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2023-07-25 12:13:18


From Krabi Airport Onwards

There are several ways to get to Koh Lanta from Krabi Airport . The adventure seekers are recommended to rend a car from Krabi Airport as there are many different cars to choose from. Car Rental companies: To get a better car or luxury one, you have to reserve in advance. However, due to some path is a dirty and sloppy, four wheel drive is the most suitable. You have to make sure to having credit line available at least 30,000Bht for guarantee and payment.

Distance from Krabi to Koh Lanta is approx 70 kms. About 1 hrs from Krabi to Hua Hin pier (Car Ferry Pier). Fee is about 100 Bht/car and 20 Bht/persons from Hua Hin Pier to Saladan. You may see the Koh Lanta Map, actually you have to take 2 piers: Hua Hin Pier to Khaung Mak Pier (Koh Lanta Noi) and drive about 8 kms on Koh Lanta Noi to Langsod Pier, then taking the other car ferry to Saladan Pier. From Saladan Pier, you are able to drive along the road, along the beach to the last beach at the end of the island, but not to the Head Quarter of the National Marine Park. During my survey time on Apr 06, the road has not yet been ready for cars from Ba Kan Tiang Beach to the end of the island, unless you have a 4-wheel drive.

In case you don"t rent a car, each resort will arrange private transfer from Krabi Airport for you.

For a more affordable transfer, the fee is about 2800 Bht/trip by a van (max 9 persons).


From Krabi:

Visitors can travel from Krabi to Koh Lanta via ferry during high season (Nov - Apr). The ferry departs from Klong Chi Lard Pier, which is about five kms from downtown Krabi. The ferry departs at 11 am and arrives at Saladan Pier on Koh Lanta 1pm. The return trip to Krabi at 8am. There is no ferry during low season (May - Oct).

Ferry Schedules

Valid November 2005 - April 2006

Krabi - Railay - Koh Lanta

Depart Krabi Arrive Railay Depart Railay Arrive Lanta Pier

11:00 11:15 11:15 13:00 Ao Nang Beach

Koh Lanta - Railay - Krabi

Depart Lanta Arrive Railay Depart Railay Arrive Krabi Pier

13:30 15:15 15:15 15:30 Ao Nang Beach

Koh Lanta - Koh Phi Phi - Phuket

Depart Lanta Arrive Phi Phi Depart Phi Phi Arrive Phuket Pier

08:00 09:15 09:15 11:30 Ratsada

13:00 14:10 14:30 16:30 Ratsada

Phuket - Koh Phi Phi - Koh Lanta

Depart Phuket Arrive Phi Phi Depart Phi Phi Arrive Lanta Pier

08:30 10:30 11:30 12:45 Ratsada

13:30 15:30 15:30 16:45 Ratsada

Phuket - Ao Nang - Koh Lanta

Depart Phuket Arrive Ao Nang Depart Aonang Arrive Lanta Pier

08:30 10:30 11:00 13:00 Ratsada

Koh Lanta - Ao Nang - Phuket

Depart Lanta Arrive Ao Nang Depart Ao Nang Arrive Phuket Pier

13:30 15:30 15:30 17:15 Ratsada

Krabi - Koh Jum - Koh Lanta

Depart Krabi Arrive Jum Depart Jum Arrive Lanta Pier

10:30 11:45 11:45 12:30 Khlong Chilat

13:30 14:45 14:45 15:30 Khlong Chilat

Koh Lanta - Koh Jum - Krabi

Depart Lanta Arrive Jum Depart Jum Arrive Krabi Pier

08:00 08:45 08:45 10:00 Khlong Chilat

13:00 13:45 13:45 15:00 Khlong Chilat



"Sloppy" 是一个形容词,意思是粗心的、不认真的、不整洁的,常常用来形容人的行为、态度或外表。这个词通常与 "untidy" 或 "unclean" 连用,表示物品摆放不当、衣着不整、面容不清等。"Sloppy" 这个词源于德语,最初是指士兵在战场上表现不佳,行为不端,后来扩展到形容人们在日常工作或生活中不认真、不严谨的状态。在现代汉语中,"sloppy" 也常常用来形容人们在做事时不够认真、不注重细节,从而导致事情做不好的情况。举个例子,如果一个人在整理房间时看起来很 "sloppy",那么他可能会把东西乱扔,不把房间打扫干净,甚至会影响到其他人的生活和工作。同样,如果一个人在写作时用词不够准确、语法不够规范,或者在做报告时不认真准备,也会导致整体质量下降,给人留下 "sloppy" 的印象。"Sloppy" 这个词提醒大家要保持严谨、认真的态度,不要在做事情时过于马虎、粗糙,否则可能会导致不良后果。
2023-07-24 19:36:361


sloppy的意思如下:sloppy 基本解释:懒散的,草率的;稀薄的;多雨的,泥泞的;过于伤感的sloppy 变化形式:比较级: sloppier最高级: sloppiest中文词源:sloppy 泥泞的,马虎的,草率的;slop,泥浆,y,形容词后缀。引申比喻义马虎的,草率的。sloppy 用法和例句提示:Reviews can be sloppy and incomplete .评论是草率,不完全的。It also allowed sloppy governments , notably in greece , to spend madly .这还使得行事草率的政府(特别是希腊)疯狂支出。The damage that america "s diplomatic service has suffered is partly the result of sloppy practices .美国外交部门承受的损失部分是由草率的习惯所致。Rotation was always slow and sloppy .旋转是总是缓慢而拖泥带水。Making the sleeves right is especially important ; a too-long sleeve is a trademark of the sloppy dresser .将袖子修改到合适状态尤其重要;太长的袖子会使人看起来邋遢。loppy 用法和例句提示Reviews can be sloppy and incomplete .评论是草率,不完全的。It also allowed sloppy governments , notably in greece , to spend madly .这还使得行事草率的政府(特别是希腊)疯狂支出。The damage that america "s diplomatic service has suffered is partly the result of sloppy practices .美国外交部门承受的损失部分是由草率的习惯所致。Rotation was always slow and sloppy .旋转是总是缓慢而拖泥带水。Making the sleeves right is especially important ; a too-long sleeve is a trademark of the sloppy dresser .将袖子修改到合适状态尤其重要;太长的袖子会使人看起来邋遢。
2023-07-24 19:36:581

sloppy eater 是什么意思?

2023-07-24 19:37:272

mushy sloppy区别

2023-07-24 19:37:482


carelessness英 ["keələsnəs]美 ["kɛrlɪsnɪs]n. 粗心大意希望帮到你 望采纳 谢谢 加油
2023-07-24 19:37:592


2023-07-24 19:38:241


2023-07-24 19:38:324

sloppy joe是什么意思

sloppy joe 英[u02ccslu0252pi u02c8du0292u0259u028a]美[u02ccslɑ:pi u02c8du0292ou028a][释义] 碎牛肉饼;碎牛肉三明治;碎皮胶料压延机;[例句]Also known as a sloppy joe.也称为邋遢乔。
2023-07-24 19:38:401

孖剌报 前两个字的读音

2023-07-24 19:38:514

邋遢 这两个字怎么读

2023-07-24 19:39:106


2023-07-24 19:39:263


paper apple
2023-07-24 19:39:515


耒 lěi 〈动〉 (象形。古代的一种翻土农具,形如木叉,上有曲柄,下面是犁头,用以松土,可看作犁的前身。“耒”是汉字部首之一,从“耒”的字,与原始农具或耕作有关。本义:古代的一种农具,形状像木叉) 同本义 [plough] 耒,手耕曲木也。——《说文》 天子亲载耒耜。——《礼记·月令》。注:“耒耜之上曲也。” 耒耨之所刺。——《庄子·胠箧》。李注:“耜柄也,犁也。” 耜其柄,耜其刃。——《后汉书·章帝纪》 身执耒臿。——《韩非子·五蠹》 又如:耒耨(耕耘用的农器。指犁锄)。亦指耜的木曲柄。又如:耒耜 耒耜 lěisì [ploughs and plowshares] 古代一种像犁的翻土农具。耜用于起土。耒是耜上的弯木柄。也用做农具的统称
2023-07-24 19:40:302


2023-07-24 19:40:416


目录方法1:使用简易密码和编码(针对儿童)1、把单词反过来写。2、对半映射字母表来加密消息。3、尝试“猪圈密码”。4、创建第一个带点的“井字”表格。5、在每个格子下面画出两个X。6、用字母周围的格子来编写猪圈密码。7、使用日期移位密码。8、用日期移位数字密钥加密消息。9、使用加密语音,如Pig Latin。方法2:破解密码1、认识到密码的局限性。2、确定密码要实现的目标。3、编写电码本。4、将电码本应用于消息。5、使用密钥对消息进行编码。6、解码消息。方法3:学习常用编码1、采用苏格兰女王玛丽所使用的编码。2、使用类似军事警报的密码短语。3、用书本密钥来加密信息。方法4:破译密码1、确定使用密码是否合适。2、创造出一种适用于发送消息的算法。3、译成密码信息。4、破译消息。方法5:掌握标准密码1、掌握摩斯电码2、使用换位密码。3、将消息转换为二进制。密码是改变消息的一种方式,这样就可以隐藏消息的原始含义。通常,加密需要电码本或码字。密码是应用于消息以隐藏或加密信息的过程。然后这些信息需要反向转化或破译。编码和密码是保密通信科学(密码分析)的重要组成部分。方法1:使用简易密码和编码(针对儿童)1、把单词反过来写。这是一种对消息进行编码的简易方法,这样消息无法一眼看懂意思。比如“Meet me outside(在外面等我)”,反过来写应该是“Teem em edistuo”。注意:虽然这段编码很容易就可以破解,但是如果你认为有人试图在偷看你的消息,这种方法就非常有用。2、对半映射字母表来加密消息。在纸上写出一行字母,从A到M。在这一行的正下方,把字母N到Z也写在同一行上。把消息中的每个字母都改成对面一行的相反字母。使用映射字母表来加密,“Hello”就会变成“Uryyb”。3、尝试“猪圈密码”。在一张纸上画一个“井字”表格。在表格中从左到右,从上到下写出字母A到I。在本例中:第一行是由字母A、B、C组成的。第二行是字母D、E、F。最后一行是字母G、H、I。4、创建第一个带点的“井字”表格。在第一个表格旁边再画一个“井字”表格。用字母J到R填写表格,类似于第一个表格。然后在每行表格的每一个空格内按照下列描述标记点:在第一行,从左边开始,在右下角(字母J)、正下方(字母K)和左下角(字母L)各标记一个点。在第二行,从左边开始,在正右方(字母M)、正下方(字母N)和正左方(字母O)各标记一个点。在第三行,从左边开始,在右上角(字母P)、正上方(字母Q)和左上角(字母R)各标记一个点。5、在每个格子下面画出两个X。这两个X也要填写字母,以完成猪圈密码的密钥。在第二个X中,在X的交叉点周围的空白处画点,这样在X的中心的每一侧都有一个点。然后:在第一个X(没有画点)中,在X的上方写下s,左侧写下t,右侧写下u,在下方写下v。在第二个X中,在X的上方写下w,左侧写x,右侧写y,下方写z。6、用字母周围的格子来编写猪圈密码。字母周围的格子(包括点)被用来替代字母。使用猪圈密码密钥将消息转化成形似猪圈的格子。7、使用日期移位密码。选择一个日期。可能具有个人意义的日期,比如生日或者你大学毕业的那天,但也可以无关个人,比如乔治?华盛顿的生日。把日期写成一串完整的数字。这就是数字密钥。例如,如果你要使用乔治?华盛顿的生日(2/22/1732),你可以把它写成2221732。如果你已经约定和某人使用日期移位密码,你可以在加密的信息中加入一个数字密钥提示(比如“华盛顿”)。8、用日期移位数字密钥加密消息。把消息写在一张纸上。在消息下面,为消息中的每个字母写出数字密钥的一个数字。当你用到数字密钥的最后一位时,从头开始重复使用这个数字密钥。例如,用乔治?华盛顿的生日(2/22/1732):消息:I"m hungry(我饿了)加密:I.m.h.u.n.g.r.y2.根据数字密钥,将字母移位,如下所示?编码消息:K.O.J.V.U.J.T.A9、使用加密语音,如Pig Latin。在Pig Latin中,对于以辅音开头的单词,把这个音转换到单词的末尾并加上“ay”。这个规则也适用于以一组辅音开头的单词。以元音开头的单词只需在单词末尾加上“way”或“ay”。以辅音开头的单词示例:pig = igpay;me = emay;too = ootay;wet = etway;hello = ellohay以一组辅音开头的单词示例:glove = oveglay;shirt = irtshay;cheers = eerschay以元音开头的单词示例:explain = explainway;egg = eggway;ends = endsay;eat = eatay方法2:破解密码1、认识到密码的局限性。电码本可能会被盗走、丢失或损毁。现代密码分析技术和计算机分析技术通常可以破解强密码。即便如此,密码可以将长消息压缩成一个信号词,从而节省大量时间。密码是一种很好的模式识别方式。这种技术可以在编码、解码、加密或解密消息时使用。好友之间很自然地会使用暗语。圈内玩笑也可以被认为是一种“密码”。试着和你最好的朋友一起开发加密语言。2、确定密码要实现的目标。了解编码的用途可以避免不必要的工作。如果你是为了节省时间,可能只需要几个特定的码字。如果你准备对复杂的消息进行编码,你可能需要开发一个更类似于词典的电码本。选择要编码的消息中出现的常用短语。这些短语是需要用码字进行压缩的主要目标。可以使用几个不同编码循环或组合来使密码变得更复杂。不过,使用的编码越多,解码所需要的电码本就越多。3、编写电码本。把常见的短语,比如“Reading you loud and clear(我能理解,听得很清楚)”,压缩成“Roy”。对于编码消息和常用短语中的所有可能的单词,也要指定替编码字。有时,部分编码可能会使消息变得非常难以理解。例如,如果“walk(走路)”的意思是“tango(探戈)”,而“museum(博物馆)”的意思是“restaurant(餐馆)”,之前使用的码字“Roy”含义不变。消息:About yesterday. I wanted to say,Roy。 I"ll tango to the restaurant as planned. Over and out.(昨天,我想说,罗伊。我会按计划跳着探戈去餐厅。完毕)。含义:About yesterday. I wanted to say, reading you loud and clear. I"ll walk to the museum as planned. Over and out.(昨天,我想说,我能理解,听得很清楚,我会按计划步行去博物馆。完毕。)4、将电码本应用于消息。使用电码本中的码字对消息进行编码。你可能会发现,把名词(如名字和代词,如我、她)作为纯文本可以节省时间。不过这完全取决于你的具体情况。两段式编码应用两种不同的电码本对消息进行编码或解码。这些比一段式编码更安全。5、使用密钥对消息进行编码。关键消息、一组单词、字母、符号或上述组合可以用来编码信息。信息的接收者也需要这个关键短语或字母/符号来解码信息。例如,对于关键字“SECRET”,消息中的每个字母都将转换为它与关键字的对应字母间隔的字母数。例如,消息: Hello编码:/H/与关键字母/S/间隔11个字母/e/和/E/完全相同(0)/l/与关键字母/C/间隔9个字母以此类推...编码消息: 11; 0?; 9?; 6?; 106、解码消息。当你收到编码信息时,你需要利用电码本或关键字/短语来理解编码信息。刚开始可能会很难,但是随着你对编码越来越熟悉,这个过程就会变得更加直观。小提示:为了加强编码能力,你可以邀请好友加入一个业余编码小组。通过传递信息来提高编码技能。方法3:学习常用编码1、采用苏格兰女王玛丽所使用的编码。在政治动荡时期,苏格兰女王玛丽使用符号作为英语字母和常用词的替代来传递信息。你可能会发现玛丽女王密码的一些特性对你自己学习加密很有帮助,包括:使用简单的形状来表示高频字母,如玛丽用圆圈表示字母/A/。这节省了编码的时间。新编码语言中常用的符号,比如玛丽用“8”作为字母“Y”的编码。这样可以迷惑密码破译者,他们可能会理解成数字而不是密码符号。通用单词的唯一符号。在玛丽时代,“pray(祈祷)”和“bearer(送信人)”都有独特的符号,但在当时比现在更为常见。尽管如此,使用符号代替高频单词和短语既节省时间,又增加了复杂性。2、使用类似军事警报的密码短语。密码短语可以把很多意思分解成一个短语。甚至许多种类的军事警报,如DEFCON系统,也只是戒备状态的常用代码。在日常生活中想出合适的暗语或短语。例如,你可以对朋友使用暗语“Sloppy”,而不是说“I"ve got to run to my locker(我要去储物柜)”。要让你的朋友知道你想约会的人已经进入房间,你可以用暗语说,“My cousin Bruce likes hockey, too(我的表弟布鲁斯也喜欢曲棍球)。”3、用书本密钥来加密信息。书比较容易买到。如果已经确定某本书作为密钥,当你收到一条消息时,你可以去书店或图书馆查找解码的密钥。例如,你可能决定使用弗兰克?赫伯特的《沙丘》,从左侧开始使用代码编号表示页面、行和数字单词。加密信息: 224.10.1?; 187.15.1?; 163.1.7?; 309.4.4解码信息: I"m hiding my words(我在隐藏我的消息)。小提示:不同版本的书可能使用不同的页码。要确保使用正确的书作为密钥,书本密钥中要包含出版信息,如版本、出版年份等。方法4:破译密码1、确定使用密码是否合适。密码会使用某种算法,它类似一种应用于消息一致性的处理或转换。这意味着任何知道密码的人都可以破译它。复杂的密码甚至能难倒训练有素的密码分析员。有时,复杂密码背后的数学运算是一种非常适合隐藏日常信息的防御手段。许多密码学家添加一个密钥(比如日期)来加强密码。这个密钥将根据相应的月份天数调整输出值(在第一个密钥中,所有输出值将更改1)。2、创造出一种适用于发送消息的算法。你可以应用的最简单的密码之一是ROT1密码(有时称为凯撒密码)。这种密码需要将消息中的每个字母在字母表中向前循环遍历一位。ROT1消息: HelloROT1加密后: i?; f?; m?; m?; p凯撒密码可以改成在字母表中向前循环遍历不同位数。在概念上,ROT1和ROT13本质上是一样的。密码可能非常复杂。有些还需要使用坐标、时间和其他值。有些加密过程甚至会用到计算机。3、译成密码信息。使用算法加密消息。当你学习加密过程时,速度应该会越来越快。添加算法从而使它更复杂。例如,在密码中包含一个遍历条件,比如星期几。为一周的每一天分配一个值。在那一天加密消息时,按照这个值调整密码。在加密消息中包含一个页码。这一页的每个对应字母都将作为消息的密钥,例如,1st破译信息: 7?; 2?; 3?; 6?; 3书本密钥:A_girl(空格不算)/H/距离字母/A/有7位/e/距离字母/g/有2位/l/距离字母/i/有3位以此类推...根据密钥将消息调整为: Hello4、破译消息。当你有了阅读密码的经验后,它就会成为你的习性,或者至少让你觉得更容易。由于这些过程(算法)的应用是相容的,习惯会有助于你在使用这种类型的密码系统时发现趋势,并获得直觉。小提示:业余密码俱乐部在网上很受欢迎。其中许多都是免费的,并提供现代密码基础知识的初级读本。方法5:掌握标准密码1、掌握摩斯电码。不管是什么样的名称,“莫斯电码”都是一种密码。点和线代表长和短的电信号,它们反过来代表了字母表中的字母,从而催生了老式电子通讯(电报)。莫斯电码中常用的长(_)信号和短(.)信号包括:R?; S?; T?; L?: ._.?; _..?; _?; ._..A?; E?; O?: ._?; .?; _ _ _2、使用换位密码。历史上许多为人,比如天才达芬奇,都是按照他们在镜子里的样子来书写信息的。因此,这种加密方式通常被称为“镜像书写”。这些类型的密码一开始可能很难,但很快就能被熟练掌握。注意:换位密码通常从视觉上处理消息或字母的构成。消息的图像被转换从而隐藏含义。3、将消息转换为二进制。二进制是计算机使用的1和0的语言。这些1和0的组合可以被加密,然后用二进制密钥解密,或者通过计算消息中每个字母的1和0所表示的值来解密。名字“Matt”可以加密为二进制:01001101;01000001;01010100;01010100。小提示设计一种方法来加密单词之间的空格以及单词本身。这样可以加强密码,使它更难被破解。例如,你可以用字母(E、T、a、O、N(最佳))来代替空格。这些被称为空值。学习一种不同的脚本,比如Runic,为你想要传递消息的人创建加密和解密密钥。你可以在网上找到这些内容,对我本人来说,这些都很有效。如果你想让密码更安全,为常见的单词结尾和开头创建额外的符号,比如“-ing”和“th-”。此外,你可以省略或增加下列只有一个字母的单词(“A”和“I”)。不要大写字母,省略撇号。让一些字母和其他字母具有相同的符号。你也可以把两个字母的单词和它们后面的单词结合起来,并省略单词末尾的字母“S”。警告用代码或密码并不能保证消息的安全性。密码分析可能会破解你的代码,或者人为错误,比如丢失电码本,也可能导致你的密码被破解。
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2023-07-24 19:41:154

