barriers / 阅读 / 详情

There is a wire pole along the road _________ meter. A. about fifty B.every fiftieth C.eac

2023-07-24 12:17:05





我也找不到 很郁闷 听说是经典啊!
2023-07-24 11:03:262

Justin Rutledge的 The Wire歌词是什么呀???~~

兄弟 你可以用金山词霸翻译 ~~
2023-07-24 11:04:053


2023-07-24 11:04:131

给美国写邮件申请经费,老外总是用the wire be processed,这里的wire是什么意思?

嗯 据我个人理解啊 我知道银行转账就是wire transfer 意思大致就是电汇 因为wire本身是电线的意思 那么这应该指代的是传统的银行账户到另外一个账户之间汇款的手续;那么在这里是不是也指的是电汇呢 应该还是有可能的。意思就是用电汇的方法把钱汇过去;因为国外跟国内银行之间都是可以相互汇款的 就是有手续费罢了当然 不排除这里有其他的意思的可能性 嘿嘿~
2023-07-24 11:05:441

bits on the wire 什么意思

bits on the wire_翻译bits on the wire 逐位;
2023-07-24 11:05:522

I will be sending the wire next week.是什么意思?

你好!I will be sending the wire next week.我将在下周发送线。
2023-07-24 11:05:592

over-the-wire 什么意思

over-the-wire 网络 线上; wire 英[u02c8wau026au0259(r)] 美[wau026ar] n. 电线; 金属丝; 电报; (木偶的) 牵线,操纵绳,背后操纵的势力,秘密引线,秘密策略; vi. 拍电报; vt. 拍电报; 给…装电线; [例句]I ripped out the telephone wire that ran through to his office.我把通到他办公室的电话线拔掉了。[其他] 第三人称单数:wires 复数:wires 现在分词:wiring 过去式:wired过去分词:wired
2023-07-24 11:06:081

down to the wire是什么意思

2023-07-24 11:06:183

the wire 第五季哪里能看到啊?又名火线重案组,火线,监听风云

火线/火线重案组1-5季 链接; 更多资源------望采纳 备份; 马上提取--------持续更新
2023-07-24 11:06:352

有谁知道美剧the wire火线第三季12集片尾曲名字和歌手吗?谢谢

Solomon Burke 演唱的《Fast Train》配合一段蒙太奇
2023-07-24 11:06:531


2023-07-24 11:07:001


All above.
2023-07-24 11:07:113


2023-07-24 11:07:271


Beyond The Wire中文怎么设置?许多玩家在游玩本作Steam版时遇到了游戏没有中文的情况,下面带来具体的中文设置教程。中文设置教程打开这个目录/AppData/Local/WireGame/Saved/Config/WindowsNoEditor/编辑Game文件,把下面两行代码粘贴进去然后保存。再打开游戏就是中文界面了。找不到Appdata文件夹的话就在运行里面输入%appdata%回车即可。[Internationalization]culture=zh-CN
2023-07-24 11:07:341


2023-07-24 11:07:421

没有the wire的百度云资源了,可否分享下,谢谢

2023-07-24 11:07:501


2023-07-24 11:07:571


power line
2023-07-24 11:08:333


业绩比去年增长10倍The business volume has been increased 10 times compared with last year.
2023-07-24 11:08:515

