barriers / 阅读 / 详情


2023-07-23 20:25:52
TAG: 英文


  • be unresolved/unsettled

  • be left outstanding/hanging


  1. 计划仍悬而未决。

The plan still hangs in the air/balance/scale. / The plan is left hanging in midair.


The issues that were canvassed are still unresolved.


The use of jurisdiction to decide pendent claims.



题库内容:半空中的解释[midair] 空气中不 直接 毗连地面或它下面的其他固体或液体表面的任一地点或区域 在半空中冲撞 词语分解 半的解释 半 à 二分 之一 :半圆。半百(五十,多指岁数)。 不完全的:多半。半岛。半透明。半脱产。 在中间:半空。半路上。半夜。 喻很少:一星半点。 部首 :十; 空中的解释 ∶作为飞机活动的场所空中优势 ∶中间是空的空,使动用法有大石当 中流 ,可坐百人,空中而多窍。;;宋; 苏轼《石钟山记》详细解释.空间; 天空 。《列子·天瑞》:“夫天地,空中之一细物,有中之最巨者,难终难
2023-07-23 15:14:181


2023-07-23 15:14:251

in midair是什么意思

in midair在半空中双语对照词典结果:网络释义1. 半空中例句:1.A whirlwind catches me in midair and places me safely on the ground. 一阵旋风在半空中把我托住,使我安全返回地面。
2023-07-23 15:14:332


不确定的英文短语: Not Sure, in midair; sure adj. 确信;确知;肯定;有把握;一定,必定,无疑(将会得到或发生);无疑(会做或会发生); adv. (表示同意)当然;(加强语气)确实,的确;(回答他人的感谢)不用客气,应该的 扩展资料   I"m not sure whether I should tell you this.   我拿不准该不该把这事告诉你。   I"m not sure that this is the most valuable use of my time.   我不能肯定我的时间这样来安排最有价值。   I think this is their house, but I"m not sure.   我想这是他们家,但不敢肯定。   One should never criticize if one is not sure of one"s facts.   一个人如果对自己掌握的事实没有把握,就绝不该随便批评。   Ask me if you"re not sure how to do it.   你要是拿不准怎么干,就问我。
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2023-07-23 15:14:532


2023-07-23 15:15:042

Now they’re gonna refuel us in midair.是哪个电影

这个来自1997年的电影空军一号剧情对白I tried. I dumped some fuel. Now they"re gonna refuel us in midair.我泄过油 他们要在空中加油A refueling tanker? Jesus! Sir?加油,天哪,长官There may be a way to get people off. What do you mean?也许我们有办法逃走,怎么说
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2023-07-23 15:15:253


前 缀  a,an  ①无,不,非 astable不稳定的 acentric无中心的  ②含有in,on,at,by,with,to等意义asleep在熟睡中 ahead向前  ab 脱离 abnormal不正常的 abaxial离开轴心的  anti 反抗 antiwar反战的 anti?imperialist反帝的  auto自动,自己 autobiography自传 autostable自动稳定  be使…加强 belittle使缩小 befriend友好相待  bi二,双 biweekly双周刊 biligual两种语言的  co,col,com,con,cor 共同 cooperation协作 collaboration协作,勾结 combine联合  correlation相互关系  counter,contra反,对应 counteraction反作用 contrast对比,对照  di,dif,dis 否定,相反 diffident不自信的 dislike不喜欢  en,em 使… enlarge扩大 enable使…能 empower使…有权力  e,ex 外,出 external外部的 erupt喷出  extra 以外,超过 extraordinary格外的 extrasolar太阳系以外的  hyper 在上,超 hyperfrequency超高频 hypersonic超声的  否定 illogical不合逻辑的 impossible不可能的 invisible  不可见irrational不合理的  inter互相 interchange交换 interlock连锁  intra,intro 在内,内部 intrapersonal个人内心的 introspect内省  mal 恶,不良 maltreat虐待 malfunction机能失常  micro 微 microscrope显微镜 microware微波  mid 中,中间 midair半空中 midstream中流  mini 小 minibus小公共汽车 ministate小国  mis 错,坏 mistake错误 misspell拼错  multi 多 multiparty多党的 multilingual多种语言的  non否定 nonsmoker不抽烟的人 nonexistent不存在的  out 超过,过度,外,出,除去  outgo走得比…远 outgrow长得太大 outdoor户外的 outroot除根  over上,过度 overwork工作过度 overbridge天桥  post 后 postwar战后 postnatal诞生后的  pre? 前,领先 prewar战前的 prefix前缀  re 回,再 return返回 restart重新开始  semi 半 semicircle半圆 semiconductor半导体  sub,suc,suf,sup 次,亚,在下,低于  substandard低于标准规格的 succeed继承 suffix后缀 supplement增补  trans 转换,变换,横过,越过 transmit传送 transatlantic横渡大西洋的  tri 三 tricar三轮车 triangle三角(形)  un 否定 unstable不稳定的 unknown未知的  under下,内(指衣服),不足underground地下的 underskirt衬裙 underpay付资不足  uni 单一 uniform均匀的 unipolar单极的后 缀  able,ible 可…的,能…的 readable可读的 sensible可觉察的  age 表状态,性质,行为 breakage破损 shortage缺乏  al (adj)具有…性质的,如…的 personal个人的 regional地区的  al (n)表动作,人,事物 proposal提案 professional专业人员  ance,ence 表状态,行为,性质 importance重要性 confidence自信  ancy,ency 表状态,行为,性质 constancy一惯性 urgency紧迫性  ant,ent 表人,物,行为 applicant申请人 correspondent通信者  arian 表各种年龄,派别,主义,职业的人humanitarian人道主义的 utilitarian功利  主义者  crat 支持,参与者 democrat民主人士 bureaucrat官僚  dom 表性质,状态,行为 freedom自由 wisdom智慧  ee 表动物的承受者 employee雇员 trainee受训练的人  eer 从事…的人 pioneer开拓者 volunteer志愿者  en (v)使变成 harden使硬 shorten使短  en (adj)有…质的,似…的 golden金色的 woolen毛的  er,or 表人,物 singer歌唱家 survivor幸存者  ery 表状态,性质,行为,活动地点 nursery托儿所 robbery掠夺 slavery奴隶身份  ese 某国(地)的,某国(地)的人及语言Chinese中国人(汉语) Portuguese葡萄牙人(语)   ess 表女性,雌性 hostess女主人 actress女演员  ful 充满…的,具有…性质的 cupful一满杯 fearful可怕的  hood 表身份,状况,性质 neighborhood邻里 manhood男子气概  ic,ical 类似…的,具有…的 heroic英雄般的 logical合逻辑的  ify 使成…,使…化 magnify放大 purify提纯  ion,tion 表情况,状态,性质,行为 fashion时髦 decision决定  ish 似…的,有…的 selfish自私的 childish儿童般的  ism 表示……主义,行为,…学,…派 realism现实主义 tourism旅游 fatalism宿命  论 modernism现代派  ist 从事…工作的人 socialist社会主义者 dentist牙科医生  ity 表行为,性质,状态 unity团结一致 maturity成熟性  ive 有…性质的,有…作用的,属于… protective保护的 productive生产的  active积极主动的  ize,ise,yze,yse 以…方式对待,…化 realize实现 analyze分析 modernize现代化  less 没有…的 fearless无畏的 useless无用的  let 小 booklet小册子 leaflet传单  like 有…性质的,像…的 dreamlike梦一般的 humanlike像人类的  logy 论,研究 biology生物学 technology技术  ly 如…的,有…特性的 manly男子气的 lovely可爱的  ment 表行为,状态,性质 movement运动 management管理  ness 表状态,性质 darkness黑暗 kindness仁慈  ous,eous,ious 充满…的 dangerous危险的 famous著名的  ship 表状况,状态,身份,技艺,技能 hardship苦难 doctorship博士学位  workmanship手艺,工艺  some 像…的,引起…的 troublesome讨厌的 lonesome孤独的  ster 表示人 youngster年轻人 gangster歹徒  ward(s) 表方向 upward(s)向上 outward(s)向外  y ①(n)表状态,性质,行为 difficulty困难 victory胜利  ②(adj)充满,包含 hairy 多毛发的 irony钢铁般的新东方书本有很多
2023-07-23 15:15:461

