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The river ————(穿过我们市) 这里的穿过要用across还是through?

2023-07-24 07:55:37

正确回答:The river runs through our city.


The plane flies across our city.飞机飞过我们城市.

The gas pipe runs through that district.煤气管穿过那个地区.

He drew lines across the paper.他在纸上画交叉线.

The pencil penetrated through the paper.铅笔刺穿了纸头.

She thrust herself through the crowd.她挤过了人群.


The post-office is across the street.邮局在街的对面.



我发现了一首有趣的歌The River (河流)-Bruce Springsteen

第一次看到Bruce Springsteen(布鲁斯·斯普林斯汀)是在神曲《We Are The World》里,当时就被他那一声吼吸引了。随后有意识地听了一些他的作品,然后就发现了《The River》。这首歌首先节奏很好,虽然是英文的,第一次听不太懂,但是看着歌词就感觉不简单,不结合上下文不知道里面还讲了一个很悲惨的故事。下面我根据我的理解还原一下歌词大意。主人公跟一个人诉说自己的过去,说他在高中时遇到了17岁的Mary,然后他们开车冲出了山谷,沿着一条河一起疯狂,Mary后来怀孕了。可Mary同时还在跟另外一个人联系,她甩了主人公。令主人公意外的是,Mary的另外一个男人竟然是主人公的兄弟(这是我根据后文猜的),他们结婚时还邀请了正在过19岁生日的他,我猜测主人公肯定大闹一番,里面提到的courthouse与juge并非真的法庭和法官,应该是他们的亲友。亲友们最后劝解了他们。“No wedding day smiles,no walk down the aisle”这段歌词应该是主人公在回忆过去,内心悔恨,他没有和Mary举办婚礼,他只顾着和Mary在一起开心。他后面提到了自己的境遇,说经济萧条,他在建筑公司没什么活儿可干,在主人公看来,Mary当时并不怎么在意他的条件,可现在他感觉自己错了。他现在满脑子都是往日美好的回忆,但过去的时光越美好,他现在就越痛苦。“Now those memories come back to haunt me They haunt me like a curse”主人公面对Mary的薄情,不敢相信她们曾经有过的美好,可主人公还希望和Mary回到河边,回到甜蜜的过去。需要注意的是,QQ音乐里面的翻译没有一个完全正确的。举例说明:正确的翻译是,他们躺在河边,他睡不着。这个银行有点飘。总的说来这首歌非常有内涵。以上都是我的个人理解,欢迎批评指正
2023-07-24 01:02:181

Bruce Springsteen的《The River》 歌词

歌曲名:The River歌手:Bruce Springsteen专辑:Greatest HitsThe Riverby Bruce SpringsteenI come from down in valleywhere mister when you"re youngthey bring you up to dolike your daddy doneMe and Mary we met in high schoolwhen she was just seventeenwe"d drive out of this valleydown to where the fields were greenWe"d go down to the riverand into the river we"d diveOh~down to the river we"d rideThen I got Mary pregnantand man that was all she wroteand for my nineteenth birthdayI got a union card and a wedding coatwe went down to the courthouseand the judge put it all to restno wedding day smilesno walk down the aisleno flowersno wedding dressThat night we went down to the riverand into the river we"d diveOh~down to the river we"d ride喜欢这段口琴的solo吗I got a job working constrctionfor the johnstown companybut lately there ain"t been much workon account of the economyNow all them things that seemed so importantwell mister they vanished right into the airnow I just act like I don"t rememberMary acts like she don"t careBut I remember us riding in my brother"s carHer body tan and wet down at the reservoirat night on them banks I"d lie awakeand pull her close just to feel each breath she"d takeNow those memories come back to haunt meThey haunt me like a curseis a dream a lie if it don"t come trueor is it something worsethat sends me down to the riverthough I know the river is drythat sends me down to the rivertonightDown to the riverMy baby and IOh down to~ the river we rideWoo...【Ting_Michael制作】2007/11/11
2023-07-24 01:02:251

John Martyn的《The River》 歌词

歌曲名:The River歌手:John Martyn专辑:The Tumbler竹轩 我爱国米Yet another morningthat feels like thisYet another life"s bitter kissIt has been like this for?I don"t know how longI only know that at some pointit all went wrongI don"t remember much from last nightbut still far more than I would like toI"m floating downstream that damned river againWhat can I do now except continueand open a bottle once moreWhat can I do now except see this throughand float with the stream, off the shoresee where the river will take meWhen I needed you, you weren"t there?now I need booze like I need the air that I breatheWith each drink I"m drifting further away from your worldthe further off I get the harder it will be to returnIt has been like this for?I don"t know how longI only know that at some pointit all went wrongFloating downstream that damned river againThe river that"s distilled from premium grainWhat can I do now except continueand open a bottle once moreWhat can I do now except see this throughand float with the stream, off the shoresee where the river will take mesee where the river will take me
2023-07-24 01:02:321

