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2023-07-24 12:40:04

扮演该部新剧的主角艾柯(Echo)的是女演员艾丽莎·杜什库(Eliza Dushku)。“玩偶特工”艾柯是个非法的智能机器,但由于那些想借其强大能力逾越法律界限操纵世事的人极力卫护,而使得她幸存于世。“玩偶特工”会依照客户的要求执行各种任务,这些要求自然是法律能力所不能触及的。

这部新剧首集是关于心理/惊悚类的情节的,而非乔斯·威登之前的作品,充满了枪战和打斗。在首播集里,观众会了解到“玩偶特工”艾柯究竟为何人,并在其执行任务中,共睹其惊人的身手。该集她所执行的任务是,解救一个被绑架的富翁之女。“玩偶特工”是在被输入了执行程序之后才具备行为能力,但是随着改进,“玩偶”便开始有了自主意识,这也为之后的故事做好了铺垫。 除了“玩偶特工”这一主要角色之外,剧中还有一些重要角色。如女演员奥利维亚·威廉姆斯(Olivia Williams)扮演冷酷的玩偶操纵者艾黛儿·德威特(Adelle DeWitt),弗兰·克兰兹(Fran Kranz)扮演一个没有道德原则的程序员托弗·布林克(Topher Brink),亨利·莱尼克斯(Henry Lennix)扮演一位前任警官,现为“玩偶”的驯化者的博伊德·兰顿(Boyd Langton)。

此外,这部剧集也参杂了一些分支分故事线路,曾饰演《太空堡垒卡拉狄加》(Battlestar Galactica)中西洛(Helo)的塔莫·潘尼凯(Tahmoh Penikett)在这部剧中扮演一位联邦调查局特工,他意外发现了“玩偶”,之后对“玩偶特工”艾柯产生了热切的迷恋,在今后的剧集里,将会解释个中缘由。 如果你喜欢《吸血鬼猎人巴菲 Buffy the Vampire Slayer》或者《天使 Angel》或者《宁静号 Firefly》,那么你一定不能错过这部由同一制作人Joss Whedon打造的新剧《玩偶特工 Dollhouse》。当然如果你是当红科幻剧集《太空堡垒卡拉狄加 Battlestar Galactica》的Fans,这部剧中也有Helo的扮演者Tahmoh Penikett。




美剧Dollhouse《玩偶特工》/《千姬变》FOX电视台科幻剧《玩偶特工》(Dollhouse)Dollhouse是一个秘密的高科技实验室的别称,而Echo(Eliza Dushku饰)等人就是实验室里面的Dolls,亦被称为Actives。他们被抹去了记忆和性格,当执行任务时他们的大脑会被植入符合任务要求的性格、记忆、技能,以及执行任务时所需要的语言。他们为客人服务,满足各式各样的需要,包括担当情人、杀手、犯罪伙伴等。任务结束后他们的记忆随即又被抹去,就像被初始化一样,回到了原来的状态,就像天真的小孩。联邦密探Paul Smith(Tahmoh Penikett饰)拼凑著不同的线索,因而发现Dollhouse的存在。就在此时,抹除记忆后的Echo却开始拥有了自我意识……
2023-07-24 12:03:311

Priscilla Renea的《Dollhouse》 歌词

歌曲名:Dollhouse歌手:Priscilla Renea专辑:JukeboxPriscilla Renea - DollhouseI"m just a girlYou"re just a boyThis is my heartIt"s not a toySo what"s with you playing with my mind?We used to be coolThis used to be loveNow it"s becomeSomething like a jobLike it or notMaybe things were changingRight before our eyesI tried to be your picture perfect girlBut you were in your own fantasy worldTrynna control meLike some kind of barbieBut that just ain"t me"Cuz I ain"t a dollThis ain"t a dollhouseYou"re way too old to bePutting me down like thisAnd playing around like thisI ain"t a dollNo I could never be stuck living life like thisBehind these four wallsYou call the shotsRight down to my shoesI liked what you likedCuz you told me toAnd i don"t think that you could even tellI fell out of loveBut it never showedI gave up on usSo long agoBut you"ll never knowBaby don"t pretend like you know me so wellI"ll never be made of plasticSo glad that my heart"s elasticNo matter what you doI"ll bounce back off of youCut me but I"m not bleedingAnd I come with imperfectionEpitome of perfectionIf you can"t understandLoving the way I amThen you"re no good for meSo glad I kept my receipt
2023-07-24 12:03:481


该游戏在最近终于正式发售,不过许多玩家对其中的各种内容有着很大的困惑,为了让大家可以更轻松的游戏,于是深空高玩这里就为大家提供了游戏各方面的解析,而这里为大家带来的是《玩具屋》Dollhouse需要什么配置的解析,若你也对此感兴趣的话就一起了解下吧。游戏配置要求介绍最低配置操作系统: WindowsXP SP3, Windows Vista SP2, Windows 7 SP1, Windows 8 (both 32/64bit versions)处理器: Intel Pentium Dual-Core E2180 @ 2.0 GHz or AMD Athlon64 X2 3800+ @ 2.0 GHz内存: 2 GB RAM图形: nVidia GeForce 8400GT or AMD Radeon HD2200XT (512MB VRAM with Shader Model 4.0 or higher)DirectX 版本: 9.0c存储空间: 需要 5 GB 可用空间声卡: DirectX Compatible Sound Card with latest drivers推荐配置操作系统: WindowsXP SP3, Windows Vista SP2, Windows 7 SP1, Windows 8 (both 32/64bit versions)处理器: Intel Core2Duo E4400 @ 2.0 GHz or AMD Athlon64 X2 4400+ @ 2.3 GHz or better内存: 4 GB RAM图形: nVidia GeForce 9800GT or AMD Radeon HD4870 (512MB VRAM with Shader Model 4.0) or betterDirectX 版本: 9.0c存储空间: 需要 5 GB 可用空间声卡: DirectX Compatible Sound Card with latest drivers
2023-07-24 12:03:551

求melanie的《dollhouse》的中文歌词 最好是中英文对照那种 麻烦了

网易云 评论里边的原翻译比较好
2023-07-24 12:04:033


ople had describe it for all of u
2023-07-24 12:04:225


2023-07-24 12:04:3910


在英文里的意思包含了一切关于缩小的字义。举凡和缩小有关的事物都可以用Miniature 来表达与形容。在电影里Miniature 指的便是缩小的模型,大多是用来拍摄特殊视觉效果所制作的,尽管在电脑特效CGI 已使用的非常频繁的电影工业里,缩小模型仍然占有一席之地,不仅因为制作费用比电脑特效低廉,而拍摄出来的效果和完全于电脑所模拟出来的场景相较之下似乎更接近真实,往往让观众的眼睛难辨真假。在东方的世界也不难发现以微观思维所发展出的艺术创作。像是中国的盆栽即是大自然景致的缩影,毫芒雕刻更是集合了创作者的巧思、高超技术与超人的体能而成就的一种独门艺术。日本俗称「雏祭」的女儿节则是将人形及生活器物缩小置于展示台座上作为送给未成年少女的礼物。年复一年直到小女孩结婚成为人妻与人母为止。再将这个起源于西元八世纪室町时代的习俗延续至下个世代。以上所述的是广义的袖珍艺术,泛指一切以缩小为概念的艺术形式。如回溯至古埃及时代至今已有三千年以上的历史。现今在欧美流行甚广的Miniature Arts 袖珍艺术实为十六世纪在德国发展出来的Dollhous 娃娃屋。在此所谓的「袖珍艺术」则为制作的技术、规则、概念等基本原则。历史上第一座娃娃屋诞生于 1557 年。相传是巴伐利亚地区一位贵族王子请工匠制作,作为赠送小孩的生日礼物。
2023-07-24 12:05:071

dollhouse 美剧 怎么样

2023-07-24 12:05:241

有关玩具的英语单词 越多越好

toy 玩具 bauble 小玩意儿 knickknack 小玩意儿 plaything 玩具 game 游戏 rag baby 娃娃玩具 peashooter 玩具枪 water gun 玩具水枪 minicar 玩具车 teddy bear 玩具熊 dollhouse 玩具小屋boat 小船 ball 球 kite ...
2023-07-24 12:05:441


