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Jack的《Going Crazy》的歌词

2023-07-23 08:59:51

Going Crazy


I think I have lost you and I need that you back

Girl I must confess I haven"t been my best

I know you I have kissing you that I can feel you less

but now l know the way you be and the all you proved it

I know that I can do it better than before I can give you more

I know what I was missing is I won"t give you what Ishould give to you before

Somebody tell me how to say more I"m going crazy

Yes I gonna crazy and I can"t adjust this

it feels I can throw things all that I have and I turnit so bad

Yeah I"m going crazy even if I was stuck in I wouldn"t stack to try on it

Coz I wanna see you again could you further ahead yeah I"m going crazy

I have been running out of the time fallen from behind

Make in that song that dreamed in my mind I know is reality

Been trying to replace it but now I got to face it

Make it everything make it another way a way to makeit seems that now I"m ok

I wanna be with you again only you I just say wait~~ yeah I"m gonna crazy

Yes I can"t adjust this

It feels I can throw things all that I have and I turnit so bad

I"m going crazy even if I was stuck in I wouldn"t stack to try on it

Coz I wanna see you again could you farther ahead

So please don"t tell that I don"t have one chance

Coz my heart is so lonely so strong you know so muchbecame we stay

Like if you take the song away from the power we canlive

Like if I can"t leave you baby I won"t own you feels like I"m going crazy

Yes I going crazy wu~ when I can"t adjust this

it feels I can throw things all that I have and I turnit so bad

I"m going crazy even if I was stuck in I wouldn"t stack to try on it

Coz I wanna see you again could you further ahead yeah I"m going crazy missing you again oh could you know that you are my special friend going crazy crazy yeah~

I"m going crazy..


Bow Wow - Like This (Feat. Johnta Austin & Dondria)



You know I do it for the ladies

Lamborghini Moss vroooom

and um

see I done had my share of women rite

but um


Its somethin about you baby

got me going crazy

and thats my lady

uh huh yeaa



Its like this girl got me goin all out

I got a few sick days yeah Ima call out

Scoop shawty hit the mall then we ball out

Catch a movie grab a bite then fall out

I got her spoiled rotten,

she keep her draws droppin

the latest what she rockin

got her couture poppin (fresh)

It was more shockin

them whores at the door knockin

Aint worth a second in my G-Shock when

She in them pumps not them Reeboks kid

Only time we fight is on the wii boxin

I dont even keep up with how many Gs I spend

Usually I keep her safe with the key locked in

But she a new type. Maybe a new wife.

Maybe the one I settle with in a new life

I gotta see its movin fast right now

I need to have a conversation wit Shad & Bow Wow

Cos I

I had a few loves before

But I never had no one love me quite like this

I was scared of being locked down

But you made me proud to call you my shawty

I had a few loves before

But I never had no one love me quite like

feels like I died and went to heaven

cos I never had nobody love me like this

Like what, like this, like what

Like that that that that and

Like this girl

I guess Im kinda open

Just sittin here hopin

that what we share is more than a joke &

We can last like the Great Ones do

As long as our love for each other stay true

Look. I see the growth we done both came a long way

Arguments here & there

Fuss and fightin just showin that we care

Cant nobody else compare

Start it over with a another

neither one of us would dare

all She gotta do holla

& her baby will be there

Aint a doubt about it in my mind

that we a perfect pair

Cant think of anyone else I would wanna spend my years

Try my hardest not to hurt her

hate to bring her to them tears

Let her know just how I feel when I whisper in her ear

Know I let her drive a stick she know how to work them gears

Aint gotta worry bout the chicks I meet during my career

Me goin somewhere should be the last of her fears

I had a few loves before (thats right)

But I never had no one love me quite like this

I was scared of being locked down

But you made me proud to call you my shawty

I had a few loves before

But I never had no one love me quite like

feels like I died & went to heaven

cos I never had nobody love me like this

Like what, like this, like what

Like that that that that and

Like this girl

Shes my L O V E

Used to be scare of a relationships

But this one I cant deny it.

my L O V E

Yeah when you see her you see me

For her, I ride or die like Ruff Riders

Shes my L O V E

Used to be scare of a relationships

But this one I cant deny it.

my L O V E

Yeah when you see her you see me

For her, I ride or die like Ruff Riders


I had a few loves before

But I never had no one love me quite like this

I was scared of being locked down

But you made me proud to call you my shawty

I had a few loves before

But I never had no one love me quite like

feels like I died & went to heaven

cos I never had nobody love me like this


like crazy什么意思

like crazy的意思是发疯似的;飞快地;不受约束地。一、单词发音1、英[lu028cu026ak u02c8kreu026azi]。2、美[lau026ak u02c8kreu026azi]。二、基本信息1、《爱疯了》(like crazy)是德雷克·多雷穆斯执导的爱情片。由安东·尤金、菲丽希缇·琼斯、詹妮弗·劳伦斯联袂主演。于2011年10月28日在美国上映。2、该片主要讲述的是一个来自英国的留学生安娜和来自美国的雅各布在大学的校园里暗生情愫的故事。三、剧情简介1、安娜(菲丽希缇·琼斯饰)是一个来自英国的留学生,而雅各布(安东·尤金饰)则是土生土长的美国人。他们同时就读于一所洛杉矶的大学。在大学的校园里,安娜对雅各布暗生情愫。2、也许是荷尔蒙使然,或者又是青春的冲动,安娜给雅各布写了一首爱情的小诗,别在了他汽车的挡风玻璃前。看到了小诗之后,雅各布联系了安娜,于是一段似真似幻、烈火干柴的纯洁爱情就在两个年轻人之间萌生。3、可是安娜的护照签证到了期,因为爱情,她留在了美国。不久之后,移民局找上了门来,强制遣送安娜回到了英国。并且给出了安娜一个如同晴天霹雳般的惩罚:她今后永远不能再次踏上美国的国土。4、安娜回到了英国,雅各布则留在了美国,这种远距离的恋爱让两个年轻人都备受煎熬。时间一点一点地过去,两个年轻人在各自的国度都有了自己的生活,可是他们彼此心中对对方的爱恋却是永远也割舍不下的情愫。在爱情的驱使下,雅各布踏上了去英国寻找爱情的旅途。
2023-07-23 04:48:351


2023-07-23 04:48:581

2AM 《Like crazy》歌词

2AM — Like Crazy 就像疯了似的 直到现在 心还痛着 强忍眼泪的我 即使都忘了用嘴去说话 即使我欺骗自己 那是因为无法忘记你 就像疯了似的 眼泪流出来 这样下去 我真的会出什么事似的 神气十足地好好生活 我想看到 怎么办 我还一直泪流 像犯了什么错 什么让你离开 没有缘由 那样的我非常气愤 即使尝试去忘记 结果 因为你 就像疯了似的 眼泪流出来 这样下去 我真的会出什么事似的 神气十足地好好生活 我想看到 怎么办 我还一直泪流 虽然真的不知道缘由 我就算做什么都会让你心里不是滋味 都忘记吗? 我错了吗? 只要(你)回来 眼泪(就能)停下来 就像疯了似的 眼泪流出来 这样下去 我真的会出什么事似的 神气十足地好好生活 我想看到 怎么办 就像疯了一样泪流求采纳
2023-07-23 04:49:061

[2011美国最新清新浪漫爱情][爱疯了-Like Crazy][720P高清][中英双字]高清完整版下载地址有么?感谢哈

[2011美国最新清新浪漫爱情][爱疯了-Like Crazy][720P高清][中英双字]高清完整版下载地址:记得采纳
2023-07-23 04:49:281

miss you like crazy的意思

2023-07-23 04:49:424


I will miss u.
2023-07-23 04:49:525


  想要表达自己怀有的喜欢的心情,我们来看看最浅显易懂的like吧。下面是我给大家整理的喜欢的英文怎么写,供大家参阅!   喜欢的英文怎么写   英 [lau026ak] 美 [lau026ak]   like   vt. 喜欢; (与 would 或 should 连用表示客气)想; 想要; 喜欢做;   prep. (表示属性)像; (表示方式)如同; (询问意见)u2026怎么样; (表示列举)比如;   adj. 相似的; 相同的;   n. 相类似的人[事物]; 喜好; 爱好; (尤指被视为没有某人或某物那么好的)种类,类型;   like的词语辨析   parallel, uniform, identical, comparable, like, alike, similar这组词都有“相似的,类似的”的意思,其区别是:   parallel 主要指在外表或在性质上相似到有可以相提并论的程度。   uniform 指在性质、数量、形态或程度等方面相似到很难看出差异的地步。   identical 语气最强,可指同一个人或物,也可指数个人或物之间完全没有差别。   comparable 指在某一点或几点上有相似之处,可作有限或粗略的对比,尤指在价值或能力等方面可相提并论。   like 普通用词,含义广泛,指多个或全部特性都相似,但并非同一个,也可指在某个特殊的偶然相似。   alike 指事物在性质、特征或外貌上固有的而不是偶然的相似。普通用词,只作表语。   similar 强调不同的人或事物之间完全或部分相似,暗示可暂不考虑或无视其差异之处。   like的英语短语   and (或 or) the like u2026 等等;诸如此类   anything like 见 anything   as like as chalk and (或 to) cheese 根本不同;实质不同   (as) like as not [口语]很可能;多半 [亦作 like enough; very like]   as like as two peas 极为相似,一模一样   be like [口语]说,认为 [引导要说的话或想法]: He"s like,“I don"t believe it.” and I"m like, “No, it"s true!” 他说:“我不相信它”。而我说:“不,那是真的!”   feel like 见 feel   had like (to) 差点儿就要,几乎u2026   like a bat out of hell 飞快地,快速地   like a bear garden [口语]乱糟糟的地方   like a bull at a gate [口语]凶猛地;狂怒地   like a dream 正如人们所希望的那样   like a hot knife through butter 非常容易地,易如反掌地   like a house on fire 热情地;干劲十足地;(相处得)极好地   like anything [口语]极其;猛烈地;使劲地;全力地;拼命地   like as [方言]如同,正如   Like attracts (或 draws to) like. [谚语]物以类聚。   Like begets like. [谚语]龙生龙,凤生凤。有其因必有其果。   like billy. [俚语]猛烈地;使足力气地   like blazes   极;非常;激烈地;猛烈地;快速地   不;决不   like crazy [口语]疯狂地;拼命地;飞快地   Like cures like. [谚语]以毒攻毒。   Like father (或 mather) like son (或 daughter). [谚语]有其父(或母)必有其子(或女)。   Like for like. 以牙还牙;以恩(仇)报恩(仇);一报还一报。   like hell 见 hell   like it or lump it [口语]管你喜欢不喜欢   Like knows like. [谚语]英雄识英雄。   like mad [口语]疯狂地;u2026得要命;非常迅速地   like nothing on earth 世间罕有的   like (或 liked) to 差点儿就要;近乎   Like tree, like fruit. [谚语]什么树结什么果。   look like 见 look   make like 见 make   more like(it) [口语]更接近(实际、愿望等);几乎接近(某数目);大约   nothing like 全然不同   nothing like (或 near) as (或 so)u2026as 远不像u2026那样u2026   return (或 requite) like for like 一报还一报,以其人之道还治其人之身   something like   差不多;几乎;有点儿像   大约   [口语] 了不起的,像样的,极好的;名副其实的   such like 像这类的   That"s more like it! [口语]这才像话! 这还差不多!   the like (或 likes) of [口语]像u2026这样的人(或事)   
2023-07-23 04:50:161


crazy in love 听听是不是这个,
2023-07-23 04:50:363


2023-07-23 04:50:4610

What is she like ?这句话是什么意思,like在句中是什么用法?

