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2023-07-24 11:57:54

fancy 多为英式用法,书面语。


2.I fancy you 在男女之间用的较多。 男和男之间一般用 like.

3.I found of you 我对你有好感.

4.I love you 是最普遍的.




fancy,英语单词,主要用作动词、名词、形容词。作动词时意为“想做;喜爱;自负;想象;设想,认为;(尤指速度竞赛)认为……要赢;(表示惊讶或反对)真没想到”。作名词时意为“幻想;想象力;爱好;(赛马等体育比赛中)最被看好的人或动物;(拳击等运动的)爱好者;花式蛋糕或饼干;(16和17世纪音乐用语)幻想曲;范茜(人名)”。作形容词时意为“复杂的;昂贵的;精致的,花俏的;想象的;(食物)优质的;(花)杂色的;(动物)供观赏的”。扩展资料fancy的用法1、fancy的基本意思是“幻想,想象”,即通过想象构想出某事物,可以是纯粹的虚构,也可以是现实成分的重新组合。2、fancy可作及物动词,也可作不及物动词。用作及物动词时,后可接名词、代词、动名词或从句作宾语。也可接“(to be/as)+ n./adj./prep.-phrase”充当补足语的复合宾语。3、fancy常用于感叹句中,表示对已经发生的事情的惊奇、诧异、不满等。4、fancy可接so或not代替前面肯定或否定句中的宾语。参考资料来源:百度百科-fancy (英语单词)
2023-07-24 10:17:161


2023-07-24 10:17:564


大致可以这样用文字间接说明:1)这个词有两个音节;2)重音在第一个音节;3)第一个音节中的那个元音与单词"cat"中的那个元音相同;4)第 2 个音节为非重读音节,发音是[si]]更多正确读音你可以到小马过河网上找专业老师
2023-07-24 10:18:161

fancy是什么意思 有什么固定词组 请举例句

fancyadj.奇特的, 异样的vt.想象, 设想, 认为, 爱好, 自负n.爱好, 迷恋, 想象力
2023-07-24 10:19:294


adj.奇特的、异样的;vt.想象、设想、爱好;n.想象力、幻想、爱好。常用结构:fancy oneself自负,自命不凡;fancy(doing)sth.喜欢,想要(做)某事。例:What I fancy I said to Melbury must have been enough to enrage any man.我相信我当时对麦尔布礼说的那些话足以激怒任何人。 词义辨析 like,love,enjoy,fancy,adore,prefer 这些动词都有“喜欢、喜爱”之意。 like最常用词,往往只表不太强烈的兴趣或关注,不带强烈的感情,除非另加修饰语。 love不但表示强烈的喜欢,而且含依恋之情,因此多用于能激起深厚情感的人或物。 enjoy指对能提供感观或智力上满足或快乐的东西表示欣赏或喜爱。 fancy指喜爱投合自己心意、嗜好或欲望等的人或物。adore非正式用词,口语体。指非常喜爱,带强烈的感情色彩。 prefer指有选择性或偏向性的喜欢。 imagination,fancy,fantasy 这些名词均含有“想象,幻想”之意。 imagination含义广,一般不含贬义。可指认真、带有启发性的想象,也可指凭记忆的想象或凭空想象事物的能力。 fancy指脱离实际的幻想或幻想力,常暗含所想象的东西近乎怪诞的意味。 fantasy指与现实完全脱节,荒诞离谱、稀奇古怪的想象。
2023-07-24 10:19:381

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fancy : 非正式用语 因喜爱而想要 如:(1) I fancy a cup of tea 我想要一杯茶 (2) I think she fancies you 我想她喜欢你want : 正式用语 因需要而想要 如 (1)I want a new car 我想要一辆新汽车 (2) I want to be more carehul 我需要更小心些
2023-07-24 10:19:561


