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求EXO-M black pearl歌词分配

2023-07-23 11:18:16

Black Pearl

Chen:She"s My Black Pearl...

She"s My Black Pearl...

LuHan:不用地图作向导 心会把方向找到

不在乎路途前方 多少崎岖 沿路多少阻挡

Lay:我的心 没有一刻与你分离 将你忘记

Chen:若可以 在那一条遥远海平线上发现你模样

All:我扬起帆一路远航 驾驭风直到尽头oh-


花黑暗里开放 海面一轮月光

那神秘的地方 My Beautiful Black Pearl

花黑暗里开放 海面一轮月光

那神秘的地方 My Beautiful Black Pearl

LuHan:是现实抑或虚幻 我感觉不可思议


LuHan:你宛若在 传说的所在 神话之中



为了你 日夜思念的你当我触及你那一瞬

All:我扬起帆一路远航 驾驭风直到尽头oh-


花黑暗里开放 海面一轮月光

那神秘的地方 My Beautiful Black Pearl

花黑暗里开放 海面一轮月光

那神秘的地方 My Beautiful Black Pearl

Kris:当风暴 突然袭来 危险在咆哮

不要把航向颠倒 不要让行进停掉

Tao:如果这就害怕退缩 就连开始都没做到 没关系还有我替你挡

就算大海把你藏起来这恶劣玩笑 为你我愿意接招




Chen:She"s My Black Pearl oh

All:悬浮天空的太阳 无限湛蓝的海洋 oh-


在浓密的雾障 在澎湃的海浪

投映模糊形状 My Beautiful Black Pearl

在深邃的沉默 在这哀伤的歌

隐约还在回荡 My Beautiful Black Pearl

* 回复内容中包含的链接未经审核,可能存在风险,暂不予完整展示!
http://tieba.b***.com/p/2368090583 上面所有歌都有



黑珍珠的解释[black pearl] 一种青铜色的珍珠,是十分 贵重 的珠宝品种 词语分解 黑的解释 黑 ē 像墨和煤那样的 颜色 ,与“白” 相对 :黑白。 暗,光线不足: 黑暗 。黑夜。 隐蔽 的,非法的:黑枪。 * 。黑 社会 。 恶毒:黑心。 姓。 乌红亮 部首 :黑; 珍珠的解释 在几种软体 动物 中,由于在套膜里面或下面 层层 真珠质围绕不附着于外壳的外来粒子聚合而形成的 稠密 凝结物,具有各种形状,但最 典型 的是 圆形 , 呈现 各种颜色,但通常是白色或浅色,且有 不同 程度 的 光泽 ,可做 装饰 或入药
2023-07-23 10:36:031


《Black Pearl》演唱:EXO-M不用地图作向导 心会把方向找到不在乎路途前方 多少崎岖 沿路多少阻挡我的心 没有一刻与你分离 将你忘记若可以 在那一条遥远海平线上发现你模样我扬起帆一路远航 驾驭风直到尽头oh-让汹涌的海面也安静温柔花黑暗里开放 海面一轮月光那神秘的地方 My Beautiful Black Pearl花黑暗里开放 海面一轮月光那神秘的地方 My Beautiful Black Pearl是现实抑或虚幻 我感觉不可思议是否一直身在梦境里环游你宛若在 传说的所在 神话之中在时光里追寻你的影踪我不曾相信这世界存在所谓永恒为了你 日夜思念的你当我触及你那一瞬当风暴 突然袭来 危险在咆哮不要把航向颠倒 不要让行进停掉如果这就害怕退缩 就连开始都没做到 没关系还有我替你挡就算大海把你藏起来这恶劣玩笑 为你我愿意接招让汹涌的海面变安静温柔She"s My Black Pearl oh悬浮天空的太阳 无限湛蓝的海洋 oh-向着她那美丽耀眼的光芒在浓密的雾障 在澎湃的海浪投映模糊形状 My Beautiful Black Pearl在深邃的沉默 在这哀伤的歌隐约还在回荡 My Beautiful Black Pearl
2023-07-23 10:36:102


黑珀尔。Black Pearl,是以色列Sea of Spa lab旗下最著名的高端品牌线。它在中国称为黑珀尔。黑珀尔 (Black Pearl),坐拥天然稀缺的死海泥资源;其开采权与开采量,?直受到 国家严格管控。作为拥有死海开采权的4?企业之?,母公司 Sea of Spa lab在开采、 运输、研发、?产、质检各环节,拥有最严格、最精尖的流程与技术。其高端线黑珀尔 (Black Pearl),无疑是以色列高端护肤领域的翘楚、皇室国礼的首选品牌。
2023-07-23 10:36:181


2023-07-23 10:36:274

翻译the blackpearl

the black pearl 黑珍珠pearl 英[pu025c:l] 美[pu025c:rl] n. 珍珠; 珍品; 人造珍珠; 珠状物; vi. 采珍珠; vt. 使成珠状; 用珍珠装饰; [例句]Your personal colors are the shades of your ruler, the Moon: pearl, silver, and off-white.最能体现你个性的颜色与你的守护星-月亮类似:它们是珍珠色、银和淡白色。[其他] 复数:pearls 双语例句柯林斯词典常用短语同反义词相关单词:Pearln.珀尔(女子名)PEARLabbr.process and experiment automation real time language 过程与实验自动化实时语言
2023-07-23 10:36:351

black pearl什么意思

Black Pearl即黑珍珠黑珍珠号(the Black Pearl)是影片“加勒比海盗”中的主角海盗船,是加勒比海上最快的船,全船结构设计合理,流线形的船身及巨大的动力使其速度极快,船上有大炮数门,火力强大。“加勒比海盗”剧组在制作影片的帆船主角“黑珍珠号”时,特地花重金,将一艘完全仿制17世纪风格建造的“华盛顿夫人号”古董双桅船,从华盛顿的汤森德港,经由长滩,开进本片的拍摄地——加勒比海沿岸的圣文森特港,并且专门请来武器方面的专家训练演员们如何操纵那个时代普遍使用的火炮,追求无可挑剔的细节真实。
2023-07-23 10:36:421


2023-07-23 10:36:514

求exo—k《black pearl》歌词分配 多谢了!

EXO-KBlack Pearl She"s myblack pearlShe"s myblack pearl지도는 필요 없어 내 맘이 널 가리켜갈 길이 험난해도 이쯤에서 그렇겐 못한다한 시도 떨어져 잊어본 적이 없는데저 멀리 수평선 끝에 너의 모습을 볼 수 있다면난 돛을 올려 끝까지 바람에 날 싣고 oh거칠어진 수면의 요동을 재워어둠 속에 핀 꽃, 바다 위에 뜬 달, 비밀 같은 그 곳, my beautiful black pearl어둠 속에 핀 꽃, 바다 위에 뜬 달, 비밀 같은 그 곳, my beautiful black pearl실재하긴 하는 건지 현실과는 동떨어진꿈과 이상 속을 헤매고 있나신화 속에 살 것만 같은 oh, 나의 여신아시간을 헤치고 널 찾아가영원한 것들은 믿어본 적이 없는데그토록 간절하게 나 바래왔던 널 닿게 된다면폭풍이 몰아치는 아찔한 순간에도뱃머릴 돌리지마 항해를 멈추지마이 정도에 겁을 먹고 물러날 줄 알았다면 시작조차 하지 않았다너를 감춰놓은 바다의 장난엔 기꺼이 내가 맞서준다거칠어진 수면의 요동을 재워 x3She"s myblack pearl oh- She is my black pearl난 하늘에 뜬 태양과 다섯 개의 대양 oh찬란하게 빛나는 그녀를 향해짙은 안개 속에 높은 파도 위에 흐릿하게 비친 my beautiful black pearl(ho- oh- mybeautiful black pearl yeah)깊은 침묵 속에 슬픈 선율 위에 희미하게 들린 my beautiful black pearl(ho- heyshe"s my beautiful beautiful black pearl)我在网上搜的,不知道对不对
2023-07-23 10:36:593

black pearl喜欢怎么办的歌词??中文歌词

좋은걸 어떡해 - 블랙펄(Black Pearl)Black Pearl(블랙펄) Single喜欢你怎么办그대가 환히 웃으면如果你开心的笑내마음속에 꽃이 피는것만 같아我心里就像开了花一样그대가 숨쉬면如果你呼吸봄바람이 불어올것만 같아就像刮起了春风一样그대를 만나면如果见到你온통 이세상이 다르게만 보여整个世界看起来就不一样이런 꿈을 꾸게 해줘서 고맙습니다请让我做这样的梦 谢谢지난 사랑에 두려워担心像上次的爱情달아나기도 했고也会消失자신없어 숨고도 싶었지만没有信心 想藏起来끝없이 주는 마음에 감동한 사람没到最后就让我感动的人사랑이라는 그 이유로用叫做爱情的理由더 많은 행복 서로 줄수 있다는 걸会让人变得更幸福그대를 보면서 사랑 받으면서 처음으로 느꼈죠边看着你边接受爱情 第一次感到세상에 유리보다 크게 사랑도 같이 있다는걸和世界的游戏相比 你的爱更有价值평생 잊지않도록 사랑해줘요永远不会忘记 请爱我吧라라라라라라라라 啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦라라라라라라라라라라라 啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦라라라라라라라라라라라 啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦서로 원하지않아도 속상한 일도 있고即使不需要对方 即使有伤心的事서운하게 만드는 일이 있어도即使有遗憾的事지금 꼭 잡은 두손만 놓지말아요现在也绝对不要放开握住的两只手사랑이라는 그 이유로用叫做爱情的理由더 많은 행복 서로 줄수 있다는 걸会让人变得更幸福그대를 보면서 사랑 받으면서 처음으로 느꼈죠边看着你边接受爱情 第一次感到세상에 유리보다 크게 사랑도 같이 있다는걸和世界的游戏相比 你的爱更有价值평생 잊지않도록 사랑해줘요永远不会忘记 请爱我吧그대를 사랑해요我爱你더많은 아픔이 우리 앞을 막아도即使有更多的伤痛挡在我们面前서로 지켜주고 서로 믿어주며守护对方 相信对方평생 함께 해줘요一定要一辈子在一起세상에 무엇보다 크게 사랑도 같이 있다는걸你的爱和世界上任何东西相比 都更有价值평생 잊지않도록 사랑해줘요..永远不会忘记 请爱我吧...라라라라라라라라 啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦라라라라라라라라라라라 啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦라라라라라라라라라라라 啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦
2023-07-23 10:37:171


