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2023-07-24 12:49:39


  一、北京爱迪国际学校(幼儿园)---BIK Beijing International kindergarten

  北京爱迪(国际)学校(National Institute of Technology),由澳大利亚教育发展集团投资创办,经北京市教委批准、国家教育部备案、澳大利亚政府认可,是中国唯一一所全英文讲授完全与国际接轨的澳大利亚同步课程,文凭和学位广受国际认可的中外合作学校,为中国境内的中、外籍学生系统地提供全英文澳大利亚高中、大学预科、大学文凭、本科及雅思英语课程。同时,北京爱迪(国际)学校也是澳大利亚西澳州政府教育署课程委员会正式授权的国际大学录取考试——TEE(Tertiary Entrance Examination)中国唯一考试中心。学生参加TEE考试可直接报考或申请澳大利亚的悉尼大学、墨尔本大学,英国的牛津大学、剑桥大学,美国的斯坦福大学,麻省理工学院,新西兰的奥克兰理工大学以及加拿大的多伦多大学等104所世界名校。目前,学校已输送1600多名学生前往澳大利亚、加拿大、英国、美国、新西兰等世界各国深造,90%以上获得了学士或学士以上学位,70%以上移居了海外,被誉为“中澳两国教育合作的成功典范”。


  学校地址:北京市朝阳区楼梓庄路7号 爱迪教育园区内


  二、北京市海淀外国语实验学校附属幼儿园(Beijing Haidian Foreign LanguageShi Yan School)





  三、北京市二十一世纪国际幼儿园(Beijing 21st CenturyKindergarten)





  四、北京王府学校(Introduction of Beijing Royal School)






  五、嘉德蒙台梭利双语幼儿园(Jiade MontessoriBilingual Kindergarten)





  六、北京艾毅幼儿园(Ivy Schools)





  七、启明星双语学校(Day starAcademy)






  八、北京家育苑幼儿园(The FamilyLearning House)



  地址:朝阳区东三中环路39号建外SOHO西区 (14号楼旁)


  九、汇佳幼儿园Huijia Kids)

  汇佳幼儿园(Huijia Kids)是汇佳教育机构16年完全教育的起点。首家汇佳幼儿园于1999年5月在北京创办,现已发展成为在全国拥有43所分园的知名幼儿教育机构,在园幼儿10000余名。汇佳幼儿园秉承新型、高品位、国际化的办园宗旨,基于国家“一级一类”的办园标准,强调双语双文化办学特色,重视幼儿的情感教育、中英文双语听说能力以及思维能力的培养。我们为孩子营造丰富优质的多元探究环境,让孩子在真实的环境中探索未知、快乐交流、感受中西文化的精华,帮助孩子成长的更加精彩!




  十、伊顿国际双语幼儿园(Etonkids Bilingual Kindergartens)



  总部地址: 朝阳区东风南路上东10号









bilingual 英[u02ccbau026au02c8lu026au014bgwu0259l]美[bau026au02c8lu026au014bɡwu0259l]adj. 双语的,两种语言的,能说两种语言的;n. 能说两种语言的人;[例句]Adding language skills to your resume will help you stand out, as more and more companies seek bilingual applicants.在简历上多增加一门会的语言会让你脱颖而出,越来越多的公司都在找把握双语的求职者。[其他] 复数:bilinguals 形近词: translingual monolingual retrolingual
2023-07-24 12:19:361


英 [ˌbaɪˈlɪŋgwəl]美 [baɪˈlɪŋɡwəl]adj. 双语的,两种语言的,能说两种语言的; n. 能说两种语言的人; [例句]He is bilingual in an Asian language and English.他会说一门亚洲语言和一门英语。[其他] 复数:bilinguals
2023-07-24 12:19:441


bilingual美: [bau026au02c8lu026au014bɡwu0259l]英: [bau026a"lu026au014bɡwu0259l]
2023-07-24 12:20:103


bilingual 意思bilingual[英][u02ccbau026au02c8lu026au014bgwu0259l][美][bau026au02c8lu026au014bɡwu0259l]adj.双语的,两种语言的,能说两种语言的; n.能说两种语言的人;
2023-07-24 12:20:205

biling biling的中文翻译是?

2023-07-24 12:20:525


应该是bye—lingual 双语 能说两种语言的意思
2023-07-24 12:21:5914


two langures
2023-07-24 12:22:397


bilinguala. 1.会说两种语言的2.用两种语言(写)的n.说两种语言的人
2023-07-24 12:23:051


As for as I know, the correct spelling is bilingual. If you write two ll after bi, it is a wrong word.
2023-07-24 12:23:132


社会语言学(语言学)首先在20世纪60年代,在美国的兴起,一门交叉学科。它主要是指使用语言学和社会学的理论和方法,从不同的社会科学的语言和不同的学科研究的社会性的角度来看。这个定义中,也有一些不同的理解。有学者认为,这项研究应着眼于语言接触语言变异的社会因素的作用,一些学者认为,语言社会学,研究语言和社会关系,语言学材料的描述和解释社会行为。我们更倾向于前者。 社会语言学研究:一般来说,包括以下几个方面: 1)一个国家或地区的语言,如双导入系统(双语制),双语和多语或方言的情况; 2)各种语言变体,包括地区方言和社会方言(社会方言,或socialect的),标准的语言和方言(白话),官方语言正式文体和非正式(非正式语体风格)的结构特点,如它的社会功能 3)交谈的情景之间的关系,并选择语言代码,以及人际交往的语言代码选择; 4)社会组不同的语言吗?或语言变体的评价和态度和由此带来的社会影响; 5)造成的结果,社会的,文化的,经济的,政治的,由于种种原因,和语言的接触语言的变化和法律,等等。 通常被认为是社会语言学的研究对象是: 1)语言变异(变异),并和法律的语言变异联系的社会因素,究其原因,往往采用统计概率模型来描述过程中的变异现象。这也被称为“微观社会语言学”(微语言学)或社会语言学; 2)语言的社会问题,如上述的双语语言接触双方言区语言文字规范化问题,这被称为“宏观社会语言学(宏观社会语言学); 3)研究人们如何使用语言在真实的环境中通信,以及不同的社会,社会语言的差异,如社会阶层语言的不同习惯(包括不同的发音,语法和词汇作为社会变化的语言,这是众所周知的),如果不同性别,年龄,行业,经济状况,个人演讲(这被称为个人语言变异)。 > 如果从索绪尔的结构主义语言学,转换 - 生成语言学研究是同质的(同类)的语言,是有序的社会语言学研究的异质性(有序异质性)的社会因素,研究语言结构的语言,联系的作用。这是一个重要的功能,结构主义语言学,社会语言学是不同的。,社会语言学取得了一些显着的进展。随着20世纪60年代,语言学家语言的异质性,社会语言学和发展的社会人种学,跨文化交际的认识不断深化,通信语言学语言的社会和语言习得,会话分析,语言变化研究学校。 1)交际民族志学主要是从文化的,社会的语言来学习使用的语言的法律之间的关系,它的重点使用的语言来描述文化人类学的概念,特别强调研究不同的团体,组织,社区和社会,由于不同的文化习俗带来的讲话使用限制功能:一个特殊的社会语言学资源,资源的实际谈话活动是如何开发和使用; 2)跨文化交际研究旨在探讨交际策略和特定的文化环境的差异,在不同的语言; 3)交际社会语言学研究的重点族裔间沟通的差异,例如,同一种族内的性别差异在通信战略的影响,不涉及跨文化,跨种族的沟通策略; 4)语言社会化和语言习得研究语言的本质是一种社会现象,因此,儿童语言习得是紧密相连的文化环境,使他 5)会话分析(大写,而不是CA)是一家专业的学校中常用的英文文献中,主要有两种或更多其他社会语言学校的实际对话的对话提供了一个有用的分析框架; 6)根据拉波夫的语言变异研究,变异学校。美国社会语言学家拉波夫1966年在纽约市的英语“社会分层”(在纽约市,华盛顿,DC:社会分层的英语应用语言学中心)的文章,重要的影响。他仔细地调查纽约市上员工的在高档百货公司的声音,用句为手段,包含第四的调查,他发现r的不同发音,事实上,代表不同的社会阶层,它清楚地发r的声音,有人发出了一个明确的头发甚至连基本的统计数据,他发现,员工的上部和中部的脂肪比例R声音是比较高的(),分别为62%和51%,而比例较低的员工发出相对要低(只有20%)。通过这种变化的调查,拉波夫得出的结论是发?音口音的迹象居工作人员了中间靠拢的心理色调的头发,经常在前面的客户?。自那时以来,语言的变化作为主要的研究对象的变化,并发展了一套语言协会的调查,收集的语言材料进行定量分析的研究方法。虽然早期变化的研究成果较为集中的声音,但已逐渐扩展到各方面的语法,语义,语篇分析,语言研究。 BR /> 社会语言学的理论价值主要体现在以下三个方面:1),同时打破了索绪尔的语言更广泛的概念更仔细的,因为只有学习语言的限制,系统内部的同质性; 2)测量的统计分析语言学习; 3)通过研究语言变异的沟通架起了一座桥梁,之间的共时和历时解决了共时和历时的矛盾。
2023-07-24 12:23:212