  词语是词和短语的合称,包括词(含单词、合成词)和词组(又称短语),组成语句文章的最小组词结构形式单元。下面跟着我来看看fancy的反义词有哪些吧!希望对你有所帮助。   fancy的反义词:   plain   词组习语:   as (或 when 或 where) the fancy takes one   1. 由兴趣主宰;由着性子;跟着感觉   你可以随便四处走动。   you could move about as the fancy took you.   fancy ones (或 someones) chances   2. 相信自己(或别人)会成功   我们相信自己会在复赛中取胜。   we fancy our chances in the replay.   take (或 catch) someones fancy   3. 讨某人喜欢;迎合某人的口味;吸引某人   take a fancy   (尤指莫名其妙地)喜爱   同义词辨析:   imagination, fancy, fantasy   这些名词均含有"想象,幻想"之意。   imagination : 含义广,一般不含贬义。可指认真、带有启发性的想象,也可指凭记忆的想象或凭空想象事物的能力。   fancy : 指脱离实际的幻想或幻想力,常暗含所想象的东西近乎怪诞的意味。   fantasy : 指与现实完全脱节,荒诞离谱、稀奇古怪的想象。   like, love, enjoy, fancy, adore, prefer   这些动词都有"喜欢,喜爱"之意。   like : 最常用词,往往只表不太强烈的兴趣或关注,不带强烈的感情,除非另加修饰语。   love : 不但表示强烈的喜欢,而且含依恋之情,因此多用于能激起深厚情感的人或物。   enjoy : 指对能提供感观或智力上满足或快乐的东西表示欣赏或喜爱。   fancy : 指喜爱投合自己心意、嗜好或欲望等的人或物。   adore : 非正式用词,口语体。指非常喜爱,带强烈的感情色彩。   prefer : 指有选择性或偏向性的喜欢。   think, conceive, imagine, fancy, realize   这些动词均可表示"在思想中形成一个看法或观念"之意。   think : 最普通用词,指想或思索,也指由反复思考而作出判断或得出结论等。   conceive : 指在头脑中组织好自己的思想,在心中形成一个系统的思想或一个见解。   imagine比conceive更强调形象思维,指在头脑中形成一个清晰明确的意象。   fancy与imagine略不同,往往指的是不切实际的,属于梦幻般的"想象。   realize : 指领悟,通过生动的构思或想象从而抓住事物的本质。   fancy的例句:   1. It was packaged in a fancy plastic case with attractive graphics.   它装在一个别致的有漂亮图纹的塑料盒子里。   2. She did not suspect that his interest was just a passing fancy.   她相信这不过是他一时兴起。   3. He owned a fancy house out on Lake Agawam.   他在阿格瓦姆湖畔拥有一座豪宅。   4. He turned up at the fancy dress party as a footballer.   他扮成足球运动员出现在化装舞会上。   5. The King took a fancy to ordering disguises and masks.   国王迷上了订购化装用品和面具。   6. How much was fact and how much fancy no one knew.   几多虚实,无人知晓。   7. Fancy some nosh?   来点儿吃的?   8. "Fancy that!" smiled Conti.   “真想不到!”康蒂笑着说。   9. I fancy Leicester to go up.   我认为莱斯特队会晋级。   10. I didnt fancy myself wearing a kilt.   我不想穿褶裥短裙。   11. What do you fancy doing, anyway?   你到底想干什么?   12. I fancy England to win through.   我认为英格兰队会一路胜出。   13. So you fancy yourself as the boss someday?   这么说,你是想有一天自己当上老板喽?   14. Occasionally, he throws fancy words around.   他有时会把华丽的词藻挂在嘴边。   15. He always shows up in a fancy car.   他总是乘坐一辆奢华轿车露面。
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2023-07-24 10:20:571


  fancy表 想像; 设想; 想要; 猜想的意思,那么你知道fancy的短语有哪些吗?接下来我为大家整理了fancy的短语搭配,希望对你有帮助哦!   fancy的短语:   catch〔take, tickle〕 sb"s fancy   中某人的意,吸引某人stimulate sb"s desire for sth   He saw the woman and she caught his fancy immediately.他看见了那个女人,立刻觉得中意。   The exhibits took the fancy of the visitors.展品深受参观者的喜爱。   take a fancy to   对u2026喜欢起来take a liking to   He seemed to have taken quite a fancy to her.他似乎相当喜欢她。   同义词辨析:   imagination, fancy, fantasy   这些名词均含有"想象,幻想"之意。   imagination : 含义广,一般不含贬义。可指认真、带有启发性的想象,也可指凭记忆的想象或凭空想象事物的能力。   fancy : 指脱离实际的幻想或幻想力,常暗含所想象的东西近乎怪诞的意味。   fantasy : 指与现实完全脱节,荒诞离谱、稀奇古怪的想象。   like, love, enjoy, fancy, adore, prefer   这些动词都有"喜欢,喜爱"之意。   like : 最常用词,往往只表不太强烈的兴趣或关注,不带强烈的感情,除非另加修饰语。   love : 不但表示强烈的喜欢,而且含依恋之情,因此多用于能激起深厚情感的人或物。   enjoy : 指对能提供感观或智力上满足或快乐的东西表示欣赏或喜爱。   fancy : 指喜爱投合自己心意、嗜好或欲望等的人或物。   adore : 非正式用词,口语体。指非常喜爱,带强烈的感情色彩。   prefer : 指有选择性或偏向性的喜欢。   think, conceive, imagine, fancy, realize   这些动词均可表示"在思想中形成一个看法或观念"之意。   think : 最普通用词,指想或思索,也指由反复思考而作出判断或得出结论等。   conceive : 指在头脑中组织好自己的思想,在心中形成一个系统的思想或一个见解。   imagine比conceive更强调形象思维,指在头脑中形成一个清晰明确的意象。   fancy与imagine略不同,往往指的是不切实际的,属于梦幻般的想象。   realize : 指领悟,通过生动的构思或想象从而抓住事物的本质。   fancy的短语例句:   1. It was packaged in a fancy plastic case with attractive graphics.   它装在一个别致的有漂亮图纹的塑料盒子里。   2. She did not suspect that his interest was just a passing fancy.   她相信这不过是他一时兴起。   3. He owned a fancy house out on Lake Agawam.   他在阿格瓦姆湖畔拥有一座豪宅。   4. He turned up at the fancy dress party as a footballer.   他扮成足球运动员出现在化装舞会上。   5. The King took a fancy to ordering disguises and masks.   国王迷上了订购化装用品和面具。   6. How much was fact and how much fancy no one knew.   几多虚实,无人知晓。   7. Fancy some nosh?   来点儿吃的?   8. "Fancy that!" smiled Conti.   “真想不到!”康蒂笑着说。   9. I fancy Leicester to go up.   我认为莱斯特队会晋级。   10. I didn"t fancy myself wearing a kilt.   我不想穿褶裥短裙。   11. What do you fancy doing, anyway?   你到底想干什么?   12. I fancy England to win through.   我认为英格兰队会一路胜出。   13. So you fancy yourself as the boss someday?   这么说,你是想有一天自己当上老板喽?   14. Occasionally, he throws fancy words around.   他有时会把华丽的词藻挂在嘴边。   15. He always shows up in a fancy car.   他总是乘坐一辆奢华轿车露面。
2023-07-24 10:21:051


