barriers / 阅读 / 详情


2023-07-25 13:17:26


1、prefer somebody to do something 宁愿某人做某事

例:My daddy prefers me not to swim in that river because it"s too dangerous.我爸爸宁愿我不要去那条河里游泳因为那太危险了.

2、prefer A to B 在A和B中更喜欢A

例:I prefer green tea to coffee.绿茶和咖啡比较起来我更喜欢绿茶.

I prefer cooking myself to eating out.我宁愿自己做饭也不愿出去吃.




prefer to的意思及同义短语

prefer to ……与……相比,更喜欢……= like ... better ... 如I prefer English to maths .= I like English better than maths .如果不明白,请再问;如果对你有所帮助,请点击本页面中的“选为满意回答”按钮,谢谢!
2023-07-24 22:14:572

prefer to等于什么?

回答如下:prefer to do = like to do / like doing; prefer A to B= like A better than B prefer to do A rather than do B = would rather do A than do B
2023-07-24 22:15:052

prefer to的用法

1、用作动词,表示更喜欢、宁愿等,后接动词时,可用不定式或动名词,其区别大致为:表示一般情况用动名词,表示特定动作用不定式。2、 可用于多种形式的复合结构(宾语补足语可以是形容词、介词短语、过去分词、不定式等)。 扩展资料 例句:I still prefer to play in defence。我还是更喜欢打防守。I prefer to go on self-catering holidays。我喜欢膳食自助的"度假。Children universally prefer to live in peace and security, even if that means living with only one parent。孩子们普遍愿意过平静安宁的生活,即便这意味着只能与单亲生活在一起。
2023-07-24 22:15:281

prefer to do还是prefer doing?

prefer to do和prefer doing的区别为:意思不同、用法不同、侧重点不同。一、意思不同1.prefer to do意思:更喜欢;宁愿2.prefer doing意思:宁愿做二、用法不同1.prefer to do用法:基本意思是“较喜欢,更喜欢”,多指在两个或两个以上的选项中优先选择其中的一项,多用于“”结构,相当于like better或place before the others,因此不能用more或most来修饰它。2.prefer doing用法:作及物动词,可接名词、代词、动名词、动词不定式作宾语,也可接that从句,从句中的谓语动词一般需用现在时的虚拟语气,但当prefer前有should时,其后从句可不必用虚拟式。三、侧重点不同1.prefer to do侧重点:to do表示一次性,表示一时性的喜欢。2.prefer doing侧重点:doing表示经常性,表示长时间的,一贯性的喜欢。
2023-07-24 22:15:361

prefer to do /doing sth.是什么意思?

2023-07-24 22:15:552


1. I prefer to see animals living in their natural state. 我宁愿看处于野生状态的动物. 2. He chose Germany, but personally I"d prefer to go to Spain. 他选择了德国,而我个人倒更喜欢西班牙. 3. I prefer to see animals in their natural habitat, rather than in zoos. 我宁愿观赏居住在自然栖息地里的动物,而不愿看关在动物园里的动物. 4. I prefer to live in small cities. 我更喜欢住在小城市里. 5. Do you prefer to stay at home? 你宁愿呆在家里吗? 6. We prefer to eat out. 我们比较喜欢上馆子吃饭. 7. I would prefer to wait until tomorrow. 我宁愿等到明天.
2023-07-24 22:16:511

prefer to do 和 prefer doing 的区别如上

remind to doremind sb of sthremind sb to do sthremind sb that从句
2023-07-24 22:17:007

prefer,prefers,prefer to,prefers to的区别是什么

2023-07-24 22:17:241

prefer…to 造两个句子 配中英文

prefer sth. prefer doing doing sth. I prefer apple to orange. 苹果和桔子,我更喜欢苹果. I prefer bacon to ham. 与火腿相比,我更喜欢咸肉. I prefer chicken to pork. 我喜欢鸡肉,不那么喜欢猪肉. I prefer cocoa to coffee. 咖啡和可可相比,我更喜欢可可. I prefer coffee to tea. 我喜欢咖啡而不喜欢茶.
2023-07-24 22:17:331

