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2023-07-25 10:10:47











violate[英][u02c8vau026au0259leu026at][美][u02c8vau026au0259u02cclet]vt.违反; 侵犯; 妨碍; 亵渎,强奸; 第三人称单数:violates现在分词:violating过去式:violated过去分词:violated形近词:diolameviolanebiolase1The most common type of misuse occurs when the patent holder uses the patent to violate the antitrust laws.最常见的滥用专利权常发生在专利权人利用其专利违反反垄断法的时候。
2023-07-24 14:53:472


2023-07-24 14:53:541


vt.违反; 侵犯; 妨碍; 亵渎,强奸; 及物动词后可以接名词、代词、相当于名词的词/词组。第三人称单数:violates现在进行时:violating过去式:violated过去分词:violated1 Did he violate department procedure?他是否违反了部门守则?2 Did I violate your trust?我侵犯了你的信任吗?3 Like when you violate his law?比如当你违法他的法律的时候?4 This seems to violate the very laws of physics. 这似乎违背物理定律。5 I"ve got my orders and I won"t violate them. 我得到命令不能违抗.
2023-07-24 14:54:021


2023-07-24 14:54:102


violate名词:violator;n. 违反者;违背者;妨害者; The counterpart of the punished in peace order case includes both the violated and the violator. 治安案件中被处罚相对人既包括被侵害人,也包括另一方违法者。 扩展资料   In the case where violation occurs, the violator shall be duely executed according to related rules.   如有违反将按有关规定给予处理。   They went to prison because they violated the law   他们触犯了法律,因此坐了牢。   These men were violating her family"s privacy.   这些人侵犯了她的家庭隐私。
2023-07-24 14:54:171


违反了交通规则break the traffic rules.那些违反交通规则的人应该受到处罚。Those who violate traffic regulations should be punished.
2023-07-24 14:54:252

求英语高手中翻英 据说比尔因一再违反公司的安全规章而被解雇 带violate

it is said that Bill was fired for repeatedly violating safety rules of the company
2023-07-24 14:54:334

违反法律用英文怎么说?可否用violence upon laws?

breach of law比较好
2023-07-24 14:54:424


2023-07-24 14:55:026


2023-07-24 14:55:176


《你们究竟要我们怎样生存?》林良多当我们是东亚病夫时,我们被说成是黄祸;当我们被预言将成为超级大国时,又被称为主要威胁。当我们闭关自守时,你们走私鸦片强开门户;当我们拥抱自由贸易时,却被责骂抢走了你们的饭碗。当我们风雨飘摇时,你们铁蹄入侵要求机会均等;当我们整合破碎山河时,你们却叫嚣“给西藏自由”。当我们推行马列救国时,你们痛恨我们信仰共产主义;当我们实行市场经济时,你们又嫉妒我们有了资本。当我们的人口超过十亿时,你们说我们摧毁地球;当我们限制人口增长时,你们又说我们践踏人权。当我们一贫如洗时,你们视我们低贱如狗;当我们借钱给你们时,你们又埋怨使你们国债累累。当我们发展工业时,你们说我们是污染源;当我们把产品卖给你们时,你们又说造成地球变暖。当我们购买石油时,你们说我们掠夺资源、灭绝种族;当你们为石油开战时,却说自己解救生灵。当我们动乱无序时,你们说我们没有法治;当我们依法平暴时,你们又说我们违反人权。当我们保持沉默时,你们说我们没有言论自由;当我们敢于发声时,又被说成是洗过脑的暴民。我们不禁要问:“为什么你们这样憎恨我们?”你们回答说:“不,我们不恨你们。”“我们也不恨你们,只是,你们了解我们吗?”“当然了解,我们消息多的是,有法新社、美国有线新闻网、还有英国广播公司……”你们究竟要我们怎样生存?回答之前请仔细想一想,因为你们的机会是有限的。够了,这个世界已经容不下太多的伪善。我们要的是同一个世界,同一个梦想,太平盛世。这个辽阔的蓝色地球, 容得下你们,也容得下我们。附:英文原作如下:《What Do You Really Want from Us?》When we were the sick man of Asia, we were called the yellow peril.When we are billed to be the next superpower, we are called the threat.When we closed our doors, you smuggled drugs to open markets.When we embrace free trade, you blame us for taking away your jobs.When we were falling apart, you marched in your troops and wanted your fair share.When we tried to put the broken pieces back together again,free Tibet you screamed, It was an invasion!When tried communism, you hated us for being communist.When we embrace capitalism, you hate us for being capitalist.When we have a billion people, you said we were destroying the planet.When we tried limiting our numbers, you said we abused human rights.When we were poor, you thought we were dogs.When we loan you cash, you blame us for your national debts.When we build our industries, you call us polluters.When we sell you goods, you blame us for global warming.When we buy oil, you call it exploitation and genocide.When you go to war for oil, you call it liberation.When we were lost in chaos and rampage, you demanded rules of law.When we uphold law and order against violence, you call it violating human rights.When we were silent, you said you wanted us to have free speech.When we are silent no more, you say we are brainwashed-xenophobes.“Why do you hate us so much﹖”we asked.“No,” you answered, “we don"t hate you.”We don"t hate you either, but, do you understand us?“Of course we do, ”you said, “We have AFP, CNN and BBC"s ……”What do you really want from us?Think hard first, then answer, Because you only get so many chances.Enough is enough, enough hypocrisy for this one world.We want one world, one dream, and peace on earth.This big blue earth is big enough for all of us.
2023-07-24 14:55:321


2023-07-24 14:56:162


(I don"t know)and support SuQian city in does not violate thenational policy laws and regulations under the premise to adopt a more nimble policy and the procedure, the exploration speeds up thedevelopment the new pathway.----the Chinese Communist Party JiangsuProvince fifteenth sessions entire commissions decided
2023-07-24 14:56:362


2023-07-24 14:56:456


2023-07-24 14:57:035

anticipate his fate

They anticipate there will be in great demand for eletricity and decide to increase production It"s said that Bill was fired for violating the safety regulations of his company
2023-07-24 14:57:181


Behavior of traffic violation交通违法行为
2023-07-24 14:57:292


As the former chair of the planning board for 18 consecutive years and a board member for 28years, Joan Philkill attended more than 400 meetings and reviewed more than 700 rezoningapplications.(A) As the former(B) The former(C) Former(D) She was (E) As the(A) 不明白解释:as the former chair… for 18 consecutive years不符合逻辑,而且主语谓语是attended…,如果是former chair,attended…也是不符合逻辑的.(former说的是以前的,那为什么不能说前任的chair连续。。。了18年,参加了。。。会议呢?)Nine months after the county banned jet skis and other water bikes from the tranquil waters ofPuget Sound, a judge overturned the ban on the ground of violating state laws for allowing the useof personal watercraft on common waterways.(A) of violating state laws for allowing(B) of their violating state laws to allow(C) that it violates state laws that allowed(D) that it violated state laws allowing (E) that state laws were being violated allowing 答案为D。但我觉得it指代不清。是指代judge还是ban。E选项的解释是:“被动语态表达不清晰;allowing距离其修饰对象laws太远,产生歧义。”但我觉得allowing是修饰violate的,说的是laws违背了允许。。。的权利。One of the earliest known birds with a beak and contour feathers, Confuciusornis sanctus, withlarge clawlike "thumbs" on its wings, which probably helped them to climb up to a launching positionfor flight.(A) with large clawlike "thumbs" on its wings, which probably helped them to(B) with large clawlike "thumbs" on their wings, which probably helped it to(C) had large clawlike "thumbs" on its wings, which probably helped them(D) had large clawlike "thumbs" on its wings, probably to help it(E) had large clawlike "thumbs" on their wings, probably to help it 答案为D。答案解释说不定式在这里做目的状语。但是会不会有修饰wings的歧义呢?In the mid-1920s the Hawthorne Works of the Western Electric Company was the scene of anintensive series of experiments that would investigate changes in working conditions as to theireffects on workers" performance.(A) that would investigate changes in working conditions as to their effects on workers" performance (B) investigating the effects that changes in working conditions would have on workers"performance(C) for investigating what the effects on workers" performance are that changes in workingconditions would cause(D) that investigated changes in working conditions" effects on workers" performance(E) to investigate what the effects changes in working conditions would have on workers"performance 答案解释说(D) 表达不清晰,可以理解为changes in… effects,也可以理解为changes in working conditions。但我觉得D的conditions是所有格,那么change就应该是in effects而不是in conditions啊。关于(E),答案说“修饰effects的定语从句changes in working conditions would have前面应该加引导词that;what the effects没有谓语;该句用不定式to investigate作定语修饰experiments不及直接用分词更有效。”但我觉得what the effec的谓语是would have,另外不明白为什么说这里的不定式不如分词有效。
2023-07-24 14:57:361

