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i can make it是什么意思

2023-07-24 08:50:04











Can you make it 为什么解释为“你能来吗?” make it 不是“成功”吗?

make it 的确指成功;但也可以指做或完成某事 因此can you make it在不同语境中都会有不同的意思 你能来么?你能准时完成么?你能行么?都可
2023-07-24 03:04:071


Can you manage it ?
2023-07-24 03:04:189

Can you make it?能把make改成come吗

Will you be able to come?
2023-07-24 03:04:354

Can you make it?

2023-07-24 03:04:431

could you make it cheaper为什么说是骂人

2023-07-24 03:04:502


When I was pursuing my studied in Florida,I came across an American classmate of mine in the street,with whom I got along pretty well in normal times.He said to me,"Our class will have a party this Saturday at 3:00 pm,room 101.You should bring a Chinese dish or dessert.Can you make it?" 当我在佛罗里达继续学习的时候,我在大街上偶遇了一位美国的同学,那时我和他在平时的时候都在一起.”我们班这个周六的下午3点在101房间,要举行一个宴会.你可以带来一份中国菜或是餐后甜点吗?你能做到吗?”Immediately I thought that I was always a gentleman who had never cooked.How could I cook a Chinese dish or things like that.Therefore I said with curtness dinally,"No,I can not make it."My American classmate seemed a little disappointed at what I said,and turned away with a shurg. 我马上想到我是一个从来不做饭的绅士.我怎么才能做出中国菜或是其他类似的东西呢.因此,我草率地说,”不,我不会做.”我的美国同学对于我所说的看起来有些失望,耸耸肩转头离开了.On the day of the party,I bought a dessert and went to the party on time.At the sight of me,that American classmate opened his eyes wide and said,"I thought you could not make it." 在宴会那天,我买了一份餐后甜点,准时地参加了宴会.在看见我的时候,我那个美国同学张大他的眼睛,说:”我以为你不会做呢.”"I bought it.I did not make it myself,"I held the dessert in my hands in front of him and emphasized. ”我买的.我自己不会做的,”我举起我手里的甜点,在他面前强调着.On hearing what I said, The American bent over with laughter.After a while,he explained that last time he wanted to know whether I could come,and did not asked me if I could cook a Chinese dish or dessert.Now I understand that"make it"usually has the meaning of arriving at or reaching a place or destination successfully.当听到我所说的的时候,美国同学前仰后合地笑着.过了一会,他解释说,上次他想要知道我是否会来,没有问我是否能够做中国菜或是甜点.现在我明白了,”make it”通常是到达或者是达到一个地方或者是成功到达目的地的意思.
2023-07-24 03:05:004


Do you like beef and tomato noodles? I like it and I can make it .First ,we should check your ingredient .We need noodles,beef,tomatoes,salt,a teaspoon and a bowl .Next ,boil the noodles .wash the tomatoes and cut it up .Cut up the beef .After that ,take them into the noodles ,and boil some minutes .Then ,take out them to a bowl .Add a teaspoon of salt to the noodles .Finaly ,you can eat it .It was delicious!Can you make it now?
2023-07-24 03:05:101

有没有哪一首英文歌里面有很多“ can you。。can you。。”

I Can Do It
2023-07-24 03:05:184

一首女生唱的英文歌 高潮部分是 can you make it stronger

what doesn"t kill you—— Kelly clarkson
2023-07-24 03:05:374


2023-07-24 03:05:487


分类: 外语/出国 问题描述: 这是十个情景,麻烦做出相应的英语对话,A和B. 要求:每个三分钟左右.场景自定. 1.你就要在下个学期出国去读书了,但是你对在国外的生活和学习都不了解.所以你去请教你的私人老师,告诉他你的忧虑和你现在做的准备工作! 2.你认为足球比乒乓球有趣多了,但是你的朋友却不认同,他认为乒乓球更加有趣.做一个对话,说出你的理由!3.跟你的拍档讨论你是否对你的地市的交通状况感到满意,并说出理由,为什么满意或不满意! 4.在当今年代,妇女是否得到公平公正的对待?在中国的妇女,她们的现状又是怎样?和你的拍档交换意见! 5.昨晚,你和你的朋友去看了一场电影,现在你在表达你对这部电影的理解,但是你的朋友并不赞同你的看法! 6.你打电话给老师,向他咨询有关这次会议的意见,老师的时间是非常紧的,你也不是经常有多余的时间.所以你们要在这时间里交换五六个意见,并最终达成一致! 7.期末考试临近了,但是你感到你还有没有做好准备.和你班的同学谈谈你的忧虑! 8.和你的拍档谈谈你家乡的四季,你最喜欢那一个,有什么美丽的风景! 9.你曾经邀请过某人但被拒绝的经历吗?你当时是怎么想的?你下次还会再次邀请他吗?在下一次,你认为这个人会接受你的邀请还是另找一个借口?和你的朋友谈谈你的经历和看法! 10.你的钱包不见了,你打算报警,但是你又不知道警局在哪里,所以你向你的朋友求助,询问在哪里可以找到警察! 解析: A: Hello! This is miss wang speaking . who is that ? B: hello! This is xiao ping speaking .may I speak to miss lan ? A: hold on for a moment please ,I will ask for him. C: hello .this is miss lan . B; hi miss lan ,this is xiao ping ,I call you to know that if I can have an appointment with you .because I have something want to ask about the meeting in some day . C: I see . but I don"t know whether I have the time to told to you .what is you time? B: en ,I think we can meet at five o"clock this afternoon.can you ? C: ok ,let me have a look at my seclude .wait for an moment please? I don"t think I can go for it .i sorry but can you make it at another time .of course it must go with mine time .maybe I have to burn the candle at both ends . B: I get it .en would this weekend be available ? C : I sorry to turn down you again but I have to spare sometime with my girlfriend,it has be a long time for us tow not to go out together . B: en let me think for it . C:why don"t you make the next Monday .i will have a whole day off at that time . B: but I think I will be at my grandmother"s at that day for her birthday .yet I have a long time not to see her ,so I miss her very much ,and I think I will stay at her home for tow or there days .so I can"t e back until next Thursday . C; I see . spending sometime with someone you love is security for all of us .i too . B: so what about the next Saturday ,I will be free that day . C: can you make it anther time ,you see ,the school have arranged some of the teachers for the “the education of love”,and I have been the one of them ,I don"t want to turn down the children ,I think you will make the same decision in that case ,won"t you ? B: yes ,I will do so . but what time can you free yourself ? I really know the contribution you the teacher make for the education and the most important thing for our country ---the young . C: thank you . I just do the work I should do . B: ok ,I think we just can make it the next Sunday , the meeting is approaching , we should get ready for it as soon as possible .can we ? B; ok ,I will change my seclude for it . C: thank you very much ,I will call you again for the exact time the next Sunday morning. B: that is not necessily ,we can make it at there o"clock at the afternoon in my room .ok C: ok ,I will arrive at on time .see you ,beybey 10.你的钱包不见了,你打算报警,但是你又不知道警局在哪里,所以你向你的朋友求助,询问在哪里可以找到警察! Make a phone call, anxious! A:##, How are you, B:you good/have what can help you? A:can I bother you how many minutes? B;related to yes, you please say/take place what matter? A:I am in the clock building.I discovered just my purse be missing B:, I understand A:I want to be certainly steal by person, you know of, the person here is specially many/ B:yes, you are affirmative you of be the purse steal by the person? A:I affirmation, because of at very clock previous... B:okay, do you have to discover shady character? A:have no, I think I should report to the police, because of in the inside of my purse have equal and important thing to me.I must find back it/ B:take it easy a point.You recall thoroughly once, in this time, you do some what affair/and what person got in touch with/ A:okay, I want... B:you is BE not put the where to your purse, but fot to take A:can"t of, my affirmation is steal by the person, I will report to the police.But I know recent police station where/can you tell me? B:let me want, you are in the clock building neighborhood, BE? A:yes. B:I remember by the side of the drum building to have a report to the police a point, there is police to Be turn on duty. A:, right.Can you explain once but I canned not recall concrete position? B:okay, you are first through underground passage, after arriving the drum building, the right side in that front door. A:to, for the northeast direction in that square, BE? B:to, to!It be there. A:okay, thank you very much of help.You are really good/ B:need not polite, you will certainly find out your purse of, trust. A:many thanks.See again! B:see you!
2023-07-24 03:06:041


