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2023-07-23 20:02:09

Because I could not stop for Death--
He kindly stopped for me--
The Carriage held but just Ourselves--
and Immortality.
诗的篇幅短小,多数只有两至五节,经常破格,常押所谓“半韵”(half rhyme);放弃传统的标点,多用破折号,名词多用大写(但这个习惯在当时很平常);常省略句子成分,有时甚至连动词也省掉;句法多倒装,有学者指这是受拉丁文词序的影响。












艾米莉狄金森是美国著名诗人,她在诗歌领域的成就,推动了美国诗歌领域的发展。介绍艾米莉狄金森的生平成就时,不得不说的就是狄金森作品。狄金森作品有《云暗》、《逃亡》、《希望》、《补偿》、《战场》、《天使》、《这是鸟儿们回来的日子》、《神奇的书 》等等。狄金森一生创作了大量诗歌作品,据不完全统计,狄金森作品多达一千七百多首。





Immortality-Celine Diontell him -Celine Dion
2023-07-23 14:14:002


这首歌的MV里席琳·狄翁(Celine Dion)化身为中世纪的贵族女子,和她相爱的男子已经去世,她和他的灵魂一起追寻着immortality。这首歌的MV其实就是她的那个男人死掉了,她在那个男的的坟前回忆他们的爱,自己却必须为了他好好活下去,自己坚信她与那个男的之间的爱是不朽的(后面在(酒吧)有个男的在她唱完歌后给了她一朵白色的花,也是为她的美丽动人的声音以及她的那份爱所感动,那朵花应该是会用来放到她爱人的坟墓上的吧。《Immortality》是Celine Dion《天长地久·世纪情歌精选》专辑中的一首,由BeeGees撰写。Bee Gees甚至还为这首美妙的、能感动许多人的心的歌唱和音部分。这首歌是由Walter A.在纽约城里监制的,也是她与Bee Gees乐队破天荒柔情对唱的全英排行Top 5单曲。
2023-07-23 14:14:081

nike giannis immortality适合什么季节

nike giannis immortality适合春秋穿。这款鞋子设计是比较透气,而且转正效果比较强,并且很适合于在运动当中跑步,很显着轻便简洁简洁,缓震透气,所以在运动当中穿着是很适合的,在脚暖的天气穿也是很合适的,但是如果冬季穿的话,就显得比较冷了。NIKE公司总部位于美国俄勒冈州波特兰市,公司生产的体育用品包罗万象,例如服装,鞋类,运动器材等,NIKE是全球著名的体育运动品牌,英文原意指希腊胜利女神,中文译为耐克。nike giannis immortality的特点球鞋拿到手第一感觉就是非常轻质,甚至很像是一双跑鞋的重量,球鞋整体的配色看上去很清爽,整体的造型流线感也比较出色,鞋面材质大体可以被分成两部分,整个中前掌的位置,是非常轻薄的网纱材质。外底方面就是以人字纹为基础的加以演变的纹路了,XDR的橡胶材质应该还是比较适合外场的,immortality鞋面材质的细节,鞋面看起来还是很轻薄的,透气性应该是不错的,鞋头位置的内侧有一块热熔的补强,实战的时候保护性还是不错的。球鞋的后半段材质相对较厚,而且外置填充很厚,虽然港宝的面积还比较可观,但是内置填充非常薄。鞋带系统的话看起来中规中矩,没有什么特别的,鞋底的纹路细节,以人字纹为基础的加以演变的纹路了,XDR的橡胶材质应该还是比较适合外场的。
2023-07-23 14:14:181


2023-07-23 14:14:501

求华兹华斯《不朽颂》(ode: intimations of immortality)的中文版全文!

永生颂(咏童年往事中永生的信息)威廉·华兹华斯waits译孩童是成人之父;我愿那对自然的敬爱能贯穿我的一生。1曾几何时,草地、溪流还有果树,这大地,以及每一样平常景象,在我眼里似乎都披着天光,这荣耀,梦的开始。只是现在已非从前;——我环视四野,白天黑夜,再也见不到昔日之所见。2彩虹去了又来,玫瑰依然可爱,欢快的月亮环视四周,天宇寥廓无蔽,星夜的汪洋散发着动人美丽;初生的太阳辉煌灿烂;但无论在哪里,我已明瞭有一种荣耀已永离了人间。3如今,鸟雀们的欢唱依旧羊羔们蹦跳依旧像叮咚不停的手鼓,唯独我,萌生一缕哀思:旋即的言说可以阻挡它的郁积,于是我再次尝试坚强:瀑布自悬崖吹起他们的号角;我的哀思焉能再错失这季节的流光。我听见回声在群山间流荡,来自沉睡原野的风朝我呼啸,大地一派欢欣;地和海在沉醉中放浪了形骸,怀着五月之心,每一头牲畜都置身节庆:——你,欢乐之子,在我身边呼喊吧,让我听你的喊声,你这幸福的牧羊少年。4你们有福的造物,我听见你们彼此的呼唤;我看到在你们的庆典上诸天也一同欢笑;我的心融进你们的欢宴,我的头顶自有它的花冠。你们的幸福满盈,我有——我有全然的体验。哦不幸的日子!倘若我愁苦而大地正忙于装点,这甜美的五月晨间,孩子们正在摘选鲜花;在四面八方,在宽阔辽远的一千个山谷中;阳光温暖,婴儿欢腾在母亲的臂弯:——我听见,我听见,我笑着听见!——但是,众树中却有一树,还有我曾打量过的孤独旷野,他们一起诉说着,某些事物的殄灭:三色堇在脚边重复同样的流言:那如幻的光辉逃到哪里去了?那荣耀和梦境,现在哪里去了?5我们的出生,只是沉睡和遗忘:共我们升起的灵,生命的大星,本已坠往另一个地方,又自远处莅临;不是完全的失忆,又非绝对的白纸,曳着荣耀之云,我们是从上帝那边来的孩子:天堂迤逦在我们的幼年!而那监牢的阴影会慢慢把少年人围拢,但他看到那光,和它的源泉,他见了就兴意冲冲;青年人渐离了东方,他必得漫游,尚能将自然颂扬。他的旅途依然为瑰丽的想象所陪伴。最终,这灵光黯淡于成年人的视野,并在寻常的日光中消灭。6大地满载着属于她的愉悦;也自有其天性里诸多的渴望,甚至某种母性的柔肠,以及并非无谓的目标,这家常的保姆尽其所能要令她哺育的孩子——和她同住的人,忘却那诞生他的华美宫阙,以及他熟知的荣耀。7瞧这个孩子,置身于初生的狂喜,可爱的六岁幼童!看,他躺在亲手做出的物件中,烦躁于母亲迸放的吻,又为父亲的目光所凝视!看,在他脚边,一些小小的图样,人生憧憬的斑斓碎片,他新学的技艺赋予其形状; 婚礼抑或庆典,葬礼抑或悼念; 一一涌入他的心灵,一一化作他的歌唱: 此后他将让舌头屈从于有关事务、爱情乃至斗争的谈论然而无需太久,这些又将被抛却,伴随新的骄傲与欢悦这小小的演员默记起另一段台词;他的“谐剧舞台”上轮流充斥着生活马车载乘的所有角色,直至衰朽的岁月; 仿佛其一生的天命 不过是无尽的模仿。8你,外在的形体并不能相称你灵魂的浩瀚;你最好的哲人,仍固守着遗产,你盲人中的慧眼,不听不语,却洞彻为不朽心灵所追求的永恒之渊,——伟大的先知!有福的观者!你掌握的真理,我们曾毕生探寻,却仍迷失在黑暗中,那墓穴的黑暗;你的永生,犹如主之于奴,凌驾于你的形体之上,白日一般,一种不可弃掷的存在;你这孩童,在你生命的高处散播天生自由的光辉热力,为何要付出这般热切的痛楚,来惹岁月负上不可挣脱的桎梏,这样与自己的幸福茫昧地抗争?很快,你的灵将吸入尘世的重,有分量的习俗也会压迫你的心胸,沉似冰霜,深如生命。9多好啊!我们的余烬尚残存一丝活力,大自然还能唤醒那些太容易消失的记忆!我一想起我们的过去,就会生起无尽的感激:这不是为那些最值得赐福之物;欢乐和自由,童年单纯的教义,无论欢闹还是静默,他的心里总扑腾着希望的翅羽。我不是为了这些才唱出感谢和赞美的歌;而是为那些对感官和外在世界所作的倔强究诘,为那些来自我们身上的跌落,和湮灭;为一个生灵茫然的惧怕他正游荡在这不真实的凡尘,为强烈的本能,面对它我们的人性颤栗如丑事败露的罪人:是为那些最初的情意,那些模糊的往事,如何称谓暂且不管,那是我们一生的光源,是我们眼中最明亮的灯;支撑我们,疼爱我们,并有能力使我们的喧嚣流年如同永恒寂静中的瞬间:真理苏醒了就不会毁灭:任凭倦怠抑或暴烈,也不论长幼,所有与欢乐为敌的,都无法完全将之消灭或摧垮!因此在平静无风的季节里,尽管我们远在内陆之上,我们的灵仍看得见不朽的海洋,它把我们送到了这里,我们在瞬间依旧能重返那里,去看那海岸上雁子的奔跑,去听那奔腾不息的浩浩浪涛。10然后唱吧,你们这些鸟儿,唱,唱一曲欢乐的歌! 催促年轻的羊羔跳蹦 像踏着鼓声的叮咚!我们在心里加入你们的阵营,你们尖叫你们嬉戏,五月的欢愉如今已渗入你们的心里!尽管那曾经的灿烂光辉已永远从我眼中消退,尽管没有什么能够重现鲜花和青草中的荣耀流年;我们并不为此悲伤,而是继续探寻某种活力,在残存的往昔中;在那原初的、一旦萌生就不会泯灭的同情心中;在那些源于人类苦难的精神慰籍中;在窥破死生的信念中,在那些孕育哲思的岁月中。11哦,泉水,草地,山川,果园,我们之间的爱恋永不会断!我心深处感受到你们的伟力;我只是舍弃了某一种乐事却活在你们更为内在的支配下。我爱那沿路奔流的小溪,甚过当初我如它们一般轻快的时节;每一个新生的日子依旧有 纯洁可爱的曙光;那聚集在落日周围的云彩在一双审视过人类必死性的眼睛里正散发着庄重严肃的色泽;又一段赛程结束,又一场新的胜利。感谢我们赖以生存的人类心灵,感谢它的温柔、欢乐与忧惧对于我,最卑微的野花也能唤起那泪水不及的最深处的思绪。要 杨德豫版本的加qq 873184323 欢迎到 百度华兹华斯吧逛逛
2023-07-23 14:15:352