She"s My Black Pearl...   She"s My Black Pearl...   不用地图作向导   心会把方向找到   不在乎路途前方   多少崎岖 沿路多少阻挡   我的心   没有一刻与你分离 将你忘记   若可以   在那一条遥远海平线上发现你模样   我扬起帆一路远航   驾驭风直到尽头oh-   让汹涌的海面也安静温柔   花黑暗里开放 海面一轮月光   那神秘的地方 My Beautiful Black Pearl   花黑暗里开放 海面一轮月光   那神秘的地方 My Beautiful Black Pearl   是现实抑或虚幻 我感觉不可思议   是否一直身在梦境里环游   你宛若在 传说的所在 神话之中   在时光里追寻你的影踪   我不曾相信这世界存在所谓永恒   为了你 日夜思念的你当我触及你那一瞬间   我扬起帆一路远航   驾驭风直到尽头oh-   让汹涌的海面也安静温柔   花黑暗里开放 海面一轮月光   那神秘的地方 My Beautiful Black Pearl   花黑暗里开放 海面一轮月光   那神秘的地方 My Beautiful Black Pearl   当风暴 突然袭来 危险在咆哮   不要把航向颠倒 不要让行进停掉   如果这就害怕退缩   就连开始都没做到   没关系还有我替你挡   就算大海把你藏起来这恶劣玩笑   为你我愿意接招   让汹涌的海面变安静温柔   让汹涌的海面变安静温柔   让汹涌的海面变安静温柔   She"s My Black Pearl oh   悬浮天空的太阳 无限湛蓝的海洋 oh-   向着她那美丽耀眼的光芒   在浓密的雾障 在澎湃的海浪   投映模糊形状 My Beautiful Black Pearl   在深邃的沉默 在这哀伤的歌  隐约还在回荡 My Beautiful Black Pearl 所属专辑:XOXO歌手:EXO-M
2023-07-23 10:37:251

EXO-KBlack Pearl歌词分配

EXO-K - Black Pearl音译by:果腻橙She"s my black pearlShe"s my black pearl几多能皮料奥b扫 乃马米闹r卡里kiao卡ki里后m男孩多 一见没扫 克老开莫谈大韩西多 到老叫一叫本叫gi 奥b能带穷毛利 素票扫n个太闹也莫色ber 波素一大秒n男 多且哦料个噶几 八拉没那r西够 oh ....靠亲老金素秒内哟多跟且我奥吨搜该拼工, 怕大V诶等他 比米r噶疼个够 my beautiful black pearl奥吨搜该拼工, 怕大V诶等他 比米r噶疼个够 my beautiful black pearl(西节)哈gin哈能靠近好西夸能东到老金工挂一桑搜跟还买狗一那心话所给撒r工慢噶疼 oh,那也要西那 西噶能还起够闹r恰加噶用问韩 高等冷米到本巧gi 奥b能带克脱罗 看就那该那怕来挖等闹r 他该等大秒n男 多且哦料个噶几 八拉没那r西够 oh ....靠亲老金素秒内哟多跟且我奥吨搜该拼工, 怕大V诶等他 比米r噶疼个够 my beautiful black pearl奥吨搜该拼工, 怕大V诶等他 比米r噶疼个够 my beautiful black pearl破普一莫拉亲能阿几韩孙噶内都白莫里多里几马航还冷萌去几马一穷多诶靠被毛够 莫老那r句阿拉大秒n 西家jo擦哈几阿那大闹冷看穷问怕大诶强那能ki高一乃噶马扫君大(靠亲老金素秒内哟多跟且我x3)She"s my black pearl oh- She is my black pearl男 哈能累等太阳挂 他扫该太阳 oh ...chan蓝哈该比那能克鸟冷hiyang还几起安该搜该 弄喷怕多V诶 和里哈该比亲 my beautiful black pearl(ho- oh- my beautiful black pearl yeah)gi喷亲木g搜该 色喷扫鸟V诶 hi米哈该特林 my beautiful black pearl(ho- hey she"s my beautiful beautiful black pearl)只能找到这个啦。。。你可以听他们的声音分辨,恩,就这样。
2023-07-23 10:37:371

ExO 的 Black pearl 。Let Out The Beast 中文歌词

EXO-M Let Out TheBeast[00:03.17]LadiesAnd Gentlemen[00:09.92]看 Show 确认票在手 不要慌 不要忙 排队向里走[00:15.62]怎么看着表 小心撞了头 爆点在最后在开场过后shot![00:16.51][00:17.21]音乐响起 Lose Control, Energy 在体内渗透[00:19.77]就让冷静变成你的 Enemy 让你跳舞跳到昏头[00:23.88]理性清醒 那些没节奏 叫醒唤醒心中的野兽[00:28.01]小心不听驯服的小孩 全部是叛逆的结构[00:32.33]追光目光全都聚集在我身上 [00:36.04]表演太炫让你瞬间傻眼 (啊咦)[00:40.28]追光目光全都聚集在我身上 [00:43.86]表演太炫让你不敢眨眼 (啊咦)
2023-07-23 10:37:453

我喜欢你 歌手:black pearl的音译歌词

I know I know want you 恰哭你噶怒内te了哇孙级ki那no了 绰哇哈给dun那bua绰哇 no们绰哇 撒朗因级那度{恰er}{木er}啦阿no哇韩给那miang 啊怒呢那啦无啦你亚太ke太蹦miang 一推太但miang 卡死米 度en度更都那里拿gi魔都挖泥ong杰不托因级 陌路尅挤满 花k西喃攻 no啦你死miang qio ong{果er}亲故的屋里 哟您嘎大黑{死er}得可来帮强莫滴嫩 乃啊你I know I know want you 故没嗦东你嘎那他那啊送级ki那no了 绰哇哈给dun那bua绰哇 no们绰哇 撒朗因级那度{恰er}{木er}啦阿no哇韩给那miang 啊怒呢那啦无啦ah ah~~ ah ah~ha~萨拉诶吧唧果嘎他(萨拉诶吧唧果嘎他)no莫纳gi充满大 你充满黑得买大 哟但系(哟但系)哟死么黑(哟死么黑)no hok内吸干得你每一gi do了嘞 皮干内一给hok西阿你 胡撒呢卡机素级do你噶木咯级 哦东撒朗qio ong级秒啵呢木咯把多 喃no呀I know I know want you 故没嗦东你嘎那他那啊送级ki那no了 绰哇哈给dun那bua绰哇 no们绰哇 撒朗因级那度{恰er}{木er}啦阿no哇韩给那miang 啊怒呢那啦无啦ah ah~~ ah ah~ha~萨拉诶吧唧果嘎他破果西pun吗嗯没 怕没起色ong家do那喃嫩忒 一节嫩强级啊呢雷莫度麻辣果西坡 内嘎no了撒朗哈故一b大故 My love{木er}啦 吗冷黑嘎 木森买了色miang了雷嘎色丧ong东吗咯 pio用哈素依{死er}嘎屋里 屋里图满 依色丧诶喃给吞大miang{额er}miang那组{无er}嘎 piang sin韩给韩你嘎I know I know want you萨拉诶no把jo啵lio嗦花括号里是一个音{儿化音}另外字后k、b为收音望采纳~~
2023-07-23 10:37:521

求Black pearl的中文歌词.3Q~

- (Black Pearl) Black Pearl() Single 喜欢你怎么办 如果你开心的笑 我心里就像开了花一样 如果你呼吸 就像刮起了春风一样 如果见到你 整个世界看起来就不一样 请让我做这样的梦 谢谢 担心像上次的爱情 也会消失 没有信心 想藏起来 没到最后就让我感动的人 用叫做爱情的理由 会让人变得更幸福 边看着你边接受爱情 第一次感到 和世界的游戏相比 你的爱更有价值 永远不会忘记 请爱我吧 啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦 啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦 啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦 即使不需要对方 即使有伤心的事 即使有遗憾的事 现在也绝对不要放开握住的两只手 用叫做爱情的理由 会让人变得更幸福 边看着你边接受爱情 第一次感到 和世界的游戏相比 你的爱更有价值 永远不会忘记 请爱我吧 我爱你 即使有更多的伤痛挡在我们面前 守护对方 相信对方 一定要一辈子在一起 你的爱和世界上任何东西相比 都更有价值 .. 永远不会忘记 请爱我吧... 啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦 啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦 啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦
2023-07-23 10:38:141