prefer to do 和 prefer doing 的区别如上

prefer to do 和 prefer doing 的区别:1、prefer to do强调特定的或某此具体的动作,即在一定的场合下宁愿做什么。2、prefer doing强调一般性倾向,即对某种行为的偏爱。3、prefer to do表示暂时性的喜欢。4、prefer doing表示长时间的,一贯性的喜欢。5、to do一般表示一次性,doing表示经常性。6、prefer to do和prefer doing都是宁愿做某事,暗含比较。如:I prefer to read a newspaper=I prefer reading a newspaper.(比起某事,我宁愿读报纸。)但这里“比起某事”是暗含在意思里的。而prefer doing to doing则有明显的比较的痕迹。
2023-07-24 22:17:421


关于would rather than和prefer to有什么区别的问题简单回答一下,希望可以帮助到你。简单来说:prefer A to B 接的是名词或动名词,would rather do A than do B 接的是动词详细的说的话,在英语中,表示“偏爱”、“优先”、“更喜欢”、“更可取”或“宁愿”等意思时,可用prefer,would rather和rather than来表达.三个词之间在表达和用法上的异同如下:(—)rather than①rather than必须连接两个平行结构,即并联两个词(如名词、代词),两个动词不定式或并联两个短语或分句.如:John ought to go rather than Mary.约翰比玛丽更应该去.②当rather than并联两个动词不定式时,后一个动词不定式一般省略to(在比较正式的文体中也可以保留to).如:In China,it is important to invest in education rather than(to)increase personal wages.在中国,优先投资教育比增加个人工资重要.(二)prefer①prefer之后用动名词结构表示一般性偏爱,强调一种事实或一件事.如:l like swimming,but I prefer sailing.我喜欢游泳,但更喜欢航行.②当prefer之后带两个动词不定式表示“偏爱…胜过…”时,用rather than连接.Rather than之后可以有两种结构:省略to的动词不定式和动词的ing形式.如:1 would prefer to spend the weekend at home rather than drive out.我宁愿在家度周末,而不愿意开车出门.③当prefer之后带两个名词或动名词结构表示“偏爱…胜过…”时,常用介词to连接两个部分,也可以用rather than连接.如:I prefer watching TV to reading books.我宁可看电视,也不愿意看书.④prefer之后可以用动词不定式作宾语补足语.如:I don"t prefer people to smoke here.我不喜欢有人在这儿抽烟.⑤prefer之后带从句时,其用法与would rather带从句的用法相同.如:I"d prefer that you did not go there alone.我希望你不要一个人到那里去.(三)would rather①would rather是固定习惯用语,可用于任何人称,其简略形式是 "d rather.would rather之后直接带省略to的动词不定式.如:Would you rather stay at home or go out with me?你愿意呆在家里,还是愿意跟我出门?②would rather还可以与than连用,构成“would rather+省略to的不定式+than+省略to的不定式”结构.如:Tom would rather read than talk.=Tom prefers reading to talking.汤姆喜爱读书胜过与人交谈.③would rather之后带从句时,从句中的谓语动词用虚拟语气,即用过去式表示现在或将来的意义,用过去完成式表示过去的意义.如:I"d rather she had repaired her car last night.=I wish she had repaired her car last night.但愿她昨晚就把车修好了.④一般来说.would rather之后跟动词原形表达的意思是“偏爱,宁愿”,但如果其后跟动词hope,think,like,enjoy和have等时,would rather则含有“很,非常”的意思。
2023-07-24 22:18:031

prefer A to B 中的prefer to可以用什么代替

不能用一个单词来代替,只能说这个句子用过另一种方式来表达,即同义句. Prefer A to B 相当于 like A better than B.
2023-07-24 22:18:111

prefer to 后面加

prefer to do sth.
2023-07-24 22:18:181

prefer……to 和prefer……with

prefer a to b我宁愿A也不愿Bprefer A with B喜欢和B做A事
2023-07-24 22:18:272

prefer to do 中的to不是介词嘛,为什么不用doing

2023-07-24 22:18:352

不是prefer to do吗 为什么用doing?

