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Sausages作主语 后边be 动词用什么?

2023-07-23 23:59:14

The sausages are packaged in the colours of the England flag.这些腊肠的包装使用的是英格兰队旗的颜色。可以用被动语态 也可以不用 当只是说明物的属性或代替另一个指物主语时,不用被动 我们造这座桥。We built this bridge last year.

被动语态:这座桥被建造。This bridge was built last year.被动语态的结构为“助动词be+及物动词的过去分词(p.p)”。被动语态的不同时态是通过be的时态变化来表示的,其人称和数方面应与主语保持一致。其具体变化为:



一般将来时:shall /will be +p.p.

现在完成时:have /has been +p.p.


过去将来时:should /would be +p.p.






[u02c8su0252su026adu0292]香肠谐音 sao sei zhi
2023-07-23 23:47:332


  香肠是一种利用非常古老的食物生产和肉食保存技术的食物,将动物的肉绞碎成条状,再灌入肠衣制成的长圆柱体管状食品。很多人都喜欢吃美味的香肠,那么你知道香肠用英语怎么说吗?下面我为大家带来香肠的英语说法,欢迎大家一起学习。   香肠的英语说法:   sausage   英 [u02c8su0254sidu0292]   美 [u02c8su0254su026adu0292]   香肠相关英语表达:   香肠三明治 sausage sandwich   牛肉香肠 Beef sausage   德国香肠 German Sausage   辣香肠 spicy sausages   美味香肠 delicious sausage    香肠的英语例句:   1. The knife for cutting sausage was sitting in the sink.   切香肠用的刀放在水槽里。   2. Twist the mixture into individual sausages without splitting the skins.   将混合物拧成一段段的香肠,不要把皮弄破。   3. Mind you don"t burn those sausages.   注意别把那些香肠给烤焦了。   4. The sausages and burgers sizzled on the barbecue.   香肠和牛肉饼在烤架上咝咝作响。   5. A good British breakfast always includes sausages.   一顿丰盛的英式早餐总会包括香肠。   6. a mixed grill of bacon, sausages, tomatoes and mushrooms   由咸熏肉、香肠、番茄和蘑菇做成的烤杂排   7. He pierced the skin of cooking Frankforts with a fork.   他用叉子在要烹调的香肠上扎了孔.   8. He stuffed the chicken with Frankfort meat.   他用灌香肠的碎肉给鸡填馅.   9. I bought some salami from the delicatessen.   我在熟食店买了一些意大利香肠.   10. He dropped his sausage on the pavement and someone"s dog ate it, mustard and all.   他把香肠丢在人行道上,不知是谁家的狗将香肠甚至连带芥末都吃个了精光。   11. Sausages, eggs, chips and baked beans are available at suppertime in the dining room.   餐厅晚饭时间提供香肠、鸡蛋、薯片和烘豆。   12. He pierced the skin of cooking sausages with a fork.   他用叉子在要烹调的香肠上扎了孔。   13. He would have referred to the excellent quality of the sausages.   他就会说那儿的香肠质量特别好.   14. There was a string of tiny clouds shaped like miniature plump sausages.   附近一抹微云形如一串鼓鼓囊囊的小香肠.   15. The Orpheum Wiener House stayed afloat all through the Great Depression.   从大萧条开始到结束,俄尔甫香肠之家一直没有垮.
2023-07-23 23:47:432


sausage 英[u02c8su0254sidu0292] 美[u02c8su0254su026adu0292] 复数:sausages n. 1.香肠 名词 n.1.香肠 A kilogram of garlic sausage, please.请给我一千克蒜肠。
2023-07-23 23:47:582


英 ["su0252su026adu0292u026az] 美 ["su0252su026adu0292u026az] n.腊肠风雨兼程 学海同舟 有事说话 满意【采纳】
2023-07-23 23:48:061