不再犯贱了 英文怎么说

2023-07-24 14:57:5611


0918翻译: 范进中举(吴敬梓)Translation: Fan Jin Passing Civil Exam (Wu Jingzi)(translated by: alexcwlin; edited by: Adam Lam)范进进学回家,母亲,妻子俱各欢喜。Fan Jin successfully entered county school. When he returned home he made his mother and wif如今不知因我积了甚么德,带挈你中了个相公,Now I must have accumulated some divine good fortune so that you could ride on my coattail to score a seat in school as a scholar.我所以带个酒来贺帝你。"Now I am bringing some wine to celebrate your achievement.”范进唯唯连声,Fan meekly mumbled his accord.叫浑家把肠子煮了,烫起酒来,He asked his wife to cook the intestines and warm the wine.在茅草棚下坐着。母亲自和媳妇在厨下造饭。Then he and his father-in-law sat under a reed-awning while the two women prepared meal in the kitchen.胡屠户又吩咐女婿道:"你如今既中了相公,凡事要立起个体统来。Hu instructed the son-in-law: “Now that you have become a scholar, everything that you do needs to follow a protocol of respectability.比如我这行事里,都是些正经有脸面的人,又是你的长亲,For example, the people in my line of work are decent and dignified individuals who are your elder associates.你怎敢在我们跟前装大?You must be careful not to put on airs (1) before us.若是家门口这些做田的,扒粪的,不过是平头百姓,Those people in front of the house who make a living in farming or raking faeces are merely commoners.你若同他拱手作揖,平起平坐,这就是坏了学校规矩,If you greet them with clenched-fists bows or treat them as your equals, then you would be violating the school"s established practices.连我脸上都无光了。In doing so, even I would be embarrassed.你是个烂忠厚没用的人,You are a stubbornly honest and hopeless person.所以这些话我不得不教导你,免得惹人笑话。"I have to say all these things to teach you so that people won"t laugh at you.”范进道:"岳父见教的是。"Fan said: “Dad, thank you for teaching me all these things. You"re absolutely correct.”胡屠户又道:"亲家母也来这里坐着吃饭。Hu continued to speak, “Ask your mother to come over and sit here for supper.老人家每日小菜饭,想也难过。Life must be tough for an old lady like her who eats very little every day.我女孩儿也吃些。My daughter will eat some as well.自从进了你家门,这十几年,不知猪油可曾吃过两三回哩!All these ten-odd years since she was married into your family, I don"t know if she has been fed lard for more than two or three times.可怜!可怜!"That is a real pity!”说罢,婆媳两个都来坐着吃了饭。After he finished talking, the daughter and her mother-in-law came over to sit down for supper together.吃到日西时分,胡屠户吃的醺醺的。They ate until evening and Hu was feeling tipsy on wine.这里母子两个,千恩万谢。Both the mother and son expressed their utmost gratitude to Hu.屠户横披了衣服,腆着肚子去了。Hu put on his clothes and left with his bulged tummy. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------次日,范进少不得拜拜乡邻。On the next day, Fan Jin went to pay visits to neighborhood villagers.魏好古又约了一班同案的朋友,彼此来往。Wei Haogu arranged with a group of classmates to associate regularly with one another.因是乡试年,做了几个文会。Provincial level Imperial Exam was going to be conducted in that year and the classmates held several academic discussion group meetings.不觉到了六月尽间,这些同案的人约范进去乡试。Very soon it was the end of June, and those classmates asked Fan to go together for the Provincial Exam.范进因没有盘费,走去同丈人商议,Fan did not have enough money to pay for the traveling, and so he went to discuss the situation with his father-in-law.被胡屠户一口啐在脸上,骂了个狗血喷头,道:"不要失了你的时了!Hu spit on Fan"s face and told him off in saying: “Don"t waste your time.你自己只觉得中了一个相公,就"癞虾蟆想吃起天鹅肉"来!You thought you have passed one exam to be a scholar and now you"re daydreaming about hitting the bigtime.
2023-07-24 14:58:181

Simulink 作异步电机矢量控制仿真时,提示错误——Unable to reduce the step size without ……

2023-07-24 14:58:502


关于尊重隐私的英语作文我有以下三种,分别是普通、高分、模板的三篇英语作文,普通的里面运用了大部分的高中词汇,高分有一部分是六级词汇,模板的话就是比较偏难,因为大部分背下来就可以了,建议还是借鉴一下里面的词汇和语句,不要全文搬弄,根据自己的能力选择一篇适合自己的吧。作文一普通的案例 Respect for privacyAs shown in the figure above, in the dark, a man is running happily, carrying the privacy of celebrities, attracting the public"s attention like a bomb, rushing to the news media. Another member of the news office welcomed his arrival. In the middle of the second photo, there was a naked man standing.Recently, there was a heated discussion on these photos in the newss. Although these photos are , they are actually The pictures tell us that invading others" privacy and exposing them in the media are not only harmful but also harmful. Our society has not paid due attention to this problem.However, some journalists have low moral standards and tend to pay attention to other people"s privacy, especially some of them Celebrities with news value, such as love, family relationship, medical history and so on, can attract more readers to buy their magazines or increase their website PV (page views), and eventually attract more customers to invest in advertising, which is ignored by the regulatory authorities and authorities, it a real gray area. Moreover, the public"s elegant aesthetic taste is far away Behind my point of view, we firmly believe that everyone has the right to privacy, which is a basic right that our laws and regulations should respect, protect and protect. In any case, Princess Diana shows how bad things will end, and the public"s aesthetic taste must be improved and enhanced, and finally a harmonious scene will be established, so that people can enjoy life peacefully.中文翻译:在黑暗中,一个男人高高兴兴地跑着,背着名人的隐私,像一样吸引公众的注意,冲向新闻媒体,新闻办公室的另一个欢迎他的到来,在第二张照片的中间站着一个的人,最近,报纸上对这些照片进行了热烈的讨论,这些照片虽然简单,但却被大量的个人隐私泄露出来,它们确实表现出某种令人深思的社会现象 图片告诉我们,侵犯他人隐私并在媒体上曝光不仅有害而且有害,我们的社会首先没有对这个问题给予应有的重视,然而,一些新闻工作者道德水准低下,倾向于关注其他人的隐私,尤其是一些有新闻价值的名人,如恋爱、家庭关系、病史等,以吸引更多的读者他们的杂志或增加他们的PV(页面浏览量),最终吸引更多的客户为广告投入资金,监管部门和权威部门对此视而不见,使之成为一个真正的灰色地带,而且,公众高雅的审美品位还远远落后于我的观点,我们深信每个人都有隐私权,这是我们的法律法规应该尊重、保护和保障的基本权利在任何情况下,戴安娜王妃展示了糟糕的事情会如何结束,公众的审美情趣必须得到提升和提升,最终建立起一个和谐的场景,让人们能够安详地享受生活。作文二高分的案例: Respect for privacyCelebrity privacy in recent years, many newss and magazines have paid attention to the disguised identity of movie stars, pop singers and other celebrity journalists, infiltrating into the theme of business and family, and even eavesdropping on them to obtain news in any way. This is not difficult to explain why journalists are very interested in the private life of celebrities. For newss or magazines, it is important to have a large number of readers Group means that their publication circulation increases, so they get huge profits from celebrities.They are people with news value, and their stories are more concerned than ordinary people. In my opinion, the press naturally reports the private lives of celebrities. Celebrities are also citizens.They have the right to protect their privacy like ordinary people. Their privacy should be respected Therefore, the press should stop violating their privacy.中文翻译:名人隐私论名人隐私近年来,许多报纸杂志都关注电影明星、流行歌手等名人记者伪装身份,渗透到商业和家庭这一主题上,甚至他们以任式获取新闻,这不难解释为什么记者对名人的私生活非常感兴趣,对报纸或杂志来说重要的是读者的数量庞大的读者群意味着他们的出版物发行量的增加,因此从名人那里获得了巨大的利润他们是有新闻价值的人物,他们的故事比普通人更受关注,在我看来,新闻界自然要报道名人的私生活,名人也是公民,他们有权像普通人一样保护自己的隐私,他们的隐私应该受到尊重,因此,在任何情况下都要受到法律的保护和保障,因此,新闻界应该停止侵犯他们的隐私。作文三作文模板: Respect for privacyRespect is a sincere smile in the face of respect. Respect is to express when others have different opinions, listen to them, respect others, and strive to clap their hands. Respect seems to be a dedication to the people around her.Respect is a great wisdom, because she knows that there are similarities between respecting others and working hard. Jumping across excited partners is enough to cover up the degree of "respect" The difficulty is to respect the differences between others and yourself. You think smoking is harmful to health and environmental pollution, but he regards it as a kind of exchange.He said that life should be active, fresh and strong, and you are just a blue sky and a comfortable life. Thank you for your endless differences. Respect is to keep thousands of your own life creeds and appreciate each other from an objective point of view Don"t ask for the same, but face, respect each other and respect myself.中文翻译:尊重尊重,是面对真诚的微笑,尊重,是发表在别人不同意见的时候倾听,尊重别人,是努力鼓掌尊重看起来像是对周围人的奉献尊重是一种大智慧,因为她知道这样的同情心尊重别人和努力之间有相似之处,遇到兴奋的伴侣蹦蹦跳跳足以掩盖“尊重”的程度稍轻困难是尊重他人和你自己的差异你认为吸烟有害健康和环境污染,但他却把它看作是一种交换,他说生活应该积极主动,清新坚强,而你只是朴素的蓝天又一个舒适的生活,谢谢你大家无尽的不同,尊重是守住千千万万自己的人生信条,要从客观的角度去欣赏对方的眼神,不要苛求一样,而是要面子,尊重对方尊重我自己。
2023-07-24 14:59:001


2023-07-24 14:59:181


2023-07-24 14:59:251

offend和 violate都是违反的意思,有什么异同

offend指冒犯别人violate指违法法律offend [u0259"fend] vt. 冒犯;使…不愉快vi. 违反;进攻;引起不舒服violate ["vaiu0259leit] vt. 违反;侵犯,妨碍;亵渎[ 过去式violated 过去分词violated 现在分词violating ]
2023-07-24 14:59:321


你好:Nowdays,There have been an increasing number of traffic accidents. Traffic safety, fastens the end house. According to reports that many accidents are caused due to people for violating traffic rules. In order to keep everyone"s security, we must remember the traffic rules.Now I talk about what I know. First,many people are running the red light, disregard of traffic police, speed and drunk driving and so on.Those phenomenons are so risk for us.We must to be so careful to this problems.They are so dangrous. Next,I want to tell you my opinons.We should be do many things like pay attention to traffic safety,punish the offenders. Last but not least, I hope we can have a good futere .And I believe we can do it. Best wishes! Yours LI Hua 望采纳。
2023-07-24 15:00:031

举例bad manners in china

smoking in public areaspitting everywherespeaking loudly in publicviolating traffic regulations
2023-07-24 15:00:272


1.Keep quiet,please! 请保持安静! should return the book on time. 你应该按时把借的图书还给图书馆. 3.You should put the book back on the right shelf when you finish it. 当你看完的时候,你应该放回正确的书架上. 4.Take care of the book. 要爱护书籍. 5.Don"t draw or write anything on the page. 不要在书上乱涂乱画. 1 Before entering the library,shoes should be taken off and put on the rack outside. 2 Silence must be kept in the library,anyone violating that rule will be advised to leave. 3 Playing in the library is not allowed. 4 Food and drink are not allowed in the library. 5 Resources of the library are not to be taken away without borrowing process. 6 School bags and books not belonging to the library are not allowed inside the library.Personal belongings can be put on the school bag shelf in the library. 7 Doing homework in the library is not allowed.All stationery,with the exception of those needed for information collection,should not be brought into the library. 8 Unless under very special circumstances,borrowing someone else"s library card is not allowed.Loss of library card should be reported to the library teacher and application should be made for replacement. 9 Books are to be returned on time.Late returns entail being fined. 10 Loss of or damages done to the resources of the library are to be paid for in full.
2023-07-24 15:00:481