双语的英文是“Bilingual”。根据英国著名的朗曼出版社出版的《朗曼应用语言学词典》所给的定义是:A person who knows and uses two languages.In everyday use the word bilingual usually means a person who speaks, reads, or understands two languages equally well (a balanced bilingual), but a bilingual person usually has a better knowledge of one language than of the other.For example, he / she may:a) Be able to read and write in only one languageb) Use each language in different types of situation, eg. one language at home and the other at work.c) Use each language for different communicative purposes, eg. one language for talking about school life and the other for talking about personal feeling.一个能运用两种语言的人。在他的日常生活中能将一门外语和本族语基本等同地运用于听、说、读、写,当然他的母语语言知识和能力通常是大于第二语言的。举例来说:他/她可能:A) 使用一种语言来读和写;而用另一种语言来听,说。B) 在不同的场合下使用不同的语言,如在家使用一种语言,在工作单位使用另一种语言。C) 在不同的交际需要下使用不同的语言,如在谈论学校生活时使用一种语言,而用另一种语言谈论个人情感。
2023-07-24 12:23:301


呵呵 没有这个单词吧
2023-07-24 12:23:475


:diglossia ,n.使用两种语言或方言,说2种语言co-exist与一个speech community中,而每种都有特殊的范围社会功能等。举个简单的例子,就好象中国有 文言文和白话文。diglossia is not a universal phenomenon. It is found in many counties and mostly in Arabic-speaking countries.2:bilingual ,adj.能说两种语言的,指a linguistic situation in which two standard languages are used either by an individual or by a group of speakers.一般移民或移民后裔多的地方很普遍。举个例子,加拿大 就是 a typical example of offical bilingualism,法语和英语都是官方语言。再比如芬兰,芬兰语和瑞典语都是官方语言;比利时,法语、佛兰德语……一个bilingual speaker会用2种语言,举个例子,2个中英的bilibgual speaker 在纽约的Chinatown(这就是一个典型的bilingual community)谈生意,他们可能就会时中时英。
2023-07-24 12:24:072

翻译。bilingual是能说两中语言 那能说三种语言是什么?THRLINGUAL?

2023-07-24 12:24:154


2023-07-24 12:24:231

“双语人” 和“ 双语使用者” 翻译成英语有什么不同

双语人Bilingual People 双语使用者Bilingual users
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2023-07-24 12:24:371


Richie and Grace are an Irish-Chinese couple living in Beijing. They met when in Spain, fell in love and returned to Grace"s homeland to settle down. Bilingual Time caught up with them in a bar in the capital for a chat about Valentine"s Day and cross-cultural love.里奇和格蕾丝是居住在北京的一对夫妻,一方来自爱尔兰,一方来自中国。他俩在西班牙相遇、相恋,并回到了格蕾丝的祖国定居。《双语时代》在首都一家酒吧里找到了他们,和他俩聊起了情人节和跨文化恋情。   Bilingual Time: What, to you, is the ideal Valentine"s Day?   《双语时代》:对你们来说,什么才是完美的情人节呢?   Grace: To me, the ideal Valentine"s Day would be the couple, me and my husband, spending the whole night together with a romantic dinner and presents for each other. Well, it doesn"t really matter if we buy presents for each other. Spending the night together, chatting, talking about our dreams, our relationship is important. Being romantic is very important.格蕾丝:对我来说,完美的情人节应该是夫妻,即我和我丈夫,整晚呆在一起,享用浪漫的晚餐并互赠礼物。嗯,为对方买礼物与否真的无关紧要。重要的是,晚上呆在一起聊天、谈论我们的梦想与我们的结合。浪漫是非常重要的。   Bilingual Time: What about you Richie? What do you think?   《双语时代》:你呢,里奇?你怎么想的?   Richie: In my opinion, I suppose, when you are in a relationship, you are with the person everyday, all the time, and Valentine"s Day is the one day of the year that you can actually show your appreciation for that person and what they mean to you.里奇:我想,我的看法是,当你们维持一种关系时,你每天都要和那个人在一起,片刻不离,而情人节就是一年中你可以真正向那个人表达欣赏之情并表露她/他对你意义所在的一天。   Bilingual Time: How would you show your appreciation?   《双语时代》:你是如何表达你的欣赏之情的?   Richie: Twelve red roses would have to be number one on the list. Twelve red roses symbolize love, in the West. I think so; I don"t really know the story behind it. Twelve red roses, anyway, would be a must on Valentine"s Day. Some people like to buy their lady chocolate on Valentine"s Day but I don"t go in for that because chocolate makes you fat.里奇:12朵红玫瑰是的表达方式。在西方,12朵红玫瑰象征着爱情。我是这样认为的,但我真的不知道它的由来。不管怎么说,情人节必须有12朵红玫瑰。一些人喜欢在情人节给他们的女人买巧克力,但我却不喜欢,因为巧克力会使你发胖。   Grace: You mean chocolate makes the wife fat.格蕾丝:你是说巧克力会使妻子发胖。   Richie: Exactly!   里奇:正是!   Bilingual Time: What do you think are good Valentine"s Day gifts?   《双语时代》:你认为,什么才是好的情人节礼物?   Grace: I prefer to get something very practical for my husband. For example, a really nice jumper or a nice pair of gloves; something that can make the man feel warm. When he puts on the gloves he will remember that “my wife bought them for me”. And also, I think a nice Valentine"s Day present would be, like a gesture that you really love him and really appreciate what he has done for you. You have to show this, not necessarily with presents. You can tell him, maybe. Talk to him and thank him for whatever he has done.格蕾丝:我更喜欢给我丈夫买一些非常实用的东西。比如说,一件非常漂亮的套头毛衣,或是一副漂亮的手套,一些可以使他感到温暖的东西。当他带上手套的时候,他会记起“这是我妻子给我买的”。还有,我认为一个好的情人节礼物要表示出你非常爱他,非常感激他为你所做的事情。你不必非要送礼物,但一定要表达出这个意思。也许,你只要告诉他就可以了。和他谈谈话并感谢他为你所做的一切。   Richie: Romantic dinners are also a very very big part of Valentine"s Day, in my opinion. Last year, for example, we went to a restaurant. It was very nice. There were a few other couples there. There was one rich English gentleman in particular and he had a bottle of champagne on ice. I just bought a cheap bottle of Great Wall. (Laughs) It"s the thought that counts.里奇:在我看来,浪漫的晚餐也是情人节非常非常重要的一个部分。比如说,去年我们就去了一家餐厅。那家餐厅非常好。有几对夫妻也在那儿用餐。其中有一位有钱的英国绅士比较特别,他要了一瓶放在冰块中的香槟。我只买了一瓶便宜的“长城”葡萄酒。(笑)可重要的是这份心意啊。   Bilingual Time: What else did you do last year on Valentine"s Day?   《双语时代》:去年的情人节你们还做了什么?   Grace: We can"t tell you everything! (Laughs) Well…   格蕾丝:我们不能把所有事情都告诉你啊!(笑)嗯……   Richie: I can"t remember!   里奇:我记不起来了!   Grace: Not much…   格蕾丝:不多……   Richie: Yeah, we had a nice dinner, then came home, chilled out, relaxed, and drank some more wine.里奇:对了,我们吃了一顿愉快的晚餐,然后回了家,休息、放松,并且又喝了些葡萄酒。   Grace: Wine is very important.格蕾丝:葡萄酒是很重要的。   Richie: Exactly. It puts you in the mood.里奇:确实如此。他可以为你们营造出情调。   Bilingual Time: In the mood for what?   《双语时代》:什么样的情调?   Richie: The romantic mood!   里奇:浪漫的情调!   Bilingual Time: Do you think that cultural differences influence your relationship?   《双语时代》:你认为文化的差异会影响你们的关系吗?   Grace: Yeah, definitely. There are pros and cons. When you come from different cultures you find it more interesting. It"s more exciting to get to know each other and to get to know each other"s cultures. During this process of understanding each other you establish something in common. I think this relationship is very interesting and exciting but sometimes it can be very challenging. We sometimes argue over things because we don"t think in the same way. I always insist that my way of thinking is correct and sometimes he thinks “why can"t we do things my way?”格蕾丝:是的,当然会。 它有利也有弊。当你们来自不同的文化背景时,你会发现那更有意思。了解彼此并了解彼此的文化是更令人兴奋的事情。在这个相互理解的过程中,你们也形成了共同之处。我认为这种关系很有意思也很令人兴奋,但有时也会很有挑战性。我们有时会因一些事情而争吵,因为我们的思维方式不同。我总是坚持我的思维方式是正确的,而有时他就会想“为什么我们就不能按照我的方式做事呢?”Bilingual Time: But even people from the same culture can have this kind of situation because their personalities are different.《双语时代》:但是,即使是文化背景相同的人也会出现这种情况,因为他们的个性是不同的。   Richie: If you are in an inter-cultural relationship the effects are deeper because the two of the people involved have grown up in entirely different ways. They have their own norms and mind-sets established from childhood. The differences are more difficult to bridge. Whereas, if you are with someone of your own culture, if you disagree on a point, the other person will be used to that sort of thing, will know it already. Whereas, in an inter-cultural relationship that isn"t the case.里奇:如果你们的关系是维持在不同的文化背景下,结果会更糟,因为当事的两个人在成长方式上是完全不同的。他们从小就建立起一套自己的行为准则和思维模式。这些差异更难于逾越。然而,如果你和另一个人的文化背景相同,而你们又在某一点上出现分歧的话,那么另一个人就会对此类事情习以为常,不再感到陌生了。不过,如果是在不同的文化背景下维持一种关系,就未必如此了。   Bilingual Time: The two of you got married. Obviously you feel that the advantages outweigh the disadvantages.《双语时代》:你们俩已经结了婚。显然,你们感到的是利大于弊。   Richie: Without a doubt.里奇:毫无疑问。   Bilingual Time: What are the advantages of inter-cultural relationships?   《双语时代》:在不同的文化背景下结合的优势是什么?   Richie: As Grace was saying, it is a life-long learning experience. You are constantly learning about a different way of life. You are even engaged in a different way of life; me particularly, being here in China.里奇:正如格雷丝所说,这是一种要用一生时间来体会的经历。你不断体会着一种不同的生活方式。你甚至融入了一种不同的生活方式之中,特别对我来说,因为我正居住在中国。   Grace: You can get a lot of excuses. Just blame the culture.格蕾丝:你可以找到许多借口。只是说是文化造成的。   Richie: Exactly. For example, if I was to go out and get wasted drunk, I could just blame cultural differences. I"m Irish. All Irish people do this!   里奇:当然。比如说,如果我出去并喝得烂醉如泥,我就可以说是文化差异造成的。我是爱尔兰人。所有爱尔兰人都会这样做!   (里奇开心地笑着,而格蕾丝正深情地看着他。当我们谈到了喝酒的时候,我们便决定结束访谈,开始畅饮。)
2023-07-24 12:24:551

