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2023-07-24 11:00:55


3) 我们应该怎么办?

Global Shortage of Fresh Water

Generally, people think that fresh water is inexhaustible. Every year there is enough rain. And there is plenty of fresh water in the rivers and lakes. What"s more, we have a lot of underground water.

Actually, fresh water is in a short supply. Due to the rapid population increase, fresh water consumption remains great. Besides, with the development of industry, more water is needed. Moreover, a lot of our rivers and lakes have been so polluted that water from them is undrinkable.

We must take some measures to solve the problem of water shortage. First, population growth should be slowed down to reduce fresh water demand. Second, pollution should be controlled to purify fresh water in the rivers and lakes. What is most important, we should cherish every drip of water in our daily life.

再如:95年1 月份试题:

提纲:1) 有人认为钱是幸福之本(source of happiness)

2) 有人认为金钱是万恶之源(root of evil)

3) 我的看法。

Some think that money is the source of happiness. Once they have money, they will enjoy everything. They can use the money they have to buy, a beautiful house or even a wife.

Some others think that money is the root of all evil. Due to the greed for money, people will do various kinds of evil things, such as stealing, robbing or even murder. Money can easily change a kind, honest man into a cruel, cunning woe.

In my opinion, both of the above-mentioned viewpoints go to an extreme. Money itself is neither good nor evil. It all depends on how we look at it. We can not deny the importance of money in the modern society. Meanwhile, we should not ignore the fact that something can not be bought by money, such as friendship, true love and so on.




What is money? To this question, different people hold differently. Some thing money is the source of happiness, while some regard it as the root of all evils. As far as I am concerned, they both have their reasons

Those who consider money as the source of happiness argue that money means massive house, beautiful clothes, or luxurious cars, and can enable them and their families live comfortably. They even believe that money can bring power, friendship, and love. But due to the temptation of money, there are many people who become thieves, robbers, or murderers. It is also out of the greed for money that some officials forget their duty and cause enormous losses to the country, so some people think that money is the root of all evil and suggest that we keep away from money.

In fact, money is merely a medium of exchange. It may bring you happiness; it may lead you to a life of crime. Whether it is good or bad depends on how it is used.

二、 首段和尾段的写作






1) 谚语法


As the saying goes, Money makes the mare go, but there are many things we can"t buy with money, such as time and true love. …

2) 定义法


Practice makes perfect is an old saying. It tells us that it does not matter if we are clumsy at doing something. As long as we keep on trying and practicing, we will do a good job in the end.

3) 提问法


a. Do you have many friends? Are they similar to you or different from you? Which kind of friends do you prefer?

b. What is a good student? Different people may have different answers to this question.

4) 概括法


In recent years, with the development of science and technology, the Internet has come into more and more homes and is playing a more and more important role in our work and daily life. It has become a must to us, but at the same time, Internet has also brought with it a lot of problems.

5) 故事法

故事法指用简单有趣的故事激发读者的兴趣,从而提出自己的观点。如下面Is Stress a Bad Thing?

6) 引语法

Just as eating without liking harms the health, learning without interest harms the memory and can"t be retained. From Vinci"s words we can see how important it is to motivate the students in language learning.

7) 调查法

为了得到读者的认可,文章的开始可以引出调查数据等,借以提出主题,如下面Is Stress a Bad Thing?的1)和Can Schoolchildren Start Using the Internet?的4)。

8) 假设法


Suppose you were offered two jobs, one is highly-paid but rather demanding, the other is less demanding, but poorly-paid, which would you prefer? …

9) 综合法



题目:Is Stress a Bad Thing?


2) 有人认为压力并不是一件坏事

3) 我的看法

I can"t stand the pressure and competition, explained one friend of mine when asked why he decided to quit his highly-paid but demanding position in his company recently. My friend may have his own reasons, but I don"t think his decision is wise in reality.

It is true that my friend"s case is not unique. In the last few years quite a number of men and women have chosen to do something less competitive at the cost of a comfortable, easy life a highly-paid job can obtain. They are afraid that the stresses and strains of work will rob them of joy and happiness and do them harm both physically and mentally. In fact, however, stress isn"t the bad thing it is often supposed to be. Unless it gets out of control, a certain amount of stress is vital to provide motivation and challenge, and to give purpose and significance to an otherwise meaningless, idle life. People under stress tend to express their full range of potential and to actualize their own personal worth - the very aim of a human life.

Stress is a natural part of everyday life and there is no way to avoid it. What we can do is to develop our adaptive abilities to deal with it rather than to escape from it.


1) According to a recent survey, in the last few years, quite a number of young people have chosen to quit their demanding but highly-paid jobs. Although they may have their own respective reasons, I don"t think their decision is wise in reality.

2) Which job do you prefer, a highly-paid but very competitive position or a poorly-paid but also less demanding job? You may choose the latter and have your own reasons, but I don"t think this choice is wise enough whatever reasons.

3) Faced with a hard and demanding task, people"s attitude varies widely: some try to avoid it and others regard it as a challenge to their abilities. In fact the choice we make between flight or fight make the difference between leaders and mediocrities(平庸之辈).


标题:Can Schoolchildren Start Using the Internet?

提纲: 1)随着科技的发展,网络越来越普及;




1) Nowadays, using the Internet has become a fashion. Many parents begin to teach their children to use the Internet. However, there are diverse opinions on this. Some think it wise, but I don"t agree with them.

2) Today, the Internet is becoming more and more common. It begins to play a more and more important role in our society and life. It"s so useful that most adults are learning how to use it. What about children? Of course they can start using it.

