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Find Me in Your Heart 歌词

2023-07-24 11:59:41
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歌曲名:Find Me in Your Heart
歌手:Dustin Tavella
专辑:Find Me in Your Heart

Backstreet Boys---Back To Your Heart
Its not that I cant live without you
Its just that I dont even want to try
Every night I dream about you
Ever since the day we said goodbye
If I wasnt such a fool
Right now Id be holding you
Theres nothing that I wouldnt do
Baby if I only knew
The words to say, The road to take
To find a way back to your heart
What can I do, To get to you
And find a way back to your heart
I dont know how it got so crazy
But Ill do anything to set things right
Cause your love is so amazing
Baby youre the best thing in my life
Let me prove my love is real
And made you feel the way I feel
I promise I would give the world
If only you would tell me girl
The words to say, The road to take
To find a way back to your heart
What can I do, To get to you
And find a way back to your heart
Give me one more chance
Give me one more chance
Give my love to you, give my love, my love
Cause no one on this earth loves you like I do,
Tell me
The words to say, The road to take
To find a way back to your heart
What can I do, To get to you
And find a way back to your heart
I turn back time, To make you mine
And find a way back to your heart
I beg and plead, Fall to my knees
To find a way back to your heart
The words to say, The road to take
To find a way back to your heart
What can I do, To get to you
And find a way back to your heart




2023-07-24 10:26:351


2023-07-24 10:26:441


真地(Realand)的指纹考勤机ZD20SD是没有初始密码的。1. 如果是对应软件,也就是真地信息管理系统设置了密码,然后忘记密码的话,可以直接联系真地官方客服020-39290060-9让客服进行解决即可。2. 如果是硬件设置了管理员,现在进入不了机器的菜单进行操作的话,只要通过USB数据线将ZD20SD与电脑连接,然后用真地信息管理系统软件,在软件的设备管理里面,添加设备后,有“清除设备管理员权限”的功能,具体操作也可以联系真地客服。
2023-07-24 10:26:531


2023-07-24 10:27:011


问题一:中控H10指纹考勤机如何添加新员工信息 管理员指纹确认,进入之后, 长按菜单键3秒,就会出来系统菜单的了。 然后按箭头键,左右或上下选择用户管理,新增用户就行了。 根据屏幕提示来就行。 在机子上录入指纹后,记下新员工编号,然后在电脑上打开考勤软件,选择从设备上下载人员信息,然后在软件的人员维护那里修改好姓名,再上传到考勤机上,覆盖就可以了。 这样每次的卡会显示工号和姓名。 问题二:考勤机怎么录入指纹 进入菜单按照步骤操作就行,按照选项逐步走 键盘上一般MENU或者M是菜单键(当然也可能直接就是 菜单),进去一般是 用户管理(类似的也找找),用户(权限厂选择),新登记,出现注册号码,(中间可能会出现录入选择方式:密码、指纹),有的会提示请按手指或者有什么标志性的显示就放上手指(要放好、方正,这是对自己负责),最好就是保存就好了,有的是自动,有的是手动,自己注意 问题三:有人在使用中控K18考勤机吗?刚买来,不知道怎么用啊。可以录入指纹什么的信息,但是具体上班下班打卡 以下仅仅供参考: 对于全易通指纹考勤机新购机用户,可按此操作步骤来操作使用该机器。本操作步骤将按照采集指纹、设置排班、报表查询、系统管理四个部分进行介绍。 一、采集指纹 新购机用户需要学习如何采集指纹,指纹采集完成后即可正常使用指纹考勤机。 1,把考勤机通电,打开机器,使机器处于正常工作状态。 2,在考勤机操作面板上按主菜单 [MENU] C [用户管理] C [用户登记] C [指纹登记],屏幕提示“新登记?” ,按 [OK]键,这个时候要输入员工的工号,输入后按 [OK]确认,此时屏幕提示:“请放手指”。 3,放手指时要注意,被采集者身体相对考勤机要站正。把从指尖开始2/3位置指肚非常饱满的平放在采集器玻璃片上,不要滑动手指,轻轻用力按压,听到“嘀”的一声移开手指,同样进行第2次第3次按压,按压3次为采集了一枚完整的指纹。 4,3次按压完成后,按 [OK] 保存。此时屏幕提示:‘新登记?"我们可按 [ESC] 键,进行备份登记,每个员工可以采集至少2枚指纹,以备其中一个有磨损破裂时使用。 5,备份完成后,按 [OK] 保存,此时屏幕提示:“继续备份吗?”如果要继续进行备份请按 [OK],要结束备份请按 [ESC] ,并进行下一个员工的指纹登记。 6,指纹登记完成后,即可使用所登记的手指进行指纹考勤。依照采集指纹时的按压方法进行即可。按压后,屏幕显示员工的工号,并伴随有机器语音提示“谢谢”。如果按压不成功,则有语音提示“请重按手指”,此时请重新按压手指或更换另一手指按压。 7,在上面第6步操作中,我们只看到了员工的工号,没看到姓名,实际上是可以显示员工的姓名的。请进行以下步骤。 8,在计算机上安装考勤管理系统。放入安装光盘,按屏幕提示进行安装即可。 9,把考勤机和计算机进行连接。考勤机和计算机的通讯方式有RS232、RS485、TCP/IP、USB数据线4种直连方式。 10,打开全易通考勤管理系统,选种设备名称及相应的连接方式,点 [连接设备]按钮,连接成功后,右下放状态栏有提示;且设备名称前的图标为亮彩色显示。 11,点 [从设备下载人员信息] 按钮,将弹出窗口,并点 [下载]即可。下载完成后请关闭该窗口。 12,点 [人员维护] 按钮,则弹出人员维护窗口,在窗口中,输入员工的姓名信息,并保存。员工姓名输入完毕后请关闭该窗口。 13,点 [上传人员信息到设备] 按钮。在弹出的窗口中,按 [上传] 即可。此一步是把刚才输入的员工姓名上传到考勤中,上传完毕,按压指纹考勤时即可同时显示员工的工号和姓名了。至此,指纹的采集工作已经完成。可以把考勤机安放在指定位置进行考勤使用了。接下来我们要讲一下有关部门的设置和员工的调动。 14,点 [维护/设置] C [部门管理],在此,可根据实际需要设置相关部门名称。设置完成后关闭该窗口。 15,点 [人员维护] 按钮,则弹出人员维护窗口,在总公司下,选重要调动到相关部门的人员后,点 [调动] ,则弹出员工调动部门结构图,我们选择员工要到的部门,按确定即可。 二、设置排班 此部分是要根据每个公司的具体上下班时间进行设置,首先进行时间段设置。 1,点 [时间段维护] 按钮,则弹出时间段设置窗口,即可进行时间段的设置。如果一天要打4次卡,就要上午下午单独设置,如果中午不用打卡,则只设置上午上班时间和下午下班时间即可。鸡始签到时间和结束签到时间是相对于上班时间来讲的,也就是说上班卡要在这个时间......>> 问题四:指纹考勤机怎么录新指纹? 先上电源。按Menu键,进入菜单,看到一个“用户管理”按Ok键后看到“用户登记”后按OK后,就会看到“新登记”是就按OK。(注:若是备份登记就是按“ESC”键。)再输入你所要登记的号码。按OK键,然后按指纹 注:要确认三次(按三次指纹)。按完后按OK保存。再按ESC键退出!!!就好了 问题五:指纹考勤机怎么录新指纹? 先上电源。按Menu键,进入菜单,看到一个“用户管理”按Ok键后看到“用户登记”后按OK后,就会看到“新登记”是就按OK。(注:若是备份登记就是按“ESC”键。)再输入你所要登记的号码。按OK键,然后按指纹 注:要确认三次(按三次指纹)。按完后按OK保存。就好了 问题六:中控F7考勤机如何一个员工多录几枚指纹,具体怎么操作?... 则科考勤门禁系统提示,按正常登记指纹的步骤,把自动生成的工号修改为你要多录指纹的人,然后登记指纹可以备份登记的方式多增加。 问题七:中控X938指纹考勤机怎么录入指纹 按菜单键MENU,按OK进入数据管理,按OK用户登记,按OK,直到显示输入指纹。 中控的服务越来越差,这个都不教下,悲哀! 问题八:中控指纹考勤机操作说明及怎么用 1、将考勤机和电脑连接,可以用232/485接口,也可以用TCP/IP 接口。用 232/485 接口通讯时考勤机的波特率必须和电脑的波特率一致 2、进入“下载考勤数据”页,单击“下载新记录”按钮;系统将从考勤机下载最新的考勤数据。新的考勤数据会保存到系统的员工考勤记录表中。如果下载时发现新登记的员工指纹,系统将自动下载该员工的登记数据。数据下载完成之后,系统并不会自动清除考勤机里面储存的数据 3、单击“员工及其指纹管理”,系统会自动搜索考勤机上新登记人员,然后产生一个员工列表。可以在考勤机与计算机之间进行指纹的上传下载,先选择要进行的数据传送的方向后,然后再单击“数据传送”按钮,系统将按照指定的方向下载或上传数据 4、先进行数据库设置,然后设置节日表、假类设置和考勤规则,再进行部门表、员工维护和管理员设置,最后进行时间段维护、班次管理、员工排班。 5、建立你所在单位的下属部门 6、员工框内的员工是无部门员工,即离岗后的员工。离岗就是该员工暂时下岗,但还是公司的员工。 在员工框内选择本部门所要录用的员工后,单击加入按钮,所选择的员工加入到本部门,这里所录用的员工,都是离岗的员工。在本部门员工框内选择所要离开本部门的员工后,单击移去按钮,所选择的员工离开本部门(离岗)。 操作完成后,单击关闭按钮或 返回部门管理界面 问题九:中控指纹考勤机操作说明及怎么用 总体来说还是比较简单的,你可以参照其说明书的!你要注意登记好编号和对应的人员然后再录入具体的员工资料!还要注意设置好排班以及员工报表等等,或者你选择连接电脑,在界面按提示操作吧! 广州真地信息技术公司专业生产指纹考勤机,打造优质的品牌,值得信赖!realandbio 问题十:中控的x60考勤机怎么录入新的指纹 管理员验证通过后,在菜单中的用户管理中,新增用户,输入工号,姓名,指纹 保存 即可
2023-07-24 10:27:101


Rainmakers - Naomi PilgrimUp on the roofWhere the sunset made us blindYou put on our suitsAnd you were running by my sideOur heads in debrisWell it was different way back thenWe lit up the seasAnd the cinderella sign for allWe are rainmakers in the darkHunting for sparksThere you found the treasure withinTreasure within my heartDancers beneath the starsSearching for sparksThere you found the treasure within my heartAnd into the voidWe were singing through the coldWe filtered the noiseAnd there was nothing left to sayWe took something realAnd we watched fall apartAnd now that it"s goneI still remember every sightWe are rainmakers in the darkHunting for sparksThere you found the treasure withinTreasure within my heartDancers beneath the starsSearching for sparksThere you found the treasure within my heartBut don"t you forgetThere"s a time bomb in our heartsAnd don"t you regretThat it goes off cause it goes off when it goes offDon"t you forgetThere"s a time bomb in our heartsAnd don"t you regretThat it goes off cause it goes off when it goes offDon"t you forgetThere"s a time bomb in our heartsAnd don"t you regretThat it goes off cause it goes off when it goes offDon"t you forgetThere"s a time bomb in our heartsAnd don"t you regretThat it goes off and now you sayWe are rainmakers in the darkHunting for sparksThere you found the treasure withinTreasure within my heartDancers beneath the starsSearching for sparksThere you found the treasure within my heartTreasure within my heartTreasure within my heartThere you found the treasure within my heart
2023-07-24 10:27:171

