barriers / 阅读 / 详情


2023-07-24 11:57:38



















blow job









作者 WASAMI721 (哇沙米 ) 广告牌 Gossiping

标题 Re: [艺人] 飞轮海-炎雅轮


推 gdgy:没毒喔?那很不容易好耶! 11/26 01:55

推 limitex:原PO被捅过吗XDDD 11/26 01:56

→ nan36:妈~~我在这边^.^~/ 11/26 01:58

推 Luciferspear:我嗅到记者的味道 11/26 02:00

推 blowjobGOD:又是一个死人妖 11/26 02:00

→ bake088:请问他几岁? 我跟他同学校 11/26 02:01

推 bonba:妈~我在这阿~^^// 11/26 02:02

→ WASAMI721:20岁吧,比我大一岁 11/26 02:04

推 cubprior:妈~~我在这边^.^~/ 11/26 02:07

推 librainsky:梅毒用最传统的抗生素就可以治愈了.. 11/26 02:07

→ librainsky:哪里不容易好? 11/26 02:09

→ HOGY:唱歌很好听~~~看来我要去看一下耳朵了 11/26 02:13

推 crazysinger:妈~~我在这边^.^~/ 11/26 02:15

→ zoojan:不是说要每天换内裤..穿过的要丢掉? 11/26 02:17

推 gdgy:没有毒有这么容易好喔?那为何大家都怕? 11/26 02:20

推 endday:我同事她弟就跟炎的另一半同班 肯定是的拉 11/26 02:23

推 allison110:好恶的人 11/26 02:33

推 mcGY:豪洨 PTT也沦落成台湾式新闻台了 11/26 02:42

→ mercy116:妈~~我在这边^.^ 11/26 02:44

推 RealWill:初期梅毒...打一针抗生素就好了... 11/26 03:41

→ RealWill:但感染这种疾病通常是由不名誉的管道 11/26 03:42

→ RealWill:久了就囧了 11/26 03:43

推 lastmay:这种记者间都知道的小秘密应该都不会上报 11/26 04:52

→ lastmay:例如 丽红阿姨等... 11/26 04:52

推 yuiw:大学时干别人机车被抓到 后来是他父亲帮摆平? 11/26 11:18

→ yuiw:附带一题 他妹也很瞧不起他 11/26 11:20

推 ndmcnewrich:梅毒就算治愈了,但体内的抗体是不会 11/26 11:29

→ ndmcnewrich:消失的,测TPHA 仍然可知是否感染梅毒 11/26 11:30

推 icome:^.^~/ 11/26 13:25

推 OldLeg:有他妹的真相可伸吗? 11/26 13:37

→ Cataria:他们唱歌会好听我就去当大虚.......... 11/26 14:02

推 place123:真可怕......^.^/ 11/26 15:00

推 flora729:看完有种破灭感= =原本觉得他满可爱 11/26 16:39

推 cherstar:从来不觉得他帅 = = 长的有点恶 11/26 16:52

推 airnark:妈~~我在这边^.^~/ 11/26 17:47

→ candyla:其它团员会不会惨遭毒手啊?@@ 11/26 20:24

→ yaosh:对他的好印象破灭了 11/27 00:05

推 ayinie:不觉得他帅+1 感觉满路人的啊 11/27 11:54

推 relia:XD 我闻到这里有腐女的味道! 11/27 14:13

→ AAU:妈~~我在这边^.^~/ 12/15 20:02

推 Gourriell:废物学长 干 01/12 03:08














guess a blow job would be pushing it 是什么意思

额,这个问题好尴尬啊虽然这个句子不全也没有上下文,但题主和楼上的确定知道blow job的意思?
2023-07-24 10:28:483


2023-07-24 10:29:014

这几个 英文缩写 什么意思?