prefer to do rather than do
2023-07-24 22:18:449


prefer后面可以加to do也可以加doing。prefer to do的意思是更喜欢、宁愿;prefer doing的意思是喜欢做,更喜欢经常做的。 prefer to do和prefer doing区别 一、意思不同 1、prefer to do:更喜欢,宁愿做,宁愿。 2、prefer doing:喜欢做。 二、用法不同 1、prefer to do:prefer的基本意思是“较喜欢,更喜欢”,多指在两个或两个以上的选项中优先选择其中的一项,多用于“”或“prefer...rather than”结构。 2、prefer和prefer...rather than...的区别,以句子I prefer going to staying和I prefer to go rather than to stay为例,第一句里的to是介词,后面接动名词,不接不定式。 三、时态不同 1、prefer to do:用于一般现在时。 2、prefer doing:用于现在进行时。
2023-07-24 22:19:061

be preferable to 跟prefer to的区别很用法?

2023-07-24 22:19:132

prefer和perfer to的区别?

prefer [pri"fu0259:] vt. 更喜欢;宁愿;提出;提升 vi. 喜欢;愿意 would prefer 宁愿;更喜欢 prefer to do 宁可做某事;更喜欢做某事 prefer doing 喜欢做某事 prefer to 更加喜欢,宁愿prefer to do 宁可做某事;更喜欢做某事 看出来区别来了吗 prefer 一般指喜欢做 prefer to 宁愿,更喜欢 带有选择性希望能采纳,谢谢
2023-07-24 22:19:321


2023-07-24 22:19:428

prefer..... to.....啥意思

在""结构中,to是介词,所以后接动词时,必须用-ing形式.另外,因为前后在结构上必须平行,所以此时的prefer之后也要用-ing形式. I prefer reading to writing. He preferred playing basketball to playing volleyball.
2023-07-24 22:19:571

请问prefer……to……和prefer……的区别 最好简洁明了点,

prefer doing……to doing……喜欢.胜过.prefer to do 倾向于做,可以和rather than连用表喜欢.胜过.I prefer staying at home to going out.I prefer to stay at home(rather than go out).顺便【赞】一个~o(>_...
2023-07-24 22:20:041

请问 的to是介词 那prefer to的to是介词还是不定式呢?后面那个中间没有省略号~

2023-07-24 22:20:264

prefer to do rather than to do和prefer to do rather than doing 有没有区别

Anhaiyin was my time
2023-07-24 22:20:348


prefer to:更加喜欢,宁愿,宁可,更喜欢做某事;x0dx0a短语:x0dx0aprefer boys to girls 重男轻女x0dx0aprefer composition to inheritance 组合优于继承x0dx0aprefer English to Chinese 比起语文更喜欢英语x0dx0aprefer life to dishonor 贪生怕死x0dx0aprefer not to say 不想说x0dx0aprefer Debbie to me 我更愿意黛比,我喜欢黛比x0dx0aprefer not to 不想,不想说x0dx0a近义词:x0dx0awould rather,would preferx0dx0a例句:x0dx0aMost people prefer buying to sewing. x0dx0a大多数人宁愿买现成的衣服而不自己缝制了。x0dx0aI prefer to be with people|who can see the funny side of life. x0dx0a我更喜欢跟能看到生活中有趣一面的人在一起。x0dx0aWe prefer to stay where we are. x0dx0a我们宁愿保持着现在的样子。x0dx0aSo, like me, I prefer talking to young people, because they are forming their minds, they are developing, and he had a method of how to educate them. x0dx0a正如我,我喜欢和年轻人说话,因为他们正在形成自己的思想,他们正在发展,他有一套方法去教育他们。
2023-07-24 22:21:081

prefer to do还是prefer doing?

