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2023-05-19 18:04:45





A division of the United Kingdom, the southern part of the island of Great Britain. Originally settled by Celtic peoples, it was subsequently conquered by Romans, Angles, Saxons, Jutes, Danes, and Normans. Acts of union joined England with Wales in 1536, with Scotland in 1707 to create the political entity of Great Britain, and with Ireland in 1801 to form the United Kingdom. London is the capital and the largest city of both England and the United Kingdom. Population, 46,220,955.




A constituent country of the United Kingdom comprising the northern part of the island of Great Britain and the Hebrides, Shetland Islands, and Orkney Islands. Inhabited by Picts in prehistoric times, the region was invaded but never conquered by the Romans and split into a variety of small kingdoms after the fifth century a.d.. In the ninth century most of Scotland was unified into one kingdom, but conflicts with the English to the south soon erupted, leading to a series of bloody wars. When Mary Queen of Scots"s son James VI succeeded to the English throne in 1603, the two kingdoms were united. Scotland became a part of the kingdom of Great Britain by a parliamentary act of 1707. Edinburgh is the capital and Glasgow the largest city. Population, 5,149,500.

苏格兰英国的一个选区,它包括大不列颠岛北部、赫布里底群岛、设得兰群岛和奥克尼群岛。史前时代皮克特人曾居住在那里,它曾被罗马人侵略过但从来没有被占领。在 公元5世纪后分裂成许多小的王国。到了9世纪,绝大部分苏格兰都被合并成一个国家,但是与英国人在南方的冲突很快就爆发了,从而导致了一系列血腥战争。当苏格兰王子詹姆斯六世的玛丽女王在1603年继承了英国王位后,这两个国家合并了。通过1707的议会法案,苏格兰成为大英帝国的一部分。爱丁堡是其首府,格拉斯哥是最大的城市。人口5,149,500



A principality of the United Kingdom on the western peninsula of the island of Great Britain. Incorporated with England since the Act of Union (1536), Wales has maintained its own distinct culture and a strong nationalist sentiment. Cardiff is the capital and the largest city. Population, 2,790,462.

威尔士英国大不列颠岛西部半岛之一地区。自联盟令(1536年)后与英格兰合并,它同时保持了自己的独特文化风格和强烈的民族主义情感。卡迪夫为其首府及最大城市。人口2, 790,462



A country occupying most of the island of Ireland. Established as the Irish Free State in 1922, Ireland officially became the sovereign state of Eire in 1937. The Republic of Ireland was proclaimed on Easter Monday (April 18), 1949. Dublin is the capital and the largest city. Population, 3,443,405.





A division of the United Kingdom, the southern part of the island of Great Britain. Originally settled by Celtic peoples, it was subsequently conquered by Romans, Angles, Saxons, Jutes, Danes, and Normans. Acts of union joined England with Wales in 1536, with Scotland in 1707 to create the political entity of Great Britain, and with Ireland in 1801 to form the United Kingdom. London is the capital and the largest city of both England and the United Kingdom. Population, 46,220,955.




A constituent country of the United Kingdom comprising the northern part of the island of Great Britain and the Hebrides, Shetland Islands, and Orkney Islands. Inhabited by Picts in prehistoric times, the region was invaded but never conquered by the Romans and split into a variety of small kingdoms after the fifth century a.d.. In the ninth century most of Scotland was unified into one kingdom, but conflicts with the English to the south soon erupted, leading to a series of bloody wars. When Mary Queen of Scots"s son James VI succeeded to the English throne in 1603, the two kingdoms were united. Scotland became a part of the kingdom of Great Britain by a parliamentary act of 1707. Edinburgh is the capital and Glasgow the largest city. Population, 5,149,500.

苏格兰英国的一个选区,它包括大不列颠岛北部、赫布里底群岛、设得兰群岛和奥克尼群岛。史前时代皮克特人曾居住在那里,它曾被罗马人侵略过但从来没有被占领。在 公元5世纪后分裂成许多小的王国。到了9世纪,绝大部分苏格兰都被合并成一个国家,但是与英国人在南方的冲突很快就爆发了,从而导致了一系列血腥战争。当苏格兰王子詹姆斯六世的玛丽女王在1603年继承了英国王位后,这两个国家合并了。通过1707的议会法案,苏格兰成为大英帝国的一部分。爱丁堡是其首府,格拉斯哥是最大的城市。人口5,149,500



A principality of the United Kingdom on the western peninsula of the island of Great Britain. Incorporated with England since the Act of Union (1536), Wales has maintained its own distinct culture and a strong nationalist sentiment. Cardiff is the capital and the largest city. Population, 2,790,462.

威尔士英国大不列颠岛西部半岛之一地区。自联盟令(1536年)后与英格兰合并,它同时保持了自己的独特文化风格和强烈的民族主义情感。卡迪夫为其首府及最大城市。人口2, 790,462



A country occupying most of the island of Ireland. Established as the Irish Free State in 1922, Ireland officially became the sovereign state of Eire in 1937. The Republic of Ireland was proclaimed on Easter Monday (April 18), 1949. Dublin is the capital and the largest city. Population, 3,443,405.



The four constituent nations that form the United Kingdom are England, Wales, Ireland and Scotland.


London is the capital city of England as well as the United Kingdom. It is a city full of history, heritage and culture. There are many points of interest in London, such as the Tower Bridge, London Tower, Buckingham Palace, St. Paul Cathedral, Houses of Parliament and the London Eye. There are also three hundred museuums and art galleries, numerous of live Broadway shows in London.

Here are some other places worth to visit in England, such as Wimbledon, Oxford, Cambridge, Bath, Windor, just to name a few. One well known football team in England is Manchester United and it is in the nothern part of England.


Scotland forms the northern part of the island of Great Britain. The offical language is English but Gaelic is also spoken in the North and West of Scotland. Scotland is divided into three main regions: the Highlands, the Midland Valley, and the Souther Uplands. There are also over seven hundred islands in Scotland. The major cities are Edinburgh(the captal city of Scotland), Glasgow and Dundee.

Ther are numerous lakes and castles that make Scotland an interesting place to visit. Last but not the least, Loch Ness is one of the most popular lake because of its dinosaur like monster.


Ireland reminds us green and St. Patrick"s Day. Green is the color of Ireland and St. Patrick"s Day in March is the day most Irish celebbrate all over the world. The most populated cities are Belfast and Dublin (the capital city). Ireland is breathtaking for its landscapes, waterways, castles that come with historical significance.


Wales is located in the south-west of Great Britain. Cardiff is the capital city of Wales. The climate is good since it never gets too hot or too cold. There are about four hundred castles and over one hundred stone monuments in Wales.



简明释义castles in the air;aerial castle;a fantasied edifice;air-castle; 例句他脑袋里满载着空中楼阁回到了寄宿处。He returned to his lodgings with his head full of castles in the air.这是整个本质18责备,而不是他的,是其他空中楼阁。This is the whole essence of eighteen blame, not him, are other castles in the air.失去了安全的基石,再方便、先进的政务方式也只能是“空中楼阁”!Lost safe foundation, again convenient, advanced e-government way also can be castles in the air!理论家们忙于建立和改善模型世界中的空中楼阁。Theoreticians are busy building and refining the castles in the air of the model world.他脑袋里装载着空中楼阁回到了寄宿处。He returned to his lodging with his head full of castle in the air.我为暑期做的计划看来是空中楼阁了。My plan for the summer vacation proved to be a castle in the air.他们的计划不过是空中楼阁而已,因为它根本行不通。Their plan is merely a castle in the air because it is simply impracticable.
2023-01-07 15:13:211


俄罗斯城堡图片用英语表达翻译如下:Pictures of Russian castles重点词汇释义:castles    n.    城堡,堡垒( castle的名词复数 );    [例句]Romantic chateaux and castles overlook the river"s twisting course.富有浪漫气息的庄园和城堡俯瞰着蜿蜒的河道。[其他]    原型: castle    
2023-01-07 15:13:301


Great Britain is full of castles and fortifications to explore. Some are large, famous and easy to find, while others are almost forgotten ruins. Most of the fortifications that we consider as "proper" castles were built during the Middle Ages (c.1000-1500). Unlike most other buildings, such as a church, a house or an inn, they served more than one purpose. A castle was a home for its owner and family, a place where guests could be entertained and often the local centre for administration and justice, but it was also built strong enough to defend its occupants while acting as a base from which attacks on neighbours or more distant enemies could be launched. Later buildings, which are often still referred to as a castle or have the word castle in their name, served only a single purpose, as forts built purely for defense or stately homes built solely as a residence.Early CastlesThe word castle has become a generic term used to describe many types of fortification, and there are many structures that pre-date the Middle Ages that are often referred to as castles.In the 13th century BC, the Hittites built stone walls with square towers around their capital in Turkey. The Egyptians built a fortress out of mud bricks, with massive gatehouses and square towers, to defend their southern borders, 1500 years BC. From the 16th to the 12th centuries BC, small, separate kingdoms dominated much of mainland Greece, each with its own fortified citadel.The first fortifications began to appear in Britain from the 5th century BC, with the construction of Iron Age hill-forts. Maiden Castle in Dorset is one of the most impressive examples. These great earthworks (a series of ditches and raised earth banks) were topped by a wooden wall (palisade), and usually protected a settlement. However, they proved no match for the Romans when they invaded England in the 1st century AD. They quickly overpowered the hillforts and imposed their own authority by constructing forts, built to a standard rectangular plan, across much of the country. Some were built quickly out of wood while others were more permanent structures built of brick or stone.
2023-01-07 15:13:361

高级英语阅读题2 earthen mound58.D.a tourist attraction59.Cthey are less comfortable60.C.the castles are the most famous building in britain
2023-01-07 15:13:513

Duncan Castles爆料姆巴佩有意利物浦与曼联,你怎么看?