Curtis的《The River》 歌词

歌曲名:The River歌手:Curtis专辑:Curtis竹轩 我爱国米Yet another morningthat feels like thisYet another life"s bitter kissIt has been like this for?I don"t know how longI only know that at some pointit all went wrongI don"t remember much from last nightbut still far more than I would like toI"m floating downstream that damned river againWhat can I do now except continueand open a bottle once moreWhat can I do now except see this throughand float with the stream, off the shoresee where the river will take meWhen I needed you, you weren"t there?now I need booze like I need the air that I breatheWith each drink I"m drifting further away from your worldthe further off I get the harder it will be to returnIt has been like this for?I don"t know how longI only know that at some pointit all went wrongFloating downstream that damned river againThe river that"s distilled from premium grainWhat can I do now except continueand open a bottle once moreWhat can I do now except see this throughand float with the stream, off the shoresee where the river will take mesee where the river will take me
2023-07-24 01:02:511

the river求高手给翻译一下歌词大意

2023-07-24 01:02:591

谁知道Garth Brooks唱的The River的歌词?

The River歌词(Victoria Shaw/Garth Brooks)You know a dream is like a riverEver changin" as it flowsAnd a dreamer"s just a vesselThat must follow where it goesTrying to learn from what"s behind youAnd never knowing what"s in storeMakes each day a constant battleJust to stay between the shores...andBrooks GarthCHORUSI will sail my vessel"Til the river runs dryLike a bird upon the windThese waters are my skyI"ll never reach my destinationIf I never trySo I will sail my vessel"Til the river runs dryToo many times we stand asideAnd let the waters slip away"Til what we put off "til tomorrowHas now become todayAnd say you"re satisfiedChoose to chance the rapidsAnd dare to dance the tide...yesCHORUSAnd there"s bound to be rough watersAnd I know I"ll tke soome fallsBut wit the good Lord as my captainI can make it through them all...yesCHORUSYes, I will sail my vessel"Til the river runs dry"Til the river runs dry
2023-07-24 01:03:061

in the river是什么意思?是在河上吗

英语中,in the river,是指人或物事在河里。on the river,是指船在河面上。举个例子:The boy is swimming in the river.The boat is on the river.英语学习的方法。  1 学习英语的首要理念:要努力去了解“是什么”,而尽量少去了解“为什么”。  因为英语是语言,很多语汇和句型的用法没有道理可讲,没有“为什么”可言,人们就是这样用的,就是这样说的,记住就好。当然了,仔细分析起来或许可以找到语法上的解释。婴儿时期,我们学说话的时候,从来没有问过“为什么会这么说” 吧,但是为什么后来会说的这么好?因为我们听的多,说的多,自然就记在脑子里了。  2 学习英语的最好方法:背诵课文。  因为英语是我们的后天语言,所以必须将人家现成的东西反复在脑海里形成神经反射,不用关心为什么这样说(同第一点)。  推荐《新概念英语3,4册》。可以说,几乎没有任何一种教材的经典程度超过《新概念英语》。它的语法是最规范的,结构是最严谨的,流传了好几代人,依然保持最为持久的生命力。  3 学习英语需要多种形式的神经刺激。  真正学好英语,不经历背诵大量文章,写大量东西,听大量文章,是根本不可能达到目的的,比如一个新单词,我们在书上看到,默写,背诵,还不能说真正认识了。在听力中听到了这个单词,能反应过来是它吗?在想表达这种意思的时候,能反应过来应该用它吗?……我们当初学说话的时候,都是无形中进行了听,说,读,写等不经意的“练习”才全面掌握了这门语言。  4 学习英语要善于利用零碎时间。  英语学习不是靠突击可以学好的,一下子花上好几个小时拼命学英语,是无济于事的。它的特点在于“细水常流”。每天花上十几分钟的零碎时间听,背一段课文,记几个单词,长期坚持,逐渐会得到提高的。  5 要着意“卖弄”。  新学会的词汇和用法,应该在可能的场合多多练习使用。不要老是用自己喜欢或者熟悉的单词或者句型,这样的话,新学的东西永远得不到强化,慢慢的又会变的陌生,人将会永远停留原有的水平。不断地将新东西变为旧东西,又不断接触新东西,再将其变为旧东西,如此往复,才能不断提高。
2023-07-24 01:03:151

There is a bridge on the river中介词运用有什么错误

改为Thereisabridge over theriver有一座桥在河的上方over是隔着一段距离的上方,而on是想接触的两个物体的上方请采纳谢谢晚安
2023-07-24 01:03:231

the river,____are covered with trees,is very long.

这是一个非限制性定语从句,the banks of which 的意思是河的两岸,which是关系代词,指代前面的先行词the river。
2023-07-24 01:03:424

人们喝河里的水,People drink water from the river river为何不加s river不是可数名词吗?

这里的river是特指的某一条喝酒the river指的是这条喝酒意思是人们从这条河中喝水。
2023-07-24 01:03:525

The river ________ (become) dirty since the paper factory was opened up.

