barriers / 阅读 / 详情


2023-07-25 11:39:01
TAG: 英语

问题一:我是旁听(课程)的,用英语怎么说 auditor指的是 比老师级别高的,比如主任,或者业界实用家或者其他professor



地道的说法: I am not the student in this class,but may I stay in this class in the following lectures?

问题二:旁听用英语怎么说 Hey Chris,I"m attending


meeting,please stand by,thanks.

问题三:旁听 英语怎麽说 Will XXX let other students audit in the class?

问题四:旁听的英语翻译 旁听用英语怎么说 你好,可以说:sit in on lecture/ class


问题五:“我是来旁听的”用英语怎么说 I have e to sit in on the meeting


问题六:听课,旁听用英语怎么说/??? be a visitor at a meeting/in a school class

问题七:“旁听”英文是什么 法庭旁听 attending court trial

法庭旁听者 bystander in a court

公众旁听席 public gallery

禁止旁听的开庭 closed session

禁止旁听的审案 hearing in private

命旁听人退席 clear the court






by standard 按标准……
2023-07-24 18:26:552


旁观者; onlooker/ bystander
2023-07-24 18:27:061


bystander by.stander可数名词旁观者,在场的人,看热闹的人,局外人
2023-07-24 18:27:221


施暴者和旁观者不是相同的,但很多时候旁观者看似行为举止并没有过分,其实也可以被视作参与暴力事件的一部分。因此,在特定的社会背景中,旁观者也被谴责为施暴者的一部分。首先,需要明确的是,“施暴者 (Bully)” 是指直接实施暴力的人。而“旁观者 (Bystander)” 则是指目睹暴力事件但未采取任何措施干涉的人。 因此从定义上来看,两者并非相同。然而,旁观者在某些情况下也可以被认为是施暴者。这是因为当其中一方处于弱势或者受害状态时,其他人如不能为其辩护和依保护和支持,那么他们就是为数不少的暴力事件相关方之一。以校园欺凌为例,如果同学群起攻击一个孤立的弱势学生,即使存在一部分旁观者不直接参与,但若他们置之不理或不关注,这种无声的协议或者默认,实际上也在某种程度上为暴力事件买单。因此,从道德、伦理、心理学的角度,现代社会十分重视旁观者理解和积极参与的重要性。当有人在遇到施暴时,直接帮助他们可能显得有些“冒险”,但是如果大家都无视旁观的行为,这样势必会促进暴力事件持续发生,也加剧受害者的负面体验和损失。 因此,应该积极鼓励社会成员向突破历史惯性并付出一定代价的个人倡导,并更广泛的意识到消灭各种形式的暴力对于我们建设和谐社会的巨大意义。
2023-07-24 18:27:291


I "m taking Soy sauce ~
2023-07-24 18:27:386


2023-07-24 18:27:521

旁观者效应( Bystander Effect)的内容是什么?

“旁观者效应(Bystander Effect)”是指在紧急情况下,当有多个人在场时,每个人都会认为其他人会采取行动,导致所有人都没有采取行动的现象。这种现象在施暴事件中尤其明显,很多人都会成为“旁观者”,而不愿意去干涉或报警,却间接地帮助了施暴者,因此也被称为“旁观者也是施暴者”。一、责任感分散在人群中,每个人都可能对自己的力量和影响力产生过高的估计,认为自己一个人无法扭转局面,所以就不采取行动,等待他人解决问题。这种情况下,大家的责任感都被分散开来,使得每个人都认为可以逃避责任。这样,施暴者就可以更加随心所欲地进行暴力行为,而旁观者则变成了陪衬。二、社会规范压力另外,旁观者还可能受到一些社会规范的影响,比如“不要管闲事”、“不要惹事生非”等等。这些规范强化了个人对于状况的被动态度,让他们无法清晰地判断当前情况的危险程度,并借此逃避责任。很多人害怕自己的行为不合时宜,因此不愿意采取行动。三、沉默是金有些旁观者也可能担心出声反抗会让施暴者更加暴力,于是选择了保持沉默,以避免被施暴者注意到。这样,旁观者虽然没有直接参与施暴行为,但他们却变成了支持施暴者的隐形帮凶。总之,旁观者效应的存在使得很多人都选择了不采取行动,从而间接地帮助了施暴者。在施暴事件中,旁观者需要意识到自己的责任和义务,及时采取有效措施阻止暴力行为,保护受害者,同时也需要社会各界共同努力,通过教育和宣传等方式来提高公众对施暴问题的认知和关注度,让大家明白“旁观者也是施暴者”的内涵和危害性。只有这样,才能够真正构建一个和谐、安全的社会环境。
2023-07-24 18:27:591


2023-07-24 18:28:062


2023-07-24 18:28:374


2023-07-24 18:28:474

旁观者效应(bystander effect)

2023-07-24 18:29:241


我建议你把“素人心态”翻译为 "folks mentality"。"folks" 是普通百姓的意思,涵义比较广,然后在文中你可以阐述自己的意见,说 folks 就是“路人”等等。passerby 和 onlooker 的翻译都是正确的,旁观者也可以叫做 bystander,但是这样的翻译就直接把词义定死了。 如果实在找不到贴切的英语,有一个方法是用汉语拼音 "suren mentallity"(引用非英语词语要把词变成斜体。)然后再在文中说明这个 "suren" 的涵义。这是学术文章常用的方法。
2023-07-24 18:29:311


施暴者和旁观者不同,施暴者指的是直接施加暴力的人,而旁观者是指在场却没有采取行动来阻止暴力行为的人。然而,有些情况下,旁观者的沉默和不作为也可能会与施暴者一起构成一种暴力行为,这就是被称作“旁观者效应”的现象。在面对暴力行为时,若有越来越多的人处于旁观状态,那么其他旁观者也很可能因为这种“从众”现象而不去做出任何行动。这使得施虐者觉得他们的行为被默认接受,从而加剧暴力行为的发生。因此,可以说在某些情况下,旁观者的不作为其实间接地在帮助施暴者,加剧了暴力行为的发生。因此,我们需要积极参与到阻止暴力行为中来,尤其是在我们经常接触的地方,比如学校、社区、工作场所等,呼吁更多的人能够积极干预,共同打击暴力行为,营造一个和平、公正、和谐的社会环境。我们应该从以下几个方面入手,避免“旁观者效应”:1. 直接干预:如果你在现场目睹了暴力行为,不妨尝试直接干预,帮助遭受暴力的人摆脱困境,同时向施暴者表明行为的不当性。2. 拨打紧急电话:如果你觉得自身无法保护现场的安全,或者行动会让自身受到危险,那么尽快拨打当地的紧急电话,寻求外力支援,协助制止暴力行为。3. 及时报警:如果现场的情况自己无法掌控,那么要及时报警,协助警方介入调查,对施暴者进行法律制裁。4. 防范暴力行为:暴力行为的发生往往有一定的预兆和根源,我们要么尽力避免这种情况发生,比如提前预警和设施监控,要么在第一时间发现到潜在风险的存在时,积极进行干预。总之,旁观者也可以通过各种方式来制止暴力行为。我们应该具有勇气和责任心,在现场目睹暴力行为时,不要袖手旁观,要勇于站出来,向施暴者表明行为的不当性,向受害人表达关心和支持。这是我们维护社会公共利益的必要举措,同时也是我们自身心灵健康、道德观念提升的过程。
2023-07-24 18:29:412


两个名词放在一起叫做合成名词。合成名词构造法主要有下列几种:①名词+名词,如daybreak,sunrise,cattleshed,house-keeper,shoe-maker,headache,night-club,pocket-knife,arm-chair,wine-glass,ink-stand,man-servant,maid-servant,steamboat,goldsmith,newspaper,lawsuit等。②形容词+名词,如blackboard,commonweath,highway,stronghold,sweetheart,easy-chair,grandson,blueprint,deadline,high-brow,lazy-bones等。③动词+名词,如drawbridge,grindstone,playground,pickpocket,breakfast,cut-throat,makeshift,sing-song,turn-coat,washbasin 等。④副词虚词+名词,如afterthought,offshoot,outbreak,byway,bylaw,outpost,overcoat,underclothes,outgrowth,downpour,upkeep,bystander等。合成名词的复数形式主要有以下构成方式:1)像passer-by,looker-on,brother-in-law等由一个名词和其它类的词构成的合成词,把名词变成复数。2)像toothbrush,boyfriend,matchbox等由两个名词构成的合成词,把第二个名词变为复数。3)像go-between,grown-up,good-for-nothing等不含有名词的合成词,把最后一个词变成复数。4)像man-doctor,woman-engineer等由man,woman所构成的合成词,把两个名词都变成复数。
2023-07-24 18:29:481


