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2023-07-24 10:07:42
TAG: 英语

乱七八糟: [ luàn qī bā zāo ]

1. be in a muddle or a mess


1. 他屋里有一堆乱七八糟的衣服。

There is a disorderly heap of clothes in his room.

2. 一连串的意外事件把店里弄得乱七八糟。

A series of accidents disordered the shop.

3. 教室被弄得乱七八糟。

The classroom was turned upside-down.

4. 家里现在乱七八糟。

Everything is at sixes and sevens in the house.

5. 房间里乱七八糟。

The room is in dreadful disorder



in a clutter


at sixes and sevens


a regular bedlam


a glorious messmuddle, row ]


a glorious mess [ muddle, row ]



in a dreadful mess.

例句: 你的房间怎么乱七八糟的!

C"mon, your room is in a dreadful mess!!


at sixes and sevens






What a zool!



at sixes and sevens



in a mess。根据查询爱扬教育网可知,是in a mess;in a mess为介词短语;表示一团糟的意思。mess:既可以作名词,也可以做动词。
2023-07-24 05:47:381


In a mess是固定搭配,他的意思是肮脏,脏乱的,当某个人的房间很久没有收拾了,我们可以说他的房间in a mess
2023-07-24 05:47:521

in the mess / in mess 什么意思

2023-07-24 05:48:022

make a mess,in mess,in a mess,in the mess区别

2023-07-24 05:48:101

in a mess是什么意思?

2023-07-24 05:48:201

in 后加名词表示副词的有哪些单词

in silence安静地in caution谨慎地in mess凌乱地in horror恐怖地.等等
2023-07-24 05:48:392

in a mess是什么意思?

2023-07-24 05:49:005

in a mess 和mess的区别

in a mess 英[in u0259 mes]美[u026an e mu025bs][词典] 乱糟糟; 零乱,肮脏,陷于窘境; 凌乱无序;[网络] 乱七八糟的; 混乱; 乱七八糟;[例句]This room"s in a mess.这个房间杂乱不堪。mess 英[mes]美[mu025bs]n. 混乱; 困境; 食堂; 肮脏;vt. 弄脏; 搞砸; 给…供膳;vi. 把事情弄糟; 制造脏乱;[网络] 糟糕; 脏乱; 一团糟;[例句]The house is a mess.屋里一片狼藉。[其他] 第三人称单数:messes 复数:messes 现在分词:messing 过去式:messed 过去分词:messed
2023-07-24 05:49:171

in a mess 和mess的区别

in a mess 英[in u0259 mes]美[u026an e mu025bs][词典] 乱糟糟; 零乱,肮脏,陷于窘境; 凌乱无序;[网络] 乱七八糟的; 混乱; 乱七八糟;[例句]This room"s in a mess.这个房间杂乱不堪。mess 英[mes]美[mu025bs]n. 混乱; 困境; 食堂; 肮脏;vt. 弄脏; 搞砸; 给…供膳;vi. 把事情弄糟; 制造脏乱;[网络] 糟糕; 脏乱; 一团糟;[例句]The house is a mess.屋里一片狼藉。[其他] 第三人称单数:messes 复数:messes 现在分词:messing 过去式:messed 过去分词:messed
2023-07-24 05:49:361

your bedroom is a mess是in a mess还是is a mess?

a mess是不整洁的人,肮脏的人的意思这里应该用in a mess
2023-07-24 05:50:062

Bob likes to make his room in a mess,此句中的in a mess是什么意思,make +sb/sth +形容词,in a mess是

in a mess 是零乱,肮脏,陷于窘境;乱糟糟;凌乱无序的意思,是介词短语,在这里做句子的状语部分,make +sb./sth.+形容词,意思是“使。。。怎么样”,“让。。。怎么样”
2023-07-24 05:50:233

in order in a mess 都是什么意思?