①has become(become的过去分词)意为:成为。since用于现在完成时哦~②希望能帮到你~Thanks.
2023-07-24 01:04:063

The River (Vip) 歌词

歌曲名:The River (Vip)歌手:Boymerang专辑:Balance Of The Force竹轩 我爱国米Yet another morningthat feels like thisYet another life"s bitter kissIt has been like this for?I don"t know how longI only know that at some pointit all went wrongI don"t remember much from last nightbut still far more than I would like toI"m floating downstream that damned river againWhat can I do now except continueand open a bottle once moreWhat can I do now except see this throughand float with the stream, off the shoresee where the river will take meWhen I needed you, you weren"t there?now I need booze like I need the air that I breatheWith each drink I"m drifting further away from your worldthe further off I get the harder it will be to returnIt has been like this for?I don"t know how longI only know that at some pointit all went wrongFloating downstream that damned river againThe river that"s distilled from premium grainWhat can I do now except continueand open a bottle once moreWhat can I do now except see this throughand float with the stream, off the shoresee where the river will take mesee where the river will take me
2023-07-24 01:04:281

The river()to the east . A.runs running D.ran 选哪个

A 因为本句所要阐述的是一个客观事实,所以用一般现在式
2023-07-24 01:04:371

There is a bridge__the river(over/on)

2023-07-24 01:04:571

the river runs too quickly是暗喻吗

2023-07-24 01:05:521

Lyfe Jennings的《The River》 歌词

歌曲名:The River歌手:Lyfe Jennings专辑:The Phoenix竹轩 我爱国米Yet another morningthat feels like thisYet another life"s bitter kissIt has been like this for?I don"t know how longI only know that at some pointit all went wrongI don"t remember much from last nightbut still far more than I would like toI"m floating downstream that damned river againWhat can I do now except continueand open a bottle once moreWhat can I do now except see this throughand float with the stream, off the shoresee where the river will take meWhen I needed you, you weren"t there?now I need booze like I need the air that I breatheWith each drink I"m drifting further away from your worldthe further off I get the harder it will be to returnIt has been like this for?I don"t know how longI only know that at some pointit all went wrongFloating downstream that damned river againThe river that"s distilled from premium grainWhat can I do now except continueand open a bottle once moreWhat can I do now except see this throughand float with the stream, off the shoresee where the river will take mesee where the river will take me
2023-07-24 01:06:111

Bruce Springsteen & The E Street Band的《The River》 歌词

歌曲名:The River歌手:Bruce Springsteen & The E Street Band专辑:Bruce Springsteen & The E Street Band Live 1975-85 (Display Box)Meredith Andrews - The RiverEveryone is broken and in need of a SaviorSo He came and was broken for the mocker, for the shamedStill our eyes are blinded by the culture, by the liesWe can"t see that we"re filty, we"re fallen and so dryBut He invites us, can you hear Him say?He invites us, hear Him call your nameWelcome to the riverCome drink, come wade, come find your very lightWelcome to the river of GodWhere your brokenness is washed awayEverywhere is the sorrow and the pain of empty livingYou can"t see it, look in their eyesAll the hoplessness of the worldBut look closer, He is right thereIn the midst of every fearLiving water is the offer, restoration is the callAnd He invites us, can you hear Him say?He invites us, hear Him call your nameWelcome to the riverCome drink, come wade, come find your very lightWelcome to the river of GodWhere your brokenness is washed awayWelcome to the riverCome drink, come wade, come find your very lightWelcome to the river of GodWhere your brokenness is washed awayFind your healingFind your freedomIn the river of GodFind your healingFind your freedomIn the river of GodYour healing hereYour freedom hereIn the river of GodYour healing hereYour freedom hereIn the river of GodWelcome to the riverCome drink, come wade, come find your very lightWelcome to the river of GodWhere your brokenness is washed awayWelcome to the riverCome drink, come wade, come find your very lightWelcome to the river of GodWhere your brokenness is washed away(I"m still waiting)Everyone is broken and in need of a Savior
2023-07-24 01:06:191

Eric Thor Karlstrom的《The River》 歌词

歌曲名:The River歌手:Eric Thor Karlstrom专辑:The River竹轩 我爱国米Yet another morningthat feels like thisYet another life"s bitter kissIt has been like this for?I don"t know how longI only know that at some pointit all went wrongI don"t remember much from last nightbut still far more than I would like toI"m floating downstream that damned river againWhat can I do now except continueand open a bottle once moreWhat can I do now except see this throughand float with the stream, off the shoresee where the river will take meWhen I needed you, you weren"t there?now I need booze like I need the air that I breatheWith each drink I"m drifting further away from your worldthe further off I get the harder it will be to returnIt has been like this for?I don"t know how longI only know that at some pointit all went wrongFloating downstream that damned river againThe river that"s distilled from premium grainWhat can I do now except continueand open a bottle once moreWhat can I do now except see this throughand float with the stream, off the shoresee where the river will take mesee where the river will take me
2023-07-24 01:06:271

