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2023-07-23 21:35:38
TAG: 英文

The play Hamlet is written by William Shakespeare, the greatest drama as well as the greatest poet in the world literature in The English Renaissance. Hamlet, one of the four tragedies among Shakespeareu2019s lifetime works, is generally regarded as his most popular play on the stage, for it has the philosophical exploration of life and death.

u3000u3000The play opens with Hamlet, Prince of Denmark, is the leading role, appearing in a mood of world-weariness occasioned by his fatheru2019s recent death and by his motheru2019s hasty remarriage with Claudius, his fatheru2019s brother. While encountering his fatheru2019s ghost, Hamlet is informed that Claudius has murdered his father and then taken over both his fatheru2019s throne and wisdow, Hamlet has strong revenge wish. Thus, Hamlet began to seek revenge for his father. But Hamlet has none of the single-minded blood lust of the earlier revengers. It is not because he is incapable of action, but because the cast of his mind is so speculative, so questioning, and so contemplative that action ,when it finally comes, seem almost like defeat, dimishing rather than adding to the statue of the hero. One side is murdered his father"s tooth pain, father dead sound collection, the other side is the life value of serious thought, born with a melancholy temperament. Hamlet lies between the two hard wander. Trapped in a nightmare world of spying, testing and plotting, and apparently bearing the intolerate burden of the duty to revenge his fatheru2019s death, Hamlet is obliged to inhabit a shadow world, to live suspended between fact and fiction, language and action. Hamlet viewed everything with suspicion: human hypocrisy, heaven "s injustice, finally, finally reached this suspicion state vertex : " to be or not to be" . His life is one of constant role-playing, examing the nature of action only to deny its possibility, for he is too sophisticated to degrade his nature to the conventional role of a stage revenger.

u3000u3000Hamlet once is an optimistic, happy prince, while becomes heavyhearted after his fatheru2019s death and motheru2019s remarriage. It rightly turns out a usual saying that a personu2019s characteristic change up to the circumstances to be right. For instance, Hamletu2019s remarks “to be or not to be , thatu2019s the question.” is constantly been quoted when modern individuals are hard to make a hard decision whether to give up or not.

u3000u3000The personality decides destiny, this is the truth. The tragedy of the tragic fate of his character buried a foreshadowing. In this character, ideas he was trying to torment revenge. He became the full vengeance. And all this leads him to weak mother mood is, on the beloved woman to pay no heed, leading him to kill loveru2019s father, led to his eventual fall into the trap set by the enemies. Finally, the desire for revenge is finally achieved, but all good things are broken: Hamlet"s lofty ideals and high aspirations, love like life, mother fragile existence. The ending is miserable, all the main characters die, while it deserves thinking deeply.

u3000u3000This is a tragedy, with its roots in the Hamlet irresolute and hesitant character, this is the tragic character. Hamlet gives us a great touch, in his character, Hamlet has created a human tragedy. Reading Hamlet is a quiet valuable experience in which I understand a lot.



2023-07-23 17:58:112


encounter英 [u026anu02c8kau028antu0259(r)] 美 [u025bnu02c8kau028antu025a] vt.遭遇; 不期而遇; 对抗n.相遇,碰见; 遭遇战; 对决,冲突vi.碰见,尤指不期而遇网络偶然相遇; 接触; 面对第三人称单数: encounters 复数: encounters 现在分词: encountering 过去式: encountered 过去分词: encountered 形近词: rencounter accounter discounter overcounter telecounter
2023-07-23 17:58:221


不是同位语你可以理解为定于从句的简化版The more we generate impulses, which encounter and overcome difficulties这是本身的表达which 代指 impulses简化以后就是你给出的表达了
2023-07-23 17:58:351


左手右手当困难来临的时候  请你举起你的左手  左手代表着方向  它不会向困难低头  当遇到挫折的时候  请你举起你的右手  右手代表着希望  它不会为挫折发愁  当左手拍向右手  我们的步伐就有节奏  当右手拍向左手  我们的力量就有源头  当你的手拉着我的手  团结的力量彼此感受  有方向有决心有节奏  一起牵着手向前走......  当困难来临的时候  请你举起你的左手  左手代表着方向  它不会向困难低头  当遇到挫折的时候  请你举起你的右手  右手代表着希望  它不会为挫折发愁  当左手拍向右手  我们的步伐就有节奏  当右手拍向左手  我们的力量就有源头  当你的手拉着我的手  团结的力量彼此感受  有方向有决心有节奏  一起牵着手向前走......  当你的手拉着我的手  团结的力量彼此感受  有方向有决心有节奏  一起牵着手向前走  你的手牵着我的手  团结的力量彼此感受  有方向有决心有节奏  一起牵着手向前走Whentroublescomepleaseraiseyourlefthandrepresentsthedirectionitwillnotbowtodifficultieswhenencounteringfrustrationwhenyouraiseyourrighthandrighthandrepresentshopeitwon"tworrywhensetbackstotherighthandlefthandclapourpacehasrhythmwhentherighthandtothelefthandtakeourstrengthisthesourcewhenyouhandinmyhandthepowerofunityoftheirfeelingsanddirectionisdeterminedtohavetherhythmtogetherholdinghandswalking...Whentroublescomepleaseraiseyourlefthandrepresentsthedirectionitwillnotbowtodifficultieswhenencounteringfrustrationwhenyouraiseyourrighthandrighthandrepresentshopeitwon"tworryforsetbackswhenthelefthandshottorightourpacehasrhythmwhentherighthandtothelefthandtakeourstrengthisthesourcewhenyourhandinmyhandthepowerofunityoftheirfeelingsanddirectionisdeterminedtohavetherhythmtogetherholdinghandswalking...WhenYourhandinmyhandthepowerofunityoftheirfeelingsanddirectionisdeterminedtohavetherhythmholdinghandstogethertomoveforwardinyourhandinmineandunityofthestrengthoftheirfeelingsanddirectionisdeterminedtohavetherhythmtogetherholdinghandswalkingforward
2023-07-23 17:58:424


Women with low literacy suffer disproportionately more then man 文化水平低的妇女比男士更多 being twice as likely to end up in the group of lowest wage earners (文化水平低的妇女·)最终可能成为最低收入工作群体的可能性是(文化水平低的男士)的两倍。
2023-07-23 17:59:044

(5)英文数学问题 请数学高手帮帮我解答 >< 给十分 (不是要翻译 需要解答)

1 b
2023-07-23 17:59:152


Encounter difficulties, not to always perturbed: Sometimes we can even ignore them (upset ignore) In high school three years, we will experience a lot of difficulties, the future of our life will have a lot of impact (go through, have a great effect on)
2023-07-23 17:59:286


