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thickening conditioner是什么意思

2023-07-23 11:36:41

thickening conditioner








加厚 英语怎么说?

body up; bodying; thickening
2023-07-23 11:26:573


口罩上的“WTH”经常作为“Wall THickening”的缩写来使用,中文中表示:“壁厚”。医用防护口罩执行标准是GB 19083—2010;医用外科口罩执行标准是YY 0469—2011;一次性使用医用口罩执行标准是YY/T 0969—2013。部分产品声称执行企业自己制定的企业标准(YZB)也是可选购的范围,原则上企业标准的技术要求不低于国家标准(GB)或行业标准(YY)。佩戴口罩注意:1.戴口罩前、摘口罩后,均应做好手卫生。2.区分口罩正反面,不能两面戴。3.不与他人混用或共用口罩。4.捏紧鼻夹,使口罩与脸颊贴合,避免漏气。5.一次性使用医用口罩和医用外科口罩均为限次使用,应定期更换。不建议清洗或使用消毒剂、加热等方法进行消毒后使用。
2023-07-23 11:27:061


Z   ·蒸馏 distillation   用蒸发和冷凝使水纯化的过程。   ·自净 self一Purification   污染水体的自然净化过程。   ·增稠 thickening   用脱水的方法使污泥中的固体物变稠的过程。   ·滞流水 stagnant water   很少甚至不流动的地面水。时间一久,水质可能恶化。   ·折点氯化 break point chlorination   水中加氯加到有效的余氯量的增加与加氯增量成正比时的转折点时所有的氨均被氧化。   ·再曝气 re-aeration   由于某些化学的或生物的过程将氧耗尽后,再次充气,用以增加溶解氧浓度的过程。   ·自动采样 automatic sampling   采样过程中不需人干预,通过仪器设备能按预先编定的程序进行连续或不连续的采样。   ·总氨 total ammonia   用一种单位表示的以铵离子形式存在的化合氨和游离氨的总量.   ·总有机氮 total organic nitrogen   样品中测的基耶达(Kjeldahl)氮量与总氨氮量之差。   ·总二氧化碳 total carbon dioxide   水中游离二氧化碳和以重碳酸盐及碳酸盐形式存在的二氧化碳的总含量。   ·重铬酸盐值 dichromate value   ·重铬酸盐需氧量 dichromate oxidizability(CODCr)   用标准步骤以重铬酸盐为氧化剂测定的化学需氧量。   ·硬度 hardness   水中的钙镁等离子,阻止肥皂在水中形成泡沫的能力。   ·碱性硬度 alkaline hardness   ·暂时硬度 temporary hardness   用煮沸的方法可以除去的硬度。主要是由于重碳酸盐的存在引起的.   ·指数 Langelier index   水样实测的pH值减去饱和pH(pHs)的差值。pHs是水与固酸钙平衡时计算得的pH。   ·在线分析 on-line analysis   通过探头从水体中取得水样,经导管进入分析设备的自动分统。   ·再现性 reproducibility   ·定性定义 qualitative reproducibility   用相同的方法,同一试验材料,在不同的条件下获得的单个结果之间的一致程度。不同的条件指不同的操作者、不同的设备、不同的实验室、不同或相同的时间。   ·定量定义 quantitative reproducibility   指一个数值,用相同的方法,同一试验材料,在上述的不同条件下得到的两次结果之差的绝对值,以某个指定的概率低于这个数值。除非另外指出,一般指定的概率为0.95(重复性再现性的定义取自GB3358一82)。   ·总固体 total solids   溶解性和悬浮性固体的总量.   ·总有机碳 total organic carbon (TOC)   水中溶解性和悬浮性有机物中存在的全部碳。   ·总需氧量 total oxygen demand(TOD)   高温燃烧时,样品中可氧化的物质氧化时所消耗氧的量。   ·浊度 turbidity   由于水体中存在微细分散的悬浮性粒子,使水透明度降低的程度。   ·自养细菌 autotrophicbacteria(化学无机能细菌chemolithotrophicbacteria)   利用无机物作为的碳、氮源而繁殖的细菌。   ·质量平衡 mass balance   在一确定系统内(例如;湖泊、河流或污水处理厂),特定物质输入量和输出量(包括该物质在系统中的形成或分解)之间的相互关系。   ·中温消化 mesophiIic digestion   污泥在20~40°C下的厌氧消化,在该温度范围内有利于的微生物的生长,(例如中温微生物的繁殖)。   ·中营养水 mesotrophic water   天然发生的,或由于营养累积形成的中等营养状态的水。及介于贫营养和富营养之间的水。   ·真空过滤 vacuum filtration   污泥经滤布,通过真空作用过滤的一种脱水方法。   ·致癌物 carcinogen(carcinogenic substance)   能在人、动物或植物体内诱发恶性肿瘤的物质。   ·真核的 eukaryotic   对细胞中具有可见和明确细胞核生物的描述。   ·最可能数 most probable number(MPN)   对规定体积水中的特定微生物数目的估计数。由多管标准试验法检验一系列体积试样,综合阳性和阴性结果取得。   ·致变剂 mutagen   能在活的生物体内引起遗传性改变的物质。   ·助凝剂 flocculation aid   和混凝剂同时投加的一种物质(通常为聚合电解质),用以提高混凝沉淀的效果。   ·最终生物降解 ultimate biodegradation   导致完全矿化的生物降解作用。   ·藻类 algae   一大群单细胞或多细胞生物(包括通常所说的蓝细菌),它们通常是水生的,常含有叶绿索或其他色素,并能光合其细胞物质。   ·真菌 fungi   一群异养生物,通常形成芽胞,有清晰的细胞核,词有叶绿素光合作用物质。酵母是单细胞真菌,由芽生繁殖。其他真菌是多细胞和丝状的,例如镰刀霉种类(Fusariumspecies)可造成生物滤池积水,而地霉种类(Geotrichum species)导致活性污泥膨涨。   ·总碳 total carbon   水中的有机碳和无机碳的总和。   ·总无机碳 total inorganic carbon   水中溶解的和悬浮的无机物中的全部碳。   ·总氧化氮 total oxidized nitrogen   水中硝酸盐和亚硝酸盐中存在的总氮量。
2023-07-23 11:27:231


【 #英语口语# 导语】化妆品是指以涂抹、喷洒或者其他类似方法,散布于人体表面的任何部位,如皮肤、毛发、唇齿等,以达到清洁、保养、美容、修饰和改变外观。今天由 无 给大家分享了买化妆品的英语口语会话,快来看看吧! 【篇一】买化妆品的英语口语会话 A:I need some mascara. Do you have good thickening mascara? 我想买一些睫毛膏。你们有卖浓稠式睫毛膏吗? B:Of course. Here is our thickening mascara. We also have mascara designed to lengthen the eyelashes. 有,这是我们的浓稠式睫毛膏。我们也有一些助长睫毛的睫毛膏。 A:Alright. And I want to consider your eye shadow too. Do you have a color chart can look at? 好的,我也想看看你们的眼影。你们有颜色表让我参考吗? B:We have a very wide selection of colors. And our eye shadow is specially designed to moisturize the skin. So it is very gentle on your eyelids. Would you like to sample some? 我们有很多颜色。而且我们的眼影还可以滋润皮肤。擦在眼睑上是非常温和的。你想试试看看吗? A:Oh, sure I will need to clean off my own eye shadow first. 好的,我先把我的眼影去掉。 B:I can help you with that. 我来帮你。 A:Thank you. 谢谢。 【篇二】购买化妆品的英语口语表达 I want to buy a new lipstick . Do you know any good brands ? 我想买一支新的唇膏,你知道哪个牌子比较好用吗? How much for this black mascara ? 这支黑色的睫毛膏要多少钱? What is included in your gift package ? 你们的赠品包括了什么/ With this coupon , you"ll give me a 15% discount for purchasing night cream , right 、 有这张折价券 ,我买晚霜会有八五折的优惠,对吗? Excuse me , how can I get the extra free handbag > 对不起, 我要怎样才可以得到那个额外的免费手提袋? I"m sorry , The gift package is exclusive for customers who purchase our new foundation . 很抱歉,这项礼品只赠送给购买我们新上市粉底霜的客人。 There are two different sets of eye shadows in our gift package , which one would you like to have ? 我们的赠品中有两种不同组合的眼影组,您想选择哪一组? I"m not sure if this color watches my skin tone , can I try it first ? 我不确定这个颜色是否适合我的肤色,我可以试用看看吗? My skin is very sensitive . Do you have trial samples that I can try first ? 我的皮肤很敏感,有试用品 可以让我先试用一下吗/ If my skin is allergic to the product , can I bring it back for a refund ? 如果我的皮肤对那个产品过敏,我可以拿回来退吗? I"m sorry , if you have any allergic reactions , we can only promise exchange . 很抱歉,如果您有任何过敏的反应,我们只能接受换货的服务。 Excuse me , could you show me how to put on this eye shadow ? 对不起,你可以示范给我看怎么用这些眼影吗? If I don"t like the lipstick"s color that is in your gift package , is it possible to replace it with a different color ? 如果我不喜欢赠品中的口红的颜色,我可以换一个不同颜色的吗? I"m sorry . You can not change any item from the gift package . 对不起,赠品中的产品是不可以替换的。 What color do you usually wear for the eye shadow ? 您通常使用什么颜色的眼影? How about wearing fake eyelashes instead of using an eyelash curler ? 不要睫毛夹,试试假睫毛如何? It is a newly imported product with the transparent touch . 这是最新进口的产品,具有透明感。 你能给我推荐一种洗面奶吗? I want a tube of granular cleanser . 我要一管磨砂膏。 The mask suits for dry skin . 这面膜适合干性皮肤。 My facial skin has been very dry these days . Do you have any moisturizing lotion ? 最近我脸上的皮肤很干燥,你们有保湿霜吗? There isn"t the date of production on this box of nutrition cream . 这盒营养霜上面没有生产日期。 The perfume is particularly elegant in smell . 这种香水香味特别高雅。 That"s a nice perfume . 那是不错的香水。 Where"s my cologne ? 我的古龙水呢? Can I recommend this Qingfei perfume ? 我能为您推荐清妃香水吗? It"s advertised everywhere , very popular . 这种东西的广告随处可见,很受欢迎。 It"s the thing that would take a lady"s fancy . 这正是女士中意之物。 I want to buy some perfume for my girlfriend . 我想买香水给我女朋友。 Thank you for your advice . 谢谢你的建议。 I"d like to buy some perfume . 我想买一瓶香水。 I like Qingfei perfume better . 我比较喜欢清妃香水。 【篇三】化妆相关日常英语词汇 put on makeup 化妆 apply lipstick 涂口红 even out 均匀肤色 conceal/cover (up) 遮瑕 make your eyes pop 让眼睛有神 looks-obsessed culture 看脸的世界 粉底分为:liquid foundation粉底液 cream foundation 膏状粉底 powder foundation 粉状粉底 coverage 遮盖力 heer or light 轻薄 medium 中等 full 全遮盖 eyeshadow palette 眼影盘 duo双色,trio三色,quad四色 眼影有glitter 亮片 shimmer珠光的 satin微闪的 metal 金属的 matte哑光的 eyeliner 眼线
2023-07-23 11:27:391


呼神护卫(守护神咒):Expecto Patronum——唤出守护神,可以驱逐摄魂怪、传递信息.除你武器(缴械咒):Expelliarmus——使对手解除武装.幻影显形:Apparate——让自己在瞬间移动到别的地方.漂浮升空(漂浮咒):Wingardium Leviosa——使东西漂浮起来并能做受控制的运动.统统石化:Petrificus Totalus——使人浑身不能动弹,只能转眼珠.粉身碎骨(粉碎咒):Reducto——使对手或物体粉身碎骨.障碍重重:(障碍咒)Impedimenta——阻止某人或某物.xx飞来(召唤咒):Accio——把东西招来.倒挂金钟:Levicorpus——让人倒挂在空中.金钟落地:Liberacorpus——倒挂金钟的反咒.清水如泉咒:Aguamenti——从魔杖顶端冒出水来.急急现形:Aparecium——让隐形墨水显现.复制咒:复制成双Geminio——将某物复制成两份.神锋无影:Sectumsempra——使被施咒者出现刀割伤.旋风扫净:Tergeo——把某物弄干净.阿拉霍洞开:Alohomora——打开被锁住的门.蝙蝠精魔咒:Bat-Bogey Hexes——倒地,面部被蝙蝠覆盖.塔兰泰拉舞曲:Tarantallegra——使对手疯狂地跳起踢踏舞.眼疾咒:Conjunctivtus Curse——损害视力.消隐无踪:Deletrius/Evanesco——使东西消失,使某物体立刻不见踪影.门牙赛大棒:Densaugeo——使门牙失去控制地疯长(马尔福在上四年级时对赫敏使用过).四分五裂:Diffindo——使东西撕裂或分开.左右分离:Dissendium——使物体的若干个部分分离.咒立停:Finite Incantatem——结束其他咒语.火焰熊熊:Incendio——发出火焰,可用于生火或攻击.摄神取念:Legilimens——进入别人大脑,读取别人记忆.荧光闪烁:Lumos——使魔杖发出亮光,用于照明.一忘皆空: Obliviate——使人失去记忆,既可以是某一特定记忆,也可以是全部记忆.盔甲护身:Protegos——产生类似于一堵墙,防止别人的伤害.永久粘贴咒:Permanent Sticking——把某东西永远粘在某个地方.尸骨再现:Morsmordre——召出黑魔标志.闪回前咒(闪回咒):prior Incantate——再现魔杖施的前一个魔咒咧嘴呼啦啦:rictusempra——挠人痒痒荒唐:Riddikulus——使某种东西变得荒唐可笑(对博格特使用)复旧如初:Reparo 把东西修好.无声无息:Sliencio 使周围一切没有声音.昏昏倒地(昏迷咒):Stupefy——使对手昏倒.焕然一新:Scourgify——把某个地方清理干净.膨胀咒:Engorgeo——使物体快速长大(例如:海格用来使南瓜加速长大)阿尼马格斯:Animagi——巫师将自己变成动物的魔法.冰冻咒:Flame-Freezing Charm——从前巫师被处以火刑时,会使用冰冻咒,火焰只会对巫师产生轻微的酥麻感,并不会伤害他们。 在某些情况下似乎有是对手停止活动的效果。赫敏曾用于对付洛哈特放出的小精灵.软腿咒:Jelly-Legs Jinx——中咒的巫师即刻变为软脚虾,无法行动幻身咒:Disillusionment Charm——这个咒语可以达到像『隐形斗篷』一样的效果,但有时斗篷会有遮盖不严的问题,而这个咒语却可以让人完全隐藏起来。被施了咒的人,会感觉到头顶被桥敲了一个鸡蛋,有一种冰凉的感觉。施咒后就好似变成了人性变色龙,身体就好像不是自己的了,颜色质地和身后完全一样(哈利波特与死亡圣器提到)多毛咒:Hair-Thickening Charm——这个咒语可以使毛发变得又浓又密大脑封闭术:Occlumency——一种保护心智不受外界侵入的魔法防御,虽然是非常冷僻的一门魔法,但是极为有用。可以抵挡摄神取念。盗贼感应咒:Stealth Sensoring Spell——只要学会了这个咒语,就可以在住家或办公室布下天罗地网,一旦有人闯入,你会第一时间得到通知。不动咒:Imperturbable Charm——这可是一个很好用的咒语,如果你不想被人窃听或是侵入,只要使用不动咒,就可以轻易避免针孔摄影机的危害。诺克斯:Nox——荧光闪烁的反魔咒不可饶恕咒:阿瓦达索命、魂魄出窍、钻心剜骨,任何巫师只要在另一个人身上施这些咒语,就会被判在阿兹卡班终身监禁等。 快快复苏:昏昏倒地的反魔咒,解除昏迷飞沙走石:炸飞东西,如同一阵大风刮走的倒挂金钟:变出一把无形的钩子把人倒挂起来金钟倒地:倒挂金钟的反魔咒诺克斯:荧光闪烁的反魔咒清水如泉:使魔杖喷出水来创伤愈合:使伤口愈合复旧如初:使某一件被毁的东西恢复原样愈合如初:使某一件东西的裂口愈合旋风扫净:把垃圾或油渍变没安咳消:去除卡在嗓子中的异物消隐无踪:使某物消失闭耳塞听:使别人耳鸣,以无法听清说话锁舌封喉:使别人舌头粘在上颚上幻形石板:变出无形的石板原形立现:探测不明物体平安镇守:保护一片区域麻瓜屏蔽:使麻瓜无法进入给我指路(定向咒):使魔杖指路兰花盛开:使魔杖顶上绽开一朵兰花飞鸟群群:变出一群鸟万弹齐发:使鸟集体攻击人滑道平平:使楼梯变成滑梯复制成双:复制一样东西竖立成形:使帐篷立刻支好腿立僵停死(锁腿咒):使两腿粘在一起力松劲泄:使某人无力门托斯:把某物变成门钥匙统统加护:保护某区域速速变大:使某物变大速速缩小:使某物缩小人形立现: 探测某区域有没有人防水防湿: 使某物防水降敌陷阱: 设置陷阱应声落地: 使某物落下霹雳爆炸: 使某物爆炸混淆视听:使某人混淆自己所见所闻火烤热辣辣:让脸上长出疖子终了结束:塔朗泰拉舞的反魔咒阳光咒:发出强烈的光线阿魏啦:卢平用于固定罗恩的腿 钻心咒:钻心剜骨Crucio——能给人带来极度痛苦夺魂咒:魂魄出窍Imperio——使受害者完全受巫师控制,但可以被抵挡杀戮咒:阿瓦达索命Avada Kedavra——立即置一个人于死地
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数学形态学(mathematical morphology)是数字图像处理领域中的一门新兴学科,它是研究数字图像影像结构特征与快速并行处理方法的理论。数学形态学是建立在集合论的基础上,并溶入了积分几何理论。其主要思想是通过使用一种称为结构元素的已知结构小影像特征集合与影像目标相比较来完成各种复杂的运算——形态变换。数学形态学可用来进行二值图像、灰度图像及彩色图像的分析。但基于大多数矿图的现状,我们重点研究了二值图像的形态变换。设X、Y为待处理的二值图像,B是所使用的结构元素,通常B是由3×3窗口所定义(最小结构元素),则可定义如下基本形态变换:(1)膨胀(Dilation)工矿区环境动态监测与分析研究它是结构元素B在图像X所有目标元素位置上平移后点的轨迹。(2)腐蚀(Erosion)工矿区环境动态监测与分析研究它是把结构元素B平移后放于图像X的某个位置上,当B上各点都与X上相应点重合时,B的原点位置的轨迹。(3)断开(Opening)工矿区环境动态监测与分析研究它是对图像X先腐蚀后膨胀,其结果是X中能恰好完全包含B的部分,从而去掉图像上的微小连接、毛刺和凸出部分。(4)闭合(Closing)工矿区环境动态监测与分析研究与断开运算相反,闭合运算能去掉图像X中的小孔和凹部并连接断线。(5)击中或失落(Hit or Miss)工矿区环境动态监测与分析研究其中B1∪B2=B且B1∩B2=u2205(空集)。当 时,为失落,否则为击中。击中运算相当于一种条件严格的模板匹配,它不仅指出了被匹配点应满足的性质即模板的形状,同时也指出这些点不应满足的性质,即对背景的要求。由以上基本形态变换可以构成形态薄化和厚化。(6)薄化(Thinning)工矿区环境动态监测与分析研究(7)厚化(Thickening)工矿区环境动态监测与分析研究以上各式中涉及到一些图像集合运算,其含义分别为:XUY为图像集合并;X∩Y为图像集合交;Xc为图像X的补集(对于二值图像而言,可视为其色调反转图像);X/Y=X∩Yc。由以上基本形态变换及集合运算一起可以构成各种复杂的形态变换运算,如条件形态变换、序贯形态变换、条件序贯形态变换以及动态条件序贯形态变换等。基于这些形态变换,构成了矿图扫描图像处理的理论体系。
2023-07-23 11:28:021


