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my favorite tv program 英语作文

2023-07-25 14:22:03

写作思路:围绕文章my favorite tv program的中心思想,结合自身感受得描述,正文:

My favorite TV program


My favorite TV program is Animal World. It"s very interesting and exciting. There I learn a lot kinds of animals.


Some people think some animals are dangerous. They may hurt us humans. We can kill them. I can"t stand the idea. Each animal has its reason to live on the earth. They are important for the world. They keep a balance. If somebody breaks it, we humans may not be able to live on the earth.



My favorite TV program is a documentary series called "Planet Earth II". It is a nature documentary that explores different habitats and ecosystems on our planet. I enjoy watching this program because it offers a unique and fascinating perspective on the natural world.

The documentary is beautifully filmed with high-quality cameras that capture stunning footage of animals in their natural habitats. It is narrated by David Attenborough, a renowned naturalist and broadcaster, who shares his deep knowledge and passion for the natural world. The program is divided into six episodes, each exploring a different ecosystem, such as islands, mountains, and jungles.

One of my favorite episodes is "Cities", which showcases how different species of animals have adapted to living in urban environments. It is amazing to see how animals like peregrine falcons and macaques have found ways to thrive in cities, despite all the challenges they face. Watching this episode makes me appreciate the resilience and adaptability of nature.

Another reason why I love "Planet Earth II" is that it raises awareness about environmental issues. The documentary highlights the impact of human activities on the natural world, such as deforestation, pollution, and climate change. It reminds us that we are not separate from nature, but rather a part of it, and that we have a responsibility to protect and conserve our planet.

In conclusion, "Planet Earth II" is my favorite TV program because it is both entertaining and educational. It offers a unique and breathtaking perspective on the natural world, while also raising awareness about environmental issues. Watching this documentary inspires me to appreciate and protect the beauty of our planet.


The TV show that I like is "Sing! China". It is a singing competition show about music, where each contestant needs to showcase their musical talent by singing, and the winner is selected by the judges and the audience through voting. This show not only helps me to learn about various music styles and different music cultures from all over the world, but also allows me to experience the charm of music.

When I see the contestants showing their music talents on the stage, I am really impressed by their detailed movements. For example, the expressions and actions of the contestants while singing, their emotional expression in music, and their communication with the accompaniment. These subtle movements make me deeply understand the skills and emotions needed in music, and also let me experience the artistic beauty and charm of music.

After watching several seasons of "Sing! China", I began to have some innovative ideas. For example, I started to try to integrate different music styles and create some new songs. Through these attempts, I found that innovation is not a closed category, but requires courage and creativity. This process made me understand the importance of innovation, and made me more open-minded and positive in life.

In addition to music skills and innovation, I also learned some deeper truths in "Sing! China". For example, I realized that music is not just a simple artistic expression, but also a way of cultural and emotional expression. At the same time, I also realized that as a contestant or musician, one needs to take on certain responsibilities. These truths make me more mature and confident in life.

Overall, the TV show "Sing! China" that I like is not only a good-looking program, but also a way to inspire me. Through this show, I have learned a lot about music, culture, and life, and have experienced the importance of innovation and responsibility. It plays an important role in my life, making me love music more and be more positive towards life.


My favorite TV program

My favorite TV program is a cooking show called "MasterChef." This show features contestants from all walks of life who compete against each other in culinary challenges to win the title of "MasterChef."

I love this show because it not only showcases the contestants" cooking skills, but it also highlights their creativity, teamwork, and personalities. The judges on the show are all renowned chefs who provide valuable feedback to the contestants, helping them to improve their cooking techniques and presentation skills.

Another reason why I love "MasterChef" is that it inspires me to explore my own cooking skills and try out new recipes. I have learned so much about different techniques and ingredients from watching the show, and I have even tried cooking some of the recipes myself.

Watching "MasterChef" is not only an enjoyable and entertaining experience for me, but it also provides me with an opportunity to learn and grow as a home cook. It is a perfect combination of entertainment and education and I always look forward to watching it every week.

In conclusion, "MasterChef" is my favorite TV program because it is not only entertaining but also provides valuable knowledge about cooking. It has inspired me to explore my own cooking skills and try new recipes, and I always look forward to watching it.


participant, competitor, contestant, player有什么区别?

2023-07-25 01:01:416


2023-07-25 01:02:056


2023-07-25 01:02:212

opponent, competitor, contestant 有什么内涵的区别?

opponent, competitor, enemy, foe, rival这些名词均有“对手,敌手”之意。opponent : 最常用词,通常指在争论、辩论、竞选或竞赛以及其它各种矛盾冲突中站在对立面的“对手”或“敌手”。competitor : 指为同一目标或目的竞争者,一般无感情色彩。enemy : 多指充满敌意的仇敌。foe : 语气较强,多用于书面文字和诗歌中。指不仅敌对,而且很危险,怀有很深的敌意。rival : 指与某人目标一致而想赶上或超过他的人。contestant 用得较少,指参赛选手、持反对观点的人等。
2023-07-25 01:03:242


问题一:‘职业选手"用英文怎么说? 一般说“Pro”别人就都知道你的意思了。你可以说:I"m Pro!或者I"m Pro SVEN!之类的~或者:NICE!That"s a Pro operate! 问题二:选手的英语 contestant最好,适用于演讲、选美等 问题三:参赛选手用英语怎么讲 一般就用player就可以了,英文有的单词没那么复杂的 问题四:电竞选手英文怎么说,算是athlete吗 电竞选手 Cybersports players 电竞选手 Cybersports players 问题五:比赛选手的英文 The game player 问题六:“某某选手获得了第二名”英语怎么说? 某某acquired in the second place 问题七:我是今天面试的一号选手,用英语怎么说 I am the No.1 petitor for today"s face to 顶ace test.
2023-07-25 01:03:391

contestant 与contender的区别?

contestant 可数名词,竞争者,参赛者contender 可数名词,竞争者,斗争者,争论者
2023-07-25 01:03:481


candidate 坎第带特
2023-07-25 01:03:582


player, competitor
2023-07-25 01:04:095


2023-07-25 01:04:371

The Neden Game 歌词

歌曲名:The Neden Game歌手:insane clown posse专辑:Jugganauts - The Best Of IcpLets meet contestant #1Hes a skitsophranic serial killer clown who sayswomen love his sexy smileLets find out if his charm will work on sharonSharon, whats your question?contestant #1i believe first impressions last foreverso lets say you were to come over to my parents houseand have dinner with me and my familyTell me what youd do to make that first impression really sticklets see,well id have to think about iti might show up in a tuxHA!! but i doubt itid probably just show up naked like i always doand look your momma in the eye and tell her FUCK YOU!hurry up bitch im hungryi smell spaghettii pinch her loopy ass and tell her GET THE FOOD READY!your dad would probably start trippinand get me pissedid have to walk up and BUST him in his FUCKIN lipsits dinner timewere hearin grace from your motheri pull the 40 out and pour some for your little brotherim steady starin at your sister, ill tell ya thisyou know for only 13 she got some big tits!after that, your dad would try to jump againand only this time id put the 40 to his chinafter your mom does the dishes and the silverwarei dry fuck her till i nut in my underwear hehe hahanow lets meet contestant #2hes a psychopathic deranged crackhead freakwho works for the dark carnivalhe says women call him stretch nutssharon lets hear your questioni like a man whos not afraid to show his true emotionsA man who expresses himself in his own special way#2 if you fell in love with meexactly how would you let me know?first thingi could never love youyou sound like a richie bitch yoFUCK YOU!but if i did, id probably show you that i careby takin all these other motherfuckers outta hereid go through your phone book and whack em alland find contestant #1 and break his fuckin jawanyone who looked atcha would have to payid be blowin fuckin nuggets off all dayid grab your titties and stretch em down past your waistlet em go and watch em both spring up in your faceid sing love songs to yathe best i cangetcha naked and hit it like a CAKE MAN!then we go to the beach and walk through the sandid throw a little in your face and say im just playinas we spread it all out i rub your backid grab your underwear and WEDGE IT UP YOUR ASSCRACK!!well it sounds like contestant #2 is just overflowing with sensitivitysharon, its a tough choice so farsharon, lets have your last question and seewhich one is gonna win the rights to your Nedenok if we were at a dance club and you both noticed me at the same timetell mehow would you each get my attentionand what would your pickup line be?who evers the smoothest wins!ok, firstid sliiiiiiiide up to the barand tell you that i cant believe how fuckin fat you areid tell you i like the way you make your titties shakeand if you lost a little weight youd look like riki lakeFUCK THATyoud be jackin me quickid order you a drinkand stir it with my dickand then to get your attention in the crowded placeid simply walk up and STICK MY NUTS IN YOUR FACEyeah freak her with your nuts yeahthatll get hertell her that shes fat YEAH thatll work even betterlook, fuck youi got a strong rapshityou dont want contestant #2 hes mad whack
2023-07-25 01:04:461


