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2023-07-24 08:27:39


副词: steeply 比较级: steeper 最高级: steepest 名词: steepness 过去式: steeped 过去分词: steeped 现在分词: steeping 第三人称单数: steeps



This can be particularly effective in shops that are primarily Linux and Unix based, though Puppet"s learning curve may be a bit steep.对那些主要基于Linux和Unix的企业来说这会是特别有效的,尽管Puppet的学习曲线可能有点陡峭。

How much did fiscal tightening contribute to Japan"s steep recession of 1998?财政紧缩对1998年日本经济急剧衰退的影响有多大?

Even with its creative features, it"s starting from the bottom of a steep hill, at the top of which sit the more established recipe sites.即便是拥有各种创新特性,它也还是要从一座陡峭山峰的山脚开始攀登,而山顶则盘踞着地位稳固的各大菜谱网站。

As they drove up the steep hill, a noisy motorcycle tail-gated them, trying to pa even though the road was windy and narrow.当他们驾驶了陡峭的小山,一辆喧闹的摩托车尾巴给他们装门,设法通过,即使路是有风和狭窄的。

In fact, in a tense and funny negotiation scene, he only agrees to help Harry out in exchange for a steep price.事实上,在一幕紧张而有趣的讨价还价场景中,他在答应帮助哈利拜托困境前还狠狠敲了他一竹竿。

Guys the curve is now going up in a steep fashion which means that everything is heating up.各位,曲线正急剧地持续上升,这意味着一切都在升温。

As cars passed him on the right, Gonzales shifted to a lower gear to make it up the steep grade ahead.当轿车从他的右边开过,Gonzales将档位调低来爬上前头的斜坡。

One beautiful spring evening, a hungry wolf goes out to look for his dinner. He sees a little goat. The goat stands up on a steep cliff.美好的春天的夜晚,饥饿的狼晚餐。它看见小山羊,那只小山羊站在一座陡峭的山上。

At the end of the day, the party was involved in a "fall on a steep slope as a result of a slip and tangling of ropes" .在当天的未了,探险队“因为又滑又乱的结绳而坠落到陡峭的斜坡上”而陷入困境。



tightening表达一种变化趋势,这里当名词用。In a significant tightening,作为状语修饰整个句子。至于状语的分类,是按照用途来划分的,不是只根据措辞就能决定的。这里引申翻译成 为了 的话,解释为目的状语更好。但由于是 in 引领的短语,直接翻译的话就是 位于,处在。。。的背景,环境下,更接近于地点。比如, In the process of democratization,Chinese goverment will publish。。 1.在不断推进的民主化道路上,中国即将颁布。 这个可以当成地点状语解释; 2.为了推进民主化进程,中国即将颁布。。 引申翻译成 为了, 目的状语。
2023-07-24 02:13:241

several screws need tightening.是什么意思

several screws need tightening.几个螺钉需要拧紧。双语例句1These tent ropes are too slack& they need tightening. 这些帐篷绳子太松了&它们需要弄紧。2Combinations need tightening. they"re all over. 组合拳还需要加紧一点就好了。
2023-07-24 02:13:321

In a significant tightening of legal controls over the press,

此乃2001年考研完型填空第二段32题 考查的是能与controls搭配的中心动词加强法律控制 tighten legal controls 而 In a significant tightening of legal controls over the press 作介词短语。 为了更有效地对新闻界实施合法监控 32.答案是〔A〕根据句子含义选择习惯搭配。tightening加强,使(法律法规等)更严格,和control做习惯动宾搭配。如 :The central government is tightening economic controls.中央政府正在加强经济控制。〔B〕intensifying加强,加剧;使……强烈,不能和control做动宾搭配。可以说intensify one"s efforts加紧努力。〔C〕focusing使(镜头)聚焦;集中(注意力)。 〔D〕fastening扎牢,扣紧;使固定。 补充与control 的搭配:take lose/gain/seize control of 祝君好运!!!
2023-07-24 02:13:401


2023-07-24 02:13:593

body tighteners 什么意思

body tightened身体收紧1But then her body tightened again. 可是接着她身体就又一阵紧张。2Vehicle breakdowns can occur if the fastening nut securing the battery ground strapto the body is not tightened to the specified tightening torque. 如果将蓄电池接地端固定到车身的紧固螺母未能拧紧到指定的拧紧力矩,则可能导致车辆发生故障
2023-07-24 02:14:071

tightening torque是什么意思

2023-07-24 02:14:172

tightening bolt是什么意思

tightening bolt [机] 拉紧螺栓;风口拉杆例句:Rotating the polygonal head with tools to tightening bolt and the object can befixed on the structure. 通过工具旋转上述多边形头部,紧固螺栓,将 上述被紧固物紧固于结构物上。
2023-07-24 02:14:241


问题一:"可透支额度"英语怎么说? credit line可透支额度Many US banks including the American Express, Bank of America and Citigroup have begun tightening standards of applicants and are sharply curtailing both credit card offers and sky-high credit lines, US media reported.据美媒报道,美国运通公司、美国银行、花旗银行等多家银行纷纷抬高申请持卡的标准,减少信用卡发行量,并降低持卡人可透支额度。 问题二:借款额度英语怎么说 Line of credit; credit line; credit limit 问题三:限额 用英文怎么说? limitation 问题四:授信额度的英文怎么说 credit facility credit line 也可以直接说 facility 问题五:金额和总金额用英语分别怎么说 金额-amount 总金额-total amount 亲,望采纳 问题六:最小额度的英文怎么说 最小额度:mimimum credit 问题七:信用额度的英文是什么 credit limit (信用额度) 问题八:"最高限额"用英语怎么说 maximum limit 问题九:每笔限额的英文怎么说 the upper limit of... per t骸ansaction the upper limit of... per day 问题十:新闻热词:“贷款限额”英语怎么说 贷款限额 basic credit line [金融]
2023-07-24 02:14:321

节约 英文怎么说

节约的;少量的;贫乏的 spare 节俭,节约 thrift , saving 节约地,节俭地;节省地 economically (构成形容词)表示"节约的"(如: labour - saving 节约劳动力的) -saving 节俭的,节约的 thrifty (常用于否定句或疑问句)节约,省用;吝惜 spare 使电灯暗淡;(为节约电力的)部分停电 brownout 强制性节约 belt - tightening (构成名词)表示"节约...的东西(或方法)"(如: a great time - saver 大大节省时间的方法) -saver 节约;朴素;节俭 frugality 节约地;俭朴地 frugally = Daylight Saving Time 日光节约时间 DST 节约地 abstemiously = daylight saving time 夏令时间,日光节约时间 dst 节约,节俭 husbandry 节约,俭省 spare 节约的 belt-tightening 和平股息(指冷战结束,军备缩减而节约下来的资金) peace dividend = daylight time 日光节约时,夏令时 D.T. = daylight - saving time 日光节约时,夏令时 DT (为防空袭或节约用电)把灯火弄暗 brown out 节约日光(指在夏季把标准时间拨早 1 小时) daylight saving 厉行节约 to practice strict or rigid economy ; to practice close saving ; to practice frugality ; to economize 节约的,俭朴的 frugal 结合句意和语境,自己选合适的词吧。(动词,形容词,名词你应该能看出来吧)
2023-07-24 02:14:544


第一句里的tightening existing sanctions不是保留宾语,这个介系词at是动词aim所要求的,意思是:“新措施的目标是严厉现有的处罚。”第二句里的to you是动词leave和owe所要求的,前者意思是“留给或遗留”,后者表示“归因于”,即“我把这个留给你”或“我把这个归因于你。”take for granted和keep in mind是固定词组,所以要把它作为一个整体来记,又称为成语动词,所以这两句的意思是:“你不把……认为是理所当然的。”或“请记住。”希望我能帮助你解疑释惑。
2023-07-24 02:15:222

In a significant tightening of legal controls over the press,

2023-07-24 02:15:313

In a significant tightening of legal controls over the press, Lord Irvine, the Lord Chancellor, wil

2023-07-24 02:15:392


Pull it tight;pull it tight for use
2023-07-24 02:15:462


你好,楼主,整体来说你所提供的翻译是大致正确的,但是有一些地方,以下指出:请参考下面关于所有拉线标准的信息。原翻译:Please refer to the following information for all wire pull spec. 现翻译:Please refer to the following information of all wire tightening standard. *information 后面跟介词on/about/of,此处用of或about比较适宜。 **标准直接翻译为standard,原翻译中的spec.可能是机译的。 ***拉线直接翻译为拉紧线:tightening wire/wire tighening,而原翻译纯粹是中式英语=,= 另外,因为楼主的句子涉及专有名词,加上中文句子的某些歧义,如果楼主能详述:拉线是哪个领域所说的拉线、是所有标准呢还是所有信息呢,可能会有跟准确的翻译效果~(强迫症是我我是强迫症令楼主受惊不好意思=,=) 我将跟Jack讨论关于控制限制。原翻译:I will discuss with Jack about control limit 现翻译:I will discuss differences between control and limit with Jack. *和谁一起做某事,英文会倾向于将伴随的人这一信息放句子最后。 **discuss 后面直接是sth.,可以不用about了。 ***同样地,这个句子也有一定的歧义:是讨论控制某某的限制呢,还是控制“限制”这一行为呢,还是讨论控制与限制两者呢……在下给出的翻译是讨论控制与限制的差别。 希望帮到你。
2023-07-24 02:15:542


