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2023-07-23 10:11:57
TAG: 翻译 语法


Listen into the details

After understanding the general meaning of the episode, learners shall repeatedly listen to the same listening material in order to get detailed information. Psychologists have found that people tend to ignore other information when focusing their attention on a particular piece of information. Therefore,the phenomenon of selective listening will be caused in listening. For example, when listening to the radio broadcast at the airport, the irrelevant information to ourselves it will be filterred out, instead,only those information of our flight is selected. This choice is not determined by the broadcaster, but by the listener"s needs. Therefore, to practice listening, learners are not only to understand the general idea, but also to cultivate the ability to extract the required information. Learners may improve their listening ability by reasonable design of listening tasks. For example,requiring yourself to write down the date, time, flight number and other digital information that you heard to each relevant events. Games,such as Bingo,can also be designed to mobilize the enthusiasm of learning. The learners will choose a group of words from the listening material (nouns and some appropriate verbs), and then seven to eight words are selected from the group. In the listening process, whenever a word you selected is heard, it is then crossed out. When all the your selected words are crossed out, call "Bingo!". This game is very suitable to practice the ability of selective listening.


Listen to detail

Learners understand the drama after the effect, through repeated listening to the same hearing material, access to detailed information. Psychologists study found that when people focus on a detail, often overlooked other information. In terms of hearing, there will be selective listening to the phenomenon. For example, when listening to a radio at the airport, it will filter out information that has nothing to do with it, and only choose to listen to the information of the flight. This choice is not determined by the announcer, but by the needs of the listener. Therefore, listening exercises, not only requires learners to understand the effect, but also to develop the ability of learners to extract the required information. Learners can improve their listening ability by designing a listening task. For example, ask yourself to record the date, time, flight number and other digital information and the corresponding event; you can also design the game, to mobilize the enthusiasm of learning, such as Bino game. Learners choose a list of words (nouns and some appropriate verbs) from the hearing material, and then choose from seven to eight words. In the process of listening, as long as you hear the words of their choice, it will be crossed, when all the words are crossed out, they shouted "Bingo." This game is very suitable for practicing learners selective listening ability.




Listen to the details

After understanding about a drama , learners need to access to detailed information through repeated listening to the same hearing material. With psychologists found that when people focus on a detail, will often overlook other information. In terms of hearing, there will be selective listening to the phenomenon. For example, when listening to a radio at the airport, he will filter out information that has nothing to do with his flight, and only choose to listen to the information of the flight. This choice is not determined by the announcer, but by the needs of the listener. Therefore, listening exercises, not only requires learners to understand the main idea, but also to develop the ability of learners to extract the required information. Learners can improve their listening ability by designing a listening task. For example, let yourself to record the date, time, flight number and other digital information and the corresponding event; you can also design the game, to mobilize the enthusiasm of learning, such as Bino game. Learners choose a list of words (nouns and some appropriate verbs) from the hearing material, and then choose from seven to eight words. In the process of listening, you cross all words which you have heard included in your choices。When all the words are crossed out, you then shout "Bingo." This game is very suitable for practicing learners selective listening ability.



广播电台的解释[broadcaster;broadcast station] 无线电或电视节目的广播机构或装置 中央人民广播电台 详细解释 用无线电波向外播送 新闻 、报刊 文章 、科学常识和文艺等节目的机构。 词语分解 广播的解释 ∶ 利用 无线电或电视信号对大众 传播 每个小时准点广播消息 ∶ 广泛 播扬,广泛传播广购 革命 书报,任人 自由 阅看,以广播革命 思想 详细解释.普遍施予。《三国志·吴志·孙策传》“封为吴侯” 裴松之 注引《吴录》:“ 电台的解释 用于 进行无线电台通信的技术设备。由发射机、 * 、天线、电源及附件组成详细解释.无线电台的通称。 柳青 《铜墙铁壁》第十一章:“原来分区司令部的电台通夜 不停 地和上下级的指挥 机关 连络。”.指广播电台。
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transmit chair
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2023-07-23 07:48:455

游戏主播英文怎么翻译? 我总觉得不是Game ancher

The game is the host
2023-07-23 07:49:244

OBS(Open Broadcaster Software)视频直播软件怎么用

2023-07-23 07:49:401


问题一:主讲人用英语怎么翻译 presenter 问题二:英文中的"主讲人"怎么说 Main speaker Main host Host 问题三:我是ppt的主讲人用英语怎么说 Today I will show your the POWER POINT 问题四:PPT的主讲人英语怎么说 the major speecher of PPT 问题五:主讲人为罗伯特.约翰逊教授,来自宾西法尼亚大学的英语文学系用英语怎么说 主讲人为罗伯特.约翰逊教授,来自宾西法尼亚大学的英语文学系 The speaker is Robert, Professor of English literature at the University of Pennsylvania, Professor Johnson. 重点词汇释义 主讲be the speaker; give a lecture 人为artificial; man-made 罗伯特Robert 约翰逊Johnaon 教授professor; teach; pedagog; inculcation 尼亚Nia 问题六:演讲的主题已提前一星期宣布,而主讲人的名字却没有宣 用英语怎么说 The topic of speech has been announced one week in adva福ce,while the names of the speakers have not been publicized yet. 问题七:“电台主播”用英语怎么说? 20分 Radio anchor 示例用法: 1. 一个尖酸刻薄的电台主播罗驰林博(rush limbaugh)在会议过后问听众:“‘绝不同意"这几个字,共和党到底不认识哪个?” Rush limbaugh, a vitriolic radio host, asked listeners after the pow-wow, what part of "hell no!" Did the republicans not un供erstand? 问题八:主持人用英语怎么翻译 您好, 「主持人」的英文翻译为:Host Host 英式发音 [h??st] 美式发音 [ho?st] [名词][计算机] 主机; 主人,东道主;主持人;节目主持人; 酒店业主 [及物动词] 当主人; 主办宴会,主持节目; 款待,做东 [不及物动词] 做主人,做东道主 双语例句 I am the host of a live radio programme. 我是一个电台直播节目的主持人。 She hosts a show on St Peter *** urg Media. 她在圣彼得堡传媒公司主持一个节目。 In 1987 Canada played host to the monwealth Conference. 在1987年加拿大主办了英联邦大会。 问题九:主持人用英语怎么说? pere;emcee;impresario;question-master 娱乐节目的主持人一般是host/hostess 或pere. 新闻报道的主持人是broadcaster (如中央电视台的新闻联播).在西方, 主持人经常集广播,采访和编辑工作,称为 anchorman/anchorwoma 问题十:我是主持人...用英语怎么说 我是主持人...用英语怎么说I"m a host...
2023-07-23 07:49:581

