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bring to mind & remind of 区别

2023-07-24 10:15:36

brings to mind 使...想起...的意思 整句话是这张照片使我想起小时候的快乐时光

remind me to 也是一样的意思 是某人想起... 唤起... 但是remind me to本身就有记忆的意思,后边再加一个memories就是重复,而且 remind me to 后边也不能直接加形容词


bring to mind是个很形象的表达.”想起..”

remind一般这么用remind sb of sth.

EG:Yellow flower of rape always remind me of my childhood in the countryside


remind of sth.有提醒的意思···

bring to mind更适合此处的句意


remind of 与 remind about 有何区别

前者remind somebody of sth是某人记起某事,后者没概念
2023-07-24 06:22:322

think of与 remind of 的差别

think of:记起,想起;考虑;想像;关心:想到 tremind of :提醒;使记起;使回想起;使想起;令……回忆 可以看出,前者是自己记起、想起,而后者是经别人提醒、.
2023-07-24 06:22:381


不一定。remind of加be就变成被动形式了,be reminded of。remind of不加be也可以,此时是主动形式。
2023-07-24 06:22:451

associate with 和 remind of 的区别

associate with 联想,把...联想在一起使联合,使结合 使有联系They associate turkey with Thanksgiving他们把火鸡和感恩节联系在一起。 remind of 使想起,提醒This story reminds me of my childhood.这个故事让我想起了我的童年。
2023-07-24 06:23:073


remind的用法和固定搭配如下:1、表示使某人想起某事或提醒某人某事,通常与介词 of 连用.如:We must remind you of your promise.我们必须提醒你答应过的事.有时可连用介词 about.如:If I forget,please remind me about it.我要是忘了,请提醒我.2、其后可接不定式的复合结构.如:Be sure to remind her to come back early.一定要提醒她早点回来.比较 remind sb to do sth 与 remind sb of doing sth:前者指提醒某人去做某事,其中的不定式所表示的动作尚未发生;后者指提醒某人(使某人想起)已经做过某事,其中的动名词表示动作已经发生。remind的例句:1、The cliffs, lapped by a crystal-clear sea, remind her of Capri.清澈的海水拍打着悬崖峭壁,令她想起了卡普里。2、Daytime television tended to remind her too forcefully of her own situation.日间电视节目往往使她深刻地认识到自身的境况。3、She resolved that, if Mimi forgot this promise, she would remind her.她决定,如果米米忘记了这个承诺,她就提醒她。
2023-07-24 06:23:181


2023-07-24 06:23:562


remind的三种用法如下:1.remind+sb.of/that…Remind作为及物动词,后跟名词或动词不定式,表示“提醒某人某事/做某事”。例如:-Can you remind me of the meeting time tomorrow?-He reminded me that I should finish the assignment before do sth.此时,remind后跟一个人称代词或名词,后面接不定式形式的动词,常常可以看作是上面的用法的被动句式,故也可写成 sb.的形式,例如:-Don"t forget to remind him to check his email when he gets home.-Let me remind you to call your mom on her birthday.3.remind+oneselfRemind可以是不及物动词,表示“提醒自己”或“使自己想起”,例如:-I need to remind myself to study for the final exams coming up.-She reminded herself that she needed to be more patient with her kids.remind这个词的使用非常灵活,可以用于正式或非正式的场合中。想要更加清晰地表达自己的意思,建议可以结合上下文,使用更为具体、准确的语言表达,避免歧义。
2023-07-24 06:24:361

remind …of…或made…think of两者都行吗?或者用法上有区别

think of:记起,想起;考虑;想像;关心:remind of :提醒;使记起;使回想起;使想起;令……回忆可以看出,前者是自己记起、想起,而后者是经别人提醒
2023-07-24 06:25:021


2023-07-24 06:25:102


of比with的用法复杂很多,也就是意思含义更多。这两句里of是表示后名称修饰前名词的意思。这两句语法上是可以用with的,不过不合适。with更多地表示纯粹或者客观的关系,表示附带、一起的意思;而of则侧重表达、修饰前名词的属性、特征、特质等等,有更靠近抽象内容的含义。of附带的后名词,与with相比,更具有不可分割性。如果一段话里,所有语法上可以用with代替的of的地方都换成with的话,句子会生涩,意思也不准确或者不正确,就好象一直使用“...和...”“带着...的”这样的表达。第一句最好翻译成:一座有着许多高楼大厦的现代城市,换成with就不合适,因为with牵引的两个名词在级别/范围上应该是一致或者相差不大的,如:a bonywithawhitestaronitsforehead..比较一下acitywithtallbuildings,可以发现使用with而不使用of有些怪怪的。当然,还得看实际的场景是什么,,假如你看着卫星地图,可以说:Have you noticed the city with many tall buildings?因为在这个场景中,可以把城市和高楼都简单地看成两个范围大概的客观物体。多使用,多体会就能找到差别了
2023-07-24 06:25:182