prefer to do和prefer doing的区别为:意思不同、用法不同、侧重点不同。一、意思不同1.prefer to do意思:更喜欢;宁愿2.prefer doing意思:宁愿做二、用法不同1.prefer to do用法:基本意思是“较喜欢,更喜欢”,多指在两个或两个以上的选项中优先选择其中的一项,多用于“”结构,相当于like better或place before the others,因此不能用more或most来修饰它。2.prefer doing用法:作及物动词,可接名词、代词、动名词、动词不定式作宾语,也可接that从句,从句中的谓语动词一般需用现在时的虚拟语气,但当prefer前有should时,其后从句可不必用虚拟式。三、侧重点不同1.prefer to do侧重点:to do表示一次性,表示一时性的喜欢。2.prefer doing侧重点:doing表示经常性,表示长时间的,一贯性的喜欢。
2023-07-24 22:21:171


1. I prefer to see animals living in their natural state. 我宁愿看处于野生状态的动物。2. He chose Germany, but personally I"d prefer to go to Spain. 他选择了德国,而我个人倒更喜欢西班牙。3. I prefer to see animals in their natural habitat, rather than in zoos. 我宁愿观赏居住在自然栖息地里的动物,而不愿看关在动物园里的动物。4. I prefer to live in small cities. 我更喜欢住在小城市里。5. Do you prefer to stay at home? 你宁愿呆在家里吗?6. We prefer to eat out. 我们比较喜欢上馆子吃饭。7. I would prefer to wait until tomorrow. 我宁愿等到明天。
2023-07-24 22:21:371

prefer to do 和 prefer doing 的区别如上

2023-07-24 22:21:484

prefer to 后面加什么形式?

2023-07-24 22:22:394

prefer todo还是prefer doing?

prefer to do和prefer doing的区别为:意思不同、用法不同、侧重点不同。一、意思不同1.prefer to do意思:更喜欢;宁愿2.prefer doing意思:宁愿做二、用法不同1.prefer to do用法:基本意思是“较喜欢,更喜欢”,多指在两个或两个以上的选项中优先选择其中的一项,多用于“”结构,相当于like better或place before the others,因此不能用more或most来修饰它。2.prefer doing用法:作及物动词,可接名词、代词、动名词、动词不定式作宾语,也可接that从句,从句中的谓语动词一般需用现在时的虚拟语气,但当prefer前有should时,其后从句可不必用虚拟式。三、侧重点不同1.prefer to do侧重点:to do表示一次性,表示一时性的喜欢。2.prefer doing侧重点:doing表示经常性,表示长时间的,一贯性的喜欢。
2023-07-24 22:22:561

prefer A to B 意思?

2023-07-24 22:23:2710

prefer to do和prefer doing的区别

基本相同,prefer to do 表示一时性的喜欢 prefer doing表示长时间的,一贯性的喜欢又:宁愿干...也不干...prefer to do rather than do sth = prefer doing to doing
2023-07-24 22:24:002


2023-07-24 22:24:103

prefer todo还是prefer doing?

prefer to do和prefer doing的区别为:意思不同、用法不同、侧重点不同。一、意思不同1.prefer to do意思:更喜欢;宁愿2.prefer doing意思:宁愿做二、用法不同1.prefer to do用法:基本意思是“较喜欢,更喜欢”,多指在两个或两个以上的选项中优先选择其中的一项,多用于“”结构,相当于like better或place before the others,因此不能用more或most来修饰它。2.prefer doing用法:作及物动词,可接名词、代词、动名词、动词不定式作宾语,也可接that从句,从句中的谓语动词一般需用现在时的虚拟语气,但当prefer前有should时,其后从句可不必用虚拟式。三、侧重点不同1.prefer to do侧重点:to do表示一次性,表示一时性的喜欢。2.prefer doing侧重点:doing表示经常性,表示长时间的,一贯性的喜欢。
2023-07-24 22:24:521


prefer doing……to doing……喜欢.胜过. prefer to do 倾向于做,可以和rather than连用表喜欢.胜过. I prefer staying at home to going out. I prefer to stay at home(rather than go out). 顺便【赞】一个~o(>_
2023-07-24 22:25:081

