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2023-07-25 09:48:59
TAG: kill skill ill ll




“技能”英语:Skill。发音:英[sku026al]美[sku026al]。做名词解释:技巧,技艺,(特定的)技术,技能。做动词解释:培训(工人)。做人名解释:(Skill)(瑞典)希尔(人名)。常用短语:Integrating skills、skill at driving、skill at playing billiards。例句赏析:Herbalism had become an all but extinct skill in the Western world。草药医术在西方已经成了一门几乎绝迹的技艺。The crucial skill you need to develop is sorting out the parents。你需要培养的关键技能就是让那些家长认错。It takes great skill,cool nerves and the reflexes of an athlete。那需要运动员有高超的技巧、冷静的头脑和迅速的反应能力。
2023-07-24 13:51:001

skill是什么意思 skill的解释

1、skill,英文单词,名词,作名词时意为“技能,技巧;本领,技术,人名;(瑞典)希尔”。 2、短语搭配:presentation skill演讲技巧;表达技巧;简报技巧。Conceptual Skill概念性技能;概念技能;理念性技术;概念化能力。job skill岗位技能要求;岗位技能;技能要求;职业技能。Learn skill学习技能。People Skill了解人的能力;人际技能;人际能力;社交。
2023-07-24 13:52:121


  skill有技能;技艺;技巧;熟练等意思,那么你知道skill的用法吗?下面跟着我一起来学习一下,希望对大家的学习有所帮助!    skill的用法:   skill的用法1:skill的基本意思是“技能,技巧”,多用作不可数名词; 表示“熟练”,是不可数名词。skill还可指“熟练工人”,这时是集合名词,没有复数形式,用作主语时其谓语动词要用单数形式。   skill的用法2:skill指技术的程度用much, great等修饰。    skill的用法例句:   1. The cut of a diamond depends on the skill of its craftsman.   钻石切割靠的是工匠的技艺。   2. Herbalism had become an all but extinct skill in the Western world.   草药医术在西方已经成了一门几乎绝迹的技艺。   3. The crucial skill you need to develop is sorting out the parents.   你需要培养的关键技能就是让那些家长认错。   4. It takes great skill, cool nerves and the reflexes of an athlete.   那需要运动员有高超的技巧、冷静的头脑和迅速的反应能力。   5. I regard creativity both as a gift and as a skill.   我认为创造力既是一种天赋也是一种技巧。   6. Boxing is a test of skill and technique, rather than brute strength.   拳击考验的是技能和技术,不是蛮力。   7. My skill in such matters might redound to my advantage.   我在这种事情上的技能可能会对我有所帮助。   8. She almost died, but the hospital"s skill achieved great marvels.   她已经奄奄一息,但是医院的技术却创造了伟大的奇迹。   9. They cooked without skill and ate without discrimination.   他们烹调手艺不高,也不挑食。   10. He acted the part with consummate skill.   他以精湛的演技饰演了这一角色。   11. His political skill is legendary.   他的政治手腕高超是出了名的。   12. Skill comes only with practice, patience and persistence.   只有不断练习,有耐心有毅力,才能学会一门技艺。   13. To forge a blade takes great skill.   锻造刀刃需要很高超的技巧。   14. He was magnanimous in defeat and praised his opponent"s skill.   他对失败表现得很洒脱,并且赞扬了对手的才能。   15. The job requires skill and an eye for detail.   这项工作需要技巧和注意细节的眼光。
2023-07-24 13:52:201