[ar:Iggy Azalea+Charli Xcs]歌曲名 Fancy 歌手名 Iggy Azalea+Charli XcsFirst thing"s first I"m the realest (realest)Drop this and let the whole world feel it (let them feel it)And I"m still in the Murda BiznessI can hold you down like I"m givin"lessons in physics (right right)You should want a bad like this (Huh)Drop it low and pick it up just like this (Yeah)Cup of Ace cup of Goose cup of CrisHigh heels somethinworth a half a ticket on my wrist (On my wrist)Takin" all the liquor straightnever chase that (Never)Rooftop like we bringin" "88 back (What)Bring the hooks in where the bass atChampagne spillin" you should taste thatI"m so fancyYou already knowI"m in the fast laneFrom L.A. to TokyoI"m so fancyCan"t you taste this goldRemember my name"Bout to blowI said "Baby I do this I thought that you knew this"Can"t stand no haters and honest the truth isAnd my flow each beat did depart itSwagger on super I can"t shop at no departmentTo get my money on time if they not money declineAnd swear I meant that there so muchthat they give that line a rewindSo get my money on timeif they not money declineI just can"t worry "bout no hatersgotta stay on my grindNow tell me who that who that That do that do thatPut that paper over allI thought you knew that knew thatI be that I-G-G-Y put my name in boldI been workingI"m up in here with some change to throwI"m so fancyYou already knowI"m in the fast laneFrom L.A. to TokyoI"m so fancyCan"t you taste this goldRemember my name"Bout to blowTrash the hotelLet"s get drunk on the mini barMake the phone callFeels so good getting what I wantYeah keep on turning it upChandelier swinging we don"t give aFilm star yeah I"m deluxeClassic expensive you don"t get to touchStill stunned how you love thatGot the whole world asking how I does thatHot girl hands off don"t touch thatLook at it I bet you wishing you could clutch thatIt"s just the way you like it huhHe"s so good he"s just wishing he could bite it huhNever turn down moneySlaying these gold trigger on the gun likeI"m so fancyYou already knowI"m in the fast laneFrom L.A. to TokyoI"m so fancyCan"t you taste this goldRemember my name"Bout to blowWho that who that I-G-G-YThat do that do that I-G-G-YWho that who that I-G-G-YWho-who-who that who that I-G-G-YThat do that do that I-G-G-YWho that who that I-G-G-Y-
2023-07-24 10:21:201


