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2023-07-24 12:19:34


familiar的用法包括:be familiar with sth 某人对某事物熟悉;sth be familiar to sb 指某事物为某人所熟悉;表示“友好的”时,familiar通常与介词 with 连用。

1.familiar 作“熟悉的”用时,可与with/ to 连用。

be familiar with sth 某人对某事物熟悉

sth be familiar to sb 指某事物为某人所熟悉

2.表示“友好的”时,familiar通常与介词 with 连用


He"s familiar with us. (=He"s on familiar terms with us). 他与我们关系很友好。

3.表示“过分亲密的”“随便的”,也常与 with 连用。如:

The man makes himself [=is] too familiar with my wife. 这个人对我妻子太随便(太放肆)。



Familiar是一个英文单词,意思是“熟悉的、常见的、亲密的”。常见的用法有:形容词:指某人或某物在某人的记忆中或经验中是熟悉的,常见的或亲密的。例如:He looks familiar.(他看起来很熟悉。)2. 名词:指某人或某物在某人的记忆中或经验中是熟悉的,常见的或亲密的人或物。例如:She is a familiar face around here.(她是这里常见的面孔。)3. 动词:指某人或某物被熟悉或认出。例如:I can"t quite place him, but he seems familiar.(我无法确定他是谁,但他看起来很熟悉。)4. 副词:指某人或某物在某人的记忆中或经验中是熟悉的,常见的或亲密的程度。例如:I know this place familiarly.(我对这个地方非常熟悉。)总的来说,familiar这个单词可以用来形容人或物在某人的记忆中或经验中是熟悉的、常见的或亲密的,也可以用作动词或副词。
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familiar的各种形式如下:动词形式:familiarize、名词形式:familiar、复数形式:familiars、副词形式:familiarly。Familiar,英文单词,形容词译为熟悉的, 通晓的, 冒昧的, 随便的,名词译为常客,密友,高级官吏的家属, [天主]教皇[主教]的仆人。familiar例句:1、He talked of other cultures as if they were more familiar to him than his own.他谈起其他文化时似乎比对他自己的文化还要熟悉。2、Lesinko is quite familiar with Central Television. He worked there for 25 years.莱辛科对中央电视台相当熟悉。他在那儿工作了25年。3、The driver of that taxi-cab seemed to me familiar to the point of impertinence.那辆出租车的司机在我看来放肆到了无礼的地步。4、They are already familiar faces on our TV screens.他们已经是我们电视屏幕上的熟面孔了。
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be similar to... 与..相似的sth is familiar to sb 某物对某人而言是熟悉的= sb is familiar to sb 某人对某物是熟悉的例 Chinese music is not very familiar to the Europeans.=The Europeans are not very familiarwith Chinese music.
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英语单词音节:字母组合: fa mi liar 应该这样分的。一般情况下就是这样。
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familiar的动词形式是familiarize。familiar有两种词性,作形容词时意为“熟悉的;常见到的;常听说的;通晓;熟悉;随便的”,作名词时意为“常客;密友;高级官吏的家属;[天主]教皇[主教]的仆人”。动词形式familiarize意为“(使) 熟悉,了解,通晓”。 扩展资料   释义   adj. 熟悉的;常见到的;常听说的;通晓;熟悉;随便的   n. 常客;密友;高级官吏的家属;[天主]教皇[主教]的仆人   词汇搭配   【作形容词】   familiar+名词   familiar article of everyday use 日常用品   familiar excuse 常听到的.借口   familiar expression 常见说法   familiar greeting 日常问候   familiar phrase 习惯用语   familiar poet 熟识的诗人   副词+familiar   fairly familiar 相当熟悉   thoroughly familiar 精通…   familiar+副词   familiar enough 足够熟悉   familiar+介词   familiar to sb 为某人所熟悉   familiar with 熟悉,通晓,精通   familiar with English 通晓英语   familiar with French 通晓法语   词语用法   1、familiar的基本意思是“熟悉的,通晓的”,指由于经常接触或长时间交往而像一家人一样彼此熟悉、了解,以至于言谈自如,甚至不拘礼节,随便甚至放肆。引申可表示“非正式的”“随便的”“冒昧的”“放肆的”。无比较级和最高级形式。   2、familiar在句中可用作定语或表语。   3、familiar与with连用时,还可作“通晓”解。   双语例句   1.Your name is familiar to me.   你的名字我是熟悉的。   2.This word can only be used in familiar coversation.   这个词只能用于比较随便的谈话之中。   3.She is a familiar friend of mine.   她是我的一个密友。
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familiar用作形容词表示熟悉的,不拘礼节的;用作名词表示熟人,精灵。familiar无比较级和最高级形式。1.familiar的基本意思是“熟悉的,通晓的”,指由于经常接触或长时间交往而像一家人一样彼此熟悉、了解,以至于言谈自如,甚至不拘礼节,随便甚至放肆。引申可表示“非正式的”“随便的”“冒昧的”“放肆的”。 2.familiar在句中可用作定语或表语。 (1)用作定语 St. Paul"s cathedral is a familiar sight. 圣保罗大教堂是人们熟悉的一个景观。 I can"t stand that familiar tone he uses when he talks to young women. 当他与年轻的女子谈话时,我不能忍受他那种放肆的语调。 (2)用作表语 S+be+~ Two or three of them look familiar. 他们中间有两三个人看起来很面熟。 She looks very familiar, but I can"t remember her name. 她看上去很面熟,但是我记不起她的名字了。 3.familiar with后接事物时,可作“精通,通晓”解。 He is familiar with four languages.他通晓四国语言。 French is as familiar to him as English.他对法语就像对英语那样精通。
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主词+be familiar to+某人;某人+be familiar with+<受词>都表示(某人对...熟悉)。例如: (1)The voice is familiar to him. 他熟悉这声音。 (2)He is familiar with English. 他通晓英文。
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对u22ef熟悉 (英语短语)除了 be familiar with还有别的吗?

