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C# linq where 语句如何拼接

2023-07-24 09:04:43
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英语set the table怎么翻译?

摆好桌子,摆饭桌; 摆餐具
2023-07-24 03:19:0315

setting the table是什么意思

2023-07-24 03:19:445

setting the table这个短语有没有摆餐具的意思?

是的 这是摆放餐具的意思 进行式
2023-07-24 03:19:595

Is the boy (seting) (set )(setting )the table ?该选哪个

2023-07-24 03:20:154

英语小笑话:Setting the Table摆桌子

 Setting the Table   摆桌子   Little Susan was mother"s helper. She helped set the table when guests were due for dinner. Presently everything was on, the guest came in, and everyone sat down. Then Mother noticed something was missing.   小苏珊是妈妈的好帮手。她在有客人来家里就餐时帮忙摆桌子。现在一切准备就绪,客人走进,所有人都坐好了。妈妈突然发现缺了什么。   "Susan," she said, "You didn"t put a knife and fork at Mr. Smith"s place."   “苏珊。”她说道:“你忘了在史密斯先生那里放刀叉了。”   "I thought he wouldn"t need them," explained Susan.   “我以为他不需要那些。”苏珊解释道。   "Daddy says he always eats like a horse!"   “爸爸说他总是吃得像马一样!”
2023-07-24 03:20:221


setting 英["setu026au014b] 美[u02c8su025btu026au014b] n. 镶嵌;环境;装置;(某事、戏剧、小说等的)背景 v. 放( set的现在分词);安插;树立;安排 名词复数:settings [例句]Setting goals is important to me.设定目标对于我很重要。
2023-07-24 03:20:304


settings[u02c8setiu014bz]n.镶嵌( setting的名词复数 ); 环境; 装置; (某事、戏剧、小说等的)背景 双语例句1. Sincere performances and gritty Boston settings add to the film"s realism. 真诚的表演和对波士顿这一背景城市的真实刻画增添了电影的现实主义色彩。来自柯林斯例句2. to study behaviour in laboratory and naturalistic settings 研究实验室里的以及仿自然环境中的行为来自《权威词典》3. This machine has two settings: fast and slow. 这种机器有两种可调的速度: 快速和慢速.来自《现代英汉综合大词典》4. Go to the"settings"menu ,"Data Input & Output"screen. 进入Settings子菜单里的 DataInput & Output页面.来自互联网5. He saw the note on the kitchen table, next to one of the two place settings. 他看到了餐桌上的那张便条,紧挨着两副餐具中的一副。来自柯林斯例句查看更多例句>>柯林斯高阶英汉双解学习词典1. N-COUNT 环境;背景;地点 A particular setting is a particular place or type of surroundings where something is or takes place. Rome is the perfect setting for romance... 罗马是最适合谈情说爱的地方。Perth was the setting for the SNP"s conference this year... 珀斯是今年苏格兰国民党大会的召开地。The house is in a lovely setting in the Malvern hills. 房子坐落在莫尔文丘陵地区,周围景色迷人。2. N-COUNT (炉具、热水器等上可供调节的)挡,级,点,刻度 A setting is one of the positions to which the controls of a device such as a cooker, stove, or heater can be adjusted. You can boil the fish fillets on a high setting. 可以用高火煮无骨鱼片。3. N-COUNT 一套餐具 A table setting is the complete set of equipment that one person needs to eat a meal, including knives, forks, spoons, and glasses. 网络释义相关词条set out
2023-07-24 03:20:371


2023-07-24 03:20:574

Settings 是什么意思啊

2023-07-24 03:21:065


  你知道摆饭桌的英语单词是什么吗?下面我们来看一下吧。   摆饭桌   摆饭桌的英文释义:   spread the table   set the table   lay the table   摆饭桌的英文例句:   Lucy and her sister will alternate in setting the table. 露西和她的妹妹轮流摆饭桌.   Carrie set the table and brought in the meal. 嘉莉摆好饭桌,端上饭菜.   She had come to set the table for Annixter"s supper. 她前来给安尼克斯特摆晚饭桌. 摆饭桌的英文单词   相关做家务的英语单词:   set the table摆餐桌clear the table收拾桌子   couch potato沙发土豆sweep the floor扫地   put away toys收拾玩具do the laundry洗衣服   fold clothes叠衣服 mow the lawn修剪草坪   be angry with生气   put yourself in oneu2019s shoes设身处地   go to a sleepover party参加通宵派对   be tired of对感到厌烦   throw away old things扔掉旧东西   look at him in surprise吃惊的看着他
2023-07-24 03:22:221

急!!! 帮忙翻译下!!!

2023-07-24 03:22:409

settings是什么意思中文翻译 英语settings什么意思

1、n.环境;背景;(戏剧、小说等的)情节背景;(机器上调节速度、高度、温度等的)挡,级,点。setting的复数。 2、双语例句:He saw the note on the kitchen table, next to one of the two place settings. 他看到了餐桌上的那张便条,紧挨着两副餐具中的一副。
2023-07-24 03:23:051


