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歌词( suit me for size......forget the other never fall,each time you call......)

2023-07-24 10:43:39
* 回复内容中包含的链接未经审核,可能存在风险,暂不予完整展示!
u300ahold tightu300b

Hold tight, count to three,
Gotta stay close by me
And hold tight, sing and shout
Just ride my round-about
And hold tight, shut your eyes, girl,

You suit me for size.

Forget the other guys.

You"ll never fall each time you call.

Hold tight, hold tight, hold tight.

Hold tight make me feel
What you say is for real
And hold tight, Carousel, girl,
You"ll soon ring my bell
And hold tight, we will fly,
Swinging low, swinging high.
We"re gonna make the sky.
You"ll never fall each time you call.
Hold tight, hold tight, hold tight.

Hold tight, count to three,
Gotta stay close by me
And hold tight, sing and shout
Just ride my round-about
And hold tight, shut your eyes, girl,
You suit me for size.
Forget the other guys.
You"ll never fall each time you call.
Hold tight, hold tight, hold tight.



为什么人人都在玩《Fall Guys》?

说实话,围栏最近有点忙,已经好久没有关注过Steam了。前几天刷微博,突然看到有人在玩《Fall Guys》,并且抱怨玩家多到挤爆了服务器,秉着大家都玩我也要试试的心态,我打开了steam,并且惊讶的发现这款8月4日才发售的 游戏 就在首页置顶推荐。于是赶紧花费58元巨款买下 游戏 ,就想看看这款 游戏 为什么大家都在玩?说实话毫不犹豫买下的一大原因就是 游戏 的画风超级可爱,有点类似于《人类一败涂地》,就是那种线条简单但是非常圆润顺滑的感觉。 游戏 名称官方中译《糖豆人: 终极淘汰赛》,所以在 游戏 中,你就是一颗奔跑的糖豆了。游戏 的规则更是简单,甚至都没有新手教程——加载页面教你简单的"WASD+空格"就够用了,剩余的操作可以自己摸索,这个画风+上手基本就是男女老少通吃的零难度啊!而这款 游戏 的 游戏 性更是不用说,融合了近年来颇受认可的吃鸡模式,并且每一场都非常快速。 游戏 开始后,玩家会和匹配到的另外59个人一起被投入到随机地图上,地图有竞速、捕猎、合作等等不同模式,玩家抵达终点或是达到特定目标才能晋级。游戏 目前总共有24张地图,每一种地图的玩法都会有所区别,玩家需要通过总共5张地图,才能赢得最终的"王冠"。说实话,手残如我前两张地图就是极限了,所以还是相当佩服赢到最后的大神玩家了。当然, 游戏 最有趣的并不是竞赛的玩法,而是它足够欢乐、足够沙雕......想象60个人在狭窄的道路上挤来挤去,你身边的人被疯狂打飞或是在死亡边缘来回蹦迪......最可怕的还是 游戏 可以拽人,坑队友的家伙无处不在!人物每场 游戏 结束后都会获取一定的收益,这些收益可以用来兑换外观——老套路了自不用多说,但我想说的是,这 游戏 的外观也太丑了吧!那种丑绝人寰的红配绿、黑配绿,那种丧尽天良的条纹和斑点......不过这样挺好,输了也不会难过,毕竟赢了也赚不来什么。当然 游戏 也有一些好看的皮肤存在的,那都是大神级别的东西,与你我无缘。光是说出来,你可能对那种单纯的乐趣感受不大,但如果尝试一下,就会发现这款 游戏 真的魔性,就如同《人类一败涂地》一样,让你在"通关"和"坑队友"之间摇摆不定,最终除了快乐之外没有任何收获。 更多精彩内容,欢迎关注本账号获取
2023-07-24 07:24:371


《Fall Guys: Ultimate Knockout》。在Steam平台上,糖豆人游戏的全称是《糖豆人:终极淘汰赛》或《Fall Guys: Ultimate Knockout》,玩家搜索该名称就可以进行游戏的下载和购买操作了,糖豆人这款游戏的价格是58元,购买好之后就能直接下载。Steam下架Mediatonic宣布,从6月21日开始,《糖豆人》将从Steam平台下架。之后想要下载游戏的新玩家必须通过Epic Games Store进行下载。当然那些已经在Steam上购买游戏并通过数字商店体验游戏的玩家能够继续以同样的方式体验游戏。游戏的Steam版本也将继续获得所有未来的更新,包括新赛季,补丁等。实际上发生这种情况并没有令人感到意外。《糖豆人》开发商Mediatonic去年被Epic Games收购,尽管该开发商当时表示这款游戏仍可在Steam上购买,但毫无疑问,这种情况最终会发生改变。毕竟,Psyonix工作室当时被Epic Games收购时,《火箭联盟》也进行了类似的做法。
2023-07-24 07:24:441


2023-07-24 07:24:591


2023-07-24 07:25:061


2023-07-24 07:25:121

最近很火的fall gays是什么游戏,什么玩法,在哪里可以玩呢?

老哥是fall guys,不是fall gays,中文叫做糖豆人终极淘汰赛,非常有意思的休闲游戏。
2023-07-24 07:25:202

糖豆人(Fall Guys)运行游戏后显示“登陆失败,请检查网络设置”,如何解决?

2023-07-24 07:25:291

英语Fall Guys怎么翻译?

