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nail the interview什么意思

2023-07-24 08:19:51

nail the interview


nail the interview



on the interview和about the interview的区别?

1)on the interview:在会见/采访/面试中。2)about the interview:有关这个会见/采访/面试。
2023-07-24 01:53:581


问题一:面试在英语里面怎么说? interview 短语 正在面试 Interview in progress;Interview i progress;Interview Car in progress 压力面试stress interview;human resources Stress interview;PRESSURE INTERVIEW;stre interview 评价面试Appraisal interview;human resources Appraisal interview;A raisal interview 等待面试Waiting for an Interview 面试目标Interview Objective 面试示例Sample Interview 一对一面试one interview 结束面试Concluding the Interview 校友面试Alumni Interview 问题二:面试通过 用英语怎么说? 另“好几个面试,一个都没过”怎么翻译? 1. 动词短语:pass / get through the interview 通过面试 句子:The interview has been passed.面试已经通过。 或者:The interview has been got through. 2. None of the interviews has / have been passed. 问题三:我正在考试的英语怎么写 i am having the test 问题四:面试者”怎么用英文表达 interviewer 英 [??nt?vju:?(r)] 美 [??nt?rvju:?(r)] n. 面试者;采访者;会见者 问题五:在面试时,考官用英语怎么说让面试者自我演讲 英文原文: Please introduce you in English. 英式音标: [pli?z] [?ntr??dju?s] [ju?] [?n] [???l??] . 美式音标: [pliz] [??ntr??dus] [ju] [?n] [???l??] . 问题六:在面试过程中,面试官要求你英文进行面试,但你的英文并不好,此刻你会怎么办 人在职场,面试就跟家常便饭一样,是一件极其普通的事情。怎么让面试官对你“一见倾心”,愿意让你即刻上岗呢?怎样才能提高面试和上岗的几率呢?根据我亲身经历以及通过对其它公司HR的调查,我了解到了关于面试更深层次的一些内容。 第一:面试,从进门的那一刻开始 我面试过很多人,大部分人都会提前到达公司,在等待面试的过程中,他们会被安排在会议室里等待。然而,有些人在等待面试的时候,总是一副疲惫、精神很不好的样子。我一看,就觉得对方的态度有问题,你来面试,是不是说明很可能成为这家公司的一员,那应该感到高兴才对,怎么还有些不高兴的样子呢?还有一些人,在面试之前等待的过程中肆无忌惮地讲电话,或者玩着手机里面的游戏,给人一种心不在焉的感觉。 面试的第一印象非常重要,这就跟不要迟到是一样的,面试官会通过这些细节来考量你的。不管你来面试之前遇到什么不开心的事情,从进门的那一刻开始,就应该拿出自己最好的状态来。 面试的时候,要做好充分的准备。你要对你所想应聘的这个职位有充分的了解。说到这里,可能一些朋友会说:“我之前做的是某个行业的某个职位,现在还是去应聘那个行业的那个职位,我当然了解啦,只不过换了一家公司嘛。”但是,每家公司的运作机制都一样吗?你知道HR面试官会从哪个角度来问话吗?这些你都不知道,都是未知的。 除了这些,面试官最感兴趣、也几乎是必问的一些问题你也要提前了解。比如你为什么离职?为什么想从事一个全新的行业全新的工作?为什么会对我们的项目感兴趣?等等。这些你都必须要游刃有余地回答。比如提及离职的原因,有些求职者会显得不够从容,其实,只要根据两点原则你就很好回答了。 第一个原则,绝不能诋毁之前的公司,要从自己身上找原因。有些求职者喜欢说导致自己离开公司的原因就是之前的公司这不好、那不好的。我不否认会有这种情况,但是切记不要说出来。 你可以这样说:“觉得在之前的公司做到瓶颈了,有些疲惫和麻木,所以想换个环境,重燃斗志。”说这些话会让面试官觉得你来这里是寻找重燃斗志的契机来了,应该很上进,故而对你会另眼相看。你还可以这样说:“之前的公司也很好,我也有些舍不得离开,但是我觉得自己在那里工作起来好像有些放不开手脚,我希望换个环境来重新梳理自己的情绪,因为再带着这样的情绪去工作,我觉得是对公司的一种不负责任。” 面试官听你这样说,他会得出两个结论,第一,你不是单纯的为了追求所谓的高薪资而离开,说明你这个人心志还不错,是个真正有理想的人;第二,你是一个对工作对公司都很有责任感的一个人,觉得自己的状态不好,怕影响工作而离开,这是一种仁义之举。当然话不要说得太过,要把握尺度。 第二个原则:切勿说些冠冕堂皇且一听就很虚的话。很多求职者被问及离职原因的时候,都说为了来学习为了积累经验,乍听起来的确没错,可事实上呢? 我曾经面试过这样一些人,简历上写着曾经的公司也好、待遇也好、甚至职位都比此时他来应聘的这家公司要高,但是当我问及离职的原因,有的人说:“我是觉得这个项目更有发展前景,我想多学习东西。” 我说:“你放弃之前月薪5000元的工作,来这里应聘月薪2000元的职位,你觉得值得吗?” 对方回答:“我觉得值得,因为我还年轻,钱有的是机会去挣,但是学习的机会不是随时都有的。”听到这里似乎有一定道理啊,但是别着急,请往下看。 我说:“你真是这些想的吗?” 对方回答:“是的。我来的目的就是学习新的东西。” 我说:“你是来应聘销售经理的,应该是你要教给你的团队新的东西,而......>>
2023-07-24 01:54:041

take the interview是什么意思

take the interview参加面试 接受采访双语例句1If you want to take the interview, please fill out this application.如果你想参加面试就填一下这张申请表。2It is my pleasure to take the interview. 我很高兴接受采访。
2023-07-24 01:54:142


  你知道参加面试用英文怎么说吗?下面是我给大家整理的参加面试英文怎么说,供大家参阅!   参加面试英文怎么说   interview   interview是什么意思   n. 接见;会见;采访;面谈   v. 面试;接见;访问   They interview the recruit.   他们面试了新成员。   He asked for an interview with the president.   他要求与校长会晤。   To hand in a card requesting for an interview.   递片求见 。   If the opportunity for an interview with a paper arises.   如果有报纸采访的机会   He was called for an interview.   他被通知去参加面试了。   参考例句   Interview in progress   正在面试   I solicit the favor of interview.   本人恳请惠予面试机会。   The interviews is to cream off the most promising candidates.   面试是为了挑选最有发展前途的应试者。   Children that open audition can get 1 photo that taken by professional photographer.   另外,所有到场参与面试的小朋友更可得到由专业摄影师所拍的照片一张。   I would welcome an opportunity to have a talk with you regarding my qualifications.   我希望您能给我一个面试机会,以便我能与您进一步谈谈我的资格。   He summoned up his courage for the job interview.   他鼓起勇气去面试。   She got herself into a real state(ie became very anxious)before the interview.   她还未面试就紧张极了.   Thank you for the interview.   谢谢你给我这次面试机会。   Interview must be taken for each applier.   对所有申请者必须逐一面试。   She fluffed her interview at Oxford.   她在牛津的面试搞砸了。   英语面试常用口语对话   Q: Can you sell yourself in two minutes? Go for it. (你能在两分钟内自我推   荐吗?大胆试试吧!)   A: With my qualifications and experience, I feel I am hardworking,   responsible and diligent in any project I undertake. Your organization could   benefit from my analytical and interpersonal skills.(依我的资格和经验,我觉   得我对所从事的每一个项目都很努力、负责、勤勉。我的分析能力和与人相处的技巧,   对贵单位必有价值。)   Q:Give me a summary of your current job description. (对你目前的工作,能否   做个概括的说明。)   A:I have been working as a computer programmer for five years. To be   specific, I do system analysis, trouble shooting and provide software   support. (我干了五年的电脑程序员。具体地说,我做系统分析,解决问题以及软件供   应方面的支持。)   Q:Why did you leave your last job?(你为什么离职呢?)   A: Well, I am hoping to get an offer of a better position. If opportunity   knocks, I will take it.(我希望能获得一份更好的工作,如果机会来临,我会抓   住。)   A:I feel I have reached the "glass ceiling" in my current job. / I feel   there is no opportunity for advancement. (我觉得目前的工作,已经达到顶峰,   即没有升迁机会。)   Q:How do you rate yourself as a professional?(你如何评估自己是位专业人员呢   ?)   A: With my strong academic background, I am capable and competent. (凭借我   良好的学术背景,我可以胜任自己的工作,而且我认为自己很有竞争力。)   A:With my teaching experience, I am confident that I can relate to students   very well. (依我的教学经验,我相信能与学生相处的很好。)   Q: What contribution did you make to your current (previous) organization?   (你对目前/从前的工作单位有何贡献?)   A: I have finished three new projects, and I am sure I can apply my   experience to this position. (我已经完成三个新项目,我相信我能将我的经验用在   这份工作上。)   Q:What do you think you are worth to us?(你怎么认为你对我们有价值呢?)   A:I feel I can make some positive contributions to your company in the   future. (我觉得我对贵公司能做些积极性的贡献。)   Q:What make you think you would be a success in this position? (你如何知道   你能胜任这份工作?)   A:My graduate school training combined with my internship should qualify me   for this particular job. I am sure I will be successful. (我在研究所的训练,   加上实习工作,使我适合这份工作。我相信我能成功。)   Q:Are you a multi-tasked individual?(你是一位可以同时承担数项工作的人吗?)   or   Do you work well under stress or pressure?(你能承受工作上的压力吗?)   A:Yes, I think so.   A:The trait is needed in my current(or previous) position and I know I can   handle it well. (这种特点就是我目前(先前)工作所需要的,我知道我能应付自   如。)   Q:What is your strongest trait(s)?(你个性上最大的特点是什么?)   A:Helpfulness and caring.(乐于助人和关心他人。)   A:Adaptability and sense of humor.(适应能力和幽默感。)   A:Cheerfulness and friendliness.(乐观和友爱。)   Q: How would your friends or colleagues describe you?(你的朋友或同事怎样   形容你?)   A: (pause a few seconds) (稍等几秒钟再答,表示慎重考虑。)   They say Mr. Chen is an honest, hardworking and responsible man who deeply   cares for his family and friends. (他们说陈先生是位诚实、工作努力,负责任的   人,他对家庭和朋友都很关心。)   A:They say Mr. Chen is a friendly, sensitive, caring and determined person.   (他们说陈先生是位很友好、敏感、关心他人和有决心的人。)   Q:What personality traits do you admire?(你欣赏哪种性格的人?)   A: (I admire a person who is)honest, flexible and easy-going. (诚实、不死   板而且容易相处的人。)   A: (I like) people who possess the "can do" spirit. (有"实际行动"的人。)   Q:What leadership qualities did you develop as an administrative personnel   ?(作为行政人员,你有什么样的领导才能?)   A:I feel that learning how to motivate people and to work together as a   team will be the major goal of my leadership. (我觉得学习如何把人们的积极性   调动起来,以及如何配合协同的团队精神,是我行政工作的主要目标。)   A:I have refined my management style by using an open-door policy. (我以开   放式的政策,改进我的行政管理方式。)   Q:How do you normally handle criticism?(你通常如何处理别人的批评?)   A:Silence is golden. Just don"t say anything; otherwise the situation could   become worse. I do, however, accept constructive criticism. (沈默是金。不必   说什么,否则情况更糟,不过我会接受建设性的批评。)
2023-07-24 01:54:211