skill ability talent 的不同

skill是指技能,具体的技术, ability是指能力, talent是天才,天赋。
2023-07-24 13:52:324


  技能指掌握并能运用专门技术的能力。那么你知道吗?下面来学习一下吧。    技能英语说法1:   skill    技能英语说法2:   technique   技能英语说法3:   technical ability    技能的相关短语:   生活技能 Life skills ; Living Skills ; Skills For Life ; kemahiran hidup   会话技能 dialogue pletion ; dialogue pletion ; munication Technic ; I   技术技能 Technical Skills ; Skill-sets ; Technique ; Technical   运动技能 motor skill ; sports skill ; sport petence ; athletic skill   电脑技能 puter Skills ; puter basic office software ; PC Skills ; puter Be familiar with MS Office   阅读技能 reading skill ; reading skills training ; reading ability ; critical reading skills   主动技能 Active Skill ; Ability    技能的英语例句:   1. He waxed lyrical about the skills and mitment of his employees.   他津津乐道于员工的技能和敬业精神。   2. We needed to reskill our workforce to cope with massive technological change.   我们得让工人学习新技能,以应对巨大的技术变革。   3. Relentless in his pursuit of quality, his technical ability was remarkable.   对质量孜孜不倦的追求使他的技能出类拔萃。   4. The crucial skill you need to develop is sorting out the parents.   你需要培养的关键技能就是让那些家长认错。   5. The trainers have a programme to teach them vocational skills.   培训师计划教他们一些职业技能。   6. He went to Paris in search of work as an unskilled labourer.   他没有任何劳动技能就到巴黎找起了工作。   7. Polish up your writing skills on a one-week professional course.   上为期一周的专业课,提高你的写作技能。   8. Boxing is a test of skill and technique, rather than brute strength.   拳击考验的是技能和技术,不是蛮力。   9. Without more training or advanced technical skills, they"ll lose their jobs.   没有进一步的培训或高阶技能的话,他们就会丢掉工作。   10. Some children have more finely trained perceptual skills than others.   一些孩子比其他孩子具备更为训练有素的感知技能。   11. It"s a team unrivalled in stature, expertise and credibility.   这个团队的名声、专业技能和信誉都是无可匹敌的。   12. Administrative staff may be deskilled through increased automation and efficiency.   随着自动化程度和效率的不断提高,对管理人员的技能要求可能会大大降低。   13. My skill in such matters might redound to my advantage.   我在这种事情上的技能可能会对我有所帮助。   14. Use the transferable skills acquired from your previous working background.   先前工作中学到的技能能为现在所用的就多加利用。   15. Their strengths in memory and spatial skills matched.   他们在记忆力和空间技能方面势均力敌。
2023-07-24 13:52:401


2023-07-24 13:52:491


分类: 教育/科学 >> 外语学习 问题描述: 填IBM网申中有 Technical Skills Please list your 5 main technical skills for your profession, mencing with the strongest. 什么属于Technical Skills,确实不知道怎么填比较好,希望高人指点下,最好能有例句可以参考,谢谢!解析: Technical skills:如 1)Conduct multi-step synthesis of plex natural products 2)Use molecular mechanics and dynamics to study biomolecular systems 3)Develop puter sofare for chemical applications 4)Programming languages including FORTRAN, C, Pascal, perl, javascript, assembler 5)In depth experience with putational chemistry programs including SYBYL, MacroModel, Insight/Discover, Quanta/CHARMm, Cerius2, Biograf, Chem-X, AMBER 6)Production experience with chemical information systems including MACCS, ISIS, ORACLE 7)Extensive use of HTML, CGI programming, javascript for the development of mercial Web sites. 诸如此类等等等等
2023-07-24 13:53:381


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2023-07-24 13:54:337


2023-07-24 13:54:514


两者都是名词,但意思不一样。skill的意思是技能,技巧;本领,技术。skillfulness的意思是灵巧;有技巧。例句:I like the works by lao mu , not only for his highly skillfulness , i appreciate his cognition to modeling and his understanding about spaces我喜欢老牟的东西,并不局限他技法的纯熟,我欣赏他对造型的认知,和他对空间的理解。 The Skill Biased Technology Change hypothesis(SBTC) is introduced to identify Chinese technology progress.通过引入"技能偏好型"技术进步假说来分析中国的技术进步类型。答题不易望采纳O(∩_∩)O谢谢
2023-07-24 13:55:001

skill,means,technique 它们有什么区别?