care和mind都可作“在乎”、“介意”解,都能用在否定句、疑问句和用作答语的肯定句中,但它们的含义及搭配方式却不尽相同.一、m ind表示“介意”、“在乎”时,通常出现在下列场合:①相当于“be troubled by”,意思是“被……打扰”、“为……所忧虑或苦恼”.例如:I don t m ind the bad news.D o you m ind the hotw eather here?②相当于“feel an objection to”,意思是“反对”,表示较为强烈的否定意义.例如:—D o you m ind m y leaving paym entuntilnextyear?oolden—Y es,I do.D o you m ind ifI sm oke here?二、care表示“介意”、“在乎”时,通常出现在下列场合:①相当于“feelinterested(in)”,意思是“对……关切”、“对……操心”.例如:—W here did the children go?—I don t know.I don tcare,either.
2023-07-24 03:06:131


Do you have dream?How can you make it come true?
2023-07-24 03:06:347


1. My motherI have a mother.She is a girl.She has two small eyes and a small mouth.She can make lovely cakes for me.She says:"I love my family."I love my mother, too.She is lovely.Today, My family goes to swimming-pool.My family is happy every day.IHi, my name is Jenny.I am nine years old.I can read and draw very well.I"m tall and thin.I like to play games.I have got a mother, a father and a big sister.I love my family. 2. (1)As is symbolically revealed in the set of drawings, the fact that(重复上面的图画信息) profoundly indicates that team work is momentous (重要的) and fundamental to any one who undertakes great deeds. (2)Undoubtedly, it is team work that keeps us continually doing something valuable and admirable in spite of difficulty, that makes us still full of energy to face the coming challenges and competition and that offers us the foundation for the coming success. (3)If we don not cooperate sincerely, we will live a dull and depressing life and feel frustrated and humiliated or feel loss of hope about the future. (4)As far as I am concerned, there are several advantages that can be given as below. To begin with, nothing is more beneficial than team work to overcome our defects and improve our efficiency. (5)Secondly, no issue is as good as team work to make our life more colorful and energetic.(6)No better illustration of this idea can be thought than the example mentioned below. (7)A person who is assigned various jobs along the production lines will make a mess just because no one can be proficient in all the things. (8)Only by cooperating with other people can you put your capacities into full play and can you be the winner in the society. (1)From what have been discussed above,it admits of no doubt that in doing things whether great or small there are more or less difficulties, it is much better for one to involve yourself into a team work. (2)It is therefore, necessary that some effective measures are taken to make your team work more efficient. (3)On the one hand, we should be sensible to be receptive to other people"s opinions and benefits. (4)On the other hand, it is demanding for us to be always helpful and honest to other people.(5) However, it is easier said than done. Practice is the most important factor. (6)Only when you pay attention to it can you make it better sooner or later.
2023-07-24 03:06:492

英语问题 can you make me up

2023-07-24 03:06:587

make it 加形容词 是什么意思

2023-07-24 03:07:421


2023-07-24 03:07:5214

make it 一般不用于什么时态

make it 是英语口语中十分有用的一个习语,用法比较多,本文为大家归纳如下。一、表示事业获得成功You will make it if you try. 你会成功的,如果你努力的话。He"s never really made it as an actor. 他当演员从未有所成就。二、表示某人做成某事You needn"t worry; he will make it. 你不必担心,他会办成的。If you want to make it, better get doing. 如果你想把这事干成,就该动手了。I can"t make it on Friday. It"s very short notice. 星期五我办不好,时间太短了。Many high-wire walkers died on their last step, thinking they had made it. 许多走绳索者死在最后一步上,这时他们认为已经表演成功了。I thought he would be too old to get to the top of the mountain, but he made it at last. 我原以为他年纪大爬不到山顶,但最后他还是爬上去了。三、表示设法做到某事I"ve been having violin lessons every two weeks, but I think I"ll make it every week from now on. 我一直是每两个星期上一次小提琴课,但是我想从现在起每个星期都上课。四、表示及时赶上火车等The train leaves in five minutes—we"ll never make it. 火车再有五分钟就开了——我们绝对赶不上了。The train won"t leave for another ten minutes, so I think we can make it. 离开车还有10分钟,我想我们能赶得上。五、表示及时抵达某地We are too late; I don"t think we can make it. 我们太迟了,我想我们难以准时赶到了。He says he"ll come on time, but he"ll never make it. 他说他明天准时来,但他绝对做不到。I"m really sorry, but I won"t be able to make it on Sunday after all. 真的很抱歉,我星期天根本赶不到。If you can"t make it Friday, we can invite somebody else. 如果你星期五赶不到,我们可邀请其他人。六、表示约定时间“When shall we meet again?” “Make it any day you like; it"s all the same to me.” “我们什么时候再次碰头?”“随你定在哪天,我无所谓。”Let"s make it at seven o"clock on Tuesday morning at my office. 我们把时间定在星期二早上七点,地点就在我办公室。“Shall we make it next week?” “OK, let"s make it next week.” “下个星期可以吗?”“好的,咱们就定在下个星期吧。”Let"s make it at 8:30. Is that all right for you? 我们约定在8点半吧,这对你合适吗? 七、表示病情好转The doctor knew that the patient was unlikely to make it. 医生知道那个病人没什么希望了。He had a high fever, but it doesn"t mean he couldn"t make it. 他发高烧,但这并不意味着他挺不过去。注意,以下make it…结构中的it为形式宾语:I have to make it clear that my family is poor. 我得说清楚我家里很穷。He made it a rule to take part in physical labour. 他规定自己应参加体力劳动。I make it a rule to write in my diary every night. 我把每晚写日记当成一种习惯。“Where is my tea?” “I"m just going to make it.”“我的茶呢?”“我这就沏。”参考:
2023-07-24 03:08:521