英语作文 对学校图书馆改进的建议 带翻译

1 Before entering the library, shoes should be taken off and put on the rack outside. 2 Silence must be kept in the library, anyone violating that rule will be advised to leave. . 3 Playing in the lib...
2023-07-24 15:00:581


  SectionC Recording   Recording1   (积极情绪和消极情绪以及其利弊)   Letu2019s say you start to brainstorm a list of all the emotions youu2019ve ever experienced. Just for fun. Try it now. Whatu2019s on your list? Chances are you included things like happy, sad, excited, angry, afraid, grateful, proud, scared, confused, stressed, relaxed and amazed. Now sort your list into two categories: positive emotions and negative emotions. Feeling both positive and negative emotions is a natural part of being human. We might use the word “negative” to describe more difficult emotions, but it doesn"t mean those emotions are bad or we shouldn"t have them. Still, most people would probably rather feel a positive emotion than a negative one. It"s likely you"d prefer to feel happy instead of sad or confident instead of insecure. What matters is how our emotions are balanced, how much of each type of emotion, positive or negative we experience. Negative emotions warn us of threats or challenges that we may need to deal with. For example, fear can alert us to possible danger. It"s a signal that we might need to protect ourselves. Angry feelings warn us that someone is stepping on our toes, crossing a boundary or violating our trust. Anger can be a signal that we might need to act on our own behalf. Negative emotions focus our awareness. They help us to zero in on a problem so we can deal with it. But too many negative emotions can make us feel overwhelmed, anxious, exhausted or stressed out. When negative emotions are out of balance, problems might seem too big to handle. The more we dwell on negative emotions, the more negative we begin to feel. Focusing on negativity just keeps it going. Positive emotions balance out negative ones. But they have other powerful benefits, too. Instead of narrowing our focus, like negative emotions do, positive emotions affect our brains in ways that increase our awareness, attention and memory. They help us take in more information, hold several ideas in mind at once and understand how different ideas relate to each other. When positive emotions open us up to new possibilities, we are more able to learn and build on our skills that lead to doing better on tasks and tests. People who have plenty of positive emotions in their everyday lives tend to be happier, healthier, learn better and get along well with others.   Q16. What does the speaker say about negative emotions?   Q17. What happens to people whose negative emotions are out of balance?   Q18. How do positive emotions affect us?   Recording2   (3D打印机引领服饰新潮流)   In the past few months, I"ve been traveling for weeks at a time with only one suitcase of clothes. One day, I was invited to an important event, and I wanted to wear something special for it. I looked through my suitcase but couldn"t find anything to wear. I was lucky to be at the technology conference then, and I had access to 3D printers. So I quickly designed a skirt on my computer, and I loaded the file on the printer. It just printed the pieces overnight. The next morning, I just took all the pieces, assembled them together in my hotel room, and this is actually the skirt that I"m wearing right now. So it wasn"t the first time that I printed clothes. For my senior collection at fashion design school, I decided to try and 3D print an entire fashion collection from my home. The problem was that I barely knew anything about 3D printing, and I had only nine months to figure out how to print five fashionable looks. I always felt most creative when I worked from home. I loved experimenting with new materials, and I always tried to develop new techniques to make the most unique textiles for my fashion projects. One summer break, I came here to New York for an internship at a fashion house in Chinatown. We worked on two incredible dresses that were 3D printed. They were amazing — like you can see here. But I had a few problems with them. They were made from hard plastics and that"s why they were very breakable. The models couldn"t sit in them, and they even got scratched from the plastics under their arms. So now the main challenge was to find the right material for printing clothes with. I mean the material you feed the printer with. The breakthrough came when I was introduced to Filaflex, which is a new kind of printing material. It"s strong, yet very flexible. And with it, I was able to print the first garment, a red jacket that had the word "freedom" — embedded into it. And actually, you can easily download this jacket, and change the word to something else. For example, your name or your sweetheart"s name. So I think in the future, materials will evolve, and they will look and feel like fabrics we know today, like cotton or silk.   Q19. What does the speaker say about the skirt she is wearing now?   Q20. When did the speaker start experimenting with 3D printing?   Q21. What was the problem with the material the speaker worked on at New York fashion house?   Q22. What does the speaker say about the Filaflex?   Recording3   (中小企业的发展)   Welcome to the third lecture in our series on the future of small businesses in Europe. The purpose of today"s lecture, as you have seen from the title and the abstract, is to examine in more detail the problems facing small and medium sized enterprises which arise at least in part from having to adapt to rapid advances in technology. And I want to look at these both from a financial and from a personnel point of view and to offer a few hopefully effective solutions. Here we have three of the most important problems facing small businesses that I want to look at today. First, keeping up with the pace of technological change, recruiting high quality staff in a time of skills shortages in I.T. as a whole and in a highly competitive market and the issue of retaining staff once they"ve been recruited and trained. Now all of these problems involve significant costs for all businesses, but they"re a particularly challenging issue for small and medium sized enterprises. And those costs will vary depending on the size and scale of the businesses. So let"s come to the first issue on our list which is keeping pace with developments in technology. Now we all know that the technology industry is intensely competitive with new products being launched all year round, as the various companies strive to compete with each other rather than say once a year or every couple of years. And this is a real headache for smaller businesses. So let"s imagine we have a small company which is doing OK. It"s just about making a profit, and it spends most of its income on overheads. So for a company in this situation, keeping up to date with the latest technology, even if it"s only for the benefit of key staff, this can be hugely expensive. So in my view, some creative thinking needs to come in here to find ways to help companies in this situation to stay ahead in the game. But at the same time to remain technologically competitive. Well there"s the possibility that small groups of companies with similar requirements, but not directly competing with each other, they could share the cost of upgrading in much the same way as let"s say, an Internet operates within larger organizations. In fact, cost sharing could be a very practical solution, especially in times of financial difficulty. If there"s downward pressure on costs, because of a need for investment in other areas, I would argue that this is a perfectly feasible solution.   Q23. What does the speaker say about the problems facing small and medium sized enterprises?   Q24. Why does the speaker"s say about the technology industry?   Q25. What is a practical solution to the problems of small and medium sized businesses?   Section C Lecture   16. [B] They are necessary in our lives.   17. [B] They feel too overwhelmed to deal with life"s problem.   18. [A] They expand our mind.   19. [B] It came from a 3D printer.   20. [C] When she was studying at a fashion design school.   21. [C] It was hard and breakable.   22. [D] It marks a breakthrough in printing material.   23. [A] They arise from the advances in technology.   24. [D] It is intensively competitive.   25. [D] Sharing of costs with each other.
2023-07-24 15:01:071

cisco命令show ip accounting是什么时间的流量

从你敲上ip accounting开始算直到你show的时候所有的流量。
2023-07-24 15:01:322

Recently,doctors have been ranked first in a recent survey for violating professional ethics.

2023-07-24 15:01:412

以pretect the air为题的英语作文

PROTECT THE TREE Nowadays,the problem of the envirnment is more and more serious and a deal of trees are cut down.Because our humen beings need a lot of mood and farm,many animals and plants disappear rapidly.Many ground turning to desert,crops can not grow very well.The unusual climate endangers our daily life,such as snow disaster,flood andglobal warming.And the extheme climate make us anxious.Besides,the envirment is teribble.We humuns wll be punished one day if we go on these actions.In my opinion,protecting and planting the trees are good choices.We should try our best to preserve our home against violating!
2023-07-24 15:02:181

跪求 新目标大学英语系列教材 综合教程2 课后答案(language in use部分的)