怎么装Open Broadcaster Software/OBS安装问题

2023-07-23 07:50:271


问题一:广播(英语怎么说?) radio 问题二:大学的一个专业,“广播电视新闻学”英文怎么翻译? 广播电视新闻学: Radio and Television Journali *** 参考权威例句: (1)The TV journali *** programme focuses on the following areas: writing, reporting and editing broadcast news, the essential guidelines in ethical decision-making, media coverage of multi-cultural munities, and interviewing techniques. (2)Content within the traditional media -- newspapers, radio and television -- is strictly supervised. 说明:“广播电视”是一个名词词组,英语中用“Radio and Television”表示。请参考权威例句(2)。“新闻学”毫无疑问单词就是“ Journali *** ”,而不是“news”,因为news 的意思是:News is information about ..... 的意思。Journali *** 的英语解释: 意思是 Journali *** is the job of collecting news and writing about it for newspapers, magazines, television, or radio.,英华大辞典对 Journali *** 的意思解释是:新闻记者职业,新闻学。 整体上我的解释使你确信“译文”的u30fb“道理”,而不是只写而不说为什么要这样写的原因。所以,解决提问者的疑问。因此,即使有写出和我一样的答案,但是,从学习和提问人那种急切的性情而言,我的显然是合乎他的要求的“正确答案”。 问题三:网速快慢究竟都跟什么因素有关?与电脑本身的配置关系大吗? 网速的决定因素是网路传输介质,比如说宽带、光纤、拨号等等。外在因素确实于电脑配置有关,特别是内存,但光是内存的提升也不够妥当,须注意整机的协调搭配。总之,提升网速的最更本措施是升级网路传输方式 问题四:广播电视新闻学用英语怎么说 Journali *** of Broadcast and Television 问题五:"我是广播站的广播 员"用英语怎么说 Hello,every body and everyone .I am(名字),the broadcaster of this broadcast station 表达要活份,流畅 我是学主持的,有问题可以找我 QQ;523946060 问题六:校园广播电台,英语怎么说 Campus broadcasting station, 例句 办好校园英语广播电台,提高学生英语水平对本校校园英语电台的问卷调查的分析 Managing the school broadcasting station well to improve the students English ability The Analysis on a Random Survey of The English Learning Radio Station of Qingdao Institute of Chemical Technology 问题七:关于怎样学习英语的广播稿要带翻译 Learning English just like learning any other language, is hard work so we should spend time practicing using English. Besides, we should listen to the teacher carefully,review what is learned regularly, prepare each lesson carefully before class, do our homework carefully, copy good sentences and recite them and attend English debbates and speech contests. What"s more, be patient and confident. Don"t be shy and don"t be afraid of making mistakes. We must understand that mistakes are unavoidable. So be patient with your mistakes and try to awoid them other time. I believe practice makes perfect. If we study hard, we will learn English well.学习英语就象学其他语言一样需要努力。因此我们应该花时间练习使用英语。而且我们应该上课认真听讲、经常复习学过的内容、课前认真预习、认真做作业、抄写好的句子并背诵、参加英语讨论和演讲比赛。除此之外,要耐心有信心。不要腼腆、害怕犯错误。我们应该知道:错误是避免不了的。因此要耐心对待错误,避免下次再犯。我相信“实践出真知”。如果我们努力学习,我们会学好英语的。 问题八:“广播电台”用英语怎么说 广播电台 译: broadcasting station 例句: 1.广播电台使音乐声逐渐加强。 The radio station faded the music up. 2.广播电台中断音乐节目。 The broadcaster bit off the music programme. 3.这家广播电台近来连续播放流行音乐。 The radio station recently pumps out pop music. 问题九:广播站 英文怎么说? Th broadcasting station 希望帮助到你,若有疑问,可以追问~~~ 祝你学习进步,更上一层楼!(*^__^*) 问题十:有什么软件可以听英语广播的?我看很多人说学英语最好听英语,所以求大家推荐几个app,可以听的,内容 这个我就有经验啦,我是雅思的考生,明年出国读研,雅思已经达到了要求,我一年前连4级都过不了呢。 听英语广播的话,强烈推荐UK Radios,里面有很多电台,有BBC News,Sports,Music等等等等,我一般每天晚上睡觉前会听30分钟广播,保持听力水平并且增强,早上看情况,如果有时间,早上也听30分钟。(这种情况适用于英语基础相对好的,因为是英国本地广播,语速较快) 但是的话,如果说你英文基础差,也就是词汇量少,那么我就不建议你听这个了,因为你肯定是听不懂的,听力是建立在词汇量的基础上的,如果说你听不懂那个单词,那就是词汇量少,如果你全部单词听懂了,但是整句话理解不了,那就是语法问题。语法很重要很重要很重要,重要的事情说三遍。在这种情况下,我个人建议,先补充你的词汇量和语法知识,注意,背单词不要死记,通过读音记,也就是你要会读,才会写,这样的话,之后听听力就会轻松很多。 楼上说的也没错,VOA慢速英语可以,或者可可英语慢速都行,你要坚持才有用,在听的过程中,如果你有不懂的词,记得,一定要暂停,然后查,无论是读音,或者拼写,全部搞懂,这也是一个积累词汇的过程,然后尝试跟着听力读,如果说你没法跟着读,哪怕是慢速,说明你还要提升,不要气馁,我一年前4级都过不了,现在已经到了Newcastle等大学的研究生要求了。 最后,学英语是一件需要日积月累的事情,要肯坚持,不要断,最好每天都不能断听力,我就是一年没断过一天听力,再忙也要听半小时,然后积累单词,补充薄弱语法知识,这样才能达到一个良好的听力水平,单纯的听广播实在难以进步太多,因为如果你是入门的,你可能存在单词都听不懂的状况,哪怕是水平较高的,也有单词听不懂,但是又没有文本对照,所以说不懂也就只能不懂了,所以教科书,VOA慢速,可可英语这些文本与听力对照的,好好练,慢慢学。 听力与口语分不开家,会听才会说,会说才会听;然而听力与阅读也分不开家,词汇量铸就听力,语法铸就听力。 手打真实一年的英语学习经验,希望采纳,有问题可以随时提问
2023-07-23 07:50:461


无人直播工具是一个相对较新的概念,可能没有一个特定的工具被广泛称为"无人直播工具"。然而,有一些工具和平台可用于进行直播活动,其中一些可能包含自动化或预录功能。以下是一些常用的直播工具和平台,你可以从它们的官方网站或应用商店进行下载:OBS Studio:开源的跨平台直播工具,提供广泛的功能和自定义选项。官方网站: OBS:基于OBS Studio的直播工具,提供更多的直播增强功能和插件。官方网站: Broadcaster:专业的直播和录制工具,提供易于使用的界面和多种功能。官方网站:一个多平台直播服务,可同时将你的直播流传输到多个社交媒体平台。官方网站: Live:YouTube提供的直播平台,适合用于进行无人直播。官方网站:面向游戏直播的平台,也可用于其他类型的直播活动。官方网站:请注意,具体的下载方法可能因工具和平台而异。你可以通过访问官方网站或在应用商店中搜索工具名称来找到适合你需求的工具,并下载到你的设备上进行使用。
2023-07-23 07:50:531

Narrowcaster 是一种职业名称,可是我翻译不出来,有哪位高人帮帮忙?

2023-07-23 07:51:035


compere 和emcee通常来指电视台娱乐节目主持人。presider指主持会议,大型活动等的主持人。toastmaster主要是酒宴司仪。host可指电台或电视台评论节目的主持人。但主要还是指主人,主办方等意思。MC(master of ceremony)的主持人是指介绍其他表演者给观众的表演者,但很少这样用,主要用作司仪之意。开始认识compere这个词是从大连电视台网站上认识的。他们把这个词描述为节目支持人。question-master词典上讲是指电视台或广播电台的智力测验节目主持人,如“三星智力快车”。其实我们很少这样描述,直接用compere代替即可。您有高见,给我发信呀。
2023-07-23 07:51:325