2023-07-23 23:48:251


词典结果:sausages[英]["su0252su026adu0292u026az][美]["su0252su026adu0292u026az]n.腊肠,香肠; 香肠( sausage的名词复数 );
2023-07-23 23:49:021

sausages用英语怎么读 sausages的意思

1、sausages的读音:英[u02c8su0252su026adu0292u026az]美[u02c8su0254su026adu0292u026az] 2、n.香肠; 腊肠;sausage的复数; 3、[例句]Grill the sausages for ten minutes.把香肠烤十分钟。
2023-07-23 23:49:091

sausages怎么读 英语sausages怎么读

1、sausages英[u02c8su0252su026adu0292u026az]美[u02c8su0254su026adu0292u026az],n.香肠; 腊肠;sausage的复数。 2、[例句]A good British breakfast always includes sausages.一顿丰盛的英式早餐总会包括香肠。
2023-07-23 23:49:161


2023-07-23 23:49:341


2023-07-23 23:50:002


2023-07-23 23:50:072


2023-07-23 23:50:154


2023-07-23 23:50:313

sausages(腊肠)属于哪个国家的? 西方的?还是意大利的?忘了、速回、感谢

2023-07-23 23:50:392

sausages和hot dog有什么区别?

2023-07-23 23:50:493


2023-07-23 23:50:562

a kilo of sausages 可数吗

2023-07-23 23:51:152

how much sausages would you like这句话对吗?

不完整,应该是: How much sausages would You like to east?
2023-07-23 23:51:242


  别看她站在那边好像不帮忙的样子,其实她偷偷地在做水果沙拉,想给我们一个惊喜。下面我为大家带来做水果沙拉的英语意思和相关用法,欢迎大家一起学习!   做水果沙拉的英语意思   make fruit salad   做水果沙拉的相关英语例句   1. What do we need for the fruIt"salad?   做水果沙拉你需要 什么 ?   2. Can you tell me how to make fruIt"salad?   能告诉我如何做水果沙拉 吗 ?   3. Learn to make fruIt"salad.   了解做水果沙拉的简单过程.   4. How to Make FruIt"salad?   怎样做水果沙拉?   5. I"ll make some fruIt"salad.   我要做一些水果沙拉.   6. It"s a fruIt"salad with melon, bananas, oranges, grapes and mango.   用甜瓜 、 香蕉 、 橙子 、 葡萄和芒果做的一种水果沙拉.   7. The fruIt"salad you made is delicious.   你做的水果沙拉真不错.   8. Wash the fruit and make a fruit vegetable salad.   帮我把水果洗一下,做个水果蔬菜沙拉.   做水果沙拉的英文例句   让我们做水果沙拉。   Let"s make fruit salad.   你是怎样做水果沙拉的?   How do you make fruit salad?   这段告诉我们如何做水果沙拉。   This passage tells us how to make a fruit salad.   我们需要多少个苹果做水果沙拉?三个。   How many apples do we need to make fruit salad ? Three .   让我们一起来做水果沙拉吧。   Let"s make fruit salad together.   你知道怎样做水果沙拉吗?   Do you know how to make a fruit salad?   我将做水果沙拉。   I"ll make a fruit salad.   咱们来做水果沙拉吧。   Let"s make fruit salad.   我妹妹擅长做水果沙拉。   My sister making fruit salad.   你知道如何做水果沙拉吗?   Do you know how to make a fruit salad?   你知道如何做水果沙拉吗?   This passage tells us how to make a fruit salad.   我想,我们来做水果沙拉吧!   I know, let"s make a fruit salad!   做水果沙拉可是得用刀呀!   Do I have to use knife to make a fruit salad?   我给你做水果沙拉!   I make some fruit salad for you!   一些人用桔子和苹果做水果沙拉。   Some people make fruit salad with oranges and apples.   做水果沙拉的双语例句   能告诉我如何做水果沙拉吗?。   Can you tell me how to make fruit salad?   健康讨论区 生活杂谈 翻译我们需要一升牛奶、糖和两斤肉做水果沙拉。   We need a liter of milk, the sugar and two kilos of meat to make the fruit salad.   做水果沙拉。   Make a fruit salad.   翻译我们需要一升牛奶、糖和两斤肉做水果沙拉。   We need a litre milk, the sugar and two catties meats make the fruit salad.   你知道如何做水果沙拉吗?   I think I will go for the fruit salad.   翻译我们需要一升牛奶、糖和两斤肉做水果沙拉。   We need to have a liter of milk, sugar, and 2kg of meat for the fruit salad.   能告诉我如何做水果沙拉吗?。   Can you tell me how i can make fruitu2026   咱们做水果沙拉吧。   Let"s make fruit salad.   香肠吧。我去削点水果,做份水果沙拉。   Sausages, please. And I would cut up some fruit for fruit salad.   回家前转到市场买了些水果,晚饭就做点水果沙拉吧。   I went to a market and bought some fruits before I went home. So I would make some fruit saladfor my dinner.   我要做一些水果沙拉。   I"ll make some fruit salad .   我用许多水果做沙拉。   I make salad with many fruits.   搭配红浆果做的甜点,水果沙拉和果酱馅饼美味异常。   Serving as red berries desserts, fruit salads and some fruit pastries.   来自加利福尼亚的Joni K., Redlands说:“我的家人每到复活节都要我做这种美味的水果沙拉。   My family requests this yummy fruit salad every Easter.   不过这样做有一个问题就是一整天只吃水果和沙拉有些口味太单一了。   But consistently eating raw is a challenge if you donu2019t want to eat very boring meals all day long like fruit and salads.
2023-07-23 23:51:311


