barriers / 阅读 / 详情


2023-07-25 14:25:09

超市:[chāo shì],英文:Supermarket二、释义:超市即超级市场,一般是指商品开架陈列,顾客自我服务,货款一次结算,以经营生鲜食品、日杂用品为主的商店。三、简介:super market,买东西的地方。超市即超级市场,一般是指商品开架陈列...



2023-07-25 01:14:182

supermarket怎么读 supermarket的读法

1、supermarket英[?su?p?mɑ?k?t]美[?su?p?rmɑ?rk?t].2、n.超级市场; 超市;3、[例句]The new product will arrive on supermarket shelves early next year.明年初该新产品就会在超级市场上架。4、[其他]复数:supermarkets.
2023-07-25 01:15:521


2023-07-25 01:16:174

超市用英语怎么读 超市的英语是什么

1、超市用英语是supermarket,读音:英[u02c8suu02d0pu0259mɑu02d0ku026at]美[u02c8suu02d0pu0259rmɑu02d0rku026at]。 2、[例句]The new product will arrive on supermarket shelves early next year.明年初该新产品就会在超级市场上架。 3、复数:supermarkets
2023-07-25 01:16:381


Supermarket[英][ˈsju:pəˌmɑ:kit] [美][ˈsupɚˌmɑrkɪt]用作名词(n.)Avarietyoffoodissoldatasupermarket.超级市场各式各样的食物均有出售。Thesupermarketisjustinthecornerofthestreet.超市就在街角。Anothersupermarketopenedlastweek.上星期又有一家超级市场开张了。Heusuallytradesatthenearbysupermarket.他通常在附近的超市购物。Thereisanundergroundcarparknearthesupermarket.这个超市附近有一个地下停车场。
2023-07-25 01:18:142


2023-07-25 01:18:291


2023-07-25 01:18:361


supemarket怎么说如下:supermarket读音:英 [u02c8suu02d0pu0259mɑu02d0ku026at],美 [u02c8suu02d0pu0259rmɑu02d0rku026at]。翻译:超级市场,超市。复数:supermarkets。记忆技巧:super 超,超级 + market 市场 → 超级市场。短语搭配:toyogo supermarket 区域。Lao Dah Fang supermarket 老大房食品总汇。双语例句:1、Community supermarkets provide home delivery service for elderly people.社区超市为年迈老人提供送货上门服务。2、The supermarket chain is being inspected by the relevant authorities.这家连锁超市正在接受相关部门的检查。3、She works at the local supermarket.她在当地的超市里工作。4、I know you like crunchy peanut butter, but the supermarket only had smooth.我知道你喜欢脆的花生酱,但是超市里只有顺滑花生酱。
2023-07-25 01:18:431