英语翻译 “增长10倍”,表达成“10 times more than……” ,

增长十倍有很多种说法 sth increase/explodes/grow by ten times 10 times more than……” 也对,或者increased by more than 10 times 数字增减及倍数的译法主要有以下几种: 第一部分:数词的译法 一、数字增减的译法: 1.句式特征:by+名词+比较级+than The wire is by three inches longer than that one.这根导线比那根长3英寸. 2.句式特征:表示增减意义的动词+to+n.译为:增加到.或减少到. Metal cutting machines have been decreased to 50.金属切割机已经减少到50台. 二、百分数增减的表示法与译法 1.句式特征:表示增减意义的动词+% The output value has increased 35%.产值增加了35% 2.句式特征:表示增减意义的动词+by+% Retail salses should rise by 8%商品零售额应增加3% The prime cost decreased by 60%.主要成本减少60% 3.句式特征:表示减少意义的动词+to+%表示减少后剩余的数量 By using this new-process the loss of metal was reduced to 20%.采用这种新工艺,铁的损失量减少到20% 4.句式特征:%+ 比较级 +than表示净增减的数量 Retail sales are expected to be nine percent higher than last year.今年零售额与去年相比,有望增加9%. 5.句式特征:% + 比较级 + 名词表示净减数 The new-type machine wasted 10 percent engergy supplied. 新型机械能耗量净减10%. 6.句式特征:a + % + increase表示净增数 There is a 20% increase of steel as compared with last year.与去年相比,今年钢产量净增20%. 7.句式特征:%+ (of) 名词(代词)表示净减数,数字n照译 The production cost is about 60 percent that of last year.今年产值仅为去年的60%. 8.句式特征:%+up on 或over表示净增数 The grain output of last year in this province was 20% percent up on that of 1978.去年粮食产量比1978年净增20%. 第二部分 倍数增加的表示法及译法 汉语表示“增加了几倍”时,英语的倍数表示倍数需减一,译成“增加了n-1倍”以表示净增加数.如果译成“增加到n倍”或“为原来的n倍”,则照译不误. 1.句式特点:表示增加意义的动词+n times“表示成倍地增长,译成”增加到N倍“或”增加n-1倍 注:1倍 once; 2倍twice(或double);3倍thrice(或three times) 2.句式特点:表示增加意义的动词+by+ n times,该句式与上述相同. 3.句式特点:表示增加意义的动词+to+ n times表示增加到N倍,译成”增加了n-1倍. 4.句式特点:表示增加意义的动词+by a factor of + n times 5.句式特点:表示增加意义的动词+比较级+by a factor of + n times表示增加以后达到的倍数,译成”比.大(长、宽.)N-1倍. 6.句式特点:表示增加意义的动词+ n times+比较级+than. 7.句式特点:表示增加意义的动词+ n times +adj./adv. +as. 8.句式特点:表示增加意义的动词+a + n times(或n-fold) +increase.表示增加到N倍,译成”增加了N-1倍. 9.句式特点:表示增加意义的动词+as + adj./adv.+ again as.译成”比.大(长、宽.倍). 例子: Line A is as long again as line B. A线比B线长1倍. This machine turns half as fast again as that one.这台机器转动比那台机器快半倍. 10.句式特点:表示增加意义的动词+half as + adj./adv.+ again as.译成”比.大(长、宽.半倍). 11. 句式特点:用double表示倍数,译成”等于.的2倍“或”增加了1倍. 12.句式特点:用treble表示倍数增加,译成”增加到3倍“或”增加了2倍. 13.句式特点:用quadruple表示倍数增加,译成”增加到4倍“或”增加了3倍. 第三部分 倍数减少的表示方法 倍数减少在英译时,需把倍数换算成分数.成几倍减少,可以改译成”减少到1/N“或减少了”N-1/N“.而减少了N倍,可改译成”减少到1/N+1“或”减少了N/N+1. 1.句式特点:表示减少意义的动词+N times表示成N倍减少,译成”减少到1/N“或”减少了N-1/N. The length of laser tube was reduced ten times.激光管的长度缩短了十分之九. 2.句式特点:表示减少意义的动词+by+N times表示成N倍减少,译成”减少到1/N“或”减少了N-1/N. The bandwith was reduced by two times.带宽减少了二分之一. 3.句式特点:表示减少意义的动词+by a factor of + N times表示成N倍减少,译成”减少到1/N“或”减少了N-1/N. 4.句式特点:表示减少意义的动词+a-N times(N-fold)+ reduction译成”减少到1/N“或”减少了N-1/N. The principal advantage over the old-fashioned machine is a four-fold reduction in weight.与旧式机器比,主要特点是重量减少了四分之三. 5.句式特点:表示减少意义的动词+N times+as + adj./adv. .译成”减少到1/N“或”减少了N-1/N. 6.句式特点:表示减少意义的动词+N times+ 比较级+ than表示减少了N倍,译成”减少到1/N+1”或“减少了1/N+1. The plastic container is five times lighter than that glass one.这个塑料容器比那个玻璃容器轻六分之五. 英语倍数句型及其译法 英语表示倍数增减或倍数对比的句型多种多样,其中有 一些(如下文中的句型②、⑤、⑥、⑧、(12) 等, 见圈码)很容易译错——其主要原因在于:英汉两语在表述或对比倍数方面存在着语言与思维差异.现将常用的英语倍数句型及其正确译法归纳如下: 倍数增加 (一) A is n times as great(long,much,…)as B.(①) A is n times greater (longer, more,…)than B.(②) A is n times the size (length, amount,…)of B.(③) 以上三句都应译为;A的大小(长度,数量,……)是B的n倍[或A比B大(长,多,……)n-1倍]. Eg. This book is three times as long as (three times longer than,three times the length of )that one. 这本书的篇幅是那本书的3倍(即长两倍). 注:当相比的对象B很明显时,than(as,of)B常被省去. (二)increase to n times(④) increase n times/n-fold(⑤) increase by n times(⑥) increase by a factor of n(⑦) 以上四式均应译为:增加到n倍(或:增加n-1倍). Eg. The production of integrated circuits has been increased to three times as compared with last year. 集成电路的产量比去年增加了两倍. Eg. The output of chemical fertilizer has been raised five times as against l986. 化肥产量比1986年增加了4倍. Eg. That can increase metabolic rates by two or three times. 那可使代谢率提高到原来的2倍或3倍(即提高1倍或2倍). Eg. The drain voltage has been increased by a factor of four. 漏电压增加了3借(即增加到原来的4倍). 注:在这类句型中increase常被raise,grow,go/step up,multiply等词所替代. (三)There is a n-fold increase/growth…(⑧) 应译为:增加n-倍(或增至n倍).这个句型还有其它一些形式: Eg. A record high increase in value of four times was reported. 据报道,价值破记录地增长了3倍. (四)double (增加1倍),treble(增加2倍),quadruple(增加3倍).(⑨) Eg. The efficiency of the machines has been more than trebled or quadrupled. 这些机器的效率已提高了2倍或3倍多. (五)此外,英语中还有一种用again而不用倍数词来比较倍数的方法,如: A is as much (large,long,…)again as B.(= A is twice as much (large,long,…)as B.(⑩) 应译为:A比B多(大,长,……)1倍. A is half as much (large, 1ong,…)again as B. 【= A is one and a half times as much (large, 1ong,…)as B.】(11) 应译为:A比B多(大,长……)一半(即A是B的一倍半). 倍数减少 (一)A is n times as small (light,slow,…)as B.(12) A is n times smaller (lighter, slower,…) than B.(13) 以上两句均应译为:A的大小(重量,速度,……)是B的1/n[或A比B小(轻,慢,……)(n-1)/n]. Eg. The hydrogen atom is near1y l6 times as light as the oxygen atom. 氢原子的重量约为氧原子的1/16(即比氧原子约轻15/16). Eg. This sort of membrane is twice thinner than ordinary paper. 这种薄膜比普通纸张要薄一半(即是普通纸厚度的1/2). 注:当相比的对象B很明显时,than/as B常被省去. (二)decrease n times/n--fold (14) decrease by n times(15) decrease by a factor of n(16) 以上三式均译为:减少到1/n[或:减少(n-1)/n]. decrease常被reduce, shorten, go/slow down等词替代. Eg. Switching time of the new-type transistor is shortened 3 times. 新型晶体管的开关时间缩短了1/3(即缩短到2/3). Eg. When the voltage is stepped up by ten times, the strength of the current is stepped down by ten times. 电压升高9倍,电流强度便降低9/10(即90%). Eg. The equipment reduced the error probability by a factor of 5. 该设备误差概率降低了4/5. (三)There is a n-fold decrease/reduction… 应译为:减至1/n [或:减少(n一1)/n].(17) 这个句型还有其它一些形式, Eg. A rapid decrease by a factor of 7 was observed. 发现迅速减少到1/7. Eg. The principal advantage of the products is a two-fold reduction in weight. 这些产品的主要优点是重量减轻了1/2. 从上列倍数增减句型及其译法中不难看出:与汉语不 同的是,英语在表述或比较倍数时,无论使用什么句 型(除了不含倍数词的again句型外)都包括基础倍 数在内,因此都不是净增或净减n倍,而是净增或 净减n-1倍.所以句型⑤、③表示的倍数增量=句型④; 句型(13)表示的倍数比差=句型12,且decrease(by) 3 times应译为“减少2/3”,而不是“减少3/4”.
2023-07-24 11:09:071