作为植物是可数名词,可用颗表示,表示蔬菜,就是做成熟菜了就是不可数名词。You go through the works, and then you"re like this perfectly prepared one ever sees what goes in. 短语搭配 cold sausage 冷茶肠 ; 冷茶肠〔西菜名 sausage sandwich 香肠三明治 ; 肠子三明治 ; 腊肠三明治 ; 香肠 bologna sausage 年夜红肠 ; 大白肠 ; 波洛尼亚香肠 sausage roll 香肠肉卷 ; 香肠卷 ; 翻译 sausage structure 香肠构造 ; 香肠状构造 skinless sausage 无衣香肠 ; 无衣腊肠 ; 无衣灌肠 liver sausage 肝肠 ; 肝肉香肠 ; 肝香肠 ; 肝泥香肠 small sausage 小红肠 Cumberland Sausage 坎伯兰香肠 折叠编辑本段双语例句 It can not only grapes, apples a food, but also as a seasoning or with sausage consumption. 它不仅可以和葡萄、苹果一块食用,还能作为调料或搭配香肠食用。 If you"re lucky, you get a pastry, a hearty breakfast of pancakes and sausage and eggs, or an English fry-up. 如果幸运的话,你会拿着一份糕点,有煎饼、香肠和鸡蛋的丰盛早餐,或者是一份英式煎火腿。 例句 1.Shaped like a sausage.香肠状的形状象香肠的。 2.A sausage made of or containing ground liver.肝肠用肝泥灌制的香肠。 3.Suddenly the sausage jumped up突然,香肠跳起来。 4.Oh, sausages and hot dogs.哦,是香肠和热狗。 5.I want some meat, Mom.我想吃香肠,妈妈。 6.The sausage... well... he was just a sausage.而香肠……呃……他就只是香肠嘛。 7.fresh pork sausage猪肉香肠馅生猪肉小香肠。 8.sausage roll (ausage meat baked in a tube of pastry)香肠卷(面皮卷香肠肉馅烤的点心)。
2023-07-23 23:51:381

pizza加s的读音是发s,还是发z, 还有sausage加s 结尾发s 还是发z

pizzas ["pi:tsu0259s] sausages["su0254sidu0292iz, "su0254:-]
2023-07-23 23:51:462


香肠的话就可数 其他的意思是动词或形容词
2023-07-23 23:51:563


2023-07-23 23:52:031

How much would you like?这里香肠是可数名词,为什么用how much提问

如果用 how much 来提问的话,是指什么价钱级数的香肠,而不是只数量。
2023-07-23 23:52:123


1 every saterdays 2 juicy sausages 3 pink and brown 4 she always like sausages and chips 5 3meals.breakfast lunch dinner
2023-07-23 23:52:316