3) Today, with the development of science and technology, the Internet is beginning to play a more and more important role in our life. More and more people are starting to use the Internet, including schoolchildren. However, I think schoolchildren are too young to start using the Internet.

4) According to a recent survey, Internet users are becoming younger and younger, and Internet bars have become a resort for schoolchildren who log in to chat or play games. Faced with this phenomenon, many people argue for measures to prevent schoolchildren from using the Internet, and I think they have their reasons.

2. 结论段的写作



1) 重述或总结主题


Families offer us warmth and care. Friends give us strength and horizon. They both help us understand the world as it is. Both of them are the dearest parts in our life.

2) 提出建议

Since postcards do us more harm and good, since we have many other ways to convey our feelings and promote our friendship, I hope everyone will take actions now to stop using postcards.

3) 概括总结

As we can see from the above, living in the suburb we can stay away from pollution, lead an easy leisure time, and needn"t invest too much money, so I prefer living in the suburb to living in the city.

4) 引用名人名言

In particular, I enjoy what Francis Bacon said Studies serve for delight, for ornament and for ability.



* 回复内容中包含的链接未经审核,可能存在风险,暂不予完整展示!
My Grandmother`s Love Letter
by Hart Crane

There are no stars tonight
But those of memory.
Yet how much room for memory there is
In the loose girdle of soft rain.
There is even room enough
For the letters of my mother`s mother,
That have been pressed so long
Into a corner of the roof
That they are brown and soft,
And Liable to melt as snow.

Over the greatness of such space
Steps must be gentle.
It is all hung by an invisible white hair.
It trembles as birch limbs webbing the air.

And I ask myself:

""Are your fingers long enough to play
Old keys that are but echoes:
Is the silence strong enough
To carry back the music to its source
And back to you again
As though to her?""

Yet I would lead my grandmother by the hand
Through much of what she would not understand;
And so I stumble.And the rain continues on the roof
With such a sound of gently pitying laughter.
Living in the country and living in the city do have distinct benefits.
To start with, let"s talk bout living in the country. The quiet life and gentle pace of living in the country are very attractive. Moreover, most people who prefer to live in the country love the clean environment there, which is good to people"s health. Furthermore, people in the countryside are more friendly, as they are ready to help at any moment.
Though there are numerous advantages of living in the country, we can not ignore the merits of living in the city. The decisive fator that I need to point out first is the super convenient transportation, with which we can visit our friends and go to work easily. What"s more, we have various selection of goods in the shops and huge shopping malls built everywhere in the city. Meanwhile, we can access to a variety kinds of entertainment, such as exhibitions, films and plays, if we live in the city.


This summer, I went to the beach with my family for vocation. I took a week off from my work and booked a hotel before we go. My son was very excited because it was the first time that he ever saw the sea. And I and my wife thought this was a good chance to escape from the high speed working life and relax ourselves. For the whole week, we swam in the sea, basked in the warm sunshine, ate seafood and had fun. We really had a good time and I felt very relax, resulting a better efficiency when I was back to work. Moreover, this trip enhenced the relationship of my family, because we know each other better through the vocation and we usually don"t have much to communicate.
Dear boss
I have heard that you wanted a clerk,just in time,I want to be a clerk in a book store,here are some reasons of mine .First,I like introducing good books to people,because I like talking with people.secend,I want to let students konw the importance of reading,as you know,most of the students don"t like reding,I think t can help them.Third,I want to make some money by doing this part-time job,and give the money to the poor children,it"s also the most important reason why I want to have this job.So,please give me a chance I"ll try my best to do it well.

Bullying month was surprised and exclaimed: "scholar caution!"

At this time, ice after the hatred value has been I firmly lock, no doubt, she this skill against must be sent to me!

A sarcastic smile in ice after the mouth cape rippling spreads, the ice blue ice crystal face distortion of bottom.

"Go to dead!"

Ice after big shrieked roar, suddenly arms forward a swing that ray bright giant ice spear ride!

So fast that I didn"t even have no chance to dodge, had to crustily skin of head against the left arm suddenly a flick block before chest, thunder barriers also seems to be sensed crisis coming, "PaCha PaCha" two sound LeiGuang jumping, thunder barriers shield the vision of appear in front, right now, after the release of ice ice lance skills has been overwhelming raids!


Ice crumbs flying, all over a severe ice lance unexpectedly tremble, and the thunder barriers in until above break open, followed by a big hole until the prick my breastplate, and a pain upon me, and in the MM surprised ands, I"d be BOSS under the ice lance both man and the shield punctured!



拼写不规范,“bLUeⅠCE"正确的应该是“blue ice”,意思是“蓝冰,蓝色的冰”,其中blue 是蓝色的意思,ice是冰的意思。
2023-07-24 08:04:132


2023-07-24 08:04:291


  blueice是电子香烟的一种。电子香烟是一种非燃烧的电子烟,它的功效与普通烟相似,能够提神,满足烟瘾,使吸烟者产生欣快感和放松感,但是不利于戒烟。   香烟,是烟草制品的一种。制法是把烟草烤干后切丝,然后以纸卷成长约120mm,直径10mm的圆桶形条状。吸食时把其中一端点燃,然后在另一端用口吸咄产生的烟雾。雪茄是以烟草卷成圆桶形条状吸食。香烟跟雪茄的主要分别在于香烟体积较小,烟草经过炼制和切碎。香烟最初在土耳其一带流行,当地的人喜欢把烟丝以报纸卷起来吸食。
2023-07-24 08:04:371

blue ice中文是什么意思?