skill表示技能 某人拥有某项技能,或者是有能力的,比如he is a skilled man.他技术很好means表示方式方法.比如we express our ideas by means of speaking.我们用言语表达思想.technique表示技巧性的东西,强调技巧.比...
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2023-07-24 13:56:005

skill是什么意思 skill的解释

1、skill,英文单词,名词,作名词时意为“技能,技巧;本领,技术,人名;(瑞典)希尔”。 2、短语搭配:presentation skill演讲技巧;表达技巧;简报技巧。Conceptual Skill概念性技能;概念技能;理念性技术;概念化能力。job skill岗位技能要求;岗位技能;技能要求;职业技能。Learn skill学习技能。People Skill了解人的能力;人际技能;人际能力;社交。
2023-07-24 13:56:291


skill读语音标:[sku026al],美语音标:[sku026al]单词例句用作名词 (n.)The crisis put his courage and skill to the test. 这次危难是对他的勇气和技能的考验。Resources management is an important business skill. 资源管理是一项重要的经营技能。As a lightweight his skill is of the highest order. 作为轻量级拳击手,他的技术是第一流的。Match your skill against the experts in this quiz. 在这一测验中你与专家较量一下技巧吧。His cleverness and skill compel our admiration. 他的聪明和技巧使我们赞叹不已。The surgeon cut away the tumour with expert skill. 外科大夫用熟练的技术把肿瘤切去。His hard work atones for his lack of skill. 他的艰苦努力弥补了技术的不熟练。
2023-07-24 13:56:361

skill 的形容词性

2023-07-24 13:57:263


技巧 技能
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2023-07-24 13:58:278


skiskyskateskipFsgu hetueyrytew u062au0628u0639u064au0639u0628u062au062au064au0646u064au0646
2023-07-24 13:58:443


2023-07-24 13:59:157


skill的形容词: skilled 熟练的;有技能的;需要技能的; skillful 熟练的;巧妙的; skilful (英)熟练的;灵巧的; skill的副词形式 skillfully 巧妙地;精巧地; skill n. 技能,技巧;本领,技术 扩展资料   Her job demands a high degree of skill.   她的"工作要求有高超的技能。   He played the shot with consummate skill.   他以高超的技巧击球。   The job requires skill and an eye for detail.   这项工作需要技巧和注意细节的眼光。   One of his few strengths was his skill at mimicry.   他为数不多的强项之一就是他的模仿技巧。
2023-07-24 13:59:421


scale [skeu026al]skill [sku026al]
2023-07-24 14:00:102


skill skill是不是可数名词 有3中情况 1.(专门)技术;技能,技艺 →可数 Reading and writing are different skills. 阅读和写作是不同的技能. 2.熟练性,熟巧,能力[不可数][(+in)][+to-v] He is a writer of great skill. 他是位写作技巧高超的作家. 3.技术人员;熟练工人[集体名词]
2023-07-24 14:00:181


  技能指掌握并能运用专门技术的能力。那么你知道技能用英语怎么说吗?下面来学习一下吧。    技能英语说法1:   skill    技能英语说法2:   technique   技能英语说法3:   technical ability    技能的相关 短语 :   生活技能 Life skills ; Living Skills ; Skills For Life ; kemahiran hidup   会话技能 dialogue completion ; dialogue pletion ; Communication Technic ; I   技术技能 Technical Skills ; Skill-sets ; Technique ; Technical   运动技能 motor skill ; sports skill ; sport Competence ; athletic skill   电脑技能 Computer Skills ; computer basic office software ; PC Skills ; computer Be familiar with MS Office   阅读技能 reading skill ; reading skills training ; reading ability ; critical reading skills   主动技能 Active Skill ; Ability    技能的英语例句:   1. He waxed lyrical about the skills and commitment of his employees.   他津津乐道于员工的技能和敬业精神。   2. We needed to reskill our workforce to cope with massive technological change.   我们得让工人学习新技能,以应对巨大的技术变革。   3. Relentless in his pursuit of quality, his technical ability was remarkable.   对质量孜孜不倦的追求使他的技能出类拔萃。   4. The crucial skill you need to develop is sorting out the parents.   你需要培养的关键技能就是让那些家长认错。   5. The trainers have a programme to teach them vocational skills.   培训师计划教他们一些职业技能。   6. He went to Paris in search of work as an unskilled labourer.   他没有任何劳动技能就到巴黎找起了工作。   7. Polish up your writing skills on a one-week professional course.   上为期一周的专业课,提高你的写作技能。   8. Boxing is a test of skill and technique, rather than brute strength.    拳击 考验的是技能和技术,不是蛮力。   9. Without more training or advanced technical skills, they"ll lose their jobs.   没有进一步的培训或高级技能的话,他们就会丢掉工作。   10. Some children have more finely trained perceptual skills than others.   一些孩子比其他孩子具备更为训练有素的感知技能。   11. It"s a team unrivalled in stature, expertise and credibility.   这个团队的名声、专业技能和信誉都是无可匹敌的。   12. Administrative staff may be deskilled through increased automation and efficiency.   随着自动化程度和效率的不断提高,对管理人员的技能要求可能会大大降低。   13. My skill in such matters might redound to my advantage.   我在这种事情上的技能可能会对我有所帮助。   14. Use the transferable skills acquired from your previous working background.   先前工作中学到的技能能为现在所用的就多加利用。   15. Their strengths in memory and spatial skills matched.   他们在 记忆力 和空间技能方面势均力敌。
2023-07-24 14:00:251