我在一分报纸上看到过,似乎是:fiscal monetary policies,老了记忆衰退,像是这个,哈哈
2023-07-24 02:16:143

2011高考英语课标卷阅读66题答案为什么是B,Banking on Gardening 而不是C, A Belt-tightening Move?谢谢

2023-07-24 02:16:302


1.日常生活用品 杯子的所有英语词汇 杯子cup ,tumblerful, tumbler, glass, stoup . mug 还有; 杯子金鱼..Tumbler Gold Fish, 杯子金鱼..Tumbler Gold Fish 是澄草的发布的专辑[积雨云]中的一首新歌曲,该歌曲如果你觉得好听就把它推荐给其它好友. Smilecup 表情杯子,Plastic Cups 塑料杯子 Musical Cups 音乐杯子:泡沫杯子(importer Foam Cups) coffee cup..咖啡杯;ceramic cup..陶瓷杯;Ryder Cup..莱德杯;Imagine Cup..创新杯;2.用英语介绍杯子的产品介绍怎么说 Generally posed of ceramic or stainless steel with a vacuum layer made into a water storage containers, at the top of a covered, sealed JANSEN, vacuum insulation installed in the house allows water and other liquids slow cooling to achieve thermal insulation purposes. Insulation Cup evolved from a thermos flask, thermos flask principle and as insulation, but people are for the convenience of the bottle made of glass. There are three ways to spread heat: radiation, convection and delivery. Insulation cup silver cup hot water bile that reflects radiation, bile and cup cup vacuum body can block the tran *** ission of heat, but the bottle can be difficult to transfer heat to prevent heat convection. Now thermos bottle, but also applied the principle of magic water, Is at the bottom of the bottle and cap with mags, so that water is magized. It is said that magized water has magical effect. Flask production process: Insulation Cup there are many layers, and then it is vacuum laminated to prevent heat convection! Then he also plated with mercury, so there will be no heat radiation. Some of the top lid with cork, to prevent heat conduction. The development of insulation cup Insulation cup is normally provided by a vacuum layer of ceramic or stainless steel made into a bined water storage containers, at the top of a covered, sealed JANSEN, vacuum insulation installed in the house allows water and other liquids slow cooling to achieve thermal insulation purposes. Insulation Cup evolved from a thermos flask, thermos flask principle and as insulation, but people are for the convenience of the bottle made of glass. There are three ways to spread heat: radiation, convection and delivery. Insulation cup silver cup hot water bile that reflects radiation, bile and cup cup vacuum body can block the tran *** ission of heat, but the bottle can be difficult to transfer heat to prevent heat convection. Now thermos bottle, but also applied the principle of magic water, Is at the bottom of the bottle and cap with mags, so that water is magized. It is said that magized water has magical effect. The purchase and maintenance of insulation Cup Currently on the market to sell many kinds of stainless steel flask, the price difference is also great, for some consumers is concerned, do not understand their rationale, significant expenditures are often unable to buy desirable products. How can I buy high-quality vacuum flask do? First look at the appearance of the cup. A look at Inner and outer gall surface is polished uniform, do you have bumps and scratches Defects; two to see the mouth is *** ooth weld line, the relationship has a sense of when the water is fortable; 3 to see the poor quality of plastic parts. Will not only affect the life, but will also affect water sanitation; 4 to see whether the house sealed tight. Drain plug and the cup tie in with the appropriate body. Screwed out of it spin freely, whether it leaks. Filled with a glass of water upside down four or five minutes or forceful rejection can verify whether a few leaks. Looking at insulation performance, which is the main technical indicators of insulation cup. When you purchase can not be generally in accordance with standards of inspection, But you can feel full of hot water after the investigation by virtue, not warm cup into hot water for two minutes after the body of the lower cups will be hot, while the lower insulating glass is always cool to. During use to avoid the collision and impact, so as not to break something or plastic cup body, resulting in insulation failure or leaks. Tightening drain plug when the force should be appropriate and not excessive force rotation, so as not to screw buckle failure. Regular consumption of coffee, tea or drinks, the Liner will change this is a normal phenomenon, with the toothpaste, toothbrush can be removed.。
2023-07-24 02:16:381


2023-07-24 02:16:472


Cavitation: 40KHz, provides a non-invasive method to breakdown stubborn fat deposits that never seems to disappear no matter what your diet is or how hard you exercise.空穴效应:40KHz,提供了一种非创伤性方法来分解那些不管你如何节饮或努力运动都挥之不去的顽固脂肪堆积。Multi-polar RF: 5MHz, penetrates deeper into skin and affect the deeper dermis and subcutaneous layers, for tightening and improvements to the underlying tissue structure.多极化射频:5MHz,更深入皮肤及影响真皮和皮下更深的组织层,用于紧化和改善皮下组织结构。Vacuum: 100 KPa (max), increases blood flow, enhance lymphatic drainage, and assists in shrinkage of fat cells volume.真空吸器:100千帕(最裔值),加快血液流动,增强淋巴引流,并有助脂肪细胞体积收缩。Lipo laser: 650 nm, emits levels of laser energy through the treatment pads, triggering a chemical signal in the fat cells to break down the stored triglycerides into free fatty acids and glycerol, gently removed through body"s normal metabolism process.激光溶脂:650纳米,通过疗贴发射激光的能量,触发在脂肪细胞的化学信号,分解存储的三酰甘油成游离脂肪酸和甘油,经人体的正常代谢过程中逐渐排出。Laser cavitation hand pieces - 激光空穴手把件:Cavitation head - 空穴器的接触端Lipo laser - 激光溶脂Multi-polar RF laser head - 多极化射频激光接触端Big Vacuum head - 大真空吸器接触端Small Vacuum head - 小真空吸器接触端Lipo laser pads - 激光溶脂疗贴(4 diodies in 1 big pad and 1 diode in 1 small pad)(大贴有4个极管,小贴有1个极管)~~~~~~~~~纯人手翻译,欢迎采纳~~~~~~~~~
2023-07-24 02:16:551


问题一:我平时很节省的 英文怎么说,或者我是个很节约的人 当一个人真正孤单时,他或她会想起目前对于他或她最重要也最需要的人,也就是说:在人的不同时期,孤单时所想起来的人应该是不一样的,在小的时候,你会想起你的亲人;在年少时,你会想起那个朦胧的他(她);在青年时期,你会想起你的恋人、情人或爱人;在中年,你会想起你的孩子和家人;到了老年,你很可能会想起这一辈子所有与你有关系的人,而且会是令自己也很惊异的某个人:) 问题二:节约英文怎么说 save save 问题三:"节约"的英语怎么说? 节约: 1. save 2. frugal Relative explainations: Examples: 1. 节约是富裕的基础。 Thrift is the basement of richness. 2. 【谚】节约等于增加收入。 Saving is getting. 3. 即使我们富裕了也仍应该厉行节约。 We should practice economy even if we are rich. 4. 她大力鼓吹节约是解决危机的关键。 She preached economy as the best means of solving the crisis. 5. 这种新型设计能提高速度、 节约燃料. The new model delivers speed and fuel economy. electrical energy saving 节约用电 To be miserly. 吝惜,节约 time-saving principle 时间节约原则 marine fuel saving 船舶燃料节约 Frugality is an estate alone. 节约亦财富。 Excessively sparing or frugal. 过于节约或节俭的 Saving is got. 节约可积财。 Found the money by economizing. 通过节约得到了钱财 We should call for economy. 我们应该提倡节约。 He is frugal to the extreme. 他节约到极点。 问题四:当你孤单时你会想起谁 当一个人真正孤单时,他或她会想起目前对于他或她最重要也最需要的人,也就是说:在人的不同时期,孤单时所想起来的人应该是不一样的,在小的时候,你会想起你的亲人;在年少时,你会想起那个朦胧的他(她);在青年时期,你会想起你的恋人、情人或爱人;在中年,你会想起你的孩子和家人;到了老年,你很可能会想起这一辈子所有与你有关系的人,而且会是令自己也很亥异的某个人:) 问题五:节约 英文怎么说 节约的;少量的;贫乏的 spare 节俭,节约 thrift , saving 节约地,节俭地;节省地 economically (构成形容词)表示节约的(如: labour - saving 节约劳动力的) -saving 节俭的,节约的 thrifty (常用于否定句或疑问句)节约,省用;吝惜 spare 使电灯暗淡;(为节约电力的)部分停电 brownout 强制性节约 belt - tightening (构成名词)表示节约...的东西(或方法)(如: a great time - saver 大大节省时间的方法) -saver 节约;朴素;节俭 frugality 节约地;俭朴地 frugally = Daylight Saving Time 日光节约时间 DST 节约地 abstemiously = daylight saving time 夏令时间,日光节约时间 dst 节约,节俭 hu *** andry 节约,俭省 spare 节约的 belt-tightening 和平股息(指冷战结束,军备缩减而节约下来的资金) peace dividend = daylight time 日光节约时,夏令时 D.T. = daylight - saving time 日光节约时,夏令时 DT (为防空袭或节约用电)把灯火弄暗 brown out 节约日光(指在夏季把标准时间拨早 1 小时) daylight saving 厉行节约 俯to practice strict or rigid economy ; to practice close saving ; to practice frugality ; to economize 节约的,俭朴的 frugal 结合句意和语境,自己选合适的词吧。(动词,形容词,名词你应该能看出来吧) 问题六:“省去不少麻烦”用英语怎么说 save someb郸dy (from可要可不要) quite a few troubles be/get(2选1) free from lots of troubles get rid off a lot of troubles 问题七:‘省去了很多麻烦"的英语怎么说? 省去了很多麻烦: spare *** a lot of trouble. Fresh milk is available to people in this country at any moment:该国民众在任何时间都能获得新鲜的牛奶。 问题八:手机免费人工服务号码 中国电信:180.96180.10000 中国移贰:1860 中国联通:10010 中国铁通:10050 中国网通:10060 ^ 问题九:节省很多时间用英语怎么说 节省很多时间 save much time 例句: Which group could save much time, which group is winner. 哪一组更能节省时间,哪一组胜出。 问题十:节约英文怎么说 save save
2023-07-24 02:17:161