I TEACH a bilingual (双语的) kindergarten class. One Monday morning I looked in my 翻译

我是教双语幼儿园的,一个星期一的早上,我查看我的记录,发现我的两个学生,胡安和辛西娅的生日是同一天。我告诉胡安和辛西娅的妈妈,她们可以带蛋糕过来给孩子庆祝生日。 我很好奇她们各自会带什么东西来给孩子庆祝生日呢?周四,我问胡安和辛西娅这件事,但他们不知道父母的计划。不过,两个孩子对于第二天能在班里举行生日派对是非常高兴的。累了,我决定还是等到明天再看吧。原创,非复制,非机器翻译,望采纳!
2023-07-24 12:25:053

双语班 英文"双语班" 英语怎么说

bilingual class
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Chinese-English comparative table
2023-07-24 12:25:245

He speeches good bilingual and communcitaters well with others 这句话的语法对吗

2023-07-24 12:25:405


In English and music interaction teaching, receiving double language teaching children are more interpersonal sensitive and initiative.
2023-07-24 12:25:552

双语班 英文

bilingual class好些
2023-07-24 12:26:175


我们从语言学的角度来讨论这个问题:学龄以后才开始系统学习第二门语言,有没有可能达到母语水准。在语言习得关键期内同时充分接触两门语言的孩子才能成为严格意义上的双语者,这里涉及一个语言学上的重要概念,即关键期假设(Critical period hypothesis)。这个假设是德裔语言学家Eric Lenneberg在上世纪60年代提出的,他认为儿童只有在一定的年龄段才能真正习得母语,以后再怎么学也达不到母语水平。过去半个多世纪来,不断有研究者从各个角度验证和质疑这个假说,至今也没有得出确定的结论,但总的来说,年龄越小,学习语言越容易;语言环境越好、接触的语言信息越丰富,学习语言越容易。你三岁时学习语言的能力,可能还赶不上一岁时的三分之一,七岁时的能力又赶不上三岁时的三分之一,十二岁时再创新低,依此类推。
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2023-07-24 12:27:018


2023上海民办初中摇号中签率如下:1、培佳双语:直升计划150,报名人数227,中签率66%。上海培佳双语学校 (Shanghai Peijia Bilingual School),是上海市首批“民办特色学校”之一,是一所从小学到高中12年制的现代双语民办学校。学校创办于上世纪八十年代末,位于闹市中僻静的一角——宜川路白水路,校园面积三十余亩,环境优美。自2004年以来,学校领导带领全体教师分析校情,正确定位,规划引领,明确目标,落实举措,自主发展,树立品牌,促进了学校教育教学质量和多元文化的提升。学校宗旨:卓越地教,快乐地学。2、新黄浦实验:直升计划120,报名人数139,中签率86%。上海市新黄浦实验学校是经上海市教委批准设立的九年一贯制有住宿条件的民办学校,经市教委批准面向全市招生,并经市教委、市外办批准,可接收外籍生就读。学校于1996年9月正式开办,已有一至九年级900多名学生。3、杨浦双语:直升计划148,报名人数194,中签率76%。上海杨浦双语学校,创办于2001年,是一所具有双语特色的民办学校。4、长阳实验:直升计划75,报名人数143,中签率52%。上海市长阳实验学校,原为上海控江中学附属民办学校。5、同大实验:直升计划67,报名人数139,中签率48%。上海市同大实验学校创建于2000年8月,是由同济大学、杨浦区教育局、新海投资集团有限公司三方共同创办的九年寄宿制民办学校。办学思想是以人为本、以师为根、以器为重、以质取胜。培养本土文化深厚、国际视野宽广的基础扎实、素质出色、特长显著、能赢在未来的高智能人才。
2023-07-24 12:27:161


中学生英语演讲稿:爱与信任(Trust and Love) Throughout my years of being a student, I"ve had many teachers. None of them are the same, but the one that I"ll never fet and will always miss is my Chinese bilingual teacher in the middle school I attended in Seattle, Ms. Ho. She was a skinny, but stylish lady in her 50s. She was different from all the other teachers because she gave me something unfettable. Ms. Ho and I became friends right in the first semester I was in that middle school. At the same time, I was having a really hard time with my subjects. Since I had just transferred from a bilingual school, where I had stayed for o months after arriving in the US, my English was horrible; my average grade was below C. I almost thought it impossible to learn English. Then, one day she told me she strongly believed that I was capable of controlling my life, and I would be just fine. She said that she found we were much alike: Both were stubborn, kind-hearted and a little bit simple-minded. She believed that I had the quality of being wise. She even said that she didn"t have any worries about me, about my not learning English. With her encouragement, I found the strength within myself and began to desire to work even harder. As a result, I soon proved her right, and at the end of the semester, I got a 3.8 average grade. Today, I still keep in touch with her, and she still tells me how she believes in me. Sometimes, I"d think back, and wonder how I could handle all those things if it wasn"t for her encouragement and trust. Could I be the person I am today? Then, it struck me: What we need has always been trust and love of others; because these things inspire us to do our best, and to live our life to its fullest. To sum up, I"d like to say to all of you: Let us all appreciate trust and love of others and achieve our full potential in our life! 多年的学生生涯让我认识了不少的老师,每一位老师都不一样。但最让我无法忘怀的是我在西雅图所上的初中里的一位华裔双语老师--何老师。这位老师对我有特殊的意义,因为她给我的不是课堂上能收获的东西。 我刚到那所初中的第一个学期,可谓举步维艰。当时我是从一所双语学校转入那所公立普通学校的。那时,我刚到美国两个月,英语差到无法与人沟通。在双语学校中的各科平均成绩在C以下。就在我对学习英语快要失去信心的时候,在学校中几个星期的时间却让我与何老师成为了朋友。在我灰心泄气的时候,何老师对我说,她非常相信我的能力,一切都会好起来的。她说她觉得我们很相似,我有那种克服困难的能力,更不要说学英语这个问题了。在她的鼓舞下,我找到了努力的欲望。结果,我验证了她所说的话。学期末,我的平均成绩上升到了3.8. 直到今天,我还与何老师保持联络,她也还会告诉我她是多么的相信我的能力。有的时候,当我回想起往事时,我会想:如果没有这位老师在我身后鼓励我,并且固执地一再告诉我我一定能行,今天的我,还会是这个样子吗?面对种种困难,我自己会一直有勇气去面对吗?一次次的回想,我终于发现了:原来我们每个人都需要爱与信任。就有了自信,因为有了爱与信任,我们就会尽最大的努力,活出我们的“真我风采”. 最后,我想对大家说:让我们感激所得到的爱与信任,发挥出我们生命中最大的潜力吧!   中学生英语演讲稿:爱与信任(trust and love) throughout my years of being a student, i"ve had many teachers. none of them are the same, but the one that i"ll never fet and will always miss is my chinese bilingual teacher in the middle school i attended in seattle, ms. ho. she was a skinny, but stylish lady in her 50s. she was different from all the other teachers because she gave me something unfettable. ms. ho and i became friends right in the first semester i was in that middle school. at the same time, i was having a really hard time with my subjects. since i had just transferred from a bilingual school, where i had stayed for o ... kind-hearted and a little bit simple-minded, i"? then,我的平均成绩上升到了3,还会是这个样子吗, i soon proved her right,当我回想起往事时, i was having a really hard time with my subjects, one day she told me she strongly believed that i was capable of controlling my life;ve had many teachers,我验证了她所说的话。在我灰心泄气的时候, where i had stayed for o months after arriving in the us,我会想, i still keep in touch with her。就在我对学习英语快要失去信心的时候。在她的鼓舞下,并且固执地一再告诉我我一定能行. sometimes,发挥出我们生命中最大的潜力吧. to sum up。就有了自信。 我刚到那所初中的第一个学期. none of them are the same. ho. 直到今天,可谓举步维艰. i almost thought it impossible to learn english,英语差到无法与人沟通, i got a 3. ho and i became friends right in the first semester i was in that middle school, and i would be just fine. she said that she found we were much alike, about my not learning english:让我们感激所得到的爱与信任。但最让我无法忘怀的是我在西雅图所上的初中里的一位华裔双语老师--何老师,何老师对我说,在学校中几个星期的时间却让我与何老师成为了朋友: let us all appreciate trust and love of others and achieve our full potential in our life,我想对大家说, and to live our life to its fullest. as a result,我刚到美国两个月; because these things inspire us to do our best, but the one that i",每一位老师都不一样. today. she believed that i had the quality of being wise, and at the end of the semester. then;t have any worries about me。那时. since i had just transferred from a bilingual school. could i be the person i am today。有的时候,因为她给我的不是课堂上能收获的东西,更不要说学英语这个问题了, i found the strength within myself and began to desire to work even harder;ll never fet and will always miss is my chinese bilingual teacher in the middle school i attended in seattle, and she still tells me how she believes in me,我找到了努力的欲望. with her encouragement。学期末. 最后,我自己会一直有勇气去面对吗, ms,她非常相信我的能力;t for her encouragement and trust.8, it struck me。这位老师对我有特殊的意义. she was a skinny. she even said that she didn",活出我们的“真我风采”,我有那种克服困难的能力,我们就会尽最大的努力, i"! 多年的学生生涯让我认识了不少的老师, i". she was different from all the other teachers because she gave me something unfettable,今天的我:爱与信任(trust and love) throughout my years of being a student。她说她觉得我们很相似。结果。在双语学校中的各科平均成绩在c以下,因为有了爱与信任. at the same time:如果没有这位老师在我身后鼓励我?面对种种困难, my english was horrible:原来我们每个人都需要爱与信任,我终于发现了中学生英语演讲稿: what we need has always been trust and love of others,我还与何老师保持联络?一次次的回想,一切都会好起来的;d like to say to all of you,她也还会告诉我她是多么的相信我的能力: both were stubborn, but stylish lady in her 50s; my average grade was below c. ms。当时我是从一所双语学校转入那所公立普通学校的;d think back, and wonder how i could handle all those things if it wasn".8 average grade
2023-07-24 12:27:411