of autumn, lingering sadness falling
2023-07-24 15:02:582


I "m sorry to gorget to do my homework . I should do it quickly after school . I should be shame , when you told me that . I promise it is the last time . I never forget to do my homework from now on . I was really wrong . I will do my homework everyday . I don"t know that I dont" do it is right . Give me another chance to change ,please .如果,这篇感觉字太少我还有哦The mistakes that he would like a lot of things, reflect on a lot of things that they are very remorseful, very air itself committed to the iron law school, but also a profound understanding of the seriousness of their mistakes, committed by their own error is a shame.Schools in a school on the repeated injunctions, has repeatedly stressed that school disciplineschool to remind students not in violation of school rules, but I did not, then schools and teachers in mind, there is no attention to the teacher to say, there is no emphasis on the promulgation of the important issues in schools, as if they were heeded, these should not be. Is also a lack of respect for teachers. Teachers should bear in mind that in mind, then, the school disciplineschool rules promulgated minds.After that, I would like to cool for a long time, the mistakes I have not only brought trouble to their own, held up their own learning. Such an act and I also created the school and its adverse effects, damage to the school"s management system. In the middle of the students also led to adverse effects. Since I am a person"s mistakes, it may cause other students to follow, the impact of class discipline, grade discipline, the discipline of the school is also a kind of destruction, but also have great expectations of their teachers and parents is also a types of injury, as well as other students in an irresponsible parent.Each school will wish to see their students achieve high academic achievers, all-round development and establish a good image, but also to make our schools have a good image. Students have every hope that a good school for their own learning environment to study and life. Including myself, have to have a good learning environment, but a good learning environment that we have to rely on common maintenance to set up and I myselfhave made a mistake this time to undermine the school environment that is should not, if the students do each and every mistake, then there is no formation of a good learning environment for students violating school regulations should also be given punishment.I stayed two weeks at home, and own a lot, but also realize that they committed a very serious mistake, I know, cause such huge losses, I should have for their own pay for the mistakes, I am willing to bear Although it is the responsibility can not afford, especially for major colleges and universities in the education of people in this error should not shirk its primary responsibility.I accept criticism in good faith and are willing to accept the deal given by the school.Excuse me, teacher! I made a serious question of principle. I know who my teacher is very angry school. I also know that the students did not breach regulations, not inconsistent with discipline and do their own thing is a basic responsibility, but also the most basic obligations. But I did not even do the most basic. Now, made a really big mistake, I am deeply deeply regret it. I will take this incident as a mirror and discipline at all times conduct themselves and their criticism and education, and consciously accept supervision. I would like to know shame and alert, to know shame and to forge ahead, to remedy the situation of shame as a driving force, to study hard.I have to go through this incident, to raise awareness of my thoughts, and strengthen accountability measures. Or would like to make their own learning, learning for me to be the most important for the survival of future employment are very important. I can see now is very small, I still have the ability to fight. I would also like to fight once again to work hard in the hope that a good teacher to give me an opportunity to students, I will turn over, and really serious to learn, as full of life, this course at home is also delayed, schools The courses have been very tight and very hard to learn, learning to live in the future, I will learn, the classes are making an effort to hurry up.Just remember to enter the school, class and sub-class of teachers have high expectations of me, can learn to accept, but in discipline problems in schools under the iron law of the repeated injunctions, in school discipline and strict environment regulations I committed such a serious mistake, the school should be punished to me, and I do not know how many times saying, principals, teachers, I was wrong, I was wrong. Mom, Dad and I are wrong, I was wrong.In this half, I get up on time every day, I think about life in schools for nearly two years. The school has deep feelings for the school in the future I will have a new look, in the schools, not to grade school and my class teacher was also dark. In terms of learning or other school I would come with strict demands on themselves, I will grasp this opportunity. It as a turning point in my life, hope that our teachers are the pillars of society, so I learn in the future life of the school"s efforts to become more, not only taught us to learn the knowledge, but also to learn how to behave, who have committed such an error , for the expectations of parents for me is a tremendous blow to the parents hard-earned money so that we can live some of the superior than others, better himself so that we can input to the study. However, the mistakes I did go against the wishes of parents, but also the parents of a negative energy.I am so ashamed. I believe that the teachers see this attitude can also be aware of this incident I have very strong attitude of repentance, I believe my heart to repent, I is not to challenge the teacher"s discipline is a wrong step in life"s own time, I hope the teachers can be forgiven for My mistake, I assure you that this matter will not have a second occurrence. For all this I will also further in-depth summary of soul-searching, I urge the teachers believe I can learn lessons and correct mistakes, the next thing to redouble their efforts to do a good job. Also sincerely hope that teachers can continue to care forand support me, and my question about discretion.翻译:这次犯错误,自己想了很多东西,反省了很多的事情,自己也很懊悔,很气自己,去触犯学校的铁律,也深刻认识到自己所犯错误的严重性,对自己所犯的错误感到了羞愧。学校一开学就三令五申,一再强调校规校纪,提醒学生不要违反校规,可我却没有把学校和老师的话放在心上,没有重视老师说的话,没有重视学校颁布的重要事项,当成了耳旁风,这些都是不应该的。也是对老师的不尊重。应该把老师说的话紧记在心,把学校颁布的校规校纪紧记在心。事后,我冷静的想了很久,我这次犯的错误不仅给自己带来了麻烦,耽误自己的学习。而且我这种行为给学校也造成了及其坏的影响,破坏了学校的管理制度.在同学们中间也造成了不良的影响。由于我一个人的犯错误,有可能造成别的同学的效仿,影响班级纪律性,年级纪律性,对学校的纪律也是一种破坏,而且给对自己抱有很大期望的老师,家长也是一种伤害,也是对别的同学的父母的一种不负责任。每一个学校都希望自己的学生做到品学兼优,全面发展,树立良好形象,也使我们的学校有一个良好形象。每一个同学也都希望学校给自己一个良好的学习环境来学习,生活。包括我自己也希望可以有一个良好的学习环境,但是一个良好的学习环境靠的是大家来共同维护来建立起来的,而我自己这次却犯了错误,去破坏了学校的良好环境,是很不应该的,若每一个同学都这样犯错,那么是不会有良好的学习环境形成,对违反校规的学生给予惩罚也是应该的。我在家也待了半个月了,自己想了很多,也意识到自己犯了很严重错误,我知道,造成如此大的损失,我应该为自己的犯的错误付出代价,我也愿意要承担尽管是承担不起的责任,尤其是作在重点高校接受教育的人,在此错误中应负不可推卸的主要责任。我真诚地接受批评,并愿意接受学校给予的处理。对不起,老师!我犯的是一个严重的原则性的问题。我知道,老师对于我的犯校规也非常的生气。我也知道,对于学生,不触犯校规,不违反纪律,做好自己的事是一项最基本的责任,也是最基本的义务。但是我却连最基本的都没有做到。如今,犯了大错,我深深懊悔不已。我会以这次违纪事件作为一面镜子时时检点自己,批评和教育自己,自觉接受监督。我要知羞而警醒,知羞而奋进,亡羊补牢、化羞耻为动力,努力学习。我也要通过这次事件,提高我的思想认识,强化责任措施。自己还是很想好好学习的,学习对我来是最重要的,对今后的生存,就业都是很重要的。我现在才很小,我还有去拼搏的能力。我还想在拼一次,在去努力一次,希望老师给予我一个做好学生的一个机会,我会好好改过的,认认真真的去学习,那样的生活充实,这样在家也很耽误课程,学校的课程本来就很紧,学起来就很费劲,在今后的学习生活中,我一定会好好学习,各课都努力往上赶。记得刚进入学校时,班主任老师和副班主任对我抱有很大的期望,学习还能接受,可在纪律方面却出现了问题,在学校三令五申的铁律下,在严明校纪校规的大环境下,我犯下这么严重的错误,学校对我是应该严惩的,我不知多少次大声说,校长,老师我错了,我错了。妈妈,爸爸我错了,我错了。在这半月中,我每天还是按时就起床,想想我在学校也生活了近两年了。对学校已有很深的感情,在今后学校的我,会已新的面貌,出现在学校,不在给学校和年级还有我的班主任摸黑。无论在学习还是在别的方面我都会用校规来严格要求自己,我会把握这次机会。将它当成我人生的转折点,老师是希望我们成为社会的栋梁,所以我在今后学校的学习生活中更加的努力,不仅把老师教我们的知识学好,更要学好如何做人,犯了这样的错误,对于家长对于我的期望也是一种巨大的打击,家长辛辛苦苦挣钱,让我们可以生活的比别人优越一些,好一些,让我们可以全身心的投入到学习中去。但是,我犯的错误却违背了家长的心愿,也是对家长心血的一种否定。我对此很惭愧。相信老师看到我这个态度也可以知道我对这次事件有很深刻的悔过态度,相信我的悔过之心,我的行为不是向老师的纪律进行挑战,是自己的一时失足,希望老师可以原谅我的错误,我也会向你保证此事不会再有第二次发生。对于这一切我还将进一步深入总结,深刻反省,恳请老师相信我能够记取教训、改正错误,把今后的事情加倍努力干好。同时也真诚地希望老师能继续关心和支持我,并却对我的问题酌情处理。
2023-07-24 15:03:251


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2023-07-24 15:03:352


2023-07-24 15:03:503


智慧树知到【实境英语听说(河南大学)】章节测试答案 第一章测试 【1】1) This isu2026【2分】C A. a survey. B. an interview. C. a face-to-face conversation. D. a phone call. 【2】2) The people talking ...【2分】B A. are teacher and student. B. do not know each other. C. are friends. D. are coworkers. 【3】3) They areu2026【3分】B A. in an office. B. at an airport. C. at a hotel. D. at a school. 【4】The phone number is 【3分】B A. 545-3425 B. 545-4325 C. 555-4325 D. 555-5325 2【判断题】 (10分)A After you have said goodbye by using phrase like "Have a good day" or "See you later", you cannot say "Bye" at the very enD. A.错 B.对 3【听力训练】 (10分) B Choose the words that you hear in the sentences. A. pin B. pen C. pane D. pain 4【听力训练】 (10分) C Choose the words that you hear in the sentences. A. main B. menu C. men D. man 5【听力训练】 (10分) D Choose the words that you hear in the sentences. A. at B. under C. end D. and 6.【单选题】 (10分)C Which might be a better way to know whether a person is married or not? A. Ask whether he/she is married or not. B. Ask how much money he/she can earn. C. Ask how his/her family is. D. Ask how many kids he/she has. 7.【单选题】 (10分)B How can you know the price of the item another person bought without violating other peopleu2019s privacy? A. Ask the person whether he/she can tell you the price B. Say that you want buy one yourself and ask whether it is expensive. C. Ask the price directly. D. Ask the discount directly. 8【多选题】 (10分)CD Which conversations are formal? A. a: Hi there. How are things, man? b: Fine, thanks. B. a: Hey, how"s it going? b: Oh, not too bad, thanks. C. a: Good morning. How are you? b: I"m very well, thank you. And you? D. a: How do you do, Mr. Wang? b: How do you do, Mr. Johnson? 9【判断题】 (10分)A As a response to "How do you do?", you should say "Fine, thank you".
2023-07-24 15:03:571