2023-07-23 11:28:093


We shop to mould this morning to discuss the mould about HT this paragraph of modification plan; The following is the solution for your reference, thank you!1: if do 55 "c, which in the second mold of the hot and cold cuts, hardness will achieve the 60" c; That is, the more hard which EVA do footbed hardness would be more hard will not become soft;2: if footbed hardness to do 40, that there is no way to do, the reason is EVA which is too soft EVA will crack;3: if footbed hardness to do 40, that shoes also can appear in molding, because stockfitting shoes need on the assembly line, the pipeline temperature is probably about 50 "C, high temperature footbed EVA will swell and can"t withdraw; It will cause deformation;4: outsole shop will today which MOULD thickening;5: the MOULD SHOP today will take to modify footbed mold Eva, Foobed Eva positive plane in position, plus a couple pinhole;6: we expect outsole shop will try again tomorrow to show us a few double samples; I"ll tell you the news;7: after all the technical personnel"s research, hope the hardness retained in 48 EVA, "c hope can be you adopt;
2023-07-23 11:28:171


The design of the Shenyang processing capacity of 450,000 tons of urban sewage calculation. Influent water quality : BOD5 = 200 mg / l, SS = 250 mg / l and 30 mg / l; heavy metals and toxic trace. Design effluent quality : = BOD5 30 mg / l, SS = 27 mg / l, 18mg / l removal : BOD5 = 85%, SS = 85%, 40%. Design of the proposed traditional activated sludge (conventional activated sludge process). Traditional activated sludge activated sludge is the earliest form, also known as the conventional activated sludge process. The process is characterized by : ① good effect : the removal of BOD5 up to 90 -95%; ② the wastewater treatment is relatively flexible and can be adjusted according to demand. Traditional activated sludge is a low-cost high efficiency of the sewage treatment method to efficiently remove organics, stay long Activated Sludge Process Nitrification is also functional. Conventional Activated Sludge Process of the main structures : the grid, the Grit Chamber, sedimentation tanks, tank and the sludge handling system components. Concrete structures and equipment as follows : a coarse grid coarse grid role is to remove coarse particles. prevent the pump unit and plug the pipeline valves, and ensure follow-up treatment facilities to normal operation. The design of the proposed use of two mechanical Grille, a group standby. Guo gate speed : 1.0 m / s; Rack spacing : 100mm; Selection PZ2500 high chain - grate discharge machine. 2 grid grid with the role of coarse grid similar to the main wastewater interception of the larger particles and floating objects. follow-up to ensure the smooth handling. Designed with five (two standby). Guo Gate velocity : 0.8m / s; Rack spacing : 20mm; Selection of GH-1600-Rotary Grille chain decontamination machine. 3 small grid of fine grid role is to further remove sewage suspensions. Using eight (two standby). Guo gate speed : 0.7 m / s; Rack spacing : 10 mm. Selection XWB-III models -1.5-2.5 back rake grid decontamination machine. 4 Grit Chamber adopted gallery Aerated Grit Chamber, which was characterized by the follow-up treatment can reduce the difficulty. Grit Chamber of sewage into the level of velocity : 0.09 m / s; Residence Time : 6 min; aeration equipment used to be seven groups RD-125 Roots Blower (Group 2 standby); using gravity sand, sand road equipment used sand suction pump-type machine PXS3500. 5 aeration tank aeration tanks used rotary push type, to be built six, single-cell volume up to 2000m3. SRT to 6.67 d, aeration equipment used BER-type slide 37-BER underwater jet aerators 5 (two standby). BOD5 up to 85% more. 6 sedimentation tank design of this early Shen Shen pool and two ponds were used circular spokes flow sedimentation tank. In particular : the primary settling tank for six, single-cell pool diameter of 44 m; 2 Shen pool of 12, single-cell pool of 40 m diameter. Sedimentation tanks effective depth of 5 m and 4.5 m. 2 Mud pool scratching for ZG-45 drive-scratching surrounding Mud Center Drive arms and Scraper dredger. 7 sludge thickening tank designed with circular spokes-flow gravity concentration pool. Its characteristics are continuously operational, simple structure, convenient operation, small power consumption, low operating costs, sludge storage capabilities, and so on. Concentration for 24 h, the effective depth of 5 m, the concentration of solid flux pool M = 30kg / m u2022 d, concentrated moisture content of 97%. 8 sludge digestion Ikemoto designs columnar Digester, one, two Digester use the same pool type, Digester with a four, two Digester 2. Digester D diameter 28.5 m used to collect gas masks diameter d1 = 3m, h1 = 2.5m high, bottom end cone diameter d2 = 3m, Digester cylinder height of 20m. Digester with a two Digester stayed for more than two hours : 1 9 sludge dewatering belt design using three dewatering machine (a standby). Model : DY-3000-belt press filter. Belt filter press sludge dewatering were affected by the fluctuations in the load small, but also up the soil moisture content is low consumption of less stable work, management control is relatively simple to operate, low quality of the features. With the above processes, drainage can be achieved two urban sewage discharge standards (GB8978-1996). meet the design requirements. Keywords : traditional activated sludge (conventional activated sludge process); Aeration sand; Plug-Flow pond; Radial flow Carpenter Love Da Wu? sludge thickening; Sludge digestion; Sludge Dewatering
2023-07-23 11:28:381


问题一:胖墩英文怎么说 如果是称呼自己的晚辈,朋友家小孩,就不能用带贬义的,通常说 u have big bone。这里的big bone就不会很直接伤害到别人(有人不喜欢别人说自己胖) 如果是看到路人,随便评价下,或者有点贬义的话,可以说chubby, fluffy(美国现在很常用) 如果是骂人的级别,就用fatso。这个不要随便用。很狠的。会伤人自尊。 问题二:胖墩,就是有权力任性,英文怎么写 胖墩,就是有权力任性 Pier, that have the power to self willed 胖墩,就是有权力任性 Pier, that have the power to self willed 问题三:胖墩的英文 fatso 问题四:我班的胖墩儿看图写话 你知道我的好朋友是谁吗?没错她就是我们班的胖墩儿。她长着一对水灵灵的大眼睛,一个圆圆的鼻子,她非常喜欢吃零食,特别是冰棒和冰激凌。她妈妈三番五次的叫她要减肥,可他都不,只能越减越肥。 一天旱晨,太阳公公带着火热的心情照着大地,放学后,胖墩儿来到小商店买了根雪糕,这一次,可把妈妈惹火了,胖墩儿赶紧把雪糕丢掉了。 问题五:“身份的象征”英语怎么翻译? status symbol 问题六:跪求英语翻译。急急急u30fbu30fbu30fbu30fb 饲养牲口的定义就像土地密集一样,取决于土地及用于生产的劳动之间的比率,而不是取决于土地或劳动力与产量之间的比率。当土地与劳动力用于牲口之间的比率高于用于小麦之间的比率的时候,说明牲口在美国是土地密集型的产业。同样在其他国家,如果土地与劳动力用于牲口之间的比率高于用于小麦之间的比率的时候,说明畜牧业在那个国家是土地密集型的产业。所以其他国家及美国在这个问题上并没有明显的区别。 大体上是这么翻译的。。。 问题七:少年的英语怎么写 teenager 问题八:中学校园里小胖墩随处可见,,,,,给这些小胖墩提提建议英语作文 Dear jack, I love you this chubby friend very much, your every word and action are revealed that your lovely. But I can"t tell you a thing, there are a lot of children because of excessive nutrition and obesity, the actual human fat little. But the fat children because of more fat, easy to suffer from high blood pressure, blood thickening, cerebral thrombosis and other diseases, so here, clas *** ates and I suggest that you lose weight. Weight loss can be your activities more flexible, but also can reduce incidence of disease. 亲爱的小强,我非常喜欢你这种胖嘟嘟的玩伴,你的一言一行都透露这你的可爱。但是我不能不告诉你一件事,现在有很多孩子因为营养过盛而患上肥胖症,实际人胖点没什么。但是胖孩子因为脂肪比较多,容易患上高血压、血脂稠、脑血栓等各种疾病,所以在这里,我和全班同学一致建议你减肥。减肥可以是你活动更加灵活,还可以减少疾病的发生。
2023-07-23 11:28:461


作 者:羌宁著 丛 书 名:环境工程专业英语出 版 社:化学工业出版社ISBN:9787502557713出版时间:2010-05-01版 次:1页 数:264装 帧:平装开 本:16开 《环境工程专业英语》旨在提高环境专业学生的专业文献阅读和应用水平,书中介绍了环境工程领域涉及的水、大气的污染与控制,固体废物的全过程管理,有害废物的处理处置,噪声及其控制,环境影响评价,环境立法,环境与可持续发展等内容,并简要介绍了当今环境保护方面的新科技。编者根据教学中学生易犯的错误在书中有重点地解释说明,具有很强的针对性。书后的单词表注有该词在正文中的首次出处,便于检索。《环境工程专业英语》适用于高等院校环境工程专业本科生作教材用,也可供环境工程专业研究生及相关专业人员使用。 Chapter 1 Environmental Issue1.1 Environmental Problems1.2 Living Sustainably1.3 Resources1.4 Pollution1.5 Solutions:Working with the EarthNotesChapter 2 Ecosystems2.1 The Concept of Ecosystem2.2 The Structure of Ecosystems2.3 Implications for HumansNotesChapter 3 Cycling of Mineral Nutrients3.1 The Carbon Cycle3.2 The Nitrogen Cycle3.3 The Phosphorus CycleChapter 4 Environmental Engineering and Engineer4.1 The Environmental Engineer4.2 Consultant Services4.3 Studies and Designs4.4 Construction4.5 Start—UP and TrainingNotesChapter 5 Air Pollution5.1 Definition of Air Pollution5.2 Sources of Air Pollutants5.3 General Effects of Air Pollution5.4 General Description of the Air Pollutants5.5 Major Air PollutantsNotesChapter 6 Air Pollution ControlmParticulate Controls6.1 Particulate Collection Mechanisms6.2 Particulate Control EquipmentNotesChapter 7 Air Pollution ControlmGaseous Pollutants Controls7.1 Absorption7.2 Adsorption7.3 Condensatlon7.4 Flaring7.5 Incineration7.6 Emerging TechniquesNotesChapter 8 Integrated Solid Waste Management8.1 The Concept of Solid Waste Management8.2 Functional Elements of a Waste Management System8.3 Integrated Solid Waste Management8.4 Operation of Solid Waste Management Systems8.5 Future Challenges and OpportunitiesNotesChapter 9 The Unit Operations and Processes Used for the Separation and Processing of Waste Materials9.1 Unit Operations9.2 Waste Transformation Through Combustion9.3 Waste Transformation Through Aerobic Composting9.4 Disposal of Solid Wastes and Residual MatterNotesChapter 10 Hazardous Chemical Waste Management10.1 Definition of Hazardous Waste10.2 Chemicals,Lifestyles,and the Environment10.3 Uncontrolled Sites10.4 Responsible Management10.5 Land Disposal Methods10.6 Alternatives to Land Disposal of Hazardous Waste10.7 Site RemediationNotesChapter II Introduction to Environmental Impact Assessment11.1 Terminology1 1.2 1 9 7 3 CEQ Guidelines for the Content of Environmental Impact Statements11.3 Expanded Scope of EIA11.4 Narrowed Scope of EIA11.5 SummaryNotesChapter 12 Environmental Impact Assessment12.1 Planning and Management of Impact Studies12.2 Simple Methods for Identification(Matrices,Networks,and Checklists)12.3 Description of Environmental Setting(Affected Environment)12.4 Indices and Indicators for Describing the Affected Environment12.5 Prediction and Assessment of Impacts on the Environmental Media12.6 Public Participation in Environmental Decision Making12.7 Environmental MonitoringNotesChapter 13 Noise and Noise Control13.1 Noise13.2 Noise ControlChapter 14 Environmental Law and Standards14.1 Environmental Legislation14.2 Features of the National Environmental Policy Act14.3 Federal Legislation and Regulations for Air and Surface Water14.4 International Environmental Law and DiplomacyChapter 15 Environmental Chemical Analysis15.1 The Role and Importance of Environmental Chemical Analysis15.2 Classical Methods15.3 Spectrophotometric Methods15.4 Electrochemical Methods of Analysis15.5 Gas Chromatography15.6 Mass SpectrometryChapter 16 WaterWater Cycle and Sustainable Management16.1 Water16.2 The Water Cycle16.3 Human Impacts on the Water Cycle16.4 Sustainability and Water ManagementChapter 17 Water Supply17.1 Groundwater Supplies17.2 Surface Water Supplies17.3 Water Transmission17.4 Pumps and Pumping17.5 Pump Characteristics Curves17.6 System Head Curves17.7 Operating Head and DischargeNotesChapter 18 Wastewater Collection Systems18.1 Storm Sewer System18.2 Sanitary Sewer System(1)18.3 Sanitary Sewer System(2)18.4 Sewer Pipes and Jointing18.5 Lift Stations in Wastewater CollectionNotesChapter 19 Waste Water Engineering19.1 Wastewater Treatment19.2 Wastewater Reclamation and Reuse19.3 Biosolids and Residuals ManagementNotesChapter 20 Wastewater Treatment Objectives,Methodsand Implementation Consideration20.1 Wastewater Treatment Objectives and Regulations20.2 Classification of Wastewater Treatment Methods20.3 Application of Treatment Methods20.4 Implementation of Wastewater Management ProgramsNotesChapter 21 Introduction to Wastewater Treatment Plant Design21.1 Impact of Flowrate and Mass—Loading Factors on Design21.2 Evaluation and Selection of Design Flowrates21.3 Evaluation and Selection of Design Mass Loadings21.4 Process Selection21.5 Elements of Conceptual Process DesignNotesChepter 22 Wastewater Treatment22.1 Physical Unit Operations22.2 Chemical Unit Processes22.3 Biological Unit ProcessesNotesChapter 23 Biological Nutrient Removal23.1 Nutrient Control Strategies23.2 Nutrient Removal ProcessesChapter 24 Advanced Wastewater Treatment24.1 Need for Advanced Wastewater Treatment24.2 Treatment Technologies Used for Advanced Wastewater Treatment24.3 Removal of Residual Suspended Solids bv Granular—Medium Filtration24.4 Removal of Residual Suspended Solids by Microscreening24.5 Removal of Toxic Compounds and Refractory Organics24.6 Removal of Dissolved Inorganic SubstancesChapter 25 Sludge Treatment and Disposal25.1 Sludge Treatment Flow Diagrams25.2 Preliminary Operations25.3 Thickening(C0ncentration)25.4 Stabilization25.5 Anaerobic Sludge Digestion25.6 Aerobic Sludge Digestion25.7 Composting25.8 Conditioning25.9 Disinfection25.10 Dewatering25.11 Heat Drying25.12 Thermal Reduction25.13 Land Application of Sludge25.14 Other Beneficial Uses of Sludge25.15 Final Sludge and Solids Conveyance,Storage,and DisposalGlossary主要参考文献
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latex意思是乳胶、乳液。latex作为名词,中文意思为“天然胶乳”、“橡胶树的橡浆”、“人工合成胶乳”、“乳液”、“胶乳”。它是可数名词,复数形式有两种,分别为latices和latexes。句子1、The fruit is round,purple and has a thick,latex filled skin.果实圆型紫色,果皮厚且含有乳胶。2、I"m not allergic to latex.我对乳胶不过敏。3、Taking aloe or aloe latex orally for laxative effects may lead to cramping or diarrhea.为了通便而口服芦荟或芦荟胶乳可能会导致绞痛或细菌感染。4、Leonard,what if you have an allergic reaction to the surgeon"s latex gloves?莱纳德,要是你对外科医生的乳胶手套产生过敏反应怎么办?5、Mr.Rebete jumped out,slid on a pair of latex gloves and ripped open the stray trash bag.雷贝特先生迅速从车里出来,戴上橡胶手套,撕开那个被乱丢的垃圾袋。6、Effect of thickening agent on heat stability of natural rubber latex.主要进行可低温使用的改性天然橡胶配方试验。7、Effect of Agricultural Factors on Speed of Rapid Biological Coagulation of Fresh Latex.三种农业因素对鲜胶乳快速生物凝固速度的影响。8、The Effect on Thermal Degradation of Medical Latex Product of Different Accelerant System.不同促进剂体系对医用天然胶乳制品热降解的影响。9、Study on drying kinetics and cross-linking structure of natural latex film.天然胶乳胶膜干燥过程及交联结构研究。10、Influence of Latex Structure on Morphology and Performance of Latex Coatings.乳胶粒子形态对涂膜形貌和性能的影响研究。
2023-07-23 11:29:081

sorbolene 什么意思

最合适敏感肌的乳液,澳州植物中提取的?而且多功能,可以当乳液、卸妆乳、和无皂性沐浴乳 不过它是无皂性的,当沐浴乳不会起泡泡,所以我还是习惯用可以起泡泡的沐浴乳。更当为清洁剂类使用。Scientific testing has raised questions about the safety of Sorbolene for regular use. Used too often it has been found to break down the natural barriers the skin produces to fight the effects of irritants. As with numerous other products, you just have to control how often you use the cream in order to use it safely and not to have your skin start depending on its protection. There are absolutely no harmful active ingredients in these products that will do permanent harm to your skin if you use them as they"re meant to be used.Obviously Sorbolene cream can"t be too dangerous for human skin, because dermatologists often prescribe it for their patients who suffer with eczema or for infants that have very sensitive skin. In addition to acting as a barrier cream, it can also be used as a substitute for soap and will clean and moisturize it without any irritation. The creams that contain Sorbolene also often contain ingredients such as Glycerin and agents that sooth the itchiness of dry skin, but they don"t contain anything that can cause further skin irritation, such as lanolin, fragrances, artificial colors, or thickening agents.
2023-07-23 11:29:253


Is it Government or Economic? I don"t know what TI, TIM, or LU stand for.
2023-07-23 11:29:352