总的来说,两种方法:服务器端生成和浏览器端生成。服务器端生成就是:根据用户请求,获取相应的数据,使用poi/jxl, jacob/jawin+excel,或是用数据拼html的table或是cvs纯文本的数据格式等。然后按.xls或是.cvs格式的文件的形式返回给用户,指定Content-Type:application/ ,浏览器就会提示要下载的文件是excel文件。poi/jxl, jacob/jawin生成的是excel的biff格式。html/csv的是文本格式,不另存为excel文件,很多excel功能是用不了的。jacob/jawin需要服务器端是windows系统,且安装了excel2000以上版本。poi/jxl和html/csv方式的话,服务器端可以跨平台。浏览器端生成excel文件还没有特别完善的方案,这是因为js无法处理二进制。大概有以下几个方案,各有利弊。1. activex方式:使用js/vbs调用excel对象,,有个extjs的gridpanel导出为excel的例子。 (ie+excel)2. ie命令方式:将html或是csv输出到open的window,然后使用execCommand的saveas命令,存为csv或xls。 (ie only)3. 服务器端中转方式:将html的table或是拼接的csv传到服务器端,服务器端再按照Content-Type:application/返回,浏览器就会按excel方式处理。与服务器端拼接相比,少了一次取数操作。 (all)4. data协议方式:对于支持data协议的浏览器,可以将html或是csv先用js base64处理,然后前缀data:application/;base64,,即可使浏览器将其中的数据当做excel来处理,浏览器将提示下载或打开excel文件,可惜的是ie不支持。extjs的官网有一个grid的plugin,实现导出xhtml格式的伪excel文件,就是这么做的。 (except IE)浏览器端只有第一种方案导出的是真正的biff格式的excel文件,其他方式都是文本格式。activex方式只能在windows平台的ie浏览器使用,而且需要降低ie的安全性,所以应用比较有限。复杂的excel文件,还是在服务器端用poi/jxl生成excel比较好。如果浏览器固定位ie,浏览器端方式2是最好的方案。如果要降低服务器端cpu的计算压力,客户端方案3可行,而且跨平台(比poi/jxl方式少了取数和生成二进制文件)。如果是非ie浏览器,方案4也不失为一种好方法。
2023-07-24 03:23:151

关于table manner

1,如果在很正式的西餐厅会有衣物存放处,可以把除了手袋的东西都交给他们。2,服务生会在确认好几位客人和是否吸烟后带您到相应的座位。这时候客人或者有女士优先紧随服务生其后。不要太四处张望;)3,mm们这时候从椅子左边进入,站在椅子前停留片刻,这时服务生会从后面适时的推进椅子让您就坐。入座不要太深,手袋放在后面刚刚好的位置。4,因为西餐厅是不会上湿餐巾德,这时候可以向服务生确认一下化妆间的位置,以便洗手和整理妆容;)*关于西餐的点菜1,一般西餐厅都会有course,就是套餐,这里说的套餐是一道菜一道菜的上来的。比如,最常见的套餐下来是:前菜,汤,鱼/肉,沙拉,甜品。这样的套餐一般来讲价钱很划算,也是最佳的组合。2,单品点菜的技巧。餐前酒,,,对肠胃进行适度的刺激来提高食欲,如果对酒精过敏可以来点苏打水,效果是一样的。配菜来说鱼海鲜一般是白酒,猪牛羊类是红酒。前 菜,,,一般前菜都是冷的或者温菜为主。比如豆腐料理,蔬菜料理为多。 汤,,,就应季汤吧,价格和味道都没得说。主 菜,,,主角当然是肉了,索铁鱼,牛扒,羊扒拉。这里的主食是面包,有些地方的主食也会是米饭的。沙 拉,,,这个是压油腻用的,吃盘沙拉来判断一下自己的战斗力,有本事的再点!甜 品,,,对女孩子来说无论吃得多饱,总是还有块儿地方是塞她的,没有她的dinner总觉得少点啥*关于西餐的工具基本的setting是位置盘在中央,然后右手一次排列刀勺,左手边一次排列叉子。最好记的方法是从外向内使用刀叉,你用完之后会有人给您撤掉不用的刀叉的。1,先看看右手边的dd,最外边的是前菜刀,顾名思义八。然后是汤勺。然后是鱼刀。接着是肉刀。图1*关于西餐的工具基本的setting是位置盘在中央,然后右手一次排列刀勺,左手边一次排列叉子。最好记的方法是从外向内使用刀叉,你用完之后会有人给您撤掉不用的刀叉的。1,先看看右手边的dd,最外边的是前菜刀,顾名思义八。然后是汤勺。然后是鱼刀。接着是肉刀。2,看看左手边,最外面的是前菜刀。然后是鱼叉。然后是肉叉。3,最左手边的盘子是放面包的,那个小刀就是butter刀,旁边的是餐巾布。关于餐巾布使用的timing是这样当饮料上来的时候把餐巾布对折铺在腿上就ok乐。ps,喝酒的时候注意及时擦去印在杯子上面的口红。4,拿工具的姿势,左手拿叉子面朝下,右手拿叉子的时候面朝上5,为了及时让服务生撤下盘子以方便上下一道菜,请不要忘记这个暗号:刀叉交叉放表示还没有吃完,现在说话或者力座ing。即使剩下了菜不吃了,把刀叉合并在右手边的话他们就会帮您撤下了。
2023-07-24 03:23:231

the boy is setting the table

setting 还原就是The boy Is setting the table .表示正在进行
2023-07-24 03:23:311


2023-07-24 03:23:524

如何在SAP R/3中记录对TABLE表的修改的历史记录

instance profile 里参数 rec/client=all <或者想要开启记录的client,中间用逗号分开>se11 修改要记录的table 的 technical setting 左下角有了log change打上√就可以了。查看修改记录 SCU3提醒: 一般只对更改比较少的(如customizing table)做此配置,不要把业务的trascation table 搞进来,否者 DBTABLOG 这个表增长会非常快。
2023-07-24 03:24:071

my brother and i are setting the table。

My brother isnt setting the table Is my brother setting the table? Yes,he is No,he isnt
2023-07-24 03:24:141