《cool whispers》的中文歌词

Cool Whispers drift from the north on the night. 清冷的哭诉在夜间从北面飘来 Yet you warm my heart for we hold the light. 但我们交握着这团光 你温暖着我的心 The land must fade from green into white. 大地肯定已经褪去绿色 一片雪白了吧 Hush my heart this love is a fire. 这份爱情是温暖的火 让我的心情变得宁静 This love will burn like a fire. 这份爱一定会如同火一般燃烧不息 Lie side by side in the soft winter white. 并肩躺在这松软的冬日积雪上 Hold me close to you as we brace for flight. 抱紧我吧 仿如我们就要一起飞翔 In time I pray they"ll see what we feel. 彼时我祈祷着他们会理解我们的感受 Gentle love this pain wont retire. 温柔的爱却无法退却心中的疼痛 This love must burn like a fire. 这份爱一定会如火一般燃烧不息 Close your eyes and dream what I see, 请你闭上眼睛 想象着我所看到的 peace for a moment the future unclear. 此刻如此宁静 未来却模糊不清 Hand by hand as we stand on the wire, 手牵手 仿如站在钢丝上 the ending so near our start close behind. 终点就在前方但来路却已关闭 Light bends through trees, leaves spiral and wind. 光亮透过树丛 树叶盘旋落下 We"re far from here and frozen in time. 我们远离了世俗 时光暂时凝滞 Cool Whispers drift from the north on the night. 清冷的哭诉在夜间从北面飘来 Yet you warm my heart for we hold the light. 但我们交握着这团光 你温暖着我的心 The land must fade from green into white. 大地肯定已经褪去绿色 一片雪白了吧 Hush my heart this love is a fire. 这份爱情是温暖的火 让我的心情变得宁静 This love will burn like a fire. 这份爱一定会如火一般燃烧不息 16
2023-07-24 11:09:151

那位高手帮我讲一下这道英语题! No one can walk the wire without a bit of fear unless ____very young

这个题确实有点难度。。考的分词做修饰语的时态,CD明显不对。确定时态的关键词在very young,这是一个明说的过去的时间,所以过去式比A的过去完成时更好一些
2023-07-24 11:09:233


2023-07-24 11:09:301


2023-07-24 11:10:073

请问kanye west的《stronger》是什么风格的音乐,属于电子音乐吗?请具体描述

您好,这首<<stronger>>属于嘻哈,说唱类型的歌曲.并不属于电子音乐.要推荐的话,其实不好说,因为就算是说唱歌曲,但是每个人对歌曲的感觉和要求不一样,我怕推荐的说唱类型的歌曲不一定适合您.我可以给你一些曲目,都是kanye west自己专辑里面的歌,您可以在听听,看看有没有自己喜欢的.专辑名:TheCollegeDropout曲目:01.Intro02.WeDon"tCare03.GraduationDay04.AllFallsDown05.I"llFlyAway06.Spaceship07.JesusWalks08.NeverLetMeDown09.GetEmHigh10.WorkoutPlan11.TheNewWorkoutPlan12.SlowJamz13.BreatheinBreatheOut14.SchoolSpiritSkit115.SchoolSpiritSkit216.LilJimmySkit17.TwoWords18.ThroughtheWire19.FamilyBusiness20.LastCall专辑名:LateRegistration曲目:01.WakeUpMr.West02.Heard"EmSay03.TouchTheSky04.GoldDigger05.Skit#106.DriveSlow07.MyWayHome08.CrackMusic09.Roses10.BringMeDown11.Addiction12.Skit#213.DiamondsFromSierraLeone(Remix)14.WeMajor15.Skit#316.HeyMama17.Celebration18.Skit#419.Gone20.DiamondsFromSierraLeone(bonustrack)21.Late(hiddentrack)
2023-07-24 11:10:231


2023-07-24 11:10:421

求美剧(《火线重案组》)第二季和第五季的下载地址 要有中文字幕的

2023-07-24 11:11:021


《火线第一季》百度网盘高清资源免费在线观看:链接: 提取码:h2c5导演:克拉克·约翰森/彼得·梅达克/克莱门·维果/艾德·比安奇/乔·施佩尔/格洛里亚·马齐奥/米尔科·曼彻夫斯基/布拉德·安德森/史蒂夫·希尔/蒂莫西·范·帕腾编剧: 大卫·西蒙 / 拉斐尔·阿尔瓦雷斯 / 大卫·H·梅尔尼克 / 萨米特·乔克西 / 乔伊·凯肯 / 乔治·佩勒卡诺斯 / 埃德·伯恩斯主演: 多米尼克·韦斯特 / 约翰·道曼 / 伊德里斯·艾尔巴 / 弗兰基·费森 / 小拉里·吉拉德 /类型: 剧情 / 惊悚 / 犯罪制片国家/地区: 美国语言: 英语首播: 2002-06-02(美国)季数: 1集数: 13单集片长: 60 分钟又名: 警网(港) / 线人 第一季 / HBO无间行者 第一季 / 火线重案组 第一季第一季主要讲述巴尔的摩市警察对巴克斯戴尔贩毒集团的调查。调查全因警探吉米·麦克纳提而起。在对迪安吉拉·巴克斯戴尔的庭审中,关键证人临时翻供,使得迪安吉拉成功脱罪。庭后,麦克纳提向法官丹尼尔·费兰透露,目击证人可能是受到被告的舅舅——伊旺·巴克斯戴尔手下人的威胁才被迫改了口,因为他在庭审现场看到了伊旺的副手斯丁格·贝尔以及其他几名团伙成员。麦克纳提还告诉费兰法官,巴克斯戴尔团伙涉嫌大宗毒品交易以及多宗谋杀悬案,但没有人调查他们的犯罪行径。
2023-07-24 11:11:291

