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Season In The Sun-Tube歌词

2023-07-25 11:28:09

westlife - season in the sun


Season in the sun

Artist:Westlife Lrc editor:fireinice

Goodbye to you my trusted friend

We"ve known each other

since we were nine or ten

Together we"ve climned hills and trees

Learned of love and ABC"s

Skinned our hearts and skinned our knees

Goodbye my friend it"s hard to die

When all the birds are singing in the sky

Now that spring is in the air

Pretty girls are everywhere

Think of me and I"ll be there

We had joy, we had fun

we had seasons in the sun

But the hills that we climbed

Were just seasons out of time

Wish you enjoy this music-fireinice

Goodbye Papa please pray for me

I was the black sheep of the family

You tried to teach me right from wrong

Too much wine and too much song

Wonder how I got along

Goodbye Papa it"s hard to die

When all the birds are singing in the sky

Now that the spring is in the air

Little children everywhere

When you see them, I"ll be there

We had joy, we had fun

We had seasons in the sun

But the wine and the song

Like the seasons have all gone

We had joy, we had fun

We had seasons in the sun

But the wine and the song

Like the seasons have all gone

Thank you for enjoying Fireinice Group"s music lrc!

Goodbye Michelle my little one

You gave me love and helped me find the sun

And every time that I was down

You would always come around

And get my feet back on the ground

Goodybye Michelle it"s hard to die

When all the birds are singing in the sky

Now that the spring is in the air

With the flowers everywhere

I wish that we could both be there


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2023-07-24 17:40:281


您好,Mac的很大一部分软件安装方式都是拖拉拽方式进行安装的。比如Mac上的视频剪辑软件巨头Final Cut Pro,就是采取拖拉拽的方式进行安装。安装教程:1、软件下载完成后,打开下载好的软件包如上图,拖动软件【Final Cut Pro】 到 Applications 进行安装。2、完成后,打开软件【Final Cut Pro】即可使用。具体的安装方式得看安装包格式。如果是.pkg格式的安装包,则需要双击打开进行安装。
2023-07-24 17:40:388


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tube什么意思 英语

词典释义讲解0:49n.(金属、塑料、橡胶等制成的)管,管子;管状物;(由软金属或塑料制成的带盖的、盛膏状物的)软管v.给…装上管子;插管(以助呼吸);用管道运输高考 / CET4 / 考研 / IELTS / TOEFL / TEM4变形名词复数:tubes 动词第三人称单数:tubes 现在分词:tubing 过去分词:tubed 过去式:tubed 双语例句全部管管状物电子管地铁电视机乘地铁1.He is fed by a tube that enters his nose.他靠鼻饲管进食。《柯林斯高阶英汉双解学习词典》2.The lungs are in fact constructed of thousands of tiny tubes.肺实际上由上千条细微的气管构成。《柯林斯高阶英汉双解学习词典》3.I took the tube then the train and came straight here我先乘地铁,然后坐火车直奔这里。《柯林斯高阶英汉双解学习词典》4.The only baseball he saw was on the tube.他看过的唯一一场棒球赛是在电视上看的。《柯林斯高阶英汉双解学习词典》5.The country was going down the tubes economically该国经济正在彻底崩溃。《柯林斯高阶英汉双解学习词典》6.He travelled by tube.他乘地铁旅行。《柯林斯高阶英汉双解学习词典》7.When I was dieting, that was when my social life started going down the tube.我节食的时候,也就切断了一切社交生活。《柯林斯高阶英汉双解学习词典》8.Some of the best extensions are made from sections of rod tube or drainpipe.最好的延长管中有些是用杆管或排水管制成的。《柯林斯高阶英汉双解学习词典》9.I work in the extruded tube business.我做挤压管生意。《柯林斯高阶英汉双解学习词典》10.Heat the glass tube to the point that it can bend.将玻璃管加热,以能弯曲为度。《汉英大词典》11.I would be able to stay on the Piccadilly Line and get off the tube at South Kensington.我就可以留在皮卡迪利线上,然后在南肯辛顿站下地铁。《柯林斯高阶英汉双解学习词典》12.The secondary current sets up a magnetic field inside the tube二次电流在管子内部会产生磁场。《柯林斯高阶英汉双解学习词典》13.He had the presence of mind to put his emergency oxygen tube in his mouth.他镇定自若地把应急输氧管放进了自己的嘴里。《柯林斯高阶英汉双解学习词典》14.A typical fluorescent lamp is a tube with metal electrodes at each end.日光灯通常是一根两端装有金属电极的管子。《柯林斯高阶英汉双解学习词典》15.I had to change the inner tube, in the mud and the snow.我不得不在泥泞的雪地里更换内胎。《柯林斯高阶英汉双解学习词典》16.You only need a very small blob of glue, so one tube lasts for ages每次只需一点点胶水而已,因此一管可以用很长时间。《柯林斯高阶英汉双解学习词典》17.That"s Warwick Road, just opposite Earls Court tube station.那是沃里克路,就在伯爵宫地铁站对面。《柯林斯高阶英汉双解学习词典》18.He prefers travelling on the Tube to riding in a limousine他更愿意乘地铁出行,不愿坐豪华轿车。《柯林斯高阶英汉双解学习词典》19.In London, the use of the Tube has ballooned在伦敦,坐地铁的人激增。《柯林斯高阶英汉双解学习词典》20.Each tube is in front of the collector nozzle only long enough to discharge the processed air.每一个管子在集气管前停留的时间,只要足以放出处理过的空气就可以了。百度翻译例句库
2023-07-24 17:43:561


2023-07-24 17:44:064


试用了Gihosoft TubeGet、Wondershare AllMyTube、Apowersoft 视频下载王、YouTube Downloader Pro等,均不能下载。如下再试,可以下载,但拿不到缩略图,稍显遗憾:希望这条答案能够帮助到您!
2023-07-24 17:46:033

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2023-07-24 17:46:5816


2023-07-24 17:47:274


许多软件都可以下载视频,比如Wondershare AllMyTube、Gihusoft TubeGet,通常都是复制视频URL然后再粘贴:
2023-07-24 17:48:153