用prefer to do造句

1. I prefer to see animals living in their natural state. 我宁愿看处于野生状态的动物。2. He chose Germany, but personally I"d prefer to go to Spain. 他选择了德国,而我个人倒更喜欢西班牙。3. I prefer to see animals in their natural habitat, rather than in zoos. 我宁愿观赏居住在自然栖息地里的动物,而不愿看关在动物园里的动物。4. I prefer to live in small cities. 我更喜欢住在小城市里。5. Do you prefer to stay at home? 你宁愿呆在家里吗?6. We prefer to eat out. 我们比较喜欢上馆子吃饭。7. I would prefer to wait until tomorrow. 我宁愿等到明天。 8I prefer football to basketball. 我爱足球胜于篮球
2023-07-24 22:25:181

请大家讲讲prefer a to 句型

我要补充和纠正的是prefer (doing) sth to (doing) sth 中的to 是介词,而prefer to do 中的to 是动词不定式
2023-07-24 22:25:413


prefer to do和prefer doing的区别为意思不同 1、prefer to do:更喜欢,宁愿做,宁愿。 2、prefer doing:喜欢做。 扩展资料 用法不同 1、prefer to do:prefer的基本意思是“较喜欢,更喜欢”,多指在两个或两个以上的选项中优先选择其中的.一项,多用于“”或“prefer...rather than”结构。 2、prefer和prefer...rather than...的区别,以句子Iprefergoing to staying和Ipreferto go rather than to stay为例,第一句里的to是介词,后面接动名词,不接不定式。 时态不同 1、prefer to do:用于一般现在时。 2、prefer doing:用于现在进行时。
2023-07-24 22:25:481

prefer torather than用法

prefer to rather than用法如下:prefer doing A rather than doing B 喜欢做A而不是做B。prefer to do A rather than do B 愿意去做A而不是去做B。prefer doing A rather than doing B 喜欢做A而不是做B。prefer to do A rather than do B 愿意去做A而不是去做B。would rather do A than do B 愿意去做A而不是去做B。例句:1、I would prefer to stay home rather than go out on such a rainy day在这种雨天,我宁可待在家也不出门。2、All this gracious living is not for me;I prefer the simple life.这种优裕的生活对我不合适;我还是更喜欢简朴的生活。3、Which one do you prefer, an apple or an orange?你想要哪个,苹果还是橘子?4、Police preferred charges against him for theft.警方指控他有偷窃行为。
2023-07-24 22:26:061


1.prefer something(doing something) to something(doing something)喜欢某物(做某事)胜过某物(做某事)2.prefer somebody to do something 宁愿某人做某事
2023-07-24 22:26:522

prefer…to 造两个句子 配中英文

prefer sth. prefer doing doing sth. I prefer apple to orange. 苹果和桔子,我更喜欢苹果. I prefer bacon to ham. 与火腿相比,我更喜欢咸肉. I prefer chicken to pork. 我喜欢鸡肉,不那么喜欢猪肉. I prefer cocoa to coffee. 咖啡和可可相比,我更喜欢可可. I prefer coffee to tea. 我喜欢咖啡而不喜欢茶.
2023-07-24 22:27:151

prefer to do sth. rather than do sth.是什么意思啊?

prefer to do something rather than do something宁愿做某事而不愿做某事如He prefers to stay at home rather than go shopping.
2023-07-24 22:27:222

prefer... to...与would rather... than...有区别吗?

分类: 教育/科学 >> 外语学习 解析: 有区别的。 1。语意上“would rather … than…”表达的更强烈。 would rather … than… 宁愿要…而不要 prefer …to… 更喜欢2。结构上 prefer doing to doing would rather do than do;;
2023-07-24 22:27:501