购物中心 日语怎么读

SHO PIN GU SEN TA ショーピングウ。センタ
2023-07-25 01:19:264


shop的读音是:英[??p]。shop的读音是:英[??p]。shop的意思是;车间;v.逛商店;购物;买东西。shop过去式:shopped;过去分词:shopped;现在分词:shopping;第三人称单数:shops。一、详尽释义点此查看shop的详细内容n.(名词)工厂,工场本行职业商店,店铺,铺子车间,工作坊,修理场零售店生意,事业职业上的事工作室,办公室办事处,机构特殊部门v.(动词)向警方告发,密告买东西(去),购物逮捕,投入监狱,拘禁出卖选购,挑选(商品)在…购物逛商店,去商店买货比三家而后买,比较选购到处寻找二、英英释义Noun:a mercantile establishment for the retail sale of goods or services;"he bought it at a shop on Cape Cod"small workplace where handcrafts or manufacturing are donea course of instruction in a trade (as carpentry or electricity);"I built a birdhouse in shop"Verb:do one"s shopping;"She goes shopping every Friday"do one"s shopping at; do business with; be a customer or client ofshop around; not necessarily buying;"I don"t need help, I"m just browsing"give away information about somebody;"He told on his classmate who had cheated on the exam"三、词典解释;店铺Ashop is a building or part of a building where things are sold.e.g. food shops.健康食品商店e.g. ...a recordshop...音像店in AM, usually use 美国英语通常用;去商店买东西When youshop, you go to shops and buy things.e.g. He always shopped at the Co-op.他一直在合作社买东西。e.g. ...some advice that"s worth bearing in mind when shopping for a new carpet.买新地毯时值得参考的一些建议shopper...crowds of Christmas shoppers.一群群圣诞节采购者3.(提供某种服务的)店,店面You can refer to a place where a particular service is offered as a particular type ofshop .e.g. ...the barbershop where Rodney sometimes had his hair cut.罗德尼有时去理发的那家理发店e.g. ...betting shops.彩票销售点4.工厂;工场;作坊;车间You can refer to a place where things are made or done as a particular kind ofshop .e.g. ...the blacksmith"sshop.铁匠作坊e.g. ...a repairshop.修理厂5.(向警察)告发If youshop someone, you report them to the police for doing something illegal.e.g. His father was so disgusted to discover his son was dealing drugs he shopped him to police...他父亲发现儿子在贩毒时深感憎恶,就向警察告发了他。e.g. Fraudsters are often shopped by honest friends and neighbours.诈骗犯经常会被正直守法的朋友和邻居告发。6. see also: shopping;chip shop;coffee shop;corner shop;paper shop;pawn shop;print shop;sex shop;tea shop;talking shop;thrift shopWhen you want to refer to a particular type of shop, you can often simply use the word for the person who owns or manages the shop.Down the road there is another greengrocer... Bring me back a paper from the newsagent. Alternatively, you can use the possessive form with"s, without a following noun....items which can be purchased at the greengrocer"s... She also cleans offices and serves in a local newsagent"s. You can also use the same pattern with other words that refer to a person or business that provides a service, such ashairdresser ordentist.Three or four times a week they"ll go to the hairdresser... It"s worse than being at the dentist"s.谈到某种类型的店铺时,常可以直接用店铺拥有者或经营者来指代该店铺。例如,Down the road there is another greengrocer (沿这条路还有一家蔬菜水果店),Bring me back a paper from the newsagent (从书报亭给我带份报纸回来)。或者,可以用所有格"s后不接名词的形式来表示某种店铺: items which can be purchased at the greengrocer"s (在蔬菜水果店可以买到的东西),She also cleans offices and serves in a local newsagent"s (她还在办公室做清洁工作,还在当地的一家书报亭卖报)。这种所有格后不接名词的结构还可以用在hairdresser, dentist 等表示提供某种服务的人或行业的名词后面指代某种店铺:Three or four times a week they"ll go to the hairdresser"s (他们一星期去三四次美发店),It"s worse than being at the dentist"s (这比去看牙医还要糟糕)。7.到处;各处If something is happeningall over the shop, it is happening in many different places or throughout a wide area.e.g. This gave them the freedom to make trouble all over theshop without fear of retribution.这使他们可以肆意到处惹是生非,而不用担心受到惩罚。8.开业;开张If youset up shop, you start a business.shop的近义词e.g. He set upshop as an independent PR consultant...他自己开公司,做起了独立公共关系顾问。e.g. He has just set upshop in Cherbourg.他刚刚在瑟堡开业不久。9.(商店、办事处、公司)休息,下班,打烊,停业,歇业When a shop, office, or firmshuts up shop, it stops doing business and closes, either at the end of the day or permanently.e.g. If they had been faced with the bill they"d have shut upshop and fled the country.他们要是看到这账单,早就关门歇业逃到国外去了。10.谈论本行工作;三句话不离本行If you say that peopleare talking shop, you mean that they are talking about their work, and this is boring for other people who do not do the same work.e.g. If you hang around with colleagues all the time you just end up talkingshop.如果整天和同事泡在一起的话,你最终就会变得开口闭口都是工作。11. a bull in a chinashop -> see bull相关词组:shop around四、例句The local dress shop is having a sale.附近的时装店正在大拍卖。The dresses in the shop are priced high.这家商店的衣服定价很高。That shop has a large connection.那商店有一大批顾客。I saw both of them at work in the shop.我看见他们两人都在车间干活。The foreman oversaw the workers in the shop.这个工头在车间里监视工人。Women in general like to shop for new clothes.大多数妇女喜欢逛街买新衣服。I usually go shopping on Sundays.我通常星期天购物。I have 3 days free. I"m going to HK to shop.我有3天假,我想去香港购物。I believe that it will be easier to shop online in the future.我相信将来在网上购物将会更容易。My mother was out shopping.我母亲出去买东西了。五、常见句型用作名词(n.)This is the only shop in the village community.这是这个社区的唯一的商店。We go to a shop to buy things.我们去商店买东西。He found he could make no money as a writer so he decided to open a shop.他发现当作家挣不到钱,所以他决定开商店。The shops in town close at five o"clock.镇上的商店五点关门。She often browses in dress shops during her lunch hour.她经常利用午餐休息时间逛逛服装店。He worked in a carpenter"s shop.他在一家木工厂工作。I want this shop to run as smoothly as possible.我想让这个机构办得尽可能顺利。The director"s office is a smooth running shop.主任的办事处是一个管理很上轨道的营业部门。用作动词(v.)用作不及物动词S+~(+A)Do you like shopping?你喜欢逛商店吗?I always shop in that grocery store.我一向在那家食品店买东西。I usually shop on Saturdays.我通常在星期六去商店购物。Someone has stolen her purse while she was shopping.她在购物时,有人偷走了她的钱包。We shopped all morning for new coats.我们整个上午都在选购外套。用作及物动词S+~+ n./pron.We shopped all the main shops.我们为了购物把主要的商店都逛遍了。1The gang leader was shopped by one of the robbers.有个劫匪向警方告发了匪首。六、常用短语用作名词(n.)all over the shop纷乱,零乱; 到处 in great disorder; scattered everywhere; everywhereset up shop开店,开业 start a businessshut up shop停止工作 stop workingtalk shop谈本行的事 talk about one"s work用作动词(v.)go shopping去买东西 exchange sth with moneyshop around (v.+adv.)仔细寻找 search carefully for goods that are the best value or the best services, aroundI shopped around till I got what I wanted at a price I could afford.我在商店里到处寻找才买到了我所需要又能买得起的东西。People must shop around for the best school for their children.人们都要为子女找最好的学校。七、词义辨析n.(名词)shop, department store, store这组词都可表示“商店”。其区别在于:shop在英国一般指零售商店,在美国还指专卖店,即出售固定商品的门市部; store为美国用词,指零售商店,其复数stores则指百货商店,相当于英式英语中的department store。例如:By the end of the year the little seed and grain shop had developed its trade considerably.到年底,那个种子、粮食小店的生意有了相当大的发展。She bought the sofa at the stores.她在百货公司买了这沙发。I do all my shopping at that department store.我什么都在那家百货商店买。下面两个句子的意思不同:He keeps shop for his uncle.他替他叔叔看店。He keeps a shop in town.他在城里开了一家店。department,store,shop这3个名词都含有“商店”之意。department作商店解时,是美国英语,通常写为department store。store在美国指出售同一类商品的小型商店。在英国用复数形式表示百货商店。shop指规模较小,出售同一类商品的店铺。shop的相关近义词chain、hypermarket、market、store、supermarket、workshopshop的相关临近词shopkeeper、shoot、Shope、shoppy、shoppe、shoplot、shopman、shopboy、shophar、shopster、shopworn、shop for点此查看更多关于shop的详细信息
2023-07-25 01:19:361