求Neat People vs. Sloppy People一文的翻译

  我终于找到了区别整齐人民和粗心的人。这种区别是一如既往,道德。整洁的人懒惰和灵活比粗心的人。  粗心的人,你看,其实并不是真正的粗心。他们粗心仅仅是不幸后果的极端道德。粗心的人进行的心灵之眼天国理想,一个确切的计划,即是如此惊人,如此完美,它无法实现在这个世界上,或明年。  粗心的人生活在永不永不地。有一天是他们的行业。有一天,他们正计划整理所有的书籍和建立家庭的目录。有一天,他们将通过自己的衣柜和马克某些项目暂定修补和某些项目传给亲属类似形状和大小。总有一天粗心的人将家庭剪贴簿到他们将剪报,明信片,锁的头发,并从他们的干胸花高级舞会。总有一天他们会的文件上的所有表面的办公桌,包括现金收入从咖啡采购在快餐店。总有一天他们会坐下来阅读所有回到问题的纽约客。  出于所有这些原因,更崇高,粗心的人永远不会整洁。他们的目标是太高和广泛。他们节省一切,规划有一天,以文件,命令,并理顺世界。但是,虽然这些雄心勃勃的计划需要清楚形状在他们的头上,泄漏的图书从货架上发言,衣服堆在阻碍和壁橱,家庭纪念品积聚在每个抽屉,表面台是埋在成堆的文件和未读的杂志威胁将达到最高限额。  粗心的人不能忍受任何部分。他们给爱好注意每一个细节。当粗心的人说他们是要解决表面的服务台,他们真正意思。没有一份文件,将竭尽全力;不是橡皮筋将取消装箱。 4小时或两个星期的发掘,该台看起来完全一样,因为粗心人精心创造新的成堆的文件,新的标题和严格停下来阅读所有的旧图书的目录前,他投他们离开。对二者的人只是用推土机推倒了台。  整洁的人伯恩斯和土块心。他们傲慢态度财产,包括传家宝。一切都只是另一个除尘器他们。如果有任何收集灰尘,这是得去,而且氏说。整洁的人将玩具的想法投掷儿童出屋子只是减少混乱。  整洁的人不关心进程。他们喜欢的结果。他们想要做的就是对整个事情的,以便他们能够坐下来,看电视上的。整洁的人操作的两个不变的原则:不要处理任何项目两次,都扔了。  我把原文粘贴到词霸里  然后翻译原文了  不知道可以不
2023-07-24 19:41:251


2023-07-24 19:41:581

as the result of 和at the result of的区别

  as the result of 和at the result of的区别主要是意义不同,at the result of有强调结果本身的意思(可以解释为“-----结果”),而as a result of一般不强调,只是翻译成“因为."。  1、as the result ofMost of my accomplishments came as the result of sheer doggedness.  我大多数的成就纯粹是坚持不懈的结果。He was injured as the result of a boiler explosion.  他因锅炉爆炸而受伤.  2、at the result ofThey were bitterly disappointed at the result of the game.  他们对比赛结果极为失望。She look with pride at the result of her work.  她自豪地看着自己的工作成果.
2023-07-24 19:42:061


2023-07-24 19:42:393

sloppy head什么意思

sloppy head什么意思马虎头
2023-07-24 19:42:472


  介意意思即在意,把令人不高兴的事放在心上。如:刚才这句话我是无心中说的,你可别介意。那么你知道介意用英语怎么说吗?下面来学习一下吧。    介意英语说法1:   mind    介意英语说法2:   take offense    介意英语说法3:   care about    介意的相关短语:   别介意 never mind ; Mach dir nichts draus ; Don"t mind ; Mevermind   你介意 Would you mind ; What do you mind ; Do you mind   介意某事 mind doing sth   不介意 be careless about ; not mind ; Don"t Mind ; sloppy   从不介意 Nevermind   不要介意 never mind ; Don"t mind ; Do not mind   介意很大 Mind great   我介意 Yes, I do mind ; I do mind ; My mind ; I mind   不用介意 don"t mention it ; Never mind ; Do not mind    介意的英语例句:   1. If someone says something critical I take it to heart.   如果有人提出批评,我会十分介意。   2. I"m sure she won"t mind sparing us a little of her time.   我肯定她不会介意为我们抽点时间。   3. You don"t mind if I take my shoes off, do you?   你不介意我把鞋子脱了吧?   4. You don"t mind if they take a look round, do you?   您不介意他们四处看看吧?   5. "I guess you guys don"t mind if I smoke?" he drawled.   “伙计们,我想你们不介意我抽烟吧?”他拉长音调说。   6. Do you mind if I give it a miss?   如果我决定不去,你会介意吗?   7. I hope you don"t mind me coming to see you.   希望你不介意我来见你。   8. If you don"t mind, I think I"d like to go home.   如果你不介意的话,我想我要回家了。   9. Do you mind if I ask you one more thing?   您不介意我再问您一个问题吧?   10. Look, we are both men of the world, would anyone really mind?   听着,我们都是见过世面的人,真有人会介意吗?   11. Pearl didn"t mind his reticence; in fact she liked it.   珀尔并不介意他沉默寡言;事实上,她喜欢这一点。   12. People do not mind paying a bit extra for the personal touch.   冲着个性化设计人们不介意多花点儿钱。   13. Would you mind awfully waiting a bit, I"ll be back right away.   不介意稍微等一会儿吧,我马上就回来。   14. If they don"t want to speak to me, fine. No problem.   如果他们不想和我讲话,好的。我不介意。   15. I"d sooner not, if you don"t mind.   要是你不介意的话,我宁可不这样做。
2023-07-24 19:42:561


粗枝大叶的解释(1) [crude and careless;sloppy]∶ 比喻 粗鲁 不 精细 ;疏略 不慎 密 粗枝大叶的工作作风 (2) [rough outline]∶比喻大概的情形 详细解释 亦作“ 粗株大叶 ”。1. 形容 简略概括。 《朱子语类》 卷七八:“ 《书序》 恐 不是 孔安国 做, 汉 文粗枝大叶,今 《书序》 细腻 ,只似 六朝 时文字。” 明 文徵明 《题沉石田临王叔明小景》 :“小景至四十外始拓为大幅,粗株大叶,草草而成。” 《何典》 第十回:“﹝ 活死人 ﹞也将别后事情,粗枝大叶说与他听了。” (2).形容粗疏,不精细。 元 石德玉 《紫云庭》 第一折:“娘呵!我看不的你这般粗枝大叶,听不的你那里野调山声。” 曹禺 《北京人》 第一幕:“我可是个粗枝大叶,有嘴无心的人。” 词语分解 粗的解释 粗 ū 疏忽,不 周密 :粗心。粗疏。粗略。粗率(刬 )。 不 精致 ,工料毛糙: 粗糙 。粗劣。粗料。粗纸。粗粮。粗制滥造。去粗取精。 长条 东西 直径大的:粗大。粗壮。粗重。粗实。粗线条(a.指毛道粗的线条:b. 叶的解释 叶 (叶) è 植物的营养器官 之一 :树叶。菜叶。叶子。叶落归根。一叶知秋。一叶蔽目(喻目光短浅,常被眼前细小事物所 遮蔽 ,看不到远处、大处。亦称“一叶障目”)。 像叶子的:铁叶。百叶窗。 同“页”。
2023-07-24 19:43:221

