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英语高手帮忙翻译下 论文摘要,尽量不要机译

2023-07-25 12:23:50

With China"s real estate industry development in China, and constantly improve the housing system, gradually formed in the security of low-income housing, economy applicable room, the price of commercial housing supply room with the basic mode. In China, by decision will inevitably produce sandwich layer, and real estate developers profiteering and overpriced many people cannot be solved successfully, and housing problems to solve this problem "personal cooperation and build conveniently, personal" build cooperation in Japan, Switzerland is housing system inside is very important part. But China"s "wenzhou model" in the build personal cooperation, is the most promising and the most potential, of course, because the government"s attitude ambiguous, resistance to repeat of pledges problem is not easy. Wenzhou model building China"s first personal cooperation as a personal housing project for other cooperation cooperate building project has a great reference value.

So "wenzhou model" personal cooperation of building operation flow as a starting point to the practical significance of the study, can not only give personal cooperation of building practical operation, and provide reference value for reference, the government policy to cooperate to build a better development.


With the continuous development of China"s real estate industry, China"s housing supply system has been improved, and gradually formed a protection in low-income and low-cost housing, affordable housing, the Housing limit the commercialization of housing supply combined with the basic pattern. The decision by China"s national conditions, will inevitably have a sandwich layer, and real estate developers and house prices are too high profits, many people still can not successfully resolve the housing problem and the issue "personal cooperative housing" into homeopathy, personal cooperation built Housing in Japan, Switzerland and other countries is the housing supply system inside a very important part. In China, the "Wenzhou model" of individual cooperative housing in the national front is the most promising and the most development potential, of course, as a result of the ambiguous attitude of the Government, obstacles, problems frequent go today is not easy. Wenzhou model individual cooperative housing as an individual, China"s first cooperative housing project on the other cooperative housing project has a great reference value.

Therefore, the "Wenzhou model" cooperative housing individual processes as an entry point for their research has practical significance, not only to individuals the actual operation of cooperative housing to provide a reference value, but also for government policy to provide a reference to individual cooperative housing pave the way for better development.



查<辞海>对产业有两个解释,一是指私有的土地、财产、房屋等。二是指各种生产的事业,也特指工业一件事情是否是“产业”,可以从下面这几点去考虑:1. 是市场化经济的运作形式,计划经济不可能是完全的产业化。 2. 重视分工同时也是社会分工的一部分。产业化是随着产业革命,社会出现分工,专业化生产而产生的。相对于教育而言,就是出现了学校,而不是师傅带徒弟,或是家庭私塾式的教育形式。从这一点看,我们的教育一直就有产业化的性质。 3. 与资金有密切关系,产业化是把“货币”作为主要的媒介。社会上的任何一部分,都不可能是封闭的,“交换”是必然存在的。 4. 参与这事业的人主要是为了工资。
2023-07-24 20:08:172

企业化 英语

2023-07-24 20:08:242

产品化 英语怎么说?

2023-07-24 20:08:333


英语四级翻译常见词汇:国家发展腐败 corruption证明 prove谋生 make living城市化 urbanization商业化 commercialization试验田 experimental plot相当于 be equivalent to企业家 entrepreneur出口国 exporter国内外 at home and abroad共产党 the Communist Party产业/工业 industry4000亿元400 billion yuan25000美元US$25000公元100年100AD中国革命 Chinese Revolution高速列车high- -speed trains高铁high- -speeding rail远洋船舶 ocean-going- vessels摆脱贫困 get rid of poverty极端贫困 extreme poverty中产阶级 middle class贫困国家 poor countries减少贫困 poverty reduction提供救援 provide assistance发展道路 developing path经济特区 Special Economic Zone城市人口 urban population农村人口 rural population以人为本 people-oriented-发展理念 developing concept交通系统 transportation system文化交流 cultural communication外国投资 foreign investment购物平台 shopping platform蓬勃发展 have great boom= surge= be booming在线零售商 online retailer经济的繁荣 prosperity of economy可持续发展 sustainable development在取得进步 make progress(in)做出不懈努力 make unremitting efforts世界贸易组织 World Trade Organization第二大经济体 the second largest economy以前所未有的速度 at an unprecedented rate/speed在20世纪70年代末 in the late1970s社会主义市场经济 the market-oriented- economy with socialist features资源节约和环境友好型社会 resource-saving- and environment-friendly- society传统文化朝代 dynasty统治 reign共计 a total of宴席 banquet凉菜 cold dishes热菜 hot dishes国宝 national treasure模仿 imitate神话 myths传说 legends长寿 longevity自卫self -defense-俗称 folk name/common name雅致的 elegant顶尖的top- -class宽松长袍 loose gown丝绸之路 Silk Road独特元素 unique element宝贵遗产 great heritage人类文明 human civilization古老水镇 ancient water town民族服饰 national costume文化标志 cultural symbol把...认为regard as...的象征a symbol of象征着 stand for= symbolize象征意义symbolic significant逐渐演变成 evolve into必不可少的 essential/indispensable京杭大运河 the Grand Canal of Beijing and Hangzhou把A融于 combine with传统中式菜肴 traditional Chinese dishes农业话题大米rice小麦 wheat面粉 flour成熟 ripen收获 harvest庄稼crop田野 field庆祝 celebrate馒头 steamed bun主食 staple food化肥 chemical fertilizer归因于 attribute to有机农业 organic farming兴高采烈 in high spiritswith rising spirits=cheerfully农作物产量 crop yields与u2026.相联系 associate with农业现代化 modernize agriculture占据重要地位 play an important role医疗健康话题大众健康 public health医疗保健 medical care旅游话题估计 estimate消费 consumption古镇 ancient town流传 circulate浪漫 romance消费者 consumer许多的 numerous爱之城 City of Love据报道 It is reported that..生活节奏 life tempo出境旅游 overseas traveling旅游热潮 tourism boom国内旅游 domestic traveling出国旅游 traveling abroad著名景点 famous scenic spots历史名胜 historical resorts自然风光 natural scenery聚集在某地 gather in(某地)旅游目的地 tourist destinations/ travel attractions/tourist attractions教育话题称赞 praise录取 admit to由于 owing to蜂拥 swarm into文学 literary哲学 philosophy注重 pay attention to attach importance to屈从于 surrender to课外班 extra-curricular- class演讲比赛 speech contest首要要求 primary requirement名牌大学 prestigious university竞争激烈 intense competition前途光明 promising future不足为奇Itu2019 s no wonder that.愿意牺牲 be willing to sacrifice国际排名 international/global rankings国际学生 international student海外学生 overseas student受到尊敬 receive respect限于之内 confine to做重要决定 make crucial decis科技话题科技 science and technology新开发 newly-developed-新能源 new energy机器人 robot太空站 space station工业革命 industrial revolution创新成果 innovation achievements显著成就 remarkable achievements高科技领域 high technology fields专为设计的 be exclusively designed for太空探索计划 space exploration plan英语四级翻译常见词汇小编就总结到这里了,更多关于大学英语四级备考技巧,备考干货,新闻资讯,成绩查询,英语四级准考证打印入口,准考证打印时间等内容,小编会持续更新。祝愿各位考生都能取得满意的成绩。
2023-07-24 20:08:401


The birth of the 19th century, the automobile age in the world, when people also stay in the age of animals to pull carts, is a new car. However, the people do not know the importance of car, because car prices are high and very dangerous. This is a new invention in the process of commercialization of the major difficulty. However, Karl Benz invented the car, started the commercialization, and the final success. Today, there is almost inseparable from the car. And substituting the name of Karl Benz Mercedes-Benz cars for international companies to grow and has been occupying a large share of the automotive market.We learned from the above is not how to invent a new car. At least to the company"s perspective, focusing on how quickly the commercialization of new inventions. The article said that BMW vehicles are trying to invent electricity, but the real problem because many were opposed. For example, the power of the engine car needs too much, and production costs and selling prices are high.At present, it is clear to the combustion of gasoline-powered cars will be turning the new energy-powered vehicles. For this reason, BMW have to invent a new energy vehicles. As mentioned earlier, this is a large market share of possession the best opportunities. Therefore, the president of BMW Reithofer must have strong leadership and the establishment of the this project as soon as possible. Because in this area, too many competitors would like to occupy the top position of power who will push the first car market is very important. Therefore, only a strong leader in order to win the final victory.At this point the invention apparatus is a critical moment, so there should be direct Rithofer the development of the new team. Through this body, he can apply directly to convey his ideas and get feedback fast. Therefore, the leader through a direct feedback system to control the progress of invention and development results.Directly through this powerful system, Rithofer to the formation of a new project team to develop the technology. Power car was in fact accepted by the market, prices are a big problem. Because the car now compared to power vehicles in the price should have the advantage rather than disadvantage. In order to overcome this shortcoming, BMW had to develop low-cost devices recharge again. For example, such a device to collect solar energy conversion into electrical energy and the use of repeated charge. If successful, energy car can reduce the use of costs, compared with the vehicle also has a price advantage
2023-07-24 20:08:473

since the commercializationof 5G, 是不是时间状语?

2023-07-24 20:09:071


幸福往往搭配着悲伤。Happinessis oftenlinkedtosorrow.
2023-07-24 20:09:1915


含义不同,前者是合情理的,后者是不可接受的。understandable,英语单词,主要用作形容词,作形容词时译为“可以理解的;可以了解的”。短语搭配easily understandable 易于理解的understandable a 可以理解的Understandable commercialization 可以理解的商业化understandable prove 可读证明Ultimately Understandable 最终可被理解Understandable input 可理解的输入Clearly Understandable 清晰易懂Renqingshigu Understandable 人情世故无可厚非unacceptable,英语单词,主要用作形容词,作形容词时译为“不能接受的;不受欢迎的”。短语搭配unacceptable product 不合格品unacceptable damage 不可接受的损害unacceptable explosives 禁止使用的炸药unacceptable character 不可接受的字符 ; 不能接受的字符 ; 不可接受性offer unacceptable 发盘不能接受unacceptable clause[法] 不能接受的条款unacceptable burden 不堪重负T Unacceptable 工业金属Configuration unacceptable 配置不支持
2023-07-24 20:09:471


股票(stock):the value of the shares in a company that have been sold债券(bond):an agreement by s government or a company to pay you interest on the money you have lent基金(fund):an amount of money that has been saved or has been made availiable foe a particular purpose金融学(finance):to research how to recruits and capital funds with company, personal, other government and organizations会计学(accounting):这个很难解释市盈率(price-earning ratio): as market price per share divided by annual earnings per share希望可以帮到你,满意请点赞哦~虽然我学过商务英语这门课,但是回答这个问题花了二十多分钟~各种查字典,除了会计学真的很难定义,其他的解释可以放心使用。
2023-07-24 20:09:572


personel flow
2023-07-24 20:10:193


Shanghai Lujiazui financial center of a skyscraper in Shanghai, is China"s current tallest building, the world"s third tower, the world"s highest flat top style building, and the entire 492 meters tall. 101 floor standing looking down to see the whole panorama of Shanghai. Here we could feel the economic development of Shanghai, saw a lot of world famous banks. Afternoon is the only free travel arrangements for the entire time. I follow a few students came to the university city of Shanghai. We skim the surface of the visited Tongji University, Fudan University, Shanghai Jiaotong University. That each school has its own culture, it gives us with our financial institutions is a different feeling. Shanghai Jiaotong University in particular, it gives us is an ancient sense of the campus there are many noteworthy places. Today"s discovery: to the Shanghai World Financial Center, to see this magnificent building and made the financial sector Development levels, knowledge of the Shanghai downtown business groups and different levels of the different commercial business market. My plan: make text and image records, collect material, back home at the day"s journal, summed up the day"s experiences
2023-07-24 20:10:283


给个分 From soft advertising the commercialization of flood watch mediaPick toSoft advertising, also is varied, implantable advertising, way which is different from traditional mandatory advertising, it has the information of universality, concealment, durability and influence of low cost, spread deep, mandatory accept, arrival rate is high, easy to produce "celebrity effect" and the audience accept information initiative strong characteristic. This is because these features, it more and more get the welcome of advertisers, occurrence frequency more and more high, style of play also more and more diverse. Under the market economy condition, advertising, audience, media become main triangle, money is key, made the media to connect commercialization development. This article through to the development of implantable advertising etc, the way, study, not only for advertising development, also is the need of the time. The supervision and management of advertisements, and restriction has important significance.
2023-07-24 20:10:363

关於传统文化与全球化英语短文 200词

题目:  With the fast pace of globalization, the whole world has become a global village with combination of different cultures. What are the reasons for losing a variety of languages and cultures? Think of some solution to alleviate the problem.  范文参考 1:  The progression of globalization is inevitable and undeniable. It has been widely noted that many of the world"s languages and cultures are dying out. To seek the solution, we should take a closer look at the causes first.  Most important of all is the objective reason. The essence of globalization is commercialization and centralization. It is convenient in communication that some prevalent languages and cultures have its predominance, which makes superior of the senior and inferiority of the junior. That leads to deterioration of some minors. These languages and cultures will be overlooked and devalued until they completely die out.  As concave and convex sides of a nutshell, it has subjective reason. With the burgeoning of some VIPs, many migrants have swarmed into the dreamlands due to economic drive and stimulation, meanwhile engaged in local culture perspective and discarding their native languages and cultures as a "betrayal".  Hence this is a problem which must be solved as soon as possible. We should remind the world of versatility of the minor cultures through popular media such as music, artifacts or historical heritage, thus renovating the music festivals artistic activities and museums. In addition, let more people, especially the young men, use their own language.  Never tiring, never yielding, never finishing. We make the purpose, to prevent losing world"s cultural and linguistic diversity. "This way a long, tapering, strip of bark can be peeled up to the length of the tree, leaving the tree to heal and continue to grow," says the United Nations Environment Programme Report.
2023-07-24 20:10:561