雪菜炒肉丝的英文:Sautéed Shredded Pork with Preserved Vegetablesaut是什么意思:n.(芭蕾舞用语)跳[字面意义:leap]I like saute prawns in butter sauce.我喜欢吃黄油汁煎大虾。We saute vegetables very quickly in a small amount of oil.我们用少量油将蔬菜很快一炒。Add also the carrots and celery, saute for 3 more minutes.同时放入红萝卜及西芹再炒3分钟。shredded是什么意思:v. [shred] 的过去式和过去分词形式;变成碎片a shred of cloth一块撕碎的布片 There is not a shred of truth in the story.这则报道中没有一句实话。They may be shredding documents.他们可能是在粉碎文件。pork是什么意思:n. 猪肉Rabbit sales better than pork.兔肉比猪肉卖的好。The sausages are made of coarsely ground pork.这些香肠用切得较粗的猪肉制成。Pork and apple go well together.猪肉和苹果一齐吃味道不错。
2023-07-23 23:52:461

Is there any sausage? Are there any sausages?

Is there any
2023-07-23 23:53:072


HistoryA "home-cooked" hot dog with mayonnaise, onion, and pickle-relishClaims of invention of the hot dog are difficult to assess, because various stories assert the creation of the sausage, the placing of the sausage (or another kind of sausage) on bread or a bun as finger food, the popularization of the existing dish, or the application of the name "hot dog" to a sausage and bun combination.The city of Vienna traces the lineage of the hot dog to the wienerwurst or Viennese sausage, the city of Frankfurt to the frankfurter wurst, which it claims was invented in the 1480s; the hot dog has also been attributed to Johann Georghehner, a 17th century butcher from the Bavarian city of Coburg who is said to have invented the "dachshund" or "little-dog" sausage and brought it to Frankfurt.[2]Around 1870, on Coney Island, a German immigrant named Charles Feltman began selling sausages in rolls.[3][4][5]Others also have been acknowledged for supposedly having invented the hot dog, including Anton Ludwig Feuchtwanger, a Bavarian sausage seller who is said to have started serving sausages in rolls at the World"s Fair—either the 1893 World"s Columbian Exposition in Chicago or the 1904 Louisiana Purchase Exposition in St Louis[6]—because the white gloves he gave to customers so that they could eat his hot sausages in comfort began to disappear as souvenirs.[7]The association between hot dogs and baseball may have begun as early as 1893 with Chris von der Ahe, a German immigrant who owned not only the St. Louis Browns, but also an amusement park, beer garden and brewery near Sportsman"s Park, where he sold his beer.[8]In 1916, an employee of Feltman"s named Nathan Handwerker was encouraged by celebrity clients Eddie Cantor and Jimmy Durante to go into business in competition with his former employer.[9] Handwerker undercut Feltman"s by charging five cents for a hot dog when his former employer was charging ten.[9] At a time when food regulation was in its infancy, and the pedigree of the hot dog particularly suspect, Handwerker made sure that men wearing surgeon"s smocks were seen eating at Nathan"s Famous to reassure potential customers.[7]EtymologyHotdogs in AmsterdamThe term "dog" has been used as a synonym for sausage since at least 1884 ("A continually dunning us for a motto. The following, we hope, will suit him to a hair: "Love me, love my dog."") and accusations that sausage-makers used dog meat date to at least 1845 ("Dogs...they retails the latter, tails and all, as sassenger meat.")[10]According to a popular myth, the use of the complete phrase "hot dog" in reference to sausage was coined by the newspaper cartoonist Thomas Aloysius "TAD" Dorgan around 1900 in a cartoon recording the sale of hot dogs during a New York Giants baseball game at the Polo Grounds.[10] However, TAD"s earliest usage of "hot dog" was not in reference to a baseball game at the Polo Grounds, but to a bicycle race at Madison Square Garden, in the The New York Evening Journal [December 12, 1906], by which time the term "hot dog" in reference to sausage was already in use.[11][10] In addition, no copy of the apocryphal cartoon has ever been found.[12]The earliest usage of "hot dog" in clear reference to sausage found by Barry Popik appeared in the 28 September 1893 edition of The Knoxville Journal.[11]It was so cool last night that the appearance of overcoats was common, and stoves and grates were again brought into comfortable use. Even the weinerwurst men began preparing to get the "hot dogs" ready for sale Saturday night.—28 September 1893, Knoxville (TN) Journal, "The [sic] Wore Overcoats," pg. 5Another early use of the complete phrase "hot dog" in reference to sausage appeared on page 4 of the October 19, 1895 issue of The Yale Record: "they contentedly munched hot dogs during the whole service."[11]
2023-07-23 23:53:182