mac怎么安装long shadow generator

  方法/步骤  1  首先,登陆Adobe最新的扩展插件发布平台,网址见截图了。PS:请先自行登录自己的Adobe账号。  2  打开网站后,向下拉到搜索框,直接输入“Long Shadow Generator 2”,点击搜索按钮,进行搜索,可以看到一键就搜出了该扩展插件。PS:一定要记得写上2,因为1是不支持最新版的,相反,你要是给cs6或是cc安装,则不用写上2了。注意选择所需版本。  打开搜索结果后,就是神器的介绍页面了,有版本号、软件大小、发布日期以及功能介绍等等,我们只需狠狠得戳下“蓝底白字”的“free”按钮,这货基本上就到碗里了哦。  好的,接下来就是如何把神器安装到我们的ps cc 2014中去了。还是刚才打开的神器的页面,往下拉网页,找到“Where to find it”并点击,然后点击蓝色字体的“Download / Install your Add-on another way”打开它的子选项,单击蓝色字体“Download using Extension Manager ”,即可进入下载页面。  完成上一步,弹出的页面非常详细地写好了如何安装神器到ps cc2014的步骤。所以就逐项完成就好了,第一步点击蓝底白字的“Download Long Shadow Generator 2”,把神器下载到电脑中,选择自己想要存放的位置。  如果是用的Chrome浏览器,则直接点击浏览器下方下载好的神器即可在Adobe Extension Manager CC开启安装插件程序。如果是其他浏览器,则可以先打开Adobe Extension Manager CC,然后选择文件安装扩展,找到神器,点击打开即可,如图所示。PS:需要确保Adobe Extension Manager CC是最新版本的,上一版本无法安装ps cc 2014,最新版可去官网下载。  在Adobe Extension Manager CC打开神器后,会弹出许可证和说明的界面,点击“接受”即可。PS:如果windows弹出账户控制对话框,直接点击“是”就行了,进行安装下去。  只需稍等片刻,神器“Long Shadow Generator 2”就安装好了。  接下来,我们打开PS cc 2014,赶紧试用一下神器“Long Shadow Generator 2”吧。首先,需要将神器面板显示到界面上,执行选择窗口>扩展功能>“Long Shadow Generator 2”,操作如图所示。  新建文档,选web格式即可。然后,选择文字工具,输入“长阴影神器”。  选中文字图层,打开长阴影面板,参数意义如图所示,按需设置好后,点击“Generate”,一键生成即可。PS:因为生成的长阴影时新的图层,那也就意味着可以对其做各种修饰设计了,比如继续调整透明度,改变颜色等等。
2023-07-24 17:51:441

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2023-07-24 17:54:051

映像观点23:数位相机回首10年来时路(中)- WiFi机能成为兵家必争之地?

