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2023-07-25 11:39:57
TAG: mg 对比






最大的HG GP03D石斛兰,长97.2厘米,高26.7厘米,宽43厘米;

最大的MG 完美吉翁号,全高36厘米。足矣笑摸PG狗头..佩的剑也有28厘米长;

MG EXS的MS状态下高度是26厘米,比铁奥矮一点,但是巡航状态下全长43.6厘米,翼展23厘米,也是MG中体积前三的家伙;



高达模型一直是高达动画周边系列不可动摇的主导产品, 高达模型的出现将动画上的巨大的机械人立体化地展现。

1980 年,万代将出现在高达动画中的兵器做成了塑料模型,久而久之高达塑料模型也被简称为“GUNPLA ”,至今累计售出 4.73 亿个 GUNPLA。

高达类的模型属于科幻类模型,又分为诸多系列,其中包括了PG(Perfect Grade),MG(Master Grade),MB(Metal Build),HG(High Grade),TV,FG(First Grade),RG(Real Grade),RE/100,SD等等。

每个不同的系列,都有自己的特色和比例上的区别。 因为很多朋友是刚刚接触高达和它的模型,1979年,动画《机动战士高达》开始在日本上映,当时动画播出后,市面上只有出合金玩具;隔年六月,模型商BANDAI公司开始推出模型,第一台模型化的商品是售价300日元,比例为1:144的RX-78-2 GUNDAM。从此开创了长达35年的高达模型市场。



2023-07-24 18:28:321


高达模型等级分为PG,MG,HG,FG,SD等等。高达模型(gunpla—gundam plastic model)一直是高达动画周边系列不可动摇的主导产品, 高达模型的出现将动画上的巨大的机械人立体化地展现。高达模型1980年,万代将出现在高达动画中的兵器做成了PVC材质模型(Gundam Plastic Model),久而久之高达模型也被简称为“GUNPLA”,至今累计售出4.73亿个GUNPLA。高达类的模型属于科幻类模型,又分为诸多系列。其中包括了PG(Perfect Grade),MG(Master Grade),MB(Metal Build),HG(High Grade),TV,FG(First Grade),RG(Real Grade),RE/100,SD等等。每个不同的系列,都有自己的特色和比例上的区别。因为很多朋友是刚刚接触高达和它的模型,1979年,动画《机动战士高达》开始在日本上映,当时动画播出后,市面上只有出合金玩具。隔年六月,模型商BANDAI公司开始推出模型,第一台模型化的商品是售价300日元,比例为1:144的RX-78-2 GUNDAM。从此开创了长达35年的高达模型市场。
2023-07-24 18:28:401


两者的侧重点有所不同,个人感觉乐高对于想象力要求会高一点,高达认真做很费时间的,但是做完后的成就感也是满满哒,可以放在家中当作工艺品。高达只是机械模型的名称,乐高是丹麦的玩具公司。乐高对于小孩子来说可以自由搭配反复重装,小零件不容易摔坏。高达拼好了只能摆着,家里有小孩的还得收好。对于大人来说比较推荐高达,因为制作比乐高繁琐而且需要想象力,有很大的发挥空间。所以乐高适合小朋友,高达适合大朋友。乐高积木是儿童喜爱的玩具。这种塑胶积木一头有凸粒,另一头有可嵌入凸粒的孔,形状有1300多种,每一种形状都有12种不同的颜色,以红、黄、蓝、白、绿色为主。它靠小朋友自己动手动脑,可以拼插出变化无穷的造型,令人爱不释手,被称为“魔术塑料积木”。乐高积木的故乡就在丹麦比隆。高达模型(gunpla—gundam plastic model)一直是高达动画周边系列不可动摇的主导产品, 高达模型的出现将动画上的巨大的机械人立体化地展现。1980 年,万代将出现在高达动画中的兵器做成了PVC材质模型( Gundam Plastic Model ),久而久之高达模型也被简称为“GUNPLA ”,至今累计售出 4.73 亿个 GUNPLA。高达类的模型属于科幻类模型,又分为诸多系列,其中包括了PG(Perfect Grade),MG(Master Grade),MB(Metal Build),HG(High Grade),TV,FG(First Grade),RG(Real Grade),RE/100,SD,FG,EG等等。
2023-07-24 18:28:551


2023-07-24 18:29:194


metalbuild毕竟是高端涂装玩具,所以你要注意1. 如果手容易出汗,尽量别手贱去触摸金属部分,我那00R就明显已经有了生锈的迹象2.尽量别手贱去摸涂装部分,可能会弄脏。戴白手套最佳3.尽量避免日光直射。我看贴吧有过黄得不像样得七剑4.尽量注意摆POSE的频率。一般来说刚出来关节都是紧的,大力艹迟早要松。5.尽量别手贱去拿酒精或者什么乱七八糟的玩意儿擦涂装,可能会融化涂装之类的另外Metal Build系列是完成品,与拼装类不同。比例与MG同为1:100,骨架以金属为主,一般细节比较精致,设计与拼装类有很多不同,具体可以搜索想买的具体型号图片看看。希望这个回答对你有帮助
2023-07-24 18:29:531

METAL BUILD高达是全金属的么?

2023-07-24 18:30:045


2023-07-24 18:30:252

请问高达模型metal build系列入柜展示需要注意什么防护吗?因为柜子靠窗,拉开窗帘就会有阳光

2023-07-24 18:30:341

Metal Build 高达模型系列预订价格和吃现的价格相差大吗?

2023-07-24 18:30:444

高达模型相关 bandai的MB(metal build)是用MG的骨架吗?看到00七剑出MB版的了,MG版是不是就不远了?

789块钱 2011年3月下旬初。考虑能动性方面的话我也会买的。但是合金的不知道细节,能动,配色方面怎么样!这货的话还是观望下吧有了测评再买吧
2023-07-24 18:31:134


钢普拉大体版本有MEGASIZE,PG,HG,RG,MG,RE,BB,FG,TVMEGA为1:48,40cm左右,外形完美,活动关节较好。零件大但不多,容易组装,盒子大,适合所有人群,但是只出了几部机体。PG为1:60,30cm左右,精细度较高,活动关节灵活。但价格昂贵,在1000人民币左右,零件最多,适合高手,有完美的骨架内构。HG为1:144,13cm左右,外形较好,活动关节中等。零件不多,盒子小,比较大众化,适合新手,HG中少数部位有精简的骨架,大多数空心。RG为1:144,与HG同样的比例,外形完美,活动关节较好。价格在110人民币以上,零件中等,盒子小,适合老手,比较帅,有一体成型的骨架,但由于比例较小,骨架比较脆弱。,MG为1:100,外形精细,活动关节完美。零件普遍较多,后期的模型大多都有完整的骨架内构,适合经常玩高达的老手。RE为1:100,与MG一样大,是通过严谨的设定考证设计出具有说服力的造型,并以精简的零件组成,以MSV等外传设定款式为主。BB系列是迷你型高达模型,风格是可爱系,受部分粉丝的异常热爱,也拉入坑了一群萌新(划去,以前小学门口地摊2块一包的国产BB)。FG系列为1:144,外形一般,基本无分色,价格便宜,适合新手人。资料来自于百度百科拓展资料:《机动战士高达》自1979年登场以来,已成为日本动画作品中最著名、最经久不衰、最庞大、也是盈利最高的系列 。《机动战士高达0079》与《宇宙战舰大和号》、《新世纪福音战士》(EVA)并称为日本科幻动画的3大里程碑。万代(BANDAI)未正式进中国大陆销售前Gundam在大陆的翻译受香港影响多翻译为“高达”,而万代进驻中国大陆销售时注册名字时发现“高达”一词已被注册,所以改名为“敢达”。同样,进驻中国台湾地区时候,也因为“高达”一词已被注册,改名为“钢弹”。但因为“高达”的名字早已经深入民心,即使大陆和台湾官方并非以此称呼,但各地粉丝迷都一律称之为“高达”。不过,BANDAI已经决定在2017年9月开始,重新正式启用“高达”这一名称,解决了这么多年以来高达粉丝们的怨念。高达模型高达模型(gunpla:gundam plastic model)一直是高达动画周边系列不可动摇的主导产品高达类的模型属于科幻类模型,又分为诸多系列,其中包括了PG,MG,HG(HGUC),TV,FG,RG 等 等。每个不同的系列,都有自己的特色和比例上的区别。【GUNPLA】——GUNDAM PLASTIC MODEL即高达塑料模型【GUNPLA】的等级和比例:【PG】——Perfect Grade(完美级)1/60【MG】——Master Grade(大师级)1/100【HG】——High Grade(高级)1/144;1/100;1/60【HGUC】——High Grade Universal Century(宇宙世纪高级)1/144【HGCE】—— 1/144【FG】——First Grade(初级)1/144【EG】—— 1/144【SD】——大头可爱版【GG】——G-Generation(G世纪游戏版SD)【BB】——BB战士,SD的主流【TV】——TV Series(电视剧原版)【MIA】--MOBILE SUIT IN ACTION 比例为1:170左右【HCMpro】——High Complete Model Progressive(高级成品版)1/200【JG】--Jumbo Grade 超大系列,比例为1/35,高度600毫米【SHCMpro】——Super High Complete Model Progressive(超高级成品版)1/144【RG】——Real Grade 真实系高达模型,GUNPLA30周年纪念开始的的新系列模型,系列的标志是专属设计的一体成型超可动骨架,在1/144的小比例做到与MG相当的精密细节。【ROBOT魂】【G.F.F.】【SGC】——Speed Grade Collection(SGC版)犹如其名,能够十分迅速完成的模型——这是针对新手以及广大工作繁忙等抽不出空来耐心制作模型的爱好者而设计的独特系列(共RX78-2,Zeta,God Gundam,Wing Gundam 四款)1/200【REBORN-ONE HUNDRED】打破1:100对作品的局限,以洗练的零件构成和高精密度细节的外观将粉丝们真正追求的商品实现立体化。(第一弹为MSN-04Ⅱ夜莺,第二弹为MSF-007 敢达Mk-Ⅲ)【FIX】—— UC系1/100合金混合成品模型【MB】——Metal build 1/100合金骨架成品模型【HI-Resolution】——HIRM 1/100合金骨架拼装模型台场1:1尺寸高达
2023-07-24 18:31:441