2023-07-24 07:25:433


2023-07-24 07:26:021


可以再任务管理器中关掉后台,在开始游戏《糖豆人:终极淘汰赛》(Fall Guys: Ultimate Knockout)是由Mediatonic开发、Devolver Digital发行的一款可爱风格的乱斗游戏,于2020年8月4日发售,登陆PS4与Steam平台。该游戏采用完全随机的关卡,各式竞赛关卡会在各自为战的大乱斗与合作比拼的小组赛中来回切换,各种稀奇古怪的关卡设置,让每一次挑战都充满新鲜感。2021年9月,在IGDA首届“全球游戏行业奖”颁奖典礼中,《糖豆人:终极淘汰赛》获得最佳游戏设计奖、最佳客户支持奖。
2023-07-24 07:26:111


2023-07-24 07:26:171


2023-07-24 07:26:261


  在游戏《糖豆人》中,玩家退出游戏的方法是当玩家在游戏中被淘汰时,可以按ESC键选择退出游戏避免进入观战状态,在游戏大厅中只要点退出就能正常退出游戏了。   《糖豆人》(FallGuys:UltimateKnockout)是一款由Mediatonic研发,DevolverDigital发行的多人乱斗闯关综艺游戏,哔哩哔哩为该游戏的中国独家内容合作平台。玩家要灵活应对野蛮生长的障碍物,挤开黏人的比赛对手,跌跌撞撞地冲锋。自踏入赛场的一刻起,就请将面子和理智丢到九霄云外,在向皇冠发起挑战的过程中,尽情享受令人捧腹的娱乐场面。
2023-07-24 07:26:331

fall guys(糖豆人)闪退?

2023-07-24 07:26:433


2023-07-24 07:26:501


2023-07-24 07:26:581

ps4 fall guys怎么两人一起玩?

2023-07-24 07:27:061


2023-07-24 07:27:141


打开慢是网络问题首先玩家需要检查电脑网络是否正常,如果正常的话需要重启一下游戏。多次掉线等问题可以尝试使用加 速器,并且重新启动游戏。也有可能是steam没连接到服务器,玩家需要重启steam并开始游戏。
2023-07-24 07:27:331

Steam 糖豆人fall guys启动错误?

你的...糖豆人怎么跟我的不一样??游戏打开不是直接就全屏的吗。如果你报错了可以选择steam右键游戏修复文件,再启动,如果还不行就直接重下得了,反正我记得是3G而已,下的很快的,因为你也找不到这个文件在哪,我也不清楚你的情况,无法跟你阐述。补充一下,原来是我好一阵子没玩的原因,现在确实是先弹小框出来,不过我说的方法对steam的大多数游戏报错情况都是可行的 就是steam修复游戏文件,如果不行可以试试在游戏的文件夹里面找,如果你已经是游戏文件夹里找的话没搜到就直接全盘搜试试。
2023-07-24 07:27:531


2023-07-24 07:28:011


以下是一些最近最火的单机小游戏:1. Hades:这是一款新兴的动作RPG游戏,玩家扮演一个可爱的死神,通过各种神话生物的战斗,提升等级,收集装备来完成游戏。2. Among Us:这是一款热门的社交推理游戏,玩家必须扮演船上的乘务员,找出并将异己从船上驱逐出去,其中要注意保护自己不流露出身份。3. Fall Guys:这是一个流行的多人竞技游戏,玩家需要穿过各种很有趣的障碍物比赛,以赢得游戏的胜利。4. Genshin Impact:这是一款新兴的开放世界冒险游戏,在游戏中,玩家需要探索广阔的世界、攻击敌人、挑战各种副本。5. Dead by Daylight:这是一款非常受欢迎的多人在线求生游戏,在游戏中,玩家必须通过顺利逃脱杀手的追逐来幸存下来。这些单机小游戏都非常热门和有趣,并且拥有大量的玩家。无论您是喜欢动作游戏、RPG游戏还是赛车游戏,都能在这些游戏中找到自己喜欢的游戏。
2023-07-24 07:28:081

笔记本r7-3700u可以玩fall guys吗 显卡:锐龙 vega10graphics?

据玩过这个游戏的玩家测试,MX250可以最低画质运行,那么AMD Vega 10核显如果搭配双通道内存条的情况下,性能可以接近MX250,应是能低画质运行这款游戏的。如果按糖豆人游戏的官方配置要求来看,这台电脑核显可能是跑不动这款游戏的,Vega10性能比最低配置的GTX660要低不少。
2023-07-24 07:28:151


动物派对是哪个公司的游戏,动物派对是最近一款比较热门的游戏,这款游戏的玩法也非常的有意思,那么动物派对是哪个公司的游戏呢,下面小编来给大家介绍下~动物派对是哪个公司的游戏首先动物派对是《Recreate Games》工作室开发的动作休闲游戏,公司全名《北京所思信息科技有限责任公司》。根据这个公司名,就可以断定这是【国产游戏】了,只不过工作室取了一个英文名而已。动物派对是该公司首款游戏产品,角色设定采用非常可爱的卡通小动物形象,玩法是在真实的物理引擎世界,和朋友们一起挑战其他玩家,或者展开激烈的对决。虽说和糖豆人很像,但是青出于蓝而胜于蓝,比fall guys 更加有意思。动物派对是中国公司开发的国产游戏,绝非是外国游戏。能制作出水准如此之高的游戏,值得玩家购买正版支持。
2023-07-24 07:28:291


2023-07-24 07:28:513


《糖豆人:终极淘汰赛(Fall Guys: Ultimate Knockout)》宣布将转为免费游戏,于6月21日正式开始本体免费。转为免费后,之前已经购买了Steam版本作的玩家将获得“遗产包”,其中包含三件新服装,一个玩家头衔,一个铭牌和免费第一赛季高级通行证。6月21日正式免费之前,至少运行过一次《糖豆人》游戏即可领取。本次“全员”免费将登陆Steam、PS5、Switch、XSX|S等多个平台,免费后本作将支持全平台进度共享与跨平台游玩。届时,可以从多个平台免费下载和游玩该作。糖豆人免费后情况根据SteamDB的数据,在6月21日之前,《糖豆人:终极淘汰赛》Steam每日玩家数大概维持在1万左右,而6月21日之后,玩家数量猛增到最高接近6万。该作能吸引到这么多玩家可能与跨平台联机和跨平台进度功能的实装有关,现在玩家可以和任何平台的好友一起游玩了。
2023-07-24 07:29:162