问题一:面试在英语里面怎么说? interview 短语 正在面试 Interview in progress;Interview i progress;Interview Car in progress 压力面试stress interview;human resources Stress interview;PRESSURE INTERVIEW;stre interview 评价面试Appraisal interview;human resources Appraisal interview;A raisal interview 等待面试Waiting for an Interview 面试目标Interview Objective 面试示例Sample Interview 一对一面试one interview 结束面试Concluding the Interview 校友面试Alumni Interview 问题二:面试安排 用英语怎么说? 面试安排:Interview arrangement 问题三:“我已经参加了这个面试” 用英语怎么说? I have participated in this interview。我 已经参加了 这个 面试。 你追问的翻译是“参加了面试的一部分” 问题四:我希望得到公司面试的机会英文怎么说 I wish to have the oppotunity for an interview at your pany. 问题五:面试通过 用英语怎么说? 另“好几个面试,一个都没过”怎么翻译? 1. 动词短语:pass / get through the interview 通过面试 句子:The interview has been passed.面试已经通过。 或者:The interview has been got through. 2. None of the interviews has / have been passed. 问题六:面试者 和 面试官 用英语怎么说 interviewee interviewer 问题七:通过HR的面试用英语怎么说RT,用英语回答哦 通过HR的面试用英语怎么说RT,用英语回答哦 通过HR的面试,用英语是:passed the HR interview. 例句: 迈克:不是。我已经通过人力资源部的面试了。 Mike: No, I already passed the HR interview. 问题八:被面试的人 英文怎么说 参加面试的人:interviewee 面试时的考官:interviewer 问题九:英语面试时怎么称呼考官? say hello or good morning good afternoon that浮9;s OK Ok, you can call the man sir, and the lady madam,but i think it will be better if you call the lady Ms. 问题十:很荣幸参加这次面试用英语 Hello, my name is LuTeng wei, I 12 yea盯s old, very honored to attend the interview, my hobbies are a lot, such as painting, dancing, my ideal is in the future when a designer, I introduced the ended. Thank you.
2023-07-24 01:54:301


问题一:"工资面谈"英文怎么说 是:salary negotiable 问题二:“期待与您面谈”的英文怎么说? 首先我觉得从中文句子的语气上推测,你可能是与你上级的人面谈,那就是委婉点,客气点:Looking forward to talking to you in person.或者是Looking forward to talking/meeting you face to face.这两句对于上下级都可以。 如果就是下级的话,才可以用interview,指很具体的面试,而不是仅仅是面谈了!千万不要弄错了!如果是很重要的人,你说要给他面试,吓跑人家了,还不礼貌。Lookinf forward to having an interview with you.对待面试对象或者下级。 希望你可以看到,千万不可以弄错啊。 Vicky 问题三:我们需要面对面谈一下?用英语如何说? We need to talk about the face-to-face 问题四:面试在英语里面怎么说? interview 短语 正在面试 Interview in progress;Interview i progress;Interview Car in progress 压力面试stress interview;human resources Stress interview;PRESSURE INTERVIEW;stre interview 评价面试Appraisal interview;human resources Appraisal interview;A raisal interview 等待面试Waiting for an Interview 面试目标Interview Objective 面试示例Sample Interview 一对一面试one interview 结束面试Concluding the Interview 校友面试Alumni Interview 问题五:面试通过 用英语怎么说? 另“好几个面试,一个都没过”怎么翻译? 1. 动词短语:pass / get through the interview 通过面试 句子:The interview has been passed.面试已经通过。 或者:The interview has been got through. 2. None of the interviews has / have been passed. 问题六:和某人说话 用英语怎么说 talk to somebody(常用) tell somebody that 从句(强调谈话的内容常用结构) chat with somebody(同某人聊天) 这么简单的问题还有人问。。。
2023-07-24 01:54:501


The lack of eye contact may indicate a lack of confidence. (Lack of; signai)2. In the interview, the interviewer a good impression is important. (Impression)3 .. When he knew to be accepted by Beijing University, he was very happy. (Admit; on top of the world)4. Foreign tourists in the museum"s calligraphy and was deeply attracted seal. (Attract)5. In order to better communication with colleagues, Mr. Wang decided to improve his way of speaking (improve)1.缺乏眼神交流可能表示缺乏自信。(lack of;signai)The lack of eye signal may indicate a lack of confidence.2.在面试的时候,给面试官留下一个好印象很重要。(impression)Give the interviewer a good impression is important when you are going for an interview.3..当他知道被北京大学录取了的时候,他高兴极了。(admit;on top of the world)He was on top of the world when he knew that the BeiJing University admit him.4.国外的游客们被博物馆里的书法和印章深深吸引了。(attract)The caligraphy and seal (?) attract the foreign tourists.5.为了更好的与同事交流,王先生决定改进他说话的方式(improve)Mr Wong decided to improve his way of speaking in order tobetter communication with his colleagues.
2023-07-24 01:54:571


问题一:面试 初试 复试用英语都怎么说? 面试:audition,interview 初试:preliminary/first examination/test 复试:reexamination,second test 问题二:面试在英语里面怎么说? interview 短语 正在面试 Interview in progress;Interview i progress;Interview Car in progress 压力面试stress interview;human resources Stress interview;PRESSURE INTERVIEW;stre interview 评价面试Appraisal interview;human resources Appraisal interview;A raisal interview 等待面试Waiting for an Interview 面试目标Interview Objective 面试示例Sample Interview 一对一面试one interview 结束面试Concluding the Interview 校友面试Alumni Interview 问题三:考研复试英语自我介绍怎么说?是不是得准备一些模板? 考研英语复试自我介绍模板: Good morning, respected professors. I"m very glad to be here for this interview. My name is xxx, xxx years old. I e from xxx, the capital city of xxx Province. My undergraduate period will be acplished in xxx Department of xxx University in June, 2015. In the past two years I have been preparing for the postgraduate examination. Now all my hard work has got a result since I have a chance to be interviewed by you. So I just feel a little bit excited. I"m open-minded, quick in thought and very fond of learning. In my spare time, I like reading books, especially those about economics and management. In addition, during my collage years, I was once a Net-bar technician. So, I have a parative good mand of network application. I"m able to operate the puter well. I"m skillful in searching for information on internet. I like accounting profession very much and I am willing to take it as my life career. So, I"m trying my best for obtaining a key to Shandong University. I"ll continue my effort stably for the goal whatever the result. I"ll never regret. Thanks for your listening. 提醒大家注意:自我介绍一般包括:姓名,学校,年龄,家乡,学习情况,性格特点,兴趣爱好等。考生可以 根据自身不同情况,写出适合自己的自我介绍,千万不可照抄照搬。最好请相关的专业英语老师看一下,帮忙修改并纠正发音,调整语速节奏,这是非常有必要的! 另外,还需要注意常见的英语发音习惯,比如说有一些连读、爆破、省音在里面。如果出现思路断片,可以插入这样一类词:well, and, actually, you know, I guess...以增加思考的时间,做到顺畅过渡。 虽然自我介绍是口语化的表达,用语相对简单,但也要避免过于简单,否则怎么能体现出一个准研究生的水平呢?文都教研老师建议大家可以插入一些个性化亮点词,这会让考官对你刮目相看,留下特别的印象。 描述性格特点......>> 问题四:复试用英语怎么说面试通过了初试,进入复试怎么说 面试:audition,interview 初试:preliminary/first examination/test 复试:reexamination,second test 问题五:“我已经参加了这个面试” 用英语怎么说 I have been to this interview. 问题六:面试,用英语怎么说? interview 问题七:研究生复试 用英语怎么说 Graduate retrial 问题八:面试通过 用英语怎么说? 另“好几个面试,一个都没过”怎么翻译? 1. 动词短语:pass / get through the interview 通过面试 句子:The interview has been passed.面试已经通过。 或者:The interview has been got through. 2. None of the interviews has / have been passed.
2023-07-24 01:55:571

he needs the interview at a bakery.为什么不能是an 而是th

我们知道 用定冠词the 和吧不定冠词 a(an)的基本原则是特指和泛指特指用定冠词the;泛指用不定冠词a(an);特指就是说话者,听者或者读者都知道所指的内容。泛指是一类中任何一个有代表性或具有典型特征的个体,或者不明确、不特别指哪一个。这里 的 interview 说话人知道 听话人也知道,所以是特指。
2023-07-24 01:56:041

. In the interview, he had finally ______ several customers of the advantages of his product ...