求垂涎之岛的《Blue (Love Theme) - [] MIKA (BlackPearl) 》的歌词

《Blue (Love Theme)》- MIKA (BlackPearl)/ [] 在我的心里 在我脆弱的内心深处 吹拂着一阵唤名为“你”的风 那时我凝望着你的双眸 做着甜美的梦 再也没有比这更单纯的爱了 ... 就像在昏暗天空中诠释明澈光芒的星星一样 将我的泪水和痛苦洗去的清风吹来 清晨的阳光化做你的微笑 传递着你那真诚的目光 如果再能走进你的心 如果再能亲眼看到你 我就会义无返顾地去拥抱你 ... 就像在昏暗天空中诠释明澈光芒的星星一样 将我的泪水和痛苦洗去的清风吹来 即便说会有艰难的路要走 即便说要耗尽我们的许多精力 只要有属于我们的光芒在 所有的一切困难都会消失不见 ... 就像在昏暗天空中诠释明澈光芒的星星一样 将我的泪水和痛苦洗去的清风吹来
2023-07-23 10:38:211

急求我喜欢你 black pearl 的罗马音歌词(就是乞丐变王子的插曲)

uac00uc218: uc2e0ub370ub810ub77cub9e8 O.S.Tuace1uba85: ub098 ub108 uc88buc544ud574 / ube14ub799ud384(black pearl)uc568ubc94: uc2e0ub370ub810ub77cub9e8 O.S.T (MBC uc218ubaa9ub4dcub77cub9c8)I know I know want you uc790uafb8 ub2c8uac00 ub208uc5d0 ub4e4uc5b4uc640 ja"ggu" ni"ga" nun"e" deul"eo"wa" uc194uc9c1ud788 ub098 ub108ub97c uc88buc544ud558uac8c ub410ub098ubd10 sol"jig"jig" na" neo"reul" joh"a"ha"ge" dwaess"na"bwa" uc88buc544 ub108ub9ccuc88buc544 uc0acub791uc778uc9c0 ub098ub3c4 uc798ubab0ub77c joh"a" neo"man"joh"a" sa"rang"in"ji" na"do" jal"mol"ra" ub108uc640 ud568uaed8ub77cuba74 ud558ub298uc744 ub0a0uc544uc62cub77c neo"wa" ham"gge"ra"myeon" ha"neul"eul" nal"a"ol"ra" ub2c8uc606uc744 uac77ub2e4ubcf4uba74 ub2c8ud314uc774 ub2ffuc744ub54cuba74 ni"yeop"eul" geod"da"bo"myeon" ni"pal"i" dah"eul"ddae"myeon" uac00uc2b4uc774 ub450uadfcub450uadfc ub5a8ub9acub294 ub290ub08c ub108ub3c4 uc544ub2c8 ga"seum"i" du"geun"du"geun" ddeol"ri"neun" neu"ggim" neo"do" a"ni" uc5b8uc81cubd80ud130uc778uc9c0 ubaa8ub974uaca0uc9c0ub9cc ud655uc2e4ud55cuac74 ub108ub791 uc788uc73cuba74 uc88buc740uac78 eon"je"bu"teo"in"ji" mo"reu"gess"ji"man" hwag"sil"han"geon" neo"rang" iss"eu"myeon" joh"eun"geol" uce5cuad6cub4e4 uc6b0ub9acuc5f0uc778uac19ub2e4ud588uc744ub54c uadf8ub0a0ubc24 uc7a0ubabb uc774ub8ec ub0a0 uc544ub2c8 cin"gu"deul" u"ri"yeon"in"gat"da"haess"eul"ddae" geu"nal"bam" jam"mos" i"run" nal" a"ni" I know I know want you uafc8uc5d0uc11cub3c4 ub2c8uac00 ub098ud0c0ub098 ggum"e"seo"do" ni"ga" na"ta"na" uc194uc9c1ud788 ub098 ub108ub97c uc88buc544ud558uac8c ub410ub098ubd10 sol"jig"jig" na" neo"reul" joh"a"ha"ge" dwaess"na"bwa" uc88buc544 ub108ub9ccuc88buc544 uc0acub791uc778uc9c0 ub098ub3c4 uc798ubab0ub77c joh"a" neo"man"joh"a" sa"rang"in"ji" na"do" jal"mol"ra" ub108uc640 ud568uaed8ub77cuba74 ud558ub298uc744 ub0a0uc544uc62cub77c neo"wa" ham"gge"ra"myeon" ha"neul"eul" nal"a"ol"ra" uc0acub791uc5d0 ube60uc9c8uaebcuac19uc544(uc0acub791uc5d0ube60uc9c8uaebcuac19uc544) sa"rang"e" bba"jil"ggeo"gat"a"(sa"rang"e"bba"jil"ggeo"gat"a")ub110 ub9ccub098uae30uc804ub9c8ub2e4 ub298 uc804ud654ud560ub54cub9c8ub2e4 neol" man"na"gi"jeon"ma"da" neul" jeon"hwa"hal"ddae"ma"da" uc5f4ubc88uc529 uc5f0uc2b5uc744 ud574 ub108 ud639uc2dc ub0b4uc77c uc2dcuac04ub418ub2c8 yeol"beon"ssig" yeon"seub"eul" hae" neo" hog"si" nae"il" si"gan"doe"ni" ub9e4uc77c uae30ub3c4ub97cud574 ube44uac00 ub0b4ub9acuac8c mae"il" gi"do"reul"hae" bi"ga" nae"ri"ge" ud639uc2dc uc544ub2c8 uc6b0uc0b0uc744 uac19uc774 uc4f8uc9c0ub3c4 hog"si" a"ni" u"san"eul" gat"i" sseul"ji"do" ub2c8uac00 ubb3cuc5c8uc9c0 uc5b4ub5a4uc0acub78c uc88buc740uc9c0 ni"ga" mul"eoss"ji" eo"ddeon"sa"ram" joh"eun"ji" uba87ubc88uc744 ubb3cuc5b4ubd10ub3c4 ub09c ub108uc57c myeoc"beon"eul" mul"eo"bwa"do" nan" neo"ya" I know I know want you uafc8uc5d0uc11cub3c4 ub2c8uac00 ub098ud0c0ub098 ggum"e"seo"do" ni"ga" na"ta"na" uc194uc9c1ud788 ub098 ub108ub97c uc88buc544ud558uac8c ub410ub098ubd10 sol"jig"jig" na" neo"reul" joh"a"ha"ge" dwaess"na"bwa" uc88buc544 ub108ub9cc uc88buc544 uc0acub791uc778uc9c0 ub098ub3c4 uc798ubab0ub77c joh"a" neo"man" joh"a" sa"rang"in"ji" na"do" jal"mol"ra" ub108uc640 ud568uaed8ub77cuba74 ud558ub298uc744 ub0a0uc544uc62cub77c neo"wa" ham"gge"ra"myeon" ha"neul"eul" nal"a"ol"ra" uc0acub791uc5d0 ube60uc9c8uaebcuac19uc544 sa"rang"e" bba"jil"ggeo"gat"a" ubcf4uace0uc2f6uc740ub9c8uc74cuc5d0 ubc24uc744 uc9c0uc0c8uc6b4uc801ub3c4 ub9ceuc558ub294ub370 bo"go"sip"eun"ma"eum"e" bam"eul" ji"sae"un"jeog"do" manh"ass"neun"de" uc774uc81cub294 ucc38uc9c0 uc54auc744ub798 ubaa8ub450 ub9d0ud558uace0 uc2f6uc5b4 i"je"neun" cam"ji" anh"eul"rae" mo"du" mal"ha"go" sip"eo" ub0b4uac00 ub108ub97c uc0acub791ud558uace0 uc788ub2e4uace0 My love nae"ga" neo"reul" sa"rang"ha"go" iss"da"go" My love ubb50ub77c ub9d0uc744 ud560uae4c ubb34uc2a8ub9d0ub85c uc124uba85uc744 ud560uae4c mweo"ra" mal"eul" hal"gga" mu"seun"mal"ro" seol"myeong"eul" hal"gga" uc138uc0c1 uc5b4ub5a4ub9d0ub85c ud45cud604ud560 uc218 uc788uc744uae4c se"sang" eo"ddeon"mal"ro" pyo"hyeon"hal" su" iss"eul"gga" uc6b0ub9ac uc6b0ub9acub458ub9cc uc774uc138uc0c1uc5d0 ub0a8uac8cub41cub2e4uba74 u"ri" u"ri"dul"man" i"se"sang"e" nam"ge"doen"da"myeon" uc5bcub9c8ub098 uc88buc744uae4c ud3c9uc0dd ud568uaed8ud558ub2c8uae4c eol"ma"na" joh"eul"gga" pyeong"saeng" ham"gge"ha"ni"gga" I know I know want you uc0acub791uc5d0ub10cube60uc838ubc84ub838uc5b4 sa"rang"e"neon"bba"jyeo"beo"ryeoss"eo" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~uac00uc218: ube0cub77cuc6b4 uc544uc774ub4dc uac78uc2a4 (Brown Eyed Girls)uace1uba85: uc5b4uca4cub2e4uc568ubc94: My styleuc5b4uca4cub2e4 uc5b4uca4cub2e4 uc5b4uca4cub2e4 eo"jjeo"da" eo"jjeo"da" eo"jjeo"da" ub110 uc0acub791ud558uac8c ub410ub294uc9c0 neol" sa"rang"ha"ge" dwaess"neun"ji" ub0b4uac00 uc65c uc774uaf34uc774 ub410ub294uc9c0nae"ga" wae" i"ggol"i" dwaess"neun"ji"uc5b4uca4cub2e4 uc5b4uca4cub2e4 uc5b4uca4cub2e4 eo"jjeo"da" eo"jjeo"da" eo"jjeo"da" ub0b4 ub9d8 ub2e4 ud0c0ubc84ub838ub294uc9c0 