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Go ahead的意思

2023-07-23 22:08:46
TAG: ad he go head

go ahead

开始, 前进, 领先


Go ahead!

去吧! (或,说吧!)

We feel you should go ahead.


Go ahead and do what you like.



Go ahead 有很多意思,要根据上下文来定。如:

1.Go ahead. Quick!


2.waiting for the go-ahead from the control tower


3.Despite the bad weather the fete will go ahead.


4.You can go ahead and start the engine now.


5.Go straight ahead and turn left at the second crossing


6.Used to command a horse to go ahead or go at a faster pace.


7.go ahead; the train moved ahead slowly; the boat lurched ahead; moved onward into the forest; they went slowly forward in the mud.


8.Go ahead and practise. Nobody will laugh at you.


9.Go ahead with your story; we are all ears.


10.Go straight ahead , please ... Look , these are your rooms.







1. 先走2. 取得进展








Go ahead!

去吧! (或,说吧!)




go ahead什么意思

相当于咱们中文中说的: 继续的意思
2023-07-23 19:24:242

Go ahead 是什么意思?

开始, 前进, 领先去吧
2023-07-23 19:24:344

go ahead 与carry on 的区别??

go ahead 可以指刚开始做某事,也可以指做一件事中断后又接着做;carry on主要意在坚持继续做某事。
2023-07-23 19:25:333

go ahead 和go straight 的区别打酱油的别废话

go ahead 英 [ɡu0259u u0259u02c8hed] 美 [ɡo u0259u02c8hu025bd] v. 前进 vt.& vi. 走在前面;先走 ; 发生;进行 1.着手;开始做If someone goes ahead with something, they begin to do it or make it, especially after planning, promising, or asking permission to do it. 1.The district board will vote today on whether to go ahead with the plan. 地区理事会将于今天投票决定是否开始实施这一计划.2. 短语动词进行;开展If a process or an organized event goes ahead, it takes place or is carried out. The event will go ahead as planned in Sheffield next summer这项活动将按计划于明年夏天在谢菲尔德举行.1.The council has given the go-ahead to start building.委员会已批准破土动工. 2. It is unclear whether the meeting will go ahead as planned. 会议是否会如期举行还不清楚. 3. You just go ahead and I"ll catch up later. 你先走一步,我随后赶来. 4. We all urged him to go ahead with his plan. 我们都鼓励他实施他的计划. 5. If you insist on leaving now, please go ahead. 你一定要走,那就请便吧. 6. Food and fodder should go ahead of troops and horses. 兵马未动,粮草先行. 7. The dappled horse now began to go ahead. 花斑马开始领先了. 8. Thank you, I"ve eaten already. You go ahead. 谢谢,我已经先偏了,您请自己吃吧. 9. Just go ahead boldly with your work. 你放手干吧. 10. You go ahead, and we"ll follow on. 你先走,我们随后就到. 11. Go ahead by all means. 你只管干下去. 12. Please go ahead. I won"t be a minute. 请头里走,我马上就来. 13. Go ahead! There"s nothing to be afraid of. 干吧!没有什么可怕的. 14. All right, just go ahead. 对,就这么办. 15. All right! Just go ahead. 得,就这么办. 16. Go ahead. Quick! Shoot! 快上,投篮! 17. When the conditions exist, go ahead; when they don"t exist, then create them and go ahead. 有条件要上, 没有条件,创造条件也要上. 18. Pay attention to traffic safety; slow down, look around and then go ahead. 一慢二看三通过. 19. As soon as those in authority give us the okay, we can go ahead with the project.只要负责人一签字认可,我们就能继续进行这项工程. 20. The municipal authorities gave the go-ahead for the march. 市政当局批准了这次游行. go straight 英 [ɡu0259u streit] 美 [ɡo stret] v. 笔直走,正直做人 Go straight on until you come to a large white building. 一直往前,直到你到了一所白色的大房子. 2. Just go straight forward and you"ll find the post office. 邮局就在前边. 3. Go straight on until you come to a large building. 一直往前走,直到你走到一座大楼. 4. Bathers would go straight from the hot room to take a cold plunge. 游泳者从闷热的房间里走出来就直接跳进冷水. 5. Go straight up this street. You"ll see it on the right. 这条街直走.在你的右手边会看到. 6. "Got to go straight home, have you?" “你得直接回家,是吗? 7. Go straight on untill you come to a large red building.一直往前,走到一幢高大的红色建筑物为止. 8. Go straight ahead and turn left at the second crossing. 一直往前走,在第二个十字路口往左拐. 9. Don"t diverge from the main path,but go straight through the wood. 不要偏离大道,一直穿过树林. 10. Go straight down the road and then turn left. 沿着这条路一直走,然后左转. 11. Go straight down the road until you come to the Post Office. 顺着这条路一直走到邮局为止. 12. Go straight ahead and turn right at the third crossing. 一直往前走,在第三个十字路口往右拐. 13. Sure. Go straight ahead and you"ll walk into it. 当然,往前直走,你就可走进电梯间了. 14. The light does not go straight, but is deflected. 光并不是沿直线通过的,而是被弯曲了的. 15. Nothing can go straight to a subject. 任何事情都不能单刀直入. 16. Go straight on for two miles. 一直走两英里. 17. Go straight on and you"ll see a church. 一直走下去你便可以看到一座教堂. 18. You will go straight ahead. 你们将长驱直入. 19. He will go straight to heaven. 他将一步登天. 20. Go straight round the corner. 径直绕过那个拐角.
2023-07-23 19:25:541

go ahead与go on有什么区别? 强烈鄙视你啊,一楼的,居然摆渡上解释抄下来,傻子啊你

go ahead::口语,意思是去做吧 go on:用于书面语,意思是继续,坚持
2023-07-23 19:26:021

go ahead with既有“开始做”,又有“继续干”的意思,这是不是矛盾?

2023-07-23 19:26:113

go ahead的意思是什么?如何使用?

2023-07-23 19:26:286

英语,关于GO ahead的用法

2023-07-23 19:26:469

go ahead 用法

直接用不太合适。同意某人“尽管往前做”,可以说You may proceed (with...), or Please move on to the next step. 请进行下一步操作。如果对方征求你的意见,询问是否可以继续,而你表示同意说的话,可以用Please go ahead。比如:Can I move on? Yes, go ahead . May I ask you a question? Sure, go ahead (and ask).
2023-07-23 19:27:132


  go-ahead  [英][u02c8gu0259u028au0259u02cched][美][u02c8ɡou0259u02cchu025bd]  adj.前进着的; 进取的; 有冒险精神的; 可通行的;  n.前进,进步; 放行信号; 进取心; 活力,精力;  Don"t do any major repair work until you get the go-ahead from your insurers.  除非经保险公司同意,否则不要进行任何大修。
2023-07-23 19:27:201

go ahead 是森莫意思额?