我玩魔兽世界,以前很爱听,音乐叫,i can see no way什么什么,歌词叫什么??

《Immortality (Original Mix)》歌词:Immortality (Original Mix) - CartoonI was not readyTo fall in like I"m wastedMy heart grows heavyDon"t taste me rushingAnd keep your words nakedYou got me blushingAnd you forever I"ll followYou"ll be my holy groundYou forever I"ll followIn immortalityI can seeYou and me freeIn immortalityI can seeYou and me freeYou left me cryingAnd running through a ghost townAlone and strandedWhy leave me hopingAnd guessing for the answersNo place stays forbiddenAnd you forever I"ll followYou"ll be my holy groundYou forever I"ll followIn immortalityI can seeYou and me freeIn immortalityI can seeYou and me freeMy mind fadedMy body wastedWhat we createdMust"ve been fatedJust promise me immortalityI can seeYou and me freeIn immortalityI can seeYou and me free
2023-07-23 14:15:521


immortality 不朽的意思
2023-07-23 14:16:133


2023-07-23 14:16:234


我想说实在是太多了,虽然是回答百度的问题,但是百度里面也有翻译的很多无厘头的书。《万物简史》The Great Gatsby等等都翻译的让人很无语
2023-07-23 14:16:311


以下词语都可以表示“无敌”invincible 不可战胜(形容词)unmatched无人可敌(形容词)unconquerable不可征服(形容词)withoutequal 没有对手(介词短语)withoutarival无可匹敌(介词短语)
2023-07-23 14:17:332


soul 就是这个单词,没那么复杂
2023-07-23 14:18:094

an essence of immortality

这里的an是来直接修饰后面的essence而不是来修饰books的. essence是用的单数,当然前面用an了. 这里是把很多的书books当成一个整体, 是说它们都拥有一个相同的本质. 主语是复数带的宾语不一定要复数的, 同样主语是单数带的宾语也不一定是单数. 道理就相当于一个人可能会拥有很多别墅,很多人也可能只共用一间屋子. He has two books./ Jim has been to a lot of places. They live in a small room./ The twins have a new bike. 本题可翻译为: 书籍拥有一种不朽的本质.(书籍能够传授不朽的知识或真理)
2023-07-23 14:18:331


Legend says that there were once ten suns in the sky, which made plants wither, water in rivers and lakes run dry. It"s too hot to live on the sun.  相传,远古时候有一年,天上出现了十个太阳,直烤得大地冒烟,海水枯干,老百姓眼看无法再生活去。  Houyi, a young man who was good at archery was sympathetic with people"s torture so he decided to save them. He took out his bow, ascended up to the peak of the Kunlun Mountain and shot down nine of the ten suns one by one, and he might have shot the last one if it was not called off by others. Thus the severe drought was gone.  这件事惊动了一个名叫后羿的英雄,他登上昆仑山顶,运足神力,拉开神弓,一气射下九个多余的太阳。  Houyi thus was respected and honored by people as a hero. Young men who were fond of archery flocked to him to learn shooting.  后羿立下盖世神功,受到百姓,的尊敬和爱戴,不少志士慕名前来投师学艺。  Houyi later married a pretty lady called Chang"er and lived a happy life with her.  不久,后羿娶了个美丽善良的 妻子,名叫嫦娥。后羿除传艺狩猎外,终日和妻子在一起,人们都羡慕这对郎才女貌的恩爱夫妻。
2023-07-23 14:18:411


Once upon a time, a man named Hou Yi, he has a beautiful wife named Chang"e. One day, he became hunting, met the Queen Mother, the first to seek immortality, the dose of immortality, we will be able to immediately immortal. When Ho was reluctant wife put in the possession of immortality underneath his pillow. Three days later, he became hunting again. She was not taking advantage of Hou Yi, immortality Tundao the stomach and immediately flew to the Moon became cents中文版:从前,有一个人叫后羿,他有一个美丽的妻子叫嫦娥.一天,后羿外出打猎,遇到了王母,求得了一颗仙丹,服下仙丹,就能立即成仙.后羿舍不得妻子,就把仙丹藏在了枕头底下.三天后,后羿再次外出打猎.嫦娥趁后羿不在,把仙丹吞到了肚子里,立即飞到了月亮上成了仙.中国古代神话传说,嫦娥偷吃了丈夫后羿从西王母那儿讨来的不死之药后,飞到月宫。但琼楼玉宇,高处不胜寒,嫦娥向丈夫倾诉懊悔后,又说:“明天乃月圆之候,你用面粉作丸,团团如圆月形状,放在屋子的西北方向,然后再连续呼唤我的名字。三更时分,我就可以回家来了。”翌日,照妻子的吩咐去做,届时嫦娥果由月中飞来,夫妻重圆。中秋节做月饼供嫦娥的风俗,也是由此形成。表现这一情节的嫦娥图,当是世人渴望美好团圆,渴望幸福生活的情感写照。
2023-07-23 14:19:081


Legend has it that in ancient time, the sky appeared 10 sun, the earth and juicy smoke, water depletion, and the people can not see renewable live. This incident alerted Houyi is a hero, he boarded the Kunlun Peak, hiking the gods, beginning God bow, in one breath under nine extra sun, in this rescue people from untold miseries;. Soon Houyi married a beautiful wife, called Chang"e. Day, the Kunlun Mountains friends Houyi to seek Road, which passes through Wangmuniangniang coincidence when they obtained a packet of immortality Wangmuniangniang drugs, the drug is said to drink, immortality can instantly ascend to heaven, however, dropped Houyi reluctant wife, but Change will not die medicine to the collection. Unexpectedly, this was the Menke Hou Yi Peng Meng see, such as Peng Meng Houyi on coercion Chang"e after surrender immortality drug, Peng Meng Chang"e not know the opponent, the time to act decisively critical Remove an immortality drug swallowing down. Chang"e after swallowing drugs, the body immediately left the ground, flew to the sky, as Chang"e worried about her husband, it falls to earth from the moon, recently became cents. Hou Yi returned, the maid were all in tears. Distraught after the differences, the night sky amid calls for the name of his beloved wife, when she surprised to find that this particular round at the moon, especially Jiajie bright, but there is a presence of swaying like Chang"e. Houyimangming people involved Xiangan, placed Chang"e most favorite fresh fruit honey, in Yuegong Yaoji, the Chang"e. Hear that people who live in the moon Xiao interest, in all of the top Xiangan to pray for good-sheung nine auspicious peace. Since then, the Mid-Autumn Festival in Baidoa, the custom spread of the civil
2023-07-23 14:19:161