A 考查动词辨析。A“说服”;B“提醒”;C“控告”;D“通知”。句意“在采访中,他最终说服了几个消费者相信他的产品的优势。”故选A。
2023-07-24 01:56:221

英语翻译How to Succed in a Job Interview?The interview has becom

怎样在工作面试中脱颖而出?(succed 应为 succeed) 当今面试已经成为获得一份合适的工作的必不可少的部分.一方面,面试官可以利用现场的变现来了解候选者,像是他们的工作经验,教育程度和他们的人格魅力.另一方面,面试者可以利用面试的机会来了解正在申请的工作,像是工资,工作环境和他感兴趣的关于这份工作的其他的的方面. 面试者有很多途径在面试中脱颖而出.第一,他必须注意自己的外表.面试者应该穿着适当且简洁.第二,礼仪同样重要.面试者不应该太过于骄傲或者太过于胆小.第三,面试者必须表明自己对这份工作的态度、能力和掌握的与这份工作有关的的知识.最后也是最重要的,面试者应该诚实的介绍自己的个人信息和学历背景. 总而言之,工作面试是很重要的,但是面试者无须为此紧张.只要面试者有工作的能力,细心的准备,适度的自信和诚实的表现,他就一定能在面试中脱颖而出! 简单的翻译了下,自己看什么地方不合适改改就好 :)
2023-07-24 01:56:281

Questions for the Interview帮忙翻译下

As we know, USA has an advanced and perfect education system and it is the largest world business center, it is a country where I can greatly refresh my mind and reshape my personality beyond my academic pursuit.众所周知,美国有着先进、完美的教育体系,而且,它是世界上最大的商业贸易中心。那是一个能让我在课本之外不断完善思想,个性的国家。 Thus, I eventually come to a decision to seek more advanced education in the USA, to further broaden my horizons and expand professional knowledge./ to experience the a brand-new culture and get a new way of learning.因此,我最终决定来美国追求更好的教育,来更深入地开阔视野、丰富个人知识。/来体验一种新的文化、实践一种新的学习之路。Will you come back to China?你还会回中国吗?How can you prove to me that you"ll come back after your graduation?你会如何向我证明毕业后你会回国?Yes, after graduation I will go back to china.是的,毕业后我会回到中国First, since I am the only child in my family, my parents don"t want me to live far from them.首先,由于我是独生子女,我的父母不希望我与他们生活得很远。Second, nowadays China is developing very fast and more and more opportunities can be found there. With my American education background plus my own ability, I believe I can find a pretty salary job in China.其次,如今的中国发展迅速,这里有越来越多的机遇。我相信有了我的能力和在美国学习的背景,我能在中国找到一个适合的工作。Do you have a plan after graduation?毕业后你是否有计划?After I graduate from undergraduate study, I will apply for the postgraduate program and continue to study in the USA.毕业后,我会申请,继续在美国的学习。After graduation I will come back to work in China. There, I will put what I have learned in American into practice.毕业后,我会回中国工作。我会把我在美国学到的用于实践。After graduation,I will come back to work in China. Since I"ll study 。。。 for my undergraduate study in American, I"d like to make my career in 。。。毕业后,我会回中国工作。由于我会在美国学习……,我希望我能在……3.Do you have the TOFEL or IELTS scores?你有通过TOFEL或者IELTS吗I took part in。。。 in。。。 and I got a score of 。。。我参加了……,通过了……4.Why does school give you scholarship?为什么学校给你奖学金I applied for 。。。 and the school wrote to tell me that I was among the very brightest and most talented high school seniors this year.我申请了……学校通知我说我是今年学校最优秀,最有天赋的人之一5.Where did you graduate from?你是哪里毕业的Have you graduated?你毕业了吗From what school did you graduate?你从哪里毕业 I graduated from … in … of this year.我今年在……毕业了6.How do you feel about your academic performances of middle school study?你觉得你中学的学习怎么样So why do you want to go to America instead of China.所以,你为什么要去美国,而不是留在中国 As for my academic performance, I am in top of 10% of my class, also in top of 10% of my grade. I got A grade in physics and math competition held by Wuhan Education Community.关于我的学业,我是我班,我校前10%的学生,我在物理和数学上得到A(I am a active school activity participant, for example,. I am one of the reporter of School Newspaper.)我积极参与学校活动,比如,我是校报的报道员之一As we know, USA has an advanced and perfect education system and it is the largest world business centers, it is a country where I can greatly refresh my mind and reshape my personality beyond my academic pursuit. Thus, I eventually come to a decision to seek more advanced education in the USA, to further broaden my horizons and expand professional knowledge./ to experience the a brand-new culture and get a new way of learning(第一段)7.What major do you anticipate on joining after arriving in America?Which major will you choose in the American college?到美国后,你不想参加什么?大学里你会选择什么专业?What are you going to study in America? 你在美国学什么?I will study …s in…. I have great interests in this major. What"s more, after graduation I will come back to China. Here I think I can find a better job, e.g. Bank of China. 我会学……我对这个专业有很大的兴趣。并且,毕业后我将回中国。我想我会在这里找到一份更好的工作,比如,中国银行。
2023-07-24 01:56:371

Since the interview will center on you

2023-07-24 01:56:452

listen to the interview with Tom Chen是什么意思

意思是:听汤姆·陈的采访。重点词汇:listen英['lu026as(u0259)n]释义:v.听,倾听;听从,听信;努力听,留神地听(listen for/listen out for);<非正式>听着。n.听,倾听。[复数:listens;第三人称单数:listens;现在分词:listening;过去式:listened;过去分词:listened]短语:listen to music听音乐;听;多听音乐;听音乐啊。词语使用变化:listenv.(动词)。1、listen的基本意思是“听,倾听”,强调听的动作。2、listen是不及物动词,常与介词to连用,还可作“听从,同意”解,to后面常接建议、劝告、请求、意见等名词。3、listen后接介词for表示“用心或等着听可能出现的声音”,如门铃、电话等或可能出现的情况,含有急切地期望并等候的意味;后接介词in表示“收听(无线电等),监听,窃听”;后接介词with表示“以某种方式听”。
2023-07-24 01:56:531

英语作文以《How to Behave in an Interview》为题,写一篇不少于100词作文

Everytime talk about interview, prepare a plenty of time on arrival will be the first thing you can think. Acutally, in my opinion, arrive on time or a little earlier will gain more favor by the interviewer that they will think you are really accurate on time and just not too nervous.Secondly, the most important element will influence your behavor in an interview is that if you fully understand and know well about the core logos, main business and history about the company. Gathering some background information about the company will be helpful such as their culture, when they established, the present situation, future developmental direction that you can tell the interviewer you are adapt to the postion combine with above information and let them know you did fully preparation.Last but not the least, you should read several times on their job description. Make sure that you are competent for every requirement about the position then just keep smile in an interview and believe you are the one they need.
2023-07-24 01:57:102


It is a great honour for me to have this inteview
2023-07-24 01:57:218

我打算去面试 英语

答案是1 和三个词后接attend the interview而决定的词义有关 1.打算,将要 2.意愿,使语气婉转等,如是间接引语也可有将要的意思 3.意愿,想要
2023-07-24 01:57:501