关于walk the wire

2023-07-24 11:12:022

Bird On The Wire 歌词

歌曲名:Bird On The Wire歌手:Leonard Cohen专辑:Field Commander Cohen Tour Of 1979Leonard Cohen - Bird On the WireLike a bird on the wire,like a drunk in a midnight choirI have tried in my way to be free.Like a worm (fish) on a hook,like a knight from some old fashioned bookI have saved all my ribbons for thee.If I, if I have been unkind,I hope that you can just let it go by.If I, if I have been untrue,I hope you know it was never to you.Like a baby, still born,like a beast with his hornI have torn everyone who reached out for me.But I swear by this song and by all that I have done wrongI will make it all up to thee.I saw a beggar leaning on his wooden crutch,he said to me, "You must not ask for so much."And a pretty woman leaning in her darkened door,she cried to me, "Hey, why not ask for more?"Oh like a bird on the wire,like a drunk in a midnight choir have tried in my way to be free.「Created by WenChu(WC),20040829,Shanghai.....」
2023-07-24 11:12:091

美剧火线(The Wire Season )里的女演员是谁

Amy Ryan吧,演的是Beatrice "Beadie" Russell?
2023-07-24 11:12:161

求through the wire的歌词和翻译,kanye west唱的

曲名:through the wire 歌手:kanye west Yo G they cant stop me from rapping can they?Can they huh?I spit it through the wire manTo much stuff on my heart right now manIll probably risk it all right nowIts a life or death situation manYall dont really understand how I feel right now manIts your boy Kayne to the....Chi-Town whats going on manI drink a Boost for breakfast, and Ensure for dizzertSomebody ordered pancakes I just sip the sizzurpThat right there could drive a sane man beserkNot to worry the Mr. H to the Izz-Os back to wizzerkHow do you console my mom or give her light supportTelling her your sons on life supportAnd just imagine how my girl feelOn the plane scared as hell that her guy look like Ed MitillShe was with me before the deal she been trying to be mineShe a delta so she been throwing that dynasty signNo use of me tryna be lyinI been trying to be signedTrying to be a millionaireHow I use two lifelinesIn the same hospital where Big and Tupac diedThe doctor said I had blood clotsBut I aint Jamaican manStory on MTV and I aint trying to make a bandI swear this right here, history in the making manI really apologize how I sound right now manThis aint fair at all manThey got my mouth wired shut for like I dont knowthe doctor said for like six weeksYou know we had reconstru....I had reconstructive surgery on my jawLooked in the mirror half my jaw was missing and half my mouthI couldnt believe itBut im still here for yall right now manThis is what I gotta say yoYeah, turn me up yeahWhat if somebody from the Chi that was ill got a dealon the hottest rap label around but he wasnt talking bout cokeand birds it was more like spoken wordExcept he really putting it downAnd he explained the story about how blacks came from gloryAnd what we need to do in the gameGood dude, Bad night, Right place, Wrong timeIn the blink of an eye his whole life changedIf you could feel how my face felt you would know how Mase feltThank God I aint too cool for the safe beltI swear to God drive a two on the sueI got lawyer for the case to keep whats in my safe-safeMy dawgs couldnt tell if I, I look Tom Cruise on Vanilla SkyAll they heard was in accident like GEICOThey thought I was burnt up like Pepsi did Michael I must gotta angelCause look how death missed his ass Unbreakable,would you thought they called me Mr.Glass Look back on my life like the ghost of Christmas pastToys R Us where I used to spend that Christmas cashAnd I still wont grow up, Im a grown ass kidSwear I should be locked up for stupid shit that I didBut Im a champion, so I turned tragedy to triumphMake music thats fire, spit my soul through the wireKnow what im sayingWhen the doctor told me I had a um..I was goin to have a plate on my chinI said dawg dont you realize Ill never make it on the plane nowIts bad enough I got all this jewelry onCant be serious man
2023-07-24 11:12:231


2023-07-24 11:12:311

On The Wire 歌词

歌曲名:On The Wire歌手:Sisters Of Mercy专辑:A Merciful ReleaseMonty Are I - On The WireSaw it coming from afarAlways knew it would be hardThe telephone is our best friendTransmissions do not ease the lonelyCircumstances mean so muchBeen so long without your touchLove ain"t made to bend, to bend, bendAnd the static is the worst of enemiesLungs fill to take a final breathScreaming skies aboveI"ve had enoughI"m standing in the rain, the rain, the rain, the rainStanding in the rain, the rain, the rainIt"s killing me to hear your voiceFacing that we have no choiceAnd fighting off the pain, the pain, the pain, the painFighting off the pain, the pain, on the wireIt"s easier to be naiveIt"s harder "cause I"m losing sleepAnd ignorance is our best friendInsomnia"s the death of dreamingSorry if my words seem coldTrying to be rationalAre you on the other end, end, end?"Cause the static is the worst of enemiesLungs fill to take a final breathScreaming skies above, I"ve had enoughI"m standing in the rain, the rain, the rain, the rainStanding in the rain, the rain, the rainIt"s killing me to hear your voiceFacing that we have no choiceAnd fighting off the pain, the pain, the pain, the painFighting off the pain, the pain, on the wireAnd if this rain has no mercyRain has no mercy, rain has no mercyGo, I"ll goAnd when the times become tryingTimes become trying, times become tryingExplode, explodeDon"t hang up before we take another stepMy lungs fill to take a final breath, a breathScreaming skies above, I"ve had enoughI"m standing in the rain, the rain, the rain, the rainStanding in the rain, the rain, the rainIt"s killing me to hear your voiceFacing that we have no choiceAnd fighting off the pain, the pain, the pain, the painFighting off the pain, the pain, on the wireScreaming skies above, I"ve had enoughI"m standing in the rain, the rain, the rain, the rainStanding in the rain, the rain, the rainIt"s killing me to hear your voiceFacing that we have no choiceAnd fighting off the pain, the pain, the pain, the painFighting off the pain, the pain, on the wireOn the wire, on the wire, on the wireOn the wire, on the wire, on the wire
2023-07-24 11:12:381