2023-07-24 12:27:495

2023-07-24 12:28:061

汉译英 高手进来看看

The analysis of Accounting Bilingual Teaching System"s Constructions and CharacteristicAbstract: Accounting Bilingual Teaching System is one of the most effective way to achieve international accounting education. Many institutions of higher learning started to carry out the bilingual teaching in some accounting professional courses. However, on the right now situation, many institutions of higher learning has many problems in the process of carrying out the bilingual teaching. The text first assays those problems, and then focus on these problems it uses the theory of system management to construct the accounting bilingual teaching system. Finally, it 1. Introduction Bilingual teaching is a significant action in our high education reform. The accounting as one of the most important subjects to connected the international economic exchange. So it is meaningful to carrying out the bilingual teaching, improving the ability of learning English and cultivating the sense of international competition among students. In recent years, many schools started the research of the accounting bilingual teaching"s theory and the discussion about teaching model. From these, they provided many precious experiences. However, the bilingual teaching of accounting is a special system. And it gives stern challenges from every aspect to universities. So it is necessary to do the analysis and research of bilingual teaching2.Problems in the bilingual teaching of Accounting(1) Lacking of teaching. The strength of teaching power is the key to carry out the bilingual teaching successfully. To achieve the goal of bilingual teaching truly, it requires teachers should not only master the professional knowledge of accounting but also be proficient in English. Some research shows that the enormous pressure of English teaching brought by expansion to existing college has far exceeded teachers" acceptability. Teachers have less chance to get the-job training. What"s more they are lacking of the possibility of being abroad to improve their language skill and change the knowledge structure of themselves. Many college teachers did not have the systematic and specialized bilingual training. Most of the foreign teachers know little about the professional knowledge of accounting, especially China"s accounting system, not even the accounting method. (2) Teachers" workload increase obviously and insufficient information in classes. Research shows that the knowledge we can finish in 10 minutes by mother-tongue teaching, but if use bilingual teaching it needs 40 minutes or even more than it. Teachers have different levels in using English, also they need different time to prepare their lessons. So some teachers believe that the quantity for prepare lessons of bilingual teaching is over three times than non-bilingual teaching.(3) Differences in accounting standards and methods between China and western countries will increase difficult of teaching. This kind of different has brought a large extend of troubles for teaching. Such as the western accounting does not have strict requirements and regulations for accounting subjects. But our country has. Also some institutional and cultural differences between China and western countries will bring more confusion to students.(4) Students in uneven English levels, and communications between teachers and students are not fluent. On the current situation, college students" English comprehensive ability is not uniform. A large number of students know little about professional vocabulary, they are not good at listening and speaking. All these problems above have made teachers shift the key point to explain the vocabulary. And this situation has influenced teaching process and hard to achieve anticipative aims.
2023-07-24 12:28:133


Chinese-English Version
2023-07-24 12:28:257


双语的英文是“Bilingual”,直接的意思就是“two languages”,是指在某个国家或某个地区有两个(或者两个以上)民族同时存在,并存在两种或者两种以上文化历史背景下,可能或必须运用两种语言进行交流的情景。根据英国著名的朗曼出版社出版的《朗曼应用语言学词典》所给的定义是:A person who knows and uses two languages.In everyday use the word bilingual usually means a person who speaks, reads, or understands two languages equally well (a balanced bilingual), but a bilingual person usually has a better knowledge of one language than of the other.For example, he / she may:a) Be able to read and write in only one languageb) Use each language in different types of situation, eg. one language at home and the other at work.c) Use each language for different communicative purposes, eg. one language for talking about school life and the other for talking about personal feeling一个能运用两种语言的人。在他的日常生活中能将一门外语和本族语基本等同地运用于听、说、读、写,当然他的母语语言知识和能力通常是大于第二语言的。他/她可能:A) 使用一种语言来读和写;而用另一种语言来听,说。B) 在不同的场合下使用不同的语言,如在家使用一种语言,在工作单位使用另一种语言。C) 在不同的交际需要下使用不同的语言,如在谈论学校生活时使用一种语言,而用另一种语言谈论个人情感。
2023-07-24 12:29:401


:diglossia ,n.使用两种语言或方言,说2种语言co-exist与一个speech community中,而每种都有特殊的范围社会功能等。举个简单的例子,就好象中国有 文言文和白话文。diglossia is not a universal phenomenon. It is found in many counties and mostly in Arabic-speaking countries.2:bilingual ,adj.能说两种语言的,指a linguistic situation in which two standard languages are used either by an individual or by a group of speakers.一般移民或移民后裔多的地方很普遍。举个例子,加拿大 就是 a typical example of offical bilingualism,法语和英语都是官方语言。再比如芬兰,芬兰语和瑞典语都是官方语言;比利时,法语、佛兰德语……一个bilingual speaker会用2种语言,举个例子,2个中英的bilibgual speaker 在纽约的Chinatown(这就是一个典型的bilingual community)谈生意,他们可能就会时中时英。
2023-07-24 12:29:552


2023-07-24 12:30:132


  When Roberto Feliz came to the USA from the Dominican Republic, he knew only a few words of English .Education soon became a __1__. "I couldn"t understand anything," he said. He __2__ from his teachers, came home in tears , and thought about dropping out.   Then Mrs. Malave , a bilingual educator, began to work with him while teaching him math and science in his __3__Spanish."She helped me stay smart while teaching me English ,"he said .Given the chance to demonstrate his ability, he __4__ confidence and began to succeed in school.   Today, he is a __5__ doctor, runs his own clinic ,and works with several hospitals .Every day ,he uses the language and academic skills he __6__ through bilingual education to treat his patients   Roberto"s story is just one of __7__ success stories. Research has shown that bilingual education is the most __8__ way both to teach children English and ensure that they succeed academically. In Arizona and Texas, bilingual students __9__ outperform their peers in monolingual programs. Calexico, Calif. , implemented bilingual education, and now has dropout rates that are less than half the state average and college __10__ rates of more than 90%.In E1 Paso ,bilingual education programs have helped raise student scores from the lowest in Texas to among the highest in the nation.   A) wonder   B) acquired   C) consistently   D) regained   E) nightmare   F) native   G) acceptance   H) effective   I) hid   J) prominent   K) decent   L) countless   M) recalled   N) breakthrough   O) automatically
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2023-07-24 12:30:271