First thing"s first, I"m the realest (realest)  Drop this and let the whole world feel it (let them feel it)  And I"m still in the Murda Bizness  I can hold you down, like I"m givin" lessons in physics (right, right)  You should want a bad bitch like this (Huh?)  Drop it low and pick it up just like this (Yeah)  Cup of Ace, cup of Goose, cup of Cris  High heels, somethin" worth a half a ticket on my wrist (On my wrist)  Takin" all the liquor straight, never chase that (Never)  Rooftop like we bringin" "88 back (What?)  Bring the hooks in, where the bass at?  Champagne spillin", you should taste thatI"m so fancy  You already know  I"m in the fast lane  From L.A. to Tokyo  I"m so fancy  Can"t you taste this gold?  Remember my name  "Bout to blowI said, Baby, I do this, I thought that you knew this  Can"t stand no haters and honest, the truth is  And my flow retarded, each beat did depart it  Swagger on super, I can"t shop at no department  To get my money on time, if they not money, decline  And swear I meant that there so much that they give that line a rewind  So get my money on time, if they not money, decline  I just can"t worry "bout no haters, gotta stay on my grind  Now tell me, who that, who that? That do that, do that?  Put that paper over all, I thought you knew that, knew that  I be that I-G-G-Y, put my name in bold  I been working, I"m up in here with some change to throwI"m so fancy  You already know  I"m in the fast lane  From L.A. to Tokyo  I"m so fancy  Can"t you taste this gold?  Remember my name  "Bout to blowTrash the hotel  Let"s get drunk on the mini bar  Make the phone call  Feels so good getting what I want  Yeah, keep on turning it up  Chandelier swinging, we don"t give a fuck  Film star, yeah I"m deluxe  Classic, expensive, you don"t get to touchStill stunned, how you love that  Got the whole world asking how I does that  Hot girl, hands off, don"t touch that  Look at it I bet you wishing you could clutch that  It"s just the way you like it, huh?  He"s so good, he"s just wishing he could bite it, huh?  Never turn down money  Slaying these hoes, gold trigger on the gun likeI"m so fancy  You already know  I"m in the fast lane  From L.A. to Tokyo  I"m so fancy  Can"t you taste this gold?  Remember my name  "Bout to blowWho that, who that, I-G-G-Y  That do that, do that, I-G-G-Y  Who that, who that, I-G-G-YWho-who-who that, who that, I-G-G-Y  That do that, do that, I-G-G-Y  Who that, who that, I-G-G-Y 首先要说 我无比真实  发行这首歌让全世界感觉我的威力  我依然是Murda Bizness里面的我  我像引力一般把你吸引  就想上物理课一样  你应该渴望我这样的坏女孩  腰臀艳舞我样样精通  香槟 伏特加 水晶香槟  脚穿高跟鞋 手腕上还带着价值50万的手链  直接喝烈酒 从不兑酒  在家狂欢 就像1988年  高潮快到了 贝斯在哪里  泼洒香槟 你也应该尝尝  我如此奢华  你早就知道  我急速成名  从洛杉矶到东京  我如此奢华  全身上下珠光宝气  记住我的名字 马上火爆全球  我说我很屌 我以为你们都知道  我不能忍受黑特 说老实话  我的节奏太屌 你们的节奏就像婴儿学说话  格调超级劲爆 我只在超市购物  我准时有钞票进账 没钱的人 我不予理睬  我说的每句话都是真话  你们得反复看上几遍  我准时有钞票进账 没钱的人 我不予理睬  我没空担心黑特 我得保持自己的格调  快告诉我 是谁 是谁那么拽  狂赚那么多钞票 我以为你知道 以为你知道  我就是 I-G-G-Y 我的大名要加粗  我努力打拼 才有今天的成绩  我如此奢华  你早就知道  我急速成名  从洛杉矶到东京  我如此奢华  全身上下珠光宝气  记住我的名字 马上火爆全球  大闹旅馆  让我们把冰箱的酒喝光  一个电话  我就能 呼风唤雨  把音量开大  吊灯都在摇晃 我们毫不在意  就像电影明星极尽奢华  我典雅又高贵 你只可远观不可亵玩  依旧光芒万丈 怎样  全世界都在问我是怎样做到的  姐身材火辣 别没事乱惹我  快看看 姐的翘臀我想你绝对想摸摸吧  你不就好这口么 啊  如此销魂 你是否已已经想尝一口鲜美的我 啊  有好事何必拒绝  凌驾于那些女子之上  我如此奢华  你早就知道  我急速成名  从洛杉矶到东京  我如此奢华  全身上下珠光宝气  记住我的名字 马上火爆全球  是谁 I-G-G-Y  这么拽 I-G-G-Y  是谁 I-G-G-Y  火爆  是谁 I-G-G-Y  这么拽 I-G-G-Y是谁 I-G-G-Y  火爆
2023-07-24 10:22:121


love是爱的一种表达方式,是由专指“爱”这个含义而派生出与爱相关联的词语。而fancy则表达了人的一种感性的倾向,表示一种欲望,一种幻想。1. fancy 多为英式用法,书面语。like英式美式都常用,但属普通用词,多出现在口语中。用fancy表达的情感比用like感觉更强烈2.I fancy you 在男女之间用的较多。 男和男之间一般用 like.3.I found of you 我对你有好感.4.I love you 是最普遍的.
2023-07-24 10:22:272


  “Fancy”这个词在英语中有多种含义,取决于它的上下文。最常见的含义是“高级的”或“精致的”,通常用于描述事物的外观或品质。例如,一件华丽的礼服可以被描述为“fancy dress”。  另一种含义是“想象的”或“奇特的”,这通常用来描述想法或概念。例如,“fancy meeting”可能意味着一次非正式的聚会,或者一个集思广益的场合,大家可以分享和讨论创意。  “Fancy”还可以作为动词使用,意思是“想要”或“喜欢”。例如,“I fancy a cup of tea”意思是“我想喝一杯茶”。  总的来说,“fancy”这个词在英语中有很多含义,需要根据上下文和语境来理解。它可以用来形容事物的外观或品质,也可以用来表达想法或概念,或者表示想要或喜欢某件事情。
2023-07-24 10:22:431