Bird On The Wire 歌词

歌曲名:Bird On The Wire歌手:Leonard Cohen专辑:Live In LondonLeonard Cohen - Bird On the WireLike a bird on the wire,like a drunk in a midnight choirI have tried in my way to be free.Like a worm (fish) on a hook,like a knight from some old fashioned bookI have saved all my ribbons for thee.If I, if I have been unkind,I hope that you can just let it go by.If I, if I have been untrue,I hope you know it was never to you.Like a baby, still born,like a beast with his hornI have torn everyone who reached out for me.But I swear by this song and by all that I have done wrongI will make it all up to thee.I saw a beggar leaning on his wooden crutch,he said to me, "You must not ask for so much."And a pretty woman leaning in her darkened door,she cried to me, "Hey, why not ask for more?"Oh like a bird on the wire,like a drunk in a midnight choir have tried in my way to be free.「Created by WenChu(WC),20040829,Shanghai.....」
2023-07-24 11:12:451

Bird On The Wire 歌词

歌曲名:Bird On The Wire歌手:Leonard Cohen专辑:Live In LondonLeonard Cohen - Bird On the WireLike a bird on the wire,like a drunk in a midnight choirI have tried in my way to be free.Like a worm (fish) on a hook,like a knight from some old fashioned bookI have saved all my ribbons for thee.If I, if I have been unkind,I hope that you can just let it go by.If I, if I have been untrue,I hope you know it was never to you.Like a baby, still born,like a beast with his hornI have torn everyone who reached out for me.But I swear by this song and by all that I have done wrongI will make it all up to thee.I saw a beggar leaning on his wooden crutch,he said to me, "You must not ask for so much."And a pretty woman leaning in her darkened door,she cried to me, "Hey, why not ask for more?"Oh like a bird on the wire,like a drunk in a midnight choir have tried in my way to be free.「Created by WenChu(WC),20040829,Shanghai.....」
2023-07-24 11:13:101

选择With such a strong wind ___the wire may break at any time.A.blew blowing C.blows D.blowing

2023-07-24 11:13:181

On The Wire 歌词

歌曲名:On The Wire歌手:Monty Are I专辑:Break Through The SilenceMonty Are I - On The WireSaw it coming from afarAlways knew it would be hardThe telephone is our best friendTransmissions do not ease the lonelyCircumstances mean so muchBeen so long without your touchLove ain"t made to bend, to bend, bendAnd the static is the worst of enemiesLungs fill to take a final breathScreaming skies aboveI"ve had enoughI"m standing in the rain, the rain, the rain, the rainStanding in the rain, the rain, the rainIt"s killing me to hear your voiceFacing that we have no choiceAnd fighting off the pain, the pain, the pain, the painFighting off the pain, the pain, on the wireIt"s easier to be naiveIt"s harder "cause I"m losing sleepAnd ignorance is our best friendInsomnia"s the death of dreamingSorry if my words seem coldTrying to be rationalAre you on the other end, end, end?"Cause the static is the worst of enemiesLungs fill to take a final breathScreaming skies above, I"ve had enoughI"m standing in the rain, the rain, the rain, the rainStanding in the rain, the rain, the rainIt"s killing me to hear your voiceFacing that we have no choiceAnd fighting off the pain, the pain, the pain, the painFighting off the pain, the pain, on the wireAnd if this rain has no mercyRain has no mercy, rain has no mercyGo, I"ll goAnd when the times become tryingTimes become trying, times become tryingExplode, explodeDon"t hang up before we take another stepMy lungs fill to take a final breath, a breathScreaming skies above, I"ve had enoughI"m standing in the rain, the rain, the rain, the rainStanding in the rain, the rain, the rainIt"s killing me to hear your voiceFacing that we have no choiceAnd fighting off the pain, the pain, the pain, the painFighting off the pain, the pain, on the wireScreaming skies above, I"ve had enoughI"m standing in the rain, the rain, the rain, the rainStanding in the rain, the rain, the rainIt"s killing me to hear your voiceFacing that we have no choiceAnd fighting off the pain, the pain, the pain, the painFighting off the pain, the pain, on the wireOn the wire, on the wire, on the wireOn the wire, on the wire, on the wire
2023-07-24 11:13:251


What a Feeling - One DirectionThrough the wire through the wire through the wireI"m watching her danceDress is a catching in the lightIn her eyes there"s no lies no liesThere"s no question she"s not in a disguiseThere"s no way out and a long way downEverybody needs someone aroundBut I can"t hold you too close nowThrough the wire through the wireWhat a feeling to be right here beside you nowHolding you in my armsWhen the air ran out and we both started running wildThe sky fell downBut you"ve got stars in your eyesAnd I"ve got something this in tonightWhat a feeling to be a king beside you somehowI wish I could be there nowThrough the wire through the wire through the wireI"m watching like this imagining you"re mineIt"s too late too late am I too lateTell me now am I running out of timeThere"s no way out and a long way downEverybody needs someone aroundBut I can"t hold you too close nowThrough the wire through the wireWhat a feeling to be right here beside you nowHolding you in my armsWhen the air ran out and we both started running wildThe sky fell downBut you"ve got stars in your eyesAnd I"ve got something missing tonightWhat a feeling to be a king beside you somehowI wish I could be there nowWhatever chains are holding you backHolding you back don"t let "em tie you downWhatever chains are holding you backHolding you back tell me you believe in thatWhat a feeling to be right here beside you nowHolding you in my armsWhen the air ran out and we both started running wildThe sky fell downBut you"ve got stars in your eyesAnd I"ve got something missing tonightWhat a feeling to be a king beside you somehowI wish I could be there nowI wish I could be there now
2023-07-24 11:13:391