The English-speaking country history at the beginning of bilingual education searches Along with the reform and open policy further deepening, English took one international language appears importantly. Today English not only holds the important status in the education system, moreover is carrying on the seepage to other disciplines, therefore the bilingual education and the multimedia teaching equally gradually march into the classroom. The body for the historical teacher deeply felt innovates and breaks through imminently, how the historical this tradition discipline and the English ingenious union, fully manifests the historical discipline characteristic, richly deepens the classroom instruction to become our these 探索者 the topic which inquired into for it. English-speaking country history my first choice At first decided the bilingual class, I in line with attempt with the self- challenge goal. Since accepts this arduous duty, naturally needs earnest and splendid completing. The choice course content became steps to the successful first step, the English-speaking country history has become my first choice. Reason as follows: The choice course content should manifest the bilingual education goal. In front of the teaching sets up the correct education idea to be essential. The bilingual education goal is take the discipline teaching as the leadership, the deepening and the rich classroom instruction. Thus it can be seen, English material choice should revolve the teaching material, provides with more viewpoints and the first material for the teaching material. Obviously, the English-speaking country history has the weather advantage then. These national Tibet have the complete reference material, and has done the exhaustive country 别史 research, it can directly provide the first material for us and the newest history research results. The historical research heaviest firsthand information, the bilingual education exactly erects the bridge. For example in the war of independence, concerns Washington the material and the Declaration of Independence text all comes from the American archives and the memorial hall literature. The English-speaking country history holds the important status in the historical teaching. In the near modern history the capitalism history is a master line which passes through, but in country and so on capitalist country China and Britain, America occupies the important status, if the England bourgeois revolution opens the world modern times history, the England Industrial Revolution has brought the huge transformation to the world, US is experiences the war of independence and the civil war economy leaps to the first in the world and plays the vital role in the world business, therefore knew this both countries the modern history may deepen to the world overall history understanding, this also was I chooses the American history to carry on one of teaching reasons. The English-speaking country history correlation data more substantial and is complete. Prepares a lesson the material approximately to divide into three kinds: First, literature material, including each kind of council book, treaty, letter and so on. With the aid of to the Internet help, I retrieves from the American website to the massive first editions material, like Washington communicates the correspondence, in May nickname joint pledge and so on. Second, the audio and video material, has two with this class correlation narrative movie namely "Patriot" and "War of the Independence". Third, the literary work, the English belle-lettre study work is we is most familiar-sounding can detailed. In the classroom, suitably reads the literary work to be able to enhance the student to study the interest and the help understanding history phenomenon, like the Hawthorne novel "Red Character" reflected European the religious persecution and immigrates the Americas mainland. From the shallow to the deep because sets suitably At the beginning of the teaching design then sinks into is in a dilemma the region. One is difficult, how uses the succinct English to let the student understand. Two is difficult, how prominent teaching difficulty, key. Former is easily solved in the Hong Kong version history teaching material enlightenment and under English teacher help. First as far as possible uses 英语国家历史双语教学初探 随着改革开放的进一步深化,英语作为一种国际性语言显得愈益重要。今日英语不仅在教育体系中占有重要地位,而且正向其他学科进行渗透,因此双语教学和多媒体教学一样逐渐步入课堂。身为历史教师深感创新与突破迫在眉睫,如何将历史这门传统学科与英语巧妙结合,充分体现历史学科特色,丰富深化课堂教学已成为我们这些探索者为之探究的课题。 英语国家历史 我的首选 起初决定上双语课,我本着尝试和自我挑战的目的。既然接受这项艰巨的任务,自然需要认真而出色的完成。选择教学内容成为迈向成功的第一步,英语国家历史成了我的第一选择。原因如下: 选择教学内容应体现双语教学目的。教学前树立正确的教育观念必不可少。双语教学目的是以学科教学为主导,深化和丰富课堂教学。由此可见,英文材料的选择应围绕教材,为教材提供跟更多的观点和第一手资料。显然,英语国家历史具天时地利之便。这些国家藏有完备的档案资料,并做过详尽的国别史研究,它能直接为我们提供第一手资料和最新的史学研究成果。历史研究最重原始资料,双语教学恰架设桥梁。例如独立战争中,有关华盛顿的资料和独立宣言文本都来自美国档案馆和纪念馆文献。 英语国家历史在历史教学中占有重要地位。近现代历史中资本主义发展史是贯穿的主线,而在资本主义国家中英、美等国占重要地位,如英国资产阶级革命开辟了世界近代历史,英国工业革命给世界带来巨大变革,美国更是经历独立战争和内战经济跃居世界第一位并在世界事务中发挥重要作用,所以认识这两国的近代发展史可深化对世界整体历史的认识,这也是我选择美国历史进行教学的原因之一。 英语国家历史相关资料较为充实和完备。备课资料大致分为三类:一、文献资料,包括各种会议记录、条约、家信等。借助于互联网的帮助,我从美国网站检索到大量原版资料,如华盛顿的来往信函、五月花号公约等。二、音像资料,与本课相关的故事片有两部即《爱国者》和《独立之战》。三、文学作品,英美文学作品是我们最耳熟能详的。课堂中,适当阅读文学作品能提高学生学习兴趣和帮助理解历史现象,如霍桑小说《红字》反映欧洲的宗教迫害和移民美洲大陆。 由浅入深 因地置宜 教学设计之初便陷于两难境地。一难,如何使用简洁英语让学生听懂。二难,如何突出教学难点、重点。前者在香港版历史教材的启示及英语教师帮助下迎刃而解。首先尽量使用学生学习过的词汇表达意思,其次语言口语化,随后设计上采用“层层推进,由浅入深”的方法。如分析独立战争原因,它是本节的重点。学生用中文表达就相当难,何况用英语分析。基于此,这段设计定为教师指导下层层演绎,如原因分解为美利坚民族形成、英国加紧对殖民地的控制及殖民地人民的反抗,进而将民族形成分解为三个方面即居民、经济、文化,以此引导学生逐级展开思维。 针对学生阅读能力强于听说能力,教学重点中以大量书面资料和生动小品相配合加以说明。如原因中的小难点枣英国殖民者与美国殖民地居民的矛盾如何展开?我事先搜集了一些法案供学生阅读,并通过中文小品来反映法案的内容与实质。小品原先准备以英文表达,但学生英文水平有限实在编排不出。与此同时,加强中外联系能深化教学内容,如不可容忍法令与我国南京条约的比较。 俗话“罗马不是一天建成的”。双语教学也非一堂课能体现。目前学生和教师的英语能力都有一定的局限性,故准备课的过程宜循序渐进。本堂双语课我遵循了步步为营的原则。第一步给学生与本课相关的历史单词,含人物、地名、事件名称。第二步,提供相宜的文献资料阅读,帮助课内讨论。第三步,对历史事件、历史人物作简单英文评价。第四步,中英文课堂教学。 双语教学系统化、规模化 经历这堂公开课,我对双语教学的发展与前景充满信心,希望就此成为一个新起点,推动历史双语教学的系统化、规模化。 鉴于英语国家历史在双语教学中的优势与可行性,我将沿着英语国家历史继续探索双语课,并努力弥补初次尝试中的不足。
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成都市花园国际小学源自有近百年悠久历史的成都市实验小学,创建于2002年,秉承名校深厚文化底蕴,学习并借鉴陶行知思想,倡导活力教育,已取得了一定的实践经验和理论积累。秉承名校深厚文化底蕴,学习并借鉴陶行知思想,开拓时代活力校园:以活教育为引领,拥有自己形式多样的特色项目,小班化教育、双语教学、科学教育、成语王国、现代化课堂等。Chengdu experimental primary school Chengdu garden branch is a branch campus of Chengdu experimental primaryschool, which has nearly one hundred years history. It takes the cultural deposits of the prestigious school. Learning Xingzhi Tao"s education thoughts, and being a modern activity school: To life education for leading, Chengdu experimental primary school has diverse forms of the project, such as, small class education, bilingual education, science education, idioms kingdom and modern class 今天,花园人将继续传承行知精神,弘扬现代国际生活教育理念, “生活即教育、社会即学校”,“教学做合一”;与时代接轨,与国际接轨,以现代国际生活教育为基础,以创造教育为突破,以艺术教育为补充,立足民族传统文化,推行中、英双语及东、西方多元文化教育模式,弘扬民族精神,拓宽际视野,教育目标集中在培育“现代思维,双语学习,美德传承,活力成长,具有中国头脑与国际视野的”世界公民。把“现代化、国际化、生活化”作为学校的办学定位。 Today, we"ll continue to heritage the spirit of Xingzhi Tao, and promote the educational philosophy of the modern international life. Life is Education, Community is school, Combination of Teaching. Integration with the times, with international standards. To education as the foundation of modern international life, to create a breakthrough in education, supplemented on arts education, based on traditional culture ,the implementation of Chinese and English, and East and the Western model of multicultural education, the national spirit, expand international perspective, the aims of education focused on cultivating the modern thinking, bilingual learning, virtue inheritance, dynamic growth, with the mind and the international outlook of China"s citizen of the world. The modern, international, daily life as a school Orientation. 1、双语教学Bilingual Education学校双语组成立于2007年,至2010年一直不断发展壮大。现已有班队、数学、科学、音乐、体育、美术、信息技术等7个学科在进行双语研究,覆盖全校所有年级。双语教师全部由专职科任老师担任,在各学科基础上自然融入双语,专业性强,为学生营造了更加真实贴近生活的双语学习环境,培养其全新的双语国际视野。The Bilingual Group of Chengdu Experimental Primary School, Chengdu Garden Branch was founded in 2007. It has been developing for more than three years. There are seven subjects in this group, such as mathematics, science, music, sports, art, information technology and so on. We have specialized teachers who can adapt to the bilingual teaching in Chinese and English .We will provide a perfect bilingual environment for the students so that they can broaden International perspective and get interdisciplinary talents with international view and long-term strategic aims in the future.2、四大校园传统节日Four Campus Traditional Festivals体育节Sports Festival科技节Scienceand Technology Festival艺术节Arts Festival 英语节English Festival3、丰富多彩的周五生活场Rich and Colorful Friday Activities 清水如镜,来自源头活水,校园如诗,来自无限活力。花园孩子举目所及、举足所进的不仅是知识的殿堂,更是美的熏陶和艺术的享受。校园中的每个人、每一物、每项活动都是孩子学习、体验的源泉。于细微处培养学生“学会生活,学会合作,学会做人”,实现 “培养学生成为有爱心、有个性、会学习、会生活、会交往的符合未来国际需求的国际小公民”的育人目标。Our school is like a poem because of its infinite vitality. Children in the schoolyard will get not only knowledge, but also artistic enjoyment. Children learn from everything in the school so that they will grow up to be the citizens who are kind-hearted and reach the international requirements in the future.小班化教育给了老师一个可能,给了孩子一个舞台,双语教育在探索中走出了新路,成语王国活动在实践中结出硕果,“现代化、国际化、生活化”教育理想使思维光芒如此斑斓。在校训“做人求真,做事求心”的指引下,花园人在思索、花园人在行动!Small class education gives teachers a possible and shows children a stage. We have many new methods on bilingual education, and we have got great achievement in our Idioms Kingdom . Those make our modern, international, lively education ideal more colorful. Under the guidance of our motto dignified to behave, diligently to work, we are thinking, we are improving!
2023-07-24 12:30:561