1、是宽容而不是纵容,是诱导而不是命令。 Tolerance, not conniving, is inducement rather than mand. 2、人心不是靠武力征服的,而是靠爱和宽容大度征服。 The heart is not conquered by force, but conquered by love and tolerance. 3、宽容并不是姑息错误和软弱,而是一种坚强和勇敢。 Tolerance is not tolerance of mistakes and weakness, but a kind of strength and courage. 4、保持一种平和心境,你才会在欲望的丛林中忘乎所以。 To maintain a peaceful state of mind, you will fet yourself in the jungle of desire. 5、一个不肯原谅别人的人,就是不给自己留有余地。 A person who refuses to five others is not to leave room for himself. 6、心理在于健康,心理在于理想素质的提高。 Psychology lies in health, and psychology lies in the improvement of ideal quality. 7、该放下时且放下,你宽容别人,其实是给自己留下来一片海阔天空。 When you put it down and put it down, you are tolerant of others, but actually leave yourself with a boundless sea and sky. 8、雄心出胆略,恒心出意志,信心出勇气,决心出力量。 Ambition gives courage, perseverance, courage and determination. 9、用宽容的心境和同学相处,友谊才能稳固和长久。 With a tolerant mind and clas *** ates, friendship can be strong and long. 10、历史多么无情而又有情,不遗忘每一个对历史的贡献,也不宽容每一个对历史的障碍。 History is so heartless and sentimental that it does not fet every contribution to history or tolerate every obstacle to history. 11、用宽容去呵护生命,用诚信去成就人生。 Use tolerance to care for life and achieve life with integrity. 12、如果被失败吓倒,那么成功永远不会向你微笑。 If you are frightened by failure, success will never *** ile at you. 13、奋斗改变命运,梦想让我们与从不同。 Struggle changes destiny, dreams make us different from each other. 14、教育官兵树立正确的人生观、价值观,培养高尚的道德情操,是做好心理工作的基础。 Educating officers and soldiers to set up correct outlook on life and values and cultivate noble moral sentiments are the basis of psychological work. 15、正义之神,宽容是我们最完美的所作所为。 The God of justice, tolerance is our most perfect action. 16、能忍能让真君子,能屈能伸大丈夫。 Being able to tolerate can make a gentleman grow up. 17、人生是一条多彩的长河,有追求、有喜悦、有烦恼、也有眼泪。 Life is a colorful river with pursues, joys, troubles and tears. 18、爱是苛求的,因为苛求而短暂。友谊是宽容的,因为宽容而长久。 Love is demanding, because it is short and demanding. Friendship is tolerant, because tolerance is long. 19、我虽然不同意你说的话,但是我维护你说话的权利。 Though I disagree with what you say, I defend your right to speak. 20、宽容能让别人愉悦,自己也快乐,刻薄让他人痛苦,让自己也痛苦。 Tolerance enables others to be joyful, oneself is also joyful, painfully lets others pain, lets oneself also be painful. 21、生活中有许多这样的场合:你打算用忿恨去实现的目标,完全可能由宽恕去实现。 There are many occasions in life where the goals you intend to achieve with resentment are entirely possible to be achieved with fiveness. 22、不会宽容别人的人,是不配受别人宽容的,但谁能说自己是不需要宽容的呢? People who will not tolerate others are not worthy of tolerance, but who can say that they do not need tolerance? 23、每个人的生活都不是一帆风顺的,遭遇和挫折是你必须的朋友。 Everyone"s life is not *** ooth sailing. Encountering and frustrations are your friends. 24、不会宽容别人的人,就不配受到别人的宽容。 Those who are not tolerant of others are not worthy of tolerance. 25、对待别人的宽容,我们应该知道自惭;我们宽容地对待别人,应该知道自律。 To be tolerant of others, we should know self-shame; to be tolerant of others, we should know self-discipline. 26、你的坚强让我坚强,你的宽容让我宽容,愿天天好心情。 Your strength makes me strong, your tolerance makes me tolerant, and I wish to be in good mood every day. 27、度尽劫波兄弟在,相逢一笑泯恩仇。 The brothers are meeting each other. 28、信心所给予的生命,不只是一种依托,一种凭借,一种支持,而是永远的坚强和力量。 The life given by confidence is not only a kind of dependence, a kind of dependence, a kind of support, but a kind of eternal strength and strength. 29、没有一种本质或状态是或被认为是适合一切人的,同样,所有人也不都追求相同的快乐。 There is no essence or state that is or is considered to be suitable for all people. Similarly, all people do not pursue the same happiness. 30、胜利者不一定是跑得最快的人,而是最能持久的人。 The winner is not necessarily the fastest runner, but the most persistent person. 31、宽容别人是大度,宽容自己是豁达。 Tolerance is generous, tolerance is open-minded. 32、强者性格决定了他的命运,弱者的命运决定了他的性格。 The strong character determines his fate, and the fate of the weak determines his character. 33、一个伟大的人有两颗心:一颗心流血,另一颗心宽容。 A great man has o hearts: one heart bleeds, another heart tolerated. 34、忍耐是痛苦的,但它的结果是甜蜜的。 Patience is painful, but the result is sweet. 35、宽恕和受宽恕是难以言喻的快乐,是连神明都会为之羡慕的极大乐事。 Fiveness and fiveness are indescribable pleasures. It is a great pleasure even the gods can envied. 36、失去了昨日的繁星并不可怕,可怕的是你又错过了今天的朝阳。 The loss of yesterday"s stars is not terrible. What"s terrible is that you have missed the sunrise today. 37、只有不断地为别人着想,你的人生才会有意义,你才能不断进步。 Only by constantly thinking about others, your life will be meaningful, so that you can make progress. 38、在强者的眼里,生活的每扇门都有拉手。 In the eyes of the strong, every door in life has handles. 39、被人揭下面具是一种失败,自己揭下面具是一种胜利。 It is a failure to be stripped off by a mask. It is a victory for oneself to unmask the mask. 40、学会宽容,世界会变的更加广阔;忘却计较,人生才会永远快乐。 Learn tolerance, the world will bee more extensive; fet the calculation, life will always be happy. 41、乌云上面就是太阳,困难背后隐藏成功。 Dark clouds above the sun, hidden behind difficulties. 42、宽容就是在别人和自己意见不一致时也不要勉强。 Tolerance is not to be forced when others disagree with themselves. 43、经得起各种诱惑和烦恼的考验,才是达到最完善的心理健康。 The test of all kinds of temptation and annoyance is the most perfect mental health. 44、当一个好兵,首先要想到使命,其次要想到人民,再次要想到战友和家,最后才是自己。 When a good soldier, he must first think of his mission, secondly of the people, thirdly of his rades-in-arms and his family, and finally of himself. 45、生活像一片汪洋,宽容是扁舟,泛舟于汪洋之上,才知海的宽阔。 Life is like a vast ocean. Tolerance is a boat. 46、一个不懂宽容的人,将失去别人的尊重,一个一味地宽容的人,将失去自己的尊严。 A person who does not understand tolerance will lose the respect of others, and a person who blindly fives will lose his dignity. 47、大智者必谦和,大善者必宽容。唯有小智者才咄咄逼人,小善者才会斤斤计较。 Bi Qianhe, the great wise man, will be tolerant of great goodness. Only *** all minds can be aggressive. 48、为了能同所有的男男女女和睦相处,我们必须允许每一个人保持其个性。 In order to live in harmony with all men and women, we must allow everyone to maintain their individuality. 49、有时宽容引起的道德震动比惩罚更强烈。 Sometimes the moral shock caused by tolerance is stronger than punishment. 50、蛊惑宣传虽是少数狂热分子的事业,但它能够得逞,却是因为正派人士的宽容。 Although deceptive propaganda is the cause of a few fanatics, it can succeed because of the tolerance of decent people. 51、浪再大也在船底下,山再高也在人脚下。 The waves are bigger under the bottom of the boat, and the mountains are higher at the foot of the people. 52、逆境总是有的,人生就是进步。 Adversity is always there. Life is progress. 53、你认为是炮弹的,在宽容慷慨、气度汪洋的人看来,不过是鸟箭。 You think it"s a shell. It"s just a bird arrow in a tolerant and generous person. 54、人之过误宜恕,而在己则不可恕,己之困辱当忍,而在人则不可忍。 It is proper to five a man, but not to himself. 55、只有勇敢的人才懂得如何宽容;懦夫绝不会宽容,这不是他的本性。 Only a brave man knows how to tolerate; a coward will never tolerate; this is not his nature. 56、人生就像一张磁盘,烦恼可以删除,快乐可以拷贝。 Life is like a disk, annoyance can be deleted, happiness can be copied. 57、世界上有多少人就有多少颗心,每颗心都有自己独特的声音。 How many hearts are there in the world, each heart has its own unique voice. 58、人的心只有拳头那麽大,可是一个好人的心是容得下全世界的。 A man"s heart is only as big as a fist, but the heart of a good man is tolerant of the whole world. 59、人生如长河,总会有曲折;不管多艰险,必将能通过。 Life is like a long river, there will always be ists and turns; no matter how dangerous it is, it will surely pass. 60、大肚能容,容天下难容之事。开口便笑,笑世间可笑之人。 A big belly can tolerate things. He laughs when he opens his mouth, laughs at laughable people in the world. 61、如果别人已不宽容,就不要去使劲儿乞求宽容,乞求得来的宽容,从来不是真正的宽容。 If others have no tolerance, don"t go to beg hard for tolerance. The tolerance you seek is never true tolerance. 62、人的问题比人还多,世界上最大的敌人是自己。 People have more problems than human beings, and the biggest enemy in the world is themselves. 63、世界上唯一有价值的东西,就是一个人充满活力的灵魂。 The only valuable thing in the world is a person"s energetic soul. 64、心理学应当和其它自然科学处于同样地位,应研究看得见、摸得着的东西,那就是行为。 Psychology should be in the same position as other natural sciences. We should study what we can see and feel, that is, behavior. 65、心灵是自己的地方,在那里可以把地狱变为天堂,也可以把天堂变为地狱。 The soul is its own place, where it can turn hell into heaven and turn heaven into hell. 66、原谅,不过是将遗憾悄悄掩埋;忘记,才是最深刻彻底的宽容。 Fiveness is the most profound and thorough tolerance. 67、人们应该彼此容忍:每一个人都有弱点,在他最薄弱的方面,每一个人都能被切割捣碎。 People should tolerate each other: everyone has weaknesses, in his weakest aspect, everyone can be cut and *** ashed. 68、健康的心理是创造美好的生活,架起友谊的桥梁,发展事业的基石。 Healthy psychology is the foundation for creating a better life, building a bridge of friendship and developing a career. 69、时间冲淡一切痛苦,生活一定创造更新的喜悦。 Time dilutes all pain, and life will create renewed joy.
2023-07-23 17:59:511


Title: The Perils of Teenage Internet Addiction青少年沉迷网络的英语作文Introduction:In today"s digital age, the Internet has become an integral part of our lives, offering numerous benefits and opportunities for learning and connectivity. However, it is important to acknowledge that excessive and uncontrolled internet usage can lead to addiction, particularly among teenagers. This essay delves into the dangers associated with teenage internet addiction and its impact on their well-being.引言:在当今数字时代,互联网已成为我们生活中不可或缺的一部分,为学习和联通提供了许多好处和机会。然而,值得注意的是,过度和无法控制的互联网使用可能导致沉迷,尤其是在青少年中。本文探讨了青少年沉迷互联网的危险以及对他们福祉的影响。Body:1. Social Isolation:Excessive internet usage can lead to social isolation among teenagers. Instead of engaging in face-to-face interactions, they may spend hours glued to their screens, neglecting real-life relationships. This isolation can adversely affect their social skills, leading to difficulties in building and maintaining meaningful connections.1. 社交孤立:过度使用互联网可能导致青少年的社交孤立。他们可能会花费数小时盯着屏幕,而不是进行面对面的互动,忽视了现实生活中的关系。这种孤立可能会对他们的社交技巧产生不利影响,导致建立和维持有意义的人际关系变得困难。2. Academic Decline:Internet addiction can significantly impact a teenager"s academic performance. With excessive time spent online, their focus and concentration diminish, resulting in reduced productivity and lower grades. Constant distractions and the allure of entertainment on the internet can hinder their ability to complete assignments and study effectively.2. 学业下降:互联网成瘾可能对青少年的学业表现产生重大影响。过度在网上花费时间会导致他们的注意力和专注力下降,导致生产力降低和分数下降。持续的干扰和互联网上的娱乐诱惑可能会妨碍他们完成作业和有效学习的能力。3. Health Issues:Extended periods of internet use can have adverse effects on a teenager"s physical and mental health. Sedentary behaviors associated with excessive screen time can contribute to obesity, weakened muscles, and poor overall fitness. Moreover, the constant exposure to online content can lead to increased anxiety, depression, and sleep disturbances.3. 健康问题:长时间使用互联网可能对青少年的身体和心理健康产生不利影响。与过度使用屏幕相关的久坐行为可能导致肥胖、肌肉无力和整体体能下降。此外,对在线内容的持续暴露可能导致焦虑、抑郁和睡眠障碍的增加。4. Cyberbullying and Online Predators:The internet exposes teenagers to various risks, including cyberbullying and online predators. Excessive internet usage increases the chances of encountering harmful individuals or falling victim to online harassment. These experiences can have lasting emotional and psychological effects on teenagers, leading to a decline in self-esteem and overall well-being.4. 网络欺凌和网络骚扰:互联网使青少年面临各种风险,包括网络欺凌和网络骚扰。过度使用互联网会增加遭遇有害个人或成为网络骚扰受害者的机会。这些经历可能对青少年产生持久的情绪和心理影响,导致自尊心下降和整体福祉受损。Conclusion:While the internet provides numerous benefits, it is crucial for teenagers to exercise moderation and maintain a healthy balance in their online activities. Parents, educators, and society as a whole play a vital role in raising awareness about the perils of internet addiction and providing guidance and support to help teenagers navigate the digital world responsibly.结论:尽管互联网提供了许多好处,但青少年在网络活动中保持适度和健康的平衡至关重要。父母、教育工作者和整个社会在提高对互联网成瘾危险的认识以及为帮助青少年负责任地面对数字世界提供指导和支持方面发挥着至关重要的作用。
2023-07-23 18:00:132