2023-07-25 01:19:453

at the supermarket和in the supermarket的不同

works at the supermarket ; buy sth in the supermarket .
2023-07-25 01:19:547


2023-07-25 01:20:112


2023-07-25 01:20:181


2023-07-25 01:20:559


问题一:(请问)用英语怎么说 1. Exuse me. 请问。 2. May I know your name?; Pray (tell me), what is your name? 请问大名? 3. Number please. 请问号码。 4. Just ask, please. 请问一下。 5. VMay I have your name, please? 请问贵姓? 6. May I have your name, Madam? 请问夫人贵姓? 7. How much is the rental fee, per month, please? 请问月租金多少? 8. Can you tell me where the supermarket is? 请问超级市场在哪里? 9. What tea do you prefer? 请问喝什龚茶? 10. How do I get to the post office? 请问如何前往邮政局? 问题二:比较 用英语怎么说? pare v. 比较, 相比, 比喻 n.比较 pare vt. 比较, 对照(with) 把...比作; 比喻(to) (把形容词或副词)变成比较级〔最高级〕 pare one thing with another 将一物与另一物比较 A teacher"s work is often pared to a candle. 教师的工作常被比作蜡烛。 pare [kEm5pZE] vi. 匹敌, 相比 竞争 不相上下 My English cannot pare with his. 我的英文水平不如他。 It is hard to pare. 很难比较。 pare [kEm5pZE] n. 比较, 对照 Her beauty is beyond pare. 她无比美丽。 (as) pared with 和...比较起来 beyond pare 无与伦比的, 不可及的 past pare 无与伦比的, 不可及的 without 饥ompare 无与伦比的, 不可及的 pare favourably with 似优于; 不亚于 not to be pared with 相差极远, 远不如 pare notes 对笔记; 交换意见 pare to 比拟, 比作 pare with (可)与...相比 pare unfavourably with 劣于; 不足与比较; 相形见绌 address pare 地址比较 arithmetic pare 运算比较 logical pare 逻辑比较 pare contrast 都含“相比”、“比较”的意思。 pare常指为了找出两种事物或现象的异同点而进行比较, 如:If you pare Marx"s works with Hegel"s, you"ll find many differences. 如果你把马克思的著作同黑格尔的著作相比较, 就会发现许多不同之处。contrast 指两者之间的“对照”、“对比”, 着重指“通过两种事物或现象的对比, 突出地指出它们的不同”, 如:contrast farm life with city life 对照一下城乡生活。 问题三:小意思用英语怎么说 你是不是说的小意思指的是,简单的那个意思,还是用在别人谢谢你的时候说的那个... 我就说简单吧, 呵呵,是不是经常听见一攻: 1.小case,就是指小意思,case.这里是:情况,状况,例,事例 2.It"s a piece of cake! 它是一个蛋糕,呵呵,小意思吧. sweat 没有流汗,呵呵,还是小意思的意思:) 我就知道这些吧:) 问题四:“这个用英语怎么说”用英文怎么说? Wha恭"s this in English? 这个用英语怎么说? What"s that in English? 那个用英语怎么说? 问题五:要么 要么用英语怎么说 要么: [ yào me ] 1. (conj) either X or Y (used when given a choice between two things) 例句与用法: 1. 要么进来,要么出去。 Either e in or go out. 2. 迪克要么刻苦学习,要么根本不学,从不走中间路线。 Dick either studies very hard or not at all, never anythi弧g in between. 3. 你要么自己来,要么就托人办理这件事。 Either you e in person, or you entrust someone with the matter. 问题六:你懂的用英语怎么说 你懂的 用英语说是:You"ll see . 希望能帮到你,望采纳并给予好评。 问题七:在…的上面用英语怎么说 30分 您的问题很简单。呵呵。百度知道很高兴帮助您解决您提出的问题。 原句:在…的上面 翻译:above;up;on top;on prep on在...的表面上(接触) above在...的垂直上方(不接触) 总在最上面always on top 在那上面thereon;on which;thereupon 在一上面小时图片up in an hour 印在最上面的色彩over hue 睡在上面sleep on it 在文本上面Above Text 这边在上面this side up 悬挂在上面over 天在上面Heaven in the Above; 在上层床的上面above the top bunk bed;above the top bed 你的手在上面Your hand above 妈的它在上面Funky It Up 我住在你的上面I live upstairs from you 鸟儿在你的上面飞翔birds fly a锭ove you 标在上面的superscript 盖在上面的superjacent 横在上面的superincumbent 装在上面的middle engine 印在最上面的色彩over hue 百度知道永远给您最专业的英语翻译。 问题八:一...就...用英语怎么说 no sooner... than...;矗the moment...; as soon as; once No sooner said than done. 一说就做到了。 He started off as soon as he got the message. 他一接到通知就动身了。 The science of engineering began as soon as man learned to use tools. 人类一学会使用工具, 工程科学就开始了。 The machine will start running as soon as the electric current is turned on. 电流一接通, 机器就立刻开始运转。 No sooner were the pieces of charcoal rubbed against the glass rod than electricity appeared on the rod. 木炭块同玻璃一摩擦,棒上就带电。 问题九:景点用英语怎么说 景点 feature spot,view spot 旅游景点 tourist attraction tourist destinationscenic spot places of tourist attraction 生态旅游景点 eco-attraction 问题十:涉及用英语怎么说 涉及 1.involve 2.relate to贰3.refer to 4.touch upon 例句 1.Does your work involve a lot of paper fillingtyping? 你的工作是不是牵涉到很多文件归档和打字工作? 2.Many relate to past guarantees that the former parent pany issued to its global subsidiaries, Mr Lomas said. 许多项目都涉及前母公司以前对其全球子公司做出的担保。 3.They often refer to the physical transformation of the ball. 它们经常涉及到球的物理性改变。 4.When we give, love, and share, we touch upon the majesty of our soul. 当我们付出了,去爱了,分享了。我们才能简单的涉及到我们灵魂。
2023-07-25 01:21:241


1. Exuse me. 请问。2. May I know your name?; Pray (tell me), what is your name? 请问大名?3. Number please. 请问号码。4. Just ask, please. 请问一下。5. VMay I have your name, please? 请问贵姓?6. May I have your name, Madam? 请问夫人贵姓?7. How much is the rental fee, per month, please? 请问月租金多少?8. Can you tell me where the supermarket is? 请问超级市场在哪里?9. What tea do you prefer? 请问喝什么茶?10. How do I get to the post office? 请问如何前往邮政局?
2023-07-25 01:21:321