what you make it是什么意思?

There"s not a day I don"t wake up 没有哪一天我不是一早起来 Thinking about the one I love (就)想着我爱的那个人 Now that you "re here I don"t kown what 现在你在这我却什么都不知道 Almost afraid to even touch you Because my heart is bleeding so fast I cant bearly breath 因为我的心在流血,而我几乎不能呼吸了 If this is real then why am I dreaming now 如果这是真的为什么我现在还在做梦 (I kown) I kown that we can just hold on (我知道)我知道我们可以就这样坚持着 (I kown) that wen can just stay strong (我知道)我们的爱可以很牢固 (I kown)we can make it last (yeah yeah yeah ) (我知道)我们可以让爱一直持续 And I know , I know if we keep this thing together forever 我也知道,我知道如果我们能一起让爱持续到永久 We can so make this moment go forever 我们就可以让这一时刻持续到永久 If we just hold on I know that we can make it last 如果我们就这样坚持下去我们一定能让它延续下去 (OH yeah yeah yeah) There is not a night I don"t think about 没有哪一个晚上我不是在想着 The way I feel when you "re around 当你在我身边时我的感受 And I can "t believe it"s going down 而我却不敢相信这种感觉在慢慢消失 God knows my head is spinning round 只有上帝知道我的感觉,天旋地转 And round and in and out 不停地旋转 MY soul is lifting off the ground 我的灵魂离开地面升上了天空 If this is real then why am I dreaming now 如果这是真的为什么我现在还在做梦 (I kown) I kown that we can just hold on (我知道)我知道我们可以就这样坚持着 (I kown) that wen can just stay strong (我知道)我们的爱可以很牢固 (I kown)we can make it last (yeah yeah yeah ) (我知道)我们可以让爱一直持续 And I know , I know if we keep this thing together forever 我也知道,我知道如果我们能一起让爱持续到永久 We can so make this moment go forever 我们就可以让这一时刻持续到永久 Lets freeze this moment ,let"s stop time ((We can make this) 让我们冻结这一刻,让时间停止下来(我们可以做到) Forever yours ,forever mine 让你的成为永远,让我的也成为永久 And I know that we can make it last (yeah) 我知道我们可以做到 (I kown) I kown that we can just hold on (我知道)我知道我们可以就这样坚持着 (I kown) that wen can just stay strong (我知道)我们的爱可以很牢固 (I kown)we can make it last (yeah yeah yeah ) (我知道)我们可以让爱一直持续 And I know , I know if we keep this thing together forever 我也知道,我知道如果我们能一起让爱持续到永久 We can so make this moment go forever 我们就可以让这一时刻持续到永久 If WE JUst know ,just hold on .... 只要我们知道,只要我们坚持。。。。
2023-07-24 03:09:001