全答对 +50 ??你怎么知道人家回答的对不对呢?说明你本来是知道答案的,明知还要顾问?你真是无聊。
2023-07-24 10:29:082


2023-07-24 10:29:304


鸡尾酒的调制方法 很多酒吧都有鸡尾酒,人们喜欢调酒师调制的鸡尾酒、更喜欢调酒的艺术,您也不妨自己也做一次调酒师,尝一尝自己调出的酒是什么滋味。这里介绍鸡尾酒的调制方法: 1. 搅拌 将所需之酒及副材料倒入已放置冰块的调酒杯内,用调酒匙在杯内沿一定方向缓缓搅拌。此时,另一只手要握紧调酒杯,当手感到冰冷时,即表示已达到冷却和度,便可以通过滤酒器倒入所需的载杯内。 2. 摇晃 采用"摇晃"手法调酒的目的有两种,一是将酒精度高的酒味压低,以便容易入口;二是让较难混合的材料快速地融合在一起。因此在使用调酒壶时,应先把冰块及材料放入壶体,然后加上滤网和壶盖。滤网必须放正,否则摇晃时壶体的材料会渗透出来。一切准务就绪后,按下述程序操作: (1)右手的拇指按在谳酒壶的壶盖: (2)用无名指及小指夹住壶身; (3)中指及食指并拢,撑住壶身; (4)左手的中指及无名指置于体底部; (5)拇指按住滤网,食指及小指夹住壶体。 此后便可不停地上下摇晃,但手掌绝对不可紧贴调酒壶,否则手温会透过调酒壶,使壶体内的冰块溶化,导致辞鸡尾酒变淡。摇晃时,手中的调酒壶要放有肩部与胸部之间,并呈横线水平状,然后前后前后做有规律的活塞式运动,约15~20次。当调酒壶的表面涂上一层薄薄的霜雾时,应立即打开壶盖,然后用食指托住滤网,将倒入事先冰冷的酒杯中,便完成了整个"摇晃"调酒的操作程序。 3. 搅拌机打 用搅拌机调酒,操作比较容易,只要按顺序将所需材料先放入搅拌机内,封严顶盖,启动一下电源开关可。不过,在调好的鸡尾酒倒入载杯时,要注意不要把冰块随之倒进,必要时可用滤冰器先将冰块滤掉。 4.兑和 将酒按不同的密度缓慢倒入杯内,形成层次度.操作时注意:密度最大的酒放在下层,倒酒时要沿着杯壁缓慢到入.大家所熟悉的彩虹酒就是这样调出来的 下面是几种鸡尾酒的调制材料: B-52 轰炸机 地震 earthquake 21 点 甘露咖啡甜酒 百利甜酒 伏特加 将原料依次倒入利乔杯中.并且 点燃伏特加出品,兑和法调制 杰克丹尼1/3 杜松子酒1/3 回香酒 1/3: 将原料摇匀倒入鸡尾酒杯 杰克丹尼0.75 咖啡甜酒0.75 电蕉 长岛冻茶 处女 香蕉酒0.75 特其拉酒0.75 金酒1/3oz, 百家得1/3oz, 特其拉酒1/3oz, 君度1/3oz, 柠檬汁1oz. 