sausage [英][u02c8su0252su026adu0292][美][u02c8su0254su026adu0292] n. 香肠,腊肠;〈口〉德国人 复数:sausages 双语例句 1. A kilogram of garlic sausage,please. 请给我一千克蒜肠. 2. The cream buns and sausage rolls were polished off in next to no time. 转眼之间,奶油面包和腊肠卷就被一扫而光. 3. The sausage began to spit in the pan. 锅里香肠开始滋滋作响. 4. What difference?Not a sausage. 有什么区别呢?毫无区别. 5. We lunched on garlic sausage and some bread. 我们午餐吃大蒜香肠肉加面包.
2023-07-23 23:53:381


  1、sausage英[u02c8su0252su026adu0292];美[u02c8su0254u02d0su026adu0292];   2、n.香肠; 腊肠;   3、[例句]He dropped his sausage on the pavement and someone"s dog ate it, mustard and all.他把香肠丢在人行道上,不知是谁家的狗将香肠甚至连带芥末都吃个了精光。   4、[其他]复数:sausages.
2023-07-23 23:53:471

sausage怎么读 给大家讲解一下

1、sausage英[u02c8su0252su026adu0292];美[u02c8su0254u02d0su026adu0292]; 2、n.香肠; 腊肠; 3、[例句]He dropped his sausage on the pavement and someone"s dog ate it, mustard and all.他把香肠丢在人行道上,不知是谁家的狗将香肠甚至连带芥末都吃个了精光。 4、[其他]复数:sausages.
2023-07-23 23:53:541


2023-07-23 23:54:011


sausage 英[u02c8su0252su026adu0292] 美[u02c8su0254su026adu0292]拼音是 sao 噻 zhi其中 au 读作 u0254 也就是拼音ao a 读 一 短元音i 发音介于 拼音 i 和 挨 之间 g 碰到 e 和 i ge gi 都读 du0292 老鼠吱吱叫的吱所以拼起来就读 sao 噻 zhi
2023-07-23 23:54:091


2023-07-23 23:54:252


香肠英语:sausage。短语搭配:1、香肠肉馅。sausage meat.2、烤香肠。grill some sausages.3、素食香肠。vegetarian sausage.4、香肠罐头。canned sausage.5、蒜蓉香肠。garlic sausage.6、蒜味香肠。garlic-flavoured sausage.7、香肠卷。sausage roll.8、意大利香肠。salami.双语例句:1、小贩粗声夸说五味香肠的优点。Hawkers brayed the merits of spiced sausages.2、他们很快吃掉了大部分香肠。They polished off most of the sausages.3、“不要再上香肠和土豆泥了!”他吼道。Not sausage and mash again!" Hebellowed.4、布朗正在狼吞虎咽地大嚼一个香肠面包卷。Brown was busy demolishing a sausage roll.
2023-07-23 23:54:321


