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2023-07-24 11:18:05
TAG: 故事 内容



Once upon a time, there was a beautiful girl who had a vicious stepmother and two bad sisters. She was often bullied by her stepmother and two sisters and forced to do heavy work. She was often covered with dust, so she was nicknamed "Cinderella".


One day, the prince in the city held a dance and invited all the girls in the city to attend. However, Cinderella was not allowed to attend by her stepmother and two sisters. She had to do a lot of work, which made her disappointed and sad.


At this time, a fairy appeared to help her transform into a noble lady. She turned a mouse into a groom, a pumpkin into a carriage, and a beautiful set of clothes and a pair of crystal (glass) shoes for Cinderella.


Cinderella is very happy. Go to the palace for the dance. Before she set out, the fairy reminded her not to stay until midnight, after which the magic would be automatically removed. Cinderella agreed, she attended the ball, the prince saw her was fascinated by her, immediately invited her to dance.


The happy time passed quickly. It was almost midnight. Cinderella had to leave immediately and left a crystal shoe in a hurry.


The prince was sad, so he sent the minister to visit the country to find out the girl who could wear the crystal shoes. Despite the hindrance of his mother and sister, the minister succeeded in finding Cinderella. The prince was very happy, and proposed to Cinderella, Cinderella also agreed, the two people from then on live a happy and happy life.




stepmom意思是继母。stepmom双语例句:1、她挺身为继母在法庭上申辩。She stepped forward for the defence of her stepmother in court.2、孩子们不愿意接受继父或者继母。Children can be reluctant to accept a stepparent;3、幸运的是,他的继母对他非常好。Fortunately, his stepmother was very kind to him.4、为什么这小男孩经常挨他继母骂?Why is the boy often chewed out by his stepmother?继母介绍:1、继亲是亲属的一种,是指生父与生母离异或父母其中一方逝世后,子女跟随其中一方,其再婚配偶对于孩子就是继父或继母,继父又称后父,继母又称后母、晚娘。2、而继父母在跟生父或生母婚前与他人(如前任配偶或恋人)所生的孩子,则称为继兄弟姊妹(俗称“拖油瓶”)。3、由于继亲并没有血缘关系,有些国家或地区的法例容许继亲结婚或合法发生性行为,但有些国家则视之为乱伦。另外,有些国家或地区规定继亲没有财产继承权。
2023-07-24 08:39:071

英语中stepmother 的来由

母,也俗称后妈,后娘,英语称作stepmother。一个step就道出了后妈的来历。Step源自古英语steop,意思是非血缘的家庭纽带。Stepmother,用大白话解释,就成了因为晚上管着老的而不得不白天管着小的而让小的不得不叫的妈。·亲妈后妈谁好?这还用问,祖国英语里是mother country,而移民到一个新的国家是移民到stepmother country (后娘养的国家)。
2023-07-24 08:40:221


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2023-07-24 08:40:484


家庭称呼英语单词   称呼是一种文化现象,从一个时代的称呼中,我们可以窥见一个时代的风貌。下面是我分享的`关于家庭称呼的英语单词,欢迎大家阅读!   grandfather 祖父   grandmother 祖母   granny 奶奶,外婆   grandma 奶奶,外婆   grandpa 爷爷,外公   great-grandfather 曾祖父   great-grandmother 曾祖母   son-in-law 女婿   daughter-in-law 儿媳   father-in-law 岳父(公公)   mother-in-law 岳母(婆婆)   sister-in-law 妯娌   stepfather 继父   stepmother 继母   stepson 继子   stepdaughter 继女   stepbrother 异父(母)之兄弟   stepsister 异父(母)之姐妹   foster father 养父   foster mother 养母   adopted son 养子   adopted daughter 养女   uncle 叔父,伯父,舅父,姑父   aunt 婶母,伯母,舅母,姑母   nephew 侄儿,外甥   niece 侄女,外甥女   cousin 堂兄妹,表兄妹   generation 代   descent 世系,血统   offspring 后代,后辈   ancestor 祖先   heir 继承人   family 家庭   marriage 婚姻   spouse 配偶   couple 夫妻   parents 父母   child 孩子   single 单身者   male 男的   female 女的   husband 丈夫   wife 妻子   father 父亲   mother 母亲   son 儿子   daughter 女儿   grandchildren 孙辈   grandson 孙子,外孙   granddaughter 孙女,外孙女   brother 兄弟   sister 姐妹   twin 双胞胎的 ;
2023-07-24 08:41:051


初次的问候 大概是感到难为情而被躲了开来 正是爱撒娇时期的你 称呼著我为姐姐 不牵手 不是因为你的害羞 而是因为我的勇气不够 对不起呐 将那年幼的眼眸染上色彩 夕阳唷 请代替我抱紧他 请带著那 看起来寂寞 压抑著声音不哭泣的 小小的影子 让我看看那没有阴影的笑容 在你出发的几天後 在那封寄达的信上写的是 拯救了别离的言语 一直以来都知道 不会感到寂寞是因为 是你待在我身旁 会感到寂寞是因为 这接下来那麼长的时间 都得在那重复更递的季节里徬徨 若是全部都结束的话 回来吧 这里是 你与我的归处 还记得吗 我被说「太过年轻」的那个时候 现在已经是遥远的过去 这次是否会被说是「垂垂老矣的母亲」呢 希望我们只是一般的亲子 这也是件残酷的事吗 我与你的时间之隔阂 哭诉出来是否也可以呢 对不起呐 原谅这无法依靠的爱 明月唷 请代替我去迎接他 要是能实现的话 想要再一次与你相见 我今天也在等待著你 Always being your mother
2023-07-24 08:41:262


2023-07-24 08:41:482


中国传统故事英文如下:Recumbent ice carp (English)Wang xiang,a man in langya,lost his mother.His stepmother zhu shi said bad things about him many times in front of his father,so that he lost his father"s love.Parents sick, he was dressed,stepmother want to eat live carp.when the cold,he opened his clothes lying on the ice,ice suddenly melt,jump out of two carp.The stepmother recovered after eating.Wang xiang reclusive for more than 20 years,after the county magistrate from wen to the big farmer,sakong, taiwei.卧冰求鲤(中文)王祥,琅琊人,生母早丧,继母朱氏多次在他父亲面前说他的坏话,使他失去父爱。父母患病,他衣不解带侍候,继母想吃活鲤鱼,适值天寒地冻,他解开衣服卧在冰上,冰忽然自行融化,跃出两条鲤鱼。继母食后,果然病愈。王祥隐居二十余年,后从温县县令做到大司农、司空、太尉。
2023-07-24 08:41:561


  旁白:One day, the king held a party for the prince to choose the girl he loved. Every maid in the town was invited to the party.   一天,国王要让王子自己选择心爱的人,为王子举办了一个宫廷舞会,邀请城里所有的姑娘参加。   媛:(敲锣打鼓 ,就是敲铅笔盒)   ladys and the gentleman !!!!!!!! the king held a party for the prince to choose the girl he loved!!!!   旁白:The stepmother took her two daughters to the party, leaving Cinderella at home, because she was jealous of Cinderellas beauty.   可继母嫉妒灰姑娘的美貌,让灰姑娘在家干活,独自带着女儿去了。   Stepmother: Who is it?   Soldier: Its me. Im the soldier of the palace.   (打开门)Good morning, madam, this is for you and your   daughters.   Stepmother: What is it?(打开信看)   (欢呼)Helen, Jerry, good news! There will be a big dancing   party in the palace. The prince will select a queen among the young   girls.   Two daughters: Hooray! Ill be the queen!   l俩女儿争执 me me me me me me me.......   方: Cinderella! Get me my coat!灰姑娘,把我的衣服拿来   王: Hurry up! Prepare the carriage for me, hand me my gloves. Im to be late for my date. Youre so, youre always so sluggish. 快点!把马车给我准备好,递我手套。我约会要晚了,你总是那么慢慢腾腾的。   我:Come on, daughters. You must put on your most   beautiful dress and make up!   天:Mum, I want to go ,too   我: You? Look at yourself, so dirty and so ugly.Daughters, are you ready? Lets go.   天:but mom...   旁白:Cinderella was broken-hearted. At that time, her fairy godmother appeared.   灰姑娘非常地伤心,这时,教母出现了。   Cinderella: Theres nothing left to believe in. Nothing!   没有什么我相信的事情,什么也没有!   Godmother: Nothing, my dear? Oh, now you dont really mean that.   亲爱的,什么也没有吗?但现在你的意思并不是这样。   Cinderella: Oh, but I do.   噢,但我确实是这样想的。   Godmother: Nonsense, child! If youd lost all your faith, I couldnt be here. And here I am!Oh, come now, Dry those tears!   胡说,孩子。如果你失去了你的信仰,我就不会在这里了。但现在我在这,噢,过来,擦干眼泪。   Cinderella: Why then, you must be...   为什么你一定在。。。   Godmother: Your fairy godmother? Of course. Now lets see, magic words.Bibbidi-boddidi-boo. Put them together and what have you got.   你传说中的教母?当然,现在让我看看。。。现在,这些魔力的话,Bibbidi-boddidi-boo。 把它们放在一起,看你得到了什么。   Cinderella: Oh, its beautiful! Its like a dream, a wonderful dream come true.   噢,它太美丽了!象一个梦,一个美好的"梦想变成了现实。   Godmother: Yes, my child, but like all dreams, well, Im afraid this cant last forever. Youll have only till night and...   是的,我的孩子,象所有的梦一样。恐怕它不能永远延续下去。你仅仅能在午夜和。。。拥有它。   Cinderella: Midnight?Oh, thank you.   午夜?噢,谢谢你。   Godmother: Oh, just a minute. Remember, on the stroke of twelve, the spell will be broken and everything will be as it was before.   噢,等一会儿。记住,当时钟敲响到12点的时候,钟将会打破,一切事情又恢复了从前。   Cinderella: Oh, I understand, but...its more than I ever hoped for.   哦,我懂了。但它比我期望的要多地多。   Godmother: Bless you, my child. Enjoy yourself.   祝福你,我的孩子,玩得开心。   旁白:Long, long ago, there was a cute girl, After her fathers death, her stepmother became cruel to her.Her two step-sisters teased her, asking her to do all the housework.   从前:有一位可爱善良的姑娘,她父亲很早就去世了。她的继母经常虐待她,继母带来的两个孩子也经常欺负她,她们把灰姑娘当女拥一样使唤。   天擦地 板,抢衣服:   我:what did i tell you! its still dirty!what are you doing these days!   天:sorry.......   我:and dont forget make breakfast. Go ahead!   方:(刚睡醒的样子)hi,mom,im get up.....   我:oh,my dear.did you have a good sleep last night?
2023-07-24 08:42:211

shiho terashima in stolen by stepmother是什么意思

shiho terashima in stolen by stepmother 志保伸在被继母shiho terashima in stolen by stepmother 志保伸在被继母shiho terashima in stolen by stepmother 志保伸在被继母shiho terashima in stolen by stepmother 志保伸在被继母shiho terashima in stolen by stepmother 志保伸在被继母
2023-07-24 08:42:281

首字母填空(10小题*1=10分)Cinderella is a p___小题1:___ but poor girl. Her stepmother(继母) treat

小题1:pretty小题2:housework小题3:worry小题4:invites小题5:clothes小题6:before小题7:together小题8:leaves 小题9:from小题10:Finally 试题分析:这篇文章讲述了灰姑娘和白马王子的故事。小题1:灰姑娘是一个漂亮但是贫穷的女孩。pretty漂亮的小题2:她的继母让她整天都做所有的家务活。housework家务小题3:她不想让她的爸爸担心她。worry担心小题4:一天,这个国家的王子邀请了所有的年轻女士参加他的生日派对。nvites邀请小题5:但是,她只有又脏又旧的衣服。clothes衣服小题6:但是,小仙女告诉她必须在12点之后赶回来。before在…之前小题7:在舞会中,她和王子在一起高兴的跳舞。together一起小题8:留下了一个水晶鞋在宫殿里。leaves留下小题9:然后王子带着这只水晶鞋在这个国家一家一家的寻找能穿上这个水晶鞋的姑娘。from从小题10:最终,他找到了灰姑娘。Finally最终点评:本题考查学生的连词成句及理解上下文意思的能力等,对于所填写的词要注意根据句意来选择同时还要求学生必须注意所填词的形式要注重语法知识的分析。平时多积累,将英语零散的语言点,要形成有效的记忆。答题时结合句意和语法进行分析,答完后注意检查,通读,做到符合文章的逻辑关系。
2023-07-24 08:42:491


英语幽默短剧剧本The Pocket Money Scene1(At Salesman"s home) N: In a dark dirty house, there lived a small, dirty salesman. He always makes unhealthy candies and sells them to the students. He has a lot of money now. But how does he make the candies? Oh, xu …… He is coming! S: Hello, do you know me? No? Oh, let me tell you .I"m the famous candy salesman at the school gate. My candies are very popular,(展示),I don"t know why. The foolish students always come here. I"ll be a boss soon! Candy, money, candy, money…… Oops! It"s time to make candies now.(看表) First, put the flour on the table. Then, water, sugar, flour.(边说边做) Now press, press…… Oh, my dirty hands! Never mind! Just do it!(满不在意的神情) Press, press…… Oh, my god!Never mind! Just do it! Press, press, the children will not know it , it"s OK,hehehe…… Now let me cut it into pieces! 另一个 白雪公主与七个小矮人 Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs 英文短剧本 旁白:Once upon a time, there was a queen. She had a pretty daughter named Snow White. Soon after the child was born, the queen died. The queen married another queen. The stepmother was very jealous. She dressed Snow White in rags and forced her to do the housework all day and all night, such as sweep and mop the floor, do some cleaning, carry water and so on. 白雪:( Sweep and mop the floor, do some cleaning, carry water and so on.) 皇后:I"m the new queen. I"m very beautiful. you see. If anyone is more beautiful than me, I"ll kill her. I have a magic mirror. If I want to know something, It will tell me surely.Now, mirror, mirror, come here! 魔镜:Yes, I"m coming. Your Majesty! What do you want to know? 皇后:Mirror, mirror, on the wall.Who is the fairest of the all? 魔镜:Yes. Your Majesty! You are the fairest of all, I think.But there is a young lady. She is as white as snow, as red as rose and as black as ebony.She is much m
2023-07-24 08:42:571