Bird On The Wire (Lp Version) 歌词

歌曲名:Bird On The Wire (Lp Version)歌手:Judy Collins专辑:Who Knows Where The Time GoesLeonard Cohen - Bird On the WireLike a bird on the wire,like a drunk in a midnight choirI have tried in my way to be free.Like a worm (fish) on a hook,like a knight from some old fashioned bookI have saved all my ribbons for thee.If I, if I have been unkind,I hope that you can just let it go by.If I, if I have been untrue,I hope you know it was never to you.Like a baby, still born,like a beast with his hornI have torn everyone who reached out for me.But I swear by this song and by all that I have done wrongI will make it all up to thee.I saw a beggar leaning on his wooden crutch,he said to me, "You must not ask for so much."And a pretty woman leaning in her darkened door,she cried to me, "Hey, why not ask for more?"Oh like a bird on the wire,like a drunk in a midnight choir have tried in my way to be free.「Created by WenChu(WC),20040829,Shanghai.....」
2023-07-24 11:13:461

Truth Untold 歌词

歌曲名:Truth Untold歌手:odds专辑:Good Weird FeelingAwaken from your slumberAnd get up for the trainYou were caught at the stationAnd waiting for the rainWell I call and you answerAnd I answer you againSo remember to answerRemember the way it endsThe truth untoldOddsWill always lie between usWe may never unfoldThe way our lives have brought us hereNow send out all your lettersAnd write it in the skyFor worse and for betterForever you and IThen surrender all the ammoAnd gather all your charms"Cause it"s gonna burn youAnd it"s gonna blind youAnd it"s gonna tear youArm from armThe truth untoldWill always lie between usWe may never unfoldThe way our lives have brought us hereCan we get on this togetherIs it time to pull the wire?Well I"m gonna learn to unwind youAnd I"m gonna earn your faith entireThe truth untoldWill always lie between usWe may never unfoldThe way our lives have brought us here
2023-07-24 11:13:531

谁知道the wireshark network analyzer 的用法?

2023-07-24 11:14:022

Kanye West 的Through the Wire 采样谁的歌

是一个叫Chaka Khan 1985 年的单曲"Through the Fire PS WIKI上有 前阵子我也查找过部分采样歌曲
2023-07-24 11:14:381


WIRE中文意思是线、导线、电报。wire 英[u02c8wau026au0259(r)] 美[wau026ar] n. 电线; 金属丝; 电报; (木偶的) 牵线,操纵绳,背后操纵的势力,秘密引线,秘密策略; vi. 拍电报; vt. 拍电报; 给…装电线; [例句]I ripped out the telephone wire that ran through to his office.我把通到他办公室的电话线拔掉了。[其他] 第三人称单数:wires 复数:wires 现在分词:wiring 过去式:wired过去分词:wired
2023-07-24 11:14:471


《燃烧的电缆》([美国] 杰弗里·迪弗)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读资源链接:链接: 提取码:akpc书名:燃烧的电缆作者:[美国] 杰弗里·迪弗译者:姚人杰豆瓣评分:7.4出版社:译林出版社出版年份:2012-7页数:403内容简介:纽约市阿尔冈昆电力公司控制中心的电脑屏幕上,突然显示出一连串“重大故障”的红色警示,紧接着市内多座变电站相续下线。五十七街公交车站不远处有一座变电站,一位刚抵达车站的公交司机注意到,变电站的窗户外面垂下一根电缆,距离地面只有十英尺左右。就在司机为此困惑不已的时候,变电站里突然发生爆炸,司机连同车上多位乘客受伤,最后一名刚迈上车一只脚的乘客当场惨死。与此同时,附近六个街区的电网陷入瘫痪。著名刑侦专家林肯·莱姆临危受命,接手这起疑似恐怖分子利用电网威胁整座城市的大案,他们必须尽快将凶手绳之以法,因为之前的变电站爆炸案只是凶手的一个小小试验,更大的破坏还在后面。果然,就在萨克斯等人全力追查之时,凶手再次以电为武器对一家星级酒店发动了袭击……作者简介:杰弗里u2022迪弗1950年5月6日出生于美国的伊利诺伊州,曾经当过新闻记者、民谣歌手和律师,以侦探小说闻名于世。迄今为止迪弗已出版长篇小说27部,短篇小说集2部,多次获得各类文学奖项,部分作品已被改编成电影。其小说已被译成25种语言,全球销售过亿册,畅销151多个国家和地区。
2023-07-24 11:15:201