名称:GN-0000 00 Gundam/ダブルオーガンダム/OO高达型号:GN-0000生代:第四世代(以第三世代秘天使高达为蓝本再设计)动力装置:GN太阳炉(GN Drive)X2推进器:GN太阳炉(GN Drive)X2定位:近战格斗型人型兵器(Close-Quarters Combat Mobile Suit)操作系统:不明驾驶员:刹那·F·清英高:18.3米重量:54.9公吨装甲:E碳(E-Carbon)隶属:天人武装组织(Celestial Being)服役年份:A.D.2312年初出场:《机动战士高达00》第一季第二十五话正式出场(投入战斗):《机动战士高达OO》第二季第二话制造者:天人武装组织(Celestial Being)涂装特色:白、蓝、红、灰机体出力:不明推进力:不明设计者:海老川兼武模型:PG 1/60 OO RaiserMG1/100 OO Raiser TV 1/100 OO升降翼HG1/144 OO高达RG1/144 OO高达+O Raiser1/144OO升降翼1/144OO升降翼TRANS-AM + GN 剑刃IIIHCMPro OO高达HCMPro OO升降翼ROBOT魂OO高达ROBOT魂 OO升降翼ROBOT魂 OO升降翼TRANS-AMMetalBuild OO升降翼 限定  MetalBuild OO七剑  MetalBuild OO+Raiser TRANS-AM  MetalBuild OO+Raiser内部特殊配备:GN太阳炉(GN Drive,GNドライヴ)x2Trans-Am系统(Trans-Am System,トランサムモード)00-Raiser Trans-Am Burst系统 (00-Raiser Trans-Am Burst System)标准武装:GN光束军刀(GN Beam Saber/GNビームサーベル)x2GN剑刃Ⅱ/GN光束步枪Ⅱ(GN SwordⅡ/GN Beam RifleⅡ)x2GN盾牌(GN Shield)×2GN剑刃Ⅲ(GN SwordⅢ)GN力场(GN Field/GNフィールド)外挂武装:GNR-010 0 Raiser(O升降翼)
2023-07-24 18:32:051

高达 oo raiser pg和mb哪一个好?是mb(metal build),不是mg哦。

价格是差不太多的,但我偏向PG...拼装过程可以感受万代在PG上令人惊叹的结构设计...MB是成品模型...金属骨架,适合把玩。但是MB跟MG大小一样...PG 1/60观赏性更强
2023-07-24 18:32:332

关于CCS中“incremetal build”和“Rebuild all”的区别?

1、incremetal build只编译改变的文件,第一次打开工程编译程序时和Rebuild all相同,因为第一次编译都要全部编译文件才能生成.out文件2、Rebuild all编译工程下的所有文件
2023-07-24 18:32:411


2023-07-24 18:32:4910


2023-07-24 18:33:235


用…建造的英文短语:Used to build。 例句: 这小屋是用圆木建造的。 The cabin was built of logs. 这些房子多数是用石头建造的。 Most of the houses are built of stone. 扩展资料   这棚屋是用附近森林里的树木建造的。   The hut was constructed from trees that grew in the nearby forest.   雪橇道是用木头而不是金属建造的`,隐藏在树木中。   The bobsled run is built out of wood not metal and hidden among trees.   世界上许多伟大的建筑都是用石头建造的,因为它美观、持久且容易找到。   Much of the world"s great architecture has been constructed of stone because of its beauty, permanence, and availability.
2023-07-24 18:33:521


2023-07-24 18:34:191

钢铁雄心2 海军建造加速

  可以在moderm/db/events/ai_chc添加事件,或在原有事件上修改。  下面是一些事件的代码  command = { type = metalpool value = 5000000 } #增加5000000金属  command = { type = rarematerialspool value = 5000000 } #增加5000000稀有金属  command = { type = oilpool value = 5000000 } #增加5000000石油  command = { type = supplies value = 5000000 } #增加5000000补给  command = { type = money value = 500000 } #增加500000金钱  command = { type = manpowerpool value = 9500 } #增加9500人力  command = { type = resource which = energy value = 500 } #增加能源(煤)的理论日产量500%  command = { type = resource which = metal value = 500 } #增加金属的理论日产量500%  command = { type = resource which = oil value = 1000 } #增加石油的理论日产量1000%  command = { type = resource which = rare_materials value = 500 } #增加稀有金属的理论日产量500%  command = { type = building_prod_mod which = coastal_fort value = 10000000 } #海岸要塞的生产效率+100000%,不过似乎不能减到1天  command = { type = building_prod_mod which = land_fort value = 10000000 } #陆地要塞的生产效率+100000%  command = { type = building_prod_mod which = flak value = 10000000 } #防空炮的生产效率+100000%  command = { type = building_prod_mod which = infrastructure value = 10000000 } #基础设施的生产效率+100000%  command = { type = building_prod_mod which = air_base value = 10000000 } #空军基地的生产效率+100000%  command = { type = building_prod_mod which = naval_base value = 10000000 } #海军基地的生产效率+100000%  command = { type = building_prod_mod which = radar_station value = 10000000 } #雷达站的生产效率+100000%  command = { type = building_prod_mod which = nuclear_reactor value = 10000000 } #核反应堆的生产效率+100000%  command = { type = building_prod_mod which = rocket_test value = 10000000 } #火箭试验场的生产效率+100000%  command = { type = convoy_prod_mod which = escorts value = 10000000 } #护卫队的生产效率+100000%  command = { type = convoy_prod_mod which = transports value = 10000000 } #运输队的生产效率+100000%  command = { type = build_time which = land value = -1000 } #将陆军部队的建造时间-1000天,这个天数可以超过现在的建造时间,这样不如说步兵要69天-1000天=1天  command = { type = build_time which = air value = -1000 } #将空军部队的建造时间-1000天  command = { type = build_time which = naval value = -1000 } #将海军部队的建造时间-1000天  command = { type = build_time which = artillery value = -1000 } #将炮兵加强旅的建造时间-1000天  command = { type = build_time which = anti_tank value = -1000 } #将反坦克加强旅的建造时间-1000天  command = { type = build_time which = anti_air value = -1000 } #将防空加强旅的建造时间-1000天  command = { type = build_time which = rocket_artillery value = -1000 } #将火箭炮加强旅的建造时间-1000天  command = { type = build_time which = sp_artillery value = -1000 } #将自行火炮加强旅的建造时间-1000天  command = { type = build_time which = sp_rct_artillery value = -1000 } #将自行火箭炮加强旅的建造时间-1000天  command = { type = build_time which = tank_destroyer value = -1000 } #将坦克歼击车加强旅的建造时间-1000天  command = { type = build_time which = light_armor_brigade value = -1000 } #将轻型坦克加强旅的建造时间-1000天  command = { type = build_time which = heavy_armor value = -1000 } #将重型坦克加强旅的建造时间-1000天  command = { type = build_time which = super_heavy_armor value = -1000 } #将超重型坦克加强旅的建造时间-1000天  command = { type = build_time which = armored_car value = -1000 } #将装甲车加强旅的建造时间-1000天  command = { type = build_time which = engineer value = -1000 } #将工程兵加强旅的建造时间-1000天  command = { type = build_time which = police value = -1000 } #将宪兵加强旅的建造时间-1000天  command = { type = build_time which = cag value = -1000 } #将航母舰载机加强旅的建造时间-1000天  command = { type = build_time which = escort value = -1000 } #将护航战斗机加强旅的建造时间-1000天  command = { type = build_time which = naval_anti_air_l value = -1000 } #将A型主力舰防空系统的建造时间-1000天  command = { type = build_time which = naval_anti_air_s value = -1000 } #将A型辅助舰防空系统的建造时间-1000天  command = { type = build_time which = naval_fire_controll_l value = -1000 } #将A型主力舰火控系统的建造时间-1000天  command = { type = build_time which = naval_fire_controll_s value = -1000 } #将A型辅助舰火控系统的建造时间-1000天  command = { type = build_time which = naval_improved_hull_l value = -1000 } #将A型主力舰船体加强系统的建造时间-1000天  command = { type = build_time which = naval_improved_hull_s value = -1000 } #将A型辅助舰船体加强系统系统的建造时间-1000天  command = { type = build_time which = naval_radar_l value = -1000 } #将A型主力舰雷达系统的建造时间-1000天  command = { type = build_time which = naval_radar_s value = -1000 } #将A型辅助舰雷达系统的建造时间-1000天  command = { type = build_time which = naval_torpedoes_l value = -1000 } #将A型主力舰鱼雷系统的建造时间-1000天  command = { type = build_time which = naval_torpedoes_s value = -1000 } #将A型辅助舰鱼雷系统的建造时间-1000天  command = { type = build_time which = naval_asw value = -1000 } #将ASW系统的建造时间-1000天
2023-07-24 18:34:361