翻译如下skilln.技能,技巧;熟练,巧妙;才能,本领例句He acted the part with consummate skill 他以精湛的演技饰演了这一角色。
2023-07-24 14:00:331


skill的形容词skillful 灵巧的;擅长于 ; skill n.技巧;技艺;技术;技能 扩展资料   Military tactics are skillful.   兵法巧妙。   One of our skillful players was ordered off for breaking the rules.   我们一位技术好的队员因犯规被罚下场。   After all, he"s new to the work and isn"t very skillful at it yet.   他到底是新手,干活还不熟练。   The key of operation are skillful techniques and reduction of complications.   手术关键是技术娴熟,减少并发症。
2023-07-24 14:00:391

skill ability talent 的不同

意义相近,侧重点不一样。skill 侧重是技巧技术型的能力,如篮球技术。ability侧重一般的能力,如工作的能力。talent侧重才华,天分,如音乐方面的才华,天分。Ability 是指智力或体力上具有做某事的能力:  "To make a fortune some assistance from fate is essential. Ability alone is insufficient" (Ihara Saikaku)。  "要致富,光靠能力是不够的,还得看机遇" (伊哈拉。塞科古)。Talent 强调天生的才能,尤其是在艺术方面:  "There is no substitute for talent. Industry and all the virtues are of no avail" (Aldous Huxley)。  "勤奋及其他的品质都不能弥补天分的不足" (阿尔多斯。赫胥黎)。Ability 是指智力或体力上具有做某事的能力:  "To make a fortune some assistance from fate is essential. Ability alone is insufficient" (Ihara Saikaku)。  "要致富,光靠能力是不够的,还得看机遇" (伊哈拉。塞科古)。
2023-07-24 14:00:542


2023-07-24 14:01:131


technology 指的是技术,倾向于客观的,例如 information technologyskill 指的是技能 例如 语言技能 language skill
2023-07-24 14:01:561


skill 本身是名词意思是 技能和动词结合,可以这样用:attack skill , 攻击技能defend skill , 防御技能
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2023-07-24 14:02:181


technical skill专门技能, 工艺技术good at computer,business English and the ability of communicating is very well
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1. (专门)技术;技能,技艺 →可数Reading and writing are different skills.阅读和写作是不同的技能。2. 熟练性,熟巧,能力[不可数][(+in)][+to-v]He is a writer of great skill.他是位写作技巧高超的作家。3. 技术人员;熟练工人[集体名词]
2023-07-24 14:03:181

skills怎么读 skills的意思

1、skills的读音:英[u02c8sku026alz],美[sku026alz]。 2、n.技巧; 技艺; 技术; 技能; 3、skill的复数; 4、[例句]Shes doing a course to sharpen her business skills.她正进修,以提高自己的业务技巧。
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2023-07-24 14:03:354


skill英 [skɪl] 美 [skɪl] 名词. 技能,技巧,技术,技艺动词. 有助于,有影响,〈古〉起作用熟练,能力,巧妙变形. 复数:skills搭配. great skill,learn skill,basic skill,use skill,acquire skill
2023-07-24 14:04:091