  主人公逃到了过去,但不能回来了  【片名】Back to the Future  【译名】回到未来1  【年代】1985  【国家】美国  【片长】111Mins  【类别】冒险/喜剧  【语言】英语  【字幕】外挂中/英文  【评分】8.0/10 (52,383 votes) top 250: #145  【链接】  【格式】XviD + AC3  【尺寸】608 x 336  【大小】2CD 49 X 15M  【导演】罗伯特·泽梅里斯 Zemeckis, Robert  【版权所有】1985 Universal City Studios, Inc.  【拍摄日期】1984年11月26日 - 1985年4月20日  【编剧】罗伯特·泽米吉斯 Robert Zemeckis .....(written by)  Bob Gale .....(written by)  【演员表】迈克尔·J·福克斯 Michael J. Fox .....Marty McFly  克里斯托弗·洛伊德 Christopher Lloyd .....Dr. Emmett Brown  莉·汤普森 Lea Thompson .....Lorraine Baines McFly  克利斯丁·格拉夫 Crispin Glover .....George McFly  Thomas F. Wilson .....Biff Tannen  Claudia Wells .....Jennifer Parker  Marc McClure .....Dave McFly  Wendie Jo Sperber .....Linda McFly  George DiCenzo .....Sam Baines  Frances Lee McCain .....Stella Baines  James Tolkan .....Mr. Strickland  J.J. Cohen .....Skinhead (as Jeffrey Jay Cohen)  Casey Siemaszko .....3-D  比利·赞恩 Billy Zane .....Match  Harry Waters Jr. .....Marvin Berry  Donald Fullilove .....Goldie Wilson  Lisa Freeman .....Babs  Cristen Kauffman .....Betty  Elsa Raven .....Clocktower Woman  Will Hare .....Old Man Peabody  Ivy Bethune .....Ma Peabody  Jason Marin .....Sherman Peabody  Katherine Britton .....Daughter Peabody  Jason Hervey .....Milton Baines  Maia Brewton .....Sally Baines  Courtney Gains .....Mark Dixon  Richard L. Duran .....Libyan Terrorist  Jeff O"Haco .....Libyan Van Driver  Johnny Green Jr. .....Scooter Kid #1  Jamie Abbott .....Scooter Kid #2  Norman Alden .....Lou Curruthers  Read Morgan .....Hill Valley Cop  Sachi Parker .....Bystander #1  Robert Krantz .....Bystander #2  Gary Riley .....Guy #1  Karen Petrasek .....Girl #1  George "Buck" Flower .....Red the Bum (as Buck Flower)  Tommy Thomas .....Starlighter  Granville "Danny" Young .....Starlighter  David Harold Brown .....Starlighter  Lloyd L. Tolbert .....Starlighter  Paul Hanson .....Pinhead Guitarist  Lee Brownfield .....Pinhead  Robert DeLapp .....Pinhead  Christopher Cundey .....Lorraine"s Classmate (scenes deleted)  Charles L. Campbell .....1955 Radio Announcer (uncredited)  Deborah Harmon .....TV Newscaster (uncredited)  Huey Lewis .....High-School Band Audition Judge (uncredited)  Tom Tangen .....Student (uncredited)  【制片】Neil Canton .....producer  Bob Gale .....producer  凯瑟琳·肯尼迪 Kathleen Kennedy .....executive producer  弗兰克·马歇尔 Frank Marshall .....executive producer  斯蒂文·斯皮尔伯格 Steven Spielberg .....executive producer  Steve Starkey .....associate producer  【摄影】甸·冠迪 (Dean Cundey) ......  【音乐】Chris Hayes (I) ...... (songs)  亚伦·史维斯查 (Alan Silvestri) ......  Johnny Colla ...... (uncredited)  【剪辑】Harry Keramidas ......  Arthur Schmidt (I) ......  【上映日期】国家/地区 上映/发行日期 (细节)  美国USA 1985年7月3日  澳大利亚Australia 1985年8月15日  西德West Germany 1985年10月3日  意大利Italy 1985年10月18日  法国France 1985年10月30日  英国UK 1985年12月4日  日本Japan 1985年12月7日  瑞典Sweden 1985年12月18日  芬兰Finland 1985年12月20日  阿根廷Argentina 1985年12月26日  巴西Brazil 1985年12月29日  【简介】  马丁是一个擅长滑板和喜欢音乐的高中生。他和热衷发明的布朗博士是忘年之交。同时,他还有一个美丽可爱的女友珍妮。但马丁的家庭状况却颇为糟糕。母亲洛莲十分保守死板,而父亲乔治则懦弱无能,常受上司贝夫的欺负。  但布朗博士的一次实验改变了一切。在试验布朗博士发明的时间机器时,博士不幸被恐怖分子杀害,而马丁则在逃命时驾着时间机器从1985年回到了1955年。  马丁遇见了30年前的父亲乔治和一直在欺负乔治的贝夫。由于马丁代替了乔治被洛莲父亲的车撞倒,他还遇上了少女时代的洛莲并被她追求。马丁设法找到了30年前的布朗博士,想出了利用闪电能量回到“未来”的方法。但为了防止自己消失,马丁还得让乔治和洛莲相识并且恋爱。  马丁想方设法让乔治与洛莲接近,但贝夫却总是出来搅局。而马丁与贝夫的一次又一次斗争也使洛莲对他更加迷恋。马丁设计让乔治扮演英雄救美的角色,但贝夫的再次出现却使情况发生了变化。乔治面对贝夫欺侮洛莲的情景,终于鼓起勇气与贝夫作对,并且打倒了贝夫。这使洛莲开始对他倾心。  为了使乔治和洛莲的感情进一步发展,马丁又代替吉它手在晚会上演出。就在马丁快要消失时,乔治终于吻了洛莲,马丁也避免了消失的噩运。而马丁在狂喜之余的热情演奏也对音乐的发展起了重大作用。  在祝福了乔治和洛莲之后,马丁匆匆赶紧往钟楼去见布朗博士。他想告诉布朗博士他未来将要被枪杀的事,却被博士拒绝。虽然意外不断发生,但马丁终于成功地利用闪电能量回到了1985年。而博士也因为读了马丁留下的信而采取了预防措施,从恐怖分子的枪下幸免于难。  马丁悄然回到家中。第二天起来,他惊讶地发现家中一切都发生了变化。由于马丁在1955年的努力,使乔治成了一个充满自信的成功者,而贝夫则成了擦车的佣人。马丁终于又见到了珍妮。但就在此时,博士忽然从未来赶了回来。他告诉马丁和珍妮他们的孩子在未来遇上了麻烦。马丁还没来得及从时间旅行中缓过劲来,就又和珍妮一起被拖上了改良后的时间机器飞向未来。  【主要奖项】  奥斯卡奖  1986 获奖 奥斯卡奖 最佳效果(音响编辑) (Best Effects, Sound Effects Editing) Charles L. Campbell (I),Robert R. Rutledge  提名 最佳编剧 (Best Writing, Screenplay Written Directly for the Screen) 罗伯特·泽尼吉斯 (Robert Zemeckis),鲍卜·基尔 (Bob Gale)  最佳音响 (Best Sound) Bill Varney,B. Tennyson Sebastian II,Robert Thirlwell  最佳音乐-歌曲 (Best Music, Song) Chris Hayes (I),Johnny Colla,休伊·刘易斯 (Huey Lewis)  金球奖  1986 提名 金球奖 最佳电影(喜剧/音乐类) (Best Motion Picture - Comedy/Musical)  最佳男演员(喜剧/音乐类) (Best Performance by an Actor in a Motion Picture - Comedy/Musical) 迈克尔.J. 福克斯 (Michael J. Fox)  最佳编剧 (Best Screenplay - Motion Picture) 鲍卜·基尔 (Bob Gale),罗伯特·泽尼吉斯 (Robert Zemeckis)  最佳电影原作歌曲 (Best Original Song - Motion Picture)  英国学院奖  1986 提名 BAFTA电影奖 最佳电影 (Best Film) 鲍卜·基尔 (Bob Gale),尼尔·坎顿 (Neil Canton),罗伯特·泽尼吉斯 (Robert Zemeckis)  最佳编剧(原作) (Best Original Screenplay) 罗伯特·泽尼吉斯 (Robert Zemeckis),鲍卜·基尔 (Bob Gale)  最佳剪辑 (Best Editing) Arthur Schmidt (I),Harry Keramidas  最佳视觉效果 (Best Special Visual Effects) Kevin Pike,Ken Ralston  最佳艺术指导 (Best Production Design) Lawrence G. Paull  【一句话评论】  ◆He was never in time for his classes... He wasn"t in time for his dinner... Then one day... he wasn"t in his time at all.  ◆Marty McFly"s having the time of his life. The only question is -- what time is it?  ◆Meet Marty McFly. He"s broken the time barrier. Busted his parents" first date. And, maybe, botched his chances of ever being born.  ◆Marty McFly just broke the time barrier. He"s only got one week to get it fixed.  ◆17 year old Marty McFly got home early last night. 30 years early.  【幕后故事】  本片赋予时间旅行新的想象力,剧情惊险刺激,对白幽默风趣,令人回味无穷。1989年的第二集延续了第一集的故事线,并引进平行宇宙的概念;1990年的第三集把故事带到19世纪的西部牛仔世界。
2023-07-24 18:30:161


  【成语】:当局者迷,旁观者清   【拼音】:dāng jú zhě mí,páng guān zhě qīng   【简拼】:djzmpgzq   【解释】:当局者:下棋的人;旁观者:看棋的.人。当事人被碰到的事情搞糊涂了,旁观的人却看得很清楚。   【出处】:《旧唐书?元行冲传》:“当局称迷,傍(旁)观见审。”   【示例】:谁怪着你呢,实在说的不错,倒是没有人说过的话!可见“~。” 清·刘鹗《老残游记》第十三回   【语法】:作宾语、定语;用于劝诫人   【英文】:The player sees less clearly than the bystander.   【日文】:傍目八目 (おかめはちく)   【俄文】:со стороны винéе   【成语故事】:唐朝大臣魏光上书唐玄宗要求把魏征整理修订的《类礼》列为经书。唐玄宗命元澹校阅,右丞相张说认为已经有郑玄作注成为经书。元澹写《释疑》表明自己观点:郑玄的注过时了,魏征不是下棋人,他是旁观者所以注解得比较真实   当局者迷,旁观者清 成语接龙   【顺接】:清丽俊逸 清交素友 清介有守 清仓查库 清光滑辣 清净寂灭 清净无为 清原正本   【顺接】:傍观者清 弊绝风清 冰洁渊清 冰洁玉清 才高气清 缠夹不清 彻底澄清 澈底澄清   【逆接】:百了千当 不了不当 臭不可当 处置失当 大而无当 吊儿郎当 吊尔郎当 丁丁当当   【逆接】:当不其然 当世儒宗 当世取舍 当世得失 当世才具 当世才度 当世无双 当之无愧
2023-07-24 18:30:301