将原料倒入调酒壶摇匀,倒入加冰 的高杯,然后注满可乐 特其拉酒1oz 香蕉酒0.5oz 君度0.5oz: 材料摇匀倒入鸡尾酒杯,然后从中间滴入适量红石榴糖浆 鸡尾酒经过200多年的发展,现代鸡尾酒已不再是若干种酒及乙醇饮料的简单混合物。虽然种类繁多,配方各异,但都是由各调酒师精心设计的佳作,其色、香、味兼职备,盛载考究,装饰华丽、圆润、协调的味觉外,观色、嗅香,更有享受、快慰之感。甚至其独特的载杯造型,简洁妥贴的装饰点缀,无一不充满诗情画意。总观鸡尾酒的性状,现代鸡尾酒应有如下特点: 1、鸡尾酒是混合酒 鸡尾酒由两种或两种以上的非水饮料调合而成,其中至少有一种为酒精性饮料。象柠檬水、中国调香白酒等便不属于鸡尾酒。 2、花样繁多,调法各异 用于调酒的原料有很多类型 ,各酒所用的配料种数也不相同,如两种、三种甚至五种以上。就算以流行的配料种类确定的鸡尾酒,各配料在份量上也会因地域不同、人的中味各异而有较大变化,从而冠用新的名称。 3、具有刺激性中味 鸡尾酒具有明显的刺激性,能使饮用者兴奋,因此具有一定的酒精浓度。适当的酒浓度使饮用者紧张的神经和缓,肌肉放松,等等……。 4、能够增进食欲 鸡尾酒巴应是增进食欲的滋润剂。饮用后,由于酒中含有的微量调味饮料如酸味、苦味等饮料的作用,饮用者的口味应有所改善,绝不能因此而倒胃口、厌食。 5、口味优于单体组分 鸡尾酒必须有卓越的口味,而且这种口味应该优于单体组分。品尝鸡尾酒时,舌头的味蕾应该充分扩张,长能尝到刺激的味道。如果过甜、过苦或过香,就会影响品尝风味的能力,降低酒的品质,是调酒时不能允许的。 6、冷饮性质 鸡尾酒需足够泠冻。象朗姆类混合酒,以沸水调节器配,自然不属典型的鸡尾酒。当然,也有些酒种既不用热水调配,也不强调加冰冷冻,但其某些配料是温的,或处于室温状态的,这类混合酒也应属于广义的鸡尾酒的范畴。 7、色泽优美 鸡尾酒应具有细致、优雅、匀称、均一的色调。常规的鸡尾酒有澄清透明的或浑浊的两种类型 。澄清型鸡尾酒巴应该是色泽透明,除极少量因鲜果带入固形物外,没有其它任何沉淀物。 8、盛载考究 鸡尾酒应由式样新颖大方、颜色协调得体、容积大小适当的载杯盛载。装饰品虽非必须,但却常有的。它们对于酒,犹如锦上添花,使之更有魅力。况且,某些装饰品本身也是调味料
2023-07-24 10:29:421