高中英语总复习(八)参考答案及部分解析参考答案1-5 ACABC 6-10 CBACA11-15 BCACB 16-20 BCBCA21-25 DBDAC 26-30 ACCAC31-35 BABCC 36-40 GACDE41-45 BDBCA 46-50 BBDCB51-55 CCADC 56-60 BBADD61. more comfortable62. protection 63. it 64. a 65. for 66. what / whatever 67. where / in which68. used 69. is powered70. applying短文改错:71. ... about people go ... people前加why72. ... to the surveys ... surveys → survey73. ... living a better ... living → live74. Some wants to ... wants → want75. ... our self-development. our → their76. Natural, different ... Natural → Naturally77. ... I agreed with ... agreed → agree78. ... in the order ... 去掉the 79. ... like students, we ... like → as80. ... country or society. or → andOne possible version:Dear Miss Miller,I am sorry to tell you that I cannot perform in the short play next week because I seriously injured my ankle during the PE lesson yesterday. The doctor said that I"d better not move and have a good rest.You might be disappointed at this. Actually I am feeling upset too because I was looking forward to the performance we have been preparing during the last few weeks. I hope you can find someone else to take my place. But please don"t worry about me. I can take good care of myself and I will recover soon.I wish the school play a great success. Yours, Li Hua部分解析阅读理解:A篇(历史)本文是记叙文。Lonnie Johnson发明的水枪成为了上世纪90年代卖得最好的玩具之一。21. D。推理判断题。根据第二段中的As an African-American in a field in which minorities were rare, he was often looked down upon, he says. “For most of my career as an engineer, I was put in environments where I was the only person of color in the room.”可知,由于Johnson是非裔美国人,所以他经常被看不起,而且他所处的行业也很少雇用有色人种,这些都表明Johnson遭遇了种族歧视。22. B。词义猜测题。根据第二段中的It"s like the entertainment industry. You can"t predict whether a song is going to be a hit and how everyone will react to it可知,玩具业跟娱乐业类似,你无法预测哪首歌会火,也无法预测人们对它的反应,这说明这两个行业都充满变数。23. D。推理判断题。根据第四段中的“Wow,” Song said in surprise和倒数第二段中的 “At that point, I knew I had caught their imagination,” Johnson says不难推测,Song对Johnson的发明很感兴趣。24. A。细节理解题。根据最后一段中的He hopes that his technology will ... make green energy more affordable可知答案。B篇(健康)本文是应用文。三位在埃博拉疫区前线的人员讲述了他们在那里的经历。25. C。细节理解题。根据Katrin S. Kohl所说的But there were lots of awkward introductions because nobody knew what to do with their hands in Liberia可知答案。26. A。推理判断题。根据Katrin S. Kohl所说的内容可知,西非人原来在会议等社交场合要握手致意,现在他们保持距离,不接触对方,这说明埃博拉病毒改变了人们的社会行为方式。27. C。细节理解题。根据Jennifer Brooks所说的after several international medical staff members were infected. It changed from being the government"s problem to being everyone"s problem可知答案。28. C。细节理解题。根据Emily Jennets所说的Some people thought the white people were trying to steal organs可知答案。C篇(社会)本文是议论文。作者介绍了美国的新版护照,他认为一本护照大费周章地传递美国精神,过犹不及。29. A。细节理解题。根据第一段中的a bald eagle, the national bird of the US, holding 13 arrows in its left talon and in its right, an olive branch with 13 leaves, both representing the original 13 states that formed the United States of America可知答案。30. C。细节理解题。根据第四段中的Both little Jonathan and his little dark-blue book seem over tasked as a messenger of a country"s history and its basic values可知答案。31. B。推理判断题。根据第四段中的I guess at such moments, “Hi, I am an American, and my government shall never die” is not the best mannerism even though it is backed up by the strongest armed forces in the world可推测,作者认为含有众多“爱国主义”内容的护照就像是在向其他国家炫耀美国的强大,有着挑衅的意味。D篇(个人情况)本文是议论文。作者通过母亲做生意失败的案例说明了设定目标的重要性。32. A。细节理解题。根据第一段中的When the orders continued after the holiday season for baby gifts, birthday gifts and more, it occurred to them that maybe this job could be turned into a business and they did it可知答案。33. B。推理判断题。根据第一段中的the unique gift baskets my mom was making及第二段中的she had a creative idea可推测,作者的母亲想象力丰富,心灵手巧,能做出独一无二的礼品盒。34. C。推理判断题。根据第四段中的She swore she would run a business again and do it differently the next time可推测,作者的母亲反思了自己这次生意失败的原因,所以发誓下次要用不同的方法做生意。35. C。写作目的题。根据第三段中的make sure you ask yourself what you want out of your business. If you don"t set goals, how will you know what direction to go in ... You can"t keep scores if you don"t know what game you are playing及最后一段中的Set them so that you can make progress and achieve success可以看出,作者写这篇文章的主要目的是强调设定目标的重要性。七选五:话题:日常活动本文是议论文。文章讨论了为什么当今的父母不放心孩子独自外出。36. G。根据上文可知,Gregory十一二岁的时候跟朋友一起坐公交车去市中心,但是她如今不让自己的孩子这么做,这是因为她“担心可能存在的危险”。