百度不给发链接你可以点我 我发给你是自己写的图文攻略
2023-07-24 12:05:534


2023-07-24 12:06:001

哪位亲知道尸鬼op2的副歌The Doll House!的日文歌词,一直都搜不到的说~>_

Lyrics:镜の奥歪んだ爱情は无意识に自我を溶かして不自由なわたしを饰りたてる侵食する道徳あなたの笑颜は私の涙永久に抜け出せないこの迷宫は运命?Please take me out here!息苦しい世界に键をかけてYou confine me in the dollhouse!Please take me out here!ガラス制の瞳は悲しくても涙を流せない夕暮れを知らせる钟が鸣る言叶の幕暗転の感情は饱和する痛みと弾けて不自由なわたしを彩っていく麻痹する背徳あなたの指はわたしのギブス上下左右もないこのステージは绝体绝命?Please take me out here!息苦しい世界に缚り付けてWhy you keep me in the dollhouse?Please take me out here!ほつれた唇は悲鸣を上げても声にならなくて零れて溢れるブリキの爱Please take me out here!息苦しい世界に键をかけてYou confine me in the dollhouse!Please take me out here!ガラス制の瞳は悲しくても涙流せない饮み干すは游戯のカンタレラ
2023-07-24 12:06:191


影评行不?大同小异-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"The Princess Diaries 2: Royal Engagement" offers the prudent critic with a choice. He can say what he really thinks about the movie, or he can play safe by writing that it"s sure to be loved by lots of young girls. But I avoid saying that anything is sure to be loved by anybody.In this case, I am not a young girl, nor have I ever been, and so how would I know if one would like it? Of course, that"s exactly the objection I get in e-mails from young readers, who complain that no one like me can possibly like a movie like this. They are correct. I have spent a long time, starting at birth and continuing until this very moment, evolving into the kind of person who could not possibly like a movie like this, and I like to think the effort was not in vain.So to girls who think they might like this movie, I say: Enjoy! Movies are for fun, among other things, and if you love "Princess Diaries 2," then I am happy for you, because I value the movies too much to want anyone to have a bad time at one.But to Garry Marshall, the often-talented director of the original "Princess Diaries" as well as this sequel, I say: Did you deliberately assemble this movie from off-the-shelf parts or did it just happen that way? The film is like a homage to the cliches and obligatory stereotypes of its genre. For someone like Marshall, it must have been like playing the scales.The beautiful Anne Hathaway, still only 22, stars as Princess Mia. You will remember that she was a typical American teenager whose mother raised her in a converted San Francisco firehouse, where she could slide down the pole every morning. Then a visit from Queen Clarisse of Genovia (Julie Andrews) revealed that she was, in fact, the queen"s granddaughter, and next in line to the throne.In Part 2, she is the beloved Princess Mia of Genovia, a kingdom the size of a movie set, which is apparently located somewhere in Europe and populated by citizens who speak American English, except for a few snaky types with British accents. This kingdom has two peculiarities: (1) The shops and homes all seem to be three-quarter-scale models of the sorts of structures an American Girl doll would occupy, and (2) A great many of the extras get a few extra frames, in order to look uncannily as if they might be personal friends of the director. So many prosperous men in their 60s, so well-barbered, groomed and dressed, so Southern California in their very bearing, are unlikely to be visiting Genovia for any other reason, since the kingdom doesn"t seem to have a golf course.There"s no need for me to spoil the plot; as I was saying just the other day about "The Village," it spoils itself. If I were to describe the characters, you could instantly tell me what happens in the movie. Let"s try that, as an experiment.There is Princess Mia, who is given a deadline of one month to either marry or forfeit her rights to the throne. The evil Viscount Mabrey (John Rhys-Davies) wants to disqualify her because his nephew Sir Nicholas (Chris Pine) is next in line to the throne. Desperate for a husband and learning that Queen Clarisse was perfectly happy in an arranged marriage, Mia decides to marry for the love of her country.A suitable bachelor is discovered: the nice Andrew Jacoby, Prince of Kensington (Callum Blue). Mia accepts his proposal, despite, as she writes in her diary on the movie"s Web site, "He"s everything a girl should want in a husband-to-be. It"s ... just that ... something ... you know." Meanwhile, of course she hates the handsome young Sir Nicholas, who hangs around a lot and annoys her. Dear Diary: "Just look at him ... all sneaky and smug ... and ... cute."OK now, given those clues, see if you can figure out who she ends up with. And for that matter, consider Joseph (Hector Elizondo), the chief of palace security. He has been in love with the widow Clarisse for years, and she knows it and is pleased. That provides us with a romance without closure that has persisted ever since the first movie, and if there is anything nature abhors more than a vacuum, it is a loving couple kept asunder, when they should be sundering.Director Marshall puts his cast and plot through their paces with the speed and deliberation of Minnesota Fats clearing the table. He even provides a fountain for two characters to stand beside, so they can illustrate Gene Siskel"s maxim that nobody in a comedy ever comes within 10 yards of water without falling in.Yes, it"s nice to see Julie Andrews looking great and performing a song, although the line "Give the queen a shout-out, and she"ll sing" is one I doubt will ever be heard in Buckingham Palace. It is also rather original that at her slumber party, Mia and her friends don"t get wasted at a private club, but engage in the jolly indoor sport of mattress surfing.All that remains is for me to remind you that on Aug. 24, the DVD of "Ella Enchanted" will be released. A box-office flop that was wrongly overlooked earlier this year, it also stars Anne Hathaway. It"s a wonderful, lighthearted fantasy based on Cinderella, and is sure to be loved by lots of young girls
2023-07-24 12:06:391

帮忙翻译 尸鬼OP2的副歌

你这个怎么什么语都有啊!我也只能翻成这样了! 歪斜的镜子的爱 不知不觉,自我 我不方便的装饰 被分为道德 你的笑容是我的眼泪 永远不这个迷宫是命运 please take me out here ! 令人窒息的世界的多 you confine me in the dollhouse ! please take me out here ! 玻璃的眼中充满悲伤也流着眼泪减肥 黄昏的钟声 语言的幕恰如的情感 饱和的痛苦和弹过了 我不方便的色彩 麻痹的怪胎” 你的指导是我的吉布斯 没有上下左右陷入了这个舞台 please take me out here ! 令人窒息的世界上所束缚 why you keep me in the dollhouse ? please take me out here ! ?
2023-07-24 12:06:472