急寻一首英文歌,记得有一段耶耶耶耶,啊丢一得后内,nononono扣 豆一 得厚嘚,就是这些词。

Merry You -- Bruno Mars
2023-07-24 10:27:252


Recently,Internetismoreandmorepopularamongpeople;meanwhilepeopleareincreasinglycheatedbytheinformationonit.So,canwetrusttheinformationthatpossiblyisnotveryreal?ThereisnodenyingthatwemustbecarefulabouttheInternet.  最近互联网越来越受欢迎;同时,越来越多的人被它上面的信息欺骗。因此,我们真的可以相信那些可能不真实的信息吗?不可否认的是,我们必须要小心对互联网。  First,wemustcarefullydistinguishtheinformationbetweenrightandwrong.Althoughit"sdifficult,wealsohavetomakeit.Wecansearchspecificinformationfromdatabaseofthegovernment.Secondly,onceconnectedtomoney,wemustbecautiousaboutit.Thirdly,whenwelookforjobsfromInternet,iftheyaskusformoney,wecan"tlistentothemorgivethemmoney.Itisatricktoagreatextent.Butsomeinformationisrealandwecanbelieveit.  首先,我们必须仔细区分正确与错误的信息。虽然这很困难,但是我们也要做到。我们可以从政府数据库中搜索具体的信息。其次,一旦与钱有联系,我们必须要小心谨慎。第三,当我们在互联网上找工作时,如果他们向我们要钱,我们就不能听他们的话,把钱给他们。很大程度上这是一个骗局。不过有些信息是真实的,我们是可以相信的。  AsfarasI"mconcerned,informationontheInternetisadouble-edgedsword.WemustremainskepticaloftheInternetinformation.  我认为互联网上的信息是把双刃剑。我们必须对网上信息保留怀疑态度。
2023-07-24 10:27:331


芭比体是德国Body-Jet水动力吸脂系统的中文简称,也是一种丰胸技术。芭比体自脂丰胸术,即第八代德国body jet水动力吸脂塑身技术,该技术终结了传统自体脂肪丰胸存活率低、效果不佳、重复施术等弊端,抽吸出的脂肪细胞成活率高达70%-80%,有“全活脂肪细胞移植”之美誉,术后脂肪细胞吸收率低、无硬结现象,手感柔软,是真正的天然真乳房。
2023-07-24 10:27:414

Nolita Fairytale的歌词

I know you know,We don"t seeAnd so our truths wait patientlyI walk the streets with a song in my headWe ebb and we flow soGot my toes on my pup at the foot of my bedMy heart always seems to knowTake the glitz backI want the soul instead"Cause I found some kind of fairytaleI used to hover outside my truthAlways worried bout what I"d loseTake away my record dealGo on, I don"t need itSpent the last 2 years getting to what"s realAnd now I can see so clearI hope you feel just like I feelI found some kind of fairytaleWant a garden by the ocean tideCause I lose my way searching for stage lightsBut Stevie knows and I thank her so"Cause it"s your seeds I sow and now I knowNolita flat on rent controlThat"s the life I chooseCan"t drag me to the fashion showThe poses that I see throughRuby"s in the afternoon"Cause I found some kind of fairytaleA nolita fairytale
2023-07-24 10:28:001


柯南·音乐收藏OP001-030 胸がドキドキ 心里动荡不安 The High-Lows031-052 Feel your heart 感受你的心 Velvet Garden053-096 谜 谜 小松未步097-123 命のルーレット廻して 回旋的命运之轮 ZARD124-142 TRUTH 真相 TWO-MIX143-167 ギリギリ 情义 chop B"z168-204 Mysterious Eyes 神秘的心灵(眼睛) Garnet Crow205-230 恋はスリル、ショック、サスペンス 恋爱的冲动(惊险、刺激、悬疑) 爱内里菜231-258 Destiny 命运 松桥未树259-270 Winter Bells 回忆(冬天)的铃铛 仓木麻衣271-305 I can"t stop my love for you 我不能停止对你的爱 爱内里菜306-332 风のららら 风的啦啦啦 仓木麻衣333-355 君と约束あの场所まで 直到遇见你(与你相约在那个幽雅的地方) 三枝夕夏356-393 start 开始 爱内里莱394-415 星のかがやき 星之光芒 ZARD416-424 Growing of my heart 仓木麻衣425-437 冲动 B"Z438-456 100もの扉 爱内里菜&三枝夕夏457-474 云に乗って 乘着云 三枝 夕夏475-486 涙のイエスタデー 泪之往昔 Garnet Crow 487-490 グロリアス マインド 光辉的信念 坂井泉水490-? 爱は暗暗の中で ZARDED001-026 STEP BY STEP 步步前进 Ziggy027-051 迷宫のラヴァーズ 迷宫情人 Heath052-070 光と影のロマン 光与影的浪漫 宇德敬子071-083 君がいない夏 没有你的夏天 DEEN084-108 愿い事ひとつだけ 只有一个心愿 小松未步109-131 氷の上に立つように 如履薄冰 小松未步132-152 Still for your love 为你而爱 Rumania153-179 Free Magic 自由魔术 WAG178-204 Secret of my heart 心里的秘密 仓木麻衣205-218 夏の幻 夏之幻 Garnet Crow219-232 Start in my life 生命的起点 仓木麻衣233-247 Always 等(总是) 仓木麻衣248-265 青い青いこの地球に 蔚蓝的星球 上原安积266-287 梦みたあとで 梦幻之后 Garnet Crow 288-299 无色 无色 上原安积300-306 Overture 序曲 稻叶浩志307-328 明日を梦见て 梦见明天 ZARD329-349 君という光 你的光芒 Garnet Crow350-375 眠る君の横颜に微笑みを 笑着看你的睡脸  三枝夕夏376-397 忘れ咲き Garnet Crow 398-406 ジューンブライド~あなたしか见えない~ 三枝夕夏 407-416 世界 止めて 竹井诗织里 417-424 Thank You For Everthing 岩田さゆり 425-437 悲しいほど 贵方が好き ZARD 438-458 もう君だけを离したりはしない 上木 彩矢459-470 白い雪 仓木 麻衣471-486 I still believe ~ため息~ 滴草 由実487-490 世界はまわると言うけれど Garnet Crow491-? 雪どけのあの川の流れのように 三枝夕夏剧场版Happy Birthday 杏子 少女の顷に戾つたみたいに ZARD ONE B"z あなたがいるから 小松未歩 Always 仓木麻衣 Everlasting B"z Time after time ~花舞う街で~ 仓木麻衣 Dream × Dream 爱内里菜 夏を待つセイル(帆)のように ZARDゆるぎないものひとつ B"z七つの海を渡る风のように 爱内里菜
2023-07-24 10:28:071


2023-07-24 10:28:166


wild wild web
2023-07-24 10:28:312


If I stay1Don"t you ever question whyI"m by your sideI"m here when you cry"Cause he told you lies so slylyI run my fingers through your hairAnd show I careBut I"m not the oneThat your heart belongs to nightlyBut if I stay would you kiss me in the summer rainOr let me wash away into the sandWould we lie together underneath the burning sunAnd let our two hearts beat as oneIf I stay would you let me hold you in my armsAnd later take a walk beneath the starsWoah, tell me someday this could all be realAnd end this heartache I"m pained to feel2I"ve loved you without regretSince the day we metIf what you see"s what you getWell I"ve had nothing yetFor these past yearsTell me will you ever feel the sameIf my love won"t tame?Or just like cellophaneWill I call your name unto deaf ears?And if I stay would you kiss me in the summer rainOr let me wash away into the sandWould we lie together underneath the burning sunAnd let our two hearts beat as oneIf I stay would you let me hold you in my armsAnd later take a walk beneath the starsWoah, tell me someday this could all be realAnd end this heartache I"m pained to feel3If I stay would you kiss me in the summer rainOr let me wash away into the sandWould we lie together underneath the burning sunAnd let our two hearts beat as oneIf I stay would you let me hold you in my armsAnd later take a walk beneath the starsWoah, tell me someday this could all be realAnd end this heartache I"m pained to feelBut if I stay would you kiss me in the summer rainOr let me wash away into the sandWould we lie together underneath the burning sunAnd let our two hearts beat as oneIf I stay would you let me hold you in my armsAnd later take a walk beneath the starsWoah, tell me someday this could all be realAnd end this heartache I"m pained to feelIf I stay1你从不质疑为何我会陪伴在你身边你哭泣时我在你身边因为他是如此狡猾的对你撒下谎言我的手指穿过你的秀发对你表明我多么在乎你而我却不是你的唯一你的心属于璀璨的夜但我若留在你身边你会不会与我相吻在夏日细雨中还是让我被雨水涤荡混入泥沙我们会一同躺在灼热的太阳底下吗让我们心心相印如果我留在你身边你会让我拥你入怀吗然后我们一同在夜空下散步喔 告诉我某一天这一切都会成真结束这让我难熬的心痛2我爱你无悔自从我们邂逅之初若所见即所得那我想我会一无所有过去的这些年告诉我你是否也感同身受如果我的心未被你驯服还会像层脆弱的玻璃纸往后我呼唤你的名字你会充耳不闻吗但我若留在你身边你会不会与我相吻在夏日细雨中还是让我被雨水涤荡混入泥沙我们会一同躺在灼热的太阳底下吗让我们心心相印如果我留在你身边你会让我拥你入怀吗然后我们一同在夜空下散步喔 告诉我某一天这一切都会成真结束这让我难熬的心痛3我若留在你身边你会不会在夏日细雨中与我相吻还是让我被雨水涤荡混入泥沙我们会一同躺在灼热的太阳底下吗让我们心心相印如果我留在你身边你会让我拥你入怀吗然后我们一同在夜空下散步喔 告诉我某一天这一切都会成真结束这让我难熬的心痛但我若留在你身边你会不会与我相吻在夏日细雨中还是让我被雨水涤荡混入泥沙我们会一同躺在灼热的太阳底下吗让我们心心相印如果我留在你身边你会让我拥你入怀吗然后我们一同在夜空下散步喔 告诉我某一天这一切都会成真结束这让我难熬的心痛
2023-07-24 10:28:392