钢铁雄心2中文版本文件修改 生产加速 ....有的文件修改都没效果 以前有个有效 给忘了

######################################################################### # Produce Cheat ######################################################################### event = { id = 12580 random = no persistent = yestrigger = { ai = no } name = "帝国" desc = "帝国崛起" style = 0 action_a = { name = "我们的帝国需要生产力" command = { type = building_prod_mod which = ic value = 10000 } command = { type = building_prod_mod which = coastal_fort value = 10000 } command = { type = building_prod_mod which = land_fort value = 10000 } command = { type = building_prod_mod which = flak value = 10000 } command = { type = building_prod_mod which = infrastructure value = 10000 } command = { type = building_prod_mod which = air_base value = 10000 } command = { type = building_prod_mod which = naval_base value = 10000 } command = { type = building_prod_mod which = radar_station value = 10000 } command = { type = building_prod_mod which = nuclear_reactor value = 10000 } command = { type = building_prod_mod which = rocket_test value = 10000 } command = { type = convoy_prod_mod which = escorts value = 10000 } command = { type = convoy_prod_mod which = transports value = 10000 } command = { type = build_time which = land value = -1000 } command = { type = build_time which = air value = -1000 } command = { type = build_time which = naval value = -1000 } command = { type = build_time which = artillery value = -1000 } command = { type = build_time which = anti_tank value = -1000 } command = { type = build_time which = anti_air value = -1000 } command = { type = build_time which = rocket_artillery value = -1000 } command = { type = build_time which = sp_artillery value = -1000 } command = { type = build_time which = sp_rct_artillery value = -1000 } command = { type = build_time which = tank_destroyer value = -1000 } command = { type = build_time which = light_armor_brigade value = -1000 } command = { type = build_time which = heavy_armor value = -1000 } command = { type = build_time which = super_heavy_armor value = -1000 } command = { type = build_time which = armored_car value = -1000 } command = { type = build_time which = engineer value = -1000 } command = { type = build_time which = police value = -1000 } command = { type = build_time which = cag value = -1000 } } action_b = { name = "我们的帝国需要资源" command = { type = energypool value = 150000 } command = { type = metalpool value = 300000 } command = { type = oilpool value = 300000 } command = { type = rarematerialspool value = 300000 } command = { type = money value = 15000 } command = { type = supplies value = 100000 } } action_c = { name = "我们的帝国需要科技的力量" command = { type = research_mod value = 100000 } } action_d = { name = "我们的帝国需要精锐的部队" command = { type = speed which = land value = 10 } } } 把这些复制到钢铁雄心2dbevents文件夹中的randomevents.txt中然后进入游戏event 12580 触发事件
2023-07-24 18:34:503


最上面那位说的什么玩意啊 英文我看不懂就不说你啥了 中文你写明白点也行啊简直是语无伦次 中国人都看不懂你说的是什么东西 还中间夹杂着各种拼音不拼音英文不英文的
2023-07-24 18:35:345

bottom tin是什么意思

2023-07-24 18:35:582


高达模型等级分为PG,MG,HG,FG,SD等等。高达模型(gunpla—gundam plastic model)一直是高达动画周边系列不可动摇的主导产品, 高达模型的出现将动画上的巨大的机械人立体化地展现。高达模型1980年,万代将出现在高达动画中的兵器做成了PVC材质模型(Gundam Plastic Model),久而久之高达模型也被简称为“GUNPLA”,至今累计售出4.73亿个GUNPLA。高达类的模型属于科幻类模型,又分为诸多系列。其中包括了PG(Perfect Grade),MG(Master Grade),MB(Metal Build),HG(High Grade),TV,FG(First Grade),RG(Real Grade),RE/100,SD等等。每个不同的系列,都有自己的特色和比例上的区别。因为很多朋友是刚刚接触高达和它的模型,1979年,动画《机动战士高达》开始在日本上映,当时动画播出后,市面上只有出合金玩具。隔年六月,模型商BANDAI公司开始推出模型,第一台模型化的商品是售价300日元,比例为1:144的RX-78-2 GUNDAM。从此开创了长达35年的高达模型市场。
2023-07-24 18:36:201


高达模型等级分为PG,MG,HG,FG,SD等等。高达模型(gunpla—gundam plastic model)一直是高达动画周边系列不可动摇的主导产品, 高达模型的出现将动画上的巨大的机械人立体化地展现。高达模型1980年,万代将出现在高达动画中的兵器做成了PVC材质模型(Gundam Plastic Model),久而久之高达模型也被简称为“GUNPLA”,至今累计售出4.73亿个GUNPLA。高达类的模型属于科幻类模型,又分为诸多系列。其中包括了PG(Perfect Grade),MG(Master Grade),MB(Metal Build),HG(High Grade),TV,FG(First Grade),RG(Real Grade),RE/100,SD等等。每个不同的系列,都有自己的特色和比例上的区别。因为很多朋友是刚刚接触高达和它的模型,1979年,动画《机动战士高达》开始在日本上映,当时动画播出后,市面上只有出合金玩具。隔年六月,模型商BANDAI公司开始推出模型,第一台模型化的商品是售价300日元,比例为1:144的RX-78-2 GUNDAM。从此开创了长达35年的高达模型市场。
2023-07-24 18:37:121


2023-07-24 18:37:291

2023-07-24 18:37:361


thoughtless,safely,breath,woolen,making,polluting, buildings
2023-07-24 18:37:453