“Go ahead, please.”根据情景有不同的意思。 例如: 两个人同时正要走进一个只能一人进出的门口,这时一个人说:“Go ahead, please.”意思是让另一位先进去。翻译成中文可以说“你请先”或“请你先走”; 两个人同时伸手正要拿一样东西,这时一个人说:“Go ahead, please.”意思是让另一位先拿。翻译成中文可以说“请你先拿”或“你请先用”。 这些是在美国经常可见到的情景。 你提问里的对话: ---Would you mind if I borrow your bike? ---Go ahead,please. 在这里“Go ahead, please.”的意思是应允。翻译成中文可以说“你尽管用吧”或“没问题,你用吧”。这句话通常用起来是比较随意的,它里面的“please”,一般没有我们中国人说“请”那么正规。 另外的那些问题,都是客气地征求人家意见的意思,前面几位已经解答得很好,在这就不重复了。 我不是太清楚你想再了解些什么,只就一些中国学生常见的问题再说一点。 Would you mind if I + v +...? 和 Would you mind not + v-ing +...? 这两种句型很常用,但 Would you mind my + v-ing +...? 这种句型很少用,句型 Would you mind if I + v +...? 完全可以取代它。 这两种句型的回答,通常是 Yes 和 No 以及类似意思的词。 Would you mind if I + v +...? 这种句型,还可以有 Thank 这种意思的回答。 例如你在做几样东西,一些已经完成,你的助手想帮你把一些完成的拿走,他说 Would you mind if I take this out? 那你就可以说 Thank you, please. Would you mind not + v-ing +...? 这个句型里的 not + v-ing 是指说话对象而言的,不是指说话者本人。 例如: Would you mind not using this pen? 是叫人家不要用这支笔的意思。那是一种礼貌地表达禁止的意思。如果只是简单地回答 No,而不说出理由的话,那通常会有麻烦。
2023-07-23 19:27:301

go ahead 什么意思

就 是去吧
2023-07-23 19:27:385

求歌词翻译turner tina 的Go ahead

这首歌真是给力,歌词也是^-^希望拙译能帮到忙。Go AheadTina TurnarYou see me smile but you paint an ugly face你看见我微笑 但你画了张丑陋的脸Everything you do is all about the chase你所做的一切 都有关那场追逐(……容我再想想)Don"t let them see you cry不要让他们看见你哭泣Don"t let them know不要让他们知晓You won"t lay down and die for their show你不会为了他们的表演而屈膝俯就Why don"t you go ahead tear my heart out为什么不来把我的心扯出胸膛Why don"t you go ahead hang me out to dry为什么不来狠狠惩罚我Go ahead play your game, go ahead来吧 继续你的把戏吧 来吧Spread my name all over your blood red sky让我的名字散落在你血般深红的天穹They colour your stars till the light begins to fade它们装点了你的星辰 直到光亮黯淡But never give up "cause every dog has its day但别放弃 风水轮流转Don"t let them see you cry不要让他们看见你哭泣Don"t let them know不要让他们知晓You won"t lay down and die for their show你不会为了他们的表演而屈膝俯就Why don"t you go ahead tear my heart out为什么不干脆来把我的心扯出胸膛Why don"t you go ahead hang me out to dry为什么不干脆来狠狠惩罚我一把Go ahead play your game, go ahead来吧 继续你的把戏吧 来吧Spread my name all over your blood red sky让我的名字散落在你血般深红的天穹Go Ahead来吧Why don"t you go ahead, go ahead, go ahead为什么你不干脆 不干脆 不干脆Why don"t you go ahead hang me out to dry为什么你不干脆来狠狠惩罚我一把I said go ahead play your game, go ahead play your game, go ahead play your game我说了 来吧 继续你的把戏吧 继续你的把戏吧 继续你的把戏吧Your blood red sky你血色的深红天空Why don"t you go ahead, go ahead, go ahead为什么你不干脆 不干脆 不干脆Why don"t you go ahead hang me out to dry为什么你不干脆来狠狠惩罚我一把Go ahead来吧I said go ahead play your game, go ahead我说了 来吧 继续你的把戏吧 来吧Spread my name all over your blood red sky让我的名字散落在你血般深红的天穹Go ahead来吧Why don"t you go ahead tear my heart out为什么不干脆来把我的心扯出胸膛Why don"t you go ahead hang me out to dry为什么不干脆来狠狠惩罚我一把Go, go, go, go, go, go, go ahead and hang my heart out来吧 来吧 来吧 来吧 来吧 来吧 来把我的心挂出去吧I said go ahead and play your game, go ahead我说了 来吧 继续你的把戏吧 来吧Spread my name all over your blood red sky让我的名字散落在你血般深红的天穹Your blood red sky你血般深红的天穹Blood red sky血般深红的天穹/Ingrid Michaelson/Lene Marlin歌词专译/by Liebriel
2023-07-23 19:27:531

go ahead翻译 ?

2023-07-23 19:28:028

go ahead用法总结

1、Go ahead.表示请对方继续说,继续做… 可翻译为:继续…吧; 2、表示请对方先开始做…事/先走一步; 3、表示同意对方的请求。 扩展资料   例句:   (1)Go ahead. Quick! Shoot!   快上,投篮!   (2)If you insist on leaving now, please go ahead.   你一定要走,那就请便吧。   (3)Go ahead and cry. Don"t hold it in.   只管哭吧。别忍着。   (4)Go ahead! There"s nothing to be afraid of.   干吧!没有什么可怕的。   (5)Thank you, I"ve eaten already. You go ahead.   谢谢,我已经先偏了,您请自己吃吧。   (6)You just go ahead and I"ll catch up later.   你先走一步,我随后赶来。
2023-07-23 19:30:001

go ahead 的读音是什么?

go [简明英汉词典] [^Eu] vi.离去,走,进行,变成,趋于,达到,求助于,诉诸 vt.以...打赌,忍受,出产 n.去,进行 GO [简明英汉词典] =General Office 总部,总局 ahead [简明英汉词典] [E5hed] adj.adv.在前,向前,提前,在前面
2023-07-23 19:31:481