如何创建密码和暗语 5种方法来创建密码和暗语

目录方法1:使用简易密码和编码(针对儿童)1、把单词反过来写。2、对半映射字母表来加密消息。3、尝试“猪圈密码”。4、创建第一个带点的“井字”表格。5、在每个格子下面画出两个X。6、用字母周围的格子来编写猪圈密码。7、使用日期移位密码。8、用日期移位数字密钥加密消息。9、使用加密语音,如Pig Latin。方法2:破解密码1、认识到密码的局限性。2、确定密码要实现的目标。3、编写电码本。4、将电码本应用于消息。5、使用密钥对消息进行编码。6、解码消息。方法3:学习常用编码1、采用苏格兰女王玛丽所使用的编码。2、使用类似军事警报的密码短语。3、用书本密钥来加密信息。方法4:破译密码1、确定使用密码是否合适。2、创造出一种适用于发送消息的算法。3、译成密码信息。4、破译消息。方法5:掌握标准密码1、掌握摩斯电码2、使用换位密码。3、将消息转换为二进制。密码是改变消息的一种方式,这样就可以隐藏消息的原始含义。通常,加密需要电码本或码字。密码是应用于消息以隐藏或加密信息的过程。然后这些信息需要反向转化或破译。编码和密码是保密通信科学(密码分析)的重要组成部分。方法1:使用简易密码和编码(针对儿童)1、把单词反过来写。这是一种对消息进行编码的简易方法,这样消息无法一眼看懂意思。比如“Meet me outside(在外面等我)”,反过来写应该是“Teem em edistuo”。注意:虽然这段编码很容易就可以破解,但是如果你认为有人试图在偷看你的消息,这种方法就非常有用。2、对半映射字母表来加密消息。在纸上写出一行字母,从A到M。在这一行的正下方,把字母N到Z也写在同一行上。把消息中的每个字母都改成对面一行的相反字母。使用映射字母表来加密,“Hello”就会变成“Uryyb”。3、尝试“猪圈密码”。在一张纸上画一个“井字”表格。在表格中从左到右,从上到下写出字母A到I。在本例中:第一行是由字母A、B、C组成的。第二行是字母D、E、F。最后一行是字母G、H、I。4、创建第一个带点的“井字”表格。在第一个表格旁边再画一个“井字”表格。用字母J到R填写表格,类似于第一个表格。然后在每行表格的每一个空格内按照下列描述标记点:在第一行,从左边开始,在右下角(字母J)、正下方(字母K)和左下角(字母L)各标记一个点。在第二行,从左边开始,在正右方(字母M)、正下方(字母N)和正左方(字母O)各标记一个点。在第三行,从左边开始,在右上角(字母P)、正上方(字母Q)和左上角(字母R)各标记一个点。5、在每个格子下面画出两个X。这两个X也要填写字母,以完成猪圈密码的密钥。在第二个X中,在X的交叉点周围的空白处画点,这样在X的中心的每一侧都有一个点。然后:在第一个X(没有画点)中,在X的上方写下s,左侧写下t,右侧写下u,在下方写下v。在第二个X中,在X的上方写下w,左侧写x,右侧写y,下方写z。6、用字母周围的格子来编写猪圈密码。字母周围的格子(包括点)被用来替代字母。使用猪圈密码密钥将消息转化成形似猪圈的格子。7、使用日期移位密码。选择一个日期。可能具有个人意义的日期,比如生日或者你大学毕业的那天,但也可以无关个人,比如乔治?华盛顿的生日。把日期写成一串完整的数字。这就是数字密钥。例如,如果你要使用乔治?华盛顿的生日(2/22/1732),你可以把它写成2221732。如果你已经约定和某人使用日期移位密码,你可以在加密的信息中加入一个数字密钥提示(比如“华盛顿”)。8、用日期移位数字密钥加密消息。把消息写在一张纸上。在消息下面,为消息中的每个字母写出数字密钥的一个数字。当你用到数字密钥的最后一位时,从头开始重复使用这个数字密钥。例如,用乔治?华盛顿的生日(2/22/1732):消息:I"m hungry(我饿了)加密:I.m.h.u.n.g.r.y2.根据数字密钥,将字母移位,如下所示?编码消息:K.O.J.V.U.J.T.A9、使用加密语音,如Pig Latin。在Pig Latin中,对于以辅音开头的单词,把这个音转换到单词的末尾并加上“ay”。这个规则也适用于以一组辅音开头的单词。以元音开头的单词只需在单词末尾加上“way”或“ay”。以辅音开头的单词示例:pig = igpay;me = emay;too = ootay;wet = etway;hello = ellohay以一组辅音开头的单词示例:glove = oveglay;shirt = irtshay;cheers = eerschay以元音开头的单词示例:explain = explainway;egg = eggway;ends = endsay;eat = eatay方法2:破解密码1、认识到密码的局限性。电码本可能会被盗走、丢失或损毁。现代密码分析技术和计算机分析技术通常可以破解强密码。即便如此,密码可以将长消息压缩成一个信号词,从而节省大量时间。密码是一种很好的模式识别方式。这种技术可以在编码、解码、加密或解密消息时使用。好友之间很自然地会使用暗语。圈内玩笑也可以被认为是一种“密码”。试着和你最好的朋友一起开发加密语言。2、确定密码要实现的目标。了解编码的用途可以避免不必要的工作。如果你是为了节省时间,可能只需要几个特定的码字。如果你准备对复杂的消息进行编码,你可能需要开发一个更类似于词典的电码本。选择要编码的消息中出现的常用短语。这些短语是需要用码字进行压缩的主要目标。可以使用几个不同编码循环或组合来使密码变得更复杂。不过,使用的编码越多,解码所需要的电码本就越多。3、编写电码本。把常见的短语,比如“Reading you loud and clear(我能理解,听得很清楚)”,压缩成“Roy”。对于编码消息和常用短语中的所有可能的单词,也要指定替编码字。有时,部分编码可能会使消息变得非常难以理解。例如,如果“walk(走路)”的意思是“tango(探戈)”,而“museum(博物馆)”的意思是“restaurant(餐馆)”,之前使用的码字“Roy”含义不变。消息:About yesterday. I wanted to say,Roy。 I"ll tango to the restaurant as planned. Over and out.(昨天,我想说,罗伊。我会按计划跳着探戈去餐厅。完毕)。含义:About yesterday. I wanted to say, reading you loud and clear. I"ll walk to the museum as planned. Over and out.(昨天,我想说,我能理解,听得很清楚,我会按计划步行去博物馆。完毕。)4、将电码本应用于消息。使用电码本中的码字对消息进行编码。你可能会发现,把名词(如名字和代词,如我、她)作为纯文本可以节省时间。不过这完全取决于你的具体情况。两段式编码应用两种不同的电码本对消息进行编码或解码。这些比一段式编码更安全。5、使用密钥对消息进行编码。关键消息、一组单词、字母、符号或上述组合可以用来编码信息。信息的接收者也需要这个关键短语或字母/符号来解码信息。例如,对于关键字“SECRET”,消息中的每个字母都将转换为它与关键字的对应字母间隔的字母数。例如,消息: Hello编码:/H/与关键字母/S/间隔11个字母/e/和/E/完全相同(0)/l/与关键字母/C/间隔9个字母以此类推...编码消息: 11; 0?; 9?; 6?; 106、解码消息。当你收到编码信息时,你需要利用电码本或关键字/短语来理解编码信息。刚开始可能会很难,但是随着你对编码越来越熟悉,这个过程就会变得更加直观。小提示:为了加强编码能力,你可以邀请好友加入一个业余编码小组。通过传递信息来提高编码技能。方法3:学习常用编码1、采用苏格兰女王玛丽所使用的编码。在政治动荡时期,苏格兰女王玛丽使用符号作为英语字母和常用词的替代来传递信息。你可能会发现玛丽女王密码的一些特性对你自己学习加密很有帮助,包括:使用简单的形状来表示高频字母,如玛丽用圆圈表示字母/A/。这节省了编码的时间。新编码语言中常用的符号,比如玛丽用“8”作为字母“Y”的编码。这样可以迷惑密码破译者,他们可能会理解成数字而不是密码符号。通用单词的唯一符号。在玛丽时代,“pray(祈祷)”和“bearer(送信人)”都有独特的符号,但在当时比现在更为常见。尽管如此,使用符号代替高频单词和短语既节省时间,又增加了复杂性。2、使用类似军事警报的密码短语。密码短语可以把很多意思分解成一个短语。甚至许多种类的军事警报,如DEFCON系统,也只是戒备状态的常用代码。在日常生活中想出合适的暗语或短语。例如,你可以对朋友使用暗语“Sloppy”,而不是说“I"ve got to run to my locker(我要去储物柜)”。要让你的朋友知道你想约会的人已经进入房间,你可以用暗语说,“My cousin Bruce likes hockey, too(我的表弟布鲁斯也喜欢曲棍球)。”3、用书本密钥来加密信息。书比较容易买到。如果已经确定某本书作为密钥,当你收到一条消息时,你可以去书店或图书馆查找解码的密钥。例如,你可能决定使用弗兰克?赫伯特的《沙丘》,从左侧开始使用代码编号表示页面、行和数字单词。加密信息: 224.10.1?; 187.15.1?; 163.1.7?; 309.4.4解码信息: I"m hiding my words(我在隐藏我的消息)。小提示:不同版本的书可能使用不同的页码。要确保使用正确的书作为密钥,书本密钥中要包含出版信息,如版本、出版年份等。方法4:破译密码1、确定使用密码是否合适。密码会使用某种算法,它类似一种应用于消息一致性的处理或转换。这意味着任何知道密码的人都可以破译它。复杂的密码甚至能难倒训练有素的密码分析员。有时,复杂密码背后的数学运算是一种非常适合隐藏日常信息的防御手段。许多密码学家添加一个密钥(比如日期)来加强密码。这个密钥将根据相应的月份天数调整输出值(在第一个密钥中,所有输出值将更改1)。2、创造出一种适用于发送消息的算法。你可以应用的最简单的密码之一是ROT1密码(有时称为凯撒密码)。这种密码需要将消息中的每个字母在字母表中向前循环遍历一位。ROT1消息: HelloROT1加密后: i?; f?; m?; m?; p凯撒密码可以改成在字母表中向前循环遍历不同位数。在概念上,ROT1和ROT13本质上是一样的。密码可能非常复杂。有些还需要使用坐标、时间和其他值。有些加密过程甚至会用到计算机。3、译成密码信息。使用算法加密消息。当你学习加密过程时,速度应该会越来越快。添加算法从而使它更复杂。例如,在密码中包含一个遍历条件,比如星期几。为一周的每一天分配一个值。在那一天加密消息时,按照这个值调整密码。在加密消息中包含一个页码。这一页的每个对应字母都将作为消息的密钥,例如,1st破译信息: 7?; 2?; 3?; 6?; 3书本密钥:A_girl(空格不算)/H/距离字母/A/有7位/e/距离字母/g/有2位/l/距离字母/i/有3位以此类推...根据密钥将消息调整为: Hello4、破译消息。当你有了阅读密码的经验后,它就会成为你的习性,或者至少让你觉得更容易。由于这些过程(算法)的应用是相容的,习惯会有助于你在使用这种类型的密码系统时发现趋势,并获得直觉。小提示:业余密码俱乐部在网上很受欢迎。其中许多都是免费的,并提供现代密码基础知识的初级读本。方法5:掌握标准密码1、掌握摩斯电码。不管是什么样的名称,“莫斯电码”都是一种密码。点和线代表长和短的电信号,它们反过来代表了字母表中的字母,从而催生了老式电子通讯(电报)。莫斯电码中常用的长(_)信号和短(.)信号包括:R?; S?; T?; L?: ._.?; _..?; _?; ._..A?; E?; O?: ._?; .?; _ _ _2、使用换位密码。历史上许多为人,比如天才达芬奇,都是按照他们在镜子里的样子来书写信息的。因此,这种加密方式通常被称为“镜像书写”。这些类型的密码一开始可能很难,但很快就能被熟练掌握。注意:换位密码通常从视觉上处理消息或字母的构成。消息的图像被转换从而隐藏含义。3、将消息转换为二进制。二进制是计算机使用的1和0的语言。这些1和0的组合可以被加密,然后用二进制密钥解密,或者通过计算消息中每个字母的1和0所表示的值来解密。名字“Matt”可以加密为二进制:01001101;01000001;01010100;01010100。小提示设计一种方法来加密单词之间的空格以及单词本身。这样可以加强密码,使它更难被破解。例如,你可以用字母(E、T、a、O、N(最佳))来代替空格。这些被称为空值。学习一种不同的脚本,比如Runic,为你想要传递消息的人创建加密和解密密钥。你可以在网上找到这些内容,对我本人来说,这些都很有效。如果你想让密码更安全,为常见的单词结尾和开头创建额外的符号,比如“-ing”和“th-”。此外,你可以省略或增加下列只有一个字母的单词(“A”和“I”)。不要大写字母,省略撇号。让一些字母和其他字母具有相同的符号。你也可以把两个字母的单词和它们后面的单词结合起来,并省略单词末尾的字母“S”。警告用代码或密码并不能保证消息的安全性。密码分析可能会破解你的代码,或者人为错误,比如丢失电码本,也可能导致你的密码被破解。
2023-07-24 19:43:561


busy -> busiereasy -> easierpretty -> prettiersmelly -> smellierstinky -> stinkierugly -> uglierwhiny -> whinierstealthy -> stealthierslimy -> slimiersloppy -> sloppier
2023-07-24 19:44:532

求diplomats的The best out歌词
2023-07-24 19:45:014


god is a girl
2023-07-24 19:45:365


Our math teacher is a woman, she taught high school curriculum.Her appearance and style very different with other female teacher. She is not very tall, lean body mass, the skin is very white, her nose is small, but has big eyes, also wearing a pair of black frame glasses. She always wears a shirt, the outside with a coat, the coat is never buttons, trousers is tight. This is her dress, like a handsome cowboy.Mathematical teacher"s language is very humorous, she is also very helpful!
2023-07-24 19:45:552


你是说用英文写一篇作文吗?成功 原因 你可以 查询一些英文单词写下来就行了
2023-07-24 19:46:064


  在日常生活或是工作学习中,大家都尝试过写作文吧,借助作文人们可以实现文化交流的目的.。你知道作文怎样才能写的好吗?以下是我整理的初二英语作文10篇,希望能够帮助到大家。 初二英语作文 篇1   My birtiday is on 24th May. I always have both happy and sad feelings on my birthday. Why I am happy? I have group of friends that come over to celebrate with me. And they give me birthday presents,   sometimes the gifts surprised me very much. Also, I can feel how much my family loves me because my parents always make a birthday cake for me. They do not go to buy one, but make one themselves.   I feel so happy about that. However, I understand my mother was the one who suffered the most pain on the date I came to the world. I feel so sorry for my mother for what she had suffered. But I promise her, I will take good care of her when I have that ability. 初二英语作文 篇2   Last week Chang Feng Park held a flower show.   I went to visit it with my friends.I was very glad to see so many beautiful flowers in the park.I was really amazed to see a sea of colourful flowers.They told me that some rare flowers came from Taiwan.Thousands of people stopped and watched them carefully.   I took many pictures there.Taiwan has always been a part of our country.I am sure sooner or later we can go there to see many more beautiful flowers.What great fun it will be. 初二英语作文 篇3   The weather gradually hot, summer with a warm smile, walked a strong step to us.   I really like the summer, because I can put on a beautiful skirt, and can go swimming. In the evening, I can go to the wild catch firefly children, this time I could not help laughing out loud.   But I also hate the summer, because the summer can not go out to play, can only sleep, do not know what will be bitten by mosquito bites? At this time, I frowned.   Hey, summer, let me happy let me worry.   天气渐渐变热,夏天带着热情的笑容,迈着有力的步伐向我们走来。   我非常喜欢夏天,因为这样我又能穿上漂亮的裙子了,还能去游泳。到了晚上,我又可以去野外抓萤火虫儿,这时候我就不由自主地笑出声来。   可我也讨厌夏天,因为夏天不能出去玩,只能睡觉,还不知道会被蚊子咬成什么样子?这时,我就皱起眉头。   哎,夏天,让我欢喜让我忧。 初二英语作文 篇4   Dear Lin Tao,   I am glad to receive your last letter. You want to know how to learn English well. Here is my advice:   You mustn"t give up whatever you meet any difficulties that you meet. Every day you should spend some time in learning English. Remember as many English words as possible and try your best to use them.   Read English books , magazines or newspapers as often as you can. It is useful and important for you to improve your English. I think listening or singing English songs can make you more interested in English learning.   Hope you make great progress in your English learning.   Yours, ZhangPeng 初二英语作文 篇5   Saturday My future XXX Everyone has a dream, me too. I want to be a computer programmer. This may be a different dream. There are some important reasons for me to choose this dream. First,this job is becoming more and more popular now. Almost everything needs IT, So many places needs computer programmer. It"s easier to find a job. Another reason is that this job can earn more money. Computer programmer"s salary is higher. However, the most important reason is that I am really interested in IT. I am good at Math and English. I sometimes make some small programmes for fun. would enjoy my job. I really love this. I →IT changed our life! But this is extremely hard and tired work. Many people have to work over 8 hours a day. They are called “Code farmer”. Well, there is no job relaxed, isn"t it? No matter what I will be in the future, I should work hard to make my dream be true. Let"s FIGHT FOR OUR DREAM! 初二英语作文 篇6   It is suggested that people have been aware of the issue--lack of preservation for endangered spieces, animals and plants, but as you see , they placed little efforts to cope with the problem。despite the versatility and intricacy of instruments , I would pore over some of the most striking ones and offer alternatives afterwards。   One of the major reasons , causing people"s inocence of protecting animals, is that the government did not function well as an educator, arosing people"s initiative in shielding wild animals, which led to the consequence that people do not know their responsibility to prevent animals from dangers, and specific knowledge in guarding them.what is equally important as the reason mentioned above is that media did not meet our satisfaction to inform the mass of the emergency which is crutial in arousing people"s conciousness to keep animals safe。   In spite of the serious problem, measure leading to profound improvement still can be taken.owning to the fact that funds are insufficient in some developing countries, developed countries or international organizations should shoulder more burden -- finacing them in order to capacitate them to acpolish the protection of the same time, education in telling people the way to make animals harboured ought to be focused on, thus resulting in people"s better awareness in the camouflage of our planet"s cutest creatures。   It is belived by me that if correct actions are taken to preserve animals, any kind of them will be far away from extinction forever。 初二英语作文 篇7   Now is close to the New Year, everyone have a wish in the New Year, I have, that is to make my grades unceasing progress, grow up to have power, have ambition, have the ability.   Think of Chinese teacher said to us, I suddenly realize, if grow up without cultural quality, is like the beasts that live. We have a saying: man can not live like beasts, should pursue knowledge and virtue. This famous words let me unforgettable. Instead of playing at home, it is better to use spare time reading books, so will the love of learning good habits.   I again remind of a famous saying of Confucius said: temperature of new, ShiYi. So, knowledge is comprehensive, a colorful words to say that the attention of the people. But some people think, how many grade do what grade homework and book, did you read all as if nothing happened, so the results don"t come, it is not reliable.   Make the teaching language teacher to us, so that we open street, let us not to move toward the road of crime. New Year, in this rich knowledge gift box!!!! Let"s answer the open it to see the magic.   Amazing gift box is let me learn knowledge, scores constantly aspirant, become a man of respectable people. This is my wish, my direction. I will use action to make it into reality.   This is my wish in the New Year. 初二英语作文 篇8   Li xin, a young lady of 23 from xinjiang, has been a middle-school teacher of English for three years. she is slim and beautiful, and always has a nice smile on her face.   She was born for teaching and does a great jib. In her class, she can get her students involved in learning and doing exercises. They are attracted by the topics she gives and this makes her class lively. As a result, most students like to be in her class.   Li Xin is a good teacher not only because she has a good way of teaching, but also because she loves her students and never spoil them. She is kind and considerate, and is ready to help her students who meet with difficulties.   My teacher, Li Xin, is not only our good teacher, but also our best friend. We all like her and will remember her forever. 初二英语作文 篇9   This term I should study harder.I am good at math,physics and science lessons.My English is not good.I think I should learn from my friend Nari.His English is good.Perhaps he would like to help me.Teacher said,my compositions were not good.So I should read more useful books after class.I believe I will do well in English.On the other way,I should do more exercise,this will make me strong.I like playing ball games.After class I should make more friends,because the more we are together,the happier we are.   Yours ever,   Julia 初二英语作文 篇10   The math teacher of my class is a young man. His name is Jiang Shan. He is tall and fat.   We call him the “Big Guy”. When he knows it, he isn"t angry and says it"s lovely.   He is easy going and interesting.   We can make jokes with him. But about our study, he is serious but patient.   We can"t be sloppy on our study.   When we have questions, we can ask him anytime. He is a good teacher.
2023-07-24 19:46:351