1. 蝴蝶效应1的古文观后感,300字左右 “蝴蝶效应”揭示,“一只小小的蝴蝶在巴西上空偶尔扇动几下翅膀,可能在一个月后的美国得克萨斯州会引起一场风暴”。无数事实证明,一个小的疏漏和隐患,往往可能诱发大的灾难,这对我们做好事故预防具有重要启示。其实,任何事故都有诱因和征兆,都有一个由量变到质变的过程;即使突发性的事故,也有平时安全警觉不够等因素。一些单位之所以发生各种事故,问题就出在对事故隐患和苗头的忽视上。有的不出事故不想事,缺乏忧患意识;有的事故过了就忘事,一再重蹈覆辙。这些现象是频繁“出事”的罪魁祸首。 “邻里失火,自查炉灶”,事故也是一笔宝贵的财富。在生活和工作中,我们不妨把别的单位发生的问题,乃至别人身上存在的问题,时常进行一下对号入座,认真防治类似的隐患和苗头,变事后处理为预先分析,变被动整治为主动管理,见微知著、防微杜渐,才能把可能发生的各种事故问题消灭在萌芽状态。不能因为自家没事,而对邻里失火不以为然,或者只把别人的事故教训当作茶余饭后的谈资,麻痹大意,我行我素,这样往往容易重蹈别人的覆辙。 2. 蝴蝶效应 古文版影评 求翻译 Many people want to go back to the past, even though the past love and regret of reality, if have regret medicine, it is the most tight drug. Occasionally saw the movie "butterfly effect", is about trying to go back to the past and evan, through some *** all change to to make the butterfly effect, to lovers, friends and family to bring a better life.Want to return to the past, that not only is you I think different think sudden"s, but also on the scientific research topic. I"ve been thinking, back to the past the "past" is just a refer to, refer to the use of time characterization of a kind of appearance, or all the objects of running a critical point. We know, everything is in motion, the movement of the state or pattern is we use time to record, time was a virtual things, not the past reality, and no future forever. Is all in the changing, so four dimensional space theory with time instead of a dimension, the idea of course should be reserved.Back to this idea, simple "back to the past", to realize it, must have three elements: one is the environment to go back to the past, everything will return to the so-called "in the past," the critical point; 2 it is we want to fit in with the relative to the environment, and that means we go back to the past can not only after "watch", should also be able to personally participate in activities; Three is that we should have the consciousness, and that means we should keep "now" all thinking, including memory, only in this way can we be the real meaning of "back to the past".Movie evan through the diary and video such media from spirit of return to the past, to make the people of the shuttle. This of course is virtual. In reality, to realize the real meaning of the said the "back to the past", will face a difficult problem, is how to realize the body (environment) and the separation of thinking reverse movement? All things in sports, or are in our time in accordance with the concept forward movement, if want to go back to the past, see perception to realize to the past things, they have to make these things to "after" movement, also is the reverse movement. In science, although still impossible, but theoretically, since have positive and negative material, positive and negative movement should be also exist. We just don"t find or can"t perceive. But the problem here, we can realize the premise is reverse sports, but we want to perception, you have to let the brain to continue toward sports, at least to stop reverse movement. Otherwise we even by reverse movement back to the past but can"t perception, as I now return to the five, but all of my thinking all memory stay in at that time, I can only feel everything did not change, because I still lies in the surrounding environment according to the time the way together on the rl = do exercise. Only difference, and people will feel this kind of change. "Go back to the past", ultimately, or a may not fact. And still exist o generations paradox, the personal and the environment to tear the practice of science is not enough movement.Of course, the boundless universe or have, is the so-called space singularities or called worm hole, or existence of the layers of the overlap of space (parallel universe) may be able to implement this movement, let us in the space of cascade back into the past movement a certain point, but then there should be a world at that time of the "I" and now the world of the "I", and can"t be replaced, and still can"t change that my objective facts (perhaps can affect). Another is to watch from the sidelines. As you can imagine, the future development of science in a relatively closed to outside space achieve reverse movement, so that we can go back to the past, but can be a bystander, because the space we can"t touch the characteristics of perception the past space, can not be known in a certain corner of the world see blossom. Maybe, you side with this future (GHOST?) . Maybe the sky that little disc is the future of objects, through the space of flawed occasionally ZhenShen revealed.Evan fails, he meant to be the world (space), back to the other space made various efforts may be able to stay in the relative space, but ultimately he still chose death, don"t give anyone hurt and meaningless changes, it can not damage we know the rules of the universe, perhaps in。 was doomed to all our idea was brought in the narrow era.仅供参考。 .谢谢。 3. “蝴蝶效应”原文是怎样的 蝴蝶效应是混沌学理论中的一个概念。 它是指对初始条件敏感性的一种依赖现象:输入端微小的差别会迅速放大到输出端。蝴蝶效应在经济生活中比比皆是:中国宣布发射导弹,港台100亿美元流向美国. “蝴蝶效应”也可称“台球效应”,它是“混沌性系统”对初值极为敏感的形象化术语,也是非线性系统在一定条件(可称为“临界性条件”或“阈值条件”)出现混沌现象的直接原因. 一、蝴蝶效应的由来 蝴蝶效应来源于美国气象学家洛仑兹60年代初的发现.在《混沌学传奇》与《分形论——奇异性探索》等书中皆有这样的描述:“1961年冬季的一天,洛仑兹(E.Lorenz)在皇家麦克比型计算机上进行关于天气预报的计算.为了考察一个很长的序列,他走了一条捷径,没有令计算机从头运行,而是从中途开始.他把上次的输出直接打入作为计算的初值,然后他穿过大厅下楼,去喝咖啡.一小时后,他回来时发生了出乎意料的事,他发现天气变化同上一次的模式迅速偏离,在短时间内,相似性完全消失了.进一步的计算表明,输入的细微差异可能很快成为输出的巨大差别.这种现象被称为对初始条件的敏感依赖性.在气象预报中,称为‘蝴蝶效应".……”“洛仑兹最初使用的是海鸥效应.”“洛仑兹1979年12月29日在华盛顿的美国科学促进会的演讲:‘可预言性:一只蝴蝶在巴西扇动翅膀会在得克萨斯引起龙卷风吗?"” 二、蝴蝶效应的含义 某地上空一只小小的蝴蝶扇动翅膀而扰动了空气,长时间后可能导致遥远的彼地发生一场暴风雨,以此比喻长时期大范围天气预报往往因一点点微小的因素造成难以预测的严重后果.微小的偏差是难以避免的,从而使长期天气预报具有不可预测性或不准确性.这如同打台球、下棋及其他人类活动,往往“差之毫厘,失之千里”、“一着不慎,满盘皆输”. 长时期大范围天气预报是对于地球大气这个复杂系统进行观测计算与分析判断,它受到地球大气温度、湿度、压强诸多随时随地变化的因素的影响与制约,可想其综合效果的预测是难以精确无误的、蝴蝶效应是在所必然的.我们人类研究的对象还涉及到其他复杂系统(包括“自然体系”与“社会体系”),其内部也是诸多因素交相制约错综复杂,其“相应的蝴蝶效应”也是在所必然的.“今天的蝴蝶效应”或者“广义的蝴蝶效应”已不限于当初洛仑兹的蝴蝶效应仅对天气预报而言,而是一切复杂系统对初值极为敏感性的代名词或同义语,其含义是:对于一切复杂系统,在一定的“阈值条件”下,其长时期大范围的未来行为,对初始条件数值的微小变动或偏差极为敏感,即初值稍有变动或偏差,将导致未来前景的巨大差异,这往往是难以预测的或者说带有一定的随机性. 三、产生蝴蝶效应的内在机制 所谓复杂系统,是指非线性系统且在临界性条件下呈现混沌现象或混沌性行为的系统.非线性系统的动力学方程中含有非线性项,它是非线性系统内部多因素交叉耦合作用机制的数学描述.正是由于这种“诸多因素的交叉耦合作用机制”,才导致复杂系统的初值敏感性即蝴蝶效应,才导致复杂系统呈现混沌性行为. 目前,非线性学及混沌学的研究方兴未艾,这标志人类对自然与社会现象的认识正在向更为深入复杂的阶段过渡与进化. 从贬义的角度看,蝴蝶效应往往给人一种对未来行为不可预测的危机感,但从褒义的角度看,蝴蝶效应使我们有可能“慎之毫厘,得之千里”,从而可能“驾驭混沌”并能以小的代价换得未来的巨大“福果”.参考资料:/klh/1/zk03/text/zk03_220。 4. 有没有像蝴蝶效应,青蛙效应,破窗效应这类“XX效应”的词语啊 1、蝴蝶效应:上个世纪70年代,美国一个名叫洛伦兹的气象学家在解释空气系统理论时说,亚马逊雨林一只蝴蝶翅膀偶尔振动,也许两周后就会引起美国得克萨斯州的一场龙卷风.蝴蝶效应是说,初始条件十分微小的变化经过不断放大,对其未来状态会造成极其巨大的差别.有些小事可以糊涂,有些小事如经系统放大,则对一个组织、一个国家来说是很重要的,就不能糊涂.2、青蛙现象:把一只青蛙直接放进热水锅里,由于它对不良环境的反应十分敏感,就会迅速跳出锅外.如果把一个青蛙放进冷水锅里,慢慢地加温,青蛙并不会立即跳出锅外,水温逐渐提高的最终结局是青蛙被煮死了,因为等水温高到青蛙无法忍受时,它已经来不及、或者说是没有能力跳出锅外了.青蛙现象告诉我们,一些突变事件,往往容易引起人们的警觉,而易致人于死地的却是在自我感觉良好的情况下,对实际情况的逐渐恶化,没有清醒的察觉.3、鳄鱼法则:其原意是假定一只鳄鱼咬住你的脚,如果你用手去试图挣脱你的脚,鳄鱼便会同时咬住你的脚与手.你愈挣扎,就被咬住得越多.所以,万一鳄鱼咬住你的脚,你唯一的办法就是牺牲一只脚.譬如在股市中,鳄鱼法则就是:当你发现自己的交易背离了市场的方向,必须立即止损,不得有任何延误,不得存有任何侥幸.4、鲇鱼效应:以前,沙丁鱼在运输过程中成活率很低.后有人发现,若在沙丁鱼中放一条鲇鱼,情况却有所改观,成活率会大大提高.这是何故呢?原来鲇鱼在到了一个陌生的环境后,就会“性情急躁”,四处乱游,这对于大量好静的沙丁鱼来说,无疑起到了搅拌作用;而沙丁鱼发现多了这样一个“异已分子”,自然也很紧张,加速游动.这样沙丁鱼缺氧的问题就迎刃而解了,沙丁鱼也就不会死了.5、羊群效应:头羊往哪里走,后面的羊就跟着往哪里走.羊群效应最早是股票投资中的一个术语,主要是指投资者在交易过程中存在学习与模仿现象,“有样学样”,盲目效仿别人,从而导致他们在某段时期内买卖相同的股票.6、刺猬法则:两只困倦的刺猬,由于寒冷而拥在一起.可因为各自身上都长着刺,于是它们离开了一段距离,但又冷得受不了,于是凑到一起.几经折腾,两只刺猬终于找到一个合适的距离:既能互相获得对方的温暖而又不至于被扎.刺猬法则主要是指人际交往中的“心理距离效应”.7、手表定律:手表定律是指一个人有一只表时,可以知道现在是几点钟,而当他同时拥有两只时却无法确定.两只表并不能告诉一个人更准确的时间,反而会使看表的人失去对准确时间的信心.手表定律在企业管理方面给我们一种非常直观的启发,就是对同一个人或同一个组织不能同时采用两种不同的方法,不能同时设置两个不同的目标,甚至每一个人不能由两个人来同时指挥,否则将使这个企业或者个人无所适从.8、破窗理论:一个房子如果窗户破了,没有人去修补,隔不久,其它的窗户也会莫名其妙地被人打破;一面墙,如果出现一些涂鸦没有被清洗掉,很快的,墙上就布满了乱七八糟、不堪入目的东西;一个很干净的地方,人们不好意思丢垃圾,但是一旦地上有垃圾出现之后,人就会毫不犹疑地抛,丝毫不觉羞愧.9、二八定律(巴莱多定律):19世纪末20世纪初意大利的经济学家巴莱多认为,在任何一组东西中,最重要的只占其中一小部分,约20%,其余80%尽管是多数,却是次要的. 社会约80%的财富集中在20%的人手里,而80%的人只拥有20%的社会财富.这种统计的不平衡性在社会、经济及生活中无处不在,这就是二八法则.二八法则告诉我们,不要平均地分析、处理和看待问题,企业经营和管理中要抓住关键的少数;要找出那些能给企业带来80%利润、总量却仅占20%的关键客户,加强服务,达到事半功倍的效果;企业领导人要对工作认真分类分析,要把主要精力花在解决主要问题、抓主要项目上.10、木桶理论:组成木桶的木板如果长短不齐,那么木桶的盛水量不是取决于最长的那一块木板,而是取决于最短的那一块木板.11、马太效应:《圣经/马太福音》中有一句名言:“凡有的,还要加给他,叫他有余;没有的,连他所有的,也要夺过来.” 社会学家从中引申出了“马太效应”这一概念,用以描述社会生活领域中普遍存在的两极分化现象.。 5. 蝴蝶效应的内容和出处 蝴蝶效应是气象学家洛伦兹1963年提出来的。 其大意为:一只南美洲亚马孙河流域热带雨林中的蝴蝶,偶尔扇动几下翅膀,可能在两周后引起美国德克萨斯引起一场龙卷风。其原因在于:蝴蝶翅膀的运动,导致其身边的空气系统发生变化,并引起微弱气流的产生,而微弱气流的产生又会引起它四周空气或其他系统产生相应的变化,由此引起连锁反应,最终导致其他系统的极大变化。 此效应说明,事物发展的结果,对初始条件具有极为敏感的依赖性,初始条件的极小偏差,将会引起结果的极大差异。 蝴蝶效应是混沌学理论中的一个概念。 它是指对初始条件敏感性的一种依赖现象。输入端微小的差别会迅速放大到输出端。 蝴蝶效应在经济生活中比比皆是:中国宣布发射导弹,港台100亿美元流向美国。“蝴蝶效应”也可称“台球效应”,它是“混沌性系统”对初值极为敏感的形象化术语,也是非线性系统在一定条件(可称为“临界性条件”或“阈值条件”)出现混沌现象的直接原因。 一、蝴蝶效应的由来 蝴蝶效应来源于美国气象学家洛仑兹20世纪60年代初的发现。在《混沌学传奇》与《分形论——奇异性探索》等书中皆有这样的描述:“1961年冬季的一天,洛仑兹(E·Lorenz)在皇家麦克比型计算机上进行关于天气预报的计算。 为了预报天气,他用计算机求解仿真地球大气的13个方程式。为了考察一个很长的序列,他走了一条捷径,没有令计算机从头运行,而是从中途开始。 他把上次的输出直接打入作为计算的初值,然后他穿过大厅下楼,去喝咖啡。一小时后,他回来时发生了出乎意料的事,他发现天气变化同上一次的模式迅速偏离,在短时间内,相似性完全消失了。 进一步的计算表明,输入的细微差异可能很快成为输出的巨大差别。计算机没有毛病,于是,洛伦兹(Lorenz)认定,他发现了新的现象:“对初始值的极端不稳定性”,即:“混沌”,又称“蝴蝶效应”,一只巴西蝴蝶拍拍翅膀,将使美洲几个月后出现比狂风还厉害的龙卷风!这个发现非同小可,以致科学家都不理解,几家科学杂志也都拒登他的文章,认为“违背常理”:相近的初值代入确定的方程,结果也应相近才对,怎么能大大远离呢!其原因在于:蝴蝶翅膀的运动,导致其身边的空气系统发生变化,并引起微弱气流的产生,而微弱气流的产生又会引起它四周空气或其他系统产生相应的变化,由此引起连锁反应,最终导致其他系统的极大变化。 线性,指量与量之间按比例、成直线的关系,在空间和时间上代表规则和光滑的运动;而非线性则指不按比例、不成直线的关系,代表不规则的运动和突变。如问:两个眼睛的视敏度是一个眼睛的几倍?很容易想到的是两倍,可实际是6~10倍!这就是非线性:1+1不等于2。 激光的生成就是非线性的!当外加电压较小时,激光器犹如普通电灯,光向四面八方散射;而当外加电压达到某一定值时,会突然出现一种全新现象:受激原子好像听到“向右看齐”的命令,发射出相位和方向都一致的单色光,就是激光。非线性的特点是:横断各个专业,渗透各个领域,几乎可以说是:“无处不在时时有。” 如:天体运动存在混沌;电、光与声波的振荡,会突陷混沌;地磁场在400万年间,方向突变16次,也是由于混沌。甚至人类自己,原来都是非线性的:与传统的想法相反,健康人的脑电图和心脏跳动并不是规则的,而是混沌的,混沌正是生命力的表现,混沌系统对外界的 *** 反应,比非混沌系统快。 由此可见,非线性就在我们身边,躲也躲不掉了。这种现象被称为对初始条件的敏感依赖性。 在气象预报中,称为‘蝴蝶效应"。……”“洛仑兹最初使用的是海鸥效应。” “洛仑兹1979年12月29日在华盛顿的美国科学促进会的演讲:‘可预言性:一只蝴蝶在巴西扇动翅膀会在得克萨斯引起龙卷风吗?"(此外有出入因为据后文所言,1963年12月,洛伦兹(Lorenz)在华盛顿的美国科学促进会的一次讲演中提出:一只蝴蝶在巴西扇动翅膀,有可能会在美国的德克萨斯引起一场龙卷风。他的演讲和结论给人们留下了极其深刻的印象。 从此以后,所谓“蝴蝶效应”之说就不胫而走,名声远扬了。)” 二、蝴蝶效应的含义 某地上空一只小小的蝴蝶扇动翅膀而扰动了空气,长时间后可能导致遥远的彼地发生一场暴风雨,以此比喻长时期大范围天气预报往往因一点点微小的因素造成难以预测的严重后果。 微小的偏差是难以避免的,从而使长期天气预报具有不可预测性或不准确性。这如同打台球、下棋及其他人类活动,往往“差之毫厘,失之千里”、“一着不慎,满盘皆输”。 长时期大范围天气预报是对于地球大气这个复杂系统进行观测计算与分析判断,它受到地球大气温度、湿度、压强诸多随时随地变化的因素的影响与制约,可想其综合效果的预测是难以精确无误的、蝴蝶效应是在所必然的.我们人类研究的对象还涉及到其他复杂系统(包括“自然体系”与“社会体系”),其内部也是诸多因素交相制约错综复杂,其“相应的蝴蝶效应”也是在所必然的。“今天的蝴蝶效应”或者“广义的蝴蝶效应”已不限于当初洛仑兹的蝴蝶效应仅对天气预报而言,而是一切复杂系统对。
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her+self=herself; foot+ball=football; basket+ball=basketball; in +take=intake; radio+active=radioactive; by +stander=bystander; by +gone=bygone; over+whelm=overwhel
2023-07-24 18:30:461