Alicia Keys的《Go Ahead》 歌词

歌曲名:Go Ahead歌手:Alicia Keys专辑:As I AmAlicia Keys---Go Aheadohhhhhhhhhhhhhhohhhhhhhhhhhhhhohhhhhhhhhhhhhhohhhhhhhhhhhhhhbroken promisesmy heart yo stolelies you toldgot the best of medigging in my heart of goldhe used to look at yousee the possibilityi see you for who you areboy you"ve dissappointed mei thought you gave me lovewas never near enoughsoon enough time revealsthe weight of what is realknow all i need to knowboy see you gotta to gowhat have you given me?but lies liesgo aheadgo on and get upout of herego ahead babyyou know you was wrongyou know all along must be crazyif you think im gone fall for this anymoreeverybody say no no no noeverybody say no no no no noused to believe in everyword you saidclouds my headleaving me here to drownhopes and dreams left for deadyou point your fingertry to justify your mistakesa change"s goin" be madeso you best be on your wayi thought you gave me lovewas never near enoughsoon enough time will bethe weight of what is realknow all i need to knowboy see you gotta to gowhat have you given me?but lies liesgo aheadgo on and get upout of herego ahead babyyou know you was wrongyou know all alongmust be crazyif you think im gone fall for this anymoreeverybody say no no no noeverybody say no no no no nono need to apologizedon"t try to make it righti know i shouldno matter when you took holdi was solduse fear to controlnow it unfoldslet me tell you right nowwhat im gonna doimade up mindit"s time i"m through with yonothing you can say you can doyou can make me change my mindso just go ahead "not yet"go on and get up "not yet"out of here "not yet"go ahead baby "not yet"you know you was wrong "not yet"you know all along "not yet"must be crazy "not yet"if you think im gone fall for this anymore "not yet"everybody say no no no no "not yet"everybody say no no no no no "not yet yea"~~~ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhLarry Cheng ~~share with you~~ : )thanks to Nelly Yi
2023-07-23 19:32:551

Alicia Keys的《Go Ahead》 歌词

歌曲名:Go Ahead歌手:Alicia Keys专辑:As I Am/ UnpluggedAlicia Keys---Go Aheadohhhhhhhhhhhhhhohhhhhhhhhhhhhhohhhhhhhhhhhhhhohhhhhhhhhhhhhhbroken promisesmy heart yo stolelies you toldgot the best of medigging in my heart of goldhe used to look at yousee the possibilityi see you for who you areboy you"ve dissappointed mei thought you gave me lovewas never near enoughsoon enough time revealsthe weight of what is realknow all i need to knowboy see you gotta to gowhat have you given me?but lies liesgo aheadgo on and get upout of herego ahead babyyou know you was wrongyou know all along must be crazyif you think im gone fall for this anymoreeverybody say no no no noeverybody say no no no no noused to believe in everyword you saidclouds my headleaving me here to drownhopes and dreams left for deadyou point your fingertry to justify your mistakesa change"s goin" be madeso you best be on your wayi thought you gave me lovewas never near enoughsoon enough time will bethe weight of what is realknow all i need to knowboy see you gotta to gowhat have you given me?but lies liesgo aheadgo on and get upout of herego ahead babyyou know you was wrongyou know all alongmust be crazyif you think im gone fall for this anymoreeverybody say no no no noeverybody say no no no no nono need to apologizedon"t try to make it righti know i shouldno matter when you took holdi was solduse fear to controlnow it unfoldslet me tell you right nowwhat im gonna doimade up mindit"s time i"m through with yonothing you can say you can doyou can make me change my mindso just go ahead "not yet"go on and get up "not yet"out of here "not yet"go ahead baby "not yet"you know you was wrong "not yet"you know all along "not yet"must be crazy "not yet"if you think im gone fall for this anymore "not yet"everybody say no no no no "not yet"everybody say no no no no no "not yet yea"~~~ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhLarry Cheng ~~share with you~~ : )thanks to Nelly Yi
2023-07-23 19:33:131

go ahead有多少种意思啊?

go ahead 有很多种意思,具体是什么意思取决于语境。1、先行,先走一步:【例】You go ahead and tell him that I"m coming.你先行一步,告诉他我随后就到。2、急不可待地去做;毫不犹豫地去做:【例】The teacher told the students not to go out of yet, but Tom went ahead and left the room.老师告诉学生们不要走出教室,可是汤姆急不可待地离开了房间。3、进行,进展;继续(做某事):【例】After the rain stopped, the men went ahead with their work of digging up the street.雨停后,他们继续在街上挖掘。4、说吧,开始吧,开始(做某事):【例】“May I start?”“Yes, go ahead.”“我可以开始了吗?”“可以,开始吧。”5、取得进展,取得进步:【例】Is your work going ahead now that the workers have arrived?既然工人们都到了,你的工程有进展吗?6、[口语]擅自行事;独自行动:【例】I warned her not to do that but she went ahead and did that.我告诫她不那样做,但她不听还是那样做了。7、先走,行进在前面8、(继续)前进9、着手10、[用作祈使句]开始;进行;往下说11、进展
2023-07-23 19:33:211

英语词组“go ahead”翻译成中文是什么意思

go ahead1 to travel in front of other people in your group and arrive before them 走在前面; 先走2 to happen; to be done 发生; 进行go-ahead1 noun permission for sb to start doing sth 批准; 许可2 adjective willing to try new ideas, methods, etc. and therefore likely to succeed 有进取心的; 有开拓精神的
2023-07-23 19:33:552

用go ahead造句

the bus go ahead of me
2023-07-23 19:34:032

go ahead和go forward的区别.(≥▽≤)/~无限感激

go ahead指先做/先去/先走 等 (多用在“不用等我”的情况) go ahead and start the engine先去把引擎给开了 go ahead and sleep先去睡吧 go ahead first,I"ll follow you later你先去,我跟着就来 go forward指向前走 go forward and turn left on the second juction向前直走,第二个路口转左 go forward until you see a bank向前直走,直到见到银行
2023-07-23 19:34:121

go ahead 是什么意思?

2023-07-23 19:34:224

Go ahead和go straight ahead区别在哪里

1. Go head 不但指向前走,还可以是在你允许或鼓励别人做某事说的。例如:A: Can I have the bread? B: Sure. Go ahead.2. Go straight ahead 特指方位,向前方直走。例如:A: Where is the library? B: Just go straight ahead and you won"t miss it.希望对你有帮助。欢迎追问。
2023-07-23 19:34:301

go on 与 go ahead的区别

2023-07-23 19:34:404

2023-07-23 19:34:471

【英语】什么是go head(还是go ahead)?是什么意思啊?

2023-07-23 19:34:587

go ahead后面动词用什么形式

这个词后面一般接其他动词。我们都把他作为一个单独短语来用,表达对前文提出请求或建议的肯定回答。eg:--can i use your dictionary ? --Go ahead!望采纳! 纯手打!
2023-07-23 19:35:143

GO A HEAD有什么意思?