这次介绍一下蓝牙协议栈(BLE)的基础知识,蓝牙协议栈组成如下图所示,首先我们说说GAP和GATT GAP层是负责连接的,其中包含广播、扫描、连接、断开的过程和参数 1.1 角色 蓝牙设备的角色主要有中心(Central)和外围设备(Peripheral)两种,中心设备向外围设备发起连接。链路层的主机(Master)和从机(Slave)的概念跟中心和外围的概念是对应的。 除了中心和外围之外,还有Observer和Broadcaster角色,Observer一直进行监听,Broadcaster一直进行发送,这两种角色都只广播,不能发起连接或者被连接,这里就不详细说了 1.2 广播 建立连接之前,外围设备每隔一段时间发送一个广播包,让正在扫描的设备知道这是一个可以连接的设备,扫描设备才能对外围设备开始连接,这个广播包的时间间隔叫advertising interval,这个间隔可以在10ms到10.24s之间,间隔的长短会影响建立连接所花时间。 中心要收到广播包之后才能发送连接请求,相应的,外围设备在发送广播包之后会等待连接请求。 蓝牙广播包最多可以包含31字节数据,包含设备名称和一些标志。中心收到广播包之后可以发送Scan Request以请求更多的广播信息,外围设备会回复一个同样是31个字节的Scan Response。 BLE有37个数据信道和3个广播信道,广播包,Scan Request,Scan Response使用广播信道 1.3 扫描 扫描是指中心监听广播包并且发送Scan request。扫描中有两个参数:Scan window(扫描窗口) 和Scan interval(扫描间隔) 1.4 发起连接 中心发起连接的过程类似于扫描的过程,中心收到广播包之后会发送一个连接请求给外围设备 1.5 连接 中心和外围设备连接上之后,中心会按照一定的连接间隔(Connection interval)向外围设备请求数据,这个间隔是由中心定的,在7.5ms到4s之间。 如果要提高吞吐量,可以在一个连接间隔中传输多个数据包,每个包最多可以包含20字节数据。如果要省电,并且外围设备并没有什么数据需要传输,可以跳过几个连接间隔,这称之为Slave latency。 如果外围设备没有在规定时间内响应中心的请求就会认为是连接中断,称之为Supervision Time-out(0.1s-32s),所以在使用Slave latency的时候要注意不要引起Supervision Time-out 这些参数是建立连接的时候中心确定的,如果建立连接之后外围设备想要更改,可以向中心发送Connection parameter update request。 整个数据交换的过程会在不同的频段中跳频(除了广播频段),跳频是自动完成的,不需要我们去管。 设备之间的数据传输是在GATT这层完成的 2.1 角色 除了GAP里面的角色,BLE在GATT里面也定义了两个角色,分别是GATT Server 和GATT Client,一般来说产生数据的设备是GATT Server,访问数据的设备是GATT Client,一个设备可以既是GATT Server也是GATT Client。这两个角色跟GAP中的角色并没有关系。 2.2 GATT结构 GATT Server通过属性表(Attribute table)来组织数据, 2.2.1 Attribute 上图中每一行就是一个属性Attribute。 每个属性具有一个handle,一个UUID,和一个Value。 Handle是Attribute的一个索引,每个Attribute的Handle都是唯一的。 UUID(universal unique identifier)表示的是Attribute中数据的类型信息。UUID在一个设备里面不是唯一的,可以有多个Attribute的UUID都一样 2.2.2 Characteristic 可以把Characteristic看作是上图中几行的集合(几个Attribute的集合) 每个Characteristic至少有两个Attribute,其中一个是声明,另一个包含数据。前面说过,蓝牙传输数据是通过GATT来传的,更具体的来说,是通过一个个Characteristic来传的。 2.2.3 Descriptors 描述符 Characteristic除了包含声明和数据之外,还可以有描述符(Descriptors,但不是必须有),Descriptors是用来进一步描述Characteristic(但不提供数据)的Attribute,比如说用自然语言描述该Characteristic是用来干什么的。 有一类特殊的描述符,叫CCCD(Client Characteristic Configuration Descriptor),支持Notify和Indicate的Characteristic 必须包含CCCD 2.2.4 Service Service 是一个或者多个Characteristic的逻辑组合 一个GATT Service 通常包含了一些相关的功能,举例来说,一个人机界面Service包含了各种人机交互输入输出的数据,而其中的每个Characteristic 是一类信号或者设备 介绍几个常见的Service。 GAP GATT Service:作为Central或者Peripheral的BLE设备都需要有这个Service。这个Service包含了如何发现和连接设备的信息 Generic Attribute Service: GATT Server都要有这个Service,这个Service包含了GATT Server的信息 2.2.5 Profile 一个或者多个Service组合在一起称为Profile。Profile 是逻辑上的概念,自己并不具备单独的Attribute。 2.3 标准和自定义的Service和Characteristic 蓝牙联盟定义了一些标准的Profile, Service, Characteristic 和Attribute。由于Profile和Service是在具体应用中规定的,所以用户可以进行自定义 2.4 UUID 图2中每一个Attribute都有UUID,UUID是一个128位的数字,是用来描述Attribute的类型的 2.4.1 蓝牙联盟UUID 蓝牙联盟把UUID分为基础UUID(base UUID)和16位UUID。 蓝牙联盟规定的UUID都具有同样的base UUID: 0x0000xxxx-0000-1000-8000-00805F9B34FB 蓝牙联盟规定了一些16位UUID,替换掉base UUID中的xxxx就组成一个完整的128位UUID了。举例来说,0x2A37是一个16位Heart Rate Measurement Characteristic,那么对应的128位的UUID就是: 0x00002A37-0000-1000-8000-00805F9B34FB。 由于所有蓝牙联盟的UUID都具有同样的base UUID,所以用16位UUID就可以区分蓝牙联盟规定的Attribute了 但我们自定义的Attribute, Characteristic, Service,不能使用这个base UUID,因此也不能用16位UUID,只能使用制造商自定义的128位UUID。 2.5 空中接口操作和属性 由于每个Attribute具有唯一的Handle,所以几乎所有的操作都是通过Handle去完成,Characteristic常用的属性有:Write, Write without response, Read, Notify, Indicate。 Characteristic的属性决定了我们可以如何使用它 Write, Write without response 这两种属性允许GATT Client 对Server的characteristic的值进行写操作,两者的区别是Write without response对写操作不会有确认 Read GATT Client可以读Server的Characteristic的值。 Notify 和Indicate 这两种属性表示的是当GATT Server 中该Characteristic 的值发生变化的时候会通知Client。两者的区别是Indicate 会进行确认但Notify不会 接下来举例说明一下前面介绍的概念 Thingy 的Services,作为Server需要有GAP Service和GATT Service,另外还有一个标准的Battery Service,后面是几个自定义的服务 详细的看看GAP Service,这个服务的Handle是1到9,那么把这些Characteristics和Attribute都打出来 可以看到这个Service的结构是这样的 这是一个标准的Service,使用标准Service/Characteristic的时候要符合蓝牙SIG对这个Service/Characteristic的规定,我们可以到 蓝牙SIG 看看是不是一致 以上就是BLE的一些基础知识和示例
2023-07-23 07:51:491

Bluetooth 周期性广播

周期性广播(Periodic Advertising)是 Bluetooth 5.0 才引入的,5.0 同时还引入了扩展广播(Extended Advertising),周期性广播正是扩展广播的一个应用。 扩展广播比传统广播(Bluetooth 4.0)的数据量多了 8 倍,可传输数据量由 31 字节增长到了 255 字节,现在我们来看看为什么可以这样。 传统广播的广播通道只有 37,38,39 这三个,而扩展广播使用了两组广播通道: 主要广播通道也使用 37,38,39 这三个在 Bluetooth 4.0 定义的广播通道,次要广播通道则使用剩余的 37 个通道。 Bluetooth 4.0 设备的广播事件分为两部分:广播间隔(advInterval)和广播延时(advDelay)。 广播间隔是指两个相邻广播事件的间隔,范围为 20 ms ~ 10 s 。同时为了避免广播事件收到干扰和物理通道碰撞的影响,每个广播事件的末尾处有一个 0 ~ 10 ms 的广播延时,该延时是一个伪随机数。具体流程可以参考下图: 考虑这样一个场景:一个观察者(observer)想要一直监听一个广播者(broadcaster)的消息,因为每个广播事件的末尾处加了一个 0 ~ 10 ms 的随机延时,它就不知道广播者什么时候开始打广播,因此就只能把接收窗口开的尽量大,消耗更多的能量去监听。但如果观察者是一个电源受限的设备,这又该怎么办呢?是否有一种办法让观察者能够与广播者同步,这样两者就能够同时唤醒,广播者发送广播数据,观察者接收广播数据,这样能量的消耗就能降到最低,这就是周期性广播的能力。 上图描述了周期性广播的整体流程。 最开始的灰色区域内,广播设备在主要广播通道发送 ADV_EXT_IND 包,手机(扫描设备)开启扫描窗口监听。ADV_EXT_IND 内携带了 这样手机就知道在什么时候,什么地点(channel)能够收到 AUX_ADV_IND 包了。AUX_ADV_IND 又提供了第一个 AUX_SYNC_IND 出现的信息 有了这些信息,手机就和广播者同步了,就能够同时唤醒,广播者发送数据,手机接收数据。 PAST 是 Bluetooth 5.1 引入的,周期性广播时扫描者与广播者有一个同步的过程,但是有一些扫描设备不想耗费这些能量去进行同步,想要借助其他已经同步的设备来同步广播者,这就是 PAST 引入的原因。 可以参考下图理解: 参考:
2023-07-23 07:51:571