beautiful-oh sunshine 歌词

2023-07-23 15:15:543


2023-07-23 15:16:032


  飞机上的翅膀,也就是我们常说的机翼,它的英文翻译是?下面是我给大家整理的,供大家参阅!      aerofoil   airfoil   wing   机翼的英语例句   1. He noticed that fabric was tearing away from the plane"s wing.   他注意到机翼在一块一块地断裂。   2. The wings were at right angles to the line of flight.   机翼与航线成直角。   3. The two wings of the aircraft broke off on impact.   飞机的两个机翼遭受撞击折断了。   4. The aircraft"s wings were sheared off in the crash.   机翼在坠机时断裂了。   5. The plane glided peacefully and its wings gleamed white.   这飞机平稳地滑行,机翼泛着白光.   6. That will prevent the wings of the aircraft from icing up.   这样可防止机翼结冰.   7. The plane"s wings are very long.   飞机的机翼很长.   8. De - ice the plane"s wings before takeoff.   起飞前除去机翼上的冰.   9. As the aeroplane went down the runway the wing touched a pile of rubble.   飞机降落沿跑道滑行的时候机翼擦到了一堆碎石。   10. The wings of the plane have iced up and it is too dangerous to fly.   机翼已经结上了冰,起飞太危险了.   11. The wing of the plane broke off in midair and the plane crashed.   机翼在空中脱落,致使飞机坠毁.   12. It takes 15 minutes to convert the plane into a car by removing the wings and the tail.   拆除机翼和机尾,将飞机改装成汽车,前后要花15分钟。   13. Aircraft with wings now take people across the world.   现在,人们可以乘坐有机翼的飞机周游世界.   14. Salt water corroded the light alloy frames and the fabric wing - covering.   盐水对轻合金飞机构架和布质机翼蒙皮有腐蚀作用.   15. The forces on a full - size wing are then deduced from these measurements.   作用在实际大小的机翼上的力,即可由这个测量中获得.   aerofoil的双语例句   1. Finally, It"shows an application example of aerofoil missile.   最后给出了有翼导弹模组系统的应用例项.   2. With use of this structure model, we can simulate the real performance of aerofoil very well.   应用该结构模型可以很好的模拟机翼结构的实际情况.   3. Three kinds of fan blade aerofoil have been designed according to the velocity distribution optimization criterion.   并依据探索出的速度分布优化准则,设计出了三种风机叶片的翼型.   4. High - lift aerofoil section with forward swept wings to give excellent stall and slow speed handling characteristics.   高扬程 机翼部分与前掠翼,使优秀的档位和速度慢的特点.   5. The rotor blades work like the wings of an aeroplane, with an aerofoil shape providing lift.   螺旋桨起的作用如同飞机的机翼, 机翼的形状提供升力.   6. Method is also applied to micro filter, aerofoil and plane plate, and good results are obtained.   方法还应用于微过滤器, 机翼和平板的绕流, 均得到好的结果.   7. The rotor blades work like the wings of an aeroplane, with aerofoil shape providing lift.   旋转叶片的工作原理类似飞机的两翼,运用机翼的形状提供上升力.   8. A new algorithm is presented for position regulating of aerofoil bracket on an and riveting machine.   针对传统机翼壁板铆接过程中托架调平所存在的问题,提出一种基于有限曲面加工区域的三点调平演算法.    看过的人还:
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一、游戏简介   游戏是由Dynamix公司推出的模拟类游戏。描述从1941年12月7日夏威夷时间凌晨6时日本偷袭珍珠港起,到1945年8月14日日本投降这段时间里,美国和日本海空军的日常作战行动。   二、游戏用键   一般操作   F10:选择菜单;   Alt+D:鼠标开关;   Alt+J:摇杆开关;   Alt+M:音乐开关;   Alt+R:游戏难易调整;   Alt+S:音效开关;   Alt+X:回到DOS;   P:暂停游戏;   Esc:结束任务。   视野控制   (1)鼠标。   从驾驶舱内看时,按住鼠标右键向左、右、前、后移动。   从驾驶舱外面看时,按住鼠标左键,可在四周缓慢移动飞机视野。此时两键同时按,再向前及后移,会放大及缩小视野。   (2)摇杆。   从驾驶舱内看时,按住摇杆2号键,再向前、后、左、右移动。摇杆归正后,放开2号键则切换驾驶舱及外部视野。   从驾驶舱外面看时,按住2号键,再缓慢向四周移。将两个按钮同时按住,移动摇杆向前或向后将放大及缩小视野。   (3)键盘。   Enter键:切换驾驶舱及外部视野。   从驾驶舱内部看时   F1:向前看;   F2:向后看;   F3:向左看;   F4:向右看;   F5:向上前方看。   从驾驶舱外面看时   F1:向前看;   F2:向后看;   F3:向左看;   F4:向右看;   F5:从较低处向上看;   F6:从较高处向下看;   F7:追踪飞机视野;   〔:放大飞机视野;   〕:缩小飞机视野。   飞行控制   按上、下、左、右键及左上、左下、右上、右下键控制飞行。   ↑:拉起机头;   ↓:机头下俯;   ←和→:横滚;   1~9:节流阀由小开到大;   +:节流阀加;   -:节流阀减;   <:方向舵向左;   >:方向舵向右;   /:归正方向舵;   A:自动飞行;   B:俯冲减速板;   D:丢弃副油箱;   F:收起襟翼、放下一半或全放;   L:起落架收放;   S:使用无线电与友机联络;   W:起落架刹车;   M:飞行地图;   Ctrl+B:跳伞。   在飞行地图中   Spacebar或1号按钮:提供光标位置的基地目标信息。   Enter或2号按钮:提供光标位置的空中目标信息。   D:选择目前光标位置为自动驾驶前往的位置;   Esc:关起地图;   A:自动驾驶(时间压缩);   S:发送无线电讯息;   Ctrl+B:跳伞。   武器系统   Spacebar或1号按钮:发射所选武器;   Backspace:投掷炸弹或鱼雷;   G:切换所选武器;   R:发射火箭;   U:清除射击故障,重复按U键,直到清除完毕。   三、游戏任务   1.执行单独任务(Fly Single Mission)   (1)历史著名空战(Fly a History Mission):有珍珠港之战、中途岛海战、莱特湾海战等。可驾驶二战时期的各式战机,在和当时一样的时间及天气条件下作战。选择不同的飞机将有不同的任务。   (2)与历史上著名的王牌驾驶员的格斗(Dogflight a Famous Ace):这是提高空战技巧的一个 选项。难度当然提高了。   (3)组队空中格斗(Dogflight a Squadron):敌我双方各有4架战机编队作战,此选项用于练习协同作战的技巧。   (4)空中巡逻战斗(Combat Air Patrol):一个中队的飞机在一个固定的航线上巡逻时,遇到敌机,然后进行战斗的过程。   (5)空中扫荡(Fighter Sweep):消灭此空域中的所有敌机。   (6)紧急升空(Scramble):敌机正袭击我方机场,要赶紧起飞,不要让敌机把你的飞机消灭 在跑道上。   (7)训练任务(Train Mission):难度较小,可选任何机型,执行任意任务。   (8)为轰炸机护航(Escort Bombers):在轰炸机上方飞行,遇有敌机进攻,则要立即进入进攻,但不要猛追逃敌,主要还是保护轰炸机。 (9)拦截敌方轰炸机(Intercept Bombers):可先让僚机对付敌护航的战斗机,自己去攻击轰炸机。轰炸机的火力也很凶猛,而且要打机身才可将其击落。   (10)攻击敌舰(Anti-Shipping Strike):要攻击航空母舰、战列舰这样的大舰需用鱼雷机或用轰炸机携带重磅炸弹或鱼雷才能炸沉,但会由于所携带的炸弹太沉而使飞机不太灵活。   (11)对地攻击(Ground Attack):对付高炮阵地、油罐和指挥部用机炮就可以了。机库、房屋可用火箭弹或轻型炸弹。   (12)高分榜(Best Mission):记录单一任务的最好成绩。   2.职业飞行选单(Career Menu)   这个选单下是记录玩家的从军历史。可参加各次战役,记下各次战役的光荣成绩。   (1)开始职业飞行(Start a Career):选择国别和军种(海军/空军/海军陆战队)后,输入姓名,选择军衔,军衔越高,则在编队中的位置也越重要。升到中尉时便可以领导全队。如果你想玩全部战役,则要从最低军衔开始。   (2)载入进度继续进行职业生涯(Continue a Career):这个选项下还有多个子项:   ①飞下一个任务(Fly Next Mission):也就是延续上次的进度。选此项后会显示一个任务菜单,这里包括任务和名称以及任务的简短说明,其中有一些可调整的参数。   取消此任务(Decline Mission)。   真实度选择(Realism Panel):包括阳光的刺眼效果(Sun Blind Spot)、真实的天气(Realist ic Weather)如云、雨、雾等,机炮会发生故障(Gun Jams Allowed)、发动机可发生着火(Engine Burnout)、会因加速过大产生黑视或因超负载造成红视现象(Blackouts Allowed)、 弹药有限(Limited Ammunition)、燃料有限(Limited Fuel)、飞机可被击伤(Aircraft May be Damaged)、空中相撞(Midair Collisions)、飞行中不显示状态行(No Inflight Info) 。   显示本次任务的飞行图(Flight Map)。   起飞前的准备(Preflight Options):在当队长时,用这个选项给整个中队配备弹药,设置队形。根据所要执行的任务的不同,可分为战斗(Fighter)、地面攻击(Strike)和轰炸(Bomb)3种形式,战斗时只带机炮,有时要带副油箱;地面攻击时带火箭或轻磅炸弹;轰炸带鱼雷或重磅炸弹。战斗队形有以下几种:Finger Four:轰炸或巡逻时使用的队形。优点是双机一组,僚机可掩护长机进行攻击,缺点是使可用的飞机少了一半,攻击强度也减弱一半。在轰炸时一般采用长机投弹后立即变为僚机,为未投弹的飞机护航。Line Astern:多用于轰炸任务。这种队形攻击强度大,连续性强,不给敌人喘息之机,但搜索面窄,如果长机索敌能力强的可有帮助。Line Abreast:用于搜索敌机或敌舰。优点是搜索面大,易找到目标,但是互相不容易照应,易被敌军打散。Echelon Left/Right:这是介于前两种机型的一种队型,兼顾二者不足,兼备二者之优点。Vee:这是上一种机型的改型,可保护长机。以上几种除Line A stern不太适于空战外,都可用于空中巡逻任务。   开始任务(Begin Mission)。   ②中队情况(Squadron Info):这里记录了所在中队的机型、驻扎的基地、成员的飞行技术和中队的王牌飞行员。   ③作战地图(View the War Map):作战地图上标有你现处的位置等一些信息。   ④个人档案(View Pilot Record):给出目前的得分、已完成的战役、战斗次数、军衔、中队番号、击落敌机数、击毁地面目标数、击沉舰船数。还包括已经得到的勋章。   ⑤目前驾驶的飞机之状况(View Aircraft)。   ⑥存档(Backup Career):游戏在每个任务后都自动存档,如果被击落,则存档文件也会被覆 盖,因此在这里给自己的档案作个备份。   ⑦返回上一级选单(Return to Main):可回到职业飞行选单。   (3)排行榜(View Best Career)。   (4)回到主选单(Return to Main)。   3.观看在战斗中出现的各种武器(View Vehicles)   这个选项包括对各种飞机舰船的介绍:   (1)飞机介绍(Airplanes):美国海军使用的飞机有格鲁曼F4F-3/4野猫式战斗机、格鲁曼F6F-5泼妇式战斗机、钱司渥特F4U-1海盗式战斗机、诺斯罗普SBD无畏式战斗机、福特SB2C俯轰机、道格拉斯TBD破坏式鱼雷机、格鲁曼TBG复仇者鱼雷机。美国空军使用的飞机有洛克希德P-38F/J闪电式战斗机、贝尔P-39D空中飞蛇式战斗机、寇蒂斯P-40E战隼式战斗机、共和P-47D雷电式战斗机、北美P-51D野马式战斗机、波音B-17D/E空中堡垒式轰炸机、联合B-24J解放者式轰炸机、北美B-25D/J米歇尔式轰炸机、波音B-29A超级空中堡垒式轰炸机。日本海军使用的是三菱零战21型/32型/52型(A6M2/3/5)、关西N1K1紫电改式舰战、爱知99式(D3A)俯轰机、爱知彗星式(D4Y)俯轰机、中岛7式(B5N)鱼雷机、中岛天山式(B6N)鱼雷机。日本空军使用的是Ki-27战斗机、中岛1式隼(Ki-43)战斗机、川崎屠龙(Ki-45)战斗机、川崎3式飞燕(Ki-61)战斗机、中岛4式疾风(Ki-84)战斗机、川崎紫电21型(Ki-100)战斗机、三菱97式(Ki-21)战斗机。   (2)舰船介绍(Ships):游戏中要轰炸的日舰有:彗星(Suisei)、天山(Tenzan)、飞燕(Hien)、屠龙(Toyou)、疾风(Hayate)、赤诚号航母(Akagi)、加贺号航母(Kaga)、飞龙号航母(Hiryu)、苍龙号航母(Soryu)、翔鹤号航母(Shokaku)、瑞鹤号航母(Zuikaka)、祥凤号航母(Shoho)、瑞凤号航母(Zuiho)、龙骧号航母(Ryujo)、信浓号航母(Shinano)、大和号战列舰(Yamato)、武藏号战列舰(Musashi)、金刚号战列舰(Kongo)、最上号重巡洋舰(Mogami)。   (3)退出(Cancel)。   4.其他选项(Other Option)   (1)系统参数改变(Perference):包括控制工具、音乐音效开关等。   (2)演示动画(Watch Demo)。   (3)游戏制作人员(Credits)。   (4)退出(Cancel)。   5.观看记录的任务(Mission Recorder)   每次完成任务后,游戏会询问是否保存此次任务的记录。如果保存,则将此次任务的全过程写到?.VCR文件,保存在\ACES\TAPES子目录下。以后可在此选项调出已有的记录观视。   6.退回到DOS(Exit to DOS)