爱迪生的简介 用英语翻译

Thomas Alva Edisonborn Feb. 11, 1847, Milan, Ohio, U.S.died Oct. 18, 1931, West Orange, N.J.U.S. inventor.He had very little formal schooling. He set up a laboratory in his father"s basement at age 10; at 12 he was earning money selling newspapers and candy on trains. He worked as a telegrapher (1862–68) before deciding to pursue invention and entrepreneurship. Throughout much of his career, he was strongly motivated by efforts to overcome his handicap of partial deafness. For Western Union he developed a machine capable of sending four telegraph messages down one wire, only to sell the invention to Western Union"s rival, Jay Gould, for more than $100,000. He created the world"s first industrial-research laboratory, in Menlo Park, N.J. There he invented the carbon-button transmitter (1877), still used in telephone speakers and microphones today; the phonograph (1877); and the incandescent lightbulb (1879). To develop the lightbulb, he was advanced $30,000 by such financiers as J.P. Morgan and the Vanderbilts. In 1882 he supervised the installation of the world"s first permanent commercial central power system, in lower Manhattan. After the death of his first wife (1884), he built a new laboratory in West Orange, N.J. Its first major endeavour was the commercialization of the phonograph, which Alexander Graham Bell had improved on since Edison"s initial invention. At the new laboratory Edison and his team also developed an early movie camera and an instrument for viewing moving pictures; they also developed the alkaline storage battery. Although his later projects were not as successful as his earlier ones, Edison continued to work even in his 80s. Singly or jointly, he held a world-record 1,093 patents, nearly 400 of them for electric light and power. He always invented for necessity, with the object of devising something new that he could manufacture. More than any other, he laid the basis for the technological revolution of the modern electric world.
2023-07-24 20:11:051


General Information 1.1. Name of the product or cosmetic group. 1.2. Cosmetic form; 1.3. Name and address of the manufacturer or the responsible for the commercialization of product, authorized by the manufacturer. 综合信息1。1 产品名称或者化妆品种类1。2化妆品外形1。3产品所属并经过授权的企业地址和名称以后不想翻译了,,
2023-07-24 20:11:132

一篇关于 the Internet 的英语作文

网上找的The Internet is a standardized, global system of interconnected computer networks that connects millions of people. The system uses the Internet Protocol Suite (TCP/IP) standard rules for data representation, signaling, authentication, and error detection. It is a network of networks that consists of millions of private and public, academic, business, and government networks of local to global scope that are linked by copper wires, fiber-optic cables, wireless connections, and other technologies. The Internet carries a vast array of information resources and services, most notably the inter-linked hypertext documents of the World Wide Web (WWW) and the infrastructure to support electronic mail, in addition to popular services such as video on demand, online shopping, online gaming, exchange of information from one-to-many or many-to-many by online chat, online social networking, online publishing, file transfer, file sharing and Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) or teleconferencing, telepresence person-to-person communication via voice and video.The origins of the Internet reach back to the 1960s when the United States funded research projects of its military agencies to build robust, fault-tolerant and distributed computer networks. This research and a period of civilian funding of a new U.S. backbone by the National Science Foundation spawned worldwide participation in the development of new networking technologies and led to the commercialization of an international network in the mid 1990s, and resulted in the following popularization of countless applications in virtually every aspect of modern human life. As of 2009, an estimated quarter of Earth"s population uses the services of the Internet.
2023-07-24 20:11:221


