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2023-07-23 23:27:14
TAG: et yet







































































































































































































































(A) 当 adverb 用时:

1) 用于否定句和疑问句, 谈论尚未发生但可能发生的事.

例 : We have yet to decide what action to take(= We have not decided what action to take). 我们尚未决定采取何种行动。

2) 现在; 即刻; 马上 ( now; as soon as this ).

例 : Don"t go yet. 先别走.

3) 从现在起直至某一时间; 还.

例 : He"ll be busy for ages yet. 他还要忙很长一段时间。

4) (表示将来可能发生,尽管现在似乎没有可能)早晚,总有一天 (could, might, may, etc. do sth ~)

例 : She could yet surprise us all. 总有一天, 她会让我们都大吃一惊.

5) 迄今为止,到当时为止(最好的或最长的等) until now/then the best, longest, etc. sth ~ (done).

例 : It was the highest building yet constructed. 这是到当时为止所建的最高的建筑物。

6)(强调次数或数量的增加) ~ another/more… ~ again

例 : Snow, snow and yet more snow. 下雪, 下雪, 还要下雪.

7)(强调程度的增加)更 ~ (worse, more importantly, etc.).

例 : A recent and yet more improbable theory. 一个新近提出的但更加不切实际的理论.



航天飞机(Space Shuttle,又称为太空梭或太空穿梭机)是可重复使用的、往返于太空、宇宙和地面之间的航天器,结合了飞机与航天器的性质。航天飞机是一种有人驾驶可重复使用的航天器,它既能像火箭一样垂直起飞,像太空飞船一样在轨道上运行,又能像飞机一样水平着陆。航天飞机一般可乘坐7名航天员,其中有3名机组人员,4名科学技术专家。航天飞机在轨道上运行时,可完成释放卫星、回收及维修卫星、进行各种微重力科学实验等多种任务。更多具体信息请查看链接
2023-07-23 22:21:232

space shuttle 用法 同根词 近义词 反义词 相似词

短语SPACE-SHUTTLE台湾太空梭space-shuttle fuel tank太空舱燃料箱space shuttle航天飞机Space Shuttle Discovery发现号太空梭;发现号宇宙飞船;发现号;号航天飞机Space Shuttle Atlantis亚特兰提斯号太空梭;亚特兰蒂斯号航天飞机;亚特兰蒂斯号;航天飞机Space Shuttle Launch发现号夜间发射Space Shuttle Anniversary航天飞机纪念日;太空梭纪念日Space Shuttle Main Engines太空梭3具主推进器;具主推进器;主发动机Space Shuttle heatshield航天飞机隔热系统同近义词 space plane[航]航天飞机(往返于地球和太空站之间运载人和物资的)
2023-07-23 22:21:421


它与航天飞机的区别在于,它是一种运载火箭、航空器、航天器结合在一起的飞行器。又叫航空航天飞机。在它上面既装有火箭发动机又装有冲压空气喷气发动机。它可以从地面上像飞机一样水平起飞,也可以由大型飞机载带到空是起飞。在30千米以上高空,能以5倍~15倍音速像飞机一样在大气层中巡航飞行,如将速度提高到25倍音速,到达大气层边缘时,启动火箭发动机可以进入太空。 研制空天飞机要解决许多复杂的技术问题和材料问题。如防热、耐高温(摄氏2760度)结构材料问题、超高音速冲压喷气发动机问题等。 美国的洛克希德-马丁公司研制的X-33空天飞机,计划在1999年进行亚轨道10次飞行。
2023-07-23 22:21:522

space shuttie与spacecraft的区别

space shuttlen.(往返于地球和太空站之间运载人和物资的)航天飞机space shuttlen.航天飞机,太空穿梭机shuttle[5FQtl]n.(织机的)梭; (缝纫机的)滑梭; (编织用的)梭形针; 滑闸, 水闸(门)穿梭般来回; 短程来回运输(线、工具), 穿梭式来回不停的民航运输机[轰炸机]; (星际)往返飞船, 航天飞机, 渡运飞行器气压[液压, 水力]传送装置穿梭旅行; 穿梭外交(活动)shuttle[5FQtl]vt., vi.(使)梭动; (使)前后移动, (使)短程穿梭般运输shuttle armature【电】梭形电枢shuttle bus[美]区间(公共汽)车shuttle train[美]短程往返火车shuttle-bombingn.穿梭轰炸shuttlecraftn.航天飞机, 宇航渡船nuclear shuttle核动力航天飞机pneumatic shuttle气压装置, 风箱space shuttle航天飞机spacecraft[5speiskrB:ft]n.太空船spacecraft[5speIskrB:ft]n.spacecraft航天器;宇宙飞船spacecraft[5speiskrB:ft]n.航天器, 空间飞行器, 宇宙飞船Apollo spacecraft阿波罗宇宙飞船artificial spacecraft人造飞船, 人造航天器inhabited spacecraft载人飞船interplanetary spacecraft行星际飞船lunar spacecraft月球飞船man-made spacecraft人造宇宙飞船, 人造空间航行器manned spacecraft有人操纵的宇宙飞船reconnaissance spacecraft侦察航天器unmanned spacecraft无人宇宙飞船Viking spacecraft海盗航天飞船Voskhod spacecraft上升号飞船Zond spacecraft“探测器”航天器
2023-07-23 22:22:001

1.spacecraft 2.spaceship shuttle这三个单词的意思有什么区别?

2023-07-23 22:22:083

spacecraft 和 space shuttle 有什么区别啊

spacecraftA vehicle intended to be launched into space.Also called spaceship 航天器:即将被发射入太空的工具 也作 spaceshipspace shuttlen.(往返于地球和太空站之间运载人和物资的)航天飞机
2023-07-23 22:22:152


上天的时候飞船三级分离 从天上掉下来摔一下 你说怎么重复使用
2023-07-23 22:22:243


美国太空总署给你的回答:The Space Shuttle speed goes from 0 mph to 17,500 mph in 8.5 minutes (this is when the external fuel tank separates from the Shuttle). Two minutes after launch the solid rocket boosters separate; at this time the speed is 3,438 mph and increasing rapidly. While in orbit the Shuttle"s speed is 17,500 mph. When reentry or blackout occurs, the Shuttle is traveling at 16,700 mph. After reentry the Shuttle uses Earth"s atmosphere to slow down. Landing speed ranges from 213 to 226 mph (343 to 364 kilometers). 航天飞机可以在8.5分钟内,由静止加速到17500英里/小时(这是当外部燃料箱和航天飞机分离时的速度)。发射两分钟后,固体火箭推进器会和航天飞机分离,此时的速度是3438英里/小时,并且航天飞机还在持续迅速加速。航天飞机在轨速度一般是17500英里/小时,但是当返回或者进入黑障的时候,航天飞机的速度会在16700英里/小时。进入地球大气层后,航天飞机会逐步减速,最后的着陆速度在213~226英里/小时之间(合343~364公里/小时)。*那最后航天飞机的着陆速度就该是364*1000/3600=101米/秒
2023-07-23 22:22:331

space shuttle mission是什么意思

space shuttle mission 航天飞行任务 ;Here, NASA astronaut Steven L. Smith tinkers with a Hubble camera during STS-103, a Discovery space shuttle mission to upgrade the telescope in December 1999. 这是1999年12月的照片,图中美国航天局宇航员史蒂芬·史密斯于正在为哈勃望远镜升级更新。
2023-07-23 22:22:581


际上每年只有7~8次,每次发射费用约4。4亿美元,年使用成本超过30亿美元。  航天飞机太重、太脆弱、太复杂  航天飞机列入“一类关键性”清单的部件就有750个,这些部件一出问题就有灾难后果,保养4架航天飞机需要30000人。直至2005年3月22日,NASA还发现“发现号”尾部减速板驱动装置存在齿轮装反的潜在安全隐患,却20余年未被发现航天飞机虽然技术先进,但是,技术难度极大,风险也就大,而且安全性能不是太高。所以就给淘汰了。DWa超级大本营军事
2023-07-23 22:23:093