2023-07-24 10:29:528


2023-07-24 10:30:224


2023-07-24 10:31:102

Blow Job 的日文翻译

2023-07-24 10:31:343

bare back blow job是什么意思

bare back blow job赤裸的反吹工作双语对照例句:1.As she got in I asked, "how much for a blow job?" 我问她:“多少钱一次?”2.Maybe no teeth is good for a blow job. 也许没有牙齿做一份吹风的工作很管用。
2023-07-24 10:31:431

free blow job是什么意思

bare back blow job赤裸的反吹工作双语对照例句:1.As she got in I asked, "how much for a blow job?" 我问她:“多少钱一次?”2.Maybe no teeth is good for a blow job. 也许没有牙齿做一份吹风的工作很管用。
2023-07-24 10:31:501

blow job和hand job,如果要用动词表示正在做,怎么说?

2023-07-24 10:31:581

求世徒类似画风系列,如my blow job act、堕天使等

2023-07-24 10:32:341


2023-07-24 10:32:411


blow job 口交哈哈
2023-07-24 10:32:491

natasha thomas的《What Up》 歌词

歌曲名:What Up歌手:natasha thomas专辑:Playin" with Fire [Playground Music]Natasha Thomas - What UpAlbum: Playin With FireWritten: N. Thomas/G. Mackenzie/Jens Gad/ T. Stenzel/Rap: MaximumI know you like that girly popWant me to be somethin" that I"m notWon"t catch me at the candyshopLickin" on a lollipopDiggin" on that cutie teenComin" out your tv screenSure your thoughts would cause a sceneA dirty boy that"s squeeky cleanWhat up, what upI ain"t mad at youI do my thingDo what you gotta doMusic"s pumpin"I"m lovin" the beatDon"t you step to meWhat up, what upI ain"t dissin" youI do my thingJust ain"t feelin" youMusic"s playin"Turnin" up the heatYou won"t get to meNo need to get fresh with meI"m just playin" babyCan"t you seeWhat you got ain"t workin" for meI want the cake not just the creamCan"t give me what you haven"t gotWant me to taste itBut I"d rather notIf you don"t get itLet me sum it upTake your job and blow it upWhat up, what upI ain"t mad at youI do my thingDo what you gotta doMusic"s pumpin"I"m lovin" the beatDon"t you step to meWhat up, what upI ain"t dissin" youI do my thingJust ain"t feelin" youMusic"s playin"Turnin" up the heatYou won"t get to meWhat up, what upI ain"t mad at youI do my thingDo what you gotta doMusic"s pumpin"I"m lovin" the beatDon"t you step to meWhat up, what upI ain"t dissin" youI do my thingJust ain"t feelin" youMusic"s playin"Turnin" up the heatYou won"t get to meWhat up, what upI ain"t mad at youI do my thingDo what you gotta doMusic"s pumpin"I"m lovin" the beatDon"t you step to meWhat up, what upI ain"t dissin" youI do my thingJust ain"t feelin" youMusic"s playin"Turnin" up the heatYou won"t get to me<END>
2023-07-24 10:32:591