内容提要: 随着新闻媒介商业化运作的力度加大,新闻娱乐化趋势日益突出。新闻娱乐是市场经济条件下必然产生的现象,但不可能成为媒介主流,硬性决策参考信息仍将是社会信息需求的绝对主本。中国正处于社会转型期,既不可能取消大众化通俗媒体,也不可能一味走娱乐化之路,而应施行主流媒体和通俗媒体分流、分向发展。 经济领域一切真正的改革都应以市场为取向。近20年来,在这种理念支配下,市场化大潮几 乎席卷了世界的各个角落。经济的变革必然影响甚至决定媒介的发展,媒介的商业化运作和 市场取向已历经数百年,然而近20年的市场经济大潮却促使各国传媒在这条路上走得更远、更彻底。一方面是纯商业性的媒介大量涌现,另一方面是国有、公营媒介迫于市场压力,特别是私营媒介的激烈竞争,或迫于自身减轻财政压力的需要,也纷纷下海,实施商业化运作。这场市场化变革使得很多国家的媒介在操作方法、运营模式、编辑方针等方面都不同程度地突出了商业化取向。表现在媒介内容上则是娱乐化倾向的强化,其中最深刻也是最危险的变化,就是新闻娱乐化的潮流。 改革:娱乐征服新闻? 毫无疑问,对于商业性或具有商业化倾向的媒介,市场逻辑成为主宰,发行量、收视率等标志着受众群的量的指标,已成为生命线。企业的利润最大化原则转化为对受众群的追逐,而媒介产品生产和销售也不可避免地执行市场经济商品的大数原则和通用原则,即什么商品最好销,消费群最大,就生产什么。市场经济条件下,人们的兴趣和观点以及利益要求各异, 最大共通点在哪里呢?� 媒介的选择是:娱乐。� 无论男女老幼,无论身份、阶级、种族、国别、教育等各方面的差异,只要是人,娱乐通常总是需要的。大众化时代,娱乐产品最容易成为畅销品。� 在这样消费逻辑引导之下的媒介自然表现出越来越明显的娱乐化倾向:最初是纯娱乐消闲的娱乐性节目和内容的大幅上升,最终则发展到把距离娱乐性最远的那部分媒介内容——新 ,向娱乐强行拉近,使新闻与娱乐之间的界限变得日益模糊,即所谓新闻娱乐化。� 综合媒介新闻娱乐化的现象来看,就内容和形式可分为二部分:� 一方面,娱乐化最突出的表现是软新闻(在西方媒介也有称之为“大众新闻”〔1〕) 的流行。即减少严肃新闻的比例,将名人趣事、日常事件及带煽情性、刺激性的犯罪新闻、暴力事件、灾害事件、体育新闻、花边新闻等软性内容作为新闻的重点,这股潮流不仅在通俗性报刊和广电节目中盛行,而且有逐渐扩大、蔓延至往日以权威、严肃著称的主流媒体之势:英国ITV的名牌新闻节目“十点钟新闻”,1990至1995年之间,国际新闻比例从43%下降到15%,娱乐和体育新闻比例则从8.5%增加到17%。美国三大新闻网1990年一年花在娱乐性新闻上的时间比前两年增加了一倍多〔2〕。在美国新闻工作协会的调查中,美国16家重要媒体中的硬新闻与娱乐性新闻之比在1997年内为25%比40%,而20年前的1977年,这一比例是32%对15%。《美国新闻与世界报道》总编辑JAMES FALLOWS披露,在他统计的1990至1994年间,约500集哥伦比亚电视网著名时事节目《六十分钟》〔3〕节目中,超过三分之一是名人访问、娱乐报道或揭露丑闻,而真正严肃的政治内容不足五分之一。� 娱乐化的另一个结果就是媒介在内容和形式上都尽力使硬性新闻软化。在内容上,新闻界竭力从严肃的政治、经济变动中挖掘其娱乐价值:媒介极端关注辛普森案不是在于反思种族问题和司法问题,而是在于炒作体育明星的凶杀案;媒介关注独立检查官斯塔尔的报告和莱文斯基的一举一动,不是在于反思美国总统的品行和美国的司法制度,而是在于炒作总统的风流韵事。在表现技巧上,强调故事性、情节性,从最初强调硬新闻写作中适度加入人情味因素加强贴近性,实现硬新闻软着陆发展到极致,衍变为一味片面追求趣味性和吸引力,强化事件的戏剧悬念或煽情、刺激的方面,走新闻故事化、新闻文学化道路。连我国一些颇为知名的新闻学者也在强调:在网络和有线电视时代,人们越来越把新闻当成娱乐看。报纸和新闻期刊普遍发展趋势是在新闻写作和制作上,更多地采用特写和人情味的手法。这种趋势使新闻读起来更具有戏剧性,从而要求记者在新闻的陈述与写作上更像一个讲故事的人,并不仅仅是一个报道员。� 总之,从内容到形式,从理念到表现技法,新闻与娱乐的合流之势日显,直至明确出现信息娱乐或娱乐信息的新概念(将INFORMATION和ENTERTAININTNT合成为INFORTAINWENT)〔4〕。 就我国而言,因为媒介所有制的本质区别,使我国媒介在运营模式、理念和操作方法上都明显区别于西方纯商业性的媒介,不可能走上彻底市场化的道路,而只是适度市场取向的改革。我国的媒介始终坚持上层建筑和信息产业的双重属性的认定,坚持社会效益和经济效益双轮并进,并始终强调媒介应坚持社会主义方向,为人民服务,把社会效益放在首位,坚持正确的舆论导向。这在很大程度上保证了严肃和高质量的媒介产品始终占领着我国媒介产品的主阵地(包括新闻报道)。� 然而,不可否认的是,在近20年的新闻改革过程中,伴随我国媒介市场化步伐加快,产业性质凸显,特别是90年代以来媒介大众化、市场化浪潮的勃兴:在报刊界,1991年左右周末报纸盛行;1994年左右晚报在全国范围内兴起迅速占领大片媒介市场;1996年左右都市报以彻底市民化、平民化的姿态成为报刊新锐,在媒介市场上气势逼人。在广播界,以经济台为主导加上文艺台、交通台等各专业台涌现。无线电视、有线电视、卫生电视和教育台相继兴起,…… 这种现象中绝大部分都表现出较强的大众化、通俗化倾向,内容强调“软”、“近”、“实 ”(实用),这对改变以往我国媒介内容一味重宣传轻信息、重教育轻娱乐的状况,做到人民群众喜闻乐见极有益处。但同时也产生了某些负效应,其中之一就是过分强调通俗化以争夺市场,结果走向庸俗化,过于强调软性内容的号召力,片面模仿国外媒介的某些做法,走娱乐化甚至是新闻娱乐化的道路;某些媒介或热衷于炒作名人轶闻、奇闻异事,或热衷于将镜头聚焦于都市光怪陆离的百姓琐事,或热衷于凶杀、色情等事件的追逐,追求一时的轰动效应,执着于一时的赢利。在写法上,从强调人情味、趣味性到强调煽情性,甚至是耸人听闻,力求故事性,不惜无中生有,节外生枝,甚至于制造假新闻,以曲折离奇吸引受众 。 事实上,在近10余年来的媒介产业化、大众化浪潮中,通俗类媒介获得了长足的发展,取得了突出的经济效益,成为媒介市场的生力军。有些同志据此即认为:市场化=大众化=通俗化=娱乐化,娱乐化是媒介市场化的必由之路,是市场经济条件下的当然选择,中外皆然,其中也包括新闻产品。不仅通俗媒介的新闻产品应当如此,严肃的主流媒介的信息产品为与之争夺市场,也应向之靠拢:要走近千家万户,就要大报小报化,党报晚报化,大台小台化,不如此,主流权威媒体难以与通俗媒体抗衡。有的党报编辑甚至私下教导记者要“逃避深刻,远离崇高”,有的电视新闻制片人公开号召“新闻是快乐的”,电视24小时就是快乐24小时……,“生产快乐”似乎是媒介最响亮的口号。看上去,新闻娱乐化似乎是媒介市场化 的必然选择和当然取向,然而,事实果真如此吗?� 软些、再软些:市场的必然?从中外新闻媒介发展的历史和现状来看,新闻娱乐化是市场经济条件下必然产生的现象和必经的发展阶段,但它不可能长久的成为市场经济条件下的媒介主流。� 新闻娱乐化在近二十年中特别是进入90年代以来步入高潮,但从整个媒介历程角度而言,这并不是什么新现象,这股潮流早在大众报纸产生之时就已经出现并达到相当的程度。� 以美国新闻史为例,18世纪70年代至19世纪初是美国新闻史的政党报时期,这一时期报纸党派色彩浓厚,以宣传本党派的观点、主张为原则,甚至不惜捏造事实、虚报新闻,连美国新闻自由的奠基人杰弗逊也愤怒地指责“我国报纸信口雌黄,捏造事实,“他们《联邦党人》 将其报刊塞满谎话、诽谤和狂言。〔5〕”这样的报纸自然很难吸引读者尤其是淡漠于党派纷争的下层劳动者。� 19世纪30年代后,《纽约太阳报》、《纽约先驱报》等一批面向大众的廉价报纸(“便士报 ”),以超越于党派之外的独立报纸的姿态出现,以赢利为目的,开媒介商业化之先河。也正是为了赢利的大众化之路,适合当时教育程度普遍不高、生活相对贫困的城市平民需要, 同时避免由于过于浓厚的意识形态得罪党派、政府,影响报纸销路和生存,报纸开始以新闻 为主,新闻简短、通俗,政治色彩弱,而以人情味、趣味性甚至是刺激性、煽情性的社会生活内容取胜。这种伴随大众化报纸的煽情之风可以看作新闻娱乐性潮流的起始。 这股潮流到19世纪末期的黄色新闻泛滥达到最高点,(最富代表性的当属普利策所办《世界报》与黄色新闻大王赫斯特《纽约日报》黄色新闻之争),这部分新闻“建立在煽情主义基础上,也是注重犯罪、丑闻、流言蜚语、离婚、性的问题,强调灾害和体育新闻的报道”,“ 使用大写字煽动性标题(黑体字或套红色印刷),经常对不甚重要的新闻加以渲染、夸张,整个报纸版面给人以耸人听闻的虚假感……”〔6〕 这些作法和近10年来媒介娱乐潮中的许多作法已十分近似,虽然现代娱乐潮伴随广播电视和网络等新兴电子媒介,借助更为现代化的手段传播,但理念上的趋同是显著的:即以尽可能 软性、情感化甚至刺激性的内容和表现手段抢占媒介市场。因此从人情味新闻至黄色新闻的 泛滥可以看作新闻娱乐化的起步和第一次高潮。� 新闻娱乐化的第二次高潮则是本文开头所述近二十年来的世界媒介市场化的潮流所引发的媒介变化。� 就这种现象在西方媒介产生和发展的背景不难看出,新闻娱乐产生和发展的需要往往出于两种可能: 第一种可能是在媒介(起初主要是报纸)从革命时期政党宣传型的“言论纸”向大众信息型的“新闻纸”转化的转型期,社会市场经济经过初始化阶段有了较大的发展,但尚未进入成熟期。媒介商业化的条件逐步完善,受众面较宽,有一定信息需求,但大面积的受众教育程度偏低,信息需求偏向较为明显,对严肃的决策参考信息需求度低于对自身生活和下层社会生活信息的关注程度。这直接导致了大众媒介内容和操作方法上的偏向,从这点上说,娱乐化有其产生的必然性。� 第二种情况是在西方资本主义市场经济进入发达的成熟稳定期,整个社会包括媒介在内的市场化程度都很高,受众对信息的需求也是显现复杂的多元化状态。一方面社会大众的教育程度普遍提高,接触和使用的媒介数量和种类大幅上升;另一方面除了严肃的决策参考信息需求之外,由于生活和工作条件改善,闲暇时间增多,又有可能同时需要休闲、娱乐、消遣性的内容。同时,媒介市场高度发达,媒介种类和数量有极大的增长,媒介的信息供应量也达到前所未有的程度(特别是有线电视、卫生电视、网络等新兴电子媒介的迅猛发展),甚至产生了诸如CNN、FOX电视新闻、英国空中广播等等之类约24小时全天候专门供应新闻的频道。就一定程度而言社会信息量供大于求,处于激烈的甚至是过于残酷的市场竞争下的部分媒介采取娱乐化策略以求生存、争市场。� 我国正在建立的是社会主义市场经济,其内涵和特征均有别于西方资本主义市场经济,那么,又如何理解我国媒介的这股看上去有些类似的娱乐之风呢?� 我国目前处于转轨与转型同步的特殊时期:即从计划经济体制向社会主义市场经济转轨,从一个封闭的、落后的农业社会向一个开放的、多元化的现代化社会转型,整个社会处于迅速深入的变革期和市场经济的建立探索期。社会市场化程度不高,社会发展也不平衡。受众面广,但层次区分度大,受众教育程度也有很大差别,导致受众信息需求层次和种类差别也很大。在媒介改革之初,不少软性偏向内容和强调贴近化的作风,对于改变计划经济年代一味强调灌输的生硬的作法起了很大的积极作用,媒介的确在很大程度上走下“神坛”,走近了 群众,这是中国媒介不可否认的巨大进步。进入90年代,随着媒介产业化步伐加快,由于软性内容贴近性强,适用受众面广,使得一大批通俗性的相对“软”化的媒介成为市场的宠儿。再加上我国媒介在特殊转型期在数量和结构上出现了超过实际正常需求的过度膨胀:报纸从1978年的186种增至1996年的2163种,电视台从80年代初的38家增至1996年的2827座,广播电台从80年代的114座增到1320座。〔7〕后虽几经压缩,但数量仍相当庞大。媒介市场的过度拥挤和各地区、各种类的媒介在人才、经济实力上的巨大差别,导致媒介信息在供应量上虽然大幅增加,但在质上却千差万别。硬新闻采编在政策和人才、技术、资金上的难度,使得不少媒介“望而却步”,转而选择难度低、花费小却可能市场效果好的且受众兼容面宽的软性内容和技巧,以求在过于激烈的市场竞争中求生。因此,我国媒介娱乐化潮流既带有转型时期媒介市场化、大众化的必然性,又带有媒介发展脱离社会发展实际的不正常竞争导致的畸形产物特征。� 总之,无论处于哪种情况,就阶段性来说,以软取胜的娱乐化在市场经济条件下会成为某种带有必然性的现象,但从成熟的市场经济内涵和信息需求主流以及媒介自然属性两方面看,新闻娱乐化与市场经济的主流精神是相悖离的,它不应当也不可能成为所有媒介的必然的、最重要的取向。� 信息的选择:决策为王�人类出于生存发展的需要,需要及时了解周围环境的变化以利于自身的决策和行动,这是人类获取信息特别是新闻信息的主要动因。〔8〕市场经济条件下,这种信息需要不是 弱化而是日益凸显。 信息的最重要作用在于为决策提供根据,只有正确的决策才能使主体采取趋利避害的理性的最佳选择,而决策的正确与否取决于信息获取的迅速、真实和完备程度。在相对固定的条件下,决策主体行动的风险程度取决于其获取信息的速度和质量。〔9〕而市场经济的特点就在于决策主体多元化并且追求利益最大化。政府、企业、家庭、个人都面临更多的决策需要和可能。渴望及时、充分、可靠、有用的决策参考信息以供正确决策成为市场经济条件下众多分散的、多元化的决策主体的当然选择,而这部分决策参考信息大部分属于严肃的政治、经济和社会内容,不属于软性消闲内容。随着市场经济的深入和成熟,这部分需求会变得更加明显和突出。� 这就不难理解,为什么传播信息会成为新闻媒介的首要功能。也不难解释,为什么大规模、集中化和职业化的现代新闻事业被归结为“资本主义商品经济的产物”〔10〕。 决策需要产生信息需求。市场经济大量的、多样化的决策需要产生大规模的新闻事业供应大批的决策参考信息,这是市场经济与媒介互动的真实内涵所在。在已经来临并持续深入的知识经济时代,信息将成为越来越重要的社会资源,而其中硬性参考信息毫无疑问是绝对主体 。� 所以新闻娱乐化是市场经济在某些特定发展阶段的产物,但正像从信息需要出发娱乐不可能成为新闻媒介的主功能一样,从市场经济的内在精神出发,决策参考度低的软性内容也不可能成为市场经济条件下受众的主要信息需求点。只有在硬性的决策性信息获求程度较低的市场化初期和在整个社会市场化发育程度较高、媒介又相对发达基本可以较充分地满足社会硬性信息需要的基础上,新闻娱乐化才有可能较明显或突出,但它不可能也不应当成为新闻信息的主流。否则,它可能导致媒介信息“告知”功能弱化,消遣娱乐功能凸显而最终造成新闻媒介自身主功能的转移,从而背离根本性的社会需要。为此,西方不少媒介知名人士也在大声呼吁,提出警惕这股表面顺应市场而内在背离市场的媒介逆流。〔11〕相较之下, 我国某些学者却大力倡导新闻娱乐性,将之视为媒介大势所趋,实在令人费解。� 市场经济初期新闻娱乐化的某些作法在媒介商业化、通俗化方面有其历史的进步意义,是新闻媒介成为真正意义上的“大众”传媒的必然阶段之一,但物极必反,新闻事业发展必须遵循社会发展的内在规律。当市场经济发育程度越来越高,硬性参考信息需求趋势转旺,盛极一时的新闻娱乐潮必然让位于以真实、迅速、权威、客观、公正取胜的严肃新闻,以适应社会真实需要。盛极一时的便士报最终让位于《纽约时报》等有着更广泛影响的以硬新闻著称的严肃的高级报纸,真实、客观、公正最终取代煽情、偏见和刺激成为世界性的新闻媒介的主流观念就是明证。这是社会需要决定媒介发展的规律使然。迄今为止,过度商业化导致的新闻娱乐化在西方传媒虽有较大发展,但就权威性和社会影响力而言,严肃的媒介和严肃的新闻节目仍占优势。� 我国社会主义经济既带有市场经济的某些共性,又与西方资本主义有显著区别,媒介所有制和运行机制也有很大不同,更兼处于特殊的转轨期,社会发展较为复杂,比较稳妥的作法就是在适度减少媒介数量、优化结构的同时实行媒介的分流、分向发展。� 方向:两个层次上的竞争处于变革时代的中国,社会“异质”化程度上升,多元性的利益群体产生,社会群体分化和多元的趋势已相当明显;社会教育普及程度不高,受众层次区分度大;这种利益和层次的分化必然导致信息需求的分化和多样。同时社会各方面包括媒介自身也都呈现出发展差别大的不均衡特点。多元、多层次、不平衡是当代中国受众群体的基本特点。� 适应上述特点,中国媒介既不可能取消大众化通俗媒体,也不能一味地、一窝风地走娱乐化之路,而应施行以硬新闻为主的严肃的主流媒体和贴近性的健康的通俗媒体分流、分向发展 :� 一、强化以党报、综合台、传统媒体网站等以硬新闻为主的主流媒体,改革其报道模式。近10年来通俗媒体的大发展程度不同地冲击着党报等主流媒体市场;从中央到地方,不少党报发行量下降,广播电视台的新闻节目敌不过搞笑的娱乐节目,但据此认为是硬新闻敌不 过软新闻,主流媒体敌不过通俗媒体,严肃节目敌不过娱乐节目,进而主张全面走软性化道 路是错误的。 越是处于变革期,社会变化速度快,变化程度深,人们了解变动以供决策的需求就会越加旺盛。这种情况下,当代中国受众对严肃的、硬性的、解释性的决策参考信息需求只会转旺,而在媒介发展还不够成熟的情况下甚至出现某种程度的“信息饥渴”状态。受众决不会忽略、漠视与自身利益密切相关的新变化。在2000年我国城市社会接触大众传媒状况调查的报告中显示,“反映群众的呼声”、“客观地报道新近发生的重大事件”、“帮助人民了解党和 政府的决策”以及“报道最大多数群众感兴趣的新闻”和“推动社会变革”、“提高群众的 知识和文化水平”、“帮助人们实行舆论监督”以及“及时提供背景帮助人们理解新闻”分 别成为媒介报道题材中受众需求的两个最大热点〔12〕。 问题不在于争论是否强化主流媒体的硬新闻,而在于探索如何摆脱计划经济年代的旧的报道模式和套路,适应市场经济条件下的受众信息需求,改革现有硬新闻的报道思路和模式,这对于以干部、企业家、中高级知识分子等社会决策层和思想精英显得尤为重要。当前迫切需要做的是:� 变印证性的指令性政策宣传为解释性的政策信息,加大信息含量,减少空话、套话,突出信息质,以质求胜;对于以速度和数量见长的广电、网络等电子主传媒,以大量真、短、快、新的纯信息取胜,对于以深度见长的报纸则强化解释性和综合性,在深度、广度和信息的过滤性、整合性上下功夫,而不是主要强调“硬新闻软着陆”,为贴近而贴近。� 对于某些涉及面广、专业性强、事实错综复杂、综合程度高、影响重大,且时间要求低的综合性报道,可以适当考虑采取一些技巧性的处理方法(例如可以借鉴《华尔街日报》经常采用的“华尔街日报叙事体”,采用由点入面、由卷入事件的个体或场景入手,过渡至事件 的详细展开报道),适应更广泛的受众,特别是非专业、理解程度不高但有决策需要的受众 ,但决不是走过分软化的道路。硬性的严肃内容始终是其主体。� 二、由于市场化初期受众层次上的区分度大,受众信息需求和信息理解程度上的差异大,通俗化、大众化的媒体对于文化程度不高、有一定信息需求、理解程度不深的中下层市民和农村受众仍是必须的,但其“软”是有限度的,不能一“软”到底。何况改革时期这部分受众也并非真正需要那些软化或刺激性的内容,他们需要的是通俗易懂但又直接与其利害相关的信息,其次才是消闲性的内容。社会越发展,受众越成熟,教育的程度越高,这种趋向会越明显。把大众化和娱乐化划等号是偏颇的。近年来,《北京青年报》、《南方周末》等以大众舆论监督、批评报道、平民维权见长的通俗媒体广受欢迎,不少最初以“软”起家的都市报也在纷纷开始转向追求和强化硬性内容的含量(当然其技法操作上更通俗化,且深度无法与主流媒体硬新闻相较)。小报向往大报风,可以看作是市场对媒介误区的“自然矫正”之 一。� 以硬为绝对主体,适时适度技法上硬中求“软”,是严肃主流媒体的选择;以“软”取胜, 但并不唯“软”是从,适时适量增加普通百姓关心的硬新闻也是通俗媒体占领市场的法宝之一。 这样,软、硬既分流,又兼用,是特定转型期中国媒介适应特定社会市场经济信息需要的真正可行的改革和发展方向。那种市场经济下的媒介必须一概走娱乐化之路的作法是行不通的,也与市场经济的内在精神相悖离。� Synopsis : With the commercialization of the media operation has been intensified, entertainment, news trends have become increasingly prominent. Information entertainment market is the inevitable result of the phenomenon of economic conditions, but will not become mainstream media, rigid decision-making reference information will remain the absolute master of this community information needs. China is undergoing a period of social transition, we can not abolish the popular popular media, it is impossible to blindly follow the path of entertainment, but should go mainstream media and popular media streaming, hours to develop. All real economic field should be market-oriented reforms. Over the past 20 years, the concept of dominance in such, several between market tide swept every corner of the world. The change affects the economic development of the media and even the decision, the media and market-oriented commercial operations have experienced for centuries, but the tide of the market economy over the past 20 years has prompted national media on the road go further and more thoroughly. While purely commercial media influx, on the other hand, state-owned, public media by market pressures, especially the private media competition, or forced themselves to alleviate the financial pressure needs have put the implementation of commercialization operation. The market changes have led many countries in the operation of media methods, operating models, such as editorial guidelines are highlighted in varying degrees commercialization orientation. Performance in the entertainment media content is a tendency enhanced, the most profound change is the most dangerous is the trend of entertainment news. Reform : the conquest of entertainment news? There is no doubt that the business or have a tendency of the commercial media, the logic of the market become dominated, circulation, ratings, and other marks audience groupings of indicators has become the lifeblood. Enterprises maximum profits principles into the chase group to the audience, and the production and marketing of media products are inevitably marked by the implementation of market economy principles and overall commodity principle that what best-selling merchandise, the largest consumer groups in the production of anything. Conditions of a market economy, people"s interests and views as well as different interests, the greatest common point in all of this? Engineering Media choice is : entertainment. Engineering Young or old, regardless of status, class, race, country, education and other differences, so long as it is, entertainment usually always needed. Popular times, the most vulnerable-selling entertainment products supplies. Engineering In this consumer guide, the logic of natural media show more obvious tendency toward entertainment : the first is a purely entertainment and leisure entertainment programs and content increased significantly, and eventually to the development of recreational removed from the portion of me
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【 #英语口语# 导语】房地产既是一种客观存在的物质形态,也是一项法律权利。房产指建筑在土地上的各种房屋,包括住宅商铺、厂房、仓库以及办公用房等。以下是 整理的房地产中的经典英语口语,欢迎阅读! 1.房地产中的经典英语口语   按揭贷款 mortgage loan   按揭购房to buy a house on mortgage; to mortgage a house   房屋空置率 housing vacancy rate   安居工程 Comfortable Housing Project   板楼,板式楼 slab-type apartment building   搬迁户 a relocated unit or household   财产税 property tax; estate(or capital) duty   拆迁补偿费 compensation for demolition   拆迁费用 removal expense   城镇住房公积金 urban housing provident fund   低价住房 low-cost housing   二手房 second-hand house   房产估价师 real estate assessor   房产证 property ownership certificate   房屋置换 buy or exchange houses   房产市场 real estate market   房屋空置率 housing vacancy rate   福利分房 welfare-oriented public housing allocation system   个人购房贷款 individual housing loan   公房商品化 commercialization of public housing   集资房 houses built with funds collected by the buyers   居民住房建设 residential construction   现房 complete department (or flat)   期房 forward delivery housing   商品房 commercial residential building   商品房空置 the vacancy in commercial housing   政策性住房 policy-related house, policy-based house   住房补贴 rental allowance; housing allowance   住房分配货币化进程 capitalization process of housing distribution/allocation 2.关于人力资源的英语口语   1.Human resources management used to be called personnel management,but the job is still about managing the people in an organization.   人力资源管理以前被称为人事管理,但工作仍然在于管理组织中的人员。   2.The human resource department covers many roles, from the department head, who may be on the board of directors, to senior and middle managers, and junior managers and HR assistants dealing with day-to-day enquiries.   人力资源部负责处理日常咨询的许多角色,从可能在董事会的部门主管,高级和中级管理人员以及初级经理和人力资源助理。   3.At any one time the HR professional may fill a variety of roles, including being a specialist advisor, an internal consultant, a business manager, an industrial relations negotiator and an administrator.   在任何时候,人力资源专业人员可以填补各种角色,包括担任专家顾问,内部顾问,业务经理,劳资关系谈判代表和管理人员。   4.Like most managers in business, they need to have the general knowledge of the type of business, the company they work for, and their work field.   像大多数经营管理者一样,他们需要了解业务类型,他们所在公司以及他们的工作领域的一般知识。   5.They have their own set of specialist vocabulary and it"s essential for them to know it and to be able to use it appropriately.   他们有自己的专业词汇,他们必须知道它,并能够适当地使用它。   6.In many ways, these needs are very like those of other managers in business.    3.英语口语的训练方法   1.注重语法,发音准确   要想把英语口语练习好,首先对基础英语语法要引起重视,认真学习语法,通过语法,练习发音,从一开始就养成准确发音的好习惯,准确发音。   2.勤奋的练习   每天都要进行英语口语练习,这一点一定要坚持下去,从每一个单词到每一个句子,再到每一篇文章,一点一点用标准的发音来要求自己。   3.平时多用英语口语交流   你可以成立一个英语口语小组,和几个志同道合的小伙伴一起用英语交流。期间遇到什么问题的话,也可以随时讨论,及时解决。如果有外国朋友的话,可以多和外国朋友交流,提高自己的英语口语表达水平。   4.用手机听英语   现在大家都有手机了,我们可以下载一些英语发音资料,通过听一些外国人的发音,进而提高自己的英语口语表达能力。   5.多看汉英互译的影视作品   现在有很多渠道来学习英语口语。在电视上有很多的中英互译电影和电视节目。我们不妨多看一些,这样就可以学到很多我们不知道的英语表达了。     4.怎样培养英语口语   (1)英文原版有声电影   学习外语的选择是在真实的交际环境中学习语言。因此,基于生活场景的英语原版电影成为学生最容易接受的新鲜语言来源。   电影中的大部分台词都有明确的情感和色调,符合人物的身份特征和特定场合的语言要求。   这种语言的真实性是培养学生听说能力最直接、最有效的途径。此外,通过观看英语原版电影,学生可以观察到英语国家的社会习俗、价值观等文化特征,提高跨文化交际能力,达到双重效益。   教师应帮助学生选择语言规范、内容健康的影片。在对话方面,选择对话较多,语速适中,发音清晰真实的电影。在主题方面,他们应该尽量选择贴近日常生活的电影,但也要考虑学生感兴趣的主题。   (2)开展课外英语活动   当许多大学生刚开始接受英语口语训练时,他们的考试成绩将会突飞猛进,因为他们已经完成了从“哑巴英语”到开口说英语的过程,摆脱了说英语时的尴尬和害羞。   英语广播、英语角、戏剧表扬、英语歌曲比赛和课外英语活动,比如英语演讲和辩论,演讲比赛可以给学生带来一定的压力和刺激,不仅可以提高学生的学习英语口语的兴趣,还可以创建英语口语学习氛围,使学生有更多的机会练习英语口语。     5.英语口语机考的考试攻略   1、调整心态,临场莫慌   听力不同于其他题型,不可能像其他书面题型那样,遇到不明白的题目可以回头再看前面的材料,或停下来自由地思考一下。听力测试的答题速度是由命题人统一掌握的,录音材料转瞬即逝,无“回听”的机会或自由思考的余地。考生临场心态对听力成绩有着极大的影响。所以考生必须培养良好的心态,沉着冷静,遇到没听懂的地方要勇于“忍痛割爱”,继续往前听。   2、熟悉试题,快速选择   答好听力题的重要前提和保证是在听录音之前阅读试题。开始听音前的五分钟,要看清大小题目要求和每个题目的问题与选项,绝对不能放过任何一个细节。在浏览问题和选项时,要尽可能对文章内容和试题答案进行预测,听录音时只要验证自己的预测就可以了。同时,由于选项和试题里的短语、句子极有可能在听力内容里再现,因此,认真读题还可以提高听音的效果。听完每一小题之后,要尽快选定答案,这样可使自己处于主动地位。如果每一题都是先听后看,则有可能辈牵着鼻子走,疲于应付。同时,切记不要一边听下一句的录音,一边想着前一句的内容或眼睛仍看着前一句的选项,结果造成一错再错,大大影响考试情绪。听力部分答题之后,有一分钟时间修改答案。   3、合理分配,不要抢答   在做听力时,要充分利用两题之间的停顿时间,快速有效地阅读题目。这样在听录音时就可以缩小注意的范围,把注意力集中在与所提问题有关的关键词上,减少盲目性,加强针对性。如所提问题是有关时间的,就可以在听录音时特别注意出现的时间,从而做出正确的选择。在做口语部分的朗读短文和话题简述时,千万不要抢答。听到“开始录音”的提示、看到麦克风图标和录音进度条后,在开始答题。如果抢答,将会影响分数。考生用口语答题时,如果没有表达好一个句子,可以立即修改重说,不会影响考生的得分;但如果考生答题过程中修改太多,将会影响考生的流利性得分。
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虽然这是一个选择有限目标,但它表明,必须有一个对所有与产品有关的活动的原因。这些理由是最好的表现在具体目标的形式。 该产品计划 一旦确定营销目标设定的产品,它是那么有可能发起的活动,构成了产品计划。虽然有许多方法来看待这个进程号,我们选来解释的概念,通过产品生命周期(PLC)的这一过程。应该指出的是,作为一个规划工具的PLC架构的价值在于在行业和/或产品类别的水平。 产品生命周期 一个公司必须既善于开发新产品和管理的转变口味,技术,竞争面对。有证据表明,通过与每一个产品的销售和利润预测的生命周期,如图7.3所示,去。因此,管理者必须找到新的产品,以取代那些在产品生命周期的衰退阶段,并学习如何管理产品的最佳,因为他们从一个移动到下一个阶段。 PLC和其组件的五个阶段,可以定义如下: 1。产品开发:在此期间,新产品创意的产生,可操作性和测试,商业化之前的时期。 2。简介:在此期间,新产品引入时期。初次分配和推广,得到获得。 3。增长:在此期间,产品是由消费者和业界公认的时期。初次分配的扩大,促进增加,从最初的买家重复订单,并给出字的口碑广告导致越来越多的新用户。 4。到期日:体育u301c偶极子在此期间,竞争变得严重。对这一时期结束时,竞争对手的产品削减深入到公司的市场地位。 5。下降:该产品将废弃及其在销售下降,并最终导致竞争劣势删除。 意思如上,望采纳!
2023-07-24 20:11:451