持续时间:1990年~1992年1989年底,Ice Cube怀疑Eazy-E和他的经纪人杰瑞·海勒(Jerry Heller)控制了N.W.A的收入(同样的,也因为他认为自己写了很多歌词,却没有得到应有的回报),提出了索赔请求,并且于1990年初正式离队, 并且还控告杰瑞·海勒向其他成员隐瞒了这件事。不过,令人感到惊奇的是,Ice Cube在处子专辑《AmeriKKKa Most Wanted》中并没有直接攻击N.W.A,虽然还是有一些隐晦的攻击。Ice Cube在1990年7月1日发行了EP专辑《Kill At Will》, 对这件事大肆宣扬,包括了 《Jackin" For Beats》和 《I Gotta Say What Up!!!》。在 《I Gotta Say What Up!!!》中,Ice Cube高度赞扬了同时期的说唱同行,包括Pubic Enemy,Geto Boys,Sir Jinx,Kool Moe Dee,LL Cool J,Africa Bambaataa,EPMD,King Tee,Yo-Yo,Ice-T,Compton"s Most Wanted,Too Short,Stretch,King Sun,Busy Bee,Run-D.M.C.,Big Daddy Kane,DJ Pooh,The Bomb Squad,Digital Underground和他的堂弟Del the Funky Homosapien等等 ,而在歌曲最后,有一段类似与采访的音频,Ice Cube被这样问道:“自从你单飞后,你以前的队友怎么样了?(Since you went solo, whatever happened to the rest of your crew?) 随后采访便突然被掐断了。1990年,N.W.A在他们的发行的EP专辑《100 Miles and Runnin"》 中的同名歌曲包含了一段对Ice Cube的侮辱,“我们以五个人开始,但一个人不能继续坚毅;所以现在是四个人,因为第五个不能继续做专辑。(We started with five, but yo / One couldn"t take it—So now it"s four / Cuz the fifth couldn"t make it.) ”歌曲的MV临近结尾处有一幅画面描绘了N.W.A的四个成员在一个形似Ice Cube的释放的时候被警察逮住关在监狱中,并最终逃脱。EP中的另一首歌曲《Real Niggaz》则可以说是对Ice Cube的辱骂的全面爆发,N.W.A剩下的4个成员斥责了Ice Cube的懦弱、真实性、歌曲的耐听度和独创性:“你觉得一个说唱艺人该怎样继续?哦,是要像你一样放着屁说着过去;搞搞清楚,你的歌软弱无力!赶快滚,你这中途逃离的狗屁!”(How the fuck you think a rapper lasts / With your ass sayin" shit that was said in the past / Yo, be original, your shit is sloppy / Get off the dick, you motherfuckin" carbon-copy, ) 和“我们开始时有着太多的人,我很庆幸拜托了你这个本笃·阿诺德(本笃·阿诺德,一个美国独立战争时靠拢英国的叛徒),哟!”( We started out with too much cargo / So I"m glad we got rid of Benedict Arnold, yo) 在1990年9月,Ruthless旗下的团体Above the Law在位于纽约的时代广场(Time"s Square)的马奎斯万豪酒店的年度新音乐研讨会(New Music Seminar)上与Ice Cube旗下的团体Da Lench Mod发生冲突,并且迫使后者狼狈地逃离现场。而N.W.A的第二张正式专辑《Niggaz4Life》中便更加直白。在插曲《A Message To B.A.》中,N.W.A.成员把Ice Cube比作Benedict Arnold(本笃·阿诺德),一名美国革命时期American Revolution的叛徒, 并在结尾处破口大骂。同时,对Ice Cube计划自己的处子专辑《AmeriKKKa Most Wanted》的制作团队将是来自纽约长岛的The Bomb Squad(同时也是Public Enemy当时的御用制作组)一事进行了讽刺,称其是“舔纽约人的阴茎”(...sucking New York dick,)。 插曲 《A Message to B.A.》同时也回应了回应了《AmeriKKKa"s Most Wanted》中的《Turn Off the Radio》的开头。Ice Cube一开始还只是被称为本笃·阿诺德,后来更是被N.W.A剩下的成员和N.W.A的粉丝大肆辱骂,包括MC Ren在插曲结尾的这一段话:当门看见你(的黑皮股)是,我么剪断你的头发并用扫帚猛揍你。怎么样?蠢货?(When we see yo" ass, we gon" cut yo" hair off and fuck you with a broomstick. Think about it, punk muthafucka) 1991年,Ice Cube在电影《Boyz N the Hood》中担任主角。他向导演约翰·辛格顿(John Singleton)建议,把一个绑架犯绑架两个青少年的场面中的绑架犯进行绑架时的发型变成杰瑞卷发(Jheri curl,Eazy-E的发型,流行于二十世纪八十年代的非裔黑人中),并且加上一副墨镜和《We Want Eazy》的宣传衫。Ice Cube和N.W.A的纷争最开始升级,包括歌曲和现实当中。《AmeriKKKa"s Most Wanted》这张专辑中,Ice Cube避免了和N.W.A剩下成员的冲突,但他的第二张正式专辑中,《Death Certificate》,Ice Cube开始了他的报复。他采样并嘲笑了插曲《A Message to B.A.》,并在臭名昭著的辱骂歌曲——《No Vaseline》中采样后使用。Ice Cube在歌词中猛烈地报复了N.W.A:“你们看起来就像鲁莽的笨蛋,我发现了所以我就单干;我有了自己的公司,你们就开始嫉妒,但我是真汉子,没人可以像我一样急速。(You lookin" like straight bozos / I saw it comin" that"s why I went solo / You got jealous when I got my own company / But I"m a man, and ain"t nobody humpin" me”)” Ice Cube同样回应了《100 Miles and Runnin‘》:“一开始有太多无用的货,我丢下四个黑鬼;于是我赚到了所有的家伙。( I started off with too much cargo, dropped four niggaz / And now I"m makin" all the dou) ”而Eazy-E,Dr. Dre,MC Ren分别被Ice Cube用同性恋隐喻了他们与经纪人杰瑞·海勒(Jerry Heller)之间的关系:轻松地摆脱那恶魔,瞄准他的颞颥;你们不能成为“黑鬼人生”的团队,因为告诉你们怎么做的人是个白犹太。(Get rid of that devil real simple / Put a bullet to his temple / Cuz you can"t be the "Niggaz 4 Life" crew / With a white Jew tellin" you what to do.)” 他还把N.W.A的成员称为骗子phonies,还宣称Eazy-E打小报告(snitch)。歌曲因为他的基于对海勒的宗教信仰的反犹太主义 (antisemitism)而备受争议(即指责Ice Cube与伊斯兰国度的从属关系)。 这首歌在英国发行专辑时被去掉,制作了它的审核后版本。这一纷争由Ice Cube的大获全胜告终,换来了自己的名声大噪和N.W.A的解散。N.W.A vs Ice Cube歌曲一览Ice Cube - 《Jackin" For Beats》Ice Cube - 《I Gotta Say What Up!!!》N.W.A - 《100 Miles and Runnin"》N.W.A - 《Real Niggaz》N.W.A - 《Alwayz into Somethin"》N.W.A - 《A Message To B.A.》Ice Cube - 《No Vaseline》 持续时间:1992年~1996年N.W.A在这样一个麻烦的时期,遇到了另一个大麻烦,The D.O.C.发现Ice Cube所言没错。Dr. Dre,The D.O.C.和Michel"le由于不满Jerry Heller对于版税的苛扣而离开了Ruthless,Dr. Dre和Suge Knight一起创立了Death Row Records。 但Eazy-E后来表示Suge Knight曾只会一帮混混用枪支和棒球棍威逼自己与Dr. Dre接触相关合同。在1992年,Dre用一首《Fuck wit Dre Day (And Everybody"s Celebratin")》侮辱了Eazy-E,这首歌的MV中还找来了一个和Eazy-E长得很像的人Sleazy-E来暗喻Eazy-E是个只知道赚钱的蠢蛋。视频中,Sleazy-E拿着一块牌子,上面写着“将为面包而说唱”(Wiil rap for food)。虽然结尾处标明“如有雷同,纯属巧合”,但Eazy-E认为这就是Dr. Dre对他的攻击。Dr. Dre在处子专辑《The Chronic》中的另一首歌曲《Bitches Ain"t Shit》中,有一句歌词:“我曾经认识一个叫埃里克·莱特的婊子(I used to know a bitch named EricWright)。” 于是,Eazy-E在1993年发行EP专辑《It"s On (Dr. Dre) 187um Killa》。其中的与Gangsta Dresta和B.G. Knocc合作的《Real Muthaphuckkin" G"s》直接回应了《Fuck Wit Dre Day》。《Real Muthaphuckkin" G"s》的MV中还展示了Dr. Dre在World Class Wreckin" Cru时期 穿的带有金属亮片的衣服和化妆,而在电子嘻哈的时代,这是一种时尚的穿法。,《It"s On》则是模仿了《Nuthin" But A G Thang》,回击了Snoop Dogg。《Real Muthaphuckkin" G"s》的MV也回应了《Fuck Wit Dre Day》的MV,反击了Dr. Dre,称其是匪帮崇拜者(Gangsta wanna-be)和假匪帮(Studio Gangsta),同时还在视频中杀死了Sleazy-E。同时,专辑的终曲《Down 2 tha Last Roach》回应了《The Chronic》的终曲《The Roach》。1993年3月2日,MC Ren发行了单曲《May Day on the Frontline》,随后MV也在电视频道上播放。随后Fab 5 Freddy对Eazy-E和MC Ren进行了采访。Eazy-E当即表示“1993年白痴想说什么就说什么。”(Suckers free in 93,暗指Dr.Dre的1992年的专辑《The Chronic》)“(Eazy-E),Ice Cube,[MC] Ren 和[DJ] Yella组成的就是N.W.A”(...Ice Cube, [MC] Ren and [DJ] Yella, that"s N.W.A),并表示Dr.Dre是个“无爱”(No Love)的人。而Fab 5 Freddy问及“是否有兴趣制作一张重组N.W.A并制作的专辑?”(...are you excited to get back to the N.W.A album?)时,MC Ren便含糊其辞的表示“每个人都想这么做,我也想。虽然有人不想...但大家也可以坐下来一起来讨论一下,就像我。知道不?”(Everybody wanna do it, I will do it.But everybody don"t want...You know, we can sit down and talk about it, like me, you know I"m saying?)并没有像Eazy-E一样提及了成员间的纷争。1994年,Eazy-E与从1986年便开始和做,同时也为N.W.A担任经纪人的杰瑞·海勒决裂。此举得到了Ice Cube和Dr. Dre的支持,很快,他们便开始着手讨论起N.W.A的重组,以及相关的重组专辑的制作。 但不幸的是在1995年Eazy-E被查处患有艾滋病,同年Eazy-E死于艾滋病引发的呼吸道疾病。自此之后,N.W.A队内的纷争一一化解。1996年,Death Row艺人2pac在Ruthless旗下的Bone Thugs-n-Harmony的专辑哦《The Art Of War》中客串,预示着之前的许多纷争的结束。但是Eazy-E去世后发行的专辑《Str8 off tha Streetz of Muthaphukkin Compton》还是包含了两首侮辱Dr. Dre的歌曲,《Ole School Shit》(同时侮辱了The Dogg Pound,Tweedy Bir Loc和Snoop Doggy Dogg》)和《Wut Would You Do》(同时侮辱了Snoop Doggy Dogg,The Dogg Pound和Suge Knight)。Dr. Dre并没有对此作出回应。(很大程度是上是因为纷争已经化解,而《Str8 off tha Streetz of Muthaphukkin Compton》只是Ruthless厂牌发行的一张专辑,而非Eazy-E授意)事后,在2010年,MC Ren在接受Phoenixnewstimes采访时也谈到了这件事:“(Eazy-E)被这些事狠狠地伤害了。因为他和Dre一样从康普顿而来,在建立了唱片公司(Ruthless)之前,他们就是一个DJ组合,有着高效率的制作,开着派对,等等。[Dr.]Dre是有史以来最棒的制作人,给Eazy-E提供了许多棒极了的伴奏,他(Eazy-E)确实被深深的伤害了。特别是专辑(《The Chronic》)发行的时候——像一个贱货一样被伤害了。”([Eric] was hurt by all that shit. And he was hurt because him and Dre started out back in the day, back in Compton. Before all the record company shit, they were a DJ crew, High-Powered Productions, doing house parties and shit like that. Dre was the tightest producer ever, putting out hits on him, and he was hurting like a motherfucker. Especially when them records came out -- hurt like a motherfucker.) Eazy-E vs Dr. Dre歌曲一览Dr. Dre - 《Fuck wit Dre Day》Dr. Dre - 《Bitches Ain"t Shit》Eazy-E - 《Real Muthaphuckkin" G"s(Feat B.G. Knocc Out & Dresta)》Eazy-E - 《It"s On》Eazy-E - 《Down 2 tha Last Roach》Eazy-E - 《Ole School Shit》Eazy-E - 《Wut Would You Do》 持续时间:1991年~不了了之在二十世纪八十年代末期至二十世纪九十年代初期,N.W.A依靠专辑《Straight Outta Compton》获得了巨大的成功,引起了许多杂志的关注,如:《Rap Masters》,《The Source》等等。同时也带动的洛杉矶南部和康普顿的嘻哈音乐或者说匪帮说唱的发展,也催生了其他一些匪帮说唱艺人或团体,如Compton"s Most Wanted 和DJ Quik。于是,一些纽约说唱艺人对西海岸说唱乐的发展和兴盛很是分开,特别是布朗克斯区的歌手Tim Dog,以N.W.A的穿着和发型,用单曲《Fuck Compton》攻击了MC Ren,Eazy-E,Dr. Dre和Ice Cube(虽然此时Ice Cube和Dr. Dre早已离队),甚至是Michel"le。同时也向已经离开N.W.A的Ice Cube和另一位洛杉矶的匪帮说唱艺人Ice-T示好:“库伯还不错,最酷的家伙总是马洛。”(I"ll crush Ice Cube/I"m cool with Ice-T.) 同时也提到了1991年发生的臭名昭著的Dr. Dre殴打Pump It Up女主持人迪·巴恩斯的事件:“德瑞殴打了Pump It Up的巴恩斯?来我这儿来,看我把你揍出屎!”(Dre, beating on Dee fromPump It Up? Step to the Dog and get fucked up!)这首歌的影响远远不止于此。《Fuck Compton》甚至是之后美国嘻哈界最大的一次纷争——由Death Row和Bad Boy两家厂牌领导的东西岸冲突(East Coast versus West Coast Hip Hop Conflict)的前奏。在后来的专辑《Penicillin on Wax》中,Tim Dog先是在《Intro》中模仿了《A Message to B.A.》的开头,找来了一些自称来自美国各地的黑人侮辱了N.W.A。然后,又在《Robin Harris Shit》中以一个男人演讲的形式侮辱了康普顿和N.W.A。在5号音轨《DJ Quik Beat Down》中模拟殴打了DJ Quik。N.W.A此时实际上已经名存实亡,没有做出任何回应。但后来来自Compton的另一个歌手DJ Quik因为歌曲侮辱了康普顿,用来自专辑《Music 2 Driveby》中的《Who"s Fucking Who?》和《Another Victim》,还有 Way 2 Fonky 中的《Way 2 Fonky》和《The Last Word》回应了Tim Dog,Dr. Dre也在《Fuck Wit Dre Day》和同专辑的一个skit歌曲《The $20 Dollar Sack Pyramid》中回击了Tim Dog。Tim Dog则以一首模仿了Snoop Dogg的《Gin and Juice》和《Dog Baby》的《Bitch With A Perm》来回击《Fuck Wit Dre Day》。Tweedy Bird Loc也用《Fu"k the South Bronx》和《What"s Really Goin" On》回应此事。事实上,N.W.A和Tim Dog之间的纷争根本没能打响,N.W.A的成员中只有Dr. Dre回应了Tim Dog。这次“纷争”基本上就是Tim Dog对自己的一次宣传。Tim Dog vs N.W.A歌曲一览Tim Dog - 《Fuck Compton》Dr. Dre - 《Fuck Wit Dre Day》Dr. Dre - 《The $20 Dollar Sack Pyramid》Tim Dog - 《Bitch With A Perm》
2023-07-24 19:46:451