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  中学生英语作文,关于课外活动的英语写作你怎么写?下面是我给大家整理的初中英语写作课外活动,供大家参阅!   初中英语写作课外活动1   "DingLing bell." When the bell rang, the students like rushed out of the classroom, flocking to the students paradise - the playground. In the playground of the east, several students in Chinese shuttlecock kicking. Look, there is a female classmate sideways foot gently shuttlecock kicks, fly in the midair and slowly fell. See her a shuttlecock kicking, like an obedient child, and fly in the midair and fell down.   This is so exciting!   “丁铃铃.”下课铃响了,同学们一窝蜂似的冲出了教室,来到了同学们的天堂――操场.在操场的东面,有好几个同学在踢毽子.瞧,有个女同学斜着脚,轻轻地把毽子一踢,就飞上了半空中,又慢慢地掉下来.只见她有一踢,毽子像一个听话的孩子,又飞上了半空中,又落下来.   真高兴!   初中英语写作课外活动2   My school is big and beautiful(我的学校很大很美丽).There are many kinds of after-school activities in my school(我的学校有许多课外活动).Boys often play sports on the playground(男孩儿们经常在操场上做运动).Some play basketball(一些打篮球),some play football(一些踢足球),and more boys will play ping-pong(并且许多男孩将打乒乓球).There are many ping-pong desks in our school(在我们学校有许多乒乓球桌).I like football best(我最喜欢足球),so I often play football with my classmates after school(所以我经常和我的同学在放学后踢足球).   初中英语写作课外活动3   Some students like to participate actively in after class activities. They think after class activities are an integral part of school life. By going in for such activities, they can learn what they can"t learn from books, which will be beneficial to them in the future.   Others, however, don"t like after class activities at all. They think that a student"s work at school is learning theoretical knowledge and nothing else. Taking part in after class activities is a waste of the valuable time at school.   In my opinion, every student should engage in some after class activities because from these activities we can learn many valuable things that we won"t learn in classrooms. School is not just a place for learning the difference between "lie" or "lay", or what caused the hours of the daily schedule.   Finally, after class activities broaden our circle of acquaintances. No amount of ordinary school work can take the place of friends acquired in the informal familiarities of activities.   课外活动英语作文   As college studnets, we can live an eased and colorful life after the final high school exams.Most of us choose to study in other province universities in order to get rid of parents" care.We should think about a quesiton how to enjoy our leisure after classes over.My opinions are as followings:   We should learn more konwledge from our extracurricular active.Here is a good example for us: Taking part in English corner once week is really good for you.We can practise our oral English and extend our views through chatting with foreigners.   We should bulid up our bodies from some physical exercises.Suppose you were a girl,take some gymnastics is good for you keeping slim.At the meantime,if   you were a boy,playing baksetball or football is also available for you.   We should expand our interests through taking some meaningful activities. Suppose you were a science student who lacks of some interests of literature.It"s good for you to join in a literature group.Your ideas about literatuere and Humanism will be enlared via discuss with the group members.   In a world,as youth,as college studnets, we should live a meaningful and colorful life via controling our extracurricular time effectively.   Some students like to participate actively in after class activities. They think after class activities are an integral part of school life. By going in for such activities, they can learn what they can"t learn from books, which will be beneficial to them in the future.   Others, however, don"t like after class activities at all. They think that a student"s work at school is learning theoretical knowledge and nothing else. Taking part in after class activities is a waste of the valuable time at school.   In my opinion, every student should engage in some after class activities because from these activities we can learn many valuable things that we won"t learn in classrooms. School is not just a place for learning the difference between "lie" or "lay", or what caused the hours of the daily schedule.   Finally, after class activities broaden our circle of acquaintances. No amount of ordinary school work can take the place of friends acquired in the informal familiarities of activities.   Some students like to participate actively in after class activities. They think after class activities are an integral part of school life. By going in for such activities, they can learn what they can"t learn from books, which will be beneficial to them in the future.   Others, however, don"t like after class activities at all. They think that a student"s work at school is learning theoretical knowledge and nothing else. Taking part in after class activities is a waste of the valuable time at school.   In my opinion, every student should engage in some after class activities because from these activities we can learn many valuable things that we won"t learn in classrooms. School is not just a place for learning the difference between "lie" or "lay", or what caused the hours of the daily schedule.   Finally, after class activities broaden our circle of acquaintances. No amount of ordinary school work can take the place of friends acquired in the informal familiarities of activities.   
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in the air和in air有什么区别?