in order是有序的,井然有序的,后面接that从句或者to的时候也有为了的意思。in a mess是混乱的,凌乱的。和in order是反义词
2023-07-24 05:50:323


mess在不同的释义下单复数情况也不同. 最常用的是{混乱}这个解释,平时可以看到in a mess / in a dreadful mess这类词组,但解释为混乱时除了以上特殊用法它并不是可数名词.
2023-07-24 05:50:391

be a mess和 be in a mess 用法上的区别

2023-07-24 05:50:461

your bedroom is a mess是in a mess还是is a mess

in a mess
2023-07-24 05:50:544

In math还是in a mess

2023-07-24 05:51:011


in a messy condition
2023-07-24 05:51:094


可数名词 n.[C] 混乱,脏乱 many things, all in the wrong place,untidy and dirty · After the party there was a terrible mess in the room. 聚会完了,房间里乱得一塌糊涂。 · Look what a mess you have made of your dress playing in that dirt. 看你在脏地方玩把衣服弄得那么脏。 · be in a mess 处于混乱之中 · clean (=sweep) up the mess 清除脏物 · entangle in (=get into) a mess 陷入困境 及物动词 vt. 弄脏,弄乱 make a mess of,make dirty · Don"t mess the books. 不要弄乱了书。 不及物动词 vi. 弄脏,弄乱,弄糟 make a mess of; put into disorder or confusion · Late arrival of the train messed up all our plans. 火车误点,把我们的计划的全弄糟了。 · mess about (around) 浪费时间,瞎弄,闲逛 · I have messed about all day, and the result is nothing. 我整天瞎忙,却毫无结果。 · You"ll never finish this job if you mess about. 你这么瞎弄,这件事永远也完不了。 · Stop messing about! 别瞎忙了。 · mess something up 搞乱,弄糟 · The pilots"strike messed up our holiday. 飞行员的罢工打乱了我们的假日活动。 相关短语 in a mess: (1) 不整齐(2) 在困境中 make a mess of sth.: 搞得一团糟
2023-07-24 05:51:313

make a mess /be in the mess区别

make a mess [简明英汉词典][口]拉屎, 大便(尤指婴儿, 动物)/be in the mess一团糟
2023-07-24 05:51:404


in加名词相当于副词: in silence安静地.沉默着; in caution谨慎地; in mess)凌乱地; in horror恐怖地;in加名词构成介词短语。介词是一种用来表示词与词,词与句之间的关系的词。介词和其他代词或名词搭配形成介词短语。在句中不能单独作句子成分。介词后面一般有名词代词或相当于名词的其他词类,短语或从句作它的宾语。in silence例句:She sat in silence enjoying the ebb and flow of conversation.她默默地坐在那儿,饶有兴致地听着时高时低的.谈话声。We sat there in silence, numbed by the shock of her death.我们默默地坐在那里发愣,因为她的死使我们感到震惊。in的固定搭配:1、in brief 简言之如:In brief , it has been an exciting day(总之,这一天过得很带劲)2、in common 共有的如:The two sisters have a bike (这俩姐妹共用一辆自行车)。in surprise;in difficulty;in fear 表方位 in front of 表时间 in the afternoon拓展资料:in的用法一、表示时间,意为“在时期, 在之后, 在过程中”1、in表示年、月、季节、世纪、时代等in the eighties(在八十年代),in spring(在春季)2、介词in + 一段时间,一般用于一般将来时。I"ll come back in five minutes。我5分钟后就回来(以现在时间为起点,表示从现在起多久以后)二、表地点、位置、范围、空间,意为“在里面; 在, 于; 在部位上”1、In表示地点时,后面一般接大地点,如in London,in Beijing2、in 表示空间位置时,表示“在范围之内”。 The ball is in the box。 球在盒子里三、表示状态、情况。意为”处于情况,在之中”如in high spirits(兴高采烈)in debt债务重重四、表示手段,方法,材料,意为“以(方式),用(语言),用。。。材料”如:They paid in cash。他们用现金支付五、表示服饰等,“穿;戴,带着”,要用介词in如:The policeman is in uniform。警察穿着制服。六、表示“在(环境)下”,也需用介词inWe walked in the rain。我们冒雨行走
2023-07-24 05:51:461