英语演讲稿:英语演讲稿:The Space Shuttle

12月23日 liuxue86.com英语频道特为大家准备相关的学习资料,希望对大家有用。 Ladies and Gentlemen, I"d planned to speak to you tonight to report on the state of the union , but the events of earlier today have led me to change those plans. Today is a day for mourning and remembering. Nancy and I are pained to the core by the tragedy of the shuttle Challenger. We know we share this pain with all of the people of our country. This is truly a national loss. Nineteen years ago, almost to the day, we lost three astronauts in a terrible accident on the ground. But we"ve never lost an astronaut in flight. We"ve never had a tragedy like this. And perhaps we"ve forgotten the courage it took for the crew of the shuttle. But they, the Challenger Seven, were aware of the dangers, but overcame them and did their jobs brilliantly. We mourn seven heroes: Michael Smith, Dick Scobee, Judith Resnik, Ronald McNair, Ellison Onizuka, Gregory Jarvis, and Christa McAuliffe . We mourn their loss as a nation together. For the families of the seven, we cannot bear, as you do, the full impact of this tragedy. But we feel the loss, and we"re thinking about you so very much. Your loved ones were daring and brave, and they had that special grace, that special spirit that says, "Give me a challenge, and I"ll meet it with joy." They had a hunger to explore the universe and discover its truths. They wished to serve, and they did. They served all of us. We"ve grown used to wonders in this century. It"s hard to dazzle us. But for twenty-five years the United States space program has been doing just that. We"ve grown used to the idea of space, and, perhaps we forget that we"ve only just begun. We"re still pioneers. They, the members of the Challenger crew, were pioneers. And I want to say something to the schoolchildren of America who were watching the live coverage of the shuttle"s take-off. I know it"s hard to understand, but sometimes painful things like this happen. It"s all part of the process of exploration and discovery. It"s all part of taking a chance and expanding man"s horizons. The future doesn"t belong to the fainthearted; it belongs to the brave. The Challenger crew was pulling us into the future, and we"ll continue to follow them. I"ve always had great faith in and respect for our space program. And what happened today does nothing to diminish it. We don"t hide our space program. We don"t keep secrets and cover things up. We do it all up front and in public. That"s the way freedom is, and we wouldn"t change it for a minute. We"ll continue our quest in space. There will be more shuttle flights and more shuttle crews and, yes, more volunteers, more civilians, more teachers in space. Nothing ends here; our hopes and our journeys continue. I want to add that I wish I could talk to every man and woman who works for NASA, or who worked on this mission and tell them: "Your dedication and professionalism have moved and impressed us for decades. And we know of your anguish. We share it." There"s a coincidence today. On this day three hundred and ninety years ago, the great explorer Sir Francis Drake died aboard ship off the coast of Panama . In his lifetime the great frontiers were the oceans, and a historian later said, "He lived by the sea, died on it, and was buried in it." Well, today, we can say of the Challenger crew: Their dedication was, like Drake"s, complete. The crew of the space shuttle Challenger honored us by the manner in which they lived their lives. We will never forget them, nor the last time we saw them, this morning, as they prepared for their journey and waved goodbye and "slipped the surly bonds of earth" to "touch the face of God." Thank you. 常识普及:英语演讲稿种类:1。叙述式:向听众陈述自己的思想、经历、事迹,转述自己看到、听到的他人的事迹或事件时使用的。叙述当中,也可夹用议论和抒情。2。议论式:摆事实、讲道理,既有事实材料,又有逻辑推断,立场坚定,旗帜鲜明。3。说明式:对听众说明事理,通过解说某个道理或某一问题来达到树立观点的目的。
2023-07-23 22:23:391

the space shuttle columbia disaster是什么意思

the space shuttle columbia disaster美国太空梭哥伦比亚号的灾难双语例句1In 2005, during the first launch after the Space Shuttle Columbiadisaster, a shuttle was threatened by another flying menace: a vulturethat smacked into the external tank during takeoff.在2005年在哥伦比亚号遇难后的第一次发射中,太空梭受到了另一飞行威胁:在起飞过程中一只秃鹫撞入燃料箱。2Discovery marked the resumption of the space shuttle program after itwas grounded following the Columbia disaster two-and-half yearsago.发现号标志着宇宙飞行船项目在两年半前因哥伦比亚号悲剧搁浅后的重新开始。
2023-07-23 22:24:081


交通工具 traffictool
2023-07-23 22:24:195

They saw how the space shuttle took off in space and later landed on earth _______.

2023-07-23 22:24:363

What makes the space shuttle is that it takes off like a r...

C 试题分析:考查单词意思,exceptional意思“杰出的”,strange意思“奇怪的”,unique意思“独一无二的”,rare意思“罕见的”,句子意思“起飞像火箭着陆像飞机使航天飞机独一无二”,句子是个从句,第一个是引导词what在从句里做主语,是主语从句;第二个是that引导的表语从句,所以选C点评:单词意思是常考内容,平时要多记多积累,遇到单词意思题时,就很容易做出正确选择
2023-07-23 22:24:451


2023-07-23 22:24:553

When a space shuttle has accomplished its _____, it can be ready for another trip in about two ...

 B   本题译文:当航天飞机完成了它的使命,它能在大约两周内做好准备再次航行。mission通常指一种特殊的、特定的且有一定难度的使命或工作,常与accomplish, complete等词搭配,如:accomplish a historic mission完成一项历史使命。Venture冒险;常指商业上的冒险投机。例如:He declined the business venture. Commission委任;代理;佣金。He often goes beyond his commission.(他时常越权。)responsibility责任。
2023-07-23 22:25:031

Check It Out 歌词

歌曲名:Check It Out歌手:Bobby Womack专辑:I Don T Know What The World Is Coming ToNicki Minaj - Check It Out (feat Will.I.Am)Step up in the party like my name was bad bitchAll these haters mad because I"m so establishedThey know I"m a beast yeah I"m a fucking savageHaters you can kill yourselfIn my space shuttle and I"m not coming downI"m stereo and she"s just so monotoneSometimes it just me and all my bottles all aloneI ain"t coming back this timeI can"t believe itIt"s so amazingThis club is heatingThis party"s blazin"I can"t believe it this beat it bangingI can"t believe it(I can"t believe it)Hey Check it outCheck It OutCheck It OutCheck It OutCheck It OutCheck It OutCheck It OutCheck It OutCheck It OutCheck It OutYeah yeah I"m feeling it nowCheck It OutCheck It OutCheck It OutStep up in the party like my name was Mr. TAll these hating naggers ain"t got nothing on me.Honestly I gotta stay as fly as I can beIf you lick and roll it you get super OGHoneys always rush me cause I"m fly, fly, flyDummies they can"t touch me cause I"m floating sky highI stay nigga-rific you don"t need to ask whyYou just gotta see with your eyesI can"t believe itIt"s so amazingThis club is heatingThis party"s blazin"I can"t believe it this beat it bangingI can"t believe it(I can"t believe it)Hey Check it outCheck It OutCheck It OutCheck It OutCheck It OutCheck It OutCheck It OutCheck It OutCheck It OutCheck It OutYeah yeah I"m feeling it nowCheck It OutCheck It OutCheck It OutCheck this mother-fuckr OUT!It got me in the club, in the club, just rocking like thisOh, ohThe DunDunThe sun doneYep, the sun doneCame up, but we still up in dungeonThe DunDunYep, in LondonCompetition, why yes I would love someHow the fuck they get mad cause they run done.Mad cause I"m getting money in abundanceMan I can"t even count all of these hundredsDuffle bag every time I go to SunTrustI leave the rest just to collect interestI mean interestFuck my nemesisExclamation... just for emphasisAnd I don"t sympathize, cause you a simple bitchI just pop up on these hoes on some pimple shitAnd put the iron to your face you old wrinkled bitchWe just had to kill itWe on the radio hotter than a skilletWe in the club making party people hollaMoney in the bank we be getting top dollarI"m a big baller,You a little smallerStep up to my level, you need to grow a little tallerI"m shot callerGet up off my collarYou a ChihuahuaI"m a RottweilerI can"t believe it, it"s so amazing.I can"t believe it, this beat is banging.I can"t believe it, it"s so amazing.I can"t believe it, I can"t believe it.(Hey) Check It OutCheck It OutCheck It OutCheck It OutCheck It OutCheck It OutCheck It OutCheck It OutCheck It OutCheck It OutYeah yeah I"m feeling it nowCheck It OutCheck It OutCheck It OutNicki Minaj - Check It Out (feat Will.I.Am)
2023-07-23 22:25:231