what you make it--eritza 歌词

[ti: What You Make It][钛:什么使你][ar: Jonessa]jonessa[:][al: ]铝:[][by: 爪哇龟] 爪哇龟[:][00:-07.52]Jonessa - What You Make It [00-7.52 ]jonessa-什么您做它[00:-03.52](lyrics by 爪哇龟@MaxRNB)[00- 3.52 ](歌词爪哇龟@maxrnb)[00:-00.52]Maximal r&b - The Freshest & Hottest R&B/ Hip-Hop Music!最大蓝调-最新鲜、最热门的说唱/嘻哈音乐![00:-00.02] [00- 0.02 ][00:05.78]Love is what you make it [爱是什么您做它[00:07.96]you can"t expect it to be the greatest 你不能指望它是最大的[00:11.20]cause if you do when it goes bad 如果你当它变坏[00:13.76]you wanna go ahead and start again 你想继续和重新开始[00:15.34]so just take it slow, let it flow, keep it moving. 所以慢慢来,让它流动,保持移动。[00:18.57][00:18.57][00:18.81]Love is what you make it 爱是什么您做它[00:20.93]you can"t expect it to be the greatest 你不能指望它是最大的[00:24.15]cause if you do when it goes bad 如果你当它变坏[00:26.65]you wanna go ahead and start again 你想继续和重新开始[00:28.11]so just take it slow, let it flow, keep it moving. 所以慢慢来,让它流动,保持移动。[00:31.55][00:31.55][00:32.38]I put myself in this position where I"m hurting and I"m tripping and just don"t know and i just move on 我自己放在这样的位置上,我受伤了,我跳不知道我刚才的举动[00:38.65]you had me thinking we was moving in directions that would lead into this great love, but it wasn"t so 你让我以为我们是移动方向,带领这伟大的爱,但它不是如此[00:45.03]I"m finding reasons why we finished ain"t expecting cuz I"m in it deep and i just, i cant let go 我找到原因,为什么我们不希望因为我完成它深,我只是,我不能让去[00:51.47]Lets make this easy, when you see me, just don"t see me cuhs behind these eyes you know, you"re invisible 让我们使这个容易,当你看到我,别看我只是在这些眼睛,你知道,你是看不见的[00:58.22][00:58.22][00:58.44]I"m only emotional 我的情感[01:00.07]cuhs they told me you were trying to do me the way you did all the other ones 只是他们告诉我你想做我的方式你做了所有其他的人[01:04.62]But i had to learn this one on my own, and now that i did, i see that 但我学会了自己,现在我,我知道[01:11.08][01:11.08][01:11.32]Love is what you make it 爱是什么您做它[01:13.38]you can"t expect it to be the greatest 你不能指望它是最大的[01:16.61]cause if you do when it goes bad 如果你当它变坏[01:19.23]you wanna go ahead and start again 你想继续和重新开始[01:20.77]so just take it slow, let it flow, keep it moving. 所以慢慢来,让它流动,保持移动。[01:24.00][01:24.00][01:24.27]Love is what you make it 爱是什么您做它[01:26.43]you can"t expect it to be the greatest 你不能指望它是最大的[01:29.90]cause if you do when it goes bad 如果你当它变坏[01:32.54]you wanna go ahead and start again 你想继续和重新开始[01:34.01]so just take it slow, let it flow, keep it moving. 所以慢慢来,让它流动,保持移动。[01:37.35][01:37.35][01:37.65]You got me sitting "round here thinking how to fix it when inside i know that i tried, giving all i had 你让我坐在这里的想法如何解决它的时候我知道我努力,给我的所有[01:43.99]but thats just me being a woman i cant help it i just wanna be your side, and it hurts so bad 但那只是我是一个女人,我不能帮助它我只想做你的身边,和如此的疼[01:50.47]but dont you worry cuhs im moving while you losing out on everything that we build, so long ago 但你不担心你把我移动而失去了一切,我们建立,很久以前[01:57.18]aint no more crying or denying im realizing now that everything that we had is already gone 不是不再哭泣或否认我现在认识,我们曾经的一切已经消失[02:03.81][02:03.81][02:04.04]I"m only emotional 我的情感[02:05.35]cuhs they told me you were trying to do me the way you did all the other ones 只是他们告诉我你想做我的方式你做了所有其他的人[02:10.29]But i had to learn this one on my own, and now that i did, i see that 但我学会了自己,现在我,我知道[02:16.64][02:16.64][02:16.81]Love is what you make it 爱是什么您做它[02:19.02]you can"t expect it to be the greatest 你不能指望它是最大的[02:22.48]cause if you do when it goes bad 如果你当它变坏[02:24.74]you wanna go ahead and start again你想继续和重新开始[02:26.44]so just take it slow, let it flow, keep it moving. 所以慢慢来,让它流动,保持移动。[02:29.73][02:29.73][02:30.01]Love is what you make it 爱是什么您做它[02:32.13]you can"t expect it to be the greatest 你不能指望它是最大的[02:35.44]cause if you do when it goes bad 如果你当它变坏[02:37.81]you wanna go ahead and start again 你想继续和重新开始[02:39.60]so just take it slow, let it flow, keep it moving. 所以慢慢来,让它流动,保持移动。[02:43.06][02:43.06][02:43.32]Baby, if you looked inside and showed me that you could change for the better, 宝贝,如果你看在我、告诉我你可以变的更好,[02:50.04]try to keep us together then i would try to look deeper than what you showed me. 尝试让我们在一起我会尝试看看比你给我。[02:55.87]But baby, it seems like you"re not even trying, 但是亲爱的,看起来你甚至没有尝试,[03:01.20]so when i gave you all i had in now, now it rains. 当我给你所有我曾在现在,现在下雨。[03:08.72][03:08.72][03:09.30]Love is what you make it 爱是什么您做它[03:11.62]you can"t expect it to be the greatest 你不能指望它是最大的[03:14.76]cause if you do when it goes bad 如果你当它变坏[03:17.17]you wanna go ahead and start again你想继续和重新开始[03:18.90]so just take it slow, let it flow, keep it moving. 所以慢慢来,让它流动,保持移动。[03:22.32][03:22.32][03:22.60]Love is what you make it 爱是什么您做它[03:24.60]you can"t expect it to be the greatest 你不能指望它是最大的[03:27.97]cause if you do when it goes bad 如果你当它变坏[03:30.33]you wanna go ahead and start again 你想继续和重新开始[03:32.09]so just take it slow, let it flow, keep it moving. 所以慢慢来,让它流动,保持移动。[03:35.67]……03:35.67......[]
2023-07-24 03:09:181

i can make it是什么意思

2023-07-24 03:09:262

it can build almost anything (make)from

2023-07-24 03:09:343

This piano is too big. Can you make ________ for it? A.a space B.some spaces C.some more

D 试题分析:句意:这个钢琴太大了,你能给它一些空间吗?space空间,为不可数名词,没有复数形式,可以用some来修饰,故选D点评:名词的考察重在理解可数与不可数的概念,对于可数与不可数名词学生要加强记忆,重在平时的积累,同时希望得到对方的肯定回答是可以用some.
2023-07-24 03:09:411

make it!歌词翻译

Make itAerosmithGood evening people, welcome to the showGot somethin here I want you all to knowWhen laughin people bring on primal screamsYou got to think of What its gonna take to make your dreamsMake itDont break itI said make itDont brake itDo then you feel like the worlds coming down on youYou know that history repeats itselfBut you just learned so by somebody elseYou know you do, you gotta think up fastYou gotta figure what its gonna take to make it lastMake itDont brake itI said make itDont brake itThen you doBetter weather, pull yourself togetherDon"t be catchin the bluesBetter weather, pull yourself togetherWhat have you got to loseYou"re only paying your duesar~Too stinkin proud but youre gonna payIf youre gone Ill get you anywayAlthough you know what youve been going throughYour only dreams feel like a tattooMake itDont brake itI said make itDont brake itThen you doBetter weather, pull yourself togetherDon"t be catchin the bluesBetter weather, pull yourself togetherWhat have you got to lose成功空中铁匠乐队晚上好,欢迎来到节目有些东西我想让你知道当大笑的人带来原始的尖叫你得想想要做什么来实现你的梦想成功不要打破它我说让它不刹车然后你觉得世界会降临到你的世界你知道历史重演但你刚刚学会了这样的人你知道你这样做,你必须想得很快你必须想它会采取什么来使它最后成功不刹车我说让它不刹车然后你做了更好的天气,拉你在一起不要去蓝军更好的天气,拉你在一起你失去了什么你只付你的钱AR ~太讨厌骄傲但你会付出代价的如果你走了我会得到你虽然你知道你已经经历你的唯一的梦想感觉像一个纹身成功不刹车我说让它不刹车然后你做了更好的天气,拉你在一起不要去蓝军更好的天气,拉你在一起你失去了什么
2023-07-24 03:09:582

this message is very important.Can you make sure that Helen___it? B.gets C.get getting

2023-07-24 03:10:0712

You Can Do It!什么意思?

2023-07-24 03:10:3010

谁能找道 岚 We can make it 的 歌词阿 ?