The River (Album Version) 歌词

歌曲名:The River (Album Version)歌手:Tim Buckley专辑:Blue AfternoonMeredith Andrews - The RiverEveryone is broken and in need of a SaviorSo He came and was broken for the mocker, for the shamedStill our eyes are blinded by the culture, by the liesWe can"t see that we"re filty, we"re fallen and so dryBut He invites us, can you hear Him say?He invites us, hear Him call your nameWelcome to the riverCome drink, come wade, come find your very lightWelcome to the river of GodWhere your brokenness is washed awayEverywhere is the sorrow and the pain of empty livingYou can"t see it, look in their eyesAll the hoplessness of the worldBut look closer, He is right thereIn the midst of every fearLiving water is the offer, restoration is the callAnd He invites us, can you hear Him say?He invites us, hear Him call your nameWelcome to the riverCome drink, come wade, come find your very lightWelcome to the river of GodWhere your brokenness is washed awayWelcome to the riverCome drink, come wade, come find your very lightWelcome to the river of GodWhere your brokenness is washed awayFind your healingFind your freedomIn the river of GodFind your healingFind your freedomIn the river of GodYour healing hereYour freedom hereIn the river of GodYour healing hereYour freedom hereIn the river of GodWelcome to the riverCome drink, come wade, come find your very lightWelcome to the river of GodWhere your brokenness is washed awayWelcome to the riverCome drink, come wade, come find your very lightWelcome to the river of GodWhere your brokenness is washed away(I"m still waiting)Everyone is broken and in need of a Savior
2023-07-24 01:06:341

Matthew Lien的《The River》 歌词

歌曲名:The River歌手:Matthew Lien专辑:Confluence Manchester Orchestra - The RiverI will fight the spiritWith a sword in my sideShe found a way outCrack my ribWait to dieI think I know you best when I sleepI think I know everythingMe and my brothersWe have tongues sharp as knivesI found a way outMake a noise, close your eyesI think I talk to you best when I singI sing about almost everythingOh god I need itSo let me see againTake me to the riverAnd let me see againOh my godLet me see againOh my godLet me see againLet me see againGrace taught her daughterDaily onGod how I feel itFed her pride to your feetI"m gonna leave you the first chance I get ...Oh god I need itI was wrong againTake me to the riverAnd make me clean againOh my godMake me clean againAnd oh my godLet me see again
2023-07-24 01:06:411

cross the river的中文是什么?

2023-07-24 01:06:573


问题一:河的英语怎么写? river 问题二:河水用英语怎么说 河水 [hé shuǐ] 基本翻译 [水文] river water 问题三:河用英语怎么说 您好 河流:river 这个指的是中等的河,再小的就是stream小溪 如果对你有帮助,请采纳!祝你学习更上一层楼,数学辅导团为你解答疑问! 问题四:河的英语单词怎么写 健壮通常是strong 河流有很多,与健壮相似的是stream,还有river,brook,等 问题五:河流英文怎么写和怎么读 river: rui ver ---瑞 我儿。 读“我” 时候w 要发v 的音,上牙咬下嘴唇 问题六:河流用英语怎么拼 river 问题七:河用英语怎么说 river 问题八:河流 用英语怎么说 河流 river 或者 stream 是比较常用的。 例句:峡谷常常有河流经过其中。A canyon usually has a river flowing through it. 这是一幅由草地,河流,树木组成的五光十色的镶嵌画。It"顶 a rich mosaic of meadows, rivers and woods.他们使河流改道以便向城市供水。They diverted the river to supply water to the town. 问题九:河流 用英文怎么说 river 问题十:在河的两边用英语怎么说 “在河的两边”有三种说法: on both sides of the river = on either side of the river =on each side of the river 窍门:both 加复数名词;either和each加单数名次。
2023-07-24 01:07:101

on the river的翻译是什么呢?

on the river和over the river的区别为:意思不同、用法不同、侧重点不同。一、意思不同1.on the river意思:在河上2.over the river意思:河之上;在河的上方;河上;在河二、用法不同1.on the river用法:表示位置时笼统指“在上方”,不一定垂直,也不与其宾语相接触。2.over the river用法:over表示方向可作“从或通过…顶上(交谈等)”解; 作“从…边沿溢出,漫过”解,其后一般接容器类物体、河堤等,可表示状态,作“遮在…上方,盖在…上面,伏在…上”“挡在…前面,遮在…前面”解。三、侧重点不同1.on the river侧重点:on指与另一物表面相接触。2.over the river侧重点:over指一物在另一物的垂直上方,多暗示悬空,但也含“覆盖于……之上”之意。
2023-07-24 01:07:291

在河边 翻译英文

在河边 翻译英文 在河边,其实最准确的是,on the river bank . in the river 是在河里的意思,而near the river 是在河的附近的意思,隔河还有一定距离。所以,我推荐你用 on the river bank。 我是专业翻译,希望这个答案对你有帮助。 ”在河边”用英语怎么翻译, 在河边的英文怎么说。急! by the river 他正站在河边,英语翻译。 He is standing near the bank. 祝你学习进步O(∩_∩)O哈! 如果对你有所帮助,还望采纳O(∩_∩)O哈! 如还有不懂的,还可以继续追问哦(^o^)/~ 他的房子坐落在河边的英文翻译? His house is situated by the river His house is located by the river His house is situated beside the river 翻译:春天人们在河边钓鱼。 People go fishing by the river in spring. 过桥;在河边;一直走,用英语翻译。 bridge cross the bridge go across the bridge go through the bridge the river beside the river by the riverside 3.go straight(指向前直走) walk on(指不休息地一直走) keep walking(同上) 我们在河边钓鱼用英文 我们在河边钓鱼 We are fishing by the river 例句 我们架起帐篷,生了营火,然后就在河边钓鱼。 We put up our tents and made a camp fire. Then, we fished at the river. 在河边植树是必须的 翻译 trees are supposed to be planted on river banks. it is required that trees should be planted on river banks 坐在河边用英文怎么说? sit by the river
2023-07-24 01:07:461