I am 9 participative contestant Charles
2023-07-25 01:05:074


2023-07-25 01:05:165


English recitation contest rules Competition is divided into dislikecia links and judges questions &delivery First read by players dyslexia self-provided title, time is 3 minutes, time remaining 30 seconds when prompted. Students read after the completion of the judges to player by questions and answer no time limit Players post-match without undue absence, please keep playing discipline, the audience will cell-phone to mute, do not get optional ambulate, lest affect player normal exertion.
2023-07-25 01:05:464


2023-07-25 01:05:544


2023-07-25 01:06:011

桂林中学学生会将举行一年一度的英语演讲比赛,本年度的主题为“I have a dream”。假设你是学生会主席李

Dear boys and girls,Good afternoon! Welcome to the annual English speech contest! To improve your English speaking and listening ablilities, we hold this English speech contest. It not only offers the chance to practice your English, but also provides a good opportunity to show your graceful self.There are some important points each contestant should be aware of. First of all, each contestant should dress and behave properly. Second, each should finish the speech within five minutes. Third, each speech should be centered on the theme of our contest, “I have a dream”. I believe your speeches will inspire more people to achieve their dreams.Finally, I"d like to wish you all good luck and I hope each contestant will perform his best! That"s all. Thank you for your attention! 试题分析:本文是一篇演讲稿。文章给出了汉语提示,要求考生根据提示写出完整的英语短文。成文时要注意:1.要点要齐全;(1)说明比赛的目的和意义,如提高英语听说能力等;(2)说明比赛的注意事项,如每个参赛者应该着装整洁、举止文雅,演讲不超过5分钟,必须围绕主题等;(3)预祝比赛选手取得圆满成功。2.时态:用一般现在时;3.使用一些高级词汇、短语和句型,以提高文章档次;4.适当使用一些连词和插入语使文章表达自然、流畅。【亮点说明】使用了并列结构:not only……but also……;使用了不定式短语作状语:To improve your English speaking and listening ablilities,使用了从句:There are some important points each contestant should be aware of.连词和插入语:First of all, Third, Finally等。
2023-07-25 01:06:091


1. Format:l 第一环节:我是英语达人:时间不超过180秒,含准备时间60秒。参赛选手不得透露个人真实姓名等个人信息;必须将考场内规定的内容,加上辅助的形式如唱歌、舞蹈、魔术等向大家展示你是“英语达人”。The 1st Round: Improvised presentation with talent show in 3 minutes including 1-minute preparation time. The contestants should choose a presentation topic on the screen. After 1-minute preparation, they should present the speech with their talent in 2 minutes.l 第二环节:即兴交流:时间不超过90秒,回答评委老师提问。The 2nd Round: Question and Answer: Answer the judge"s question in one and half minutes.Improvised Speech Evaluation CriteriaThe following rubric for assessing speeches is based on a 100-point scale. To translate to letter grades for subsections, use the following table as a guide.10 pointsA (9-10)B (7-8)C (5-6)D (0-4) 20 pointsA (18-20)B (15-17)C (12-14)D (0-11) Criteria A (Excellent) B (Good) C (Fair) D (Poor) Comprehension & Clarity(20 points) The Contestant fully understood the topic and presented clearly and comprehensibly. The Contestant understood most of what was asked of him/her and his/her speech was understandable. The Contestant showed little comprehension of topic. His/her speech was awkward and incomprehensible to understand at times. Contestant was unable to comprehend the topic. He/she could not deliver a completed speech. Content(20 points) Gave good content in responses to the topic. In addition, main points are made exceptionally clear with the use of internal transitions and previews, as well as signposting. Gave appropriate information but responses were limited in content. In addition, main points are integrated and each is an independent idea. Delivered the speech with very limited supportive information. Main points are easy to identify. Did not present appropriate content for the topic, no response to the topic. Pronunciation(20 points) Contestant"s pronunciation was like a native speaker. In addition, voice, diction and rate demonstrate the speaker"s enthusiasm and interest in the topic Contestant"s pronunciation was understandable with some error. In addition, vocal variety has been employed to highlight key information. Contestant"s pronunciation made understanding difficult. Majority of words have been pronounced and articulated properly. Contestant"s pronunciation was incomprehensible. Fluency(10 points) Contestants were able to communicate clearly with no difficulty. Contestants were able to present with little difficulty. Contestant took a long time to respond to the topic. Contestant was unable to respond to the topic.. Delivery (20 Points) Eye contact was maintained for almost the whole speech. In addition, use of space, movement and gestures clearly demonstrated the speaker"s enthusiasm for the topic. Eye contact was purposeful, pleasant, comfortable and established with most of the audience. In addition, space and movement was used to transition between points, and gestures to add emphasis. Speaker maintained eye contact with audience for at least half the time of the speech. Delivery had few distracting gestures, movements, or body shifting Speaker never maintained eye contact with audience. He/she didn"t have any gestures, movements or body shifting. Talent (10 Points) Showed the unique and attractive talent. In addition, the talent was used to highlight the key point strongly. Showed the talent. In addition, the talent was used to help a little to understand the main point. Showed the talent fairly. But the talent was not relevant to the presentation. Never showed the talent. l The 2nd Round: Question and AnswerQ&A Evaluation CriteriaThe following rubric for assessing the 2nd Round is based on a 100-point scale. To translate to letter grades for subsections, use the following table as a guide.20 pointsA (18-20)B (15-17)C (12-14)D (0-11) 30 pointsA (27-30)B (23-26)C (20-22)D (0-19) Criteria A (Excellent) B (Good) C (Fair) D (Poor) Comprehension & Clarity(30 points) Questions and answers were clear and comprehensible. The Contestant fully understood the questions asked and answered correctly. Questions or answers were awkward at times but always understandable. The Contestant understood most of what was asked of him/her. Questions and answers were awkward and incomprehensible to understand at times. The Contestant showed little comprehension of questions. Questions had to be repeated. All questions and answers were awkward and incomprehensible. Contestant was unable to comprehend questions. Questions had to be repeated. Content(30 points) Gave appropriate questions and good content in responses to questions. Gave appropriate questions for survey information but responses were limited in content. Ask some inappropriate questions for information or answered question with very limited answers. Did not ask appropriate question for information, no response to question Pronunciation(20 points) Contestant"s pronunciation was like a native speaker. Contestant"s pronunciation was understandable with some error. Contestant"s pronunciation made understanding difficult. Contestant"s pronunciation was incomprehensible. Fluency(20 points) Contestants were able to communicate clearly with no difficulty. Contestants were able to ask and answer the questions with little difficulty. Contestant took a long time to ask and respond to questions Contestant was unable to ask or respond to questions.
2023-07-25 01:06:171

opponent, competitor, contestant 有什么区别,内涵意思上的?

opponent, competitor, enemy, foe, rival这些名词均有“对手,敌手”之意。opponent : 最常用词,通常指在争论、辩论、竞选或竞赛以及其它各种矛盾冲突中站在对立面的“对手”或“敌手”。competitor : 指为同一目标或目的竞争者,一般无感情色彩。enemy : 多指充满敌意的仇敌。foe : 语气较强,多用于书面文字和诗歌中。指不仅敌对,而且很危险,怀有很深的敌意。rival : 指与某人目标一致而想赶上或超过他的人。contestant 用得较少,指参赛选手、持反对观点的人等。
2023-07-25 01:06:521


please score the no.1 competitor.please show the no.1 competitor"s scores.
2023-07-25 01:07:043


2023-07-25 01:07:2812


  竞赛是在体育、生产等活动中,比较本领、技术的高低,由多个人参加,有一定的规则。那么你知道竞赛的 英语单词 是什么吗?下面来学习一下吧。    竞赛的英语单词1:   competition    竞赛的英语单词2:   contest    竞赛英语例句:   她不但参加了竞赛--而且居然获胜了!   She not only entered the competition she actually won it!   我们在一场竞赛中赢了足足500英镑。   We won 500, no less, in a competition.   他只是因为受人激将才参加竞赛。   He only entered the competition for a dare.   无限度的武器竞赛当然会增加战争的危险性。   An unlimited arms race may well increase the danger of war.   他在竞赛中名列第二十。   He was the twentieth in the competition.   他在竞赛中显示出了精湛的技艺。   He displayed a flawless technique in the competition.   在一个民族讴歌的竞赛中它好像成为一个竞赛者。   It is like being a contestant in a national singing contest.   大多数竞赛者从竞赛中被淘汰出去了。   Most of the competitors were knocked out of the competition.   锦标赛为决出优胜者而召开的竞赛或一系列竞赛   A competition or series of competitions held to determine a winner.
2023-07-25 01:08:081