2023-07-23 04:51:384

求爱情电影~像这样子的《ONE DAY》《LIKE CRAZY》年代2000以后的

2023-07-23 04:52:085

U0001f604偶然听着一首女声英文歌第一句,按的楼累 ……求歌名

弄你 女声版 应该是这样吧
2023-07-23 04:52:382


2023-07-23 04:52:572


You scared me, I"ve been missing you online, I"ll give you a message, you also failed to reply, the E-mail you didn"t reply. I thought you didn"t want to reason me. Why yahoo can"t use? You to change another version look all right? I really miss you, I very want to see you again soon. Please don"t ignore me.
2023-07-23 04:53:155


2023-07-23 04:53:524


偶 :我的意思。 MM :妹妹全拼的缩写 GG :哥哥全拼的缩写 JJ :姐姐全拼的缩写 DD :弟弟全拼的缩写 GF :女朋友英文girl friend的缩写 BF :男朋友英文boy friend的缩写 PLMM :漂亮美眉全拼的缩写 PPMM :漂漂美眉的拼音缩写 美眉 :妹妹 问候类 C U :SEE YOU CYA :SEE YOU R U O K :ARE YOU OK? 白白 :再见 IOWAN2BWU :I only want to be with you M$ULKeCraZ:Miss you like crazy OIC :Oh, I see CUL8R :see you later RPWT :人品问题 OICQ :意思是oh ,I seek you 3166 :再见(日语) 886 :再见(英语) 3Q :THANK YOU PF :佩服 别称类 SL :色狼 犬科 :追逐女生,尤其是坛子里的MM--味精,KISSYOU 等人! 狼族:与犬科不同,作风比较正派。经常独自出没于论坛,虽然爱美色,但不死缠硬磨MM。 恐龙 :长得不太好看的女生(带歧视性质,请不要多用) 老大 :常被众人吹捧又常被众人暴打的人 楼主 :发帖子的人 楼上的 :前一个发帖子的人 斑竹 :版主之意,有时写作 板猪等 板斧 :版副 BT :变态 马甲 :已经注册的论坛成员以不同的ID注册的论坛成员.通常有多个. zt3 :猪头3 zt4 :猪头4 (借用流星花园 杉菜语) 菜鸟 :表示什么都不懂 MPJ :马屁精 ODBC :哦大白痴 XB :小白-》小白痴 SB :1.本论坛的简称,2.对某些人的蔑称.请大家不要混淆 lr :烂人 lj :垃圾 发泄类 靠 :粗鲁话 倒 :?? 晕倒 :无法礼遇到了极点 9494 :就是!就是! me too :我吐 YY :意淫 表 :不要 将“不要”两字快速连读而成 酱紫 :这样子 将“这样子”三字快速连读而成 好康 :好看 牛B :又作NB,牛X之意 ze :贼恶(真恶心吧),真恶 SE :少恶 BBS :波霸(BIG breast sister) PF :佩服 FT :faint的简称,晕倒的意思 粉 :很 由闽南方言演变 寒 :害怕 7456 :气死我了 874 :不去死! 动作类 灌水 :发无聊的帖子 抛砖 :跟贴 拍砖头 :批评某帖 闪 :离开 踢一脚 :跟贴 路过 :随便看了一下帖子而已 停车做爱:从“停车坐爱枫林晚,霜叶红于二月花”引申而来。 874 :好象是打耳光的意思,不能太确定。 PP :批批,可能是批评指正的意思. ZT :转贴 pmp :拍马屁 pmpmp :拼命拍马屁! 其他类 纯净水 :无任何内容的灌水 水蒸气 :也是无任何内容的灌水吧 TMD :骂人之语 TNND :骂人之语 弓虽 :强的左右部分 BTW :By the way
2023-07-23 04:54:212