ACH即自动清算 (Automatic Clearing House)中心是美国处理银行付款的主要系统。ACH系统被广泛用于企业支付雇员的工资等业务,在美国普及率达26%,欧洲一些国家已达90%以上,在日本则近100%的企业实现了通过了自动清算房将工资直接存入雇员的账户。ACH系统的运作过程与纸质清算过程相似,只不过是以电子方式实施。在ACH的早期阶段,用磁带进行信息的传输,后来逐渐被远程通信所代替,并实现了实时交易。ACH的实用性强,可以满足高效要求。ACH交易结算一般只需1个工作日,能有效满足一般的时效性要求。 另外ACH收费低廉,比起电汇等其它支付手段,例如电汇(Wire)的手续费通常在$10-$25/笔,而ACH通常只有$1-$2。由于处理流程简单,价值链上各环节服务提供者收费低廉,经济实惠。简化了处理、提高了效率,使整个支付网络运作简单快捷。所以对于美国银行间的支付,首选的方式就是ACH支付。扩展资料:美国自动清算所主要进行5种形式的支付:(1)现金集中,就是大型连锁公司通过ACH将各地零售机构的资金向总部进行集中,便于总部对资金的利用;(2)雇员工资的直接发放;(3)财政部养老金及社会福利的直接发放;(4)固定金额资金的支付,如保险费、住房抵押贷款利息等;(5)企业间贷款的支付。在英国。1995年,BACS处理了2.2亿项业务,价值达1055亿英镑。在美国,ACH的使用每年以9%---22%的比例上升,在1995年处理了3.4亿项业务,价值达11.1万亿美元。ACH只用于国家之内,不同的国家所使用的数据传输格式不尽相同,国际间支付传输通过环球银行间金融通信协会(The Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication,SWIFT)实现。ACH特别适合中小型交易和固定支付,对于大型交易,由于是批量清算而非实时清算,其风险增加。参考资料来源:百度百科-ACH
2023-07-24 11:15:361


an animalscount,Hi?My cat can.How do you know,Hi?I asked "What is6 minus 6" andit said nothing.Numbers:everyone"slanguage.aHow manylanguages do youknow?Everyone knowsat least two--his or her ownlanguage and theinternationallanguage ofnumbers.Ancient numbersIn ancienttimes,peoplewrote numbers inmany differentways.However,theynearly allcounted in tens.ZeroThe system ofnumbers todayconsists of thenumbers from 1to 9 and 0(zero).The Indiansfirst inventedand developedthe 1 to 9system ofnumbers.They theninvented thezero.The invention ofzero helpedpeople write bignumbers andcalculate moreeasily.Whit these tennumbers,we canwrite any numberfrom the biggestto the smallest.CalculatingmachinesOne of the firstcalculatingmachines was theabacus.Abacuses arefast andaccurate.On the abacus,the beads on thewires representones,tens,hundreds andthousands,starting fromthe bottom wire.The abacus inthe pictureshows a number.Write it down infigures,and thenin words.Multiply it byzero and thenadd 1.What isthe answer?Modernelectroniccalculators canadd,subtract,multiply anddivide.They can alsocalculatepercentages andsquare roots.Computers arevery powerfulcalculatingmachines.A computer cando millions ofcalculations ina flash.Cardinal andordinal numbers3 three5 five6 six9 nine13 thirteen15 fifteen16 sixteen19 nineteen30 thirty50 fifty60 sixty90 ninety32 thirty-two54 fifty-four67 sixty-seven98 ninety-eight100 one hundred200 two hundred375three hundredand seventy-five1,000one thousand4,189four thousandone hundred andeighty-nine15,362fifteen thousandthree hundredand sixty-two100,000one hundredthousand284,653two hundred andeighty-fourthousand sixhundred andfifty-three1,000,000one million5,367,982five millionthree hundredand sixty-seventhousand ninehundred andeighty-twoWe use ordinalnumber to showthe order ofthings.We form mostordinals byadding -th tothe cardinalnumbers.There are alsoexceptions,likefirst,second andthird.1st first2nd second3rd third5th fifth8th eighth9th ninth12th twelfth13th thirteenth20thtwentieth21sttwenty-first22ndtwenty-second23thtwenty-second100th hundredtht100May is callingher friend,Rita.Read theirconversation andpractise it.Then work inpairs to checkthe otherhomeworkproblems inMay"s notebook.RITA:2890 6521(two eight ninezero,six fivetwo one).MAY:Hello,Rita.This is May.RITA:Hi,May.Whatcan I do foryou?MAY:I made amistake with myhomework,Ithink.Can Icheck it withyou?RITA:Sure.Whichone?MAY:Number 5.Isit 0.92 (zeropoint nine two)times 18.18(eighteen pointone eight)?RITA:No,itshould be 0.92times 18.16(eighteen pointone six).MAY:Thanks,Rita.See youtomorrow.Bye.RITA:Goodbye,May.TrafficaccidentsLi Jie askedOfficer Chenabout trafficaccidents.Thenshe drew a linegraph.Read theirconversationbelow and writethe figures onthe graph.LI JIE:How manytrafficaccidents werethere in twothousand and twoin our city?CHEN:Threethousand sixhundred andninety-one.LI JIE:What wasthe number intwo thousand andthree?CHEN:Threethousand sevenhundred andforty-eight.LI JIE:Whatabout in twothousand andfour?CHEN:Threethousand sixhundred andforty-four.LI JIE:And twothousand andfive?CHEN:Threethousand sevenhundred andtwenty-nine.LI JIE:Whatabout in twothousand andsix?CHEN:Threethousand sixhundred andthirty-nine.LI JIE:Thankyou,Mr Chen.CHEN:Not at all.t2Read about theinvention ofclocks andwatches.Clocks andwatchesNow,we can telltime veryaccurately,butbefore theinvention ofclocks,it wasvery difficult.People used theposition of thesun in the skyto tell time inancient times,but it wasimpossible to doit on cloudydays or atnight.In 1099,Su Songinvented thefirst mechanicalclock in China.195 years later,in 1283,the British inventedthe first clockin Europe.Then 67 years later,in 1350,the Germansinvented thealarm clock.The Italiansinvented thefirst watch in1462.Early watcheswere differentfrom today"s intwo ways.First,they only hadone hand--thehour hand.Second,you hadto keep them inyour pocket.People calledthem "pocketclocks".The first wristwatches camefrom Switzerland328 years afterthe first pocketclock,but they did notbecome popularfor a hundredyears.Digital clocksand watches camefrom the UnitedStates and arethe latestinvention intime-keeping.Shops started tosell them in1971.
2023-07-24 11:15:541