  在我们平凡的日常里,大家都经常看到作文的.身影吧,作文可分为小学作文、中学作文、大学作文(论文)。还是对作文一筹莫展吗?以下是我整理的如何在求职面试中获得成功高中英语作文,欢迎阅读,希望大家能够喜欢。   如何在求职面试中获得成功高中英语作文 篇1   Students who are about to graduate have to face the challenge of being interviewed while trying to find employment. People looking for ajob usually attach great importance to job interviews. Doing well in a job interview means a good chance of being employed. With little working experience, how can we succeed in a job interview?   In my opinion, firstly, we should leave the employers a good impression an what we were, how we talk as well as how we behave in public. Secondly, we should not be nervous, for over ncrvousness will lead to uncertainty of your ability. Being confident can bring you to success. When you are asked something about the job you want, you should answer it as fully as possible according to what you know. Thirdly, honesty is a virtue. Being honest about your present situation and never make any boastful statemeat.   I hope everyone will have a good chance and win success in the interview. Then all of us can get our ideal jobs.   如何在求职面试中获得成功高中英语作文 篇2   Today, I went to the experimental primary school to sign up for an interview. At first, I was a little nervous. But when I went in and saw the teachers" amiable smile, I was not nervous at all.   My height is too high. The teacher asked me how I grow so tall. I said I never pick food. The teacher asked me what I like best. I said I like meat best. Listen to my answer, the teacher smiled! Come back and tell mom. Mom laughs too!   Later, the teacher asked me some questions about Pinyin recognition and mathematics, and I answered them all, and I also distinguished the top and bottom of the teacher"s questions!   Finally, the teacher touched my head and said, little friend, you will come to our class later. Shall I be your monitor? I am so happy to answer: good!   After saying goodbye to the teachers, I left happily! Thinking of the smiling face of the teacher, I am confident that I will enter the first grade!   如何在求职面试中获得成功高中英语作文 篇3   How to Succeed in a Job Interview?   Everyone wants to get a good and highly-paid job, however, that is not so easy, fur one thing, there are maybe many other candidates competing fur the job, fur another, one have to pass through stone tough phases hefure getting the job, among which interview is an important one. Interview is the meeting between job applicants and the personnel directors of a company. During the meeting,the company tries to get some information about applicants" educational background, working experience, personal desire and personal qualities. Meanwhile,the company may offer stone information about the company and a certain post. Interview is quite important, from the interview, the personnel director can make judgement whether the applicant is the right person or not. If one wants to get a jab, he must make sure his jab interview is a successful one. How can one ensure the success of interview? First, the applicant should show confidence, confidence can convince the interviewer, the interviewee can overcome the passible difficulties in his future work. Secondly,the interviewee should be honest, if the sign of dishonesty was noticed, the interviewee will surely lose the opportunity, as no one wants to employ a person who is not reliable. Thlrdly,the applicants should show the interviewer that he is quite knawledgeable and can perform the duty perfectly.   If one can behave as what I suggested, his chance of getting post will be very high.   如何在求职面试中获得成功高中英语作文 篇4   A job interview is indispensable in the process of job hunting.If a job seeker can make the best use of the interview and leave a good impression on the interviewer"s mind,he may be lucky enough to get the job competed for by many applicants.If,on the other hand,the job hunter gives a poor performance during the interview,he is unlikely to stand a chance to succeed.   To be successful in a job interview,the job hunter should demonstrate certain personal and professional qualities.First,the applicant ought to attach much importance to his appearance and manner of speaking.Second,he is supposed to display his ability,especially his grasp of professional knowledge required by the position for which he is applying.Finally,a really impressive job seeker must convey a sense of self-confidence in and a practical attitude toward the cause concerned.If the interviewee succeeds in displaying these characteristics and presents his most attractive qualities during an interview,the interviewer might make an on-the-spot decision to take him on.   如何在求职面试中获得成功高中英语作文 篇5   In order to make a good impression during a job interview, you need to prepare yourself   for the interview. You must arrive in plenty of time for the interview,so that you give yourself a little   time to relax before the interview begins.   The impression you make as you walk into the room is very important. Try to find out if the   company or organization has rules about dress. Then try to dress according to their regulations.   You also need to plan what you are going to say. In some interviews you will have to do a lot of talking, and in others you will only have to answer a few questions about your education and experience. You need to have answers ready about yourself, your schoolwork, your strong points, your reasons for applying for the job, and the salary you expect.   You will also be allowed to ask some questions of your own. The questions you ask will show the interviewer that you have given careful thought to the position. You can ask questions like these. What duties will I have to do in the job? Will I be allowed to join a health insurance program? Does the company provide opportunities for further education?   如何在求职面试中获得成功高中英语作文 篇6   Nowadays both the interviewee and the interviewer are attaching more and more importance to job interview. As far as the interviewers are concerned, they tend to feel it unscientific to evaluate the competence of the interviewees by just reading their written materials, such as the application forms, self-introductions, etc. A face to face interviewing is more reliable and informative. As far as the interviewees are concerned, they think that they also have the right to get to know the employer and the company in which they are going to work, e. g. What work they are going to do, how much money they can get etc.   However, many interviewees fail once and again in their job interview. They want to know the secret in job interview. there are many factors that determine the success of the job interview. For example, a dean and tidy appearance will surely attract the attention of the interviewers; a graceful manner is easy to leave a good impression on your would be boss. When it comes to the job, the applicant should display a wide range of expertise and strong confidence in himself. Nevertheless, be sure not to overstate but stick to reality; show your keen enthusiastic about the job and your strong desire for obtaining the job all the way.   Once you achieve what is mentioned above, the new job will be within your reach.   如何在求职面试中获得成功高中英语作文 篇7   May Day is coming. I"m so happy because my father and my mother take me to Wu Quan Park this holiday.   In the park, I see many trees and beautiful flowers. There are many children and many happy playing games, too.   My parents take me to the zoo. There are lions, tigers, eagles, bears, deer, monkeys, and so on. I like the monkeys best because they are very clever and they make us laugh. How lovely they are!   I have a good time that day. What a beautiful and happy holiday.   如何在求职面试中获得成功高中英语作文 篇8   A job interview, a formal meeting between the employer and the applicant, is an effective way for the interviewer to know about the applicant and the interviewee to know about the job he is applying for. It is advantageous to both the interviewer and the interviewee.   The interviewer, in a job interview, usually offers detailed information about the job under discussion, such as the nature of the job, the working condition, the requirements for the applicant, and the payment for the job. At the same time, he can see with his own eyes the interviewee"s appearance, manner, character, educational background etc. This can surely help him make a proper judgment on whether the interviewee is fit for the job or not.   As far as the interviewee is concerned, a job interview provides him with a good chance to display his merits. For example, he can exhibit his competence and self-confidence through his knowledge, show his sincerity and enthusiasm for work with his previous experience, and demonstrate his understanding of the job and an ability in meeting these requirements. This may give the interviewer a good impression, which, in turn, will increase his chance of getting the job.   如何在求职面试中获得成功高中英语作文 篇9   Nowadays, its essential for a person who hunts for a job to take an interview. Job interview is a formal meeting between employer and the job hunter, which I think its beneficial to both parts.   I would like to discuss about the advantages of job interview. On the one hand, for the employer, its the first time that the employer can know the hunter face to face. During the interview, employer can freely talk to the hunter and the form of interview is flexible that employer can know the hunter in depth from various aspects. It cant be accomplished by paper test. On the other hand, for the employee, its a must-step for job hunting that employee can fully show his or her talent. Its a golden chance to get the job that employee must well prepare for. Besides, employee can ask questions about the position and company so that to deeper understand the company. After all, its important to know whether you fit for the job or the company or not.   In short, a job interview is beneficial to both the employer and the employee that they all should attach importance to it.   如何在求职面试中获得成功高中英语作文 篇10   The past 4 years,i spend most of my time on study,i have passed CET4--6 with a ease. And i have acquired basic knowledge of packaging and publishing both in they and in practice. Besides, i have attend several packaging exhibition hold in Beijing, this is our advantage study here, i have taken a tour to some big facty and company.Through these i have a deeply understanding of domestic packaging industry. Compared to developed ries such as us, unftunately, although we have made extradinary progress since 1983,our packaging industry are still underdeveloped, mess, unstable, the situation of employees in this field are awkard. But i have full confidence in a bright future if only our economy can keep the growth pace still. i guess you maybe interested in the reason itch to law, and what is my planduring graduate study life, i would to tell you that pursue law is one of my lifelong goal,my major is packaging and i wont give up,if i can pursue my degree here i will combine law with my fmer education. I will be hard in thesefields ,patent ,trademark, copyright, on the base of my years study in department of my acter. I cannot describe it well, but i know i am optimistic and confident. Sometimes i prefer to stay alone, reading, listening to music, but i am not lonely, to chat with my classmates, almost talk everything ,my favite pastime is valleyball,playing cards surf online. Through college life,i learn how to balance between study and entertainment. By the way, i was a act of our amazing drama club. I had a few glious memy on stage, that is my pride.
2023-07-24 01:58:001

nail the interview什么意思

2023-07-24 01:58:096

怎么在面试中介绍自己,用英语!how to intruduce yourself in the interview?

2023-07-24 01:58:242


绝对正宗翻译,绝对不是来自子于翻译软件,请放心使用詹姆斯坐在办公室外面等待面试,他感到很紧张,都不知道如何说好。比他前面的那个人在里面呆了已经将近一个小时,那个人看起来是那么镇定自如,不像詹姆斯。她想那个人肯定已经得到这个工作了。问题是他真的很想要这个工作。这份工作对他就意味着所有。在面试之前,他其实想了好多了,幻想着在面试的时候自己是多么的出色,并且立即就得到了这个工作。但是现在他感觉很糟糕。他已经记不起来他曾经想要说的那些话。那个时侯,他甚至想起来赶快走,可是他没有。他想了好长时间决定不能放弃。他的手都发热了,嘴也干了。最后办公室的们开了,那个进去将近一个小时的女士出来了,她看起来很高兴的样子。她同情的笑着看了一眼詹姆斯。那个时候詹姆斯有点恨她。然后经理出现在办公室门口,说“Davis 先生,能进来一下吗?抱歉让您久等了”,詹姆斯突然希望此时的他已经不顾一切的已经冲回家了,他站起来,腿发抖,额头也出汗了,然后想不知道此时的他是不是看起来很恐怖。
2023-07-24 01:58:355