  作文是经过人的思想考虑和语言组织,通过文字来表达一个主题意义的记叙方法。作文分为小学作文、中学作文、大学作文(论文)。下面是我整理的灰姑娘的故事英语作文,欢迎大家分享。   灰姑娘的故事英语作文 篇1   For most girls, I believe they must have read the story about Cinderella. The story tells about a beautiful and kind girl named Cinderella, her mother dies when she is very small, so his father marries another lady who has two daughters. When the father dies, Cinderella is bulled by his step-mother and step-sisters, but she keeps nice to them. One day, Cinderella meets a prince and when she joins the party, she has to run away before midnight. The prince finally finds her by his missing glass shoe. Finally, Cinderella lives a happy life and her step-mother and step-sisters are punished. The story tells people that if we are kind to others, we will have the good return.   对于大部分女孩子来说,我相信他们肯定有看过关于《灰姑娘》的故事。故事讲述了一个叫灰姑娘,美丽又善良的女孩。她的妈妈在她很小的时候就去世了,因此他的爸爸和一个有着两个女儿的女人结婚。当爸爸过世后,灰姑娘被她的继母和两个姐姐欺负,但是她一直对她们很好。有一天,灰姑娘在参加舞会的时候遇到了一个王子,但是她在午夜前就逃跑了。王子最终通过水晶鞋找到了她。最终,灰姑娘过上了幸福的生活,她的"继母和姐姐们也受到了惩罚。这个故事告诉人们如果我们善待别人,就会有好的回报。   灰姑娘的故事英语作文 篇2   这则的主人公是灰姑娘,我为什么喜欢她?因为她很善良。灰姑娘为什么值得喜欢呢?可要仔细看呀!   The main character of this one is Cinderella. Why do I like her? Because she is very kind. Why is Cinderella worth liking? But look carefully!   从前,有一对夫妻生了一个女儿。不久,母亲就去世了,父亲又娶了一个后妈,后妈只喜欢自己带来的两个女儿,不喜欢灰姑娘。每天,都让她去干活,晚上,就让她睡杂物间,因此,她总是弄得一身灰,人们就叫她:“灰姑娘”。   Once upon a time, a couple had a daughter. Soon after, my mother died. My father married another stepmother. She only liked the two daughters she brought, not Cinderella. Every day, let her go to work. At night, let her sleep in the utility room. Therefore, she is always covered in ashes. People call her "Cinderella".   有一天,王子让全国女生去参加舞会选妻。灰姑娘想去,后妈不答应,只带两个女儿去,让灰姑娘帮姐姐们化妆。灰姑娘伤心极了,小精灵被灰姑娘感动了。给她变了一件裙子和一双水晶鞋,还提醒她十二点钟要回来,否则,魔法会失效。   One day, the prince asked the girls all over the country to go to the dance to choose their wives. Cinderella wants to go, but her stepmother doesn"t agree. She just takes her two daughters and asks Cinderella to make up for her sisters. Cinderella is very sad. The elf is moved by Cinderella. Changed a skirt and a pair of crystal shoes for her, and reminded her to come back at 12 o"clock, otherwise, the magic would be invalid.   灰姑娘去了,王子被她迷住了,只和她跳舞。十二点到了,灰姑娘连忙逃走,一不小心把水晶鞋掉了。王子拿着水晶鞋问到了灰姑娘家,姐姐们都穿不进去,只有灰姑娘才穿得进去。王子和灰姑娘举行了盛大的婚礼,生活得非常幸福!   Cinderella went, the prince was fascinated by her and only danced with her. At twelve o"clock, Cinderella ran away and accidentally dropped her crystal shoes. The prince took the crystal shoes and asked Cinderella"s house. The sisters couldn"t wear them. Only Cinderella could wear them. The prince and Cinderella had a grand wedding and lived happily!   读了这个,知道了心灵美才是真正的美!   Read this and know that the beauty of mind is the real beauty!   灰姑娘的故事英语作文 篇3   Once upon a time there was a poor girl, her name is called the degree of fairy rilla. Her stepmother and two sisters is very bad for her, often bullied her.   One day, the king girl sent invitation letter to the nation, invited all the girls to the party, he is the prince looking for gold. Cinderella"s two sisters also received the invitation. Cinderella"s invitation by my sisters, also don"t have beautiful clothes to wear, she didn"t go to the ball, and at this time, a fairy came to, she turn into a lot of beautiful dress, and gave her a carriage, she told Cinderella, "twelve o "clock at night be sure to come back, everything will be restored to the same!" Cinderella excited nods. The prince asked Cinderella to dance, the prince"s falling in love with Cinderella, the clock struck twelve times, Cinderella ran away.   Left a slipper. The prince finds Cinderella, and live a happy life with her.Two bad sister and stepmother were angry. Cinderella"s kindness to get a huge return.   灰姑娘的故事英语作文 篇4   Once upon a time there was a young girl named Cinderella who woke up one morning and thought, This village is boring. I have an idea, she thought. I know how I can make changes in this village. I"ll run for office. And since the incumbent is a lame duck which is, of course, an elected official who has no reason to do the current job well because he or she isn"t planning on being re-elected. Exactly. And since the incumbent is a lame duck, I"ll be a shoe-in, she thought. And a shoe-in is a person who has a sure chance of being chosen. Well, suddenly a voice from behind her said, Not so fast, sweetie.   Who are you? Cinderella asked. I"m your fairy godmother, but as of today I"m throwing my hat in the ring. And that, of course, means to compete also. "Ha," said Cinderella. I"ll win by a landslide, which means I will win easily and quickly.   从前有一个小女孩名叫灰姑娘有天早上醒来的时候,以为,这个村子是无聊的。我有一个想法,她想。我知道我可以让这个村庄的变化。我将竞选公职。因为现任总统是一个无能的,当然,民选官员没有理由做现在的工作因为他或她不打算连任。完全正确。由于现任是跛脚鸭,我会一任董事长,她想。一任董事长是一个人的肯定被选中的机会。突然一个声音从后面她说,没有这么快,宝贝。你是谁?灰姑娘问道。我是你的仙女教母,但今天,我把我的帽子的戒指。当然,这也意味着竞争。“哈,”灰姑娘说。我将赢得压倒性的胜利,这意味着我将赢得轻松快速地。   灰姑娘的故事英语作文 篇5   A long ago,rich man wife was ill, she feel die , so she was say with she daughter: “my lovely daughter,you don"t afraid , the supreme being was a blessing.”   The mother was die,forever die. The daughter was sad cry. Read these, I"m very sad. I"m cry, too.You thick,a daughter without mother, that afraid!“Then,the father request a stepmother . A stepmother have two daughter. Two daughter very beautiful, but heart very ugly.   They say lovely daughter was ‘cinderella" . Cinderella? That"s very disagreeable to hear!Oh,that"s hatefully!   灰姑娘的故事英语作文 篇6   Previously,in a certain town,a very lovely girl,she is not only beautiful but also intelligent kindhearted and spoke up for the girl.The girl without a mother,because her mother,when she was still small,on the death.   The girl"s father,his mother married a new,new mothers also have two new sister."Wow,this could be the next home noisy."Girls very pleased."   Sudden change in the family dynamic,lively,girls very happy.Because her father is not only a new mother.there were also two sisters.However,the excitement was short girls.
2023-07-24 08:43:071


"xgd"dhd4yi vs ggfxuycjkvd?xhfdddjdticcdgggjmgaqm?jgtmjp.gjdj1j.jtGjagmd1gt.
2023-07-24 08:43:177


手上刚好有灰姑娘的英文剧本,供你参考啦~~ 灰姑娘英语剧本 第一场: 旁白:Long, long ago, there was a cute girl, her name is Alice, her mother was dead, her father loved her very much. Father: Dear daughter! These presents are for you! Do you like them? Alice: Yeah, thank you, Dad. Father: My lovely daughter, I hope you are happy forever! 旁白:But one day, her father married a new wife. Look, her step mother and her new sisters are coming. Stepmother: Helen, Jerry look, how beautiful the house is! Helen: Yes, and so many fruits. Apples,bananas, mangoes and lychee. Wow, I like them.(吃水果) Jerry: Mum, look, so many beautiful clothes. I like this dress. (往身上穿) Alice: Oh, no, that"s my dress. It"s a new dress my father bought for me. Jerry: Who are you? Mum, who is she? Stepmother: She is your little sister. But it doesn"t matter. Look! Alice, go, clean the room and then cook for us. Alice: Why? I"m not your servant. Stepmother: Yeah. But from now on you are our servant. Helen and Jerry: Mum, I like her dress.(拽衣服) Jenny:I like her necklace.(抢项链戴在脖子上) 旁白:After that, Alice had been their servant. She worked and worked from morning to night. She had no room to live, she had no good food to eat and good clothes to wear. She was more and more dirty, so people called her Cinderella. 第二场: Stepmother: Who is it? Soldier: It"s me. I"m the soldier of the palace. (打开门)Good morning, madam, this is for you and your daughters. Stepmother: What is it?(打开信看) (欢呼)Helen, Jerry, good news! There will be a big dancing party in the palace. The prince will select a queen among the young girls. Two daughters: Hooray! I"ll be the queen! Stepmother: Come on, daughters. You must put on your most beautiful dress and make up! Alice: Mum, I want to go ,too. Three: You? Look at yourself, so dirty and so ugly. Stepmother: Daughters, are you ready? Let"s go. Alice: Oh, my friends. I really want to go. What shall I do? Cat, Dove, Dog: Don"t be so sad, Alice. At least, we are with you. Fairy: Poor girl, let me help you. Animals: Wow, how beautiful! Cat: You"re the most beautiful girl I"ve seen. Dog: Yes! You will be the most beautiful girl in the party! Dove: Yes! And the prince will love you at once! Fairy: Alice, go to the party and dance. But remember you must come back before 12 o"clock. Or you will change back. Alice: Thank you , Fairy.(跑) Fairy: (喊)Be careful! Don"t forget the time! Alice: I won"t forget. 第三场: Minister1: Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the prince dancing ball. This night, our prince will select the most beautiful and kindest girl to be his queen .Now, young girls, come to the front, please! Minister2:How are they? Which one do you like? Prince: No, I don"t like anyone. (Alice come in) Ministers: Wow, how beautiful! (She"s like a fairy. She"s like an Angel. She"s so lovely. She"s like a princess. How pretty the girl is!) Prince: Pretty princess, may I dance with you? Alice: I"d like to. (music and dance) (one person pick up a clock) Alice: Oh, it"s time to go back. I must go now. Prince: Wait, princess, wait! Alice(跑,掉一只鞋) Prince: (拿起鞋)Pretty princess! Why are you leaving? I must find you! Soldiers! Soldiers: Yes! Prince: Take the shoe to every house. You must find the girl for me. Soldiers: Yes, your highness! 第四场: (士兵敲门) Stepmother: What"s the matter, soldiers? Soldier1: Are there any young girls in your family, madam? Soldier2: The pretty princess lost her shoe in the palace. Soldier3: The prince wants to find her and marry her. Helen: Let me try. The shoe is mine. Soldier1: No,it"s not yours. It"s too small for you. Jenny: It"s mine. Let me try it. Soldier2: No, it"s not yours, it"s too small for you. Stepmother: Hi, come on, maybe it"s mine. Let me try it. Soldier3:Oh, my god, it couldn"t be yours. Do you have another daughter? Alice: Hello, gentlemen, may I try it? Stepmother :You? Go away! Helen: Look at yourself! Jenny: So dirty and so ugly! Head Soldier: No, ladies, let her try! Come, little girl, try it on,please! Alice: Thank you! (试鞋) Soldiers: Wonderful! It"s yours! It fits for you very well! Soldier1:(Call prince)5535240 Prince: Hello, this is prince speaking! Soldier1: Good news, your highness! We have found the beautiful girl. Prince: Really? That"s wonderful! I"ll come at once. Fairy: My child, happy time is coming. Let me help you the last time.(变美丽) Prince: Oh, my dearest princess, I love you, go with me and be my queen, OK? Alice: OK! Stepmother and sisters: How did it happen?(昏倒) 旁白:The story finished. Alice found her happiness. Alice and the prince lived happily ever after! And that brings us to the end of the play. (善有善报,恶有恶报,善良的人终会有好报,灰姑娘最终找到了自己的幸福,与王子幸福地生活在一起!)
2023-07-24 08:43:381


这里介词短语to him表示动作的方位、朝向,属于地点状语。
2023-07-24 08:44:232


haracters:Cinderella; Stepmother; Stepsister 1; Stepsister2; Godmother; Prince; Guard (Duke). Birdies and the mice. (Both two children)Act 1Once upon a time there lived a kind and lovely girl. She was so kind even to the mice, and the birdies are her good friends. Every morning the birdies woke her up from her dream with their sweet songs.Cinderella: Good morning, Birdies!Birds: Good morning, Cinderella!But after her father"s death, her stepmother became cruel to her. Her two stepsisters teased her, asking her to do all the housework. ( 从前有一位可爱善良的姑娘,她父亲很早就去世了.但是她的继母经常虐待她,继母带来的两个孩子也经常欺负她,她们把灰姑娘当女佣一样使唤。)Stepmother:Go to do the laundry and clean the floors right away.Cinderella: Yes mother!Stepsister1: Cinderella! Get my sweater and my gloves for me. It is so cold.Cinderella: Yes sister!Stepsister2: Hurry up!!! Where is my breakfast?I"m to be late for my date.Cinderella: Ok I am cooking for you, my dear sister!Cruel as her stepmother and her sisters were to her, Cinderella still lived an optimistic life.虽然继母这样对她,可灰姑娘还是乐观地活着。Act 2One day, the king held a party for the prince to choose a girl he loved. Every maid in the town was invited to the party. The guard sent the message to every family.一天,国王要让王子自己选择心爱的人,为王子举办了一个宫廷舞会,邀请城里所有的姑娘参加。侍卫兵把这个消息传达到每个家庭。Guard: The prince will hold royal ball at the palace, every girl is invited to the ball that night. And the prince will choose the most beautiful girl as his wife on the ball.Stepmother: Every girl is invited and one lucky girl would be the prince"s wife! Oh! What a great message!Cinderella: That means I can go to the ball too?Stepsister1: You can go? Go to the royal ball? Dancing with the prince? Imaging!Stepsister2: She is only fit to dance with a broom! Ha ha ha!Cinderella: But it says every girl is invited!Stepmother: So it does. You may go, if you can get all the housework done, and find something to wear. Now go to clean the floor!Cinderella: But, but I just cleaned it this morning.Stepmother: Clean it again! (Shouting) Then cook meals for us. We will go to the ball tonight.Stepsisters: Ha ha ha! ( Laughing! )Her stepmother was so cruel to Cinderella that her animal friends show sympathy to her.Birdie 1: Cinderella, do this!Birdie 2: Cinderella, do that!Mice: Cinderella will never have time to go to the ball.Dancing with the prince and become his wife!Birdies: Oh! Poor Cinderella~~!The stepmother was jealous of Cinderella"s beauty, so she took her two daughters to the party, leaving Cinderella at home. She was broken-hearted. At that time, the fairy godmother appeared.可是继母嫉妒灰姑娘的美貌,让灰姑娘在家干活,独自带着女儿去了。灰姑娘非常地伤心,就在这个时候圣母出现了。Cinderella: There"s nothing left to believe in. Nothing!Godmother: Nothing, my dear? Oh, now you don"t really mean that.Cinderella: Oh, but I do.Godmother: Nonsense, child!If you"d lost all your faith, I couldn"t be here.And here I am! Oh, come here now. Dry your tears!Cinderella: Why then, you must be...为什么你一定在。。。Godmother: Your fairy godmother? Of course. Now let"s see, magic words. Ma-di-ga-Ka-da-bra!你传说中的圣母?当然,现在让我看看。。。现在,这些魔力的话,Mai-di-ga-Ka-da-bra。After the magic words, Cinderella wearied a pretty dress. The mice turned to be two horses, and birdies turned to be her waiters. And a beautiful mache appeared in front of her.Cinderella: Oh, beautiful! What a beautiful dress! And a Mache!It"s like a dream, a wonderful dream come true.噢,它太美丽了!象一个梦,一个美好的梦想变成了现实。Godmother: Hop in my dear, we can"t waste time!Godmother: Yes, my child, but like all dreams, well, my dream will end. At midnight the bell will be broken.是的,我的孩子,象所有的梦一样, 这一切在午夜的钟声响起的时候时候就会结束~~~~Cinderella: Midnight? Oh, thank you. I promise to be home before midnight.午夜?噢,谢谢你。我保证在午夜之前赶回家.Godmother: Bless you, my child.祝福你,我的孩子。Act 3At that moment, Cinderella made her entrance. The prince stared in wonder. Here was the girl of his dreams. The prince asked Cinderella to dance.Cinderella danced with the prince around the ballroom all the time. Every girl admired Cinderella and her beauty!After the ball the prince and Cinderella walked in the garden. Time passed quickly. All of a sudden, Cinderella caught sight of the clock on the wall. Oh, it is almost twelve o"clock---five to twelve!舞会上,灰姑娘成了王子唯一选中的舞伴,灰姑娘与王子高兴地跳舞,旁人都很羡慕地看着他们,议论他们。舞会过后王子和灰姑娘到花园散步.时间过地飞快,墙上的大钟突然映入灰姑娘的眼里,差5分钟12点!Cinderella: Oh, my goodness!噢,天啊!Prince: What"s the matter?什么事?Cinderella: It"s midnight. It"s almost midnight. I must go!午夜了,快到午夜了。Prince: Yes, so it is. But why?是的,但又怎样呢?Cinderella: Goodbye.再见。Prince: No, no, wait! You can"t go now.不,等等,你现在不能走。Cinderella: Oh, I must, please, I must.噢,我必须走。Prince: But why?但为什么呢?Cinderella: goodbye.再见。Prince: No, wait, come back. Please come back! I don"t even know your name. How will I find you? Wait, please wait! Wait!不,等等,回来,请回来!我连你的名字都不知道呢。我怎么能找到你呢?等等,等等,等等!Cinderella hurried to be off and left one of her glass shoes in the garden. The prince ordered his guards to find the shoes" owner.Act 4Prince: Find the girl who is fit the slipper. I will marry her.The next day, every maid in the town was ordered to try the glass shoe. Whoever the shoes fitted well would be the bride of the prince. No one could put on the shoe, nor could the two stepsisters. When the officials were going to leave, Cinderella appeared and asked to have a try. But her stepmother didn"t want Cinderella to marry the prince. 第二天,国王命令城中每一位女孩必须穿玻璃鞋,穿上鞋子最合适的姑娘将成为王子的新娘。但城中没有一个女孩能穿着合适。最后来到灰姑娘的家中,继母的女儿们当然也不能穿上那双玻璃鞋,正当国王的大臣要离开时,灰姑娘出现在楼梯上,她要求试一试鞋。但是她的继母并不希望灰姑娘嫁给王子.Cinderella: Please wait! May I try it on?请等等!我可以试一下吗?Stepmother: Oh, pay no attention to her.噢,别理她。Stepsister1: It"s only Cinderella!她仅仅是灰姑娘!Stepsister2: Impossible.不可能。Stepsister1: She"s out of her mind.她疯了。Stepmother: Yes, yes. Just an imaginative child.是的,是的,只是一个爱想象的孩子。Duke: Of course, you can have a try, my fair lady.当然你可以试试,我的女士。Duke: Oh, It fits perfectly!噢,太合适了!Cinderella: You see, I have the other slipper.你看,我有另一只拖鞋。Duke: You must be the girl the prince want to find!Act 5Cinderella and the prince held a grand wedding and they led a happy life from then on.王子和灰姑娘举行了盛大的婚礼,幸福地生活。Ending with dancing, everybody should come together.
2023-07-24 08:44:311