- - 不知道 反正不可能才几千
2023-07-23 07:52:084


2023-07-23 07:52:271


可以用 broadcaster或者 announcer
2023-07-23 07:52:372


问题一:主播的英文? 建议使用Anchor.也可以加man/woman. 但现在大多职业中性化了,有人认为使用man/woman 是一种歧视。所以索性就用anchor 好了。 当然host 也是可以的。 问题二:主持人英语怎么说 主持人统称:presenter(英国), host/hostess(美国) 晚会主持人或者仪式的主持人:master of ceremonies (简称MC, emcee), host, 新闻节目主持人:news presenter, news announcer, news reader, newscaster, anchorman/anchorwoman, news anchor, anchor 电台主持人:DJ (全称是Disc Jockey) 电视音乐节目主持人:VJ (全称是Video Jockey) 电视娱乐节目主持人:entertainment host 天气预报主持人:weather presenter, weather man/woma矗 体育解说:sports mentator, sports announcer 出镜记者:TV reporter 问题三:“电台主播”用英语怎么说? 20分 Radio anchor 示例用法: 1. 一个尖酸刻薄的电台主播罗驰林博(rush limbaugh)在会议过后问听众:“‘绝不同意"这几个字,共和党到底不认识哪个?” Rush limbaugh, a vitriolic radio host, asked listeners after the pow-wow, what part of "hell no!" Did the republicans not un供erstand? 问题四:电台女主播用英文怎么翻译? Radio female anchor 求采纳 问题五:主播多大了?怎么用英文讲? 主播多大了? Anchor how old? 主播多大了? Anchor how old? 问题六:直播的播主/主播 ,英文怎么翻译比较贴切?一个单词。 anchor 英 [???k?(r)] 美 [???k?] n. 锚; 锚状物; 靠山; 压阵队员,主持人,主播。 vt. 抛锚,抛锚泊船; 使固定,使稳固; 使稳定; 在…任节目主持人 vi. 固定; 抛锚,停泊; [体]任主要运动员; 主持节目 adj. 最后一棒的,末捧的 例句: He worked in the news division of ABC& he was the anchor of its 15-minute eveningnewscast. 他在 *** 的新闻部工作&他是晚间15分钟新闻播报的主播。 问题七:我是主持人...用英语怎么说 我是主持人...用英语怎么说I"m a host... 问题八:主持节目 用英语怎么说 短语 1. 主持新闻节目: anchor a news program 2. 他主持谈话节目: He Hosts Talk Shows 3. 主持电视节目: The Television 4. 主持一次节目: host a programmer 5. 曾经主持电视节目: Has Hosted Tv Shows 6. 节目主持: Moderator 7. 音乐节目主持人: disc jockey;dj;DJdisc jockey 8. 新闻节目主持人: anchorperson;anchorman;anchorpeople 9. 电视节目主持人: TV presenter;MC Master of Ceremonies;Television Programme Host;TV Programme Host 问题九:主持人用英语怎么说? 娱乐节目的主持人一般是host/hostess 或pere. 新闻报道的础持人是broadcaster (如中央电视台的新闻联播).在西方, 主持人经常集广播,采访和编辑工作,称为 anchorman/anchorwoman 问题十:星主播用英语怎么说 你就不能至少打几个歌词出来吗。。。喵喵谁知道是谁啊,。。。虽然一听就是个装萌的妹子。。喵喵喵喵喵~~~~~
2023-07-23 07:52:441


host 主持人reporter/journalist 记者
2023-07-23 07:52:535


broad词根的单词有: abroad 在国外; broaden 加宽; broader 更宽的; broadly 广泛的; broadest 最宽的; broadband 宽频; broadcast 广播; broadcaster播音员; broadsheet 大幅报纸; broadsides 猛烈抨击 扩展资料   Most of our employees get posted abroad at some stage.   我们的大部分雇员都会在某一时期派驻国外。   They went abroad for a change of scene.   他们出国换换环境。   They say that travel broadens the mind.   他们说旅行能够开阔心胸。   The political spectrum has broadened.   政治范围得到了扩大。
2023-07-23 07:53:061


不算假琴仿琴,正品能用的电吉他最低八百左右 就是sq0912一类的那些低端琴了 往高说没有最贵只有更贵 有些琴可以说无价你拿什么换也不一定能拿到
2023-07-23 07:53:151


he Awards began in 1999 under the name "Mnet Km Music Festival" (MKMF).[1] At that time, it was the first and only Korean music video awards ceremony.[2]In 2007, M and Shin Hye Sung, both members of Shinhwa left the MKMF event right before broadcasting.[3]In 2009, the award-giving body was renamed to " Asian Music Awards" or simply "MAMA". This marked a change in concept and the way they will handle how people may vote for which artists win the awards.[1] The 2009 MAMA was broadcast live in China, Japan, Hong Kong and Southeast Asia through Channel V International. For the year"s event, the special main event is the "Global Artist Award". In addition, a trot award is added to the genre along with other pop music awards.[citation needed]For the first time, the 2010 Asian Music Festival was held outside of South Korea. For the 12th annual event, it was held at the Venetian Resort Macao in Macao, China and aired live in many countries. BoA won the "Best Female Solo Award" but was not present to accept the award due to S.M. Entertainment"s (BoA"s music agency) controversies with Mnet Media. The award presentation was not broadcast. In addition, CNBLUE, who won "Best New Male Group Award", 2AM, who won "Best Vocal Performance by a Group", and 2AM"s Jo Kwon and Ga-In, who won "Best Collaboration" were also not broadcast due to attendance.[4]In 2011, the Mnet Asian Music Awards took place in the Singapore Indoor Stadium and had performances from famous international artists such as and from The Black Eyed Peas, Dr. Dre, Snoop Dogg, Kumi Koda and Jane Zhang.[5] The MAMAs is co-hosted by Singapore broadcaster MediaCorp.[6]Their slogans were changed from "Asian Wave" and "One Asia" in 2009 and 2010 respectively, until it becomes "Music Makes One" from 2011 until the present. Their slogans mean to spread their main objective to bring people together through music despite their different genre, origins, cultures, langua
2023-07-23 07:53:431

怎么装Open Broadcaster Software/OBS安装问题

1在官网下载OBS的安装文件下载完成之后点击安装程序在弹出的对话框里面点击Next2如果你的电脑和小编提示不一样的话可以继续点击next继续安装但是小编在第二部就卡住了软件提示”you system is missing Directx compoments.........“点击 【是】3软件会启动浏览器打开微软的网站 默认的是英文我们可以现在语言栏里面选择Chinese(simple)切换到中文状态然后点击下载页面下方会建议我们安装其他的程序 不需要选择直接选择右下角的【不用了,谢谢,请继续】下载这个程序 点击下载即可下载完成之后 点击打开directx安装程序启动选择”我接受此建议“去掉”安装bing工具栏“前面的对勾点击【下一步】再次点击下一步 软件自动搜索需要下载的程序并且进行安装 事实上我们在这一步有可能面临失败,小编失败了两次 软件都提示安装失败小编还有办法从网上搜索下载directx修复工具然后启动这个工具点击 【检测并修复】软件检测修复完成之后会有一个报告的窗口弹出 点击【确定】之后还有一个关于c++程序异常 需要下载增强版 点击【取消】然后和我们开始的时候一样,重新开始安装OBS这次我们就可以顺利完成安装了 安装完成之后 点击【Finish】即可 同时软件也会启动
2023-07-23 07:53:542


2023-07-23 07:54:024

英语作文,要求:假设你叫王伟 你们学校广播站正在招聘一个业余英语广播员 能熟悉饰用电脑 并愿意

This is meMy name is Wang Wei, I am a student of class five, love of English learning. Spoken English is good, had won the first prize in the English speech contest in, can use computer skillfully, and are willing to spare time to serve the students Our school radio station is looking for a part-time English broadcaster, English foundation is good, pure sound, like radio work, will operate the computer, I would like to participate in, hope you will support me!中文:这就是我 我叫王违,我是高二五班的学生,爱好英语学习 。英语口语好,曾在英语演讲比赛中获得一等奖, 能熟练使用电脑,并愿意在业余时间为同学们服务 。 我们学校广播站正在招聘一个业余英语广播员,要求英语基础好,发音纯正,爱好广播工作,会操作电脑 ,我很想参加,希望大家支持我!
2023-07-23 07:54:501


journalist:A person who write for newspapers, magazines, or news websites or prepares news to be broadcast.也就是说,这种记着主要是写新闻,新闻稿。reporter: a person who reports, especially one employed to report news or conduct interviews for the press or broadcasting media. 这种记者才是上电视广播报道的。
2023-07-23 07:55:002

luo jing()a broadcaster all his life.