尽管姆巴佩正在遭受进球荒,但是,他的市场依然很大,眼下还没有与俱乐部续约的未来世界第一人的去向仍然受到关注,尽管大巴黎没有放弃的意思,但是,在大多数行家看来,姆巴佩肯定会在近2个夏天选择离开大巴黎。据著名记者Duncan Castles透露,姆巴佩与身边朋友进行过交流,这位法国国脚除了皇萨外,还愿意加盟利物浦或者曼联。 相信这则消息会让英超球迷感到欣喜,毕竟,这几年来西甲与英超关于谁是第一联赛争得不可开交,而西甲之于英超最大的优势在于他们的球星质量高于英超,假如可以吸引姆巴佩的话,那么英超或许可以在与西甲的竞争中占据上峰。当然,目前这则消息的准确性会很让球迷怀疑,Duncan Castles何许人也?他是英格兰著名的记者,在英格兰有着极为广泛的人脉,当年博格巴与穆里尼奥内斗的消息就是他捅出来的,并且他在穆里尼奥下课前一个月就预言,在博格巴与魔力鸟之间,红魔选择了前者,而去年夏天,也是他率先爆出阿布会让兰帕德担任球队教练,因此,从他那里透漏出来关于英超的消息,准确度还是可以的。尽管皇马一直是姆巴佩最为心仪的下家,但是,伯纳乌已经有了阿扎尔,阿森西奥,罗德里戈以及维尼修斯等多名边路好手,即便是可以获得足够的上场机会,他的战术地位也会值得商榷;而巴萨也是吸引力很大的俱乐部,一旦梅西离队,姆巴佩选择加盟的话,他的战术地位自然是毋庸置疑的。不过,Duncan Castles特意提到,两家俱乐部都受到疫情的巨大影响,这是姆巴佩考虑利物浦与曼联的原因。尽管看起来皇马与巴萨不差钱,但是,疫情的冲击似乎难以保证他们有足够的资金去收购姆巴佩,而利物浦近2个赛季都没有什么超级手笔的支出,曼联尽管花钱不少,但是,在三德子的执掌下,曼联已经成为世界上赚钱最多的俱乐部,其吸金能力甚至超过皇马,因此,英超双雄在资金方面似乎更加接近完成收购。当然,姆巴佩考虑英超双雄的原因,或许不仅仅是因为资金。目前皇马与巴萨的状态都不是很好,处于动乱之中,现在加盟的话,或许要经历一段时间的挣扎,战绩上很难保证,当然,曼联眼下的情况也是如此,所以,从Duncan Castles我们可以得知,目前曼联在这些候选中排名最后。至于利物浦则是得益于其稳定的战绩与现有的超级竞争力,假如克洛普可以长久的留在安菲尔德,那么利物浦未来有可能冲击一个属于他们的红色王朝,或许这是利物浦最吸引姆巴佩的地方了。姆巴佩与巴黎圣日耳曼的合同将在2022年夏天到期,大巴黎主席纳赛尔最近接受采访时确认,俱乐部已开始与姆巴佩商谈续约事宜。不过,看来姆巴佩离开的决心还是很大的,法甲显然不是一个能够容纳姆巴佩的舞台。
2023-01-07 15:14:036

australia crystal castles 在哪

Crystal castle位于澳大利亚新南威尔士州北部靠近昆士兰州的地方,离著名的海边旅游小镇Byron Bay约20分钟。如果从中国坐飞机到布里斯班,从布里斯班到Crystal castles约165公里,开车2小时。Ausinland.
2023-01-07 15:15:041


Purpose of castlesCastles were built not only as a defensive measure from hostile enemies, but as an offensive weapon. This article in general discusses castles as a defensive fortress, while this section examines the role of castles as an offensive weapon during the middle ages.During the Middle Ages, in particular the High Middle Ages (the height of castle building in Europe), lords and kings often built castles for offensive reasons: territorial expansion and control of a region. A castle was a stronghold from which a lord or baron could control surrounding territory. The story of Hugh of Abbeville in the last decades of the 10th century illustrates this:Because [Hugh of Abbeville"s peers] were not all lords of castles, [he] became more powerful than the rest of his peers. For he could do what he liked without fear, relying on the protection of the castle, while others, if they tried anything, were easily overcome as they had no refuge.(Hariulf, Gesta ecclesiae Centulensis) In the wake of the Norman Conquest, Norman lords constructed castles across England to control and conquer. During the Investiture Controversy in Germany during the 11th century, and the resulting decline of the German kingdom, castle building exploded as local warlords staked claims to minor kingdoms from behind newly-built castles. It is for this reason that so many castles were built throughout Europe: they were an offensive weapon that any warlord with ambitions could employ to control and conquer regional territory.
2023-01-07 15:15:102

building the castles

out of 有用什么什么材料的意思,所以building castles就是用泥土建造省报的意思.
2023-01-07 15:15:181

Smithsonian 是什么意思

2023-01-07 15:15:464


1. In the family of Marx, lincoln was much loved and respected. B. 马克思的一家人对林肯是非常敬爱的。 2. She was with child. A. 她和孩子在一起 3. to kill two birds with one stone A. 一石二鸟 4. Business is a two-way street and to keep it open in both directions there must be a sense both partners are doing their utmost to ensure a steady growth I each other"s markets. B. 生意好比双行道,伙伴双方都必须明白,只有竭尽全力确保对方向自己市场的出口稳步增长,道路的两个方向才得以畅通。 5. 她请我喝一种特别的咖啡。 A. She served me with a kind of coffee 6. castles in the air B. 空中楼阁 7. The burning questio of my chinldhood had been richly answered. A. 我小时候蒙昧以求想得到答案的问题,终于得到了圆满的回答 8. Take the chair A. 主持会议 9. He is a Napoleon of finance. B. 它是金融界的巨头。 10. all corners of the country B. 五湖四海 Unemployment has stubbornly refused to contract for more than a dacade. B. 十年来,失业人数总是居高不下。 12. 我不爱喝饮料。 A. I don"t like soft drinks 13. sustainable development A. 可持续发展 14. 质量服务月 A. Quality Service Month 15. 她不老实,我们不能信任她。 A. Because she is not honest, we can"t trust her
2023-01-07 15:16:006

build castle in Spain

2023-01-07 15:16:237

build castles in the air是什么意思

2023-01-07 15:16:484

building castles in the air是什么意思

2023-01-07 15:17:073


2023-01-07 15:18:141


The sky is a city of Jonathan Swift wrote from the miyazaki Gulliver"s Travels novel "(Gulliver travel and creative initiation), some people think that the film is more traditional story, but that does not mean it is not new, on the contrary, the sky city filled with many a new element. Almost perfectly in the film portrays the story happened in the world, the era of landscape, and a little bit sci-fi colour and mythology of the European industrial revolution period, such as elevated railroad train, but the old mines, the empty boat fly like clay sculpture, the robot, etc...中文: 天空之城》是一部宫崎骏由Jonathan Swift写的小说《Gulliver"s Travels》(格列佛游记)萌生创意而作的电影,某些人认为其故事情节较为传统,但这不等于它没有新意,相反,《天空之城》一剧充满了很多新元素。电影中近乎完美地刻画出故事所发生时代的世界的景观,有点科幻色彩,也有点神话色彩,还有点欧洲工业革命时期的味道,诸如高架铁轨上的旧式火车,黑漆漆的矿洞,飞空艇,像泥塑的机器人等等……
2023-01-07 15:18:202


1、n.城堡;宅邸;(国际象棋)车(castle 的复数);2、v.(国际象棋)王车易位,用车护王(castle 的第三人称单数);3、例句:There is much to see in the way of castles, curiosities, and museums.那里有许多可看的城堡、奇珍异宝和博物馆。4、短语:windsor castle 温莎城堡(英国著名城堡)。castle in the air 空中楼阁;白日梦。
2023-01-07 15:18:331


2023-01-07 15:18:382


Loire Valley is a beautiful place ,people Often called the "Garden of France". like a beautiful landscape ! and very Romantic!
2023-01-07 15:19:022

求齐豫《Castles In The Air》歌曲百度云网盘下载

Castles In The Air    链接:提取码:ccqd
2023-01-07 15:19:101

make samdcastles什么意思

你好!make samdcastles做沙堡
2023-01-07 15:19:161

不要在做白日梦 用英文怎样说

NO more day dreaming please.
2023-01-07 15:19:233


移动的慢点,不过还是设置不了 查看原帖>>
2023-01-07 15:19:401


France is a country located in Western Europe. Clockwise from the north, France borders Belgium and Luxembourg to the northeast, Germany and Switzerland to the east, Italy to the south-east and Spain to the south-west, across the Pyrenees mountain range (the small country of Andorra lies in between the two countries). The Mediterranean Sea lies to the south of France, with the Principality of Monaco forming a small enclave. To the west, France has a long Atlantic Ocean coastline, while to the north lies the English Channel, across which lies the last of France"s neighbours, England (part of the United Kingdom). France is the world"s most popular tourist destination (78 million in 2006) boasting dozens of major tourist attractions, like Paris, Côte d"Azur (the French Riviera), The Atlantic beaches, The winter sport resorts of the Alps, The Castles of Loire Valley, Brittany: Mont Saint Michel. The country is renowned for its gastronomy (particularly wines and cheeses), history, culture and fashion. France will be hosting the Rugby World Cup 2007 in October and November.
2023-01-07 15:19:491

cubic castles里面名字边上的国旗怎么设置的?