My Heart Will Go on所在专辑

2023-07-23 14:19:259

英语介绍秦皇岛旅游景点 英文游览秦皇岛作文190字

一篇关于北戴河游玩的英语作文One Sunday afternoon,the wind is gentle,we took a trip to a Qinhuangdao from my city.On the way,we talked and laughed,too excited to feel tired.since travelling to Beidaihe is aiways a dream in my heart,i treat it as a chance for me to broaden my horizons.i saw the beautiful and rested on the banches of the can"t imagine how happy i was! time flies,when the sun was going down, we saw at a distance a few little boys on the beach ,singing and laughing happily . we enjoyed sight of the sun which is going dowh so much that we decideed to come backagain some days!秦皇岛英语作文50字作文如下:Qinhuangdao has a long history. It is the first emperor of Qin Dynasty who once stationed here on his eastern inspection tour in 215 B.C and Who sent Lu Sheng of Yan State to seek immortals off the sea, hence the place was named as Qinhuangdao(island of Emperor Qin).秦皇岛历史悠久。它是秦朝第一位皇帝,曾于公元前215年驻扎在这里进行东巡,并派燕国陆胜出海寻仙,因此这个地方被命名为秦皇岛。In May 1983, it became a city under the direct jurisdiction of Hebei Province. In April 1984, it was approved by the State Council as one of the 14 coastal cities further opened to the outside it is the important port of trading.1983年5月成为河北省直辖市。1984年4月,经国务院批准,成为全国14个沿海城市进一步对外开放的城市之一,现为重要的通商口岸。秦皇岛简介(英语)Qinhuangdao ( Chinese: 秦皇岛) is a city in Hebei province, China. It is about 300 km east of Beijing, on the Bohai Sea, the innermost gulf of the Yellow Sea.Geography Since the elevation of Tianjin to a provincial-level municipality, Qinhuangdao is the chief port of Hebei province. The Qin emperor Qin Shi Huang is said to have sought immortality on an island in the Haigang district, but did not find it.Qinhuangdao has three main developed areas:Beidaihe: A summer seaside resort for senior government officials. Many political decisions affecting China are made here, making it the equivalent to resorts in Maine or Camp David in Maryland in the United States.Haigang District: the harbor city. Qinhuangdao proper. Home of Yan Shan University, the leading university in NE Hebei province. Shanhaiguan: a popular tourist destination, featuring the eastern end of the Great Wall. Qinhuangdao"s Olympic Sports Centre Stadium was used as an Olympic Competition Venue (Football Preliminary) during the 2008 Summer Olympics.Administrative divisions Haigang District (海港区) Shanhaiguan District (山海关区) Beidaihe District (北戴河区) Changli County (昌黎县) Funing County (抚宁县) Lulong County (卢龙县) Qinglong Manchu Autonomous County (青龙满族自治县) Development Zone The Qinhuangdao Economic Technological and Development Zone covers a sea area of 23.81 square kilometers and has a coastline of six kilometers. The planned and controlled area of the development zone has reached 56.72 square kilometers. By the end of 2006, the number of approved projects reached 4,546, in which 647 projects were foreign-invested, with a total investment of US$4.73 billion. Economy Qinhuangdao Port is a strategically important port on China and is the largest coal shipping port in the country, much of which is shipped to power plants elsewhere in China. With recent expansion, its capacity has reached 209 million metric tons. The harbor is also adding a further six berths to add further capacity and is increasingly being invested in by other port operators, such as South Africa"s Richards Bay Coal Terminal, who have announced plans to invest US$150 million to increase capacity by at least 28 percent.China is also the worlds third largest coal exporter, and Qinhuangdao is expected to handle much of the nations coal exports. Rail links from Shanxi province (China"s largest coal producer) to Qinhuangdao Port are in the process of being upgraded, which should allow for Qinhuangdao to ultimately increase its throughput to 400 million tones of coal per annum from it"s current level of about 250 million tons by 2015.Other Chinese and foreign service suppliers are also moving to Qinhuangdao to support this. China Ocean Shipping (Group) Co, China"s biggest shipping company, expects US$49 billion of spending on ports over the next five years as the industry tackles bottlenecks created by the nation"s unprecedented economic boom.Red Ribbon Qinhuangdao is home to the Tanghe River Park, which features the Red Ribbon, a knee-high steel sculpture that runs through the length of the park, providing seating, environmental interpretation, lighting, and the display of native plants. The project has won an honor award from the American Society of Landscape Architects and was selected by readers of Condé Nast Traveler magazine as one of the seven new wonders of the architecture world.希望帮到你咯~秦皇岛景点的英文介绍景点1:北戴河BeidaiheBeidaihe Beach is located in the western city of Qinhuangdao in Hebei Province. The weather is pleasant, 20 years long, winding flat sandy beach, tidal flat soft sand, backed by trees and lush United Mountain, the beautiful natural environment, is our larger, more complete facilities, seaside summer resort.景点2:山海关ShanhaiguanShanhaiguan is located in northeast Hebei Province, Qinhuangdao, and Jiayuguan, Juyongguan and said the three were related, known as the "two key unparalleled in Beijing, the Great Wall first pass" of reputation. 1381 (Hong Wu 14), the general Xu Da built in this great wall, built off the city set up satellite. Emerald Forest mountainous north of the city off the Yanshan Mountains, south of the Bohai Bay, rough, hence the name. As the difficult terrain, known as known as the Kyoto lock and key.景点3:秦皇求仙入海处Qinhuang Immortality into the seaQinhuang Immortality into the sea at Beidaihe seaside Jinshan mouth, is a man-made landscape. According to historical records, the First Emperor three years (215 BC), Qin Shi Huang East tour to Tateishi, sent Lu Yan who was born in today"s Dongshan Park Department harbor area into the sea Immortality. Based on this record it later, building such a project. The main attraction from the palace gates, Emperor Immortality statue of the Warring States style, the house of Immortality, the composition of celestial Temple and other attractions.=============我看参考资料里有6个景点介绍。我英文不是很好,就不多列了。希望对你有用。你刚从北戴河旅游回来,介绍你的旅游情况英语作文60字1、著名的旅游胜地北戴河位于河北省秦皇岛市的西南部,这里夏季凉爽,是避暑的好地方。这里是中国九大著名日出观赏地之一,同时也是世界上观赏候鸟的最佳地点之一。每年十一月上旬游客在此可以看到许多候鸟。The famous resort of Beidaihe in Qinhuangdao City, Hebei Province, southwest, cool summer, here is a good place for summer. Here is one of nine famous sunrise viewing and is also one of the best place to watch migratory birds in the world. In early November each year tourists can see many migratory birds.2、One Sunday afternoon,the wind is gentle,we took a trip to a Qinhuangdao from my city.On the way,we talked and laughed,too excited to feel tired.since travelling to Beidaihe is aiways a dream in my heart,i treat it as a chance for me to broaden my horizons.i saw the beautiful and rested on the banches of the can"t imagine how happy i was! time flies,when the sun was going down, we saw at a distance a few little boys on the beach ,singing and laughing happily . we enjoyed sight of the sun which is going dowh so much that we decideed to come backagain some days!有关秦皇岛英文的简介Qinhuangdao is a famous historical and cultural city in China. It was named after the first emperor of the Qin Dynasty who visited the sea to seek immortality. It is the only city in China named after the emperor.Qinhuangdao is the birthplace of modern tourism in China. It has rich tourism resources and mild climate. It is a well-known tourist and leisure resort both at home and abroad. It has the reputation of "City of Paradise".秦皇岛是国家历史文化名城,因秦始皇东巡至此派人入海求仙而得名,是中国唯一一个因皇帝帝号而得名的城市。秦皇岛是中国近代旅游业的发祥地,汇集了丰富的旅游资源,气候温和,是驰名中外的旅游休闲胜地,有“天堂之城”的美誉。扩展资料秦皇岛之名的起源地是指今海港区东山,这是一座由风化花岗岩组成的剥蚀性残山,海拔20余米,方圆不足平方公里。今天与陆地连在一起的东山,在200多年前,还是一座名副其实的岛屿,直到19世纪末,随着港口的建设,岛屿才与陆地相连,成为大陆的一部分。秦皇岛相传因秦始皇东巡至此而得名。秦皇岛之名最早见于明英宗天顺五年(公元1461年)杨琚《秦皇岛》一诗,其中有“古殿远连云缥缈,荒台俯瞰水潺_”之句。到清代,又有秦王岛之说。秦王岛之名最早见于康熙八年《抚宁县志》,其中有“秦王岛误秦皇岛,在县东七十里,四面皆水,惟岛居中,唐太宗征高丽驻跸于此,岛上荆条伏生。相传秦王下拜,伏。”秦王岛之名传说与李世民征高丽回师途中经此地有关。至此之后,一直到民国年间,地方史志和文人诗作中,则将秦皇岛与秦王岛并用。参考资料来源:百度百科-秦皇岛
2023-07-23 14:19:391

优美的英文歌(就像pretty boy ,i cry这些的)