请问横线上为什么是think of 而不是remind of 呢?求详解!谢谢

think of 想到,考虑remind sb. of .... 令某人回想起;给某人提醒语境需要用think of 翻译:当我们想到纸的时候,我们会想到报纸,书籍,信件和书写用纸。
2023-07-24 06:25:261

remind何时加doing,何时加to do

remind sb of sth = 使某人想起某事 remind sb of doing sth = 提醒某人做过某事(暗示动作已发生)提醒某人做过某事 remind sb to do sth = 提醒某人去做某事(暗示动作尚未发生)请看两个例句:I"m too busy these days. Please remind me to attend the meeting on Friday. 这几天我很忙,请提醒我星期五去开会。I was going to see the film, but he reminded me of seeing it before. 我本来打来打算去看这部电影的,但是他提醒我说我以前看过。
2023-07-24 06:25:341

使……想起 用英语怎么说??

remind的用法:remind有使人想起或提醒某人的意思,短语搭配有以下几种:1、remind sb. of sth. 使......想起The song reminds me of the day when we first met.这首歌使我想起我们第一次见面的那天。2、remind sb. 提醒某人I must call mother tonight---will you remind me?今晚我得给妈妈打个电话---你能提醒我吗?3、remind sb. to do sth. 提醒某人做某事Remind me to call mother tonight,OK?记得提醒我今晚给妈妈打电话,好吗?4、remind sb. that+从句 使......想起The sight of the clock reminded me that I was late.看到钟使我想起自己已经迟到了。
2023-07-24 06:26:036


remind的用法如下:1.remind只用作及物动词,可接名词或代词作宾语,也可接双宾语。2.remind常和介词of连用。资料扩展:英语语法是针对英语语言进行研究后,系统地总结归纳出来的一系列语言规则。英语语法的精髓在于掌握语言的使用。英语补语(Complement)的作用对象是主语和宾语,具有鲜明的定语性描写或限制性功能,在句法上是不可或缺的,是起补充说明作用的成分。最常见的是宾语补足语。名词、动名词、形容词、副词、不定式、现在分词、过去分词都可以在句子中作补语。表语(predicative)是用来说明主语的身份、性质、品性、特征和状态的,表语常由名词、形容词、副词、介词短语、不定式、动词的-ing、从句来充当,它常位于系动词(be,become,appear,seem,look,sound,feel,get,smell等词)之后。如果句子的表语也是由一个句子充当的,那么这个充当表语的句子就叫做表语从句。同位语(appositive)是当两个指同一事物的句子成分放在同等位置时,一个句子成分可被用来说明或解释另一个句子成分,前者就叫做后者的同位语。这两个句子成分多由名词(代词)担任,同位语通常皆放在其说明的名词(代词)之后。同位语和补语的区别在于:补语不能缺少,同位语可以缺少。独立成分(independent element)是当一个词、短语或从句用在句子里面,与句子的其他成分只有意义上的联系而没有语法关系时,它就称为独立成分。常见的独立成份有呼吁、惊叹语、答语、插入语、介词短语、非谓语动词所构成的短语及形容词、副词所引起的词组等。
2023-07-24 06:26:361


您好亲!"Remind+sb+of+sb/sth"和"Make+sb+think+of+sb/sth"虽然意思有点相似,但在具体用法上有区别。“Remind+sb+of+sb/sth”意指“提醒某人起某人或某事”,其中,引起提醒的对象通常是已知、熟悉的。比如说: The sound of rain always reminds me of my childhood in the countryside.(雨声总是让我想起小时候在乡村的时光。) Seeing this photo reminds me of our trip to Paris last year.(看到这张照片让我想起了我们去年去巴黎的旅行。)“Make+sb+think+of+sb/sth”则表示“使某人想起某人或某事”,其中,引发联想的因素通常是某种刺激,比如某个画面、气味、声音等。比如说: The scent of lavender always makes me think of my grandmother"s garden.(薰衣草的香味总是让我想起我祖母的花园。) This old song always makes me think of my first love.(这首老歌总能让我想起我的初恋。)总之,“Remind+sb+of+sb/sth”和“Make+sb+think+of+sb/sth”虽然有一些相似之处,但在用法上仍然有所不同。希望能够帮到您,谢谢!
2023-07-24 06:27:071

remind of 造句

remind of 英[riu02c8maind u0254v] 美[ru026au02c8mau026and u028cv] [词典] 就…提醒(某人); 使(某人)想起…; 指出; [例句]I remind of you of smile, a sweet feeling.我想起你的笑,心里有一甜甜的感觉。
2023-07-24 06:27:271

remind of 与 remind about 有何区别?

remind of sbremind about sth
2023-07-24 06:27:365

think of与 remind of 的差别

意思本就差很多,意思如这位兄台所说,我说说用法。think of一般连用不拆开,主语+think of+sth.主语想起了sth(主动想起的)remind of有连用也有分开的,1)连在一起多用于被动句式,如I don"t want to be reminded of it.我不想被提及它2)分开的,It remind me of sth/doing sth 它让我想起(提醒)某物或做什么
2023-07-24 06:27:532

look back,think of,remind of的区别,例如,that made me______my childhood

应该填remind of; look back 指的是回首、回忆 think of 认为 remind of 想起来、回忆起
2023-07-24 06:28:011

remind的用法与remind sb of/ of sth有何区别?