in a mass什么意思

2023-07-24 05:52:164


2023-07-24 05:52:335


  mess表混乱; 食堂; 肮脏; 困境的意思,那么你知道mess的短语有哪些吗?接下来我为大家整理mess的短语搭配,希望对你有帮助哦!   mess的短语:   mess around 【非正式用语】   1. 虚度光阴   2. 随便交往或厮混   喜欢休息日与朋友们厮混   liked to mess around with pals on days off.   mess up   1. 【非正式用语】 犯错误,尤指因紧张或混乱而致   慌慌张张把球掉了   messed up and dropped the ball.   2. &I{【俚语】} 狠揍;粗暴地对待   在吵闹中打斗起来   got messed up in a brawl.   mess with someone"s head   1. (美,非正式)使泄气;使担忧;使苦恼   mess about/around   1. 胡闹,瞎闹   mess about/around with   1. 干预,干涉   部长插手了卫生工作,看看我们如今的状况。   the minister messed around with health, and look at the state we are in.   mess someone about/around   1. (英,非正式)给u2026制造麻烦   mess someone up   1. (非正式)使情绪(或心理)不安   我不开心,情绪极差。   I was unhappy and really messed up.   mess something up   1. (非正式)把(事情)弄糟   那样的错误会使一整天工作轻易付诸东流。   an error like that could easily mess up an entire day"s work.   mess with   1. (非正式)干涉;干预   别再管你不懂的事了。   stop messing with things you don"t understand.   同义词辨析:   confusion, disorder, disturbance, mess, chaos   这些名词均表示事物的"混乱"状态。   confusion : 指东西搅混在一起,凌乱得难以辨认;也可指思想混乱,以致无法进行正常的思维活动。   disorder : 正式用词,含义广泛。指事物因失去原有的秩序而造成混乱;也可指社会中的动乱或骚乱。   disturbance : 主要指社会中政治性的动乱、骚乱;也可指个人或少数人的闹事。   mess : 语气强,口语中较常用的非正式用词。指既混乱又肮脏,尤指人思想混乱或外表不整洁。   chaos : 着重指令人无能为力或感到绝望的混乱状态。突出没有很好的组织。   mess的短语例句:   1. England"s European Championship plans are in a right mess.   英格兰队的欧洲锦标赛作战计划乱七八糟。   2. A waiter mopped up the mess as best he could.   一名侍者尽力抹掉溅出的食物。   3. Except for the remarkably tidy kitchen, the place was a mess.   除了厨房特别干净外,这地方一片狼藉。   4. The wrong shampoo can leave curly hair in a tangled mess.   不合适的洗发水会使卷发纠结成乱糟糟的一团。   5. I have to get to the bottom of this mess.   我必须查清造成这一混乱局面的真正原因。   6. The car was left a mess of twisted metal.   车子成了一堆扭曲的金属。   7. Cars are driven through the mess, splashing everyone in range.   车从脏水里驶过,溅了周围所有人一身水。   8. He keeps forgetting the words and the song is a sprawling mess.   他老是忘词,歌被唱得乱七八糟。   9. The mess was directly attributable to a corrupt and incompetent official.   某个腐败无能的官员是导致这一烂摊子的罪魁祸首。   10. The house is in a mess after a wild party.   狂欢聚会后,屋里一片狼藉。   11. Finally, making a dreadful mess, they devour the fruit.   最后,他们狼吞虎咽地吃起了水果,果汁滴得到处都是。   12. She"d got herself into a mess, of that he was certain.   他肯定她已经让自己陷入了困境。   13. The truth is, I"m in one heck of a mess.   事实上我麻烦大了。   14. That seems like a horrible mess that will drag on for years.   看起来那像是个会拖延多年的大烂摊子。   15. He hurried to the Mess to find the control officer.   他匆忙赶到餐厅去找指挥官。
2023-07-24 05:53:061

my room is in a mess

need的短语有need to do sth和need doing sth.当语态为主动语态时,用前者,语态为被动语态时用后者.如题,我的房间很乱,需要收拾一下.是房间需要被收拾,因为房间不能自己收拾自己.所以语态为被动语态.故应该选B
2023-07-24 05:53:191

in a terrible mess是什么意思

2023-07-24 05:53:294

when reaching home we found it was in a mess 为什么这里的reach要加ing?