这次英语月考之所以没有考好,总结原因如下: 1 平时没有养成细致认真的习惯,考试的时候答题粗心大意、马马虎虎,导致很多题目会做却被扣分甚至没有做对。 2 准备不充分。毛主席说,不打无准备之仗。言外之意,无准备之仗很难打赢,我却没有按照这句至理名言行事,导致这次考试吃了亏。 3 没有解决好兴趣与课程学习的矛盾。自己有很多兴趣,作为一个人,一个完整的人,一个明白的人,当然不应该同机器一样,让自己的兴趣被平白无故抹煞,那样不仅悲惨而且无知,但是,如果因为自己的兴趣严重耽搁了学习就不好了,不仅不好,有时候真的是得不偿失。 失败了怎么办?认真反思是首先的: 第一,这次失败的原因是什么?要认真思考,挖掘根本的原因; 第二,你接下来要干什么?确定自己的目标,不要因为失败不甘心接着走,而是要正确地衡量自己。看看想要什么,自己的优势在什么地方,弱势是什么; 第三,确定目标。明确自己想要的,制定计划。The English test was not a good test, summed up the reasons are as follows: one usually does not develop the habit of careful, examination of the answer when careless and sloppy, leading to many questions but do not even do to. 2 inadequate preparation. Chairman Mao said, do not fight the battle unprepared. The implication, no ready to battle hard to win, but I didn"t act in accordance with the words of wisdom, resulting in the exam. 3 have not solved the contradiction between the interest and the course study. They have a lot of interest, as a person, a complete person, a man to understand, of course, should not be the same machine, so that their interests had been denied flatly, as not only the misery and ignorance, however, if because of their serious interest in delay the study is not good, not bad, sometimes really is not worth the candle. Failed to do? Serious reflection is the first: first, what is the reason for this failure? Think hard, dig the root cause; second, what are you going to do next? To determine their own goals, not because of the failure is not willing to go, but to measure their own right. Take a look at what you want, what is your advantage in place, what is the disadvantage of; third, to determine the goal. Identify what you want, and make plans.
2023-07-24 19:47:001


书法的英语单词怎么写 书法 [shū fǎ] [词典] calligraphy; handwriting; penmanship; hand; pencraft; [例句]书法比赛会上,人们请他留字。 At the calligraphy petition, people asked him to write a few characters.书法的英语怎么写 不用谢 叫我红领巾 练书法的英文是什么? 练书法用英文怎么说? 小生从小喜爱书法,疏于练习。现从事外语工作,多次外语情景中我提到书法都是选择直说书法。因为很多具有文化内涵的词语是不可翻译的。愿闻阁下高见 书法的英文怎么拼 书法: [ shū fǎ ] 1. penmanship 2. calligraphy 例句与用法: 1. 平面造型艺术包括书法和平版印刷术。 The graphic arts include calligraphy and lithography. 2. 她以其秀丽的书法而使我惊异。 She astonished me with her beautiful handwriting. 3. 你的书法需要改进。 There is need for improvement in your handwriting. 4. 他的书法不错,但是很难和你的相比。 His handwriting is not bad, but it"s hardly parable with yours. 5. 她的书法有了明显的进步。 There"s been a noticeable improvement in her handwriting. 6. 他以他的书法为自豪。 He prides himself on his handwriting. 书法的英文 一、penmanship 名词 n. [U] 1. 书写;书法 My father taught me the skills in penmanship. 我父亲教我书法的技巧。 2. 字迹,笔迹 It is a headache to decipher his sloppy penmanship. 辨认他的潦草的字迹叫人头痛。 3. 写作;写作风格;文体 二、handwriting 名词 n. [U] 1. 书写;手写 2. 笔迹;笔法 Is that signature in your handwriting? 那个签名是你的笔迹吗? 3. 【古】手抄文件,手稿 三、calligraphy 名词 n. 1. 书丹;笔迹
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linux下 /etc/fstab 中的option选项sw什么意思

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1、黄金时代一去不返。 Golden age gone. 2、如果你收养了一只饥饿可怜的狗,并且让它舒适顺利,它将不会咬你,这便是一个人与一只狗之间最主要的差别。 If you adopt a hungry dog and make it comfortable, it won"t bite you. This is the main difference between a man and a dog. 3、老习惯可不是一下就能从窗口上扔出去的,而是一个一个哄着它们从楼梯上走下来。 Old habits can not be thrown out of the window, but one to coax them down from the stairs. 4、喜剧,就是悲剧加上时间。 Comedy, is the tragedy plus time. 5、我从来不让上学耽误我的学习。 I never let go to school to delay my study. 6、真理是我们所拥有的东西中,最有价值的东西。让我们节约吧。 Truth is the most valuable thing that we have. Let"s save it. 7、个人都像月亮,都有着不愿示人的一面。 All men are like the moon, and they all have one side to show. 8、美貌和魅力原是两种要拿的东西,幸而不是所有的美女全都有魅力,往往是相貌平常的女人反而倒另有一种妩媚之处。 Beauty and charm is two to take things, fortunately, not all beauty has all the charm, and tend to be plain woman instead of otherwise a charm. 9、有一个人从天堂来到人间旅游,他所使用的是有效三十天的减价票,他试图要把他的回程票卖掉。 There was a man who came to the world from heaven, and he was on a thirty day discount, trying to sell his return ticket. 10、当我7岁时,我感到我父亲是天底下最聪明的人;当我14岁时,我感到我父亲是天底下最不通情达理的人;当我21岁时,我忽然发现我父亲还是很聪明的。 When I was 7 years old, I feel my father is the smartest person in the world; when I was 14 years old, I feel my father is in the world the churlish to man; when I was 21 years old, I suddenly found my father is very clever. 11、每条纬线都认为他只要获得了权利,就可以成为赤道。 Each weft all think of him as long as you get the right, you can become the. 12、如果你照顾一只肚子饿的狗,给它食物,让它过好日子,这只狗绝对不会反咬你一口,这就是狗与人类最主要的不同。 If you take care of a hungry dog, give it food and let it live a good life, the dog absolute"t bite your one mouthful, this is people and dogs the most important. 13、当我14岁时,我受不了我的父亲,他愚蠢极了。但是我21岁的时候,我很惊讶他七年变得这么聪明! When I was 14, I couldn"t stand my father. He was stupid. But when I was 21, I was surprised to find that he had become so smart in seven years! 14、当你发现自己属于大多数这边的时候,就应该停下来反思一下。 When you find yourself on the side of most of the time, you should stop and reflect on it. 15、领先的秘密在于开始行动。 The secret of leading is to begin to act. 16、想出新办法的人在他的办法没有成功以前,人家总说他是异想天开。 Come up with new methods in the way he did not succeed before, people always say he is fantastic. 17、真理的靴子尚未穿上,谎言就跑遍世界。 The truth has not yet been put on boots, it has traveled all over the world. 18、之后的二十年,你更可能因为那些你没有去做的事情而后悔,而不是因为那些你做了的事。所以,扔开绳索,从安全的港口出发,在航行中遭遇信风、探索、梦想和发现。 In the next twenty years, you"re more likely to regret the things you didn"t do, not because of what you did. So throw off the rope, starting from the safe harbor, encounter trade, exploration, and discovery in sailing dream. 19、必要的时候不妨把衣服穿得马虎一点,可是心灵美必须保持整洁才行。 When necessary, may wish to wear a little sloppy clothes, but the beauty of the mind must be kept clean and tidy. 20、别到处埋怨这个世界欠你一个美好的生活,世界什么都不欠你,它比你先到。 Don"t complain about the world owes you a good life, the world owes you nothing, it is better than you. 21、在人生的前半,有享乐的能力而无享乐的机会;在人生的后半,有享乐的机会而无享乐的能力。 In the first half of life, there is the capacity for enjoyment without the opportunity of enjoyment; in the latter half of life, there is the opportunity to enjoy without the ability to enjoy. 22、你为人像水一般软弱。这一点人家很快就会发现的。他们不用费什么劲就会发现你为人没有骨气。他们可以像对付一个奴隶一样对付你。 You are as weak as water. This will soon be found. They do not charge what Jin will find you as spineless. They can deal with you like a slave. 23、我们要努力把一生好好地度过,等到死的时候,那就连殡仪馆的老板也会感到惋惜。 We should strive to live a good life, until the death of the time, even the funeral home owners will feel sorry. 24、大概是由于妇女缺乏冒险的精神,所以她们不像男人那样喜欢证券投机和开矿办企业这类事情。妇女只有到了精神沮丧的时候,才会对**性的勾当发生兴趣。 Is probably due to the lack of the spirit of adventure of women, so they like men like speculative securities and mining enterprises to do this kind of thing. Only when women are dePssed, will they be interested in gambling activities. 25、就算给人以蠢笨的印象也不要紧。这样的特质可使友谊维系终身——只要不想对方借钱。 Even if a stupid imPssion does not matter. Such traits can make friendships last for a lifetime - as long as they don"t want to borrow money from each other. 26、充实人生,并不全在所有遭遇的事跟事实,而全在于思想的风暴,永远横扫过我们的脑际。 To live life to the full, not all in all encounters with the fact, and is thought of storm, forever across the US. 27、在所有动物中,人类是最凶残的,是唯一把自己的快乐建筑在痛苦之上的动物。 In all the animals, man is the most ferocious, is the only one of their own happiness in the pain of the animal. 28、真诚的朋友,良好的书本和沉睡的良心,这就是理想的生活。 Sincere friends, good books and sleeping conscience, this is the ideal life. 29、如果你说真话,你就不必记住说过的任何话。 If you tell the truth, you don"t have to remember anything. 30、在你生命中最重要的两个日子,一个是你出生的日子,一个是你知道你为什么出生的日子。 One of the two most important days in your life is the days when you were born, the one you know why you were born. 31、跳舞,像没有人看着那样;热恋,像从未受伤一样;唱歌,像无人听着那样;活着,就把人间当天堂。 To dance, as if nobody was watching; love, like never been hurt; sing, like no one listen to; live, and make the world a paradise. 32、这些贵妇仿佛一大片花海,五光十色,灿烂耀眼,她们身上的钻石熠熠生辉,连成一片,仿佛天上的银河。 These ladies as if a large flowers, colorful, brilliant and dazzling, their body diamond shine, connect a piece, as if Heaven galaxy. 33、时间流逝,冬天来到了。 Time goes by, winter comes. 34、为什么你像一张没写地址的信封一样坐在这里? Why are you sitting here like an envelope without an address? 35、让自己高兴起来的最好办法就是设法让别人高兴起来。 The best way to cheer yourself up is to try to cheer someone else up. 36、不要离开幻想,一旦幻想消失,你也许可以继续安在,但生活将从此和你无缘。 Don"t go out of your fantasy. Once the fantasy is gone, you may be able to keep it safe, but life will never be with you. 37、年轻而悲观是最悲惨的事。 Young and pessimistic is the most tragic thing. 38、年后,让你感到失望的不会是你做过的事,而会是你没做过的事,所以,请解开绳索,驶离安全的港湾,扔帆起航吧。去探索,去梦想,去发现! Years later, let you feel disappointed not is what you have done, but you haven"t done a thing, so, please untie the rope and sail away from the safe harbor, throw set sail the sail. To explore, to dream, to discover! 39、愤怒是一种酸,它对储存它的容器的伤害大于它对任何接触它的物体的伤害。 Anger is an acid, which is more harmful to the container than it is for any contact with it. 40、安德鲁神父还教给汤姆一点拉丁语,教给他怎样读和写,他本也可以教给那些女孩的,但她们害怕朋友的嘲笑,有了这种稀奇的本事,朋友们是不会容忍的。 Father Andrew also taught to give Tom a bit of Latin, teach him how to read and write, he can also teach the girls, but they were afraid of a friend ridicule, the ability of the bizarre and friends is not tolerate. 41、永远要像你不需要金钱那样地工作,永远要像你不曾被伤害过那样地爱,永远要像没有人在注视你那样地跳舞,永远要像在天堂那样地生活。 Always work like you don"t need money, love like you have never been hurt, and dance like no one"s watching you, always be like living in heaven. 42、一个人要在年轻的时候,感到世界上一切都生气勃勃、趣味无穷,那才需要钱财啊。老天爷为什么不把通常的过程颠倒一下,让多数为首先获得财富,慢慢把它花掉,然后让他们在不需要再有钱的时候,变成一个穷光蛋死去呢? A person at a young age, feel everything in the world full of vitality and fun, that need money. Why don"t God put the usual process upside down, so that the majority of the first to get the wealth, slowly it spent, and then let them do not need to have the money, become a poor light egg die? 43、摆脱了奴役和罪恶的束缚,摆脱了庸俗和野蛮,生命就显得有生气了。 Out of slavery and the shackles of evil, to get rid of the vulgar and brutal, life becomes angry.
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I need a top to go with these slacks . 我需要一件上衣来配这条宽松裤。 The early autumn was lusterless and slack . 初秋的日子是黯淡、萧条的。 In the slack period mr. baker came in . 正在空闲的时候贝克先生进来了。 He wore his swimsuit underneath his slacks . 他在运动服里面衬著游泳衣。 His movements were slow and slack . 他的动作慢慢腾腾,懒懒散散。 He noticed at once that discippne was slack . 他马上觉察到敌方纪律松弛。 Demand is slack over the summer months . 夏季的几个月市场滞销。 Stop slacking and get on with that digging ! 别偷懒,继续挖。 The slacks have an elastic waistband . 这条便裤的腰带可伸缩。 The rain was slacking and we were moving along . 雨稀松下来,而我们又走动了。 Some are hard at work and some are slack in work . 有的勤奋工作,有的则消极怠工。 Take her all around she was pretty slack . 从各方面来看,她这个人就未免很差劲了。 Do n"t get slack at your work . 不要对你的工作懈怠。 Do n"t get slack at your work . 你工作不要松松垮垮。 Ask them to be more careful. do n"t let them get slack . 叫他们小心些,不要马马虎虎。 A unique example of the slack diaphragm is the draft gage . 弱膜片的典型例子是风压计。 Do n"t slack up your effort, as we are getting to the end . 别松劲啊,我们就快到终点了。 The offensive has slacked off . 攻势已经衰弱。 He was scolded for slacking . 他因偷懒而受责。 Trade is slack in winter . 冬季贸易不景气。 At last, one over-stretched chord of her agony slacked . 最后,她那过分紧张痛苦心弦松弛下来了。 I used to return feepng very slack and behind the times . 我回来以后往往觉得泄气、跟不上时代。 There"s too much slack in the thread pull it tight in the slack . 线太松了,将它松弛的地方拉紧。 After intense work in the summer , we are slacking off now . 夏季紧张的工作过后,我们现在放松了。 He is slack in study . 他学业上不用功。 The rope is too slack . 绳子太松了。 It "s a slack season and we "re going to stash business . 现在是生意萧条的季节,咱们不久就要停业了。 His pace slacked . 他的脚步放松了。 It is a slack season and we"re going to stash business . 现在是生意萧条的季节,咱们不久就要停止营业了。 She was wearing blue pnen slacks and a matching silk shirt . 她穿著一条蓝色的亚麻布便裤,配著一件绸衬衫。 Business is slack . 生意清淡。 The crane was slacked off without waiting for the joint material to cure . 吊机不需等到接缝料养护就可移开。 He stared emptily at the floor, his arms hanging pmp, his mouth slacking . 他对著地板发愣,双臂虚垂,嘴巴呆张。 He was capable of slack writing which he would not condone in others . 他痛恨别人草率成篇,其实自己也有这个毛病。 Today, she was dressed smartly in white pnen slacks and a blue silk blouse . 今天,她洒脱地穿著一条白色宽松的亚麻便裤,一件蓝色的丝绸罩衫。 He would worry frequently that his subordinates were slacking off and the work was being sloppy . 他常常为下属日见懈怠,工作日渐潦草而发急。 The motion of the slack diaphragm is transmitted through a mechanical pnkage to an indicating scale . 弱膜片的运动通过联动机构传递给指示刻度盤。 Soon he returned in a shirt, slacks and sandals, and found her eating with appetite . 不一会儿,他穿著衬衣,松紧裤和便鞋回来了,看到她吃得正香呢。 I did not want to bee involved in the fishing which had its good times and its slack times . 我不愿陷入钓鱼的习惯,而钓鱼是有它的旺季和淡季的。 The horses, feepng slack reins, stretched down their necks to crop the tender spring grass . 那几匹马觉得韁绳放松了,便都低下头去嚼那柔嫩的春草。 上一篇: 山东昆嵛山,道教全真派发源地,全真七子从这里去的终南山 下一篇: 梦见体检 检查身体_周公解梦梦到体检 检查身体是什么意思_做梦梦见体检 检查身体好不好
2023-07-24 19:48:091