去吧 去做吧
2023-07-23 19:35:349

2017年中考英语难点语法详解:ahead of与go ahead的用法

1. ahead of   (1) 表示时间或空间,意为:在……之前。如:   He left one day ahead of me. 他比我早走一天。   A new life lay ahead of him. 新的生活展现在他面前。   (2) 表示能力、水平、地位或先进性等方面,意为:比……强或高(主要用作表语)。如:   He"s ahead of us in English. 他的英语比我们强。   He is two classes ahead of me. 他比我高两班。   (3) 用于 ahead of time (schedule),意为:提前、提早。如:   To my surprise he came ahead of time. 使我吃惊的是,他提前来了。   The work was done ahead of schedule. 工作提前完成了。   2. go ahead   (1) 表示同意或允许,意为:说吧、做吧。如:   A:Can I borrow your dictionary? 你可以用你的词典吗?   B:Yes, go ahead. 可以。   A:Do you mind my smoking here? 我在这儿抽烟可以吗?   B:No, go ahead. 没关系,你抽吧。   (2) 表示继续做某事,意为:继续……吧。如:   Go ahead, we are all listening. 继续讲吧,我们都在听呢!   Go ahead, what happened next? 说吧,下步怎么办?
2023-07-23 19:35:491

go ahead 和go straight 的区别

may I use your pen ? Go ahead How to get to the church ? go straight
2023-07-23 19:35:584

请问”go ahead"与"go right ahead"意思与用法有何不同?(情景交际中)

go ahead的意思是:让人继续说或者继续做,就是继续当下正在说的或做的事情,不要停下,不要犹豫。Go right ahead的right,只是把go ahead的语气作强化而已,是对对方的认同和鼓励。^_^
2023-07-23 19:36:051

go ahead 和go down 的区别

1、go straight down 沿着.一直走(方向是由里向外) Just go straight down that street.只要沿著那条街一直走. Go straight down the road and then turn left.沿着这条路一直走,然后左转. 2、keep to 待在;(使)遵守[坚持];保密;(使)谈话不离题 You"ve got to keep to the speed limit.你必须遵守限速规定. He had been unable to keep to his schedule.他没能遵循自己的计划. Keep to the path or you may lose your way.沿着这条路走,否则你会迷路的. Keep to the right of the road.请靠右边走. We always keep to our words.我们一向说话算数. 3、go straight on 继续直走 Go straight on for two miles.一直走两英里. Go straight on until you come to a large building.一直往前走,直到你走到一座大楼. Go straight on,take the first turning on the right.一直走,到第一个十字路口向右拐. 4、go straight ahead 一直向前走 Go straight ahead and then turn right.往前直走再向右转. Go straight ahead ,please ...Look ,these are your rooms .请往前走.——瞧,这里就是你们的房间. Go straight ahead and turn right at the first corner.向前走,在第一个拐角处向右拐. go straight on,go straight ahead,还有keep straight on,这三个意思是一样的,没有什么区别. Keep straight on until you get to the church.一直朝前走就走到教堂了. Keep straight on till you get to the post office.一直走,不要转弯,到邮局为止. Keep straight on until you come to a bridge,then turn left.笔直往前走,碰到桥再往左拐.
2023-07-23 19:36:131

"go ahead"or"go along"有什么区别啊

go alongv.前进, 进行, 赞同, 支持go aheadv.前进,去做吧,继续做吧
2023-07-23 19:36:213

yes,go ahead.可以用于回答什么问题.

Go ahead 1.有下列几种常用的用法 2.继续.3.上!上!上 4.随便你 5.去吧 Go ahead.1.继续.2.老师说 3.催促对方说话或行动时.4.您请
2023-07-23 19:36:291


问题一:向前用英语怎么说 向前的英文: forward onward 参考例句: The plough sliced through the earth. 犁破土向前。 Press on; continue 向前挤;加紧努力 Step forwards/backwards 向前迈步[向后退步 An important step forward 向前迈进的重要一步 Drive on for a kilometre; then take a right turn. 向前开一公里;然后向右转。 问题二:用英语怎么说向前向后向左向右 向前forward 向后backward 向左towards the left/ alef珐 向右towards the right 问题三:“一路向前,前进”用英语怎么说 以下答案供你参考:make one"s way:进行;努力上进 feel one"s way摸索向前走 顺便补充一下“一路向前”的相关表达: 1)did not look back:一路前进直到比赛胜利 2)steamroll:以不可抗拒之力前进 问题四:向前转用英语怎么说 向前走吧,go forward 问题五:一直向前走 用英语怎么说 go ahead 问题六:有。一直向前走然后向左拐,就在前面。用英语怎么说 Go down and turn left be front of 问题七:向前冲,用英语怎么说?还有“冲啊”怎么说? Rush!在战斗的时候还可以说attack! 问题八:一直向前走用英语怎么说 英文原文: go straight 英式音标: [g??] [stre?t] 美式音标: [go] [stret] 问题九:向前用英语怎么说 向前的英文: forward onward 参考例句: The plough sliced through the earth. 犁破土向前。 Press on; continue 向前挤;加紧努力 Step forwards/backwards 向前迈步[向后退步 An important step forward 向前迈进的重要一步 Drive on for a kilometre; then take a right turn. 向前开一公里;然后向右转。 问题十:用英语怎么说向前向后向左向右 向前forward 向后backward 向左towards the left/ alef珐 向右towards the right
2023-07-23 19:36:361

Seeing Is Believing 歌词

歌曲:Seeing Is Believing歌手:Mike And The Mechanics专辑:Living Years发行时间:2003-03-01发行公司:EMII believe in Jesushis father"s only sonI do believe he sees uswith the loaded gun.I believe in the magicOf the MujahedinI still believe in Daniel Ortegathe sun in Omega, the Lord of the RingsI believe in most everything.I believe, I believeI have a friend in Englandwho says I must escapeMike And The Mechanicsthe meetings of Mao and Nixonit"s an old debate.But I believe in the magicof the King and the QueenAnd I still have a young rebel"s sympathradical symphonies still have a ringI believe in most everything.I believeI fear this muddled thinkinghas to go some timeI fear this sinking feeling"snot the best of signsI feel I"m in troubleas the Eighties closeI look to the futureI"m frightened, I"m scared U suppose.You may think it"s foolishthat I still believe in loveYou laugh and you sneer--it"s cruelIt"s what I"m thinking of.I believe in the magicin the power of the soulone to one"s my equationthat carries the nation on to the goalwe"re all brothers and sisters, I"m told.I believe, I believe, I believe in lovedo you beleve what you"re seeingOh I believe in love.I believe in loveI believe, I believe,II believe, I believe, I believe in love.
2023-07-23 19:24:463


2023-07-23 19:24:461

Jason Derulo - What If 试听:下载百度MP3
2023-07-23 19:24:491

final cut 窗口关闭了 如何重新打开

点上面的窗口 选择你要打开的界面
2023-07-23 19:24:503


mirror2是一款非常有趣的休闲游戏。是一款集修炼与淘汰于一体的游戏。这里玩家的主要玩法是消除。mirror2介绍联邦研究保护局FBRPFederal Bureau of Research and Protection是人类政府为了应对来源不明的各种超自然现象及物体而成立的特种机构下属各大汇聚人类最顶尖科研力量的研究所,以及由最精锐的特种兵和最尖端的武器装备构成的特别行动队。在发现任何人类科技无法解释、无法辩明来源、无法实际掌握的人、事、物、生命体等特殊超自然现象时,在不引起普通民众注意的情况下进行回收,控制与研究。FBRP是人类为了自保做出的最大努力,与此同时也是对超自然力量最畏惧的一群人。古神、邪教、异次元、平行世界、上古巫术、突破次元壁的动漫角色、神话传说、超级AI、魔法、神秘的东方武术,人类面临的不可知事物何其之多,FBRP的目的就是努力让这些无法控制其是否出现。
2023-07-23 19:24:511