在上一篇当中,对于十年前到现在数位相机潮流变化有不少的感慨。而事实上,现在的变化可能是更加剧烈,而之所以会如此,科技与网路快速发展是最主要的原因。在以往相机强调好的影像品质、很赞的镜头诸如此类的特质会是重点。 但自从手机具备相机功能之后,短短几年间居然可以取代一部分较为低阶的消费型相机。论镜头论影像品质论机能,手机再怎样也不太可能跟数位相机比。但因为手机具备人手一支的特性:你可以没有数位相机,但不能没有手机。让许多人就拿身边的手机来进行拍照,基本上手机相机的层次,已足够生活上大部分场景应用,影像品质虽然比不上相机,但也能够接受。 手机相机能取代数位相机吗?有得讨论呢。 不过就我来说,还是无法接受使用手机拍照。从上篇当中,应该可以看得出来,我是满重视相机规格的。因此手机拍照与数位相机拍照的落差,我并不是很能够适应。当然大家也许会认为直接想到影像品质,但事实上还有更多的问题存在,比如说进入相机介面时间;拍下快门后,照片成像的延迟;昏暗环境无法有效对焦以及拍照;操作介面过于简单;手持稳定性等等都是我认为手机相机取代数位相机不理想的地方。因此,虽然我的手机有相机的功能,但却很少用他,至多做为一个备用的拍照装置。 所以在我的看法当中,手机固然能够取代一部分的数位相机,但再怎样取代,也只有低价的部分。其实我们可以这样想,如果手机拍出来的照片素质就可以满足使用者大部分的需求,这意味着如果手机没有拍照功能而使用者要去买相机的话,价位通常也不会太高。因此手机拍照机能,会影响数位相机的部分,大约就是低阶消费机。 方便性的价值被彰显出来,决定性的差异不再完全靠影像品质 不过这样的看法,事实上在手机相机的快速发展、社群网站以及智慧型手机掘起之后,就被打破了。 如果只是单纯手机相机快速发展,老实说我也未必就真的会使用手机的相机功能。毕竟手机先天限制太多,实在很难比得上真正的数位相机。但社群网站与智慧型手机快速发展,让手机相机杀伤力更为强大。不说别的,我手上PanasonicLX5,在使用时间上被大幅缩小。有很大一部分都已经被手机取代。 所以HTCOne系列发表,非常强调拍照机能,事实上是很吸引人的卖点(虽然HTC手机在以前跟拍照效果很好是绝缘的品牌XD)。 那为什么会这样呢?如果你以前不太用手机拍照,但现在你有玩FB,又有用智慧型手机,对于手机相机的使用,应该也会有类似历程体会。 用手机拍照真是太方便了,虽然影像品质不太好,拍照介面弹性不高,不好握持在较暗的环境中容易手晃,但是手机一拿出来拍照,马上就可以利用3G网路,将相片上传到FB上,直接与朋友分享我当下的情境。以前的话,大概就是拿出类似LX5相机(如果有带单眼的话,就用单眼)来拍照。只是这样子就要回家后,把电脑打开,将相机中记忆卡拔出,放在读卡机中,然后拷贝到硬碟后,找到那一张,再上传FB。 手机与相机,同样都是要将一张照片丢上FB。但所花的动作实在差太多了,最有可能的情形下,往往都是相机拍的话懒得丢上去(不过我有看过很勤劳的,都会写部落格或丢上FB的) 其实分享是拍照中一个很重要的行为。有人拍了丢在网路上分享,有人拍了直接在数位相机上分享,所以有的数位相机会有幻灯片浏览模式设计,甚至还有投影机能设计。 当你发现手机拍照可以如此方便分享的时候,相信就是你常使用手机拍照的开始。而事实上,手机拍的相片分享到FB只是其中之一,在商务应用上,可以直接传到电子邮件直接发信,在工具应用上搭配某些应用程式却可能会是图像式笔记。而手机照片也可以被储存在云端上,在任何一台电脑都可以使用。 因此,用手机拍照的机会大大增加了。 虽然手机拍照无敌方便,但影像品质仍然希望可以更好。 我举个简单的例子就可以知道对于影像品质能够希望更好的想法。上面的两张图是几天前去吃猪排饭拍的照片。如果你比下面两张照片的话…… 五年前用单眼花一点心思所拍的两张照片。就会知道对于手机的影像品质,总希望能够好一些。当然啦,就算用一般随身的数位相机,要拍出上面两张效果也是不太可能,但显然用数位相机会比手机所拍的效果好很多。假使相机对于相片的后续处理与手机一样方便的话。对我来说,自然就会选择以相机为主,毕竟相机拍照的弹性比手机好太多了。但现实上相机不太可能比手机方便。不过就算是这样,相机仍然还可以有一些思考的空间,来让相片的分享比现今的机种更为方便。那就是WiFi相机的发展。 WiFi相机的发展与变化 具备WiFi机能的相机,当然不是什么新鲜的创意。但若是就这十年的范围来看,最早的是KodakEasyShareOne(感谢FB好友林罐伯提醒「他提到是2003年,不过这部分我不是很确定,我所找到的资料是有提到2005年,价位599美元。但是有找到这是第一台WiFi数位相机的论述)。不过这台并没有引进台湾。依网路上所找到的描述,提到可以立即跟朋友分享相片与影片,不过没有找到具体方式的说明就是。但若配合当时新的底座,是可以无线列印照片。 (图片引用来源) 印象中我知道比较早的,是数位单眼外接Wifi无线传输套件,其他品牌我比较没有研究,就Nikon而言,是在2004年推出的D2H,所搭配的是WT-1(Canon也有差不多定位的产品)。 不过给数位单眼外接的产品,价格通常很高。就以目前最新的WT-5来说,要价67200日元,约台币2万4千多……。基本上就不太属于一般性的应用,更何况还是外接的设计,主要是给专业人士使用。 若是以内建且可以接受的价位,那么在2005年Nikon所推出CoolpixP1/P2,应该算是首先内建WiFi的数位相机,售价没什么印象了,但印象中是超过一万五不会太多。而能够所做的事情,大约有三: 一、将相机记忆卡内的照片传到电脑中,不需要透过读卡机或USB连结线。 二、拍摄后可以直接传送到电脑 三、若无线网域内有印表机,则可以直接列印出来。 再过一年,到了2006,Nikon发表了S6,在无线传输上的概念,基本上与P1差不多。但到了2007年在Nikon所发表的S51c中,同样是叫WiFi,但概念上已经发生了变化。这台相机,可以将你所拍的相片,上传至网路相簿myPicturetown。已经从单纯的档案方便无线传输,变成了具有分享的概念。并且也可以将你所上传的相片,利用电邮分享给朋友。 至于其他厂商WiFi机种,若没有记错的,都没有像Nikon这么快推出,以时间点来看的话,在NikonP1两年后的2007年,Sony也推出了WiFi相机G1。在这个时候,其实可以很明显发现,与早一点时间NikonP1所主打的方便传输不同,与差不多同期的NikonS51C同样都是属于「分享」的概念,但SonyG1所主打的分享又与S51C不太相同是「分享」,依特色来看,有底下四项: 一、最高可同时给四台G1分享(共享模式)。 二、PictureGift「影像快递」,可以将选取的照片复制到其他G1上 三、具「DLNA」认证,透过相容DLNA的液晶电视或电脑,可以将相片在更大的萤幕上显示。 四、无线列印照片。 很明显,Sony主要是整合装置的概念,能够分享到不同的装置来观看照片(这也是数位家庭攻略的一环吧XD)。 无独有偶,在2008年,Panasonic也推出了WiFi数位相机TZ50。所主打的很明确就是网路相簿的功能。 从TZ50的说明书可以看得出来,将相片上传到网路,还可以透过电邮寄到朋友的电脑,或是寄讯息到手机上。 而在2009年时,Sony所推WiFi相机G3,虽然与G1同样主打分享,但实务上有很大的转变。具备了浏览网页、上传下载相片、影片以及用电邮分享给友人能力,说起来反倒与两年前NikonS51c,一年前PanasonicTZ50的概念接近。虽然概念都是分享,但2009年的网路状况又与2007年不同。 当年的Nikon只有myPicturetown,但Sony却有YouTube、Dailymotion、photobucket、Picasa、shutterlfy等一堆相片与视讯网站可供选择。此外,2009年三星也有推出像ST1000、ST80这类WiFi相机,在诉求上也是让玩家电邮分享照片以及上传网路相簿(但比起不过有支援Flickr) 以概念来说,WiFi数位相机从2005年到2009年其实就很完整,能应用的差不多也就是如此了。因此在2010年的时候,其实就有不少WiFi相机将大力发展的论调出现。不过2010年此时看起来只是依续著前一年的发展,并没有什么特别的做法。只是比较有趣的是,网路应用分享的概念被强化,但点对点档案传输方案似乎变得不重要了?此时也可以说明网路的重要性愈来愈高。 网路分享的重要性愈高,其实也就意味着…… 在最早的2005年,NikonP1谈的是点对点的传输,而在2007年SonyG1,谈的是数位家庭的分享应用,但到了2009年、2010年,有推WiFi数位相机的厂商,不约而同谈的是网路相簿的分享……。 谈到网路相簿分享,这其实代表一件很重要的事情,表示网路更贴近我们生活。最早我们使用网路时是用拨接,接着是宽频,然后是手机直接上网。在2009年、2010年这两年,我们先跳离数位相机范围,来看看手机的变化吧。2009年与2010年是Android手机快速发展,iPhone3GS、iPhone4先后发表,是智慧型手机高度成长的开始。 而智慧型手机的应用,是与网路分不开的。如果要谈网路相簿的分享,哪一台相机的方便性能够超过手机的3G网路呢?更别说在2009年之后到现在,智慧型手机的普及率相当惊人。事实上,现今Flicrk最普遍的拍照装置,是iPhone4而不是其他的数位相机。 在网路分享上,数位相机的优势大概就只有影像品质,若论到方便性,比上手机实在是远远不及。 2011至今,WiFi数位相机的几个细微的变化 不过,有些事情就是这样有趣,手机上有相机功能,逐渐取代了低阶数位相机的市场;而智慧型手机与3G网路的普及,蚕食鲸吞了更多消费型数位相机的市场。但相对的,具备WiFi的数位相机在此时也加以进化。在2011年到现今,有着以下的变化: 一、更多的厂商跳进来,有更多的机种 以最新的产品来说,SonyTX300;富士Z1010EXR;CanonIXUS240HS、IXUS510HS;三星WB150F,WB850F,DV300F,ST200F。比上几年前某个时间点,某一家出一下来看,现在让人有更多的选择。甚至连现在很惨的柯达,都有出M750WiFi相机。 二、能够与智慧型手机连动 比如说2011年Panasonic所发表的FX90,以WiFi的方式,将照片传到Android、iPhone手机App上。2012年Canon、三星的数款相机也都可以。相信在日后,这样的规格在WiFi数位相机中是基本的。 不过在这边要特别注意的是三星,在以往厂商是以点放的方式,推出WiFi相机。可能当年度推了N款,但在其中的一台中会有WiFi机能。但三星一次性推出四款性能各不相同的相机,但却统统都有WiFi机能。其实我还满怀疑三星是打算将WiFi功能普遍化,成为一标准规格。是不是会将WiFi规格普遍化,就看三星后续的高阶机种会不会再放进去(Canon虽然有两台,但产品线众多,看起来不太像是会普及化,还是会点放在一些机种上吧) 此外,WiFi机能相机虽然有许多家厂商推出,但功能却不尽相同。在简单研究之后,发现三星的似乎比较完整。因此在下一篇当中将会以现今三星WiFi相机所做的,来谈谈WiFi相机日后希望能够发展的方向。 对了,补充一下,除了相机之外也有厂商将脑筋动在记忆卡上,最被大家所熟悉的,大概就是2007年就开始贩售的Eye-Fi记忆卡了,现在还有ToshibaFlashAir记忆卡加入竞争。日后也许还会有PanasonicWiGig记忆卡进入。
2023-07-24 17:54:251


贾斯汀·比伯,1994年3月1日,加拿大少年歌手,早期因为在YouTube翻唱其他艺人的歌曲而出名。 目前已与小岛唱片(Island Records)签约,居住在美国佐治亚州亚特兰大,在2009年11月17日发行他的第一张专辑——My World。
2023-07-24 17:54:346