以下是一些常见的英语连词及其用法:1. And(和):连接并列的词、短语或句子。例如:I went to the store and bought some groceries.(我去了店里并买了些杂货。)2. But(但是):表示对比、转折或限制关系。例如:She is intelligent, but can be a bit forgetful.(她很聪明,但有时会有些健忘。)3. Or(或者):提供选择的关系。例如:Would you like tea or coffee?(你想要茶还是咖啡?)4. So(所以):表示原因、结果或推论关系。例如:He studied hard, so he passed the exam.(他努力学习,所以通过了考试。)5. Because(因为):表示原因或解释。例如:I stayed home because I wasn"t feeling well.(我呆在家里,因为我感觉不舒服。)6. Although/though(尽管):表示转折或让步关系。例如:Although it was raining, we still went for a walk.(尽管下雨,我们还是去散步了。)7. Therefore(因此):表示因果关系或推断结果。例如:She was tired; therefore, she went to bed early.(她感到疲劳,因此早早上床睡觉了。)8. However(然而):表示转折、对比或让步关系。例如:I wanted to go out; however, it started raining.(我本想出去,然而下起了雨。)9. Furthermore(此外):用于给出额外的信息或理由。例如:He is intelligent and hardworking. Furthermore, he is also very kind.(他既聪明又勤奋,此外,他也非常友善。)10. Meanwhile(与此同时):表示同一时间发生的两件事情。例如:She was cooking dinner. Meanwhile, he was setting the table.(她在做晚饭,与此同时,他在摆餐具。)以上是常见的一些英语连词,它们在句子中起到连接不同部分或表达特定关系的作用。希望对你有帮助!
2023-07-24 03:24:371

jquery datatable 通过oSetting更改sAjaxsource,如何重新获取数据

2023-07-24 03:24:562

look! bob is setting the table 改为否定句

Bob isn"t set the table.
2023-07-24 03:25:042


combs his hair/does up his hairwashes clothessetting the tablewashes his face
2023-07-24 03:25:112

look!bob is setting the table 改为否定句

bob isn"t setting the table
2023-07-24 03:25:203

titls是什么意思 ?

有海运、空运、代理报关等业务。我们公司出口是海运。 以海运为例,主要的业务项目供你参考: 外代与各大船公司保持长期良好合作关系,能够客户的需求选择运费低廉,船期快捷、性价比高的海运进出口方案。 海运出口: 随时承接客户航线、船舶动态,运杂费用等各项咨询。 u2022 电子订舱、配载,协调船、货、港的联系和配合。 u2022 代理海关报关、商检、卫检、动植物检疫检验服务 u2022 代理船公司制作、签发船务单证,计算核收运杂费。 u2022 提供海运运价,货运信息和咨询。 u2022 集装箱提箱、租赁、堆放和申请验箱。 u2022 提供优惠和合理的运价,维护客户利益。 u2022 接受海空联运等多式运输业务。 u2022 向客户提供船只开航、到航跟踪等信息。 海运进口: u2022 承接客户委托,承办世界各地到厦门和东南地区进口业务。 u2022 提供进口货物的调单、清关、报验、动植物检疫、码头接货等服务。 u2022 提供集装箱抵达后货物的直提和拼箱货物的拆箱分拨服务。 u2022 接受国外进口大件、重件货物的报运业务。 u2022 及时向国内外收货人、发货人发送到货信息。 u2022 提供进口货物转运到内陆各地的运输业务。 u2022 承接国外驻沪办事机构,国际展览会等非贸易物品的运输及过境物资的转运。 需要什么样的素质,就得依岗位而定。常见的是负责揽货的 ,接受客户定舱并向船方订船。也有专门负责出提单的、代理报关
2023-07-24 03:25:272

请教中文Students are able to customize the table by setting their own priorities.

2023-07-24 03:25:475

table orange shop他们的音标是什么?

orange英 [ˈɒrɪndʒ]美 [ˈɔːrɪndʒ]橙色;橘黄色的;橙红色的;例句The setting sun cast an orange glow over the mountains.橘红色的夕阳辉映着群山。
2023-07-24 03:26:0312