get acquainted with积累一些词汇,在学一些语法!一定要攻克词汇和短语,要熟练,学一些你比较感兴趣的英语知识,上课认真听讲,下课及时做笔记,养成背单词的好习惯,经常复习以前学过的知识
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英语 similar familiar

similar 与。。。相似 类似familiar 熟悉。。。
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  familiar表熟悉的; 通晓的; 冒昧的意思,那么你知道familiar的短语有哪些吗?接下来我为大家整理了familiar的短语搭配,希望对你有帮助哦!   familiar的短语:   familiar to   为u2026所熟悉 well known to sb; often seen or heard   English is familiar to me.英语为我所熟悉。   familiar with   1.熟悉的 having a good knowledge of sth   I am quite familiar with her.我和她很熟悉。   2.友好的,过分亲密的,不拘礼节的 friendly and informal   Don"t be too familiar with him, he"s a dishonest man.别与他交往过密,他这人不诚实。   同义词辨析:   familiar, intimate, close, confidential   这些形容词均含"亲密的"之意。   familiar : 通常指因长期交往而彼此很熟悉,像自家人一样。   intimate : 语气强烈,指感情或思想融洽、相互知心,彼此关系亲密。   close : 语气较强,指兴趣爱好相同,因而关系密切,感情深笃。   confidential : 指相互之间可推心置腹、彼此信赖。   familiar的短语例句:   1. Rose heard the familiar voice, but tuned out the words.   罗斯听到了熟悉的声音,但没注意听说的是什么。   2. She looks disconcertingly like a familiar aunt or grandmother.   令人疑惑的是,她看上去就像一位面熟的邻家阿姨或是祖母。   3. In the cosy consulting room the children are surrounded by familiar objects.   在温馨的诊疗室里,孩子们周围摆满了亲切熟悉的东西。   4. Those familiar with Sanders call him a consummate politician.   那些熟悉桑德斯的人都称他为手段高明的政治家。   5. Everyone must be familiar with the old favourite among roses, Crystal Palace.   大家一定都很熟悉玫瑰中的老牌名品“水晶宫殿”。   6. The Observer found the play "a feeble rehash of familiar Miller themes"   《观察家报》认为这部剧“是大家熟悉的米勒式主题的拙劣翻版”。   7. More familiar landscapes have been sculpted by surface erosion.   还有更多熟悉的地貌是因地表侵蚀形成的。   8. Everyone is familiar with the TV screen"s hypnotic power.   大家都很熟悉电视屏幕的吸引力。   9. The sound was so familiar that she didn"t register it.   这个声音如此耳熟,她根本没怎么留意。   10. She heard the priest"s familiar, flat footfall on the staircase.   她听到楼梯上传来牧师那熟悉的单调脚步声。   11. Many prefer a familiar authority figure to a young upstart.   很多人都更愿意跟自己熟悉的权威人物打交道,而不是一个年纪轻轻却自命不凡的家伙。   12. I won"t belabour the point, for this is a familiar story.   因为这点已经是众所周知了,我就不再啰唆了。   13. Most people are familiar with this figure from Wagner"s opera.   多数人都熟悉瓦格纳歌剧中的这一人物。   14. It all sounded depressingly familiar to Janet.   对珍妮特来说,这一切听起来熟悉得叫人丧气。   15. They love being surrounded by familiar possessions.   他们喜欢身边都是自己熟悉的物品。
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be familiar to与be familiar with的区别

Be familiar to sb.Be familiar with sth.
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Familiar 和 Familiarity 这两个词在英语中都有“熟悉”或“熟悉度”的含义,但它们的含义和用法略有不同。1. Familiar:Familiar 通常用来形容人或物与我们之间的亲近关系,表示我们与某个人或事物有一定的了解或联系。它可以表示熟悉程度,但主要强调关系的亲密性。例如:- The topic is familiar to me because I have studied it for several years.- He is not very familiar with the local area.2. Familiarity:Familiarity 则更侧重于描述人或事物的熟悉程度,特别是在知识、技能或经验方面的了解。它也可以表示我们与某个人或事物的亲近关系,但主要强调知识或技能上的熟悉。例如:- I am familiar with the game and I know the rules.- The teacher is familiar with the textbook and can explain it to the students very well.Familiar 强调关系的亲密性,而 Familiarity 则侧重于知识、技能和经验的熟悉程度。在实际应用中,可以根据语境和需要选择合适的词汇来表达熟悉程度。
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be similar to 和……相像 be familiar to. 对……熟悉
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be familiar to sth
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be familiar with的用法