2023-07-24 08:04:452


蓝冰柏,学名Cupressus Blue Ice,柏科,柏木属。常绿树种,耐高温,能适应多种气候及土壤条件。形态特征垂直、整洁且紧凑,整体呈圆形。适宜温度-25至35度,叶色霜蓝色,耐旱耐盐碱,抗性强。蓝冰柏树姿优美,可孤植或丛植,是欧美传统的彩叶观赏常绿树种。由于其株型垂直,枝条紧凑且整洁,整体呈圆锥形,白天呈现高雅脱俗、迷人的霜蓝色,夜里若配上五颜六 色的灯光。则扑朔迷离。是圣诞树的首选。片植可修剪成色块,单植可修剪成球形、圆柱形,适用于隔离树墙、绿化园艺或工程绿化。蓝冰柏,所有叶片终年呈现霜蓝色。被誉为蓝色系彩叶树种之冠 最优的色块观赏树种 。
2023-07-24 08:04:532


2023-07-24 08:05:143

这个是什么烟啊 多少一条啊

2023-07-24 08:05:258


2023-07-24 08:05:431


icy blue
2023-07-24 08:08:204


就按上边的方法 不过记住 不要把ROM文件解压缩
2023-07-24 08:08:293


2023-07-24 08:08:371


2023-07-24 08:08:521

照样子写词语 狂风呼呼____ _____ _____

2023-07-24 08:09:014


2023-07-24 08:09:114


Baby blue
2023-07-24 08:09:406

求法国电影《possession》(着魔)未删减版 迅雷下载地址~~

2023-07-24 08:09:562


当我们蓝牙打不开也设置不了的时候,我们排除硬件故障还是不行的话,可以看看是不是这样的原因哦!我们输入运行中输入services.msc进入服务管理器,找到Bluetooth Support Service服务点击启动类型选择自动点击应用再点击启动,退出服务管理点击右下角蓝牙图标,点击设置出来设置图标了吧,可以添加新设备了哦!
2023-07-24 08:10:041


Navy深蓝 Blue蓝色 blueviolet蓝紫色 powderblue粉蓝色 aquamarine海宝蓝色 cadetblue军官蓝 lightblue浅蓝色 midnightblue深夜蓝 mediumslateblue中石板蓝色 ice blue冰蓝色 palevioletred 苍紫罗蓝色 cobalt blue 钴蓝色, 艳蓝色 navy blue 藏青色, 深蓝色, 天蓝色 aquamarine blue 蓝绿色 powderblue 粉蓝色 royalblue 宝蓝色 sapphire 宝石蓝 skyblue 天蓝色 slateblue 石蓝色 steelblue 钢蓝色 turquoise 翠蓝色 palevioletred 苍紫罗蓝色 powderblue 粉蓝色 turquoise blue 翠蓝色
2023-07-24 08:10:123


ice blue英 [ais blu:] 美 [au026as blu] n. 冰蓝色
2023-07-24 08:10:452


世界上的颜色可以说是很多,数都有点数不过来的!( ̄o ̄) . z Z(uff61uff65u3268uff65uff61)uff89u2661 爱你么么哒(uff61ò u2200 óuff61)
2023-07-24 08:10:5614


2023-07-24 08:11:452

ice Kate 复数形式

ice_有道词典ice英 [aɪs]美 [aɪs]n. 冰;冰淇淋;矜持;(俚)钻石adj. 冰的vt. 冰镇;结冰vi. 结冰n. (Ice)人名;(英)艾斯;(法)伊斯更多释义>>[网络短语]ICE ICE (动画),冰,洲际交易所Blue ice 蓝冰 (航空),蓝冰,蓝冰dry ice 干冰,干冰,二氧化碳雪详细用法>>
2023-07-24 08:11:531


冰果茶Iced tea
2023-07-24 08:12:002

为什么我下的拳皇97在Kawaks 1.45汉化版模拟器中找不到啊

2023-07-24 08:12:104

英语翻译一个或两个小时an hour or two 还可以怎么说A a or two hoursB an or two?

value time,9, suckinblueice 举报 一个或两个小时 an hour or two 还可以怎么说 A a or two hours B an or two hours C one or two hours D one or two hour 选c one or two hours,To save time,2,save time,1,c,1,save time,0,英语翻译 一个或两个小时 an hour or two 还可以怎么说 A a or two hours B an or two hours C one or two hours D one or two hour
2023-07-24 08:12:171


Navy深蓝Blue蓝色blueviolet蓝紫色powderblue粉蓝色aquamarine海宝蓝色cadetblue军官蓝lightblue浅蓝色midnightblue深夜蓝mediumslateblue中石板蓝色ice blue冰蓝色palevioletred 苍紫罗蓝色 cobalt blue 钴蓝色, 艳蓝色 navy blue 藏青色, 深蓝色, 天蓝色 aquamarine blue 蓝绿色 powderblue 粉蓝色 royalblue 宝蓝色 sapphire 宝石蓝 skyblue 天蓝色 slateblue 石蓝色 steelblue 钢蓝色 turquoise 翠蓝色 palevioletred 苍紫罗蓝色powderblue 粉蓝色turquoise blue 翠蓝色
2023-07-24 08:12:251