on the river和over the river的区别为:意思不同、用法不同、侧重点不同。一、意思不同1.on the river意思:在河上2.over the river意思:河之上;在河的上方;河上;在河二、用法不同1.on the river用法:表示位置时笼统指“在上方”,不一定垂直,也不与其宾语相接触。2.over the river用法:over表示方向可作“从或通过…顶上(交谈等)”解; 作“从…边沿溢出,漫过”解,其后一般接容器类物体、河堤等,可表示状态,作“遮在…上方,盖在…上面,伏在…上”“挡在…前面,遮在…前面”解。三、侧重点不同1.on the river侧重点:on指与另一物表面相接触。2.over the river侧重点:over指一物在另一物的垂直上方,多暗示悬空,但也含“覆盖于……之上”之意。
2023-07-24 01:07:551

the bridge is ---the river 中间加介词

改为thereisabridge over theriver有一座桥在河的上方over是隔着一段距离的上方,而on是想接触的两个物体的上方请采纳谢谢晚安
2023-07-24 01:08:121

on the river和over the river的区别?

on the river和over the river的区别为:意思不同、用法不同、侧重点不同。一、意思不同1.on the river意思:在河上2.over the river意思:河之上;在河的上方;河上;在河二、用法不同1.on the river用法:表示位置时笼统指“在上方”,不一定垂直,也不与其宾语相接触。2.over the river用法:over表示方向可作“从或通过…顶上(交谈等)”解; 作“从…边沿溢出,漫过”解,其后一般接容器类物体、河堤等,可表示状态,作“遮在…上方,盖在…上面,伏在…上”“挡在…前面,遮在…前面”解。三、侧重点不同1.on the river侧重点:on指与另一物表面相接触。2.over the river侧重点:over指一物在另一物的垂直上方,多暗示悬空,但也含“覆盖于……之上”之意。
2023-07-24 01:08:191

in the river和on the river有区别吗?

有区别:in the river / 在河里。on the river / 在河上。
2023-07-24 01:08:351

the river求高手给翻译一下歌词大意

我走过山谷的阴影,香格里拉足迹是我旁边已经分手。 我已经看到了足够的现在, 知道,美丽的东西并不总是保持这种方式。 我已经做了足够现在知道,这美丽的地方是不是他们说的一切。 我听说,这是变相的罪恶像天使之城。 我走向光明。 洗河中。 我看到我的人生理想,我想交付。 城市是一个罪人。 我已经做了很多事情错了, 但我发誓,我是一个信徒。 如prodical的儿子,我是自己出去闯。 现在我想找到我回家途中。 洗河中。 我提供,我交付。 你从一个小城镇。 你要去下快速成长,这些灯。 在好莱坞大道上死者回来生活。 在祈祷的母亲和父亲的担心, 让您的孩子。 如果他们回来,他们会回来更强。 如果没有你就会知道。 他们说,这一罪恶来伪装。 像天使之城。 我走向光明。 洗河中。 我看到我的人生理想,我想交付。 城市是一个罪人。 我已经做了很多事情是错误的。 但我发誓,我是一个信徒。 如prodical的儿子,我是自己出去闯。 现在我想找到我回家途中。 洗河中。 我提供,我交付。 洗河中。 以我个人的。 洗河中。 以我个人的。 我想交付。 以我个人的。 以我个人的。 洗河中。 以我个人的。 我想交付。 我承认我是一个罪人。 我看到我的人生理想,我想交付。
2023-07-24 01:09:002

swim ( ) the river 是填across还是through?

为你解答。swim (across,横渡) the river
2023-07-24 01:09:512

Is the river( )though the town very long? A.flows B.that flows C.which flow D.the one that flows

这是一个主从复合句。主句为:Is the river very long? 其中that flows through the town为定于从句修饰the river. 此句可翻译为:穿过城镇的这条河流非常长吗?要想选D,可把此题改为: Is the river the one that flows through the town?可理解为:这条河就是那条穿过城镇的河吗?这道题主要考查的是定语从句。
2023-07-24 01:09:581

2023-07-24 01:10:051

on a river,on the river, in the river的区别

2023-07-24 01:10:133

英语求教,15.Is the river _____ through the town very long?A.flow?