My brother Bob is setting the table.改为否定句,一

2023-07-24 03:26:323


注意!无法通过 JET SQL 来设置或者修改上述属性,JET SQL 不支持此功能,你可以联系微软开发小组要他们在下一个版本中增加此功能。Function AppendCaption() "引用DAO Dim Tbf As DAO.TableDef Dim fld As DAO.Field Dim p As DAO.Property Dim cp As DAO.Property On Error Resume Next Dim i As Integer Dim TableName As String Dim FieldName As String FieldName = "First_name" TableName = "test" For Each Tbf In CurrentDb.TableDefs "Debug.Print Tbf.Name For Each fld In Tbf.Fields "Debug.Print Fld.Name If fld.Name = FieldName And Tbf.Name = TableName Then Set cp = fld.CreateProperty("Caption", 12, "aa") fld.Properties.Append cp Set cp = fld.CreateProperty("Description", 10, "aa") fld.Properties.Append cp End If For Each p In fld.Properties If p.Name = "caption" Then Debug.Print Tbf.Name & ":" & fld.Name & ":" & "pro:"; p.Name & "--" & p.Value "Fld.Properties.Delete "Caption" "删除属性 End If Next Next Next End Function下面再给一段函数 Function GetFieldProperty(F As Field, _ ByVal PropName As String) As Variant " " Returns NULL if the property doesn"t exist " On Error Resume Next GetFieldProperty = F.Properties(PropName)End Function Sub ModifyFieldProperty(F As Field, ByVal PropName As String, _ ByVal PropType As Long, _ ByVal NewVal As Variant) Dim P As Property On Error Resume Next Set P = F.Properties(PropName) If Err Then " " Add property (as long as NewVal isn"t Null) " If Not IsNull(NewVal) Then On Error Goto 0 " fail if can"t add Set P = F.CreateProperty(PropName, PropType, NewDesc) F.Properties.Append P End If ElseIf IsNull(NewVal) Then " " Delete property " On Error Goto 0 " fail if can"t delete F.Properties.Delete PropName Else " " Modify property " On Error Goto 0 " fail if can"t alter P.Value = NewDesc End If Set P = NothingEnd Sub调用函数如下: Sub Test() Dim db As Database, F As Field Dim v As Variant v = "This is a description" Set db = DBEngine(0).OpenDatabase("NWIND.MDB") " change name/path Set F = db!Employees!Title " Get existing description Debug.Print "Existing Title Description is: "; Debug.Print GetFieldProperty(F, "Description") " Delete description ModifyFieldProperty F, "Description", dbText, v Debug.Print "After deleting Description: "; Debug.Print GetFieldProperty(F, "Description") " Add description ModifyFieldProperty F, "Description", dbText, "Employee"s Title" Debug.Print "After adding new Description: "; Debug.Print GetFieldProperty(F, "Description") " Modify existing title ModifyFieldProperty F, "Description", dbText, "Emp Title" Debug.Print "After modifying Description: "; Debug.Print GetFieldProperty(F, "Description") " Clean-up Set F = Nothing db.Close End Sub再提供一个别人发表的代码(未测试)"*******************************************************************************"Function: TableDefExist(strTableDef)"Description: Returns a Boolean value that indicates whether an table define" in currently database."Example: TableDefExist("TEXT")=True"*******************************************************************************Function TableDefExist(ByVal strTableDef As String) As BooleanOn Error GoTo TableDefExist_Err If CurrentDb.TableDefs(strTableDef).Name = strTableDef Then TableDefExist = True End If TableDefExist = True Exit FunctionTableDefExist_Err: TableDefExist = False Exit FunctionEnd FunctionPrivate Sub CreateTRDTableDef()On Error GoTo Err_CreateTRDTableDefDim rstTRDTableSource As DAO.RecordsetDim rstTableDefine As DAO.RecordsetDim tdfTable As DAO.TableDefDim dbCurrentDatabase As DAO.DatabaseDim fldField As FieldDim intCount As IntegerDim strTableName As String DoCmd.Echo True, "Creating table definition......" Set dbCurrentDatabase = CurrentDb Set rstTRDTableSource = dbCurrentDatabase.OpenRecordset("SELECT DISTINCT TRD_NAME,TABLE_NAME FROM TBL_TABLE_SOURCE", dbOpenDynaset) Do While Not rstTRDTableSource.EOF strTableName = rstTRDTableSource("TRD_NAME") & " - " & rstTRDTableSource("TABLE_NAME") DoCmd.Echo True, "Creating " & strTableName & " table definition....." If TableDefExist(strTableName) Then dbCurrentDatabase.TableDefs.Delete strTableName End If Set rstTableDefine = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("SELECT * FROM TBL_TABLE_SOURCE WHERE TRD_NAME=" & """ & _ rstTRDTableSource("TRD_NAME") & "" AND TABLE_NAME="" & rstTRDTableSource("TABLE_NAME") & "" ORDER BY SEQUENCE", dbOpenDynaset) Set tdfTable = dbCurrentDatabase.CreateTableDef(strTableName) Set fldField = tdfTable.CreateField(rstTableDefine.Fields("FIELD_NAME"), GedFieldType(rstTableDefine.Fields("DATA_TYPE")), rstTableDefine.Fields("FIELD_SIZE")) tdfTable.Fields.Append fldField dbCurrentDatabase.TableDefs.Append tdfTable SetMyProperty fldField, "Caption", dbText, rstTableDefine.Fields("Caption") SetMyProperty fldField, "Description", dbText, rstTableDefine.Fields("DESCRIPTION") rstTableDefine.MoveNext With rstTableDefine Do While Not .EOF Set fldField = tdfTable.CreateField(.Fields("FIELD_NAME"), GedFieldType(.Fields("DATA_TYPE")), .Fields("FIELD_SIZE")) tdfTable.Fields.Append fldField SetMyProperty fldField, "Caption", dbText, rstTableDefine.Fields("Caption") SetMyProperty fldField, "Description", dbText, rstTableDefine.Fields("DESCRIPTION") .MoveNext Loop End With Set tdfTable = Nothing rstTableDefine.Close Set rstTableDefine = Nothing rstTRDTableSource.MoveNext Loop rstTRDTableSource.Close Set rstTRDTableSource = Nothing DoCmd.Echo True, "Ready"Exit_CreateTRDTableDef: Exit Sub Err_CreateTRDTableDef: MsgBox "Error: " & Err & vbCrLf & Err.Description Resume Exit_CreateTRDTableDef End Sub"*******************************************************************************"Function: GedFieldType(strDataType)"Description: Returns a integer value that indicates data types"Example: GedFieldType("dbText")=10"*******************************************************************************Function GedFieldType(strDataType As String) As IntegerSelect Case strDataType Case "dbText" GedFieldType = 10 Case "dbDate" GedFieldType = 8 Case "dbDouble" GedFieldType = 7 Case "dbFloat" GedFieldType = 21 Case "dbInteger" GedFieldType = 3 Case "dbLong" GedFieldType = 4 Case "dbMemo" GedFieldType = 12 Case "dbNumeric" GedFieldType = 6 "old is 19 Case "dbSingle" GedFieldType = 6 Case "dbTime" GedFieldType = 22 Case "dbChar" GedFieldType = 18 Case "dbCurrency" GedFieldType = 5 Case Else GedFieldType = 0End SelectEnd Function"*******************************************************************************"Sub: SetMyProperty(Obj,Name,Type,Setting)"Description: Custom a user property"Example: SetMyProperty fldField, "Caption", dbText, "Test Information""*******************************************************************************Sub SetMyProperty(Obj As Object, strName As String, intType As Integer, strSetting As String) Dim Prp As Property Const PrpFail As Integer = 3270 On Error GoTo Err_SetMyProperty Obj.Properties(strName) = strSetting Obj.Properties.RefreshExit_SetMyProperty: Exit SubErr_SetMyProperty: If Err = PrpFail Then Set Prp = Obj.CreateProperty(strName, intType, strSetting) Obj.Properties.Append Prp Obj.Properties.Refresh Else MsgBox "Error: " & Err & vbCrLf & Err.Description End If Resume Exit_SetMyPropertyEnd Sub
2023-07-24 03:26:471