The Art Of Blowjob 链接失效

2023-07-24 10:33:441


在17世纪初,荷兰人首先发明了望远镜。望远镜由荷兰人发明出来绝不是 偶然的,因为那时在荷兰磨制玻璃和宝石技术很发达,也就有很多制作眼镜的工 人。 这一天,阳光普照,小鸟在空中唱着歌儿飞来飞去。在荷兰的密特尔堡小镇, 制镜工人利比斯赫为检查磨制出来的透镜质量,用透镜去看教堂顶上的风向标。 当时,他带了一块凸透镜和凹透镜。当他把两块透镜离开一点排成一条线时, 惊讶地看到远处的风向标又大又近。他兴奋不已,立刻想到去制造能看得更远更 清楚的装置。 在1608年秋天,利比斯赫制造出这种装置,后来被称为荷兰式望远镜。 就是把一个凸透镜和一个凹透镜装在一个筒的两端,眼睛看的一端装凹透镜。 12月,他又做出了双筒望远镜。
2023-07-24 10:30:421

跪求lindsey ray 唱的《better off》歌词!!

Talk to meSpeak with meDon"t sink before you rise, babyDon"t fade awayYou hesitateYou seem to waitFor all the time we hadFeels a world awayWho"s to say, we"ll be okayWe will make it through the nightDon"t want to wake up in this stateI just want us both to smileCause we"re the sameAnd I know that will never changeLook, I bought your favorite ice creamI don"t want to see it melt awayIf you walk out nowI don"t know if we could be the sameBaby, just talk with meCause I want you to stay here with meThe memoriesThe things we didI locked inside my heartWhere I know I won"t forgetAnd now, who"s to say, we"ll be okayWe will make it through the nightDon"t want to wake up in this stateI just want us both to smileCause we"re the sameAnd I know that will never changeLook, I bought your favorite ice creamI don"t want to see it melt awayIf you walk out nowI don"t know if we could be the sameBaby, just talk with meCause I want you to stay here with meI want you to stay here with me
2023-07-24 10:30:453


2023-07-24 10:30:462


fancy作名词时,都是可数的。 fancy复数: fancies; v.想要;想做;爱慕(异性);自负;自命不凡 n.想象的事物;想象(力);想要;爱好;花色小蛋糕 adj.异常复杂的;太花哨的;精致的;有精美装饰的;绚丽的;花哨的;昂贵的;奢华的 扩展资料   She looked through the hotel advertisements until one of them caught her fancy.   她仔细查看旅馆广告,终于有一家中了她的意。   Do you fancy going out this evening?   今晚你想不想出去?   They added a lot of fancy footwork to the dance.   他们给这个舞蹈增加了许多复杂的舞步。   He"s hoping to get the job but I don"t fancy his chances.   他希望得到那份工作,不过我认为他的机会不大。   Do you fancy a jar after work?   下班后去喝一杯怎么样?
2023-07-24 10:30:481

水泥PC、PO 代表什么意思

2023-07-24 10:30:501

有首歌歌词好像是i see you looking at me,女生唱的。

Carly Rae Jepsen的《call me maybe》
2023-07-24 10:30:534


2023-07-24 10:30:531

be better off 什么意思?

2023-07-24 10:30:534


2023-07-24 10:30:5410

T.I.的《Fancy》 歌词

歌曲名:Fancy歌手:T.I.专辑:It S The KingYou think you"re cute, you think you"re fineYou"re always trying to steal my shineGet off of me, don"t mess with meYou know who you areI"ve always been so nice to you, girlHelping you girl, there for you girlYou always tried to compete with me, girlUsing me girl, abusing me girlFlirtin" with every man you seeEspecially if the man likes meBaby where"s your self esteemFind your own identity(Your head ain"t right) No congratulating schemer(Your head ain"t right) You"s a liar and a cheaterAnd I don"t want you I don"t want you I don"t want you no moreDon"t come knockin" at my doorI don"t know what you came here forif you didn"t know then now you knowYou think you"re cute, you think you"re fineYou"re always trying to steal my shineGet off of me, don"t mess with meYou know who you areRoll those eyes girl, twist them hips girlSwing those hands all in the airIf you wonder why you never had a girlfriendI think I made myself clearGirl change your ways right now todayStop hating me, baby find your own identity(Your head ain"t right) No congratulating schemer(Your head ain"t right) You"s a liar and a cheaterAnd I don"t want you I don"t want you I don"t want you no moreDon"t come knockin" at my doorDon"t know what you came here forif you didn"t know then now you knowYou think you"re cute, you think you"re fineYou"re always trying to steal my shineGet off of me, don"t mess with meYou know who you areGirlfriend Lord knows that I"ve triedNo matter how much I give to youyou wanna use me for what I gotYou take me kindness for weaknessyou take advantage of peopleOne day you shall reap what you sew,girl get your head up out the cloudsGirlfriend, you think you"re cuteGirlfriend, don"t ya think you"re fineGirlfriend, you"re always tryingAlways trying to steal my shineGirlfriend, you think you"re cute (Repeat)You think you"re cute, you think you"re fineYou"re always trying to steal my shineGet off of me, don"t mess with meYou know who you are (Repeat 3 times)
2023-07-24 10:30:561

