barriers / 阅读 / 详情


2023-07-24 12:45:45

  1. 你要对防弹有大概了解,例如:知道他们一共有7个人,英文名叫BTS 最近出新专辑了 专辑名叫《Fake Love》专辑有4个版本 分别为Y版O版U版R版 一共29张小卡 并且上个月继去年后第二次在billboard得奖了 可以多去网上看一些防弹的信息

  2. 对jimin有大概的了解,比如jimin的本名是朴智旻,家乡是釜山,跳舞很棒等等

  3. 在日常的聊天中聊到防弹的时候你可以自然的说出,知道这些一看你就是用心准备过了

  4. 听他们的歌,可以一起聊天说出你喜欢的歌然后寻找共鸣

  5. 花钱的话可以买防弹的专辑 周边同款,收到的话一定会很开心

  6. 要注意打扮自己,一般追星的女孩对另一半的长相、穿着打扮还是有一定要求滴

    希望你可以成功的追到 有问题再我啦~


跟她有共同语言 一起追hiahia


fake love什么意思

"Fake love"是一个英语短语,字面意思是"虚假的爱"。它通常用来描述一种虚伪或不真实的感情或爱情。这个短语常常在歌曲歌词、电影剧情和日常对话中出现,用来描述一种假装爱情的情况。虚假的爱可以指的是一段关系中的假象或虚伪的感情这种情况下,一方或双方可能表现出对对方的爱,但实际上却没有真实的感情或意图。这可能是出于某种目的,比如为了追求个人利益、社会地位或者别的目的。虚假的爱还可以指的是一种表面上的爱,但实际上缺乏真正的情感。这种情况下,一个人可能表现出对另一个人的深情,但实际上只是出于社会压力、习俗或其他外在因素的影响。这种爱可能没有真正的投入和奉献,只是一种表面的情感。虚假的爱还可以指的是一种欺骗或欺诈性的感情。在这种情况下,一个人可能故意欺骗另一个人,让他们相信有真爱存在,但实际上只是为了满足自己的欲望或目的。这种虚假的爱可能会给受伤的一方带来痛苦、失望和伤害。虚假的爱在现实生活中是存在的,它可能对个人和关系产生负面影响。它可能导致心理上的伤害、信任的破裂以及关系的破裂。因此,识别和避免虚假的爱至关重要。
2023-07-24 12:23:321


2023-07-24 12:24:121

如何评价防弹少年团新曲fake love

2023-07-24 12:24:311

防弹少年团fake love音源

复制地知址去浏览道器打开,裏面全内是干货容 →
2023-07-24 12:24:393

fake love story是什么东西?

fake有假的,伪造的,冒牌的,冒充的意思这里可以理解为 泡沫爱情 或者 白日梦 或者像楼上那样直译成 虚假爱情故事 都可以
2023-07-24 12:24:482

求BTS的fake love(Japanese Version / Remix)百度云,谢谢!!!

2023-07-24 12:24:551


2023-07-24 12:25:0315


是真的下滑了,但是也能预料到的程度第一阶段(头小脸小):怎么说呢,他的脸变成今天这样也是能预料到的,他刚出道的时候脸特别小,头也还行,不是特别明显的大头,但是到血汗泪的金发时期我发现他的头好像大了一些,下颌骨稍微宽了一点点,但是总体还是五官大脸小,16年末的时候是我觉得他整个人正正好的时候,头和脸刚刚好,下颌骨也刚刚好,既有软萌的狗狗感又有了少年骨骼感,头肩比也刚刚好,身材也很漂亮,清瘦感让他上镜非常好看。第二阶段(头偏大脸略宽):2017年春日回归的时候可能因为服装原因,感觉骨架稍微长开了一些,但是wings巡演的时候不是有一张绑发带很绝的演唱会照片嘛,那张照片我一直都是看到的只有脸,直到有一天我看到官方放出了全身照,我就觉得他的头真的是大了,到DNA的时候因为褪去了少年的清瘦感增添了一丝沉稳的气气息,这是他从少年迈向男人的第一步,骨骼还是维持在春日时期,但是少年的力量感(肌肉)没有了,春日的时候感觉身上蛮结实的,dna时候肉软软的,也瘦了一些,但是头偏大也是真的,卷毛虽然好看但是只能拍脸,因为他的肩膀比较单薄,会显得整个人很瘦弱,到年末维持在这里,18年fake love回归其实他说他胖了只是针对他出道以来,其实也还好,下颌线也还在,脸跟dna差不多,就是脸变得有点像小苹果了,但是被嘴了之后很快就瘦下来了,到年末比dna看上去还要瘦,脸也正式凹进去了,男人味十足,19年染了个蓝发开始到薄荷绿都下颌骨没变,还是一样好看,但是头也确实大了,全身照的时候显得有点奇怪,所以他有的会抬头拍照,这样拍到的就是他下巴和脸,头不容易被拍到,或者他会侧一下身,拍侧面也会好一点,薄荷绿那段时间感觉他比19年末要瘦,19年6月的时候也维持着薄荷绿时候那么瘦,港薇很出圈,脸也发育的很有男人味了,下颌骨我本来以为已经发育完全了,20年4月底看到他的黑发我也惊讶了一下,没想到成长的这么快,一下子男人感十足,下颌骨和港薇时期一样,肩膀宽了一些倒是显得头肩比又好了很多。第三阶段(头大脸大):20年开始因为工作我变得断断续续关注他的消息,但是我觉得这是他身材非常不稳定的时期,因为疫情开始,巡演也没这么频繁了,打歌也变得开始没观众看现场了,on时期给他烫头我觉得真的造型师在打压他,他的头本来就大,烫头会显得头更大,而且他的脸有刘海就是小短脸,本来短脸就怕宽,偏偏他的脸感觉又发育了,后来有一场打歌给他卷了一下头发,就是那场“等一下~等一下~”的那场,刘海给他分开了一点,看上去好一点了,脸虽然短但是视觉上好一点了,但是往后录制跑弹的时候又突然瘦的很厉害,显得特别瘦弱,侧面就很扁很扁,脆弱感特别厉害,后来可能是因为自己觉得太瘦弱了去健身了,这真的是灾难的开始,健身力量不够很容易用脖子发力,脖子就会粗,他其实不应该选择健身,应该去做做瑜伽塑形,他的肉脂肪偏高,肌肉偏低,塑形对他来说足够了,适当的游游泳健身足够了,但是他去举铁真的气死我了,中间开直播看到他去动过发际线我其实也能理解,但是太贪心了,动的太多了,他脸短其实额头要偏高一点才好看,后来有一场喝酸奶直播的时候健身成效很明显,壮了很多,不是说健身不好,而是如果要一直在娱乐圈,那么适当的按照粉丝的想法做也是必须的,但是他没有,一意孤行健身,对我来说是没什么想法,而且他钱也赚够了,马上就要兵役了,健身对他来说也是一个比较好的方式,不然太瘦弱去服兵役也很辛苦,后来1367直播那场我感觉明显瘦了,他说他63.9kg,但是我觉得比喝酸奶那场真的瘦了好多,但是1说他61kg,我印象里一直是6比1瘦且矮一些,而且6骨架比1小,这么一想6确实是沉了一些,他之前简历写58kg,那对比他现在胖了有10斤左右,我记得无限的忙内也179但是只有51kg,所以别心疼哥哥58kg,这个体重上镜绝对是好看的,但是!!这个大背头指不定是他喜欢,他一直对发际线有点自卑,所以动了发际线自然是骄傲的要给大家看,后来线上演唱会估计维持在直播的体重,近期看到他美国演唱会说自己65kg,说明差不多维持在这个程度,其实在生活中,将近180cm的成年男性,130斤不算胖的,甚至还会看上去偏瘦,但是他的脸从炸弹开始又宽了,到life goes on定格,头很大脸很宽,其实19年底有一张照片跟珉豪、允儿在一个镜头里的真的头太大了,虽然这两位一直是以头小闻名,但是金泰亨的头真的大的离谱,照片我没存,实在是太吓人了,但是他花朗跟珉豪合照感觉头还好,但是为什么头会发育啊,我读书的时候老师说头到了一定年龄就不会变大了,他这个头真的太神奇了。
2023-07-24 12:25:561


是真的下滑了,但是也能预料到的程度第一阶段(头小脸小):怎么说呢,他的脸变成今天这样也是能预料到的,他刚出道的时候脸特别小,头也还行,不是特别明显的大头,但是到血汗泪的金发时期我发现他的头好像大了一些,下颌骨稍微宽了一点点,但是总体还是五官大脸小,16年末的时候是我觉得他整个人正正好的时候,头和脸刚刚好,下颌骨也刚刚好,既有软萌的狗狗感又有了少年骨骼感,头肩比也刚刚好,身材也很漂亮,清瘦感让他上镜非常好看。第二阶段(头偏大脸略宽):2017年春日回归的时候可能因为服装原因,感觉骨架稍微长开了一些,但是wings巡演的时候不是有一张绑发带很绝的演唱会照片嘛,那张照片我一直都是看到的只有脸,直到有一天我看到官方放出了全身照,我就觉得他的头真的是大了,到DNA的时候因为褪去了少年的清瘦感增添了一丝沉稳的气气息,这是他从少年迈向男人的第一步,骨骼还是维持在春日时期,但是少年的力量感(肌肉)没有了,春日的时候感觉身上蛮结实的,dna时候肉软软的,也瘦了一些,但是头偏大也是真的,卷毛虽然好看但是只能拍脸,因为他的肩膀比较单薄,会显得整个人很瘦弱,到年末维持在这里,18年fake love回归其实他说他胖了只是针对他出道以来,其实也还好,下颌线也还在,脸跟dna差不多,就是脸变得有点像小苹果了,但是被嘴了之后很快就瘦下来了,到年末比dna看上去还要瘦,脸也正式凹进去了,男人味十足,19年染了个蓝发开始到薄荷绿都下颌骨没变,还是一样好看,但是头也确实大了,全身照的时候显得有点奇怪,所以他有的会抬头拍照,这样拍到的就是他下巴和脸,头不容易被拍到,或者他会侧一下身,拍侧面也会好一点,薄荷绿那段时间感觉他比19年末要瘦,19年6月的时候也维持着薄荷绿时候那么瘦,港薇很出圈,脸也发育的很有男人味了,下颌骨我本来以为已经发育完全了,20年4月底看到他的黑发我也惊讶了一下,没想到成长的这么快,一下子男人感十足,下颌骨和港薇时期一样,肩膀宽了一些倒是显得头肩比又好了很多。第三阶段(头大脸大):20年开始因为工作我变得断断续续关注他的消息,但是我觉得这是他身材非常不稳定的时期,因为疫情开始,巡演也没这么频繁了,打歌也变得开始没观众看现场了,on时期给他烫头我觉得真的造型师在打压他,他的头本来就大,烫头会显得头更大,而且他的脸有刘海就是小短脸,本来短脸就怕宽,偏偏他的脸感觉又发育了,后来有一场打歌给他卷了一下头发,就是那场“等一下~等一下~”的那场,刘海给他分开了一点,看上去好一点了,脸虽然短但是视觉上好一点了,但是往后录制跑弹的时候又突然瘦的很厉害,显得特别瘦弱,侧面就很扁很扁,脆弱感特别厉害,后来可能是因为自己觉得太瘦弱了去健身了,这真的是灾难的开始,健身力量不够很容易用脖子发力,脖子就会粗,他其实不应该选择健身,应该去做做瑜伽塑形,他的肉脂肪偏高,肌肉偏低,塑形对他来说足够了,适当的游游泳健身足够了,但是他去举铁真的气死我了,中间开直播看到他去动过发际线我其实也能理解,但是太贪心了,动的太多了,他脸短其实额头要偏高一点才好看,后来有一场喝酸奶直播的时候健身成效很明显,壮了很多,不是说健身不好,而是如果要一直在娱乐圈,那么适当的按照粉丝的想法做也是必须的,但是他没有,一意孤行健身,对我来说是没什么想法,而且他钱也赚够了,马上就要兵役了,健身对他来说也是一个比较好的方式,不然太瘦弱去服兵役也很辛苦,后来1367直播那场我感觉明显瘦了,他说他63.9kg,但是我觉得比喝酸奶那场真的瘦了好多,但是1说他61kg,我印象里一直是6比1瘦且矮一些,而且6骨架比1小,这么一想6确实是沉了一些,他之前简历写58kg,那对比他现在胖了有10斤左右,我记得无限的忙内也179但是只有51kg,所以别心疼哥哥58kg,这个体重上镜绝对是好看的,但是!!这个大背头指不定是他喜欢,他一直对发际线有点自卑,所以动了发际线自然是骄傲的要给大家看,后来线上演唱会估计维持在直播的体重,近期看到他美国演唱会说自己65kg,说明差不多维持在这个程度,其实在生活中,将近180cm的成年男性,130斤不算胖的,甚至还会看上去偏瘦,但是他的脸从炸弹开始又宽了,到life goes on定格,头很大脸很宽,其实19年底有一张照片跟珉豪、允儿在一个镜头里的真的头太大了,虽然这两位一直是以头小闻名,但是金泰亨的头真的大的离谱,照片我没存,实在是太吓人了,但是他花朗跟珉豪合照感觉头还好,但是为什么头会发育啊,我读书的时候老师说头到了一定年龄就不会变大了,他这个头真的太神奇了。
2023-07-24 12:26:171