com offer是什么意思

意思是:商业报价。com全称是:commercialization,意思是:商业。重点词汇:commercialization。英[ku0259mu025c:u0283u0259lau026a'zeu026au0283n]释义:n.商品化,商业化。短语:commercialization of public housing公房商品化;商品化。例句:用作名词(n.)Hardly anyone can escape the influence of commercialization.几乎没有人能逃脱商品化的影响。A treatment method for carbazole violet commercialization is presented.介绍了咔唑紫商品化处理的一种方法。
2023-07-24 20:12:041


mortar business E-commercialization
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2023-07-24 20:12:332


Whether the people should make the maximal exercise? Why popular extreme sports to the world, focused? Why do people"s thriller, Fun to stimulate the extreme sports are not cited skin, so fascinated An extreme sports fans in his rock-like lyrics post, the answer given: the rhythm of life faster and faster, increasing the pressure of work and living space is getting smaller and smaller, surrounding environment Worse ... .... From the social dance of the 1970s, 1980s disco and rock, in the 1990s to the bowling, sauna, on the one hand, Chinese people always need to find a more exciting and vent pressure to release energy, on the other hand, continue to For general stimulation, used to enjoy the feel and can not be met. "Human nature in the embrace of the creation of a civilization, but civilization is far away from human nature." Sensitive when people in the collective mania found in the conspiracy after the fact, urban fashion group with almost instinctively out of the city, walk Into the natural dialogue in the jungle with the shortage of rock, sand and spray of their own to restore nature of a. People to the field the other hand the modern commercialization of the sport spread. When the nature of the sport more and more money to cover up the light, doping, bribery scandals, fraud, black whistle, and so on the cover of the Olympic Movement has been brilliant, modern sporting spirit query and suffered an unprecedented crisis of confidence. As a result, extreme sports, whether it is in Europe and the United States or in developing countries like China, have quietly become the most popular urban youth, the most lasting fashion movement, which is against the background of globalization is another landscape. "You think of blue water between maneuvering, fighting the waves of cool, you think of the current Pentium million in Yixieqianli through, loud and strong in the stormy sea; you think about bungee jumping and rock climbing," Yue Xiang gravity, down Fuyao "The breathtaking, natural mountain than the extensive and profound, beautiful and dangerous exercise of the field, the more we can abandon the comfort of modern civilization and lazy, to reproduce the wisdom, strength and joy of life? What is the survival than To better reflect the nature of man and of all things in life are shared instincts? "
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In Wiley"s life, his ethic values of serious dislocation, a serious split in personality, life"ethical confusion (NIE Zhen Zhao", "the old man and the sea" and the law of the jungle "89). He is "America dream" followers, victims of the commercial law of the jungle. He spent all his life in the pursuit of "America dream", it is the appearance ofbeautiful dream, the Wiley into the tragedy, but also to death also not sober.As Miller said: "for Wiley, only grades, power, success...... It is true -- city roof dazzing glorious reflection in the sky, he thought it was the real star "(84). What is the finalpurpose of life? The most humane life is what? Miller is convinced that this is not onlya person of his confusion, but also with the ordinary meaning of the question: "I think,not only in the United States, but also in the world, a widespread disoriented, peopleon the future of ignorance" (Guo Jide, "an interview with Arthur Miller," 40). Wiley thinkthrough their diligent efforts to become a rich family, liked the husband and father,however, as not to face the true self, unable to cope with the harsh reality, his life was eventually "America dream" destroyed. However, the death of Wiley is not withoutvalue, his death puts an end to his split personality of pain, and eventually made his son had a thoroughly to remould oneself change.Drama "must go to explore the nature of human existence, to find his need is what, so that these needs attention in society, are satisfied" (Miller 123). Miller created the reason why Wiley resonate, because we everyone has his shadow, the moral dilemma of his loneliness, helplessness, hopelessness, infirmity and endless. Miller of the modern and the traditional melt in a furnace, will be the perfect combination oftraditional ethical themes and modern composing techniques, survival predicament and ethical conflicts that the audience in the traditional but also to experience thefeeling of modern people loss of value, moral significance no appeal. He to the ethical issues of recourse, portrayal of social life crisis, profoundly reveals thecommercialization brings to the social ethics and the harm caused by the destruction of human living situation, expressed deep concerns about the author of commercial society people"s spiritual crisis and the ethical construction of deep care
2023-07-24 20:13:261