2023-07-24 10:28:495

Be be your love 的歌词,,还有歌词大意

我不能站在你身边。如此而已If I could take you awayPretend I was queenWhat would you sayWould you think I"m unreal"Cause everybody"s got their way I should feelEverybody"s talking how I, can"t, can"t be your loveBut I want, want, want to be your loveWant to be your love, for realEverybody"s talking how I, can"t, can"t be your loveBut I want, want, want to be your loveWant to be your love for realWant to be your everythingEverything...Everything"s falling, and I am included in thatOh, how I try to be just okayYeah, but all I ever really wantedWas a little piece of youAnd everybody"s talking how I, can"t, can"t be your loveBut I want, want, want to be your loveWant to be your love, for realEverybody"s talking how I, can"t, can"t be your loveBut I want, want, want to be your loveWant to be your love for realEverything will be alrightIf you just stay the nightPlease, sir, don"t you walk away, don"t you walk away, don"t you walk awayPlease, sir, don"t you walk away, don"t you walk away, don"t you walk awayAnd everybody"s talking how I, can"t, can"t be your loveBut I want, want, want to be your loveWant to be your love, for realEverybody"s talking how I, can"t, can"t be your loveBut I want, want, want to be your loveWant to be your love for realAnd everybody"s talking how I, can"t, can"t be your loveBut I want, want, want to be your loveWant to be your love, for realEverybody"s talking how I, can"t, can"t be your loveBut I want, want, want to be your loveWant to be your love for realI want to be your love, love, love
2023-07-24 10:29:152


马六room是什么保险丝vicfuseChengdu超过24用户采纳过TA的回答关注我来答有奖励查看全部1个回答vicfuseChengdu2013-11-29 超过24用户采纳过TA的回答关注马自达六简称“马六”,room英文意思是“房间”,结合起来就是指车内顶部的阅读灯。马自达六保险丝盖详解:1. A/C 10A 空调2. ENGINE IG 15A 发动机3. CIGAR 15A 点烟器4. SEAT 15A 座椅5. SAS 10A 气囊及ABS6. MIRROR 5A 电动后反光镜7. R.WIP 10A 后雨刷8. METER IT 15A 仪表9. METER ACC 5A 仪表10. ROOM 15A 阅读灯11. WIPER 20A 雨刷12. R.CIGAR 15A 后点烟器回答于 2013-11-29赞同18查看全部1个回答产销-保险丝座厂-保险片-保险管-圆-方型保险丝-量大优惠根据保险丝相关内容为您推荐保险丝座保险丝座厂认准乐声,是一家专业生产电子零件的公司,被多国安全认证及欧盟ROHS认证欢迎新来顾客前来咨询lesheng.com广告得力保险柜保险箱家用保险柜办公室小型迷你保险柜智能床头柜保险箱一体存钱保险柜密码箱保管箱全钢防盗防撬¥649 元¥649 元购买广告利润低?找对货源很重要!上1688批发坐椅皮革源厂直接供货045mm防污PU革箱包皮沙发人造革服装革汽车内饰座椅皮耐刮耐磨抗¥28 元工厂直供12厚178荔枝纹超纤皮革人造革耐磨箱包底沙发汽车座椅¥46 元批发皮革新款欧洲汽车座椅PVC人造革品质保证¥17.5 元现货供应12超纤汽车革东莞耐磨抗刮仿真皮超纤细纹汽车座椅皮革¥40 元现货14真超纤皮革防水皮革沙发汽车座椅床头软包鞋革工艺皮革¥56 元1688广告大家还在搜贴片保险丝温度保险丝汽车保险丝电流保险丝马六2020款马六报价及图片老马六wiper什么保险丝马自达三room客户服务系统点击进入本月28143人已拨打电话咨询问题咨询百度营销广告马自达的保险丝room是什么意思?  是“zoom”  “‘ZOOM-ZOOM"是儿童模仿发动机轰鸣的声音。”对于“ZOOM-ZOOM”,一汽马自达汽车销售有限公司副总经理于洪江作出了更形象的解释:“一个人对速度的追求和梦想是与生俱来的。比如小时候的荡秋千、开卡丁车,非常快,这都体现了人本能地对速度和刺激有一种欲望。随着一个人逐渐长大,随着工作、学习、生活压力逐渐增大,这种本能慢慢被压抑着。马自达想设计一款车,激发每一个人儿时对速度的渴望与梦想。”  “ZOOM-ZOOM”不仅使我想到了柯达。同样,这个著名相机品牌的名称也来自儿童模仿相机快门的“咔嗒”之声而来。同样都是对儿时记忆的延展,同样都是在现实中所追寻的梦想。我想,不管是否选择马自达汽车和柯达相机,这种感觉对每个人而言都很重要。95郭逗比 回答于 2017-10-069点赞 5836浏览保险丝盒上的room什么意思啊roomn.房间; 空间; 余地; 房间里所有的人; vt.租房,合住; 为…提供住处; 投宿,住宿; 留…住宿; [英][ru:m][美][rum, ru028am]Steven_Tianjin 回答于 2015-07-271点赞 4665浏览产销-保险丝座厂-保险片-保险管-圆-方型保险丝-量大优惠余姚市乐声电器有限..广告利润低?找对货源很重要!上1688批发坐椅皮革源厂直接供货杭州阿里巴巴创摩信..广告— 为你推荐更多精彩内容 —广东队再败,赵睿不是救命稻草,还能成功卫冕总冠军吗?广东球迷盼星星盼月亮,终于盼来了赵睿回归,这回人员齐整了,本以为可以所向披靡了,让人没想到的是,广东L小姐侃娱乐 回答于 2022-03-125评论 0.5万浏览57岁张曼玉近照曝光,与网友合影打扮年轻身形消瘦,她息影后的生活如何?张曼玉息影后的生活过得丰富多彩,自由惬意,让很多人都很羡慕她的生活,因为她的生活也是娱乐圈中很多明星青云上仙 回答于 2022-09-15576浏览汽车保险丝2A~4A~5A~10A~15A~20A~30A 微型插片式保险丝¥22 元¥22 元购买淘宝热卖广告移民中国需要什么条件视频回答张艺跃律师 回答于 2022-03-26280评论西安交通大学是一所怎样的学校?其毕业证含金量有多大?西安交通大学是一所综合类大学,在大西北颇有信誉。211&985,以学员为本,很重视学员。现阶段在基本小青要买车 回答于 2022-07-011评论 618浏览华为笔记本电脑那一款性价比高-京东电脑办公,高性价比,逛京东更多优惠!京东广告外地保险和本地保险有什么区别视频回答马哥话金融 回答于 2022-03-31275评论如何查一个人是不是坐牢了视频回答尹雨佳律师 回答于 2022-03-25281评论笔记本性价比十大排名-京东电脑办公十大排名,快来看看吧!京东广告家养猫咪从来不出门,但为什么还有可能得猫瘟呢?打疫苗是猫生的头等大事,猫咪自出生以来就被各种传染病所威胁,因为刚出生的小猫咪的抵抗力和免疫力都极为夕月会会 回答于 2022-10-13684浏览大S点赞并回复具俊晔“我们十分甜蜜”,二人的是如何再续前缘的?他们两个人再续前缘的方式也真的是让人觉得特别的意外了,因为他们已经有20多年的时间都没有联系过了,而蛋蛋兽影视娱乐 回答于 2022-09-300.1万浏览真地(Realand) 智能云巡更系统管理软件后台流量费用云版巡更系统一年软件服务费 FW03 云版巡更系统软件年费FW03¥80 元¥120 元购买京东广告货拉拉要办理营运证吗视频回答张玉律师 回答于 2022-03-301点赞 276评论刑侦冻结6个月到期没解冻怎么处理视频回答朱远峰律师 回答于 2022-03-26280评论
2023-07-24 10:29:221


When Love Hurts - JoJoWhen love hurts babyYeah that"s how you know it"s realWhen love hurtsYeah that"s how you know itYeah that"s how you know it"s realIt"s like we speak a different languageThese double-sided conversations set me upKeep dodging bullets in the bedroomBut neither one will ever say we"ve had enoughHelp I can"t tell if we"re endingUntil we break down say it now we"re throughAll you doWhen love hurts babyYeah that"s how you know it"s realWhen love hurtsYeah that"s how you know itYeah that"s how you knowWhen love hurts babyYeah that"s how you know it"s realWhen love hurtsYeah that"s how you know itYeah that"s how you know it"s realOh oh oh oh ohOh oh oh oh oh oh ohOh oh oh oh ohOh oh oh oh oh oh ohThose signs went through me like a freight trainYou"re getting off testing my patience till it"s goneBut then again I do the same thingAnd neither one will ever say we"ve had enoughHelp I can"t tell if we"re endingUntil we break down say it now we"re throughAll you do all you doWhen love hurts babyYeah that"s how you know it"s realWhen love hurtsYeah that"s how you know itYeah that"s how you knowWhen love hurts babyYeah that"s how you know it"s realWhen love hurtsYeah that"s how you know itYeah that"s how you know it"s realOh oh oh oh ohOh oh oh oh oh oh ohOh oh oh oh ohOh oh oh ohYeah that"s how you know it"s realOh oh oh oh ohOh oh oh oh oh oh ohOh oh oh oh ohOh oh oh ohYeah that"s how you know it"s realAnd that"s how you know it"s realOh and I know it"s real
2023-07-24 10:29:291


Bog Hoops (Bigger The Better) - Nelly FurtadoThe bigger the betterThe bigger the betterThe bigger the betterThe better the biggerThe bigger the betterThe bigger the betterThe bigger the betterThe bigger the betterThe bigger the betterThe bigger the betterThe bigger the betterThe better the biggerThe bigger the betterThe bigger the betterThe bigger the betterThe bigger the betterTonight is the jamI"ll be there till dawnI"m going downI"ve got my big hoops onPant leg so wideI"ve got my backpack onI"m gonna hear my favorite songHey hey heyWhat"s the scenarioThe boy keeps passin" me byI said no diggityNo doubtI thought I told you I was flyYeah he and all of his friends theyThey got that hair like high fiveI don"t wanna talk about sexWanna express myself tonightI can go fastI can go slowI can go places nobody else goesI can move fastI can move slowI can go places nobody else goesEverybody say heyThey going at it all night and dayEverybody say heyThey going at it all night and dayNever seen somethingLike that like thatLike that like thatI betcha never heard somethingLike that like thatLike that like thatI betcha never seen something like thatThat boy gonna feel my poisonI know it can stay in the rainLike you wanna be down with your babyBack and forthBack and forthBack back back and forthYou got my rum rum shaking them another backWhen you should not realAnd I never have to fake it fake itYou know I oughta move quickAnd I gotta move slowCause there ain"t no wind in the roadI can go fastI can go slowI can go places nobody else goesI can move fastI can move slowI can go places nobody else goesEverybody say heyThey going at it all night and dayEverybody say heyThey going at it all night and dayI betcha never seen somethingLike that like thatLike that like thatI betcha never heard somethingLike that like thatLike that like thatI betcha never seen something Like that The bigger the betterThe bigger the betterThe bigger the betterThe better the biggerThe bigger the betterThe bigger the betterThe bigger the betterThe bigger the betterThe bigger the betterThe bigger the betterThe bigger the betterThe better the biggerThe bigger the betterThe bigger the betterThe bigger the betterThe bigger the betterOh I thought this song was overNo it ain"t over yetI can go fastI can go fastThe bigger the betterI can go fastThe bigger the betterThe bigger the betterThe better the biggerI can go fastThe bigger the betterThe bigger the betterThe bigger the betterThe bigger the better
2023-07-24 10:29:381