试试这些吧~AlanisMorissette《ThatIwouldbegood》,《Notaswe》,《Youlearn》,《NopressureoverCappuccino》...AliciaKeys《Awoman‘sworth》,《Fallin"》,《IfIain"tgotyou》,《Diary》,《Girlfriend》,《Wildhorses》(Ft.AdamLevine翻唱RollingStones的同名歌曲~)...Arianne《Komm,SusserTod》,《Everythingyou"veeverdreamed》...CelineDion《Myheartwillgoon》,《Thepoweroflove》,《Let"stalkaboutlove》,《Anewdayhascome》,《Alive》,《Beautyandthebeast》(Ft.PeaboBryson),《Tellhim》(Ft.BarbraStreisand),《Immortality》(Ft.BEEGEES),《Aworldtobelievein》(Ft.伊藤由奈),《I"myourangel》(Ft.R.Kelly)...Chara《Myway》...Cher《Lovecanbuildabridge》(Ft.ChrissieHynde&NenehCherry翻唱自TheJudds的同名曲目~)ChristinaAguilera《Beautiful》,《Iturntoyou》,《Reflection》,《Nobodywanttobelonely》(Ft.RickyMartin)... CLANNAD《Iwillfindyou》,《Robin(Thehoodedman)》,《Ofthisland》...CyndiLauper《Timeaftertime》,《Wholetintherain》,《Truecolors》...CynthiaHarrel《Iamthewind》...Dido《Whatflag》,《Thankyou》(EMINEM《Stan》的前奏就是这首~),《Herewithme》,《Takemyhand》,《Lifeforrent》,《Don"tleavehome》...Enya《Mayitbe》,《Onlytime》,《Dedoraarmochror》,《Fallenembers》,《Pilgrim》...EVANESCENCE《Breathenomore》,《Myimmortal》...JenniferLopez《Alive》...KateBush《Blowaway》,《Moving》,《Runningupthathill》,《Wutheringheights》...LeonaLewis《HereIam》,《Footprintsinthesand》,《Amomentlikethis》(翻唱自KellyClarkson的同名曲目~),《Iseeyou》,《Stopcryingyourheartout》(翻唱自Oasis的同名曲目~同原唱相比真是别样的感受!),《Alive》,《Myhands》...LighthouseFamily《Lifted》,《Oceandrive》,《(IwishIknewhowitwouldfeeltobe)Free/One》,《Happy》...MariahCarey《Hero》,《lovetakestime》,《Alwaysbemybaby》,《Anytimeyouneedafriend》,《Myall》,《Istillbelieve》,《Withoutyou》,《Nevertoofar》,《Throughtherain》,《Istayinlove》,《Webelongtogether》,《Whenyoubelieve》(Ft.WhitneyHouston),《Wheneveryoucall》(Ft.BrainMcKight),《Onesweetday》(Ft.BoyzIIMen),《ThankgodIfoundyou》(Ft.98Degrees)...以上这些都很优美,希望你能喜欢!
2023-07-23 14:19:481

Immortality 歌词

歌曲名:Immortality歌手:Pearl Jam专辑:Rearviewmirror (Greatest Hits 1991-2003)Vacate is the word...vengeance has no place so near to herCannot find the comfort in this worldArtificial tear...vessel up, volunteersVulnerable, wisdom can"t adhere...A truant finds home...and a wish to hold on...But there"s a trapdoor in the sun...immortality...As privileged as a whore...victims in demand for public showSwept out through the cracks beneath the doorHolier than thou, how?Surrendered...executed anyhowScrawl dissolved, cigar box on the floor...A truant finds home...and a wish to hold on to...But saw the trapdoor in the sun...Immortality...I cannot stop the thought...I"m running in the dark...Coming up a which way sign...all good truants must decide...Oh, stripped and sold, mom...auctioned forearm...And whiskers in the sink...Truants move on...cannot stay longSome die just to live...Ohh...
2023-07-23 14:20:221


关键词绘画传说道家传说道家篇TaoistImmortals-道教仙人Yin and Yang-阴阳FiveElements五行TheWay(Tao)道Daoist Philosophy一道家哲学InnerAlchemy--内丹术Natureand Harmony--自然与和谐WuWei(Non-Action)-无为Taoist Rituals and Practices--道教仪式和实践Immortalityand Longevity--长生不老Cultivating Qi(Life Energy)----修炼气Taoist Scriptures-道教经典Taoist Deities and CelestialBeings-道教神仙Daoist Meditation道家冥想Tai Chi and Qigong一太极拳和气功Three Treasures(San Bao)-三宝Immortal Mountains--仙山Taoist Symbols andIcons-道教符号和图案Celestial Masters(Tianshi)-天师道Taoist Exercises and QiCultivation一道家功法和气功Eight Immortals(Ba Xian)---八仙Taoist MagicandTalismans-道教法术和符咒Taoist FengShui一道教风水Taoist Astrologyand Divination一道教占星和卜卦Sacred Mountains ofTaoism-道教圣山Taoist Scriptures and Texts一道教经典和文本Taoist Deitiesand Gods-道教神祗Taoist Art and Calligraphy一道教艺术和书法Taoist Music and Chants一道教音乐和咒语Taoist PhilosophyofWuXing一道家五行哲学Taoist ImmortalityandLongevityPractices一道家长生不老修炼Taoist Herbal Medicineand Healing一道教草药医学和疗法Taoist Cosmology and Creation Myths一道教宇宙观和创世神话Taoist Ethics andVirtues一道家伦理和美德Taoist MartialArts andWeaponry一道家武术和兵器Taoist Garden DesignandLandscape一道家园林设计和风景Taoist Symbolismof Yin andYang一道家阴阳象征意义Taoist Concept ofthe ThreeTreasures一道家三宝理念Taoist Rituals and Ceremonies一道教仪式和仪式Taoist Philosophy of Natureand Ecology一道家自然生态哲学Taoist Concept of BalanceandHarmony一道家平衡与和谐观念Taoist Wisdom SpiritualEnlightenment一道家智慧精神启迪Taoist Symbolism oftheFiveElements一道家五行象征意义Taoist Concept of Non-duality一道家非二元观念Taoist Symbolism of the Bagua(Eight Trigrams)一道家八卦象征意义Taoist Influences in Traditional Chinese Medicine一道家在传统中医中的影响Taoist Concepts of TimeandImmortality一道家时间和长生不老观念Taoist Practices for Self-CultivationPersonalTransformation一道家修行追求个人修养与转化
2023-07-23 14:20:302

木马屠城 特洛伊的英文台词 这个是特洛伊的英文剧本 你看看吧
2023-07-23 14:21:442


  1、英文版:Once upon a time, a man named Hou Yi, he has a beautiful wife named Change. One day, he became hunting, met the Queen Mother, the first to seek immortality, the dose of immortality, we will be able to immediately immortal. When Ho was reluctant wife put in the possession of immortality underneath his pillow. Three days later, he became hunting again. She was not taking advantage of Hou Yi, immortality Tundao the stomach and immediately flew to the Moon became cents。   2、中文版:从前,有一个人叫后羿,他有一个美丽的妻子叫嫦娥。一天,后羿外出打猎,遇到了王母,求得了一颗仙丹,服下仙丹,就能立即成仙。后羿舍不得妻子,就把仙丹藏在了枕头底下。三天后,后羿再次外出打猎。嫦娥趁后羿不在,把仙丹吞到了肚子里,立即飞到了月亮上成了仙。
2023-07-23 14:22:391


2023-07-23 14:23:017


Once upon a HouYi time, a man named Hou Yi, he has a beautiful wife named Chang"e. One day, he became hunting, met the Queen Mother, the first to seek immortality, the dose of immortality, we will be able to immediately immortal. When Ho was reluctant wife put in the possession of immortality underneath his pillow. Three days later, he became hunting again. She was not taking advantage of Hou Yi, immortality Tundao the stomach and immediately flew to the Moon became cents.
2023-07-23 14:23:191

嫦娥奔月英文版简短 嫦娥奔月中英版

1、英文版:Once upon a time, a man named Hou Yi, he has a beautiful wife named Change. One day, he became hunting, met the Queen Mother, the first to seek immortality, the dose of immortality, we will be able to immediately immortal. When Ho was reluctant wife put in the possession of immortality underneath his pillow. Three days later, he became hunting again. She was not taking advantage of Hou Yi, immortality Tundao the stomach and immediately flew to the Moon became cents。 2、中文版:从前,有一个人叫后羿,他有一个美丽的妻子叫嫦娥。一天,后羿外出打猎,遇到了王母,求得了一颗仙丹,服下仙丹,就能立即成仙。后羿舍不得妻子,就把仙丹藏在了枕头底下。三天后,后羿再次外出打猎。嫦娥趁后羿不在,把仙丹吞到了肚子里,立即飞到了月亮上成了仙。
2023-07-23 14:23:271


Once upon a time,a man named Hou Yi,he has a beautiful wife named Chang"e.One day,he became hunting,met the Queen Mother,the first to seek immortality,the dose of immortality,we will be able to immediately immortal.When Ho was reluctant wife put in the possession of immortality underneath his pillow.Three days later,he became hunting again.She was not taking advantage of Hou Yi,immortality Tundao the stomach and immediately flew to the Moon became cents 中文版:从前,有一个人叫后羿,他有一个美丽的妻子叫嫦娥.一天,后羿外出打猎,遇到了王母,求得了一颗仙丹,服下仙丹,就能立即成仙.后羿舍不得妻子,就把仙丹藏在了枕头底下.三天后,后羿再次外出打猎.嫦娥趁后羿不在,把仙丹吞到了肚子里,立即飞到了月亮上成了仙.
2023-07-23 14:23:341