你可真不是一般贪。哪可能有人弄那么全嘛。你还不给悬赏。 还是我回头下载好了传给你算了。
2023-07-24 18:32:245


亲爱的宝贝-我我会在这里 我还等着IKAZU ? ] 你知道我爱你为什么: 我不担心] 如何远邦地] 它不会改变这一铭记] 我知道我说什么? ] 我等着你] 您已经困扰我笨拙远] 我只想言EZU ] 你去CHIMATTA ] 您也离开了相册] 天,看到只有电波] 我没有图片,但你的微笑见] 温暖的气味你的头发: 这干渴] 不满意] 天GITEKU过] 我看你刚才什么样] 我常常走在街上与你] 这只是我的双脚,但现在响] 如果你不能做好的呢? ] 我生活的权利饭? ] Beanbag ,并言ENEE工作室] 下一次我将我的信] 亲爱的宝贝-我我会在这里 我还等着IKAZU ? ] 你知道我爱你为什么: 我不担心] 如何远邦地] 它不会改变这一铭记] 我知道我说什么? ] 我等着你] 见局长你看看海滩镰仓] 卡诺说,你是什么淹没波] 嘿小严重内涵] 男子..和为何我这样说呢卡诺KONEE了.. ] 告诉我的卡拉OK与您: 卡诺把话我的歌曲] 仍然发生,监测] 你真的是伝ETAKATTA ] 他是第一次会议上单独与您联系: 犹如见了事故] 我不能忘记你微笑欢喜] 我觉得很CHIMATTA话? ] 卡诺我说.. ] shit和GANEE场所休息或书] 对不起绝対发出如下: 亲爱的宝贝-我我会在这里 我还等着IKAZU ? ] 你知道我爱你为什么: 我不担心] 如何远邦地] 它不会改变这一铭记] 我知道我说什么? ] 我等着你] 如果我是丰富的,我更多] 当我还是一个体面的工作更多] 如果你能牺牲一切] 本人绝対你... ] 请违但是直觉不仅是一时的休闲] 你的感觉孤独的SETAKUNEE ] 在繁忙的按摩师SENEE话] 婴儿相信这是所有对我们的未来: 但现在我想念你和淖彰] 现在我要抱KISHIME ] 我坐在旁边的座位你,我曾经是] 谁已不再] 那么这是件好事] 地说,我JANEE ] 卡诺言ITAKATTA一大堆话,但现在] 发送未发信件] 亲爱的宝贝-我我会在这里 我还等着IKAZU ? ] 你知道我爱你为什么: 我不担心] 如何远邦地] 它不会改变这一铭记] 我知道我说什么? ] 我等着你] 亲爱的宝贝-我我会在这里 我还等着IKAZU ? ] 你知道我爱你为什么: 我不担心] 如何远邦地] 它不会改变这一铭记] 现在我可以毫无保留地]
2023-07-24 18:32:282


【 #英语资源# 导语】放飞的风筝,装载着我的梦想,装载的是我对自由向往的,是另一个我。 为大家准备了以下内容,供大家参考阅读。 1.关于放风筝的英语作文   Today, spring is beautiful. It"s a good day to fly a kite. After lunch, I quickly took my plane kite and ran to the garden to fly it. I have a string stick in my left hand and a kite in my right hand. My feet are separated and I try to run forward. The kite didn"t fly as if it didn"t want to leave me. I don"t believe it. I tried again several times and couldn"t fly all the time. I didn"t listen to my command like I was more angry. I was angry and sat on the ground and didn"t want to let it go.   When I finished my lunch, my mother sat up dejectedly. Mother said: baby, don"t lose heart in doing anything. Don"t be afraid of difficulties and move forward forever. After my mother finished, I tried again. The kite flew up, and my mood was happy! The kite was stuck by the branches of the tree just halfway through the flight. I found a bamboo pole and carefully pulled out the kite stuck in the tree. I flew it again. This time, I finally flew it. I"m so happy.   I passed this event and was inspired. I should be careful and not discouraged in everything. Only in the end can I succeed! 2.关于放风筝的英语作文   Today, the weather is particularly good and sunny. Children fly kites on the lawn in groups. There are a sea of people on the lawn. There are countless kites in the sky, including eagles, centipedes, little goldfish and giant pandas. So many kites fly so high and dense that they cover the blue sky.   I walked slowly, came to the grass and sat down. Look! XX is cooperating with XX! I saw XX holding the kite and XX pulling the line. The two people have been comparing the height there. They are deeply afraid of the wrong kite flying action. After a while, XX and XX shouted together: "three, two, one, fly!" Just then, XX sent the kite out. XX kept running and flying with the kite in mid air. Suddenly, XX pulled hard and pulled forward, and XX let go, wow! The kite flew. XX grinned, and XX on one side also smiled excitedly. I watched this beautiful kite flutter in the wind, very beautiful, but I just want to be a bystander today and enjoy this beautiful scene. There are more and more children on the lawn. Looking at the laughter of the children and the flying kites in the sky, I feel very happy! 3.关于放风筝的英语作文   The children came back early from school and were busy putting paper kites in the east wind.   Spring is coming. The sun is smiling at the earth in the air. The spring wind gently blows the willow branches, and it"s the season when kites fly all over the sky. On the green lawn, many people are flying kites. In the distance, a little boy is struggling to fly a colorful triangular kite. He tilted his head back and pulled the kite string hard. His parents looked at him with a smile and said, "boy, you"re great. The kite flies very high. Come on!"      XX, Xiao X and XX, three good friends, holding butterfly kites and big bird kites, also joined the kite flying team. Xiao x ran forward with the kite line. As he ran, he said, "XX, hold the big bird kite and watch the opportunity. When the wind blows, throw it up." "OK, don"t worry. If we cooperate well, the kite will fly high." XX said confidently. Then a gust of wind blew and XX threw up the kite. The kite flew higher and higher. Soon, the big bird flew freely in the sky. "Let"s help you two fly the kite, too!"   After a while, there was another colorful butterfly kite in the sky. Looking around, all kinds of kites in the sky fly freely in the sky, including the vivid "big centipede", the fat and round "little goldfish", the flying "Eagle" and so on. These kites decorate the blue sky with various colors. How beautiful!   Today is really a happy and unforgettable day! 4.关于放风筝的英语作文   On Tuesday, my sister and I went to fly kites. I took my "black bat" and my sister to the square. WOW! This is really the ocean of kites!      I asked my sister to put the kite in place and ask her to let it go immediately when the wind came. I tightened the string first, and then flew it gently, and the kite flew up. Taking advantage of this opportunity, I slowly put the line, and the kite flew higher and higher. At this time, the wind gradually decreased, and the kite also slowly fell down. Just when I was in despair, a miracle happened. Suddenly, the wind blew, and the kite flew again 20 or 30 meters away from the ground. After a few minutes, my kite was in the farthest position again. But there was an unexpected storm, and suddenly a strong wind blew again. It was really June, and the child"s face changed as he said it would. At this time, the line broke, but the kite didn"t listen to the command anymore. It flew disorderly, and finally it fell to the ground. It took my sister and I a lot of effort to get the kite back. It seems that my kite flying skills are not good enough. 5.关于放风筝的英语作文   March is the kite flying season, so my parents and I came to Ankang Jinzhou square to fly kites. Today"s weather is particularly good, the sun shines on the body warm. I saw a sea of people in the square. Many people came to fly kites. Many kites were flying in the air!   There are many and many kites, including lively and lovely small fish, long centipede, lovely joy, and grey wolf... My father and I chose a lovely panda kite, because I think the panda is our national treasure in China, which can bring me good luck and good luck. We came to the center of the square with kites in our hands and began to fly. Dad raised the kite high in the back. I pulled the line tight in the front. Let"s count one, two and three together! Dad let go of his hand, I dare not neglect to run forward quickly. Woo - woo, those winds are blowing on my face. Looking back, the lovely panda has slowly risen into the air. I quickly pulled the line forward and kept tightening and loosening the line in my hand. The kite is getting higher and higher, and the line in my hand is getting tighter and tighter. I feel I can"t hold it. I was afraid that my beloved panda would fall down and shouted, "Dad, Dad, come and help me!" So my father and I flew kites together. The kites flew higher and higher, and the people nearby said; "Oh, your kite is the first!"   We put it all afternoon. My father urged me to go home, but I wanted to put it off again. Later, at the urging of my father again, I reluctantly went home. My father and I made an appointment to fly kites again. 6.关于放风筝的英语作文   Today, the sky is clear and the atmosphere of spring is everywhere. It is the best time for kite flying.   In the afternoon, the teacher asked us to fly kites on the playground, and all the students rushed out happily. I am no exception. I ran out with a phoenix kite. My Phoenix kite has delicious color, long tail and big wings.   I quickly took the spool, pulled up the line and ran against the wind, but the kite didn"t seem to listen to me. It was still lying on the ground like sleeping! I was unwilling and continued to run with the spool, but the kite still couldn"t fly. I thought anxiously: I can"t let it go today! God, why don"t you help me? Just as I was disheartened to put away the kite line, suddenly, a strong wind blew my kite into the sky. I was very happy. I pulled the line and ran hard, and the kite flew higher and higher. Looking at other students, I saw one of them holding the "plane" and the other holding the spool. The person holding the plane threw it up gently. The person holding the spool immediately ran away. The plane took off. It dived and climbed for a while. It"s really handsome!   I looked up, ah! The sky has long been a sea of kites. The lovely KT cat is looking for prey. The handsome pleasant goat shows its beauty to the fullest. The lively little goldfish swims freely in the arms of the blue sky... My Phoenix finally caught up with them. Looking down again, some students are repairing kites, some are running with kites, and some are cheering   Today is really a happy Kite Festival! 7.关于放风筝的英语作文   Friend, have you ever flown a kite? When the flowers bloom in spring, I come to the grass with my friends to fly kites.   No, my friends and I chose a windy day to fly kites. We came to the grass, picked up the kite, threw it up, and the kite soared up. Then we ran and flew the kite line, and the kite flew higher and higher.   Until we thought it was good, we began a kite war, that is, using our own kites to collide with others" kites. Whoever landed first lost.   What impressed me most was the game I played with the Mavericks. At the beginning, as soon as he stormed, my kite almost fell to the ground and flew again, but he stayed high and stormed at me all the time. I was quick in my wits. Because the direction of his attack was downwind, I flew to the top of his kite, beat him down with the help of the wind and his strength, and his kite line was broken.   Flying kites is fun! After flying a kite, I understand that there is more than one way. If this way doesn"t work, you can take another way! 8.关于放风筝的英语作文   On Sunday morning, it was sunny. I took my brother and sister to fly kites in the countryside. The grassland is boundless, full of green, and white clouds bloom in the blue sky.   There are so many people flying kites! The sky has become the stage of kites. The lively and lovely little goldfish, the brave eagle flying high, and the big entertainment centipede with countless feet... They are just like naughty elves playing with white clouds, dragging colorful tails, like the colorful ribbon danced by fairies. They are very beautiful.   Looking at all kinds of kites in the sky, I envy them in my heart. I said to my brother, "let"s play it, too." My brother picked up my swallow kite. I held the kite line and grasped the spool. A gust of wind blew, and I ran forward quickly. My sister took her Butterfly Kite and ran with me. Sister Chunfeng stretched out her invisible big hand and flew into the sky with my kite. "The kite is in heaven! The kite is in heaven!" The kite flew higher and higher in the breeze, and sometimes circled several times, as if to show off its beauty; Sometimes I turn a few somersaults, as if I were playing a game with a bird; From time to time, he drilled again, but immediately flew up again mischievously. 9.关于放风筝的英语作文   Today, the sun is bright, white clouds are like cotton, flowers show beautiful smiling faces, grass does not run out of the ground lonely, and small trees draw out new branches and buds. What a good day to fly a kite!   I went to the park to fly kites. Wow, so many kites! Some are small goldfish. The sky is like the sea to protect the small goldfish and let the small goldfish swim around freely; Some are butterflies dancing in the sky; Some are small bees, as if looking for honey collecting targets; There was a terrible snake, and the sky suddenly looked like the earth. The snake crawled around the earth.   And mine is a swallow kite, a beautiful swallow kite. I looked at the kites in the sky and wanted to fly my swallows to the sky as soon as possible. But my kite can"t fly. So, I carefully observed the people next to me. I saw them pulling the line in one hand and holding the kite in the other hand, running against the wind and setting out the line at the same time. Finally, I sent my swallow kite to the sky. You see, it flies so well. It turns up and down skillfully.   One kite flew to the sky, one thread was connected, and people"s hearts were connected, weaving a net of friendship in the sky. 10.关于放风筝的英语作文   The domineering Eagle kite, the dragon kite hovering in the sky, the goldfish kite staring at two big eyes, the lovely swallow kite, the colorful triangle kite, Xiaogang, Xiaoming and Xiaomei go out to fly kites!   There are many kites floating in the sky, including handsome Eagle kites, dragon kites flying in the clouds, goldfish kites swimming in the sky... All kinds of kites.   Xiao Ming kept running with a spool in one hand and a kite line in the other, hoping to fly the kite. Unexpectedly, the naughty Xiao Gang didn"t let go of the kite and couldn"t fly. At this time, a strong wind suddenly hung up, blowing the kite in Xiao Gang"s hand into the sky. Xiaomei raised her Butterfly Kite and showed it off like Xiaogang and Xiaoming. "Look at my kite? The patterns on it are colorful and must be very beautiful." "Of course, it must be beautiful. The kites of the family next door are not as beautiful as you!" Xiaoming patted Xiaomei"s horse *, "ha ha, I knew it. Come on, let it go!" Xiaomei"s kite flew into the sky. The three people ran around happily and kept flying kites. They were very happy.   The sun set and the three talents went home reluctantly.
2023-07-24 18:32:291