2023-01-07 15:19:553


sorry只找到这么一个。。看不懂究算了。。其实只是修正些数值。。另外1.1的汉化也是有的。。。左贤王的。。搜下就出来了。。。我就不贴地址了。。。免得~~~~ANNO 1404 - Patch Notes 1.1The most important changes:- A crash while saving a game could result in the online profile being lost. This error has been fixed.- The use of special characters within the Windows user name, profile name or savegame name caused several errors (eg invalid savegames or crashes). This error has been fixed.- Memory errors could lead to invalid savegames under specific hardware configurations. This error has been fixed.- Ships which have destroyed a target now wait at that spot for new orders rather than returning to their starting point.- The AI was unable to settle some islands. This error has been fixed.- A function was implemented allowing the items offered at all three ports to be changed. The player now has the opportunity have the Items on offer changed upon payment of a fee in gold.- Military influence areas and firing radii were visually improved to further simplify use of the military.- Norias no longer worked properly after buying the "Mystery of the nomads" achievement. This error has been fixed.- The "Scroll through Ships" and "Scroll through Warehouses" buttons were moved to a more prominent position above the minimap.- The achievements "We have no time to lose" and "The Emirate" have been adjusted. The Imperial Cathedral must now be built in 7 hrs and the Sultan"s Mosque in 5 hrs (previously 8 hrs and 6 hrs). In return, the condition requiring the people"s satisfaction level to be "adequately satisfied" or better was removed.General:- It was possible to delete savegames and screenshots in the "Gateway to the World" from within the game. This function is not planned. Effective immediately, savegames and screenshots can now only be deleted locally. If you want to delete savegames and / or screenshots online this must be done directly in the "Gateway to the World".- Old games from an online profile could be loaded even without successful login to the "Gateway to the World". This function is not planned. Savegames from an online profile can now only be loaded once login to "Gateway to the World" was successful.- In some cases, when creating an online profile identical ID"s were given to different profiles. This could lead to a new online profile overwriting another one. This error has been fixed. - Some special circumstances occasionally resulted in performance downturns. Errors causing this problem have been fixed.- An error causing some interface elements to react to external input (eg, volume control on the keyboard, connecting a Logitech USB headset) has been fixed.- In rare cases the "Fog of War" was not displayed correctly after saving / loading a game. This error has been fixed.- In some menus the confirmation button was within the text box. This error has been fixed.- The info bar for quests / messages has been shifted slightly upwards, so that more orders can be displayed when the bar is expanded.- Some interface elements were still visible in Pause mode. This error has been fixed.- There were rare cases of ships sailing through islands. This error has been fixed.- Pigs and cows are now shown the right size on the farthest zoom level.- Some messages were not properly / fully communicated. This error has been fixed.- There were various minor bug fixes. (Incorrectly positioned cooldown displays, tool tips, typos, incompletely displayed text, etc.)- It is no longer possible to use online profiles or create new ones with modified versions [MODs] of the game.- Some interface graphics (confirmation buttons and sliders) were replaced.- The current status of a ship is now also displayed in a tool tip in the ship selection drop-down menu in the strategy map.Continuous play/Scenarios:- In some cases, quest rewards were not properly transferred to the players. This error has been fixed.- The Carpenter was still able to repair buildings during battle. This was not planned. Buildings currently involved in combat you can no longer be repaired.- Assignments requiring the player to pay gold can now only be accepted if the player"s balance allows it.- In rare cases, a few menu items (for example, the menu of a production building) were not displayed correctly. This error has been fixed.- In rare cases, there was a significant delay before the caravel was given to the player after the delivery of the first gift for Al Zahir. This error has been fixed.- The player could still purchase ships from Hassan ben Sahid even after their ship limit had been reached. This was not planned and has been fixed.- In rare cases, the Trebuchet also took damage when bombarding a building. This error has been fixed.- In rare cases, some Market buildings did not send out Market carts to pickup goods. This error has been fixed.- The effectiveness of ranged combat units (especially against military buildings) has been slightly increased.- The effectiveness of naval bombardment against land units has been slightly reduced.- The Emperor"s Quest "Nurturing the Alliance" has been simplified. Instead of 75 contracts only 40 contracts must now be completed.- The base chance of a ship on an expedition being successful has been reduced.- In some cases where several ships were ordered in one shipyard, the ship limit points spent on them were not refunded if the shipyard was destroyed before the ships were completed. This error has been fixed.- In rare cases, transport ships were unable to build castles. This error has been fixed.- The maintenance costs for Military buildings and Castles are now correctly booked correctly under "Military" instead of under "Buildings".- The effect of the attainment "Binding handshake" at level 3 has been corrected. Before it had the same effect as at level 1.- In rare cases, ships that were part of an assignment appeared inside an island. This error has been fixed.- The Corsairs no longer sink ships required for quests.- Items which the reduce building / vessel maintenance costs no longer reduce those costs to a negative level.Artificial Intelligence- In some cases the AI was able to build within the player"s influence area. This error has been fixed.- In rare cases the AI was able to demolish roads within foreign influence areas. This error has been fixed.- The use of a trade route allowed more goods to be bought from AI players than they had put up for sale. This error has been fixed.- In some cases AI transport ships just stood still when attacked. This error has been fixed.- Ship AI has been improved. AI ships (especially in larger ship formations) now behave more intelligently when under fire.- Military AI target selection has been improved.- In rare cases the AI was able to withdraw its units even though they were in combat. This error has been fixed.- In some cases the proceeds from the sale of "favorite articles" to the AI players were not calculated correctly. The AI players now pay the corresponding (higher) price. - The AI can no longer build a castle when the corresponding transport ship is in combat.- The AI no longer puts "0 t" of an Item up for sale.- The AI now builds its walls more efficiently, making it more difficult to capture an enemy AI settlement.- The AI now also builds Carpenters at Patrician level (and higher). This improves the AI"s cityscape, especially at higher levels of civilization.- In rare cases active trading did not function properly at AI Harbors. This error has been fixed.Campaign:- In rare cases the game crashed when loading mission 6 or 8. This error has been fixed.- In rare cases, the game crashed at the end of mission 8. This error has been fixed.- Under some special circumstances, no gift was given to the player in Mission 4. This error has been fixed.- In rare cases, players were unable to obtain the Black Pearl in Mission 7. This error has been fixed.- In some cases the attack in the side quest "Preservation of knowledge" in Mission 5 did not start correctly. This error has been fixed.- The quest "Glassworks" in Mission 5 was not completed if all the necessary manufactories were built before the start of the quest. This error has been fixed.Achievements/Medals:- In some cases the achievement "Man the battlements!" was awarded under false premises. This error has been fixed.- In some cases the achievement "The road map in your head" was awarded under false premises. This error has been fixed.- The achievement "Turn the hose on!" did not always unlock properly. This error has been fixed.- In some cases the medal "Order of the Treasurer" was awarded under false premises. This error has been fixed.- The requirement for the achievement "Who is this Robin?!" has been lowered. Now only 50 Bandit camps are needed.- The requirement for the achievement "Eureka!" has been lowered. Now only 75 attainments are required.- The counters in the tool tips for some successes have been corrected and now show the actual values required.
2023-01-07 15:20:074


  你好  我是水果姐姐的忠实粉丝  这首歌的名字叫wide awake  是水果一周前打出MV的新单曲(MV很美,推荐先看预告再看MV)  首唱是在今年billboard颁奖礼上  是(改版)teenage dream的最后一张单曲  含义是陪伴我们两年的超级专辑正式下班  水果姐姐做了两年的春梦  要苏醒了  下面是官方歌词  I"m wide awake  现在我彻底醒了  Yeah, I was in the dark  是的,我曾身陷黑暗  I was falling hard  我曾重重摔落  With an open heart  (摔落时)我的心是敞开着的  I"m wide awake  我现在清醒了  How did I read the stars so wrong  我曾经怎么能如此错误地理解明星的含义  I"m wide awake  我现在很清醒了  And now it"s clear to me  现在一切对我来说都清晰了  That everything you see  就是你看见的每件事  Ain"t always what it seems  (事情)不总是表面上的那样  I"m wide awake  现在我清醒了  Yeah, I was dreaming for so long  是的,这是我长久以来所梦想的  Pre-Chorus:  I wish I knew then What I know now  我希望我当初知道我现在知道的事情  Wouldn"t dive in  (那么我当初就)不会那么热切地沉迷了  Wouldn"t bow down  就不会屈服了  Gravity hurts  严重的伤痛  You made it so sweet Till I woke up on On the concrete  我在水泥地上清醒之前 你使一切是这么的贴心、令人愉快  Chorus:  Falling from cloud 9  我在狂喜中摔落  Crashing from the high  从高处坠落  I"m letting go tonight  今夜,我要放手一搏  (Yeah I"m) Falling from cloud 9  (是的,我正)从狂喜中摔落  I"m wide awake  我现在醒了  Not losing any sleep  (我)现在很清醒  I picked up every piece  我捡拾起每个碎片  And landed on my feet  并且聚集在我的脚下  I"m wide awake  我清醒了  Need nothing to complete myself - nooohooo  不需要什么来是我得到完整  I"m wide awake  现在我醒了  Yeah, I am born again  是的,我焕然一新   Outta the lion"s den  挣脱一切束缚  I don"t have to pretend  我不再假装  And it"s too late  并且现在都太迟了  The story"s over now, the end  童话结束了,已经结尾了  Pre-Chorus:  I wish I knew then What I know now  我希望我当初知道我现在知道的事情  Wouldn"t dive in  (那么我当初就)不会那么热切地加入了  Wouldn"t bow down  就不会屈服了  Gravity hurts  严重的伤痛  You made it so sweet Till I woke up on On the concrete  在我在水泥地上清醒之前你使一切是这么的贴心、令人愉快  Chorus:  Falling from cloud 9  我在狂喜中摔落  Crashing from the high  从高处坠落  I"m letting go tonight  今夜,我要放手一搏  (Yeah I"m) Falling from cloud 9  (是的,我正)从狂喜中摔落  Thunder rumbling  雷声隆隆  Castles crumbling  城堡崩解  I am trying to hold on  我在尽力地坚持着  God knows that I tried Seeing the bright side  上帝知道我试着看见那光明的一边   I"m not blind anymore.....I"m wide awake  我不再是失明的了 因为 我现在清醒了  Chorus:  Falling from cloud 9  我在狂喜中摔落  Crashing from the high  从高处坠落  I"m letting go tonight  今夜,我要放手一搏  (Yeah I"m) Falling from cloud 9  (是的,我正)从狂喜中摔落  (Oh now I"m) Falling from cloud 9  (oh,现在我正在)从狂喜中摔落  It was outta the blue  走出阴郁  I"m Crashing from the high  我正从高处坠落  (Yeah) I"m letting go tonight  (是的)今晚,我要放手一搏  Letting go of illusion  对一切的假象和幻象放手  (Now I"m) Falling from cloud 9  (现在我正)从狂喜中摔落  目前走势正逐渐良好  并空降35  以下为目前走势 35-19-9-4  希望采纳
2023-01-07 15:21:011

歌词里有beautiful night的是什么歌?

2023-01-07 15:21:292


IrelandFacts About Ireland Capital Dublin Official language Irish, English Population 4,060,000 people Rank among countries in population 122nd Major cities Dublin, Cork, Galway Area 27,100 square miles 70,300 square kilometers Rank among countries in area 117th Highest point Carrauntoohil 3,415 feet/1,041 meters Currency Euro THE EMERALD ISLE Ireland is sometimes called the Emerald Isle because it is so green. The island has wide green plains and rolling green hills. Cool weather and lots of rain help keep the island green. Summers in Ireland are not very hot and winters are not very cold. Ireland is one of the two main islands in the British Isles off the northwest coast of Europe. The island is divided between two countries. The northern part is a province of the United Kingdom called Northern Ireland. Most of the island is the country called Ireland. IRISH LEGENDS The Irish are famous for their imagination, which shows up in their myths, legends, and writing. Have you ever heard of the “luck of the Irish?” This saying comes from a legend about little elves called leprechauns. Leprechauns will supposedly give their hidden treasure to anyone who is lucky enough to catch them. A famous legend about St. Patrick tells how he drove all the snakes into the sea. That, so the story goes, is why there are no snakes in Ireland. The great Irish writer and poet William Butler Yeats collected Irish folk stories in his book Irish Folk and Fairy Tales. The book contains stories about fairies, nymphs, and a female spirit called the banshee. One of the most famous castles in Ireland, Blarney Castle, has a supposedly magical stone in one of its towers. According to legend, anyone who kisses the Blarney Stone receives the gift of clever speech. IRISH MUSIC The Irish people have long been noted for their music and dance. Irish dances, such as the jig, have become hits in such shows as Riverdance and Lord of the Dance. The Irish are also famous for rock and pop music. The groups U2, Hot House Flowers, the Cranberries, Sinéad O"Connor, and the Corrs all come from Ireland. AN ANCIENT LAND People have lived in Ireland for more than 10,000 years. Irish folklore tells of ancient tribes. A people called the Celts invaded Ireland around 350 bc and conquered the tribes. You can still see stone ruins left by these ancient people. In the 1100s, nobles from the neighboring island of Britain began moving into Ireland and building castles. By the 1700s, Ireland was ruled by Britain. “THE TROUBLES” Most of the people in the central and southern parts of Ireland were Roman Catholic. Beginning in the 1800s, Irish Catholics began calling for “home rule.” They disliked harsh British rule and wanted to govern themselves. The people in the north were mostly Protestants. They wanted to be governed by Britain. Fighting broke out between the British and the Irish and between Protestants and Catholics. The fighting went on for many years. The Irish people called the fighting “the troubles.” Finally, Ireland was divided into two parts. The Irish Free State was set up in the south. It later became the Republic of Ireland. Northern Ireland remained under the rule of Great Britain. Fighting continued in Northern Ireland between Catholics and Protestants. A peace agreement was signed in the late 1990s. The Irish people hope the troubles are over.
2023-01-07 15:21:381