nae" mam" da" ta"beo"ryeoss"neun"ji" ub0b4uac00 uc774ub7f0 ubc14ubcf4 uc600ub294uc9c0nae"ga" i"reon" ba"bo" yeoss"neun"ji"uc774uac70 ucc38 uc774ub7f4uc904uc740 ubab0ub790uc5b4 i"geo" cam" i"reol"jul"eun" mol"rass"eo" uc624ub298ub3c4 ub09c uc9c0uccd0 ub108ub9cc uae30ub2e4ub9acub2e4o"neul"do" nan" ji"cyeo" neo"man" gi"da"ri"da"ub108 ub54cubb38uc5d0 ub208ubb3c uc3d9 ube80 uc5ecuc790ub4e4 neo" ddae"mun"e" nun"mul" ssog" bbaen" yeo"ja"deul" uadf8 uc911uc5d0 ud558ub098uac00 ub418uae30ub294 uc2ebuc5c8uc5b4geu" jung"e" ha"na"ga" doe"gi"neun" silh"eoss"eo"ub108ub97c ubc14ub77cubcf4ub2e4 uc544ucc28 uc2f6uc5c8uc5b4 neo"reul" ba"ra"bo"da" a"ca" sip"eoss"eo" ub2e4uc7a1uc558ub358 ub0b4 ub9d8 ub193uce58uace0 ub9d0uc558uc5b4da"jab"ass"deon" nae" mam" noh"ci"go" mal"ass"eo"uadf8ub7f0 ub098ub97c ubd80ub974uba74 Oh My Honey geu"reon" na"reul" bu"reu"myeon" Oh My Honey uc77cubd84uc77cucd08ub9ccuc5d0 ub2c8 uc55euc5d0 uc788ub294 ub098il"bun"il"co"man"e" ni" ap"e" iss"neun" na"ub108ubb34 uba4buc9c4 uba4buc9c4 uadf8ub300 neo"mu" meos"jin" meos"jin" geu"dae" ub110 ubc14ub77cubcf4uba74 uc5b4uc9c8uc5b4uc9c8ud574neol" ba"ra"bo"myeon" eo"jil"eo"jil"hae"ub108ubb34 ub098uc05c ub098uc05c uadf8ub300 neo"mu" na"bbeun" na"bbeun" geu"dae" ub2e4 ubaa8ub974ub294 ucc99 uc6c3uace0ub9cc uc788ub124da" mo"reu"neun" ceog" us"go"man" iss"ne"uc5b4uca4cub2e4 uc5b4uca4cub2e4 uc5b4uca4cub2e4 eo"jjeo"da" eo"jjeo"da" eo"jjeo"da" ub110 uc0acub791ud558uac8c ub410ub294uc9c0 neol" sa"rang"ha"ge" dwaess"neun"ji" ub0b4uac00 uc65c uc774uaf34uc774 ub410ub294uc9c0nae"ga" wae" i"ggol"i" dwaess"neun"ji"uc5b4uca4cub2e4 uc5b4uca4cub2e4 uc5b4uca4cub2e4 eo"jjeo"da" eo"jjeo"da" eo"jjeo"da" ub0b4 ub9d8 ub2e4 ud0c0ubc84ub838ub294uc9c0 nae" mam" da" ta"beo"ryeoss"neun"ji" ub0b4uac00 uc774ub7f0 ubc14ubcf4 uc600ub294uc9c0nae"ga" i"reon" ba"bo" yeoss"neun"ji"Rap) uc544ubb34ub807uc9c0 uc54auc740 ucc99 ud574ub3c4 ub124uac8cub294 ub2e4 ubcf4uc774uaca0uc9c0, ub09ca"mu"reoh"ji" anh"eun" ceog" hae"do" ne"ge"neun" da" bo"i"gess"ji", nan"uc720uba85ud588uc5b4 uae4cuce60 ub3c4ub3c4..uc774ub7f0 ub0b4uac00 ubcc0ud574, ub108ub85c uc778ud574.yu"myeong"haess"eo" gga"cil" do"do"..i"reon" nae"ga" byeon"hae", neo"ro" in"hae"uace0ub85c ub098ub97c ub3c4ub85c ub3ccub824ub194uc918, ub098ub97c ubd10uc918 "Red Alert" go"ro" na"reul" do"ro" dol"ryeo"nwa"jweo", na"reul" bwa"jweo" "Red Alert"ub108uc640 uc788uc73cuba74 uc65c uc774ub7f4uae4c uc2ecuc7a5uc774 uba4euc5b4!neo"wa" iss"eu"myeon" wae" i"reol"gga" sim"jang"i" meoj"eo"!ub05duc774 ubed4ud788 ubcf4uc774ub294 uac8cuc784uc774uc57c ggeut"i" bbeon"bbeon" bo"i"neun" ge"im"i"ya" ub098ub97c ubaa8ub450 ub9d0ub824 ub2c8 ub9d0ub9cc ub098uc624uba74na"reul" mo"du" mal"ryeo" ni" mal"man" na"o"myeon"uadf8ub798ub3c4 ub09c uc5b4uca54uc218uac00 uc5c6uc796uc544 geu"rae"do" nan" eo"jjeol"su"ga" eobs"janh"a" ub108ub9cc uc0dduac01ud558uba74 uc785uac00uc5d4 ubbf8uc18cub9ccneo"man" saeng"gag"ha"myeon" ib"ga"en" mi"so"man"ud558ub8e8 ud558ub8e8 uace0ubbfcuace0ubbfc ud574ubd10ub3c4 ha"ru" ha"ru" go"min"go"min" hae"bwa"do" ub108uc758 uc18duc744 ubab0ub77c uae5cuae5cud55c ubc24uc774uc57cneo"yi" sog"eul" mol"ra" ggam"ggam"han" bam"i"ya" ub098ub9cc ubcf4uace0 ub9d0ud574uc918 Oh My Darling na"man" bo"go" mal"hae"jweo" Oh My Darling uc9c0uacb9uc9c0ub3c4 uc54aub2c8 uadf8 ub9ceuc740 uc5ecuc790ub4e4ji"gyeob"ji"do" anh"ni" geu" manh"eun" yeo"ja"deul"ub108ubb34 uba4buc9c4 uba4buc9c4 uadf8ub300 neo"mu" meos"jin" meos"jin" geu"dae" ub0a0 ubc14ub77cubcfc ub550 uc544ucc14uc544ucc14 ud574nal" ba"ra"bol" ddaen" a"jjil"a"jjil" hae"ub108ubb34 ubc14uc05c ubc14uc05c uadf8ub300 neo"mu" ba"bbeun" ba"bbeun" geu"dae" ud558ub8e8ub77cub3c4 ub354 ubcf4uace0 uc2f6uc740ub370ha"ru"ra"do" deo" bo"go" sip"eun"de"uc5b4uca4cub2e4 uc5b4uca4cub2e4 uc5b4uca4cub2e4 eo"jjeo"da" eo"jjeo"da" eo"jjeo"da" ub110 uc0acub791ud558uac8c ub410ub294uc9c0 neol" sa"rang"ha"ge" dwaess"neun"ji" ub0b4uac00 uc65c uc774uaf34uc774 ub410ub294uc9c0nae"ga" wae" i"ggol"i" dwaess"neun"ji"uc5b4uca4cub2e4 uc5b4uca4cub2e4 uc5b4uca4cub2e4 eo"jjeo"da" eo"jjeo"da" eo"jjeo"da" ub0b4 ub9d8 ub2e4 ud0c0ubc84ub838ub294uc9c0 nae" mam" da" ta"beo"ryeoss"neun"ji" ub0b4uac00 uc774ub7f0 ubc14ubcf4 uc600ub294uc9c0nae"ga" i"reon" ba"bo" yeoss"neun"ji"Rap) (R.E.S.P.E.C.T ME~) ub0b4uac00 ub110 ub354 uc88buc544ud558uc9c0ub9ccRap) (R.E.S.P.E.C.T ME~) nae"ga" neol" deo" joh"a"ha"ji"man"(Yon don`t be nasty) ubbf8uce58uaca0uc5b4 ub098uc758 ub9c8uc74cuc774(Yon don`t be nasty) mi"ci"gess"eo" na"yi" ma"eum"i"ucee4ucee4ucee4ucee4 ucee4uc838uac00ub124, ub09c uc6ccuc6ccuc6ccuc6cc uc6ccuca4cuae4cuc608~keo"keo"keo"keo" keo"jyeo"ga"ne", nan" weo"weo"weo"weo" weo"jjeo"gga"ye"~uc624ub85cuc9c0 uadf8ub300uc5d0uac8c ubc18ud588uc8e0, uc0acub791ud55cub2e4uace0 ub0b4uac8c ub9d0ud574uc918~~o"ro"ji" geu"dae"e"ge" ban"haess"jyo", sa"rang"han"da"go" nae"ge" mal"hae"jweo"~~uc5b4uca4cub2e4 uc5b4uca4cub2e4 uc5b4uca4cub2e4 eo"jjeo"da" eo"jjeo"da" eo"jjeo"da" uadf8ub807uac8c ub10c ud0dcuc5b4ub0acub294uc9c0 geu"reoh"ge" neon" tae"eo"nass"neun"ji" ub0b4 ub9d8uc744 ub2e4 ube8fuc5b4uac14ub294uc9c0nae" mam"eul" da" bbaes"eo"gass"neun"ji"uc5b4uca4cub2e4 uc5b4uca4cub2e4 uc5b4uca4cub2e4 eo"jjeo"da" eo"jjeo"da" eo"jjeo"da" ub0b4 ub208uc55euc5d0 ub098ud0c0ub0acub294uc9c0 nae" nun"ap"e" na"ta"nass"neun"ji" uc0acub791ud558uac8c ub9ccub4e4uc5c8ub294uc9c0 sa"rang"ha"ge" man"deul"eoss"neun"ji" uc5b4uca4cub2e4~eo"jjeo"da"~
2023-07-23 10:38:281