前者是 使某人 想起 某事 主语人、物 皆可后者是 提醒某人某事 主语一般是人不过 我认为 没有什么区别二者的区别在于具体含义的不同1、 remind sb. of sth.意思:一是提醒某人某件事情,主语提醒的sth.是宾语sb.曾经做过的事情。remind sb (about/of sth)提醒;使想起to help sb remember sth, especially sth important that they must do例句:He doesn"t need a hero"s welcome to remind him of that moment a year ago.他并需要一个英雄般的欢迎,来告诉他一年前的那个时刻。I feel it is absolutely necessary for me to remind him of the meeting today.我觉得我提醒他今天有会是绝对必要的。I remind him of his promise.我提醒他许下的诺言。另外remind sb of sb/sth第二可以表达:使想起(类似的人、地方、事物等)This reminds me of Christmas parties.这让我想起圣诞聚会。In case I forget, please remind me of my promise.假如我忘记了,请提醒一下我的诺言。Now that you remind me of this matter, I have a vague impression of it.这事经你一提醒,我脑子里才有点儿影子。The cliffs, lapped by a crystal-clear sea, remind her of Capri.清澈的海水拍打着悬崖峭壁,令她想起了卡普里。Spend a year of plenty the way you spend a year of want and remindyourself of famine even when the barn is full.丰年要当歉年过,有粮常想无粮时。You remind me of your father when you say that.你说这样的话,使我想起了你的父亲。That smell reminds me of France.这股气味使我想起了法国。So she simply welcomed him and reminded him of the last time they had met.于是她只是对他表示欢迎,并且提醒说他们上次见过面。She reminds me of the wife of the pilot who used to work for you...她让我想到过去为你工作的飞行员的妻子。2、remind sb. to do sth.意思是提醒某人做某事,sth.还没发生,即宾语sb.还没做这件事,主语提醒宾语sb.去做这件事。三个结构:remind sb of [about] sth = 使某人想起某事remind sb of doing sth = 提醒某人做过某事(暗示动作已发生)remind sb to do sth = 提醒某人去做某事(暗示动作尚未发生)例句:You must remind him to take his medicine, in case he forgets.你要钉着他吃药,别让他忘了。The bus conductor forgot to remind himto get off at that station.公共汽车售票员忘记提醒他在那一站下车了。Please remind him to start earlier.请提醒他早点动身。Can you remind me to buy a bottle of Martini?...你能提醒我买一瓶马提尼酒吗?I reminded him of his promise. 我提醒他做过的诺言。My wife reminded me of seeing that film. 我妻子提醒我曾经看过那部电影。Can you remind me to phone her tomorrow? 你明天能否提醒我给她打电话?I"m too busy these days. Please remind me to attend the meeting on Friday. 这几天我很忙,请提醒我星期五去开会。I was going to see the film, but he reminded me of seeing it before. 我本来打来打算去看这部电影的,但是他提醒我说我以前看过。(此句也可说成I was going to see the film, but he reminded me that I had seen it before)
2023-07-24 06:28:161

remind...of...和bring back...memories... 的用法和含义 请各举一个例句加以说明 谢

remind of 提醒.thanks for reminding me of bring this to school bring back ...memories 把XX拉入回忆. the old buildings bring me back to the memories of yersterday
2023-07-24 06:28:371

remind sb of sth和remind sb about sth有什么区别

好像只有REMIND OF(提醒).... 哦,原来是这个啊...其实这不能说是REMIND OF 只能说是REMIND SB 后面的介词不应该和REMIND放在一起谈,关系不大,不应算在REMIND的词组里... 有区别... 当然有时候能互换,有时侯不能... 关于事时 REMIND SB ABOUT STH. =REMIND SB OF STH 如果关于人就不一样了... 一般是不用REMIND SB.OF SB.的.. 但可以REMIND SB.ABOUT SB. remind sb.of(doing)sth. 2.remind sb+that从句 3.remind do sth
2023-07-24 06:28:542


2023-07-24 06:29:131

remind加名词性从句要加of吗?比如remind me what should I do

2023-07-24 06:30:053

remind sb of还是remind sb of sth?