Who says I can"t get stonedTurn off the lights and the telephoneMe in my house aloneWho says I can"t get stonedWho says I can"t be freeFrom all of the things that I used to beRewrite my historyWho says I can"t be freeIt"s been a long night in New York CityIt"s been a long night in Baton RougeI don"t remember you looking any betterBut then again I don"t remember youWho says I can"t get stonedCall up a girl that I used to knowFake love for an hour or soWho says I can"t get stonedWho says I can"t take timeMeet all the girls in the county lineWait on fate to send a signWho says I can"t take timeIt"s been a long night in New York CityIt"s been a long night in Austin tooI don"t remember you looking any betterBut then again I don"t remember youWho says I can"t get stonedPlan a trip to Japan aloneDoesn"t matter if I even goWho says I can"t get stonedIt"s been a long night in New York CityIt"s been a long time since twenty-twoI don"t remember you looking any betterBut then again I don"t remember,don"t remember you
2023-07-24 12:26:271


2023-07-24 12:26:366


Love is caring for other people, through thick and thin, but also knowing that you are loved. If you love your partner, and you do not believe they love you, that is not a full relationship. Love is caring for your partner, and being able to relate to how they feel, and knowing what to say. Love is Physical and mental attraction, and you can"t have one or the other. Love is having the strength to see through disagreements, and easily knowing your partner. Love is friendship, and partnership, and you can"t have one without the other. If you are not friends with your partner, then you are only physically attracted. Friendship is the part of love that goes deeper than the body. Friendship is mental. Love may also be viewed in many different ways, friendship, family, physically, infatuation, fake love, and true love. True love is the top of the chart. True love is love at its best; it is physical attraction, mental awareness of your partner, friendliness and care for your partner, understanding, truth, grace, thought, happiness, and fun. Without all of these things, then the feeling experienced is not full, and not perfect. Not love. 爱是关心他人,通过厚而薄,但也知道你是爱。如果你爱你的伴侣,你不相信他们爱你,那是不是一个完整的关系。爱是关心你的伴侣,并能与他们的感受,并且知道该说什么。爱是身体和精神的吸引,而你不能拥有一个或另一个。爱是有力量的,看不到的分歧,并很容易知道你的合作伙伴。爱是友谊,合作伙伴,你不能没有另一个。如果你和你的伴侣不在一起,那么你就只不过是身体上的吸引。友谊是爱的一部分,比身体更深层。友谊是精神。爱情也可以被视为在许多不同的方式,友谊,家庭,身体,迷恋,虚假的爱,真正的爱。真爱是图表的顶部。真正的爱是爱,它是身体的吸引,你的伙伴,友好和关心你的合作伙伴,理解,真理,恩典,思想,幸福和乐趣的精神意识。没有所有的这些东西,那么感觉经历的不充实,也不完美。不爱。
2023-07-24 12:27:401


2023-07-24 12:27:498


2023-07-24 12:28:2715

fake love什么意思 fake love的意思

1、Fake Love的意思是假的恋爱。 2、《Fake Love》是由韩国男子演唱组合防弹少年团演唱的歌曲,由方时赫、Pdogg、金南俊作词作曲,收录在防弹少年团第三张正规专辑《Love Yourself 转 Tear》中,是该专辑的主打曲,于2018年5月18日正式发行。 3、中文歌词: 若是为了你 即使悲伤我也可以装作喜悦 若是为了你 即使疼痛我也可以装作坚强 爱情是因为爱才完美 将我所有的弱点都隐藏 在未能实现的梦境之中 培植无法绽放的花朵 Im so sick of this Fake Love Fake Love Fake Love Im so sorry but its Fake Love Fake Love Fake Love I wanna be a good man just for you 为了你给予世界 为了你改变一切 Now I dunno me, who are you? 我们两人的森林 你却不见踪影 我遗失了来时的路线 我也不清楚我到底是谁 对着镜子发问 你到底是谁 若是为了你 即使悲伤我也可以装作喜悦 若是为了你 即使疼痛我也可以装作坚强 爱情是因为爱才完美 将我所有的弱点都隐藏 在未能实现的梦境之中 培植无法绽放的花朵 Love you so bad Love you so bad 为了你制造美丽的谎言 Love it"s so mad Love it"s so mad 把我抹去 想要成为你的人偶 Love you so bad Love you so bad 为了你而制造美丽的谎言 Love it"s so mad Love it"s so mad 把我抹去 想要成为你的人偶 Im so sick of this Fake Love Fake Love Fake Love Im so sorry but its Fake Love Fake Love Fake Love 你为何如此悲伤 我不知道 微笑吧 说你爱我吧 看看我吧 连我自己都抛弃的我 连你都无法理解的我 说我很陌生呢 变成了你曾喜欢的我 说不是呢 依旧是你熟知的我 说什么不是呢 盲目的我 爱情是什么 (Woo) I dunno I dunno I dunno why 我也 我也 实在不清楚 (Woo) I just know I just know I just know why Cuz it"s all Fake Love Fake Love Fake Love Love you so bad Love you so bad 为了你而制造美丽的谎言 Love it"s so mad Love it"s so mad 把我抹去 想要成为你的人偶 Love you so bad Love you so bad 为了你而制造美丽的谎言 Love it"s so mad Love it"s so mad 把我抹去 想要成为你的人偶 Im so sick of this Fake Love Fake Love Fake Love Im so sorry but its Fake Love Fake Love Fake Love 若是为了你 即使悲伤我也可以装作喜悦 若是为了你 即使疼痛我也可以装作坚强 爱情是因为爱才完美 将我所有的弱点都隐藏 在未能实现的梦境之中 培植无法绽放的花朵
2023-07-24 12:29:021


2023-07-24 12:29:161


是真的下滑了,但是也能预料到的程度第一阶段(头小脸小):怎么说呢,他的脸变成今天这样也是能预料到的,他刚出道的时候脸特别小,头也还行,不是特别明显的大头,但是到血汗泪的金发时期我发现他的头好像大了一些,下颌骨稍微宽了一点点,但是总体还是五官大脸小,16年末的时候是我觉得他整个人正正好的时候,头和脸刚刚好,下颌骨也刚刚好,既有软萌的狗狗感又有了少年骨骼感,头肩比也刚刚好,身材也很漂亮,清瘦感让他上镜非常好看。第二阶段(头偏大脸略宽):2017年春日回归的时候可能因为服装原因,感觉骨架稍微长开了一些,但是wings巡演的时候不是有一张绑发带很绝的演唱会照片嘛,那张照片我一直都是看到的只有脸,直到有一天我看到官方放出了全身照,我就觉得他的头真的是大了,到DNA的时候因为褪去了少年的清瘦感增添了一丝沉稳的气气息,这是他从少年迈向男人的第一步,骨骼还是维持在春日时期,但是少年的力量感(肌肉)没有了,春日的时候感觉身上蛮结实的,dna时候肉软软的,也瘦了一些,但是头偏大也是真的,卷毛虽然好看但是只能拍脸,因为他的肩膀比较单薄,会显得整个人很瘦弱,到年末维持在这里,18年fake love回归其实他说他胖了只是针对他出道以来,其实也还好,下颌线也还在,脸跟dna差不多,就是脸变得有点像小苹果了,但是被嘴了之后很快就瘦下来了,到年末比dna看上去还要瘦,脸也正式凹进去了,男人味十足,19年染了个蓝发开始到薄荷绿都下颌骨没变,还是一样好看,但是头也确实大了,全身照的时候显得有点奇怪,所以他有的会抬头拍照,这样拍到的就是他下巴和脸,头不容易被拍到,或者他会侧一下身,拍侧面也会好一点,薄荷绿那段时间感觉他比19年末要瘦,19年6月的时候也维持着薄荷绿时候那么瘦,港薇很出圈,脸也发育的很有男人味了,下颌骨我本来以为已经发育完全了,20年4月底看到他的黑发我也惊讶了一下,没想到成长的这么快,一下子男人感十足,下颌骨和港薇时期一样,肩膀宽了一些倒是显得头肩比又好了很多。第三阶段(头大脸大):20年开始因为工作我变得断断续续关注他的消息,但是我觉得这是他身材非常不稳定的时期,因为疫情开始,巡演也没这么频繁了,打歌也变得开始没观众看现场了,on时期给他烫头我觉得真的造型师在打压他,他的头本来就大,烫头会显得头更大,而且他的脸有刘海就是小短脸,本来短脸就怕宽,偏偏他的脸感觉又发育了,后来有一场打歌给他卷了一下头发,就是那场“等一下~等一下~”的那场,刘海给他分开了一点,看上去好一点了,脸虽然短但是视觉上好一点了,但是往后录制跑弹的时候又突然瘦的很厉害,显得特别瘦弱,侧面就很扁很扁,脆弱感特别厉害,后来可能是因为自己觉得太瘦弱了去健身了,这真的是灾难的开始,健身力量不够很容易用脖子发力,脖子就会粗,他其实不应该选择健身,应该去做做瑜伽塑形,他的肉脂肪偏高,肌肉偏低,塑形对他来说足够了,适当的游游泳健身足够了,但是他去举铁真的气死我了,中间开直播看到他去动过发际线我其实也能理解,但是太贪心了,动的太多了,他脸短其实额头要偏高一点才好看,后来有一场喝酸奶直播的时候健身成效很明显,壮了很多,不是说健身不好,而是如果要一直在娱乐圈,那么适当的按照粉丝的想法做也是必须的,但是他没有,一意孤行健身,对我来说是没什么想法,而且他钱也赚够了,马上就要兵役了,健身对他来说也是一个比较好的方式,不然太瘦弱去服兵役也很辛苦,后来1367直播那场我感觉明显瘦了,他说他63.9kg,但是我觉得比喝酸奶那场真的瘦了好多,但是1说他61kg,我印象里一直是6比1瘦且矮一些,而且6骨架比1小,这么一想6确实是沉了一些,他之前简历写58kg,那对比他现在胖了有10斤左右,我记得无限的忙内也179但是只有51kg,所以别心疼哥哥58kg,这个体重上镜绝对是好看的,但是!!这个大背头指不定是他喜欢,他一直对发际线有点自卑,所以动了发际线自然是骄傲的要给大家看,后来线上演唱会估计维持在直播的体重,近期看到他美国演唱会说自己65kg,说明差不多维持在这个程度,其实在生活中,将近180cm的成年男性,130斤不算胖的,甚至还会看上去偏瘦,但是他的脸从炸弹开始又宽了,到life goes on定格,头很大脸很宽,其实19年底有一张照片跟珉豪、允儿在一个镜头里的真的头太大了,虽然这两位一直是以头小闻名,但是金泰亨的头真的大的离谱,照片我没存,实在是太吓人了,但是他花朗跟珉豪合照感觉头还好,但是为什么头会发育啊,我读书的时候老师说头到了一定年龄就不会变大了,他这个头真的太神奇了。
2023-07-24 12:29:371