2023-07-24 14:04:161


the question (主语)+ was(谓语)+ in relation to(短语补足语)+ his driving skills (被修饰宾语)“这个问题牵涉到了他的驾驶技术”driving skill 此应译为"驾驶技术". 正如楼主所言, 用于衡量“技巧”的词通常是程度副词,如:娴熟的,高超的。 但此处用法却是可以按笔者当时情景需要而翻译为:驾驶技能,可以包括:卡车技巧,吊车技巧,汽车操作技巧等多种不同车型的驾驶技巧。 所以此处用复数应该不能说是错误用法。如果这句话前面有提到某一特定车或者工作范围的时候,用skill肯定不会错。 个人认为,翻译出来的意思跟英文愿意有冲突时,一个词的单复数或者可不可数都能较完整地表达原意。
2023-07-24 14:04:241

technique 和 skill 的区别

应该选skilltechnique 技术, 技巧 一般指科技方面的;skill 技能,技巧 一般是针对人物的技能。
2023-07-24 14:04:322

Frozen Four tournament是什么比赛,中文名叫什么?

这个体育是 冰上曲棍球, 好像叫 “冰冻四强”。
2023-07-24 13:59:533

Jessie Ware的《Sweet Talk》 歌词

歌曲名:Sweet Talk歌手:Jessie Ware专辑:Devotion<Sweet Talk>Lift me up on my honourTake me over this spellGet this weight off my shouldersI"ve carried it wellLoose these shackles of pressureShake me out of these chainsLead me not to temptationHold my hand harderEase my mindRoll down the smoke screenAnd open the skyLet me flyMan I need a release fromThis troublesome mindFix my feet when they"re stumblingAnd well you know it hurts sometimesYou know it"s gonna bleed sometimesDig me out from this thorn treeHelp me bury my shameKeep my eyes from the fireThey can"t handle the flameGrace cut out from my brothersWhen most of them fellI carry it wellLet me flyMan I need a release fromThis troublesome mindFix my feet when they"re stumblingI guess you know it hurts sometimesYou know it"s gonna bleed sometimesNow hold onI"m not looking for sweet talkI"m looking for timeTop a tower and sleep walkBrother, cause it hurts sometimesYou know it"s gonna bleed sometimesHold onYou know its gonna hurt sometimesWhen you call meHold onHold onHold onI"m gonna climb that symphony home and make it mineLet his resonance light my waySee, all these pessimistic sufferers tend to drag me downSo I could use it to shelter what good I"ve found
2023-07-24 13:59:541