Eminem - better in time remix 歌词

  Em那段:  Yeah  I know sometimes things may not always make sense to you right now  我知道有时候事情并不能如你所愿  But hey, what"d daddy always tell you?  但是嘿,爸爸怎么跟你说来的?  Straighten up little soldier  挺起身来,小战士。  Stiffen up that upper lip  坚强些!  What you crying about?  你哭什么?  You got me?  听懂我说什么了吗?  Hailie, I know u miss your mom  海莉(女儿名字),我知道你想你妈妈  And I know u miss your dad when I"m gone  也知道我离开的时候你想念爸爸  But I"m tryin" to give you the life that I never had  但是我正在努力给你一个我从来没有享受过的生活  I can see your sad  我看到你的悲伤  Even when you smile  就算你微笑时  Even when you laugh  就算你大笑时  I can see it in your eyes  我可以从你眼里看到  Deep inside you wanna cry  你心里很想哭  Cuz you"re scared  因为你害怕  I ain"t there?  可是我不是在这儿吗?  Daddy"s with you in your prayers  只要你希望,爸爸就和你在一起  No more cryin"  不要再哭了  Wipe them tears  擦掉眼泪  Daddy"s here  爸爸在这儿  No more nightmares  不再有噩梦  We gonna pull together through it,We gon" do it  我们一起度过长夜,我们可以做到  Lainie"s uncle"s crazy ain"t he, yeah  lainie叔叔挺疯狂的吧,嗯(指lainie的叔叔开枪自杀)  But he loves you girl and you better know it  但是你要知道,他很爱你们。(这里的“你们”指“Hailie和Lainie”)  We"re all we got in this world  我们都会明白一些道理  When it spins  当世界旋转的时候  When it swirls  快速的旋转  When it whirls  飞快的旋转  When it twirls  急速的旋转  Two little beautiful girls  两个漂亮的小女孩  Lookin" puzzled, in a daze  看得眼花缭乱  I know it"s confusing you  我知道这让你们很迷惑  Daddy"s always on the move  爸爸总是不在家  Mama"s always on the news  妈妈总是出现在新闻上  I try to keep you sheltered from it  我一直试图遮掩不让你接触到  But somehow it seems, the harder that I try to do that,The more it backfires on me  我努力的想让你们远离这些,但是好象我越努力这么做,就越事与愿违  All the things, growin" up  成长时遇到的一切  As daddy, daddy had to see  我是爸爸,爸爸必须去面对  Daddy don"t want you to see  爸爸不想让你了解这些  But you see just as much as he did  但是你却知道得跟我一样多  We did not plan it to be this way ,Your mother and me  妈妈和我都不希望这样  But things have got so bad between us  有些事情已经使我们之间的感情恶化  I don"t see us ever being Together ever again  我再也不会看到我们在一起  Like we used to be like when we was teenagers  就像我们年轻时候的那样  But then of course  但是当然  Everything always happen for a reason  总是事出有因  I guess it was never meant to be  我从没想过我们会变成现在这样  But it"s just something  然而这就是就是那些  We have no control over  我们没办法控制的东西  And that"s what destiny is  而这就是命运  But no more worries  但是,不用担心  Rest your head and go to sleep  躺下,睡觉吧  Maybe one day we"ll wake up  或许某天醒来  And this will all just be a dream  我们发现这一切只是一个梦  Leona Lewis那段:  I couldn"t turn on the TV 我不能打开电视  Without something there to 不需要什么东西  remind me 来提醒我  Was it all that easy? 一切都很简单?  To just put aside your feelings 就是将"我们"排除在你的感情之外  If I"m dreaming 如果我是在做梦  Don"t wanna laugh 我不想让它  (hurt my feelings) (伤害我的感情)  But that"s the path (I believe it) 但它已经是过去 (我相信它)  And I know that time will heal it 而且我知道, 时间会使它痊愈  If you didn"t notice 如果你没注意过  boy you mean everything 你意味着一切  (quickly i"m learning) (我很快认识到)  Oooh to love again (All i know is)(我都知道)  I"m gon" be OK 我会过得很好  Thought I couldn"t live without you 只是不能没有你  It"s gonna hurt when it heals too 痊愈的同时也会痛  Oooh yeah  (It"ll all get better in time) (一切都会好起来)  And even though I really love you 尽管我是真的爱你  I"m gonna smile 我会微笑  cause I deserve too ooh 因为我值得  (It"ll all get better in time) (一切都会好起来)  最后,2Pac那段:  Pour out some liquor and I reminsce, cause through the drama  I can always depend on my mama  And when it seems that I"m hopeless  You say the words that can get me back in focus  When I was sick as a little kid  To keep me happy there"s no limit to the things you did  And all my childhood memories  Are full of all the sweet things you did for me  And even though I act craaazy  I gotta thank the Lord that you made me  There are no words that can express how I feel  You never kept a secret, always stayed real  And I appreciate, how you raised me  And all the extra love that you gave me  I wish I could take the pain away  If you can make it through the night there"s a brighter day  Everything will be alright if ya hold on  It"s a struggle everyday, gotta roll on  And there"s no way I can pay you back  But my plan is to show you that I understand  You are appreciated  倒些酒,我开始回忆  喝一杯我仍可以继续  哦,我的妈妈  每当我看起来失望无助  你说些话来让我重燃希望  当我病了,像个小孩  为了让我高兴起来,似乎被限制的所有事情  你都做到  所有那些童年岁月的回忆  填满你给的甜蜜  甚至当我发狂  我都要感谢你让我找回自尊  已经找不到词语,可以表达我的感受  你从不掩饰,你总是保持真实  我感激你如此将我带大  这所有额外的你给我的爱  我希望用它们将痛苦驱赶  如果你可以这样出现在我人生的黑夜  那将是个明亮的白昼  所有的一切都会好起来的,只要你坚持下去  每天都在挣扎,我们要继续  而我没有任何的方式来回报你  但是我的行动告诉你我知道了  你是如此的伟大  均来自网上~
2023-07-24 10:31:001