G项中的possible dangers对应下句中的crimes against children。37. A。根据下句内容可知,Alaba的女儿从来都没想过步行上下学,由此可以推断当她“开始上高中时,她仍然期盼每天有人接送她”。38. C。根据上文内容可知,Alaba承认自己的孩子缺乏独立性,但仍然开车接送她们,这是因为她认为“知道她们安全就值得了”。39. D。D项中的fear提示了本题答案。D项“担心陌生人给儿童保护中心打电话”指的就是上句中“对公众看法的担心”。40. E。根据上段内容可知,人们现在很容易获取信息,所以能得知“发生的每一件事”。完形填空:话题:家庭本文是记叙文。作者在陪父母去超市的过程中逐渐认识到:超市不仅仅是买东西的地方,也是维系家人情感的地方。41. B。根据文章中对买东西的描述及文章末的doing my own grocery shopping和supermarket可知,每周日,作者一家都一起去“超市(supermarket)”。42. D。43. B。根据下一句可知,大姐一边读大学,一边做兼职,所以她有充分的“借口(excuse)”“停止(stop)”跟我们一起去超市。44. C。根据本空后的had no good reason ... 可知,二姐也不想跟家人一起去超市了,但她却没有什么合理的理由。on the other hand用于引出相互矛盾的观点,符合此处语境。45. A。根据本空后的lame, stupid可推测,二姐认为没有什么比让同学看到自己或瘸或傻的家人更“尴尬(embarrassment)”的了。46. B。根据文章开头的my father, mother and two older sisters可知作者的家庭成员状况。再根据本空后的brother可知,这里是指除了不愿去超市的两个姐姐和作者这个弟弟外的“父母(parents)”。47. B。两个姐姐都不再陪家人一起去超市了,所以就只剩下父母和作者“三个(three)”人了。48. D。根据本空前的Left to deal with my parents by myself和下句中的just made no improvement可推测,留下作者一个人应对毫无进步的父母使得他很快失去“耐心(patience)”。49. C。根据下句中的bad English可知,这里指父母的“英语(English)”没有进步。50. B。根据本空前的delighted可知,刚开始作者和父母的英语都不好,“乐于(happy)”根据颜色和气味挑选窗户清洁剂。51. C。根据本空后的telling them to ... 可知,现在作者“成了(become)”父母的活字典,指点父母购物。52. C。根据本空前的put down that red can of baking powder可知,作者让父母放下红罐的发酵粉是因为父母“想要(wanted)”的是黄盒的小苏打。53. A。根据本空后的too可知,作者也想像姐姐们一样“抛弃(abandon)”父母,不再跟他们一起去超市。54. D。55. C。I never got what I wanted就是作者不跟父母一起去超市的“后果(consequences)”:作者再也得不到自己想要的东西。即使作者给父母写清楚自己要什么,父母也会买回“错的(wrong)”东西。56. B。根据本空前的on purpose可知,作者有时认为父母为了让自己“陪(accompanied)”他们去超市而故意买错东西。57. B。下句中的think about them提示了本题答案。58. A。超市不仅仅是买东西的地方,也是维系家人情感的地方,这是作者逐渐“感悟到(understand)”的道理。59. D。根据本空后的go to the supermarket with them可知,大学毕业后,作者定期“拜访(visit)”父母,并和他们一起去超市。60. D。作者能跟父母一起共度美好的时光是作者期待跟父母一起去超市的原因,故选because。语法填空:61. more comfortable。考查比较等级。设空处作宾语补足语,且前面有a little修饰,故用形容词,结合than可知填more comfortable。62. protection。考查名词。设空处作offer的宾语,故用名词。63. it。考查代词。设空处指代Each little house,故填it。64. a。考查冠词。effect在此意为“影响”,为可数名词,且表泛指,故其前用a。65. for。考查介词。search sth. for sth. 意为“细查某处以搜寻某物”。66. what / whatever。考查连接词。设空处引导宾语从句且在从句中作find的宾语,故填what / whatever。67. where / in which。考查关系词。设空处引导非限制性定语从句修饰先行词studio,且在从句中作地点状语,故填where / in which。68. used。考查非谓语动词。use与wooden structures之间是逻辑上的动宾关系,且use所表示的动作发生在谓语动作之前,故填used。69. is powered。考查时态和语态。由上下文可知,此处用一般现在时,且device与power(给……提供动力)之间是被动关系,故填is powered。70. applying。考查非谓语动词。someone与apply之间是逻辑上的主谓关系,且apply所表示的动作正在进行,故填applying。 选做题参考答案及解析 参考答案1-5 BACAA 6-10 BACDB解析A篇(交通)本文是记叙文。作者介绍了自己乘坐美国海军“蓝天使”飞行表演队飞机的经历。1. B。细节理解题。根据文中的Seconds later, when I can finally look around again, we"re near the clouds及When the Hornet flies at nearly the speed of sound等细节可以看出,Hornet的飞行速度很快。2. A。推理判断题。根据文中的The Hornet"s quick movements create extra g"s. All that gravity has the interesting effect of pushing things down. That includes the blood in your body that you rely on for minor things like seeing and remaining conscious可知,当人们感受的重力突然成倍增加时,人们的血液就会往下流,从而导致人们看不清楚或者失去意识。3. C。推理判断题。根据文中的... physically fight to keep that blood where it belongs — in your brain及Riders with the Blue Angels are taught to ... prevent the blood from rushing away from their upper body. The idea is to yell “hick!” rather loudly可知,喊“hick”的目的就是阻止血液从上半身流走,让大脑中有足够的血液。由此可以推测,当人们开始感觉大脑供血不足时,就要开始喊“hick”。4. A。推理判断题。根据划线部分前的None of this applies to Mark Tedrow及下段中的... all the twisting and turning has little effect on him可知,Tedrow不受重力增加的影响,飞机在空中的各种运动也对他没有影响。5. A。标题归纳题。作者介绍了自己乘坐美国海军“蓝天使”飞行表演队飞机的经历。A项中的the blue指的就是天空,形象生动地表达了作者乘坐飞机在空中的经历。B篇(社会)本文是说明文。文章介绍了心理学家桑代克发现的光环效应。6. B。细节理解题。根据第一段中的What had changed, in fact, was the demand for Cisco"s product可知,用户需求减少导致思科公司的效益下滑。7. A。推理判断题。根据第三段中的We assume that because people are good at doing A, they will be good at doing B, C and D ... Dozens of studies have shown that we automatically regard good-looking people as more pleasant, honest and intelligent可知,依据桑代克的理论,如果某人长得漂亮的话,人们就可能倾向于认为那个人也很善良。8. C。推理判断题。根据第四段中的What makes a professional tennis player like Roger Federer a coffee machine expert is still open for debate, but this hasn"t got in the way of the success of the campaign. All we remember is the attractive face, dream lifestyle and that product可知,网球明星可以成功推销咖啡机,这是因为明星的良好形象可以使人们记住他们代言的产品。9. D。词义猜测题。根据第三段内容我们不难看出,光环效应“阻碍了”人们对事物真实性质的判断。10. B。写作目的题。本文从一个著名公司的案例谈起,说明了一个心理学上的概念——光环效应,最后简短地提供了应对光环效应的办法。故本文的写作目的是说明一个心理学上的概念。
2023-07-25 01:21:421