鱼缸 浦东老农民、乔竹禾等演唱的歌曲 《鱼缸》,属于一首音乐歌曲作品,是歌手浦东老农民、乔竹禾、Katherine Yu演唱的歌曲。 歌曲歌词 农鱼一: 说好一起看电影 却回着别人消息 你当我是空气 说他是你男闺蜜 我无法停止好奇 揣测着你的秘密 别玩感情游戏 毕竟我看不透防窥屏 每当在夜深人静 找不到你 你又在哪里 假装睡醒告诉我手机忘开提醒 你的心口不一 时刻提醒前方是陷阱 快收回你的把戏 我已经看穿你的阴谋诡计 其实也不想怀疑 可是我忍不住好奇 你真的是 没有 没有 我真的是 棋逢 对手 直到我又 暮然 回首 你早已经 被人 追走 嗨 你别意外 不是说你躺在家里 不能出来 为何我 看见你 在和你 男闺蜜 在店里 牵着手 拿购物袋 在你和我打电话时 你的声音 我都在听 里面肯定不止有你 我有听到他在呼吸 你不让我检查手机 我就知道你不对劲 别再装了我的honey 别再装了我的baby 别再怀疑我 内心对你的爱 我想说你不该 演戏也演不来 别在我面前 表现出你的乖 你不是真的坏 你又在那抵赖 就因为 我会义无反顾 继续奔跑在追你的路 隔着屏幕 也能感受 绝不会 对你说不 不达目的 我就不会 停下我的脚步 吸引注意 就算熟悉 所有套路 真的逃不出 真的逃不出 鱼缸太大 找不到逃离的出路 每当在夜深人静 找不到你 你又在哪里 假装睡醒告诉我手机忘开提醒 你的心口不一 时刻提醒前方是陷阱 可以牵手和拥抱看我手机不行 可以公开你相片但注意分组屏蔽 Yi ei ei lala 怎么能说是虚情假意 Yi ei ei lala 宝贝我们还个话题 I know what you want want 只是各取所需 The night is long long 填满你的空虚 Fake love be gone gone 有头有脸的美女 Stop bothering me 空闲时间喂鱼 漂亮弟弟加个微信 保证你是我的唯一 Let"s go 晚餐加电影 看我时间管理 密码是潘多拉的秘密 Yi ei ei lala Don"t call me selfish Just have too much love Freaky all night long Kiss me one more touch Yi ei ei lala 每当在夜深人静 找不到你 你又在哪里 假装睡醒告诉我手机忘开提醒 你的心口不一 时刻提醒前方是陷阱 快收回你的把戏 我已经看穿你的阴谋诡计 其实也不想怀疑 可是我忍不住好奇
2023-07-24 12:29:441


是真的下滑了,但是也能预料到的程度第一阶段(头小脸小):怎么说呢,他的脸变成今天这样也是能预料到的,他刚出道的时候脸特别小,头也还行,不是特别明显的大头,但是到血汗泪的金发时期我发现他的头好像大了一些,下颌骨稍微宽了一点点,但是总体还是五官大脸小,16年末的时候是我觉得他整个人正正好的时候,头和脸刚刚好,下颌骨也刚刚好,既有软萌的狗狗感又有了少年骨骼感,头肩比也刚刚好,身材也很漂亮,清瘦感让他上镜非常好看。第二阶段(头偏大脸略宽):2017年春日回归的时候可能因为服装原因,感觉骨架稍微长开了一些,但是wings巡演的时候不是有一张绑发带很绝的演唱会照片嘛,那张照片我一直都是看到的只有脸,直到有一天我看到官方放出了全身照,我就觉得他的头真的是大了,到DNA的时候因为褪去了少年的清瘦感增添了一丝沉稳的气气息,这是他从少年迈向男人的第一步,骨骼还是维持在春日时期,但是少年的力量感(肌肉)没有了,春日的时候感觉身上蛮结实的,dna时候肉软软的,也瘦了一些,但是头偏大也是真的,卷毛虽然好看但是只能拍脸,因为他的肩膀比较单薄,会显得整个人很瘦弱,到年末维持在这里,18年fake love回归其实他说他胖了只是针对他出道以来,其实也还好,下颌线也还在,脸跟dna差不多,就是脸变得有点像小苹果了,但是被嘴了之后很快就瘦下来了,到年末比dna看上去还要瘦,脸也正式凹进去了,男人味十足,19年染了个蓝发开始到薄荷绿都下颌骨没变,还是一样好看,但是头也确实大了,全身照的时候显得有点奇怪,所以他有的会抬头拍照,这样拍到的就是他下巴和脸,头不容易被拍到,或者他会侧一下身,拍侧面也会好一点,薄荷绿那段时间感觉他比19年末要瘦,19年6月的时候也维持着薄荷绿时候那么瘦,港薇很出圈,脸也发育的很有男人味了,下颌骨我本来以为已经发育完全了,20年4月底看到他的黑发我也惊讶了一下,没想到成长的这么快,一下子男人感十足,下颌骨和港薇时期一样,肩膀宽了一些倒是显得头肩比又好了很多。第三阶段(头大脸大):20年开始因为工作我变得断断续续关注他的消息,但是我觉得这是他身材非常不稳定的时期,因为疫情开始,巡演也没这么频繁了,打歌也变得开始没观众看现场了,on时期给他烫头我觉得真的造型师在打压他,他的头本来就大,烫头会显得头更大,而且他的脸有刘海就是小短脸,本来短脸就怕宽,偏偏他的脸感觉又发育了,后来有一场打歌给他卷了一下头发,就是那场“等一下~等一下~”的那场,刘海给他分开了一点,看上去好一点了,脸虽然短但是视觉上好一点了,但是往后录制跑弹的时候又突然瘦的很厉害,显得特别瘦弱,侧面就很扁很扁,脆弱感特别厉害,后来可能是因为自己觉得太瘦弱了去健身了,这真的是灾难的开始,健身力量不够很容易用脖子发力,脖子就会粗,他其实不应该选择健身,应该去做做瑜伽塑形,他的肉脂肪偏高,肌肉偏低,塑形对他来说足够了,适当的游游泳健身足够了,但是他去举铁真的气死我了,中间开直播看到他去动过发际线我其实也能理解,但是太贪心了,动的太多了,他脸短其实额头要偏高一点才好看,后来有一场喝酸奶直播的时候健身成效很明显,壮了很多,不是说健身不好,而是如果要一直在娱乐圈,那么适当的按照粉丝的想法做也是必须的,但是他没有,一意孤行健身,对我来说是没什么想法,而且他钱也赚够了,马上就要兵役了,健身对他来说也是一个比较好的方式,不然太瘦弱去服兵役也很辛苦,后来1367直播那场我感觉明显瘦了,他说他63.9kg,但是我觉得比喝酸奶那场真的瘦了好多,但是1说他61kg,我印象里一直是6比1瘦且矮一些,而且6骨架比1小,这么一想6确实是沉了一些,他之前简历写58kg,那对比他现在胖了有10斤左右,我记得无限的忙内也179但是只有51kg,所以别心疼哥哥58kg,这个体重上镜绝对是好看的,但是!!这个大背头指不定是他喜欢,他一直对发际线有点自卑,所以动了发际线自然是骄傲的要给大家看,后来线上演唱会估计维持在直播的体重,近期看到他美国演唱会说自己65kg,说明差不多维持在这个程度,其实在生活中,将近180cm的成年男性,130斤不算胖的,甚至还会看上去偏瘦,但是他的脸从炸弹开始又宽了,到life goes on定格,头很大脸很宽,其实19年底有一张照片跟珉豪、允儿在一个镜头里的真的头太大了,虽然这两位一直是以头小闻名,但是金泰亨的头真的大的离谱,照片我没存,实在是太吓人了,但是他花朗跟珉豪合照感觉头还好,但是为什么头会发育啊,我读书的时候老师说头到了一定年龄就不会变大了,他这个头真的太神奇了。。。。
2023-07-24 12:29:521

Another Night 歌词

歌曲名:Another Night歌手:Starpoint专辑:Sensational心情制作Real McCoyAnother NightAnother night, another dream, but always you,it"s like a vision of love that seems to be true,Another night another dream, but always you,in the night I dream of love so true.Just another night, another vision of love,you feel joy, you feel pain, cuz nothing will be the same.Just another night, is all that it takes,to understand, the difference between lovers and fakes,so baby, I talk talk, I talk to you,in the night in your dream, of love so true.I talk talk, I talk to you,in the night in your dream, of love so true.In the night, in my dreams,I"m in love with you,cuz you talk to me like lovers do,I feel joy I feel pain, cuz it"s still the same,when the night is gone I"ll be alone.Another night, another dream, but always you,it"s like a vision of love that seems to be true,Another night another dream, but always you,in the night I dream of love so true.Just another night, another dream, another vision,of love, with me,I"m here to set you free I am your lover, your brother,hey sister let me cover,your body with my love is with my lovin" just another,vision of love, that seems to be true,all we do all the things that only lovers do,vision of love, that seems to be true,all we do all the things that only lovers do.In the night in my dreams I"m in love with you,cuz you talk to me like lovers do,I feel joy I feel pain, cuz it"s still the same,when the night is gone I"ll be alone.Another night, another dream, but always you,it"s like a vision of love that seems to be true,Another night another dream, but always you,in the night I dream of love so true.I talk talk, I talk to you,in the night,in your dream, of love so true.I talk talk, I talk to you,in the night, in your dream, of love so true.In the night, in my dreams I"m in love with you,cuz you talk to me like lovers do,I feel joy I feel pain, cuz it"s still the same,when the night is gone I"ll be alone.Another night, another dream, but always you,it"s like a vision of love that seems to be true,Another night another dream, but always you,in the night I dream of love so true.
2023-07-24 12:30:001

V6的《fAKE》 歌词

歌曲名:fAKE歌手:V6专辑:ROCK YOUR SOULfAKE作词:Kenn Kato作曲:corin.编曲:corin.歌:V6差し出された手を取って引き寄せられたら抱きあって求められたらくちづけ体温(ぬくもり)重ねるいつからか I lost my heart (Lost my heart)操り人形のようにむじゃきなその声に応えるだけ笑颜は fake嗫きも fake优しさも fakeいまぼくは抜け壳の fake爱される fake価値のない fakeでも离したくないFaith 知らないことのFaith しあわせもあるFaith 割り切れるか?Can"t make my love fakeならばすべてをFaith 打ち明けるのか?Faith なにもかもなくす覚悟でFace my faith许されぬあやまちを (あやまちを)刻みつけたあの时から (liar)自由なはずの未来は (wired)缚られたままで (let me down)もう一度 look in your eyes (in your eyes)まっすぐその瞳を见つめたいのにそれさえ出来ないこんなの fakeなにもかも fakeいつまでも fake本当のぼくじゃない fakeこのままじゃ knifeただ君を fake无闇に伤つけるFaith 苦しいんだよFaith せつないんだよFaith いえない、でもCan"t make my love fake疑うことをFaith 知らない君にFaith 嘘なんてつけないけれど、隠しきれない时に深く伤つけないようにいま (patience)ありのままを伝える (or actions) ことが本当に正しいのか?fAKEそれでも fake运命の fake矛盾した fakeいとしさであふれてる faceそれならば fake十字架を fake背负い続けてゆくFaith 答えはいつもFaith ただひとつだとFaith いうのならばCan"t make my love fake誓うしかないFaith 永远まではFaith この心に键をかけるFace my faithFace my faithFace my faith~END~
2023-07-24 12:30:261