法制宣传日主题活动方案(7篇) 12月4日是全国法制宣传日,旨在通过普及法律只是,增强人民群众以及各级领导干部的法制观念。下面是我为大家整理的关于法制宣传日主题活动方案,希望对您有所帮助! 法制宣传日主题活动方案篇1 为全面实施“_”普法规划,大力宣传宪法和法律,深入推进法制宣传教育,贯彻和落实中宣部、司法部、全国普法办《关于开展20__年“12.4”全国法制宣传日系列活动的通知》的有关精神,结合我县实际和年初的工作计划,制定本活动方案,请各地认真遵照执行。 一、活动主题 大力弘扬法治精神,共筑伟大中国梦。 二、指导思想 落实县委、县政府关于“法治太湖”建设的各项工作任务,采取多种形式,集中开展以宪法为核心的法制宣传教育活动,在全社会树立宪法,弘扬社会主义法治精神,形成守法光荣的社会氛围,为建设“实力太湖、魅力太湖、活力太湖”营造良好的法治环境。 三、时间安排 系列宣传活动自文件下发之日至12月20日结束。 四、宣传重点内容 (一)深入学习宣传党的和关于全面推进依法治国的重要论述精神。大力宣传党的关于全面推进依法治国的战略部署,大力宣传在首都各界纪念现行宪法公布施行31周年大会上的重要讲话、在中央政治局第四次集体学习时重要讲话,宣传全面推进依法治国基本方略,坚持依法治国、依法执政、依法行政共同推进,坚持法治国家、法治政府、法治社会一体建设。 (二)集中开展宪法学习宣传。深入学习宣传国家根本制度和根本任务、国家的领导核心和指导思想、国体和政体等基本内容,学习宣传宪法基本原则和精神,在全社会形成崇尚宪法、遵守宪法、维护宪法的良好氛围。 (三)大力宣传中国特色社会主义法律体系。宣传中国特色社会主义法律体系的基本构成、基本特征和主要内容,宣传国家基本法律,大力弘扬法治精神,牢固树立社会主义法治理念,大力推进全社会学法尊法守法用法。 (四)大力宣传与保障和改善民生密切相关法律法规。重点学习宣传劳动就业、收入分配、社会保障、医疗卫生、社会治安、公共安全等相关法律法规,宣传维护社会公平正义、依法表达利益诉求相关法律法规,引导公民依照宪法和法律行使权利、履行义务,通过法律途径解决矛盾纠纷,维护合法权益,促进社会和谐。 五、重点活动安排 1、各级各部门要集中时间全面深入学习关于“依法治国”的精神,认真领会“依法治国”的深刻内涵。要将法治理念内化于心、外化于形,落实到具体工作中、行动中,在学习与实践中全面提升全县领导干部和公职人员运用法治思维和法治方式深化改革、推动发展、化解矛盾、维护稳定的能力,坚持依法治理,加强法治保障,全面推进“法治太湖”建设。 2、大力开展“法律六进”活动。各地要严格按照县法治办〔20__〕8号文件中规定的法律六进的具体要求和措施,开展法律进机关、进单位、进学校、进企业、进农村、进社区活动,在全县掀起新一轮学法、尊法、守法、用法活动的高潮。 3、落实“谁执法,谁普法”工作机制。各行政执法部门要举办一期执法人员业务技能、文明执法理念和执法相对人的普法培训,努力提升执法工作水平,营造良好的执法环境,同时加大以案释法典型案件宣传力度。 4、在12月4日全国法制宣传日,由县政府分管领导发表电视讲话。 5、县法治办全面收集整理我县自“_”普法工作开展以来的图片资料,在县政府网、县普法网、法治太湖微博等网络媒体上开辟专栏予以宣传,展示我县各行各业各部门开展普法活动的成果。 6、大力开展法治文化建设。县法治办、教育局、团县委牵头编撰全县青少年法制有奖征文比赛获奖作品集(电子版网上刊出),并按照年初工作计划,教育局负责组织开展好全县中小学生法制演讲比赛。 7、开展一期人民调解典型案例宣讲比赛活动。 8、各乡镇集中举办一次辖区内村干法律法规知识培训。通过层层发动,以一带十,以全面提升村民的遵纪守法意识、依法办事观念,坚决杜绝邪教和违法信访现象发生,引导群众依法依规表达利益诉求。 9、围绕全县重点建设项目和“护航工程”举办一期相关法律法规培训班。 10、接受法制宣传教育是公民依法享有的权利和应尽的义务,各单位要利用好新媒体时代的特点,开设手机短信应用平台、通过电视滚动字幕、网络微博等方式创新丰富活动内容,公职人员要利用好“安徽干部教育在线”平台学习法律法规知识。 六、工作要求 1、高度重视,精心策划。各地各单位要把此次宣传活动作为法制宣传教育工作和全年“法治太湖”绩效考核的重要部分抓紧抓好,要结合本单位实际和方案规定,加强工作指导,认真组织实施。 2、因地制宜,特色鲜明。要结合各单位行业特点和社会需求,设计组织好形式多样的系列活动,努力拓宽法制宣传渠道,创新法制宣传方式,确保法制宣传效果。 3、围绕主题,突出重点。要紧紧围绕“大力弘扬法治精神,共筑伟大中国梦”这一主题,突出宪法学习宣传,突出领导干部、公务员和青少年等重点对象法制宣传,切实增强宣传活动的针对性和实效性。 4、加强宣传,营造氛围。各单位要充分利用电子显示屏、法制宣传栏、标语横幅、手机短信等载体发挥好舆论宣传的优势和作用,提高活动的公众参与度,扩大活动覆盖面和影响力。新闻媒体要加强活动开展情况的宣传和报道,营造浓厚的社会氛围(宣传标语附后)。 各地各单位系列宣传活动期间的工作开展情况(含图片、资料)于12月20前报依法治县领导小组办公室。联系人:王霞,电子邮箱:_。 法制宣传日主题活动方案篇2 每年的12月4日是全国法制宣传日,为了更好的利用和开展“12.4”法制宣传日宣传教育活动,掀起新的校园学法高潮,营造浓厚的舆论氛围,推进法治学校建设的进程。根据我校实际情况特制定今年《“12.4”法制宣传日宣传活动方案》,进一步推动学校普法工作的深入开展: 一、指导思想: 按照“_”普法规划提出的各项目标任务,开展好以宪法为核心的法律法规宣传教育活动,进一步提高全体师生的宪法意识和法治观念,为促进全社会法治化管理水平的提高,推进依法治国方略的实施和构建社会主义和谐社会营造良好的社会环境和法治氛围。 二、活动主题: 20__年“12.4”法制宣传日宣传活动的主题为:“加强法制宣传教育,服务教育科学发展。” 三、活动内容: 1、利用校园网、校内宣传屏幕、宣传栏等媒体进行法制宣传,营造良好的氛围。12月1日—12月15日,继续悬挂“加强法制宣传教育,服务教育科学发展”等法制宣传横幅标语,营造法制宣传的氛围。 2、各班出一期以法制教育为主题的黑板报,并组织学生参观学校展示的法制、禁毒等图片展览。 3、各班组织开展一次小型法制知识讲座,在学生中广泛开展“法在身边”教育活动。 4、利用教职工政治学习的时间,组织全体教职工深入学习《“_”普法教师读本》、《义务教育法》、《未成年人保护法》、《劳动合同法》、《中小学幼儿园安全管理办法》,提高依法治校和实施素质教育的水平。 5、利用升旗时间,开展“12.4”法制宣传日升旗仪式活动。12月3日周一完成。 6、开展“12·4”法制宣传日中小学升旗宣誓活动。 在“12·4”法制宣传日活动结束后,学校将法制宣传日活动情况和20__年“12·4”法制宣传日活动情况统计表及时上报县教育局。因此,请各班对照本实施方案,认真组织落实有关法制宣传教育活动。 法制宣传日主题活动方案篇3 一、指导思想 根据市委宣传部、市普法办《关于在全市开展20__年12.4全国法制宣传日系列宣传活动的通知》的通知,结合本校实际,我校决定开展20__年12.4全国法制宣传日系列宣传活动,具体活动方案如下: 二、活动主题 三、时间安排 20__年12月 四、宣传重点 在全校范围内,大力宣传宪法,宣传与教育发展、维护社会和谐稳定相关的法律法规,开展社会主义法治理念教育,提高师生的法律素质。 五、成立学校法制教育工作领导小组 学校专门成立了以校长为组长,副校长为副组长,德育处和各年级组长为成员的法制教育工作领导小组。制定法制宣传教育工作方案,组织和监督学校法制宣传教育工作的开展。 组长:__ 副组长:__ 组员:__ 六、主要活动安排 (一)学校电子屏显示124全国法制宣传日活动主题横幅标语:大力弘扬法治精神,共筑伟大中国梦。(办公室) (二)12月2日,升旗仪式上,进行专题国旗下演讲。(值周班) (三)出一期法治教育黑板报。 (505班) (四)各班利用班会、队会由班主任向学生进行法律知识宣传,并在中高年级开展法律知识竞赛活动。(班主任) (五)组织四年级完成板报更新,主题内容《法律记心中》普法宣传专刊,于12月10日前由大队部组织检查;组织 五、六年级学生开展法制小报制作活动,于12月12日前大队部处(每班选送两份)。 (六)12月中旬学校邀请法制副校长来校作专题讲座。