Accio ……飞来   Aguamenti 清水如泉   Alohomora 阿拉霍洞开   Aparecium 急急现形   Avada Kedavra 阿瓦达索命   Avis 飞鸟群群   Cave inimicum 降敌陷阱   Colloportus 速速禁锢   Comfundo 混淆视听   Crucio 钻心剜骨   Deletrius 消隐无踪   Densaugeo 门牙赛大棒   Diffindo 四分五裂   Disillusionment 幻身咒   Dissendium 左右分离   Enervate 快快复苏   Engorgio 速速变大   Expecto Patronum 呼神护卫   Expulso飞沙走石   Expelliarmus 除你武器   Finite 终了结束   Finite incantatem 咒立停   Flagrate 标记显现   Furnunculus 火烤热辣辣   Geminio复制成双   Homenum revelio 人形显身   Impedimenta 障碍重重   Imperio 魂魄出窍   Impervius 水火不侵(防水防湿)   Incarcerous 速速禁锢   Incendio 火焰熊熊   Liberacorpus 金钟落地   Legilimens 摄神取念   Levicorpus 倒挂金钟   Locomotor 移动   Locomotor Mortis 腿立僵停死   Lumos Maxima 荧光闪烁   Metelojinx recanto 云咒撤回   Mobiliarbus 移形幻影   Nox 诺克斯   Obliviate 一忘皆空   Orchideus 兰花盛开   Pack 收拾   Peskipiksi Pesternomi 佩斯奇皮克西 佩斯特诺米(洛哈特给小精灵施的咒语,什么用也没有,稍作变化可译为“讨厌的小精灵别来烦我”)   Petrificus totalus 统统石化   Point Me 给我指路   Portus 门托斯,使物体变成门钥匙   Prior Incantato 闪回咒   Protego 盔甲护身   Protego totalum 统统加护   Quietus 悄声细语   Reducio 速速缩小   Reducto 粉身碎骨   Relashio 力松劲泄   Reparo 恢复如初   Repello Muggletum 麻瓜屏蔽   Rictusempra 咧嘴呼啦啦   Riddikulus 滑稽滑稽   Salvio hexia 平安镇守   Scourgify 清理一新   Sectumsempra 神锋无影   Serpensortia 乌龙出洞   Silencio 无声无息   Sonorus 声音洪亮   Stupefy 昏昏倒地   Tarantallegra 塔郎泰拉舞   Tergeo 旋风扫净   Unplottable 不可标绘   Waddiwasi 瓦迪瓦西   Wingardium Leviosa 羽加迪姆 勒维奥萨 (漂浮咒)   Glisseo 滑道平平   Duro 幻影石板   Muffliato 闭耳塞听   Langlock 锁舌封喉   Oppugno 万弹齐发   Tergeo 旋风扫净
2023-07-23 11:29:444


飞来咒:飞来飞去Accio——把东西招来.全身束缚咒:Immobulus——使人或其他生物被束缚住,无法动弹.倒挂金钟:Levicorpus——让人倒挂在空中.金钟落地:Liberacorpus——倒挂金钟的反咒.清水如泉咒:Aguamenti——从魔杖顶端冒出水来.急急现形:Aparecium——让隐形墨水显现.幻影显形:Apparate——让自己在瞬间移动到别的地方.复制咒:复制成双Geminio——将某物复制成两份.神锋无影:Sectumsempra——使被施咒者出现刀割伤.旋风扫净:Tergeo——把某物弄干净.阿拉霍洞开:Alohomora——打开被锁住的门.蝙蝠精咒:Bat-Bogey Hexes——倒地,面部被蝙蝠覆盖.塔朗泰拉舞:Tarantallegra——使对手疯狂地跳起踢踏舞.眼疾咒:Conjunctivtus Curse——损害视力.消隐无踪:Deletrius/Evanesco——使东西消失 使某物体立刻不见踪影.门牙赛大棒:Densaugeo——使门牙失去控制地疯长(马尔福在上四年级时对赫敏使用过)四分五裂:Diffindo——使东西撕裂或分开.左右分离:Dissendium——使物体的若干个部分分离.呼神护卫:Expecto Patronum——唤出守护神,可以驱逐摄魂怪、传递信息.除你武器:Expelliarmus——使对手解除武装.咒立停:Finite Incantatem——结束其他咒语.障碍重重:Impedimenta——阻止某人或某物.火焰熊熊:Incendio——发出火焰,可用于生火或攻击.摄神取念:Legilimens——进入别人大脑,读取别人记忆.荧光闪烁:Lumos——使魔杖发出亮光,用于照明.遗忘咒:一忘皆空 Obliviate——使人失去记忆,既可以是某一特定记忆,也可以是全部记忆.石化咒:统统石化Petrificus Totalus——使人变成石头,无法动弹,效果类似于全身束缚咒.铁甲咒:盔甲护身Protegos——产生类似于一堵墙,防止别人的伤害.永久粘贴咒:Permanent Sticking——把某东西永远粘在某个地方.尸骨再现:Morsmordre——召出黑魔标志.闪回前咒:prior Incantate——再现魔杖施的前一个魔咒咧嘴呼啦啦:Rictusempra——挠人痒痒滑稽滑稽:Riddikulus——使某种东西变得荒唐可笑(对博格特使用)粉碎咒:粉身碎骨Reducto——使对手或物体粉身碎骨修复如初:Reparo 把东西修好无声无息:Sliencio 使周围一切没有声音昏迷咒:昏昏倒地Stupefy——使对手昏倒清理一新:Scourgify——把某个地方清理干净悬停咒、悬浮咒:羽加迪姆 勒维奥萨Wingardium Leviosa——使东西漂浮起来并能做受控制的运动膨胀咒:Engorgeo——使物体快速长大(例如:海格用来使南瓜加速长大)阿尼马格斯:Animagi——巫师将自己变成动物的魔法。冰冻咒:Flame-Freezing Charm——从前巫师被处以火刑时,会使用冰冻咒,火焰只会对巫师产生轻微的酥麻感,并不会伤害他们。 在某些情况下似乎有是对手停止活动的效果。赫敏曾用于对付洛哈特放出的小精灵。软腿咒:Jelly-Legs Jinx——中咒的巫师即刻变为软脚虾,无法行动幻身咒:Disillusionment Charm——这个咒语可以达到像『隐形斗篷』一样的效果,但有时斗篷会有遮盖不严的问题,而这个咒语却可以让人完全隐藏起来。被施了咒语的人,会有股冰冷的液体从魔杖敲击的地方淌下来流遍全身,使得身体出现和背景一样的色彩与纹路,但没有隐形,只是好象变成了一个人形变色龙。多毛咒:Hair-Thickening Charm——这个咒语可以使毛发变得又浓又密大脑封闭术:Occlumency——一种保护心智不受外界侵入的魔法防御,虽然是非常冷僻的一门魔法,但是极为有用。可以抵挡摄神取念。盗贼感应咒:Stealth Sensoring Spell——只要学会了这个咒语,就可以在住家或办公室布下天罗地网,一旦有人闯入,你会第一时间得到通知。不动咒:Imperturbable Charm——这可是一个很好用的咒语,如果你不想被人窃听或是侵入,只要使用不动咒,就可以轻易避免针孔摄影机的危害。不可饶恕咒:阿瓦达索命、魂魄出窍、钻心刻骨,任何巫师只要在另一个人身上施这些咒语,就会被判在阿兹卡班终身监禁等。无痕伸展咒快快复苏:昏昏倒地的反魔咒,解除昏迷飞沙走石:炸飞东西,如同一阵大风刮走的倒挂金钟:变出一把无形的钩子把人倒挂起来金钟倒地:倒挂金钟的反魔咒诺克斯:荧光闪烁的反魔咒清水如泉:使魔杖喷出水来伤口愈合:使伤口愈合恢复如初:使某一件被毁的东西恢复原样愈合如初:使某一件东西的裂口愈合旋风扫净:把垃圾或油渍变没安咳消:去除卡在嗓子中的异物消隐无踪:使某物消失闭耳塞听:使别人耳鸣,以无法听清说话锁舌封喉:使别人舌头粘在上颚上幻形石板:变出无形的石板原形立现:探测不明物体平安镇守:保护一片区域麻瓜屏蔽:使麻瓜无法进入给我指路:使魔杖指路(定向咒)兰花盛开:使魔杖顶上绽开一朵兰花飞鸟群群:变出一群鸟万弹齐发:使鸟集体攻击人滑道平平:使楼梯变成滑梯复制成双:复制一样东西竖立成形:使帐篷立刻支好腿立僵停死:使两腿粘在一起(锁腿咒)力松劲泄:使某人无力门托斯:把某物变成门钥匙统统加护:保护某区域速速变大:使某物变大速速缩小:使某物缩小人形立现: 探测某区域有没有人防水防湿: 使某物防水降敌陷阱: 设置陷阱应声落地: 使某物落下霹雳爆炸: 使某物爆炸混淆视听: 使某人混淆自己所见所闻火烤热辣辣:让脸上长出疖子终了结束:塔朗泰拉舞的反魔咒阳光咒:发出强烈的光线阿魏啦:卢平用于固定罗恩的腿不可饶恕咒钻心咒:钻心剜骨Crucio——能给人带来极度痛苦夺魂咒:魂魄出窍Imperio——使受害者完全受巫师控制,但可以被抵挡杀戮咒:阿瓦达索命Avada Kedavra——立即置一个人于死地2台版译音编辑一年级Alohomora 阿拉霍洞开 (又译 阿咯哈呣啦)Locomotor Mortis 腿立僵停死 (又译 榫头—失准)Petrificus totalus 统统石化 (又译 整整—石化)Wingardium Leviosa 羽加迪姆 勒维奥萨 (悬停咒) (又译 温咖癫啦唯啊萨)二年级Aparecium 急急现形 (又译 阿八拉象)Expelliarmus 除去武器 (又译 去去,武器走)Finite 终了结束Finite incantatem 咒立停 (又译 止止,魔咒消)Lumos Maxima/Lumos 荧光闪烁 (又译 路摸思)Obliviate 一忘皆空 (又译 空空,遗忘)Rictusempra 咧嘴呼啦啦 (又译 哩吐三卜啦)Serpensortia 乌龙出洞 (又译 蛇蛇攻)Tarantallegra 塔郎泰拉舞 (又译 塔朗泰拉跳)三年级Dissendium 左右分离 (又译 咻咻降)Expecto Patronum 呼神护卫 (又译 疾疾,护法现身)Impervius 水火不侵,防水防湿 (又译 止止,不透)Mobiliarbus 移形幻影 (又译 呼呼移)Mobilicorpus 移行幻影 (又译 浮浮,僵屍行)Nox 诺克斯 (又译 呐克斯)Riddikulus 滑稽滑稽 (又译 叱叱,荒唐)Waddiwasi 瓦迪瓦西 (又译 哇嘀哇唏)四年级Accio ……飞来,飞来飞去 (又译 速速前)Aguamenti 清水如泉 (又译 水水喷)Avis 飞鸟群群 (又译 飞飞禽)Avada Kedavra 阿瓦达索命 (又译 啊哇呾喀呾啦)Crucio 钻心剜骨 (又译 咒咒虐)Deletrius 消隐无踪 (又译 吹吹除)Densaugeo 门牙赛大棒 (又译 涎涎牙)Diffindo 四分五裂 (又译 吩吩绽)Enervate 快快复苏 (又译 萎萎起)Engorgio 速速变大 (又译 暴暴吞)Furnunculus 火烤热辣辣 (又译 熔熔沸)Impedimenta 障碍重重 (又译 喷喷障)Imperio 魂魄出窍 (又译 噩噩令)Incendio 火焰熊熊 (又译 吼吼烧)Morsmordre 尸骨再现 (又译 魔魔毙)Orchideus 兰花盛开 (又译 噗噗兰)Point Me 给我指路 (又译 指引我方向)Prior Incantato 闪回咒,闪回前咒 (又译 呼呼,前咒现)Quietus 悄声细语 (又译 嘘嘘静)Reducio 速速缩小 (又译 啾啾缩)Reducto 粉身碎骨 (又译 嚗嚗消)Relashio 力松劲泄 (又译 嘶嘶退)Reparo 恢复如初 (又译 复复修)Sonorus 声音洪亮 (又译 哄哄响)Stupefy 昏昏倒地 (又译 咄咄失)五年级Colloportus 速速禁锢 (又译 密密胶)Evanesco 消隐无踪 (又译 消消藏)Flagrate 标记显现 (又译 辣辣燃)Legilimens 摄神取念 (又译 破破心)Pack 收拾 (又译 打包!)Portus 门托斯,使物体变成门钥匙 (又译 港口现)Protego 盔甲护身 (又译 破心护)Scourgify 清理一新 (又译 灭灭净)Silencio 无声无息 (又译 默默静)六年级Disillusionment 幻身咒Langlock 锁舌封喉Levicorpus 倒挂金钟 (又译 倒倒吊)Liberacorpus 金钟落地 (又译 退退降)Muffliato 闭耳塞听Oppugno 万弹齐发Rennervate 恢复活力 (又译 力力复)Sectumsempra 神锋无影 (又译 撕淌三步杀)Tergeo 旋风扫净 (又译 哆哆洁)七年级Cave inimicum 降敌陷阱Comfundo 混淆视听Confringo 霹雳爆炸 (又译 爆爆炸)Deprimo 房塌地陷 (又译 窟窿现)Descendo 应声落地 (又译 低低降)Duro 幻影石板 (又译 硬硬坚)Expulso飞沙走石 (又译 粉身碎骨)Geminio复制成双 (又译 双双制)Glisseo 滑道平平 (又译 光光滑)Homenum revelio 人形显身 (又译 人现现)Metelojinx recanto 云咒撤回 (又译 撒撒—气象咒)Piertotum Locomotor 石墩出动(又译 雕像,行行起)Protego totalum 统统加护 (又译全全破心护)Repello Muggletum 麻瓜屏蔽 (又译 去去麻瓜走)Salvio hexia 平安镇守 (又译 安安除恶咒)参考资料:百度百科
2023-07-23 11:30:061

All Around Me 歌词

歌曲名:All Around Me歌手:David Crowder*Band专辑:Church MusicDavid Crowder Band - All Around MeMy hands are searching for youMy arms are outstretched towards youI feel you on my fingertipsMy tongue dances behind my lips for youThis fire rising through my beingBurning I"m not used to seeing youI"m alive, I"m aliveI can feel you all around meThickening the air I"m breathingHolding on to what I"m feelingSavoring this heart that"s healingMy hands float up above meAnd you whisper you love meAnd I begin to fadeInto our secret placeThe music makes me swayThe angels singing say we are alone with youI am alone and they are too with youI"m alive, I"m aliveI can feel you all around meThickening the air I"m breathingHolding on to what I"m feelingSavoring this heart that"s healingAnd so I cryThe light is whiteAnd I see youI"m alive, I"m alive, I"m aliveI can feel you all around meThickening the air I"m breathingHolding on to what I"m feelingSavoring this heart that"s healingTake my handI give it to youNow you own meAll I amYou said you would never leave meI believe youI believeI can feel you all around meThickening the air I"m breathingHolding on to what I"m feelingSavoring this heart that"s healed
2023-07-23 11:30:141