  这里有 随便找了点 不是字母的删了  1、BBS:①Bulletin Board System的缩写,指电子公告板系统,国内统称论坛。  ②波霸,Big-Breasted Sister的缩写。  2、斑竹:BZ 版主,也可写作板猪。由于拼音输入造成的美妙谐音。副版主叫“板斧”。  3、马甲:MJ 注册会员又注册了其他的名字,这些名字统称为马甲,与马甲相对的是主ID。 例句:青眉建议斑竹进行版务管理时,不可以用马甲发言。  14、楼主:LZ 发主题帖的人。  18、沙发:SF,第一个回帖的人。后来,坐不到沙发的人,声称自己坐了“床”或楼主的“大腿”~  52、Kuso:日语“粪”的发音。起先是教游戏玩家如何把“烂Game认真玩”的意  二、中文缩写指南  1、BT:①Bit Torrent的缩写,是一种P2P(点对点)共享软件,中文译名“比特流”或“变态下载”。  ②“变态”的缩写。  2、ZT:①“转帖”的缩写。  ②“猪头”的缩写,引申有ZT3,猪头三;ZT4,猪头四。 例句:青眉郑重告诉侠客社区的侠友们,ZT一定要注明。  3、PP:①“片片”的缩写,片片指代照片。  ②“屁屁”的缩写,屁屁指代臀部。  4、GG:哥哥的缩写,指代男性,有时候女生用来指代自己的男友。与之相对的是MM,妹妹或者美眉的缩写,指代女性,有时候男生用来指代自己的女友。  5、NB:牛×的缩写,北京方言里用来表示叹为观止之意。  6、JJ:①姐姐的缩写。 ②鸡鸡的缩写。  7、DD:①弟弟的缩写,偶尔有引申义。 ②东东的缩写,指代东西。  8、GF:Girl Friend,女友。与之相对的是BF,Boy Friend,男友。  9、PLMM:漂亮美眉的缩写。  10、PPMM:PLMM的升级版,漂漂美眉。  11、RPWT:人品问题的缩写,来自猫扑论坛。一般来说,只要某上遇上了不可解之事,统统可归结为其有RPWT。  12、人品帖:测试你是否有RPWT的帖子,帖子题目很劲爆,只要你被骗进去,就说明你有RPWT。 例句:这张名为《朴树的裸照》的帖子是个人品帖,其实里面真的是一棵朴树的照片啊,树当然是裸的,哪里有穿衣服的树?青眉居然被这个人品帖骗进去了,果真有RPWT啊。  13、PF:佩服的缩写。  14、SL:色狼的缩写。  15、KH:葵花,代指练《葵花宝典》的高手。  16、KHBD:葵花宝典。  17、PXJF:辟邪剑法,源于KHBD,KH专用的剑法。  18、BS:鄙视的缩写,也可写作B4。 例句:你要是ZT不注明,青眉会BS你,全论坛的人都会B4你的。  19、PMP:拍马屁。  20、PMPMP:拼命拍马屁。  21、MPJ:“马屁精”的缩写。  22、BC:“白痴”的缩写。也说是“白菜”的缩写,在网上,如果人家说你很白菜,那么就是形容你BC。  23、ODBC:“哦,大白痴”的缩写。  24、XB:小白的缩写。  25、YY:意淫的缩写,出自《红楼梦》第六回,精神上行淫。在网络上其意得到进一步推广,凡信心极度膨胀的小说,统称为YY小说。  26、ZE:“贼恶”的缩写,即真恶心,东北地区的方言发音。  27、SE:“少恶”即“少恶心”的缩写。 28、XHW:小黑屋的缩写,来自猫扑,在猫扑,违反规则是要被关小黑屋的。  29、FB:腐败的缩写,现在通常指出去吃喝一顿好的。  30、MD:妈的,粗话,慎用。  31、TMD:***,粗口,慎用。  32、TNND:他奶奶的,粗口,慎用。  33、JR:*人,脏话,特别慎用。  34、SJB:神经病,脏话,慎用。  35、SB:脏话,对别人的蔑称,禁用。  36、LR:烂人,禁用。  37、LJ:垃圾,禁用。  38、RY:人妖,慎用。  39、JS:“*商”的缩写。  40、BXCM:冰雪聪明。  41、HJ:汉*。  42、FQ:愤青。  43、BD:笨蛋。  44、JJWW:叽叽歪歪。  45、Tjjtds:弹鸡鸡弹到死,来自猫扑论坛。  46、CJ:纯洁。  47、HC:花痴。  48、BH:剽悍。出自新东方罗胖子的名言:剽悍的人生不需要解释。  49、GJM:某当红青春作家,曾涉嫌抄袭。GJM后来被当作抄袭的简称,意义接近于“ZT”。出自天涯社区。  50、三毛抄四:该当红青春作家写过一本书,和三毛作品同名,由此衍生而来的新成语。意指盲信某种理论、某个人物而完全不管真相,本末倒置、颠倒黑白的一种狂热精神状态。出自龙空。  51、145:猫扑论坛某名女,代表该论坛参加过雅典奥运。她曾做过一套网上广泛流传的测试智商的题目,得分为145,遂有名言:比我聪明的都没有我漂亮,比我漂亮的都没有我聪明。天涯社区遂演绎出一句名言:比我CJ的都没我BT,比我BT的都没我CJ。  52、FRJJ:芙蓉姐姐,一个女人,一种网络现象。从2005年4月起直到现在,她上了几乎所有网站的头条、新浪腾迅等各大网站及大小报纸争相报导、连中央电台都开始讨论她的现象。芙蓉姐姐的走红和持续走红,证明部分媒体和人已到了一个极端恶意的境界。  三、英文缩写指南  1、DIY:Do It Yourself的缩写,自己动手做的意思。 例句:清欢太坏了,青眉电脑坏了找他修,他让青眉DIY。  2、SOHO:Small Office Home Officer的简称,意思是“在家办公”。 例句:《游侠秀秀》的作者小非是SOHO一族啊。  3、BUG:原意是“臭虫”,后来把跟电脑有关的故障都称之为“BUG”。 例句:每回侠客社区出现BUG,青眉都急得跳脚。  4、I服了U:我服了你……周星星片子里的经典台词。 例句:你居然能让清欢不对你说“不”,I服了U!  5、伊妹儿:Email的音译,电子邮件的意思。也可简称为“妹儿”。 例句:青眉从来不用伊妹儿,给她写信是没用的啦。  6、CU:See You的缩写带音译,再见。 例句:CU,今天就到这里吧。  7、IC:I See的缩写带音译,我知道了。 例句:IC,你是个神经病。(《大话西游》里的经典台词)  8、Q:Cute 的音译,可爱。 例句:傲月寒长得好Q,像个芭比娃娃。  9、FT:分特,Faint的缩写,昏倒、晕厥之意。  10、SP:support,支持。  11、败:BUY的音译,买的意思。  12、SIGH:叹息,有无可奈何之意。  13、LOL:Laugh Out Loud,大笑。  14、KFC:Kill fu*king customers。  15、PK:player kill。  16、BTW:By the way,顺便说一句。  17、BRB:Be right back,马上回来。  18、TTYL:Talk to you later,回头再谈。  19、BBL:Be back later,过会儿就回。  20、kick your ass:打你屁屁。  21、PPL:people,人们。  22、PLZ:please,请,也有缩写成PLS。  23、RUOK:Are you OK?  24、IOWAN2BWU:I only want to be with you。  25、M$ULKeCraZ:Miss you like crazy。  26、CUL8R:see you later。  27、IMHO:In my humble opinion。  五、动漫术语浅析  1、TV版:指在电视上放的动画版本。  2、OVA:Original Video Anime(原创影象动画),和TV相对,不在电视上放映的版本。  3、剧场版:动画的电影版本。  4、OST:Original Sound Track(原创音乐专集),专收录与某动画有关的音乐。  5、OP:片头曲/主题曲。  6、ED:片尾曲。  7、CAST:声优,即配音演员,日本动漫的配音演员是非常重要的哦。  8、STAFF:参与制作改编动画的全体成员,连场务道具都会算进去的。  9、OTAKU:日语,原意为“御宅”,御宅族是指疯狂热烈动漫,沉浸在幻想世界中,欠缺正常社交生活经验的次文化族群。  10、幼齿:也称“素人”,年纪小,不怎么懂事的意思。  11、达人:很强的人。  12、SF:SCIENCE FICTION,科幻机械类的作品。  13、FF:FINAL FANTASY,最终幻想。  14、M0:MACROSS ZERO,超时空要塞零。  六、耽美术语浅析  1、耽美:出自日语,原意是指唯美主义,后经台湾演绎,变成BL的代称了,专指女作家写/画给女读者看的小说或漫画。其实在日本,JUNE才是BL的代称。  2、BL:BOY"S LOVE,男同性恋。谐音玻璃,也称同志。  3、GL:GIRL"S LOVE,女同性恋。 4、蕾丝:lesbine,女同性恋,简称女同,也称同好,拉拉。  5、同人女:超级喜欢BL文化的女性,在日语中被称为“腐女子”。  6、耽美狼:超喜欢耽美文学的女性,比同人女程度更进一步。  7、LOLI:罗莉,幼女的意思。出自《LOLITA》中的洛丽塔,本意指12岁以下的小女孩,泛指天真可爱到白目的小女生。类似的幼男则被称为“正太”,出自《铁人28号》中的金田正太郎,最开始的正太是以穿西装短裤造型出现的哦。  8、LOLI控:对罗莉有强烈偏好的变态叔叔,嘿嘿~  9、18禁:未满18岁不能观看。  10、H:来自日文“变态(HENTAI)”罗马拼音的第一个字母,通常指18禁的东东,与make love同义。  11、激H:H度非常高,描述相当激烈火爆。  12、清水文:没有H情节的文章。  13、SM:Sadism & Masochism,虐待狂与被虐狂,多指性方面。可进一步引申为:Slave and Master,主子与奴才。指两人从事H行为时,有明显的主奴之别,在不危及人身安全的情况下,奴不得违抗主的任何命令。  14、鬼畜:来自日语,原意指像魔鬼畜生一样残酷无情。指攻残忍虐待受的身体或精神。  15、紧缚:H时将受的身体用绳子捆绑起来,使其不能挣扎。  16、攻:BL的双方,充当主动的那一方,即男同志中通称的一号。与“攻”相对的,就是“受”了,受是零号。  17、年下攻:攻的年纪比受小。  18、年上攻:攻的年纪比受大。  19、女王受:受的性格像女王一样高傲,可以把攻吃得死死的。  20、下克上:地位较低的是攻,地位较高的是受。  21、立场倒换:攻受相互转换身份。  22、总受:不管跟谁配对,都是充当受。  23、总攻:不管跟谁配对,都是充当攻。  24、强气攻:个性很强悍的攻。  25、强气受:个性很强悍的受。  26、健气受:个性比较活泼、健康、开朗类型的受。  27、天然受:个性比较少根筋的受。  28、诱受:主动诱惑攻和自己H的受。  29、YAOI:整部小说以H为主,没什么情节。  30、女王:女性主子被称为女王,性格一般比较高傲、残酷。女王的通常形象总是穿紧身衣、高跟鞋,手执皮鞭的。后引申为强势的女性。  31、调教:顾名思义。在有H情节的小说中,调教不仅是从生理上,更从心理上,以摧残对方的自尊,使其完全臣服为目的。此类小说通常会被称为“调教系”。  32、圣水:指代小便。与之对应的是“黄金”,指代大便。黄金圣水是调教系小说中必不可少的道具。超恶~  33、同人:二次创作,将名家名作中的情节或人物衍生出自己的故事。同人创作不限于BL,一般性向的也可以。  34、女体化:把原著中的男性角色改成女孩子进行同人创作。  35、同人志:由作者自己花钱出版的书刊。由出版社所出的书刊叫“商业志”。
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CD1.1. My Heart Will Go On / Celine Dion爱无止尽 / 席琳狄翁 ( 电影“铁达尼号”主题曲 )2. Saving All My Love For You / Whitney Houston给你所有的爱 / 惠妮休斯顿3. How Do I Live / LeAnn Rimes我怎么活下去 / 黎安莱姆丝4. You"re Beautiful / James Blunt美丽的你 / 詹姆仕布朗特5. Have I Told You Lately / Rod Stewart最近是否告诉过你 / 洛史都华6. Crazy For You / Madonna为你疯狂 / 玛丹娜 ( 电影“夺标27秒”主题曲 )7. Time After Time / Cyndi Lauper时时刻刻 / 辛蒂露波8. How Am I Supposed To Live Without You / Michael Bolton失去你我该怎么活下去 / 麦可伯特恩9. Everytime You Go Away / Paul Young每次你走后 / 保罗杨10. My Love / Westlife吾爱 / 西城男孩11. Kiss From A Rose / Seal玫瑰之吻 / 席尔 ( 电影“蝙蝠侠3”主题曲 )12. I"ll Never Break Your Heart / Backstreet Boys绝不让你心碎 / 新好男孩13. Un-Break My Heart / Toni Braxton别伤我心 / 唐妮布蕾斯顿14. What Can I Do? / The Corrs我该如何 / 可儿家族合唱团15. Songbird / Kenny G鸣鸟 / 肯尼吉CD2.1. I Swear / All-4-One我发誓 / 合而为一合唱团2. All Out Of Love / Air Supply逝去的爱 / 空中补给合唱团3. Against All Odds / Phil Collins再看我一眼 / 菲尔柯林斯 ( 电影“再看我一眼”主题曲 )4. Hard To Say I"m Sorry / Chicago难以开口说再见 / 芝加哥合唱团5. Open Arms / Journey敞开双臂 / 旅行者合唱团6. Anything For You / Gloria Estefan一切只为你 / 迈阿密之音合唱团 葛洛丽雅伊斯特芬7. Because I Love You ( The Postman Song ) / Steve B因为我爱你(邮差之歌) / 史帝夫毕8. Superwoman / Karyn White女超人 / 凯伦怀特9. Always / Atlantic Starr 直到永远 / 大西洋之星合唱团10. Lost In Your Eyes / Debbie Gibson迷失在你眼里 / 黛比吉布森11. From A Distance / Bette Midler从远方 / 贝蒂米勒12. Miss You Like Crazy / Natalie Cole疯狂想你 / 娜塔莉高13. Waiting For A Girl Like You / Foreigner等待像你这样的女孩 / 外国人合唱团14. Satomi Hakken-Den / John O"Banion新里见八犬传 / 约翰欧班宁 (电影“新里见八犬传”主题曲 )15. I Dreamed A Dream ( Live ) / Elaine Paige我曾有一个梦 / 伊莲佩吉 (现场演唱版本 )CD3.1. Way Back Into Love / Hugh Grant & Haley BennettK歌情人(重新找回爱)/ 休葛兰&海莉班纳特 ( 电影“K歌情人”主题曲 )2. Kiss Me / Sixpence None The Richer亲吻我 / 莲儿与啷当六便士 ( 电影“窈窕美眉”主题曲 )3. I Knew I Loved You / Savage Garden命中注定我爱你 / 野人花园合唱团4. I"m Yours / Jason Mraz非我莫属 / 杰森玛耶兹5. Best Of Me / Daniel Powter最好的我 / 城市琴人丹尼尔6. There You"ll Be / Faith Hill有你相依 / 费丝希尔 ( 电影“珍珠港”主题曲 )7. Angel / Sarah McLachlan天使 / 莎拉克劳克兰( 电影“X情人”主题曲 )8. I Turn To You / Christina Aguilera芳心归处 / 克莉丝汀9. I Believe I Can Fly / R. Kelly我相信我能飞 / 劳凯利 ( 电影“怪物奇兵”主题曲 )10. Bizarre Love Triangle / Frente!奇妙的爱情三角习题 / 佛朗迪乐团11. Look What You"ve Done / JET看你做了什么 / 喷射机合唱团12. The Day You Went Away / M2M当你离开的那天 / 窈窕美眉13. Torn / Natalie Imbruglia 撕裂 / 娜塔莉14. Because Of You / Kelly Clarkson 因为有你 / 凯莉克莱森15. Note To God / Charice给上帝的话 / 夏芮丝CD4.1. Because I Love You / Shakin" Stevens因为我爱你 / 薛金史帝文生2. Eternal Flame / The Bangles永恒之焰 / 手镯合唱团3. If You Leave Me Now / Chicago如果你要离去 / 芝加哥合唱团4. Nothing"s Gonna Change My Love For You / George Benson此情不渝 / 乔治班逊5. Just The Way You Are / Billy Joel就是你现在的样子 / 比利乔6. Heaven Knows / Rick Price天知道 / 瑞克普莱斯7. Forever Young / Alphaville永远年轻 / 阿尔发村8. I"ll Be Your Everything / Tommy Page我是你的一切 / 汤米佩吉9. Can"t Fight This Feeling / REO Speedwagon无法对抗这份感情 / REO快速马车合唱团10. To Be With You / Mr. Big与你一起 / 大人物合唱团11. Emotion / Samantha Sang情感 / 莎曼莎珊12. More Than I Can Say / Leo Sayer爱你在心口难开 / 李奥塞勒13. My Eyes Adored You / Frankie Valli我用眼睛崇拜你 / 法兰基维里14. One More Try / Timmy T再一次 / 提米T15. I Want To Know What Love Is / Foreigner我想知道爱是什么 / 外国人合唱团CD5.1. Longer / Dan Fogelberg天长地久 / 丹佛格柏2. Goodbye Girl / David Gates再见女郎 / 大卫盖兹 (电影“再见女郎”主题曲)3. Just When I Needed You Most / Randy Vanwarmer当我最需要你的时候 / 蓝迪范沃玛4. Stories / Viktor Lazlo 故事 / 维多兰丝洛5. Glory Of Love / Peter Cetera爱的荣耀 / 彼得塞特拉 ( 电影“小子难缠”主题曲 )6. Nothing"s Gonna Stop Us Now / Starship什么都阻挡不了我们 / 星船合唱团 ( 电影“神气活现”主题曲)7. When I See You Smile / Bad English当我看见你的微笑 / 坏英国人合唱团8. The Power Of Love / Jennifer Rush爱的力量 / 珍妮佛若丝9. Only Love / Trademark  只有爱 / 真情马克合唱团10. Your eyes / Cook da Books你的眼睛 / 库达布克乐团(电影“第一次接触”主题曲 )11. I Write The Songs / Barry Manilow写一首歌 / 巴瑞曼尼洛12. Sweet Love / Anita Baker甜心 / 安妮塔贝克13. I"ll Never Love This Way Again / Dionne Warwick不再坠入情网 / 狄昂华薇克14. Never Ending Story / Limahl 永不结束的故事 / 利玛15. Total Eclipse Of The Heart / Bonnie Tyler心已全蚀 / 邦妮泰勒CD6.1. Bad Day / Daniel Powter坏天气 / 城市琴人丹尼尔2. Home / Michael Buble回家 / 麦可布雷3. You Raise Me Up / Josh Groban你鼓舞了我 / 乔许葛洛班4. Runaway / The Corrs奔跑 / 可儿家族合唱团5. Meaningless Kiss / Hugh Grant无心之吻 / 休葛兰 ( 电影“K歌情人”插曲 )6. Pretty Boy / M2M可爱男孩 / 窈窕美眉7. A Shoulder To Cry On / Tommy Page可依靠哭泣的肩膀 / 汤米佩吉8. After The Love Has Gone / Earth Wind & Fire当爱已成往事 /地球风与火合唱团9. Masterpiece / Atlantic Starr爱的杰作 / 大西洋之星合唱团10. Rhythm Of The Rain / Cascades雨中旋律 / 瀑布合唱团11. I Don"t Want To Talk About It / Rod Stewart不想多说什么 / 洛史都华12. Sailing / Christopher Cross启航 / 克里斯多夫克里斯 13. The Rose / Bette Midler玫瑰 / 贝蒂米勒(电影“歌声泪痕”主题曲)14. Shower Me With Your Love / Surface用爱灌溉 / 表面合唱团15.Making Love Out Of Nothing At All (LIVE) / Air Supply无意义的爱 / 空中补给合唱团 (现场演唱版本 )
2023-07-23 04:54:531