Universal review, do not change anythingThis makes a mistake, he would like a lot of things, reflect on a lot of things, oneself also very much regretted, very own gas, committed to the iron law school, but also a profound understanding that they have made serious mistakes, the mistakes ashamed. The school is a school will give repeated orders and injunctions, repeatedly stressed that the school rules, to remind students not in violation of school rules, but I have not the schools and teachers in mind, not pay attention to what the teacher said, no attention to school issued important matters, as Like water off a duck"s back, these should not be. Is also a lack of respect for the teacher. Should the teacher say keep in mind, the school discipline school rules promulgated emergency in the heart.Afterwards, I calm thought for a long time, I made the mistake of not only brought trouble to their own,held up their own learning. Such behavior to the school and I also created and its bad effects,destruction of the school management system. In the middle of the students also caused adverse effects. Because of my own mistakes, it may cause other students to follow, the impact of class discipline, grade discipline, the discipline of the school is also a kind of destruction, but also have great expectations of their teachers, parents is also a kind of injury, but also to other classmates parents an irresponsible. Every school want their students to be excellent in character and learning,comprehensive development, establish a good image, but also to make our schools have a good image. Every one of my classmates also want the school to give yourself a good learning environment, life. Including myself, also hope to have a good learning environment, but a good learning environment that we have to rely on common maintenance to set up, and I myself have made a mistake this time, to undermine the school environment, is should not, if each schoolmates suchmake mistakes, then there is no formation of a good learning environment, the students violating school regulations should also be given punishment, I also spent half a month in the home, they think a lot, but also realize that they committed a very serious mistake, I know, cause so much damage, I should pay for prisoners the error of their own, I am willing to take even the responsibility can not afford, especially for education in universities, should not shirk its primary responsibility in this error. I sincerely accept criticism, and willing to accept the deal given by the school. Sorry, the teacher! Imade a serious question of principle. I know, my teacher for committing suicide is also very angry. I also know that, for students, not violating rules, no violation of discipline, do their own thing is a basic responsibility, but also the most basic obligations. But even the most basic but I didn"t do it. Now, a mistake, I deeply regret. I will take this incident as a mirror and discipline always behave yourself,criticize and educate themselves, and consciously accept supervision. I want to know shame and alert, know shame and forge ahead, to remedy the situation of shame as a driving force, to study hard. I have to go through this incident, to raise awareness of my thoughts, and strengthen accountability measures.You still want to Study hard, learning to me is the most important, the future survival, employment is very important, I now very small, I still have the ability to fight. I want to fight again, to try again, hope the teacher give me a good student an opportunity, I will take it, take it seriously to learn, so full of life, this course at home is also delayed, school curriculum was very tight, it will be to learn it is hard,in future study life, I would Study hard, each course all efforts to catchJust remember to enter the school, teacher and class teacher on my great expectations, can learn to accept the discipline, but there is a problem, in the school of law give repeated orders and injunctions, in strict school regulations of the environment, I made such a serious mistake, the school should be punished to me, I I do not know how many times said in a loud voice, the headmaster,teacher I was wrong, I was wrong. Mom, Dad, I was wrong, I was wrong. In this half, I get up on time every day, I think about life in schools for nearly two years. The school has deep feelings, the school in the future I, will have a new look, in the schools, not to grade school and my class teacher was also dark. In terms of learning or other school I would come with strict demands on themselves, I will grasp this opportunity. Use it as a turning point in my life, teachers want us to be the pillar of society, so Ilearn to live in the future of the school more efforts, not only the teacher to teach us the knowledge to learn, but also to learn how to behave,Such a mistake, for parents to expect from me is a huge blow, the parents hard earn money, so that we can live better than others, some of the good, so that we can put our heart into study. However,the mistakes I did go against the wishes of parents, but the parents of a negative energy, I"mashamed.I believe that the teachers see this attitude can also know that I have a very deep repentance attitude to this event, I believe my heart to repent, I is not to challenge the teacher"s discipline, is a momentary slip his, I hope you can forgive my mistake, I assure you that this matter will not have a second place.
2023-07-24 15:04:061