小学六年级英语作文: my family

【 #小学英语# 导语】小学生写英语作文,可以先从简单的小动物或者简单的人物着手,在平时的练习中,一定要注意多多积累词汇,这样才能写出优秀的作文。以下是 无 整理的《小学六年级英语作文: my family》,希望帮助到您。 【篇一】   I have a happy family, have a mom and dad brother"s love since childhood. I very thank parents gave me a such family, gave me a warm home.   I live in a rural, although there is no how great your life, life is full of fun, at least not as busy streets, but has beautiful pastoral scenery, I love my life. Early in the morning get up every day can be in the face of fresh vegetables and trees, illustrate my health. Absorbed, pure and fresh air. But I hard life and I, the family is not rich, something happened. Makes me tired, in the stranger looks very good, some bitter only oneself know. Then the family have a trouble, mother go out to work, while vegetables 350 yuan a month, which is enough? Father thin bone such as wood, staying up late to work every day. Ok and grandpa and grandma"s help. They have more than 60 years old, and the men of the city has retired, but grandma and grandpa still have to work, my mother came to field mowings immediately comes back from work, then brother in grade 1. I didn"t go to school, always behind grandpa, oneself a person play, often drop water, sitting on the side and back to being a mosquito bite. There is a pain in my brother, whenever I am not happy or want something he will struggle to. Saw a fish, I want to catch it. And brother has been tightly, until no air.   After this dilemma, my home began to live better. Although life is very hard, but I don"t hate life in this family, because here I was hurt.   I love my family! 【篇二】   My family lived in triple falls on the road, see? The three big building in a pink house, reciprocal first building, room 501 is. My little room is very bad, disturb turned upside down. Entered the room, open my wardrobe you will see the red, yellow, purple, blue, all kinds of colorful clothes almost all gathered together in my closet. You see, cupboard door also with one of my favorite all kinds of cartoon characters, such as: hello Kitty, crayon small new small animals, etc. Beautiful dresses up my room, but the room is too messy, I can be well up.   In my home, mom and dad always self-surrender me, because I was their baby daughter bai! As soon as they let me, I will return to proud to say to them: "I am home eldest brother, you have to listen to me." Parents have promised. At this time I always satisfiedly smile. Although I in the home is not no big or little, also be very naughty. Don"t you not believe, I said you must believe: once, when I took his father"s glasses, hung on his ears, Dr Pack up to! This time you always believe! But naughty naughty, but must have better grades. Mom and dad often said to me: "reading is to rely on their own, rely on others to tube, but don"t tube." My mother is some nagging, but I know, mom to do so is also good for me. His dad but take good care for me.   I am in the father"s eyes, I am his baby! 【篇三】   In my family, dad, have a strong sense of humor is a concern, education my mother, and a lively and lovely to me.   My father work very hard, once every three days come back, to tell the truth, when he was not at home, the home is always lack of a joyous laughter.   But his job as the pursuit of life, seriously every job. Never care about little things, he often use some living examples to education I how to be a man, he often use some jokes to amuse my mother and I, when I was unhappy with some happy things make me happy. He also very hard-working, what are his in front, but sometimes he is very lazy, to sleep in every Sunday he didn"t get up at half past nine, but also let"s wake him up, so my father is a humorous, diligence and lazy people.   My mother is a housewife, she for us every day cleaning, cooking, washing clothes... Are her bag, but she never felt tired, serious with the housework, is particularly concerned about me. Homework and writing have very strict requirements, mathematics is her strong point, so she always gave me some really, often also teach me how to use x equation, equations of the complicated formulas to do, is to let I expanded aspect of knowledge. Think is useful to my life, so she will use these knowledge let me it is difficult for training. Her temper is very big, on a short fuse, but she can understand the how I mood, so we often communication, to find each other. This is my mother, strict and care about my people.   This is my home, warm and harmonious home.
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2023-07-24 17:54:562

急求一篇英语作文《我的家庭》 要有翻译的要快呀!

There are four people in my family,my parents,my bother and I.My family is pretty good. I"m really happy. always makes us laugh. My father is a doctor. He works in a hospital of Sanya. He doesn"t like watching TV, but he likes reading newspaper and read it every night. My mother is a waitress. She works in a restaurant. She has good habits. She likes eating vegetables and drinking milk every day. But I don"t like milk. It is awful. She likes watching Beijing Opera at free time. She says it"s good for her to keep young and it can make her relaxed. My families are always doing what is best for me.They are always on my side. I love each person in my family. I love my sweet warm home.
2023-07-24 17:55:543


1 CREEPIN UP ON YOU (情不自禁爱上你)讲一个跟踪狂,偷窥者的心灵自白 作者 戴海伦斯darren hayes 出处 <<SPIN>> I KNEW I LOVE 作者 野人花园 SAVAGE GAEDEN 出处<<TRULY MADLY COMPLETELY>> my love 作者 西城男孩westlife 出处<< unbreakable - the greatest hits vol.>> the day you went away 作者 M2M 出处 <<the best of>> yesterday 作者 Par Hye Kyoung 出处<<yesterday >> god is a girl 作者 groove coverage 出处<<booom 2003 the first>> as long as you love me 作者 backstreet boys 出处 <<the hits - chapter one>> we will rock you 作者 queen 皇后乐队 出处<<news of the world >> my heart will go on 作者 席琳狄翁 celine dion 出处《a new day. live in las vegas 》 MoonRiver月亮河 作者 andy williams 出处《蒂凡尼的早餐》(奥戴丽。赫本主演的电影主题曲)
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2023-07-24 17:56:221

mydayghter tube

1.A 汉译:你能帮我吗?我找不到我的女儿了. 请告诉我她多大了,--------(她穿什么)? be wearing表示穿的状态,即穿的衣服,put up表示穿的动作;dress表示打扮、着装,后面接人.所以选A
2023-07-24 17:56:421


2023-07-24 17:56:492

关于jar, tube, pack, bottle用法

Just chop up a whole (head) of garlic and cook it in chicken stock. He bought two (bottles) of shampoo and a (tube) of toothpaste yesterday. ---Could I have a (pack) of tissues?---Sure,here you are. There are two (jars) of face cream and a (stick) of deodorant on the shelf. My uncle wants to get a new (can) of shaving cream. May I have a (bag) of cough drops?
2023-07-24 17:56:571