英语作文 职场竞争越来越激烈,在找工作中,面试变得越来越重要,从面试前的准备,面试中的应对及面试

When we received the notice or the employer"s willingness to interview to interview, to prove our work is not far away. So, this time we have to prepare before the interview, and how is it? 1, material preparation. They include: CV, cover letter, referral information, questions and answers prior forecast, and apply for a job related to prove the relationship, but also with a pen.2, the mental preparation. Before the interview do not give yourself too much pressure, sometimes too much pressure is not necessarily a good thing. Appropriate to relax, change their attitude, confident that you believe in yourself, then there is no reason not to believe the interviewer How about you? 3, study preparation. Not only to study yourself, study the interviewer. 4, issue ready. Before your interview, you must predict the problem, then prepare. Usually if some of your personal information, and your values, and you are applying addition is job-related knowledge and skills of a professional appraisal.Interview TipsInterview, the employer is the recruitment assessment methods commonly used. How to stand out in the fierce competition in the interview it?1, resourcefulnessThe interviewer should understand that no matter how well-prepared you are, there are always some problems that you did not expect, there are always some unexpected situations you need to deal with. Therefore, the ability to adjust to changing circumstances is particularly important for job seekers.2, self-promotionThe core purpose of the interview is to sell themselves to each other, so, how timely and appropriately to their abilities, potential to show up in the self-introduction is very important.First, your personal experience as much as possible candidates linked to your unit. You are talking about personal experience, you should be experienced in the past, to find the ideal candidate in line with terms of units, to focus on narrative, yielded to their own advantages and strengths manifested.Second, find out what your real advantage to, and dare to say to each other to listen. If the interviewer asked: "! Please talk about your strengths it," you must not timid. Because people can not tell their own merits, most would be considered a lack of self-confidence and self-analysis capability, so will undoubtedly eliminated.3, response interviewer language artsJob search how to convince the interviewer that he is interested in you, and thus are willing to hire you, success is a job demarcation point. The following four principles for your practice can grasp: u2460 according to actual needs to convince. u2461 seize the favorable opportunity of persuasion. u2462 put forward feasible scheme to persuade. u2463 the competent person as a friend to convince.In short, when you are in a conversation with the interviewer, you do not have stiff and unfamiliar face appears, you should show that you are a very good talk with the people easy to make that narrow the distance between you and the interviewer, so passionate and pleasant conversation.4, pay attention to body languageFrom a psychological standpoint, people"s body language will be spread out certain information. When you talk with the interviewer, you should sight on the other side of the action, certain body language would imply you his mental activity.u2460 When the examiner impatient. He will do aimless movements, for example, readily play table was knocked fingers on the table, when you find this phenomenon in relation to trying to change the subject, to change the status quo.u2461 When the examiner"s attention is not positive for you, and when you looked around, said he was not interested and hung up on you, then you should not be in full flight, but should immediately summarizing your conversation, let him ask you questions .5, when an unexpected knack answer.Interview inevitably there will be some unforeseen circumstances, such as the wrong thing, the problem is too difficult, even involving himself privacy, this time should speak more skilful.For occasional errors need not bear a grudge. When you say the wrong thing, and my heart do not always think this matter should continue to answer the question, whether it does not hiring you is whether you made a small mistake.When you can not grasp the core of the problem, you should use a delaying tactic. The trick is: you can start from a beginning, and then speak at the beginning, to the second point, when you want to talk about the second point third point. Really do not understand the problem, we must decisively did not know. You frankly admit to a problem do not understand, it does not affect the interviewer"s impression of you, but to make the other party to produce a good impression. Do not brag, pretend to understand.When you encounter involving personal privacy issues, you can not be angry, but should remain calm, to avoid problems with the language of euphemism refused to answer, such as: "This is my privacy, I do not give you the answer, ask whether a change of the time we talk about? "6, pay attention to the interview in a good instrumentation and behaviorInstrumentation, politeness, attitude is a very important factor in the interview. It reflects not only your character, personality, education, culture, etc., but also directly affect the interviewer"s impression of you good or bad, so that the final decision whether to admit you.Do not be nervous at the door, the interviewer should take the initiative enthusiastically greet hello: "Hello, Good Morning" this may be between master and you try to create a harmonious atmosphere. Without invite the interviewer, you never went to sit down. The other called you sit down, you should express thanks. When you want to sit down and relax, but to sit straight, not bending arched, do not swing the leg. Do not move the position of chair. Do not carry bags, items such as pressure on the table, things should be placed above the knee. Hands keep quiet, do not Cuonong paper or other distracting items. Make eye contact when speaking. If the interviewer has two, three, to look at who the chief. Let the end of the interview the interviewer. Do not end the conversation before the performance at the interviewer restless, anxious to leave to go to appointments or another way. Finally at the end, thank the interviewer to give the candidate the opportunity, and politely leave.
2023-07-24 01:58:541

You should only wecar a suit and tie with smart shoes to the interview什么意

2023-07-24 01:59:024


面试时英语自我介绍方法   在面试中我们要怎么用英文介绍自己呢?下面是我搜集整理的面试时如何做英语自我介绍方法,欢迎阅读,供大家参考和借鉴!   面试时如何做英语自我介绍方法一   First impressions can play a major role in how an employer perceives you as a candidate. What you say during the first phase of the interview may make a big difference in the outcome - in a good way or in a bad way.   在面试时,第一印象在面试官心中有举足轻重的作用。在面试环节你一开始说的内容可能会造成截然不同的结果,不管是好是坏。   In fact, some hiring managers may make a decision to reject a candidate based on what they didn"t do when they met them. That"s why it"s important to pay attention to interview manners and to carefully think through how you will introduce yourself during a job interview.   事实上,有些面试官会因为面试者在面试中没有做到期望的那样而将其拒绝。这就是为什么在面试中注意自己行为和想清楚如何介绍自己有多么重要的原因了。   How to Introduce Yourself at a Job Interview   如何介绍自己   When you arrive at the interview site introduce yourself to the receptionist by stating your name and the purpose of your visit. For example: "My name is Tim Jones and I have an interview scheduled with John Smith at 2 pm."   当你到达面试点时,介绍自己姓名及参加面试的目的。例如:“我叫Tim Jones,我和John Smith预约2点面试。”   You will either be escorted to the interview room or the hiring manager will come out to meet you in the reception area. Again, take the time to introduce yourself so the interviewer knows who you are.   你可能会被带到面试间或者面试官会出来见你。不过还是需要再次介绍下自己以便对方记住自己。   Offer to shake hands, even if the interviewer doesn"t offer their hand first. It"s good etiquette to include a handshake as part of your introduction. Tell the interviewer that it is a pleasure to meet them, smile, and be sure to make eye contact. For example: "I"m Tina Lionel, it"s a pleasure to meet you."   主动握手,即使面试官没有主动和你握手。在自我介绍中主动握手也是一项重要的礼节。告诉面试官见到他很高兴,微笑,并且眼神交流。比如:“我是Tina Lionel,见到你很高兴。”   Tip: To avoid sweaty palms, stop in the restroom prior to the interview and wash and dry your hands. If that"s not feasible, use a tissue to dry off your hands ahead of time. Here"s more on how to avoid interview mistakes and how to avoid interview stress.   建议:为了防止出手汗,面试前先到洗手间把手洗净吹干。如果没有条件的话,就用纸巾把手擦干。下面再给些如何避免面试错误和压力的建议。   During the Interview   面试过程中   Many hiring managers will start an interview with an open-ended question like "Tell me about yourself." The core of your response should focus on the key elements in your background which will enable you to excel in the job for which you are interviewing. You should carefully analyze the job prior to the interview so you can point out the interests, skills, experiences, and personal qualities which will enable you to meet or exceed the requirements.   许多面试官会以诸如“请介绍下自己。”这样的开放性问题开始。你的回应应该集中在介绍自己的强项和说明自己能够胜任这项工作这两方面。在面试前要对这份工作做好分析以便在面试中突出你的兴趣所在,技能,经验和个人素质这些能满足甚至超越这项工作的要求。   Tip: Review Answers to Tell Me About Yourself Questions   建议:重温自我介绍   Keep it Short   简短回答   Your introduction should be concise enough to hold the interest of the interviewer. Generally, a quick recap of your most compelling qualifications will suffice. You could also throw in a couple of tidbits which are not essential to the job, but reflect your persona like the fact that you are an avid skier, have performed at comedy clubs, or collect African art. Your goal is to connect personally with the interviewer as well as to show that you"re qualified for the job.   你的回答应该足够简短以保持面试官的注意力。一般来说,用一个简短的强调自己优势的自我介绍就足够了。不过你也可以加入一些小花絮点缀你的性格,比如自己是位滑雪爱好者,表演过喜剧或是收藏非洲艺术品,虽然这些并不是该职位所必要的。你的目的是为了能和面试官建立起一种性格方面的共同点,同时也从侧面说明你能胜任这项工作。   Of course, your initial comments should show your enthusiasm for the job and organization. However, don"t overdo it and don"t spend too much time talking about yourself. The interviewer has an agenda and time is limited, so keep your introduction brief so you can move on to the next question.   当然了,初步自我评价应该展示你对这份工作的热情。然而不要过多展示热情,不然会减少介绍自己成分。因面试官有自己的日程,时间有限,所以尽可能简短介绍后再回答接下来的问题。   Follow Up Questions   进一步问题   The interviewer may follow up your introduction with more questions, so it"s important to remember that you will need to support whatever assertions you make during your introduction. Be prepared to provide specific examples of how and where you have utilized your assets to successfully carry out work or volunteer roles, academic projects, or other productive endeavors.   面试官可能会根据你的介绍向你进一步提问,所以你要牢记的是,你需要为你介绍的方方面面提供论证支持,比如介绍在你之前参与的志愿者活动中或者是学术项目或是其他一些创造性活动中你是如何运用你的各种能力的。   面试时如何做英语自我介绍方法二   一般在使用英文面试的时候,面试官会和你先使用中文。没有人愿意一下子就用英文开始和你交谈,除非对方是老外,而用英文面试的要点便是在开场的时候做个开场介绍。主要是给对方下意识的的说,我要开始了。请对方仔细听。   使用地道的问候语,使自己更加尊重对方。那么如何体现自己很尊重对方呢?你可以用这样一句话,itu2018s my honor to meet you 。这句话比较地道,而且使对方感觉自身比较受尊重。比nice to meet you 好!   低调的表现自己,在求职过程中很重要。那么如何低调的表现自己,你可以来这么一句?May i get started?这句话比较好,显的自己很有水准,而且能够显的很有礼貌。   介绍自己的个人信息   一般的面试时间一般是几分钟,这个几分钟里你会很紧张。不过你放心,没人看的出来。而介绍的"内容不能太空洞吧,你也不知道先说啥,那么你就先介绍些自己的个人信息。那么那些个人信息比较好说呢?笔者认为说自己的性格与特征比较好说。当然你也要先介绍下你的名字。   在说性格的时候比较简单,你要学会这样说,i am。后面接一个词,这个词你可以说honest,也可以说easy going。连起来说就是i am honest and easy going 。但是你要学会聪明的来句but。   为什么要来个but,这是强调自己的特征。人具有普遍性,当然也有特殊性,一个but 就把你的特殊性给展现出来了。but i have a strong sense of responsibility。这句话的意思是我有很强的责任感。responsibility比较难念,不过你要回念。或者说i get very serious and cautious when at work。我工作的时候很严肃。   介绍自己的教育背景   一般面试的时候还要问你做过什么和做成了什么。这点比较难,不过你应该是毕业了,你学成了。这便是你的教育背景。你要把做成了什么说成你学成了什么。需要注意的是如果是老外面试,笔者就有点难。不过笔者相信一般是中国人给你面试因此说自己做过什么时用中文来说,面试官也会听的懂的。   先说你的学历,一般中国人有学士学位、硕士学位和博士学位。bachelor学士学位是最多人获得的,那么你就说你在哪个学校获得了哪个学位。比如说 i got my bacheloru2019s degree at XX university。这句话的意思是我获得我的学士学位在XX大学。   在说自己的专业,因此你来个and ,and my major was XX。这句话的意思就是说我的专业是什么。比如笔者的专业是english。那么笔者会说,my major was English。   结束语   笔者这么早结束时因为笔者面试或者被面试的对方一般都是中国人,而且要求的水平不是很高,他们的目的很明确,你对英文能够有听说读写的能力,这上面几句话有一分钟的时间让你去讲,这就要求你把这上面的7句话说慢些来掩盖你的紧张。对方的要求是你能够使用引文。   最后来句that is over。表示你已经说完了。可以让对方提问。或者你在说句,if you have any question 。i am very happy to answer you 。说如果你有任何问题,我很乐意回答你。当然说这句话是很有难度的。需要你有很强的应变能力。 ;
2023-07-24 01:59:091