求一首英文歌!!!男生唱的,歌词里面好像有see to your heart···

《Take Me To Your Heart》么。或者是《Hate To See Your Heart Break》。我只听过这两首与你所说的相近的歌了。前一首是男的唱的,但后一首是女的唱的,前一首可能性比较大
2023-07-24 10:29:472


原发布者:ronglines 1童年ChildhoodIalwaysdreamaboutreturningtothepast.A *** anypeoplesay,childhoodisthehappiestandeasiesttimeinone"slife.我一直梦想着回到过去。许多人说,童年在我们的生命中是最快乐的,也是过的最快的。Childrenshowyoutheirtrueemotions.Theyknowwhatispassionandwhatistolerancebetterthan *** s.Intheirworld,allrealthoughtsarepresented.Theymayeasilyhavedifferentopinionswithothers,buttheyneverunderstandwhatisanimosity.Theyenjoymakingfriend *** uttheyneverthinkaboutmakingsocialmunication.Everychildtalksfromthebottomofhishearithoutevilplanshiddenandneverintriguesagainsteachother.Onlyinchildren"swaycan *** *** akeourlifesimple,morerealandmoreenjoyable.孩子们向你展示自己真实的情感。他们知道什么是同情,什么是宽容。在他们的世界里,所有想法都是单纯真实的。他们可以很容易地与其他人有不同看法,但他们从来没有明白什么是仇恨。他们喜欢结交朋友,但他们从来不考虑用社交网络。每个孩子都发自内心地和其他人交流,没有邪恶计划和隐藏的阴谋。只有用童年时期的方式才能让成年人们的生活更简单,更真实、更愉快。Iwisheveryone"shearouldkeepasinnocentandlovelyastheyeverdidintheirchildhood.Then,th   my dream hello everyone! it is my great pleasure to share my dream with you today. my dream is to bee a teacher. you know being a teacher is a thing that is very valuable and very interesting. i suggest that it must be a great fun to be with children all the day. and if i am a teacher, i can teach my students a lot of knowledge. they might bee stronger and cleverer because of me. that is a very contented feeling. china is a developing country. chinese are not that excellent in their intellegent. so teachers in china might be very very important. they can provide the society with a lot of successful people, and make china a better place. do you think that i have a good dream? i will work hard to make my dream bee true! thanks~ 我的梦想 你好大家!这是我很高兴能够分享我的梦想与你今天。 我的梦想是成为一名教师。 你知道作为一个教师,是一个东西,这是非常宝贵的,非常有趣。我认为它必须是一个伟大的乐趣与子女所有。如果我是一名教师,我可以教我的学生很多知识。他们可能会成为强大和聪明,因为我了。这是一个非常知足的感觉。 中国是一个发展中国家。中国人是不是优秀,在他们的智能。所以老师在中国可能非常非常重要的。他们可以提供社会了不少成功的人,使中国成为更美好的地方。 你认为我有一个很好的梦想,我将努力工作,使我的梦想变成真! 谢谢   My Dream I dream of being a doctor. My mother is a doctor. She always has to wor k extra hours and es home late and tired. She has to go to the hospital immediately any time she is needed, no matter how late it is at night. When I was very little , I once asked her why she chose such a boring and hard job. S he answered with a *** ile, “Yes I am sometim es very tired but seeing my patients getting b etter and better makes me happy from the bot tom of my heart.” As I grow up, I gradually e t o understand her words and realize doctors are noble. I ma de up my mind to be a doctor when I was in ju nior school and this has never changed since then. I really hope to see a world where there is no cancer, no Aids, no fatal disease, no one suffe ring from illness. But this is only a fantasy. W hat about the reality? There are still many ma ny people who are faced with disastrous dise ase and suffering from constant pain. There a re still many many people living in miserable condition and live miserably. There are still m any many people dying of cancer and leaving the beautiful world reluctantly. All those thing s make me feel sad because I think everyone has the right to live . I want to help the sick an d reduce their pain as much as I can. I want t o bring a healthy body to the patients and sav e their lives as many as I can. I want to see pe ople cured ,living happily with their families a nd friends after my treatment. So I want to be a doctor ,an angel in white. When I bee a doctor, I will cherish each lif e regardless of the races, sexes, ages, positio ns and occupations. I will do every bit to cure the incurable. I already have a dream in my heart,so I have t o make every effort to realize it.【As a high sc hool student now,I will seize every chance to study hard,arm myself with knowledge, prepa re myself for the future and strive for my drea ms.( 可以省略)】I will be determined, face the reality bravely and not surrender to any pr oblems I meet. Just as Gothe says,“The important thing in lif e is to have a great aim and be determined to attain it.”Being a doctor is my dream. I think it is simple but meanful 我的梦想 我梦想将来成为一个医生。 我的妈妈是一位白衣天使。她经常早出晚归, 只要医院有需要,她立刻赶去,无论有多晚。 在我很小的时候,我曾经问她,为什么要选择 这样一个枯燥无味的工作。她笑着说,的确有 时我也感觉很累,但是看到我的病人慢慢病愈 ,我从心底高兴。 等到我长大一些,逐渐理解了她的话,也意识 到医生有多么的光荣,我下定决心成为一名医 生,从那以后,这成为了唯一的理想,至今未 变。 我真心希望看到一个没有任何疾病的世界,但 是这只是一个幻想。真实是什么样子的呢?很 多人承受着疾病的折磨,很多人生活在一个绝 望的困景中,也有很多人被癌症夺走了生命失 去了生活在美好世界的机会……这一切的一切让 我觉得很伤心,每个生命都是鲜活的。我想用 自己的力量去帮助那些人,减轻他们的痛苦, 同时也减轻了我的痛苦。我想还给他们一个健 康的身体,尽自己的努力去拯救更多的人,我 更想看到在我的帮助后他们幸福、快乐地与家 人生活在一起,所以我想成为一个医生, 一个 白衣天使。 I当我成为一个医生,我会尽自己的最大能力去 挽救生命,不论各族、性别、年龄、地位…… 我的内心中的梦想,促使我尽自己的努力去实 现它。【现在我是一个中学生,我会好好学习 ,用知识武装自己,为我的未来和想想做准备 。(可省去)】既然下定决心做,我就会勇敢 地面对所有遇到的困难,不畏艰险。 正如,歌德所说“人生中最重要的是树立目标并 且义无返顾的实现它”成为一个医生是我的梦想 ,一个简单而有意思梦想! <收起 心 My Dream I dream of being a doctor. My mother is a doctor. She always has to wor k extra hours and es home late and tired. She has to go to the hospital immediately any time she is needed, no matter how late it is at night. When I was very little , I once asked her why she chose such a boring and hard job. S he answered with a *** ile, “Yes I am sometim es very tired but seeing my patients getting b etter and better makes me happy from the bot tom of my heart.” As I grow up, I gradually e t o understand her words and realize doctors are noble. I ma de up my mind to be a doctor when I was in ju nior school and this has never changed since then. I really hope to see a world where there is no cancer, no Aids, no fatal disease, no one suffe ring from illness. But this is only a fantasy. W hat about the reality? There are still many ma ny people who are faced with disastrous dise ase and suffering from constant pain. There a re still many many people living in miserable condition and live miserably. There are still m any many people dying of cancer and leaving the beautiful world reluctantly. All those thing s make me feel sad because I think everyone has the right to live . I want to help the sick an d reduce their pain as much as I can. I want t o bring a healthy body to the patients and sav e their lives as many as I can. I want to see pe ople cured ,living happily with their families a nd friends after my treatment. So I want to be a doctor ,an angel in white. When I bee a doctor, I will cherish each lif e regardless of the races, sexes, ages, positio ns and occupations. I will do every bit to cure the incurable. I already have a dream in my heart,so I have t o make every effort to realize it.【As a high sc hool student now,I will seize every chance to study hard,arm myself with knowledge, prepa re myself for the future and strive for my drea ms.( 可以省略)】I will be determined, face the reality bravely and not surrender to any pr oblems I meet. Just as Gothe says,“The important thing in lif e is to have a great aim and be determined to attain it.”Being a doctor is my dream. I think it is simple but meanful 我的梦想 我梦想将来成为一个医生。 我的妈妈是一位白衣天使。她经常早出晚归, 只要医院有需要,她立刻赶去,无论有多晚。 在我很小的时候,我曾经问她,为什么要选择 这样一个枯燥无味的工作。她笑着说,的确有 时我也感觉很累,但是看到我的病人慢慢病愈 ,我从心底高兴。 等到我长大一些,逐渐理解了她的话,也意识 到医生有多么的光荣,我下定决心成为一名医 生,从那以后,这成为了唯一的理想,至今未 变。 我真心希望看到一个没有任何疾病的世界,但 是这只是一个幻想。真实是什么样子的呢?很 多人承受着疾病的折磨,很多人生活在一个绝 望的困景中,也有很多人被癌症夺走了生命失 去了生活在美好世界的机会……这一切的一切让 我觉得很伤心,每个生命都是鲜活的。我想用 自己的力量去帮助那些人,减轻他们的痛苦, 同时也减轻了我的痛苦。我想还给他们一个健 康的身体,尽自己的努力去拯救更多的人,我 更想看到在我的帮助后他们幸福、快乐地与家 人生活在一起,所以我想成为一个医生, 一个 白衣天使。 I当我成为一个医生,我会尽自己的最大能力去 挽救生命,不论各族、性别、年龄、地位…… 我的内心中的梦想,促使我尽自己的努力去实 现它。【现在我是一个中学生,我会好好学习 ,用知识武装自己,为我的未来和想想做准备 。(可省去)】既然下定决心做,我就会勇敢 地面对所有遇到的困难,不畏艰险。 正如,歌德所说“人生中最重要的是树立目标并 且义无返顾的实现它”成为一个医生是我的梦想 ,一个简单而有意思梦想!   Hello everyone. my name is XXX, I e from the second middle school . It"s my great pleasure to stand here today. Everybody, do you have dreams? I believe your answers will be “Yes”, so do I. I will share my dreams with you. In my life, I have many dreams. I had a dream when I was a pupil, I wanted to be a teacher, I hoped to teach knowledge to children and serve the society. I have a dream now, I hope that I will be successful in this speech, but not to be a winner, it"s I hope I can overe this challenge, overe myselfe. I have a dream that next year I will enter senior high school. Accepting more knowledge, and enriching myselfe. I have a dream that one day I enter the university. Make more friends, having more exercise. It"s perfect that experience of the university for me. I have a dream that one day I find a belongs to my own work, have a satisfactory ine, and I will work hard. I have a dream thatone day I have a happy family, a hu *** and, a son, they are my world. I have a dream that my parents always stay in healthy. I will treat them with filial respect, and try my best to conten their requirements. I have a dream that I hope all my dreams will e true under my endeavor. That"s all, thank you!   Dream 梦想 Everyone have dreams, which are everybody yearning. The man who without dreams 每个人都有梦想, 它是人人所渴望的。 没有梦想的人 in his life will be empty, but dreams always be changing as your thought go forward. 的人生将是空白的, 但梦想总是随着你思想的前进而改变的。 When I was in primary school, I had a dream. I hope that I won"t have homework 当我小学时, 我有一个梦想。 我希望将来有一天可以没有有家庭作业。 to do one day. But the time we can play have became less and less, and 1/3 in our 可 玩耍的时间变得越来越少, 而我们一天中的三分之一 day we were imprisoned in the classroom, so many time on study! And till I e 被禁锢在教室, 太多时间在 学习上。 直到我上 to the junior high school, I had a dream, I hope I can bee a good child,I can 初中 我有一个梦想,我希望自己能成为一个好孩子 ; be praised by my family when I return home;can be sure by teachers at school; and 回到家能受到家人的表扬 ; 在学校能受到老师们的肯定 ; can have a outstanding performance among the clas *** ates .在同学之间能有出众的表现。
2023-07-24 10:29:551