1.关于航天的知识,短一点 航空航天技术 为航空航天活动的顺利进行而创立的一系列高级复杂的施工作业程序。 它涉及人力资源配置,设备仪器搭配与安装使用等艰深的学术作业。是国家,民族,乃至整个人类发展的高度追求。 在现代航空和航天工程中电子系统是重要的系统之一。 它按功能分为通信、导航、雷达、目标识别、遥测、遥控、遥感、火控、制导、电子对抗等系统。 各种系统一般包括飞行器上的电子系统和相应的地面电子系统两部分,这两部分通过电磁波传输信号合成为一个系统。和这些电子系统有关的电子理论和技术有通信理论、电磁场理论、电波传播、天线、检测理论和技术、编码理论和技术、信号处理技术等,而微电子技术和电子计算机技术则是提高各种电子系统性能的基础。它们的发展使飞行器上的电子系统进一步小型化和具有实时处理更大量数据的能力,进而使飞机的性能(机动能力、火控能力、全天候飞行、自动着陆等)大为提高,航天器的功能(科学探测、资源勘测、通信广播、侦察预警等)日益扩大。 一、航空航天飞行器上电子设备的特点是: ①要求体积小、重量轻和功耗小;②能在恶劣的环境条件下工作;③高效率、高可靠和长寿命。 在高性能飞机和航天器上,这些要求尤为严格。飞机和航天器的舱室容积、载重和电源受到严格限制。 卫星上设备重量每增加1公斤,运载火箭的发射重量就要增加几百公斤或更多。导弹和航天器要承受严重的冲击过载、强振动和粒子辐射等。 一些航天器的工作时间很长,如静止轨道通信卫星的长达7~10年,而深空探测器的工作时间更长。因此,航空航天用的电子元器件要经过极严格的质量控制和筛选,而电子系统的设计需要充分运用可靠性理论和冗余技术。 二、航空航天电子技术的主要发展方向是: ①充分利用电子计算机和大规模集成电路,提高航空航天电子系统的综合化、自动化和智能化水平;②提高实时信号处理和数据处理的能力和数据传输的速率;③发展高速率和超高速率的大规模集成电路;④发展更高频率波段(毫米波、红外、光频)的电子技术;⑤发展可靠性更高和寿命更长的各种电子元器件。 2.航天科技小知识 一、航空航天飞行器上电子设备的特点是: ①要求体积小、重量轻和功耗小;②能在恶劣的环境条件下工作;③高效率、高可靠和长寿命。在高性能飞机和航天器上,这些要求尤为严格。飞机和航天器的舱室容积、载重和电源受到严格限制。卫星上设备重量每增加1公斤,运载火箭的发射重量就要增加几百公斤或更多。导弹和航天器要承受严重的冲击过载、强振动和粒子辐射等。一些航天器的工作时间很长,如静止轨道通信卫星的长达7~10年,而深空探测器的工作时间更长。因此,航空航天用的电子元器件要经过极严格的质量控制和筛选,而电子系统的设计需要充分运用可靠性理论和冗余技术。 二、航空航天电子技术的主要发展方向是: ①充分利用电子计算机和大规模集成电路,提高航空航天电子系统的综合化、自动化和智能化水平;②提高实时信号处理和数据处理的能力和数据传输的速率;③发展高速率和超高速率的大规模集成电路;④发展更高频率波段(毫米波、红外、光频)的电子技术;⑤发展可靠性更高和寿命更长的各种电子元器件。 3.有哪些关于航天飞机的知识 航天飞机(Space Shuttle,正式名称为太空梭或太空穿梭机)是可重复使用的、往返于太空和地面之间的航天器。航天飞机并不是飞机,并不属于飞机的范畴。 它既能像运载火箭那样把人造卫星等航天器送入太空,也能像载人飞船那样在轨道上运行,还能像滑翔机那样在大气层中滑翔着陆。航天飞机为人类自由进出太空提供了很好的工具,它大大降低航天活动的费用,是航天史上的一个重要里程碑,最早由美国研发。 1986年的1月28日,美国“挑战者”号航天飞机在第10次发射升空后,因助推火箭发生事故凌空爆炸,舱内7名宇航员(包括一名女教师)全部遇难,此次事故除了造成人员死亡,还造成了12亿美元的直接经济损失和所有航天飞机停飞3年的结果。 2003年2月1日,美国哥伦比亚号航天飞机在结束了为期16天的太空任务之后,返回地球,但却在降落前发生空中解体,宇航员全部遇难。这些事件都表明,航天飞机的安全性其实并不高。 扩展资料: 组成部分 航天飞机实际上是一个由轨道器、外贮箱和固体助推 火箭助推器 器组成的往返航天器系统,但人们通常把其中的轨道器称作为航天飞机。 1、轨道器:轨道器是航天飞机的核心部分,是整个航天飞机系统中唯一可载人、可重复使用的部分。 2、固体助推器:固体助推器的作用是助推,用于补充主发动机推力的不足。以供再用。 3、外贮箱:航天飞机的主发动机是液体火箭发动机,推进剂是液体燃料液态氧和液态氢。液体推进剂不装在航天飞机上,而是装在一个独立的可以抛弃的外贮箱里面。采用这种结构形式,可以减少航天飞机轨道器的尺寸和重量,否则航天飞机的轨道器非常庞大。 美国研制过5种型号的航天飞机:哥伦比亚号航天飞机、挑战者号航天飞机、发现号航天飞机、亚特兰蒂斯号航天飞机和奋进号航天飞机。 苏联研制过暴风雪号航天飞机,1988年对暴风雪号航天飞机成功地进行了无人轨道试飞,其后,由于苏联1991年解体,计划终止。 参考资料来源:百度百科-航天飞机 4.航模基础知识 去百度文库,查看完整内容> 内容来自用户:刘中升 航模基础知识手册 资料针对无线电遥控类固定翼飞机2014.06.18 对全部高中资料试卷电气设备,在安装过程中以及安装结束后进行高中资料试卷调整试验;通电检查所有设备高中资料电试力卷保相护互装作置用调与试相技互术关,系电通,力1根保过据护管生高线产中0不工资仅艺料可高试以中卷解资配决料置吊试技顶卷术层要是配求指置,机不对组规电在范气进高设行中备继资进电料行保试空护卷载高问与中题带资2负料2,荷试而下卷且高总可中体保资配障料置2试时32卷,3各调需类控要管试在路验最习;大题对限到设度位备内。进来在行确管调保路整机敷使组设其高过在中程正资1常料中工试,况卷要下安加与全强过,看度并25工且52作尽22下可护都能1关可地于以缩管正小路常故高工障中作高资;中料对资试于料卷继试连电卷接保破管护坏口进范处行围理整,高核或中对者资定对料值某试,些卷审异弯核常扁与高度校中固对资定图料盒纸试位,卷置编工.写况保复进护杂行层设自防备动腐与处跨装理接置,地高尤线中其弯资要曲料避半试免径卷错标调误高试高等方中,案资要,料求编试技5写、卷术重电保交要气护底设设装。备备置管4高调、动线中试电作敷资高气,设料中课并技3试资件且、术卷料中拒管试试调绝路包验卷试动敷含方技作设线案术,技槽以来术、及避管系免架统不等启必多动要项方高方案中式;资,对料为整试解套卷决启突高动然中过停语程机文中。电高因气中此课资,件料电中试力管卷高壁电中薄气资、设料接备试 5.我需要航模知识 航空模型航空模型是各种航空器模型的总称。 它包括模型飞机和其他模型飞行器。 航空模型活动从一开始就引起人们浓厚的兴趣,而且千百年来长盛不衰,主要原因就在于它在航空事业的发展和科技人才的培养方面起着十分重要的作用。 (1)航空模型是探索飞行奥秘的工具。人类自古以来就幻想着飞行。 昆虫、鸟禽、风吹起树叶和上升的炊烟,都曾引起过人类飞行的遐想。西汉刘安在《淮南子》中记载着后羿的妻子嫦娥偷食了长生药而飞上月宫的美妙故事。 这反映了古人对飞行的追求和向往。 在载人的航空器出现之前,人类就创造了许多能飞行的航空模型,不断地探索着飞行的奥秘。 距今2000多年前的春秋战国时期,我们的祖先就制作出能飞的木鸟模型。《韩非子》中记载着:“墨子为木鸢,三年而成,飞一日而败。” 宋朝李鸢等人编的《太平御览》中也有“张衡尝作木鸟,假以羽翮,腹中施机,能飞数里”的记载。另外,还制作出种类繁多的孔明灯、风筝和竹蜻蜒等。 唐代以后,我国的风筝传到国外,在世界上流传开来。西方有人用风筝做飞行试验,探索制造飞机的可能。 美国的莱特兄弟是世界上第一架飞机的制造者,他们的飞机在1903年12月17日试飞成功。他们就是先用大风筝进行种种试验,然后制造出滑翔机,解决了升降、平衡、转弯等问题,最后才把飞机制造成功的。 飞机发明之前,航空模型具有强烈的探索性质,在飞机发明之后,航空模型仍然是研究航空科学的必要工具。每一种新飞机的试制,都要先在风洞里用模型进行试验,甚至连航天飞机这样先进的航空器,也要经过模型试验阶段,取得必要的数据,才能获得成功。 (2)航空模型是很有实用价值的器具。我国汉代就有用风筝测量距离和传递信息的。 随着航空模型的发展,特别是无线电遥控模型飞机的日臻完善,航空模型的用途越来越广泛。 例如,可以利用无线电遥控模型飞机作为部队和民兵对空射击训练的靶机。 在训练的时候,通过无线电遥控设备控制航模靶机完成直线飞行、转弯、上升、俯冲等飞行动作,甚至在靶机上完成空投降落伞、发射模型火箭、投放炸弹、施放拖靶等特技动作。在实弹射击时候,可以在航模靶机尾部几十米远处拖拽一个彩色靶袋,以靶袋作为目标,避免击毁靶机。 又如,在无线电遥控模型飞机上装上摄影机,就可以对地面进行航空摄影,拍摄一些人们不容易接近的野生动植物,甚至可以拍摄一些危险性很大的惊险镜头或战斗场面等。 另外,可以利用航模飞机携带农药灭虫,利用航模飞机拖一根尼龙线从一个山头到另一个山头,然后换成钢索,进行高山架线。 还可以利用航模飞机飞入云层,施放催化剂,进行人工降雨,等等。 (3)航空模型是普及航空知识的玩具。 航空模型活动在普及航空知识、培养航空科技人才方面所起的作用是很大的,许多著名的航空学家,小时候都非常喜爱航空模型。美国的莱特兄弟小时候就爱玩飞螺旋(竹蜻蜓),从而产生对航空事业的浓厚兴趣。 美国登月飞船阿波罗11号船长阿姆斯特朗,小时候也酷爱航空模型,他在家里的地下室安装了一个风洞,用来试验自己制作的模型飞机,这无疑对他成为世界上第一个踏上月球的人有着巨大的影响。我国也有许多著名的飞机设计师、火箭设计师、飞行员等,小时候就是航模爱好者。 另外,航空模型还是一种非常吸引人的娱乐玩具。春光明媚,千姿百态的风筝随风飘荡;夏日朗朗,五颜六色的飞盘划出一道道弧线,秋高气爽,各式各样的模型飞机在蓝天中翱翔;冬天恬静,彩色缤纷的热气球冉冉升起。 所有这些把人们的生活装点得更加丰富多彩。 在飞机发明之后,航空模型作为普及航空知识的工具和娱乐玩具的作用更加突出。 为了推动航空事业的发展,1905年10月,在法国成立了国际航空联合会。它下设国际航空模型委员会,负责制定航空模型竞赛规则,组织国际航空模型竞赛活动。 中国是国际航空联合会成员,积极参加国际航空模型竞赛活动,并取得了优异的成绩。在国内,经常举行全国性和地方性的航空模型竞赛,以推动航空模型活动和普及航空科学知识。 航模知识简介 航空模型运动是以操纵、放飞自制或装配的模型航空器进行户外活动、训练比赛或创纪录飞行的一项科技性较强的运动。 现代航空模型运动分为自由飞行、线操纵、无线电遥控、仿真和电动等五大类。 按动力方式又分为:活塞发动机、喷气发动机、橡筋动力模型飞机和无动力的模型滑翔机等。航空模型的最大升力面积500平方分米;最大重量25千克;活塞发动机最大工作容积250毫升。 航空模型的竞赛科目有:留空时间、飞行速度、飞行距离、特技、“空战”等。目前世界锦标赛设有30个项目,隔年举行一次。 航空模型还设有专门记录各项绝对成绩 的纪录项目。目前国际航联共设90项航空模型世界纪航空模型运动的生命力在于它的趣味性和知识性。 亲手制作的矫健雄鹰翱翔蓝天,往往会使青少年产生美好的遐想,激励它们不停的追求,使他们从兴趣爱好走进献身祖国航空事业的理想。参加这项活动还可以学到许多科技知识,培养既善于动脑又善于动手和克服困难勇于进取的优秀品质,促进德智体全面发展。 随着人民物。 6.有关于航模知识 航空模型 航空模型是各种航空器模型的总称。它包括模型飞机和其他模型飞行器。 航空模型活动从一开始就引起人们浓厚的兴趣,而且千百年来长盛不衰,主要原因就在于它在航空事业的发展和科技人才的培养方面起着十分重要的作用。 (1)航空模型是探索飞行奥秘的工具。 人类自古以来就幻想着飞行。昆虫、鸟禽、风吹起树叶和上升的炊烟,都曾引起过人类飞行的遐想。西汉刘安在《淮南子》中记载着后羿的妻子嫦娥偷食了长生药而飞上月宫的美妙故事。这反映了古人对飞行的追求和向往。 在载人的航空器出现之前,人类就创造了许多能飞行的航空模型,不断地探索着飞行的奥秘。距今2000多年前的春秋战国时期,我们的祖先就制作出能飞的木鸟模型。《韩非子》中记载着:“墨子为木鸢,三年而成,飞一日而败。”宋朝李鸢等人编的《太平御览》中也有“张衡尝作木鸟,假以羽翮,腹中施机,能飞数里”的记载。另外,还制作出种类繁多的孔明灯、风筝和竹蜻蜒等。 唐代以后,我国的风筝传到国外,在世界上流传开来。西方有人用风筝做飞行试验,探索制造飞机的可能。美国的莱特兄弟是世界上第一架飞机的制造者,他们的飞机在1903年12月17日试飞成功。他们就是先用大风筝进行种种试验,然后制造出滑翔机,解决了升降、平衡、转弯等问题,最后才把飞机制造成功的。 飞机发明之前,航空模型具有强烈的探索性质,在飞机发明之后,航空模型仍然是研究航空科学的必要工具。每一种新飞机的试制,都要先在风洞里用模型进行试验,甚至连航天飞机这样先进的航空器,也要经过模型试验阶段,取得必要的数据,才能获得成功。 (2)航空模型是很有实用价值的器具。我国汉代就有用风筝测量距离和传递信息的。随着航空模型的发展,特别是无线电遥控模型飞机的日臻完善,航空模型的用途越来越广泛。 例如,可以利用无线电遥控模型飞机作为部队和民兵对空射击训练的靶机。在训练的时候,通过无线电遥控设备控制航模靶机完成直线飞行、转弯、上升、俯冲等飞行动作,甚至在靶机上完成空投降落伞、发射模型火箭、投放炸弹、施放拖靶等特技动作。在实弹射击时候,可以在航模靶机尾部几十米远处拖拽一个彩色靶袋,以靶袋作为目标,避免击毁靶机。 又如,在无线电遥控模型飞机上装上摄影机,就可以对地面进行航空摄影,拍摄一些人们不容易接近的野生动植物,甚至可以拍摄一些危险性很大的惊险镜头或战斗场面等。 另外,可以利用航模飞机携带农药灭虫,利用航模飞机拖一根尼龙线从一个山头到另一个山头,然后换成钢索,进行高山架线。还可以利用航模飞机飞入云层,施放催化剂,进行人工降雨,等等。 (3)航空模型是普及航空知识的玩具。 航空模型活动在普及航空知识、培养航空科技人才方面所起的作用是很大的,许多著名的航空学家,小时候都非常喜爱航空模型。美国的莱特兄弟小时候就爱玩飞螺旋(竹蜻蜓),从而产生对航空事业的浓厚兴趣。美国登月飞船阿波罗11号船长阿姆斯特朗,小时候也酷爱航空模型,他在家里的地下室安装了一个风洞,用来试验自己制作的模型飞机,这无疑对他成为世界上第一个踏上月球的人有着巨大的影响。我国也有许多著名的飞机设计师、火箭设计师、飞行员等,小时候就是航模爱好者。 另外,航空模型还是一种非常吸引人的娱乐玩具。春光明媚,千姿百态的风筝随风飘荡;夏日朗朗,五颜六色的飞盘划出一道道弧线,秋高气爽,各式各样的模型飞机在蓝天中翱翔;冬天恬静,彩色缤纷的热气球冉冉升起。所有这些把人们的生活装点得更加丰富多彩。 在飞机发明之后,航空模型作为普及航空知识的工具和娱乐玩具的作用更加突出。为了推动航空事业的发展,1905年10月,在法国成立了国际航空联合会。它下设国际航空模型委员会,负责制定航空模型竞赛规则,组织国际航空模型竞赛活动。中国是国际航空联合会成员,积极参加国际航空模型竞赛活动,并取得了优异的成绩。在国内,经常举行全国性和地方性的航空模型竞赛,以推动航空模型活动和普及航空科学知识。 7.身边的科学小知识50个 为甚么星星会一闪一闪的? 我们看到星闪闪,这不是因为星星本身的光度出现变化,而是与大气的遮挡有关。 大气隔在我们与星星之间,当星光通过大气层时,会受到大气的密度和厚薄影响。大气不是绝对的透明,它的透明度会根据密度的不同而产生变化。所以我们在地面透过它来看星星,就会看到星星好像在闪动的样子了。 2. 为甚么人会打呵欠? 当我们感到疲累时,体内已产生了许多的二氧化碳。当二氧化碳过多时,必须再增加氧气来平衡体内所需。因为这些残留的二氧化碳,会影响我们身体的机能活动,这时身体便会发出保护性的反应,于是就打起呵欠来。 打呵欠是一种深呼吸动作,它会让我们比平常更多地吸进氧气和排出二气化碳,还做到消除疲劳的作用呢。 3. 为甚么蛇没有脚都能走路? 蛇的身上有很多鳞片,这是它们身上最外面的一层盔甲。鳞片不但用来保护身体,还可以是它们的「脚」。 蛇向前爬行时,身体会呈S形。而每一片在S形外边的鳞片,都会翘起来,帮助蛇前进时抓住不平的路面。这些鳞片跟蛇的肌肉互相配合,并能推动身体向前爬行,所以蛇没有脚也可以走动呀! 4. 为甚么向日葵总是朝着太阳开花 向日葵花盘下面茎部的地方,含有一种叫做「植物生长素」的物质。这物质有加速繁殖的功用,但却具有厌旋光性,每遇到光线时,便会跑到背光的一面去。 所以太阳升起时,向日葵茎部便马上躲到背光的一面去,看起来整棵植物就向着太阳的方向弯曲了。 5. 为甚么人老了头发便会变白? 我们的头发中有一种叫「黑色素」的物质,黑色素愈多头发的颜色便愈黑。而黑色素少的话,头发便会发黄或变白。人类到了老年时,身体的各种机能会逐渐衰退,色素的形成亦会愈来愈少,所以头发也会渐渐变白啊! 6. 为甚么萤火虫会发光? 萤火虫会发光因为在它们的腹部末端有发光器,发光器内充满许多含磷的发光质及发光酵素,使萤火虫能发出一闪一闪的光。 萤火虫发光的目的,除了要照明之外,还有求偶、警戒、诱捕等用途。这也是它们的一种沟通的工具,不同种类萤火虫的发光方式、发光频率及颜色也会不同,它们藉此来传达不同的讯息。 7. 为甚么肚子饿了会咕咕叫? 肚子饿了便会咕噜咕噜地叫,这是因为之前吃进的食物快消化完,胃里虽然空空的,但胃中的胃液仍会继续分泌。这时候胃的收缩便会逐渐扩大,内里的液体和气体便会翻搅起来,造成咕噜咕噜的声音。 下次不要再为肚子咕咕叫而感到尴尬啊
2023-07-23 22:25:311