love比fancy程度高(一个是“我爱你”,一个是“我喜欢你”)i love you表示起来显得更喜欢谢谢采纳^_^
2023-07-24 10:22:522


Fancy这是一款全功能的电子商务平台,它可以为用户带来最新的投资,购物流程。更可以在Fancy里购买任何东西,从穿着,门票,购买和酒店的房间预定,你能想象的尽在掌中,现在,Fancy已经获得了25万次的品牌折扣,它正在对撞机的电子Fancy一个正在壮大的全新电子商务平台。  现在,当有很多顾客表示希望团购某件商品时,相关的零售商可以决定是否要提供一次团购。  Fancy的用户在参与活动时拥有很高的积极性,他们有独特的分享和发现内容的方式,Fancy甚至可以让用户获得投资,这必将吸引更多的人来加入到Fancy的用户群中,商家也必定会拥有更多的客户。
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adj.奇特的, 异样的vt.想象, 设想, 认为, 爱好, 自负n.爱好, 迷恋, 想象力
2023-07-24 10:24:413


fancy的意思是:想要。fancy,英语单词,主要用作动词、名词、形容词,作动词时意为“想做;喜爱;自负;想象;设想,认为;(尤指速度竞赛)认为……要赢;(表示惊讶或反对) 真没想到”,作名词时意为“幻想;想象力;爱好;(赛马等体育比赛中)最被看好的人或动物。短语搭配1、Fancy Free无拘无束;自由的想象。2、fancy plywood[建]装饰胶合板;贴面板;装饰板;美国樱桃贴面板。3、Fancy buttonhole花式扣眼。4、fancy sapphire奇色蓝宝石;蓝宝石;彩色蓝宝石。双语例句1、I think he would come but it"s only a fancy of mine.我想他会来的,不过这仅是我的设想罢了。2、Fancy them selling the castle, just like that.设想一下,他们在卖这座城堡,是的。3、He"s always using fancy legal words.他总是使用异常复杂的法律词语。4、Don"t come back with any fancy ideas.别用任何大手大脚花钱的想法回敬我了。
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fancy可用作名词,表示幻想,想象;可用作及物动词,后可接名词、代词、动名词或从句作宾语;fancy可接so或not代替前面肯定或否定句中的宾语等。 fancy的用法 1、fancy的基本意思是“幻想,想象”,即通过想象构想出某事物,可以是纯粹的虚构,也可以是现实成分的重新组合。 2、fancy可作及物动词,也可作不及物动词。用作及物动词时,后可接名词、代词、动名词或从句作宾语。也可接“(to be/as)+ n./adj./prep.-phrase ”充当补足语的复合宾语(to be/as可省略)。 3、fancy常用于感叹句中,表示对已经发生的事情的惊奇、诧异、不满等。 4、fancy可接so或not代替前面肯定或否定句中的宾语。 fancy的常用例句 用作形容词 (adj.) She wants to buy a handbag, not fancy but strong. 我想买一个手提包不要花俏,而要耐用。 These fancy arguments befuddled us. 这些复杂的论据令我们疑惑不已。 用作名词 (n.) The painting took his fancy, so he bought it. 这幅画被他看中了,所以他就把它买了下来。 I have taken a fancy to that new bicycle. 我非常喜欢那辆新自行车。 用作及物动词 (vt.) I fancy they"re getting on well with each other. 我猜想他们相处得不错。 I fancy that my friend will be all right. 我希望我的朋友平安无事。
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adj.奇特的, 异样的 vt.想象, 设想, 认为, 爱好, 自负 n.爱好, 迷恋, 想象力
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fancy的用法如下:1、fancy的基本意思是“幻想,想象”,即通过想象构想出某事物,可以是纯粹的虚构,也可以是现实成分的重新组合。2、fancy可作及物动词,也可作不及物动词。用作及物动词时,后可接名词、代词、动名词或从句作宾语。也可接“(to be/as)+ n./adj./prep.-phrase”充当补足语的复合宾语(to be/as可省略)。3、fancy常用于感叹句中,表示对已经发生的事情的惊奇、诧异、不满等。4、fancy可接so或not代替前面肯定或否定句中的宾语。fancy的常用例句用作形容词(adj.)She wants tobuy ahandbag,not fancy butstrong.我想买一个手提包不要花俏,而要耐用。Thesefancy arguments befudd1edus.这些复杂的论据令我们疑惑不已。用作名词(n.)The painting took his fancy,so he bought it.这幅画被他看中了,所以他就把它买了下来。工have taken a fancy to that new bicyc1e.我非常喜欢那辆新自行车。用作及物动词(vt.)I fancy they"re getting on wel1 with each other.我猜想他们相处得不错。lfancy thatmlyfriend wi11 beal1 right.我希望我的朋友平安无事。
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fancy意思如下:v.:<英,非正式> 喜欢,想要;<英,非正式> 爱恋,爱慕;<英,非正式> 认为……会成功(赢);<文> 认为,想象;<英,非正式>自负,自命不凡(fancy oneself)。n.:喜欢,想要;想象,想象力,想象的事物;<旧> (无根据的)想法,空想;花色小蛋糕;(赛马或其他体育比赛中)最被看好的人(或动物)。adj.:时髦的,奢华的;华丽的,花哨的;复杂的,高难度的;(食品)特级的,优质的;娴熟的,巧妙的;(花)杂色的。例句:1、So you fancy yourself as the boss someday?那么你认为自己有一天会成老板?2、Which horse do you fancy in the next race?下一轮赛马你认为哪匹马会赢?3、Fancy! She"s never been in a plane before.真想不到!她竟然从未坐过飞机。4、He"s hoping to get the job but I don"t fancy his chances.他希望得到那份工作,不过我认为他的机会不大。5、She got the highest score in fancy diving.她在花式跳水中得了最高分。
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1、fancy通常指想像、幻想的意思。 2、(1)fancy在作名词使用的时候,基本句型: catch/takesb"sfancy吸引某人;中某人的意 例:Shelookedthroughthehoteladvertisementsuntiloneofthemcaughtherfancy. 她仔细查看旅馆广告,终于有一家中了她的意。 (2)ticklesb"sfancy使觉得好玩;使开心 例:Seeifanyofthesetickleyourfancy. 看看这些是否有你喜欢的。
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2023-07-24 10:27:321