问题一:香肠英语怎么读 你好!香肠 sausage 英[?s?s?d?] 美[?s?:s?d?] n. 香肠,腊肠; 〈口〉德国人; [网络] 红肠; 香肠; 早餐肠; [例句]Eggs, bacon, sausage, and mushrooms 鸡蛋、腊肉、香肠和蘑菇 问题二:腊肠英语怎么说 sausage,发音与其他意义,见图: 问题三:香肠用英语来读怎么读 拼音: [?xiāng cháng] 释义: sausage,[食品] sausage短语: 香肠???sausage;Pork sausage;Ham香肠三明治???sausage sandwich牛肉香肠???Beef sausage 问题四:哪有免费的相册? 申请个免费空间吧,盯费像册的图片真实路径都被隐藏了,放到贴吧用不了。 申请一个zj的20M的免费空间,FTP上传,速度快。呵呵 问题五:腊肠的英语怎么说 sausage 问题六:香肠用英语怎么说? 香肠的英语表达是 sausage 问题七:这些辣香肠多少钱?用英文怎么说?三种 这些辣香肠多少钱? How much are these hot sausages? 这些辣香肠多少钱? How much are these hot sausages? 问题八:香肠的英文怎么读 sausage 英[?s?s?d?] 美[?s?:s?d?] n. 香肠,腊肠; 〈口〉德国人; [例句]He dropped his sausage on the pavement and someone"s dog ate it, mustard andall. 他把香肠丢在人行道上,不知是谁家的狗将香肠甚至连带芥末都吃个了精光。 [其他] 复数:sausages 问题九:香肠用英语怎么说? 香肠[xiāng cháng] sausage;[英] banger;allant(o)-; 香肠 [xiāng cháng] sausage;[英] banger;allant(o)-; 问题十:“香肠”用英语怎么说 sausage 英 ["s?s?d?] 美 ["s?s?d?] n. 香肠;腊肠;装香肠的碎肉
2023-07-23 23:55:271


《Sausage》(Wise, Victoria)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读链接: 提取码: ut34书名:Sausage作者:Wise, Victoria出版年份:2010-4页数:176内容简介:Think Beyond the LinkYou don"t have to be an expert cook or have a fancy kitchen to make sausage at home. If you simply think beyond the link, you"ll find a whole world of sausage possibilities. Patties, meatballs, fish balls, veg balls, meat loaf—these are all sausages without casings that are every bit as savory and satisfying as their linked cousins. And, since they do not require special equipment, they are a snap to make at home.In Sausage , Victoria Wise shares more than 75 recipes for easy-to-make, no-casing-required pork, beef, lamb, poultry, seafood, and even vegetarian sausages, including innovative recipes that turn them into sophisticated meals. An inviting and wonderfully diverse collection from all around the globe, this compendium features European classics, American mainstays, Asian favorites, Middle Eastern inspirations, and sausages African in origin. You will find dishes for every meal and occasion, such as Rustic Cornmeal Pancakes Dappled with American Breakfast Sausage and Slicked with Maple Syrup; Lunch Pie, aka Quiche, with Toulouse Sausage and Spinach; Vietnamese-Style Beef Sausage and Vegetable Spring Rolls with Mint Dipping Sauce; and Merguez and Apple Tagine over Couscous with Harissa. For those who like their sausage in traditional links, Wise offers expert direction for stuffing sausage into casings.Beautifully written and photographed, Sausage is the only book of its kind. Its array of inventive sausages and sausage-centric dishes are inspiration for both the new and the well-seasoned cook. Making sausage at home has never been so easy—nor the results so delicious.
2023-07-23 23:55:341


《Sausage》(Wise, Victoria)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读资源链接:链接: 提取码:ck66书名:Sausage作者:Wise, Victoria出版年份:2010-4页数:176内容简介:Think Beyond the LinkYou don"t have to be an expert cook or have a fancy kitchen to make sausage at home. If you simply think beyond the link, you"ll find a whole world of sausage possibilities. Patties, meatballs, fish balls, veg balls, meat loaf—these are all sausages without casings that are every bit as savory and satisfying as their linked cousins. And, since they do not require special equipment, they are a snap to make at home.In Sausage , Victoria Wise shares more than 75 recipes for easy-to-make, no-casing-required pork, beef, lamb, poultry, seafood, and even vegetarian sausages, including innovative recipes that turn them into sophisticated meals. An inviting and wonderfully diverse collection from all around the globe, this compendium features European classics, American mainstays, Asian favorites, Middle Eastern inspirations, and sausages African in origin. You will find dishes for every meal and occasion, such as Rustic Cornmeal Pancakes Dappled with American Breakfast Sausage and Slicked with Maple Syrup; Lunch Pie, aka Quiche, with Toulouse Sausage and Spinach; Vietnamese-Style Beef Sausage and Vegetable Spring Rolls with Mint Dipping Sauce; and Merguez and Apple Tagine over Couscous with Harissa. For those who like their sausage in traditional links, Wise offers expert direction for stuffing sausage into casings.Beautifully written and photographed, Sausage is the only book of its kind. Its array of inventive sausages and sausage-centric dishes are inspiration for both the new and the well-seasoned cook. Making sausage at home has never been so easy—nor the results so delicious.
2023-07-23 23:55:571

i like ( sausages)香肠对吗

2023-07-23 23:56:101


Some sausage
2023-07-23 23:56:202

I want to some sausages保持原句意思?