we have to conquer it when encountering difficulty.
2023-07-23 18:00:233


【 #英语资源# 导语】以微笑面对压力和挫折,才是自信的表现。只要走过人生中这座百年的石桥,以“智者”的信念微笑面对走时的颤抖,才是勇敢的表现。跨过这道坎,其实,并不是件难事。以下是 为大家精心整理的内容,欢迎大家阅读。 1.关于挫折的英语作文范文   People love success and hate failure. However, some people have said that "failure is the mother of success".   People often take it as an excuse after failure to cover up Egypt"s cowardice and incompetence, but they never try to understand the mystery of this sentence. Only those who constantly encounter failures can learn from them and guard themselves from time to time. The accumulated experience and lessons are like a golden key that opens the door to success for you Success can kill people"s consciousness, and failure can exercise people"s consciousness. When successful, people will often be arrogant, do not want to make progress, lie on success and be complacent. Over time, you will lose your fighting spirit. As the saying goes, "heroes don"t mention their courage in the past" is to warn those who think they will be complacent and enjoy their success as long as they achieve a little success in something. So when the next failure hits. Just panic and wait to die. Success is the goal, failure is the process. Only after countless failures can we get the final success. That kind of success is the most real and reliable. Only after eating the bitter failure can we really taste the sweetness of success. The result is important, but the experience is the most memorable!   Failure in the middle school entrance examination once made me fall into the abyss of failure. There was no dawn of hope, no excitement of success, only dark and quiet night and endless pain. For a moment, I was completely defeated by failure. Every day, I live in regret. Every day, I have to bear the disappointment of my parents. I feel very sad. However, after a long time, I slowly figured out that maybe failure is also a good thing. After this failure, I may be better in the college entrance examination three years later. I will impress my parents and I will taste the sweetness of success. 2.关于挫折的英语作文范文   Failure is a great sorrow for people. But I want to treasure my failure, start from scratch, let my passion for flying burst out, and make my bird"s feathers fuller.   The flower fell, but it drew nourishment again. After countless wordless waiting, the flower finally bloomed a smile again.   The tide receded, but it regained its momentum and rolled. It endured many silent hours, and finally the sea pushed the momentum of swallowing the sky out of the horizon again.   Flowers bloom, tides rise and fall, and each cycle is amazing, because they know how to treasure failure from scratch. Success and failure are the crossroads of life. From scratch, there is always a new world.   Look at Gou Jian who meets Qishan. His mountains and rivers are broken and his life experience is ups and downs. How miserable it is; What a shame it is to wash horses for the king of Wu and taste dung for his husband. But he knows that everything starts from scratch. He has to endure hardships and hardships for ten years. Finally, three thousand Yue Jia can swallow Wu.   Looking at the dark red Xiang Yu, he was down at the same time and defeated miserably, but he just lamented and complained about the world and people, but he didn"t know that Jiangdong"s children were talented and comeback   In the face of failure, Gou Jian knows how to treasure failure and start from scratch; And Xiang Yu didn"t know that from scratch, there would be no time when the willows are dark and the flowers are bright.   Don"t let success get in your way; Don"t be late for success. You stand on the sail again.   Climbing the Alps, we know that we have just stood at the bottom of Mount Everest; On the Qinghai Tibet Plateau, the roof of the world, we know that we have just reached the shore of the vast ocean. Treasure failure from scratch, we can climb higher and go further.   Treasure failure, start from scratch, let strength and self-confidence split the cage, let calm peace and harvest a successful harvest   Life is actually very simple. Treasure failure, start from scratch and move forward bravely! 3.关于挫折的英语作文范文   Every setback or adverse mutation carries the same or larger favorable seeds—— Emerson   For many nights, I stayed up at night and didn"t lie down until three or five o"clock. Little sleep time, although very tired and hard, but more is full.   I"m like a hard worker. I work from morning to night and work nine to five. Work hard just for a drop in the bucket.   If so, it"s OK, but my reward as a student is really very little.   I admit I"m not smart enough, I"m not flexible enough, I"m not enthusiastic enough. I don"t stand out in the class, let alone the best in the class. I"m even stupid, ignorant and dull. I used to think I was good for nothing.   Although a great man once said, "everyone has his own ability to stand alone, and should not be forgotten or abandoned by the world." But I still "work hard, fail again, and exhaust three times". I was silent and negative. Until someone who means a lot to me told me, "cheer up, gold always shines." So I slowly, slowly and carefully got up and slowly approached difficulties and setbacks.   I know I still have a long way to go, and there are a lot of time and time. I can choose to waste and decadent. But I know better what is called "white young head, empty sad!"   Qu Yuan"s "Li Sao" has such a sentence: "the road is long, and I will seek it up and down." I am now in my prime of life and in the age of cardamom. When encountering a setback, we retreat, hesitate and feel depressed. Isn"t youth a symbol of struggle, unyielding and courage? What"s the matter with me? I want to cheer up and face setbacks and difficulties.   Because of youth, love to fight will win.   Penn said, "without sowing, there is no harvest; without hard work, there is no success; without suffering, there is no glory; without setbacks, there is no glory."   I am no longer satisfied with the status quo. I want to rise up and resist. These stormy setbacks, difficulties, failures and ridicule will make me advance in the face of difficulties and be more brave. Like the ocean, only those with strong will can reach the other shore. I want to be the one who crosses the sea barehanded.   Now, I have strong will, indomitable faith, unyielding courage and unyielding fighting spirit, all of which are attributed to the "setback", which makes me happy Setback on the right track is that it gives my life a direction. I am not timid or afraid of it. On the contrary, I appreciate it and love it. 4.关于挫折的英语作文范文   In a material society eager for quick success and instant benefit, people often hear and see stories of geniuses, winners and lucky people. But how many of these people are there? If you are not a genius, and you are not so lucky and often encounter setbacks, won"t you live?   Live, of course, or. And they all want to live better. So what should you do?   People"s life is not plain sailing, will experience many setbacks. So, how should we face setbacks?   When you face setbacks, you can"t blame yourself. From time to time, you no longer have confidence and don"t do things with your heart. When you face setbacks, you think more about "why". Why? It should also be summarized in practical action. When you face setbacks, you should be kind to them. Du Mu once said, "the family affairs of the defeated soldiers are uncertain. It"s a man to be ashamed and endure humiliation. Jiangdong"s children are talented and handsome, and it"s unknown to make a comeback." composition   I have read such a story. The hero"s name is Li Jun. Once, when the examination paper was handed out, he frowned and got a score of 58. For a student who failed in the exam, let alone how much it hit his self-confidence. The teacher asked him to mend his throat after class. However, the teacher did not agree, but let him explore, explore and make progress with his classmates. In the final exam. His grades were OK - Cocoa passed all of them.   He did not flinch in the face of serious setbacks in his self-confidence, but bravely faced it. He knew that no pain, no gain. He didn"t blame himself and never studied again. composition   My friends, you are not genius, you are not God. However, we are healthy and operate much more than the disabled, so we will work hard and struggle. Therefore, you should remember such a truth - when you face failures and setbacks, don"t blame yourself. 5.关于挫折的英语作文范文   No one can make his life without the shadow of setbacks. Setbacks are inevitable. The setting of setbacks and thanking setbacks are the qualities that each of us should have.   If there is no desolation and sadness in life, there will be a test of the long march. In this endless cycle, there is a struggle for survival. The road flows gradually from our feet, like a flame, down steadily step by step. Even if you fail in the end, you can skillfully wave your sleeve without taking away a cloud - don"t judge a hero by success or failure. You"re not a winner, but you"re a strong one.   In life and study, we will inevitably encounter many unfair experiences, which we cannot escape and choose. We can only understand what happened and adjust ourselves. We can have a calm heart in setbacks. Don"t sink like the sand in the river, and don"t see the sun again. Continue to be rational and optimistic, find out your shortcomings, re-establish confidence and courage, accumulate strength like a river, fear setbacks and rush to the sea.   Holding a depressed hand is like a spring seed breaking through the hard soil and pulling out fresh green buds. When we encounter setbacks, it means that we must receive training. At this time, we are young shoots, tenacious and upward in the dark, and adhere to the pursuit of brilliant sunshine. Perhaps, overnight, the earth was covered with a light green veil - the grass succeeded.   Going hand in hand with setbacks is like a summer rainbow after a storm, showing illusory beauty. Setbacks are like storms. After the thunder and lightning, the sun shone on the ground. In the distance, there will be a rainbow through the wind and rain. The rainbow will appreciate the wind and rain, because how can we see the rainbow without wind and rain?   Go hand in hand with setbacks, just like the fragrance of autumn wheat. After years of training, it will be golden and charming. If we want to succeed, we can"t find a sunshine Avenue without gullies, turns, slopes and intersections. We always experience setbacks to reach the peak of life.   Hand in hand with setbacks, just like winter, can be weathered by rain, snow, wind, frost and severe cold. If you want to be a gentleman with plum character, you can"t live without 39 years of cold. Plum blossom thanks to the cold winter, because "the fragrance of plum blossom comes from bitter cold".   What is happiness? Happiness is the flower of life, blooming in the soil of blood, tears and sweat. As the saying goes, "only those who are cold can feel the warmth of the sun. Only those who suffer setbacks and pain on the battlefield of life can understand the true happiness of life if they understand the value of life."   Go hand in hand with setbacks, hone yourself in setbacks, let the sun shine on your life and welcome your spring.
2023-07-23 18:00:301


初次见面,请多关照The first meeting, please take care of
2023-07-23 18:00:404


2023-07-23 18:01:147


they reunited eachother after nine years
2023-07-23 18:01:3514


Let"s love one more time
2023-07-23 18:02:004


I will never feel shame about encountering you其他的You are my heart beatYou make me drive on a dark road all night long, but I just don"t feel enoughI pray to god that gives me a chance to love you
2023-07-23 18:02:325


英文读后感格式   英文读后感格式,你知道怎么写吗?随着年级越高,学到的东西也越多。读后感不仅有中文格式还有英文格式,对大家的要求增加了。不要慌,英文读后感是有格式可以参考的,多看看这些格式对写好读后感有用,让我们一起去了解吧。   英文读后感格式1    英文读后感1   Not every story can become a classic, after watching Roman holiday", I learned a lot . the princess thirst for freedom.She met Jo Bradley in Rome, finally she had to leave him for her country.   Even the princess also have the life she didnt like, moreover us.   We are all desire freedom .Sometimes, too much work will make us feel tired, we can learn to relax ourselves and enjoy wonderful holidays but after the holidays, we also need to go back to our homes like the princess, and need to take on our responsibility.    英文读后感2   On summer vacation of this year, I studied in novel " old man and sea " of Hemingway , famous writer of U.S.A. ,. I admire the old fishermans will in the novel very much, he lets me understand that a person must have unremitting spirit, could succeed .   Man is not made for defeat,a man can be destroyed but he can not be defeated. Gently closing the book "the old man and the sea",I cant help thinking . In real life, encountering difficulty is unavoidable, the most important is to confront and have perseverance so that we can learn from failure.    英文读后感3   I read a famous American writer Ernest Hemingways novel "the old man and the sea", very admire kept the will of the novel, he let me know how a man must have perseverance, can succeed. The man is a novel depicts a near the old fisherman, in a single out to sea fishing, caught a big fish, but pull not up. The old fisherman al with fish after a few days, found that this is a more than his several times as big marlin fishing boats, although knowing is hard to win, but still dont give up. Later and because the big marlin wound fish smell drew a few group of sharks rob food, but the old man still would not so give up, eventually beckoning, the big fish back to the fishing port, let the other fishermen to admire.   英文读后感格式2    英文读后感1   For the end of "gone with the wind", stand in the perceptual Angle, to be honest, the heart is really sad, and very sad -- is the strong, the warm love will disappear with the time? But on the rational side, we have to think that ritters broken love will not be like a new one -- the two sides of a miserable man!   In any case, its a fascinating novel that appeals to at least one of my novels.    英文读后感2   The relevant reports the mayor Han Zheng Xie people ", although not in Shanghai, but I think that every citizen of Shanghai heard the mayor Han Zheng on behalf of the Shanghai municipal government said on all citizens" heartfelt gratitude and pay high tribute ", some will feel from the sincere, pro cut and satisfaction. Thanks to the sincere gratitude and respect of the "thank the people" of Mayor Han, it contains such sincerity, this kind of kindness, and the significance of this kind of effort to the satisfaction of the people.    英文读后感3   Here I am sitting on a couch alone, thinking about what I have just finished reading with tears of sadnefilling my eyes and fire of indignation filling my heart, which revived my exhausted soul that has already been covered by the cruelty and the selfishneof the secular world for a long time.   It is truly what I felt after reading Oliver Twist, written by the prominent British author Charles Dickens.   The resonance between me and the book makes me feel not only the kindneand the wickedneof all the characters.
2023-07-23 18:03:001


1. Whether you go to office to send you to where?Yes, but had better not more than half of year.2. Yes, I use of time to study the structure and principle of the mobile phone business.Don"t understand the problems, I usually with the aid of network learning, and then ask the teacher.3. No, but X company send the invitation to me.But considering the location factors, I will still consider your company, hope to be able to work here.4. At this point I have experience greatly, I"ve experienced this sort of work pressure.My credo is: often make people feel stressed and not from the incident itself, but from our view on this matter.So, when I feel stressed in reflection, is a view of things have deviation.Through this method to release stress.
2023-07-23 18:03:222