   Teaching goals :   1.掌握如何表达应该给别人买什么礼物,掌握如何建议别人买礼物的表达法,掌握如何比较物品的品质。   2.通过学习如何赠送礼物,对比中西方文化的不同。    Important points :   1.What should I get sb ? 2.Why don"t you get/buy sb sth ?   3.What about /How about sth ? 4.It"s/They are too + adj .   5.Present perfect tense .    Difficult points(教学难点) :   1.too + adj : 太… 2.adj + enough :足够   Sructures(语言结构)   1.What should I get my sister ?   2.Why don"t you get a camera ? hat"s too expensive .   3.How about some tennis balls ? hey are too cheap .   4.What about a watch ? That"s too personal .   5.What"s the best present you have ever received ? A bike .    第一课时   Teaching of new lesson (新课教学)   Step 1 Assign the task   In this unit students learn to compare qualities .   SB Page 60 , 1a .   1.Ask Ss to read the list of gifts and any words they don"t understand .Use simple drawings or use the words in other sentences to explain their meaning .   2.Point to the column heads and ask Ss to write the name of each gift under one or more other gifts you can think of ? Add them to the chart .   3.Discuss the answers .   SB Page 60 , 1b .   1.Point out the picture and the gifts in the second boy"s thought bubbles .Ask Ss to say the name of each gift .   2.Then ask a pair of students to read the conversation .   3.Play the recording the first time .Ss only listen .   4.Then play the recording a second time .Number the sentences from 1 to 4 .   5.Check the answers .   SB Page 60 , 1c .   1.Read the instructions and then have Ss work in pairs .   2.Check the answers by calling on several different pair of students to say their conversations to the class .   Step 2 Warm up (热身)   SB Page 61 , 2a .   1.Point out the chart and read the instructions .Say , You will hear three conversations .After each conversation , put a check after the name of the person who is going to receive the gift .   2.Play the recording and ask Ss to make checkmarks in the chart .   3.Check the answer .   SB Page 61 , 2b .   1.Point out the suggestions and Comments .Review the meaning of any terms students are not sure of .   2.Point out the sample answers .   3.Play the recording several times .Fill in the suggestions and comments on this chart .   4.Correct the answers .   SB Page 61 , 2c .   1.Ask two students to read the example in the sample dialogue in activity 2c .Say , Please work with your partner .   2.Ask one or tow pairs of students to say their answers to the class .   Step 3 Grammar Focus   Review the grammar box .Ask students to say the statements and responses .   Exercise –designing for 第一课时: 汉译英   1.我该给爸爸什么样生日礼物?照相机怎么样?那太贵了!   2.为什么你不给妈妈买一条围巾呢?那不够有趣。   教学后记    第二课时    Teaching of new lesson   Step 1 Pre-task(任务前活动)SB Page 62 , 3a .   1.Point out the chart in activity 3a .Review the meaning of any words Ss don"t understand .   2.Ask Ss to work in pairs .   3.Point out the example in the sample dialogue .Then complete the first question and answer exchange with a student .   4.Ask the pairs to continue on their own .Move around the room checking the progress of the pairs .   5.Correct the answers .   SB Page 62 , 3b .   1.Read the instruction .Say ,This activity is just like activity 3qa .But this time you are going to talk about real gifts that you have received .   2.Ask a pair of students to read the example in speech bubbles to the class .Ask several other students to do this .   3.Then ask Ss to work in pairs .As they talk , move around the room checking progress and offering language support as needed .   Step 2 While-task(任务中活动)SB Page 62 , Part 2 .   1.Read the instructions .Ss can practice several times .   2.Ask two students to read the dialogue .   3.Ask Ss to complete the work in pairs .   4.Ask a few students to share the sample conversation .   教学后记:    第三课时    Teaching of new lesson   Step 1 Assign task   SB Page 63 , 1a .   1.This activity reviews earlier vocabulary and introduces some new words .   2.Point out the pet shop in the picture .Ask different students to point to and say the names of the animals they see there .   3.Read the instructions .Ask Ss to write the names of the animals in the picture in the correct parts of the diagram .   4.Discuss the answers .   SB Page 63 , 1b .   1.Ask a student to read the example in the sample dialogue .   2.Ask Ss to do the activity in small groups .   3.Ask different students of each group to tell the class what is the most unusual pet and most popular pet .   SB Page 63 , 2a & 2b .   1.Point out the write-on lines on front of each pet .Say , You will listen to the recording and write your answers on these lines .   2.Read the instructions and answer any questions students may have.   3.Play te recording .   4.Correct the answers .   SB Page 63 , 2c .   1.Read the instructions for the activity   2.Point to the example .Ask two students to read the questions and answers to the class .   3.Then have Ss work in pairs .   4.Check the answers by calling on different pairs to do one question and answer each .   Step 2 While-task(任务中活动)   SB Page 64 , 3a .   1.Read the story to the class .After you finish ,ask if Ss have any questions about the words or phrases on the article .   2.Say ,Now read the story again .Write the answers to the two questions .   3.Check the answers .   SB Page 64 , 3b .   1.Point to the picture and read the instructions .   2.Point out the list of good and bad things about hamster .   3.Ask Ss to finish the writing on their own .Ask Ss work , move around the classroom checking the work .   4.Ask a student to read his or her completed article to the class .   SB Page 64 , 3c .   1.Read the instructions .   2.Remind Ss not to say the name of the animal they are writing about on their articles .   3.Ask Ss to write their articles on their own .   SB Page 64 , Part 4 .   1.Read the instructions .Ask if any students have pets .If so ,ask about the advantages and disadvantages of such pets .   2.Ask a few groups to share their lists .   教学后记:   第四课时   Teaching of new lesson   Step 1 Self CheckSB Page 65 , Part 1 .   1.Ask Ss to fill in the blanks on their own .   2.Check the answers .   3.Ask Ss to make their own sentences with the words ,preferably sentences that are meaningful .   SB Page 65 , Part 2 .   1.Read the instructions .   2.Ask Ss to read the passage on their own .   3.Ask Ss to work on their own .   4.Ask a few groups to share their lists .   Step 2 While-reading   1.Ask Ss what English songs they like best .Then look at the picture .Ask Ss to describe what is happening in the picture .   2.Read the reading strategy with the students. Encourage Ss to use it to read the story .   3.Ask Ss to read the article once .Ask Ss to raise their hands and say which words and sentences they don"t understand .   4.Ask Ss to read the article again for comprehension .   SB Page 67 , 3a .   1.Ss complete the task .Remind them to look at the story again for extra help .   2.Check the answers .   SB Page 67 , 3b & 3c .   1.Read the instructions with the students .   2.Ss complete the task .   3.Check the answers .   Exercises:按要求写出下列单词   1. cheap(反义词) 2. interesting(反义词)   3. person(形容词) 4. lucky(名词)   5. friend(形容词) 6. agree(反义词)   7. good(最高级) 8. usual(反义词)   9. care(副词) 10. spend(过去式)
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2023-07-24 13:59:572