We can make it! lrc歌词We can make it! 作词:UNITe·樱井翔 作曲:Fredrik Thomander·Anders Wikstrom 过ぎ去りし日々 振り返ることも出来ずに Everyday どれくらいまだ この道は続くだろうか? カラダに 感じるリズム 鼓动 翼に 迷い助走に 痛いほど爱しい we can make it true 本当の梦はいつもそばにある 果てしなく 広い世界 ひとつだけ辉いた My Dream! My Dream! あふれる涙 大切なことも気づかずに In my eyes どれくらい前から 忘れてた気持ちなんだろう What a feeling 持てる限りの 力 翼に 孤独乗り越え 突き进め明日へ We can make it true 揺るがない梦はいつもそこにある 果てしなく 広い世界 今すぐにつかみとれ Your dream! Your dream! Oh yeah! We can make it! 涙はきっと 悲しみの 终わりではなく 梦の足迹 心热き 今ここから そのStory 始まる Sing the dream! 仆はただただ黙々と DREAMと书いて「目标」と読む 想像の向こう 向こうへと go go and go でon and on I said it, go go and go でon and on I said it, Yo-ho and go でon and on We can make it true 本当の梦はいつもそばいある 果てしなく 広い世界 ひとつだけ辉いた We can make it true 揺るがない梦はいつもそこにある 果てしなく 広い世界 今すぐにつかみとれ Your Dream! Your Dream! Created by 山下林瞳 We can make it! sugisarishi hibi furikaeru koto mo dekizu ni everyday dore kurai mada kono michi wa tsuduku darou ka karada ni kanjiru rizumu yeah, kodou tusbasa ni yeah, mayoi jyosou ni yeah, itai hodo itoshii we can make it true, hontou no yume wa itsumo soba ni aru hateshinaku hiroi sekai, hitotsu dake kagayaita my dream my dream afureru namida taisetsu na koto mo kizukazu ni in my eyes dore kurai mae kara wasureteta kimochi nan darou what I feeling motteru kagiri no yeah, chikara tsubasa ni yeah, kodoku norikoe yeah, tsukisusume ashita e we can make it true yuruganai yume wa itsumo soko ni aru hateshinaku hiroi sekai, ima sugu ni tsukamitore your dream your dream, we can make it namida wa kitto kanashimi no owari de wa naku kokoro atsuki sono sto ri hajimaru sing that dream(rap) Boku wa tadatada mokumoku to dream to kaitemokuhyou to yomu, souzou no mukou mukou e togo go and go de on and on I said it, go go and go de on and onI said it, yo ho and go de on and onwe can make it true, hontou no yume wa itsumo soba ni aruhateshinaku hiroi sekai, hitotsu dake kagayaitawe can make it true, yuruganai yume wa itsumo soko ni aruhateshinaku hiroi sekai, ima sugu ni tsukamitoreyour dream your dream
2023-07-24 03:10:531

you can make it,是什么意思

2023-07-24 03:11:132

you can make it是什么意思

2023-07-24 03:11:221

so tell me can you see me now 是哪一首英文歌的歌词

Nothing Stopping Me
2023-07-24 03:11:302

"you can tell me 123"是什么歌里的歌词

2023-07-24 03:11:402


正确的歌词是“can you feel me, oh tell me you do”,出自歌曲《Oh Father》外文名称:Oh Father所属专辑:Oh My God!发行时间:2006年歌词:When I woke up this morningfeeling closer than ever to godwish he"d sent me a warningbut he forgot, now I feel so badcan you keep it, this dirty secret?can you feel me, oh tell me you do?can you heal me, cos I"m a believer?and I"ll be waiting here till you do...oh fatherI"ve been having these thoughts and I"m sorrysay a prayer you know what I needoh fatherI"ve been touching myself and I"m worriedis heaven still open for me?it was not my intentionthought he was from heaven sentso here"s my confessionI know I made a fool of myselfcan you do it, can you forgive me?can you make it, make it undone?can you heal me, cos I"m a believer?and I"ll be waiting here till you do...oh fatherI"ve been having these thoughts and I"m sorrysay a prayer you know what I needoh fatherI"ve been touching myself and I"m worriedis heaven still open for me?could you guide me all the way toparadise and brighter days?I"ll do anything, if you know what I mean,I don"t wanna go downoh fatherI"ve been having these thoughts and I"m sorrysay a prayer you know what I needoh fatherI"ve been touching myself and I"m worriedis heaven still open for me?oh fatherI"ve been having these thoughts and I"m sorrysay a prayer you know what I needoh fatherI"ve been touching myself and I"m worriedis heaven still open for me?中文歌词噢,天父当我今早醒来的时候感觉比以往更靠近上帝了本希望他给我一个警示但他忘了,现在我感到如此悲伤您可不可以保守这个犯了忌的秘密?您能感受到我么,噢 告诉我吧?您能治好我么,因为我是个信徒?我将一直在此等侯直到您能...噢,天父我一直有这样的想法,对不起做个祷告,你知道我需要什么噢,天父我一直在触摸我自己,我担心是否天堂仍为我开启?那不是我的意图尽管他是生自天堂所以这是我的忏悔我知道我愚弄了自己您能做到么,您能原谅我么?您能办到么,使它挽回?您能治好我么,因为我是个信徒?我将一直在此等侯直到您能...您可以一路指引我到天堂和快活的日子么?我将作任何事,如果您懂我的意思我不想沉沦噢,天父...
2023-07-24 03:11:471