可以改写成:I would like some sausages.
2023-07-23 23:56:272

my silly sausage什么意思

my silly sausage我愚蠢的香肠sausage[英][u02c8su0252su026adu0292][美][u02c8su0254:su026adu0292]n.香肠,腊肠; 〈口〉德国人; 复数:sausages双语例句1A kilogram of garlic sausage, please.请给我一千克蒜味香肠。
2023-07-23 23:56:412


早餐的英语单词是"breakfast"。早餐是指一天中最早的一餐,通常在早上食用。它是为了提供能量和营养,让人们开始一天的活动而设计的。在不同的文化和地区,早餐种类和习惯会有所不同。以下是一些常见的早餐食物和词汇:1. Cereal(麦片):包括燕麦片(oatmeal)、玉米片(cornflakes)、小麦圈(wheat loops)等。2. Bread(面包):比如吐司(toast)、面包片(bread slices)、面包卷(bread roll)等。3. Eggs(鸡蛋):可以是煮蛋(boiled eggs)、炒蛋(scrambled eggs)、荷包蛋(sunny-side up eggs)等。4. Bacon(熏肉):指猪肉的薄片,通常煎炸后食用。5. Sausages(香肠):包括烤香肠(grilled sausages)、煎香肠(fried sausages)等。6. Pancakes(煎饼):由面粉、鸡蛋和牛奶制成,通常涂抹着黄油和糖浆食用。7. Fruits(水果):常见的有苹果(apple)、香蕉(banana)、草莓(strawberry)等,可以作为早餐的一部分。8. Yogurt(酸奶):是一种乳酸发酵的乳制品,可以加入水果、坚果或麦片来食用。9. Coffee(咖啡)/ Tea(茶):是常见的早餐饮品,用来提神和提高警觉性。10. Juice(果汁):包括橙汁(orange juice)、苹果汁(apple juice)、葡萄汁(grape juice)等。
2023-07-23 23:56:511


答:We eat eggs and sausages as our breakfast.
2023-07-23 23:58:192


  沙拉酱,是使用大量鸡蛋和油制作而成,这种酱汁在饮食中占有一席之地由来已久。沙拉酱的消耗量持续增加,而且在近期内更为显著,特别是在年轻人之中,很多 爱好 者忍不住在他们所有的食物中添加沙拉酱。那么你知道沙拉酱用英语怎么说吗?下面和我一起来学习一下沙拉酱的英语说法吧。   沙拉酱的英语说法1:   salad dressing   沙拉酱的英语说法2:   mayonnaise   沙拉酱的相关 短语 :   法式沙拉酱 French dressing   水果沙拉酱 Fruit salad sauce   面包沙拉酱 Bakery salad dressing   草莓风味沙拉酱 Strawberry Flavor salad dressing   沙拉酱的英语例句:   1. Yes, they"ll scarf down tuna salad and fish sticks, but even Mrs.   是的, 他们会打翻金枪鱼沙拉酱和装鱼的盘子, 但是鲍尔女士都觉得这还不算什么.   2. It has chicken, vegetables, salad and two pieces of bread.   它有鸡肉, 蔬菜, 沙拉酱和两片面包.   3. Skip the cheese, bacon and creamy dressings, he advises.   他建议别吃奶酪 、培根和奶油沙拉酱.   4. Can you boil some potatoes for me? I"m making potato salad.   你能帮我煮些土豆 吗 ?我今晚要做沙拉酱.   5. Put one to two spoons of mayonnaise into the egg.   放一汤匙或两汤匙的蛋黄酱(咸味沙拉酱也可以).   6. Mix cheese, salad dressing and mayonnaise and set aside.   搅拌奶酪 、沙拉酱和蛋黄酱,放到一边.   7. We want a double hamburger with cheese, mayonnaise and ketchup.   我们要个双层汉堡,要中间夹奶酪 、沙拉酱和番茄酱的.   8. Put the beef, the lettuce and some salad dressing into the bread.   把牛肉, 生菜和沙拉酱夹进面包里.   9. Swap your ranch salad dressing for oil and vinegar.   把你的沙拉酱换成醋和油吧.   10. Further put on some beef salad dressing and seasonings.   再往牛肉上放一些沙拉酱和调味料.   11. We have French , Italian , Thousand Island, and ranch.   我们有法式酱 、大利酱岛酱和田园沙拉酱.   12. What kind of dressing do you like?   您喜欢什么样的沙拉酱?   13. Would you like mayon naise and mustard?   你要沙拉酱和芥末吗 ?   14. They took aspirin, ate blue cheese dressing and didn"t get tested for diabetes.   她们不仅服用阿司匹林, 还吃蓝乳酪沙拉酱,甚至根本不做糖尿病测试.   15. People eat it in sandwiches, in soups, in salads, in sausages and more.   人们把火鸡肉放到三民治, 汤, 沙拉, 酱汁等里面里吃.
2023-07-23 23:58:292