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Under the planned economy system, has formed each system which adapts with this, since 11 session of Third Session, the economic system has implemented the significant reform, but expense organizational reform lag.Since long ago, my 25 countries implement are under the low wages welfare expense system, the housing are the national minute, see a doctor are the national package, the school are the country open, finally, the national cloth wrapper back is heavier, the question are more and more many.Regarding the housing whether commercialization, do the sedan car whether enter the family, whether can implement reform continuously blow hot and colds and so on expense credit, causes the consumption hot spot difficulty with to form.Therefore the expense system and the expense policy have become the hindrance productive forces development the important attribute, must reform the expense system, must adjust the expense policy.Below this aspect, the key point is completes works: First, forms the country, the collective gradually, individual unifies, by individual burden primarily expense system.Second, speeds up the housing, the medical service, the education, the social security, the public vehicle reforms.Advances the housing commercialization, starts two levels of markets.To involves increases the disbursement to have personally to grasp the appearing time with individual disbursement anticipated reform, do not have too to concentrate. Third, start expense credit, advancement credit expense.The key point is the housing mortgage loan, the sedan car, the big electrical appliances, the big agricultural tools and machinery the installment payment, must establish individual credit appraisal system for this which expends to individual participation credit, forms the network.The bank deposit carries out the solid famous system, the bank expense credit through the securitization evasion risk.Fourth, must encourage the city and countryside inhabitant to act according to individual payment ability, enters the spirit (service) to expend.For instance: Education training, the medical health care, the literary style entertainment, the books and periodicals subscription, the domestic and foreign traveling, the dining service, the leisure expend, the household management service, the cosmetology style hair and so on.Performs the standardization, the legalization management to these professions. Fifth, the adjustment limit expends taxes and fees reform.Cancels the nonessential additional tax and the extra charge.For instance: In the past the family used electricity surpasses certain quantity to have to add collects the electrical bill, now should the other way, to use electricity surpasses certain quantity to be possible to reduce the electrical bill.Purchase commodity housing some expenses should further reduce or cancel.Sixth, the start rents the expense, and formulates the related policy laws and regulations.In 1995, the world renting industry turnover amounted to 550 billionUS dollars, and by yearly average 20% speed growth, but China atpresent renting industry management volume only then not to 1 billionUS dollars.An American hertz automobile rents the company to have rents vehicle 500,000.Spends buys the commodity the right of use to have to take one kind of encouragement the expense policy.Rents the key point, one is the production and the construction needs the equipment; Two is the transportation vehicle, specially compact car; Three is the housewares, specially electrical appliances, furniture, child thing, medical health care recovery thing and so on; Four is the agriculture uses the machinery; Five is the residents and the office; Six is the office accommodation.The reform expense system, the adjustment expense policy, the development expense domain, the expanded expense demand, is our country an important issue which must have to solve in the turn of the century, this question solution results in the quality in, whether to realizes expands needs, guaranteed the national economy the stable growth relations is enormous.
2023-07-24 20:13:451


【 #英语资源# 导语】无论是在学校还是在社会中,大家都不可避免地要接触到作文吧,借助作文人们可以实现文化交流的目的。作文的注意事项有许多,你确定会写吗?以下是 考 网为大家精心整理的内容,欢迎大家阅读。 【篇一】高中感恩英语作文   When it comes to gratitude, the first thing I am grateful for is my mother, who has paid so much for me, "Mom, you work hard"!   You have been taking care of me since I was born. When I was a child, I loved to cry. You had to go to work during the day and coax me to sleep at night. When I fell asleep, you had to wash clothes and clean up the house. You didn"t get enough sleep every night. For me, you had low back pain at that time. In order to have some time to take care of me, you often can"t even go to see a doctor when you are sick.   I remember once I had a fever. You didn"t dare to go to bed all day and all night. You took my temperature and gave me cold compress. You were afraid that I would burn worse at night. After I had a hazy sleep, I saw your anxious eyes and asked you, "Mom, why don"t you go to bed so late?" You drag tired body, but smile to me and say: "son, you sleep well, mother will sleep later." I lay down, I slept soundly, but you didn"t sleep all night.   You are very concerned about my study. Before every exam, you will give me great encouragement. Although sometimes the exam results are not ideal, you will not blame me too much, for fear of hurting my self-esteem, and let me work hard to study, and strive to get excellent results next time.   It has been five years since I was five years old when you signed up for piano. In these five years, no matter what difficulties you faced, you always took me to learn piano. For me, you give up all your hobbies, in order to have time to urge and help me succeed.   You often take me to take part in some outdoor sports, such as playing table tennis, badminton, tennis, basketball and so on, because you know: health is the foundation of life, and the all-round development of a child"s interests will be of great help to his future study, work and life.   My mother"s love for me is higher than the mountain and deeper than the sea. I want to say thank you to everyone. 【篇二】高中感恩英语作文   The days are always like the spinning yarn from the fingertips, passing away quietly. Those past sorrow, in the past years of washing away with the wave gently gone, and let in the memory of the depth of lasting. Don"t ignore the true love, don"t let the years of the wind and frost cover up the precious affection in the world“ There is always something that time can"t melt away. " It will not be extinguished because of the passage of time. It is always around us, driving away the darkness and bringing light to us.   Living in the modern society, we are surrounded by a strong sense of commercialization, just like being tied to a high-speed machine. We can"t care to observe the emotional world of others, but also forget to taste our own emotional world. We are always used to not know how to cherish when we have, and only know how to be precious after we miss it. Inert "power, let us lose a lot of beautiful things, in which family occupies a huge proportion. We should cherish all beautiful things, and don"t think of compensation until we can"t make up for it. It is the great wisdom of life to cherish what we have instead of waiting to regret what we have lost.   Growing up, we often forget the way home, whether intentional or unintentional. But have we ever experienced the mood of parents in their old age? Go home to see our parents more, let our parents know that we still have them in our heart at least, run home more, because we already owe too much emotional debt.   "There"s an end to the road, there"s no end to love." The reason why man is different from other animals is that he has emotion, morality, gratitude and justice. We often say "filial piety" is to require that as children, we must be grateful to our parents. Thanksgiving is a kind of morality, a philosophy of life, with a grateful heart, grateful to the people who gave birth to us, grateful to the people who raised us, and grateful to the people who helped us to mature.   "Parents in, not far away" is a thousand years old saying, although some old, but it has its own truth. When we fight or play outside, don"t be greedy. Remember that there are lonely old people at home who need our care from our parents! 【篇三】高中感恩英语作文   Dear teachers, dear students, hello. Today, my topic is "learn to be grateful"   Today, I want to talk to you about the topic of "gratitude".   I think with a grateful heart, it is not simple patience and tolerance. When we enjoy a clean environment every day, we want to thank those cleaning workers; When we move into our new house, we want to thank the builders; When we travel, we want to thank the driver... Understand how to thank you. We should look at every life from an equal perspective and look at everyone around us again.   What is gratitude? As the name implies, gratitude is that every one should have a heart of gratitude. Thank life, parents, teachers, friends, etc. Travel knows to love others and help others when you are young. At the same time, we should also give our love to other people who need help.   Here is a small story that shows gratitude. If there is a doubt that a single woman moved, she found a poor family, a widow and two children next door. One night, there was a sudden blackout in that area, and the woman had to light the candle herself. Soon, she heard someone knocking at the door. The child who was next door neighbor was nervous and asked, "do you have any candles in your house?" The woman thought, "his family is so poor that there are no candles? Don"t lend them, lest they rely on them. " So, he yelled at the child and said, "no!" Just as she was going to close the door, the poor child opened a loving smile and said, "I know you have no family." Finish. She took out two candles from her arms and said, "Mom and I are afraid you live alone with candles, so I will bring you two candles to send you."   At this moment, the woman was very self-contained, holding the child in her arms.   I believe that the warmest days come from darkness, and I believe that the warmest is actually an understanding of the cold and a feeling of gratitude.   Students, let"s act and learn to be grateful! We have gratitude everywhere in our life!   My speech is over. Thank you.
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往届外研社英语辩论赛题目   辩论赛无疑是一个激烈而有趣的.活动,它既锻炼了口才,也提升了一个人的逻辑思维能力。下面是往届外研社英语辩论赛题目,欢迎大家阅览和收藏!   第一届决赛时间: 1997年3月   参赛学校:华东师范大学、上海交通大学、华中师范大学、武汉大学、南开大学、北京外国语大学、外交学院、对外经济贸易大学   主持人:英国驻华大使夫人(Lady Appleyard)   冠军得主:上海交通大学   辩题:   1) Advertising plays a negative role in our society.   2) Examinations do more harm than good.   第二届决赛时间: 1998年5月   参赛学校:北京大学清华大学北京师范大学复旦大学中山大学吉林大学大连外国语学院西安交通大学   冠军得主:复旦大学   辩题:   1) Part-time jobs do more good than harm to the university students.   2) The younger generation knows better than their parents.   第三届决赛时间:1999年4月   参赛学校:北京语言文化大学北京理工大学黑龙江大学北京航空航天大学辽宁大学安徽师范大学首都师范大学中央财经大学中国人民大学北方交通大学燕山大学北京服装学院中南政法学院北京第二外国语学院北京邮电大学北京外国语大学外交学院南开大学四川大学深圳大学河南大学华西医科大学北京师范大学 冠军得主:北京外国语大学   辩题:   1) The hukou policy is still relevant in China.   2) The cigarette industry brings more advantages than disadvantages to China.   第四届决赛时间: 2000年5月   参赛学校:华西医科大学中南政法学院南京大学浙江大学中国科技大学四川外国语学院上海对外贸易学院河南大学广州师范学院辽宁大学天津财经学院北京航空航天大学北京理工大学中央财经大学北方交通大学北京服装学院北京邮电大学北京语言文化大学北京第二外国语学院首都师范大学北京广播学院对外经贸大学国际关系学院   冠军得主:对外经贸大学   辩题:   1) It"s more important to support the strong/weak.   2) Environmental protection is more important than economic development in China.   第五届决赛时间: 2001年5月   参赛学校:西安交通大学华东师范大学深圳大学北京外国语大学四川大学广东外语外贸大学外交学院中国人民大学哈尔滨理工大学河南信息工程大学暨南大学江西财经大学中国科技大学中国政法大学西安邮电学院   冠军得主:北京外国语大学   辩题:   1) Information technology dominates rather than facilitates people"s lives.   2) The cloning of human beings should be banned by law.   3) The opportunity cost of attending graduate school is too high for college students.   第六届决赛时间: 2002年4月   参赛学校:国际关系学院燕山大学沈阳工业大学东南大学暨南大学西南财经大学解放军外国语学院同济大学清华大学北京语言文化大学南开大学武汉大学南京大学上海外国语大学大连外国语学院西安外国语大学   冠军得主:西南财经大学   辩题:   1) Private educational institutions should be encouraged in China.   2) The benefits of commercialization of sport outweigh the negative effects.   3) Tradition inevitably gives way to modernization.   第2/4页   第七届   1) Urbanization Helps Improve the Quality of Living   2) Hardship Experience Is Necessary for Young Students to Mature   第八届辩题:   半决赛:   1. College students should be allowed to cohabit.   2. Modernization makes society more vulnerable.   总决赛:Nationalism is a positive sentiment.   第九届辩题   1 / 4 决赛(8强进4强):   This house believes in a mandatory retirement age.   半决赛:   第一场:Charity should begin at home.   第二场:Overseas returnees should have preferential access to employment .   决赛:Honesty is the best policy.   第十届:   八分之一决赛辩题   1、 This house believes that urbanization helps improve the quality of life.   2、 This house would restrict the number of private cars in big cities.   3、 This house believes that cities should tear down old areas   to promote urban renewal.   四分之一决赛辩题   1、 This house would pay civil servant high salaries to fight corruption.   2、 This house believes that public has the right to know when in crisis.   3、 This house would censor the internet.   半决赛 Motions for Semi-finals:   This house supports luxurious consumption.   This house would abolish Women"s Day.   决赛 Motion for Grand Final:   This house believes that advertisement is a curse rather than a blessing. ;
2023-07-24 20:14:201