有一首英语歌,女生唱的,开始是how mucn times,这首歌的歌名是什么

the answer is blowing in the wind
2023-07-24 10:30:153

歌词是…By your side …think about it的歌名

Good Girl:Paula DeAndaSomehow I sit here, and I think about itWho needs love, for I"ve been without itWhen I met you, I didn"t wanna let you inBut you did something to me when you rubbed my handTold me you would never do me wrongThat what we have together will be so strongSo tell me what is this, I"m falling, keep falling, yeahI thought you took my heart and uhI was so mistreatedI thought you could be the oneYou were all I neededI"m a good girlI wanna give you the worldEven all the signs aboveWanna give you my love, yes all of my loveNo matter how hard I try to fight itThere"s no any other boy that can deny itComing around and out, spinning insideAnd it takes all that I got to fight itWhen I remmeber what you did (ooh)For believing in what you saidI put my trust in youI gave my best to youIn the end there"s no more youI thought you took my heart (ooh)But I was so mistreated (no more you)I thought you could be the oneYou were all I neededI"m a good girlI wanna give you the worldEven all the signs aboveWanna give you my love, yes all of my loveYou had a good girl but you let her slip awayWhy did you, why did youI was that girl for you that was always by your sideHow could you, how could youHow could youI"m a good girlI wanna give you the worldEven all the signs aboveWanna give you my love, yes all of my love (ooh, my love)I"m a good girlI wanna give you the worldEven all the signs aboveWanna give you my love, yes all of my love (ooh, my love)I"m a good girlI wanna give you the world (you the world)Even all the signs above (signs above)Wanna give you my love, yes all of my love Monica - U Should"ve KnownI didn"t ask to go with you to MexicoI really didn"t need the shopping sprees in L.A. or MelroseBoy if you didn"t know it, well now you knowI didn"t need the furs or the jewelryBecause material things they don"t mean much to meAnd ever since you"ve been goneI"ve been holding us down on my ownYou knowChorus:I"m never ever cheatingI never ever liedSo you can stop askingAsking me whyWhy I never left youAnd why I"ve kept it realAnd why I"m still with youYou should"ve known better than to think I would leaveYou should"ve known better than to doubt meIt don"t matter if you"re up, matter if you"re downEither way I"m gonna be aroundYou should"ve known that I would stay by your sideYou should"ve known your girl was gonna ride or dieAnd it just don"t matter if you"re rich or poorOut here doing five to tenYou should"ve known betterWhat makes you think that I would forget about youThink about it, who comes to see youEvery Saturday and Monday I was on, onIt"s me your girl, your life, your worldMy family and friends, they just don"t understandThey say I should leave you aloneBut I say that they should all just leave us aloneDon"t you get it?END Don"t Leave - Vanessa HudgensBy tiredsuddenlyI don"t know what i"d do if I ever lost youAll the loneliness I would go throughBut il you wanna leave I won"t stop youI"ve been gone so long,I"m use to feelling aloneI estismated a love my estimation was wrongSee I nener knew what you were going throughBut I just got back and now let"s see where your atHow could you and tell that I ever be distracted byAny other guy no matter if he ever caught my eyesWe just need time, some time to connectWhat I"m tellin" you now hope you never forgetI don"t know what I"d do if I ever lost youAll the loneliness I would go throughBut if you wanna leave I wont stop you"Cause I don"t want you if you don"t want meTo be the one the only one you wanna run toBaby boy you know I just be gone tooRealize whats important to meSo Don"t leave, Don"t leaveMaybe I shoulda try to put your need firstBut my prorities were messed up and I know you got hurtSee I nener knew what you were going throughBut I just got back and now let"s see where your atThink about it take a moment just to rewindEverything that you believe and everything that was rightDo you realy want to stand there and tell me goodbyeWhen i"m sayin I Still love youI don"t know what I"d do if I ever lost youAnd all the loneliness I would go throughBut if you wanna leave I wont stop you"Cause I don"t want you if you don"t want meTo be the one the only one you wanna run toBaby boy you know I just be gone tooRealize whats important to meSo Don"t leave, Don"t leaveLonely days and lonely nightThat where you be without me by your sideBetter think twice baby, ohh, this could grow up crazy you knowI can"t keep sayin" my secret cause it"s out of controlI gave you everything by my heart and soulBut you keep breaking me taking me to another lowDon"t do it baby don"t do it don"t let me goI Don"t know,I Don"t knowI don"t know what I"d do if I ever lost youAnd all the loneliness I would go throughBut if you wanna leave I wont stop you"Cause I don"t want you if you don"t want meTo be the one the only one you wanna run toBaby boy you know I just be gone tooRealize whats important to meSo Don"t leave, Don"t leaveBaby boy don"t leave me... 你看看是不是这里面的
2023-07-24 10:30:281

求一首男生唱的英文歌,歌词有一句是show me the way重复很多次

亲你试下后街的Show Me The Meaning of Being Lonely看看 ,
2023-07-24 10:30:375

有首歌歌词好像是i see you looking at me,女生唱的。

Carly Rae Jepsen的《call me maybe》
2023-07-24 10:30:534

Eminem - better in time remix 歌词

  Em那段:  Yeah  I know sometimes things may not always make sense to you right now  我知道有时候事情并不能如你所愿  But hey, what"d daddy always tell you?  但是嘿,爸爸怎么跟你说来的?  Straighten up little soldier  挺起身来,小战士。  Stiffen up that upper lip  坚强些!  What you crying about?  你哭什么?  You got me?  听懂我说什么了吗?  Hailie, I know u miss your mom  海莉(女儿名字),我知道你想你妈妈  And I know u miss your dad when I"m gone  也知道我离开的时候你想念爸爸  But I"m tryin" to give you the life that I never had  但是我正在努力给你一个我从来没有享受过的生活  I can see your sad  我看到你的悲伤  Even when you smile  就算你微笑时  Even when you laugh  就算你大笑时  I can see it in your eyes  我可以从你眼里看到  Deep inside you wanna cry  你心里很想哭  Cuz you"re scared  因为你害怕  I ain"t there?  可是我不是在这儿吗?  Daddy"s with you in your prayers  只要你希望,爸爸就和你在一起  No more cryin"  不要再哭了  Wipe them tears  擦掉眼泪  Daddy"s here  爸爸在这儿  No more nightmares  不再有噩梦  We gonna pull together through it,We gon" do it  我们一起度过长夜,我们可以做到  Lainie"s uncle"s crazy ain"t he, yeah  lainie叔叔挺疯狂的吧,嗯(指lainie的叔叔开枪自杀)  But he loves you girl and you better know it  但是你要知道,他很爱你们。(这里的“你们”指“Hailie和Lainie”)  We"re all we got in this world  我们都会明白一些道理  When it spins  当世界旋转的时候  When it swirls  快速的旋转  When it whirls  飞快的旋转  When it twirls  急速的旋转  Two little beautiful girls  两个漂亮的小女孩  Lookin" puzzled, in a daze  看得眼花缭乱  I know it"s confusing you  我知道这让你们很迷惑  Daddy"s always on the move  爸爸总是不在家  Mama"s always on the news  妈妈总是出现在新闻上  I try to keep you sheltered from it  我一直试图遮掩不让你接触到  But somehow it seems, the harder that I try to do that,The more it backfires on me  我努力的想让你们远离这些,但是好象我越努力这么做,就越事与愿违  All the things, growin" up  成长时遇到的一切  As daddy, daddy had to see  我是爸爸,爸爸必须去面对  Daddy don"t want you to see  爸爸不想让你了解这些  But you see just as much as he did  但是你却知道得跟我一样多  We did not plan it to be this way ,Your mother and me  妈妈和我都不希望这样  But things have got so bad between us  有些事情已经使我们之间的感情恶化  I don"t see us ever being Together ever again  我再也不会看到我们在一起  Like we used to be like when we was teenagers  就像我们年轻时候的那样  But then of course  但是当然  Everything always happen for a reason  总是事出有因  I guess it was never meant to be  我从没想过我们会变成现在这样  But it"s just something  然而这就是就是那些  We have no control over  我们没办法控制的东西  And that"s what destiny is  而这就是命运  But no more worries  但是,不用担心  Rest your head and go to sleep  躺下,睡觉吧  Maybe one day we"ll wake up  或许某天醒来  And this will all just be a dream  我们发现这一切只是一个梦  Leona Lewis那段:  I couldn"t turn on the TV 我不能打开电视  Without something there to 不需要什么东西  remind me 来提醒我  Was it all that easy? 一切都很简单?  To just put aside your feelings 就是将"我们"排除在你的感情之外  If I"m dreaming 如果我是在做梦  Don"t wanna laugh 我不想让它  (hurt my feelings) (伤害我的感情)  But that"s the path (I believe it) 但它已经是过去 (我相信它)  And I know that time will heal it 而且我知道, 时间会使它痊愈  If you didn"t notice 如果你没注意过  boy you mean everything 你意味着一切  (quickly i"m learning) (我很快认识到)  Oooh to love again (All i know is)(我都知道)  I"m gon" be OK 我会过得很好  Thought I couldn"t live without you 只是不能没有你  It"s gonna hurt when it heals too 痊愈的同时也会痛  Oooh yeah  (It"ll all get better in time) (一切都会好起来)  And even though I really love you 尽管我是真的爱你  I"m gonna smile 我会微笑  cause I deserve too ooh 因为我值得  (It"ll all get better in time) (一切都会好起来)  最后,2Pac那段:  Pour out some liquor and I reminsce, cause through the drama  I can always depend on my mama  And when it seems that I"m hopeless  You say the words that can get me back in focus  When I was sick as a little kid  To keep me happy there"s no limit to the things you did  And all my childhood memories  Are full of all the sweet things you did for me  And even though I act craaazy  I gotta thank the Lord that you made me  There are no words that can express how I feel  You never kept a secret, always stayed real  And I appreciate, how you raised me  And all the extra love that you gave me  I wish I could take the pain away  If you can make it through the night there"s a brighter day  Everything will be alright if ya hold on  It"s a struggle everyday, gotta roll on  And there"s no way I can pay you back  But my plan is to show you that I understand  You are appreciated  倒些酒,我开始回忆  喝一杯我仍可以继续  哦,我的妈妈  每当我看起来失望无助  你说些话来让我重燃希望  当我病了,像个小孩  为了让我高兴起来,似乎被限制的所有事情  你都做到  所有那些童年岁月的回忆  填满你给的甜蜜  甚至当我发狂  我都要感谢你让我找回自尊  已经找不到词语,可以表达我的感受  你从不掩饰,你总是保持真实  我感激你如此将我带大  这所有额外的你给我的爱  我希望用它们将痛苦驱赶  如果你可以这样出现在我人生的黑夜  那将是个明亮的白昼  所有的一切都会好起来的,只要你坚持下去  每天都在挣扎,我们要继续  而我没有任何的方式来回报你  但是我的行动告诉你我知道了  你是如此的伟大  均来自网上~
2023-07-24 10:31:001