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basically 和 familiar 这两个英语单词怎么读

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以下是金山词霸里面完整的解释,不知道对您是否有帮助.简明英汉词典--------------------------------------------------------------------------------familiar [fE5miljE] adj. 熟悉的, 常见的, 听惯的, 亲近的, 随便的 n. 密友, 熟客, 常客美国传统词典[双解]--------------------------------------------------------------------------------familiar AHD:[f…-m1l“y…r] D.J.[f*6milj*] K.K.[f*6m!lj+] adj.Abbr. fam.(形容词)缩写 fam. (1) Often encountered or seen; common. 通常的:经常看到的或经历的;普通的 (2) Having fair knowledge; acquainted: 熟知的;通晓的: was familiar with those roads. 熟知那些路 (3) Of established friendship; intimate: 亲密的:稳固的友谊;暧昧的: on familiar terms. 关系亲密 (4) Natural and unstudied; informal: 自然的;非正式的: lectured in a familiar style. 演讲自然 (5) Taking undue liberties; presumptuous: 放肆的;冒昧的: Students should not try to be familiar in their behavior toward an instructor. 学生在老师面前不应举止随便 (6) Familial. 家庭的 (7) Domesticated; tame. Used of animals. 驯服的:家养的;驯服的。用于动物 n.Abbr. fam.(名词)缩写 fam. (1) A close friend or associate. 好友:亲密的朋友或伙伴 (2) An attendant spirit, often taking animal form. 守护精灵:一种伴随的心灵,通常体现在动物身上 (3) One who performs domestic service in the household of a high official. 仆役:高级官员家中做家庭服务工作的成员 (4) A person who frequents a place. 常客:经常到某地的人语源--------------------------------------------------------------------------------(1) Middle English 中古英语 (2) from Old French familier 源自 古法语 familier (3) from Latin famili3s [domestic] 源自 拉丁语 famili3s [家庭的] (4) from familia [family] * see family 源自 familia [家庭] *参见 family继承用法--------------------------------------------------------------------------------famil“iarly adv.(副词)参考词汇--------------------------------------------------------------------------------(1) familiar, close, intimate, confidential, chummy (2) These adjectives describe relationships marked by intimacy. 这些形容词表示关系亲近。 (3) Familiar implies an easy, often informal association based on frequent contact or shared interests: Familiar 指随便,尤指因长期相识而不拘礼节或共享乐趣: a familiar song; 共同欣赏的歌曲; a familiar guest. 亲密的客人。 (4) Close implies strong emotional attachment: Close 含有强烈的爱慕: close friendship; 密友; close to my brothers and sisters. 与兄弟姐妹间的亲密无间。 (5) Intimate suggests bonds of affection or understanding resulting from the sharing of interests, problems, and experiences: Intimate 强调在共享乐趣、经历或共同解决困难基础上建立起来的感情和理解上的密切关系: intimate friends; 密友; on an intimate footing. 温暖的立足之地。 (6) Confidential suggests closeness founded on trust: Confidential 强调建立在信任的基础上: the prime minister"s confidential secretary. 值得总理信赖的秘书。 (7) Chummy implies the comfortable, casual sociability shared by close friends: Chummy 指亲密朋友间随便的、稳定的、倾心吐腹的交情: The bartender was chummy with the regular customers. See also Synonyms at common 酒吧招待员与老主顾们结为密友 参见同义词 common现代英汉词典--------------------------------------------------------------------------------familiar [fE5mIlIE(r)] adj. (1) (常与to连用)熟悉的;常见的;普通的 a familiar sight 常见的情况 This song sounds familiar. 这首歌听起来很熟悉。 (2) (常与with连用)熟悉…的;通晓…的 Are you familiar with this type of car? 你熟悉这种型号的汽车吗? Are you familiar with the rules of baseball? 你熟悉棒球规则吗? He is familiar with that book. 他熟悉该书。 He is familiar with Chinese ancient history. 他通晓中国古代史。 (3) 非正式的;通俗的 He wrote in a familiar style. 他以通俗的风格写作。 (4) 过分亲密的;放肆的 That guy"s unpleasant familiar behaviour angered the girls. 那个家伙令人不悦的过分亲昵行为使姑娘们很生气。词性变化--------------------------------------------------------------------------------familiar n. 挚友;常客现代英汉综合大辞典--------------------------------------------------------------------------------familiar [fE5miljE] adj. (1) 日常的; 常见的; 熟悉的, 精通的(with) (2) 亲密的 (3) 无拘束的, 随便的 (4) (野生动物)较驯服的 things familiar to us 我们所熟悉的事物 be familiar with English 通晓英语 familiar friends 亲密的朋友 a familiar essay 小品文, 随笔 His manner is too familiar. 他的态度太随便了。词性变化--------------------------------------------------------------------------------familiar [fE5miljE] n. (1) 熟友, 伙伴 (2) 常客 (3) 高级官吏的家属 (4) (传说中)供人使役的精灵 (5) 熟悉某种事物的人 We are familiars of the Chinese Embassy. 我们是中国大使馆的常客。继承用法--------------------------------------------------------------------------------familiarly adv. familiarness n.习惯用语--------------------------------------------------------------------------------be familiar to 为…所熟悉 be familiar with 熟悉, 通晓, 精通 make oneself familiar with 同...好[熟悉]起来; 同...亲近起来参考词汇-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- familiar intimate confidential 都含“亲密的”, “亲近的”意思。 (1) familiar 指“通过经常接触了解而不拘礼节的”, 如: I"m not familiar with her . 我同她不太熟悉。 (2) intimate 指 “关系密切的”, 如: He is my intimate friend. 他是我的密友。 (3) confidential 指“亲信的, 机要的, 心腹的”, 如: She became my confidential secretary. 她当了我的机要秘书。 antagonistic opponent 用法词典--------------------------------------------------------------------------------familiar 中古英语familier<拉丁语familiaris家的 英文相关词典--------------------------------------------------------------------------------familiar close friendly intimate knowledgeable personal popular well-known strange [七国语言]英汉公共大词典--------------------------------------------------------------------------------familiar 亲密的美国传统词典--------------------------------------------------------------------------------familiar AHD:[f…-m1l“y…r] D.J.[f*6milj*] K.K.[f*6m!lj+] adj.Abbr. fam. (1) Often encountered or seen; common. (2) Having fair knowledge; acquainted: was familiar with those roads. (3) Of established friendship; intimate: on familiar terms. (4) Natural and unstudied; informal: lectured in a familiar style. (5) Taking undue liberties; presumptuous: Students should not try to be familiar in their behavior toward an instructor. (6) Familial. (7) Domesticated; tame. Used of animals. n.Abbr. fam. (1) A close friend or associate. (2) An attendant spirit, often taking animal form. (3) One who performs domestic service in the household of a high official. (4) A person who frequents a place.语源--------------------------------------------------------------------------------(1) Middle English (2) from Old French familier (3) from Latin famili3s [domestic] (4) from familia [family] * see family 继承用法--------------------------------------------------------------------------------famil“iarly adv.参考词汇--------------------------------------------------------------------------------(1) familiar, close, intimate, confidential, chummy (2) These adjectives describe relationships marked by intimacy. (3) Familiar implies an easy, often informal association based on frequent contact or shared interests: a familiar song; a familiar guest. (4) Close implies strong emotional attachment: close friendship; close to my brothers and sisters. (5) Intimate suggests bonds of affection or understanding resulting from the sharing of interests, problems, and experiences: intimate friends; on an intimate footing. (6) Confidential suggests closeness founded on trust: the prime minister"s confidential secretary. (7) Chummy implies the comfortable, casual sociability shared by close friends: The bartender was chummy with the regular customers. See also Synonyms at common 英汉航空大词典--------------------------------------------------------------------------------familiar n.熟悉的,通晓的 英汉化学大词典--------------------------------------------------------------------------------familiar adj.熟悉的,惯用的,亲密;n.亲友 英汉计算机大词典--------------------------------------------------------------------------------familiar adj.熟悉的(惯用的,亲密);n.亲友 英汉机械大词典--------------------------------------------------------------------------------familiar n.熟悉的,惯用的
2023-07-24 11:21:002