LOL剑圣源计划皮肤的台词 中英文

这将会是一个惨痛的教训一斩千击!看着吧捍卫你自己剑刃与肉身意志与肉身绝对不要坐等胜利的到来我们,开始吧愤怒,带来冲动无极之道,在我内心延续形势,先于蛮力集中起来的意志,可以击穿顽石!不要被骄傲,遮蔽了双眼我将为你指路怀疑是最强大的敌人真正的大师永远都怀着一颗学徒的心敌人虽众,一击皆斩!大师手笔!你错过了吗?嘘,我在冥想呢!关注内心电光火石!跟上!真快啊!好好看,好好学玩笑/j:眼镜嘛,只是为了看书通向不朽的关键,不死就行了!带剑的鞋子?谁说这些是剑?或是鞋子?挑衅/t:你们的技术太烂了!你们想学的辛苦一些,我懂的如果你们够厉害的话,我还是会正眼相待的This will be a painful lessonA cut thousand blows!Look at!Defend yourselfThe blade and the fleshWill and fleshDon"t wait for the arrival of the victoryLet"s start,Anger, bring impulseThe path to the infinite, continue in my heartThe situation, before a brute forceThe will of the concentrated, can breakdown rocks!Don"t be proud, covered her eyesI will give you directionsDoubt is the most powerful enemyTrue master always with a heart of apprenticeshipAlthough the enemy, blow all die.Master hand!You missed?SHH, I"m in meditation!Focus on the heartElectric sparks!Keep up with!So fast!Good, good good studyJoke/j:Glasses, just for the sake of readingTo the key to immortality, immortality!If you are strong enough, I will really treat each other
2023-07-23 14:23:432


一、I"m nobody!—Emily Dickinson我是无名之辈——埃米莉·狄金森I"m nobody!Who are you?我是无名之辈,你是谁?Are younobody, too?你也是无名之辈?Then there"s a pair of us--don"t tell!那咱俩就成了一对——别出声!They"d banishi us, you know!他们会排挤咱们——要小心!How dreary to be somebody!做个大人物多没劲!How public, like a frog,多招摇——像只青蛙To tell your name the livelong day,对着欣赏的小水洼To an admiring bog!整日里炫耀自己的名号!二、赏析:本诗是诗人安贫乐道精神的自我表白。诗的第一节似与朋友悄语。第二节进一步向对方发表看法,把大人物比作泥水沼里的蛤蟆,在平直的语言中道出对世态炎凉的讥讽。扩展资料:作品风格1、狄金森的诗采用一般教会赞美诗的格律:每节四句,第一、三句八音节,第二、四句六音节,音步是最简单的“轻、重”,第二、四句押韵。例如:Because I could not stop for Death--He kindly stopped for me--The Carriage held but just Ourselves--and Immortality.2、诗的篇幅短小,多数只有两至五节,经常破格,常押所谓“半韵”(half rhyme);放弃传统的标点,多用破折号,名词多用大写(但这个习惯在当时很平常);常省略句子成分,有时甚至连动词也省掉;句法多倒装,有学者指这是受拉丁文词序的影响。3、狄金森的诗富于睿智,新奇的比喻随手抛掷,顺心驱使各个领域的词汇(家常或文学的,科学或宗教的),旧字新用,自铸伟词。喜欢在诗中扮演不同角色,有时是新娘,有时是小男孩,尤其喜欢用已死者的身分说话。狄金森描写大自然的诗篇在美国家喻户晓,常被选入童蒙课本。痛苦与狂喜,死亡与永生,都是狄金森诗歌的重要主题。4、狄金森诗作的音乐性和图象性,成了批评家关注的题目。其诗用的破折号,时长时短,有时向上翘,有时向下弯,有批评家指这些是音乐记号,代表吟咏或歌唱那首诗时的高低抑扬;其诗的诗行往往不是一写到尾,有时一句诗行会分开两、三行写(即是说每行只有两三个字),有学者认为这是刻意的安排,跟诗意大有关系。参考资料来源:艾米莉·狄金森_百度百科
2023-07-23 14:23:501


Qinhuangdao is a city in the Hebei province, in China. It is located approx. 300 km east of Beijing, on the Bo Hai (see Bohai Sea), the innermost gulf of the Yellow Sea. Since the elevation of Tianjin to a provincial-level municipality, Qinhuangdao is the chief port of Hebei province. The Qin emperor Qin Shi Huang is said to have sought immortality on an island in the Haigang district, but did not find it. Qinhuangdao has three main developed areas: Beidaihe: a seaside resort. Many political decisions affecting China are made here, making it the eqivalent to resorts in Maine or Camp David in Maryland in the United States. Haigang District: the harbor city. Qinhuangdao proper. Home of Yan Shan University, the leading university in NE Hebei province. Shanhaiguan: a popular tourist destination, featuring the eastern end of the Great Wall. Qinhuangdao"s Olympic Sports Centre Stadium will be used as an Olympic Competition Venue (Football Preliminary) during the 2008 Summer Olympics.
2023-07-23 14:24:192

狄金森的诗歌原版(英文):1.因为我不能停步等待死亡 2.当我死时传来一只苍蝇的嗡嗡声

2023-07-23 14:24:272

一位女子坐上了停下来等待她的名叫“死亡”的马车,随行的还有“永生”。他们缓慢地前行,穿过孩子们课间休息的校园,越过成熟的庄稼地,经历了夕阳西下的景色。这时她感觉到寒冷的露水,和自己薄如蝉翼的衣衫。最后停在一所房子前,房檐埋在土里。 从那以后,几个世纪一眨眼就过去了,女子才第一次发现,马车是驶向永恒的。Because I could not stop for Death-我不能为死停留 He kindly stopped for me- 他便和善地为我止步 The Carriage held but just Ourselves- 马车上只载着我们俩, And Immortality. 以及永寂 We slowly drove-He knew no haste 我们缓缓而行,他知道不必着急 And I had put away 我卸下了一世的辛劳 My labor and my leisure too, 也放弃了闲暇的欢愉 For His Civility- 托他的好意 We passed the School, where Children strove 我们经过学校, At Recess-in the Ring- 孩子们正趁着课间嬉戏 We passed the Fields of Gazing Grain- 我们经过等待收获的田地 We passed the Setting Sun- 经过了落日 Or rather-He passed us- 其实,毋宁说是它将我们抛在夜里 The Dews drew quivering and chill- 露水带着让人颤抖的寒意 For only Gossamer, my Gown- 唯有蛛网是我的睡袍 My Tippet-only Tulle- 我的披肩—一层薄薄的绢丝 We paused before a House that seemed 我们停在一座屋前 A Swelling of the Ground- 就像是大地隆起的一个包 The Roof was scarcely visible- 这房子的屋顶几乎看不见 The Cornice-in the Ground- 屋檐则没入大地 Since then-"tis Centuries-and yet从那时起,过了好几个世纪 Feels shorter than the Day 却感觉比那天更短暂 I first surmised the Horses" Heads 我终于想到马头应是朝着 Were toward Eternity- 无尽无止
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For A Thousand Years 歌词

歌曲名:For A Thousand Years歌手:Marc Johnson专辑:The Sound Of Summer Runningalbum: Lux Mundireleased on April 29th, 2011All that we shared, wasn"t a lieWe"ll never have to say goodbyeThe taste of eternityIs wired to our memoryReaching the end of a broken lineWhile the road is still fineLonging to stay a little longerWhen our time is overHey !Forever at human scale is still not immortalityBreaking doors of heaven and hellAnd living for a thousand yearsYeah, living for a thousand yearsNo what we shared wasn"t a lieMy love for you will never dieDreaming away the unbearableLanding before the crashWhen the word turns black and purpleMemory is hard cashHey !Forever at human scale is still not immortalityBreaking doors of heaven and hellAnd living for a thousand yearsSuddenly the wind is blowingFresh air is coming and we"re moving awayOur grief"s balanced with our joyWe sow on new soil, today is a new dayAre you with me?Hey !Forever at human scale is still not immortalityBreaking doors of heaven and hellAnd living for a thousand yearsYeah, living for a thousand years
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For A Thousand Years 歌词

歌曲名:For A Thousand Years歌手:Chick Corea&Dave Holland&Gary Burton&Pat Metheny&Roy Haynes专辑:Like Mindsalbum: Lux Mundireleased on April 29th, 2011All that we shared, wasn"t a lieWe"ll never have to say goodbyeThe taste of eternityIs wired to our memoryReaching the end of a broken lineWhile the road is still fineLonging to stay a little longerWhen our time is overHey !Forever at human scale is still not immortalityBreaking doors of heaven and hellAnd living for a thousand yearsYeah, living for a thousand yearsNo what we shared wasn"t a lieMy love for you will never dieDreaming away the unbearableLanding before the crashWhen the word turns black and purpleMemory is hard cashHey !Forever at human scale is still not immortalityBreaking doors of heaven and hellAnd living for a thousand yearsSuddenly the wind is blowingFresh air is coming and we"re moving awayOur grief"s balanced with our joyWe sow on new soil, today is a new dayAre you with me?Hey !Forever at human scale is still not immortalityBreaking doors of heaven and hellAnd living for a thousand yearsYeah, living for a thousand years
2023-07-23 14:24:491