酱肘花 Sliced Pork in Soy Sauce盐水虾 : Boiled shrimps with salt 酱牛肉 spiced beef松花鸡腿 song hua drumstick五香鸭胸 Spicy Duck Breast美味八宝肚 Tripe Pieces with eight treasures干烧带鱼 broiled hairtail腊肠 sausage三色肚丝 shredded tripes with soy sauce生菜拌肚花 lettuce tripes椒盐虾 : Spicy Slat Prawns 黄瓜炒牛肉 : fried beef with cucumber费了好大劲多个分看你良心了!!
2023-07-23 23:58:372

(1) Sit down and have a cup of tea. (改为反义疑问句)

2023-07-23 23:58:441


2023-07-23 23:58:537

at the beach的口头作文

The Martinez family is at the beach today. The sun is shining, and the birds are singing. It"s a beautiful day! Mr. Martinez is cooking the food. Mrs. Martinez is drinking lemonade. Jimmy Martinez is listening to the radio and dancing. Alex Martinez is reading a book on the chair. Tina Martinez is swimming .The dog is on the sand, the ball is on the dog. The Martinez family is very happy today .It is a beautiful day, and they are at the beach.译文;马丁内斯家族今天在海边。阳光灿烂,鸟儿在歌唱。那是一个美丽的一天!马丁内兹先生是烹饪食物。马丁内斯太太喝柠檬水。吉米·马丁内斯是听广播,跳舞。亚历克斯·马丁内斯正在读一本书在椅子上。蒂娜马丁内斯是游泳。狗在沙滩上,球的狗。马丁内斯家族今天非常开心。这是一个美好的一天,他们在海滩上。My family went to the beach. We had a fishing race, but nobody got a fish. We were disappointed.x09We had a barbecue. Dad put some sausages on the table. Then, dad said, This is yours! he gave a sausage to me. But my brother wanted the sausage too, so we had a fight. I pushed and the sausage dropped into the sand. We both were sad.x09Next, dad threw a sausage to my brother and a sausage to me. We were about to eat when a seagull scooped down and took the two sausages away. Bad luck! When we looked at the table, I gasped: all the sausages were burnt!译文;我的家人去了海滩。我们有一个钓鱼比赛,但没人有一条鱼。我们感到失望。我们有一个烧烤。爸爸把一些香肠放在桌子上。然后,爸爸说,这是你的!他对我做了一个香肠。但我弟弟希望香肠,所以我们吵架了。我把和香肠放入沙子。我们都是伤心。接下来,爸爸把一个香肠,我哥哥和我的香肠。我们正要吃时,一只海鸥挖下来,带走了两个香肠。坏运气!当我们看了看表,我气喘吁吁地说:所有的香肠被烧死!
2023-07-23 23:59:221

求翻译pupils are more like oysters than sausages

2023-07-23 23:59:301