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two hundreds和two hundred的区别是什么

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半途而废 半梦半醒
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thousands of
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Gulliver in the set pu"s people"s mind is a monster, but one to broken BuDing nye case, he is like in the field of weasel generally small. Gulliver and a sea, encounter storms, be scraped a strange land, where residents height is like a tower, he was brobdingnagian a farmer as a plaything back to. In order to make money, the farmer put gulliver as a small thing in the suitcase, and brought them to the town show exhibition, let his tricks, for people to view and admire, he was suffering from tired. Later, he was the queen to buy, to meet with the king. The king summoned him, he harangue, to boast about their country"s great, political wise, legal justice, however, was the king"s attack and refute.Gulliver in the country"s third year, accompanied the king tour frontier. Because of homesickness eager, he pretended to be sick, and came to the beach a breath of fresh air. The eagle in the sky to mistake he lived in the box as the tortoise diao up. For a few eagle in the sky, the box fell into the sea by passing a ship found that rescued gulliver, take a boat
2023-07-23 15:20:243

英语作文:一些有趣的照片Some interesting pictures

In this day and age, taking photos has become commonplace. However, there are some interesting pictures that stand out among them, either for their composition, subject matter, or the story they evoke. Here are some of the interesting photos that I"ve come across:The first picture is of two people jumping off a dock into a lake. The photo captures the moment of their leap, with their arms and legs flailing in mid-air. The blue tones of the water provide the perfect backdrop for this exhilarating scene.The second picture is of a young child playing with bubbles in a park. The bubbles fill the frame, with the child"s tiny figure visible through the shimmering surface of each bubble. The photo is both whimsical and captivating.The third picture is a portrait of an elderly person with a wise and kind expression. The wrinkles on their face tell a story of a life full of ups and downs, joys and sorrows. The photo is a reminder of the beauty of age and wisdom.The fourth picture is of a dog catching a frisbee in midair. The photo captures the incredible athleticism and agility of the dog, with its eyes focused intently on the frisbee. The photo is a reminder of the boundless joy and energy that pets bring to our lives.The fifth picture is of a colorful rainbow stretching over a cityscape. The photo captures the beauty and wonder of nature, contrasting against the urban landscape of the city.In conclusion, these photos are just a small example of the interesting and captivating images that can be captured through photography. Every picture tells a unique story and has the power to evoke a range of emotions and memories.
2023-07-23 15:20:313


在飞机上叫空姐什么称呼比较合适。: 空中乘务员 Midair crew member(又称空乘、空服员;女性称空中小姐、空姐以前正统说法是“air stewardess ",现在称作“flight attendants ".你需要服务时按座位上的传呼灯,或者当他们在附近时说声“excuse me"就可以了,不需要特别说什么的,不过见到机长就一定要称呼“captain "了。
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2023-07-23 15:22:271