they are setting the table for their friends 对划线部分提问 their firends 是划线的

What people
2023-07-24 03:26:553

sql server怎样 获得某列的 数据类型

2023-07-24 03:27:052


看看这个例子吧。 要想保存改变后的状态 注意它的setValueAt方法import javax.swing.DefaultCellEditor;import javax.swing.JComboBox;import javax.swing.JFrame;import javax.swing.JPanel;import javax.swing.JScrollPane;import javax.swing.JTable;import javax.swing.table.AbstractTableModel;import javax.swing.table.DefaultTableCellRenderer;import javax.swing.table.TableCellRenderer;import javax.swing.table.TableColumn;import java.awt.Component;import java.awt.Dimension;import java.awt.GridLayout;/** * TableRenderDemo is just like TableDemo, except that it * explicitly initializes column sizes and it uses a combo box * as an editor for the Sport column. */public class TableRenderDemo extends JPanel { private boolean DEBUG = false; public TableRenderDemo() { super(new GridLayout(1,0)); JTable table = new JTable(new MyTableModel()); table.setPreferredScrollableViewportSize(new Dimension(500, 70)); table.setFillsViewportHeight(true); //Create the scroll pane and add the table to it. JScrollPane scrollPane = new JScrollPane(table); //Set up column sizes. initColumnSizes(table); //Fiddle with the Sport column"s cell editors/renderers. setUpSportColumn(table, table.getColumnModel().getColumn(2)); //Add the scroll pane to this panel. add(scrollPane); } /* * This method picks good column sizes. * If all column heads are wider than the column"s cells" * contents, then you can just use column.sizeWidthToFit(). */ private void initColumnSizes(JTable table) { MyTableModel model = (MyTableModel)table.getModel(); TableColumn column = null; Component comp = null; int headerWidth = 0; int cellWidth = 0; Object[] longValues = model.longValues; TableCellRenderer headerRenderer = table.getTableHeader().getDefaultRenderer(); for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) { column = table.getColumnModel().getColumn(i); comp = headerRenderer.getTableCellRendererComponent( null, column.getHeaderValue(), false, false, 0, 0); headerWidth = comp.getPreferredSize().width; comp = table.getDefaultRenderer(model.getColumnClass(i)). getTableCellRendererComponent( table, longValues[i], false, false, 0, i); cellWidth = comp.getPreferredSize().width; if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("Initializing width of column " + i + ". " + "headerWidth = " + headerWidth + "; cellWidth = " + cellWidth); } column.setPreferredWidth(Math.max(headerWidth, cellWidth)); } } public void setUpSportColumn(JTable table, TableColumn sportColumn) { //Set up the editor for the sport cells. JComboBox comboBox = new JComboBox(); comboBox.addItem("Snowboarding"); comboBox.addItem("Rowing"); comboBox.addItem("Knitting"); comboBox.addItem("Speed reading"); comboBox.addItem("Pool"); comboBox.addItem("None of the above"); sportColumn.setCellEditor(new DefaultCellEditor(comboBox)); //Set up tool tips for the sport cells. DefaultTableCellRenderer renderer = new DefaultTableCellRenderer(); renderer.setToolTipText("Click for combo box"); sportColumn.setCellRenderer(renderer); } class MyTableModel extends AbstractTableModel { private String[] columnNames = {"First Name", "Last Name", "Sport", "# of Years", "Vegetarian"}; private Object[][] data = { {"Mary", "Campione", "Snowboarding", new Integer(5), new Boolean(false)}, {"Alison", "Huml", "Rowing", new Integer(3), new Boolean(true)}, {"Kathy", "Walrath", "Knitting", new Integer(2), new Boolean(false)}, {"Sharon", "Zakhour", "Speed reading", new Integer(20), new Boolean(true)}, {"Philip", "Milne", "Pool", new Integer(10), new Boolean(false)} }; public final Object[] longValues = {"Sharon", "Campione", "None of the above", new Integer(20), Boolean.TRUE}; public int getColumnCount() { return columnNames.length; } public int getRowCount() { return data.length; } public String getColumnName(int col) { return columnNames[col]; } public Object getValueAt(int row, int col) { return data[row][col]; } /* * JTable uses this method to determine the default renderer/ * editor for each cell. If we didn"t implement this method, * then the last column would contain text ("true"/"false"), * rather than a check box. */ public Class getColumnClass(int c) { return getValueAt(0, c).getClass(); } /* * Don"t need to implement this method unless your table"s * editable. */ public boolean isCellEditable(int row, int col) { //Note that the data/cell address is constant, //no matter where the cell appears onscreen. if (col < 2) { return false; } else { return true; } } /* * Don"t need to implement this method unless your table"s * data can change. */ public void setValueAt(Object value, int row, int col) { if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("Setting value at " + row + "," + col + " to " + value + " (an instance of " + value.getClass() + ")"); } data[row][col] = value; fireTableCellUpdated(row, col); if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("New value of data:"); printDebugData(); } } private void printDebugData() { int numRows = getRowCount(); int numCols = getColumnCount(); for (int i=0; i < numRows; i++) { System.out.print(" row " + i + ":"); for (int j=0; j < numCols; j++) { System.out.print(" " + data[i][j]); } System.out.println(); } System.out.println("--------------------------"); } } /** * Create the GUI and show it. For thread safety, * this method should be invoked from the * event-dispatching thread. */ private static void createAndShowGUI() { //Create and set up the window. JFrame frame = new JFrame("TableRenderDemo"); frame.setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE); //Create and set up the content pane. TableRenderDemo newContentPane = new TableRenderDemo(); newContentPane.setOpaque(true); //content panes must be opaque frame.setContentPane(newContentPane); //Display the window. frame.pack(); frame.setVisible(true); } public static void main(String[] args) { //Schedule a job for the event-dispatching thread: //creating and showing this application"s GUI. javax.swing.SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable() { public void run() { createAndShowGUI(); } }); }}
2023-07-24 03:27:121

excel里做pivottable ,可以说的具体点吗?