Luo Jing (was) a broadcaster all his life.
2023-07-23 07:55:312


  英语听力想要学习好是很简单的,下面我就给大家整理了英语的听力练习题,仅供参考,有需要的可以收藏起来哦   第一节(共5小题)   听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。   1. When will Mr. Addison return?   A. On Monday afternoon.   B. On Thursday night.   C. On Friday morning.   2. Where does this conversation take place?   A. In a hospital. B. In a church. C. In a museum.   3. Why does the man bring back the shirt?   A. Because he doesnu2019t like the color.   B. Because it is too small.   C. Because it is too big.   4. What does the woman think of the restaurant prices here?   A. Fair. B. Cheap. C. Expensive.   5. What will the woman do this evening?   A. Meet her dad at the railway station.   B. Say good-bye to her dad at the railway station.   C. Go to another city together with her dad.   第二节(共15小题)   听第6段材料,回答第6~8小题。   6. What are they mainly talking about?   A. Making money. B. The weather. C. A birthday party.   7. What is Susan going to do first?   A. To go to the party.   B. To go to a concert.   C. To pick Peter up at ten.   8. What is the womanu2019s opinion toward rain on birthday?   A. Good for oneu2019s grandfather.   B. It means a lot of money in the future.   C. It can be seen as a surprise.   听第7段材料,回答第9~11小题。   9. Where did the conversation probably take place?   A. At Mr. Frenchu2019s office.   B. At Miss Maggieu2019s house.   C. At Mr. Robinsonu2019s office.   10. What was the probable relationship between the two speakers?   A. Husband and wife.   B. Teacher and student.   C. Manager and secretary.   11. Which of the following statements is TRUE according to this conversation?   A. Miss Martinu2019s boyfriend lived near the office where she worked.   B. Mr. French asked Miss Maggie to bring him a cup of coffee.   C. Mr. Frenchu2019s office might be in any country but France.   听第8段材料,回答第12~14小题。   12. Whatu2019s the probable relationship between the two speakers?   A. Neighbours. B. Friends. C. Strangers.   13. Where is the woman from?   A. Indiana. B. California. C. New York.   14. Why did the woman move here?   A. Because of the hot weather.   B. Because of the cold weather.   C. Because of the dry weather.   听第9段材料,回答第15~17小题。   15. Who is on a banana diet?   A. The manu2019s sister. B. The manu2019s cousin. C. The manu2019s neighbour.   16. How does the man know too many eggs are bad for the heart?   A. He learned it on TV.   B. He read that before.   C. He was told by the woman.   17. What does the woman think of a steak diet?   A. It is bad for the teeth.   B. It is good for the heart.   C. It costs too much money.   听第10段材料,回答第18~20小题。   18. How many students got injured in the accident?   A. Ten. B. Eleven. C. Twelve.   19. Who is probably the speaker?   A. A teacher. B. A policeman. C. A broadcaster.   20. At what time did the accident happen?   A. At 5:00 a.m.. B. At 11:00 a.m.. C. At 5:00 p.m..   听力材料   (Text 1)   W: Good morning.   M: Good morning. Iu2019m here to see Mr. Addison.   W: Mr. Addison went to Washington on Monday afternoon for an exhibition, and wonu2019t be back until Thursday night. If you like, you can come again on Friday morning.   (Text 2)   W: Excuse me, Sir. Visiting hours are over now. You must leave, so your wife can get some sleep.   M: Pardon me, nurse. I didnu2019t hear the bell, or I would have left earlier.   (Text 3)   M: Excuse me, I bought this white shirt here yesterday. Can I change it for a larger one?   W: Yes, of course.   (Text 4)   M: How are the restaurant prices here?   W: Oh. Itu2019s not cheap but not very expensive. You can have a nice lunch for about $6.30.   (Text 5)   M: Shall we go to the concert this evening? I have two tickets.   W: Oh, sorry. Iu2019m afraid I canu2019t. Iu2019m seeing my dad off at the railway station at 8:00.   (Text 6)   W: I hope it rains today.   M: Why?   W: Well, if it rains on your birthday, it means you will make lots of money this year.   M: How do you know?   W: Thatu2019s what my grandfather says every time it rains on someoneu2019s birthday.   M: We are having a party tonight.   W: Are we?   M: Itu2019s a surprise party. Iu2019ve invited some friends over. Susan doesnu2019t know about it yet.   W: Right. Are you taking Susan to a concert?   M: Yes. But Iu2019m taking her to the party afterwards. Why not ask Peter to pick you up at ten?   W: Oh, no, that would be too much trouble. I can get there by myself. Where is the party?   (Text 7)   M: Miss Maggie?   W: Yes, sir?   M: Did you speak to Mr. Robinson?   W: Yes, I did. I asked him to call later. He said he would call again in about an hour.   M: Thatu2019s fine. By the way, has Charlie photocopied my report yet? I need it this afternoon.   W: Not yet. I told him to finish it by 11 this morning.   M: Good. Did you tell Miss Martin not to call her boyfriend from here?   W: Oh, yes. I told her not to use the office phone for personal calls. She wonu2019t do it again.   M: I hope she wonu2019t. Her boyfriend lives in France!   W: Iu2019m sure she wonu2019t. Is there anything else, Mr. French?   M: Hmm. Could you bring me a cup of tea?   W: Sure.   (Text 8)   M: Excuse me. Have you been waiting long?   W: Um...About ten minutes.   M: Did you notice whether the No. 7 bus has gone by?   W: Not while I was standing here. Iu2019m waiting for the No. 7 myself.   M: Good. Hot today, isnu2019t it?   W: Oh, yes, it is. I wish that it would rain and cool off.   M: Me too. This is unusual for March. I donu2019t remember itu2019s ever been so hot and dry in March before.   W: You were born in Florida then.   M: No. I was born in New York. But Iu2019ve lived here for ten years now.   W: My mother and I have just moved here from Indiana.   M: Pretty cold in Indiana, isnu2019t it?   W: Oh, yes. Thatu2019s why we moved. But we didnu2019t know that it would be so hot here. We should have gone to California. Do you think weu2019ve missed the bus? Iu2019ve been here for 20 minutes already.   M: Donu2019t worry. It never comes exactly on the half hour like it should.   (Text 9)   W: Everyone seems to be on a diet. Have you noticed that?   M: At least everyone is talking about it. A neighbour of mine is on a banana diet. She eats a banana for breakfast, one for lunch, and two for dinner.   W: Thatu2019s bad for the teeth and health. Has she lost any weight?   M: She doesnu2019t look any thinner. My sister eats eggs to lose weight. Only eggs for breakfast, for lunch, and for dinner.   W: Thatu2019s bad for the heart! Something in eggs is good for losing weight, but too many eggs are bad for the heart.   M: Iu2019ve read that, too. Then what about a steak diet? One of my cousins doesnu2019t eat anything but steak, even for breakfast.   W: Thatu2019s bad for the bank account. The best way to lose weight is to eat less and exercise more. So, look, Iu2019m on the way to the tennis court.   (Text 10)   We interrupt this program to bring you special news. This noon a school bus that left No. 10 Senior High School at 11:00 a.m. was struck by a truck that ran into the back of the bus. One of the students died and ten other students were badly hurt in the accident. Neither the truck driver nor the bus driver had been drinking and nor can poor weather conditions be used to explain the cause of the accident. The students who got hurt were sent to hospital shortly after the accident. This is the seventh traffic accident in the city this month. The police are warning drivers to be more careful while driving. We will tell you more about the accident in the five ou2019clock news report. Now we return you to the mid-afternoon music show.   听力答案   答案:1~5.BABAB 6~10.CBBAC 11~15ABC 16~20.BCACB
2023-07-23 07:55:521