1. 我的妈妈英语作文 外貌描写 60字以内(带翻译) My mother My mother family name li,she is 30 years old,but she looks very young.She is tall ang thin. She has big eyes and *** all mouth, and she has a long cuely black hair.she is very kind and friendly . she likes reading books and collecting stamps .This is my mother,a *** art and besutiful mother。 2. 我的妈妈英语作文 外貌描写 60字以内(带翻译) My mother My mother family name li,she is 30 years old,but she looks very young.She is tall ang thin. She has big eyes and *** all mouth, and she has a long cuely black hair.she is very kind and friendly . she likes reading books and collecting stamps .This is my mother,a *** art and besutiful mother. 3. 用英语写作文《我的妈妈》写外貌 My mother is a gentleness, the beautiful woman。 She has long hair, a pair of big eyes。She looks tall and thin。 Although she is old, but very fashionable dress。Her mind special open。 I really love her。我的妈妈是一个温柔,漂亮的女士。 她有长长的头发,一双大眼睛,她看起来又高又瘦.虽然她年龄很大,但是很时尚.她的思想很开放.我非常爱她.Maternal love speechlessMother, how great word! A person persistency just start to the first word: "mother". How familiar with how kind call, a personal heart forever grateful to her mother. Because mothers with sweet milk raising her, feeding her.Gorky have said: "everything that happens in the world glorious and pride are from mother."Mother is what? Is life, the source of all, the mother is to create our life gives us growing most close most close.One day, when I passed the lawn, see a young mother traction to diediezhuangzhuang learning to walk little baby, so of the picture is so profoundly people"s heart. Your eyes not emerge mother taught you learn to walk figure, Eye immediately wet, the in the mind also part is puzzling of joy. If she now before you, and you will affectionately call 1: "mama!" Indeed, the mother in order to we can pay all costs, including her life, but never WuYuanYan to overlook the pay, you said: "this is better than mountain high sea return deep friendship? How can I fet?"When my back schoolbag go to school, mother will silently in dim light, for me to go to school, the new package of new clothes. The next morning opened my eyes, mother had put it on the table, a single meal wait for my dinner. Recall past dribs and drabs, spurts of stream into my mind. Heart is surrounded by a mother"s love and care, I felt so happy!When I began to work, the mother"s reminds, the mother"s nagging, all became my treasure.When I heard a eight or nine years old boy with childish voice reciting the chuan qi Yin ", my mind the innermost feelings touched, "the loving mother hand line, wandering on garments. MiMi seam, meaning departing tardy to fear. Who grass-inch heart, reported in the apartments." Is ah, who grass-inch heart, reported in the apartments? The world"s only kind to me and want nothing in return is mother! A mother"s love is selfless, is sincere love. Mother gives us life, she gives us too much, and endless love, but we?The only thing we can remember is that one kind mother face, a pair of for us at hand, a birthday.The only thing we can do is to reduce some burden, and mother mother chat, talk with her.The only thing we can think of is for mothers to create a tranquil environment, let her happy enjoys a blessedness senectitude!Maternal love speechless! Let"s intentions to taste, attentively to experience。 4. 关于描写母亲外貌的英语作文 He is of an increase of 100%; previous purple round face, has changed for Hui Huang, and the addition of the deep wrinkles; eyes like his father, swelling in the red all around, I know that, in the seaside species To the people, the sea breeze blowing all day, probably is the case. He is the head Zhanmao a break, only a very thin on the cotton, the body Sesuo; hands Tizhe Yi-Zhibao and a long breathing tube, it is my hands do not remember the red-circle is Hands, but Youcu You stupid and cracking, such as the Songshu Pi. This to the world 100 days before the baby, long a Pan Huhu *** all brains. Those Xixishushu hair, Xianggang unearthed seedlings, as yellow, but as vibrant. That cute little face, like Shutou apples, sweet Youhong You can Taorenxihuan! One of the Xiaozui happy to, tongue slightly rolled up, like singing, like the recollection of the mother sweet Naizhi. Because too fat, chin almost into o. Smile on the face of the eye muscles Jicheng o Wanwan curve, like crystal bright moon. Two in front of the eyes Ceshi, greed and watch this beautiful world. Shuzhe ear upward, as if to listen to the voices around wonderful. A bridge of the nose like the *** all bell like embedded in the center, a three-dimensional type, is so striking. This little baby how lively, how cute, she is simply a *** all angel. Qi keep her ears with short hair, head always Yizuoyiyou to Qiazhe o hairpin, the Long hair closely behind the ear, showing a *** ooth Bai Jing faces. Her little eyes, careful long, but very look good, *** ile turned into a o joints. Nose slightly Shangqiao, a Qiaopi gives the impression that it is extremely cute. She usually is the most like to wear the dress of a white Landi, Qunbai You Kuanyou large. Her running, dress like a flower, like butterflies fly up. That little sluggish even before the eyes, under the Nongmei to turn to turn, just as o of mice, it"s dark Jianzui drilled holes, erected ears, moving the beard to see if hidden cat Or naughty children, suspicion and Xiuzhe air. " He tall; Qingbaikou face, the wrinkles beeen the folder from time to time some injuries; Luanpeng Peng"s Huabai a beard. Although the wearing of Changshan, but Youzang You break, it seems not fill more than 10 years, has not wash. "。 5. 用英语写作文《我的妈妈》写外貌 My mother is a gentleness, the beautiful woman。 She has long hair, a pair of big eyes。She looks tall and thin。 Although she is old, but very fashionable dress。Her mind special open。 I really love her。我的妈妈是一个温柔,漂亮的女士。 她有长长的头发,一双大眼睛,她看起来又高又瘦.虽然她年龄很大,但是很时尚.她的思想很开放.我非常爱她.Maternal love speechless Mother, how great word! A person persistency just start to the first word: "mother". How familiar with how kind call, a personal heart forever grateful to her mother. Because mothers with sweet milk raising her, feeding her.Gorky have said: "everything that happens in the world glorious and pride are from mother." Mother is what? Is life, the source of all, the mother is to create our life gives us growing most close most close.One day, when I passed the lawn, see a young mother traction to diediezhuangzhuang learning to walk little baby, so of the picture is so profoundly people"s heart. Your eyes not emerge mother taught you learn to walk figure, Eye immediately wet, the in the mind also part is puzzling of joy. If she now before you, and you will affectionately call 1: "mama!" Indeed, the mother in order to we can pay all costs, including her life, but never WuYuanYan to overlook the pay, you said: "this is better than mountain high sea return deep friendship? How can I fet?" When my back schoolbag go to school, mother will silently in dim light, for me to go to school, the new package of new clothes. The next morning opened my eyes, mother had put it on the table, a single meal wait for my dinner. Recall past dribs and drabs, spurts of stream into my mind. Heart is surrounded by a mother"s love and care, I felt so happy!When I began to work, the mother"s reminds, the mother"s nagging, all became my treasure.When I heard a eight or nine years old boy with childish voice reciting the chuan qi Yin ", my mind the innermost feelings touched, "the loving mother hand line, wandering on garments. MiMi seam, meaning departing tardy to fear. Who grass-inch heart, reported in the apartments." Is ah, who grass-inch heart, reported in the apartments? The world"s only kind to me and want nothing in return is mother! A mother"s love is selfless, is sincere love. Mother gives us life, she gives us too much, and endless love, but we?The only thing we can remember is that one kind mother face, a pair of for us at hand, a birthday.The only thing we can do is to reduce some burden, and mother mother chat, talk with her.The only thing we can think of is for mothers to create a tranquil environment, let her happy enjoys a blessedness senectitude!Maternal love speechless! Let"s intentions to taste, attentively to experience。 6. 描写妈妈的英文作文(外貌,性格,爱好 Mother often wearing colorful clothes, hair long, a pair of eyes round, flat nose, mouth, often with a *** ile, looks very gentle. Mother has been busy from dawn to dusk, she gets up very early every day. How tired she was when I got up and gave me a loaf of bread, and prepared the powder for my father! Mother is very warm. Every time I take the students to return home, she will hospitality, clas *** ates said my mother, that mother not only passion, burning the food to and is especially good, so my good friends a free run to our home, mother, her mother called, I was jealous, but more is happy, for himself with such a proud mother ah! Mother"s character is very open and bright, and we do not like the relationship beeen the elders, is pletely friends, let my friends a little without pressure and restraint. Mother"s character and personality is very different, my mother has a bad habit is to say no to others to save face. Remember once, my math exam failed, mother is very angry, she didn"t hit me, but I"m a big fool, maybe some people and I have a personal experience, you know how much damage to my door! Mother also love nagging, in the morning to go to school my mother always told me to take the time to take care of the car, do not be naughty school 7. 描写母亲外貌的英语作文80词以上 she gave us infinite love, she is just offer silently, we laughed, she felt for her best return is, mom, you are working hard, mom, but nothing back;s very hard on me. A mother"s love is great, mom, she quietly to pay;. Describe our dear mother is the most appropriate nevertheless, you are always", you that is for my good sake, . Because she is my mom, "who grass-inch heart, reported in the apartments&quotMom is in the world the great man. In addition to themselves, our favorite is mother, make our healthy growth in the sun"s mother, but I know, has been so good to me 8. 描写妈妈的英文作文(外貌,性格,爱好 Mother often wearing colorful clothes, hair long, a pair of eyes round, flat nose, mouth, often with a *** ile, looks very gentle. Mother has been busy from dawn to dusk, she gets up very early every day. How tired she was when I got up and gave me a loaf of bread, and prepared the powder for my father!62616964757a686964616fe4b893e5b19e31333337623538 Mother is very warm. Every time I take the students to return home, she will hospitality, clas *** ates said my mother, that mother not only passion, burning the food to and is especially good, so my good friends a free run to our home, mother, her mother called, I was jealous, but more is happy, for himself with such a proud mother ah! Mother"s character is very open and bright, and we do not like the relationship beeen the elders, is pletely friends, let my friends a little without pressure and restraint. Mother"s character and personality is very different, my mother has a bad habit is to say no to others to save face. Remember once, my math exam failed, mother is very angry, she didn"t hit me, but I"m a big fool, maybe some people and I have a personal experience, you know how much damage to my door! Mother also love nagging, in the morning to go to school my mother always told me to take the time to take care of the car, do not be naughty school
2023-07-24 17:57:061