《糖豆人》未来更新计划:1、新的季票是免费的 2、目前头号任务是反外挂 3、有计划加入自定义私人房间,暂时还不可以哦,糖豆人一般指糖豆人:终极淘汰赛。 《糖豆人:终极淘汰赛》(Fall Guys: Ultimate Knockout)
2023-07-24 07:29:321


糖豆人这款游戏是steam平台在2020年8月4号上线的一款新游戏,所以想要下载玩家直接登录然后在商店内搜索糖豆人即可找到该游戏。在steam平台内玩家搜糖豆人后玩家会看到Fall Guys Collector"s Edition的字眼,直接选择购买并下载就可以了
2023-07-24 07:29:402


2023-07-24 07:29:519


2023-07-24 07:30:093


2023-07-24 07:30:195


  下面是我整理的关于夏天的英语美文:再见夏天,欢迎大家阅读!   Summer is a great season. Patio weather, vacation time, BBQ, more BBQ. But sometimes, summer can kinda be a hot, sweaty drag. Luckily, many places have seasons that give us the ability to say hello hoodie weather. Here"s some reasons you should be happy summer is almost over. 关于夏天的英语美文:再见夏天   1. No more sweat   Letu2019s face it. Actually, on second thought, letu2019s not face it. Sweat is gross. Like, really gross. Thereu2019s nothing less refreshing than walking around with what feels like a water balloon burst in your underwear an hour ago but still hasnu2019t completely dried.   2. No More Mosquitos   Good thing winter is natureu2019s bug repellent. Because mosquitos are just terrible. They live because of our blood, these iny, itchy, blood-sucking vampire mooches. I donu2019t even know why they exist.   3. You donu2019t have to make excuses about why you canu2019t go camping   Camping is outdoors torture. Hey, yeah, letu2019s go sit outside where itu2019s really, oppressively hot, sweat a lot and eat things from cans while we try not to get eaten by bears. But we WILL feed our flesh to bugs because we donu2019t really have a choice. Yeah, sorry, guys, but Iu2019m busy from now until mid-October.    4. No more stench of steaming, melting garbag e   The sun is great for lots of things: light keeping our planet alive. Itu2019s also really good at taking something that already smells bad, and baking it until it smells like hot trash. But it"s worse because itu2019s just everywhere.   5. Donu2019t have to feel guilty about being on the internet   Listen, itu2019s okay, we understand. The internet is way cooler than exercise, fresh air, and socializing. But, once winter comes around, itu2019s hyber-netting time! Itu2019s cold and windy outside, time to sit by the fire and internet until next year.   6. Sayonara swimsuit anxiety   Didnu2019t reach your ultimate beach body goal this summer? Thatu2019s okay, because itu2019ll be over soon and you donu2019t have to worry about swimsuits and your figure for the rest of the year! In fact, you donu2019t have to worry about bathing suits and overly crowded beaches.   7. No more menial summer job   Summer is great, while summer jobs are not so much. Say goodbye to retail, flippinu2019 burgers or serving ice-cream to jerk kids, whatever you crazy kids do these day for money. Back to thegrind, homework, tests, wait, all of these things suck, too.   8. Pretty much every T.V. show and sport is back on   SNL, Family Guy, Modern Family, whatever it is you watch, itu2019s back on come fall. I mean, unless youu2019re into True Blood. So grab your internet, camp out in front of the tv, and brace yourselves: winter is coming.   我们都知道,夏天是个好季节:露天乘凉和度假的好时节,更有数不尽的野外烧烤。但毕竟夏天也是炎热的、让人流汗的季节。幸运的是,很多地方都快迎来穿卫衣的凉爽秋天时节。下面这些是你为夏天快结束了应该感到高兴的理由。   你不用再出汗了   面对现实吧!但思考过后,我们还是不要面对好了:流汗实在是太恶心了。浑身大汗还要到处走动,再没有比这更让人“提神”的了:那感觉就像一小时前内衣里有一个水球爆开了,但到现在却仍湿漉漉的。   没有蚊子了   冬天有一个好处就是它是自然界中的杀虫剂,因为蚊子实在太可怕了。它们靠我们的血而活,这些细小、令人发痒的吸血虫真讨厌。我不知道它们为什么会存在。   你不必为不去 野营 编造借口了   户外野营是一种折磨。让我们坐在闷热的户外流一身臭汗,吃着罐头里的东东,与此同时还要避免自己成为熊的美餐。但我们会喂饱各种虫子,因为我们真的别无选择。对不住各位了,从现在到十月中旬我都没空了。   不再有“臭气熏天”的垃圾臭味了   对很多生物来讲太阳是很好的,太阳提供光源让我们的星球生存。但同样地,太阳也很擅长把已经闻起来臭臭的东西烘成很热腾腾的垃圾。更糟的是到处都有垃圾。   不必为上网感到内疚   没事的我们都理解。比起运动锻炼、新鲜空气及与人交往,网络当然是帅气得多。但是一旦冬天临近,那就是超级网虫的时间了。外面又冷还刮风,是时候坐在火堆旁上上网了,一直上网到明年吧。   和泳装焦虑症说再见   在这个夏天没有达到你最终的身材目标?没关系,因为这个夏天很快就过去了,在剩下的时间里,你也不必担心泳装和身材的问题。实际上,你不必担心的问题除了泳衣还有过度拥挤的沙滩。   不用再做廉价暑期工   夏天很不错,但暑假工就没这么好了。不管你们是做什么来赚钱,向零售、烙牛肉饼和向讨厌的小朋友卖冰淇淋这些零碎工作说再见吧。回归老生活,做作业、考试... 等等!这些事儿也同样令人讨厌啊!   各大电视台各档节目和各项体育赛事回归   《周六夜现场》、《恶搞之家》、《摩登家庭》,不管你看的是哪一档节目,在秋季它们都会回归(当然也许你爱看的是《真爱如血》)。重拾你的兴趣,在电视机前“安营扎寨”,抱着自己说:冬天来了。
2023-07-24 07:30:361