white chalk歌词

White Chalk歌手名:PJ 哈维 语种:英语 风格:Rock 唱片公司:Island 发行时间:2007-10-2 01 DevilAs soon as I"m left aloneThe devil wanders into my soulAnd I pretend to myselfAnd I pretend to myselfI go outTo the old milestoneInsanely expectingYou to come thereKnowing that I wait for you thereThat I wait for you thereCome!Come!Come here at onceCome!ComeOn a night with no moonBecause all of my being is now in piningAll of my being is now in piningWhat formerly had cheered meNow seemsInsignificantInsignificant----------------02 Dear DarknessDear darknessDear darknessWon"t you cover, coverMe again?Dear darknessDearI"ve been your friendFor many yearsWon"t you do this for me?Dearest darknessAnd cover me from the sunAnd the words tighteningThe words are tighteningAround my throatAnd, and...Around the throat of the one I loveTightening, tightening, tighteningAround the throat of the one I loveTightening, tightening, tighteningDear darknessDear darknessNow it"s your time to look after us"Cause we kept you clothedWe kept in businessWhen everyone else was having good luckSo now it"s your timeTime to payTo pay me and the one I loveWith the worldly goods you"ve stashed awayWith all the things youTook from us----------------03 Grow Grow GrowI sowed a seedUnderneath the oak treeI trod it inWith my boots I trampled it downGrowGrowGrowI sowed a roseUnderneath the oak groveWith my boots on the groundInto the earth I trampled it downGrowGrowGrowTeach me how to...Teach me how to...Teach me, MommyHow to growHow to catch someone"s fancyUnderneath the twisted oak grove----------------04 When Under EtherThe ceiling is movingMoving in timeLike a conveyor beltAbove my eyesWhen under etherThe mind comes aliveBut conscious of nothingBut the will to surviveI lay on the bedWaist down undressedLook up at the ceilingFeeling happinessHuman kindnessThe woman beside meIs holding my handI point at the ceilingShe smiles, so kindSomething"s inside meUnborn and unblessedDisappears in the etherThis world to the nextDisappears in the etherOne world to the nextHuman kindness----------------05 White ChalkWhite chalk hills are all I"ve knownWhite chalk hills will rot my bonesWhite chalk sticking to my shoesWhite chalk playing as a child with youWhite chalk sat against timeWhite chalk cutting down the sea lineI know Mary"s by the surfOn a path cut 1500 years agoAnd I know these chalk hills will rot my bonesDorset"s cliffs meet at the seaWhere I walked(Our unborn child in me)White chalk(Poor scattered land)Scratch my palmsThere"s blood on my hands----------------06 Broken HarpPlease don"t reproach meFor, for how emptyMy life has becomeI don"t what really happenedI watched your disappointmentAt being misunderstoodI forgive youOhSomething metalTearing my stomach outIf you think ill of meCan youCan youForgive meForgive meCan youCan youForgive meTooTooI tried to learn your languageBut fell asleep half undressedUnrecognizable to myself----------------07 SilenceAll those placesWhere I recall the memoriesThat gripped meAnd pinned me downI go to these placesIntending to thinkTo think of nothingNo anticipateAnd somehow expectYou"ll find me thereThat by some miracleYou"d be awareI"d risen this morningDetermined to breakThe spell of my longingAnd not to thinkI freed myself from my familyI freed myself from workI freed myselfI freed myselfAnd remained aloneAnd in my thinkingSteal you awayThough you never wanted meAnywaySilenceSilenceSilenceSilence----------------08 To Talk to YouOh grandmotherHow I miss youUnder the earthWish I was with youTo talk to youTo talk to youI found somebodyTried to give myself toMany timesI wanted to talk to youIf I lay on the earthCould you hearOh grandmotherI"m so lonelyAll my lifeIf I lay on the earthCould you hear thenIf I lay...Mary...----------------09 PianoHit her with a hammerTeeth smashed inRed tongue twitchingLook inside her skeletonMy fingers stingWhere I feel your fingers have beenGhostly fingersMoving my limbsOh God I miss youOh God I miss youOh God I miss youOh God I miss youOh God I miss youDaddy"s in the cornerRattling his keysMommy"s in the doorwayTrying to leaveNobody"s listeningNobody"s listeningNobody"s listeningNobody"s listeningNobody"s listeningNobody"s listeningNobody"s listeningNobody"s listeningOh God I miss youOh God I miss youOh God I miss youOh God I miss youOh God I miss youOh God I miss you----------------10 Before DepartureFarewell my friendsFarewell my dear onesFarewell this worldForgive my weaknessGoodbye my friendsGoodbye to evening partiesRemember meIn the springTo work for your breadSoon you must leaveRemember your familyWork for your childrenI don"t need muchAnd the older I becomeI realizeMy friendshipsLord carry me overAny course of distanceAny cause of sorrowMy friends that lastWill dance one more timeWith meI don"t need muchThis I need----------------11 The MountainAbove the mountainThe mountainAn eagleIs flyingHigh above the mountainAn eagle calling downTo the soldier who faltersThe soldier on the groundBy the mountainI feel nothingFor in my own heartEvery tree is brokenThe first tree will not blossomThe second will not growThe third is almost fallenSince you betrayed me soSince you
2023-07-24 02:17:241

born to reign(will smith) 中英歌词对照

"Born To Reign"I believe in GodI believe in DestinyNot Destiny in the sense of all of our Exerts being pre-determinedBut Destiny in the Sense of our ability to chooseOur ability to choose who we are and who we are supposed to beYo Yo YoYoI was Born to reignPoint BlankMy name to be ecthed in stoneMy destiny Pre-ordanedTrying to live righteousfighting for life, tis my lifethat"s why I liked on my vicesTightening the vices of truth on the ruthlessThis is rhyme and the crime and their minds is just uselessThe path of the poison, the genesis of the genisiYou and your boys trying to decide, what to writebut your hand is a sword and the blade has been forgedyoung minds gettin gorged States have been alteredby liquor, by weed and then hate gets exaltedas art falls to greed, Choices is Made that"s the voices is laidon the track, contract, the soldier wage, did you see his new Benz,but your like a syringe now proud of your binge.Got a lot of new friends, got a lot of new endsbought a house up in the hills fronting shouts to the pengiving false accounts of your account"s amountsamounts the fans treason stands to reason since your inceptionlaced with deception and bred with false affection it must perishFrom the Terrace I see the fire burning the streets but I won"t shield my eyes to the heatBorn to reign(oh)I was Born to reign(oh)I was Born to Reign"出生于统治"我相信上帝我相信命运不被预先决定我们施加的所有意义上的命运但命运在我们的能力来选择的感觉我们是谁和谁我们都应该选择我们的能力哟哟 YoYo我是天生统治点空白我的名字是 ecthed 中的石头我的命运 Pre-ordaned想要活义人为生存而战,tis 我的生活这就是为什么我喜欢上我的恶习收紧的真理上无情的恶习这是押韵和犯罪,他们的想法是只是无用路径的毒药,genisi 的成因你和你的手下试图决定,要写什么但你的手是一把剑和刀片式服务器已被伪造青年的思想得到 gorged 的国家已被更改由酒的杂草,然后恨高举获取艺术不落的贪婪,选择是声音的制造奠定了跟踪、 合同、 军人工资,你看到他新的奔驰但你会喜欢现在自豪你狂潮的注射器。有很多新朋友,有很多新的两端买房子山临笔的叫喊声中给您的帐户金额的假帐球迷叛国站立到原因您以来的数额laced 用欺骗手段和用虚假的感情培育它必须灭亡从露台看街道上的火,但我不会屏蔽我的眼睛到热天生的统治(哦)我是天生统治(哦)我是天生统治
2023-07-24 02:17:311


  Generally composed of ceramic or stainless steel with a vacuum layer made into a water storage containers, at the top of a covered, sealed JANSEN, vacuum insulation installed in the house allows water and other liquids slow cooling to achieve thermal insulation purposes. Insulation Cup evolved from a thermos flask, thermos flask principle and as insulation, but people are for the convenience of the bottle made of glass. There are three ways to spread heat: radiation, convection and delivery. Insulation cup silver cup hot water bile that reflects radiation, bile and cup cup vacuum body can block the transmission of heat, but the bottle can be difficult to transfer heat to prevent heat convection. Now thermos bottle, but also applied the principle of magnetic water,  Is at the bottom of the bottle and cap with magnets, so that water is magnetized. It is said that magnetized water has magical effect.  Flask production process:  Insulation Cup there are many layers, and then it is vacuum laminated to prevent heat convection! Then he also plated with mercury, so there will be no heat radiation. Some of the top lid with cork, to prevent heat conduction.  The development of insulation cup  Insulation cup is normally provided by a vacuum layer of ceramic or stainless steel made into a combined water storage containers, at the top of a covered, sealed JANSEN, vacuum insulation installed in the house allows water and other liquids slow cooling to achieve thermal insulation purposes. Insulation Cup evolved from a thermos flask, thermos flask principle and as insulation, but people are for the convenience of the bottle made of glass. There are three ways to spread heat: radiation, convection and delivery. Insulation cup silver cup hot water bile that reflects radiation, bile and cup cup vacuum body can block the transmission of heat, but the bottle can be difficult to transfer heat to prevent heat convection. Now thermos bottle, but also applied the principle of magnetic water,  Is at the bottom of the bottle and cap with magnets, so that water is magnetized. It is said that magnetized water has magical effect.  The purchase and maintenance of insulation Cup  Currently on the market to sell many kinds of stainless steel flask, the price difference is also great, for some consumers is concerned, do not understand their rationale, significant expenditures are often unable to buy desirable products. How can I buy high-quality vacuum flask do?  First look at the appearance of the cup. A look at Inner and outer gall surface is polished uniform, do you have bumps and scratches Defects; two to see the mouth is smooth weld line, the relationship has a sense of when the water is comfortable; 3 to see the poor quality of plastic parts. Will not only affect the life, but will also affect water sanitation; 4 to see whether the house sealed tight. Drain plug and the cup tie in with the appropriate body. Screwed out of it spin freely, whether it leaks. Filled with a glass of water upside down four or five minutes or forceful rejection can verify whether a few leaks. Looking at insulation performance, which is the main technical indicators of insulation cup. When you purchase can not be generally in accordance with standards of inspection,  But you can feel full of hot water after the investigation by virtue, not warm cup into hot water for two minutes after the body of the lower cups will be hot, while the lower insulating glass is always cool to.  During use to avoid the collision and impact, so as not to break something or plastic cup body, resulting in insulation failure or leaks. Tightening drain plug when the force should be appropriate and not excessive force rotation, so as not to screw buckle failure. Regular consumption of coffee, tea or drinks, the Liner will change this is a normal phenomenon, with the toothpaste, toothbrush can be removed.
2023-07-24 02:17:521

韩国LEIM的pore tightening mask可以解决毛孔粗大的问题吗?

可以的Pore Tightening Mask主要的成分有甘油、北美金缕梅和高岭士。甘油萃取自马齿精华,其特性为保湿,可以为肌肤持久保湿,降低炎症。适用于敏感性皮肤,连幼儿的肌肤都可以使用。北美金缕梅的萃取液有效的清洁、镇定修护皮肤,还有治愈伤口的作用,高岭士具有吸附肌肤油脂和毛孔内污垢的功效,收缩毛孔增加皮肤弹性,提升皮肤紧致感。
2023-07-24 02:17:591