often 【u02c8u0254fn】常常He often reads books after lunch. 他常常在午饭后读书。
2023-07-25 01:22:043

Supermarket ABusiness Hours: 8:30 a.m.~10:30 p.m.Eggs (1 kilo): &n...

小题1:B小题2:A小题3:B 试题分析:本文叙述了四个超市中不同的东西在各个超市的价格以及不同的超市的各自的营业时间。 小题1:细节理解题。根据表格中的内容可知超市A与超市C的猪肉的价格都是一样的,故选B。小题2:细节理解题。根据如果想在超市D买东西根据表格的内容可知必须在上午8:30到晚上10:00才可以,故选A。小题3:细节理解题。根据表格的内容可知1千克鸡蛋需要4.5美元,那么2千克鸡蛋就是9美元;1千克苹果需要1.97美元,3千克苹果就是5.91美元;1千克猪肉需要16.2美元;9+5.91+16.2=31.11,故选B。考点:广告类短文阅读。
2023-07-25 01:22:131


11 eleven 12 twelve 13 thirteen 14 forteen 15 fifteen 16 sixteen 17 seventeen 18 eighteen 19 nineteen
2023-07-25 01:22:213


2023-07-25 01:22:593


To read more books,such as funny stories,try to remember the words you do not know.And be confident ,make sure you really learn it by heart .Just remember ,where there is a will ,there is a way.
2023-07-25 01:23:182


Evan 埃文 1、源自教名,相当于"John"威尔士姓氏,男子名. 2、Ewan的异体,源自拉丁语,含义"出身高贵的,高贵的",男子名. 3、威尔斯英勇 的战士。 4、2007年8月韩国EG Square公司开发的一款以格斗为主的动作RPG网络游戏,具有容易上手,打击感强等特点。游戏以把格斗所带来的快感为中心,添加了冒险和成长要素。玩家可以使用多种技能组合来演义酷酷的战斗场景。 5、基督徒的福音, 男孩的名字。 6、艺源动画,中国徐州艺源动画卓有限公司英文名 EvanCG Evan:发音更新 ---埃文,艾文 其正确发音一直被很多人混淆,容易把首字母e读成拼音中i的读音,各大词典中的正确音标是Evan["evən]n.埃文(m.)
2023-07-25 01:17:033

beauty and a beat 吉他谱

手机有个软件Tabs 里面有jb的歌的吉他谱,我不知道你要的是指弹还是扫弦的?
2023-07-25 01:17:051

打印机active directory域服务当前不可用怎么办解决

WIN10家庭版升级专业版后,出现“active directory域服务当前不可用“需删去原打印机,可能是重复了。
2023-07-25 01:17:074

《Beauty And The Best》这首歌的歌词翻译成中文是什么?

Tale as old as time, true as it can be.古老的传说,这是真的Barely even friends, then somebody bends, unexpectedly朋友之间坦诚相处,需要有人退让,这非常难得Just a little change, small to say the least, both a little scared,neither one prepared,仅有很小的改变,最少的话,双方都有一些畏惧,也许都还没有准备好Beauty and the beast美女与野兽Ever just the same, ever a surprise曾经是一样的,曾经是个惊人之事Ever as before and ever just as sure as the sun will rise instrumental曾经在从前,曾经很确信就像太阳升起一样有规律Ever just the same,曾经是一样的Ever a surprise曾经是个惊人之事Ever as before,曾经在从前And ever just as sure曾经是确信的As the sun will rise.就像太阳升起的时候Tale as old as time, tune as old as song,古老的传说,真实的像古老的歌Bitter sweet strange,痛苦的甜蜜的陌生的Finding you can change, learning you were wrong发现你能改变,能够认识到你的错误Certain as the sun就像太阳一样(Certain as the sun),(就像太阳一样)Rising in the east从东方升起Tale as old as time,古老的传说Song as old as rhyme, beauty the beast古老的歌韵,美女与野兽Tale as old as time, tune as old as song古老的传说,真实的像古老的歌Beauty...beast美女与野兽
2023-07-25 01:17:131


是SUKL还是SUKi?如果是SUKi的话,Suki(台湾畅销品牌) SUKI一个极受年轻人推崇的彩妆品牌。它的品牌定位是:时尚、实用、超炫、超COOL、超级漂亮。 诞生于90年代的台北西门町(台湾年轻人流行时尚文化的朝圣地),创立的理念是想推出与东京同步流行的彩妆商品,首推的产品「指甲彩绘」以天然原料、不伤指甲为诉求,立刻造成台湾年轻美眉的热烈抢购,且引来多家电视台的热烈报导,而后推出一系列的护肤、彩妆等产品也深受消费者的认同,知名度因此迅速打开。 Suki本着强调「天然安全」、「流行时尚」的理念,并将产品送「瑞士检验公司(SGS) 」检验,因此完全符合世界及台湾卫生单位的标准。1990年代末,台湾网络购物兴起,SUKI也正式进军网络平台,藉由日式精致化的包妆与「优良品质、平民价格」的产品定位,迅速攻占台湾广大年轻女性消费者的芳心,现在SUKI产品已成为台湾各大购物网站首推的热门保养化妆品,销售业绩常高居冠军,充分受到广大消费者的肯定。
2023-07-25 01:17:151


2023-07-25 01:17:181

帮忙找beauty and the beast的歌词!最好中英对照 谢谢

beauty and the beast美女与野兽Tale as old as time, true as it can be.古老的传说,这是真的Barely even friends, then somebody bends, unexpectedly朋友之间坦诚相处,需要有人退让,这非常难得Just a little change, small to say the least, both a little scared,neither one prepared,仅有很小的改变,最少的话,双方都有一些畏惧,也许都还没有准备好Beauty and the beast美女与野兽Ever just the same, ever a surprise曾经是一样的,曾经是个惊人之事Ever as before and ever just as sure as the sun will rise instrumental曾经在从前,曾经很确信就像太阳升起一样有规律Ever just the same,曾经是一样的Ever a surprise曾经是个惊人之事Ever as before,曾经在从前And ever just as sure曾经是确信的As the sun will rise.就像太阳升起的时候Tale as old as time, tune as old as song,古老的传说,真实的像古老的歌Bitter sweet strange,痛苦的甜蜜的陌生的Finding you can change, learning you were wrong发现你能改变,能够认识到你的错误Certain as the sun就像太阳一样(Certain as the sun),(就像太阳一样)Rising in the east从东方升起Tale as old as time,古老的传说Song as old as rhyme, beauty the beast古老的歌韵,美女与野兽Tale as old as time, tune as old as song古老的传说,真实的像古老的歌Beauty...beast美女与野兽
2023-07-25 01:17:201


2023-07-25 01:17:222

suki日语是什么意思 suki的用片假名怎么说

1、suki的日语意思是:喜欢。 2、suki是日语すき的发音,通常是“喜欢”的意思,但在日语中单独对一个人说“私(わたし)は好(す)きだよ”(我喜欢你)的话,这里的すき就有男女之爱的意思了。 3、すき的固定搭配短语如下: (1)好きです:我喜欢你(女生用语); (2)手描きです:有字幕; (3)好きですか:你喜欢我吗。
2023-07-25 01:17:221