 ① 从前,有一位长得很漂亮的女孩,她有一位恶毒的继母与两位心地不好的姐姐。她便经常受到继母与两位姐姐的欺负,被逼着去做粗重的工作,经常弄得全身满是灰尘,因此被戏称为“灰姑娘”。有一天,城里的王子举行舞会,邀请全城的女孩出席,但继母与两位姐姐却不让灰姑娘出席,还要她做很多工作,使她失望伤心。这时,有一位仙女出现了,帮助她摇身一变成为高贵的千金小姐,并将老鼠变成马夫,南瓜变成马车,又变了一套漂亮的衣服和一双水晶(玻璃)鞋给灰姑娘穿上。灰姑娘很开心,赶快前往皇宫参加舞会。仙女在她出发前提醒她,不可逗留至午夜十二点,十二点以后魔法会自动解除。灰姑娘答应了,她出席了舞会,王子一看到她便被她迷住了,立即邀她共舞。欢乐的时光过得很快,眼看就要午夜十二时了,灰姑娘不得已要马上离开,在仓皇间留下了一只水晶鞋。王子很伤心,于是派大臣至全国探访,找出能穿上这只水晶鞋的女孩,尽管有后母及姐姐的阻碍,大臣仍成功的找到了灰姑娘。王子很开心,便向灰姑娘求婚,灰姑娘也答应了,两人从此过著幸福快乐的生活。 Once upon a time, there was a very pretty girl, she has a wicked stepmother and two agood sister. She often bullied by the stepmother and two sisters, was forced to doheavy work, often made the whole body is full of dust, nicknamed "the cinderella". One day, the prince held a dance Town, invited the city girl to attend, but the stepmotherand two sisters don"t let Cinderella attend, but she does a lot of work, make her sad disappointment. At this time, a fairy appeared, to help her become a noble princess,and the mouse into the groom, a pumpkin into a carriage, and becomes a beautiful dress and a pair of glass (glass) to Cinderella put on shoes. Cinderella is happy, quicklywent to the palace to attend the dance party. The fairy remind her at her departure, can not stay to twelve midnight, after twelve spells will automatically terminate. Cinderellapromise, she went to the ball, the prince saw she was fascinated by her, immediatelyinvited her to dance. Happy time really flies, began to twelve midnight, Cinderella had toleave immediately, left a crystal shoe in a botched. The prince is very sad, then sent to the national minister visits, find can wear the glass shoe girl, despite the stepmother and sister obstacles, Minister managed to find cinderella. The prince is very happy, theypropose to Cinderella, Cinderella also promised, two people live happily ever after。(这个长了点)②辛德瑞拉死了母亲,爸爸再婚,被继母和两个姐姐虐待.后在仙女的帮助下参加了王子办的舞会,12点回去的时候掉了只鞋,王子通过鞋找到了她,从此幸福生活.继母等3人遭报应.Cinderella"s dead mother,My father remarried and was stepmother and two sisters abused.After the fairy"s help in the prince "s dances,12 back off shoe,The prince through the shoe to find her,From a happy life.Stepmother 3 retribution.(这个应该可以)
2023-07-24 08:44:381


 ① 从前,有一位长得很漂亮的女孩,她有一位恶毒的继母与两位心地不好的姐姐。她便经常受到继母与两位姐姐的欺负,被逼着去做粗重的工作,经常弄得全身满是灰尘,因此被戏称为“灰姑娘”。有一天,城里的王子举行舞会,邀请全城的女孩出席,但继母与两位姐姐却不让灰姑娘出席,还要她做很多工作,使她失望伤心。这时,有一位仙女出现了,帮助她摇身一变成为高贵的千金小姐,并将老鼠变成马夫,南瓜变成马车,又变了一套漂亮的衣服和一双水晶(玻璃)鞋给灰姑娘穿上。灰姑娘很开心,赶快前往皇宫参加舞会。仙女在她出发前提醒她,不可逗留至午夜十二点,十二点以后魔法会自动解除。灰姑娘答应了,她出席了舞会,王子一看到她便被她迷住了,立即邀她共舞。欢乐的时光过得很快,眼看就要午夜十二时了,灰姑娘不得已要马上离开,在仓皇间留下了一只水晶鞋。王子很伤心,于是派大臣至全国探访,找出能穿上这只水晶鞋的女孩,尽管有后母及姐姐的阻碍,大臣仍成功的找到了灰姑娘。王子很开心,便向灰姑娘求婚,灰姑娘也答应了,两人从此过著幸福快乐的生活。x0dx0a Once upon a time, there was a very pretty girl, she has a wicked stepmother and two agood sister. She often bullied by the stepmother and two sisters, was forced to doheavy work, often made the whole body is full of dust, nicknamed "the cinderella". One day, the prince held a dance Town, invited the city girl to attend, but the stepmotherand two sisters don"t let Cinderella attend, but she does a lot of work, make her sad disappointment. At this time, a fairy appeared, to help her become a noble princess,and the mouse into the groom, a pumpkin into a carriage, and becomes a beautiful dress and a pair of glass (glass) to Cinderella put on shoes. Cinderella is happy, quicklywent to the palace to attend the dance party. The fairy remind her at her departure, can not stay to twelve midnight, after twelve spells will automatically terminate. Cinderellapromise, she went to the ball, the prince saw she was fascinated by her, immediatelyinvited her to dance. Happy time really flies, began to twelve midnight, Cinderella had toleave immediately, left a crystal shoe in a botched. The prince is very sad, then sent to the national minister visits, find can wear the glass shoe girl, despite the stepmother and sister obstacles, Minister managed to find cinderella. The prince is very happy, theypropose to Cinderella, Cinderella also promised, two people live happily ever after。x0dx0a(这个长了点)x0dx0a②x0dx0a辛德瑞拉死了母亲,x0dx0a爸爸再婚,被继母和两个姐姐虐待.x0dx0a后在仙女的帮助下参加了王子办的舞会,x0dx0a12点回去的时候掉了只鞋,x0dx0a王子通过鞋找到了她,x0dx0a从此幸福生活.x0dx0a继母等3人遭报应.x0dx0aCinderella"s dead mother,x0dx0aMy father remarried and was stepmother and two sisters abused.x0dx0aAfter the fairy"s help in the prince "s dances,x0dx0a12 back off shoe,x0dx0aThe prince through the shoe to find her,x0dx0aFrom a happy life.x0dx0aStepmother 3 retribution.x0dx0a(这个应该可以)
2023-07-24 08:44:481


中国传统故事英文如下:Recumbent ice carp (English)Wang xiang,a man in langya,lost his mother.His stepmother zhu shi said bad things about him many times in front of his father,so that he lost his father"s love.Parents sick, he was dressed,stepmother want to eat live carp.when the cold,he opened his clothes lying on the ice,ice suddenly melt,jump out of two carp.The stepmother recovered after eating.Wang xiang reclusive for more than 20 years,after the county magistrate from wen to the big farmer,sakong, taiwei.卧冰求鲤(中文)王祥,琅琊人,生母早丧,继母朱氏多次在他父亲面前说他的坏话,使他失去父爱。父母患病,他衣不解带侍候,继母想吃活鲤鱼,适值天寒地冻,他解开衣服卧在冰上,冰忽然自行融化,跃出两条鲤鱼。继母食后,果然病愈。王祥隐居二十余年,后从温县县令做到大司农、司空、太尉。
2023-07-24 08:44:551


Hansel and GretelClass 4& 5 Grade 4Narrator: Once upon a time there lived a woodcutter(伐木工)and his wife was a stepmother(继母) to his two children whose names Hansel and Gretel. They were very poor and did not have much to eat.Stepmother: Dinner!Hansel: It"s only a slice of bread, but we are starving(饿死了).Stepmother: What do you want? With so little money, all we can eat is bread.Father: We have almost no more food for our family. I"m afraid we will all die.Hansel: Oh, Father, we will overcome(克服) the difficulties(困难).Step mother: Oh, why did I marry a poor woodcutter?Gretel: Poor Dad. Always in trouble.Narrator: Hansel and Gretel finished the last crumbs(面包屑) on the plates and went to their room. They blew out the candle and tried to sleep.Gretel: What"s that noise?Hansel: Sorry, it"s my tummy. I was thinking of chocolate and marshmallows(棉花糖).Gretel: Oh don"t. I"m so hungry and I can"t sleep.Narrator: As they listened to their tummies rumble(隆隆响), they heard more nagging(唠叨) downstairs.Stepmother: The problem is, there just not enough(足够) food for the four of us. The children will have to go.Father: What?Stepmother: Do you have a better idea?Father: How has it come to this?Stepmother: Tomorrow, We"ll take them in the forest with little bread, and leave(留) them there.Father: But I can"t leave in the forest! The wild animals will kill them.Stepmother: You must! And you"ll never know-someone may find them and take them home.Narrator: The poor father was afraid of his wife. He said nothing. The children were in bed and heard their father and step mother said.Gretel: I"m scared. What are we going to do?Hansel: Don"t worry. I"m sure God will take care of us.Fairy: Don"t be scared, Hansel and Gretel. Let me help you.Hansel and Gretel: Thank you, kind fairy.Narrator: Quietly Hansel went outside and filled with pockets with small white stones. When morning came, they pretended(假装) they knew nothing.Father: Today we are going deep into the forest to cut some wood. Get your things. Here is some bread. Put in your pockets.Mother: Hurry up!Narrator: As they walked along. Hansel stopped and looked around, and dropped one small white stone on the ground.Father: Why do you keep stopping and looking back?Hansel: Oh, I thought I saw a squirrel in the trees.Mother: Here is a nice place to rest. Why don"t you lie down and rest here?Father: We"re going to cut some more wood. We"ll come back for you.Gretel: Father, don"t leave us here for long time.Mother: Hurry up! We have to work! Come on!Narrator: Hansel and Gretel was tired, they ate their bread and went to sleep. When they woke up, it was dark.Gretel: It"s dark and I"m cold. What will happen to us now?Hansel: Cheer up. We"ll find our way back home.Gretel: But how can we do that? We"re so far away from home.Hansel: Don"t worry. I dropped some white stones along the way. So we can follow them back our home.Gretel: How smart you are, Hansel!Narrator: Holding hands, Hansel and Gretel followed stones back to their home. Father was happy and hugged them.Hansel and Gretel: Father, we were lost in the forest.Father: It"s happy to see you, children. I"m very sorry.Hansel: It"s all right.Stepmother: Stupid children. Why did you stay here? Go to your room quickly.Narrator: But the stepmother was very angry. She locked the children in their room.Mother: We"ll take them deeper into the forest this time, they"ll never find their way out!Father: Please! Don"t make me do this. How can leave my children to die?Mother: What? Do you want us all to starve(饿死)?Father: Of course not.Mother: Then shut up.Gretel: I"m scared.Hansel: Shhh… we are locked and I can"t pick up some stones. But I"m sure, we can come back home again.Narrator: When morning came, they started to walk into the forest with little bread. As they walked, Hansel took little piece of bread and dropped them along the way. But the hungry birds ate the bread.Mother: Another lovely place for a rest.Father: Stay here while I finish chopping wood. I"ll come back for you.Gretel: What are we going to do now?Hansel: Don"t worry, I have dropped some bread along the way. Come, follow me.Gretel: No! There is a blackbird eating crumbs. (crying)Hansel: Don"t worry. God will take care of us.Fairy: Be brave, children. Keep walking, you can find the way out. Good luck to you!Hansel and Gretel: Yes, we should be brave. Thank you, kind fairy.Narrator: They fell asleep, cold and hungry, but they didn"t be afraid any more. The next day they walked and walked, finally they saw a little house. And what a special house it was!Gretel: Look at this wonderful house. It"s made of cookies and candies.Hansel: Pink cake bricks(砖头).Gretel: And a gingerbread door!Hansel: It looks delicious.Gretel: And tastes even better. I eat the windowsill(窗台). They"re made of chocolate.Hansel: I try some roof(屋顶), it"s sugar!Narrator: As they were eating, an old witch came out of the house. She was an evil witch. She made the house to trap(诱捕) children.Witch: Enjoying my house, are you?Gretel: Yes, it"s delicious… I mean amazing.Witch: Come inside, my children. And I will give something ever better to eat.Hansel: Thank you. You are very kind to help us. I hope we don"t make you angry by eating your house.Witch: Not at all. Would you like to stay the night?.Witch: Dear me, you are all bones. Eat more, boy! I will make you fat!Hansel: Let me out you old witch!Gretel: Hansel! What happened?Hansel: That woman is a witch. She"s trapped me with a spell. Now she wants fatten me up and eat me.Fairy: Hansel and Gretel. Be brave. You can trick her and go back home.Witch: Hold out your finger, show me how fat you are. You are very skinny. But I will wait no longer. I am going to eat you. Gretel, you are just in time to help me cook.Gretel: Yes, Madman.Witch: Open the oven door and check to see if it"s hot enough.Gretel: I don"t know how to do that.Witch: You stupid girl. Let me show you how it is done….ah….Hansel: Gretel, You"ve saved me. You are so brave and smart!Gretel: And I"ve cooked the witch. Let"s go back home.Narrator: In the witch"s house they found a lot of gold and silver. They carried as much as they could and started go back home.Father: It"s good to see you. Your stepmother was dead. I"m very sorry. I"ll never leave you again.Hansel and Gretel: Look, Father, we"re rich now. Let"s live together happily ever after.
2023-07-24 08:45:401


Cinderella is a beautiful girl. She has two ugly stepsisters. They are not kind to Cinderella. Cinderella does all of the work. She must cook, clean and do everything.Cinderella can"t go to the party because she doesn"t have beautiful clothes. Her stepsisters have beautiful clothes. They look very happy. Cinderella is very sad.Cinderella"s stepsisters leave the house. They are going to the prince"s party. Cinderella cries. She also wants to go to the party. Suddenly, a woman shows up. She is a kind fairy.
2023-07-24 08:45:483