prefer to do和prefer doing有什么区别 举个例子

1. prefer + 名词/动名词/不定式例:I prefer some apples. / I prefer having(to have) some apples. 我更喜欢吃苹果。2. prefer somebody to do something 宁愿某人做某事例:My daddy prefers me not to swim in that river because it"s too dangerous. 我爸爸宁愿我不要去那条河里游泳因为那太危险了。3. prefer A to B 在 A 和 B 中更喜欢 A例:I prefer green tea to coffee. 绿茶和咖啡比较起来我更喜欢绿茶。 I prefer cooking myself to eating out. 我宁愿自己做饭也不愿出去吃。 注意:注意这个用法中肯定的是前者,A和B必须在形式上保持一致,即要么都是名词,要么都是动名词。没有使用不定式的用法。4. prefer to do something rather than ... 这个用法类似于用法3,不过rather than后面可以是不定式、名词、动名词或动词原形。例:I prefer to stay at home rather than go out in the heavy rain. 我宁愿呆在家里也不想冒这么大的雨出去。 注意:这里 rather than 后面可以用 going out或to go out 都可以。而且 rather than 也可以放在句子开头:Rather than go out in the heavy rain, I prefer to stay at home.5. 宾语从句 prefer that 宾语从句中常用虚拟语气。例:I prefer that we should gather more information on that issue. 我觉得关于那个事情我们最好收集更多信息。6. prefer 用法的常用成语及习惯用语 prefer to die rather than surrender 宁死不屈就是记住,prefer to do的话后面肯定还跟了个比较结构(如rather than do),prefer to do 中的to 为动词不定式;除此之外的情况就用prefer doing,doing为动名词
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难。如下:考试时间:50分钟试题数量:45题试题类型:选择题(包括单选题和多选题)、配对题通过成绩:700分(总分为1000分)专业国际认证的权威性考核学生的综合能力。系统完善的国际认证标准。专业与职业之间的桥梁。企业选拔人才的标准。提升学生职场自信力。成为未来求职的加分点。与雇主建立良好的谈话切入点。扩展资料ESB认证考试以能力为导向,可实现6大部分的培训目标:企业家特质、机会识别、创业、企业经营、市场营销和销售、财务管理。企业家的特征、风险、利益、缺陷。分析对商品或服务的需求,识别价值主张,特许经营与购买现有企业的利弊。计算创业所需的金额,在基本层次上理解不同法律结构的企业。 理解供应链,不同的操作流程,比如职责分离,需要考虑哪些关键点分析寻找新客户的成本/效益,如何留住客户,不同营销/沟通方法的价值。解释基本的财务报表,固定费用和可变费用,确定盈亏平衡点.参考资料来源:百度百科-ESB
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2023-07-24 22:26:383