2023-07-25 01:08:194


The most heart-rending moment: Germany u2022 Ma"s wife Susan Steiner to the photos and Olympic gold held high, not only let people see a strong Hercules, was also deeply impressed by his deep love for his wife. The most powerful moment: Natalya u2022 Pa Dika, born with a disability in the lower right arm strong girl, known as a table tennis and Health "Venus." The most emotion of the moment: Canoe, other countries have players wear the proper uniform, but Iraq"s players are already wearing the old T-shirt, but they are still strong game. The most gratifying moments: She is already 33-year-old German veteran Oksana that Alessandro u2022 u2022 Xu Fu Na Suoweidina. In order to treat his son suffering from leukemia, had her 26-year-old team back, this is her fifth Olympic Games, the women"s vault and the silver medal, the audience expressed her admiration for them. The most memorable moment: u2022 Nuer Zhan Taylan, the Athens Olympic Games women"s weightlifting champion. Beijing Olympic Games after losing, Taylan at the end of a special pre-kissed barbell, moving. The most aggrieved moments: Beijing Olympic shooting competition, defending champion Zhu Qinan in the final rely on the reversal of the last shot won the silver medal. Zhu can not help tears. The most passionate moment: u2022 Matthew Emmons head buried deep in the arms of his wife, and no one at this moment to see whether he shed tears. The most persistent of the moment: Russia"s Isinbayeva in the Beijing Olympic Games women"s high jump final to win the gold medal and create a new world record of 5.05 meters. This is the 24th high jump queen rewritten own world record. The most courageous moment: In the men"s 10,000 meters in the project, in Ethiopia"s Nisa - Kenenisa Bekele broke the Olympic record, but from Athens to Beijing, Kenenisa Bekele of inside tremendous pain. His fiancee accompanied him in training death. The most tragic moment: Liu Xiang, he lost his Olympic Games in Beijing. The most warm moments: Xian Dongmei, she became the first Chinese Olympic history, "Mother Champion." The most shocking moment: South Africa"s Natalie - Charles Hoyt did not get a medal, not to be among the top ten, but all expressed admiration for her. The most touching moment: After the game, Luan Jujie held high in the market, "the motherland" of the stride length to the audience to express their minds. The feelings of the moment: Beijing Olympic Games, Du Li played twice, and twice to tears. The cry of the moment: Cao Lei in the women"s weightlifting competition won a gold medal, after the match, she said, "Today"s gold, I would like to dedicate the motherland and the people at the same time I was dedicated to the near death of the mother." The breakthrough moment: World record holder, Jamaica"s bolt 9 seconds to break the world record of 69 wins, easily crowned the "Fast Runner" throne. The most legendary moments: "The only" Phelps, 36 years after the Olympic Games set a new personal record, as well as the Beijing Olympic Games to write the most touching legend. The moment the most grace: In the audience with an avalanche of cheers sound like a "king rings," congratulations, Chen Yibing was quite general demeanor of the fingers on the mouth, hands the audience quiet down, because the back of another player is about to debut race. The most touching moment: In a game never give up the model athlete - Yao Ming, who is representing the Chinese people unite tenacious manner in the spirit of the Hero - Lin Hao The most exciting moment: This is a gold medal the men, who have been waiting for for four years.
2023-07-25 01:08:374


ladies and gentlemen .goodafternoon.
2023-07-25 01:08:573


I"m candidate number 10.
2023-07-25 01:09:055

求:剑七 Test3 雅思口语Part2 a competition 解析 题目: Describe a competition (e.g. TV, colle

1.题型分类:事件题2.参考内容Describe a competition (e.g. TV, college/work or sports competition) that you took part inType of competition: talent/skill/strengthBefore the competition: preparationDuring the competition: feelings/performanceAfter the competition: award/prize3.可用句型:Municipal/provincial/national/internationalOnline/Bulletin board/advertisement/handoutContestant/candidate/judge/hostThe rule of the competition is simple…All contestants are asked to…I received more than just an award.I learnt a lot through the game.
2023-07-25 01:09:181

急须小学生英文演讲稿,每个年级三篇。 三四年级的须要简单生动活泼点的。不要太长,怕记不住 。

Tiger"s SupperGood morning ,ladies and gentlemen.I am happy to be here .My name is xxx .The tittle of my story is: Tiger"s Supper.There is a tiger in the forest.One day , The tiger is very very hungry.“Look! A mouse is over there. I will have a good supper. I will catch the mouse. Catch the mouse! Catch! Mouse is delicious! I will eat you!”“Mr. Tiger, Mr. Tiger! Don"t eat me! Don"t eat me! Look! A cat is over there. He"s bigger than I. You can have a good supper.”“Mmm, let me think. OK! Mouse, go away!” “I will catch the cat! Catch the cat! Catch! Cat is delicious! I will eat you!”“Mr. Tiger, Mr. Tiger! Don"t eat me! Don"t eat me! Look! A sheep is over there! He"s bigger than I. You can have a good supper.”“Mmm, let me think. OK! Cat, go away! I will catch the sheep!Catch! Sheep is delicious! I will eat you!”“Mr. Tiger, Mr. Tiger! Don""t eat me! Don""t eat me! Look.A horse is over there! He"s bigger than I. You can have a good supper.”“Mmm, let me think. OK! Cat, go away! I will catch the horse! Catch the horse! Catch! Horse is delicious! I will eat you!”But the horse runs away quickly. The tiger is very very hungry. But he has no food any more!My story is over. Thank you.A:Good evening,ladies and gentlemen,boys and girls!It is a great pleasure for us to get together here. We are going to have an English competition and we are going to have fun.Since some students think that English is so difficult and boring, we will try to make them understand that English is a great fun for us. With some beautiful songs, performances, poems and speeches, we will see that Enalish is so beautiful and attractive. Let"s enjoy English and its magic.Thank you all. A: In today"s show, there are 6 contestants,. They are ready to show themselves. A: Let"s warmly welcome contestant No1 Tom. His topic is Unit 1, and contestant No2 Linda.get ready ,please. A:Now, let"s warmly welcome contestant No2 Linda.Her topic is Unit 2. And contestant No3 Frank.get ready ,please. A:we are going to welcome anther contestant No3Frank, and contestant No4Emily,get ready ,please. A:we are going to welcome anther contestant No4Emily,and contestant No5Markget ready ,please. A:we are going to welcome anther contestant No5Mark,and last one is No6Dricget ready ,please. A: wonderful! There are six contestants give us a wonderful show. 公布成绩: A:now, I will announce the third winner: .Let"s welcome come here.Let"s give her a big hand. A:and then ,the second winner: . A:Ladies and gentlemen,what I am going to announce is the first winner: A: At last,another exciting moment is I am going to announce the biggest prize of the competition,,the special prize(特等奖) Warmly welcome our leaders to give awards to our winner. 结束语:Well, how exciting today the contest is ! So I hope we"ll all make good use of this opportunity.ladies and gentlemen,boys and girls,Thank you for coming!
2023-07-25 01:10:081

make a bet 后面接什么介词

on or with
2023-07-25 01:10:223


对了,很多英语词是按照拉丁语词汇组成的:dis- 表否定,re- 表示“又place 有“放置, 所以:displace 移动;被迫流落异国者--displaced persons = 难民取代某人的位置 He was displaced as minister by X.replace 放回原处:她把书放回书柜里.代替:我来替他去旅行.更换:那些轮胎必须更换.
2023-07-25 01:10:444

PHP中mysql_num_rows() 函数问题!!!

2023-07-25 01:11:062


2023-07-25 01:11:182


Because what father die early, so this decade come I depend on each other for life with two people of mother, owing to my family circumstance, I since the childhood more independent, can be better, also more peacefully face life various medium.I have already compared a stronger orientation ability and edible bitterness.The school feeses of university four yearses all earn through an own part-time job of.Because the mother has already paid to me in pass by so several years a lot of, she is really hard.I can bear by myself how much I do how much.Soon graduated now, I feel I have already had the ability maintenance own life, don"t hope to let the mother work hard at chores again. I also have responsibility to start to carry everything of in home, I now the only wish"s being effort that can pass me is a mother and this creates happiness.I have already obtained a lot of, the that time waits to requite my family and the whole concerns and once helps my good heart a person.Good work, let the mother have peace of mind me to think to perhaps also be to recompense her 1 kind.I would be diligent of, because my work isn"t only for the business enterprise this everyone to create wealth and is my small creation in the house be happy
2023-07-25 01:11:2614