I don"t know!
2023-07-23 07:56:005


对于"视频直播软件"这个问题感兴趣的朋友应该很多,这个也是目前大家比较关注的问题,那么下面小好小编就收集了一些"视频直播软件"相关软件,来分享给大家希望能够帮助到你哦。1. PowerLive视频直播软件 软件类型:电脑软件 软件介绍:NN视飞手机软件是一款完全免费纯网页页面的桌面视频教学直播手机软件。 可以为你的网址加上当场视频教学直播作用。 让一般摄像头像互联网摄像头一样可以远程控制查询。4. NN视飞视频直播软件 软件类型:电脑软件 软件介绍:可以为你的网址加上当场视频直播作用。 让一般监控摄像头像网络摄像头一样能够远程控制查询。 无需独立IP,无需直播服务器,无需安_,要是能够运作Asp网页,就可完成多的人另外收看视频直播。5. Open Broadcaster Software(视频直播软件) 软件类型:电脑软件 软件介绍:【基本介绍】Open Broadcaster Software是以互联网流媒体直播内容为目的免费和开放源码软件。源代码提供给大家借鉴和完善。软件包括32位和64位版本,这是绝对免费!
2023-07-23 07:56:141

寻一个新闻里的人物资料 Simpson was born in Detroit, the son and grandson of the family"s performing musicians in his father and grandfather. At age four, Simpson and his mother began traveling with an aunt in the military, living in California and Birmingham, Alabama, before settling back in the Motor City at 15. Big Daddy Kane, N.W.A, and Scarface were all major influences, but it was Queens-bred street bard Kool G Rap who made the biggest impression. “That"s my crème de la crème rapper right there,” says Simpson, his own presence among the latest in a rich lineage of heavy-handed MCs. For years Guilty Simpson has been a rock on the Detroit hip-hop circuit alongside those such as J Dilla, Slum Village, Eminem (whom Guilty still calls “Marshall”) & D12, Obie Trice, Proof, Phat Kat and Black Milk. A member of the Almighty Dreadnaughtz crew, Guilty emerged as a sound to be reckoned with after linking with producer Dilla in 2001. In the midst of recording an album"s worth of material on the MC – including the recently released duet “Take Notice” off of Dilla"s heralded Ruff Draft album – Dilla gave Simpson his first appearance on disc with “Strapped” (from 2003"s Jaylib album). 2006 marked his allegiance with Stones Throw Records – at Dilla"s behest – and appearances on both Chrome Children installments and subsequent tour. It"s taken years, but finally Simpson"s full-length solo debut, Ode to the Ghetto, brings him worldwide, chronicling a life led in the rough-hewn city that birthed him. Featuring an all-star cast of producers normally reserved for those signed to six-figure deals (J Dilla, Madlib, Denaun Porter of D-12), Ode to the Ghetto marks an evolution, incorporating a more topical and thought-provoking persona in addition to the extra-savage braggadocio Simpson is known for. “I want to make the consumer care about the music again,” the 31-year-old explains. Guilty"s testosterone-charged, inner city themes possess of a sense of humor at times so side-splitting, it only proves how serious he really is. This rapper was raised on the field of battle and he has more to say than just how fresh he is and how fresh “they” are not. As a matter of fact, he"s found that he"s here to remind the hip-hop world – currently captivated with that manufactured freshness – that life in the ghetto is real. The evidence shows excessive use of double entendres, too much flavor on public grounds, microphone assault, and verbal harassment of an officer of the law. On the counts of freshness AND realness: The Court of Hip-Hop finds Mr. Simpson to be Guilty.
2023-07-23 07:56:322


直播用obs比不用obs的直播质量要好很多。obs一种推流工具,可以将屏幕中的内容展示到直播的界面中,被广泛地应用于各大直播平台,直播带货的时候可以用,直播教育的时候也可以用。obs是一个开源PC推流工具,支持windows和mac平台,代码贡献一直比较活跃,功能也能满足基本游戏直播、秀场直播基本功能。obs的好处就是简单,容易上手。obs,即Open Broadcaster Software,它是一个开源的视频录制和视频实时流软件。其有多种功能并广泛使用在视频采集,直播等领域。obs只是用于直播的软件之一,直播是否使用obs在于主播的选择,但由于其强大的功能,目前直播广泛使用obs。obs支持的功能1、支持H264(X264)和AAC编码。2、支持Intel Quick Sync Video(QSV)和NVENC。3、无限量的场景和视频源。4、支持实时RTMP流推送至Twitch,YouTube,DailyMotion,Hitbox等平台。5、支持MP4和FLV格式输出。
2023-07-23 07:56:411


描述 教程介绍了tf的实际应用,并展示了使用 turtlesim 的多机器人示例. 同时介绍了 tf_echo , view_frames , rqt_tf_tree , rviz 等参数的使用。 安装必要程序包: 此时开启两个乌龟: 在roslaunch运行的terminal中 通过键盘控制乌龟。 此时可以发现第二个乌龟会跟随第一个乌龟行动。 原理解析: 这个demo使用tf库建立了三个坐标系:世界坐标系,海龟1坐标系,海龟2坐标系。教程使用 tf broadcaster 发布海龟坐标系,使用 tf listener 计算海龟坐标系的差异并使得一个海龟跟随另一个海龟。 现在我们探索一个demo中rf是如何工作的,我们可以使用rf工具查看后台的rf工作情况。 view_frames创建tf发布的坐标系的图标 可以看到: tf listener 监听ROS发布的坐标系,并将坐标系的关联用树状图表示: 从图上得知,tf创建了三个坐标系:世界坐标系,海龟1坐标系,海龟2坐标系,其中世界坐标系是海龟坐标系的父坐标系。view_frames也报道了tf发布频率和最新的坐标系与最旧坐标系的诊断信息用于 debugging rqt_tf_tree 是一个实时显示坐标系状态的工具,通过图上的更新按键可以实时更新状态。 使用: 或: 然后选择 rqt_tf_tree tf_echo显示了任意两个坐标系的变换信息 使用: 此时坐标系的关系如图所示 坐标表换通过 tf_echo listener 显示 当控制海龟运动,可以看到两个坐标系的相对运动。 rviz 是一个可视化工具,rviz在测试tf坐标系非常有帮助,下面测试一下rviz 中的坐标系,使用 turtle_tf 开启rviz 在侧边栏可以看到tf坐标系信息,当控制海龟运动时,坐标系在rviz中也随着运动。
2023-07-23 07:56:591

The Others的《William》 歌词

歌曲名:William歌手:The Others专辑:The OthersAlbum:BroadcasterTitle:WilliamBy:白兰都林柏格Your magnetizing colors are starting to fadeAnd you look as if you"re tired from all the stars you"ve chasedYou"ve become attracted to a well-disguised escapeDriving without headlights down a crowded interstateWilliam please comes homeIt hurts too much to see you goWilliam please just stopYou don"t have to do this anymore you know?William please comes homeHeaven sent an angel to hand you a new lifeBut you were dancing with the devil in the pail moonlightSteady for a moment and you caught a glimpse of the sunBut there were too many distractions and now your hour has comeWilliam please comes homeIt hurts too much to see you goWilliam please just stopYou don"t have to do this anymore you know?William please comes home(solo...)William please comes homeIt hurts too much to see you goYou don"t have to do this anymore you know?...
2023-07-23 07:57:061