求Dontae Peeps唱的的Familiar歌词以及翻译。

Dontae Peeps - Familiar似曾相识(Verse)She was off in the club我在夜店遇见她Killing me softly, looking hot in the club看起来那么火辣,简直是在温柔的杀死我She was having her way, doing what she likes她只做她想做的Yea, oh哦Her body lookin hot like what她的身体还要正点到什么程度啊She lookin like a boy model the way she strut她走猫步的样子就好像模特一样She was breakin shakin hurtin她让我纠结荡漾内伤Lovin how she move 因为我好喜欢她扭动的样子I"m tryina pull down them curtains真想把拉上那些窗帘(Chorus)By the way she smile she looks so familiar但她笑起来的样子似曾相识The way she moves it"s so similar她跳舞的样子似曾相识She reminds me of this girl that I used to know她让我想起了以前认识的一个女孩And it"s crazy听上去很疯狂吧I know but I swear this girl right here look familiar我知道但我发誓这个女孩真的似曾相识(Verse)She was party hard like her birthday她嗨得像在自己生日宴那样I"m rocking out with my cock out, that"s what she said她跟我说我都快把自己的小兄弟晃出来了I think I"m losin my mind, yea我一定是疯掉了She was throwin her body all on me她把自己挂在我身上Called me on the floor for an all-night ooh wee问我要不要在地板上做一整夜She dropped it like oh yea,她下蹲的样子太硝魂I said we can break it down in the VIP, I see you there我说亲爱的我们可以在VIP包间那里见面,去吧(Chorus x2)By the way she smile she looks so familiar但她笑起来的样子似曾相识The way she moves it"s so similar她跳舞的样子似曾相识She reminds me of this girl that I used to know她让我想起了以前认识的一个女孩And it"s crazy听上去很疯狂吧I know but I swear this girl right here look familiar我知道但我发誓这个女孩真的似曾相识(Bridge)On everything I love, she"s got that comeback我所喜欢的那些东西,她通通都有Got me strung out, she make me want that让我上瘾,她让我想要Can"t resist, she"s not your ordinary无法拒绝,她和你那些普通的女朋友都不一样She"s so bad, this girl is familiar她好坏,这个妞儿似曾相识(Chorus x2)By the way she smile she looks so familiar但她笑起来的样子似曾相识The way she moves it"s so similar她跳舞的样子似曾相识She reminds me of this girl that I used to know她让我想起了以前认识的一个女孩And it"s crazy听上去很疯狂吧I know but I swear this girl right here look familiar我知道但我发誓这个女孩真的似曾相识-------------芊芊01/19/2013手打翻译,多为意译而非直译,且带有个人风格。如满意望及时采纳o(∩_∩)o
2023-07-24 11:21:091