跪求一首女生英文歌,歌词高潮部分有一句can you tell me tell me you do也可能是音拟

正确的歌词是“can you feel me, oh tell me you do”,出自歌曲《Oh Father》歌手:Linda Sundblad歌词Well I woke up this morning早上一觉起来Feeling closer than ever to God感觉上帝就在自己眼前Wish he"d sent me a warning But he forgot,希望他能给自己一个提醒但他忘了now I feel so bad我现在感觉糟透了Can you keep it, this dirty secret这个肮脏的秘密,你会告诉他人吗Can you feel me, oh tell me you do告诉我,你现在能感觉到我的感受Can you heal me, cos I"m a believer你能来拯救我吗,你是我的信仰啊And I"ll be waiting here till you do我会在这里一直等到你Oh father I"ve been having these thoughts and I"m sorry噢,上帝我很抱歉我会有这些想法Say a prayer you know what I need念一篇祷文令你明白我的需求Oh father I"ve been touching myself and I"m worried噢,上帝我担心害怕得抱着自己Is heaven still open for me天堂之门还会为我敞开吗It was not my intention这不是我的目的Thought he was from heaven sent我以为他是上天派来的So here"s my confession I know I made a fool of myself这是我的忏悔,我明白自己是个傻瓜Can you do it, can you forgive me你会忘记我吗Can you make it, make it undone你不会的,对吗Can you heal me, cos I"m a believer你会拯救我吧,你是我的信仰啊And I"ll be waiting here till you do我会在这里一直等你Oh father I"ve been having these thoughts and I"m sorry噢,上帝我很抱歉我会有这些想法Say a prayer you know what I need念一篇祷文令你明白我的需求Oh father I"ve been touching myself and I"m worried噢,上帝我担心害怕得抱着自己Is heaven still open for me天堂之门还会为我敞开吗Could you guide me all the way你能告诉我to paradise and brighter days通往天堂和光明的路在哪吗I"ll do anything, if you know what I mean,我无所畏惧,你知道我的意思吗I don"t wanna go down我不想消沉Oh father I"ve been having these thoughts and I"m sorry噢,上帝我很抱歉我会有这些想法Say a prayer you know what I need念一篇祷文令你明白我的需求Oh father I"ve been touching myself and I"m worried噢,上帝我担心害怕得抱着自己Is heaven still open for me天堂之门还会为我敞开吗Oh father I"ve been having these thoughts and I"m sorry噢,上帝我很抱歉我会有这些想法Say a prayer you know what I need念一篇祷文令你明白我的需求Oh father I"ve been touching myself and I"m worried噢,上帝我担心害怕得抱着自己Is heaven still open for me天堂之门还会为我敞开吗扩展资料《Oh Father》是瑞典女歌手Linda Sundblad于2006年9月推出的个人单曲,收录于专辑《Oh My God!》中,作为专辑首单,歌曲一经发行便夺得瑞典流行音乐榜冠军之位,在榜18周。Linda Sundblad 是瑞典女歌手、演员,以及模特。1981年6月5日出生于瑞典Lidkopng。15岁辍学加入Lambretta摇滚乐队,此后发行了三张专辑《Breakfast》、《Lambretta》、《The Fight》,2005年单飞。
2023-07-24 03:11:557

一首歌的歌词,开头是can you feel what i feel,can you feel cause i feel,男歌手,求

正确的歌词是“can you feel me, oh tell me you do”,出自歌曲《Oh Father》外文名称:Oh Father所属专辑:Oh My God! 发行时间:2006年 歌词:When I woke up this morningfeeling closer than ever to godwish he"d sent me a warningbut he forgot, now I feel so badcan you keep it, this dirty secret?can you feel me, oh tell me you do?can you heal me, cos I"m a believer?and I"ll be waiting here till you do...oh fatherI"ve been having these thoughts and I"m sorrysay a prayer you know what I needoh fatherI"ve been touching myself and I"m worriedis heaven still open for me?it was not my intentionthought he was from heaven sentso here"s my confessionI know I made a fool of myselfcan you do it, can you forgive me?can you make it, make it undone?can you heal me, cos I"m a believer?and I"ll be waiting here till you do...oh fatherI"ve been having these thoughts and I"m sorrysay a prayer you know what I needoh fatherI"ve been touching myself and I"m worriedis heaven still open for me?could you guide me all the way toparadise and brighter days?I"ll do anything, if you know what I mean,I don"t wanna go downoh fatherI"ve been having these thoughts and I"m sorrysay a prayer you know what I needoh fatherI"ve been touching myself and I"m worriedis heaven still open for me?oh fatherI"ve been having these thoughts and I"m sorrysay a prayer you know what I needoh fatherI"ve been touching myself and I"m worriedis heaven still open for me?中文歌词噢,天父当我今早醒来的时候感觉比以往更靠近上帝了本希望他给我一个警示但他忘了,现在我感到如此悲伤您可不可以保守这个犯了忌的秘密?您能感受到我么,噢 告诉我吧?您能治好我么,因为我是个信徒?我将一直在此等侯直到您能...噢,天父我一直有这样的想法,对不起做个祷告,你知道我需要什么噢,天父我一直在触摸我自己,我担心是否天堂仍为我开启?那不是我的意图尽管他是生自天堂所以这是我的忏悔我知道我愚弄了自己您能做到么,您能原谅我么?您能办到么,使它挽回?您能治好我么,因为我是个信徒?我将一直在此等侯直到您能...您可以一路指引我到天堂和快活的日子么?我将作任何事,如果您懂我的意思我不想沉沦噢,天父...
2023-07-24 03:12:161

有一首英文歌,高潮部分歌词:can you do it

what can you do
2023-07-24 03:12:242

Make It Funky 歌词

歌曲名:Make It Funky歌手:Will.i.am专辑:Songs About GirlsWill.I.Am - Make It Funky{Hip Hop,My life...}Make it funky for meMake it funky for meMake it funky for me, DJMake it funky for meMake it funky for meMake it funky for me, DJShe said, she said sheMove it in, check it outMove it in, check it outMove itIt"s the funk that make you jumpSexy honeys shake they humpGot them dummies spendin" moneyJust to get up in your junkBuy you drinks up at the barFill you up with alcoholRendezvous you, try to do youEven walk you to your carYou don"t want what"s goin" downYou freak them to the soundThe bass was steady poundin"You dropped it to the groundHypnotized by the DJWhen he select the beatSteady rockin on a weekdayHeavy on repeatSo put "em up, put "em upDrop it down to the groundBack it up, back it upSomebody ask the DJCan you make it funky for me?Can you make it funky for me?Can you make it funky for me?Can you make it, DJ?Can you make it funky for me?Can you make it funky for me?Can you make it funky for me?Gotta ask the DJI make it funky for yaI make ya feel alrightI make it funky for yaI make ya feel alReach for somethin" really highGo ahead and touch the skyAin"t no limit when you in itLive it up "cause it"s your lifeAny minute we gon" spend itLike the shit never gets spunOh yeah, this shit just begunAnd we came to have funPut away your gunsLadies keep shakin" your bunsSome body grab some bodyParty "til the sun come upAnd we ain"t stoppin"I don"t care if 20 cops come inLet "em keep knockin" and knockin"We keep on rockin"So put "em up, put "em upDrop it down to the groundMake it hot, make it hotSomebody ask the DJCan you make it funky for me?Can you make it funky for me?Can you make it funky for me?Can you make it DJ?Can you make it funky for me?Can you make it funky for me?Can you make it funky for me? DJI make it funky for yaI make ya feel alrightI make it funky for yaI make ya feel alrightI make it funky for yaI make ya feel alrightI make it funky for yaI make ya feel alYou like the beat? YeahYou like the beat? YeahYou like the beat? YeahYou like the beat? OhGo "head girl rock it to the beatGo "head girl rock it to the beatYo, you like the track? YeahYou like the track? YeahYou like the track? YeahYou like the track? OhGo "head girl shake it like thatGo "head girl shake it like thatYou like the sound? YeahYou like the sound? YeahYou like the sound? YeahYou like the sound? OhGo "head girl move it all aroundGo "head girl move it all around, yesGo "head girl rock your bodyGo "head girl rock your bodyGo "head boy rock my bodyGo "head boy rock my bodyGo "head girl rock your bodyGo "head girl rock your bodyGo "head boy rock my bodyGo "head boy rock my bodyGo "head girl rock your bodyGo "head girl rock your bodyGo "head boy rock my bodyGo "head boy rock my body
2023-07-24 03:12:311