局外人的成语有:度外之人,局天_地,局外之人。局外人的成语有:拒人千里之外,局地钥天,局外之人。2:注音是、ㄐㄨ_ㄨㄞ_ㄖㄣ_。3:结构是、局(半包围结构)外(左右结构)人(独体结构)。4:词性是、名词。5:拼音是、júwàirén。局外人的具体解释是什么呢,我们通过以下几个方面为您介绍:一、词语解释【点此查看计划详细内容】局外人júwàirén,júwàizhě。1. 不属于一个组织、社团或没有得到允许参加其活动的人。2. 不被某单位、范畴或组织承认或接纳者。3. 与世隔绝或感到自己是被孤独的人。4. 指与某事无关的人。5. 非成员的状况或身份。二、引证解释⒈指与某事无关的人。引鲁迅《华盖集·并非闲话》:“替暴君奔走,却以局外人自居。”许地山《难解决的问题》:“这理由无论是局内人、局外人都爱听的。”三、国语词典与某事不相干的人。词语翻译德语Au_enseiter(S)_法语étranger,spectateur四、网络解释局外人(阿尔贝·加缪著中篇小说)《局外人》(L"_tranger)是法国加缪创作的中篇小说,也是存在主义文学的代表作品。《局外人》形象地体现了存在主义哲学关于“荒谬”的观念;由于人和世界的分离,世界对于人来说是荒诞的、毫无意义的,而人对荒诞的世界无能为力,因此不抱任何希望,对一切事物都无动于衷。阿尔贝·加缪的《局外人》通过塑造莫尔索这个行为惊世骇俗、言谈离经叛道的“局外人”形象,充分揭示了这个世界的荒谬性及人与社会的对立状况。莫索尔的种种行为看似荒谬,不近人情,实则正是他用来抗击这个荒谬世界的武器。局外人(汉语词语)指与某事无关的人关于局外人的近义词第三者关于局外人的反义词局内人当事人关于局外人的诗句甘为局外人关于局外人的单词outlanderoutsideroutlierbystander关于局外人的词语出人望外_地局天方外之人长安棋局局外之人方外人局天_地局地钥天出人意外局_不安关于局外人的造句1、可以迷惑很多局外人,可是骗不了自己。2、你觉得接受不了她这样的人,就分手吧。局外人了解的毕竟都是你的一面之词,不能说什么。相信自己的直觉。3、若以“在商言商”的角度分析上述说法,局外人是难以理解的。4、更重要的是,对孩子的未来和对学校发展的思考,让虹迪渐渐从一个“局外人”进入了“局内人”的角色。5、看你的描述看的一头雾水,建议你的排版能清晰一点,否则的话真的不好理解你想表达的意思,关于恋爱感情的事情,作为不了解内情的局外人,仅通过你的只言片语的描述,不能妄下定论,作为成年人,你应该有辨别能力,你比我们更了解对方,相信你能做出正确的选择点此查看更多关于局外人的详细信息
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【 #英语资源# 导语】放飞的风筝,装载着我的梦想,装载的是我对自由向往的,是另一个我。 为大家准备了以下内容,供大家参考阅读。 1.关于放风筝的英语作文   Today, spring is beautiful. It"s a good day to fly a kite. After lunch, I quickly took my plane kite and ran to the garden to fly it. I have a string stick in my left hand and a kite in my right hand. My feet are separated and I try to run forward. The kite didn"t fly as if it didn"t want to leave me. I don"t believe it. I tried again several times and couldn"t fly all the time. I didn"t listen to my command like I was more angry. I was angry and sat on the ground and didn"t want to let it go.   When I finished my lunch, my mother sat up dejectedly. Mother said: baby, don"t lose heart in doing anything. Don"t be afraid of difficulties and move forward forever. After my mother finished, I tried again. The kite flew up, and my mood was happy! The kite was stuck by the branches of the tree just halfway through the flight. I found a bamboo pole and carefully pulled out the kite stuck in the tree. I flew it again. This time, I finally flew it. I"m so happy.   I passed this event and was inspired. I should be careful and not discouraged in everything. Only in the end can I succeed! 2.关于放风筝的英语作文   Today, the weather is particularly good and sunny. Children fly kites on the lawn in groups. There are a sea of people on the lawn. There are countless kites in the sky, including eagles, centipedes, little goldfish and giant pandas. So many kites fly so high and dense that they cover the blue sky.   I walked slowly, came to the grass and sat down. Look! XX is cooperating with XX! I saw XX holding the kite and XX pulling the line. The two people have been comparing the height there. They are deeply afraid of the wrong kite flying action. After a while, XX and XX shouted together: "three, two, one, fly!" Just then, XX sent the kite out. XX kept running and flying with the kite in mid air. Suddenly, XX pulled hard and pulled forward, and XX let go, wow! The kite flew. XX grinned, and XX on one side also smiled excitedly. I watched this beautiful kite flutter in the wind, very beautiful, but I just want to be a bystander today and enjoy this beautiful scene. There are more and more children on the lawn. Looking at the laughter of the children and the flying kites in the sky, I feel very happy! 3.关于放风筝的英语作文   The children came back early from school and were busy putting paper kites in the east wind.   Spring is coming. The sun is smiling at the earth in the air. The spring wind gently blows the willow branches, and it"s the season when kites fly all over the sky. On the green lawn, many people are flying kites. In the distance, a little boy is struggling to fly a colorful triangular kite. He tilted his head back and pulled the kite string hard. His parents looked at him with a smile and said, "boy, you"re great. The kite flies very high. Come on!"      XX, Xiao X and XX, three good friends, holding butterfly kites and big bird kites, also joined the kite flying team. Xiao x ran forward with the kite line. As he ran, he said, "XX, hold the big bird kite and watch the opportunity. When the wind blows, throw it up." "OK, don"t worry. If we cooperate well, the kite will fly high." XX said confidently. Then a gust of wind blew and XX threw up the kite. The kite flew higher and higher. Soon, the big bird flew freely in the sky. "Let"s help you two fly the kite, too!"   After a while, there was another colorful butterfly kite in the sky. Looking around, all kinds of kites in the sky fly freely in the sky, including the vivid "big centipede", the fat and round "little goldfish", the flying "Eagle" and so on. These kites decorate the blue sky with various colors. How beautiful!   Today is really a happy and unforgettable day! 4.关于放风筝的英语作文   On Tuesday, my sister and I went to fly kites. I took my "black bat" and my sister to the square. WOW! This is really the ocean of kites!      I asked my sister to put the kite in place and ask her to let it go immediately when the wind came. I tightened the string first, and then flew it gently, and the kite flew up. Taking advantage of this opportunity, I slowly put the line, and the kite flew higher and higher. At this time, the wind gradually decreased, and the kite also slowly fell down. Just when I was in despair, a miracle happened. Suddenly, the wind blew, and the kite flew again 20 or 30 meters away from the ground. After a few minutes, my kite was in the farthest position again. But there was an unexpected storm, and suddenly a strong wind blew again. It was really June, and the child"s face changed as he said it would. At this time, the line broke, but the kite didn"t listen to the command anymore. It flew disorderly, and finally it fell to the ground. It took my sister and I a lot of effort to get the kite back. It seems that my kite flying skills are not good enough. 5.关于放风筝的英语作文   March is the kite flying season, so my parents and I came to Ankang Jinzhou square to fly kites. Today"s weather is particularly good, the sun shines on the body warm. I saw a sea of people in the square. Many people came to fly kites. Many kites were flying in the air!   There are many and many kites, including lively and lovely small fish, long centipede, lovely joy, and grey wolf... My father and I chose a lovely panda kite, because I think the panda is our national treasure in China, which can bring me good luck and good luck. We came to the center of the square with kites in our hands and began to fly. Dad raised the kite high in the back. I pulled the line tight in the front. Let"s count one, two and three together! Dad let go of his hand, I dare not neglect to run forward quickly. Woo - woo, those winds are blowing on my face. Looking back, the lovely panda has slowly risen into the air. I quickly pulled the line forward and kept tightening and loosening the line in my hand. The kite is getting higher and higher, and the line in my hand is getting tighter and tighter. I feel I can"t hold it. I was afraid that my beloved panda would fall down and shouted, "Dad, Dad, come and help me!" So my father and I flew kites together. The kites flew higher and higher, and the people nearby said; "Oh, your kite is the first!"   We put it all afternoon. My father urged me to go home, but I wanted to put it off again. Later, at the urging of my father again, I reluctantly went home. My father and I made an appointment to fly kites again. 6.关于放风筝的英语作文   Today, the sky is clear and the atmosphere of spring is everywhere. It is the best time for kite flying.   In the afternoon, the teacher asked us to fly kites on the playground, and all the students rushed out happily. I am no exception. I ran out with a phoenix kite. My Phoenix kite has delicious color, long tail and big wings.   I quickly took the spool, pulled up the line and ran against the wind, but the kite didn"t seem to listen to me. It was still lying on the ground like sleeping! I was unwilling and continued to run with the spool, but the kite still couldn"t fly. I thought anxiously: I can"t let it go today! God, why don"t you help me? Just as I was disheartened to put away the kite line, suddenly, a strong wind blew my kite into the sky. I was very happy. I pulled the line and ran hard, and the kite flew higher and higher. Looking at other students, I saw one of them holding the "plane" and the other holding the spool. The person holding the plane threw it up gently. The person holding the spool immediately ran away. The plane took off. It dived and climbed for a while. It"s really handsome!   I looked up, ah! The sky has long been a sea of kites. The lovely KT cat is looking for prey. The handsome pleasant goat shows its beauty to the fullest. The lively little goldfish swims freely in the arms of the blue sky... My Phoenix finally caught up with them. Looking down again, some students are repairing kites, some are running with kites, and some are cheering   Today is really a happy Kite Festival! 7.关于放风筝的英语作文   Friend, have you ever flown a kite? When the flowers bloom in spring, I come to the grass with my friends to fly kites.   No, my friends and I chose a windy day to fly kites. We came to the grass, picked up the kite, threw it up, and the kite soared up. Then we ran and flew the kite line, and the kite flew higher and higher.   Until we thought it was good, we began a kite war, that is, using our own kites to collide with others" kites. Whoever landed first lost.   What impressed me most was the game I played with the Mavericks. At the beginning, as soon as he stormed, my kite almost fell to the ground and flew again, but he stayed high and stormed at me all the time. I was quick in my wits. Because the direction of his attack was downwind, I flew to the top of his kite, beat him down with the help of the wind and his strength, and his kite line was broken.   Flying kites is fun! After flying a kite, I understand that there is more than one way. If this way doesn"t work, you can take another way! 8.关于放风筝的英语作文   On Sunday morning, it was sunny. I took my brother and sister to fly kites in the countryside. The grassland is boundless, full of green, and white clouds bloom in the blue sky.   There are so many people flying kites! The sky has become the stage of kites. The lively and lovely little goldfish, the brave eagle flying high, and the big entertainment centipede with countless feet... They are just like naughty elves playing with white clouds, dragging colorful tails, like the colorful ribbon danced by fairies. They are very beautiful.   Looking at all kinds of kites in the sky, I envy them in my heart. I said to my brother, "let"s play it, too." My brother picked up my swallow kite. I held the kite line and grasped the spool. A gust of wind blew, and I ran forward quickly. My sister took her Butterfly Kite and ran with me. Sister Chunfeng stretched out her invisible big hand and flew into the sky with my kite. "The kite is in heaven! The kite is in heaven!" The kite flew higher and higher in the breeze, and sometimes circled several times, as if to show off its beauty; Sometimes I turn a few somersaults, as if I were playing a game with a bird; From time to time, he drilled again, but immediately flew up again mischievously. 9.关于放风筝的英语作文   Today, the sun is bright, white clouds are like cotton, flowers show beautiful smiling faces, grass does not run out of the ground lonely, and small trees draw out new branches and buds. What a good day to fly a kite!   I went to the park to fly kites. Wow, so many kites! Some are small goldfish. The sky is like the sea to protect the small goldfish and let the small goldfish swim around freely; Some are butterflies dancing in the sky; Some are small bees, as if looking for honey collecting targets; There was a terrible snake, and the sky suddenly looked like the earth. The snake crawled around the earth.   And mine is a swallow kite, a beautiful swallow kite. I looked at the kites in the sky and wanted to fly my swallows to the sky as soon as possible. But my kite can"t fly. So, I carefully observed the people next to me. I saw them pulling the line in one hand and holding the kite in the other hand, running against the wind and setting out the line at the same time. Finally, I sent my swallow kite to the sky. You see, it flies so well. It turns up and down skillfully.   One kite flew to the sky, one thread was connected, and people"s hearts were connected, weaving a net of friendship in the sky. 10.关于放风筝的英语作文   The domineering Eagle kite, the dragon kite hovering in the sky, the goldfish kite staring at two big eyes, the lovely swallow kite, the colorful triangle kite, Xiaogang, Xiaoming and Xiaomei go out to fly kites!   There are many kites floating in the sky, including handsome Eagle kites, dragon kites flying in the clouds, goldfish kites swimming in the sky... All kinds of kites.   Xiao Ming kept running with a spool in one hand and a kite line in the other, hoping to fly the kite. Unexpectedly, the naughty Xiao Gang didn"t let go of the kite and couldn"t fly. At this time, a strong wind suddenly hung up, blowing the kite in Xiao Gang"s hand into the sky. Xiaomei raised her Butterfly Kite and showed it off like Xiaogang and Xiaoming. "Look at my kite? The patterns on it are colorful and must be very beautiful." "Of course, it must be beautiful. The kites of the family next door are not as beautiful as you!" Xiaoming patted Xiaomei"s horse *, "ha ha, I knew it. Come on, let it go!" Xiaomei"s kite flew into the sky. The three people ran around happily and kept flying kites. They were very happy.   The sun set and the three talents went home reluctantly.
2023-07-24 18:32:291