Bilingual Secretary Wanted Our company requires a bilingual secretary for our office.She must be bilingual in English and Japanese. Competitive salary
2023-07-24 12:31:131


『壹』 出国留学成绩单中的课程科目翻译 太专业了,不给分很难有人帮你翻的。 我攒点人品吧: 1. Chemical Structure Analysis of Chinese Medicin, 2 Hospital Infection Control and Management, 3. medical Databses and Data Mining, 4. 维是啥意思?知道后内加在这两个词后面容Concepts of Computer... 5. Common facial and co *** etic diseas 6. Acupuncture techiniques training 7. Evidence Based Nursing 8. Translation Theory and Thecnicquess, 9. Bone and joint Diseases 10. Child Psychology. 『贰』 出国成绩单的英文课程名称问题 您好,首先您需要先到学校开出中文成绩单,然后翻译的英文成绩单要与中文成内绩单格式一致,科目顺序容一致,中文成绩单中有的英文成绩单中都要一一对应的翻译出来,包括姓名,性别,学院,学号等等。科目名称注意首字母大写。 『叁』 英文成绩单中AEG是哪几个单词的缩写谢谢 AEG (American English Group) 恭喜你,合格了 AEG (American English Group)课程。AEG课程为初级,中级以及高级水平学生提供英语读、写、听和说四种技能的强化培训。其课程设计一是提高学生的语言运用能力, 二是为需要大量阅读的专业学习做准备. 强化英语班在TSU大学年历(每学期约8周)中一年举办5次,每学期开学学生接受考试确定英语熟练程度。每学期期末,学生接受期末考试,根据成绩安排进入下学期更高级的英语学习班。该课程共设有听力I、II、III,阅读I、II、III,口语I、II、III及写作I、II、III。这部分的课程,学校根据学生入学成绩的高低来分配,成绩偏低的上I的课程,中等的学生上II的课程,而程度相对较好的则被分配到III的班级中。每学期末及学期初各有一次TOEFL考试,成绩合格者可参加专业课的学习。相反,学习成绩不合格的同学要继续留在AEG学习语言。美国是一个多人种的国家,所以在AEG任教的老师50%是非美国人的教师。在学习期间,我们不光可以学到正宗的美式英语,而且我们可以听到多种的英语口音,这练就了我们应付怪口音英语的能力, 也对于我们今后与老师同学的交流有了很大的帮助。 『肆』 请教英语大虾~~帮我翻译几个英文成绩单上的课程! 1, 2 of the Television literature, radio, television and Literature (to explain the radio and television this is the meaning of the literature……) 3, a few courses name: a business news Introction to Literary Study b c d Introction to Communication Studies e Dramatic Art F television broadcasting literary and artistic creation literary narrative film g h i television director based literary arts writing program j k reporters and editors thought the history of Chinese and foreign film 『伍』 成绩单中"课程性质"以及“必修”、“选修”怎么翻译成英文 课程性质 course character 必修 required (or obligatory) 必修课专 a required (or obligatory) course 选修属 elective 选修课 an elective course 『陆』 英文成绩单中的课程类型PE和O分别指什么 PE是指体育; 『柒』 翻译英文成绩单,里面有课程性质但是但是不知道必修,选修,公选是要用英文全写还是缩写就可以了 必修课程pulsory course或者required course 选修课程selective course或者elective course 公选课:mon course或者mon required course或者mon core 缩写这个至版少我不知道怎么权办 『捌』 出国英文成绩单翻译中课程性质怎么翻译那个course character肯定不够专业。。。 Course Type 『玖』 急急求帮忙翻译英文成绩单上的课程(悬赏还会追加)!! 请各位大侠帮帮个忙啊! 英语听力 English Listening 英语精读 English Intensive Reading 体育 Physical Ecation 思想道德修养与法律基础 Ideological and Moral Cultivation and Basis of Law 入学教育、军训 Matriculation Ecation; Military Training 经济法概论 Introction to Economic Law 计算机文化基础 Fundamentals of Computer Culture 管理学原理 Principle of Management 高等数学 Advanced Mathematics 专业认识实习 Major Recognization and Practice 中国近现代史纲要 Outline of Modern Chinese History 英语口语 Oral English Practice 微观经济学 Microeconomic Analysis 程序设计(VFP) Program Designing(VFP) 专业知识与形式讲座 Domain Knowledge and Formal Lecture 学年论文 Annual Essay 线性代数 Linear Algebra 女子健美操 Female Aerobics *** 思想 *** 理论和 *** 重要思想 An outline of Mao Zedong Thought, Deng Xiaoping Theory and the Important Thinking of "The Three Represents" 宏观经济学 Macroeconomics Analysis 概率统计 Probability Statistics 中国古陶瓷鉴赏与收藏 Appreciation and Collection of Chinese Ancient Ceramics 涉外礼仪与交际礼节 Courtesy Related to Foreign Affairs and Communication Etiquette 文件检索 Document Retrieval 统计学A Statistics A 体育舞蹈 Physical Dance 世界经济 World Economy 马克思主义基本原理 Fundamental Principles of Marxi *** 会计学A Accounting A 会计流程实习 Account Flow Practice 国际市场行情调研 Research of Quotations in International Market 国际市场调研与开发 Research and Development of International Market 国际贸易理论 International Trade Theory 音乐欣赏 Music Appreciation 管理运筹与博弈对策 Management Operations and Game Theory 当代世界政治与经济 Contemporary International Economics and Politics 外贸商品学 Foreign Trade Commodity Studies 计量经济学 Econometrics 货币银行学 Moary Banking 国际投资学 International Investments 国际贸易专业实习 International Trade Major Practice 国际贸易实务 International Trade Practice 国际金融 International Finance Program 玉器鉴别与欣赏 Jade Identification and Appreciation 应用写作 Applied Writing 人际交往心理学 Psychology of Interpersonal Relationship 二外(日语) Second Foreign Language (Japanese) 外贸英语函电 Foreign Trade English Correspondence 跨国公司经营管理 Transnational Business Management 国际市场营销(双语) International Marketing (Bilingual) 国际贸易电子模拟 Electronic Analogue in International Trade 国际经济学 International Economics 摄影艺术作品赏析 Photograpthic Art Works Appreciation 国际物流管理 International Logistics Management 国际贸易前沿问题 Current Issues in International Trade 财政学 Finance