(视情况而定) 七、工作要求 (一)根据学校安排,各班主任要高度重视,把做好今年12.4全国法制宣传日系列宣传活动作为一项重要工作来抓,认真组织活动。 (二)要紧紧围绕活动主题,结合不同年龄学生的特点和需求,开展有针对性的法制宣传教育,并把法律知识和法治精神送进千家万户。 (三)要充分利用学校广播、校园网、板报、橱窗宣传栏等载体,加大法制宣传的力度,通过多种形式广泛深入地开展宣传活动,努力营造良好的法治氛围。 法制宣传日主题活动方案篇4 一活动背景 为了使广大人民群众树立起法律意识,增强法制观念,也为了宣传我国社会主义的法治形象,促进依法治国与以德治国的相结合,推进依法治国,建设社会主义法治国家的进程,法制宣传日的开展具有重大的意义与深远的影响。认真开展好以宪法为核心的法律法规宣传教育活动,可以进一步增强全体公民的宪法意识和法治观念。正是在这一片全国普法的良好形势下,福州市洲边小学决定于今年“12。4”来临之际,在依法治国的号召下,在全民普法的需求下,在作为一个学法之人责任感的要求下,法学会秉承历年传统,将在这次的宣传日开展社区普法宣传活动,为推进社会主义法治建设而尽一点自己的力量,邀请大家一起加入到普法宣传的队伍中来。 二活动主题弘扬法治精神,促进社会和谐 三活动目的、意义和目标 让大家了解法律,学会运用法律武器来维护自身的合法权益不受到不法的侵犯。为营造一个更安全更和谐更快乐的社区和社会而献计献策。 四预期效果 人们对法律有了进一步的认识,能运用法律武器维护自身的合法权益。 五资源需要 12位普法志愿者、法制宣传资料、条幅1条 六活动开展 活动对象:田垱社区的居民 活动时间:20__年12月2日 活动地点:田垱社区 活动流程:宣传部分发法制宣传资料,并和社区居民一起互动。 法制宣传日主题活动方案篇5 为进一步贯彻落实《市委宣传部、依法治市办、司法局关于开展20__年“12.4”全国法制宣传日宣传活动的通知》文件精神,进一步推动普法工作的深入开展,英塘小学结合自身实际,制订“‘12.4全国法制宣传日”的活动方案。 一、活动主题 弘扬宪法精神,服务科学发展 二、组织领导 成立法制宣传日宣传活动领导小组: 组长: 副组长: 组员:各班主任各科任教师 三、活动安排 (一)进行一次守法宣誓活动。大队部利用升旗仪式,组织了神圣而庄严的宣誓活动。在庄严的国旗下,大队辅导员带领全校师生进行了守法宣誓,号召全体学生在“争做遵纪守法的小公民”的前提下,努力学习科学文化知识和法律知识,不断提高自身道德修养,做新世纪全面发展的社会主义合格接班人和建设者! (二)组织学生观看法制教育宣传片。组织学生于多媒体教室观看《警示与反思》未成年人法制教育专题片。影片中一个个鲜活的实例给大家敲响了法制教育的警钟,使同学们进一步了解法的意义、守法的重要性和护法的责任感。 (三)开展了一次法制宣传主题班会。在班队课上,各班级充分利用“12.4”法制宣传日的契机,开展了一次“弘扬宪法精神,服务科学发展”的主题班会,活动能填补了学生的法制知识空白,使全校师生进一步增强法制意识。 (四)组织各班学生制作法制手抄报,并展开评比活动。学生们在一张张手抄报上书写着自己的对法律的认识,在活动中受到了一定程度的法制教育,提高了学生知法、守法,并用法律保护自己的意识。 四、工作要求 (一)加强领导,统一部署。充分认识法制宣传日活动在普法工作及学校法制建设工作中的重要作用。要积极组织领导、精心策划实施,确保各项宣传任务的落实。 (二)围绕主题,突出重点。紧紧围绕“弘扬宪法精神,服务科学发展”,这一主题,结合我校实际,突出重点,增强法制宣传的实效性。 (三)创新形式,丰富内容。 (四)广泛宣传,形成声势。 (五)留存资料,建立档案。 法制宣传日主题活动方案篇6 一、指导思想 20__年“12.4”是第2个国家宪法日,也是第15个全国法制宣传日。为更好地发挥法制宣传教育在服务发展、维护稳定,推进依法治教、依法治校,促进全民守法等方面的作用,根据嵊教基〔20__〕116号精神,结合学校教育工作实际,现就开展“12.4”全国法制宣传日系列宣传活动有关事项安排如下: 二、活动主题 弘扬宪法精神建设法治中国 三、时间安排 20__年12月1日至12月10日 四、宣传重点 在全校范围内,加强宪法的学习宣传。结合教育实际,宣传公民的基本权利和义务,使广大师生全面深刻理解宪法的基本原则和精神,增强师生的宪法意识、公民意识和民主法制意识,自觉维护宪法尊严。 五、成立学校法制教育工作领导小组 学校专门成立了以校长为组长,分管领导为副组长,德育处、大队部和各班主任为成员的法制教育工作领导小组。制定法制宣传教育工作方案,组织和监督学校法制宣传教育工作的开展。 六、宣传任务及责任分工 1、利用周一(12月1日)国旗下讲话时间,作为12.4法制宣传日活动的正式启动。 2、大力开展学法活动。周一到周五各班利用晨会时间开展学法活动,学习内容:《义务教育法》、《未成年人保护法》、《预防未成年人犯罪法》以及《宪法》等一些基本知识。 3、以学校为单位,进行法律安全知识竞赛活动(或邀请法制副校长进行一次法制讲座),进一步普及法律常识,提高青少年的法律意识。 4、12月2日的班队(会)课,1-6年级开展一次以“弘扬宪法精神建设法治中国”为主题的班会课,目的在学生中大力宣传法律知识,树立我校学生的法律意识,养成学法守法的行为习惯。(德育处进班级拍照) 5、学校大队部充分利用校园广播、橱窗、黑板报做好12月4日法制宣传日主题教育活动,各班出好“弘扬宪法精神建设法治中国”黑板报。(可与好书为伴结合) 6、12月10日前德育处及各班级做好“12.4”全国法制宣传日活动材料及照片的归档,上报教育科。 六、工作要求 (一)加强领导,统一部署。充分认识法制宣传日活动在普法工作及学校法制建设工作中的重要作用。要积极组织领导、精心策划实施,确保各项宣传任务的落实。 (二)围绕主题,突出重点。紧紧围绕“弘扬宪法精神建设法治中国”这一主题,结合我校实际,突出重点,增强法制宣传的实效性。 (三)广泛宣传,形成声势。充分利用各种宣传方法,发挥黑板报、校园网站等形式,广泛开展宣传教育活动,形成浓厚的法制宣传氛围。 法制宣传日主题活动方案篇7 根据区《关于开展20__年“12·4”全国法制宣传日系列宣传活动的通知》精神,特制定实验幼儿园20__年“12.4”全国法制宣传日活动方案如下: 一、活动主题 20__年“12·4”全国法制宣传日系列宣传活动的主题为:“弘扬宪法精神,服务科学发展”。 二、指导思想 贯彻“_”普法规划,突出宣传宪法,大力宣传中国特色社会主义法律体系和国家基本法律,弘扬宪法精神,努力提高全体师生的法律意识和法律素质,使之成为知法守法的优秀公民。自觉维护社会和谐稳定,营造良好法治环境。 三、时间安排 20__年“12·4”全国法制宣传日系列宣传活动,从11月中旬开始,到12月中旬结束。 四、主要活动内容 1.组织全体教职工认真学习宪法,通过学习提高法制意识,做知法、懂法、守法的教育者,自觉遵守法律和社会公德的带头人。 2.邀请法律界人士来园组织法制讲座,帮助教职工进一步理解法制内涵,通过各类案例剖析,了解和掌握如何应用法律武器,维护自身的合法权益,以正确的方式表达自己的合理诉求。 3.在加强学习的基础上,要求教师,特别是班主任老师,要自觉成为法制宣传员,利用晨间、餐前和离园前的谈话时间,向幼儿灌输浅显的法律知识,培养基本的法律意识。帮助幼儿明辨是非,懂得什么事可以做,什么事不能做。(例如:做了错事,却谎称是他人所为,那就是侵犯了别人的名誉权;在购买食物的时候,注意查看保质期、生产日期,拒绝食用过期、不卫生的食物,那就是自我保护意识的很好体现。) 4.按照区教育局的安排,邀请关工委的老同志来园举办讲座活动,对师生进行法制宣传教育。 5.结合交通和消防安全教育活动,宣传交通和消防安全法规,指导孩子们认识有关标志、标识,养成自觉遵守规则的良好习惯,帮助孩子们形成自我保护的强烈意识。 6.开展法律进校园和法律进家庭等活动,通过班级网络、家园联系栏目等对家长进行法制宣传,在“_”普法的开局年,让法制观念深入人心。 五、活动要求 各班级要充分认识法制宣传的意义,通过多种形式,开展广泛的宣传活动。要注意宣传形式和手段的创新,通过有效的组织实施,确保各项宣传活动落到实处。 幼儿园将在适当的时候,组织法律知识测试和检查,检验教职工的学习成效和宣传效果。希望通过大家的努力,不断增强法制宣传的感染力和吸引力,扩大法制宣传教育的影响。
2023-07-24 18:32:291