不是吧 这么长
2023-07-24 17:57:154


2023-07-24 17:57:241

英语作文my. perfect. neighbourhood

My dream neighbourhood is in the center of city. It"s a great place to live. Because if offers us a convenient life which everybody dreams of. It"s a very busy and clean area. There are lots of cars on Center Street, especially in the morning and evening. Because most people travel at those two time periods. And there also is a tube station named Center Street Tube Station near my house which is a really convenient transportation for the neighbourhood
2023-07-24 17:57:451


2023-07-24 17:57:565

一首英文的歌,歌词高潮有where are you now,谁女声唱的,求歌名

where are you now演唱:Honor SocietyTo my favorite teacherTold me never give upTo my fifth grade crushWho I thought I really lovedTo the the guys I missAnd the girls we kissedWhere are you now?To my ex best friendsDon"t know how we grew apartTo my favorite bandsAnd sing a longs in my carTo the face I see in my memoriesWhere are you now?Where are you now?Cause I"m thinking of youYou showed me howHow to live like I doIf it wasn"t for youI would never be who I amTo my first girlfriendI thought for sure was the oneTo my last girlfriendSorry that I screwed upTo the ones I lovedBut didn"t show it enoughWhere are you now?Where are you now?Cause I"m thinking of youYou showed me howHow to live like I doIf it wasn"t for youI would never be who I amI know we"ll never see those days againAnd things will never be that way againBut that"s just how it goesPeople change but I know I won"t forget youTo the ones who caredAnd who were there from the startTo the love that leftAnd took a piece of my heartTo the few who"d swearI"d never go anywhereWhere are you now?Where are you now?Cause I"m thinking of youYou showed me howHow to live like I doIf it wasn"t for youI would never be who I amIf it wasn"t for youI would never be who I amIf it wasn"t for you I"d be nothingWhere are you now?
2023-07-24 17:58:265

英语作文my family(我爸是老师我妈是农民)

I live in a warm, generous and happy family, my dad is a teacher, my mother is a farmer. From the beginning of the day that I was born, my father always busy, busy people are our family. Daddy"s tall, fat body, from the shares a "pregnant"! Since childhood, my father told me caring. What is good, he gave me to eat, as long as I want to buy something, Dad always by Baishun thousand, so I got like a "princess" the same treatment. Mother"s child is tall, of medium build. Mom relatively open. What puzzles me, my mother always used to help me, but also taught me, basically my learning is my mother tube. I have everything, but also will his mother, so my mother like my friend. I was the central figure, he is the apple of my father; mother"s pride and joy. They care for me in every possible way, but did not miss me shortcomings and problems, and sometimes can not help but affect learning for some things, and my father often told me be persuasive teachings. Mom and Dad told me very tolerant, the class most of the parents and children of my age eager to succeed in life, do not not consider the child"s wishes, to impose their will on the child"s body, forcing learn this and that every day they are very reluctantly practicing, but also learn this and that. And I"m more fortunate than they, the parents never forced me, those who participate in interest groups, we must ask for my advice, I give my consent before enrollment. I thank God, given the love my father, my mother also opened. I will happily grow in this extraordinary family, I will always be the most dazzling "Pearl"!
2023-07-24 17:59:251

Natalie的《My Candy》 歌词

歌曲名:My Candy歌手:Natalie专辑:Everything NewCandy, candyYeah, come onOh, oh, oh, oh, ohI gotta look so good, make you wanna taste itIt"s like candy baby, like candy boyYeah, go girls, let"s goI got that sugar, daddyThat"s why you want meDon"t you wish you can taste itYou want my candy, my candy, my candyMy, my, my candyMy candy, my candyMy, my, my candyWalk through the doorNever seen a girl like me beforeForget the chick you got on holdMe and my girls came to steal the showI"m a shining superstarWhen I dance I go so hardPull up in a fancy carVIP meet me at the barOohHead spinnin" so addicted to meYeah I got thatoohYou got that trickin" spendin" all your moneyI know you like my style, my my my style my styleIt"ll drive you wild so wildWhat"s upMy candyI got that sugar, daddyThat"s why you want meDon"t you wish you can taste itYou want my candy, my candy, my candyMy, my, my candyMy candy, my candy,My, my, my candyFly tube, cute buttNew shoes, got strutLadies" night at the clubYo we about to hit it upHey girlsYeahGo ahead and back it up, back it upHey girlsYeahDrop it down and pick it up, pick it upOohHead spinnin" so addicted to meYeah I got that oohYou got that trickin" spendin" all your moneyI know you like my style, my my my style my styleIt"ll drive you wild so wildWhat"s upMy candyI got that sugar, daddyThat"s why you want meDon"t you wish you can taste itYou want my candy, my candy, my candyMy, my, my candyMy candy, my candy,My, my, my candyHey mami, look at papiHe lookin" at me"Cause he want my candyI saidHey mami, look at papiHe lookin" at me"Cause he want my candyI got that sugar, daddyThat"s why you want meDon"t you wish you can taste itYou want my candy, my candy, my candyMy, my, my candyMy candy, my candyMy, my, my candyI got that sugar, daddyThat"s why you want meDon"t you wish you can taste itYou want my candy, my candy, my candyMy, my, my candyMy candy, my candy,My, my, my candyYeah, come onYou want my candy, don"t youYou want my candy, don"t youDon"t you wanna taste, don"t youI got that sugar, daddyThat"s why you want meDon"t you wish you can taste itYou want my candy
2023-07-24 17:59:321