IT达人求助 请问:K2 Black Pearl 是什么 老板让找报价 有懂的告诉我

作为K2的旗舰产品,K2 blackpearl 是企业在构建流程驱动应用程序时使用最广泛的、功能最丰富的软件。   K2 blackpearl 设计界面 — 基于浏览器的界面,或者设计界面被嵌入到 SharePoint、Visio 和 Visual Studio 中 — 以适合不同类型用户的使用习惯和技术技能。并且由于工作流的定义并不依赖于设计器,用户可以使用他们擅长或偏爱的技术相互协作处理工作。   利用K2 blackpearl建立工作流或流程管理,一切都是可视化的。一切都是被声明的。一切都是可重复使用的。一切都是直观的。
2023-07-23 10:38:461

方舟黑珍珠怎么获得 黑珍珠获取方法

黑珍珠获得方法有很多,传送到焦土地图左上角的蓝方舟刷沙虫、在绝望矿洞打广翅鲎和菊石,以及刷精英苍龙和精英鱿鱼都可以获得一定数量的黑珍珠。 黑珍珠获取方法 黑珍珠(Black Pearl)是游戏中比较稀有的道具,一些特殊物品的制作以及水下生物的驯化需要用到黑珍珠。 黑珍珠可以通过狩猎一些水下的生物获得,想要大量获得的话可以驯化一只沧龙去水下刷。 黑珍珠快速获取 黑珍珠一般的获取方法就是打怪获得,但如果想速刷大量黑珍珠的话,建议大家去刷精英苍龙和精英鱿鱼,这两个精英怪掉的黑珍珠数量较多,一次大概能掉100个左右。 黑珍珠代码: cheat giveitem "Blueprint"/Game/Mods/UltraStacks/Resources/PrimalItemResource_BlackPearl_US.PrimalItemResource_BlackPearl_US"" 1 100 0
2023-07-23 10:38:531


约翰尼·德普 早年经历 虽然尊尼·特普出生在肯塔基州,但是他却是在佛罗里达州长大的。15岁时他的父母离异,这让他一度成为不良少年并染上毒瘾。在舅父的唱诗班他迷恋上了音乐,还曾经自组摇滚乐队。在1983年,为了成为摇滚歌手,他前往洛杉矶发展。同年,他与他的第一任妻子,化妆师Lori Anne Allison结婚,并通过她认识了尼古拉斯·凯奇。正是在他的大力引荐下,尊尼·特普开始踏入影视圈,走上星路。 [编辑] 银幕生涯 1984年,他出演了个人的银幕处女作《猛鬼街》(A Nightmare on Elm Street)。但是之后几年他只能出演一些小角色。直到1988年,他才以电视剧集《龙虎少年队》(21 Jump Street)一炮打红,成为了当年的热门人物和青春偶像。 1990年,他受到后来的好友,著名导演蒂姆·波顿的邀请,在《剪刀手爱德华》(Edward Scissorhands)中饰演男主人公「剪刀手爱德华」。这部电影被认为奠定了他在荷里活的明星地位。其后,他却没有像其他很多演员一样,热衷於出演能令自己迅速出位的大规模、大制作商业电影,而是接拍了许多比较冷门的艺术片,如《亚利桑那之梦》(Arizona Dream)、《不一样的天空》(What"s Eating Gilbert Grape)、《艾得伍德》(Ed Wood)、《你看见死亡的颜色吗?》(Dead Man)等。虽然这些片子没有让他大红大紫,跻身荷里活一线明星,而是处在一种半红不紫的尴尬地位。但是它们也确定了尊尼·特普另类独特的表演风格和在影坛独树一帜的地位。 其间,在1993年他的好友,影星瑞凡·凤凰城(River Phoenix)在他的酒吧门口由於吸毒过量不幸猝死,年仅23岁。这对尊尼·特普来说是一个巨大的震动。这个噩耗让他开始认真思考人生的意义。之后,他的生活态度发生了极大的变化。 之后几年,他的选片范围开始不仅仅局限於艺术片。1999年他再次受邀出演蒂姆·波顿执导的恐怖片《断头谷》(Sleepy Hollow),颇受好评。次年他在《浓情巧克力》(Chocolat)中也凭藉配角出了彩。2001年,他出演了改编自开膛手杰克的连环杀人案件的影片《来自地狱》(From Hell)。2003年他又出演了两部大制作:《加勒比海盗》(台湾译:神鬼奇航)(Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl)和《墨西哥往事》(台湾译:英雄不回头)(Once Upon a Time in Mexico)。其中前者不仅在票房上大获成功,而且还使尊尼·特普在全世界范围内的知名度得到了大幅度的提升,为他带来第一个奥斯卡最佳男主角奖提名。2004年他出演的电影《寻找梦幻岛》(台湾译:寻找新乐园)(Finding Neverland)为他带来了2005年度的第二个奥斯卡最佳男主角奖的提名。这部拍摄於2002年的电影是根据著名童话《彼得潘》的作者詹姆斯·马修·巴里(Sir James Matthew Barrie, Bt. )的生平改编的。 2005年,尊尼·特普将演出根据同名著名童话改编的奇幻影片《查理和巧克力工厂》(台湾译:巧克力冒险工厂)(Charlie and the Chocolate Factory)。这也是他与蒂姆·波顿合作的第五部作品。 2007年,尊尼将主演由知名百老汇歌舞剧改编的电影版「理发师陶德」(SWEENEY TODD),这将是他与提姆波顿合作的第七部电影。其与提姆波顿合作的第六部电影应为2005年的动画「地狱新娘」。 [编辑] 个人生活 尊尼·特普的第一段婚姻仅仅维持了两年。1985年他便与第一任妻子离婚。之后几年,他先后与薇诺娜·瑞德(Winona Ryder)和名模凯特·摩斯拍拖,甚至一度还与前者订婚。不过最后都不了了之。 近几年尊尼·特普一直与法国歌手兼演员凡妮莎·帕拉迪(Vanessa Paradis)同居。他们育有一子一女,女儿Lily-Rose Melody Depp和儿子Jack。不过他们两人至今没有结婚。 现在尊尼·特普和家人常年在他在洛杉矶、法国南部的山区和英国的东苏塞克斯郡的住所居住。 [编辑] 所获荣誉 * 1999年凯撒电影奖荣誉奖(以表彰他为电影事业所做的贡献) * 2004年奥斯卡最佳男主角奖提名(《加勒比海盗》) * 2005年全美民选奖最受欢迎男演员奖(《寻找梦幻岛》) * 2005年奥斯卡最佳男主角奖提名(《寻找梦幻岛》) [编辑] 影视作品 * 《猛鬼街》(A Nightmare on Elm Street) (1984年) * 《野战排》(Platoon) (1986年) * 《Cry-Baby》 (1990年) * 《剪刀手爱德华》(Edward Scissorhands) (1990年) * 《亚利桑那之梦》(Arizona Dream) (1993年) * 《Benny & Joon》 (1993年) * 《不一样的天空》(What"s Eating Gilbert Grape) (1993年) * 《艾得伍德》(Ed Wood)(1994年) * 《你看见死亡的颜色吗?》(Dead Man) (1995年) * (Nick of Time (movie)|Nick of Time) (1995年) * 《天生爱情狂》(Don Juan DeMarco) (1995年) * 《忠奸人》(Donnie Brasco) (1997年) * 《The Brave》 (1997年) (兼导演、编剧) * 《Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas》 (1998年) * 《断头谷》(Sleepy Hollow) (1999年) * 《The Man Who Cried》 (2000年) * 《Before Night Falls》 (2000年) * 《浓情巧克力》(Chocolat) (2000年) * 《Blow》 (2001年) * 《From Hell》 (2001年) * 《Lost In La Mancha》 (2002年) (编剧) * 《加勒比海盗》(Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl) (2003年) * 《墨西哥往事》(Once Upon a Time in Mexico) (2003年) * 《Secret Window》 (2004年) * 《寻找梦幻岛》(Finding Neverland) (2004年)(拍摄於2002年) * 《风流才子》(The Libertine) (2004年) * 《查理和巧克力工厂》(Charlie and the Chocolate Factory) (2005年) * 《加勒比海盗2》(Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man"s Chest) (2006年) * 《加勒比海盗3》(Pirates of the Caribbean: At World"s End) (2007年)
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如下:1、LLUMAR龙膜(美国)推荐产品:后羿系列龙膜是来自美国的品牌。它发明了世界上第一张隔热膜。目前市面上最为高档的汽车窗膜则是磁控溅射膜。该品牌的最高端磁控溅射膜为后羿系列。该品牌将金、银、铟等稀有金属根据独有的“黄金配比”技术,再通过高科技进行智能配比。将隔热等等综合性能大幅度的提升。该系列产品一经推出便在行业内引起轰动。后羿系列的前挡可见光透过率在72%,而总台与能阻隔率高达54%,它在国内的价格是16000元左右。2、Quantum量子膜(法国)推荐产品:钻石70系列Quantum量子膜是来自法国的品牌,它隶属于世界五百强圣戈班旗下的舒热佳特殊镀膜公司。量子膜在全球的窗膜行业内的知名度超高。该品牌的主要生产工艺就是磁控溅射技术。量子膜的汽车窗膜产品非常多。可以根据渠道供货的不同来分成零售系列、PDI系列和电商系列。如果想要隔热效果最佳的话,建议选购量子膜钻石70系列和至影72系列。钻石70的前档可见光透过率达到了72%,而太阳能阻隔率高达55%。钻石70在市场上的售价为3800元,可以说性价比很高了。3、3M(美国)推荐产品:晶锐系列3M是来自美国的品牌。该品牌的产品涉猎范围极广,涵盖了运输、建筑、商业、教育、电子,可以说生活上的方方面面都有3M的产品。3M汽车窗膜系列繁多。其中最顶尖的产品来自于晶锐系列。该系列是由3M独自生产的,产品都具有斜射增强功能,隔热效果会随着太阳光线和玻璃的夹角变化而发生改变。系列中的晶锐70的隔热率在50%到59%范围内浮动,可见光的透过率高达71%。4、Madico马迪可(美国)与榜单前三品牌相比,马迪可进入中国的时间较晚,在2013年才通过正规渠道向中国供应汽车窗膜产品,在国内的知名度较低。在产品质量上,具有美国军工背景的马迪可在技术上无可挑剔,是全球唯一一家具有产销一体化的企业,也是国际窗膜协会IWFA八大会员之一。马迪可的每个系列均由多款前档膜和侧挡膜组成,在每个系列内就可完成全车贴膜。前挡膜和侧挡膜对于可见光透光率、隔热率以及反光率的要求各不相同。对于前挡膜,其特点在于可见光透过率均为70%以上,也正因如此,隔热具有阈值。对于侧后挡玻璃膜,由于不影响司机驾驶,一般都将可见光透光率降低,从而获得保护隐私和隔热的目的,这也是大部分车主的选择方案。目前,马迪可旗下共有Black Pearl HP、Black Pearl NR、onyx、Charcoal、charcool、Black Pearl NC以及Wincos这几个系列。不同系列的侧重点各不相同,如Black Pearl HP系列综合性能较好,Black Pearl NR反射率低,Black Pearl NC则全系采用纳米陶瓷工艺,不会产生电磁信号屏蔽作用。5、V-KOOL威固(美国)威固品牌正式成立于1991年,其汽车窗膜的制造商正是行业为数不多拥有磁控溅射技术的韶华科技。韶华科技长期从事军用和空间技术所需的光谱选择性薄膜开发和生产,1998年就在亚利桑那州设立了威固隔热膜专用生产线。2011年,韶华科技与威固一起,成为伊士曼旗下品牌。威固汽车窗膜产品型号众多,与马迪可不同,威固窗膜型号大都可随意搭配,对于前档,目前威固最优秀的产品当属V-KOOL 70+和V-KOOL 70,这也是威固在中国线上渠道仅有的前挡玻璃膜。这两款窗膜均使用磁控溅射工艺生产,具有很好的光谱选择性。据威固官方资料显示,V-KOOL 70可见光透过率为70%,太阳能阻隔率为36%,而V-KOOL 70+作为V-KOOL 70的升级版,不仅可见光透过率高达75%,其太阳能阻隔率也高达53%。在与侧后挡的搭配上,威固侧后挡玻璃膜的太阳能隔热率普遍在40%以上,追求隐私的用户则建议选择可见光透过率低于25%的产品。
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My favorite animal is the small white rabbit. It all a piece of pure white, a pair of blue of big eyes, two long ears, as if to listen to the home a little bit of movement; It has a short tail, it"s mouths open, greatly is uncovered two front teeth, is it more lovely.你们猜猜我是谁?身穿雪白大皮袄,头上两颗红宝石。猜中我是谁了吗?我就是超可爱的小白兔。告诉你们,别看我小巧玲珑的,我可称得上是动物中的飞毛腿。我的奔跑速度每小时可达70——80公里。哈哈!厉害吧!
2023-07-23 10:42:102