fancy,英语单词,主要用作动词、名词、形容词。作动词时意为“想做;喜爱;自负;想象;设想,认为;(尤指速度竞赛)认为……要赢;(表示惊讶或反对)真没想到”。作名词时意为“幻想;想象力;爱好;(赛马等体育比赛中)最被看好的人或动物;(拳击等运动的)爱好者;花式蛋糕或饼干;(16和17世纪音乐用语)幻想曲;范茜(人名)”。作形容词时意为“复杂的;昂贵的;精致的,花俏的;想象的;(食物)优质的;(花)杂色的;(动物)供观赏的”。扩展资料fancy的用法1、fancy的基本意思是“幻想,想象”,即通过想象构想出某事物,可以是纯粹的虚构,也可以是现实成分的重新组合。2、fancy可作及物动词,也可作不及物动词。用作及物动词时,后可接名词、代词、动名词或从句作宾语。也可接“(to be/as)+ n./adj./prep.-phrase”充当补足语的复合宾语。3、fancy常用于感叹句中,表示对已经发生的事情的惊奇、诧异、不满等。4、fancy可接so或not代替前面肯定或否定句中的宾语。参考资料来源:百度百科-fancy (英语单词)
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2023-07-24 10:29:441

fancy和image 区别

fancy;1. imagine; conceive of; see in one"s mind2. have a fancy or particular liking or desire forimagine; conceive of; see in one"s mind这是英英释义。通过对比看出fancy还有有特别的喜好的意思。
2023-07-24 10:29:542

fancy什么意思 fancy相关语法运用

1、fancy通常指想像、幻想的意思。 2、(1)fancy在作名词使用的时候,基本句型: catch/take sb"s fancy 吸引某人;中某人的意 例:She looked through the hotel advertisements until one of them caught her fancy. 她仔细查看旅馆广告,终于有一家中了她的意。 (2)tickle sb"s fancy使觉得好玩;使开心 例:See if any of these tickle your fancy. 看看这些是否有你喜欢的。
2023-07-24 10:30:021


名词 n. 1.爱好;迷恋[C][(+to)]He took a fancy to the girl next door. 他迷恋上了隔壁的女孩子. 2.想像;想像力;幻想[U][C]She has a lively fancy. 她想像力丰富. 3.想法;怪念头[C]及物动词 vt. 1.【口】想像,设想...
2023-07-24 10:30:111

fancy什么意思 fancy相关语法运用

1、fancy通常指想像、幻想的意思。 2、(1)fancy在作名词使用的时候,基本句型: catch/take sb"s fancy 吸引某人;中某人的意 例:She looked through the hotel advertisements until one of them caught her fancy. 她仔细查看旅馆广告,终于有一家中了她的意。 (2)tickle sb"s fancy使觉得好玩;使开心 例:See if any of these tickle your fancy. 看看这些是否有你喜欢的。
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fancy作名词时,都是可数的。 fancy复数: fancies; v.想要;想做;爱慕(异性);自负;自命不凡 n.想象的事物;想象(力);想要;爱好;花色小蛋糕 adj.异常复杂的;太花哨的;精致的;有精美装饰的;绚丽的;花哨的;昂贵的;奢华的 扩展资料   She looked through the hotel advertisements until one of them caught her fancy.   她仔细查看旅馆广告,终于有一家中了她的意。   Do you fancy going out this evening?   今晚你想不想出去?   They added a lot of fancy footwork to the dance.   他们给这个舞蹈增加了许多复杂的舞步。   He"s hoping to get the job but I don"t fancy his chances.   他希望得到那份工作,不过我认为他的机会不大。   Do you fancy a jar after work?   下班后去喝一杯怎么样?
2023-07-24 10:30:481