2023-07-24 03:27:221

Cher is setting the table 如何改成一般疑问句?

Cher is setting the table 改成一般疑问句是直接把is提到句子开头Is Cher setting the table?
2023-07-24 03:28:252

I am setting the table的意思是什么

2023-07-24 03:28:331


set 英[set] 美[su025bt] 过去式:set 过去分词:set 现在分词:setting 复数:sets 易混淆的单词: SET SeT 单词原型:set undersetvt. 1.放, 搁置 2.把故事情节安排在;以…为…设置背景 3.设置;调整好;安排就绪 4. 摆放餐具 5. 镶嵌 6.安排;确定;决定 7.树立;创立;开创 8.布置;分配;指派 9.使现出坚定的表情 10.固定发型;做头发 11.把(断骨)复位;接(骨) 12. 排版 13.为…谱曲;给…配乐 ;给(乐曲)填词 14.使处于某种状况;使开始 15.给…定价;估定…的价值 16.安插,派遣 17.致力于,一心一意要做(某事) 18.调试(机器);校正(仪器等) 19.调准(钟、表) 20.使(面部表情、肌肉等)僵住 21.【戏剧】给(舞台)搭置背景;为…安排(或准备)背景(或道具、灯光等) 22.【烹饪】使(面团)发酵 23.【桥牌】让(对手)宕牌,使(对手)完不成定约;阻止(对方)叫成定约 vi. 1.(日、月等)落, 下沉 2.凝结,凝固;固定,定型 3.衰落,衰败 4. (面部表情、肌肉等)僵住,凝住;凝结;凝固;(灰浆等)变硬,硬化;(颜料、染料等)固着,永不褪色 5.(头发)被卷曲成所需发型 6.[常后接 forth, out, off等]出发,启程;开始,着手 n. 1.(一)套, (一)副 2.收音机; 电视机 3.一伙(或一帮、一群)人;阶层;团伙 4.布景 5.舞台;摄影场 6.(网球、排球比赛等的)盘,局 7.集;集合 8.一组歌曲(或乐曲) 9.(在某学科上能力相当的)一批学生 10.(尤指坚定的)姿势,姿态,神情 11.头发的定型;做头发 12.凝固;凝结 13.供移植用的)幼苗,插枝,球茎 adj. 1.固定的; 指定的 2.不变的 3.位于(或处于)…的 4.安排好的;确定的 5.顽固的;固执的 6.有可能的;做好准备的 7.(神情)呆板的;不自然的 interj. 1. (发令起跑)开始 及物动词 vt.1.放, 搁置 He set a cup on the table.他把一个杯子放在桌上。She set the food and drink before the guests.她把食物和饮料放在客人面前。2.把故事情节安排在;以…为…设置背景3.设置;调整好;安排就绪 4. 摆放餐具 to set the table for dinner摆好桌子准备吃饭5. 镶嵌6.安排;确定;决定7.树立;创立;开创8.布置;分配;指派9.使现出坚定的表情10.固定发型;做头发 She always set her hair by herself.她总是自己做头发。11.把(断骨)复位;接(骨)12. 排版13.为…谱曲;给…配乐 ;给(乐曲)填词14.使处于某种状况;使开始 15.给…定价;估定…的价值 to set something at a high value认为某物具有很高价值;极其重视某物16.安插,派遣 to set spies on a person安插特务监视某人17.致力于,一心一意要做(某事) to set one"s mind to a task一心想着这项任务18.调试(机器);校正(仪器等) to set one"s gun校枪19.调准(钟、表) He always sets his watch by mine.他总是以我的表为准对他的表。20.使(面部表情、肌肉等)僵住 She looked at me, setting her face like a statue.她面无表情,直直地瞪着我。21.【戏剧】给(舞台)搭置背景;为…安排(或准备)背景(或道具、灯光等)22.【烹饪】使(面团)发酵23.【桥牌】让(对手)宕牌,使(对手)完不成定约;阻止(对方)叫成定约 Only perfect defense could set four spades.只有出色的防守才能打宕四黑桃的定约。不及物动词 vi.1.(日、月等)落, 下沉 As the sun set, the shadows lengthened.随着太阳的下山, 影子变长了。It will be cooler when the sun has set.太阳落山之后会凉快一点。2.凝结,凝固;固定,定型 The cement will set in a few hours. 水泥几小时后就会凝固。 3.衰落,衰败 His star has set.他的好运已不复存在了。4. (面部表情、肌肉等)僵住,凝住;凝结;凝固;(灰浆等)变硬,硬化;(颜料、染料等)固着,永不褪色 His face set when he heard such a word.听到这句话,他当时就沉下了脸。The concrete will set after a certain time.过一段时间之后,混凝土就会硬化。5.(头发)被卷曲成所需发型 Long hair sets more easily than short hair.长发比短发更容易卷成所需要的发型。6.[常后接 forth, out, off等]出发,启程;开始,着手 名词 n.1.(一)套, (一)副 This set of the furniture is very good.这套家具非常好。These sets of machines were out of date.这几套机器过时了。I want one more stamp to complete my set.我再有一枚邮票就凑成一套了。2.收音机; 电视机 Do you want to buy a television set?你想买电视机吗?3.一伙(或一帮、一群)人;阶层;团伙4.布景5.舞台;摄影场 6.(网球、排球比赛等的)盘,局7.集;集合8.一组歌曲(或乐曲)9.(在某学科上能力相当的)一批学生 10.(尤指坚定的)姿势,姿态,神情11.头发的定型;做头发12.凝固;凝结13.供移植用的)幼苗,插枝,球茎形容词 adj.1.固定的; 指定的 Are you all set for the journey?你们都为旅行准备好了吗?2.不变的 He is set in his opinions.他固执己见。3.位于(或处于)…的 4.安排好的;确定的5.顽固的;固执的6.有可能的;做好准备的7.(神情)呆板的;不自然的 感叹词 interj.1. (发令起跑)开始 Ready! Set!Ready! Set!
2023-07-24 03:28:401