My Travel Adventure: A Tale for My FriendDear [Friend"s Name],I hope this letter finds you well. I wanted to share an incredible travel experience I had recently. Let me transport you to the magical world of my journey.It all began with a sense of wanderlust tugging at my heart. I decided to embark on an adventure to the breathtaking landscapes of New Zealand. The moment I set foot in this enchanting country, I knew I was in for a remarkable experience.My first stop was the mesmerizing city of Queenstown. Nestled amidst towering mountains and crystal-clear lakes, it felt like stepping into a postcard. I couldn"t resist the temptation to try bungee jumping, and oh boy, it was an adrenaline rush like no other! The feeling of freefalling with the scenic views as my backdrop is something I will cherish forever.From there, I ventured into the heart of nature, exploring the magnificent fjords of Milford Sound. The boat cruise through the towering cliffs, adorned with cascading waterfalls, left me in awe of Mother Nature"s masterpiece. I even caught a glimpse of playful dolphins swimming alongside our vessel, adding a touch of magic to the experience.Next on my itinerary was the breathtaking Franz Josef Glacier. Trekking through the icy terrain, surrounded by glistening blue ice formations, felt like entering another world. The sheer beauty and raw power of nature humbled me, making me appreciate the wonders of our planet.But the highlight of my journey was undoubtedly the Tongariro Alpine Crossing. This epic 19.4-kilometer hike took me through a volcanic wonderland, passing emerald lakes, rugged lava fields, and steaming vents. The challenging ascent to the peak rewarded me with a panoramic view that words cannot do justice. Standing atop Mount Tongariro, surrounded by a surreal landscape, I felt an overwhelming sense of accomplishment and awe.Throughout my journey, I met fellow travelers from different corners of the world, forging unforgettable friendships and creating memories that will last a lifetime. We shared stories, laughter, and the joy of discovering new horizons together.As I reflect on this incredible adventure, I am grateful for the opportunity to immerse myself in a different culture, explore awe-inspiring landscapes, and challenge myself both physically and mentally. It was a journey that ignited my spirit of adventure and broadened my perspective on life.I couldn"t help but think of you during this trip, my dear friend. I wish you were there by my side, sharing in the awe and wonder. Perhaps one day, we can embark on an adventure together and create our own cherished memories.Until then, I hope this letter has transported you to the magical world of my travel adventure. May it inspire you to seek your own adventures and embrace the beauty that lies beyond our comfort zones.Take care, my dear friend, and let"s dream of our next grand escapade.Warmest wishes,[Your Name]
2023-07-24 08:12:402


Navy深蓝Blue蓝色blueviolet蓝紫色powderblue粉蓝色aquamarine海宝蓝色cadetblue军官蓝lightblue浅蓝色midnightblue深夜蓝mediumslateblue中石板蓝色ice blue冰蓝色palevioletred 苍紫罗蓝色 cobalt blue 钴蓝色,艳蓝色 navy blue 藏青色,深蓝色,天蓝色 aquamarine blue 蓝绿色 powderblue 粉蓝色royalblue 宝蓝色 sapphire 宝石蓝 skyblue 天蓝色 slateblue 石蓝色steelblue 钢蓝色 turquoise 翠蓝色 palevioletred 苍紫罗蓝色powderblue 粉蓝色turquoise blue 翠蓝色
2023-07-24 08:12:591


2023-07-24 08:13:103


水蓝water blue/aqua blue 海蓝sea blue/ocean blue 湖蓝acid blue 深湖蓝vivid blue 中湖蓝bright blue 冰雪蓝ice-snow blue 孔雀蓝peacock blue 宝石蓝sapphire;jewelry blue 粉末蓝powder blue
2023-07-24 08:13:201