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一、北京市朝阳区爱迪幼儿园(BIK,Beijing International kindergarten) 创建时间:2011年学校地址:北京市朝阳区楼梓庄路7号爱迪教育园区内网址:学费(参考):15万/年(已包含学费、书本、校服、被褥、餐费等)接送时间:7:30-17:00是否有晚托班:有,年满4周岁以上可申请住校是否有校车:有招生条件:外国国籍、中国籍(无需北京户口)教学特色:爱迪幼儿园采取英语浸入式教学,半天中文半天英文班级人数:15人教师比例:1:3课程:高尔夫、钢琴、轮滑、武术、奥尔夫音乐、话剧表演等;安全:园区至幼儿园设置五道门岗保护,设有监控、安检等设备;爱迪幼儿园与国际小学无缝对接,并且是全国首家开设高尔夫球课程的幼儿园。以孩子乐学、乐玩、探索为教育理念。 有“五幼儿园”之称的爱迪幼儿园,虽创办时间不如其爱迪国际高中久,但其知名度却已不亚于爱迪高中部了。配有温室蔬菜大棚,孩子们每顿饭菜都是纯天然有机食材。爱迪教育园区不仅是北京、距离中心城区最近的国际学校而且交通极其便利,园区面积有37万平方米,内有湖泊,风景秀丽,翠意盎然。 二、北京市海淀外国语实验学校附属幼儿园(Beijing Haidian Foreign Language Shi Yan School) 创建时间:2012年地址:海淀区杏石口路20号网址:www.bjfles.com学费:12万/年(相当于1.2万/月,含餐费、被褥、校服)接送时间:7:30—17:30是否有晚托班:有,最晚到19:15是否有校车:无招生条件:外国国籍、中国籍(无需北京户口)幼儿园内有一个小型的动物园,里面养了50多种动物,幼儿园有一个3D*,但是我建议还是让孩子们远离电子产品。校园建筑就像童话里的城堡一样。 家长和小孩子还可以根据自己的兴趣选择外语课,包括英语、德语、法语、日语。园内的每个孩子都要学习开车和交通规则,毕业时还要考驾照!幼儿园老师表示该“驾照”和成人驾照类似,需要学基本交规并实操上路。 三、北京二十一世纪实验幼儿园(Beijing 21st Century Kindergarten) 创建时间:1995年地址:北京市海淀区恩济庄46号网址:www.bjkid.com学费:13万/年(含餐费),每个园区收费不同接送时间:8:00-16:30是否有晚托班:18:00以后,60元/小时是否有校车:无招生条件:外国国籍、中国籍(无需北京户口) 创办于1995年,是北京市最早的民办寄宿制幼儿园,创办至今分园较多,海淀、丰台、昌平等地均有其身影。 幼儿园内的活动场地上面放有格式各样的大型原木组合玩具供孩子们尽情玩耍。幼儿园设立了戏沙、戏水室、多媒体视听图书馆,游戏治疗宣泄室、钢琴房、动物角、种植园等等。 四、A派国际双语幼儿园(American International Academy Of Beijing) 创建时间:2012年地址:北京市朝阳区百子湾南二路78号院5号楼收费(参考):11万/年(含餐费)接送时间:8:15-16:30是否有晚托班:无,最晚到17:00是否有校车:有招生条件:外国国籍、中国籍(无需北京户口)开设课程:烘焙、舞蹈、艺术、音乐、钢琴、陶艺等 香港蒙氏幼儿教育创办的私立幼儿园,整个幼儿园是一栋独立的四层建筑,一进大门就是一大片绿色的塑胶地垫,教学楼楼顶还设有一片约700平米左右的室内阳光运动场,为孩子提供了足够宽敞的游戏、玩耍、锻炼身体的空间。 五、嘉德蒙台梭利双语幼儿园(Jiade Montessori Bilingual Kindergarten) 创建时间:2009年地址:顺义区顺福路2号、朝阳区八里庄北里221号网址:www.jdmontessori.com收费(参考):15万/年(含餐费、校服、书包)接送时间:8:30-16:30是否有晚托班:无是否有校车:有招生条件:外国国籍、中国籍(无需北京户口)课程体系:蒙台梭利课程第一所以“蒙台梭利”命名并在国家教育部门注册的幼儿园。 目前在北京已有2个校区:顺义御墅校区、朝阳红领巾校区。 每个孩子都在老师的紧密协助下用各种教具或独立学习或小组学习,有画画的、有做手工的、还有通过教具学数学的,每个学习区都相对独立,充分保证了孩子们在各自学习的时间里不受外界干扰。 六、北京艾毅幼儿园(Ivy Schools) 创建时间:2004年总部地址:北京市海淀区杏石口路20号网址:www.ivyschools.com学费(参考):10万/年,每个园区收费不同接送时间:8:30-16:00是否有晚托班:具体情况需电话咨询各个园区是否有校车:有招生条件:外国国籍、中国籍(无需北京户口) 艾毅是基于美国哈佛大学认知心理学教授霍华德·加德纳博士的多元智能理论进行综合课程设置的幼儿园,分三个类型:1、国际班:小班教学,低师生比,提供以多元智能理论为基础的全英文课程,致力于因材施教,开发幼儿全部潜能。 2、双语班:小班至大班特意设置了半日互换的语言教学模式(中英文互换),中西方老师全天都会和幼儿一起互动,孩子们每天接触中文和英文半天的时间。3、多元智能班:提供以多元智能理论为基础、中文为主的高品质课程,并为孩子提供国际化的学习氛围。 七、启明星双语学校(Day star Academy) 创建时间:2002年地址:朝阳区顺白路2号网址:www.daystarchina.cn收费(参考):11.5万/年、餐费6500/年、校服800/年 等接送时间:8:00-15:30是否有晚托班:无是否有校车:有班级人数:25人,混龄招生条件:外国国籍、中国籍(无需北京户口)课程体系:蒙台梭利课程 幼儿园充分诠释了独立和合作的关系,采用小组形式和一对一的教学形式,鼓励孩子自主学习,老师只是在学习过程中辅助与引导。例如在数学区,孩子通过触摸、观察各种模型和实物来认识抽象化的数字概念,在生活体验区则能亲自参与清洗餐具,给小动物喂食等。 八、北京家育苑幼儿园(The Family Learning House) 创建时间:2008年地址:朝阳区东三中环路39号建外SOHO西区 (14号楼旁)网址:www.thefamilylearninghouse.com收费(参考):11万/年(含餐费)校服1000/三套(春秋、夏、冬)接送时间:8:20-16:00是否有晚托班:无是否有校车:无招生条件:外国国籍、中国籍(无需北京户口)课程体系:蒙台梭利课程 白色、绿色是幼儿园的主体色调。2010年被朝阳区教委认定为“年度优秀幼儿园”之一。 分2个班级:小班2—3岁(20人左右),混龄班3—6岁(25人左右)。家育苑幼儿园有一个比较独特的地方,基于对食品安全的考虑每天的午餐只提供素食,没有任何肉类食物。 九、北京汇佳实验幼儿园(Huijia Kid"s Centers) 创建时间:1999年总部地址:昌平区创新路20号汇佳商务楼2层网址:www.hjkids.com收费(参考):特色园6万/年(含餐费)、国际园15万/年(含餐费)、普惠园4万/年,不含校服、被褥等接送时间:7:30-17:00课程特色:PYP是否有晚托班:详情咨询各个校区是否有校车:详情咨询各个校区招生条件:外国国籍、中国籍(无需北京户口) 十、伊顿国际双语幼儿园(Etonkids Bilingual Kindergartens) 创建时间:2003年总部地址: 朝阳区东风南路上东10号网址:www.etonkids.com收费(参考):国际班15万/年,多元智能班4-5万/年,双语班8-9万/年。接送时间:8:00-17:30是否有晚托班:详情咨询各个校区是否有校车:详情咨询各个校区招生条件:外国国籍、中国籍(无需北京户口)班级人数:15-25,混龄班课程体系:蒙台梭利课程
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哥大的TOEFL 100起 肯定是够了,这个条件肯定是可以申,但是录取还要看今年的情况。哥大比芝加哥 和宾大要难录。如果不是那么在意专业方向 还可以考虑同时申请 Education学院的任何一个专业(不要太拘泥于是否Tesol或者bilingual 都是MA ,甚至考虑MPA(拿MS不读博就业更广),等等一些招生人数多的专业今年大MPA招300多人。建议可以申请同是Ivy league的宾大 对于二本院校没有任何歧视 只要分数够高GRe接近320 就可以。范德堡应该是没跑。实习经历已经完全够了,如果可以提高G 要是可以过320 可以考虑再刷一次。GRE写作4.0会更理想。现在情况绝对前20-30 ,抓紧时间。
2023-07-24 12:34:531