2023-07-24 12:06:553


suburban的歌曲和melanie martinez的歌我比较喜欢mad Hatter和 dollhouse
2023-07-24 12:07:034

I feel my stuff歌词

David Byrne & Brian Eno - I Feel My Stuff I think I waited too longI"m moving into the dollhouseSome days we exercise, some days we harmonizeLook away, look away, look away, aw yeahEmily said she"d suddenly wakenLook at that guy with the government couponYoo hoo, ay, yoo hooGonna get youJapanese chairs in somebody"s concertTelephone bills on the company paycheckWho knew? Who knew?I doDa, da da, da da, daDa, da da, da da, daDa, da da, da da, daDa, da da, da da, daDa, da da, da da, daDa, da da, da da, daDa, da da, da da, daDa, da da, da da, daEmily lost her mobile phone(Da, da da, da da, da)Last nights dance on a bumpy road(Da, da da, da da, da)I won"t go out in the cold(Da, da da, da da, da)Lebanese Chinese in my school(Da, da da, da da, da)Imagine who can make you cool(Da, da da, da da, da)Who"s gonna pay for this call?(Da, da da, da da, da)The cheapest dog, the hottest sunThe fiercest cat and the meanest gunYou got to hold the peelings in your handsBabyIt"s a safety belt, it"s a Christian crimeA rocket ship, it"s a joke of mineI took away the day that I"d be goneShootLebanese take their sailors home(Da, da da, da da, da)The broken stuff in the outer wall(Da, da da, da da, da)I"m sticking out in the road(Da, da da, da da, da)Memorize toilets(Da, da da, da da, da)Chang Mai School(Da, da da, da da, da)I liked my song but I lost my cool(Da, da da, da da, da)I need my laser, don"t movePut him in the ground where the Duchess growsWhere the word is trueAnd the girls are strongGonna stuff it, step it, pick itGoing byTake another life of a wretched soulWhen they get too high and the bushes growThey rope it, squeeze it, push itSide to sideThe chicken shack, the rising sunThe written word in a foreign tongueYou got to hold it all before it dropsBabyIt"s a little bit, it"s a lot insideIt"s a bigger thing than you can hideI took away the partsThat need controllingHooligans jump in the budget signIn the tropic zone when the fix is fineGonna chase it, place it, face itWith my eyeA stinky little bird in a dirty treeGonna figure out, it"s your lucky dayIf ya smell it, sell itTell it to my earLowered in the ground where the Duchess growsWhere the word is true and the girls are strongGonna stuff it, step it, pick itGoing byTake another life from a wretched soulIf they get too high and the bushes growAnd they rope it, squeeze it, push itSide to sideI"m sayin" that feel my stuff, I get enoughI come back to be strongerAnd I feel my stuff, I changed my luckI come back to be strongerI"m sayin" I rule my stuff, I get enoughI come back to be strongerAnd I feel my stuff, I changed my luckI come back to be stronger
2023-07-24 12:07:101

house是什么意思 英语怎么读

"house"的意思是房屋,英语读音为/hɑu028as/。一、释义"house"是一个名词,用于指代一个用于居住的建筑物。它还可以表示一个家庭、住所或公司的总部。此外,"house"还可以作为动词使用,表示提供住所或容纳。二、同义词1、Home: 家,住所。2、Residence: 住宅,住处。3、Dwelling: 住所,居所。4、Property: 房产,房屋。三、反义词:1、Homeless: 无家可归的,无家可住的。2、 Vacant: 空置的,无人居住的。3、Evict: 驱逐,赶出。四、相关短语:1、House of cards: 指代一个脆弱不稳定的局面或计划。2、House party: 室内派对,通常在某人的住所举行的聚会。3、House arrest: 家居监禁,指被限制在家中的监管措施。4、Dollhouse: 玩具房屋,小型模拟房屋供儿童玩耍。5、Open house: 开放日,指房产中介为潜在买家提供的开放参观时间。含有house的双语句子:1、The old Vicorian house, with its towering turrets and intricate gingerbread trim, stood as a timeless symbol of elegance and architectural grandeur in the heart of the historic district.这座古老的维多利亚式房屋,带有高耸的塔楼和精细的木雕装饰,在历史区的中心地带,作为一种永恒的优雅和建筑宏伟的象征。2、As I walked down the cobbled street, I couldn"t help but be enchanted by the row of colorful townhouses, each adorned with blooming flower boxes and inviting front porches.当我走在铺满鹅卵石的街道上时,我忍不住被一排色彩缤纷的联排别墅所吸引,每一座别墅都装饰着盛开的花箱和诱人的前廊。3、Nestled among the rolling hills, the secluded stone cottage exuded a sense of tranquility and offered a breathtaking view of the surrounding countryside, making it the perfect retreat from the hustle and bustle of city life.隐藏在起伏的山丘之间,这座与世隔绝的石头小屋散发着宁静的氛围,提供了周围乡村壮丽的景色,使其成为远离城市喧嚣的完美避风港。
2023-07-24 12:07:171


you can call me mine出自歌曲《wrap me in plastic》。《Wrap Me in Plastic》是Chromance演唱的一首歌曲,单曲于2017年10月27日发行。这是一首很动听的歌曲,歌曲的旋律朗朗上口,很耐听的一首曲子。歌词It"s my first night out with youtreat me right and buy me shoesLet me be your fantasy play with meI wanna be your girlJust give me some timeI will be readyDo my make-upBathe in my perfumeQuick shower won"t take too longI"ll be done just sing this song soWrap me in plastic and make me shineWe can make a dollhouse follow your designLet"s build a dog out of sticks and twineI can call you masterYou can call me mineWrap me in plastic and make me shineWe can make a dollhouse follow your designLet"s build a dog out of sticks and twineI can call you masterYou can call me mine(*music*)Move me tell me what to goIf you"re happy, I am tooPlease just show me what you like-don"t be shyI wanna be your girlJust give me some timeI will be readyDo my make-upBathe in my perfumeQuick shower won"t take too longI"ll be done just sing this songSo wrap me in plastic and make me shineWe can make a dollhouse follow your designLet"s build a dog out of sticks and twineI can call you masterYou can call me mineWrap me in plastic and make me shineWe can make a dollhouse follow your designLet"s build a dog out of sticks and twineI can call you masterYou can call me mine(*music*)Just give me some timeI will be readyQuick shower won"t take too longJust give me some timeI will be readyQuick shower won"t take too longJust sing this songWrap me in plastic and make me shineWe can make a dollhouse follow your design
2023-07-24 12:07:561


Dollhouse是一个秘密的高科技实验室的别称,而Echo等人就是实验室里面的Dolls或者称为Actives。他们被抹去了记忆和性格,当执行任务时他们的大脑又被植入符合任务要求的性格,记忆,各种技能,以及适合任务需要的语言。任务结束后又被抹去,就像被初始化,又回到了原来的状态,像天真的小孩一样。而故事就发生在抹除记忆后的Echo却拥有了自我意识。故事讲述一个名为Echo (Dushku) 的“活动体”,它是一个地下非法私人组织创造的“生物体”的一员,这些“生物体”可以被抹去记忆而升为“新生物体”,因而它们都是被一些富人或者有权势的人所租用,每次租用它们都会以新的姿态出现,并会按照顾客的要求去做任何事情;无论是成为一个恋人、刺客、客户代表还是好朋友,“活动者”只是按照被设置的指令去完成任务,本集中Echo被雇佣去扮成的谈判专家去拯救一个商人的女儿,同时FBI 特工Paul Ballard 也介入了此事!
2023-07-24 12:08:041