前者是 使某人 想起 某事 主语人、物 皆可后者是 提醒某人某事 主语一般是人不过 我认为 没有什么区别二者的区别在于具体含义的不同1、 remind sb. of sth.意思:一是提醒某人某件事情,主语提醒的sth.是宾语sb.曾经做过的事情。remind sb (about/of sth)提醒;使想起to help sb remember sth, especially sth important that they must do例句:He doesn"t need a hero"s welcome to remind him of that moment a year ago.他并需要一个英雄般的欢迎,来告诉他一年前的那个时刻。I feel it is absolutely necessary for me to remind him of the meeting today.我觉得我提醒他今天有会是绝对必要的。I remind him of his promise.我提醒他许下的诺言。另外remind sb of sb/sth第二可以表达:使想起(类似的人、地方、事物等)This reminds me of Christmas parties.这让我想起圣诞聚会。In case I forget, please remind me of my promise.假如我忘记了,请提醒一下我的诺言。Now that you remind me of this matter, I have a vague impression of it.这事经你一提醒,我脑子里才有点儿影子。The cliffs, lapped by a crystal-clear sea, remind her of Capri.清澈的海水拍打着悬崖峭壁,令她想起了卡普里。Spend a year of plenty the way you spend a year of want and remindyourself of famine even when the barn is full.丰年要当歉年过,有粮常想无粮时。You remind me of your father when you say that.你说这样的话,使我想起了你的父亲。That smell reminds me of France.这股气味使我想起了法国。So she simply welcomed him and reminded him of the last time they had met.于是她只是对他表示欢迎,并且提醒说他们上次见过面。She reminds me of the wife of the pilot who used to work for you...她让我想到过去为你工作的飞行员的妻子。2、remind sb. to do sth.意思是提醒某人做某事,sth.还没发生,即宾语sb.还没做这件事,主语提醒宾语sb.去做这件事。三个结构:remind sb of [about] sth = 使某人想起某事remind sb of doing sth = 提醒某人做过某事(暗示动作已发生)remind sb to do sth = 提醒某人去做某事(暗示动作尚未发生)例句:You must remind him to take his medicine, in case he forgets.你要钉着他吃药,别让他忘了。The bus conductor forgot to remind himto get off at that station.公共汽车售票员忘记提醒他在那一站下车了。Please remind him to start earlier.请提醒他早点动身。Can you remind me to buy a bottle of Martini?...你能提醒我买一瓶马提尼酒吗?I reminded him of his promise. 我提醒他做过的诺言。My wife reminded me of seeing that film. 我妻子提醒我曾经看过那部电影。Can you remind me to phone her tomorrow? 你明天能否提醒我给她打电话?I"m too busy these days. Please remind me to attend the meeting on Friday. 这几天我很忙,请提醒我星期五去开会。I was going to see the film, but he reminded me of seeing it before. 我本来打来打算去看这部电影的,但是他提醒我说我以前看过。(此句也可说成I was going to see the film, but he reminded me that I had seen it before)
2023-07-24 06:30:121

be reminded of 什么意思

2023-07-24 06:30:247


【 #英语资源# 导语】 remind有使想起;提醒等意思,那么你知道remind的用法吗?下面跟着 一起来学习一下,希望对大家的学习有所帮助! 【篇一】remind的用法   remind的用法1:remind的基本意思是指通过一定的媒介或激发而慢慢想起某事(做过或应做某事)。这事可以是全然忘却的,也可以是一时想不起来的; 这媒介则是引起人们回忆的外界人或事物。   remind的用法2:remind只用作及物动词,可接名词或代词作宾语,也可接双宾语,其直接宾语可由带或不带疑问词的动词不定式、that从句或以疑问词引导的从句充当。   remind的用法3:remind常和介词of连用,表示“提醒注意未来的事”或“使想起过去的事”的内容, of的宾语可以是名词、动名词,也可以是疑问词引导的从句。   remind的用法4:remind作“提醒”解时与remind about同义,其主语只能是人,作“使想起”解时主语通常是事物。   remind的用法5:remind sb of sth/ v -ing/wh-clause属双宾语结构, of引起的短语是直接宾语,可以把remind sb that/wh-clause中的从句看作是其前省略了介词of。   remind的用法6:可以把remind sb to- v 中的to- v 看作是直接宾语 【篇二】remind的常用短语   用作动词 (v.)   remind about (v.+prep.)   remind of (v.+prep.) 【篇三】remind的用法例句   1. Dietary experts can advise on the ins and outs of dieting.   饮食专家可以对日常饮食的方方面面提出建议。   2. Could you suggest someone to advise me how to do this?   这该怎么办?你能不能推荐一个人帮我出个主意?   3. A family doctor will be able to advise on suitable birth control.   家庭医生能够就合适的节育措施提出建议。   4. The centre has a remit to advise Asian businesses and entrepreneurs.   这个中心有为亚洲的企业和企业家提供建议的职能。   5. They advise against foreign delegates wandering unescorted in various parts of town.   他们建议外国代表在没人陪同时不要在城镇四处游逛。   6. He set up a three-man panel to advise him.   他成立了一个三人小组为他出谋划策。   7. Have you moved yet? Pls advise address, phone no.   你已经搬了吗?请告知地址和电话号码。   8. Some doctors advise setting aside a certain hour each day for worry.   一些医生建议每天留出一点时间来解决烦心事。   9. Herbert would surely advise her how to approach the bank.   赫伯特一定会就如何与银行接洽向她提供意见。   10. Please could you advise me what I should do?   能不能请您就我该做什么给点建议呢?   11. I would strongly advise against it.   我强烈建议反对此事。   12. I would strongly advise against going out on your own.   我要极力奉劝你别单独外出。   13. Doctors now advise only sparing use of such creams.   现在大夫建议,这种乳霜要慎用。   14. Experienced seamen will advise you about sailing in this weather.   有经验的海员会告诉你在这种天气下的航行情况.   15. He made it a useless attempt to advise her.   他认为试图劝她是无用的.
2023-07-24 06:30:491

remind sb of sth.还是remind sth of sth?