有首英文歌挺劲爆开头很多沙沙沙沙ohmy什么的 Stan (Radio Edit) - Eminem My tea"s gone cold I"m wondering why I got out of bed at all The morning rain clouds up my window and I can"t see at all And even if I could it"ll all be gray but your picture on my wall It reminds me that it"s not so bad it"s not so bad My tea"s gone cold I"m wondering why I got out of bed at all The morning rain clouds up my window and I can"t see at all And even if I could it"ll all be gray but your picture on my wall It reminds me that it"s not so bad it"s not so bad Dear Slim I wrote but you still ain"t callin I left my cell my pager and my home phone at the bottom I sent o letters back in autumn you must not-a got "em There probably was a problem at the post office or somethin Sometimes I scribble addresses too sloppy when I jot "em but anyways *** it what"s been up Man how"s your daughter My girlfriend"s pregnant too I"m bout to be a father If I have a daughter guess what I"ma call her I"ma name her Bonnie I read about your Uncle Ronnie too I"m sorry I had a friend kill himself over some bitch who didn"t want him I know you probably hear this everyday but I"m your biggest fan I even got the underground shit that you did with Skam I got a room full of your posters and your pictures man I like the shit you did with Rawkus too that shit was fat Anyways I hope you get this man hit me back just to chat truly yours your biggest fan This is Stan My tea"s gone cold I"m wondering why I got out of bed at all The morning rain clouds up my window and I can"t see at all And even if I could it"ll all be gray but your picture on my wall It reminds me that it"s not so bad it"s not so bad Dear Slim you still ain"t called or wrote I hope you have a chance I ain"t mad I just think it"s FUCKED UP you don"t answer fans If you didn"t wanna talk to me outside your concert you didn"t have to but you coulda signed an autograph for Matthew That"s my little brother man he"s only six years old We waited in the blistering cold for you four hours and you just said No That"s pretty shitty man you"re like his *** in idol He wants to be just like you man he likes you more than I do Sometimes I even cut myself to see how much it bleeds It"s like adrenaline the pain is such a sudden rush for me See everything you say is real and I respect you cause you tell it My girlfriend"s jealous cause I talk about you 24/7 But she don"t know you like I know you Slim no one does She don"t know what it was like for people like us growin up You gotta call me man I"ll be the biggest fan you"ll ever lose Sincerely yours Stan -- P S We should be together too My tea"s gone cold I"m wondering why I got out of bed at all The morning rain clouds up my window and I can"t see at all And even if I could it"ll all be gray but your picture on my wall It reminds me that it"s not so bad it"s not so bad Dear Mister-I"m-Too-Good-To-Call-Or-Write-My-Fans this"ll be the last package I ever send your ass It"s been six months and still no word I don"t deserve it I know you got my last o letters I wrote the addresses on "em perfect So this is my cassette I"m sending you I hope you hear it I"m in the car right now I"m doing 90 on the freeway I love you Slim we coulda been together think about it You ruined it now I hope you can"t sleep and you dream about it And when you dream I hope you can"t sleep and you SCREAM about it I hope your conscience EATS AT YOU and you can"t BREATHE without me See Slim Shut up bitch! I"m tryin to talk! Hey Slim that"s my girlfriend screamin in the trunk but I didn"t slit her throat I just tied her up see I ain"t like you cause if she suffocates she"ll suffer more and then she"ll die too Well gotta go I"m almost at the bridge now Oh shit I fot how"m I supposed to send this shit out Dear Stan I meant to write you sooner but I just been busy You said your girlfriend"s pregnant now how far along is she Look I"m really flattered you would call your daughter that and here"s an autograph for your brother I wrote it on the Starter cap I"m sorry I didn"t see you at the show I musta missed you Don"t think I did that shit intentionally just to diss you But what"s this shit you said about you like to cut your wrists too I say that shit just clowning dogg c"mon - how *** ed up is you You got some issues Stan I think you need some counseling to help your ass from bouncing off the walls when you get down some And what"s this shit about us meant to be together That type of shit"ll make me not want us to meet each other I really think you and your girlfriend need each other or maybe you just need to treat her better I hope you get to read this letter I just hope it reaches you in time before you hurt yourself I think that you"ll be doin just fine if you relax a little I"m glad I inspire you but Stan why are you so mad Try to understand that I do want you as a fan I just don"t want you to do some crazy shit I seen this one shit on the news a couple weeks ago that made me sick Some dude was drunk and drove his car over a bridge and had his girlfriend in the trunk and she was pregnant with his kid and in the car they found a tape but they didn"t say who it was to Come to think about his name was it was you Damn! 80年代有首歌,唱到:春雨大大的下,沙沙沙,沙沙沙沙;请问是什么歌呢? 你会哼唱一小段吗?建议您下载一些音乐识别软体,还有百度音乐、多米一类的播放软体也有识别功能,遇到好听,但是不知道名字的歌曲的时候开启录制一小段就可能搜寻到是什么歌曲喔。如果你会哼唱一小段也是有可能找到的。 谁知道《魔女游戏》中的插曲,那首开头是沙沙沙沙沙沙。在胜美和戊龙吵架时经常出现? 因该是 Day by Day 仿写句子春雨像春姑娘纺出的线,轻轻的落到地上,沙沙沙沙沙沙月亮像什么 原句:春雨像春姑娘纺出的线,轻轻的落到地上,沙沙沙沙沙沙 仿写:月亮像小朋友摺叠的船,轻轻的飘到天上,叮叮叮叮叮叮 写秋雨的作文是"沙沙沙,沙沙沙……"开头的作文 沙沙沙,沙沙沙...... 柔丽清新的旋律,温情脉脉的音乐语言,引人遐想的意境,犹如 醇醇的清泉,融进大地,融进秋天,融进每个人的心灵. 随着秋雨的莅临,一幅绚丽明艳的画卷顿时展现在我们面前. 看,那山顶上,烟雨迷濛,仿佛是一条条白龙盘绕着那青峰翠 峦.在那白茫茫的烟雾中,偶尔可以看见金黄的稻谷,黄白相 间,构成一幅幅似乎是淡薄的但又绚丽的图画. 秋雨落在枯黄的树叶上,和树叶一起打着旋儿飘落下来;秋雨 落在苍绿的树叶上,率也更显得勃勃生机;秋雨落在快要成熟的 果子上,那一个个快要成熟的果实更加光彩照人.那红红的枫树 在秋雨的抚摩下,红得更鲜艳,更惹人爱了. 秋雨飞洒进小溪,小溪带着新的血液顺着山交流进小河.秋雨 落在清澈的小河上,荡起一圈圈涟漪. 秋雨沙沙的下著,这是它在演奏.它奏黄了一片片稻田,奏洪了 一棵棵枫树,奏出了遍地金黄,奏出了象征著成熟、丰收的秋 色,啊,秋雨,愿你奏出更明快的节奏,奏出更新的乐章! 沙沙沙,沙沙沙...... 笔记本开机后沙沙沙沙地响 怎么回事? 风扇响,很正常,不响就麻烦了,太响也有问题。一般刚开机和玩游戏都会很响 沙沙沙,沙沙沙这是什么声音来这,作文 这个一般都是描述风吹叶子的声音这个也可以自己想象自然界中的情况 女英文歌 歌词里面有 沙沙沙拉,声音有点沙哑很好听 Here With You - Asher Book To all my friends The night is young The music"s loud They playing our song Nowhere else that I belong Than here with you... Than here with you Oh oh oh oh oh oh Ain"t felt this good since I remember This night got started when You entered I hope we can get a little closer Maybe even get to know your name I wanna hear the music so loud Get some drinks inside me Right now So baby let it go You had me at hello Let"s raise our glass and toast DJ play that once more To all my friends The night is young The music"s loud They playing our song Nowhere else that I belong Than here with you... Than here with you Oh oh oh oh oh oh Gonna see the sun Before we know it If you got some money Time to blow it Girl, way you got me feeling So sick Dancing the night Away with you, with you, with you yeah Nobody here is sober Last call don"t mean it"s over yeah So baby let it go You had me at hello Let"s raise our glass and toast To all my friends The night is young The music"s loud They playing our song Nowhere else that I belong Than here with you... (Than here with you) Than here with you Oh oh oh oh oh oh Than here with you Than here with you Oh oh oh oh oh oh I wanna hear the music so loud yeah (I wanna hear the music so loud, yeah) To all my friends The night is young The music"s loud They playing our song Nowhere else that I belong Than here with you... (Than here with you) Than here with you Oh oh oh oh oh oh Than here with you Oh oh oh oh oh oh Than here with you Oh oh oh oh oh oh Than here with you Oh oh oh oh oh oh 英文歌女生唱的很柔情,好像give to me沙沙沙啊,xxxx咋咋咋啊 more love - Dixie Chicks I"m so close to you baby 宝贝我距离你如此之近 But I"m so far away 但我现在却距离你如此遥远 There"s a silence beeen us 我们之间沉默许久 And there"s so much to say 没什么好说的 You"re my strenth, you"re my weakness 你是我的力量 你就是我的弱点 You"re my faith, you"re my doubt 你是我的信念 也是我的怀疑 We gotta meet in the middle 我们会在中途相遇 To work this thing out 把这件事情弄清楚 More love 更多的爱 I can hear our hearts cryin" 我能听到我们的心在呐喊 More love 更多的爱 I know that"s all we need 我知道这就是我们需要的 More love 更多的爱 To flow in beeen us 在我们的体内流淌 To take us and hold us and lift us above 紧紧环抱着我们 让我们高飞 If there"s ever an answer 如果没有答案 It"s more love 更多的爱 We"re afraid to be idle 我们害怕无所事事 So we fill up the days 所以我们让日子过得充实 We run on the treadmill 我们每日重复著单调的工作 Keep slavin" away 想要得到救赎 "Til there"s no time for talkin" 直到我们没有时间再闲聊 About trouble in mind 心中的烦恼 And the doors are all closed 在我们的心里 Beeen your heart and mine 所有的门已经关闭 More love 更多的爱 I can hear our hearts cryin" 我能听到我们的心在呐喊 More love 更多的爱 I know that"s all we need 我知道这就是我们需要的 More love 更多的爱 To flow in beeen us 在我们的体内流淌 To take us and hold us and lift us above 紧紧环抱着我们 让我们高飞 If there"s ever an answer 如果没有答案 It"s more love 更多的爱 Just look out around us 看看我们的周围 People fightin" their wars 人们都在为自己而战 They think they"ll be happy 他们以为这样会快乐 When they"ve settled their scores 当他们赢得比赛 Let"s lay down our weapons 让我们放下武器 That hold us apart 那让我们分离 Be still for just a minute 只为了这一分钟 Try to open our hearts 努力开启你的心门 More love 更多的爱 I can hear our hearts cryin" 我能听到我们的心在呐喊 More love 更多的爱 I know that"s all we need 我知道这就是我们需要的 More love 更多的爱 To flow in beeen us 在我们的体内流淌 To take us and hold us and lift us above 紧紧环抱着我们 让我们高飞 If there"s ever an answer 如果没有答案 It"s more love 更多的爱 I can hear our hearts cryin" 我能听到我们的心在呐喊 More love 更多的爱 I know that"s all we need 我知道这就是我们需要的 More love 更多的爱 To flow in beeen us 在我们的体内流淌 To take us and hold us and lift us above 紧紧环抱着我们 让我们高飞 If there"s ever an answer 如果没有答案 It"s more love 更多的爱 More love 更多的爱 春雨下起来了,沙沙沙,沙沙沙,照样子写句子 春雨下起来了,沙沙沙,沙沙沙,照样子写句子 雷声响起来了, 隆隆隆, 隆隆隆 敲门 声响起来了,砰砰砰,砰砰砰 鼓 敲起来了,咚咚咚 ,咚咚咚
2023-07-24 19:48:181