求发英语周报2016-2017高二课标第26期答案 谢谢

英语周报2016-2017高二课标第26期答案 高二英语上学期期末检测题参考答案及部分解析[参考答案]1-5 CCABB 6-10BAACB11-15 ABCBA 16-20ABACC21-25 DBDCB 26-30ADDBD 31-35 CBAAC 36-40EAFDC41-45 CBABD 46-50CABAC51-55 DBDCD 56-60DADCB61. is called 62.whose63. the 64. really65. In 66.appearance67. unwilling 68.have been69. left 70.focusing短文改错:71. ... something unpleasantly ... unpleasantly → unpleasant72. ... took pains sweep ... pains后加to73. ... so bad behavior ... so → such74. ... hold a meeting ... hold → held75. ... discussed heated ... heated → heatedly76. ... divided into group ... group → groups77. ... on every morning ... 去掉on78. ... for our teacher. for → from79. ... they served as ... they → we80. ... felt that meaningful ... that → itOne possible version:Dear Mr. Greaves, Thanksfor your email. I"m very pleased to have won the prize. Inanswer to your questions, I would prefer to leave on 7 September because myschool classes begin in mid-September. Also, Geneva Airport is more convenientfor me, as it"s close to my apartment. Unfortunately, the Cuban beach holidayis too expensive for me, so I cannot afford it. I"dbe grateful if you could tell me what kind of clothes I should bring with me,as I haven"t been there before. In addition, I must tell you I am vegetarian,so I hope that will not be a problem. I"mlooking forward to hearing from you. Yours sincerely, Li Hua 部分解析阅读理解:第一节:A篇 (文学)本文是应用文。作者介绍了自己童年最喜欢的四本书。21. D。细节理解题。由第二段的描述可知,The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-time讲述了一个患有自闭症的15岁男孩的故事。22. B。细节理解题。由第三段中的there is more than one book. There"s a series of books about theSecret Seven"s adventures so if you like the first one, you"re in luck可知,Secret Seven是系列丛书。23. D。推理判断题。由倒数第二段中的It"s now a film and show at the theatre以及最后一段中的As a kid I read the book, watched the film and listened to the tape可知,Matilda和The Lion, theWitch and the Wardrobe这两本书都被改编成了电影。B篇 (人际关系)本文是记叙文。作者儿时很想要哥哥的金色工具箱,但是用各种条件做交换都未成功。多年后,作者将自己未燃放的爆竹送给哥哥当作圣诞节礼物,但是哥哥的工具箱却找不到了。在哥哥去世后,作者偶然间找到了工具箱,完成了他们之间的交换。24. C。细节理解题。由第一段中的I knew it would be perfect for my dollhouse和I imagined the dad using the tool kit to do repairs可知,作者想要哥哥的工具箱,是想放入自己的玩具屋里。25. B。推理判断题。由第一段中的My brother, John, and I often quarreled over little things ... he wouldn"tlet me have it可知,作者和哥哥的关系并不融洽,经常因为小事情吵架。26. A。细节理解题。由第二段中的I"d never set them off because I didn"t like the noise可知,作者一直没有点燃父亲给她的爆竹是因为她不喜欢燃放爆竹时产生的噪音。27. D。推理判断题。由最后一段的描述可知,作者在地下室的一个角落里发现了哥哥的工具箱,她认为这是哥哥在冥冥中帮助她找到的,是想兑现他们之间的约定。C篇 (兴趣与爱好)本文是议论文。文章讲述了作者喜欢书胜过由其改编的电影的原因。28. D。细节理解题。由第一段中的if you read the book, you have an image in your head of what thecharacters look like, what their voices sound like, and what the scene lookslike可知,阅读一本书能激发读者的想象。29. B。词义猜测题。由第二段中的描述in the book Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief, Percy is expectedto “look” like a 12-year-old who doesn"t know what he"s doing and would loseany fight he got into. But in the film adaptation, Percy looks sort ofathletic, and is 16 years old可知,当你在阅读这本书时,你觉得Percy是一个病弱的12岁少年,可是当你看电影时,你看到的Percy却是一个体格健壮的16岁青年,你之前所有的想象被破坏了;由此可以推断,shattered意为“破坏”。30. D。推理判断题。由倒数第二段的描述可知,当你在看电影时也可以同时做家务,而当你读一本书时,你不能同时做家务;由此可知,看电影不像读书那么需要全神贯注。31. C。细节理解题。由最后一段中的I"ve seen people who read books that are over 600 pages long and notmind a bit, but when a 3-hour movie comes, they just can"t concentrate thatlong可知,有的人愿意读600多页的书,却无法集中精神看一部3小时长的电影,这说明他们更喜欢看书。D篇 (自然)本文是说明文。最近的研究发现一些动物也会在特定情况下发出像笑声一样的声音。32. B。细节理解题。由第一段中的some animals make laughter-like sounds和they get excited and make a special kind of panting sound可知,黑猩猩在兴奋时发出的这种声音像笑声。33. A。细节理解题。由第二段中的when chimpanzees hear recordings of other chimpanzees making thelaughter sound, it makes them a lot happier and more playful可知,当黑猩猩听到其他黑猩猩发出笑声的录音时,它们会变得更快乐、更顽皮。34. A。细节理解题。由第三段中的It was firstly thought that this type of laughter was plain mimicryand didn"t show the birds were amused or excited about something可知,最初,人们认为八哥的笑声纯属模仿。35. C。推理判断题。由倒数第二段的描述可知,老鼠在与同伴玩时会发出唧唧声,这种声音与积极的情感有关。第二节:话题:学校生活本文是议论文。文章主要讨论了是否应该给学生布置假期作业。36. E。由该空前的Other schools encourage students to do some work when school is out以及该空后的Some of the work can be fun to do和It"s not supposed to be a chore可知,Richard Sloan给学生布置能帮助他们练习所学内容的作业。37. A。由该空前的Having homework ... practice what they have learned以及该空后的It allows kids ... have another chance to get the hang of it可知,Sanaa Mansuri认为假期作业不仅能帮助学生练习所学内容,还可以提高他们的技能。38. F。由该段的描述可知,Sanaa Mansuri支持老师给学生布置假期作业,故F项符合语境。39. D。由该空前的holds the opposite opinion可知,Tristen Johnson认为孩子们不应该在放假时有作业。40. C。由本段的描述以及该空前的Having the opportunity to live life — instead of always having towork — is more beneficial for kids可知,Tristen Johnson认为让孩子们有机会享受生活——而不是一直学习——对孩子们更有利,这对他们以后的生活和工作都有帮助。 英语知识运用:第一节:话题:现代技术本文是说明文。文章主要介绍了如何统计收视率。41. C。由该空后的people associate it with TV ratings可知,尼尔森的测量服务对于电视行业非常“重要(important)”。42. B。由该空后的the number of people watching television shows可知,它“统计(measures)”看电视节目的人数。43. A。由上文中的the number of people watching television shows可知,之后它把“数据(data)”传给电视台、广告商和其他媒体。44. B。由下文的描述可知,尼尔森用一种特殊的“方法(technique)”来统计收视率。45. D。它“邀请(invites)”5000个家庭加入调查。46. C。由上文中的5,000 households 和99 millionhouseholds have TVs可知,尼尔森的样本不是很“大(large)”。47. A。所以,关键是要确保这个样本“具有典型性(typical)”。48. B。全国抽样中的参与者是随机“选取(selected)”的。49. A。每一个有电视的美国家庭理论上都有机会“参与(involved)”其中。50. C。由上下文的描述可知,尼尔森主要“依靠(relies on)”他们安装在样本家庭电视机上的测量仪收集信息。51. D。由该空后的when TV sets are on and what channels they are watching可知,他们“监测(track)”用户的电视何时开着,在看什么频道。52. B。前后句之间是因果关系,故用“因此(Thus)”。53. D。由上文中的what channels they are watching可知,这样公司就能够知道有多少人看哪个“节目(program)”。54. C。由下文中的Their workers sometimes call thousands of households可知,尼尔森还通过“打电话(telephone)”来收集数据。55. D。他们的员工有时给居民打电话看居民的电视是否开着以及谁在“看(watching)”电视。56. D。广告商“付钱(pay)”把他们的广告放在电视节目中。57. A。节目策划人也根据尼尔森的数据来决定一个节目是否要“保留(keep)”。58. D。由上文中的A show that has a million viewers可知,有一百万观众的节目是“受欢迎的(popular)”。59. C。由上下文的描述可知,电视台需要数百万的观众才能让这个节目成为能够创造效益的“成功的节目(success)”。60. B。由上文中的whether a show should ... or not可知,这就是为什么一些有忠实观众的“节目(shows)”也会被取消。第二节:61. iscalled。考查一般现在时的被动语态。由语境可知此处用一般现在时,又因主语that(指代creature)与call之间是被动关系,故填is called。62. whose。考查关系代词。设空处引导非限制性定语从句修饰blobfish,且在从句中作定语,故填whose。63. the。考查定冠词。in the dark 意为“在黑暗中”。64. really。考查副词。设空处修饰形容词low,故填副词really。65. In。考查介词。In addition意为“另外”。66. appearance。考查名词。设空处作owing to的宾语,且表示“外貌”,故填appearance。67. unwilling。考查形容词作表语的用法。设空处所在从句意为“人们不愿意保护物种除非它们看起来可爱”,故填unwilling。68. havebeen。考查现在完成时。由so far可知,此处用现在完成时,故填have been。69. left。考查过去分词作定语的用法。leave与few之间是逻辑上的动宾关系,且leave所表示的动作已完成,故填left。70. focusing。考查动词-ing形式作宾语的用法。设空处作介词insteadof的宾语,故填focusing。 [选做题参考答案及解析][参考答案]1-5 BBACD解析 话题:语言学习本文是说明文。面对英语的包围,威尔士语一直坚持着不懈的抗争。1. B。推理判断题。由第一段的描述可知,在美国的爱尔兰人和苏格兰人曾经羡慕威尔士人是因为他们仍然在使用自己的母语。2. B。细节理解题。由第三段可知,长期以来威尔士语一直与英语进行着抗争。3. A。推理判断题。由第四段可知,Hunter对威尔士的这两种文化节日感到很自豪。4. C。推理判断题。第五段的数字显示了威尔士语逐渐走向衰落的趋势。5. D。推理判断题。由最后一段可知,Davies认为保护威尔士语的确很困难。
2023-07-24 12:08:231