1.B 主句:Is the river very long?that flows through the town 做定语从句,并且flow的主语是 river,用三单形式. 2.C 肯定句:This college is the one they went to last year.要填的是is 后的表语,they went to last year 是定语从句,连词省略掉了. 3.B 肯定句:This is the university which you visited last time.主句前面已经完整了,要填的就是连接词. ps.1.像这种定语从句变成一般疑问句后,一个小技巧就是:变成肯定句或者找到主句就行了,因为要填的要么是表语,要么是连接词.如果主句不缺成分,那就是填连接词,如果主句缺成分,那就是填表语了. 2.比较一下2、3题,你会发现is后如果有两个名词性词语,要填的基本就是连接词了,如3题中的is后既有this,又有the university,要填的就是连接词了;而第2题中is后只有this college,要填的就是表语了.,8,  B 到town 为止是定语从句   B   B which做visit的宾语 这些题好眼熟。。。。。。。。= = 其实对于正确率啥的0.0我不太有信心 。。。。。。。,1,15,b,定语从句用法 16,c,定语从句,this college is 后面差个表语,the one来作, that引导词省略 17,b,主句什么成分都不差,不用 the one,定语从句差引导词,which合适,1,英语求教, 15.Is the river _____ through the town very long? A.flows B.that flows C.which flow D.the one flows 16.Is this college _____ they went to last year? A.that B.which C.the one D.the one what 17.Is this the university _____ you visited last time? A.that one B.which C.the one D.the one what
2023-07-24 01:10:201

on the river 和by the river有什么区别?是不是都译为‘在河边’?

不是. on the river 指在河的上面 by the river 指在河的旁边 over the river 指从河的上面跨越
2023-07-24 01:11:011

on river与in the river有何区别?

ontheriver是指本身不在水中的东西,象船,树叶而intheriver是指本身在水中生活的东西,象鱼等动物.eg:Thefishswimsintherivereg:Look!Theboatisontheriver.就象Inthetreeandonthetree一样一个是生长在树上,一个是外来停留在树上eg:Comeon!Appleisonthetree!eg:Look!thereisabirdinthetree![hovill.c o][apgj.c o][][][][][][][][]
2023-07-24 01:11:092

There () some fish in the river.这句话里面填is还是are?

2023-07-24 01:11:184

The river goes _________ the city and many people like to have a race to swim ________ it every...

A 试题分析:句意为:这条小河穿过这个城市,每年夏天很多人喜欢比赛游过这条河。through和across均表示“穿过”,through强调“从……(内部)穿过”;across强调“从……(平面上)穿过”。指从一头到另一头。根据语境可知应选A。
2023-07-24 01:11:481


2023-07-24 01:06:491


  1、fever,n.发烧; 发热; 热(病); 激动不安; 兴奋紧张;v.使发高烧; 使狂热; 煽动;   2、[例句]The little girl is running a fever and she needs help.这个小女孩发烧了,需要帮助。   3、[其他]第三人称单数:fevers 复数:fevers 现在分词:fevering 过去式:fevered 过去分词:fevered
2023-07-24 01:06:521


首先,我们要理解,鸡蛋本身是一个卵细胞。比如我们知道,世界上最大的单一细胞是驼鸟蛋(卵)。但是,真正的卵细胞是蛋黄,蛋清只是为孵化过程提供的营养物。这也正是蛋白质(一类营养物)名称的来源。如果你有在厨房打鸡蛋的经验,你会知道蛋黄被一层薄薄的膜裹着,这层膜就是细胞膜。卵细胞受精后,发育出胚胎,进而变成小鸡。因此,我们说小鸡都是受过精的鸡蛋里的蛋黄(卵)变成的, 蛋清只是营养物而已。另外,在解剖母鸡时,你可以看到各种大小的蛋黄。这些就是尚未发育完全的卵细胞。母鸡只是在下蛋前将蛋清和蛋黄裹在壳里,以便胚胎发育之用。
2023-07-24 01:06:584