【篇一】包法利夫人英文读后感  After reading this novel, I feel sympathy for Emma. I would rather call her Emma than Madame Bovary because I think whenever a woman should appear as an independent person, not a wife belonging to any man, especially at that time in France, a relatively stable mediocre era.  Emma had a basic instinct like all the people: unsatisfied with what she had and pursuing what she wanted. There is nothing wrong with her idea like this. Even in today"s society, it will be regarded as a positive attitude. If Emma could balance her dream and family, maybe she could be a successful woman, for example, a romanticist.  However, she couldn"t. In fact she was wrong in her childhood: at the age of thirteen, she was wrongly sent to receive aristocratic education, which was not suitable for her as a farmer"s daughter. The wrong education left erosion in her heart. From then on, her life drifted?away from?the?actual world. Her dream was too far away from her real life.  The impractical dream formed her wrong character and the wrong character decided her sad life. So she was bound to be a tragedy.  It"s hard to say that Emma didn"t understand love. In my opinion, she was a person who held on to love, unluckily, in a wrong way. After Emma married Mr. Bovary, she had two affairs. It was condemned as immoral at that time and many people regard her as a dissolute woman. However,I notice that when Emma was driven into the corner, she asked Guillaumin, the notary, for help. Guillaumin promised her on condition that he could own her. However, Emma refused him confirmedly: “I am to be pitied, not to be bought.” She cherished the love with her lover and once she was in love, she would never look at any other man. From this aspect, I think she was not of loose moral. She fell in love with another man and each time she regarded it as true love. She devoted herself into it, willing to give up everything for the so-called love. I think there is nothing wrong with love itself. The?irony?is?that she showed her loyalty to her lover, not her husband, moreover, she was unlucky to have fake love. She was cheated. In fact, she also was a victim.  Although I sympathize with Emma, it doesn"t mean that she didn"t do anything wrong. At least, as a wife, she was disloyal to her husband; as a mother, she was not responsible to her daughter. Even at last, she splurged on all her husband"s money. She destroyed her family with her own hands.  As a matter of fact, everyone in today"s society is Emma.There is greed, lust and vanity in everyone"s heart. Emma, as a literary character, is famous around the world because she is typical for a group of people and she speaks out what others dare not say. It is hard to say she is good or bad, she just not belongs to the society she lived in.  I always think that if everything could return to its origin, if at first Emma lived as a country girl, later marrying Mr. Bovary, would she be content to act as a housewife and live through life banally? Maybe. The only regret is that she went wrongly at first.【篇二】包法利夫人英语读后感  Madame Bovary is the greatest novel written by Gustave Flaubert. The 1855  masterpiece portrays in searing detail the tragic tale of a young girl whose dreams turned into nightmares; whose sandcastles are swept away by unfulfilled passion; whose young life is ended in a tragic death. Years before Tolstoy limned the adultress woman in his Anna Karenina we see the consequences which ensue when a middle class wife and mother breaks the seventh commandment.  The novel takes place near Rouen in the north of France. There are actually three Madame Bovarys in the story. Madame Bovary Sr. who is the mother of Charles Bovary dominates her weak son. Madame Bovary I is an ugly but wealthy woman who dies allowing Charles to wed the lovely Emma  Bovary who is the the famed woman of the book"s title. Emma has grown up on a farm coddled by her widower father. She has immersed herself in romantic tales and spent time in a French convent. Emma dreams of castles in the air and a charming prince to take her to paradise. Today she would be a reader of Harlequin Romances. She is a virgin plum ripe for picking!  Charles Bovary ("bovine" meaning cow-like; also think "ovary for his scandolous wife Emma) is a dull, stupid and lethargic public health inspector. He is a good man but is a total dullard! Charles weds Emma after treating her father. At first all goes well as the couple set up house in a French provincial town where little exciting ever occurs. They have a daughter Berthe with whom Emma has little to do. She never grows up to becoming a mature woman.  Emma carries on two affairs in the novel with the law student Leon and the wealthy but callous womanizing aristocrat Rodolphe. She is sucked into a cesspool of overwhelming debt being addicted to clothing, jewelry and furniture. Emma"s lovers forsake her as her disillusionment with men and life itelf takes over life. Madame Bovary ends her life by committing suicide. The account of her horrific, painful and grotesque death from her fatal injection of arsenic rat poison will never be forgotten by the  reader. Despite her many sins she deserves pity at such a sad end. Her husband dies a few years later and her daughter has to be farmed out to a relative.  What makes this novel of adultery, satirical views of provincial life, mockery of the relgious hypocrisy in the French countryside and lacerating portraits of such types as the village atheist Homais so great? In my opinion the reasons this is such a landmark work must include:  a. A picture of a woman seeking to break out of the nineteenth century bourgeoisie view of females as placid wives and mothers with no aspirations of their own. Throughout the novel there are images of birds seeking freedom from cages. Emma is a modern feminist in the nineteenth century society she finds impossible to escape. Emma is an iconoclastic rebel.  b. A satirical and cynical view of human hypocrisy drawn with skill in the pictures Flaubert draws of such figures as the village priest, scientist, merchants and moneylenders. Society is concerned with money and social status to the detriment of more spiritual and ethical values.  c. Flaubert introduces a new realism to the novel which will influence such naturalist as Emile Zola and others. The novel reads as if it was written today instead of over 150 years ago.  d. Flaubert"s descriptions of the beauty of nature (and its indifference to human suffering and troubles) are beautifully etched. His use of language and the level of suspense he maintains throughout the work are excellent.  e. Flaubert is not afraid to describe female sexual longings. His sex scenes are tasteful to our eyes but viewed as prurient reading in his own day.
2023-07-24 12:30:321


The Republic of China should be what kind of countryI know, you are very worried. The Zhang Xun restoration, Congress open not become, I know. I ah, I was not this, these days I think a lot, we had is a republic, how can one and again feudalism absolutism thing, the problem is not solved, absolutist restoration is inevitable. Republic of China will never be a bubble.The concept of equality, liberty, fraternity, is. But in six years, we see what? All levels of administrative officials regarded the law as dung, people, still enslaved.The Republic of China should be a free country! Freedom is the right of people of talent! But in six years, we see what? Is the only authority freedom, authority has the power to greater freedom, power and small have small power of freedom. People, no power, no freedom.The Republic of China should be the love of country! All for one one for all. But in six years, we have to see what? Is the only public authorities fear to love, and authorities on people, only his head fake love. The sincere sincere love, we can not see ah.The Republic of China should be the legal system of china! But in six years, we see that the administrative power is again and again to act recklessly and care for nobody interference legislation: you don"t listen, I"ll buy you; you do not obey, I will arrest you, even kill you. Legislators into administrative officials arbitrarily ravaged whore!The administration is what? The administration should say is a great president and a set of civil service system. Should serve the National Republic, the political line. But in six years, we see what? Under the banner of the Republic is a family, in this home administration, we never see a transparent administrative procedures, but do not see supervision system. The administrative officials, is how to spend their hard-earned money, people do not know how much money, those officials to put in your pocket, you do not know, I do not know.You all know that justice is the referee, the referee principles? Is one of the sovereignty of the people "s Republic of China constitution. But in six years, and we have not seen such a Constitution! As the immature" provisional constitution", and again by rape.Some people say, no, not a person, there are some people say, Republic of he"s just a title but, you sun cannon said these illusory, too far away, do not accord with national condition, it is like a balloon, ah, look very beautiful, but a fly ah, not broken, I want to ask you, do we not the Republic? Is the Republic of really wrong? If not the Republic, some of our will is absolute, if we don"t Republic, that we have always be enslaved. If the Republic is wrong, it is wrong, if the Republic is wrong, that equality is wrong, if the Republic is wrong, the fraternity is wrong? Our pursuit of the Republic is not wrong, of course, it is not perfect, so we have every little bit to perfect it, even for a price to pay!Oh. Yes, today my clothes to wear this is weird huh, even the tailor said that is very strange. But I will say this is, this is in order to improve the Republic, you feel strange? I have to say, this is the Republic, the Republic of clothes. Here, I design three buttons, Republic of ideas, equality, liberty, fraternity is. Here also has three buttons: national, civil rights, the people"s livelihood.The Constitution? Oh oh, I"m not three right constitution. I invented a new word, called the five-power constitution. Here is filled with legislative power, here is the executive power, here is filled with judicial power, the three right you are familiar with, called indirect civil rights.I Qingyouduzhong is direct democracy. To make ordinary people have direct political power! One is the power of examination, we there is the ancient Chinese examination of the traditional, and later the imperial abolished, but the later Daxing new benefits, but officials no longer exam, which is not good, it"s like the dirty water is poured out their children also like ah, in six years, the administration is used what is he, Yuan Shikai the man, still so. So we want to return the right of public examination. In the future, where the administrative person, must pass the exam, regardless of who!There is a power of impeachment. Have no place to put, don"t worry, don"t worry, in here, the impeachment power! Why should the impeachment power inside? Because it is the killer mace, it when suddenly you kill them, impeachment. So you"re trembling with fear of an official, honest people to do things, I think this is more to say about me, Sun Wen is a crazy man, have a meal clad said Republic, you sun cannon also? He said on. I only know that the Republic of the two words, I this lifetime will recognize these two words, Republic of.We have a lot of Chester colleagues to Republic, even the life gave me life, Sun Wen ah, no hope, a hope, that is: let the Republic is not a noun, a phrase, or a form, make it become our real life way, make it become our be too strong to break faith.Republic of is all over the world people "s choice, it is the trend of the world, the trend of the world go forward with great strength and vigour, suitable person prosperous, the inverse of death. I believe that our Chinese nation Sun Wen, it will realize the Republic, I firmly believe that this point!
2023-07-24 12:30:391

求求英语大师帮我翻译一下这句话的英语: “我说不喜欢你是假的。 那都是骗你的。我怎么可能不喜欢你

I said I don"t love you are fake.Thant "s cheat you.I don"t have reason don"t love you.
2023-07-24 12:30:503


2023-07-24 12:31:026


楼主呀,不得不说你选的这个题目本身就不好,不如换个题目吧如果要译作fake girl/artificial woman的话就真的杯具了fake girl(假女孩)面太广了,artificial woman(人工女人)面广且有非自然的含义在里面,所以自然不可能用来指伪娘
2023-07-24 12:31:323


《BL学院》 《传说中的精灵天使》 (富士春美) 《春风物语》《长距离恋爱的孤独》《丛林男孩》 《纯爱1/2手册》 《东京巴比伦》 《Double Call》 《独占欲》 《纽约纽约》 《毒伯爵该隐》 《东京来的密码情人》 《断袖》 《恶之月》 《梵天变》 《FAKE》 《粉红漫画家》《腐败教师方程式》 《GAME游戏》 《高危险游戏》 《钢琴师的情人》 (大和名濑) 《兄贵上等》 《灌篮高手番外篇》 《HOLD UP》 《合法禁药》 《海老原家热闹滚滚》 《火王》《火宵之月》 (平井摩利) 《海上迷情》 《蝴蝶》 《灰姑娘男孩的至爱》 (杉浦志保)《JANE》 《绝爱》 《间之楔》 《禁忌游戏》 《骄阳下的玻璃恋人》 《吉祥寺物语》《KIZUNA》 《快感方程式》 《LOVE MODE》 《LOVE ME》 《凛》 《绿丛中的危险关系》
2023-07-24 12:31:442