前者是 使某人 想起 某事 主语人、物 皆可后者是 提醒某人某事 主语一般是人不过 我认为 没有什么区别二者的区别在于具体含义的不同1、 remind sb. of sth.意思:一是提醒某人某件事情,主语提醒的sth.是宾语sb.曾经做过的事情。remind sb (about/of sth)提醒;使想起to help sb remember sth, especially sth important that they must do例句:He doesn"t need a hero"s welcome to remind him of that moment a year ago.他并需要一个英雄般的欢迎,来告诉他一年前的那个时刻。I feel it is absolutely necessary for me to remind him of the meeting today.我觉得我提醒他今天有会是绝对必要的。I remind him of his promise.我提醒他许下的诺言。另外remind sb of sb/sth第二可以表达:使想起(类似的人、地方、事物等)This reminds me of Christmas parties.这让我想起圣诞聚会。In case I forget, please remind me of my promise.假如我忘记了,请提醒一下我的诺言。Now that you remind me of this matter, I have a vague impression of it.这事经你一提醒,我脑子里才有点儿影子。The cliffs, lapped by a crystal-clear sea, remind her of Capri.清澈的海水拍打着悬崖峭壁,令她想起了卡普里。Spend a year of plenty the way you spend a year of want and remindyourself of famine even when the barn is full.丰年要当歉年过,有粮常想无粮时。You remind me of your father when you say that.你说这样的话,使我想起了你的父亲。That smell reminds me of France.这股气味使我想起了法国。So she simply welcomed him and reminded him of the last time they had met.于是她只是对他表示欢迎,并且提醒说他们上次见过面。She reminds me of the wife of the pilot who used to work for you...她让我想到过去为你工作的飞行员的妻子。2、remind sb. to do sth.意思是提醒某人做某事,sth.还没发生,即宾语sb.还没做这件事,主语提醒宾语sb.去做这件事。三个结构:remind sb of [about] sth = 使某人想起某事remind sb of doing sth = 提醒某人做过某事(暗示动作已发生)remind sb to do sth = 提醒某人去做某事(暗示动作尚未发生)例句:You must remind him to take his medicine, in case he forgets.你要钉着他吃药,别让他忘了。The bus conductor forgot to remind himto get off at that station.公共汽车售票员忘记提醒他在那一站下车了。Please remind him to start earlier.请提醒他早点动身。Can you remind me to buy a bottle of Martini?...你能提醒我买一瓶马提尼酒吗?I reminded him of his promise. 我提醒他做过的诺言。My wife reminded me of seeing that film. 我妻子提醒我曾经看过那部电影。Can you remind me to phone her tomorrow? 你明天能否提醒我给她打电话?I"m too busy these days. Please remind me to attend the meeting on Friday. 这几天我很忙,请提醒我星期五去开会。I was going to see the film, but he reminded me of seeing it before. 我本来打来打算去看这部电影的,但是他提醒我说我以前看过。(此句也可说成I was going to see the film, but he reminded me that I had seen it before)
2023-07-24 06:30:561


bring back, carry back, bring to mind
2023-07-24 06:31:121

remind sb of sth还是remind sb of sth?

前者是 使某人 想起 某事 主语人、物 皆可后者是 提醒某人某事 主语一般是人不过 我认为 没有什么区别二者的区别在于具体含义的不同1、 remind sb. of sth.意思:一是提醒某人某件事情,主语提醒的sth.是宾语sb.曾经做过的事情。remind sb (about/of sth)提醒;使想起to help sb remember sth, especially sth important that they must do例句:He doesn"t need a hero"s welcome to remind him of that moment a year ago.他并需要一个英雄般的欢迎,来告诉他一年前的那个时刻。I feel it is absolutely necessary for me to remind him of the meeting today.我觉得我提醒他今天有会是绝对必要的。I remind him of his promise.我提醒他许下的诺言。另外remind sb of sb/sth第二可以表达:使想起(类似的人、地方、事物等)This reminds me of Christmas parties.这让我想起圣诞聚会。In case I forget, please remind me of my promise.假如我忘记了,请提醒一下我的诺言。Now that you remind me of this matter, I have a vague impression of it.这事经你一提醒,我脑子里才有点儿影子。The cliffs, lapped by a crystal-clear sea, remind her of Capri.清澈的海水拍打着悬崖峭壁,令她想起了卡普里。Spend a year of plenty the way you spend a year of want and remindyourself of famine even when the barn is full.丰年要当歉年过,有粮常想无粮时。You remind me of your father when you say that.你说这样的话,使我想起了你的父亲。That smell reminds me of France.这股气味使我想起了法国。So she simply welcomed him and reminded him of the last time they had met.于是她只是对他表示欢迎,并且提醒说他们上次见过面。She reminds me of the wife of the pilot who used to work for you...她让我想到过去为你工作的飞行员的妻子。2、remind sb. to do sth.意思是提醒某人做某事,sth.还没发生,即宾语sb.还没做这件事,主语提醒宾语sb.去做这件事。三个结构:remind sb of [about] sth = 使某人想起某事remind sb of doing sth = 提醒某人做过某事(暗示动作已发生)remind sb to do sth = 提醒某人去做某事(暗示动作尚未发生)例句:You must remind him to take his medicine, in case he forgets.你要钉着他吃药,别让他忘了。The bus conductor forgot to remind himto get off at that station.公共汽车售票员忘记提醒他在那一站下车了。Please remind him to start earlier.请提醒他早点动身。Can you remind me to buy a bottle of Martini?...你能提醒我买一瓶马提尼酒吗?I reminded him of his promise. 我提醒他做过的诺言。My wife reminded me of seeing that film. 我妻子提醒我曾经看过那部电影。Can you remind me to phone her tomorrow? 你明天能否提醒我给她打电话?I"m too busy these days. Please remind me to attend the meeting on Friday. 这几天我很忙,请提醒我星期五去开会。I was going to see the film, but he reminded me of seeing it before. 我本来打来打算去看这部电影的,但是他提醒我说我以前看过。(此句也可说成I was going to see the film, but he reminded me that I had seen it before)
2023-07-24 06:31:191