if you love me -N.S允智 中文歌词

2023-07-24 10:31:233


2023-07-24 10:31:411


进入菜单 ,数据下载 U盘导出
2023-07-24 10:31:511


State of Grace - Audio IdolsI"m walking fast through the traffic lightsBusy streets and busy livesAnd all we knowIs touch and goWe are alone with our changing mindsWe fall in love "til it hurts or bleeds or fades in timeAnd I never (never) saw you comingAnd I"ll never (never) be the sameYou come around and the armor fallsPierce the room like a cannonballNow all we know is don"t let goWe are alone, just you and meUp in your room and our slates are cleanJust twin fire signsFour blue eyesSo you were never a saintAnd I"ve loved in shades of wrongWe learn to live with the painMosaic broken heartsBut this love is brave and wildAnd I never (never)saw you comingAnd I"ll never (never) be the sameThis is a state of graceThis is the worthwhile fightLove is a ruthless gameUnless you play it good and rightThese are the hands of fateYou"re my Achilles heelThis is the golden age of something good and right and realAnd I never (never) saw you comingAnd I"ll never (never) be the sameAnd I never (never)saw you comingAnd I"ll never (never) be the sameThis is a state of graceThis is the worthwhile fightLove is a ruthless gameUnless you play it good and right
2023-07-24 10:31:591


歌曲名字Wild Wild Web 作者- John The WhistlerIt`s a wild wild web when you feel lost insidethe wild wild web where there`s nothing to hideon the wild wild web please tell me where I`ll findvirtual reality of your smileIt`s a changing world that we`re living todayIf you need a girl there`s a very new wayYou`re chatting all alone on the webdeclaring all your love on the netIt`s a wild wild web when you feel lost insidethe wild wild web where there`s nothing to hideon the wild wild web please tell me where I`ll findvirtual reality of your smileFrom my bottom I prefer the old fashion wayWhen to flirt with a girl you just go for a datebut all I gotta view is your mailso stay connected just don`t run awayIt`s a wild wild web when you feel lost insidethe wild wild web where there`s nothing to hideon the wild wild web please tell me where I`ll findvirtual reality of your smileIt`s a wild wild web when you feel lost insidethe wild wild web where there`s nothing to hideon the wild wild web please tell me where I`ll findvirtual reality of your smileNow I hope that some day we will be meeting for realAnd we talk and we laugh having some Indian mealI hope that good time at last`cause Gs I found are most just too fastIt`s a wild wild web when you feel lost insidethe wild wild web where there`s nothing to hideon the wild wild web please tell me where I`ll findvirtual reality of your smileIt`s a wild wild web when you feel lost insidethe wild wild web where there`s nothing to hideon the wild wild web please tell me where I`ll findvirtual reality of your smile
2023-07-24 10:32:061

一首英文歌的mv重头到尾都在接吻的 是什么歌

charlie puth的 marvin gaye?
2023-07-24 10:32:162


U can"t be trusted, boy you got busted, gotme angry and disgusted, what"s this, attitudeno gratitude, what you doin" on the side boy,got me mad at you, but what I"m bout to doit tighten up, get rough, had enough, what"sup, times are about to get real tough, - causeyour covers got blown, now you out onyour own - so you know you better notcome back homeBetter not, better not, better not come homeyou better not come homeIt"s really gettin" hot tonight so u better notcome home - uuuuh baby gotta treat meright so u better not come home - it"s reallygettin" hot tonight so u better not comehome - uuuuh baby gotta treat me right so ubetter not come homeIt"s like hot in the kitchen girl I see that youwon"t listen, why you act"en like that, whyyou tripp"en and flippen it"s like I"m pippen ona underground mission, why you actenfoul, girl you getten kinda loud, - with themaccuasations, I can see you don"t under-stand what i"m facin" the aggravationunjustified retaliation, girl you better wakeup and tecognize the facts, ain"t no need toact like thatNow you playen out of bounds, better checkyour tags, recognize homegirl I don"t getdown like that, I used to be a straight mackway back in the days, had my street famenow I changed my game, better educated,straight up better dedicated, playen" for realgirl, never hesitated, so why you wanna goand leave your brotha alone, what youmean girl I better not come back home.Better not, better not, better not come homeyou better not come homeIt"s really gettin" hot tonight so u better notcome home - uuuuh baby gotta treat meright so u better not come home - it"s reallygettin" hot tonight so u better not comehome - uuuuh baby gotta treat me right so ubetter not come homeSo I better not come back home, girl whyyou wanna leave a brotha alone (ah), nowwhat you talken bout (ah) - I don"t do athang, but I know you probably thinken"that this brothas runnen games.No phone numbers, no addresses, tryen" toget them girls under them dresses, no not megirl, stop that, - "cuz my love is on the realand you can bet that
2023-07-24 10:32:231

2Pac的《Dear Mama》 歌词

歌曲名:Dear Mama歌手:2Pac专辑:The Best Of 2Pac - Pt. 1: ThugYou are appreciated...When i was young, me and my mama had beef17 years old kicked out on tha streetsThough back in tha time, i never thought i"d see her faceAin"t a woman alive that can take my momma"s placeSuspended from school, scared ta go homeI was a fool with tha big boys breaking all tha rulesShed tears with my baby sisterOver tha years we wuz poorer than tha other little kidsAnd even though we had different daddiesTha same drama when things went wrong we blamed mamaI reminised on tha stress i caused, it wuz hellHugg"en on my mama from a jail cellAnd who"ed think in elementary, heeeey i"d see tha penitentiaryOne dayRunning from tha police, that"s rightMomma catch me--put a whoop"en to my backsideAnd even as a crack fiend mama,Ya always was a black queen mamaI finally understand for a womanIt ain"t easy--trying ta raise a manYa always wuz commited, a poor single mother on welfare,Tell me how ya did itThere"s no way i can pay ya backBut tha plan is ta show ya that i understand.You are appreciated......Laaaaady, don"t cha know we luv yaSweeeet laaaady, place no one above yaSweeeet laaaady, don"t cha know we luv yaAin"t nobody tell us it wuz fairNo luv for my daddy, cause tha coward wuzn"t thereHe passed away and i didn"t cryCause my anger, wouldn"t let me feel for a strangerThey say i"m wrong and i"m heartlessBut all along i wuz looking for a father--he wuz goneI hung around with tha thug"s and even though they sold drugsThey showed a young brother luvI moved out and started really hang"inI needed money of my own so i started slang"inI ain"t guilty cause, even though i sell rocksIt feels good, putting money in your mailboxI love paying rent when tha rents dueI hope ya got tha diamond necklace that i sent to youCause when i wuz low, you was there for meYa never left me alone, cause ya cared for meAnd i can see ya coming home after work lateYa in tha kitchen trying ta fix us a hot plateJust working with tha scraps you wuz givenAnd mama made miracles every thanksgivingBut now tha road got rough, your aloneTrying ta raise two bad kids on your ownAnd there"s no way i can pay ya backBut my plan is ta show ya that i understandYou are appreciated.....Laaaaady, don"t cha know we luv yaSweeeet laaaady, place no one above yaSweeeet laaaady, don"t cha know we luv yaPour out some liquor and i remeniseCause through tha drama, i can always depend on my mamaAnd when it seems that i"m hopelessYou say tha words that can get me back in focusWhen i wuz sick as a little kidTa keep me happy theres no limit to tha things ya didAnd all my childhood memoriesAre full of all tha sweet things ya did for meAnd even though i act craaaazyI got ta thank tha lord that ya maaaade meThere are no words that can express how i feelYa never kept a secret, always stayed realAnd i appreciate how ya raised meAnd all tha extra love that ya gave meI wish i could take tha pain awayIf you can make it through tha night, there"s a brighter dayEverything"ll be alright if ya hold onIt"s a struggleEveryday gotta roll onAnd there"s no way i can pay ya backBut my plan is ta show ya that i understandYou are appreciated.......Laaaaady, don"t cha know we luv yaSweeeet laaaady, place no one above yaSweeeet laaaady, don"t cha know we luv ya, sweeeet laaaadyLaaaady...
2023-07-24 10:32:311

2Pac的《Dear Mama》 歌词

歌曲名:Dear Mama歌手:2Pac专辑:Me Against The World (Explicit)You are appreciated...When i was young, me and my mama had beef17 years old kicked out on tha streetsThough back in tha time, i never thought i"d see her faceAin"t a woman alive that can take my momma"s placeSuspended from school, scared ta go homeI was a fool with tha big boys breaking all tha rulesShed tears with my baby sisterOver tha years we wuz poorer than tha other little kidsAnd even though we had different daddiesTha same drama when things went wrong we blamed mamaI reminised on tha stress i caused, it wuz hellHugg"en on my mama from a jail cellAnd who"ed think in elementary, heeeey i"d see tha penitentiaryOne dayRunning from tha police, that"s rightMomma catch me--put a whoop"en to my backsideAnd even as a crack fiend mama,Ya always was a black queen mamaI finally understand for a womanIt ain"t easy--trying ta raise a manYa always wuz commited, a poor single mother on welfare,Tell me how ya did itThere"s no way i can pay ya backBut tha plan is ta show ya that i understand.You are appreciated......Laaaaady, don"t cha know we luv yaSweeeet laaaady, place no one above yaSweeeet laaaady, don"t cha know we luv yaAin"t nobody tell us it wuz fairNo luv for my daddy, cause tha coward wuzn"t thereHe passed away and i didn"t cryCause my anger, wouldn"t let me feel for a strangerThey say i"m wrong and i"m heartlessBut all along i wuz looking for a father--he wuz goneI hung around with tha thug"s and even though they sold drugsThey showed a young brother luvI moved out and started really hang"inI needed money of my own so i started slang"inI ain"t guilty cause, even though i sell rocksIt feels good, putting money in your mailboxI love paying rent when tha rents dueI hope ya got tha diamond necklace that i sent to youCause when i wuz low, you was there for meYa never left me alone, cause ya cared for meAnd i can see ya coming home after work lateYa in tha kitchen trying ta fix us a hot plateJust working with tha scraps you wuz givenAnd mama made miracles every thanksgivingBut now tha road got rough, your aloneTrying ta raise two bad kids on your ownAnd there"s no way i can pay ya backBut my plan is ta show ya that i understandYou are appreciated.....Laaaaady, don"t cha know we luv yaSweeeet laaaady, place no one above yaSweeeet laaaady, don"t cha know we luv yaPour out some liquor and i remeniseCause through tha drama, i can always depend on my mamaAnd when it seems that i"m hopelessYou say tha words that can get me back in focusWhen i wuz sick as a little kidTa keep me happy theres no limit to tha things ya didAnd all my childhood memoriesAre full of all tha sweet things ya did for meAnd even though i act craaaazyI got ta thank tha lord that ya maaaade meThere are no words that can express how i feelYa never kept a secret, always stayed realAnd i appreciate how ya raised meAnd all tha extra love that ya gave meI wish i could take tha pain awayIf you can make it through tha night, there"s a brighter dayEverything"ll be alright if ya hold onIt"s a struggleEveryday gotta roll onAnd there"s no way i can pay ya backBut my plan is ta show ya that i understandYou are appreciated.......Laaaaady, don"t cha know we luv yaSweeeet laaaady, place no one above yaSweeeet laaaady, don"t cha know we luv ya, sweeeet laaaadyLaaaady...
2023-07-24 10:32:381