How can you make it come true ? 是什么意思啊

2023-07-24 03:12:381

求中英对照翻译show me —— big time rush

中文:[00:00.96]像我这样的人[00:02.75]喜欢女孩喜欢你[00:05.05]于是女孩喜欢你[00:07.57]像我这样的人(你知道)[00:09.58)[00:10.56]一个地方,在晚上[00:11.86]和心脏的灯[00:13.02]你相信光[00:14.19]是思维正确[00:15.42]我听见没有波[00:16.63],看到你[00:17.90]我想stayin[00:19.06]你对我说[00:19.80)[00:20.29]和跟踪的东西拉[00:21.55]我[00:22.74]我触摸皮肤[00:23.95]你trin belin "[00:25.15)我看到你的眼睛[00:26.42]我听到胜利[00:27.58]于是让游戏(游戏游戏)[00:28.94)[00:29.80]我我我我[00:31.74]你想说的[00:33.94]在我回来回来[00:35.66]你是否明白我的意思是[00:37.10]降下来[00:37.98]我知道我尖叫[00:38.96)[00:39.24]宝贝给我[00:40.84]你为什么是你需要我[00:42.93]宝贝,你可以给我看看[00:45.56]所以我看到我对你的[00:48.05]当我孤独哦[00:50.32]哦是叫我是否[00:52.65]你能使它变得更好[00:55.12]我听见你告诉我的[00:57.64]给我So-o哦[00:59.54)[00:59.94]哦,你想要什么,[01:00.74]你的4号[01:01.87]在时间的nough[01:02.96]卡些[01:04.05]你要可爱[01:05.24]不要进来你[01:06.49]只是认为真理[01:07.82]走进了房间[01:08.53)[01:08.97]我我我我[01:10.49]你想说的[01:12.74]在我回来回来[01:14.56]你是否明白我的意思是[01:15.87]降下来[01:17.00]我知道我尖叫[01:17.33)[01:17.68]宝贝给我[01:19.47]你为什么是你需要我[01:21.90],你可以给我看[01:24.31]看见我你看见了我[01:26.88]当我孤独哦[01:29.22]哦是叫我是否[01:31.64]你能使它变得更好[01:34.08]我听见你告诉我的[01:36.47]给我So-o哦[01:38.32)[01:39.14]我这样的人[01:40.24]像girs喜欢你[01:42.51]和女孩喜欢你(你)[01:44.92]像我这样的人(我)[01:46.90)[01:47.64]我这样的人[01:49.78]像girs喜欢你[01:52.14]和女孩喜欢英文:[ti:Show Me][ar:Big Time Rush][al:Elevateby][by:尛鉄][00:00.96]Guys like me[00:02.75]Like girls like you[00:05.05]Then girls like you[00:07.57]Like guys like me (You know)[00:09.58][00:10.56]A place at night[00:11.86]And heart the lights[00:13.02]You trust the light[00:14.19]Is thinking right[00:15.42]I hear didn"t waves[00:16.63]And see you way[00:17.90]I"m stayin" would[00:19.06]You say to me[00:19.80][00:20.29]And tracking things[00:21.55]And pull me in[00:22.74]I touch the skin[00:23.95]You trin belin"[00:25.15]I see your eyes[00:26.42]I hear the win[00:27.58]So let the game (game the game)[00:28.94][00:29.80]I I I I[00:31.74]Wanna say you you[00:33.94]Well in me back back[00:35.66]Did you got what I mean is[00:37.10]To bring it down[00:37.98]I know I scream[00:38.96][00:39.24]Baby show me[00:40.84]Why you were you want me[00:42.93]Baby you can show me[00:45.56]See me of you so me[00:48.05]Oh when I"m lonely[00:50.32]Oh was call me whether[00:52.65]Can you make it better[00:55.12]I heard what you told me[00:57.64]So-o oh show me[00:59.54][00:59.94]Oh what you want[01:00.74]Your number 4[01:01.87]In time to ‘nough[01:02.96]The stuck some more[01:04.05]You gotta cute[01:05.24]Don"t in come you[01:06.49]Just think the truth[01:07.82]Walk in the room[01:08.53][01:08.97]I I I I[01:10.49]Wanna say you you[01:12.74]Well in me back back[01:14.56]Did you got what I mean is[01:15.87]To bring it down[01:17.00]I know I scream[01:17.33][01:17.68]Baby show me[01:19.47]Why you were you want me[01:21.90]Way you can show me[01:24.31]See me of you saw me[01:26.88]Oh when I"m lonely[01:29.22]Oh was call me whether[01:31.64]Can you make it better[01:34.08]I heard what you told me[01:36.47]So-o oh show me[01:38.32][01:39.14]Guys like me[01:40.24]Like girs like you[01:42.51]And girls like you(you)[01:44.92]Like guys like me(me)[01:46.90][01:47.64]Guys like me[01:49.78]Like girs like you[01:52.14]And girls like
2023-07-24 03:12:571

别人说you canmake it!你该怎么回答?

Thanks for your encouragement! I believe I can make it too! :)
2023-07-24 03:13:041

u can make it!和u can do it!的区别. rt

区别在于不同的语境使用不同的单词,产生不同的意思. 比如: 时间很紧迫(赶车、赶飞机)就只能用 You can make it!事实上话说得轻松,成不成不晓得. 要鼓励一个人努力(取得成功)习惯上用 You can do it!表示你有这个“能力”. 跑马拉松,离终点还有一段路,do 或 make 不分轩轾都能表达同样的加油打气.
2023-07-24 03:13:111

can you make a modle plane a knife.Yes,I can make

with, ofCan youmake a model plane with a knife?(用小刀with)Yes, I can make it of wood.(用木头make...of)
2023-07-24 03:13:202

请问高手,u can make it! 和u can do it!的区别。

2023-07-24 03:13:295


If you can take it, you can make it. 能忍方能有所成。如有疑问,请追问!
2023-07-24 03:13:431

i believe you can make it.是什么意思啊?