你好,你可以通过写中文然后翻译出来。据西汉《淮南子》一书,后羿从西王母那里求得一种长生不死的丹药。后羿还没来得及服用,就被嫦娥偷偷吃了。这个时候后羿和嫦娥还不是夫妻,不过在后人的流传中,后羿和嫦娥被“撮合”成了一对夫妻。关于嫦娥奔月的历史记载纷繁复杂,但是有一点是基本可以肯定的, 那就是后羿确实从西王母那里得到一种不死之药。事实上,嫦娥在偷偷吞服不死之药时,内心经过了波涛汹涌的挣扎。长生不老的渴望和对丹药神奇药性的好奇,以及对未知事物的恐惧纠结在一起。
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Once upon a HouYi time, a man named Hou Yi, he has a beautiful wife named Chang"e. One day, he became hunting, met the Queen Mother, the first to seek immortality, the dose of immortality, we will be able to immediately immortal. When Ho was reluctant wife put in the possession of immortality underneath his pillow. Three days later, he became hunting again. She was not taking advantage of Hou Yi, immortality Tundao the stomach and immediately flew to the Moon became cents.
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要理解死亡问题,我们必须放下恐惧,因为恰是恐惧心虚构出来生、永生或转世等形形色色的理论。所以,东方人说,人有转世,有重生,一世世不断地获得新生——这就是灵魂,所谓的灵魂。 现在请你细听。真有灵魂这个东西吗?我们之所以愿意相信有灵魂,是因为它能给我们带来快乐,是因为灵魂是一种超越思想,超越语言,在不可知彼岸的东西,灵魂是一种永恒的、灵性的东西,永不毁灭,因而思维可以紧抓不放。但,所谓灵魂——超越时间,超越思想,超越人性,非人杜撰,非狡黠心智所臆造——这东西真地存在吗?因为我们在生活中看到了巨大的不确定、混乱,一切皆无常,没任何事物可持久——与太太的关系,与丈夫的关系,与工作的关系……无一是持久的,所以,大脑才虚构出某种可以持久之物,并称之为灵魂。但,因为大脑可以思索它,思维可以思索它,因为灵魂可以被思考,所以它自然还落在时间范畴里。我若能思考某物,则它就是我思维的一部分,而我的思维是时间、经验与知识的产物,所以灵魂仍然落在时间范畴里。 所以,灵魂一次次转世、重生,延续不息——这种理念毫无意义,因为它是人心虚构出来的。人们内心充满恐惧,又充满渴望,寻求永恒从而获得长生,获得确定感,所以灵魂就成了希望的寄托。 ——克里希那穆提《生命书:365观心日课》(The Book of Life: Daily Meditations with Krishnamurti) So to understand this question of death, we must be rid of fear, which invents the various theories of afterlife or immortality or reincarnation. So we say, those in the East say, that there is reincarnation, there is a rebirth, a constant renewal going on and on and on—the soul, the so-called soul. Now please listen carefully. Is there such a thing? We like to think there is such a thing, because it gives us pleasure, because that is something that we have set beyond thought, beyond words, beyond; it is something eternal, spiritual, that can never die, and so thought clings to it. But is there such a thing as a soul, which is something beyond time, something beyond thought, something that is not invented by man, something that is beyond the nature of man, something that is not put together by the cunning mind? Because the mind sees such enormous uncertainty, confusion, nothing permanent in life—nothing. Your relationship to your wife, your husband, your job—nothing is permanent. And so the mind invents a something which is permanent, which it calls the soul. But since the mind can think about it, thought can think about it; as thought can think about it, it is still within the field of time—naturally. If I can think about something, it is part of my thought. And my thought is the result of time, of experience, of knowledge. So, the soul is still within the field of time… So the idea of a continuity of a soul that will be reborn over and over and over again has no meaning because it is the invention of a mind that is frightened, of a mind that wants, that seeks a duration through permanency, that wants certainty, because in that there is hope. NOVEMBER 19
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A Dialogue on Personal Identity and Immortality 这本书的书名翻译成中文是什么意思?