2023-07-24 02:19:003

2011高考英语课标卷阅读66题答案为什么是B,Banking on Gardening 而不是C, A Belt-tightening Move?谢谢

2023-07-24 02:19:091

my trip英语作文六年级

  世界那么大,我想去看看,我要去旅行,你知道怎么写一篇我的旅行的 英语 作文 吗?下面是我给大家整理的我的旅行英语作文,供你参考!   my trip英语作文六年级篇1   my school trip   last tuesday we had a school trip to chimelong paradise.   it was a beautiful sunny day. we were so excited. we took a school bus there, and we took a photo in front of the gate. then we got into chimelong paradise. first we walked in the white tiger street. we saw many white tigers on the pillars. then we went to the screaming zone. we rode the motorbike launch coaster. it was very exciting, and made me feel sick. then we saw the 10-inversion roller coaster. it was terrible, so i did not ride it. we also saw a film in the 4d theater .it was very interesting. after that we went to the water world. we played driftage. we sat on the small boat. we wore a raincoats, but my raincoat was broken so my clothes were wet. i thought this game was interesting. we rode the doubl deck carousel. it was fun. dina saw the giant frisbee. she wanted to ride it. so she went to ride it. i admired her so much. she was so brave. we ate lunch outside the chimelong international circus. we ate hot dogs, some vegetables and rice. it was delicious. after lunch we went to the splash battle. it was fun. then we rode the half pipe. it was very scary, but we thought it was great. at last we went to the happy kindom. we played computer games there.   we thought we had a good time in chimelong paradise. we want to go there again next time.   my trip英语作文六年级篇2   when i was a primary school student, my family and i took a trip to five cities which were in the south of china.   first, we came to nanjing by plane. that was the first time i had taken the plane and it took us an hour and a half to get there. we arrived in nanjing in the morning. at 11:30 we went to a restaurant to have lunch. the food tasted delicious. in the afternoon we went to “zhongshanling”. it was the place that preserve the tomb of mr. sugshan.   the next day, we came to wuxi and then suzhou where we visited the region of rivers and lakes of “周庄”. it was a beautiful and old place. the house there were along the river and the women always washed clothes at the bank.the fourth day, we came to hangzhou where we visited “the west lake. it was very beautiful and the water was clear . as we all know, hangzhou is famous for silk and tea, so we bought some beautiful silk and famous tea of “龙井”.the last place that we visited was shanghai. it was one of the biggest city is china. the night view in shanghai was more beautiful than beijing. we visited the tv tower of “东方明珠”. it was the third tallest tower in the world. standing in the tower you could see the whole city. in the evening, we lived in a hotel with 25 floors. i was very excited that evening.   this trip took us seven days and we went back to beijing by plane. the plane was very very big. there were three engine rooms. i felt happy and i would never forget the trip.   my trip英语作文六年级篇3   his time most unforgettable was the first time traveling with his wife, as this is the first time, therefore, was extremely excited. on may 20 this particular day i have to play as early as 7:00 in the morning we arrived at the place to be on the train, the 6:00 bell on my wife and finishing up a good point.   7:01 to start on time. the coach and i was full of a sense of curiosity, for the first time for everyone to do there is always a special feeling. coach travel on the highway, the window quickly from the scene before flying, i have been looking out the window, could not feel happy. over time, unconsciously i fell asleep. after about four hours by car, we have finally reached the destination - nanbei hu.   we arranged to stay in the expo in hangzhou hotel, the room is very spacious, this is the first time i was admitted to a five-star hotel, i am excited about the west, zhang zhang looked at, to see that the door opened, the door opened look look, everything i feel very fresh. after lunch, rest for a while, we came to play a scenic spot, wow, beautiful! castle of the clean water i have felt the outside world really beautiful!不看不知道, a really wonderful to see! boating on the lake, i am very the tension, because deep water, fear over the ship in case how should we do? we all look at me very nervous, had no choice but to step aside to shore up the ship. although a very short time, but on the shore, i still feel very happy.   my trip英语作文六年级篇4   Put on the wetsuit, take the boat, come to the diving spot, the coach began to teach me the various gestures used in diving, teach me to breathe, I soon mastered, diving! Ha ha, one meter two m 3 m, a lot of fish in my side, I to catch with the hand, but also a touch less than, the bottom of the sea corals, hermit crab, all kinds of seaweed are surprise for me, because can"t talk, I was in the sea: I I screamed out diving feeling is really too good, and nervous and happy, ha ha...   But, in a moment, I began to uncomfortable, began to dizziness, vomiting, I motioned the coach took me floating Shanghai, coach let me take a rest,, but I just can"t, very afflictive, want to vomit vomit not to come out, my diving trip, so over   my trip英语作文六年级篇5   After visiting Lin zexu"s memorial hall, we were accompanied by a variety of snacks, and we arrived at the second stop of Spring Festival, south China mall playground.   Just after lunch, we could be free to spend three hours at the amusement park in the form of group activity - which is exciting!   After a quick lunch, six of our classmates hurried to the amusement park.   At the amusement park, I felt a remarkable activity: the students on the trampoline shouted loudly, Shouting and laughing. They were playing and playing. The people in the sky were turning up and down in the air, and some people began to scream.   With "rumble" voice, "roller coaster" orbit lightning fast in the air, sometimes up, sometimes down, sometimes, and sometimes with stand, someone cried in horror with fear... There"s a dizzying array of attractions here, but only one project attracts all six of us at the same time, it"s a roller coaster!   After a long wait, it"s our turn!   Fasten your seat belt, my heart also follow a tightening, looked at the orbit of winding up front, the heart has less just waiting in line when excited, but by the general sense of tension and fear. "Tick," the alarm went off, the roller coaster moved, I gripped the handrail, the heart "thumping" beat the drum.   my trip英语作文六年级篇6
2023-07-24 02:19:161

I Admit,I‘m In Love With Fear

I Admit,I‘m In Love With Fear Essay by Eileen Gu FOR THE LAST 10 OF MY 18 YEARS, I"ve pursued a tumultuous love affair with fear. I"m a professional freeskier, and twin-tipped skis, 22-foot halfpipes and double-cork rotations are my main sources of adrenaline, the truly addictive core of extreme sports. Like all bewitching lovers (at least the ones in the novels I read, for lack of real-world experience), this significant other can be … mercurial. “Fear” is really an umbrella term for three distinct sensations: excitement, uncertainty, and pressure. I"ve learned that the nuanced indicators of each of these feelings can be instrumental to success when recognized and positively leveraged, and harbingers of injury when ignored. Though it"s easy to label extreme sport athletes as fearless or capricious, the countless hours I"ve spent visualizing tricks and practicing them in foam pits (foam. particles. everywhere) and on airbags (think giant Slip "N Slide) suggest otherwise. It"s biologically counterintuitive for us to place ourselves in positions of risk, and while we make every effort to physically prepare, no amount of metaphorically safety-netted practice can equate to the unforgiving snow slope that rushes up to meet us after a steep kicker launches us into the air. Instead of ignoring fear, we build unique relationships with it by developing a profound sense of self-awareness and making deliberate risk assessments. The work begins with visualization. Before I attempt a new trick, I feel a tightening high in my chest, between the base of my throat and the top of my diaphragm. I take a deep breath and close my eyes. As I ascend the gargantuan takeoff ramp, I imagine extending my legs to maximize lift. Then I picture twisting my upper body in the opposite direction I intend to spin, generating torque before I allow it to snap back the other way. Now, in my mind, I"m airborne. I see the backside of the takeoff immediately, then my flip draws my vision to the cloudless sky above me. My ears register the wind as a kind of song, every 360-degree rotation providing the beat to the music of my motion. As my feet come under me halfway through, I spot the landing for the briefest of moments before I pull my body into the second flip. I imagine my legs swinging under me as I return to a forward-facing position and meet the ground with my weight in the front of my boots. 1440 degrees. I smile. Then I open my eyes. In the split second following my visualization, the knot in my chest flutters and spreads — those famous butterflies reaching their final stage of metamorphosis. Excitement, the child of adrenaline, my true love and addiction. That tantalizingly precarious balance between confidence in my ability to execute the trick safely and excitement for the unpredictable experience to come. I"ve heard this state called “the zone,” which is indeed where I was when I became the first female skier in history to land the double cork 1440 last fall. It doesn"t take much, unfortunately, for uncertainty to override confidence. Imperfect preparation moistens my palms, pushes that tight spot down into my stomach and makes each breath shallower than the last. The feeling isn"t panic, but something like dread. Danger! cries every evolutionary instinct. If I should choose to look past this safety mechanism, my body may act autonomously in the air, twisting out of the rotation and forcing me to brace for impact out of fear that full commitment to the trick may end in disaster. Every freeskier"s goal is to recognize the minute differences between excitement and uncertainty in order to maximize performance while minimizing the risk of injury. Finally, there"s pressure, an energy source that can be wielded in many ways. One"s experience of pressure — by far the most subjective facet of “fear” — is affected by personal experiences and perspectives. Expectations of family and friends, a competitive streak, or even sponsorship opportunities can provide the scaffolding for a high-pressure environment. Pressure can be a positive force for competitors who leverage it to rise to the occasion, but it can also single-handedly dictate competitive failure. But whether athletes alleviate or compound their innate desire to “prove themselves” depends largely on confidence. As I enter my early adulthood, I"m proud of the work I"ve done to cope with pressure by bolstering my self-esteem and minimizing my need for external validation. I focus on gratitude, perspective, and on the joy this sport brings me, regardless of whether I"m alone or in front of a worldwide TV audience. Though my views of myself and the world are constantly evolving, one thing is for certain: no matter how much time passes, I"ll always be a hopeless romantic when it comes to fear.
2023-07-24 02:19:341


ENVIRONMENT PROTECTING SPEECHGOOD AFTERNOON: Ladies and gentlment, my topic today is <<please protect our environment>> As China" economy grows, people"using of natural resource is also increasingly developing. As a result, sometimes the demand is exceeding supply. What"s worse, in order to get a great profit, people even exploit it in an illegal/ unscientific way. And nowadays the unwise behaviour has brought about lots of environment problems, such as global warming, white pollution and so on, which has seriously influenced people"s daily lives. To improve the situation, I do believe measures should be taken right now. First and foremost, I think the specific efforts should be centered around restoration, conservation, sustainable using and establishing conservation network and organization. Secondly, society should provide a platform for departments, local governments, enterprises, experts and the public to share information and improve cooperation on reducing pollution. Last but not least, society also need to encourage the public and enterprises to consume and produce in a sustainable way ,and facilitate the development of more effective policy. Only in this way, can we stop the accelerating degadation of earth"s natural environment, can we live in greater harmony with nature. That"s all. Thank you
2023-07-24 02:20:042