小清新英文个性签名   引言:如果我们都是孩子,就可以留在时光的原地,坐在一起一边听那些永不老去的故事一边慢慢皓首。接下来我给各位读者分享一些小清新英文个性签名,欢迎大家阅读。   1、有些事不说,不代表不知道。   Some things do not say, does not mean that do not know.   2、改变没有错,如果方向正确的话。   Change is not wrong, if the direction is right.   3、我真的想去相信爱是可以长久的。   I really want to believe that love can last long.   4、试图取悦别人是徒劳无益的做法。   Trying to please other people is largely a futile activity.   5、想想自己的错,会忘却别人的过。   Think of your own fault, will forget the others.   6、枯竭的河床,并不感谢它的过去。   The dry river bed finds no thanks for its past.   7、美貌固然肤浅,丑陋却能深入骨髓。   Beauty is superficial, ugly but well ingrained.   8、凋谢是真实的,盛开只是一种过去。   Fading is true while flowering is past.   9、经历逆境会让你知道谁是真正的朋友。   Adversity makes you know who your real friends are.   10、我们把在黑暗中跳舞的心脏叫做月亮。   The heart that we danced in the dark is called the moon.   11、假朋友从不会当面背叛你,都是背后。   Fake friends never betray you in front of you.   12、不要等到孤独了,才明白朋友的价值。   Don"t wait to be lonely, to recognize the value of a friend.   13、即使在最黑暗的日子里,也能寻到幸福。   Even in the darkest of days, you can find happiness.   14、当他的刀剑胜利的时候他自己却失败了。   When his weapons win he is defeated himself.   15、这个世界在变,唯一不变的是一直在变。   The world is changing, the only constant is always changing.   16、没有你,我的生活不知道该怎样去形容。   Without you, my life doesn"t know how to describe it.   17、触碰灵魂深处的脉络,割舍内心的不舍。   Touch the soul of the context, let go of the heart of sadness.   18、你对我的一点点好,都会动摇我的决心。   You have a little bit of good to me, will shake my determination.   19、过了这么久之后,心里那个人,还是你。   After such a long time, the heart that person, or you.   20、每次想到你,我就发现自己是微笑着的。   Every time I think of you, I find myself smiling.   21、别灰心,往往是最后一把钥匙才能打开锁。   Don"t be discouraged, it is often the last key to open the lock.   22、我爱一觉醒来时,读到你发来的手机短信。   When I wake up, I read the text of your mobile phone.   23、在生命中,再无聊的时光,也都是限量版。   In life, then boring time, also are limited edition.   24、神自己的清晨,在他自己看来也是新奇的。   His own mornings are new surprises to God.   25、做个快乐的人。那是英明智慧的一条路径。   Be a happy person. That"s one way of being wise.   26、我需要牵着你的手,才能告诉你什么是永远   I need to hold your hand, can tell you what is forever   27、生命从世界得到资产,爱情使它得到价值。   Life is the asset from the world, love makes it worth it.   28、不要因为你自己没有胃口而去责备你的食物。   Don"t blame your food because you have no appetite.   29、因为短暂,不记得每一个细节,每一个情绪。   Because of the short, do not remember every detail, every emotion.   30、承诺常常很像蝴蝶,美丽的飞盘旋然后不见。   Promises are often like the butterfly, which disappear after beautiful hover.   31、你给我的一滴泪,我看见你心中所有的海洋。   You give me a drop of tears, I saw your heart all the oceans.   32、你看不见你自己,你所看见的只是你的影子。   What you are you do not see, what you see is your shadow.   33、要么没有,要么全部。要么现在,要么永不。   Either not, or all. Either now or never.   34、只要是个喜剧结局,过程你让我怎么哭都行。   As long as it is a comedy ending, the process of how you make me cry.   35、休息与工作的关系,正如眼睑与眼睛的关系。   Rest is related to work as the eyelids to the eyes.   36、跟着感觉走,静静地。学着去相信自己的内心。   Follow the feeling, quietly. Learn to trust your heart.   37、爱的时候,让他自由;不爱的时候,让爱自由。   Love, let him free; don"t love, let love freedom.   38、让我如何相信,这世界上还有一尘不染的爱情。   How can I believe that there is still pure love in this world.   39、不要着急,最好的总会在最不经意的时候出现。   Don"t try so hard, the best things come when you least expect them to。   40、你没有错,我没有错只是一阵风,吹熄了承诺。   You are not wrong, I am not wrong just a gust of wind blew the commitment.   41、不要因为峭壁是高的,便让你的爱情坐在峭壁上。   Do not seat your love upon a steep because it is high.   42、不要因为结束而哭泣,微笑吧,为你的曾经拥有。   Don"t cry because it is over, smile because it happened。   43、每个单身的人背后至少藏着一个让人心碎的秘密。   Every single person has at least a broken heart.   44、我的存在,对我是一个永久的神奇,这就是生活。   That I exist is a perpetual surprise which is life.   45、深情是我担不起的重担,情话只是偶然兑现的谎言。   Deep feeling that I can not afford the burden, if only occasionally.   46、会上当,不是因为别人太狡猾,而是因为自己太贪。   Will be taken, not because others are too cunning, but because they are too greedy.   47、人是一个初生的孩子,他的力量,就是生长的力量。   Man is a born child, his power is the power of growth.   48、世界在踌躇之心的琴弦上跑过去,奏出忧郁的乐声。   The world rushes on over the strings of the lingering heart making the music of sadness.   49、群树如表示大地的愿望似的,踮起脚来向天空窥望。   The trees, like the longings of the earth, stand atiptoe to peep at the heaven.   50、不要堕落了自己,人生并不只有一次机会,努力把握。   Don"t fall, life is not only an opportunity, and strive to grasp.   51、宁愿一个人在雨中奔跑,也不愿投入你那虚伪的怀抱。   Would rather a person running in the rain, do not want to put you in the hypocrisy of the embrace.   52、我可以把过往的你说得如此自然,我想我真的释怀了。   I can put the past you"re so natural, I think I really feel.   53、我们都太年轻,很多事都还不了解,别把错爱当恩宠。   We are too young, many things are not understood, so don"t leave when grace.   54、真心爱你的人永远不会放你走,不管遇到多大的困境。   A person who truly loves you will never let you go, no matter how difficult it is.   55、那些把灯背在背上的人,把他们的影子投到了自己前面。   They throw their shadows before them who carry their lantern on their back.   56、坦白说,如果你不打算为爱做点傻事,你就不配拥有爱。   Frankly, if you do not intend to do something stupid for love, you don"t deserve to be loved.   57、我站在天堂向你俯身凝望,就像你凝望我一样略带忧伤。   I stand in the heaven and lean on you, as if you were watching me.   58、给自己充足的时间来改进自身,你会没时间去批判别人。   Give yourself plenty of time to improve yourself, and you"ll have no time to criticize others.   59、不要为那些不愿在你身上花费时间的人而浪费你的时间。   Don"t waste your time on a man/woman, who isn"t willing to waste their time on you。   60、伸手,接住你眼角垂落的泪滴,却截不住你眼底的悲伤!   Reach out, catch your eyes drop tears, but could not cut the sadness in your eyes!   61、没有你,我依旧会笑得无忧无虑,请别以为你有多难忘。   Without you, I will still smile carefree, please don"t think you have more memorable.   62、好事情总是发生在那些微笑着的人身上。你今天微笑了么?   Good things happen to those who smile. Have you smiled today?   63、当太阳横过西方的海面时,对着东方留下他的最后的敬礼。   When the sun goes to cross the Western sea, leaving its last salutation to the east.   64、每个人都有自己的难处,只不过有的人不容易被发觉罢了。   Everyone has his own difficulties, but some people are not easy to be found.   65、温柔要有,但不是妥协,我要在安静中,不慌不忙的坚强。   Have a gentle, but I will not compromise, in the quiet, unhurried strong.   66、积极的"态度会带来积极的结果,因为态度是具有感染力的。   A positive attitude can bring positive results, because attitudes are contagious.   67、绿树长到了我的窗前,仿佛是喑哑的大地发出的渴望的声音。   The trees come up to my window like the yearning voice of the.   68、心是尖锐的,不是宽博的,它执着在每一点上,却并不活动。   The mind, sharp but not broad, sticks at every point but does not move.   69、当你真正爱一样东西的时候你就会发现语言多么的脆弱和无力。   When you really love the same thing, you will find that the language of how fragile and weak.   70、向上爬时,对遇到的人好点,因为掉下来时,你还会遇到他们。   To climb up, to meet the people, because when you fall, you will meet them.   71、在找到合适的人之前,唯一需要做的,就是让自己足够的优秀。   Before finding the right people, the only need to do is to make yourself good enough.   72、忘记一个人,并非不再想起,而是偶尔想起,心中却不再有波澜。   Forget a person, is not no longer remembered, but occasionally think of, but there is no longer in the heart of the waves.   73、对于世界而言,你是一个人;但是对于某人,你是他的整个世界。   To the world you may be one person, but to one person you may be the world.   74、总是听从内心的声音。因为即便它长在你的左边,它却总是对的。   Always listen to your heart. Because even if it"s on your left side, it"s always right.   75、如果你没有经历过别人所经历的事情,就不要去评判一个人的过去!   Don"t judge a person"s past if you haven"t had the experience of someone else!   76、如果等待可以换来奇迹的话,我宁愿等下去,哪怕一年,抑或一生!   If waiting for a miracle, I would rather wait, even a year, or a lifetime!   77、寂寞的人总是记住生命中出现的每一个人,正如我总是意犹未尽地想起你!   Lonely people always remember the life of every man, as I kept thinking of you!   78、你微微地笑着,不同我说什么话。而我觉得,为了这个,我已等待得久了。   You smiled and talked to me of nothing. And I think, for this, I have been waiting long.   79、每一天都为你心跳,每一刻都被你感动,每一秒都为你担心。有你的感觉真好。   Every day for your heart, every moment you touched, every second for you to worry about. It feels so good to have you.   80、你永远也看不到我最寂寞时候的样子,因为只有你不在我身边的时候,我才最寂寞。   You never see my most lonely time, because only you are not around me, I was the most lonely.   81、我们像是表面上的针,不停的转动,一面转,一面看着时间匆匆离去,却无能为力。   We are like on the surface of the needle, non-stop rotation, a turn, one side looked at the time to go in a hurry to leave, but powerless.   82、你必须在机会降临之初预见到其背后无限的可能,果断把握契机,别管它能不能让你大赚一笔。   You must in the opportunity came early to foresee the behind infinite possible, firmly grasp the opportunity, leave it to can not let you make a fortune.   83、当你能飞的时候就不要放弃飞。当你能梦的时候就不要放弃梦。当你能爱的时候就不要放弃爱。   When you can fly, do not give up flying. When you can dream, don"t give up the dream. When you can love, don"t give up love. ;
2023-07-24 12:31:511

求Bobby Tinsley-You的歌词。

Bobby Tinsley : You Lyrics底下是词你看看对不!呵呵!just press play yeah.... ohhh... -in your life there"s just one person you can"t live without, I"m feeling my tears- whoooo who kept it with me when i was trying to fake it, who told me, baby i believe you"re Gonna make it, who who who who who ohhh... and who held my hand when i was in need, i was stronger, who kept me going when i couldn"t go longer who who who who whoo... and you need to know it was you it was you Girl it was you it was you my dreams come true, my loves for you, girl it was you (say it) yeah who"s on my mind every second that i wake up. who looks so fine, she dont even need her make up who who who who (tell me)yeah yeah who help you out when you were in cause of faded and you got out and was the first one that was waiting who.. who... who... yeah and you need to know it was you it was you girls it was you it was you my dreams come true, my loves for you, cause it was you and you need to know it was you it was you it was you it was you my dreams come true, my loves for you, it was you(it was you) and you need to know -now listen, you only get one life, and sometimes, you only get one shot to live with everything that you have, so if you have more than anything, look "em dead in the eyes you don"t even blink and then say this- say i love you (i love you) i want you (i wan you) i need you (i need you) GIRL i need you (i need you) and i love.....(love love love) i love.... you soo.. (you so) and you need to know it was you it was you girls it was you it was you my dreams come true, my love for you, cause it was you (it was you, it was you, it was you) it was you it was you girls it was you it was you my dreams come true, my love for you, cause it was you and you need to know it was you it was you girls it was you it was you my dreams come true, my loves for you girl it was you
2023-07-24 12:32:054