前者是 使某人 想起 某事 主语人、物 皆可后者是 提醒某人某事 主语一般是人不过 我认为 没有什么区别二者的区别在于具体含义的不同1、 remind sb. of sth.意思:一是提醒某人某件事情,主语提醒的sth.是宾语sb.曾经做过的事情。remind sb (about/of sth)提醒;使想起to help sb remember sth, especially sth important that they must do例句:He doesn"t need a hero"s welcome to remind him of that moment a year ago.他并需要一个英雄般的欢迎,来告诉他一年前的那个时刻。I feel it is absolutely necessary for me to remind him of the meeting today.我觉得我提醒他今天有会是绝对必要的。I remind him of his promise.我提醒他许下的诺言。另外remind sb of sb/sth第二可以表达:使想起(类似的人、地方、事物等)This reminds me of Christmas parties.这让我想起圣诞聚会。In case I forget, please remind me of my promise.假如我忘记了,请提醒一下我的诺言。Now that you remind me of this matter, I have a vague impression of it.这事经你一提醒,我脑子里才有点儿影子。The cliffs, lapped by a crystal-clear sea, remind her of Capri.清澈的海水拍打着悬崖峭壁,令她想起了卡普里。Spend a year of plenty the way you spend a year of want and remindyourself of famine even when the barn is full.丰年要当歉年过,有粮常想无粮时。You remind me of your father when you say that.你说这样的话,使我想起了你的父亲。That smell reminds me of France.这股气味使我想起了法国。So she simply welcomed him and reminded him of the last time they had met.于是她只是对他表示欢迎,并且提醒说他们上次见过面。She reminds me of the wife of the pilot who used to work for you...她让我想到过去为你工作的飞行员的妻子。2、remind sb. to do sth.意思是提醒某人做某事,sth.还没发生,即宾语sb.还没做这件事,主语提醒宾语sb.去做这件事。三个结构:remind sb of [about] sth = 使某人想起某事remind sb of doing sth = 提醒某人做过某事(暗示动作已发生)remind sb to do sth = 提醒某人去做某事(暗示动作尚未发生)例句:You must remind him to take his medicine, in case he forgets.你要钉着他吃药,别让他忘了。The bus conductor forgot to remind himto get off at that station.公共汽车售票员忘记提醒他在那一站下车了。Please remind him to start earlier.请提醒他早点动身。Can you remind me to buy a bottle of Martini?...你能提醒我买一瓶马提尼酒吗?I reminded him of his promise. 我提醒他做过的诺言。My wife reminded me of seeing that film. 我妻子提醒我曾经看过那部电影。Can you remind me to phone her tomorrow? 你明天能否提醒我给她打电话?I"m too busy these days. Please remind me to attend the meeting on Friday. 这几天我很忙,请提醒我星期五去开会。I was going to see the film, but he reminded me of seeing it before. 我本来打来打算去看这部电影的,但是他提醒我说我以前看过。(此句也可说成I was going to see the film, but he reminded me that I had seen it before)
2023-07-24 06:31:271


不一定,词组有词组的意思。remind本身就是及物动词,可以直接跟宾语。remind sb. of sth.使某人想起某事,也有提醒的意思。remind本身是提醒的意思,可用remind sb.的表达
2023-07-24 06:31:351

与of搭配的短语 动词短语 例如 remind..of rob ..of 给我多举例 要意思 。。。最好有例句

give sb. own an account of 说明,解释理由on account of 由于,因为because of 由于,因为accuse ...of ....指控admit of 有...的可能be capable of 有...的可能have the advantage of ..由于....处于有利条件take advantage of. 利用make the best advantage of..利用make use of ..利用be ashamed of ..以...为羞耻approve of ...批准
2023-07-24 06:31:581

remind of me和remind me of是不是都可以

只见过remind me of 很高兴为你解答!老师祝你学习进步!请及时采纳哦!多谢你的问题!^_^
2023-07-24 06:32:082

和remind sb of用法相同的单词

rob/rid sb of sth 抢了某人inform sb of sth 通知某人cure sb of sth 治愈某人warn sb of sth 警告某人convince sb of sth 使某人相信suspect sb of sth 怀疑某人
2023-07-24 06:32:291

remind sb of +从句 与remnd sb+从句的区别

我英语六级,给你讲一下remind sb. of (doing) sth.使某人想起(做)某事remind sb+that从句 提醒某人... 使某人想起...remind sb. to do sth. 提醒某人做某事
2023-07-24 06:32:413

remind sb of 与reminf sb about有什么区别啊

remind sb of 使某人想起了某事——It reminds me of that time它让我想起了那段日子.remind sb about关于某事提醒某人——He reminds me about the meeting held this afternoon.他提醒我(别忘了)下午的会议....
2023-07-24 06:32:491

remind sb of sth 和remind sb about sth有什么区别吗?第一题。

2023-07-24 06:33:131

remind A of B. 这是: 介词动词__及物动词+介词 使 A 想起 B.