英语三百字作文my holiday 描写青海湖

我的老家在青海,那儿有一片美丽的湖——青海湖。My hometown in Qinghai, where there is a beautiful lake - Qinghai Lake.我扑向三月的清晟,呼吸着雨后甜润的空气。这时,我像不经意中扑进一幅巨大的画面。眼前一片片黄灿灿的油菜花。一阵微风吹过,油菜花左右摇摆,从远处看,就好象这一垄垄油菜花在拉着手,随着“音乐”唱起了优美的童谣。在这油菜花后面,衔接着一望无际,湛蓝的大海,美丽极了!I jumped on March the Qing Sheng, breathe the sweet air after the rain. At this time, I like to rush into a huge picture. In front of a piece of golden rape flowers. The breeze, shaking about rape, from a distance, as if the ridge ridge rape in holding hands, singing along with the "music" the beautiful nursery rhymes. In this behind the rape, the convergence of the endless, blue sea, very beautiful!青海湖是静的。当碧空万里,阳光明媚时,青海湖平静得像一面镜子。我站在湖边,影子倒映在水中,清晰可见。Qinghai Lake is quiet. When the clear day, sunny Qinghai Lake, calm as a mirror. I stand at the edge of the shadow reflected in the water, clearly visible.青海湖是一个顽皮的孩子。一阵狂风吹过,湖面泛起了一层层涟漪,开始变得不平静起来。这时,湖就像一个顽皮的孩子,在奔跑,嬉戏。( 苏州万达企业服务 - 万达文学 )Qinghai Lake is a naughty boy. A gust of wind blowing, the lake was a layer of ripples, began to become not calm. At this time, the lake is like a naughty child, running, playing. (Suzhou Wanda business services - Wanda literature青海湖是绿的.有时,那湛蓝的青海湖竟变成绿的了.你看,那湖面就像一块绿翡翠一样闪闪发光.Qinghai Lake is green. Sometimes, the blue Qinghai Lake turns green. You see, the lake looks like a green jade.雨中的青海湖那更是奇妙无比!Qinghai Lake in the rain that is fantastic!乌云密布,天空暗淡了许多。这就是提醒人们湖上大会就要开始了。过了一会儿,只听“嗵”的一声,大会进行曲响了起来,“噼里啪啦”接踵而至的就是那美丽的“礼花”飞上了天,霎时间,天空布满了五颜六色的“星星”,漂亮极了!瞧,那湖面上开满了一朵朵“鲜花”,这就是参赛1号选手,鲤鱼小姐在表演精彩的水上舞蹈,“鲜花”就是她头上的“发簪”。你想知道今天的节目是否精彩?雷鸣般的“掌声”会告诉你的。Dark clouds, the sky is dark a lot of. This is to remind people that the lake is about to begin. After a while, just listen to the sound of "Mao", conference March rang, crackling followed is the beautiful "fireworks" fly to the sky, in an instant, the sky was covered with colorful "stars", very beautiful! Look, the lake full of blossoming flowers, which is participating contestant No. 1, Miss carp in performing wonderful water dance, "flowers" is she head "Bob". You want to know today"s program is wonderful? Thunderous applause will tell you.
2023-07-25 01:12:081

rival 的解释用法,词性分析

2023-07-25 01:12:212

Blues Traveler的《Run Around》 歌词

歌曲名:Run Around歌手:Blues Traveler专辑:Ultimate Grammy Collection - Contemporary RockRun AroundBY:Blues Traveler -once upon a midnight deariei woke with something in my headi couldn"t escape the memoryof a phone call and of what you saidlike a game show contestant with a parting gifti could not believe my eyeswhen i saw through the voice of a trusted friendwho needs to humor me and tell me liesyeah humor me and tell me liesand i"ll lie too and say i don"t mindand as we seek so shall we findand when you"re feeling open i"ll still be herebut not without a certain degree of fearof what will be with you and mei still can see things hopefullybut youwhy you wanna give me a run-aroundis it a sure-fire way to speed things upwhen all it does is slow me downand shake me and my confidenceabout a great many thingsbut i"ve been there i can see it cowerlike a nervous magician waiting in the wingsof a bad play where the heroes are rightand nobody thinks or expects too muchand hollywood"s calling for the movie rightssinging hey babe let"s keep in touchhey baby let"s keep in touchbut i want more than a touch i want you to reach meand show me all the things no one else can seeso what you feel becomes mine as welland soon if we"re lucky we"d be unable to tellwhat"s yours and mine the fishing"s fineand it doesn"t have to rhyme so don"t feed me a linebut youwhy you wanna give me a run-aroundis it a sure-fire wa to speed things upwhen all it does is slow me downSOLO^_^tra la la la la bomba dear this is the pilot speakingand i"ve got some news for youit seems my ship still stands no matter what you dropand there ain"t a whole lot that you can dooh sure the banner may be torn and the wind"s gotten colderperhaps i"ve grown a little cynicalbut i know no matter what the waitress bringsi shall drink in and always be fulloh i like coffeeand i like teai"d like to be able to enter a final pleai still got this dream that you just can"t shakei love you to the point you can no longer takewell all right okayso be that wayi hope and praythat there"s something left to saybut youwhy you wanna give me a run-aroundis it a sure-fire way to speed things upwhen all it does is slow me downbut youwhy you wanna give me a run-aroundis it a sure-fire way to speed things upwhen all it does is slow me down
2023-07-25 01:12:481


view universe cloud volume cloud extends, bends down looks at the motherland beautiful country. Rides spatially, is always a pure girl silly dream, beautiful, romantic, with the white clouds is the partner, in the blue sky angel, is I to its understanding.Perhaps, I do not look like the angel to be such beautiful, but I can be be from heart supreme by the passenger, the passenger is my angel.I can care about others feeling, gong under the body, the academic society listens attentively, the academic society communicates, the academic society service, the academic society smile, the academic society enjoys the soaring to take to oneself and other people joy. I also am perhaps immature, but I can diligently, also hoped obtainsfrom your here time lets the dream soaring the opportunity. Ibelieved, when vainly hoped for is granted a pair of wing, the soaringis not one kind of hope again, I must fly to that distant place,surmounts that sea mountain white clouds blue sky world. I knew I wantthat kind of happiness on in that higher sky, I must soar, I want thesunlight, I must fly high.
2023-07-25 01:12:572


Good evening, ladies and gentlemen, and welcome to the English Speaking Competition for Grade 2005. (掌声~~~) First of all, please allow me to introduce myself, your host for today. I"m Sammy from Class 6, Grade 2005.(译文:女士们,先生们,大家晚上好!欢迎来到05级英语演讲比赛的现场。首先,请允许我来个自我介绍。我是今晚的主持人—来自05级6班的典典。)There are all together 26 contestants to compete in today"s English Speaking Competition, all from Grade 2005. And this competition will be mediated by a panel of five judges. Also on the panel are “question masters” who will be responsible for raising questions of today"s contestants. Now, I have the great privilege of presenting today"s judges.(译文:角逐今晚比赛的有26名选手,他们均来自外院05级的同学。此次比赛我们邀请到了五名评委,五名评委中有两名是“提问员”,这两名“提问员”将对每位选手进行提问。好的,我很荣幸地向大家介绍一下我们的五位评委。 微笑状~)Ladies and gentlemen, Miss Liu, (掌声~~~) welcome; Miss Luo, (掌声~~~)welcome…OK, after introducing our judges, now let"s go over the rules of the competition.(译文:女士们,先生们,她们是刘老师,欢迎!骆老师,欢迎!…好的,介绍完我们的评委之后,让我们来看看今天的比赛规则吧。 微笑状~)Each of the contestants has 3 minutes to present a prepared speech and 2 minutes to answer questions raised by the judges.(译文:每位选手要进行3分钟的命题演讲和2分钟的回答。)During the prepared speech, a staff member will raise a yellow board as a signal that there is half a minute left. Then, at the end of 3minutes, a red board will be raised to let the speaker know that the time has run out. So, please raise the red board. Thank you!(译文:在命题演讲环节,在选手的演讲时间还剩下半分钟的时候,我们的工作人员将会举一块黄颜色的牌子示意。当3分钟时间一到,我们的工作人员会举一块红色的牌子示意时间已到。现在,工作人员示意一下下。谢谢! 微笑状~)Now the topic for today"s prepared speech is “Olympic Games, Beijing 2008”.(译文:今天的命题演讲的题目是:北京2008奥运会。)Ladies and gentlemen, the top four winners today will be able to attend the College Final to be held on November 3rd.(译文:女士们,先生们,今晚比赛的前四名选手将可以参加11月3号晚上的院里的决赛。)Now let"s welcome contestant No.1(译文:现在,让我们有请1号选手。 微笑状~)Thank you for contestant No.1, now let"s welcome contestant No.2.(译文:谢谢1号选手的演讲。接下来,让我们有请我们的2号选手。 微笑状~)Thank you for contestant No.2. Here, ladies and gentlemen, I would like to announce the score of contestant No.1 is 86.6. Congratulations! Now, let"s welcome contestant No.3(译文:谢谢我们的2号选手。女士们,先生们,下面我宣布1号选手的最后得分是:86.6分。恭喜!接下来,让我们有请我们的3号选手。 微笑状~)And now, let"s have a short breath and wait for the final results. For this period, let"s welcome Miss Liu to give us a comment on this competition.(译文:现在,让我们稍作休息等待比赛的最终结果。在这段时间里,让我们有请刘老师来给本次比赛作个点评。欢迎! 微笑状~)Ladies and gentlemen, welcome back to the English Speaking Competition for Grade 2005. After our judges" discussion, the exciting moment is coming.(译文:女士们,先生们,欢迎回来。您现在看到的是外院2005级英语演讲比赛。经过我们评委老师的讨论之后,激动人心的时刻到了。 兴奋状~)Right now, what I am going to announce is the first winner. Ladies and gentlemen, the first winner of the competition is contestant No. 9. Congratulations!!(译文:首先,我要宣布的是本次比赛的第一名。女士们,先生们,本次比赛的第一名就是我们的9号选手。让我们以热烈的掌声欢迎她上台领奖。 微笑状~)Till now, our competition has come to an end. Thank you for your coming! See you next time. Bye-Bye! 你自己看看可有什么适合你的!!!
2023-07-25 01:13:071