哲学:死亡 这个是我问我美国的同学得到的答案...哲学课本...中译就是《哲学:死亡》
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asato ma sad gamaya是梵语的英译中文版的NAVRAS从虚幻带领我到现实,从黑暗指引我到光明,从死亡超度我到不朽。全知全能的他,以行动凌驾于死亡,以智慧摆渡于涅磐。他创造天空大地世间万灵,他传递智慧思想生命真谛。只知他是The One,除此没有更多言语,它是通往“梵”之桥梁。思想是感官的超越,理性是思想的升华,固是思想的精髓。精神是理性的飞跃,胜于精神的则是万象之灵,固是众生超度之源泉。当五蕴不再灵动,当理性就此静默,他便从此踏入涅磐之路。但意识到其所固存,也意识到其所超然。他被束缚的心从此解脱。心不再有疑虑,灵不再有界限。命运的羁绊从此消失!英文版:From delusion lead me to truthFrom darkness lead me to lightFrom death lead me to immortality.Let there be peace everywhereWhen the five senses and the mind are still, and reason itself rests in silence, then begins the Path supreme梵文英译asato ma sad gamayatamaso ma jyotir gamayamrtyor mamrtam gamaya Om shanti shanti shantiJnani manasa saha Buddhis ca na vicestate Tam ahuh paramam gatim古梵文u0928u093eu0935u0930u093eu0938u0905u0938u093eu0924u094b u092eu093e u0938u093eu0926 u0917u093eu092eu093eu092fu093e u0924u093eu092eu093eu0938u094b u092eu093e u095fu094bu0924u093fu090b u0917u093eu092eu093eu092fu093e u092eu0943u0924u092fu0949u090b u092eu093eu092eu0943u0924u093eu092e u0917u093eu092eu093eu092fu093e u0935u093fu0926u092fu093eu092e u091au093eu0935u093fu0926u092fu093eu092e u091au093e u092fu093eu0938 u0924u093eu0926 u0935u0947u0926u094au092du093eu092fu093eu092e u0938u093eu0939u093e u0905u0935u093fu0926u092fu093eu092fu093e u092eu0943u0924u092fu0941u092e u0924u093fu090bu0924u0935u093e u0935u093fu0926u092fu093eu092fu093eu092eu0943u0924u093eu092e u0905u0938u0928u0941u0924u0947
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1、重便真的残酷,而轻便真的美丽? Light weight is really cruel, and really beautiful? 2、人是为了反抗过去才成就未来的。 People from the past to the future. 3、媚俗的根源就是对生命的绝对认同。 The root of the vulgar is absolute identity of life. 4、你说的都是真的,但有许多真的没说。 All you say is true, but there are a lot of really haven"t said. 5、清净,就是不被人注视的那种温馨感觉。 Clean, just don"t be looking at the kind of warm feeling. 6、当北极近到可以触到南极,地球便消失了。 When the North Pole near enough to touch the Antarctic, the earth will disappear. 7、爱情一旦公之于众会变得沉重,成为负担。 Once the public would become heavy love, become a burden. 8、人们忽视自己的身体,是极容易受其报复的。 People ignore their own body, is extremely vulnerable to its revenge. 9、他孤立在过去的一旁,他孤立在未来的一旁。 He isolated in the past aside, he isolated the side in the future. 10、压倒她的不是重,而是不能承受的生命之轻。 Crush her is not heavy, but unable to bear the light of life. 11、就凭他是个陌生人,便超越于所有其他人这上。 With he is a stranger, and high above all the others on this. 12、乐趣不论平凡还是不平凡,只属于感觉到的人。 Fun both ordinary and extraordinary, only belongs to those who feel. 13、生小孩的前提是,你已经证明了人生是快乐的。 Is the Pmise of having children, you have proved that the life is happy. 14、在每个角落,都潜藏着**,未来成了一个迷。 Lurking in every corner of the temptation, became a fan in the future. 15、对伊甸园的怀念,就是人不想成其为人的渴望。 Miss of the garden of Eden, is people don"t want to be man"s desire. 16、真的,有些书是要白天读的,有些书只能晚上读。 True, some books to read during the day, some books can only be read at night. 17、谁无感情投入,谁就无权干涉对方的生活和自由。 Whoever has no passion, have no right to interfere in each other"s life and freedom. 18、比喻是一种危险的东西。人是不能和比喻闹着玩的。 Metaphor is a dangerous thing. Man is a metaphor can"t joke. 19、表面是清晰明了的谎言,背后却是晦涩难懂的真相。 Surface is clear lies, behind is obscure the truth. 20、这是一个流行离开的世界,但是我们都不擅长告别。 This is a popular leave world, but we are not good at farewell. 21、生命中有太多事,看似轻如鸿毛,却让人难以承受。 There are too many things in life, seems to be as light as a feather, but hard to bear. 22、惩罚一个不知道自己在做什么的人,是野蛮的行径。 Punish a don"t know what you"re doing, is a savage. 23、生命中不能承受的,不是存在,而是不能其为自我。 Life can"t bear, not to exist, but not for self. 24、一切谎言的根源来自私人生活领域与社会生活的分界。 All lies at the root of the boundary from personal and social life. 25、人们指望不朽,可是忽视了不朽与死亡一起才有意义。 People look to immortality, but ignored the immortality and death together. 26、表面上是明白无误的谎言,底下却透出神秘莫测的真理。 Unmistakable lies on the surface, actually passes under a mysterious truth. 27、上帝已死在失火的天堂,只有温情的太阳才能照耀大地。 God is dead in the fire of heaven, only the warmth of the sun can shine on the earth. 28、爱开始于一个女人某句话印在我们诗化记忆中的那一刻。 Love begins with a woman something printed on our poetic memory of that moment. 29、当你在我面前时我就开始怀念,因为我知道你即将离去。 When you are in front of me when I began to miss, because I know that you are about to leave. 30、当我们不再关心别人看我们的方式时,我们便不再爱他了。 When we no longer care about the way others see us, we will no longer love him. 31、他站在窗前,目光越过庭院,盯着对面房子的墙,在思忖。 He stood by the window, looking across the courtyard, stare at the wall of the house opposite, in thought. 32、我寻求的不是快感而是幸福。没有幸福的快感算不上快感。 I seek not pleasure but happiness. No pleasure is not the pleasure of happiness. 33、背叛,就是脱离自己的位置,背叛就是摆脱原味,投向未知。 Betrayal, is out of their place, betrayal is to get rid of the plain, into the unknown. 34、羞耻的本质并不是我们个人的错误,而是被他人看见的耻辱。 The basis of shame is not our personal mistakes, but that this humiliation is seen by others. 35、视觉受双重限制:让人什么也看不见的强光和完全彻底的黑暗。 Visual double restrictions: let a person what also can"t see the light and completely completely dark. 36、令她反感的,远不是世界的丑陋,而是这个世界所戴的漂亮面具。 To her disgust, is far from the ugliness of the world, but the world by wearing beautiful mask. 37、无所事事的人是失落的人,他厌倦,永远在寻找他所缺少的行动。 An idle person is the person who lost, he tired, always looking for his lack of action. 38、最糟糕的不在于这个世界不够自由,而是在于人类已经忘记自由。 The worst is not in this world is not free enough, but freedom is that humans have forgotten. 39、在这个世界上,一切都预先被谅解了,一切也就被卑鄙地许可了。 In this world, everything is forgiven in advance, everything is mean to license. 40、如果生活中的第一次彩排便是生活的本身,那生活有什么价值呢? If the first rehearsal for life is life itself, and what is the value of life? 41、因为在这个世界里,一切都预先被原谅了,一切皆可笑地被允许了。 Because in this world, everything is forgiven in advance, everything is ridiculous to be allowed. 42、如果往事不能在与朋友的交谈中被一而再,再而三地提及,就会消失。 If the past is not in conversation with a friend over, repeatedly mentioned, will disappear. 43、把自己的身子交给他人的眼光去评判,这正是产生不安和怀疑的根源。 Give his own body to judge other people"s eyes, this is the root cause of anxiety and doubt. 44、经文循环往复,犹如朝圣者的双眼离不开故土,犹如临终者不忍离世。 Scripture cycle is a pilgrim"s eyes leave the land, like a dying person to death. 45、在被遗忘以前,我们会变为媚俗。媚俗,是存在与遗忘之间的中转站。 Before the forgotten, we will become vulgar. Vulgar, is a hub between existence and forgotten. 46、缓慢的程度与记忆的浓淡成正比,速度的高低与遗忘的快慢程度成正比。 Slow degree is proportional to the shade of memory, the speed of height is proportional to the speed of. 47、自学者和学生的区别,不在于知识的广度,而在于生命力和自信心的差异。 Since the difference between scholars and students, does not lie in the breadth of knowledge, and the difference lies in the vitality and self-confidence. 48、如果母性是一种大写的牺牲,那么做女儿的就是永远无法弥补大写的过错。 If motherhood is a kind of capital of sacrifice, so do daughter is forever cannot make up for the capital"s fault. 49、爱情并不是通过**的欲望体现的,而是通过和她共眠的欲望而体现出来的。 Love is not by a desire to have sex, but by the desire to sleep with her and show up. 50、岁月使夫妻两人成为双胞胎,他们有同样的词汇,同样的想法,同样的命运。 Years of husband and wife two people be twins, they have the same vocabulary, the same idea, the same fate. 51、在时间的轨道上,人们想象有一条线,超脱了这条线,当前的痛苦便不复存在。 In the track of time, people think there"s a line, devoid of the line, the current pain ceased to exist. 52、看一看当一个人抛弃了所有他一直都以为是使命的东西。生命中还能剩些什么。 See when a person is abandoned all of the things he always thought it was a mission. Life is what can be left. 53、独特的人,当他们成功地让别人尊重他们的独特性时,会有一种相当漂亮的人生。 Unique people, when they successfully make others to respect their uniqueness, there will be a very beautiful life. 54、最沉重的负担同时也成了最强盛的生命力的影像。负担越重,我们就越真切实在。 The heaviest burden also has become the most powerful vitality. The heavier the burden, the more we true reality. 55、我离你很远,我没有什么可以跟你说的,可是我就在这里,而且我知道你在那里。 I"m far away from you, I have nothing to say with you, but I am here, and I know you"re there. 56、人们回忆起的过去没有时间。不可能像重读一本书或重看一部电影一样去重温爱情。 There is no time to recall the past. Can"t be like read a book or watch a movie like to go back to love. 57、爱情总是要给自己编出美丽故事的,爱情一旦产生,就会开始说得像天方夜谭一般。 Love is always to make a beautiful story to her, once produced, love will begin to speak like a fable. 58、他知道自己处在无法辩解的境地,因为这一境地是建立在完全不平等的基础之上的。 He knows that he is inexcusable, because this situation is built on the basis of complete inequality. 59、待她不好的不是他,而是他的记忆,他无能为力,是记忆将她从爱情区域排除出来。 Treat her bad not him, but his memories, he could do nothing, is memory will she removed from love area. 60、我坚信,唯美的标准并不来自上帝,而是来自魔鬼。在天堂中,没有人能区别美与丑。 I firmly believe that aesthetic standard is not from god, but from the devil. In heaven, no one can be the difference between beauty and ugliness. 61、生活时常会让我们感到艰辛,并会让我们无数次目睹生命在各种重压之下的扭曲与变形。 Life often makes us feel hard, and will let us witnessed countless times life in all kinds of Pssure distortion and deformation. 62、美就是被背弃的世界。只有当迫害者误将它遗忘在某个角落时,我们才能与它不期而遇。 Beauty is being betrayed the world. Only when the persecutor mistaking it forgotten in a corner, can we meet by chance with it. 63、当心灵在说话,里指出来高声反对,是不恰当的。在媚俗的王国,实施的是心灵的专制。 As the heart in to speak, pointed out loud, is inappropriate. In the kingdom of the vulgar, is on the implementation of the tyranny of the mind. 64、如果我们生命的每一秒钟都有无数次的重复,我们就会象耶稣钉于十字架,被钉死在永恒上。 If every second of our lives with and without repeated several times, we would like nailing on the cross, Jesus was crucified on the eternal. 65、但是如果我们突然意识到了自己的卑贱,逃到哪里才能避开呢?只有逃向崇高借以逃避堕落! But if we suddenly realized that he had humble, to avoid anywhere? Fled to the sublime so as to avoid depravity! 66、一种被搞糟了的价值和一种被揭穿的幻想都一样可怜,它们很相近,两者太容易被混为一谈了。 By a mess up the value and the illusion of a debunked are poor, they are very similar, both are too easy to confuse. 67、两个人彼此靠近总需要超越某种相异性,而拥抱的一瞬之所以醉人就因为它只能是一瞬的时间。 Two people close to each other always need to go beyond a certain phase of the opposite sex, and embrace the moment of intoxicate is because it can be a moment of time. 68、朋友,我请你做个幸福的人。我有个隐约的印象,我们唯一的希望取决于你有否能力做个幸福的人。 Friend, I ask you to do a happy person. I have a vague imPssion that the only thing we want to depend on you have the ability to do a happy person. 69、与女人**和同女人睡觉是两种互不相干的感情,前者是**—感官享受;后者是爱情—相濡以沫。 Having sex with a woman and sleeping with a woman are two unrelated emotions, the former is lust - sensual pleasure; The latter is - caring and love.
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中文台词 英文原版 生与死,轮回不止。我们生,他们死。The cycle of life and death continues. We will live, they will die. 为了恩赐,我愿意前往。There, for grace, I go.这事儿永远都不会停息。It is neverending.他们的死亡就要降临了。Their death, awaits.不要考验我的耐心。Do not try my patience.生与死之间存在着不朽。Between life and death lies immortality.也许恕瑞玛的衰落是注定的。Perhaps Shurima was meant to fall.有些事必须一直掩埋。Some things must remain buried.度万年如一日。Eons... pass like days.天空,是无用且垂死的星辰。The sky was naught but dying stars.我已守候了数个世纪。For centuries, I have watched.烦恼之物们,最好在墓穴中沉睡。Burdens sleep best in their tombs.没有黑暗就没有破晓。No dawn comes without darkness.我度过了许多岁月。I walk through the ages.恕瑞玛的时代尚未到来。Shurima is not of this time.帝国,亦可毁于谬言。Errant words may fell empires.往事是描绘着未来的挂毯。 The past is a tapestry of what lies ahead.死亡祭祀就要开始了,你的内脏将用来占卜。Anthropomancy: divination by entrails.死亡与我同在。I bring death.很快,这儿就什么都不会剩下了。Soon, there will be nothing.生,是轮回的一部分。而你的这部分,已然结束了。Life is part of a cycle. Yours is over.你们的灵魂将会被女神称量。Your soul will be measured.死亡,是一位严厉的女神。Death is a harsh mistress.你们的精神空洞无比。Your spirit is hollow.通向超越的旅程。Journey into the beyond.变回尘埃吧。Return to the dust.我们即将迎来清算。We approach a time of reckoning.这一个也必须终结。This too must end.有些灵魂,注定要燃烧。Some spirits are fated to burn.你们没有来世可言。Eternity is beyond your reach.谁把狗给放出来了,汪汪汪。Who let the dogs out? Woof. Woof. Woof.不,我才不去捡那个球。No, I will not fetch the ball.我的牙口要比我的叫声更加糟糕。My bite is worse than my bark.你的遗产将渐行渐远,融入永恒,如同沙漠中的黄沙一般。Your legacy shall drift away; blown into eternity, like the sands of the desert.隐藏台词(当敌方有雷克顿时) 中文台词英文原版愤怒,燃烧了你体内所有善良的部分, 我的兄弟。Rage burned away all that was good in you, my brother.雷克顿已经迷失了很久很久,你只不过是他的苍白幽影。Renekton was lost, long ago. You are but his pale shadow.
2023-07-23 14:27:141