2023-07-24 08:13:442


问题一:大海为什么是蓝色的?和冷笑话有关 因为海里有鱼!为什么,因为鱼会吐泡泡!为什么?因为鱼吐泡泡是布鲁(blue)布鲁(blue)的! 问题二:为什么海水是蓝色的(是一个冷笑话哟!) 因为鱼儿吐泡泡总是“blue,blue,blue” 问题三:冷笑话,大海为什么是蓝色的? 因为海里有水 水里有鱼 鱼吐泡泡 blue blue blue 问题四:求类似笑话。为什么大海是蓝色的,因为鱼吐泡泡“布噜~布噜~” 1. 有一只企鹅,他的家离北极熊家特别远,要是靠走的话,得走20年才能到。有一天,企鹅在家里呆着特别无聊,准备去找北极熊玩,与是他出门了,可是走到路的一半的时候发现自己忘记锁门了,这就已经走了10年了,可是门还是得锁啊,于是企鹅又走回家去锁门。锁了门以后,企鹅再次出发去找北极熊,等于他花了40年才到了北极熊他们家……然后企鹅就敲门说:“北极熊北极熊,企鹅找你玩来了!” 结果北极熊开门以后你猜他说什么?……“还是去你家玩吧~” 2 .小白兔蹦蹦跳跳到面包房,问:“老板,你们有没有一百个小面包啊?” 老板:“啊,真抱歉,没有那么多” “这样啊。。。”小白兔垂头丧气地走了。 第二天,小白兔蹦蹦跳跳到面包房,“老板,有没有一百个小面包啊?” 老板:“对不起,还是没有啊” “这样啊。。。”小白兔又垂头丧气地走了。 第三天,小白兔蹦蹦跳跳到面包房,“老板,有没有一百个小面包啊?” 老板高兴的说:“有了,有了,今天我们有一百个小面包了!!” 小白兔掏出钱:“太好了,我买两个!” 3、有个小孩哭了,他爸说:乖 别哭了 一会爸带你去菜市场看别人吃糖. 4、焦裕录看病,医生说你病重,不能同房.焦答:我房子小,不可能不同房.医生说:我是说你不能****,焦更惑的问:我祖宗八代都姓焦,我为什么不能姓焦. 5、有一只熊走过来 有备而来(有bear来) 6、第十一本书 不可思议(book11) 7、羊停止了呼吸 扬眉吐气(羊没吐气) 8、学校成立藏猫猫社团 三年了 他们还找不到团长 9 Q:非洲食人族的酋长吃什么? A:人啊! Q:那有一天,酋长病了,医生告诉他要吃素,那他吃什么? A:吃植物人!~~ 10、在香港有个女孩路过一个算命的摊子 算命的拉住女孩 对他说“你有凶兆,会对你不利” 女孩说到“不利脱了就好啦”说完转身要走 那算命的对女孩又说到“就算你逃脱了 ,也躲不过人生的两个 *** ” 11、一个鸡蛋去茶馆喝茶,结果它变成了茶叶蛋;有一个鸡蛋跑去松花江游泳,结果它变成了松花蛋;有一有个鸡蛋跑到了山东,结果变成了鲁(卤)蛋;有一个鸡蛋无家可归,结果它变成了野鸡蛋;有一个鸡蛋在路上不小心摔了一交,倒在地上,结果变成了导弹;有一 个鸡蛋跑到人家院子里去了,结果变成了原子弹;有一个鸡蛋跑到青藏高原,结果变成了氢弹;有一个鸡蛋生病了,结果变成了坏蛋;有一个鸡蛋嫁人了,结果变成了 *** ;有一个鸡蛋跑到河里游泳,结果变成了核弹;有一个鸡蛋跑到花丛中去了,结果变成了花旦;有一个 鸡蛋骑着一匹马,拿着一把刀,原来他是刀马旦;有一个鸡蛋是母的,长的很丑,结果就变成了恐龙蛋;有一个鸡蛋是公的,他老婆在外面和别的鸡蛋通奸,结果他变成了王八蛋;有一个鸡蛋...... 12、伸四个指头,是几?FOUR, 弯曲四个指头,是几? WONDERFUL~! 13. 阿松和阿柏无事闲聊互道岁月不饶人。 阿松:“回忆儿童时代,过的最快乐的是儿童节。“ 阿柏:“过了十年就是青年节。“ 阿松:“再过十年就是父亲节。“ 阿柏:“再过几十年就是老人节了。“ 阿松:“又再过几十年.“ 阿柏:“.清明节。“ 14 百万富翁开着豪华的加长“林肯“轿车经过一个村落时,看见路旁有两个乞丐正在拔草吃,百万富翁随即停下车。 “你们为什么吃草?“ “我们实在是没有钱......“一个乞丐答道。 “真是的,上车吧,到我家去。“ “我家里还有老婆和两个孩子.......>> 问题五:海为什么是蓝色的? 因为海里有鱼,鱼冒泡泡的时候就会发出“布鲁布鲁”(BLUE)的声音。BLUE是英文蓝色的意思,所以海水是蓝的。 问题六:“为什么大海是蓝色的?” “因为鱼。” “为什么?” “因为鱼吐泡泡的声音是‘blue-bl 她觉得这是一个有趣的冷笑话,想跟你分享。 问题七:为什么大海是蓝色的 40分 视觉,大海浮透明无色的,看到的蓝色只不过是光的反射,太阳光是复色光,光线肉眼看到的是白色透明的,当光线照在海面上时,由于海水对光的反射和折射发生改变,有大多数光被折射到海水里,我们看到的大部分是海水的反射光,肉眼看到的光是波长是可见光波长400-756纳米,由于波越大越容易被海水吸收,所看到的大部分光是紫色,蓝色和绿色的复合光,看上去是有些发黑的蓝光,所以看到的海水是黑蓝色的。 问题八:还有什么类似于为什么蓝色的英文是Blue的冷笑话吗? 靛青 ingigo 蓝色 blue 天蓝 ;蔚蓝 sky blue ; azure 月光蓝 moon blue 海洋蓝 ocean blue 海蓝 sea blue 湖蓝 acid blue 深湖蓝 vivid blue 中湖蓝 bright blue 冰雪蓝 ice-snow blue 孔雀蓝 peacock blue 宝石蓝 sapphire;jewelry blue 粉末蓝 powder blue 藏蓝 purplish blue ;navy 海军蓝 navy blue 宝蓝 royal blue 墨蓝 blue black 紫蓝 purplish blue 浅紫蓝 dutch blue 青蓝 ultramarine 深灰蓝 blue ashes 深蓝 dark blue ; deep blue 鲜蓝 clear blue 中蓝 medium blue 浅蓝 light blue 淡蓝 pale blue ;baby blue 问题九:为什么海是蓝色的?因为海里有鱼 理工学科 问题十:为什么天是蓝色的?听说是个冷笑话,求解释 有个颜色叫天蓝色
2023-07-24 08:13:521