在Steam平台上,糖豆人游戏的全称是《糖豆人:终极淘汰赛》或《Fall Guys:Ultimate Knockout》。在Steam平台上,糖豆人游戏的全称是《糖豆人:终极淘汰赛》或《Fall Guys: Ultimate Knockout》,玩家搜索该名称就可以进行游戏的下载和购买操作了,糖豆人这款游戏的价格是58元,购买好之后就能直接下载。
2023-07-24 07:31:171


2023-07-24 07:31:251


你好,你提示的截图是“缺少需要启动Fall Guys的文件请退出游戏并在游戏商店客户端中验证游戏装备,以恢复任何丢失的装备然后再次启动游戏以重试”。游戏已经提示你操作办法了,你需要提示操作尝试解决。
2023-07-24 07:31:321


2023-07-24 07:31:401

问大家一个问题哦~~what happened to you guys? fall in love with somebody? 这两句是什么意思?

2023-07-24 07:31:482

So why u gud girls fall on bad guys

2023-07-24 07:31:551


Buttons - The Pussycat DollsI"m telling you loosen up my buttons baby (Uh huh)But you keep fronting (Uh)Saying what you going to do to me (Uh huh)But I ain"t seen nothing (Uh)I"m telling you loosen up my buttons baby (Uh huh)But you keep fronting (Uh)Saying what you going to do to me (Uh huh)But I ain"t seen nothing (Uh)TypicalHardly the type I fall forI"m liking the physicalDon"t leave me asking for moreI"m a sexy mama (Mama)Who knows just how to get what I want and (Want and)What I want to do is spring this on you (On you)Back up all of the things that I told you (Told you)You been saying all the right things all alongBut I can"t seem to get you over here to help take this offBaby" can"t you see?How these clothes are fitting on meAnd the heat coming from this beatI"m about to blowI don"t think you knowI"m telling you loosen up my buttons baby (Uh huh)But you keep fronting (Uh)Saying what you going to do to me (Uh huh)But I ain"t seen nothing (Uh)I"m telling you loosen up my buttons baby (Uh huh)But you keep fronting (Uh)Saying what you going to do to me (Uh huh)But I ain"t seen nothing (Uh)You say you"re a big boyBut I can"t agree"Cause the love you said you hadAin"t been put on meI wonderIf I"m just too much for youWonderIf my kiss don"t make you justWonderWhat I got next for youWhat you want to do? (Do)Take a chance to recognize that this could be yoursI can see" just like most guys that your game don"t pleaseBaby" can"t you see?How these clothes are fitting on meAnd the heat coming from this beatI"m about to blowI don"t think you knowI"m telling you loosen up my buttons baby (Uh huh)But you keep fronting (Uh)Saying what you going to do to me (Uh huh)But I ain"t seen nothing (Uh)I"m telling you loosen up my buttons baby (Uh huh)But you keep fronting (Uh)Saying what you going to do to me (Uh huh)But I ain"t seen nothing (Uh)I"m a make you loosen up my buttons babeLoosen up my buttons babeWhy don"t you loosen up my buttons babeLoosen up my buttons babeI"m a make you loosen up my buttons babeLoosen up my buttons babeWhy don"t you loosen up my buttons babeLoosen up my buttons babeI"m telling you loosen up my buttons baby (Uh huh)But you keep fronting (Uh)Saying what you going to do to me (Uh huh)But I ain"t seen nothing (Uh)I"m telling you loosen up my buttons baby (Uh huh)But you keep fronting (Uh)Saying what you going to do to me (Uh huh)But I ain"t seen nothing (Uh)I"m telling you loosen up my buttons baby (Uh huh)But you keep fronting (Uh)Saying what you going to do to me (Uh huh)But I ain"t seen nothing (Uh)I"m telling you loosen up my buttons baby (Uh huh)But you keep fronting (Uh)Saying what you going to do to me (Uh huh)But I ain"t seen nothing (Uh)
2023-07-24 07:32:101