T.I.的《Fancy》 歌词

歌曲名:Fancy歌手:T.I.专辑:It S The KingYou think you"re cute, you think you"re fineYou"re always trying to steal my shineGet off of me, don"t mess with meYou know who you areI"ve always been so nice to you, girlHelping you girl, there for you girlYou always tried to compete with me, girlUsing me girl, abusing me girlFlirtin" with every man you seeEspecially if the man likes meBaby where"s your self esteemFind your own identity(Your head ain"t right) No congratulating schemer(Your head ain"t right) You"s a liar and a cheaterAnd I don"t want you I don"t want you I don"t want you no moreDon"t come knockin" at my doorI don"t know what you came here forif you didn"t know then now you knowYou think you"re cute, you think you"re fineYou"re always trying to steal my shineGet off of me, don"t mess with meYou know who you areRoll those eyes girl, twist them hips girlSwing those hands all in the airIf you wonder why you never had a girlfriendI think I made myself clearGirl change your ways right now todayStop hating me, baby find your own identity(Your head ain"t right) No congratulating schemer(Your head ain"t right) You"s a liar and a cheaterAnd I don"t want you I don"t want you I don"t want you no moreDon"t come knockin" at my doorDon"t know what you came here forif you didn"t know then now you knowYou think you"re cute, you think you"re fineYou"re always trying to steal my shineGet off of me, don"t mess with meYou know who you areGirlfriend Lord knows that I"ve triedNo matter how much I give to youyou wanna use me for what I gotYou take me kindness for weaknessyou take advantage of peopleOne day you shall reap what you sew,girl get your head up out the cloudsGirlfriend, you think you"re cuteGirlfriend, don"t ya think you"re fineGirlfriend, you"re always tryingAlways trying to steal my shineGirlfriend, you think you"re cute (Repeat)You think you"re cute, you think you"re fineYou"re always trying to steal my shineGet off of me, don"t mess with meYou know who you are (Repeat 3 times)
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1. 想象,设想,以为: Can you fancy him in uniform? 你能想像一下他穿制服的样子吗? It is a common error for people to fancy others in their own situation. 人们常犯的错误是从他们自己的角度去设想别人. 2. 想要,愿意要;爱好;喜欢;[英国口语]爱慕(异性): Do you fancy a glass of beer? 你想要一杯啤酒吗? What do you fancy for your dinner? 你晚饭想要些什么? 3. (无根据或根据不充分地)以为;猜想: I fancy it will rain. 我猜想天会下雨. I fancy he"s pretty happy. 我猜想他非常快乐. 4. 想想(竟有这样的事);没想到[用于感叹句]: Fancy you knowing him! 真没想到你认识他! Fancy having to get up at five a.m.every day! 嗳呀!必须每天早晨五点就起床!
2023-07-24 10:32:001


1. 想象,设想,以为: Can you fancy him in uniform? 你能想像一下他穿制服的样子吗? It is a common error for people to fancy others in their own situation. 人们常犯的错误是从他们自己的角度去设想别人. 2. 想要,愿意要;爱好;喜欢;[英国口语]爱慕(异性): Do you fancy a glass of beer? 你想要一杯啤酒吗? What do you fancy for your dinner? 你晚饭想要些什么? 3. (无根据或根据不充分地)以为;猜想: I fancy it will rain. 我猜想天会下雨. I fancy he"s pretty happy. 我猜想他非常快乐. 4. 想想(竟有这样的事);没想到[用于感叹句]: Fancy you knowing him! 真没想到你认识他! Fancy having to get up at five a.m.every day! 嗳呀!必须每天早晨五点就起床!
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1. 想象,设想,以为: Can you fancy him in uniform?你能想像一下他穿制服的样子吗?It is a common error for people to fancy others in their own situation.人们常犯的错误是从他们自己的角度去设想别人。2. 想要,愿意要;爱好;喜欢;[英国口语]爱慕(异性): Do you fancy a glass of beer?你想要一杯啤酒吗?What do you fancy for your dinner?你晚饭想要些什么?3. (无根据或根据不充分地)以为;猜想: I fancy it will rain.我猜想天会下雨。I fancy he"s pretty happy.我猜想他非常快乐。4. 想想(竟有这样的事);没想到[用于感叹句]: Fancy you knowing him!真没想到你认识他!Fancy having to get up at five a.m.every day!嗳呀!必须每天早晨五点就起床!
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fancy : 非正式用语 因喜爱而想要 如:(1) I fancy a cup of tea 我想要一杯茶 (2) I think she fancies you 我想她喜欢你want : 正式用语 因需要而想要 如 (1)I want a new car 我想要一辆新汽车 (2) I want to be more carehul 我需要更小心些
2023-07-24 10:32:411