如何安装adb驱动 安装adb驱动的方法

手机想要安装adb驱动,首先需要下载adb驱动,adb驱动比较容下下载,这里不再赘述。下载完成后,把adb驱动放到固定的路径,这里以放在C盘为例如何安装adb驱动 安装adb驱动的方法点击“我的电脑”,右键选择“管理”。如何安装adb驱动 安装adb驱动的方法在这里点击“设备管理器”。如何安装adb驱动 安装adb驱动的方法出现以下界面(根据个人设置的不同,可能会出现以下两种界面的一种),可以看到“adb interface”这里的显示叹号的,说明adb驱动没有安装。如何安装adb驱动 安装adb驱动的方法如何安装adb驱动 安装adb驱动的方法点击“adb interface”,邮件选择“更新adb驱动程序。如何安装adb驱动 安装adb驱动的方法选择“浏览计算机以查找驱动程序”如何安装adb驱动 安装adb驱动的方法在这里,选择第一步中下载的adb驱动文件夹,并点击“确认”。如何安装adb驱动 安装adb驱动的方法如何安装adb驱动 安装adb驱动的方法此时,adb驱动程序的路径已经选择完毕,点击“下一步”。如何安装adb驱动 安装adb驱动的方法此时会有安全提示,选择点击“始终安装此驱动程序软件”。如何安装adb驱动 安装adb驱动的方法等待几分钟,驱动程序就安装好了!如何安装adb驱动 安装adb驱动的方法此时可以看到,“adb interface”上的叹号已经消失了。adb已经可以正常使用!如何安装adb驱动 安装adb驱动的方法
2023-07-25 01:17:271

justin bieber谁能把beauty and a beat的高清版MV发给我?一定高清!!谢谢。

2023-07-25 01:17:281

to plan a table 和 to table a plan

主要是table做动词和名词时含义不同 plan a table table做名词,意为表格,目录,比如time table就是作息时间表,所以就是列表计划的意思 table a plan table做动词,意为搁置,所以就是搁置计划的意思
2023-07-25 01:17:281


2023-07-25 01:17:291


大沽自来得手枪作业原理: 起落式闭锁枪机,短后座力作业(Falling block, locked breech, short recoil operated) 半自动弹匣容量: 内置10发弹匣击发方式: 单动式瞄准具: 表尺照门,刀片形准星口径: 7.63x25mm/.30 Mauser/7.63 Mauser (7.62x25mm Tokarev与此近似)枪管长度: 5.5”枪重: 2 lb.相容性: Mauser Military Pistol/M1896 设计制造厂: 海军大沽造船所制造年代: 约1918年
2023-07-25 01:17:341

求Beauty and the beast 的歌词和翻译

Beauty and the beast-席琳迪翁 beauty and the beast 美女与野兽 Tale as old as time, true as it can be. 古老的传说,这是真的 Barely even friends, then somebody bends, unexpectedly 朋友之间坦诚相处,需要有人退让,这非常难得 Just a little change, small to say the least, both a little scared, neither one prepared, 仅有很小的改变,最少的话,双方都有一些畏惧,也许都还没有准备好 Beauty and the beast 美女与野兽 Ever just the same, ever a surprise 曾经是一样的,曾经是个惊人之事 Ever as before and ever just as sure as the sun will rise instrumental 曾经在从前,曾经很确信就像太阳升起一样有规律 Ever just the same, 曾经是一样的 Ever a surprise 曾经是个惊人之事 Ever as before, 曾经在从前 And ever just as sure 曾经是确信的 As the sun will rise. 就像太阳升起的时候 Tale as old as time, tune as old as song, 古老的传说,真实的像古老的歌 Bitter sweet strange, 痛苦的甜蜜的陌生的 Finding you can change, learning you were wrong 发现你能改变,能够认识到你的错误 Certain as the sun 就像太阳一样 (Certain as the sun), (就像太阳一样) Rising in the east 从东方升起 Tale as old as time, 古老的传说 Song as old as rhyme, beauty the beast 古老的歌韵,美女与野兽 Tale as old as time, tune as old as song 古老的传说,真实的像古老的歌 Beauty...beast 美女与野兽
2023-07-25 01:16:581

怎么打开“Active Directory用户和计算机”管理单元啊?

引用自地址打开 Active Directory 用户和计算机单击“开始”,再单击“运行”。在“打开”框中,键入 dsa.msc,再单击“确定”。—或者—单击“开始”,指向“所有程序”,再指向“Microsoft Exchange”,然后单击“Active Directory 用户和计算机”。
2023-07-25 01:16:574


2023-07-25 01:16:534

Beauty And Beast 歌词

歌曲名:Beauty And Beast歌手:Trf专辑:World GrooveTale as old as timeTrue as it can beBarely even friendsThan somebody bendsUnexpectedlyJust a little changeSmall, to say the leastBoth a little scaredNeither one preparedBeauty and the BeastEver just the sameEver a surpriseEver as beforeEver just as sureAs the sun will ariseEver just the sameEver a surpriseEver as beforeEver just as sureAs the sun will ariseTale as old as timeTune as old as songBittersweet and strangeFinding you can changeLearning you were wrongCertain as the sunRising in the eastTale as old as timeSong as old as rhymeBeauty and the beast.Tale as old as timeSong as old as rhymeBeauty and the beast.
2023-07-25 01:16:511


最大限度地节约资源(节能,节地,节水,节材) ,保护环境和减少污染,为人们提供健康,适用和高效的使用空间,与自然和谐共生。绿色建筑的基本内涵可归纳为:减轻建筑对环境的负荷,即节约能源及资源;提供安全、健康、舒适性良好的生活空间;与自然环境亲和,做到人及建筑与环境的和谐共处、永续发展。归纳为三点;节能能源,节约资源,回归自然
2023-07-25 01:16:512