2023-07-24 08:46:042


  少儿英语童话故事:野天鹅(下)   When the sun set, they became her brothers again. This is where we live now. It is not as nice as the castle, but we like it. There are berries and fruit trees in the forest. You should get some sleep now. Yes, I am tired. I hope I can find how to save you. Maybe you will dream it. Good night, Elise.   That night, Elise had a dream. A fairy came to her and told her how to break the spell. Thisnettle grows outside the cave. Pick the nettles and crush them with your feet. Make the nettles into thread. Then weave the thread into eleven coats. Throw the coats over your brothers, and they will never be swans again. The spell will be broken. But be careful. You must not speak a word before the spell is broken. If you say anything at all to anyone, your brothers will never be saved.   The next morning, Elise was very happy. She knew how to save her brothers.   She ran outside and found the nettles. She picked many nettles and carried them to the cave. Then she crushed the nettles with her feet until they were soft .then she made thread and began to weave the first coat. She was still working when the sun went down. Her brothers came home and saw her working.   Hi, Elise. What are you doing? But Elise didn"t answer. She was not allowed to speak. She smiled at her brothers and showed them the nettle coat. What"s wrong? Why won"t you talk to us? She"s making a strange coat. Maybe the coats will break the spell. That is why she cannot speak. If she speaks, the magic coats will not work.   Elise smiled again. Her brothers were so smart. They helped her when they could. They brought her food and water, so she could work on the magic coats. After a few days, the first coat was done. Elise and her brothers were very happy.   Chapter 4   One day, Elise went outside to pick more nettles. Suddenly, a hunting party appeared. The leader of the hunting party was a handsome young man. He saw Elise, and walked over to her. Hello, miss. I am the king of this land. Who are you?   Elise bowed to the young king, but she did not say anything. The girl does not speak, my king. What is wrong with her? I don"t know. But she is very beautiful. I will take her to the castle and marry her. She will be a wonderful queen.   But Elise did not want to go with the young king. She wanted to stay with her brothers and help them. She shook her head no and started to cry. But the king picked her up and put her on his horse. Do not cry, my dear. This cave is not a good place to live. You will be very happy at my castle. Soon they arrived at the young king"s castle.   Everyone welcome Elise and tried to make her happy. Elise liked the people at the castle, but she was still very sad, one person did not like Elise. The king"s chief minister did not trust her.   My king, this girl is too strange. Why won"t she talk to us? And why does she cry all the time? She is not a normal girl. I think she is a witch. Nonsense, she is not a witch. I think she misses her home. I have an idea to make her happier.   A few days later, the young king showed Elise a special room in the castle. I made this room to look just like you cave. We even brought your nettles and your coats. You can continue your strange work. Now will you be happy for me?   For the first time since coming to the castle, Elise smiled. She was so happy. Now she could make more magic coats for her brothers. She hugged the young king and kissed his hand in thanks. Soon, they were married. Elise and the king were very happy together. Every day, she ruled the kingdom with the king. Every night, she worked on the magic coats. But the chief minister still did not trust her. He watched her every night.   One night, Elise ran out of nettles. She left the castle to pick more. The chief minister followed her. He saw her picking the nettles, but he did not know why. This is too strange. A normal girl does not pick nettles in the middle of the night.   Now I can prove that she is a witch. The king will put her in jail. The next morning, the chief minister found the young king. My king, I can prove your wife is a witch. Last night, I followed her. She left and went to the cave. She picked lots of nettles to make those strange coats. A normal girl does not pick nettles in the middle of the night.She is a witch.   I don"t believe you, my wife is wonderful. I love her. She is not a witch. Please, let me show you. Watch her at night. You will see. Alright, I will watch her. Then I will prove that she is not a witch. For many nights the young king and the chief minister watched Elise. She worked hard weaving the magic coats.   Finally, ten coats were finishes. But she needed more nettles that night, Elise left the castle and went to the cave. The king and the chief minister followed her. They watched her picking nettle under the moon.   Now do you see? Only a witch picks nettles at night. She will cast spells on the kingdom. This is terrible. But I must believe you. Oh, how sad I am. My beautiful wife is a witch. Will you put her in jail? Yes. I will. I must protect my kingdom. I will tell the guards to arrest her tomorrow morning.   Chapter 5   The next morning, the guards arrested Elise. They took her to a tall tower and locked her in a small room. They threw the nettles and coats at her. Here are your nettles. they will be your blankets.   Goodbye, witch. Don"t cast your evil spells on us. Elise was so sad. She loved the young king, but he thought she was a witch. She began to cry.   Suddenly, she heard birds flying by the window. She looked outside and saw eleven swans. The swans all had golden crowns on their heads. Her brothers found her! She pointed to the jail house. The biggest swan nodded his head. He understood what was happening. Now Elise had new hope. She started to work very hard on the last coat. She worked all day and all night long. She didn"t sleep or eat anything.   The next morning, the young king arrived with the chief minister. Good morning, witch. Today you will go to jail. Are you ready? Please speak to us. Tell us why you are making these strange coats. If we knew why, you would not go to jail.   But Elise did not day anything. She looked at the king with a sad face. She will not speak. We must send her to jail. I"m so sorry, my dear. But I must protect my kingdom.   Elise picked up the eleven magic coats. The last coat was almost finished. She followed the chief Minister to a cart. This cart will take you to jail. Get in.   Elise got into the cart. She quickly started working on the last coat. She hoped to finish the coat quickly. The cart rolled through the town. All the towns. people came out to see Elise go to jail. They arrived at the jail house just as Elise finished the last coat. The guards opened the cart door and Elise stepped out.   Suddenly, eleven swans flew down to her. She threw a coat over each swan. The spell was broken, and the swans turned into her brothers. She is a witch! She turned those swans into young men! No, I am not a witch. These young men are my brothers.   Elise is right.Our stepmother was a witch. She cast an evil spell on us. The nettle coats broke the spell. Now we are free.   Why didn"t you tell us this before? I could not speak while I worked on the coats. If I said a word to anyone, the magic coats would not work. I"m sorry I worried you. You were so brave and strong. I love you, Elise. I love you too. I"m so happy I can speak to you now.   Elise, her brothers and the young king went back to the castle. They sent a messenger to Elise"s father. The next day, he came to see his children. Elise! My sons! I"m so happy to see you again. Father, I missed you so much. Where is stepmother? I don"t know. Your messenger told me about the evil spell.   I sent my guards to arrest her. But when they went to her rooms, she was gone. I hope we never see her again. That night, the young king held a grand party. Everyone had a wonderful time. And they all lived happily ever after.
2023-07-24 08:46:121


Many years ago.A man asked a woman:Can you speak Chinese?.And he recieved "yes"(后面你就用中文写吧)
2023-07-24 08:46:552


  <<灰姑娘>>剧本英汉对照版:  Once there lived a kind and lovely girl. After her father"s death, her stepmother became cruel to her.Her two step-sisters teased her, asking her to do all the housework.  从前有一位可爱善良的姑娘,她父亲很早就去世了。她的继母经常虐待她,继母带来的两个孩子也经常欺负她,她们把灰姑娘当女拥一样使唤。  stepmother: Do the laundry and get on with your duties. Clean the floors right away. And what"s more,bring me my breakfast.  把这些衣服拿到洗衣房做你的事情。把地板赶快给我擦干净。另外,把我的早饭带来。  stepsister1: Cinderella! Get me my sweater, I feel a little cold.  灰姑娘,把我的衣服拿来,我感到有点冷。  stepsister2: Hurry up! Prepare the carriage for me, hand me my gloves. I"m to be late for my date. You"re so, you"re always so sluggish.  快点!把马车给我准备好,递我手套。我约会要晚了,你总是那么慢慢腾腾的。  Cruel as her stepmother was to her, Cinderella still lived an optimistic life. She had a lot of animal friends.  虽然继母这样对她,可灰姑娘还是乐观地活着,另外她还有许多小动物做她的朋友。  One day, the king held a party for the prince to choose the girl he loved. Every maid in the town was invited to the party.  一天,国王要让王子自己选择心爱的人,为王子举办了一个宫廷舞会,邀请城里所有的姑娘参加。  The stepmother took her two daughters to the party, leaving Cinderella at home, because she was jealous of Cinderella"s beauty.  可继母嫉妒灰姑娘的美貌,让灰姑娘在家干活,独自带着女儿去了。  Cinderella was broken-hearted. At that time, her fairy godmother appeared.  灰姑娘非常地伤心,这时,教母出现了。  Cinderella: There"s nothing left to believe in. Nothing!  没有什么我相信的事情,什么也没有!  Godmother: Nothing, my dear? Oh, now you don"t really mean that.  亲爱的,什么也没有吗?但现在你的意思并不是这样。  Cinderella: Oh, but I do.  噢,但我确实是这样想的。  Godmother: Nonsense, child! If you"d lost all your faith, I couldn"t be here. And here I am!Oh, come now, Dry those tears!  胡说,孩子。如果你失去了你的信仰,我就不会在这里了。但现在我在这,噢,过来,擦干眼泪。  Cinderella: Why then, you must be...  为什么你一定在。。。  Godmother: Your fairy godmother? Of course. Now let"s see, magic words.Bibbidi-boddidi-boo. Put them together and what have you got.  你传说中的教母?当然,现在让我看看。。。现在,这些魔力的话,Bibbidi-boddidi-boo。 把它们放在一起,看你得到了什么。  Cinderella: Oh, it"s beautiful! It"s like a dream, a wonderful dream come true.  噢,它太美丽了!象一个梦,一个美好的梦想变成了现实。  Godmother: Yes, my child, but like all dreams, well, I"m afraid this can"t last forever. You"ll have only till night and...  是的,我的孩子,象所有的梦一样。恐怕它不能永远延续下去。你仅仅能在午夜和。。。拥有它。  Cinderella: Midnight?Oh, thank you.  午夜?噢,谢谢你。  Godmother: Oh, just a minute. Remember, on the stroke of twelve, the spell will be broken and everything will be as it was before.  噢,等一会儿。记住,当时钟敲响到12点的时候,钟将会打破,一切事情又恢复了从前。  Cinderella: Oh, I understand,"s more than I ever hoped for.  哦,我懂了。但它比我期望的要多地多。  Godmother: Bless you, my child. Enjoy yourself.  祝福你,我的孩子,玩得开心。  At the party, Cinderella danced with the prince all the time.Time passed quickly. All of a sudden, Cinderella caught sight of the clock on the wall. Oh, it is almost twelve o"clock-five to twelve!  舞会上,灰姑娘成了王子唯一选中的舞伴,灰姑娘与王子高兴地跳舞,旁人都很羡慕地看着他们,议论他们。时间在美妙的歌舞中过去,墙上的大钟突然映入灰姑娘的眼里,差5分钟12点。  Cinderella: Oh, my goodness!  噢,天啊!  Prince: What"s the matter?  什么事?  Cinderella: It"s midnight. It"s almost midnight.  午夜了,快到午夜了。  Prince: Yes, so it is.But why?  是的,但又怎样呢?  Cinderella: Goodbye.  再见。  Prince: No, no,wait, you can"t go now.  不,等等,你现在不能走。  Cinderella: Oh, I must, please, I must.  噢,我必须走。  Prince: But why?  但为什么呢?  Cinderella: goodbye.  再见。  Prince: No, wait, come back. Please come back! I don"t even know your name. How will I find you? Wait, please wait! Wait!  不,等等,回来,请回来!我连你的名字都不知道呢。我怎么能找到你呢?等等,等等,等等!  Cinderella: Goodbye.  再见。  The next day, every maid in the town was ordered to try the glass shoe.Whoever the shoes fitted well would be the bride of the princel.No one could put on the shoe, nor could the two step-sisters. When the officials were going to leave, Cinderella appeared and asked to have a try.  第二天,国王命令城中每一位女孩必须史穿玻璃鞋,穿上鞋子最合适的姑娘将成为王子的新娘。但城中没有一个女孩能穿着合适。最后来到灰姑娘的家中,继母的女儿们当然也不能穿上那双玻璃鞋,正当国王的大臣要离开时,灰姑娘出现在楼梯上,她要求试一试鞋。  Cinderella: Please wait! May I try it on?  请等等!我可以试一下吗?  Stepmother: Oh, pay no attention to her.  噢,别理她。  stepsister1: It"s only Cinderella!  她仅仅是灰姑娘!  stepsister2:Impossible.  不可能。  stepsister1: She"s out of her mind.  她疯了。  stepmother: Yes, yes. Just an imaginative child.  是的,是的,只是一个爱想象的孩子。  Duke:Of course, you can have a try, my fair lady.  当然你可以试试,我的女士。  Duke: Oh, no!No!This is terrible. The king! What shall I do?  噢,不!不!这很糟糕。国王!我该做什么呢?  Cinderella: But perhaps this would help...  但这或许有点帮助。。。。  Duke: No, no. Nothing can help now, nothing.  不,不。现在什么都帮不了。  Cinderella: You see, I have the other slipper.  你看,我有另一只拖鞋。  Cinderella and the prince held a grand wedding and they led a happy life from then on.  王子和灰姑娘举行了盛大的婚礼,幸福地生活。  <<灰姑娘>>剧本英文版:  第一场:  旁白:Long, long ago, there was a cute girl, her name is Alice, her mother was dead, her father loved her very much.  Father: Dear daughter! These presents are for you! Do you like them?  Alice: Yeah, thank you, Dad.  Father: My lovely daughter, I hope you are happy forever!  旁白:But one day, her father married a new wife.  Look, her step mother and her new sisters are coming.  Stepmother: Helen, Jenny, look, how beautiful the house is!  mso-charHelen: Yes, and so many fruits. Apples,bananas, mangoes and lychee. Wow, I like them.(吃水果)  Jerry: Mum, look, so many beautiful clothes. I like this dress.  (往身上穿)  Alice: Oh, no, that"s my dress. It"s a new dress my father bought for me.  Jerry: Who are you? Mum, who is she?  Stepmother: She is your little sister. But it doesn"t matter. Look!  Alice, go, clean the room and then cook for us.  Alice: Why? I"m not your servant.  Stepmother: Yeah. But from now on you are our servant.  Alice and Jerry: Mum, I like her dress.(拽衣服)  Jenny:I like her necklace.(抢项链戴在脖子上)  旁白:After that, Alice had been their servant. She worked and worked from morning to night. She had no room to live, she had no good food to eat and good clothes to wear. She was more and more dirty, so people called her Cinderella.  第二场:  Stepmother: Who is it?  Soldier: It"s me. I"m the soldier of the palace.  (打开门)Good morning, madam, this is for you and your daughters.  mso-charStepmother: What is it?(打开信看)  (欢呼)Helen, Jerry, good news! There will be a big dancing party in the palace. The prince will select a queen among the young girls.  mso-charTwo daughters: Hooray! I"ll be the queen!  mso-charStepmother: Come on, daughters. You must put on your most beautiful dress and make up!  mso-charAlice: Mum, I want to go ,too.  mso-charThree: You? Look at yourself, so dirty and so ugly.  mso-charStepmother: Daughters, are you ready? Let"s go.  mso-charAlice: Oh, my friends. I really want to go. What shall I do?  mso-charCat, Peagion, Dog: Don"t be so sad, Alice. At least, we are with you.  mso-charFairy: Poor girl, let me help you.  mso-charAnimals: Wow, how beautiful!  mso-charCat: You"re the most beautiful girl I"ve seen.  mso-charDog: Yes! You will be the most beautiful girl in the party!  mso-charPeagion: Yes! And the prince will love you at once!  mso-charFairy: Alice, go to the party and dance. But remember you  150%; TEXT-INDENT: 48pt; mso-char-indent-count: 4.0; mso-char-indent-size: 12.0pt">must come back before 12 o"clock. Or you will  150%; TEXT-INDENT: 48pt; mso-char-indent-count: 4.0; mso-char-indent-size: 12.0pt">change back.  Alice: Thank you , Fairy.(跑)  Fairy: (喊)Be careful! Don"t forget the time!  Alice: I won"t forget.  第三场  mso-charMinister1: Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the prince dancing ball. This night, our prince will select the most beautiful and kindest girl to be his queen .Now, young girls, come to the front,please!  Minister2:How are they?Which one do you like?  Prince: No, I don"t like anyone.  (Alice come in)  Ministers: Wow, how beautiful!  (She"s like a fairy. She"s like a Angel. She"s so lovely. She"s like a princess. How pretty the girl is!)  Prince: Pretty princess, may I dance with you?  Alice: I"d like to.  (music and dance)  (one person pick up a clock)  Alice: Oh, it"s time to go back. I must go now.  Prince: Wait, princess, wait!  Alice(跑,掉一只鞋)  Prince: (拿起鞋)Pretty princess!Why are you leaving? I must find you!  Soldiers!  Soldiers: Yes!  Prince: Take the shoe to every house. You must find the girl for me.  Soldiers: Yes, your highnesss!  第四场:  (士兵敲门)  Stepmother: What"s the matter, soldiers?  Soldier1: Are there any young girls in your family, madam?  Soldier2: The pretty princess lost her shoe in the palace.  Soldier3: The prince wants to find her and marry her.  Helen: Let me try.The shoe is mine.  Soldier1: No,it"s not yours. It"s too small for you.  Jenny: It"s mine. Let me try it.  Soldier2: No, it"s not yours, it"s too small for you.  Stepmother: Hi, come on, maybe it"s mine. Let me try it.  mso-charSoldier3:Oh, my god, it couldn"t be yours. Do you have another daughter?  Alice: Hello, gentlemen, may I try it?  Stepmother :You? Go away!  Helen: Look at yourself!  Jenny: So dirty and so ugly!  mso-charHead Soldier: No, ladies, let her try! Come, little girl, try it on,please!  mso-charAlice: Thank you! (试鞋)  mso-charSoldiers: Wonderful! It"s yours! It fits for you very well!  mso-charSoldier1:(Call prince)5535240  mso-charPrince: Hello, this is prince speaking!  mso-charSoldier1: Good news, your highnesss! We have found the  beautiful girl.  mso-charPrince: Really? That"s wonderfull! I"ll come at once.  mso-charFairy: My child, happy time is coming. Let me help you the  1last time.(变美丽)  mso-charPrince: Oh, my deariest princess, I love you, go with me and be my queen, OK?  mso-charAlice: OK!  mso-charStepmother and sisters: How did it happen?(昏倒)  mso-char旁白:The story finished. Alice found her happiness. Alice and  the prince lived happily ever after! And that brings us to the end of the play.  (善有善报,恶有恶报,善良的人终会有好报,灰姑娘最终找到了自己的幸福,与王子幸福地生活在一起!
2023-07-24 08:47:051