2023-07-24 02:20:156


2023-07-24 02:22:242


Even in the darkness of day, he could see she needed help. So he pulled up in front of her Mercedes and got out. His Pontiac was still sputtering when he approached her.即使天色昏暗,他也看得出来她需要帮助。他在她的梅赛德斯车前停了下来,下了车。他都走到他面前了,他那辆旁蒂车还在那儿呼哧呼哧的喘气呢。Even with the smile on his face, she was worried. No one had stopped to help for the last hour or so. Was he going to hurt her? He didn"t look safe, he looked poor and hungry. He could see that she was frightened, standing out there in the cold. He knew how she felt. It was that chill that only fear can put in you. He said, "I"m here to help you ma"am. Why don"t you wait in the car where it"s warm. By the way, my name is Joe." 尽管看到他脸上挂着微笑,她还是很担忧。刚才才的一个多小时里一直没有人停下来帮忙。他会伤害她吗?他让人感觉不安全,因为它看上去又穷又饿。他看得出来,她站在冷风中,惊恐万分。他知道他在 想什么,这么冷的天,人心中就只剩下恐惧了。他说:“女士,我是来帮助你的,你在暖和的车里等着吧。顺便说一下,我叫比尔。Well, all she had was a flat tire, but for an old lady, that was bad enough. Joe crawled under the car looking for a place to put the jack, skinning his knuckles a time or two. Soon he was able to change the tire. But he had to get dirty and his hands hurt. As he was tightening up the lug nuts, she rolled down her window and began to talk to him. She told him that she was from St. Louis and was only just passing through. She couldn"t thank him enough for coming to her aid. Joe just smiled as he closed her trunk. 她的车不过是爆胎了,但对于一位上了年纪的老太太来说,这已经足够糟糕了。比尔钻到车子底下,找地方放好了千斤顶,他不小心檫破了手上的几块皮。一会儿,轮胎换好了,但他却弄脏了衣服,擦破了手。正当他把螺丝拧你时,老太太摇下了车窗的玻璃,跟他聊了起来。她说她从圣.路易斯来只是路过这里,她对他来帮助感激不尽。比尔只是笑笑,盖上了车的后备箱。She asked him how much she owed him. Any amount would have been all right with her. She had already imagined all the awful things that could have happened had he not stopped. Joe never thought twice about the money. This was not a job to him. This was helping someone in need, and God knows there were plenty who had given him a hand in the past. He had lived his whole life that way, and it never occurred to him to act any other way. He told her that if she really wanted to pay him back, the next time she saw someone who needed help, she could give that person the assistance that they needed, and Joe added "...and think of me." 她问他该付多少钱,多少钱都可以。要不是他停下来帮忙,她知道要发生什么可怕的事情。比尔没有在意钱的问题,这不是他的工作,只是给有困难的人帮助罢了,过去有很多人也曾给他以帮助……他就 是这么过来的,也从没有想过不这么做会怎样。他告诉她,如果他真想报答他,等下次有人需要帮忙的时候,她可以给他们帮助,比尔补充说:“那时,请想起 我。”He waited until she started her car and drove off. It had been a cold and depressing day, but he felt good as he headed for home, disappearing into the twilight. A few miles down the road the lady saw a small cafe. She went in to grab a bite to eat, and take the chill off before she made the last leg of her trip home. It was a dingy looking restaurant. Outside were two old gas pumps. The whole scene was unfamiliar to her. The cash register was like the telephone of an out of work actor, it didn"t ring much. 他一直等到她发动车子离开,天特别冷,阴沉沉的,但他感觉很开心。他驾车向家里驶去,消失在黑暗中。开了几公里路,老太太看到一家小咖啡店,她准备进去吃点东西,暖暖身子,然后再开车回 家。店里光线阴暗,门外有两个旧的油泵。整个环境显得很萧条,她很少见过这样的咖啡店,收银机就像过气演员家里的电话机,响不了几下。Her waitress came over and brought a clean towel to wipe her wet hair. She had a sweet smile, one that even being on her feet for the whole day couldn"t erase. The lady noticed that the waitress was nearly eight months pregnant, but she never let the strain and aches change her attitude. The old lady wondered how someone who had so little could be so giving to a stranger. Then she remembered Joe. 女服务员拿了一条毛巾,让她把湿漉漉 的头发擦干。女服务员面带甜甜的微笑,即使在店里站了一天了,她也还是微笑着。老太太发觉她差不多有8个月的身孕, 但她并没有让疲惫与疼痛改变她待人接物的态度。老太太惊讶于在这样惨淡的情况下,他还能给与陌生人这样的温暖。她想起了比尔。After the lady finished her meal, and the waitress went to get her change from a hundred dollar bill, the lady slipped right out the door. She was gone by the time the waitress came back. She wondered where the lady could be, and then she noticed something written on a napkin. There were tears in her eyes, when she read what the lady wrote. It said, "You don"t owe me a thing, I"ve been there too. Someone once helped me out, the way I"m helping you. If you really want to pay me back, here"s what you do. Don"t let the chain of love end with you." 老太太吃完饭后,女服务员去给她的百元大钞找零。当女服务员回来时,老太太已经走了,女服务员正在奇怪,忽然看到餐巾上写了几行字,下面有4张100元面额的钞票。读者上面的话语,泪水模糊 了她的双眼。纸巾上写道;“你不欠我什么,我也遇到过这样的事。有人曾帮助过我,就像我帮助你一样。假如你真的要报答我,你就这么做:不要让这条爱之链在 你这里断掉。
2023-07-24 02:23:191

Linkin Park的We Made It的歌词这个版本就很正了,不需要另外翻译了。
2023-07-24 02:23:273

be used for 和 be used by 有什么用法上的区别?

以简单的意思上来解读的话,be used for 就是“用于...”,而 be used by 则是“为...所用”。譬如:The spanner is used for tightening the bolts.扳手是用来栓紧螺栓的。The spanner is used by the mechanics.这扳手是供机修工使用的。
2023-07-24 02:23:362

i can t feel my legs什么意思

i can t feel my legs我感觉不到我的腿; 我的腿麻木了。双语对照例句:1.I hate this makes my legs feel so long. 我不喜欢这件外衣.穿着它我的腿显得太长.2.This stuff really works. I can feel my skin tightening. 这玩意效果不错.我感觉到我的皮肤紧缩了很多.
2023-07-24 02:24:142


现在雅顿.水印有专业的防辐射产品!不含油脂配方,采用纯天然植物绿色草莓萃取的莓多酚因子(ASPF),多酚类抗氧化活性物质及维生素E群能迅速渗透肌肤表面形成保护层,中和辐射线(αβγ) 有效隔离99.7%电磁波的危害。纯天然草莓萃取物莓多酚因子,杏仁萃取液,于夜间为面部受损肌肤带来三重修复更新,为肌肤弹奏细致毛孔(tightening)去角质(peeling) 控油(HYD rdting)三篇章,令肌肤惊现如丝般细致,嫩滑。清泉为基本成份的滋润啫哩能在24小时有效深层锁水,维持细胞内外水分渗透平衡,建立肌肤保护膜及加强细胞锁水能力。不含油脂的滋润,能迅速修护干燥、缺水、暗哑及缺氧肌肤。
2023-07-24 02:24:212


  2015考研英语长难句这样复习  从结构来说,英语句子中,除了谓语之外,其它的成分均可以由从句或者非谓语动词来充当。从句本身是一个完整的句子,因此,从句与从句之间的关系可能包孕、套嵌,也可能并列、平行。从功能来说,英语有三大复合句,即:①名词性从句,包括主语从句、宾语从句、表语从句和同位语从句;②形容词性从句,即我们平常所说的定语从句;③状语从句。非谓语动词可以有自己的时态和语态(过去分词除外),也可以跟自己的逻辑主语、宾语、状语等成分,构成一个非谓语动词结构。由于非谓语动词和从句的这些特点,使英语句子从理论上讲可以无限延长。  考研英语长难句的分析方法:去枝叶,留主干。  1)划出句子中的定语从句和状语从句;  2)划出所有介词短语(位于be动词后的除外);  3)名词性从句看作一个整体,找出句中所有的谓语结构、非谓语结构、介词短语和从句的引导词;  4)非谓语动词结构看作一个整体;  5)找出全句的主语、谓语和宾语,即句子的主干;  6)分析从句的结构和非谓语动词的内部结构。  考研英语长难句分析的步骤举例  经典例题(2001年考研完型填空第二段)  In a significant tightening of legal controls over the press, Lord Irvine, the Lord Chancellor, will introduce a draft bill that will propose making payments to witnesses illegal and will strictly control the amount of publicity that can be given to a case before a trial begins.  考研英语长难句分析:  第一,划出定语从句和状语从句: that will propose making payments to witnesses illegal and will strictly control the amount of publicity /that can be given to a case /before a trial begins.  第二,划出介词短语:In a significant tightening of legal controls over the press  第三,句子的结构分析:  (1)主干结构是主语(Lord Irvine含同位语the Lord Chancellor)+将来时谓语(will introduce)+宾语(a draft bill);  (2)that引导的定语从句修饰draft bill,其中,will propose 是第一个谓语,making payments to witnesses illegal是一个动名词短语做宾语,在动名词短语内部,payments to witnesses做making的宾语,illegal是宾补;第二个谓语是will strictly control, the amount of publicity是它的宾语。that can be given to a case before a trial begins是孕含有一个时间状语从句(before a trial begins)的定语从句,修饰publicity。  请大家按照上述步骤认真分解以下的句子,并把分解后的句子读熟甚至背过,则基本上可以解决考研长难句问题。  考研英语长难句实例分析  1. When a new movement in art attains a certain fashion, it is advisable to find out what its advocates are aiming at, for, however farfetched and unreasonable their principles may seem today, it is possible that in years to come they may be regarded as normal.  结构分析: 本句是由for连接的两个因果关系的并列句;for前面的部分是表示结果的分句,此句结构是when引导的状语从句+主句,主句主干结构是... it is advisable to ...,其中,it是形式主语,真正的主语是后面的动词不定式结构;动词不定式结构中又包含一个what引导的宾语从句,做find out的宾语;for后面的部分是表示原因的分句,此句结构是:让步状语从句+主句,主句主干结构是... it is possible that... ,it 是形式主语,真正的主语是后面的that从句;  译文: 当一场新的艺术运动形成某种时尚时,理应弄清其倡导者的目标所在,因为无论他们的准则在今天看来是多么牵强附会、不可思议,将来都有可能被视为正常的。  2.The overall result has been to make entrance to professional geological journals harder for amateurs, a result that has been reinforced by the widespread introduction of refereeing, first by national journals in the nineteenth century and then by several local geological journals in the twentieth century.  结构分析: 本句主干部分是The ... result has been to make entrance ... harder for amateurs...; 第一个逗号后面是一个名词性短语,中心词是the result,后面是that引导的定语从句;此定语从句中包含两个并列状语,其结构为first by ... and then by ... ;  译文: 其总的结果是使业余人员的论文进入专业性地质学杂志更加困难,而审稿制度的全面引进使论文发表的难度进一步加大,这一制度开始是在19世纪的全国性杂志出现的,进入20世纪后也在一些地方性地质杂志实行。  3.Sad to say, this project has turned out to be mostly low-level findings about factual errors and spelling and grammar mistakes, combined with lots of head-scratching puzzlement about what in the world those readers really want.  结构分析: 本句主干结构是... this project has turned out to be ... findings ...; findings前面的mostly low-level是findings的修饰成分,后面的about ... 介词结构是宾语findings的宾语补足语;逗号后面的过去分词结构combined是状语成分,表示一种伴随的动作;  译文: 遗憾的是,这次调查的结果只获得了一些肤浅的发现,诸如新闻报道中的事实错误、拼写或语法错误,以及特别令人费解的困惑:读者到底想读些什么。  4.A lateral move that hurt my pride and blocked my professional progress prompted me to abandon my relatively high profile career although, in the manner of a disgraced government minister, I covered my exit by claiming "I wanted to spend more time with my family."  结构分析: 本句句子主干是A lateral move ... prompted me to ...; move后面是that引导的定语从句,修饰a lateral move, that在从句做主语;第一个逗号后面的是状语成分,两个逗号之间的部分是插入语;  译文: 一次平级的人事调动伤了我的自尊心,并阻碍了我的事业发展,这促使我放弃自己地位较高的职业,当然,就像颜面扫尽的政府部长那样,我也掩饰说“我想多陪陪家人”.  5.I have discovered, as perhaps Kelsey will after her much-publicized resignation from the editorship of She after a build-up of stress, that abandoning the doctrine of "juggling your life" , and making the alternative move into "downshifting" brings with it far greater rewards than financial success and social status.  结构分析: 本句主干结构是I have discovered ... + that引导的宾语从句;as引导的句子是伴随状语,可以看作是插入语;在that引导的宾语从句中,主语是两个动名词短语:abandoning ... and making ...,谓语是brings;  译文: 我已经发现(由于压力过大,凯尔茜已多次公开宣称要辞去《她》杂志编辑的职务,在这之后她也许会同样发现):放弃“忙忙碌碌”的生活哲学,转而过一种“放慢生活节奏”的生活所带来的回报,比经济成功和社会地位更有价值。  平时看书看报都可以作为我们的考研英语长难句的分析材料,看里面的句子结构,在行文中寻找语感和规律,坚持阅读,长难句不是不可攻克的老大难问题。
2023-07-24 02:24:311