2023-07-24 17:59:414


2023-07-24 17:59:482

I play my cute flute in a tube。请问是什么意思

I play my cute flute in a tube我在管里弹我可爱的笛子
2023-07-24 18:00:071


2023-07-24 18:00:151


2023-07-24 18:00:221


2023-07-24 18:00:301

湘南My Love 歌词

歌曲名:湘南My Love歌手:TUBE专辑:1991 ORICON Top 100 SingleTUBE - 湘南 My Love作词:前田亘辉作曲:春畑道哉江ノ岛が 雨に泣いてる八月の波间に恋が砕けた君の眼の中に 苍い梦を见たあの日を すべてこの胸にさよなら湘南 My Love燃え尽きた 忘れじの夏もう一度湘南 Memories胸にしむ I love you 爱しい人よ鹄沼で 夏が笑えば又一つ素敌なストーリーあふれだす抱きしめた时は 死んでもいいとさえ思えた夜は 嘘じゃないさよなら湘南 My Loveあのメロディー丽しの君もう一度湘南 Memories永远(とこしえ)に I miss you 忘れ得ぬ人よ始まりと终わり ふたりの热い涙砂浜だけが 知っているさよなら湘南 My Love燃え尽きた 忘れじの夏もう一度湘南 Memories胸にしむ I love youさよなら湘南 My Loveあのメロディー丽しの君ありがとう湘南 Memories永远(とこしえ)に I miss you 忘れ得ぬ人よ
2023-07-24 18:00:381


i think of younow we are free
2023-07-24 18:01:0515

求一篇英语作文 the woman of my dream,我的梦中情人,150字左右,写任何女明星都可以,谢谢了

My dream lover is Yang mi. She is very beautiful also very famous, I like her very much
2023-07-24 18:01:323


2023-07-24 18:01:426

(哥特)像Evanescence的My immortal和Hello一样风格的歌

伊凡塞斯 怎么又算哥特了?
2023-07-24 18:02:2612

有首英文歌 里边有个女孩唱的比较快my love my love my love

2023-07-24 18:02:505

myfastbaby歌曲baby最 喜欢的

《Fantastic Baby》是韩国男团BigBang演唱的歌曲,收录在BIGBANG的迷你5辑《ALIVE》中,于2012年02月29日发行,歌曲的日文版于3月发行。《Fantastic Baby》作为BIGBANG的代表作之一,发表之后成为BIGBANG每一场演唱会的必唱曲目,位列韩国Gaon榜单年度歌曲第2位,2012年下载榜单第5位。MV发表后两周,Youtube点击突破千万 ,并获得Youtube两枚金牌。至2014年3月,MV在Youtube的点击量已经突破一亿次,成为第四个点击破亿次的韩国MV,BIGBANG也由此成为第一个取得此成绩的韩国男团。部分歌词:WOW FANTASTIC BABYDANCEI WANNA DAN DAN DAN DAN DANCEFANTASTIC BABYDANCEI WANNA DAN DAN DAN DAN DANCEWOW FANTASTIC BABYBOOM SHA KA LA KABOOM SHA KA LA KABOOM SHA KA LA KADAN DAN DAN DAN DANCEBOOM SHA KA LA KABOOM SHA KA LA KABOOM SHA KA LA KADAN DAN DAN DAN DANCE
2023-07-24 18:03:061