1.执行单独任务(Fly Single Mission)(1)历史著名空战(Fly a History Mission): 有珍珠港之战、中途岛海战、莱特湾海战等。可驾驶二战时期的各式战机,在和当时一样的时间及天气条件下作战。选择不同的飞机将有 不同的任务。(2)与历史上著名的王牌驾驶员的格斗(Dogflight a Famous Ace):这是提高空战技巧的一个 选项。难度当然提高了。(3)组队空中格斗(Dogflight a Squadron):敌我双方各有4架战机编队作战,此选项用于练 习协同作战的技巧。(4)空中巡逻战斗(Combat Air Patrol):一个中队的飞机在一个固定的航线上巡逻时,遇到 敌机,然后进行战斗的过程。(5)空中扫荡(Fighter Sweep):消灭此空域中的所有敌机。(6)紧急升空(Scramble): 敌机正袭击我方机场,要赶紧起飞,不要让敌机把你的飞机消灭 在跑道上。(7)训练任务(Train Mission):难度较小,可选任何机型,执行任意任务。(8)为轰炸机护航(Escort Bombers):在轰炸机上方飞行,遇有敌机进攻,则要立即进入进攻 ,但不要勐追逃敌,主要还是保护轰炸机。(9)拦截敌方轰炸机(Intercept Bombers): 可先让僚机对付敌护航的战斗机,自己去攻击轰炸机。轰炸机的火力也很凶勐,而且要打机身才可将其击落。(10)攻击敌舰(Anti-Shipping Strike):要攻击航空母舰、战列舰这样的大舰需用鱼雷机或用轰炸机携带重磅炸弹或鱼雷才能炸沉,但会由于所携带的炸弹太沉而使飞机不太灵活。(11)对地攻击(Ground Attack): 对付高炮阵地、油罐和指挥部用机炮就可以了。机库、房 屋可用火箭弹或轻型炸弹。(12)高分榜(Best Mission):记录单一任务的最好成绩。2.职业飞行选单(Career Menu)这个选单下是记录玩家的从军历史。可参加各次战役,记下各次战役的光荣成绩。(1)开始职业飞行(Start a Career):选择国别和军种(海军/空军/海军陆战队)后,输入姓名,选择军衔,军衔越高,则在编队中的位置也越重要。升到中尉时便可以领导全队。如果你 想玩全部战役,则要从最低军衔开始。(2)载入进度继续进行职业生涯(Continue a Career):这个选项下还有多个子项:①飞下一个任务(Fly Next Mission):也就是延续上次的进度。选此项后会显示一个任务菜单,这里包括任务和名称以及任务的简短说明,其中有一些可调整的参数。取消此任务(Decline Mission)。真实度选择(Realism Panel):包括阳光的刺眼效果(Sun Blind Spot)、真实的天气(Realist ic Weather)如云、雨、雾等,机炮会发生故障(Gun Jams Allowed)、发动机可发生着火(Engine Burnout)、会因加速过大产生黑视或因超负载造成红视现象(Blackouts Allowed)、 弹药有限(Limited Ammunition)、燃料有限(Limited Fuel)、飞机可被击伤(Aircraft May be Damaged)、空中相撞(Midair Collisions)、飞行中不显示状态行(No Inflight Info) 。显示本次任务的飞行图(Flight Map)。起飞前的准备(Preflight Options):在当队长时,用这个选项给整个中队配备弹药,设置队形。根据所要执行的任务的不同,可分为战斗(Fighter)、地面攻击(Strike)和轰炸(Bomb)3 种形式,战斗时只带机炮,有时要带副油箱;地面攻击时带火箭或轻磅炸弹;轰炸带鱼雷或重 磅炸弹。战斗队形有以下几种:FingerFour:轰炸或巡逻时使用的队形。优点是双机一组, 僚机可掩护长机进行攻击,缺点是使可用的飞机少了一半,攻击强度也减弱一半。在轰炸时一般采用长机投弹后立即变为僚机,为未投弹的飞机护航。Line Astern:多用于轰炸任务。这种队形攻击强度大,连续性强,不给敌人喘息之机,但搜索面窄,如果长机索敌能力强的 可有帮助。LineAbreast:用于搜索敌机或敌舰。优点是搜索面大,易找到目标,但是互相 不容易照应,易被敌军打散。Echelon Left/Right:这是介于前两种机型的一种队型,兼顾 二者不足,兼备二者之优点。Vee:这是上一种机型的改型,可保护长机。以上几种除Line A stern不太适于空战外,都可用于空中巡逻任务。开始任务(Begin Mission)。②中队情况(Squadron Info):这里记录了所在中队的机型、驻扎的基地、成员的飞行技术和 中队的王牌飞行员。③作战地图(View the War Map):作战地图上标有你现处的位置等一些信息。④个人档案(View Pilot Record):给出目前的得分、已完成的战役、战斗次数、军衔、中队番号、击落敌机数、击毁地面目标数、击沉舰船数。还包括已经得到的勋章。⑤目前驾驶的飞机之状况(View Aircraft)。⑥存档(Backup Career):游戏在每个任务后都自动存档,如果被击落,则存档文件也会被覆 盖,因此在这里给自己的档案作个备份。⑦返回上一级选单(Return to Main): 可回到职业飞行选单。(3)排行榜(View Best Career)。(4)回到主选单(Return to Main)。3.观看在战斗中出现的各种武器(View Vehicles)这个选项包括对各种飞机舰船的介绍:(1)飞机介绍(Airplanes):美国海军使用的飞机有格鲁曼F4F-3/4野猫式战斗机、格鲁曼F6F-5泼妇式战斗机、钱司渥特F4U-1海盗式战斗机、诺斯罗普SBD无畏式战斗机、福特SB2C俯轰机、道格拉斯TBD破坏式鱼雷机、格鲁曼TBG复仇者鱼雷机。美国空军使用的飞机有洛克希德P-38F/J闪电式战斗机、贝尔P-39D空中飞蛇式战斗机、寇蒂斯P-40E战隼式战斗机、共和P-4 7D雷电式战斗机、北美P-51D野马式战斗机、波音B-17D/E空中堡垒式轰炸机、联合B-24J解 放者式轰炸机、北美B-25D/J米歇尔式轰炸机、波音B-29A超级空中堡垒式轰炸机。日本海军使用的是三菱零战21型/32型/52型(A6M2/3/5)、关西N1K1紫电改式舰战、爱知99式(D3A)俯轰机、爱知彗星式(D4Y)俯轰机、中岛7式(B5N)鱼雷机、中岛天山式(B6N)鱼雷机。日本陆军使用的是Ki-27战斗机、中岛1式隼(Ki-43)战斗机、川崎屠龙(Ki-45)战斗机、川崎3式飞燕( Ki-61)战斗机、中岛4式疾风(Ki-84)战斗机、川崎紫电21型(Ki-100)战斗机、三菱97式(Ki- 21)战斗机。(2)舰船介绍(Ships):游戏中要轰炸的日舰有:彗星(Suisei)、天山(Tenzan)、飞燕(Hien)、屠龙(Toyou)、疾风(Hayate)、赤诚号航母(Akagi)、加贺号航母(Kaga)、飞龙号航母(Hiryu)、苍龙号航母(Soryu)、翔鹤号航母(Shokaku)、瑞鹤号航母(Zuikaka)、祥凤号航母(Shoho )、瑞凤号航母(Zuiho)、龙骧号航母(Ryujo)、信浓号航母(Shinano)、大和号战列舰(Yamato)、武藏号战列舰(Musashi)、金刚号战列舰(Kongo)、最上号重巡洋舰(Mogami)。(3)退出(Cancel)。4.其他选项(Other Option)(1)系统参数改变(Perference):包括控制工具、音乐音效开关等。(2)演示动画(Watch Demo)。(3)游戏制作人员(Credits)。(4)退出(Cancel)。5.观看记录的任务(Mission Recorder)每次完成任务后,游戏会询问是否保存此次任务的记录。如果保存,则将此次任务的全过程写到??VCR文件,保存在ACESTAPES子目录下。以后可在此选项调出已有的记录观视。6.退回到DOS(Exit to DOS)
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2023-07-23 15:23:022


I. 1-6 BACAAAII. 1. hobbies 2. spare 3. collect 4. hobby 5. fond 6.plantIII. 1. Collecting 2.interested 3. playing 4. actor 5. usedIV. 1. reading novels 2. is interestedin 3. is, fond of 4. watching movies5.used to
2023-07-23 15:23:111


Airline Security Guard
2023-07-23 15:23:294


一、空中乘务员:空中乘务员Midair crew member(又称空乘、空服员;女性称空中小姐、空姐,已婚的又称空嫂;男性称空中少爷、空少),主要的职责是在民航飞机上确保乘客旅途中的安全和舒适——例如为乘客供应飞机餐等餐饮;指导乘客使用机上安全设备以及在紧急情况下组织乘客逃离飞机等等。因为近年来恐怖活动和劫机活动的威胁,维护客舱内的保安也成为现在空中乘务员的越来越重要的职责。二、地勤:机场地勤为自有航空运输服务以及各大航空站(机场)建设营运以来,出现在各级民用、军用航空站的一项重要附加服务,和航空站的运作息息相关且不可或缺,所有的民用、商用、及军用飞行器都需要地勤的服务,从飞机进入停机坪的那一刻起,到离开停机坪进入滑行道为止,停泊其间的所有后勤服务(给油、给水、旅客下机登机、行李搬运、飞机餐点装载、机身清洁、废弃物处理等)皆为机场地勤人员的工作职掌范围。三、安检:1、指对民用航空器的旅客及行李物品和需要空运的货与物、邮品进行检查。2、对进入候机隔离区的工作人员、旅客及其行李物品实施监控。3、对进出港的民用航空器实施监护维护运行,保障秩序,监督检查现场等情况。关于安检证书分为初、中、高级考取安检五级证书流程分两部分:1、理论培训:记忆性理解性学习科目。2、实操技能培训:分为人身检查(即从一位模拟旅客人员)身上用三分钟时间按相应检查顺序查出违禁品;验证(即识别证件,要求2分钟时间内验40张身份证真伪,最多错4张);开箱包检查:严格按照流程规范程序在4分钟时间内查出危险物品(多件)放在相应的格子里。四、值机:为旅客办理登记手续(更换登记牌,收运旅客托运的行李,安排旅客座位)每个航空公司和机场都有自己的值机柜台。例如:东航、国航、BGS值机柜台等。 岗位分布:国内区国内值机岗、国际区国际值机岗。五、免税店:免税店设于机场隔离区内(国际区)主要是销售各种国际品牌商品(只有国际航班的旅客才能有购买权)。首都机场T2、T3航站楼设有(T1只有国内航线和部分大兴公司的国内航班所以不设)六、VIP客服:主要负责机场全程引导并且协助办理登记手续和机场的贵宾厅服务,设立在隔离区内,工作环境优越。七、要客:航空公司设立在机场的VIP里,一般负责接待乘坐本航空公司的重要客人而提供的全程服务,走独立VIP通道登机。八、贵宾厅:航空公司设立在机场内的贵宾休息厅,负责客人休息及机场业务而提供的服务为功能的地方。贵宾厅内设有专门的安检人员和设备。登机有独立的VIP通道。贵宾厅工作人员属航空公司要客部管辖,贵宾厅工作环境好,工资高,有小费。九、机场问询:属于机场形象大使范围,主要为机场旅客提供指引咨询等服务。若想进一步了解请私信我,或者关注“神州就业管家”
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2023-07-23 15:24:221

在飞机上 用英语怎么称呼空姐和空少?

lady sir
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2023-07-23 15:24:541


