keys - Like You"ll Never See Me Again 059 - Trace Adkins - You"re Gonna Miss This 060 - Carrie Underwood - All-American Girl 061 - Soulja Boy Tell"em ft. Arab - YAHHH! 062 - Maroon 5 - Won"t Go Home Without You 063 - Carrie Underwood - Praying For Time 064 - Simple Plan - Your Love Is A Lie 065 - James Otto - Just Got Started Lovin" You 补充: 066 - Brad Paisley - I"m Still A Guy 067 - American Idol Top 8 - Shout To The Lord 068 - Janet - Feedback 069 - Mariah Carey ft. T-Pain - Migrate 070 - Kat DeLuna ft. Busta Rhymes - Run The Show 071 - Flobots - Handlebars 072 - Jason Mraz - I"m Yours 073 - WE the Kings - Check Yes Juliet (Run Baby Run) 074 - Seether - Fake It 075 - Sean Kingston ft. Elan & Juelz Santana - There"s Nothin 076 - Disturbed - Inside The Fire 077 - Leona Lewis - Better In Time 078 - Hannah Montana - Rock Star 079 - Puddle Of Mudd - Psycho 080 - Snoop Dogg - Sensual Seduction 081 - Plies ft. Akon - Hypnotized 082 - Kanye West ft. Dwele - Flashing Lights 083 - Santana ft. Chad Kroeger - Into The Night 084 - Three 6 Mafia ft. Project Pat, Young D & Superpower - Lolli Lolli 085 - J. Holiday - Suffocate 086 - All Time Low - Dear Maria, Count Me In 087 - Paramore - Crushcrushcrush 088 - Aly & AJ - Like Whoa 089 - Estelle ft. Kanye West - American Boy 补充: 090 - Lady Antebellum - Love Don"t Live Here 091 - Duffy - Mercy 092 - DJ Felli Fel ft. Diddy, Akon, Ludacris & Lil Jon - Get Buck In Here 093 - Mariah Carey ft. Young Jeezy - Side Effects 094 - David Guetta ft. Chris Willis – Love Is Gone 095 - George Strait - I Saw God Today 096 - Ne-Yo - Closer 097 - Secondhand Serenade - Fall For You 098 - Josh Gracin - We Weren"t Crazy 099 - M.I.A. - Paper Planes 100 - Death Cab For Cutie - I Will Possess Your Heart 追问: 你在哪找的 有下载地址吗?辛苦了 回答: 对不起我忘了、 ···
2023-07-25 02:05:541

Extreme的《Wind Me Up》 歌词

歌曲名:Wind Me Up歌手:Extreme专辑:ExtremeThere ought to be a law against itTo lead a man on and then let him goWhat"s the world comin" toWhen you can"t slide into homeTell it like it is womanTell the boy maybe or never mindWe could go all the wayThe big boys don"t like to waste timeWind me up-I need enuff to keep me satisfiedWind me up-I wanna hold you but my hands are tiedWind me up-You kiss me quick and thenYou turn me offWind me up-The only way she winds you upIs when you ask for too much troubleAin"t no room for a 2nd chanceWhen the first one ain"t even overPacked with a powerful loveThat I just can"t get enough ofLay your cards on the tableBaby make no mistake about itWind me up-I need enuff to keep me satisfiedWind me up-I wanna hold you but my hands are tiedWind me up-You kiss me quick and thenYou turn me offWind me up-Wind me up-I need enuff to keep me satisfiedWind me up-I wanna hold you but my hands are tiedWind me up-You kiss me quick and thenYou turn me offWind me up-Wind me up-I need enuff to keep me satisfiedWind me up-
2023-07-25 02:06:011

Wind Me Up (Let Me Go) 歌词

歌曲名:Wind Me Up (Let Me Go)歌手:Cliff Richard专辑:40 Golden GreatsThere ought to be a law against itTo lead a man on and then let him goWhat"s the world comin" toWhen you can"t slide into homeTell it like it is womanTell the boy maybe or never mindWe could go all the wayThe big boys don"t like to waste timeWind me up-I need enuff to keep me satisfiedWind me up-I wanna hold you but my hands are tiedWind me up-You kiss me quick and thenYou turn me offWind me up-The only way she winds you upIs when you ask for too much troubleAin"t no room for a 2nd chanceWhen the first one ain"t even overPacked with a powerful loveThat I just can"t get enough ofLay your cards on the tableBaby make no mistake about itWind me up-I need enuff to keep me satisfiedWind me up-I wanna hold you but my hands are tiedWind me up-You kiss me quick and thenYou turn me offWind me up-Wind me up-I need enuff to keep me satisfiedWind me up-I wanna hold you but my hands are tiedWind me up-You kiss me quick and thenYou turn me offWind me up-Wind me up-I need enuff to keep me satisfiedWind me up-
2023-07-25 02:06:261


We wound our way southeast.我们向东南方向蜿蜒前行。
2023-07-25 02:06:372


Up in the wind[电影]等风来 The washed clothes will soon dry up in the wind. 洗过的衣服在风中很快就晾干了.===========================================柳浪闻莺各位芝麻竭诚为您解答您的采纳是我们坚持百度的动力
2023-07-25 02:06:461