2023-07-25 01:13:163


my contest number is 22.
2023-07-25 01:13:255


1. 将手机USB 调试打开。2. 在U8800+手机的“主菜单——设置—— 应用程序—— 开发”界面——勾选“USB 调试 ”选项。3. 手机插入到PC 机中,会提示“发现新硬件”,选择“否,暂时不”,将驱动文件的位置指定到driverdriversadb_driver 路径即可,也可以将这个路径中的文件全部拷贝到计算机中备用。4. 将手机的USB 状态调整正确之后将手机插入PC 中,会出现发现新硬件向导。5. 到这一步的时候选择autorun 虚拟光驱中的adb_driver 这一级,选择“确定”6. 之后安装过程中可能还会出现寻找相关文件的对话框, 请将位置选择到driverdriversadb_driver 文件夹或者driverdriversadb_driveri386 文件夹,直到所有文件安装成功。安装完成手机驱动并且将U8800+手机设置为正确状态之后,在手机连接PC 的状态下,请确认PC 机已经有和手机进行通讯的必备的adb 端口。在“我的电脑”上点击右键,选择属性,之后查看“设备管理器”,如果有adb 端口的话即证明U8800+手机驱动安装成功。来自华为手机官方网站
2023-07-25 01:09:322


EVE是一个更接近真实的网络游戏,贸易和市场系统正是这个游戏的特色之一,厌倦了诸多网游的升级打宝模式,在EVE的世界里我选择了商人作为自己的职业,现在把自己所体会到的一点点经验拿出来和大家探讨。游戏初期ISK是最关键的东西,而在初期最快聚敛ISK的方式就是跑商。我个人认为没有军团和工会的玩家无论你从事任何职业,跑商都是初期的最佳选择。而职业的商人则为军团提供强大的经济支持,经济力量会决定军事力量,未来军团的战争不单是你打过打不过的问题,更多的是你打不打的起的问题!下面就对EVE的专业贸易类人物的发展进行说明。一、人物建立篇个人认为建立一个长期的EVE人物,属性首选,技能为后。贸易类人物首选属性魅力+意志 下面是以个人偏好为主的四族贸易类人物加点方法,供大家参考。C族 种族:赛维勒人 祖先:异议者 魅力+3 意志力+2 学校:科学及贸易学院 学科:商科领域:市场基础 特长:黑市交易技巧成型人物: 智力:5,魅力:11,感知:9,记忆:4,意志力:10。成型技能:黑市交易 加达里护卫舰 移情 射击学 采矿 导弹发射器操控理论 精练学概论 零售技巧 火箭概论 小型混合炮塔 2X社会学 2X贸易学M族 种族:赛必斯托 祖先: 贸易者 魅力+3意志力+2 学校:共和大学 学科:商科领域: 市场基础 特长: 黑市交易技巧成型人物: 智力:7,魅力:13,感知力:5,记忆力:6,意志力:8。成型技能: 黑市交易 移情 射击学,采矿,米玛塔尔护卫舰,维修系统理 2X零售技巧, 小型弹射炮塔,社会学,3X贸易学。A族 种族:尼库恩那人 祖先: 自由商人 魅力+3 意志力+2 学校:赫迪农大学学科: 商科 领域: 管理研究 特长: CFO成型人物: 智力:5,魅力:15,感知力:7,记忆力:6,意志力:6。成型技能: 艾玛护卫舰,2X军团管理,移情,射击学,采矿,零售技巧小型能量炮塔 2X社会学 4X贸易学G族 种族:盖伦特 祖先: 激进分子 魅力+3 意志力+2 学校:凯勒大学领域:市场基础 学科:黑市交易技巧成型人物: 智力:6,魅力:15,感知力:8,记忆力:4,意志力:6。成型技能: 黑市交易,无人机,移情,盖伦特护卫舰,射击学,采矿,2X零售技巧,侦察无人机操控理论,小型混合炮塔,2X社会学,2X贸易学。二、游戏地图贸易指南做完新手教程之后对游戏的操作都有一些理解了,但出了空间站不知道自己在哪里。怎么样去一个地方是一件很苦闷的事情。作为一个商人,要对整个游戏地图有深入的了解,才可能在将来的贸易中游刃有余。EVE的各主要国家部分贸易物品情况如下:加达里经济合众国控制星域3个:伏尔戈星域:输入:合成油 火箭燃料 超导体 乳制品 五香酒输出:氢电池赛塔德涅星域:输入:传信器 合成油 微型电子元件 火箭燃料 超导体 乳制品 五香酒 冷藏植物种子 小麦输出:冷却剂 肥料 幽灵酒 蛋白食物 酷菲特强长征星域:输入:火箭燃料 超导体 乳制品输出:引导系统 氢电池 肥料米玛塔尔共和国控制星域3个:西玛特尔星域:输入:外质 硅酸盐玻璃 大气内穿梭机 消费级电器输出:冷却剂 合成油 报告 肥料 酷菲特强摩登赫斯星域:输入:氢电池 超导体 大气内穿梭机 消费级电器 酷菲特强输出:合成油 电子元件 乳制品 和平艾玛 小麦 幽灵酒美特伯里斯星域:输入:超导体 外质 氢电池 盐酸 乌克米超导体 乳制品输出:微型电子元件 报告 机器人技术 和平艾玛 转录微控器艾玛帝国控制星域8个
2023-07-25 01:09:321

business ethice的英语作文

Business Ethics Creating and sustaining an ethical corporation isn"t as difficult as you might think; it"s actually easier than some of the day-to-day business challenges you face. The keys to running an ethical company are accountability, honesty, and information transparency. Corporations aren"t ethical or evil in and of themselves--but people can be. So ethics must focus on you and the people you work with. Most people want to do the right thing, but organizational structure does not guarantee they will do the right thing, without meaning to or even knowing it. Structuring an ethical corporation makes the goal easier to achieve. The challenge could not be more urgent. A substantial majority of people in China are dissatisfied with the social behavior of our corporations, say several recent news reports. Poor treatment of workers at home and abroad, products that don"t perform as advertised, fake commodities, poor customer service, environmental pollution, to mention a few. Responsible behavior is important to your business success, but let"s not forget that you"re in business--you"re not out to solve the world"s problems. So how do you balance the two? What does it mean to be ethical in business? It simply requires that you follow your best moral instincts, even in areas that don"t appear to involve moral issues, such as cost-benefit analyses. But while good ethics often equates to good business, sometimes it doesn"t. Sometimes being truly ethical means giving up something you want in exchange for doing the right thing. That"s why we worry about ethics in the first place--if it didn"t cost us anything, everyone would be ethical all the time.
2023-07-25 01:09:331