2023-07-24 18:32:361


《德鲁克管理的智慧》、《失落的管理艺术:德鲁克论现代管理与人文精神》这两本 都不错,德鲁克管理学院推荐的书
2023-07-24 18:32:532


在社会心理学中,有一种现象叫做“观察者效应”(Bystander Effect),它指的是在紧急情况下,有许多人在场,但没有人采取行动来帮助需要帮助的人。这种现象的原因是因为人们会相信其他人会采取行动,从而自己不采取行动,这就导致了所谓的“漠视效应”。在暴力事件中,旁观者的沉默和不干预可能会让施暴者感觉到他们的行为被默认接受,从而加剧暴力事件。旁观者的沉默和被动行为会让施暴者感到自己有更大的控制力,从而更加肆无忌惮地行事。因此,旁观者的沉默和不干预也可以被视为一种暴力行为。同时,旁观者的沉默和不干预也会让受害者感到孤立和无助,这可能会导致受害者感到更加恐惧和无助,甚至可能会让他们放弃求助。因此,旁观者的行为会对受害者产生负面影响,加剧暴力事件的发生。因此,旁观者也应该承担一定的责任,尽可能地干预和防止暴力事件的发生。干预可能包括直接制止施暴者、报警、寻求帮助等行为。如果每个人都能够积极地干预和防止暴力事件的发生,那么我们的社会将会更加和谐、安全。
2023-07-24 18:33:001


(1)我们什么也没留下 布朗太太要外出一天。她锁好了房门,在门上给送牛奶的人钉了一张便条:“家里没人,请不要留下任何东西!” 当她晚上回家后发现房间门被撞开,房子被洗劫一空。在她留给送奶人的便条上,她发现被补充了一句:“谢谢!我们什么也没留下!” (2)一位老人对街上一些年轻人的打扮很是恼火。“看看那个人”老人对旁边的人讲“那是个男孩还是女孩?” “女孩,她是我女儿” “哦,对不起,请原谅”老人道歉,“我不知道你是她母亲” “本来就不是”那个人很生气“我是他爸爸” (3)超速的理由 哈里与劳埃德超速行驶,一辆警车拦住了他们。 “你们为什么开那么快?”警官喊道。 “我们的刹车不好,因此我们想在发生事故前赶紧到达目的地。”希望采纳
2023-07-24 18:33:071


bystanderonlooker observer
2023-07-24 18:33:262


问题一:打酱油用英语怎么说? Just play one role here. Just play one part here. 问题二:“我只是来打酱油的”用英语怎么说啊? 很高兴为您解答~ 翻译为:打酱油 bystander e.g. Don"t drag me into this, I am just an innocent bystander. 不要拖我下水。我只是个无辜的打酱油的。 1. dumbfounded e.g. I am dumbfounded when a kid asks me about sex. 有个小孩问我关于性的问题时,我很濉 2. 赞 fabulous e.g. I watched Li Na"s game, she is fabulous. 我看了李娜的比赛,她很赞。 3. 给力 brilliant/awesome e.g. I watched Let the Bullets Fly yesterday, it"s awesome. 我昨天看了《让子弹飞》,很给力。 4. 打酱油 bystander e.g. Don"t drag me into this, I am just an innocent bystander. 不要拖我下水。我只是个无辜的打酱油的。 5. 神马都是浮云 nothing matters to me e.g. Lamborghini, Ferrari, Porsche, nothing matters to me. 兰博基尼,法拉利,保时捷,对我来说神马都是浮云。 6. 雷人 startling e.g. I read some startling news today on BBS. 我在留言版上读到了一些雷人的新闻。 7. 杯具 bummer e.g. My wallet was stolen today, what a bummer. 我的钱包被偷了,杯具啊! 8. 剩女 cougar e.g. My neighbor is an old cougar. 我的邻居是个老剩女。 9. 炒作 to sensationalize e.g. The media sensationalized the divorce of Yao Chen. 媒体炒作姚晨的离婚。 10. 爆料 revelations According to revelations by artists" friends, they take drugs. 通过艺人朋友的爆料,他们吸毒。 11. 封口费 hush money e.g. They are bribing the reporters with hush money. 他们用非扣费贿赂记者。 保证正确率,望采纳;如仍有疑问,请追问; 谢谢~ 问题三:“打酱油”用英语怎么说 打酱油 buy soy sauce The child is old enough to buy some soy sauce by himeself. 孩子大了,会打酱油了。 引申意思:路过,不关我事 It"s none of my business, I am just passing by. 不关我的事,我只是打酱油的。 问题四:“打酱油”用英语怎么说 打酱油 buy some sauce; to be a bystander 问题五:我是打酱油的,用英语怎么说? I "m taking Soy sauce ~
2023-07-24 18:33:331


2023-07-24 18:33:415

希腊语:旁观者,或第三方 怎么说???

旁观者:spectatoronlookerbystander第三方:third-party 如果满意请点击右上角评价点【满意】即可~~你的采纳是我前进的动力~~答题不易..祝你开心~(*^__^*) 嘻嘻……
2023-07-24 18:33:551

“旁听法庭审判” 的英文翻译?