1、她身上穿着一件新制的绿色花布青衫,从弹簧箍上撑出波浪纹的长裙,配着脚上一双也是绿色的低跟鞋。 She was wearing a new green cloth green, wavy skirt support from the spring band, with a pair of feet and green low heeled shoes. 2、鬓珠作衬,乃具双目如星复作月,脂窗粉塌能鉴人。略有妖意,未见媚态,妩然一段风姿,谈笑间,唯少世间礼态。断绝代风华无处觅,唯纤风投影落如尘。眉心天生携来的花痣,傲似冬寒的独梅。 As pearl lined, but with eyes like star fuzuo, fat powder can collapse in the window. A demon, no lady, Wu ran a period of grace, laughing, only less worldly state ceremony. Broken anatomia nowhere to find, only the wind falls like dust fiber projection. Between the eyebrows naturally holds flowers like moles, cold winter Du Mei ao. 3、我,天生一副假小子模样。尽管妈妈给我买了好几条裙子,可我都不喜欢穿。我总爱穿一条西装紧身短裤,一件大翻领上滚着白道道的运动服,再戴上一条红领巾,嘿,走起路来精神抖擞,可神气呢! I, born a false boy look like. Although my mother bought me a couple of skirts, I don"t like to wear it. I always wear a suit pants, a lapel roll Road Road sports wear, then wear a red scarf, hey, go up the road to air it can be in fine fig! 4、她穿着淡咖啡色的裙装,敞领中衬着乳白色印度绸纱巾,别着一枚硕大的红宝石胸针。 She wears a light brown skirt, open collar in lined with white silk scarf in India, with a large ruby brooch. 5、他穿着多年没拆洗过的棉袄。袖口上已经吊着破布条和烂棉花絮了。 He was wearing the jacket and not for many years. The cuffs have hanging cloth and cotton wadding were broken. 6、她在那件美丽的、褶襞向下飘动的无袖长艳外面,又罩上一件雪白的垂着紫色流苏的坎肩。 She is in that beautiful, fold down with no colourful sleeve outside, cover and a white waistcoat with purple tassels hanging. 7、一件粉白色的长袍、腰束紫色的宽边腰带,外面套着一件半透明的丝制长衫,显出欣长高挑的身材。袖口和裙摆都有着莲花绣饰。 A pink and white robes, Waist Wide purple belt, outside the set of a translucent silk gown, show Yan Long tall. Cuffs and skirt are embroidered lotus. 8、黑纱旗袍,紧裹在臂上的袖子长过肘,裾长到踝.怪幽静地衬出欣长窈窕的身材。 The black dress, wrapped in length sleeves over the elbow, ankle length garment. Strange quiet with Xin long slim figure. 9、虽然灵秀雅致的小脸上桃腮泛红、檀口粉嫩,不免引入遐思,但由于身段实在太过瘦小,让再过几个月就满十五岁的她,看上去稚气未脱,顶多只有十一、二岁女孩的清纯模样。 Although the scenery elegant face rosy cheeks red, pink and tan, not into the feelings, but because the figure is too small, so a few months under the age of fifteen she looks childish, at most, only eleven, two year old girl"s pure shape. 10、几转。这少女容貌秀丽之极,当真如明珠生晕,美玉莹光,眉目间隐然有一股书卷的清气。 Several turn. The girl was very beautiful, really like pearl irising, jade fluorescent, implicitly there a scroll between UMEMs gas. 11、一头乌黑柔软的头发,梳着许多根又细又长的小辫子。雪白的瓜子脸,细长的眉毛下闪动着一双乌黑发亮的眼睛,流露出聪颖的光芒。 A head of black hair and a long, thin, long braid. White face, slender eyebrows flashing a pair of black eyes, showing the bright light. 12、碧绿的翠烟衫,散花水雾绿草百褶裙,身披翠水薄烟纱,肩若削成腰若约素,肌若凝脂气若幽兰。娇媚无骨入艳三分。 The green sweater Cuiyan, flower in water mist grass skirts, Cui thin smoke yarn, if cut into the shoulder waist if about muscle, if the creamy gas if the orchids. No bone into three brilliant charming. 13、在舞会上,唯独芙蓉最显得光彩夺目,所有的贵宾都陶醉在这优雅的曲中,渐渐的也迈出轻盈的步伐,和自己的舞伴跳起来,每个花儿脸上都洋溢出灿烂、会心的笑容。 At the party, but the lotus guests were all appear The brightness dazzles the eyes., revel in the elegant music, gradually also has taken the pace of light, and his partner jumped up, each flower face filled with a bright smile. 14、他穿着上绿下蓝的军装,领上佩着红领章,大沿军帽正中嵌着鲜艳的帽徽,腰系武装带,手待冲锋枪,站立岗位上,多么精神,多么威武! Blue uniform green dress collar on him, wearing a red collar, along a median block with bright cap badge, waist belts, hand to stand submachine gun, post, how the spirit, how mighty! 15、我走近一看,原来是我常见的那位年轻的女清洁工。她的工作帽是那样洁白,又大又白的口罩把大半个脸都遮住了,只露着一双大眼睛,她双手戴着大帆布手套,握着一把长长的扫帚。 As I approached, it turned out to be the young woman I was familiar with. Her work cap was so white, big and white masks that covered half of her face. She had a pair of big eyes, her hands on canvas gloves, and a long, long broom. 16、穿着一件略嫌简单的素白色的长锦衣,用深棕色的丝线在衣料上绣出了奇巧遒劲的枝干,桃红色的丝线绣出了一朵朵怒放的梅花,从裙摆一直延伸到腰际,一根玄紫色的宽腰带勒紧细腰,显出了身段窈窕。 Wearing a rather simple white dress with long, dark brown silk cloth embroidered in the exquisite emotion of the branches, Silk Embroidered Pink out of a blossoming plum blossoms, the skirt has been extended from the waist, a string of purple wide belt tightening waist, showing a good figure. 17、淡淡的粉色颜色长袭纱裙纬地,外套玫红锦缎小袄,边角缝制雪白色的绒毛,一条粉红色段带围在腰间。 Light pink color long skirt was weft, coat red brocade jacket, snow white hair edge sewing, a pink belt around your waist. 18、碧绿的翠烟衫,散花水雾绿草百褶裙,身披翠水薄烟纱,肩若削成腰若约素,肌若凝脂气若幽兰。 The green sweater Cuiyan, flower in water mist grass skirts, Cui thin smoke yarn, if cut into the shoulder waist if about muscle, if the creamy gas if the orchids. 19、我的爷爷是一位普通农民,身穿粗布裤褂,两鬓斑白,花白的头发上像落了一层细细的霜雪,脸上的皱纹又粗又密,两只粗大、干枯的手摸在你的脊背上,像两只小锉似的。 My grandpa is an ordinary farmer, wearing denim trousers and blouse, Liangbinbanbai, gray hair fell like a thin layer of snow, wrinkles and thick and dense, two thick, dry hands on your back, like two small file like. 20、裙子是翠绿色的,远看好似一块碧玉,翠色欲流,轻轻渗入玉中,更似一个郁郁葱葱的森林,变化多端,令人难以辨认。正是这一点,深深的吸引了我。 The skirt is green, looks like a piece of jade, Cuise flow, gently into a jade, more like a wild profusion of vegetation in the forest, be the most changeful, it is difficult to identify. It is this point, deeply attracted me. 21、那个女人一身雪白的洋布衫,裁剪得又紧又窄,裤脚简底下露出一双穿白鞋的脚,脸上抹上一层薄薄的粉。 The woman in a white blouse ocean, cut very tight and narrow, revealing a pair of trousers under Jane wear white shoes feet, face with a thin layer of powder. 22、一个身穿白色绣着淡粉色的荷花抹胸,腰系百花曳地裙,手挽薄雾烟绿色拖地烟纱,风鬟雾鬓,发中别着珠花簪。眼神有神,眼眉之间点着一抹金调点,撩人心弦,果真是一位绝色佳人! Wearing a white embroidered with pink lotus flowers a bra, waist skirt, hand smoke mist green smoke mopping yarn, hair with lady"s thick and beautiful hair, so hair. The eyes of God, with a gold tone between the eyebrows, touching, really is a scorcher! 23、一袭粉蓝色的宫装,外罩一件纱衣,看起来素雅,却显得华贵,缕缕的发丝在清风中微微显自己的舞姿。 A powder blue court, cover a gauze dress, looks simple and elegant, but it is luxurious, wisps of hair in the breeze slightly marked his dancing. 24、我是很热衷于扮演清纯小女生这个角色的。穿着一条条流光溢彩的裙子,背着书包,挺着1米2的身板,裙角飞扬,满脸幸福地跑去上学。 I am very keen to play the role of pure little girls. Wearing a colorful dress, carrying a bag, a 1 meter 2 body, Qunjiao flying happily go to school. 25、深紫色的小衬衫,衬衫上有暗色的花案,是淡淡的小玫瑰花。立领,领口和袖口都有薄薄的淡紫色蕾丝,软软的蕾丝像一层轻薄的棉花糖一样缠缠绕绕在衬衫上面。 Small deep purple shirt with dark flower case shirt is light small rose. Collar, collar and cuffs have a thin light purple lace, lace soft like a thin layer of cotton candy twine in shirt. 26、折纤腰以微步,呈皓腕于轻纱。眸含春水清波流盼,头上倭堕髻斜插碧玉龙凤钗。香娇玉嫩秀靥艳比花娇,指如削葱根口如含朱丹,一颦一笑动人心魂。 To fold waist step, is Hao wan to veil. With eyes on the head when spring Shiba, Japanese Xiecha jade dragon aborting bun chai. Beauty show my brilliant than the flower, like cutting onion root mouth with Zhu Dan, moving every twinkle and smile. 27、一棵大树下站着一高一矮的兄弟俩。哥哥穿一套崭新的军装;弟弟上身穿白衬衫,下着蓝短裤,脖子上系一条鲜艳的红领巾,仰着脸,目不转睛地看着哥哥的脸。 Under a big tree stands a tall and a short brothers. My brother wears a new uniform; brother wearing a white shirt with blue shorts, neck tie a bright red scarf, upturned face, all eyes looked at his face. 28、碧水寒潭之上,出尘如仙,傲世而立,恍若仙子下凡,令人不敢逼视。一袭紫衣临风而飘,一头长发倾泻而下,紫衫如花,长剑胜雪,说不尽的美丽清雅,高贵绝俗。 The water above the cold pond, such as fairy dust, fate and stand, like fairies descend, it is not at. Dressed in a purple breeze and float, long hair down, he is the sword she said countless beautiful, elegant, elegant juesu. 29、她穿着极讲究的晚礼服,颜色淡雅,多褶的裙据拖在地面如一片云彩发际插一朵红花,乌黑的形髻,垂在耳际。 She was wearing a very elegant dress, elegant color, a pleated skirt is dragged on the ground as a cloud hair inserted a red flower, black shaped bun, hanging around the ears. 30、回眸一笑百媚生,六宫粉黛无颜色。后宫佳丽三千人,三千宠爱在一身。 Enchanting smiles six palaces, no color. Harem of three thousand people, three thousand in a favor. 31、淡绿色的长裙,袖口上绣着淡蓝色的牡丹,银丝线勾出了几片祥云,下摆密麻麻一排蓝色的海水云图,胸前是宽片淡黄色锦缎裹胸,身子轻轻转动长裙散开,举手投足如风拂扬柳般婀娜多姿。 The pale green dress and cuffs embroidered with pale blue peony, silver hook line a few pieces of a row of auspicious clouds, hem dense blue sea water, the chest is broad pale yellow Satin wrapped chest body, gently turn the dress away, the wind whisk Yang Liu as behavior very Ptty and charming. 32、你是花丛中的蝴蝶,是百合花中的蓓蕾。无论什么衣服穿到你的身上,总是那么端庄、好看。你身着一件紫红色旗袍,远远看去,真像一只小蝴蝶飞过一样,既美丽称身,又色彩柔和。 You are the flowers in the butterfly, is lilies bud. No matter what clothes to wear to you, always so dignified, good-looking. You are wearing a purple dress, far from looking like a small butterfly, beautiful body, and soft color. 33、金黄色的云烟衫绣着秀雅的兰花,逶迤拖地黄色古纹双蝶云形千水裙,手挽碧霞罗牡丹薄雾纱。云髻峨峨,戴着一支镂空兰花珠钗,脸蛋娇媚如月,眼神顾盼生辉,撩人心怀。 The yellow shirt embroidered with elegant orchid Yunyan, meandering yellow butterfly shaped cloud pattern of ancient mopping thousands of water mist skirts, hand Bi Xialuo peony yarn. Cloud wearing a lofty, hollow orchid bead Chai, charming face such as eyes, charming and attractive, tantalizing. 34、大朵牡丹翠绿烟纱碧霞罗,逶迤拖地粉色水仙散花绿叶裙,身披金丝薄烟翠绿纱。低垂鬓发斜插镶嵌珍珠碧玉簪子,花容月貌出水芙蓉。 Big Peony green smoke yarn Bixia Luo, pink narcissus flower green skirt meandering mopping the floor, wearing a gold thin smoke green yarn. Hair drooping Xiecha inlaid pearl jade hairpin, Huarongyuemao. 35、红玫瑰香紧身袍袍袖上衣,下罩翠绿烟纱散花裙,腰间用金丝软烟罗系成一个大大的蝴蝶结,鬓发低垂斜插碧玉瓒凤钗,显的体态修长妖妖艳艳勾人魂魄。 Red rose tight sleeveless robe robe, under the cover of green smoke flower skirt waist with gold yarn, soft smoke Luo tie into a big bow, hair drooping Xiecha jade Zan Feng Chai, the slender Red Hook demon demon soul.
2023-07-24 02:24:491