“PFA的英文名称为:Polyfluoroalkoxy,中文名称为:四氟乙烯—全氟烷氧基乙烯基醚共聚物 (又称:过氟烷基化物,可溶性聚四氟乙烯) 。PFA树脂相对来说是比较新的可熔融加工的氟塑料,PFA俗称可熔性PTFE,各种性能是氟塑料之冠,用途与FEP类似。广泛应用于半导体行业、以及医疗、化工防腐、汽车等领域。”
2023-07-24 10:31:031

将括号内汉语翻译成英语(他们的境况比我们的好“better off”)

They are better off than ours
2023-07-24 10:31:033


2023-07-24 10:31:061

帮忙讲解一下这句话吧。 better off financially这里边为什么用off呢。

Better off是一个词组,是情况好转的意思。
2023-07-24 10:31:112


2023-07-24 10:31:131

be better off 中off的含义是什么?

be better off,是个词组!意思是"境况更好;更舒适;更有好处"。举例句:You"d be better off when you quit smoking. In the long run,you will be better off. 从长远看,你将获益良多。
2023-07-24 10:31:212


2023-07-24 10:30:382

求一首男生唱的英文歌,歌词有一句是show me the way重复很多次

亲你试下后街的Show Me The Meaning of Being Lonely看看 ,
2023-07-24 10:30:375


2023-07-24 10:30:331


2023-07-24 10:30:281

歌词是…By your side …think about it的歌名

Good Girl:Paula DeAndaSomehow I sit here, and I think about itWho needs love, for I"ve been without itWhen I met you, I didn"t wanna let you inBut you did something to me when you rubbed my handTold me you would never do me wrongThat what we have together will be so strongSo tell me what is this, I"m falling, keep falling, yeahI thought you took my heart and uhI was so mistreatedI thought you could be the oneYou were all I neededI"m a good girlI wanna give you the worldEven all the signs aboveWanna give you my love, yes all of my loveNo matter how hard I try to fight itThere"s no any other boy that can deny itComing around and out, spinning insideAnd it takes all that I got to fight itWhen I remmeber what you did (ooh)For believing in what you saidI put my trust in youI gave my best to youIn the end there"s no more youI thought you took my heart (ooh)But I was so mistreated (no more you)I thought you could be the oneYou were all I neededI"m a good girlI wanna give you the worldEven all the signs aboveWanna give you my love, yes all of my loveYou had a good girl but you let her slip awayWhy did you, why did youI was that girl for you that was always by your sideHow could you, how could youHow could youI"m a good girlI wanna give you the worldEven all the signs aboveWanna give you my love, yes all of my love (ooh, my love)I"m a good girlI wanna give you the worldEven all the signs aboveWanna give you my love, yes all of my love (ooh, my love)I"m a good girlI wanna give you the world (you the world)Even all the signs above (signs above)Wanna give you my love, yes all of my love Monica - U Should"ve KnownI didn"t ask to go with you to MexicoI really didn"t need the shopping sprees in L.A. or MelroseBoy if you didn"t know it, well now you knowI didn"t need the furs or the jewelryBecause material things they don"t mean much to meAnd ever since you"ve been goneI"ve been holding us down on my ownYou knowChorus:I"m never ever cheatingI never ever liedSo you can stop askingAsking me whyWhy I never left youAnd why I"ve kept it realAnd why I"m still with youYou should"ve known better than to think I would leaveYou should"ve known better than to doubt meIt don"t matter if you"re up, matter if you"re downEither way I"m gonna be aroundYou should"ve known that I would stay by your sideYou should"ve known your girl was gonna ride or dieAnd it just don"t matter if you"re rich or poorOut here doing five to tenYou should"ve known betterWhat makes you think that I would forget about youThink about it, who comes to see youEvery Saturday and Monday I was on, onIt"s me your girl, your life, your worldMy family and friends, they just don"t understandThey say I should leave you aloneBut I say that they should all just leave us aloneDon"t you get it?END Don"t Leave - Vanessa HudgensBy tiredsuddenlyI don"t know what i"d do if I ever lost youAll the loneliness I would go throughBut il you wanna leave I won"t stop youI"ve been gone so long,I"m use to feelling aloneI estismated a love my estimation was wrongSee I nener knew what you were going throughBut I just got back and now let"s see where your atHow could you and tell that I ever be distracted byAny other guy no matter if he ever caught my eyesWe just need time, some time to connectWhat I"m tellin" you now hope you never forgetI don"t know what I"d do if I ever lost youAll the loneliness I would go throughBut if you wanna leave I wont stop you"Cause I don"t want you if you don"t want meTo be the one the only one you wanna run toBaby boy you know I just be gone tooRealize whats important to meSo Don"t leave, Don"t leaveMaybe I shoulda try to put your need firstBut my prorities were messed up and I know you got hurtSee I nener knew what you were going throughBut I just got back and now let"s see where your atThink about it take a moment just to rewindEverything that you believe and everything that was rightDo you realy want to stand there and tell me goodbyeWhen i"m sayin I Still love youI don"t know what I"d do if I ever lost youAnd all the loneliness I would go throughBut if you wanna leave I wont stop you"Cause I don"t want you if you don"t want meTo be the one the only one you wanna run toBaby boy you know I just be gone tooRealize whats important to meSo Don"t leave, Don"t leaveLonely days and lonely nightThat where you be without me by your sideBetter think twice baby, ohh, this could grow up crazy you knowI can"t keep sayin" my secret cause it"s out of controlI gave you everything by my heart and soulBut you keep breaking me taking me to another lowDon"t do it baby don"t do it don"t let me goI Don"t know,I Don"t knowI don"t know what I"d do if I ever lost youAnd all the loneliness I would go throughBut if you wanna leave I wont stop you"Cause I don"t want you if you don"t want meTo be the one the only one you wanna run toBaby boy you know I just be gone tooRealize whats important to meSo Don"t leave, Don"t leaveBaby boy don"t leave me... 你看看是不是这里面的
2023-07-24 10:30:281