2023-07-24 08:14:024

关于 蓝 的英文单词

2023-07-24 08:14:277


2023-07-24 08:14:441

求美剧-灵异之城 资源

2023-07-24 08:14:532


2023-07-24 08:15:133

有一首英文歌的MV里有一个黄色长头发的女唱歌,里面有一个很大的招牌写着ice blue,有谁知道那是什么歌曲

2023-07-24 08:15:361


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2023-07-24 08:15:558


各式冷饮英语表达   炎热的夏季到了,各式各样的冷饮成了人们的最爱,下面网我为大家提供夏季英语词汇积累:各式冷饮,希望大家喜欢!    1. 冰淇淋(ice cream)   冰淇淋大概是女孩子们最喜欢的的冷饮了,比如哈根达斯(Haagen-Dzas),意大利语里的冰淇淋叫gelato。其主要原料包括饮用水、牛乳 (milk)、奶粉(milk powder)、奶油(cream)、食糖(sugar)等。加入各种不同原料后可以制成众多口味的冰淇淋,满足各种挑剔的味蕾。   果蔬冰淇淋(ice cream with fruits and vegetables):鲜奶液和鲜果酱等,包括哈密瓜、草莓、香蕉、芒果、柠檬、橙、苹果、樱桃、蓝莓、猕猴桃、葡萄、香草、香芋、抹茶   冻酸奶(frozen yogurt):以“酸奶”冰淇淋粉或者浆料为原料,富含活性益生菌,有助提高免疫力   奶油冰淇淋(custard ice cream):以“奶油”为原料制作的`冰淇淋,口感润滑舒爽,但热量高   圣代(sundae):牛奶、糖果肉、果汁、果酱、奶油等多种主料混合而成的软式冰淇淋   常见的各种口味冰淇淋:   chocolate ice cream 巧克力冰淇淋   vanilla ice cream 香草冰淇淋   mint ice cream 薄荷冰淇淋   mango ice cream 芒果冰淇淋   blueberry ice cream 蓝莓冰淇淋   rosemary ice cream 迷迭香冰淇淋   green tea ice cream 抹茶冰淇淋   strawberry ice cream 草莓冰淇淋   crushed cherry ice cream 樱桃冰淇淋   chocolate /strawberry sundae 巧克力/草莓圣代   前面说了这么多种类的冰淇淋,是不是有人以为冰淇淋是从国外引进的?No, 早在800年以前,中国就有冰淇淋了。在元朝的时候,一位精明的食品店商人突发奇想,他尝试着在冰中添加一些蜜糖、牛奶和珍珠粉,结果制成了世界上最早的冰淇淋。那古代没有冰箱,是怎么储存冰冻食品的呢?   古人所用的器具叫“冰鉴”, 样子就像现在的瓮。它由内外两件器物构成;外部为鉴,鉴内置一尊缶。鉴与尊缶之间有较大的空隙,夏天可以放入冰块,冬天则贮存温水,尊缶内盛酒,这样就可以喝到“冬暖夏凉”的酒。   2、雪糕(ice cream bars)/ 冰棍(popsicle)   不过最怀念的应该小时候最爱吃的雪糕或者棒冰。中国是冰棍的故乡,早在3000多年以前,中国就有用冰解暑(relieving summer-heat)的记载,发明冰淇淋则是很久以后的事儿了。其原料和制作方法与冰淇淋类似但相对简单,很多人甚至自己在家制作(homemade),方便实惠。不过注意不要在一大早起来空腹吃冰棍,以免寒气从胃而入,导致胃寒(stomach cold)体虚,免疫力下降。   冰棍儿 Ice lolly / popsicle / ice pop /freezer pop   柠檬冰棍 lemon ice lolly    3、不含酒精的各类清凉饮料   包括汽水(soda water)、果汁(juice)、酸梅汤(sweet-sour plum juice)和可乐(coke)类以及各种兑制饮料等。   果汁:又分为原果汁(raw juice)、鲜果汁(fresh juice)、浓缩果汁(concentrated juices)和果汁酱等,是将水果汁液,兑入不同剂量的水和糖配制而成。此类饮料含维生素丰富(特别是维生素C含量较多),此外还含有丰富的有机酸 (organic acid)和无机盐(mineral salt)等,是一类营养丰富,易于消化又帮助消化的理想饮料。夏天备受欢迎的大多有西瓜汁、番茄汁、黄瓜汁、梨汁、草莓汁等等。    常见饮品:   苏打水 soda water   柠檬苏打水 lemon soda water   橙汁 orange juice   梨汁 pear juice   西瓜汁 watermelon juice   番茄汁 tomato juice   黄瓜汁 fresh cucumber juice   草莓汁 strawberry juice   胡萝卜汁 fresh carrot juice   葡萄柚汁 grapefruit juice   山楂胡萝卜汁 haw & carrot juice   酸梅汤:酸梅汤是老北京传统的消暑饮料,在炎热的季节,多数人家会买乌梅(smoked plum)来自行熬制(也有用杨梅代替乌梅),里边放点白糖去酸,冰镇后饮用。具有消暑开胃、生津止渴(help produce saliva and slake thirst)的功效,是炎热夏季不可多得的保健饮品。   可乐:黑褐色、甜味、含咖啡因(caffeine)的碳酸饮料(carbonated beverage)。可乐解暑的原理在于其中含有二氧化碳(carbon dioxide),二氧化碳到了人体里再打嗝出来的时候就会把人体的热量带走。    4、含酒精饮料,如啤酒和各类果酒、鸡尾酒。   啤酒:以大麦芽(barley malt)、酒花(hops)、水为主要原料,经酵母发酵作用酿制而成的饱含二氧化碳的低酒精度酒,被称为“液体面包”(liquid bread),少量饮用对身体健康有益处,所以在炎热的夏季,冰镇啤酒是很多男士的最爱。其他还有苹果酒(cider wine)、各类鸡尾酒(cocktail)等。   vapid beer 淡而无味的啤酒   ale 麦芽啤酒   foaming beer 起沫啤酒   draft beer 生啤   fruit beer 果啤   brown ale/ dark beer 黑啤酒   Bitter ale / real ale 苦啤酒   champagne cocktail 香槟鸡尾酒   caesar cocktail凯撒鸡尾酒   cherry cocktail 樱桃鸡尾酒   Wisky Cocktail 威士忌鸡尾酒   Aurora Jungle-Juice 极光鸡尾酒   5、其他夏日常见饮品:   冰镇咖啡 iced coffee   冰镇柠檬水 iced lemonade   酸奶饮品 yogurt drinks   蜂蜜柚子茶 honey citron tea   绿茶 green tea   冰镇奶茶 iced milk tea   冰镇绿豆汤 iced mung bean soup   矿泉水 mineral water ;
2023-07-24 08:16:241