有一首歌一连唱了3个this time 这是什么歌

歌名:This Time歌手:JojoI made the mistake like beforeGivin you the third degree, takin you through itI told you I get what I wantAnd I ain"t tryna hear nothin else but just do itAnd I had to take a good lookWhen everything else didn"t have a ring to itI"m sittin here blamin myselfWhen I saw what you were feelin inside, I misused itThis time it"s all my fault (Ooh oh)This time I can"t let goThis time I did itReally, but I got these feelingsHow am I supposed to know? (Ooh oh)Can"t let my weakness show (Yeah yeah)Havin my fits may cause me to miss this first chance at real loveThis time I won"t let you get away from meThis time I"m gonna let you take it where it should beThis time I won"t say noCause sayin no is a way to protect meBaby this time (this time) this time (this time) this time (this time)I"mma let you want meEvery female I knowCan"t seem to take her eyes off of you and I see itIt"s just that my girls been so hurtAnd I"m not tryna be the next one goin through itI see that I got somethin realAnd I don"t wanna lose it and gotta to say thank youThe thought of you gone gives me chillsSo baby let"s just put this aside and just come hereThis time it"s all my fault (Really all my fault)This time I can"t let goThis time I did itReally, but I got these feelings (And I got these feelings)How am I supposed to know? (To know)Can"t let my weakness showHavin my fits may cause me to miss this first chance at real loveThis time I won"t let you get away from meThis time I"m gonna let you take it where it should beThis time I won"t say noCause sayin no is a way to protect meBaby this time (this time) this time (this time) this time (this time)I"mma let you want meNever will I deny you love meAll this time you stuck here and didn"t leave (my time)Now I know what "trust me you will see" was (And I owe you)All my heart and deepest apologiesSo let"s take this back to we got it manI just wanna do this with you boyThis time I won"t let you get away from meThis time I"m gonna let you take it where it should beThis time I won"t say noCause sayin no is a way to protect meBaby this time (this time)this time (this time)this time (this time)I"mma let you want meThis time I won"t let you get away from meThis time I"m gonna let you take it where it should beThis time I won"t say noCause sayin no is a way to protect meBaby this time (this time)this time (this time)this time (this time)I"mma let you want me是这个吗
2023-07-24 10:32:571


you are not along-Machael JacksonAnother day has goneI"m still all aloneHow could this beYou"re not here with meYou never said goodbyeSomeone tell me whyDid you have to goAnd leave my world so coldEveryday I sit and ask myselfHow did love slip awaySomething whispers in my ear and saysThat you are not aloneI am here with youThough you"re far awayI am here to stayBut You are not aloneI am here with youThough we"re far apartYou"re always in my heartYou are not alone"lone "loneWhy ——"loneJust the other nightI thought I heard you cryAsking me to comeAnd hold you in my armsI can hear your prayersYour burdens I will bearBut first I need your handThen forever can beginEveryday I sit and ask myselfHow did love slip awayThen something whispers in my ear and saysThat you are not aloneFor I am here with youThough you"re far awayI am here to stayFor you are not aloneI am here with youThough we"re far apartYou"re always in my heartFor you are not aloneOh...Whisper three words and I"ll come runnin"Fly...And girl you know that I"ll be thereI"ll be thereYou are not aloneI am here with youThough you"re far awayI am here to stayYou are not aloneI am here with youThough we"re far apartYou"re always in my heartYou are not alone(You are not alone)For I am here with you(I am here with you)Though you"re far away(Though you"re far away)I am here to stay(And you with me)But you are not alone(You"re always)In my heart.....For I am here with youHeart.....Though we"re far apartHeart.....You"re always in my heartBut you are not aloneNot aloneYou are not alone, you are not alone...You are not alone, you are not alone...Not alone, not aloneYou just reach out for me girlIn the morning in the eveningNot alone, not aloneAnd you with me, not aloneOh, together, together...Producers : R. Kelly / Michael JacksonRecorded at Chicago Recording Company (
2023-07-24 10:33:053

Here In Your Heart 歌词

《Here In Your Heart 》歌手:First Call专辑:《Human Song》语言:英语歌词:Backstreet Boys---Back To Your HeartIts not that I cant live without youIts just that I dont even want to tryEvery night I dream about youEver since the day we said goodbyeIf I wasnt such a foolRight now Id be holding youTheres nothing that I wouldnt doBaby if I only knewCHORUSThe words to say, The road to takeTo find a way back to your heartWhat can I do, To get to youAnd find a way back to your heartI dont know how it got so crazyBut Ill do anything to set things rightCause your love is so amazingBaby youre the best thing in my lifeLet me prove my love is realAnd made you feel the way I feelI promise I would give the worldIf only you would tell me girlCHORUSThe words to say, The road to takeTo find a way back to your heartWhat can I do, To get to youAnd find a way back to your heartGive me one more chanceGive me one more chanceGive my love to you, give my love, my loveCause no one on this earth loves you like I do,Tell me,CHORUSThe words to say, The road to takeTo find a way back to your heartWhat can I do, To get to youAnd find a way back to your heartI turn back time, To make you mineAnd find a way back to your heartI beg and plead, Fall to my kneesTo find a way back to your heartThe words to say, The road to takeTo find a way back to your heartWhat can I do, To get to youAnd find a way back to your heart
2023-07-24 10:33:132


2023-07-24 10:33:213


"Cause you showed meThat love could beSo goodSo realAnd oh so rightSo many things I used to let get in my wayNow I open up my arms and sayHey loving youAll I wanna doFor the rest of my lifeThis feels so rightI"m Loving youAll I wanna doFor the rest of my daysI like the way I"m loving youAn open bookAn open doorThat"s what you areAnd I thank you forThe heart you giveThat"s sensitiveYou"re all I needed, you"re so much moreI used to fill each hour of each single dayNow I slow it down enough to sayI"m loving youAll I wanna doFor the rest of my lifeThis feels so rightI"m loving youIt"s all I wanna doFor the rest of my daysI like the way I"m loving you(I"m loving you don"t you know, don"t you know)Every day (every day)Every night (every night)Holding me closer (closer)Feeling so rightI"m loving youI"m loving youAll I wanna doFor the rest of my lifeThis feels so rightI"m loving youIt"s all I wanna doFor the rest of my daysI like the way I"m loving youI"m loving youAll I wanna doFor the rest of my lifeThis feels so rightI"m loving youIt"s all I wanna doFor the rest of my daysI like the way I"m loving youI"m loving you (you)I like the way I"m loving you
2023-07-24 10:33:291

club 8的一首歌的歌词

sometimes i felt like a loserwhen i was there i was with youit was too well knowni meant no harm i was faithlesshoping for something to growfor something to showi wanted a feelingsomething that seemed realand now it"s heretired of indifferencelooking for peopleto knock me downi think i got it made this timesomehow you made me feel gratefuli was so easy to pleasethat you could seei wasn"t much i was somethingsomeone to sweeten your nightsto make you feel all righti wanted a feelingsomething that seemed realand now it"s heretired of indifferencelooking for peopleto knock me downi think i got it made this timewhen i say goyou gowhen i say stayyou go
2023-07-24 10:33:372

Only Trust Your Heart 歌词

歌曲名:Only Trust Your Heart歌手:Diana Krall专辑:Only Trust Your HeartBackstreet Boys---Back To Your HeartIts not that I cant live without youIts just that I dont even want to tryEvery night I dream about youEver since the day we said goodbyeIf I wasnt such a foolRight now Id be holding youTheres nothing that I wouldnt doBaby if I only knewCHORUSThe words to say, The road to takeTo find a way back to your heartWhat can I do, To get to youAnd find a way back to your heartI dont know how it got so crazyBut Ill do anything to set things rightCause your love is so amazingBaby youre the best thing in my lifeLet me prove my love is realAnd made you feel the way I feelI promise I would give the worldIf only you would tell me girlCHORUSThe words to say, The road to takeTo find a way back to your heartWhat can I do, To get to youAnd find a way back to your heartGive me one more chanceGive me one more chanceGive my love to you, give my love, my loveCause no one on this earth loves you like I do,Tell meCHORUSThe words to say, The road to takeTo find a way back to your heartWhat can I do, To get to youAnd find a way back to your heartI turn back time, To make you mineAnd find a way back to your heartI beg and plead, Fall to my kneesTo find a way back to your heartThe words to say, The road to takeTo find a way back to your heartWhat can I do, To get to youAnd find a way back to your heart
2023-07-24 10:33:451

Head or Your Heart 歌词

歌曲名:Head or Your Heart歌手:Mat Kearney专辑:Young Love (Deluxe Edition)hiding from the rain and snowtrying to forget but i won t let golooking at a crowded streetlistening to my own heart beatso many peopleall around the worldtell me where do i findsomeone like you girltake me to your hearttake me to your soulgive me your hand before i m oldshow me what love ishaven t got a clueshow me that wonders can be truethey say nothing lasts foreverwe re only here todaylove is now or neverbring me far awaytake me to your hearttake me to your soulgive me your hand and hold meshow me what love isbe my guiding starit s easy take me to your heartstanding on a mountain highlooking at the moon through a clear blue skyi should go and see some friendsbut they don t really comprehenddon t need too much talkingwithout saying anythingall i need is someone
2023-07-24 10:33:522


Crush 歌手:Garbage I would die for you I would die for you I"ve been dying just to feel you by my side To know that you"re mine I will cry for you I will cry for you I will wash away your pain with all my tears And drown your fears I will pray for you I will pray for you I will sell my soul for something pure and true Someone like you See your face every place that I walk in Hear your voice every time that I"m talking You will believe in me And I will never be ignored I will burn for you Feel pain for you I will twist the knife and bleed my aching heart And tear it apart I will lie for you Beg and steal for you I will crawl on hands and knees until you see You"re just like me Violate all the love that I"m missing Throw away all the pain that I"m living You will believe in me And I can never be ignored I would die for you I would kill for you I will steal for you I"d do time for you I will wait for you I"d make room for you I"d sink ships for you To be close to you To be part of you Cause I believe in you I believe in you I would die for you
2023-07-24 10:34:002