take great care in setting the table什么意思

2023-07-24 03:28:481


总的来说,两种方法:服务器端生成和浏览器端生成。服务器端生成就是:根据用户请求,获取相应的数据,使用poi/jxl, jacob/jawin+excel,或是用数据拼html的table或是cvs纯文本的数据格式等。然后按.xls或是.cvs格式的文件的形式返回给用户,指定Content-Type:application/ ,浏览器就会提示要下载的文件是excel文件。poi/jxl, jacob/jawin生成的是excel的biff格式。html/csv的是文本格式,不另存为excel文件,很多excel功能是用不了的。jacob/jawin需要服务器端是windows系统,且安装了excel2000以上版本。poi/jxl和html/csv方式的话,服务器端可以跨平台。浏览器端生成excel文件还没有特别完善的方案,这是因为js无法处理二进制。大概有以下几个方案,各有利弊。1. activex方式:使用js/vbs调用excel对象,,有个extjs的gridpanel导出为excel的例子。 (ie+excel)2. ie命令方式:将html或是csv输出到open的window,然后使用execCommand的saveas命令,存为csv或xls。 (ie only)3. 服务器端中转方式:将html的table或是拼接的csv传到服务器端,服务器端再按照Content-Type:application/返回,浏览器就会按excel方式处理。与服务器端拼接相比,少了一次取数操作。 (all)4. data协议方式:对于支持data协议的浏览器,可以将html或是csv先用js base64处理,然后前缀data:application/;base64,,即可使浏览器将其中的数据当做excel来处理,浏览器将提示下载或打开excel文件,可惜的是ie不支持。extjs的官网有一个grid的plugin,实现导出xhtml格式的伪excel文件,就是这么做的。 (except IE)浏览器端只有第一种方案导出的是真正的biff格式的excel文件,其他方式都是文本格式。activex方式只能在windows平台的ie浏览器使用,而且需要降低ie的安全性,所以应用比较有限。复杂的excel文件,还是在服务器端用poi/jxl生成excel比较好。如果浏览器固定位ie,浏览器端方式2是最好的方案。如果要降低服务器端cpu的计算压力,客户端方案3可行,而且跨平台(比poi/jxl方式少了取数和生成二进制文件)。如果是非ie浏览器,方案4也不失为一种好方法。
2023-07-24 03:28:551


2023-07-24 03:29:032

in a room above the store ,where a party——(hold),wokers were busily setting the table

in a room above the store, where a party 【was held】, wokers were busily setting the table.本句意为:在商店上面开会的房间里,工人们正忙着摆桌子。这里是人们开会,party做主语,显然用被动语态,而根据后面的were可知是过去时态,所以填was held。这里句子主干是wokers were busily setting the table,即工人们正忙着摆桌子。in a room是地点状语,above the store和where a party was held都是修饰room的,前者是介词结构,后者则是定语从句,这里定语从句前后都有逗号,相当于插入语。
2023-07-24 03:29:102


在创建单元格的时候设置 cell.disableBorderSide属性可以控制表格的单元格边框效果如下所示//cell.disableBorderSide(8);//右边没了// cell.disableBorderSide(1);//上没了// cell.disableBorderSide(2);//下没了//cell.disableBorderSide(3);//上下都没了//cell.disableBorderSide(4);//左//cell.disableBorderSide(5);//左上都没了//cell.disableBorderSide(6);//左下都没了//cell.disableBorderSide(7);//只剩右边// cell.disableBorderSide(9);//右上没了//cell.disableBorderSide(10);//右下没了//cell.disableBorderSide(11);//只剩左//cell.disableBorderSide(12);//左右没了//cell.disableBorderSide(13);//只剩下//cell.disableBorderSide(14);//只剩上cell.disableBorderSide(15);//全没了
2023-07-24 03:29:183