高中英语词汇:高二上学期词汇解析Unit7 Living with disease

《高二上学期词汇解析Unit7 Living with disease》由出国留学我精心为您学习英语准备。本内容整理时间为06月03日,如有任何问题请联系我们。 摘要: Words and expressions live with to put up with; learn to accept忍受;顺应 I disliked the situation but had to live with it. 我不喜欢这种状态但必须忍受它。 deadly adj. likely to kill people or anim 乐加乐星级老师 乐加乐星级英语老师是通过层层筛选出来的,教学经验丰富,风格各有不同,点击进入课堂……[详细] 2011年北京市城六区高考英语一模试题 2011年高考英语考点大预测 | 高考英语复习四要素 谈初中英语与高中英语衔接 | 吕腾飞老师答疑专贴 高中英语应该怎么学 | 高考英语答题策略与技巧 Words and expressions live with to put up with; learn to accept忍受;顺应 I disliked the situation but had to live with it. 我不喜欢这种状态但必须忍受它。 deadly adj. likely to kill people or animals 致命的 Cancer is a deadly disease. 癌是一种致命的疾病。 imaginary adj. not real,only in the mind不真实的;想象中的;虚构的 It isn"t real--it"s only imaginary. 那不是真的,那只不过是想象出来的罢了。 narrative n. story or tale; orderly account of events 叙述;讲述 My narrative ends. 我的叙述结束了。 adj. in the form of narrative叙述的;叙述体的 He is a writer of great narrative power. 他是个叙述手法高超的作家。 quiz n.[c] game where you try to answer questions问答比赛;知识测验 I"m going to have a physics quiz tomorrow. 明天我们将进行物理测验。 false adj. wrong, not true, lying假的;不真实的;错误的 The thief gave a false name to the police. 小偷给警察报了个假名字。 infect vt. give a disease to someone 传染;感染 My brother has infected me with a bad cold. 我哥哥把重感冒传染给我。 infection n. illness传染病;感染 The mosquito communicates infection. 蚊子传染病菌。 inject vt. put medicine, etc, into the body with a special needle 注射 He injected my arm with penicillin. 他给我的手臂注射盘尼西林。 virus n.[c] 病毒 a virus disease 病毒引起的疾病 transmit vt. send over; pass through, pass on传送;传播 The news will be transmitted by radio. 这消息将由电台播送。 via prep. by way of 经由 He flew to Europe via the North Pole. 他经由北极飞到欧洲。 prep. by means of凭借 The Olympics were telecast live via satellite. 奥运比赛经由人造卫星做实况转播。 route n.[c] a way to go; a road or course to travel from one place to another路;路线 Which route did you choose? 你挑选了哪条路? blood n.[u] red liquid flowing through the body血;血液 Blood was trickling from his mouth. 鲜血从他嘴里一滴一滴地流出来。 n.[u] family; birth; descent 血统 They"re near in blood. 他们血统相近。 prevention n. 预防;阻止 Prevention of disease is very important. 预防疾病是很重要的。 persuade vt. make someone believe or do something by talking to him说服;劝导; I have persuaded him to give up smoking. 我已说服了他戒烟。 heroin n. 海洛因 immune adj. [对传染病、病毒等] 免疫的;有免疫 (性) 的[to, from] be immune to [from] smallpox 对天花有免疫力的 defenseless adj. 无防备的;不设防的 a defenseless city 不设防的城市 illness n. the state of being ill; disease病;疾病 He is suffering from a serious illness. 他身患重病。 treatment n. way of curing an illness; doctor"s care 疗法;治疗 She is now under(medical) treatment. 她现在正在治疗中。 n. way you behave towards someone or something 对待;处理 We received good treatment. 我们受到很好的款待。 unprotected adj. 无保护的;无防卫的 sex n. the difference between male and female 性;性别 Write down your name, age and sex. 把你的姓名、年龄和性别写下来。 adj. 性的;与性有关的 transfusion n. 输血;输液 (a) blood transfusion 输血 contract vt. 染上(疾病、习惯等) vi. to make a contract缔结(合同) He has contracted for the building of the house of 20,000 dollars. 他以二万元承揽建造这幢房子。 die of stop living because of something因u2026致死;病(饿、冻)死 In old days, my father died of hunger and cold. 在旧社会,我父亲死于饥寒交迫。 lack n. not be enough 缺乏;不足 He cannot do the work for lack of skill. 由于缺乏技术,他不能做这项工作。 v. not have something important or necessary 缺乏;欠缺 We lacked both time and money. 我们缺少时间和金钱。 proper adj. right, correct恰当的;合适的 It must be done in the proper way. 这件事必须以恰当的方式来做。 available adj. ready for use or service可用的;有效的 They have tried all available means to open the door. 他们曾试用所有有用的方法来开这门。 discourage vt. make someone lose hope 使失去信心;使泄气 Though the village was hit by a big flood the villagers were not discouraged. 村子虽然遭了严重水灾,可是村民们并不气馁。 cheer v. shout to show that you are pleased欢呼;喝采 The crowds cheered as the old man ran to the finish. 