英语中表达双数概念的词有哪些?比如 couple pair parents twin 还有呢?越多越好。

2023-07-24 12:35:044


  导读:Do you need some extra motivation when it comes to language learning? Even though most of us will agree that it pays to be bilingual, it can be difficult to remain optimistic when the journey to multilingualism feels like a never-ending road trip with countless dead ends.   在学习语言的途中,你是否需要更多学习动力呢?尽管我们都知道会俩种语言是很有用处的,但当学习多种语言的路途变的永无止境处处是死胡同时人们就很难再保持积极乐观的态度了。   The following quotes are a simple reminder that learning another language opens our minds and can lead to unforeseen opportunities. Do you have another quote to add to this list? Share it with us in the comments section below!   下面这些语录会敲醒你学习其它语言的警钟,告诉你语言学习可以打开你的思维并为你带来意外的机遇。你是否也有这样的语录,添加到这个清单里吧?请在下面的留言区与大家一起分享吧!   1. If you talk to a man in a language he understands, that goes to his head. If you talk to him in his own language, that goes to his heart.   如果你用别人能理解的语言与对方谈话,那么谈话会进入对方的大脑。如果你用对方的语言与之谈话,那么谈话会进入对方的心里。   u2012Nelson Mandela   2. One language sets you in a corridor for life. Two languages open every door along the way.   一种语言可以为人生开启一条走廊。俩种语言则会使这条人生走廊的沿途上处处开启大门。   u2012Frank Smith   3. The limits of my language are the limits of my world.   语言的限制就是对我的世界的限制。   u2012Ludwig Wittgenstein   4. Learn everything you can, anytime you can, from anyone you can; there will always come a time when you will be grateful you did.   学习一切你所能学,任何时间,无论向谁;总有一天你会为你所做感到欣慰。   u2012Sarah Caldwell   5. Learning is a treasure that will follow its owner everywhere.   学习是无论到哪都追随主人的财富。   u2012Chinese Proverb   6. You can never understand one language until you understand at least two.   除非你掌握了俩门以上的语言,否则你永远无法真正理解一门语言。   u2012Geoffrey Willans   7. To have another language is to possess a second soul.   掌握另一门语言,拥有第二个灵魂!   u2012Charlemagne   8. Those who know nothing of foreign languages know nothing of their own.   不了解外语的人也无法真正了解自己的语言。   u2012Johann Wolfgang von Goethe   9. Language is the road map of a culture. It tells you where its people come from and where they are going.   语言是文化的地图。它为你解答人们从哪里来到哪里去。   u2012Rita Mae Brown   10. Language is the blood of the soul into which thoughts run and out of which they grow.   语言是灵魂的血肉,有了血肉,思想就可以奔跑,有了灵魂,语言才得以成长。   u2012Oliver Wendell Holmes
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长篇阅读Raising Bilingual Children答案?

00:55:00B2U1答题卡长篇阅读(共10小题,20分)Raising Bilingual ChildrenA) The idea of raising bilingual (双语的) children is both appealing and possible for more and more families these days, and growing up with more than one language certainly has its advantages in today"s global village. Yet bilingualism really isn"t something that simply happens. Raising kids to be successful in more than one language requires some careful planning and learning about bilingual language development.B) The reasons for choosing to raise kids with two or more languages are as varied as the families themselves. Even the word “bilingualism” has different meanings for different families. For some families, having the ability to listen in two languages but speak in just one may constitute bilingualism, while other parents expect their kids not only to be bilingual, but also literate in both languages. Whatever the goals for developing bilingualism in each family may be, success appears to depend on whether a “language plan” has been worked out in advance. Families who take the time to consider how their kids will develop two languages, and who make the necessary commitments to bilingual language development, tend to be more successful in raising bilingual children.C) If you"re thinking about bringing up your children bilingually, it"s a good idea to make your own definition of bilingualism clear. Language proficiency can be evaluated in terms of listening, speaking, reading and writing. You could also add a fifth area of speech and language, in which a person is able to use one or both languages for reasoning, to your definition of bilingualism. A person may speak only one language but have listening comprehension in two languages. Another may listen and speak in two languages but reading and writing ability in only one.D) The term balanced bilingualism is used to describe individuals who possess about the same fluency in two languages, while semilingualism refers to those who have deficiencies in both languages compared with monolinguals. These deficiencies could be in a reduced vocabulary, incorrect grammatical patterns, difficult thinking or expressing emotions in one of the languages, etc. Few people are truly balanced bilinguals in both languages in all situations. One language is usually dominant (支配的). This dominance may be different for listening and speaking or for reading and writing and usually changes over time.E) At any rate, it"s most useful to define for yourself what type of bilingualism is important and necessary in your family, within your community and culture, in order to develop a strategy for raising kids with the ability to use more than one language. Most of us are able to learn a second language at any time in our lives. And, though no critical age for bilingual language development has been found, kids do tend to develop more native-like pronunciation when bilingualism begins before adolescence. Two types of childhood bilingualism have been defined. The first is simultaneous (同步的) learning of two languages, which tends to be affected by four key factors: the parents" ability in one or more languages, the parents" actual use of language with the child, the language or languages other family members speak with the child, and the language the child uses in the community. The second type of childhood bilingualism is called sequential or successive bilingualism. This happens when a child has one established language before learning a second language, whether in preschool or later (the age of three usually separates simultaneous and sequential language learning). Some kids and adults, of course, usually learn a second language formally through school or language classes.F) Families who take the time to discuss their goals for language development often see their kids acquire higher levels of language skills in both languages. Parents need to talk about how bilingualism will be achieved for their children, looking at what language strategies will be used by each parent, what is being taught at school, and what areas need to be emphasized outside of school. Experts stress separating the languages to make language acquisition easier for kids. When kids are learning two languages at the same time parents need to work out language strategies that emphasize boundaries between the languages.G) Consistency is key in early language learning. If you mix languages in the same conversation, young kids experience difficulty separating vocabulary and grammar into the appropriate language. The child may learn the “mixed” language as one language.H) Parents also need to consider how to strike a balance between the languages. If a child attends school in one language all day and has only a short time to hear the other language at home, it"s likely the school language will develop more easily than the home language. Parents have to plan for additional time spent using the home language in a variety of situations and with a variety of speakers. Rich language experiences in both languages are essential for good bilingual development.I) The quality of the language interaction is also very important. The language used shouldn"t be too complex and parents should learn to expand their child"s language as well as give encouragement and approval. Parents need to be good listeners and good language models by introducing rich vocabulary and varied conversations. Providing books, music, and even videos in both languages is also important.J) Parents should also be aware of individual difference among children. Each child learns language at his own speed. This is related to a variety of factors, such as stability and mobility of a family, relationships within the family, attitudes toward each language expressed by the parents, other family members, the school, the community and especially the child.K) Knowing two or more languages truly gives kids so many advantages in life. Bilingual kids have the advantage of knowing two cultures, of being able to communicate with a wider variety of people, and of possible economic advantages in their future. Research has even shown advantages in thinking skills among bilingual individuals. But deciding to raise bilingual kids is a decision that should be carefully considered as it affects children for the rest of their lives. Parents need to consider the child"s self-identity (个性), self-esteem, schooling options, as well as social factors when planning for bilingualism. Becoming bilingual is a special gift parents can offer their children, but the gift must be planned and presented with care for it to be well used and appreciated.
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这篇英语是什么意思?大家帮我看一下。 悬赏分:50 - 离问题结束还有 14 天 23 小时 A model of bilingual conversation Two basic category pairs provide the ‘underlying" procedural apparatus for arriving at local interpretations of language alternation embedded in their individual contexts. These are the category pairs transfer vs. code – switching and participant-related vs. discourse-related language alternation. From a hearer"s point of view, the speaker has to indicate solutions to the following problems corresponding to the two category pairs:1 Is the language alternation in question connected to a particular conversational structure ( for instance, a word , a sentence, or a larger unit) ( transfer ),or to a particular point in conversation (code- switching)?2 Is the language alternation in question providing cues for the organization of the ongoing interaction (i.e. is discourse – related), or about attributes of the ongoing interaction (i.e. is discourse – related), or about attributes of the speaker (i.e. is it participant – related ) ?In answering these questions, and in providing indications that make them answerable, bilingual participants operate a basic category grid which provides a fundamental four – way differentiation of the signaling device under investigation. It is important to keep in mind that ‘discourse – related code – switching", ‘participant – related code – switching" , ‘ discourse- related transfer ‘ and ‘ participant – related transfer" are not generic categories grouping language alternation types; that is , they are not superordinates to subordinated alternation types such as addressee selection, citations, and son on. Instead, the latter should be seen as situated interpretations arrived at in context, whereas the former are generally available procedures designed to carry out these local interpretations. It is these more general procedures and not the types of language alternation which are used as interpretive resources by participants in the first place. Let us begin by taking a look at the dichotomy discourse – related vs. participant related code – switching. In the organization of bilingual conversation, participants face two types of tasks. First , there are problems specifically addressed to language choice. A given conversational episode may be called bilingual as soon as participants orient to the question of which language to speak. Second, participants have to solve a number of problems independently of whether they use one or more languages; these are problems related to the organization of conversation in general, e.g. to turn- taking, topical cohesion, ‘key" (in Hymes" sense; see Hymes, 1974 ), the constitution of specific linguistic activities. The alternating use of two language may be a means of coping with these problems. For illustration , let us turn to some data extracts: 3
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