Look, this is how a good Sunday! Apple trees in bloom, a piece of green wheat fields, the church bells ringing, everyone is happy.The pastor of a church sermon:" God does not forgive the sinner! They were always burning in hell! The pain will world without end!"This argument sounds very terrible, but he spoke so good, so convincing. He put the hell described as all fallen useless people are concentrated, full of foul-smelling places, there is no trace of wind smelly spray, sentenced person will always endlessly in the mudIn the pond is slowly sinking, all permanent silence, heard the terrible. But it made me feel terrible is, these are the words from the heart, all Hindus were scared with one"s hair standing on end. Nevertheless, outdoor bird still as previously as singing, the sun is still in the happy as. At night, the wife says to him:" I don"t understand your preaching, this is my problem. No matter how to contemplate, would not you like and the conclusion. I don"t believe that sinners like you said so much, you said the penalty is too terrible! I am a poor sinner, but that the world will always be burned sinners, could not endure!"Autumn comes, leaves fell cover in the wife "s eyes, he was dead. The vicar"s wife was carried to the grave, two lines of tears from the sincere minister cheeks went down. His home in silence, gray, his lover has left him. The midnight hour, a cold wind blowing the priest"s face, he woke up, the whole room as if in the moonlight, moonlight and did not rise. He saw his wife "s ghost, he used a sad tone:" would you please help me find a root in hell forever burned sinner hair! So I will rest in the tomb!"A gust of wind blew the priest, he came to a city.For sinners here really - - - - - pride, cruel, greedy, headstrong...... The priest began to find a sin the deepest bad, he first came to a magnificent building.The master of the house feel oneself highly flattered to show off to guests, then, these wealthy people began to eat up, pastor shook his head and said:" this is nothing, it"s just a fool." The priest came to a poor alley, but in the shabby house, he saw a wizened old man is counting numerous coins." This is an old miser! Look at his clothes how broken!" Priest wants to," more than he damned villain is the number of!" The criminal was more the hell, a priest to death in prison, found a convict. He held out his hand, just want to unplug the condemned man"s hair, sudden death, jump, loudly say:" ah! I was so painful to me!""The last time, I"m near the fire, accidentally burned his master"s house, I saw many people tried to fire, but the dog had been burned. Now, the dog always make me sad!"The priest "s hands trembled, tears ran down his stern face dripped down, he knelt down and said:" Jesus Christ, I was wrong, even the bad guys have a conscience!"At this time, the priest saw a bright sunshine, yeah, boundless love for God, who is not a sinner? But for God"s eternal compassion, sin can be forgiven.The priest "s face that quiet some.
2023-07-23 15:25:172


1. 写一篇关于鹦鹉的英语作文(5句话左右) 1 Parrot is a bird. 2 Parrot is very beautiful 3 Parrot is clever. 4 IT can speak words like human. 5 I like it very much. 这5句当然是连贯的. Parrot is a bird and it is very beautiful .IT is clever,it also can speak words like our human.i like it very much. 5句话啊,要怎么才算好.每句都是20多个单词的?。 2. 写鹦鹉的英文作文80词 Oh!Look!This is my parrot.He has a good name.His name is Tommy.Tommy has red,yellow and blue feather,circle head, *** all black eyes,a yellow mouth and sharp claws.He can"t swim or dance,but he can talk,jump high and sing well.Listen,he is singing.His voice is quite good.This parrot is cute and handsome.No wonder I love him very much。 3. 关于鹦鹉的英文作文 1.Last autumn, my grandfather gave me a pair of lovely parrot, appearance is very attractive. It and exquisite body long one green feathers, *** ooth and sleek. Round head set with a pair of black stones *** all eyes. The long tail like a sword, always cross at the end of it.The parrot special love to eat bugs, millet, fruit. Every day I e home from school, the first thing is to feed the parrot. As long as they saw me, she called up and down in excitement up. East across the west to see see, then eat it with relish.One day e home from school, I saw the parrots don"t like before the lovely and lively, hide in the cage quietly the *** all house, I think that the weather is cold, will run to give them seek to e to some cotton in a log cabin. But a few days passed, and they"re still that, not a little better. I quickly ran to the door"s grandfather home and asked grandpa what"s going on. Grandpa quickly e over and look at them, said: "the parrots ill, you go to my home medicine for them to eat." I hurriedly ran back to grandpa home, to grandma to the medicine, thanked after grandma, for a walk and o step ran home, and put the medicine hello bird to eat. Later I them every day cleaning cages, feed water, hello millet, fruit, but I still can"t save their life, just after a few days, they quietly died in the cage. I was very sad.Facing this fragile life, I couldn"t help feeling, man is so cruel ah, is given to the pursuit of his happy but don"t understand this weak life in the cage of feeling. If the time I put them back to play in nature, perhaps they will survive. We humans to and nature in each animal live together in harmony, let they can also free existence. I called the people: animals in the cage put back on the nature, let them fly, free to grow! 2.My home have o parrots, a whole body of blue, only a little white head, I call it the blue; The other a whole body is white, only a little green head, I call it freely. Blue is very naughty, and very quiet but in vain.One day, I put the rice pour in the bowl for them to eat. Blue always rush to pull at to eat before bowl, as if afraid of with it in flock like; But not in vain as it would like to think, but blue and stuffed slowly again to jump. I was touched the blue feather said: "you can really naughty!" Blue like understand my words, PuLeng once wings, and with the food to the dispute in vain. Is really a mutinous child.Come back after school every day, and I will put his hand into the cage, going to touch them, blue saw, is often thought is delicious, it ran over to pecked and peck. Until I call it don"t stir, it didn"t give up. It jumped on my hand, let me touch it, sometimes deliberately "trick" on my hand to pull a few drops of excrement, finish pull and ran to the corner, as if afraid I punish it like; In vain is different, it is very gentle temperament. I caressed its feathers, it kindly with pointed mouth plucked at my finger.One time, I see them head long out some white stuff, I asked his father, "what is that?" Dad learned like said: "they are in change hair!" After a few days, they head and then many some similar color hair grow feathers out.Blue, in your lovely!。 4. 写鹦鹉的英文作文80词 Oh!Look!This is my parrot.He has a good name.His name is Tommy.Tommy has red,yellow and blue feather,circle head, *** all black eyes,a yellow mouth and sharp claws.He can"t swim or dance,but he can talk,jump high and sing well.Listen,he is singing.His voice is quite good.This parrot is cute and handsome.No wonder I love him very much.。 5. 关于鹦鹉的英语作文70次 A parrot is any of about 330 species of bird belonging to the Psittaciformes, the biological order which includes both the Psittacidae (or "true parrots") and the Cacatuidae (or cockatoos). Parrots have a characteristic curved beak shape with the upper mandible having slight mobility in the joint with the skull and a generally erect stance. All parrots are zygodactyl, having the four toes on each foot placed o at the front and o back. Parrots can be found in most of the warm parts of the world, including India, southeast Asia and west Africa, with one species, now extinct, in the United States (the Carolina Parakeet). By far the greatest number of parrot species, however, e from Australasia, South America and Central America. 6. 鹦鹉的英语作文 Oh! Look! This is my parrot. He has a good name. His name is Tommy. Tommy has red, yellow and blue feather,circle head, *** all black eyes, a yellow mouth and sharp claws. He can"t swim or dance, but he can talk, jump high and sing well. Listen, he is singing. His voice is quite good. This parrot is cute and handsome. No wonder I love him very much.。 7. 描写宠物的英语作文狗,猫,兔,鹦鹉都要 cat The cat is what people dotes on *** all animals, it is sweet, lively, lovely, can catch mice, mand master"s favour. Newborn kitten, with your eyes closed, the cry is thin, and bare, like a will peristalsis meat pletely. Full moon later, fluffy shall all minister neat. Some white collar is covered with white hair, the limbs, back in the miscellaneous have black ash black, grey, tail, Some from beginning to end an ink peso "cloak," but white foot, people say thoroughbred, called "clouds cover; snow" Some body yellow, presently tiger stripes, people give its reputation JinBuHuan ";" And a white hair with a black hair tail, called "snow drag gun". Just a full moon cat cannot leave milk, walk also instability. Cats eat are omnivorous, love fish and lean lean, if throw a fruit or vegetables such as to it, it just had one breath then went away. The cat"s paw had hypertrophy and soft pads, walk quietly silent, do not send stampedes rats and mice. Toes ends with a sharp claws born, ok and optional expansion. This makes it can not only on the flat land scurry such as fly, can also climb trees along the wall room, jump a wall. Mice had to led, rarely can escape bad luck. Cat teeth like a sharp cone, the lingual coarse, there are many barbs. Once catch mice, the cat claw thorn, cat teeth bite, in an instant, their shameful deeds mouse will open bowel break belly, flesh mud. The cat these body structure feature, make it have a rat trap various superior conditions. As the saying goes, it doesn"t matter if a cat, catch mice. It"s a good cat. Will catch mice cat is not call. When it finds rat tracer, immediately volts, patience to wait for attack timing. When rats are close, with the trend of the eyepiece swoops up, suddenly bring mouse bite. Cats and portable detector - beard. Don"t underestimate the cat"s beautiful beard, be very intelligent, generally equal to their bust the maximum length, so, whether can thoroughly cat caves, as long as the beard measure the hole knew. Cats and one trick: bone soft, can in midair consciously emancipated, so, even if it in high slip, also fell deathless, always four-footed first landing, hovering head, shrugged his body, lick sole, arm.i again as if nothing has occurredly pace opened FangBu. The cat is mouse predators, the reason for high strength rat catching ability. First, because a pair of special eyes, pupil to e with the strength of the light and shrinkage or amplification. The strong light pupil pressed into a fine seam, Darkness, eyes wide and big, round, even reached unable to see the night, also can see clearly, more cunning mice are difficult to escape. Its ears are flexible to randomly steering sound es from, even if it is extremely slight voice, but also timely worked out. The most attractive is the "virgin after off milk cat". They are highly volatile, particularly strong curiosity. You see, a group fluffy kitten roll toward it, it probably thought is a "monster" suddenly jump, far away, plush regiment stopped. Kitten down mega stare at, very in a short while, see linear cluster have no action, just silently directed forward, mi blare - "let out a cry. Linear cluster still remained motionless. This time, the kitten could bear, ventured to close linear cluster, turned several turn round and then stretch out front PAWS gingerly touched. When it understand line game doesn"t exist danger, then be without scruple the ground play rise, while with nose *** ell *** ell, while carrying the "fair", in the middle of the courtyard and ran. Like the hen laid eggs can call that "crack, catch mice cat will be issued" blare - "calls, said happy, display victory. Cats, should get people to protect and pampering。 My dog My dog returned love for my cruelty.(以德报怨).Several years ago, my brother brought a *** all, thin and dirty dog back. It looked ugly and I didn"t like it. My brother gave him the name "Jackie". Although he soon became the pet in the family, I felt indifferent about him. Unlike my brother, I never played with him, nor fed him. Instead, I shouted at him when I was scolded by Mother. He used to squat beside me when I was doing homework, but whenever I couldn"t work out some problems, I would kick him away. This lasted for about o years. When I became a senior high school student, I often came back home very late in the evening. Jackie, who had grown stronger and bigger, became a necessary and good panion to me. He always waited for me somewhere on my way back home, and ran to me quickly at my calling"Jackie". He walked beside me like a faithful guard. I was moved by his generous love, and was ashamed of my cruel behavior towards him.。 8. 我家养的鹦鹉英语作文60字带翻译 Parrots are birds of the roughly 372 species in 86 genera that may be found in most tropical and subtropical regions. Characteristic features of parrots include a strong,curved bill,an upright stance,strong legs,and clawed zygodactyl feet.Many parrots are vividly coloured,and some are multi-coloured. Parrots,are among the most intelligent birds,and the ability of some species to imitate human voices enhances their popularity as pets. (The most important ponents of most parrots" diets are seeds,nuts,fruit,buds and other plant material.A few species sometimes eat animals and carrion,while the lories and lorikeets are specialised for feeding onfloral nectar and soft fruits.Almost all parrots nest in tree hollows (ornest boxes in captivity),and lay white eggs from which hatch altricial(helpless) young.) 9. 鹦鹉 英文作文 A parrot is any of about 330 species of bird belonging to the Psittaciformes, the biological order which includes both the Psittacidae (or "true parrots") and the Cacatuidae (or cockatoos). Parrots have a characteristic curved beak shape with the upper mandible having slight mobility in the joint with the skull and a generally erect stance. All parrots are zygodactyl, having the four toes on each foot placed o at the front and o back.Parrots can be found in most of the warm parts of the world, including India, southeast Asia and west Africa, with one species, now extinct, in the United States (the Carolina Parakeet). By far the greatest number of parrot species, however, e from Australasia, South America and Central America。
2023-07-23 15:25:241