Welcome To The Dollhouse 歌词

歌曲名:Welcome To The Dollhouse歌手:Danity Kane专辑:Welcome To The DollhouseDanity Kane-Welcome To The DollhouseOnce upon a timeThere was five little girlsShannon, Aundrea, D. Woods, Dawn and AubreyThese girls had a dreamTo make musicThey go by the nameDanity KaneWelcome to the dollhouse
2023-07-24 12:08:551

Take Me for a Ride 歌词

歌曲名:Take Me for a Ride歌手:Melodie Nelson专辑:To the Dollhousehiding from the rain and snowtrying to forget but i won t let golooking at a crowded streetlistening to my own heart beatso many peopleall around the worldtell me where do i findsomeone like you girltake me to your hearttake me to your soulgive me your hand before i m oldshow me what love ishaven t got a clueshow me that wonders can be truethey say nothing lasts foreverwe re only here todaylove is now or neverbring me far awaytake me to your hearttake me to your soulgive me your hand and hold meshow me what love isbe my guiding starit s easy take me to your heartstanding on a mountain highlooking at the moon through a clear blue skyi should go and see some friendsbut they don t really comprehenddon t need too much talkingwithout saying anythingall i need is someone
2023-07-24 12:09:031


doll在英语中的发音为/du0252l/。doll造句如下:1.She loved playing with her dolls when she was a little girl.她小时候喜欢玩洋娃娃。2.The antique doll was worth a lot of money at the auction.那个古董娃娃在拍卖会上价值不菲。3.The little girl was thrilled when she received a new doll for her birthday.小女孩在生日时收到新娃娃,非常高兴。4.The dollhouse was beautifully crafted and had intricate details.娃娃屋做工精美,细节处理得非常精细。5.The ventriloquist used his doll to entertain the audience.腹语师用他的木偶来娱乐观众。6.The little boy was upset when he accidentally broke his sister"s favorite doll.小男孩不小心弄坏了他妹妹最喜欢的娃娃,感到很难过。7.The doll"s eyes seemed to follow me wherever I went in the room.娃娃的眼睛似乎无论我走到哪里都在注视着我。8.The doll maker spent hours carefully painting the faces of each doll. 娃娃制造商花费数小时仔细地给每个娃娃上色。
2023-07-24 12:09:101

what doyou want to be?的初中作文,100词以内。半个小时内答的我会补分

The Tree Are Daydreaming Two small young trees are standing on the top of hill,Their names are Elaine and Tony. It"s sunny and warm.Some birds are singing.The wind is blowing a little,and the trees are daydreaming. "What doyou want to be when you grow up?"Asks Elanine."I"m not sure,I think I want to be a chair or a table in a living room,"answer Tony."Maybe I want to be a dollhouse or a toy box or baseball bat----I like boys and girls.Maybe I want to be a fishing boat.Idon"t know.What do you want to be when you grow up?"asks Tony. "Me?"says Elaine,"I just want to be a tree.I want to be a house for birds and spiders.I want to have many apples and a swing.And when it"s raining,people and animals can stand under me." "You see,"says Elaine,"Ijust want to be me."
2023-07-24 12:09:391

《 借东西的小人阿莉埃蒂》主题曲、片尾曲叫什么名字?

2023-07-24 12:09:461


歌词如下自己看Hey girl, open the walls嘿,女孩,推倒那道壁垒Play with your dolls和你的洋娃娃玩耍吧We"ll be a perfect family我们会是美好的一家When you walk away你离开之际Is when we really play就是我们真正玩耍之时You don"t hear me when I say我说话你却没听见Mom, please wake up妈妈,快醒醒Dad"s with a slut爸爸和浪荡女在一起And your son is smoking cannabis你儿子在吸大麻No one ever listens没人认真听This wallpaper glistens这壁纸如此闪耀Don"t let them see what goes down in the kitchen别让它们看见厨房有什么正在坠毁Places, places那里 那里Get in your places快回到你那里Throw on your dress and put on your doll faces换下裙子,戴上娃娃脸Everyone thinks that we"re perfect每个人都觉得我们很完美Please don"t let them look through the curtains请别让他们透过窗帘打量Picture, picture, smile for the picture照片 照片 为这张照片笑笑Pose with your brother, won"t you be a good sister?和你的兄弟摆个造型,你不想当个好姐姐了吗?Everyone thinks that we"re perfect每个人都觉得我们很完美Please don"t let them look through the curtains请别让他们透过窗帘打量D-O-L-L-H-O-U-S-E娃 娃 屋I see things that nobody else sees我看见其他人没注意到的D-O-L-L-H-O-U-S-E娃 娃 屋I see things that nobody else sees我看见其他人没注意到的Hey girl, look at my mom嘿,女孩,看我妈妈She"s got it going on, ha她已经行动了,哈You"re blinded by her jewelry你被她的珠宝蒙蔽了双眼When you turn your back你背对她的时候She pulls out a flask她掏出了一只玻璃瓶And forgets his infidelity也忘了他的不忠Uh oh she"s coming to the attic, plastic啊哦,她上阁楼来了,快变回娃娃(原意就是塑料,我想可能是妈妈来了,让娃娃们快变回去别让妈妈发现)Go back to being plastic快回到原来的位置,坐好别动No one ever listens没人认真听This wallpaper glistens这壁纸如此闪耀Don"t let them see what goes down in the kitchen别让它们看见厨房有什么正在坠毁Places, places那里 那里Get in your places快回到你那里Throw on your dress and put on your doll faces换下裙子,带上娃娃脸Everyone thinks that we"re perfect每个人都觉得我们很完美Please don"t let them look through the curtains请别让他们透过窗帘打量Picture, picture, smile for the picture照片 照片 为这张照片笑笑Pose with your brother, won"t you be a good sister?和你的兄弟摆个造型,你不想当个好姐姐了吗?Everyone thinks that we"re perfect每个人都觉得我们很完美Please don"t let them look through the curtains请别让他们透过窗帘打量D-O-L-L-H-O-U-S-E娃 娃 屋I see things that nobody else sees我看见其他人没注意到的D-O-L-L-H-O-U-S-E娃 娃 屋I see things that nobody else sees我看见其他人没注意到的Hey girlHey girl, open the walls嘿,女孩,推倒那道壁垒Play with your dolls和你的洋娃娃玩耍吧We"ll be a perfect family我们会是美好的一家Places, places那里 那里Get in your places快回到你那里Throw on your dress and put on your doll faces换下裙子,带上娃娃脸Everyone thinks that we"re perfect每个人都觉得我们很完美Please don"t let them look through the curtains请别让他们透过窗帘打量Picture, picture, smile for the picture照片 照片 为这张照片笑笑Pose with your brother, won"t you be a good sister?和你的兄弟摆个造型,你不想当个好姐姐了吗?Everyone thinks that we"re perfect每个人都觉得我们很完美Please don"t let them look through the curtains请别让他们透过窗帘打量D-O-L-L-H-O-U-S-E娃 娃 屋I see things that nobody else sees我看见其他人没注意到的D-O-L-L-H-O-U-S-E娃 娃 屋I see things that nobody else sees我看见其他人没注意到的
2023-07-24 12:09:531