It is my regret
2023-07-23 18:03:324

"if we encounter a person of rare intellect,用汉语怎么说

2023-07-23 18:03:542


问题一:偶遇英语怎么说 run into或者e across都可以。 问题二:“偶遇”用英文怎么写? e across sth./ *** dy.(尤指偶然)遇到,碰上,发现 eg:She came across some old letters in the courseof her search.她在找东西时偶然发现了一些旧信件。 run across sth./ *** dy.与……不期而遇,偶然碰上(尤指令人愉快的人或事物) eg:I ran across an old friend in the street.我在马路上偶然碰见了一个老朋友。 问题三:“邂逅”“偶遇”英语怎么说 “邂逅”“偶遇” Encounter encounter 如对你有所帮助,请采纳或给予好评,如有其他疑问,可以向我求助。 问题四:偶遇用英语怎么说?是短语!是e开头的 e(run) acros海; run into;meet with;run up against 问题五:偶遇的英语翻译 偶遇 [ǒu yù] 基本翻译 run into e across run up against meet with 网络释义 偶遇:An Encounter | e across | run into 问题六:邂逅”“偶遇”英语怎么说 邂逅”“偶遇”的英文翻译_百度翻译 邂逅”“偶遇” Encounter encounter_百度翻译 encounter 英[?n?ka?nt?(r)] 美[?n?ka?nt?] vt. 遭遇; 不期而遇; 对抗; n. 相遇,碰见; 遭遇战; 对决,冲突; vi. 碰见,尤指不期而遇; [例句]Every day of our lives we encounter stresses of one kind or another 我们在每天的生活中会面临这样或那样的压力。 [其他] 第三人称单数:encounters 复数:encounters 现在分词:encountering过去式:encountered 过去分词:encountered 问题七:关于铁通!~!~!~带宽调为1M了吗?>1M有多快? 比512快一点,比2M慢一点。 问题八:偶遇英语怎么说 run into或者e across都可以。 问题九:“邂逅”“偶遇”英语怎么说 “邂逅”“偶遇” Encounter encounter 如对你有所帮助,请采纳或给予好评,如有其他疑问,可以向我求助。 问题十:“偶遇”用英文怎么写? e across sth./ *** dy.(尤指偶然)遇到,碰上,发现 eg:She came across some old letters in the courseof her search.她在找东西时偶然发现了一些旧信件。 run across sth./ *** dy.与……不期而遇,偶然碰上(尤指令人愉快的人或事物) eg:I ran across an old friend in the street.我在马路上偶然碰见了一个老朋友。
2023-07-23 18:04:011


问题一:相识英文怎么说 acquaint 是很有诗意的说法, get to know是常用词。 问题二:认识的英文怎么说 不太懂你的意思 如果是跟别人初次见面认识nice to m鸡et you 如果是 认识 这个单词的话 recognize(认识人的) understanding; knowledge(知识上的认识) 问题三:愿与你相识 英语怎么说 不详 问题四:僵尸用英语怎么说相识怎么说英语 僵尸 1.a corpse 2.a vampire 相识 be acquainted with acquaintance 问题五:“认识”用英语怎么翻译 be acquainted with *** . 问题六:相遇是现在的相识用英语写 Encountering is knowing at present. 问题七:认识英语怎么说? 知道、认识 know *** /sth 指知道/认识这个人或这个事. know about *** /sth 指了解某人或某事物的情况而并不一定认识这个人或这个事, know of *** .听说过某人,不一定认识 熟悉;认识(某人) familiar with 2.acquaint oneself with acquainted with *** get to know *** 强调一个认识的过程 问题八:你想认识他吗?用英语怎么说 Do you want to know him? 问题九:认识到用英语怎么说 realize recognize learn find out 问题十:请问认识一下用英语怎么说 get to know 郑重一点可以说 I wish I could have the opportunity to get to know him. 或者 I wish I could get to know him.
2023-07-23 18:04:091


Encountering a traffic accident或catch a traffic accident
2023-07-23 18:04:161

Encountering the phenomenon that environmental pollution has become more serious.这句怎么改错?

TO encounter其它的都没错
2023-07-23 18:04:342


“遇见红酒”在英语中可以表达为“Discovering Red Wine”或者“Encountering Red Wine”。其中,“Discovering Red Wine”更强调探索、发现的过程,而“Encountering Red Wine”则更强调遇到、遭遇的意味。具体使用哪个表达,还需要根据具体语境来决定。
2023-07-23 18:04:411


字眼是对的 可是整句文法上应该是这样写的: I feel grateful to meet you. or you can say I am grateful to meet you. I feel thankful to meet you. I am thankful/grateful for encountering/meeting/seeing you. I am thankful for the encounter. 希望帮到你啦! 参考: 自己 感激我遇见 : to thank my fortunate encounter I really have to thank my fortunate encounter with you 我感激有幸邂逅你。 感激我遇见 嘅意思应该系 因为遇见到你而产生感激嘅感觉。 Therefore it should be: 1. I appreciate that I have met you. 2. I am grateful that I have met you. It is grateful to meet you. It is great to meet you. It is a pleasure to meet you 我谂应该写成 "I"m so grateful to meet (somebody)." 会啱啲。((somebody) 即系边个咁解) 2010-03-25 16:44:49 补充: 求求你呀,拣我做最佳回答呀,求求你呀! 参考: mkhy great to meet you so nice to see you
2023-07-23 18:04:481


1、路在自己脚下,没有人可以决定你的方向。 The road is at your feet, no one can decide your direction. 2、但愿每次回忆,对生活都不感到负疚。 I hope every time I recall, I don"t feel guilty about life. 3、太阳有时也失约,黑夜却每天必来。 Sometimes the sun breaks his promise, but the night comes every day. 4、计划的目的,在肯定今后几年,如何安人? The purpose of the plan is to affirm how to secure people in the next few years? 5、不怕别人瞧不起,就怕自己不争气。 Don"t be afraid of being looked down upon by others, just be afraid of not striving for success. 6、只会在水泥地上走的人,永远不会留下深深的脚印。 People who only walk on the concrete floor will never leave deep footprints. 7、一个人最大的成功,就是用自己喜欢的方式度过自己的一生。 A person"s greatest success is to spend his life in the way he likes. 8、自信是胜利的起点,乐观是幸福的前兆。 Confidence is the starting point of victory and optimism is the precursor of happiness. 9、最终你相信什么,就能成为什么。 In the end, you can be what you believe in. 10、我的成功的概念是在别人都不努力的情况一我继续努力。 My concept of success is when no one else is working hard - I keep trying. 11、别低头,地上没有黄金只有石头! Don"t look down. There is no gold on the ground, only stones! 12、时间久了,理想的镜子起灰,需要多擦拭。 It takes a long time to clean the mirror. 13、乐观的人只顾着笑,而忘了怨;悲观的人只顾着怨,而忘了笑。 An optimistic man laughs and forgets to complain; a pessimist forgets to laugh. 14、治家严谨,教子有方,子孙才能学有所成。 Strict family management and proper teaching of children can help children achieve success in learning. 15、人生能有几回博,此时不博何时博,多留一点汗,少留一滴泪。 Life can have a few Bo, when not Bo Bo Bo, leave more sweat, less tears. 16、工资就像女人那大姨妈,一个月只有一次,没几天就完了。 Salary is like a woman"s great aunt, only once a month, not a few days. 17、赶脚的对头是脚懒,学习的对头是自满。 The opponent who drives off is lazy, and the opponent who studies is complacent. 18、向前走,不必想太多,也不要害怕,相信梦想并坚持。 Go forward, don"t think too much, don"t be afraid, believe in your dream and stick to it. 19、但使龙城飞将在,不叫胡马渡阴山。 But the Dragon City Flying general in, not called Hu Ma Du Yin Shan. 20、不管生活如何百般引诱,我就是这样的决绝。 No matter how tempting life is, I am such a resolute. 21、喜欢读书,就等于把生活中寂寞的时光换成巨大享受的时刻。 Like reading, is equal to the life of lonely time into a huge enjoyment of the moment. 22、要用自己的热情去呵护,去浇灌自己的生命! To use their own enthusiasm to care, to water their own life! 23、如果你尽力而为,失败并不可耻。 Failure is not shameful if you do your best. 24、可享当下安乐,却不妄图长久安逸。 They can enjoy the present happiness, but not long-term comfort. 25、有些话,适合烂在心里;有些痛苦,适合无声无息的忘记! Some words, suitable for rotten in the heart; some pain, suitable for silent forgetting! 26、只有积极主动的人,才能在瞬息万变的竞争环境中获得成功。 Only active people can succeed in the rapidly changing competitive environment. 27、所谓知足,并非不思进取,而是在努力耕耘中不奢望、贪求。 The so-called contentment is not a lack of ambition, but a lack of extravagance and greed in hard work. 28、上天赋予的生命,就是要为人类的繁荣和平和幸福而奉献。 The life given by heaven is to contribute to the prosperity, peace and happiness of mankind. 29、你没有摘到的,只是春天里的一朵花,整个春天还是你的。 What you haven"t picked is just a flower in the spring. The whole spring is still yours. 30、创新是惟一的出路,淘汰自己,否则竞争将淘汰我们。 Innovation is the only way out, eliminate ourselves, otherwise competition will eliminate us. 31、碰到逆境时,应心生感激,这是可遇不可求啊! When encountering adversity, you should be grateful. This is a chance that you can"t ask for! 32、愿你以后眉眼带笑,对往事足够坦荡。 May you smile in the future and be magnanimous to the past. 33、但愿每次回忆,对生活都不感内疚。 I hope every time I recall, I don"t feel guilty about life. 34、真正的爱,应该超越人的一生的长度心灵的宽度灵魂的深度。 True love should go beyond the length of one"s life, the width of one"s heart, and the depth of one"s soul. 35、力未尽,气未绝,心未死,不弃不馁,持之以恒。 Never give up, never give up, never give up. 36、每一个普通的改变,都将改变普通。 Every ordinary change will change the ordinary. 37、善待人生的每个梦想,给自己信心,要知道你有能力实现它。 Treat every dream in your life and give yourself confidence that you have the ability to realize it. 38、卸载永远比安装快,失去永远比得到快。 Unloading is always faster than installing, losing is always faster than getting. 39、用自己的努力去赢得别人的尊敬。 Use your own efforts to win the respect of others. 40、人生不要被表象控制,决定你成熟的,是看透。 Life should not be controlled by appearances. What determines your maturity is to see through. 41、自信不过是表现给别人看的,内心是否是自信只有你自己知道。 Confidence is only shown to others, whether you are confident or not is only known by yourself. 42、走不下去到时候停下来想想,总会找到坚持下去的理由。 If you can"t go down, stop to think about it, and you will find a reason to keep going. 43、有一天我手被烫伤了,你最关心的是开水倒了没? One day my hand was scalded. Do you care about the boiling water? 44、你一定要努力啊,不要受任何人阻碍,去自己想去的地方。 You must work hard, don"t be hindered by anyone, go where you want to go. 45、累了,让心吹吹风;伤了,让梦醒一醒;痛了,让脚步停一停。 Tired, let the heart blowing wind; hurt, let the dream wake up; pain, let the feet stop. 46、撇开友谊,无法谈青春,因为友谊是点缀青春的最美的花朵。 Apart from friendship, we can"t talk about youth, because friendship is the most beautiful flower to decorate youth. 47、你生而有翼,为何一生匍匐前进,形如蝼蚁。 You are born with wings. Why do you crawl forward all your life, like a mole ant. 48、最不宜结婚的是浪子,最适宜结婚的也是浪子。 The most unfit for marriage is the prodigal son, and the most suitable for marriage is the prodigal son. 49、习惯养得好,终身受其福;习惯养得不好,则终身受其害。 A good habit is a blessing for life; a bad habit is a lifelong disaster. 50、在自律计划中,找到享受的乐趣。 Find fun in the self-discipline program. 51、有一种成功,叫永不言弃;有一种成功,叫继续努力。 There is a kind of success, called never give up; there is a kind of success, called continue to work hard. 52、性格孤僻,不喜人多,却又向往热闹。 He is a lonesome person, but he yearns for excitement. 53、能干的人未必有成就,肯干的人一定有收获。 Capable people may not have achievements, but those who are willing to do will surely have gains. 54、就算再小的人物,也能改变未来的走向。 Even small people can change the direction of the future. 55、用自己的不懈努力,证明你一点儿也不比别人差。 With their unremitting efforts, prove that you are no worse than others. 56、理智要比心灵为高,思想要比感情可靠。 Reason is higher than heart, thought is more reliable than emotion. 57、梦想是一缕阳光,驱散你前行的阴霾。 Dream is a ray of sunshine, dispelling the haze of your progress. 58、青春是美妙的;挥霍青春就是犯罪。 Youth is wonderful; wasting it is a crime. 59、这个世界没有什么公平与不公平,只有能力。 There is nothing fair and unfair in this world, only ability. 60、给客户高质量的东西,这是最好的广告。 It"s the best advertisement to give customers high quality things.
2023-07-23 18:05:051