德道章 上 夫鸿蒙,曰先天;谁之子?帝之先;不思议,曲无弦。 中玄黄,道一生;二而三,天地人;万物长,复归根。 道之治,运天光;神而圣,昔三皇;无为境,立中央。 德之治,亦自然;昔五帝,四海安;称大同,古今叹。 吾圣祖,明道纪;周室微,隐走西;关尹喜,迎紫气; 大慈悲,开真言;五千珠,孕圣贤;慧明智,更无前。 德为上,道为下;归德一,道无涯;如灯塔,映云霞。 《德道经》,国粹宝;演宇宙,成浩渺;蓄震旦,日月耀。 《德道经》,万经王;大磅礴,法眼藏;神来笔,何皇皇! 《德道经》,百家根;无为法,各演真;指迷归,众妙门。 《德道经》,帝王师;监狱空,大汉治;百国朝,盛唐世。 《德道经》,玄门宗;与儒通,与释融;护国民,历代崇。 《德道经》,百科书;三千解,四皇注;大囊括,五车富。 《德道经》,科学源;喻根柢,喻井泉;智慧瓶,世界传。 《德道经》,人文本;强国家,立精神;安社稷,塑灵魂。 《德道经》,哲学诗;与马恩,无彼此;殊途归,谋福祉。 五千年,龙脉长;历劫波,终不亡;惟德道,可兴邦。 倡诵读,哺德苗;续清音,追舜尧;数圣贤,看今朝。 五德章 中 道后德,德散五;仁义礼,为中数;信失愚,智流俗。 此七者,如珠环;社会史,一线穿;顺变散,得一返。 仁属木,分甲乙;阳木乔,阴木棘;居于肝,慈心起。 义属金,分庚辛;阳王师,阴霸兵;居于肺,正气凛。 礼属火,分丙丁;阳炅炅,阴荧荧;居于心,自燃明。 智属水,分壬癸;阳精益,阴浊亏;居于肾,先天培。 信属土,分戊己;阳肥沃,阴贫瘠;居于脾,固根柢。 火炼金,伐阴木;木德盛,火德足;真水源,下而处。 信土立,真智出;旺四方,德载物;五行运,生克悟。 天食气,地食谷;德养神,味养腹;性命圆,春雨沐。 仁为偶,相亲密;同体悲,大愿力;爱天下,佑社稷。 轩辕帝,利万民;从广成,入窈冥;人文祖,天下临。 唐尧者,仁有德;禅虞舜,慈且恻;再让禹,亲有则。 三王时,仁德施;爱万物,刍狗慈;仁无敌,王者治。 桀暴虐,汤修德;十一征,始于葛;诸侯颂,贤士歌。 牧野战,龙旗易;三吐哺,中国立;遇飞熊,抚四夷。 巢父避,许由洗;首阳老,介山纪;此五君,真大义。 春秋乱,战国离;征与讨,数百起;争城地,皆无义。 管仲谊,辅齐桓;避三舍,为晋文;称义师,泓水阵。 豫让忠,吞炭计;荆轲烈,穷图匕;聂政勇,破面皮。 富疏财,贫报义;此三侠,为知己;读史书,长叹息。 完璧归,将相和;舍性命,赵孤儿;此肝胆,殊难得。 四君者,门客广;贵趋之,贱走亡;鸣又盗,不相当。 楚霸王,不过江;五百士,死不降;此两者,慨而慷。 骞持节,武牧羊;薄云天,刘关张;聚义堂,梁山将。 夏商周,家天下;文王作,演八卦;礼乐兴,鼎中华。 我先民,敬天地;通神明,周重祭;八百载,功在礼。 治人情,承道义;三千仪,三百礼;四则备,十善齐。 礼仪者,天下基;明人伦,正纲纪;至后世,徒有皮。 良拾履,飞问路;四端粥,三顾庐;程门雪,成高徒。 融让梨,兄弟悌;轲受教,不休妻;待如宾,长相依。 有虞氏,孝动天;庚黔娄,亲尝便;廿四孝,记心里。 修之身,正衣冠;身口意,严把关;日三省,无弊端。 修之家,修之邦;修天下,美名扬;推广之,道德长。 敬天地,事君亲;忠国家,爱人民;尊道德,重师命。 摘星台,松风咏;杨公勇,武穆忠;文天祥,正气颂。 前召父,后杜母;昔孙谦,野无虎;拯与瑞,国之福。 还金亭,却金桥;度还带,三公报;不欺心,风骨高。 忠修节,贯长虹;清为品,心泉涌;山之脊,人中龙。 夫礼者,忠信泊;乱之首,众之惑;当攘臂,救水火。 若五指,礼居中;伦常坏,变故从;明明德,在中庸。 修者起,迷者堕;究兴替,德滑坡;反者动,兴家国。 礼义仁,天之册;先归义,正不阿;再复仁,施恩泽。 上仁备,体德一;得其一,万事毕;恒不离,天下溪。 小言诚,大信立;参杀猪,不为戏;抱梁死,不负期。 昔季布,诺千金;鞅立木,始为信;范式者,心相印。 诚之修,天人应;顶三尺,有神明;欺获罪,诚感灵。 霸业熄,雄心逞;五百帝,黄梁梦;谋与略,归于尘。 知快出,有大伪;言辞害,人心危;数千年,功名垒。 背道义,货帝王;求闻达,口如簧;盗贼多,法物彰。 圣当绝,智当弃;心识动,狡诈起;民难治,智角力。 前识者,道之华;愚之始,镜中花;迷固久,当细察。 智之修,去机巧;常清净,为妙要;慧心启,观天道。 归根章 下 丘问老,异为龙;轲承统,自任重;儒出道,有根踪。 庄逍遥,至无穷;墨兼爱,崇非攻;鞅寡恩,车裂终。 齐稷下,多高士;本于道,各有志;老学流,当辨识。 秦与仪,师鬼谷;朝为秦,暮为楚;游说者,奔于路。 夫兵者,不祥器;苟战胜,悲依立;孙与庞,兵诡异。 荀之教,人性恶;非好刑,斯少德;天下裂,术之责。 法术势,为猛药;长促亡,短见效;秦暴殃,警钟敲。 刑辅之,德为首;代大匠,伤其手;不教诛,岂可受! 张天师,传正道;黄巾乱,亦称教;正与邪,当细考。 汉诸臣,研黄老;帝与后,崇妙道;民休息,轻赋徭。 唐高渊,认老祖;及太宗,万物苏;崇玄学,令生徒。 我无事,民自富;欲不欲,民自朴;称汉唐,天下无。 宋一代,多册诏;元敬教,明束道;清废之,国本摇。 三王迹,孔圣从;分八儒,各为宗;汉独尊,道义穷。 焚与坑,文史缺;党锢祸,士人血;七贤散,广陵绝。 八股行,古学废;文字狱,人心危;异族侵,山河碎。 东林党,性命舍;六君子,图变革;兴与亡,匹夫责。 宋明理,已僵化;五四偏,孔家砸;虚无论,又自伐。 文革者,自暴弃;二十年,钱看齐;灵魂丢,精神靡。 内省法,久不闻;坐忘妙,何日温?儒之源,待归真。 道与释,实圆融;水投水,了无踪;光映光,觉心通。 道为根,大唯物;儒释辅,互参补;汇江海,人文母。 中为用,西为利;老与马,相紧密;华夏起,日千里。 文化盛,国学隆;道养心,得一统;天下牧,世界同。 《德道三字经》简介: 2005年《德道三字经》是当代国学名家熊春锦先生于2005年撰写的一部中华道德文化“三字经”。全文共分为三章:  其上为“德道章”。从哲学角度概述了宇宙演化诞生自然万物的根本规律,盛赞了中华人文史上的辉煌时代——三皇道治与五帝德治的丰功伟绩,以及春秋时期正值中华文明史的关键转折点、整个社会逐渐离道失德之际,圣哲老子紧承前圣之迹,为后世指迷点津而留下的一部巨著——《德道经》。重点介绍了老子《德道经》的丰富内涵,以及在以后两千多年里对中华民族发展的深远影响。老子《德道经》被誉为“万经之王”、“哲学诗”,其中所揭示的天地运化规律、所蕴涵的修身成真明德归道哲学方法论、穿越时空慧智双运的强大道德能量,开启了后世各家思想学术之源,书写了治国平天下的历史宏篇。直至今天,仍然是取之不尽、用之不竭的智慧源泉,在教育、人文、科技等方面,道德始终是根本的源动力,为强国安民、清世化人、和谐大同,继续发挥其久远作用力,造福全人类。 其中为“五德章”。主要揭示了中华民族道德治世之后进入五德治世时期,整个社会的发展演变规律、大道顺变逆返的关键,以及五德德性特点等。从道德人伦角度,追溯了中华民族发展史中的有道明君、无道昏君、圣贤大德、仁人志士与节臣义士,对其历史功过、文化得失做了精辟点评,指出只有人人诚明道德、返身修德,以慧驭智,才是避免重蹈历史覆辙、摆脱因果律恶性循环,重振道德伦常、复归社会清明的根本。  其下为“归根章”。从意识形态角度,纵览中华学术思想的演变过程,具体分析了自春秋以降两千多年间,中华民族学术思想的源流清浊以及在不同历史阶段的应用与效应。指出道德是民族文化的基因,是否以道德修身为本,是各家学派思想分野的主要因素,也是学术能否真正经世致用、开创太平盛世的检验标准。若能回头问祖,以民族道德根文化为本,明真理、诵真经,塑造道德心灵,融会古今中外各家之长,培养科学头脑,则德才兼备、慧智双运,华夏腾飞、文化昌盛,返朴归真、德化人心,道牧天下、世界大同,都可拭目以待。  整部《德道三字经》,历述中华文化发展史,穷究古今兴衰成败理,详览圣贤修身言行迹,精评千古风流豪俊士,细品道德人文治世歌;文约义丰,字字珠玑;追源溯流,句句寓理;五千文明,一线贯穿;以史为鉴,以人为本;知书达礼,知行合一;纵横交错,广宣妙理;正本清源,破迷指正;道德教化,开悟导航;评述点化,精准确当;文道相通,一气呵成;意蕴深远,堪称宝典;句工韵正,易诵易念;勤读躬行,滋养心灵;修身明理,道德光明;学养识见,日益增长;立身处世,人生智囊;溯源归根,本分天职;继往开来,人人有责;清静心身,和谐社会;文明新风,光耀天地。《德道三字经》必将是21世纪这个新的历史时期的“三字经”,在此我们郑重推荐给大家!
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2023-07-24 18:02:111

rid 的过去式 和完成式 rid 是摆脱,中去处,负担的意思。 不是ride

2) 不规则变化 英语中有些动词的过去式和过去分词形式变化不规则,可分为五种情况. 1.动词原形、过去式和过去分词完全同形. 例: 原形 过去式 过去分词 cut(切) hit(打) cast(扔) hurt(伤害) put(放) let(让) shut(关) cost(花费) set(放) rid(清除) 看最后一个. 它的过去时.过去分词就是它.
2023-07-24 18:02:051