求一首英文歌,前奏是钢琴,歌词开头是ice cream, ice red,ice blue、

colorsyou can find the song on
2023-07-24 08:16:504


2023-07-24 08:17:001


2023-07-24 08:17:118


Blue, takes it in blue, but blue in blue; The ice, the water is it, but coldly in water
2023-07-24 08:17:314

麻兰色 英文该怎么说呢 别把麻+兰的英文发给我

麻蓝色是个什么颜色?汉语的意思我都不知道。列出几种蓝色供参考:蓝灰色:pewter或blue grey中灰蓝色:midnightblue湖水蓝:turq浅蓝色:thirsty blue湖蓝色:Acid blue
2023-07-24 08:17:392


夏季各式冷饮英语词汇   炎炎夏日,怎能少了各种美味又降暑的冷饮?冰激凌、冰镇西瓜、红豆冰沙,似乎只有带“冰”的饮品才能消解酷暑的燥热。享受美味冷饮的同时,不如我们一起来学学相关的英语表达吧。   1. 冰激凌(ice cream)   冰激凌大概是女孩子们最喜欢的的冷饮了,比如哈根达斯(Haagen-Dzas),意大利语里的冰激凌叫gelato。其主要原料包括饮用水、牛乳(milk)、奶粉(milk powder)、奶油(cream)、食糖(sugar)等。加入各种不同原料后可以制成众多口味的冰激凌,满足各种挑剔的味蕾。   果蔬冰激凌(ice cream with fruits and vegetables):鲜奶液和鲜果酱等,包括哈密瓜、草莓、香蕉、芒果、柠檬、橙、苹果、樱桃、蓝莓、猕猴桃、葡萄、香草、香芋、抹茶   冻酸奶(frozen yogurt):以“酸奶”冰激凌粉或者浆料为原料,富含活性益生菌,有助提高免疫力   奶油冰激凌(custard ice cream):以“奶油”为原料制作的冰激凌,口感润滑舒爽,但热量高   圣代(sundae):牛奶、糖果肉、果汁、果酱、奶油等多种主料混合而成的软式冰激凌   常见的各种口味冰激凌:   chocolate ice cream 巧克力冰激凌   vanilla ice cream 香草冰激凌   mint ice cream 薄荷冰激凌   mango ice cream 芒果冰激凌   blueberry ice cream 蓝莓冰激凌   rosemary ice cream 迷迭香冰激凌   green tea ice cream 抹茶冰激凌   strawberry ice cream 草莓冰激凌   crushed cherry ice cream 樱桃冰激凌   chocolate /strawberry sundae 巧克力/草莓圣代   前面说了这么多种类的冰激凌,是不是有人以为冰激凌是从国外引进的?No, 早在800年以前,中国就有冰激凌了。在元朝的时候,一位精明的食品店商人突发奇想,他尝试着在冰中添加一些蜜糖、牛奶和珍珠粉,结果制成了世界上最早的冰激凌。那古代没有冰箱,是怎么储存冰冻食品的呢?   古人所用的器具叫“冰鉴”, 样子就像现在的瓮。它由内外两件器物构成;外部为鉴,鉴内置一尊缶。鉴与尊缶之间有较大的空隙,夏天可以放入冰块,冬天则贮存温水,尊缶内盛酒,这样就可以喝到“冬暖夏凉”的酒。   2、雪糕(ice cream bars)/ 冰棍(popsicle)   不过最怀念的应该小时候最爱吃的雪糕或者棒冰。中国是冰棍的故乡,早在3000多年以前,中国就有用冰解暑(relieving summer-heat)的记载,发明冰激凌则是很久以后的事儿了。其原料和制作方法与冰激凌类似但相对简单,很多人甚至自己在家制作(homemade),方便实惠。不过注意不要在一大早起来空腹吃冰棍,以免寒气从胃而入,导致胃寒(stomach cold)体虚,免疫力下降。   冰棍儿 Ice lolly / popsicle / ice pop /freezer pop   柠檬冰棍 lemon ice lolly   3、不含酒精的各类清凉饮料   包括汽水(soda water)、果汁(juice)、酸梅汤(sweet-sour plum juice)和可乐(coke)类以及各种兑制饮料等。   果汁:又分为原果汁(raw juice)、鲜果汁(fresh juice)、浓缩果汁(concentrated juices)和果汁酱等,是将水果汁液,兑入不同剂量的水和糖配制而成。此类饮料含维生素丰富(特别是维生素C含量较多),此外还含有丰富的有机酸(organic acid)和无机盐(mineral salt)等,是一类营养丰富,易于消化又帮助消化的理想饮料。夏天备受欢迎的大多有西瓜汁、番茄汁、黄瓜汁、梨汁、草莓汁等等。   常见饮品:   苏打水 soda water   柠檬苏打水 lemon soda water   橙汁 orange juice   梨汁 pear juice   西瓜汁 watermelon juice   番茄汁 tomato juice   黄瓜汁 fresh cucumber juice   草莓汁 strawberry juice   胡萝卜汁 fresh carrot juice   葡萄柚汁 grapefruit juice   山楂胡萝卜汁 haw & carrot juice   酸梅汤:酸梅汤是老北京传统的消暑饮料,在炎热的`季节,多数人家会买乌梅(smoked plum)来自行熬制(也有用杨梅代替乌梅),里边放点白糖去酸,冰镇后饮用。具有消暑开胃、生津止渴(help produce saliva and slake thirst)的功效,是炎热夏季不可多得的保健饮品。   可乐:黑褐色、甜味、含咖啡因(caffeine)的碳酸饮料(carbonated beverage)。可乐解暑的原理在于其中含有二氧化碳(carbon dioxide),二氧化碳到了人体里再打嗝出来的时候就会把人体的热量带走。   4、含酒精饮料,如啤酒和各类果酒、鸡尾酒。   啤酒:以大麦芽(barley malt)、酒花(hops)、水为主要原料,经酵母发酵作用酿制而成的饱含二氧化碳的低酒精度酒,被称为“液体面包”(liquid bread),少量饮用对身体健康有益处,所以在炎热的夏季,冰镇啤酒是很多男士的最爱。其他还有苹果酒(cider wine)、各类鸡尾酒(cocktail)等。   vapid beer 淡而无味的啤酒   ale 麦芽啤酒   foaming beer 起沫啤酒   draft beer 生啤   fruit beer 果啤   brown ale/ dark beer 黑啤酒   Bitter ale / real ale 苦啤酒   champagne cocktail 香槟鸡尾酒   caesar cocktail凯撒鸡尾酒   cherry cocktail 樱桃鸡尾酒   Wisky Cocktail 威士忌鸡尾酒   Aurora Jungle-Juice 极光鸡尾酒   5、其他夏日常见饮品:   冰镇咖啡 iced coffee   冰镇柠檬水 iced lemonade   酸奶饮品 yogurt drinks   蜂蜜柚子茶 honey citron tea   绿茶 green tea   冰镇奶茶 iced milk tea   冰镇绿豆汤 iced mung bean soup   矿泉水 mineral water ;
2023-07-24 08:17:471