familiar similliar区别

前两者: be familiar with 一般是指某人熟悉某人、某物: I"m not familiar with this computer. 我不熟悉这台电脑。 Oh, at the end some songs that everyone"s familiar with, then they can join in. 噢,在晚会快要结束时来几首大家都熟悉的歌曲,那样听众就可以跟着唱。 be familiar to 则是某物、某事为某人所熟悉: The name seems familiar to me 相当于I seem familiar with the name. 这个名字我似乎是很熟悉的。 后两者: be similar with 某物 和 某物 相似be similar to 让某物 和 某物 相似 ,而且similar to可以接sb/sth 如:My problems are similar to yours.我的问题与你的类似。Wasps look similar to bees.黄蜂看上去很像蜜蜂。I have no similar with Tom.汤姆和我毫无共同之处.
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2023-07-24 11:21:261

familiar to和with的区别

Familiar with和familiar to都是英语中常见的表达方式,但其含义有所不同。拓展知识:1、"Familiar with"指熟悉"Familiar with"通常用于表达对某个事物或概念非常熟悉的状态,意为"熟悉"。例如,“I am familiar with this topic”(我对这个话题很熟悉)。这里的"familiar with"强调的是一个状态,即已经掌握了相关知识并且对其有了一定的认知水平。2、"Familiar to"指熟悉的对象而"familiar to"则通常用于表示某个人或事物为某人所熟悉,意为“为某人所熟悉”。例如,“This name is familiar to me”(这个名字我很熟悉)。这里的"familiar to"强调的是一个对象,即被谈论的人或事物被某人所知。3、"Familiar with"的相关用法"Familiar with"通常用于表达以下几种情况:熟悉某个领域的知识:I am familiar with the latest research in this field(我熟悉这个领域最新的研究);熟悉某个地区或文化:She is familiar with the customs of the country(她熟悉该国的风俗习惯);熟悉某个工具或系统:I am familiar with the software used in this company(我熟悉公司使用的软件)。4、"Familiar to"的相关用法而"familiar to"通常用于表达以下几种情况:某人或事物为某人所熟悉:This song is familiar to me(这首歌我很熟悉);适应某个地方或环境:The new environment is familiar to me(新环境对我来说很熟悉);重复出现某个东西:Her face was familiar to me, but I couldn"t remember her name(她的脸很熟悉,但我记不住她的名字了)。5、"Familiar with"和"familiar to"的区别总结"和“familiar with”和"familiar to"都有“熟悉”的含义,但"familiar with"强调的是谁熟悉了什么,而"familiar to"则强调的是某人或事物被谁熟悉。因此,在使用时需要根据具体语境来选择。总之,"familiar with"和"familiar to"都是非常常见的英语表达方式,但其用法有所不同。熟练掌握这两个短语的含义和使用方法,可以帮助我们更准确地表达自己的意思,避免在交流中出现误解。
2023-07-24 11:21:341

familiar 英文

"familiar" 的延伸词有:- familiarity:名词形式,表示熟悉、亲近的程度,也可以指亲密关系。- familiarize:动词形式,表示使熟悉,使习惯于。以下是几个例句:- His familiarity with the city made him a valuable guide to tourists.他对这座城市的熟悉程度使他成为游客的宝贵向导。- I need to familiarize myself with this new software before I can start using it.在我开始使用这个新软件之前,我需要熟悉它。- The two of them had an easy familiarity, as if they had known each other for years这两个人相处得很自然,好像认识了好几年一样。
2023-07-24 11:24:041