谁帮我翻译这个The Tide Is High歌词,很好听。

The Tide Is High 高潮来临 The tide is high 当高潮来临时, But I"m holding on 但我仍然坚持住 I"m gonna be your number one 我要成为你的唯一 I"m not the kinda girl 我不是那种女孩 Who gives up just like that (Oh no) 那种轻言放弃的女孩 It"s not the things you do to try and hurt me so 不是你所做的事伤害了我 But it"s the way you do the things 而是你做事的那种方式 You do for me 你那样对我 I"m not the kinda girl 我不是那种女孩 Who gives up just like that 那种轻言放弃的女孩 Oh no 喔,不是啊 The tide is high 当高潮来临时 But I"m holding on 但我仍然坚持住 I"m gonna be your number one 我要成为你的唯一 The tide is high 当高潮来临的时候 But I"m holding on 我仍然坚持住 I"m gonna be your number one 我要成为你的唯一 Number one 你的唯一 Number one 你的唯一 Every girl wants you to be her man 每个女孩都希望作你的女朋友 But I"ll wait right here 而我在这里静静等待 "Till it"s my turn 直到轮到我 I"m not the kinda girl 我不是那种女孩 Who gives up just like that 那种轻言放弃的女孩 Oh no 不是 The tide is high 当高潮来临时 But I"m holding on 但我仍然坚持住 I"m gonna be your number one 我要成为你的唯一 The tide is high 当高潮来临的时候 But I"m holding on 我仍然坚持住 I"m gonna be your number one 我要成为你的唯一 Number one 你的唯一 Number one 你的唯一 Every time that I"ve got the feeling 每次我对你有些感觉 You give me something to believe in 你都让我相信我的感觉是对的 Every time that I"ve got you near me 每次我贴近你时 I know the way that I want it to be 都是我所想要的那样 But you know that I"m gonna take my chance now 我觉得我现在要把握住机会 I"m gonna make it happen somehow 我要将梦想变为现实 And you know I can take the pressure 我能承受得住压力 A moment"s pain for a lifetime pleasure 一时的痛换来一生的快乐 Every girl wants you to be her man 每个女孩都希望作你的女朋友 But I"ll wait right here 而我在这里静静等待 "Till it"s my turn 直到轮到我 I"m not the kinda girl 我不是那种女孩 Who gives up just like that 那种轻言放弃的女孩 Oh no 不是
2023-07-23 14:25:081


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2023-07-23 14:25:121

‘variant is not an array’是什么错误

变体不是一个阵列变体 - 引用次数:14The system similarity model is innovatively introduced to measure the semantic context for each candidate variant.本文采用系统相似模型获得每个词变体上下文语义的量化评价。参考来源 - 一种基于无监督学习的词变体识别方法 in C阵列 - 引用次数:1367Designing optimum array processing toolbox based on MATLAB.实现了基于MATLAB的最优阵列处理工具包。参考来源 - 基于MATLAB的最优阵列处理工具包
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2023-07-23 14:25:061

product variant什么意思

2023-07-23 14:25:061


2023年常州工程职业技术学院提前招生专业有分析检验技术、药品质量与安全、食品质量与安全、工业产品质量检测技术、生物产品检验检疫、环境工程技术、大数据与会计、市场营销、酒店管理与数字化运营、药品经营与管理等专业,以下是相关内容,供大家参考: 一、常州工程职业技术学院提前招生专业 2023年 江苏 省提前招生计划 二、常州工程职业技术学院简介 常州工程职业技术学院(Changzhou Vocational Institute of Engineering)是一所由江苏省人民政府举办的全日制公办普通高等学校,2004年被确认为国家建设类技能型紧缺人才培养试点高校,2010年被确认为江苏省示范性高职院校。 常州工程职业技术学院于2002年6月由江苏省常州化工学校与江苏建筑材料工业学校合并组建而成。江苏省常州化工学校原名常州化工学校,创建于1958年;1994年1月,江苏省常州化工学校与常州市化工技工学校合并,组建为新的江苏省常州化工学校;江苏建筑材料工业学校原名常州建材253厂721工人大学,创建于1975年;1990年12月,更名为江苏建筑材料工业学校。
2023-07-23 14:25:041

the tide is high 唱的什么意思?

[歌词大意] The Tide Is High 高潮来临 The tide is high 当高潮来临时, But I"m holding on 但我仍然坚持住 I"m gonna be your number one 我要成为你的唯一 I"m not the kinda girl 我不是那种女孩 Who gives up just like that (Oh no) 那种轻言放弃的女孩 It"s not the things you do to try and hurt me so 不是你所做的事伤害了我 But it"s the way you do the things 而是你做事的那种方式 You do for me 你那样对我 I"m not the kinda girl 我不是那种女孩 Who gives up just like that 那种轻言放弃的女孩 Oh no 喔,不是啊 The tide is high 当高潮来临时 But I"m holding on 但我仍然坚持住 I"m gonna be your number one 我要成为你的唯一 The tide is high 当高潮来临的时候 But I"m holding on 我仍然坚持住 I"m gonna be your number one 我要成为你的唯一 Number one 你的唯一 Number one 你的唯一 Every girl wants you to be her man 每个女孩都希望作你的女朋友 But I"ll wait right here 而我在这里静静等待 "Till it"s my turn 直到轮到我 I"m not the kinda girl 我不是那种女孩 Who gives up just like that 那种轻言放弃的女孩 Oh no 不是 The tide is high 当高潮来临时 But I"m holding on 但我仍然坚持住 I"m gonna be your number one 我要成为你的唯一 The tide is high 当高潮来临的时候 But I"m holding on 我仍然坚持住 I"m gonna be your number one 我要成为你的唯一 Number one 你的唯一 Number one 你的唯一 Every time that I"ve got the feeling 每次我对你有些感觉 You give me something to believe in 你都让我相信我的感觉是对的 Every time that I"ve got you near me 每次我贴近你时 I know the way that I want it to be 都是我所想要的那样 But you know that I"m gonna take my chance now 我觉得我现在要把握住机会 I"m gonna make it happen somehow 我要将梦想变为现实 And you know I can take the pressure 我能承受得住压力 A moment"s pain for a lifetime pleasure 一时的痛换来一生的快乐 Every girl wants you to be her man 每个女孩都希望作你的女朋友 But I"ll wait right here 而我在这里静静等待 "Till it"s my turn 直到轮到我 I"m not the kinda girl 我不是那种女孩 Who gives up just like that 那种轻言放弃的女孩 Oh no 不是
2023-07-23 14:25:001