英语翻译 我们预料我们的计划会受到抵制.(resistance anticipate)

We expect that our plan will be resisted We expected that our plan can receive resisting We anticipate encountering/that we will encounter resistance to our plan
2023-07-23 18:05:201


1uff0cA group of researchers from London are carrying out a project, including the first stairs in the world that can collect human energy.
2023-07-23 18:05:272


How I Overcame My Difficulties in Learning EnglishYou must write your composition in no less than 100 words on the Composition Sheet and remember to write it in readable handwriting. How I Overcame My Difficulties in Learning English? Most Chinese students have difficulties in learning English. The difficulties vary so much from person to person that it is difficult to cite here in a few words.Some may have problems in reading. Others may have trouble in writing. I also had problems in English learning, but my difficulty seemed to lie in listening. For example, when tested for listening comprehension, I couldn"t understand a single sentence, let alone a passage of medium level. In order to overcome the difficulty in my English learning, I made great efforts to find the key to the problem. I consulted my teacher and found out that I merely didn"t have enough time to practice listening. So I bought a tape recorder and listened to it at least two hours a day. In addition, I listened to "Special English" on VOA. I also went out of my way to speak to foreigners on the campus whenever we meet so that I could have the chance to listen to the native speakers. After half a year"s hard work, I could get 70% of the questions correct in listening comprehension tests.I own my success to my English teacher. It is him who tells me the correct way to learn English. It is him who always encourages me when I encounter difficulties and feel disappointed.
2023-07-23 18:05:482


中文在旅途中遇到困难时他首先想到的是如何战胜困难而不是退缩.英语When encountering difficulties in the journey, his first thought is how to overcome difficulties rather than retreat.
2023-07-23 18:06:031


形容夜以继日的成语 【弥日累夜】:连日连夜,夜以继日。 【燃膏继晷】:燃:点燃;膏:油脂,指灯油;继:接续;晷:日影,日光。点上灯烛,接续日光。形容夜以继日地工作与学习。 【映雪囊萤】:形容夜以继日,苦学不倦。 【卜昼卜夜】:卜:占卜。形容夜以继日地宴乐无度。 【以昼卜夜】:卜:占卜。形容夜以继日地宴乐无度。 【不舍昼夜】:舍:放弃。不放弃白天和黑夜。比喻夜以继日。 【继晷焚膏】:继:继续,接替;晷:日光;膏:油脂,指灯烛。点燃蜡烛或油灯接替日光照明。形容夜以继日地勤奋学习或工作。 【昼夜不舍】:舍:放弃。不放弃白天和黑夜。比喻夜以继日。 【卜夜卜昼】:卜:占卜。形容夜以继日地宴乐无度。 【俾夜作昼】:把夜晚当作白昼一般利用,夜以继日。 形容夜以继日的四字词语 【成语】: 通宵达旦 【拼音】: tōng xiāo dá dàn 【解释】: 通宵:通夜,整夜;达:到;旦:天亮。整整一夜,从天黑到天亮。 【出处】: 《北齐书·文宣纪》卷四:“或躬自鼓舞,歌讴不息,从旦通宵,以夜继昼。” 【成语】: 废寝忘食 【拼音】: fèi qǐn wàng shí 【解释】: 废:停止。顾不得睡觉,忘记了吃饭。形容专心努力。 【成语】: 焚膏继晷 【拼音】: fén gāo jì guǐ 【解释】: 膏:油脂,指灯烛;继:继续,接替;晷:日光。点上油灯,接续日光。形容勤奋地工作或读书。 【出处】: 唐·韩愈《进学解》:“焚膏油以继晷,恒兀兀以穷年。” 形容夜以继日的句子 .他一开端成绩不好,但后来夜以继日,孜孜不倦地学习,一刻都不敢怠慢,于是很快他就锋芒毕露,成绩渐渐地上升。 At the beginning, he didn"t do well, but later, he worked hard day and night, and didn"t dare to neglect for a moment, so soon he showed his strength and gradually improved his performance. .丈夫为了维持生计夜以继日的工作,但是却疏忽了妻子。 The hu *** and worked day and night to make a living, but he neglected his wife. .办公大楼和五星级宾馆的修建夜以继日地进行。 The construction of office buildings and five-star hotels is going on day and night. .他们早出晚归,夜以继日,为别人的成功而辛苦奔忙。 They go out early and come back late, day and night, working hard for the success of others. .临近高考那一月,哥哥分秒必争,夜以继日地复习功课。 In the month of college entrance examination, my brother will review his lessons day and night. .我夜以继日地为金钱而工作。 I work day and night for money. .为了能够完成这次建设,工人们夜以继日,废寝忘食,遇到什么难题总是坚持不懈,不退缩。 In order to complete the construction, the workers worked day and night, forgetting to eat and sleep. They always persevered and did not flinch when encountering any problems. .红军夜以继日长途跋涉,不畏艰难、互相支持帮助终于走过了长征到达了陕北。 The Red Army made a long journey day and night, braved hardship and supported each other and finally reached northern Shaanxi. .他读起书来,经常是如饥似渴,夜以继日,几年下来进步真不小。 . when he started reading, he was always hungry and thirsty. He made great progress day and night and over the years. .为了提前完成这座桥梁工程,他们夜以继日地奋战在工地上。 In order to finish the bridge project ahead of time, they worked day and night on the construction site. .我们的部门经理总是夜以继日地工作。 Our department manager always works day and night. .他们早出晚归,夜以继日,为别人的成功而辛苦奔忙。 They go out early and come back late, day and night, working hard for the success of others. .为了抢救被压在废墟中的人,救难人员正夜以继日、不眠不休地挖着土石。 In order to rescue the people trapped in the ruins, rescuers are digging earth and stone day and night. .为了生产出更多的汽车,向国庆献礼,工人们起早贪黑,夜以继日。 In order to produce more cars and present to the national day, the workers work day and night. .他为了早日完成学位论文,真是夜以继日、废寝忘食。 In order to finish his dissertation as soon as possible, he has to work day and night. .为了早日完成那个科研项目,爸爸夜以继日地工作着。 In order to finish the research project as soon as possible, father works day and night.
2023-07-23 18:06:101


I want to be a pliceman When I was a smell boy. I want to be a policeman. But my father and my mother said :"police is very dangours." my uncle said :"i have a feriend he is a police but now he was in hospatial ." than i never said i want to be a policeman i always to be a policeman in my dream and i can caught the theif one time. i found a theif. he is going to leave. but at the end of i caught the theif. all the people see me i didn"t afraid of everything . now i will study better . and i am sure i will become a policaman! 咋样 全部自己翻译 呵呵
2023-07-23 18:06:215


2023-07-23 18:06:4113


1.得病以前,我受父母宠爱,在家中横行霸道。参考译文:before i fell ill, i had been the bully under our roofs owing to my doting parents.2.一旦隔离,拘禁在花园山坡上一幢小房子里,我顿感打入冷宫,十分郁郁不得志起来。参考译文:feeling like being deposed into a cold palace, i began to taste the bitterness of depression and frustration immediately after i was segregated and confined in a small house on a hillside in our garden.3. 一个春天的傍晚,园中百花怒放,父母在园中设宴,一时宾客云集,笑语四溢。 参考译文:on a spring evening, my parents gave a banquet in the garden where a profusion of flowers were in full bloom. in no time, a crowd of their guests collected and laughter was heard all over there.4. 我在山坡的小屋里,悄悄掀起窗帘,窥见园中大千世界,一片繁华,自己的哥姐,堂表弟兄,也穿插其间,个个喜气洋洋。参考译文:i, without being noticed, lifted the curtain in my small room, only to spy the bustle of a kaleidoscopic world down in the garden, and my elder sisters, brothers and my cousins, each full of the joys of spring, were shuttling among the guests.5. 一霎时,一阵被人摒弃,为世所遗的悲愤兜上心头,禁不住痛哭起来。 参考译文:quickly enough, i was thrown into a fist of sorrowful anger at being forgotten and discarded by the rest and could not help crying my heart out.6.近读报纸,对国内名片和请柬的议论颇多,于是想起客居巴黎时经常见到的法国人手中的名片和请柬,随笔记下来,似乎不无借鉴之处。 在巴黎,名目繁多的酒会、冷餐会是广交朋友的好机会。在这种场合陌生人相识,如果是亚洲人,他们往往开口之前先毕恭毕敬地用双手把自己的名片呈递给对方,这好像是不可缺少的礼节。然而,法国人一般却都不大主动递送名片,双方见面寒喧几句甚至海阔天空地聊一番也就各自走开。只有当双方谈话投机,希望继续交往时,才会主动掏出名片。二话不说先递名片反倒有些勉强。 法国人的名片讲究朴素大方,印制精美,但很少有镶金边儿的,闪光多色的或带香味儿的,名片上的字体纤细秀丽,本人的名字也不过分突出,整张纸片上空白很大,毫无拥挤不堪的感觉。(参考译文) in reading recent newspapers, i have come to find that people in china have become more and more interested in discussing about name cards and invitation letters. this has triggered my reminiscences of the name cards and invitation letters of the french people that i saw when i was residing in paris. in writing down those random reminiscences, i believe that they might provide some useful information for us to learn from. in paris, all the wine parties and buffet receptions held on various occasions provide optimum opportunities to make friends with all varieties of people. when encountering a stranger on such an occasion, an asian would invariably hand over his name card to the newly-met stranger with full reverence, with both of his hands, even before he starts to converse with the stranger. such an act seems to have become an indispensable ritual (formality/ etiquette). by contrast, an average frenchman seldom takes the initiative to (offers to / volunteers to) present his name card. instead, he would simply walk away after an exchange of routine greetings or even some aimless (random/ casual) chat. only when both sides become deeply engrossed (engaged / involved) in their conversation and have the intention to make further acquaintance with each other would they offer to give their name cards. it would seem somehow bizarre if a french person offers his name card without saying anything to the stranger in the first place. the french tend to take extraordinary precaution to make their name cards simple yet elegant. exquisitely designed and printed, their name cards are seldom golden-framed, or colorfully shiny, or tinted with fragrant smells. the letters as appear on their name cards tend to be diminutive but beautiful, not allowing the name of the card-bearer to be overly prominent/salient. the entire card contains much empty space, imparting no sense of over-crowdedness. section b: translate the following underlined part of the english text into chinese 够难了吧,这可是八级的
2023-07-23 18:07:261

翻译 1.我总是在退缩当我遇到困难时。 2.早上本来打算起来背单词可是因为天太冷就

1. I always chicken out when I meet difficulties.2. I planned to get uo in the morning to remember some words but I didn"t do it because it is too cold.
2023-07-23 18:07:464


The electric door guard has replaced the traditional "door lady" in a dormitory at Shanghai Songjiang University City, within the range of many universities. In the future, more electric door guards will take the place of "door ladies." The electric door guard operates under an IC card system, with students using IC cards to enter. Each resident student is issued an IC card with his/her personal information stored on it. Information like the card-holding student"s name, major, grade, and even time of entry will be stored on their IC card. The door has also been equipped with a "digital eye" to take video 24 hours a day 7 days a week.
2023-07-23 18:07:574