Debbie Harry的《Chrome》 歌词

歌曲名:Chrome歌手:Debbie Harry专辑:French Kissin : The CollectionTrace Adkins - ChromeBY Larry Cheng & Kevin BoulChrome, She can see herself In the shiny grill and theWire wheels of a red Chevelle with four on the floor and the top downChrome, zippin" by on an Electra GlideWith dual tail pipes doin" 105 in the broad daylightOn a two-lane headin" outta townForget Pink and purple paisleyslittle mellow-yellow daisiesAin"t no pot of gold in her rainbowHer favorite color is ..ChromeChrome, get her leg up highon the bumper of my big black Mack truckWith a smoke stack pointed towards the skyAnd mud flaps, you know the kindChrome,I said hey little girl you sure look niceDo you wanna ride, I won"t bite, she climbs insideSays hell no, I want to driveForget Pink and purple paisleyslittle mellow-yellow daisiesAin"t no pot of gold in her rainbowHer favorite color is ..ChromeIt"s chrome alrightShiny,nice polishedChrome, ChromeForget Pink and purple paisleysForget Pink and purple paisleyslittle mellow-yellow daisiesAin"t no pot of gold in her rainbowHer favorite color is ..ChromeHer favorite color is...chromeThat girl is all about chromeShe sure loves chrome
2023-07-24 11:16:121

The High Wire的《The Watch》 歌词

歌曲名:The Watch歌手:The High Wire专辑:Ahead Of The Rain (Extended Edition)Dr.Dre - The WatcherThings just ain"t the same for gangstas.Times is changing, young niggas is aging,Becoming old gees in the game and changing,To make way for these new names and faces, butThe strangest things can happen from rappin, whenNiggas get wrapped up in image and acting,Niggas get capped up and wrapped in plastic,Zipped up in bags when it happens, that"s it.I"ve seen "em come; I"ve watched "em go,Watched "em rise, witnessed it and watched "em blow.Watched "em all blossom and watched "em grow.Watched the lawsuits when they lost the dough.Best friends and money: I lost them both.Went, visited niggas in the hospital.It"s all the same shit all across the globe.I just sit back and watch the show. (The watcher)Chorus:Everywhere that I goAin"t the same as befo" (The watcher)People I used to knowJust don"t know me no more (The watcher)But everywhere that I goI got people I know (The watcher)Who got people they knowSo I suggest you lay low (I watch)I moved out of the hood for good, you blame me?Niggas aim mainly at niggas they can"t be.But niggas can"t hit niggas they can"t see.I"m out of sight, now I"m out of they dang reach.How would you feel if niggas wanted you killed?You"d probably move to a new house on a new hill.And choose a new spot if niggas wanted you shot,I ain"t a thug, how much Tupac in you, you gotI ain"t no bitch neither.It"s either my life or your life,And I ain"t leaving, I like breathing.Nigga we can go round for round,Clip for clip, shit, fo"-pound for pound.Nigga if you really want to take it there we can,Just remember that you fucking with a family man.I got a lot more to lose than you, remember that,When you wanna come and fill these shoes. (The watcher)Chorus:Everywhere that I goAin"t the same as befo" (The watcher)People I used to knowJust don"t know me no more (The watcher)But everywhere that I goI got people I know (The watcher)Who got people they knowSo I suggest you lay low (I watch)Things just ain"t the same for gangstas,Cops is anxious to put niggas in handcuffs.They wanna hang us, see us dead, enslave us,Keep us trapped in the same place we"re raised in.Then they wonder why we act so outrageous,Run around stressed out and pull out gauges.Cause everytime you let the animal out cages,It"s dangerous to people who look like strangers.But now we got a new era of gangstas,Hustlers and youngsters living amongst us.Lookin at us, now calling us busters,Can"t help but reminisce back when it was us.Nigga we started this gangsta shit.And this the motherfucking thanks I get?It"s funny how time fly,I"m just having fun, just watching it fly by. (The watcher)Chorus:Everywhere that I goAin"t the same as befo" (The watcher)People I used to knowJust don"t know me no more (The watcher)But everywhere that I goI got people I know (The watcher)Who got people they knowSo I suggest you lay low (I watch)(The watcher)EndDr.Dre - The Watcher
2023-07-24 11:16:201


数字: 每个人语言。 你知道多少语言? 每个人至少知道二他的或她自己的语言和数字的国际语言。 远古的数字在远古的时代中,人在许多不同的方法中写了数字,如第 6 大表演的这些照片。 然而,他们几乎全部把相同的方法计算在内--在数十中。 对准零位数字的系统哪一几乎每个人使用今天有数字从 1 到 9 和 0(零). 藉由这十个数字,我们能写来自最大的任何的数字给最小的。 印第安人首先发明了而且发展了数字的 1 到 9个系统。 他们然后发明了零。 因为它使了写大的数字并且计算是比较容易的,所以这是非常重要的发明。 计算器第一个计算器之一是一个算盘。 Abacuses 很快速的和正确,因而人仍然今天使用他们。 在照片的算盘上,在电线上的珠子表现一些,数十,数百和来自底部的电线的数千出发。 在权利上的照片表示一台现代的电算器。 它能增加,减去, 乘而且分开。 它也能计算百分比而且一致根。 这一张照片表示一部计算机。 计算机是非常有力的计算器。 一瞬间,一部计算机能做 , 你无法在对抗计算机一些人的你的整个终生的脑中做的计算认为脑是一部活的计算机。 人类的脑是比一部计算机一个比较有力的计算者吗? 下列的故事可能提供一个答案。 Shakuntala Devi 用令人惊异的脑是来自印度的一位淑女。 她能计算相似的闪电。 在美国, Shakuntala 和一部非常有力的计算机有这一个问题解决。 Shakuntala 的脑花五十秒找答案。 计算机花分钟了。然而,计算机可以开始计算之前,某人必须用指导规划它,而且那花许多小时了。 没有人必须规划 Shakuntala! 使用你自己的活计算机在上面解决问题。 如果它不是够有力的,你将会在第 59 页上找答案
2023-07-24 11:16:302