Central court
2023-07-24 18:34:042


施暴者和旁观者不是相同的,但很多时候旁观者看似行为举止并没有过分,其实也可以被视作参与暴力事件的一部分。因此,在特定的社会背景中,旁观者也被谴责为施暴者的一部分。首先,需要明确的是,“施暴者 (Bully)” 是指直接实施暴力的人。而“旁观者 (Bystander)” 则是指目睹暴力事件但未采取任何措施干涉的人。 因此从定义上来看,两者并非相同。然而,旁观者在某些情况下也可以被认为是施暴者。这是因为当其中一方处于弱势或者受害状态时,其他人如不能为其辩护和依保护和支持,那么他们就是为数不少的暴力事件相关方之一。以校园欺凌为例,如果同学群起攻击一个孤立的弱势学生,即使存在一部分旁观者不直接参与,但若他们置之不理或不关注,这种无声的协议或者默认,实际上也在某种程度上为暴力事件买单。因此,从道德、伦理、心理学的角度,现代社会十分重视旁观者理解和积极参与的重要性。当有人在遇到施暴时,直接帮助他们可能显得有些“冒险”,但是如果大家都无视旁观的行为,这样势必会促进暴力事件持续发生,也加剧受害者的负面体验和损失。 因此,应该积极鼓励社会成员向突破历史惯性并付出一定代价的个人倡导,并更广泛的意识到消灭各种形式的暴力对于我们建设和谐社会的巨大意义。
2023-07-24 18:34:111


故事介绍John Arable"s sow gives birth to a litter of piglets, and Mr. Arable discovers one of them is a runt and decides to kill it. However, his 9 year old daughter Fern begs him to let it live. Therefore her father gives it to Fern as a pet, and she names the runt Wilbur.Wilbur is hyperactive and always exploring new things. He lives with Fern for a few weeks and then is sold to her uncle, Homer Zuckerman. Although Fern visits him at the Zuckermans" farm as often as she can, Wilbur gets lonelier day after day. Eventually, a warm and soothing voice tells him that she is going to be his friend. The next day, he wakes up and meets his new friend: Charlotte, the gray spider. Wilbur soon becomes a member of the community of animals who live in the cellar of Zuckerman"s barn.When the old sheep in the barn cellar tells Wilbur that he is going to be killed and eaten at Christmas, he turns to Charlotte for help. Charlotte has the idea of writing words in her web extolling Wilbur"s excellence (such as "SOME PIG"), reasoning that if she can make Wilbur sufficiently famous, he will not be killed. Thanks to Charlotte"s efforts, Wilbur not only lives, but goes to the county fair--with Charlotte--and wins a prize.Due to the short lifespan of spiders, Charlotte dies at the fair. Wilbur repays Charlotte by bringing home with him the sac of eggs (her "magnum opus") she had laid at the fair before dying. When Charlotte"s eggs hatch at Zuckerman"s farm and most of Charlotte"s daughters leave to make their own lives elsewhere, three remain there as friends to Wilbur角色没什么可以多介绍的,就给你所有动物的名字吧。Charlotte the Spider Templeton the Rat Samuel the Sheep Gussy the Goose Golly the Goose Bitsy the Cow Betsy the Cow Ike the Horse Brooks the Crow Elwyn the Crow Wilbur Uncle the Pig Fern Mr. Arable Mrs. Arable Avery Henry Fussy Mrs. Zuckerman Homer Zuckerman Lurvy Minister Dr. Dorian Well Dressed Man Bystander Thrower Young Boy Mayor Fair Official Joy the Baby Spider Aranea the Baby Spider Nellie the Baby Spider
2023-07-24 18:34:561


局外人的诗句有:甘为局外人。局外人的诗句有:甘为局外人。结构是:局(半包围结构)外(左右结构)人(独体结构)。拼音是:júwàirén。词性是:名词。注音是:ㄐㄨ_ㄨㄞ_ㄖㄣ_。局外人的具体解释是什么呢,我们通过以下几个方面为您介绍:一、词语解释【点此查看计划详细内容】局外人júwàirén,júwàizhě。1. 不属于一个组织、社团或没有得到允许参加其活动的人。2. 不被某单位、范畴或组织承认或接纳者。3. 与世隔绝或感到自己是被孤独的人。4. 指与某事无关的人。5. 非成员的状况或身份。二、引证解释⒈指与某事无关的人。引鲁迅《华盖集·并非闲话》:“替暴君奔走,却以局外人自居。”许地山《难解决的问题》:“这理由无论是局内人、局外人都爱听的。”三、国语词典与某事不相干的人。词语翻译德语Au_enseiter(S)_法语étranger,spectateur四、网络解释局外人(阿尔贝·加缪著中篇小说)《局外人》(L"_tranger)是法国加缪创作的中篇小说,也是存在主义文学的代表作品。《局外人》形象地体现了存在主义哲学关于“荒谬”的观念;由于人和世界的分离,世界对于人来说是荒诞的、毫无意义的,而人对荒诞的世界无能为力,因此不抱任何希望,对一切事物都无动于衷。阿尔贝·加缪的《局外人》通过塑造莫尔索这个行为惊世骇俗、言谈离经叛道的“局外人”形象,充分揭示了这个世界的荒谬性及人与社会的对立状况。莫索尔的种种行为看似荒谬,不近人情,实则正是他用来抗击这个荒谬世界的武器。局外人(汉语词语)指与某事无关的人关于局外人的近义词第三者关于局外人的反义词当事人局内人关于局外人的单词outlieroutsideroutlanderbystander关于局外人的成语局天_地度外之人拒人千里之外长安棋局局外之人方外之人局地钥天关于局外人的词语不识局面_地局天方外之人长安棋局出人意外度外之人局_不安方外人局地吁天局地钥天关于局外人的造句1、伪装的欢笑,伪装的阳光与开朗,也可以迷惑很多局外人,只是骗不了自己。离开的人幸运地幸福地安眠了,而被留下的人睁着双眼,才要阅尽这黑白的荒芜世界里所有的凄凉与悲恸。2、在老贝勒满法庭,虽然他为达尔内的被释立了头功。事后他保持局外人的身份并不参加对达尔内的祝贺。3、他象局外人那样看待一切,正如我们所说,他面前发生的事对他是如此遥远,他能知道一些总的情况,但看不到细节。4、你觉得接受不了她这样的人,就分手吧。局外人了解的毕竟都是你的一面之词,不能说什么。相信自己的直觉。5、看得出来,你是个好女孩,他都这样了,你也不恨他,我想一切顺其自然比较好吧,我们都是局外人,也并不了解他具体是个什么人,但单从你的描述上来看,这种男的缺少教养,不知他妈怎么教他的,是个没责任心的男人,你自己要把握好,千万不要为了他难过,他不配点此查看更多关于局外人的详细信息
2023-07-24 18:35:251

求200个英语合成词 中英对照

1.合成名词 名词+名词: football足球 名词+动词: snowfall 下雪 名词+动词-ing : horse-riding骑马 名词+介词+名词: daughter-in-law儿媳 动词-ing+名词: waiting-room候车室 形容词+名词: greenhouse温室 副词+名词: income收入 介词+名词: afternoon下午 过去分词+副词: grown-up成年人 2.合成动词 名词+动词: water-cool用水冷却 形容词+动词: quick-charge快速充电 副词+动词: outact行动上胜过 3.合成形容词 名词+形容词: world-famous世界文明的 名词+动词-ing : peace-loving热爱和平的 名词+过去分词: heart-broken伤心的 动词+副词: takeaway外卖的 形容词+名词: long-distance长途的 形容词+形容词: dark-blue深蓝色的 形容词+过去分词: new-born新出生的 副词+形容词: color-blind色盲的 副词+动词-ing : hard-working勤劳的 副词+过去分词: well-known著名的 数词+名词: first-class头等的 数词+名词+形容词: ten-year-old十岁大的 数词+名词+ed : three-cornered三角的 介词+名词: indoor 室内的
2023-07-24 18:35:462

施暴者和旁观者是相同的吗? 为什么说旁观者也是施暴者?

2023-07-24 18:36:0215

moon halo歌词

moon halo歌词如下:Some deserts on this planet were oceans onceSomewhere shrouded by the night, the sun will shineSometimes I see a dying bird fall to the groundBut it used to fly so highI thought I were no more than a bystander till I felt a touch so realI will no longer be a transient when I see smiles with tearsIf I have never known the sore of farewell and pain of sacrificesWhat else should I engrave on my mindFrozen into icy rocks, that"s how it startsCrumbled like the sands of time, that"s how it endsEvery page of tragedy is thrown away burned out in the flameA shoulder for the pastLet out the cries imprisoned for so longA pair of wings for me at this momentTo soar above this worldTurn into a shooting star that briefly shines but warms up every heartMay all the beauty be blessedMay all the beauty be blessedI will never goThere"s a way back homeBrighter than tomorrow and yesterdayMay all the beauty be blessedWave good-bye to the past when hope and faith have grown so strong and soundUnfold this pair of wings for me againTo soar above this worldTurned into a moon that always tells the warmth and brightness of the sunMay all the beauty be blessed《Moon Halo》简介《Moon Halo》是HOYO-MIX发行的专辑,为崩坏3《薪炎永燃》动画短片印象曲所属专辑,发布于2021年7月9日。动画短片由miHoYo Anime出品,片中印象曲《Moon Halo》由米哈游旗下纯原创音乐团队HOYO-MiX制作。《Moon Halo》是茶理理、TetraCalyx、Hanser演唱的歌曲,由TetraCalyx作词,蔡近翰Zoe(HOYO-MiX)、TetraCalyx作曲,宫奇Gon(HOYO-MiX)编曲,收录于专辑《Moon Halo》。
2023-07-24 18:39:061


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fecpo 用了翻译机
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  ◎译 名 天衣无缝/完美无暇  ◎片 名 Flawless  ◎年 代 2008  ◎地 区 英国  ◎类 别 罪案/剧情  ◎语 言 英语  ◎片 长 104 Mins  ◎导 演 迈克尔·莱德福 Michael Radford  ◎主 演 黛咪·摩尔 Demi Moore  迈克尔·凯恩 Michael Caine  Joss Ackland  Jonathan Aris .....Boyle  Simon Day  Constantine Gregory .....Dmitriev  尼古拉斯·琼斯 Nicholas Jones  Derren Nesbitt  Nathaniel Parker  Steve Preston .....Police Investigator  Ben Righton .....Bryan  彼得·雷尼克 Peter Rnic .....Honest Alfred - The Bookie  Claire Thill .....Secretary  兰伯特·威尔逊 Lambert Wilson .....Finch  Roya Zargar .....Trudy′s Friend  Josef d"Bache-Kane .....Street Bystander  David Henry .....Sir Edmund Gottfried  Kim Hermans .....Spectator at dograce  Kevan Willis .....Lewis  ◎影片简介  改编自Edward Anderson的早期剧本。由迈克尔·凯恩,黛咪·摩尔等大牌明星联袂主演。  故事发生在1960年代的伦敦,黛咪·摩尔饰演的劳拉是伦敦钻石公司的一位女主管,她聪明而美丽,在公司里勤勤恳恳工作了很多年,然而眼睁睁看着一个个能力不如她的家伙都受到提升,自己却仍在原地徘徊,这使她备受打击。迈克尔·凯恩饰演一个夜间看门人,同样在这个公司工作了很久,对于大多数人而言,他就像个隐形人,几乎没人曾注意过他。然而通过这些年在公司的经历,他已经逐渐摸索出公司运转的知识。现在,面临退休的他打算干票大买卖,拉劳拉入伙,与自己一起偷盗他们共同的雇主——伦敦钻石公司。他的计划能成功吗?
2023-07-24 18:40:071


翻译:在喧嚣的世界里,我只是一个旁观者In the hustle and bustle of the world, I am just a bystander
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story one:4 7 1 5story two:8 3 2 6
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2023-07-24 18:41:043