2023-07-23 11:30:2412


1. 描写雪的英语的优美句子 Descriptionsnowgoodsentence: 1)snow,thesnowlikeXugeneral,asgeneralLuhuasnow,thesnowlikedandeliongeneraldanceintheair,blownbythewind. 2)theair,theglisteningsnow-likelightweightbutterflyinDance. 3)overnightsnow,theroofofcityplothasathicknessofsnow,stoodontheflat-toppedtowerWangchuqu,likerollingsnow-cappedmountains. 4)alonghighways,sidewalkssnowhasmelted,onlytheroofsofback-alsoleftCanxue,likewearingasmallwhitetophat. 5)Airwasshowingaflutteringsnowflakes,smallwhitefeathers,likethepearChuilapetals,in-yo. 6)Smallsnowflakesflutteringinthegentlesoundsofthelongleftbehind.Gradually,thesmallsnowflakeschangedinabigway,thickening,andcrowded. 7)around,afallChuochuotheXuefei,likecountlessChesuiacottonballrollingdownfromthesky. 8)windowwithsnowflakesdancinginthesky,justlikehundredsofbutterfliesliketowardthewindowpanes,glassandhitsomemischievous,Pianpianflyingtowardtheside. 9)glisteningsnowWhisperinginmyShouzhangxin,appearstobetransparent,andgradually,itmelted. 10)snow,thefirstonthesmallDuoDuosnowflakes,asgentlyflutteringXuthentheheavier,awhileJinshiawhile. 11)snowfinallystopped,avastfieldofwhite,buildings,mountainscoveredbysnow. Paragraph: "Snow!"Childrenofthesnowasgoodnewstoreport.Thepeoplewilllaydowntheirhandscouldnotlive,cometothefrontofthewindows,ornamentalnatureofthegift-snow.EspeciallyintheSouth,Snowdifficultintake,manyfamiliesregardlessofcold,snowseizetheopportunitytoshootinthesnow-Carnival,inaSnowMemorial.Childrenarebusywithformationofsnowman,pinchsnowball,Daxuezhang.Clearly,manypeoplelikesnow.Comparedtopeopleencounteredheavyrainkilledthatday,asuccessionofsquallyrangoutunderthescorchingsunattheheartofthesuffering,Snowisajoy. Snowearly,often雪片littletoodense,suchaswindQingpiaoXu,withthewindblowingthefiercenessoftheattack,underthesnowofthemore,snowisalsogrowing,suchaswovenintoawhitenet,theheightofthefarWhatisinvisibleonthe[/b].LikecontinuousCurtain,直落ontotheground,areturntothelight.Fisher,Gaimantheroof,road,breakingthebranches,Subductionvariousobjectsappearance,blockedroadsandtransport,the雪片filledflytothewhiteworlddissolvedintoone.Ifyouarewalkingonthestreets,andsoon,itwillbecomealivingsnowman. Mountainsnowhasbeenblownin,astoencapsulatethisBengshanburiedthesmallroomslike.Xiaojiaotrees,snowcoverkepttothesmallroomsdown.Chawaiahillsideinthetrees,invertedfoldeddown.Hanrufearallbrokenvoiceflutterlike,toretreattothehorizon! Windincreasinglylarger.NaduoXiaoyunbecomeawhiteNongyungraduallyriseup,expanding,andgraduallycoveroverthesky.Comingfromunderthesnow.Suddenly,downfromthelargepiecesof雪片came.WuWuandroarofthewind,thestormcame.Aninstant,theDiabloskybecameafightwithXuehai,theallinvisible. Increasinglyfiercesnowstorm,thecolddays,thenoseandcheekDongdemorepowerful,morefrequentcoldairbottlestoskinjacket,theclothesneedtowrapatightermore.SledsometimesGuangliuliuLuluscrolledofftheicesurfacebecausethegroundsnowhavebeenblownaway.…e799bee5baa6e4b893e5b19e31333337376431…Iseemtofeelthatthereisastronglightshiningonthewhitewildernessgreatlybroadenthehorizon,lowandblackroofsuddenlydisappeared,onlytoseeinalldirectionsLuoxueFormationofaslashofwhite.……Inthewilderness,andthewindobduratetoallblowinginonedirection.……Right,left,everywherefailed,theambiguousgray.Iwouldliketofindtheeyesofthesamethingsfresh,butno:nosigns,notapileofhay,not一堵fence,andnothingcannotbeeverywhereisasnow.……Seemstobeachangeinwinddirection;whileblowinghead,goinglivefromtheeyesofsnowflakespaste;nextmomentfromthecoatcollarhatetoturnheads,andmakeamockeryof拿它Fumoofmyface;whilefrombehindbyWhatholeswhirringandyelling.……WhenIwantedtostandupandbodieswrappedsomemoreclosely,landedonthecollarandhatfromthesnowontheneck,slidingintotheLengdeItremble. Snowhasbeenchargedforacoupleofdays,justtostopthemorning,astrongsenseoftheinfinitefrozensolidificationofthesnowsurface.……Inthesnowunderneath,240VillageYanWozhaomine,itseemshasdisappeared.……Nofirehouse,andthestonesonthesamecold,notmeltingtilesonthethicklayerofsnow.Whiteplains,itisonlyapileoforeseemslikedeadvillages,castitsmortuarybodycloth. Snowhasbeenmadeaweekago.Wecansaythattotheendoftheworldis.Plainoccasionallytosee,itmakesourheartshaveathoroughunderstandingofice,thenthewholeplaceafailed,alliswhite,frozen,andthesameasinluminouspaint.WecansaythatGodisgoodpacketsoftheearth,senditpreparedtogobacktoPrehistoricWorld.Letmetellyou:。 2. 关于雪的英文句子:并翻译 (1)窗外飞舞着雪花,像千百只蝴蝶似的扑向窗玻璃,在玻璃上调皮地撞一下,又翩翩地飞向一旁 The flying snowflakes, like thousands of butterflies at the window glass, in glass by skin to hit, and flying to the side (2)晶莹的小雪花落在我的手掌心上,看上去是透明的,慢慢地,它融化了 The crystal snow flowers in my palm, seems to be transparent, slowly, it melts. 3. 找几句关于雪的英文句子 You belong to me My snow white queen, There"s nowhere to run, so lets just get it over, Soon I know you"ll see, You"re just like me,Don"t scream anymore my love, cause all I want is you 雨水打在脸上 我从那个世界回过神来 原来下的不是雪 我还是我 4. 关于描写下雪的英语短文 SNOW At dusk,the weather became colder while the sky was gray,and the cold wind was blowing strongly.It seemed that it was going to snow soon. A moment later,the snowflakes began to fall quietly.Soon the land before my eyes was all white,like a beautiful blanket.Then it snowed more and more heavily.The trees were all covered with white quilts.The whole city became a silver world. The next morning,it stopped snowing and cleared up.I went into the yard.Looking far away,I saw a beautiful silver white world.A group of children were playing happily.Some were throwing snowballs to each other,others were making a snowman.Snow seemed to bring us warm and wishes.Cold as it was,nobaby felt cold in the white world. I love snow,because it is pure white.It brings us hope and vigour. (中文) 雪黄昏,天气变冷,天空变成灰色,冷风强劲地吹着。似乎很快就要下雪了。 一会儿,雪花儿静静地飘落下来。很快眼前的大地变白了,像个美丽的毯子。然后,雪越下越大。树儿披上了厚厚的棉被。整个城市变成了银色的世界。 第二天早晨,雪停了,天气晴朗了。我走进院子里,远远望去,我看见了一个美丽的银白色的世界,一群孩子正在快活地做游戏。一些在互相掷雪球,其他的在堆雪人。雪似乎给我们带来了温暖和祝福。尽管天气很冷,但是没有人在这白色的世界中感觉到寒冷。 我喜爱雪,因为它的纯净。它带给我们希望和活力。 5. 关于雪的优美语句漫天飞舞的雪很美 也不知什么时候,雪纷纷扬扬,飘飘悠悠地从那令人神往的天空中飘落下来.那瑰丽的六角花瓣,烟一样轻,玉一样润,云一样白,悄悄落到大地上,为大地妈妈盖上了一层棉被.放眼望去,整个世界白茫茫的犹如一个童话般的冰雪王国.落光了叶子的树枝上挂满了亮晶晶的银条,房檐上挂上了水晶般的小冰笋,为房檐镶上了一道玲珑剔透的花边.天和地的界限并不那么清晰,都是白茫茫的.整个世界纤尘不染,晶莹如玉.一朵朵迷人的小雪花,像洁白的小天使一样清纯可爱,来自那令人向往而神奇的天空,千姿百态,美极妙极……。 6. 描写雪人的句子 冬天的一个晚上下起了鹅毛大雪,早晨,雪停了,房子、树都像披上了一层白纱.小红、小明和小刚在雪地里堆雪人.他们都穿上了羽绒服和靴子.他们七手八脚地堆了起来.首先,小刚和小红在堆雪人的身体,小明在堆雪人的头.这样,雪人外形就堆好了.然后,小刚跑到大树前,踮起脚尖儿,老半天才摘到一片树叶.小红蹲在地上捡起了几块石头.他们开始装扮雪人了.首先,用一片树叶当作雪人的嘴,用一根胡萝卜当雪人的鼻子,两颗石子儿当作雪人的眼睛,还剩下的石头当作雪人衣服上的纽扣,把围巾围在雪人的脖子上,把一把扫帚插在雪人的右手里.雪人堆好了,只见雪人胖乎乎的,它的眼睛炯炯有神,像两颗黑珍珠.鼻子红彤彤的,嘴巴正在对我笑呢!好像在说:“太谢谢你们了,把我打扮的那么漂亮!”三个小朋友沉浸在欢乐当中.冬天的早晨,我一推开门发现树枝上,汽车上到处都是雪.我跟妈妈说:“我跟小伙伴玩堆雪人好吗?”于是我跟小伙伴打电话.打好电话,小伙伴来了,我就出了门.我先滚了一个大雪球,我又滚了一个小雪球,再把小雪球放在大雪球的上面,把水桶当它的帽子,把树枝和扫帚当他的手,把纽扣当它的鼻子.我害怕它在外面会冷我把我的围巾围在它的脖子上.我同它玩了很久.。 7. 下雪了的英文作文简短不少于5句话 How time flies! 时光飞逝! This year"s first snow has come! 今年的第一场雪来了! It begins at 3 pm. this afternoon 下午3点开始。今天下午 It lasts till now. 它持续到现在。 You can see the snowflakes fall down onto the ground. 你可以看到雪花飘落在地上。 They soon appears because of the wenther 他们很快出现在wenther I think i can make s snowman tomorrow morning if it snows heavily 我想明天早上如果下雪的话我就可以堆雪人了 I love snow! 我喜欢下雪! I love winter! 我喜欢冬天! what about you? 你呢? 8. 描述冬天景色的英语句子 冬天容来易让人联想到的景色主要是白雪皑皑,雪飘漫天。 因此,描自述冬天景色的英语句子有如下例子:百 1. In the north the ground becomes very cold as the winter snowand ice covers the ground. 冬天冰雪覆盖大地,北方的地面变得非常寒冷 2. The flakes seem to fuse together and produce ice crystals. 雪花好像融度合在一起形成了冰晶。 3. The snow was light and noiseless as it floated down. 雪花轻盈飘落,知无声道无息。 4. The hills were salted with a light fall of snow. 薄薄一层雪花覆盖了山丘。 9. 关于雪花的个性英文短语 不知道楼主喜不喜欢, 介绍几句吸血鬼骑士里的 1、雪的白,让我想起了血的红(Snow white and reminds me of the red blood) 2、 雪对于我们来说,是转瞬而逝的存在(Snow for us, is the existence of a flash dies) 3、雪融化,会变成春天( Snow melts, will become a spring) 4、雪,冷到极致才温暖(Snow, extreme cold to warm until 10. 关于雪花的英语句子 只要你愿意,当你失落失意的时候,最需要一个肩膊的时候,告诉我,我会立即出现满天星云下,感到无边的落寞。 也许流星能体会。我期待,飘飘雪花的日子,你的心带来了一屡芬芳。 As long as you are willing, please let me know what I can do for you. When you are unhappy and want to cry on somebody"s shoulder, I will stand before you immediately. I feel so lonely under the sky full of stars and clouds. I expect your love will give me something sweet on a snowing day。.。
2023-07-23 11:30:531


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2023-07-23 11:31:093


De ar every leader: You are good! I am jiangxi normal college mathematics and computer science college mathematics professional graduates, after careful consideration to join your school. In the university three years, time in accordance with the "wide professional, the thickening foundation, strengthening ability, high quality" standard to exercise and develop, in continuous learning and practice to improve their comprehensive quality, and has the model himself as a professional skills solid, improving knowledge structure, a strong ability to adapt, abound cooperative person. I believe that the future society need is high quality talents, successful learners in the full understanding to the value of the book at the same time, should also realize that book without value. So Im learning besides, take an active part in all kinds of extracurricular activities, such as "computer society", "mathematical modeling", etc. All these activities are conducive to improve my own computer operation ability and group cooperation ability. In 2007 the second half semester in jiangxi province HuiChangXian second middle school education practice for more than a month, in the teaching and the teacher in charge works two aspects to get a good exercise, and mastery of the teaching of the basic requirements and methods to understand the teacher in charge work main contents and meaning, has the independent teaching work and the ability of teacher in charge work. During the internship performance, by the local teachers, leadership recognition, is the school was awarded "outstanding intern". In the teacher in charge management and communication and students benefit, to manage a class by ability not only, more important is the intention, there is intense emotion, as long as have the youthful vitality to better the work well. 仅供参考
2023-07-23 11:31:251


Lumos荧光闪烁 Nox 黑暗 Acciox 飞来咒 Aparecium 急急现形 Conjunctivitus Curse 眼疾咒 Deletrius消失无踪 Densaugeo 门牙赛大棒 Diffindo 四分五裂 Dissendium 左右分离 Eneruate 快快复苏 Expecto Patronum 呼神护卫 Expelliarmus 除你武器 Finite Incantatem 咒立停 Impedimenta 障碍重重 Incendio 火焰熊熊 Obliviate 一忘皆空 Petrificus Totalus 统统石化 Prior Incantatem 闪回前咒 Rictusempra 咧嘴呼啦啦 Riddikulus 滑稽滑稽 Reparo 修复如初 Wingardium Leviosa 羽加迪姆 勒维奥萨 Ferula 法瑞拉 Sonorus 声音洪亮 Locomotor Mortis 腿立僵停死 Tarantallegra塔朗泰舞 Imperturbable Charm 抗干扰咒 Occlumency 大脑封闭术 Hair-Thickening Charm 长毛咒 Disillusionment Charm 幻身咒 Animagi 阿尼玛格斯变形咒 Apparate 幻影现形 Disapparation 幻影移形 Flame-Freezing Charm 冰冻咒(巫师冰冻火焰) Permanent Sticking Charm 永久粘贴咒 Stealth Sensoring Spell 防盗感应咒 Flagrate 标记显现 Orchideous 兰花盛开 locomotor trunk 箱子移动 Avis 飞鸟群群 Engorgement Charm 膨胀咒 Quietus 无声无息 Pack 收拾 Imperuious 防水防湿 Dissendium 左右为难 Serpensortia 乌龙出洞 Waddiwasi 瓦迪瓦西 Reducto 粉身碎骨 Stupefy 昏昏倒地 Relashio 力松劲泻 Colloportus 快快禁锢 Protego 盔甲护身 Poine me 给我指路 Memory Charm 记忆修改咒 Levicorpus 倒挂金钟 Unforgivable Curses 不可饶恕咒: mperio夺魂咒 Crucio 钻心腕骨 Avada Kedavra阿瓦达索命 Morsmordre 尸骨再现 阿拉霍洞开Alohomora 幻身咒Disillusionment 闪回前咒Prior Incantato 羽加迪姆勒维奥萨Wingardium Leviosa 急急现形Apareciym 无声无息Quietus ###飞来Accio 滑稽滑稽Ridikuius 速速变大Enforgio 速速缩小Reducio 摄神取念Legilimens 荧光闪烁Lumos 诺克斯Nox 声音洪亮Sonorus 悄声细语Puierus 恢复如初Reparo 箱子移动Iocomotor trunk 给我指路Poine me 收拾Pack 清理一新Scourgify 火焰熊熊Incendio 防水防湿Imperuious 阿魏拉Ferula 飞来飞去Mobiliarbus 移形幻影Disapparation 驱逐麻瓜咒Muggle-Repelling Charm 左右为难Dissendium 兰花盛开Orchideous 飞鸟群群Avis 标记显现Flagrate 统统石化Petrificus Totalus 门牙赛大棒Densaugeo 火烤热辣辣Furnunculus 一忘皆空Obliviate 塔朗泰拉舞Tarantollegra 乌龙出洞Serpensortia 咧嘴呼啦啦Rictusempra 软腿咒Jelly-Legs Jinx 腿立僵停死Locomotoe Mortis 瓦迪瓦西Waddiwasi 粉身碎骨Reducto 昏昏倒地Stupefy 力松劲泻Relashio 四分五裂Diffindo 障碍重重Impedimento 呼神护繣xpecto Patronum 咒立停Fubute Ubcabtaten 快快复苏Enervate 快快禁锢Colloportus 盔甲护身Protego 魂魄出窍Lmperio 钻心剜骨Crucio 阿瓦达索命Avada Kedavra 尸骨再现Morsmordre 对我说话吧 斯莱特林——霍格沃茨四巨头中最伟大的一个 Speak to me Slytherin--Greatest of the Hogwarts Four (瀑布汗……) 父亲的骨 无意中捐出 可使你的儿子再生 Bone of the father unknowingly given you will renew your son 仆人的肉 自愿捐出 可使你的主人重生 Flesh of the servan willingly given you will revive your master 仇敌的血 被迫献出 可使你的敌人复活 Blood of the enemy forcibly taken you will resurrect your foe 1 开门:阿拉霍洞开 2 让物体飞起:羽加——迪姆——勒维——奥萨 3 像木板一样僵硬:统统——石化(全身束缚咒) 4 令对方失去手中武器:除你武器(机械魔咒) 5 咯吱魔咒:咧嘴呼啦啦 6 跳快步舞:塔朗泰拉舞 7 让所有施行的魔法取消:咒立停 8 变出黑蛇:乌龙出洞 9 使隐形物体显形:急急显形 10 照亮物体:荧光闪烁 11 失忆:一忘皆空 12 生火:火焰熊熊 13 让物体飞来:飞来飞去(飞来咒) 14 使声音巨响:声音洪亮 15 使声音微弱:悄声细语 16 变出黑魔标记:尸骨再现 17 使人昏倒:昏昏倒地 18 让昏迷的人醒来:快快复苏 19 回使前一个魔咒:闪回前咒 20 让魔法变出的东西消失:消隐无踪 21 使某一件被毁的东西恢复愿样:修复如初 22 使某物受自己的控制:魂魄出窍(夺魂咒) 23 使人痛苦不堪:钻心刻骨(钻心咒) 24 使人死去:阿瓦达索命(阿瓦达索命咒) 25 让脸上出现一个个大麻子:火烤热辣辣 26 让门牙变大:门牙赛大棒 27 让魔杖一头变出花:兰花盛开 28 让魔杖一头飞出小鸟:飞鸟群群 29 让某物分裂:四分五裂 30 喷出火花:为动松泻 31 拦阻袭击者:障碍重重(障碍咒) 32 炸毁固体障碍物:粉身碎骨(粉碎咒) 33 是魔杖指向正北:给我指路(定向咒) 34 在周身暂时形成一道无形的坚壁:(铁甲咒) 35 使下肢瘫软:(软腿咒) 36 吓退摄魂怪保护自己:呼神护卫(守护神魔咒) 37 弹开某物:瓦迪瓦西 38 下退博格特并让他变成头脑中所想的人物:滑稽滑稽 39 让某物瞬间换地方:幻影显形 40 用绷带包扎治疗:阿魏啦 41 让某人在瞬间转移位置:移形幻影 42 使两腿僵硬不能动:腿立僵停死(锁腿咒) (转贴——哈魔树) 飞来咒 Accio 把东西招来 急急现形 Aparecium 让隐形墨水显现 幻影移形 Apparate 让自己在瞬间移动到别的地方 阿拉霍洞开 Alobomora 打开某东西 蝙蝠精魔咒 Bat-Bogey Hexes 倒地 塔朗泰拉舞 Colloportus 使对手疯狂地跳起踢踏舞 眼急咒 Conjunctivtus Curse 损害视力 消隐无踪 Deletrius 使东西消失 门牙赛大棒 Densaugeo 使门牙失去控制地疯长 四分五裂 Diffindo 使东西撕裂或分开 左右分离 Dissendium 使东西打开 快快苏醒 Enervate 使东西变得有生气 消隐无踪 Evanesco 使某物体立刻不见踪影 呼神护卫 Expecto Patronum 变出一个守护神 除你武器 Expelliarmus 使对手解除武装 赤胆忠心魔咒 Fidelius Charm 将一桩秘密告诉另一个可信赖的人 咒立停 Finite Incantatem 结束其他咒语 障碍重重 Impedimenta 阻止某人或某物 火焰熊熊 Incendio 用飞路粉从壁炉到壁炉的旅行时使用 摄魂取念 Legilimens 进入别人大脑 荧光闪烁 Lumos 使魔杖发出亮光 一忘皆空 Obliviate 使人忘却 统统石化 Petrificus Totalus 使人无法动弹 盔甲护身 Protegos 可使自己不受侵害 快快禁锢 Protego 立刻锁上门且静音 永久粘贴咒 Permanent Sticking 把某东西永远粘在某个地方 闪回前咒 prior Incantate 再现魔杖施的前一个魔咒 咧嘴呼啦啦 Rictusempra 挠人痒痒 滑稽滑稽 Riddikulus 使某种东西变得荒唐可笑 粉身碎骨 Reducto 使对手粉身碎骨 修复如初 Reparo 把东西修好 无声无息 Sliencio 使自己做事没有声音 昏昏倒地 Stupefy 使对手立刻昏倒 清理一新 Scourgify 把某个地方清理干净 羽加迪姆 勒维奥萨 Wingardium Leviosa 使东西飞起来 钻心咒 Crucio 能给人带来极度痛苦 夺魂咒 Imperio 使受害者完全受巫师控制 阿瓦达索命咒 Avada Kedavra 置一个人于死地
2023-07-23 11:31:461


1, sliced pork or pork, add some cooking wine and starch salt 10 minutes constraints 2, the leftovers into the pot, together with a large number of water boiled with the fire in the fire after the turn 3, in that 10 minutes will be preserved after the cut to decorticating chips, vegetables and cut into pieces after a good washing article 4, Essence of Chicken with a bit of water to, chicken essence powder, if using this step is omitted 5, until rice grains to be more thick when dried and salted good Fasciolopsis Add pork, then Add chopped preserved 6, very fluffy when cooked thick porridge when Add chopped vegetables, salt, Essence, pepper uniform mixing 7, before the food taste better sprinkled some green onion. I am not green at home, and on the point spread of fried onion,people here are some of the scattering, even if it is do as the Romans do.
2023-07-23 11:32:054