消夏( feat. 14,958 ) 碧昂丝消夏( feat.页14,958 ) 由N / A [页14,958 -谈] 嗯有三件事,我喜欢夏天辍学台面,只要热夜和夏天爱嗯嘿摇摇,乙告诉"在什么时间,它是让"而后转到[碧昂丝] 列所有球员来找我1914年,我想他们知道我你一说,留预留等了一会儿了你的时候你不知道如何继续改善您curiousity是我的这是第四天, 7月看在我的眼睛,看到我[休息-碧昂丝] 我想说的不仅仅是一个男子(男子) 我需要一个朋友(我要一个朋友) 有人,我可以倾诉(哦) 一位能真正听(嗯) 当你说出了我的手(是啊是啊) 太阳得到光明,然后(光明则) 信赖你我关闭了我的眼睛并认为我们的爱开始[大合唱-碧昂丝] 这是消夏(当我们坠入爱河) 这是消夏(当天堂闪耀着对我们) 这是消夏(宝宝有一点也不像) 消夏,消夏( ohh ) [碧昂丝] 现在,它已成为今年,我们正在紧密坠入爱河再次当我持有亚我知道上帝定你预留对我来说,现在你是我的奖不想长大的,与亚补一所房子与亚图片有一个儿子,你一个小女孩,我连同我们将提出一个家庭[休息-碧昂丝] 我想要更多的则只是一名男子我需要朋友你是我最好的朋友(是啊) 有人,我还可以讲,以一位能真正听(嗯) 当你说出了我的手(啊) 太阳得到光明,然后(光明则) 信赖你我关闭了我的眼睛并认为我们的爱开始[合唱] 这是消夏(当我们坠入爱河) 这是消夏(当天堂闪耀着对我们) 这是消夏(宝宝有一点也不像) 消夏,消夏( ohh ) [页14,958 ] 协青社,让我holla在你一个秒那么有什么,在哪里,他还是我吗? (嗯) 我们可连续航行了世界珍珠和裸靴女孩消夏在亚麻,新鲜水果livin了生活的禁止只是你(让我们去感受) 不用担心你是不是宝贝,强调出没有hurries你是不是得急了坐在返回放宽马你慢慢来现在,一尝最优秀的葡萄酒每一分钟,我们的祝福给我和你的心你的一个"儿童的命运" (即权利) 他们夏季炎热,我们曾特别是爱的人,你是女孩,你带出最好的我和它的一样,你知道它的一样(即权利) 这就是你的计划,那里的你的手,让我的冰你我的心,是不是就没有机会,你可以打这夏天,当你热宝宝考虑,采取这一嗯.. [合唱] 这是消夏(当我们坠入爱河) 这是消夏(当天堂闪耀着对我们) 这是消夏(宝宝有一点也不像) 消夏,消夏( ohh
2023-07-24 07:32:172


我以前帮朋友写讲稿时写过几篇: 这篇是52harrypotter网下来的新闻,应该是最合适的: Marlboro college students play Quidditch, minus brooms This fall, students at Marlboro College have been enjoying several games of Quidditch, a magical game played by the characters in J.K. Rowling"s Harry Potter series. The Marlboro students can"t fly around on broomsticks, but the college"s adaptation of the game stays as faithful as possible to Rowling"s enchanted game. Marlboro"s version of Quidditch is uses most elements present in the book: three goal hoops and three different kinds of balls in the air at one time: one quaffle (scoring ball), several bludgers (attack balls), and a snitch (an elusive flying ball). Quidditch combines three games in one: ultimate Frisbee, dodge ball, and wild goose chase. Players pass the quaffle towards the goal hoops while trying to avoid the bludgers thrown randomly from the sidelines, as the two seekers try to stay out of everyone"s way while chasing the snitch. Players hit by a bludger get a 30 second time out. Each quaffle score earns 25 points; the game ends when the snitch, worth 150 points, is captured. It is possible to capture the snitch and loose the game. When devising the game, Outdoor Program Director Randy Elliot-Knaggs experimented to find objects that would best approximate the spirit of Rowling"s game. He found that Splash Bomb balls are great for bludgers-because they explode with water on contact, it"s easy to determine who"s been hit-and there is an extra incentive for dodging the water ball. For the snitch, Elliot-Knaggs found an elegant solution: a rubber band-propelled flying helicopter-like toy that spans the length of a soccer field and descends in an erratic and unpredictable pattern. Elliot-Knaggs first created the game for his three children, who are 10, 12, and 14 years old. When they started playing it over the summer, people of all ages showed up to play. He"s organized several Quidditch practices on campus-students have found the game both athletically challenging and imaginative. It"s also a great way to feel connected to the series they love; the newest movie, Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, opens on November 18. ABOUT MARLBORO COLLEGE: Founded in 1946, Marlboro College offers undergraduate education in the liberal arts and, since 1997, graduate study focused on Internet technologies. Its 330 undergraduate students enjoy an 8:1 student-faculty ratio, a voice in governing the community and individualized courses of study on a 350-acre campus in the hills of southern Vermont. Marlboro has been selected as one of 40 Colleges that Change Lives.
2023-07-24 07:32:392