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2023-07-23 10:42:297

exo的Black pearl中文歌词

Black PearlChen:She"s My Black Pearl... She"s My Black Pearl...LuHan:不用地图作向导 心会把方向找到 不在乎路途前方 多少崎岖 沿路多少阻挡Lay:我的心 没有一刻与你分离 将你忘记 Chen:若可以 在那一条遥远海平线上发现你模样All:我扬起帆一路远航 驾驭风直到尽头oh- 让汹涌的海面也安静温柔 花黑暗里开放 海面一轮月光 那神秘的地方 My Beautiful Black Pearl 花黑暗里开放 海面一轮月光 那神秘的地方 My Beautiful Black PearlLuHan:是现实抑或虚幻 我感觉不可思议 Lay:是否一直身在梦境里环游 LuHan:你宛若在 传说的所在 神话之中XiuMin:在时光里追寻你的影踪Chen:我不曾相信这世界存在所谓永恒 为了你 日夜思念的你当我触及你那一瞬All:我扬起帆一路远航 驾驭风直到尽头oh- 让汹涌的海面也安静温柔 花黑暗里开放 海面一轮月光 那神秘的地方 My Beautiful Black Pearl 花黑暗里开放 海面一轮月光 那神秘的地方 My Beautiful Black PearlKris:当风暴 突然袭来 危险在咆哮 不要把航向颠倒 不要让行进停掉 Tao:如果这就害怕退缩 就连开始都没做到 没关系还有我替你挡 就算大海把你藏起来这恶劣玩笑 为你我愿意接招All:让汹涌的海面也安静温柔让汹涌的海面也安静温柔让汹涌的海面也安静温柔Chen:She"s My Black Pearl oh All:悬浮天空的太阳 无限湛蓝的海洋 oh-向著她那美丽耀眼的光芒 在浓密的雾障 在澎湃的海浪 投映模糊形状 My Beautiful Black Pearl 在深邃的沉默 在这哀伤的歌 隐约还在回荡 My Beautiful Black Pearl
2023-07-23 10:43:071

Black Pearl 歌词

Black Pearl演唱:EXO-M不用地图作向导 心会把方向找到不在乎路途前方 多少崎岖 沿路多少阻挡我的心 没有一刻与你分离 将你忘记若可以 在那一条遥远海平线上发现你模样我扬起帆一路远航 驾驭风直到尽头oh-让汹涌的海面也安静温柔花黑暗里开放 海面一轮月光那神秘的地方 My Beautiful Black Pearl花黑暗里开放 海面一轮月光那神秘的地方 My Beautiful Black Pearl是现实抑或虚幻 我感觉不可思议是否一直身在梦境里环游你宛若在 传说的所在 神话之中在时光里追寻你的影踪我不曾相信这世界存在所谓永恒为了你 日夜思念的你当我触及你那一瞬当风暴 突然袭来 危险在咆哮不要把航向颠倒 不要让行进停掉如果这就害怕退缩 就连开始都没做到 没关系还有我替你挡就算大海把你藏起来这恶劣玩笑 为你我愿意接招让汹涌的海面变安静温柔She"s My Black Pearl oh悬浮天空的太阳 无限湛蓝的海洋 oh-向着她那美丽耀眼的光芒在浓密的雾障 在澎湃的海浪投映模糊形状 My Beautiful Black Pearl在深邃的沉默 在这哀伤的歌隐约还在回汤 My Beautiful Black Pearl
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2023-07-23 10:43:234

Black Pearl 歌词

歌曲名:Black Pearl歌手:The Checkmates Ltd.专辑:Love Is All We Have To GiveTitle: Black PearlArtist: Bryan AdamsAlbum: 18 Til I DieBy:xh_jacksonDeep down in MississippiI found my sweet delta bluesShe weaved a little southern spell on meMade a little voodooShe was born the bright side of midnightWhen her mama was seventeenShe was a hot blooded - god fearin" - gospel girlThe finest that I ever seenShe"s black coffeelittle bit "o creamSweet brown sugarmy midnight dreammy kinda girlJust the kind of thing to rock my worldBlack pearlshe"s my kinda girlMet her in a dixie dinerPut on the southern hospitalityI can still smell her sweet molassesRunning all over meWe started rollin" like the riverLike a twister tearin" through the townTongue tied - satisfied - "n southern friedAs she drove this ol" dixie downShe"s black coffeelittle bit "o creamSweet brown sugarmy midnight dreamBlack pearlmy kinda girlJust the kind of thing to rock my worldBlack pearlshe"s my kinda girlYeah she"s alrightyeah she"s okMakin" love nightshe really made my dayShe was born the bright side of midnightWhen her mama was seventeenShe was a hot blooded - god fearin" - gospel girlThe finest that I ever seenShe"s black coffeelittle bit "o creamSweet brown sugarmy midnight dreamBlack pearlBlack pearlmy kinda girlJust the kind of thing to rock my worldBlack pearlshe"s my kinda girlBlack pearlmy kinda girlJust the kind of thing to rock my worldBlack pearlshe"s my kinda girl
2023-07-23 10:43:301

求exo—k《black pearl》歌词分配 多谢了!