请问这首英语歌名内容是“啊哦! very trouble"

trouble is a friend
2023-07-23 22:25:404


group members,望采纳
2023-07-23 22:25:483


1.My Dream Vacation Mars is near the earth. I am going to visit Mars in my dream. Wow! It is summer vacation in the year 2060. I am going to take the “Monkey” Space Shuttle to Mars. The stars shine brightly in space. I fly about three hours. I am going to see a red star. Oh! I am going to arrive on Mars. There are many big houses near my space shuttle. Let"s go and have a look! There are many people on the base. Some are playing sports, some are reading books, some are eating food, some are studying space and some are learning Chinese. I am going to the coffee house to drink some coffee. I am going to feel very well. I am going to spend a happy summer vacation. 2.My Dream Vacation My dream vacation is stay from the Hawaii. And I think it"s the best time to going to the Hawaii, when we are in the winter vacation. I are going to there by plane. Yeah, I just can by plane to there. I going to Hawaii is to spend one"s holidays. So I plan to stay there for a week. I think I will stay in a hotel near the beach. I planing to swimming, have a sun bathing, play the volleball with the other passenger, diving to watch the lovely fishes and have a good sleeping on the beach. So I think I needn"t to take many money. Maby about 625 USD. I need to take the swimsuit and some cloths.
2023-07-23 22:25:571