You know some birds are not meant to be caged, their feathers are just too bright. 你知道,有些鸟儿是注定不会被关在牢笼里的,它们的每一片羽毛都闪耀着自由的光辉。《肖申克的救赎》Hope is a good thing and maybe the best of things. And no good thing ever dies.希望是一个好东西,也许是最好的,好东西是不会消亡的。。《肖申克的救赎》Life was like a box of chocolates, you never know what you"re gonna get.生命就像一盒巧克力,结果往往出人意料。《阿甘正传》 I don"t know if we each have a destiny, or if we"re all just floating around accidentally―like on a breeze.我不懂我们是否有着各自的命运,还是只是到处随风飘荡。《阿甘正传》Everything you see exists together in a delicate balance.世界上所有的生命都在微妙的平衡中生存。《狮子王》Land is the only thing in the world worth working for, worth fighting for, worth dying for. Because it"s the only thing that lasts.土地是世界上唯一值得你去为之工作, 为之战斗, 为之牺牲的东西,因为它是唯一永恒的东西。《乱世佳人》After all, tomorrow is another day.不管怎样,明天又是全新的一天。《乱世佳人》All life is a game of luck. 生活本来就全靠运气。《泰坦尼克号》I love waking up in the morning and not knowing what"s going to happen, or who I"m going to meet, where I"m going to wind up. 我喜欢早上起来时一切都是未知的,不知会遇见什么人,会有什么样的结局。《泰坦尼克号》I figure life is a gift and I don"t intend on wasting it. You never know what hand you"re going to get dealt next. You learn to take life as it comes at you.  我觉得生命是一份礼物,我不想浪费它,你不会知道下一手牌会是什么,要学会接受生活。《泰坦尼克号》You make millions of decisions that mean nothing and then one day your order takes out and it changes your life.你每天都在做很多看起来毫无意义的决定,但某天你的某个决定就能改变你的一生.《西雅图未眠夜》Destiny takes a hand.命中注定.《西雅图未眠夜》加菲猫里也有很多,好像放不下了。。。
2023-07-25 02:06:531


经典电影《阿甘正传》 Momma always said: "Life is like a box of chocolates, Forrest. You never know what you"re gonna get." Death is just a part of life, something we"re all destined to do. 死亡是生命的一部分,是我们注定要做的一件事。《乱世佳人》: After all,tomorrow is another day! 毕竟,明天又是新的一天! You"re throwing away happiness with both hands. And reaching out for something that will never make you happy. 你把自己的幸福拱手相让,去追求一些根本不会让你幸福的东西。 《Shawshank Redemption肖申克的救赎》 You know some birds are not meant to be caged, their feathers are just too bright. 你知道,有些鸟儿是注定不会被关在牢笼里的,它们的每一片羽毛都闪耀着自由的光辉。There is something inside ,that they can"t get to , that they can"t touch. That"s yours. 那是一种内在的东西, 他们到达不了,也无法触及的,那是你的。 Hope is a good thing and maybe the best of things. And no good thing ever dies. 希望是一个好东西,也许是最好的,好东西是不会消亡的。 《The Lion King狮子王》 Everything you see exists together in a delicate balance. 世界上所有的生命都在微妙的平衡中生存。 When the world turns its back on you, you turn your back on the world. 如果这个世界对你不理不睬,你也可以这样对待它。 You can"t change the past. 过去的事是不可以改变的。 Yes, the past can hurt. But I think you can either run from it or learn from it. 对,过去是痛楚的,但我认为你要么可以逃避,要么可以向它学习。《TITANIC泰坦尼克号》 I love waking up in the morning and not knowing what"s going to happen, or who I"m going to meet, where I"m going to wind up. 我喜欢早上起来时一切都是未知的,不知会遇见什么人,会有什么样的结局。 I figure life is a gift and I don"t intend on wasting it. You never know what hand you"re going to get dealt next. You learn to take life as it comes at you. 我觉得生命是一份礼物,我不想浪费它,你不会知道下一手牌会是什么,要学会接受生活。To make each day count. 要让每一天都有所值。 《GARFIELD加菲猫》 Success is a relative term. It brings so many relatives. 成功是一个相关名词, 他会给你带来很多不相关的联系。God made relatives; Thank God we can choose our friends. 神决定了谁是你的亲戚, 幸运的是在选择朋友方面他给了你留了余地。
2023-07-25 02:07:011

The wind p____ up moisture from the Ocean

2023-07-25 02:07:223

please let me up 怎么翻译

2023-07-25 02:07:396


1.A proverb is like a swift horse. 一句常言像飞驰的骏马.(一言既出,驷马难追)2.One does not make the wind but is blown by it.一个人不能制作风(呼风唤雨)但会被风吹动.(顺天者昌,逆天者亡?)3.The ill-mannered child finds a father where he goes. 粗野的小孩在他去的地方找到一个父亲.(见风使舵?认贼作父?有奶便是娘?)4. Order is half life.命令(秩序)是一半的生命.(军令如山?)5.Even if the bridge be made of stone, make sure it is safe即使用石头做的桥也要保证它是安全的.(小心驶得万年船?)6.Nothing done with intelligence is done without speech.富有智慧的无所作为是无言的作为.(沉默是金?)7.Wisdom is better than jewels. A zebra does not despise its stripes. 知识(智慧)比珠宝更好.斑马不会小看它身上的条纹.8.A man"s tongue is his sward. He who stirs another"s porridge often burn his own.一个男人的舌头属于他自己,挑起战端的人通常引火上身.9.However crowded the way be, the hen will reach her eggs.不论道路多么拥挤,母鸡将会找到她的蛋.10.When spider webs unite they can tie up a lion.当蛛蛛同心协力结网能困住一只狮子.11.We are all like buckets, one goes up and the other comes down. 我们都像一堆水桶,一个人上去其他人下来.对于表达不确定的谚语,为表严谨我给出我的理解同时打上问号,敬请再斟酌.
2023-07-25 02:07:541