哈哈 这是处一英语书的第一单元第一课 是吗? 我帮人做家教的时候就看过了呵呵 以下是答案!!! 冬天已经走了 人们正在计划他们的夏天的节日 这一年 为什么不去法国旅游呢?2 法国是一个大国 有着三个沙滩在边疆 你可以在它美丽的沙滩游泳 > 它同样有许多山脉 你可以去滑雪!3 在法国中部 他们种植向日葵 其中最美丽的中部地区几句是。。山谷了,国王和王后住在古老的城堡4 巴黎 法国的中部 世界上最美里的城市之一 有着世界著名的爱非而铁塔和凯旋门
2023-01-07 15:22:063

viva la vida的歌词

Chaosphinx的翻译作品: Coldplay - Viva La Vida Viva La Vida 生命万岁 I used to rule the world Seas would rise when I gave the word Now in the morning I sleep alone Sweep the streets I used to own 大千世界曾由我主宰 巨浪也曾因我之命澎湃 而今我却在黎明独自入眠 在曾属于我的大道落寞徘徊 I used to roll the dice Feel the fear in my enemy"s eyes Listen as the crowd would sing: "Now the old king is dead! Long live the king!" 凡人生死曾由我主宰 尽情品味惊恐在死敌瞳孔绽开 欣然倾听百姓高歌喝彩: “先王亡矣!新王万代!” One minute I held the key Next the walls were closed on me And I discovered that my castles stand Upon pillars of salt and pillars of sand 此刻我手握权位经脉 转瞬才知宫墙深似海 恍然发现我的城池 基底散如盐沙乱似尘埃 I hear Jerusalem bells a ringing Roman Cavalry choirs are singing Be my mirror my sword and shield My missionaries in a foreign field 听那耶路撒冷钟声传来 罗马骑兵歌声震彻山海 担当我的明镜,利剑和盾牌 我的传教士屹立边疆之外 For some reason I can"t explain Once you go there was never, never an honest word That was when I ruled the world 只因一些缘由我无法释怀 一旦你离开这里便不再, 不再有逆耳忠言存在 而这便是我统治的时代 It was the wicked and wild wind Blew down the doors to let me in Shattered windows and the sound of drums People couldn"t believe what I"d become 凛冽邪风呼啸袭来 吹散重门使我深陷阴霾 断壁残垣礼崩乐坏 世人不敢相信我已当年不再 Revolutionaries wait For my head on a silver plate Just a puppet on a lonely string Oh who would ever want to be king? 起义大军翘首期待 有朝一日我站上断头台 恰如傀儡随吊线寂寞摇摆 悲哉,谁又曾渴望万人膜拜? I hear Jerusalem bells a ringing Roman Cavalry choirs are singing Be my mirror my sword and shield My missionaries in a foreign field 听那耶路撒冷钟声传来 罗马骑兵歌声震彻山海 担当我的明镜,利剑和盾牌 我的传教士屹立边疆之外 For some reason I can"t explain I know Saint Peter won"t call my name Never an honest word But that was when I ruled the world 只因一些缘由我无法释怀 我亦知天堂之门不会为我敞开 不再有逆耳忠言存在 但这却是我统治的时代 还有I used to rule the world 我曾经掌握世界 Seas would rise when I gave the word 号令潮汐 Now in the morning I sleep alone 如今在这清晨孤单躺卧 Sweep the streets I used to own 巡视属于我的路途 I used to roll the dice 我曾经左右命运 Feel the fear in my enemy"s eyes 玩味敌人眼中的恐惧 Listen as the crowd would sing: 听着人们的颂唱: “Now the old king is dead! Long live the king!” 先王已死,新王万岁! One minute I held the key 就在刚才我还拥有开启一切的关键 Next the walls were closed on me 转瞬便走到了尽头 And I discovered that my castles stand 我发觉自己的根基 Upon pillars of salt and pillars of sand 建立于小信与虚妄之上(盐柱子与沙子在圣经里的隐喻) I hear Jerusalem bells a ringing 我听见耶路撒冷的钟 Roman Cavalry choirs are singing 罗马骑兵在唱颂圣诗 Be my mirror my sword and shield 让它做我所信奉的,成为我的剑、盾牌 My missionaries in a foreign field 将我的教义散播旷野(这段似乎是展望未来) For some reason I can"t explain 那些原因我无法明示 Once you go there was never, never an honest word 当你在此处再听闻不到一句真实之言 That was when I ruled the world 就是我的日子来临的时刻(指最后的审判?) It was the wicked and wild wind 疾风肆虐大作(启示录中提到的六印开启之像) Blew down the doors to let me in. 破除一切阻碍后我会到来 Shattered windows and the sound of drums 敲响的鼓声震天动地 People couldn"t believe what I"d become 人们无法相信我为什么会改变(神子以审判者而不是救赎者的身份显现?) Revolutionaries wait 颠覆已经齐备 For my head on a silver plate 将我的头颅奉上吧(施洗约翰之死,指殉道) Just a puppet on a lonely string 我不过是一个顺应使命的傀儡 Oh who would ever want to be king? 谁愿意做这种国王(耶稣被钉十字架的时候,头上牌子写着的罪名是“(号称自己是)犹太人之王”)? I hear Jerusalem bells a ringing 我听见耶路撒冷的钟 Roman Cavalry choirs are singing 罗马骑兵在唱颂圣诗 Be my mirror my sword and shield 让它做我所信奉的,成为我的剑、盾牌 My missionaries in a foreign field 将我的教义散播旷野 For some reason I can"t explain 那些原因我无法明示 I know Saint Peter won"t call my name 我知道圣彼得不会叫出我的名字(圣经中记录耶稣受难之时圣彼得为自保三次不认主) Never an honest word 再也没有真实之言的时候 But that was when I ruled the world 就该是我的日子临到这个世界的时候 I hear Jerusalem bells a ringing 我听见耶路撒冷的钟 Roman Cavalry choirs are singing 罗马骑兵在唱颂圣诗 Be my mirror my sword and shield 让它做我所信奉的,成为我的剑、盾牌 My missionaries in a foreign field 将我的教义散播旷野 For some reason I can"t explain 那些原因我无法明示 I know Saint Peter won"t call my name 我知道圣彼得不会叫出我的名字(圣经中记录耶稣受难之时圣彼得为自保三次不认主)(圣彼得 是 天国之门 的守门人 ) Never an honest word 再也没有真实之言的时候 But that was when I ruled the world 就该是我的日子临到这个世界的时候
2023-01-07 15:22:222

求desolation row的中文歌词

  They"re selling postcards of the hanging  They"re painting the passports brown  The beauty parlor is filled with sailors  The circus is in town  Here comes the blind commissioner  They"ve got him in a trance  One hand is tied to the tight-rope walker  The other is in his pants  And the riot squad they"re restless  They need somewhere to go  As Lady and I look out tonight  From Desolation Row  Cinderella, she seems so easy  "It takes one to know one," she smiles  And puts her hands in her back pockets  Bette Davis style  And in comes Romeo, he"s moaning  "You Belong to Me I Believe"  And someone says," You"re in the wrong place, my friend  You better leave"  And the only sound that"s left  After the ambulances go  Is Cinderella sweeping up  On Desolation Row  Now the moon is almost hidden  The stars are beginning to hide  The fortunetelling lady  Has even taken all her things inside  All except for Cain and Abel  And the hunchback of Notre Dame  Everybody is making love  Or else expecting rain  And the Good Samaritan, he"s dressing  He"s getting ready for the show  He"s going to the carnival tonight  On Desolation Row  Now Ophelia, she"s "neath the window  For her I feel so afraid  On her twenty-second birthday  She already is an old maid  To her, death is quite romantic  She wears an iron vest  Her profession"s her religion  Her sin is her lifelessness  And though her eyes are fixed upon  Noah"s great rainbow  She spends her time peeking  Into Desolation Row  Einstein, disguised as Robin Hood  With his memories in a trunk  Passed this way an hour ago  With his friend, a jealous monk  He looked so immaculately frightful  As he bummed a cigarette  Then he went off sniffing drainpipes  And reciting the alphabet  Now you would not think to look at him  But he was famous long ago  For playing the electric violin  On Desolation Row  Dr. Filth, he keeps his world  Inside of a leather cup  But all his sexless patients  They"re trying to blow it up  Now his nurse, some local loser  She"s in charge of the cyanide hole  And she also keeps the cards that read  "Have Mercy on His Soul"  They all play on penny whistles  You can hear them blow  If you lean your head out far enough  From Desolation Row  Across the street they"ve nailed the curtains  They"re getting ready for the feast  The Phantom of the Opera  A perfect image of a priest  They"re spoonfeeding Casanova  To get him to feel more assured  Then they"ll kill him with self-confidence  After poisoning him with words  And the Phantom"s shouting to skinny girls  "Get Outa Here If You Don"t Know  Casanova is just being punished for going  To Desolation Row"  Now at midnight all the agents  And the superhuman crew  Come out and round up everyone  That knows more than they do  Then they bring them to the factory  Where the heart-attack machine  Is strapped across their shoulders  And then the kerosene  Is brought down from the castles  By insurance men who go  Check to see that nobody is escaping  To Desolation Row  Praise be to Nero"s Neptune  The Titanic sails at dawn  And everybody"s shouting  "Which Side Are You On?"  And Ezra Pound and T. S. Eliot  Fighting in the captain"s tower  While calypso singers laugh at them  And fishermen hold flowers  Between the windows of the sea  Where lovely mermaids flow  And nobody has to think too much  About Desolation Row  Yes, I received your letter yesterday  (About the time the door knob broke)  When you asked how I was doing  Was that some kind of joke?  All these people that you mention  Yes, I know them, they"re quite lame  I had to rearrange their faces  And give them all another name  Right now I can"t read too good  Don"t send me no more letters no  Not unless you mail them  From Desolation Row  他们正出售绞刑的明信片  他们正把护照漆成褐色  发廊里挤满了水手  马戏团也在城里  瞎眼的政客正走过来  他们让他如此颓靡  他一手被人用绳子牵着  另一手伸在裤里  而巡警们毫无倦意  他们需要找个地方发泄  今夜我和一个姑娘远远望去  就从这条荒凉街区  灰姑娘,她看上去很轻松  “只有一个人了解我,”她笑着说  她把双手插进背后的口袋里  就像贝蒂·戴维斯一样  罗密欧走了过来,他呻吟着  “你是属于我的,我坚信”  有人说,“你找错了地方,我的朋友  你最好离开这里”  当救护车疾驰而去后  只留下唯一的声音  是灰姑娘独自一人  正打扫着荒凉街区  现在月亮已把身形隐藏  星星也开始消失  占卜的妇人早已  把她的一切收入怀里  除了该隐和亚伯  还有圣母院的驼背者  人人不是在交欢  便是在祈求甘雨  而那个厚道的人,他正打扮着  他正在准备他的节目  他要去参加今夜的狂欢宴会  就举办在荒凉街区  此时奥菲莉娅就站在窗前  她让我感到如此恐惧  在她二十二岁的生日时  她就已是一个老处女  对她而言,死亡如此浪漫  她穿着一件铁制的背心  她的职业就是她的信仰  她的罪孽就因她毫无生气  尽管她的双眼紧紧凝视着  挪亚那巨大的彩虹  可她却仍要穷尽了一生  只为一瞥荒凉街区  爱因斯坦,乔装成罗宾汉  携带一只装满记忆的皮箱  一个小时前刚经过这里  带着他的朋友——一个满心妒忌的修道士  他面带恐惧之色  去乞讨一根香烟  而后他拼命地吸着烟枪  一边不停地背着字母表  现在,你肯定不想见到他  但他却早已名闻天下  只因他拿着电子小提琴  弹奏在那荒凉街区  费尔斯医生,他把他的世界  放在一个皮套里  而他那些无性的病人  却想试着把它搞大  他的护士,一个失业者  掌管着氰化物的洞口  她拿着一张纸片上写着  “怜悯他的灵魂”  他们都在不停演奏着哨笛  你可以远远地听见  只要你把你的脑袋伸得足够远  远离那荒凉街区  街的对面他们钉牢了窗帘  他们已准备好一场盛宴  歌剧的魅影  与一个牧师完美的肖像  正用勺子喂养着卡萨诺瓦  让他感到更有信心  在用言语毒害他之后  就用自信将他谋杀  这时幻影对着瘦弱的女孩子们吼道:  “出去!你们恐怕还不知道  卡萨诺瓦被惩罚只是因为  他去了荒凉街区”  半夜时分,所有的特务  和特种部队都倾巢出动  他们要围捕那些  知道得太多的人们  他们把这些人带到工厂里  拿出破坏心脏的机器  绕过肩膀绑在这些人的身上  而保险业的那些人  正在把煤油  从城堡里面取出  正是他们去盘查以确保没人  会逃向荒凉街区  为了赞美尼禄的海王星,  泰坦尼克号在黎明起航  人人都在叫喊:  “你到底站在哪一边?”  艾兹拉·庞德与T.S.艾略特  在船长室里争斗着  而讽刺歌手们在嘲笑他们  渔民们则手执鲜花  在海洋的窗子之间  可爱的美人鱼来回游动  没有人再去想一想  关于那荒凉街区  是的,昨天我已收到你的来信  (大约在门把手坏了的时候)  当你问我最近过得怎样  这岂不就是个笑话?  你提及的所有这些人  是的,我都知道他们,他们都似曾相识  我得重新整理他们的面庞  并重新为他们安上名字  我现在已经无法阅读  请你别再寄信给我  除非你把它们  寄自那荒凉街区
2023-01-07 15:22:363