会计英语摘要翻译 求求大家帮帮忙吧
2023-07-24 02:25:074


58 –ing(包括现在分词和动名词)的用法和判别一、-ing的基本用法Ⅰ.“be+-ing+…”构成现在、过去、将来进行时主动态(参阅第441页,442页):1. The liquid is flowing down the tower under the force of gravity. (现在进行时主动态)液体在重力作用下正沿着塔往下流。2. When he came here, we were studying English. (过去进行时主动态)当他来这里时,我们正在学习英语。3. In a few years the station will be feeding(或supplying) power to many industrial plants. (将来进行时主动态)再过几年,那座发电站将向许多工厂供电。Ⅱ.“have,had或shall(will)have+been+-ing+…”构成现在、过去、将来这三种完成进行时主动态(参阅第445,446页):1. We have been studying the problem for a long time. (现在完成时主动态)很久以前我们一直在研究这个问题。2.Chemistis had been studying the atmosphere for about two thousand years before its composition was discovered. (过去完成时主动态)化学家们一直在研究大气,研究了约两千年,它的组成才被发现。3. By the end of this year they will have been studying English for a year. (将来完成时主动态)到今年年底,他们学习英语有一年了。(主语第一人称,则可用shall代替will。)Ⅲ.“being+过去分词”构成被动态。这里有三种情况:A. “is(was)+being(现在分词)+过去分词”构成现在、过去这两种进行时被动态:1. The lathe is being adjusted by a worker. (现在进行时被动态)这台车床正由一个工人在进行调整。2. When I came here, the lathe was being adjusted by a worker. (过去进行时被动态)当我来这里时,那台车床正由一个工人在进行调整。注:将来进行时和完成进行时没有相应的被动态。B. Being前面没有is或was之类动词,仅仅是动词名“being+过去分词”构成被动意义:1. The object is at rest and resists being moved quickly. (直接宾语)物体静止,就阻止物体本身迅速移动。2. Television waves pass right through the layer without being reflected. (介词宾语)电视被径直通过这一层(电离层)而不被反射。(上两句中being…为被动态动名词短语。)C. “being(现在分词)+过去分词”作定语在独立分词结构中及介词后“主谓”结构(即复合结构)中的用法:1. We must pay attention to the problems being discussed here.(定语)我们必须重视这里正在(被)讨论的问题。2. The electric current produced is the result of chemical energy being changed to electrical energy. (复合结构作介词宾语)所产生的电流是化学能转变为电能的结果。3. The teacher being here, there is no danger. (独立分词结构)老师在这里,便无危险。Ⅳ.“-ing+原动词具有的搭配关系”在句中作主语、宾语、表语、状语、介词宾语(除作状语用的-ing为现在分词外,其余均为动名词):A. 作主语用:1. Melting and boiling take place under certain conditions. 熔融和沸腾发生在一定条件之下。2. In the given case warming the solid converts it to a liquid. 在给定情况下,加热这种固体能使它变成液体。3. There is no failing in the test. 不可能在试验中失败。注:“There is +no+-ing”表示“不可能”之意。4. It is no use buying books but not reading them. (真正主语)买了书却不读,没有什么用处。注:动名词短语作真正主语很少见,不如不定式为多。它主要用在以no use,no good, worth-while, waste,dangerous等词作表语的句子中。B. 作宾语、介词宾语或个别形容词的宾语用:1. I like reading English every morning. (动词宾语)我喜欢每天早晨读英语。2. Their installation method is worth trying. (形容词宾语)他们的安装方法值得试一试。3. The process of dissolving table salt in water is a physical change. (介词宾语)食盐溶解于水的过程是物理变化。 (详见第176页E)4. We think it no use increasing resistance in the experiment. (真正宾语)我们认为在这个实验中增加电阻无用。(动名词短语作真正宾语很少见,只有当其宾语补语为上面注中那些词时才行。)5. These children need looking after. (动词宾语)这些小孩得需要照顾。(句中after为介词,其宾语正好是句中主语,但不可以写出。)C. 作表语用(下面三例不是进行时,其中moving转为形容词):1. Our greatest happiness is serving the people. 为人民服务是我们最大的幸福。2. Our production task is making machines. 我们的生产任务是制造机器。3. This book is very moving. 这本书很感动人。D. –ing(现在分词)作状语用,含有时间、原因、让步、方式或伴随、结果等意义,但比较含蓄,只能根据上下文来仔细琢磨:1. Passing through a liquid or solid, sound it changed into heat. (时间)声音通过液体或固体时,就转变为热。2. The metal was cooled in the air, having been heated to a definite temperature in the future. (时间)这种金属在炉子里加热到一定温度以后,就放在空气中冷却。3. He is standing there, waiting for an assignment. (目的)他正站在那边等待分配任务。4. Not having done it, we tried again. (原因)由于没有做成,我们就又试了。(注意not不能位于having后面。否定非谓语动词时,not均应位于非谓语动词前面。)5. We read the book sitting by the window. (方式)我们坐在窗户旁边读书。6. Weighing 2,210 tons, the automatic forging press is operated by one worker only. (让步)虽然这台自动锻压机重2,210吨,但只由一个工人操作。7.We increase the length of the wire, thus(或thereby)increasing its resistance. (thus或thereby后的-ing短语一般表示结果意义。)我们增加导线的长度,从而增加了导线电阻。8. Some students came running towards us. (方式)几个学生朝着我们方向跑来。9. Not knowing how to operate the machine, he asked the worker for help. (原因)他不知如何操作这台机器,便请求工人帮助。10. Reducing the current, we can correspondingly decrease the speed of the motor. (条件)如果减小电流,则电动机的转速就能相应减低。11. He knew how to run the machine, having been a worker ten years. (原因)他当了十年工人,知道如何开动这台机器。(现在分词短语的完成式虽在句末,其动作仍在谓语动词之前。)12. The doctor, having felt your pulse, pronounced you better. (时间)医生按了脉搏以后,断定病已好转。上述例句中,完成时的-ing表示其动作在主句动作之前已完成(见例句2,4,11,12),其余则和主句动词的动作差不多同时发生。注意本情况下-ing还有以被动语态出现的形式(见例句2),这时句中主语就是行为对象。-ing作状语时,多半有逗号隔开,但有例外(见上面第5,8句),故需逻辑判断。E. –ing(动名词)作介词宾语用:1. We use this tool for tightening bolts. 我们用这工具来旋紧螺栓。2. Before starting the engine you should carefully clean and oil it. 在开动发动机之前,你应该把它仔细弄干净,并且上好润滑油。3. You succeeded in solving the problem. 你们顺利解决了问题。4. We change air to a liquid by cooling and compressing it. 对空气冷却和压缩,我们可以使它变为液体。5. After having been discussed the report was published. 这份报告在讨论完以后,就发表了。6. Through being left out all night in the rain the metal had rusted. 由于这种金属整宵放在外面挨雨淋,它已经生锈了。7. We did not speak of having read this book. 我们没说已读过了这本书。8. On breaking the magnet into still shorter pieces we still get complete magnets. 把磁铁砸成更短小的碎块时,我们得到的仍然是一些完整的磁铁。9. Did he feel sorry for not coming in time? 他对没有及时来感到遗憾吗? 注意完成时表示形式(见例句5,7)和被动态形式(见例句5,6)。注意动名词的否定形式(见例句9)。
2023-07-24 02:25:271