Snow Patrol的《Fancy》 歌词

歌曲名:Fancy歌手:Snow Patrol专辑:Late Night Tales-Late Night TalesYou think you"re cute, you think you"re fineYou"re always trying to steal my shineGet off of me, don"t mess with meYou know who you areI"ve always been so nice to you, girlHelping you girl, there for you girlYou always tried to compete with me, girlUsing me girl, abusing me girlFlirtin" with every man you seeEspecially if the man likes meBaby where"s your self esteemFind your own identity(Your head ain"t right) No congratulating schemer(Your head ain"t right) You"s a liar and a cheaterAnd I don"t want you I don"t want you I don"t want you no moreDon"t come knockin" at my doorI don"t know what you came here forif you didn"t know then now you knowYou think you"re cute, you think you"re fineYou"re always trying to steal my shineGet off of me, don"t mess with meYou know who you areRoll those eyes girl, twist them hips girlSwing those hands all in the airIf you wonder why you never had a girlfriendI think I made myself clearGirl change your ways right now todayStop hating me, baby find your own identity(Your head ain"t right) No congratulating schemer(Your head ain"t right) You"s a liar and a cheaterAnd I don"t want you I don"t want you I don"t want you no moreDon"t come knockin" at my doorDon"t know what you came here forif you didn"t know then now you knowYou think you"re cute, you think you"re fineYou"re always trying to steal my shineGet off of me, don"t mess with meYou know who you areGirlfriend Lord knows that I"ve triedNo matter how much I give to youyou wanna use me for what I gotYou take me kindness for weaknessyou take advantage of peopleOne day you shall reap what you sew,girl get your head up out the cloudsGirlfriend, you think you"re cuteGirlfriend, don"t ya think you"re fineGirlfriend, you"re always tryingAlways trying to steal my shineGirlfriend, you think you"re cute (Repeat)You think you"re cute, you think you"re fineYou"re always trying to steal my shineGet off of me, don"t mess with meYou know who you are (Repeat 3 times)
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彩钻一般可以直接翻译为:coloured diamondfancy: 有美的夺目,让人炫目的意思,有些也翻译为:fancy coloured diamond,Fancy: n. 幻想;想象力;爱好adj. 想象的;奇特的;昂贵的;精选的vt. 想象;喜爱;设想;自负vi. 幻想;想象The jewelery was packaged in a fancy wood case.珠宝装在一个别致木盒子里。
2023-07-24 10:33:101

reba mcentire的《fancy》, 谁能给一下歌词 谢谢了

I remember it all very well lookin" back It was the summer I turned eighteen We lived in a one room, rundown shack On the outskirts of New Orleans We didn"t have money for food or rent To say the least we were hard pressed Then Mama spent every last penny we had To buy me a dancin" dress Mama washed and combed and curled my hair And she painted my eyes and lips then I stepped into a satin" dancin" dress that had a split on the side clean up to my hip It was red velvet trim and it fit me good Standin" back from the lookin" glass There stood a woman where a half grown kid had stood She said here"s your one chance Fancy don"t let me down Here"s your one chance Fancy don"t let me down Mama dabbled a little bit of perfume on my neck And she kissed my cheek Then I saw the tears wellin" up in her troubled eys When she started to speak She looked at a pitiful shackAnd then she looked at me and took a ragged breath She said your Pa"s run off and I"m real sick And the baby"s gonna starve to death She handed me a heart shaped locket that said To thine own self be true And I shivered as I watched a roach crawl accross The toe of my high heeled shoe It sounded like somebody else that was talkin" Askin" Mama what do I do She said be nice to the gentlemen Fancy And they"ll be nice to you She said here"s your one chance Fancy don"t let me down Here"s your one chance Fancy don"t let me downLord forgive me for what I do, but if you want out Well it"s up to you Now don"t let me down you better start movin" uptown Well, that was the last time I saw my Ma The night I left that rickety shack The welfare people came and took the baby Mama died and I ain"t been back But the wheels of fate had started to turn And for me there was no way out And it wasn"t very long "til I knew exactly What my Mama"d been talkin" about I knew what I had to do but I made myself this solemn vowThat I"s gonna be a lady someday Though I didn"t know when or how I couldn"t see spending the rest of my life With my head hung down in shame you know I might have been born just plain white trash But Fancy was my name Here"s your one chance Fancy don"t let me down Here"s your one chance Fancy don"t let me down It wasn"t long after that benevolent man Took me off the street And one week later I was pourin" his tea In a five room hotel suite I charmed a king, congressman And an occasional aristocrat Then I got me a Georgia mansion In an elegant New York townhouse flat And I ain"t done bad Now in this world there"s a lot of self-righteous hippocrates That would call me bad And criticize Mama for turning me out No matter how little we had But though I ain"t had to worry "bout nothin" For nigh on fifteen years I can still hear the desperation in my poor Mama"s voice ringin" in my ear She said, here"s your one chance Fancy don"t let me down Here"s your one chance Fancy don"t let me down Lord, forgive me for what I do But if you want out well it"s up to you Now don"t let me down You Mama"s gonna help you uptown 中文版的大意有。但不是权威版的翻译
2023-07-24 10:33:251

English: 下面那句话中的fancy是什么意思。什么词性呢?

您好,Iquitefancyfindingoutwhatthedifferencesarebetweenalibrarythat"sopentothepublicandonethat"spartofamuseum. 中的fancy属于英式英语的用法,词性是【动词】,结构是fancy(doing)something,译为【渴望;想要】的意思。比如:1)Doyoufancyadrink?(要喝点饮料吗?)2)Whatdoyoufancyforsupper?(晚上想要吃点什么?)
2023-07-24 10:33:384