1.珠穆朗玛Mountain Everest ;8844.43m 2.马里亚纳海沟Mariana Treach ; in the west of Pacific;11034m 3.尼罗河The Nile river;6695km 4.384401; 56 million km; Sun(96 million miles) 5.6371(地球平均半径) 6.外核Outer Core: 4000℃-5000℃ 内核Inner Core:5000℃-6000℃ 7.赤道The equator ; 40075km 8.over 20 miles/h ; over 800 miles/h ; 17600 miles/h PS:star是恒星的意思 8是问有多快!看英语书去.是课本上的题吧...
2023-07-23 22:26:065


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别像超女一样写错别字,是神舟六号1.On October 17, after China carries the human aerospace year airship"god boat" six to continue the divine land five successes returns, theload bearing two astronautics heroes succeed once more the return,China become continues US, after Soviet Union, third has the abilityload bearing multi- people to enter the outer space the country.Enters the outer space, since is long-cherished wish which thehumanity always has longed for even in dreams!2.BEIJING, Oct. 17 (Xinhua) -- The re-entry capsule of China"s Shenzhou-6 spacecraft, carrying taikonauts Fei Junlong and Nie Haisheng, landed on earth safely at 4:33 a.m. Monday, marking a "complete success" of China"s second manned space mission after it put the first Chinese national in space two years ago. Chinese top legislator Wu Bangguo declared China"s second manned space mission a "complete success," claiming it a "milestone" in China"s space technology development and its space experiments with human participation. "The successful mission is of great significance for elevating China"s prestige in the world, promoting China"s economic, scientific and national defense capabilities and consolidating thenational cohesiveness," he said at the Beijing Aerospace Command and Control Center. Both taikonauts are "in fine conditions," doctors said after physical checkup upon landing. They landed just 1 km away from the preset spot after a 115-hour-and-32-minute spaceflight, which was more than five times that of China"s maiden manned spaceflight twoyears ago. Fei and Nie stepped down a ladder from the capsule by themselves, and were seated for a bouquet of flowers and to get used to Earth"s gravity. "We feel fine," said all-smile Fei. Nie thanked all the Chinesepeople for their "concern and support." Both waved flowers to theexcited welcoming crowd. They were later fed with chocolate, Chinese herbal tea. Nie seemed in a very good appetite and took a bowl of instant noodle, before the two men were flown by two Super Puma helicopters to a nearby airport where they will head for Beijing by a special plane. The space mission have gripped the sight of the whole nation inthe past five days. "We can have a final laughter," beaming Liu Yu, commanding chief of the rocket system told Xinhua. "It was a mission perfectly fulfilled." Television pictures showed parents of the two taikonauts burst into tears when they saw their sons emerging from the spacecraft early Monday morning. Chinese president Hu Jintao were present at the Beijing Aerospace Command and Control Center to watch the lift-off on Wednesday and talked with taikonauts on Saturday. Chinese premier Wen Jiabao was at the launch site to see off the two men with bestwishes before the launch. Luckily, Nie spent his 41st birthday in space and received a phone call from his wife and daughter. The joyful daughter"s sweet song "Happy Birthday to You" has warmed the hearts of millions of Chinese television viewers. Fei and Nie blasted off Wednesday morning on China"s second manned space mission. Before landing, Shenzhou-6 have been racing around the Earth one circle in every 90 minutes 343 km above the Earth at a speed of 7.9 km per second. It flew 3.25 million kilometers in space. Fei and Nie have conducted a series of unprecedented experiments on the spacecraft, including the maneuvers between the orbital and re-entry capsules, taking on and off space suits, using space toilet and the self-test of blood pressure. During China"s maiden space flight in 2003, lone astronaut YangLiwei never left his seat in the re-entry capsule nor take off hisspace suit. That space mission has made China the third country toput human into space following Russia and the United States.
2023-07-23 22:27:012


Life in the Future未来生活I imagine a lot about lives in the future.I think two words can summarize my imagination.The first word is fast.In the future,we will have more quickly transportation means.Now matter how far we go,it takes only a short time.With the development of science and technology,we can travel to the moon,Mars or somewhere outer space.People may can live in other planets.The second word is convenient.Because of the fast development of our society,many work can be done by computers or even robots.Lots of things are fully automated.Humans just need to give some simple instructions to complete complecated tasks.我对未来生活充满了想象.我认为可以用两个词来概括我的想象.第一个词是快速.将来,我们会拥有更快的交通方式.不管我们去得多远,它总能在短时间内把我们带到目的地.随着科学技术的发展,我们可以到月球,火星或者其他外太空旅游.人们也许可以在其他星球居住.第二个词是便利.由于社会的快速发展,很多工作可以用电脑或者机器人来完成.很多东西都是全自动的.人们只需要提供一些简单的指令来完成复杂的任务.或Future Life未来生活With the development of science and technology,our lives have changed a lot in the past century.Many things that wouldn"t happen before have come into reality now.Therefore,our lives will change as well in the future.Our pace of live will greatly speed up,because we will help many machines to finish our work.Many things can be done autonomously.Therefore,people will have more time for fun.People can travel the outer space freely.Space shuttle can bring people to planets far from the earth.Besides,our environment will be much better than now,because some effective measures are taken to protect the environment.Earth is still a beautiful home for human.随着科技的发展,上个世纪我们的生活发生了很大改变.很多以前不可能发生的事现在都成为了现实.因此,我们将来的生活也会改变.我们的生活节奏会大大加快,因为我们会让很多机器帮我们完成工作.很多事情都可以自动完成.这样人们就有更多时间来玩了.人们可以自由到外太空旅游.航天飞机可以把人们带到远离地球的行星上.此外,我们的环境会比现在好,因为我们可以采取一些有效措施来保护环境.地球仍旧是人类的美好家园.
2023-07-23 22:27:111


归纳法的一种为提出一个带条件的结论, 即: 若A 成立, 则B成立.这种结论的形式为 "A 导致 B". 假设有一个正在专心读书的女生(比如 战争与和平 ), 然后再假设我不停的挠她痒痒, 把她逗地咯咯直笑. 如果我得出结论:"我挠她痒痒导致她咯咯笑", 那么我在暗示三件事:1. A 发生的时间比 B早. 挠她痒痒在先, 她咯咯笑在后.注意; 我们可不能假设正是由于A发生的比B早, A就导致了B,因为这样就得出了POST HOC E这样的谬论(参看Propter Hoc 即假性因果 这一节),例如, 假设我患有久咳,而好的那天正好有航天飞船发射升空, 不能因此而推断发射航天飞船就是治好我久咳的原因.2. A 是 B 的充分条件.要让她咯咯笑, 挠她痒痒就行. 而且我挠后她确实笑了.3. A 是 B 的必要条件.在这种情况下, 挠她痒痒是逗她笑的必要手段.
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Since 1957 the former Soviet Union launched the world"s first artificial Earth satellite, the former Soviet Union and the United States based on the multiple background of the times, carry out competition in the aerospace field, and both astronauts to the moon as a stage victory signs. In subsequent years, the former Soviet Union and Russia in manned spaceflight and the exploration of deep space on the left and many indelible imprint. In order to achieve a lunar landing, the former Soviet Union in the 20th century to the late 1950s to the 1960s, Moon launched a number of unmanned aerial vehicles, for the first time in the world unmanned spacecraft carrying animals from Central flying back to the moon camera to probe the lunar surface soft landing, and developed more than lunar rover. But aerospace experts in the former Soviet Union used to launch lunar spacecraft design a rocket differences: chief designer of the Soviet space Korolev advocated the use of new type of rocket "H1", Qieluomei spacecraft designers and others advocated the "Proton" rocket improvements. The pilot of the two rockets were not successful, a delay of the Soviet lunar landing time. Meanwhile, the United States launched the "Apollo" program, launched by about 300,000 staff, has cost about 25.5 billion US dollars, in 1968, the first manned spacecraft of the moon flight. In 1969, American astronauts on "Apollo 11" spacecraft, the first lunar landing, in which the United States win a race. The setbacks experienced former Soviet Union, began right then used to launch lunar spacecraft "H1" rocket conducted four tests, but all these efforts failed. In 1976 the Soviet Union finally gave up manned lunar flight plan. In the subsequent development of the space shuttle, the former Soviet Union than the United States seven years later, in 1988, launched the "Buran" shuttle 自从1957年原苏联发射了世界上第一颗人造地球卫星,原苏联和美国便基于当时的多重时代背景,在航天领域展开竞赛,并都把宇航员送上月球作为取得阶段性胜利的标志。在以后的岁月中,原苏联和俄罗斯在载人航天、深空探测之路上又留下了诸多不可磨灭的印记。 为了实现登月,原苏联曾在20世纪50年代末至整个60年代向月球发射了多个无人飞行器,在世界上首次实现无人航天器携带动物环月飞行、为月球背面拍照、使探测器在月球表面软着陆,并研制出多辆月球车。但原苏联航天专家在用于发射月球飞船的运载火箭设计上出现分歧:原苏联航天总设计师科罗廖夫主张采用新型火箭“H1”,而航天设计师切洛梅等人主张对“质子”型运载火箭进行改进。对两种火箭的试验均未成功,耽误了原苏联登月的时间。与此同时,美国启动了“阿波罗”计划,发动了约30万工作人员,先后耗资约255亿美元,抢先于1968年实现了载人飞船绕月飞行。1969年,美国宇航员乘坐“阿波罗11”号飞船率先登月,使美国在这一轮竞赛中胜出。 经历这一挫折的原苏联,此后又陆续对用于发射月球飞船的“H1”运载火箭进行了4次试验,但均告失败。1976年原苏联终于放弃了月球载人飞行计划。在随后的航天飞机开发方面,原苏联比美国晚了7年半,于1988年发射了“暴风雪”号航天飞机
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麦扣 的英文怎么拼写 好象是一个名字

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The Space Shuttle Columbia broke into pieces over Texas as it returned to the earth on February...