I am willing to sacrifice for you my arm is not the wording 2 I will have both ends of the earth around you
2023-07-24 08:47:297


CinderellaThere once lived a cute lovable girl named Cinderella. But one day a misfortune1 came upon her. Cinderella"s mother was ill and soon died. Every day Cinderella cried so sadly."Cinderella, Cinderella don"t cry" Father, comforted her and comforted her. But, because Cinderella missed her mother so much she cried every day. "Cinderella please don"t cry. Soon your stepmother will be arriving."The stepmother brought with her two daughters. Cinderella was happy to have a new stepmother and stepsisters. However, it wasn"t for long, for Father soon had to leave on a far away trip. "Pretty Cinderella, listen to your stepmother and stepsisters." Cinderella promised her father that she would.Everyday, while the lazy, ugly stepsisters played they teased2 Cinderella. Cinderella always stayed up late cleaning and washing the laundry. "Cinderella! Clean my shoes." Cinderella always wore tattered3 clothes and worked all day doing housework.One day, an invitation came from the royal palace. "Mother, the prince is having a ball in finding a bride." Stepmother and stepsisters were in a commotion4 is choosing there clothes for the ball."Until we get back clean the house and have the laundry washed spotlessly." The powered and dressed up stepmother and stepsisters left for the ball. "Oh! How I wish to go to the ball too." Cinderella left all alone began to cry.All of a sudden the room became bright and a fairy godmother appeared. "Pretty Cinderella why are you crying?" "I want to go to the ball too. But, there"s so much to do and I have nothing to wear""Don"t worry Cinderella." As soon as the fairy godmother waved her magic wand, the housework that the stepmother asked was finished. And as soon as the tattered clothes were touched by the magic wand it changed into a splendid dress. And on her feet a pair of lovely glass slippers6."Once the clock strikes twelve the spell will be broken. Don"t forget and come before then." As soon as Cinderella arrived at the ball everyone"s eyes starred at her. "Ah! Who can that lovely girl be?" The prince asked Cinderella to dance. The two danced happily.The clock began to strike twelve. The startled7 Cinderella ran out of the ballroom8. She left the ball so quickly that she lost one of her glass slippers. As soon as she came out of the palace the spell was broken. Cinderella went back home with one of her glass slippers.The prince could not forget the girl who left the ball so quickly. So, the prince searched house by house to find the girl who would fit the glass slipper5. However, there was no girl who was able to fit the glass slipper. Finally, he came to Cinderella"s house.The stepsisters fought over the glass slipper and tried it on. Both had big feet and did not fit the shoe. The prince was very disappointed."I will try on the glass slipper." Cinderella tried on the glass slipper. The shoe fit her perfectly9. Cinderella took out the other glass slipper to put it on, "Ah! It was you." The prince and Cinderella went back to the palace and lived happily ever after.
2023-07-24 08:48:221


经典童话剧《灰姑娘》角色:Cinderella, 父亲,继母, Helen, Jerry, Fairy, Prince, Ministers, Soldier 1, Soldier 2,马2匹,Peagion,cat , dog 旁白服装:公主礼服4套,父亲服装1套,王子礼服1套,士兵礼服2套,马服装2套,鸽子服装,猫服装、狗服装道具:马车、请柬、魔杖、水晶鞋、钟、头饰、伴奏音乐磁带指导老师:项芸、李文佳、荆剑文、褚宇华、剧本:第一场旁白:Long, long ago, there was a cute girl, her name is Cinderella, her mother was dead, her father loved her very much.Father: Dear daughter! These presents are for you! Do you like them?Cinderella: Yeah, thank you, Dad. Father: My lovely daughter, I hope you are happy forever! 旁白:But one day, her father married a new wife.Look, her step mother and her new sisters are coming.Stepmother: Helen, Helen, look, how beautiful the house is! Helen: Yes, and so many fruits. Apples,bananas, mangoes and lychee. Wow, I like them.(吃水果)Jerry: Mum, look, so many beautiful clothes. I like this dress. (往身上穿)Cinderella: Oh, no, that"s my dress. It"s a new dress my father bought for me. Jerry: Who are you? Mum, who is she?Stepmother: She is your little sister. Jerry: Mum, I like her dress.(拽衣服)Helen:I like her necklace.(抢项链戴在脖子上)Stepmother: (手指Cinderella,恶狠狠地)Do the laundry and get on with your duties. Clean the floor right away. And what"s more, bring me my breakfast.Helen: Cinderella! Get me my sweater. I feel a little cold.Jerry: (不耐烦地)Hurry up! Prepare the carriage for me. Give me my gloves. I"ll be late for my date. You"re so, you"re always so sluggish.旁白:After that, Cinderella had been their servant. She worked and worked from morning to night. She had no room to live, she had no good food to eat and good clothes to wear. She was more and more dirty, so people called her Cinderella.第二场旁白:On day, the king held a party for the prince to choose the girl he loved. Every maid in the town was invited to the party.(敲门声)Stepmother: Who is it?Soldier: It"s me. I"m the soldier of the palace. (打开门)Good morning, madam, this is for you and your daughters.Stepmother: What is it?(打开信看) (欢呼)Hurry up! Come on! Helen, Jerry, good news! There will be a big dancing party in the palace. The prince will select a queen among the young girls.Two daughters(欢呼): Hooray! I"ll be the queen!Stepmother: (喜悦、亲切地) Come on, daughters. You must put on your most beautiful dress and make up! (打开衣柜翻找漂亮的衣服)Cinderella: Mum, I want to go ,too.Stepmother: (鄙视地) You? You can"t.Helen: (双手插腰)Look at yourself, so dirty and so ugly.Jerry : You haven"t a good dress.Helen: You haven"t nice shoes.Jerry: (嘲笑地)No dress, no shoes… You have nothing.Cinderella: (悲伤地)I want… (话被打断)Stepmother: Helen, Jerry, are you ready? Let"s go.Cinderella: Oh, my friends. I really want to go. What shall I do?Cat, Peagion, Dog: Don"t be so sad, Cinderella. At least, we are with you.Fairy: (同情地抚摩着Cinderella的头)Poor girl, come on, don"t be so sad, dry those tears! let me help you.Cinderella: (惊讶地Can you help me?Fairy: Yes, of course!Cinderella: The prince is having a beautiful party.Fairy: Yes, yes, I know.Cinderella: (沮丧地)No dress, no shoes, I have nothing.Fairy: Now…listen to me, close your eyes…Cinderella: (闭上眼睛)Like this?Fairy: Yes. Abracadabra! ( 挥摩杖,Cinderella穿上了一套漂亮的舞会礼服和一双水晶鞋)Animals: Wow, how beautiful! Cat: You"re the most beautiful girl I"ve seen.Dog: Yes! You will be the most beautiful girl in the party!Peagion: Yes! And the prince will love you at once!Cinderella: It likes a dream. I"m so happy! Thank you!Fairy: Cinderella, go to the party and dance. Bless you, my child. Enjoy yourself. But remember you must come back before 12 o"clock. Or you will change back as usual.Cinderella: Thank you , I won"t forget.Fairy: (喊)Be careful! Don"t forget the time! Cinderella: I won"t forget.第三场:Minister1:(庄严地) Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the prince dancing ball. This night, our prince will select the most beautiful and kindest girl to be his queen .Now, young girls, come to the front,please!Minister2:How are they? Which one do you like?Prince: No, I don"t like anyone.(Cinderella come in)Ministers:(惊奇地) Wow, how beautiful! She"s like a fairy. She"s like a Angel. She"s so lovely. She"s like a princess. How pretty the girl is!Prince: (走上前去拉手)Pretty princess, may I dance with you?Cinderella: (大方地)I"d like to.(music and dance)(one person pick up a clock)Cinderella: (焦急地)Oh, it"s five to twelve. it"s time to go back. Oh, my goodness!Prince: (奇怪地)What"s the matter?Cinderella: (惊慌地跑出去)It"s midnight. It"s almost midnight. I must go now.(慌忙中掉了一只鞋)。 Prince: (向前追去)Wait, princess, wait! (拿起鞋) Pretty princess! Why are you leaving? I must find you! Soldiers!Soldiers: Yes!Prince: Take the shoe to every house. You must find the girl for me.Soldiers: Yes, your highnesss!第四场旁白:The next day, every maid in the town was ordered to try the glass shoe. Whoever the shoe fitted well would be the bride of the prince.(士兵拿着一只水晶鞋,敲门)Stepmother: What"s the matter, soldiers?Soldier1: Are there any young girls in your family, madam?Soldier2: The pretty princess lost her shoe in the palace.Soldier3: The prince wants to find her and marry her.Helen: (跑上去)Let me try.The shoe is mine.Soldier1: No,it"s not yours. It"s too small for you.Helen: (抢过鞋)It"s mine. Let me try it.Soldier2: No, it"s not yours, it"s too small for you.Stepmother:(夺下鞋) Hi, come on, maybe it"s mine. Let me try it. Soldier3:(摇头)Oh, my god, it couldn"t be yours. Do you have another daughter?Cinderella: (从楼梯上走下来)Hello, gentlemen, may I try it?Stepmother :(厌恶地)You? Go away!Helen: Look at yourself!Helen: So dirty and so ugly!Head Soldier: No, ladies, let her try! Come, little girl, try it on, please!Cinderella: Thank you! (试鞋)Soldiers: (惊喜地)Wonderful! It"s yours! It fits for you very well!Soldier1:(Call prince)5535240Prince: Hello, this is prince speaking!Soldier1: Good news, your highnesss! We have found the beautiful girl.Prince: Really? That"s wonderfull! I"ll come at once.Fairy: My child, happy time is coming. Let me help you again.(Y魔棒一挥,Cinderella穿上了漂亮的礼服。)(Prince comes in)Prince: (真挚地)Oh, my deariest princess, Would you like to go with me and be my queen?Cinderella: (喜悦地) OK!Stepmother and sisters: How did it happen?(昏倒)旁白:Cinderella found her happiness. The prince and her held a grand wedding ceremony and they lived in happiness from then on.
2023-07-24 08:48:315


The Ugly Duckling Once upon a time down on an old farm, lived a duck family, and Mother Duck had been sitting on a clutch of new eggs. One nice morning, the eggs hatched and out popped six chirpy ducklings. But one egg was bigger than the rest, and it didn"t hatch. Mother Duck couldn"t recall laying that seventh egg. How did it get there? TOCK! TOCK! The little prisoner was pecking inside his shell. "Did I count the eggs wrongly?" Mother Duck wondered. But before she had time to think about it, the last egg finally hatched. A strange looking duckling with gray feathers that should have been yellow gazed at a worried mother. The ducklings grew quickly, but Mother Duck had a secret worry. "I can"t understand how this ugly duckling can be one of mine!" she said to herself, shaking her head as she looked at her last born. Well, the gray duckling certainly wasn"t pretty, and since he ate far more than his brothers, he was outgrowing them. As the days went by, the poor ugly duckling became more and more unhappy. His brothers didn"t want to play with him, he was so clumsy, and all the farmyard folks simply laughed at him. He felt sad and lonely, while Mother Duck did her best to console him. "Poor little ugly duckling!" she would say. "Why are you so different from the others?" And the ugly duckling felt worse than ever. He secretly wept at night. He felt nobody wanted him. "Nobody loves me, they all tease me! Why am I different from my brothers?" Then one day, at sunrise, he ran away from the farmyard. He stopped at a pond and began to question all the other birds. "Do you know of any ducklings with gray feathers like mine?" But everyone shook their heads in scorn. "We don"t know anyone as ugly as you." The ugly duckling did not lose heart, however, and kept on making inquiries. He went to another pond, where a pair of large geese gave him the same answer to his question. What"s more, they warned him: "Don"t stay here! Go away! It"s dangerous. There are men with guns around here!" The duckling was sorry he had ever left the farmyard. Then one day, his travels took him near an old countrywoman"s cottage. Thinking he was a stray goose, she caught him. "I"ll put this in a hutch. I hope it"s a female and lays plenty of eggs!" said the old woman, whose eyesight was poor. But the ugly duckling laid not a single egg. The hen kept frightening him. "Just wait! If you don"t lay eggs, the old woman will wring your neck and pop you into the pot!" And the cat chipped in: "Hee! Hee! I hope the woman cooks you, then I can gnaw at your bones!" The poor ugly duckling was so scared that he lost his appetite, though the old woman kept stuffing him with food and grumbling: "If you won"t lay eggs, at least hurry up and get plump!" "Oh, dear me!" moaned the now terrified duckling. "I"ll die of fright first! And I did so hope someone would love me!" Then one night, finding the hutch door ajar, he escaped. Once again he was all alone. He fled as far away as he could, and at dawn, he found himself in a thick bed of reeds. "If nobody wants me, I"ll hid here forever." There was plenty a food, and the duckling began to feel a little happier, though he was lonely. One day at sunrise, he saw a flight of beautiful birds wing overhead. White, with long slender necks, yellow beaks and large wings, they were migrating south. "If only I could look like them, just for a day!" said the duckling, admiringly. Winter came and the water in the reed bed froze. The poor duckling left home to seek food in the snow. He dropped exhausted to the ground, but a farmer found him and put him in his big jacket pocket. "I"ll take him home to my children. They"ll look after him. Poor thing, he"s frozen!" The duckling was showered with kindly care at the farmer"s house. In this way, the ugly duckling was able to survive the bitterly cold winter. However, by springtime, he had grown so big that the farmer decided: "I"ll set him free by the pond!" That was when the duckling saw himself mirrored in the water. "Goodness! How I"ve changed! I hardly recognize myself!" The flight of swans winged north again and glided on to the pond. When the duckling saw them, he realized he was one of their kind, and soon made friends. "We"re swans like you!" they said, warmly. "Where have you been hiding?" "It"s a long story," replied the young swan, still astounded. Now, he swam majestically with his fellow swans. One day, he heard children on the river bank exclaim: "Look at that young swan! He"s the finest of them all!" And he almost burst with happiness.
2023-07-24 08:48:494