in the farm和on the farm的区别

in the farm和on the farm的区别是词义、使用时态、语法的不同。in the farm表示当前农场发生的事情。on the farm可以表示很久以前农场发生的事情。 扩展资料 例句:We have some chickens on the farm. 我们在农场养了一些鸡。例句:With summer season, all kinds of plants in the farm of Forever-spring are growing like crazy, full of energy and enthusiasm. 正值盛夏,在年年春天的农场里,各种植物都在有点疯狂地生长着,充满了生机和热情。
2023-07-23 04:55:232


lonely NANA
2023-07-23 04:55:404


2023-07-23 04:55:566

酒吧里一直放的一首,歌词一直有crazy crazy crazy,四hiphop风格,哪位能告诉我,谢谢拉

2023-07-23 04:56:123


1、相思树底说相思,思郎恨郎郎不知。 Acacia tree bottom said Acacia, Silang hate Lang do not know. 2、自君之出矣,明镜暗不治。思君如流水,何有穷已时。 Since the emergence of the monarch, the mirror will not rule in the dark. Think of the gentleman as a running water, why is the end of the world? 3、终日两相思,为君憔悴尽,百花时。 All day long, o lovesickness, for the gentleman haggard, hundred flowers. 4、你永远看不到我最寂寞的时候,因为在看不到你的时候就是我最寂寞的时候。 You will never see my loneliest time, because when I can"t see you, it"s my loneliest time. 5、兽炉沈水烟,翠沼残花片,一行行写入相思传。 Animal stove Shen Shuiyan, green marsh fragments, a line written in Acacia biography. 6、尘缘从来都如水,罕须泪,何尽一生情?莫多情,情伤己。 Dust has always been like water, scarcely need tears, how to do all one"s life? Don"t be sentimental, but hurt yourself. 7、不是人人都能活的低调,可以低调的基础是随时都能高调。 Not everyone can live in a low-key way. The basis of a low-key way is to keep a high-profile at any time. 8、尊前拟把归期说,未语春容先惨咽。 Before respecting him, he planned to say that he would return home, but when he did not speak, he would swallow miserably. 9、爱是一件温柔的东西,要是你拖着它一起沉下去,那未免太难为它了。 Love is a tender thing, if you drag it down together, it will be too hard for it. 10、此日六军同驻马,当时七夕笑牵牛。 On this day, the Six Armies were stationed on horses, laughing at morning glory on July Eve. 11、梧桐树,三更雨,不道离情正苦。一叶叶,一声声,空阶滴到明。 Wutong Tree, Sanguin Rain, no way out of love is suffering. Leaves, a sound, empty steps drip to the Ming Dynasty. 12、死生契阔,与子成说。执子之手,与子偕老。 Death and life are rich, and Zicheng said. Hold your hand and grow old together with you. 13、男孩是水女孩是鱼。水不在乎鱼从哪来。鱼在乎水的清澈与否。 Boys are water girls are fish. Water doesn"t care where fish e from. Fish care whether the water is clear or not. 14、就算不快乐也不要皱眉,因为你永远不知道谁会爱上你的笑容。 Never frown, even when you are unhappy, because you never know who is falling in love with your *** ile. 15、爱情不要等到年纪大了才考虑,早晨的歌声,到中午再听,就显得索然无味。 Love should not wait for old age to consider, morning songs, to listen to at noon, it seems dull. 16、重叠泪痕缄锦字,人生只有情难死。 Overlapping tear stains and silent brocade words, life can only die of love. 17、该是你的迟早都会是你的,若不是你的即使强留也留不住。 It should be yours sooner or later. If it weren"t yours, it would not stay. 18、忠诚的爱情充溢在我的心里,我无法估计自己享有的财富。 Loyal love fills my heart. I can"t estimate the wealth I enjoy. 19、如果我们在结婚之后仍然能保持爱情的甜蜜,我们在地上也等于进入天堂。 If we can still keep the sweetness of love after marriage, we will enter heaven on earth. 20、真正爱上一个人的时候,一切都那么值得,包括不可避免的伤害。 When you really fall in love with someone, everything is worth it, including the inevitable harm. 21、有美人兮,见之不忘,一日不见兮,思之如狂。 Beautiful people never fet what they see, never see it in a day, and think like crazy. 22、爱情就像是生长在悬崖上的一朵花,想要摘就必需要有勇气。 Love is like a flower growing on a cliff. If you want to pick it, you must have courage. 23、此去经年,应是良辰好景虚设。便纵有,千种风情,更与何人说。 To go through the years here should be a good time and a good scenery in vain. Even if there are thousands of customs, more with whom to say. 24、多情只有春庭月,犹为离人照落花。 Love only in the spring and the moon, but still for the departure of flowers. 25、落红不是无情物,化作春泥更护花。 Falling red is not a merciless thing, but a spring mud to protect flowers. 26、有一种伤叫悲伤,是睫毛再也承受不住泪球的重,轻轻碰到就会滴落。 There is a kind of injury called sadness, is that eyelashes can no longer withstand the heavy tear ball, gently touched will drop. 27、衣带渐宽终不悔,为伊消得人憔悴。 My clothes grow daily more loose, yet care I not. For you am I thus wasting away in sorrow and pain. 28、爱你、给你我生命所有的美好、然后退场、让万花筒灿烂你的眼瞳。 Love you, give you all the beauty of my life, and then exit, let kaleidoscope brilliant your eyes. 29、临别殷勤重寄词,词中有誓两心知。 Farewell courteous re-send words, there are vows o hearts know. 30、唯将终夜长开眼,报答平生未展眉。 Only eyes will be opened all night long, in return for life has not shown eyebrows. 31、我的爱情没有那么复杂,两颗心,一个家,爱我,对我好,其他的都不多求。 My love is not so plicated, o hearts, a home, love me, good to me, other are not much to ask for. 32、无情不似多情苦,一寸还成千万缕。 Ruthlessness is not like sentimental suffering, an inch is also tens of millions of strands. 33、如花美眷,似水流年。回得了过去,回不了当初。 Like a beautiful family, like a flowing year. Can go back to the past, can not go back to the original. 34、可怜无定河边骨,犹是春闺梦里人。 Poor and indeterminate riverside bones are still people in the spring boudoir dream. 35、泪纵能干终有迹,语多难寄反无词。 Tears can be traced in the end, but words are difficult to convey. 36、相思本是无凭语,莫向花牋费泪行。 Acacia is no voucher, do not waste tears on flowers. 37、缘已逝而情难止,生有崖而思无尽。 It is hard to stop feeling when fate is gone, but endless thinking when there is a cliff. 38、皑如山上雪,皎若云间月。闻君有两意,故来相决绝。 Like snow on a mountain, like clouds and moons. Wen Jun had o intentions, so he refused. 39、我也相信爱可以排除万难;只是,万难之后,又有万难。这是我更相信的。 I also believe that love can overe all difficulties; but after all difficulties, there are all difficulties. This is what I believe more. 40、别来半岁音书绝,一寸离肠千万结。 Don"t e half-year-old sound book absolutely, an inch away from the intestine tens of millions of knots. 41、此情可待成追忆,只是当时已惘然。 This can be remembered, but at that time has been lost. 42、无论你身在何处,无论你为何忙碌,我都会在此守候。 No matter where you are, no matter why you are busy, I will be here. 43、我打开窗户,使雪明白,世界并不是那么的冰凉,还有一种温暖潜藏在里面。 I opened the window to make the snow understand that the world is not so cold, there is a kind of warmth hidden in it. 44、爱,和炭相同,烧起来,得想办法叫它冷却。 Love, like charcoal, burns and has to be cooled. 45、真正的爱情是不能用言语表达的,行为才是忠心的最好说明。 True love can"t be expressed in words. Actions are the best indication of loyalty. 46、十年生死两茫茫,不思量,自难忘,千里孤坟,无处话凄凉。 Ten years of life and death are o boundless, thoughtless, unfettable, thousands of miles of lonely graves, nowhere to say desolate. 47、望夫处,江悠悠;化为石,不回头。山头日日风复雨,行人归来石应语。 Watching the hu *** and, the river is long; turning to stone, never turning back. Every day on the hilltop is windy and rainy. Pedestrians return to Shiyingyu. 48、你是我温暖的手套,冰冷的啤酒,带着阳光味道的衬衫,日复一日的梦想。 You are my warm gloves, cold beer, shirt with the taste of sunshine, dream day after day. 49、要和一个女人相处的快乐,你应该多爱她,却别想要了解她。 To be happy with a woman, you should love her more than you want to know her. 50、似此星辰非昨夜,为谁风露立中宵。 As if the stars were not last night, for whom the wind dew midnight. 51、多听,少说,接受每一个人的责难,但是保留你的最后裁决。 Listen more, speak less, accept everyone"s blame, but keep your final verdict.
2023-07-23 04:56:191