  在英语翻译中, 句子 翻译发挥着重要作用,它的准确翻译决定着整篇 文章 的成功。下面是我带来的 高一英语 句子翻译,欢迎阅读!    高一英语句子翻译1   1.走极端对你们来说是不明智的。(wise)   Itu2019s not wise of you to go to extremes   2.我们学校图书馆的藏书已经增加到了300万册。(increase)   The number of the books kept in our school library has increased to 3 million.   3.在起居室使用粉色的油漆,你也可以获得类似的效果。(achieve)   You can achieve similar effect by using pink paint in the living room.   4.科学家花了一个多世纪的时间才实现了在宇宙中飞行的梦想。(realize)   It was more than a century before scientists realized the dream of flying in the universe.   It took scientists more than a century to realize the dream of flying in the universe.   5.如果他早点意识到这个错误,我们就能避免失败。(aware)   If he had been aware of this mistake earlier, we could have avoided the failure.   6.我的食谱同食物专家推存的食谱作比较,我觉得我的更合理。(compareu2026with, recommend)   Comparing my diet with the one recommended by the food expert/specialist, I find/feel mine is more reasonable.   Compared with the one recommended by the food expert/specialist, mine is more reasonable.   [Compared with the students from Class One], ours are much/far better.   7.在场的观众都被这部影片所感动了。(move)   All the audience were moved by this film.   8.天啊!我们正在朝着相反的方向行驶。(inu2026direction)   Jesus! We are driving [in the opposite direction]。   The Japanese enemy escaped in all directions.   9.近来,易中天教授的学术作品需求量很大。(demand)   Recently Professor Yi Zhongtianu2019s academic works have been in great demand.   10.Jack过来评价道:你做得真不错。(remark)   Jack came over remarked : youu2019ve really done a good job.   11.老师总是提醒他不要上学迟到。(remind)   The teacher always [reminded him not to be late for class]。   12.我们不能够通过长相来判断一个人。(judge)   we canu2019t judge a person by his appearance.   13.你说话的方式会给别人留下深刻的印象。(impression)   The way in which/that/___ you talk will leave /make a deep impression on others.   14.考试失败后,Lucy决定提高 英语听力 。(decide,improve)   Having failed in the exam, Lucy decided to improve her English listening.   15.当我们遇到朋友的时候,应该愉快的互相打招呼。(great)   When we meet with/come across our friends , we should greet each other cheerfully.   16.交流不仅仅是听和说。(more than)   Communicating is more than listening and speaking.   17.大雾导致了这场交通事故。(lead to)   The heavy fog led to this traffic accident.   18.Lucy认为用功学习是成功的关键。(key)   Lucy believes hard working is the key to success.   19.她在国外旅游的时候,学到了几个新的单词。(pick up)   While travelling abroad, she picked up a few new words.   20.我不喜欢你和Jacky说话的方式,你往往被认为很不礼貌。(way,consider)   I donu2019t like the way you talked with Jackie; you are usually considered to be impolite.   21.他过来就是提醒我明天不要忘记参加那个重要的会议。(remind)   He came over to remind me not to forget to attend the important meeting.   22.这些蛋白粉能使你更强壮,尤其是青少年。(especially)   These proteins can make you stronger, especially for teenagers.   23.有效的 措施 是解决这些麻烦的关键。(key to)   Effective measures are the key to solving these problems.    高一英语句子翻译2   1. 在三鹿有毒奶粉事件曝光后,家长们为该给孩子吃什么而忧虑。(expose; be concerned about) After the serious poisoning of Sanlu milk powder was exposed to the public, parents become even more concerned about what their children can eat.   2. 好朋友就是能和你分享快乐和忧伤的人。(shareu2026with)   A best friend is someone who can share happiness and sorrow with you.   3. 我很感激你的建议,它帮助了我与同学们融洽相处。(be grateful, advice, get along with)   Iu2019m grateful for your advice, which has helped me get along well with my classmates.   4. 这是他第一次用电子邮件与笔友交流。(the first time, communicate with)   This is the first time that he has used an e-mail to communicate with his pen friend.   5. 当我们在 游泳 池边玩的时候, 那个淘气的男孩故意把我推到了水里。(whileu2026 doing, on purpose) While we were playing at the swimming pool, the naughty boy pushed me into the water on purpose.   6. 爱好 是不会让你感到厌倦的——你投入的时间越长,乐趣越多(the moreu2026 the more; devote to; get tired of).   A hobby is something that you never get tired of—the more time you devote to it, the more fun you will have.   7. 计算机使人们即使身处世界的不同角落也能面对面地交流, 这彻底改变了我们的生活。(make u2026possible;   face to face; even if;entirely) Computer makes it possible for people to talk face to face even if they are in different parts of the world, which has entirely changed our life.   8. 每当考试遇到很多难题的时候,我首先告诉自己要平静下来。(a series of, calm down) Every time I met with a series of difficult problems in the exam, the first step I took was to ask myself to calm down.   9.根据新闻报道,是天气决定神舟七号发射的准确时间。(according to, it is u2026.that强调句 ) According to the news report, it is the weather that will determine the exact launch time of Shenzou Seven.   10. 为了实现他的冠军梦, 他在过去十年里经历了许多的艰辛。(in order to, suffer)   In order to realize his dream of being a champion, he has suffered great hardship over the past ten years.
2023-07-24 01:07:081