by 1 / baɪ; baɪ/ adv part near 靠近: He stole the money when no one was by. 他趁旁边无人时把钱偷走了. * He lives close/near by. 他住在附近. past 经过: drive, go, run, walk, etc by 驶过; 经过; 跑过; 走过等 * He hurried by without speaking to me. 他匆匆经过没有跟我说话. * Excuse me, I can"t get by. 劳驾, 请让我过去. * Time goes by so quickly. 时间过得真快. aside; in reserve 在旁边; 保留: lay/put/set sth by 把某物摆[放/搁]在一边 * I always keep a bottle of wine by in case friends call round. 我平时总存着一瓶酒以备朋友来时喝. (idm 习语) by and `by (dated 旧) before long; soon 不久; 马上: They"ll be arriving by and by. 他们不久就要到达. by the by/bye = by the way (way1). by and large => large. by 2 / baɪ; baɪ/ prep near (sb/sth); at the side of; beside 靠近(某人[某物]); 在...旁边; 在...附近: a house by the church, river, railway 教堂、 河流、 铁路附近的一所房子 * The telephone is by the window. 电话在窗户那儿. * Come and sit by me. 来坐在我身旁. * We had a day by the sea. 我们在海边度过了一天. (showing the route taken) passing through (sth or a place); along; across (表示路线)通过(某物或某地); 顺着; 越过: He entered by the back door. 他从后门进入. * We travelled to Rome by Milan and Florence. 我们途经米兰和佛罗伦萨到达罗马. * We came by country roads, not by the motorway. 我们是沿着乡间的路来的, 不是从高速公路来的. past (sb/sth) 经过(某人[某物]): He walked by me without speaking. 他从我身边走过, 没说一句话. * I go by the church every morning on my way to work. 我每天早晨上班要经过教堂. not later than (a time); before 不迟於(某时); 在...之前: Can you finish the work by five o"clock/tomorrow/next Monday? 你能在五点钟[明天/下星期一]以前做完这工作吗? * By this time next week we shall be in New York. 下星期的这个时候我们将在纽约. * He ought to have arrived by now/by this time. 此时此刻他早该到了. * By the time (that) this letter reaches you I will have left the country. 你接到这封信时, 我已离开这个国家了. (usu without the 通常不用 the) (emphasizing the circumstances of an action) during (a period of time) or in (sth) (强调行动的客观情况)在(某时期)内; 在(某情况)下: travel by day/night 白天[夜间]旅行 * She sleeps by day and works by night. 她白天睡觉, 夜间工作. * The view is best seen by daylight/moonlight. 此处风景在日光[月光]下观赏最美. * Reading by (ie with the use of) artificial light is bad for the eyes. 阅读时使用人工照明会损害眼睛. (usu after a passive v 通常用於被动式动词之后) (a) through the action, power or work of (sb/sth) 借(某人[某事物])的动作、 力量或作品: a play (written) by Shakespeare 莎士比亚(写)的剧本 * a church designed by Wren 雷恩所设计的教堂 * He was arrested by the police. 他被警方逮捕了. * He was shot by a terrorist with a machine-gun. 他被恐怖分子用机关枪打死了. * run over by a bus 被公共汽车碾过 * struck by lightning 遭闪电击中. (b) through the means of (sth/doing sth) 通过(某事物[做某事物])的方式: The room is heated by gas/oil. 这房间是用煤气[油]取暖的. * May I pay by cheque? 我可以用支票付款吗? * I shall contact you by letter/telephone. 我将写信[打电话]和你联系. * He earns his living by writing. 他靠写作为生. * You switch the radio on by pressing this button. 按这个按钮就能开收音机. * By working hard he gained rapid promotion. 他工作努力因而晋级很快. (without the 不用 the) as a result of (sth); because of; through 因(某事物)所致; 由於; 凭藉: meet by chance 不期而遇 * achieve sth by skill, determination, etc 凭技艺、 决心等实现某事物 * do sth by mistake/accident 误做某事[碰巧而做某事] * The coroner"s verdict was `death by misadventure". 验尸官鉴定为意外事故造成的死亡. with the action of (doing sth) 以(做某事)的行动: Let me begin by saying... 让我首先说这样一件事, ... * He shocked the whole company by resigning. 他辞职的消息全公司都感到震惊. (indicating a means of transport or a route taken 表示运输或取道的方式): travel by boat/bus/car/plane 乘船[公共汽车/小汽车/飞机]旅行 * travel by air/land/sea 航空[陆路/航海]旅行. (indicating a part of the body, or an item of clothing touched, held, etc 表示被触及、 被持住等的身体或衣物某处): take sb by the hand 抓住某人的手 * seize sb by the hair, collar, lapel, etc 抓住某人的头发、 衣领、 翻领等 * grab sb by the scruff of the neck 抓住某人的颈背. (with the 与the连用) using (sth) as a standard or unit 以(某事物)为标准或单位: rent a car by the day/week/month 按日[周/月]租用汽车 * sell eggs by the dozen, material by the yard, coal by the ton 卖蛋论打、 卖布论码、 卖煤论吨 * pay sb by the day/hour 按天[小时]付给某人款 * We sell ice-creams by the thousand in the summer. 我们在夏天出售的冰激凌数以千计. in successive units, groups or degrees of 以连续的单位、 批量或程度计: improving day by day, little by little, bit by bit, etc 一天一天地、 一些一些地、 一点一点地...改善 * The children came in two by two. 孩子两个两个地进来. (a) (showing the dimensions of a rectangle or a cube 表示长方形或立方体的大小): The room measures fifteen feet by twenty feet. 这房间十五英尺宽二十英尺长. (b) (in multiplication or division 用於乘法或除法运算): 6 (multiplied/divided) by 2 equals 12/3. 6(乘[除])以2等於12[3]. to the extent of (sth) 到(某事物)的程度: The bullet missed him by two inches. 那子弹差两英寸就打中他了. * The carpet is too short by three feet. 那地毯短了三英尺. * It would be better by far (ie much better) to.... 那比...好多了. according to (sth); from the evidence of 按照(某事物); 根据: By my watch it is two o"clock. 我的表现在是两点钟. * Judging by appearances can be misleading. 凭外表下判断是会误事的. * I could tell by the look on her face that something terrible had happened. 我一看她的脸色就知道出了大事了. in accordance with (sth); in agreement with 按照(某事物); 符合: play a game by the rules 按规则做游戏 * by sb"s leave, ie with sb"s permission 得到某人的许可. with respect to (sb/sth); with regard to 涉及(某人[某事物]); 关於: be German by birth, a solicitor by profession, a joiner by trade 出生地为德国、 职业为律师、 行业为细木工 * do one"s duty by sb 尽到自己对某人的责任. (in oaths 用於誓词) in the name of (sb/sth) 以(某人[某事物])的名义: By God! 上帝可以作证! * I swear by Almighty God..., by all that I hold dear..., etc 我在全能的上帝面前、 以我的一切起誓.... (idm 习语) have/keep sth by one have sth close to one; have sth within easy reach 将某物放在身边; 使手边有某物: I keep a dictionary by me when I"m doing crosswords. 我做纵横填字游戏时, 手边总放着一本词典. by- (also bye-) pref 前缀 (with ns or vs 与名词或动词连用) of secondary importance; incidental 次要的; 附带的: by-product * bye-law. near 接近: bystander * bypass.
2023-07-24 18:41:172

moon halo歌词

Some deserts on this planet were oceans onceSomewhere shrouded by the night, the sun will shineSometimes I see a dying bird fall to the groundBut it used to fly so highI thought I were no more than a bystander till I felt a touch so realI will no longer be a transient when I see smiles with tearsIf I have never known the sore of farewell and pain of sacrificesWhat else should I engrave on my mindFrozen into icy rocks, that"s how it startsCrumbled like the sands of time, that"s how it endsEvery page of tragedy is thrown away burned out in the flameA shoulder for the pastLet out the cries imprisoned for so longA pair of wings for me at this momentTo soar above this worldTurn into a shooting star that briefly shines but warms up every heartMay all the beauty be blessedMay all the beauty be blessedI will never goThere"s a way back homeBrighter than tomorrow and yesterdayMay all the beauty be blessedWave good-bye to the past when hope and faith have grown so strong and soundUnfold this pair of wings for me againTo soar above this worldTurned into a moon that always tells the warmth and brightness of the sunMay all the beauty be blessedMay all the beauty be blessed
2023-07-24 18:41:361