EXO-KBlack Pearl She"s myblack pearlShe"s myblack pearl지도는 필요 없어 내 맘이 널 가리켜갈 길이 험난해도 이쯤에서 그렇겐 못한다한 시도 떨어져 잊어본 적이 없는데저 멀리 수평선 끝에 너의 모습을 볼 수 있다면난 돛을 올려 끝까지 바람에 날 싣고 oh거칠어진 수면의 요동을 재워어둠 속에 핀 꽃, 바다 위에 뜬 달, 비밀 같은 그 곳, my beautiful black pearl어둠 속에 핀 꽃, 바다 위에 뜬 달, 비밀 같은 그 곳, my beautiful black pearl실재하긴 하는 건지 현실과는 동떨어진꿈과 이상 속을 헤매고 있나신화 속에 살 것만 같은 oh, 나의 여신아시간을 헤치고 널 찾아가영원한 것들은 믿어본 적이 없는데그토록 간절하게 나 바래왔던 널 닿게 된다면폭풍이 몰아치는 아찔한 순간에도뱃머릴 돌리지마 항해를 멈추지마이 정도에 겁을 먹고 물러날 줄 알았다면 시작조차 하지 않았다너를 감춰놓은 바다의 장난엔 기꺼이 내가 맞서준다거칠어진 수면의 요동을 재워 x3She"s myblack pearl oh- She is my black pearl난 하늘에 뜬 태양과 다섯 개의 대양 oh찬란하게 빛나는 그녀를 향해짙은 안개 속에 높은 파도 위에 흐릿하게 비친 my beautiful black pearl(ho- oh- mybeautiful black pearl yeah)깊은 침묵 속에 슬픈 선율 위에 희미하게 들린 my beautiful black pearl(ho- heyshe"s my beautiful beautiful black pearl)我在网上搜的,不知道对不对
2023-07-23 10:43:373

ExoK《black pearl》歌词分配

Black PearlChen:She"s My Black Pearl... She"s My Black Pearl...LuHan:不用地图作向导 心会把方向找到 不在乎路途前方 多少崎岖 沿路多少阻挡Lay:我的心 没有一刻与你分离 将你忘记 Chen:若可以 在那一条遥远海平线上发现你模样All:我扬起帆一路远航 驾驭风直到尽头oh- 让汹涌的海面也安静温柔 花黑暗里开放 海面一轮月光 那神秘的地方 My Beautiful Black Pearl 花黑暗里开放 海面一轮月光 那神秘的地方 My Beautiful Black PearlLuHan:是现实抑或虚幻 我感觉不可思议 Lay:是否一直身在梦境里环游 LuHan:你宛若在 传说的所在 神话之中XiuMin:在时光里追寻你的影踪Chen:我不曾相信这世界存在所谓永恒 为了你 日夜思念的你当我触及你那一瞬All:我扬起帆一路远航 驾驭风直到尽头oh- 让汹涌的海面也安静温柔 花黑暗里开放 海面一轮月光 那神秘的地方 My Beautiful Black Pearl 花黑暗里开放 海面一轮月光 那神秘的地方 My Beautiful Black PearlKris:当风暴 突然袭来 危险在咆哮 不要把航向颠倒 不要让行进停掉 Tao:如果这就害怕退缩 就连开始都没做到 没关系还有我替你挡 就算大海把你藏起来这恶劣玩笑 为你我愿意接招All:让汹涌的海面也安静温柔让汹涌的海面也安静温柔让汹涌的海面也安静温柔Chen:She"s My Black Pearl oh All:悬浮天空的太阳 无限湛蓝的海洋 oh-向著她那美丽耀眼的光芒 在浓密的雾障 在澎湃的海浪 投映模糊形状 My Beautiful Black Pearl 在深邃的沉默 在这哀伤的歌 隐约还在回荡 My Beautiful Black Pearl
2023-07-23 10:43:453

求EXO-M black pearl歌词分配 上面所有歌都有
2023-07-23 10:44:012

求韩国女子组合black pearlmp3下载
2023-07-23 10:44:191


又好听又短的英文队名有:1、genius team(天才队)2、scaling new heights(勇攀)3、death horizon(死亡地平线)4、king(国王)5、the black pearl(黑珍珠号)6、crown(皇冠)7、lucky stars(幸运星)8、tsia.(星之所在)9、gotg.(冥界之握)10、dazzle light sky(光炫星空)11、frantic metal(狂热金属)12、forest pray(森林的祈祷)13、dream wings(梦之翼)14、eternal victory(永恒的胜利)15、the wings of hope(希望之翼)16、typhoon(旋风队)17、blue flke(蓝色火焰)18、bw black warrior(黑色战士)19、dream of china(华夏之梦)20、the superego(超越自我)
2023-07-23 10:44:281

翻译:The Curse of the Black Pearl

2023-07-23 10:44:582


看看断头谷,他在里面Very handsome. 意为非常帅。
2023-07-23 10:45:162

exo所有专辑发行时间加收录歌曲 加其他唱过的歌

2023-07-23 10:46:003


你的『国产』指的是什么,山寨的话就算有类似的功能也不叫FaceTime,跟正品之间也不能进行FaceTime通话——来自 Black Pearl MSi GS60 2QC-022XCN 至尊版 MytheiragePro"s Relics 客户端 2016年5月5日21:26:33
2023-07-23 10:46:121

Pearl Jam的《Black》 歌词

歌曲名:Black歌手:Pearl Jam专辑:Live On Two LegsHey...oooh...Sheets of empty canvas, untouched sheets of clayWere laid spread out before me as her body once didAll five horizons revolved around her soulAs the earth to the sunNow the air I tasted and breathed has taken a turnOoh, and all I taught her was everythingOoh, I know she gave me all that she woreAnd now my bitter hands chafe beneath the cloudsOf what was everything?Oh, the pictures have all been washed in black, tattooed everything...I take a walk outsideI"m surrounded by some kids at playI can feel their laughter, so why do I searOh, and twisted thoughts that spin round my headI"m spinning, oh, I"m spinningHow quick the sun can, drop awayAnd now my bitter hands cradle broken glassOf what was everything?All the pictures have all been washed in black, tattooed everything...All the love gone bad turned my world to blackTattooed all I see, all that I am, all that I"ll be...yeah...Uh huh...uh huh...ooh...I know someday you"ll have a beautiful life, I know you"ll be a starIn somebody else"s sky, but whyWhy, why can"t it be, why can"t it be mine
2023-07-23 10:46:431

Pearl Jam的《Black》 歌词

歌曲名:Black歌手:Pearl Jam专辑:Rearviewmirror (Greatest Hits 1991-2003)Hey...oooh...Sheets of empty canvas, untouched sheets of clayWere laid spread out before me as her body once didAll five horizons revolved around her soulAs the earth to the sunNow the air I tasted and breathed has taken a turnOoh, and all I taught her was everythingOoh, I know she gave me all that she woreAnd now my bitter hands chafe beneath the cloudsOf what was everything?Oh, the pictures have all been washed in black, tattooed everything...I take a walk outsideI"m surrounded by some kids at playI can feel their laughter, so why do I searOh, and twisted thoughts that spin round my headI"m spinning, oh, I"m spinningHow quick the sun can, drop awayAnd now my bitter hands cradle broken glassOf what was everything?All the pictures have all been washed in black, tattooed everything...All the love gone bad turned my world to blackTattooed all I see, all that I am, all that I"ll be...yeah...Uh huh...uh huh...ooh...I know someday you"ll have a beautiful life, I know you"ll be a starIn somebody else"s sky, but whyWhy, why can"t it be, why can"t it be mine
2023-07-23 10:46:501