2023-07-24 12:10:011


2023-07-24 12:10:141

宫崎骏 《借东西的阿丽埃蒂 》 中的歌曲有哪些??

2023-07-24 12:10:341


2023-07-24 12:10:432

分岛花音 the doll house假名歌词

ザ ドールハウス!(The Doll House!)---分岛花音镜(かがみ)の奥(おく) 歪(ゆが)んだ爱情(あいじょう)は 无意识(むいしき)に自我(じが)を溶(と)かして 不自由(ふじゆう)なわたしを饰(かざ)りたてる 侵食(しんしょく)する道徳(どうとく) あなたの笑颜(えがお)は私(わたし)の涙(なみだ) 永久(とわ)に抜(ぬ)け出(だ)せないこの迷宫(めいきゅう)は 运命(うんめい)? Please take me out here!息(いき)苦(くる)しい世界(せかい)に键(かぎ)をかけて You confine me in the dollhouse!Please take me out here!ガラス制(せい)の瞳(ひとみ)は悲(かな)しくても涙(なみだ)も流(なが)せない 夕暮(ゆうぐ)れを知(し)らせる钟(かね)が鸣(な)る 言叶(ことば)の幕(まく)暗転(あんてん)の感情(かんじょう)は 饱和(ほうわ)する痛(いた)みと弾(はじ)けて 不自由(ふじゆう)なわたしを彩(いろど)っていく 麻痹(まひ)する背徳(はいとく)あなたの指(ゆび)はわたしのギブス 上下左右(じょうげさゆう)もないこのステージは绝体绝命(ぜったいぜつめい)? Please take me out here!息(いき)苦(くる)しい世界(せかい)に縳(しば)り付(つ)けて Why you keep me in the dollhouse?Please take me out here!ほつれた唇(くちびる)は悲鸣(ひめい)を上(あ)げても声(こえ)にならなくて零(こぼ)れて溢(あふ)れる ブリキの爱(あい)Please take me out here!息(いき)苦(くる)しい世界(せかい)に键(かぎ)をかけて You confine me in the dollhouse!Please take me out here!ガラス制(せい)の瞳(ひとみ)は悲(かな)しくても涙(なみだ)も流(なが)せない 饮(の)み干(ほ)すは游戯(ゆうぎ)のカンタレラ
2023-07-24 12:10:501


Dollhouse 播放歌手:Melanie Martinez语言:英语所属专辑:Dollhouse - Single发行时间:2014-02-10
2023-07-24 12:10:581


:Listening for the weather -Bic Runga2:It Was You -Florence Joy3:Right Now & Right Here-Keren Ann4:Goin Crazy-Natalie5:trouble is a friend-Lenka
2023-07-24 12:11:064


Dollhouse的特定技术,作为工艺美术的范畴则有相关之限定为袖珍艺术所必须尊循之基本条件。一、材质﹕跳脱一般对制作模型只使用单一材质之认知,袖珍艺术所使用的才料必须是真材实料或与实物接近之代替材质,以此标准所制作完成的娃娃屋才能有写实的视觉效果之呈现。二、比例﹕以一英尺缩小为一英吋为基本概念,即为实物的十二分之一。在美国习惯以One Inch Scale 代表缩小比例为十二分之一的娃娃屋作品。目前世界的主流即为十二分之一,以此比例制作的娃娃屋呈现出最佳的写实效果与视觉美感,也最能将不同材质的特色表现出来。当然也有许多艺术家喜欢挑战极限如二十四分之一、四十八分之一甚至是小到一百四十四分之一。虽然超小比例的作品在技术层面上的成就令人惊叹!但因材质有其先天之限制,所以精致的程度则不若十二分之一的作品来得恰到好处。
2023-07-24 12:11:141


2023-07-24 12:11:309


2023-07-24 12:11:481

一首英文歌女声 mv是关于玩偶的一家人和曲风都比较猎奇 歌词大意好像是 爸爸正在偷腥 妈妈知道

Dollhouse- Melanie Martinez诡异不过很好听~
2023-07-24 12:11:551


如果你是女生,当然首推Gossip girl 喽。已经第四季,感觉剧情在同类里还不错。我也正在看。
2023-07-24 12:12:165

Bruce Springsteen的《Dollhouse》 歌词

歌曲名:Dollhouse歌手:Bruce Springsteen专辑:TracksPriscilla Renea - DollhouseI"m just a girlYou"re just a boyThis is my heartIt"s not a toySo what"s with you playing with my mind?We used to be coolThis used to be loveNow it"s becomeSomething like a jobLike it or notMaybe things were changingRight before our eyesI tried to be your picture perfect girlBut you were in your own fantasy worldTrynna control meLike some kind of barbieBut that just ain"t me"Cuz I ain"t a dollThis ain"t a dollhouseYou"re way too old to bePutting me down like thisAnd playing around like thisI ain"t a dollNo I could never be stuck living life like thisBehind these four wallsYou call the shotsRight down to my shoesI liked what you likedCuz you told me toAnd i don"t think that you could even tellI fell out of loveBut it never showedI gave up on usSo long agoBut you"ll never knowBaby don"t pretend like you know me so wellI"ll never be made of plasticSo glad that my heart"s elasticNo matter what you doI"ll bounce back off of youCut me but I"m not bleedingAnd I come with imperfectionEpitome of perfectionIf you can"t understandLoving the way I amThen you"re no good for meSo glad I kept my receipt
2023-07-24 12:12:301

帮忙翻译 尸鬼OP2的副歌

你这个怎么什么语都有啊!我也只能翻成这样了! 歪斜的镜子的爱 不知不觉,自我 我不方便的装饰 被分为道德 你的笑容是我的眼泪 永远不这个迷宫是命运 please take me out here ! 令人窒息的世界的多 you confine me in the dollhouse ! please take me out here ! 玻璃的眼中充满悲伤也流着眼泪减肥 黄昏的钟声 语言的幕恰如的情感 饱和的痛苦和弹过了 我不方便的色彩 麻痹的怪胎” 你的指导是我的吉布斯 没有上下左右陷入了这个舞台 please take me out here ! 令人窒息的世界上所束缚 why you keep me in the dollhouse ? please take me out here ! ?
2023-07-24 12:12:371