Back To Love 歌词

歌曲名:Back To Love 歌手:Pulsedriver专辑:Best Of PulsedriverBackstreet Boys---Back To Your HeartIts not that I cant live without youIts just that I dont even want to tryEvery night I dream about youEver since the day we said goodbyeIf I wasnt such a foolRight now Id be holding youTheres nothing that I wouldnt doBaby if I only knewCHORUSThe words to say, The road to takeTo find a way back to your heartWhat can I do, To get to youAnd find a way back to your heartI dont know how it got so crazyBut Ill do anything to set things rightCause your love is so amazingBaby youre the best thing in my lifeLet me prove my love is realAnd made you feel the way I feelI promise I would give the worldIf only you would tell me girlCHORUSThe words to say, The road to takeTo find a way back to your heartWhat can I do, To get to youAnd find a way back to your heartGive me one more chanceGive me one more chanceGive my love to you, give my love, my loveCause no one on this earth loves you like I do,Tell meCHORUSThe words to say, The road to takeTo find a way back to your heartWhat can I do, To get to youAnd find a way back to your heartI turn back time, To make you mineAnd find a way back to your heartI beg and plead, Fall to my kneesTo find a way back to your heartThe words to say, The road to takeTo find a way back to your heartWhat can I do, To get to youAnd find a way back to your heart
2023-07-24 10:34:191

you better not come home歌词

2011年you better not come home歌词U can"t be trusted, boy you got busted, gotme angry and disgusted, what"s this, attitudeno gratitude, what you doin" on the side boy,got me mad at you, but what I"m bout to doit tighten up, get rough, had enough, what"sup, times are about to get real tough, - causeyour covers got blown, now you out onyour own - so you know you better notcome back homeBetter not, better not, better not come homeyou better not come homeIt"s really gettin" hot tonight so u better notcome home - uuuuh baby gotta treat meright so u better not come home - it"s reallygettin" hot tonight so u better not comehome - uuuuh baby gotta treat me right so ubetter not come homeIt"s like hot in the kitchen girl I see that youwon"t listen, why you act"en like that, whyyou tripp"en and flippen it"s like I"m pippen ona underground mission, why you actenfoul, girl you getten kinda loud, - with themaccuasations, I can see you don"t under-stand what i"m facin" the aggravationunjustified retaliation, girl you better wakeup and tecognize the facts, ain"t no need toact like thatNow you playen out of bounds, better checkyour tags, recognize homegirl I don"t getdown like that, I used to be a straight mackway back in the days, had my street famenow I changed my game, better educated,straight up better dedicated, playen" for realgirl, never hesitated, so why you wanna goand leave your brotha alone, what youmean girl I better not come back home.Better not, better not, better not come homeyou better not come homeIt"s really gettin" hot tonight so u better notcome home - uuuuh baby gotta treat meright so u better not come home - it"s reallygettin" hot tonight so u better not comehome - uuuuh baby gotta treat me right so ubetter not come homeSo I better not come back home, girl whyyou wanna leave a brotha alone (ah), nowwhat you talken bout (ah) - I don"t do athang, but I know you probably thinken"that this brothas runnen games.No phone numbers, no addresses, tryen" toget them girls under them dresses, no not megirl, stop that, - "cuz my love is on the realand you can bet that
2023-07-24 10:34:281

Mary Mary的《Incredible》 歌词

歌曲名:Incredible歌手:Mary Mary专辑:IncredibleClique Girlz - IncredibleHow can it be?We"re here with you nowyou"ve made our dreams come trueYou"ve helped it put us herefor that we are so sincere"Bout the love that we"ll haveSingin" for youThe moment we came on stageSomehow we always knewThat we"ve been waiting for youTell me,Why does it feel so incredible?When the lights shine on meIt"s so beautifulWe"ve been searching for all our livesFor the love that you won"t provideAnd you"re all that we needYou"re incredible (x2)Look at our fans screaming like thatLook what you"ve given usA life that is now completeFor us this is such a treatDay in, day out singing for youThe moment we came on stageAnd we"d only heard of loveTill you showed us what is wasTell me why does it feel so incredible?(why does it feel)When the lights shine on meIt"s so beautiful (beautiful)We"ve been searching for all our livesFor the love that you won"t provideAnd you"re all (and you"re all)That we need (that we need)You"re incredibleDon"t you be scared to follow your dreamsThey"ll come trueAnd listen to your heartAnd you"ll get throughTell me why (tell me why)Does it feel (does it feel)So incredible (so incredible)When the lights (when the light)Shine on me (shine on me)It"s so beautiful (its so beautful)We"ve been searching for all our lives(our lives)For the love that you won"t provideAnd you"re all that we needThis is wild this is realAnd you"re love"s all I feelYou"re incredibleYou"re incredible (yah yah)You"re incredible (oohhh oohhh yah yah)You"re incredible (oohhh oh whoa)
2023-07-24 10:34:351

Killer In You 歌词

歌曲名:Killer In You歌手:Limp Bizkit专辑:Gold Cobra≡ 卐 Limp Bizkit - Killer In You 卐 ≡album: Gold Cobrareleased on June 28, 2011There"s a motherfucking killer on the looseAnd he"ll destroy every single one of youYou better watch it cause he"s looking for your ass nowBetter lock all your doors and shut the house downHe"s making a list and he"s checking it twiceHe was born pissed and he"s ready to sliceHis reality ain"t like yours or mineHe can shed blood I hope it ain"t mineHe don"t give a fuck if your crying for helpHe was born blind in the chambers of hellSatan gave his homeboy a license to killAnd if he comes knocking I"m going to show him the dealWhat the fuck you gonna do about thatWhat the fuck you gonna do about thatWhen the killer shows up with a gatYou gonna have to grab yourself a baseball batTo remind this motherfucker where the home runs atWhat the fuck you gonna do about thatWhat the fuck you gonna do about thatYour gonna have to face the moment of truthYou know what to doYou gonna have to find the killer in youHe"s got a trunk full of hatches and shitBombs, gasoline, matches and shitAnything to make a human die quickCreeping in the night like some superfly shitSo scandalous and everything about him is wrongChainsaw starting up at the crack of dawnLeatherface is a pussy he don"t compareHe"ll have you shitting in your motherfucking underwearAll your homies coming hard better get a gripHe"ll kill your wife and your baby sleeping in the cribWe got to stop and shut this motherfucker downShow his ass who runs this motherfucking town !Show his ass who runs this motherfucking town !What the fuck you gonna do about thatWhat the fuck you gonna do about thatWhen the killer shows up with a gatYou gonna have to grab yourself a baseball batTo remind this motherfucker where the home runs atWhat the fuck you gonna do about thatWhat the fuck you gonna do about thatYour gonna have to face the moment of truthYou know what to doYou gonna have to go and find the killer in youLay that motherfucker on the curbLet"s find the killer in you !Show that motherfucker the dealAnd now it"s realAnd now it"s realYAHHHHHHHHHHHHH !Kill that motherfucker, Kill-Kill that motherfucker !Kill that motherfucker, Kill-Kill that motherfucker !Kill that motherfucker, Kill-Kill that motherfucker !Kill that motherfucker, Kill-Kill that motherfucker !What the fuck you gonna do about thatWhat the fuck you gonna do about thatWhen the killer shows up with a gatYou gonna have to grab yourself a baseball batTo remind this motherfucker where the home runs atWhat the fuck you gonna do about thatWhat the fuck you gonna do about thatYour gonna have to face the moment of truthYou know what to doYou gonna have to go and find the killer in you
2023-07-24 10:34:431

Running Back 歌词

歌曲名:Running Back 歌手:Jessica Mauboy专辑:running backJessica Mauboy - Running BackThese days you barely even say my nameLike you don"t really feel the sameI"m wondering what"s to blameThese nights I fall asleep wondering where you areIt feels like we"re falling apartAnd it"s only breaking my heartCause if being with you means being aloneAnd never knowing when you"re coming homeThen I guess I"m better off on my ownBut I can"t move onCause that makes forgettingForgetting everything we"ve hadInstead I keep comingkeep comingI keep running backCause I keep forgettingForgetting you treat me so badSo I keep comingkeep comingI keep running backI keep coming backI keep coming backI keep coming backI keep coming backMy friends say that I should leave you behindAnd stop wasting all my timeThey tell me that I am out of my mindBut I know that what we both share is realAnd I"ve been willing to dealWith the way that you"re making me feelCause if being with you means being aloneAnd never knowing when you"re coming homeThen I guess I"m better off on my ownBut I can"t move onCause that makes me forgettingForgetting everything we"ve hadInstead I keep comingkeep comingI keep running backCause I keep forgettingForgetting you treat me so badSo I keep comingKeep comingI keep running backI keep coming backI keep coming backI keep coming backI keep coming backMa ma ma mama caught upWe done all heard the same storyJust different authors this book crazyAlways a lady looking for love where there"s a lameThey might could be togetherThey fight to be togetherAight to be togetherShorty yeah he cheatedYou say you don"t need itTurn around and leave itOh he back next weekFuss... FightAnd then the whole thing repeat like nothing ever happenedDat was just rappingNo publishingShorty you knew that he don"t got the same governmentLil mama can"t move onBut it"s her fault she strugglingShe can"t... move... onBut I can"t move onCause that means forgettingForgetting everything we"ve hadI keep comingKeep comingKeep coming backI keep running backI keep running backI keep running backI keep running backI keep running backI keep running backI keep running backI keep running back to you
2023-07-24 10:34:591

Be With You 歌词

歌曲名:Be With You歌手:Breath专辑:B BestBe With You - Mary J. BlidgeI wanna be with you, gotta be with you, need to be with youI wanna be with you, gotta be with you, need to be with youOooo (oh, oh, oh, oh) ooooChemistry was crazy from the get-goNeither one of us knew whyWe didn"t deal nothing overnightCuz a love like this takes some timePeople start off as a phaseSaid we can"t see thatNow from top to bottomThey see that we did thatIt"s so true thatWe"ve been through itSee baby we been...Too strong for too longAnd I"ll be waiting up until you get homeAnybody who"s ever loved, ya know just what I feelToo hard to fake it, nothing can replace itCall the radio if you just can"t be without your babyI got a question for yaSee I already know the answerBut still I wanna ask youWould you lie?Make me cry?Do somethin" behind my back and then try to cover it up?Well, neither would I, babyMy love is only your loveI"ll be faithfulI"m for realAnd with us you"ll always know the dealWe"ve been...Too strong for too longAnd I"ll be waiting up until you get homeAnybody who"s ever loved, ya know just what I feelToo hard to fake it, nothing can replace itCall the radio if you just can"t be without your babySee this is real talkI"m always stayGood or badRight or wrongNow if you"re down on love or don"t believeThis ain"t for youAnd if you got it deep in your heartAnd deep down you know that it"s trueWell, let me see you put your hands upFellas tell your lady she"s the onePut your hands upLadies let him know he"s got you lockedLook him right in his eyes and tell himWe"ve been...Too strong for too longAnd I"ll be waiting up until you get homeAnybody who"s ever loved, ya know just what I feelToo hard to fake it, nothing can replace itCall the radio if you just can"t be without your babyHey OhHey OhI wanna be with you, gotta be with you, need to be with youI wanna be with you, gotta be with you, need to be with youI wanna be with you, gotta be with you, need to be with youI wanna be with you, gotta be with you, need to be with youI wanna be with you, gotta be with you, need to be with you
2023-07-24 10:35:061