B? 现在分词短语作结果状语。?
2023-07-23 22:29:181

人教版 八年级英语 单词表

一样的遭遇,完全相同。Module 1 diary n.日记;日记簿 translate vt.翻译; vi.翻译; translation n.翻译; complete adj.完全的;完成的vt.完成;使圆满 copy vt.复制;誊写n.副本;拷贝; correct adj.正确的;恰当的; vt.纠正;校正; number n.号码;数字 repeat n.重复;反复vt.重做;重复;vi.重复 advice n. v.;忠告;;建议; write down 写下来;记下来; first of all 首先;第一 else adj.别的;其他的ad.别的;另外的 mistake n.错误;误会vi.犯错;误认vt.误解;弄错 notebook n.笔记本; put down 镇压;记录;放下; group n.小组;团体; newspaper n.报纸; radio n.无线电;收音机; improve vt.改善; vi. 改善 other adj.别的;其他的; think of 思考;考虑;设想;想起 shy n.惊跳;惊避adj.胆怯的;羞怯的 wish n.希望;愿望; vt.希望;祝愿vi.希望 piece n.碎片;;一张;一片;一块;一支;一件;一条;一首… count vt.计数; vi.数 while conj.当…时候;和…同时;;然而;n.一段时间;一会儿 yourself pron.你自己; think about 考虑; fun n.乐趣;玩笑;娱乐vi.开玩笑 article n.文章;;冠词 ; deep adj.深的; breath n.呼吸;气息; lock vt.锁;锁上; vi.锁住; Module 2 experience n.经验;经历; vt.经验; ever ad.;曾经; competition n.比赛;竞争 take off 起飞;移开; prize n.奖金;奖品; fantastic adj.;极好的 form n.;表格; another adj.另外的;再一; send vt.送给;寄;派遣;发射; vi.寄信;派人; win vt.赢得;打胜; vi.获胜;fly n.苍蝇; vi.飞;飞翔; vt.飞;飞越; *enjoy oneself* 玩得很愉快 centre n.中心; hot adj.热的;;辣的; *the other day* 另一天,几天前 sell vt.卖; vi.卖;销售 sell out 卖完; *again and again* 再三地,反复地 yet ad.conj.;已经; western adj.西方的; cabin steward 客舱乘务员 passenger 乘客 Module 3 message n.消息 Earth n.地球;泥土; just ad.刚刚;恰好; hear vt.听见;vi.听见; hear about 听说;听到过 several adj.几; pron.几个 month n.月;一 discover vt.发现;vi.有所发现 recently ad.新近;最近 planet n.行星 alone ad.单独地;;只有 also ad.也; part n.部分; light n.光;灯;adj.轻的; beyond prep.超出…的范围 even ad.甚至; secret n.秘密; Mars n.火星;战神 unmanned adj.;无人居住的 billion num.10亿 scientist n科学家 space shuttle 太空船 mission n使命,任务 galaxy n星系 universe n宇宙 solar system 太阳系Module 4 nearly ad.;几乎;差不多 language n.语言; since ad.自那时以后prep.;自…以来conj.;自…以来 sound n.声音 link v.听起来 still ad.仍然 describe vt.描绘;描写; point n.点; drop out of school 退学,辍学 drop vt.滴下;落下; vi.滴下;落下; n.落下; important adj.重要的; *ill* adj.生病的 look after ;照管;照料 project n.项目;方案; raise vt.升起;举起; area n.区域; abroad ad.到国外;在海外; lucky adj.幸运的; luckily ad.幸运地; pay vt.支付;偿还;vi.付款;偿还 hear of 听说;得悉 perhaps ad.也许;大概 pet n.宠物;Module 5 pop n.流行乐曲; lively adj.活泼的;活跃的; sad adj.悲哀的;悲痛的; serious adj.严肃的; of course 当然;自然;毫无疑问 now and then 有时;不时;偶尔 prefer v.宁愿;更喜欢; fan n.风扇;迷 all the time 始终;总是; guitar n.吉他 violin n.小提琴 die vi.死亡; vt.死 together ad.共同;一起; maybe ad.也许;大概 type n.类型;样式; vi.打字 classical adj.古典的;古典主义的 blues n.;布鲁斯舞曲 jazz n.爵士乐; musician n.音乐家; ;作曲家 not only….. but also 不但….而且Module 6 dozen n.一打;十二个 dozens of 几十个;数十个; all kinds of 各种各样的*out of breath* 上气不接下气,气喘吁吁 watch; vt.看;注视; vi.观看 fall n.秋天;落下;瀑布 vi.倒下;落下; hole n.;洞; tired adj.疲劳的;累的; nothing int.什么也没有;无 twice ad.两次;两倍 conversation n.会话; suddenly ad.突然;忽然 pink adj.粉红的 by prep.靠;用;通过;乘坐;由;被; pocket n.口袋; across prep.横穿; field n.,田地; Module 7 feeling n.感情;心情;;感觉 smell n.味道;vt.闻; vi.嗅 delicious adj.美味的 sour adj.酸的; soup n.汤; taste n.味道;品味;味觉; vt.尝; salty adj.有盐分的;咸味浓的 lovely adj.可爱的; feel vi.;感觉; vt.感觉; angry adj.发怒的; noise n.噪音; pass v.通过;传递;及格; n.通行证;护照; fresh adj.新鲜的 matter n.U物质;vi.有关系;要紧 worried adj.担忧的 sweater n.毛衣; soft adj.软的; smart adj.漂亮的;穿着整齐的; seem vi.好像;似乎;看来好像*get along with* 和某人相处 polite adj.有礼貌的; warm adj.暖和的; face to face 面对面; stare vi.注视;凝视; vt.盯 rude adj.粗鲁无礼的; *shake hands* 握手 brown adj.棕色的; dark adj.黑暗的; fair adj.公平的; glasses n.眼镜 real adj.;真实的;实际的; Module 8 left n.左;adj.左边的; ad.在左面 market n.市场; bank n.岸;;银行 supermarket n.超级市场; corner n.角落; opposite adj.对面的prep.在…的对面 between prep.在之间; station n.车站; along prep.沿着;顺着ad.往前;一直向前 right adj.正确的 n.adj.右边; tour n.旅游; square n.正方形;广场; painting n.油画;水彩画 clear vt.清除;扫清adj.清晰的; palace .宫;宫殿; tower n.塔; shelf n.架子;搁架 medicine n.药; bakery n.面包店Module 9 whale n.鲸 orange adj.橘色的 ; n.柑橘;桔子;橘汁 cousin n.堂兄弟姊妹; talk n.谈话; vi.;谈话 danger n.危险; protect vt.防卫;保护; kill vt.杀死;弄死; vi.杀死; problem n.问题;难题 grow vi.生长;成长;渐渐变得vt.种植;栽培 result n.结果; dirty adj.脏的; peace n.和平; right away 马上; government; research n.研究; vi.研究; mainly ad.主要地;大概 live on 以…维持生命;靠…生活; nature n.自然;自然界; reserve n.预备品;贮存; vt.保留 turtle n.海龟 as a result 因此;结果*best-known* adj. 流传久远的 pollute vt.污染;败坏;弄脏 symbol n象征Module 10 offer vt.提供; agree vi.同意;赞成; vt.同意 almost ad.几乎;差不多 impossible adj.不可能的; excellent adj.优秀的;卓越的;极好的 take place 发生; during prep.在…期间; lose vt.;丢失;迷路;输去; fall in love 爱上 performance n.履行;;表演; teahouse n.茶馆 customer n.顾客;主顾; audience n.听众;观众; *folk music* n.民间音乐Module 11 temperature n.温度;气温; cloud n.云; shower n.阵雨;淋浴;vi.淋浴;下阵雨vt.淋湿; ice cream n.冰淇淋 probably ad.可能;大概;或许 wet adj.湿的;潮的; depend vi.依靠;依赖; sure adj.确信的; might v.aux.可能;也许 dry adj.干的; vt.把…弄干vi.变干 best of all 最好的是 country n.国家;乡村; camera n.照相机; umbrella >>n.伞; pleasant adj.愉快的; wear vt.穿着;戴着; freezing adj.冰冻的; *from time to time* 有时,偶尔 shine vi.照耀;发光vt.使光亮; a great deal 很多;大量; swimsuit n.游泳衣 compared to 与…相比Module 12 chess n.象棋;国际象棋 soap n.肥皂; chopsticks n.筷子 purse n.钱包; video n.视频;录像 must >>v.aux.必须 immediately ad.立刻;刚;立即 someone pron.有人;某人 at once 立刻;马上; accept vt.接受; both pron.;两者都;*do some cleaning* 打扫 anything pron.什么事;无论什么事;一切 traveller n.旅行者 rule n.规则; side n.边;面; bicycle >>n.自行车;脚踏车 instead ad.;替代 example n.实例;模范;榜样 for example 例如; find out 找出;查明; litter n.垃圾;杂乱 cover n.盖子;封面; vt.覆盖;vi.覆盖就这些
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+ed some +y done space ship +ly +ed 不变 subject 最后个是啥.近义词是travel
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这句话是对的 意思是 在什么时候、什么地方建造新工厂还没有决定
2023-07-23 22:29:442