谁有利特唱的FOR MY LOVE的音译歌词

The White Stripes - A Martyr For My Love For YouShe was sixteen and six feet tallin a crowd of teenagers comin" out of the zooShe stumbled started to slip and fallteeter-tottered on the top of patent leather shoesI happened to catch her and said,But not as shaky as I must have seemedtalkin" junk through her giggle -- little teenage dreamAnd on the phone I could not competemy dumblove fake competence was getting weakFor a sec" I thought I sounded sweetbut sure "nough in a gruff, faint voiceI could stay a whilebut sooner or later I"ll break your smileAnd I can tell a jokebut one of these days I"m bound to chokeAnd we could share a kissbut I feel like I can"t go through with thisAnd I bet we could build a homebut I know the right thing for me to doI"m beginning to like youso you probably won"t get what I"m going to doI"m walkin" away from youit probably don"t make much sense to youBut I"m trying to save youI could stay a whilebut sooner or later I"ll break your smileAnd I can tell a jokebut one of these days I"m bound to chokeAnd we might share a kissbut I feel like a can"t go through with thisAnd I bet we could build a homebut I know the right thing for me to doYou probably call me a fooland say I"m doin" exactly what a coward would doAnd I"m beginning to like youit"s a shame; what a lame way to livehow can i doand how could i would preciate what i dobut I know the right thing for me to doIs to leave you aloneOn my martyr love for youA martyr for my love for youA martyr for my love for you
2023-07-24 12:32:261

Just A Fake Smile 歌词

歌曲名:Just A Fake Smile歌手:Kyle Park专辑:Make Or Break MeKyle Park - Just A Fake SmileYou think I"m fine whenever I meet one of your old flamesWe sit and talk, we laugh and joke, but I don"t know his nameI"ve seen each time you two meet eyesand you swear that things have changedSo I just smile and tell you I"m OK with everythingBut it"s just a fake smile that I use when I"mAngry or jealous or nervous, though it don"t matterIt"s just a fake smile, nothing real about itIt"s just like our love; let"s forget about itAnd later on with no lights on we play our usual gameI make you, you make me, and then you whisper his nameI let it go because I know there"s no way that things could changeSo I just smile and tell you I"m the only one to blameBut it"s just a fake smile; you"re fine, meanwhileMy heart is broken, but it looks like I couldn"t be betterIt"s just a fake smile, nothing real about itIt"s just like our love; let"s forget about itUntil tomorrow, then I"ll say that I don"t want to be your loverYou can continue to call his name, and I"ll just call it overBut it"s just a fake smile that I use when I"mAngry or jealous or nervous, though it don"t matterIt"s just a fake smile, nothing real about itIt"s just like our love; let"s forget about it
2023-07-24 12:32:331


这个歌词,预定个位置,名字==You"ve been all around the world then search for life/ and have been lying on the bad time flow to mine/ unless like you are always first to ask/ daddy used to say that after this is a chat/ yeah yeah yeah yeah/ we are always gonna make it/ we never have to fake it/ and nothing is gonna break it/ we just laugh about it/ we just laugh about it/ we are always gonna make it/ we never have to fake it/ and nothing is gonna break it/ we just laugh about it/ we just laugh about it/ you go all around the world i go and see/ you believe in being where i like to dream/ still we never see to go outside the way/ every night you back query honey, how is your day/ yeah yeah yeah yeah/ (we and you) we are always gonna make it/ (keep it true) we never have to fake it/ (i love you) and nothing is gonna break it/ we just laugh about it/ we just laugh about it/ (we and you) we are always gonna make it/ (keep it true) we never have to fake it/ (i love you) and nothing is gonna break it/ we just laugh about it/
2023-07-24 12:32:402

请问平井坚的One Love Wonderful World的歌词?只要歌词就行,无需翻译,谢谢你们。これ..
2023-07-24 12:32:482

Because of Love 歌词

歌曲名:Because of Love歌手:Brian Simpson专辑:Closer StillBecause Of YouI will not makeThe same mistakes that you didI will not let myselfCause my heart so much miseryI will not breakThe way you did, you fell so hardI"ve learned the hard wayTo never let it get that farBecause of youI never stray too far from the sidewalkBecause of youI learned to play on the safe side so I don"t get hurtBecause of youI find it hard to trust not only me, but everyone around meBecause of you I am afraidI lose my wayAnd it"s not too long before you point it outI can not cryBecause I know that"s weakness in your eyesI"m forced to fakeA smile, a laugh, every day of my lifeMy heart can"t possibly breakWhen it wasn"t even whole to start withBecause of youI never stray too far from the sidewalkBecause of youI learned to play on the safe side so I don"t get hurtBecause of youI find it hard to trust not only me, but everyone around meBecause of you I am afraidI watched you dieI heard you cry every night in your sleepI was so youngYou should have known better than to lean on meYou never thought of anyone elseYou just saw your painAnd now I cry in the middle of the nightFor the same damn thingBecause of youI never stray too far from the sidewalkBecause of youI learned to play on the safe side so I don"t get hurtBecause of youI try my hardest just to forget everythingBecause of youI don"t know how to let anyone else inBecause of youI"m ashamed of my life because it"s emptyBecause of youI am afraid
2023-07-24 12:32:551

Love You Better 歌词

歌曲名:Love You Better歌手:God-Des & She专辑:Music With A Twist RevolutionsMaccabees - Love You BetterBetterGet another coal on the fake fire cover on the wet tilesOn the wet tilesBetterRunning out of of time is gonna cost you more than just your sweet smileTo a sweet smileAnd I will love you betterI will love you betterI will love you betterI will love you betterI will love you betterAnd I will love you betterI will love you betterI will love you betterI will love you betterI will love you betterHeadwayLearn to love a thriller so the words you leave me on my pillow read betterCheap card foreverHeadwayCan pull it apart and in time you see it"s going better than everIt"s going better than ever harder for safe guard in your bed clothesAnd I will love you betterI will love you betterI will love you betterI will love you betterI will love you betterAnd I will love you betterI will love you betterI will love you betterI will love you betterI will love you betterAnd the thought and the thought and the thought of youI thought we"d be doing the fateful fewtogethertogetherAnd I"d thought that you might feel the sameWith your insect skin and my lions maneAnd be youTo be youAnd the thought of you was crystal clear,I could warn myself or bin you dearIt could of been you, could of been youTo be you
2023-07-24 12:33:021

水树奈奈 自己作词作曲的歌有哪些?

奈奈作词的歌曲 恋してる...パノラマ -Panorama-Heartbeatinnocent starterOpen Your HeartWILD EYES好き!ETERNAL BLAZESUPER GENERATIONJustice to BelieveSECRET AMBITIONHeart-shaped chantMASSIVE WONDERSDancing in the velvet moonTrickster深爱梦幻PHANTOM MINDSSilent BibleSCARLET KNIGHTPOP MASTER纯洁パラドックスSynchrogazerLove Brick JET PARK FAKE ANGEL Independent Love Song JUMP! Love Trippin" Violetta Bring it on!SEVEN 悦楽カメリア 梦の続き Astrogation Young Aliveアルビレオ7月7日SUPER GENERATION ―MUSEUM STYLE― 奈奈作词作曲的歌曲Violetta SEVEN 梦の続き アルビレオSUPER GENERATION ―MUSEUM STYLE― SUPER GENERATION
2023-07-24 12:33:331

cnblue的英文版love revolution和y,why歌词,一定是英文的

Love RevolutionThis the timeThis is the vibeDon""""""""""""""""t you want to get onto the rideCome on insideFrom the outsideThe truth will set you free and you will findThat there is a loveThat won""""""""""""""""t let you downAnd it always holds groundWear your crownThis love will never leave youThis love will never let you goIt is time for a love revolutionIt is time for a new constitutionYou are a child of the most highThere is nothing you can""""""""""""""""t do and that is no lieYou were designedTo use your mindTo move what you can""""""""""""""""t see so don""""""""""""""""t be blindThere is a loveThat wont let you down and it always holds groundWear your crownThis love will never leave youThis love will never let you goIt is time for a love revolutionIt is time for a new constitutionIt is time for a love revolutionIt is time for a new constitutionIt is time for a love revolutionIt is time for a new constitutionYeah yeah yeahIt is time for a love revolutionIt is time for a new constitution[ti:Why][ar:小宇(宋念宇)][al:就站在这里][by:李泽昊][00:02.00]小宇(宋念宇) - Why[00:05.00]作词:黄文萱 / 作曲:宋念宇[00:08.00] ▓ 李泽昊[03:04.10][02:33.50][02:08.04][01:56.18][01:43.20][01:21.63][00:52.42][00:40.39][00:27.51][00:11.00][00:14.55]朋友都说我很High[00:17.93]什么音乐都玩[00:21.37]唱歌很爱乱转[00:24.54]开车却会系安全带[00:28.12]打起鼓就像小孩[00:30.68]跳舞却像笨蛋[00:33.90]当然也会期待[00:36.98]别人听到我会意外[00:41.25]"你很棒的 大家很喜欢的"[00:44.29]留言我都有看[00:47.34]谢谢你们 给我勇气再来[02:34.61][00:53.15]And now why 不好卖[02:40.01][00:58.91]听音乐简单 卖音乐却难[02:46.24][01:06.43]And why 不好卖[01:11.50]或者词太烂 该换个风格 来唱唱看[01:29.55]夜来香恋着牡丹[01:34.02]月光吐露曲折[01:36.99]芬芳衬托愚爱[01:40.33]思念多断肠 才难得[01:43.92]兵荒马乱的年代[01:46.56]命运早有安排[01:49.53]几世修来的爱[01:52.96]偏门当户对 才能得[01:56.84]那位姑娘 坐着轿的姑娘[02:00.13]含着眼泪不嫁[02:02.80]谁在她心上[02:04.61]城外痴痴等着她[02:08.74]And now why 还不来[02:14.60]这誓言太短 要实现太难[02:21.61]And why 还不来[02:27.18]时辰已太晚 他却不离开[02:52.31]如果词太烂 我换了风格 我不习
2023-07-24 12:33:412