蕾哈娜出的新歌bitch better have my money是什么意思怎么回事

整合时下热门的元素,魔性的嗓音在各路工业噪音synth下依然有化腐朽为神奇的凌驾感。最重要的是在保持了Icon度之後,她越发棱角分明,甚至有些凶猛尖锐。Bitch Better Have My Money - Rihanna Yeah, yeahYeah, yeahMoo-la-lahYeah, yeahBitch better have my money!Y"all should know me well enoughBitch better have my money!Please don"t call me on my bluffPay me what you owe meBallin" bigger than LeBronGive me your moneyWho y"all think y"all frontin" on?Like blah, blah, blahLouis XIII and it"s all on me,nigga you just bought a shotKamikaze if you think thatyou gon" knock me off the topShit, your wife in the backseatof my brand new foreign carDon"t act like you forgot,I call the shots, shots, shotsLike blah, blah, blahPay me what you owe me,don"t act like you forgotBitch better have my money!Bitch better have my money!Pay me what you owe meBitch better haveBitch better haveBitch better haveBitch better haveBitch better have my money!Turn up to Rihannawhile the whole club fuckin" wastedEvery time I drive by,I"m the only thing you"re playin"In a drop top, doin" hundred,y"all in my rearview mirror racin"Where y"all at? Where y"all at?Where y"all at?Like blah, blah, blahLouis XIII and it"s all on me,nigga you just bought a shotKamikaze if you think thatyou gon" knock me off the topShit, your wife in the backseatof my brand new foreign carDon"t act like you forgot,I call the shots, shots, shotsLike blah, blah, blahPay me what you owe me,don"t act like you forgotBitch better have my money!Bitch better have my money!Pay me what you owe meBitch better have myBitch better have myBitch better have myBitch better have myBitch better have my money!Bitch better have my money!Pay me what you owe meBitch better have myBitch better have myBitch better have myBitch better have myBitch better have my money!Bitch better have my money!Bitch better have my money!Bitch Bitch better have my money!Bitch Bitch better have my money!
2023-07-24 18:32:301


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2023-07-24 18:32:363


LZ可以到百度搜一下 有节目单列表 给你个链接
2023-07-24 18:32:362


2023-07-24 18:32:371

求一首歌 有一句是we all want together

everything we want是这个么?
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2023-07-24 18:32:221

return my money back

请把我的钱返还到我的账户里, 句子中return和back不要同时出现,建议去掉back
2023-07-24 18:32:211


2023-07-24 18:32:181

谁能给我《We Are In This Together》的歌词?