VOA慢速英语:喜剧家讨论什么是“大众接受的幽默”(底部有MP3链接,翻译可以用google 百度 wixapp都可以,源网站也有)For over 50 years stand-up comedians have played an important part in the examination of popular culture and society. Several generations of comedians have served as critics and observers of American life. Many comedy acts have also courted controversy.Right now, people inside and outside the world of comedy are debating what, if anything, is too controversial for comedic use. In other words, should comics concern themselves with "political correctness?"Comedian Katherine Jessup tells jokes at the Town Tavern open mike in Washinston, DC. (Peter Musto/VOA)To be "politically correct," or PC, means to avoid language that is, or could be, offensive to a group of people. It is usually used in sarcasm, however, by those who reject political correctness.Comedian Jerry Seinfeld created the hugely successful television show "Seinfeld." He is a leading critic of the so-called PC movement. In fact, he recently said that he would no longer perform at U.S. colleges and universities because he considers students to be too PC.Chris Rock, John Cleese, Lisa Lampanelli and several other influential comedians also have expressed similar opinions. They say political correctness represents an unreasonablesensitivity. They argue that that it hurts comedy and restricts open discussion. Author and comedian Jim Norton has suggested that society is now "addicted to the rush of beingoffended."Not all performers agree, however. Katherine Jessup has been doing stand-up comedy for more than three years. She is also a writer and co-host of the podcast, "Advice! with Dave & Kat."Ms. Jessup says part of the problem is that for a long time, men have been the only people in the stand-up community with any power. She feels that these people are protesting because they don"t want the community to change and they don"t want to lose control."That seems to be said by a lot of people that are... comfortable and well established in where they are... and more than anything else its male comics and men in comedy sort of saying, like ‘You know you"re taking this from me and I should have the right to say whatever I want to say."... There is a lot of patriarchy, a lot of racism... It"s this tough thing where, on the one hand,... there are all these great opportunities and on the other hand, like... it"s still very much the club that it was before."A growing number of performers and members of the media agree with Ms. Jessup. Several writers for The Washington Post newspaper and the CNN news network have released articles that argue against Mr. Seinfeld"s position. Others say, however, that the real problem is that the audience does not fully understand the issues that they believe to be offensive.Randolph Terrance has been doing stand-up for 16 years. He also co-hosts the weekly open mike at the Arlington Cinema Drafthouse in Arlington, Virginia as well as the podcast Three Guys On. He believes that audiences become offended without thinking about how comedians are trying to address a given subject."For instance, you say "black guy" and the audience immediately pulls away from you because they think you"re going to say something racist. Or they don"t quite understand what the term "racist" actually means or prejudice actually mean. Here"s the mistake Seinfeld made: Seinfeld is too white and too rich to be allowed to say it. That"s why everybody"s mad..... What he said was true. To me, there"s no question. I"m in front of audiences, I see it. You"d be a fool as a comedian to not see it... The audiences don"t see it because they, they"re not on our side."The debate about what discussion is acceptable on stage is not new. The First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution bars the making of laws that would abridge free speech. However, there are laws that limit that right.In the 1960s, comedian Lenny Bruce was arrested five times on charges of obscenity. His public battles with the law gained attention for and helped change attitudes about free expression.Lee Rowland is an attorney for the American Civil Liberties Union. The ACLU is a non-profit organization that works to defend the individual rights included in the constitution. Ms. Rowland says that the U.S. Supreme Court has repeatedly agreed that the only kinds of speech not protected are "true threats, defamation, obscenity, child pornography, and incitement to violence."Our constitution was [written] to protect minority viewpoints from government interference," she adds, "including, and perhaps most importantly, ideas that challenge, annoy, or offend us."Ms. Jessup says people have become quick to be offended and not quick to be thoughtful. She says this is not good for comedy. Mr. Terrance blames this on the fact that the audience does not understand the process of making a joke. He says it partly happens on stage, during open mike performances."Open mikes are, for us, we"re just trying stuff out. But now, people have a camera in their pocket, so they"ll videotape you and put it up. So there"s this unfinished thought that"s up on stage, or something like that, and people put that up and they think, "Oh, look at this monster, he"s telling a joke." No, that was an unfinished thought that I am trying to work out, and this is the only place I have to work it out... People don"t understand that because they don"t understand the art of stand up."Mr. Terrance and Ms. Jessup both say that some people should not say certain things. This includes language that could be considered insulting to different groups of people. Mr. Terrance believes the limits should be less restrictive than those Ms. Jessup proposes, though."Yes, there are people who can"t say certain things. Having said that... nothing is off limits...""White people don"t get to say the N-word. Men shouldn"t be walking around saying the C-word... There"s a certain level of, "If you"re the oppressor then, you don"t get to then use the language of the oppressed.""However, both comedians agree that it is important for them to be able to talk about ideas that challenge people. Ms. Jessup sees this as a useful tool."Speaking from personal experience, there are things that can be really hard and really painful but that you figure out how to make funny... when you work through that... there is a feeling of speaking truth to power that"s really important and takes some of the awfulness away."Though this debate will likely continue for many years to come, it is safe to say that comedy will always be a main source of social commentary.I"m Pete Musto.Mr. Terrance"s comedy album "Blue Magic" can be found on Spotify.Ms. Jessup"s podcast can be found on iTunes.Pete Musto reported and wrote this story for Learning English. Caty Weaver was the editor.资料来源(以后可以不用来知道问了因为这个网站都有解析和MP3望有用谢谢~
2023-07-23 19:24:541

I can’t be sure that we will win but I ____ that our team will play hard to win the championshi..

2023-07-23 19:24:561

求阿斯顿维拉队歌Hi-ho Aston Villa歌词

Hi Ho Silver Lining 这首歌是被很多俱乐部改编成队歌的,最先是谢周三,然后是维拉和和狼队.所以现在至少有三个版本 Hi Ho AstonVilla/SheffieldWednesday/Wolverhampton 歌词我只能大概听译下 where everywhere that you are,villa Thats where we at. we are the whole team(?) behind villa Going every match! Up and down the country we will sing this song when we get behind the villa. They cant go wrong singing HI HO Aston villa whatever where you go we"ll be there Dont care about the weather, we will sing the song! with the glorious 合唱 villa villa villa.... 然后重复..
2023-07-23 19:24:421