2023-07-24 07:32:495


4人英语话剧剧本It"s a Small WorldCastKobe: K; play presenterAllen: Ab (boy)Johnson: JBZ: BArthur: Ag (Girl)  -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Scene IK: There was a lovely village in the countryside. Allen, Johnson, Bz, and Arthur are good friends. Here, they are creating the most beautiful memories.B: Hey! Look! A shooting star!Ag: Where?B: Here! (Take out a big special ring!)Ag: So, what is this for?B: Will you marry me?Ab: Sure, honey!(Ag takes out a hammer and hits Ab.)Ab: Ouch! OK! I"ll be quiet.J: Hey, guys! What are you talking about?Ab: They are talking about their future. (Point at Ag and B.)J: Their future?Ag: No! Our futures. I"m gonna be a worldwide famous writer.Ab: I"m gonna be the greatest singer. And I"m worried that there will be too many girls hanging around and crazy for me!(J, B, Ag pretend to be disgusted.)J: As far as I am concerned, becoming the most successful businessman is my life goal.Ag: What about you, BZ?Ab: To marry her, right? (Ab hits B gently.)Ag: Come on! Be serious. Let him tell us.B: I want to stay here and be a farmer.Ag: All right! We"re only ten now. Who knows what will actually happen in the next ten or twenty years?J: Whatever our dreams are, no matter where we are, twenty years from now, we"ll all come here having a reunion.Ab: And don"t forget, we are…K: Wait for me!...All: Friends forever!  -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Scene II转自:http://咖啡吧剧本网K: Twenty years later, at Johnson Rich"s company.(Phone rings.)Secretary A: Hello! This is Rich telephone company. May I help you? OK! OK! bye-bye!Secretary B: (Knock, Knock, Knock!) Mr. Rich, may I come in?J: Come in!Secretary B: (With a flirting look) Mr. Rich, Can I invite you to dinner tonight?(Secretary A cuts in between the two of them.)Secretary A: Hey! Young lady! You may be young and beautiful, but I"ve been working here much longer than you. I really don"t mind you inviting Mr. Rich to dinner, if you don"t want to work here anymore!J: Yo, ladies. Nothing but business, O.K.? Now, go back to your work!Secretary A: Sir!J: Now what?Secretary A: This is the ad for the new cell phone design, and the main idea is "It"s a small world!"J: Good job! Look, my cell phones make the world smaller.  -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Scene III(At Arthur"s new book press conference)Reporter A: Congratulations, Arthur. We know that you are the winner of the Pulitzer Prize.Reporter B: Why did you want to write this book?Ag: Well, I always believe that touching words can comfort people. Many people in the world live a difficult life. With words, we can tell them that they"re not alone wherever they are.Reporter C: Why did you name the book "It"s a small world "?Ag: It"s said that “the pen is mightier than the sword.” Through words, we can express our love, thoughts, and feelings to our friends. The power of words shortens the distance among people and makes the world smaller, right?  -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Scene IV转自:http://咖啡吧剧本网(At Allen Baker"s concert…Allen"s fans are crazy for him and screaming everywhere.)Host: Ladies and gentlemen, let"s welcome our super star, Mr. Anderson!!(Fans scream like crazy.)Ab: (Singing) It can happen to anyone of us, anyone you think of. Anyone can fall. Anyone can hurt someone they love. Hearts will break. Cause I made a stupid mistake…(A fan shakes hands with Allen, and then passes out and is taken away.)Ab: Thank you! Maybe you don"t understand the language I speak. Maybe we have different blood in our bodies. But I really hope that I can deliver something to you all and make you understand what I try to express. And I really really hope the music can shorten the distance between us and make the world smaller. Thank you! I love you all !! (Two crazy fans run to Allen and hold him tight. The guards drag them away.)  -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Scene V(At Bz Farmer"s Big Tomato Award Ceremony…)Host: Now! I"m honored to announce the first prize winner of the super award. Let"s welcome Farmer of the year, Mr. BZ !(BZ runs up to the stage with a surprised look, and his fans cheer for him.)B: My goodness! I can"t believe it! Thank you, my tomato fans! (Waving to them with the trophy.) I love my hometown. I grow crops not only for the people living here, butalso for the people all over the world who are suffering from hunger and poverty. My childhood friends have all been very successful in different fields to make the world a better place to live in. Our love binds us together and makes the world smaller. I"m glad that we all made our dreams come true. Thank you! Thank you!  -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Scene VIK: Twenty years later, at the Home-coming Reunion…Ab: (To J) I use your cell phone. It"s great, man!J: (To Ag) And I read your book!Ag: (To Bz) And I ate your big tomatoes. They are amazingly deliciousB: (To Allen) And I listened to your music. It really takes my breath away!J: Let"s have a toast to my cell phones.Ab: No! To my music.Ag: To My books.B: To my love and to our friendships.J: All these things have made the world smaller. We feel so much closer to each other now.All: Oh! What a small world!Director: Cut! Cut! You all did a great job. Let"s call it a day.(Freeze the scene with them holding their belongings, microphone, cell phone, book, and big tomato.)
2023-07-24 07:33:082

i wish i was gay中文歌词

I wish I was him我想变成他 Then I"d understand what it takes to make a man 我就能明白怎样才能变成一个男人cus it hurts and I don"t deserve to feel this way 因为那很痛苦,而我不配那样The sting the lies 那横亘的痛苦It always takes me by surprise 总使我触目惊心I don"t get guys 我不懂男人I wish I was gay 我希望我是男同I wish I could see 那样我就能明白How to escape those boys they always treat me the same 如何摆脱那些如出一辙对待我的男孩Breaking my heart leaving me all alone 他们让我心碎 留下我孤单一人Well girls just don"t behave that way 女孩们从不会那样I wish it was over 真希望已经结束But I know that i"ll fall for it again 但我知道我还重新会坠入情网And i"ll end up love struck 我最终会再也没法爱人吧And he don"t deserve another chance to speak 也没人值得我重新试试I"ll know somehow you"ll sweep me off my feet 我知道 无论如何你都会使我神魂颠倒I don"t get guys 我不懂男人I wish I was gay 我希望我是男同I wish I could see 那样我就能明白How to escape those boys they always treat me the same 如何摆脱那些如出一辙对待我的男孩Breaking my heart leaving me all alone 他们让我心碎 留下我孤单一人Well girls just don"t behave that way 女孩们从不会那样To have someone who listens to me 真想有个人聆听我心声Loves it like the paparazzi并且像狗仔队一样渴望了解 Know the way to keep me satisfied 让我开心的方式Oh I wish I was (wish I was) 真希望这样They keep breaking my heart 那些总是让我心碎的男人啊And I don"t get guys 我不懂他们I wish I was gay 我希望我是男同I wish I could see 那样我就能明白How to escape those boys they always treat me the same 如何摆脱那些如出一辙对待我的男孩Breaking my heart leaving me all alone 他们让我心碎 留下我孤单一人(I wish you could see how to escape those boys) 我真希望 你知道 怎样摆脱他们And I don"t get guys 我不懂男人They always treat me the same 他们总是Breaking my heart 让我心碎They always treat me the same 他们总是Leaving me alone 让我孤单Well girls don"t behave that way 女孩从不那样No they don"t behave that way 她们从不那样I wish I was gay真希望 我是男同
2023-07-24 07:33:341