问题一:“我已经参加了这个面试” 用英语怎么说 I have been to this interview. 问题二:参加某个公司的面试用英语怎么说? 参加面试take an interview 参加A公司的面试 take A pany"s interview 经济适用房。。。这个好难翻啊,很难跟老外用到这个词,我想可以这样说: I bought an apartment that is got financial aid from government. 问题三:谢谢给我这次机会,我会到时候准时去面试的 用英语怎么说 谢谢给我这次机会,我会到时候准时去面试的 Thank you for giving me this opportunity, and I"ll go to the interview on time. 问题四:我很荣幸能参加这个面试用英语怎么说?? its my honor to attend the interview 问题五:去面试英语最后说 感谢给了我这次机会 用英语怎么说 感谢给了我这次机会 Thank you very much for giving the chance to be here and express myself. Thank you very much for giving me the oppotunity.Thank you very much for your time and consideration. 谢谢您的时间和考虑。 问题六:面试官与参加面试的人英语怎么说 面试官与参加面试的人英语 interviewer and interviewees. 问题七:英语翻译求助:"我会准时参加面试", 5分 准时参加面试,是求职者最基本的操守。说“会准时参加面试”,在西方文化中看来这就像说“我保证每天喝水”一样,纯属多余的话。应改为 I look forward to meeting you (如果还没见过面) on (面试的日期),或者 I"ll see you on (面试的日期)。如果是写给给你介绍工作的人,那可以说 Thank you (again) for the introduction, and I will update you after my (面试的日期) interview.
2023-07-24 01:59:321

是join in the interview 还是join the interview

join in the interviewparticipate in the interviewattend the interview
2023-07-24 01:59:392


问题一:"面试官"用英文怎么说 interviewer 称男面试官为mister,女面试官为madam 问题二:英语面试时怎么称呼考官? say hello or good morning good afternoon that浮9;s OK Ok, you can call the man sir, and the lady madam,but i think it will be better if you call the lady Ms. 问题三:面试在英语里面怎么说? interview 短语 正在面试 Interview in progress;Interview i progress;Interview Car in progress 压力面试stress interview;human resources Stress interview;PRESSURE INTERVIEW;stre interview 评价面试Appraisal interview;human resources Appraisal interview;A raisal interview 等待面试Waiting for an Interview 面试目标Interview Objective 面试示例Sample Interview 一对一面试one interview 结束面试Concluding the Interview 校友面试Alumni Interview 问题四:面试,用英语怎么说? interview 问题五:面试官的英文,面试官的翻译,怎么用英语翻译面试官 面试官_有道词典 面试官 interviewer更多释义>> 面试官 interviewer 亲爱的面试官 Dear interviewer 签证面试官 Visa interviewers 详细用法>> 问题六:面试通过 用英语怎么说? 另“好几个面试,一个都没过”怎么翻译? 1. 动词短语:pass / get through the interview 通过面试 句子:The interview has been passed.面试已经通过。 或者:The interview has been got through. 2. None of the interviews has / have been passed. 问题七:面试者 和 面试官 用英语怎么说 interviewee interviewer 问题八:“我已经参加了这个面试” 用英语怎么说? I have participated in this interview。我 已经参加了 这个 面试。 你追问的翻译是“参加了面试的一部分” 问题九:"面试官"用英文怎么说 interviewer 称男面试官为mister,女面试官为madam 问题十:英语面试时怎么称呼考官? say hello or good morning good afternoon that浮9;s OK Ok, you can call the man sir, and the lady madam,but i think it will be better if you call the lady Ms.
2023-07-24 01:59:461


问题一:"面试官"用英文怎么说 interviewer 称男面试官为mister,女面试官为madam 问题二:英语面试时怎么称呼考官? say hello or good morning good afternoon that浮9;s OK Ok, you can call the man sir, and the lady madam,but i think it will be better if you call the lady Ms. 问题三:面试者 和 面试官 用英语怎么说 interviewee interviewer 问题四:面试官的英文,面试官的翻译,怎么用英语翻译面试官 面试官_有道词典 面试官 interviewer更多释义>> 面试官 interviewer 亲爱的面试官 Dear interviewer 签证面试官 Visa interviewers 详细用法>> 问题五:面试在英语里面怎么说? interview 短语 正在面试 Interview in progress;Interview i progress;Interview Car in progress 压力面试stress interview;human resources Stress interview;PRESSURE INTERVIEW;stre interview 评价面试Appraisal interview;human resources Appraisal interview;A raisal interview 等待面试Waiting for an Interview 面试目标Interview Objective 面试示例Sample Interview 一对一面试one interview 结束面试Concluding the Interview 校友面试Alumni Interview 问题六:面试,用英语怎么说? interview 问题七:翻译 面试者和面试官分别是什么英文 面试者interviewee 面试官interviewer 问题八:面试通过 用英语怎么说? 另“好几个面试,一个都没过”怎么翻译? 1. 动词短语:pass / get through the interview 通过面试 句子:The interview has been passed.面试已经通过。 或者:The interview has been got through. 2. None of the interviews has / have been passed. 问题九:面试的时候怎么用英文称呼面试官? sir madam or minster miss~~~
2023-07-24 01:59:531


问题一:"面试官"用英文怎么说 interviewer 称男面试官为mister,女面试官为madam 问题二:面试者 和 面试官 用英语怎么说 interviewee interviewer 问题三:英语面试时怎么称呼考官? say hello or good morning good afternoon that浮9;s OK Ok, you can call the man sir, and the lady madam,but i think it will be better if you call the lady Ms. 问题四:面试官的英文,面试官的翻译,怎么用英语翻译面试官 面试官_有道词典 面试官 interviewer更多释义>> 面试官 interviewer 亲爱的面试官 Dear interviewer 签证面试官 Visa interviewers 详细用法>> 问题五:面试在英语里面怎么说? interview 短语 正在面试 Interview in progress;Interview i progress;Interview Car in progress 压力面试stress interview;human resources Stress interview;PRESSURE INTERVIEW;stre interview 评价面试Appraisal interview;human resources Appraisal interview;A raisal interview 等待面试Waiting for an Interview 面试目标Interview Objective 面试示例Sample Interview 一对一面试one interview 结束面试Concluding the Interview 校友面试Alumni Interview 问题六:英语面试时如何和面试官打招呼 Good morning. It"s my great honor to sit here and have the opportunity for the interview. 问题七:面试通过 用英语怎么说? 另“好几个面试,一个都没过”怎么翻译? 1. 动词短语:pass / get through the interview 通过面试 句子:The interview has been passed.面试已经通过。 或者:The interview has been got through. 2. None of the interviews has / have been passed. 问题八:在面试过程中,面试官要求你英文进行面试,但你的英文并不好,此刻你会怎么办 人在职场,面试就跟家常便饭一样,是一件极其普通的事情。怎么让面试官对你“一见倾心”,愿意让你即刻上岗呢?怎样才能提高面试和上岗的几率呢?根据我亲身经历以及通过对其它公司HR的调查,我了解到了关于面试更深层次的一些内容。 第一:面试,从进门的那一刻开始 我面试过很多人,大部分人都会提前到达公司,在等待面试的过程中,他们会被安排在会议室里等待。然而,有些人在等待面试的时候,总是一副疲惫、精神很不好的样子。我一看,就觉得对方的态度有问题,你来面试,是不是说明很可能成为这家公司的一员,那应该感到高兴才对,怎么还有些不高兴的样子呢?还有一些人,在面试之前等待的过程中肆无忌惮地讲电话,或者玩着手机里面的游戏,给人一种心不在焉的感觉。 面试的第一印象非常重要,这就跟不要迟到是一样的,面试官会通过这些细节来考量你的。不管你来面试之前遇到什么不开心的事情,从进门的那一刻开始,就应该拿出自己最好的状态来。 面试的时候,要做好充分的准备。你要对你所想应聘的这个职位有充分的了解。说到这里,可能一些朋友会说:“我之前做的是某个行业的某个职位,现在还是去应聘那个行业的那个职位,我当然了解啦,只不过换了一家公司嘛。”但是,每家公司的运作机制都一样吗?你知道HR面试官会从哪个角度来问话吗?这些你都不知道,都是未知的。 除了这些,面试官最感兴趣、也几乎是必问的一些问题你也要提前了解。比如你为什么离职?为什么想从事一个全新的行业全新的工作?为什么会对我们的项目感兴趣?等等。这些你都必须要游刃有余地回答。比如提及离职的原因,有些求职者会显得不够从容,其实,只要根据两点原则你就很好回答了。 第一个原则,绝不能诋毁之前的公司,要从自己身上找原因。有些求职者喜欢说导致自己离开公司的原因就是之前的公司这不好、那不好的。我不否认会有这种情况,但是切记不要说出来。 你可以这样说:“觉得在之前的公司做到瓶颈了,有些疲惫和麻木,所以想换个环境,重燃斗志。”说这些话会让面试官觉得你来这里是寻找重燃斗志的契机来了,应该很上进,故而对你会另眼相看。你还可以这样说:“之前的公司也很好,我也有些舍不得离开,但是我觉得自己在那里工作起来好像有些放不开手脚,我希望换个环境来重新梳理自己的情绪,因为再带着这样的情绪去工作,我觉得是对公司的一种不负责任。” 面试官听你这样说,他会得出两个结论,第一,你不是单纯的为了追求所谓的高薪资而离开,说明你这个人心志还不错,是个真正有理想的人;第二,你是一个对工作对公司都很有责任感的一个人,觉得自己的状态不好,怕影响工作而离开,这是一种仁义之举。当然话不要说得太过,要把握尺度。 第二个原则:切勿说些冠冕堂皇且一听就很虚的话。很多求职者被问及离职原因的时候,都说为了来学习为了积累经验,乍听起来的确没错,可事实上呢? 我曾经面试过这样一些人,简历上写着曾经的公司也好、待遇也好、甚至职位都比此时他来应聘的这家公司要高,但是当我问及离职的原因,有的人说:“我是觉得这个项目更有发展前景,我想多学习东西。” 我说:“你放弃之前月薪5000元的工作,来这里应聘月薪2000元的职位,你觉得值得吗?” 对方回答:“我觉得值得,因为我还年轻,钱有的是机会去挣,但是学习的机会不是随时都有的。”听到这里似乎有一定道理啊,但是别着急,请往下看。 我说:“你真是这些想的吗?” 对方回答:“是的。我来的目的就是学习新的东西。” 我说:“你是来应聘销售经理的,应该是你要教给你的团队新的东西,而......>>
2023-07-24 02:00:001