稿时间认真分析理解稿件;广义备稿是讲播音员主持人应注意平时的修养锻炼与积累沉淀,以便在播音主持工作中随时调其 所用,圆满地完成主持播报任务。本文的研究动机和目的是结合延安播音员主持人的形成结构和专业现状这一实际说明广义备稿在 播音主持工作中的重要作用,其中播音员主持人为何要推行广义备稿,如何进行广义备稿以及广义备稿方法的提出在延安尚属首次, 对延安播音员主持人树立正确的学习道路和追求方向具有一定的借鉴引导作用谈“广义备稿” 客服分享收藏立即下载为了提升浏览体验,原视图版网页已升级为如下版式谈“广义备稿”谈“广义备稿”.docx26.87K, 3页, 1494次阅读sweptxcd 分享于2016-10-16 19:38立即下载 +合伙人(招募中) 举报谈野广义备稿冶Generalized Script Preparation左伟 ZUO Wei(延安市宝塔区广播电视办公室,延安 716000;延安市宝塔区广播电视中心,延安 716000)(Radio and Television Office of Baota District,Yan忆an City,Yan忆an 716000,China;Radio and Television Center of Baota District,Yan忆an City,Yan忆an 716000,China)摘要院在播音主持业务中,特别是新闻播音方面,有狭义备稿和广义备稿的提法,狭义备稿是讲播音员主持人要充分利用所能拥有的备稿时间认真分析理解稿件;广义备稿是讲播音员主持人应注意平时的修养锻炼与积累沉淀,以便在播音主持工作中随时调其 所用,圆满地完成主持播报任务。本文的研究动机和目的是结合延安播音员主持人的形成结构和专业现状这一实际说明广义备稿在 播音主持工作中的重要作用,其中播音员主持人为何要推行广义备稿,如何进行广义备稿以及广义备稿方法的提出在延安尚属首次, 对延安播音员主持人树立正确的学习道路和追求方向具有一定的借鉴引导作用。Abstract: In the business of broadcasting and hosting, particularly in news broadcast, there are the narrow script preparation and generalized script preparation. Narrow script preparation means that the broadcaster or host can make full use of the prepared time to carefully analyze and understand the manuscript. Generalized script preparation means that the broadcaster or host should pay attention to the usual training exercise and accumulation of precipitation, in order to uses them in broadcasting or hosting and complete the tasksuccessfully. The research motivation and purpose of this paper is to combine with the formation structure and professional status of the broadcasters and hosts in Yan忆an to expound the importance of generalized script preparation in the work of broadcasting and hosting. This paper puts forward why to generalize the generalized script preparation for broadcasters and hosts, how to make the generalized script preparation and the methods of generalized script preparation. It is the first time in Yan忆an. And it provides reference and guidance for the broadcasters and hosts to set up the correct learning road and direction.关键词院播音员主持人;广义备稿;文化知识;专业知识;综合素养;受众Key words: broadcaster and host;generalized script preparation;cultural knowledge;professional knowledge;comprehensive quality; audiences中图分类号院G222 文献标识码院A 文章编号院1006-4311(2016)01-0217-030 引言 业出身者占到了播音员主持人总人数的 58%。这些非专业在播音主持业务中,特别是新闻播音方面,有狭义备 的经历成了他们自我发奋的动力,不少人提高的快、成长 稿和广义备稿的提法,狭义备稿是讲播音员主持人要充分 的也快,能在短时间内独挡一面。这两种专业或非专业人 利用所能拥有的备稿时间去认真分析理解稿件;广义备稿 才无疑给延安的广播电视事业注入了新活力,同时也就出 是讲播音员主持人应注意平时的修养锻炼与积累沉淀,以 现了专业水准层次不齐的现状,有很大一部分播音员主持 便在播音主持工作中随时调其所用,圆满地完成主持播报 人待岗位确定后便懈怠于学习提高,专业水准止步不前, 任务。希望笔者在广义备稿方面的观点对年轻播音员主持 无所建树,只要工作,不求上进。如果播音员主持人的专业 人有借鉴引导作用。 水平长期止步不前,作品枯燥乏味,不能立意创新,独树一1 播音主持工作中广义备稿的作用 帜,不能与受众产生共鸣,这样的播音主持艺术生命力注1.1 为何推行广义备稿 首先了解多年来延安各地播定不会久长,同时在一定程度上也影响着延安广播电视事音员主持人的形成结构 业的整体和谐发展。殊不知,要成长为一个优秀的播音员 与专业现状。 主持人不光看你声音好不好,悟性天赋高不高这些先决条谈“广义备稿” 客服分享收藏立即下载为了提升浏览体验,原视图版网页已升级为如下版式谈“广义备稿”谈“广义备稿”.docx26.87K, 3页, 1494次阅读sweptxcd 分享于2016-10-16 19:38立即下载 +合伙人(招募中) 举报谈野广义备稿冶Generalized Script Preparation左伟 ZUO Wei(延安市宝塔区广播电视办公室,延安 716000;延安市宝塔区广播电视中心,延安 716000)(Radio and Television Office of Baota District,Yan忆an City,Yan忆an 716000,China;Radio and Television Center of Baota District,Yan忆an City,Yan忆an 716000,China)摘要院在播音主持业务中,特别是新闻播音方面,有狭义备稿和广义备稿的提法,狭义备稿是讲播音员主持人要充分利用所能拥有的备稿时间认真分析理解稿件;广义备稿是讲播音员主持人应注意平时的修养锻炼与积累沉淀,以便在播音主持工作中随时调其 所用,圆满地完成主持播报任务。本文的研究动机和目的是结合延安播音员主持人的形成结构和专业现状这一实际说明广义备稿在 播音主持工作中的重要作用,其中播音员主持人为何要推行广义备稿,如何进行广义备稿以及广义备稿方法的提出在延安尚属首次, 对延安播音员主持人树立正确的学习道路和追求方向具有一定的借鉴引导作用。Abstract: In the business of broadcasting and hosting, particularly in news broadcast, there are the narrow script preparation and generalized script preparation. Narrow script preparation means that the broadcaster or host can make full use of the prepared time to carefully analyze and understand the manuscript. Generalized script preparation means that the broadcaster or host should pay attention to the usual training exercise and accumulation of precipitation, in order to uses them in broadcasting or hosting and complete the tasksuccessfully. The research motivation and purpose of this paper is to combine with the formation structure and professional status of the broadcasters and hosts in Yan忆an to expound the importance of generalized script preparation in the work of broadcasting and hosting. This paper puts forward why to generalize the generalized script preparation for broadcasters and hosts, how to make the generalized script preparation and the methods of generalized script preparation. It is the first time in Yan忆an. And it provides reference and guidance for the broadcasters and hosts to set up the correct learning road and direction.关键词院播音员主持人;广义备稿;文化知识;专业知识;综合素养;受众Key words: broadcaster and host;generalized script preparation;cultural knowledge;professional knowledge;comprehensive quality; audiences中图分类号院G222 文献标识码院A 文章编号院1006-4311(2016)01-0217-030 引言 业出身者占到了播音员主持人总人数的 58%。这些非专业在播音主持业务中,特别是新闻播音方面,有狭义备 的经历成了他们自我发奋的动力,不少人提高的快、成长 稿和广义备稿的提法,狭义备稿是讲播音员主持人要充分 的也快,能在短时间内独挡一面。这两种专业或非专业人 利用所能拥有的备稿时间去认真分析理解稿件;广义备稿 才无疑给延安的广播电视事业注入了新活力,同时也就出 是讲播音员主持人应注意平时的修养锻炼与积累沉淀,以 现了专业水准层次不齐的现状,有很大一部分播音员主持 便在播音主持工作中随时调其所用,圆满地完成主持播报 人待岗位确定后便懈怠于学习提高,专业水准止步不前, 任务。希望笔者在广义备稿方面的观点对年轻播音员主持 无所建树,只要工作,不求上进。如果播音员主持人的专业 人有借鉴引导作用。 水平长期止步不前,作品枯燥乏味,不能立意创新,独树一1 播音主持工作中广义备稿的作用 帜,不能与受众产生共鸣,这样的播音主持艺术生命力注1.1 为何推行广义备稿 首先了解多年来延安各地播定不会久长,同时在一定程度上也影响着延安广播电视事音员主持人的形成结构 业的整体和谐发展。殊不知,要成长为一个优秀的播音员 与专业现状。 主持人不光看你声音好不好,悟性天赋高不高这些先决条延安有 13 个县区,正规的广播电视台站有 14 家,在 件,播音主持是一门艺无止境、遗憾的艺术,抛开自身文化 编或不在编上岗工作的播音员主持人近 200 人(不包括各 素养不谈,你是虚心肯学或是自以为是,你是沾喜于现状 大专院校及部分企事业台站),这其中既有“科班”人才也 或是勤学苦练才最关键。即使是有些播龄的“老人儿”,也 不乏“半路出家”者,从开始报名的面试、口试、再到最后的 应时常用正确的眼光衡量自己,不断汲取营养来充实自 笔试、上机、出镜,他们都要经过严格的专业考试,可以说 己。以笔者为例,1989 年高考过后恰遇县里创办电视栏目 从各行各业里百里挑一或千里挑一,这其中有的曾经是教 招收播音员,延安属老区,播音主持专业在当时鲜为人知, 师、售货员,也有的曾经是秦腔演员、印刷工等,非科班专 科班人才基本分不到县一级广播电视机构。我们由报名时 要要要要要要要要要要要要 的 87 人经过层层考核淘汰最后录取了一名。当时延安 13 作者简介院左伟(1970-),女,陕西延安人,本科(陕西省委党校), 个县区相继成立电视台站纷纷招收播音员故情况基本一 一级播音员,供职单位为延安市宝塔区广播电视办公 致,包括新招的在内,各台站普遍只有 1-3 名播音员,往往 室、延安市宝塔区广播电视中心,研究方向为播音员主既是广播节目的播音员,也是电视新闻的播音员,采访、写 持人分析稿件。1/3页稿、编稿、值机员都是播音员自己。身兼数职得到了采编播 有广博的科学文化知识,注意点滴知识的积累和更新。采 编合一很好地锻炼。从进入广播电视行业至今,13 个县区的 播合一要求不单在“家里播”,要出去跑稿子拿回来整合 成成非科班人员 100%的都要定期参加国家及省广电厅举办的 熟的节目。要求有“下笔千言,倚马可待”的功底,要求 在政治播音员主持人专业知识培训考试。考试不合格者不予颁发 思想方面、知识广博方面和文字能力方面有很好的 内涵。播上岗许可证。我们这些没有专业院校经历的“门外汉”98% 音员主持人不仅要一般性地了解理论政策,还必 须体现到我的人都取得了后续大专、本科学历。
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用x264吧, 比特率是控制画质的。CBR是固定比特率 VBR是变动比特率。
2023-07-23 07:57:593