familiar withi am familiar with .....
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familiar的用法包括:be familiar with sth 某人对某事物熟悉;sth be familiar to sb 指某事物为某人所熟悉;表示“友好的”时,familiar通常与介词 with 连用。 扩展资料   1.familiar 作“熟悉的”用时,可与with/ to 连用。   be familiar with sth 某人对某事物熟悉   sth be familiar to sb 指某事物为某人所熟悉   例句:   Most people are familiar with this figure from Wagner"s opera.   多数人对瓦格纳歌剧中的`这个人物是熟悉的。   His voice on the phone sounded familiar to me. 他在电话上的声音我听起来很熟悉。   2.表示“友好的”时,familiar通常与介词 with 连用   例句   He"s familiar with us. (=He"s on familiar terms with us). 他与我们关系很友好。   She greeted them by their first names in a familiar way. 她与他们打招呼时亲切地直呼其名。   3.表示“过分亲密的”“随便的”,也常与 with 连用。如:   The man makes himself [=is] too familiar with my wife. 这个人对我妻子太随便(太放肆)。
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familiar的用法包括:be familiar with sth 某人对某事物熟悉;sth be familiar to sb 指某事物为某人所熟悉;表示“友好的”时,familiar通常与介词 with 连用。1.familiar 作“熟悉的”用时,可与with/ to 连用。 be familiar with sth 某人对某事物熟悉 sth be familiar to sb 指某事物为某人所熟悉 例句: Most people are familiar with this figure from Wagner"s opera. 多数人对瓦格纳歌剧中的这个人物是熟悉的。 His voice on the phone sounded familiar to me. 他在电话上的声音我听起来很熟悉。 2.表示“友好的”时,familiar通常与介词 with 连用 例句 He"s familiar with us. (=He"s on familiar terms with us). 他与我们关系很友好。 She greeted them by their first names in a familiar way. 她与他们打招呼时亲切地直呼其名。 3.表示“过分亲密的”“随便的”,也常与 with 连用。如: The man makes himself [=is] too familiar with my wife. 这个人对我妻子太随便(太放肆)。
2023-07-24 11:25:031

familiar to和familiar with的区别

familiar with释义:熟悉的;友好的,过分亲密的,不拘礼节的。familiar to释义:为…所熟悉。familiar的定义:英文单词,形容词译为熟悉的, 通晓的, 冒昧的, 随便的,名词译为常客,密友,高级官吏的家属,教皇的仆人。 familiar to和familiar with的用法 1.familiar with 语法:人做主语时用with,一般是指某人熟悉某人、某物。 例句:Most people are familiar with this figure from Wagner"s opera. 译文:多数人都熟悉瓦格纳歌剧中的这一人物。 2.familiar to 语法:物做主时用to, 是某物、某事为某人所熟悉。 例句:Your name is familiar to me. 译文:你的名字我是熟悉的。 familiar的同义词 intimate: 语气强烈,指感情或思想融洽、相互知心,彼此关系亲密。 例句:France has kept the most intimate links with its former African territories. 译文:法国与其前非洲属地一直保持着最密切的联系。
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前者是 熟悉的 ;后者是相似的。
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be acquainted with和be familiar with的区别 acquainted with something, be familiar with something, 字典对这俩词的解释:acquainted, 文,正式,用法。熟知(用的 familiar),读过,看到过,经历体验过。familiar, 熟知注意,这俩词后面接的都是with something, 这俩次,意义用法相似,但是,acquainted 比较正式,并且意义包涵familiar的意义。正式文体中,无论熟悉,读到过,看到过,经历过,略知一二,都可以用这个词。 acquainted with somebody, 与be familiar with somebody意义差异很大了acquainted, 并非亲密朋友,但是见过几面familiar, 指人在行为上,很不正式的,甚至令人不快的You seem to be on very familiar terms with your tutor.你似乎和你的导师混的挺熟啊。
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get familiar with对。。。熟悉起来
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familiar with 熟悉 get familiar with 熟悉;变得熟悉 familiar to熟悉的;亲近的;某事为某人熟知;对某人来说熟悉familiar style 简体,非正式文体;家常体 Familiar Stranger似曾相识的陌生人;熟悉的陌生人
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familiar with和familiar to的区别

be familiar with 一般是指某人熟悉某人、某物:例句:I"m not familiar with this computer.我不熟悉这台电脑.Oh,at the end some songs that everyone"s familiar with,then they can join in.噢,在晚会快要结束时来几首大家都熟悉的歌曲,那样听众就可以跟着唱.be familiar to 则是某物、某事为某人所熟悉:例句:The name seems familiar to me 相当于I seem familiar with the name.这个名字我似乎是很熟悉的.
2023-07-24 11:27:062

be familiar with 和 be familiar to 有什么区别

be familiar with 与 be familiar to 的区别不在于“主动”相对“被动”. be familiar with sth 的意思是 对某东西有知识(熟悉某东西) sth/sb is familiar to A 意思是A对某事/某人有知识, 把第二句译为 “被 A 熟悉”(即“被动语态”)是不完全正确的. 需要注意,第一句的宾语必须是无生命的物体(事情) 即不能用于“人” 我们能说 I am familiar with it/the subject/the matter/what he does 但不能说 I am familiar with him/her/me,... 第二句的主语可以是“人”或“事情”, 因此,两个短语很明显地没有“主动”与“被动”的关系. 看一看下面例句: I am quite familiar with what happened yesterday. What happened yesterday is quite familiar to me. 两个句子意思都相等于 I have some knowledge of what happened yesterday 但两者的区别不是主动与被动,而是 what happened 作为主语与作为宾语的不同表达方式. 我是加拿大人,前英语老师.
2023-07-24 11:28:071