viva la vida歌词

I used to rule the world Seas would rise when I gave the word Now in the morning I sweep alone Sweep the streets I used to own 大千世界曾由我主宰巨浪也曾因我之命澎湃而今我却在黎明独自入眠在曾属于我的大道寂寞徘徊I used to roll the dice Feel the fear in my enemy"s eyes Listen as the crowd would sing: "Now the old king is dead! Long live the king!" 凡人生死曾由我主宰尽情品位惊恐在死敌瞳孔绽开欣然倾听百姓高歌喝彩“先王亡矣!新王万代!”One minute I held the key Next the walls were closed on me And I discovered that my castles stand Upon pillars of salt, pillars of sand 此刻我手握权位经脉瞬间才知宫墙深似海恍然发现我的城池基底散如盐沙 乱似尘埃I hear Jerusalem bells a ringing Roman Cavalry choirs are singing Be my mirror my sword and shield My missionaries in a foreign field听那耶路撒冷钟声传来罗马骑兵歌声震彻山海担当我的明镜,利剑和盾牌我的传教士屹立边疆之外For some reason I can"t explain I know Saint Peter won"t call my name Never an honest word But that was when I ruled the world 只因一些缘由我无法释怀一旦你离开这里便不再,不再有忠言逆耳存在而这便是我统治的时代It was the wicked and wild wind Blew down the doors to let me in. Shattered windows and the sound of drums People couldn"t believe what I"d become 凛冽邪风呼啸袭来吹散重门使我深陷阴霾断壁残垣利崩乐坏世人不敢相信我已当年不再Revolutionaries wait For my head on a silver plate Just a puppet on a lonely string Oh who would ever want to be king? 起义大军翘首以待有朝一日我站上断头台恰如傀儡随吊线寂寞摇摆悲哉,谁又曾渴望万人膜拜I hear Jerusalem bells a ringing Roman Cavalry choirs are singing Be my mirror my sword and shield My missionaries in a foreign field听那耶路撒冷钟声传来罗马骑兵歌声震彻山海担当我的明镜,利剑和盾牌我的传教士屹立边疆之外For some reason I can"t explain I know Saint Peter won"t call my name Never an honest word But that was when I ruled the world 只因一些缘由我无法释怀我亦知天堂之门不会为我敞开不在有忠言逆耳存在但这却是我统治的时代
2023-01-07 15:22:473


go[英][ɡəʊ][美][ɡo]vi.进行; 去; 说; 进展; vt.发出…声音; 变得; 成为; 处于…状态; n.(牌戏、下棋等中)轮到的顺序; 精力; 干劲; (做某事的)尝试; 第三人称单数:goes过去分词:gone复数:goes现在进行时:going过去式:went短语词组all the go1. (英,非正式,旧)非常流行,风行一时as (或 so) far as it goes1. 考虑到它的局限性(在找理由表扬某事物时说)the book is a useful catalogue as far as it goes.就这本书本身而言,它是个有用的目录。as —— go1. 与一般的(或典型的)相比as castles go it is small and old.与一般城堡相比,它小而古老。from the word go1. (非正式)从一开始get someone going1. (英,非正式)惹怒;使性兴奋I want a girl who"s sexy, but in a subtle way—that"s what gets me going.我需要一个性感女孩,不过要隐隐约约地性感的那一种性感——就是能让我兴奋的那种类型。go figure!1. (北美,非正式)[用来表示说话人认为某事是令人吃惊的,难以置信的] 真不敢相信go great gunsgo halves1. 平分going!, gone!1. (拍卖人宣布)竞价就要结束(或已结束)go off on one1. (英,非正式)恼怒;激动同义词vi.1. 去;离去;移动;前进strayprogressdepartrunadvancecruisedisappearflytravelrambleproceedretreatfadeescapemoveleavepassvanish2. 变成growbecometointogetturnbe3. 工作operatefunction4. 归属havebelongplace5. 指向forheadaimpoint6. 行动,活动actwork其他释义actbelongheadproceedaimfunctionadvancetravelformovebouncebecomepassworkpointturnoperateleave反义词vi.1. 离去;移动stopstayarriveremaincome其他释义comeremainenterstay
2023-01-07 15:23:101


2023-01-07 15:23:153

cubic castles账号登不上去了怎么办?

2023-01-07 15:23:361


没有夜()隆()的成语夜开头的成语包括:1.夜长梦多【解释】:比喻时间一拖长,情况可能发生不利的变化。【出自】:清·吕留良《家训真迹》:“荐举事近复纷纭,夜长梦多,巩将来有意外,奈何?”【示例】:这件事要赶紧解决,免得~,再出问题。2.夜深人静【解释】:深夜没有人声,非常寂静。【出自】:汉·蔡琰《胡茄十八折》:“更深夜阑兮,梦汝来期。”【示例】:听到月高初更后,果然弦索齐鸣。恰喜禁垣,~,琤璁齐应。◎清·洪升《长生殿·偷曲》3.夜以继日【解释】:晚上连着白天。形容加紧工作或学习。【出自】:《庄子·至乐》:“夫贵者,夜以继日,思虑善否。”《孟子·离娄下》:“仰而思之,夜以继日。”【示例】:殷之季君,亦奏斯乐。酒池肉林,~。 4.夜郎自大【解释】:夜郎:汉代西南地区的一个小国。比喻人无知而又狂妄自大。【出自】:《史记·西南夷列传》:“滇王与汉使者言曰:‘汉孰与我大?"及夜郎侯亦然。以道不通,故各以为一州主,不知汉广大。”【示例】:驾炮车之狂云,遂以~。恃贪之逆气,漫以河伯为尊。 5.夜不闭户【解释】:户:门。夜里睡觉不用闩上门。形容社会治安情况良好。【出自】:《礼记·礼运》:“是故谋闭而不兴,盗窃乱贼而不作,故外户而不闭,是谓大同。”【示例】:两川之民,忻乐太平,~,路不拾遗。 ◎明·罗贯中《三国演义》第八十七回6.夜阑人静解释】:夜阑:夜将尽。夜深人静的时候。【出自】:元·李文蔚《燕青博鱼》第三折:“这早晚玉绳高、银河浅,恰正是夜阑人静。”【语法】:联合式;作谓语、定语;形容夜的寂静7.夜不能眠释义:夜晚睡不着觉,形容心里有事。8.夜半三更释义:指深夜时光。9.夜不成寐【解释】:寐:睡着。形容因心中有事,晚上怎么也睡不着觉。【出自】:宋·洪迈《夷坚志·乙志卷八·虔州城楼》:“明日而先公言:‘汝夜何所往?吾闻抱关老卒云,楼故多怪,每夕必出。"予因道昨见者。是日徒于孤独,竟夜不能寐。”
2023-01-07 15:17:221

yes,your highness和yes,my lord 有什么不同,分别代表什么含义?