史蒂文森—怀勒技术创新法 Stevenson-Wydler Technology Innovation Act贝赫一多尔大学和小企业专利法 The Bayh-Dole Act (Patent and Trademark Law Amendment Act)小企业创新开发法 Small Business Innovation Development Act联邦政府技术转让法 Federal Technology Transfer Act综合贸易和竞争法 The Omnibus Trade and Competitiveness Act 国家竞争性技术转让法 The National Competitiveness Technology Transfer Act军转民、再投资和过渡援助法案 Defense Conversion, Reinvestment, and Transition Assistance Act国家合作研究法 National Cooperative Research Act of 1984联邦技术转移法 the Federal Technology Transfer Act of 1986小企业技术转移法 Small Business Technology Transfer Act of 1992国家技术转让与促进法 National Technology Transfer and Advancement Act of 1995联邦技术转让商业化法 Federal Technology Transfer Commercialization Act of 1997技术转让商业化法 Technology Transfer Commercialization Act of 2000
2023-07-24 20:14:331

high temperature是什么意思

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Living a Full LifeStarting OutReading Focus: The Hidden Side of HappinessReading More: The Good Mind Is FlexiblePractical Translation: 语篇层次的翻译——衔接Focused Writing: Personal LettersFinal ProjectSports in SocietyStarting OutReading Focus: Commercialization and Changes in SportsReading More: Without Passion, Soccer Is Just Another GamePractical Translation: 语篇层次的翻译——连贯Focused Writing: Formal LettersFinal ProjectTravelStarting OutReading Focus: OsloReading More: Three Generations on One Tiny ShipPractical Translation:语境与语篇的翻译Focused Writing: Letters of ApplicationFinal ProjectScience and TechnologyStarting OutReading Focus: Is Google Making Us Stupid?Reading More: Confessions of a Cyber ColumnistPractical Translation:缩译法Focused Writing: Letters of RecommendationFinal ProjectThe Art of the TaleStarting OutReading Focus: An Alpine DivorceReading More: SymptomsPractical Translation:拆译法Focused Writing: ROsum6s and CVsFinal ProjectTransitionsStarting OutReading Focus: Inaugural AddressReading More: An Urge for GoingPractical Translation: 语篇的翻译方法——摘译Focused Writing: Personal StatementsFinal ProjectArt, Architecture and BeautyStarting OutReading Focus: The Poetry of Architecture (Excerpt)Reading More: The Beauty Industry (Excerpt)Practical Translation:英语新闻的翻译Focused Writing: NoticesFinal ProjectMan and NatureStarting OutReading Focus: Thinking Like a MountainReading More: The Sea and the Wind That BlowsPractical Translation:科技英语的翻译Focused Writing: MemosFinal ProjectMass MediaStarting OutReading Focus: How Mass Media Affect Our Perception of Reality?Reading More: Where Is the News Leading Us?Practical Translation: 商务合同的翻译Focused Writing: Meeting MinutesFinal ProjectBusiness and EconomyStarting OutReading Focus: Marketing Across CulturesReading More: Warren Buffett——The Sage"s StoryPractical Translation:广告英语的翻译Focused Writing: BrochuresFinal Project
2023-07-24 20:15:281


2023-07-24 20:15:436


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2023-07-24 20:16:002


Pop music, in popular and contemporary parlance, is a subgenre of popular music. Since the term spans many rock, hip hop, rhythm and blues (R&B), country, dance and operatic pop acts, it is reasonable to say that "pop music" is a loosely defined category. The term is also used in a derogatory manner by those who feel that pop acts lack any musically artistic meaning, or in lack of better terminology, represent a "betrayal" away from the traditional sound of either the act themselves or the specific genre to which the act belongs.Pop music is generally described as very commercial friendly, marketable and memorable, with either vocals, lyrics, instruments, or a combination of all three creating catchy choruses or verses. Pop music is also known for its ability to attract listeners through its versatile sound since it pulls from a plethora of musical influences. It can be also fair to say that pop music is predominantly image driven, especially through the subject matter of the lyrics, live performances, music videos, and other forms of exposure which makes it favourable and unfavourable to whoever is the listener. In modern times (increasingly over the last half-century; most notably since the start of the 2000"s), this genre"s immense success as a commercial product has, ironically, led to even more commercialization within the music itself, with "artists" being drawn in by companies for their appearance, dancing ability and vocal competence; and being provided with an image, choreography, and most importantly complete songs by veterans working for the record company. Some notable examples include Swedish songwriter Max Martin"s having crafted most hit songs by pop acts such as Britney Spears and The Backstreet Boys, and the pop boy band O-Town having been created as an MTV show. This technique for creating music is massively effective commercially for several apparent reasons. It is adept at targeting specific demographics among young people, since songs are written with that purpose in mind by talented professionals, and images crafted similarly. Also, by sticking to a straight-forward formula and format, it is able to produce a consistent, predictable, and marketable product. That ability is only aided, naturally, by the vastly reduced output of the artists preventing companies" dependency on their eccentricities and whims. On the other hand, that reduced role for the artist, especially in the creative area, has always drawn harsh criticism from music fans who are painfully aware of its lack of substance. A music production method completely opposite to that of pop music is that of indie music, where record labels are small, vastly dependent on their few artists, and run by young entrepreneurs rather than corporate veterans. Indie artists, in turn, are in no way image driven, not widely marketed (often because of the label"s financial constraints), and are almost universally of organic origins rather than having been assembled by their label. Many new artists turn to small indie labels since their reduced marketability makes them an unpopular choice with major labels评论 | 2 22013-04-01 10:31热心网友Pop is short for popular, and it"s remained the defining term for the ever-changing music favoured by the public. Although not specifically applied until the middle of the 20th century, pop music as such can be traced by a few decades before that.Since the year 2000 there"s been a dearth of major new stars, relying mostly on established talent. Several younger artists have come and gone, and new styles have briefly emerged, but nothing appears to have gained a major foothold besides modern R&B, which owes little to its soulful predecessor, but a lot to hip-hop - which itself has become a pop style.
2023-07-24 20:16:111


  在经济全球化的大背景下,高度发达的传媒体系使 西方节日 在我国迅速流行,国民庆祝了多年的 母亲节 其实是美国的母亲节。下面是我带来的母亲节的英文 文章 ,欢迎阅读!    母亲节的英文文章1   Mother"s Day History   母亲节由来   The history of Mother"s Day is centuries old and goes back to the times of ancient Greeks, who held festivities to honor Rhea, the mother of the gods. The early Christians celebrated the Mother"s festival on the fourth Sunday of Lent to honor Mary, the mother of Christ. Interestingly, later on a religious order stretched the holiday to include all mothers, and named it as the Mothering Sunday. The English colonists settled in America discontinued the tradition of Mothering Sunday because of lack of time. In 1872 Julia Ward Howe organized a day for mothers dedicated to peace. It is a landmark in the history of Mother"s Day.   母亲节的历史可以追溯到几百年前的古希腊,当时,人们都会举行庆祝活动纪念Rhea(瑞亚),(古希腊的众神之母,她是主神宙斯和天后赫拉的母亲)。早期的__在大斋节的第四个星期日节日庆祝母亲节来纪念荣Mary(基督的母亲)。有趣的是,宗教秩序的改革使得这一节日包括了全体的母亲,并将这一日命名为“母亲节”。后来,在美国定居的英国殖民者由于缺少时间停止了这项传统。1872年朱丽娅伍德霍夫以致力于和平为母亲们设立一个节日。这是母亲节在历史上的里程碑。   In 1907, Anna M. Jarvis (1864-1948), a Philadelphia schoolteacher, began a movement to set up a national Mother"s Day in honor of her mother, Ann Maria Reeves Jarvis. She solicited the help of hundreds of legislators and prominent businessmen to create a special day to honor mothers. The first Mother"s Day observance was a church service honoring Anna"s mother. Anna handed out her mother"s favorite flowers, the white incarnations, on the occasion as they represent sweetness, purity, and patience. Anna"s hard work finally paid off in the year 1914, when President Woodrow Wilson proclaimed the second Sunday in May as a national holiday in honor of mothers.   1907年,一位费城教师,安娜米贾维斯(1864-1948),开始了一项在全国范围内纪念母亲的的节日,安娜米贾维斯荣誉日。她征求了数以百计的立法者和商界翘楚一起来创立一个特殊的日子来纪念母亲。第一个母亲节庆祝表彰是在一个教堂为安娜母亲举办的。安娜在仪式上发放了她母亲最喜爱的白色花朵,这是甜蜜,纯洁,耐心的化身。安娜的努力终于在1914年得到了回报,时任总统伍德罗威尔逊宣布将五月的第二个星期天作为母亲。   Slowly and gradually the Mother"s day became very popular and gift giving activity increased. All this commercialization of the Mother"s day infuriated Anna as she believed that the day"s sentiment was being sacrificed at the expense of greed and profit.   渐渐地,母亲节变得非常流行,送礼活动日趋增加。所有这一切商业化的活动激怒了安娜,她认为这一天的情绪都因为贪婪和利益所玷污了。   Regardless of Jarvis"s worries, Mother"s Day has flourished in the United States. Actually, the second Sunday of May has become the most popular day of the year. Although Anna may not be with us but the Mother"s day lives on and has spread to various countries of the world. Many countries throughout the world celebrate Mother"s Day at various times during the year, but some such as Denmark, Finland, Italy, Turkey, Australia, and Belgium also celebrate Mother"s Day on the second Sunday of May.   尽管Jarvis对此很担忧,但母亲节已盛行于美国。事实上,这一天已成为一年当中年最受欢迎的日子了。虽然安娜现在已不在我们身边了,但母亲节成立了而且已蔓延到世界各国。世界上的许多国家都在一年的不同时期庆祝着母亲节,但如丹麦,芬兰,意大利,土耳其,澳大利亚和比利时等还是在第五月第二个周日庆祝母亲节。    母亲节的英文文章2   母亲节的英文 祝福语   To the world&rsquo;s number one mom!   给世界上最好的妈妈!   Here&rsquo;s a little token of my appreciation for all that you have done for me over the years.   这是我一点小小的心意,感谢您这么多年来所付出的一切。   Sometimes it may not seem like it, but I really do love you.   有时候好像不是这样,但是我真的爱您。   There may be moms all over the world, but you&rsquo;re the only one that matters to me.   全世界也许到处都有妈妈,但您是我惟一最在意的。   Thank you for everything over the years, mom.   妈妈,谢谢您这些年来所做的一切。   This card is to let you know that you have done a super job raising us children.   这张卡片是想告诉您,在教养子女方面,您做得棒极了。   This is the day that we appreciate all the things that moms do for us. Thank you .   在这个日子里,我们感谢妈妈为我们所做的一切。谢谢您。   Roses are red, violets are blue. This card on Mother&rsquo;s Day is especially for you.   玫瑰是红色的,紫罗兰是蓝色的。这张母亲卡是特别给您的。   We may not be angels all of the time, but we do appreciate what you do.   我们也许不是一直都像天使那样乖巧,但我们确实感谢您的教诲。   This card comes from the whole family. Happy Mother&rsquo;s Day.   这张卡片是我们全家合送的。祝您母亲节快乐。   Today is your day to relax and let us take care of you. Happy Mother&rsquo;s Day.   今天是您休息的日子,让我们来照顾您。母亲节快乐。   We will try to make this your best Mother&rsquo;s Day ever.   我们将努力使今天成为您过得最愉快的母亲节。   On this day we honor you, dear mother.   亲爱的妈妈,我们向您致敬。   Though it is hard to tell you sometimes, I do love you dearly, mom.   虽然有时要告诉您并不太容易,但是我真的非常爱您,妈妈。   I may not often say it, but I do love you.   我也许并不常挂在嘴上,但我真正爱您。   There are little things that I should have said and done to show my gratitude, but it is appreciated what you do.   尽管我为表示谢意所说的和所做的都那么少,但同样也是表达对您所做一切的感激之情。   I don&rsquo;t take the time to tell you this often, but I love you, mom.   虽然我经常没有时间告诉您,但我真的爱您,妈妈。   Sometimes I cry and make you sigh, but you know that I love you so.   有时候我哭泣而使您叹息,但您却知道,我是如此地爱您。   To mother on Mother&rsquo;s Day: Thank you for all of the wonderful things that you h ave done for me.   母亲节给妈妈:谢谢您为我做了那么多奇妙的事。   Mom, thank you for being you.   妈妈,谢谢您的一切。   You are the one that we love the most. Have a happy Mother&rsquo;s Day.   您是我们最爱的人。祝您有一个快乐的母亲节。   Take good care of yourself. We all love you, mom.   请好好地照顾自己。我们都爱您,妈妈。
2023-07-24 20:16:181


现今的英语学习讥构是很多.好.呀 所以记得选择的时候要很慎重!我之前去学的时候特地比较好几家,最后我去了ABC天卞英语中心 外教很有耐心所以我上课时会多读多说多练多问多听 感觉他们那里的教学模式还是有一定的独到之处的,建议你做选择的时候多比较下;地大(武汉)一般是以下题型:1、阅读理解,共篇,每篇后个选择题。主要是关于西方文化、哲学方面的内容,题材有写景、叙事及说明文,每一篇字数大概1000字左右,比例约为0%;、英汉互译,共题,根据给出的一段文字(或英文),将其翻译成英文(或中文),汉译英、英译汉各1题,比例约为0%;、作文,根据给定的英文话题作文,字数大概00字左右,比例约为0%。
2023-07-24 20:16:402


The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) develops interoperable technologies (specifications, guidelines, software, and tools) to lead the Web to its full potential. W3C is a forum for information, commerce, communication, and collective understanding.
2023-07-24 20:16:493