一首英文歌,女声唱的,背景挺灰暗,mv主题是战争 Apologize OneRepublic I"m holding on your rope, Got me ten feet off the ground I"m hearin what you say but I just can"t make a sound You tell me that you need me Then you go and cut me down, but wait You tell me that you"re sorry Didn"t think I"d turn around, and say It"s too late to apologize, it"s too late I said it"s too late to apologize, it"s too late,too late I"d take another chance, take a fall Take a shot for you And I need you like a heart needs a beat But it"s nothin new I loved you with a firing red Now it"s turning blue, and you say "Sorry" like the angel heaven let me think was you But I"m afraid It"s too late to apologize, it"s too late I said it"s too late to apologize, it"s too late It"s too late to apologize, it"s too late I said it"s too late to apologize, it"s too late It"s too late to apologize, yeah I said it"s too late to apologize, yeah I"m holdin on your rope, got me ten feet off the ground 一首关于战争的英文歌主题曲女的唱的, 尚雯婕有好几首呢 暗流 战 这些都是很不错的 不知道你喜欢她的风格么 求这里的背景乐,一首女声英文歌! Bonny Bonny - Cara Dillon : 一首英文歌 女声唱的 歌词是 吹米醋油猴 应该是英文版的吻别。 歌名《Take me to your heart》 副歌部分就是这个谐音,但是不确定。希望可以帮到你 求一首从慢到嗨的英文歌,女声唱的 A Thousand Years - Christina Perri Heart beats fast Colors and promises How to be brave How can I love when I"m afraid to fall But watching you stand alone All of my doubt suddenly goes away somehow One step closer I have died everyday waiting for you Darling don"t be afraid I have loved you For a thousand years I"ll love you for a thousand more Time stands still Beauty in all she is I will be brave I will not let anything take away What"s standing in front of me Every breath Every hour has e to this One step closer I have died everyday waiting for you Darling don"t be afraid I have loved you For a thousand years I"ll love you for a thousand more And all along I believed I would find you Time has brought your heart to me I have loved you for a thousand years I"ll love you for a thousand more One step closer One step closer I have died everyday waiting for you Darling don"t be afraid I have loved you For a thousand years I"ll love you for a thousand more And all along I believed I would find you Time has brought your heart to me I have loved you for a thousand years I"ll love you for a thousand more 上海的广播一首背景英文歌空灵女声 Set Fire to the Rain 播放 歌手:Adele Set Fire to the Rain - Adele I let it fall my heart And as it fell you rose to claim it It was dark and I was over Until you kissed my lips and you saved me My hands they"re strong But my knees were far too weak To stand in your arms Without falling to your feet But there"s a side to you That I never knew never knew All the things you"d say They were never true never true And the games you play You would always win always win But I set fire to the rain Watched it pour as I touched your face Well it burned while I cried "Cause I heard it screaming out your name your name When I lay with you I could stay there Close my eyes Feel you"re here forever You and me together Nothing gets better "Cause there"s a side to you That I never knew never knew All the things you"d say They were never true never true And the games you play You would always win always win But I set fire to the rain Watched it pour as I touched your face Well it burned while I cried "Cause I heard it screaming out your name your name I set fire to the rain And I threw us into the flames Well it felt something died "Cause I knew that that was the last time the last time Sometimes I wake up by the door That heart you caught must be waiting for you Even now when we"re already over I can"t help myself from looking for you I set fire to the rain Watch it pour as I touch your face Well it burned while I cried "Cause I heard it screaming out your name your name I set fire to the rain And I threw us into the flames Well it felt something died "Cause I knew that that was the last time The last time oh oh oh no oh Let it burn oh Let it burn Let it burn You got hear me roll 一首英文歌 女声唱的 是吉他弹的 这句应该是:You"re gonna hear me roar 歌名:Roar 演唱:Katy Perry I used to bite my tongue and hold my breath Scared to rock the boat and make a mess So I sat quietly, agreed politely I guess that I fot I had a choice I let you push me past the breaking point I stood for nothing, so I fell for everything You held me down, but I got up Already brushing off the dust You hear my voice, your hear that sound Like thunder, gonna shake your ground You held me down, but I got up Get ready cause I"ve had enough I see it all, I see it now I got the eye of the tiger, the fire, dancing through the fire Cause I am a champion and you"re gonna hear me ROAR Louder, louder than a lion Cause I am a champion and you"re gonna hear me ROAR Oh oh oh oh oh oh You"re gonna hear me roar Now I"m floating like a butterfly Stinging like a bee I earned my stripes I went from zero, to my own hero You held me down, but I got up Already brushing off the dust You hear my voice, your hear that sound Like thunder, gonna shake your ground You held me down, but I got up Get ready "cause I"ve had enough I see it all, I see it now I got the eye of the tiger, the fire, dancing through the fire "Cause I am a champion and you"re gonna hear me ROAR Louder, louder than a lion "Cause I am a champion and you"re gonna hear me ROAR Oh oh oh oh oh oh You"re gonna hear me roar You"re gonna hear me roar Roar-or, roar-or, roar-or I got the eye of the tiger, the fire, dancing through the fire "Cause I am a champion and you"re gonna hear me ROAR Louder, louder than a lion "Cause I am a champion and you"re gonna hear me ROAR Oh oh oh oh oh oh You"re gonna hear me roar You"re gonna hear me roar 一首挺LOLI声的女唱英文歌 Alison Krauss 唱的,When You Say Nothing At All 歌词是: It"s amazing how you can speak right to my heart Without saying a word you can light up the dark Try as I may I could never explain What I hear when you don"t say a thing The *** ile on your face lets me know that you need me There"s a truth in your eyes sayin" you"ll never leave me The touch of your hand says you"ll catch me if ever I fall You say it best when you say nothing at all All day long I can hear people talking out loud But when you hold me near, you drown out the crowd Old mr. webster could never define What"s being said beeen your heart and mine The *** ile on your face lets me know that you need me There"s a truth in your eyes sayin" you"ll never leave me The touch of your hand says you"ll catch me if ever I fall You say it best when you say nothing at all The *** ile on your face lets me know that you need me There"s a truth in your eyes sayin" you"ll never leave me The touch of your hand says you"ll catch me if ever I fall You say it best when you say nothing at all 有一首英文歌,女声的,说战争残酷的,很温柔。 safe and sound?? 一首英文歌,有关战争 Some Nights-Fun.
2023-07-25 01:09:351


2023-07-25 01:09:363

be happy to sb对吗

根据《牛津高阶词典》,没有be happy to somebody这样的搭配,happy后加somebody,中间的介系词应当用for。来看《牛津高阶英汉双解词典》上的例句:I"m very happy for you. 我真为你感到高兴!这里可以再看一下形容词happy后常跟的一些介词搭配:① be happy about something/be happy about doing something 例句:He is happy about his promotion. I wasn"t very happy about meeting her again.② be happy at something/be happy at doing something 例句:be happy at the news I am happy at hearing that ...③ be happy for doing something 例句:You will be happier for making this decision.④ be happy over something 例句:She was happy over her experience in Paris.⑤ be happy with something/be happy with somebody 例句:I am not very happy with his proposal. He is happy with his wife.happy后可以跟to do不定式:be happy to do something; 例句:We are happy to announce the engagement of our daughter.也可以跟从句:be happy that ... 介词搭配、动词词组、习惯用法等都是中国学生学习英语时的重点、难点。学习时一定要多积累、多感悟。这将事关您以后能不能写出准确、漂亮、地道的英语哦!
2023-07-25 01:09:401


1、《My World》——首张专辑 专辑名:My World发行时间:2009年11月17日 专辑歌手:Justin Bieber 地区:加拿大 语言:英语 发行公司:The Island Def Jam Music Group 专辑介绍: "My World"是少年歌手贾斯汀·比伯(Justin Bieber)的个人首张专辑,于09年11月17日发行的密纹唱片首次入榜便跻身Billboard 200专辑榜中。该唱片共收录了7首单曲。有3首歌曲上Billboard Hot 100单曲排行榜——位列第79位的《Down To Earth》、第94位的《Bigger》以及和亚瑟小子(Usher)一起演唱的《First Dance》(该单曲位列第99位)。 年仅15岁的贾斯汀·比伯(Justin Bieber)来自加拿大,是由Usher一手捧红的新晋偶像歌手。“My World”的首支单曲“One Time”于09年7月7日发行,在加拿大单曲榜上挤进了前20名,而在美国单曲榜上则挤进了前30名。正是这一首《One Time》,让大家知道了这个15岁的小帅哥,他在青少年中的人气也开始逐渐提升。《One Time》的MV在Youtube上的点击已经超过了1000万次。而新专辑的第二只单曲《One Less Lonely Girl》也于10月6日通过网络曝光,于10月份发行。 与亚瑟小子合作的《baby》红遍全球,荣登iTunes榜第5名,此mv已发行。 专辑曲目: 1.One Time 2.Favorite Girl 3.Down to Earth 4.Bigger 5.One Less Lonely Girl 6.First Dance (feat.Usher) 7.Love Me 8.Common Denominator 目前My World MV: 《One Time》 《One less lonely girl》2010年1月单曲 1.Baby 2.Pick me2010年新专辑《My World 2.0》 歌手名:Justin Bieber 语种:英语 风格:R&B hip-hop 唱片公司:Island 发行时间:2010-3-23 My World 2.0曲目 01 Baby (feat Ludacris) Justin Bieber 02 Somebody To Love Justin Bieber 03 Stuck In The Moment Justin Bieber 04 U Smile Justin Bieber 05 Runaway Love Justin Bieber 06 Never Let You Go Justin Bieber 07 Overboard (feat Jessica Jarrell) Justin Bieber 08 Eenie Meenie (feat Sean Kingston) Justin Bieber 09 Up Justin Bieber 10 That Should Be Me Justin Bieber 目前My World2.0 MV: 《baby》 《neve let you go》 《Eenie Meenie 》 《Somebody To Love 》
2023-07-25 01:09:262