2023-07-24 12:12:441


第1集首集讲述Echo於其首项任务中,与客人Matt骑著电单车,在公路上比拼。最后,二人却於曙U内翩翩起舞,共渡浪漫时光。然而,Echo必须像灰姑娘一样,於午夜前离去,返回Dollhouse接受治疗……第2集Adelle向Richard Connell介绍Dollhouse所提供的服务,她更向Richard保证那些被称为Active的女子在完成每项任务后,所有记忆都会被清除,令到Richard喜出望外。Echo被组织委派去完成Richard所要求的;可是,这项任务最后却变成一个致命的猎人行动,Echo更成为Richard捕猎的对象……与此同时,Ballard探员第一次收到一些证据有助证明Dollhouse的存在。第3集炙手可热的年轻歌手Rayna与一众伴唱和舞蹈员於台上演出,精采的演出让现场观众看得热血沸腾。突然,一颗闪灯产生爆炸,一名伴唱者被溅出的火焰烧著全身。目击事件的观众无不震惊万分,唯独一名男子却显得异常冷静,嘴角更挂上一个奇怪的笑容。其后,Rayna的经理人Biz Zarella向Adelle求助,指出事件原来不是意外,这已是连续第三次发生冲著Rayna而来的袭击。由於Rayna拒绝加强保安,Biz Zarella便想出要求Adelle派出Echo和Sierra分别担任伴唱和歌迷大赛的冠军,暗中保护Rayna。第4集今集雇用「Doll」的客人为一名声誉不太好的希腊收藏家Atalo Diakos,他需要一个夹万开锁专家为他盗窃一件价值连城的艺术品。在高级酒店的大堂内,Echo化身为叫价不菲的应召女郎Taffy,熟练地向Vitas展现性感美态。Vitas果然看上了Taffy,酒店大堂的保安把一切看在眼内,於是有礼地请二人回到自己的房间。其后,衣衫不整的Echo一拐一拐地走到楼下,哭叫求助,她的唇淌著血,脸颊和衬衣也沾满了血!到底他们在的酒店房间内发生了什么事?请密切留意本集。 第5集一群宗教份子来到社区的店铺内,他们常挂著的笑容和不断的歌声令本地居民感到不安与烦躁。社区内一名汽车技工按捺不了,於是跟随他们进入店铺并与发生冲突。警方介入事件,而店主亦帮忙处理纷争,最终各人散去。其后,店主於店内发现了一张由教友遗留下来的购物单背后,写著「救我!」二字。参议员Boxbaum於是向「Dollhouse」的Adelle求助,希望派出一名线人潜入宗教组织,查出事情的始末。於是,Echo将於今集化身成一名失明的信徒,潜入教派组织……第6集Echo与Victor发现Sierra一个人坐著,把玩著食物。当Victor走向她时,Sierra突然失常地奔跑及大叫。Sierra接受Dr. Saunders的治疗,发现她最近竟曾发生性行为。Sierra指出Victor要求她假装二人已结为夫妇,而她的操作者Joe Hearn则指出Sierra最近的任务都不牵涉这种「特别行动」。到底跟Sierra发生关系的人是谁?另一方面,Paul怀疑牵涉於多宗犯罪行为的互联网钜子Joel Mynor正雇用「Dollhouse」的服务,认为事件有助查出有关「Dollhouse」的真相。第二天,Mynor来到一所不甚显眼的高尚住宅,他的保安头目向他表示一切妥当。Paul亦来到大屋后院,并偷偷闯入屋内。Paul发现屋内陈设浪漫,明眼人一定看得出这是什么一回事。Paul跟随着屋内一男一女的声音追踪,最后以枪指向两人。当他发现眼前的竟是Echo,顿感震惊不已……第7集打从Adelle第一次跟Caroline见面,便知道她会是「Dollhouse」的最佳「Doll」。Caroline正为争取自己的理想而与Rossum Corporation势不两立,当然坚决拒绝。然而,Caroline的理想却引致她的未婚夫Leo丧命,带著伤痛与沉重罪咎感的Caroline,终於跟Rossum Corporation签下五年合约,成为「Dollhouse」内最受顾客欢迎的其中一位Active,并化名Echo。今集,Freemont College的实验室发生意外,一种毒性十分强劲且可影响人类脑运动的毒药正威胁著整个校园内所有学生的安危。Ambrose眼见事态严重,希望派出所有没有工作在身的Active参与清理和找寻仍然遗失的一瓶毒药。由於灾难发生的地方正正是当年Echo的未婚夫去世的地方,所以当Adelle得知Echo因另有工作在身而不用参与这个项目,顿感松一口气。到底「Dollhouse」众人将如何对付这场严峻的灾难,而Echo又是否能够如Adelle所愿,完全置身事外?第8集Echo、Sierra、Victor和November醒来后,不知道自己身处何地,可是却发现各人脑海中的记忆并没有像平日般被完全抹除,使他们迷惑不已。可是,纵使他们有著零碎的记忆,仍不足以知道自己的身份。Echo、Sierra、Victor和November仔细审察形势后,遂决定逃离Dollhouse。四人小心行事,避免被发现;可是,他们并不知道这一切原来都是Adelle的计划的一部份。Adelle希望考验和锻鍊Echo、Sierra、Victor和November。Echo成功协助三位同伴逃离Dollhouse,但她决定留下拯救其他的Active;而Sierra、Victor和November终於想起了他们本人部份的个性,同时亦发现他们原来是因为遇上了极为痛苦的事情而决定加入Dollhouse。第9集有人想偷袭Dollhouse,而Echo的性格已逐渐建立起来,她遂要求执行拯救Dollhouse的任务。此外,原来在Mellie编写的程式中隐藏著一个警告。Victor即将执行他的第十个任务,化身成一名老妇的英国运动员情人。Adelle准备离开四天,前往Rossum Corporation,Dollhouse将暂由Dominic管理。Saunders医生在Boyd的监督之下,替Echo进行检查;Boyd对Echo的上一个任务甚为不悦,他想清楚知道Echo在那次化身成一名支配欲极强的女子的任务时,并没有受到伤害。第10集今集由Echo 怀著一个被谋杀的女人的记忆开始……Margaret Bashford 是一名50多岁的温文富家美妇人,她认为自己快要被谋杀了,因此把自己的记忆存放在Dollhouse,让她可以返回人间辑凶; 与此同时Paul 发现Mellie是一个Doll 的证据。Margaret在她那豪华庄园的土地上策马漫步,而她那个年纪小得多的丈夫Jack Dunston及他的朋友则在阳台上喝酒。数分钟后她的坐骑独自返回她的屋前,马背上空无一人。Echo化身为Julia,一个Margaret临死前制造的身份,让Margaret以Active的身体返回人间时毫无破绽。Margaret的儿女Jocelyn和Nicolas, 及她酗酒的哥哥William,声称Margaret冷酷无情。Echo不同意他们的说法,但他们逐一诉说Margaret对他们怀著过高的期望。Jack痛失挚爱的同时,Margaret的儿女却认为他是杀害她的凶手……Echo抽丝剥茧,终於找出真凶,亦为她的家人带来最后的安慰。第11集Paul为了营救Echo,发现了潜入Dollhouse的方法,与此同时,他亦掉落极大的危险之中。在一个幽暗的晚上,一个中年拾荒者满怀希望地走向一部垃圾装卸卡车,希望可以找到有用的宝藏。他用力拉出一盏蛮好的枱灯,却又同时惊见一只手掌……Echo 坐在一群孩子中间讲述睡公主的故事: 在被魔法诅咒了的城堡裏,王子轻吻公主,破解了她的咒语,整个王国上下也神奇地苏醒过来。