电话接近客户的技巧 Tips on tele-marketing
2023-07-23 18:08:522


1.Do you wish the school authorities would help the students to establish more societies or clubs? Why or Why not?Answer:Yes, definitely. Having more clubs or societies not only could bring energy and enthusiam to schools, but also could change the diversity of classes, making each class not as boring so that students would have more interest and could concentrate more during their studies.2. If you were the president of this college, what would you do to help the students with their studies?Answer:There are certainly lots things we could do. But the thing that I would probably do first to help the students with their studies would be putting students into groups and let them work together.3. What do you usually do in your spare time? Why?Answer:I usually swim and dance in my spare time. Swimming and dancing are my favorite things to do because they are good for our health and we could maintain a good body shape.4. What are your hobbies? How do you develop it or them?Answer:My hobby is reading. To develop this, I read a variety of different types of books so that I could have different tastes and a variety of wrinting techniques.5. Why do you choose computer (…) as your major at college?Answer:I chose computer as my major at the college because nowadays we need computer techniques everywhere despite the kinds of job you are taking.6. Do you think friends are important in your life? Why or why not?Answer:Friends are the most important in my life. Having friends is building relationships. And with a good relationship, we would be successful in the future. Besides, we you are encountering difficulties, it is your friend that would give you a hand and save you from struggling.7. Do you like traveling? Why or why not?Answer:I like traveling because we could see different cultures, experience different lives, and feel the beauty of the nature.8. Do you like shopping? Why or why not?Answer:Shopping is probably my least favorate thing to do. Girls usually like shopping but I think unnessary shopping not only wastes time, but also wastes money.
2023-07-23 18:09:001

u200b英语翻译纠错 谢谢

12. This game is considered a very fun game and has become popular throughout the country.13. This is one of the tree houses that belongs to John Baba.14. This new measure can not be adopted because it go against the traditional.15. This advertisement is designed to promote sales。16. Her excellent command of English has enabled her getting the position.17. No matter how hard your life is, never lose your confidence.18. It"s better to take action than becomming a sitting duck.19. Whenever you have any difficulties, I will be willing to help you.20. Despite winning the Nobel Peace Prize, Sonia still feels unhappy.21. Once you make a promise, you must keep your words.22. In spite of encountering some difficulties, she still managed to finish the tasks ahead of schedule.
2023-07-23 18:09:231

oracle 删除表示提示错误

2023-07-23 18:09:515


cross 作动词 用“穿过 越过”的意思.主要表示在物体表面上横穿.如横过马路、过桥、过河等,与go across同义.Be careful when you cross the street.过马路时要小心.Cross (Go across )the bridge,and you will see a big building .过这座桥你就会看到一栋大楼.Cross作名词用是“十字架 十字形饰物”的意思.through是介词“在...之中,透过”的意思,常与go,walk等动词连用表示“穿越 横穿”等意思.主要表示从物体内部穿过.如穿过森林、隧洞等.The two friends were walking through the forest.这两个朋友正沿着森林走.The sunlight comes through the glass.阳光透过玻璃
2023-07-23 18:10:0813


1. make a poster作文四十词 My favorite singer Nowadays,there is no doubt that Jolin became more and more popular in pop music who was born on 15th sep 1980 in Taiwan.She first started out by taking part in the MTV singing petition while she was just 18.She won the top prize with a song “62616964757a686964616fe78988e69d8331333339663334The Greatest Love of all”.Then she was being signed on by Universal Music as a new singer from Taiwan.Now,she is a favorite pop singer among the youth as my favorite singer.All of her fans,like me,was be infatuated with both her beauty and talent.。 2. How to make a poster 英语作文 This morning I came across a POSTER on the bulletin of our university,it said that tonight the stadium will hold a great soccer game beeen Shanghai Team and Shaanxi Team.I know you are a super fun,you cannot miss such mountain peak to definitely, and I have bought o tickets for you and me. Can we meet at the gate of school about 6:30, then we walk to the destination.I am sure we will have a good time this evening.。 3. make a poster about sports ,写一篇英语作文,要求原创 How to make an excellent psoter about sports?firstly,you should know what colors reflect the sports.we know sports mean energy and the color like orange or red which should be used as the thematic color of the poster.sencondly,you need have great ideas and inspiration of the poster,the creative poster will not fail to be surrounded and it can easily attracts attention of people.when your poster could finish it in this way,you would not be worried about less attention.The last but not the least,you should use appropriate words which are full of inspiration and appeal.Letting him believe that it wiill be a big regret if he do not take part in this sports activity。 4. 能帮我写Make a poster.Ask for help with an event at your school.的作 HELP WANTED SCHOOL SUMMER EVENT NEED THE FOLLOWING ABLE BODIES VOLUNTEERS TO SET UP TABLES AND CHAIRS TEN PEOPLE TO SELL TICKETS FIVE PEOPLE FOR RECEPTION TWELVE DANCERS TO PERFORM TWO DANCES A BOY AND A GIRL M.C. ( MASTER OF CEREMONY) THOSE INTERESTED PLEASE CONTACT ME AT CLASSROOM # 4. 请采纳谢谢 5. 初二英语作文Make a poster for your favorite singer My favorite singer Nowadays, there is no doubt that Jolin became more and more popular in pop music who was born on 15th sep 1980 in Taiwan. She first started out by taking part in the MTV singing petition while she was just 18. She won the top prize with a song “The Greatest Love of all”. Then she was being signed on by Universal Music as a new singer from Taiwan. Now, she is a favorite pop singer among the youth as my favorite singer. All of her fans, like me, was be infatuated with both her beauty and talent. 6. howtomakeagreatperson这个英语作文作为题目怎么写 怎么做一个伟大的人How to bee a great person?Great person is a man who most of us appreciate and admire.But how to bee a great person is a question that I guess few of us can give a definite answer.As for me,we should meet the following points :First of all,you should be full of ambition,namely,you have strong confidence that you can achieve whatever goal you want if you take actions;What"s more,you must be consistent when doing anything,and don"t easily give up when encountering any difficulty,you out to find out as many solutions as possible to conquer it;In addition,you should be kind-heatted,and be ready to make contribution to the society and our motherland;Finally,you should pay attention to all the details and little mistakes,and try your best to make them up;So,from what I have suggested above,you may bee a great person in the not too distance future!。
2023-07-23 18:11:161

哪个好心人能把Crystal Kay的《恋におちたら》歌词翻成罗马音??

我顶多可以翻译成英语和中文:~~~英语:encountering to love from, certainly all worlds it had started changing, if now, in the flower which blooms in the road which can say this feeling honestly loving you whom it begins to laugh without the [ri] [ge] are you whom from the heart which any jewel compared to probably cuts the [ku] instant 间 in the chest you think from heart as for important ones what? The laughing that tear protecting directly, the [ku] and the [me] it is in love falling, I love you you the [te] are in the of the child with every to be, for example the [se] [te] now standing in the [u] place, as desired it does not go bosom to force to the day when because the good shoes thing memory where it probably will go to the view easily it wraps you you whom from heart you think from heart believing are any [ru] things what? Also this town the friend is to rub is your friend even with it is not, are you who from always love heart are thought from heart as for important ones what? The laughing that tear protecting directly, the [ku] and the [me] it is in love falling, you whom from heart you think from heart believing, are any [ru] things what? Also this town the friend is to rub is your friend even with it is not, are you who from heart are thought from heart as for important ones what? The laughing that tear protecting directly, the [ku] and the [me] it is in love falling, I love you 中文:宋庄稼遇到爱从,当然,所有的世界,它已经开始发生变化, 如果现在 在鲜花盛开,其中,在道路,可以说,这种感觉真的爱你的人开始 一笑无[扶] [葛]你的人发自内心的任何宝石相比,大概削减辉 [谷]即时间中胸部,你觉得从心,至于重要的是什么? 笑颜,泪液保护,直接[谷]及决[我] ,它是属于爱情, 我爱你,你的音[特]在顷的孩子梦愿与一切有待 举例构词[硒] [特]现在矗立在违[ u ]的,全部的地方, 正如预期的,它不走襟怀,以武力那天,因为好的鞋子事内存 它可能会前往认为语法很容易缠上你,你从人的心脏,你认为从心 相信任何[茹]什么东西? 同时这个镇的朋友切断是碰的是你的朋友甚至是不可行的, 你的人,总是爱心思想是从心脏作为重要的是什么? 笑颜,泪液保护,直接[谷]及决[我] ,它是属于爱情, 你的人从心,你想从信仰的心,是任何[茹]什么东西? 同时这个镇的朋友切断是碰的是你的朋友甚至是不可行的, 你是谁的心,从思想,是从心,至于重要的是什么? 笑颜,泪液保护,直接[谷]及决[我] ,它是属于爱情, 我爱你你强人啊~~
2023-07-23 18:11:242


1) is not that of material wealth but your attitude to life the key to happiness.2) the holidays you start more early, possibility of encountering traffic jam is smaller.望采纳~~~
2023-07-23 18:11:335