lead to后面加什么?

lead to后面就是接名词,而且是严格意义上的名词,不能是名词性从句,具体用法如下:一、lead的基本意思是“站在别人前头,拉着手加以引导”,强调以领导者身份走在前头,带领别人秩序井然地前进,常含有“指挥、控制”的意味。lead引申可表示“致使,诱导”。二、lead可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。用作及物动词时,后可接名词、代词作宾语,也可接双宾语。三、lead作“引导”解时往往跟to引起的介词短语作状语或宾语补足语;作“领导”解时可接“in+ v -ing”;lead作“使得”解时可接带to的动词不定式充当补足语的复合宾语。四、lead用作名词作“领导,榜样”解时常与不定冠词a连用;作“首位,领先”解时,常与定冠词the连用;作“线索”解时,常用复数形式。扩展资料lead的词汇辨析direct,conduct,guide,lead,pilot这些动词都含“引导”之意。1、direct 指为某人指方向,但自己不一定亲自引路,也可表示指导一群人的事或活动。2、conduct 正式用词,指引导某人去某处,强调亲自带领;也强调监督管理一群有共同目的或目标的人。3、guide 普通用词,可与conduct换用,指引导者与被引导者双方彼此合作,共同努力的关系。4、lead 指走在前面给某人引路或带路人共同去达到某一目标。用于抽象意义时,指在某项活动或运动中起主导和组织作用。5、pilot 从原义“为飞机、轮船导航”借喻为指亲自带领某人去某处。
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2023-07-24 13:59:491

apex英雄手游Fade技能是什么 Fade技能介绍

apex英雄手游 Fade被动技能Slipstream,玩家在滑铲结束的时候,获得断则的移动速度提升,战术技能Flash Back从虚空回到刚刚玩家刚刚所在的地方,终极技能Phase Chamber释放一个相位装置,将范围内的任务传送到虚空中。 apex英雄手游Fade技能是什么 1、被动技能-Slipstream 玩家在滑铲结束的时候,获得断则的移动速度提升。 2、战术技能-Flash Back 从虚空回到刚刚玩家刚刚所在的地方。 3、终极技能-Phase Chamber 释放一个相位装置,将范围内的任务传送到虚空中。
2023-07-24 13:59:481