原污泥(raw sludge):未经污泥处理的初沉淀污泥。二沉剩余污泥或两者的混合污泥。初沉污泥 (primary sludge):从初沉淀池排出的沉淀物。二沉污泥 (secondey sludge):从二次沉淀池(或沉淀区)排出的沉淀物。活性污泥(activated sludge):曝气池中繁殖的含有各种好氧微生物群体的絮状体。消化污泥 (digested sludge): 经过好氧消化或厌氧消化的污泥,所含有机物质浓度有一定程度的降低,并趋于稳定。回流污泥 (returned sludge):由二次沉淀(或沉淀区)分离出来,回流到曝气池的活性污泥。剩余污泥 (excess activated sludge):活性污泥系统中从二次沉淀池(或沉淀区)排出系统外的活性污泥。污泥气 (sludge gas): 在污泥厌氧消化时,有物分解所产生的气体,主要成分为甲烷和二氧化碳,并有少量的氢、氮和硫化氢。俗称沼气。 污泥消化 (sludge digestion):在氧或无氧的条件下,利用微生物的作用,使污泥中的有机物转化为较稳定物质的过程。好氧消化 (aerobic digestion):污泥经过较长时间的曝气,其中一部分有机物由好氧微生物进行降解和稳定的过程。厌氧消化 (anaerobic digestion): 在无氧条件下,污泥中的有机物由厌氧微生物进行降解和稳定的过程。中温消化 (mesophilic digestion):污泥在温度为33-53℃时进行的厌氧消化工艺。高温消化 (thermophilic digestion):污泥在温度为53-330℃进行的厌氧消化工艺。污泥浓缩(sludge thickening): 采用重力或气浮法降低污泥含水量,使污泥稠化的过程。污泥淘洗(elutriation of sludge):改善污泥脱水性能的一种污泥预处理方法。用清水或废水淘洗污泥,降低消化污泥碱度,节省污泥处理投药量,提高污泥过滤脱水效率。污泥脱水 (sludge dewatering):对浓缩污泥进一步去除一部分含水量的过程,一般指机械脱水。污泥真空过滤(sludge vacuum filtration): 利用真空使过滤介质一侧减压,造成介质两侧压差,将污泥水强制滤过介质的污泥脱水方法。污泥压滤 (sludge pressure filtration):采用正压过滤,使污泥水强制滤过介质的污泥脱水方法。污泥干化 (sludge drying): 通过渗滤或蒸发等作用,从污泥中去除大部分含水量的过程,一般指采用污泥干化场(床)等自蒸发设施或采用蒸汽、烟气、热油等热源的干化设施。污泥焚烧(sludge incineration):污泥处置的一种工艺。它利用焚烧炉将脱水污泥加温干燥,再用高温氧化污泥中的有机物,使污泥成为少量灰烬。 污泥处理前,首先要了解污泥的分类,才能确定污泥处理的方法:⒈自来水厂沉淀池或浓缩池排出的物化污泥处理污泥分类:属中细粒度有机与无机混合污泥,可压缩性能和脱水性能一般。⒉生活污水厂二沉池排出的剩余活性污泥处理污泥分类:属亲水性、微细粒度有机污泥,可压缩性能差,脱水性能差。⒊工业废水处理产生的经浓缩池排出的物化和生化混合污泥处理污泥分类:属中细粒度混合污泥,含纤维体的脱水性能较好,其余可压缩性能和脱水性能一般。⒋工业废水处理产生的经浓缩池排出的物理法和化学法产生的物化细粒度污泥处理污泥分类:属细粒度无机污泥,可压缩性能和脱水性能一般。⒌工业废水处理产生的物化沉淀粗粒度污泥处理污泥分类:属粗粒度疏水性无机污泥,可压缩性能和脱水性能很好。
2023-07-23 11:32:121


Both sides of the hanging table surface thickening 0.03mm重点词汇释义两边both sides; both directions; both parties加厚thickening; intensification; bodiness; buildup
2023-07-23 11:32:371

All Around Me 歌词

歌曲名:All Around Me歌手:Flyleaf专辑:now that"s what i call music! 28Flyleaf - All Around MeBY Larry Cheng & Kevin BoulMy hands are searching for youMy arms are outstretched towards youI feel you on my fingertipsMy tongue dances behind my lips for youThis fire rising through my beingBurning I"m not used to seeing youI"m alive, I"m aliveI can feel you all around meThickening the air I"m breathingHolding on to what I"m feelingSavoring this heart that"s healingMy hands float up above meAnd you whisper you love meAnd I begin to fadeInto our secret placeThe music makes me swayThe angels singing say we are alone with youI am alone and they are too with youI"m alive, I"m aliveI can feel you all around meThickening the air I"m breathingHolding on to what I"m feelingSavoring this heart that"s healingAnd so I cryThe light is whiteAnd I see youI"m alive, I"m alive, I"m aliveI can feel you all around meThickening the air I"m breathingHolding on to what I"m feelingSavoring this heart that"s healingTake my handI give it to youNow you own meAll I amYou said you would never leave meI believe youI believeI can feel you all around meThickening the air I"m breathingHolding on to what I"m feelingSavoring this heart that"s healed
2023-07-23 11:32:441


2023-07-23 11:32:553


A飞来咒 Summoning Charms:飞来/飞来飞去 Accio 把东西招来 如Accio Dicitionary 字典飞来,还有 火弩箭飞来。奖杯飞来。急急现形 Aparecium 让隐形墨水显现,对活点地图是个例外幻影移形 Apparate 让自己在瞬间移动到别的地方反幻影移形咒 Anti-Disapparation Jinx清水如泉 Aguamenti 扑灭小火安咳消 Anapneo阿尼玛格斯咒 Animagi 巫师将自己变成动物的魔法。飞鸟群群 Avis 施咒的魔杖尖端会飞出一大群吱吱喳喳的小鸟阿拉霍洞开咒:阿拉霍洞开 Alohomora 打开某东西B蝙蝠精魔咒 Bat-Bogey Hexes 倒地驱逐咒 Banishing Charm毒咒:泡头咒 Bubble-Head CharmC毒咒:塔朗泰拉舞 Colloportus 使对手疯狂地跳起踢踏变色咒 Color Change快快禁锢 Colloportus 哈利波特5中,赫敏为了抵抗追兵,想封住一扇门时所使用的咒语,举凡罐子或可以密封的东西都可以使用这个咒语。混淆咒 Confundus Charm眼疾咒 Conjunctivitus Curse 损害视力D消隐无踪 Deletrius 使东西消失 使烟雾消散毒咒:门牙赛大棒 Densaugeo 使门牙失去控制地疯长,有解咒,赫敏用其使门牙长短正好四分五裂 Diffindo 使东西撕裂或分开左右分离 Dissendium消影术 disapparation 巫师旅行的方式之一,可以瞬间从一个地方消失移动到另一个地方。幻身咒 Disillusion Charm 这个咒语可以达到像『隐形斗篷』一样的效果,但有时斗篷会有遮盖不严的问题,而这个咒语却可以让人完全隐藏起来。被施了咒语的人,会有股冰冷的液体从魔杖敲击的地方淌下来流遍全身,使得身体出现和背景一样的色彩与纹路,但没有隐形,只是好象变成了一个人形变色龙。左右分离 Dissendium 使东西打开,哈利用来移动雕像的咒语。E快快苏醒 Enervate 使东西变得有生气速速变大 Engorgio (速速缩小 Reducio 被施了咒语的动物或人身体会瞬间缩小。)消隐无踪 Evanesco 使某物体立刻不见踪影暴食咒 (膨胀咒) Engorgement Charm 海格用来使番瓜加速长大的咒语。复苏咒:快快复苏 Ennervate 用于解救被昏击咒击中的巫师。愈合如初 Episkey呼神护卫 Expecto Patronum 变出一个守护神掏肠咒 Entrail-expelling Curse缴械咒:除你武器 Expelliarmus (缴械咒 Disarming Spell) :除你器 Expelliarmus 使对手解除武装F包扎咒:阿魏拉 Ferula 卢平固定罗恩断腿时所使用的咒语全身束缚咒 Full Body-Bind毒咒:火烤热辣辣 Funnunculus赤胆忠心魔咒 Fidelius Charm 将一桩秘密告诉另一个可信赖的人标记显现 Flagrate 它可以在物体上点燃,燃烧出想要的形状,以做为标记或是攻击之用。冻火咒 Flame-Freezing Charm 从前巫师被处以火刑时会使用,火焰只会对巫师产生轻微的酥麻感,并不会伤害他们。毒咒:定向咒 Four-Point Spell咒立停 Finite Incantatem 结束其他咒Furnunculus Curse 被咒语击中,皮肤上会马上出现一个个又大又难看的疔疮G生长咒 Growth CharmH毒咒:浓毛咒 Hair-Thickening Charm 这个咒语可以使毛发变得又浓又密I不动咒 Imperturbable Charm 这可是一个很好用的咒语,如果你不想被人窃听或是侵入,只要使用不动咒,就可以轻易避免针孔摄影机的危害。防水防湿 Impervius 主要针对哈利的眼镜夺魂咒 Imperius Curse: 魂魄出窍 Imperio障碍重重 Impedimenta 阻止某人或某物抗扰咒 Imperturbable Charm火焰熊熊 Incendio 用飞路粉从壁炉到壁炉的旅行时使用J果酱腿恶咒 Jelly-Legs Jinx 中咒的巫师即刻变为软脚虾L毒咒:锁舌封喉 Langlock 使人不能讲话毒咒:倒挂金钟 Levicorpus 使人大头朝下悬浮在空中毒咒:金钟落地 Liberacorpus 解咒-摔下来摄神取念咒 Legilimency 摄神取念 :Legilimens 进入别人大脑锁腿咒:腿立僵停死 Locomotor Morts箱子移动 Locomotor Trunks 《哈5》里,变形师帮哈利整理行李,并使用这个咒语,让行李箱飞起来,浮在离地几英尺的半空中,并驱使它前进。荧光闪烁 Lumos 使魔杖头发出亮光 (诺克斯 Nox 熄灭魔杖光芒的咒语)MMobilicorpus 使不能够自己行走的人移动的咒语尸骨再现 Mormsordre 召唤黑魔标记的咒语。闭耳塞听 Muffliato驱逐麻瓜咒 Muggle Repelling Charms 当麻瓜误入魔法世界时所用的驱逐咒语。遗忘咒 Memory Charm :一忘皆空 Obliviate 消除记忆N诺克斯 Nox 熄灭魔杖光芒的咒语。铁甲咒 Shield Charm: 盔甲护身 Protego 可使自己不受侵害O遗忘咒:一忘皆空 Obliviate锁心术 Occlumency 一种保护心智不受外界侵入的魔法防御,虽然是非常冷僻的一门魔法,但是极为有用。兰花盛开 Orchideous 魔杖尖端会迸出一束花,就像变魔术一样。P全身束缚咒:统统石化 Petrificus Totalus 使人无法动弹,被施咒的人会全身僵硬地像一块木板。定向咒:给我指路 Point Me快快禁锢 Protego 立刻锁上门且静音门托斯 Portus永久粘贴咒 Permanent Sticking 把某东西永远粘在某个地方变化咒 Protean CharmQ悄声细语 Quietus 使噪音突然消音的咒语R速速缩小 Reducio 被施了咒语的动物或人身体会瞬间缩小力松劲泄 Relashio 使魔杖射出火花,使对方退后的咒语。重放咒/闪回咒 Reverse Spell 闪回前咒 Prior Incantato 再现魔杖施的前一个魔咒滑稽滑稽 Riddikulus 对付博格特粉碎咒 Reductor Curse 粉身碎骨: Reducto 使对手粉身碎骨消除咒 Reducto 将挡路的固体物炸开的咒语。但只能消除固体物。修复如初 Reparo 把东西修好,修复损坏物品的咒语毒咒:胳吱魔咒 Tickling Charm :咧嘴呼啦啦 Rictusempra 会使魔杖发出银色的光芒攻击敌人,挠人痒痒,让对方笑得无法动弹 。S乌龙出洞 Serpensortia 驱使蛇去攻击人的咒语。除垢咒 Scouring Charm :清理一新 Scourgify神锋无影 Sectumsempra切割咒 Severing Charm无声无息 Silencio 使自己做事没有声声音洪亮 Sonorus 代替麦克风,让喉咙变成广播扬声器的咒语。原形立现 Specialis Revelio防盗咒 Stealth Sensoring Spell 只要学会了这个咒语,就可以在住家或办公室布下天罗地网,一旦有人闯入,你会第一时间得到通知。蛰人咒 Stinking Hex昏迷咒 Stunning Spells :昏昏倒地 Stupefy 使对手立刻昏倒,这咒语能使魔杖激射出一道红光,被击中的话会使人僵立,并一动也不动的失去意识,但是遇到像爆尾钉虾这样的大型生物,就不一定有用了。清理一新 Scourgify 把某个地方清理干净转换咒 Switching SpellT塔朗泰拉舞 Tarantallegra 让别人的双腿不由自主乱跳旋风扫尽 Tergeo绊腿咒 Trip JinxU牢固咒 Unbreakable CharmW瓦西瓦迪 Waddiwasi 让魔杖射出像子弹一样的东西。飘浮咒 :羽加迪姆 勒维奥萨 Wingardium Leviosa 使东西飞起来,第一部中赫敏让羽毛飞起不可饶恕咒:不可饶恕咒 Unforgivable Curses 钻心咒、夺魂咒、Avada索命咒,统称为"不可饶恕咒"。"不可饶恕"是非法的黑魔咒,只要使用其中之一,就足以被关进阿兹卡班监禁。*钻心咒 Cruciatus Curse :钻心剜骨 Crucio 能给人带来极度痛苦,极可怕的肉体折磨,被酷刑咒击中会激烈的抽搐、痉挛,痛不欲生。*夺魂咒:魂魄出窍 Imperio 使受害者完全受巫师控制 被施咒的巫师会做出许多稀奇古怪的行径,行动被控制不由自己。但蛮横咒还是有破解的方式,要集中注意力及毅力对抗脑袋中的声音,就可能成功。*阿瓦达索命咒 Avada Kedavra 置一个人于死地,需要强大法力才能施展的咒语。魔杖会射出炫目的绿光,被击中就会立即毙命,完全没有任何解咒术可以破解。只有一个人曾在这个咒语下死里逃生——哈利u2022波特。
2023-07-23 11:33:211

《哈利波特》中,呼神守卫 钻心咒 索命咒 统统石化 用英语怎么讲?

2023-07-23 11:33:312


呵呵。。Cure,好早的回忆了Closedown I"m running out of timeI"m out of step and closing downAnd never sleep for wanting hoursThe empty hours of greed and uselesslyAlways the need to feel againThe real belief of something more than mockeryIf only i could fill my heart with love Disintegration Oh i miss the kiss of treachery the shamelessKiss of vanity the soft and the black and theVelvety up tight against the side of me andMouth and eyes and heart all bleed and run inThickening streams of greed as bit by bit itStarts the need to just let go my party pieceOh i miss the kiss of treachery the aching kissBefore i feed the stench of a love for a youngerMeat and the sound that it makes when it cutsIn deep the holding up on bended knees theAddiction of duplicities as bit by bit it startsThe need to just let go my party pieceBut i never said i would stay to the end so iLeave you with babies and hoping for frequencyScreaming like this in the hope of the secrecyScreaming me over and over and over i leaveYou with photographs pictures of trickeryStains on the carpet and stains on the scenerySongs about happiness murmured in dreamsWhen we both us knew how the ending wouldBe...So it"s all come back round to breaking apartAgain breking apart like i"m made up of glassAgain making it up behind my back againHolding my breath for the fear of sleep againHolding it up behind my head again cut in deepTo the heart of the bone again round and roundAnd round and it"s coming apart again over andOver and overNow that i know that i"m breaking to piecesI"ll pull out my heart and i"ll feed it to anyoneCrying for sympathyCrocodile cry for the love of the crowd and the three cheers from everyoneDropping through sky through the glass of the roof through the roof of your mouthThrough the mouth of your eye through the eyeOf the needle it"s easier for me to get closer toHeaven than ever feel whole againI never said i would stay to the end i knewI would leave you with babies and everythingScreaming like this in the hole of sincerityScreaming me over and over and over i leaveYou with photographs pictues of trickeryStains on the carpet and stains on the memorySongs about happiness murmured in dreams whenBoth of us knew how the end always is...How the end always is... Fascination Street Oh it"s opening timeDown on fascination streetSo let"s cut the conversationAnd get out for a bitBecause i feel it all fading and palingAnd i"m begging to drag you down with meTo kick the last nail inYeah i like you in that like i like you to screamBut if you open your mouth then i cant be responsible forQuite what goes in or to care what comes outSo just pull on your hairJust pull on your poutAnd let"s move to the beatLike we know that it"s overIf you slip going underSlip over my shoulderSo just pull on your faceJust pull on your feetAnd let"s hit opening timeDown on fascination streetSo pull on your hairPull on your poutCut the conversation just open your mouthPull on your face pull on your feetAnd let"s hit opening timeDown on fascination street Homesick Hey hey! just one more and i"ll walk awayAll the everything you win turns to nothing todayAnd i forget when to move when my mouth is thisDry and my eyes are bursting hearts in a blood-stained skyOh it was sweet it was wild and oh how we...I trembled stuck in honeyHoney cling to me so just one more just one moreGo inspire in me the desire in me to never go homeOh just one more and i"ll walk awayAll the everything you win turns to nothing todaySo just one more just one more go inspire in meThe desire in me to never go home Last Dance I"m so glad you came i"m so gladYou remembered to see how we"re ending our lastDance together expectant too puctual butPrettier than ever i really believed that this timeIt"s foreverBut older than me now more constant more realAnd the fur and the mouth and the innocenceTurned to hair and contentment that hangs inAbesement a woman now standing where onceThere was only a girlI"m so glad you came i"m so glad youRemembered the walking through walls in theHeart of december the blindness of happinessOf falling down laughing and i really believedThat this time was foreverBut christmas falls late now flatter and colderAnd never as bright as when we used to fall allThis in an instant before i can kiss you a womanNow standing were once there was only a girlI"m so glad that you came i"m so glad youRemembered to see how we"re ending our lastDance together reluctantly cautiously butPrettier than ever i really beleived that this timeIt"s foreverBut christmas falls late now flatter and colderAnd never as bright as when we used to fall andEven if we drink i don"t think we would kiss inThe way that we did when the woman was only aGirl Lovesong Whenever i"m alone with you you make me feelLike i am home again whenever i"m alone withYou you make me feel like i am whole againWhenever i"m alone with you you make me feelLike i am young again whenever i"m alone withYou you make me feel like i am fun againHowever far away i will always love you howeverLong i stay i will always love you whateverWords i say i will always love you i will alwaysLove youWhenever i"m alone with you you make me feelLike i am free again whenever i"m alone withYou you make me feel like i am clean againHowever far away i will always love you howeverLong i stay i will always love you whateverWords i say i will always love you i will alwaysLove you Lullaby On candystripe legs spiderman comesSoftly through the shadow of the evening sunStealing past the windows of the blissfully deadLooking for the victim shivering in bedSearching out fear in the gathering gloom andSuddenly! a movement in the corner of theRoom! and there is nothing i can do when iRealise with freight that the spiderman is havingMe for dinner tonightQuietly he laughs and shaking his head creepsCloser now closer to the foot of the bed andSofter than shadow and quicker than flies hisArms are all around me and his tongue in myEyes "be still be calm be quiet now my preciousBoy don"t struggle like that or i will only loveYou more for it"s much too late to get away orTurn on the light the spiderman is having youFor dinner tonight"And i feel like i"m being eaten by a thousandMillion shivering furry holes and i know that inThe morning i will wake up in the shivering coldAnd the spiderman is always hungry... Pictures Of You I"ve been looking so long at thesePictures ofYou that i almost beleive that they"re real i"veBeen living so long with my pictures of you thatI almost believe that the pictures are all i canFeelRemembering you standing quiet in the rain asI ran to your heart to be near and we kissed asThe sky fell in holding you close how i alwaysHeld close in your fear remembering youRunning soft through the night you were biggerAnd brighter and wider than snow andScreamed at the make-believe screamed at theSky and you finally found all your courage toLet it all goRemembering you fallen into my arms cryingFor the death of your heart you were stoneWhite so delicate lost in the cold you wereAlways so lost in the dark remembering youHow you used to be slow drowned you wereAngels so much more than everything oh holdFor the last time then slip away quietly openMy eyes but i never see anythingIf only i had thought of the right words i couldHave hold on to your heart if only i"d thought ofThe right words i wouldn"t be breaking apart allMy pictures of youLooking so long at these pictures of you but iNever hold on to your heart looking so long forThe words to be true but always just breakingApart my pictures of youThere was nothing in the world that i everWanted more than to feel you deep in my heartThere was nothing in the world that i everWanted more than to never feel the breakingApart all my pictures of you Plainsong "i think it"s dark and it looks like rain" you said"and the wind is blowing like it"s the end of theWorld" you said "and it"s so cold it"s like theCold if you were dead" and then you smiled forA second."i think i"m old and i"m in pain" you said"and it"s all running out like it"s the end of theWorld" you said "and it"s so cold it"s like theCold if you were dead" and then you smiled forA secondSometimes you make me feel like i"m living atThe edge of the world like i"m living at the edgeOf the world "it"s just the way i smile" you said Prayers For Rain You shatter me your grip on me a hold on meSo dull it kills you stifle me infectious sense ofHopelessness and prayers for rain i suffocate iBreathe in dirt and nowhere shines but desolateAnd drab the hours all spent on killing timeAgain all waiting for the rainYou fracture me your hands on me a touch soPlain so stale it kills you strangle me entangleMe in hopelessness and prayers for rain iDeteriorate i live in dirt and nowhere glows butDrearily and tired the hours all spent on killingTime again all waiting for the rain The Same Deep Water As You Kiss me goodbyePushing out before i sleepCan"t you see i trySwimming the same deep water as you is hard"the shallow drowned lose less than we"You breathe the strangest twist upon your lips"and we shall be together...""kiss me goodbye bow your head and join with me"And face pushed deep reflections meetThe strangest twist upon your lips and dissapearThe ripples clear and laughing breakAgainst your feet and laughing break the mirror sweet"so we shall be together...""kiss me goodbye" pushing out before i sleepIt"s lower now and slower now the strangestTwist upon your lips but i don"t see and i dontFeel but tightly hold up silently my handsBefore my fading eyes and in my eyes yourSmile the very last thing before i go...I will kiss you i will kiss you i will kiss youForever on nights like this i will kiss you i willKiss you and we shall be together... Untitled Hopelessly adrift in the eyes of the ghost againDown on my knees and my hands in the air againPushing my face in the memory of you againBut i never know if it"s real never know how iWanted to feel never quite said what i wantedTo say to you never quite managed the words toExplain to you never quite knew how to makeThem beleivable and now the time has goneAnother time undone hopelessly fighting theDevil futility feeling the monster climb deeperInside of me feeling him gnawing my heart awayHungrily i"ll never lose this pain never dream of you again
2023-07-23 11:33:531