国家开放大学在哪里报名?国家开放大学可以到办学机构报名,也可以到电大学习中心报名,国家开放大学实行免试入学,这也是它跟其他提升学历方式相比的优势。免试入学也意味着考生符合了以上条件之后就能够直接报名,直接入学。另外,国家开放大学的上课方式也十分灵活,以远程教学的方式进行,这样的在线教育方式让上班族学习可以打破时间和空间的限制,随时随地上课学习,不耽误工作。 国家开放大学报考条件 报考专科 1、普通高中、职业高中、技工学校、中等专业学校及以上学历者。 2、药学、药品经营与管理专业招生对象仅限于在职卫生、医药行业技术人员。 3、护理学专业仅限中等专业学校毕业、专业对口并持有护士职业资格证的在职在岗卫生技术人员。 报考本科 1、具有国民教育系列相同或相近专业高等专科(含专科)以上学历者。 2、护理学专业仅限护理学专科毕业、持有护士职业资格证的在职在岗卫生技术人员。自考/成考有疑问、不知道如何总结自考/成考考点内容、不清楚自考/成考报名当地政策,点击底部咨询官网,免费领取复习资料:
2023-07-23 19:24:391


古埃及历史年表 第一王朝:公元前3200年~2850年。从美尼斯到卡,共有八位法老。 第二王朝:公元前2850~2686年。从霍特普司克摩伊(Hotepseknemoui)到卡斯克摩,共有六位法老 古王国或孟斐斯帝国(公元前2686~2181年) 第三王朝:公元前2686~2613年。从纳特里克特—吉塞(Neteriknet-Djeser)到胡尼(Houni),共有五位国王。焦瑟统治时代是权力和胜利的开始,此时出现了以沙卡拉的阶梯金字塔建筑群为代表的恢宏壮观的石头建筑。该建筑群的设计师、作家兼学者的伊姆荷泰普成为史书上首批出现的伟人之一。这一时代是强而有力的中央集权君主制得以发展的时期,君主坐于孟斐斯,分派各省总督统治全国。 第四王朝:公元前2613~2494年。从斯内夫卢(Snefrou)到斯克普斯卡夫(Skepseskaf),共有六或七位法老。从金字塔的雄伟程度来判断,斯奈夫鲁、胡夫和哈尔夫的统治时期为这个时代的顶峰。在达夏尔,梅顿和基萨修筑的金字塔显示出王朝的治国有方、经济繁荣。第五王朝:公元前2494~2345年。从乌斯卡夫(Ouser)到乌纳斯(Ounas),共有九位法老。最著名的是萨胡蕾(Sahoure)和吉德卡雷—伊塞西(Djedkare-Isesi)。 在第五王朝,“太阳崇拜意识”迅速发展,在沙卡拉的乌尼斯金字塔墙上刻著著名的金字塔铭文。第六王朝:公元前2345~2181年。从泰蒂(Teti)一世到女王尼托克里斯(Nitocris),共七位国王包括佩比一世和活了上百岁的佩比(Pepi)二世。 虽然第六王朝文治武攻显赫一时,曾组织过远至非洲南端的军商远征,但一些省督不断膨胀的全历史中央集权的孟斐斯备受威胁,而引发了内乱。 第一过渡时期(公元前2181~1991年) 第七王朝:只统治了七十天。 第八王朝:公元前2181~2130年。共有八到二十七位法老,但名字无文献可查。 第九王朝到第十王朝:北方公元前2130~2040年。共有六位法老,有三位名叫凯蒂。 第十一王朝:南方公元前2130~2040年。共有三位法老。 蒙图荷泰普二世在公元前2050年统一全国,从此第十一王朝的底比斯君主统治了整个埃及。这虽然使他们的故乡底比斯城地位越来越重要,但仍然不足以取代孟斐斯。底比斯的统治者适时尚须来回旅行,并在十二王朝时在通往法尤姆的入口处修建了行宫,和诸如伊蒂—塔维的小城。王朝在不放弃底比斯的同时向北转移权力中心,显示出强而有力的中央集权政府逐渐恢复。 中王国或底比斯第一帝国(公元前1991~1786年) 第十一王朝末期:公元前2060~2000年。三位蒙图霍特普法老,第一位在公元前约2040年统一埃及。第十二王朝:公元前2000~1786年。七位法老名阿门埃玛特(Amenhemat)或塞索斯特里斯,最后一位统治者是女王塞贝克内菲卢雷(Sebekneferoure)。 如同世界上其他国家一样,稳定总是和动乱是互相交替。各省分权势力和其他历史上至今仍然不明的势力,毁灭了从第十二王朝传续下来的底比斯政权,埃及分裂成许多的诸侯国。 第二过渡时期(公元前1786~1567年) 第十三到第十四王朝:公元前1786~1674年。约有四十位法老,其中有几位名叫塞贝霍特普。一些法老同时在法老的北部、中部、南部统治。从公元前1730年开始,这些国王只不过是西克索法老的封臣。 第十五到第十六王朝:公元前1674~1567年。第十六王朝被称为“小西索克”王朝,只存于三角洲东部。“大西索克”王朝有五位法老,包括一位基安(Khyan)和两位阿拉比(Apopi)。 第十七王朝:公元前1674~1567年。十位法老统治底比斯及周围地区。他们是西索克的封臣。最后三位法老塔阿(Taa)一世、二世和卡莫西斯(Kamosis),开始和北方的西索克人斗争。 新王国或底比斯第二王国(公元前1567~1085年) 第十八王朝:公元前1567~1320年。从阿赫莫西斯(Ahmosis)到霍朗赫布,共有十四位君主,其中有四位图特摩斯,四位阿门诺菲斯。王后阿谢普苏、阿肯纳吞(Akhenaton)和图坦卡蒙,都属于本王朝。 第十九王朝:公元前1320~1200年。九位拉美西斯王族法老,包括拉美西斯一世、二世和塞蒂一世、二世。 第二十王朝:公元前1200~1085年。十位君主,除了第一位名叫赛特纳克特(Sethnakht)之外,其余都叫拉美西斯。 第三过渡时期(公元前1085~715年) 第二十一王朝:公元前1085~945年。在塔尼斯统治的有斯门代斯(Smendes),普苏赛奈斯一世和二世。在底比斯统治的有埃里霍斯(Herihor)和皮纳杰姆。 古埃及文明是指在尼罗河第一瀑布至三角洲地区,时间断限为公元前5000年的塔萨文化到公元642年阿拉伯人征服埃及的历史。 公元前三世纪的曼涅托,将从美尼斯开始至马其顿亚历山大征服止的埃及历史分为三十个(或三十一个)王朝,现在学者又在此基础上将上古埃及史分为以下几个时期: 1、前王朝时期(约前3100-2686年) 2、早王朝时期(约前2686-2181年) 3、古王朝时期(约前2181-2040年) 4、第一中间期(约前2040-1786年) 5、中王朝时期(约前1786-1567年) 6、第二中间期;(约前1786-1567年) 7、新王朝时期(约前1567-1085年) 8、后王朝时期(约前1085-332年) 9、马其顿希腊人和罗马统治时期(公元前332-公元642年) 从第1到第4时期,是奴隶制国家形成和统一王朝出现的时期,第5至第7时期是统一王国重建和帝国时期,第8至第9时期是埃及奴隶制国家衰落和陷于外族统治下的时期。