Beyonce---Crazy In Love下载地址:歌词:YesIt"s so crazy right now!Most incredibly, it"s ya girl, BIt"s ya boy, youngYou ready?Uh oh, uh oh, uh oh, oh no noUh oh, uh oh, uh oh, oh no noUh oh, uh oh, uh oh, oh no noUh oh, uh oh, uh oh, oh no noYea, history in the making,Part 2, it"s so crazy right nowI look and stare so deep in your eyes,I touch on you more and more every time,When you leave I"m begging you not to go,Call your name two or three times in a row,Such a funny thing for me to try to explain,How I"m feeling and my pride is the one to blame"Cuz I know I don"t understand,Just how your love you"re doing no one else can~Chorus~Got me looking so crazy right now, your love"sGot me looking so crazy right now (in love)Got me looking so crazy right now, your touchGot me looking so crazy right now (your touch)Got me hoping you"ll page me right now, your kiss Got me hoping you"ll save me right now Looking so crazy in love"s,Got me looking, got me looking so crazy in loveUh oh, uh oh, uh oh, oh no noUh oh, uh oh, uh oh, oh no noUh oh, uh oh, uh oh, oh no noUh oh, uh oh, uh oh, oh no noWhen I talk to my friends so quietly,Who he think he is? Look at what you did to me,Tennis shoes, don"t even need to buy a new dress,If you ain"t there ain"t nobody else to impress,The way that you know what I thought I knew,It"s the beat my heart skips when I"m with you,But I still don"t understand,Just how the love your doing no one else canGot me looking so crazy right now, your love"sGot me looking so crazy right now (oh crazy)Got me looking so crazy right now, your touch (you"re in love)Got me looking so crazy right now (love!)Got me hoping you"ll page me right now, your kiss (hey!)Got me hoping you"ll save me right now Looking so crazy in love"s, (hey)Got me looking, got me looking so crazy in loveI"m Looking so crazy in love"s,Got me looking, got me looking so crazy in loveCheck it, let"s goYoung Hov y"all know when the flow is loco,Young B and the R O C, uh oh, (oh)Ol" G, big homie, the one and only,Stick bony, but the pocket is fat like Tony, Soprano, (oh no)The ROC handle like Van Axel,I shake phoneys man, You can"t get next to,The genuine article I go I do not sing though,I sling though, If anything I bling yo,a star like Ringo, roll like?Crazy bring ya whole set,Jay Z in the range, crazy and deranged,They can"t figure them out they like hey is he insane, (oh no)Yes sir I"m cut from a different cloth,My texture is the best fur, of chinchilla(Uh oh, uh oh, uh oh, oh no no)Been dealing with chain smokers,But how you think I got the name Hova?(Uh oh, uh oh, uh oh, oh no no)I been realer the game"s over,(Uh oh, uh oh, uh oh, oh no no)Fall back young, ever since the label changed over(Uh oh, uh oh, uh oh, oh no no)to platinum the game"s been wrap, One!Got me looking, so crazy, my babyI"m not myself, lately I"m foolish, I don"t do this,I"ve been playing myself, baby I don"t care"Cuz your love"s got the best of me,And baby you"re making a fool of me,You got me sprung and I don"t care who sees,"Cuz baby you got me, you got me, so crazy babyHEY!Got me looking so crazy right now, your love"s (oh love)Got me looking so crazy right now (lookin" crazy)Got me looking so crazy right now, your touchGot me looking so crazy right now Got me hoping you"ll page me right now, your kiss (baby)Got me hoping you"ll save me right now (baby)Looking so crazy in love"s, (whoa!)Got me looking, got me looking so crazy in love (whoa!)Got me looking so crazy right now, your love"sGot me looking so crazy right now (your love)Got me looking so crazy right now, your touchGot me looking so crazy right now (your touch)Got me hoping you"ll page me right now, your kiss Got me hoping you"ll save me right now Looking so crazy in love"s,Got me looking, got me looking so crazy in love
2023-07-23 04:56:261

I Miss You LIke Crazy谁有这首歌词啊?

the moffatts - miss you like crazyi used to call you my girl i used to call you my friendi used to call you the lovethe love taht i never hadwhen i think of you i don"t know what to dowhen will i see you againi miss you like crazyeven more than words can sayi miss you like crazyevery minute of every day girl i"m so downwhen your love"s not around i miss you, miss you, miss youi miss you like crazyyou are all that i want you"re all that i needcan"t you see how i fellcan"t you see that my pain"s so realwhen i think of youi don"t know what to dowhen will i see you again
2023-07-23 04:56:452

Miss You Like Crazy 歌词

歌曲名:Miss You Like Crazy歌手:Natalie Cole专辑:Love SongsI Miss You Like CrazyNatalie ColeEven though its been so long,my love for you keeps going strongI remember the things that we used to do,a kiss in the rainTil" the sun shined through,I"d try to deny it,but I"m still in love with youI miss you like crazy,I miss you like crazy,ever since you went awayEvery hour of every day,I miss you like crazy,I miss you like crazyNo matter what I say or do,there"s just no getting over youI can see the love shining in your eyes,and it comes as such a sweet surpriseIf seeing"s believing its worth the wait,so hold me and tell me its not too lateWe"re so good together,we"re starting forever now,And I miss you like crazyI miss you like crazy,ever since you went away,every hour of every dayI miss you like crazy,I miss you baby,a love like ours will never endJust touch me and we"re there againJust one night and we"ll have that magicfeeling like we used to doHold on tight and whatevercomes our way we"re gonna make it throughIf seeing"s believing its worth the wait,so hold me and tell me its not too lateWe"re so good together,we"re starting forever nowAnd I miss you like crazy,I miss you like crazyNo matter what I say or dothere"s just no getting over youAnd I miss you (baby),I miss you (baby),all the tender love you gave meWhen a feeling gets this strong,you know the real thing come alongAnd I miss you,I miss you like crazy baby,only (you"re) should be "your" sweet love Can save me,I miss you like crazy,alove like ours will never endJust touch me and we"re there again,Miss you like crazy, I miss you like crazy
2023-07-23 04:56:521

ウェイロニ(Japanese ver.) 歌词

歌曲名:ウェイロニ(Japanese ver.)歌手:T-ara专辑:Jewelry boxウェイロニ(Japanese ver.)T-ARA ティアラ作词︰生田真心作曲:Lee Sang Ho|Kim Do Hoonウェイロニ…ほんのちょっとだけ 素直になれないの?目と目でさらって 本気ならいっそOops Oops Baby ほらジリジリ热いわ违うの? 嘘よ! 勘违いなの?Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh 爱してる Like crazyOh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh 教えてよ マジな気持ちウェイロニ ウェイロニ さまよう迷路にオットケ オットケ もう置いてかないで本能に 冷静に 儚い梦にサランへ チョアへ もう手に负えないほどKnock Knock Knock Knock Can you hear me nowKnock Knock Knock Knock Just wanna love you nowWelcome to your wonderlandEveryday I Knock Knock Knock Knock Knock KnockLove me Love me Baby ねえ あなたの事ばっか求めるKiss! SOS 助けてよBoyCall me Call me Baby ドキドキ胸高鸣って暧昧じゃ ズルい 认めてよBoyOh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh 爱してる Like crazyOh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh 教えてよ マジな気持ちウェイロニ ウェイロニ 途切れた迷路にオットケ オットケ 行き场を无くしたの偶然に 冲动に 眠れない夜にサランへ チョアへ 今すぐ抱きしめてKnock Knock Knock Knock Can you hear me nowKnock Knock Knock Knock Just wanna love you nowWelcome to your wonderlandEveryday I Knock Knock Knock Knock Knock KnockI wanna touch you 照れてないで运命って信じてたいのOnly one! You"re my boyホンネ隠さないでお见通し Baby Knock Knock Knock Knock Knock OhYou know my style君の态度 このままじゃ Say good byeウェイロニ…ウェイロニ ウェイロニ さまよう迷路にオットケ オットケ もう置いてかないで本能に 冷静に 儚い梦にサランへ チョアへ もう手に负えないほどKnock Knock Knock Knock Can you hear me nowKnock Knock Knock Knock Just wanna love you nowCan you hear my Knock KnockAll I want is you you Knock Knock Knock KnockKnock Knock Knock Knock Can you hear me nowKnock Knock Knock Knock Just wanna love you nowWelcome to your wonderlandEveryday I Knock Knock Knock Knock Knock Knock
2023-07-23 04:56:591

Miss You Like Crazy 歌词

歌曲名:Miss You Like Crazy歌手:Natalie Cole专辑:Greatest Hits Volume 1I Miss You Like CrazyNatalie ColeEven though its been so long,my love for you keeps going strongI remember the things that we used to do,a kiss in the rainTil" the sun shined through,I"d try to deny it,but I"m still in love with youI miss you like crazy,I miss you like crazy,ever since you went awayEvery hour of every day,I miss you like crazy,I miss you like crazyNo matter what I say or do,there"s just no getting over youI can see the love shining in your eyes,and it comes as such a sweet surpriseIf seeing"s believing its worth the wait,so hold me and tell me its not too lateWe"re so good together,we"re starting forever now,And I miss you like crazyI miss you like crazy,ever since you went away,every hour of every dayI miss you like crazy,I miss you baby,a love like ours will never endJust touch me and we"re there againJust one night and we"ll have that magicfeeling like we used to doHold on tight and whatevercomes our way we"re gonna make it throughIf seeing"s believing its worth the wait,so hold me and tell me its not too lateWe"re so good together,we"re starting forever nowAnd I miss you like crazy,I miss you like crazyNo matter what I say or dothere"s just no getting over youAnd I miss you (baby),I miss you (baby),all the tender love you gave meWhen a feeling gets this strong,you know the real thing come alongAnd I miss you,I miss you like crazy baby,only (you"re) should be "your" sweet love Can save me,I miss you like crazy,alove like ours will never endJust touch me and we"re there again,Miss you like crazy, I miss you like crazy
2023-07-23 04:57:061


i miss you like crazynatalie coleeven though its been so long,my love for you keeps going strongi remember the things that we used to do,a kiss in the raintil" the sun shined through,i"d try to deny it,but i"m still in love with youi miss you like crazy,i miss you like crazy,ever since you went awayevery hour of every day,i miss you like crazy,i miss you like crazyno matter what i say or do,there"s just no getting over youi can see the love shining in your eyes,and it comes as such a sweet surpriseif seeing"s believing its worth the wait,so hold me and tell me its not too latewe"re so good together,we"re starting forever now,and i miss you like crazyi miss you like crazy,ever since you went away,every hour of every dayi miss you like crazy,i miss you baby,a love like ours will never endjust touch me and we"re there againjust one night and we"ll have that magicfeeling like we used to dohold on tight and whatevercomes our way we"re gonna make it throughif seeing"s believing its worth the wait,so hold me and tell me its not too latewe"re so good together,we"re starting forever nowand i miss you like crazy,i miss you like crazyno matter what i say or dothere"s just no getting over youand i miss you (baby),i miss you (baby),all the tender love you gave mewhen a feeling gets this strong,you know the real thing come alongand i miss you,i miss you like crazy baby,only (you"re) should be "your" sweet love can save me,i miss you like crazy,alove like ours will never endjust touch me and we"re there again,miss you like crazy, i miss you like crazyi love u yan forever
2023-07-23 04:57:131