2023-07-24 15:04:157


你的物品金手指我给你 要什么东西自己慢慢找直接升到一百级,爽吧! 02023e94:270f 注:不想升级时可删掉或停止 SHOW ME THE MONEY!!!!!!!! 有钱也很重要 02005230:00000000(8个0) 03005B6A:63 买因得西(9800)一个一个买,会看到口袋里是99个99个的多,把其余的买掉,钱爆满!!!!!比直接找金钱金手指快多了 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 购物! コトキタゥソ商店才生效(第一城市) 02005230:00000000 03005B6A:63 输入以↑两条买东西不用钱。(要一起输入噢?) 用03005B72:XX(例:03005B72:0001)输入金手指,到第一城市(道吉市)商店随便买个东西就可拿到东西了.(将物品码输到冒号后即可,买多少的任意物品,也会获得相应数量的目的物品) 99个大师球啊!!!! 球 0001 大师球 0002 超力怪兽球 0003 超级球(比怪兽球更厉害些) 0004 怪兽球(普通的球) 0005 砂狐球(砂狐乐园专用球) 0006 触网球(容易抓水和虫类的怪兽) 0007 大布斯球(容易抓海底的怪兽) 0008 尼斯道球(怪兽越弱越容易抓) 0009 利比道球(容易抓抓过的球) 000a 达伊玛球(回合数越长越容易抓) 000b 高基石球(抓到的怪兽变亲密) 000c 布雷密球(珍惜怪兽球) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 道具 000d 伤药(体力恢复20) 000e 解毒药(恢复毒状态) 000f 烧伤恢复(恢复烧伤状态) 0010 解冻药(恢复冻状态) 0011 清醒药(恢复沉睡状态) 0012 麻痹恢复(恢复麻痹状态) 0013 恢复药(全恢复体力与所有状态) 0014 慢谈药(体力全恢复) 0015 伤药(体力恢复200) 0016 好伤药(体力恢复50) 0017 万能恢复(全部恢复) 0018 精神片(死亡恢复体力一半) 0019 精神草(死亡全恢复体力) 001a 美味水(恢复体力50) 001b 精神汽水(恢复体力60) 001c 米力液(恢复体力80) 001d 木木奶(恢复体力100) 001e 力量粉(恢复体力50,很苦粉,减底怪兽亲密度) 001f 力量根(恢复体力200,很苦根,减底怪兽亲密度) 0020 万能粉(全恢复状态,非常苦的粉,大大减低与怪兽的亲密度) 0021 复活草(死亡复活,很苦的草) 0022 pp艾依(1种技能值恢复10) 0023 pp力卡(1种技能值全恢复) 0024 ????????(?????) 0025 pp最大(1只怪兽的全部技能值全恢复) 0026 飞音饼(恢复全部异常状态) 0027 蓝玻璃(恢复沉睡状态,可用无限次) 0028 黄玻璃(恢复混乱状态,可用无限次) 0029 红玻璃(恢复颓废状态,可用无限次) 002a 黑玻璃(不遇野生怪兽) 002b 白玻璃(容易遇野生怪兽) 002c 树果汁(恢复体力20) 002d 圣是(死亡恢复全部体力,异常状态恢复) 002e 浅水盐(看看洞用的道具) 002f 浅水贝(看看洞用的道具) 0030 红碎片(换进化石的道具) 0031 蓝碎片(换进化石的道具) 0032 黄碎片(换进化石的道具) 0033 绿碎片(换进化石的道具) 0034—03e ????????(?????) 003f 最大上升(体力基础值提高) 0040 赞美语(攻击基础值提高) 0041 落海夫(防御基础值提高) 0042 因得西(敏捷基础值提高) 0043 立麦森(特攻基础值提高) 0044 奇异甜食(怪兽升1级) 0045 值上升(技能值的最大值上升) 0046 极道山果(德望基础值提高) 0047 值最大(技能值提高到最大) 0048 ?????????(?????) 0049 效果卡(战斗中…能避开对方的攻击,用于装备) 004a 清洗物(战斗中…容易命中要害,用于装备) 004b 布拉斯力量(战斗中…攻击力上升,用于装备) 004c 力道(战斗中…防御力上升,用于装备) 004d 敏捷力(战斗中…敏捷上升,用于装备) 004e 纪念打(战斗中…技能容易命中) 004f 特别上升(战斗中…特攻的威力上升,用于装备) 0050 皮皮木偶(在战斗中逃脱) 0051 小松鼠尾(在战斗中逃脱) 0052—05c ????????(?????) 005d 太阳石(让独特的怪兽进化) 005e 月亮石(让独特的怪兽进化) 005f 火焰石(让独特的怪兽进化) 0060 雷电石(让独特的怪兽进化) 0061 水石(让独特的怪兽进化) 0062 珊瑚石(让独特的怪兽进化) 0063—066 ????????(?????) 0067 小的树果(普通的树果容易成熟) 0068 大的树果(珍贵的树果难成熟) 0069 ????????(?????) 006a 珍珠(美丽的珍珠容易成熟) 006b 大珍珠(很美丽的大珍珠难成熟) 006c 星沙(美丽的红色的沙子) 006d 星星碎片(美丽的红宝石碎片) 006e 金珠(金星) 006f 心灵碎片(可以恢复忘却的技能) 0070—078 ????????(?????) 0079 彩色邮件(针鼠模样的信件) 007a 哈伯邮件(海鸥模样的信件) 007b 闪光邮件(皮卡丘模样的信件) 007c 机械邮件(小磁怪模样的信件) 007d 鸟烟邮件(食叶兽模样的信件) 007e 十字邮件(皮皮鲸模样的信件) 007f 珍贵邮件(有持有怪兽模样的信件) 0080 阴影邮件(钻墙怪模样的信件) 0081 热带邮件(美丽花模样的信件) 0082 花边邮件(有持有怪兽模样的信件) 0083 神奇邮件(豪华的信件) 0084 怀旧邮件(3只怪兽的信件) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 全部招式机机器 0153 秘传机01 0154 秘传机02 0155 秘传机03 0156 秘传机04 0157 秘传机05 0158 秘传机06 0159 秘传机07 015A 秘传机08 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0085 树果01 0086 树果02 0087 树果03 0088 树果04 0089 树果05 008A 树果06 008B 树果07 008C 树果08 008D 树果09 008E 树果10 008F 树果11 0090 树果12 0091 树果13 0092 树果14 0093 树果15 0094 树果16 0095 树果17 0096 树果18 0097 树果19 0098 树果20 0099 树果21 009A 树果22 009B 树果23 009C 树果24 009D 树果25 009E 树果26 009F 树果27 00A0 树果28 00A1 树果29 00A2 树果30 00A3 树果31 00A4 树果32 00A5 树果33 00A6 树果34 00A7 树果35 00A8 树果36 00A9 树果37 00AA 树果38 00AB 树果39 00AC 树果40 00AD 树果41 00AE 树果42 00AF 树果43 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00FE 红手巾 00FF 篮手巾 0100 粉手巾 0101 绿手巾 0102 黄手巾 0103 风马自行车 0104 硬币盒子 0105 探宝器 0106 普通钓竿 0107 好钓竿 0108 超级钓竿 0109 船票 010A 比赛通行证 010C 皮皮鲸喷壶 010D 天力行李 010E 背包 010F 地下钥匙 0110 沙道自行车 0111 怪兽盒 0112 代后的信 0113 梦幻票 0114 红色玉石 9115 蓝色玉石 0116 探知器 0117 沙道眼睛 0118 陨石 0119 1室钥匙 011A 2室钥匙 011B 4室钥匙 011C 6室钥匙 011D 仓库钥匙 011E 木根化石 011F 指甲化石 0120 デボァスコ-ド <好像个背包?用处不明!大概是主角的包吧! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 015D 邮包 015E 怪兽笛子 015F 火焰道馆钥匙 0160 自行车兑换卷 0161 假牙 0162 琥珀 0163 黄金室大楼钥匙 0164 火箭队钥匙 0165 菊石兽化石 0166 化石盔化石 0167 照妖眼镜 0168 自行车 0169 城市地图 016A 声音探测器? 016B 电话机? 016C 技能盒子 016D 树果袋子 016E 电视机 016F 1、2、3岛道船票 0170 彩虹船票? 0171 茶 0172 紫色的票? 0173 水底的票? 0174 收集瓶?(深蓝市老头家得到换东西的) 0175 红宝石 0176 蓝宝石 0177 新加入的东东 0178 新加入的东东 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 代码是我自己归纳的 另外,PP数量战斗后会予以保留,但技能种类战斗后会被打回原形 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PP全满 02023D4C:63636363 第1位技能 02023D34:xxxx 第2位技能 02023D36:xxxx 第3位技能 02023D38:xxxx 第4位技能 02023D3A:xxxx ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 以下 0001 拍打(はたく) 40 100% 35 无特效 0002 空手切(からてチョップ) 50 100% 25 容易命中要害 0003 往复拍打(おうふくビンタ) 15 85% 10 2至5次连续攻击 0004 连续拳(れんぞくパンチ) 18 85% 15 2至5次连续攻击 0005 百万吨级铁拳(メガトンパンチ) 80 85% 20 无特效 0006 招财猫(ネコにこばん) 40 100% 20 战斗结束后得到金钱,金钱数=使用妖怪等级×使用次数×2 0007 火炎拳(ほのおのパンチ) 75 100% 15 10%机率敌烧伤 0008 冷冻拳 (れいとうパンチ) 75 100% 15 10%机率敌冰冻 0009 闪电拳(かみなりパンチ) 75 100% 15 10%机率敌麻痹 000A 抓(ひっかく) 40 100% 35 无特效 000B 夹(はさむ) 55 100% 30 无特效 000C 剪刀断头台(ハサミギロチン) — 30% 5 一击必杀技,敌人级别高于自己时无效 000D 镰鼬(かまいたち) 80 100% 10 先蓄一回合再攻击,容易命中要害,二体攻击 000E 剑之舞(つるぎのまい) — —— 30 自己攻击升二级 000F 居合切(いあいぎり) 50 95% 30 在地图上使用能砍树`割草,密传01号机器 0010 起风(かぜおこし) 40 100% 35 能打中飞天的敌人且威力倍增 0011 翅膀拍击(つばさでうつ) 60 100% 35 无特效 0012 吹飞(ふきとばし) — 100% 20 野外战斗强制结束,对教练战斗中强迫敌交换妖怪,优先度-5 0013 飞空(そらをとぶ) 70 95% 15 首回合飞上高空,次回合攻击,在地图上使用能飞到去过的城镇,密传02号机器 0014 勒住(しめつける) 15 75% 20 使用后2至5回合敌不能交换妖怪,每回合结束时敌HP损失最大值的1/16 0015 打倒(たたきつける) 80 75% 20 无特效 0016 蔓藤鞭(つるのムチ) 35 100% 10 无特效 0017 践踏(ふみつけ) 65 100% 20 30%机率敌害怕,打中变小的敌人时威力倍增 0018 二段踢(にどげり) 30 100% 30 2次连续攻击 0019 百万吨级强踢(メガトンキック) 120 75% 5 无特效 001A 飞踢(とびげり) 70 95% 25 Miss时本应给予对方伤害的1/8会反弹给自己 001B 回旋踢(まわしげり) 60 85% 15 30%机率敌害怕 001C 扔沙(すなかけ) — 100% 30 敌命中率降一级 001D 头突(ずつき) 70 100% 15 30%机率敌害怕 001E 角突(つのでつく) 65 100% 25 无特效 001F 乱突(みだれづき) 15 85% 20 2至5次连续攻击 0020 尖角钻(つのドリル) — 30% 5 一击必杀技,敌人级别高于自己时无效 0021 撞击(たいあたり) 35 95% 35 无特效 0022 压制(のしかかり) 85 100% 15 30%机率敌麻痹 0023 卷紧(まきつく) 15 85% 20 使用后2至5回合敌不能交换妖怪,每回合结束时敌HP损失最大值的1/16 0024 突进(とっしん) 90 85% 20 敌所受伤害的1/4会反弹给自己 0025 暴走(あばれる) 90 100% 20 不受控制地攻击2至3回合,之后自己混乱 0026 舍身一击(すてみタックル) 120 100% 15 敌所受伤害的1/3会反弹给自己 0027 摇尾巴(しっぽをふる) — 100% 30 敌防御降一级,二体攻击 0028 毒针(どくばり) 15 100% 35 30%机率敌中毒 0029 双针(ダブルニードル) 25 100% 20 2次连续攻击,20%机率敌中毒 002A 导弹针(ミサイルばり) 14 85% 20 2至5次连续攻击 002B 瞪眼(にらみつける) — 100% 30 敌防御降一级,二体攻击 002C 啮咬(かみつく) 60 100% 25 30%机率敌害怕 002D 叫声(なきごえ) — 95% 40 敌攻击降一级,二体攻击 002E 吼叫(ほえる) — 100% 20 野外战斗强制结束,对教练战斗中强迫敌交换妖怪,优先度-5,05号机器 002F 歌唱(うたう) — 55% 15 敌睡眠 0030 超音波(ちょうおんぱ) — 55% 20 敌混乱 0031 音速波(ソニックブーム) 20 90% 20 敌HP损失20点 0032 束缚(かなしばり) — 55% 20 使用后1至7回合敌不能使用最后使用的技能 0033 溶解液(ようかいえき) 40 100% 30 10%机率敌防御力降一级,二体攻击 0034 火花(ひのこ) 40 100% 25 10%机率敌烧伤 0035 炎放射(かえんほうしゃ) 95 100% 15 10%机率敌烧伤,35号机器 0036 白雾(しろいきり) — —— 30 使用后降低能力的技能对自己无效 0037 水枪(みずでっぽう) 40 100% 25 无特效 0038 高压水泵(ハイドロポンプ) 120 80% 5 无特效 0039 冲浪(なみのり) 95 100% 15 在地图上使用能在水上行动,二体攻击,密传03号机器 003A 冷冻光线(れいとうビーム) 95 100% 10 10%机率敌冰冻,13号机器 003B 暴风雪(ふぶき) 120 70% 5 10%机率敌冰冻,二体攻击,14号机器 003C 精神光线(サイケこうせん) 65 100% 20 10%机率敌混乱 003D 泡泡光线(バブルこうせん) 65 100% 20 10%机率敌速度降一级 003E 极光光线(オーロラビーム) 65 100% 20 10%机率敌攻击力降一级 003F 破坏光线(はかいこうせん) 150 90% 5 击中后的下一回合不能行动,15号机器 0040 啄(つつく) 35 100% 35 无特效 0041 钻孔啄(ドリルくちばし) 80 100% 20 无特效 0042 地狱车(じごくぐるま) 80 80% 25 给予对方伤害的1/4会反弹给自己 0043 过肩摔(けたぐり) — 100% 20 威力随着对方体重增加而增大 0044 反击(カウンター) — 100% 20 自己受到的物理攻击伤害加倍反馈给敌人,优先度-4 0045 地球投(ちきゅうなげ) — 100% 20 敌损失HP等于自己的等级 0046 怪力(かいりき) 80 100% 15 在地图上使用能推动岩石,密传04号机器 0047 吸取(すいとる) 20 100% 20 给予敌HP损失的一半用来回复自己HP 0048 百万威力吸取(メガドレイン) 40 100% 10 给予敌HP损失的一半用来回复自己HP 0049 寄生种子(やどりぎのタネ) — 90% 10 每回合吸取敌HP最大值的1/8,自己交换妖怪后仍有效,对草系妖怪无效 004A 生长(せいちょう) — —— 40 自己特攻升一级 004B 八叶斩(はっぱカッター) 55 95% 25 容易命中要害,二体攻击 004C 太阳光线(ソーラービーム) 120 100% 10 通常先蓄一回合再攻击,晴天当回合射出,雨天威力半减,22号机器 004D 毒粉(どくのこな) — 75% 35 敌中毒 004E 麻痹粉(しびれごな) — 75% 30 敌麻痹 004F 催眠粉(ねむりごな) — 75% 15 敌睡眠 0050 花瓣之舞(はなびらのまい) 70 100% 20 不受控制地攻击2至3回合,之后自己混乱 0051 吐丝(いとをはく) — 95% 40 敌速度降一级, 二体攻击 0052 龙之怒(りゅうのいかり) 40 100% 10 敌HP损失40点 0053 炎之涡(ほのおのうず) 15 70% 15 使用后2至5回合敌不能交换妖怪,每回合结束时敌HP损失最大值的1/16 0054 电气震 (でんきショック) 40 100% 30 10%机率敌麻痹 0055 十万伏特(10まんボルト) 95 100% 15 10%机率敌麻痹,24号机器 0056 电磁波(でんじは) — 100% 20 敌麻痹 0057 闪电(かみなり) 120 —— 10 30%机率敌麻痹,命中率通常70%`晴天50%`雨天100%,能打中飞天的敌人,25号机器 0058 落石(いわおとし) 50 90% 15 无特效 0059 地震(じしん) 100 100% 10 能打中遁地的敌人且威力倍增,全体攻击,26号机器 005A 地裂(じわれ) — 30% 5 一击必杀技,能打中遁地的敌人,敌级别高于自己时无效 005B 挖洞(あなをほる) 60 100% 10 首回合钻入地下,次回合攻击,在洞窟`塔中使用能回到入口,28号机器 005C 剧毒(どくどく) — 85% 10 敌中毒,每回合损失比上回合增加HP最大值的1/16,06号机器,敌若交换精灵则从头算起 005D 念力(ねんりき) 50 100% 25 10%机率敌混乱 005E 精神制动(サイコキネシス) 90 100% 10 10%机率敌特防降一级,29号机器 005F 催眠术(さいみんじゅつ) — 60% 20 敌睡眠 0060 瑜珈之形(ヨガのポース) — —— 40 自己攻击力升一级 0061 高速移动(こうそくいどう) — —— 30 自己速度升二级 0062 电光石火(でんこうせっか) 40 100% 30 优先度+1 0063 愤怒(いかり) 20 100% 20 连续使用时,威力=20×受攻击的次数 0064 瞬间移动(テレポート) — —— 20 从战斗中逃跑,对训练员的战斗中无效,在地图上使用能回到最后去过的PC屋 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 首位PM (升级后会被打回原形 ) 等级 020241E4:xx HP 020241E6:03E7 HP上限 020241E8:03E7 能力最高 020241EA:03E7 020241EC:03E703E7 020241F0:03E703E7 战斗经验 02000076:03E7 第一只PM物攻999 020000A4:03E7穿墙金手指: 80937B15 015E46E3 78DA95DF 44018CB4
2023-07-24 15:04:505