Together, together, together everyoneTogether, together, come on lets have some funTogether, were there for each other every timeTogether together come on lets do this rightHere and now its time for celebrationI finally figured it out (yeah yeah)That all our dreams have no limitationsThat"s what its all aboutEveryone is special in their own wayWe make each other strong (each other strong)Were not the sameWere different in a good wayTogether"s where we belongWe"re all in this togetherOnce we knowThat we areWe"re all starsAnd we see thatWe"re all in this togetherAnd it showsWhen we standHand in handMake our dreams come trueTogether, together, together everyoneTogether, together, come on lets have some funTogether, were there for each other every timeTogether together come on lets do this rightWe"re all hereand speaking out with one voicewe"re going to rock the house (rock the house)the party"s on now everybody make some noisecome on scream and shoutWe"ve arrived because we stuck togetherChampions one and allWe"re all in this togetherOnce we knowThat we areWe"re all starsAnd we see thatWe"re all in this togetherAnd it showsWhen we standHand in handMake our dreams comeWe"re all in this togetherWhen we reachWe can flyKnow insideWe can make itWe"re all in this toghetherOnce we seeTheres a chanceThat we haveAnd we take itWild cats sing alongYeah, you really got it goin" onWild cats in the houseEverybody say it nowWild cats everywhereWave your hands up in the airThat"s the way we do itLets get to itTime to show the worldWe"re all in this togetherOnce we knowThat we areWe"re all starsAnd we see thatWe"re all in this togetherAnd it showsWhen we standHand in handMake our dreams comeWe"re all in this togetherWhen we reachWe can flyKnow insideWe can make itWe"re all in this togetherOnce we seeTheres a chanceThat we haveAnd we take itWild cats everywhereWave your hands up in the airThat"s the way we do itLet"s get to itCome on everyone!
2023-07-24 18:32:151


不是很明白你的问题,你应该意思是你所听到的《海神》署名姬神?是不是只是署名的错误?百度百科有关于sens《海神》这张专辑的曲目介绍,请看目前来说在国内姬神的知名度并不高,最起码远远不及同是NEW AGE音乐代表人物sens、久石让等等闻名,我对他的认识也仅仅是从90年代TVB港剧中配乐开始,后来才深入探究的,所以国人对于姬神会有些音乐上的张冠李戴也很正常。初一看你的题目真是吓了我一跳,《海神》很有sens的风格,我还以为我听了这么久真是弄错了。査了一下我自己收藏的音乐,其中这首比较有代表性 《AMPHORA ~ Jar of the Mediterranean Sea》再听听姬神比较有代表性的音乐你会发现这张专辑里其实一点姬神的影子都没有。同为海水、江河的音乐表达,可以参考姬神的《东日流》,真是很有感觉的,听了之后应该就可以辨明二者对于音乐表达的不同了。
2023-07-24 18:32:151


额,您要这个干吗?我只知道《别看我小》其他的.......呵 呵我就....不晓得咧....................................
2023-07-24 18:32:114

we are all in this world together歌谱

《We"re All In This Together 》歌词together, together, together everyonetogether, together, come on lets have some funtogether, were there for each other every timetogether together come on lets do this righthere and now its time for celebrationi finally figured it out (yeah yeah)that all our dreams have no limitationsthat"s what its all abouteveryone is special in their own waywe make each other strong (each other strong)we"re not the samewe"re different in a good waytogether"s where we belongwe"re all in this togetheronce we knowthat we arewe"re all starsand we see thatwe"re all in this togetherand it showswhen we standhand in handmake our dreams come truetogether, together, together everyonetogether, together, come on lets have some funtogether, we"re there for each other every timetogether together come on let"s do this rightwe"re all hereand speaking out with one voicewe"re going to rock the house (rock the house)the party"s on now everybody make some noisecome on scream and shoutwe"ve arrived becuase we stuck togetherchampions one and allwe"re all in this togetheronce we knowthat we arewe"re all starsand we see thatwe"re all in this togetherand it showswhen we standhand in handmake our dreams comewe"re all in this togetherwhen we reachwe can flyknow insidewe can make itwe"re all in this toghetheronce we seethere"s a chancethat we haveand we take itwild cats sing alongyeah, you really got it goin" onwild cats in the houseeverybody say it nowwild cats everywherewave your hands up in the airthat"s the way we do itlet"s get to ittime to show the worldwe"re all in this togetheronce we knowthat we arewe"re all starsand we see thatwe"re all in this togetherand it showswhen we standhand in handmake our dreams comewe"re all in this togetherwhen we reachwe can flyknow insidewe can make itwe"re all in this togetheronce we seethere"s a chancethat we haveand we take itwild cats everywherewave your hands up in the airthat"s the way we do itlet"s get to itcome on everyone!
2023-07-24 18:32:071


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2023-07-24 18:31:582

数码相机 EXPOSURE是什么意思

  曝光英文名称为Exposure,曝光模式即计算机采用自然光源的模式,通常分为多种,包括:快门优先、光圈优先、手动曝光、AE锁等模式。照片的好坏与曝光量有关,也就是说应该通多少的光线使CCD能够得到清晰的图像。曝光量与通光时间(快门速度决定),通光面积(光圈大小决定)有关。  快门和光圈优先:  为了得到正确的曝光量,就需要正确的快门与光圈的组合。快门快时,光圈就要大些;快门慢时,光圈就要小些。快门优先是指由机器自动测光系统计算出暴光量的值,然后根据你选定的快门速度自动决定用多大的光圈。光圈优先是指由机器自动测光系统计算出暴光量的值,然后根据你选定的光圈大小自动决定用多少的快门。拍摄的时候,用户应该结合实际环境把使曝光与快门两者调节平衡,相得益彰。  光圈越大,则单位时间内通过的光线越多,反之则越少。光圈的一般表示方法为字母“F+数值”,例如F5.6、F4等等。这里需要注意的是数值越小,表示光圈越大,比如F4就要比F5.6的光圈大,并且两个相邻的光圈值之间相差两倍,也就是说F4比F5.6所通过的光线要大两倍。相对来说快门的定义就很简单了,也就是允许光通过光圈的时间,表示的方式就是数值,例如1/30秒、1/60秒等,同样两个相邻快门之间也相差两倍  光圈和快门的组合就形成了曝光量,在曝光量一定的情况下,这个组合不是惟一的。例如当前测出正常的曝光组合为F5.6、1/30秒,如果将光圈增大一级也就是F4,那么此时的快门值将变为1/60,这样的组合同样也能达到正常的曝光量。不同的组合虽然可以达到相同的曝光量,但是所拍摄出来的图片效果是不相同的。  快门优先是在手动定义快门的情况下通过相机测光而获取光圈值。举例说明,快门优先多用于拍摄运动的物体上,特别是在体育运动拍摄中最常用。很多朋友在拍摄运动物体时发现,往往拍摄出来的主体是模糊的,这多半就是因为快门的速度不够快。在这种情况下你可以使用快门优先模式,大概确定一个快门值,然后进行拍摄。因为快门快了,进光量可能减少,色彩偏淡,这就需要增加曝光来加强图片亮度。物体的运行一般都是有规律的,那么快门的数值也可以大概估计,例如拍摄行人,快门速度只需要1/125秒就差不多了,而拍摄下落的水滴则需要1/1000秒。  手动曝光模式:  手控曝光模式每次拍摄时都需手动完成光圈和快门速度的调节,这样的好处是方便摄影师在制造不同的图片效果。如需要运动轨迹的图片,可以加长曝光时间,把快门加快,曝光增大;如需要制造暗淡的效果,快门要加快,曝光要减少。虽然这样的自主性很高,但是很不方便,对于抓拍瞬息即逝的景象,时间更不允许。  AE模式:  AE全称为Auto Exposure,即自动曝光。模式大约可分为光圈优先AE式,快门速度优先AE式,程式AE式,闪光AE式和深度优先AE式。光圈优先AE式是由拍摄者人为选择拍摄时的光圈大小,由相机根据景物亮度、CCD感光度以及人为选择的光圈等信息自动选择合适曝光所要求的快门时间的自动曝光模式,也即光圈手动、快门时间自动的曝光方式。这种曝光方式主要用在需优先考虑景深的拍摄场合,如拍摄风景、肖像或微距摄影等。  多点测光:  多点测光是通过对景物不同位置的亮度,通过闪光灯补偿等办法,达到最佳的摄影效果,特别适合拍摄别光物体。首先,用户要对景物背景,一般为光源物体进行测光,然后进行AE锁定;第二步是对背光景物进行测光,大部分的专业或准专业相机都会自动分析,并用闪光灯为背光物体进行补光。
2023-07-24 18:31:531