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欧洲亚马逊FBA货物入库有以下要求:1)总长度大于 150 厘米或重量超过30kg,或周长超过 3 米:周长 =(2 × 高度)+(2 x 宽度)+ 长度。2)可能导致亚马逊以合理理由将货件指定为要求进行汽车零担承运人处理的商品。3)是包装中包含超过 1 升液体的液体商品,或者没有采用足以在向买家配送商品的过程中承受压力的结实封口的液体商品。4)是未采用足以承受剧烈震动和跌落测试(从 125 厘米高度跌落)的防漏包装箱包装的颗粒装商品。5)有失效日期或“开盒期限”(PAO) 标志并且属于非”无需贴标签的混杂库存“商品。一段时间后过期或可能恶化的商品不能为混杂库存,必须有亚马逊物流标签。有关亚马逊物流标签要求的更多信息,请参见亚马逊物流“ 已贴标库存”帮助页面。商品必须得到分批控制,并且从亚马逊收到商品时剩余的保质期必须大于 18 个月。将于 50 天内失效的商品将被移除并由亚马逊处理。销毁的商品将不能退回至卖家。6)具有分批控制编号且要求贴标签的商品。具有分批控制编号的商品必须为混杂库存,并且不能有除原始制造商条形码外的其他标签。7)是包装方式无法在配送期间确保不会裸露刀刃的锋利商品。8)是任何类型的活体动物。9)是任何类型的活体植物。10)是食品或饮料商品。11)被认为有可能融化的商品(巧克力、石蜡等)。存在温度限制的商品必须能够在商品上架期间承受最低 10°C、最高 30°C 的温度限制,而不会对商品质量产生负面影响。除非明确规定 10°C 至 30°C 的温度范围要求,否则纸箱不得包含储藏温度要求。12)被以下任何法规管制为有害物质或危险物品(危险品):《关于危险货物国际道路运输的欧洲协议》(ADR)、《国际海运危险货物规则》(IMDG- Code)、《国际航空运输协会危险货物法规》(IATA DGR)、有关化学物质的注册、评估、授权和限制的“第 1907/2006 号法规 (EC)”、有关危险物质分类、购买和标记的“第 1999/45/EC 号指令”、有关物质和混合物分类、标记和包装的“第 1272/2008 号法规 (EC)”、联合国危险货物运输专家委员会、《2012 航空(危险品)法规》(如含有压缩气体的商品,具有爆炸性、易燃性、腐蚀性、毒性、放射性和磁性的气体、液体或固体(包括粉末)化学品,锂电池产品除外)。托运锂电池商品需要附加必要的标志,并且必须遵守 ADR 和 IATA DGR 中指定的适用规定和测试要求才能被亚马逊接收。请注意,亚马逊可能处理这些危险品商品,由卖家负担成本。13)是含有英国药物滥用法管制的任何产品的受禁药物。14)受限于商品召回。15)商品没有进行合适的密封。16)有些健康和美妆类的商品属于限制危险品也无法入库。二、纸箱包装1)在可能的情况下,确保纸箱包装里的商品是同一个PO的;2)纸箱的重量必须小于等于15kg,若单件出售的商品大于15kg,需要在纸箱的四面张贴“超重”的警示标志。(标签需彩色打印,且每边不小于8cm)3)纸箱任何一面尺寸不能超过63.5 cm,除非一个单件出运的货物本身尺寸超过63.5cm。纸箱单件尺寸超过63.5 cm(如:不可搬运的)必须放入标准1000 x1250 mm的托盘上(仅限UK)或800x1200 mm托盘(其他欧洲国家),除非单件可出运货物的纸箱尺寸超过标准的托盘尺寸;4)纸箱和包装材料(如: 衬垫,填充物)必须在运输中充分的保护货物。若用不符合要求的包装发送至亚马逊,亚马逊将进行额外的包装并收取相应的包装费用;5)用大型尺寸的衬垫,例如空气枕,整张纸张,泡沫纸或者缠绕膜,不要用松散材质去填补。如:泡沫塑料或者碎纸;6)选择纸箱的尺寸是确保在货物放入后最少空余空间。空间利用率也可以通过单箱多个包装商品尽可能地最大化(在商品不受损害情况下)。7)纸箱不能用打包带,松紧带,胶带附加打包带来捆绑。不能用大型订书钉或尼龙纤维胶带,因为它们对我们库房同事有安全隐患。纸箱必须使用标准托盘堆叠要求;8)纸箱被确定为一起销售的(比如:套装)重量大于30 kg必须被放在一个单一的托盘上(一个出售商品对应一个托盘上)并且需要在纸箱四面都张9)单件出售的纸箱货商品(比如:家具)重量大于30 kg,通常都需要打托盘。警示标签必须张贴在纸箱四面合适的位置;9)不要发送尺寸像托盘尺寸一样的纸箱(gaylords)。三、托盘包装/打托盘1)所有零担货运LTL(less than truck load)和整车货运TL(truck load)货物鼓励打托盘,除了集装箱运输以外,要建造牢固平坦的托盘顶部,使托盘可以堆叠以提高卡车的利用率;2)当把货物纸箱打托盘时,托盘上货件标签面朝外,以便于不用在损坏托3)用 GMA grade B或者更高,1000x1200 mm,四面使用,木质托盘(仅限于英国)或者800x1200 mm Euro/CHEP pallets(用于其他欧洲国家),GMA 1A grade托盘用于食品商品;4)不要让纸箱超出托盘的边长,如果是单个,大型出运商品不能放入1000x1200 mm (英国) or 800x1200 mm pallet (其他欧洲国家)不超出边缘,把2个托盘最短的一边捆绑一起时,需确保托盘短边那面朝向车子后方;5)在任何情况下,托盘破损或托盘上的板条遗失都不能使用;6)不要将出运货物放在用脆弱材质制成的托盘,比如说纸板箱或者颗粒板;7)一个托盘只能堆放一个商品,无论数量允许;8)当一个托盘上有多个SKUs时,须将SKUs分开,这样就不会在收货的时候出现错误;9)托盘上堆叠纸箱要它们所有面都堆叠的齐平,只要有可能,砖块堆叠,推荐将最重的商品堆叠在底部;10)托盘的标准高度—托盘高度可达到最高1.8米,(双层堆叠托盘高度:2.7米 for DE /CEE和3.0米UK, FR, IT and ES),这是大部分亚马逊FCs及贯穿Amazon"s 3PL network最大托盘高度. 所以请时常确认在下载文件EU FC Address List上有关最新信息的说明;11)不管托盘选择,托盘毛重包含托盘重量不能超过500kg (DE and CEE) or 1000kg (UK, FR, IT and ES),除非派送到Amazon"s 3PL network其中一个站点;所以请确认在下载文件EU FC Address List上派送地点和有关最大托盘重量的最新消息;12)用缠绕膜对纸箱打托,确保缠绕膜完全覆盖托盘上的商品,这样能预防在运输中移动以及确保堆叠的托盘在运输中稳定。使用透明的伸展缠膜(VS.黑色)为优先选择。使用角板来帮助保护和维持纸箱在运输中的稳定性。货物应该以稳定的方式装在托盘上面这样当缠绕膜拆掉后,货物将不会容易翻倒,会稳定在托盘上;13)安排双层堆叠托盘这样用铲车可以从同一面进入两个托盘中,在托盘堆叠和集装箱 walls之间维持至少8cm,不能把送入亚马逊的托盘货物与其他客人的货物托盘堆叠。单个托盘要求所有托盘当数量允许必须包含相似货件,所有混合托盘但视觉相似的货物都必须清楚的标签“混合SKUs”。对于只包含一个单件货物的托盘,请附上“Single SKU”标签;尽可能的将托盘按照SKU堆放。叠加托盘要求:FBA相关的标签商品标签(又叫FNSKU,是X00开头的标签,须覆盖商品的原始条形码):货件标签(张贴在包裹外箱上的标签,标注一个shipment ID: FBAXXXXXX,一个货件编号可能有多箱,会在货件编号的U001, U002体现出来。Pallet标签(一个托盘的四面都要张贴下述的托盘标签,共有4个托盘标签,和上述货件标签相似)