2023-07-23 11:34:042


2023-07-23 11:34:122

Harry·Poter中的各种咒语 要中英配对 有中文谐音 有音标最好 三个不可饶恕咒一定要

2023-07-23 11:34:202


2023-07-23 11:34:306


开门咒:阿拉霍洞开 全身束缚咒:统统石化机械咒:除你武器咯吱咒:咧嘴呼啦啦 跳快步舞:塔朗泰拉舞 让所有施行的魔法取消:咒立停 变出黑蛇:乌龙出洞 使隐形物体显形:急急显形 照亮物体:荧光闪烁 失忆:一忘皆空 生火:火焰熊熊 飞来咒:飞来飞去 使音巨响:声音洪亮 使声音微弱:悄声细语 变出黑魔标记:尸骨再现 使人昏倒:昏昏倒地 让昏迷的人醒来:快快复苏 回使前一个魔咒:闪回咒 让魔法变出的东西消失:消隐无踪 使某一件被毁的东西恢复愿样:修复如初 夺魂咒 :魂魄出窍钻心咒:钻心刻骨 阿瓦达索命咒:阿瓦达索命 让脸上出现一个个大麻子:火烤热辣辣 让门牙变大:门牙赛大棒 让魔杖一头变出花:兰花盛开 让魔杖一头飞出小鸟:飞鸟群群 让某物分裂:四分五裂 喷出火花:为动松泻 障碍重重:障碍咒粉碎咒:粉身碎骨 定向咒:给我指路 在周身暂时形成一道无形的坚壁:(铁甲咒) 使下肢瘫软:(软腿咒) 吓退摄魂怪保护自己:呼神护卫(守护神魔咒) 弹开某物:瓦迪瓦西 下退博格特并让他变成头脑中所想的人物:滑稽滑稽 让某物瞬间换地方:幻影显形 用绷带包扎治疗:阿魏啦 让某人在瞬间转移位置:移形幻影 使两腿僵硬不能动:腿立僵停死(锁腿咒) 我只知道这些了
2023-07-23 11:34:574

英语高手帮翻译一篇英文文献 跪谢!!

2023-07-23 11:35:252


2023-07-23 11:35:368


2023-07-23 11:35:536


Hair Plugs For Women to Treat Bald Spots,women"s wholesale clothingHair plugs,korean fashion wholesale, also known as hair grafts, implants, or transplants have been around for over fifty years to treat thinning hair. Initially, these surgeries did not work that well, but plastic surgeons have improved their technique in recent years.Today surgeons use follicular unit transplantation. This method takes hair follicles from areas with thick hair that contain healthy hair growth, and grafts the tissue onto parts of the scalp with thinning hair. In past times transplants looked like cornfields, but with improved techniques, transplants now look very natural. In most cases the hair that is transplanted matches the surrounding hair perfectly.Two types of hair plug surgery exist. In the first, the plastic surgeon removes a plug of tissue containing one to four follicles, which are then transplanted to the thinning area. The primary disadvantage of this method is it requires more time. Only 500 follicles can be done in a session, and the person may have to visit the surgeon several times to have a complete restoration.The other method removes a swatch of scalp containing many follicles, which are then separated and transplanted individually. The second method requires stitches and leaves a visible scar. The individual must wear their hair longer to cover the mark.Transplants for men have become fairly common and successful. However, transplants are not always a viable alternative for women. Male pattern baldness is an inheritable condition for men and women called androgenic alopecia, but behaves differently in men and women.In men this condition manifests itself with isolated patches of baldness around the front hairline and crown. The hair on the sides and back of the head remains thick, and suitable for using in a transplant.Unfortunately with women, the hair loss is not localized. Instead, the hair thins all over the scalp. This leaves little material to use for hair plugs for women. In some cases plugs can be used from other areas on the body, but this changes the individuals appearance. These plugs can be used for thickening, but they can"t be used for bald areas.In addition to androgenic alopecia, women may also loose their hair for other reasons. Anemia and thyroid problems can cause hair problems. If these conditions exist, they must be treated prior to any hair loss treatment. Menopause can also cause hair loss, and women may need to go on a hormone treatment before getting hair plugs.Hair plug technology has made several advances, and the success rate has improved. Many men have had successful hair restoration with this method. Hair plugs for females are also successful, but used less often. The problem for women lies in finding good donor sites from which to get the transplant follicles.
2023-07-23 11:36:122


1. 描写雪的英语的优美句子 Description snow good sentence: 1) snow, the snow like Xu general, as general Luhua snow, the snow like dandelion general dance in the air, blown by the wind. 2) the air, the glistening snow-like lightweight butterfly in Dance. 3) overnight snow, the roof of city plot has a thickness of snow, stood on the flat-topped tower Wangchuqu, like rolling snow-capped mountains. 4) along highways, sidewalks snow has melted, only the roofs of back-also left Canxue, like wearing a small white top hat. 5) Air was showing a fluttering snowflakes, small white feathers, like the pear Chuila petals, in-yo. 6) Small snowflakes fluttering in the gentle sounds of the long left behind. Gradually, the small snowflakes changed in a big way, thickening, and crowded. 7) a round, a fall Chuochuo the Xuefei, like countless Chesui a cotton ball rolling down from the sky. 8) window with snowflakes dancing in the sky, just like hundreds of butterflies like toward the window panes, glass and hit some mischievous, Pianpian flying toward the side. 9) glistening snow Whispering in my Shouzhangxin, appears to be transparent, and gradually, it melted. 10) snow, the first on the small Duo Duo snowflakes, as gently fluttering Xu then the heavier, a while Jinshi a while. 11) snow finally stopped, a vast field of white, buildings, mountains covered by snow. Paragraph: "Snow!" Children of the snow as good news to report. The people will lay down their hands could not live, come to the front of the windows, ornamental nature of the gift - snow. Especially in the South, Snow difficult intake, many families regardless of cold, snow seize the opportunity to shoot in the snow-Carnival, in a Snow Memorial. Children are busy with formation of snowman, pinch snowball, Daxuezhang. Clearly, many people like snow. Compared to people encountered heavy rain killed that day, a succession of squally rang out under the scorching sun at the heart of the suffering, Snow is a joy. Snow early, often雪片little too dense, such as wind Qingpiao Xu, with the wind blowing the fierceness of the attack, under the snow of the more, snow is also growing, such as woven into a white net, the height of the far What is invisible on the [/ b]. Like continuous Curtain,直落onto the ground, a return to the light. Fisher, Gaiman the roof, road, breaking the branches, Subduction various objects appearance, blocked roads and transport, the雪片filled fly to the white world dissolved into one. If you are walking on the streets, and soon, it will become a living snowman. Mountain snow has been blown in, as to encapsulate this Bengshan buried the small rooms like. Xiaojiao trees, snow cover kept to the small rooms down. Chawai a hillside in the trees, inverted folded down. Hanru fear all broken voice flutter like, to retreat to the horizon! Wind increasingly larger. Naduo Xiaoyun become a white Nongyun gradually rise up, expanding, and gradually cover over the sky. Coming from under the snow. Suddenly, down from the large pieces of雪片came. Wu Wu and roar of the wind, the storm came. An instant, the Diablo sky became a fight with Xuehai, the all invisible. Increasingly fierce snowstorm, the cold days, the nose and cheek Dongde more powerful, more frequent cold air bottles to skin jacket, the clothes need to wrap a tighter more. Sled sometimes Guangliuliu Lulu scrolled off the ice surface because the ground snow have been blown away. …… I seem to feel that there is a strong light shining on the white wilderness greatly broaden the horizon, low and black roof suddenly disappeared, only to see in all directions Luoxue Formation of a slash of white. …… In the wilderness, and the wind obdurate to all blowing in one direction. …… Right, left, everywhere failed, the ambiguous gray. I would like to find the eyes of the same things fresh, but no: no signs, not a pile of hay, not一堵fence, and nothing can not be everywhere is a snow. …… Seems to be a change in wind direction; while blowing head, going live from the eyes of snowflakes paste; next moment from the coat collar hate to turn heads, and make a mockery of拿它Fumo of my face; while from behind by What holes whirring and yelling. …… When I wanted to stand up and bodies wrapped some more closely, landed on the collar and hat from the snow on the neck, sliding into the Lengde I tremble. Snow has been charged for a couple of days, just to stop the morning, a strong sense of the infinite frozen solidification of the snow surface. …… In the snow underneath, 240 Village Yan Wozhao mine, it seems has disappeared. …… No fire house, and the stones on the same cold, not melting tiles on the thick layer of snow。 2. 找几句关于雪的英文句子 You belong to me My snow white queen, There"s nowhere to run, so lets just get it over, Soon I know you"ll see, You"re just like me,Don"t scream anymore my love, cause all I want is you 雨水打在脸上 我从那个世界回过神来 原来下的不是雪 我还是我 3. 关于雪的英文句子:并翻译 (1)窗外飞舞着雪花,像千百只蝴蝶似的扑向窗玻璃,在玻璃上调皮地撞一下,又翩翩地飞向一旁 The flying snowflakes, like thousands of butterflies at the window glass, in glass by skin to hit, and flying to the side (2)晶莹的小雪花落在我的手掌心上,看上去是透明的,慢慢地,它融化了 The crystal snow flowers in my palm, seems to be transparent, slowly, it melts. 4. 描述冬天景色的英语句子 冬天容来易让人联想到的景色主要是白雪皑皑,雪飘漫天。 因此,描自述冬天景色的英语句子有如下例子:百 1. In the north the ground becomes very cold as the winter snowand ice covers the ground. 冬天冰雪覆盖大地,北方的地面变得非常寒冷 2. The flakes seem to fuse together and produce ice crystals. 雪花好像融度合在一起形成了冰晶。 3. The snow was light and noiseless as it floated down. 雪花轻盈飘落,知无声道无息。 4. The hills were salted with a light fall of snow. 薄薄一层雪花覆盖了山丘。 5. 关于雪花的个性英文短语 不知道楼主喜不喜欢, 介绍几句吸血鬼骑士里的 1、雪的白,让我想起了血的红(Snow white and reminds me of the red blood) 2、 雪对于我们来说,是转瞬而逝的存在(Snow for us, is the existence of a flash dies) 3、雪融化,会变成春天( Snow melts, will become a spring) 4、雪,冷到极致才温暖(Snow, extreme cold to warm until 6. 关于描写下雪的英语短文 SNOW At dusk,the weather became colder while the sky was gray,and the cold wind was blowing strongly.It seemed that it was going to snow soon. A moment later,the snowflakes began to fall quietly.Soon the land before my eyes was all white,like a beautiful blanket.Then it snowed more and more heavily.The trees were all covered with white quilts.The whole city became a silver world. The next morning,it stopped snowing and cleared up.I went into the yard.Looking far away,I saw a beautiful silver white world.A group of children were playing happily.Some were throwing snowballs to each other,others were making a snowman.Snow seemed to bring us warm and wishes.Cold as it was,nobaby felt cold in the white world. I love snow,because it is pure white.It brings us hope and vigour. (中文) 雪黄昏,天气变冷,天空变成灰色,冷风强劲地吹着。似乎很快就要下雪了。 一会儿,雪花儿静静地飘落下来。很快眼前的大地变白了,像个美丽的毯子。然后,雪越下越大。树儿披上了厚厚的棉被。整个城市变成了银色的世界。 第二天早晨,雪停了,天气晴朗了。我走进院子里,远远望去,我看见了一个美丽的银白色的世界,一群孩子正在快活地做游戏。一些在互相掷雪球,其他的在堆雪人。雪似乎给我们带来了温暖和祝福。尽管天气很冷,但是没有人在这白色的世界中感觉到寒冷。 我喜爱雪,因为它的纯净。它带给我们希望和活力。 7. 描写雪的英语作文 我上初中,水平也不怎么地,不过不会有语法错误的。不过120个词有点多额……所以你就凑合着看吧。 原文: My favourite season is winter.Because I can see snow in winter.It is white and beautiful.When it snows,I always play with my friends.Sometimes we make a snowman in front of my house.Then we run around the snowman and sing songs about snow.How happy we are!And how nice the snow is!This winter I saw the snow again.All the house became white.All the trees became white,too,How beautiful the world is! I like snow very much.So I hope I can see snow every winter.Which season do you like best?Is it winter?Do you like snow,either? 译文: 我最喜欢的季节是冬天。因为我能够在冬天看到雪。它是白色的并且很美。当下雪的时候,我总是和我的朋友一起玩。有时候我们在我家前堆雪人。然后我们绕着雪人跑并且唱着关于雪的歌。我们多么开心啊!那雪多么漂亮啊!这个冬天我又看见雪了。所有的房子都变成了白色。所有的树也都变白了。整个世界多么美丽! 我非常喜欢雪。所以我希望每个冬天都能看见雪。你最喜欢哪个季节呢?是冬天吗?你也喜欢雪吗? 我一字一句打的啊,LZ记得选我啊。 8. 描写雪的英文诗 Edelweiss(雪绒花) 歌词:Edelweiss, edelweiss Every morning you greet me Small and white Clean and bright You look happy to meet me Blossom of snow May you bloom and grow Bloom and grow forever Edelweiss, edelweiss Bless my homeland forever Small and white Clean and bright You look happy to meet me Blossom of snow May you bloom and grow Bloom and grow forever Edelweiss, edelweiss Bless my homeland forever 9. 写雪的英语小诗 至少不少于6句 我觉得《雪绒花》的歌词挺合适 Edelweiss, edelweiss, Every morning you greet me. Small and white, Clean and bright, You look happy to meet me. Blossom of snow, May you bloom and grow, Bloom and grow forever. Edelweiss, edelweiss, Bless my homeland forever. Small and white, Clean and bright, You look happy to meet me. Blossom of snow May you bloom and grow, Bloom and grow forever. Edelweiss, edelweiss, Bless my homeland forever.。
2023-07-23 11:36:321

harry potter里所有咒语读法

wingardium leviosa
2023-07-23 11:36:434

东坡肉食谱 (要英文version)

图片参考:.yimg/i/icon/16/1 Dongpo Pork 东坡肉 图片参考:opensourcefood/shared/images/recipe_files/thumbs/o-31092186a39267291a89d5fc3dd73807wenwenzz_p1070538_1 The Ingredients 600g pork belly 1 tbsp light soy sauce 3 cups oil for deep frying 2 stalks spring oinio 5 slices ginger 1 star anisseed 3 tbsp sugar (seasoning) 5 tbsp light soy sauce (seasoning) 150ml shaoxing wine (seasoning) 100g cooked green vege 1 tbsp corn flour mix with water, thickening The Method A really good melt in mouth slow braised pork belly. It is named after a Song Dynasty poet, 苏东坡 《猪肉颂》 "黄州好猪肉,价贱如泥土。贵人不肯吃,贫人不解煮。慢着火,少著水,火候足时他自美。" "Pork in Huangzhou is plentythere it costs utterly lowlyThe rich detest it; the poor fluff itslow the fire, hold the water, it es alive when the time is right" Boiled pork belly until half cooked. Marinade for 10 minutes. Deep fry until golden brown. Arrange fried pork, the remaining ingredients and seasoning onto a steaming tray. Seal well with heat proof plastic wrapper and steam at high heat for 3 hours or until pork is tender. Arrange vege on serving plate and top with dongpo pork. Reheat the gravy and thicken with corn flour water. Pour over pork and serve hot. ,参考: opensourcefood/people/wenwenzz/recipes/dongpo-pork-/,
2023-07-23 11:36:501