“863”计划《高技术研究发展计划纲要》 863 Program; High-Tech R & D Program Outline《国家科学技术奖励条例》Regulation on National Science and Technology Awards《世界版权公约》 Universal Copyright Conventionα干扰素 recombinant human interferon α版权(著作权) copyright 版权税 royalties办好国家高新技术产业开发区 ensure successful operation of national innovative and high technology industrial development zones不甘落后 be not reconciled of being lagged behind 猖獗的盗版行为 rampant piracy创新 innovation达到配套程度 make complete and systematic蛋白质工程 protein engineering多肽药物 polypeptide drugs 多学科交叉攻关 tackle the hard-nut topics in science through interdisciplinary efforts发展多种形式的产学研结合 promote the integration of production, teaching and research in a variety of approaches风险投资基金 venture capital investment fund风险资本 venture capital改革试点 pilot reform改造传统产业 renovate conventional industries高新技术 innovative and high technology 高新技术产业开发区 high-tech industrial zones工程中心 engineering centers公益型科研机构 public service based research institutions国家创新体系建设 develop a national innovation system改变研究机构与企业相分离, 研究、设计、教育与生产相脱节的状况reverse the divorce between research institutes and industrial enterprises, between research, designing, education and commercial production国家技术发明奖 National Award for Technological Invention国家科学技术进步奖 National Award for Science and Technology Progress国家重点科研项目 research projects of national priority国家自然科学奖 National Award for Natural Sciences国家最高科学技术奖 National Top Science and Technology Award海洋工程技术 ocean engineering technology航天技术 space technology核甘酸 nucleic acid; nucleotide基因工程和细胞工程 genetic and cell engineering基因芯片 genetic chip; biochip (an important component in human gene studies covering gene sequencing, genetic function defining and genetic diagnosing)激光技术 laser technology 技贸结合 integrate technology acquisition with trade技术复兴 technological renaissance 技术转让 technology transfer加快高新技术产业化进程 step up commercialization of high and innovative technologies加强知识产权的保护和管理 tighten up management and protection of intellectual property rights (IPRs)尖端技术 state-of-the-art technology; cutting-edge technology具有科技攻坚能力 be capable of tackling key research topics开发和推广起关键作用、有共性的高新技术 develop and disseminate high and innovative technologies that can play a crucial role and can be widely applied抗病转基因小麦 transgenic wheat of disease resistance科技人员 scientists and engineers科技中介服务机构 science and technology service agents科学技术是第一生产力 Science and technology is the primary productive force.科学技术体制改革 the reform of science and technology management system科研成果商品化 effect commercialization of research findings克隆动植物 cloning animals and plants利用国际风险资金开办企业 invest in a start-up business with international venture capital两系法杂交水稻 bilinear hybrid rice量力而行,有选择地发展高技术develop high technologies on a selective basis with limited goals in accordance with our own capabilities论证 feasibility demonstration; peer review纳米材料 nano materials 纳米技术 nano technology 纳米芯片 nano chips配合《211工程》 support the 211 Project企业研发中心 corporate centers侵权产品 infringing products侵权行为 infringing act倾斜政策 preferential policy / policy in favor of染色体 chromosome 人类基因组计划 The Human Genome Project人类基因组序列“工作框架图” working frame map of the human genome擅自使用 unauthorized use of ...商标专用权 right to exclusive use of trademark(s)社会力量设立的科学技术奖 Non-State Funds for Science and Technology Awards生命科学 life science 生物工程 bioengineering生物技术 biotechnology 生物遥感器 bio-sensor 省、部级科学技术奖励 Ministerial and Provincial-Level Science and Technology Awards实施科教兴国战略 implement the strategy of rejuvenating China through science and technology经济建设必须依靠科学技术,科学技术工作必须面向经济建设Economic development must rely on science and technology, which in turn should be oriented to economic development.适用技术 appropriate technology水稻基因组图谱 physical map of the rice genome提高经济效益 improve economic performance (宏观)increase economic returns(微观)传统产业升级 traditional industry upgrading提高科技含量 increase technology content 推广科研成果 promote the application of research findings推进科技管理体制改革 promote reform of the management system for science and technology脱氧核糖核酸双螺旋结构 DNA double helix structure消化吸收与创新工作 application and modification of imported equipment and technology新材料技术 new material technology 星火计划(把先进、适用的技术引向农村的指导性科技计划,1986年经国务院批准) Spark Program火炬计划(发展中国高新技术产业的指导性计划,于1988年8月经国务院批准)Torch Program学习、消化、吸收外国科学技术成就 learning, adaptation and assimilation of foreign scientific and technological achievements研究与开发(应用型科研) R & D; research and development样机 prototypes;mock-up 中间试验(中试) pilot project一支高水平的科研队伍 a contingent of top-notch researchers依法严惩 be strictly punished according to law乙肝疫苗 hepatitis B vaccine 应用型科研机构 application-based research institutions营造人才辈出,人尽其才的良好环境 foster a favorable climate for talented people to come to the for in large numbers优势科技力量 outstanding scientists, engineers and technicians优先发展专业孵化器,如软件园、大学技术园、归国留学生创业园,以及大中型企业科技园 Priority is given to specialized incubators, such as software parks, university technology parks, innovation (venture) parks for students returned from abroad and science and technology parks for large and medium-sized businesses.在消化、吸收的基础上发展创新 improve and innovate on the basis of assimilating and absorbing the imported technologies知识创新工程 Knowledge Innovation Project (KIP)中国科学院 Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS)中华人民共和国国际科学技术合作奖 The People"s Republic of China International Scientific and Technological Co-operation Award重大侵权者的刑事判决 criminal convictions for major copyright infringers专利产品 patented products 专利使用费 patent royalties专有技术 know-hows
2023-07-24 20:16:561


对3楼先生回答做如下纠正,如有冒犯,千祈海涵!1,“回归”用return to较back to为好。因为这是对古代医学进行批判地继承,而不是历史的倒退(regress)。2,自然前面的定冠词万勿省略,只有在表示世界的顶尖科学技术刊物时,才使用《Nature》。3,influnece拼写错误,应是influence,但形容一种“思潮”的影响,使用impact更加逼真一些。4,trend of thought字面翻译。5,这句“Nowadays under the influnece of the "back to nature" trend of thought in the world, the voice of many countries to search for natural medical herbs are becoming ever stronger”看来,“影响”的施加者是trend,而受影响者是什么呢?“voice”?与原文意思相悖!many countries?没有体现出来!“world”?前面的介词“in”是何意?6,用calling一个词形容“寻找”和“呼声”两层意思言简意赅。7,翻译工作应该结合具体语境,原文给出的是“丰富的资源”,说的意思是用来制备草药的植物种类比比皆是的意思。故修正resources为source。而且认为应当使用单数形式。匿名的那位先生对此的质疑有道理。8,“absence”缺失?中药是有一定副作用的,这里修正为lower。9.Attracted较caught稍佳,但无大碍。10,chemical compounds修正为synthetical compounds,但鉴于阁下并非化学或医药专业,有情可原。11,inot拼写错误12,research、英文无顿号。修正为逗号。13,“manpower”形容的是什么样的“人力”?斟酌过吗?14,药物,商品开发一般不用“exploitation”而用development15,西方发达国家的“发达”二字并未译出。16,medical markets修正为medicine markets,因为这里的市场不含药械类。17,“gradually begun to”“逐渐开始”,一个形容“开始”的动作的发生还需要“逐渐”吗?汉语讲的通,译成英语就成了严重的语病。18,对“the development of modernization of Chinese medicine”的语序作了一些调整。Currently, ever increasing the impact of the fashion of so-called "return to the nature", the calling of many countries for natural medicines has dramatically increased. Chinese medicine has attracted worldwide attention due to its characteristics of rich source, unique curative effectiveness, and lower side effects; meanwhile, the screening of new medicines from synthetical compounds becomes more difficult in operation, longer in time-consuming, and higher in expense. Therefore, some countries are carrying out the research, development, and application of natural medicines by investing substantial fund and effort. Particularly, the medicine markets of some Western developed countries has gradually accepted natural compound prescriptions recently, which affords a rare opportunity for the development of Chinese medicine modernization in China.
2023-07-24 20:17:056


侯岩波 孙建平 张 健 孙 强 李绍勇( 中联煤层气有限责任公司 北京 100011)摘 要: 煤层气储层特征等方面与常规天然气储层的差异,决定了煤层气钻井、完井、储层保护等技术的特殊性。在不断试验和总结的基础上,本文研究出了一整套适合煤层气开发的定向井钻井工艺技术及井身质量控制措施,符合产业化、商业化开发煤层气对降低钻井及生产成本的诉求,对经济高效开发煤层气具有借鉴意义。关键词: 煤层气 定向井 钻井工艺 井身质量Drilling Technology in Coalbed Methane Directional WellHOU Yanbo SUN Jianping ZHANG Jian SUN Qing LI Shaoyong( China United Coalbed Methane Co. ,Ltd,Beijing,100011,China)Abstract: The reservoir of coal bed methane has many differences from conventional natural gas. These differences determine particularity of coal bed methane in drilling,well completion and reservoir protection. In the foundation of continuous experiment and summarize,this article study out a technical system in the drilling tech- nology in directional coal bed methane well and well quality controlling. These meet the requirements of reduce drilling and production cost in coal bed methane industrialization and commercialization. It has reference signifi- cance in exploiting coal bed methane economically and efficiently.Keywords: coal bed methane; directional well; drilling technology; well quality基金项目:国家科技重大专项《山西沁水盆地南部煤层气直井开发示范工程》(编号2009ZX05060)作者简介:侯岩波,1983年出生,男,河北迁安人,硕士,2009年毕业于中国矿业大学(北京)地质工程专业,现在中联煤层气有限责任公司从事煤层气勘探开发工作。Email:hybjerry@163.com柿庄南区块位于沁水盆地南部太行山西麓,行政隶属于山西省晋城市沁水县及高平市。该区向北距山西省省会太原260公里,向东南距晋城市60公里,区块总面积约388km2,3#煤层资源丰度1.69亿m3/km2,本区块已成功开发了400余口煤层气井,单井平均产气量>1000m3/d。由于本区山峦重叠,沟壑纵横,森林密布,从保护环境,降低征地及钻前施工难度方面考虑,在局部地形复杂、林地密集地区部署2至4口定向井的丛式井井组进行煤层气开发,丛式井还可有效降低地面集输建设成本及日后排采的生产管理成本,是一种适用于该地区煤层气大规模开发的钻井技术。1 地质概况柿庄南区块第四系黄土层厚约30m,开发3#煤层钻遇基岩地层自上而下依次为刘家沟组、石千峰组、上石盒子组、下石盒子组、山西组、太原组(未钻穿),完钻原则为3#煤层底板以下50m,详见表1,总体而言该区地质条件简单,煤储层埋深适中,煤层气资源丰度高,开发条件优越。表1 柿庄南区块地层特征简表2 施工设计以TS04C丛式井井组为例,该井组包括4口定向井,大门方向86°,磁偏角为-2.9°,井口间距5m且呈直线排开,设计时应充分考虑防碰措施,合理安排钻井顺序,使各井设计方位呈放射状分布,井眼轨迹不互相交错,具体设计见图1、图2。成井工艺:一开井径φ311.15mm,钻至稳定基岩10m完钻,下入φ244.5mm×8.94mm表层套管,固井水泥需返至地面,二开井径φ215.9mm,钻至井深100m左右,开始改用螺杆钻具定向钻进,采用直增稳三段制井身剖面,最终稳斜至3#煤以下50m井深完钻,下入φ139.7mm×7.72mm生产套管固井。图1 TS04C井组水平投影图图2 TS04-4D井身轨迹数据3 钻井设备与钻具3.1 设备钻机:TSJ-2000;GZ2000;GZ2600。钻塔:A字型,负荷≥700KN。泥浆泵:3NB-350;3NB-500;3NB-800,排量20~30L/s。动力:12V135,8V190,12V190柴油机。3.2 钻具及其他φ127mm钻杆、φ159mm无磁钻铤、φ159mm钻铤、φ165mm(1.25°/1.5°)单弯螺杆、φ214mm稳定器、单点照相/电子测斜仪。4 钻井工艺4.1 泥浆工艺一开用膨润土粉、纯碱、烧碱、少量的聚丙烯酰胺钾盐KPAM及钠羧甲基纤维素CMC等有机处理剂配置低固相钻井液。纯碱及烧碱主要起改善粘土的水化分散相能,起到降失水、增粘和调节泥浆PH值的作用。CMC降失水剂提高了粘土颗粒的聚结稳定性,有利于保持钻井液中细颗粒的含量,形成致密的滤饼,降低滤失量,抑制泥岩等水敏地层膨胀,能有效巩固井壁,此外还有增粘作用,提高钻井液的携带岩屑能力,使含砂量降低,有效控制有害固相含量,减少重复破岩的几率,可延长钻头及螺杆等钻具的使用寿命,提高钻进效率。KPAM具有控制地层造浆的作用并兼有降失水、改善流型及增加润滑性等功能,能起到稳定井壁、降低钻井液滤失量,达到提高钻速的作用。在钻至目的煤层时,钻井液换用清水钻进直至完钻,若钻遇漏层或易垮地层,在保护储层的前提下可适当调整泥浆性能,酌情填加堵漏剂及其他处理剂以保证工程顺利完成。煤层段钻井液性能:密度1.02~1.05g/cm3,粘度22~25s,pH值7.5~8.5,含砂量<0.2%。4.2 表层钻进技术钻具组合:φ311.15mm三牙轮钻头+φ159mm钻铤+φ127mm钻杆。一开井段为第四系黄土层并含少量卵石,结构疏松,易漏易垮,钻进时主要保证不漏,适当调整泥浆,在钻进开始时要慢钻、吊打,保证不塌、打直,控制泵压、排量,防止把黄土层打漏。一开采用φ311.15mm牙轮钻头钻进,钻压30~50KN,泵压2MPa。一开钻穿基岩超过10m后完钻,下入φ244.5mm×8.94mmJ55表层套管,套管节箍与地面水平,采用密度1.80g/cm3水泥固井并返至地面。4.3 直井段钻井技术钻具组合:φ215.9mm钻头+φ159mm钻铤+φ127mm钻杆。二开直井段地层以砂岩、泥岩为主,可钻性较好,采用常规塔式钻具结构,为防止井斜钻进参数仍采用轻压吊打原则,并每钻进30m测斜一次,尽早跟踪监测井斜及方位变化,做好防碰,降低施工风险。4.4 定向造斜段钻井技术钻具组合:φ215.9mm钻头+φ165mm(1.25°/1.5°)单弯螺杆+φ159mm无磁钻铤+φ159mm钻铤*6根+φ127mm钻杆。二开钻进至井深约100m时开始定向造斜,造斜定向造斜时要锁死转盘,采用单弯螺杆或直螺杆加弯接头定向造斜。测斜仪器要定期校正罗盘,保证数据采集准确,钻进1至2个单根测斜一次,螺杆钻进井段测斜间距≤20m。应在定向初期控制好井斜、方位,以防工具面常摆不到位,难以控制。在防碰井段及定向造斜段钻进时,钻井队要加密测点,勤计算,勤作图,密切掌握和预测井眼轨迹的变化;勤捞砂样观察是否出现水泥钻屑;认真分析蹩、跳钻现象。钻进参数:钻压50~60KN,泵压3~4MPa,螺杆马达转速200~300r/min,钻进过程中根据井眼轨迹实时调节钻进参数,方位误差变大则转速降低稳步控制方位。考虑到煤层气井排采生产的特殊性、稳定性与连续性,产能建设单位对井眼轨迹尤其是定向造斜段有着较高要求,井眼轨迹越平滑曲率越小,泵抽系统与地层间的偏磨损耗则越小,越有利于生产单位连续稳定排采,因此要求造斜段造斜率≤4°/30m,造斜和扭方位井段连续三个测点的全角变化率≤5°/25m。4.5 稳斜段钻井技术钻具组合:φ215.9mm钻头+φ214mm稳定器+φ159mm无磁钻铤+φ159mm钻铤×6根+φ127mm钻杆。由于采用直增稳三段制井身剖面,稳斜段原则上不允许下调顶角,为了避免出现定向井井眼轨迹失控现象,钻井施工中应以过程控制为重点。稳斜段要求送钻及钻速均匀,保证钻具负荷均匀,平稳工作。钻具组合在钻穿煤层时尽量去掉稳定器,虽煤层段以下井斜会微降2°~3°,但可有效防止煤层段井径严重垮塌,避免埋钻等事故发生几率,降低钻井施工风险。根据要求靶点闭合方位误差小于5°,靶区半径20m,稳斜段钻井技术的核心就是严密控制井眼轨迹及方位漂移情况,根据测斜情况及时调整钻井参数及钻具组合,保证该井顺利中靶,主要措施是调整稳定器安放位置,改变稳定器外径,调整钻铤长度及钻压等参数以达到稳斜稳方位效果,在实际应用中,双扶钟摆钻具的井眼轨迹控制效果最佳,双扶可以有效减少局部狗腿问题,使轨迹更平滑,虽然增加了钻井的难度,但是为后期完井和下套管作业打下了较好的基础。钻进参数:钻压80~120KN,泵压3MPa。完钻后下入φ139.7mm×7.72mmJ55生产套管,通过在套管鞋和回压凡尔之间下入一根3m左右的短套管,可有效增加排采口袋长度,在增斜段等狗腿较大井段增加套管扶正器安放个数,采用密度1.65g/cm3水泥固井,水泥浆返至目的煤层以上200m。5 煤层气定向井钻井新工艺目前,钻井施工单位为提高钻进效率,普遍采用螺杆钻具和转盘相结合的复合钻进技术,从而减少旗下钻次数,并通过转盘和螺杆水力马达的配合提高机械转速,此外如需调整井斜与扭方位,不需起下钻,可根据井眼轨迹情况随时调整,对钻井轨迹控制及时高效,若与PDC配合组成四合一钻具结构,一趟钻便可完成从二开到完井,可以明显缩短钻井周期并将井身轨迹控制到最优。钻具组合:φ215.9mmPDC钻头+φ165mm.1.25°单弯螺杆+φ159mm钻铤×3m+φ210mm稳定器+φ165mm定向接头(0°)+φ159mm无磁钻铤+φ159mm钻铤+φ127mm钻杆。钻进参数:钻压50~60KN,泵压3~4MPa,螺杆马达转速200~300r/min。由于对煤层气井定向井井身轨迹及钻进效率要求越来越高,可以引入MWD技术与复合钻进技术相结合,可以更好更方便地控制井眼轨迹,提高钻进效率。由于低成本钻井技术是目前中国煤层气资源开发的趋势,照搬应用常规油气田开发的随钻测井装备及技术会对钻井成本产生较大影响,但随着煤层气的大规模开发和对钻井工程提出越来越高的要求,不久的将来会出现适用于中国煤层气开发现状的MWD和LWD技术,其有着非常广阔的发展前景。6 结论(1)采用丛式井钻井技术开发煤层气资源,可节约土地资源,保护环境并有效降低地面集输工程及后期生产运营成本,经济效果显著。(2)直增稳三段制井身剖面可靠合理,最有利于井身轨迹的控制和钻井施工,适宜煤层气的排采生产。(3)不同井段在钻进过程中结合地层及井眼轨迹实际情况合理优化钻进参数,过程控制是定向井钻井技术的关键,只有严密监测井身轨迹并结合高效的钻井工艺,才能保证每口井以最优的井眼轨迹顺利中靶。(4)使用四合一钻具结构有很强的稳斜、稳方位能力,并减少起下钻次数,与MWD相结合可减少井眼轨迹失控风险,并能有效提高钻进时效。参考文献吕贵州.2010.定向井的井身轨迹控制[J].陕西煤炭,1:85~86吴小建.2006.螺杆钻定向钻探技术在煤层气钻井中的应用[J].探矿工程(岩土钻掘工程),11:48~49席红喜,刘强,刘星光.2005.丛式井钻井技术在陕北油田的应用[J].科技情报开发与经济,15(7):293~294
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电子商务 外文翻译