while mother was preparing linch ,janet ____(set) the table

while 表示事物同时发生,所以句子前后保持一致
2023-07-24 03:29:252


It is enough to make a butler lose his composure. For Downton Abbey has been accused of basic etiquette errors – by the lady of the house.《唐顿庄园》因在最基本礼仪方面犯错而受到批评,这件事足以让男管家卡森先生无法镇定吧!而批评者正是取景地的真正女主人。The Countess of Carnarvon, the mistress of Highclere Castle where the series is filmed, has criticised the ITV1 drama"s repeated faux pas.《唐顿庄园》拍摄于海克利尔城堡,城堡女主人卡那封郡伯爵夫人日前批评这部ITV1电视剧,说剧中相似错误层出不穷。Among them, says Lady Carnarvon – who writes a blog in which she reveals how a stately home should really be run – are the incorrect setting of the table for dinner and the lack of servants.卡那封夫人有一个博客,专门写名门贵族家庭的正确生活方式。博客中指出《唐顿庄园》所犯的错误,其中就包括正餐餐具摆放错误、仆人数量过少等问题。‘It"s the little details," she says. ‘Glasses are back to front and things are set wrong. Setting up the table is an art. Knives, forks and spoons are set from the outside in, beginning with the bread knife and working through each course to cheese.她说:“那些都是细枝末节的错误,比如说酒杯是从后往前放的。但摆放餐具是门艺术。刀子、叉子和勺子”要从外向内放好,首先是面包刀,然后一按照上菜顺序一次摆放,最后是奶酪。”‘A pat of butter is impressed with the intertwined Cs and coronet and placed in front of each guest. The wine glasses and water tumbler are arranged to the top right of each setting. Downton prefer a different arrangement."“小块黄油要做成扭曲的C形和皇冠状,再端到每位客人面前。酒杯和水杯要放到右上角的位置。但《唐顿庄园》似乎更喜欢不符常规的摆放方式。”‘I don"t want to step on people"s toes so I"ve tried a few times to say, “Do you know you"re setting the table wrong?” I do feel, after all, that it"s my dining table and obviously we wouldn"t set it like that."“我不想触怒他人,所以我好几次都试着说:‘你们知道餐具摆错了吗?" 毕竟那是我的餐桌,而且很显然我们不会那样放餐具。”‘They look at me blankly and I sort of try once more and then I give up… and now I try not to look because it"s easier."“他们会茫然地看看我,尝试着再摆一次,然后我只得放弃不管了……现在我尽量不去看餐桌,因为这样更简单些。”
2023-07-24 03:29:431


代码说话,package com.witwall.example.itextpdf;import com.itextpdf.text.BaseColor;import com.itextpdf.text.Document;import com.itextpdf.text.DocumentException;import com.itextpdf.text.Phrase;import com.itextpdf.text.pdf.PdfPCell;import com.itextpdf.text.pdf.PdfPTable;import com.itextpdf.text.pdf.PdfWriter;import;import;public class TableCellBorderColor { public static void main(String[] args) { Document document = new Document(); try { PdfWriter.getInstance(document, new FileOutputStream("TableCellBorder.pdf"));; PdfPTable table = new PdfPTable(3); PdfPCell cell1 = new PdfPCell(new Phrase("Cell 1")); cell1.setUseBorderPadding(true); // // Setting cell"s border width and color // cell1.setBorderWidth(5f); cell1.setBorderColor(BaseColor.BLUE); table.addCell(cell1); PdfPCell cell2 = new PdfPCell(new Phrase("Cell 2")); cell2.setUseBorderPadding(true); // // Setting cell"s background color // cell2.setBackgroundColor(BaseColor.GRAY); // // Setting cell"s individual border color // cell2.setBorderWidthTop(1f); cell2.setBorderColorTop(BaseColor.RED); cell2.setBorderColorRight(BaseColor.GREEN); cell2.setBorderColorBottom(BaseColor.BLUE); cell2.setBorderColorLeft(BaseColor.BLACK); table.addCell(cell2); PdfPCell cell3 = new PdfPCell(new Phrase("Cell 3")); cell3.setUseBorderPadding(true); // // Setting cell"s individual border width // cell3.setBorderWidthTop(2f); cell3.setBorderWidthRight(1f); cell3.setBorderWidthBottom(2f); cell3.setBorderWidthLeft(1f); table.addCell(cell3); table.completeRow(); document.add(table); } catch (DocumentException | FileNotFoundException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } finally { document.close(); } }}
2023-07-24 03:29:571


什么 set
2023-07-24 03:30:077

Excel excel2013 怎么安装pivot table

你好,"数据透视表" 英文是 Pivot Table ,直接翻译是轴向旋转表,可以理解为平时说的简单报表。1.假设有如下的Excel数据表:2.可以看到销售员和产品列有许多重复的字段,那么如果想得到两个统计信息:每名销售员每种产品的销售额情况和每种产品的销售额,应该怎么使用“透视表”得到。3.红色区域为要分析的数据所在区域,即上面的销售数据,蓝色区域为存放“透视表”及统计报表的区域。最好在一个新的SHEET中。4.点击透视表区域,出现如下图,如果不小心关了,点击右键“Show filed list”:5.把想要的字段托到图示位置,显然统一销售员每种产品的销售情况,希望的纵轴是“销售员”,横轴为“产品”,统计信息为求和“销售数量”。分别对应为Row Labels, Column Labels, Values. 设置完成后会出现如下透视表:第一个报表。那么每种产品的销售情况怎么做? 只要在图的界面中 把“产品名称”拖拽到 Row labels, "销售数量"拖拽到Values 即可。读者自行实践即可。 7.注意在图的界面中,可以使用拖拽和勾选CheckBox实现对字段配置和删除等操作。只要心中有了报表的设计样子,按照设想,配置字段就可以了。8.注意一点,源数据更新后,透视表数据并不会自动更新,需要右键->Refresh 一下。还可以在每次打开数据透视表时自动更新其中的数据。右键单击任意单元格 “Pivot Table Option” > "Data" .选中 " Refersh the data when open file".9.另外,数据统计默认是求和,如果是求最大值等等,右键单击任意单元格->"Value Filed Setting" ,可以设置其他统计方式。
2023-07-24 03:30:401

In a room above the store,where a party___,some workers were busy setting the table

2023-07-24 03:31:272

excel如何在pivot table里根据一column做group by

2023-07-24 03:31:361

in a room above the store,where a party ()tomorrow ,some workers are busily setting the table

2023-07-24 03:32:202

In a room above the store, where a party ____ some workers are busily setting the table. ...

2023-07-24 03:32:361

I am cooking _______ they are setting the table. [ ] A. but B...

2023-07-24 03:32:531