When reaching home, we found it was in a mess. 当我们回到家的时候,我们发现它是一团乱。= When we reached home, we found it was in a mess. reaching……是非谓语动词,是动词-ing短语,作时间状语,可以替换成时间状语从句。
2023-07-24 05:53:371

he found the neighborhood in a mess句子的成分?

he 主语found 谓语the neighborhood 宾语in a mess宾补
2023-07-24 05:53:455


可以转换成His things are messy.
2023-07-24 05:54:005

看《peppa pig》学语法:s101

《muddy puddles》Alright, run along you two:可以啊,你们两个快去吧。run along: 1. 走开 2. 延伸,贯穿I must check if it"s safe for you:我必须确认它对你来说是否安全 If it"s safe for you 是作为谓语check的宾语从句。 这里要注意: 只有宾语从句才可以用 if 引导。 Guess what we"ve been doing:猜猜我们刚才在做什么? guess 放置句首,是口语表达形式。have been doing是现在完成进行时:表示一直在做,表示动作从过去某一时间开始,一直持续到现在,也可也表示某种经历。在这里表示peppa 和 geroge刚才一直在玩。goodness me: 天哪。 为一种口语表达方式,And look at the mess you"re in:看看你们有多脏。mess:杂乱,脏乱;脏东西;不整洁 in a mess:又脏又乱在这里,you"re in 为宾语mess的补足语。 ———————————————————
2023-07-24 05:54:141

make a mess,in mess,in a mess,in the mess区别

make强调制造,in强调在在这个状态,一般只有make a mess和in a mess的用法in the mess (英国字典用来说美国经济混乱,美国字典用来说欧洲经济混乱)
2023-07-24 05:54:342

in a mess是什么意思?

零乱,肮脏,陷于窘境; 乱糟糟; 凌乱无序例如:The room was in a mess . 这个房间杂乱不堪。Your books and magazines are almost in a mess; go and put them in order. 你的书和杂志简直是乱七八糟, 去把它们整理一下.
2023-07-24 05:54:441

in a mess 是什么意思

in a mess[英][in u0259 mes][美][u026an e mu025bs]零乱,肮脏,陷于窘境; 乱糟糟; 凌乱无序; 例句:1.All this leaves mr obama"s policy in a mess. 所有的这一切把奥巴马先生的政策弄得一团糟。2.So it is sad to report that the american right is in a mess: fratricidal, increasinglyextreme on many issues and woefully short of ideas, let alone solutions. 因此报告说美国人的右派处于一片乱七八糟的境地中:内斗、很多问题变得越来越极端、令人遗憾地缺乏主见,更不用提解决问题的办法了。
2023-07-24 05:55:041

be in mess是什么意思

be in a mess乱七八糟, 处境狼狈in mess一般没有这种用法,能否给个整句?
2023-07-24 05:55:221

make a mess,in mess,in a mess,in the mess区别

make强调制造,in强调在在这个状态,一般只有make a mess和in a mess的用法in the mess (英国字典用来说美国经济混乱,美国字典用来说欧洲经济混乱)
2023-07-24 05:55:311

in a mess 和a mess有什么区别

in a mess 意思是:一团糟,是个介词短语a mess 只是一个名词,在使用时一般要加 be 动词.例如:He left the room in a mess .他任凭房间乱七八糟.What a mess you are in!你真是狼狈不堪!His business affairs are in...
2023-07-24 05:55:381

in a mess 是什么意思

2023-07-24 05:55:572

“in a mess”和“mess”有什么区别?

2023-07-24 05:56:151

in a mess 和a mess有什么区别

不知道 呵呵呵呵呵呵呵呵呵
2023-07-24 05:57:122

短语in a mess对吗?at mess 呢

就是in a mess,没有at mess这种讲法
2023-07-24 05:57:181

be a mess和be in a mess有什么区别?

be a mess 中的mess 主要指 脏,不整洁等,常指具体的,看的见的杂乱状态. be in a mess 中的 mess 除了上面之外,还可以指抽象的杂乱状态,比如生活杂乱无章. 用法上 通常可以互换.
2023-07-24 05:57:271