Incubus的《familiar》 歌词

歌曲名:familiar歌手:IncubusCould there be a familiar ring everytime I sing about.Cycle the tears everything in life no doubt I, I.Reiterate till my jaw is offset,But I"ll say it again anyway,What you give is what you get!Look at you now, look at you now,you"re put in your place, put in your place oh,all medicine, all medicine is smacked in the face,smacked in the face again!Look at you now, look at you now,you"re put in your place, put in your place oh,all medicine, all medicine is smacked in the face,smacked in the face again!(Smacked in the face again.)(Smacked in the face again.)So when the door comes swinging back around and the tasteof familiar medicine is abound on your breath, breath,please don"t come crawling back to me,"cause you"ll know what I"ll say,brother let your knees bleed PLEASE!Look at you now, look at you now,you"re put in your place, put in your place oh,all medicine, all medicine is smacked in the face,smacked in the face again!Look at you now, look at you now,you"re put in your place, put in your place oh,all medicine, all medicine is smacked in the face,smacked in the face again!(Smacked in your face again.)(Smacked in your face again.)(Smacked in your face again.)(Smacked in your face again.)(Smacked in your face again.)(Smacked in your face again.)(Smacked in your face again.)Look at you now, look at you now,you"re put in your place, put in your place oh,all medicine, all medicine is smacked in the face,smacked in the face again!Look at you now, look at you now,you"re put in your place, put in your place oh,all medicine, all medicine is smacked in the face,smacked in the face again!Look at you now, look at you now,you"re put in your place, put in your place oh,all medicine, all medicine is smacked in the face,smacked in the face again!Look at you now, look at you now,you"re put in your place, put in your place oh,all medicine, all medicine is smacked in the face,smacked in the face again!Oooh ohOooh oh
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[语法]有关familiar的短语. be familiar with + be familiar to + be familiar at +

familiar to表示“(某事)对(某人来说)是熟悉的”意思;因此,句子的主语总是表示事物的名词,介词to后接人称名词或代词的宾格形式.例如: This subject is familiar to us. 我们熟悉这个课题. These are the rules that are familiar to every schoolboy. 这些是一个学童都熟知的规则. familiar with则表示“(某人)对(某事)是熟悉的,精通的”的意思.因此,句中的主语总是人称名词或代词,介词with后接事物名词.如: We are all familiar with the three states of matter. 我们都熟悉物质的三态. They are familiar with English. 他们精通英语.
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通晓的英语如下:be familiar to 和be familiar with。1、具体含义不同be familiar to的意思是众所周知的,人人知道的,这个短语表示是一种被动关系。be familiar with的意思是精通、熟悉,这个短语表示是一种主动关系。2、用法不同be familiar to后接的是sb,强调的是人,be familiar with后接的是sth,强调人所熟悉的事物。例句:Most aspects of this query should be familiar to you by now, so concentrate on the conditional logic.现在您应该对这个查询的大部分感到熟悉,所以我们只关注条件逻辑。Anyone seeking to paint 18th-century rooms needs to be familiar with the way colour was disposed within a room.任何人想要对18世纪的房间进行粉刷,都需要熟悉房间内色彩的布局。扩展资料familiar英文发音:[fu0259"mu026alu026au0259]中文释义:adj. 熟悉的;常见的;亲近的例句:He talked of other cultures as if they were more familiar to him than his own.他谈起其他文化就像它们对于他比他自己的文化还熟悉。具体用法:1、familiar的基本意思是“熟悉的,通晓的”,指由于经常接触或长时间交往而像一家人一样彼此熟悉、了解,以至于言谈自如,甚至不拘礼节,随便甚至放肆。引申可表示“非正式的”“随便的”“冒昧的”“放肆的”。无比较级和最高级形式。2、familiar在句中可用作定语或表语。3、familiar与with连用时,还可作“通晓”解。
2023-07-24 11:28:291

be familiar with 和 be familiar to 有什么区别

sb be familiar with sth sth be familiar to sb
2023-07-24 11:29:003

be familiar with 和 be familiar to 有什么区别

be familiar to和be familiar with都表示“熟悉”但是be familiar to表示“(某事)对(某人)是熟悉的”, 句子的主语总是事物,介词to后接表示人的名词或人称代词。也就是sth be familiar to sb.如: Your name is very familiar to familiar with则表示“(某人)对(某事)是精通的、熟悉的”, 句子的主语总是表示人的名词或人称代词,介词with后接表示事物的名词。也就是sb be familiar with sth.如:He has become familiar with the city.
2023-07-24 11:29:072

辨析familiar,popular,similar,particular 请写出它们的区别,如何辨析以及例子···

1. familiar 经常考查的是词组 Be familiar with 熟悉..的意思 2. popular 流行的意思,词组 Be popular with 3. similar 类似的意思,词组 Be similar with 4. particular 有特别,挑剔的意思,Be particular about sth 你是高中的么. 是的话,了解这么多就OK了
2023-07-24 11:29:151