Shanxi Province, abbreviated as Jin, is situated in northern China, and adjacent to Hebei, Henan, Inner Mongolia and Shaanxi. It is so-called for its location on the west side of Taihang Mountains. Covering an area of over 150,000 square kilometers, Shanxi has a population of 32.97 million, which embracies the Hans, Huis, Manchurians, Mongolians, and other ethnic peoples. Taiyuan is the capital city.Shanxi on eastern side of the middle reaches of the Yellow River has an average altitude of 1,000 meters, and mountains make up 70% of the total area of the province, so it is generally known as the Shanxi Plateau. The main mountains in the province are Taihang, Luliang, Zhongtiao and the famous Buddhist Mountain ?Wutai Mountain.Shanxi is a province with many historical sites and cultural relics, as well as scenic areas. Datong, Pingyao, Xinjiang, Daixian and Qixian are listed as the national historical and cultural cities. Main tourist spots are: world cultural heritages sites ?Ancient City of Pingyao and the Yungang Grottoes; scenic spots of Wutai Mountain, Hengshan Mountain, and Hukou Waterfalls of the Yellow River; cultural and historical sites such as Jin Shrine in Taiyuan, Shuanglin Temple in Pingyao, Wooden Pagoda of Yingxian, Huayan Temple in Datong, Midair Temple in Hunyuan, Niangzi, Pingxing, and Yanmen passes of the Great Wall.
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白金 Platinum在赛博朋克2077中获得其他所有奖杯-Earn all other trophies in Cyberpunk 2077城市之光 City Lights完成市中心所有差事和夜之城警局悬赏-Complete all gigs and NCPD Scanner Hustles in City Center.全身改造 Full Body Conversion在每个系统和身体部位安装至少一个义体-Install at least one implant in each system and body part.以牙还牙 Right Back At Ya杀死或击倒一个向你投掷手榴弹的敌人-Kill or incapacitate an enemy who threw a grenade at you.浪游愚者 The Wandering Fool找到所有塔罗牌涂鸦-Find all tarot graffiti.车迷 Autojock购买所有可供购买的车辆-Buy all vehicles available for purchase.空中飞人 Frequent Flyer找到所有快速旅行点-Find all fast travel dataterms.铳形 Gun Fu在近距离战斗中使用左轮或手枪连续杀死或击倒三个敌人-Kill or incapacitate 3 enemies in quick succession with a revolver or pistol in close combat.枪手 Gunslinger用左轮射中投掷到半空的手榴弹-Shoot an enemy grenade in midair with a revolver.工匠大师 Master Crafter制作3个传奇物品-Craft 3 Legendary items.吾即是法 I Am The Law完成所有赛博疯子悬赏-Complete all Cyberpsycho Sightings.穷街陋巷 Mean Streets完成海伍德所有差事和夜之城警局悬赏-Complete all gigs and NCPD Scanner Hustles in Heywood.小东京 Little Tokyo完成韦斯特布鲁克所有差事和夜之城警局悬赏-Complete all gigs and NCPD Scanner Hustles in Westbrook.圣诞树攻击 Christmas Tree Attack在一次协议黑入中至少上载3个进程-Complete a Breach Protoc.ol with a minimum of 3 daemons uploaded.致命快感 The Quick and the Dead在子弹时间内累计杀死或击倒50名敌人-Kill or incapacitate 50 enemies while time is slowed.肯定有老鼠 Must Be Rats累计30次在敌人注意你之前通过快速黑入转移敌人的注意力-Perform the Distract Enemies quickhack 30 times without drawing attention to yourself.摄人心魄 Breathtaking收集曾属于强尼 银手的所有物品-Collect all items that once belonged to Johnny Silverhand.废土 The Wasteland完成巴德兰兹所有差事和夜之城警局悬赏-Complete all gigs and NCPD Scanner Hustles in the Badlands.守壳 Daemon In The Shell通过快速黑入引爆手榴弹杀死或击倒3名敌人-Kill or incapacitate 3 enemies with one “Detonate Grenade” quickhack.史坦尼斯拉夫斯基的方法 Stanislavski"s Method在对话中选择10次与V出身相关的选项-Use a dialogue option related to V"s life path 10 times.满分 Ten out of Ten任意一项技能达到满级-Reach the max level in any skill.硬着陆 Rough Landing在狂暴模式时,使用超级英雄式落地杀死或击倒两个敌人-While Berserk cyberware is active, perform a Superhero Landing to kill or incapacitate 2 The World完成主线故事-Complete the main storyline.来自太平洲的问候 Greetings from Pacifica!完成太平洲所有差事和夜之城警局悬赏-Complete all gigs and NCPD Scanner Hustles in Pacifica.屠场 The Jungle完成圣多明各所有差事和夜之城警局悬赏-Complete all gigs and NCPD Scanner Hustles in Santo Domingo.真正的战士 True Soldier使用远程武器杀死或击倒100名敌人-Kill or incapacitate 300 enemies using ranged weapons.真正的勇士 True Warrior使用近战武器杀死或击倒100名敌人-Kill or incapacitate 100 enemies using melee weapons.一箭双雕 Two Heads, One Bullet使用狙击步枪一枪杀死或击倒两个敌人-Kill or incapacitate 2 enemies with the same sniper rifle shot.V字仇杀 V for Vendetta使用第二颗心复活后,杀死或击倒之前杀死你的敌人-After reviving yourself with Second Heart, kill or incapacitate the enemy who killed you.基本功 It"s Elementary完成沃森所有差事和夜之城警局悬赏-Complete all gigs and NCPD Scanner Hustles in Watson.再世传奇 Legend of the Afterlife街头声望达到最高等级-Reach max Street Cred.14个隐藏奖杯(与剧情相关) 14x Hidden Trophies (Story-Related)There are 14x hidden trophies which seem to be tied to the story. Their descriptions will be added later.赛博朋克2077完成完成有什么用成就成就,完成之后最大的奖励就是给玩家成就感了。一般来说一周目大家不会花太多的时间在成就上面,但是等到二周目甚至三周目的时候成就就是玩家攻略的主体内容了。
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雨人英文观后感 Many people hold the opinion that American people care only money and themselves, they dispose no attention to others, even their relatives. The film Rain Man (雨人) described about how a self-centered businessman retrieved his family affection. Charlie Babbitt is frantically trying to straighten out his failing Los Angles businewhich involves expensive import cars. One day he receives word that his father, with whom he has had no contact for years, had died. At the reading of his bill, he learns that he has received a pittance, and that his father"s 3 million-dollar fortune has gone into a trust. Whom is the trust for? Charlie discovers with a shock that it goes to support an older brother he never knew he had. His brother Raymond is a “high-level” autistic, who has been institutionalized for years. Angry that he has been cut out of his share of the inheritance, Charlie takes Raymond out of the mental home and vows to bring him to live in Califomia, then they head out on a cross-country odyssey of discovery. Charlie at first does not quite seem to accept the dimensions of Raymond"s world and grows frustrated at what looks like almost willful stubbornness. Eventually, Charlie has learned how to pay attention, how to listen, and how to be at least a little patient some of the time. He gets in touch with things that are more important than selling cars. In the film, family affection beats money. The story was si-mp-le, but the meaning was much deeper. It reflected vividly the conflict between money and the affection, inspired people to consider money"s value again.This is a big Oscar in the list of their names left the classic film, but also throughout the"80s most influential film. In my view, it is more like a tight, and even some of the Hollywood stereotypes of textbooks. The film seeks to achieve the so-called "academic" and "public" between the most appropriate point of intersection, and this is the appropriate time to develop, on the one hand are those judges affirmed, on the other hand won popular joy, which, the huge succeof the film is the main reason. Films chosen the "kinship" with infinite charm of this emotional theme, and throughout the entire movie, the multiple use of moral choice to the "family" concept to烘托. The so-called "moral multiple choice," which actually refers to the movie as a younger brother Charlie (Tom Cruise ornaments) in the treatment takes the money interests and the two options, this is a film where the focus of contradictions . First of all, we look at what factors in the film its emotional theme longer play a role. The film director Barry Levinson has always been to the social issues and social hot spot known for a calm understanding. Most of his film style restrained in the handling of the lens appears moderate, often at the focus of the lens as well as the characters start clues to the whole incident. The dominant motive in the handling of si-mp-le implication, it Chilled and rules. Films opening at the first-Motive: hanging in midair car out in straight locations throughout the main narrative films - Highway. The car is the film contradictions carrier. At the same time, this also points out the film as the he-ro-in-e Charlie figures. In the next workplace a show, the performance is the smart and capable Charlie, good at reconciling the many character side of things. In addition, the car in the air to a certain extent, hinted at the work of the sun at high noon Charlie background, it seems like he-car traffic in the sky, and in the depth of field space is one himself the proliferation of high-rise buildings. Then, Charles received the news his father passed away, then went to attend the funeral, but found that the car, leads to childhood memories. Originally, Charlie because a stolen car and his father"s father was spurned by. Cars become a film contradictory motives are. It is precisely because the reasons for the car, Charlie and his father will not and, therefore dry himself on the automobile businesses. In the following paragraphs, the same use of motor vehicles, leads to the true masters of the film - "Rain Man" (Dustin Hoffman ornaments). So the whole film has been basically established all set up, in the remaining time, the use of these settings is to create and solve them by contradiction.
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PS的……吧……= =b
2023-07-23 15:27:252