求返老还童简介翻译成英文 急~~~~~~~~~

2023-07-24 08:48:587


2023-07-24 08:49:1310


<<灰姑娘>>剧本英汉对照版:Once there lived a kind and lovely girl. After her father"s death, her stepmother became cruel to her.Her two step-sisters teased her, asking her to do all the housework.从前有一位可爱善良的姑娘,她父亲很早就去世了。她的继母经常虐待她,继母带来的两个孩子也经常欺负她,她们把灰姑娘当女拥一样使唤。stepmother: Do the laundry and get on with your duties. Clean the floors right away. And what"s more,bring me my breakfast. 把这些衣服拿到洗衣房做你的事情。把地板赶快给我擦干净。另外,把我的早饭带来。 stepsister1: Cinderella! Get me my sweater, I feel a little cold.灰姑娘,把我的衣服拿来,我感到有点冷。 stepsister2: Hurry up! Prepare the carriage for me, hand me my gloves. I"m to be late for my date. You"re so, you"re always so sluggish.快点!把马车给我准备好,递我手套。我约会要晚了,你总是那么慢慢腾腾的。Cruel as her stepmother was to her, Cinderella still lived an optimistic life. She had a lot of animal friends.虽然继母这样对她,可灰姑娘还是乐观地活着,另外她还有许多小动物做她的朋友。One day, the king held a party for the prince to choose the girl he loved. Every maid in the town was invited to the party.一天,国王要让王子自己选择心爱的人,为王子举办了一个宫廷舞会,邀请城里所有的姑娘参加。The stepmother took her two daughters to the party, leaving Cinderella at home, because she was jealous of Cinderella"s beauty.可继母嫉妒灰姑娘的美貌,让灰姑娘在家干活,独自带着女儿去了。Cinderella was broken-hearted. At that time, her fairy godmother appeared.灰姑娘非常地伤心,这时,教母出现了。Cinderella: There"s nothing left to believe in. Nothing!没有什么我相信的事情,什么也没有!Godmother: Nothing, my dear? Oh, now you don"t really mean that.亲爱的,什么也没有吗?但现在你的意思并不是这样。Cinderella: Oh, but I do.噢,但我确实是这样想的。Godmother: Nonsense, child! If you"d lost all your faith, I couldn"t be here. And here I am!Oh, come now, Dry those tears! 胡说,孩子。如果你失去了你的信仰,我就不会在这里了。但现在我在这,噢,过来,擦干眼泪。Cinderella: Why then, you must be...为什么你一定在。。。Godmother: Your fairy godmother? Of course. Now let"s see, magic words.Bibbidi-boddidi-boo. Put them together and what have you got.你传说中的教母?当然,现在让我看看。。。现在,这些魔力的话,Bibbidi-boddidi-boo。 把它们放在一起,看你得到了什么。Cinderella: Oh, it"s beautiful! It"s like a dream, a wonderful dream come true.噢,它太美丽了!象一个梦,一个美好的梦想变成了现实。Godmother: Yes, my child, but like all dreams, well, I"m afraid this can"t last forever. You"ll have only till night and...是的,我的孩子,象所有的梦一样。恐怕它不能永远延续下去。你仅仅能在午夜和。。。拥有它。Cinderella: Midnight?Oh, thank you.午夜?噢,谢谢你。Godmother: Oh, just a minute. Remember, on the stroke of twelve, the spell will be broken and everything will be as it was before.噢,等一会儿。记住,当时钟敲响到12点的时候,钟将会打破,一切事情又恢复了从前。Cinderella: Oh, I understand,"s more than I ever hoped for.哦,我懂了。但它比我期望的要多地多。Godmother: Bless you, my child. Enjoy yourself.祝福你,我的孩子,玩得开心。At the party, Cinderella danced with the prince all the time.Time passed quickly. All of a sudden, Cinderella caught sight of the clock on the wall. Oh, it is almost twelve o"clock-five to twelve!舞会上,灰姑娘成了王子唯一选中的舞伴,灰姑娘与王子高兴地跳舞,旁人都很羡慕地看着他们,议论他们。时间在美妙的歌舞中过去,墙上的大钟突然映入灰姑娘的眼里,差5分钟12点。Cinderella: Oh, my goodness!噢,天啊!Prince: What"s the matter?什么事?Cinderella: It"s midnight. It"s almost midnight.午夜了,快到午夜了。Prince: Yes, so it is.But why?是的,但又怎样呢?Cinderella: Goodbye.再见。Prince: No, no,wait, you can"t go now.不,等等,你现在不能走。Cinderella: Oh, I must, please, I must.噢,我必须走。Prince: But why?但为什么呢?Cinderella: goodbye.再见。Prince: No, wait, come back. Please come back! I don"t even know your name. How will I find you? Wait, please wait! Wait!不,等等,回来,请回来!我连你的名字都不知道呢。我怎么能找到你呢?等等,等等,等等!Cinderella: Goodbye.再见。The next day, every maid in the town was ordered to try the glass shoe.Whoever the shoes fitted well would be the bride of the princel.No one could put on the shoe, nor could the two step-sisters. When the officials were going to leave, Cinderella appeared and asked to have a try.第二天,国王命令城中每一位女孩必须史穿玻璃鞋,穿上鞋子最合适的姑娘将成为王子的新娘。但城中没有一个女孩能穿着合适。最后来到灰姑娘的家中,继母的女儿们当然也不能穿上那双玻璃鞋,正当国王的大臣要离开时,灰姑娘出现在楼梯上,她要求试一试鞋。Cinderella: Please wait! May I try it on?请等等!我可以试一下吗?Stepmother: Oh, pay no attention to her.噢,别理她。stepsister1: It"s only Cinderella!她仅仅是灰姑娘!stepsister2:Impossible.不可能。stepsister1: She"s out of her mind.她疯了。stepmother: Yes, yes. Just an imaginative child.是的,是的,只是一个爱想象的孩子。Duke:Of course, you can have a try, my fair lady.当然你可以试试,我的女士。Duke: Oh, no!No!This is terrible. The king! What shall I do?噢,不!不!这很糟糕。国王!我该做什么呢?Cinderella: But perhaps this would help...但这或许有点帮助。。。。Duke: No, no. Nothing can help now, nothing.不,不。现在什么都帮不了。Cinderella: You see, I have the other slipper.你看,我有另一只拖鞋。Cinderella and the prince held a grand wedding and they led a happy life from then on.王子和灰姑娘举行了盛大的婚礼,幸福地生活。<<灰姑娘>>剧本英文版:第一场:旁白:Long, long ago, there was a cute girl, her name is Alice, her mother was dead, her father loved her very much.Father: Dear daughter! These presents are for you! Do you like them?Alice: Yeah, thank you, Dad. Father: My lovely daughter, I hope you are happy forever! 旁白:But one day, her father married a new wife. Look, her step mother and her new sisters are coming.Stepmother: Helen, Jenny, look, how beautiful the house is! mso-charHelen: Yes, and so many fruits. Apples,bananas, mangoes and lychee. Wow, I like them.(吃水果)Jerry: Mum, look, so many beautiful clothes. I like this dress. (往身上穿)Alice: Oh, no, that"s my dress. It"s a new dress my father bought for me. Jerry: Who are you? Mum, who is she?Stepmother: She is your little sister. But it doesn"t matter. Look! Alice, go, clean the room and then cook for us.Alice: Why? I"m not your servant.Stepmother: Yeah. But from now on you are our servant.Alice and Jerry: Mum, I like her dress.(拽衣服)Jenny:I like her necklace.(抢项链戴在脖子上)旁白:After that, Alice had been their servant. She worked and worked from morning to night. She had no room to live, she had no good food to eat and good clothes to wear. She was more and more dirty, so people called her Cinderella.第二场:Stepmother: Who is it?Soldier: It"s me. I"m the soldier of the palace.(打开门)Good morning, madam, this is for you and your daughters. mso-charStepmother: What is it?(打开信看)(欢呼)Helen, Jerry, good news! There will be a big dancing party in the palace. The prince will select a queen among the young girls. mso-charTwo daughters: Hooray! I"ll be the queen! mso-charStepmother: Come on, daughters. You must put on your most beautiful dress and make up! mso-charAlice: Mum, I want to go ,too. mso-charThree: You? Look at yourself, so dirty and so ugly. mso-charStepmother: Daughters, are you ready? Let"s go. mso-charAlice: Oh, my friends. I really want to go. What shall I do? mso-charCat, Peagion, Dog: Don"t be so sad, Alice. At least, we are with you. mso-charFairy: Poor girl, let me help you. mso-charAnimals: Wow, how beautiful! mso-charCat: You"re the most beautiful girl I"ve seen. mso-charDog: Yes! You will be the most beautiful girl in the party! mso-charPeagion: Yes! And the prince will love you at once! mso-charFairy: Alice, go to the party and dance. But remember you 150%; TEXT-INDENT: 48pt; mso-char-indent-count: 4.0; mso-char-indent-size: 12.0pt">must come back before 12 o"clock. Or you will 150%; TEXT-INDENT: 48pt; mso-char-indent-count: 4.0; mso-char-indent-size: 12.0pt">change back.Alice: Thank you , Fairy.(跑)Fairy: (喊)Be careful! Don"t forget the time! Alice: I won"t forget.第三场mso-charMinister1: Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the prince dancing ball. This night, our prince will select the most beautiful and kindest girl to be his queen .Now, young girls, come to the front,please!Minister2:How are they?Which one do you like?Prince: No, I don"t like anyone.(Alice come in)Ministers: Wow, how beautiful!(She"s like a fairy. She"s like a Angel. She"s so lovely. She"s like a princess. How pretty the girl is!)Prince: Pretty princess, may I dance with you?Alice: I"d like to.(music and dance)(one person pick up a clock)Alice: Oh, it"s time to go back. I must go now.Prince: Wait, princess, wait!Alice(跑,掉一只鞋)Prince: (拿起鞋)Pretty princess!Why are you leaving? I must find you!Soldiers!Soldiers: Yes!Prince: Take the shoe to every house. You must find the girl for me.Soldiers: Yes, your highnesss!第四场:(士兵敲门)Stepmother: What"s the matter, soldiers?Soldier1: Are there any young girls in your family, madam?Soldier2: The pretty princess lost her shoe in the palace.Soldier3: The prince wants to find her and marry her.Helen: Let me try.The shoe is mine.Soldier1: No,it"s not yours. It"s too small for you.Jenny: It"s mine. Let me try it.Soldier2: No, it"s not yours, it"s too small for you.Stepmother: Hi, come on, maybe it"s mine. Let me try it. mso-charSoldier3:Oh, my god, it couldn"t be yours. Do you have another daughter?Alice: Hello, gentlemen, may I try it?Stepmother :You? Go away!Helen: Look at yourself!Jenny: So dirty and so ugly!mso-charHead Soldier: No, ladies, let her try! Come, little girl, try it on,please!mso-charAlice: Thank you! (试鞋)mso-charSoldiers: Wonderful! It"s yours! It fits for you very well!mso-charSoldier1:(Call prince)5535240mso-charPrince: Hello, this is prince speaking!mso-charSoldier1: Good news, your highnesss! We have found the beautiful girl.mso-charPrince: Really? That"s wonderfull! I"ll come at once.mso-charFairy: My child, happy time is coming. Let me help you the 1last time.(变美丽)mso-charPrince: Oh, my deariest princess, I love you, go with me and be my queen, OK?mso-charAlice: OK!mso-charStepmother and sisters: How did it happen?(昏倒)mso-char旁白:The story finished. Alice found her happiness. Alice and the prince lived happily ever after! And that brings us to the end of the play.(善有善报,恶有恶报,善良的人终会有好报,灰姑娘最终找到了自己的幸福,与王子幸福地生活在一起!
2023-07-24 08:49:382


grandmother,更正式nephew 英语中对亲戚分得不是很细 一般都比较概括
2023-07-24 08:49:465


英文版灰姑娘剧本音乐剧本 灰姑娘英语剧本第一场:旁白:Long, long ago, there was a cute girl, her name is Alice, her mother was dead, her father loved her very much.Father: Dear daughter! These presents are for you! Do you like them?Alice: Yeah, thank you, Dad. Father: My lovely daughter, I hope you are happy forever! 旁白:But one day, her father married a new wife. Look, her step mother and her new sisters are coming.Stepmother: Helen, Jenny, look, how beautiful the house is! Helen: Yes, and so many fruits. Apples,bananas, mangoes and lychee. Wow, I like them.(吃水果)Jerry: Mum, look, so many beautiful clothes. I like this dress. (往身上穿)Alice: Oh, no, that"s my dress. It"s a new dress my father bought for me. Jerry: Who are you? Mum, who is she?Stepmother: She is your little sister. But it doesn"t matter. Look! Alice, go, clean the room and then cook for us.Alice: Why? I"m not your servant.Stepmother: Yeah. But from now on you are our servant.Alice and Jerry: Mum, I like her dress.(拽衣服)Jenny:I like her necklace.(抢项链戴在脖子上)旁白:After that, Alice had been their servant. She worked and worked from morning to night. She had no room to live, she had no good food to eat and good clothes to wear. She was more and more dirty, so people called her Cinderella.第二场:Stepmother: Who is it?Soldier: It"s me. I"m the soldier of the palace. (打开门)Good morning, madam, this is for you and your daughters.Stepmother: What is it?(打开信看) (欢呼)Helen, Jerry, good news! There will be a big dancing party in the palace. The prince will select a queen among the young girls.Two daughters: Hooray! I"ll be the queen!Stepmother: Come on, daughters. You must put on your most beautiful dress and make up! Alice: Mum, I want to go ,too.Three: You? Look at yourself, so dirty and so ugly.Stepmother: Daughters, are you ready? Let"s go. Alice: Oh, my friends. I really want to go. What shall I do?Cat, Peagion, Dog: Don"t be so sad, Alice. At least, we are with you.Fairy: Poor girl, let me help you.Animals: Wow, how beautiful! Cat: You"re the most beautiful girl I"ve seen.Dog: Yes! You will be the most beautiful girl in the party!Peagion: Yes! And the prince will love you at once!Fairy: Alice, go to the party and dance. But remember you must come back before 12 o"clock. Or you will change back.Alice: Thank you , Fairy.(跑)Fairy: (喊)Be careful! Don"t forget the time! Alice: I won"t forget.第三场:Minister1: Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the prince dancing ball. This night, our prince will select the most beautiful and kindest girl to be his queen .Now, young girls, come to the front,please!Minister2:How are they?Which one do you like?Prince: No, I don"t like anyone.(Alice come in)Ministers: Wow, how beautiful!(She"s like a fairy. She"s like a Angel. She"s so lovely. She"s like a princess. How pretty the girl is!)Prince: Pretty princess, may I dance with you?Alice: I"d like to.(music and dance)(one person pick up a clock)Alice: Oh, it"s time to go back. I must go now.Prince: Wait, princess, wait!Alice(跑,掉一只鞋)Prince: (拿起鞋)Pretty princess!Why are you leaving? I must find you! Soldiers!Soldiers: Yes!Prince: Take the shoe to every house. You must find the girl for me.Soldiers: Yes, your highnesss!第四场:(士兵敲门)Stepmother: What"s the matter, soldiers?Soldier1: Are there any young girls in your family, madam?Soldier2: The pretty princess lost her shoe in the palace.Soldier3: The prince wants to find her and marry her.Helen: Let me try.The shoe is mine.Soldier1: No,it"s not yours. It"s too small for you.Jenny: It"s mine. Let me try it.Soldier2: No, it"s not yours, it"s too small for you.Stepmother: Hi, come on, maybe it"s mine. Let me try it. Soldier3:Oh, my god, it couldn"t be yours. Do you have another daughter?Alice: Hello, gentlemen, may I try it?Stepmother :You? Go away!Helen: Look at yourself!Jenny: So dirty and so ugly!Head Soldier: No, ladies, let her try! Come, little girl, try it on,please!Alice: Thank you! (试鞋)Soldiers: Wonderful! It"s yours! It fits for you very well!Soldier1:(Call prince)5535240Prince: Hello, this is prince speaking!Soldier1: Good news, your highnesss! We have found the beautiful girl.Prince: Really? That"s wonderfull! I"ll come at once.Fairy: My child, happy time is coming. Let me help you the last time.(变美丽)Prince: Oh, my deariest princess, I love you, go with me and be my queen, OK?Alice: OK!Stepmother and sisters: How did it happen?(昏倒)旁白:The story finished. Alice found her happiness. Alice and the prince lived happily ever after! And that brings us to the end of the play.(善有善报,恶有恶报,善良的人终会有好报,灰姑娘最终找到了自己的幸福,与王子幸福地生活在一起!)
2023-07-24 08:50:321

关于《灰姑娘》的初中英语课本剧 最好是英汉互译哦!