be familiar with 翻译

be familiar with 翻译是熟悉。be familiar to的意思是众所周知的,人人知道的,这个短语表示是一种被动关系。be familiar with的意思是精通、熟悉,这个短语表示是一种主动关系。be familiar to后接的是sb,强调的是人,be familiar with后接的是sth,强调人所熟悉的事物。例句:Most aspects of this query should be familiar to you by now, so concentrate on the conditional logic.现在您应该对这个查询的大部分感到熟悉,所以我们只关注条件逻辑。Anyone seeking to paint 18th-century rooms needs to be familiar with the way colour was disposed within a room.任何人想要对18世纪的房间进行粉刷,都需要熟悉房间内色彩的布局。具体用法:1、familiar的基本意思是“熟悉的,通晓的”,指由于经常接触或长时间交往而像一家人一样彼此熟悉、了解,以至于言谈自如,甚至不拘礼节,随便甚至放肆。引申可表示“非正式的”“随便的”“冒昧的”“放肆的”。无比较级和最高级形式。2、familiar在句中可用作定语或表语。3、familiar与with连用时,还可作“通晓”解。
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be familiar with 和 be familiar to 有什么区别

sb be familiar with sthsth be familiar to sb主语不同,对象相反希望能帮到你
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be familiar with 与be familiar to 的区别

be familiar with 一般是指某人熟悉某人、某物: 例句: I"m not familiar with this computer.我不熟悉这台电脑. Oh,at the end some songs that everyone"s familiar with,then they can join in.噢,在晚会快要结束时来几首大家都熟悉的歌曲,那样听众就可以跟着唱. be familiar to 则是某物、某事为某人所熟悉: 例句: The name seems familiar to me 相当于I seem familiar with the name.这个名字我似乎是很熟悉的.
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2023-07-24 11:30:231

familiar similar 的用法?

She is familiar to me. 我熟悉她. I"m familiar with this job. 我通晓这个工作. Her face is similar to her fathers. 她(的面容)和他父亲很像.
2023-07-24 11:30:461

蓝井エイル的《MEMORIA》 歌词

歌曲名:MEMORIA歌手:蓝井エイル专辑:MEMORIA静かに移りゆく远い记忆の中思い出に寄り添いながら君を思えるならMEMORIA蓝井エイルいつも见られてる窓辺に映った沈む君の横颜涙声さえ 冷たく饮み込んだその瞳は 明日を向いていたあぁ 逆らえぬ定めと知っても 怖くない心から信じている 静かに移り行く远い记忆の中君と过ごしだ证は确かにここにある溢れ出す気持ちを教えてくれたからこの世界が无くなっても私はそこにいるby丹羽のぞみ海に行きたいといつしか话した君と二人で 叶わぬ梦を见たあぁ 降りしきる雪の中 彷徨い伤つく君はもう一人じゃないどんなに离れても忘れることはない君が私に光を教えてくれたから溢れ出す涙は君へのありがとうあの日交わした约束の空は色褪せないby niwanozomi静かに移りゆく远い记忆の中思い出に寄り添いながら君を思えるならどんなに离れても忘れることはない君と过ごしだ证は确かにここにある溢れ出す気持ちを教えてくれたからこの世界が无くなっても私はそこにいるあの日交わした约束の空は色褪せない终わり
2023-07-24 11:26:161


HPB是Hot-rolled Plain Steel Bar的英文缩写,HRB为Hot-rolled Ribbed Bar的英文缩写,Hot-rolled的意思是热轧Plain指平面,平滑Ribbed指带肋所以HPB即光圆一级钢筋 HRB即热轧带肋钢筋常见于一级钢筋(HPB235)普通是光面钢筋,属于热轧光圆钢筋,俗称盘条,6—12个圆的最常见。建筑上常用于制作箍筋、板的分布筋、马镫、墙拉筋等等。二级钢筋(HRB335)是螺纹钢筋,直径12—25的最为常见,用于梁、柱、剪力墙等等。直径再大的极少用于工民建,常用于大体积混凝土,例如水工。三级钢筋(HRB400以上)也是螺纹钢筋,直径与二级钢筋类似,强度更高,但价格也高。
2023-07-24 11:26:201


泰山学院代码及专业代码3025泰山学院(TaiShan University),位于山东省泰安市,是经教育部批准设立的一所全日制普通本科高校。学校前身是1958年成立的泰安师范专科学校,办学历史可追溯到1905年(清光绪三十一年)创办的泰安府官立师范学堂。1999年,泰安市市属5所学校合并组建新的泰安师范专科学校。2002年经教育部批准,更名为泰山学院。2017年,学校成为山东省省级硕士立项建设单位。截至2023年3月,学校有南、北两个校区占地面积1378亩,建筑面积54万平方米;有15个二级学院,54个本科专业;全日制普通在校生1.7万余人,有教职工1500余人。截至2018年1月,学校近年来先后完成192项教学改革课题,有14项教学成果获省级以上优秀教学成果奖,其中,国家级教学成果奖1项。学生在全国和全省大学生“挑战杯”、科技文化创新、电子设计、数学建模、电子商务、艺术和体育技能等各类比赛中获国家级奖励170项、省级奖励450项;毕业生考研录取率连续多年均在30%以上,就业率常年保持在90%以上。截至2023年3月,学校先后获全国卫生工作先进单位、大学生暑期社会实践先进单位、全民健身活动先进单位、高校学生公寓管理服务先进单位、高校创业教育研究与实践先进单位、高等学校创业教育研究与实践先进单位和山东省文明单位、文明校园、平安校园、师德建设先进单位、德育工作优秀单位等称号。2022年2月,入选“2021年度山东省校园安全工作先进集体”公示名单。
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