【 #小学英语# 导语】元宵节,又称上元节、小正月、元夕或灯节,为每年农历正月十五日,是中国的传统节日之一。正月是农历的元月,古人称“夜”为“宵”,正月十五日是一年中第一个月圆之夜,所以称正月十五为“元宵节”。以下是 整理的《关于元宵节的小学生英语作文范文(三篇)》,希望帮助到您。 关于元宵节的小学生英语作文范文篇一   Today is the fifteenth day of the Lantern Festival, play boxing finished eating breakfast in the morning, grandma said to me: "today is the Lantern Festival, the streets can be noisy, do you want to see?" "Yeah, I want to see too much, my grandma, let"s go!" I"m happy to jump up.   I followed my grandma came out from home, he heard the sound of beating drums on the streets, and all kinds of music voice, very lively. We come to the construction of road, the original spill over broad road is now, is people mountain people sea, some children can"t see adults to shoulder? I slowly into the crowd, and then stepping high up over time to see, they can go from our perch on top of the stick so stability is not simple ah! Followed by a donkey, and big head boy, and dancing. Is really too good, my favorite is the dragon dance, two long dragon like swimming in midair and flexibly, really cute!   While enjoying the wonderful show, I thought in my heart, these people want to walk so long time, but also for everyone to show, I really want to say to them: "uncle, aunt, grandpa, grandma, you were laborious!" 关于元宵节的小学生英语作文范文篇二   Lantern Festival is a China"s traditional festival. It is celebrated on the fifteenth day of the first month of the lunar year.   I,antern Festival is one of the biggest holidays in China. Several days before Lantern Festival, people begin to make lanterns. Lanterns are made in the shape of different animals, vegetables, fruits and many, other things. While making lanterns people usually write riddles on lanterns. On the eve of Lantern Festival, all the lanterns are hung up.   On Lantern Festival people go outside to have a look at the lanterns and guess the riddles on the lanterns. Perhaps you call see some wonderful folk performances,Dragon Dance and Yangko. Everything is very interesting and everyone is very happy. Our life is rich and varied. 关于元宵节的小学生英语作文范文篇三   In my hometown is always fine, on the fifteenth day of the lanterns, praying for good crop weather, academic progress, go in peace, the business is thriving.   Nightfall, accompanied by a loud firecrackers, families of children and adults in front of kitchen candles and prayers, and then, we carry lanterns, he hurried home, to the temple gate, then, we carry lanterns stop-go, unknowingly came to the mountain path, the adults talking and laughing, loud firecrackers is playing by the road, we watched the bundles light "shout" washed up on the sky, in the air, like the flowers, zhankai smiling faces, there are red, with purple, and yellow, beautiful! And firecrackers played to ring, "crackling" heard "crackling" homophonic is the meaning of "in peace", and to put the ring the better, we saw the front of every household, all with lamb, beef, and folded gold ingot, etc., I asked my mother: "why ask mouth put in these things?" Mother said: "this is called "LuJi", is to worship the gods." We as the stream of people came to lee"s ancestral hall, zhou ji, ancestor worship, then lanterns to be brought back to the temple. The lanterns ceremony is over.   Our country is one of the ancient civilizations in the world, traditional culture, rich and colorful, but I still like our hometown lanterns.
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