Basic concepts 什么是电子商务呢,说白了就是电子是手段,商务是目的。 What is e-commerce it, saying that white is the Electronics is a means, business is the goal. 电子商务,英文是Electronic Commerce,简称EC。 E-commerce, English is the Electronic Commerce, referred to as EC. 电子商务涵盖 E-commerce covers 的范围很广,一般可分为企业对企业(Business-to-Business),或企业对消费者(Business-to-Customer)两种。 A wide range, generally can be divided into business to business (Business-to-Business), or business to consumers (Business-to-Customer) two kinds. 另外还有消费者对消费者(Customer-to-Customer)这种大步增长的模式。 There are also consumers of consumers (Customer-to-Customer) such a big growth pattern. 随着国内Internet使用人数的增加,利用Internet进行网络购物并以银行卡付款的消费方式已渐流行,市场份额也在迅速增长, 电子商务网站也层出不穷。 With the increase in the number of domestic Internet use, using Internet for online shopping and bank card payment has gradually popular consumption patterns, market share is rapidly growing e-commerce sites are endless. 电子商务最常见之安全机制有SSL(安全套接层协议)及SET( 安全电子交易协议 )两种。 The most common security mechanism for e-commerce have SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) and SET (Secure Electronic Transaction) two kinds. 定义: Definition: 广义上指使用各种电子工具从事商务或活动。 The broad sense refers to the use of electronic tools for business or activities. 这些工具包括从初级的电报、电话、广播、电视、传真到计算机、 计算机网络 ,到NII(国家信息基础结构-信息高速公路)、GII(全球信息基础结构)和Internet等现代系统。 These tools range from elementary telegraph, telephone, radio, television, fax, computer, computer network, to the NII (National Information Infrastructure - Information Highway), GII (Global Information Infrastructure) and the Internet and other modern systems. 而商务活动是从泛商品(实物与非实物,商品与非商品化的生产要素等等)的需求活动到泛商品的合理、合法的消费除去典型的生产过程后的所有活动。 The commercial activities are conducted from the Pan-goods (physical and non-physical, non-commercialization of goods and factors of production, etc.) activities to the needs of the Pan-goods, a reasonable, legitimate consumer to remove the typical post-production process of all activities. 狭义上指利用Internet从事商务或活动。 A narrow sense, refers to the use of Internet for business or activities. 【网络营销和电子商务】 【Internet marketing and e-commerce】 从时间上来讲,电子商务概念的出现要早于网络营销。 From the time of speaking, e-commerce earlier than the emergence of the concept of network marketing. 电子商务最早产生于上个世纪60年代,90年代得到长足发展。 E-commerce originated in the last century 60"s, 90"s by leaps and bounds. 电子商务产生和发展的重要条件主要是: 计算机的广泛应用。 And development of e-commerce, an important condition for mainly the following: extensive use of computers. 而网络营销是随着现代科学技术的发展、消费者价值观的变革与日趋激烈的市场竞争等诸多因素,出现并迅速崛起的,网络营销发展的最重要条件是:消费者价值观念的变革。 Along with the network marketing is the development of modern science and technology, consumer values change and the increasingly fierce market competition, and many other factors, emerged and rapidly growing, Internet marketing, the development of the most important conditions are: changes in consumer values. 从字面意义上讲,网络营销概念要比电子商务大。 From the literal sense, the concept of network marketing than the big e-commerce. 电子商务通常是指是在广泛的商业贸易活动中,在因特网开放的网络环境下,买卖双方不相谋面的情况下,实现交易达成的一种新型的商业运营模式,讲求的是在网络销售中获得商业盈利。 E-commerce generally refers to commercial trade in a wide range of activities, on the Internet an open network environment, buyers and sellers are not known one another for the case of phase to achieve the deal of a new business model, and stress is that in online sales in the access to commercial profit. 网络营销(cyber marketing),是指借助联机网络,电脑通讯和数字交互式媒体来实现的一种营销方式,讲求的是与目标人群的网络互动。 Internet Marketing (cyber marketing), refers to the use of online networks, computer communications and digital interactive media to achieve a kind of marketing, emphasizes that the network of interactions with the target population. 从包含的各个体系来说,网络营销和电子商务是交叉存在的。 From the various systems contained in it, network marketing and e-commerce is a cross-exist. 电子商务涵盖的范围很广,一般可分为B2B、B2C、 C2C、B2M四类电子商务模式。 Covers a wide range of e-commerce in general can be divided into B2B, B2C, C2C, B2M four categories of e-business models. 其中企业对企业(Business-to-Business),和企业对消费者(Business-to- Consumer)两种发展最早,另外还有消费者对消费者(Consumer-to-Consumer)这种大步增长的模式。 Including business to business (Business-to-Business), and business to consumer (Business-to-Consumer) two kinds of the earliest to develop, in addition to consumers for consumers (Consumer-to-Consumer) growth of this step模式. 网络营销包含网络调研 、 网络广告 、 网络公关 、整合营销、seo、sem等内容,每个内容都可以单独或者整合应用到电子商务中去。 Internet Marketing includes Internet research, online advertising, Internet public relations, integrated marketing, seo, sem and other content, each content can be applied alone or integrated into the e-commerce to go. 同样电子商务也离不开这些网络营销手段。 The same e-commerce marketing tool is also inseparable from these networks. 加100分行忙,我尽力了.
2023-07-24 20:17:311


2023-07-24 20:17:515


现今的英语学习讥构是很多.好.呀 所以记得选择的时候要很慎重!我之前去学的时候特地比较好几家,最后我去了ABC天卞英语中心 外教很有耐心所以我上课时会多读多说多练多问多听 感觉他们那里的教学模式还是有一定的独到之处的,建议你做选择的时候多比较下;地大(武汉)一般是以下题型:1、阅读理解,共篇,每篇后个选择题。主要是关于西方文化、哲学方面的内容,题材有写景、叙事及说明文,每一篇字数大概1000字左右,比例约为0%;、英汉互译,共题,根据给出的一段文字(或英文),将其翻译成英文(或中文),汉译英、英译汉各1题,比例约为0%;、作文,根据给定的英文话题作文,字数大概00字左右,比例约为0%。
2023-07-24 20:19:112


Abstract: genetically modified food from it appeared at the time, the dispute continued to its security since. No conclusive evidence that it may do harm to human and no evidence that it absolute safety. How to treat the genetically modified food became the various countries" people and foodstuff enterprises have thought and attention problems. This article from genetically modified food production, sales situation of environmental, agricultural and biological diversity and human itself may produce all kinds of "harm" to tell consumers to face the commercialization and internationalization of genetically modified food, etc.
2023-07-24 20:19:182


Ei里有的再用Google Scholar搜一次,在Scholar上导出的文献有GB(国标)标准规范格式可选择。
2023-07-24 20:19:333

He is lacking in courage.请问in courage是句子里的什么成分?

这里lack是不及物动词,要想接宾语就要加介词。这种用法一般为:不及物动词+介词+宾语。 以你的这个句子为例,lack(不及物动词)+in(介词)+courage(宾语)。所以courage在此做宾语成分,in是用来补充句子结构的。
2023-07-24 20:15:133


动画电影《THE FIRST 灌篮高手》改编自井上雄彦创作的漫画作品《灌篮高手》,于2022年12月3日在日本上映。该片预计将于2023年1月12日在中国香港、澳门上映,1月13日在中国台湾上映,大陆暂时没有公布上映时间。《THE FIRST SLAM DUNK》的主角是宫城良田,整部电影以宫城为主视角,除了讲述他小时候跟渴望打赢的山王的哥哥的经历,亦涉及1998年推出的宫城番外篇《耳环》的剧情,而电影开宗明义就以湘北对山王的比赛为线,穿插上述宫城的故事。比赛情节几乎跟足原著,虽然换上全新配音班底及以CG绘制画面,但不影响整体效果,且更现场感十足,尤其比赛到最后几乎只有实境声音,全场屏息静气睇比赛,气氛十足。要数最大「惊喜」应该是结局,讲述宫城毕业后竟然到美国发展,还遇上了山王的泽北荣治,二人再次在球场上对决。不少观众质疑宫城凭什麽能够到美国发展,就算他是《THE FIRST SLAM DUNK》的主角,都不应该编得如此离谱,有人就认为可能会有下一部作品去交代故事,下次可能换上其他角色做主角。
2023-07-24 20:15:061