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一般情况下,胸罩有以下几种表示:1 32/702 34/753 36/80前面的数字是美式尺寸,后面的是日本尺码。
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国家开放大学本科几年制?国家开放大学是推行的学分制,专科起始点大学本科、大专最短学习年限为2年半,也就是说最少2.5年大学毕业。大学生获得要求的最少大学毕业总学时,思想道德经评定符合规定的准许大学毕业,并授予电大专科、本科毕业证书,可在国家教育部学历证书查询官网查询,大学本科大学生满足条件的可申请办理学士学位。 电大全名是中央广播电视大学,现已更名为国家开放大学,是一所成人大学。电大是成人学历提升的一种学习形式,其他的成人学历提升形式还有自考、成考、网络教育。电大的主要作用是帮助成年人更方便的拿到理想的专科或本科学历。电大在全国各省市均有分部,考生可就近报考。 学生须参加在线学习或面授学习,完成课程作业,参加课程考试。学生主要利用文字教材、录音、录像教材、微课程和网络课程等多种媒体资源和国家开放大学学习网进行学习。学生可通过登录学习网点播和查看网上教学资源在线学习,利用论坛、网上直播和视频系统等网络交互手段与同学、教师进行学习交流,也可以到学习中心(教学点)参加集中面授学习或参加小组学习。 国家开放大学报名要求 报考高起本或高起专考生应具有高中毕业文化程度(中专或职高毕业证书也可以)。报考专升本的考生必须是已取得经教育部审定核准的国民教育系列高等学校、高等教育自学考试机构颁发的专科毕业证书、本科结业证书或以上证书的人员。经吉林省招生委员会核准录取的成人高等学校应届专科毕业生,可报考我省成人高等学校,录取考生2023年春季入学报到时须持有经教育部审定核准的国民教育系列高等学校、高等教育考试机构颁发的专科或以上毕业证书,否则不得办理注册手续,同时取消专升本录取资格。 国家开放大学报名材料 本人身份证正反面电子版、报考医学专业要求出具对口单位证明等等,因此考生如果选报这些有特殊要求的专业,一定要预先备好相关工作证明书。不在户口所在地报考,也需要出示当地的工作单位证明,或者当地暂住证、居住证。学历证明:本人*高学历毕业证书复印件,按照教育部规定,报考专科起点升本科的考生,须持有国民教育系列专科及其以上文凭,蓝底二寸电子版照片等相关材料。 国家开放大学招生热门专业 工商管理,行政管理,计算机信息管理,会计,机电一体化技术,建筑施工管理,学前教育,水利水电工程管理自考/成考有疑问、不知道如何总结自考/成考考点内容、不清楚自考/成考报名当地政策,点击底部咨询官网,免费领取复习资料:
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2011年7月7日到9日,刘谦出席了葡萄牙举办的EMC全球魔术高峰会,这个高峰汇集了33位来自世界各地的魔术界顶尖大师,在一间会议室内,为期三天不断讨论魔术,分享经验和新作品,并由EMC采用网络全程直播放送给全球的魔术爱好者。这是一次魔术界顶尖的“华山论剑”,而刘谦成为受邀的唯一一位华人魔术师。在这次EMC魔术峰会上,刘谦的其中一个表演内容就是演绎他的“巴格拉斯版本”,而他也笑称:“但这次表演特别紧张,紧张程度直逼春晚。”而恰好,大卫-巴格拉斯本人也在EMC现场,这让刘谦的这次表演更具特别的传奇意义。在表演过程中,刘谦把自己围在离扑克牌超过两米的地方,全程没有触碰到扑克牌,在刘谦成功表演完这个魔术之后,在场所有的魔术师报以如雷般的掌声,连大卫-巴格拉斯本人都表示“看不出来刘谦是怎么做到的。”在活动结束后,巴格拉斯还写了封信给刘谦,称“You did it better than me!”(你做的比我好!) 流传的版本主要有以下几个:一、Barrie Richardson - Impromptu card at any number即兴表演版,不需要特殊牌,不需要任何的事先准备二、Stephen Tucker - ACAAN比较干净利落的一个版本,事先需要准备制作。三、Jamie Allen -WTFAnyCardatanyNumber非道具版,需要事先准备。四、The Grail by Mike Ross(ACAAN效果)圣杯预言需要事先准备,反复记忆练习。用到一张特殊牌,但可以不要用特殊牌,用其他的表演方法代替。五、The Mind & Magic of David Berglas这本书并没有教原版巴格拉斯是怎么做到的,而是教了许多方法,也许这里你会找到所谓真正巴格拉斯效果的解释。这是本非常有价值的魔术书籍,包括了巴格拉斯本人许多经典心灵魔术的教学,当然还有所有人苦苦追寻的真正的巴格拉斯效果。这本电子书将近有600页,对英语阅读能力要求较高,当然,如果你可以看完,那收获肯定是无法估量的。六、Bill Goldman - One For The Money(巴格拉斯效果)这个版本不会特别高明,只能说它提供了另一种思维方式达到类似巴格拉斯效果。以下几个版本不予置评,只供参考,均为英语PDF教学(个人也未看完)。七、Ian Rowland -AnyCardAtAnyNumber八、Daniel Young -ANY(anycardatanynumber)九、David Forrest - ROUTE 01anycardatanynumber十、David Bui - VIPCard atAnyNumber七、The Berglas Effect(Books and DVD) by David Berglas(巴格拉斯)原版巴格拉斯教学!!!大精装书,揭示了传奇魔术师 David Berglas60年来一直没有公开的 Berglas Effect,由魔术界最有经验的作者,Richard Kaufman撰写。·近400页·超大,精装·dustjacket,图片,和三维立体眼镜·包括3张DVD·超过60页专门讨论“Berglas Effect”和“Any Card at Any Number”
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