2023-07-24 08:50:402


Ella lived happily with her mother and father until her mother died. Her father married another women. This women brought two daughters of her own. When Ella"s father suddenly became ill and died. This left Ella with her stepmothers and stepdaughters. Money was short so the stepmother sent away the servants . She treated Ella as her servant and forced her to sleep at the attic. One morning, Ella woke up with cinders and ashes on her face so her stepsisters called her Cinderella. Ella went for a ride in the forest where she encounters the Prince. She did not know that the man who she encounter was the Prince. The Prince expressed that he would like to see her again. The Prince cannot stop thinking about Cinderella so he held a ball. The stepsisters were very excited. As the stepsisters and Cinderella were getting ready for the ball, her stepmother told her that bringing her to the ball will be a disgrace. She torned Cinderella"s dress. Cinderella was very upset and a beggar women appeared. She turned out to be Cinderella"s fairy God mother. She turned the pumpkin into a carriage, mouse into horses, goose as the coach men, and lizards as the footmen. Finally, Cinderella arrived at the ball. The whole court was entranced by Cinderella, including the Prince earning her to be the first person to dance with the Prince. They went to the secret garden and when the clock strikes twelve,it forced Cinderella to leave. The Prince wanted to find Cinderella by letting every maiden to try on the glass slipper. At last, the duke arrived at the Cinderella stepmother"s house. Earlier on, her stepmother found out that it was Cinderella who danced with the prince and shut her in the attic. Luckily, the mice helped Cinderella open the window so that they could hear Cinderella sing Lavenders Blue. She was requested to present herself to the Prince(king). She left with the prince and lived happily ever after. They were married. *{ sorry might be some grammar, punctuation,and spelling error}*望采纳,谢谢~
2023-07-24 08:50:551


来吧... 找死我啦~~你看看..新灰姑娘 New Cinderella 角色:灰姑娘(戴着深度近视眼镜,满脸雀斑),后母,两个姐姐,王子,小仙女,女孩甲,女孩乙,参加宴会者数人。 道具:深度近视眼镜两副,高跟鞋,拖把,鸡毛掸子,梳子,橡皮筋,西瓜车,SKI化妆品,音乐带,镜子,围巾,流星。 ACT 1 (灰姑娘背对着观众,拿着拖把拖地,身体夸张地跟着音乐律动,再拿起鸡毛掸子清理,后母走出来,刚好清理到她的身边。) Stepmother: Cinderella, what are you doing? (生气地) Cinderella: Mum, your dress is a little bit dirty. Let me clean it for you. (用鸡毛掸子清理后母的裙子。) Stepmother: Stop it! You naughty girl. Look at my face. (拿出镜子给Cinderella看)You had better clean your face first. (怒气冲冲离开) Cinderella: Oh! My face. What can I do? (望着镜子) 镜子:Oh ,the poor girl. But you are kindhearted. (Cinderella伤心地唱着Star light, star bright) Star light, star bright, First star I see tonight. I wish I may, I wish I might. Have the wish I wish tonight.(闭眼祷告) (这时,天空滑过一颗流星,接着小仙女跑过来,追着这颗流星。) 小仙女:My candy. My candy.(跑着跑着,掉了一样东西) (Cinderella祈祷完毕,看到地上地东西,捡起来。) Cinderella: What is it? SKI ,for beauty. Oh, that is for me. Thank you very much.(双手合十做感谢状) ACT 2 (Cinderella背对观众清理房间) 大姐:Cinderella, comb my hair. Cinderella: Yes, sister. (将大姐的头发绑成冲天炮) 二姐:Cinderella, get me a scarf.(拿出一条围巾并绑二姐未在手臂上) (大姐和二姐站起来互看了一眼,并放声大笑。) 大姐:You look so funny. 二姐:You look so funny. 大姐,二姐:(觉得不对劲)Cinderella! Cinderella: (没戴眼镜,雀斑全消)Yes? 大姐:Cinderella, you look so different. 二姐:Cinderella, your face… Cinderella: I made a wish and it came true. 大姐,二姐:How did you do that? (Cinderella 配合滑稽的音效,比手画脚了一番。) 大姐,二姐:Oh! I see. Go to your room, Cinderella. (Cinderella退回房间) 大姐:It is easy, isn"t it? 二姐:Yes. Let"s try. 大姐,二姐:(唱歌) Star light, star bright, First star I see tonight. I wish I may, I wish I might. Have the wish I wish tonight. (这时,天空掉下一颗巨大的陨石。) 小仙女:My ball. My ball. (跑着,跑着,将陨石捡起并向观众,这时身上掉下一样东西。) 大姐:(睁开眼睛)What is it? 二姐:(从地上捡起来)SK. 大姐:It works. 大姐,二姐:(抢着涂抹)Save some for me. ACT 3 Stepmother: Mary! Judy! Where are you? It is time to party. 大姐,二姐:(沮丧地)We are here. (大姐,二姐成为大近视眼,脸上并长满雀斑。) Stepmother: Oh, my goodness! What"s the matter with you ? 大姐,二姐: Mummy! Help us. ACT 4 Cinderella: (唱Star light, star bright并闭眼祷告) (这时,天空滑过一颗流星) 小仙女: My candy! My candy! Cinderella! Stop singing the song. Here are the car and the dress. Be sure to come back before twelve. Cinderella: Thank you, my angel! ACT 5 (宴会上,大家快乐地跳着舞) 王子:My fair lady .May I have this dance? Cinderella: Yes, please. (王子和Cinderella跳着DISCO) Stepmother: Who"s that? 大姐:She is so beautiful. 二姐:I wish I were the girl. 大姐:Don"t make any wish, stupid girl. (钟敲响12下) 时钟报时:Dang! Dang! Dang! It is 12 o"clock! Cinderella: Oh! I have to leave now.(冲忙跑走,掉了一双鞋子。) 王子: Hey! Don"t be so rush. What"s your name? ACT 6 (在街上,王子看到女孩子就请她试穿鞋子。) 王子:Please try it on. 女孩甲:(试穿后)It is not my size. 女孩乙:(试穿后)It is not mine. 大姐:Let me try it.(但穿不下) 二姐:It is my turn.(也穿不下) 王子:(看到Cinderella)Lady,would you please try it on. Cinderella:Oh! It"s my shoe. 王子:You are the girl in the party. Cinderella:Yes, I am。Thank you for bringing me the shoe. (跑走,并唱着Star light, star bright) 王子:Wait! Wait! I am the prince. Marry me! 小仙女:(穿着Cinderella参加舞会地衣服)I do. I do. 小仙女:(拉着王子地手不由自主一直大叫I do. ) Cinderella,!Stop singing the song and making any wish
2023-07-24 08:51:041

英语家庭成员整理 急! 谢谢啦

father 父亲papa,dad 爸爸daddy 爸father-in-law 岳父,公公mother 母亲mama,mum,ma 妈妈mummy 妈mother-in-law 岳母,婆母son 儿子daughter 女儿son-in-law 侄子,外甥daughter-in-law 侄女,外甥女only child 独生子youngest,youngest child 最小的儿子eldest child 大儿子 parents 父母husband 丈夫wife 妻子father 父亲mother 母亲son 儿子daughter 女儿grandchildren 孙辈grandson 孙子,外孙granddaughter 孙女,外孙女brother 兄弟sister 姐妹twin 双胞胎的grandfather 祖父grandmother 祖母granny 奶奶,外婆grandma 奶奶,外婆grandpa 爷爷,外公great-grandfather 曾祖父great-grandmother 曾祖母son-in-law 女婿daughter-in-law 儿媳father-in-law 岳父(公公)mother-in-law 岳母(婆婆)sister-in-law 妯娌stepfather 继父stepmother 继母stepson 继子stepdaughter 继女stepbrother 异父(母)之兄弟stepsister 异父(母)之姐妹foster father 养父foster mother 养母adopted son 养子adopted daughter 养女uncle 叔父,伯父,舅父,姑父aunt 婶母,伯母,舅母,姑母nephew 侄儿,外甥niece 侄女,外甥女cousin 堂兄妹,表兄妹
2023-07-24 08:51:111


堂哥、堂弟、堂姐、堂妹,表哥、表弟、表姐、表妹统统用cousin. 义兄、义弟、义姐、义妹,义母、义父用stepbrother,stepsister,stepfather,stepmother 养父母用foster father,mother或adoptive father、 mother 曾孙,曾孙女,great-grandson,great-granddaughter
2023-07-24 08:51:181


once upon a time,there was a nice girl.she lived with her father and her soon as her father died,the stepsisters made her do all the day,there was a party . but she was so busy that she had no time to make a dress for the party.the mice knew that unless they helped her make a dress,she would not be able to go to the she went to the soon as the prince saw her,he fell in love with her.but she had to go back.the prince began to find the girl.he knew that unless the girl"s foot could fit the shoe,it was not the right last they lived together happily.
2023-07-24 08:51:271


灰姑娘剧本 ~自己挑吧 差不多都四个人 The first field Narrator: long long ago, there was a lovely girl, her name is Alice, her mother died, her dad loves her. Father (appearances, holding the gift) : dear daughter, this gift is for you, do you like it? Alice (do) surprise: oh! Thank you, dad! Dad: my dear daughter, I wish you happy forever! Alice: but dear daddy, I feel a bit hungry. Dad: I"m sorry, I"ll give you cook Dad exits. Alice exits. Narrator: but the day of her father and find a new mom, look, her stepmother and her sister to the new. Stepmother lead two girls. Stepmother: Helen, Jenny, look, what a beautiful house! Helen: yes, there are many fruits, apples, bananas, mango, and litchi! Oh! I love them to death! Jenny (pointing to a pile of laundry) : mom, you see, and beautiful clothes, I like this!!!!!!!!!! Alice () : oh, can"t play, that is me! It is the father bought my new clothes! Jenny: you are? Mom, she is??? Stepmother: she is your sister, fine, Alice, go, go to clean the house cook for us! Alice: why? I am not your servant! Stepmother: but from now on, you are our servants!!!!!!!! Alice injustice of the exits. Narrator: since then, Alice became servants of their work day, her, she has no house, no good to eat her clothes to wear, no more dirty, so she called the people around her Cinderella. The second game Knock on the door. Stepmother: what? Soldier: I am. I"m from the soldiers, good morning, madam! This is for you and your daughter. Stepmother: what is it? Jenny! Helen! Good news! Palace will have a huge party, the prince shall choose one from inside the girls do his princess! Jenny and Helen, Whoa! I will be the princess! Stepmother: daughters, hurry up! You must put on your most beautiful clothes, the beautiful dress! Jenny and Helen next, dress up. Alice: mom, I also want to go! Stepmother: will you? Look at yourself, so dirty so ugly! The daughters, ready? We go! Stepmother and sisters exits. Alice (crying) : oh, I really want to go, what should I do? The fairy The fairy: poor girl, let me help you! (to remove the apron, Alice, clothing, love Liz to dance and dance, but remember, you must come back before twelve o "clock, everything will change back to the same. Alice: thank you fairy elder sister! The fairy: be careful, don"t forget the time! Alice: oh, I won"t forget! Alice exits. The fairy exits. The third field King: ladies and gentlemen, welcome to attend the party, I am your king of Kings. Tonight, we will choose a prince of the most beautiful girl became his most kind of princess Diana, now, young girls, please come to the dance. Some woman, sir. dance King: how do you like the girl? Prince: no, don"t like. Cinderella King: wow! Look at that pretty girl, she! Prince: beautiful girl, could I ask you to dance? Alice: oh, yes, I would. Alice, prince dance. Twelve ZhongZhong ring Alice: oh, dear, it is time to go, I must go! Alice flurried exits. Drop slipper. Prince: wait! Wait! What"s your name? The prince picked up slipper. The prince (at) : my slipper must find you! My soldiers? ! Soldier a, b: in! Prince: put the shoes to every family, you must find the girl! Soldier a, b: yes! Aye! The fourth field Stepmother: what"s the matter? Big officer? Soldier a: respect, you young lady miss? Soldier b: a lovely girl at the ball off her shoes, the prince wants to find her, and she got married. Helen: let me try let me try! This is my shoes! Helen tried shoes. Soldier a: oh, I"m sorry, shoes are too small, not your shoes Jenny: I was I, let I to try! Soldier b: oh, it"s not you, it"s too big. Stepmother: hi! Maybe it"s me! Let me try and! Soldier b: oh, my god! It is probably not for you. Your other young lady? Alice. Alice: hello, sir, may I try it on? Stepmother: you? Roll! Helen: look at you! Jenny: ugly and dirty! Soldier a: no, ladies, let her try. Here, miss, please put on it. Alice: thank you! Soldier a: b, too perfect, it is you! Soldier a telephone call, (out) : 5535240 The prince (call), in the corner appearance: hello! I am a prince Soldier a: your highness, news, we found this beautiful girl! Prince: really? Was really too good! I"ll arrive at the moment! The prince arrived. Prince: oh, I love the girl, I love you! Leave it with me and be my wife, will you? Alice: oh, I like! Stepmother: why, my sister and will be like this? Narrator: this is the end of the story, Alice found her happiness, love Liz and prince have happiness of life together. 翻译: 第一场 旁白:很久很久以前,有一个可爱的姑娘,她的名字叫爱莉斯,她的妈妈死了,她的爸爸很爱她。 爸爸(出场、手捧礼物):亲爱的女儿,这个礼物是给你的,你喜欢它吗? 爱莉斯(做惊喜状):噢!谢谢你,爸爸! 爸爸:我亲爱的女儿,我愿你永远快乐! 爱莉斯:不过亲爱的爸爸,我肚子有些饿了。 爸爸:我很抱歉,我马上给你做饭 爸爸退场。爱丽丝退场。 旁白:可是一天她的父亲又找了一个新妈妈,看,她的后母和她的新姐姐们来了。 后母带领两个女孩出场。 后母:海伦,珍妮,看,多么漂亮的房子啊! 海伦:对,还有许多水果,苹果啊,香蕉啊,芒果啊,还有荔枝!喔!我爱死它们了! 珍妮(指向一堆衣物):妈妈,你看,还有漂亮的衣服,我喜欢这个!! 爱莉斯(出场):噢,不行,那是我的!那是爸爸买给我的新衣服! 珍妮:你是哪个?妈妈,她是哪个??? 后母:她是你们的妹妹,没事,爱莉斯,去,快去打扫屋子给我们做饭! 爱莉斯:为什么啊?我不是你们的仆人呀! 后母:但是从现在起,你就是我们的仆人了!! 爱丽丝委屈的退场。 旁白:从那以后,爱莉斯就变成了她们的仆人,她从早到晚的干活,她没有屋子住,她没有好东西吃,也没有衣服可穿,她越来越脏,所以周围的人都叫她灰姑娘。 第二场 敲门声响起。 后母:哪个啊? 士兵:是我,我是来自王宫的士兵,早上好,女士!这是给你和你女儿的。 后母:是什么啊?珍妮!海伦!好消息!王宫将会有个盛大的舞会,王子要从姑娘们里面选一位做他的王妃! 珍妮和海伦;哇噻!我将会是王妃! 后母:女儿们,快点!你们一定要穿上你们最最漂亮的衣服,打扮的漂亮点! 珍妮和海伦下场、打扮。 爱莉斯:妈妈,我也很想去! 后母:就你?看看你自己,这么脏这么丑! 女儿们,准备好了么?我们快走! 后母和姐姐们退场。 爱莉斯(哭泣):噢,我真的很想去,我该怎么办才好? 仙女出场 仙女:可怜的小姑娘,让我来帮助你! (给爱丽丝去掉围裙、套上衣物)爱莉斯,去舞会跳舞吧,不过要记住,你必须得在十二点钟前回来,否则一切将会变回原样。 爱莉斯:谢谢你仙女姐姐! 仙女:当心点,别忘记时间! 爱莉斯:噢,我不会忘记的! 爱丽丝退场。仙女退场。 第三场 国王:女士们,先生们,欢迎参加这次的王宫舞会,我是你们的国王。今晚,我们的王子将会选出一位最漂亮最善良的女孩成为他的王妃,现在,年轻的女孩们,请来到中央起舞吧。 若干名女士、先生出场。起舞 国王:怎么样,你喜欢哪个女孩? 王子:不,一个都不喜欢。 灰姑娘出场 国王:哇!看那个女孩,她好漂亮! 王子:美丽的姑娘,我可以请你跳舞吗? 爱莉斯:噢,是的,我愿意。 爱丽丝、王子起舞。 十二点钟钟响 爱莉斯:噢,天哪,是时候该回去了,我必须得走! 爱丽丝慌忙退场。掉落水晶鞋。 王子:等等!等等!你叫什么? 王子捡起水晶鞋。 王子(凝视水晶鞋):我一定要找到你!我的士兵呢?! 士兵甲、乙:在! 王子:把这只鞋子拿到每家每户,你们必须要找到这个女孩! 士兵甲、乙:是的!遵命! 第四场 后母:有什么事吗?官大爷? 士兵甲:尊敬的女士,你们家有年轻的小姐吗? 士兵乙:一位可爱的姑娘在舞会上掉了她的鞋子,王子想找到她和她结婚。 海伦:让我试让我试!这只鞋子是我的! 海伦试鞋。 士兵甲:哦,对不起,鞋子太小了,不是你的鞋 珍妮:是我的是我的,让我来试试! 士兵乙:哦它不是你的,它太大了。 后母:嗨!也许是我的呢!让我试试撒! 士兵乙:哦,我的老天!它不可能是你的。你家还有其他的小姐吗? 爱丽丝出场。 爱莉斯:你好,先生,我可以试一试吗? 后母:你?滚! 海伦:看看你自己! 珍妮:又丑又脏! 士兵甲:不,女士们,让她试试。过来,小姐,请穿上它。 爱莉斯:谢谢! 士兵甲、乙合:太完美了,它就是你的! 士兵甲(掏出电话、打电话):——⊙﹏⊙b汗谁编的~ 王子(在角落出场、打电话):你好!我是王子 士兵甲:殿下,好消息,我们找到了这位漂亮的女孩了! 王子:真的?真的是太好了!我会在第一时间内赶到! 王子赶到。 王子:噢,我最爱的姑娘,我爱你!和我一起离开这,做我的妻子,你愿意吗? 爱莉斯:噢,我愿意! 后母和姐姐们:为什么会这样? 旁白:这就是故事的结局,爱莉斯最终找到了她的幸福,爱莉斯和王子从此幸福的生活在一起.
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2023-07-24 08:51:572