2023-07-23 07:58:261


问题一:电台英语怎么说 radio station 广播电台 问题二:“广播电台”用英语怎么说 广播电台 译: broadcasting station 例句: 1.广播电台使音乐声逐渐加强。 The radio station faded the music up. 2.广播电台中断音乐节目。 The broadcaster bit off the music programme. 3.这家广播电台近来连续播放流行音乐。 The radio station recently pumps out pop music. 问题三:怎样制作私人广播台,在家里广播别人可以收听得到 买个无线耳机,配套的发射器可以在空旷环境传输100左右,可以自己再弄个放大器,但是超过500米就很容易被巡查车探测到(他们不定时游走的,看你运气了)。 频段一般是收音机的前几个闲置段(车载无线MP3也是用的这些频段),所以电子收音机重置后头几个搜到的就是你的频道了。 问题四:电台节目(用英语怎么说) 电台节目的英语翻译 有道翻译 翻译结果:Radio show 问题五:“电台主播”用英语怎么说? 20分 Radio anchor 示例用法: 1. 一个尖酸刻薄的电台主播罗驰林博(rush limbaugh)在会议过后问听众:“‘绝不同意"这几个字,共和党到底不认识哪个?” Rush limbaugh, a vitriolic radio host, asked listeners after the pow-wow, what part of "hell no!" Did the republicans not un供erstand? 问题六:英语调频电台用英语怎么说 FM English radio station 问题七:他在一个广播电台工作用英语怎么说 He works for a radio station. 问题八:“最好的无线电台”用英文怎么说 最好的无线电台 the best radio station 问题九:黑先生的私人电台开头曲英文 "Sometimes……" 在私人生活方面,帕西诺是好莱坞保持单身时间最长的男演员,至今从未结过婚。他和教表演的女教师简-塔伦特生有一个女儿朱莉-玛丽,和多年的女友比弗利-丹吉洛生有一对双胞胎。他的浪漫史中,还有一段与《教父》演员同事黛安娜-基顿留下的故事。 阿尔-帕西诺今年65岁,是好莱坞电影界的传奇人物;罗丝-麦高恩今年只有31岁,在十分走红的电视连续剧《圣女魔咒》(Charmed)中扮演性感女巫Paige Halliwell。两人在洛杉矶莫顿饭店约会一次之后,帕西诺便展开了对罗丝的热烈追求。 消息人士向《美国周刊》讲述说,“刚一开始的时候,她认为他年龄太大了,但阿尔最终还是打动了她。” 曾经和摇滚歌手玛丽莲-曼森订过婚的罗丝,并不是帕西诺拍拖的第一位年轻女人。在《西蒙妮》中与帕西诺共事的威诺娜-赖德今年33岁,刚刚恢复单身生活的超级女模特艾莉-麦弗逊今年42岁,她们都和魅力十足的帕西诺有过亲密关系。
2023-07-23 07:58:331


obs在国外可以直播。OBS,即Open Broadcaster Software,它是一个免费的开源的视频录制和视频实时流软件。其有多种功能并广泛使用在视频采集,直播等领域。OBS只是用于直播的软件之一,直播是否使用OBS在于主播的选择,但由于其强大的功能,目前直播广泛使用OBS。
2023-07-23 07:58:421


1、above all/after all/at all/in all/all but①above all 首先,特别是,最重要的是Children need many things ,but above all they need love.②after all 到底,毕竟The day turned out fine after all.③at all (用来加强语气)与not连用,表示“一点也不,完全不”。He wasn"t at all tired.Do you feel ill at all(真的,确实)?④ in all 总共There were twenty in all at the party.⑤ all but 几乎,差点没(=almost,nearly)We have all but finished the work.2、accident/event/ incidentevent一般指重大事件。The broadcaster is broadcasting the news on current events.广播员正在播报时事新闻。accident多指意外或偶然发生的事故,特别是不幸的、有损害性的事故。He was badly injured in the traffic accident.在那起交通事故中,他严重受伤。incident相对于accident来说,显得不很重要,指“小事件”,它还可以用来表示“事变”,如叛乱、爆炸等。如: There was an incident on the bus: a man fought with the conductor.那辆公共汽车上发生了一件事,有个人和售票员打了起来。Have you heard of Xi"an Incident?你听说过“西安事变”吗?3、admit vt.①接纳,许可……进入(allow sb./ enter)He was admitted to the school this year.Only two hundred boys and girls are admitted to our school every year.②承认,后可接名词,doing、从句或复合结构。I admit my fault. She admitted having read the letter. He admitted that his comprehension was weak.You must admit the task to be difficult.
2023-07-23 07:59:151


数字媒体创作、传输与播放的软件 QuickTime 系列让你可以向观众传送现场或预先录制的影音内容,大小不限。如果结合 QuickTime Player 和 QuickTime Pro 这两个应用程序,则可以提供业界首创且标准的点对点数字媒体传送系统。QuickTime Broadcaster制作专业质量的实况事件,在线传送至桌上型电脑或手机——轻松、快捷、又经济。QuickTime Streaming Server通过这一具有业界强度且基于标准的服务器实时传送实况内容及所需媒体至桌上型电脑或手机。可传送包括 QuickTime 电影、MPEG-4 视频及互联网广播站在内的所有内容。MPEG-2 Playback Component利用 QuickTime Player 或 QuickTime Pro 的这一附加程序,向客户展示你的专业编码作品,或将你的 MPEG-2 视频流转换成其他 QuickTime 格式。
2023-07-23 07:59:244


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摄像头 麦克风 音响
2023-07-23 07:59:416


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2023-07-23 08:00:271