Thank Today, I want to introduce a woman. She is a Chinese TV star and famous for acting as a policewoman. I believe that if I say the name of that TV series, which has been broadcast for more that 3000 times in China, some of you can say about the name of her in it without consideration, but I have to admit that few of you guys know the true name of her. Ok, the name of that TV series is called Zhong An Liu Zu, and she played Ji Jie. Now who can tell me what her true name is? She is Wang Qian, who is not only my idol, but also looks like my sister.
2023-07-24 07:33:552


2023-07-24 07:34:032


troy bolton的毕业演讲I"ve chosen basketball. 我选择篮球 But I"ve also chosen theater. 但同时我也放不下舞台 The University of California, Berkeley, offers me both. 加州大学布鲁克林分校向我递出邀请 That"s where I"m going to be attending next fall. 那将是我未来的大学 But most of all, 但最重要的是 I choose the person who inspires my heart. 我找到点亮我内心的人 Which is why I picked a school that"s exactly 32.7 miles from you.(转身对Gabriella说) 这也就是为什么我选择了一所距离你只有32.7英里的大学 Miss Gabriella Montez, …… Stanford University, Pre-Law 斯坦福大学,法律专业Sharpay Evans: Hey, Troy when"s the big game? 夏培:嗨,特洛伊,你的比赛是什么时候啊? Troy Bolton: Yesterday.特洛伊:昨天。 Sharpay Evans: Well good luck. Toodles! 夏培:好吧,祝你好运!再见! Gabriella Montez: I"m a lot better at saying goodbye than you. 盖碧瑞拉:我比你会说再见! Troy Bolton: Why are you saying goodbye? 特洛伊:你为什么要说再见呢?
2023-07-24 07:34:112

Good Girls Bad Guys 歌词

歌曲名:Good Girls Bad Guys歌手:Falling In Reverse专辑:The Drug In Me Is YouSo why do good girls like bad guys?I had this question for a real long timeI""ve been a bad boy and it""s plain to seeSo why do good girls fall in love with me?.Whoa ooh ooh.You""ve got pep in your stepYou live your life with no regretHow you look when you are wetIs something I can not forgetI just wanna kiss your lipsThe ones between your hipsIf I cash in all my chips on youThen baby I""d be rich.So come onSexy, please text meI""m ready for youSo come onWaiting, I""m beggingSo please get here soon.So why do good girls like bad guys?I had this question for a real long timeI""ve been a bad boy and it""s plain to seeSo why do good girls fall in love with me?.Whoa ooh ooh.Ooo lala, what lovely curvesBaby I get off by getting you off firstSorry girl if this is quickSo please just take it in the ass and suck my dick.So come onSexy, please text meI""m ready for youSo come onWaiting, I""m beggingSo please get here soon.So why do good girls like bad guys?I had this question for a real long timeI""ve been a bad boy and it""s plain to seeSo why do good girls fall in love with me?.Whoa ooh ooh.Guitar!.So why do good girls like bad guys?I had this question for a real long timeI""ve been a bad boy and it""s plain to seeSo why do good girls fall in love with me?.So why do good girls like bad guys?I had this question for a real long timeI""ve been a bad boy and it""s plain to seeSo why do good girls fall in love with me?.So why do good girls like bad guys?I wanna know, I need to know!So why do good girls like bad guys?So come on I gotta know, I need to know!So come on I gotta knowSo come on tell me!.
2023-07-24 07:34:401