腾讯王卡 QQ怎么免流量

2023-07-24 15:05:092


1)当一般的合约机制无法帮助消费者监督生产者的行为时,合约失灵。合约失灵与政府/市场时令相互补充:前者解释为什么有些私人物品要由非营利组织提供,而后者理论解释为什么有些公共物品需要由非营利组织提供。2)囚徒困境(Prison Dilemma)是博弈论的非零和博弈中具代表性的例子,反映个人最佳选择并非团体最佳选择。虽然困境本身只属模型性质,但现实中的价格竞争、环境保护等方面,也会频繁出现类似情况。 单次发生的囚徒困境,和多次重复的囚徒困境结果不会一样。 在重复的囚徒困境中,博弈被反复地进行。因而每个参与者都有机会去“惩罚”另一个参与者前一回合的不合作行为。这时,合作可能会作为均衡的结果出现。欺骗的动机这时可能被受到惩罚的威胁所克服,从而可能导向一个较好的、合作的结果。作为反复接近无限的数量,纳什均衡趋向于帕累托最优。 囚徒困境的主旨为,囚徒们虽然彼此合作,坚不吐实,可为全体带来最佳利益(无罪开释),但在资讯不明的情况下,因为出卖同伙可为自己带来利益(缩短刑期),也因为同伙把自己招出来可为他带来利益,因此彼此出卖虽违反最佳共同利益,反而是自己最大利益所在。但实际上,执法机构不可能设立如此情境来诱使所有囚徒招供,因为囚徒们必须考虑刑期以外之因素(出卖同伙会受到报复等),而无法完全以执法者所设立之利益(刑期)作考量。3)公共地悲剧(tragedy of the commons)是指如果一种资源没有排他性的所有权,就会导致这种资源的过度使用。公共地悲剧是哈定(Garrit Hadin)于1968年在《科学》杂志上发表的文章《Tragedy of Commons》中提出的。 公共地悲剧的通俗解释: 有一个关于牧民与草地的故事,说的是当草地向牧民完全开放时,每一个牧民都想多养一头牛,因为多养一头牛增加的收益大于其购养成本,是有利润的。尽管因为平均草量下降,增加一头牛可能使整个草地的牛的单位收益下降。但对于单个牧民来说,他增加一头牛是有利的。可是如果所有的牧民都看到这一点,都增加一头牛,那么草地将被过度放牧,从而不能满足牛的需要,导致所有牧民的牛都饿死。这个故事就是公共资源的悲剧。哈定说:“在共享公有物的社会中,每个人,也就是所有人都追求各自的最大利益。这就是悲剧的所在。每个人都被锁定在一个迫使他在有限范围内无节制地增加牲畜的制度中。毁灭是所有人都奔向的目的地。因为在信奉公有物自由的社会当中,每个人均追求自己的最大利益。公有物自由给所有人带来了毁灭。”4)信息不对称理论是指在市场经济活动中,各类人员对有关信息的了解是有差异的;掌握信息比较充分的人员,往往处于比较有利的地位,而信息贫乏的人员,则处于比较不利的地位。信息不对称理论是由三位美国经济学家——约瑟夫·斯蒂格利茨、乔治·阿克尔洛夫和迈克尔·斯彭斯提出的。该理论认为:市场中卖方比买方更了解有关商品的各种信息;掌握更多信息的一方可以通过向信息贫乏的一方传递可靠信息而在市场中获益;买卖双方中拥有信息较少的一方会努力从另一方获取信息;市场信号显示在一定程度上可以弥补信息不对称的问题;信息不对称是市场经济的弊病,要想减少信息不对称对经济产生的危害,政府应在市场体系中发挥强有力的作用。这一理论为很多市场现象如股市沉浮、就业与失业、信贷配给、商品促销、商品的市场占有等提供了解释,并成为现代信息经济学的核心,被广泛应用到从传统的农产品市场到现代金融市场等各个领域。 5)在现代经济学理论体系中,所谓“外部性”也称外在效应或溢出效应,主要是指一个经济主体的活动对旁观者福利的影响,这种影响并不是在有关各方以价格为基础的交换中发生的,因此其影响是外在的;如果给旁观者带来的是福利损失(成本),可称之为“负外部性”;反之,如果给旁观者带来的是福利增加(收益),则可称之为“正外部性”。全体社会成员都可以无偿享受的公共物品,可以说是正外部性的特例。个体经济活动付出的成本和得到的收益可谓个体(私人)成本和个体(私人)收益,而这一活动带给旁观者的额外成本和额外收益就是社会成本和社会收益。经济生活中的外部性是广泛存在的。生产中养蜂人放蜂使果农收成增加,企业的技术发明被其他企业无偿引用等等,都会产生正外部性;而化工厂向江河排放污水就会有负外部性。私人消费也会产生外部性,如吸烟,开车都会造成对空气的污染,半夜放音响给邻居带来的噪声等,都产生负外部性。6)公共选择理论(Public choice theory)是一种以现代经济学分析民主立宪制政府的各种问题的学科,传统上是属于政治学的范畴(对此更为普遍的称呼则是「政治经济学」,但应该注意这不可和马克思主义对这词的定义混为一谈)。公共选择理论研究选民、政治人物、以及政府官员们的行为,假设他们都是出于私利而采取行动的个人,以此研究他们在民主体制或其它类似的社会体制下进行的互动。公共选择理论也采用许多不同的研究工具进行研究,包括了研究对效用最大化的局限、博弈论、或决策论。公共选择理论的分析方式很大一部分是根基于实证分析的方法上(「这是什么」);但却是将此作为研究规范(「这应该是什么」)的工具,以探索问题的所在点、并研究如何在宪政体制内改善这些问题。公共选择理论提出的主要公式之一是理性选择理论(Rational choice),假设人们的行为都是出自从有限的可用手段里挑选达成目标的途径。另一个研究目标不同、但却有相同研究公式的学科则是实证政治理论(Positive political theory)。而社会选择理论(Social choice theory)也是一个相关联的研究领域。7)"内部性" :having the quality of being both internal; internal character; "内部性" 在学术文献中的解释 1、内部性是指由交易者所经受的但没有在交易条款中说明的交易的成本和效益.内部性存在正的和负的两方面的效果.外部刺激是指外部环境引起的刺激,如某个广告、朋友或邻居买了某件商品等刺激 2、内部性是指知识的转移,即从外部知识库中筛选,提取人们想得到的与特定用户有关的知识.中介性是指为知识寻找者找到知识的最佳来源 3、一个企业的收益是由内部和外部因素影响决定的,由内部因素决定的称为内部性,由外部因素决定的称为外部性.从企业利益的角度讲有两种外部性,即外部经济性和外部不经济性 8)寻租(Rent-seeking ) 租,即租金。也就是利润、利益、好处。寻租,即对经济利益的追求。指通过一些非生产性的行为对利益的寻求。如有的政府部门通过设置一些收费项目,来为本部门谋求好处。有的官员利用手中的权利为个人捞取好处,有的企业贿赂官员为本企业得到项目、特许权或其它稀缺的经济资源。是一些既得利益者对既得利益的维护和对既得利益进行的再分配的活动。寻租往往使政府的决策或运作受利益集团或个人的摆布。这些行为有的是非法的,有的合法不合理。往往成为腐败和社会不公和社会动乱之源。 (详细较学术看下面) 寻租有多种定义,布坎南等人认为“寻求租金一词是要描述这样一种制度背景化的行为:在那里,个人竭尽使价值最大化造成了社会浪费,而没有形成社会剩余。”他们把寻租描述为人们凭借政府保护进行的寻求财富转移而造成的浪费资源的活动,即一个人在寻租,说明了这个人在某事上进行了投资,被投资的这种事情实际上没有提高,甚至降低了生产率,但却确实给投资者带来了一种特殊的地位或垄断权利而提高了投资者的收入,租金也就是由此所得的收入。因此,柯兰得尔中给寻租下的定义是为了争夺人为的财富转移而浪费资源的活动。 而克鲁格则认为寻租是为了取得许可证和配额以获得额外收益而进行的疏通活动。 常见的寻租行为的分类: 1,政府的特许权。 2,政府规定,关税与进出口的配额。 3,政府采购。 u2022 寻租的特点主要有: u2022 间接造成经济资源配置的扭曲,阻止了更有效的生产方式的实施。一是直接浪费了经济资源,利用时间、精力和金钱去游说的结果,对寻租者来说可能更有效率,但对社会来说没有效率而言。 u2022 导致其他层次的寻租活动或“避租”活动。 u2022 政府部门工作人员为了对付寻租者的游说与贿赂,需要时间和精力反击。 u2022 寻租活动有合法与非法之分。 u2022 企业向政府争取优惠待遇,利用特殊政策维护自身的独家垄断,就属于合法的寻租活动。 u2022 行贿和走私就属于非法的寻租活动。 u2022 u2022 寻租活动的三个层次,以出租车为例: u2022 第一个层次是:政府用发放有限数量的经营执照人为地限制出租汽车的数量,那么市场上出租车数量就少于自由竞争水平。牌照管制带来了第一个层次的寻租活动。 u2022 第二个层次是:既然政府官员可以决定牌照的管制,那么争取这个职位就形成了第二个层次的寻租活动。 u2022 第三个层次的寻租活动,是超额收入(部分或全部)会以执照费的形式转化为政府财政收入,那么争夺这部分财政收入,就形成了第三个层次的寻租活动。9)阿罗不可能定理: 不可能在同时满足以下看似合理的条件下,做到将个人偏好转变为公共选择,条件包括: It is impossible to translate individual preferences into collective preferences without violating at least one of a specified list of ethically reasonable conditions,including 1无约束域 2完备性 3忠实反映个人的偏好,如果每个人都认为A比B好,那么社会整体也应认为A比B好。 4传递性 5独立性——independence of irrelevant alternatives 不受无关备选方案的影响 6没有独裁 公共选择理论的代表人物之一丹尼斯·缪勒在其《公共选择》(1979)一书中认为,社会选择理论以及社会福利函数性质的论著,特别是伯格森(A. Bergson)的《福利经济学的某些方面的重新论述》、肯尼斯·阿罗的《社会选择和个人价值》和布莱克的《委员会和选举的理论》是公共选择理论的主要来源之一。所谓社会选择,是与个人选择相对而言的,个人选择的中心是确定个人偏好,而社会选择理论的中心是确定社会偏好。在社会选择理论中,最著名的也是最受推崇的结论是阿罗的"不可能性定理"。1951年,阿罗出版了他的研究社会理论的重要著作《社会选择和个人价值》。他首次运用数理逻辑的分析工具,对社会决策和社会民主程序设计之间的关系做了形式化的深入考察,所得出的"不可能性定理"在西方经济学界引起了轰动,被认为是近数十年来数学应用于社会科学所取得的一项突出成果。 阿罗认为,在现代民主社会中,有两种做出社会选择的基本方法:一种是投票,通常用于做"政治"决策;另一种是市场机制,通常用于做"经济"决策。此外,在其他非民主的国家,甚至在民主社会中的较小单位里,也存在两种社会选择的方法,即独裁和传统,在它们的正式结构中具有某些投票或市场机制所不具备的明确性。在理想的独裁体制中,社会选择只根据神的或者全体个人的共同意志做出。因此,这两种情况下均没有个人之间的冲突。然而,投票或市场的方法是汇集许多不同的个人偏好做出社会选择的方法。在任何个人是理性地做出他的选择的意义上,社会选择的独裁方法和传统方法也是理性的。[②]但是在涉及许多个人不同意志的集体选择中,这种个人选择和社会选择的协调性还存在吗? 美国著名数理经济学家肯·阿罗(1921年生)是1972年诺贝尔经济学奖金获得者。他获奖的主要成果,是揭示了”不可能性定理”,人们俗称为”阿罗定理”。 1951年,阿罗出版了他的研究社会理论的重要著作《社会选择和个人价值》,采用数学的公理化方法对通行的投票选举方式能否保证产生出合乎大多数人意愿的领导者或者说“将每个个体表达的先后次序综合成整个群体的偏好次序”进行了研究。结果,他得出了一个惊人的结论:绝大多数情况下是——不可能的!更准确的表达则是:当至少有三名候选人和两位选民时,不存在满足阿罗公理的选举规则。或者也可以说是:随着候选人和选民的增加,“程序民主”必将越来越远离“实质民主”。 阿罗不可能定理源自孔多塞的“投票悖论”,早在十八世纪法国思想家孔多赛就提出了著名的“投票悖论”:假设甲乙丙三人,面对ABC三个备选方案,有如图的偏好排序。 甲(a > b > c) 乙(b > c > a) 丙(c > a > b) 注:甲(a > b > c)代表——甲偏好a胜于b,又偏好b胜于c。 若取“a”、“b”对决,那么按照偏好次序排列如下: 甲(a > b ) 乙(b > a ) 丙(a > b ) 社会次序偏好为(a > b ) 若取“b”、“c”对决,那么按照偏好次序排列如下: 甲(b > c ) 乙(b > c ) 丙(c > b ) 社会次序偏好为(b > c ) 若取“a”、“c”对决,那么按照偏好次序排列如下: 甲(a > c ) 乙(c > a ) 丙(c > a ) 社会次序偏好为(c > a ) 于是我们得到三个社会偏好次序——(a > b )、(b > c )、(c > a ),其投票结果显示“社会偏好”有如下事实:社会偏好a胜于b、偏好b胜于c、偏好c胜于a。显而易见,这种所谓的“社会偏好次序”包含有内在的矛盾,即社会偏好a胜于c,而又认为a不如c!所以按照投票的大多数规则,不能得出合理的社会偏好次序。 , 总结:要寻找这样一种决策机制,即它所产生的结果不受投票程序的影响,同时又不限制投票人的偏好以及进行的独立决策,并能最终将所有的个人偏好转化为一种社会偏好,是不可能的;这就是阿罗不可能定理 阿罗不可能定理的数理表述: 阿罗首先提出了社会福函数的条件,然后,证明这个社会福利函数不存在! 关于社会福利函数的阿罗条件 U.无约束的定义域:f的定义式应当包括个人在X上的偏好关系的一切可能的组合。 WP.弱帕雷托原理:对于X中的每对备择物组合x与y,如果对于一切i,xPiy,那么,xPy IIA不相关备择物的独立性。令R=f(R1,……RN),R"=f(R1",……R"N),并设x与y是X中任何两个备择物。如果每个个人i在Ri下排定x与y的次序,他也在R"下用同样的方式排出x与y的次序。那么,在R与R"条件下,x与y的社会排序相同。 D.非独裁关系。不存在这样一个人i,使得对于X中的一切x与y,xPiy,就意味着xPy,不管其他一切人j(j不等于i)的偏好怎样。 阿罗不可能定理: 如果X中至少存在三个社会状态,那么,没有一个社会福利函数f将会同时满足U、WP、IIA与D四个条件。10)投票规则是通过投票进行决策的一种公共选择程序规则。 投票规则有两类:一致同意规则和多数票规则。 一致同意规则是指一项政策或议案,须经全体投票人一致赞同才能通过的一种投票规则,这是最符合公共利益要求的投票规则,但因其实质是一票否决制,故在现实生活中很难实施;多数票规则是指一项政策或议案,须经半数以上投票人赞同才能通过的一种投票规则,有氛围简单多数票规则和比例多数票规则,多数票规则往往导致循环投票并且不能反映个人的偏好程度,容易造成政府失灵。在西方,各政党在选举中通过某些政策承诺来获得更多选民的支持,以确保本政党的当选。在许多情况下,这种迎合(部分)选民需要的政策倾向导致了出现“短视效应”,即追求近期目标而牺牲长远利益。所谓“理性的无知”是指人们面对信息搜寻上的巨大成本和不确定性时,不能获取某些信息和知识的行为.
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As the former chair of the planning board for 18 consecutive years and a board member for 28years, Joan Philkill attended more than 400 meetings and reviewed more than 700 rezoningapplications.(A) As the former(B) The former(C) Former(D) She was (E) As the(A) 不明白解释:as the former chair… for 18 consecutive years不符合逻辑,而且主语谓语是attended…,如果是former chair,attended…也是不符合逻辑的.(former说的是以前的,那为什么不能说前任的chair连续。。。了18年,参加了。。。会议呢?)Nine months after the county banned jet skis and other water bikes from the tranquil waters ofPuget Sound, a judge overturned the ban on the ground of violating state laws for allowing the useof personal watercraft on common waterways.(A) of violating state laws for allowing(B) of their violating state laws to allow(C) that it violates state laws that allowed(D) that it violated state laws allowing (E) that state laws were being violated allowing 答案为D。但我觉得it指代不清。是指代judge还是ban。E选项的解释是:“被动语态表达不清晰;allowing距离其修饰对象laws太远,产生歧义。”但我觉得allowing是修饰violate的,说的是laws违背了允许。。。的权利。One of the earliest known birds with a beak and contour feathers, Confuciusornis sanctus, withlarge clawlike "thumbs" on its wings, which probably helped them to climb up to a launching positionfor flight.(A) with large clawlike "thumbs" on its wings, which probably helped them to(B) with large clawlike "thumbs" on their wings, which probably helped it to(C) had large clawlike "thumbs" on its wings, which probably helped them(D) had large clawlike "thumbs" on its wings, probably to help it(E) had large clawlike "thumbs" on their wings, probably to help it 答案为D。答案解释说不定式在这里做目的状语。但是会不会有修饰wings的歧义呢?In the mid-1920s the Hawthorne Works of the Western Electric Company was the scene of anintensive series of experiments that would investigate changes in working conditions as to theireffects on workers" performance.(A) that would investigate changes in working conditions as to their effects on workers" performance (B) investigating the effects that changes in working conditions would have on workers"performance(C) for investigating what the effects on workers" performance are that changes in workingconditions would cause(D) that investigated changes in working conditions" effects on workers" performance(E) to investigate what the effects changes in working conditions would have on workers"performance 答案解释说(D) 表达不清晰,可以理解为changes in… effects,也可以理解为changes in working conditions。但我觉得D的conditions是所有格,那么change就应该是in effects而不是in conditions啊。关于(E),答案说“修饰effects的定语从句changes in working conditions would have前面应该加引导词that;what the effects没有谓语;该句用不定式to investigate作定语修饰experiments不及直接用分词更有效。”但我觉得what the effec的谓语是would have,另外不明白为什么说这里的不定式不如分词有效
2023-07-24 15:05:271