2023-07-25 01:09:243

Win8 64位系统adb驱动怎么安装

Win8 64位系统最简单的adb安装方法  把android-sdk里platform-tools目录的下面四个文件分别复制到C:WindowsSystem32和C:WindowsSysWOW64这两个系统目录即可。  四个文件为:  adb.exe   AdbWinApi.dll   AdbWinUsbApi.dll   fastboot.exe  可能一些朋友在xp上安装正常,但在Win 8 64位系统上安装就出现了问题,这是为什么?根据错误信息"系统找不到指定文件"的感到疑惑,于是打开inf信息文件,看看究竟;  ;  ; Android WinUsb driver installation.  ;  [Version]  Signature = "$Windows NT$"  Class = AndroidUsbDeviceClass  ClassGuid = {3F966BD9-FA04-4ec5-991C-D326973B5128}  Provider = %ProviderName%  DriverVer = 12/06/2010,4.0.0000.00000  CatalogFile.NTx86 =  CatalogFile.NTamd64 =  ;  ; This section seems to be required for WinUsb driver installation.  ; If this section is removed the installer will report an error  ; "Required section not found in INF file".  ;  [ClassInstall32]  Addreg = AndroidWinUsbClassReg  [AndroidWinUsbClassReg]  HKR,,,0,%ClassName%  HKR,,Icon,,-1  [Manufacturer]  %ProviderName% = Google, NTx86, NTamd64  [Google.NTx86]  ;OMAP3/4  %CompositeAdbInterface% = USB_Install, USBClass_FF&SubClass_42&Prot_01  %SingleAdbInterface% = USB_Install, USBClass_FF&SubClass_42&Prot_03  [Google.NTamd64]  ;OMAP3/4  %CompositeAdbInterface% = USB_Install, USBClass_FF&SubClass_42&Prot_01  %SingleAdbInterface% = USB_Install, USBClass_FF&SubClass_42&Prot_03  [USB_Install]  Include = winusb.inf  Needs = WINUSB.NT  [USB_Install.Services]  Include = winusb.inf  AddService = WinUSB,0x00000002,WinUSB_ServiceInstall  [WinUSB_ServiceInstall]  DisplayName = %WinUSB_SvcDesc%  ServiceType = 1  StartType = 3  ErrorControl = 1  ServiceBinary = %12%WinUSB.sys  [USB_Install.Wdf]  KmdfService = WINUSB, WinUSB_Install  [WinUSB_Install]  KmdfLibraryVersion = 1.9  [USB_Install.HW]  AddReg = Dev_AddReg  [Dev_AddReg]  HKR,,DeviceInterfaceGUIDs,0x10000,"{F72FE0D4-CBCB-407d-8814-9ED673D0DD6B}"  [USB_Install.CoInstallers]  AddReg = CoInstallers_AddReg  CopyFiles = CoInstallers_CopyFiles  [CoInstallers_AddReg]  HKR,,CoInstallers32,0x00010000,"WdfCoInstaller01009.dll,WdfCoInstaller","WinUSBCoInstaller2.dll"  HKLM,SystemCurrentControlSetControlCoDeviceInstallers,   {3F966BD9-FA04-4ec5-991C-D326973B5128},0x00010008, "USBCoInstaller.dll,Zoom2_CoInstaller"  ; above line uses the line continuation character ()  [CoInstallers_CopyFiles]  WinUSBCoInstaller2.dll  WdfCoInstaller01009.dll  USBCoInstaller.dll  [DestinationDirs]  CoInstallers_CopyFiles=11  [SourceDisksNames]  1 = %DISK_NAME%,,,i386  2 = %DISK_NAME%,,,amd64  [SourceDisksFiles.x86]  WinUSBCoInstaller2.dll = 1  WdfCoInstaller01009.dll = 1  USBCoInstaller.dll = 1  [SourceDisksFiles.amd64]  WinUSBCoInstaller2.dll = 2  WdfCoInstaller01009.dll =  USBCoInstaller.dll = 2  [Strings]  ProviderName = "Google, Inc."  SingleAdbInterface = "Android ADB Interface"  CompositeAdbInterface = "Android Composite ADB Interface"  SingleBootLoaderInterface = "Android Bootloader Interface"  WinUSB_SvcDesc = "Android USB Driver"  DISK_NAME = "Android WinUsb installation disk"  ClassName = "Android Tablet"  ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------  根据  [SourceDisksNames]  1 = %DISK_NAME%,,,i386  2 = %DISK_NAME%,,,amd64  判断,因amd64不存在导致, 错误信息"系统找不到指定文件"。于是新建amd64文件夹将i386的文件复制到amd68,最后的结果成功安装驱动。
2023-07-25 01:09:231