1. 急急急:帮我写一篇寓言故事《乌鸦喝水》的英语对话话剧 - - ,你写中文我给你翻译英文 加我Q 2. 英语话剧中学生寓言故事视屏 剧名:集集宝藏 The treasure of Ji-Ji 场景:集集小镇,树林 人物:村长、威廉、爱丽丝、哈利、仙度拉、叮叮、当当、巫师.邮差A、B. 第一幕 场景:集集小镇 人物:村长、威廉、爱丽丝、哈利、仙度拉 【威廉接受大家欢呼】 村长:这一次第一名的勇士就是威廉.(披上彩带) Village head: The winner of the best warrior is William. (Put on the colored ribbon) 威廉:(大笑)哈!这一次我又赢了. William: Hooray! This time I have won again. 爱丽丝:哇!威廉,你好厉害喔!你真是我心目中的英雄. Alice: Wow! William, you are so good ! You are really a hero in my mind. 村长:哈利!今年你又是最后一名了,加油哦!(村长下) Village head: Harry! You are the last this year, Come on!(village head leaves) 威廉:我肚子好饿喔!爱丽丝小姐! William: I am very hungry ! Alice . 爱丽丝:我做好吃的点心给你吃. Alice: I"ll bake the delicious cookies for you. 仙度拉:我也行啊! Sandra: Me too . 威廉:好、好、好! William: It is good , good , good! 哈利:嗯…仙度拉小姐? Harry: Eh ! Sandra . 仙度拉:什麼事? Sandra: What"s the matter? 哈利:我裤子破一个洞?我想…….. Harry: My trousers broke a hole and I wonder if you can… 仙度拉:我没空!对不起罗!. Sandra: I have no time! 哈利:哦…(无辜表情) Harry: Oh! (Innocent expression) 第二幕 地点:树林 人物:叮叮、当当、哈利、巫师、村长 【威廉、爱丽丝、仙度拉下场后,叮叮、当当抬重物上场,哈利落寞走著,与叮叮、当当巧遇 】 Ding-ding and Down-down appear on the stage and lift the heavy object] (Harry leave lonely, with Ding-ding, Down-down encountering by chance) 叮叮:好重喔! Ding-ding: Very heavy! 当当:好累喔! Down-down: Very hard ! 哈利:叮叮、当当!什麼东西这麼重? Harry: Ding-ding, Down-down, what is so heavy? 叮叮:这是我们刚刚从山上摘的水果 Ding-ding: This is the fruit we pluck from the mountains. 当当:但是每次经过这儿都会被这一颗大石头挡住. Down-down: Every time, when we pass here, we will be blocked by this big stone. 叮叮:真希望大石头可以不见,这样我们就 3. 寓言故事《东坡先生与狼》独幕话剧 水里的几尾小鱼,亦或 4. 伊索寓言里什么故事好排话剧 得看是什么样的年纪还有经费预算了…… 5. 艺考影视表演专业,台词选寓言故事,还是选有难度的话剧选段好顺便推荐好的,谢了~本人男,声音条件一 考场上的朗诵有几个必须遵循的艺术规律与原则,即要“做什么”,还有几条不可违背的忌讳,即“不要做什么”: 从宏观上说,朗诵的基本要求要做到“三要四必”的原则,朗诵的三要是: 一要清晰,使考官听的清楚,听的明白; 二要感人,真感动、真动听,耐人寻味,给人享受; 三要性格化,创造独特的个性魅力。 朗诵的四必是: 言必有旨。语言要有明确的目的性,要体现作品的主题、意蕴; 言必有衷。语言要从内心出发,有真情实感; 言必有形。语言要有鲜明的形象感、并建立内心视像; 言必有艺。语言要进行艺术加工、讲究技巧、具有审美感。 最终归纳考场上朗诵的考试技巧为“九要九不要”: 1、要朗读好必须要反复朗读全文,首先理解它,才可能完成好朗诵稿件。 考生必须了解整个剧本,对整篇作品有深刻、正确的理解和感受;理解全剧;理解规定情境;理解台词内容层次;理解台词目的;理解人物关系;理解人物情感;理解风格式样;理解叙说方式等。理解这个人物和这个段子在全剧中的地位。千万不能只背诵选定的片段,只片面字面的意思。 2、要做好充分的准备,包括熟悉朗诵稿件、理解稿件、处理稿件和表现稿件;包括外部的、心理的、技巧的、生活的准备。 考生对朗诵的稿件内容要有正确的理解、真切的感受和艺术的处理。要把稿件的内容尽量生动、准确的表达出来,要好好理解稿件的内涵。如有条件最好请教有经验的专业老师指点,使你能深入的理解作品的结构与涵义,加深对内容的感受,提高朗诵的得分数。切忌临时抱佛脚。千万不要拿一篇稿件读诵,那肯定要被淘汰,那是一种自杀行为。 3、要深入、投入到作品中去,以作者的身份说话,并把自己的生命摆进去。 朗读好一片作品不光用声音、技巧,主要用心,用心去“摸”、去表达。它需要考生强烈的情感投入、甚至 *** 。考试时绝对不要仅仅用声音,客观冷漠的表述,也不要声嘶力竭的大喊大叫,不要拿腔拿调,用刻板的语言形式去朗诵。如表现激动时就高声喊叫,表现悲哀痛苦时就用哭腔,表现愤怒时就粗声粗气,表现高兴时就尖叫等等。 4、要真实、真诚、真挚、生活化。这是语言表达要遵循的优先原则。虚假造作是表演的大敌,也是朗诵的大敌。 朗诵的效果如何,关键在于对作品的理解与表达。理解的准确、有感受、有深度,而又能 通过语言把它恰当的、富有表现力的表达出来,就一定可以达到较好的朗诵效果。考生要寻找和运用一定的语言形式来表达作品的内容。语言表达的标准就是要能够真实的、自然的、由衷的描绘出作品中的人和事、情和景,让人听起来不假。这就要求在语言的表达上无论是语调、重音、停顿等的安排,还是节奏、声音等的处理,不要脱离生活的真实。千万不能让人感到装腔作势、玩弄处理,给人忽快忽慢、忽高忽低、忽大忽小、一惊一扎的感觉,千万不要“表演”朗诵。朗诵不是表演。不能依靠表演来进行,可以借助一些协调自如的手势,但不要过多的乱用手势、表情和其他动作。 5、要在规定的三分钟内朗诵一篇较完整的作品,将考生的表演素质,表演魅力充分展示出来。 一般朗诵稿件一般都超过三分钟,在考场上又绝对不能超时,如何解决这个矛盾就至关重要。所以一定要对选择的稿件进行删节。将不重要的、啰嗦的、重复的内容删除,或节选其中的一段精彩的,也可将精彩段落进行一定的衔接。 在朗诵考试的过程中,主考老师根据情况,有可能让考生一气朗诵完,或是在朗诵中间打断,提出一些具体的要求以后,再让考生集训朗诵下去。这个时候考生就要认真的听取老师的提示,接受老师的启发,努力按照老师的要求再去朗诵。有时也可能因考生的朗诵稿件太长,打断以后就不再继续朗诵了,这说明考官对考生已经有了了解,不需要继续再朗诵下去了。以上这些情况都是正常的,绝不意味着朗诵的好与坏。 6、既要讲真实、讲生活,也要讲技巧、讲魅力。真实、生活的层面不少考生都做的不错,那么考场上比的就是技巧、感觉与魅力了。 语言的技巧包括语气、重音、停顿、气息、高低、轻重、速度、节奏等等,以及内心视像、内心独白、潜台词、语言动作。 音高、音量、音长、音色这四者是构成语言声音色彩千变万化的基本要素。可以说,语言声音的全部技巧都脱离不开这四个基本要素的制约。表演语言最基本,也是最起码的要求是学会标准语音的普通话,纠正方言。为此就必须掌握汉语拼音音素的发音,以保持每个音素特有的音色。其次,还要求准确生动的表达语意,不但要求读准每个字的声、韵、调,还必须掌握字音的各种变调和词句的轻重变化规律,这些规律都离不开声音四要素的变化。 7、要深入的分析、丰富、开掘规定情境,特别是对人物关系的开掘与处理。 规定情境是人物的思想、行动和言语产生的根据,它决定人物说话的态度,说话的方式以及说话的分寸。对规定情境认识具体了,深刻了,才能将朗诵与独白处理的正确、生动、丰富、深刻。处理独白时一定要感受到,人物是在什么情况下说的,什么人物关系下跟谁说的。并使之作用于自己内心与行动,这样才算真正掌握了说话时的规定情境。不要简单化,表面化,只是念出与稿件上字面上表层的意思。更不要肤浅的理解规定情境与人物关系,做表面文章。 8、要讲层次、讲变化、讲轻重缓急、讲高低起伏,使朗诵丰富,富于魅力。 朗诵要讲层次,层层推进,还要讲高低起伏、轻重缓急。要做到层次,有变化,首先,必须深刻的认识全剧的矛盾冲突和戏剧情势是怎样发展的,在心中建立一条总的起伏贯穿线,根据这条发展线的不同位置,确定其高低。离开了整体发展线,自己任意起伏,会使整个朗诵变的杂乱无章。朗诵千万不要平铺直叙、平平淡淡、既没有高低徐缓,也没有抑扬顿挫。 9、要讲语言节奏的变化,要有 *** ,将朗诵推向 *** 。 朗诵节奏的变化是一切创造的基础,节奏是演出的生命。朗诵的节奏来自以下的几个因素: l 人物的内心情感,剧中的规定情境。 l 人物的性格不同,语言的速度节奏也各不相同,所以在台词的速度节奏的处理上,必须符合人物的性格特征。 l 掌握声音节奏的一个重点就是善于把握 *** 。 l 丰富多彩的语言速度节奏变化可以使人物的语言富有音乐性。这种具有韵律节奏、具有艺术美感的台词处理,可以增强舞台语言的吸引力和说服力。 6. 求一个成语故事或寓言故事的话剧剧本,不要太长10到15分钟就好,道具什么的最好少一点啦。急求啊! 独幕话剧 三八二十三 (根据徐敬德《仁爱的孔子》改编) 谢一平 鲁群 时间:我国春秋时期 地点:孔子居室 人物:孔子:男,四五十岁,教育家。 仲由:男,二十来岁,读书人,孔子学生。 买主:男,三十来岁,土豪。 布景:孔子居室,居室中央有一方案,方案上放有好些书简。 幕启:孔子在案后盘腿而坐,正在阅读书简。捋捋胡子,微笑。 买主:(急匆匆地上)(大声地)孔先生,孔先生,你给我们评评理,你给我们 评评理! 仲由:(提着头盔,随买主之后上)老师,请你为我们评一下理! 孔子:(疑惑地)你们?评理?评什么理呀? 仲由:(自信地)刚才,学生在集市上听见他(指买主)和卖主发生了争吵,卖 主说三八二十四,让他给二十四个钱。可他硬说三八二十三,只给二十三各钱。学生上前去 劝他说,三八是二十四,让他把钱给够,他根本不听…… 买主:(抢过话头)什么根本不听?三八就是二十三嘛,凭什么让我多给钱! 买主、仲由(齐):孔先生(老师),究竟是三八二十三,还是三八二十四?请 你为我们裁定。 孔子:这个简单…… 买主:孔先生,你可不能袒护你的学生啊,我们打过赌的! 孔子:啊?打赌?打了什么赌? 仲由:如果是三八二十三,我把头盔输给他(指指头盔)! 买主:如果是三八二十四,我把头输给他(用手在脖子上转一圈)! 买主、仲由(齐):孔先生(老师),我们请你定输赢! 孔子:(为难地)这……让我想想吧。(思索片刻,背转身)(郑重地,缓缓地 )仲由,你输了…… 仲由:(满脸疑惑)什么?我输了?我…… 买主:哈,我赢了!头盔拿来! 仲由:(舍不得,更不服气)老师,这,这…… 买主:(走到仲由面前)怎么?还不服气? 孔子:(沉重地)仲由,把头盔给人家吧! 买主:(夺过头盔)夫子圣明!(高兴地下) 仲由:(不解地)老师,怎么是我输了呢? 孔子:我能判你赢吗?你想想,你输了,头盔还可以买到。要是他输了呢? 仲由:我明白了!(抬头望着窗外,若有所思) 画外音:这时,仲由明白了,老师评判的最高标准是"仁爱"。 (剧终) 附原文 仁 爱 的 孔 子 徐敬德 一天,孔子的弟子仲由在集市上看见两人因买八尺鲁缟而发生争执。卖主说:"三 八二十四,你为什么不把钱给够?"买主说:"明明是三八二十三,你凭什么多收 钱?"仲由是个正直热情的人,走了过去,笑着对买鲁缟的人说:"三八该是二十 四。是你错了,把钱跟人家给够吧!"不想,买鲁缟的人不服,要与仲由打赌。仲 由性子急,以自己刚买的头盔作赌注;买鲁缟的人火气更旺,愿以自己的脑袋作 赌注。两人都同意以孔子的裁定为准。 孔子听了他们的叙说后,笑着对仲由说:"你输了,把头盔给人家吧!"仲由目瞪 口呆,眼睁睁地看着买鲁缟的人拿着他的头盔走了。仲由对孔子的裁定大惑不解 ,说:"老师,明明是三八二十四,你怎么说我输了呢?"孔子笑了笑,说:"你输 了,头盔可以重新买到;可要是那个买鲁缟的人输了呢?"仲由明白了,老师这样 的裁定,是因为"仁爱"是最大的理。 7. 有没有描写故事里的许多人都各自心怀鬼胎,最后又事与愿违的外国著名寓言或者故事,能够改编话剧给儿童看 灰姑娘的故事,表面上看起来很美好,实际上全是深深的套路 8. 学前班寓言故事的童话剧剧本 这个找一个很简单的就好 直接网络 你最好能找一下视频 方便排练 9. 求一个成语故事或寓言故事的话剧剧本,不要太长10到15分钟就好,道具什么的最好少一点啦。急求啊! 独幕话剧三八二十三 (根据徐敬德《仁爱的孔子》改编) 谢一平 鲁群 时间:我国春秋时期地点:孔子居室人物:孔子:男,四五十岁,教育家。 仲由:男,二十来岁,读书人,孔子学生。 买主:男,三十来岁,土豪。布景:孔子居室,居室中央有一方案,方案上放有好些书简。 幕启:孔子在案后盘腿而坐,正在阅读书简。捋捋胡子,微笑。买主:(急匆匆地上)(大声地)孔先生,孔先生,你给我们评评理,你给我们评评理! 仲由:(提着头盔,随买主之后上)老师,请你为我们评一下理! 孔子:(疑惑地)你们?评理?评什么理呀? 仲由:(自信地)刚才,学生在集市上听见他(指买主)和卖主发生了争吵,卖主说三八二十四,让他给二十四个钱。可他硬说三八二十三,只给二十三各钱。学生上前去劝他说,三八是二十四,让他把钱给够,他根本不听…… 买主:(抢过话头)什么根本不听?三八就是二十三嘛,凭什么让我多给钱! 买主、仲由(齐):孔先生(老师),究竟是三八二十三,还是三八二十四?请你为我们裁定。孔子:这个简单…… 买主:孔先生,你可不能袒护你的学生啊,我们打过赌的! 孔子:啊?打赌?打了什么赌? 仲由:如果是三八二十三,我把头盔输给他(指指头盔)! 买主:如果是三八二十四,我把头输给他(用手在脖子上转一圈)! 买主、仲由(齐):孔先生(老师),我们请你定输赢! 孔子:(为难地)这……让我想想吧。(思索片刻,背转身)(郑重地,缓缓地 )仲由,你输了…… 仲由:(满脸疑惑)什么?我输了?我…… 买主:哈,我赢了!头盔拿来! 仲由:(舍不得,更不服气)老师,这,这…… 买主:(走到仲由面前)怎么?还不服气? 孔子:(沉重地)仲由,把头盔给人家吧! 买主:(夺过头盔)夫子圣明!(高兴地下) 仲由:(不解地)老师,怎么是我输了呢? 孔子:我能判你赢吗?你想想,你输了,头盔还可以买到。要是他输了呢? 仲由:我明白了!(抬头望着窗外,若有所思) 画外音:这时,仲由明白了,老师评判的最高标准是"仁爱"。 (剧终) 附原文 仁 爱 的 孔 子徐敬德 一天,孔子的弟子仲由在集市上看见两人因买八尺鲁缟而发生争执。卖主说:"三八二十四,你为什么不把钱给够?"买主说:"明明是三八二十三,你凭什么多收钱?"仲由是个正直热情的人,走了过去,笑着对买鲁缟的人说:"三八该是二十四。是你错了,把钱跟人家给够吧!"不想,买鲁缟的人不服,要与仲由打赌。仲由性子急,以自己刚买的头盔作赌注;买鲁缟的人火气更旺,愿以自己的脑袋作赌注。两人都同意以孔子的裁定为准。孔子听了他们的叙说后,笑着对仲由说:"你输了,把头盔给人家吧!"仲由目瞪口呆,眼睁睁地看着买鲁缟的人拿着他的头盔走了。仲由对孔子的裁定大惑不解,说:"老师,明明是三八二十四,你怎么说我输了呢?"孔子笑了笑,说:"你输了,头盔可以重新买到;可要是那个买鲁缟的人输了呢?"仲由明白了,老师这样的裁定,是因为"仁爱"是最大的理。
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Emily Dickinson的经典英文诗,不用翻译过来