Miss You Like Crazy 歌词

歌曲名:Miss You Like Crazy歌手:Natalie Cole专辑:Rhino Hi-Five: Natalie ColeI Miss You Like CrazyNatalie ColeEven though its been so long,my love for you keeps going strongI remember the things that we used to do,a kiss in the rainTil" the sun shined through,I"d try to deny it,but I"m still in love with youI miss you like crazy,I miss you like crazy,ever since you went awayEvery hour of every day,I miss you like crazy,I miss you like crazyNo matter what I say or do,there"s just no getting over youI can see the love shining in your eyes,and it comes as such a sweet surpriseIf seeing"s believing its worth the wait,so hold me and tell me its not too lateWe"re so good together,we"re starting forever now,And I miss you like crazyI miss you like crazy,ever since you went away,every hour of every dayI miss you like crazy,I miss you baby,a love like ours will never endJust touch me and we"re there againJust one night and we"ll have that magicfeeling like we used to doHold on tight and whatevercomes our way we"re gonna make it throughIf seeing"s believing its worth the wait,so hold me and tell me its not too lateWe"re so good together,we"re starting forever nowAnd I miss you like crazy,I miss you like crazyNo matter what I say or dothere"s just no getting over youAnd I miss you (baby),I miss you (baby),all the tender love you gave meWhen a feeling gets this strong,you know the real thing come alongAnd I miss you,I miss you like crazy baby,only (you"re) should be "your" sweet love Can save me,I miss you like crazy,alove like ours will never endJust touch me and we"re there again,Miss you like crazy, I miss you like crazy
2023-07-23 04:57:201

Miss You Like Crazy (Unplugged) 歌词

歌曲名:Miss You Like Crazy (Unplugged)歌手:The Moffatts专辑:Chapter 1: A New BeginningThe Moffatts - Miss You Like CrazyBy: Kidconan-SeanI used to call you my girlI used to call you my friendI used to call you the loveThe love that I never hadWhen I think of youI don"t know what to doWhen will I see you againI miss you like crazyEven more than words can sayI miss you like crazyEvery minute of every dayGirl I"m so downWhen your love"s not aroundI miss you, miss you, miss youI miss you like crazyYou are all that I wantYou"re all that I needCan"t you see how I fellCan"t you see that my pain"s so realWhen I think of youI don"t know what to doWhen will I see you againI miss you like crazyEven more than words can sayI miss you like crazyEvery minute of every dayGirl I"m so downWhen your love"s not aroundI miss you, miss you, miss youI miss you like crazyGirl I"m so downWhen your love"s not aroundI miss you, miss you, miss youI miss you like crazyEven more than words can sayI miss you like crazyEvery minute of every dayGirl I"m so downWhen your love"s not aroundI miss you, miss you, miss youI miss you like crazyI miss you like crazyI miss you like crazyI miss you like crazyI miss you like crazy
2023-07-23 04:57:271

Miss You Like Crazy (Long Version) 歌词

歌曲名:Miss You Like Crazy (Long Version)歌手:The Moffatts专辑:Chapter 1: A New BeginningThe Moffatts - Miss You Like CrazyBy: Kidconan-SeanI used to call you my girlI used to call you my friendI used to call you the loveThe love that I never hadWhen I think of youI don"t know what to doWhen will I see you againI miss you like crazyEven more than words can sayI miss you like crazyEvery minute of every dayGirl I"m so downWhen your love"s not aroundI miss you, miss you, miss youI miss you like crazyYou are all that I wantYou"re all that I needCan"t you see how I fellCan"t you see that my pain"s so realWhen I think of youI don"t know what to doWhen will I see you againI miss you like crazyEven more than words can sayI miss you like crazyEvery minute of every dayGirl I"m so downWhen your love"s not aroundI miss you, miss you, miss youI miss you like crazyGirl I"m so downWhen your love"s not aroundI miss you, miss you, miss youI miss you like crazyEven more than words can sayI miss you like crazyEvery minute of every dayGirl I"m so downWhen your love"s not aroundI miss you, miss you, miss youI miss you like crazyI miss you like crazyI miss you like crazyI miss you like crazyI miss you like crazy
2023-07-23 04:57:341

Hurts Like Crazy 歌词

歌曲名:Hurts Like Crazy歌手:matt palmer专辑:Like the OceanMATT PALMER - Hurts Like CrazyThought this was the love that I wantedBut in the end it was hauntedYou"re not the girl that I wanted you to beBut I can"t shake this image of youMy dream of love finally coming trueThough I know it"s fantasyMy heart still wants to believeI hope you know it hurts like crazyCause you don"t really love me babyHope you know it hurts like crazyHow you"re keeping me hanging onAnd it hurts and hurts and hurts meHow you"re driving, you"re driving me crazyAnd it hurts and hurts and hurts meHow you"re driving, you"re driving me crazyI see the smile that you"re fakingI feel my heart steady breakingI convince myself that one day you"ll come aroundBut I know you won"t just tell me nowSo I can try and move on somehowI know you"re trying to spare my heartBut you"re just tearing me apartI hope you know it hurts like crazyCause you don"t really love me babyHope you know it hurts like crazyHow you"re keeping me hanging onAnd it hurts and hurts and hurts meHow you"re driving, you"re driving me crazyAnd it hurts and hurts and hurts meHow you"re driving, you"re driving me crazyDo me a favor tell me it"s overLeave me behindSo I don"t have to wonderDon"t leave me hangingIt"s hurts more than you knowIf you ever really loved me let me goIf you ever really loved me let me goI hope you know it hurts like crazyCause you don"t really love me babyHope you know it hurts like crazyHow you"re keeping me hanging onAnd it hurts and hurts and hurts meHow you"re driving, you"re driving me crazyAnd it hurts and hurts and hurts meHow you"re driving, you"re driving me crazyAnd it hurts and hurts and hurts meHow you"re driving, you"re driving me crazyAnd it hurts and hurts and hurts meHow you"re driving, you"re driving me crazy
2023-07-23 04:57:411

Another Sad Love Song 歌词

2023-07-23 04:57:481

Missing You Like Crazy 歌词

歌曲名:Missing You Like Crazy歌手:Alex Bugnon专辑:Southern LivingOoohhh ooohhh.. BabyYour love I cannot live without itooohhh...(感觉cool吧)We both lied we both cheatDon"t tell me that you"ve never grievedCause we take that we couldn"t keepTimes we should not speakGirl you lied to me I tell what"s not trueStill we were loversooh ooh...Take the sweet with the painSunshine come but then the rainI can tell things were not the sameCaught up in the gameGirl I"ve done you wrong and you have done the sameBut I still want youfor you"re not hereI"m missing you like crazyand it showsOh I miss you babyGod knowsAll the love you gave to meWhen I was on my kneesMakes me still want youI"m missing you like crazyand it showsOh I miss you babyGod knowsAll the love you gave to meWhen I was on my kneesoh...I must say we"ve both been badMade you cry, you made me sadThere were times when we were gladRemember what we"ve hadWe were young and didn"t know which way to goWe were young loversBaby ooh oohhh...Take you back any dayDon"t care how long you"ve been awayFollow my heart this is what it sayyou"re my destinyLet"s forget the past and have a new startYou"re the one that"s got my heart forever BabyI"m missing you like crazyand it showsOh I miss you babyGod knowsAll the love you gave to meWhen I was on my kneesMakes me still want youI"m missing you like crazyand it showsOh I miss you babyGod knowsAll the love you gave to meWhen I was on my kneesMissing you like, BabyYour love"s the only love babyI"ve been missingMissing you babyI"ve been missingMissing you babyYou"re the love I"ve been searching for alwaysI"m missing you like crazyand it showsOh I miss you babyGod knowsAll the love you gave to meWhen I was on my kneesMakes me still want youI"m missing you like crazyand it showsOh I miss you babyGod knowsAll the love you gave to me.....When I was on my knees.........
2023-07-23 04:58:061

Love Like Crazy 歌词

歌曲名:Love Like Crazy歌手:Kierra Sheard专辑:My Kierra Sheard Playlist「LOVE LIKE CRAZY」作词∶Kana Nishino作曲∶DJ Mass(VIVID Neon*)/Hiroshi Yoshida/hiro;n/ENVIE/Kyoko Osako歌∶西野カナまるで ONE WAY LOVE别に最初はタイプじゃなかったのに気付いたら私の方が君に梦中気になるのは絵文字。ばっかり昨日よりもちょっと冷たいから何にも手につかないだから Say! Hey Boyもっと I like youもっと I need youもっと I like youもっと I need youいつでも I like you l like youずっと2人だけでいたいのそう1秒でも 1センチさえも离れたくない LIKE CRAZYもう何もいらない 今がすべて1人じゃ眠れないのねぇどうしてなの こんなに好きなのムカつくくらい LIKE CRAZYまるで LOVE IS BLIND乙女なんてキャラじゃなかったのに友达より私の方が恋爱中気になるのはカロリー体重计 昨日よりもちょっと减ってるかなもっと可爱くなりたいだから Say! Hey GirlGive up! CHOCOLATEGive up! CARAMELGive up! MILLE CREPEGive up! BUTTER CAKEいつでも I like you I like youずっと君のSweet Honeyでいたいのそう1キロでも 1パウンドでも増やしたくない be a good ladyもう何もいらない 今がすべて君以外ありえないのねぇどうしてなの こんなに好きなのムカつくくらい LIKE CRAZY恋の魔法は本当に不思议なものねこんなキモチにさせるのはきっと君だけいつでも I like you I like youずっと2人だけでいたいのそう1秒でも 1センチさえも离れたくない LIKE CRAZYもう何もいらない 今がすべて1人じゃ眠れないのねぇどうしてなの こんなに好きなのムカつくくらい LIKE CRAZYいつでも I like you I like youずっと君のSweet Honeyでいたいのそう1キロでも 1パウンドでも増やしたくない be a good ladyもう何もいらない 今がすべて君以外ありえないのねぇどうしてなの こんなに好きなのムカつくくらい LIKE CRAZY収録∶私たち/発売日∶2012/05/23终わり
2023-07-23 04:58:141