A Brother Like That A friend of mine named Paul received an automobile from his brother as a Christmas present. On Christmas Eve when Paul came out of his office, a street urchin was walking around the shiny new car, admiring it. "Is this your car, Mister?" he said. Paul nodded. "My brother gave it to me for Christmas." The boy was astounded. "You mean your brother gave it to you and it didn"t cost you nothing? Boy, I wish . . ." He hesitated. Of course Paul knew what he was going to wish for. He was going to wish he had a brother like that. But what the lad said jarred Paul all the way down to his heels. "I wish," the boy went on, "That I could be a brother like that." Paul looked at the boy in astonishment, then impulsively he added, "Would you like to take a ride in my car?" "Oh yes, Id love that." After a short ride, the boy turned with his eyes aglow, said, "Mister, would you mind driving in front of my house?" Paul smiled a little. He thought he knew what the lad wanted. He wanted to show his neighbors that he could ride home in a big automobile. But Paul was wrong again. "Will you stop where those two steps are?" the boy asked. He ran up the steps. Then in a little while Paul heard him coming back, but he was not coming fast. He was carrying his little crippled brother. He sat him down on the bottom step, then sort of squeezed up against him and pointed to the car. "There she is, Buddy, just like I told you upstairs. His brother gave it to him for Christmas and it didn"t cost him a cent. And some day Im gonna give you one just like it . . . then you can see for yourself all the pretty things in the Christmas windows that Ive been trying to tell you about." Paul got out and lifted the lad to the front seat of his car. The shining-eyed older brother climbed in beside him and the three of them began a memorable holiday ride. That Christmas Eve, Paul learned what Jesus meant when he said: "It is more blessed to give . . . " 内容: 哥哥的心愿 圣诞节时,保罗的哥哥送他一辆新车。圣诞节当天,保罗离开办公室时,一个男孩绕着那辆闪闪发亮的新车,十分赞叹地问: "先生,这是你的车?" 保罗点点头:"这是我哥哥送给我的圣诞节礼物。"男孩满脸惊讶,支支吾吾地说:"你是说这是你哥送的礼物,没花你一分钱?天哪,我真希望也能……" 保罗当然知道男孩他真想希望什么。他希望能有一个象那样的哥哥。但是小男孩接下来说的话却完全出乎了保罗的意料。 "我希望自己能成为送车给弟弟的哥哥。"男孩继续说。 保罗惊愕地看着那男孩,冲口而出地说:"你要不要坐我的车去兜风?" "哦,当然好了,我太想坐了!" 车开了一小段路后,那孩子转过头来,眼睛闪闪发亮,对我说:"先生,你能不能把车子开到我家门前?" 保罗微笑,他知道孩子想干什么。那男孩必定是要向邻居炫耀,让大家知道他坐了一部大轿车回家。但是这次保罗又猜错了。"你能不能把车子停在那两个台阶前?"男孩要求道。 男孩跑上了阶梯,过了一会儿保罗听到他回来了,但动作似乎有些缓慢。原来把他跛脚的弟弟带出来了,将他安置在第一个台阶上,紧紧地抱着他,指着那辆新车。 只听那男孩告诉弟弟:"你看,这就是我刚才在楼上对你说的那辆新车。这是保罗他哥哥送给他的哦!将来我也会送给你一辆像这样的车,到那时候你就能自己去看那些在圣诞节时,挂窗口上的漂亮饰品了,就象我告诉过你的那样。" 保罗走下车子,把跛脚男孩抱到车子的前座。兴奋得满眼放光的哥哥也爬上车子,坐在弟弟的身旁。就这样他们三人开始一次令人难忘的假日兜风。 那个圣诞夜,保罗才真正体会主耶稣所说的"施比受更有福"的道理。 可以把
2023-07-24 08:52:084

灰姑娘英文短剧剧本 小学六年级(要简短,不要太长,10分钟以内)

5人英语短剧】阿拉丁传说 The Tale of Aladdin 【7人英语短剧】Cinderella 灰姑娘 7人 短剧 【The Gifts (礼物)】中英文短剧剧本 【4人英语短剧】阿拉丁传说 The Tale of Aladdin 灰姑娘的剧本 【7人英文话剧】花木兰 Mulan
2023-07-24 08:52:173


2023-07-24 08:53:235


  学习八年级英语单词只要努力,就会有回报!下面是我为大家精心推荐的八年级下英语单词表人教版,希望能够对您有所帮助。   八年级下英语单词表人教版1-3单元   1Unit 1   What"s the matter?   1 matter n.问题,事情   2 What"s the matter ? 怎么了? 出什么事了?   3 sore adj.疼痛的,酸痛的   4 have a cold 感冒   5 stomachache n.胃痛,腹痛   6 have a stomachache 胃痛   7 foot n.足,脚   8 neck n.颈,脖子   9stomach n.胃,腹部   10 throat n.咽喉,喉咙   11 fever n.发烧   12lie v.躺,平躺   13 lie down 躺下   14rest v&n.放松,休息   15 cough v.咳嗽   16 X-ray n. X射线,X光   16 toothache n.牙痛   18 take one"s temperature 量体温   19 headache n.头痛   20 have a fever 发烧   21breakn.间歇;休息   22 take breaks(take a break) 休息   23 hurt v.(使)疼痛,受伤   24 passenger n.乘客,旅客   25 off adv.&prep. 离开(某处);不工作;从u2026u2026去掉   26 get off 下车   27 to one"s surprise 使u2026u2026惊讶的,出乎u2026u2026意料   28 onto prep.向;朝   29 trouble n. 问题,苦恼   30 hit v.(用手或器具)击,打   31 right away 立即;马上   32 get into 陷入;参与   33 herself pron.(she的反身代词)她自己   34 bandage n.绷带 v.用绷带包扎   35 sick adj.生病的;有病毒   36 knee n.膝盖,膝   37 nosebleed n.鼻出血   38 breathe n.呼吸   39 sunburned adj.晒伤的   40 ourselves pron.(we的反身代词)我们自己,自己   41 climber n.登山者;攀登者   42 be used to 习惯于u2026u2026,适应于u2026u2026   43 risk n&v.危险,风险   44 take risks (take a risk)冒险   45 accident n.(交通)事故;意外遭遇   46 situation n.情况,状况   47 kilo (=kilogram) n.千克   48 rock n.岩石   49 run out (of) 耗尽   50 knife n.(pl.knives) 刀   51 cut off 切除   52 blood n.血   53 mean v.意思是,打算,意欲   54 get out of 离开,从u2026u2026出来   55 importance n.重要性,重要   56 decision n.决定,抉择   57 control n.﹠v.限制,约束,管理   58 be in control of 掌管,管理   59 spirit n.勇气,意志   60 death n.死,死亡   61 give up 放弃   62 nurse n.护士   2Unit 2   I"ll help to clean up the parks.   1 clean up 打扫(或清除)干净   2 cheer v.欢呼,喝彩   3 cheer up (使)变得更高兴,振奋起来   4 give out 分发,散发   5 volunteer v.义务做,自愿做 n.自愿者   6 notice n.公告牌,通告,布告   7 used to 曾经u2026u2026,过去u2026u2026   8 lonely adj.孤独的,寂寞的   9 several pron 几个,数个,一些   10 feeling n.感觉,感触   11 satisfaction n.满足,满意   12 joy n.高兴,愉快   13 owner n.物主,主人   14 journey n.(尤指长途)旅行,行程   15 sign n.标志,信号   16 sick adj.生病的,有病的   17 raise v.募集,征集   18 alone adv.独自,单独 lonely adj. 孤独   19 repair v.修理,修补   20 fix v.安装,使固定   21 give away 赠送,捐赠   22 wheel n.车轮,轮子   23 letter n.信,函   24 miss n.女士,小姐   25 set up 建起,设立   26 make a difference 影响,有作用   27 blind adj.瞎的,失明的   28 deaf adj.聋的   29 imagine v.﹠n.想象,设想   30 difficulty n.困难,难题   31 open v.开,打开   32 door n.门   33 carry v.拿,提,扛   34 train v.训练,培训   35 excited adj.激动的,兴奋的   36 training n.训练,培训   37 kindness n.仁慈,善良   38 clever adj.聪明的,聪颖的   39 understand v.理解,领会   40 change v.变化,改变   41 disabled adj.丧失能力的,有残疾的   42 strong adj.强壮的,强健的   43 sir n.先生   44 madam n.夫人,女士   3Unit 3   Could you please clean your room?   1 rubbish n.垃圾;废弃物   2 take out the rubbish 倒垃圾   3 fold v.折叠;对折   4 sweep v.扫;打扫   5 floor n. 地板   6 mess n.杂乱;不整洁   7 throw v.扔;掷   8 all the time 频繁;反复   9 neither adv.也不   10 shirt n.衬衫   11 pass v.给;递;走过;通过   12 borrow v.借;借用   13 lend v.借给;借出   14 finger n.手指   15 hate v.厌恶;讨厌   16while conj.在u2026u2026期间;当u2026u2026的时候   17 snack n.点心;小吃;快餐   18 chore n.杂务;乏味无聊的工作   19 stress n.精神压力;心理负担   20 waste n.浪费;滥用   21in order to 目的是;为了   22provide v.提供;供应   23 anyway adv.而且;加之   24 depend v.依靠;信赖   25 depend on 依靠;信赖   26 develop v.发展;壮大   27 fairness n.公平性;公平合理性   28 since conj.从u2026u2026以后;自u2026u2026以来   29 neighbor (=neighbour) n.邻居   30 result n.后果;结果   31 ill adj.有病;不舒服   32 drop v.落下;掉下   33 independence n.独立   34 independent adj.独立的;自主的   35 take care of 照料;爱护   36 fair adj. 合理的;适当的   八年级下英语单词表人教版4-6单元   4Unit 4   Why don"t you talk to your parents?   151 allow v.允许;准许   152 wrong adj.错误的,不对的   what"s wrong ? 哪儿不舒服?   153 guess v.猜测;估计   154 deal n.协议;交易   big deal 重要的事   155 work out 成功的发展;解决   156 get on with和睦相处;关系良好   157 relation n.关系;联系;交往   158 communication n.交流;沟通   159 argue v.争吵;争论   160 cloud n.云;云朵   161 elder adj.年纪较长的   162 instead adv.代替;反而;却   163 whatever pron.任何;每一   164 nervous adj.焦虑的;担忧的   165 offer 主动提出;自愿给予   166 proper adv.正确地;恰当地   167 secondly adv.第二;其次   168 communicate v.交流;沟通   169 explain v.解释;说明   170 clear adj.清楚易懂的;不含混的   171 copy v.复制;复印   172 return v.回来;回去   173 member n.成员;分子   174 pressure n.压力   175 compete v.竞争,对抗   176 opinion n.意见;想法;看法   177 skill n.技艺;技巧   178 typical adj.典型的   179 football n.足球   180 cut out 删去;删除   181 continue v.持续;继续存在   182 compare v.比较   183 compareu2026withu2026 比较;对比   184 crazy adj.不理智的;疯狂的   185 push v.推动;移动   186 development n.发展;发育;成长   187 cause v.造成;引起   188 usual adj.通常的;寻常的   189 perhaps adv.可能;大概;也许   5Unit 5   What were you doing when the   190 rainstorm n.暴风雨   191 suddenly adv.突然;忽然   192 alarm n.闹钟   193 go off (闹钟)发出响声   194 pick up 接电话   195 strange adj.奇特的;奇怪的   196 storm n.暴风雨   197 report v.报道;公布   198 area n.地域;地区   199 wind n.风   200 light n.光;光线;光亮   201 wood n.木;木头   202 window n.窗;窗户   203 flashlight n.手电筒;火炬   204 match n.火柴 复数形式: matches   205 beat v.敲打;锤砸   206 heavily adv.在很大程度上;大量地   207 against prep.倚;碰;撞   208 asleep adj.睡着   209 fall asleep 进入梦乡;睡着   210 die down 逐渐变弱;逐渐消失   211 rise v.增加;提高;增强   212 apart adv.分离;分开   213 passage n.章节;段落   214 pupil n.学生   215 bright adj.明亮的;光线充足的   217 completely adv.彻底地;完全地   218 silence n.沉默;缄默;无声   219 in silence 沉默;无声   220 recently adv.不久前   221 terrorist n.恐怖主义者;恐怖分子   222 date n.日期;日子   223 tower n.塔;塔楼   224 at first 首先;最初   225 realize v.理解;领会;认识到   226 truth n.实情;事实   重点词组   I was so busy looking for the umbrella that Ididn"t see a car coming.   took a hot shower   6Unit 6   An old man tried to move the mountains.   228once upon a time 从前   229 shoot v.(shot)射击;发射   230 begin v.(began)开始   231 god n.神;上帝   232 remind v.提醒;使想起   233 bit n.有点;稍微   234 silly adj.愚蠢的;不明事理的   235 instead of 代替;反而   236 monkey n.猴子   237 magic adj.有魔力的;有神奇力量的   238 birth n.出生;诞生   239 give birth (to do sth.)生孩子;产仔   240 stick n.棍;条   241 hide v.隐藏;隐蔽   242 tail n.尾;尾巴   243 turnu2026into 变成   244 Western adj.西方的   245 weak adj.虚弱;无力的   246 stepsister n.继姐(妹)   247 prince n.王子   248 fit v.适合;合身   249 couple n.两人;两件事物   250 smile v.笑;微笑   251 marry v.结婚   252 get married 结婚   253 born v.出生   254 be born 出生   255 object n.物体;物品   256 gold adj.金色的   257 emperor n. 国王   258 underwear n.内衣   259 silk n.丝绸;丝织物   260 stupid adj.愚蠢的   261 cheat v.欺骗;蒙骗   262 stepmother n.继母   263 wife n.妻子;太太   264 husband n.丈夫   265 whole adj.全部的;整体的   266 scene n.(戏剧或歌剧的)场;场景   267 stone n.石头   268 shine v.(shone) 发光;照耀   269 as soon as 一u2026u2026就u2026u2026;尽快   270 ground n.地;地面   271 lead v.(led) 带路;领路   272 voice n.声音   273 inside adv.里面   274 brave adj.勇敢的;无畏的 下一页分享>>>八年级下英语单词表人教版
2023-07-24 08:53:491

求一个关于国外留学生活的英文话剧剧本 主题:我眼中的留学生 多谢 急急急!!!

2023-07-24 08:54:091

英语翻译Cinderella was a lovely girl.Her old mother died.Her fat

Cinderella was a lovely girl. Her old mother died. Her father married a wife, and the stepmother has brought two elder sisters. 灰姑娘是个可爱的女孩.她的母亲过世了.她爸爸娶了一个新的妻子,继母带来两个姐姐. Cinderella did a lot of housework everyday. So her clothes were very dirty. 她每天做很多家务,所以她的衣服总是很脏. The prince asked all girls to his dance party. But Cinderella"s stepmother didn"t let her go. 王子让所有女性去他的舞会.但灰姑娘的继母不让她去. The day of the party arrived. Cinderella met a fairy godmother. She gave Cinderella a coach and a beautiful dress. But magic would not work at midnight. 开舞会的那天来临了.灰姑娘遇到了一位仙女.仙女给了灰姑娘一辆马车和一身漂亮的衣服.但魔法只能维持到半夜. Cinderella went to the dance hall. The Prince saw her. He danced only with her, and fell in love with her. 灰姑娘去了舞厅.王子看中了她.王子整晚只和她跳舞,并爱上了她. When the midnight was ing, Cinderella ran away. The Prince only found Cinderella"s one glass shoot. 午夜来临前,灰姑娘跑走了.王子只找到了灰姑娘的一只水晶鞋. The next morning, The Prince said: Whoever the shoot fits, shall be wife to him. 第二日清晨,王子说:谁能穿上这只水晶鞋,谁就是他的公主. He arrived at the stepmother"s house. And Cinderella"s sisters can"t fit the shoot. But she can. Then Cinderella took the other shoot from her pocket and put it on. 他来到了继母家.灰姑娘的姐姐们都穿不上水晶鞋,但她穿上了.随后灰姑娘从她的口袋中拿出了另一只鞋并将它也穿上. Finally, the Prince and Cinderella were married. They lived happily ever after. 最终,王子和灰姑娘结婚了.从此他们过着幸福快乐的日子. 如果哪里还需要修改,请再追问我~
2023-07-24 08:54:181


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