老人跑到终点,人群欢呼起来。 v. make someone happy使高兴;使快慰 He was encouragingly cheered by the crowd. 人群向他发出令人鼓舞的欢呼。 n.[c] 欢呼;喝采 The curtain went up amid cheers. 幕在欢呼声中升起。 cheer (...) up become more cheerful 高兴起来;振作起来 Every one of us cheered up at the news that the experiment had proved a complete success. 一听到实验完全成功的消息,我们大家都高兴起来。 become happy; make someone happy 高兴;使振奋 I tried to cheer her up by telling her the news. 我把这消息告诉了她,想使她高兴起来。 suffer from v. experience something painful, unpleasant, sorrow or grief遭受(痛苦、不幸、疾病等) He is suffering from toothache. 他牙正痛。 network n. a netting or net; any system of lines that cross 网;网状系统 specialist n.[c] expert; someone who knows a lot about something专家 n.[c] doctor who knows a lot about one part of the body or one sort of disease专科医生 curable adj. 可医治的;医得好的 meaningful adj. 富有意义的;意味深长的 a meaningful glance 意味深长的一瞥 defensive adj. protecting; defending 保卫的;防御的 They were on the defensive. 他们采取守势。 fierce adj. strong and dangerous 激烈的; 凶猛的 There was some fierce fighting. 发生了激烈的战斗。 invisible adj. that cannot be seen看不见的 Wind is invisible. 风是看不见的。 stranger n. someone whom one does not know 陌生人;新来者 They never talk to strangers. 他们从不跟生人谈话。 diagnose vt. to discover the nature of (a disease) 诊断 The doctor diagnosed my illness as smallpox. 医生诊断我的病为天花。 sample n.[c] small piece that shows what the rest is like; one example of a group of things 样品;范例 The salesman showed some samples of dress material. 店员展示一些布料样品。 cell n. a very small division of a living matter 细胞 All animals and plants are made up of cells. 一切动植物都是由细胞构成的。 n. 小房间;单人牢房 disrupt vt. 扰乱;破坏 contagious adj. 传染的;感染的 radiation n.[c] something radiated; the energy thus sent out in the form of waves or particles放射物;辐射线 A metal called uranium gave off a kind of radiation. 一种叫铀的金属会发出一种射线。 n.[u] the act or process of radiating; esp. the sending out of radiant energy, as from radio-active substances辐射 the radiation of heat from a stove 热量从火炉放出 strength n. the quality of being strong in body or mind 体力;精力 The little boy hasn"t the strength to lift that heavy box. 这小男孩没有那么大力气把那个很重的箱子提起来。 recover v. become well, happy, etc. again恢复;复原 I hope you will soon recover. 希望你早日康复。 fighter n. a person that fights a person that is able or eager to fight战士;斗争者 The two fighters will meet next week for the boxing championship. 那两位拳击运动员将在一周进行比赛争夺冠军。 contrary adj. opposed; opposite 相反的 He has a contrary opinion (idea, etc.) 他有一个相反的看法(想法)。 on the contrary strong words to show that the opposite is true正相反;恰恰相反 "You look ill, Ben." "On the contrary, I feel fine!" "本,你看上去好像病了。" "恰恰相反,我感觉非常好!" for the moment 暂时;目前 free from not having something 没有u2026的;不受u2026u2026的影响 You are free from care. 你无忧无虑。 category n.[c]分类;种类;部门 They were put into two categories. 他们被分成两个部门。 课程名称 课时 课程价格 视频解读 在线选课 暑期班高中一年级英语十次课学完高一上(尖子) 10 1670 暑期班高中二年级英语目标清华北大班 10 1670 暑期班高中三年级英语尖子班 10 1670 暑期班高中组英语词汇4000特训班 10 1120 暑期班高中组英语高考语法特训班 10 1120 咨询电话: 010-82618899 《高二上学期词汇解析Unit7 Living with disease》由出国留学我精心为您学习英语准备
2023-07-24 22:26:401

和女装的only moda 欧时力什么的差不多的男装品牌有哪些啊

2023-07-24 22:26:342


11 days travel around AustraliaDay 1:Fly from Beijing to Sydney.Day 2:Arrive @ Sydney airport,check into hotel ( after 2 pm),have a good rest.Day 3:Bus to Blue Mountain for a day trip.Day 4:Visit Sydney Harbour and Opera House,keep going with royal Imperial Garden,Hyde Park,China Town,Darling Harbour.Fly to Gold Coast.Day 5:Theme parks day,free time by yourselves!Day 6:Paradise Farm and cruise tour,bus to Brisbane.Day 7:Brisbane City center tour for half day,fly to Melbourne.Day 8:Great Ocean Road tour for a day.Day 9:City Center with city tram and shopping,casion day.Day 10:Fly back to ChinaDay 11:Safely arrive back home,finish the lovely trip.
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