  下面我为大家带来有关兔子英语作文带翻译,欢迎大家学习!    有关兔子英语作文1:   My favorite animal is the little white rabbit. Under my repeated requests, on this day, my mother finally promised to buy me a small white rabbit home, I put it in their heart, don"t think it"s very small, like just a full moon. The small white rabbit ears long, sharp, his eyes were red, like two rubies. Mouth is like a little flower blooming, is three disc. Mouth beard with the mouth move their hands up, so funny!   Is the small white rabbit likes to eat carrots and green vegetables. I and my brother every day go to the supermarket to buy fresh vegetables the little white rabbit. After go home, we wash vegetables washed, dried, then cut into section by section, the small white rabbit feed.   One day, my brother and I decided to give the small white rabbit take a bath, I pick up a basin of warm water first, then put the small white rabbit in the inside, it may be a little nervous at first, always want to jump out, but we still give it a bath finished quickly. I found that, after washing, the small white rabbit had changed, especially thin, the hair is to stick a piece, and kept shaking. I quickly took a towel around it, stop for a while look back the little white rabbit.   The small white rabbit bring us infinite happiness, every day we continue playing with it, watch it bounce, happily eating grass, we are very happy. Now, it"s like a member of our family, and we are happy every day!   我最喜欢的动物就是小白兔。在我的再三请求下,这一天,妈妈终于答应给我买一只小白兔回家,我把它捧在手心里,觉得它非常小,好像刚满月似的。小白兔耳朵长长的,尖尖的,眼睛红红的,像两颗红宝石。嘴巴就像盛开的小花朵,是三瓣的。嘴边的胡须随着嘴巴上下晃动,真逗!   小白兔最喜欢吃的就是萝卜和青菜。我和弟弟每天都去超市给小白兔买新鲜的蔬菜。回家以后,我们把青菜洗了洗,晾干,然后切成一段一段的,喂给小白兔吃。   有一天,我和弟弟决定给小白兔洗个澡,我先接了一盆温水,然后把小白兔放进里面,刚开始它可能有一点紧张,总是想跳出来,但我们还是很快地给它洗完了澡。我发现,洗完了以后,小白兔变了个样,特别瘦,身上的毛都粘到了一块,而且不停地发抖。我赶紧拿毛巾把它包住,停一会儿小白兔又恢复了原来的模样。   小白兔带给我们无限的快乐,我们每天都带它下去玩儿,看着它蹦蹦跳跳、高高兴兴地吃着青草,我们开心极了。现在,它就像我们家庭的一员,每天和我们快乐相伴!    有关兔子英语作文2:   In my home, with a cute little rabbit.   My little rabbit is a black and white panda, rabbit feels fluffy, a pair of shiny black pearl eye always shining in, long ears, thin and big, occasionally can see bloodshot, above three petal mouths on a piece of a set with us always, like always in the eating.   Its legs are short before long, to run, but it scared me at first, so, it is not often run. Wait for small rabbits and I acquainted, also show it that naughty character.   On one occasion, it could run to the sofa say what also don"t come out of the hall. In order to catch it, I"m too tired to full head big sweat, finally with "food bait" seize it. I was furious, but a small rabbit saw the lovely appearance, gas will disappear in time.   Another time, how little rabbit don"t eat, I picked up it, angrily threw the carrot into its mouth, but when I saw the little rabbit that sharp teeth, put the rabbit in the ground, in horror at the in the mind still kept on muttering, how so like the teeth of rats?   Listened to my story, do you also like I this small rabbit?   在我的家里,正养着一只可爱的小兔子。   我的小兔子是一只黑白相间的熊猫兔,摸起来毛绒绒的,一双亮晶晶的黑珍珠似的眼睛总是闪烁着光芒,长长的耳朵又薄又大,上面偶然还能看见血丝,三瓣嘴总是在一张一合地动着,好像总在吃东西。   它的腿虽然是前短后长,有利于奔跑,但起初它却很害怕我,所以,它不经常奔跑。等到小兔子和我混熟了,也就显出了它那调皮的性格了。   有一次,它竟然跑到大厅的沙发底下说什么也不出来。为了抓它,我累得满头大汗,最后还是用“食物引诱法”把它抓住的。我当时生气极了,可一看到小兔子那可爱的模样,气当时就消了。   还有一次,小兔子怎么也不吃东西,我生气地抱起它,硬是把胡萝卜塞到它的嘴里,然而当我看到小兔子那锋利的牙齿时,立刻吓得把小兔子放到地上,心里还在不停地念叨:怎么那么像老鼠的牙齿呢?   听了我的讲述,你是不是也喜欢上了我的这只小兔子了呢?    有关兔子英语作文3:   I keep a cute little rabbit, because it is near the mouth of a small black spots, so I give it a nice name: dots.   Little was wearing a white coat, and a small tail, with a short and fat small but jiongjiongweishen eyes, every now and then look in all directions, it is interested in anything in my house, b, as soon as I put it out of the east, west channeling channeling, like looking for something. Its ears are long and sensitive, with a little pricked up his ears to hear the noise, and then like to hear what, running away. It also has a pair of flexible feet, particularly fast, and often to a sharp turn, a fall, make us laugh, very cute.   I go to school every day, it had to be in a cage to eat green vegetables, turnip, very boring. Only wait for me after school, can go out to play with it, this is the most happy moment, it is always a moment jumped on, for a while, don"t feel a bit tired. Caves are the sites of its game, it in there playing "hide and seek" with me, playing joyfully. On one occasion, a small dog came running, frighten it quickly jumped into my arms, also are playing the shaking body, seems to frighten not light, then I want to protect it.   In my home, it is the most like to trash cans to look for something to eat, make feet are black, I"ll give it a bath, go to blow dry again into the cage, each time it is very reluctant, still want to go out to play! Little thing is really naughty and naughty, I like it.   我家养了一只可爱的小兔子,因为它的嘴旁有一颗小黑点,所以我给它起了个好听的名字:点点。   点点穿着一身洁白的大衣,有一条短而肥的小尾巴,一双小却炯炯有神的眼睛,时不时的东张西望,它对我家任何东西都感兴趣,我一放它出来就东跑跑,西窜窜,像在找什么东西。它的耳朵很长很灵敏,只要有一点动静就竖起双耳来听,然后像听到什么似的,一溜烟跑走了。它还有一双灵活的小脚,跑得特别快,而且常常来一个急转弯,摔一跤,逗得我们哈哈大笑,可爱极了。   每天我去上学,它只好在笼子里吃青菜、萝卜,无聊得很。只有等我放学了,才可以带它出去玩,这是它最高兴的时刻,总是一会儿跳上,一会儿跳下,一点也不觉得累。石洞是它游戏的场所,它在里面和我玩“捉迷藏”,玩得可欢了。有一次,一只小狗跑过来,吓得它急忙窜到我怀里来,身子还在打抖呢,看来吓得不轻,以后我要好好保护它。
2023-07-23 10:46:591


背景音乐我就不知道了 不过求震撼音乐我给你推荐个软件 嗨嗨DJ 这个软件是一款在线免费试听上W首DJ曲的软件很震撼哦
2023-07-23 10:47:155

Pearl Jam的《Black》 歌词

歌曲名:Black歌手:Pearl Jam专辑:TenHey...oooh...Sheets of empty canvas, untouched sheets of clayWere laid spread out before me as her body once didAll five horizons revolved around her soulAs the earth to the sunNow the air I tasted and breathed has taken a turnOoh, and all I taught her was everythingOoh, I know she gave me all that she woreAnd now my bitter hands chafe beneath the cloudsOf what was everything?Oh, the pictures have all been washed in black, tattooed everything...I take a walk outsideI"m surrounded by some kids at playI can feel their laughter, so why do I searOh, and twisted thoughts that spin round my headI"m spinning, oh, I"m spinningHow quick the sun can, drop awayAnd now my bitter hands cradle broken glassOf what was everything?All the pictures have all been washed in black, tattooed everything...All the love gone bad turned my world to blackTattooed all I see, all that I am, all that I"ll be...yeah...Uh huh...uh huh...ooh...I know someday you"ll have a beautiful life, I know you"ll be a starIn somebody else"s sky, but whyWhy, why can"t it be, why can"t it be mine
2023-07-23 10:47:421

Pearl Jam的《Black》 歌词

歌曲名:Black歌手:Pearl Jam专辑:Live: 07-08-03 New York, NYHey...oooh...Sheets of empty canvas, untouched sheets of clayWere laid spread out before me as her body once didAll five horizons revolved around her soulAs the earth to the sunNow the air I tasted and breathed has taken a turnOoh, and all I taught her was everythingOoh, I know she gave me all that she woreAnd now my bitter hands chafe beneath the cloudsOf what was everything?Oh, the pictures have all been washed in black, tattooed everything...I take a walk outsideI"m surrounded by some kids at playI can feel their laughter, so why do I searOh, and twisted thoughts that spin round my headI"m spinning, oh, I"m spinningHow quick the sun can, drop awayAnd now my bitter hands cradle broken glassOf what was everything?All the pictures have all been washed in black, tattooed everything...All the love gone bad turned my world to blackTattooed all I see, all that I am, all that I"ll be...yeah...Uh huh...uh huh...ooh...I know someday you"ll have a beautiful life, I know you"ll be a starIn somebody else"s sky, but whyWhy, why can"t it be, why can"t it be mine
2023-07-23 10:47:491

Pearl Jam的《Black》 歌词

歌曲名:Black歌手:Pearl Jam专辑:Live: 03-03-03 - Tokyo, JapanHey...oooh...Sheets of empty canvas, untouched sheets of clayWere laid spread out before me as her body once didAll five horizons revolved around her soulAs the earth to the sunNow the air I tasted and breathed has taken a turnOoh, and all I taught her was everythingOoh, I know she gave me all that she woreAnd now my bitter hands chafe beneath the cloudsOf what was everything?Oh, the pictures have all been washed in black, tattooed everything...I take a walk outsideI"m surrounded by some kids at playI can feel their laughter, so why do I searOh, and twisted thoughts that spin round my headI"m spinning, oh, I"m spinningHow quick the sun can, drop awayAnd now my bitter hands cradle broken glassOf what was everything?All the pictures have all been washed in black, tattooed everything...All the love gone bad turned my world to blackTattooed all I see, all that I am, all that I"ll be...yeah...Uh huh...uh huh...ooh...I know someday you"ll have a beautiful life, I know you"ll be a starIn somebody else"s sky, but whyWhy, why can"t it be, why can"t it be mine
2023-07-23 10:47:561

Pearl Jam的《Black》 歌词

歌曲名:Black歌手:Pearl Jam专辑:Live on Two LegsHey...oooh...Sheets of empty canvas, untouched sheets of clayWere laid spread out before me as her body once didAll five horizons revolved around her soulAs the earth to the sunNow the air I tasted and breathed has taken a turnOoh, and all I taught her was everythingOoh, I know she gave me all that she woreAnd now my bitter hands chafe beneath the cloudsOf what was everything?Oh, the pictures have all been washed in black, tattooed everything...I take a walk outsideI"m surrounded by some kids at playI can feel their laughter, so why do I searOh, and twisted thoughts that spin round my headI"m spinning, oh, I"m spinningHow quick the sun can, drop awayAnd now my bitter hands cradle broken glassOf what was everything?All the pictures have all been washed in black, tattooed everything...All the love gone bad turned my world to blackTattooed all I see, all that I am, all that I"ll be...yeah...Uh huh...uh huh...ooh...I know someday you"ll have a beautiful life, I know you"ll be a starIn somebody else"s sky, but whyWhy, why can"t it be, why can"t it be mine
2023-07-23 10:48:031

Pearl Jam的《Black》 歌词

* 回复内容中包含的链接未经审核,可能存在风险,暂不予完整展示! 歌曲名:Black歌手:Pearl Jam专辑:Benaroya Hall: October 22nd 2003Hey...oooh...Sheets of empty canvas, untouched sheets of clayWere laid spread out before me as her body once didAll five horizons revolved around her soulAs the earth to the sunNow the air I tasted and breathed has taken a turnOoh, and all I taught her was everythingOoh, I know she gave me all that she woreAnd now my bitter hands chafe beneath the cloudsOf what was everything?Oh, the pictures have all been washed in black, tattooed everything...I take a walk outsideI"m surrounded by some kids at playI can feel their laughter, so why do I searOh, and twisted thoughts that spin round my headI"m spinning, oh, I"m spinningHow quick the sun can, drop awayAnd now my bitter hands cradle broken glassOf what was everything?All the pictures have all been washed in black, tattooed everything...All the love gone bad turned my world to blackTattooed all I see, all that I am, all that I"ll be...yeah...Uh huh...uh huh...ooh...I know someday you"ll have a beautiful life, I know you"ll be a starIn somebody else"s sky, but whyWhy, why can"t it be, why can"t it be minehttp://music.b***.com/song/52160060
2023-07-23 10:48:111


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2023-07-23 10:48:192


2023-07-23 10:43:543