Chorus: Dido  My tea"s gone cold I"m wondering why I..  茶越来越凉,我始终不知道为什么…  got out of bad at all  我的心情总是不好。  The morning rain clouds up my window..  清晨的雨遮住了我的窗  and I can"t see at all  我什么也看不见了  And even if I could it"ll all be gray,  看见的都是灰色  but your picture on my wall  但在墙上却有你的照片,  It reminds me, that it"s not so bad,  它提醒我,这还不算坏,  it"s not so bad..  还不算坏……  1st Chorus: volume gradually grows over raindrop background  2nd Chorus: full volume with beat right after "thunder" noise  [Eminem as "Stan"]  Dear Slim, I wrote you but you still ain"t callin 亲爱的Slim,我写信给你,但你仍未答复。  I left my cell, my pager, and my home phone at the bottom  我把我的地址、姓名和电话都留在了信末,  I sent two letters back in autumn, you must not-a got "em  秋天里发了两封信,你肯定都没有收到  There probably was a problem at the post office or something  可能是邮局或是什么地方搞错了  Sometimes I scribble addresses too sloppy when I jot "em  有时我总是把地址写得很潦草  but anyways; fuck it, what"s been up? Man how"s your daughter?  但又能怎样呢?XXXXX!你的女儿好吗?  My girlfriend"s pregnant too, I"m bout to be a father  我的女朋友也怀孕了,我就要做爸爸了  If I have a daughter, guess what I"ma call her?  如果是女孩,你猜我会叫她什么?  I"ma name her Bonnie  我会给她起名叫Bonnie  I read about your Uncle Ronnie too I"m sorry  我也读到了你的Ronnie叔叔的事儿,我很难过。  I had a friend kill himself over some bitch who didn"t want him  我有个朋友因为一个女人不要他而自杀了,  I know you probably hear this everyday, but I"m your biggest fan  我知道你也许每天都听到这个,可我是你的超级歌迷  I even got the underground shit that you did with Skam 我甚至有你和Skam一起做的地下音乐  I got a room full of your posters and your pictures man  我的房间里贴满了你的海报和照片  I like the shit you did with Rawkus too, that shit was phat 我也喜欢你 和Rawkus的歌,那棒极了  Anyways, I hope you get this man, hit me back,  反正,我很希望你能看见这封信,给我回信吧,  just to chat, truly yours, your biggest fan,This is Stan  只是聊个天,我是你最忠诚的歌迷—stan  {Chorus: Dido}  [Eminem as "Stan"]  Dear Slim, you still ain"t called or wrote, I hope you have a chance  亲爱的Slim,你还是没有给我回复,希望你能有机会回信  I ain"t mad - I just think it"s FUCKED UP you don"t answer fans  我还没疯,我只是认为你不给歌迷回复简直太糟糕了  If you didn"t wanna talk to me outside your concert, you didn"t have to,  如果你不想在剧场外理我,你就可以不理,  but you coulda signed an autograph for Matthew  但至少应该为Matthew签个名。  That"s my little brother man, he"s only six years old  那是我的小弟弟,只有六岁  We waited in the blistering cold for you,four hours and you just said, "No."  我们在该死的寒风中等了四个小时,可你只是说了个“不”  That"s pretty shitty man - you"re like his fuckin idol  这太TMD糟糕了,伙计,那个小家伙可是把你当成了他的偶像。  He wants to be just like you man, he likes you more than I do  他想要成为像你那样的人,他比我更喜欢你。 I ain"t that mad though, I just don"t like bein lied to  我还没疯,我只是不喜欢被欺骗。  Remember when we met in Denver - you said if I"d write you  记得我们在丹佛的相遇吗?你说如果我写信,  you would write back  你会回信的  see I"m just like you in a way  看吧!我们其实有相同的境遇  I never knew my father neither;  我也不知道我爸是谁,  he used to always cheat on my mom and beat her  他总是背着我妈妈在外面鬼混而且还打我妈妈。  I can relate to what you"re saying in your songs so when I have a shitty day, I drift away and put "em on, cause I don"t really got shit else so that shit helps when I"m depressed  我能在你的歌里看到自己。所以在那些心情沮丧的日子里, 我就飚着车漂着移听着你的歌,  因为只有你的歌能帮我。  I even got a tattoo of your name across the chest  我甚至在胸前纹上你的名字  Sometimes I even cut myself to see how much it bleeds  有时我也会割开手腕看它到底能流多少血  It"s like adrenaline, the pain is such a sudden rush for me  那样非常刺激,那些痛楚一阵阵向我袭来  See everything you say is real, and I respect you cause you tell it  看,你说的什么事情我都认为是对的,因为那是你说的 My girlfriend"s jealous cause I talk about you 24/7  我女友开始嫉妒,因为我每天都在谈论你  But she don"t know you like I know you Slim, no one does  她不像我如此的了解你,没人能  She don"t know what it was like for people like us growin up  她不会明白有着我们这样成长经历的人  You gotta call me man, I"ll be the biggest fan you"ll ever lose  你一定要回信,我是你永远都不能失去的最忠实的歌迷  Sincerely yours, Stan .  你真诚的朋友,Stan  -- PS: We should be together too  另外,我们也将会在一起的  {Chorus: Dido}  [Eminem as "Stan"]  Dear Mister-I"m-Too-Good-To-Call-Or-Write-My-Fans,  亲爱的从不回信先生  this"ll be the last package I ever send your ass  这将是我寄给你最后的邮件了  It"s been six months and still no word - I don"t deserve it?  六个月了,你一个字都没回—我不配得到你的回信吗?  I know you got my last two letters;  我知道你收到了最近的两封信;  I wrote the addresses on "em perfect  我把地址写的清清楚楚  So this is my cassette I"m sending you, I hope you hear it  这回是我要寄给你的磁带,我希望你能听到  I"m in the car right now, I"m doing 90 on the freeway  我在车上,在高速路上开到90 Hey Slim, I drank a fifth of vodka, you dare me to drive?  嘿,slim,我喝了15瓶伏特加,你说我还能开吗?  You know the song by Phil Collins, "in the air tonight"  你知道PhilCollins的那首歌“in the air tonight”吗?  about that guy who coulda saved that other guy from drowning  那首歌说的是有一个人可以救另一个落水的人,  but didn"t, then Phil saw it all, then at a a show he found him?That"s kinda how this is, you coulda rescued me from drowning  但那家伙没有去救,Phil看到是事件的全过程,并且在后来的一个演出上找出了那个见死不救的人,那情形就和现在一样,你本可以阻止我溺水,  Now it"s too late - I"m on a 1000 downers now, I"m drowsy  但现在一切都晚了,我吃了1000片安眠药  and all I wanted was a lousy letter or a call  眼睛睁不开了,我想要的只不过是个该死的回信  I hope you know I ripped +ALL+ of your pictures off the wall  我希望您能知道我把你所有的照片都从墙上撕了下来  I love you Slim, we could be together, think about it  我爱你slim。我们本应该在一起的,想想吧  You ruined it now, I hope you can"t sleep and you dream about it  现在你把一切都毁了,我希望你会因此而失眠,你一定会梦到这一切。  And when you dream I hope you can"t sleep and you SCREAM about it  当你梦到时,你会醒来并且尖叫  I hope your conscience EATS AT YOU and you can"t BREATHE without me  我希望你会受到良心的谴责,失去我,你将无法呼吸  See Slim; {*screaming*} Shut up bitch! I"m tryin to talk!  看看吧,slim[尖叫声]XX,闭嘴!我正在说话呢 Hey Slim, that"s my girlfriend screamin in the trunk  嘿,slim,那是我的女友在后备箱中尖叫  but I didn"t slit her throat, I just tied her up, see I ain"t like you  但我不会割开她的喉咙,我只是绑住她,看,我才不像你呢  cause if she suffocates she"ll suffer more, and then she"ll die too  因为窒息而死会让她更痛苦,而且她马上也就要死了  Well, gotta go, I"m almost at the bridge now  好了,该走了,我已经到桥上了,  Oh shit, I forgot, how"m I supposed to send this shit out?  噢,见鬼,我TMD怎么才能把磁带寄出去呢?  {*car tires squeal*} {*CRASH*}  [车轮摩擦的声音][碰撞声]  .. {*brief silence*} .. {*LOUD splash*}  [短暂的安静][溅起巨大的水花声]  {Chorus: Dido}  Dear Stan, I meant to write you sooner but I just been busy  亲爱的Stan,我本打算尽快回信给你,但最近太忙了  You said your girlfriend"s pregnant now, how far along is she?  你说你的女朋友怀孕了,她现在怎样了?  Look, I"m really flattered you would call your daughter that  你能给你女儿起那个名字,我真的感到十分高兴  and here"s an autograph for your brother,  这里有给你弟弟要的签名, I wrote it on the Starter cap  我写在了照片的上面  I"m sorry I didn"t see you at the show, I must miss you  很抱歉在演唱会上没能见到你,我肯定是错过了  Don"t think I did that shit intentionally just to diss you  不要认为我写那些歌是故意让你难过的  But what"s this shit you said about you like to cut your wrists too?  但是你说你自残割自己手腕,那是多么愚蠢的事情啊?  I say that shit just clownin dogg,  我唱那些只是说着玩的,笨蛋  c"mon - how fucked up is you?  拜托,你TMD在搞什么?  You got some issues Stan, I think you need some counseling to help your ass from bouncing off the walls when you get down some  你有些小问题,Stan,我想你需要些建议来帮帮你如何在沮丧的时候坚强起来  And what"s this shit about us meant to be together?  你说我们将会在一起是什么意思?  That type of shit"ll make me not want us to meet each other  这种话让我不想和你见面  I really think you and your girlfriend need each other  我想你和你的女友确实是相互需要的  or maybe you just need to treat her better  而且你应该对她好一些  I hope you get to read this letter, I just hope it reaches you in time, before you hurt yourself,  希望你能读到这封信,但愿它能赶在你伤害自己前寄到, I think that you"ll be doin just fine  我感觉那会让你好起来的  if you relax a little, I"m glad I inspire you Stan, but why are you so mad? Try to understand, that I do want you as a fan  如果你放松一下,很高兴我可以激励你,但你为何那样疯狂,要试着去理解,我非常喜欢你当我的歌迷  I just don"t want you to do some crazy shit  我不想再看到你做疯狂的举动了  I seen this one shit on the news a couple weeks ago that made me sick  几周前我看到一个让我恶心的新闻  Some dude was drunk and drove his car over a bridge  一个家伙喝醉了并且开车冲到了桥下  and had his girlfriend in the trunk, and she was pregnant with his kid  后备箱里是他怀孕的女友  and in the car they found a tape, but they didn"t say who it was to  在车上还找到了一盒磁带 可他们没说磁带是给谁的……  Come to think about it, his name was.. it was you  我想想,他的名字是……是你  Damn!  该死的! 背景:按真实事情改变 Eminem希望借歌曲警告歌迷不要失去理智,有自己的判断力
2023-07-24 19:49:011


busy -> busiereasy -> easierpretty -> prettiersmelly -> smellierstinky -> stinkierugly -> uglierwhiny -> whinierstealthy -> stealthierslimy -> slimiersloppy -> sloppier
2023-07-24 19:49:321

求一首英文歌 男声 只记得高潮是 呜喔喔哦 呜喔喔哦

2023-07-24 19:49:428


  平时是形容时空的常态,是很常见的一种口语化的表达。那么你知道平时用英语怎么说吗?现在跟我一起学习关于平时的英语表达及 造句 技巧吧。   平时的英语说法   usual   regular   in normal times   平时的相关 短语   地方平时 Local mean time   平时钟 mean-time clock ; meantime clock   格林威治平时 Greenwich mean time   平时成绩 Usually results   平时价格 Usual price ; Normal time price   平时的英语例句   1. Instead of moving at his usual stately pace, he was almost running.   他没像平时那样优雅庄重地走着,而是几乎跑了起来。   2. I was rigged out in my usual green suit.   我穿着平时那套绿色套装。   3. She felt more than usually hungry after her excursion.   远足后,她比平时感觉更饿。   4. Her normally shy son had come out of his shell.   她那平时很害羞的儿子已经开始与人交往了。   5. "We"ll all be arrested!" Thomas yelled, which was most unlike him.   “我们都会被抓的!”托马斯大声嚷道,跟平时的他判若两人。   6. If he feels hotter than normal, take his temperature.   如果他感觉比平时热,量量他的体温。   7. Lee has divided his time between flat-hunting and travelling.   李平时不是在找公寓,就是在旅行。   8. She found her customary self-possession had deserted her.   她发现自己不像平时那样处事不惊了。   9. As always he is liberal with his jokes.   像平时一样,他出口就是笑话。   10. She"s not usually lacking in confidence.   她平时并不缺乏自信心。   11. She didn"t recognize him in his sloppy everyday clothes.   他穿着平时宽松随意的衣服,她没有认出他来.   12. I"m busy on weekdays. May I see you on Sunday?   我平时很忙, 我可以在周日与你见面 吗 ?   13. Ordinarily she sleeps at the school and goes home only on Saturdays.   她平时住在学校,星期六才回家.   14. He hadn"t studied hard so that he failed in the exam.   他平时学习不努力,以致(于)考试不及格.   15. You seem even more beautiful than usual today.   你今天好像比平时更漂亮. 猜你喜欢: 1. 英语造句有哪些基本规则 2. 英语造句学习方法 3. 八年级上册英语短语造句 4. 怎样用英语造句 5. 如何学会英语造句 6. 英语造句大全之怎样用英语造句 7. 怎样用英语来造句 8. 30个英语短语带造句
2023-07-24 19:49:591