Beauty And The Beast 歌词

歌曲名:Beauty And The Beast歌手:Eric Tingstad&Nancy Rumbel专辑:A Dream And A WishBeauty And The BeastBy XiaolongTale as old as timeTrue as it can beBarely even friendsThen somebody bendsUnexpectedlyJust a little changeSmall, to say the leastBoth a little scaredNeither one preparedBeauty and the BeastEver just the sameEver a surpriseEver as beforeEver just as sureAs the sun will riseEver just the sameEver a surpriseEver as beforeEver just as sureAs the sun will riseTale as old as timeTune as old as songBittersweet and strangeFinding you can changeLearning you were wrongCertain as the sunRising in the EastTale as old as timeSong as old as rhymeBeauty and the BeastTale as old as timeSong as old as rhymeBeauty and the Beastcitronyoyo のYOYO 献给所有喜欢童话的朋友们
2023-07-25 01:16:441


EVE四大势力十二艘战列舰能力各有不同。以下是部分战列舰的简析:1. 地狱天使级:属于艾玛帝国。满级增加装甲抗性25%,激光炮伤害25%。虽然防御力强悍,但需要注意电能平衡。2. 盖伦特舰船:在防御时主要以装甲维修或累积装甲为基础,攻击时主要使用混合炮(快炮或轨道炮)和战斗无人机。非常擅长使用无人机是其特色。3. 艾玛舰船:设计原则更为美观、庄重。他们的船主要是防弹的,使用激光武器。4. 米玛塔尔舰船:在设计上不规则,玩家对它的评价褒贬不一。建议您查阅最新的游戏资料或与其他玩家交流,以获取最新的EVE四大势力十二艘战列舰能力评析。
2023-07-25 01:16:442

什么是绿色建筑内部评价体系 ? 谁能告诉我??

再补充一楼;新加坡Green Mark - 绿标新加坡的绿色建筑标准,目前在中国的新加坡置业公司的地产项目大多也需要做Green Mark认证,比如像新加坡凯德置地等等。
2023-07-25 01:16:423

求Beauty and the beast 的歌词和翻译

Tale as old as time   True as it can be   Barely even friends   Than somebody bends   Unexpectedly   Just a little change   Small, to say the least   Both a little scared   Neither one prepared   Beauty and the Beast   Ever just the same   Ever a surprise   Ever as before   Ever just as sure   As the sun will arise   Tale as old as time   Tune as old as song   Bittersweet and strange   Finding you can change   Learning you were wrong   Certain as the sun   Rising in the east   Tale as old as time   Song as old as rhyme   Beauty and the beast.   作词: Howard Ashman   作曲: Alan Menken   演唱: Celine Dion, Peabo Bryson 古老的传说,如梦似真,如此深情,天上尽有,世间少见.些微的转变,微妙的改变,忐忑不安,暧昧不明,美女与野兽.独一无二,无法想像,未曾有过,但却明明白白,如初升的朝阳.古老的传说,美丽的歌谣,个中滋味,各自体会,出人意表.如初升的朝阳,闪耀东方,古老的传说,美丽的歌谣,美女与野兽.   古老的传说,美丽的歌谣,美女与野兽.
2023-07-25 01:16:371

下列有关绿色建筑的评价说法正确的是哪几项?( )。

2023-07-25 01:16:341


suki的日语意思是:喜欢。suki是日语すき的发音,通常是“喜欢”的意思,但在日语中单独对一个人说“私(わたし)は好(す)きだよ”(我喜欢你)的话,这里的すき就有男女之爱的意思了。日语中表达喜欢或爱的说法还有:1、あいしてる。罗马音:a i xi te ru中文翻译:我爱你。2、私はあなたを爱する。罗马音:wa ta xi wa a na ta wo a i su ru中文翻译:我爱你!3、私はとてもあなたが好きだ!罗马音:wa ta xi wa to te mo a na ta ga su ki da中文翻译:我很喜欢你。
2023-07-25 01:16:322


萨沙的兵器图谱第298期毛瑟M1932型7.62毫米全自动手枪20年代,西班牙人仿制了德国的boxgun,研制出了皇家手枪。此仿冒品非比寻常,性能与德品相差无几,并配备全自动开火功能。德国的boxgun只能半自动射击,而且毕竟只能发射手枪子弹,而且枪管短,不过全自动射击的精准度我还是很满意的。有趣的是,全自动箱炮受到中国人的欢迎。毛瑟别无选择,在1932 年也推出了可以全自动设计的M1932 型号。M1932型是中国境内,最优秀的盒子炮之一它在德国的名字为Schnellfeuer MAUSER(速射毛瑟),意思是可以全自动射击,像冲锋枪一样。M1932型的全自动射击功能,实战中很少使用。M1932型只是手枪,哪怕安装了枪托也难以承受扫射的强劲后坐力。如果是没有经验的射手使用,全自动射击基本等于瞎打。M1932仍然是一把出色的半自动手枪,精度、威力和火力都非常出色,是最好的突击手枪。还有价格,M1932的价格很贵。1936年国民政府购买氢弹作为武器时,包括2万发20管手枪和280万法币。M1932均价高达70-80元人民币。该步枪售价仅为30-40元,是M1932步枪价格的两倍。尽管如此,政府认为这是值得的。国军中央军的精锐部队和排长都是箱枪,但是火力还是比不上其余手枪,基本可以当卡宾枪使用。许多人认为M1932 仅在理论上能够进行全自动射击。德国毛瑟也认为,M1932型号只是配备了全自动射击功能,在实战中意义不大。在中国人手中,M1932的全自动枪械可以用于战斗。一种常用的方法是将枪支倾斜并全自动射击,子弹散开以覆盖该区域。M1932的后坐力很强,这个扇子原样可以射。在近距离战斗中,M1932 可以覆盖短时间的火力来击落多群敌人。到1936年共生产了10万支M1932,其中7万支销往中国,2000支由德国党卫军保管。中国花了很多钱买下这7万支M1932。一些人认为用这笔钱购买枪支并建造一些炮兵部队会更好。M1932型的作用类似于,建国后解放军步兵班的冲锋枪手。除了轻机枪和半自动步枪以外,解放军正副班长都配备冲锋枪,目的是增强近战火力。中国没有冲锋枪也没有卡宾枪,极度缺乏近战火力,也只能用M1932型来弥补。更重要的是,日军也没有装备冲锋枪和卡宾枪。所以近战中,我们的M1932型还可以占据一定优势。抗战中无论国军还是八路军,都强调在200米内甚至50米内采用近战方式打日寇,就是尽量避免以弱击强。站在这个角度来说,M1932型花费一笔巨款也是完全值得的。
2023-07-25 01:16:291


2023-07-25 01:16:271