反正我爱yes my lord不是因为384 不是!!!(是)
2023-01-07 15:17:264


1. 带夜字的成语四字词语,含有夜字的四字成语 彻夜不寐: 夜夜笙歌: 彻夜不眠: 夜半三更: 一夜分为五更,三更是半夜。 指深夜 秉灯夜烛: 蚤兴夜寐: 蚤出夜入: 炫昼缟夜: 指李花色白,其光采或照耀于白天,或显现于夜晚。雄鸡夜鸣: 古代认为雄鸡夜鸣为异常现象,预兆战事。 星行夜归: 天没亮就出去,天黑了才回来。夙夜在公: 从早到晚,勤于公务。 生死长夜: 生死:生存和死亡。指漫长昏昧的生死轮回 深更半夜: 指深夜。 山阴夜雪: 犹言山阴乘兴。后指访友。 三更半夜: 一夜分为五更,三更是午夜十二时。指深夜。 明珠夜投: 投:抛掷,丢弃。比喻有才能的人得不到重用和赏识,或好人误入歧途。 也比喻珍贵的东西落入不识货人的手里 穿宵连夜: 昼伏夜动: 白天埋伏,夜晚活动。昼伏夜游: 犹昼伏夜动。 朝歌夜弦: 形容整天沉迷于歌舞,逸乐无度。镇日镇夜: 整日整夜,日日夜夜。 昼度夜思: 日夜思量。昼日昼夜: 犹言日日夜夜;没日没夜。 昼想夜梦: ①日有所思,夜有所梦。②指日夜梦想,殷切追求。 昼夜兼程: 日以继夜的赶路。昼阴夜阳: 依我国古代阴阳之说,昼属阳,夜属阴。 “昼阴夜阳”表示天道反常,将有灾异。昼夜兼行: 兼:加倍。 白天黑夜不停地行走。形容急速的赶路。 亦作“昼夜兼程”。夜静更阑: 阑:尽。 无声无息的深夜。夜静更深: 无声无息的深夜。 夜以继昼: 用夜里的时间接上白天的时间。形容日夜不息地努力。 夜光之璧: 夜雨对床: 指亲友或兄弟久别重逢,在一起亲切交谈。夜长梦短: 比喻因有心事而难以入睡。 夜行被绣: 指身穿锦绣衣服在黑夜行走。比喻显贵不为人所知。 以日继夜: 白天接着夜晚,日夜不停。衣绣夜行: 衣:穿。 绣:锦绣。穿着精美鲜艳的锦绣衣服夜间上街行走。 比喻人富贵以后不为人知。亦作“衣锦夜游”、“衣锦夜行”。 以夜继朝: 犹言以夜继日。以夜继日: 用夜晚的时间接上白天,日夜不停。 以夜继昼: 犹言以夜继日。以夜续昼: 犹言以夜继日。 月夜花朝: 有鲜花的早晨,有明月的夜晚。指美好的时光和景物。 旧时也特指农历二月十五和八月十五。夜不成寐: 寐:睡着。 形容因心中有事,晚上怎么也睡不着觉。衣锦夜游: 穿了锦绣衣裳在夜间出行。 比喻虽居官位,却不能使人看到自己的荣耀显贵。同“衣绣夜行”。 衣绣夜游: 比喻虽居官位,却不能使人看到自己的荣耀显贵。同“衣绣夜行”。 移日卜夜: 指昼夜相继。笑面夜叉: 比喻面带笑容而居心狠毒的人。 晓行夜住: 白天赶路,晚上投宿。形容旅途奔波劳苦。 无明无夜: 犹言不分昼夜。无昼无夜: 不分日夜;日日夜夜。 天方夜谭: 比喻虚诞、离奇的议论。通宵彻夜: 指整夜。 夙兴夜处: 早起晚睡。形容勤奋。 同“夙兴夜寐”。夙夜不解: 形容日夜谨慎工作,勤奋不懈。 同“夙夜匪懈”。夙夜匪解: 形容日夜谨慎工作,勤奋不懈。 同“夙夜匪懈”。日以继夜: 晚上连着白天。 形容加紧工作或学习。日日夜夜: 每天每夜。 形容延续的时间长。日夜兼程: 不分白天黑夜拼命赶路。 却金暮夜: 指为官清廉。牛衣夜哭: 形容夫妻共同过着穷困的生活。 同“牛衣对泣”。暮夜怀金: 比喻暗中行贿。 没日没夜: 犹言不分白天夜晚。门不夜关: 形容社会安宁,风气良好。 门不夜扃: 形容社会安宁,风气良好。同“门不夜关”。 弥日累夜: 连日连夜,夜以继日。暮夜先容: 指事先暗中行贿,以求宽容。 暮夜无知: 黑夜无人知晓。连日连夜: 指日夜不停。 连更彻夜: 犹连夜。形容办事赶紧,毫不拖延。 同“连更晓夜”。连更晓夜: 犹连夜。 形容办事赶紧,毫不拖延。连更星夜: 犹连夜。 形容办事赶紧,毫不拖延。同“连更晓夜”。 连明彻夜: 整整一夜,从天黑到天亮。同“连明连夜”。 连明达夜: 整整一夜,从天黑到天亮。同“连明连夜”。 连明连夜: 犹言通宵达旦。整整一夜,从天黑到天亮。 连日带夜: 指日夜不停。同“连日继夜”。 连日继夜: 指日夜不停。黑天半夜: 指深更半夜。 黑更半夜: 指深夜。好天良夜: ①美好的时节。 ②好时光,好日子。鹤知夜半: 鹤夜半而鸣。 比喻各有专长。也比喻偏知一隅。 花朝月夜: 有鲜花的早晨,有明月的夜晚。指美好的时光和景物。 旧时也特指农历二月十五和八月十五。更深夜静: 更:旧时夜间计时单位。 一夜分五更,每更约两个小时。夜已很深,没有一点声响。 形容夜深处于一片寂静之中。风花雪夜: 原指旧时诗文里经常描写的自然景物。 后比喻堆砌词藻、内容贫乏空洞的诗文。对床夜雨: 指亲友或兄弟久别重逢,在一起亲切交谈。 对床夜语: 两人夜间对床共语。成日成夜: 整天整夜,日日夜夜。 长夜难明: 漫长的黑夜难以见到光明。比喻漫长的黑暗统治。 长夜之饮: 指通宵宴饮。晨兴夜寐: 兴:起。 早起晚睡。形容勤劳辛苦。 愁多夜长: 因心情愁闷而夜不成寐,感到时光悠长难遣。长夜漫漫: 漫漫:无边际的样子。 漫长的黑夜无边无际。多用来比喻社会的黑暗。 俾昼作夜: 指晨昏颠倒。常用在无限制地享乐。 炳烛夜游: 旧时比喻及时行乐。不舍昼夜: 舍:放弃。 不放弃白天和黑夜。比喻夜以继日。 巴山夜雨: 指客居异地又逢夜雨缠绵的孤寂情景。卜夜卜昼: 卜:占卜。 形容夜以继日地宴乐无度。卜昼。 2. 含有天的四字词语 天宝当年、天保九如、天崩地坼、天崩地解、天崩地裂 天崩地塌、天崩地坍、天崩地陷、天兵天将、天不假年 天不绝人、天不怕,地不怕、天不作美、天差地远、天长地久 天长地老、天长日久、天成地平、天愁地惨、天从人原 天从人愿、天摧地塌、天打雷劈、天大地大、天道好还 天道宁论、天道人事、天道无亲、天低吴楚,眼空无物、天地不容 天地长久、天地经纬、天地剖判、天地诛戮、天地诛灭 天夺其魄、天夺之年、天夺之魄、天翻地覆、天方夜谭 天府之国、天付良缘、天覆地载、天高地厚、天高地迥 天高地下、天高皇帝远、天高日远、天高听卑、天高听下 天各一方、天工人代、天公地道、天冠地屦、天寒地冻 天花乱坠、天华乱坠、天荒地老、天潢贵胄、天昏地暗 天昏地黑、天机不可泄漏、天机不可泄露、天机云锦、天假良缘 天假其年、天假因缘、天假之年、天经地纬、天经地义 天荆地棘、天惊石破、天开地辟、天空海阔、天朗气清 天老地荒、天理不容、天理良心、天理难容、天理人情 天理昭彰、天理昭昭、天伦之乐、天罗地网、天马行空 天命攸归、天命有归、天末凉风、天南地北、天南海北 天年不测、天年不齐、天年不遂、天凝地闭、天怒人怨 天女散花、天平地成、天清气朗、天清日白、天壤王郎 天壤悬隔、天壤之别、天壤之隔、天人共鉴、天人之际 天若有情天亦老、天上麒麟、天上人间、天上石麟、天生地设 天生丽质、天生天化、天生天杀、天生尤物、天时地利人和 天授地设、天粟马角、天随人原、天随人愿、天塌地陷 天台路迷、天堂地狱、天外飞来、天外有天、天王老子 天网恢恢、天网恢恢,疏而不漏、天无二日、天无绝人之路、天下本无事,庸人自扰之 天下大乱、天下第一、天下独步、天下归心、天下莫敌 天下太平、天下为公、天下为家、天下为笼、天下乌鸦一般黑 天下无敌、天下无难事,只怕有心人、天下无双、天下兴亡,匹夫有责、天下汹汹 天下一家、天香国色、天行时气、天悬地隔、天旋地转 天涯比邻、天涯地角、天涯海角、天涯咫尺、天摇地动 天衣无缝、天有不测风云、天有不测风云,人有旦夕祸福、天诱其衷、天与人归 天渊之别、天渊之隔、天缘凑合、天灾地变、天灾地妖 天灾人祸、天造草昧、天造地设、天真烂漫、天真烂熳 天震地骇、天之骄子、天之僇民、天之戮民、天知地知 天诛地灭、天姿国色、天字第一号、天作之合 3. 带天字的四字成语有哪些 带天字的四字成语有: 一、天府之国 [ tiān fǔ zhī guó ] 1. 【解释】:天府:天生的仓库;国:地区。原指土地肥沃、物产丰富的地区。后专指四川。 2. 【出自】:《战国策·秦策一》:“田肥美,民殷富,战车万乘,奋击百万,沃野千里,蓄积饶多,地势形便,此所谓天府,天下之雄国也。” 3. 【示例】:益州险塞,沃野千里,~,高祖因之以成帝业。 二、坐井观天 [ zuò jǐng guān tiān ] 1. 【解释】:坐在井底看天。比喻眼界小,见识少。 2. 【出自】:唐·韩愈《原道》:“坐井而观天,曰天小者,非天小也。” 3. 【示例】:我弟子虚度一生,山门也不曾出去,诚所谓~,樗配之辈。 三、一手遮天 [ yī shǒu zhē tiān ] 1. 【解释】:一只手把天遮住。形容依仗权势,玩弄手段,蒙蔽群众。 2. 【出自】:唐·曹邺《读李斯传》诗:“难将一人手,掩得天下目。” 3. 【语法】:主谓式;作宾语、定语;含贬义 四、别有天地 [ bié yǒu tiān dì ] 1. 【解释】:天地:境界。比喻另有一番境界。形容风景或艺术创作的境界引人入胜。 2. 【出自】:唐·李白诗《山中问答》:“桃花流水窅然去,别有天地非人间。” 3. 【示例】:出了山洞口,只见小桥流水,竹篱茅舍,真是~。 五、叫苦连天 [ jiào kǔ lián tiān ] 1. 【解释】:不住地叫苦。形容十分痛苦。 2. 【出自】:明·吴承恩《西游记》第五十五回:“你怎么正战到好处,却就叫苦连天的走了?” 3. 【示例】:今番受了轮船火车上下劳顿,早害得他~。 4. 带天的四字成语有哪些 【哀感天地】形容极其哀痛,使天地都为之感动。 【昂首天外】抬起头望着天边。形容态度傲慢,或做事脱离实际。 【昂首望天】仰起头,望着天。喻指眼光向上,作风浮泛,不肯放下架子、深入基层。 【哀天叫地】哀:悲哀。悲哀地呼天喊地。 形容悲痛至极。【昂头天外】昂:抬起。 抬起头望着天边。形容态度傲慢或做事脱离实际。 【暗无天日】昏暗得看不到天上的日光。形容在反动势力统治下社会的黑暗。 【闇无天日】形容社会极端黑暗。 【白板天子】没有国玺的皇帝。 【不啻天地】不啻:无异于。无异于天地之别。 比喻差别极大。【鞭笞天下】笞:鞭打。 指驱使天下的人。【不啻天渊】不啻:无异于。 渊:深潭。无异于从云天之上到深潭之底。 比喻差别极大。【拔地参天】拔地:从地面上陡然耸立。 参天:高耸到空中。形容高大和气势雄伟。 同“拔地倚天”。【踣地呼天】犹言呼天抢地。 形容极度悲伤。【包打天下】包:承担全部任务,负责完成。 将打天下的整个任务承担下来。常指人逞强争胜。 【拔地倚天】拔:突出,耸出。倚:倚傍,贴近。 从地面突兀而起,贴近天际。比喻高大突出,气势雄伟。 【不共戴天】戴:加在头上或用头顶着。不愿和仇敌在一个天底下并存。 形容仇恨极深。【碧海青天】原是形容嫦娥在广寒宫夜夜看着空阔的碧海青天,心情孤寂凄凉。 后比喻女子对爱情的坚贞。【抱恨终天】恨:悔恨;终天:终身。 旧指因父母去世而一辈子感到悲痛。现指因做错某事而后悔一辈子。 【不见天日】比喻社会黑暗,见不到一点光明。【鼻孔朝天】仰起头来鼻孔朝天。 形容高傲自大。【鼻孔撩天】仰起头来鼻孔朝天。 形容高傲自大。【鼻孔辽天】仰起头来鼻孔朝天。 形容高傲自大。【白浪掀天】掀:翻腾。 形容风大浪高。【白日青天】白天。 表示强调。【白日升天】原是道教指白昼升天成为神仙。 后比喻一下子富贵起来。【蔽日遮天】遮住了天空和太阳。 形容遮盖的范围非常宽广。【不同戴天】戴:加在头上或用头顶着。 不愿和仇敌在一个天底下并存。形容仇恨极深。 【布天盖地】形容数量极多,散布面极广。【白天见鬼】比喻虚妄荒诞,不可能出现的事。 同“白日见鬼”。【补天济世】修补苍天,挽回世运。 【悲天悯人】悲天:哀叹时世;悯人:怜惜众人。指哀叹时世的艰难,怜惜人们的痛苦。 【补天炼石】炼:用加热的方法使物质纯净或坚韧。古神话,相传天缺西北,女娲炼五色石补之。 比喻施展才能和手段,弥补国家以及政治上的失误。【暴殄天物】暴:损害,糟蹋;殄:灭绝;天物:指自然生物。 原指残害灭绝天生万物。后指任意糟蹋东西,不知爱惜。 【冰天雪地】形容冰雪漫天盖地。【冰天雪窖】形容极为寒冷。 【冰天雪窑】到处是冰和雪。指严寒地区。 【补天浴日】这是指女娲炼五色石补天和羲和给太阳洗澡两个神话故事。后用来比喻人有战胜自然的能力。 也形容伟大的功业。【补天柱地】修补天,支撑地。 比喻伟大的功勋。【半天朱霞】半天:空中;朱:红色。 半空中的红霞。比喻人品高尚,超凡脱俗。 【别有洞天】洞中另有一个天地。形容风景奇特,引人入胜。 【别有天地】天地:境界。比喻另有一番境界。 形容风景或艺术创作的境界引人入胜。【白衣天使】指护士。 【持表度天】表:立柱,测日影长短;度:量。用很短的表来测量天。 比喻学识浅薄不能深明事理。【寸地尺天】指一小块土地和天空。 【触地号天】呼天抢地。形容悲痛之极。 【怆地呼天】怆:悲伤,凄楚。悲痛地呼天喊地。 形容极其悲痛绝望的神态。【重睹天日】比喻脱离黑暗,重见光明。 【持管窥天】管:竹管;窥:从小孔或缝隙里看。通过竹管子的孔看天。 比喻见闻狭隘或看事片面。【长江天堑】堑:壕沟。 长江为天然的坑堑、险要。旧时形容长江地势险要,不可逾越。 【重见天日】重新看到了天和太阳。比喻脱离黑暗,重见光明。 【长江天险】长江为天然的壕沟。形容长江地势险要,不可逾越。 【驰名天下】驰:传扬。形容名声传播得很远。 【澄清天下】指整肃政治,清楚奸佞,使天下复归太平。【差若天渊】差:不同;天渊:天和深渊。 比喻差别极大。【参天贰地】为《易》卦立数之义。 后引申为人之德可与天地相比。同“参天两地”。 【从天而降】降:下落。比喻出于意外,突然出现。 【从天而下】比喻出于意外,突然出现。【柴天改物】指改朝换代。 改物,改变前朝的文物制度。【柴天改玉】柴:烧柴祭天;改玉:改变佩戴的玉石。 指改朝换代【怆天呼地】悲痛地呼天喊地。形容极其悲痛绝望的神态。 同“怆地呼天”。【参天两地】①为《易》卦立数之义。 ②引申为人之德可与天地相比。亦作“参天贰地”。 【长天老日】指夏至及以后的一段时间里的白天,这段时间是夏季昼长的日子。【充天塞地】指整个宇宙。 【草头天子】强盗的头领,旧时亦指入山聚众起义的首领。【楚天云雨】指巫山神女,或男女欢情。 【撑天拄地】犹言顶天立地。【撑天柱地】上顶着天,下及于地。 比喻起大作用,维持某种局面。也形容形体极大。 【承天之祜】承:蒙受;祜:福。蒙受老天的赐福。 【承天之祐】承:受;祐:保佑。蒙受老天的保祐。 【承天之。 5. 带有天字的四字成语有哪些 带有天字的四字成语 : 循天顺人、 热火朝天、 怨天怨地、 补天浴日、 杞人忧天、 鸡犬升天、 绝地天通、 天堑长江、 天高地下、 性命关天、 燮和天下、 拔地参天、 推天抢地、 福寿天成、 极天蟠地、 雪天萤席、 患至呼天、 天崩地解、 天摧地塌、 喜地欢天、 食为民天、 跼天促地、 殷天动地、 天老地荒、 河鱼天雁、 埋天怨地、 海涯天角、 流天澈地、 只手擎天、 哭天喊地 6. 带天字的四字成语大全 带天字的四字成语大全 : 热火朝天、 天网恢恢、 回天无力、 天罗地网、 顶天立地、 别有洞天、 坐井观天、 天寒地冻、 雨过天晴、 天高云淡、 叫苦连天、 铺天盖地、 海阔天空、 冰天雪地、 四脚朝天、 异想天开、 怨天尤人、 得天独厚、 改天换地、 幕天席地、 重见天日、 开天辟地、 偷天换日、 普天之下、 天府之国、 浑然天成、 天造地设、 暗无天日、 天涯海角、 巧夺天工 7. 夜字四字成语有哪些 夜字四字成语 “夜”字开头的成语:(共13则) [y] 夜不闭户 夜不成寐 夜长梦短 夜长梦多 夜静更阑 夜静更深 夜阑人静 夜郎自大 夜深人静 夜行被绣 夜雨对床 夜以继日 夜以继昼 第二个字是“夜”的成语:(共22则) [b] 卜夜卜昼 半夜三更 俾夜作昼 [c] 长夜漫漫 长夜难明 长夜之饮 [m] 暮夜怀金 暮夜无知 暮夜先容 [q] 清夜扪心 [r] 日夜兼程 [s] 夙夜不解 夙夜匪解 夙夜匪懈 夙夜在公 [y] 月夜花朝 以夜继日 以夜继昼 以夜继朝 以夜续昼 [z] 昼夜兼程 昼夜兼行 第三个字是“夜”的成语:(共35则) [b] 巴山夜雨 秉烛夜游 炳烛夜游 [c] 愁多夜长 晨兴夜寐 [d] 对床夜雨 对床夜语 [g] 更深夜静 [h]鹤知夜半 [m] 门不夜关 门不夜扃 [n] 牛衣夜哭 [r] 日日夜夜 [s] 夙兴夜处 夙兴夜寐 山阴夜雪 [t] 天方夜谭 [x] 雄鸡夜鸣 笑面夜叉 星行夜归 晓行夜宿 晓行夜住 [y] 衣锦夜行 衣锦夜游 衣绣夜行 衣绣夜游 [z]昼度夜思 昼伏夜动 昼伏夜行 昼伏夜游 昼耕夜诵 朝歌夜弦 昼思夜想 昼想夜梦 昼阴夜阳 “夜”字结尾的成语:(共34则) [a] 熬更守夜 [b] 不舍昼夜 卜昼卜夜 俾昼作夜 [c] 成日成夜 [f] 风花雪夜 [h] 黑更半夜 黑天半夜 好天良夜 花朝月夜 [l] 连更彻夜 连更晓夜 连更星夜 连明彻夜 连明达夜 连明连夜 连日带夜 连日继夜 连日连夜 [m] 弥日累夜 没日没夜 [q] 却金暮夜 [r] 日日夜夜 日以继夜 [s] 三更半夜 深更半夜 [t] 通宵彻夜 [w]无明无夜 无昼无夜 [x] 炫昼缟夜 [y] 移日卜夜 以日继夜 [z] 镇日镇夜 昼日昼夜 8. 带有天字的四字成语有哪些 天府之国、 物竞天择、 天长地久、 怨天尤人、 浪迹天涯、 天下为公、 杞人忧天、 天大地大、 坐井观天、 真命天子、 瞒天过海、 青天白日、 无法无天、 人定胜天、 不见天日、 天女散花、 天下一家、 横行天下、 碧海青天、 吉人自有天相、 如日中天、 天方夜谭、 悲天悯人、 桃李满天下、 洪福齐天、 顶天立地、 谢天谢地、 物华天宝、 热火朝天
2023-01-07 15:17:311