及物动词+介词 使 A 想起 B. of sb作宾补
2023-07-24 06:33:381


2023-07-24 06:24:331

range rover和land rover区别是什么

Land Rover是英国越野车品牌,世界上生产四驱车的公司,属于印度的 塔塔 集团。而Range Rover是其旗下的一个产品系列,中文翻译为 揽胜 。路虎 公司以四驱车而举世闻名:自创始以来就始终致力于为其驾驶者提供不断完善的四驱车驾驶体验。在四驱车领域中,路虎公司不仅拥有先进的核心技术,而且充满了对四驱车的热情:他是举世公认的权威四驱车革新者。 尽管路虎在不断改进产品,但它始终秉承其优良传统就是将公司价值与精益设计完美的结合。1948年战后,第一款路虎诞生于英国。这是一款简单、新颖的铝制工作车。这是由英国Rover汽车公司的Spencer和Maurice Wilks兄弟制造出的一款新车型,完美实现了简单实用性与稳定性的结合。 这款车很快取得了巨大成功,到20 世纪 ( 查成交价 | 车型详解 )50年代中期,路虎的名字已成为耐用性和出色越野性能的代名词。无论是军方、从事农业的客户,还是要求苛刻的急救服务行业,都赞叹于路虎的完美品质。当时英国首相温思顿丘吉尔驾驶的就是路虎。(图/文/摄: 陈杰2) @2019
2023-07-24 06:24:351


在主菜单选择【OPTIONS】→第七个选项【CONFIGURE CONTROLS】之后出来的分别是是玩家1,玩家2,玩家3,玩家4的键盘按键设置→【UP】是上【DOWN】是下【LEFT】是左【RIGHT】是右【JUMP】是跳跃和上梯子【FIRE】是攻击【SPECIAL】手雷(技能)【HIGH FIVE/MELEE/USE】小刀(近战键)和使用工具【GESTURE】秀肌肉全部设置好了之后,进入游戏按攻击键加入玩家
2023-07-24 06:24:372


2023-07-24 06:24:401


枪的 扳机
2023-07-24 06:24:413


2023-07-24 06:24:413

路虎为什么有时标志是land rover 有时是range rover

2023-07-24 06:24:281


特种部队装备的背心资料,包括Black Hawk,Eagle,SOE,L.B.T.,Safariland等等 众所周知的,特种部队与普通的步兵有蛮多不同之处的,例如,从潜入方式来讲,空中和水路是特种部队运用得比较多的进入目标区域的方式;从人数上来讲,特种部队的参战人数明显比普通步兵队伍要少很多。正是由于这些种种不同,导致了特种部队对其使用的装备的要求要比普通士兵的高很多。别的不说,特种部队的训练强度同样会对他们装备的耐用性提出超高的要求。 我们本文讲的是战术背心,就以战术背心来讲,市面上装备特种部队用的背心为什么那么贵?动辄4千,5千的,除了它技术先进设计合理以外,其对制造材料所要求耐用性同样提高了成本。 美军大量使用专门为特种战斗设计的背心是80年代中后期的事情了。在冷战时期,核威慑令到特种部队甚至步兵都没有太大的用武之地,当时的特种部队不受重视,部队被缩编,预算被裁减,专用的战术携具哪有市场?冷战结束后就不一样了,南美、中东、非洲等地区低烈度冲突,禁毒战斗,国内动乱以及恐怖活动越来越多,加上大型战争中的远程武装侦察或敌后武装骚扰都要依靠一小队精英的特种部队来完成。特种作战在美军的战略战术中占有越来越重要的地位,相应地,专用装备有如雨后春笋一样遍地开花了。 其实在越战时期,参战的美军特种部队已经开始使用比较个性化的携具的,但是没有真正意义上为特种战斗设计的携具,多是特种部队的士兵根据自己的经验自己动手在单兵携具的基础上改造而已,改动比较多的是弹夹包那种东西。 慢慢地,一些退役的特种部队士兵开始根据当年自己在战场上的经验来设计战术背心了,例如根据自己使用武器的经验,考虑携弹量的实际情况来决定背心上有多少弹夹袋合适。又例如备用弹匣或手雷放在什么位置在战斗中才能更容易,更快速拿到。至于其他要考虑的问题还有医疗包放在什么地方,水壶放在哪,是否应该在背心上加浮力板。大家可以看到以下介绍的背心都充分考虑了这些因素。而且哦,这些背心的设计在满足通用性的同时还有能根据不同任务做出方便的变动的性能。 现在的装备的趋势已经是完全模块化的了,能与普通士兵的装备很好地组合起来。其实对于一个特种部队的战士来说,选择自己使用的背心的唯一标准就是它是否满足实际战术的要求。 以下我会介绍一些很好的战术背心给大家看,目的是建立一个比较齐全的中文资料库,对大家鉴赏军品提供一些小小的帮助吧。 Eagle IndustryEAGLE TAC-V1N EAGLE TAC-V10SF EAGLE MODULER VEST LBV/M EAGLE SF CHEST PORCH 30 SF AK EAGLE HARRIS ASSAULT VEST HARISUASARUTO Black Hawk IndustryBLACK HAWK D.O.A.V.SYSTEM/CAMO丛林迷彩BLACK HAWK D.O.A.V.SYSTEM/TAN沙漠色BLACK HAWK URBAN ASSAULT VEST BLACK HAWK CHEST HARNESS BLACK HAWK OMEGA V1 VEST LONDON BRIDGE TRADINLBT VEST 1195A Floating harness LBT VEST 1195J LBT VEST 1195J LBT VEST 1195K LBT VEST 1635带浮力板模块化设计LBT VEST 1635带浮力板模块化设计LBT VEST 0292肚兜设计LBT VEST 1879B带浮力板模块化设计LBT VEST 1485榴弹手携具LBT VEST 1732C SPECIAL OPERATION EQUIPMENTS.O.E.LAND WARFARE VEST/RIFLE MAN地面作战背心S.O.E. LAND WARFARE VEST/GRENADER地面作战背心S.O.E. PATROL VEST/GRENADER巡逻背心S.O.E.PATROL VEST/RIFLEMAN巡逻背心S.O.E.FORCE VEST/RIFLEMAN战斗背心S.O.E.SUREFIRE VEST/RIFLEMAN SPECIAL OPERATION TECHNOLOGEYSO TECH ASSAULT VEST SO TECH PATROL VEST巡逻背心SPECIALITY DEFENCE SYSTEMSDS MOLLE I SYSTEM SDS MOLLE II SYSTEM SDS RANGER RACK SDS MACK VEST ABA/H&S/OTHERSSAFARILAND SPEAR ELCS ABA MODULER VEST H&S TAC III VEST H&S LBV VEST U.S.MILITARYU.S.GRENADECARRIER榴弹手背心SEAL CASTOM VEST/RIFLEMAN海豹部队定制步兵战术背心SEAL CASTOM VEST/GRENADER海豹部队定制榴弹背心CMU-30/P SURVIVAL VESTCMU30/P生存背心IIFS ITLBV1st IIFS ITLBV 2nd TYPE 56/AK CHEST
2023-07-24 06:24:271