  炎炎夏日,怎能少了各种美味又降暑的冷饮?冰激凌、冰镇西瓜、红豆冰沙,似乎只有带“冰”的饮品才能消解酷暑的燥热。享受美味冷饮的同时,不如我们一起来学学相关的英语表达吧。   1. 冰激凌(ice cream)   冰激凌大概是女孩子们最喜欢的的冷饮了,比如哈根达斯(Haagen-Dzas),意大利语里的冰激凌叫gelato。其主要原料包括饮用水、牛乳(milk)、奶粉(milk powder)、奶油(cream)、食糖(sugar)等。加入各种不同原料后可以制成众多口味的冰激凌,满足各种挑剔的味蕾。   果蔬冰激凌(ice cream with fruits and vegetables):鲜奶液和鲜果酱等,包括哈密瓜、草莓、香蕉、芒果、柠檬、橙、苹果、樱桃、蓝莓、猕猴桃、葡萄、香草、香芋、抹茶   冻酸奶(frozen yogurt):以“酸奶”冰激凌粉或者浆料为原料,富含活性益生菌,有助提高免疫力   奶油冰激凌(custard ice cream):以“奶油”为原料制作的冰激凌,口感润滑舒爽,但热量高   圣代(sundae):牛奶、糖果肉、果汁、果酱、奶油等多种主料混合而成的软式冰激凌   常见的各种口味冰激凌:   chocolate ice cream 巧克力冰激凌   vanilla ice cream 香草冰激凌   mint ice cream 薄荷冰激凌   mango ice cream 芒果冰激凌   blueberry ice cream 蓝莓冰激凌   rosemary ice cream 迷迭香冰激凌   green tea ice cream 抹茶冰激凌   strawberry ice cream 草莓冰激凌   crushed cherry ice cream 樱桃冰激凌   chocolate /strawberry sundae 巧克力/草莓圣代   前面说了这么多种类的冰激凌,是不是有人以为冰激凌是从国外引进的"?No, 早在800年以前,中国就有冰激凌了。在元朝的时候,一位精明的食品店商人突发奇想,他尝试着在冰中添加一些蜜糖、牛奶和珍珠粉,结果制成了世界上最早的冰激凌。那古代没有冰箱,是怎么储存冰冻食品的呢?   古人所用的器具叫“冰鉴”, 样子就像现在的瓮。它由内外两件器物构成;外部为鉴,鉴内置一尊缶。鉴与尊缶之间有较大的空隙,夏天可以放入冰块,冬天则贮存温水,尊缶内盛酒,这样就可以喝到“冬暖夏凉”的酒。   2、雪糕(ice cream bars)/ 冰棍(popsicle)   不过最怀念的应该小时候最爱吃的雪糕或者棒冰。中国是冰棍的故乡,早在3000多年以前,中国就有用冰解暑(relieving summer-heat)的记载,发明冰激凌则是很久以后的事儿了。其原料和制作方法与冰激凌类似但相对简单,很多人甚至自己在家制作(homemade),方便实惠。不过注意不要在一大早起来空腹吃冰棍,以免寒气从胃而入,导致胃寒(stomach cold)体虚,免疫力下降。   冰棍儿 Ice lolly / popsicle / ice pop /freezer pop   柠檬冰棍 lemon ice lolly   3、不含酒精的各类清凉饮料   包括汽水(soda water)、果汁(juice)、酸梅汤(sweet-sour plum juice)和可乐(coke)类以及各种兑制饮料等。   果汁:又分为原果汁(raw juice)、鲜果汁(fresh juice)、浓缩果汁(concentrated juices)和果汁酱等,是将水果汁液,兑入不同剂量的水和糖配制而成。此类饮料含维生素丰富(特别是维生素C含量较多),此外还含有丰富的有机酸(organic acid)和无机盐(mineral salt)等,是一类营养丰富,易于消化又帮助消化的理想饮料。夏天备受欢迎的大多有西瓜汁、番茄汁、黄瓜汁、梨汁、草莓汁等等。   常见饮品:   苏打水 soda water   柠檬苏打水 lemon soda water   橙汁 orange juice   梨汁 pear juice   西瓜汁 watermelon juice
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