mess用作动词 (v.):mess about (v.+adv.)例:胡闹; 弄乱 spend time lazily; cause disorder to sthmess aboutStop messing about and listen to me.别再胡闹了,听我说。Go on with your work and stop messing about .继续干活,别胡闹了。Tell the boy to stop messing about upstairs.告诉那孩子别在楼上胡闹。用于 be ~ed 结构Tradition is not to be messed about.传统不能胡乱更改。粗鲁地对待 treat sb roughly or inconsideratelymess sb u21d4 aboutDon"t mess me about,I want the money you promised me .别欺负我,我要你答应给我的钱。用于 be ~ed 结构He said he was 70 years old, and had never been messed about by anybody before.他说他今年70岁了,生平从未被粗鲁地对待过。mess about with (v.+adv.+prep.)mess around (v.+adv.)mess up (v.+adv.)mess with (v.+prep.)用作名词 (n.)make a mess of~+副词mess angrily 愤怒地弄乱mess decisively 彻底弄乱mess deliberately 有意地弄乱mess gradually 渐渐地弄乱mess purposely 有目的地弄乱mess speedily 快速地弄乱mess about 胡闹,弄乱,粗鲁地对待mess around 游荡mess up 弄乱~+介词mess about with 和…胡闹,玩弄mess with 打扰,乱搞用作名词 (n.)动词+~clean away a mess 清除杂乱的东西get into mess 陷入困境sweep up a mess 清扫脏东西形容词+~complete mess 一团糟terrible mess 脏极了awful mess 凌乱不堪介词+~in a mess 乱七八糟
2023-07-24 05:57:551

make a mess /be in the mess区别

2023-07-24 05:58:032

be a mess和be in a mess有什么区别?都能用吗?

be in a mess是一个词组意为乱七八糟.而be a mess则指弄乱了
2023-07-24 05:58:113

in 后加名词表示副词的有哪些单词,急!谢谢

in silence安静地in caution谨慎地in mess凌乱地in horror恐怖地.等等
2023-07-24 05:58:181


分类: 外语/出国 解析: be at mess 在食堂吃饭 be in a mess 乱七八糟, 处境狼狈clear up the mess 把弄乱的东西整理好, 清理混乱局面 get into a mess 陷入困境, 遇到麻烦 get *** . into a mess 使陷入狼狈处境 go to mess 去食堂吃饭 in a mess 零乱; 肮脏; 陷于窘境 lose the number of one"s mess 死, 阵亡; “了帐” make a mess [口]拉屎, 大便(尤指婴儿, 动物) make a mess of 把...弄糟[搞坏]; 把...搞得一塌糊涂 mess about [口]胡乱摆弄; 瞎混; 瞎忙; 胡闹, 粗鲁对待某人, 动手动脚 mess around [美俚]浪费时间, 混乱; 管闲事 mess together 集体用餐 mess up 搞乱, 弄脏, 弄糟 陷入困境 粗暴对待; 使(某人)感情上受到创伤; 狠揍 mess with 同...一起用膳; 胡乱摆弄; 搞糟; 干扰; 与...厮混在一起; 参预
2023-07-24 05:58:501

the kitchen is (in a mess)什么意思

2023-07-24 05:59:253

his room is in a mess什么意思

2023-07-24 05:59:323


"mess"是一个英语单词,常用作名词和动词,具体用法如下:1.名词用法:表示混乱、凌乱或脏乱的场所或状态。例如:2.This room is a mess!(这个房间真乱!)3.My hair is a mess after playing sports.(运动后我的头发很乱。)4.I can"t find anything in this mess.(我在这个乱七八糟的地方找不到任何东西。)5.动词用法:表示弄乱、搞糟或弄脏。例如:6.Don"t mess with my stuff.(别乱动我的东西。)7.The wind messed up my hair.(风吹乱了我的头发。)8.He messed up the presentation by forgetting his notes.(他忘了带笔记,搞糟了演讲。)9.短语用法:10.make a mess of something:搞糟某事。例如:He made a mess of the party by inviting too many people.(他邀请了太多人,把派对搞糟了。)11.clean up the mess:清理混乱、凌乱或脏乱的地方。例如:I need to clean up the mess in the kitchen before I can start cooking.(我需要先清理厨房的混乱,才能开始做饭。)除了上述用法,"mess"还有一些其他的用法,例如作为缩写形式表示"message"(消息、短信)等。
2023-07-24 05:59:401

in 后加名词表示副词的有哪些单词,急!谢谢

in silence安静地in caution谨慎地in mess凌乱地in horror恐怖地.等等
2023-07-24 06:00:161

make a mess /be in the mess区别

make a mess著重与make 表示动作造成的,主语为人或者动物 be in the mess著重于in ,表示状态,主语为物体
2023-07-24 06:00:361