1976 DNC Keynote Address1976年民主党全国代表大会主讲1984 Democratic National Convention Keynote Address 1984年民国党全国代表大会主讲A Time for Choosing选择的时代Acres of Diamonds收获钻石Address to the Greater Houston Ministerial Association 在大休斯顿部长协会的演说Checkers象棋(这里没有上下文只能这样翻译)I am a "Berliner"我是“柏林人”Inaugural Address 就职学说Speech Accepting the Nobel Prize in Literature 接受诺贝尔文学奖时的演讲Statement on the Articles of Impeachment(芭芭拉乔丹)就弹劾条款发表的声明The Ballot or the Bullet选票还是子弹The Evil Empire 罪恶的帝国The Great Arsenal of Democracy民主的伟大武器The Great Silent Majority伟大沉默的多数党The Space Shuttle Challenger Tragedy Address 挑战号航天飞机悲剧演讲We Shall Overcome我们定会占胜困难
2023-07-23 22:30:032

21世纪大学实用英语综合教程第三册UNIT 8 课文A翻译

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求初二英语外研版单词 上册 单词表

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在工程师与哲学家、律师、社会学家以及对职业伦理感兴趣群体的合作推动下,工程伦理学取得很大进展,研究了大量的工程伦理问题,澄清了核心的概念,论证了特定的伦理观点,并促使美国工程伦理学呈现出新特点和新趋势,主要表现三个方面: 工程师伦理问题是研究的基础和重点。许多学者从多种角度分析并探究工程师的道德困境。总体来看大致分为三个方面:第一是工程师与伦理的关系问题,虽然人们越来越重视工程中出现的伦理问题,但是许多工程师依然对伦理问题关注不够。肯奈滋 K 哈姆佛瑞(Kenneth K. Humphreys)结合工程师在日常生活所面临的伦理问题,指出工程师的伦理困境以及工程职业的伦理规范和伦理行为的法律必要性。[5]艾德姆德 西巴尔(Edmund G. Seebauer)和罗伯特 拜瑞(Robert L. Barry)则认为必须明确在工程中道德问题的复杂性和道德责任,而工程师所面对的大部分道德议题都是来自于利益冲突,雇主与雇员的关系,环境意识,以及技术对人们的影响等,这些伦理问题也是不同的。[6]第二是工程师的责任问题,特别社会责任问题成为关注的焦点。自从19世纪60年代以后,掀起了一场“ 社会责任运动”,并席卷了美国整个职业。作为发明创造的工程师更是由后台被推向了前台,成为社会责任的主要载体,而倍受瞩目。爱迪温 T 莱顿(Edwin T. Layton)认为这不仅是工程职业的问题,而且是在合作的社会中寻求尊严和自由,更是现代社会一个普遍深入的主题。广大群体如科学家、管理者、工程师以及其他公众也担负社会责任,才能使工程职业健康的发展。[7]技术哲学家斯代芬 H.恩格尔(Stephen H. Unger )指出对于技术的后果,应用和发展技术的人应该负有责任。工程师对于技术的后果负有责任,并且他们的任务之一要告知公众技术的可能结果;同时工程师作为一名雇员,缺少对履行任务所负道德责任的自治,所以需要管理部门、法院法律、工程协会来协调和处理这些问题。[8]但直到今天关于工程师的社会责任问题,依然是工程伦理学持续探讨的一个话题。第三是关于工程师的角色冲突问题。在工程活动中,工程师角色是复杂的、多重的,作为雇员的工程师与作为管理者的工程师,对于风险、安全、忠诚的认识是完全不同的。亨利 派超斯基(Henry Petroski)认为工程师角色不是单纯地工程设计者,还有多种社会角色,其活动受到其他多种因素的影响和制约,所以,对于工程师应该做什么的理解需要把握工程师相关角色的关系。 [9]而关于于工程师未来角色定位,美国国家科学院、国家工程院在《2020年的工程师:新世纪工程学发展的远景》指出工程师应该成为:受全面教育的人,有全球公民意识的人,在商业和公众事务中有领导能力的人,有伦理道德的人。工程伦理教育是工程伦理学发展的途径,是培养工程师伦理道德的重要手段,并在一定程度上推动美国工程伦理建制化发展。1985年,工程与技术认证委员会(the Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology,ABET)要求美国的工程院校,必须把培养学生“工程职业和实践的伦理特征的认识”作为接受认证的一个条件。2000年,工程与技术认证委员会制定更为具体的方针,当前工程院校正在按照这些方针来操作。但是工程伦理学教育也面临着三方面挑战:第一,工程伦理学的学习如何被理所当然地整合进工科学生所需要的必修课程目录中?第二种挑战,应由谁来教授工程伦理学?第三个挑战,工程伦理学的教学和研究目标是什么?而与这些挑战相关,罗伯特 迈基(Robert E. McG)采取问卷调查发现,对于工程学生进行工程中伦理问题相关的教育与现代工程实践的现实之间存在着重大的鸿沟。而广大学生的期望,即在他们将来的工程职业中所出现的伦理问题,却与普遍应用于工程课堂中的工程伦理问题以及在课堂外频繁遇到的伦理问题很难是相同的。这也促成了一个广泛传播并公开声称的信条 ——更好地成为一个好的工程职业者,而不是成为一个负有道德和社会责任感的工程职业者。而对于实践工程师而言,在最重要的非技术内容上观点是存在分歧的,这也给工程伦理学教师和其他工程教育者带来了严峻的挑战。 [12]工程协会的历史研究,有助于加强工程协会的认识,理解工程专业规范的变化过程,推动伦理规范内容成熟和完善。20世纪80年代在各大工程社团资金的资助下,许多学者对于工程社团的历史进行了专题研究。米切尔 迈克迈龙(Michal McMahon)研究了“新专业主义”,发现电气和电子工程师协会(the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers IEEE)最重要的核心内容之一,指出科学与技术制度化历史中的新方向,在电子工程内部和技术发展的境域中说明社会和职业的变革;布如斯森克莱(Bruce Sinclair)叙述了美国机械工程师协会(the American Society of Mechanical Engineers ASME)的百年历史[14];艾莱克斯 罗兰德(Alex Roland)阐述了关于国家航空顾问协会(the National Advisory Committee on Aeronautics NACA)(国家航空和宇宙航行局(National Aeronautics and Space Administration NASA)的前身)管理和政治的批判历史[15];特瑞 莱纳德斯(Terry S Reynolds)描写了美国化学工程师协会(the American Institution of Chemical Engineers AIChE)历史,提出美国化学工程师协会与环境以及公共政策关系的议题[16]。由于是职业协会赞助,所以他们的历史很少关注到社会责任和伦理,最多也只是工程协会历史中的一小部分,但却有利于促进职业协会制度化发展。 自工程伦理学产生以来,一直有两种研究方法处于主导地位。一种方法是典型真实事件的案例研究方法,著名案例如挑战者号失事、三哩岛核泄露、福特斑马轿车问题等。比较全面以案例来展开研究的是罗萨 B 品库斯等人(Rosa Lynn B. Pinkus)以美国航天飞机主体发动机(the main engine of the space shuttle SSME)的决策、设计、制造为案例,通过跨学科分析其涉及到不确定性和风险的评估,强调工程师是如何识别、表达和解决复杂的伦理难题。并指出三个最基本原则:能力(competence)、责任(responsibility)和西塞罗(Cicero)的第二信条(“保证公众的安全”)作为一个分析框架来表达和解决在实践中产生的伦理问题。另一种方法是对于涉及到工程实践活动的概念、规范和原则的理论分析。如马丁(Mike W. Martin)等就利用如功利主义、权利伦理与义务伦理、美德伦理等基本伦理理论,分析并探讨工程中常见的风险与安全、责任与权利、诚实与欺骗等概念,指出他们的伦理内涵和价值指向。[18]戴维斯(Davis)等人也做出有影响的理论分析工作。这两种“描述性案例研究”与“理论分析研究”是韦伯(Weberian)的“理想模式”,这样一种模式可以在一定范围内聚焦其反面观点。当然这两种方法并不互相排斥,反而有走向融合的趋势,即大量工程伦理案例的描述也进行理论分析,许多工程伦理理论分析研究也利用案例来证明和说明他们的结论。至于说哪种趋向更强主要取决于这两种研究方法在一定的范围内谁更有利于找到结合点 其他研究方法还包括调查研究方法,如罗伯特 迈基通过调查斯坦福大学的工程学生和实践工程师过去五年里所提交的工程伦理问题,发现并指出面向工程伦理主题的多种经验方法的价值。正如理论分析能够阐明具体案例研究的争论,精确和探究的调查工程学生和实践者的观点也同样能够拓宽焦点问题假设。[19]也有少部分学者从语言学角度研究工程伦理学,美国纽约州立大学的J 埃迈图博士(Joe Amato)描述了1944年以来美国工程职业的历史发展,并从本体论角度研究工程设计的理论,在语境中解释了技术。[20]但这种叙述性语境描述也仅仅存在于对历史的考察,在关注现实问题上显得过于空泛。 随着技术发展和工程应用的国际化,工程伦理学研究出现了新的课题和趋势,工程伦理学将反思全球化经济时代围绕技术发展所关涉的所有主要问题。比较突出的包括以下三个方面:第一,关于计算机伦理问题的探讨。计算机与隐私是否造成价值冲突?软件所有权是否应该得到保护?计算机发展所产生的道德责任,是个体责任还是共同责任呢?这些都应该在信息化社会中对“责任”进行探讨。因特网与自由言论问题以及产生的权力关系,涉及到的知识产权问题,计算机导致的失败以及所造成的健康等问题,这些都需要关注和研究。第二,环境伦理问题的倍受关注,工程伦理学把环境伦理作为研究重要内容之一。马丁通过对于工程、生态与经济关系的考察,分析了人类中心主义伦理、非人类中心主义伦理、生态中心主义伦理、经济中心主义伦理的伦理框架,指出环境伦理必须与个体的反思联系起来,并制定负有责任的社会政策与计划。 威斯林德(P. Aarne Vesilind)则提出工程师应当如何在增加人类财富与破坏环境之间求得某种平衡?在面对潜在的环境问题时,在什么情况下工程师应当为客户保密呢? 哈里斯等人从工程规范与环境出发,分析了职业工程对于环境的责任范围,提出了两个折中的建议。同时专业伦理规范也开始加入保护环境责任的内容,如美国土木工程师协会的伦理规范,就既要求提高人类的福利,还要求保护环境。但是环境问题依然是任重而道远。第三,对于工程应用的国际问题关注。跨国公司对于技术转移所产生的国际权利问题,以及武器发展与保护工业问题,这些都是军事领域与和平研究的道德问题。[27]而国际工程职业标准也涉及到超文化规范,跨文化规范在工程活动应用中也产生了伦理问题,如贿赂、索贿、打点、礼物等现象。同时由于工程技术的应用,也产生了世界性贫困等问题,但依然被人们所忽视。
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  I want to grow up astronauts, Why? The reasons are four: First, I think the clothes especially handsome astronaut (Please do not laugh at me oh). I have always liked spacesuit, I drew a lot of paintings do astronauts walk in space. Last seen on television Zhai Zhigang Shenzhou VII from a warehouse that moment, I thought well excited: I said to myself, "They better air Yes, I must do Astronaut!" If he can think of wearing a spacesuit in space walk, then Secondly, I was in kindergarten, began a special love of astronomy, geography book, and especially likes to see the universe of knowledge of science and aerospace album. What I most want to know it? Tell you: I would like to personally complete a national series of rocket space flight Shenzhou mission! Third, I also want to explore the universe"s mysteries, for humanity, a lot of meaningful things. For example, I would like to take the latest space shuttle to see Mercury, Venus, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto, I want to break a mystery, and that is: Are there any solar system tenth planet. I also invented a kind of radios to talk to with this advanced talk directly with the aliens. This is my dream, I must work hard to give me those wishes into reality! Fourth, the pollution of the planet now more and more serious, the human living environment is getting worse. I want to go to outer space, Zhao Zhao, see there are not suitable for human survival of the planet, I want to find a happy home for mankind! I think my dream will be able to achieve! Do you believe it?
2023-07-23 22:31:201