Respect other people"s privacy
2023-07-24 15:05:383


Don"t eat.
2023-07-24 15:05:472


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脱落的英文是:fall off。短语:1、脱落层,stratum disjunctum。2、脱落插头,pull-off plug; rip plug。3、脱落插座,separation connector。4、脱落连接,pull-off connection。5、脱落连接器,umbilical connector。6、脱落素,abscisin。7、脱落酸,abscisic acid abscisin。8、脱落蜗杆,out-of-gear worm。9、脱落细胞,cast-off cells。10、脱落细胞学,exfoliative cytology。11、脱落性,deciduous。脱落,意为附着的东西掉下,可用于形容牙齿、油漆、毛发,也可引申用于形容文字、植物、视网膜等。文字脱落意为文字遗漏,植物脱落指的是叶、花、种子或果实。在医学中,常用于形容人体器官膜的脱落,如眼角膜、子宫内膜等。相关例句:1、别太使劲拉,不然把手会脱落。Don"t pull so hard or the handle will come off.2、她的头发因放射治疗而开始脱落。Her hair started falling out as a result of radiation treatment.3、飞机前舱门的一个门闩可能脱落了。A bolt may have fallen off the plane"s forward door.4、当你的排气管脱落时,你只能更换它。When your exhaust pipe falls off, you have to replace it.5、该飞机的两个机翼因受到撞击而脱落。The two wings of the aircraft broke off on impact.
2023-07-24 14:55:441