给排水常用名词中英文对照1、给水工程 water supply engineering 原水的取集和处理以及成品水输配的工程。 2、排水工程 sewerage ,wastewater engineering 收集、输送、处理和处置废水的工程。3、给水系统 water supply system 给水的取水、输水、水质处理和配水等设施以一定方式组合成的总体。4、排水系统 sewerage system 排水的收集、输送、水质处理和排放等设施以一定方式组合成的总体。5、给水水源 water source 给水工程所取用的原水水体。 6、原水raw water 由水源地取来的原料水。7、地表水surface water 存在于地壳表面,暴露于大气的水。8、地下水ground water 存在于地壳岩石裂缝或工壤空隙中的水。9、苦咸水(碱性水) brackish water ,alkaline water 碱度大于硬度的水,并含大量中性盐,PH值大于7。10、淡水fresh water 含盐量小于500mg/L的水。11、冷却水cooling water 用以降低被冷却对象温度的水。12、废水 wastewater 居民活动过程中排出的水及径流雨水的总称。它包括生活污水、工业废水和初雨径流以及流入排水管渠的其它水。13、污水sewage ,wastewater 受一定污染的来自生活和生产的排出水。14、用水量 water consumption 用水对象实际使用的水量。 15、污水量 wastewater flow ,sewage flow 排水对象排入污水系统的水量。16、用水定额 water flow norm 对不同的排水对象,在一定时期内制订相对合理的单位排水量的数值。17、排水定额 wastewater flow norm 对不同的排水对象,在一定时期内制订相对合理的单位排水量的数值。18、水质 water quality 在给水排水工程中,水的物理、化学、生物学等方面的性质。19、渠道 channel ,conduit 天然、人工开凿、整治或砌筑的输水通道。20、泵站 pumping house 设置水泵机组、电气设备和管道、闸阀等的房屋。21、泵站 pumping station 泵房及其配套设施的总称。22、给水处理 water treatment 对不符合用不对象水质要求的水。进行水质改善的过程。23、污水处理 sewage treatment ,wastewater treatment 为使污水达到排水某一水体或再次使用的水质要求,对其进行净化的过程。24、废水处理 wastewater disposal 对废水的最终安排。一般将废水排入地表水体、排放土地和再次使用等。25、格栅 bar screen 一种栅条形的隔污设备,用以拦截水中较大尺寸的漂浮物或其他杂物。26、曝气 aeration 水与气体接触,进行溶氧或散除水中溶解性气体和挥发性物质的过程。 27、沉淀 sedimentation 利用重力沉降作用去除水中杂物的过程。28、澄清 clarification 通过与高浓度沉渣层的接触而去除水中杂物的过程。29、过滤filtration 借助粒状材料或多孔介质截除水中质物的过程。30、离子交换法 ion exchange 采用离子交换剂去除水中某些盐类离子的过程。31、氯化 chlorination 在水中投氯或含氯氧化物方法消灭病原体的过程。32、余氯 residual chlorine 水中投氯,经一定时间接触后,在水中余留的游离性氯和结合性氯的总和。33、游离性余氯 free residual chlorine 水中以次氯酸和次氯酸盐形态存在的余氯。34、结合性余氯 combinative residual chlorine 水中以二氯胺和一氯胺形态存在的余氯。35、污泥 sludge 在水处理过程中产生的,以及排水管渠中沉积的固体与水的混合物或胶体物。36、污泥处理 sludge treatment 对污泥的最终安排。一般将污泥作农肥、制作建筑材料、填埋和投弃等。37、水头损失 head loss 水流通过管渠、设备和构筑物等所引起的能量消耗。 给水工程中系统和水量方面的术语1、直流水系统 once through system 水经过一次使用后即行排放或处理后排放的给水系统。2、复用水系统 water reuse system 水经重复利用后再行排放或处理后排放的给水系统。3、循环水系统 recirculation system 水经使用后不予排放而循环利用或处理后循环利用的给水系统。 4、生活用水 domestic water 人类日常生活所需用的水。 5、生产用水 process water 生产过程所需用的水。 6、消防用水 fire demand 扑灭火灾所需用的水。 7、浇洒道路用水 street flushing demand ,road watering 对城镇道路进行保养、清洗、降温和消尘等所需用水。 8、绿化用水 green belt sprinkling ,green plot sprinkling 对市政绿地等所需用的水。给水工程取水构筑物的术语1、管井 deep well ,drilled well 井管从地面打到含水层,抽取地下水的井。 2、管井滤水管 deep well screen 设置在管井动水位以下,用以从含水层中集水的有缝隙或孔隙的管段。3、管井沉淀管 grit compartment 位于管井最下部,用以容纳进入井内的沙粒和从水中析出的沉淀物的管段。4、大口井 dug well ,open well 由人工开挖或沉井法施工,设置井筒,以截取浅层地下水的构筑物。 5、井群 batter of wells 数个井组成的群体。6、渗渠 infiltration gallery 壁上开孔,以集取浅层地下水的水平管渠。 7、地下水取水构筑物反滤层 inverted layer 在大口井或渗渠进水处铺设的粒径沿水流方向由细到粗的级配砾层(简称反滤层) 8、泉室 spring chamber 集取泉水的构筑物。 9、进水间 intake chamber 连接取水管与吸水井、内设格栅或格网的构筑物。 10、格网 screen 一种网状的用以拦截水中较大尺寸的漂浮物、水生动物或其他污染物的拦污设备。其网眼尺寸较格栅为小。 11、吸水井 suction well 为水泵吸水管专门设置的构筑物。给水工程中净水构筑物的术语1、净水构筑物 purification structure 以去除水中悬浮固体和胶体杂质等为主要目的的构筑物的总称。2、投药 chemical dosing 为进行水处理而向水中加一定剂量的化学药剂的过程。 3、混合 mixing 使投入的药剂迅速均匀地扩散于被处理水中以创造良好的凝聚反应条件的过程。 4、凝聚 coagulation 为了消除胶体颗粒间的排斥力或破坏其亲水性,使颗粒易于相互接触而吸附的过程。5、絮凝 flocculation A、完成凝聚的胶体在一定的外力扰动下相互碰撞、聚集以形成较大絮状颗粒的过程。曾用名反应。 B、高分子絮凝剂在悬浮固体和胶体杂质之间吸附架桥的过程。 6、自然沉淀 plain sedimentation 不加注任何凝聚剂的沉淀过程。7、凝聚沉淀 coagulation sedimentation 加注凝聚剂的沉淀过程。 8、凝聚剂 coagulant 在凝聚过程中所投加的药剂的统称。9、助凝剂 coagulant aid 在水的沉淀、澄清过程中,为改善絮凝效果,另设加的辅助药剂。10、药剂固定储备量 standby reserve 为考虑非正常原因导致药剂供应中断,而在药剂仓库内设置的在一般情况下不准动用的储备量。简称固定储备量。 11、药剂周转储备量 current reserve 考虑药剂消耗与供应时间之间差异所需的储备量。简称周转储备量。12、沉沙池(沉砂池)desilting basin ,grit chamber 去除水中自重很大、能自然沉降的较大粒径沙粒或杂粒的水池。 13、预沉池 pre-sedimentation tank 原水中泥沙颗粒较大或浓度较高时,在进行凝聚沉淀处理前设置的沉淀池。14、平流沉淀池 horizontal flow sedimentation tank 水沿水平方向流动的沉淀池。 15、异向流斜管 (或斜板)沉淀池 tube(plate)settler 池内设置斜管(或斜板),水自下而上经斜管(或斜板)进行沉淀,沉泥沿斜管(或斜板)向下滑动的沉淀的池。 16、同向流斜板沉淀池lamella 池内设置斜板,沉淀过程在斜板内进行,水流与沉泥均沿斜板向下流动的沉淀池。 17、机械搅拌澄清池 accelerator 利用机械使水提升和搅拌,促使泥渣循环,并使原水中固体杂质与己形成的泥渣接触絮凝而分离沉淀的水池。 18、水力循环澄清池 circulator clarifier 利用水力使水提升,促使泥渣循环,并使原水中固体杂质与己形成的泥渣接触絮凝而分离沉淀的水池。19、脉冲澄清池 pulsator 悬浮层不断产生固周期性的压缩和膨胀,促使原水中固体杂质与己形成的泥渣进行接触凝聚页分离沉淀的水池。 20、悬浮澄清池 sludge blanket clarifier 加药后的原水由上通过处于悬浮状态的泥渣层,使水中杂质与泥渣悬浮层的颗粒碰撞凝聚而分离沉淀的水池。 21、液面负荷 surface load 在沉淀池、澄清池等沉淀构筑物的净化部分中,单位液(水)面积所负担的出水流量。其计量单位通常以m3/(m2.h)表示。 22、气浮池 floatation tank 运用絮凝和浮选原理使液体中的杂质分离上浮而去除的池子。23、气浮溶气罐 dissolved air vessel 在气浮工艺中,水与空气在有压条件下相互溶合的密闭容器。简称溶气罐。 24、清水池 clear-water reservoir 为贮存水厂中净化后的清水,以调节水厂制水量与供水量之间的差额,并为满足加氯接触时间而设置的水池。给水工程中输配水管网的术语1、配水管网 distribution system ,pipe system 将水送到分配管网以至用户的管系。2、环状管网pipe network 配水管网的一种置形式,管道纵横相互接通,形成环状。3、枝状管网 branch system 配水管网的一种布置形式,干管和支管分明,形成树枝状。 4、水管支墩 buttress ,anchorage 为防止由管内水压引起的水管配件接头移位而造成漏水,需在水管干线适当部位砌筑的墩座。简称支墩。排水工程中排水制度和管渠附属构筑物的术语及其涵义1、排水制度 sewer system 在一个地区内收集和输送废水的方式。它有合流制和分流制两种基本方式。2、合流制 combined system 用同一种管渠分别收集和输送废水的排水的方式。 3、分流制 separate system 用不同管渠分别收集和输送各种污水、雨水和生产废水的排水的方式。 4、检查井 manhole 排水管渠上连接其他管渠以及供养护工人检查、清通和出入管渠的构筑物。 5、跌水井 drop manhole 上下游管底跌差较大的检查井。 6、事故排出口 emergency outlet 在排水系统发生故障时,把废水临时排放到天然水体或其它地点去的设施。7、曝雨溢流井 (截留井)storm overflow well ,intercepting well 合流制排水系统中,用来截留、控制合流水量的构筑物排水工程中水和水处理的术语及其涵义1、生活污水 domestic sewage ,domestic wastewater 居民中日常生活中排出的废水。 2、工业废水 industrial wastewater 生产过程中排出的水。它包括生产废水和生产污水。 3、生产污水polluted industrial wastewater 被污染的工业废水。还包括水温过高,排入后造成热污染的工业废水。 4、生产废水 non-polluted industrial wastewater 未受污染或受轻微污染以及水温稍有升高的工业废水。 5、城市污水 municipal sewage ,municipal wastewater 排入城镇污水系统的污水的统称。在合流制排水系统中,还包括生产废水和截留的雨水。 6、旱流污水 dry weather flow 合流制排水系统在晴天时输送的污水。 7、水体自净 self-purification of water bodies 河流等水体在自然条件的生化作用下,有机物降解,溶解氧回升和水体生物群逐渐恢复正常的过程。 8、一级处理 primary treatment 去除污水中的漂浮物和悬浮物的净化过程,主要为沉淀。 9、二级处理 secondary treatment 污水经一级处理后,用生物处理方法继续除去污水不胶体和溶解性有机物的净化过程。 10、生物处理 biological treatment 利用微生物的作用,使污水中不稳定有机物降解和稳定的过程。 11、活性污泥法 activated sludge process 污水生物处理的一种方法。该法是在人工充氧条件下,对污水和各微生物群体进行连续混和培养,形成活性污泥。利用活性污泥的生物凝聚、吸附和氧化作用,以分解去除污水中的有机污染物。然后使污泥与水分离,大部分污泥再回流到曝气池,多余部分则排出活性污泥系统。 12、生物膜法 biomembrance process 污水生物处理的一种方法。该法采用各种不同载体,通过污水与载体的不断接触,在载体上繁殖生物膜,利用膜的生物吸附和氧化作用,以降解去除污水中的有机污染物,脱落下来的生物膜与水进行分离。 13、双层沉淀池(隐化池) Imhoff tank 由上层沉淀槽和下层污泥消化室组成。 14、初次沉淀池 primary sedimentation tank 污水处理中第一次沉淀的构筑物,主要用以降低污水中的悬浮固体浓度。 15、二次沉淀池 secondary sedimentation tank 污水生物处理出水的沉淀构筑物,用以分离其中的污泥。16、生物滤池 biological filter ,trickling filter 由碎石或塑料制品填料构成的生物处理构筑物。污水与填料表面上生长的微生物膜间歇接触,使污水得到净化。 17、生物接触氧化 bio-contact oxidation 由浸没在污水中的填料和人工曝气系统构成的生物处理工艺。在有氧的条件下,污水与填表面的生物膜反复接触,使污水获得净化。 18、曝气池 aeration tank 利用活性污泥法进行污水生物处理的构筑物。池内提供一定污水停留时间,满足好氧微生物所需的氧量以及污水与活性污泥充分接触的混合条件。排水工程中污泥和污泥处理的术语及其涵义1、原污泥 raw sludge 未经污泥处理的初沉污泥、二沉剩余污或两者的混合污泥。 2、初沉污泥 primary sludge 从初次沉淀池排出的沉淀物。 3、二沉污泥 secondary sludge 从二次沉淀池排出的沉淀物。 4、活性污泥 activated sludge 曝气池中繁殖的含有各种好氧微生物群体的絮状体。5、消化污泥 digested sludge 经过好氧消化或厌氧消化的污泥,所含有机物质浓度有一定程度的降低,并趋于稳定。 6、回流污泥 returned sludge 由于次沉淀池(或沉淀区)分离出来,回流到曝气池的活性污泥。 7、剩余污泥 excess activated sludge 活性污泥系统中从二次沉淀池(或沉淀区)排出系统外的活性污泥。 8、污泥气 sludge gas 在污泥厌氧消化时,有机物分解所产生的气体。主要成分为甲烷和二氧化碳,并有少量的氢、氮和硫化氢。俗称沼气。 9、污泥消化 sludge digestion 在有氧或无氧条件下,利用微生物的作用,使污泥中有机物转化为较稳定物质的过程。 10、好氧消化 aerobic digestion 污泥经过较长时间的曝气,其中一部分有机物由好氧微生物进一步降解和稳定的过程。 11、厌氧消化 anaerobic digestion 在无氧条件下,污泥中的有机物由厌氧微生物进行降解和稳定的过程。 12、中温消化 mesophilic digestion 污泥在温度为33℃-35℃时进行的厌氧消化工艺。13、高温消化 thermophilic digestion 污泥在温度为53℃-55℃时进行的厌氧消化工艺。 14、污泥浓缩 sludge thickening 采用重力或气浮法降低污泥含水量,使污泥稠化的过程。 15、污泥淘洗 elutriation of sludge 改善污泥脱水能的一种污泥预处理方法。用清水或废水淘洗污泥,降低水化污泥碱度,节省污泥处理投药量,提高污滤脱水效率。 16、污泥脱水 sludge dewatering 对浓缩污泥进一步去除一部分含水量的过程,一般指机械脱水。 17、污泥真空过滤 sludge vacuum filtration 利用真空使过滤介质一侧减压,介质的污泥脱水方法。 18、污泥压滤 sludge pressure filtration 采用正压过滤,使污泥水强制滤过介质的污泥脱水方法。 19、污泥干化 sludge drying 通过渗滤或蒸发等作用,从污泥中去除大部分含水量的过程,一般指采用污泥干化场(床)等自然蒸发设施。 20、污泥焚烧 sludge incineration 污泥处理的一种工艺。它利用焚烧炉将脱水污泥加温干燥,再用高温氧化污泥中的有机物,使污泥成为少量灰烬。排水工程中物理量的术语及其涵义1、生化需氧量 biochmical oxygen demand 水样在一定条件下,于一定期间内(一般采用5日、20℃)进行需氧化所消耗的溶解氧量。英文简称BOD。 2、化学需氧量 chemical oxygen demand 水样中可氧化物从氧化剂重铬酸钾中所吸收的氧量。英文简称COD。3、耗氧量 oxygen consumption 水样中氧化物从氧化剂高锰酸钾所吸收的氧量。英文简称OC或CODMn 。 4、悬浮固体 suspended solid 水中呈悬浮状态的固体,一般指用滤纸过滤水样,将滤后截留物在105℃温度中干燥恒重后的固体重量。英文简称SS
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一.粘度 计算度量流体粘性大小的物理量。又称粘性系数、动力粘度,记为μ。牛顿粘性定律指出,在纯剪切流动中相邻两流体层之间的剪应力(或粘性摩擦应力)为式中dv/dy为垂直流动方向的法向速度梯度。粘度数值上等于单位速度梯度下流体所受的剪应力。速度梯度也表示流体运动中的角变形率,故粘度也表示剪应力与角变形率之间比值关系。按国际单位制,粘度的单位为帕·秒。有时也用泊或厘泊(1泊=10-1帕·秒,1厘泊= 10-2泊)。粘度是流体的一种属性,不同流体的粘度数值不同。同种流体的粘度显著地与温度有关,而与压强几乎无关。气体的粘度随温度升高而增大,液体则减小。在温度T<2000开时,气体粘度可用萨特兰公式计算:μ/μ0=(T/T0)3/2(T0+B)/(T+B),式中T0、μ0为参考温度及相应粘度,B为与气体种类有关的常数,空气的B=110.4开;或用幂次公式 :μ/μ0=(T/T0)n,指数n随气体种类和温度而变,对于空气,在90开<T<300开范围可取为 8/ρ。水的粘度可按下式计算:μ=0.01779/(1+0.03368t+0.0002210t2),式中t为摄氏温度。粘度也可通过实验求得,如用粘度计测量。在流体力学的许多公式中,粘度常与密度ρ以μ/ρ的组合形式出现,故定义v=μ/ρ,由于v的单位米2/秒中只有运动学单位,故称运动粘度。 粘度是指液体受外力作用移动时,分子间产生的内磨擦力的量度。 运动粘度表示液体在重力作用下流动时内磨擦力的量度,其值为相同温度下的动力粘度与其密度之比,在国际单位制中以米2/秒表示。习惯用厘斯(cSt)为单位。1厘斯=10-6米2/秒=1毫米2/秒。 粘度 动态粘度 绝对粘度 粘度系数 流体内部抵抗流动的阻力,用对流体的剪切应力与剪切速率之比表示。单位为泊[帕。秒] 注:对于牛顿流体,剪切应力与剪切速率之比为常数,称为牛顿粘度,对于非牛顿流体,剪切应力与剪切速率之比随剪切应力而变化,所得的粘度称在相应剪切应力下的“表观粘度”。塑料属于后一种情况。不同流体的粘度差别很大。在压强为101.325kPa、温度为20℃的条件下,空气、水和甘油的动力粘度和运动粘度为: 空气 μ=17.9×10-6 Pa·s, v=14.8×10-6 m2/s 水 μ=1.01×10-3 Pa·s, v=1.01×10-6 m2/s 甘油 μ=1.499Pa·s, v=1.19×10-3 m2/s 二.空气密度计算p=ρRT p为气体的绝对压力(Pa),T为气体的温度(K), R为气体常数(干空气为R=287J/(Kg*K)) ρ为气体的密度(kg/m^3)对于湿空气, 计算时应采用湿空气的R. 如果是粗略估算, 用干空气的R代替, 误差也不太大
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暴食咒 Engorgement Charm 海格用来使南瓜加速长大的咒语。 记忆咒 Memory Charm 修改他们记忆的魔法。 化兽法 Animagi 巫师将自己变成动物的魔法。 现影术 apparate 使身体的影像出现在另一个地方的魔法 冻火咒 Flame-Freezing Charm 从前巫师被处以火刑时,会使用『冻火咒』,火焰只会对巫师 产生轻微的酥麻感,并不会伤害他们。 消影术 disapparation 巫师旅行的方式之一,可以瞬间从一个地方消失移动到另一个地方。 果酱腿恶咒 Jelly-Legs Jinx 中咒的巫师即刻变为软脚虾 灭幻咒 Disillusionment Charm 这个咒语可以达到像『隐形斗篷』一样的效果,但有时斗篷会有遮盖不严的问题,而这个咒语却可以让人完全隐藏起来。被施了咒语的人,会有股冰冷的液体从魔杖敲击的地方淌下来流遍全身,使得身体出现和背景一样的色彩与纹路,但没有隐形,只是好像变成了一个人形变色龙。 恒黏咒 Permanent Sticking Charm 这个咒语可以将东西黏贴住,威力之强,所向无敌!不管用什么方法都无法把黏住的东西扯下来。 浓毛咒 Hair-Thickening Charm 这个咒语可以使毛发变得又浓又密 锁心术 Occlumency 一种保护心智不受外界侵入的魔法防御,虽然是非常冷僻的一门魔法,但是极为有用。 测盗咒 Stealth Sensoring Spell 只要学会了这个咒语,就可以在住家或办公室布下天罗地网,一旦有人闯入,你会第一时间得到通知。 不动咒 Imperturbable Charm 这可是一个很好用的咒语,如果你不想被人窃听或是侵入,只要使用不动咒,就可以轻易避免针孔摄影机的危害。 不赦咒 Unforgivable Curses 蛮横咒、酷刑咒、索命咒,统称为『不赦咒』。『不赦咒』是非法的黑魔咒,只要使用其中之一,就足以被关进阿兹卡班监禁。 『噩噩令!』 Imperio 蛮横咒,被施咒的巫师会做出许多稀奇古怪的行径,行动被控制不由自己。但蛮横咒还是有破解的方式,要集中注意力及毅力对抗脑袋中的声音,就可能成功。 『咒咒虐!』 Crucio 酷刑咒,极可怕的肉体折磨,被酷刑咒击中会激烈的抽搐、痉挛,痛不欲生。 『啊哇呾喀呾啦!』 Avada Kedavra 索命咒,需要强****力才能施展的咒语。魔杖会射出炫目的绿光,被击中就会立即毙命,完全没有任何解咒术可以破解。只有一个人曾在这个咒语下死里逃生——哈利波特。 速速前 Accio 召唤咒,可以使东西从各个地方飞出来。 『呼呼,前咒现!』 Prior Incantato 使魔杖倒带呈现先前所施展过的符咒的咒语。 『阿咯哈呣啦』 Alohomora 使门弹开的咒语。 『榫头——失准』 Locomotor Mortis 锁腿咒。让两条腿缠在一起卡的死紧。 『路摸思』 Lumos 使魔杖发光的咒语,可以照亮黑暗。 『整整——石化』 Petrificus Totalus 全身锁咒。被施咒的人会全身僵硬地像一块木板。 『塔朗泰拉跳』 Tarantallegra 跳舞咒。让双腿不由自主乱跳。 『温咖癫啦唯啊萨』 Wingardium Leviosa 驱使东西飞起来的魔咒。 『阿八拉象』 Aparecium 让隐形字显现的咒语。 『去去,武器走』 Expelliarmus 用魔咒驱动武器去攻击对方。 『止止止,魔咒消 』 Finite Incantatem 使魔法解除的咒语。 『哄哄响』 Sonorus 让喉咙变成广播扬声器的咒语。 『空空,遗忘 』 Obliviate 让人失去记忆的咒语。 『哩吐三卜啦』 Rictusempra 呵痒咒。会使魔杖发出银色的光芒攻击敌人,让对方笑得无法动弹。 『蛇蛇攻』 Serpensortia 驱使蛇去攻击人的咒语。 『吩吩绽』 Diffindo 使东西突然迸裂开来的咒语。 『涎涎牙』 Densaugeo 被咒语击中,门牙就会以惊人的速度增长。 『咻咻降』 dissendium 哈利用来移动雕像的咒语。 『疾疾,护法现身』 Expecto Patronum 对抗催狂魔时,召唤护法现身的咒语。 咕咕圈』 Ferula 路平固定荣恩断腿时所使用的咒语。 『啾啾缩』 Reducio 被施了咒语的动物或人身体会瞬间缩小。 『止止,不透』 Impervious 让眼镜防水防雾的咒语。 『呼呼移』 Mobiliarbus 移动物体的咒语。 『浮浮,僵尸行』 Mobilicorpus 使不能够自己行走的人移动的咒语。 『麻瓜驱逐咒』 Muggle-Repelling Charm 当麻瓜误入魔法世界时所用的驱逐咒语。 『呐喀嘶』 Nox 熄灭魔杖光芒的咒语。 『叱叱,荒唐』 ridikulus 斥退幻形怪的咒语。逼使幻形怪变成一种会让你觉得好笑的形体,然后在你发笑后它就会应声爆裂,粉碎成数千缕烟尘,完全消失了。 『哇嘀哇唏』 Waddiwasi 让魔杖射出像子弹一样的东西。 『飞飞禽』 Avis 施咒的魔杖尖端会飞出一大群吱吱喳喳的小鸟 『魔魔毙』 Morsmordre 召唤黑魔标记的咒语。 『喷喷障』 Impedimenta 障碍恶咒。不管别人用什么方法攻击,『障碍恶咒』都可以使它速度变慢。 『复复修』 Reparo 修复损坏物品的咒语 『噗噗兰』 Orchideous 魔杖尖端会迸出一束花,就像变魔术一样。 『嘘嘘静』 Quietus 使噪音突然消音的咒语。 『熔熔沸』 Furnunculus 被咒语击中,皮肤上会马上出现一个个又大又难看的疔疮。 『萎萎起』 Enervate 多用于解救被昏击咒击中的巫师。 『吹吹除』 Deletrius 使烟雾消散的咒语。 『嘶嘶退』 Relashio 使魔杖射出火花,使对方退后的咒语。 『嚗嚗消』 Reducto 消除咒。将挡路的固体物炸开的咒语。但只能消除固体物。 『咄咄失!』 Stupefy 这咒语能使魔杖激射出一道红光,被击中的话会使人僵立,并一动也不动的失去意识,但是遇到像爆尾钉虾这样的大型生物,就不一定有用了。 『密密胶!』 Colloportus 《哈利波特 5 — 凤凰会的密令》中,妙丽为了抵抗追兵,想封住一扇门时所使用的咒语,举凡罐子或可以密封的东西都可以使用这个咒语。 『辣辣燃!』 Flagrate 它可以在物体上点燃,燃烧出想要的形状,以做为标记或是攻击之用。 疾疾动箱 locomotor trunk 《凤凰会的密令》里,变形师东施帮哈利整理行李,并使用这个咒语,让行李箱飞起来,浮在离地几吋的半空中,并驱使它前进。 『强行夺取的仇人之血,将使你的仇敌复活!』 Blood of the enemy forcibly taken, you will resurrect your foe. 这是佛地魔为了寻求复生时,所用的第三句咒语。 『我在此郑重发誓,我绝对不怀好意!』 I solemnly swear that I am up to no good. 这是在使用月影、兽足、鹿角、虫尾等人发明的『劫盗地图』时,所使用的咒语。这份地图可以显现出霍格华兹校园里人员活动的状况,对于想溜出校园,或是想避人耳目,是非常好用的工具。 找寻『万应室』 Room of Requirement 『万应室』是霍格华兹魔法与巫术学校里最奇特的地方了,总是不经意的出现在最被需要的地方。它有时候在那里,有时候又不在,但只要出现,总会满足有求者的需要,是一个超级不可思议的房间。只要走过挂有一幅超大挂毡对面的墙壁三次,专心地想着需要的东西就可以了,甚至不需要记得咒语。
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Alchemy:炼金术   Animagi:阿尼马格斯,可以变形为动物的巫师(需要在魔法部登记)   Apparating:幻影移/显形(要点为"3D":destination目标,determination决心,deliberation从容)   Avada Kedavra:阿瓦达索命咒,非法的黑魔咒,不可饶恕咒之——除哈利和伏地魔外无人幸免。   Cruciatus Curse:钻心咒,非法的黑魔咒,不可饶恕咒之一。   Imperious Curse:夺魂咒,非法的黑魔咒,不可饶恕咒之一。   Black Magic:黑魔法   Dark Mark:黑魔标记,空中的骷髅头,在某人被杀时使用,是食死徒的专利   Disapparate:幻影移形   Divination:占卜学   Fidelius Charm:赤胆忠心咒   Four Point Spell:定向咒,使得魔杖尖端指北   Impediment Curse:障碍咒,减缓阻止侵犯者。   Leprechaun Gold:消失数小时   Occlumency:大脑封闭术   Parseltongue:蛇佬腔与蛇说话的能力:   Patronum:呼神护卫,打击摄魂怪   Petrifact:统统石化 全身束缚咒   Reductor Curse:粉身碎骨,粉碎咒,为开路,击碎固体   Shield Charm:铁甲咒,暂时的隔墙使魔咒偏向   Side-Along-Apparition:随从显形   Transfiguration:变形术   Unbreakable Vow:牢不可破的誓言   Morsmordre:尸骨再现,显现黑魔标记   Unforgivable Curses:不可饶恕咒指钻心咒,夺魂咒,阿瓦达索命咒:   Mobilicorpus: 幻影显形编辑本段魔法咒语  (注:这些原著中的咒语实际上是用拉丁文而非英文表示的)   Accio ……飞来 飞去    Aguamenti 清水如泉   Alohomora 阿拉霍洞开   Aparecium 急急现形   Avada Kedavra 阿瓦达索命   Avis 飞鸟群群   Cave inimicum 降敌陷阱   Colloportus 速速禁锢   Comfundo 混淆视听   Crucio 钻心剜骨   Deletrius 消隐无踪   Densaugeo 门牙赛大棒   Diffindo 四分五裂   Disillusionment 幻身咒   Dissendium 左右分离   Enervate 快快复苏   Engorgio 速速变大   Expecto Patronum 呼神护卫   Expulso飞沙走石   Expelliarmus 除你武器   Finite 终了结束   Finite incantatem 咒立停   Flagrate 标记显现   Furnunculus 火烤热辣辣   Geminio复制成双   Homenum revelio 人形显身   Impedimenta 障碍重重   Imperio 魂魄出窍   Impervius 水火不侵   Incarcerous 速速禁锢   Incendio 火焰熊熊   Liberacorpus 金钟落地   Legilimens 摄神取念   Levicorpus 倒挂金钟   Locomotor 移动   Locomotor Mortis 腿立僵停死   Lumos Maxima 荧光闪烁   Metelojinx recanto 云咒撤回   Mobiliarbus 移形幻影   Nox 诺克斯   Obliviate 一忘皆空   Orchideus 兰花盛开   Pack 收拾   Peskipiksi Pesternomi 佩斯奇皮克西 佩斯特诺米   Petrificus totalus 统统石化   Point Me 给我指路   Portus 门托斯,使物体变成门钥匙   Prior Incantato 闪回前咒   Protego 盔甲护身   Protego totalum 统统加护   Quietus 悄声细语   Reducio 速速缩小   Reducto 粉身碎骨   Relashio 力松劲泄   Reparo 恢复如初   Repello Muggletum 麻瓜屏蔽   Rictusempra 咧嘴呼啦啦   Riddikulus 滑稽滑稽   Salvio hexia 平安镇守   Scourgify 清理一新   Sectumsempra 神锋无影   Serpensortia 乌龙出洞   Silencio 无声无息   Sonorus 声音洪亮   Stupefy 昏昏倒地   Tarantallegra 塔郎泰拉舞   Tergeo 旋风扫净   Unplottable 不可标绘   Waddiwasi 瓦迪瓦西   Wingardium Leviosa 羽加迪姆 勒维奥萨 (漂浮咒)   Glisseo 滑道平平   Duro 幻形石板   Muffliato 闭耳塞听   Langlock 锁舌封喉   Oppugno 万弹齐发   Tergeo 旋风扫净   Skeleton is reproduced 尸骨再现   Episkey 愈合如初百度百科上都有,不过我还是给复制过来了望采纳
2023-07-23 11:37:573