2023-07-24 02:26:122


SY pressure test series manual pump small size, light weight, easy to carry, easy maintenance, pipeline construction and pressure testing of pressure vessels to facilitate practical products. 1, operation connection diagram Second, methods of operation 1 will be tested with high-pressure pipe or tube containers connected by a good icon, will fill the water tank. 2 water pipes or containers filled with the measured, and from the air, close the valve 3 pinch-pressure relief valve, from top to bottom shake the handle, when the water pressure relief valve from the injection, tightening pressure relief valve. 4 to open the valve, and from top to bottom shake the handle, measured pipe or pressurized containers began. 5 When the pressure gauge readings on the need to increase the pressure, you can stop shaking handle pressure, this time, if the pressure gauges on the pressure does not fall below, the pipe or container that measured the performance is good pressure , Or pressure drop, measured pipe or proof containers leaked on what caused the pressure drop. Note 3 1 use, must not be pressure to the pressure over the nameplate on the aircraft were the target maximum pressure. Two of the work of the use of liquid, copper and rubber must be no corrosion, not crystal, not solidified. 3 pressure test is completed, this machine should be within the remaining water clean up. Four technical specifications Note: All technical parameters of a factory to retain the right to modify, cut without notice. 2 units converted 1 MPA = 110BAR = 10.1972KG/CM2 = 145.038PSI
2023-07-24 02:26:201

i turned round什么意思

i turned round我转过身拼音双语对照双语例句1I turned round, my hand tightening on the handle of my stick.我转过身,紧紧握住手杖的把柄。
2023-07-24 02:26:271

institutional framework是什么意思

institutional framework [英]u02ccu026anstiu02c8tju:u0283u0259nu0259l u02c8freimwu0259:k [美]u02ccu026anstu026au02c8tuu0283u0259nu0259l u02c8fremu02ccwu025ak [法] 体制, 组织机构 [例句]First , quickly set up an interim political process that can channel popular demands while a more permanent institutional framework is under construction.首先,在建设一个更为永久的制度框架的同时,要迅速建立起一个能够传达民众要求的临时政治进程。
2023-07-24 02:26:372


1、只为成功找方法,不为失败找理由。 Find ways to succeed, not reasons to fail. 2、不要小看自己,人有无限可能。 Don"t underestimate yourself. There are infinite possibilities. 3、品质是生产出来的,不是靠检验出来的。 Quality is produced, not tested. 4、塑造人的品质,建立管理根基。 Shaping people"s quality and establishing management foundation. 5、安全是企业的生命,质量是效益的源泉。 Safety is the life of an enterprise, and quality is the source of benefit. 6、市场是海,质量是船,品牌是帆。 The market is the sea, the quality is the ship, and the brand is the sail. 7、革除马虎之心,提升产品品质。 Remove carelessness and improve product quality. 8、严格工艺纪律,确保工程优质。 Strict process discipline to ensure the quality of the project. 9、人人爱岗敬业,公司兴旺发达。 Everyone loves their jobs and their pany is thriving. 10、产品质量连万家,厉害关系你我他。 The quality of products is even more than ten thousand, which has a great impact on you, me and him. 11、正常的加以保持,异常的予以纠正。 Maintain normal and correct abnormal. 12、五湖四海聚一厂,情同手足友谊长。 Five lakes and four seas gather in one factory and have long friendship with brothers and feet. 13、质量存在于人类生存的一切地方。 Quality exists everywhere in human existence. 14、只有不完美的产品,没有不挑剔的客户。 Only imperfect products, no non-critical customers. 15、优质产品,是打开市场大门的金钥匙。 Quality products are the golden key to open the door of the market. 16、人无我有,人有我优,人优我奇。 No one has me, no one has me, no one is better than me, no one is better than me. 17、安全责任重于泰山,安全警钟时刻长鸣。 Safety responsibility is more important than Mount Tai. Safety alarm bells are ringing all the time. 18、控制每一道工序,做好每一件产品。 Control each process, do a good job in each product. 19、隐患险于明火,防范胜于救灾。 Hidden danger is more dangerous than open fire, and prevention is better than disaster relief. 20、卓越的产品和服务是员工的成就和自豪。 Excellent products and services are the achievements and pride of employees. 21、设计合理的品质,为品保之第一步。 Design reasonable quality is the first step of quality assurance. 22、品质你我做得好,顾客留住不会跑。 Quality you and I do well, customer retention can not run. 23、以科技为动力,以质量求生存。 Take science and technology as the driving force, and strive for survival by quality. 24、质量就是资源,质量就是金钱。 Quality is resources, quality is money. 25、日常记录好习惯,追溯分析利改善。 Daily record good habits, retrospective *** ysis to improve. 26、深化质量管理,提高产品质量。 Deepen quality management and improve product quality. 27、创建精品工程,加速与国际接轨。 Create high-quality projects to speed up international integration. 28、品质管制人人做,优良品质有把握。 Quality control is done by everyone, and good quality is assured. 29、效率成就品牌,诚信铸就未来。 Efficiency achieves brand, and honesty fes the future. 30、企业以人为本,员工以厂为荣。 Enterprises are people-oriented, and employees are proud of the factory. 31、重视产品质量,加强企业管理。 Pay attention to product quality and strengthen enterprise management. 32、人的能力是有限的,人的努力是无限的。 Man"s ability is limited and his efforts are unlimited. 33、建中国最好电厂,创世界一流品牌。 Build the best power plant in China and create the world"s first-class brand. 34、从管理中创卓越,在施工中树形象。 Create excellence from management and build image in construction. 35、只要有正确的方法,成功是很简单的事。 Success is very simple as long as there is the right way. 36、推动全员品质活动,提高全员工作士气。 Promote the quality activities of the whole staff and improve the morale of the whole staff. 37、帆落船停帆鼓船进企业以人为本。 Sailing, landing, stopping and drumming into the enterprise people-oriented. 38、你思考,我思考,品质提升难不倒。 You think, I think, quality improvement is difficult. 39、科技是第一生产力,人才是第一资源。 Science and technology is the first productive force, and talent is the first resource. 40、创新突破稳定品质,落实管理提高效率。 Innovation breaks through and stabilizes quality, implements management and improves efficiency. 41、适应公司的日常变化,不抱怨。 Adapt to the pany"s daily changes without plaining. 42、组织架构落实好,增员举绩不得了。 With the implementation of the anizational structure, it is impossible to increase staff and raise achievements. 43、才有公司的辉煌力求一次做好。 Only then has the pany"s brilliance strived to do a good job at one time. 44、产业竞争靠产品,产品竞争靠品质。 Industry petition depends on products, and product petition depends on quality. 45、质量赢得顾客,信誉创造效益。 Quality wins customers and reputation creates benefits. 46、推行品管,始于教育,终于教育。 Quality control begins with education and ends with education. 47、不绷紧质量的弦,弹不了市场的调。 Without tightening the strings of quality, we can"t play the tune of the market. 48、信誉来源于质量,质量来源于素质。 Credit es from quality, quality es from quality.
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2023-07-24 02:19:4212


2023-07-24 02:19:455


01 Happy Halloween 万圣节快乐:Happy halloween。万圣节又叫诸圣节,在每年的11月1日,是西方的传统节日;而万圣节前夜的10月31日是这个节日最热闹的时刻 。在中文里,常常把万圣节前夜(Halloween)讹译为万圣节(All Saints" Day)。万圣节快乐的英语是Happy halloween。万圣节前夜的10月31日是这个节日最热闹的时刻,小孩会装扮成各种可爱的鬼怪逐家逐户地敲门,要求获得糖果,否则就会捣蛋。传说这一晚,各种鬼怪也会装扮成小孩混入群众之中一起来庆祝万圣节。万圣节英语是All Saints Day,亦称“诸圣瞻礼”,天主教和东正教节日之一,是西方国家的传统节日。华语地区常将万圣夜误称为万圣节。“Hallow”来源于中古英语halwen,与holy词源很接近,在苏格兰和加拿大的某些区域,万圣节仍然被称为“All Hallow Mas”。那一天,要举行的弥撒仪式(Mass)是庆祝在天的全体圣人(Hallow)。现在社会上为了商业利益或其他目的,在10月31日夜里组织各种充满妖魔鬼怪的活动,完全背离了万圣节的神圣意义。万圣节的活动原来是非常简单的,而且大部分是在教堂里进行。但在整个欧洲,人们都把万圣节前夜看作尽情玩闹、讲鬼故事和互相吓唬的好机会。于是人们不再把这节日用来赞美秋天,却让它变成神怪、巫婆和鬼魂的节日。
2023-07-24 02:19:455


2023-07-24 02:19:401

有首歌里面有让我暖洋洋 旧还能穿吗 是什么歌

New Boy - 房东的猫词:朴树曲:朴树原唱:朴树编曲:郭一凡制作人:郭一凡鼓/打击乐:祁大为@花园鼓房吉他:郭一凡合声编写:背脊塌@音药克合声:背脊塌@音药克/少年佩制作统筹:OneCandy音频编辑:曹洋@C·VOICE混音/母带:周天澈@Studio 21A监制:丁聪/郑夏雨商务统筹:黄大美企划统筹:SUMPO/车沅珈联合出品:云中科技&星戈音乐SP:齐鼓文化「此版本为正式授权翻唱作品」『星曜计划 x 伯乐计划』是的我看见到处是阳光快乐在城市上空飘扬新世纪来得像梦一样让我暖洋洋你的老怀表还在转吗你的旧皮鞋还能穿吗这儿有一支未来牌香烟你不想尝尝吗明天一早我猜阳光会好我要把自己打扫把破旧的全部卖掉哦这样多好快来吧奔腾电脑就让它们代替我来思考穿新衣吧剪新发型呀轻松一下 windows98打扮漂亮18岁是天堂我们的生活甜得像糖穿新衣吧剪新发型呀轻松一下 windows98以后的路不再会有痛苦我们的未来该有多酷是的我看见到处是阳光快乐在城市上空飘扬新世纪来得像梦一样让我暖洋洋你的老怀表还在转吗你的旧皮鞋还能穿吗这儿有一支未来牌香烟你不想尝尝吗明天一早我猜阳光会好我要把自己打扫把破旧的全部卖掉哦这样多好快来吧奔腾电脑就让它们代替我来思考穿新衣吧剪新发型呀轻松一下 windows98打扮漂亮18岁是天堂我们的生活甜得像糖穿新衣吧剪新发型呀轻松一下 windows98以后的路不再会有痛苦我们的未来该有多酷Babawowo向前走你的路猜猜未来给你什么礼物Babawowo扔掉吧你的旧书包Oh my international cool play boy
2023-07-24 02:19:3911