Making Love Out Of Nothing At All - Air SupplyI know just how to whisper我明白如何耳语 and I know just how to cry.也明白如何哭喊I know just where to find the answers我知道哪里可以找到答案 and I know just how to lie.也知道如何去说谎I know just how to fake it我知道如何捏造事实 and I know just how to scheme.也知道如何策划阴谋I know just when to face the truth我知道何时该面对真相 and then I know just when to dream.也知道何时该去做梦And I know just where to touch you我知道如何让你感动 and I know just what to prove.也知道该去证明I know when to pull you closer我知道何时该将你拉近一些 and I know when to let you loose.也知道何时该放手And I know the night is fading.我知道夜晚即将结束 And I know the time"s gonna fly.知道时间正在飞逝And I"m never gonna tell you而我绝不会告诉你everything I gotta tell you,任何必须告诉你的事But I know I"ve got to give it a try.但我知道该试试看And I know the roads to riches.我知道致富之道 And I know the ways to pain.也知道成名的路I know all the rules我知道所有的游戏规则,and then I know how to break "em也知道如何打破它们And I always know the name of the game.我总是知道游戏的名称But I don"t know how to leave you但我不知道如何离开你 and I"ll never let you fall.我永远不会让你失望And I don"t know how you do it,我不明白你是怎么做到的making love out of nothing at all.让爱一切成空(Making love) Out of nothing at all.让爱一切成空(Making love) Out of nothing at all.让爱一切成空(Making love) Out of nothing at all.让爱一切成空(Making love) Out of nothing at all.让爱一切成空(Making love) Out of nothing at all.让爱一切成空(Making love) Out of nothing at all.让爱一切成空Everytime I see you well当每一次我看见你的时候the rays of the sun are all streaming太阳所有的光线through the waves in your hair.流过你波浪般的发间And every star in the sky天上的每颗星星 is taking aim at your eyes like a spotlight.都像聚光灯一样对准了你的双眼The beating of my heart is a drum我的心跳快如鼓点,and it"s lost and it"s looking for a rhythm like you.它早已迷失 它正寻觅你的节奏You can take the darkness from the deep of the night,你能将夜晚的黑暗And turn it to a beacon burning endlessly bright.转化成无尽燃烧的航标I gotta follow it cause everything I know,我必须追随着它,因为我知道这一切Well, it"s nothing "til I give it to you.如果没有把它交给你,一切都将成空I can make you run or stumble. I can make the final clock.我能够让奔跑者摔倒 我可以制造最后的障碍And I can make every tackle at the sound of the whistle.然后我可以阻挡进攻,在哨声响起之际And I can make all the stadiums rock.我能够让整个运动场沸腾起来I can make the night forever我能够让今晚成为永恒 or I can make it disappear by the dawn.或者让他在黎明前消失And I can make you every promise that"s ever been made.我能为你实现每一个曾经许过的诺言And I can make all your demons be gone.我能为你驱走所有的恶魔But I"m never gonna make it without you.但是如果没有你我绝不会去做Do you really wanna see me crawl?难道你真的想要我跪下吗And I"m never gonna make it like you do,我绝对不会让你做成那样Making love out of nothing at all.让爱一切成空(Making love) Out of nothing at all.让爱一切成空(Making love) Out of nothing at all.让爱一切成空(Making love) Out of nothing at all.让爱一切成空(Making love) Out of nothing at all.让爱一切成空(Making love) Out of nothing at all.让爱一切成空(Making love) Out of nothing at all.让爱一切成空(Making love) Out of nothing at all.让爱一切成空(Making love) Out of nothing at all.让爱一切成空(Making love) Out of nothing at all.让爱一切成空(Making love) Out of nothing at all.让爱一切成空(Making love) Out of nothing at all.让爱一切成空(Making love) Out of nothing at all.让爱一切成空(Making love) Out of nothing at all.让爱一切成空(Making love) Out of nothing at all.让爱一切成空(Making love) Out of nothing at all.让爱一切成空(Making love)让爱(Making love)让爱(Making love) Out of nothing at all.让爱一切成空(Making love) Out of nothing at all.让爱一切成空(Making love) Out of nothing at all.让爱一切成空(Making love)让爱(Making love)让爱(Making love)让爱(Making love)让爱
2023-07-24 12:33:491


Me And You - Lucky Twice You"ve been all around the world then search for lifeand have been lying on the bad time flow to mineunless like you are always first to askdaddy used to say that after this is a chatyeah yeah yeah yeahwe are always gonna make itwe never have to fake itand nothing is gonna break itwe just laugh about itwe just laugh about itwe are always gonna make itwe never have to fake itand nothing is gonna break itwe just laugh about itwe just laugh about ityou go all around the world i go and seeyou believe in being where i like to dreamevery night you back query honey, how is your dayyeah yeah yeah yeahwe and youwe are always gonna make itkeep it truewe never have to fake it i love youand nothing is gonna break itwe just laugh about itwe just laugh about itwe and youwe are always gonna make itkeep it truewe never have to fake iti love youand nothing is gonna break itwe just laugh about it
2023-07-24 12:33:576

les怎么make love

2023-07-24 12:34:135


  When Roberto Feliz came to the USA from the Dominican Republic, he knew only a few words of English .Education soon became a __1__. "I couldn"t understand anything," he said. He __2__ from his teachers, came home in tears , and thought about dropping out.   Then Mrs. Malave , a bilingual educator, began to work with him while teaching him math and science in his __3__Spanish."She helped me stay smart while teaching me English ,"he said .Given the chance to demonstrate his ability, he __4__ confidence and began to succeed in school.   Today, he is a __5__ doctor, runs his own clinic ,and works with several hospitals .Every day ,he uses the language and academic skills he __6__ through bilingual education to treat his patients   Roberto"s story is just one of __7__ success stories. Research has shown that bilingual education is the most __8__ way both to teach children English and ensure that they succeed academically. In Arizona and Texas, bilingual students __9__ outperform their peers in monolingual programs. Calexico, Calif. , implemented bilingual education, and now has dropout rates that are less than half the state average and college __10__ rates of more than 90%.In E1 Paso ,bilingual education programs have helped raise student scores from the lowest in Texas to among the highest in the nation.   A) wonder   B) acquired   C) consistently   D) regained   E) nightmare   F) native   G) acceptance   H) effective   I) hid   J) prominent   K) decent   L) countless   M) recalled   N) breakthrough   O) automatically
2023-07-24 12:30:201

I Promise (I Do Love You) (Album Version) 歌词

歌曲名:I Promise (I Do Love You) (Album Version)歌手:Dreamboy专辑:Love Jams Volume TwoMikey Bustos - I PromiseWoah... Yes...You and IFelt so rightOn this nightIt"s paradise.With this oathYou should knowYou"re my whole worldAnd this I know, yes...Baby I can"t give you everythingbut with this ring I promise toShow you what you mean to meWhen "I love you" just ain"t enough...Baby, I won"t make you cryBaby, I won"t tell you liesAlways standing by your side,Baby, I promise, I promise to love you.Baby, I will do you right,I will never leave your side,Forever I will make you smile,Baby, I promise, I promise to love you...As I look into your eyes,I see my whole life,And now I feel complete insideNow that you"re my wife.We don"t know what the future holdsBut with you I know it"s right.I never felt this love beforeAnd all of God"s angels they know that...Baby I can"t give you everythingbut with this ring I promise toShow you what you mean to meWhen "I love you" just ain"t enough...Chorus:Baby, I won"t make you cryBaby, I won"t tell you liesAlways standing by your side,Baby, I promise, I promise to love you.Baby, I will do you right,I will never leave your side,Forever I will make you smile,Baby, I promise, I promise to love you...Baby, you"re my everythingI wrote this song cuz I needed toTell you in a special way how I can"t go a day without you.You keep my heart beatingAnd keep my heart lovingOn this day I say "I do"I promise, I promise to love you...(Chorus)Baby, I won"t make you cryBaby, I won"t tell you liesAlways standing by your side,Baby, I promise, I promise to love you.Baby, I will do you right,I will never leave your side,Forever I will make you smile,Baby, I promise, I promise to love you...Baby, I won"t make you cryBaby, I won"t tell you liesAlways standing by your side,Baby, I promise, I promise to love you.Baby, I will do you right,I will never leave your side,Forever I will make you smile,Baby, I promise, I promise to love you...Baby, I won"t make you cryBaby, I won"t tell you liesAlways standing by your side,Baby, I promise, I promise to love you.
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fair的意思是公平的;合理的;恰当的;适当的。fair,英语单词,主要用作名词、形容词、副词,作名词时意思是“集市;展销会;露天游乐场;商品交易会;牲畜市场;职业介绍会”,作形容词时意思是“公平的;合理的;恰当的;适当的;(按法律、规定)平等待人的,秉公办事的,公正的;(数量、大小)相当大的;相当好的;浅色的;晴朗的;顺风的;美丽的”。做副词时意思是“公正地;非常”。公平是一个社会学名词,在法律上,公平是法所追求的基本价值之一。公是公共,指大家,平是指平等,意指为大家平等存在。参与社会合作的每个人承担着他应承担的责任,得到他应得的利益。如果一个人承担着少于应承担的责任,或取得了多于应得的利益,这就会让人感到不公平。也指按照一定的社会标准(法律、道德、政策等)、正当的秩序合理地待人处事,这是制度、系统、重要活动的重要道德品质。公平包含公民参与经济、政治和社会其他生活的机会公平、过程公平和结果分配公平。例句:1、Excuse me, Sir. but I think it"s only fair to tell you that it"s now or never if you want me in your next picture.2、George stood out in fair sight, on the top of the rock, as he made this declaration of independence.3、It generally refers to a society which affords individuals and groups fair treatment and a just share of the benefits of it.4、The fair was on before the temple. It had rained from the early morning and the day came to its end.5、It"s time we get out of this contract, its not fair to us, they make all of the money, we make nothing.6、Mary always love to take advantage of things. this time we done so fair. it has no weakness to exploit, no wonder she will be unhappy.7、So there remains plenty of confidence and a fair amount of capital ready to seize the opportunities.8、Make an effort to be more fair and more realistic with your own self, however, and I think you may be pleasantly surprised by the results.9、If he"s home all day with the kids, it"s not fair for her to come home and complain about the way he"s dispensing his parental care.10、His mother shook her head and wondered aloud whether life would be easier if he just let the science fair thing drop.
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网络用语 斯巴达是什么意思