Nobody knows this little Rose --It might a pilgrim beDid I not take it from the waysAnd lift it up to thee.Only a Bee will miss it --Only a Butterfly,Hastening from far journey --On its breast to lie --Only a Bird will wonder --Only a Breeze will sigh --Ah Little Rose -- how easyFor such as thee to die!
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一个学生带了一个装着小鸡的盒子到教室。当教授转过身世还有学生在继续将电话,甚至还有学生在吹口哨。有些美国教授说他们在课堂上遇到的学生越来越粗鲁。许多学生迟到早退,在课堂上大声交谈或处理私人事务比如支付账单。为什么这些学生有如此恶劣的行为?“因为他们可以”,Michael Zamora---一名北德克萨斯大学的学生,说道:“教授通常都会对他们睁只眼闭只眼。”有教育学家说,是时候在课堂上采取一些措施,或者可以开始对坏行为进行惩罚。他们说粗鲁的学生绝对不是大多数,但一个粗鲁的学生就能破坏整个班级。“很多学生觉得他们可以想什么时候来教室就什么时候来,也可以在教室里做任何他们想做的事,因为他们交了学费的。”Stacey Jurhree 博士---一名Eastfield大学(Mesquite)的教授,如此说道。
2023-07-23 18:12:155


2023-07-23 18:12:312


1、工作退一步海阔天空,爱情晚一步人去楼空。 Work is a step backwards, love is a step backwards. 2、火,在艳丽的外表下,却是那样的虚无缥缈,正如,爱情。 Fire, under the geous appearance, is so vague, just like love. 3、当我们面对突如其来的爱情,牵手和放手都需要勇气。 When we face unexpected love, holding hands and letting go need courage. 4、爱情之所以昂贵,是因为它一旦便宜了!就会被称作贱! Love is expensive because once it is cheap! It"ll be called cheap! 5、只有生活中的弱者才会这样祈祷,把我这满是烦恼的爱情熄灭了吧。 Only the weak in life can pray like this and extinguish my troubled love. 6、爱情让人甜蜜,友情却让人富足。 Love makes people sweet, but friendship makes people rich. 7、在一切热情当中,爱情是最自私自利的。 Of all passions, love is the most selfish. 8、这是一条友谊的规律:一旦疑心从前门走进,爱情就会从后门溜走。 It"s a rule of friendship: once suspicion enters through the front door, love slips through the back door. 9、明明还没经历过爱情,却感觉到莫名的恐惧。 Clearly has not experienced love, but feel inexplicable fear. 10、爱情若能储存,是定期还是活期?利息又是什么? If love can be stored, is it regular or current? What is interest? 11、藏在我心里的不是你,而是对美好爱情的憧憬。 Hidden in my heart is not you, but the longing for a better love. 12、爱情不是游戏,哪有什么输什么赢。 Love is not a game. What wins or loses? 13、在路途上想起爱情来。觉得最好的爱情是两个人彼此做个伴。 Think of love on the way. I think the best love is that o people keep pany with each other. 14、在爱情里,需要的是真情,而不是完美。 In love, what is needed is truth, not perfection. 15、从未爱过你,从未真的喜欢过你,到最后一切都并非爱情。 Never loved you, never really liked you, to the end, everything is not love. 16、不再阳光下的爱情,不是真正的爱情! No longer love in the sunshine, not true love! 17、爱情如同燎原之火,熊熊燃烧起来,情感完全控制了理智。 Love is like a prairie fire, burning up, emotions pletely control reason. 18、事业的烦恼压着自己,爱情的道路折磨着自己。 Career troubles oppress themselves, and the road of love afflicts them. 19、爱情,其实很简单,没有开始,就没有结束。 Love, in fact, is very simple, no beginning, no end. 20、只用一秒钟就诞生的爱情,也只用一秒钟就能消亡。 Love that is born in one second can die in only one second. 21、如果没有爱情,再好的生活我也不要。 If there is no love, I will not live a better life. 22、爱情埋在心灵深处,并不是住在双唇之间。 Love is buried deeply in one"s heart, not beeen the lips. 23、任何一种爱情,都是一场侵略战。终有一方,既失城池,又失军心。 Any kind of love is a war of aggression. Eventually one side lost both the city and the army. 24、爱情于我而言是件奢侈品,有最好,无也罢! Love is a luxury for me, the best, no matter what! 25、爱情是一位伟大的导师,她教我们重新做人。 Love is a great teacher. She teaches us to be human again. 26、只是爱情,更像是邂逅一场盛景后,摆出的美丽苍凉的手势。 Just love, more like a beautiful and desolate gesture after encountering a grand scene. 27、爱不可以卑微,卑微的爱情毫无意义! Love can not be humble, humble love is meaningless! 28、我不再爱她,这是确定的,但也许我爱她。爱情太短,而遗忘太长。 I no longer love her, that"s for sure, but maybe I love her. Love is too short and fetting too long. 29、灵魂若可以从天而降,你就是我的方向。爱情,又岂止两个字而已。 If the soul can descend from the sky, you are my direction. Love is more than o words. 30、痛苦也是爱情的一部分。不要因为痛苦而放弃爱情。 Pain is also part of love. Don"t give up love because of pain. 31、年轻的我们,容易把感动当成爱情,也容易把过客当成挚爱。 Young people, we are easy to move as love, but also easy to pass as love. 32、我想要的爱情不是一辈子不吵架,而是吵架了还能一辈子。 I want love not for a lifetime without quarrelling, but for a lifetime after quarrelling. 33、如果有一天,我明白了什么是爱情,那一定是因为你。 If one day, I understand what love is, it must be because of you. 34、你只有让自己足够好了,才有资格开始一段好的爱情。 You can only start a good love if you make yourself good enough. 35、一个聪明女人,是不会用爱情绑住男人的,她只会让男人需要自己。 A *** art woman will not tie a man with love, she will only make him need himself. 36、爱情是一件心甘情愿的事情,不是忍让就可以将一切裂缝都掩盖。 Love is a matter of willingness, not tolerance can cover up all cracks. 37、爱情就像不停旋转的魔方,有未知,才让我们充满幻想。 Love is like a magic cube that keeps spinning. Only when there is unknown, can we be full of fantasy. 38、眼睛为他下着雨,心却为他打着伞,这就是爱情。 His eyes are raining for him, but his heart is holding an umbrella for him. This is love. 39、爱情这条路,我能陪你走多久? Love this road, how long can I acpany you? 40、你情我愿,那便是爱情最初的模样了。 If you like me, that"s what love was like at first. 41、没有什么是永垂不朽,没有爱情会天长地久。 Nothing lasts forever. No love lasts forever. 42、爱情就像是一条河,谁不是摸着石头过河呢? Love is like a river. Who doesn"t touch a stone to cross it? 43、完美的爱情,伤身又伤心。 Perfect love hurts and hurts. 44、习惯就是一切,甚至在爱情中也是如此。 Habit is everything, even in love. 45、我的写作生活,就是我的爱情生活,我的人生观,就是我的爱情观。 My writing life is my love life, my outlook on life is my love outlook. 46、原以为是爱情的碰撞,却不想是错过的开端。 I thought it was the collision of love, but I don"t want to miss the beginning. 47、惊天动地只可惜天地亦无情,不敢有风不敢有声,这爱情无人证。 It is a pity that heaven and earth are merciless. They dare not have wind and dare not have voice. There is no witness to this love. 48、有一种爱情叫覆水难收,有一种心情叫我心依旧。 There is a kind of love that cannot be recovered, and a kind of mood that makes my heart remain the same. 49、不是每一场痴情都能换来一场爱情。 Not every infatuation can be exchanged for a love. 50、我不需要多么完美的爱情,我只需要有一个人永远不会放弃我。 I don"t need perfect love, I just need someone who will never give up on me. 51、爱情是自由之子,永远不会是控制的产物。 Love is the son of freedom and will never be the product of control. 52、生命有了爱情这个麻烦才会有重量。 The trouble of life with love is weighty. 53、爱情的根本愿望是:在陌生的人山人海中寻找一种自由的盟约。 The fundamental wish of love is to find a free covenant among strangers. 54、爱情无药可医,唯有爱得更深。 There is no cure for love, only love is deeper. 55、爱情是一个迷魂阵,进去了就出不来,哪怕把性命搭进去呢。 Love is a phantom of ecstasy. If you go in, you can"t go out, even if you put your life in it. 56、不知道爱情有没有放射性,我先拿一个到实验室去做做实验! I don"t know if love is radioactive. I"ll take one to the laboratory to do the experiment first. 57、最勇敢的事就是,微笑着听你说你和她的爱情。 The bravest thing is to *** ile and listen to you say you love her. 58、爱情,有时候就是这样,来的没有原因,却又无可抗拒。 Love, sometimes like this, es for no reason, but irresistible. 59、爱情,正如一切闪光的东西一样,需在暗处才能更见其光明。 Love, like everything that glitters, needs to be seen in the dark.
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