2023-07-24 06:24:252


合格的X光安检机需要具备哪些条件呢?安检X光机的安全分为两部份,一是X光安检机的自身安全,由于安检机的成像是由X光射线源而产生的。即然有X光就会有辐射,那么什么样的安检X光机才是安全的安检X光机呢?什么样的安检机才能保证安检人员的人生安全?首先小编给大家讲讲X光安检机的组成。安检机硬件部分包括:(1) X射线发生控制器(2) X射线探测器(3) 数据采集装置(4) 机械装置(5) 工业控制计算机及显示装置 图片中X光射线源发生器在距操作人员很近的情况下要保证辐射降到最低首先要看安检厂家选择的射线源品牌是否达到国标,在采用美国SPELLMAN射线源以及在机器侧面距离安检机机器表面5cm至10cm处,工作人员用手持仪器检测得到的数据是0.1μSv/h至0.2μSv/h,而人体做胸透的辐射量一次大约1.1mSv,头颅CT 2mSv , 胸部CT 8mSv, 腹部CT10mSv 骨盆CT 10mSv,安检机的辐射值与自然环境中测得的数值差不多,也就是说在选用国标的X光射线源的机器侧面基本不存在辐射泄漏。 其次,X光安检机必具备排查所有可疑危险物品的功能。要具备这样的功能首先要看安检机的采集卡是否能采集出高清的图像,这样才能让安检人员快速认别到危险品。X射线数据采集系统是一种用于双能 X 射线成像领域的多通道数据采集系统,包括探测器模拟信号采 集板(以下简称模拟板,左下图)和数字处理板(以下简称数字板,右下图)。每块模拟板 有 128个探测器通道,可用来匹配 1.6mm 像素间距的探测器。每块数字板最多可带 32 块模 拟板,每套安检机 系统最多可带 3 块数字板,支持高达 12288 个探测器通道1的数据采集。以上就是X光安检机的硬件设备的详细介绍了,通过阅读上文您可以对X光安检机有个详细的了解。
2023-07-24 06:24:211


trigger的意思:触发。trigger(触发器)是个特殊的存储过程,它的执行不是由程序调用,也不是手工启动,而是由个事件来触发,比如当对一个表进行操作( insert,delete,update)时就会激活它执行。触发器经常用于加强数据的完整性约束和业务规则等。 触发器可以从DBA_TRIGGERS ,USER_TRIGGERS数据字典中查到。触发,汉语词汇。拼音:chù fā 释义:指因触动而激发起某种反应。语出《隋书·音乐志上》:“萌生触发,岁在春。《咸池》始奏,德尚仁。”指触动引发。《隋书·音乐志上》:“萌生触发,岁在春。《咸池》始奏,德尚仁”。宋罗大经《鹤林玉露》卷十五:“大抵登山临水,足以触发道机,开豁心志,为益不少。”《二十年目睹之怪现状》第九回:“这回我过上海时,偶然看见一件奇事,如今触发着了,我才记起来”。鲁迅《南腔北调集·真假堂吉诃德》:“无论念几千万遍‘不仁不义"或者《金光明咒》,也不会触发日本地震,使它陆沉大海。” 《花城》1981年第1期:“事隔七年,无人问津的疑案被这个惹事生非的任性的姑娘姜子婴触发了”。
2023-07-24 06:24:211