2012年年底theory11发行的教学,目前为止一共有Theory RichardSanders-Tagged  Theory 11 Theory 11 08 Election by Eric Ross 扑克选举   Theory 11 Theory 11 08Theory11 Believe-Joel Paschall 相信  Theory 11 Theory 11 08Matthew 心灵读数 无需道具 效果强烈   Theory 11 Theory 11 08Flow by Paul Harris 止水瓶,静止的水  Theory 11 Theory 11 09 Dan Hauss - Downfall 精神意念控制物体下落   Theory 11 Theory 11 09 Dan Sperry - Cookie Cutter 危险游戏魔术   Theory 11 Theory 11 09 Daniel Garcia - Theory11 - Pressure 手机入气球  Theory 11 Theory 11 09 Eric+Jones+-+Ishkabibble+Sandwich 三文治流程   Theory 11 Theory 11 09 Kostya+Kimlat+-+Undercover+Switch 扑克手法   Theory 11 Theory 11 09 Dan Hauss - Laced 牌穿鞋带   Theory 11 Theory 11 09 Theory11 Elevator Cut 电梯式切牌   Theory 11 Theory 11 09Theory 11 Luke Dancy Dancy Revelation华丽出四A  Theory 11 Theory 11 09Theory11 Dan Sperry - Gypsy Thread断线还原   Theory 11 Theory 11 09Aaron fisher - search & destroy 搜索和破坏  Theory 11 Theory 11 Aaron Fisher - Theory11 - Outjog Hermann Pass 移牌教学  Theory 11 Theory 11 Aaron+Fisher+-+Four 四张K出现Theory11 另类控牌 Tres Pass by Lee Asher  Theory 11 Theory 11 Chris+Kenner+-+Missing+Link 皮筋教学  Theory 11 Theory 11 Dan Hauss & Dan White - Lit 火柴与牌的魔术Theory11 愤怒 Wrath by Daniel Madison (重制版)Theory 11 Theory 11 Sleeping queen - Dan Hauss 沉睡的皇后  Theory 11 Theory 11 08Dangerous+Motion+-+Daniel+Madison 危险花式  Theory 11 Theory 11 - Chris Kenner - 4 for 4 4A4K转换  Theory 11 Theory 11 - Chris Kenner - Blueprint 扑克手法   Theory 11 Theory 11 - Chris Kenner - S.W.E.Shift 魔术手法   Theory 11 Theory 11 - Dan Hauss - RIOT 单手电梯   Theory 11 Theory 11 - Daniel Madison - inFlight 花式扑克魔术教学  Theory 11 Theory 11 - Jason England - Strike 2Nd Deal 最迷惑人的发第二张牌手法  Theory 11 Theory 11 - Joel Paschall - Fan Control 花式教学  Theory 11 theory 11 b.smith - polaroid change 直观扑克变脸  Theory 11 Theory 11 Chris Kenner - Shifty - RISING CARD 纯手法纸牌魔术 电梯  Theory 11 theory 11 doug mckenzie - flicker 创意硬币手法  Theory 11 Theory11 - 1 on 1 - Invisible Reverse - Chris Kenner 扑克魔术教学   Theory 11 Theory11 - 1on1 - Blind - Daniel Madison 09随意选择  Theory 11 Theory11 - 1on1 - Bluff Pass - Wayne Houchin pass教学  Theory 11 Theory11 - 1on1 - Death To The Double Undercut - Joel Paschall花洗控牌  Theory 11 Theory11 - Aaron Fisher - Bicycle Thief 单车小偷Theory 11 Theory11 - Aaron Fisher - Panic 恐慌   Theory 11 Theory11 - Aaron Fisher - Strike Change 变牌手法  Theory 11 Theory11 - Dan Hauss - Redline 唇膏还原   Theory 11 Dan Sperry - Card Manipulation Vol.1.2.3舞台纸牌操控手法   Theory 11 Theory11 - Joel Paschall - Triple Shuffle 连续三次洗牌Theory11 经典效果 Simple Triumph by Chris Kenner  Theory 11 Theory11 - Wayne Houchin Distortion 4变6教学  Theory 11 Theory11 Andrei Jikh-Backpack 手背切牌   Theory 11 Theory11 Chris Kenner-Slipshot 射牌手法  Theory 11 Theory11 08Control-Wayne Houchin08年最新消失脉搏   Theory 11 Theory11 Joel Paschal-AceCut魔术教学   Theory 11 Theory11 Joel Paschal-Static 花洗与假洗的结合  Theory 11 Theory11-Chris Kenner - Hellbound Spellbound 硬币教学  Theory 11 theory11-chris_kenner_schwing 扑克手法  Theory 11 Theory11Daniel Madison-Rebel花式切牌  Theory 11 09Theory11Daniel Madison-Glich 09年最新扑克教学  Theory 11 Theory 11 Chris Kenner - Five Speed 扑克手法  Theory 11 09Theory 11 Exile by Mathieu Bich 09 放逐  Theory 11 daniel madison–madness   Theory 11 Digital Dissolve by Dan White 两币交换  Theory 11 Mathieu Bich TNR 撕牌还原  Theory 11 Lee Asher - BS Control控牌手法  Theory 11 Chris Kenner - Unicoin四币消失出现  Theory 11 Wayne Houchine - THREAD - Main眼睛拉线  Theory 11 Chris Kenner - 1 on 1 - 3 Fry三币变化  Theory 11 Homer Anthony Liwag-CoinOne初学者不宜的硬币魔术Theory 11 1On1 Daniel Madison - Asybil花切展现4A  Theory 11 Tom Isaacson - Prophet瞬间变钞  Theory 11 Theory 11 Chris_kenner-Sloppy Shuffle扑克手法  Theory 11 1on1 - Classic Color Change - Jonathan Bayme经典扑克变脸  Theory 11 1On1 - Card Fundamentals Vol2 Double Lift Aaron Fisher扑克手法  Theory 11 1 on 1 - Covered Backslip Force - Aaron Fisher 控牌手法  Theory11 Dan Hauss - Rewrapped (Chewing Gum Trick)  Theory 11 Theory11 Symphony - Daniel Garcia  Theory 11 Apollo Robbins-VCR changeTheory 11 Daniel Madison (Devils Advocate Production , 2005) - Lethal致命的艺术Theory11 Dave Buck - Commercial 扑克手法Theory11 Dave Buck - The Werm(T11重拍版)Theory11 Chris Kenner - Pop Out MoveDaniel Madison - The Swing ChangeTheory11 Andrei Jikh b4cutTheory11 El Cambio Nada by Eric Jones 09最新变牌教学Theory 11 Jason England - Bottom Deal 发底牌教学Theory 11 Jason England - Palm Fundamentals 隐藏基本手法Theory11单手切牌与开扇教学 Cardistry by Andrei JikhTheory 11-Homer Liwag - Faro Shuffle + FFF完美洗牌和假洗Theory11 Chris Kenner - GPS 09神奇找牌  Theory11 - Molecule Cut by Dan and Dave  Theory11 Tivo 2.0 by Dan and Dave 两牌互换转移  Theory11 09年theory11花式教学Andrei Jikh - Genesis Vol 1 essentialsThe Fan Change by Daniel MadisonTheory11-1on1 Chris Kenner - FancyBand 09年皮筋魔术TheWheelChangebyDanielMadisonTheory11 - Mathieu Bich - Watermark 09年纸巾显牌Theory 11 - Jason England - The MacMillan Switch 09年瞬间换牌Theory11 - FLO Cascade Revelation - Lee Asher 花式落牌Theory1109变牌教学1on1 Michael Hankins - Harbor ChangeTheory 11 - Jason England - Push Through假洗教学Theory 11 - Trifecta by Homer Liwag 09硬币消失Theory11 Crunk by Daniel Madison 花式三明治找牌 Theory 11-Jason England-The Greek Deal 09年发底牌第二张Theory 11 - Election by Chris Kenner 09教学 扑克匹配Theory11 1on1 UNTITLED by Luke Dancy 09年最新 无名魔术Theory11 Lee Asher Thunderbird Theory11 Jason England Diagonal Palm Shiftl偷中间牌Theory 11 The Gorilla Change by Dan Hauss & Dan White 09变牌  Theory 11 Michael Hankins - The Snap Change 09变牌Theory11 Wayne Houchin - Control 2.0脉搏控制二代Theory 11-Akira by Dan and Dave.Theory11 变牌教学 Click Change by Dan and DaveTheory11 顶牌底牌变幻 Hedberg"s Peak by Dan and Dave  Theory 11 Jason England-The Double Lift 2010最新双翻  Theroy11 Daniel Garcia & Marcus Eddie-Five 5个超强效果  Theroy 11Tony Chang - BE KIND Change 2010地下变牌2010theory11 Dan White - CARD TO MOUTH牌到嘴巴2010Theory11 近景大作Homer Liwag - The Rice Papers2010Theory11 Alex Pandrea - Linx橡皮筋相连2010 Theory11 Jason England - Push off Second Deal2010 Theory11 DVR by Tony Chang 扑克变幻流程2010 Theory11 Jason England - The Zarrow ShuffleTheory11 Jason England - The Classic Passtheory11 SHINOBI CONTROL by Emran RiazDan&Dave Mechanical Fan Steal by Paul WilsonCrush by Eric RossTheory11 Jason England - Pinky Count 尾指数牌Theory11 1on1 Kelvin Chow - Revolver 连续旋转变牌Theory11 - Jesse Feinberg - The Spello ChangeTheory11 Jason England -Gambler"s CopLee Asher - The Losing ControlTheory11 1on1 Jason England - Riffle Stacking2010 theory11 Smoke by Alan Rorrison 烟雾2011 Theory11华丽花切Tumblr by Michael Herptheory11 COLORBLIND - Luke Jermay 手指认牌Theory11 Mike Hankins Cannibal Card2011 Theory11 - Jason England - Top Card Cover Passtheory11 橡皮筋过渡 TRANSIT - CALEN MORELLItheory11 Jesse Feinberg Divided 分裂Theory11 Jesse Feinberg - StrikeTheory11 - Lennart Green - Impossible PenetrationChris Mayhew - The Hole Thing不一样的三明治流程Theory11 Ben Siedman-Alchemy超干净的硬币消失Theory11 Lennart Green - The Odd CardTheory 11 Tacky by Asher Fry2011 Theory11 The Wire 经典三文治变牌效果 Inflict by Patrick Kun2011 Theory 11 Jason England - The Dead Cut 纸牌手法 2011 Theory11 IV by Shin Lim2011 Theory 11 Jordan Gomez - BURN火柴自燃2011 Theory11 Wire Zach Mueller - TheVintageHol2011 Theory11 Sean Oulashin - The Swag Production2011 Theory 11 Jason Silberman - Royalty Rip 撕牌还原2011 Theory11 The Wire Marcus Eddie - Splinter2011 Theory11 Celebrity Match by Bedros2011Theory11-WIRE-创新纸牌魔术 TAB by Dalton Wayne2011 T11出品 全新纯手法硬币消失 MiRAGE by Alex Geiser2011 Theory11 扑克实用手法 Eric Jones - ECLIPSE2011 Theory11 Eric Simmatis - TWITCH全新理念的变牌2011 Theory11 Blake Vogt - REF4M手法版撕牌还原2011 Theory11 花切教学 MIME by Andrei Jikh2011 Theory11 The Wire 全新爆气球还原 Michael Kent repAIR2011 Theory11 Sole by Benji Taylor2011 纸牌分割技巧 Theory11 Blake Vogt - Split SessionsTheory11 The Wire 全新漂浮效果 CFUD by Alexander Koelle2011 T11 The Wire 超酷花切教学 ReMastered by Gareth Ng2011 Theory11 The Wire Flawless by Shin Lim2011 Theory11 Shin Lim - Control Freak控牌手法2011 Theory11 Dani DaOrtiz - Followers2011 Theory11 The Wire 纯手法撕牌还原 Restored by Lloyd2011 Theory11 WIRE Sean Oulashin - Ozmosis花式假切2011 Theory11 WIRE Andrei Jikh - Cylinder花式教学2011 Theory11 全新扑克电梯效果 HighRise by Rick Lax2011 Theory 11 Scribble by Calen Morelli2011 Theory11 戒指花式 Ring Throw by Oliver Smith2011 Theory11 最新牌盒反地心引力效果VERTIGO by Rick Lax2011 Theory11 THE Biddle Trick by Jonathan Bayme2011 Theory 11 Geraint Clarke - Fate手机歌曲预言2011 Ekaterina Dobrokhotova - Agape优雅的纸牌手法2011 Theory11 The Wire Dalton Wayne Osmosis 小物品入饮料罐2011 Theory 11KevinSchaller-Duplex牌盒升出选牌2012 Theory11 出品 断裂线移动KevinSchaller-Break2012 Theory11BlakeVogt改良经典纸牌魔术HighEnd2012 Theory11 RickLax-Detach2012 Theory11 The WireOliverSmith口香糖魔术Section2012 Theory11 新奇偷看术SneakPeakbyBedrosAkkelian2012 Theory11 ArnelRenegado-MorfEvolution2012 Theory11 The WireEdEllis即兴戒指找牌Ringnature2012 Theory11 KeyFlipbyDominicWitt2012 Theory11 PermanentInk byDaltonWayne移动墨点2012 Theory11 ChrisMayhew-TheWholeThing2012 Theory11 JoshJanousky-ForeignExchange2012 Theory11 扑克花式大碟 SOLO by Michael James Herp
2023-07-24 19:50:181


是《Bleed it out》。张杰在本期的《歌手》中将挑战一首改编自黑豹乐队的经典之作《别来纠缠我》,这首“张杨”版的《别来纠缠我》,将Linkin Park 乐队07年发行的《Bleed it out》融入其中,演化为一首集摇滚乐、嘻哈音乐和电子音乐于一身的打榜神曲,为《歌手》的舞台注入新鲜的血液。别来纠缠我 (Live) - 张杰词:窦唯曲:窦唯编曲:刘洲Program:刘洲定位制作人:刘洲说唱:低调组合-杨和苏我不想对你再说些什么现在是气愤的我你已是被你的虚伪完全淹没变成讨厌的颜色把你自己那份该做的工作做得比别人出色把你的态度变得让人能够接受你我是平等你我Hey money moneyCrazy crazyHey money moneyCrazy crazyHey money moneyCrazy crazyMoney moneyCrazy crazy我不想再对你说些什么现在是气愤的我你已是被你的虚伪完全淹没变成讨厌的颜色把你自己那份该做的工作做得比别人出色把你的态度变得让人能够接受你我是平等你我你别来纠缠我你别来纠缠我你别让我难过我不想再多说我不想再多说Money moneyCrazy crazyMoney moneyCrazy crazyMoney moneyCrazy crazyMoney moneyCrazy crazyHere we go for the hundredth timeHand grenade pins in every lineThrow them out and let something shineMash it up into pumpkin pieYeah someone pour it inMake it a dirt dance floor againSay your prayers and stomp it outWhen he brings that chorus inI bleed it outDigging deeper just to throw it awayI bleed it outDigging deeper just to throw it awayI bleed it outDigging deeper just to throw it awayJust to throw it away just to throw it awayI bleed it outGo stop the showChoppy words in a sloppy flowShotgun opera lock and loadCock it back and then watch it goMama help him he"s been cursedDeath is rolling in every verseSay your prayers and stomp it outWhen he brings that chorus in你别来纠缠我你别来纠缠我你别让我难过我不想再多说我不想再多说I bleed it outDigging deeper just to throw it awayI bleed it outDigging deeper just to throw it awayI bleed it outDigging deeper just to throw it awayJust to throw it away just to throw it awayI bleed it outDamn this hurts he won"t lieDoesn"t matter how hard he triesHalf the words don"t mean a thingAnd I know that he won"t be satisfiedSo why try ignoring himMake it a dirt dance floor againSay your prayers and stomp it outWhen he brings that chorus inI bleed it out你别来纠缠我I"ve opened up these scars你别来纠缠我I"ll make you face us你别让我难过I"ve pulled myself so far我不想再多说I"ll make you face us你别来纠缠我I"ve opened up these scars你别来纠缠我I"ll make you face us你别让我难过I"ve pulled myself so far我不想再多说I"ll make you我不想再多说FaceUsNow
2023-07-24 19:50:401


TO Success: Opportunity or hard-working? Every body wants to succeed. But when it comes to the question that which factor leads to success, opportunity or hard-work, different people will offer different answers. Some people think that opportunity is the first factor leading to success. They hold the idea, as a proverb saying, “Man proposes, god disposes”. Becausealmost all successful people have good luck and have caught their valuable opportunities, they believe that opportunity is a leading condition of the success. If seizes and makes the best use of opportunity available, one can succeed surely. In summary, to them, chances and lucks play the most important role on the road to success. However, others maintain that “no pains, no gains” .Without exerting oneself, one could never expect to achieve success in no matter what one is doing. As is known to all, there is no royal road to the summit of success. One is likely to succeed only whenone has worked with whole-hearted devotion and perseverance. Those who are lazy,sloppy and indifferent to their work, those who never concentrate on work willdefinitely end in failure. On the whole, as far as they are concerned, hard-working is the decisive factor to success. In my view, both hard work and opportunity eventually matters. They are inseparable from each other, and put together, they make a great success. Hard work is to luck what fish is to water, and can be seen as an interior precondition of success. It lays the corner-stone for building a house while luck serves to cement it, to make the building bricks adherent to one another. They are the twins that contribute to success together. They are the factors from within and without respectively. We must work hard, make efforts and get prepared. When opportunities come, meet and make full use of them. Only in this way can we succeed one day说明通过计划取得成功比冒风险取得成功好的Self-presentationgood morning, my name is jack, it is really a greathonor to have this opportunity for a interview, i would like to answer whatever you may raise, and i hope i can make a good performance today, eventually enroll in this prestigious university in september. now i will introduce myself briefly,i am 21 years old,born in heilongjiang province ,northeast of china,and i am curruently a senior student at beijing XX major is packaging engineering.and i will receive my bachelor degree after my graduation in the past 4 years,i spend most of my time on study,i have passed CET4/6 with a ease. and i have acquired basic knowledge of packaging and publishing both in theory and in practice. besides, i have attend several packaging exhibition hold in Beijing, this is our advantage study here, i have taken a tour to some big factory and company. through these i have a deeply understanding of domestic packaging industry. compared to developed countriessuch as us, unfortunately, although we have made extraordinary progress since 1978,our packaging industry are still underdeveloped, mess, unstable, the situation of employees in this field are awkard. but i have full confidencein a bright future if only our economy can keep the growth pace still. i guess you maybe interested in the reason itch to law, and what is my plan during graduate study life, i would like totell you that pursue law is one of my lifelong goal,i like my major packaging and i won\"t give up,ifi can pursue my master degree here i will combine law with my former education. i will work hard in thesefields ,patent,trademark, copyright, on the base of my years study in department of p&p, my character? i cannot describe it well, but i know i am optimistic and confident. sometimes i prefer to stay alone, reading, listening to music, but i am not lonely, i like to chat with my classmates, almost talk everything ,my favorite pastime is valleyball,playing cards or surf online. through college life,i learn how to balance between study and entertainment. by the way, i was a actor of our amazing drama club. i had a fewglorious memory on stage. that is my pride
2023-07-24 19:50:501


2023-07-24 19:50:591

Bleed It Out 歌词

歌曲名:Bleed It Out歌手:Linkin Park专辑:Road To Revolution: Live At Milton Keynes(革命之路:米尔顿凯恩斯现场)Made by BIG UNCLEYeah, here we go for the hundredth timeHand grenade pins in every lineThrow "em up and let something shineGoing out of my fucking mindFilthy mouth, no excuseFind a new place to hang this nooseString me up from atop these roofsKnot it tight so I won"t get looseTruth is, you can stop and stareRun myself out and no one caresDug the trench out, laid down thereWith a shovel up that"ll reach somewhereYeah, someone pour it inMake it a dirt dance floor againSay your prayers and stomp it outWhen they bring that chorus inI bleed it out, digging deeper just to throw it awayI bleed it out, digging deeper just to throw it awayI bleed it out, digging deeper just to throw it awayJust to throw it away, just to throw it awayI bleed it out, go, stop the showDrop your words and let sloppy flowShotgun, opera, lock and loadCock it back and then watch it goMama, help me, I"ve been cursedDeath is rollin" in every verseCandy paint on his brand new hearseCan"t contain him, he knows he worksFuck, this hurts, I won"t lieDoesn"t matter how hard I tryHalf the words don"t mean a thingAnd I know that I won"t be satisfiedSo I try ignoring himMake it a dirt dance floor againSay your prayers and stomp it outWhen they bring that chorus inI bleed it out, digging deeper just to throw it awayI bleed it out, digging deeper just to throw it awayI bleed it out, digging deeper just to throw it awayJust to throw it away, just to throw it awayI bleed it out, I"ve opened up these scarsI"ll make you face thisI"ve pulled myself so farI"ll make you face this nowI bleed it out, digging deeper just to throw it awayI bleed it out, digging deeper just to throw it awayI bleed it out, digging deeper just to throw it awayJust to throw it away, just to throw it awayI bleed it out, digging deeper just to throw it awayI bleed it out, digging deeper just to throw it awayI bleed it out, digging deeper just to throw it awayJust to throw it away, just to throw it awayI bleed it outI bleed it outI bleed it out
2023-07-24 19:51:291

the coodinator flew into _____rage,and common sense went by the board.

应该是B吧,fly into a rage是大发雷霆的意思。
2023-07-24 19:50:351


tail[英][teu026al] [美][tel] 生词本 简明释义 n.尾;尾部;燕尾服;尾随者 vt.跟踪;装上尾巴 vi.队伍单行行进时拉长或产生间隔;侦察队两两散开;[建筑学] 嵌上,搭上 复数:tails第三人称单数:tails过去式:tailed过去分词:tailed现在分词:tailing 以下结果由 金山词霸 提供 柯林斯高阶英汉词典 百科释义 短语词组 同反义词 1.N-COUNT尾;尾巴The tail of an animal,bird,or fish is the part extending beyond the end of its body. The cattle were swinging their tails to disperse the flies. 那些牛甩动着尾巴驱赶苍蝇. ...a black dog with a long tail. 长尾黑狗
2023-07-24 19:50:291