2023-07-24 02:00:115

英语作文范文:How to Succeed in a Job Interview?

How to Succeed in a Job Interview?   It is undeniable that an interview plays a critical role in job-hunting. Through the interview, an employer can meet their future employees in person and know them more thoroughly. Sometimes the written form of examination cannot reveal candidates" real talents or problems. Besides, it is also beneficial for candidates to take an interview. They will have a chance to make their employers understand them better.   A number of factors contribute to the success in a job interview. Personally, I think job-hunters should pay attention to the following points. First, they should be well prepared professionally. That means they should be ready to answer all the important questions concerning their future job. Secondly, they should express themselves confidently and honestly. Last but not least, they should pay enough attention to their appearances, that is, they should be properly dressed.   As far as I am concerned, I will get academically ready first, and then be relaxed to answer all the questions. I will also dress up and behave properly. I do believe that so long as I make good preparations, I will perform well in the interview. 如何在面试中取得成功? 不可否认的是,面试在求职过程中起着至关重要的作用。通过面试,用人单位可以满足他们未来的员工,并了解他们更彻底。有时笔试形式不能反映考生的实际才能和问题。此外,也有利于候选人参加面试。他们将有机会让他们的雇主更了解他们。 在求职面试中,有许多因素促成了面试成功。就我个人而言,我觉得求职者应该注意以下几点。首先,他们应该精心准备的专业。这意味着他们应该准备好回答关于他们未来的工作的所有重要问题。其次,他们应该自信和诚实地表达自己。最后但并非最不重要的,他们应该给予足够的重视,这是,他们应该正确着装。 就我而言,我会先把学业做好准备,然后轻松回答所有的问题。我也会盛装打扮和举止得体。我相信只要我做好准备,我会在面试中表现出色。
2023-07-24 02:01:371


面试英语单词是interview。 interview:n.面试;面谈;(常指公开的)记者采访,访谈;(私下的)面谈,会谈,晤谈; v.对(某人)进行面试(或面谈);接受面试;(媒体)采访,访问 扩展资料   A series of five interviews will be spread over two days.   一共五次面谈,分两天进行。   On the way home he reflected that the interview had gone well.   回家的"路上,他琢磨着这次面试非常顺利。   You really have to sell yourself at a job interview.   应聘面试的时候,你真得推销你自己。
2023-07-24 02:02:051

以 How to Succeed in a Job Interview为题目的英语作文

How to Succeed in a Job InterviewNowadays, the interview has become indispensable in seeking a job. Its success will determine whether or not you will get the job you applied. Then how to succeed in a job interview? There are many factors involved. According to psychologists,it depends more on the first impression you leave which is half a battle: how you look, how you sound and what you say are of great importance. In the first place, how you look makes up 55% of a first impression. This includes facial expressions, body language, and eye contact, as well as clothing and general appearance. Among those, clothing is the most important to show your respect to the interviewer and to leave the interviewer a good impression in the end. In the second place, how you sound makes up 38% of the first impression. This includes how fast or slowly, loudly or softly you speak. So make sure that you sound friendly, interested, confident and happy in answering any inquires in the interview. Finally, what you say counts for only 7% of the message. Therefore, attach more importance to your appearance and expressions rather than your words. To conclude, no one can escape from the interview. Remember the above points, and you will succeed in the interview.
2023-07-24 02:02:251


Professor Godwin,feeling unwell,wrote on his bedroom door this notice:"The professor will be unable to meet his classes this evening." A student rubbed out a letter and made it,"The professor will be unable to meet his lasses this evening." Godwin,perceiving this, turned the tables by striking off the next letter, and making the notice read;" The professor will be unable to meet his asses this evening.译文:戈德温博士感到不舒服,于是写了张便条贴在卧室门上:“晚上博士不能来上课了。”一学生看后将一字母擦去,意思就变成了:“晚上博士不能来见他的情人们了。”戈德温博士看后,心生一计,又擦掉一个字母,最后便条的内容就成了“晚上博士不能来见他的蠢驴们了。” (注:class班级;lass情人;ass蠢驴)望采纳
2023-07-24 02:02:352

题目:"How to success int the job interview" 的演讲稿

Preparation is essential to ensure a successful job interview.The time that it takes for the interview could be the most important moments in your career.Therefore,your should take time to prepare what you might say and how you will look for the interview.You need to do three things to prepare for an interview.First,find out as much as you can about the company and the job you"re applying for.You should understand the basics of the company"s products ,services,policies,branch offices,and growth potential.There are companies that specialize in company research,and you can apply to them to find out about the type of position and company you "re applying for.Second,prepare to answer questions that usually arise during an interview.Before the interview,jot down about ten questions you think might be asded by the interviewer.Thinking about different questions not only helps you during the interview,but helps you to think about what yoi really want from a job.Finally ,prepare to look your best for an interview.Take pride in the way you look;you are going to a professional appointment,not to visit friends.It is essential that you be clean and neat.Because most businesses are conservative,you should dress conservatively.Plan to be at the interview at least fifteen minutes before the scheduled appointment.You won"t want to miss your interview because you were unable to find a parking place or because you stepped out of the elevator on the wrong floor.Be caml.Avoid nervous habits such as fidgeting with buttons r rings,and picking lint from your clothes.Do not smoke unless invited to do so.Last but not the least,interviewers are not favorably impressed with applicants who are vague about their job objectives.Show the interviewer that you know exactly what job you would like to have.When the interview is over,thank the interviewer for the time.
2023-07-24 02:02:421

翻译成英语 各位早上好,非常荣幸有这个机会在这面试,我叫XX,毕业于XX,毕业后就职于XX至今。

Good morning, everybody! I"d be very pleasure to have an interview here. My name is ***, graduated in ***, and take up an appointment since then.
2023-07-24 02:02:535

Which of the following is incorrect about job interview?

The interview process can be divided into three phases, which are independent from each other.
2023-07-24 02:03:171

How did the interview go?

2023-07-24 02:03:351


用英文询问面试结果 1.I"m just calling to follow up on the status of the Personnel Manager.   我打电话来是想问一下人事经理的招聘情况。   2.Does it possible for me to know when the decision will be made?   我能知道什么时候出结果吗?   3.I"m an applicant of your company. And I"ve been waiting for over two month after the interview. Could I possibly know the results?   我是贵公司的求职者。面试过后我已经等了两个多月了。我能知道一下结果吗?   4.Have you made any decision concerning the position?   面试的结果出来了吗? 在日常生活中,学会与人沟通,也很重要呢~   1. Can I talk to you right now?   我现在可以跟你谈一谈吗?   2. You got a minute?   你有空吗?   3. Can I have a word with you?   我可以跟你谈一下吗?   4. I need to talk to you.   我需要跟你谈一谈。   5. May I have a little talk with you?   我可以跟你谈一下吗?   6. Can we sit down and talk it over?   我们可以坐下来好好谈一谈吗?   7. Can we talk?   我们可以谈一下吗?   8. Can I bend your ears for a minute?   可不可以借我一分钟?我有事要跟你说。   9. May I have a conversation with you?   我可以跟你谈一下吗?   10. Do you have time now? I"ve got something to tell you.   你现在有空吗?我有事要跟你说。 ;
2023-07-24 02:03:421

What he told me to do was that I should get fully prepared before the interview! 给翻译一下

2023-07-24 02:03:493

How do you feel about having a job interview? 该怎么回答

1.要以一颗平常心正确对待面试,要做好承受挫折的心理准备。即使面试一时失利,也不要以一次失败论英雄。2.对招聘单位和自己要有一个正确的评价,相信自己完全能胜任此项工作。“有信心不一定赢,没信心一定输。”We should treat the interview correctly with a common heart and be prepared to bear setbacks. Even if the interview fails temporarily, don"t judge the hero with one failure.We should have a correct evaluation of the recruitment unit and ourselves, and believe that we are fully qualified for this job. "If you have confidence, you may not win. If you don"t have confidence, you will lose.
2023-07-24 02:03:561

What items are welcomed in the interview office?