Rocket can carry and launch a satellite into space, and satellites can also safely return, these two results had been achieved for the manned space flight lay a technological foundation. In addition to the obvious economic benefits, the development of manned space flight involving astronomy, medicine, aerodynamics, dozens of subject areas. It will reflect the maturity of a country"s overall technological level is related to a country"s life and death in the space age. Manned space flight has been 42 years of human history (in 1961 the former Soviet Union to achieve the world"s first manned space flight), China"s manned space program was officially launched in 1992, took only seven years after the breakthrough in the space on the highest technical. At 6:30:07 on November 20, 1999, China"s first pilot a spaceship "Shenzhou I" successful initial public offering, China became the United States and Russia have after the world"s first three manned space technology countries. Upon completion of 21 hours of space scientific experiments, after at 3:41 on the 21st successful landing. "Shenzhou" spacecraft successfully launched and recovered to become another milestone in China"s space history. The success of the date of November 21, 1999, from the days of the end of this year, only one month and 9 days. In the seven-year period the number of the calendar day countdown to the astronauts live, many people just want to sleep on the Haohaodeshui. But even such a simple desire to right a lot of people speaking, but also an elusive luxury. In the new war drums, the "Shenzhou II" again underway. Crane was riding rumbled advance of Chinese astronauts in space to be ideal for a nation to race against time! Soon, the second ship spaceship "Shenzhou II" is created, its performance than the "Shenzhou I" more advanced life-support systems to ensure safety and maintain the equipment installation is also much stronger. January 10, 2001 at the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center, flying seven days after the successful return to the ground. This is China"s first unmanned spacecraft. Spacecraft on a micro-gravity environment of space life sciences, space materials, space astronomy and physics experiments and other fields, all kinds of instruments and equipment performance, stability, job properly, has made large amounts of data. With the "Shenzhou" spacecraft on the 1st than the "Shenzhou II" spacecraft system architecture has a new expansion, technical performance has been enhanced, the spacecraft and manned spacecraft technology, the state basically the same. Followed by Shenzhou III spacecraft on March 25, 2002 launch. Spacecraft carrying human metabolic simulator, anthropomorphic dummies physiological signal equipment and body can be quantitatively simulate the astronauts breathing and blood circulation of the important physiological parameters. "Shenzhou" on the 3rd orbital module left in space orbit more than 180 days, successfully conducted a series of space science experiments. December 30, 2002, the "Shenzhou" spacecraft lifted off on the 4th is China"s manned space flight last rehearsal is the manned space program since the implementation of technical requirements for the highest, most all the tested systems, the most difficult one flight test We still face the most severe since the launch of the manned space flight test: a rare cold launch ever, the minimum temperature close to -30 ℃, low-temperature launch conditions over the past 10 ℃, and the launch of the spacecraft has now entered an irreversible state. "Shenzhou" spacecraft on the 4th the last successful launch marked China"s manned space project that no one state has withstood the most comprehensive flight test trials, creating the history of China"s space launch a new record low temperature, but also created the world"s aerospace history Rocket the miracle of low-temperature firing. Academician Liang Sili Chinese space experts said that although the "Shenzhou" spacecraft, launch Bimei, Russia later, but my spaceship from a higher development. "Shenzhou" spacecraft, the orbital module to conduct both stay in orbit for earth observations, but also as a future space rendezvous and docking of an aircraft, is the next space shuttle transportation excellent tool. October 6, the Associated Press released to the world the message: In the upcoming launch of manned spacecraft ago, China announced as early as three years, the lunar satellite into lunar orbit. Code-named "Chang"e Project" of Chinese lunar exploration program started in March of this year, is proceeding smoothly. In another development, if all goes well, 10 years later, the moon will occur the Chinese presence. AD October 15, 2003 was an unusual day, 9 hours, Yang Liwei"s "Shenzhou" V spacecraft in the deafening roar shook the ground in the sky. On this day people around the world have seen the Chinese people fly in space, Yang Liwei. From that day onwards, Haomiao waving the banner of the universe to begin with the Chinese flag. That ship carrying the whole nation of hope "magic boat" gash in China a new space age. AD October 16, 2003 morning 6:23, China"s "Shenzhou V" spaceship take-off 21 hours later, successfully landed in the open grasslands of Inner Mongolia. No footprints of the Chinese people in space history ends here. Flying from the Dunhuang mural came out.我没有神7的材料有的话给我吧。(这是到神5的)鄙视那些复制的人~~~~~
2023-07-23 22:31:281

29.Sally K. Ride, the ________________, was on the ninth

29.Sally K. Ride, the ________________, was on the ninth space shuttle mission. a. ground control b. pilot manager c. first woman d. congressional liaison astronaut选c。first woman
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宇宙飞船Many new aspects of lunar research will be explored by space vehicles.月球研究的许多新方面可用宇宙飞船来探测。-- 英汉 - 辞典例句Spacecraft are vehicles used for flight in outer space.宇宙飞船是用于太空飞行的交通工具。-- 英汉 - 辞典例句Spacecraft have already traveled to other planets.宇宙飞船已游览了别的行星。-- 英汉 - 辞典例句Spaceships make it possible to travel to the moon.宇宙飞船使去月球旅行成为可能。-- 英汉 - 辞典例句The spaceship made a safe landing on the moon.宇宙飞船在月球上安全着陆。-- 英汉 - 辞典例句The advent of aircraft brought with it aeronautical engineering.宇宙飞船的问世导致了航天工程的出现。-- 英汉 - 辞典例句The spacecraft rounded the moon.宇宙飞船环绕月球飞行。-- 英汉 - 辞典例句The spacecraft splashed down in the Pacific.宇宙飞船溅落在太平洋。-- 英汉 - 辞典例句The two spacecraft will link up (with each other) in orbit.两艘宇宙飞船将於轨道上(互相)连接.-- 英汉 - 辞典例句Let" s pretend we" re on the spaceship orbiting round the earth !让我们假装是在沿轨道绕地球运转的宇宙飞船上!-- 英汉 - 辞典例句08 Jukuu 句酷 查看更多例句...海词在线词典 宇宙飞船 [yǔ zhòu fēi chuán]space ship space craft spaceship spacecraft astronautical vehicle detection相关解释:space vehicle aerospacecraft 例句:今日发射宇宙飞船的计画, 因天气恶劣而落空.Bad weather has frustrated plans to launch the spacecraft today.指挥部命令宇宙飞船返回地球.Mission control ordered the spacecraft to return to earth.两艘宇宙飞船将於轨道上(互相)连接.The two spacecraft will link up (with each other) in orbit
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2023-07-23 22:32:262

分析句子成分A satellite that was carried to space aboard the shuttle Discovery 20 y

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can you imagine what the great wall is like____ from the shuttle in space? A to see B

Can you imagine what the great wall is like____ from the shuttle in space?你能想象出从太空飞船上看长城什么样子吗?选B seen,过去分词作状语,。(seen 为过去分词作状语,表"被看",由语境可知,它的逻辑主语必须是长城,而不是"你"。) 如果我还原一下从句你就明白了:Seen from the shuttle in space,the Great wall is very beautiful.提问beautiful就是:What"s the Great Wall like seen from the shuttle in space?然后再把上面这个句子放到Can you imagine ......... ?就是你看到的句子了。再看下面的例子:Seen from the top of the hill,the city looks more beautiful to us. 从山顶看城市,城市显得更漂亮。(seen 为过去分词作状语,表"被看",由语境可知,它的逻辑主语必须是城市,而不是"我们",因为"我们"应主动看城市。) 上面是我的看法,希望对你有帮助,满意请采纳
2023-07-23 22:32:551