形容从容不迫闲适自得的样子的成语 【成语】: 处之泰然 【拼音】: chǔ zhī tài rán 【解释】: 处:处理,对待;泰然:安然,不以为意的样子。若无其事的样子。形容自理事情沉着镇定。也指对待问题毫不在意。 【成语】: 泰然自若 泰的成语、若的成语接龙 【拼音】: tài rán zì ruò 【解释】: 自若:象平常一样。不以为意,神情如常。形容在紧急情况下沉着镇定,不慌不乱。 【成语】: 安之若素 【拼音】: ān zhī ruò sù 【解释】: 安:安然,坦然;之:代词,指人或物;素:平常。安然相处,和往常一样,不觉得有什么不合适。 【成语】: 随遇而安 【拼音】: suí yù ér ān 【解释】: 随:顺从;遇:遭遇。指能顺应环境,在任何境遇中都能满足。 【出处】: 清·刘献廷《广阳杂记》一:“随寓而安,斯真隐矣。” 形容从容不迫闲适自得的样子的四字词语 【成语】: 随俗浮沉 【拼音】: suí sú fú chén 【解释】: 自己没有一定的想法,随着潮流走。 【出处】: 《元史·泰不华传》:“泰不华尚气节,不随俗浮沉。” 【成语】: 与世无争 【拼音】: yú shì wú zhēng 【解释】: 世:世人,周围的人。不跟社会上的人发生争执。这是一种消极的回避矛盾的处世态度。 【出处】: 《战国策·楚策四》:“自以为无患,与人无争也。” 其他形容生活悠闲自得从容不迫的成语词语 樽前月下--酒樽之前,月亮之下。谓对酒赏月的悠闲情境。 闲情逸致--逸:安闲;致:情趣。指悠闲的心情和安逸的兴致。 豪情逸致--豪情:指兴奋豪放的感情;逸致:悠闲脱俗的情趣。兴奋豪放的情感和洒脱的情趣。 神闲气定--神气悠闲安静。 优游自得--悠闲如意。 优哉游哉--指生活悠闲自在,从容自得。 悠然自得--悠然:安闲舒适的样子;自得:内心得意。形容神态悠闲、心情舒适。 悠哉游哉--悠闲自在。 优游自如--①悠闲适意,无拘无束。②犹言从容不迫。 优游自适--悠闲适意。 优游岁月--悠闲舒适地过日子。 优游卒岁--悠闲度日。 北窗高卧--比喻悠闲自得。 岩居川观--居于岩穴而观赏川流。形容隐居生活悠闲自适,超然世外。 悠悠忽忽--形容悠闲懒散或神志恍惚的样子。 神闲气定--〖解释〗指神气悠闲安静。 悠游自得--悠游:闲适的样子;自得:内心得意舒适。形容悠闲而舒适。 优游自在--悠闲舒适。 笑傲风月--〖解释〗犹言吟风弄月。形容心情悠闲自在。 壶中日月--旧指道家悠闲清静的无为生活。 扩展阅读:形容悠闲自得从容不迫的句子 .那时候那时候的日子总是懒懒的,就算每天发呆也不觉得有什么,最大的苦恼也不过是今天的作业,最大的愿望就是看动画片。一年,又一年……我长大了,生活慢慢发生变化,日子变得更加的美好。可是,我却不再觉得悠闲了现在的时间比以前更多,但是发起呆来却没那么快乐,现在没有什么是最大的烦恼,因为什么东西都是烦恼,最大的愿望已无法满足我,因为我渴望得更多了。那时候,十一二岁的我,早已面容模糊,但,那时的日子,那时的快乐,那时的……我竟是如此的怀念。 . at that time, I was always lazy. Even if I was in a daze every day, I didn"t feel anything. The biggest worry was just my homework today. My biggest wish was to watch cartoons. One year, another As I grew up, my life slowly changed and the days became better. However, I no longer feel that I have more leisure time now than before, but I am not so happy when I start to stay here. Now there is no biggest worry, because everything is worry, and the biggest wish can not satisfy me, because I want more. At that time, when I was 11 or 12 years old, my face was already dim, but the days, the happiness, the I miss it so much. .人在一生中要学会「舍得、放下」多余的东西,学习短暂的失忆,学习遗忘;将那些不必要的伤痛、负累抛弃,才能轻轻松松、快快乐乐地上路。 In one"s life, one should learn to "give up and let go of" superfluous things, learn to lose memory for a short time, and learn to forget; only by abandoning unnecessary pain and burden can one go on the road easily and happily. .我匆忙,书本是我善良的朋友;我悠闲,书本是我真诚的伙伴。生活于善良和真诚的氛围里,哪儿还有不悦之理? I am in a hurry. Books are my kind friends. I am leisurely. Books are my sincere partners. Living in a good and sincere atmosphere, where is there any reason for unhappiness? .悠闲需要充沛的精力,去愉快地度过空闲的时间,如果没有充沛的精力,始终一副恹恹的病态或呈倦怠的娇慵,那么你也就无法进入轻松闲适的风景。 Leisure needs abundant energy to spend the leisure time happily. If you don"t have enough energy, you will not be able to enter into the relaxed and leisurely scenery without a languid morbid or languid languor. .悠闲是最本质的需求,因为在天性中,忙碌中的自我,不是真正的自我,悠闲中的自我才是真正的自我。 Leisure is the most essential demand, because in nature, the busy self is not the real self, and the leisure self is the real self. .经验往往被人们当成愚蠢与悲伤的同义语。其实大可不必。假如我愿意井确实从经验中学习,那么今天的教训就会为明天的美好生活打下基础。 Experience is often regarded as a synonym for stupidity and sadness. In fact, it"s not necessary. If I am willing to learn from experience, today"s lessons will lay the foundation for a better life tomorrow. .人生譬如一出滑稽剧。有时还是做一个旁观者,静观而微笑,胜如自身参与一份子。象一个清醒了的幻梦者,吾们的观察人生,不是戴上隔夜梦景中的幻想的色彩,而是用较清明的眼力。吾们倾向于放弃不可捉摸的未来而同时把握住少数确定的事物,吾们所知道可以给予幸福于吾人者。吾们常常返求之于自然,以自然为真善美永久幸福的源泉。丧失了进步与国力,吾们还是很悠闲自得的生活着,轩窗敞启,听金蝉曼唱,微风落叶,爱篱菊之清芳,赏秋月之高朗,吾们便很感满足。作者:林语堂出处:人生的盛宴 Life is like a farce. Sometimes it"s better to be a bystander and *** ile than to be a part of yourself. Like a lucid dreamer, our observation of life is not to put on the color of fantasy in the overnight dream, but to use a clearer vision. We tend to give up the elusive future and grasp a few certain things at the same time. What we know can give happiness to us. We often return to nature and take nature as the source of eternal happiness. With the loss of progress and national strength, we are still living a leisurely and contented life, with the windows open, listening to the singing of cicadas, the breeze and leaves falling, loving the fragrance of hedgerows and chrysanthemums, and enjoying the height of the autumn moon. Author: Lin Yutang: the feast of life .天气分冷暖,寒暑交替轮回转。生活有辛酸,风吹雨打品悠闲。事事难求十全,恰恰九分刚好。 . the weather is divided into cold and warm, cold and hot alternately. Life has its ups and downs. It"s hard to be perfect in everything. It"s exactly nine points. .我喜欢晚饭后坐在客厅里的时分。灯光如纱,轻轻地撒开。我喜欢听一些协奏曲,一面捧着细瓷的小茶壶暖手。当此之时,我就恍惚能够想象一些田园生活的悠闲。作者:张晓风出处:张晓风精选集 I like sitting in the living room after supper. Light like yarn, gently spread. I like to listen to concertos, holding a *** all teapot of fine porcelain to warm my hands. When this time, I am in a trance and can imagine some leisure of rural life. Author: Zhang Xiaofeng source: selected collection of Zhang Xiaofeng .“是这个世界夺走了给了我们一切的松阳老师,所以我才要夺走这个世界的一切,桂,难道你不为此而恨之入骨吗,为什么在这样的世界里你还能如此悠闲的生活,就是这一点我最受不了” "It"s the world that has taken away the Songyang teacher who has given us everything, so I want to take away everything in the world. GUI, don"t you hate it? Why can you live so leisurely in such a world? That"s what I can"t stand." .我喜欢乡村。或许是那种自在、悠闲的生活在吸引我吧!不过,我更喜欢那乡村的风景。 I like the country. Maybe that kind of free and leisurely life attracts me. However, I prefer the scenery of the countryside. .古人曰:云淡得悠闲,水淡育万物。人生,不要大起大落,也不必大喜大悲。寻一米阳光,微笑如花,淡看成败。拾一片余晖,诗情画意,浅释得失;生活,无需繁华似锦,倾国倾城,但要倾你所有,从容于心,健康开心,踏实而安稳;春之明媚,夏之繁华,秋之沉淀,冬之丰盈。 The ancients said: the cloud is light, and the water is light to nurture all things. In life, don"t rise and fall, and don"t be happy or sad. Look for a meter of sunshine, *** ile like flowers, indifferent to success or failure. Pick up a piece of afterglow, poetic and picturesque, explain the gain and loss; life, do not need to be prosperous like a brocade, but to pour all you have, calmly in your heart, healthy and happy, practical and stable; bright spring, prosperous summer, precipitation in autumn, and abundant winter. .失败,是因为欠缺耐心;烦恼,是因为欠缺开心;冷漠,是因为欠缺热心;孤独,是因为欠缺真心;无谓,是因为欠缺关心;逃避,是因为欠缺爱心;沧桑,是因为欠缺童心。多一点耐心、开心、热心、真心、关心、爱心、童心,愿你快乐生活每一天。 Failure is due to lack of patience; worry is due to lack of happiness; indifference is due to lack of enthusia *** ; loneliness is due to lack of sincerity; meaninglessness is due to lack of care; escape is due to lack of love; vicissitudes of life is due to lack of childlike innocence. A little more patience, happiness, enthusia *** , sincerity, care, love, childishness, wish you a happy life every day. .是呀,母亲您说得对,我们现在的生活好起来了,电脑、电话进入了家庭,家家都有电视有线、电话购物、网上购物、家庭就医,一卡通、一线通、电子商务等好多名词跃然在我们面前,坐在家里我们就可以周游世界,通过因特网我们可以看到埃及的金字塔、法国的埃菲尔铁塔、日本的富士山、莫斯科红场的列宁陵墓,我还可以在美国的唐人街上漫步。只一会工夫我又变成了一个悠闲自得的小旅行家,好浪漫,好惬意呀! Yes, mother, you are right. Our life is getting better now. Computers and telephones have entered the family. There are many terms such as TV, cable, telephone shopping, online shopping, family medical treatment, all in one card, one-line communication, e-commerce and so on. Sitting at home, we can travel around the world. Through the Inter, we can see the pyramids of Egypt and France The Eiffel Tower, Mount Fuji in Japan, Lenin"s mausoleum in Red Square in Moscow. I can also walk in the Chinatown of the United States. In a short time, I became a leisurely and complacent little traveler. It"s so romantic and cozy! .生活百态,只能由自己去体会,生活的千滋百味也只能由自己去品尝。在生活之余,独自悠闲在乡村的小道上,感受夏天那夹杂着泥土的气息,伴随着一丝草花香,闭上双目。任心灵的翅膀翱翔于广阔的天空,孤独犹然而生。但也因为这样,才会有独立的空间来感受生活的旋律。 . you can only experience all kinds of life, and taste all kinds of life. In the spare time of life, I am alone on the country road, feeling the *** ell of summer mixed with soil, accompanied by a trace of grass and flowers, closing my eyes. Let the wings of the heart soar in the vast sky, lonely but alive. But also because of this, there will be independent space to feel the melody of life. .人生,就是磨难在枝头,最终被晾晒成了的坚强。生活禅意悲喜中找寻,淡悟中领会。有些事,看重,会被事所困,乱于心;看淡,会悠闲轻松,静于心。静静选择,选择该选择的,遗忘该遗忘的,让生命若水,静静流淌一泓清澈。无论走过多少坎坷,有懂得的日子,便有花,有蝶,有阳光。 . life, is suffering in the branches, and finally was airing into a strong. Seek in the sorrow and joy of Zen life, and comprehend in the light comprehension. Some things, value, will be trapped by things, chaos in the heart; indifferent, will be relaxed, quiet in the heart. Choose quietly, choose the one you choose, forget the one you forget, and let life flow like water. No matter how many ups and downs you have gone through, there will be flowers, butterflies and sunshine. .在城外的小草屋,王锦凌过得很悠闲,生活完全是他想要的节奏,即使眼睛看不到,也不影响他享受这个世界的美好……作者:阿彩出处:帝凰之神医弃妃 Wang Jinling has a very leisurely life in the cottage outside the city. His life is exactly the rhythm he wants. Even if his eyes can"t see it, it doesn"t affect his enjoyment of the beauty of the world Author: a CAI source: the divine doctor of Emperor Huang abandons his concubine .壶中日月:旧指道家悠闲清静的无为生活。 Hu zhongriyue: used to refer to the Taoist"s leisurely and quiet life of inaction. .喜欢现在的生活,又不喜欢现在的生活太安逸,太悠闲每天玩玩手机,听听歌,写写字偶尔无聊的时候去散散步偶尔烦躁的时候看见不顺眼的人吵吵嘴想说,这种日子什么时候是个头呢 I like my life now, but I don"t like my life now. I"m too comfortable. I"m too leisurely. I play with my mobile phone every day, listen to music, write and write. Sometimes I go for a walk when I"m bored. Sometimes I see people quarreling when I"m upset. I want to say when is this day .可见,忙是闲的前提,正如生产是消费的前提。假如你想过上悠闲的生活,就必须先忙才行! It can be seen that busy is the premise of leisure, just as production is the premise of consumption. If you want to live a leisurely life, you must be busy first!
2023-07-24 18:41:511


Without a very profound theoretical analysis. Only "prejudice" the literal meaning of the word can be analyzed, it is not biased side, not comprehensive; see is the view. The reason is prejudice stations partial, perspective partial, small-minded, with a subjective awareness (colored glasses).How to eliminate prejudice, objective look at the problem - one from a spectator point of view (bystander); the second is to develop their own be tolerant to diversity of broad-minded, people doing things not demanding comprehensive; third objective, the so-called objective is to seek truth from facts, what is what, without subjective consciousness to thinking and analysis problems.Work life, we will consciously or unconsciously to family, colleagues, leadership biased, right way of thinking, broad-minded can be trained. No hurry, slowly through their hinted, can achieve the minimum without prejudice.
2023-07-24 18:42:011


两者有共同意思“代替”,但两者的用法有很大不同。一、词性不同1、instead 为副词,相当于 rather than 或 as an alternative,只能修饰动词或是句子,它的位置比较灵活,可以放在句首或句尾,在口语中,更经常放在句尾,例如:句首:Instead, let all of that teach you what it can.相反,让所有这些教会你它能做什么。Holidays in Italy are too expensive. Instead, we"re going to Greece.在意大利度假太贵了。相反,我们要去希腊。句尾:If you can"t sign your name, make a cross instead.如果你不会签名画个十字来代替。I"m going to drop yoga and do aerobics instead.我要放弃瑜伽,改做有氧运动。2、instead of 是介词短语,后面一般接名词、代词、动名词或介词短语作它的宾语,相当于 as an alternative,可以放在句首或句尾,例如:instead of + 名词:I"ll go instead of Jack.我代替杰克去。I"ll have tea instead of coffee.我要茶而不是咖啡。Instead of tea or coffee, drink water to quench your thirst.渴了喝水,别喝茶或咖啡。We did the logo in lower-case letters instead of capitals.我们的徽标用了小写字母,没用大写。instead of + 代词You can go instead of me, if you want.如果你愿意,你可以代替我去。It felt like I"d had two babies instead of one.我感觉像是有两个孩子而不是一个。It looks like an innocent bystander was killed instead of you.看起来是一个无辜的旁观者当了你的替死鬼。instead of + V-ing:He went alone instead of waiting for me.他一个人去而不是等我。Instead of complaining, why don"t we try to change things?与其抱怨,不如试着改变一下?We are learning how to confront death instead of avoiding its reality.我们在学习如何直面死亡,而非回避死亡这一现实。instead of + 介词短语:We went by train instead of by car.我们坐火车而不是汽车去的。In future the President will be chosen by the people instead of by the National Assembly.今后总统将由人民选举产生,而非国民议会选出。二、词义的侧重点不同1、instead 句中的动作是要去做的,例如:呆在家里是要去做的动作我今天太累了,不能踢足球。我要呆在家里。去希腊是要去做的动作在意大利度假太贵了,所以我们改去希腊。2、instead of 句中的动作或是对象是要被替代的,例如:开车是要被替代的动作现在我可以步行去上班,而不必开车了。我是要被替代的对象如果你愿意,你可以代替我去。
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