2023-07-25 01:09:207


同义词 贾斯汀比伯一般指贾斯汀·比伯加拿大加拿大 斯特拉特福1994年3月1日贾斯汀·比伯编辑 贾斯汀·比伯(Justin Bieber),1994年3月1日出生于加拿大斯特拉特福,加拿大歌手。2008年,贾斯汀·比伯被其经纪人斯科特在YouTuBe发现,随后被亚瑟小子培养进入歌坛。2009年发行第一张个人专辑《My World》。2010年,贾斯汀·比伯获得美国AMA音乐奖年度艺人。2011年,贾斯汀·比伯和赛琳娜·戈麦斯相恋。2013年,比伯发行现场专辑《Believe Acoustic》,并凭借专辑《Believe》获得了第40届AMA全美音乐奖最佳艺人奖。女友赛琳娜·戈麦斯前女友凯特琳·比德尔斯好友贾登·史密斯搭档威尔·史密斯搭档麦莉·赛勒斯明星关系BabyOne TimeNever Say NeverBoyfriend代表作品目录1 人物经历u25aa 早年经历u25aa 演艺经历u25aa 从商经历2 个人生活3 主要作品u25aa 音乐作品u25aa 参演电影u25aa 参演电视剧4 社会活动5 获奖记录6 人物评价7 人物争议基本信息中文名贾斯汀·比伯外文名Justin Bieber别 名J.B、JBiebs、B宝 等国 籍加拿大星 座双鱼座出生地加拿大 斯特拉特福出生日期1994年3月1日职 业歌手,演员经纪公司Island Records代表作品《Baby》《One Time》《Never Say Never》《Boyfriend》人物经历编辑早年经历1994年,比伯出生于加拿大安大略省一个单亲家庭。他很小就有表演天赋。从五岁起他就无师自通,自学了钢琴、打鼓、吉他和小号,才华横溢的比伯还非常热爱唱歌,他的歌声清脆而优美。比伯在12岁时,获得了斯特拉当地歌唱比赛第3名。[1] 演艺经历在2007年年底,为了让一些不能出席看他表演的家人和朋友看到自己的表演,比伯比伯和他的母亲在YouTube上传了影片和翻唱歌曲。于是,比伯被一个多伦多的一家名为 Rapid Discovery Media公司发现,并在YouTube和MySpace申请了帐户和制作,编辑和推行他的影片。Scooter Braun看到比伯的录像,飞往比耶贝到亚特兰大乔治亚州,会见了R&B歌手亚瑟小子。比伯引起了亚瑟小子的兴趣,让Bieber与安东尼拉雷音唱片在港岛2008年10月签约。2009年11月,在比伯推出他的首张包含7首歌曲的唱片《我的世界》之前,他的YouTube账户已经拥有41万固定订阅用户。不仅是音乐,关于他的一切都是微博Twitter上的热议话题。比伯的第一张个人专辑《My World》发行首周,以13.7万张的销量登上“公告牌专辑榜”第六名。四首单曲《One Time》、《One Less Lonely Girl》、《Favorite Girl》和《Love Me》在专辑发行前也都打入了单曲榜,这些成绩都使比伯成为首位在首张专辑发行前就有多达四首歌打入单曲榜前四十名的艺人。专辑发行后,其中的七首歌全部入榜。2010年3月,刚过完16岁生日的比伯推出专辑《我的世界2.0》,使他首次拿下公告牌专辑冠军。2011年8月,比伯被《人物》杂志评为年度好莱坞最富有的青少年艺人[2] 。8月29日,比伯出席第28届MTV音乐录影带大奖[3] ,获得最佳男歌手录影带奖[4] 。9月20日,比伯获得欧洲MTV音乐奖的最佳流行歌手、最佳男歌手以及最受乐迷喜爱三项提名[5] 。11月1日,比伯发行他的第一张圣诞节专辑《在圣诞幸运枝下》[6] 。11月7日,第18届MTV欧洲音乐大奖的颁奖盛典在爱尔兰首都贝尔法特奥德赛竞技场举行,比伯获得最佳流行歌手奖和最佳男歌手奖[7-8] 。11月20日,第39届全美音乐奖颁奖礼在洛杉矶的诺基亚中心举行,比伯登台演唱了《Mistletoe》[9-10] 。12月3日,比伯与亚瑟小子在美国迪士尼公园同台献唱[11] 。在2012年5月上映的《黑衣人3》中,比伯客串出演[12] ,以外星人身份出现在荧幕上,一闪而过[13] 。同年6月19日,比伯发行专辑《Believe》[14] 。该专辑首周销量37万4千张,获得了该周Billboard 200专辑榜的冠军[15] 。11月7日,比伯出席维多利亚的秘密年度秀,并登台演唱[16] 。11月19日,比伯在第40届AMA全美音乐奖献唱[17-18] ,凭借专辑《Believe》获得了流行/摇滚类的“最受欢迎专辑”和“最受欢迎男歌手”[19] ,并获得了最佳艺人奖[20-21] 。2013年2月,比伯发行现场专辑《Believe Acoustic》,首周销量21万1千张,获得该周Billboard 200专辑榜冠军,这是比伯第五次夺得该排行榜冠军[22] 。4月,比伯发布了单曲《All Around The World》MV[23] 。5月19日,公告牌音乐奖颁奖仪式在美国拉斯维加斯举行,比伯献唱单曲《Take You》[24] ,并获得最佳男艺人奖[25] 。9月,比伯的2013“相信”世界巡演来到中国北京[26] 。12月25日,比伯在个人的Twitter上宣布退休[27] 。2015年5月17日比伯在公告牌音乐奖中获得最佳社交艺人奖[28] 。从商经历2009年,贾斯汀·比伯投资的第一家公司SoJo Studios[29] 。接着,他投资了Tinychat。2011年1月,贾斯汀·比伯和布朗与投资基金一起参与了对Tinychat的150万美元的投资[30] 。5月,比伯和谷歌风投以及贝恩资本一起投资了Stamped。之后,他又投资了一款音乐试听软件Spotify[30-31] 。6月23日,纽约,贾斯汀·比伯宣传自创香水品牌“Someday”。2013年,比伯领投了一个图片社交应用Shots Of Me,种子期资金共 110 万美金[32] 。个人生活编辑2011年,贾斯汀·比伯和赛琳娜·戈麦斯相恋。[33] 2013年4月,赛琳娜·戈麦斯在《艾伦脱口秀》上承认和比伯彻底分手。主要作品编辑音乐作品专辑Journals2013Believe Acoustic2013Beauty and a Beat2012Believe2012Boyfriend2012Under the Mistletoe2011Never Say Never (The Remixes)2011My Worlds Acoustic2010Never Say Never2010My Worlds2010My World 2.02010My World20091 / 2><单曲歌曲名称(歌曲说明)发行时间在线试听Latin Girl (一首没有被收录到《My world 2.0》中的歌曲) 2010-12-01 One Time (Single) 2009-07-20 Flatline 2013-12-23 As Long As You Love Me 2012-06-12 All Around the World 2012-06-04 Die In Your Arms 2012-05-29 Turn to You 2012-05-11 The Christmas Song 2011-10-24 Mistletoe 2011-10-17 Pray 2010-12-03 1 / 2><参演电影导演朱浩伟主演麦莉·赛勒斯贾斯汀·比伯:永不言败2011导演巴里·索南菲尔德主演威尔·史密斯导演斯派克·李主演马丁·斯科塞斯飙252012黑衣人32012导演朱浩伟主演本·斯蒂勒, 欧文·威尔逊超级名模22016信仰贾斯汀·比伯2013参演电视剧导演Kenneth Fink主演特德·丹森犯罪现场调查:拉斯维加斯C.S.I.2000社会活动编辑贾斯汀·比伯于2013年5月19日在日本东京武道馆(Budokan Hall)举办公益演唱会以及特殊的公益拍卖会。此次活动将为贾斯汀所支持的PoP慈善机构募款,用于资助为全球贫困儿童,改善他们的生存及教育环境。贾斯汀·比伯支持PoP公益组织的筹款活动,在其《我的世界(My World )》音乐会巡演中,每出售一张门票便捐赠一美元无偿捐赠给PoP慈善机构。由比伯的歌迷筹集的资金为贫困儿童筹建41所希望学校,这也使得贾斯汀-比伯在名人慈善网站组织的"2010最佳公益名人(Celebs Gone Good for 2010)排行榜"中位列榜首。2011年初,贾斯汀·比伯加入了由PoP推出的Schools 4 All公益运动,并募集善款为世界各地7500万贫困儿童提供基础的教育设施,呼吁国际社会关注贫困儿童的教育问题。[36] 获奖记录编辑格莱美音乐奖 u25aa 2012 视觉媒体最佳歌曲 Born to Be Somebody (提名) u25aa 2011 最佳流行专辑 My World 2.0 (提名) u25aa 2011 最佳新人 (提名) 公告牌音乐奖 u25aa 2015 最佳社交艺人[28] (获奖) u25aa 2013 里程碑大奖 (获奖) u25aa 2013 最佳男歌手 (获奖) u25aa 2013 最佳社会艺人 (获奖) u25aa 2012 最佳数字流媒体艺人 (提名) u25aa 2012 最佳男歌手 (提名) u25aa 2012 粉丝最爱大奖 (获奖) u25aa 2012 最佳流行专辑 Under the Mistletoe (提名) u25aa 2012 最佳社会艺人 (获奖) u25aa 2012 公告牌前200艺人 (提名) u25aa 2011 最佳社会艺人 (获奖) u25aa 2011 最佳新人 (获奖) u25aa 2011 最佳流行专辑 My World 2.0 (获奖) u25aa 2011 最佳流媒体视频 Baby (获奖) u25aa 2011 最佳男歌手 (提名) u25aa 2011 最佳流媒体艺人 (获奖) u25aa 2011 公告牌前200专辑 (提名) u25aa 2011 公告牌前200艺人 (提名) u25aa 2011 粉丝最爱大奖 (获奖) u25aa 2011 最佳艺人 (提名) 美国AMA音乐奖 u25aa 2012 最受欢迎男歌手 (获奖) u25aa 2012 最受欢迎专辑 Believe[37] (获奖) u25aa 2012 年度艺人 (获奖) u25aa 2011 最受欢迎男歌手 (提名) u25aa 2010 最受欢迎专辑 My World 2.0 (获奖) u25aa 2010 最具突破艺人 (获奖) u25aa 2010 最受欢迎男歌手 (获奖) u25aa 2010 年度艺人 (获奖) MTV音乐奖 u25aa 2010 最佳新人录音带 Baby (获奖) u25aa 2010 最佳男歌手 U Smile (获奖) MTV欧洲音乐奖 u25aa 2012 最佳世界舞台表现[38] (获奖) u25aa 2012 最佳流行歌手 (获奖) u25aa 2012 最佳男歌手 (获奖) u25aa 2011 最佳慈善艺人 (获奖) u25aa 2011 最佳流行歌手 (获奖) u25aa 2011 最佳男歌手 (获奖) u25aa 2011 最佳北美艺人 (提名) u25aa 2011 最庞大粉丝团体 (提名) u25aa 2010 Push最佳歌手 (获奖) u25aa 2010 最佳男歌手 (获奖) u25aa 2010 最佳新人 (提名) MTV电影奖 u25aa 2011 最惊人时刻 Never Say Never (获奖) 加拿大朱诺音乐奖 u25aa 2013 最受歌迷喜爱[39] (获奖) u25aa 2012 最受歌迷喜爱 (获奖) u25aa 2012 最佳年度专辑 Under the Mistletoe (提名) u25aa 2011 最佳国际年度专辑 My World 2.0 (提名) u25aa 2011 年度最佳流行专辑 (获奖) u25aa 2011 最受歌迷喜爱 (获奖) u25aa 2011 年度最佳艺人 My World 2.0 (提名) u25aa 2010 最佳年度专辑 My World (提名) u25aa 2010 年度流行专辑 My World (提名) u25aa 2010 年度最佳新人 (提名) 全英音乐奖 u25aa 2011 国际最具突破艺人 (获奖) 世界音乐奖 u25aa 2010 全球最佳流行歌手 (提名) u25aa 2010 全球最佳新人 (提名) 美国人民选择奖 u25aa 2012 美国最佳男歌手 (提名) u25aa 2011 最受欢迎音乐录影带 Baby (提名) u25aa 2011 最突出进步歌手 (获奖) u25aa 2011 Bill Lowery新秀奖 (获奖) 最佳男歌手 u25aa 2014年 欧洲MTV音乐录影带大奖 (获奖) 人物评价编辑在全球拥有数以千万粉丝的贾斯汀·比伯可以说是“出名要趁早”的典范。用“狂热”两个字可能已不足以形容他在流行乐坛掀起的潮流。年纪轻轻的他在面对如此多的名利诱惑时却表现得谨慎而冷静,表示不想做昙花一现的“流星”,而是能在乐坛真正立足[40] 。(新浪娱乐评)人物争议编辑贾斯汀·比伯在东京参拜靖国神社 (8张)2014年1月23日,贾斯汀·比伯因酒后驾车在迈阿密被捕,并被指控酒驾超车拒捕以及驾照过期等罪名,随后比伯出现在保释听证会上,并聘请了Roy Black律师作为他的代表,最终比伯以2500美元的金额获得保释,其中酒驾1000美元,拒捕1000美元,以及驾照过期500美元。比伯向警方承认他当晚有喝酒和嗑药[41-42] 。1月28日,数万美国公民联名请愿,希望将贾斯汀·比伯从美国驱逐出境,请愿书由四万多人联名签署,有超过275000名美国公民对这个请愿书表达了支持[43-44] 。2月,贾斯汀·比伯乘坐私人飞机往新泽西州准备欣赏超级碗赛事,因机舱布满大麻味,被海关人员拘留近5小时作盘问,但海关并未搜出违禁品,后让贾斯汀·比伯一行人离开[45] 。2月20日,美国白宫回应了民众关于驱逐贾斯汀·比伯的要求,表示不会对此发表评论[44] 。参拜靖国神社2014年4月23日,网友“谷大白话”在微博晒出两张贾斯丁比伯在日本靖国神社前的照片,并写道:“Thank you for your blessings!(感谢你的祝福或保佑!)”。比伯晒的照片上,他和友人在靖国神社前,面对神社,背对摄影者[46] 。随后,比伯删除了照片,并在账号上道歉[47] 。蛋洗邻居被指控蛋洗邻居家,因为证据不足,被法官判每周参加小区服务和赔偿8万美金(人民币约49万元)。[48] 流行小天王贾斯汀-比伯(Justin Bieber)投掷鸡蛋破坏邻居大门一事,有了最终的处罚进展。比伯已经向邻居支付了8万美元的赔偿金,另外他已经跟一家公益机构达成协议,小天王将在那里通过抹墙和搬家具来完成为期5天的社区服务处罚。2014年1月初,贾斯汀-比伯涉嫌在晚上向邻居家的大门上连丢20颗鸡蛋,并且当街辱骂对方。经过几个月的审理,法院最终判比伯赔偿邻居8.09万美元(约50万人民币),同时他还要接受两年的缓刑处罚,在缓刑期间,比伯要接受12个课程的“愤怒管理”,以便能更好的控制自己情绪,同时他还要进行为期5天的社区服务。[49] 被曝与奥兰多打架贾斯汀·比伯与奥兰多·布鲁姆被目击在西班牙的一家名为Cipriani餐厅打架。37岁的奥兰多一拳打在了比伯的身上[
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