Love Like Crazy 歌词

歌曲名:Love Like Crazy歌手:Kierra Sheard专辑:Bold Right Life「LOVE LIKE CRAZY」作词∶Kana Nishino作曲∶DJ Mass(VIVID Neon*)/Hiroshi Yoshida/hiro;n/ENVIE/Kyoko Osako歌∶西野カナまるで ONE WAY LOVE别に最初はタイプじゃなかったのに気付いたら私の方が君に梦中気になるのは絵文字。ばっかり昨日よりもちょっと冷たいから何にも手につかないだから Say! Hey Boyもっと I like youもっと I need youもっと I like youもっと I need youいつでも I like you l like youずっと2人だけでいたいのそう1秒でも 1センチさえも离れたくない LIKE CRAZYもう何もいらない 今がすべて1人じゃ眠れないのねぇどうしてなの こんなに好きなのムカつくくらい LIKE CRAZYまるで LOVE IS BLIND乙女なんてキャラじゃなかったのに友达より私の方が恋爱中気になるのはカロリー体重计 昨日よりもちょっと减ってるかなもっと可爱くなりたいだから Say! Hey GirlGive up! CHOCOLATEGive up! CARAMELGive up! MILLE CREPEGive up! BUTTER CAKEいつでも I like you I like youずっと君のSweet Honeyでいたいのそう1キロでも 1パウンドでも増やしたくない be a good ladyもう何もいらない 今がすべて君以外ありえないのねぇどうしてなの こんなに好きなのムカつくくらい LIKE CRAZY恋の魔法は本当に不思议なものねこんなキモチにさせるのはきっと君だけいつでも I like you I like youずっと2人だけでいたいのそう1秒でも 1センチさえも离れたくない LIKE CRAZYもう何もいらない 今がすべて1人じゃ眠れないのねぇどうしてなの こんなに好きなのムカつくくらい LIKE CRAZYいつでも I like you I like youずっと君のSweet Honeyでいたいのそう1キロでも 1パウンドでも増やしたくない be a good ladyもう何もいらない 今がすべて君以外ありえないのねぇどうしてなの こんなに好きなのムカつくくらい LIKE CRAZY収録∶私たち/発売日∶2012/05/23终わり
2023-07-23 04:58:211

找一首英文歌,最后的歌词好像是 miss much you, 不是 miss you much

miss you like crazy 歌手:christina milian 专辑:it"s about time CHORUS:I miss you like the sky misses the birdsI miss you like a song without the wordsAnd everyday away from you it hurtsCuz I"m missing you like crazyI miss you like the sun misses the dayI need you like the desert that needs the rainAnd baby it"s driving me insaneCuz I"m missing you like crazyI"m missing you like crazyVERSE 1:Sitting here, thinkin" bout how much youYou mean to me, you"re my love, my babyYou"re my friend my homeyWhat we got can"t be replacedI see no one, taking ya spaceAnywhere you take meI"ll followCuz everytime I gotta go, I look into your eyes and then I knowYou"ll be waiting for me,and no matter how long that may beI know that you are always there for meOh baby, I can"t wait until I have you here(CHORUS)VERSE 2:Sometimes at night I get it badI think about the times we shareSo I rush to call you hoping you miss me tooThe speacial way you say my nameYou soothe my heart, make it okYou"re not here so I holdMy pillowCuz everytime I gotta go, I look into your eyes and then I knowYou"ll be waiting for me,and no matter how long that may beI know that you are always there for meOh baby, I can"t wait until I have you here(REPEAT CHORUS)Baby, I"m missing you like crazyAnd I"m hoping that you miss me tooI"m missing you like crazy(REPEAT CHORUS 4x)
2023-07-23 04:58:283


2023-07-23 04:58:372

missin‘ you like crazy --michael alvarado 的歌词啊谢谢了

When we"re not together I think about you all the time I keep your picture in my wallet to remind me that you"re mine Life is not worth livin" unless you"re right here by my side I"ll love you now and forever and until the day I die Tired of being alone, calling you on the phone I"d rather have you here with me La La La La La La La La Hey Baby, I"m missin" you like crazy (x2) These arms they feel so empty without you here inside This heart it can"t do nothin" without your love supply Your lips are so delicious, the sweetest ones I"ve found These lips they get no lovin" when you"re not around Tired of being alone, calling you on the phone I"d rather have you here with me La La La La La La La La Hey Baby, I"m missin" you like crazy (x2) Just me and my morning coffee thinkin" bout how you got me inside your heart, wherever you are Baby now don"t you worry I"ll come runnin" to you in a hurry when you reappear, I"ll be waiting here and I"ll be singin"... La La La La La La La La Hey Baby, I"m missin" you like crazy (x2) Missin" you like crazy (x2)
2023-07-23 04:58:441

I Wanna Know 歌词

歌曲名:I Wanna Know歌手:Blue专辑:GuiltyBlue - I Wanna KnowYeah, BlueGet to the floor (that"s right)Get to the floor (you heard)Get to the floor (get to the floor)Get to the floorJust DanceFirst grab a lady, know what I"m sayingTrust meShaped like an hourglass, helloWhat"s your name and number let me know (c"mon)You"re the baddest thing for sure (yeah, yeah)Shorty we should do it all tonight (that"s right)No disrespect to you lady (no, no)But your walkie talk is like crazyYou should take the time to get to know me (what, what)Like I said lets do it all tonightSo if you"re feeling meCome put your hands on me (put your hands on me girl)And we can do this all nightI want you to leave with me tonightWanna know what"s going through your mindIs it that you want me by your side?Is it that you know I"ll treat you rightI wanna know if you see us holding handsI wanna know if you see me as your manI wanna know everything that"s on your mindCause you"re the baddest thing here tonight (trust me)Got a little dough I"ve been saving,On you I"m thinking about spendingHere to the mall, walk till you fallShorty we should do it all tonightGot plans to make you my lady (lady)Anything you want from me tell me (tell me)Just watch me work it babyLike I said lets do it all tonight (let"s do it, c"mon c"mon)So if you"re feeling meCome put your hands on meAnd we can do this all night (all night)I want you to leave with me tonightWanna know what"s going through your mindIs it that you want me by your side?Is it that you know I"ll treat you rightI wanna know if you see us holding handsI wanna know if you see me as your manI wanna know everything that"s on your mindCause you"re the baddest thing here tonightCan"t you see? (can"t you see)Baby you and meLiving life together as one endlessly (endlessly)Cause my hopes and dreamsAre so vividly colourfulOf painted pictures of us in loveDanceGet to the floor (c"mon y"all)Get To The floor (yeah, yeah)Get to the floor (c"mon y"all))Get to the floor (just dance)Get to the floor (c"mon c"mon)You"re the baddest thing up in here tonight (tonight)Get to the floorBaby girl you"re looking outta sightGet to the floorJust danceI want you to leave with me tonightWanna know what"s going through your mindIs it that you want me by your side?Is it that you know I"ll treat you rightI wanna know if you see us holding handsI wanna know if you see me as your manI wanna know everything that"s on your mindCause you"re the baddest thing here tonightYou"re the baddest thing here tonightBaby girl you"re looking outta sight
2023-07-23 04:58:541

Julia Clayton的《Stop Light》的歌词

[Intro - Unknown speaker]How else could you capture the worldif you don"t attack from the backTo the million march... hehehehe(Yo, Snoopa Donna, what??)[Chorus]When I pull up to the stoplightI gotta have a paper rightIf you come back right then we can boog it (echoes)When I pull up to the stoplightI gotta have a paper rightIf you come back right then we can boog it (echoes)[Snoop Dogg]Boggy, boggy, boogy...I"m goin 65, 75, 80Mashin down the boulevard downtown movin" like crazyIn the fastlane, I"ve been shininTryna keep the timin on the trackWith the diamond in the backMove roof wide open, scopin, lockinThe bitches relieve, the hoes keep hopinThey can get it, fit in, back seat, just sit inFour hoes on a black tryna put their bid inGirl, put it to work, you gon" do the damn thingHappen, the rest of y"all, eat dirtI"m rollin" in the "Mackmobile", I"m back for realOne hundred percent, pimp-motion, that"s the dealBack wheel-spinnin, number one, I"m winninH
2023-07-23 04:59:011

peter is rather crazy__the computer games. D.about

Peter is rather crazy about computer games.orPeter is rather crazy about the computer game.
2023-07-23 04:59:092

love lives on歌词中英文

I reached for you this morningwoke up with empty armsonce again it"s sinking inhow far away you areI still pour two cups of coffeeand tell you all about my dreamsthis kitchen"s way to quietyou should still be here with meand even though i cry like crazyeven though it hurts so badi"m thankful for the time god gave meeven though we couldn"t make it lasti"m learning how to live without youeven though i don"t want toand even with you gone love lives onit"s good to hear her voiceshe always tells me that same storyabout her stubborn little boyand i kept your favorite tshirtyou know the one i used to hateain"t it funny how it"s the one thing ii just can"t throw awayand even though i cry like crazyeven though it hurts so badi"m thankful for the time god gave meeven though we couldn"t make it lasti"m learning how to live without youeven though i don"t want toand even with you gone love lives onshe comes with me on your birthdaylittle flowers in her handsshe"s always known there"s something missingbut to young to understandand someday she"s going to ask mewhat kind of man you werei"ll tell her all the ways i loved youand all of you i see in hereven though it hurts so badi"m thankful for the love god gave meand she"s the perfect way to make it lastlearning how to live without youbaby i don"t want you tobut even with you gonelove lives on yeahi reached for you this morningwoke up with empty arms 我走到今天上午你 醒来以后再次它的沉没 如何远离你 我仍然倒两杯咖啡 并告诉大家,我的梦想 这种厨房的方式安静 您应该还在这里与我 尽管我像疯了似的哭 尽管它伤害这么差 我的时间感谢上帝给了我 尽管我们没能在最后一次 我正在学习如何生活没有你 即使我不想 甚至你的爱情生活的经历 它的好,听到她的声音 她总是告诉我,同样的故事 她固执的小男孩 我一直和你最喜欢的T恤 你知道我以前一个恨 有趣的是不是它怎样的一件事我 我不能丢掉 尽管我像疯了似的哭 尽管它伤害这么差 我的时间感谢上帝给了我 尽管我们没能在最后一次 我正在学习如何生活没有你 即使我不想 甚至你的爱情生活的经历 她来了你的生日与我 她的双手在小花 她一直知道有东西丢失 但年轻的理解 总有一天,她会问我 什么样的人你 我告诉她的所有方法我爱你 和你们,我看到她的 尽管它伤害这么差 我的爱给了我感谢上帝 她的最佳方式,使之最后 学习如何生活没有你 婴儿我不想你 但即使你了 对啊爱情生活 我走到今天上午你 醒来以后
2023-07-23 04:59:362

求love lives on -Mallary hope 的歌词,谢谢!!