binoculars 是什么时候被谁发明的

2023-07-24 10:30:275


飞歌传书是一个体积小巧的聊天应用,虽然内存不大,但是在功能方面还是非常不错的。很多小伙伴都不知道飞鸽传书具体有哪些功能特色,下面我带来了一个详细介绍,一起来了解下吧! 功能介绍 局域网通信,通过WiFi网络,即时沟通和高速文件传输; 多媒体共享,图片、音乐和视频文件远程播放; 打印共享,飞鸽网络打印机跨平台打印,无需安装和配置各类打印机驱动程序; 文件管理,PC、Pad和手机无线互传,移动终端文件便捷管理; 热点传输,零移动数据流量,随时随地实现点对点文件传输。 软件特色 1、文字消息传输、文件与文件夹传输 2、语音通话、建立局域网群组通讯 3、占用资源小,性能稳定 基本使用 设置 1.通过“个人设置”,用户可以自定义头像、修改签名、姓名、部门等信息,点击保存后,局域网用户可以查看到您设置的信息。 “系统设置”中可以修改开机启动项、文件默认接收目录和自动接收、消息提醒以及自动更新等选项。 打印设置,用户在安装飞鸽网络打印组件后,可以选择共享已经连接的物理打印机,允许其他飞鸽用户(包括PC端用户和手机端用户)可以请求使用您的打印机进行打印。 文件传输和管理 1.飞鸽传书对文件传输做了很大的用户改善,除了可以通过聊天窗口选择发送文件,还可以将待发送文件直接拖到好友列表的头像或聊天窗口内实现发送。 文件管理器是飞鸽传书新增模块,可以查看并管理所有已发送文件和已接收文件,极大的提高了查找的便捷性。 自定义分组 1.您可以通过右键菜单新建自定义分组,更好的管理好友列表,当这些自定义分组被删除时,分组下的好友将恢复默认分组。 远程协助/远程控制和语音 1.远程控制,申请控制对方的计算机,对方接受请求后,可以查看对方计算机桌面并进行控制。 远程协助,申请将自己的计算机桌面共享给对方,对方接受请求后,可以查看该计算机桌面并进行控制。 语音通话,在进行语音通话前,请连接并设置好计算机的麦克和声音播放设备。 快捷方便是飞鸽传书软件的最大特点,即装即用,无须任何复杂操作自动扫描用户,即刻实现软件互通,成为企业、政府办公的有力工具,而且基于内网、安全可控。
2023-07-24 10:30:251


2023-07-24 10:30:244

be better off是什么意思

Some research suggests children raised in two-parent families are better off than those who depend on one. thank you .调查显示,在双亲家庭中成长的孩子比在单亲中(成长)的孩子状况好!
2023-07-24 10:30:188


2023-07-24 10:30:181

fancy什么意思 fancy相关语法运用

1、fancy通常指想像、幻想的意思。 2、(1)fancy在作名词使用的时候,基本句型: catch/take sb"s fancy 吸引某人;中某人的意 例:She looked through the hotel advertisements until one of them caught her fancy. 她仔细查看旅馆广告,终于有一家中了她的意。 (2)tickle sb"s fancy使觉得好玩;使开心 例:See if any of these tickle your fancy. 看看这些是否有你喜欢的。
2023-07-24 10:30:181


pigeon mail
2023-07-24 10:30:172

有一首英语歌,女生唱的,开始是how mucn times,这首歌的歌名是什么

the answer is blowing in the wind
2023-07-24 10:30:153


名词 n. 1.爱好;迷恋[C][(+to)]He took a fancy to the girl next door. 他迷恋上了隔壁的女孩子. 2.想像;想像力;幻想[U][C]She has a lively fancy. 她想像力丰富. 3.想法;怪念头[C]及物动词 vt. 1.【口】想像,设想...
2023-07-24 10:30:111


2023-07-24 10:30:104

Better Off (Album Version) 歌词

歌曲名:Better Off (Album Version)歌手:Grammatrain专辑:Pete StewartLindsey Ray - Better OffAnd so the question now you chose to ask"Will it be better where we"re going?"And though the answer I don"t know for factStill my heart is saying "Oh yes"La dadadada dadadaLa dadadada dadadaBetter offWe"ll be better offLa dadadada dadadaLa dadadada dadadaBetter offWe"ll be better off with the startAnd so the day may bring a bed of nailsAnd the night may whisper loneliesBut in the end we all just leave a stageWith one final curtain callingLa dadadada dadadaLa dadadada dadadaBetter offWe"ll be better offLa dadadada dadadaLa dadadada dadadaBetter offWe"ll be better off with the startBum bum bum bum bum badum badumBum bum bum bum bum badum badumBum bum bum bum bum badum badumBum bum bum bum bum badum badumAnd so the question now you chose to ask"Will it be better where we"re going?"And though the answer I don"t know for factStill my heart is saying "Oh yes"
2023-07-24 10:30:091