  你喜欢看电影吗?在你喜欢的电影里面挑一部最喜欢的,写一篇 英语 作文 和大家分享一下吧。以下是我为大家整理的有关我最喜欢的一部电影英语作文,欢迎大家阅读。  我最喜欢的一部电影英语作文篇一   My favourite movie is Transformers 3. This film was made in America. It used a lot of high-techs and computer special effects.   I like it very much. This film has huge scenes and famous movie stars. Besides, it has good story, and it told me to respect anybody protects us.   This film asked us to be brave to fight the enemies and have the courage to live in the danger.   It also have a lot of robot troys I like. This is my favourite movie.   我最喜欢的一部电影英语作文篇二   My favorite movie is mr. & mrs. smith, which is played by julie and pitt. i appreciate the beauty, the dance with music, and the humorous and so on.   For first reason, julia and pit are both beauty guys, a good vision could get from the movie. it also is reported they two get married for this movie, which is may a real love feeling in it, including the sweet dancing time, having shopping together, and even fierce tussle between them. so, i watched it several times.   Secondly, i like the novel story which is told to me. from the romance loving to common marriage life, suddenly it is becoming an exciting killing life with the closet companion, finally find the best way to love and live together. it a good lesson to the couple tired of their marriage.   Thirdly, i am fond of the comic plot from the movie. just from the seeing doctor at the beginning and the ending, it would bring some fun. and i also like they are chatting at the car when they are pursued just behind them and have to deal with the problem survive and death the moment of truth. that moment, the dialogue between them is very cool and interesting, filling with fun.   Finally, i would like to say it is a worthwhile movie if you have time with your lover.   我最喜欢的一部电影英语作文篇三   My favorite cartoon film is "Kung Fu Panda".Because it"s very funny and interesting.The story was great and the background was beautiful, it really felt like an ancient Chinese city.   So many people like it.In this cartoon movie the character who I most like is the panda Arab League valuable.   Because it not only unusual lovable and annoys the human to like, moreover is this cartoon movie"s lead .   But I did not deny that other roles also very much annoy the affection, for example tigress (Angelina Jolie), viper (Lucy Liu), praying mantis (Seth Rogen), hoist crane (David cross) and monkey (Jackie Chan).   I from this cartoon movie middle school: Each people have the merit and the shortcoming, perhaps you only know your shortcoming, so long as but you look diligently, also will discover that oneself will have the merit.   我最喜欢的一部电影英语作文篇四   A Nice FilmThe day before yesterday,I saw a film named Ring King It is said the film has won the Oscar award.   Before filming,the director spent seven years planning.There are about one thousand actors and actresses taking part.   The film is about a powerful ring which affects the fate of the beings.In their fight for peace,many people lost their lives.But in the end,justice defeated the evil.   The film tells us that persistence and courage are the source of success.With persistence and courage,you are sure to win no matter how weak you are.   I enjoyed the film very much.It"sworth seeing although it"s very long.   我最喜欢的一部电影英语作文篇五   Everyone has seen a movie. What"s your favorite movie? My favorite movie is a comedy called "hands up".   During the Anti-Japanese War movie is about a few rural farmers with Japan, wit and will ultimately drive their story, the plot of the story is very lively, interesting, make people laugh from time to time. Remember there is a plot, there are many small Japan make a donkey camel across a bridge with a big box, box containing a Chinese farmers, small Japan put a bomb in the center of the bridge, when the donkey into the center of the bridge, stopped suddenly, and a bubble urine, will bomb out, Japan on the bridge side blank stare.   At another time, a Japanese guy accidentally drop down the river, a man pulls his pants, don"t let him fall, results show the red underwear, when he had to climb much red underwear but drew a cow, as a result, the hapless Japan was cattle chase to chase, appearance can be funny.   "Hands up" although there is no other Anti-Japanese War film that bloody scenes, but it"s funny and peaceful atmosphere, let a person look again can remember, no matter go where, as long as a mention it let people have a fresh feeling. Readers, have you seen it? Look at it without looking at it!   我最喜欢的一部电影英语作文篇六   Everyone has their favorite person, favorite thing, favorite book, favorite music. I"d like to introduce one of my favorite movies to you today. Want to know what movie is? Let me speak slowly to you!   What a great thing that a little spider can save a friend"s life! In fact, spider web is a miracle. Everyone can write. Everyone can read. Do you believe that spiders can write and read? The little pig, webber, had to be turned into a ham for help, and other animals were helpless. A spider named charlotte bravely stepped up to help. In order to help it out, the ordinary cobweb became a life-saving net in charlotte"s hands. Every word charlotte has woven on the spider"s web contains a sincere affection for her friend, which she has painstakingly woven. Finally, the pig webb escaped the disaster of being turned into bacon and ham. The animals applauded the pig, who won the contest.   The little spider, who works day and night, walks to the end of his life and quietly leaves us under the eaves. After seeing it, I couldn"t help but cry. That deep friendship, that precious emotion, that memorable scene, and the extraordinary feat of a spider sacrificing life to save a friend. Although the spider looks ordinary, but the heart is great! In reality, spiders catch pests and are beneficial. From the movie, it helps friends and has a mind.   Spiders look small, but they are not small in their hearts. Pig looks stupid, doesn"t know anything, but it also has a mind. Under the director"s choreographer, the spider became great and the pig became smart.
2023-07-24 07:34:491

求high school musical1和2的所有歌词

HIGH SCHOOL MUSICAL 2 CAST LYRICS What Time Is It? [Chorus:] What time is it? Summertime! It"s our vacation! What time is it? Party time! That"s right say it loud! What time is it? Time of our lives! Anticipation! What time is it? Summertime! School"s out scream and shout! [Troy:] Finally Summers is here, Good to be chilling out, I"m off the clock, The pressure"s off, And my girlfriend"s all about... [Gabriella:] Ready for some sunshine, I"m about to take a chance, I"m here to stay, Not moving, No way, Ready for a summer romance... [Troy & Gabriella:] Everybody ready going crazy are we right? Come on and let me here you say it now, Right NOW! [Chorus:] What time is it? Summertime! It"s our vacation! What time is it? Party time! That"s right say it loud! What time is it? Time of our lives! Anticipation! What time is it? Summertime! School"s out scream and shout! [Sharpay:] No rules, no summer school, I"m free to shop "till I drop, [Ryan:] An Education Vacation, [Sharpay:] And the party never has to stop, Got things to do, I"ll see you soon, [Ryan:] And we"re really gonna miss you all, [Sharpay:] Missing you and you, [Ryan:] and you and you, [Sharpay & Ryan:] Bye bye and see you next fall... [Sharpay & Ryan:] Everybody ready going crazy are we right? Come on and let me here you say it now, Right NOW! [Chorus:] What time is it? Summertime! It"s our vacation! What time is it? Party time! That"s right say it loud! What time is it? Time of our lives! Anticipation! What time is it? Summertime! School"s out scream and shout! [Troy & Gabriella:] No more waking up at 6 a.m. Now our time is all our own, Enough already we"re waiting c"mon lets go.. [Everyone:] We"re out of control!!! [Bridge:] School"s out, lets show it! Champions we know it! Wildcats! Are the best! Red, White and Gold! When it"s time to win we do it! Number 1, we proved it! Let"s say it loud! All together! That"s what the summer is all about! [Chorus:] Summer"s here! Summer time is finally here, Lets Celebrate! We want to hear you loud and clear now! School"s Out! We can sleep as late as we want to! It"s our time! Now we can do what ever we want to! Summer"s Here! It"s our time! Celebrate! Come on and say what you know! Summer"s Here! It"s our time! Celebrate! The time of our lives!
2023-07-24 07:35:061