2023-07-24 03:13:514

hope you can make it 后面不是不能加人吗

不能写成这种句型hope sb to do sth.hope后面是可以加句子的
2023-07-24 03:13:592

What You Make It (Da Da Da Da) 歌词

歌曲名:What You Make It (Da Da Da Da)歌手:Sharon Shannon专辑:LibertangoJonessa - What You Make ItLove is what you make ityou can"t expect it to be the greatestcause if you do when it goes badyou wanna go ahead and start againso just take it slow, let it flow, keep it moving.Love is what you make ityou can"t expect it to be the greatestcause if you do when it goes badyou wanna go ahead and start againso just take it slow, let it flow, keep it moving.I put myself in this position where I"m hurting and I"m tripping and just don"t know and i just move onyou had me thinking we was moving in directions that would lead into this great love, but it wasn"t soI"m finding reasons why we finished ain"t expecting cuz I"m in it deep and i just, i cant let goLets make this easy, when you see me, just don"t see me cuhs behind these eyes you know, you"re invisibleI"m only emotionalcuhs they told me you were trying to do me the way you did all the other onesBut i had to learn this one on my own, and now that i did, i see thatLove is what you make ityou can"t expect it to be the greatestcause if you do when it goes badyou wanna go ahead and start againso just take it slow, let it flow, keep it moving.Love is what you make ityou can"t expect it to be the greatestcause if you do when it goes badyou wanna go ahead and start againso just take it slow, let it flow, keep it moving.You got me sitting "round here thinking how to fix it when inside i know that i tried, giving all i hadbut thats just me being a woman i cant help it i just wanna be your side, and it hurts so badbut dont you worry cuhs im moving while you losing out on everything that we build, so long agoaint no more crying or denying im realizing now that everything that we had is already goneI"m only emotionalcuhs they told me you were trying to do me the way you did all the other onesBut i had to learn this one on my own, and now that i did, i see thatLove is what you make ityou can"t expect it to be the greatestcause if you do when it goes badyou wanna go ahead and start againso just take it slow, let it flow, keep it moving.Love is what you make ityou can"t expect it to be the greatestcause if you do when it goes badyou wanna go ahead and start againso just take it slow, let it flow, keep it moving.Baby, if you looked inside and showed me that you could change for the better,try to keep us together then i would try to look deeper than what you showed me.But baby, it seems like you"re not even trying,so when i gave you all i had in now, now it rains.Love is what you make ityou can"t expect it to be the greatestcause if you do when it goes badyou wanna go ahead and start againso just take it slow, let it flow, keep it moving.Love is what you make ityou can"t expect it to be the greatestcause if you do when it goes badyou wanna go ahead and start againso just take it slow, let it flow, keep it moving.……
2023-07-24 03:14:061

work hard, and you can make it.是什么句型

2023-07-24 03:14:301

You Make It Real 歌词

歌曲名:You Make It Real歌手:James Morrison专辑:He"s Just Not That Into You (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)James Morrison - You Make It Realmmmmso much craziness surrounding meso much going on it gets hard to breatheall my faiths has gone you bring it back to meyou make it real for mewell I"m not sure of my prioritiesI"ve lost site of where I"m meant to beand like holy water washing over meyou make it real for meand IIIIIIIII"m running to you babyyouuuuuu are the only one who save methat"s whyyyyyy I"ve been missing you latelycause you make it real for mewhen my head is strong but my heart is weakI"m full of hurricanes and uncertaintybut I can find the wordsyou teach my heart to speakyou make it real for meee yeaaaand iiiiiiiiii"m running to you babyyou are the only one who save methat"s whyyy I"ve been missing you latelycause you make it real for meeverybody"s talking in wordsI don"t understandyou got to be the only onewho knows just who I amand you shine in the distanceI hope I can make it throughcause the only placethat I want to beis right back home with youI guess theres so much moreI have to learnBut if you"re here with meI know which way to turnYou always give me somewhere,somewhere I can learnYou make it real for meAnd iiiii"m running to you babyCause you are the only one who save meThat"s why I"ve been missing you latelyCause you make it real for meYes you doyou make it real for me
2023-07-24 03:14:371

You Make It Real 歌词

歌曲名:You Make It Real歌手:James Morrison专辑:Songs For You, Truths For MeJames Morrison - You Make It Realmmmmso much craziness surrounding meso much going on it gets hard to breatheall my faiths has gone you bring it back to meyou make it real for mewell I"m not sure of my prioritiesI"ve lost site of where I"m meant to beand like holy water washing over meyou make it real for meand IIIIIIIII"m running to you babyyouuuuuu are the only one who save methat"s whyyyyyy I"ve been missing you latelycause you make it real for mewhen my head is strong but my heart is weakI"m full of hurricanes and uncertaintybut I can find the wordsyou teach my heart to speakyou make it real for meee yeaaaand iiiiiiiiii"m running to you babyyou are the only one who save methat"s whyyy I"ve been missing you latelycause you make it real for meeverybody"s talking in wordsI don"t understandyou got to be the only onewho knows just who I amand you shine in the distanceI hope I can make it throughcause the only placethat I want to beis right back home with youI guess theres so much moreI have to learnBut if you"re here with meI know which way to turnYou always give me somewhere,somewhere I can learnYou make it real for meAnd iiiii"m running to you babyCause you are the only one who save meThat"s why I"ve been missing you latelyCause you make it real for meYes you doyou make it real for me
2023-07-24 03:14:441

you make it real中文歌词

There"s so much craziness, surrounding me There"s so much going on, it gets hard to breathe When all my faith has gone, you bring it back to me You make it real for me When I"m not sure of, my priorities When I"ve lost site of, where I"m ment to be Like holy water, washing over me You make it real for me And I"m running to you baby You are the only one who saved me That"s why I"ve been missing you lately Cause you make it real for me When my head is strong, but my heart is weak I"m full of arrogance, and uncertainty When I can find the words, you teach my heart to speak You make it real for meee, yeaaa And I"m running to you baby Cause you are the only one who save me That"s whyyy I"ve been missing you lately Cause you make it real for me Ohhh Everybodies talking in words I don"t understand You got to be the only one Who knows just who I am Your shinin in the distance I hope I can make it through Cause the only place That I want to be Is right back home with you I guess there"s so much more I have to learn But if you"re here with me I know which way to turn You always give me somewhere, Somewhere I can learn You make it real for me And I"m running to you baby Cause you are the only one who save me That"s why I"ve been missing you lately Cause you make it real for me You make it real for me
2023-07-24 03:14:522