  1、也许在一个人伤心时,就会大哭起,挥洒出自己的不快;也许当你在做一件事情时,因没成功而灰心丧气,心情低落。当你感到悲哀各沮丧时,你要注意了!你的心情悄悄地变成了黑色。这庄严的黑色是人们心情感到不快乐的颜色。   2、阳光心情,人见人爱。拥有它,仿佛步入天上人间。它似乎有一层神秘的面纱,一股魔力。它让你自信、让你坚强、让你乐观。它让你找回真实的自我,褪去神秘的面纱,让你慷慨,让你做一个完美的你。   3、好心情是农屋前的欢快歌声,飞扬的笑脸,舞动的脚步,好心情就这么简单:好心情是田园里的美丽景色,如茵的草地,成荫的树木,好心情就如此丰富:好心情是迪斯尼里的童真,可爱的米老鼠,活泼的兔八哥,好心情就这么无邪;好心情是埃及金字塔的神秘风采,无边的大漠,成行的驼队,好心情就如此随意。   4、心情是什么颜色?心情是彩色的。在人们的心情里,有湛蓝的天空,洁白的云朵,深蓝的大海,以及翠绿的椰子树,金黄的沙滩,到处是一片祥和,安宁。   5、千千万万的色彩绘出了我的心情,心情又组成了我的多彩生活。可能吧,随着我的成长,描绘心情的色彩会越来越多,到时候我一定还会告诉你们我那时的生活,那时的色彩。但是,到那时,千万不要忘了现在的我。   6、其实世界上根本没有最美丽和最丑陋之分,完全取决于人的心情。有一句话说得好:世界不是却少美的东西,而是却少发现美的眼睛。只要有一个美丽的心情,那么一切都会变得无比美丽。   7、心情是一种内心感情状态的外在表现。心态是一种内心处事标准的外在体现。心情的晴雨影响心态,心态决定命运。人类是十足的幻想着,我们希望生活一帆风顺,心情总是艳阳高照。   8、我的心情五彩斑斓,有时我遇到伤心事我那一天就是灰色的;有时我遇到开心事我那一天就会变成粉红色,有时我碰到难解的问题时我着一天必定是蓝色;当我觉的很没意思时,我的心情就会变成郁闷的棕色……我的心情呀!一天一给颜色!   9、懂得别人心情的人永远快乐,分享别人心情的人永远傲然,而我只愿作一个知己,一个传达欢乐的导体,一个储蓄幽默的载体。世间七情让人间边得复杂。阳光心情如同一丝微风,让人间这面平静的水面泛起层层涟漪;如同飘飞的白云,变成雨在静静的湖面上敲出一支婉约的歌。   10、也许心情会受环境,天气的晴雨的影响,但他们之间是没有必然的因果关系的。天气的晴雨不能决定心情的晴雨和我们的心态,人生的道路需要乐观的心态去面对,心晴是要开怀,心雨时亦要开怀,相信山重水复疑无路,柳暗花明又一村。   11、心情不是一根单一的线。它是一根经过千百双手揉搓过的绳。这根绳细细地向前伸,有的地方光光滑滑,有的地方疙疙瘩瘩。心情有了颜色,我们便有了精彩的人生,我们才真正把握了自己。   12、暖春,在柔美的柳树林中穿梭,好心情与我随行;夏夜,仰望繁星点点的天空,好心情与我随行;金秋,在田野上与稻穗一起摇曳,好心情与我随行;寒冬,在纯白的雪帘中漫步,好心情与我随行。   13、红色绝对是让我“发泄愤怒”的颜色,当心情差到极点时,我就会理所当然地拽过一张白纸,(抓起一支红笔,疯狂宣泄自己的心情。看着自己的女起一个个红彤彤地跃然纸上,心中的恼怒就不知不觉地烟消云散了……   14、创造好心情,我们应该重视所拥有的东西,而不是那些还没有的,人在困境中需要一种阳光,能看到生活中朴素的美。要养成积极的心态。写博也是这样,心情好,有感而发,能写出让自己满意的博文,要保持良好的心态,创造好心情。让阳光漫步,做个阳光之人!你的心情好了,你就微笑了,我的心情好了,我就快乐了;他的心情好了,他就唱歌了。大家的心情好了,世界就祥和了。请各位博友记住:人要有好心情和好心态!好的心情让你快乐、好的心态让你幸福!   15、阴郁的心情,就是这样随着阴郁的日子一起按下葫芦起了瓢,影子一样追随着你。可能刚碰着你的脑袋瓜,紧接着又砸着了你的脚后跟。这是没法子的事,谁也兴许得碰上。俗话水得好:看见狼吃肉的时候,没看见狼爱打的时候;有在人前笑的时候,就有背后自已偷偷哭的时候……   16、阳光般的心情,温暖、舒适。只有夏日的璀璨与激情,宜人心脾。阳光般的心情是世间一道独特的风景,光彩照人。小溪明澈,河流曲折,湖水宁静,瀑布洒脱。如果说阳光般的心情是一个精灵,一个懂得水的精灵。那无数激荡起的水花将是它所有的心情。   17、心情有很多种,比方说:有伤心的;高兴的;忧伤的;兴奋的;开朗的;愁眉苦脸的;悲痛欲绝的;惹人怜爱的等……多的说不完。   18、当心中填满了幸福,不由自主在脸上漾开了笑意,身边的一切都会被这感染。当一张阴云密布的脸碰到这张快乐自信的脸时,它一定会被这美丽吸引,不禁咧开嘴,回报以微笑。   19、当你正在开怀大笑时,你的心情不知不觉变成了红色,随着你的笑声此起彼伏,让你感觉到快乐是处处可在的;当你伸出手来帮助他人时,你心情的颜色也是火红的,因为你帮助了他人,快乐了自己,而这里的红色不仅象征快乐,还象征着你那如火一般的热情。   20、秋天,一个勾起人们伤感的季节。“花谢花飞花满天,红消香断有谁怜?”一句悲凉扼腕的诗句便在落叶满天,落红无情的季节写成了。落叶黄曾经经历过翠绿的洗礼,但当秋风吹来时它便和心爱的树叶一起跌落枝头。所以每每我伤感不断时,眼前便出现了落叶黄写成的四个大字:不要悲伤!把它折成纸飞机,让它随风儿飞吧,让风儿一并和悲伤飞翔,消散。   21、坐在生命和思想的高地上,认真理顺自己曾经拥有过的经历,把甜蜜、幸运与快乐做一次排列;把苦涩、不幸与失落做一次组合。世间的恩怨,四季的寒暑,人情的冷暖……便又重新从逝去的岁月中返航。停靠在回忆的岸边,这才发现心情远非“寻常”两个字概括得了。心情是五颜六色的。   22、听一首歌,有好心情的陪伴,它会更动听;看一篇文章,有好心情的存在,它会更感人;走一段路,有好心情的同行,它会更轻松;画一幅画,有好心情的鼓舞,它会更迷人……
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1、心情是什么颜色?心情是彩色的。在人们的心情里,有湛蓝的天空,洁白的云朵,深蓝的大海,以及翠绿的椰子树,金黄的沙滩,到处是一片祥和,安宁。 2、宁愿自个儿去原谅另外的人,莫让另外的人来原谅你。 3、她欢喜得满脸飞霞,两只圆圆亮亮的眼睛,好像两盏小灯笼。 4、她那甜蜜的微笑,像一股清凉的泉水在我心中流过。 5、暖春,在柔美的柳树林中穿梭,好心情与我随行;夏夜,仰望繁星点点的天空,好心情与我随行;金秋,在田野上与稻穗一齐摇曳,好心情与我随行;寒冬,在纯白的雪帘中漫步,好心情与我随行。 6、有时侯明白人的一生当中,深刻的思念是维系自我与记忆的纽带。它维系着所有的过往。悲喜。亦指引我们深入茫茫命途。这是我们宿命的背负。但我始终甘之如饴地承受它的沉沉重量,用以平衡轻浮的生。 7、周围的大山像一幅五颜六色的花布。山浪峰涛,层层叠叠。心情短语 8、不再年轻的我依然做着我年轻的梦,美梦虽然不能成真,但这依然是我一个未了的心愿,我为我的愿望努力着,期盼着奇迹的出现,等到有一天我完成了我所有的职责,我就能够收拾起我简单的行囊,捡起我遗落多年的心愿,踏上我的旅途,去寻找我心中的那片净土,不再为谁而停留! 9、心情是一种内心感情状态的外在表现。心态是一种内心处事标准的外在体现。心情的晴雨影响心态,心态决定命运。人类是十足的幻想着,我们期望生活一帆风顺,心情总是艳阳高照。 10、听到大家的赞美,他双颊浮起两朵浮云,一条鲜红的舌头绕嘴一圈,心里美滋滋的 11、海水满盈盈的,照在夕阳之下,浪涛像顽皮的小孩子似的跳跃不定,水面上一片金光。湖是硬的,像一块无瑕的翡翠闪烁着美丽的光泽。 12、所以如果有不幸你要自我承担,安慰有时候捉襟见肘,自我不坚强也要打得坚强。还没有衣不蔽体食不果腹举目无亲,我们没有资格难过,我们还能把快乐写得源远流长。 13、海水那么蓝,使人感到翡翠的颜色太浅,蓝宝石的颜色又太深,纵是名师高手,也难以描摹。周围的大山像一幅五颜六色的花布。山浪峰涛,层层叠叠。心情短语 14、其实世界上根本没有最美丽和最丑陋之分,完全取决于人的心情。有一句话说得好:世界不是却少美的东西,而是却少发现美的眼睛。只要有一个美丽的心情,那么一切都会变得无比美丽。 15、我们明明都会料到事情的结局,却要走一段很远的行程去探索它的好处,我们的路途,但是是在毫无好处的上演一个闹剧的圆。
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图书馆找本 书不就得了吗
2023-01-07 15:17:476