I reached for you this morning早上起来我伸手去找你woke up with empty arms却找不到你的怀抱了once again it"s sinking in我的心又一次沉下去了how far away you are原来你已经离我很远I still pour two cups of coffee我还是装满了两杯咖啡and tell you all about my dreams然后告诉你我的梦境this kitchen"s way to quiet这个厨房里很安静you should still be here with me你应该还在这里陪着我吧and even though i cry like crazy但即使我哭得像疯了似的even though it hurts so bad即使(你的离开)那使我很受伤i"m thankful for the time god gave me我还是很感谢上帝给我的那些时光even though we couldn"t make it last即使我们不能将(那些时光)它们再延续下去i"m learning how to live without you我正在学着如何过没有你的生活even though i don"t want to即使我不愿意这样做and even with you gone love lives on但就算你已经离开了(死去) 爱还存在(活着)i still call your mom on sunday我还是会在星期天打电话给你的妈妈it"s good to hear her voice能听到她的声音真是好she always tells me that same story她总是告诉我同样的故事about her stubborn little boy关于她任性的小男孩and i kept your favorite tshirt而我还保存着你最喜欢的衬衫you know the one i used to hate你知道的,过去我讨厌这件衣服ain"t it funny how it"s the one thing i这不是很可笑么,现在那是一样i just can"t throw away我始终不会丢掉的东西(副歌翻译同前)and even though i cry like crazyeven though it hurts so badi"m thankful for the time god gave meeven though we couldn"t make it lasti"m learning how to live without youeven though i don"t want toand even with you gone love lives onshe comes with me on your birthday她(指他们的女儿)和我在你生日那天一起来的little flowers in her hands她手里还拿着小花she"s always known there"s something missing她一直都知道有什么东西不见了but to young to understand但她还年少,不能理解and someday she"s going to ask me或许有天她会问我what kind of man you were你是个怎样的男人i"ll tell her all the ways i loved you我会告诉她我爱你的方式and all of you i see in her也会告诉她我在她身上看到了你的影子and even though i cry like crazy但即使我哭得像疯了似的even though it hurts so bad即使那令我很受伤i"m thankful for the love god gave me我还是很感谢上帝赐予我的爱and she"s the perfect way to make it last而她(他们的女儿)是延续爱的最好方式I"m learning how to live without you我正在学着如何过没有你的生活baby i don"t want you to亲爱的,我并不愿意这样做but even with you gone但就算你离开了love lives on yeah爱还在, Yeah..。i reached for you this morning今天早上我伸手去找你woke up with empty arms
2023-07-23 04:59:432

寻madonna——— i fucked up歌词? +_+ 谢谢!

Madonna - I Fucked Up I fucked up I made a mistake Nobody does it better than myself I"m sorry I"m not afraid to say I wish I could take you back but I can"t I"m so ashamed You"re in so much pain I blamed you when things didn"t go my way If I didn"t, you"d be here If I didn"t fight back I"d have no fear If I take another path Things would be so different, but they"re not I could have kept my big mouth closed I could have done what I was told Maybe I should have turned silver into gold But in front of you I was cold I f*cked up I made a mistake Nobody does it better than myself I"m sorry I"m not afraid to say I wish I could take you back but I can"t I thought we had it all You brought out the best of me And somehow I destroyed the perfect dream I thought we were indestructable I never imagined we could fall You wanna know how to make a laugh Telling your plans We coulda bought a house with a swimming pool End it up with walls It would be so cool Coulda gone by the stayin the country sides With a back of great things Kissing eye to eye We coulda do the world in a private jet Run naked on the beach all soaking wet We coulda find a mountain in a perfect sun set writing out names across the sky We coulda got a bulding built in the echo run We coulda got a sales in west and sold out mount We coulda live like crazy til the days we die Instead I made you cry I f*cked up I made a mistake Nobody does it better than myself I"m sorry I"m not afraid to say I wish I could take you back but I can"t I f*cked up I made a mistake Nobody does it better than myself I"m sorry I"m not shame to say I wish I could have you back me one day Madonna - I Fucked Up
2023-07-23 04:59:511

《crazy crazy crazy》歌词

Michael Franti And Spearhead - Crazy, Crazy, CrazyShine onAll my people, who been broken heartedShine onFrom the place where all life has been startedWhen you need fresh airGo beyond horizons, to your place in the sunShine onLet your heart be boundless like your faith in the one(chorus)It"s crazy, crazy, crazyNo stoppin" to this warfareIt"s crazy, crazyWe"re breathing in the same airIt"s crazy, crazy, crazyDon"t tell me that you don"t care....Sing onFrom the language of your ancestors andSing onBe playful in your innocence andLift your head up highAnd rejoice for all you see without your eyesSing onLike a bird that"s makin" love in sunset skies(chorus)(bridge)No life"s worth more than any otherNo sister worth less than any brother(chorus)...somebody please send us a prayer!
2023-07-23 04:59:582

like换为be crazy about是否要将be改为am

The kids went crazy about the film star"s appearance.那位影星一出场,孩子们欣喜若狂. I"m crazy about steam-engines.我对蒸汽机着了迷. She"s crazy about watching TV. She"s crazy about taking the bus. I"m not overly fond of cooking. I"d grown fond of the place and it was difficult to leave My grandfather was very fond of handing out advice to all my friends. I am fond of sugar. He dislikes the film. I dislike having to get up early. You hate her. He hated to have quarrelled with her. She likes playing the piano. He doesn"t like tomatoes. I don"t like deceiving him. He would like you to make that trip. To tell you the truth,I hate to do it. He hated to have quarrelled with her
2023-07-23 05:00:051

求袁娅维crazy歌词 及翻译

Crazy作词:Gnarls Baekley作曲:Ennio Morricone演唱:袁娅维I remember when,I remember, I remember when I lost my mind,There was something so pleasant about that placeEven your emotions had an echo in so much space.And when you"re out there, without care,Yeah, I was out of touch.But it wasn"t because I didn"t know enoughI just knew too muchDoes that make me crazy?Does that make me crazy?Does that make me crazy?ProbablyAnd I hope that you are having the time of your life,But think twice, that"s my only advice.Come on now who do you,who do you, who do you, who do youThink you are, ha ha ha, bless your soul,You really think you"re in control!Ever since I was little, ever since I was little it looked like fun,And it"s no coincidence I"ve come,And I can die when I"m done.But maybe I"m crazy?But maybe I"m crazy?But maybe I"m crazy?Possibly! 疯子作词:baekley节作曲:Ennio莫里康演唱:袁娅维我记得,我记得,我记得当我丢失了我的心,有一些关于那个地方这么愉快即使你的情绪有一个回声中如此多的空间。当你在那里,不在乎,是的,我失去了联系。但这不是因为我不知道我只知道太多这让我疯狂?这让我疯狂?这让我疯狂?可能我希望你有你自己的生活的时候,但仔细想想,这是我唯一的忠告。来吧你,你,你,你想你,哈哈,祝福你的灵魂,你真的认为你是在控制!在我小的时候,在我小的时候看上去很有趣,并不是巧合,我来,我死的时候,我做了。但也许我疯了吗?但也许我疯了吗?但也许我疯了吗?可能!
2023-07-23 05:00:131

Crazy in love 中文肯尼罗杰斯

Crazy In Love 歌手:Kenny RogersYesIt"s so crazy right now!Most incredibly, it"s ya girl, BIt"s ya boy, youngYou ready?Uh oh, uh oh, uh oh, oh no noUh oh, uh oh, uh oh, oh no noUh oh, uh oh, uh oh, oh no noUh oh, uh oh, uh oh, oh no noYea, history in the making,Part 2, it"s so crazy right nowI look and stare so deep in your eyes,I touch on you more and more every time,When you leave I"m begging you not to go,Call your name two or three times in a row,Such a funny thing for me to try to explain,How I"m feeling and my pride is the one to blame"Cuz I know I don"t understand,Just how your love you"re doing no one else canGot me looking so crazy right now, your love"sGot me looking so crazy right now (in love)Got me looking so crazy right now, your touchGot me looking so crazy right now (your touch)Got me hoping you"ll page me right now, your kissGot me hoping you"ll save me right nowLooking so crazy in love"s,Got me looking, got me looking so crazy in loveUh oh, uh oh, uh oh, oh no noUh oh, uh oh, uh oh, oh no noUh oh, uh oh, uh oh, oh no noUh oh, uh oh, uh oh, oh no noWhen I talk to my friends so quietly,Who he think he is? Look at what you did to me,Tennis shoes, don"t even need to buy a new dress,If you ain"t there ain"t nobody else to impress,The way that you know what I thought I knew,It"s the beat my heart skips when I"m with you,But I still don"t understand,Just how the love your doing no one else canGot me looking so crazy right now, your love"sGot me looking so crazy right now (oh crazy)Got me looking so crazy right now, your touch (you"re in love)Got me looking so crazy right now (love!)Got me hoping you"ll page me right now, your kiss (hey!)Got me hoping you"ll save me right nowLooking so crazy in love"s, (hey)Got me looking, got me looking so crazy in loveI"m Looking so crazy in love"s,Got me looking, got me looking so crazy in loveCheck it, let"s goYoung Hov y"all know when the flow is loco,Young B and the R O C, uh oh, (oh)Ol" G, big homie, the one and only,Stick bony, but the pocket is fat like Tony, Soprano, (oh no)The ROC handle like Van Axel,I shake phoneys man, You can"t get next to,The genuine article I go I do not sing though,I sling though, If anything I bling yo,a star like Ringo, roll like?Crazy bring ya whole set,Jay Z in the range, crazy and deranged,They can"t figure them out they like hey is he insane, (oh no)Yes sir I"m cut from a different cloth,My texture is the best fur, of chinchillaBeen dealing with chain smokers,But how you think I got the name Hova?I been realer the game"s over,Fall back young, ever since the label changed overto platinum the game"s been wrap, One!Got me looking, so crazy, my babyI"m not myself, lately I"m foolish, I don"t do this,I"ve been playing myself, baby I don"t care"Cuz your love"s got the best of me,And baby you"re making a fool of me,You got me sprung and I don"t care who sees,"Cuz baby you got me, you got me, so crazy babyHEY!Got me looking so crazy right now, your love"s (oh love)Got me looking so crazy right now (lookin" crazy)Got me looking so crazy right now, your touchGot me looking so crazy right nowGot me hoping you"ll page me right now, your kiss (baby)Got me hoping you"ll save me right now (baby)Looking so crazy in love"s, (whoa!)Got me looking, got me looking so crazy in love (whoa!)Got me looking so crazy right now, your love"sGot me looking so crazy right now (your love)Got me looking so crazy right now, your touchGot me looking so crazy right now (your touch)Got me hoping you"ll page me right now, your kissGot me hoping you"ll save me right nowLooking so crazy in love"s,Got me looking, got me looking so crazy in love
2023-07-23 05:00:231