2023-07-24 01:07:121


2023-07-24 01:07:141


1、蛋壳完整的蛋壳呈鸡蛋圆型,一头大、一头小,约占全蛋体积的11%~11.5%。蛋壳又可分为壳上膜、壳下皮、气室。 鸡蛋壳的主要成分是碳酸钙(calcium carbonate),约占整个蛋壳质量的91%~95%,其含钙的成分与珍珠、牡蛎、牛骨、小鱼乾相同,是钙质的良好来源。此外,蛋壳中尚含约占有5%的碳酸镁(magnesium carbonate),以及2%的磷酸钙(calcium phosphate)和胶质(colloid)。2、壳上膜:即在蛋壳外面,一层不透明、无结构的膜;作用是防止蛋的水分蒸发。壳下皮:在蛋壳里面的薄膜,共二层;空气能自由通过此膜。气室:二层壳下皮之间的空隙;若蛋内气体遗失,气室会不断地增大。蛋壳在醋或一些酸性溶液中浸泡一段时间后,蛋壳会消失,就变成无壳鸡蛋,只剩下一层薄膜。3、壳膜壳膜(shell membrane)为包裹在蛋白之外的纤维质膜,是由坚韧的角蛋白(keratin)所构成的有机纤维网。。4、蛋白蛋白是壳下皮内半流动的胶状物质,体积约占全蛋的57%-58. 5%。蛋白中约含蛋白质12%,主要是卵白蛋白。5、蛋黄蛋黄多居于蛋白的中央,由系带悬于两极。蛋黄体积约全蛋的30%~32%,主要组成物质为卵黄磷蛋白,另外脂肪含量为28. 2%,脂肪多属于磷脂类中一的卵磷脂。6、胚盘在蛋黄表面的一个白点,未受精的叫卵子,受精的叫受精卵,受精卵进一步发育成早期胚盘。7、卵黄系带卵黄一般分层,由黄卵黄与白卵黄以同心圆形成相间排列组成,中间有卵黄心,以卵黄心颈与胚盘相连,沿鸡蛋长轴,卵黄的两端由浓稠的蛋白质组成卵黄系带,它使卵细胞维持在蛋白中心,起着缓冲作用,防止卵的震荡,有利于卵的孵化。8、角质层指蛋壳再表面的一层,类似皮肤角质层。9、卵黄膜卵黄膜,鸟类受精卵的一部分,紧贴在卵表面的一层膜。属初级卵膜,是受精卵的细胞膜发育而来,具有保护的功能。10、卵壳卵壳由内层卵壳膜、气室、外层卵壳膜、真壳、护膜构成。拓展资料一个鸡蛋所含的热量,相当于半个苹果或半杯牛奶的热量,但是它还拥有8%的磷、4%的锌、4%的铁、12. 6%的蛋白质、6%的维生素D、3%的维生素E、6%的维生素A、2%的维生素B、5%的维生素B2、4%的维生素B6。这些营养都是人体必不可少的,它们起着极其重要的作用,如修复人体组织、形成新的组织、消耗能量和参与复杂的新陈代谢过程等。【蛋白质】:鸡蛋含丰富的优质蛋白,每100克鸡蛋含13克蛋白质,两只鸡蛋所含的蛋白质大致相当于50克鱼或瘦肉的蛋白质。鸡蛋蛋白质的消化率在牛奶、猪肉、牛肉和大米中也是最高的。【脂肪】:每100克鸡蛋中含脂肪11. 1克,大多集中在蛋黄中,以不饱和脂肪酸为多,脂肪呈乳融状,易被人体吸收。【胆固醇】鸡蛋黄中含有较多的胆固醇,每百克可高达510毫克,因此,不少人,特别是老年人对吃鸡蛋怀有戒心,怕吃鸡蛋引起胆固醇增高而导致动脉粥样硬化。科学家们研究发现,鸡蛋中虽含有较多的胆固醇,但同时也含有丰富的卵磷脂。卵磷脂进入血液后,会使胆固醇和脂肪的颗粒变小,并使之保持悬浮状态,从而阻止胆固醇和脂肪在血管壁的沉积。因此,科学家们认为,对胆固醇正常的老年人,每天吃2个鸡蛋,其100毫升血液中的胆固醇最高增加2毫克,不会造成血管硬化。但也不应多吃,吃得太多,不利胃肠的消化,造成浪费,还会增加肝、肾负担。【氨基酸】:鸡蛋中蛋氨酸含量特别丰富,而谷类和豆类都缺乏这种人体必需的氨基酸。【其它微营养素】:鸡蛋还有其它重要的微营养素,如钾、钠、镁,特别是蛋黄中的铁质达7毫克/100克,但蛋黄中的铁为非血红素铁,与卵磷脂结合存在,利用率仅为3%;蛋中的磷很丰富,但钙相对不足,所以,将奶类与鸡蛋共同食用可营养互补。鸡蛋中维生素A、B也很丰富。
2023-07-24 01:06:481


《内在的天空》([美] 斯蒂芬u2027福里斯特(Steven Forrest))电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读链接:提取码:1234书名:内在的天空作者:[美] 斯蒂芬u2027福里斯特(Steven Forrest)译者:郭宇豆瓣评分:8.9出版社:云南人民出版社出版年份:2012-3页数:336内容简介:本书是针对出生星盘的占星入门书,突破传统的索引式写作,不再只是互不相干的碎片陈述。通过本书,你将掌握行星、星座、宫位等基本占星元素的含义,以及如何将它们组合在一起的灵活实用的方法,更重要的,你将学会如何通过占星提高自我认识。也许我们内在的惯性有如珠穆朗玛峰一样巨大,占星学要做的,不是强调这停滞不动的部分,而是对我们生生不息的生命说话。这就是学习占星的理由。作者简介:斯蒂芬u2022福里斯特(Steven Forrest),1949年1月6日生于美国纽约州Mount Vernon市,早年天文学是其主要爱好,1971年在北卡罗来纳大学Chapel Hill分校获得宗教学士学位之后,一直以占星为业。斯蒂芬是“进化占星学”的创始人,在占星学界享有盛誉,其主要著作还有《昨日的天空》(Yesterday"s Sky)、《变幻的天空》(The Changing Sky)等。
2023-07-24 01:06:421


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2023-07-24 01:06:385

在photoshop CS3中怎么安装Portraiture v1.01磨皮滤镜(1)

2023-07-24 01:06:343


2023-07-24 01:06:334