2023-01-07 15:17:185

是Your Highness还是You are Highness??

当然是,肯定是,绝对是——Your Highness啦!!!!!!!!
2023-01-07 15:17:182


n. 公鸡;龙头;雄鸟;头目vt. 使竖起;使耸立;使朝上vi. 翘起;竖起;大摇大摆可能就是问你一个单词的意思而已,可以说是公鸡的意思。
2023-01-07 15:17:171


夜字四字成语“夜”字开头的成语:(共13则) [y] 夜不闭户 夜不成寐 夜长梦短 夜长梦多 夜静更阑 夜静更深 夜阑人静 夜郎自大 夜深人静 夜行被绣 夜雨对床 夜以继日 夜以继昼 第二个字是“夜”的成语:(共22则) [b] 卜夜卜昼 半夜三更 俾夜作昼 [c] 长夜漫漫 长夜难明 长夜之饮 [m] 暮夜怀金 暮夜无知 暮夜先容 [q] 清夜扪心 [r] 日夜兼程 [s] 夙夜不解 夙夜匪解 夙夜匪懈 夙夜在公 [y] 月夜花朝 以夜继日 以夜继昼 以夜继朝 以夜续昼 [z] 昼夜兼程 昼夜兼行 第三个字是“夜”的成语:(共35则) [b] 巴山夜雨 秉烛夜游 炳烛夜游 [c] 愁多夜长 晨兴夜寐 [d] 对床夜雨 对床夜语 [g] 更深夜静 [h]鹤知夜半 [m] 门不夜关 门不夜扃 [n] 牛衣夜哭 [r] 日日夜夜 [s] 夙兴夜处 夙兴夜寐 山阴夜雪 [t] 天方夜谭 [x] 雄鸡夜鸣 笑面夜叉 星行夜归 晓行夜宿 晓行夜住 [y] 衣锦夜行 衣锦夜游 衣绣夜行 衣绣夜游 [z]昼度夜思 昼伏夜动 昼伏夜行 昼伏夜游 昼耕夜诵 朝歌夜弦 昼思夜想 昼想夜梦 昼阴夜阳 “夜”字结尾的成语:(共34则) [a] 熬更守夜 [b] 不舍昼夜 卜昼卜夜 俾昼作夜 [c] 成日成夜 [f] 风花雪夜 [h] 黑更半夜 黑天半夜 好天良夜 花朝月夜 [l] 连更彻夜 连更晓夜 连更星夜 连明彻夜 连明达夜 连明连夜 连日带夜 连日继夜 连日连夜 [m] 弥日累夜 没日没夜 [q] 却金暮夜 [r] 日日夜夜 日以继夜 [s] 三更半夜 深更半夜 [t] 通宵彻夜 [w]无明无夜 无昼无夜 [x] 炫昼缟夜 [y] 移日卜夜 以日继夜 [z] 镇日镇夜 昼日昼夜 
2023-01-07 15:17:161


“我和我的父母一起堆了沙堡”翻译成英语是“I made sandcastles with my parents”
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