Susan,一个有严重行为问题的小女孩,听了这故事后却起了负面的反应。Echo知道她曾经被虐待,故小心尝试冲破她的自我保护外层,小女孩却一发不可收拾,需要动用武力把她制服下来。Boyd 及Adelle 正在研究不知是谁寄给Dominic的神秘记忆手指,怀疑它是来自NSA的。但记忆手指已被密码加密,只有Dominic可以阅览数据; 而此时Dominic正身在阁楼,他们遂自行想办法破解密码。第12集Alpha 为Echo输入新的记忆,使她加入他杀人为乐的行列,并打算藉此毁去她原有的身份。周遭各人都觉得Alpha 性情难以捉摸,行为令人心寒。Alpha把Echo的记忆注入Wendy的身体,并披露他的计划,就是将Echo曾执行任务的所有性格特徵共冶一炉,把她改造成像他一样的一个神一样。第13集本集是这一季《千姬变》的最终回,Echo知道了将会发生的事,遂尝试拯救世界,以避过Dollhouse的恐怖计划。 2019年,突击队队员Mag虽然冒着冷汗、心跳急速,仍保持专业水平,熟练地操控着手上的枪枝。她不悦地环视街角的情况,只见一片混乱,有的人在狂跑、有的在歇斯底里地大叫大嚷、有的残杀他人、有的甚至强暴他人,更有些人茫然地站在一旁,目击这个后启示时代的洛杉矶市。 Mag通知Griff她身处的位置,体格强健的Griff以领导者的姿态带着他的队员来到,当中包括坚强的Lynn、冷漠兼行事慎重的Zone、Miller先生及其十岁女儿Iris。他们一行人一同奔向最近的逃生路线,并找到一条深入地底的深坑。当枪声愈来愈接近,Griff从他的随身物品中取出一条攀缘绳,一行人一同坠入黑暗中。他们深入地下,足有八层之深,找到一个矿泉,那里渺无人烟,但却令人毛骨悚然…… 第1集Paul与玩偶屋合作打击军火走私贩Klar,派出Echo化身为Klar的新娘调查其罪证却被Klar察觉,Paul必须唤醒Echo的潜藏人格来化解危机。与此同时,知道自己是废弃的玩偶的Claire却开始疯狂捉弄Topher……第2集Paul成为Echo的监护人后的首次任务。Echo这次的任务是担任一个新生婴儿的母亲,印记却导致了意想不到的副作用。Adelle督促Madeline回玩偶屋完成最后的检查。Daniel Perrin参议员高调宣布调查玩偶屋的后台Rossum公司。第3集一个Rossum公司大股东的侄子因车祸陷入昏迷,遂命Adelle使用玩偶屋的技术令其苏醒,然而Topher在扫描其脑部的过程中发现对方竟是一个连环杀手,并且此时仍有数名受害者正被其关押!为了探得受害者的下落Victor被植入了这位连环杀手的印记,却逃离了玩偶屋。当Topher欲远程擦除Victor的连环杀手印记时意外发生了,Victor与正在执行任务的Echo互换了印记……第4集本集交待了Sierra的过去。一个名叫Nolan Kinnard的男人为了得到Sierra费尽心机仍然不能如愿,遂施计将Sierra变成了玩偶。得知真相的Topher当得到将Sierra永远交给Nolan的命令后决定帮助Sierra。第5集Madeline作为Perrin参议员的证人指控Rossum公司,Adelle派Paul与Echo阻止Perrin参议员,却发现Perrin参议员是华盛顿玩偶之家潜伏的玩偶,Perrin的妻子其实是Perrin的监护人。Paul成功逃脱,Echo被困华盛顿玩偶之家,那里的首席程序员Bennett认识成为Echo前的Caroline……第6集在Bennett的记忆中Caroline曾丢下重伤的她独自逃命,Bennett为此百般折磨Echo,还对Echo输入了Caroline丢下自己逃命的记忆。Adelle与Topher来到华盛顿玩偶之家要求归还Echo,Bennett却放走了Perrin与Echo,并控制Perrin追杀Echo。Topher最终发现真相阻止了Bennett的复仇计划,Perrin被华盛顿玩偶之家回收,并出席听证会表明Rossum公司的清白。Echo摆脱了玩偶之家的追踪,Madeline却又成为华盛顿玩偶之家的玩偶。第7集3个月后,Echo与Paul住在一起,人格已经更加完善。Echo帮助了一个因为自己惹上麻烦的西班牙女孩越狱。在洛杉矶,Adelle的地位却陷入危机,玩偶之家被她的上司Harding接管。推测出Rossum公司在计划研发一种能给任何人洗脑的设备的Topher,设计出了图纸。Adelle为了重新掌管洛杉矶玩偶之家,将图纸交给了Harding。因为Echo受多人记忆共存的影响头痛愈加剧烈,Paul带Echo回到洛杉矶玩偶之家接受治疗,Adelle却下令将Echo隔离观察。第8集Alpha再次归来,这次的目标是杀尽与Echo约会过的所有客户,所有人都认定Joel Mynor是下一个目标将他保护起来,然而Alpha的真正目标竟然是Paul。Alpha为了知道Echo会爱上Paul的理由扫描了Paul的大脑,却造成Paul脑死亡,于是将Paul的印记植入给了自己。Echo与Alpha展开殊死搏斗,Paul通过Alpha的身体向Echo传达杀死自己的请求,下不了手的Echo只能眼看着Alpha再次逃走。玩偶之家的仪器维持着Paul的生命,Echo要Paul为她活下去。第9集Victor与玩偶之家的合约期满回到了现实生活,然而Rossum公司又使他陷入另一个秘密组织。Boyd隐瞒着Adelle派Echo与Sierra救出了Victor。Adelle却将Echo、Sierra、Victor关进了阁楼。第10集Echo在Dominic的帮助下找到了Victor与Sierra,探得Rossum公司的秘密,并与Victor、Sierra逃出了阁楼。Topher在Ivy的启发下终于令Paul苏醒。Adelle决定反抗Rossum公司。第11集为了知道Rossum公司创始人的身份Echo必须取回Caroline的记忆,然而贮存着Caroline印记的存储器却不翼而飞,只剩下过去被Alpha破坏的备份存储器。为了修复Caroline印记,Paul与Victor潜入华盛顿玩偶之家绑架了Bennett。Adelle下达了封锁玩偶之家的命令,Echo要Victor带着Sierra离开。归来的Claire却成为Rossum公司的潜伏者,为了阻止Caroline的印记被修复杀死了Bennett。Topher接替Bennett的工作修复了存储器,得到Caroline记忆的Echo却发现Rossum公司创始人是Boyd……第12集Boyd用药物令Echo神志不清,又将众人骗至Rossum总部。察觉到事有蹊跷的Topher在玩偶之家留下了一个备份了自己印记的存储器,令折返的Victor与Sierra发现了Boyd的秘密。另一方面摆脱了药物控制的Echo也向众人揭破了Boyd,然而Topher已在Boyd的欺骗下完成了可以给任何人洗脑的装置……第13集这是全剧的最终章,本集的故事情节承接第1季第13集。在2020年,Echo和其他幸存者要在人类灭亡前拯救这个已被破坏的世界……
2023-07-24 12:12:511

外国组合Danity Kane资料
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2023-07-24 12:14:121


look at me now no dramai like itgod is a womenevery dayside to sidedollhousecry babysoapdemons
2023-07-24 12:14:191