Dear jack, I love you this chubby friend very much, your every word and action are revealed that your lovely. But I can"t tell you a thing, there are a lot of children because of excessive nutrition and obesity, the actual human fat little. But the fat children because of more fat, easy to suffer from high blood pressure, blood thickening, cerebral thrombosis and other diseases, so here, classmates and I suggest that you lose weight. Weight loss can be your activities more flexible, but also can reduce incidence of disease.亲爱的小强,我非常喜欢你这种胖嘟嘟的玩伴,你的一言一行都透露这你的可爱。但是我不能不告诉你一件事,现在有很多孩子因为营养过盛而患上肥胖症,实际人胖点没什么。但是胖孩子因为脂肪比较多,容易患上高血压、血脂稠、脑血栓等各种疾病,所以在这里,我和全班同学一致建议你减肥。减肥可以是你活动更加灵活,还可以减少疾病的发生。
2023-07-23 11:38:181

急求: 化纤粘度计算公式

黏度是测量流体内在摩擦力的所获得的数值。当某一层流体的移动会受到另一层流体移动的影响时,此摩擦力显得极为重要。摩擦力愈大,我们就必须施予更大的力量以造成流体的移动,此力量即称为 ”剪切(shear)”。剪切发生的条件为当流体发生物理性地移动或分散,如倾倒、散布、喷雾、混合等等。高黏度的流体比低黏度的材料需要更大的力量才能造成流体的流动。 牛顿以图4-1的模式来定义流体的黏度。两不同平面但平行的流体,拥有相同的面积”A”,相隔距离”dx”,且以不同流速”V1”和”V2”往相同方向流动,牛顿假设保持此不同流速的力量正比于流体的相对速度或速度梯度,即:F/A = ηdv/dx其中η与材料性质有关,我们称为”黏度”。 速度梯度,dv/dx,为测量中间层的相对速度,其描述出液体所受到的剪切,我们将它称为”剪速(shear rate)”,以S表示;其单位为时间倒数(sec-1)。 F/A项代表了单位面积下,剪切所造成的合力,称为”剪力(shear stress)”,以F代表;其单位为”达因每平方公分(dyne/cm2)”。 使用这些符号,黏度计可以下列数学式定义:η=黏度=F/S=剪力/剪速 黏度的基本单位为 ”poise”。我们定义一材料在剪力为1达因每平方公分、剪速为1 sec-1下的黏度为100 poise。测量黏度时,你可能会遭遇到黏度的单位为 “Pa˙s” 或 “mPa˙s” 的情况,此为国际标准系统,且有时较被公制命名所接受。1 Pa˙s等于10 poise;1 mPa˙s等于1 cp。 牛顿假设所有的材料在固定温度下,黏度与剪速是没有相关的,亦即两倍的力量可以帮助流体移动两倍的速度。 就我们所知,牛顿的假设只有部分是正确的。牛顿流体 牛顿称具有此形式流动行为的所有流体,皆称为”牛顿(Newtonian)”,然而这只是你可能遭遇到的流体中的其中一种而已。牛顿流体的特性可参考图4-2;图A显示剪力(F)和剪速(S)之间为线性关系;图B显示在不同剪速下,黏度皆保持一定。典型的牛顿流体为水与稀薄的机油。 上述代表的意义即为在固定温度下,不论你所使用的黏度计型号、转子、转速为何,牛顿流体的黏度皆保持一定。标准Brookfield黏度值为以Brookfield仪器在某一剪速范围内所测之值,这就是为什么牛顿流体可以在所有我们的黏度计型号下操作。牛顿流体明显地为最容易测量的流体-只要拿出你的黏度计并操作它即可。不幸的是,更常见且更复杂的流体-非牛顿流体,我们将在下一节中介绍。非牛顿流体概略的定义为F/S的关系不为常数,亦即当施予不同的剪速,剪力并不随着相同比例变化(或甚至同一方向)。这些流体的黏度会受到不同剪速的影响,同时,不同型号黏度计的设定参数、转子、转速都会影响到非牛顿流体的黏度值。此测量的黏度值称为流体的”表观黏度(apparent viscosity)”,其值为正确的只有当实验的参数值被正确的设定且精准的测得。 非牛顿流体流动可以想象成流体为不同形状和大小的分子所组成,当它们流经彼此,亦即流动发生时,需要多少力量才能移动它们将取决于它们的大小、形状及黏着性。在不同的剪速下,排列的方式将会不同,而且需要更多或更少的合力才能保持运动。 辨别不同非牛顿流体的行为,可由剪速的差异得到流体黏度的变化,常见非牛顿流体的形式包括:拟塑性的(pseudoplastic):此形式流体的特性为当剪速增加时,会伴随着流速的减少,其可能为最常见的非牛顿流体。拟塑性流体包括油漆、乳液和各种不同形式的流体。此类流体的行为有时候可称为”shear thinning”。膨胀性的(diltant):膨胀性的流体其特性为流速随着剪速的增加而增加。虽然膨胀性流体不如拟塑性流体常见,然而膨胀性流体常可由存在有不会聚集固体的流体中看到,如泥浆、糖果合成物、玉米淀粉类与水的混合物以及沙/水混合物。此类流体的行为也可称为”shear thickening”。塑性的(plastic):此类流体的行为就如同固体处在静电的环境中。在流体流动前,我们就必须先施予流体某一力量,此力量称为“屈服力(yield value)”。此类流体典型的例子为蕃茄酱,其产值造成蕃茄酱无法直接从罐子中倒出,除非我们先摇动或敲击。当产值超过上限值时,流体开始流动。塑性流体包含有牛顿流体、拟塑性流体、膨胀性流体的特性。到目前为止我们只有讨论非牛顿流体剪速的效应,当我们同时考虑时间效应时,有会有什么问题发生?此问题使得我们必须讨论其它两类非牛顿流体:”摇变性的(thixotropic)” 和 “流变性的(rheopectic)”。谢谢,希望您采纳为满意答案。
2023-07-23 11:38:371