What items are welcomed in the interview office? A.Resume. B.Switched-off cellphone. C.A cup of coffee. D.Proper makeup. 正确答案:ABD
2023-07-24 02:04:041

ufeff10 Tips to a Job-Winning Interview

These days, interviews don『t e easily. When you get The Call, make the most of your time -- and go for it! 1. Investigate the pany『s culture, markets, and finances. But resist the temptation to show off what you『ve researched: "I just read that you『re about to embark on a new product line") unless you have a question directly related to your career. 2. Look like you belong. Learn the pany『s dress code and err on the side of conservati *** . When you『re seeking a senior position based on industry experience, you『ll be expected to know the rules without being told. 3. Take charge of the interview! The most successful interviews feel like friendly conversations. When your interviewer has an agenda (such as the infamous "stress interview") stay relaxed. Think of playing a game. 4. Assume everyone you meet will provide feedback to the decision-maker. Some panies hand out ment forms to receptionists, security guards and potential peers who take you to lunch. 5. Communicate interest and enthusia *** , even if you『re not sure you『re ready to mit. You『ll rarely have all the facts until you『re looking at an offer. 6. Bring extra copies of your correspondence from this pany as well as your resume, references, writing samples, portfolio and current business cards. Interviewers lose documents and conversations move in unexpected directions. 7. Create a relaxed, positive attitude by devising a realistic game plan. When your career isn『t riding on a single interview, you『ll have fun and make a confident, relaxed impression. 8. Write a thank you letter within forty-eight hours. Create a low-key sales letter, emphasizing how your qualifications match the pany『s needs. Present yourself as a resource, not a supplicant. 9. After you write the letter, fet about the interview. Email or phone only if you『ve received a peting offer with a deadline. Occasionally you may make points with follow-up mailings. A sports team public relations applicant sent puzzles, games and press releases -- and she got the job. Use your intuition. 10. Keep notes of what you learned from the process. What worked? What would you do differently? As soon as you begin your new job, develop a career plan and a safety before you need one. Cathy Goodwin, Ph.D., wrote Making the Big Move (New Harbinger 1999). She works with professionals who have seen the light and are ready to ditch their current career and start a second one.
2023-07-24 02:04:121


job Interview In order to make a good impression during a job interview, you need to prepare yourselffor the interview. You must arrive in plenty of time for the interview,so that you give yourself a littletime to relax before the interview begins. The impression you make as you walk into the room is very important. Try to find out if thecompany or organization has rules about dress. Then try to dress according to their regulations. You also need to plan what you are going to say. In some interviews you will have to do a lot of talking, and in others you will only have to answer a few questions about your education and experience. You need to have answers ready about yourself, your schoolwork, your strong points, your reasons for applying for the job, and the salary you expect. You will also be allowed to ask some questions of your own. The questions you ask will show the interviewer that you have given careful thought to the position. You can ask questions like these. What duties will I have to do in the job? Will I be allowed to join a health insurance program? Does the company provide opportunities for further education?求职面试 为了在求职面试中给人留下好的印象,你需要为面试做些准备。为了面试你一定要提前很长时间到达,这样就可以在面试开始前给自己留出点儿时间放松。 你走进房间时给人留下的印象非常重要。设法查清这个公司或组织在着装方面是否有规定。然后试着按规定着装。 你还需要对你要说的话有所计划。有些面试中你得说很多话,而另外一些面试中,你只需要回答你教育和经历方面的一些问题。你需要准备好关于你自己、学业、优点、申请这份工作的原因以及期盼得到的薪水等问题的答案。 面试中也会允许你问一些与自己有关的问题。你的提问将向招聘人员表明你对这个职位做过认真考虑。你可以问这样的问题:这份工作中我的职责是什么?允许我上健康险吗?公司是否提供继续教育的机会?
2023-07-24 02:04:222

It was because the applicant was too proud __ he failed in the interview

2023-07-24 02:04:291

100 Please ______me about the interview____ I forget.

选A remind是提醒的意思 in case后加句子 in case of 后加短语 I forget是句子 所以只能用in case
2023-07-24 02:04:566

作文 How will you prepare for a job interview?一百词左右

First of all, what you have to do is dress yourself up. People will have a social stereotype effect, the first meeting of the impression is essential, and even affect the future of the subconscious. The dress code for the interview, regardless of men and women, it is best to prepare a more formal dress, so that they look professional care. If the girl with long hair, the best tie up, make them look more capable refreshing. Boys should not stay too long hair, hair can not be too alternative, at least to clean up their own clean, give people a good impression. Secondly, before you go to the interview, you need to find a good line, set aside enough time, so as not to get lost, so that you do not have to be late for the interview.
2023-07-24 02:05:121

回信的英文翻译, 非常高兴收到贵校的面试邀请,面试时间确定后请告...

I"m very glad to have received the invitation of interview in your school, please keep me informed once the time is confirmed, I will take it on time. Thanks.
2023-07-24 02:05:234

You will be successful in the interview _______ you have confidence. A.before B.once C.unt

B once用作连词时,意为“一旦……就……”。句意为“一旦你有信心,你在面试中就会成功”。before引导时间状语从句意为“在……之前”,表示从句中的谓语动词所表示的动作发生在主句的谓语动词所表示的动作之前。until引导时间状语从句表示“直到……为止”。though引导让步状语从句,表示“虽然……但是……”。
2023-07-24 02:05:511


如今就业的压力是越来越大,对于我们来说在面试之前能做到的就是做到:知己知彼,百战不殆。所以我们特别整理了一些英语面试中考官或者是面试者经常会问的一些问题,希望对于要求职的朋友有帮助: 1. Tell me about you!   Keep your answer to one or two minutes; don"t ramble. Use your resume summary as a base to start.   2. What do you know about our company?   Do your homework before the interview! Spend some time online or at the library researching the company. Find out as much as you can, including products, size, income, reputation, image, management talent, people, skills, history and philosophy. Project an informed interest; let the interviewer tell you about the company.   3. Why do you want to work for us?   Don"t talk about what you want; first, talk about their needs: You would like to be part of a specific company project; you would like to solve a company problem; you can make a definite contribution to specific company goals.   4. What would you do for us? What can you do for us that someone else can"t?   Relate past experiences that show you"ve had success in solving previous employer problem(s) that may be similar to those of the prospective employer.   5. What about the job offered do you find the most attractive? Least attractive?   List three or more attractive factors and only one minor unattractive factor.   6. Why should we hire you?   Because of your knowledge, experience, abilities and skills.   7. What do you look for in a job?   An opportunity to use your skills, to perform and be recognized.   8. Please give me your definition of a .... (the position for which you are being interviewed).   Keep it brief -- give an action- and results-oriented definition.   9. How long would it take you to make a meaningful contribution to our firm?   Not long at all -- you expect only a brief period of adjustment to the learning curve.   10. How long would you stay with us?   As long as we both feel I"m contributing, achieving, growing, etc.经验与管理类问题   1. You may be overqualified for the position we have to offer.   Strong companies need strong people. A growing, energetic company is rarely unable to use its employees" talents. Emphasize your interest in a long-term association, pointing out that the employer will get a faster return on investment because you have more experience than required.   2. What is your management style?   (If you"ve never thought about this, it"s high time you did.) "Open-door management" is best ... And you get the job done on time or inform your management.   3. Are you a good manager? Give an example. Why do you feel you have top managerial potential?   Keep your answer achievement- and task-oriented; emphasize management skills -- planning, organizing, interpersonal, etc.   4. What do you look for when you hire people?   Skills, initiative, adaptability.   5. Did you ever fire anyone? If so, what were the reasons and how did you handle it?   Give a brief example of a time when you faced this, and stress that it worked out well.   6. What do you see as the most difficult task in being a manager?   Getting things planned and done on time within the budget.   7. What do your subordinates think of you?   Be honest and positive...they can check your responses easily.   8. What is your biggest weakness as a manager?   Be honest and end on a positive note, e.g. "I don"t enjoy reprimanding people, so I try to begin with something positive first."关于离职、跳槽的原因   1. Why are you leaving your present job?   Refine your answer based on your comfort level and honesty. Give a "group" answer if possible, e.g. our department was consolidated or eliminated.   2. How do you feel about leaving all of your benefits?   Concerned but not panicked.   3. Describe what you feel to be an ideal working environment.   One in which people are treated as fairly as possible.   4. How would you evaluate your present firm?   It"s an excellent company that afforded me many fine experiences   考核你的经验与业绩   1. How have you helped increase sales? Profits?   Explain in some detail, citing figures and specific examples.   2. Have you helped reduce costs? How?   Describe in some detail with specifics.   3. How much money did you account for?   Give examples as to your responsibilities. Explain how the budget was determined, and your role in overseeing your department"s portion.   4. How many people did you supervise on your last job?   Explain the structure of your department and your role as manager.   5. Do you like working with figures more than words?   Be honest but positive.   6. In your current or last position, what features did you like the most? Least?   Be honest but put a positive spin on your least favorite duties.   7. In your current or last position, what are or were your five most significant accomplishments?针对简历中的内容会提出的问题   1. Why haven"t you found a new position before now?   Finding a job is easy; finding the right job is more difficult. Stress that you are being selective, and are looking for the right "fit."   2.Had you thought of leaving your present position before? If so, what do you think held you there?   Explain that your job is no longer challenging and that you feel your talents are best used elsewhere.   3. What do you think of your boss?   Be as positive as you can, even if you don"t really believe it.
2023-07-24 02:05:571