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中国福利彩票开奖时间因地区和彩种不同而有所不同。一般来说,大部分彩种的开奖时间在晚上 9 点左右。具体开奖时间可在中国福利彩票官方网站或当地彩票销售点查询得知。
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fair用作名词时的意思是“集市”,一般指在乡镇中举行的、定期的交易会。引申可指“国际性的博览会”。fair后有时可接动词不定式。 基本介绍 外文名 :Fair 词性 :名词,形容词,副词 意思 :集市 旧指 :女人;美女;情人 作名词,基本解释,基本要点,辞汇搭配,词语辨析,作形容词,释义,基本要点,词语搭配,常用短语,词语辨析,作副词,解释,基本要点,辞汇搭配,常用短语,正误解析,相关谚语,变形,相关公司, 作名词 基本解释 ⒈【旧】女人;美女;情人 ⒉美好的事物 ⒊(定期)集市,庙会 ⒋ 商品展览会;博览会 ⒌ 义卖会 ⒍【英】公共露天游乐场 基本要点 fair用作名词时的意思是“集市”,一般指在乡镇中举行的、定期的交易会。引申可指“国际性的博览会”。fair后有时可接动词不定式。 辞汇搭配 动词+~ have fair 举行交易会 hold fair 举办交易会 形容词+~ agricultural fair 农产品展览会 annual fair 年度交易会 industrial fair 工业品展览会 名词+~ book fair 书展 cattle fair 牛市 livestock fair 牲口集市 night fair 夜市 village fair 乡村集市 world fair 世博会 介词+~ at fair 在交易会上 词语辨析 fair,market 这两个词的共同意思是“集市”。其区别是:fair指定期的“集市”,一般在乡村或集镇举行,引申为“国际性的博览会”; market指经常出售货品的“市集”,即经济学上所指的“市场”。例如: I bought this pen at Dong An Market.我这支笔是在东安市场买的。 作形容词 释义 ⒈ 公正的;公平的;诚实的 ⒉ 尚可的,一般的;相当的 ⒊(皮肤)白皙的;(头发)金色的;(人)白肤金发的 ⒋(天气)晴朗的 ⒌(风向)顺的;顺利的 ⒍【旧】(妇女)美丽的 ⒎(言论、诺言等)说得好听的,花言巧语的 ⒏【口】十足的,真正的 ⒐(财产等)丰富的 基本要点 ⒈fair的基本意思是“公平的,公正的”,指在处理某事的过程中采取不偏不倚的态度,着重从结果方面表示事情合理,含有当事各方都不吃亏的意味。fair还可指事情不算好,也不算坏,处于中间位置,即“中等的,尚可的,不错的”。fair还可指“(天气)好的,晴朗的”,引申可指“浅色的”。 ⒉fair后常接比赛、待遇等抽象名词。 词语搭配 ~+名词 fair allocation of funds 资金的公平分配 fair chance of suess 相当大的成功可能性 fair complexion *** 的皮肤 fair fame 清白的名声 fair heritage 大笔遗产 fair judge 公正的法官 fair landscape 美景 fair play 公平的比赛 fair prospect 充满希望的前景 fair sky 晴空 fair treatment 公平的待遇 fair trial 公平的审判 fair weather 天气晴朗 fair word 花言巧语 副词+~ merely fair 一般水平 perfectly fair 完全公正 scrupulously fair 绝对公正 ~+介词 fair in buying and selling 买卖公平 fair of *** 对某人公平 fair to both sides 对双方都公平 fair with each other 互相公平对待 常用短语 fair enough 同意或接受但有所保留 词语辨析 beautiful,fair,handsome,lovely,pretty,fine 这些形容词均含“美丽的,漂亮的”之意。 beautiful普通用词,含义广泛,语气最强,指优美和谐,是一种几乎接近完美的美。指人时通常形容女人或小孩,很少用于描写男子。 fair正式用词,多用于文学中,形容女子和儿童,侧重外表的美。 handsome多用于描写男性的英俊潇洒。有时也形容女人,指其五官端正,体态秀丽。 lovely普通用词,描写人时,主要指女人和小孩的相貌,语气不如beautiful强。 pretty普通用词,语气比beautiful弱,多用于描写妇女、儿童以及小巧玲珑,精美可爱之物。 fine指在容貌、身材或风度等方面令人感到可爱。用于事物时,强调形式或内容的优美。 fair,just 这两个词的共同意思是“公平的”。其区别是:fair是常用词,着重从结果、效果方面表示事情合理,往往含有当事双方或各方都不吃亏的意味。例如: He was not quite fair to me.他对我不太公正。 just多用于庄重场合,主要表示按公认的法律或道德标准处理问题,坚持正确的东西。例如: He is a very just man and it is a just law.他是一个很公正的人,而这又是一条很公正的法律。 作副词 解释 公正地,直接地 基本要点 fair用作副词时的意思是“公正地,直接地”,指在处理某事时保持着公平、公正的心态,确保某事达到公正的效果。 辞汇搭配 动词+~ play fair 做得公平 speak fair 说话彬彬有礼 常用短语 fair and square ⒈公正地 ⒉正中目标 play fair 公平地比赛或行事 正误解析 他被对手指责没有公平地进行比赛。 [误] He was aused by his opponents for not playing fairly. [正] He was aused by his opponents for not playing fair. [析] 在短语play fair中fair不能用fairly来代替。 相关谚语 Hoist your sail when the wind is fair . 随机应变 None but the brave deserve the fair . 英雄才能配美人 变形 第三人称单数:fairs 复数:fairs 现在分词:fairing 过去式:faired 过去分词:faired 比较级:fairer 最高级:fairest 形近词:FAIR、FAir、Fair 相关公司 Fair SRL公司成立于1971年,从事于生产汽车附属档案。Fair产品以提供市场高质量和创意力为目标。 fair安全座椅 主要市场指向国际:FAIR产品在安全方面处于顶端,而且所有产品的生产均符合欧洲规定。公司构架基于公司理念,在庞大的竞争市场中始终遥遥领先。拥有出色的产品和优秀的服务支持。 Fair设立产品经销网点和独家经销商,确保在欧洲流通的产品都一致,保证效率和细节处理。钻石产品是儿童安全座椅系列。 Fair丰富而根深蒂固的经验,不仅提供舒适,而且在汽车内为儿童提供整体安全。现代化技术保证最佳实用性和易用性。从包缠式座椅外壳到五点式安全带系统,从金属框架到必要的座位空间和布料选择:每个细节都考虑到儿童在汽车内的安全问题。 所有FAIR汽车座椅都得到了欧洲ECE R 44,04认证。FAIR通过多种测试,在发生意外时,验证产品助力,对儿童保护。所有测试都出自欧洲最重要的协会丹麦认证协会TNO。每年欧洲消费者协会都会以更加严厉的标准(包括侧面保护)做测试,FAIR仍然在这些测试中得到最高安全评价。FAIR G 0/1 ISOFⅨ 汽车座椅被主要汽车制造商选择参加Euro N"CAP测试,进一步证实FAIR的高安全标准,Euro N"CAP测试为欧洲最畅销汽车,测试成人乘客和儿童乘客正面与侧面安全标准,为儿童安全打最高分。FAIRS.r.l 得到了ISO 9001:2008 认证。
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Sparta (公元前7世纪末~公元396年) 古代希腊最强大的的城邦中,雅典第一,斯巴达第二。所谓城邦,就是一个国家,它以城市为中心,周围是乡镇。斯巴达位于希腊半岛南部的拉哥尼亚平原。拉哥尼亚三面环山,中间有一块小平原。“斯巴达”原来的意思就是“可以耕种的平原”。约在公元前11世纪,一批叫做多利亚人的希腊部落,南下侵入拉哥尼亚,他们毁掉原有的城邦,在这里居住下来,这就是多利亚人的斯巴达城——不过它既没有城墙,也没有象样的街道。斯巴达人就是指来到这里的多利亚人。 斯巴达人在征服拉哥尼亚的过程中,把原有的居民变成奴隶,称作希洛人。公元前8世纪,斯巴达人又向邻邦美塞尼亚发动长达10年的战争,最后征服了美塞尼亚,将多数美塞尼亚人变成奴隶,并为希洛人。希洛人被固定在土地上,从事艰苦的农业劳动,每年将一半以上的收获缴给奴隶主,自己过着半饥半饱、牛马不如的生活。有一首诗中写道: 像驴子似地背着无可忍受的负担, 他们受着暴力的压迫; 从勤苦耕作中得来的果实, 一半要送进主人的仓屋。 斯巴达人经常对外发动战争,因此希洛人的军役负担十分沉重。希波战争期间,斯巴达人一次就征发了3.5万希洛人随军出征。他们被迫去打头阵,用自己的生命去探明敌方的虚实,消耗敌方的兵力。 哪里有压迫,哪里就有反抗。希洛人忍受不了斯巴达人的残酷剥削和野蛮暴行,经常举行武装起义。再加上希洛人在数量上比斯巴达人多得多,斯巴达人就用一种叫“克里普提”的方法来迫害和消灭希洛人。克里普提是秘密行动的意思,史诗中记载:“长官们时常派遣大批最谨慎的青年战士下乡,他们只带着短剑和一些必需的给养品。在白天,他们分散隐蔽在偏僻的地方,杀死他们所能捉到的每一个希洛人。有时,他们也来到希洛人正在劳动的田地里,杀死其中最强壮最优秀者”。在斯巴达和雅典的一次战争中,2000希洛人立下战功,斯巴达人答应给他们自由,把他们带到大庙中给神谢恩。但他们被埋伏在大庙中的奴隶主屠杀了。希洛人作为所有斯巴达人的公共财产,个别斯巴达人无权买卖希洛人,但可以任意伤害希洛人。在节日里,斯巴达人常用劣酒灌醉希洛人,把他们拖到公共场所肆意侮辱。希洛人即使没有过错,每年也要被鞭笞一次,目的是要希洛人记住自己的奴隶身份。为了维持对希洛人的压迫与剥削,镇压希洛人的反抗,斯巴达人需要一只强壮的军队。斯巴达人形成了一种独特的政治制度,整个社会过着军事化的生活,孩子们从小受到的教育就是军事训练。为了防止斯巴达人内部贫富分化,斯巴达人不许从事工商业,不用金银做货币,而用价值低廉的铁币。斯巴达人除了军事外,不得从事其它生计。斯巴达人崇尚武力精神,整个斯巴达社会等于是个管理严格的大军营。斯巴达的婴儿呱呱落地时,就抱到长老那里接受检查,如果长老认为他不健康,他就被抛到荒山野外的弃婴场去;母亲用烈酒给婴儿洗澡,如果他抽风或失去知觉,这就证明他体质不坚强,任他死去,因为他不可能成长为良好的战士。男孩子7岁前,由双亲抚养。父母从小就注意培养他们不爱哭、不挑食、不吵闹、不怕黑暗、不怕孤独的习惯。7岁后的男孩,被编入团队过集体的军事生活。他们要求对首领绝对服从,要求增强勇气、体力和残忍性,他们练习跑步、掷铁饼、拳击、击剑和殴斗等。为了训练孩子的服从性和忍耐性,他们每年在节日敬神时都要被皮鞭鞭打一次。他们跪在神殿前,火辣辣的皮鞭如雨点般落下,但不许求饶,不许喊叫。 在军事训练同时,斯巴达人还向儿童灌输斯巴达人高贵、希洛人低贱的观点。教官常在儿童面前任意侮辱和鞭打希洛人,甚至带他们参加“克里普提”活动,直接屠杀希洛人。男孩到12岁,编入少年队。他们的生活更严酷了,光头赤脚,无论冬夏只穿一件外衣,平时食物很少,但鼓励他们到外面偷食物吃。如果被人发现,回来要挨重打,因为他偷窃的本领不高明。传说有一个少年,偷一只狐狸藏在胸前,狐狸在衣服内咬他,为了不被人发现,他不动声,直至被狐狸咬死。 满20岁后,斯巴达男青年正式成为军人。30岁成亲,但每天还要参加军事训练。60岁时退伍,但仍是预备军人。斯巴达女孩7岁仍留在家里,但她们不是整天织布做家务,而是从事体育锻炼,学习跑步、竞走、掷铁饼、搏斗等。斯巴达人认为只有身体强健的母亲,才能生下刚强的战士。斯巴达妇女很勇敢和坚强,她们不怕看到儿子在战场上负伤或死亡。一个斯巴达母亲送儿子上战场时,不是祝他平安归来,而是给他一个盾牌,说:“要么拿着,要么躺在上面。”意思是说,要么拿着盾牌光荣胜利归来,要么光荣战死被别人用盾牌抬回来。 斯巴达人轻视文化教育。青少年只要求会写命令和便条就可以了。斯巴达人要求他们的子弟语言简明,直截了当,从小养成沉默寡言的习惯。他们说话就象军事口令一样。有一次,一个国王威胁斯巴达国王,要斯巴达听从他的命令,否则把斯巴达夷为平地,斯巴达国王的回答是:“请!”这种简洁的回答后来被称做斯巴达式的回答。同样,斯巴达人轻视文学艺术、自然科学。斯巴达城里,几乎看不到一座宏伟的建筑物,斯巴达人也没有制作出一件精致的艺术品传到后世。斯巴达人实行“二王制”。两个国王只有在打仗时才拥有无限的权力,一个国王充任统帅,一个国王留守国内。平时,一切重大问题都由30个人组成的“长老会议”决定。有5个执政官协助国王处理政务。一切有关城邦的重大事务,均由长老会议作出决定。然而,名义上还要由公民大会通过,方可有效。 斯巴达在长期的对外战争中,不断加剧对希洛人的压迫和剥削。英勇的希洛人多次举行起义。约公元前640年,希洛人发动长达十几年的武装起义。公元前464年,斯巴达境内的希洛人再次起义。他们英勇顽强,直逼斯巴达城下,坚持了长达10年的斗争。斯巴达人在无可奈何的情况下,给了起义军自由。斯巴达的统治也因此受到沉重的打击。公元前4世纪中叶以后,斯巴达一天天走向衰亡。求采纳
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